
The 10 Best Books for Writing a Business Plan

  • Ivaylo Durmonski
  • Reading Lists

There are a lot of insightful thoughts around the concept of planning. In a sense, planning helps you forecast the “weather” of your business. Prepares you for what might happen. And distance you, hopefully, further away from your business going to dust. Most importantly, it allows you to think about the type of tasks you should focus on doing today. Do we know how to plan our business if we’re not business owners , though?

There is nothing wrong with having a regular job.

A lot of people are doing it.

Theoretically, since we’re born. We enter a sophisticated system of government-operated institutions that aim to spit us out after approximately 20 years, ready to help someone else grow his dream business.

You’re thought -sort of – how to plan your career. But you’re never thought how to plan your business.

Regardless of your current situation. The idea of starting a business or learning basic business skills will surely reach your mind at some point.

If you’re still not sure whether or not this is something you can achieve on your own. The business books mentioned below are specifically selected to boost your planning skills.

These books, of course, primarily serve business owners or people that are dreaming of becoming such.

Yet, these reads will definitely expand your horizon even if you don’t plan on starting your own thing right now. They will give you a perspective that will force you to think long term – the best way of thinking.

The 10 Best Books for Writing a Business Plan:

1. the goal by eliyahu goldratt, 2. the one page business plan for the creative entrepreneur by jim horan, 3. mind your business by ilana griffo, 4. business plan template and example by alex genadinik, 5. the best-laid business plans by paul barrow, 6. smart business by ming zeng, 7. measure what matters by john e. doerr, 8. your next five moves by patrick bet-david, 9. business model generation by alexander osterwalder, 10. playing to win by a.g. lafley.

The Goal by Elliot Goldratt cover

What’s the book about?

The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt is a novel. A fascinating story that describes the life of a business owner who is facing a series of obstacles that, if not handled well, will lead to a catastrophic ending of the company he is running. Mr. Goldratt presents this fictional business environment to teach us an important lesson: That the speed of a convoy is determined by the slowest ship.

Who is it for?

Especially interesting for people who already own businesses but are struggling to grow. For people who can’t adequately articulate what is wrong with what they are doing. Eliyahu Goldratt teaches us that we should observe a business as a series of systems . The faster the systems operate. The faster you’ll grow. To speed up this process, first, you need to identify the weakest link and improve upon the process.

Thought-Provoking Quote:

“Since the strength of the chain is determined by the weakest link, then the first step to improve an organization must be to identify the weakest link.” Eliyahu M. Goldratt

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The One Page Business Plan for the Creative Entrepreneur by Jim Horan book cover

In this book, Jim Horan compiles his years of experience as a Fortune 500 executive and business consultant. The pages will help you quickly form a simple business plan based on the most successful companies in the world. The book goes through the 5 stages every organization hoping to make a profit from their products and/or services needs: Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies, Action.

This resource is great for people just starting their online or offline venture. Folks who are considering the idea of starting a business but are not quite sure what to do first. The One Page Business Plan For Creative Entrepreneur will show you the exact steps you need to begin your entrepreneurial journey.

Get the book

Mind Your Business by Ilana Griffo book cover

This long-winded title is here to show you how to start a business from scratch. Ilana Griffo, the author, shares her journey on how she started her side hustle which eventually become a six-figure design studio. A lot of readers describe this title as everything you need to learn about being your own boss. Of course, it all starts with planning.

Great book for anyone dreaming about starting a creative project both online and/or offline. The honest tips and the real-world insights will show you exactly what you need to do. How to start and how to plan your day. The book is the perfect companion that will be your guide in your money-making journey.

Business Plan Template And Example by Alex Genadinik book cover

Simply put, this title will help you create a professional business plan. The author even boasts that you will do the planning in minutes. Not that you should rush. But the included exercises and the questions Alex Genadinik is asking in the book will help you think critically about your overall structure and the products you will be creating – or refining if you already have existing goods.

The program presented in this title is used by a number of universities to teach students how to plan better. As stated in the description, the book
 “will help you identify the most effective business strategies for your situation.” You will start by writing a short 3-sentence business plan which will focus you on what’s truly important.

“Product: What is the product or service? What benefit does it provide and to whom? Can you make it inexpensively and of high quality? What form will it take? Website? App? Brick and mortar business? Marketing: Identify a few of the most effective marketing strategies to promote your business Finances: What are the major sources of revenue? How will this happen profitably? When will you achieve financial sustainability? Do you need to raise money for this? How much?” Alex Genadinik

The Best-Laid Business Plans by Paul Barrow book cover

The first book I read on business planning. Foreword by Richard Branson. This title is dated, but still adequate even though everything is happening online these days. The text will teach you the most important ideas around planning a business. It’s full of case studies about different projects and ideas. The author carefully explains how to present your business plan to others in a way that everyone will get.

This book will explain in a simple way why it’s essential and how you should approach the subject of planning in general. The ideas inside are great for people who are looking to raise money or get approval from seniors for their proposed course of action. Also, if you’re still not convinced that you need planning, this book will surely change your perspective.

Smart Business by Ming Zeng book cover

Written by Ming Zeng, the former Chief of Staff and strategy adviser to Alibaba Group’s founder Jack Ma. This book presents a framework that will help business owners create a winning future strategy for their companies. The titles reveal some of the revolutionary practices Alibaba developed to rapidly increase efficiency.

We commonly read about what Google is doing or about what other Silicon Valley unicorns are working on. It’s a good idea to take a fresh eastern perspective on how to operate your business. Smart Business will show you how to use cutting-edge technologies to plan and scale your business.

Measure What Matters by John E. Doerr book cover

Measure What Matter will teach you how to use Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) as an approach to make decisions in business. The legendary John Doerr has helped some of the best companies in the world to scale and exceed their yearly goals by using this simple method.

With time, every owner begins to collect all kinds of data to measure whether or not his project is succeeding. Sadly, many entrepreneurs end up being fixated on the wrong things. This book will explain what you need to measure and why. Helping you focus on the right things so you can reach explosive growth.

“We must realize—and act on the realization—that if we try to focus on everything, we focus on nothing.” John Doerr

Your Next Five Moves by Patrick Bet-David book cover

In short, this book is about figuring out what you should do next. Taking a holistic view of your business is always a good way to think about where you plan to go. Occasionally, though, you also need to think and plan about what you should do right now – planning your next few moves. The steps inside this title will help you gain clarity on what you really want, who you want to be, and what to do to get these things.

For those who are not only working on businesses, but in business as well. Patrick Bet-David explains how to not let emotions cloud your judgment. How to switch from a broad view of your business to a narrower view. Essentially, the lessons inside will help you identify your true self. Understand who you want to be and where you want to go, both in your life and in your business.

“Your vision must align with who you want to be. Your choices must align with your vision. Your effort must align with the size of your vision. Your behavior must align with your values and principles.” Patrick Bet-David

Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder book cover

Full of visual elements, Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers will help you soak up the knowledge and figure out your own business model. This is not your regular book where you’ll be presented with a wall of text. The title is full of infographics and design elements that will prompt you to actively work on defining your business plan and your strategy.

I’d say that this book is for people who are kind of tired of the traditional corporate-heavy jargon that is usually part of business literature. This title combines useful information and presents it in an easily digestible matter that will surely increase your comprehension and your participation when using the material.

“People are moved more by stories than by logic. Ease listeners into the new or unknown by building the logic of your model into a compelling narrative.” Alexander Osterwalder

Playing to Win by A.G. Lafley book cover

Written by a long-standing Procter & Gamble Chairman and CEO, this book might seem a bit dry for your taste. Well, it surely is. Rarely anyone below CEO will relate to the mentioned examples. Yet, this read will change the way you think about your business. You’ll become more strategic with your daily decisions. You will become better at identifying what to do and what not to do.

Great companies do not become great by accident. They become great thanks to the strategic choices they make. Even if you don’t end up getting the book, simply consider the title for a moment: “Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works”. Now, ask yourself, are you playing to win, or are you simply playing? This question alone will disturb your current processes and assist you in finding the best course of action for your business.

“The heart of strategy is the answer to two fundamental questions: where will you play, and how will you win there?” A.G. Lafley

Some Closing Thoughts

Business planning is important for various reasons.

Not only you’ll get clarity on where you’ll want to go. But you will also set a to-do list that will portray how to get to where you want.

More specifically, conducting a business plan will force you to think about what type of business you want to create. Understand your core motivators. Help you find your unique proposition and how you are different from the rest of the businesses out there.

I’ve hand-picked the selection of business books above so you can plan better. Of course, you don’t need to read all of the titles. Usually one or two from the list is enough to get you moving in the right direction.

If you’re looking for more reads on the topic. Make sure to check my must-read business books list. Or, the selection of books on how to start a business (plus my business book summaries ).

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7 Top Business Plan Books for New-age Entrepreneurs

Ultimate Guide On Writing A Business Plan

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  • October 18, 2023

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7 Best Business Plan Books for new-age Entrepreneurs

Business Plan books are the first thing to go for once you have decided on the idea you want to pursue as an entrepreneur.

Starting up as an entrepreneur is not as simple as it seems. Transforming your idea into a business that creates value for the world is a long process.

The process is full of uncertainties, hurdles, and burnout. To make consistent efforts without giving up, you need a plan you can rely upon.

The ultimate guide to starting a business

A plan that helps you in making wise decisions in your entrepreneurial journey is known as a business plan.

It also helps in refining processes and keeps you in line with your business goals.

Now, how would you create a business plan?

Well, you can anyhow get to know what it contains. However, to easily create a business plan that covers all aspects of your business, you must read these books.

In this article, we are going to discuss the 7 top business plan books written for ambitious entrepreneurs like you!

Best Business Plan Books

  • Art of the Start 2.0
  • The Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies
  • The Founder’s Dilemma
  • The One-Page Business Plan for the Creative Entrepreneur
  • The Secrets to Writing a Successful Business Plan
  • Anatomy of a Business Plan
  • The Complete Book of Business Plans

1. Art of the Start 2.0

Art of the start 2.0

Goodreads rating: 3.87/5

The author of this book is American millionaire Guy Kawasaki. Though his name is enough for anyone to stand up from their seats let me tell you a few things about him.

  • He worked with Apple in 1984 as a part of the marketing team for Macintosh computers.
  • He is the author of 12 books including The Art of Social Media, and Enchantment.
  • He is currently working as the chief evangelist of Canva which is a graphic designing software.

Now coming to what this book holds for you, it’s one of those books that focus on transforming your business idea into a full-fledged organization.

Guy Kawasaki explains why it is important to have a vision and how you, as an entrepreneur, can feed your team with the same vision.

If your team does not adhere to the same vision, there will always be chaos in the workspace.

You must also share stories about your product and your journey. Everyone loves stories. You don’t have to write a 300-page book but a few social media posts, and videos that resonate well with your target audience.

The book also guides entrepreneurs while hiring. It tells you to hire people who are new in the industry. They are most likely to innovate new products as they consistently ask questions.

Key Highlight:

This book will help you in writing a business plan along with guiding you in various steps of entrepreneurship. This book holds something for every aspect of entrepreneurship.

It also stresses how you can use the internet and cloud tools to make the processes more accessible and more efficient. In the modern era, businesses are equipped with tools that are affordable and accessible to everyone.

Moreover, the book also throws light on socializing and partnering with the right people for leadership roles or to get funding.

By reading this book, you will feel more powerful as an entrepreneur and will be ready to take on challenges that come along with entrepreneurship.

This book doesn’t sound like rhetoric and probably that’s why this book received appreciation from all across the world.

Book Link- Art of the Start 2.0

A reader’s review:

The focus is on tech entrepreneurs. While much of the advice is applicable to other industries, the book will hit the bullseye specifically with those starting technology businesses.

Anita Campbell (via Goodreads)

2. The Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies

The successful Business Plan Secrets and Strategies

The author of the book is Rhonda Abrams who has written more than 12 books on entrepreneurship. Being an entrepreneur herself, the knowledge she shares is absolute gold and trustworthy.

She also writes one of the most popular columns in the US known as Small Business Strategies.

Let us now discuss what Rhonda Abrams has taught in her book.

The Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies is a complete guide for anyone stuck in writing. It is one of those books that give you a push to start working on your idea.

This book contains various worksheets and charts which makes it consumable as well as practical.

You will get enough examples of various parts of a business plan , giving you an in-depth idea of what it looks like and how it is written.

This book not only teaches you to write a business plan that reminds you about your vision but also this plan can help you get investors on board.

It also equips you with strategies to get funds at the best possible rates and also to minimize the costs involved in running a business.

It gives you an in-depth understanding of positioning your brand in the market to gain the attention of your target audience and thus derive maximum profit.

Moreover, you can also use it for competitions related to showcasing plans for their businesses. The book is used by many entrepreneurs and is recommended to every small business.

Book Link- The Successful Business Plan

There’s enough information here to help you get almost any business started. This is a proven source, for it’s been through several re-prints since 1991.

Jeffrey Brown (via Goodreads)

3. The Founder’s Dilemma

The Founder’s Dilemma

Goodreads rating: 4.01/5

The book, The Founder’s dilemma, is one of the best business plan books by Noam Wasserman. Apart from this, he has written another bestseller known as Life is a startup.

Noam Wasserman served as a professor at Harvard Business school for 13 years and is currently working at the University of Southern California as a founding Director at the Founder Central Initiative.

The book he wrote is an absolute beauty. Not because he has told some hidden secrets but because he has addressed a problem that many entrepreneurs often ignore.

And that problem is the company’s leadership. You might have a billion-dollar business idea and even have cracked the tech for it, but you might still fail because of listening to the wrong advice.

If you want your business to not suffer due to wrong decisions made by top leadership, you must read this book.

This book will help you in deciding whom you want to work with, and how to share the equity among co-founders and employees without being emotional.

However, this book might not be useful for small businesses but is a gem for someone planning to launch a high-growth business.

Book Link – The Founder’s Dilemma

I’ve never seen a book before that was particularly helpful – to a founder – about the wide range of issues a founder will face.

Brad Feld (via Goodreads)

4. The One-Page Business Plan for the Creative Entrepreneur

The One Page Business Plan for the Creative Entrepreneur

Goodreads rating: 3.86/5

The author of this mind-blowing book is none other than Jim Horan.

Known for his expertise in solving complex business problems , Jim has helped many entrepreneurs in turning their businesses into profit-making machines.

Jim Horan has also been a Fortune 500 executive and has written six books in the One Page Business Plan for Creative Entrepreneur series.

This book is quite different from other books as it is written for entrepreneurs who do not understand a lot about business figures but want to get started soon.

There’s a saying that if you cannot write your business plan on a single page, you are probably doing it wrong.

The book enables you to write it in a couple of hours which includes your mission, objectives, and plans.

It will be crisp and easy to understand for your investors as well as the team. In this fast-moving world, it becomes really uncomfortable to give a week preparing a business plan.

You have the idea and with the help of this book, you can turn the idea into a business in no time.

Having said that, this book is not recommended to someone who is building a high-growth company or a business with many manufacturing units.

This book is specially designed for small businesses to increase their profits and improve their vision.

Book Link – The One-Page Business Plan

One of my favorites! I have used these templates many times. It really forces you to be concise and focus on your vision. Highly recommend!

Teri Temme (via Goodreads)

5. The Secrets to Writing a Successful Business Plan

The Secrets to writing a successful Business Plan

Goodreads rating: 3.70/5

The author of this book Hal Shelton is an extremely experienced executive who has worked with many corporations, non-profits, and investment companies.

Hal Shelton completed his BS from Carnegie Mellon University and then pursued an MBA from the University of Chicago.

The secrets to writing a successful Business Plan focus on each section of the plan to help you create one that stands out in front of the investors.

The book also informs you about the common errors entrepreneurs make while writing. These errors sometimes cost very high as they might create confusion for investors as well as for the team.

You will also learn to do the market analysis and write the same in your plan. You will be able to answer questions like how big is the market and whether it is sufficient to run a successful business or not.

Investors receive a lot of business plans and going through each one of them is not feasible. Therefore writing an executive summary becomes extremely important.

The executive summary is an easy way to grab investors’ attention and help them understand your business without going through lengthy documents.

If you are launching a non-profit organization, this book can help you in many ways as a section of the book is dedicated to non-profits.

Moreover, the book also consists of secret strategies for writing a business plan and getting bank loans or funding from investors.

Book Link – The Secrets to Writing a Successful Business Plan

This book provides a very solid foundation to write your plan. The author also provides excellent examples and instructions as to what to and not to do in writing your business plan

Kirk G. Meyer (via Goodreads)

6. Anatomy of a Business Plan

Anatomy of a business plan

The author of this book, Linda Pinson, has worked very closely with the U.S. small business administration to write the government business plan publication.

She has also been honored as Education Advocate of the year and SBA regional women in Business advocate of the year.

Apart from this book, she has written many books on entrepreneurship such as Keeping the books and steps to start a small business startup.

This is one of the best business books for people who do not know anything about business plans.

This book provides you with an in-depth understanding of different business plans and will enable you to choose your ideal kind.

After reading the book, you will learn to update your plan according to the needs of your business and the position of your brand in the market.

The author also highlights the importance of mentioning the table of contents and executive summary in navigating smoothly through the book.

Apart from this, it also throws light on how you can efficiently market your business. You will also learn how to mention the financials of your company which is an important thing to do.

The Anatomy of a Business Plan also contains five real-life business plans which give you an understanding of how successful businesses can be explained in a few pages.

You also get a few worksheets which makes the overall experience of reading the book delightful.

Book Link – Anatomy of a Business Plan

This book is like “a mentor for your business plan”. Really informative and helpful.

Marvin Musfiq (via Goodreads)

7. The Complete Book of Business Plans

The complete book of business plans

Goodreads rating: 3.47/5

The authors of this book are Brian Hazelgran and Joseph A. Covello. Both of them have a great understanding of how businesses operate in this book. They have told us that one size doesn’t fit all.

That means business plans for different businesses cannot be written in the same way.

This book contains 12+ plans that give you an idea of how you write one for yourself.

This book also focuses on how you should bring people into your business and what vision you should have to run the business for decades.

Moreover, when you read the book you will have to ask a lot of questions to yourself. The book will compel you to ask questions yourself that are immensely important before writing it.

Once you give satisfactory answers to the questions asked, you will feel more motivated to start a business , and writing a business will look like a cakewalk.

The above quote shows how important it is to plan your business and create a visionary plan for your business.

Book Link – The Complete Book of Business Plans

Great book encompassing everything about writing business plans.

Denny Troncoso (via Goodreads)

Bottom Line

All the Business plan books that we discussed above are going to help you in some way or the other.

But don’t worry you don’t need to read all of them. Just figure out where you stand and where you would want to go and select a book accordingly.

Innovative tools present in the industry like Upmetrics have helped many entrepreneurs in business and financial planning. If you need more help writing a perfect business plan, check out Upmetrics NOW and grow 2X faster.

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19 Best Business Plan Books of All Time

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

  • Best Business Plan Books

The One Page Business Plan for the Creative Entrepreneur

The One Page Business Plan for the Creative Entrepreneur

The fastest, easiest way to write a business plan.

The Art of the Start 2.0

The Art of the Start 2.0

The time-tested, battle-hardened guide for anyone starting anything.

Guy Kawasaki

Successful Business Plan

Successful Business Plan

Secrets & strategies.

Rhonda Abrams

The Secrets to Writing a Successful Business Plan

The Secrets to Writing a Successful Business Plan

A pro shares a step-by-step guide to creating a plan that gets results.

Hal Shelton

The Lean Startup

The Lean Startup

How today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses.

The Founder's Dilemmas

The Founder's Dilemmas

Anticipating and avoiding the pitfalls that can sink a startup.

Noam Wasserman

How to Write a Business Plan

How to Write a Business Plan

Mike P. McKeever

The Complete Book of Business Plans

The Complete Book of Business Plans

Simple steps to writing powerful business plans.

Joseph A Covello

The 1-Page Marketing Plan

The 1-Page Marketing Plan

Get new customers, make more money, and stand out from the crowd.

Business Model Generation

Business Model Generation

A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers.

Alexander Osterwalder

Starting a Business QuickStart Guide

Starting a Business QuickStart Guide

The simplified beginner’s guide to launching a successful small business, turning your vision into reality, and achieving your entrepreneurial dream.

Ken Colwell

Mind Your Business

Mind Your Business

A workbook to grow your creative passion into a full-time gig.

Ilana Griffo

Writing Winning Business Plans

Writing Winning Business Plans

How to prepare a business plan that investors will want to read and invest in.

Garrett Sutton

Burn the Business Plan

Burn the Business Plan

What great entrepreneurs really do.

Carl J. Schramm

Anatomy of a Business Plan

Anatomy of a Business Plan

The step-by-step guide to building a business and securing your company's future.

Linda Pinson


The Book on Business Planning

Writing a Convincing Business Plan

Writing a Convincing Business Plan

Arthur R. DeThomas Ph.D.

Hit the Deck

Hit the Deck

Create a business plan in half the time, with twice the impact.

David Ronick

Creating a Business Plan For Dummies

Creating a Business Plan For Dummies

Veechi Curtis

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The 8 Best Business Plan Books in 2022

best business plan books in 2022

You are finally ready to start that business you’ve been sitting on for a while, but you have no idea how to begin. There is a lot of planning to do and so much advice in the pipelines. So, how do you begin? Start with the best business plan books in 2022. The curated list below includes books from year past but they represent the best options to launch your business today.

business plan workbook download

This business plan book comes in PDF format takes an innovative approach to writing a business plan that is not only effective, but fun.Download this business plan workbook PDF now and walk through:

  • Setting tangible goals and milestones
  • Creating a powerful elevator speech
  • Precisely defining your target customer base
  • Intelligently understanding your competition
  • Articulately structuring the core of your business plan
  • And much more!

Write the business plan of your dreams! This business plan workbook goes beyond the cold numbers to help any entrepreneur plan a business with his or her life ambitions in mind. You’ll be able to crystallize your vision.

Table of Contents

Best Business Plan Books in 2022

It is often said that every prosperous owner is an avid reader of self-help books, so let’s begin from there. Get some real-world guidance from the best industry leaders and business owners in these eight books we have picked. Master how to position yourself properly, create personal connections, and build your dream team.

Yes, you have to separate the fluff from the real counsel. Learn how to lay the proper foundation for your startup with these best business plan books in 2022.

1. “Hurdle: The Book on Business Planning” by Tim Berry

This trusty gem has made it on many lists and stays atop of our best business plan books in 2022. Tim is the founder of Palo Alto Software, makers of Business Plan Pro and Live Plan, and was one of’s partners when we started the site many years ago.

If you want a book that would break down the steps to constructing a solid business plan, then “Hurdle” is an amazing option. Written by Tim Berry, the book teaches the reader the basics of business planning, daily organizational management, and how best to implement what you’ve learned in real-life situations.

That is not all; you also get multiple examples on profit monitoring and calculation, cash flow tracking , plus a 53-page workbook to master drafting a working business plan. So it’s two for the price of one. With this book, you get to practice your business plan while you read.

2. “Anatomy of A Business Plan” by Linda Pinson

If you read this book, you will discover that the writer, Linda Pinson nailed her goals, as the name of the book suggests. With this title, you can draft a tailor-made business plan that considers your business case and specifics.

From organizational structure, financial documentation, marketing systems, marketing, and planning, this title holds your hand through it all. Get extensive reviews, valuable hints and ideas, workbooks, plus five real-world sample business plans to get you started.

Josh Radnore, a businessman, books critic and a writer for PapersOwl underlines the key principle of a business plan: “The right business plan should take your long-term goals into consideration. Ask yourself what you want to achieve and set realistic and achievable goals”. He carries on by adding: “When you do this, you can know what you need to do to get where you want to go”.

3. “The One Page Business Plan for the Creative Entrepreneur” by Jim Horan

Are you trying to draft a concise one sheet business plan to meet up urgently with an investor? Jin Horan and Tom Peter came up with a quick but detailed guide that focuses on the exact details you need to write that plan. You get a book that can guarantee your success without taking too much of your time.

There is no need to read this overnight; you can figure out clear ways to outline your business systems, objectives, road map, action plan, and the vision and mission statements in a few hours.

4. “The Secrets to Writing a Successful Business Plan” by Hal Shelton

Read this concise and well-written guide to get a glimpse into the secrets Hal Shelton has to share. Just by reading this step-by-step title and implementing the teachings, you can set your organization up for success.

Learning from your mistakes is so last year; this book will teach you the common errors business owners make when planning. You would also grasp how to develop your unique style to help you attract investors and loans, help – when, where and how to get it – and how to stand out.

5. “The Art of The Start 2.0” by Guy Kawasaki

It’s not just about drafting a business plan; there are other necessary things that can affect your small business when you are starting. To help you plan and achieve your goals more easily, Guy Kawasaki, who you might know from the Canva design platform, has prepared the “essential guide for anyone starting anything”.

Get access to real-world counsel on how to perfect your pitch, crowdfunding, bootstrapping, the role of social media and other digital innovations in drafting the ideal business plan.

6. “The Complete Book of Business Plans” by Joseph A Covello and Brian J Hazelgren

This title made it to our best business plan books in 2022 because of the examples it provides. Get ahead with the dozens of business plan templates this title offers. Do you need motivation or counsel on attracting the right investors? Only by answering these questions in detail can you create a successful business plan to help you begin a profitable company.

You’ve got all you require in detail here, including the right steps to statistical analysis. You can even grasp how to pick the right business partners and plan for success and business longevity.

It does not matter if you are a first-timer or starting your fifth organization. With this book, you would be forced to ask yourself every difficult question that needs to be answered.

7. “The Founder’s Dilemmas” by Noam Wasserman

Business planning goes beyond market research, drafting a pitch and attracting investors with a business plan template . Along the line in this never-ending journey, you would need to think about leadership and how it can affect your new company. The staffing and leadership roles and whom you employ can say a lot.

The author, Noam Wasserman, helps you look at these factors before they can become issues. Take a break from the “how” and “why” of the ideal business plan and focus on the “who” in this interesting read.

8. “Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies” by Rhonda Abrams

Not every business plan will work, and this title would help you determine whether the one you have in mind is a winner. Authored by an expert in all business matters, Rhonda Abrams, you can learn about positioning, organizational costs, proven strategies for funding, and the competition.

With graphics, exercises, and worksheets to make reading fun, this is one of the best business plan books in 2022 and you will discover a thing or two, especially if you take some guidance given by other experts.

The guidance you get and the information you consume when starting any business are crucial to its success. Don’t start one of those companies that fold up early on because of poor organizational design and systems. To plan properly, you need to master tips and tricks from the best of the best, and you can get this by reading the best business plan books in 2022.

So, pick one of the titles in this carefully curated list and download’s sample business plans today and you’ll be well on your way to planning a successful business that promises longevity.

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The 5 Best Business Plan Books (& Why You Shouldn’t Read Them)

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You probably know that having a business plan will improve your chances of success in starting and growing your business. Reading the right business plan book can help you craft the perfect plan. But, there are more efficient ways than reading a book to learn about business planning and to complete your plan. In this article, I’ll show you such options, and if you’d still like to read a book, I’ll tell you the top 5 business planning books to consider.  

Why You Don’t Need To Read a Business Planning Book

There are many books about business planning that you could read, but why shouldn’t you? 

The simple answer, time. 

Reading even the best business plan books will take time to read and then process, and this is on top of the considerable time it takes to complete market research and write a solid business plan.

Instead, technology has provided today’s entrepreneurs with easy-to-follow simple business plan templates that teach you how to write the business plan as you complete the plan. Although every business is unique, a business plan template will offer you a great starting point and often includes customizable financial plans specific to your industry.   

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here

The right business plan template will include all essential components of a successful business plan including:

  • Executive Summary
  • Company Overview
  • Market Analysis
  • Customer Analysis
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Marketing Plan
  • Operations Plan
  • Management Team
  • Financial Plan

You can learn more about each of these business plan components and how to write a business plan from the business planning experts at Growthink.

    Finish Your Business Plan Today!

If you enjoy reading & want to learn more….

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So, you don’t actually need to read a business book, but if you do, learn from the experts who have ventured on the same entrepreneurial journey. Their practical advice provides a step-by-step guide through the planning process to help you complete the necessary market research to stay competitive while completing the financial analysis needed to secure funding.  

How We Can Help You Succeed

At Growthink, we have helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs and business owners develop business plans to start and grow their companies. With this extensive experience, we’ve created a simple business plan template and business plan examples for 100+ sectors (and we’re still going!) to save you time and make it even easier to write a successful business plan. Check out the links below or learn more in our Business Plan Writing Help Center to help you launch or expand your successful business.

How to Finish Your Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

Business Plan Template

Best Books for Starting a Business 

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If you’ve recently started a business, or you’re thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, you may feel overwhelmed by your long checklist. You need an HR structure, a marketing plan, a plan for employee morale, and, of course, a strategy to win despite your competitors.

Whether you’re a serial entrepreneur or a fresh business owner, there is much to learn from subject matter experts. Consider reading these books for starting a business and invigorating it.

1. From GED To Harvard Then Inc. 500

From GED to Harvard Then Inc. 500

In this read, Jane Wolfe & Scott Wolfe detail their journey from earning their GEDs and building the fastest growing business in New Orleans. At the young age of 17 and 19, Jane and Scott began their business dreams and bought a run-down market.

Throughout the years, and the destruction from hurricane Katrina, the Wolf’s reemerged to support their community and build Melba’s PoBoys. The Wolfe’s have founded multiple companies in their careers, generating millions of dollars in revenue.

Why Read It: If you’re looking to learn about persevering through difficulty and creating unlikely opportunities in business, is From GED To Harvard Then Inc. 500 is for you.

2. The Authority Advantage

The Authority Advantage

In The Authority Advantage , you’ll discover how you can use your personal branding to gain authority-status and earn more followers. Adam Witty and Rusty Shelton have decades of experience working with entrepreneurs to grow their brand and business by sharing their business and media insights.

In this read, you’ll learn how to create a following, engage with your audience base, and grow your business and name recognition. With practical steps on leveraging owned, earned, and rented media, you will emerge empowered with next steps to help you and your business shine in a competitive marketplace.

Why Read It: The Authority Advantage will help business leaders expand their following and increase their brand recognition. Read Witty and Shelton’s book to attract influential clients, customers, and followers to your side.

3. The Power of Remote

The Power of Remote

Cynthia Watson, Executive Chair, and Shane Spraggs, CEO, share their experience in building and managing remote teams at Virtira. Create a successful remote work environment with their comprehensive roadmap.

The Power of Remote can help you lower costs and boost productivity in your business.

Why Read It: This book is ideal for you if you’re considering a “remote-first” business model, or if you’re looking for guidance on transitioning to remote.

4. Beyond the Superhero

Beyond the Superhero

Jason Randall reveals how to free yourself from unrealistic expectations and pressure as an executive leader. If you’re spearheading your business, you need a handbook to help you find an alternate path to success — where both you and your business can thrive.

In Beyond the Superhero, you’ll find both a memoir and a roadmap to support your business initiatives and become the leader you want to be.

Why Read It: Whether you have decades or experience, or it’s your first time in leadership, there’s always room to improve as a leader. If you’re looking to relieve the pressure of leadership while gain practical insights, Beyond the Superhero is worth a read.

5. How Teams Triumph

How Teams Triumph

A business is much more than offering a product or service for a profit. Your team, workflow, and employee communication all affect how successful your business will be — and whether you retain your employees. Team dynamics can become stumbling blocks for your company as silos grow and dysfunction creeps in.

Clinton M. Padgett offers a proven framework to ensure your team works together to achieve goals. Padgett creates positive work environments to motivate employees by improving team dynamics.

Why Read It: If you’re looking for advice on how to structure your teams and create a positive company culture that breeds success, you’ll benefit from How Teams Triumph .

6. Competing With Giants

Competing with Giants

As a small startup, you may wonder if you can ever compete with industry giants. Phuong Tran shares the story of her family-owned business that her parents built up to become the forefront beverage company in Vietnam. Phuong Tran shares how a family-owned business built itself into a coveted industry giant. After walking away from a $2.5 billion offer from Coca – Cola, Phuong Tran wrote Competing With Giants to help others follow suit.

Why Read It: Find the insight and encouragement you need in this underdog story of success. If you want a pick-me-up with practical application, give Competing With Giants a read.

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Lissie Kidd

Sr. marketing copywriter.

Lissie Kidd is a Sr. Copywriter with several hundred articles in her portfolio and even more edited and published under her supervision. Lissie holds a MA in Communications from Grand…

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The Mind of a Leader: How to Lead Yourself, Your People, and Your Organization for Extraordinary Results

Based on extensive research, including assessments of more than 35,000 leaders and interviews with 250 C-level executives, The Mind of the Leader concludes that organizations and leaders aren't meeting employees' basic human needs of finding meaning, purpose, connection, and genuine happiness in their work. To solve the leadership crisis, organizations need to put people at the center of their strategy.

Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence

Written by three eminent economists, Prediction Machines recasts the rise of AI as a drop in the cost of prediction and lifts the curtain on the AI-is-magic hype to show how different industries can benefit from it. The impact of AI will be profound, but as this book shows, the economic framework for understanding it is surprisingly simple.

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The benefits of mindfulness include better performance, heightened creativity, deeper self-awareness, and increased charisma--not to mention greater peace of mind. This book gives you practical steps for building a sense of presence into your daily work routine.

The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World

The Practice of Adaptive Leadership is a hands-on, practical guide containing stories, tools, diagrams, cases, and worksheets to help you develop your skills as an adaptive leader, able to take people outside their comfort zones and assess and address the toughest challenges. The authors', Ron Heifetz, Marty Linsky, and Alexander Grashow, have decades of experience helping people and organizations create cultures of adaptive leadership.

Influence and Persuasion

Changing hearts is an important part of changing minds. Research shows that appealing to human emotion can help you make your case and build your authority as a leader. This book highlights that research and shows you how to act on it, presenting both comprehensive frameworks for developing influence and small, simple tactics you can use to convince others every day.

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How Finance Works: The HBR Guide to Thinking Smart about the Numbers

Through entertaining case studies, interactive exercises, full-color visuals, and a conversational style that belies the topic, Harvard Business School Professor Mihir Desai tackles a broad range of topics that will give you the knowledge and skills you need to finally understand how finance works.

Primal Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

This is the book that established"emotional intelligence" in the business lexicon--and made it a necessary skill for leaders. Managers and professionals across the globe have embraced Primal Leadership, affirming the importance of emotionally intelligent leadership. The book and its ideas are now used routinely in universities, business and medical schools, professional training programs, and by a growing legion of professional coaches.

Competing in the Age of AI

AI-centric organizations exhibit a new operating architecture, redefining how they create, capture, share, and deliver value. Authors Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani show how reinventing the firm around data, analytics, and AI removes traditional constraints on scale, scope, and learning that have restricted business growth for hundreds of years.

Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take

In this seminal book, former Unilever CEO Paul Polman and sustainable business guru Andrew Winston argue that to thrive today and tomorrow, companies must become “net positive” — giving more to the world than they take. With bold vision and compelling stories, Net Positive sets out the principles and practices that will deliver the scale of change and transformation the world so desperately needs.

Getting Along: How to Deal with Anyone (Even Difficult People)

Work relationships can be hard. The stress of dealing with difficult people dampens our creativity and productivity and can cause us to disengage. In Getting Along, workplace expert Amy Gallo identifies eight familiar types of difficult coworkers—the insecure boss, the passive-aggressive peer, the know-it-all, and others—and provides strategies for dealing constructively with each one.

Love and Work: How to Find What You Love, Love What You Do, and Do It for the Rest of Your Life

In his new book, world-renowned researcher and New York Times bestselling author Marcus Buckingham helps us discover where we're at our best — both at work and in life. In understanding our unique strengths and loves, we can choose the right role on a team, mold our existing roles so it calls on our very best, and as leaders, make lasting change for our teams and organizations.

Unleashed: The Unapologetic Leader's Guide to Empowering Everyone Around You

Bestselling authors Frances Frei and Anne Morriss argue that the most important thing you can do to be a great leader is to build others up. Showing how the boldest, most effective leaders use a special combination of trust, love, and inclusion to create a space in which other people can excel, Frei and Morriss provide practical tools — along with interviews and stories from their own personal experience — to make these ideas come alive.

Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive Through the Dangers of Change

It's exciting to think of leadership as all inspiration, decisive action, and rich rewards, but leading requires taking risks that can jeopardize your career. In this classic, renowned leadership experts Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky show how it's possible to make a difference in your organization without getting “taken out” or pushed aside. Through vivid stories from all walks of life, the authors present straightforward strategies for navigating the perilous straits of leadership.

HBR's 10 Must Reads for New Managers (Paperback + Ebook)

Develop the mindset and presence to successfully manage others for the first time. If you read nothing else on becoming a new manager, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you transition from being an outstanding individual contributor to becoming a great manager.

Humanocracy: Creating Organizations as Amazing as the People Inside Them

In a world of unprecedented challenges, we need organizations that are resilient and daring. In Humanocracy, Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini make a passionate, data-driven argument for excising bureaucracy and replacing it with something better.

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Top 11 Little Business Books With Big Impact

Use These Short Books to Master Topics that Will Improve Your Career

  • Management Careers
  • Job Search Resources
  • Hiring Best Practices
  • Employment Law
  • Employee Motivation
  • Employee Management
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Susan Heathfield is an HR and management consultant with an MS degree. She has decades of experience writing about human resources.

One trend in business books is the short management book, often written as a story or fable. These business books are approachable, useful, and may help encourage more people to read. And, as an employer, that's what you'd like to see—right? You're in favor of ongoing career development.

These business books pack a solid punch in a small package. Read some of the favorites that managers and HR staff recommend. You'll quickly agree with their assessment and understand why they have such universal appeal.

High Five! The Magic of Working Together

by Kenneth V. Blanchard, Sheldon Bowles, others (Morrow/Avon) ISBN: 0688170366 -

Fired from his job for failure to be a team player, Alan Foster helps a boy's hockey team learn both team secrets and hockey. Help from a retired girl's basketball coach, chants, cheers, focus, skill development, and knowing that, "None of us is as good as all of us," help Alan learn so he can teach. I love this book.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable

by Patrick Lencioni (Jossey-Bass) ISBN-13: 978-0787960759 -

Assigned to lead a dysfunctional Silicon Valley executive committee, Kathryn Petersen, a traditional manager, appointed CEO, watches and observes the effect of the group's interactions on its members and on the company's progress and results.

Following her instinctive knowledge about people and using her skill in building teams, she identifies the factors that are undermining the group's effectiveness. In story-style,

Lencioni tells how to overcome the human behaviors that corrupt this executive team's success: the lack of trust , fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of personal accountability, and inattention to results. A must-read for teams that strive for optimum success.

The 1% Solution for Work and Life

by: Tom Connellan (Peak Performance Press) ISBN-13: 978-0-9769506-2-2

Feeling a bit discouraged about your life and work? Not getting as excited as you once were? You can change this by doing one small thing just 1% differently than you are right now. Sound easy? It's not, but if you do one small thing differently for thirty days, it becomes part of your available toolkit.

And, 1% plus 1% plus 1% adds up. Follow Ken on his journey as he meets and learns from six One-Percenters, people who have transformed their lives using the ideas shared in this book. Even if you're after just a small improvement, each chapter gives you ideas that you can adapt now. For me, my new 1% shift? No email in the morning until I have published something. I am on the path.

Just Do Your Best

by Chuck Harwood (Group Fare Productions) ISBN - 13:978-0881971019

In just 108 pages, the essence of performing successfully on your job is distilled and shared. In an out-of-the-ordinary management setting: a visit to a cattle ranch, Mr. Harwood identifies the five critical factors in job success.

Knowing your job well, and continuously improving what you know, is the first. The second factor is making good decisions. Enjoy attending the management meeting with the ranch employees - the daily lunch table at the ranch. Visit 15 additional workplaces he uses as examples for the five factors. Insightful, fun book.

Fish! A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results

by Harry Paul, Stephen C. Lundin, John Christensen (Hyperion) ISBN: 0786866020

Based on the fun-loving fishmongers at Seattle's Pike Place Market, a supervisor learns how to create an environment in which employees are excited to serve customers and each other. Find out how she transformed a toxic work environment!

The One Minute Manager

by Spencer Johnson, Kenneth H. Blanchard (Morrow/Avon) ISBN: 0688014291

Can several million people be wrong? Read the book that spawned the dynasty! Timeless tips for supervisors and others who want to increase their effectiveness with people. Learn how to catch people doing something right and the power of clear, understandable goals. Though deceptively simple, this is a great read!

Zapp! The Lightning of Empowerment

by William C. Byham (Development Dimensions International) ISBN: 0962348317

This continuing favorite may be hard to find but it's worth the search. Join a supervisor who is transported to a state in which he can suddenly "see" the real impact his actions have on whether staff is enabled to think, contribute, and find meaning in work. Experiment and learn with him as he changes.

Please Don't Just Do What I Tell You: Do What Needs to Be Done

by Bob Nelson (Hyperion) ISBN: 0786867299

Written directly for employees, the book has great tips about how to express individual initiative and self-empowerment at work. "Doing what you're told," no longer brings success for the individual or the organization - if it ever did! Everyone has the capacity to fulfill this "ultimate expectation." Share this book to help people find out how!

Gung Ho! Turn on the People in Any Organization

by Kenneth Blanchard, Sheldon Bowles (Morrow/Avon) ISBN: 068815428X

The story, told as a fable, provides a three-part strategy for motivating employees. Make sure people know why their work is important, give them control over how they do their jobs, and provide encouragement are the success factors. The story is told by a plant manager who learned these truths from a Native American manager.

The Peon Book

by Dave Haynes, Chief Executive Peon (Berrett-Koehler) ISBN: 1576752852

Not just a regular management book, written by an executive or a consultant, The Peon Book recommends you get the information you need to lead and manage people from the people you are trying to lead and manage. If all else fails, ask! What a concept!

Who Moved My Cheese?

by Spencer Johnson (Penguin Putnam, Inc.) ISBN: 0399144463

Explores positively approaching change through a parable populated by mice and "littlepeople," mouse-sized people. If you're an expert in change management , give it a chance; the book will make you smile and remind you of key change issues.

Others will find change management tips, real encouragement, and the sense that change is "doable." It's a book for everyone. Enjoy!

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I've sailed on 50 cruises. Here are 4 I'd book again as someone without kids.

  • I've been on over 50 cruises with eight different lines and almost always travel without kids .
  • I love Virgin Voyages since the line is dedicated to its adults-only ships.
  • Celebrity Cruises is also a great adult-centric cruise with elevated dining and entertainment.

Insider Today

I've been cruising for over a decade and in that time, I've sailed on more than 50 ocean ships across eight different cruise lines .

Since I don't have kids and rarely travel with children, I've learned that some cruise lines cater to adults better than others.

Here are my top four cruises to book for an adults-only vacation .

I love Virgin Voyages for its clear adults-only policy.

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Virgin Voyages is one of the few major ocean cruise lines that does not allow children under 18, which I enjoy.

The Richard Branson-owned brand is known for its beautiful Lady Ships, which have ample outdoor space and nightclubs and party spots inside.

Unlike other cruise lines, Virgin Voyages' dining concept is truly unique.

You won't find massive rooms or long buffet lines. Instead, the ships have specialty restaurants, including an Italian eatery and a stunning steak house, which are all included in the cruise fare.

I love the line's fast-casual pizza spot, but my favorite place to eat on a Virgin Voyages cruise is Gunbae. The Korean barbecue-inspired restaurant has shared tables with grills in the center and delicious food.

Disney Cruise Line is perfect for adults looking for some childhood nostalgia.

the best book on business plan

I love going to Disney theme parks , so it's no surprise that I also love Disney Cruise Line.

The brand definitely leans more into family travel, but there are plenty of dedicated adults-only areas on each of the line's ships.

One of my favorite places to hang out on the Dream or Fantasy ships is Meridian, an adults-only bar nestled between Palo and Remy, the two adults-only dining options.

This space has great views of the ocean and incredible bartenders who can shake or stir up just about anything.

After the sun goes down, the party really gets started at the nightclubs on the Disney ships . On a recent sailing on the Magic, I watched game shows, sang karaoke, and played trivia.

Celebrity Cruises is a great option for luxury sailing.

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I recently tried out Celebrity Cruises for the first time, and it was a luxurious step up from its family-friendly sister company, Royal Caribbean . The cruise line is known for its beautifully decorated ships, intimate spaces, and over-the-top entertainment.

While sailing on the Ascent ship, I spent a lot of time at the Sunset Bar, which features Mediterranean-style drinks , incredible views, and live music in the evenings.

I also loved watching live shows in the theater every night. They combined acrobatics, magic tricks, dancing, and singing into spectacular events that left my jaw on the floor.

Norwegian Cruise Line is perfect for younger adults looking for a fun time.

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I've sailed with Norwegian Cruise Line a few times, and I think it's the perfect brand for young adults. The ships are easy to navigate and feature some of the best staterooms at sea, with plenty of storage.

The top decks of the line's newer ships, like Prima and Viva, feature epic water slides, a go-kart track , and infinity pools overlooking the ocean.

It's certainly geared toward the young at heart, but I think the spaces are ideal for anyone looking for a good mix of fun and relaxation.

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Little Gay Bookstore has a new story for Columbus

the best book on business plan

The last time Columbus had an LGBTQ+ bookstore, it served a community with only three letters.

An Open Book was a busy hub in the heart of the Short North that sold books, gifts and greeting cards while serving as a community center of sorts for LGB people. After moving from 685 N. High St. into a smaller, less visible spot a few blocks north, it quietly closed in 2008.

Reese Steiner and Lauren Branch never visited An Open Book, but their goals for a new Columbus bookstore are very similar. Little Gay Bookstore , which they began in 2023, exists now online and as a popup at festivals and markets. But they're pursuing options for a permanent, physical Short North location and hope to finalize plans soon.

"It's so satisfying to know we can bring representation to people," said Steiner, who graduated in May from Ohio State University with a bachelor's degree in creative writing. "We want parents and kids to come in and see books that will help them. We want queer people to have a comfortable space. We want everyone to know they have a community."

Already, said Branch, a respiratory therapist, they've seen the need and desire among customers for a bookstore like theirs that puts LGBTQ+ stories front and center.

"People just gasp when they see our booth," she said.

The idea for the business started during their own quest for queer fiction to read while visiting Los Angeles in 2022. They stopped at a two-story bookstore in a city that makes almost every list of the nation's most LGBTQ+-friendly places to live and were told there was no dedicated section for it.

Help by hugging: Nonprofit sets out to comfort those in LGBTQ+ community

"We made a joke that we open up a queer bookstore of our own," Branch said. "As soon as we got home, we immediately got to work."

The online version of Little Gay Bookstore allows people to order titles — categories include gay, lesbian, bisexual and pansexual, transgender, intersex and asexual — and have them shipped to their homes or to Stonewall Columbus for pickup.

Steiner and Branch grew up in Lexington, a village of less than 5,000 people south of Mansfield, but didn't meet until both were living back home in 2020 during the pandemic. They became engaged this summer.

[email protected]

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It Ends With Us: The 5 Biggest Changes From Book to Movie

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After taking #BookTok by storm and reigning as the number one best-selling novel of 2022 and 2023—even outperforming the Bible — It Ends With Us has finally arrived on the big screen. Based on Colleen Hoover ’s 2016 novel, the movie follows oh-so-conveniently-named flower shop owner Lily Blossom Bloom (played by Blake Lively ) as she falls for charming but controlling neurosurgeon Ryle Kincaid ( Justin Baldoni, who also directs)—just as her childhood love, Atlas Corrigan ( Brandon Sklenar ), reenters her life after years of estrangement.

Like Hoover’s book, the film version of It Ends With Us delves into how patterns of physical abuse from Lily’s childhood, when her father ( Kevin McKidd ) assaulted her mother ( Amy Morton ), get repeated in her own romantic relationships as an adult. Hoover previously told Today ’s Jenna Bush Hager that she partly based her most popular book off the violence that her mother faced. “One of my earliest memories was him throwing a TV at her,” she said of her biological father. “There were no resources for women to leave situations like that.” Hoover said that her mother divorced her father when she was two. “She was able to get out of that relationship. And then from then on, I just remember growing up with a mother who was so strong and independent.”

Despite the embrace of It Ends With Us, the book has also drawn extensive backlash from those who believe that it romanticizes domestic violence. The first portion of the narrative follows the swoony courtship of Ryle and Lily; the story also blames his abusive tendencies on his traumatic past. Others have taken issue with the way that the novel is framed, shelved in the romance section of bookstores or marketed as a love triangle story. (A hastily scrapped coloring book version of It Ends With Us didn’t help matters.)

“I don’t expect everyone to like my books, so if someone doesn’t, it isn’t my job to deal with them,” Hoover told Glamour in February 2022. “That is their right, and I respect that. I put 100% of the focus into the people who do enjoy my books, and I do my very best to make those people happy.”

Despite—or perhaps because of—the discourse, those involved with the “very faithful” adaptation of Hoover’s book relied on fan input to try to get the movie right. Screenwriter Christy Hall told Entertainment Weekly that “20 mega-fans that had to sign an NDA” were given access to an early draft of the script, where they weighed in on proposed changes—and even convinced Hall to put an iconic line back in the movie. Here, a guide to some of the most notable changes from page to screen.

In the book, Lily is 23 and Ryle is 30—significantly younger than Lively, 36, and Baldoni, 40. Hoover told Today that when she wrote the novel, the new adult genre was particularly popular. So she made her characters young—though she wishes now that she hadn’t gone quite that young. “As an author, we make mistakes,” she said. “There’s no 28-year-old neurosurgeons, you know? You go to school for 15 years. And so to make corrections to what I messed up in the book, we aged the characters up somewhat.”

In the same interview, Hoover addressed some of Lily’s more outlandish costumes, a few of which came from Lively’s own closet . “You’ve seen a couple of outfits that are completely out of context,” the author said of early set photos. “I’m not worried about it.” She continued, “When I wrote the book, it wasn’t about the age of the characters. It wasn’t about what they were wearing. I don’t even think I described any clothing in the book. It was about the message that I wanted to get across.”

After years apart, Lily reconnects with Atlas when she dines at his restaurant. In the book, the establishment is called Bib’s, an acronym for “Better in Boston.” In the film, it’s called Root—a name that, like Bib’s, pays homage to a major moment from Atlas and Lily’s adolescent romance. “It stood for something in the book that became a big thing for Lily to show how much she meant to him,” Hoover explained to E! News . “So that changed to Root in the movie, because we didn’t have as much time to put in all of the things that happened in the book”—like Atlas giving Lily a refrigerator magnet that reads “better in Boston” before he moves to the city and away from her. But according to Hoover, “changing it to Root went back to a conversation they had as kids in the film [from which] you get the same feels that you got in the book.”

“I’m an unreliable narrator,” Lily says in her rooftop meet-cute with Ryle, which Lively’s husband Ryan Reynolds apparently had a hand in writing . That disclosure comes to bear once Ryle becomes violent towards Lily—first pushing her out of the way of a hot stove, then shoving her down a flight of stairs, before assaulting and attempting to rape her during another argument about Atlas. Camera angles and editing choices initially present these scenes as purposefully ambiguous—with Lily excusing the first two bouts of violence as mere accidents. It is not until later in the film, once Lily herself comes to terms with the true nature of their relationship, that the abuse is shown again in its full context.

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But in the book, both readers and Lily herself acknowledge Ryle’s violence from the start. The first time Ryle physically assaults Lily in the kitchen, Hoover writes from her heroine’s POV: “So much gravity, pushing down on my emotions. Everything shatters. My tears, my heart, my laughter, my soul. Shattered like broken glass, raining down around me.”

The film adaptation of It Ends With Us scraps Lily’s flower shop employees outside of her sister-in-law, Allysa ( Jenny Slate ), including Lucy, Lily’s former roommate, and Devin, a gay character who exists solely to pose as Lily’s date to a party in order to make Ryle jealous. Another major character who is wisely cut from the movie? Ellen DeGeneres —yes, really. She is a full-fledged character in the book, at least in the eyes of SparkNotes .

Image may contain Jenny Slate Adult Person Wedding Cup Art Painting Head Face Dining Table Furniture and Table

In Hoover’s novel, a young Lily (played by Isabela Ferrer in the movie) and Atlas ( Alex Neustaedter ) fall in love while watching Ellen and Finding Nemo after school. DeGeneres is such a comforting figure in Lily’s life that she addresses entries in her childhood diary to the comedian, and later gives her daughter the middle name Dory, after DeGeneres’s forgetful animated fish. Atlas is equally enamored—at one point, he gives Lily a signed copy of DeGeneres’s memoir as a sign of his love and tells her upon rekindling their romance: “You can stop swimming now , Lily. We finally reached the shore.”

It was shrewd to cut this whole subplot, strange and superfluous as it is—not to mention the fact that the toxic workplace allegations that have emerged against DeGeneres since the book’s publication have chipped away at the comedian’s feel-good effect. But the movie still nods to this element of the novel: In one scene, Atlas and Lily watch Ellen together while speaking about the future, and a stuffed Finding Nemo toy can be spotted in her daughter’s nursery.

In both the novel and film, Lily tells Ryle she plans to divorce him while he cradles their newborn daughter, Emerson—named for the older brother that Ryle accidentally shot and killed while playing with a gun as children. They agree that if their daughter were ever in the same situation as Ryle has placed Lily, he would also want her to leave her partner. The movie also ends with a domestic violence resource hotline. Lily and Ryle’s rocky relationship as co-parents (an arrangement some have also criticized ) plays out in Hoover’s 2022 sequel, It Starts With Us.

But according to screenwriter Christy Hall, the moment in the hospital after Ryle leaves—when Lily tells her daughter, “It ends with us”—was originally omitted from the script. “As a screenwriter, a big no-no is you don’t want any character to ever say the title of the film,” Hall told Entertainment Weekly . ( The Idea of You would beg to differ .) “So in my initial draft
I had her say the line, ‘It stops here, between you and me,’ blah, blah, blah. I didn’t have her say, ‘It ends with us.’”

The group of fans invited to read the early draft were unanimously opposed. “That was a really funny moment,” said Hall, “because sometimes they’d be split on things, but that one was resounding, 100 percent out of 100 percent were like, ‘How dare you?!’’ and I was like, ‘I’m so sorry. I must be absolved of this sin.’”

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  • Health Insurance
  • Best Small Business Health Insurance Providers

Best Small Business Health Insurance Providers Of 2024

Les Masterson

Updated: Jun 25, 2024, 8:57am

Kaiser Permanente and Blue Cross Blue Shield scored the best in our analysis of small business health insurance. We evaluated large insurance providers that offer ACA marketplace plans to find the best health insurance companies across the country.

Providing health insurance can help a small business attract—and keep—employees. One way small businesses can buy health coverage is through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace.

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Summary: Best Health Insurance for Small Business Owners

How does small business health insurance work, types of health insurance companies for small businesses, how much does health insurance for small business cost, how to compare small business health insurance plans, how to get health insurance for a small business, methodology, other health insurance companies we rated, small business health insurance frequently asked questions (faqs), next up in health insurance.

How We Chose the Best Health Insurance For Small Business Owners

We analyzed state insurance department complaints, quality ratings, deductibles, breadth of health plans and metal tier offerings in the Affordable Care Act marketplace, sometimes called Obamacare, when comparing companies. Our editors are committed to bringing you unbiased ratings and information. Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers. We use data-driven methodologies to evaluate insurance companies, so all companies are measured equally. You can read more about our editorial guidelines and the methodology for the ratings below.

  • 259 health insurance plan costs crunched
  • 84 coverage and quality data points analyzed
  • 102 years of insurance experience on the editorial team


Kaiser permanente.

Kaiser Permanente

Plans offered to small businesses


Other coverage offered

Dental (in California) and vision

Provider network

More than 23,900 physicians in 39 hospitals and 622 medical facilities

We like Kaiser Permanente’s superior quality ratings, excellent average deductibles for silver plans and that it offers four different types of metal tiers on the ACA marketplace. That combination could make an excellent choice if you’re buying coverage for your small business.

  • Operates an integrated health system, which means the medical providers and health plans work for the same company, which can reduce potential claims problems.
  • Doesn’t charge businesses extra for offering multiple types of health plans.
  • Excellent health insurance costs compared to other insurers analyzed.
  • Kaiser Permanente has the best average ACA plan ratings of the insurers we reviewed.

More: Kaiser Permanente Health Insurance Review

  • Only available in eight states and Washington, D.C.
  • Finding a provider that accepts Kaiser Permanente may be a problem if members are in states that the company doesn’t serve.
  • Consumer complaints to state insurance commissioners are higher than the industry average.
  • Washington, D.C.

Best Provider Network

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Blue Cross Blue Shield


Dental, life, vision

Over 1.7 million healthcare providers

Blue Cross Blue Shield, which is made up of 33 independent insurers, has excellent quality ratings and lower-than-average silver plan deductibles. Another positive we like is the company’s large provider network and availability of Blue Cross coverage in all states.

  • Large provider network means you should have an easier time finding a doctor if you’re traveling.
  • Available nationwide.
  • Offers all four metal tiers (bronze, silver, gold and platinum).
  • Provides four types of health plans to small businesses (can vary by Blue Cross company).

More: Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Insurance Review

  • Consumer complaints to state insurance commissioners are slightly above average compared to the rest of the industry.
  • Higher ACA marketplace premiums than competitors analyzed.
  • All 50 states and Washington, D.C.

Best for Breadth of Insurance Options



Accident, critical illness, dental, fixed indemnity, hospitalization, life, vision

1.5 million healthcare providers and 7,000 hospitals and facilities.

UnitedHealthcare has better-than-average complaints to state insurance departments and excellent health plan quality ratings, which we think offers small businesses excellent coverage.

  • Large provider network across the country.
  • Good National Committee for Quality Assurance quality ratings with excellent numbers for prevention and treatment.
  • Offers a wealth of other insurance options.

More: UnitedHealthcare Health Insurance Review

  • Doesn’t provide as many metal tiers or types of health plans in the ACA marketplace compared to competitors.
  • Health insurance premiums are higher than some competitors.
  • Massachusetts
  • Mississippi
  • North Carolina

The Affordable Care Act defines a small business as a group of no more than 50 full-time employees (FTE), though some states may define it differently.

A small business owner can enroll in a group health insurance plan offered by a private insurance company and then provide their employees the opportunity to enroll in that plan. The employer generally pays part of their employees’ monthly premiums, while employees typically pay smaller premiums, as well as their deductibles, copays, coinsurance and services not covered by the plan.

Small business owners contract with health insurance companies and decide how many options to provide to employees.

Small business owners can buy health insurance for their employees through approved insurance companies with the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP).

Employers may choose the types of benefit design, which influences whether an employee needs referrals to see specialists, can get out-of-network care and other factors. Three types of health insurance plans offered to small businesses are:

  • EPO: Exclusive provider organization plans are often an affordable option. EPOs don’t usually require members to get primary care referrals to see specialists but they also often don’t cover out-of-network care.
  • HMO: Health maintenance organization plans are generally much cheaper than other options, but they also have limitations not found in other plans. That includes needing primary care referrals to see specialists and not being covered for out-of-network care.
  • POS: Point of service (POS) plans may allow you to get out-of-network care, but you generally need primary care referrals to see specialists and you must choose a primary care provider. These plans aren’t as common as the other types.
  • PPO: Preferred provider organization plans are often the most expensive because they offer the most flexibility. That flexibility includes members not needing to get primary care referrals to see specialists and the ability to get out-of-network care.

Getting insurance through the SHOP Marketplace allows employers to offer health plans from multiple insurance companies and qualifies them for the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit, which can help with the cost of providing coverage.

Your business must meet these requirements to qualify for the SHOP tax credit:

  • Fewer than 25 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees.
  • Average employee salary is about $56,000 per year or less.
  • Pay at least 50% of your full-time employees’ premium costs.
  • Offer SHOP coverage to all full-time employees.

Small business owners can also work with a health insurance broker who conducts all plan research and comparisons to find the best plan for your business at no additional charge. Or they can buy directly from a health insurance company.

If you buy coverage through the ACA marketplace, plans are organized by “metal” tiers: bronze, silver, gold and platinum . The tiers differ by premiums and out-of-pocket costs. For instance, bronze and silver plans have low premiums but higher deductibles and coinsurance. Gold and platinum plans have high premiums but lower out-of-pocket costs.

Employers have flexibility in which type of plans they choose to offer their employees.

The average cost for small business owners is $612 per employee per month and $1,274 for family coverage per month, according to Kaiser Family Foundation’s 2023 Employer Health Benefits Survey.

The exact cost depends on multiple factors, including previous health insurance claims. For instance, a year of high employee healthcare costs could lead to higher health insurance rates set by the insurance company the next year.

Average Health Insurance Costs for Small Business

Editor's Take Company Company - Logo Forbes Advisor Rating Forbes Advisor Rating Learn More CTA text Learn more CTA below text LEARN MORE
5.0 On's Website
5.0 On's Website
4.6 On's Website
Average annual employer contribution Average annual employee contribution Total average for small businesses

Featured Health Insurance Partners

Offers plans in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.

About 1.2 million


On's Website

About 1.7 million

Blue Cross Blue Shield

About 1.5 million


Choosing a small business health insurance plan requires you to act similar to a consumer buying an individual health insurance plan on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace.

Here’s what to look at when comparing small business health insurance plans.

  • Benefit design: See what types of health plans a company offers, including EPO, HMO, POS and PPO. The benefit design dictates whether employees can get out-of-network care and need referrals to see specialists.
  • Premiums: A health insurance premium is what members pay to have coverage. This usually gets deducted from paychecks. Employers pay most of the premiums, so businesses will need to figure out how much coverage will cost them and their employees.
  • Out-of-pocket costs: Health insurance deductibles , coinsurance and out-of-pocket maximums play vital roles in how much members pay when they need healthcare services. Choosing a plan with high deductibles may cost businesses and employees for premiums, but it also puts more costs on employees when they need healthcare.
  • Provider network: Health insurance companies contract with providers and medical facilities like hospitals. These contracts decide how much providers get paid and may set requirements for providers, such as requiring that they meet a minimum quality of care. A small network could result in employees needing to search for a doctor and lead to extra out-of-network costs.


How to Choose the Right Small Business Health Insurance

Les Masterson

Insurance Editor

Insurance Managing Editor

Michelle Megna

Insurance Lead Editor

Ashlee Valentine

Offer Multiple Plans If Possible

I believe that providing employees with multiple options can help with employee satisfaction. One employee may like the lower premiums in an HMO and not have a problem staying in-network, while another may prefer the flexibility of a PPO with the understanding that they will pay more in premiums. Giving them those options can help maintain your workforce.

Get Health Insurance Quotes from Multiple Insurers

Small employers aren’t all the same so don’t follow another company’s insurer or stay with your current company without checking other insurers. Instead, I would suggest getting quotes from multiple insurance companies for the same type of coverage so you can accurately compare them side-by-side.

Figure Out How Much You Can Afford

Part of buying health insurance as an employer is figuring out how much you can afford to spend on health insurance and how much employees may have to pay. I would suggest thinking about how much you want employees to spend on health insurance premiums and what coverage you need.

Work With an Insurance Broker

If you’re unsure about health insurance, talk to an insurance broker to help you with the process. I’ve found that offers a tool that lets you find available health insurance brokers in your area by entering your ZIP code.

Look Into Tax Credits

Small business owners may qualify for tax credits to help you pay for employee health insurance through a Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) plan. I’ve seen some small businesses save as much as 50% of their premiums, but there are requirements to qualify.

You have several options when it comes to searching for the right plan options for your small business.

We analyzed 84 data points about coverage and quality for seven large health insurance companies to determine the best health insurance providers for small businesses owners. Our ratings are based on:

  • Complaints made to state insurance departments (30% of score): We used complaint data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
  • Plan ratings from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (30% of score): The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is an independent, nonprofit organization that accredits health plans and produces ratings based on specific metrics, including patient experience, prevention, treatment, overall rating of the health plan and rating of care.
  • Average silver plan deductible (20% of score): The deductible is how much you have to pay for healthcare in a year before the health plan begins picking up a portion of the costs. Companies with health plans that had low deductibles got more points.
  • Breadth of health plans (10% of score): Health insurance companies may offer up to four types of plan benefit designs (PPO, HMO, EPO and POS). Companies that offered more types of plans got more points.
  • Metal tier offerings (10% of score): The ACA marketplace has four metal tier levels. We gave points to companies that offered more tier plan options.

the best book on business plan

Read more: How Forbes Advisor rates health insurance companies

Here are other health insurance companies we analyzed as part of our research.

Small business owners can sort through options from different insurance companies to compare prices and services and enroll in a plan that meets their needs. typically offer multiple plans for small businesses. You can see plan choices and costs by plugging a minimal amount of information on the ACA marketplace website.


Insurance brokers know the ins and outs of health insurance plans, as well as state and federal requirements. Just be sure you’re working with an independent broker who will show you all plans available to you to best meet your needs.


At, you’ll find helpful calculation tools and clear choices for high-quality group insurance plans.

Insurance company Forbes Advisor rating

Find The Best Health Insurance Companies Of 2024

Do small businesses have to provide health insurance.

Small business owners aren’t legally required to provide health insurance to their workers, but there are rules for those who do.

With that said, make sure you understand how your state defines a small business, as it will impact what you are required to provide, should you decide to offer health insurance to your employees.

What is a self-insured health plan?

An employer collects health insurance premiums in a self-insured health insurance plan and the business pays the claims rather than a health insurance company. Self-insured plans are more often an option for larger companies.

One potential benefit of self-insured plans is that businesses can save money if they collect more premiums than claims paid out. On the other hand, it could cause a problem if claims exceed premiums.

A self-insured health plan generally still requires that employers contract with a third party to enroll members, process claims and set up provider networks.

How much does group health insurance cost for small businesses?

The average annual cost of health insurance for small businesses is $8,722 annually per employee. Of that amount, employers pick up $7,349 on average and employees pay the rest, according to Kaiser Family Foundation’s 2023 Employer Health Benefits Survey.

Small businesses pay less for health maintenance organization (HMO) plans than other plans. Small companies spend $6,644 annually on average for HMO coverage per employee compared to $6,970 for a point of service (POS) plan and $7,729 for a preferred provider organization (PPO) plan, according to Kaiser Family Foundation.

The Kaiser Family Foundation added that small companies are more likely to pay all employee premiums than larger companies. The report said 30% of covered workers in small firms don’t pay premiums for single coverage for health insurance. That’s compared to just 6% in large companies.

How many employees does a small business have to have to provide health insurance?

Small businesses don’t have to offer health insurance , but employers with more than 50 full-time employees working at least 30 hours per week must offer coverage or face tax penalties.

Small businesses that provide coverage may benefit from tax credits.

Can business owners buy a plan on the marketplace?

Small businesses can buy health coverage for employees on the health insurance marketplace through the Small Health Options Program (SHOP). SHOP lets employers compare plans and the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit can help save money for businesses.

  • How Much Does Health Insurance Cost?
  • UnitedHealthcare Health Insurance Review

Get Forbes Advisor’s ratings of the best insurance companies and helpful information on how to find the best travel, auto, home, health, life, pet, and small business coverage for your needs.

Les Masterson

Les Masterson is a deputy editor and insurance analyst at Forbes Advisor. He has been a journalist, reporter, editor and content creator for more than 25 years. He has covered insurance for a decade, including auto, home, life and health. Before covering insurance, Les was a news editor and reporter for Patch and Community Newspaper Company and also covered health care, mortgages, credit cards and personal loans for multiple websites.

Stock market today: US stocks edge lower after best day of the year as volatile week wraps up

  • US stocks edged lower Friday after the best trading day since November 2022.
  • The S&P 500 is down half a percentage point this week amid growing concerns of an economic slowdown.
  • Investors are awaiting key inflation readings due next week.

Insider Today

US stocks edged lower on Friday, a day after stocks experienced their best trading day since November 2022.

The strongest day of gains in nearly two years came just two days after stocks experienced their worst trading day since September 2022.

For all of the volatility in markets this week, the S&P 500 is down just half a percentage point, as investors seek direction and juggle prospects of imminent interest rate cuts and the potential for an economic slowdown.

"Over the last few days, we have been reminded that risk-off moves happen quickly and can come from seemingly out of nowhere," Penn Mutual investment analyst Matt Dyer said.

The volatility was sparked by a confluence of risk factors, headlined by the unwind of the yen carry trade and concerns of a misstep by the Federal Reserve following an uptick in the unemployment rate in July.

But as stocks claw back some of the big losses incurred on Monday, the volatility has calmed down, with the stock market's fear gauge, the VIX, falling from an intraday peak of 65 on Monday to just under 24 on Thursday.

Looking ahead to next week, investors will be awaiting key inflation reports, including the Producer Price Index on Tuesday, followed by the Consumer Price Index on Wednesday.

Analysts on Wall Street say they're expecting a modestly stronger consumer inflation reading, but not hot enough to derail the outlook for the Fed to cut interest rates next month.

"We forecast headline CPI rose by 0.3% m/m in July, owing mainly to a pickup in core services inflation and energy prices. This would leave the y/y rate unchanged at 3.0%. Meanwhile, we expect core CPI increased by 0.2% m/m," Bank of America analysts wrote Friday, adding that if data comes in-line with their forecasts, markets will start pricing in fewer rate cuts.

Here's where US indexes stood shortly after the 9:30 a.m. opening bell on Friday:

  • S&P 500 : 5,310.83, down 0.17%
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average : 39,325.47, down 0.31% (-121 points)
  • Nasdaq composite : 16,650.78, down 0.06%

Here's what else is going on today:

  • Legendary investor Jeremy Grantham warned that stocks are poised to crash as a recession appears inevitable.
  • Here's how the stock market can predict who will win the Presidential election in November.
  • There are two conflicting forces that will define how stocks perform the rest of the year.

In commodities, bonds, and crypto:

  • West Texas Intermediate crude oil rose 0.32% to $76.43 a barrel. Brent crude , the international benchmark, increased 0.25% to $79.36 a barrel.
  • Gold was higher by 0.22% to $2,468.70 per ounce.
  • The 10-year Treasury yield dropped 7 basis points to 3.92%.
  • Bitcoin dropped 2.34% to $60,261.

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The Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies

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Paul Barrow

The Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies Paperback – February 1, 2000

-- 99 worksheets help you get started quickly, taking you through every critical section of a successful business plan -- A fully-written sample business plan offers guidance on length, style, formatting and language -- Special chapters address issues of concern for service, manufacturing, retail, and Internet companies -- The Abrams Method of Flow-Through Financials helps make easy work of number crunching-even if you're a numbers novice -- A special chapter on classes and competitions help students prepare a winning business plan --Nearly 200 insider secrets from top venture capitalists and successful business owners and CEOs reveal what most impresses funders

  • Print length 409 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Planning Shop
  • Publication date February 1, 2000
  • Dimensions 8.28 x 0.97 x 10.81 inches
  • ISBN-10 0966963520
  • ISBN-13 978-0966963526
  • See all details

Editorial Reviews

About the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Planning Shop; 3rd ed. edition (February 1, 2000)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 409 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0966963520
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0966963526
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.2 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.28 x 0.97 x 10.81 inches
  • #11,111 in Strategic Business Planning
  • #13,234 in Systems & Planning
  • #15,112 in Job Hunting & Career Guides

About the authors

Paul barrow.

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Rhonda Abrams

Rhonda Abrams has helped millions of people launch and grow successful businesses. Her first book, Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies is the bestselling business plan guide of all time and is considered the definitive guide to business planning. It was acclaimed by Forbes magazine as one of the two best books for small business and by Inc. magazine as one of the six best books for startups.

She has authored 19 books, which have sold more than 2 million copies and been translated into 30 languages, including the popular Six-Week Startup, Business Plan in a Day, and Entrepreneurship: A Real-World Approach. She has a deep knowledge of the small business market and a passion for entrepreneurship. Her books, written with the express purpose of enabling people make their business vision a reality, are clear, concise, actionable, and practical.

Rhonda is also an entrepreneurship/small business columnist for USA Today but she not only writes about entrepreneurship—she lives it! She has started four businesses and is currently the founder/President of PlanningShop. She knows what it takes to meet payroll, pay vendors, reach and keep customers, find and impress investors, and get products out the door.

You can find out more about Rhonda at

Virginia Grosso

Virginia Grosso

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  3. Successful Business Plan : Secrets & Strategies (Edition 7) (Paperback

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  3. Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies (Successful Business

    Her first book, Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies is the bestselling business plan guide of all time and is considered the definitive guide to business planning. It was acclaimed by Forbes magazine as one of the two best books for small business and by Inc. magazine as one of the six best books for startups.

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    The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything (Paperback) by. Guy Kawasaki (Goodreads Author) (shelved 3 times as business-plan) avg rating 3.89 — 28,296 ratings — published 2004. Want to Read. Rate this book.

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  30. The Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies

    In addition to THE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS PLAN: SECRETS AND STRATEGIES, Rhonda is the author of the best-selling book WEAR CLEAN UNDERWEAR: BUSINESS WISDOM FROM MOM and the publisher of STARTING AND OPERATING A BUSINESS IN THE U.S. by Michael D. Jenkins, one of the most successful business books of all time with more than a million copies in print.