Professional/Short course Qualitative Health Research

15 credit level 7 module

Page last updated 12 October 2023


This 15 credit Qualitative Health Research module examines qualitative approaches to health and well-being research. It focuses on the key features of qualitative research methodologies and methods, and provides an important theoretical and conceptual grounding in qualitative research. Undertaking this module will be key preparation for completing a qualitative research project and for critiquing qualitative studies.

On successful completion of this level 7 (Masters level) module, you will be able to:

  • identify the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative methods for health and well-being research.
  • explore qualitative research traditions and methodologies, and understand how and when to use them.
  • use the main methods used in qualitative research for generating data, and carry out qualitative data analysis in primary research and in qualitative synthesis.
  • show how qualitative research is presented in the form of research papers and other publications.

The module syllabus will typically include:

  • Definition, nomenclature, epistemology: what is qualitative research; traditions of qualitative research; diverse methodological approaches (grounded theory; ethnography; phenomenology; narrative inquiry); the place of qualitative research in health research and evidence-based healthcare.
  • Current methodological debates: the value of qualitative research; ethics; sampling; reflexivity; quality criteria: validity, reliability and rigour; critical appraisal.
  • Methods for qualitative data collection (QDC): interviewing; observation and field notes; focus groups and group facilitation; online qualitative approaches.
  • Methods for qualitative data analysis (QDA): basic principles; transcribing; field notes; data management; coding; inductive and deductive analysis; approaches to data analysis (thematic content analysis; framework approach; narrative analysis; discourse); qualitative approaches to evidence synthesis.

A 3,000 word written assignment.

This assessment requires you to complete a written assignment in two parts. The first part requires them to produce an analysis of how qualitative approaches and methods are utilised in health and wellbeing research. The second part requires you to interpret and critically appraise published qualitative research showing understanding of how qualitative methodologies are applied to research problems.

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Please click on the Apply Now button to apply for your CPD module, which you can take as a stand-alone course or as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters level) programme.

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Short courses


Qualitative Research Methods in Health

  • 10am - 1pm each day

Cost: £1,500

Book a place.

Please email [email protected]  if you wish to apply for this course. The next course will start on 3 October 2024

This course aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills to understand, design and conduct high quality qualitative research.

The course will help you:

  • gain a clear understanding of the principles of qualitative research
  • practise skills including interviewing, running a focus group, data analysis, and developing and presenting a research protocol

This course will be delivered online over 10 Thursday mornings from 3 October to 12 December.

This course is run by researchers from the UCL Centre for Excellence in Qualitative Research, within the Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health (PCPH).

Who it's for

This course is for: 

  • Master's level students, PhD students and research staff who need to design and conduct a qualitative study
  • those who wish to know how to assess the quality of qualitative research (e.g. funders, journal editors, ethical committee members etc.)

You don't need to have any previous experience of qualitative research, but you will need to do some preparation before each session.

Course content

Lead: Julia Bailey and Tom Witney

This workshop will help you understand the basis on which qualitative methodology is selected as a research approach.

  • learn about the philosophical debates around qualitative research
  • contrast qualitative and quantitative approaches
  • discuss the place of qualitative research in health and medicine

You'll also critique a published paper of a qualitative study. This will help you reflect on a completed study and consider not only the methodological approach and selection of methods, but also practical aspects such as sampling, what counts as data, the position of the researcher, data analysis, and application of findings.

Learning objectives

By the end of this workshop you'll be able to:

  • describe key features of qualitative research
  • explain the rationale for key features of qualitative research design 
  • know when qualitative or quantitative study designs are appropriate 
  • understand how ‘theory’ is relevant for qualitative research

Leads: Harpreet Sihre and Silvie Cooper

On this workshop you'll learn about qualitative research interviewing techniques and developing topic guides.

You'll explore structured, semi-structured and in-depth interview methods and their application, using real world examples. However, the emphasis will be on semi-structured interview techniques.

You'll also learn about and discuss:

  • the importance of different communication styles and researcher reflexivity
  • practical issues such as structuring questions, building rapport and dealing with challenging interviews

You'll be encouraged to think of an area of research around which you'll structure and produce a topic guide for use in a practical session. You'll also get the opportunity to practice your newly developed interviewing skills.

As far as possible, the workshop is tailored towards research that those attending are planning/doing.

By the end of this workshop you'll be able to:

  • describe and distinguish between structured, semi-structured and 'in-depth' interviewing
  • formulate and construct a topic guide
  • apply and evaluate some key interviewing skills

Lead: Tom Witney and Fiona Aspinal

This workshop will introduce you to focus groups - a key qualitative research method.

You'll learn about the:

  • different stages of the research process where focus groups can be used
  • types of research questions that lend themselves to this approach
  • practicalities of sampling, convening and conducting focus groups, including issues to consider when researching sensitive topics

You'll also practise your communication and group facilitation skills.

You'll be encouraged to think of an area of research around which you'll structure and produce a topic guide for use in a practical session.

  • explain when and how to use focus groups
  • design a topic guide for a focus group study
  • organise and facilitate a focus group

Leads: Nathan Davies and Fiona Stevenson

On this workshop you'll discuss a range of ways of conducting qualitative data analysis and the rationales for different approaches.

You'll be encouraged to critically reflect on how decisions made throughout research affect the type and extent of analysis possible. The importance of decisions about transcription are also stressed.

You'll consider the place of data management software in qualitative analysis. You won't be taught how to use particular software packages, but you'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using these.

You'll conduct a thematic analysis on a piece of data, and reflect on and consider the best approach for your own work.

Please note: this workshop does not provide training in the use of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis packages

  • distinguish between different types of qualitative data analysis
  • recognise the importance of decisions relating to transcribing, reflexivity, field notes, double coding and data management
  • consider various approaches to analysis
  • understand the principles and practicalities of conducting a basic thematic analysis
  • evaluate the benefits of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis for your projects

Leads: Jane Wilcock and Stephanie Kumpunen

In this interactive workshop you'll plan your own qualitative study design.

You'll work on your own and in small and large groups, with an experienced tutor. You'll also have the opportunity for one-to-one and small group discussions and advice on qualitative study design.

The first day is spent planning your study in a structured way. On the second day you'll present your study design proposal to tutors and other students in small groups, and discuss research issues arising from the proposed studies.

  • write clear research questions
  • understand the principles of (and debates about) quality in qualitative research
  • plan a qualitative research study, specifying the details of how a study will be carried out
  • present a four-slide summary of your study design
  • discuss the rationale for chosen study designs

Teaching and assessment

The course is highly interactive, involving a range of teaching techniques including group work, practical tasks and discussion.

It will be run with a mixture of synchronous, online learning (e.g. presentations, small group discussions) and asynchronous learning (pre-recorded videos, readings, preparatory writing/planning).

You'll receive help designing and planning your own qualitative research project. You'll then present your design proposals and receive feedback from course tutors and peers at the end of the course.

You'll be required to do some preparation before each session (reading and/or watching videos).

How to apply

To apply for this course you’ll need to complete a short application form.

Your application will be judged on your suitability for the course and how much you're likely to benefit. Priority will be given to people who are actively planning or conducting qualitative research.

Please email [email protected]  if you’d like to be added to the waiting list. When booking opens and there are spaces available for the course, you'll be emailed the application form.

Cancellation policy

Cancellations must be received in writing at least two weeks before the start of the event and will be subject to an administration charge of 20% of the course fee. Unfortunately, no refunds will be made within two weeks of the course date. Any refund will be made by UCL to you within 30 days of your cancellation and be paid to you in the same way as you paid for your order.

We reserve the right to cancel teaching if necessary and will, in such event, make a full refund of the registration fee. PCPH Events will not be liable for any additional incurred costs.

Further information

If you have any questions about the course content, please email Fiona Stevenson ( [email protected] ) or Julia Bailey ( [email protected] ).

For administrative queries, please contact Lynda Russell-Whitaker ( [email protected] ).

Course team

Julia Bailey - joint Course Director

Julia Bailey - joint Course Director

Julia is an Associate Professor at the e-Health Unit at UCL and a sexual health speciality doctor in South East London. Her research interests include sexual health, e-Health, doctor-patient interaction, science communication and social science in medicine (qualitative methodologies). View Julia’s IRIS profile for more information about her work and publications.

Fiona Stevenson - joint Course Director

Fiona Stevenson - joint Course Director

Fiona is a Professor of Medical Sociology and Co-Director of e-Health Unit at UCL. She’s currently Head of the Department of Primary Care and Population Health at UCL. Her research is broadly encompassed by the overarching theme of perceptions, communication and interactions about treatment. Her methodological expertise lies in qualitative methods, both in relation to thematic analysis of interviews and focus groups and conversation analysis of interactional data. She has expertise in conducting original research as well as implementing research findings into practice. View Fiona’s IRIS profile for more information about her work and publications.

Nathan Davies

Nathan Davies

Nathan is an Associate Professor and Alzheimer’s Society Fellow based in the Centre for Ageing Population Studies at UCL. His main research interests are in older adults, dementia, and supporting family carers. He's a qualitative researcher leading on several qualitative studies, which explore sensitive topics, including end of life care. In addition to experience of interviews, focus groups and various types of qualitative analysis, he has extensive experience of co-design, co-production and consensus-based methods. View Nathan’s IRIS profile for more information about his work and publications.

Jane Wilcock

Jane Wilcock

Jane is a Senior Research Associate in the Centre for Ageing & Population Studies, UCL. Her main research interests are in dementia, ageing, emergent technologies and trials of complex interventions in primary care and community settings. A mixed-methods researcher, Jane has experience of a variety of study designs such as RCTs, interview and focus group studies, nominal group techniques and co-design of interventions. In addition, she is a methodology expert for the NIHR Research Design Service London. View Jane’s IRIS profile for more information about her work and publications.

Silvie Cooper

Silvie Cooper

Silvie is a Lecturer (Teaching) in the Department of Applied Health Research at UCL. Her research interests include capacity building for health research, management of chronic pain, digital health, and patient education, using qualitative, mixed methods, and translational research approaches. Alongside her research, she designs and teaches on a variety of health and social science courses for undergraduates, postgraduates and professionals. Topics include research and evaluation methods, the social aspects of health and illness, and the impact of context, practice and policy on healthcare experiences. View Silvie’s IRIS profile for more information about her works and publications.

Harpreet Sihre

Harpreet Sihre

Harpreet formerly completed her PhD at the Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham, where she researched the lived experiences of South Asian women with severe postnatal psychiatric illnesses using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. She then worked at the Unit of Social and Community Psychiatry on an NIHR-funded study researching accessibility and acceptability of Perinatal Mental Health Services.

Harpreet’s research interests encompass mental health, perinatal mental health, access to services and equality, diversity and inclusion, using qualitative research methods. Harpreet has taught on both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including small group teaching and lecturing at the University of Birmingham and Queen Mary University. View Harpreet’s IRIS profile for more information about her work and publications.

Tom Witney

Tom is a Research Fellow at the department of  Primary Care and Population Health . He is a qualitative health researcher, with a particular interest in sexual health and relationship intimacy. His current work focuses on improving access to sexual health for trans and gender diverse people and supporting uptake of chlamydia retesting following a diagnosis. View Tom’s Iris profile for more information about his work and publications.

Fiona Aspinal

Fiona Aspinal

Fiona is based in the Department of Applied Health Research for the NIHR ARC North Thames as 'Senior Research Associate in Qualitative Methods Applied to Organisational Research in Health' where, as part of the ARC North Thames' Research Partnership Team, she helps to facilitate and support health and social care research with local, regional and national relevance. She is also the social care research lead for NIHR CRN North Thames.

Her areas of research interest are: Qualitative research and evaluation of complex health and social care interventions and organisations; The experience and outcomes of integrated care policy and practice for staff, service users and informal carers; Social and community health care for adults, including people with dementia; Social care research infrastructure/skills.

At UCL, in addition to the Qualitative Research Methods in Health short course, Fiona teaches on research methods and social science courses and modules, such as the BSc Population Health Sciences, the Medicine MBBS BSc and the Population Health MSc. She also supervises undergraduate and postgraduate students. View Fiona’s Iris profile for more information about her work and publications.

Stephanie Kumpunen

Stephanie Kumpunen

Stephanie is a THIS Institute Doctoral Fellow at UCL and a Senior Fellow in Health Policy at Nuffield Trust (a London-based health and care think tank). Her research focuses on the organisation of Primary Care and community-based health and care services.

Stephanie has led on a number of qualitative studies and mixed-methods evaluations. She has a particular interest in rapid qualitative approaches; namely rapid ethnographies that inform health and care service improvement. View Stephanie’s UCL profile for more information about her work and publications.

“The course is a really a great opportunity to read, reflect, discuss and share research, which is helpful for personal and professional development.” [Academic Clinical Fellow, Spring 2022]

“This session really helped me to organise my thoughts and put together a coherent plan for future research. It will make writing my protocol very easy!” [PhD Student, Spring 2022]

“It was such an excellent course. The information and materials provided were straight to the point and helpful, the working atmosphere was inspiring and constructive, and the tasks were interesting and activating. Thank you to all tutors!” [Clinical Research Programme Coordinator, Spring 2022]

“Great tutors, great reading material. It was very interesting to hear other peoples' experiences. Although this course was virtual, there were plenty of opportunities for interaction. I now have a better understanding and I am confident to run my study. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants an intro in qual research.” [Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow, 2021]

"I have a more clear understanding of the basics of qual methods, terminology and ways it may fit into my own research." [Researcher, 2019] 

Course information last modified: 22 Apr 2024, 13:33

Length and time commitment

  • Time commitment: 10am - 1pm each day
  • Course length: 10 weeks

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Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford

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  • Short Courses in Qualitative Research Methods

Oxford Qualitative Courses: Short Courses in Qualitative Research Methods

Expert teaching from specialists in qualitative research methods

Short courses:

  • Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
  • Introduction to doing Qualitative Interviews
  • Introduction to Analysing Qualitative Data
  • Introduction to conversation analysis and health care encounters
  • Learning with the book: an introduction to qualitative research methods for health research

The University of Oxford's expert-led programme of short courses in qualitative research methods aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to design, conduct, and interpret qualitative research. Through these short courses we share the experience, knowledge and enthusiasm of our research-active tutors

Our courses are particularly suited to those who are planning or working on projects with a qualitative research component. Our aims are to:

  • Equip health and care professionals, researchers and policy makers with an understanding of the different approaches to qualitative research
  • Support the development of core skills such as interviewing, ethnographic observation, running focus groups (whether virtual or face-to-face), conversation analysis, meta-ethnography, and qualitative data analysis.

This highly-regarded programme is delivered in online and face-to-face formats to suit a range of learners.  We use a mixture of lectures and small group work, delivered by our team of qualitative researchers from the University of Oxford’s  Medical Sociology and Health Experiences Research Group . Our group has run these successful courses for twenty years alongside active involvement in qualitative research on a variety of topics, ranging from studies of experiences of health conditions and of healthcare practice, to evaluations of organisational change. Our group also includes qualitative methodologists at the forefront of developing qualitative methods including conversation analysis and evidence synthesis.

Findings from our group’s research on patient experiences, together with supported video, audio and text extracts, can be found on the   website. Our portfolio of research and expertise informs current local, national and international healthcare policy and research. 

The syllabuses of our qualitative courses draw on a wide range of expertise from within our research group, including the disciplinary areas of medical sociology, anthropology, and public policy. 

Teaching team

Our courses are led by a highly experienced and research-active teaching team. Our team have a range of specialities and skills spanning the breadth of qualitative research methods, ensuring that each session is led by a knowledgeable expert in the field. As well as being accomplished researchers, our team are skilled at communicating qualitative research methods to people in an accessible and clear way. Our team are friendly and approachable and will be available to offer tailored feedback during the course. Our participants regularly emphasise that our teaching team are a highlight of our courses.

Who are OUR courses for?

Our courses are suited to a wide range of professions, including:

  • Health and care professionals
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • Academics and researchers interested in health research
  • Marketing and communications professionals
  • Health and care advisers and policy makers

What do participants think?

New: Online Resources

Our teaching team have collated a series of freely available online resources for anyone looking for learning opportunities. 

Receive our bulletin:

Our courses are popular and often sell-out quickly. To receive a bulletin of upcoming course dates, please register here .

Got a question? Contact us:

Our friendly team are on-hand to answer your questions and queries. 

Email:  [email protected]

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Qualitative Data Analysis

This course provides an applied approach to qualitative data analysis through the lens of multiple methods and methodologies.

About this Course

The analysis of qualitative research data is a fundamental yet multifaceted process that requires careful attention to the unique qualities of qualitative research design. This course provides an applied, phenomenological approach to qualitative data analysis. It is designed for an interdisciplinary audience with examples taken from the nonprofit, commercial, and government sectors in the health and social sciences.

Undergraduate/graduate students, research staff, and IRB members in particular may find this course meaningful as an introduction to qualitative research methods.

Course Preview:

Language Availability: English

Suggested Audiences: Faculty, IRB Chairs, IRB Members, Research Staff, Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Organizational Subscription Price: $675 per year/per site for government and non-profit organizations; $750 per year/per site for for-profit organizations Independent Learner Price: $99 per person

Course Content

" role="button"> introduction to qualitative data analysis.

This module discusses the data analysis considerations shared by all qualitative methods and approaches this course covers. This includes the basic qualitative data analysis process and tools and the rigorous and ethical approaches to qualitative data analysis that apply across methods.

Recommended Use: Required ID (Language): 20971 (English) Author(s): Margaret R. Roller, MA - Roller Research

" role="button"> In-Depth Interview Method

This module begins with an overview of the basic in-depth interview method and its variations. This provides the foundation for the core discussions concerning the distinctive aspects of the in-depth interview method that affect qualitative data analysis, including quality and ethical considerations.

Recommended Use: Supplemental ID (Language): 20972 (English) Author(s): Margaret R. Roller, MA - Roller Research

" role="button"> Focus Group Discussion Method

To provide a basis for the core discussions, this module begins with an overview of the fundamentals of the focus group method and its variations. This provides an understanding of the distinctive aspects of the focus group method that affect qualitative data analysis, including quality and ethical considerations.

Recommended Use: Supplemental ID (Language): 20973 (English) Author(s): Margaret R. Roller, MA - Roller Research

" role="button"> Ethnography

Understanding the ethnographic approach and its variations is important to the discussion of data analysis. For this reason, the module begins with an overview of ethnographic research and the distinctive aspects of ethnography that affect qualitative data analysis, including quality and ethical considerations.

Recommended Use: Supplemental ID (Language): 20974 (English) Author(s): Margaret R. Roller, MA - Roller Research

" role="button"> Narrative Research

This module provides an overview of narrative research and its variations. It provides an overview of narrative research, which serves as a foundation for the core discussions concerning the distinctive aspects of the narrative research approach that affect qualitative data analysis. The module concludes with a discussion of quality and ethical considerations.

Recommended Use: Supplemental ID (Language): 20975 (English) Author(s): Margaret R. Roller, MA - Roller Research

" role="button"> Case Study Research

Case study research and its variations are examined at the start of this module. Then, distinctive aspects of case study research that affect qualitative data analysis are explored, including quality and ethical considerations.

Recommended Use: Supplemental ID (Language): 20976 (English) Author(s): Margaret R. Roller, MA - Roller Research

" role="button"> Qualitative Content Analysis Method

This module reviews the basic Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) method and its variations. It also discusses the distinctive aspects of the QCA method that affect qualitative data analysis and the quality and ethical considerations that QCA presents.

Recommended Use: Supplemental ID (Language): 20977 (English) Author(s): Margaret R. Roller, MA - Roller Research

Who should take the Qualitative Data Analysis course?

The suggested audience includes students, faculty, and staff that want to learn more about the basics of qualitative data analysis and one or more of the discussed methods.

How long does it take to complete the Qualitative Data Analysis course?

This course consists of one required module and six supplemental modules. All learners should complete module 1 and then complete the supplemental modules as needed (20-30 minutes each).

" role="button"> Why should an organization subscribe to this course?

Organizational subscriptions provide access to the organization's affiliated members. This allows organizations to train individuals across the organization on how to properly conduct qualitative data analysis.

" role="button"> What are the standard recommendations for learner groups?

This course is designed such that learners should complete the first module and then any following method modules as needed.

" role="button"> Is this course eligible for continuing medical education credits?

This course does not currently have CE/CME credits available.

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Qualitative Research: Design, Implementation and Methods


Get an introduction to what qualitative research is, the types of qualitative research methods, the appropriate situations to apply qualitative methods, and how to conduct your own qualitative research. You learn to build a research protocol and use various techniques to design, conduct, analyze and present an informative research study.

At the end of the course, you are expected to conduct your own qualitative research study . To that end, you develop a research plan based on the given situation, collect data using qualitative methodologies , engage with various techniques for coding and analyzing qualitative data effectively, and present the data and insights in a manner that is best aligned with the goals of the research.

Prerequisites: None.

Course Outline

Course Objectives

  • Understand what constitutes qualitative research, how it differs from quantitative research and when to apply qualitative research methods
  • Identify and formulate appropriate qualitative research plans
  • Apply qualitative research data collection techniques
  • Develop coding schemes for analysis of qualitative data
  • Present qualitative data to inform and influence

What You Learn

  • Developing qualitative research questions
  • Building a research protocol
  • Observing, listening and probing: the core skills of a qualitative researcher
  • Qualitative sampling and participant recruitment
  • Understanding an overview of the qualitative data analysis process
  • Communicating your findings, from summary to interpretation
  • Presenting qualitative results

How You Learn

We are online! All of the design classes are conducted online and include video classes, mentor-led learning and peer-to-peer support through our student online platform, Canvas. 

  • Reading assignments
  • Quizzes at instructor’s discretion
  • Small-group activities
  • Homework assignments
  • Capstone project

Is This Course Right for You?

This course is intended for students in the Professional Program in User Experience (UX) Design , or anybody interested in obtaining skills in qualitative research. You do not need preexisting research experience for this course. Our experienced instructors provide practical information, leverage their qualitative research skills and monitor your development along with peer-to-peer support on our student online platform.

Fall 2024 enrollment opens on June 17!

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Research methods and research in practice

Professional short courses focused on research methods and research practice.

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View an A-Z listing  of all our Health professional short courses.

Research methods and research in practice courses

  • Applied Research Skills - Professional/Short course

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  • Dissertation - Professional/Short course
  • Evidence and Research in Practice - Professional/Short course
  • Evidencing Work Based Learning (EWBL) - Professional/Short course
  • Health and Social Care Research: Methods and Methodology - Professional/Short course
  • Qualitative Health Research - Professional/Short course
  • Quantitative Health Research - Professional/Short course
  • Research Dissertation Project - Professional/Short course
  • Research Methodology and Statistics - Professional/Short course
  • Research Project - Professional/Short course
  • Researching Beneath the Surface - Professional/Short course
  • Researching Education - Professional/Short course
  • Systematic Review - Professional/Short course

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Bristol Neuroscience Research Network

Stigmatisation of gambling and gambling disorder in social media. a mixed-methods guided topic modelling approach for youtube comments.

21 August 2024, 2.00 PM

Johannes Singer (University of Hohenheim)

Room 1.01, 13 Berkeley Square, Bristol, BS8 1HB and online

Hosted by the Bristol Hub for Gambling Harms Research with Bristol Business School

Abstract:  The stigmatisation of gamblers, particularly those with a gambling disorder (GD), and self-stigmatisation are considered substantial barriers to seeking help and treatment. In order to develop effective strategies to reduce the stigma associated with GD, it is essential to understand the prevailing stereotypes. This study examines the stigma surrounding gambling and GD in Germany, with a particular focus on the video platform YouTube. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining guided topic modelling and qualitative content analysis, to analyse the comments on YouTube videos.   Initially, 84,024 comments from 34 videos were collected. After review, two videos were selected that featured a person who had overcome GD. These videos received significant user engagement in the comments section. An extended stigma dictionary was created based on existing literature and embeddings from the collected data. The results of the study indicate that there is a substantial amount of stigmatisation of GD in the comments. Gamblers with GD are blamed for their own distress and accused of irresponsibility. Furthermore, GD is seen as a consequence of personal failure. In addition to stigmatising statements, the comments suggest that many users are unaware that addiction develops over a period of time and at a certain point can no longer be cured by oneself but requires professional treatment. In particular, adolescents and young adults, a group with a high prevalence of gambling-related disorders and active engagement with social media, represent a key target for de-stigmatisation efforts. It is essential to address the stigmatisation of GD, particularly among younger populations, in order to develop effective strategies to support treatment and help-seeking. The use of social media offers a comprehensive platform for the dissemination of information and the reduction of the stigmatisation of GD. However, it also serves to perpetuate the perception of GD as an addiction.

Speaker:  Johannes Singer has been a research assistant at the   Gambling Research Centre   at the University of Hohenheim since August 2020. As part of his cumulative dissertation, he is researching the topic of gambling advertising in social media. The focus is on the analysis of textual advertising and user data from social media and the analysis of the perception and impact of gambling advertising, including that of influencers in social networks. For his research, Johannes Singer uses qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social research as well as machine learning techniques, especially various methods of topic modelling.

To register to attend in-person, please email   [email protected] To register for a free online ticket,   please sign up on Zoom.

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Please contact  [email protected]  with any questions about the event.


  1. Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods

    bristol qualitative research methods course

  2. Qualitative Research

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  5. Bristol

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  6. Qualitative Research

    bristol qualitative research methods course


  1. Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods

    This course provides a broad introduction to carrying out qualitative research and how to apply qualitative methods to a range of contexts and study designs. We draw on the expertise within the University of Bristol. Course tutors have extensive experience of applied qualitative research including expertise in ethnography, optimising trial methods and recruitment, sensitive health topics ...

  2. Short courses

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  3. Training in qualitative research

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  4. Unit and programme catalogues

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  9. Writing a Qualitative Paper

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  17. Research methods and research in practice

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  18. Unit and programme catalogues

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  20. Unit and programme catalogues

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  24. 2024: gambling-hub-21Aug

    This study examines the stigma surrounding gambling and GD in Germany, with a particular focus on the video platform YouTube. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining guided topic modelling and qualitative content analysis, to analyse the comments on YouTube videos. Initially, 84,024 comments from 34 videos were collected.