Problem Solving Through Programming in C

In this lesson, we are going to learn Problem Solving Through Programming in C. This is the first lesson while we start learning the C language.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Problem Solving Through Programming in C

Regardless of the area of the study, computer science is all about solving problems with computers. The problem that we want to solve can come from any real-world problem or perhaps even from the abstract world. We need to have a standard systematic approach to problem solving through programming in c.

computer programmers are problem solvers. In order to solve a problem on a computer, we must know how to represent the information describing the problem and determine the steps to transform the information from one representation into another.

A computer is a very powerful and versatile machine capable of performing a multitude of different tasks, yet it has no intelligence or thinking power.

The computer cannot solve the problem on its own, one has to provide step by step solutions of the problem to the computer. In fact, the task of problem-solving is not that of the computer.

It is the programmer who has to write down the solution to the problem in terms of simple operations which the computer can understand and execute.

In order to solve a problem with the computer, one has to pass through certain stages or steps. They are as follows:

Steps to Solve a Problem With the Computer

Step 1: understanding the problem:.

Here we try to understand the problem to be solved in totally. Before with the next stage or step, we should be absolutely sure about the objectives of the given problem.

Step 2: Analyzing the Problem:

The idea here is to search for an appropriate solution to the problem under consideration. The end result of this stage is a broad overview of the sequence of operations that are to be carried out to solve the given problem.

Step 3: Developing the solution:

Here, the overview of the sequence of operations that was the result of the analysis stage is expanded to form a detailed step by step solution to the problem under consideration.

Step 4: Coding and Implementation:

The vehicle for the computer solution to a problem is a set of explicit and unambiguous instructions expressed in a programming language. This set of instruction is called a program with problem solving through programming in C .

A program may also be thought of as an algorithm expressed in a programming language. an algorithm, therefore, corresponds to a solution to a problem that is independent of any programming language .

The problem solving is a skill and there are no universal approaches one can take to solving problems. Basically one must explore possible avenues to a solution one by one until she/he comes across the right path to a solution.

In general, as one gains experience in solving problems, one develops one’s own techniques and strategies, though they are often intangible. Problem-solving skills are recognized as an integral component of computer programming.

Problem Solving Steps

Problem-solving is a creative process which defines systematization and mechanization. There are a number of steps that can be taken to raise the level of one’s performance in problem-solving.

A problem-solving technique follows certain steps in finding the solution to a problem. Let us look into the steps one by one:

1. Problem Definition Phase:

In the problem definition phase, we must emphasize what must be done rather than how is it to be done. That is, we try to extract the precisely defined set of tasks from the problem statement.

Inexperienced problem solvers too often gallop ahead with the task of the problem – solving only to find that they are either solving the wrong problem or solving the wrong problem or solving just one particular problem.

2. Getting Started on a Problem:

Sometimes you do not have any idea where to begin solving a problem, even if the problem has been defined. Such block sometimes occurs because you are overly concerned with the details of the implementation even before you have completely understood or worked out a solution.

The best advice is not to get concerned with the details. Those can come later when the intricacies of the problem have been understood.

3. Use of Specific Examples:

It is usually much easier to work out the details of a solution to a specific problem because the relationship between the mechanism and the problem is more clearly defined.

This approach of focusing on a particular problem can give us the foothold we need for making a start on the solution to the general problem.

4. Similarities Among Problems:

The more experience one has the more tools and techniques one can bring to bear in tackling the given problem. But sometimes, it blocks us from discovering a desirable or better solution to the problem.

A skill that is important to try to develop in problem-solving is the ability to view a problem from a variety of angles.

5. Working Backwards from the Solution:

In some cases, we can assume that we already have the solution to the problem and then try to work backwards to the starting point. Even a guess at the solution to the problem may be enough to give us a foothold to start on the problem.

We can systematize the investigations and avoid duplicate efforts by writing down the various steps taken and explorations made.

General Problem Solving Strategies:

There are a number of general and powerful computational strategies that are repeatedly used in various guises in computer science.

Often it is possible to phrase a problem in terms of one of these strategies and achieve considerable gains in computational efficiency.

1. Divide and Conquer:

The Splitting can be carried on further so that eventually we have many sub-problems, so small that further splitting is no necessary to solve them. We shall see many examples of this strategy and discuss the gain in efficiency due to its application.

2. Binary Doubling:

This is the reverse of the divide and conquers strategy i.e build-up the solution for a larger problem from solutions and smaller sub-problems.

3. Dynamic Programming:

The travelling salesman problem falls into this category. The idea here is that a good or optimal solution to a problem can be built-up from good or optimal solutions of the sub-problems.

4. General Search, Back Tracking and Branch-and-Bound:

All of these are variants of the basic dynamic programming strategy but are equally important.

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C programming examples, exercises and solutions for beginners


  • Hello world program in C
  • Basic input/output
  • Basic IO on all data types
  • Perform arithmetic operations
  • Find area and perimeter of rectangle
  • Find diameter and area of circle
  • Find area of triangle
  • Find angles of triangle
  • Temperature conversion
  • Length conversion
  • Days conversion
  • Find power of a number
  • Find square root
  • Calculate simple interest
  • Calculate compound interest
  • Find range of data types

Bitwise Operator

  • Check Least Significant Bit (LSB)
  • Check Most Significant Bit (MSB)
  • Get nth bit of a number
  • Set nth bit of a number
  • Clear nth bit of a number
  • Toggle nth bit of a number
  • Highest set bit of a number
  • Lowest set bit of a number
  • Count trailing zeros of binary number
  • Count leading zeros of binary number
  • Flip bits of a number
  • Rotate bits of a number
  • Decimal to binary
  • Swap two numbers
  • Check even or odd
  • View all Bitwise operator examples →

Ternary Operator

  • Maximum of two numbers
  • Maximum of three numbers
  • Check leap year
  • Check alphabet
  • View all ternary operator examples →
  • Find maximum of two numbers
  • Find maximum of three numbers
  • Check negative, positive or zero
  • Check divisibility
  • Check alphabet character
  • Check vowel or consonant
  • Check alphabet, digit or special character
  • Check uppercase or lowercase
  • Print day of week
  • Find number of days in month
  • Find roots of quadratic equation
  • Calculate profile/loss
  • View all if else examples →

Switch case

  • Find total days in month
  • Check positive, negative or zero
  • Simple calculator application
  • View all switch case examples →


  • Print natural numbers from 1 to n
  • Print alphabets from a to z
  • Print even numbers from 1 to n
  • Print sum of all numbers from 1 to n
  • Print sum of all odd numbers from 1 to n
  • Print multiplication table of n
  • Find number of digits in a number
  • Find first and last digit
  • Find sum of first and last digit
  • Swap first and last digit
  • Find sum of digits of a number
  • Find reverse of a number
  • Find frequency of digits in a number
  • Find power of a number using loop
  • Find factorial of a number
  • Find HCF of two numbers
  • Find LCM of two numbers
  • View all loop examples →

Number system and conversion

  • Find one's complement
  • Find two's complement
  • Binary to octal conversion
  • Binary to decimal conversion
  • Binary to hexadecimal conversion
  • Octal to binary conversion
  • Octal to decimal conversion
  • Octal to hexadecimal conversion
  • Decimal to binary conversion
  • Decimal to octal conversion
  • Decimal to hexadecimal conversion
  • Hexadecimal to binary conversion
  • Hexadecimal to octal conversion
  • Hexadecimal to decimal conversion
  • View all conversion examples →

Star patterns

  • Pascal triangle generation
  • Square star pattern
  • Hollow square star pattern
  • Hollow square star pattern with diagonal
  • Rhombus star pattern
  • Hollow rhombus star pattern
  • Right triangle star pattern
  • Hollow right triangle star pattern
  • Inverted right triangle star pattern
  • Mirrored inverted right triangle star pattern
  • Pyramid star pattern
  • Inverted pyramid star pattern
  • Diamond star pattern
  • Plus starpattern
  • X star pattern
  • 8 star pattern
  • Heart star with name pattern
  • View all star pattern examples →

Number patterns

  • Square number pattern
  • Right triangle number pattern
  • Inverted right triangle
  • Triangle with zero filled
  • Half diamond pattern
  • Half diamond star bordered pattern
  • X number pattern
  • View all number pattern examples →
  • Find cube using functions
  • Diameter & area of circle using functions
  • Maximum and minimum using functions
  • Check even odd using functions
  • Check Prime number using functions
  • Find all prime numbers using functions
  • Find all strong numbers using functions
  • Find all armstrong numbers using functions
  • Find all perfect numbers using functions
  • View all function examples →
  • Find power using recursion
  • Print natural numbers using recursion
  • Print even numbers using recursion
  • Sum of natural numbers using recursion
  • Sum of even/odd numbers using recursion
  • Find reverse using recursion
  • Check palindrome using recursion
  • Find sum of digits using recursion
  • Find factorial using recursion
  • Generate nth Fibonacci term using recursion
  • Find HCF (GCD) using recursion
  • Find LCM using recursion
  • Sum of array elements using recursion
  • View all recursion examples →
  • Input and display array elements
  • Sum of all array elements
  • Find second largest element in array
  • Copy one array to another
  • Insert new element in array
  • Delete an element from array
  • Find frequency of array elements
  • Merge two array to third array
  • Delete duplicate elements from array
  • Reverse an array
  • Search an element in array
  • Sort an array
  • Left rotate an array
  • Right rotate an array
  • View all array examples →

Matrix (2D array)

  • Add two matrices
  • Scalar matrix multiplication
  • Multiply two matrices
  • Check if two matrices are equal
  • Sum of diagonal elements of matrix
  • Interchange diagonal of matrix
  • Find upper triangular matrix
  • Find sum of lower triangular matrix
  • Find transpose of triangular matrix
  • Find determinant of a matrix
  • Check identity matrix
  • Check sparse matrix
  • Check symmetric matrix
  • View all matrix examples →
  • Find length of string
  • Copy string to another string
  • Concatenate two strings
  • Compare two strings
  • Convert lowercase to uppercase
  • Find reverse of a string
  • Check palindrome
  • Reverse order of words
  • Search a character in string
  • Search a word in string
  • Find highest occurring character
  • Remove all duplicate characters
  • Replace a character in string
  • Trim whitespace from string
  • View all string examples →
  • Create, initialize and use pointer
  • Add two numbers using pointers
  • Swap two numbers using pointers
  • Access array using pointers
  • Copy array using pointers
  • Reverse array using pointers
  • Access 2D array using pointers
  • Multiply matrices using pointers
  • Copy strings using pointers
  • Concatenate strings using pointers
  • Compare strings using pointers
  • Reverse strings using pointers
  • Sort array strings using pointers
  • Return multiple values from function using pointers
  • View all pointers examples →
  • Create file and write contents
  • Read file contents and display
  • Append contents to file
  • Compare two files
  • Copy one file to another
  • Merge two files
  • Remove a word from file
  • Remove a line from file
  • Replace a word in file
  • Replace a line in file
  • Print source code
  • Convert uppercase to lowercase in file
  • Find properties of file
  • Check if file or directory exists
  • Rename a file or directory
  • List of files recursively
  • View all files handling examples →

Macros/Pre-processor directives

  • Create custom header file
  • Define, undefine and redefine a macro
  • Find sum using macro
  • Find square and cube using macro
  • Check even/odd using macro
  • Find maximum or minimum using macro
  • Check lowercase/uppercase using macro
  • Swap two numbers using macro
  • Multiline macros

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C Programming and Problem Solving in C

C language is fruit of the computer. This course helps you to collect your fruits for any career opportunities.

English [CC]

Lectures - 84

Resources - 9

Duration - 16.5 hours

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Course Description

Are you looking for a solid start to programming? Have you heard that "C Language is the best one to start with"? You have heard it right. C Language is one of the best ways to start programming. Even though you are not a newbie, C programming is going to suit your resume pretty well.

C is the best choice because it will also allow you the master the fundamental mentality behind programming. It is one of the most powerful programming languages out there and also called to be "the mother of programming languages". There is a reason for that!

By learning C, you will open the huge, rusty doors of C++, C#, and JAVA. Because C fundamentally teaches you behind the scenes. By taking this course, you will be able to apply for any elementary job relating to C Programming. 

We are also taking a problem-solving approach to C. The best skill you can have when programming. Problem-solvers tend to be better programmers at the end of the day. That's why we are more focused on giving you the ability to solve problems in any capacity. Once you become a good problem solver, it is more likely for you to become a good programmer.

You'll develop your ability to produce good code and your problem-solving skills. This course provides all the information on "why" you are doing the things that you are doing in addition to teaching you how to write in the C programming language. The details are not skipped in this course.

You will have a thorough understanding of the C programming language's principles at the end of this course.

Who this course is for:

  • Those who are interested in problem-solving.
  • Those who contemplate a career in electrical and computer science.
  • Those who are interested in gaining a fundamental in C Programming Language.

Understands the basics of C programming language.

Gains analytical thinking ability.

Improve his/her problem-solving capacity.

Learned data types and how to manipulate them.

Using Input and Output functions efficiently.

Logical Operators.

String Characters.

Control Flow: If-Else statements - switch cases.

Loops - while - for - do.

A hundred examples and FINAL PROJECT.



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C Programming and Problem Solving in C

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"Hello World!" in C Easy C (Basic) Max Score: 5 Success Rate: 85.66%

Playing with characters easy c (basic) max score: 5 success rate: 84.42%, sum and difference of two numbers easy c (basic) max score: 5 success rate: 94.61%, functions in c easy c (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 96.03%, pointers in c easy c (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 96.62%, conditional statements in c easy c (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 96.93%, for loop in c easy c (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 93.79%, sum of digits of a five digit number easy c (basic) max score: 15 success rate: 98.66%, bitwise operators easy c (basic) max score: 15 success rate: 94.99%, printing pattern using loops medium c (basic) max score: 30 success rate: 95.95%, cookie support is required to access hackerrank.

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Home » C programming language

C Programs with Solutions

This section contains popular C programs with solution. Learn and practice these programs to test and enhance your C skills. Last updated : April 01, 2023

The best way to learn C programming is by practicing and solving the C programs (C problems). We have 1000+ C programs with solutions which are categorized below. Practice these C programs to learn and enhance your C problem-solving skills.

List of C programs

Practice the C programs based on the categories, library functions, advanced, top searched, and latest.

C programs by categories

  • C Basic and Conditional Programs 90
  • C switch case programs 06
  • C 'goto' programs 10
  • Bitwise related Programs 32
  • Looping (for, while, do while) Programs 18
  • C String Manipulation programs 10
  • C String programs 50
  • String User Define Functions Programs 11
  • Recursion Programs 13
  • Number (Digits Manipulation) Programs 10
  • Number System Conversion Programs 15
  • Star/Pyramid Programs 17
  • Sum of Series Programs (set 1) 05
  • Sum of Series Programs (set 2) 13
  • Pattern printing programs 01
  • User Define Function Programs (1) 05
  • User Define Function Programs (2) 13
  • One Dimensional Array Programs 58
  • Two Dimensional Array (Matrix) Programs 21
  • File Handling Programs 32
  • Structure & Union Programs 12
  • Pointer Programs 13
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation Programs 05
  • Command Line Arguments Programs 06
  • Common C program Errors 22
  • C scanf() programs 11
  • C preprocessor programs 24
  • C typedef programs 03
  • C SQLite programs 11
  • C MySQL programs 09
  • C Tricky Programs 07
  • Misc Problems & Solutions 05

C programs on standard library functions

  • ctype.h Library Functions (Set 1)
  • ctype.h Library Functions (Set 2)
  • string.h Library Functions
  • conio.h Library Functions
  • dos.h Library Functions
  • math.h Library Functions
  • graphics.h Library Functions
  • assert.h Library Functions
  • stdio.h Library Functions

Advance C programs

  • C program to create your own header file/ Create your your own header file in C
  • gotoxy(),clrscr(),getch(),getche() for GCC, Linux.
  • fork() function explanation and examples in Linux C
  • C program to print character without using format specifiers.
  • C program to find Binary Addition and Binary Subtraction.
  • C program to print weekday of given date.
  • C program to format/extract ip address octets
  • C program to check given string is a valid IPv4 address or not.
  • C program to extract bytes from an integer (Hexadecimal) value
  • C program to store date in an integer variable

Top searched C programs

Here is the list of most important/useful programs searched on the web .

Top visited programs on IncludeHelp

  • Pattern Programs in C
  • C program to design calculator with basic operations using switch
  • C program to find factorial of a number
  • C program to check whether number is Perfect Square or not
  • C program to find SUM and AVERAGE of two numbers
  • C program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit
  • C program to read and print an employee's detail using structure
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation programs
  • C program to convert number from Decimal to Binary
  • C program to check whether number is Palindrome or not

Top searched programs on the web

  • First C program to print "Hello World".
  • C program to find factorial of a number.
  • C program to swap two numbers without using third variable.
  • C program to check whether a number if Armstrong or not.
  • C program to check whether a number if Even or Odd.
  • C program to print all leap years from 1 to N.
  • C program to calculate employee gross salary.
  • C Program to print tables of numbers from 1 to 20.
  • C program to print star/pyramid series.
  • C program to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.
  • C program to convert number from Decimal to Binary.
  • C program to convert number from Binary to Decimal.
  • C program to print ASCII Table.
  • C program to get and set current system date and time.
  • C program to run dos command.

What is C Programming Language?

C is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations. C was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs. It has since become one of the most widely used programming languages of all time, with C compilers from various vendors available for the majority of existing computer architectures and operating systems.

The best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions. We have started this section for those (beginner to intermediate) who are familiar with C programming.

Hope, these exercises help you to improve your C programming coding skills. Currently, following sections are available, we are working hard to add more exercises. Please refer to this page for important C snippets, code, and examples before starting the exercises. Happy Coding!

List of C Programming Exercises :

  • Basic Declarations and Expressions [ 150 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Basic Part-II [ 7 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Basic Algorithm [ 75 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Variable Type [ 18 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Input, Output [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Conditional Statement [ 26 Exercises with Solution ]
  • While Loop [ 11 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Do-While Loop [ 12 Exercises with Solution ]
  • For Loop [ 61 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Array [ 107 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Structure [ 9 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Pointer [ 22 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Linked List [ 64 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Stack [ 17 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Binary Heap (Tree-Based Structure) [ 9 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Queue [ 13 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Hash [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Tree [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Graph [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Numbers [ 38 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Math [ 38 Exercises with Solution ]
  • String [ 41 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Date Time [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Function [ 12 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Callback Function [ 11 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Variadic Function [ 8 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Inline Function [ 11 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Recursion [ 21 Exercises with Solution ]
  • File Handling [ 19 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Search and Sorting [ 31 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Challenges [ 35 exercises with solution ]
  • C Snippets [29]
  • More to Come !

[ Want to contribute to C exercises? Send your code (attached with a .zip file) to us at w3resource[at]yahoo[dot]com. Please avoid copyrighted materials.]

Do not submit any solution of the above exercises at here, if you want to contribute go to the appropriate exercise page.

List of Exercises with Solutions :

  • HTML CSS Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • JavaScript Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • jQuery Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • jQuery-UI Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • CoffeeScript Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • Twitter Bootstrap Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • C# Sharp Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • PHP Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • Python Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • R Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • Java Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • MySQL Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • PostgreSQL Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • SQLite Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • MongoDB Exercises, Practice, Solution

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  • Weekly Trends and Language Statistics


Problem solving through Programming In C

  • Formulate simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems
  • Translate the algorithms to programs (in C language)
  • Test and execute the programs and  correct syntax and logical errors
  • Implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion
  • Decompose a problem into functions and synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer approach
  • Use arrays, pointers and structures to formulate algorithms and programs
  • Apply programming to solve matrix addition and multiplication problems and searching and sorting problems 
  • Apply programming to solve simple numerical method problems, namely rot finding of function, differentiation of function and simple integration
--> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout, books and references, instructor bio.

programming for problem solving using c

Prof. Anupam Basu

Course certificate.

  • Assignment score = 25% of average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course. 
  • ( All assignments in a particular week will be counted towards final scoring - quizzes and programming assignments). 
  • Unproctored programming exam score = 25% of the average scores obtained as part of Unproctored programming exam - out of 100
  • Proctored Exam score =50% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

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Popular Tutorials

Popular examples, reference materials, learn c interactively.

The best way to learn C programming is by practicing examples. The page contains examples on basic concepts of C programming. You are advised to take the references from these examples and try them on your own.

All the programs on this page are tested and should work on all platforms.

Want to learn C Programming by writing code yourself? Enroll in our Interactive C Course for FREE.

  • C Program to Create Pyramids and Patterns
  • C Program to Check Prime Number
  • C Program to Check Palindrome Number
  • C Program to Print Hello World
  • C "Hello, World!" Program
  • C Program to Print an Integer (Entered by the User)
  • C Program to Add Two Integers
  • C Program to Multiply Two Floating-Point Numbers
  • C Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character
  • C Program to Compute Quotient and Remainder
  • C Program to Find the Size of int, float, double and char
  • C Program to Demonstrate the Working of Keyword long
  • C Program to Swap Two Numbers
  • C Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd
  • C Program to Check Whether a Character is a Vowel or Consonant
  • C Program to Find the Largest Number Among Three Numbers
  • C Program to Find the Roots of a Quadratic Equation
  • C Program to Check Leap Year
  • C Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative
  • C Program to Check Whether a Character is an Alphabet or not
  • C Program to Calculate the Sum of Natural Numbers
  • C Program to Find Factorial of a Number
  • C Program to Generate Multiplication Table
  • C Program to Display Fibonacci Sequence
  • C Program to Find GCD of two Numbers
  • C Program to Find LCM of two Numbers
  • C Program to Display Characters from A to Z Using Loop
  • C Program to Count Number of Digits in an Integer
  • C Program to Reverse a Number
  • C Program to Calculate the Power of a Number
  • C Program to Check Whether a Number is Palindrome or Not
  • C Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not
  • C Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals
  • C Program to Check Armstrong Number
  • C Program to Display Armstrong Number Between Two Intervals
  • C Program to Display Factors of a Number
  • C Program to Make a Simple Calculator Using
  • C Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Intervals Using Function
  • C Program to Check Prime or Armstrong Number Using User-defined Function
  • C Program to Check Whether a Number can be Expressed as Sum of Two Prime Numbers
  • C Program to Find the Sum of Natural Numbers using Recursion
  • C Program to Find Factorial of a Number Using Recursion
  • C Program to Find G.C.D Using Recursion
  • C Program to Convert Binary Number to Decimal and vice-versa
  • C Program to Convert Octal Number to Decimal and vice-versa
  • C Program to Convert Binary Number to Octal and vice-versa
  • C Program to Reverse a Sentence Using Recursion
  • C program to calculate the power using recursion
  • C Program to Calculate Average Using Arrays
  • C Program to Find Largest Element in an Array
  • C Program to Calculate Standard Deviation
  • C Program to Add Two Matrices Using Multi-dimensional Arrays
  • C Program to Multiply Two Matrices Using Multi-dimensional Arrays
  • C Program to Find Transpose of a Matrix
  • C Program to Multiply two Matrices by Passing Matrix to a Function
  • C Program to Access Array Elements Using Pointer
  • C Program Swap Numbers in Cyclic Order Using Call by Reference
  • C Program to Find Largest Number Using Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • C Program to Find the Frequency of Characters in a String
  • C Program to Count the Number of Vowels, Consonants and so on
  • C Program to Remove all Characters in a String Except Alphabets
  • C Program to Find the Length of a String
  • C Program to Concatenate Two Strings
  • C Program to Copy String Without Using strcpy()
  • C Program to Sort Elements in Lexicographical Order (Dictionary Order)
  • C Program to Store Information of a Student Using Structure
  • C Program to Add Two Distances (in inch-feet system) using Structures
  • C Program to Add Two Complex Numbers by Passing Structure to a Function
  • C Program to Calculate Difference Between Two Time Periods
  • C Program to Store Information of Students Using Structure
  • C Program to Store Data in Structures Dynamically
  • C Program to Write a Sentence to a File
  • C Program to Read the First Line From a File
  • C Program to Display its own Source Code as Output
  • C Program to Print Pyramids and Patterns
  • C Data Types
  • C Operators
  • C Input and Output
  • C Control Flow
  • C Functions
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  • C Cheatsheet
  • C Interview Questions

Top 25 C Projects with Source Codes for 2024

If you’re looking for project ideas to boost your C Programming skills, you’re in the right spot. Programming is about problem-solving and adapting to ever-changing technology. Start with C, the foundation of many modern languages, to refine your programming abilities. Despite being introduced 50 years ago, C remains a top choice for beginners due to its widespread use and adaptability.


C , a general-purpose language created by Dennis Ritchie in 1972, is the cornerstone of programming education. Versatile, simple, and portable, it’s machine-independent and widely used across applications. Evolving from ‘ALGOL,’ ‘BCPL,’ and ‘B’ languages, C has stood the test of time, growing with standardized features. Dive into C programming projects to elevate your programming skills in 2024 and beyond.

We’ve designed this article in way to cater to all skill levels, C projects for beginners , intermediate learners, and those looking to challenge themselves with advanced C language projects . Engaging in these projects can significantly enhance your programming skills. Below are some noteworthy C projects, along with their source code, categorized based on skill levels.

Table of Content

C Projects For Beginners with Source Code

  • Rock Paper Scissors
  • Hangman Game
  • Simple Calculator
  • Snakes and Ladder Game
  • Bank Management System
  • School Management System
  • Library Management System
  • Employee Management System
  • Hospital Management System
  • Bus Reservation System
  • Cricket Score Board
  • Online Voting System
  • Number System Conversion

Intermediate C Projects with Source Code

  • Telecom Billing System
  • Tic-tac-toe Game
  • Pacman Game

Advanced C Projects With Source Code

  • Virtual Piano
  • Syntax Checker
  • Lexical Analyser
  • Typing Tutor
  • 2048 Game in C Programming

1. Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissor in C Projects


Rock Paper Scissor is one of the most common games played by everyone once in his childhood, where two persons use their hands and chooses random objects between rock, paper, or scissor, and their choice decides the winner between them. What if a single person can play this game? With a computer, just by using a single C application, we can design the game Rock Paper Scissor application just using basic C knowledge like if-else statements, random value generation, and input-output of values. Created application has a feature where we can play the game, and maintain the score of Person 1 and Person 2.

Source Code :: Rock Paper Scissors in C

2. Hangman Game

Hangman Game in C


The hangman game is one of the most famous games played on computers. The Rules of the game are as follows: There is given a word with omitted characters and you need to guess the characters to win the game. Only 3 chances are available and if you win the Man survives or Man gets hanged. So, It is the game can be easily designed in C language with the basic knowledge of if-else statements, loops, and some other basic statements. The code of the game is easy, short, and user-friendly.

Source Code :: Hangman Game

3. Simple Calculator

Simple Calculator in C

Simple Calculator is a C language-based application used for performing all the simple arithmetic operations like addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction. The application can be made using basic knowledge of C like if-else statements, loops, etc. The functionalities of the application are mentioned below: Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Logarithmic values Square roots

Source Code :: Simple Calculator in C

4. Snakes and Ladder Game

Snake and Ladder in C

Snakes and Ladder is the most common board game played. The rules of the game are as follows: The first person to reach 100 wins. Each player gets only one chance in a single traversing. Snakes decrease your points while the ladder increases them. So, as the rules are quite easy to understand we can easily code them using C language to create a Snake and Ladder Application. The functionality of the code will be as follows: Two players can enter a single game. Random values can be attained using dice to increase or decrease the value. Points will be maintained using variables. The game will end after any player attains 100 points.

Source Code:: Snakes and Ladder Game

5. Bank Management System

Bank Management System in C

The banking sector occupies a large part of the tertiary sector because which data maintained is too much by a single application. Using C language we can create an application that can manage the data of the Bank,  we use basic knowledge of C like string, array, structures, etc. The functionality of the Bank Management System Application is mentioned below: Transfer Money to the Account Creation of Account Check Amount Login Functionality

Source Code :: Bank Management System in C

6. School Management System

School Management System in C

School Management maintained by the school is the way they are able to find data about every single student. Using a basic C application we can manage the data of the school. The functionality of the School Management System Application is mentioned below: Add Student Details Find the student by the given roll number Find the student by the given first name Find the students registered in a course Count of Students Delete a student Update Student

Source Code :: Student Management System in C

7. Library Management System

Library Management System in C

The library is the place where we find a collection of books organized in a particular order. In the library,  we can collect book read them, and then return it. But, Managing a particular library is not an easy task. So, we can create a C language-based application using if-else statements, arrays, strings, switch cases, etc. Using this application we can easily manage the books in the library, we can get information about books, etc. The functionality of the Library Management System is mentioned below: Add book information. Display book information. To list all books of a given author. To list the count of books in the library

Source Code :: Library Management System in C

8. Employee Management System

Employee Management System in C

Employee data need to be maintained in any company. Each company has an employee with a unique employee id, employee role, etc. All of this data is maintained in a system employee management system, where all the data about each employee is stored we can fetch, update and add data to this system. Using C we can create an employee management system that can perform all these tasks, using basic C knowledge like string, array, etc. The functionality of the Employee Management System is mentioned below: Built The Employee Table. Insert New Entries. Delete The Entries. Search A Record.

Source Code :: Employee Management System in C

9. Hospital Management System

Hospital Management System in C

Hospital Management System is an application where the hospital maintains all the data about the patients, available beds, prices, etc, Using C language we can design an application to maintain all data needed in the hospital, using certain  C concepts like string, struct, etc. The functionality of the Employee Management System is mentioned below: Printing Hospital data Print Patients data Sort by beds price Sort by available beds Sort by name Sort by rating and reviews Print hospital of any specific city

Source Code :: Hospital Management System

10. Bus Reservation System

Bus Reservation System in C

Bus Reservation is a real-time job any person relatable getting the tension to book tickets offline is just resolved using this. Using C language we can create a Bus reservation system to help people to book tickets for their journey. It uses basic C Knowledge to create this type of system. Such as conditional statements, arrays, strings, etc. The functionality of the Bus reservation system is mentioned below: Login System Booking of tickets Cancel tickets Checking bus status

Source Code :: Bus Reservation System

11. Cricket Score Board

Cricket Score Board in C

Cricket second most popular game in the world. Most Indians are just crazy about this sport there is multiple application to check cricket scores, it is quite a tough job to maintain a live score of cricket, but we can create a simple C application to display Cricket score, we can create using basic C knowledge . The functionality of the Cricket score display is mentioned below: Print Match Statistics Print runs scored Update score Show results

Source Code :: Cricket Score Board

12. Online Voting System

Online Voting System in C

Voting is one of the biggest events that can happen in a state, a large population involves in voting, and a good Voting system is necessary for an impartial election. Using C we can develop an Online voting system, it requires basic knowledge of C like string, struct, array, etc. The functionality of the Online voting system is mentioned below: Taking input from the user Storing vote  Calculating votes Declaring  results 

Source Code :: Online Voting System

13. Number System Conversion

Number Base Conversion in C

Converting numbers from one base to another is a common question asked in the field of computers and electronics. Subjects like digital electronics, discrete mathematics, etc. Using C we can create an application to convert numbers from one base to another. It requires basic knowledge of C like string, arithmetic operations, etc. The functionality of the Number System Conversion is mentioned below: Decimal to Binary Binary to Decimal Decimal to Octal Octal to Decimal Hexadecimal to Binary Binary to Hexadecimal

Source Code :: Number System Conversion

14. Quiz Game

Quiz in C

A quiz game is the most efficient way to check knowledge. The Functionality of the Quiz Game is mentioned below: Insert questions Check answer Get Score

Source Code :: Quiz Game

15. Telecom Billing System

Telecom Billing System in C

Telecom is a quite busy department going today right now big companies of the world. Data managed by these companies are quite large so, we can manage these data using certain applications and huge databases. With C language we can create an application using basic knowledge of C like struct , array ,string ,etc. The Functionality of the Telecom billing system are mentioned below: Add new records  View list of records  Modify records  View payment  Search Records  Delete records

Source Code :: Telecom Billing System

16. Snake Game

Snake Game in C

Snake Game is the oldest game played on keypad phones, rules of the game are as follows: Size of the snake during the start of the game The size of the snake increases by taking points If the snake touches its own body game is over So, we can create a snake game using c language, using knowledge of C like a switch case, if-else, etc. Let us check the Functionality of the Snake Game is mentioned below: Draw the game Play the game Get score

Source Code :: Snake Game in C

17. Calendar

Calender in C

Calendar is a thing a requirement in everyone’s life, it can be stored as a paper hardcopy or as a software application. We can create an application to check date, day, etc using an application that can be created with C using basic knowledge like arithmetic operations, strings, etc. The Functionality of the Calendar are mentioned below: Find Out the Day Print all the days of the month Add Note

Source Code :: Calender in C

18. Tic-tac-toe Game

Tic Tac Toe in C

The Functionality of the Tic-Tac-Toe game are mentioned below: The game is to be played between two people. One of the players chooses ‘O’ and the other ‘X’ to mark their respective cells. The game starts with one of the players and the game ends when one of the players has one whole row/ column/ diagonal filled with his/her respective character (‘O’ or ‘X’). If no one wins, then the game is said to be drawn.

Source Code :: Tic-tac-toe Game

19. Pacman Game

Pacman in C

Pacman is the most famous 2D game played. Pacman is a single-player game. The rules of the game are mentioned below: This a single-player game need to collect dots to complete the level If all dots are collected level is completed Using C language game can be designed using certain knowledge of concepts like …………….. The Functionality of the game is : Play the game Calculate the score Maintain the top score

Source Code :: Pacman Game

20. Dino Game

Dino Game in C

Dino Game is the current most played game as it is available on most personal computers, as it is available in the Chrome browser. Dino game is a simple 2D game in which a dino player runs passing on all the hurdles. Dino games can be created in C language. The functionality of the game is : Play the game Calculate the score Maintain the top score

Source Code :: Dino Game

21. Virtual Piano

Virtual Piano in C

A piano is a musical instrument that has a number of keys that produce different sounds when pressed. In this project, we will create a program that will be able to produce sounds similar to the piano when a key is pressed on the keyboard. The functionality of the virtual piano is mentioned below: Play major sound tunes of the piano when the associated key is pressed.

Source Code :: Virtual Piano

22. Syntax Checker

Syntax Checker in C

Syntax Checker is an application we use to check the syntax that is written an language. A language is a collection of all strings possibly having a certain meaning. Using C we can create a syntax checker which can check the syntax if it is correct in C or not. The Functionality of the Syntax checker are mentioned below: Take input syntax Check if the syntax is correct or not.

Source Code :: Syntax Checker

23. Lexical Analyser

Lexical Analyzer in C

Lexical Analyser is the concept of compiler design. Lexical Analyser is where a compiler converts the statements of the program into LEX tokens which further checks if the statements are correct or not. To know more about the concept of a lexical analyzer refer to Lexical Analysis . The functionality of the lexical analyzer is mentioned below: Inputs a program or statements Convert the statements into LEX tokens

Source Code : Lexical Analyser in C

24. Typing Tutor

Typing Tutor in C

Typing is a basic skill everyone should know there are multiple applications available to improve this skill. We can create a C-based application as a typing tutor. Using concepts of C like file handling, string stream, strings, variables, etc. The functionality of a typical tutor is mentioned below: Checks the speed of writing words Checks the accuracy of typing Maintains a score that tells your ability

Source Code : Typing Tutor

25. 2048 Game in C Programming

2048 Game in C

The 2048 game is a well-known mobile game. The rules of the game are mentioned below: We can put any number over another number If numbers over each other are equal then they convert into single digits which is double the number. If there is no place to put another number in a particular vertical line that is game is over Although is quite popular as an android application but using C language we can create the game with the functionality of the 2048 game in C mentioned below: Insert new elements into the game Add two same-value elements to the game Maintain the score of the game Maintain the top score

Source Code : 2048 Game in C Programming

Applications of C Language

C was used in programs that were used in making operating systems. C was known as a system development language because the code written in C runs as faster as the code written in assembly language.

The uses of C is given below:

  • Operating Systems
  • Language Compilers
  • Text Editors
  • Print Spoolers
  • Network Drivers
  • Modern Programs
  • Language Interpreters

In Conclusion, in this article, we have compiled a selection of C language projects and concepts for your consideration. As we know, GitHub, renowned as the world’s largest software development community, houses an extensive array of projects contributed by programmers who actively review and assess each other’s code. With its broad language support, GitHub offers a wealth of C project ideas, serving as an inspirational resource for developers seeking innovative avenues. As a developer, it’s up to you to think outside the box, come up with inventive solutions using available resources, and contribute to the future of software. For the benefit of clarity, the projects/software are grouped into distinct headings. So, if you’re new to project development, start by understanding and analyzing a tiny project before going on to a project with a broader scope and application.

C Programming Projects – FAQs

1. what are some essential steps to start a c programming project .

Define project requirements, create a project plan, set up a development environment, and design the program’s architecture.

2. How do I manage dependencies in a C project? 

Use a package manager like CMake or manually include necessary libraries and headers.

3. What should I do if I encounter memory leaks in my C program? 

Identify the source of the leak using debugging tools like Valgrind and free allocated memory properly.

4. How do I improve the performance of my C project? 

Optimize algorithms, use efficient data structures, and employ profiling tools to identify bottlenecks.

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How to Solve Coding Problems with a Simple Four Step Method

Madison Kanna

I had fifteen minutes left, and I knew I was going to fail.

I had spent two months studying for my first technical interview.

I thought I was prepared, but as the interview came to a close, it hit me: I had no idea how to solve coding problems.

Of all the tutorials I had taken when I was learning to code, not one of them had included an approach to solving coding problems.

I had to find a method for problem-solving—my career as a developer depended on it.

I immediately began researching methods. And I found one. In fact, what I uncovered was an invaluable strategy. It was a time-tested four-step method that was somehow under the radar in the developer ecosystem.

In this article, I’ll go over this four-step problem-solving method that you can use to start confidently solving coding problems.

Solving coding problems is not only part of the developer job interview process—it’s what a developer does all day. After all, writing code is problem-solving.

A method for solving problems

This method is from the book How to Solve It by George Pólya. It originally came out in 1945 and has sold over one million copies.

His problem-solving method has been used and taught by many programmers, from computer science professors (see Udacity’s Intro to CS course taught by professor David Evans) to modern web development teachers like Colt Steele.

Let’s walk through solving a simple coding problem using the four-step problem-solving method. This allows us to see the method in action as we learn it. We'll use JavaScript as our language of choice. Here’s the problem:

Create a function that adds together two numbers and returns that value. There are four steps to the problem-solving method:

  • Understand the problem.
  • Devise a plan.
  • Carry out the plan.

Let’s get started with step one.

Step 1: Understand the problem.

When given a coding problem in an interview, it’s tempting to rush into coding. This is hard to avoid, especially if you have a time limit.

However, try to resist this urge. Make sure you actually understand the problem before you get started with solving it.

Read through the problem. If you’re in an interview, you could read through the problem out loud if that helps you slow down.

As you read through the problem, clarify any part of it you do not understand. If you’re in an interview, you can do this by asking your interviewer questions about the problem description. If you’re on your own, think through and/or Google parts of the question you might not understand.

This first step is vital as we often don’t take the time to fully understand the problem. When you don’t fully understand the problem, you’ll have a much harder time solving it.

To help you better understand the problem, ask yourself:

What are the inputs?

What kinds of inputs will go into this problem? In this example, the inputs are the arguments that our function will take.

Just from reading the problem description so far, we know that the inputs will be numbers. But to be more specific about what the inputs will be, we can ask:

Will the inputs always be just two numbers? What should happen if our function receives as input three numbers?

Here we could ask the interviewer for clarification, or look at the problem description further.

The coding problem might have a note saying, “You should only ever expect two inputs into the function.” If so, you know how to proceed. You can get more specific, as you’ll likely realize that you need to ask more questions on what kinds of inputs you might be receiving.

Will the inputs always be numbers? What should our function do if we receive the inputs “a” and “b”? Clarify whether or not our function will always take in numbers.

Optionally, you could write down possible inputs in a code comment to get a sense of what they’ll look like:

//inputs: 2, 4

What are the outputs?

What will this function return? In this case, the output will be one number that is the result of the two number inputs. Make sure you understand what your outputs will be.

Create some examples.

Once you have a grasp of the problem and know the possible inputs and outputs, you can start working on some concrete examples.

Examples can also be used as sanity checks to test your eventual problem. Most code challenge editors that you’ll work in (whether it’s in an interview or just using a site like Codewars or HackerRank) have examples or test cases already written for you. Even so, writing out your own examples can help you cement your understanding of the problem.

Start with a simple example or two of possible inputs and outputs. Let's return to our addition function.

Let’s call our function “add.”

What’s an example input? Example input might be:

// add(2, 3)

What is the output to this? To write the example output, we can write:

// add(2, 3) ---> 5

This indicates that our function will take in an input of 2 and 3 and return 5 as its output.

Create complex examples.

By walking through more complex examples, you can take the time to look for edge cases you might need to account for.

For example, what should we do if our inputs are strings instead of numbers? What if we have as input two strings, for example, add('a', 'b')?

Your interviewer might possibly tell you to return an error message if there are any inputs that are not numbers. If so, you can add a code comment to handle this case if it helps you remember you need to do this.

Your interviewer might also tell you to assume that your inputs will always be numbers, in which case you don’t need to write any extra code to handle this particular input edge case.

If you don’t have an interviewer and you’re just solving this problem, the problem might say what happens when you enter invalid inputs.

For example, some problems will say, “If there are zero inputs, return undefined.” For cases like this, you can optionally write a comment.

// check if there are no inputs.

// If no inputs, return undefined.

For our purposes, we’ll assume that our inputs will always be numbers. But generally, it’s good to think about edge cases.

Computer science professor Evans says to write what developers call defensive code. Think about what could go wrong and how your code could defend against possible errors.  

Before we move on to step 2, let’s summarize step 1, understand the problem:

-Read through the problem.

-What are the inputs?

-What are the outputs?

Create simple examples, then create more complex ones.

2. Devise a plan for solving the problem.

Next, devise a plan for how you’ll solve the problem. As you devise a plan, write it out in pseudocode.

Pseudocode is a plain language description of the steps in an algorithm. In other words, your pseudocode is your step-by-step plan for how to solve the problem.

Write out the steps you need to take to solve the problem. For a more complicated problem, you’d have more steps. For this problem, you could write:

// Create a sum variable.

Add the first input to the second input using the addition operator .

// Store value of both inputs into sum variable.

// Return as output the sum variable. Now you have your step-by-step plan to solve the problem. For more complex problems, professor Evans notes, “Consider systematically how a human solves the problem.” That is, forget about how your code might solve the problem for a moment, and think about how you would solve it as a human. This can help you see the steps more clearly.

3. Carry out the plan (Solve the problem!)

Hand, Rubik, Cube, Puzzle, Game, Rubik Cube

The next step in the problem-solving strategy is to solve the problem. Using your pseudocode as your guide, write out your actual code.

Professor Evans suggests focusing on a simple, mechanical solution. The easier and simpler your solution is, the more likely you can program it correctly.

Taking our pseudocode, we could now write this:

Professor Evans adds, remember not to prematurely optimize. That is, you might be tempted to start saying, “Wait, I’m doing this and it’s going to be inefficient code!”

First, just get out your simple, mechanical solution.

What if you can’t solve the entire problem? What if there's a part of it you still don't know how to solve?

Colt Steele gives great advice here: If you can’t solve part of the problem, ignore that hard part that’s tripping you up. Instead, focus on everything else that you can start writing.

Temporarily ignore that difficult part of the problem you don’t quite understand and write out the other parts. Once this is done, come back to the harder part.

This allows you to get at least some of the problem finished. And often, you’ll realize how to tackle that harder part of the problem once you come back to it.

Step 4: Look back over what you've done.

Once your solution is working, take the time to reflect on it and figure out how to make improvements. This might be the time you refactor your solution into a more efficient one.

As you look at your work, here are some questions Colt Steele suggests you ask yourself to figure out how you can improve your solution:

  • Can you derive the result differently? What other approaches are there that are viable?
  • Can you understand it at a glance? Does it make sense?
  • Can you use the result or method for some other problem?
  • Can you improve the performance of your solution?
  • Can you think of other ways to refactor?
  • How have other people solved this problem?

One way we might refactor our problem to make our code more concise: removing our variable and using an implicit return:

With step 4, your problem might never feel finished. Even great developers still write code that they later look at and want to change. These are guiding questions that can help you.

If you still have time in an interview, you can go through this step and make your solution better. If you are coding on your own, take the time to go over these steps.

When I’m practicing coding on my own, I almost always look at the solutions out there that are more elegant or effective than what I’ve come up with.

Wrapping Up

In this post, we’ve gone over the four-step problem-solving strategy for solving coding problems.

Let's review them here:

  • Step 1: understand the problem.
  • Step 2: create a step-by-step plan for how you’ll solve it .
  • Step 3: carry out the plan and write the actual code.
  • Step 4: look back and possibly refactor your solution if it could be better.

Practicing this problem-solving method has immensely helped me in my technical interviews and in my job as a developer. If you don't feel confident when it comes to solving coding problems, just remember that problem-solving is a skill that anyone can get better at with time and practice.

If you enjoyed this post, join my coding club , where we tackle coding challenges together every Sunday and support each other as we learn new technologies.

If you have feedback or questions on this post, feel free to tweet me @madisonkanna ..

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C Solved programs, problems with solutions – C programming

C solved programs, problems with solutions.

C Solved programs —->  C is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It is fast, portable and available in all platforms. If you are new to programming, C is a good choice to start your programming journey.

This page contains the C solved programs/examples with solutions, here we are providing most important programs on each topic . These C examples cover a wide range of programming areas in Computer Science.

Every example program includes the description of the program, C code as well as output of the program. All examples are compiled and tested on a Windows system.

These examples can be as simple and basic as “Hello World” program to extremely tough and advanced C programs. Here is the List of C solved programs/examples with solutions (category wise) and detailed explanation.

C Solved Programs by categories…….

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
Credit Points : 3
Start Date : 27 Jan 2020
End Date : 17 Apr 2020
Enrollment Ends : 03 Feb 2020
Exam Date : 25 Apr 2020 IST
C Basic Solved Programs
C Number Solved Programs
C String Solved Programs
C Arrays Solved Programs
C Matrix Solved Programs
C Pattern Solved Programs
C Sorting Solved Programs
C Recursion Solved Programs
C Pointer Solved Programs
C File Handling Solved Programs
C Graphic Solved Programs
C Advance Solved Programs

If you found any error or any queries related to the above programs or any questions or reviews , you wanna to ask from us ,you may Contact Us through our contact Page or you can also comment below in the comment section.We will try our best to reach up to you in short interval.

Thanks for reading the post….

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#include <stdio.h>

int   main () {   int    i ;   float   avg = 0 ,  sum = 0  , a [ 10 ];  

  printf ( “Enter 10 numbers” );   for  ( i = 0 ;  i <= 9 ;  i ++)   scanf ( “ %d “ , & a [ i ]);

  for  ( i = 0 ;  i <= 9 ;  i ++); {   sum = sum + a [ i ];   avg =  sum / 10.0 ; }   printf ( “average is  %f “ ,  avg );

return   0 ; }

the output averge is 0.00000 please help i’m beginer in c programming using visual studio code

Sanskruti Jagdhane

Try with this code ..


int main() {  int a[20],i ,n ;  float avg=0 , sum=0 ;

 printf(“Enter no of elements in array :\n “);  scanf(“%d”, &n);  printf(“\n Enter the array of element : \n”);

 for (i=1; i<=n; i++)  {    scanf(“%d”,&a[i]);  }   for (i=1; i<=n; i++)   {     sum=sum+a[i];     avg= sum/n;   }

 printf(“\n sum of elements :%f”,sum);  printf(“\n average is %f”, avg);

return 0; }


#include <stdio.h> int main(){ /*Short and Sweet Code, Working code Please check inverted commas while running this code.*/

  int value[10];   float Sum, Average;   for(int i=0; i<=9; i++){   printf(“Enter %d number: \n”, i+1);   scanf(“%d”, &value[i]);   }

  for(int i=0; i<=9; i++){

    Sum += value[i];      } Average = Sum/10;

printf(“Average of these 10 numbers is %f”, Average);     return 0; }

#include<stdio.h> int main() { /*You have made 2 mistakes in this program.*/  int  i;  float avg=0, sum=0 ,a[10];    printf(“Enter 10 numbers”);  for (i=0; i<=9; i++)  scanf(“ %d “, &a[i]); /*ERROR 1: %d should be replaced with %f in your program because you declared a[10] as a float so you cannot use %d.*/

 for (i=0; i<=9; i++) ; /*ERROR 2: In this Loop Remove this semicolon after the brackets.*/ {  sum=sum+a[i];  avg= sum/10.0; }  printf(“average is %f“, avg);

/*After Doing this correction your program will run without giving error OR zero.*/

return 0; }

Md Forhad Ali

Plz Solve this Programe


ভাই পেয়েছেন

Denn Martin Delizo

Interest is compounded annually at 10% by a certain bank. Make a program that would input an amount and a number of years (the program should test that both are positive) and output how much the original amount will be worth after that period.  


It’s really a wonderful website💥


The Business organization has a problem that they encounter. They received complains about the orders they have that are inaccurate mostly in selection of orders, prices, and quantity of the products. They want to have system update as soon as possible to fix this problem and asking for a refund. Every order must be confirmed to avoid any conflicts of transaction. Also the discounts are not applied when the order are wholesales which is needed to be fix when being total. Certain products are discounted either from a voucher or a wholesale that is minimum of five products. The deduction of …  Read more »


To check whether the candidate is eligible for vote or not

Krishna mistry

(A) Create a C structure, volume with fields: liter and mililiter. Read the value of two volumes and add them, if the value of mililiter is more than 1000 then add it to liter value.


Write a c program for There are 20 workers working in a field. the owner of Field gives them 20 rupees. In that 20 rupees each man get 4 rupees each woman get 50 paise and each child get 25 paise. Then how many are men, women, children in that 20 workers?


A vending machine questions


1. Write a C program to print all odd numbers between 2 values ‘n’ and ‘m’. Read the values ‘n’ and ‘m’ from the user and print all the odd numbers in this range (inclusive range, i.e if ‘n’ or ‘m’ is odd, print those as well).

Basavaraj Metri

write a programming using for loop to print all the numbers from them as even m to n there by case classifying them as even or odd


  1. C Programming and Problem Solving Part 5

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  3. Problem Solving Using C Programming

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  4. Programming for Problem Solving (Programming in C) : Books

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  5. Chapter 3089

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  1. Problem Solving Through Programming in C

    Table of Contents. Introduction to Problem Solving Through Programming in C. Problem Solving Through Programming in C. Steps to Solve a Problem With the Computer. Step 1: Understanding the Problem: Step 2: Analyzing the Problem: Step 3: Developing the solution: Step 4: Coding and Implementation: Problem Solving Steps.

  2. PDF Programming for problem solving using C Notes Unit

    Programming for problem solving using C Notes Unit - I Computer History, Hardware, Software, Programming Languages and Algorithms: Components andfunctions of a Computer System, Concept of Hardware and Software Programming Languages: Low- level and High-level Languages, Program Design Tools: Algorithm, Flowchart, Pseudo code.

  3. Problem Solving Through Programming In C

    Learners enrolled: 29073. ABOUT THE COURSE : This course is aimed at enabling the students to. Formulate simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems. Translate the algorithms to programs (in C language) Test and execute the programs and correct syntax and logical errors. Implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.

  4. C Exercises

    Q2: Write a Program to find the Sum of two numbers entered by the user. In this problem, you have to write a program that adds two numbers and prints their sum on the console screen. For Example, Input: Enter two numbers A and B : 5 2. Output: Sum of A and B is: 7.

  5. C Programs

    C Programs: Practicing and solving problems is the best way to learn anything. Here, we have provided 100+ C programming examples in different categories like basic C Programs, Fibonacci series in C, String, Array, Base Conversion, Pattern Printing, Pointers, etc. These C programs are the most asked interview questions from basic to advanced level.

  6. Learn Problem solving in C

    Learn problem solving in C from our online course and tutorial. You will learn basic math, conditionals and step by step logic building to solve problems easily. Courses. Learn Python 10 courses. Learn C++ 9 ... Learn C Programming. Beginner. 4.6 (12598) 68.3k learners 36 lessons.

  7. C programming examples, exercises and solutions for beginners

    Matrix (2D array) Add two matrices. Scalar matrix multiplication. Multiply two matrices. Check if two matrices are equal. Sum of diagonal elements of matrix. Interchange diagonal of matrix. Find upper triangular matrix. Find sum of lower triangular matrix.

  8. C Programming and Problem Solving in C

    By learning C, you will open the huge, rusty doors of C++, C#, and JAVA. Because C fundamentally teaches you behind the scenes. By taking this course, you will be able to apply for any elementary job relating to C Programming. We are also taking a problem-solving approach to C. The best skill you can have when programming.

  9. Solve C

    Practice C programming skills and solve real-world problems on HackerRank, the leading platform for competitive coding.

  10. PDF Introduction to Problem Solving Using C

    Documentation - Techniques of Problem Solving - Problem solving aspects - Top- Down aspects - Implementation of algorithms - Program verification - Flowcharting, decision table, algorithms, Structured programming concepts, Programming methodologies viz. top-down and bottom-up programming. Basic Concepts of Computer

  11. 1000+ C Programs (C Programming Examples)

    gotoxy (),clrscr (),getch (),getche () for GCC, Linux. C program to print character without using format specifiers. C program to find Binary Addition and Binary Subtraction. C program to print weekday of given date. C program to check given string is a valid IPv4 address or not. More advance programs...

  12. Problem Solving With C

    PROBLEM SOLVING WITH C. This self-readable and student-friendly text provides a strong programming foundation to solve problems with C language through its well-supported structured programming methodology, rich set of operators and data types. It is designed to help students build efficient and compact programs.

  13. Introductory C Programming Specialization

    This specialization develops strong programming fundamentals for learners who want to solve complex problems by writing computer programs. Through four courses, you will learn to develop algorithms in a systematic way and read and write the C code to implement them. This will prepare you to pursue a career in software development or other ...

  14. C programming Exercises, Practice, Solution

    C is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations. C was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs.

  15. Problem solving through Programming In C

    Problem solving through Programming In C. By Prof. Anupam Basu | IIT Kharagpur. Learners enrolled: 61372. This course is aimed at enabling the students to. Formulate simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems. Translate the algorithms to programs (in C language) Test and execute the programs and correct syntax and logical errors.

  16. C Examples

    Program. C Program to Print an Integer (Entered by the User) C Program to Add Two Integers. C Program to Multiply Two Floating-Point Numbers. C Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character. C Program to Compute Quotient and Remainder. C Program to Find the Size of int, float, double and char. C Program to Demonstrate the Working of Keyword long.

  17. Problem solving through Programming In C

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  18. Practice C

    Improve your C programming skills with over 200 coding practice problems. Solve these beginner friendly problems online to get better at C language. ... CodeChef Learn Problem Solving: 287: Multiple Choice Question: Easy: Learning SQL: 339: Multiple Choice Question: Easy: Parking Charges: 416: 6.

  19. Top 25 C Projects with Source Code in 2023

    Programming is about problem-solving and adapting to ever-changing technology. Start with C, the foundation of many modern languages, to refine your programming abilities. ... Methods to compile multi-file c program are given below: Methods to use two or more source code files in C There are two methods to use two or mor. 3 min read. Top 50 C ...

  20. How to Solve Coding Problems with a Simple Four Step Method

    In this post, we've gone over the four-step problem-solving strategy for solving coding problems. Let's review them here: Step 1: understand the problem. Step 2: create a step-by-step plan for how you'll solve it. Step 3: carry out the plan and write the actual code.

  21. C Solved programs, problems with solutions

    C Basic Solved Programs. C Program to Print Hello World Program. C Program to calculate a simple interest. C program to convert Total days to year, month and days. C program to find Sum and Average of two numbers. C Program to check whether number is EVEN or ODD. C Program to find largest number among three numbers.