Impression Management: Erving Goffman Theory

Charlotte Nickerson

Research Assistant at Harvard University

Undergraduate at Harvard University

Charlotte Nickerson is a student at Harvard University obsessed with the intersection of mental health, productivity, and design.

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On This Page:

  • Impression management refers to the goal-directed conscious or unconscious attempt to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object, or event by regulating and controlling information in social interaction.
  • Generally, people undertake impression management to achieve goals that require they have a desired public image. This activity is called self-presentation.
  • In sociology and social psychology, self-presentation is the conscious or unconscious process through which people try to control the impressions other people form of them.
  • The goal is for one to present themselves the way in which they would like to be thought of by the individual or group they are interacting with. This form of management generally applies to the first impression.
  • Erving Goffman popularized the concept of perception management in his book, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life , where he argues that impression management not only influences how one is treated by other people but is an essential part of social interaction.

Impression Management

Impression Management in Sociology

Impression management, also known as self-presentation, refers to the ways that people attempt to control how they are perceived by others (Goffman, 1959).

By conveying particular impressions about their abilities, attitudes, motives, status, emotional reactions, and other characteristics, people can influence others to respond to them in desirable ways.

Impression management is a common way for people to influence one another in order to obtain various goals.

While earlier theorists (e.g., Burke, 1950; Hart & Burk, 1972) offered perspectives on the person as a performer, Goffman (1959) was the first to develop a specific theory concerning self-presentation.

In his well-known work, Goffman created the foundation and the defining principles of what is commonly referred to as impression management.

In explicitly laying out a purpose for his work, Goffman (1959) proposes to “consider the ways in which the individual in ordinary work situations presents himself and his activity to others, the ways in which he guides and controls the impression they form of him, and the kind of things he may or may not do while sustaining his performance before them.” (p. xi)

Social Interaction

Goffman viewed impression management not only as a means of influencing how one is treated by other people but also as an essential part of social interaction.

He communicates this view through the conceit of theatre. Actors give different performances in front of different audiences, and the actors and the audience cooperate in negotiating and maintaining the definition of a situation.

To Goffman, the self was not a fixed thing that resides within individuals but a social process. For social interactions to go smoothly, every interactant needs to project a public identity that guides others’ behaviors (Goffman, 1959, 1963; Leary, 2001; Tseelon, 1992).

Goffman defines that when people enter the presence of others, they communicate information by verbal intentional methods and by non-verbal unintentional methods.

According to Goffman, individuals participate in social interactions through performing a “line” or “a pattern of verbal and nonverbal acts by which he expresses his view of the situation and through this his evaluation of the participants, especially himself” (1967, p. 5).

Such lines are created and maintained by both the performer and the audience. By enacting a line effectively, a person gains positive social value or “face.”

The verbal intentional methods allow us to establish who we are and what we wish to communicate directly. We must use these methods for the majority of the actual communication of data.

Goffman is mostly interested in the non-verbal clues given off which are less easily manipulated. When these clues are manipulated the receiver generally still has the upper hand in determining how realistic the clues that are given off are.

People use these clues to determine how to treat a person and if the intentional verbal responses given off are actually honest. It is also known that most people give off clues that help to represent them in a positive light, which tends to be compensated for by the receiver.

Impression Management Techniques

  • Suppressing emotions : Maintaining self-control (which we will identify with such practices as speaking briefly and modestly).
  • Conforming to Situational Norms : The performer follows agreed-upon rules for behavior in the organization.
  • Flattering Others : The performer compliments the perceiver. This tactic works best when flattery is not extreme and when it involves a dimension important to the perceiver.
  • Being Consistent : The performer’s beliefs and behaviors are consistent. There is agreement between the performer’s verbal and nonverbal behaviors.

Self-Presentation Examples

Self-presentation can affect the emotional experience . For example, people can become socially anxious when they are motivated to make a desired impression on others but doubt that they can do so successfully (Leary, 2001).

In one paper on self-presentation and emotional experience, Schlenker and Leary (1982) argue that, in contrast to the drive models of anxiety, the cognitive state of the individual mediates both arousal and behavior.

The researchers examine the traditional inverted-U anxiety-performance curve (popularly known as the Yerkes-Dodson law) in this light.

The researchers propose that people are interpersonally secure when they do not have the goal of creating a particular impression on others.

They are not immediately concerned about others’ evaluative reactions in a social setting where they are attempting to create a particular impression and believe that they will be successful in doing so.

Meanwhile, people are anxious when they are uncertain about how to go about creating a certain impression (such as when they do not know what sort of attributes the other person is likely to be impressed with), think that they will not be able to project the types of images that will produce preferred reactions from others.

Such people think that they will not be able to project the desired image strongly enough or believe that some event will happen that will repudiate their self-presentations, causing reputational damage (Schlenker and Leary, 1982).

Psychologists have also studied impression management in the context of mental and physical health .

In one such study, Braginsky et al. (1969) showed that those hospitalized with schizophrenia modify the severity of their “disordered” behavior depending on whether making a more or less “disordered” impression would be most beneficial to them (Leary, 2001).

Additional research on university students shows that people may exaggerate or even fabricate reports of psychological distress when doing so for their social goals.

Hypochondria appears to have self-presentational features where people convey impressions of illness and injury, when doing so helps to drive desired outcomes such as eliciting support or avoiding responsibilities (Leary, 2001).

People can also engage in dangerous behaviors for self-presentation reasons such as suntanning, unsafe sex, and fast driving. People may also refuse needed medical treatment if seeking this medical treatment compromises public image (Leary et al., 1994).

Key Components

There are several determinants of impression management, and people have many reasons to monitor and regulate how others perceive them.

For example, social relationships such as friendship, group membership, romantic relationships, desirable jobs, status, and influence rely partly on other people perceiving the individual as being a particular kind of person or having certain traits.

Because people’s goals depend on them making desired impressions over undesired impressions, people are concerned with the impressions other people form of them.

Although people appear to monitor how they come across ongoingly, the degree to which they are motivated to impression manage and the types of impressions they try to foster varies by situation and individuals (Leary, 2001).

Leary and Kowalski (1990) say that there are two processes that constitute impression management, each of which operate according to different principles and are affected by different situations and dispositional aspects. The first of these processes is impression motivation, and the second is impression construction.
Impression Motivation Impression Construction
Goal-relevance of impressions Self-concept
Value of desired goals Desired and undesired identity images
Discrepancy between the desired and current image Role constraints

Impression Motivation

There are three main factors that affect how much people are motivated to impression-manage in a situation (Leary and Kowalski, 1990):

(1) How much people believe their public images are relevant to them attaining their desired goals.

When people believe that their public image is relevant to them achieving their goals, they are generally more motivated to control how others perceive them (Leary, 2001).

Conversely, when the impressions of other people have few implications on one’s outcomes, that person’s motivation to impression-manage will be lower.

This is why people are more likely to impression manage in their interactions with powerful, high-status people than those who are less powerful and have lower status (Leary, 2001).

(2) How valuable the goals are: people are also more likely to impress and manage the more valuable the goals for which their public impressions are relevant (Leary, 2001).

(3) how much of a discrepancy there is between how they want to be perceived and how they believe others perceive them..

People are more highly motivated to impression-manage when there is a difference between how they want to be perceived and how they believe others perceive them.

For example, public scandals and embarrassing events that convey undesirable impressions can cause people to make self-presentational efforts to repair what they see as their damaged reputations (Leary, 2001).

Impression Construction

Features of the social situations that people find themselves in, as well as their own personalities, determine the nature of the impressions that they try to convey.

In particular, Leary and Kowalski (1990) name five sets of factors that are especially important in impression construction (Leary, 2001).

Two of these factors include how people’s relationships with themselves (self-concept and desired identity), and three involve how people relate to others (role constraints, target value, and current or potential social image) (Leary and Kowalski, 1990).


The impressions that people try to create are influenced not only by social context but also by one’s own self-concept .

People usually want others to see them as “how they really are” (Leary, 2001), but this is in tension with the fact that people must deliberately manage their impressions in order to be viewed accurately by others (Goffman, 1959).

People’s self-concepts can also constrain the images they try to convey.

People often believe that it is unethical to present impressions of themselves different from how they really are and generally doubt that they would successfully be able to sustain a public image inconsistent with their actual characteristics (Leary, 2001).

This risk of failure in portraying a deceptive image and the accompanying social sanctions deter people from presenting impressions discrepant from how they see themselves (Gergen, 1968; Jones and Pittman, 1982; Schlenker, 1980).

People can differ in how congruent their self-presentations are with their self-perceptions.

People who are high in public self-consciousness have less congruency between their private and public selves than those lower in public self-consciousness (Tunnell, 1984; Leary and Kowalski, 1990).

Desired identity

People’s desired and undesired selves – how they wish to be and not be on an internal level – also influence the images that they try to project.

Schlenker (1985) defines a desirable identity image as what a person “would like to be and thinks he or she really can be, at least at his or her best.”

People have a tendency to manage their impressions so that their images coincide with their desired selves and stay away from images that coincide with their undesired selves (Ogilivie, 1987; Schlenker, 1985; Leary, 2001).

This happens when people publicly claim attributes consistent with their desired identity and openly reject identities that they do not want to be associated with.

For example, someone who abhors bigots may take every step possible to not appear bigoted, and Gergen and Taylor (1969) showed that high-status navel cadets did not conform to low-status navel cadets because they did not want to see themselves as conformists (Leary and Kowalski, 1990).

Target value

people tailor their self-presentations to the values of the individuals whose perceptions they are concerned with.

This may lead to people sometimes fabricating identities that they think others will value.

However, more commonly, people selectively present truthful aspects of themselves that they believe coincide with the values of the person they are targeting the impression to and withhold information that they think others will value negatively (Leary, 2001).

Role constraints

the content of people’s self-presentations is affected by the roles that they take on and the norms of their social context.

In general, people want to convey impressions consistent with their roles and norms .

Many roles even carry self-presentational requirements around the kinds of impressions that the people who hold the roles should and should not convey (Leary, 2001).

Current or potential social image

People’s public image choices are also influenced by how they think they are perceived by others. As in impression motivation, self-presentational behaviors can often be aimed at dispelling undesired impressions that others hold about an individual.

When people believe that others have or are likely to develop an undesirable impression of them, they will typically try to refute that negative impression by showing that they are different from how others believe them to be.

When they are not able to refute this negative impression, they may project desirable impressions in other aspects of their identity (Leary, 2001).


In the presence of others, few of the behaviors that people make are unaffected by their desire to maintain certain impressions. Even when not explicitly trying to create a particular impression of themselves, people are constrained by concerns about their public image.

Generally, this manifests with people trying not to create undesired impressions in virtually all areas of social life (Leary, 2001).

Tedeschi et al. (1971) argued that phenomena that psychologists previously attributed to peoples’ need to have cognitive consistency actually reflected efforts to maintain an impression of consistency in others’ eyes.

Studies have supported Tedeschi and their colleagues’ suggestion that phenomena previously attributed to cognitive dissonance were actually affected by self-presentational processes (Schlenker, 1980).

Psychologists have applied self-presentation to their study of phenomena as far-ranging as conformity, aggression, prosocial behavior, leadership, negotiation, social influence, gender, stigmatization, and close relationships (Baumeister, 1982; Leary, 1995; Schlenker, 1980; Tedeschi, 1981).

Each of these studies shows that people’s efforts to make impressions on others affect these phenomena, and, ultimately, that concerns self-presentation in private social life.

For example, research shows that people are more likely to be pro-socially helpful when their helpfulness is publicized and behave more prosocially when they desire to repair a damaged social image by being helpful (Leary, 2001).

In a similar vein, many instances of aggressive behavior can be explained as self-presentational efforts to show that someone is willing to hurt others in order to get their way.

This can go as far as gender roles, for which evidence shows that men and women behave differently due to the kind of impressions that are socially expected of men and women.

Baumeister, R. F. (1982). A self-presentational view of social phenomena. Psychological Bulletin, 91, 3-26.

Braginsky, B. M., Braginsky, D. D., & Ring, K. (1969). Methods of madness: The mental hospital as a last resort. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Buss, A. H., & Briggs, S. (1984). Drama and the self in social interaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 1310-1324. Gergen, K. J. (1968). Personal consistency and the presentation of self. In C. Gordon & K. J. Gergen (Eds.), The self in social interaction (Vol. 1, pp. 299-308). New York: Wiley.

Gergen, K. J., & Taylor, M. G. (1969). Social expectancy and self-presentation in a status hierarchy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 5, 79-92.

Goffman, E. (1959). The moral career of the mental patient. Psychiatry, 22(2), 123-142.

  • Goffman, E. (1963). Embarrassment and social organization.

Goffman, E. (1978). The presentation of self in everyday life (Vol. 21). London: Harmondsworth.

Goffman, E. (2002). The presentation of self in everyday life. 1959. Garden City, NY, 259.

Martey, R. M., & Consalvo, M. (2011). Performing the looking-glass self: Avatar appearance and group identity in Second Life. Popular Communication, 9 (3), 165-180.

Jones E E (1964) Ingratiation. Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York.

Jones, E. E., & Pittman, T. S. (1982). Toward a general theory of strategic self-presentation. Psychological perspectives on the self, 1(1), 231-262.

Leary M R (1995) Self-presentation: Impression Management and Interpersonal Behaior. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.

Leary, M. R.. Impression Management, Psychology of, in Smelser, N. J., & Baltes, P. B. (Eds.). (2001). International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (Vol. 11). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Leary, M. R., & Kowalski, R. M. (1990). Impression management: A literature review and two-component model. Psychological bulletin, 107(1), 34.

Leary M R, Tchvidjian L R, Kraxberger B E 1994 Self-presentation may be hazardous to your health. Health Psychology 13: 461–70.

Ogilvie, D. M. (1987). The undesired self: A neglected variable in personality research. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 379-385.

  • Schlenker, B. R. (1980). Impression management (Vol. 222). Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Schlenker, B. R. (1985). Identity and self-identification. In B. R. Schlenker (Ed.), The self and social life (pp. 65-99). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Schlenker, B. R., & Leary, M. R. (1982). Social anxiety and self-presentation: A conceptualization model. Psychological bulletin, 92(3), 641.

Tedeschi, J. T, Smith, R. B., Ill, & Brown, R. C., Jr. (1974). A reinterpretation of research on aggression. Psychological Bulletin, 81, 540- 563.

Tseëlon, E. (1992). Is the presented self sincere? Goffman, impression management and the postmodern self. Theory, culture & society, 9(2), 115-128.

Tunnell, G. (1984). The discrepancy between private and public selves: Public self-consciousness and its correlates. Journal of Personality Assessment, 48, 549-555.

Further Information

  • Solomon, J. F., Solomon, A., Joseph, N. L., & Norton, S. D. (2013). Impression management, myth creation and fabrication in private social and environmental reporting: Insights from Erving Goffman. Accounting, organizations and society, 38(3), 195-213.
  • Gardner, W. L., & Martinko, M. J. (1988). Impression management in organizations. Journal of management, 14(2), 321-338.
  • Scheff, T. J. (2005). Looking‐Glass self: Goffman as symbolic interactionist. Symbolic interaction, 28(2), 147-166.

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Self-presentation definition.

Self-presentation refers to how people attempt to present themselves to control or shape how others (called the audience) view them. It involves expressing oneself and behaving in ways that create a desired impression. Self-presentation is part of a broader set of behaviors called impression management. Impression management refers to the controlled presentation of information about all sorts of things, including information about other people or events. Self-presentation refers specifically to information about the self.

Self-Presentation History and Modern Usage

Early work on impression management focused on its manipulative, inauthentic uses that might typify a used car salesperson who lies to sell a car, or someone at a job interview who embellishes accomplishments to get a job. However, researchers now think of self-presentation more broadly as a pervasive aspect of life. Although some aspects of self-presentation are deliberate and effortful (and at times deceitful), other aspects are automatic and done with little or no conscious thought. For example, a woman may interact with many people during the day and may make different impressions on each person. When she starts her day at her apartment, she chats with her roommates and cleans up after breakfast, thereby presenting the image of being a good friend and responsible roommate. During classes, she responds to her professor’s questions and carefully takes notes, presenting the image of being a good student. Later that day, she calls her parents and tells them about her classes and other activities (although likely leaving out information about some activities), presenting the image of being a loving and responsible daughter. That night, she might go to a party or dancing with friends, presenting the image of being fun and easygoing. Although some aspects of these self-presentations may be deliberate and conscious, other aspects are not. For example, chatting with her roommates and cleaning up after breakfast may be habitual behaviors that are done with little conscious thought. Likewise, she may automatically hold the door open for an acquaintance or buy a cup of coffee for a friend. These behaviors, although perhaps not done consciously or with self-presentation in mind, nevertheless convey an image of the self to others.


Although people have the ability to present images that are false, self-presentations are often genuine; they reflect an attempt by the person to have others perceive him or her accurately, or at least consistent with how the person perceives himself or herself. Self-presentations can vary as a function of the audience; people present different aspects of themselves to different audiences or under different conditions. A man likely presents different aspects of himself to his close friends than he does to his elderly grandmother, and a woman may present a different image to her spouse than she does to her employer. This is not to say that these different images are false. Rather, they represent different aspects of the self. The self is much like a gem with multiple facets. The gem likely appears differently depending on the angle at which it is viewed. However, the various appearances are all genuine. Even if people present a self-image that they know to be false, they may begin to internalize the self-image and thereby eventually come to believe the self-pres

entation. For example, a man may initially present an image of being a good student without believing it to be genuine, but after attending all his classes for several weeks, visiting the professor during office hours, and asking questions during class, he may come to see himself as truly being a good student. This internalization process is most likely to occur when people make a public commitment to the self-image, when the behavior is at least somewhat consistent with their self-image, and when they receive positive feedback or other rewards for presenting the self-image.

Self-presentation is often directed to external audiences such as friends, lovers, employers, teachers, children, and even strangers. Self-presentation is more likely to be conscious when the presenter depends on the audience for some reward, expects to interact with the audience in the future, wants something from the audience, or values the audience’s approval. Yet self-presentation extends beyond audiences that are physically present to imagined audiences, and these imagined audiences can have distinct effects on behavior. A young man at a party might suddenly think about his parents and change his behavior from rambunctious to reserved. People sometimes even make self-presentations only for themselves. For instance, people want to claim certain identities, such as being fun, intelligent, kind, moral, and they may behave in line with these identities even in private.

Self-Presentation Goals

Self-presentation is inherently goal-directed; people present certain images because they benefit from the images in some way. The most obvious benefits are interpersonal, arising from getting others to do what one wants. A job candidate may convey an image of being hardworking and dependable to get a job; a salesperson may convey an image of being trustworthy and honest to achieve a sale. People may also benefit from their self-presentations by gaining respect, power, liking, or other desirable social rewards. Finally, people make certain impressions on others to maintain a sense of who they are, or their self-concept. For example, a man who wants to think of himself as a voracious reader might join a book club or volunteer at a library, or a woman who wishes to perceive herself as generous may contribute lavishly to a charitable cause. Even when there are few or no obvious benefits of a particular self-presentation, people may simply present an image that is consistent with the way they like to think about themselves, or at least the way they are accustomed to thinking about themselves.

Much of self-presentation is directed toward achieving one of two desirable images. First, people want to appear likeable. People like others who are attractive, interesting, and fun to be with. Thus, a sizable proportion of self-presentation revolves around developing, maintaining, and enhancing appearance and conveying and emphasizing characteristics that others desire, admire, and enjoy. Second, people want to appear competent. People like others who are skilled and able, and thus another sizable proportion of self-presentation revolves around conveying an image of competence. Yet, self-presentation is not so much about presenting desirable images as it is about presenting desired images, and some desired images are not necessarily desirable. For example, schoolyard bullies may present an image of being dangerous or intimidating to gain or maintain power over others. Some people present themselves as weak or infirmed (or exaggerate their weaknesses) to gain help from others. For instance, a member of a group project may display incompetence in the hope that other members will do more of the work, or a child may exaggerate illness to avoid going to school.

Self-Presentation Avenues

People self-present in a variety of ways. Perhaps most obviously, people self-present in what they say. These verbalizations can be direct claims of a particular image, such as when a person claims to be altruistic. They also can be indirect, such as when a person discloses personal behaviors or standards (e.g., “I volunteer at a hospital”). Other verbal presentations emerge when people express attitudes or beliefs. Divulging that one enjoys backpacking through Europe conveys the image that one is a world-traveler. Second, people self-present nonverbally in their physical appearance, body language, and other behavior. Smiling, eye contact, and nods of agreement can convey a wealth of information. Third, people self-present through the props they surround themselves with and through their associations. Driving an expensive car or flying first class conveys an image of having wealth, whereas an array of diplomas and certificates on one’s office walls conveys an image of education and expertise. Likewise, people judge others based on their associations. For example, being in the company of politicians or movie stars conveys an image of importance, and not surprisingly, many people display photographs of themselves with famous people. In a similar vein, high school students concerned with their status are often careful about which classmates they are seen and not seen with publicly. Being seen by others in the company of someone from a member of a disreputable group can raise questions about one’s own social standing.

Self-Presentation Pitfalls

Self-presentation is most successful when the image presented is consistent with what the audience thinks or knows to be true. The more the image presented differs from the image believed or anticipated by the audience, the less willing the audience will be to accept the image. For example, the lower a student’s grade is on the first exam, the more difficulty he or she will have in convincing a professor that he or she will earn an A on the next exam. Self-presentations are constrained by audience knowledge. The more the audience knows about a person, the less freedom the person has in claiming a particular identity. An audience that knows very little about a person will be more accepting of whatever identity the person conveys, whereas an audience that knows a great deal about a person will be less accepting.

People engaging in self-presentation sometimes encounter difficulties that undermine their ability to convey a desired image. First, people occasionally encounter the multiple audience problem, in which they must simultaneously present two conflicting images. For example, a student while walking with friends who know only her rebellious, impetuous side may run into her professor who knows only her serious, conscientious side. The student faces the dilemma of conveying the conflicting images of rebellious friend and serious student. When both audiences are present, the student must try to behave in a way that is consistent with how her friends view her, but also in a way that is consistent with how her professor views her. Second, people occasionally encounter challenges to their self-presentations. The audience may not believe the image the person presents. Challenges are most likely to arise when people are managing impressions through self-descriptions and the self-descriptions are inconsistent with other evidence. For example, a man who claims to be good driver faces a self-presentational dilemma if he is ticketed or gets in an automobile accident. Third, self-presentations can fail when people lack the cognitive resources to present effectively because, for example, they are tired, anxious, or distracted. For instance, a woman may yawn uncontrollably or reflexively check her watch while talking to a boring classmate, unintentionally conveying an image of disinterest.

Some of the most important images for people to convey are also the hardest. As noted earlier, among the most important images people want to communicate are likeability and competence. Perhaps because these images are so important and are often rewarded, audiences may be skeptical of accepting direct claims of likeability and competence from presenters, thinking that the person is seeking personal gain. Thus, people must resort to indirect routes to create these images, and the indirect routes can be misinterpreted. For example, the student who sits in the front row of the class and asks a lot of questions may be trying to project an image of being a competent student but may be perceived negatively as a teacher’s pet by fellow students.

Finally, there is a dark side to self-presentation. In some instances, the priority people place on their appearances or images can threaten their health. People who excessively tan are putting a higher priority on their appearance (e.g., being tan) than on their health (e.g., taking precautions to avoid skin cancer). Similarly, although condoms help protect against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy, self-presentational concerns may dissuade partners or potential partners from discussing, carrying, or using condoms. Women may fear that carrying condoms makes them seem promiscuous or easy, whereas men may fear that carrying condoms makes them seem presumptuous, as if they are expecting to have sex. Self-presentational concerns may also influence interactions with health care providers and may lead people to delay or avoid embarrassing medical tests and procedures or treatments for conditions that are embarrassing. For example, people may be reluctant to seek tests or treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, loss of bladder control, mental disorders, mental decline, or other conditions associated with weakness or incompetence. Finally, concerns with social acceptance may prompt young people to engage in risky behaviors such as excessive alcohol consumption, sexual promiscuity, or juvenile delinquency.


  • Jones, E. E., Pittman, T. S. (1982). Toward a general theory of strategic self-presentation. In J. Suls (Ed.), Psychological perspectives on the self (Vol. 1, pp. 231-260). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Leary, M. R. (1996). Self-presentation: Impression management and interpersonal behavior. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  • Leary, M. R., Tchividjian, L. R., & Kraxberger, B. E. (1994). Self-presentation can be hazardous to your health: Impression management and health risk. Health Psychology, 13, 461-470.
  • Schlenker, B. R. (1980). Impression management: The self-concept, social identity, and interpersonal relations. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.


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A Simple Way to Introduce Yourself

  • Andrea Wojnicki

example of self presentation

Think: present, past, future.

Many of us dread the self-introduction, be it in an online meeting or at the boardroom table. Here is a practical framework you can leverage to introduce yourself with confidence in any context, online or in-person: Present, past, and future. You can customize this framework both for yourself as an individual and for the specific context. Perhaps most importantly, when you use this framework, you will be able to focus on others’ introductions, instead of stewing about what you should say about yourself.

You know the scenario. It could be in an online meeting, or perhaps you are seated around a boardroom table. The meeting leader asks everyone to briefly introduce themselves. Suddenly, your brain goes into hyperdrive. What should I say about myself?

example of self presentation

  • Andrea Wojnicki , MBA, DBA, is an executive communication coach and founder of Talk About Talk, a multi-media learning resource to help executives improve their communication skills.

Partner Center

The Psychology Institute

The Art of Self Presentation: Impression Management and Self-Identity

example of self presentation

Table of Contents

Have you ever considered how the simple act of introducing yourself at a party, or the way you dress for a job interview, can be a strategic move? Behind these seemingly mundane actions lies a complex process we all engage in, known as self\-presentation . Self-presentation, or impression management , is not just about vanity or a superficial attempt to be liked. It’s a fundamental aspect of human interaction, deeply rooted in psychology and sociology. Let’s dive into the nuances of how we present ourselves to the world and the motives that drive us to manage impressions.

Understanding self-presentation

Self-presentation is the process by which individuals attempt to control the impressions others form of them. It’s a performance where the stage is everyday life, and the audience is the people around us. We employ a variety of verbal, nonverbal, and stylistic cues to craft an image that serves our goals. Whether it’s the confidence in our voice during a presentation, the firmness of our handshake, or the meticulous choice of attire for an event, each element is a deliberate choice in the art of self-presentation.

Verbal cues

  • Language and tone: The words we choose and the tone we adopt can convey authority, warmth, intelligence, or humility.
  • Storytelling: Narratives about our experiences and achievements can shape how others see us.

Non verbal cues

  • Body language: Posture, gestures, and facial expressions communicate emotions and attitudes without words.
  • Eye contact: Maintaining or avoiding eye contact can signal confidence, respect, or evasion.

Stylistic cues

  • Dress and grooming: How we dress and groom ourselves can signal our social status, professionalism, or group affiliations.
  • Accessories and props: Objects we carry or display can be symbols of our identity or status.

The motives behind self-presentation

Why do we go to such lengths to manage how others perceive us? There are two primary drivers: instrumental and expressive motives . Instrumental motives are goal-directed. We present ourselves in a certain way to achieve specific outcomes, such as gaining favor, avoiding conflict, or securing a promotion. On the other hand, expressive motives are about self-expression and identity. We manage impressions to convey who we believe we are and to maintain a consistent self-image.

Instrumental motives

  • Influence: We may present ourselves as competent or likable to sway others to our point of view or to get them to do something for us.
  • Obtaining rewards: A well-managed impression can lead to tangible benefits like job offers, social connections, or recognition.

Expressive motives

  • Self-identity: Through self-presentation, we affirm and communicate our values, beliefs, and unique personality traits.
  • Group identity: We may also use self-presentation to identify with a particular social group, aligning ourselves with its norms and values.

Maintaining consistency in self-presentation

The key to effective self-presentation is consistency. Inconsistencies between our words and actions can lead to a loss of credibility and trust. For instance, if you profess a commitment to environmental causes but are seen littering, this discrepancy can tarnish your image. Such inconsistencies can also lead to cognitive dissonance , a psychological state where we experience discomfort due to conflicting beliefs or behaviors. To resolve this discomfort, we may adjust our attitudes or behaviors to align with the image we wish to project.

Aligning actions and words

  • Consistent messaging: Ensure that what you say matches what you do. This builds trust and authenticity in your image.
  • Behavioral adjustments: Sometimes, to maintain consistency in our self-presentation, we may change our behavior to align with the impressions we’ve created.

Dealing with cognitive dissonance

  • Awareness: Recognize when your actions do not match your expressed attitudes or the identity you’re trying to convey.
  • Adjustment: Alter your behaviors or attitudes to reduce the dissonance and create a coherent self-image.

Self-presentation in the digital age

As we navigate the digital world, self-presentation has taken on new dimensions. Social media platforms have become stages where we curate images of ourselves through photos, status updates, and interactions. The line between public and private selves blurs as we manage impressions for a potentially global audience. This digital self\-presentation comes with its own challenges and opportunities for expression and influence.

Creating a digital identity

  • Curated content: We carefully select which parts of our lives to share online, often emphasizing positive and flattering aspects to craft an idealized self-image.
  • Feedback loops: Likes, comments, and shares provide immediate feedback, influencing future self-presentation choices.

Navigating the pitfalls

  • Authenticity vs. curation: Striking a balance between presenting an ideal self and remaining authentic is a challenge in the digital world.
  • Privacy concerns: Deciding how much personal information to share online is a critical aspect of digital self-presentation.

Self-presentation is a crucial part of human interaction, deeply intertwined with our social world and our sense of self. Whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re all engaged in impression management, both offline and online. By understanding the motives and methods behind self-presentation, we can navigate social situations more effectively and authentically. It’s a delicate dance of influence and expression, where the ultimate goal is to present a self that aligns with our identity and aspirations.

What do you think? How do you manage your self-presentation in different social settings? Have you ever experienced cognitive dissonance due to misalignment between your actions and the image you wanted to project?

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Social Psychology

“ 1 Definition, Concept and Research Methods in Social Psychology

  • Definition and Concept of Social Psychology
  • Research Methods in Social Psychology
  • Experimental Methods
  • Non-Experimental Methods
  • Other Research Methods
  • Research Ethics

2 Historical Perspective of Social Psychology, Social Psychology and Other Related Disciplines

  • Historical Perspective
  • Landmarks in the History of Social Psychology
  • Social Psychology and Other Related Disciplines
  • Significance of Social Psychology Today

3 Social and Person Perception – Definition, Description and Functional Factors

  • Social Cognition – Description and Nature
  • Social Perception – Definition
  • Understanding Temporary States
  • Understanding of the Most Permanent or Lasting Characteristics – Attributions
  • Impression Formation
  • Implicit Personality Theory
  • Person Perception
  • Social Categorisation

4 Cognitive Basis and Dynamics of Social Perception and Person Perception

  • Cognitive and Motivational Basis of Social and Person Perception
  • Bias in Attribution
  • Role of Emotions and Motivation in Information Processing
  • Motivated Person Perception
  • Effect of Cognitive and Emotional States

5 Definition, Concept, Description, Characteristic of Attitude

  • Defining Attitudes
  • Attitudes, Values, and Beliefs
  • Formation of Attitudes
  • Functions of Attitudes

6 Components of Attitude

  • ABCs of Attitudes
  • Properties of Attitudes

7 Predicting Behaviour from Attitude

  • Relationship between Attitude and Behaviour
  • Attitudes Predict Behaviour
  • Attitudes Determine Behaviour?
  • Behaviour Determine Attitudes

8 Effecting Attitudinal Change and Cognitive Dissonance Theory, Compliance of Self-perception Theory, Self-affirmation

  • Self Presentation
  • Cognitive Dissonance
  • Self Perception
  • Self Affirmation

9 Introduction to Groups- Definition, Characteristics and Types of Groups

  • Groups-Definition Meaning and Concepts
  • Characteristics Features of Group
  • Types of Group
  • The Role of Groups

10 Group Process- Social Facilitation, Social Loafing, Group Interaction, Group Polarization and Group Mind

  • Social Facilitation
  • Social Loafing
  • Group Interaction
  • Group Polarization

11 Group Behaviour- Influence of Norms, Status and Roles; Introduction to Crowd Behavioural Theory, Crowd Psychology (Classical and Convergence Theories)

  • Human Behaviour in Groups
  • Influence of Norms Status and Roles
  • Crowd Behavioural Theory
  • Crowd Psychology

12 Crowd Psychology- Collective Consciousness and Collective Hysteria

  • Crowd: Definition and Characteristics
  • Crowd Psychology: Definition and Characteristics
  • Collective Behaviour
  • Collective Hysteria

13 Definition of Norms, Social Norms, Need and Characteristics Features of Norms

  • Meaning of Norms
  • Types of Norms
  • Violation of Social Norms
  • Need and Importance of Social Norms
  • Characteristic Features of Social Norms

14 Norm Formation, Factors Influencing Norms, Enforcement of Norms, Norm Formation and Social Conformity

  • Norm Formation
  • Factors Influencing Norm Formation
  • Enforcement of Norms
  • Social Conformity

15 Autokinetic Experiment in Norm Formation

  • Autokinetic Effect
  • Sherif’s Experiment
  • Salient Features of Sherif’s Autokinetic Experiments
  • Critical Appraisal
  • Related Latest Research on Norm Formation

16 Norms and Conformity- Asch’s Line of Length Experiments

  • Solomon E. Asch – A Leading Social Psychologist
  • Line and Length Experiments
  • Alternatives Available with Probable Consequences
  • Explanation of the Yielding Behaviour
  • Variants in Asch’s Experiments
  • Salient Features
  • Related Research on Asch’s Findings

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Self-Presentation Theory

Self-Presentation Theory. Psychology Fanatic article feature image

Self-Presentation Theory: Understanding the Art of Impression Management

In the grand theater of life, where every social interaction is a stage and we are both the actors and the audience, self-presentation theory takes center stage. It whispers the secrets of our performances, the subtle art of crafting personas, and the intricate dance between authenticity and impression. As we pull back the curtain on this psychological narrative, we delve into the depths of human behavior, exploring how the masks we wear and the roles we play are not merely acts of deception but profound expressions of our deepest desires to connect, belong, and be understood in the ever-unfolding drama of existence.

Self-presentation theory, originating from the field of social psychology, delves into the intricate ways individuals strategically convey and portray their desired image to others. This theory explores the underlying motivations and cognitive processes governing how people present themselves in social situations, aiming to understand the dynamics of impression management.

Key Definition:

Self-presentation theory refers to the behavior and strategies individuals use to shape the perceptions that others form about them. This theory suggests that individuals strive to convey a favorable impression to others by managing their public image. It encompasses various aspects such as impression management, identity, and social interaction, and is often associated with social psychology and communication studies. According to this theory, individuals may engage in behaviors such as self-disclosure, performance, and conformity to influence how others perceive them.

Origins and Development

The concept of self-presentation theory was initially formulated by sociologist Erving Goffman, in his seminal work The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life , originally published in 1956. Goffman’s was first to create a specific theory concerning self-presentation, laying the foundation for what is now commonly referred to as impression management. His book became widely known after its publication in the United States in 1959.

Goffman’s theory draws from the imagery of theater to portray the importance of human social interaction. He proposed that in social interactions, individuals perform much like actors on a stage, managing the impressions others form of them by controlling information in various ways. This process involves a “front” where the individual presents themselves in a certain manner, and a “back” where they can step out of their role.

His work has been influential in sociology, social psychology, and anthropology, as it was the first to treat face-to-face interaction as a subject of sociological study. Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis observes a connection between the kinds of acts people put on in their daily life and theatrical performances. The theory has had a lasting impact on our understanding of social behavior and continues to be a significant reference point in studies of social interaction.

Impression Management Strategies

Much of Goffman’s early work suggests that “avoidance of shame is an important, indeed a crucial, motive in virtually all social behavior.” Goffman posits that impression management is typically a greater motivation than rational and instrumental goals. Thomas J. Scheff explains that “one tries to control the impression one makes on others, even others who are not significant to one’s life” ( Scheff, 1997. Kindle location: 4,106 ).

Self-presentation theory encompasses a spectrum of strategies employed by individuals to shape others’ perceptions of them. Impression management strategies in social interaction theory are the various techniques individuals use to influence how others perceive them. Individuals employ these strategies to present themselves in a favorable light. The motivation is to achieve specific goals or maintain certain relationships. Here are some key impression management strategies:

  • Self-Promotion : Highlighting one’s own positive qualities, achievements, and skills to be seen as competent and capable.
  • Ingratiation : Using flattery or praise to make oneself likable to others, often to gain their favor or approval.
  • Exemplification : Demonstrating one’s own moral integrity or dedication to elicit respect and admiration from others.
  • Intimidation : Projecting a sense of power or threat to influence others to comply with one’s wishes.
  • Supplication : Presenting oneself as weak or needy to elicit sympathy or assistance from others.

These strategies can be assertive, involving active attempts to shape one’s image, or defensive, aimed at protecting one’s image. The choice of strategy depends on the individual’s goals, the context of the interaction, and the nature of the relationship.

The Game of Presentation

In many ways, self-presentation opposes other psychology concepts such as authenticity. We adapt to ur environments, and present ourselves accordingly. We act much different at grandma’s house than we do when out drinking with our friends. Perhaps, authenticity is context dependent. However, we can present ourselves differently in different situations without violating core self-values. The presentations may differ but the self remains unchanged.

Carl Jung mused in reflection of his childhood interactions with his friends that, “I found that they alienated me from myself. When I was with them I became different from the way I was at home.” He continues, “it seemed to me that the change in myself was due to the influence of my schoolfellows, who somehow misled me or compelled me to be different from what I thought I was” ( Jung, 2011 ).

Jonathan Haidt suggests that it is merely game. He wrote, “to win at this game you must present your best possible self to others. You must appear virtuous, whether or not you are, and you must gain the benefits of cooperation whether or not you deserve them.” He continues to warn “but everyone else is playing the same game, so you must also play defense—you must be wary of others’ self-presentations, and of their efforts to claim more for themselves than they deserve” ( Haidt, 2003. Kindle location: 1,361 ).

Healthy and Unhealthy Modes of Self-Presentation

We all self-present, creating images that fit the context. While seeking a partner, we self-present a person who is worthy of investing time in. Only in time, do some of these masks begin to fade. Impression management is essential to build new relationships, get the job, and prevent social rejection. Mahzarin R, Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald wrote, “honesty may be an overrated virtue. If you decided to report all of your flaws to friends and to apply a similar standard of total honesty when talking to others about their shortcomings, you might soon find that you no longer have friends.” they continue, “our daily social lives demand, and generally receive, repeated lubrication with a certain amount of untruthfulness, which keeps the gears of social interaction meshing smoothly” ( Banaji & Greenwald, 2016, pp. 28-29 ).

However, this healthy practice morphs into something sinister when the presented self has nothing to do with the real self. Daniel Goleman refers to individuals that engage in unhealthy deceitful presentations as social chameleons. He wrote, “the social chameleon will seem to be whatever those he is with seem to want. The sign that someone falls into this pattern…is that they make an excellent impression, yet have few stable or satisfying intimate relationships” ( Golman, 2011. Kindle location: 2,519 ).

Goleman explains that “a more healthy pattern, of course, is to balance being true to oneself with social skills, using them with integrity.” He adds, “social chameleons, though, don’t mind in the least saying one thing and doing another, if that will win them social approval” ( Goleman, 2011. Kindle location: 2,523 ).

Situational Influences

The application of self-presentation strategies is contingent upon the social context and the specific goals an individual pursues. In professional settings, individuals may engage in self-promotion to advance their careers, while in personal relationships, they might prioritize authenticity and sincerity. The ubiquity of social media further complicates self-presentation, as individuals navigate the curation of online personas and the management of digital identities.

In the professional realm, the strategic presentation of oneself can play a crucial role in career development and success. This may involve showcasing one’s achievements, skills, and expertise to stand out in a competitive environment. However, it’s important to strike a balance between self-promotion and humility to maintain credibility and foster positive professional relationships.

On the other hand, personal relationships often thrive on genuine connections and authenticity. In these contexts, individuals may choose to present themselves in a sincere manner, emphasizing vulnerability and openness to establish meaningful connections with others. While occasional self-promotion may still occur, the emphasis is more on building trust and rapport.

Social Media and Self-Presentation

The rise of social media has introduced a new layer of complexity to self-presentation. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer opportunities for individuals to craft their virtual identities. This process involves selective sharing of information, curation of posts and images, and the management of online interactions. The challenge lies in maintaining a balance between projecting an aspirational image and staying true to one’s authentic self in the digital sphere.

In Goffman’s lengthy comparison between actors and audience suggests that anyone could perform, presenting a certain image. However, he points out that if the actor is a known criminal the audience would not be able to accept their performance, knowing it is a fraud. The actor may enjoy success by going on the road, performing to audiences that are not aware of the actor’s criminal past ( Goffman, 1956, p. 223 ). The internet allows the individual with a shady past to bring their show on the road to an unsuspecting audience who can buy their deceitful performance.

Navigating these diverse self-presentation strategies requires individuals to be mindful of the specific social contexts and their underlying goals. Whether it’s in the professional arena or personal relationships, the nuanced art of self-presentation continues to evolve in the digital age, shaping how individuals perceive and position themselves in the world.

Self-Presentation and Emotional Labor

The intersection of self-presentation theory with emotional labor is a topic of significant interest. Emotional labor pertains to the management of one’s emotions to meet the demands of a particular role or job. Individuals often engage in self-presentation to display appropriate emotions in various settings, leading to a convergence between impression management and emotional regulation. One of the key aspects of this intersection is the impact it has on employee well-being.

Research has shown that the need to regulate emotions in the workplace can lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout. Additionally, there are important implications for organizations, as they have a vested interest in understanding and managing the emotional labor of their employees. Effective programs may enhance employee well-being and improve the quality of service provided to customers. Moreover, the intersection of self-presentation and emotional labor can also be examined through the lens of gender and cultural differences. These examination may highlight the complexities and nuances of this phenomenon in diverse contexts. Understanding this intersection is crucial for creating supportive work environments and fostering healthy, sustainable emotional practices.

See Emotional Labor for more on this topic

Implications and Future Directions

Understanding self-presentation theory has widespread implications, spanning from interpersonal relationships to organizational dynamics. By acknowledging the nuanced strategies individuals employ to shape perceptions, psychologists and practitioners can better grasp human behavior in diverse contexts. Future research may delve into the interplay between self-presentation and cultural factors. In addition, further research may cast light on the psychological effects of sustained impression management on individuals’ well-being.

As individuals, we can understand that we, as well as others, use impression management. Before investing significant resources, we would be wise to try to unmask the presenter and make a decision based on reality rather than expertely presented deceptions.

A List of Practical Implications

Understanding the concepts related to self-presentation theory, such as impression management, self-concept, and social identity, has several practical implications in everyday life:

  • Enhanced Social Interactions : By being aware of how we present ourselves, we can navigate social situations more effectively, tailoring our behavior to suit different contexts and relationships.
  • Improved Professional Relationships : In the workplace, understanding self-presentation can help in managing professional personas, leading to better workplace dynamics and career advancement.
  • Personal Development : Recognizing the strategies we use for impression management can lead to greater self-awareness and personal growth, as we align our external presentation with our internal values.
  • Conflict Resolution : Awareness of self-presentation strategies can aid in resolving conflicts by understanding the motivations behind others’ behaviors and addressing the underlying issues.
  • Mental Health : Understanding the effort involved in emotional labor and impression management can help in identifying when these efforts are leading to stress or burnout, prompting us to seek support or make changes.
  • Authentic Relationships : By balancing self-presentation with authenticity, we can foster deeper and more genuine connections with others.
  • Cultural Competence : Recognizing the role of social identity in self-presentation can enhance our sensitivity to cultural differences and improve cross-cultural communication.

Overall, these concepts can empower us to be more intentional in our interactions, leading to more fulfilling and effective communication in our personal and professional lives.

Associated Psychological Concepts to Self-Presentation Theory

Self-presentation theory is intricately connected to a variety of psychological concepts that help explain the behaviors and motivations behind how individuals present themselves to others. Here are some related concepts:

  • Self-Concept : This refers to how people perceive themselves and their awareness of who they are. Self-presentation is often a reflection of one’s self-concept, as individuals attempt to project an image that aligns with their self-perception.
  • Impression Management : This is the process by which individuals attempt to control the impressions others form of them. It involves a variety of strategies to influence others’ perceptions in a way that is favorable to the individual.
  • Social Identity : The part of an individual’s self-concept derived from their membership in social groups. Self-presentation can be used to highlight certain aspects of one’s social identity.
  • Cognitive Dissonance : This occurs when there is a discrepancy between one’s beliefs and behaviors. Self-presentation strategies may be employed to reduce cognitive dissonance by aligning one’s outward behavior with internal beliefs.
  • Role Theory : Suggests that individuals behave in ways that align with the expectations of the social roles they occupy. Self-presentation can be seen as performing the appropriate role in a given context.
  • Self-Es teem : The value one places on oneself. Self-presentation can be a means to enhance or protect one’s self-esteem by controlling how others view them.
  • Self-Efficacy : One’s belief in their ability to succeed. Through self-presentation, individuals may seek to project confidence and competence to others, thereby reinforcing their own sense of self-efficacy.

These concepts are interrelated and contribute to the understanding of self-presentation theory as a whole, providing insight into the complex nature of social interactions and the motivations behind individuals’ efforts to influence how they are perceived by others.

A Few Words by Psychology Fanatic

In essence, self-presentation theory captures the multifaceted nature of human interaction, shedding light on the conscious and subconscious processes governing how individuals present themselves in the social arena. By unraveling the intricacies of impression management, researchers continue to unveil the complexities of human behavior and the underlying motivations that propel our interactions with others.

Last Update: April 29, 2024

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Goffman, Erving (1956/ 2021 ). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Anchor

Goleman, Daniel ( 2005 ). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Bantam Books . Read on Kindle Books.

Haidt, Jonathan ( 2003 ). The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. Basic Books ; 1st edition.

Jung, Carl Gustav (1961/ 2011 ). Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Vintage ; Reissue edition.

Banaji, Mahzarin R.; Greenwald, Anthony G. ( 2016 ). Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People.  Bantam ; Reprint edition.

Scheff, Thomas J. ( 1997 ). Shame in Social Theory. Editors Lansky, M. R. and Morrison, A. P. In The Widening Scope of Shame. ​ Routledge ; 1st edition.

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* Many of the quotes from books come books I have read cover to cover. I created an extensive library of notes from these books. I make reference to these books when using them to support or add to an article topic. Most of these books I read on a kindle reader. The Kindle location references seen through Psychology Fanatic is how kindle notes saves my highlights.

The peer reviewed article references mostly come from Deepdyve . This is the periodical database that I have subscribe to for nearly a decade. Over the last couple of years, I have added a DOI reference to cited articles for the reader’s convenience and reference.

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T. Franklin Murphy

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Impression management: Developing your self-presentation skills

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What is impression management?

Examples of impression management, the theory behind impression management, impression management in the workplace, 7 impression management techniques, noticing the practice of impression management.

How much is a first impression worth?

We all know the value of a strong first impression, but not many of us know how to strategically go about creating one . Instead, we tend to cultivate two different personas. There’s our relaxed self, when we don’t feel like we have to impress. And then there are the times when we’re “on,” and we become deliberate about every word we say and move we make.

Social media has made us even more aware of the power of our personas. And that doesn’t mean that we have to be inauthentic. Understanding impression management can help us emphasize the qualities that we want to shine through and how to be more at ease with others.

Canadian social psychologist, sociologist, and writer Erving Goffman first presented the idea of impression management in the 1950s. In his book, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life , Goffman uses the idea of theatre as a metaphor for human social interactions.

His theory became known as Goffman's dramaturgical analysis. It provides an interesting contextual framework for understanding human behavior.

Impression management is the sum total of actions we take — both consciously and unconsciously — to influence how others perceive us. We often attempt to manage how people see us to make us more likely to achieve our goals.

People use impression management to align how we’re seen with what we want. In general, we want other people to think of us as confident, likeable, intelligent, capable, interesting, and any number of other positive traits.

We then “adjust” our behavior to exhibit these characteristics to meet a desired goal. This is closely related to the self-presentation theory — and in fact, the two ideas are often used interchangeably.

If you’ve ever seen the musical Chicago, you’re familiar with the idea of impression management.

Our client, Roxie Hart, was an ambitious adulterer — a persona that wouldn’t have made her too sympathetic to the jury during her murder trial. Instead, she and her lawyer carefully curated a set of behaviors, actions, and even a backstory that made her seem more likeable and naive. 

This impression management strategy culminated in the song, “ They Both Reached for the Gun .” Her lawyer, Billy Flynn, stepped in to manage every part of her presentation to the court, emphasizing that Roxie would only have fired a gun in self-defense.

Outside of the Cook County jail, people use impression management strategies in all kinds of ways. Here are some examples you might have experienced in the workplace: 

  • A person is walking into a meeting. They’ve had a rough morning and an even rougher commute. But they smile broadly and wave at each person as they walk in, hiding their bad mood and exhaustion. To all watching, they’re happy to be here.
  • You’ve been working in your pajamas all day amongst a pile of paperwork and cookie crumbs. Before joining the afternoon Zoom call, you brush your hair, throw on a clean shirt, and dust the crumbs off the sofa.
  • A candidate arrives for their job interview several minutes late. “So sorry,” they say breathlessly. “I was here early, but I got sent to the wrong office.”

What’s the point of this duplicity? 

Well, it might not be all that inauthentic . Despite a rough morning, the first person might genuinely be thrilled to be at work — or might be trying to salvage the day. You might be extremely punctual and just ended up in the wrong place. And it’s totally possible you have no idea how those cookies got there.

On both conscious and unconscious levels, we’re aware that in different situations, we need to emphasize different aspects of our personality and behavior. That doesn’t mean that they aren’t true, just that they’re hidden (under a layer of cookie dust). We tend to engage in a constant, quiet self-monitoring that makes us aware of behaviors that don’t align with how we want to be seen. 

Awareness of these internal contradictions is known as cognitive dissonance . It’s the sense of psychological discomfort that we feel when we’re doing something that contradicts our beliefs or values. We typically resolve cognitive dissonance by taking an action that’s better aligned with our beliefs, or by changing our beliefs to justify our behavior.

So in the above examples, we smile, clean up, or apologize because we want to emphasize our good nature, professionalism, and punctuality. We curate these behaviors to try to control the impressions others have of us. 

Over time, the behaviors (and feedback we get based on those behaviors) inform our self-concepts. We begin to believe that we are the face that we’re putting out to the world, and to a large extent we are.

After all, a tree makes a sound if it falls in the forest, even if no one is around to hear it. But it’s hard to understand the impact of the sound — or put it into context — without an audience.


Goffman explained impression management theory using theatre as a metaphor. Our behavior in a given setting is based on three components: motives , self-presentation , and social context .

We adapt our behaviors as a means to an end. We might want to seem more likeable, competent, or attractive. The qualities we decide to emphasize are the ones that we believe are in line with the outcome we want.

If you pay attention to people’s behavior across different settings, you can often guess what they want to accomplish. The behaviors and qualities they “play up” will clue you into the goal. 


Self-presentation falls into two main categories: actions that are aligned with your self-image, and actions that align with the expectations of the “audience.” When people respond positively to the projected self, it has a positive impact on our self-esteem. 

This effect is multiplied when the desired image feels congruent with the audience’s expectations. In other words, when people feel like they can bring their whole selves to the “performance,” and that self is welcomed and rewarded, they feel great about themselves. In the workplace, these individuals have higher job satisfaction, a sense of belonging , and increased retention.

Social context

Our public image is also closely tied to how we conduct ourselves in social situations. We inform our understanding of acceptable and unacceptable (and by extension, desirable and undesirable) behavior according to context and social norms.

When we’re successful in making the desired impressions on a group, we feel good about our social standing.

Impression management is a very important skill to have in the workplace. It affects your social influence at work, or — in other words — how others perceive you and your company. 

How organizations use impression management

Organizations use it for both internal and external purposes. Internally, companies want to be seen by the industry as a good place to work. They want to appear organized, capable, supportive, and financially stable. Impression management is closely related to company culture. 

Organizations also use impression management for external purposes. This might include communications with clients, partners, or investors. Managing the positive and negative impression a company has on the general public is usually called public relations or marketing.

Impression management in interviews

The classic scenario of impression management in the workplace is the job interview. Candidates and interviewers alike feel compelled to try to look “perfect.” This means coming across as “authentically perfect” — that is, pleasant, competent, and yet not so perfect as to seem disingenuous.  

Interviews also involve quite a bit of self-promotion. Although self-promotion gets a bit of a bad rep, it’s often the best way for a company to find out about a candidate's skills and experience. This kind of self-promotion can help a candidate leave a positive impression on a prospective employer or client.

Note that this is only true when self-promotion is based in honesty. Lying about your skills or competencies doesn’t earn you any ingratiation points.

Interpersonal impression management

Another common use of impression management at work is building relationships with your colleagues. People usually have a work “persona,” which encompasses a range of behaviors, wardrobe choices, and even topics of conversation. 

While we all shift our behavior to suit different contexts, many feel the shift that happens at work acutely. This is because of the pressure and high value placed on social capital at work, which often compounds other issues of belonging. This kind of impression management is called code-switching .


Impression management techniques can be used in a variety of situations, from job interviews to networking events. Even if it happens unconsciously, we tend to match our behavior and techniques to the situation. According to Goffman, there are 7 different types of impression management tactics we use to control how others perceive us: conformity , excuses , acclaim , flattery , self-promotion , favors , and association .

1. Conformity

Conformity means being accepted by a larger group. In order to conform, you have to (implicitly or explicitly) uphold the social norms and expectations of the group.

Group norms are the behaviors that are considered appropriate for a situation or in a particular set of people. For example, if your job may have a business-casual dress code, so cut-off jeans would feel out-of-place.

Excuses are explanations for a negative event given in order to avoid (or lessen) punishment and judgment. There are countless examples of excuses being made — in and out of the workplace. For example, you might hear people blame traffic when they’re late to meetings.  

Generally speaking, you can only count on but so much social favor with excuses and apologies. Once you make an excuse, you’ve given up a little bit of authority in the situations. Do this too often, and you’ll be seen as unreliable or as a perpetual victim .

That being said, traffic, setbacks, and emergencies really do happen. Communicating these changes proactively can go a long way towards building rapport — especially if you show you’re willing to work through it. 

Public recognition of someone’s accomplishments often goes a long way towards building rapport. When you acclaim someone in this way, you applaud them for their skills and success. If your team is recognition-driven, this sentiment will likely inspire others to work hard as well. It can help incentivize specific behaviors.


4. Flattery

Flattery is a technique often used to improve your relationship with someone through compliments. It’s meant to make you seem agreeable, perceptive, and pleasant. After all, who wouldn’t want to spend time with someone who always has something positive to say about them?

As with the other techniques — if not even more so — flattery can easily come across as insincere. Anchor flattering comments in specific praise, and try not to go overboard. It can be helpful to develop self-awareness and ask yourself why you’re piling it on. Are you truly impressed, or are you feeling a little insecure?

5. Self-promotion

Self-promotion is about highlighting your strengths and drawing attention to your achievements. This phenomenon is especially common in business settings, but it’s frequently seen in personal relationships, too. Because it’s self-directed, some worry that “bragging” on themselves will make them less likeable.

You can eliminate a little of this pressure by looking for spaces where talking about yourself isn’t just welcomed, but expected. Social media, job interviews, and professional networking events are great platforms for practicing self-promotion. Curate at least one space where you can own your full range of accomplishments.

Doing a favor for someone, whether in business or in everyday life, shifts the power dynamic of a relationship. It establishes the person doing the favor as “useful,” and may result in the recipient feeling like they owe something to the other party. 

When favors only come with strings attached, people feel manipulated and resentful. When they’re done freely and out of a desire to be helpful, they can build mutual affinity in a relationship.

7. Association

Association means ensuring that any information shared about you, your company, and your partners is truthful and relevant. This is especially important, as being associated with someone means that everyone’s impressions reflect on each other's values and image.

Sometimes, we consciously associate with certain people to promote our self-image. Some people will network with you (and you with others) in hopes of being introduced to a larger network of contacts.

Impression management is the act of managing how other people perceive you. It is a social strategy that we employ in order to make a good impression on others and to control what they think about us. 

The practice of impression management is a common one in modern society. It’s one of the main ways that people try to maintain their social status and establish themselves as a worthy individual. We may not be aware that we’re doing it, but — at any given time — we’re making dozens of decisions that are influenced by what others might think of us.

You can learn how to better manage your own persona, thrive in social situations, and understand the behavior of others by working with a coach. Coaches can help you understand what you need to project more (or less) of to get what you want, and how to align it with your authentic self.

Ready to learn how to improve your influence, both in and out of the workplace? Schedule a demo with a BetterUp coach today.

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Allaya Cooks-Campbell

With over 15 years of content experience, Allaya Cooks Campbell has written for outlets such as ScaryMommy, HRzone, and HuffPost. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and is a certified yoga instructor as well as a certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach. Allaya is passionate about whole-person wellness, yoga, and mental health.

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Self Presentation And Self Presentation Theory Explained

What is self presentation.

Self presentation is something that everyone needs to learn, but not many do. If you watch television, movies, read magazines, or even visit social networking websites, you’ll see lots of people talking about who they are. However, very few actually talk about how they feel and why they think the way that they do.

One thing most people struggle with when it comes to self presentation is confidence. People often don’t know what to say or what to ask. They worry about what other people might think of them or what others will think if they start to open up to them. So, instead of taking the plunge and starting to share things about yourself, you just stay quiet. This makes no sense because you never get anywhere in life by keeping silent.

But here’s a little secret – sharing who we are can help us grow personally, professionally and financially.

Self-presentation Definition

When you’re trying to get ahead in life, you need to be able to present yourself in the best possible way. If you don’t know how to do this, you might end up looking like an amateur.

Here is a definition of self presentation.

A person’s self presentation is the way that he or she presents himself to other people. This includes things such as his or her clothing, hairstyle, and makeup.

What Is Self Presentation Theory?

Self-presentation theory is a psychological theory that explains how people present themselves to others. Self-presentation can take many forms, including verbal, nonverbal, and behavioral.

It has two parts: the self-concept and the self-schema. The self-concept is how we see ourselves concerning others; the self-schema is how we see ourselves concerning our thoughts and feelings.

The impact of self-presentation theory on organizations has been significant because it helps us understand why people make some choices over others when they are trying to sell something or position themselves for a job interview or promotion.

The theory was originally developed by anthropologist Sherry Turkle in 1977. In her book Life On The Screen, she wrote about how people use technology to try to create an idealized version of themselves for others, and then try to make their idealized selves real through interactions with other people.

This idea has become more popular in recent years as we have become increasingly connected through technology like social media and smartphones. We see examples all around us: people posting selfies on Instagram with their friends or families who aren’t there; people tweeting updates about their lives while they’re at work, and other examples too numerous to name here.

Drew is the creator of, designed to teach everyone how to introduce themselves to anyone with confidence in any situation.

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Self-Presentation in Presentations

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When you give a presentation, it is important to remember the whole package, and that means how you present yourself as well as how you present the material.

It is not good to spend hours and hours preparing a wonderful presentation and neglect the effect of your own appearance.

Whether you like it or not, people make judgements about you based on your appearance.

These judgements may be conscious or subconscious, but they all affect how, and whether, your audience is prepared to take on board your message as presenter.

Our pages on Personal Appearance and Personal Presentation explain the importance of presenting yourself effectively, more generally. This page focuses on the impact of self-presentation in presentations.

The Importance of Expectations

When you stand up to give a presentation, the audience already has certain expectations about how you will behave, and what you will say.

These expectations may be based on the event, the marketing, their knowledge of you, or their previous experience more generally.

Expectations may also be based on societal norms, such as business people are expected to wear suits.

You don’t have to match people’s expectations, of course, but you do need to be aware that, if you don’t, they are going to have to spend time processing that difference. This mismatch will take some of their concentration away from your message.

You also need to be aware that people can only take so much discomfort.

A mismatch between expectations and reality can even lead to a situation called cognitive dissonance , where individuals come into contact with something — whether idea, person, or belief — that causes them to question their own internal beliefs and values.

This can be very uncomfortable, and the normal reaction is to try to avoid it. In a presentation situation, that's going to mean either leaving or just not listening, neither of which is ideal.

This is particularly important if you want to say something that your audience will find difficult to hear.

If you want to say something outrageous, wear a suit.

The late Dr Joe Jaina, Organisational Psychologist at Cranfield School of Management.

Aspects of Personal Presentation

Your personal presentation includes:

  • Accessories, which in this context means anything that you’re carrying or wearing, including your notes, although it also includes luggage, bags, phones, jewellery, watches, and scarves;
  • Body language; and

Your clothes are probably the most obvious aspect of personal presentation.

In deciding what to wear, there are several things to consider:

What does the audience expect?

It’s not actually as simple as ‘wear a business suit’, because this may not always be appropriate.

It does depend what your audience is expecting. On some occasions, or in some industries, smart casual may be much more appropriate. If you’re not sure, ask the organisers about the dress code. You can also ask someone who has been to the event before, or have a look online.

If it’s a regular event, there will almost certainly be photographs of previous occasions and you can see what other people have worn.

Within the audience’s expectations, what will make you feel comfortable?

You will present best if you are fairly relaxed, so you need to find a balance between the audience’s expectations, and feeling comfortable.

For example, you may have a particular suit that you think makes you look good. For women, it’s also worth thinking about shoes: you’re going to have to stand for the duration of the session, so make sure that you can do that.

If you’re not used to heels, don’t wear them.

Your accessories should be consistent with your clothes.

That doesn’t mean that your bag needs to be the same colour as your jacket.  However, if you’re wearing a suit, your notes should be in a briefcase or smart bag, and you’re not carrying a backpack or plastic carrier bag. Again, it’s about not distracting your audience from your message.

Likewise, your notes should be part of your thinking. Producing a dog-eared sheaf of paper is not going to help you project a good image. Papers tend to flap about, whereas cue cards can be held on your hand, which is why it is worth considering using cue cards, or even memorising most of what you’re going to say and using your visual aids as cues.

See our page: Managing your Presentation Notes for more on this.

The Importance of Self-Presentation

In 2005, the Conservative Party in the UK faced a leadership election as leader Michael Howard announced that he would step down. The actual election was held between October and December that year. In October, at the Conservative Party Conference, each of the announced candidates was given an opportunity to make a 20-minute speech.

Before the speeches, David Davis was very much the front-runner in the competition. However, his conference speech was considered poor. He spoke from notes, and never really came alive. David Cameron, a more junior member of the party and considered by many an outside chance as leader, made a speech that set the hall alight. He spoke without notes, and with passion, presenting himself as the young, upcoming potential leader who could take the party in a new direction.

By the following morning, the bookies had David Cameron as the front-runner and he went on to win the leadership election.

Self-Presentation also Includes Body Language and Voice.

While there are many important elements of body language, perhaps the most important is to project self-confidence .

You need to demonstrate that you believe in what you’re saying. Otherwise, why would anyone else believe it?

For more about this, and other aspects of body language that may help your communication, see our pages on Managing a Presentation Event and Non-Verbal Communication .

Part of projecting self-belief is being able to control your voice, and speak slowly and clearly. You also need to vary your tone and pace to keep people interested.

For more about this, see our page on Effective Speaking .

In conclusion…

When you are making a presentation, you are presenting a package: you and your message. The more you are aware of the impact of every element, the more effective the package will be as a whole.

The Skills You Need Guide to Getting a Job

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Getting a Job

Develop the skills you need to get that job.

This eBook is essential reading for potential job-seekers. Not only does it cover identifying your skills but also the mechanics of applying for a job, writing a CV or resume and attending interviews.

Continue to: Presenting to Large Groups Top Tips for Effective Presentations

See also: Coping with Presentation Nerves Giving a Speech Presenting Data Building a Personal Brand

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2.3 Perceiving and Presenting Self

Learning objectives.

  • Define self-concept and discuss how we develop our self-concept.
  • Define self-esteem and discuss how we develop self-esteem.
  • Explain how social comparison theory and self-discrepancy theory influence self-perception.
  • Discuss how social norms, family, culture, and media influence self-perception.
  • Define self-presentation and discuss common self-presentation strategies.

Just as our perception of others affects how we communicate, so does our perception of ourselves. But what influences our self-perception? How much of our self is a product of our own making and how much of it is constructed based on how others react to us? How do we present ourselves to others in ways that maintain our sense of self or challenge how others see us? We will begin to answer these questions in this section as we explore self-concept, self-esteem, and self-presentation.


Self-concept refers to the overall idea of who a person thinks he or she is. If I said, “Tell me who you are,” your answers would be clues as to how you see yourself, your self-concept. Each person has an overall self-concept that might be encapsulated in a short list of overarching characteristics that he or she finds important. But each person’s self-concept is also influenced by context, meaning we think differently about ourselves depending on the situation we are in. In some situations, personal characteristics, such as our abilities, personality, and other distinguishing features, will best describe who we are. You might consider yourself laid back, traditional, funny, open minded, or driven, or you might label yourself a leader or a thrill seeker. In other situations, our self-concept may be tied to group or cultural membership. For example, you might consider yourself a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, a Southerner, or a member of the track team.


Men are more likely than women to include group memberships in their self-concept descriptions.

Stefano Ravalli – In control – CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Our self-concept is also formed through our interactions with others and their reactions to us. The concept of the looking glass self explains that we see ourselves reflected in other people’s reactions to us and then form our self-concept based on how we believe other people see us (Cooley, 1902). This reflective process of building our self-concept is based on what other people have actually said, such as “You’re a good listener,” and other people’s actions, such as coming to you for advice. These thoughts evoke emotional responses that feed into our self-concept. For example, you may think, “I’m glad that people can count on me to listen to their problems.”

We also develop our self-concept through comparisons to other people. Social comparison theory states that we describe and evaluate ourselves in terms of how we compare to other people. Social comparisons are based on two dimensions: superiority/inferiority and similarity/difference (Hargie, 2011). In terms of superiority and inferiority, we evaluate characteristics like attractiveness, intelligence, athletic ability, and so on. For example, you may judge yourself to be more intelligent than your brother or less athletic than your best friend, and these judgments are incorporated into your self-concept. This process of comparison and evaluation isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can have negative consequences if our reference group isn’t appropriate. Reference groups are the groups we use for social comparison, and they typically change based on what we are evaluating. In terms of athletic ability, many people choose unreasonable reference groups with which to engage in social comparison. If a man wants to get into better shape and starts an exercise routine, he may be discouraged by his difficulty keeping up with the aerobics instructor or running partner and judge himself as inferior, which could negatively affect his self-concept. Using as a reference group people who have only recently started a fitness program but have shown progress could help maintain a more accurate and hopefully positive self-concept.

We also engage in social comparison based on similarity and difference. Since self-concept is context specific, similarity may be desirable in some situations and difference more desirable in others. Factors like age and personality may influence whether or not we want to fit in or stand out. Although we compare ourselves to others throughout our lives, adolescent and teen years usually bring new pressure to be similar to or different from particular reference groups. Think of all the cliques in high school and how people voluntarily and involuntarily broke off into groups based on popularity, interest, culture, or grade level. Some kids in your high school probably wanted to fit in with and be similar to other people in the marching band but be different from the football players. Conversely, athletes were probably more apt to compare themselves, in terms of similar athletic ability, to other athletes rather than kids in show choir. But social comparison can be complicated by perceptual influences. As we learned earlier, we organize information based on similarity and difference, but these patterns don’t always hold true. Even though students involved in athletics and students involved in arts may seem very different, a dancer or singer may also be very athletic, perhaps even more so than a member of the football team. As with other aspects of perception, there are positive and negative consequences of social comparison.

We generally want to know where we fall in terms of ability and performance as compared to others, but what people do with this information and how it affects self-concept varies. Not all people feel they need to be at the top of the list, but some won’t stop until they get the high score on the video game or set a new school record in a track-and-field event. Some people strive to be first chair in the clarinet section of the orchestra, while another person may be content to be second chair. The education system promotes social comparison through grades and rewards such as honor rolls and dean’s lists. Although education and privacy laws prevent me from displaying each student’s grade on a test or paper for the whole class to see, I do typically report the aggregate grades, meaning the total number of As, Bs, Cs, and so on. This doesn’t violate anyone’s privacy rights, but it allows students to see where they fell in the distribution. This type of social comparison can be used as motivation. The student who was one of only three out of twenty-three to get a D on the exam knows that most of her classmates are performing better than she is, which may lead her to think, “If they can do it, I can do it.” But social comparison that isn’t reasoned can have negative effects and result in negative thoughts like “Look at how bad I did. Man, I’m stupid!” These negative thoughts can lead to negative behaviors, because we try to maintain internal consistency, meaning we act in ways that match up with our self-concept. So if the student begins to question her academic abilities and then incorporates an assessment of herself as a “bad student” into her self-concept, she may then behave in ways consistent with that, which is only going to worsen her academic performance. Additionally, a student might be comforted to learn that he isn’t the only person who got a D and then not feel the need to try to improve, since he has company. You can see in this example that evaluations we place on our self-concept can lead to cycles of thinking and acting. These cycles relate to self-esteem and self-efficacy, which are components of our self-concept.


Self-esteem refers to the judgments and evaluations we make about our self-concept. While self-concept is a broad description of the self, self-esteem is a more specifically an evaluation of the self (Byrne, 1996). If I again prompted you to “Tell me who you are,” and then asked you to evaluate (label as good/bad, positive/negative, desirable/undesirable) each of the things you listed about yourself, I would get clues about your self-esteem. Like self-concept, self-esteem has general and specific elements. Generally, some people are more likely to evaluate themselves positively while others are more likely to evaluate themselves negatively (Brockner, 1988). More specifically, our self-esteem varies across our life span and across contexts.


Self-esteem varies throughout our lives, but some people generally think more positively of themselves and some people think more negatively.

RHiNO NEAL – [trophy] – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

How we judge ourselves affects our communication and our behaviors, but not every negative or positive judgment carries the same weight. The negative evaluation of a trait that isn’t very important for our self-concept will likely not result in a loss of self-esteem. For example, I am not very good at drawing. While I appreciate drawing as an art form, I don’t consider drawing ability to be a very big part of my self-concept. If someone critiqued my drawing ability, my self-esteem wouldn’t take a big hit. I do consider myself a good teacher, however, and I have spent and continue to spend considerable time and effort on improving my knowledge of teaching and my teaching skills. If someone critiqued my teaching knowledge and/or abilities, my self-esteem would definitely be hurt. This doesn’t mean that we can’t be evaluated on something we find important. Even though teaching is very important to my self-concept, I am regularly evaluated on it. Every semester, I am evaluated by my students, and every year, I am evaluated by my dean, department chair, and colleagues. Most of that feedback is in the form of constructive criticism, which can still be difficult to receive, but when taken in the spirit of self-improvement, it is valuable and may even enhance our self-concept and self-esteem. In fact, in professional contexts, people with higher self-esteem are more likely to work harder based on negative feedback, are less negatively affected by work stress, are able to handle workplace conflict better, and are better able to work independently and solve problems (Brockner, 1988). Self-esteem isn’t the only factor that contributes to our self-concept; perceptions about our competence also play a role in developing our sense of self.

Self-Efficacy refers to the judgments people make about their ability to perform a task within a specific context (Bandura, 1997). As you can see in Figure 2.2 “Relationship between Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, and Self-Concept” , judgments about our self-efficacy influence our self-esteem, which influences our self-concept. The following example also illustrates these interconnections.

Figure 2.2 Relationship between Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, and Self-Concept


Pedro did a good job on his first college speech. During a meeting with his professor, Pedro indicates that he is confident going into the next speech and thinks he will do well. This skill-based assessment is an indication that Pedro has a high level of self-efficacy related to public speaking. If he does well on the speech, the praise from his classmates and professor will reinforce his self-efficacy and lead him to positively evaluate his speaking skills, which will contribute to his self-esteem. By the end of the class, Pedro likely thinks of himself as a good public speaker, which may then become an important part of his self-concept. Throughout these points of connection, it’s important to remember that self-perception affects how we communicate, behave, and perceive other things. Pedro’s increased feeling of self-efficacy may give him more confidence in his delivery, which will likely result in positive feedback that reinforces his self-perception. He may start to perceive his professor more positively since they share an interest in public speaking, and he may begin to notice other people’s speaking skills more during class presentations and public lectures. Over time, he may even start to think about changing his major to communication or pursuing career options that incorporate public speaking, which would further integrate being “a good public speaker” into his self-concept. You can hopefully see that these interconnections can create powerful positive or negative cycles. While some of this process is under our control, much of it is also shaped by the people in our lives.

The verbal and nonverbal feedback we get from people affect our feelings of self-efficacy and our self-esteem. As we saw in Pedro’s example, being given positive feedback can increase our self-efficacy, which may make us more likely to engage in a similar task in the future (Hargie, 2011). Obviously, negative feedback can lead to decreased self-efficacy and a declining interest in engaging with the activity again. In general, people adjust their expectations about their abilities based on feedback they get from others. Positive feedback tends to make people raise their expectations for themselves and negative feedback does the opposite, which ultimately affects behaviors and creates the cycle. When feedback from others is different from how we view ourselves, additional cycles may develop that impact self-esteem and self-concept.

Self-discrepancy theory states that people have beliefs about and expectations for their actual and potential selves that do not always match up with what they actually experience (Higgins, 1987). To understand this theory, we have to understand the different “selves” that make up our self-concept, which are the actual, ideal, and ought selves. The actual self consists of the attributes that you or someone else believes you actually possess. The ideal self consists of the attributes that you or someone else would like you to possess. The ought self consists of the attributes you or someone else believes you should possess.

These different selves can conflict with each other in various combinations. Discrepancies between the actual and ideal/ought selves can be motivating in some ways and prompt people to act for self-improvement. For example, if your ought self should volunteer more for the local animal shelter, then your actual self may be more inclined to do so. Discrepancies between the ideal and ought selves can be especially stressful. For example, many professional women who are also mothers have an ideal view of self that includes professional success and advancement. They may also have an ought self that includes a sense of duty and obligation to be a full-time mother. The actual self may be someone who does OK at both but doesn’t quite live up to the expectations of either. These discrepancies do not just create cognitive unease—they also lead to emotional, behavioral, and communicative changes.


People who feel that it’s their duty to recycle but do not actually do it will likely experience a discrepancy between their actual and ought selves.

Matt Martin – Recycle – CC BY-NC 2.0.

When we compare the actual self to the expectations of ourselves and others, we can see particular patterns of emotional and behavioral effects. When our actual self doesn’t match up with our own ideals of self, we are not obtaining our own desires and hopes, which can lead to feelings of dejection including disappointment, dissatisfaction, and frustration. For example, if your ideal self has no credit card debt and your actual self does, you may be frustrated with your lack of financial discipline and be motivated to stick to your budget and pay off your credit card bills.

When our actual self doesn’t match up with other people’s ideals for us, we may not be obtaining significant others’ desires and hopes, which can lead to feelings of dejection including shame, embarrassment, and concern for losing the affection or approval of others. For example, if a significant other sees you as an “A” student and you get a 2.8 GPA your first year of college, then you may be embarrassed to share your grades with that person.

When our actual self doesn’t match up with what we think other people think we should obtain, we are not living up to the ought self that we think others have constructed for us, which can lead to feelings of agitation, feeling threatened, and fearing potential punishment. For example, if your parents think you should follow in their footsteps and take over the family business, but your actual self wants to go into the military, then you may be unsure of what to do and fear being isolated from the family.

Finally, when our actual self doesn’t match up with what we think we should obtain, we are not meeting what we see as our duties or obligations, which can lead to feelings of agitation including guilt, weakness, and a feeling that we have fallen short of our moral standard (Higgins, 1987). For example, if your ought self should volunteer more for the local animal shelter, then your actual self may be more inclined to do so due to the guilt of reading about the increasing number of animals being housed at the facility. The following is a review of the four potential discrepancies between selves:

  • Actual vs. own ideals. We have an overall feeling that we are not obtaining our desires and hopes, which leads to feelings of disappointment, dissatisfaction, and frustration.
  • Actual vs. others’ ideals. We have an overall feeling that we are not obtaining significant others’ desires and hopes for us, which leads to feelings of shame and embarrassment.
  • Actual vs. others’ ought. We have an overall feeling that we are not meeting what others see as our duties and obligations, which leads to feelings of agitation including fear of potential punishment.
  • Actual vs. own ought. We have an overall feeling that we are not meeting our duties and obligations, which can lead to a feeling that we have fallen short of our own moral standards.

Influences on Self-Perception

We have already learned that other people influence our self-concept and self-esteem. While interactions we have with individuals and groups are definitely important to consider, we must also note the influence that larger, more systemic forces have on our self-perception. Social and family influences, culture, and the media all play a role in shaping who we think we are and how we feel about ourselves. Although these are powerful socializing forces, there are ways to maintain some control over our self-perception.

Social and Family Influences

Various forces help socialize us into our respective social and cultural groups and play a powerful role in presenting us with options about who we can be. While we may like to think that our self-perception starts with a blank canvas, our perceptions are limited by our experiences and various social and cultural contexts.

Parents and peers shape our self-perceptions in positive and negative ways. Feedback that we get from significant others, which includes close family, can lead to positive views of self (Hargie, 2011). In the past few years, however, there has been a public discussion and debate about how much positive reinforcement people should give to others, especially children. The following questions have been raised: Do we have current and upcoming generations that have been overpraised? Is the praise given warranted? What are the positive and negative effects of praise? What is the end goal of the praise? Let’s briefly look at this discussion and its connection to self-perception.


Some experts have warned that overpraising children can lead to distorted self-concepts.

Rain0975 – participation award – CC BY-ND 2.0.

Whether praise is warranted or not is very subjective and specific to each person and context, but in general there have been questions raised about the potential negative effects of too much praise. Motivation is the underlying force that drives us to do things. Sometimes we are intrinsically motivated, meaning we want to do something for the love of doing it or the resulting internal satisfaction. Other times we are extrinsically motivated, meaning we do something to receive a reward or avoid punishment. If you put effort into completing a short documentary for a class because you love filmmaking and editing, you have been largely motivated by intrinsic forces. If you complete the documentary because you want an “A” and know that if you fail your parents will not give you money for your spring break trip, then you are motivated by extrinsic factors. Both can, of course, effectively motivate us. Praise is a form of extrinsic reward, and if there is an actual reward associated with the praise, like money or special recognition, some people speculate that intrinsic motivation will suffer. But what’s so good about intrinsic motivation? Intrinsic motivation is more substantial and long-lasting than extrinsic motivation and can lead to the development of a work ethic and sense of pride in one’s abilities. Intrinsic motivation can move people to accomplish great things over long periods of time and be happy despite the effort and sacrifices made. Extrinsic motivation dies when the reward stops. Additionally, too much praise can lead people to have a misguided sense of their abilities. College professors who are reluctant to fail students who produce failing work may be setting those students up to be shocked when their supervisor critiques their abilities or output once they get into a professional context (Hargie, 2011).

There are cultural differences in the amount of praise and positive feedback that teachers and parents give their children. For example, teachers give less positive reinforcement in Japanese and Taiwanese classrooms than do teachers in US classrooms. Chinese and Kenyan parents do not regularly praise their children because they fear it may make them too individualistic, rude, or arrogant (Wierzbicka, 2004). So the phenomenon of overpraising isn’t universal, and the debate over its potential effects is not resolved.

Research has also found that communication patterns develop between parents and children that are common to many verbally and physically abusive relationships. Such patterns have negative effects on a child’s self-efficacy and self-esteem (Morgan & Wilson, 2007). As you’ll recall from our earlier discussion, attributions are links we make to identify the cause of a behavior. In the case of aggressive or abusive parents, they are not as able to distinguish between mistakes and intentional behaviors, often seeing honest mistakes as intended and reacting negatively to the child. Such parents also communicate generally negative evaluations to their child by saying, for example, “You can’t do anything right!” or “You’re a bad girl.” When children do exhibit positive behaviors, abusive parents are more likely to use external attributions that diminish the achievement of the child by saying, for example, “You only won because the other team was off their game.” In general, abusive parents have unpredictable reactions to their children’s positive and negative behavior, which creates an uncertain and often scary climate for a child that can lead to lower self-esteem and erratic or aggressive behavior. The cycles of praise and blame are just two examples of how the family as a socializing force can influence our self-perceptions. Culture also influences how we see ourselves.

How people perceive themselves varies across cultures. For example, many cultures exhibit a phenomenon known as the self-enhancement bias , meaning that we tend to emphasize our desirable qualities relative to other people (Loughnan et al., 2011). But the degree to which people engage in self-enhancement varies. A review of many studies in this area found that people in Western countries such as the United States were significantly more likely to self-enhance than people in countries such as Japan. Many scholars explain this variation using a common measure of cultural variation that claims people in individualistic cultures are more likely to engage in competition and openly praise accomplishments than people in collectivistic cultures. The difference in self-enhancement has also been tied to economics, with scholars arguing that people in countries with greater income inequality are more likely to view themselves as superior to others or want to be perceived as superior to others (even if they don’t have economic wealth) in order to conform to the country’s values and norms. This holds true because countries with high levels of economic inequality, like the United States, typically value competition and the right to boast about winning or succeeding, while countries with more economic equality, like Japan, have a cultural norm of modesty (Loughnan, 2011).

Race also plays a role in self-perception. For example, positive self-esteem and self-efficacy tend to be higher in African American adolescent girls than Caucasian girls (Stockton et al., 2009). In fact, more recent studies have discounted much of the early research on race and self-esteem that purported that African Americans of all ages have lower self-esteem than whites. Self-perception becomes more complex when we consider biracial individuals—more specifically those born to couples comprising an African American and a white parent (Bowles, 1993). In such cases, it is challenging for biracial individuals to embrace both of their heritages, and social comparison becomes more difficult due to diverse and sometimes conflicting reference groups. Since many biracial individuals identify as and are considered African American by society, living and working within a black community can help foster more positive self-perceptions in these biracial individuals. Such a community offers a more nurturing environment and a buffer zone from racist attitudes but simultaneously distances biracial individuals from their white identity. Conversely, immersion into a predominantly white community and separation from a black community can lead biracial individuals to internalize negative views of people of color and perhaps develop a sense of inferiority. Gender intersects with culture and biracial identity to create different experiences and challenges for biracial men and women. Biracial men have more difficulty accepting their potential occupational limits, especially if they have white fathers, and biracial women have difficulty accepting their black features, such as hair and facial features. All these challenges lead to a sense of being marginalized from both ethnic groups and interfere in the development of positive self-esteem and a stable self-concept.


Biracial individuals may have challenges with self-perception as they try to integrate both racial identities into their self-concept.

Javcon117* – End of Summer Innocence – CC BY-SA 2.0.

There are some general differences in terms of gender and self-perception that relate to self-concept, self-efficacy, and envisioning ideal selves. As with any cultural differences, these are generalizations that have been supported by research, but they do not represent all individuals within a group. Regarding self-concept, men are more likely to describe themselves in terms of their group membership, and women are more likely to include references to relationships in their self-descriptions. For example, a man may note that he is a Tarheel fan, a boat enthusiast, or a member of the Rotary Club, and a woman may note that she is a mother of two or a loyal friend.

Regarding self-efficacy, men tend to have higher perceptions of self-efficacy than women (Hargie, 2011). In terms of actual and ideal selves, men and women in a variety of countries both described their ideal self as more masculine (Best & Thomas, 2004). As was noted earlier, gender differences are interesting to study but are very often exaggerated beyond the actual variations. Socialization and internalization of societal norms for gender differences accounts for much more of our perceived differences than do innate or natural differences between genders. These gender norms may be explicitly stated—for example, a mother may say to her son, “Boys don’t play with dolls”—or they may be more implicit, with girls being encouraged to pursue historically feminine professions like teaching or nursing without others actually stating the expectation.

The representations we see in the media affect our self-perception. The vast majority of media images include idealized representations of attractiveness. Despite the fact that the images of people we see in glossy magazines and on movie screens are not typically what we see when we look at the people around us in a classroom, at work, or at the grocery store, many of us continue to hold ourselves to an unrealistic standard of beauty and attractiveness. Movies, magazines, and television shows are filled with beautiful people, and less attractive actors, when they are present in the media, are typically portrayed as the butt of jokes, villains, or only as background extras (Patzer, 2008). Aside from overall attractiveness, the media also offers narrow representations of acceptable body weight.

Researchers have found that only 12 percent of prime-time characters are overweight, which is dramatically less than the national statistics for obesity among the actual US population (Patzer, 2008). Further, an analysis of how weight is discussed on prime-time sitcoms found that heavier female characters were often the targets of negative comments and jokes that audience members responded to with laughter. Conversely, positive comments about women’s bodies were related to their thinness. In short, the heavier the character, the more negative the comments, and the thinner the character, the more positive the comments. The same researchers analyzed sitcoms for content regarding male characters’ weight and found that although comments regarding their weight were made, they were fewer in number and not as negative, ultimately supporting the notion that overweight male characters are more accepted in media than overweight female characters. Much more attention has been paid in recent years to the potential negative effects of such narrow media representations. The following “Getting Critical” box explores the role of media in the construction of body image.

In terms of self-concept, media representations offer us guidance on what is acceptable or unacceptable and valued or not valued in our society. Mediated messages, in general, reinforce cultural stereotypes related to race, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, and class. People from historically marginalized groups must look much harder than those in the dominant groups to find positive representations of their identities in media. As a critical thinker, it is important to question media messages and to examine who is included and who is excluded.

Advertising in particular encourages people to engage in social comparison, regularly communicating to us that we are inferior because we lack a certain product or that we need to change some aspect of our life to keep up with and be similar to others. For example, for many years advertising targeted to women instilled in them a fear of having a dirty house, selling them products that promised to keep their house clean, make their family happy, and impress their friends and neighbors. Now messages tell us to fear becoming old or unattractive, selling products to keep our skin tight and clear, which will in turn make us happy and popular.

“Getting Critical”

Body Image and Self-Perception

Take a look at any magazine, television show, or movie and you will most likely see very beautiful people. When you look around you in your daily life, there are likely not as many glamorous and gorgeous people. Scholars and media critics have critiqued this discrepancy for decades because it has contributed to many social issues and public health issues ranging from body dysmorphic disorder, to eating disorders, to lowered self-esteem.

Much of the media is driven by advertising, and the business of media has been to perpetuate a “culture of lack” (Dworkin & Wachs, 2009). This means that we are constantly told, via mediated images, that we lack something. In short, advertisements often tell us we don’t have enough money, enough beauty, or enough material possessions. Over the past few decades, women’s bodies in the media have gotten smaller and thinner, while men’s bodies have gotten bigger and more muscular. At the same time, the US population has become dramatically more obese. As research shows that men and women are becoming more and more dissatisfied with their bodies, which ultimately affects their self-concept and self-esteem, health and beauty product lines proliferate and cosmetic surgeries and other types of enhancements become more and more popular. From young children to older adults, people are becoming more aware of and oftentimes unhappy with their bodies, which results in a variety of self-perception problems.

  • How do you think the media influences your self-perception and body image?
  • Describe the typical man that is portrayed in the media. Describe the typical woman that is portrayed in the media. What impressions do these typical bodies make on others? What are the potential positive and negative effects of the way the media portrays the human body?
  • Find an example of an “atypical” body represented in the media (a magazine, TV show, or movie). Is this person presented in a positive, negative, or neutral way? Why do you think this person was chosen?


How we perceive ourselves manifests in how we present ourselves to others. Self-presentation is the process of strategically concealing or revealing personal information in order to influence others’ perceptions (Human et al., 2012). We engage in this process daily and for different reasons. Although people occasionally intentionally deceive others in the process of self-presentation, in general we try to make a good impression while still remaining authentic. Since self-presentation helps meet our instrumental, relational, and identity needs, we stand to lose quite a bit if we are caught intentionally misrepresenting ourselves. In May of 2012, Yahoo!’s CEO resigned after it became known that he stated on official documents that he had two college degrees when he actually only had one. In a similar incident, a woman who had long served as the dean of admissions for the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology was dismissed from her position after it was learned that she had only attended one year of college and had falsely indicated she had a bachelor’s and master’s degree (Webber & Korn, 2012). Such incidents clearly show that although people can get away with such false self-presentation for a while, the eventual consequences of being found out are dire. As communicators, we sometimes engage in more subtle forms of inauthentic self-presentation. For example, a person may state or imply that they know more about a subject or situation than they actually do in order to seem smart or “in the loop.” During a speech, a speaker works on a polished and competent delivery to distract from a lack of substantive content. These cases of strategic self-presentation may not ever be found out, but communicators should still avoid them as they do not live up to the standards of ethical communication.

Consciously and competently engaging in self-presentation can have benefits because we can provide others with a more positive and accurate picture of who we are. People who are skilled at impression management are typically more engaging and confident, which allows others to pick up on more cues from which to form impressions (Human et al., 2012). Being a skilled self-presenter draws on many of the practices used by competent communicators, including becoming a higher self-monitor. When self-presentation skills and self-monitoring skills combine, communicators can simultaneously monitor their own expressions, the reaction of others, and the situational and social context (Sosik, Avolio, & Jung, 2002). Sometimes people get help with their self-presentation. Although most people can’t afford or wouldn’t think of hiring an image consultant, some people have started generously donating their self-presentation expertise to help others. Many people who have been riding the tough job market for a year or more get discouraged and may consider giving up on their job search.


People who have been out of work for a while may have difficulty finding the motivation to engage in the self-presentation behaviors needed to form favorable impressions.

Steve Petrucelli – Interview Time! – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

There are two main types of self-presentation: prosocial and self-serving (Sosik, Avolio, & Jung, 2002). Prosocial self-presentation entails behaviors that present a person as a role model and make a person more likable and attractive. For example, a supervisor may call on her employees to uphold high standards for business ethics, model that behavior in her own actions, and compliment others when they exemplify those standards. Self-serving self-presentation entails behaviors that present a person as highly skilled, willing to challenge others, and someone not to be messed with. For example, a supervisor may publicly take credit for the accomplishments of others or publicly critique an employee who failed to meet a particular standard. In summary, prosocial strategies are aimed at benefiting others, while self-serving strategies benefit the self at the expense of others.

In general, we strive to present a public image that matches up with our self-concept, but we can also use self-presentation strategies to enhance our self-concept (Hargie, 2011). When we present ourselves in order to evoke a positive evaluative response, we are engaging in self-enhancement. In the pursuit of self-enhancement, a person might try to be as appealing as possible in a particular area or with a particular person to gain feedback that will enhance one’s self-esteem. For example, a singer might train and practice for weeks before singing in front of a well-respected vocal coach but not invest as much effort in preparing to sing in front of friends. Although positive feedback from friends is beneficial, positive feedback from an experienced singer could enhance a person’s self-concept. Self-enhancement can be productive and achieved competently, or it can be used inappropriately. Using self-enhancement behaviors just to gain the approval of others or out of self-centeredness may lead people to communicate in ways that are perceived as phony or overbearing and end up making an unfavorable impression (Sosik, Avolio, & Jung, 2002).

“Getting Plugged In”

Self-Presentation Online: Social Media, Digital Trails, and Your Reputation

Although social networking has long been a way to keep in touch with friends and colleagues, the advent of social media has made the process of making connections and those all-important first impressions much more complex. Just looking at Facebook as an example, we can clearly see that the very acts of constructing a profile, posting status updates, “liking” certain things, and sharing various information via Facebook features and apps is self-presentation (Kim & Lee, 2011). People also form impressions based on the number of friends we have and the photos and posts that other people tag us in. All this information floating around can be difficult to manage. So how do we manage the impressions we make digitally given that there is a permanent record?

Research shows that people overall engage in positive and honest self-presentation on Facebook (Kim & Lee, 2011). Since people know how visible the information they post is, they may choose to only reveal things they think will form favorable impressions. But the mediated nature of Facebook also leads some people to disclose more personal information than they might otherwise in such a public or semipublic forum. These hyperpersonal disclosures run the risk of forming negative impressions based on who sees them. In general, the ease of digital communication, not just on Facebook, has presented new challenges for our self-control and information management. Sending someone a sexually provocative image used to take some effort before the age of digital cameras, but now “sexting” an explicit photo only takes a few seconds. So people who would have likely not engaged in such behavior before are more tempted to now, and it is the desire to present oneself as desirable or cool that leads people to send photos they may later regret (DiBlasio, 2012). In fact, new technology in the form of apps is trying to give people a little more control over the exchange of digital information. An iPhone app called “Snapchat” allows users to send photos that will only be visible for a few seconds. Although this isn’t a guaranteed safety net, the demand for such apps is increasing, which illustrates the point that we all now leave digital trails of information that can be useful in terms of our self-presentation but can also create new challenges in terms of managing the information floating around from which others may form impressions of us.

  • What impressions do you want people to form of you based on the information they can see on your Facebook page?
  • Have you ever used social media or the Internet to do “research” on a person? What things would you find favorable and unfavorable?
  • Do you have any guidelines you follow regarding what information about yourself you will put online or not? If so, what are they? If not, why?

Key Takeaways

  • Our self-concept is the overall idea of who we think we are. It is developed through our interactions with others and through social comparison that allows us to compare our beliefs and behaviors to others.
  • Our self-esteem is based on the evaluations and judgments we make about various characteristics of our self-concept. It is developed through an assessment and evaluation of our various skills and abilities, known as self-efficacy, and through a comparison and evaluation of who we are, who we would like to be, and who we should be (self-discrepancy theory).
  • Social comparison theory and self-discrepancy theory affect our self-concept and self-esteem because through comparison with others and comparison of our actual, ideal, and ought selves we make judgments about who we are and our self-worth. These judgments then affect how we communicate and behave.
  • Socializing forces like family, culture, and media affect our self-perception because they give us feedback on who we are. This feedback can be evaluated positively or negatively and can lead to positive or negative patterns that influence our self-perception and then our communication.
  • Self-presentation refers to the process of strategically concealing and/or revealing personal information in order to influence others’ perceptions. Prosocial self-presentation is intended to benefit others and self-serving self-presentation is intended to benefit the self at the expense of others. People also engage in self-enhancement, which is a self-presentation strategy by which people intentionally seek out positive evaluations.
  • Make a list of characteristics that describe who you are (your self-concept). After looking at the list, see if you can come up with a few words that summarize the list to narrow in on the key features of your self-concept. Go back over the first list and evaluate each characteristic, for example noting whether it is something you do well/poorly, something that is good/bad, positive/negative, desirable/undesirable. Is the overall list more positive or more negative? After doing these exercises, what have you learned about your self-concept and self-esteem?
  • Discuss at least one time in which you had a discrepancy or tension between two of the three selves described by self-discrepancy theory (the actual, ideal, and ought selves). What effect did this discrepancy have on your self-concept and/or self-esteem?
  • Take one of the socializing forces discussed (family, culture, or media) and identify at least one positive and one negative influence that it/they have had on your self-concept and/or self-esteem.
  • Getting integrated: Discuss some ways that you might strategically engage in self-presentation to influence the impressions of others in an academic, a professional, a personal, and a civic context.

Bandura, A., Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control (New York, NY: W. H. Freeman, 1997).

Best, D. L. and Jennifer J. Thomas, “Cultural Diversity and Cross-Cultural Perspectives,” in The Psychology of Gender, 2nd ed., eds. Alice H. Eagly, Anne E. Beall, and Robert J. Sternberg (New York, NY: Guilford Press, 2004), 296–327.

Bowles, D. D., “Biracial Identity: Children Born to African-American and White Couples,” Clinical Social Work Journal 21, no. 4 (1993): 418–22.

Brockner, J., Self-Esteem at Work (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1988), 11.

Byrne, B. M., Measuring Self-Concept across the Life Span: Issues and Instrumentation (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1996), 5.

Cooley, C., Human Nature and the Social Order (New York, NY: Scribner, 1902).

DiBlasio, N., “Demand for Photo-Erasing iPhone App Heats up Sexting Debate,” USA Today , May 7, 2012, accessed June 6, 2012, .

Dworkin, S. L. and Faye Linda Wachs, Body Panic (New York, NY: New York University Press, 2009), 2.

Hargie, O., Skilled Interpersonal Interaction: Research, Theory, and Practice (London: Routledge, 2011), 261.

Higgins, E. T., “Self-Discrepancy: A Theory Relating Self and Affect,” Psychological Review 94, no. 3 (1987): 320–21.

Human, L. J., et al., “Your Best Self Helps Reveal Your True Self: Positive Self-Presentation Leads to More Accurate Personality Impressions,” Social Psychological and Personality Sciences 3, no. 1 (2012): 23.

Kim, J. and Jong-Eun Roselyn Lee, “The Facebook Paths to Happiness: Effects of the Number of Facebook Friends and Self-Presentation on Subjective Well-Being,” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 14, no. 6 (2011): 360.

Loughnan, S., et al., “Economic Inequality Is Linked to Biased Self-Perception,” Psychological Science 22, no. 10 (2011): 1254.

Morgan, W. and Steven R. Wilson, “Explaining Child Abuse as a Lack of Safe Ground,” in The Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication , eds. Brian H. Spitzberg and William R. Cupach (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007), 341.

Patzer, G. L., Looks: Why They Matter More than You Ever Imagined (New York, NY: AMACOM, 2008), 147.

Sosik, J. J., Bruce J. Avolio, and Dong I. Jung, “Beneath the Mask: Examining the Relationship of Self-Presentation Attributes and Impression Management to Charismatic Leadership,” The Leadership Quarterly 13 (2002): 217.

Stockton, M. B., et al., “Self-Perception and Body Image Associations with Body Mass Index among 8–10-Year-Old African American Girls,” Journal of Pediatric Psychology 34, no. 10 (2009): 1144.

Webber, L., and Melissa Korn, “Yahoo’s CEO among Many Notable Resume Flaps,” Wall Street Journal Blogs , May 7, 2012, accessed June 9, 2012, .

Wierzbicka, A., “The English Expressions Good Boy and Good Girl and Cultural Models of Child Rearing,” Culture and Psychology 10, no. 3 (2004): 251–78.

Communication in the Real World Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

50 Inspiring Examples: Effective Self-Introductions

By Editorial Team on September 22, 2023 — 19 minutes to read

  • Structure of a Good Self-introduction Part 1
  • Examples of Self Introductions in a Job Interview Part 2
  • Examples of Self Introductions in a Meeting Part 3
  • Examples of Casual Self-Introductions in Group Settings Part 4
  • Examples of Self-Introductions on the First Day of Work Part 5
  • Examples of Good Self Introductions in a Social Setting Part 6
  • Examples of Good Self Introductions on Social Media Part 7
  • Self-Introductions in a Public Speaking Scenario Part 8
  • Name-Role-Achievements Method Template and Examples Part 9
  • Past-Present-Future Method Template and Examples Part 10
  • Job Application Self-Introduction Email Example Part 11
  • Networking Event Self-Introduction Email Example Part 12
  • Conference Self-Introduction Email Example Part 13
  • Freelance Work Self-Introduction Email Example Part 14
  • New Job or Position Self-Introduction Email Example Part 15

Part 1 Structure of a Good Self-introduction

  • 1. Greeting and introduction: Start by greeting the person you’re speaking to and introducing yourself. For example, “Hi, my name is Jane. Nice to meet you!”
  • 2. Brief personal background: Give a brief overview of your personal background, such as where you’re from or what you do. For example, “I’m originally from California, but I moved to New York a few years ago. I work in marketing for a tech company.” Related: 10 Smart Answers: “Tell Me About Yourself”
  • 3. Professional experience: Highlight your relevant professional experience, including your current or previous job titles and any notable achievements. For example, “I’ve been working in marketing for about 5 years now, and I’m currently a Senior Marketing Manager at my company. Last year, I led a successful campaign that resulted in a 20% increase in sales.” Related: How to Describe Yourself (Best Examples for Job Interviews)
  • 4. Skills and strengths: Mention any skills or strengths that are relevant to the conversation or the situation you’re in. For example, “I’m really passionate about data analysis and using insights to inform marketing strategy. I’m also a strong communicator and enjoy collaborating with cross-functional teams.” Related: 195 Positive Words to Describe Yourself [with Examples] 35 Smart Answers to “What Are Your Strengths?” What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses? (Answers & Strategies)
  • 5. Personal interests: Wrap up your self-introduction by mentioning a few personal interests or hobbies, which can help to humanize you and make you more relatable. For example, “In my free time, I love hiking and exploring new trails. I’m also a big fan of trying out new restaurants and cooking at home.”
  • Related: Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values Best Examples of “Fun Facts About Me” What Are Your Values? How to Discover Your Values

Part 2 Examples of Good Self Introductions in a Job Interview

Try to cover these aspects:

  • Current or most recent position/job
  • A relevant accomplishment or strength
  • Why you are excited about the company or role

Templates and Scripts

“Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I recently worked as a [Your Most Recent Position] at [Company/Organization]. I successfully managed a team of [Number] members, achieving a [Relevant Accomplishment or Growth]. I’m excited about the opportunity at [Interviewer’s Company] because [Reason Why You’re Interested].”

“Hi, I’m [Your Name], a [Current Job Title or Major Accomplishment]. I’m passionate about [Relevant Industry or Skillset] and have a proven track record of [Specific Result or Achievement]. I believe my skills and experience make me well-suited for this role at [Company], and I’m excited to explore how I can contribute to [Company Goal or Project].”

“Hi, my name is Jane Doe, and I’m the Assistant Marketing Manager at ABC Corp. I recently implemented a successful social media campaign, which increased engagement by 30%. I’m thrilled about the possibility of working with XYZ Inc. because of your innovative marketing strategies.”

“Hello, I’m John Smith, a financial analyst with five years of experience in the banking industry. I’ve consistently exceeded sales targets and helped my team win an award for excellent customer service. I’m excited to join DEF Ltd. because of your focus on sustainable and responsible investing.”

Try to tailor your introduction to the specific interview situation and always show enthusiasm for the position and company. This will show the interviewer that you are the right fit.

Related: How to Describe Yourself (Best Examples for Job Interviews)

Part 3 Examples of Good Self Introductions in a Meeting

General tips.

  • Start with a greeting: Begin with a simple “hello” or “good morning.”
  • State your name clearly: Don’t assume everyone knows you already.
  • Mention your role in the company: Help others understand your position.
  • Share relevant experience or accomplishments: Give context to your expertise.
  • Be brief: Save detailed explanations for later conversations.
  • Show enthusiasm: Display interest in the meeting and its objectives.
  • Welcome others: Encourage a sense of connection and camaraderie.
  • Basic introduction : Hi, I’m [Name], and I work as a [Your Role] in the [Department]. It’s great to meet you all.
  • Involvement-focused : Good morning, everyone. I’m [Name], [Your Role]. I handle [Responsibility] in our team, and I’m looking forward to working with you on [Project].
  • Experience-based : Hello! My name is [Name] and I’m the [Your Role] here. I’ve [Number of Years] of experience in [Skills or Industry], so I hope to contribute to our discussions during the meeting.
  • New team member : Hi, I’m [Name]. I just joined the [Department] team as the new [Your Role]. I have a background in [Relevant Experience] and am excited to start working with you on our projects!
  • External consultant : Hello everyone, my name is [Name], and I’m here in my capacity as a [Your Role] with [Your Company]. I specialize in [Skill or Industry], and I’m looking forward to partnering with your team to achieve our goals.
  • Guest speaker : Good morning, I’m [Name], a [Your Position] at [Organization]. I have expertise in [Subject], and I’m honored to be here today to share my insights with you.

Related: 10 Smart Answers: “Tell Me About Yourself”

Part 4 Examples of Casual Self-Introductions in Group Settings

Template 1:.

“Hi, I’m [your name], and I’m a [profession or role]. I love [personal hobby or interest].”

“Hi, I’m Emily, and I’m a pediatric nurse. I love gardening and spending my weekends tending to my colorful flower beds.”

“Hello, I’m Mark, and I work as a data analyst. I love reading science fiction novels and discussing the intricacies of the stories with fellow book enthusiasts.”

“Hey there, I’m Jessica, and I’m a chef. I have a passion for traveling and trying new cuisines from around the world, which complements my profession perfectly.”

Template 2:

“Hey everyone, my name is [your name]. I work as a [profession or role], and when I’m not doing that, I enjoy [activity].”

“Hey everyone, my name is Alex. I work as a marketing manager, and when I’m not doing that, I enjoy hiking in the wilderness and capturing the beauty of nature with my camera.”

“Hello, I’m Michael. I work as a software developer, and when I’m not coding, I enjoy playing chess competitively and participating in local tournaments.”

“Hi there, I’m Sarah. I work as a veterinarian, and when I’m not taking care of animals, I enjoy painting landscapes and creating art inspired by my love for wildlife.”

“Hi there! I’m [your name]. I’m currently working as a [profession or role], and I have a passion for [hobby or interest].”

“Hi there! I’m Rachel. I’m currently working as a social worker, and I have a passion for advocating for mental health awareness and supporting individuals on their journeys to recovery.”

“Hello, I’m David. I’m currently working as a financial analyst, and I have a passion for volunteering at local animal shelters and helping rescue animals find their forever homes.”

“Hey, I’m Lisa. I’m currently working as a marine biologist, and I have a passion for scuba diving and exploring the vibrant underwater ecosystems that our oceans hold.”

Related: 195 Positive Words to Describe Yourself [with Examples]

Part 5 Examples of Good Self-Introductions on the First Day of Work

  • Simple Introduction : “Hi, my name is [Your name], and I’m the new [Your position] here. I recently graduated from [Your university or institution] and am excited to join the team. I’m looking forward to working with you all.”
  • Professional Background : “Hello everyone, I’m [Your name]. I’ve joined as the new [Your position]. With my background in [Your skills or experience], I’m eager to contribute to our projects and learn from all of you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.”
  • Personal Touch : “Hey there! I’m [Your name], and I’ve recently joined as the new [Your position]. On the personal side, I enjoy [Your hobbies] during my free time. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you and working together.”

Feel free to tweak these scripts as needed to fit your personality and work environment!

Here are some specific examples of self-introductions on the first day of work:

  • “Hi, my name is Alex, and I’m excited to be the new Marketing Manager here. I’ve been in the marketing industry for five years and have worked on various campaigns. Outside of work, I love exploring new hiking trails and photography. I can’t wait to collaborate with you all.”
  • “Hello, I’m Priya, your new Software Engineer. I graduated from XYZ University with a degree in computer science and have experience in Python, Java, and web development. In my free time, I enjoy playing the guitar and attending live concerts. I’m eager to contribute to our team’s success and learn from all of you.”

Related: Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values

Part 6 Examples of Good Self Introductions in a Social Setting

Casual gatherings: “Hi, I’m [Name]. Nice to meet you! I’m a huge fan of [hobby]. How about you, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?”

Networking events: “Hello, I’m [Name] and I work as a [profession] at [company]. I’m excited to learn more about what everyone here does. What brings you here today?”

Parties at a friend’s house: “Hi there, my name is [Name]. I’m a friend of [host’s name] from [work/school/etc]. How do you know [host’s name]?”

  • Casual gathering: “Hey, my name is Jane. Great to meet you! I love exploring new coffee shops around the city. What’s your favorite thing to do on weekends?”
  • Networking event: “Hi, I’m John, a website developer at XY Technologies. I’m eager to connect with people in the industry. What’s your field of expertise?”
  • Party at a friend’s house: “Hello, I’m Laura. I met our host, Emily, in our college photography club. How did you and Emily become friends?”

Related: Best Examples of “Fun Facts About Me”

Part 7 Examples of Good Self Introductions on Social Media

  • Keep it brief: Social media is fast-paced, so stick to the essentials and keep your audience engaged.
  • Show your personality: Let your audience know who you are beyond your job title or education.
  • Include a call-to-action: Encourage your followers to engage with you by asking a question or directing them to your website or other social media profiles.

Template 1: Brief and professional

Hi, I’m [Your Name]. I’m a [Job Title/Field] with a passion for [Interests or Hobbies]. Connect with me to chat about [Subject Matter] or find more of my work at [Website or Social Media Handle].

Template 2: Casual and personal

Hey there! I’m [Your Name] and I love all things [Interest or Hobby]. In my day job, I work as a [Job Title/Field]. Let’s connect and talk about [Shared Interest] or find me on [Other Social Media Platforms]!

Template 3: Skill-focused

Hi, I’m [Your Name], a [Job Title/Field] specializing in [Skills or Expertise]. Excited to network and share insights on [Subject Matter]. Reach out if you need help with [Skill or Topic] or want to discuss [Related Interest]!

Example 1: Brief and professional

Hi, I’m Jane Doe. I’m a Marketing Manager with a passion for photography and blogging. Connect with me to chat about the latest digital marketing trends or find more of my work at

Example 2: Casual and personal

Hey there! I’m John Smith and I love all things coffee and travel. In my day job, I work as a software developer. Let’s connect and talk about adventures or find me on Instagram at @johnsmithontour!

Example 3: Skill-focused

Hi, I’m Lisa Brown, a Graphic Designer specializing in branding and typography. Excited to network and share insights on design. Reach out if you need help with creating visually appealing brand identities or want to discuss minimalistic art!

Part 8 Self-Introductions in a Public Speaking Scenario

  • Professional introduction: “Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I have [number of years] of experience working in [your field]. Throughout my career, I have [briefly mention one or two significant accomplishments]. Today, I am excited to share [the main point of your presentation].”
  • Casual introduction: “Hey everyone, I’m [Your Name], and I [briefly describe yourself, e.g., your hobbies or interests]. I’m really thrilled to talk to you about [the main point of your presentation]. Let’s dive right into it!”
  • Creative introduction: “Imagine [paint a visual with a relevant story]. That’s where my passion began for [the main point of your presentation]. My name is [Your Name], and [mention relevant background/information].”
  • Professional introduction: “Hello, my name is Jane Smith, and I have 15 years of experience working in marketing and advertisement. Throughout my career, I have helped companies increase their revenue by up to 50% using creative marketing strategies. Today, I am excited to share my insights in implementing effective social media campaigns.”
  • Casual introduction: “Hey everyone, I’m John Doe, and I love hiking and playing the guitar in my free time. I’m really thrilled to talk to you about the impact of music on mental well-being, a topic close to my heart. Let’s dive right into it!”
  • Creative introduction: “Imagine standing at the edge of a cliff, looking down at the breathtaking view of nature. That’s where my passion began for landscape photography. My name is Alex Brown, and I’ve been fortunate enough to turn my hobby into a successful career. Today, I’ll share my expertise on capturing stunning images with just a few simple techniques.”

Effective Templates for Self-Introductions

Part 9 name-role-achievements method template and examples.

When introducing yourself, consider using the NAME-ROLE-ACHIEVEMENTS template. Start with your name, then mention the role you’re in, and highlight key achievements or experiences you’d like to share.

“Hello, I’m [Your Name]. I’m currently working as a [Your Current Role/Position] with [Your Current Company/Organization]. Some of my key achievements or experiences include [Highlight 2-3 Achievements or Experiences].”

“Hello, I’m Sarah Johnson. I’m a Senior Software Engineer with over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. Some of my key achievements include leading a cross-functional team to develop a groundbreaking mobile app that garnered over 5 million downloads and receiving the ‘Tech Innovator of the Year’ award in 2020.”

“Hi there, my name is [Your Name]. I serve as a [Your Current Role] at [Your Current Workplace]. In my role, I’ve had the opportunity to [Describe What You Do]. One of my proudest achievements is [Highlight a Significant Achievement].”

“Hi there, my name is David Martinez. I currently serve as the Director of Marketing at XYZ Company. In my role, I’ve successfully executed several high-impact marketing campaigns, resulting in a 30% increase in brand visibility and a 15% boost in revenue last year.”

Template 3:

“Greetings, I’m [Your Name]. I hold the position of [Your Current Role] at [Your Current Company]. With [Number of Years] years of experience in [Your Industry], I’ve had the privilege of [Mention a Notable Experience].”

“Greetings, I’m Emily Anderson. I hold the position of Senior Marketing Manager at BrightStar Solutions. With over 8 years of experience in the technology and marketing industry, I’ve had the privilege of spearheading the launch of our flagship product, which led to a 40% increase in market share within just six months.”

Part 10 Past-Present-Future Method Template and Examples

Another template is the PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE method, where you talk about your past experiences, your current situation, and your future goals in a concise and engaging manner.

“In the past, I worked as a [Your Previous Role] where I [Briefly Describe Your Previous Role]. Currently, I am [Your Current Role] at [Your Current Workplace], where I [Briefly Describe Your Current Responsibilities]. Looking to the future, my goal is to [Your Future Aspirations].”

“In the past, I worked as a project manager at ABC Corporation, where I oversaw the successful delivery of multiple complex projects, each on time and within budget. Currently, I’m pursuing an MBA degree to enhance my business acumen and leadership skills. Looking to the future, my goal is to leverage my project management experience and MBA education to take on more strategic roles in the company and contribute to its long-term growth.”

“In my earlier career, I [Describe Your Past Career Experience]. Today, I’m [Your Current Role] at [Your Current Company], where I [Discuss Your Current Contributions]. As I look ahead, I’m excited to [Outline Your Future Plans and Aspirations].”

“In my previous role as a software developer, I had the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies, including AI and machine learning. Today, I’m a data scientist at XYZ Labs, where I analyze large datasets to extract valuable insights. In the future, I aspire to lead a team of data scientists and contribute to groundbreaking research in the field of artificial intelligence.”

“During my previous role as a [Your Previous Role], I [Discuss a Relevant Past Achievement or Experience]. Now, I am in the position of [Your Current Role] at [Your Current Company], focusing on [Describe Your Current Focus]. My vision for the future is to [Share Your Future Goals].”

“During my previous role as a Sales Associate at Maplewood Retail, I consistently exceeded monthly sales targets by fostering strong customer relationships and providing exceptional service. Now, I am in the position of Assistant Store Manager at Hillside Emporium, where I focus on optimizing store operations and training the sales team to deliver outstanding customer experiences. My vision for the future is to continue growing in the retail industry and eventually take on a leadership role in multi-store management.”

Examples of Self-introduction Emails

Part 11 job application self-introduction email example.

Subject: Introduction from [Your Name] – [Job Title] Application

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to introduce myself and express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. My name is [Your Name], and I am a [Your Profession] with [Number of Years] of experience in the field.

I am impressed with [Company Name]’s reputation for [Company’s Achievements or Mission]. I am confident that my skills and experience align with the requirements of the job, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the company’s success.

Please find my resume attached for your review. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and learn more about the position. Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Related: Get More Interviews: Follow Up on Job Applications (Templates)

Part 12 Networking Event Self-Introduction Email Example

Subject: Introduction from [Your Name]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am excited to introduce myself to you. I am currently working as a [Your Profession] and have been in the field for [Number of Years]. I am attending the [Networking Event Name] event next week and I am hoping to meet new people and expand my network.

I am interested in learning more about your work and experience in the industry. Would it be possible to schedule a quick call or meeting during the event to chat further?

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Part 13 Conference Self-Introduction Email Example

Subject: Introduction from [Your Name] – [Conference or Event Name]

I am excited to introduce myself to you as a fellow attendee of [Conference or Event Name]. My name is [Your Name], and I am a [Your Profession or Industry].

I am looking forward to the conference and the opportunity to network with industry experts like yourself. I am particularly interested in [Conference or Event Topics], and I would love to discuss these topics further with you.

If you have some free time during the conference, would you be interested in meeting up for coffee or lunch? I would love to learn more about your experience and insights in the industry.

Part 14 Freelance Work Self-Introduction Email Example

Subject: Introduction from [Your Name] – Freelance Writer

Dear [Client’s Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am a freelance writer with [Number of Years] of experience in the industry. I came across your website and was impressed by the quality of your content and the unique perspective you offer.

I am writing to introduce myself and express my interest in working with you on future projects. I specialize in [Your Writing Niche], and I believe my skills and experience would be a great fit for your content needs.

Please find my portfolio attached for your review. I would love to discuss your content needs further and explore how we can work together to achieve your goals. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Part 15 New Job or Position Self-Introduction Email Example

Subject: Introduction from [Your Name] – New [Job Title or Position]

Dear [Team or Department Name],

I am excited to introduce myself as the new [Job Title or Position] at [Company Name]. My name is [Your Name], and I am looking forward to working with all of you.

I have [Number of Years] of experience in the industry and have worked on [Your Achievements or Projects]. I am excited to bring my skills and experience to the team and contribute to the company’s success.

I would love to schedule some time to meet with each of you and learn more about your role in the company and how we can work together. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to meeting all of you soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you create a powerful self-introduction script for job interviews.

To make a strong impression in job interviews, prepare a script that includes:

  • Your name and current role or profession.
  • Relevant past experiences and accomplishments.
  • Personal skills or attributes relevant to the job.
  • A brief mention of your motivation for applying.
  • An engaging statement that connects your aspirations with the role or company.

How can students present a captivating self-introduction in class?

For an engaging self-introduction in class, consider mentioning:

  • Your name and major.
  • Where you’re from or something unique about your upbringing.
  • Hobbies, interests, or extracurricular activities.
  • An interesting fact or anecdote about yourself.
  • Your academic or career goals and how they connect to the class.

What are tips for introducing yourself to a new team at work?

When introducing yourself to a new team at work, consider the following tips:

  • Be friendly, respectful, and approachable.
  • Start with your name and role, then briefly describe your responsibilities.
  • Mention your background, skills, and relevant experiences.
  • Share a personal interest or fun fact to add a personal touch.
  • Express how excited you are to be part of the team and your desire to collaborate effectively.

How do you structure a self-introduction in English for various scenarios?

Regardless of the scenario, a well-structured self-introduction includes:

  • Greeting and stating your name.
  • Mentioning your role, profession, or status.
  • Providing brief background information or relevant experiences.
  • Sharing a personal touch or unique attribute.
  • Concluding with an engaging statement, relevant to the context, that shows your enthusiasm or interest.
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12.2 Self-presentation

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe social roles and how they influence behavior
  • Explain what social norms are and how they influence behavior
  • Define script
  • Describe the findings and criticisms of Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment

As you’ve learned, social psychology is the study of how people affect one another’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We have discussed situational perspectives and social psychology’s emphasis on the ways in which a person’s environment, including culture and other social influences, affect behavior. In this section, we examine situational forces that have a strong influence on human behavior including social roles, social norms, and scripts. We discuss how humans use the social environment as a source of information, or cues, on how to behave. Situational influences on our behavior have important consequences, such as whether we will help a stranger in an emergency or how we would behave in an unfamiliar environment.

Social Roles

One major social determinant of human behavior is our social roles. A social role is a pattern of behavior that is expected of a person in a given setting or group (Hare, 2003). Each one of us has several social roles. You may be, at the same time, a student, a parent, an aspiring teacher, a son or daughter, a spouse, and a lifeguard. How do these social roles influence your behavior? Social roles are defined by culturally shared knowledge. That is, nearly everyone in a given culture knows what behavior is expected of a person in a given role. For example, what is the social role for a student? If you look around a college classroom you will likely see students engaging in studious behavior, taking notes, listening to the professor, reading the textbook, and sitting quietly at their desks ( Figure 12.8 ). Of course you may see students deviating from the expected studious behavior such as texting on their phones or using Facebook on their laptops, but in all cases, the students that you observe are attending class—a part of the social role of students.

Social roles, and our related behavior, can vary across different settings. How do you behave when you are engaging in the role of a child attending a family function? Now imagine how you behave when you are engaged in the role of employee at your workplace. It is very likely that your behavior will be different. Perhaps you are more relaxed and outgoing with your family, making jokes and doing silly things. But at your workplace you might speak more professionally, and although you may be friendly, you are also serious and focused on getting the work completed. These are examples of how our social roles influence and often dictate our behavior to the extent that identity and personality can vary with context (that is, in different social groups) (Malloy, Albright, Kenny, Agatstein & Winquist, 1997).

Social Norms

As discussed previously, social roles are defined by a culture’s shared knowledge of what is expected behavior of an individual in a specific role. This shared knowledge comes from social norms. A social norm is a group’s expectation of what is appropriate and acceptable behavior for its members—how they are supposed to behave and think (Deutsch & Gerard, 1955; Berkowitz, 2004). How are we expected to act? What are we expected to talk about? What are we expected to wear? In our discussion of social roles we noted that colleges have social norms for students’ behavior in the role of student and workplaces have social norms for employees’ behaviors in the role of employee. Social norms are everywhere including in families, gangs, and on social media outlets. What are some social norms on Instagram?

Connect the Concepts

Tweens, teens, and social norms.

My 11-year-old daughter, Janelle, recently told me she needed shorts and shirts for the summer, and that she wanted me to take her to a store at the mall that is popular with preteens and teens to buy them. I have noticed that many girls have clothes from that store, so I tried teasing her. I said, “All the shirts say ‘Aero’ on the front. If you are wearing a shirt like that and you have a substitute teacher, and the other girls are all wearing that type of shirt, won’t the substitute teacher think you are all named ‘Aero’?”

My daughter replied, in typical 11-year-old fashion, “Mom, you are not funny. Can we please go shopping?”

I tried a different tactic. I asked Janelle if having clothing from that particular store will make her popular. She replied, “No, it will not make me popular. It is what the popular kids wear. It will make me feel happier.” How can a label or name brand make someone feel happier? Think back to what you’ve learned about lifespan development . What is it about pre-teens and young teens that make them want to fit in ( Figure 12.9 )? Does this change over time? Think back to your high school experience, or look around your college campus. What is the main name brand clothing you see? What messages do we get from the media about how to fit in?

Because of social roles, people tend to know what behavior is expected of them in specific, familiar settings. A script is a person’s knowledge about the sequence of events expected in a specific setting (Schank & Abelson, 1977). How do you act on the first day of school, when you walk into an elevator, or are at a restaurant? For example, at a restaurant in the United States, if we want the server’s attention, we try to make eye contact. In Brazil, you would make the sound “psst” to get the server’s attention. You can see the cultural differences in scripts. To an American, saying “psst” to a server might seem rude, yet to a Brazilian, trying to make eye contact might not seem an effective strategy. Scripts are important sources of information to guide behavior in given situations. Can you imagine being in an unfamiliar situation and not having a script for how to behave? This could be uncomfortable and confusing. How could you find out about social norms in an unfamiliar culture?

Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment

The famous Stanford prison experiment , conducted by social psychologist Philip Zimbardo and his colleagues at Stanford University, demonstrated the power of social roles, social norms, and scripts. In the summer of 1971, an advertisement was placed in a California newspaper asking for male volunteers to participate in a study about the psychological effects of prison life. More than 70 men volunteered, and these volunteers then underwent psychological testing to eliminate candidates who had underlying psychiatric issues, medical issues, or a history of crime or drug abuse. The pool of volunteers was whittled down to 24 healthy male college students. Each student was paid $15 per day (equivalent to about $80 today) and was randomly assigned to play the role of either a prisoner or a guard in the study. Based on what you have learned about research methods, why is it important that participants were randomly assigned?

A mock prison was constructed in the basement of the psychology building at Stanford. Participants assigned to play the role of prisoners were “arrested” at their homes by Palo Alto police officers, booked at a police station, and subsequently taken to the mock prison. The experiment was scheduled to run for several weeks. To the surprise of the researchers, both the “prisoners” and “guards” assumed their roles with zeal. On the second day of the experiment, the guards forced the prisoners to strip, took their beds, and isolated the ringleaders using solitary confinement. In a relatively short time, the guards came to harass the prisoners in an increasingly sadistic manner, through a complete lack of privacy, lack of basic comforts such as mattresses to sleep on, and through degrading chores and late-night counts.

The prisoners, in turn, began to show signs of severe anxiety and hopelessness—they began tolerating the guards’ abuse. Even the Stanford professor who designed the study and was the head researcher, Philip Zimbardo, found himself acting as if the prison was real and his role, as prison supervisor, was real as well. After only six days, the experiment had to be ended due to the participants’ deteriorating behavior. Zimbardo explained,

At this point it became clear that we had to end the study. We had created an overwhelmingly powerful situation—a situation in which prisoners were withdrawing and behaving in pathological ways, and in which some of the guards were behaving sadistically. Even the “good” guards felt helpless to intervene, and none of the guards quit while the study was in progress. Indeed, it should be noted that no guard ever came late for his shift, called in sick, left early, or demanded extra pay for overtime work. (Zimbardo, 2013)

The Stanford Prison Experiment has been used as a memorable demonstration of the incredible power that social roles, norms, and scripts have in affecting human behavior. However, multiple aspects of the study have been subject to criticism since its inception. The nature of these criticisms range from ethical concerns to issues of generalizability (Bartels, Milovich, & Moussier, 2016; Griggs, 2014; Le Texier, 2019). One criticism is that the way students were recruited for the experiment may have impacted the outcome (Carnahan & McFarland, 2007). Another criticism questions the conclusions that can be drawn from the study. Zimbardo appears to have provided specific guidelines of the types of behaviors that were expected of the guards (Zimbardo, 2007). Subsequent research suggests that such guidelines likely created an expectation of the types of behavior that Zimbardo reported observing in the Stanford Prison Experiment (Bartels, 2019), and that given these expectations, the guards simply acted as they thought they were expected to act. It has also been problematic that attempts to replicate aspects of the study have not been successful. For example, when no guidelines were presented to the guards, researchers documented different outcomes than those observed by Zimbardo. (Reicher & Haslam, 2006).

The Stanford Prison Experiment has some parallels with the abuse of prisoners of war by U.S. Army troops and CIA personnel at the Abu Ghraib prison in 2003 and 2004 during the Iraq War. The offenses at Abu Ghraib were documented by photographs of the abuse, some taken by the abusers themselves ( Figure 12.10 ).

Link to Learning

Listen to this NPR interview with Philip Zimbardo where he discusses the parallels between the Stanford prison experiment and the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq to learn more.

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  • Authors: Rose M. Spielman, William J. Jenkins, Marilyn D. Lovett
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Psychology 2e
  • Publication date: Apr 22, 2020
  • Location: Houston, Texas
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How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation [with Examples]

How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation with Examples

In this post, we are going to cover the best way, a very simple three-step process that will help you introduce yourself in a presentation. A summary of the steps is below.

  • Start with your name and company (or organization or school).
  • Tell your audience what problem you can solve for them.
  • Share some type of proof (social proof works best) that you can solve this problem.

I will break down each step into a simple-to-follow process. But first… a little background.

First, Identify What Your Audience Wants from Your Presentation

Create an Introduction for Yourself that Makes the Audience Care About the Topic

So, before you design your introduction, think about what your audience wants from your presentation. Why do they want to spend their valuable time listening to you? Are going to waste their time? Or, are you going to provide them with something valuable?

For instance, I have expertise in a number of different areas. I’m a public speaking coach, a keynote speaker, a best-selling author, a search engine optimization specialist, and a popular podcaster. However, if I delivered that sentence to any audience, the most likely reaction would be, “So what?” That sentence doesn’t answer any of the above questions. The statement is also really “me-focused” not “audience-focused.”

So, when I start to design my self-introduction, I want to focus just on the area of expertise related to my topic. I’m then going to answer the questions above about that particular topic. Once you have these answers, set them aside for a second. They will be important later.

How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation in Class.

If Everyone Already Knows You DON'T Introduce Yourself

Instead, you probably want to add in a fun way to start a speech . For example, instead of introducing yourself in your class speech and starting in an awkward way, start with a startling statistic. Or start with a summary of your conclusion. Or, you could start the presentation with an inspirational quote.

Each of these presentation starters will help you lower your nervousness and decrease your awkwardness.

If you are delivering a speech in a speech competition or to an audience who doesn’t know you try this technique. Just introduce yourself by saying your name , the school you represent , and your topic . Make it easy. This way you get to your content more quickly and lower your nervousness.

Typically, after you get the first few sentences out of the way, your nervousness will drop dramatically. Since your name, school, and topic should be very easy to remember, this takes the pressure off you during the most nervous moments.

Obviously, follow the guidelines that your teacher or coach gives you. (The competition may have specific ways they want you to introduce yourself.)

How to Introduce Yourself in a Business Presentation — A Step-by-Step Guide.

How to Introduce Yourself in a Business Presentation-A Step-by-Step Guide

In a professional setting, when new people walk into a meeting and don’t know what to expect, they will feel uncomfortable. The easiest way to ease some of that tension is to chat with your audience as they come into the room.

By the way, if you are looking for a template for an Elevator Speech , make sure to click this link.

Step #1: Start with your name and company name (or organization).

This one is easy. Just tell your audience your name and the organization that you are representing. If your organization is not a well-known brand name, you might add a short clarifying description. For instance, most people outside of the training industry have never heard of The Leader’s Institute ®. So, my step #1 might sound something like…

Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company…

Still short and sweet, but a little more clear to someone who has never heard of my company.

Should you give your job title? Well… Maybe and sometimes. Add your title into the introduction only if your title adds to your credibility.

For example, if you are delivering a financial presentation and you are the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of your company, you might mention that. Your title adds to your credibility. However, if the CFO is delivering a presentation about the value of joining a trade association, the CFO title adds little credibility. So, there is very little value in adding the title.

Step #2: Tell your audience what problem you can solve for them.

Identify the Problem You Solve for Your Audience

For instance, if my topic is how to deliver presentations, I have to determine why the audience would care. What problem will they have that I can help them with? For my audiences, the problem that I most often help people with is how to eliminate public speaking fear. Once I have the problem, I add that to my introduction by using the words, “I help people…”

Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company, and I help people eliminate public speaking fear.

However, if my topic is How to Close a Higher Percentage of Sales Presentations , I’d likely want to alter my introduction a little. I might say something like…

Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company, and I help people design more persuasive sales presentations.

I have expertise in both areas. However, I focus my introduction on just the expertise that is applicable to this audience. If I gave the first introduction to the second audience, they will likely respond by thinking, well, I don’t really get nervous speaking, so I guess I can tune out of this speech .

So, create a problem statement starting with, “I help people…” Make the statement apply to what your audience really wants.

Step #3: Share some type of proof (social proof works best) that you can solve this problem.

By the way, if you just do steps #1 and #2, your introduction will be better than most that you will hear. However, if you add Step #3, you will gain more respect (and attention) from your audience. Without adding some type of proof that you can solve this problem, you are just giving your opinion that you are an expert. However, if you can prove it, you are also proving that you are an expert.

This is the tricky part. For some reason, most people who get to this part feel like they haven’t accomplished great things, so they diminish the great accomplishments that they do have.

For instance, an easy way to offer proof is with a personal story of how you have solved that problem in the past.

A Few Examples of How to Introduce Yourself Before a Presentation.

For instance, one of my early clients was a young accountant. When I was working with him, he came up with the following introduction, “I’m Gary Gorman with Gorman and Associates CPA’s, and I help small businesses avoid IRS audits.” It was a great, audience-focused attention-getter. (No one wants to get audited.) However, as an accountant, it wasn’t like his company was getting a lot of five-star reviews on Yelp! So, he was kind of struggling with his social proof. So, I asked him a series of questions.

Me, “How many clients do you have?”

Gary, “Over 300.”

Me, “How many small business tax returns have you processed?”

Gary, “Well, at least a couple hundred a year for 15 years.”

Me, “So, at least 3000?” He nodded. “How many of your 300 clients have been audited since you have been representing them?”

He looked at me and said, “Well, none.”

So, we just added that piece of proof to his talk of introduction.

I’m Gary Gorman with Gorman and Associates CPA’s, and I help small businesses avoid IRS audits. In fact, in my career, I’ve helped clients complete over 3000 tax returns, and not a single one has ever been audited.

Here Is How I Adjust My Introduction Based on What I Want the Audience to Do.

For my proof, I have a number of options. Just like Gary, I have had a lot of clients who have had great successes. In addition, I have published two best-selling books about public speaking. I also have hundreds of thousands of people who listen to my podcast each week. So, I can pick my evidence based on what I want my audience to do.

For instance, if I’m speaking at a convention, and I want the audience to come by my booth to purchase my books, my introduction might sound like this.

Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company, and I help people eliminate public speaking fear. One of the things that I’m most know for is being the author of two best-selling books, Fearless Presentations and Mastering Presentations.

However, if I’m leading a webinar, I may want the audience to purchase a seat in one of my classes. In that case, my introduction might sound like this.

Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company, and I help people eliminate public speaking fear. For instance, for the last 20 years, I’ve taught public speaking classes to over 20,000 people, and I haven’t had a single person fail to reduce their nervousness significantly in just two days.

If my goal is to get the audience to subscribe to my podcast, my intro might sound like…

Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company, and I help people eliminate public speaking fear. One of the ways that I do this is with my weekly podcast called, Fearless Presentations, which has over one million downloads, so far.

Use the Form Below to Organize How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation.

The point is that you want to design your introduction in a way that makes people pause and think, “Really? That sounds pretty good.” You want to avoid introductions that make your audience think, “So what?”

If you have a speech coming up and need a good introduction, complete the form below. We will send you your answers via email!

Can You Replace Your Introduction with a PowerPoint Slide?

Is it okay to make your first slide (or second slide) in your presentation slides an introduction? Sure. A good public speaker will often add an introduction slide with a biography, portrait, and maybe even contact information. I sometimes do this myself.

However, I NEVER read the slide to my audience. I often just have it showing while I deliver the short introduction using the guide above. This is a great way to share more of your work experience without sounding like you are bragging.

For tips about how many powerpoint slides to use in a presentation , click here.

Remember that There Is a Big Difference Between Your Introduction in a Presentation and Your Presentation Starter.

When you introduce yourself in a presentation, you will often just use a single sentence to tell the audience who you are. You only use this intro if the audience doesn’t know who you are. Your presentation starter, though, is quite different. Your presentation starter should be a brief introduction with relevant details about what you will cover in your presentation.

For details, see Great Ways to Start a Presentation . In that post, we show ways to get the attention of the audience. We also give examples of how to use an interesting hook, personal stories, and how to use humor to start a presentation.

example of self presentation

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

example of self presentation

From conference talks to client demos, it’s always essential to include an About Me slide in any presentation you are giving. Introducing yourself early into the presentation helps build a better rapport with the audience.

You can start with several fun facts about me slide to break the ice or go for a more formal professional bio to explain your background and what makes you qualified to talk about the topic at hand. At any rate, your goal is to get the audience on your side by revealing some of your personality. 

How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation: 4 Approaches 

It’s a good practice to include self-introduction slides at the beginning of your presentation. If you are looking to answer how to introduce yourself professionally, typically somewhere after the title, opening slide , and the main agenda. However, the presentation structure will be somewhat different depending on whether you are presenting to a new audience or a group of people familiar with (e.g., your team, clients, or business partners). 

Here are four about me slide ideas you can try out, plus an About me template you can use to present yourself in a presentation. 

example of self presentation

1. Mention Your Name and Affiliations

Start with the introduction basics. State your name, company, title/position, and several quick facts about who you are and what you do. Even if you present to a familiar audience, a brief recap is always welcome. 

To keep things a bit more engaging, consider adding some lesser-known facts about yourself. For example:

  • Your interests 
  • Recent accomplishments
  • Testimonial/quote from a team member 
  • Fun nicknames you got 

The above can be nice ice breakers for less formal team presentations, project updates, or catch-ups with clients. 

Here are several unique About Me examples you can try out:

For a client case study presentation : 

“Hi, I’m Lynda, Chief Customer Success Specialist with Acme Corp. (Also, someone you thought was a chatbot for the first few encounters)

47 NPS | 15% Churn Rate | 40% repeat purchase rate”

For a team after-action review presentation :

Mike, Project Manager at Cool Project

(aka Maximizer)

Personal Project stats:

387 Slack messages answered

56 cups of coffee consumed

Project profit gross margin: $1.2 million 

2. Work On Your Elevator Pitch 

One of the best ways to introduce yourself in a presentation is to share a punchy elevator pitch. This works extra well if you are presenting to a new audience. 

An elevator pitch is a concise statement (1-2 sentences) that summarizes your unique strengths, skills, and abilities and explains how these can benefit your listener. 

It’s nice to have one ready for your presentations and networking in general since it helps you immediately connect with new people and communicate your value. 

Writing a solid elevator pitch may require several attempts and iterations. But the sooner you start — the faster you’ll arrive at the best formula! 

To get your creative juices flowing, here are several elevator pitch ideas you can incorporate in an introduction slide about yourself. 

For professionals: 

“Certified Salesforce Administrator, data visualization specialist, and analytics for top SaaS brands. I help businesses make more sense of their data to drive better outcomes”.

For a mentor :

“Adjunct professor of creative writing at Columbia University, published author, former lifestyle editor at Esquire, the New York Times. I can teach you how to find, shape, pitch, and publish stories for web & print.”

For a student: 

“Third-year Marine Biology student at Denver State Uni. Volunteer at Lake Life Protection NGO, climate change activist, looking to expand my research about water conservation”.

3. Answer Popular Questions or Assumptions 

If you are a frequent presenter , chances are you get asked a lot of the same “About Me questions” after your speeches and during the networking bits. So why not address a roaster of these in your About Me slide? Select 4-5 most common questions and list them as quick FAQs on your slide deck. 

4. Focus on Telling a Story 

Strong introductions are personable. They are meant to offer a sneak-peak into your personality and the passion behind your work. That’s why for less formal presentations, you can (and should!) start with a short personal story. 

Remember: reliability is important to “click” with your audience. 

For instance, neuroscience research of political ads recently found that ads featuring real people performed better than those with genetic stock footage. Among viewers, emotional engagement and memory encoding (recall) increased dramatically when political ads showed relatable people. 

The same holds true for commerce. In 2015, GE launched a viral “What’s the Matter With Owen?” video ad series to attract more young talent to the company. The clips featured a relatable protagonist, struggling to explain what his work at GE entails e.g. that the company isn’t building railroads, but actually does some very innovative pilots. Many engineers related to the promo and work applications to GE shoot up by 800% ! 

As the above examples show, a good relatable story can go a long way. So think about how you can make a PowerPoint presentation about yourself more representative of who you really are as a person. 

How to Give a Presentation About Yourself: 4 Fool-Proof Tips

On other occasions, you may be asked to give a full-length “about me” presentation. Typically, this is the case during a second interview, onboarding , or if you are in attending a training program or workshop where everyone needs to present themselves and their work. 

Obviously, you’ll need more than one good about me slide in this case. So here’s how to prepare a superb presentation about me. 

What to Put in a Presentation About Yourself?

The audience will expect to learn a mix of personal and professional facts about you. Thus, it’s a good idea to include the following information: 

  • Your name, contact info, website , social media handles, digital portfolio .
  • Short bio or some interesting snippets. 
  • Career timeline (if applicable).
  • Main achievements (preferably quantifiable).
  • Education, special training.
  • Digital badging awards , accolades, and other types of recognition.
  • Something more personal — an interest, hobby, aspiration. 

The above mix of items will change a bit, depending on whether you are giving an interview presentation about yourself or introduce yourself post-hiring. For example, in some cases a dedicated bio slide may be useful, but other times focusing on main achievements and goals can be better.

That being said, let’s take a closer look at how to organize the above information in a memorable presentation. 

P.S. Grab an about me slide template to make the design process easier! 

example of self presentation

1. Create a List of “Facts About Me”

The easiest way to answer the “tell me about yourself” question is by having an array of facts you can easily fetch from your brain. 

When it comes to a full-length about me presentation , it’s best to have a longer list ready. To keep your brainstorming process productive, organize all your ideas in the following buckets: 

  • Key skills (soft and hard)
  • Educational accolades, training
  • Accomplishments and other “bragging rights”
  • Personal tidbits (a.k.a. fun facts ) 

Once you have a list, it gets easier to build a series of slides around it. 

2. Think Like Your Audience 

Most likely you’d be asked to make a presentation about yourself by a recruiter. There’s a good reason why many ask this — they want to determine if you are a good “cultural fit” for their organization. 

After all, 33% of people quit within the first 3 months of accepting a new job. Among these:

  • 43% of employees quit because their day-to-day role was different than what they were told it would be during the hiring process.
  • 32% cite company culture as a factor for leaving within the first three months. 

About me presentations often serve as an extra “filter” helping both parties ensure that they are on the same page expectations- and work style-wise. Thus, when you prepare your slide deck, do some background company research. Then try to align the presentation with it by matching the company tone, communication style, and cultural values. 

3. Include Testimonials and Recommendations

Use the voice of others to back up the claims you are making in your presentation. After all, trumping your own horn is what you are expected to do in such a presentation. But the voices of others can strengthen the claims you are personally making. 

Depending on your role and industry, try to sprinkle some of the following testimonials: 

  • LinkedIn recommendations
  • Quotes from personal or professional references
  • Social media comments 
  • Data metrics of your performance
  • Funny assessments from your colleagues/friends 

The above not just strengthen your narrative, but also help the audience learn some extras about you and your background. Testimonial slides can be of help for this purpose.

4. Include a Case Study 

One of the best ways to illustrate who you are is to show what you are best in. Remember, an about me presentation often needs to “soft sell” your qualifications, experience, and personality. 

One of the best ways to do that is to showcase how you can feel in a specific need and solve issues the business is facing. 

So if you have the timeframe, use some of the ending slides to deliver a quick case study. You can present: 

  • Short retrospective of a past successful project
  • Before-after transformations you’ve achieved 
  • Spotlight of the main accomplishments within the previous role 
  • Main customer results obtained
  • Specific solution delivered by you (or the team you’ve worked with) 

Ending your presentation on such a high note will leave the audience positively impressed and wondering what results you could achieve for them.

To Conclude 

It’s easy to feel stumped when you are asked to talk about yourself. Because there are so many things you could mention (but not necessarily should). At the same time, you don’t want to make your introduction sound like a bragging context. So always think from the position of your audience. Do the facts you choose to share benefit them in any way? If yes, place them confidently on your About Me slides! 

1. Personal Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

example of self presentation

Use This Template

2. Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

example of self presentation

3. Meet the Team PowerPoint Template Slides

example of self presentation

4. Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Template

example of self presentation

5. Modern 1-Page Resume Template for PowerPoint

example of self presentation

6. Modern Resume Presentation Template

example of self presentation

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Introduce Yourself, Introduction, Presentation Ideas Filed under Presentation Ideas

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20+ Self Introduction PowerPoint Templates: Download for free!

Vania Escobar

Think about the image you want to portray during your presentation pitch. Creativity? Soberness? Reliability? A professional PowerPoint design can help you deliver a powerful introduction to your stakeholders . 

Here, you'll find some creative Self-Introduction PowerPoint Templates that are going to elevate your slides to the next level. Our expert team has designed different layouts that you will surely love and save you a lot of time. 

And if you want to present your company and highlight your team's experience, you'll also find some fantastic Team Presentation Templates . Keep reading to get them all for free!

PowerPoint Presentation Service - 24Slides

Introducing Yourself PowerPoint Templates

Introducing yourself is vital to generate a connection with your audience . In fact, it showcases your background and abilities, making sure you are the person they seek. 

That being said, let's have a look at the Self-Introduction PowerPoint Templates that we prepared for you and will optimize your creative process:

1. About Me PowerPoint Template

These self-introduction PowerPoint templates are perfect for anyone trying to convey sobriety and professionalism. 

The pack offers different layouts, which you can use to engage your audience and showcase your work experience. 

About Me PowerPoint Template

2. Personal Resume PowerPoint Template

This template is another great option for introducing yourself through a PowerPoint presentation. 

You'll find different types of diagrams and graphs that will display all your skills and work experience in a more eye-catching way. 

Personal Resume PowerPoint Template

3. Colorful Resume PowerPoint Template

With this colorful template, you'll be able to create more impactful slides and add your desired background. 

It also includes a map that will help you showcase your experience abroad! 

Colorful Resume PowerPoint Template

4. Creative Resume PowerPoint Template

If you are not sure of the color palette of your presentation, try this blue template. It's the perfect color to convey professionalism!

This self-introduction PowerPoint template will definitely catch your audience's attention from the beginning. 

Creative Resume PowerPoint Template

5. Personal Branding PowerPoint Template

This template is focused on Personal Branding, but you can use the graphics to organize your "About me" presentation in PowerPoint.

As always, we invite you to customize each element however you like!

Personal Introduction slides

6. Women Leadership Powerpoint Template

Want to be concise in your pitch? This template will inspire you!

As you can see in the image, you'll find a minimalist design of pink and purple tones.

Minimalist PowerPoint slides

7. Timeline Infographic PowerPoint Template

This template package has timelines and graphics that will be useful for organizing your personal information.

If you were looking for a modern and creative self-introduction template, this design may be for you!

Personal Resume slides in PowerPoint

8. User Persona PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template was initially designed to present Buyer Personas but can be adapted for an "About Me" section.

User Persona PowerPoint Template

9. Photography Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Want to improve your portfolio? We've designed portfolio templates in PowerPoint, too!

This resource was created for photographers, but you can adjust it to your needs.

Photography Portfolio PowerPoint Template

10. Career Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Here is another portfolio design in PowerPoint! 

When you download this template, you'll find a sober self-introduction design with blue tones.

Career Portfolio PowerPoint Template

We're not done yet!

In the following section, you'll discover more PowerPoint templates for introducing your work team to an audience.

Custom presentations in PowerPoint - 24Slides

Team Introduction PowerPoint Templates

Introducing your team becomes crucial when you want to attract new clients or investors to your business. It will spotlight your team's capabilities, convincing your audience that you can solve their problems. 

As always, all the slides in our templates are easily editable , so you can add any image you like and customize the aesthetics according to your color scheme .

Let's check the Team Introduction PowerPoint Templates we have for you: 

1. Team Slides PowerPoint Template

This team introduction PowerPoint template offers 8 different designs that will impress your audience. 

Pick the layout you like the most and add it to your presentation deck! 

Team Slides PowerPoint Template

2 . Roles and Responsibilities PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is all about the roles and responsibilities of each team member.  

If you’re working on a new project, this team intro PowerPoint template will be perfect! 

Team Roles PowerPoint Template

3. Meet The Team PowerPoint Template

If you're seeking to introduce your company to a potential investor or client, check out these team introduction slides! 

This template pack will help you to present a complete overview of your business and the people involved in it.

Meet The Team PowerPoint Template

4. Project Management PowerPoint Template

Do you have a project running and need to design the final presentation? This template is made for you!

As in the previous designs, you will find a project team slide template and more graphics that will make your presentation dazzle.

Project team slide template in PPT

5. Strategic Action Plan PowerPoint Template

Here is another of our corporate templates to introduce your work team to an audience.

If you want designs with green and blue tones, this resource is for you!

Strategic Action Plan PowerPoint Template

6. Finance Team PowerPoint Template

This presentation contains animated slides with a fresh design.

When you download this PowerPoint template, you'll find a "mission and vision" section, a description of services, a customer profile, and more!

Team Introduction PowerPoint Template

7. Light Corporate PowerPoint Template

Want to present a creative self-introduction but need more time to think about the design? If so, this template will be perfect for you.

You'll find a "meet the team" section, 3D graphics, infographics, and more. Download it for free now!

Corporate PowerPoint Template

8. Creative Business PowerPoint Template

If you prefer a one-page self-introduction, take a look at this template.

It contains icons, timelines, statistical graphs, and more resources. Like the previous designs, the download is completely free!

Creative Business PowerPoint Template

9. Creative Pitchbook PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template and its unique designs will immediately catch your audience's attention.

If you want to convey professionalism and detail-oriented, this template pack is for you.

Creative pitch slides in PPT

10. Film Pitch PowerPoint Template

These designs were created for film teams but can be adapted to any field!

We are confident its aesthetics will inspire you.

Film team introduction in PPT

11. Storyboard Artist PowerPoint Template

Looking for more creative self-introduction slides? You'll love this one! 

Initially, this template is black and white, but you can edit the colors freely.

Meet the team slides in PowerPoint

12. Team Introduction PowerPoint Template

This team introduction PowerPoint template has a unique format.

You'll be able to highlight your team's skills visually. And the best thing is that it's easy to understand at first glance!

Team Introduction PowerPoint Template

13. Science Organization PowerPoint Template

A team introduction is always a great idea, but it's even better when you can showcase the relationship between different members and roles! 

With this template pack, you can make that possible.

Team presentation template

Looking for Custom PowerPoint Presentations? We got you! 

If you liked our free template designs, you'll love 24Slides custom presentations ! 

A PowerPoint presentation is a great place to start making an excellent first impression. It will show your audience how committed you are to a project and how much effort you will put into it. 

But making a good PowerPoint presentation takes a lot of time and effort. Why not call upon professionals to handle it efficiently?

24Slides offers a pro-level design service that will elevate all your presentation decks. Our Designers have worked with some of the biggest companies worldwide, so we can offer the expertise you need. 

Still not sure? While working alongside us, you will: 

  • Own high-impact presentations aligned with your brand – We help you communicate the message you want to convey!
  • Choose between different services: Regular Service , Dedicated Design Teams , and Credit Packages – We adapt to your needs!
  • Manage fast turnarounds – Go rest and get your presentation the following morning!
  • Enjoy the process since we guarantee the confidentiality of your data – Your information is in good hands!
  • Have the option to create a platform for connecting your Internal Team with our Designers – The integration will be seamless!

The best part is that you can try our expertise and style for just $1 . Our Designers will be happy to show you the true potential of your slides!

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  • Learn How to Start a Sales Presentation
  • 36 Fun Icebreakers for Your Next Presentation
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Top 10 Self-Introduction Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Self-Introduction Templates with Samples and Examples

Neha Parmar


Andy completed his studies and searched for a job after that. He applied for jobs but did not get a response from anywhere, but still, he did not give up. He kept on applying for jobs. Finally, one company called him for an interview. He went and met the owner and gave a great interview and told them that he was capable of working well in the company. The owner was influenced by his way of presenting himself using self-introduction slides, and he got the job. 

Andy connects with the owner and presents himself impressively. A self introduction templates helps you make connections with the right person. It is one of the best ways to introduce yourself.

Self Introduction Slide Templates for the First Impression

“ You only have one first chance to make one first impression that lasts a lifetime.”

                   - Nas

Top 10 Self-Introduction Templates

Template 1: 10 minutes powerpoint presentation about myself.

With the help of a PowerPoint Presentation, you can introduce yourself well. You create your presentation, and include your qualifications, weaknesses, hobbies, and work experience in it. In no  time, you will be introducing yourself with confidence. If you want to show yourself in the best light, download the self introduction ppt  theme now.

10 Minutes Presentation About Myself

Download Now!

Template 2: Self Introduction For Job Interview By PowerPoint Presentation

With the help of PowerPoint Presentation Slides, we introduce ourselves. Multi-color visuals are used in these slides. A proper self-introduction is vital for making a great first impression on your audience. It includes content-ready slides such as the path to a career, SWOT analysis, personal qualifications, skills, and more. In addition, you bring tables, charts, and graphs, so the audience is impressed and sees you are perfect for the job. Grab this slide.

Self Introduction In Interview For Job

Template 3: Self-introduction In Interview For Experienced Candidate PowerPoint Presentation Slide

Use this Personal introduction PPT Slide to impress our audience. This complete deck contains slides like SWOT Analysis, personal qualifications, achievements, training, experience, case study, language skills, and hobbies.

Self Introduction In Interview For Experienced Candidates

Template 4: Self Introduction Model PowerPoint Presentation Slide

With the help of a PowerPoint Presentation, you create a profile for yourself in which you  state your qualifications, work experience, skills, education, hobbies, and much more. If you want to show your aptitude for the job, download this PPT Theme now.

Self Introduction Model

Template 5: Professional Self Introduction PowerPoint Presentation Slide

Professional Self Introduction PowerPoint presentation slides with suitable graphics and subject-driven content are here. All templates are completely editable for your convenience. This theme includes high-grade icons; Use this slide for short and long-term goals in the context of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and treats. Get this slide now.

Professional Self Introduction

Template 6: Personal Professional Self Introduction With Icon 

The PowerPoint Templates are designed to help job-seekers  to understand the challenges they will face. These templates are fully editable and easy to use. Download this template to impress the interviewer.

Personal Professional Self Introduction with Icons

Template 7: About Me Slide For Self Introduction In PowerPoint Presentation

Including self-introduction slides at the beginning of your presentation is a good practice. You can use the PPT Design to describe your profile, educational background, work experience, awards, achievements, and more. This PPT slide allows you to create a presentation that will help you tell your story clearly and concisely.

About Me Slide For Self Introduction

Template 8: Self Introduction Slide About Me PowerPoint Guide

Your introduction slide will help capture the audience’s attention. This PPT Template is used to illustrate skills, hobbies, work experience, and career choices in a clear and organized manner. Your audience will connect with you throughout the speech or presentation. A presentation like this includes your professional and personal information. Making the presentation takes time and effort. Download this self-introduction slide to create a presentation faster.


Template 9: Self Introduction of Digital Marketing Professional 

Presenting our well-structured icons slide for digital marketing. Employ strategic thinking by using this complete deck and present  yourself  with a self-introduction format for digital marketing. Persuade your audience using this icon illustrating digital marketing PPT Theme. This slide has stages that include interest, education, and experience. It is entirely editable and is available for immediate download.

Self Introduction of Digital Marketing Professional

Template 10: Self Introduction CV For Job Search

A creative resume is a great way to stand out from other applicants. Catch the attention of potential employers. You can use these PowerPoint Slides to present your CV or resume to a potential employer. Each template utilizes creative slide designs and innovative visual elements to ensure that it is unique and engages the audience. Mention your skills to crack every interview by downloading ready-to-use samples.

Pitbull Bieber cv resume template

You should always feel like a million dollars when introducing yourself. Your personal or self introduction is the first way to get any opportunity. No one is perfect but by doing it again and again the perfection will come to your interviews.

FAQs on Self Introduction Templates

How can i introduce myself.

Introducing oneself is the most common question asked in an interview. When an interviewer asks about yourself, they seek information about how your qualities and characteristics that align with the skills they need. That you are passionate about your work and you are ambitious and driven. 

How can I introduce myself in an interview?

The first impression happens quite fast . You introduce yourself  to an audience or the owner through a PowerPoint presentation. The audience likes something that shocks and shakes them hard enough to get their attention .Try to make them so intrigued that the desire makes them want to  know who you are. Show the audience what makes you unique. Connect with the audience . This is difficult, but we crack it with confidence. T Body language is a vital part of communication. For example:-

“I am John Smith. I will be here at noon for a job interview for a graphic designer. I have over five years of experience specializing in creating beautiful, unique website experiences that makes the users' time with a brand more enjoyable. I am looking forward to growing my management skills and  develop and inspire a team.”

Always end the interview on a positive note. 

“ It was a pleasure meeting with you. I appreciate the opportunity. .”

How will you describe yourself? 

In any interview, you must make the interviewer think, “Wow! This person would be perfect for position !” The first thing to describe yourself as is  a self-motivated person. You are comfortable taking the initiative and doing things independently. You will explain your experiences and qualifications. For example:

Suppose you have an English literature degree and want to work as a writer for a tech business. Be professional when you speak.

  • Communicate well
  • Be knowledgeable  in your field of expertise
  • Be inquisitive 
  • Be a leader , not a boss
  • Ask for help when you need 
  • Don’t be afraid of failure

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71 Self-presentation


Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe social roles and how they influence behavior
  • Explain what social norms are and how they influence behavior
  • Define script
  • Describe the findings of Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment

As you’ve learned, social psychology is the study of how people affect one another’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We have discussed situational perspectives and social psychology’s emphasis on the ways in which a person’s environment, including culture and other social influences, affect behavior. In this section, we examine situational forces that have a strong influence on human behavior including social roles, social norms, and scripts. We discuss how humans use the social environment as a source of information, or cues, on how to behave. Situational influences on our behavior have important consequences, such as whether we will help a stranger in an emergency or how we would behave in an unfamiliar environment.


One major social determinant of human behavior is our social roles. A social role is a pattern of behavior that is expected of a person in a given setting or group (Hare, 2003). Each one of us has several social roles. You may be, at the same time, a student, a parent, an aspiring teacher, a son or daughter, a spouse, and a lifeguard. How do these social roles influence your behavior? Social roles are defined by culturally shared knowledge. That is, nearly everyone in a given culture knows what behavior is expected of a person in a given role. For example, what is the social role for a student? If you look around a college classroom you will likely see students engaging in studious behavior, taking notes, listening to the professor, reading the textbook, and sitting quietly at their desks ( [link] ). Of course you may see students deviating from the expected studious behavior such as texting on their phones or using Facebook on their laptops, but in all cases, the students that you observe are attending class—a part of the social role of students.

A photograph shows students in a classroom.

Social roles, and our related behavior, can vary across different settings. How do you behave when you are engaging in the role of son or daughter and attending a family function? Now imagine how you behave when you are engaged in the role of employee at your workplace. It is very likely that your behavior will be different. Perhaps you are more relaxed and outgoing with your family, making jokes and doing silly things. But at your workplace you might speak more professionally, and although you may be friendly, you are also serious and focused on getting the work completed. These are examples of how our social roles influence and often dictate our behavior to the extent that identity and personality can vary with context (that is, in different social groups) (Malloy, Albright, Kenny, Agatstein & Winquist, 1997).


As discussed previously, social roles are defined by a culture’s shared knowledge of what is expected behavior of an individual in a specific role. This shared knowledge comes from social norms. A social norm is a group’s expectation of what is appropriate and acceptable behavior for its members—how they are supposed to behave and think (Deutsch & Gerard, 1955; Berkowitz, 2004). How are we expected to act? What are we expected to talk about? What are we expected to wear? In our discussion of social roles we noted that colleges have social norms for students’ behavior in the role of student and workplaces have social norms for employees’ behaviors in the role of employee. Social norms are everywhere including in families, gangs, and on social media outlets. What are some social norms on Facebook?

My 11-year-old daughter, Jessica, recently told me she needed shorts and shirts for the summer, and that she wanted me to take her to a store at the mall that is popular with preteens and teens to buy them. I have noticed that many girls have clothes from that store, so I tried teasing her. I said, “All the shirts say ‘Aero’ on the front. If you are wearing a shirt like that and you have a substitute teacher, and the other girls are all wearing that type of shirt, won’t the substitute teacher think you are all named ‘Aero’?”

My daughter replied, in typical 11-year-old fashion, “Mom, you are not funny. Can we please go shopping?”

I tried a different tactic. I asked Jessica if having clothing from that particular store will make her popular. She replied, “No, it will not make me popular. It is what the popular kids wear. It will make me feel happier.” How can a label or name brand make someone feel happier? Think back to what you’ve learned about lifespan development . What is it about pre-teens and young teens that make them want to fit in ( [link] )? Does this change over time? Think back to your high school experience, or look around your college campus. What is the main name brand clothing you see? What messages do we get from the media about how to fit in?

A photograph shows a group of young people dressed similarly.

Because of social roles, people tend to know what behavior is expected of them in specific, familiar settings. A script is a person’s knowledge about the sequence of events expected in a specific setting (Schank & Abelson, 1977). How do you act on the first day of school, when you walk into an elevator, or are at a restaurant? For example, at a restaurant in the United States, if we want the server’s attention, we try to make eye contact. In Brazil, you would make the sound “psst” to get the server’s attention. You can see the cultural differences in scripts. To an American, saying “psst” to a server might seem rude, yet to a Brazilian, trying to make eye contact might not seem an effective strategy. Scripts are important sources of information to guide behavior in given situations. Can you imagine being in an unfamiliar situation and not having a script for how to behave? This could be uncomfortable and confusing. How could you find out about social norms in an unfamiliar culture?


The famous Stanford prison experiment , conducted by social psychologist Philip Zimbardo and his colleagues at Stanford University, demonstrated the power of social roles, social norms, and scripts. In the summer of 1971, an advertisement was placed in a California newspaper asking for male volunteers to participate in a study about the psychological effects of prison life. More than 70 men volunteered, and these volunteers then underwent psychological testing to eliminate candidates who had underlying psychiatric issues, medical issues, or a history of crime or drug abuse. The pool of volunteers was whittled down to 24 healthy male college students. Each student was paid $15 per day and was randomly assigned to play the role of either a prisoner or a guard in the study. Based on what you have learned about research methods, why is it important that participants were randomly assigned?

A mock prison was constructed in the basement of the psychology building at Stanford. Participants assigned to play the role of prisoners were “arrested” at their homes by Palo Alto police officers, booked at a police station, and subsequently taken to the mock prison. The experiment was scheduled to run for several weeks. To the surprise of the researchers, both the “prisoners” and “guards” assumed their roles with zeal. In fact, on day 2, some of the prisoners revolted, and the guards quelled the rebellion by threatening the prisoners with night sticks. In a relatively short time, the guards came to harass the prisoners in an increasingly sadistic manner, through a complete lack of privacy, lack of basic comforts such as mattresses to sleep on, and through degrading chores and late-night counts.

The prisoners, in turn, began to show signs of severe anxiety and hopelessness—they began tolerating the guards’ abuse. Even the Stanford professor who designed the study and was the head researcher, Philip Zimbardo, found himself acting as if the prison was real and his role, as prison supervisor, was real as well. After only six days, the experiment had to be ended due to the participants’ deteriorating behavior. Zimbardo explained,

At this point it became clear that we had to end the study. We had created an overwhelmingly powerful situation—a situation in which prisoners were withdrawing and behaving in pathological ways, and in which some of the guards were behaving sadistically. Even the “good” guards felt helpless to intervene, and none of the guards quit while the study was in progress. Indeed, it should be noted that no guard ever came late for his shift, called in sick, left early, or demanded extra pay for overtime work. (Zimbardo, 2013)

The Stanford prison experiment demonstrated the power of social roles, norms, and scripts in affecting human behavior. The guards and prisoners enacted their social roles by engaging in behaviors appropriate to the roles: The guards gave orders and the prisoners followed orders. Social norms require guards to be authoritarian and prisoners to be submissive. When prisoners rebelled, they violated these social norms, which led to upheaval. The specific acts engaged by the guards and the prisoners derived from scripts. For example, guards degraded the prisoners by forcing them do push-ups and by removing all privacy. Prisoners rebelled by throwing pillows and trashing their cells. Some prisoners became so immersed in their roles that they exhibited symptoms of mental breakdown; however, according to Zimbardo, none of the participants suffered long term harm (Alexander, 2001).

The Stanford Prison Experiment has some parallels with the abuse of prisoners of war by U.S. Army troops and CIA personnel at the Abu Ghraib prison in 2003 and 2004. The offenses at Abu Ghraib were documented by photographs of the abuse, some taken by the abusers themselves ( [link] ).

A photograph shows a person standing on a box with arms held out. The person is covered in shawl-like attire and a full hood that covers the face completely.

Visit this website to hear an NPR interview with Philip Zimbardo where he discusses the parallels between the Stanford prison experiment and the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Human behavior is largely influenced by our social roles, norms, and scripts. In order to know how to act in a given situation, we have shared cultural knowledge of how to behave depending on our role in society. Social norms dictate the behavior that is appropriate or inappropriate for each role. Each social role has scripts that help humans learn the sequence of appropriate behaviors in a given setting. The famous Stanford prison experiment is an example of how the power of the situation can dictate the social roles, norms, and scripts we follow in a given situation, even if this behavior is contrary to our typical behavior.

Review Questions

A(n) ________ is a set of group expectations for appropriate thoughts and behaviors of its members.

  • social role
  • social norm
  • attribution

On his first day of soccer practice, Jose suits up in a t-shirt, shorts, and cleats and runs out to the field to join his teammates. Jose’s behavior is reflective of ________.

  • social influence
  • good athletic behavior
  • normative behavior

When it comes to buying clothes, teenagers often follow social norms; this is likely motivated by ________.

  • following parents’ rules
  • saving money
  • looking good

In the Stanford prison experiment, even the lead researcher succumbed to his role as a prison supervisor. This is an example of the power of ________ influencing behavior.

  • social norms
  • social roles

Critical Thinking Questions

Why didn’t the “good” guards in the Stanford prison experiment object to other guards’ abusive behavior? Were the student prisoners simply weak people? Why didn’t they object to being abused?

The good guards were fulfilling their social roles and they did not object to other guards’ abusive behavior because of the power of the situation. In addition, the prison supervisor’s behavior sanctioned the guards’ negative treatment of prisoners. The prisoners were not weak people; they were recruited because they were healthy, mentally stable adults. The power of their social role influenced them to engage in subservient prisoner behavior. The script for prisoners is to accept abusive behavior from authority figures, especially for punishment, when they do not follow the rules.

Describe how social roles, social norms, and scripts were evident in the Stanford prison experiment. How can this experiment be applied to everyday life? Are there any more recent examples where people started fulfilling a role and became abusive?

Social roles were in play as each participant acted out behaviors appropriate to his role as prisoner, guard, or supervisor. Scripts determined the specific behaviors the guards and prisoners displayed, such as humiliation and passivity. The social norms of a prison environment sanctions abuse of prisoners since they have lost many of their human rights and became the property of the government. This experiment can be applied to other situations in which social norms, roles, and scripts dictate our behavior, such as in mob behavior. A more recent example of similar behavior was the abuse of prisoners by American soldiers who were working as prison guards at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Personal Application Questions

Try attending a religious service very different from your own and see how you feel and behave without knowing the appropriate script. Or, try attending an important, personal event that you have never attended before, such as a bar mitzvah (a coming-of-age ritual in Jewish culture), a quinceañera (in some Latin American cultures a party is given to a girl who is turning 15 years old), a wedding, a funeral, or a sporting event new to you, such as horse racing or bull riding. Observe and record your feelings and behaviors in this unfamiliar setting for which you lack the appropriate script. Do you silently observe the action, or do you ask another person for help interpreting the behaviors of people at the event? Describe in what ways your behavior would change if you were to attend a similar event in the future?

Name and describe at least three social roles you have adopted for yourself. Why did you adopt these roles? What are some roles that are expected of you, but that you try to resist?

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Peter Gärdenfors Ph.D.


The many facets of the self, what kind of entity is the self the question has several answers..

Posted August 7, 2024 | Reviewed by Lybi Ma

  • The conception we have of our selves includes many facets to varying degrees.
  • The self can refer to one’s body, brain, appearance, character, will, story, or social relations.
  • Memories bind the self together as a single entity.

When discussing the nature of the self, "Who am I?" may seem to be the central question. However, a more important question may be "What am I?" "What kind of entity is the self?" This is what philosophers call an ontological question. There are a large number of possible answers and none of them has absolute primacy. Here are some of the facets often encountered in philosophical and psychological discussions of the self. The different facets are partly overlapping, and partly incompatible.

• I am my body

This can be called the biological facet. The self is identified with the organism it belongs to. I am the body in this place right now, doing these activities. This perspective puts the self as an agent in focus: I can influence the environment with the help of my body.

• I am my brain

This facet means that as long as I have the same brain, I am the same person, no matter how much my way of thinking and experiencing the world changes or how much my body changes. This view is consistent with what is known as identity theory in the philosophy of mind, which claims that different states of consciousness are identical to different physiological states of the brain. This view also underpins much of the science fiction literature based on a 'brain in a vat.'

• I am my appearance

I see myself through how others literally see me. This facet emphasizes the appearance of the individual, in particular the face. However, my real appearance does not always match my image of myself. This facet has become more entrenched with the increasing availability of mirrors, photographs, and other self-viewing technologies.

• I am my experiences and my memories

Although I cannot actively move through time, I feel that my memories bind me together as a single entity. People who suffer from amnesia also lose part of their self.

• I am my character and my abilities

An individual may describe themselves as intelligent, honorable, kind, social, diligent, thrifty, clumsy, and so on. The idea behind this facet is that the self is the sum of all these characteristics. Underlying this idea is the assumption that a person's character traits are more or less constant over time.

According to Aristotle, the goal of humans is to develop their capabilities. The individual strives for flourishing ( eudaimonia ). His basic view is that a person who does not develop his abilities to their fullest extent—in crafts, arts, politics , science, or social relations—is not fully realized as a human being.

• I am my will

Another facet is that what I aspire to is more important than the characteristics I happen to have. I can see myself in the future as a consequence of the choices I make. My self is determined by the goals I have and the choices I make. This is a central idea in existentialist philosophy. Philosopher Sören Kierkegaard, for example, writes that the deepest form of 'despair' (a central term for Kierkegaard) is to want to be someone other than one is.

• I am my story

This facet of the self is based on how we express ourselves about ourselves. I can piece together my personal memories into a story. My self is shaped to a large extent by the language I use when I talk about myself. I usually believe what I say about myself, even though I can often be shown to be wrong.

Other people's stories about me also easily become part of my story. Our self-image , and even our memories, are partly shaped by what we hear others say about us. A story about a person is not an isolated story but part of a network of stories.

• I am determined by my relationships with other individuals and my place in society

This is the social facet. The self is determined by the role a person has in society and the qualities other people attribute to them. Historically, a person's honor and glory have been more important to their self-view than their appearance. Social media offer new opportunities to create relationships with other people and thus change our perception of ourselves.

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•The self is an illusion

The self is like the image in a kaleidoscope. Every time I look, the pattern looks different. But all the images are in the same tube and created by the same pieces of glass. The self is not a helmsman at the helm of my actions, but a flexible mechanism, like a wind vane, used to explain them. This view of the self is surprisingly popular among brain scientists.

The conception we have of our selves includes all the above facets to varying degrees. Which of the facets of the self is most important varies over time and across cultures.

Peter Gärdenfors Ph.D.

Peter Gärdenfors, Ph.D. , is a professor of cognitive science at Lund University, Sweden.

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Sticking up for yourself is no easy task. But there are concrete skills you can use to hone your assertiveness and advocate for yourself.

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You recommend, I trust: the interactive self-presentation strategies for social media influencers to build authenticity perception in short video scenes

  • Published: 06 August 2024

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  • Nan Zhang 1 ,
  • Chenhan Ruan   ORCID: 2 &
  • Xiwen Wang 3  

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Short video represents a novel form of social media with rich vividness and sociability, facilitating social media influencers’ (SMIs) self-presentations and endorsements. While SMIs become primary information sources through short videos, they also face challenges such as high return rates and consumer distrust. This research investigates how SMIs can effectively achieve authenticity through the design of self-presentation strategies, specifically focusing on credibility and attractiveness from a source-effect perspective. Across three studies, this research demonstrates that: (1) both credibility and attractiveness positively increase SMIs’ authenticity perception, mediated by para-social interaction; (2) credibility and attractiveness exhibit a negative interactive relationship; (3) the substitutability of credibility and attractiveness varies depending on the type of SMIs (informative vs. entertainment). This research contributes to the literature on short-video information processing and consumer attitudes toward SMIs based on authenticity building.

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School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China

School of Economics and Management, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, 350001, Fujian, China

Chenhan Ruan

Business School, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

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Nan Zhang: Conceptualization; Data curation; Methodology; Writing-original draft; Funding acquisition; Project Administration. Chenhan Ruan: Data Curation; Formal Analysis; Methodology; Writing-review & editing; Funding acquisition. Xiwen Wang: Data curation; Investigation; Writing-original draft.

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Appendix C: measurement

Credibility (7 item; Ohanian, 1991 ; Munnukka et al., 2016 )

The SMI is an expert on the topic.

I think the content of the SMI is trustworthy.

I trust the SMI in the short video that I am watching.

I feel the SMI knows a lot about the product.

I feel the SMI is competent to make assertions about the product.

I consider the SMI an expert on the product.

I consider the SMI sufficiently experienced to make assertions about the product.

Attractiveness (7 items; Ohanian, 1991 ; Munnukka et al., 2016 )

I like this influencer.

This influencer is physically attractive.

I think I have many similarities to this SMI.

I think the appearance of the SMI attracts me.

I feel close to the SMI I am following.

I identify with the SMI’s lifestyle.

I can easily identify with the SMI.

SMI authenticity

Study 1: (1 item; Jin et al., 2022 )

Please choose the extent to which the social media influencer is authentic.

Study 2: (18 items; Lee & Eastin, 2021 )

The SMI seems kind and good hearted Is sincere

The SMI comes off as very genuine

The SMI is down-to-earth

Truthful endorsements:

Although the SMIs post ads, they give meaningful insights into the products

The SMI gives very honest reviews on brands

The products and brands the SMIs endorse vibe well with their personality

The SMIs promotes products they would actually use


The SMIs not only posts about the good in their life but also about hardships

The SMI talks about real-life issues going on in their life

The SMI talks about their flaws and is not ashamed for showing them to the public

The SMI reveals a lot of their personal life to the public

The SMI is skilled in their field

The SMI is very knowledgeable in their field

The SMI demonstrates a natural ability in their field


The SMI is unique

The SMI has distinctive characteristics

Their content is original and not a copy of someone else’s

Study 3: ( Moulard et al., 2015 ;  Ilicic & Webster, 2016 )

The SMI is genuine

The SMI seems real to me

The SMI is authentic

The SMI tries to act in a manner that is consistent with his held values, even if others criticize or reject him for doing so

The SMI cares about openness and honesty in close relationships with others

In general, the SMI places a good deal of importance on others understanding who he truly is

People can count on the SMI being who he is regardless of the situation

Para-social Interaction (7 items; Rubin et al., 2010 )

The short video shows me what the SMI are like.

When I'm watching the short video, I feel as if I am part of their group.

The SMI make me feel comfortable, as if I am with friends.

When she introduced a product, she seems to understand the kinds of things I want to know.

I sometimes want to make comments and likes to this SMI during the short video.

If there were a story about my she in an article, I would read it.

I think she is like an old friend.

SMI types ( Ducoffe, 1996 )

Informative type:

“I learn about a new thing from this video”

“This video provides information about this product/brand”

“Through this video, I think it may be useful for me to know this brand in the future”

Entertainment type:

“I appreciate this video because it is not only delivering product information, but also pleasing me”

“After watching this video, I still have some clips in my mind from time to time” “The format of this video is refreshing and interesting to me”

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Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law.

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About this article

Zhang, N., Ruan, C. & Wang, X. You recommend, I trust: the interactive self-presentation strategies for social media influencers to build authenticity perception in short video scenes. Inf Syst Front (2024).

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Accepted : 15 July 2024

Published : 06 August 2024


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Easier than Homework: Get a REAL ID This Back-to-School Season

Contact:  Office of Public Affairs 2415 First Avenue Sacramento, CA 95818 (916) 657–6437 |  [email protected]


Sacramento – Nearly 17.9 million Californians now have a REAL ID – an increase of 154,759 from July 2024, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Schools are headed back into session and homework is on the horizon for many. But rest assured, your homework to get a REAL ID driver’s license or identification card is a quick assignment.

It is not necessary to wait for the federal enforcement date of May 7, 2025, that requires a REAL ID or other federally approved document to board flights within the United States and access secure federal facilities. Doing it now means one less thing to worry about in 2025 if you want to use your driver’s license or ID card to fly around the country.

“After the kids are dropped off at school, use your ‘me time’ to go to the DMV website to start the process to get your REAL ID. Do your homework and your trip to the office to complete the application will be quick,” said DMV Director Steve Gordon.

To apply for a REAL ID, Californians should visit , fill out the online application and upload their documents. Customers must visit a DMV office and bring their uploaded documents to complete the application. By starting the process online, it should only take about 15 minutes in the office. Customers need to provide:

  • Proof of identity* – One original or certified document (example: valid passport, birth certificate) *Legal name change document(s) is required if name on proof of identity is different from the name on the other documents (example: marriage certificate, adoption papers).
  • Proofs of California residency – Two documents, paper copies (example: utility bill, bank statement).
  • Social Security number (exceptions may apply).

Visit  for a complete list of acceptable documents and a link to the online application.

Historical REAL ID information:

  • Total REAL ID cardholders as of August 1, 2024: 17,857,636
  • Total REAL ID cardholders as of July 1, 2024: 17,702,877
  • Total REAL ID cardholders as August 1, 2023: 16,153,115

Online Services

The DMV has taken many steps to offer more digital services. Most DMV tasks do not require an office visit, including simple self-service transactions that are no longer available in offices. The DMV encourages customers to use its  online services  and other service channels to complete transactions, including eligible driver’s license and vehicle registration renewals. Customers can also use the  Service Advisor  on the DMV website to learn their options to complete DMV tasks.

To sign up for paperless vehicle registration and driver’s license renewal notices, customers must sign in or create a secure online account at , and then opt in.

Sign up to receive the latest DMV News Alerts: DMV NEWS ALERTS – California DMV

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15 of the best design portfolio examples

The best design portfolios come in all shapes, sizes and formats.

Studio Feixen, one of the best design portfolios

Getting your portfolio right is vital – it can be the difference between getting hired or not. And there's no end to how creative you can be with your portfolio design. If you need to update yours, looking at a few examples is a good place to start, which is why we've collated this list of the best design portfolios around.

To start building your design portfolio, you need a platform to create it on. Check out our best website builder roundup, or you can head over to the best portfolio templates for pre-existing designs. But for now, just scroll down to indulge in some of the best design portfolios, listed in no particular order.

Top design portfolio examples for inspiration

01. bruno simon.

Screenshot of design portfolio created as a driving video game

Paris-based creative developer Bruno Simon has approached his portfolio in an unexpected way. You can actually drive a virtual car between his projects and experience using a keyboard. In 2019, it won Site of the Year at  awwwards , and it's not hard to see why. We wouldn't recommend this type of portfolio to everyone, but if you can make the design of your portfolio show off the skills you want to highlight, then you should.

Gust design portfolio with text saying creative strategy

Gus is a creative strategy company rather than a straight design site, but we think there are plenty of lessons to be learned from its brilliant site. It's cleverly laid out on a grid, and strikes an irreverent tone while giving the reader exactly what they're looking for, with an easy to navigate UX. We particularly like the ' frequently asked questions ' section.

03. Good Habit

Good Habit design portfolio

London branding and design studio, Good Habit , has a fun and fresh portfolio that beautifully displays its work. A plainer Studio section outlines what the studio does, while the brands section displays projects with large format photography intermixed with sections of texts. It really works.

04. Studio Feixen

This Switzerland based design studio is absolutely jam-packed full of fun and characterful work. Studio Feixen perfectly showcases its vibrant work with a mix-match style portfolio that abstains from a 'less-is-more' approach. Despite the examples being framed in a range of different sized shapes on the portfolio page, the site still looks cohesive.

05. RoAndCo

Design portfolio: RoAndCo

Founded by creative director Roanne Adams, NYC-based RoAndCo offers beautifully crafted design, branding and creative direction to clients in fashion, beauty, tech and lifestyle. Viewing RoAndCo’s portfolio is an experience in itself, in keeping with the studio's work ethos. Projects are presented in an editorial-like fashion, allowing the viewer to flick through split-screen images, animated web presentations and full-screen video. It's a carefully considered design portfolio and a pleasure to view, whether you're browsing on a computer or a mobile device. 

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06. Robin Mastromarino

Design portfolios: Robin Mastromarino

Paris-based interface designer Robin Mastromarino employs some neat UI animation touches to keeps things fresh on his design portfolio site. His projects appear as though they're on a wheel, juddering into view, which is an engaging effect. The images in each case study respond to scrolling by warping slightly. It's an effect that we wouldn't recommend for every creative, but for a UI design specialist, this strikes the right note and gives a taster of what the designer can do. 

07. Active Theory

Design portfolios: Active Theory

Entering Active Theory 's portfolio website is like visiting a whole other world. It employs a moody, almost cyberpunk aesthetic throughout, and to great effect. From the atmospheric homepage animation with mouse-activated glitch effects to the trippy About page, the setting all gels together to form a cohesive package. The studio keeps things cleaner for its project pages. Each example features a full-screen animation overlaid with a short blurb and relevant links to further information, including detailed case studies hosted on Medium.

08. Raw Materials

Raw Materials portfolio site screenshot of 3D models of people

Raw Material' s site is a feast for the eyes. The Work section is particularly fun, with more detail on projects shown through diagrams and images. We also like the 3D models in the 'Hello' section, which also appear in 'Contact'. Overall it's a fun fresh site that makes the studio stand out from the crowd.

09. Velvet Spectrum

Design portfolio

Velvet Spectrum is the online moniker of visual artist and designer Luke Choice. He shows that simplicity can also make an impact on his homepage, which shows a montage of uber-colourful thumbnails that lead through to visually arresting super-size examples of his work for maximum impact. The black background keeps things clean and helps the work stand out. It makes for a simple but highly effective design portfolio.

10. Locomotive

Design portfolios: Locomotive

Locomotive , a studio based in Quebec, Canada, specialises in crafting digital experiences, so it's taken care to make its design portfolio site an all-round delightful and engaging experience. Playful, entertaining animations bring the site to life, and not just on the homepage. It seems like thought and effort has been put into every detail. Little surprises keep the viewer's interest while they browse through the site, making this a perfect example of how animated flourishes can be used effectively without them becoming gimmicky or distracting.

11. Studio Thomas

Design portfolio

Named after its two creative directors, Thomas Austin and Thomas Coombes, Studio Thomas in East London creates visual communication for both physical and digital worlds. Its portfolio is a superb example of Brutalist web design with plenty of neat touches. Projects are presented in an orderly but eye-catching way with clear visuals and wireframe models. The site perfectly reflects the studio's explorative and experimental attitude, and it backs up the studio's claim to offer "design for bold brands."

12. Buzzworthy Studio

Buzzworthy Studio, one of the best design portfolios

Describing itself as a "badass digital studio in Brooklyn", Buzzworthy Studio really needed to come up with the goods to back up that claim, and happily, its portfolio does the job. It features dazzling web techniques from the off. Bold typography and animation combine to grab your attention, and a strong eye for aesthetics ensures that viewers stick around to explore all of Buzzworthy's projects. It's one hell of a calling card.

13. Xavier Cussó

Xavier Cussó design portfolio, one of the best design portfolios

This stunning portfolio site for Barcelona-based designer Xavier Cussó was built by Burundanga Studio. It shows off Cussó's work with bold colours, in-your-face typography and practically every animation and parallax scrolling trick in the book. But that doesn't make it feel overloaded. The animation makes and impact and maintains the viewer's attention throughout.

14. Merijn Hoss

Merjin Hos portfolio landing page

Illustrator and artist Merijn Hoss takes a more pared-back approach, but his design portfolio is still very effective. Hoss creates beautifully detailed psychedelic works of art, but his profile presents his work in quite a simple, clean format. It's one of the most traditional approaches we've included on this list of design portfolios and isn't nearly as flashy as some of the previous examples, but it works well because the colourful thumbnails really pop out of the gallery's white background, putting the focus on the artist's work. Click the thumbnails, and large project images and a short description are revealed. Hoss's design portfolio is proof that you don't need all the bells and whistles to make an impact.

15. Malika Favre

Malika Favre's design portfolio

Illustrator Malika Favre uses a full-screen edge-to-edge tapestry of thumbnails to entice visitors into viewing her vibrant artwork in more detail. The colours and layout already draw attention, while the arrangement of animated pieces within still artworks serves even more to keep eyes on the screen. Once clicked, the thumbnails reveal a full-screen gallery presentation of the work featured. It's displayed on complementary coloured backgrounds that show off her work to great effect and makes for a bold, colourful presentation that grabs the viewer's attention.

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Ruth spent a couple of years as Deputy Editor of Creative Bloq, and has also either worked on or written for almost all of the site's former and current print titles, from Computer Arts to ImagineFX. She now spends her days reviewing mattresses and hiking boots as the Outdoors and Wellness editor at, but continues to write about design on a freelance basis in her spare time. 

  • Rosie Hilder

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A suicide attentional bias as implicit cognitive marker of suicide vulnerability in a high-risk sample.

Juliane Brüdern*

  • 1 Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
  • 2 Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
  • 3 Translational Research Center, University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
  • 4 Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • 5 Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Helios Park Hospital Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

Introduction: Suicide risk assessment based on self-report questionnaires is considered as problematic because risk states are dynamic and at-risk individuals may conceal suicidal intentions for several reasons. Therefore, recent research efforts increasingly focus on implicit risk markers such as the suicide attentional bias (SAB) measured with the Suicide Stroop Task (SST). However, most SST studies failed to demonstrate a SAB in individuals with suicide risk and repeatedly demonstrated insufficient psychometrics of the SST. This study aimed to investigate a SAB using a modified SST (M-SST) and to test its psychometric properties.

Method: We compared n = 61 healthy controls and a high-risk inpatient sample of n = 40 suicide ideators and n = 40 suicide attempters regarding interference scores of positive, negative and suicide-related words. Interference scores were calculated by subtracting the mean reaction time (mean RT) of the neutral words from the mean RT of the suicide-related words (mean RT Suicide –mean RT Neutral), resulting in a suicide-specific interference score. Similarly, interference scores were calculated for the positive and negative words by subtracting the mean RT of neutral words from the mean RT of positive and negative words.

Results: A Group × Interference ANOVA showed a significant interaction effect (p <.001, ηp2 = .09), indicating that group effects significantly vary across interference type. Post hoc comparisons revealed that both ideators and attempters demonstrated greater interferences only for suicide-related words compared to healthy controls, indicating a SAB in patients, while a difference between ideators and attempters was lacking. The suicide interference score classified with an AUC = 0.73, 95% CI [0.65 – 0.82], p <.001, between controls and patients with STBs. The M-SST demonstrated good internal consistency and convergent validity.

Discussion: The study adds evidence to the assumptions of the Cognitive Model of Suicide, viewing a SAB as a cognitive marker of suicide vulnerability independently of the engagement in suicidal behavior. The results’ clinical implications are discussed in the context of recommended intervention strategies during an acute suicidal state. Future studies with the M-SST should include non-suicidal patient controls to investigate whether a SAB is uniquely related to suicidality.

1 Introduction

Despite increased research efforts that aim to improve the detection and prediction of suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STBs), the accuracy of suicide risk prediction has not improved significantly over the last fifty years ( 1 , 2 ). At present, retrospective self-report questionnaires assessing the prevalence of STBs are a commonly used method ( 3 ). However, several studies have shown that the use of risk scales failed to adequately capture the risk of STBs ( 4 ). This might be related to findings showing that patients deny current suicidal ideation (SI) due to expected negative consequences ( 5 , 6 ) or report their own suicide risk state with retrospective bias, as suicide risk can fluctuate rapidly ( 7 , 8 ). In this context, there has been an increasing interest in the development of performance-based measures in order to assess implicit risk markers that are linked to STBs and might be able to additionally inform about a person’s risk status. Besides the potential enhancement of suicide risk evaluation, the role of implicit processes in suicidal trajectories is not yet fully understood and represents a promising avenue for future research. For example, the Dual-System Model of Suicidality ( 9 ) posits that maladaptive implicit processes run automatically and unconsciously, are activated in the context of situational factors (e.g. negative events, suicidal trigger, emotional distress), and prevent adaptive coping with suicidal thoughts and urges. Along this line, a study using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) indicates that higher SI variability, which potentially raises risk for suicidal behavior, was associated with a greater deficit in attentional control ( 10 ). More interestingly, a mindfulness-based intervention reduced attentional dyscontrol in high suicide risk Veterans, thus demonstrating that implicit risk markers are modifiable ( 11 ). In this context, research has increasingly focused on suicide-specific implicit markers such as a suicide attentional bias, which is theoretically linked to the Cognitive Model of Suicide proposed by Wenzel and Beck ( 12 ). The model assumes that individuals with an activated suicide schema struggle to direct their attention away from suicide-related information (e.g. suicide-related words) because the confrontation with such stimuli activates a suicide-specific network including cognitive processes (suicidal thoughts) and associated emotions, which increases the likelihood of experiencing SI and potential suicide attempts ( 12 ).

The Suicide Stroop Task (SST) represents a performance-based measure, assessing an implicit suicide-specific network, wherein an increased response latency on suicide-related words indicates a suicide attentional bias. Cha et al. ( 13 ) developed the first computerized SST that was administered to lifetime suicide attempters and non-attempter psychiatric controls. The SST consists of trials with neutral words (museum, paper, engine), negative words (alone, rejected, stupid), positive words (happy, success, pleasure), and suicide-related words (suicide, dead, funeral), which are randomly presented on a screen in red or blue ink. Participants were instructed to select the color of the words by key response as quickly as possible. Based on the reaction times, a suicide-specific interference score (SIS) was calculated by subtracting the mean reaction time (mean RT) for the neutral words from the mean reaction time (mean RT) for the suicide related words (mean RT Suicide – mean RT Neutral ). Similarly, interference scores were calculated for the positive and negative words resulting in three interference scores. Cha et al. ( 13 ) demonstrated that only suicide-related interference was significantly greater among suicide attempters than in non-attempters using independent t -tests. However, the authors did not run an additional Group × Interference ANOVA to account for the repeated measures design, thus potentially limiting the validity of the results. In recent years, the SST was used in several studies with different samples including inpatients ( 14 , 15 ), college students ( 16 , 17 ) and community-based samples ( 18 ), providing mixed results. In a recent meta-analysis, Wilson et al. ( 19 ) investigated the psychometric properties of the SST by comparing adult and adolescent suicide attempters vs. suicide ideators vs. non-suicidal controls. Non-suicidal controls were either psychiatric patients from psychiatric treatment settings or healthy controls recruited from surrounding communities (community sample). Their results failed to show a significant difference in suicide interference between these three groups and demonstrated poor psychometric properties of the SST. Consistent with these results, a recent study with a sample of youth high-risk patients replicated the insufficient psychometric properties of the SST ( 20 ). Consequently, some authors started generally questioning whether a suicide attentional bias indeed exists in individuals with STBs ( 18 ). However, the inadequate internal consistency of the SST may explain prior findings because unreliable measurements obscure true individual differences. Given the problematic psychometric properties of the SST and the repeated failure of demonstrating a suicide attentional bias, the development of a psychometrically sound SST is of utmost importance. Therefore, we developed a modified Suicide Stroop Task (M-SST) by applying a block-wise design and increasing the number of category-specific trials as it was recommended by Wilson et al. ( 19 ). Additionally, we used a microphone instead of keys for measuring reaction times with the aim of reducing potential cognitive interference due to possible key searching behavior. In a first M-SST validation study with healthy controls and inpatients with STBs, Gold et al. ( 21 ) found a suicide attentional bias in patients with STBs when testing interferences separately. Additionally, the interference scores of the M-SST demonstrated improved psychometric properties compared to the SST. However, a repeated measures ANOVA failed to show a significant Group × Interference interaction, thus limiting the generalizability of the results and warranting further research.

1.1 Study aims

Based on the results of Gold et al. ( 21 ), the first aim of the current study was to investigate a suicide attentional bias in a more fine-grained sample by distinguishing between different phases of the transition from suicidal thoughts to behavior. Therefore, we compared individuals with a recent suicide attempt (suicide attempters), individuals who recently experienced SI but had never engaged in suicidal behavior (suicide ideators), and healthy controls. Based on the Cognitive Model of Suicide ( 12 ), we hypothesized that suicide ideators and attempters should display a suicide attentional bias by showing significantly greater interferences for suicide-related words compared to healthy controls, but not for positive and negative words. A suicide attentional bias in ideators and attempters should also be prevalent when comparing interferences within each subgroup. More specifically, the suicide-specific interference in ideators and attempters should be significantly greater compared to the positive and negative interferences. On the contrary, the interferences in healthy controls should not differ significantly. Despite lacking a profound theoretical foundation, prior SST research has repeatedly hypothesized a difference between ideators and attempters in suicide attentional control ( 13 , 15 , 20 ). However, the Cognitive Model of Suicide outlines that a suicide attentional bias represents a cognitive marker, preceding suicidal ideation and the engagement in suicidal behavior. Accordingly, ideators and attempters should not differ in their degree of a suicide attentional bias. Due to the existing empirical and theoretical inconsistencies, we refrained from formulating a directional hypothesis regarding the difference between ideators and attempters in suicide attentional control.

The second aim of the study was to add evidence to the psychometric properties of the M-SST found by Gold et al. ( 21 ). As in the study by Gold et al. ( 21 ), we analyzed the utility of stimuli used in the M-SST by including an evaluation of word material, which assessed how strongly aroused participants felt by each word category and how positively versus negatively they evaluated each word. However, compared to Gold et al. ( 21 ), who used an extended version of the M-SST with a suicide-related negative word category (e.g. suicide, destruction) and an additional suicide-related positive word category (e.g. suicide, relief), we used the M-SST with only the suicide-related negative word category. The results of Gold et al. ( 21 ) had indicated that the suicide-related negative word category (AUC = 0.72) was more selective compared to the suicide-related positive word category (AUC = 0.62) between healthy controls and patients with STBs.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 participants and procedure.

Participants were recruited into one of three groups: (i) psychiatric inpatients who were hospitalized due to a current suicide attempt (suicide attempters), (ii) psychiatric inpatients who were hospitalized due to recent suicidal ideation without a lifetime history of suicide attempts (suicide ideators) and (iii) control participants without a history of psychopathology and psychotherapy (healthy controls).

Between September 2020 and May 2023, patients at a psychiatric ward of a German hospital were contacted for study participation, if they fulfilled the inclusion criteria of being hospitalized due to a) a current suicide attempt or b) recent suicidal ideation without recent or lifetime suicide attempts and c) being aged ≥ 18. Exclusion criteria included inability to speak or write German fluently, presence of cognitive impairment, color blindness, dyslexia and being currently psychotic. After checking exclusion criteria, n = 40 suicide attempters and n = 40 suicide ideators could be included in the study. After patients agreed to participate, a research assistant provided information about the purpose of the study, the voluntary nature of their participation and data storage. If patients provided informed consent, an appointment for the test session was scheduled and participants received a battery of self-report questionnaires, which they had to complete until the test session. Patients also gave informed consent to access their diagnoses in their medical records. At the scheduled appointment, the test session took place in the research assistant’s office on the psychiatric ward. During the test session, patients completed the M-SST, followed by a questionnaire assessing the evaluation of the presented word stimuli of the M-SST. Finally, a short version of the Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Interview ( 22 ) was administered.

The control group was recruited via flyers from local communities. Individuals were eligible, if they were a) aged ≥ 18 years and were b) without a history of psychopathology including STBs and psychotherapy. Potential participants of the control group were screened via telephone regarding the exclusion criteria, which included inability to speak or write German fluently, the presence of cognitive impairment, color blindness, dyslexia, a history of psychopathology and psychotherapy including a history of suicidal ideation or suicide attempts. If participants agreed to participate, informed consent and self-report questionnaires were sent by mail and an appointment for the laboratory session was scheduled. After obtaining informed consent, control participants attended the session in the lab of the Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology at the University of Leipzig. The procedure was identical to that for patients except that a short version of a German diagnostic interview for mental disorders [Mini-DIPS, ( 23 )] was administered instead of the SITBI to double check exclusion criteria, which also included screening questions regarding current STBs. Eventually, n = 61 healthy controls could be included in the study. Every participant received 30 € as compensation. All procedures were approved by the ethics committee of the Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig [012/19-ek].

2.2 Measures

2.2.1 beck depression inventory (bdi-ii).

The German version of the revised Beck Depression Inventory ( 24 , 25 ) was used to assess the severity of depression over the previous two weeks. The BDI-II contains 21-items describing depressive symptoms that are to be rated on a 4-point scale (0 to 3). Total scores range from 0 to 63 with higher scores indicating greater depression severity. The internal consistency in our sample was high with Cronbach’s α = .97.

2.2.2 Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS)

Hopelessness was assessed with the German version of the Beck Hopelessness Scale ( 26 , 27 ) which comprises 20 true-false items that assess hopeless and pessimistic cognitions. Good reliability and validity have been shown for the BHS ( 28 ). Total scores range from 0 to 20 with higher scores indicating stronger hopelessness. The internal consistency in our sample was high with Cronbach’s α = .92.

2.2.3 Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSS)

Suicidal ideation during the previous week was assessed using the German version of the Beck Scale for Suicidal ideation ( 29 , 30 ). The BSS consists of 21 items and assesses the severity of suicidal symptoms using statement groups on a 3-point scale (0 to 2). Two filter questions (the statement groups four and five) assess the presence of active or passive suicidal thoughts. If participants endorse one of them (i.e., choose a sentence rated 1 or 2), they are to complete the subsequent 14 statement groups which allow for an assessment of the severity of existing suicidal ideation. If participants choose the response option rated “0” for both item 4 and item 5, they skip items 6 to 19 and precede to the last two statement groups. These last two items address frequency and intensity of former suicide attempts and are again to be answered by all participants. They are not part of the total BSS score. It has shown good internal consistency and construct validity ( 30 ). Total scores range from 0 to 38 with higher scores indicating greater suicidality. The internal consistency in our sample was high with Cronbach’s α = .89.

2.2.4 Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview (SITBI)

The German version of the Self-Injurous Thoughts and Behaviors Interview ( 22 ) is a structured interview and assesses the frequency and intensity of the patients’ suicidal thoughts, plans and behavior. We only administered the sections “suicidal thoughts”, “plans”, and “attempts” to the patients. The SITBI-G has good interrater and retest reliability, as well as good convergent validity ( 22 ).

2.2.5 Mini-DIPS

The Mini-DIPS ( 23 ) is a short version of a German structured clinical interview for mental disorders. It was used in the control group to verify that the participants had no present or previous mental disorder.

2.2.6 Modified Suicide Stroop Task (M-SST)

For measuring a suicide-specific attentional bias, we administered the Modified Suicide Stroop Task (M-SST) using the E-Prime 3.0 software and the response and stimulus device Chronos ( 31 ). The M-SST includes four categories of word stimuli: neutral words and three different categories of emotional words consisting of positive words, negative words, and suicide-related negative words (see Supplementary Table 1 in the Supplementary Material and available at ). To select eligible words for the suicide-related category, we screened public chat histories of suicide online forums of individuals with lived experiences in order to identify words that were negatively associated with STBs. Subsequently, we presented a preselection of words to experts in the field of suicide research and clinicians, who evaluated each word regarding its emotional relevance to patients with SBTs. Based on this evaluation, we conducted a final selection of word stimuli. Each category comprised ten nouns, which were controlled regarding the number of letters and number of syllables. During the M-SST, the ten words of each category were presented in four different font colors (red, yellow, blue, and green) resulting in 40 trials per category, which were presented block-wise. As a result, the M-SST consisted of four experimental blocks with 40 category-specific trials per block. All stimuli were presented on a grey screen of a DELL Latitude Laptop with a screen diameter of 15.6 inches. Participants were instructed to name the font color of the displayed word as quickly and accurately as possible into a microphone, which was connected with the Chronos device. The latter measured the reaction time in milliseconds and provided an audio file with the recorded answer for each trial. Prior to starting the M-SST, a microphone test containing 20 trials (stimuli consisted of words with clothes, e.g., jacket) was conducted in order to test the microphone settings. After the microphone test, the M-SST started with 20 practice trials (words consisted of music instruments) followed by the four experimental blocks. For the experimental blocks of the M-SST, four different block orders were developed, which were randomly distributed across participants in order to avoid position and sequence effects. Each trial started with the presentation of a “+” in the center of the screen for 500 milliseconds (ms) followed by the stimulus, which was displayed on the screen until the microphone registered the participant’s answer. Each trial was limited to a maximum response time of 4000 ms. If no response was registered within this time frame, the reaction time for this trial was automatically set to zero and the trial was excluded. The time between trials was set to 1000 ms. Between each experimental block, participants had a rest of 30 seconds before the next block started automatically. During the administration of the M-SST, the experimenter was blind to the block order and manually registered incorrect responses (naming the wrong font color or reading the word) by using a blind checkbox. Trials with incorrect responses were excluded from the analysis. Outlier response times were defined as response latencies < 200 ms ( 32 , 33 ) and were excluded before calculating the mean reaction times and interference scores.

2.2.7 Suicide Stroop Survey (SSS)

Following the M-SST, the word material used was evaluated by the participants using the Suicide Stroop Survey (SSS, 21) that was developed by our research team. Participants had to evaluate each word of each category regarding its emotional arousal (“How much did the word affect you emotionally?”) as well as its positive (“How positively do you rate the following words?”) and negative valence (“How negatively do you rate the following words?”). The emotional arousal items were rated on a 10-point Likert scale from not at all ( 1 ) to very strong ( 10 ). The same scale was used for the negative and positive valence items from neutral/not positive or neutral / not negative ( 1 ) to very positive or very negative ( 10 ). The internal consistency in our sample was excellent with Cronbach’s α = .95 for the arousal scale, and good for the positive valence and negative valence scales with Cronbach’s α = .85.

2.3 Statistical analyses

As described in the measures section, trials of the M-SST with incorrect responses, and single outlier response times (< 200 ms, > 4000 ms) defined as invalid trials were excluded from the analyses ( 21 , 32 , 33 ). We decided against the data cleansing procedure used by Cha et al. ( 13 ) and prior SST studies (e.g., 18, 19),which removed trials with reaction times (RTs) ± two standard deviations from that participants mean RT, and trials with mean RTs ± two standard deviations from the group mean RT. The procedure has been repeatedly criticized as a critical limitation of prior SST research by increasing the risk of eliminating meaningful data and decreasing the probability of detecting significant effects ( 18 , 19 ).

2.3.1 Group comparisons in suicide attentional control

For determining group differences, we used interference scores as dependent variables consistent with prior SST research ( 13 , 17 , 19 , 20 ). For calculating interference scores, each participant’s raw RTs of the valid trials were averaged, which yielded mean RTs for each word-category specific block (information on means and standard deviations of the mean RTs are included in the Supplementary Material , Supplementary Table 2 ). Interference scores were computed by subtracting each participant’s mean RT of neutral words, which served as the reference category, from their mean RT of positive words (Interference Positive ), negative words (Interference Negative ), and suicide-related words (Interference Suicide ).

Group differences in interference scores were calculated in two stages consistent with previous SST research ( 15 , 17 , 18 ). First, we analyzed the interference scores separately by conducting separate Group (controls, ideators, attempters) one-way ANOVAs with effect sizes, using each interference score as dependent variable. To additionally account for the repeated measures design, as a second step we performed a repeated measures ANOVA with Group (controls, ideators, attempters) as the between-subject factor and Interference (positive, negative, suicide) as the within-subject factor. To determine significant group differences, we conducted Bonferroni post-hoc pairwise comparisons. To test our hypothesis regarding the within-group pattern of interferences, we calculated repeated measures ANOVAs with Interference (Positive, Negative, Suicide) as the within-subject factor for each subgroup. Additionally, we estimated AUC values (area under the curve) using receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analyses to determine the classification accuracy of the interference scores. The study was a priori powered to detect medium effect sizes: with a statistical power set at 0.8 and alpha set at 0.05, the one-way ANOVAs could detect an effect size f of >.27 (η p 2 >.07), for the repeated measures ANOVA, f >.22 (η p 2 >.05), which are considered medium effect sizes.

2.3.2 Psychometric properties of the M-SST

For determining the internal consistency of the M-SST, we calculated the split-half reliability (odd- vs. even-numbered trials) with Spearman-Brown correction as in Wilson et al. ( 19 ) for the interference scores across the total sample and for each subgroup. For determining the convergent validity of the M-SST, we calculated correlations between the interference scores and with self-report questionnaires using Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Correlation analyses were sufficiently powered (N = 141, α = .05, 1 – β = .95) to detect medium effects (r = .30). For analyzing the evaluation of the stimulus material, we performed separate repeated measures ANOVAs for the arousal, positive and negative valence ratings with Group (controls, ideators, attempters) as the between-subject factor and Word Category (neutral, positive, negative, suicide) as the within-subject factor. To determine significant group differences, we conducted Bonferroni post-hoc pairwise comparisons.

P-values below 0.05 were deemed to be statistically significant. All analyses were performed using SPSS (Version 29.0).

3.1 Descriptive results

Data on sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were missing for one suicide attempter. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics are presented in Table 1 . The mean age of the total sample was 31.04 years ( SD = 12.24) and participants were predominantly female (60.7%). Healthy controls, ideators, and attempters did not significantly differ in age and gender, but in employment, X 2 (8, N = 141) = 19.56, p = .012, consequently this variable was entered as a covariate in the analyses. Suicide ideators and attempters did not significantly differ in suicidal ideation, depression, and hopelessness. Ideators and attempters differed significantly in their diagnoses X 2 (3, N = 79) = 12.59, p = .006). Mood disorders were the most common diagnosis in both clinical samples, while personality disorders were more present in attempters, and neurotic-, stress- and somatoform disorders were more present in ideators. Furthermore, ideators indicated a shorter time period of having experienced suicidal thoughts prior to the assessment ( M = 3.97 days SD = 3.87) compared to attempters ( M = 6.23 days SD = 5.40, t (69) = 2.03, p = .046). Of the patients with a suicide attempt history, n = 15 (37.5%) reported a single suicide attempt and n = 24 reported two or more suicide attempts (range: 2 – 20). On average, attempters had their index suicide attempt 11.03 days ( SD = 5.27 days, range 4 – 25 days) prior to the assessment.

Table 1 Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics.

3.2 Data integrity

N = 141 M-SST data sets were included, of which 272 trials with an incorrect response (1.21%) and 226 trials (1%) with an outlier response time were removed. Separately analyzed by group, we excluded 227 (2.33%) error trails from a total of 9,760 trials in the control group, 127 (1.98%) error trials from a total of 6,400 trials in the ideators group, and 144 (2.25%) error trials from a total of 6,400 trials in the attempters group. The number of excluded error trials did not significantly differ between groups, F (2, 138) = 0.33, p = .717.

3.3 Group comparisons in suicide attentional control

3.3.1 between-group analyses.

Positive, negative and suicide interference scores of each subgroup are presented in Table 2 . Analyses of group differences in mean RTs can be found in the Supplementary Material , Supplementary Table 1 . When analyzing interference scores separately, the one-way group ANOVAs with the positive and negative interference scores as dependent variables revealed no significant group differences (see Table 2 ). The one-way group ANOVA with the suicide interference score showed a significant group difference, F (2,138) = 9.06, p<.001, η 2 = .12. Furthermore, the repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant main effect for Group F (2, 138) = 5.29, p = .006, η p 2 = .07, and for Interference , F (2, 276) = 31.62, p <.001, η p 2 = .19. Moreover, we detected a significant Group × Interference interaction, F (4, 276) = 6.58, p <.001, η p 2 = .09, indicating that group effects significantly vary across interference type. Post hoc pairwise comparisons revealed a significant difference for the suicide interference score between controls and suicide ideators ( p <.001) as well as between controls and attempters ( p = .004), indicating that controls had a significantly smaller interference for suicide-related words ( M = 10.23, SD = 50.53) compared to suicide ideators ( M = 120.06, SD = 202.79) and attempters ( M = 105.46, SD = 163.71). Ideators and attempters did not significantly differ in their suicide-specific interference ( p = 1.000). Furthermore, post hoc pairwise comparisons for positive and negative interference scores were non-significant ( ps >.05). We ran the repeated measures ANOVA with employment included as a covariate and the pattern and statistical significance of our effects were unchanged.

Table 2 Interference scores across groups.

3.3.2 Within-group analyses

The results of the within-group analyses revealed that the three interference scores of the control group did not significantly differ from each other, F (2,120) = 1.95, p = .147, η p 2 = .03. In suicide ideators, interference scores differed significantly, F (2,78) = 8.95, p <.001, η p 2 = .19. Pairwise post hoc comparisons between interferences revealed a significant difference between the positive and suicide interference scores ( p = .004) and the negative and suicide interference scores ( p = .006), but no significant difference between the positive and negative interference scores (( p = .956). This means that suicide ideators displayed a significantly greater interference for suicide-specific words ( M = 120.06, SD = 202.79) compared to interferences for positive words ( M = 31.70, SD = 101.36) and negative words ( M = 50.75, SD = 148.12). In suicide attempters, we could also detect a significant difference between interference scores, F (2,78) = 16.64, p <.001, η p 2 = .30. Pairwise post hoc comparison revealed a significant difference between the positive and suicide interference scores ( p <.001) and the negative and suicide interference scores ( p <.001), but no significant difference between the positive and negative interference scores (( p = .515). This means that suicide attempters displayed a significantly greater interference for suicide-specific words ( M = 105.46, SD = 163.71) compared to interferences for positive words ( M = -1.70, SD = 102.17) and negative words ( M = 19.79, SD = 142.62).

3.3.3 Classification accuracy

In addition to group comparisons, we conducted classification metrics using area under the curve (AUC) and 95% confidence intervals for interference scores in order to classify between healthy controls and patients with STBs, which were as follows: AUC Positive = 0.57, 95% CI [0.47, 0.66], p = .18; AUC Negative = 0.55, 95% CI [0.45 – 0.64], p = .34; and AUC Suicide = 0.73, 95% CI [0.65 – 0.82], p <.001, indicating that only the suicide-specific interference showed a good classification accuracy in distinguishing patients with STBs from healthy controls. However, suicide-specific interference performed no better than chance in differentiating between ideators and attempters, AUC suicide = 0.51, 95% CI [0.39 – 0.64], p = .84.

3.4 Psychometric properties of the M-SST

3.4.1 internal consistency.

Positive, negative and suicide interference scores demonstrated good to excellent internal consistencies in the total sample and in suicide ideators and attempters (see Table 3 ). In the control group, internal consistency was lower compared to ideators and attempters. Split-half reliabilities of the mean RTs are presented in the Supplementary Material , Supplementary Table 3 .

Table 3 Split-half reliability for interference scores across all subjects and subgroups.

3.4.2 Convergent validity

Inter-correlations between the interference scores and correlations with self-report questionnaires as well as with number of lifetime suicide attempts are presented in Table 4 . All interference scores were significantly positively associated with each other. Furthermore, the suicide interference score was significantly positively correlated with self-reported depression (BDI), hopelessness (BHS), and suicidal ideation (BSS), while the positive and negative interference scores were not significantly related to self-report clinical measures. Furthermore, the negative interference score revealed a significantly positive association with the arousal score for negative words (SSS Arou ), indicating that the stronger participants felt emotionally aroused by the negative words used in the M-SST, the greater interference they showed in the block with negative trials. The same was true for the suicide interference score, showing a significantly positive association with the arousal score for suicide-related words (SSS Arou ), suggesting a greater interference in the block with suicide-related trials when participants felt emotionally aroused by the suicide-related words used in the M-SST.

Table 4 Inter-correlations of interference scores and correlations with self-report questionnaires across the total sample (N = 141) and correlations with number of lifetime suicide attempts.

3.4.3 Evaluation of the M-SST stimuli

In order to evaluate how strong participants were emotionally aroused by the different word categories, we conducted a repeated measures ANOVA, showing a significant main effect for Group F (2, 134) = 3.66, p = .03, η p 2 = .05, and for Word Category , F (3, 402) = 185.12, p <.001, η p 2 = .58. The Group × Word Category interaction was also significant F (6, 402) = 12.58, p <.001, η p 2 = .16, indicating that group differences in the arousal ratings differed, depending on the specific word category. Post-hoc comparisons revealed a significant difference between controls and ideators for negative words ( p = .028) and suicide-related words ( p <.001), indicating that ideators ( M = 4.65, SD = 2.27) were significantly more aroused by negative words than controls ( M = 3.36, SD = 2.26). Ideators ( M = 6.95, SD = 2.32) also displayed a significantly higher emotional arousal for suicide-related words compared to controls ( M = 3.91, SD = 2.74). Attempters differed significantly in their arousal for suicide-related words ( p <.001) compared to controls by showing a higher arousal for suicide-related words ( M = 6.39, SD = 2.82) than controls ( M = 3.91, SD = 2.74). Ideators and attempters did not significantly differ in their arousal ratings of word categories ( ps >.05).

For the positive valence ratings, we found a significant main effect for Word Category F (3, 399) = 318.82, p <.001, η p 2 = .71, but no main effect for Group F (2, 133) = 0.50, p = .61, η p 2 = .01. There was a significant Group × Word Category interaction F (6, 399) = 10.19, p <.001, η p 2 = .13, indicating that group differences of the positive valence ratings differed, depending on the specific word category. For positive words, post hoc comparisons showed a significant difference in the positive evaluation between controls and ideators ( p <.001) as well as between controls and attempters ( p <.001). Controls ( M = 8.69, SD = 1.52) evaluated positive words significantly more positively than ideators ( M = 6.82, SD = 2.45) and attempters ( M = 6.42, SD = 2.88). Furthermore, ideators ( p = .015) and attempters ( p <.001) significantly differed in their positive valence rating of suicide-related words from controls. Ideators ( M = 1.66, SD = 2.08) and attempters ( M = 2.21, SD = 2.49) evaluated suicide-related words significantly more positively than controls ( M = 0.63, SD = 0.64).

For the negative valence ratings, results showed a significant main effect for Group F (2, 133) = 3.57, p = .03, η p 2 = .05, and for Word Category F (3, 399) = 475.27, p <.001, η p 2 = .78. We also detected a significant Group × Word Category interaction F (6, 399) = 6.70, p <.001, η p 2 = .09, indicating that group differences of the negative valence ratings differed, depending on the specific word category. For positive words, post hoc analyses revealed that attempters significantly differed from controls ( p = .016) by showing that attempters ( M = 1.63, SD = 2.26) evaluated positive words significantly more negatively than controls ( M = 0.52, SD = 1.50). For negative words, attempters significantly differed from controls ( p = .015) by showing that attempters ( M = 6.09, SD = 2.64) evaluated negative words significantly less negatively than controls ( M = 7.37, SD = 1.67). For suicide-related words, attempters significantly differed from controls ( p <.001) by showing that attempters ( M = 6.29, SD = 2.80) evaluated suicide-related words significantly less negatively than controls ( M = 8.23, SD = 1.94).

4 Discussion

4.1 group comparisons in suicidal attentional control.

The first aim of the present study was to investigate a suicidal attentional bias in healthy controls, suicide ideators and attempters using a modified version of the SST. Based on the Cognitive Model of Suicide ( 12 ), we hypothesized that suicide ideators and attempters would display an attentional bias for suicide-related words in comparison to healthy controls. When analyzing interference scores separately, our results showed a significant group effect for the suicide interference, which was confirmed by an ANOVA accounting for the repeated measures design. Due to the significant interaction effect, groups differed in dependence on interference type. More specifically, ideators and attempters showed greater interferences for suicide-related words compared to controls, which was lacking in positive and negative words. Thus, our hypothesis could be verified in line with the Cognitive Model of Suicide by demonstrating a suicide attentional bias in at-risk individuals with STBs. Our findings of the within-group analyses provide further evidence of a suicide attentional bias in ideators and attempters, showing significantly greater interferences for suicide-related stimuli compared to interferences of positive and negative words that was only found in the two patient subgroups. Contradictory to assumptions of prior SST research, ideators and attempters of the current sample did not differ in their suicide attentional bias. By using the M-SST with improved psychometric properties ( 21 ) compared to the prior SST ( 19 , 20 ), insufficient psychometric properties as a reason for a lack of difference between these subgroups can be excluded. Our results therefore support the assumption of the Cognitive Model of Suicide ( 12 ) that a suicide attentional bias serves as an implicit cognitive marker of suicidality regardless of whether an individual has ever proceeded from ideation to action. Along this line, the suicide interference score demonstrated an adequate classification accuracy, differentiating between healthy controls and patients with STBs. However, the score was not able to distinguish between suicide ideators and attempters, thus confirming that this score does not differentiate between different stages of the transition from suicidal thoughts to behavior. This is in line with research on other implicit assessment tools, like the Death Implicit Association Test (D-IAT), showing no significant differences between ideators and attempters regarding their implicit associations with death ( 34 , 35 ).

In terms of risk assessment, a lack of difference in SAB between ideators and attempters found in our study might indicate that the M-SST’s utility in classifying individuals at risk of attempting suicide is limited. However, in the current study the M-SST was administered to inpatients, who stayed in a clinical setting and received medication and treatment. This might have an impact on differences between ideators and attempters. To date, research is lacking on within-person processes and the temporal patterns of a SAB. Therefore, our knowledge is limited as to whether a SAB fluctuates over time and increases in high-risk situations, for example, shortly before a suicide attempt. Instead of focusing solely on between person differences, future studies should further develop behavioral tests to integrate them into an ecological momentary assessment (EMA). This could help to better understand how a SAB and other suicide-specific marker are associated with an individual’s suicide risk and whether they are modifiable through treatment.

4.2 The psychometric properties of the M-SST

Our second aim was to assess the psychometric properties of the M-SST in a larger sample compared to the study by Gold et al. ( 21 ). Regarding the internal consistency of the M-SST, we found good to excellent reliabilities for the total sample and the patients subgroups, which have been considerably improved compared to results of prior SST studies ( 19 , 20 ), thus confirming the findings of the validation study by Gold et al. ( 21 ). There might be several reasons for this improvement: for example, the blocked stimuli presentation might reduce a possible set-switching bias ( 18 ), which represents a response bias occurring when individuals have difficulties switching between different valence categories (e.g., switching from negative to positive stimuli) and might have a potential confounding effect on interference. Moreover, having increased the number of trials might have improved internal consistency. As found by Gold et al. ( 21 ), the M-SST demonstrated lower reliabilities for the control group as compared to the patients subgroups. The lower reliabilities are due to the smaller co-variances of interferences in the control group, especially in the block with negative words (see standard deviations in Table 3 ), leading to lower correlations and thus a reduced reliability. The low standard deviations in the control group indicate that the processes of attentional control a more homogeneous in controls compared to ideators and attempters.

In contrast to prior SST studies ( 17 , 18 ), the suicide interference score of the M-SST demonstrated adequate convergent validity, as it was significantly related to self-reported depression, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation, reflecting a correspondence between explicit clinical measures and an implicit suicide attentional bias. Despite this finding, convergent validity of performance-based measures should not be overestimated by considering potential self-presentation biases of explicit clinical measures and the temporal dynamic of suicide risk ( 7 ). Notably, positive, negative and suicide interference scores were significantly inter-correlated. Nevertheless, the content of the suicide-specific category was still specific enough to trigger a suicide attentional bias in patients with STBs.

Besides the assessment of implicit attentional processes, the study included the participants’ evaluation of stimuli used in the M-SST, providing important information regarding the word material’s utility. For the arousal evaluation, results mirrored the interaction effect found in interference scores, revealing that both ideators and attempters were explicitly more aroused by suicide-related words compared to controls, while ideators and attempters did not differ in their arousal ratings. This highlights that the suicide-related words of the M-SST were adequately selected to trigger an implicit suicidal schema by inducing an emotional activation in participants with STBs. Notably, suicide ideators and attempters evaluated the suicide-related words significantly more positively and less negatively compared to controls, demonstrating that individuals with STBs feel attracted to suicide-related content.

4.3 Strengths and limitations

The strengths of the present study include its focus on investigating high-risk individuals having experienced recent suicidal thoughts and behavior by dividing them into ideators-only and attempters to differentiate clearly between different stages of the suicidal spectrum. More importantly, we included participants’ evaluation of the word material in order to check its utility and, thus providing valuable information for analyzing and optimizing performance-based tools. However, several limitations of this study should be taken into consideration as well. First, in our sample the time between the present suicidal crisis and M-SST administration was longer compared to prior SST studies ( 13 , 15 ) whose inpatient samples had been administered the SST within 48 hours after admission. In our study, on the other hand, there were approximately nine days between admission and test administration due to several reasons. For example, all patients had to be tested for COVID-19 after admission, leading to a delay of the initial contact. Furthermore, some patients stated at the initial contact that they needed more time to decide about their study participation. Second, we did not include psychiatric controls without STBs. Thus, we were unable to determine if a suicide attentional bias is uniquely linked to STBs or represents a general marker of psychopathology, which should be addressed in future research. Third, we tested the M-SST in a German sample and participants were rather young in age; the results of the present study may thus not be generalizable to diverse populations and participants of older age. Fourth, our study had a cross-sectional design and no prospective suicide attempt data was available, precluding our ability to determine the predictive validity of suicide-related interference of the M-SST in relation to future suicide attempts. Furthermore, we were not able to examine the temporal dynamics of a suicide-attentional bias and to determine whether a SAB is state-related or behaves trait-like. For example, recent hospitalization for suicide risk as well as treatment of STBs might influence a SAB. Therefore, investigating temporal fluctuations of such an implicit marker is of high clinical relevance and future studies should examine a SAB during hospitalization as well as post-discharge by adapting and integrating the M-SST into EMA to examine critical change processes of this implicit suicidogenic marker. Finally, we used a microphone instead of keys for measuring reaction times with the aim of reducing potential cognitive interference due to possible key searching behavior. This method might be less standardized with regard to the measurement of reaction times and incorrect answers. However, the psychometric properties found by Gold et al. ( 21 ) were replicated by using a different sample, which suggests a high test standardization. Nevertheless, future studies should compare the psychometric properties of the M-SST using keys for the potential integration into studies with an online format or an EMA design.

4.4 Conclusion and future directions

The study aimed to assess a suicide attentional bias in a suicidal high-risk sample in comparison to healthy individuals who had never experienced STBs by using a modified SST. Our results revealed that the M-SST is able to detect a suicide attentional bias in individuals with STBs and addresses doubts about the existence of a suicide-specific attentional control deficit in individuals with STBs. Our findings support the assumption that a suicide attentional bias can be viewed as an implicit cognitive marker of suicide vulnerability, independently of having exceeded the threshold to suicidal behavior in the past. This finding has noteworthy clinical implications with regard to suicide-risk assessment and commonly recommended strategies for coping with suicidal thoughts and urges.

Given that the incidence of suicidal ideation in the general population is high ( 36 ), and many suicide attempts occur among individuals not currently in clinical settings, the M-SST may be a helpful tool for detecting people at risk outside acute clinical settings. Furthermore, the M-SST demonstrated good psychometric properties and, as a next step, future studies with a prospective design should address questions about the predictive validity of the M-SST with regard to future suicide attempts and how the M-SST could be used in combination with other assessments, including self-report measures and clinical expertise.

Besides clinical risk assessment, our results also have clinical implications for the treatment of STBs. As a suicide attentional bias (SAB) indicates, individuals with an activated suicide schema have difficulties to redirect their attention away from suicidal stimuli that may include distressing suicide-related negative affect, suicidal thoughts, and urges. In these situations, different coping strategies tend to be recommended, for example, individuals should distract themselves from their aversive feelings and thoughts through activities or mindfulness, or should focus on something positive in order to cope with suicidal thoughts and urges. However, the question arises, whether, and in which situations, individuals are able to distract themselves from suicidal thoughts and urges, when they exhibit dysfunctional implicit processes, such as an implicit SAB. Individuals with a (high) SAB may not be able to successfully cope with suicidal thoughts and urges due to a biased suicide-specific attention regulation. Therefore, frequently recommended intervention strategies like “self-distraction” or “positive refocusing” should be reconsidered in light of this implicit suicidal mode, as prior studies have shown that distracting from suicidal thoughts and urges was of limited help ( 37 , 38 ).

To date, our knowledge regarding the influence of implicit processes on suicidal crises in general (e.g. their interaction with emotion-regulation, decision-making and coping with stress during an acute suicidal state), and implicit suicide-specific within-person processes in particular, is limited. Therefore, further research on implicit between- and within processes is urgently needed to gain a more integrative and holistic understanding of a complex problem such as suicidality. By improving the psychometric properties of the Suicide Stroop Task, an important step has been taken in this direction.

Data availability statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Ethics statement

The studies involving humans were approved by ethics committee of the Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig. The studies were conducted in accordance with the local legislation and institutional requirements. The participants provided their written informed consent to participate in this study.

Author contributions

JB: Writing – original draft, Investigation, Funding acquisition, Formal analysis, Conceptualization. LS: Writing – review & editing. MS: Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Methodology, Conceptualization. HGo: Writing – review & editing, Investigation. TF: Writing – review & editing. KS: Writing – review & editing. HGl: Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Resources.

The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The author(s) acknowledge support from the German Research Foundation (DFG, grant number BR 6009/1-1) and University of Leipzig within the program of Open Access Publishing.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

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Keywords: suicide attentional bias, suicide stroop task, suicide ideation, suicide attempt, behavioral test, implicit marker

Citation: Brüdern J, Spangenberg L, Stein M, Gold H, Forkmann T, Stengler K and Glaesmer H (2024) A suicide attentional bias as implicit cognitive marker of suicide vulnerability in a high-risk sample. Front. Psychiatry 15:1406675. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1406675

Received: 25 March 2024; Accepted: 17 July 2024; Published: 07 August 2024.

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Copyright © 2024 Brüdern, Spangenberg, Stein, Gold, Forkmann, Stengler and Glaesmer. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) . The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Juliane Brüdern, [email protected]

Disclaimer: All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article or claim that may be made by its manufacturer is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

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    Self-presentational tactics are techniques for constructing or manipulating others' impressions of the individual and ultimately help to develop that person's identity in the eyes of the world ...

  16. How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation [with Examples]

    If you are wondering how to introduce yourself in a presentation, you are in good company. However, introducing yourself is actually easy

  17. About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

    Learn how to introduce yourself in a presentation by using About Me or About Us slides. 4 different approaches, examples & slide templates.

  18. 20+ Self Introduction PowerPoint Templates: Download for free!

    Learn how to introduce yourself with stunning PowerPoint templates that you can download for free. Impress your audience with 24Slides' tips and tricks.

  19. How to Introduce Yourself Professionally with Examples

    In today's digital age, presentation tools like Slide Egg self introduction ppt template offer an innovative way to enhance your self-introduction.

  20. Top 10 Self-Introduction Templates with Samples and Examples

    Download our Self-Introduction Templates to present your best self to the interviewer and make an amazing first impression.

  21. Self-presentation

    As you've learned, social psychology is the study of how people affect one another's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We have discussed situational perspectives and social psychology's emphasis on the ways in which a person's environment, including culture and other social influences, affect behavior. In this section, we examine ...

  22. Self-Presentation

    An example of a link between Instagram and a positive outcome is the positive correlation between strategic self-presentation and Instagram friendship development (Lee & Borah, 2020 ). However, people who use more deceptive strategies of self-presentation report more body surveillance and depressive symptomatology.

  23. The Many Facets of the Self

    Key points. The conception we have of our selves includes many facets to varying degrees. The self can refer to one's body, brain, appearance, character, will, story, or social relations.

  24. Boost Presentation Skills with Self-Awareness

    Delivering a presentation can be a nerve-wracking experience, but honing in on self-awareness can transform it into a powerful tool for connecting with your audience. Self-awareness in the context ...

  25. You recommend, I trust: the interactive self-presentation strategies

    This paper focused on SMI authenticity achieving by exploring the design of SMI self-presentation strategies and social interaction relationship between SMIs and consumers. In Study 1, we revealed that SMI's self-presentation strategies (credibility and attractiveness) were positively associated with authenticity perception for SMIs.

  26. Easier than Homework: Get a REAL ID This Back-to-School Season

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 5, 2024 Sacramento - Nearly 17.9 million Californians now have a REAL ID - an increase of 154,759 from July 2024, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Schools are headed back into session and homework is on the horizon for many. But rest assured, your homework to get a REAL ID […]

  27. 15 of the best design portfolio examples

    If you need to update yours, looking at a few examples is a good place to start, which is why we've collated this list of the best design portfolios around. To start building your design portfolio, you need a platform to create it on.

  28. Obesity-related parenting practices, styles, and family functioning: A

    The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in substantial changes to family life. This study examined associations between pandemic conditions and mothers' and fathers' food, physical activity, and media parenting practices and whether these associations were moderated by parenting styles and family functioning. Two independent samples of Canadian parents (nonpandemic n = 270; pandemic n = 357) self ...

  29. Frontiers

    Despite this finding, convergent validity of performance-based measures should not be overestimated by considering potential self-presentation biases of explicit clinical measures and the temporal dynamic of suicide risk . Notably, positive, negative and suicide interference scores were significantly inter-correlated.

  30. News

    "Multi-Contrast MRI Acceleration with K-Space Progressive Learning and Image-Space Self-to-Peer Aggregation" by Xiaohan Xing, Lequan Yu, Lingting Zhu, Lei Xing, Lianli Liu has been selected as the Best of Physics for this year's ASTRO annual meeting. It will be presented in the oral scientific session "Best of Physics.