70 Argumentative Essay Topics About Gender Equality

Essay Topics About Gender Equality

Gender equality is an extremely debatable topic. Sooner or later, every group of friends, colleagues, or classmates will touch on this subject. Discussions never stop, and this topic is always relevant.

This is not surprising, as our society hasn’t reached 100% equality yet. Pay gaps, victimization, abortion laws, and other aspects remain painful for millions of women. You should always be ready to structure your thoughts and defend your point of view on this subject. Why not practice with our list of essay topics about gender equality?

Our cheap essay writing service authors prepared 70 original ideas for you. Besides, at the end of our article, you’ll find a list of inspirational sources for your essay.

Argumentative Essay Topics About Gender Equality

  • Does society or a person define gender?
  • Can culturally sanctioned gender roles hurt adolescents’ mental health?
  • Who or what defines the concepts of “masculinity” and “femininity” in modern society?
  • Should the rules of etiquette be changed because they’ve been created in the epoch of total patriarchy?
  • Why is gender equality higher in developed countries? Is equality the cause or the result of the development?
  • Are gender stereotypes based on the difference between men’s and women’s brains justified?
  • Would humanity be more developed today if gender stereotypes never exited?
  • Can a woman be a good politician? Why or why not?
  • What are the main arguments of antifeminists? Are they justified?
  • Would our society be better if more women were in power?

Analytical Gender Equality Topics

  • How do gender stereotypes in the sports industry influence the careers of athletes?
  • Social and psychological foundations of feminism in modern Iranian society: Describe women’s rights movements in Iran and changes in women’s rights.
  • Describe the place of women in today’s sports and how this situation looked a hundred years ago.
  • What changes have American women made in the social and economic sphere? Describe the creation of a legislative framework for women’s empowerment.
  • How can young people fix gender equality issues?
  • Why do marketing specialists keep taking advantage of gender stereotypes in advertising?
  • How does gender inequality hinder our society from progress?
  • What social problems does gender inequality cause?
  • How does gender inequality influence the self-image of male adolescents?
  • Why is the concept of feminism frequently interpreted negatively?

Argumentative Essay Topics About Gender Equality in Art and Literature

  • Theory of gender in literature: do male and female authors see the world differently? Pick one book and analyze it in the context of gender.
  • Compare and contrast how gender inequality is described in L. Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina” and G. Flaubert’s novel “Madame Bovary.” Read and analyze the mentioned books, distinguish how gender inequality is described, and how the main characters manage this inequality.
  • The artificial gender equality and class inequality in the novel “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley.
  • Do modern romance novels for teenagers help to break gender stereotypes, or do they enforce them?
  • Gender equality changes through Disney animation films. Analyze the scenarios of Disney animation films from the very beginning. Describe how the overall mood in relation to female characters and their roles has changed.
  • Henrik Ibsen touched on the topic of gender inequality in his play “A Doll’s House.” Why was it shocking for a 19th century audience?
  • Concepts of gender inequality through examples of fairy tales. Analyze several fairy tales that contain female characters. What image do they have? Do these fairy tales misrepresent the nature of women? How do fairy tales spoil the world view of young girls?
  • Why do female heroes rarely appear in superhero movies?
  • Heroines of the movie “Hidden Figures” face both gender and racial inequalities. In your opinion, has the American society solved these issues entirely?
  • The problem of gender inequality in the novel “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker.

Gender Equality Essay Ideas: Workplace and Employment

  • Dress code in the workplace: Does it help to solve the problem of gender inequality, or is it a detriment?
  • What kind of jobs are traditionally associated with men and women? How have these associations changed in the last 50 years?
  • The pay gap between men and women: is it real?
  • How can HR managers overcome gender stereotypes while hiring a new specialist?
  • Analyze the concepts of “glass ceiling” and “glass elevator.” Do these phenomena still exist in our society?

Essay Topics About Gender Equality: Religion

  • Gender aspects of Christian virtue and purity in the Bible.
  • What does the equality of men and women look like from the perspective of Christianity? Can a woman be a pastor?
  • Orthodox Judaism: Women and the transformation of their roles in a religious institute. Describe the change in women’s roles in modern Judaism.
  • How can secularism help solve the problem of gender inequality in religious societies?
  • Is the problem of gender inequality more serious in religious societies?

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics About Gender Equality

  • Compare and contrast the problems men and women experience in managerial positions.
  • Compare and contrast what progress has been made on gender equality in the USA and Sweden.
  • Compare and contrast the social status of women in ancient Athens and Sparta.
  • Conduct a sociological analysis of gender asymmetry in various languages. Compare and contrast the ways of assigning gender in two different languages.
  • Compare and contrast the portrayal of female characters in 1960s Hollywood films and in modern cinematography (pick two movies). What has changed?

Gender Equality Topics: Definitions

  • Define the term “misandry.” What is the difference between feminism and misandry?
  • Define the term “feminology.” How do feminologists help to break down prejudice about the gender role of women?
  • Define the term “catcalling.” How is catcalling related to the issue of gender inequality?
  • Define the term “femvertising.” How does this advertising phenomenon contribute to the resolution of the gender inequality issue?
  • Define the term “misogyny.” What is the difference between “misogyny” and “sexism”?

Gender Equality Essay Ideas: History

  • The roles of the mother and father through history.
  • Define the most influential event in the history of the feminist movement.
  • What ancient societies preached matriarchy?
  • How did World War II change the attitude toward women in society?
  • Woman and society in the philosophy of feminism of the second wave. Think on works of Simone de Beauvoir and Betty Friedan and define what ideas provoked the second wave.

Essay Topics About Gender Equality in Education

  • How do gender stereotypes influence the choice of major among high school students?
  • Discuss the problems of female education in the interpretation of Mary Wollstonecraft. Reflect on the thoughts of Mary Wollstonecraft on gender equality and why women should be treated equally to men.
  • Self-determination of women in professions: Modern contradictions. Describe the character of a woman’s self-determination as a professional in today’s society.
  • Should gender and racial equality be taught in elementary school?
  • Will sex education at schools contribute to the development of gender equality?

Gender Equality Topics: Sex and Childbirth

  • Sexual violence in conflict situations: The problem of victimization of women.
  • The portrayal of menstruation and childbirth in media: Now versus twenty years ago.
  • How will the resolution of the gender inequality issue decrease the rate of sexual abuse toward women?
  • The attitude toward menstruation in different societies and how it influences the issue of gender equality.
  • How does the advertising of sexual character aggravate the problem of gender inequality?
  • Should advertising that uses sexual allusion be regulated by the government?
  • How has the appearance of various affordable birth control methods contributed to the establishment of gender equality in modern society?
  • Do men have the right to give up their parental duties if women refuse to have an abortion?
  • Can the child be raised without the influence of gender stereotypes in modern society?
  • Did the sexual revolution in the 1960s help the feminist movement?

How do you like our gender equality topics? We’ve tried to make them special for you. When you pick one of these topics, you should start your research. We recommend you to check the books we’ve listed below.

Non-Fiction Books and Articles on Gender Equality Topics

  • Beecher, C. “The Peculiar Responsibilities of American Women.”
  • Connell, R. (2011). “Confronting Equality: Gender, Knowledge and Global Change.”
  • Doris H. Gray. (2013). “Beyond Feminism and Islamism: Gender and Equality in North Africa.”
  • Inglehart Ronald, Norris Pippa. (2003). “Rising Tide: Gender Equality and Cultural Change Around the World.”
  • Mary Ann Danowitz Sagaria. (2007). “Women, Universities, and Change: Gender Equality in the European Union and the United States (Issues in Higher Education).”
  • Merrill, R. (1997). “Good News for Women: A Biblical Picture of Gender Equality.”
  • Mir-Hosseini, Z. (2013). “Gender and Equality in Muslim Family Law: Justice and Ethics in the Islamic Legal Process.”
  • Raymond F. Gregory. (2003). “Women and Workplace Discrimination: Overcoming Barriers to Gender Equality.”
  • Rubery, J., & Koukiadaki, A. (2016). “Closing the Gender Pay Gap: A Review of the Issues, Policy Mechanisms and International Evidence.”
  • Sharma, A. (2016). “Managing Diversity and Equality in the Workplace.”
  • Sika, N. (2011). “The Millennium Development Goals: Prospects for Gender Equality in the Arab World.”
  • Stamarski, C. S., & Son Hing, L. S. (2015). “Gender Inequalities in the Workplace: The Effects of Organizational Structures, Processes, Practices, and Decision Makers’ Sexism.”
  • Verniers, C., & Vala, J. (2018). “Justifying Gender Discrimination in the Workplace: The Mediating Role of Motherhood Myths.”
  • Williams, C. L., & Dellinger, K. (2010). “Gender and Sexuality in the Workplace.”

Literary Works for Your Gender Equality Essay Ideas

  • “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen
  • “A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf
  • “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy
  • “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley
  • “ The Awakening” by Kate Chopin
  • “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker
  • “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood
  • “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett
  • “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • “The Second Sex” by Simone de Beauvoir

We’re sure that with all of these argumentative essay topics about gender equality and useful sources, you’ll get a good grade without much effort! If you have any difficulties with your homework, request “ write my essay for cheap ” help and  our expert writers are always ready to help you.

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TOP 100 Gender Equality Essay Topics

Jason Burrey

Table of Contents

argumentative essay for gender issues

Need ideas for argumentative essay on gender inequality? We’ve got a bunch!

 But let’s start off with a brief intro.

What is gender equality?

Equality between the sexes is a huge part of basic human rights. It means that men and women have the same opportunities to fulfil their potential in all spheres of life.

Today, we still face inequality issues as there is a persistent gap in access to opportunities for men and women.

Women have less access to decision-making and higher education. They constantly face obstacles at the workplace and have greater safety risks. Maintaining equal rights for both sexes is critical for meeting a wide range of goals in global development.

Inequality between the sexes is an interesting area to study so high school, college, and university students are often assigned to write essays on gender topics.

In this article, we are going to discuss the key peculiarities of gender equality essay. Besides, we have created a list of the best essay topic ideas.

What is the specifics of gender equality essay?

Equality and inequality between the sexes are important historical and current social issues which impact the way students and their families live. They are common topics for college papers in psychology, sociology, gender studies.

When writing an essay on equality between the sexes, you need to argue for a strong point of view and support your argument with relevant evidence gathered from multiple sources.

But first, you’d need to choose a good topic which is neither too broad nor too narrow to research.

Research is crucial for the success of your essay because you should develop a strong argument based on an in-depth study of various scholarly sources.

Equality between sexes is a complex problem. You have to consider different aspects and controversial points of view on specific issues, show your ability to think critically, develop a strong thesis statement, and build a logical argument, which can make a great impression on your audience.

If you are looking for interesting gender equality essay topics, here you will find a great list of 100 topic ideas for writing essays and research papers on gender issues in contemporary society.

Should you find that some topics are too broad, feel free to narrow them down.

Powerful gender equality essay topics

Here are the top 25 hottest topics for your argumentative opinion paper on gender issues.

Whether you are searching for original creative ideas for gender equality in sports essay or need inspiration for gender equality in education essay, we’ve got you covered.

Use imagination and creativity to demonstrate your approach.

  • Analyze gender-based violence in different countries
  • Compare wage gap between the sexes in different countries
  • Explain the purpose of gender mainstreaming
  • Implications of sex differences in the human brain
  • How can we teach boys and girls that they have equal rights?
  • Discuss gender-neutral management practices
  • Promotion of equal opportunities for men and women in sports
  • What does it mean to be transgender?
  • Discuss the empowerment of women
  • Why is gender-blindness a problem for women?
  • Why are girls at greater risk of sexual violence and exploitation?
  • Women as victims of human trafficking
  • Analyze the glass ceiling in management
  • Impact of ideology in determining relations between sexes
  • Obstacles that prevent girls from getting quality education in African countries
  • Why are so few women in STEM?
  • Major challenges women face at the workplace
  • How do women in sport fight for equality?
  • Women, sports, and media institutions
  • Contribution of women in the development of the world economy
  • Role of gender diversity in innovation and scientific discovery
  • What can be done to make cities safer for women and girls?
  • International trends in women’s empowerment
  • Role of schools in teaching children behaviours considered appropriate for their sex
  • Feminism on social relations uniting women and men as groups

Gender roles essay topics

We can measure the equality of men and women by looking at how both sexes are represented in a range of different roles. You don’t have to do extensive and tiresome research to come up with gender roles essay topics, as we have already done it for you.

Have a look at this short list of top-notch topic ideas .

  • Are paternity and maternity leaves equally important for babies?
  • Imagine women-dominated society and describe it
  • Sex roles in contemporary western societies
  • Compare theories of gender development
  • Adoption of sex-role stereotyped behaviours
  • What steps should be taken to achieve gender-parity in parenting?
  • What is gender identity?
  • Emotional differences between men and women
  • Issues modern feminism faces
  • Sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Benefits of investing in girls’ education
  • Patriarchal attitudes and stereotypes in family relationships
  • Toys and games of girls and boys
  • Roles of men and women in politics
  • Compare career opportunities for both sexes in the military
  • Women in the US military
  • Academic careers and sex equity
  • Should men play larger roles in childcare?
  • Impact of an ageing population on women’s economic welfare
  • Historical determinants of contemporary differences in sex roles
  • Gender-related issues in gaming
  • Culture and sex-role stereotypes in advertisements
  • What are feminine traits?
  • Sex role theory in sociology
  • Causes of sex differences and similarities in behaviour

Gender inequality research paper topics

Examples of inequality can be found in the everyday life of different women in many countries across the globe. Our gender inequality research paper topics are devoted to different issues that display discrimination of women throughout the world.

Choose any topic you like, research it, brainstorm ideas, and create a detailed gender inequality essay outline before you start working on your first draft.

Start off with making a debatable thesis, then write an engaging introduction, convincing main body, and strong conclusion for gender inequality essay .

  • Aspects of sex discrimination
  • Main indications of inequality between the sexes
  • Causes of sex discrimination
  • Inferior role of women in the relationships
  • Sex differences in education
  • Can education solve issues of inequality between the sexes?
  • Impact of discrimination on early childhood development
  • Why do women have limited professional opportunities in sports?
  • Gender discrimination in sports
  • Lack of women having leadership roles
  • Inequality between the sexes in work-family balance
  • Top factors that impact inequality at a workplace
  • What can governments do to close the gender gap at work?
  • Sex discrimination in human resource processes and practices
  • Gender inequality in work organizations
  • Factors causing inequality between men and women in developing countries
  • Work-home conflict as a symptom of inequality between men and women
  • Why are mothers less wealthy than women without children?
  • Forms of sex discrimination in a contemporary society
  • Sex discrimination in the classroom
  • Justification of inequality in American history
  • Origins of sex discrimination
  • Motherhood and segregation in labour markets
  • Sex discrimination in marriage
  • Can technology reduce sex discrimination?

Most controversial gender topics

Need a good controversial topic for gender stereotypes essay? Here are some popular debatable topics concerning various gender problems people face nowadays.

They are discussed in scientific studies, newspaper articles, and social media posts. If you choose any of them, you will need to perform in-depth research to prepare an impressive piece of writing.

  • How do gender misconceptions impact behaviour?
  • Most common outdated sex-role stereotypes
  • How does gay marriage influence straight marriage?
  • Explain the role of sexuality in sex-role stereotyping
  • Role of media in breaking sex-role stereotypes
  • Discuss the dual approach to equality between men and women
  • Are women better than men or are they equal?
  • Sex-role stereotypes at a workplace
  • Racial variations in gender-related attitudes
  • Role of feminism in creating the alternative culture for women
  • Feminism and transgender theory
  • Gender stereotypes in science and education
  • Are sex roles important for society?
  • Future of gender norms
  • How can we make a better world for women?
  • Are men the weaker sex?
  • Beauty pageants and women’s empowerment
  • Are women better communicators?
  • What are the origins of sexual orientation?
  • Should prostitution be legal?
  • Pros and cons of being a feminist
  • Advantages and disadvantages of being a woman
  • Can movies defy gender stereotypes?
  • Sexuality and politics

Feel free to use these powerful topic ideas for writing a good college-level gender equality essay or as a starting point for your study.

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Human Rights Careers

5 Women Empowerment Essays Everybody Should Read

What does “women’s empowerment” mean? It refers to the process of giving women control over their choices and access to the opportunities and resources that allow them to thrive. While there’s been progress, gender inequality remains a persistent issue in the world. Empowering women politically, socially, economically, educationally, and psychologically helps narrow the gap. Here are five essays about women’s empowerment that everyone should read:

Women’s Movements and Feminist Activism (2019)

Amanda Gouws & Azille Coetzee

This editorial from the “Empowering women for gender equity” issue of the journal Agenda explores the issue’s themes. It gives a big picture view of the topics within. The issue is dedicated to women’s movements and activism primarily in South Africa, but also other African countries. New women’s movements focus on engaging with institutional policies and running campaigns for more female representation in government. Some barriers make activism work harder, such as resistance from men and funding, If you’re interested in the whole issue, this editorial provides a great summary of the main points, so you can decide if you want to read further.

Agenda is an African peer-viewed academic journal focusing on feminism. It was established in 1987. It publishes articles and other entries, and tutors young writers.

5 Powerful Ways Women Can Empower Other Women (2020)

Pavitra Raja

Originally published during Women’s History Month, this piece explores five initiatives spearheaded by women in the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship community. Created by women for women, these innovations demonstrate what’s possible when women harness their skills and empower each other. The initiatives featured in this article embrace technology, education, training programs, and more.

Pavitra Raja is the Community Manager for social entrepreneurs in Europe, North America, and Latin America. She’s consulted with the UN Economic Commission for Europe and also has experience in legal affairs and policy in the private and public sectors.

The Key to Improving Women’s Health in Developing Countries (2019)

Because of gender inequality, women’s health is affected around the world. Factors like a lower income than men, more responsibilities at home, and less education impact health. This is most clear in developing countries. How can this be addressed? This essay states that empowerment is the key. When giving authority and control over their own lives, women thrive and contribute more to the world. It’s important that programs seeking to end gender inequality focus on empowerment, and not “rescue.” Treating women like victims is not the answer.

Axa is a leading global insurer, covering more than 100 million customers in 57 countries. On their website, they say they strive for the collective good by working on prevention issues, fighting climate change, and prioritizing protection. The company has existed for over 200 years.

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics (2012)

Ana Revenga and Sudhir Shetty

What are the benefits of women’s empowerment? This article presents the argument that closing gender gaps doesn’t only serve women, it’s good for countries as a whole. Gender equality boosts economic productivity, makes institutions more representative, and makes life better for future generations. This piece gives a good overview of the state of the world (the data is a bit old, but things have not changed significantly) and explores policy implications. It’s based on the World Bank’s World Development Report in 2012 on gender equality and development.

Ana Revenga and Sudhir Shetty both worked at the World Bank at the time this article was originally published. Revenga was the Sector Director of Human Development, Europe and Central Asia. Shetty (who still works at the World Bank in a different role) was the Sector Director, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, East Asia and Pacific.

The Side Of Female Empowerment We Aren’t Talking About Enough (2017)

Tamara Schwarting

In this era of female empowerment, women are being told they can do anything, but can they? It isn’t because women aren’t capable. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. As this article says, women have “more to do but no more time to do it.” The pressure is overwhelming. Is the image of a woman who can “do it all” unrealistic? What can a modern woman do to manage a high-stakes life? This essay digs into some solutions, which include examining expectations and doing self-checks.

Tamara Schwarting is the CEO of 1628 LTD, a co-working community space of independent professionals in Ohio. She’s also an executive-level consultant in supply chain purchasing and business processes. She describes herself as an “urbanist” and has a passion for creative, empowering work environments.

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About the author, emmaline soken-huberty.

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.


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112 Gender Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Gender is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human identity that influences every aspect of our lives. From the way we dress and behave to the roles we play in society, gender plays a significant role in shaping who we are and how we interact with the world around us. With such a wide-ranging and diverse topic, there are countless gender essay topics to explore and discuss. In this article, we will provide 112 gender essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing and research.

  • The impact of gender stereotypes on children's development
  • Gender inequality in the workplace
  • Gender representation in the media
  • The intersection of gender and race
  • Gender identity and sexual orientation
  • Transgender rights and activism
  • The history of the feminist movement
  • Masculinity in the modern world
  • The role of gender in politics
  • Gender and mental health
  • Gender-based violence and abuse
  • Gender and education
  • The gender wage gap
  • Gender and technology
  • The portrayal of gender in literature
  • Gender and body image
  • Gender and sports
  • Gender and healthcare
  • The impact of gender on parenting
  • Gender and language
  • Gender and religion
  • Gender and disability
  • Gender and aging
  • Gender and globalization
  • Gender and social class
  • Gender and environmental issues
  • Gender and war
  • Gender and peacebuilding
  • Gender and migration
  • Gender and entrepreneurship
  • Gender and leadership
  • Gender and the criminal justice system
  • Gender and social media
  • Gender and the arts
  • Gender and fashion
  • Gender and popular culture
  • Gender and body modification
  • Gender and social norms
  • Gender and social change
  • Gender and the family
  • Gender and marriage
  • Gender and divorce
  • Gender and friendship
  • Gender and sexuality
  • Gender and reproduction
  • Gender and parenting
  • Gender and childhood
  • Gender and adolescence
  • Gender and young adulthood
  • Gender and midlife
  • Gender and old age
  • Gender and health
  • Gender and physical health
  • Gender and reproductive health
  • Gender and mental illness
  • Gender and chronic illness
  • Gender and addiction
  • Gender and trauma
  • Gender and resilience
  • Gender and coping strategies
  • Gender and social support
  • Gender and healthcare access
  • Gender and healthcare disparities
  • Gender and healthcare quality
  • Gender and healthcare outcomes
  • Gender and healthcare costs
  • Gender and healthcare policy
  • Gender and healthcare reform
  • Gender and healthcare innovation
  • Gender and healthcare workforce
  • Gender and healthcare leadership
  • Gender and healthcare education
  • Gender and healthcare research
  • Gender and healthcare ethics
  • Gender and healthcare advocacy
  • Gender and healthcare activism
  • Gender and healthcare organizations
  • Gender and healthcare technology
  • Gender and healthcare communication
  • Gender and healthcare decision-making

These gender essay topic ideas and examples cover a wide range of issues and perspectives related to gender. Whether you are interested in exploring the impact of gender stereotypes on children's development or the intersection of gender and race, there is no shortage of topics to choose from. By delving into these gender essay topics, you can deepen your understanding of the complexities of gender and its influence on society.

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essay on gender equality

Gender Equality Essay: How to Inspire Action and Awareness

argumentative essay for gender issues

Writing about the importance of gender equality is crucial in shedding light on the inequalities and disparities that persist between men and women. These essays are like windows into our society, showing us the good and the bad. They're not just for school – they're about real people's lives. When we read and write about gender parity, we're shining a light on issues like discrimination and stereotypes, and we're saying, "Hey, this isn't right!" In this article, we will show you how to write an essay about gender equality to encourage your peers to think about making things more fair for everyone and standing up for what's right, making the world a better place for everyone.

Tips for Writing an Argumentative Essay About Gender Equality

First, let’s answer the question of what is gender equality essay? By definition, it is a written composition that investigates and discusses the concept of gender fairness, aiming to highlight the importance of fair treatment and opportunities for individuals regardless of gender. These essays typically explore historical contexts, societal norms, and contemporary disparities-related challenges, offering insights into how stereotypes, discrimination, and cultural expectations affect people based on gender. Moreover, such assignments seek to raise awareness and foster understanding, prompting readers to critically examine the necessity of creating a society where everyone, regardless of gender, enjoys equal rights, opportunities, and dignity.

At this point, we should write a gender equality essay thesis statement that will serve as the anchor, encapsulating the core argument and purpose of the essay. The thesis is a concise declaration that outlines the writer's stance on the topic and provides a roadmap for the essay's content. An effective thesis statement for a gender parity essay might assert the fundamental principle of equal rights and opportunities for all genders, emphasizing the need to challenge and dismantle societal norms perpetuating discrimination. For instance, a thesis statement could assert that achieving true balance requires dismantling stereotypes, promoting equal access to education and employment, and fostering a cultural shift toward recognizing the inherent value of every individual, irrespective of gender. The thesis statement acts as a guiding beacon, steering the essay in the direction of a comprehensive exploration of the chosen perspective on evenness. Suddenly forgot your task is due tomorrow? Don’t strain yourself, and use our argumentative essay service to achieve the best outcome fast.

Brainstorming Gender Equality Essay Topics

When looking for argumentative essay topics about gender equality, you can find inspiration in various places. Keep an eye on the news, social media discussions, and academic research to see what issues are currently being debated. Personal stories from people who've faced gender-related challenges or your own experiences can be powerful starting points. Understand how past events shaped gender dynamics or analyze how it is portrayed in literature and media. For your gender roles essay, you can analyze global perspectives, legal frameworks, and social movements for additional insights. By drawing from these diverse sources, you can brainstorm compelling arguments that not only tackle the complexities of gender equality but also connect with your audience on a personal and societal level. For your inspiration, we’ve prepared some peculiar ideas for gender equality in society essay, so check them out!

argumentative essay for gender issues

  • Workplace fairness for men and women.
  • Breaking boys and girls stereotypes in children's books.
  • The impact of inequality on mental health stigma.
  • Challenges faced by women entrepreneurs.
  • Addressing gender bias in healthcare.
  • The role of men in feminist movements.
  • Promoting inclusivity in sports teams.
  • Gender-neutral language in education.
  • Breaking the glass ceiling in corporate leadership.
  • Tackling gender-based violence in schools.

argumentative essay for gender issues

Gender Equality Essay Outline

Choosing a good title for a gender equality essay involves capturing the essay's main ideas and sparking interest. You can include keywords like "equality" or "empowerment" and use phrasing that makes readers think. For the gender equality essay thesis statement, keep it concise and clear. An example could be: "To achieve real fairness, we need to challenge stereotypes, ensure equal opportunities in education and work, and transform our culture to value everyone's contribution. Only through these comprehensive efforts can we create a society where everyone has a fair shot." Before we proceed to the essay’s outline, revise how many paragraphs in an argumentative essay and its length.

Gender Equality Essay Outline

Gender Equality Essay Introduction

To kick off your gender equality introduction essay effectively, start with something that grabs your reader's attention, like a quote, a surprising fact, or a relatable scenario. Next, give a quick background on what gender equality means today or historically, keeping it concise. Then, smoothly transition to your thesis statement – the main point you will argue in your essay. For example, you might say that real parity requires us to challenge stereotypes, make sure everyone has equal chances in education and work, and change our culture to value everyone's contributions. This approach helps your reader understand why the topic is important and what your essay is all about.

For the main body of a future gender equality essay, think about what could be coming up. Consider how new technology, like artificial intelligence, might affect how we see male and female roles. Talk about whether it might help break stereotypes or create new challenges. Give real examples or discuss policies that encourage women to take on roles in fields like technology.

Then, look into how work is changing and what that means for equality. Explore the idea of remote work, flexible schedules, and gig jobs and how they might create more equal opportunities. Discuss how companies or governments are making policies to support work-life balance and equal chances for leadership roles. Use examples to show where these progressive work practices are already happening and how they could impact equivalence in the future. Keep it real and forward-thinking, looking at the positives and potential challenges.

Gender Equality Essay Conclusion

To wrap up your essay, start by briefly restating your main point or thesis. Summarize the key ideas discussed in the essay's body, highlighting their importance in the context of gender equality. Don't bring in new information; instead, emphasize the connections between your arguments and the main point. Finish your gender equality conclusion essay on a strong note by inspiring your reader to consider the broader implications and take action toward achieving genuine parity in society. Keep it clear, concise, and impactful, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Essay Revision

To edit and proofread your gender equality essay introduction body and conclusion, start by reviewing the introduction to ensure clarity and conciseness. Verify that your thesis statement is strong and effectively communicates the main argument. Check the hook for its impact on grabbing the reader's attention. Moving to the body, focus on the logical flow of ideas between paragraphs. Confirm that each paragraph has a clear topic sentence, supporting evidence, and a smooth transition to the next. Pay attention to the coherence of your arguments and ensure they align with the overall thesis. Lastly, in the conclusion, restate the thesis, summarize key points, and end with a compelling call to action. Throughout the essay, check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors with the help of our paper writer , ensuring a polished and error-free final draft.

Gender Equality Essay Example

Please review our example of argumentative essay about gender equality to get inspired to produce your own brilliant essay. Remember that these two gender equality essay examples are not for submission because this will be considered plagarism. If you want equally engaging and insightful work, please say, ‘ write my essay ,’ so our experts can procure a new essay for you from scratch to avoid affecting your academic integrity.

Empowering Equality: Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges

Gender equality stands as a fundamental principle for building a just and inclusive society. In recent years, progress has been made, but challenges persist. This essay delves into the multifaceted landscape of fairness, examining the importance of dismantling stereotypes, promoting equal opportunities, and fostering a cultural shift. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, the pursuit of genuine equality emerges not only as a moral imperative but also as a critical driver of social and economic progress.

To achieve true equality, the first step involves challenging ingrained stereotypes that limit individuals based on their gender. Stereotypes perpetuate biased expectations, restricting both men and women to predefined roles. For instance, the persistent notion that certain professions are exclusively suited for one gender perpetuates inequality in the workplace. Initiatives promoting diverse role models, debunking myths, and redefining societal norms contribute to dismantling these stereotypes.

Ensuring equal opportunities in education and employment forms the cornerstone of equality. Educational institutions and workplaces must adopt policies that eliminate barriers and provide a level playing field. This involves addressing disparities in STEM education, encouraging girls to pursue careers in traditionally male-dominated fields, and advocating for fair hiring practices. Achieving balance in educational and professional spheres fosters an environment where talent and capability, rather than gender, determine success.

A genuine cultural shift is imperative for achieving lasting equality. Cultural norms often perpetuate inequality, shaping attitudes and behaviors. Encouraging open conversations about gender, challenging discriminatory practices, and promoting inclusivity in all aspects of life contribute to this transformation. It requires collective efforts from communities, media, and policymakers to create a culture that respects and values individuals irrespective of their gender.

In conclusion, the journey toward gender fairness is a dynamic process that involves dismantling stereotypes, ensuring equal opportunities, and fostering cultural transformation. By challenging societal norms and advocating for inclusive policies, we can pave the way for a future where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, unbound by gender-based constraints. Empowering equality not only aligns with the principles of justice and fairness but also propels societies toward greater prosperity and harmony.

Breaking Chains: The Unfinished Journey Towards Gender Equality"

Gender equality, a beacon of progress in contemporary societies, still faces significant challenges, with deeply rooted stereotypes and systemic barriers hindering its realization. This essay embarks on an exploration of the persistent issues surrounding evenness, emphasizing the imperative to dismantle stereotypes, advocate for equal opportunities, and drive transformative change. As we confront the complexities of the 21st century, the pursuit of authentic equality emerges as not only a societal responsibility but also as an essential catalyst for fostering diversity, inclusivity, and social prosperity.

The journey toward true gender parity necessitates a concerted effort to challenge and dismantle age-old stereotypes that confine individuals within rigid male and female roles. These stereotypes perpetuate harmful biases, limiting opportunities for personal and professional growth. A critical focus should be on dispelling myths surrounding gendered expectations, such as the notion that certain professions are exclusively for one gender. Initiatives promoting diverse role models and challenging societal norms are pivotal in dismantling these restrictive stereotypes.

An indispensable component of achieving gender equality lies in advocating for equal opportunities in education. Educational institutions should implement policies that eradicate barriers and promote inclusivity. This involves addressing gender disparities in STEM fields, encouraging girls to pursue careers in traditionally male-dominated sectors, and ensuring fair and unbiased educational environments. By cultivating an educational landscape that values competence over gender, societies can lay the foundation for a more equitable future.

Achieving genuine gender equality requires a holistic approach that includes systemic change at various levels of society. This involves not only addressing individual attitudes but also transforming institutional practices. Policies promoting equal pay, parental leave, and unbiased hiring practices contribute to dismantling systemic barriers. Additionally, fostering workplace cultures that prioritize diversity and inclusivity plays a crucial role in creating environments where all individuals, regardless of gender, can thrive.

In conclusion, the journey toward gender equality is an ongoing struggle that demands persistent efforts to dismantle stereotypes, advocate for equal opportunities, and drive systemic change. By challenging societal norms and fostering inclusive policies, societies can move closer to realizing the promise of a future where gender does not dictate one's opportunities or potential. Breaking the chains of ingrained biases is not just a societal obligation; it is a transformative endeavor that paves the way for a more just, inclusive, and harmonious world.

When students are assigned to write about gender equality, it isn't just about getting a grade. It's a valuable way to get young minds thinking and talking about how fairness and evenness play out in our world. By putting their thoughts into words, students not only practice expressing themselves but also become part of a bigger conversation about treating everyone fairly. Use this opportunity to challenge stereotypes, call for equal rights, and be a voice for positive change. To succeed, you can buy essay online from our competent writers, who will make sure your teacher will be pleased.

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Guest Essay

The Gender Gap Is Taking Us to Unexpected Places

argumentative essay for gender issues

By Thomas B. Edsall

Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C., on politics, demographics and inequality.

In one of the most revealing studies in recent years, a 2016 survey of 137,456 full-time, first-year students at 184 colleges and universities in the United States, the U.C.L.A. Higher Education Research Institute found “the largest-ever gender gap in terms of political leanings: 41.1 percent of women, an all-time high, identified themselves as liberal or far left, compared to 28.9 percent of men.”

The institute has conducted freshmen surveys every year since 1966. In the early days, until 1980, men were consistently more liberal than women. In the early and mid-1980s, the share of liberals among male and female students was roughly equal, but since 1987, women have been more liberal than men in the first year of college.

While liberal and left identification among female students reached a high in 2016, male students remained far below their 1971 high, which was 44 percent.

Along parallel lines, a Knight Foundation survey in 2017 of 3,014 college students asked: “If you had to choose, which do you think is more important, a diverse and inclusive society or protecting free speech rights.”

Male students preferred protecting free speech over an inclusive and diverse society by a decisive 61 to 39. Female students took the opposite position, favoring an inclusive, diverse society over free speech by 64 to 35.

Majorities of both male and female college students in the Knight survey support the view that the First Amendment should not be used to protect hate speech, but the men were more equivocal, at 56 to 43, than women, at 71 to 29.

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Social Inequality — Gender Equality

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Essays on Gender Equality

Gender equality essay topics and outline examples, essay title 1: striving for gender equality: challenges, progress, and future perspectives.

Thesis Statement: This essay explores the global journey toward achieving gender equality, examining the persistent challenges, the significant progress made, and the potential future directions for advancing the cause of gender equality in all aspects of life.

  • Introduction
  • The Gender Equality Agenda: Goals and Key Principles
  • Obstacles to Equality: Discrimination, Stereotypes, and Institutional Barriers
  • Progress in Education and the Workforce: Breaking Down Gender Norms
  • Gender-Based Violence: Combating Domestic Violence and Harassment
  • Global Initiatives: UN Sustainable Development Goals and International Agreements
  • Empowering Women: Leadership, Political Participation, and Economic Empowerment
  • Future Prospects: Technology, Education, and the Role of Men in Promoting Equality
  • Conclusion: The Ongoing Struggle and Hope for a Gender-Equal World

Essay Title 2: The Intersection of Gender and Social Justice: Exploring the Interconnected Struggles

Thesis Statement: This essay delves into the intersectionality of gender and social justice, examining how gender inequality intersects with other forms of discrimination and how addressing these interconnected struggles is crucial for achieving a more just and equitable society.

  • Understanding Intersectionality: Overlapping Forms of Discrimination
  • Race and Gender: The Experiences of Women of Color
  • Gender, Socioeconomic Status, and the Wealth Gap
  • Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation: LGBTQ+ Rights and Inclusion
  • Disability and Gender: Challenges Faced by Disabled Individuals
  • Intersectional Activism: Movements and Advocacy for Equity
  • Building Inclusive Communities: Strategies for a More Just Society
  • Conclusion: The Urgent Need for Intersectional Approaches to Gender Equality

Essay Title 3: Gender Equality in the Workplace: Breaking Down Barriers and Promoting Inclusivity

Thesis Statement: This essay focuses on the realm of the workplace, addressing the challenges women face in achieving gender equality, examining diversity and inclusion initiatives, and highlighting the benefits of gender-balanced organizations.

  • The Gender Wage Gap: Causes, Consequences, and Progress
  • Workplace Discrimination: Stereotypes, Bias, and Microaggressions
  • Women in Leadership: Breaking the Glass Ceiling and Achieving Parity
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Strategies for Creating Gender-Equal Workplaces
  • Legal Protections: Labor Laws and Policies to Address Gender Discrimination
  • Corporate Responsibility: The Role of Businesses in Advancing Equality
  • Measuring Success: Metrics for Gender Equality in the Workplace
  • Conclusion: The Imperative of Gender Equality in the Professional World

Gender Equality: The Equal Standing of Boys and Girls

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Each Man and Woman Should Have Equal Rights

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Gender equality, also known as sexual equality or equality of the sexes, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender.

In 2015 there were only 21 female heads of state in the entire world. Over 150 countries have at least one actively sexist law. In most countries, women only earn between 60 and 75% of men’s wages - for the same work. There are approximately 781 million illiterate adults worldwide – two-thirds of whom are women.

1. Gupta, G. R., Oomman, N., Grown, C., Conn, K., Hawkes, S., Shawar, Y. R., ... & Darmstadt, G. L. (2019). Gender equality and gender norms: framing the opportunities for health. The Lancet, 393(10190), 2550-2562. (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)30651-8/fulltext) 2. Inglehart, R., Norris, P., & Welzel, C. (2003). Gender equality and democracy. In Human values and social change (pp. 91-115). Brill. (https://brill.com/display/book/9789047404361/B9789047404361_s007.xml) 3. Pascall, G., & Lewis, J. (2004). Emerging gender regimes and policies for gender equality in a wider Europe. Journal of social policy, 33(3), 373-394. (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-social-policy/article/abs/emerging-gender-regimes-and-policies-for-gender-equality-in-a-wider-europe/620412A9D1716CC48259C59F9BA95364) 4. Walby, S. (2004). The European Union and gender equality: Emergent varieties of gender regime. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 11(1), 4-29. (https://academic.oup.com/sp/article-abstract/11/1/4/1654404) 5. Carli, L. L. (2020). Women, gender equality and COVID-19. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 35(7/8), 647-655. (https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/GM-07-2020-0236/full/html) 6. Kabeer, N., & Natali, L. (2013). Gender equality and economic growth: Is there a win‐win?. IDS Working Papers, 2013(417), 1-58. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.2040-0209.2013.00417.x) 7. Falk, A., & Hermle, J. (2018). Relationship of gender differences in preferences to economic development and gender equality. Science, 362(6412), eaas9899. (https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.aas9899) 8. Breda, T., Jouini, E., Napp, C., & Thebault, G. (2020). Gender stereotypes can explain the gender-equality paradox. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(49), 31063-31069. (https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2008704117) 9. David, M. E. (2015). Women and gender equality in higher education?. Education Sciences, 5(1), 10-25. (https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/5/1/10)

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argumentative essay for gender issues

Gender Inequality - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Gender inequality refers to the unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender, manifesting in various areas like the workplace, political representation, and societal norms. Essays on gender inequality could explore historical and contemporary instances, the social and economic implications, and the intersectionality of gender with other forms of discrimination. Furthermore, discussions might cover ongoing efforts to combat gender inequality and promote inclusivity. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Gender Inequality you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Gender Inequality and Feminism

Gender inequality is a concept which has been occurring over a number of years and due to gender differences it fuels up gender inequality, which gave rise to gender socialization. Gender socialization is the process of learning gender roles which emerge from society and nowadays social media, throughout this process men and women learn their roles in society. The most common attribute we ascribe to women is that they can be vulnerable and sensitive, on the other hand, men hear [

Crime and Social Justice on Gender Inequality

I'm using these five sources to talk about crime and social justice on gender inequality. Gender inequality is more of a social injustice because gender inequality is an unfair practice between men and women being carried out in the society. Within discussing this topic, I talk about racism and sexism. My topic is towards African Americans and women in the workplace. How come African American women or women, in general, are not seen as an equal to men? Cheeks, Maura. [

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We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

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The news media is one of thea most powerful institution whichs that exerts a tremendous amount of influence on society. Although more women females are entering the male dominated newsroom, women are still underrepresented and excluded in many differentmultiple ways. It is evident that females hold a strong interest in journalism; in fact, sixty- five percent of journalism school graduates are female However, women only represent thirty percent of jobs in journalism. , Tand this gender disparity is evident in [

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Gender Inequality in China

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Gender Inequality Affects Everyone

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Research Paper on Gender Inequality in the Workforce in India

Abstract India demonstrates significant economy growth that contrary to universal norms results in lower female labor force participation. The issue is a deep-rooted problem, which is aggravated by a wide range of factors, the major of which are social norms and insufficient level of training and information on job opportunities. Despite the presence of these constraints, the paper suggests that there is a scope of possible measures, which can be implemented by the government to overcome the problem and mitigate [

The Gender Wage Gap: Myth or Reality?

Gender inequality has been a persistent issue in the workforce. The gender wage gaps shows the difference between male and female workers’ earnings. In the modern day economy, women are typically paid less than men. The Equal Pay Act was passed in the U.S. on June 10, 1963, it was the beginning of achieving equal economic opportunity for women however, it alone did not solve the issue. In further effort to put an end to the century-old gender wage inequality, [

Gender Inequality is Still a Huge Issue

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Gender Inequality and Sexual Harassment

Attitudes regarding men’s violence against women shape gender inequality and also the sense of responses to this violence by the victim and others around. This is why we see many violence prevention campaigns media advertisements and social awareness. Attitudes and behaviors shape violence in several domains including culture, gender, institutional response to violence, women’s own responses to victimization and more. Gender role attitudes and their forced upholding play a major role regarding violence towards women [1]. From a young age, [

Gender Inequality in the United States for Years

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“Gender Inequality: a Greek Life and Legal Implications Study”

Abstract Attending college is supposed to be a time of newfound freedom. This freedom gives incoming students the opportunity to define who they are as a person, and often times the organizations students first join play a vital role in shaping who they are for years to come. When graduates reflect on their college years many say their best memories come from the organizations they joined. At Texas Christian University over half of the student population are in different Greek [

How Gender Discrimination Effects Children

"It is during their first years that girls and boys learn gendered attitudes and expectations - from parents, caregivers, other family members, and teachers - about how girls and boys/women and men should behave, their social worth and what their role is in society." (e.g. Plan International) Gender inequality is an issue for all of us, but we often don't think about how it affects children. In recent decades, there have been elaborate studies on how sexism and gender stereotyping [

Gender Inequality in Athletic Sports

Sports are both one of the most idolized and contested activities in our society today. Historically, sports have been used as a display for the public, for both entertainment and social purposes. Sports also provide professional opportunities for athletes and coaches at the highest level of performance. Regardless of the purpose or presentation, sports have created an element in our modern society. While sports have provided opportunities, it has also created underlying effects on social cues in regards to the [

How to Deal with Gender Inequality in Sports

Looking at today’s fast world, sports has turned out to be a place where individuals can have extraordinary professions in and will likewise have the wages that one can get by owning a business as well, but the posing problem is that it is gender driven. Societal norms have a significant impact on a youth’s life, one of the fields in which it lays impact is sports. The major contributing factor is that since birth, humans observe and learn these [

An Issue of Gender Inequality in the World

Gender inequality is still an issue in the world. In every five girls, one will not have access to an education. Girls in developing countries are not enrolled in school. Mexico has been dealing with gender inequality for years because women aren’t given the same rights as men. In Mexico, gender stereotypes and discrimination restrict women’s choices. Mexico falls in the bottom half of 144 countries when it comes to gender equality. Women were murdered just because of their gender [

Gender Inequality and Violence in the United States

Gender inequality in the United States has been an issue since before our time with women and girls making strides since the early 1900’s to gain gender equity. Gender inequality is looked at as a key factor that underpins violence against women, why men produce certain acts of violence over woman and why men are looked at different by society than women, however the topic is complex and requires consideration from different perspectives, including ways to deter the violence. Most [

Americanah: Gender Pay Gap in Nigeria and North America

In the book Americanah by Chimamanda Adichie, women's earning potentials are vividly shown based on experiences that Ifemelu and her Aunty Uju have in both Nigeria and North America. These earning potentials affect gender roles and expectations in Nigeria and North America because women are expected more to be the house keepers and mothers rather than ever having a job themselves. Nowadays it is much different as the feminist movement continues to grow across the world. This is presented throughout [

The Roots of Gender Inequality in Developing Countries

In today’s world, gender equality is seen as a crucial need. According to the U.N., “1 in 5 women and girls between the ages of 15-49 have reported experiencing physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner within a 12-month period”. In developed countries, tremendous efforts have been made in order to achieve the goal of gender equality as now in 46 countries, “women now hold more than 30 percent of seats in national parliament in at least one chamber.” [

An Analysis of the Problem of Gender Inequality

Furthermore, in nations like Yemen, sex variations are seen even in optional school where young men select at a rate 20 rate focuses higher than young ladies. On the off chance that fairness is educated in schools it will change the general public and how individuals think and act bringing about more ladies learning and graduating. As what the speakers have mentioned, gender inequality should be fought by both men and women. It is humans right. Gender inequality has greatly [

Gender Inequality in Saudi Arabia

Gender inequality has been a major factor for many countries and as every single one of them continue to change and improve for the future, some places have stayed the same over time and are barely coming along and accepting what other areas have already passed on such as having equality not just for men, but for women as well and many of us today don’t realize how some people are not given the freedom to do what we do [

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How To Write an Essay About Gender Inequality

Understanding gender inequality: the foundation.

To write an essay on gender inequality, it's crucial to start with a clear understanding of what gender inequality entails. It's a broad term that refers to the unequal treatment or perception of individuals based on their gender. Gender inequality manifests in various aspects of life, including but not limited to the workplace, education, politics, and social norms. Begin your essay by defining gender inequality, providing relevant examples from different areas of life, and explaining why it is a significant issue that warrants attention.

Research and Statistics: Building Your Argument

A well-researched essay is a powerful tool. Accumulate data and statistics from credible sources such as academic journals, international organizations (like the UN or WHO), and reputable news outlets. This research should include global perspectives, highlighting how gender inequality varies across different cultures and societies. Use this information to construct a strong argument, supporting your points with evidence. This approach not only adds weight to your essay but also demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.

The Historical Perspective: Understanding the Roots

Incorporate a historical perspective to provide depth to your essay. Understanding the historical context of gender inequality helps to explain how and why it persists today. This can include an examination of gender roles throughout history, major movements for gender equality, and significant legal and social changes. A historical lens allows for a comprehensive view of the problem and its evolution over time.

Current Challenges and Debates

Focus on the current state of gender inequality. This section should explore the most pressing issues and debates surrounding gender inequality today. Topics can include the gender pay gap, underrepresentation in leadership positions, societal expectations, and the impact of gender stereotypes. This section can also cover the intersectionality of gender inequality, showing how it intersects with other forms of discrimination like race, class, and sexuality.

Solutions and Actions: Towards a More Equal Future

Every essay should look towards the future. Discuss potential solutions and actions that could be taken to address gender inequality. These can range from policy changes and educational reforms to shifts in cultural attitudes and individual actions. Highlight initiatives already in place that are working towards equality and suggest areas where more work is needed. This section should inspire and suggest practical ways for individuals and societies to contribute to a more gender-equal world.

Conclusion: Summarizing Key Points

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points discussed. Reiterate the importance of addressing gender inequality and the impact it has on individuals and society as a whole. Your conclusion should leave readers with a clear understanding of the issue, its significance, and a sense of hope or urgency for the future. Remember, a strong conclusion can leave a lasting impression on your readers, motivating them to think more deeply about the subject or even take action.

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Gender Equality Argumentative Essays Samples For Students

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Argumentative Essay On Hawthornes The Birthmark

Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark” explores a variety of themes. The tone of this short story is dark yet subtle, and the writer’s choice of language is intelligent in emphasizing this subtlety. The two main characters, a newly married couple, are introduced, and immediately Hawthorne establishes a sense of their relationship. In his story, “The Birthmark,” Hawthorne explores a troubling narrative and a theme which is largely rooted in feminism.

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In this essay, women are not equal to men. Nature has it, from time immemorial, that the two can and will never be equal. Even though feminism tries to make the equality a reality by trying to secure similar rights as those of men, it shall never be achieved. Maybe in the virtual life, equality can be achieved but not in the physical life.

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Gender Essay Topics: How to Ensure Successful Writing?


Gender Topic Definition

The topic of gender equality, and particularly the area of gender studies, is becoming more and more popular in the current times. All over the world, people and the media discuss this issue and all the concerns around it. Some people mistakenly conclude that gender topics have to deal more with women and their rights, but in reality they relate to men, women, and representatives of LGBTQ community. Gender topics intend to reveal the position of different genders in the society and how they interact. Besides, one of the central topics deals with their access to resources, changes, policies, and other interventions.

What You Need to Know about an Essay on Gender

The issue of inequality of sexes has been long discussed within different historical, cultural, and ethnic settings. It has been one of the dire social issues that impacted virtually every family. Nowadays, the focus has shifted to the direction of the concept of gender. So, gender essay topics are commonly assigned to students in a variety of academic disciplines: psychology, sociology, philosophy, gender studies, and others.

When you write an argumentative paper about genders and their (in)equality, you should come up with a strong and clear thesis statement that highlights your opinion and then support it with evidence derived from credible and peer-reviewed sources. Still, the very first step is to choose an effective topic, which should be neither too broad nor too narrow to investigate . If you don’t receive a specific topic from your professor, you should certainly choose a topic on your own and base your choice on your interests and passions within this subject area.

Gender equality is a burning issue, so it is essential to consider different aspects of the problem and various perspectives. Gender equality topics enable students to develop critical and analytical thinking skills, formulate strong statements and arguments, and master literature review writing. If you lack ideas what gender essay topic to choose, read on the article. We hope you will find valuable ideas for your papers provided by professionals from the best custom writing service .

Reasons to Learn More about Gender Topics

People who refuse to investigate the topic in detail still consider that the concept of gender inequality is merely topical for feminists who are over-concerned about women’s oppression. Some people even think that gender studies provoke people to hate men, thus widening the gap towards diversity.

In reality, gender studies highlight the basic patterns of how the society functions, how stereotypes are formed and grounded, and why it happens that some groups of people are regarded to be more privileged than others. A great amount of attention is given to minority groups and the issues connected with them.

If you are taking a course on gender studies, you will have to deal with some acute problems within the field. So, when choosing the given options, make sure you are driven by your interests and passions. To make the task of picking a paper theme easier for you, we have come up with a list of topics you can choose from. Just read on to learn possible topics and how to succeed in writing on them.

How to Succeed in Writing an Essay on Gender Issues

An underlying rule that can bring you success with your task is to follow the requirements as precisely as possible. You need to carefully read the essay prompt, pay attention to the key areas you need to research, and decide what perspective of the topic you want to focus on. Overall, you need to adhere to essay writing requirements and ensure you have such paper sections:

  • Introduction. Provide a catchy beginning of your paper. Add sufficient background details so that your readers understand what you are writing about and then provide some catchy details or a controversial fact that could draw readers’ attention. One of the prerequisites of success is to be able to catch attention of the audience from the very opening paragraph.
  • The main body. This is where you communicate the main idea to the audience. Your main message should be properly developed and elaborated throughout the body paragraphs. Keep in mind that each paragraph should be devoted to a single idea. More so, you should not only provide your personal statements or opinions but also review sufficient scholarly sources and come up with strong arguments and supporting evidence. Some of the recommended topic to research are gender power, equality in different sectors of life, as well as recommendations how to deal with them.
  • Conclusion. This is a short summary of the presented ideas, where you reiterate the main arguments and pinpoint to the core findings. Do not include any new facts in the closing paragraph.
  • Bibliography or a reference page. Enlist sources in the alphabetical order. Depending on the formatting requirements, you may either reference only those sources you have cited or both cited and consulted ones.

Interesting Gender-Related Topics That Evoke Readers’ Interests

When asked how one understands the concept of gender roles, people might mention the way men’s and women’s duties and responsibilities are organized or how men and women are overall portrayed in the media and in the society. More so, it would be interesting to investigate the matter of “norms” in the society and how they add up to promote some negative behaviors.

Even though there are studies nowadays that prove that women get salaries equal to men’s, there is still a gap between men and women when it comes to career prospects and remuneration. So, some of the ideas for gender issue essay writing may be:

  • Write a composition about gender stereotypes, where you pinpoint to the generalizations in relation to men and women.
  • Write a piece of paper about discrimination based on gender, where you investigate underlying examples of stereotypes and prejudice.
  • Write an argumentative piece about traditional and modern opinions on gender dynamics within families, corporations, and other groups.

Examples of Topics

  • Ideal body image expectations among men and women: what are their prerequisites and how do they differ?
  • How does gender impact career aspirations in men’s and women’s lives?
  • How can gender studies play a positive role in reducing sexual violence and other types of emotional abuse against women?
  • Can surgical transformation of a man into a woman be considered as biologically complete?
  • Does friendship between men and women exist?
  • Does ethnic and historical background influence one’s ability to earn money?
  • Relations between the refugee situation around the world and its effect on women and their safety.
  • Stereotypes about female workers.
  • Agree or disagree: married women are dependent on their husbands financially and emotionally when it comes to their career success.

Tips for Successful Writing

Consider the following tips if you want to boost the quality of your writing:

  • Get familiar with the variety of controversial topics associated with gender issues.
  • Investigate peer-reviewed sources, review credible information, and jot down data you could use in your writing.
  • Compose an outline, organize the main ideas, and start writing process.
  • Review your paper upon completion: edit the content and proofread the paper for grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes.
  • Ask somebody else to review your paper in order to take a fresh perspective on it.

When working on a gender essay, you are required to take a standpoint on the topic and formulate a strong argument. Then you have to elaborate on the topic, add sufficient evidence, examples, and illustrations. The overall tone of your writing should be argumentative or persuasive.

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Great Argumentative Essay Topics About Women

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To be effective, an Argumentative Essay must be well-organized and must include elements such as an introduction, clear arguments, a strong conclusion, and potentially a call to action. Simply having an opinion and some facts about your topic is not enough – you need to use your critical thinking skills to structure your argument in a way that will persuade your audience to see things your way. If you’re not sure where to start, take a look at some of the following argumentative Essay Topics About Women, Argumentative Essay Topics On Gender Roles, Gender Identity Argumentative Essay Topics, and Women Argumentative Topics:

What You'll Learn

  • Should women be allowed to wear what they like in conservative settings?
  • Should women have a free run from domestic violence at home?
  • Should society change its perception towards single mothers (with babies born out of wedlock)?
  • Should women shout for equality and reservation in the same breath?
  • Should women be allowed extended maternity leave?
  • Can conservative families be made to realize that women are more than just baby-rearing machines?
  • Should women undergo mandatory military training to be confident?
  • Should women’s equality be a quick or gradual process?
  • Should women boycott movies where they are shown in poor light?
  • Should Governments take responsibility to foster courage into common women?
  • Can women ever survive and negate sexist remarks in offices?

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Strong Argumentative Essay Topics On Gender Roles (Gender Role Argument Topics)

  • Gender Roles in Ancient Greek Community
  • What Are The Importance Of Gender Roles To Families?
  • Gender Roles Of The Family
  • The Concentration Of Gender Roles
  • Gender Representation And Gender Roles
  • Gender Responsibilities And Gender Roles
  • Functionalist Perspective On Gender Roles
  • Gender Roles: An Ideal Thing?
  • Social Media And Gender Roles
  • The History Of Gender Roles
  • Gender Roles And Social Norms
  • Family Values And Gender Roles
  • Should Men have More Gender Roles Than Women?
  • Gender Roles: A Form Of Gender Discrimination?
  • Examining Gender Roles in Man  and Woman
  • Gender Roles: Toys And Games
  • Are Gender Roles Damaging Society?
  • Psychological Effects of Gender Roles
  • How Are Gender Roles Formulated
  • Portrayal Of Gender Roles
  • Gender Roles in Disney
  • Comparing Cultural Gender Roles
  • Gender Roles in War and Peace
  • Portrayal Of Men And Gender Roles

You can also check out 150+ Top-Notch Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

Unique Gender Identity Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Gender identity: There are so many topics in gender identity that students can focus on – gender roles, co-modification and advertisements. When it comes to advertising, men and women are assigned different roles. Women will be given roles that match the traits ascribed to them. The same case applies to men.
  • Sexual orientation: With the recent rising cases of lesbianism, gay-ism, same sex marriage and sexual reassignment, such concepts offer viable essay topics .
  • Gender expression and the social norms: Gender states that you are either man or woman. Anything outside the social norm is considered outcast.
  • Gender role development: This is an important area when it comes to human development.
  • The male and female gender constructs Cultural beliefs dictate that there are two biological sexes-male and female. There are a lot of stereotypes and ascribed associated with each gender.
  • The relationship between sex and gender roles: There is a correlation between the sex and gender roles of men and women as per the societal and cultural expectations.
  • Gender mainstreaming: This basically deals with ensuring that gender needs of men and women are met in a manner that is fair and just.

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Strong Women Argumentative Topics

  • Will it be ethical to objectify males to put them on the same platter as women?
  • Can women actually overcome the physical barrier to shout for equality?
  • Is an equal society possible when 70% women shy away from indulging in crowd?
  • Necessity to spread awareness among women regarding their rights
  • Is the nuclear family the most forward step towards restoring parity between men and women?
  • Gender roles: How hard is it to mold the rigid perspectives of societies?
  • Is female adultery a logical demand or a perverse act of feminism?
  • Will the world run as smoothly if it turns matriarchal?
  • What part does sex play in defining gender roles?

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Gender Equality Essay Examples

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About Gender Equality

Gender equality, also known as sexual equality is the state in which access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender.

Women spend up to 5 more hours on unpaid domestic work than men each day In most countries, women only earn between 60 and 75% of men’s wages - for the same work. Women spend up to 5 more hours on unpaid domestic work than men each day One in four girls around the world was married before her 18th birthday

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