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Textile Design thesis 2022


Pre - consumer Textile Waste from Waste Bin to Wearable

Ayesha Qureshi


Life is in Layers, Expression of Felting in Textile Arts

Mehwish Rafique


Reflection of Kashikari through Textile

Hira Mazhar


Translation of Undulating Asymmetrical lines of Art Nouveau for Interior Spaces using Textile crafts

Emaan Sagheer


Seashells Delicacy

Hafza Fatima


Exploring the Translucency of Stained Glass in Textiles

Mehak Jamal Pervez


Incorporation of Biophillic Attributes in Residential Interiors through Textile Arts

Samia Ahmed


Clouds and Emotions

Minahil Qazi


Celebrating Meenakari

Momina Sheikh


Tooba Khalid

“Pre-consumer Textile Waste from Waste Bin to Wearable"


Presently, textile industry is facing immense criticism on its excessive and wasteful consumption of fiber resources, which led to elevation in textile waste. Pakistan, being the contemporary face of the Indus Valley Civilization, has a history of sustainable textiles, reusing and repurposing textiles in rotation. The aim of this research is to provide simple solutions, inspired from vernacular dressmaking techniques, specifically Kurta and its different types to explore surface design possibilities, while utilizing leftover pre consumer textile waste. The researcher desire to inculcate, if not the same as practice in west, but some knowledge and take part in providing solutions to reduce the waste and in the long run production of excessive textiles. For the purpose, 10 different types of kurta designs have been explored while reusing leftover textile waste collected from tailors’ shops. These kurtas have been ideated and further executed from pre consumer textile waste and transforming those in wearables.


What is life? We ask ourselves this question at different points in our lives. The answer to thisquestion also differs according to our personal experiences that have shaped us layer by layer like an onion. I feel this same sense of layers in felting (namde), as the namda is created by bonding layers upon layers of wool and eventually shape into a fabric as an existence. I wish to explore the layers of life which form us, layer upon layer of experiences leaving their mark on our personality, in accordance with the amazing, layered art of felting. I have identified the layers in the story as stages. Every stage has a special colour and impact that has formed my personality. For depicting every life stage and its layers, I will create different felt pieces depicting life in the form of different layers.

Reflection of Kashikari through textile


The aim of this study is to explore and acknowledge the beauty of our cultural handcraft Kashikari, which often brush aside. It is an attempt to recreate and reinforce it by replicating through textile medium and to pay tribute to the artisans of this specific craft. This research is mainly focused on Punjab’s kashikari predominantly Multan and Lahore. The whole work is executed through manual and digital textile printing techniques along with different surface embellishments to achieve the look and beauty of kashikari inspired designs.


My thesis research is conceptualized on the art movement of the 1800’s, Art Nouveau. The art movement under discussion, incorporated a new style with design solutions focusing more on natural forms, curves and lines. And that is the main source of inspiration for my work. The execution of my work incorporates Screen Printing Technique; using ‘Line’ as the main element and is printed on different upholstery fabric which is further enhanced in using textile techniques of patchwork/cutwork. My work aims to create a visual interior environment, showcasing the design element of lines and curves with the basic inspiration from the whiplash curves, sinuous lines of Art Nouveau. The colour palette used is also inspired from the natural aspect and the artists of that period, combining natural hues, shades, and tones. The execution will further be represented in an interior space which includes, sofa throws, curtain belts, and patches as interior products.


Seashells are the outer hard covering of molluscs. The thesis is aimed at exploring the delicacy, beauty, and the line pattern of seashells. Whenever I experience shells, few things are very prominent while experiencing it which is the line pattern prominent on the shell which creates movement. Through this experience I shall be trying to depict the commonality which is the flow and continuity in my work. The flow and continuity were the most prominent thing that attracted me in the shells delicacy. For creating design, the physical element is that of seashell while the placement of seashells shows movement and connection that is the most prominent aspect of my work. Through this thesis I shall be connecting people with nature and highlighting the beauty and form of seashells. The designs shall be created digitally on Adobe Photoshop and then be transferred onto fabric for the final products through digital printing.


Through my work I am translating light manipulation and translucency of stained-glass windows in textiles. The Opalescent era of stained glass has been the focus of inspiration as it was an era when stained glass moved away from strictly religious themes to more nature inspired motifs that would appeal to a wider audience. In this way I am using silk painting, beadwork and dabka to depict the effect of stained glass in fabrics that can be used by many people despite their religion or race. The purpose of my research is to explore an ancient art form in a different way as its importance has decreased over the years.


The Human desire to connect with nature and be in its surroundings is the main driving power behind my thesis topic. Nature has an important role in an individual's life. The unbreakable bond between humans and natural space is what always fascinated me, but over time it’s somehow lost because of many reasons, and we do not really get time to spend in nature's company. So, my work is basically based on the concept of “Relive Lost Connections” Being a textile student, I love to work in Batik which provides me with many options in creating my artwork. My work execution incorporates batik on silk for it helps me in exploring unique sides of art pieces and enhancing its beauty. This thesis will be focused on creating such interior space which will increase human connection with natural world by incorporating Biophilic design. The Panels will showcase the biophilic attributes which will visually reconnect humans with nature.


Nature has always been the main source of inspiration for artists and designers as humanity has always been fascinated by the it and specially the astounding shapes and forms of clouds on sky. Shimmering in sunlight, the luminous clouds in a scattered formation provide an impeccable scene for naturists to admire. In this research different state and forms of clouds are used as a symbol of human emotions. The study focuses on the comparison of emotions between clouds (as a nature element) and human emotions, which would benefit in appreciating the unique features of clouds in our mundane lives. This will symbolically present clouds as human moods, which consists of layers of feelings that never last forever. For the execution of this project multiple sheer fabrics have been explored along with fabric manipulation and different textile techniques, keeping in mind the transparency, flexibly and delicacy of clouds.


The purpose of this research is to explore the beauty of rich cultural craft Meenakari jewellery with a traditional value attached to it as a royal craft of subcontinent. This study is an attempt to acknowledge the artisans and craftmanship by taking inspiration from Meenakari technique and designs and recreating it in textile medium. Main source of inspiration for this study is the meenakari jewellery of JAIPUR city, which is considered the hub of this craft. To obtain the look and beauty of meenakari inspired designs, the entire process is completed using manual and digital textile printing techniques, as well as other surface embellishments.


A motif is a basic and dominant unit of any design that is further composed aesthetically to create surface pattern. This research is about developing motifs and patterns by taking inspiration from contemporary urban forms and creating fusion of primitive and contemporary motifs. Different practice approaches have been used to execute the final shape of contemporary motifs, from manual sketches to treating raw images on software to create surface patterns.

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Developing and testing a training program to promote creativity among saudi female fashion design students : concentrating on a combination of design behaviours, namely visual literacy, creative thinking and use of modelling systems, in the early stages of the design process. , an auto-ethnographic sensorial investigation through woven textiles in the creation of personal memorial to loss , an investigation of combined biaxial tensile and shear deformations in textile woven fabrics , developing sustainable fabrics with plant-based formulations , an investigation of textile sensors and their application in wearable electronics , ros administrator.


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Research and Thesis

When interested in a career in research and/or a Ph.D. it may be advisable to plan on doing a thesis. Some larger companies may also prefer students with a thesis. Everyone’s path is different though and there are some exceptions to these broad rules. Your advisor will work with you to determine what the best choice will be for you. 

Research Thesis Requirements 

Master’s Thesis In order to complete the degree in a reasonable time, students should identify a topic and start work on a thesis early. Identification of a thesis topic should be done during or before the second semester in residence. It is the student’s responsibility to take the initiative to engage in activities that will lead to the identification of a thesis topic. While there is no unique sequence of steps that should be taken in order to arrive at the definition of an appropriate problem, a few suggestions may be helpful. A student may enter the graduate program with a definite interest. A student may be able to identify a thesis topic from course work or readings. Some portion of the research in which a faculty member is engaged may be developed as a thesis. Each professor has interests and ideas that may provide stimulating suggestions. Graduate students should contact faculty members; they welcome the opportunity to get acquainted with students. Other sources of stimulation and advice are discussions with other students, attendance at professional meetings, and familiarity with the relevant literature. Finally, in carrying out term paper requirements for courses, students have an opportunity to get the background understanding and information which will enable them to sense a problem that is both interesting and of reasonable scope. The master’s thesis is intended to be a focused research exercise on a manageable topic. It should be focused on a well-defined topic with restricted scope. At the same time, it must be carried out with care and rigor. Peer-reviewed publications and at least one conference paper is expected. The committee will supervise the work throughout the preparation of the thesis with the chair or co-chairs taking major responsibility. The student should consult with the chair and the committee in connection with any major problems, and keep them informed of progress. It is beneficial for all concerned that concise (monthly) reports are provided to the committee to keep them abreast of progress and any problems that need to be addressed. Regular meetings with the chair or committee are also usually very helpful. Be sure to take full advantage of workshops that are made available by The Graduate School. For instance, M.S. students should take this Electronic Theses and Dissertations workshop at the end of their first year. Once the thesis has been completed, it should be carefully edited and tentatively approved by the committee. The student may then proceed to arrange a suitable time and place for the oral examination according to the rules of the Graduate School, using MyPack Portal . All theses are submitted electronically to the Graduate School. Once the thesis is defended, it must be approved by the advisory committee with original signatures of the members of the advisory committee on the title page. Once the student has the signed title page, they can meet with the graduate thesis/dissertation editor. Before final approval, the thesis will be reviewed by the Graduate School to ensure that it conforms to the specifications prescribed in the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Guide . The editor will give the student a date by which the thesis must be submitted electronically in order for the student to graduate in a given semester. Students should plan to provide a final copy of the thesis to each committee member, if they request it.

Master’s Thesis Defense and Oral Examination Candidates for the master’s degree must pass a comprehensive oral examination to demonstrate to the advisory committee that they possess a reasonable mastery of the subject matter of the major and supporting fields and that this knowledge can be used with promptness and accuracy. The oral examination includes an oral presentation about the thesis and questions focused on the project. Authorization to hold the examination is requested through the Graduate School. The examination may not be held until all other requirements, except completion of the course work for the final semester, are satisfied. A mutually agreeable time of no less than two hours must be scheduled for the examination. A unanimous vote of approval by the advisory committee is required for passing the oral examination. However, approval of the examination may be conditioned upon the completion of additional work to the satisfaction of the advisory committee. Failure of a student to pass the examination terminates the student’s graduate program unless otherwise unanimously recommended by the advisory committee. Oral examinations for master’s degree candidates are open to all faculty, students and staff. Discussion and decisions regarding the student’s performance are confidential to the advisory committee. Graduate School requirements for the master’s degree are outlined in the NC State University Graduate Catalog . Students are urged to review carefully the section pertaining to the degree sought.

Advisory Committee   At the master’s level, the Advisory Committee shall consist of at least: 1) two members from the TATM graduate faculty. The third committee member may be a TATM graduate faculty member or a NC State University Graduate Faculty Member.


Home > Textiles > Textiles Masters Theses


Textiles Masters Theses

Building on solid technical skills and a proficient design process, MFA candidates in Textiles engage in individual research to develop a personal vision and an understanding of design as an expression of a continually evolving culture. The program focuses on the woven, knit and print design of fabrics used for apparel and interior design applications. Geared towards those who have a background in textiles, along with experience in visual studies from an undergraduate program or professional practice, it helps students to broaden and sharpen their skills, hone their artistic identity and become well versed in the technical and creative potential of their chosen medium and its context. The program also emphasizes studies in drawing and color - along with participation in graduate seminars - as a means of building analytical and critical thinking skills.

In the final semester, MFA candidates focus on creating a comprehensive body of work under the guidance of a thesis committee. All graduate students produce a written thesis and participate in the RISD Graduate Thesis Exhibition , a large-scale public show held annually.

Graduate Program Director: Brooks Hagan

These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License .

Theses from 2024 2024

Sircling the Cquare , Latika Balachander

New Craft: Craft Practices in the Digital Era , Paulina Bereza

Umbrales (Thresholds) , Maureen Scally

Urban Looms, Recoloring City , Ella Son

Theses from 2023 2023

Sanctuary , Harsha Kejriwal

A Room Full of Pigeons and Three Spectators , Dina Khorchid and Dina Nazmi Khorchid

Partial Eclipse , Christopher Pak

Surface Tear , Alexandra Soiseth

Iteration One , Julian Suver

The Meaning of A Choice , Julie-Louise Zeitoun

Theses from 2022 2022

What do we stand for? , Lauren Koven

World Settings , Elizabeth Meiklejohn

Soul soiree: how “Sunday best” dressing encourages celebration of self , Olufisayo Quadri

Shifting landscapes , Zahra Tyebjee

Theses from 2021 2021

Insecurities: tracing displacement and migration , Hammad Abid

Building narratives: instilling old stories in new spaces , Sharanya Aggarwal

Dal and rice , Anushka Divecha

Out of bounds , Luciana Iwamoto

Transformers: versatile apparel for a sustainable world , Zihan Amy Peng

Textile architecture , Zoe Yates

Theses from 2020 2020

Unbound , Changrui He

Here and there: a continuous narrative , Hye Young Kim

A little more like water , Jacqueline Scott

Theses from 2019 2019

Mais fica : more for me , Gabrielle Marie Ferreira

Awe-struck , Emily Robertson

Floating , Nina Shishkina

Theses from 2018 2018

Haptic wonder : the sensation of exquisite craft , Anjuli Berstein

The evolution of ornament , Charlotte Ngaio Fairless

Summer peaches and salt-tinged fog , Carolina Jiménez

Capes make the man , Khalid Mezaina

Cosmic whatever, cement gardens, luminous shade , Winifred Vaughan

Theses from 2017 2017

I was there : irreversible view , Asma Belhamar

I trace the fold : fluidity and flux in the terrain vague , Alicia Oas

Deceptive fragility : characteristics and fabrication methods of extra thick weft-knitted spacer fabrics , Anastasia Onegina

How to become ocean? , Elaina Runge

The untold tale , Yan Zeng

Theses from 2016 2016

Li remembered , Meredith (Yue) Du

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Information About Resources

This LibGuide provides a very small portion of textile-related resources that are available. Textiles involve a multi-disciplinary (including, but not limited to: art, art history, archaeology, anthropology, business, chemistry, geography, and history) approach to study and there exists overlap in the relationships between different disciplines of study.  With respect to the hundreds of fields, aspects, and geographical orgins associated with textiles, this LibGuide touches upon four general topics:

Design  addresses aesthetic components and choices relative to textile design and focuses on two aspects: color and surface design.  "Color" touches upon the human perception of color and the values that can be associated or measured with color; some people have based their entire education and professional work in the study of color and color systems alone.  "Surface design"  refers to a few examples of affecting different aesthetics and/or textures to textile materials.

Fiber touches upon fiber classification, creating textiles from fibers, sustainable fibers, and textile quality and control standards. Because there are an infinite number of options regarding technique and stylistic interpretations, this is a very basic introduction to the basic components of textile production.

History focuses on the resources about the history of textiles as well as historical resources about textiles. Because textiles have origins before the written word, this LibGuide will not extensively delve into the history of textiles. 

Images offers a few resources to find visual examples of textiles through keyword searches in databases containing relevant images.

News/Blogs provides links to seven different web pages and blogs through RSS feeds: Textile Exchange, the TAFA (Textile and Fiber Artists) List, Textile Source Blog, The Textile Blog, R. John Howe's Textile and Text Blog (associated with The Textile Museum), Puff and Flock, and 2Modern Design Talk.

Preservation offers some suggestions for how to care for and preserve textiles and lists the most common "enemies" of textiles. Additionally, a list of books on the topic of textile preservation are included.

These topics are meant to be starting points for you research and/or curiosity about textiles.  Hopefully, they will inspire you to explore further and enjoy the world of textiles!

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Home > Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design > Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research

Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design, Department of

Department of textiles, merchandising, and fashion design: dissertations, theses, and student research.

Clothing, from Textiles to Pixels: Exploring the Possibilities of Design with Clo3d Software , Tina Shetabi

The Making of Everyday Hollywood: 1930s Film Influence on Everyday Women’s Fashion in Nebraska , Anna Naomi Kuhlman

“Any Lady Can Now Learn to Cut Perfect Fitting Dresses”: The Role of Pattern Drafting Systems in the Production of Women’s Dress, 1880–1900 , Alyssa Smith

These Are My People: An Ethnography of QuiltCon , Kristin Barrus

Beauty and Lifestyle Subscription Services: A Modern Retailing Format for the Vigilante Collaborative Consumption Consumer , Melisa Spilinek

Influence of Convenience, Time-savings, Price, and Product Variety on Amazon Prime Members and Non-Prime Shoppers’ Online Apparel Purchase Intention , Md Rashaduzzaman

An Evaluation of Sustainability in Consumption: The Behaviors Behind Purchase, Care, and Disposal of Apparel , Ana La Rosa

Sins Against Our Soles: The Morality and Hygiene of Nineteenth-Century Women's Shoes , Nicole Rudolph

Millennials' Acceptance of Voice Activated Shopping , Katelyn Nicole Sorensen

Country of Origin Impact on Consumer Perception of Value in Fast Fashion , Katherine Walter

Buying Behaviors of Generation X Women on Fast Fashion Products: A Mixed Methods Study , Yiyue Fan


Development of Composites from Waste PET - Cotton Textiles , Madhuri Palakurthi

Bio-Crosslinking of Starch Films with Oxidized Sucrose , Hazal Canisag

Keeping Nebraska in Fashion: The Success of Postwar Custom Dressmaker Ilona Dorenter Berk , Kylin P. Jensen

Influence of Parents, Peers, Internet Product Search and Visual Social Media on College Students’ Purchase Behavior: A Mixed Methods Study , Jennifer E. Johnson

Fabrication of 3D Ultrafine Fibrous Protein Structures via Freeze-Drying , Yiling Huang

The Relationship Between Fashion Blogs and Intention to Purchase and Word of Mouth Behavior , Cassidy L. Vineyard

Electrospun Plant Protein Scaffolds with Fibers Oriented Randomly and Evenly in Three-Dimensions for Soft Tissue Engineering Applications , Shaobo Cai

The Influence of Mobile Website Quality on Consumer Satisfaction and Behavior , Xiuyuan Gao

Crusading Quilts: Social Reform and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union , Amanda Lensch

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Technical Textile; Design & Methodology

Profile image of Tamer Khalifa

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Textiles are no more limited for use as apparels clothing is just are but not the only purpose of textiles with the rapid changes in the social economic structure of our society. Many efforts are made to some and protect human life. Textiles come to our help in every walk of life. Similarly, textiles enhancing the quality of human life trough protection against various hazards as well as protection of environment are today’s priorities were scientist all around the world are breaking their heads. Technical textiles are the fastest growing area of textile consumption in the world. As per the market survey it has projected an average growth rate of 4% for technical textiles during the period 1995-2005 In most of the developed countries, technical textiles already account for 4% of the total textile production. Even in many developing countries, the proportion is well above 10%. At present, India’s contribution in this area is negligible at about 0.2%.However, due to competition from neighboring countries ad emerging economic power, India has tremendous potential for production, Consumption and export of technical textile. In the circumstances, textiles are playing major role through its diversified applications and undoubtedly the future of this technical textiles appears tom be bright in this, lot of uses are there. They are medical textiles, protective textiles, agricultural textiles, geo textiles, automotive textiles, smart textiles and industrial textiles.

textile design thesis topics

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To understand textiles and their application today, as well as future applications, it is necessary to comprehend the development of textiles and their applications throughout history. The gradual development of textile production processes and the use of different materials, influenced the development and application of materials themselves. Numerous innovations made since Industrial revolution, events in technology development and international competition have shaped the industry and continue to affect the textile production even today. Nowadays, textiles can be divided into two main sectors according to their application: conventional textiles (textiles for fashion clothing) and technical textiles with numerous applications for nearly all society needs. Due to market needs and technology development, the interference of all areas of science occurs, resulting in amazing innovations that follow existing trends and set future trends in terms of interactivity, digital and electronic...

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The textile industry has been developing rapidly and newer technologies are introduced and the only formula for survival is encapsulating those innovations into the manufacturing process and making the best of use them for increasing the productivity and quality. Owing to the rapid development of novel sciences and technologies, textile materials have also found applications in the technical field in recent years. A new sector of technical textiles is launched and the textile industry is very optimistic that these products will open up new target groups and sustainable markets. Textile industries in Europe and the US struggle against cheap textile imports from Asia or Eastern Europe. The products can be sold very cheap and are distributed all over the world. The future of the Indian Textile and Apparel Industry depends on highly specialized products with added values. The textile industry develops advanced fiber types which are already available or will be available in the near future and can compete on the market. This will also have some influence in forensic fibres investigations. Smart Clothes and Intelligent Textiles are catchphrases but what can we expect to find behind these slogans and how can we determine new fiber types in forensic investigation? Especially the identification of nano-particles and nano-composites is a task for the forensic scientist. The question how and if the forensic scientist has to develop more refined techniques to identify these specialized textiles and fiber types is highlighted. Though there are some disadvantages in manufacturing method, research work is going on to make them completely viable in the technical textile industry. Keywords: nano-particles, nano-composites, Smart Clothes, Intelligent Textiles

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Adrian Buhu

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The strategies of the world are changing direction as a result of the innovative developments and technological evolutions. This change in the scenario has put lot of thrust on R & D activities to deliver High Performance products to various applications. Proper utilization of the latest technology and using a techno engineering approach is the need of the hour to bring a sea change in the departments where they are to be modernized. A road map has been created identifying the critical areas with a view to equip the undeveloped areas with the start of the art performance with dual object of awakening the industry to modern trends and thereby meeting the expectations of the particular field. High performance textiles are the one, which is to fulfil the modern requirements of any industry. High performance fibres and their high tech products possess a wide range of properties like high modulus; high strength and low density and they are also capable of withstanding high temperatures. This makes them useful for Aerospace, Nuclear Biological Chemical warfare protective clothing, Ballistic armor applications (Bullet proofs, Helmets).

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  6. Thesis Display in NCA Lahore, 2024 🎇🎉🥳💯🔥


  1. FJWU Textile Design Thesis 2022

    Textile Design thesis 2022. Pre - consumer Textile Waste from Waste Bin to Wearable. Ayesha Qureshi. View more. Life is in Layers, Expression of Felting in Textile Arts. ... The Human desire to connect with nature and be in its surroundings is the main driving power behind my thesis topic. Nature has an important role in an individual's life ...

  2. Doctoral Theses (Textiles & Design)

    An investigation of combined biaxial tensile and shear deformations in textile woven fabrics . Yousef, Mohammad Issam (Heriot-Watt University Textiles and Design, 2022-10) Textile fabrics undergo complex deformation during processing, wear and use. Determining how a fabric behaves is important for understanding its performance.

  3. Research and Thesis

    The master's thesis is intended to be a focused research exercise on a manageable topic. It should be focused on a well-defined topic with restricted scope. At the same time, it must be carried out with care and rigor. Peer-reviewed publications and at least one conference paper is expected. The committee will supervise the work throughout ...

  4. PDF Transitionary Textiles

    Transitionary Textiles a craft-based journey of textile design practice towards new values and roles for a sustainable fashion industry Clara Vuletich A thesis submitted in partial fullment of the requirements of University of the Arts London For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Chelsea College of Arts University of the Arts London NoVember 2015

  5. Textile Design Thesis Projects :: Photos, videos, logos ...

    284 16.7k. Thesis- Aztec Art (Textile Prints) Kinza Munir. 5 166. Textile design Thesis. Nudrat Art. 8 254. Lily pattern design. Nadya Mamonova.

  6. 2797 PDFs

    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on TEXTILE DESIGN. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review on ...

  7. Textiles Masters Theses

    Textiles Masters Theses. Building on solid technical skills and a proficient design process, MFA candidates in Textiles engage in individual research to develop a personal vision and an understanding of design as an expression of a continually evolving culture. The program focuses on the woven, knit and print design of fabrics used for apparel ...

  8. Dissertations / Theses: 'Textile design'

    Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Textile design.'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, Vancouver ...

  9. Textiles : Resources by Topic

    Information About Resources. This LibGuide provides a very small portion of textile-related resources that are available. Textiles involve a multi-disciplinary (including, but not limited to: art, art history, archaeology, anthropology, business, chemistry, geography, and history) approach to study and there exists overlap in the relationships ...

  10. Theses and Dissertations

    ProQuest Dissertation eLearning Companions. These short interactive eLearning Companions from ProQuest demystify the dissertation and offer tips on how to extract valuable information from these uniquely valuable resources. They also provide tips on how to get the most of our ProQuest Dissertations and Theses platform.

  11. (PDF) On researching and teaching textile design

    This thesis describes an exploration of the principles of applying leuco dye-based inks to textile design practice. The main motivation has been to explore the design properties and potentials of ...

  12. Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design, Department of

    Master's candidates: Deposit of your thesis or project is required. (If an embargo [restricted access] ... THE DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE FOR FEMALE TEXTILE-DESIGN BLOGGERS, Khadijah Baaqil. 2016 PDF. Development of Composites from Waste PET - Cotton Textiles, Madhuri Palakurthi.

  13. Technical Textile; Design & Methodology

    Download PDF. Design Issues International Design Journal, Vol.3 No.1 51 Technical Textile; Design & Methodology Tamer F. Khalifa Associate Professor, Spinning, Weaving, and Knitting Dept., Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University, Egypt 1. Abstract: Currently, the use of Textile is being continuously expanded in fields including medical ...

  14. (PDF) Design and analysis in textile research

    Design and analysis in textile. research. R.M. Laing, C.A. Wilson, B.E. Niven. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. 1.1 Introduction. The objective of this chapter is to provide an overview ...

  15. Dissertations / Theses: 'Textile industry and garment'

    Video (online) Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Textile industry and garment.'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA ...

  16. Dissertations / Theses: 'Textile Management and Technology ...

    Video (online) Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Textile Management and Technology.'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA ...

  17. Unique and Inspiring Textile Thesis Topics Ideas

    Explore a range of unique and inspiring textile thesis topics ideas to fuel your creativity. Discover new perspectives and innovative approaches in the field of textiles for your thesis project.

  18. Thesis project BTD Batch 2017-21

    The thesis display is the most awaited, challenging, and exciting event for design students as lots of effort and hard work is involved in it. Final display 2021 by Textile design students captured many areas of the design world like textile arts, Apparel, home textile products having textiles in different forms, blinds, textile sculptures ...

  19. Thesis Archives

    Consumer Behavior towards Organized Apparel Retail Industry in Bangladesh. A Study on Consumer Behavior towards Organized Apparel Retail Industry in Bangladesh Md. Shahidur Rahman Managing Director SHAFA Sourcing E-mail: [email protected] …. Read more.