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Adverb worksheet for class 3 With Answers

  • by Sampriti Debnath

adverb worksheet for class 3 with answers featured

Adverb Worksheet For Class 3 With Answers

Before you read any further related to the adverb worksheet for class 3 with answers, it might be a good idea to first understand what is an adverb .

In brief, An adverb is a word that tells something more about a verb.

  • Ran is a verb.
  • Fast is an adverb.
  • Ran is a verb in the above sentence and fast is an adverb . The adverb ‘ fast ‘ is modifying the verb ‘ ran ‘.

Adverbs In English Grammar | Types Of Adverbs - Namaste Sensei

Adverb Worksheet For Class 3 Questions

Underline the ‘how’ adverbs in these sentences. (Adverb of manner)

  • Rahul clapped happily.
  • I drive carefully.
  • Anu reads well.
  • The children ran excitedly.
  • They were talking loudly in the class.
  • The athlete ran fast.
  • The boys sang merrily.
  • The joker walked clumsily.

Choose the correct adverb from the options below.

  • Don’t talk so …………. a. Loud. b. Loudly.
  • Rohan is trying very …………. to solve the sums. a. Hard. b. Hardly.
  • The climber …………. fell off the edge of the mountain. a. Near. b. Nearly.
  • The farmer spread the seeds ………….  a. Wide. b. Widely.
  • Preeti thought …………. a. Quickly. b. Quick.
  • The car was moving very …………. a. Fast. b. Fastly.
  • Rohan has learned the poem …………. a. Bad. b. Badly.
  • Gopal studies very …………. a. Hardly. b. Hard.
  • He was standing …………. to me. a. Close. b. Closely.
  • Their trip was …………. difficult. a. Extreme. b. Extremely.
  • Susan plays the piano …………. a. Beautiful. b. Beautifully.
  • The rain was falling …………. a. Heavy. b. Heavily

Underline the ‘where’ adverbs in these sentences. (Adverb of Place)

  • Mohan is playing outside.
  • Jyoti is standing there.
  • Vandana is waiting upstairs.
  • The boy looked up.
  • The puppy stays here.
  • The girl is inside.
  • The airplane is flying above.
  • I looked for him everywhere.
  • We traveled far to look for him.
  • He went out to play.

Underline the ‘when’ adverbs in these sentences . (Adverb of time)

  • We met him yesterday.
  • It is sunny today.
  • It rained yesterday.
  • The baby is crying now.
  • Meena gets up early.
  • Tia will return tonight.
  • The school is closed tomorrow.
  • They will come late.
  • He will call soon.
  • He woke up early.

Fill in the blanks with ‘how’ adverbs from the box – adverb of manner

  • The baby cried ………….
  • The soldiers fought ………….
  • The thief entered the house ………….
  • Rohan did his homework ………….
  • The tortoise moved ………….
  • The babies watched the cartoon ………….
  • The rabbit ran ………….
  • He opened the envelope ………….
  • The police checked the black bag ………….

Fill in the blanks with ‘where’ adverbs from the box. (adverb of place)

  • The guests are waiting …………. in the garden.
  • Please come ………….
  • Reshma is on the first floor, No Reshma has gone …………. to call her.
  • We looked for the dog ………….
  • The teacher asked him to go …………. of the classroom.
  • Look …………. at the sky.
  • They are waiting for you ………….
  • They came …………. at 8 pm.
  • He lives very ………….

Now let’s move on to the Adverb Worksheet For Class 3 Answers.

Adverb Worksheet For Class 3 Solutions

Adverb worksheet for class 3 with answers

  • Rahul clapped happily .
  • I drive carefully .
  • Anu reads well .
  • The children ran excitedly .
  • The athlete ran fast .
  • The boys sang merrily .
  • The joker walked clumsily .
  • Don’t talk so loudly . a. Loud. b. Loudly.
  • Rohan is trying very hard to solve the sums. a. Hard. b. Hardly.
  • The climber nearly fell off the edge of the mountain. a. Near. b. Nearly.
  • The farmer spread the seeds widely . a. Wide. b. Widely.
  • Preeti thought quickly . a. Quickly. b. Quick.
  • The car was moving very fast . a. Fast. b. Fastly.
  • Rohan has learned the poem badly . a. Bad. b. Badly.
  • Gopal studies very hard . a. Hardly. b. Hard.
  • He was standing close to me. a. Close. b. Closely.
  • Their trip was extremely difficult. a. Extreme. b. Extremely.
  • Susan plays the piano beautifully . a. Beautiful. b. Beautifully.
  • The rain was falling heavily . a. Heavy. b. Heavily

adverb of place worksheet for class 3 with answers

  • Mohan is playing outside .
  • Jyoti is standing there .
  • Vandana is waiting upstairs .
  • The boy looked up .
  • The puppy stays here .
  • The girl is inside .
  • The airplane is flying above .
  • I looked for him everywhere .

adverb of time worksheet for class 3 with answers

  • We met him yesterday .
  • It is sunny today .
  • It rained yesterday .
  • The baby is crying now .
  • Meena gets up early .
  • Tia will return tonight .
  • The school is closed tomorrow .
  • They will come late .
  • He will call soon .
  • He woke up early .
  • The baby cried loudly .
  • The soldiers fought bravely .
  • The thief entered the house quietly .
  • Rohan did his homework neatly .
  • The tortoise moved slowly .
  • The babies watched the cartoon happily .
  • The rabbit ran fast .
  • He opened the envelope excitedly .
  • The police checked the black bag carefully .

Fill in the blanks with ‘where’ adverbs from the box. (Adverb of Place)

  • The guests are waiting outside in the garden.
  • Please come inside .
  • Reshma is on the first floor, No Reshma has gone upstairs to call her.
  • We looked for the dog everywhere .
  • The teacher asked him to go out of the classroom.
  • Look up at the sky.
  • They are waiting for you downstairs .
  • They came here at 8 pm.
  • He lives very far .

Adverb worksheet for class 3 PDF FREE DOWNLOAD

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“Adverbs: What They Are and How to Use Them” Source: Grammarly Blog URL: Click Here

The article defines what an adverb is, describes the different types of adverbs, and offers tips on how to use adverbs effectively in writing. It is a helpful resource for anyone looking to improve their understanding of adverbs in English.

You have finished the complete article. If you have any doubts or queries, feel free to leave a comment below. We will respond as soon as possible. Or Email Us At [email protected]

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Adverbs Class 3 Worksheets with Answers

Adverbs Class 3 Worksheets with Answers

Here we will discuss Adverbs Class 3 Worksheets with Answers and if this is your search, you have come to the right place.  Adverbs Class 3 Worksheets play an important role in class 3 grades. So, let’s start.

Adverbs Class 3

An Adverb tells you more about verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

Examples: easily, now, today, tonight, etc.

Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner describe the way people do things. They answer the question word how

●Tia writes neatly.

●He eats quietly.

We usually add -ly to an adjective to form an adverb of manner.

neatly + ly → neatly

quiet + ly → quietly

Neatly and quietly tell us how the action is done. They describe the way people do things. They answer the question word how.

Spelling of words ending with y –

y + ly → ily

angry + ly angrily

easy + ly → easily

lazy + ly → lazily

heavy + ly heavily

pretty + ly → prettily

greedy + ly → greedily

hungry + ly → hungrily

Other Lessons Class 3 English

Adverbs Class 3 Worksheets 1

A.  Match the words in column A with the correct words in column B.

1. People work hard,a. not loudly.
2. Some people spell badly,b. not lazily. 
3. You whisper softly,c. not rudely.-
4. Most people eat slowly,d. not correctly.
5. You smile politely,e. not badly. 
6. Most people behave well,f. not greedily.

Adverbs Class 3 Worksheets 2

B. Choose the correct adverbs to complete these sentences.

1. The tortoise moves ______________.

a. badly b. Slowly c. busily

2. The horse ran  ______________.

a. Quickly b. Nicely c. foolishly

3. Drive the car  ______________.

a. Loudly b. Carefully c. politely

4. You will win the match  ______________.

a. Lazily b. Quietly c. easily

5. He waited  ______________.

a. Poorly b. Selfishly c. patiently

6. They spoke cheerfully  ______________.

a. cheerfully b. safely c. hungrily

Adverbs of Time 

Adverbs of time tell us when an action takes place. These adverbs answer the question When?..

●I am moving to my new house tomorrow.

●Ria is sleeping now.

Tomorrow and now are adverbs of time. They tell you when the action takes place.

Other adverbs of time include – then, now, today, late, tonight, yesterday, early, and tomorrow.

Worksheet 3

C. Underline the adverbs that answer the question word When?.

1. The exam starts tomorrow.

2. We will watch the movie now.

3. She will meet us early.

4. It rained heavily yesterday.

5. Is school closed today?

6. I am taking the train tonight.

Adverbs of Place 

Adverbs of place show where an action takes place. These adverbs answer the question Where?..

●It is dark outside.

●They are all downstairs.

Outside and downstairs are adverbs of place. They tell you where the action takes place.

Other adverbs of the place include – here, there, everywhere, outside, inside, above, below, and forward.

Worksheet 4

D. Choose the correct adverbs to complete these sentences.

1. They asked me to wait ___________  (here/everywhere)

2. I am going ___________  to my village. (back/there)

3. Madan looked ___________  at the moon, (in/up)

4. She looked ___________  for her lost ring. (everywhere/forward)

5. Mother put her bag ___________  (down/downward)

6. Farida left her purse ___________. (there/around)

Worksheet 5

E Choose the correct adverbs to complete these sentences.

1. Ravi has a good handwriting. He writes _________. (neatly/cleanly)

2. I like playing _________ in winter. (outdoors/above)

3. He was feeling sick _________(early/yesterday)

4. He is well-behaved and speaks _________y with everyone. (gracefully/politely)

5. Mother asked Raju to hurry up and finish his homework _________. (late/quickly)

6. Feroz stands on the bridge and looks _________. (downstairs/below)

Worksheet 6

F. Read this passage. Write the different kinds of adverbs in the table below.

One night, there was a big storm in the forest. The next morning, the animals looked around unhappily. There were fallen tree trunks and branches all around. There were many things floating on the pond. “Our forest has become so dirty,” said Bear sadly, sitting beside the pond. Crow, who was sitting near Bear, said, “Let us clean it up.” Monkey quickly jumped down from a high rock and started to pick up the leaves and twigs to help Crow. Frog, who was sitting near the rock, jumped into the river and asked the fish to help him clean the river. They gladly agreed. Bear and Elephant lifted the heavy tree trunks and branches. Soon the forest was clean. The animals were happy and danced around a banyan tree.

Worksheet 7

Work in pairs. Each of you thinks of an action verb. Then, think of an adverb to match the verb. You have to act this out. You cannot talk. Your partner has to guess. Each of you will get turns to act and ask.

For example-

eat quickly

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Adverbs For Class 3

Jump ahead to:

Definition of adverb for class 3rd: Adverbs are words that explain more about verbs, it qualifies the verbs. Basically, it tells us how the action was done.

  • Suhani danced gracefully .
  • Mary sang badly .
  • The science quiz was held in the stadium .
  • Sandy rides the bicycle carelessly .
  • He is will be reaching the office at 11 o’clock .

In the above sentences:

In the first sentence ‘ gracefully ’ qualifies us for how Suhani danced. It tells us extra things about the verb ‘dance’. So here adverb is ‘ gracefully ’ .

In the second sentence ‘ badly ’ qualifies us as how Mary sang. It tells us extra things about the verb ‘sing’. So here adverb is ‘ badly ’ .

In the third sentence ‘ stadium ’ qualifies us as where the quiz was held. It tells us extra things about the verb ‘held’. So here adverb is ‘ stadium ’ .

In the fourth sentence ‘ carelessly ’ qualifies us for how Sandy rides the bicycle. It tells us extra things about the verb ‘rides’. So here adverb is ‘ carelessly ’ .

In the fifth sentence “ 11 o’clock” qualifies us as to when will he reach the office. It tells us more about the verb ‘reaching’. So here the adverb is ‘ 11 o’clock’.

List of adverbs

well, hard, fast , softly, bravely, slowly, quietlytoday, yesterday, later, now, soon, early, today, last year, all day, sometimes, never, often, yearlyup, down, near, far, everywhere, around, here, there, nearby, downstairs, upstairs

5 Examples of Adverbs for Class 3

  • The lion ran swiftly and caught the pig.
  • The mynas are chirping loudly .
  • The mother quietly exits the room after the baby was asleep.
  • Grandpa eagerly waits for his grandson.
  • The peacock happily danced in the rain.

Use of Adverbs in sentences:

  • How does the bulb glow? The bulb glows brightly.
  • How does a warrior fight? A warrior fights bravely.
  • How does it hail? It hails heavily.
  • How does the dog bark? It barks loudly.
  • How does a bulbul sing? A bulbul sings sweetly.
  • How does a leopard run? A leopard runs fastly.

Adverbs Worksheet for Class 3

Exercise – 1.

Underline the adverbs in the following sentences:-

  • She ran quickly from the room.
  • He ate all the chocolates fastly.
  • Her dress is so beautifully designed.
  • They do not take the problem seriously.
  • My grandmother smiled cheerfully.
  • She is going nearby market .
  • She speaks very softly.
  • The work had finished by them easily.
  • Neha was deeply hearted by his words.
  • Sohan always buys chocolates for the kids.
  • beautifully

Exercise – 2  

Fill in the blanks:-

  •   My grandmother talks _____ .
  •   Sita does her work ______ .
  •  The babies are sleeping. Please speak ______ .
  •  Sanju solves the mathematics problem ________ .
  •  Children listening to story _______ .
  •  The deer ran ______ and escaped.
  • She completed her work _______ .
  • Her work is done _______ .
  • Pranali always goes to school _______ .
  • He is going to watch a movie _______ .

Exercise – 3

Try to fill in the given options:-

  • Yesterday the sun was shining _______.
  • The baby cried _______ when he lost his toy.
  • Sonali runs very _______.
  • The lion jumped _______.
  • The soldiers fought _______ but didn’t win the battle.
  • We should speak _______.
  • He does not do his work _______.
  • Sonali danced so _______.
  • I am getting late. Let me walk _______.
  • Mohit can speak French _______.

PDF for Class 3 Adverbs

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Kinds Of Adverbs Worksheet For Class 3

by Manjusha · Published October 12, 2021 · Updated April 27, 2024

Adverbs are mainly of three kinds – adverbs of time, adverbs of place and adverbs of manner . Adverbs of time tell us when something happened. Adverbs of place tell us where something happened. Adverbs of manner tell us how something happened.

Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and state their kind.

1. I visited my grandparents yesterday.

2. We started early.

3. I think I have seen him before.

4. I had no idea what he was doing there.

5. I looked outside the window.

6. The baby smiled beautifully.

7. The dogs ate their meals happily.

8. The birds flew high in the sky.

9. He looked upwards.

10. The students are anxiously waiting for their results.

11. The children danced merrily.

12. She spoke softly.

13. I waited for my turn patiently.

14. They assembled the parts carefully.

15. She could solve the puzzle easily.

1. yesterday (Adverb of time)

2. early (Adverb of time)

3. before (Adverb of time)

4. there (Adverb of place)

5. outside (Adverb of place)

6. beautifully (Adverb of manner)

7. happily (Adverb of manner)

8. high (Adverb of manner)

9. upwards (Adverb of place)

10. anxiously (Adverb of manner)

11. merrily (Adverb of manner)

12. softly (Adverb of manner)

13. patiently (Adverb of manner)

14. carefully (Adverb of manner; it shows the manner in which they assembled the parts.)

15. easily (Adverb of manner; it shows the manner in which she solved the puzzle.)

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Adverb for Class 3: Meaning, Types, Differences & Exercises

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  • Jan 13, 2024

adverb assignment for class 3

Adverbs for Class 3 : Adverbs are the fundamental part of English Grammar that provides extra information about verbs or adjectives. Are your kids confused between an adjective and an adverb? This blog post will help students learn adverbs for class 3 with a detailed explanation of the difference between adjectives and adverbs and examples to understand. They also get a deep insight into the different kinds of adverbs along with their use in English grammar.

This Blog Includes:

Definition of adverb for class 3 students, examples of adverb and adjective, types of adverb for class 3, adverbs for class 3 practise exercises.

As per the standard definition of Oxford’s Learner’s Dictionary, an adverb is a word that adds more information about place, time, manner, cause or degree to a verb, an adjective, a phrase or another adverb. The Cambridge Dictionary states adverbs as, a word that describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective, adverb, or phrase.

For example, My sister walked slowly. Here, the term ‘slowly’ shows us how my sister walked. Thus, it informs us a little more about the verb ‘walked.’ therefore it is an adverb as it qualifies verb. The complete definition of adverbs is all those words that qualify as a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs frequently end in -ly, and even some appear identical to the adjectives.

Also Read: Deciphering the Difference: Adjective vs. Adverb in English Grammer

Difference between Adverb and Adjective

Adjectives provide the extra information about a person or object. Thus they modify nouns or pronouns. On the other hand, adverbs describe how an action is performed. So, both adverbs and adjectives define the meaning of different components of speech. They are different from each other because adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. On the other hand, adjectives can only qualify nouns and pronouns. The below table will teach you the difference between adjectives and adverbs with the help of examples.

He is a l boy.He works
She is a dancer.She danced
Sunita is a artistSunita paints
I am It’s in the evening.
He is a boy.He works

Also Read: Conjunctive Adverbs Meaning, Examples & Exercises

After being well-versed in the definition of adverbs, and having a clear concept of the difference between the two, let us now explore the types of adverbs. There are a total of five types of adverbs in English grammar,  Adverb of manner, Adverb of place, Adverb of time, Adverb of degree, and the Adverb of degree. Let us understand them in brief with the help of examples.

Adverb of Degree

The Adverbs of degree describe the intensity or the magnitude of things. They are placed before the verb, adjective, and adverb.

For example: The coffee is too cold to drink.

Adverb of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency describe the frequency of the event for how many times the thing happens or occurs. 

For example: I am always been fond of my mother.

Adverb of Manner

Adverbs of manner tell us about how the action occurs. They are usually placed after the main 

the verb in the sentence. 

For example, She is running slowly.

Adverb of Place

The Adverb of place defines the location or the place where an action takes place. They are usually placed after the main verb in the sentence. They do not modify adjectives or adverbs. 

For example, She is moving downstairs.

Adverb of Time

The Adverb of time defines the time of the action. It tells us about when an event occurred, for how long it started, and when it got finished. They are placed at the end of the sentence.

For example, I will go there tomorrow.

Also Read: Adverbs: Definition, Types, Use, Examples & Exercises

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adverbs.

  • ___________, she completed the puzzle effortlessly.
  • The car moved ___________ down the winding road.
  • The children played ___________ in the backyard.
  • The teacher explained the lesson ___________.
  • The cat purred ___________ as it curled up on the windowsill.
  • The team worked ___________ to meet the deadline.
  • The music played ___________ in the background.
  • He spoke ___________ about his achievements.
  • The storm raged ___________ outside the window.
  • She answered the question ___________.
  • The flowers bloomed ___________ in the warm sunlight.
  • The old man walked ___________ along the beach.
  • The computer processed the data ___________.
  • The comedian delivered the punchline ___________.
  • The runner finished the race ___________.
  • The baby slept ___________ through the night.
  • He sings ___________ in the choir.
  • The train arrived ___________ at the station.
  • The student read the book ___________.
  • The detective solved the mystery ___________.

Match your answers with the solved exercise.

  • Effortlessly , she completed the puzzle.
  • The car moved swiftly down the winding road.
  • The children played happily in the backyard.
  • The teacher explained the lesson clearly.
  • The cat purred contentedly as it curled up on the windowsill.
  • The team worked diligently to meet the deadline.
  • The music played softly in the background.
  • He spoke proudly about his achievements.
  • The storm raged violently outside the window.
  • She answered the question promptly.
  • The flowers bloomed beautifully in the warm sunlight.
  • The old man walked slowly along the beach.
  • The computer processes the data efficiently.
  • The comedian delivered the punchline wittily.
  • The runner finished the race quickly.
  • The baby slept peacefully through the night.
  • He sings harmoniously in the choir.
  • The train arrived punctually at the station.
  • The student read the book carefully.
  • The detective solved the mystery cleverly .

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Adverbs are used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs in a sentence. Adverbs define the mannerisms of the verb or adjective. For example, He is a very hardworking man. Here ‘very’ highlights the specialty of the hardworking.

No, Adverbs cannot modify nouns and pronouns. Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns.

In English grammar, action words or doing words are called verbs. Therefore a verb defines an action. For example, He is walking. On the other hand, an adverb describes how the action is being performed. For example, He is walking slowly.

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📚✨ From Classroom Chats Entered Into The Wordy World ….. Yes , If you all Remember that teacher who kept you on your toes with pop quizzes and endless homework? YEP! THAT WAS Me ! 🌟 But with the blessings of almighty and the key motivation of my husband who came across the spark of writing in me has insisted me to pave my way away from chalk dust to creative burst!💫  Being in this new world of writing I can compose pun-tastic content, poetry full of emotions and humorous articles that can even make Shakespeare envious of me 📝🎭.Yippee! from teaching young minds to educating worldwide readers it's an epic career switch. From teaching grammar lessons to grammatically flawless copy, I'm todays' wordsmith on a mission! Let me spin literary magic all around and conquer my exact destination of proving myself as The Best Writer in The World.🚀🏆 My promise is to provide you with valuable insights, solutions to your questions, and a momentary escape from the routine. I believe in the power of words to create connections, provoke thought, and foster growth. Woods are lovely dark and deep  But I have promises to keep and  Miles to go before I sleep ……..🌳✨🌌

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English Grammar Lessons And Worksheets

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What are adverbs? | Class 3 English grammar

by Manjusha Nambiar · September 24, 2016

Read the following sentences.

  • The boys were talking loudly when the teacher entered the classroom.
  • She suffered the pain quietly.

Words like loudly and quietly are examples of adverbs. They tell us something about verbs.  It is easy to form adverbs. In most cases, you only need to add the suffix –ly to the adjective. 

Study the examples given below.

Bold (adjective) -> boldly (adverb)

Clever -> cleverly

Kind -> kindly

Brave -> bravely

Eager -> eagerly

Sad -> sadly

Slow -> slowly

Proud -> proudly

Pleasant -> pleasantly

Not all adverbs end in –ly . For example, time adverbs and place adverbs do not normally end in –ly. Examples are: here, there, now, then, inside, outside, today, tomorrow etc. The adverb ‘daily’ is an exception to this rule.

There are several different kinds of adverbs. Read the following sentences.

  • The old woman walked slowly.
  • The children laughed merrily.
  • The soldiers fought bravely.

Here the adverbs slowly, merrily and bravely show the manner in which the actions were performed. Such adverbs are called manner adverbs.

Now, read the following sentences.

  • What are you doing there?
  • The children are playing upstairs.
  • Somebody is standing outside.

Here the adverbs here, there, upstairs and outside show where the action takes place. Therefore, they are called place adverbs.

  • He is leaving tomorrow.
  • She will arrive tonight.
  • What will we do then?

Here the adverbs tomorrow, tonight, now and then show the time of the action. Such adverbs are called time adverbs.

There are several other kinds of adverbs too. We will learn about them in another lesson.

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Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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Adverbs Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers

September 11, 2020 by Prasanna

Adverbs Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers 1

Adverbs Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers PDF

  • Words that tells us more about the doing words are called How Words.
  • They show how an action is done. These how words are called Adverbs. Adverbs end in-ly. For example: slow – slowly, loud – loudly, brave – bravely, sweet – sweetly, sad – sadly
  • We can often convert a describing word into a how word by adding -ly.
  • An adverb is generally placed after the verb it is describing. For example: Arun ran swiftly.
  • An adverb can also be placed away from the verb. For example: Arun ran to the door swiftly.

Adverbs Worksheet Exercises for Grade 3 with Answers CBSE PDF

A. Underline the adverbs that describe the verbs in the following sentences.

Adverbs Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers 2

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs from the word bank.

1. The lion roared ___________ 2. I am tired. Let’s walk ___________ 3. I woke up because the phone rang ___________ 4. She does not complain about the food. Angrily She eats ___________ 5. The children are reading ___________ 6. He finished his homework ___________

C. Change the adjectives into adverbs. Then write a sentence about each picture using the adverb.

Adverbs Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers 6

4. loud – ___________

Adverbs Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers 8

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Identifying Adverbs III

About this worksheet:.

This library adventure story is full of adverbs! In the worksheet your student is asked to identify each adverb in the story. You’ll find it useful for Common Core Standards for Language for the 2nd and 3rd grades. It is helpful for other grades as well.

Identify the Adverbs III - Printable Worksheet Activity

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  • Adverb Exercises

Adverbs Exercises

Adverbs are a part of speech that provides more information about the verb , adjective or another adverb in a sentence. Go through the adverbs exercises given in this article and test your understanding of the same.

adverb assignment for class 3

Adverbs Exercises with Answers

Given below are exercises on adverbs. Try them out.

Identify the Adverbs

Read the sentences given below and underline the adverbs.

  • The boy is too careless.
  • The winds are very strong.
  • The baby slept soundly.
  • The soldiers fought the war valiantly.
  • Joey always tries his best.
  • Surely you are mistaken.
  • The movie is to end soon.
  • Your friend messaged again.
  • I did my homework already.
  • I was rather busy.
  • Is your mother within?
  • We looked for the lost puppy everywhere.
  • We do not know her.
  • How long is the trip?
  • Monica seldom visits here.

Answers –

Use the right adverbs.

Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate adverb from the table.

out quickly forward pretty too
before often once somewhat so
  • Riya ran to her mother ____.
  • The scores are ____.
  • We have met ____.
  • I know him ____ well.
  • The baby is ___ sleepy.
  • The naughty boy is ___ annoying.
  • My aunt comes to visit us ___.
  • My grandpa is ____ better today.
  • I met a magician ___.
  • Ambition urges us ___.

Identify the Type of Adverb

Go through the given sentences and identify the type of adverb used in each sentence.

  • The boy practised his speech regularly.
  • The phone kept ringing constantly.
  • The people have gone out.
  • I have heard this story before.
  • Are you quite sure?
  • You are driving too carelessly.
  • I always try my best.
  • You are quite right.
  • He solved the problem quickly.
  • I have heard enough.
  • The boy often makes the same mistake.
  • Why are you still here?
  • I could hardly recognise him.
  • The little kid is too shy to sing.
  • The horse galloped away.
  • Regularly – Adverb of Frequency
  • Constantly – Adverb of Frequency
  • Out – Adverb of Place
  • Before – Adverb of Time
  • Quite – Adverb of Degree
  • Too – Adverb of Degree
  • Always – Adverb of Frequency
  • Quickly – Adverb of Manner
  • Enough – Adverb of Degree
  • Often – Adverb of Frequency
  • Why – Interrogative Adverb
  • Hardly – Adverb of Manner
  • Away – Adverb of Place

Frequently Asked Questions

What are adverbs.

Adverbs are those words that qualify/modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

How many types of adverbs are there?

There are eight types of adverbs which are as follows.

  • Adverbs of Time
  • Adverbs of Frequency
  • Adverbs of Place
  • Adverbs of Manner
  • Adverbs of Degree
  • Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation
  • Adverbs of Reason
  • Interrogative Adverbs
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  • Class 3 English Grammar Chapter 16 Adjective

adverb assignment for class 3

Class 3 English Grammar Chapter 16 Adjective and its uses in simple sentences. Examples for term 1 and term 2 exams practices are given here in an updated format. Questions for practice are given at the end of the chapter in the format of exercises. After completing the chapter, students must do the questions given in the exercise. In this way, they can evaluate what they have learned.

English Grammar for Grade 3 Chapter 16 Adjective

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An adjective is a describing word. It describes a noun or pronoun. Examples:

  • 1. The Titanic was a huge ship.
  • 2. Our classroom is very big.
  • 3. Her eyes are blue.

In the above sentences words ‘huge’, ‘big’ and ‘blue’ describe the nouns ‘the Titanic’, ‘classroom’ and ‘eyes’. So they are adjectives.

There are three degrees of comparison of adjectives. They are: 1. Positive Degree. 2. Comparative Degree and 3. Superlative Degree.

Examples: 1. Radha’s voice is sweet. 2. Sneha’s voice is sweeter than Radha’s. 3. Rekha’s voice is the sweetest among all the girls.

In sentence–1, sweet is the adjective in its simple form. Hence it is said to be positive degree. In sentence–2, sweeter is the adjective denoting a higher degree of the quality than the positive. Hence it is said to be in the comparative degree. In sentence–3, sweetest is the adjective denoting the highest degree of the quality. Hence it is said to be in the superlative degree.

Positive degree Comparative Degree Superlative degree
Water is cold. Pepsi is colder. Ice-cream is coldest.
Rajiv is tall. Raju is taller. Sumit is tallest.
Cake is sweet. Ice-cream is sweeter. Rasgulla is sweetest
Wood is hard. Iron is harder. Diamond is hardest.
Reena is fat. Pooja is fatter. Kavita is fattest.
Positive Comparative Superlative
Great greater greatest
High higher highest
Small smaller smallest
Long longer longest
Bold bolder boldest
Fast faster fastest
Strong stronger strongest
Positive Comparative Superlative
Wise wiser wisest
Able abler ablest
Brave braver bravest
Large larger largest
Simple simpler simplest
Noble nobler noblest

1. Elephant is ______ than lion. (big/bigger/biggest) 2. Roshni is ______ a girl. (clever/cleverer/cleverest) 3. The Ganga is _______ than Yamuna. (long/longer/longest) 4. Rajesh is the boy in the _____ class. (strong/stronger/strongest) 5. Mount Everest is the peak in _____ the world. (high/higher/highest)

Class 3 English Grammar Adjective

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Grade 3 Adjectives Worksheets

Adjective worksheets for third grade.

The worksheets below provide practice in recognizing and using adjectives (words that describe nouns).  The last 2 sets of worksheets focus on comparative ("er" and "est") adjectives.  These worksheets will also help with vocabulary development.

Adjectives practice

Identifying adjectives - identify adjectives and the nouns they describe in sentences

Adjectives and nouns - identify the nouns and adjectives in a list of words

Using adjectives in sentences - complete the sentences with adjectives from the word bank

Writing adjectives - make sentences more interesting with adjectives

Adjectives in texts - find all the adjectives in the story

Comparing with adjectives

Comparing with adjectives - fewer vs less, more vs many, better vs good

Adjectives with "er" and "est" - choose the right form of the adjective in each sentence

Comparative adjectives - normal, comparative and superlative adjectives

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Sample grade 3 adjectives worksheet

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  6. Adverb Worksheet For Class 3 With Answers

    adverb assignment for class 3


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  1. Adverb worksheet for class 3 With Answers

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  2. Grade 3 Adverbs Worksheets

    These grammar worksheets help kids learn to recognize and use adverbs. Adverbs are words that describe or modify verbs. Identify adverbs & verbs - Mark the adverbs and the verbs they describe in these sentences. Comparative adverbs - practice using adverbs that end in -ly, -er and -est (loudly, louder, loudest).

  3. Adverbs Class 3 Worksheets with Answers

    Here we will discuss Adverbs Class 3 Worksheets with Answers and if this is your search, you have come to the right place. Adverbs Class 3 Worksheets play an important role in class 3 grades. So, let's start. Contents show Adverbs Class 3. An Adverb tells you more about verbs, adjectives ...

  4. Adverbs For Class 3, Examples, Worksheets and PDF

    5 Examples of Adverbs for Class 3. The lion ran swiftly and caught the pig. The mynas are chirping loudly. The mother quietly exits the room after the baby was asleep. Grandpa eagerly waits for his grandson. The peacock happily danced in the rain.

  5. 3rd Grade Adverb Worksheets

    25 Downloads Grade 3 What Does the Adverb Tell? Part 1. 25 Downloads Grade 3 Changing an Adjective into an Adverb. 16 Downloads Grade 3 Identifying Adverbs Modifying Adverbs. 21 Downloads Grade 3 Identifying Adverbs Modifying Verbs. 20 Downloads Grade 3 Using Degrees of Adverbs. 18 Downloads Grade 3 Identifying Adverbs Modifying Adjectives Part 1.

  6. Adverbs Worksheet For Class 3

    Adverbs are words that tell us when, where or how an action took place. Examples are: today, yesterday, last year, outside, inside, upstairs, clearly, evidently, kindly, seriously, soon, early etc. Note that most words ending in -ly are adverbs.Likewise, almost all words indicating time or place are adverbs. Underline the adverbs in the following sentences.

  7. Printable 3rd Grade Adverb Worksheets

    Give her a hand recognizing and using adverbs with this practice sheet. Adverbs #9. Worksheet. Improve vocabulary and writing style as you review parts of speech with your young writer! He'll practice identifying and using adverbs in sentences. 1. Browse Printable 3rd Grade Adverb Worksheets.

  8. PDF Using adverbs worksheet

    Using adverbs. Grade 3 Adverbs Worksheet. Circle the adverbs. urgently today cellphone after. wrap sparingly softly busily. truly loyally densely green. often bulldozer turkey equally. salty carefully prickly hourly. Complete the sentences using the adverbs from above.

  9. Class 3 English Grammar Chapter 17 Adverb

    on July 17, 2023, 8:39 AM. Class 3 English Grammar Chapter 17 Adverb and kinds of Adverbs updated for the academic session 2024-25 based on the latest CBSE Syllabus. To help the students, assignments and practice exercises are given for the preparation of terminal exams. Contents on the Tiwari Academy website as well as App are free to use.

  10. Kinds Of Adverbs Worksheet For Class 3

    6. beautifully (Adverb of manner) 7. happily (Adverb of manner) 8. high (Adverb of manner) 9. upwards (Adverb of place) 10. anxiously (Adverb of manner) 11. merrily (Adverb of manner) 12. softly (Adverb of manner) 13. patiently (Adverb of manner) 14. carefully (Adverb of manner; it shows the manner in which they assembled the parts.)

  11. Adverbs

    Importance of Adverbs Class 3: Understanding Adverbs is crucial for Class 3 exam success. Knowing its pattern, syllabus, and question paper analysis can significantly boost preparation. Practice papers and mock tests help improve performance. Best books and study materials, along with coaching and toppers' notes, are valuable resources.

  12. Adverb for Class 3: Meaning, Types, Differences & Exercises

    Types of Adverb for Class 3. After being well-versed in the definition of adverbs, and having a clear concept of the difference between the two, let us now explore the types of adverbs. There are a total of five types of adverbs in English grammar, Adverb of manner, Adverb of place, Adverb of time, Adverb of degree, and the Adverb of degree.

  13. grade 3 adverbs

    grade 3 adverbs quiz for 3rd grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free!

  14. What are adverbs?

    Words like loudly and quietly are examples of adverbs. They tell us something about verbs. It is easy to form adverbs. In most cases, you only need to add the suffix -ly to the adjective. Study the examples given below. Bold (adjective) -> boldly (adverb) Clever -> cleverly. Kind -> kindly.

  15. Adverbs Grade 3 Worksheet Teaching Resources

    Browse adverbs grade 3 worksheet resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  16. Adverbs Worksheet Exercises for Class 3 CBSE with Answers

    An adverb is generally placed after the verb it is describing. For example: Arun ran swiftly. An adverb can also be placed away from the verb. For example: Arun ran to the door swiftly. Adverbs Worksheet Exercises for Grade 3 with Answers CBSE PDF. A. Underline the adverbs that describe the verbs in the following sentences.

  17. Adverbs

    Adverbs worksheets by Kyvonna Elise Rock .Adverbs online activity for Grade 3 Live Worksheets. ... Level: Grade 3. Language: English (en) ID: 771367. 01/03/2021. Country code: BB. Country: Barbados. School subject: English language (1061957) Main content: Adverbs (2012155) From worksheet author: If some answers are wrong that are supposed to be ...

  18. Identifying Adverbs III

    About this Worksheet: This library adventure story is full of adverbs! In the worksheet your student is asked to identify each adverb in the story. You'll find it useful for Common Core Standards for Language for the 2nd and 3rd grades. It is helpful for other grades as well. Click to View/Print Worksheet. Get Worksheet.

  19. PDF Class III

    An adverb is a word which adds to the meaning of a verb. It tells us how a thing is done, when it is done, or where it is done. E.g. the old man walked slowly. (How) My uncle is arriving today. (When) The boy is inside the room. (Where) A. Circle the adverbs with crayons in each of the sentences given below.

  20. Adverbs Grade 3 Teaching Resources

    Browse adverbs grade 3 resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. ... and an art portion. This is good for a holiday homework assignment, a class activity, or in a literacy center. ESL students can benefit from practice using adverbs in writing, too! Happy Halloween ...

  21. Adverbs Exercises

    Identify the Adverbs. Read the sentences given below and underline the adverbs. The boy is too careless. The winds are very strong. The baby slept soundly. The soldiers fought the war valiantly. Joey always tries his best. Surely you are mistaken. The movie is to end soon.

  22. Class 3 English Grammar Chapter 16 Adjective

    1. Radha's voice is sweet. 2. Sneha's voice is sweeter than Radha's. 3. Rekha's voice is the sweetest among all the girls. In sentence-1, sweet is the adjective in its simple form. Hence it is said to be positive degree. In sentence-2, sweeter is the adjective denoting a higher degree of the quality than the positive.

  23. Grade 3 Adjectives Worksheets

    K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. Grade 3 Adjective Worksheets - free from K5 Learning. Includes identifying adjectives in sentences and writing with adjectives. No login required.