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Essay on “A Narrow Escape” for Students and Children, Best Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

A narrow escape.

There was a huge three-acre pond just a few kilometers from where we stayed. Since moving into our new home in the countryside, my brother, Jim and I used to often sneak out to the pond where we would meet another friend. Dad had warned us not to venture anywhere near the pond area, especially after a friend informed him that an alligator had been spotted there. We took no heed of his advice though. This was our favorite hideout and we were certainly not going to give it up.

On this particular afternoon, the three of us had just finished swimming. Jim and Syed were reluctantly making their way towards the spot where they had left their clothes. I stayed back and was bathing in the waist-deep water when I suddenly became aware of ripples forming on the surface of the water. I cocked my head and looked at the ripples. My eyes caught a motion in the water. A log, I thought. Then I saw it — its snout and its two reptilian eyes. ‘Jim …” I whimpered. Then I screamed with all my might.

Jim turned his head in my direction and immediately recognized the danger. ‘Get out of the water, Jeff. Hurry! It’s just behind you.’

I waded clumsily in the water. After a few stumbles and fumbles, I reached the edge of the pond. I looked over my shoulder. Moving swiftly towards me was an enormous alligator. I froze. Then suddenly I felt a searing pain in my leg. Meanwhile, Jim and Syed screamed and started throwing stones at the alligator and managed to distract it. The alligator went for them now. As it opened its jaws, I could see its jagged teeth. I tried to move but a stabbing pain shot through me. I slumped onto the ground, sprawled in a pool of blood.

Meanwhile, our screams were heard by two hunters who were in the vicinity. On seeing the alligator, one of them fired a shot in the air. It had the desired effect. The alligator stopped in his tracks, retreated a few steps, and slithered hurriedly into the water. Then, I passed out.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a totally unfamiliar environment. The smell of antiseptic told me that I was in the hospital. I later learned from my mother that I was rushed to the casualty ward. I was treated for puncture wounds on my right ankle and a long gash which required fifty-six stitches. Mum reminded me how fortunate I was to have escaped from the jaws of the alligator. It was a narrow escape.

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My Narrow Escape

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Whenever my mind travels over the past events in my life, one incident stands out prominently to remind me of the narrow escape I once had from almost certain death. It was a plane crashed accident. It was a sunny day, the 777 Boeing plane was on the way from Hongkong to SanFrancisco. Everything was good and I was very enjoyable.

I was sleeping and assured that this trip would be ok, nothing would happened. At about 9 o’clock in the morning , our plane had arrived in the territory of United State in California’s State. The captain of the plane made an announcement and wanted all passengers to wake up and tighted their seatbelt.I was very excited because 10 more minutes I would stand on the land of USA. So I looked through out the window.

Strangely, I saw a little smoke from the left engine, I wondered if that smoke didn’t come from the engine and from something else, but when I look closely it was clearly come from the engine and there was fire in it. Therefore, I immediately loosen my safety belt and told the flight attendant, so she came with me and looked through out the window, seeing the smoke so she rushed fastly through the captain room.After 2 minutes, the captain informed passenger about the failure of the left engine and wanted everyone not to lose their self-control. Cry and scream was on the plane so loudly so I couldn’t hear any attention clearly. What in my mind at that moment was: “We all gonna die” Smoke came more and more from the engine and I saw the left engine was stalled. The plane lean on the left side and then right, it just keep straggered side by side.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the plane is going to land on SFA International Aiport with 1 engine left. Please fasten your safety belt.Then take out the air-bag above your seat and follow the instructions by our captain. Thank you. " Then: “Boom” ,the tail of the plane hit the sea-wall of the run way and flame was burning at the bottom of the Boeing. I was so scared that I couldn’t open the seatbelt so I thought: “I’m toasted”.

Luckily, the flight-attendant came fastly to me and used a scissor to cut the seatbelt, therefore I ran immediately out of the plane through the emergency exit door. “I was safe, thanked Jesus”, I might have been killed by the smoke or the fire in the plane. That was indeed a very narrow escape, an escape I shall never forget.

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English Tuition Singapore

Primary 6 Composition A dangerous situation

I gave my P6 students the same boundaries I had set for my P5s in terms of setting (restaurant), dangerous situation (a fire) and descriptive phrases to use.

The only difference was that they were given a challenge, which was to write the story from an uncommon viewpoint – that of the arsonist in their story. I am glad to say that many of my students took up the challenge with enthusiasm. Writing a story from the viewpoint of an unusual character can be very exciting for P5s and P6s. Everyone wants to be the hero in the story. No one wants to be the bully or the thief or in this case, the arsonist. Yet, trying to tell a story from their point of view can open up exciting prospects in the development of characters in one’s story.

Surely, it will take some getting used to and some students, no matter how hard they try, fall short of the mark. Aside from the daunting prospect of writing their piece in 50 minutes, it is also as if they are unable to put their heart and soul into being a ‘bad guy’. That’s fine too. Highly interesting and suspenseful stories can be created from being a ‘good guy’.

However, a well-written piece from the viewpoint of an unusual character can lend the element of surprise, garnering more marks for the student.

Below is the story from one of my students, Audrey.

The highlighted sentences are the phrases she used from the list given.

A Dangerous Situation – Primary 6 Composition model

Note to students

The model compositions in this blog are to help students generate ideas and to be used as a guide. Students are not allowed to copy the model compositions and then pass them off as their own work, especially in school. It is called plagiarism.

Nobody knew my darkest secret. How could they? I was a secretive person. Nobody suspected that I was dangerous, or knew what I usually carried around in my pocket or what I usually clutched in my hand, hoping for an opportunity.

As I walked down the street towards the crowded restaurant, I revised my plan one last time. After which, I opened the water bottle in my hand, slightly. The water bottle contained one of the key ingredients to the success of my plan; alcohol. Although I was not fond of the drink, I knew that it was a necessity to my plan. Entering the restaurant, I felt a rush of cool air brush against my face. I could hear the loud conversations customers were holding and smell the appetising aroma of food fresh from the kitchen. I smirked to myself, knowing the chaos that would soon ensue.

Walking towards an empty table, I carefully dripped the alcohol from the water bottle onto the polished floor, before sitting down. Hastily ordering off the menu for myself, I fished out the small, rectangular box full of matches. I had been waiting for this for too long. Planning the procedure was not an easy task. It took me weeks, nearly months to touch up on my plan. I specifically chose this restaurant, knowing that it was popular to the people in the neighbourhood. Not caring one jot about the noise that I made trying to light the matchstick, I threw the lit matchstick onto the alcohol stained floor and then waited in anticipation. I soon heard the worried voice of a customer who was sitting in front of me.

“Do you smell something burning, Jane?” the customer asked her friend.

“Now that you mention it Peter, yes I do! Where is it coming from?” Jane asked, sniffing the air around her.

Shortly after, everyone heard a loud scream and the sound of a broken plate.

“Fire! Fire in the restaurant!”

To my delight, I turned to see a small fire building up, feeding off the alcohol on the floor. Hearing the cry of ‘Fire’, everyone started to panic. I watched the chaotic scene before me in glee until I felt a tinge of heat close to me. I got up to leave. At first I ran to the exit, thinking I could still make it out alive but just as I was about to open the door,  a wall of fire shot up towards the ceiling.   The roar grew louder and louder as the fire started to consume everything in its path.

I spun my head around, scanning for any other possible exits. To my utter horror, the wall of fire blocked every path. I ran to the centre of the restaurant, shocked at how fast the fire had grown. I was not alone, other customers were huddled in the centre of the restaurant, gasping for fresh air. I grabbed the nearest source of water I could find which was a half-filled jug of water. I splashed it around our circle, hoping to keep the fire a safe distance away from us.  Our faces were covered in soot and sweat and the heat was terrific. Minutes felt like hours as we tried to stay alive in the restaurant which was engulfed by smoke and flames.  As I tried to reach for another jug of water, I felt a searing pain on my arm. The white-hot pain began spreading all over my body. I looked down to see burns on my arm, as I trembled in pain.

Suddenly, I heard a thud. The fire fighters had arrived! Someone had called them! They hosed the fire down while some other fire fighters led us out to safety. Most of us were coughing due to smoke inhalation as the paramedics administered first aid to the victims including me.

Thinking back on the dangerous situation, I knew that I had been lucky. Not only had I escaped the fire, but I had also escaped going to jail. No one suspected that it was me who had started the fire. I had learnt my lesson well. I swore to myself to never play with fire again.

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  • P6 Situational Writing
  • PSLE English Composition Theme – A Considerate Act
  • PSLE Composition Theme An Unusual Incident
  • P6 Writing: City Underground & SOTA Primary 6 Creative Writing Competition 2020
  • P6 Model composition – A Dangerous situation
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  • List of 2018 PSLE Compo themes
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  • 2019 Preliminary Composition Themes
  • P6 English Composition A Secret
  • P6 Composition model on Achieving a goal & how to score well
  • P6 English: An unforgettable event composition
  • P6 SA1 Composition Themes 2019
  • Primary 6 English Composition: A Changed Behaviour & PSLE 2019 results

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2025 P6 English Tuition Timetable

Bukit TimahMON - Starting Nov 20243 pm to 5 pm
Bukit TimahTUE - Starting Nov 20245 pm to 7 pm
Bukit TimahSAT - Starting Nov 202411 am to 1 pm
Bukit TimahSAT - Starting Nov 20241 pm to 3 pm
HougangWED - Starting Nov 20245 pm to 7 pm
HougangSAT - Starting Nov 20249 am to 11 am
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Best Personal Essay Examples

Car accident essay.

689 words | 3 page(s)

Disbelief, helplessness, and fear engulfed my mind as I lay on my back. Surprisingly, I did not feel the pain because my body was numb everywhere. I felt like I had difficulty breathing and my mind was running with so many questions about what had just happened a few seconds ago on the road. From a distance, I could hear cars honking and making some noise but I don’t think they knew what had happened to me. The accident happened on the Shawnee Mission Road two years ago. At that time, I was an ALI student and all I needed to do that morning was get up early and attend class. Ever since the accident, I have been driving very carefully, especially along that particular street.

After the buzzing noise from my alarm woke me up, I jumped out of bed and made it to the shower. It was yet another morning and my normal routine had just begun. I must have slept a little bit longer than usual because it seems that my alarm was buzzing for quite some time. I quickly took a shower and got dressed for school. It was not until I got my cell phone from my bed that I realized that Chao, my friend, had sent me a text message. Our lecturer, Professor Phil, whose class is from 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M., had told us to prepare for a quiz today, so Chao had texted to inform me of the same. When I checked my watch, it was thirty minutes past 8:00 and I was already very late since it takes thirty minutes to drive from home to school.

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I swiftly got my car keys, ran out of my apartment, and drove off for school. Even the radio was giving me another reminder that it was thirty past eight. I started getting really worried at how late I was going to be for this quiz. As I started driving faster, I realized I forgot to fasten my seatbelt. I didn’t think anything of it and could not have possibly thought that anything could go more wrong so I didn’t buckle up as I thought it would have made me even more late for school. As I drove, I received a massage from my girlfriend who is in China who often wakes me up in the morning and to check on me. I decided to respond back to her to let her know I was getting late for school. I picked up my phone to text back and then bang!! I crashed into a car that was waiting for the traffic signal in front of me. In that moment, my body had severely hit the steering wheel during the impact of the crash. I started shaking as my body was in shock and after trying to realize what just happened.

 I lay numb on the back until my mind could grasp what had happened. I had just smashed my car into another car. As much pain as I was in, I wanted see if anyone else got hurt but my body was so numb that I could not move. I looked around and saw a car parked beside me. There were two black men that were laughing at me and said, “Wow, it’s a Cadillac.”

“Hello Yunsong?” a voice woke me up after being unconscious for a while. I was lying in a bed in the hospital. It was my friend who had come to the hospital after he had been told of my accident. I spent one day in the hospital, and then I was released to go home in a wheelchair, a wheelchair where I would be bound to for about a month.

The accident has undoubtedly made me realize how precious life is. It was a narrow escape from death and it is something that has made me very cautious on the road. It’s taught me that one careless mistake could cost me my life. I have vowed to always wear a seatbelt, slow down on the road, and more importantly, not to text and drive.

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Write Original Story Entitled: “A Narrow Escape” Composition

Write Original Story Entitled: “A Narrow Escape” (300-350 Words) Composition.  Exams are the part of life but there are many way to examine some one. In English to write a composition is one of the way to examine a candidate tallent.  In many board exam asking questions about composition (story) is the best way to understand the capability of a candidate.

Write Original Story Entitled A Narrow Escape

 “A Narrow Escape” 

Write Original Story Entitled (300-350 Words)

Once upon a time I was on this way to visit my sister’s home. She lived in a village some miles away from my native home.

I had hardly covered half of the way when the car stopped. It was surprising indeed, as I had the car overhauled only a fortnight ago. Getting down, As soon as  opened the bonnet. The fan belt had slipped out of its groove. Then I fixed the belt, closed the bonnet and started rest of my journey.

Soon I pushed the nagging worry to the back of my mind. The merry tune came back on my lips once more  waved to a few children playing in the fields who also waved back in turn.

At Railway Crossing

When I was crossing a railway liner looked to  left and then to right. There was no sign of a train. I was also in the middle of the crossing when my car gave a cough and stopped there. I hopped out and opened the bonnet again. This time I failed to locate the trouble and tried to push the car but all in vain. It refused to budge an inch. Tired and frustrated, I sat down.

Saw a Train Approaching to Me

As I was pondering over this misfortune, heard the whistle of an approaching train.  got shocked. Paralysed with fear, I did not know what to do. I was rooted to the ground and stared at the train coming close and close. Mymind stopped functioning.

Truck Driver Save Me

Just then a truck came by. The driver and his helper, realizing the need for quick help, got down from the truck and ran to help me. The driver pushed the car roughly away from the track and got behind the wheel while his helper pushed. He steered the car safely out of the tracks. Just then the train whizzed past.

Thanks for Helping

After the risk over my senses returned and  jumped clear out of the level crossing. There were simply no words to express his gratitude to the truck driver and his helper. They were a godsend. I clutched their hands warmly. His expression said it all. It was a narrow escape

–: Write Original Story Entitled: “A Narrow Escape” (300-350 Words) Composition :–

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Model Compositions for Primary School Students

  • Primary School Composition Writing

Model Compositions for Primary School Students

Examples of Model Compositions from Primary School Students in Singapore

Model Compositions Writing

Here’s a collection of Model Compositions (aka compos) written by Primary School students in Singapore. 

These compos are written by our students.  They are based on the latest school syllabus.  These students learnt how to write from the P5/P6 Creative Writing Master Class online course.  Some also learn in our live, physical classes.

These compositions are categorised by common examination topics .  The mistakes in these compos have been corrected.  They have also been edited for easier reading.  

Do bookmark this page and check back every now and then for updates about model compos!

Before you carry on reading, you might want to download our FREE ebook of the Top 10 Model Compositions written by our students.  You will be awestruck by their compo writing skills!

a narrow escape from an accident essay

  • Common Test / Exam Compo Topics
  • Strong Intros
  • Descriptive Scenes
  • Impactful Endings
  • Powerful Vocabulary

Example Model Compositions

For an example of composition writing –  your child will be given a topic and 3 pictures to choose from.  The minimum word requirement for P5/P6 is 150 words. Whereas for P3/P4, the minimum words requirement is 120 words.  It is advisable however to write more than just the minimum word requirements as a lack of content usually results in lower composition scores.  For P5/6 we advise writing about 300 words.  For P3/P4, we’d advise writing about 200-250 words for your compo.

If you need an idea of how a model composition should look, below are some English composition examples for common topics written over the years by some of our students.  

* Click or tap on the links in blue to view the compos *

Overcoming Fear

Isabelle ong, p6 – overcoming fear.

Naomi Rai, P6 – Overcoming Fear

Natalie Chua, P6- Overcoming Fear

Charmaine Khoo, P6 – Overcoming Fear

Braedon, P6 – Overcoming Fear

Caius Chin, P4 – Overcoming Fear

Ajay, P6 – Overcoming Fear

Krishna, P6 – Overcoming Fear

Challenges / Competition

Michela, P4 – The Day I Won a Competition

Naomi Rai, P6 – A Challenge

Megan Ng, P6 – A Challenge

Irfan, P5 – A Challenge

Bravery / Courage / A Courageous Act

Jasmine, P6 – A Brave Act

Lim You Heng, P6 – A Heroic Act

Rachel Lee, P5 – A Courageous Act

Unforgettable / Memorable Incidents /  A Memorable Learning Journey

Braedon, P6 – An Unforgettable Incident

Melissa Liew, P6 – First Day in School

Dyan Loo, P4 – A Memorable Learning Journey

Acts of Kindness / Graciousness

Ying Xuan, P5 – Charity

Natalie Chua, P6 – Charity

Megan Ng, P6 – Helping Someone Out

Haziq, P6 – Being Kind

Being Disrespectful

Tricia Lim, P6 – Being Disrespectful

Ying Xuan, P6 – Being Disrespectful

Louris, P6 – Being Disrespectful

Myra, P6 – Being Disrespectful

An Unexpected Incident

Ying Xuan, P5 – An Unexpected Incident

Celeste Ong, P5 – An Unexpected Incident

Darren Tan, P6- An Unexpected Incident

Trying Something New / Learning a New Skill

Benjamin Ng, P5 – Trying Something New

Natalie Chua, P6 – Trying Something New

Toby Toh, P6 – Trying Something New

Darren Tan, P6 –  Teamwork

Marcus Chan, P6 –  Teamwork

Marcus Low, P6 –  Teamwork

A Touching Moment

Eugene Seah, P6 – A Touching Moment

Darius Lye, P6 – A Touching Moment

Venus Ho, P6 – A Touching Moment

Choo Kaeci, P6 – A Touching Moment

Hannie Lim, P5 – A Touching Moment

Dillon Lim, P6 – A Dilemma

Brian Chua, P6 – Pride

A Bad Idea / Bad Decision

Joanne Zhu, P6 – A Bad Decision

Teo Gi Min, P6 – A Bad Idea

Jolene Tan, P6 – A Bad Idea

A Foolish Act / Being Careless

Fuiji Aimi, P6 – A Foolish Act

Yan Lin, P6 – A Foolish Act

Amanda Tan, P6 – A Careless Mistake

Making a New Friend / Friendship / An Unexpected Friendship

Isabelle Tan, P6 – Making a New Friend

Adabelle, P6 – Making a New Friend

Bharat, P6 – An Unexpected Friendship

A Close Shave / A Narrow Escape

Stephanie Lee, P6 – A Close Shave

Peng Ruijia, P6 – A Close Shave

Claudia Poh, P6 – A Close Shave

Being a Leader

Gervin Tan, P5 – Being a Leader

A Dream Come True

Janelle Lee, P6 – A Dream Come True

We hope you found these example compos useful.

“How Can My Child Write a Model Composition?”

 A composition can qualify as a model example if it meets the following requirements:

Good Control of Grammar

Firstly, writing with good grammar rules is a MUST.  Good grammar is the first and most obvious requirement to even be considered for a model composition.

Your child must get his basic grammar rules correct. The three most important rules are – Subject-Verb Agreement, Tenses, and Word Formation. (There are a lot more rules, but being able to focus on the 3 aforementioned rules should be adequate.)

The examiner will also assess if your child is able to join sentences together. Also, your child should know how to use punctuation appropriately .

Expand Your Vocabulary and Use it Effectively

Model Compositions for Primary School (3, 4, 5, 6)

Also, poor vocab will also result in stale, repetitive writing. This will bore readers and reflect badly on your child’s writing proficiency. A writer who knows how to wield the power of words can transform a mundane topic into one that captures the reader’s imagination.

Get Organised & Combine Your Ideas to Write a Great Story

Being organised is essential to qualify as a model composition. Your child must be able to write the story in a proper sequence. There should be no loopholes, and descriptions should not be jumbled up.  Paragraphing plays an important role in organising a story.  But the secret to being organised is simply – planning.  ( An activity that the average writer neglects to perform.)

Explore Your Creativity

Finally, to achieve an exemplary composition status in a class full of high-level writers, your child must display creativity.

Being creative means your child must be able to come up with a plot that is not only unique, but also related to the topic.  

Your child must be to draw unique references from the pictures given in order to write a creative compo. (Yes, there are lots of strategies to do so and they are covered in our flagship online courses – The Little Writers Master Class (for P3/P4) and the Creative Writing Master Class (for P5/P6) .)

In a class where everyone has good grammar and good vocab, a compo with a unique story line will win hands down.

Furthermore, no examiner likes reading the same old plots again and again!

Hopefully, the tips above will help you in writing a PSLE model composition as well 🙂

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Hang on… You might find this useful as well!

Get your child this best-selling ebook of Top Model Compositions with Detailed Analyses  

In this ebook, our Writing Samurai teachers have provided detailed analyses and  explanations of the writing techniques used. 

Hence, your child can learn the writing secrets that our students employ to get a huge boost in their marks! Common compo topics included.

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A Narrow Escape

Filed Under: Essays Tagged With: car

A narrow escape is something that almost everyone can relate to. Not only have I had luck on my side so did my dad and the other person in the other car. Getting into a car accident is very serious and can be very severe in some cases. Luckily, everyone that was involved in this one turned out to be alright physically but mentally I am still scarred for life.

March 18, 2003 I just turned eight years old. I woke up in the morning so excited because who isn’t when you’re a little kid just waiting to open the presents your parents and siblings got you. I got everything I wanted of course because all I ever wanted was baby dolls. After opening up all of my presents I got ready to go to school. Going to school everything was exciting. My teacher threw me a surprise birthday party she must have remembered me telling her that it was my birthday on that day. I just could not wait to get back to my house because all of my friends were coming over.

When my friends and I got to my house there was a princess theme decorated all around my house of course, because I am the princess. We had a great time playing all kinds of games, eating a bunch of food, hitting the piñata, and just overall having a good time. Then finally when it started to get late everyone went home and I got ready for my dance class that I had that night. Dance controlled my life when I was little it took up so much of my time every day it wasn’t even fun anymore. I got a shower packed everything I needed and was off to dance for seven to nine. I attended Gigi’s dance study in New Castle, Pa from when I was three till I was nine when her business got shut down then I went and joined another company called Jennifer Lee’s Dance Gallery. Regardless, at dance more of my friends were there and we were having a good time learning our new dance for competition. After an hour and half of practicing everyone finally got the routine down and we were ready for one last run through.

The Essay on Slave Dance Time In American History

The Slave Dancer, by Paula Fox, reflects on an extremely trying time in American history where blacks were slaves and some children could not get away from their obligations. The novel begins in 1840; 13-year-old Jessie Bollier plays his fife on the docks of New Orleans to earn pennies for his mother. One day, Jessie is kidnapped and begins the most dreadful adventure of his young life. He finds ...

During the last run through of the dance when I had to do two leaps and a frontal Russian I ended up falling on my ankle wrong and sprained it. I was crying because I felt so bad that I had let my squad down and because I was eight it hurt badly. I started to blame it on Gigi because we continuously practiced for two hours straight; someone is bound to get hurt at some point in time. After all of that I was getting ready for my dad to come pick me up like he did every night and Gigi came up to me apologizing for working me so hard but I felt bad that I blamed it on her and said it was fine it was my own fault for not landing right.

Finally, my dad was there carried me out to the car because my ankle was all swollen. He said that he was going to make me a doctor’s appointment for the morning. I got into the backseat buckled my seatbelt and we headed out of the parking lot. I’d say we got about 30 yards out of the parking lot and the person coming down the hill did not stop at the stop sign and came head first into my dad and I hitting us straight at the side we were on. We got rammed into the railing half tipped over the huge hill almost about to go into the lake. I started to ball my eyes out I was so terrified I didn’t know what to do.

My dad told me to stay in the car and someone called the ambulance and the police. My dad went to check on the other person to make sure they were ok trying to keep his cool from not yelling at someone. The person ended up missing the stop sign because he was texting and it almost cost me and my dad our lives. The cops and ambulance finally got there checking to see if everyone was ok and my mom kept calling my dad to see where we were because thirty minutes have gone by already and we still were not home when I only live about six minutes from my dance studio. My dad ended up getting bruised ribs but I was fine. We ended up getting home and my whole family was waiting in our dining room grandparents and all waiting to sing for my birthday and my dad had to come in and tell them what happened and my grandma tried to blame it on my dad saying he should have paid more attention but that was not the case at all. So, I started to get upset that she was trying to blame my dad for doing nothing but trying to get me home for my birthday.

The Essay on What “home” Means

Everyone always has to have a place to be born, a place to grow up and a place to become yourself. It’s true that emotional aspects influence profoundly upon how one visualizes home. However, physical aspects are the house of home. Without land, a physical place, the picture about home in one’s soul will not come out easily. In fact, many people who are capable of building thousand houses ...

That turned out to be the best worst birthday I have ever had. That being my narrow escape I am blessed that no one especially my dad or me got severely injured. Everyone can get in car accidents just make sure you have your seatbelt on and that you’re not texting and driving because you or the person you hit can get hurt.

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a narrow escape from an accident essay


How I Narrowly Escaped from getting Crushed under a Truck (accident) | Essay

Last month I had to travel by a tonga. It was a fine morning and a very cool breeze was blowing. Some of my friends pro­posed that we should go out on a picnic.

The season was so good that none of us could refuse and having purchased some eatables, we drove in a tonga to Okhla. On our way back, it had become quite late in the evening when it began to drizzle and as a result there the road became slippery.

When our tonga was negotiating a corner, all of a sudden a motor truck appeared from the op­posite direction. All of us were horrified as the horse reared backwards. The driver of the tonga tried to control his horse and get aside but the animal could not control his movements.

The truck-driver also realised the danger and applied the brakes. But before anything could happen, the truck had dashed against the tonga and the horse fell down dead. We were thrown upside- down and along with the driver, we lay on the road.

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The tonga-driver was badly wounded and he lay in a pool of blood. All the four companions were thrown about. I was gripped by a powerful feeling of fright, for a few minutes. I do not know how long I lay almost unconscious. I did not have the courage to because I was afraid of becoming conscious of the injuries and fractures.

I was so horrified that I could not even cry out. I saw my other friends lay wounded before my eyes. I heard them groaning aloud and their cries moved my heart. But I was so stuttered that I could not dare to move my limbs.

Very soon a crowd of people gathered there and it was decided to move all of us to the hospital. One by one my friends were carried away. Now it was my turn. I lay completely ‘still’ and I was afraid that I must have broken some part of my body.

But the people approached me, lifted me and told me that I was completely unhurt. I could not believe their words. They tried to move my hands and feet and I did not feel any pain. Now I was convinced that 1 was safe. But still I was so much over-powered by the feeling of fright that I could not do anything.

But it was not very late when I got over this feeling and along with certain members of the crowd, I went to the hospital where my friends had already been taken.

As I was going to the hospital I realised that the rash truck- driver must be brought to book and, therefore, 1 decided to go to the nearest Police Station and report about the incident. I thought that God has given me this narrow escape only for this purpose.

So I went to the Police Station and brought the police. The truck and truck-driver were taken into custody and brought to the Police Station. I now went to the hospital and after attending to the injuries of my friends, I went to their homes and informed their near and dear ones.

Gradually they recovered to normal health and my heart was full of thankfulness to God who had given me this narrow escape so that I could help my friends in time of distress.

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Essay on Accident in Truck

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A NARROW ESCAPE in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use A Narrow Escape

sentence with A Narrow Escape

Have you ever had a narrow escape from a dangerous situation? A narrow escape refers to a situation where someone barely avoids a serious or unfortunate outcome by a very small margin.

Table of Contents

7 Examples Of A Narrow Escape Used In a Sentence For Kids

14 sentences with a narrow escape examples, how to use a narrow escape in sentences.

To use A Narrow Escape in a sentence, start by identifying a situation where someone barely avoids a dangerous or difficult situation. For example: “She had a narrow escape when her parachute almost didn’t open during skydiving.” Additionally, you can modify the phrase by describing the situation further, such as: “The hikers had a narrow escape from the approaching storm by finding shelter just in time.”

Remember that A Narrow Escape is often used to convey a sense of relief and luck in avoiding a potential disaster. It can be used in both serious situations, like escaping a car accident, or more lighthearted situations, like narrowly missing a deadline.

When incorporating A Narrow Escape into your writing or conversation, consider the context and tone of the situation. Use it when you want to emphasize the closeness of the situation, and the sense of relief that comes with evading a negative outcome.

In summary, A Narrow Escape is a versatile phrase that can be adapted to different scenarios where someone narrowly avoids a dangerous or challenging situation. Practice using it in various contexts to become comfortable incorporating it into your vocabulary.

The scenarios depicted in sentences with a narrow escape underscore the fragility of human existence and the resilience shown in times of crisis. They offer a glimpse into the split-second decisions and lifesaving actions that can make all the difference in life-threatening situations. Ultimately, these examples emphasize the value of being attentive, resourceful, and decisive when confronted with perilous circumstances.

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A Narrow Escape

A meek-looking man, with one eye and a timid, shuffling gait, entered a Houston saloon while no one was in except the bartender, and said:

“Excuse me, sir, but would you permit me to step behind the bar for just a moment? You can keep your eye on me. There is something there I wanted to look at.”

The bartender was not busy, and humored him through curiosity.

The meek-looking man stepped around and toward the shelf back of the bar.

“Would you kindly remove that wine bottle and those glasses for a moment?”

The bartender did so, and disclosed a little plowed streak on the shelf and a small hole bored for quite a distance into the wall.

“Thanks, that’s all,” said the meek man, as he went around to the front again.

He leaned thoughtfully on the bar and said: “I shot that hole in there just nine years ago. I came in feeling pretty thirsty and had no money. The bartender refused me a drink and I commenced firing. That ball went through his ear and five bottles of champagne before it stopped. I then yelled quite loudly, and two men broke their arms trying to get out the door, and the bartender trembled so when he mixed a drink for me you would have thought he was putting up a milk shake for a girl who wanted to catch a street car.”

“Yes?” said the bartender.

“Yes, sir, I am feeling a little out of sorts today, and it always makes me real cross and impatient when I get that way. A little gin and bitters always helps me. It was six times, I think, that I fired, the time I was telling you about. Straight whisky would do if the gin is out.”

“If I had any fly paper,” said the bartender, sweetly, “I would stick you on it and set you in the back window; but I am out, consequently, I shall have to adopt harsher measures. I shall tie a knot in this towel, and then count ten, and walk around the end of the bar. That will give you time to do your shooting, and I’ll see that you let out that same old yell that you spoke of.”

“Wait a moment,” said the meek man. “Come to think of it, my doctor ordered me not to drink anything for six weeks. But you had a narrow escape all the same. I think I shall go down to the next drug store and fall in a fit on the sidewalk. That’s good for some peppermint and aromatic spirits of ammonia, anyhow.”

English for CXC

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A Narrow Escape (Involving Danger and Violence)

a narrow escape from an accident essay

When writing short stories for CXC, remember to stay within the stipulated word limit of 450 to 500 words. If you go too much over, or fall too much under, you risk losing marks. Aside from that, writing too many words might take up too much time and make it difficult for you to complete all the questions on the paper in time.

Here is a tip for keeping track of the word count while writing. After writing the first paragraph, count the number of words in the second line. When you reach the end of the first page, count the number of lines on the page and multiply it by the number of words in the second line. This will give you an idea of the total number of words on one page and give you a good average of how many more words you need to write.

Sentence Length.

An average sentence length of 14 words is recommended for good narrative writing. In a short story, the occasional use of short sentences creates a dramatic effect. Example:

The door opened. My heart beat louder. I turned around.

Here is a great short story that uses the average sentence length of 14 words while tempering it with short, dramatic sentences. However, the story goes over the word limit required for CXC. Try rewriting it and condensing it too 500 words. What details would you eliminate to make the story shorter?

A Narrow Escape

It was a warm Sunday evening when I was walking to the house of my friend, Bri. As I strolled along the beautiful bitumen paved road, a thousand thoughts flew through my mind…thoughts of this lovely young woman Bri with a not so perfect life. Soon, I turned the corner, opened the gate, and walked into her yard.

As I entered the yard, Bri’s dog, Chubby, ran to me wagging its tail. I stooped down to pet it, but strangely, I saw sadness in its brown eyes. Then, I walked to the door and called for Bri, but there was no answer. This seemed unusual to me. Only ten minutes ago I had spoken to her, and she told me that she would be waiting for me at the front porch. I called again, but still no answer.

I started to become a bit agitated. I walked to the side of the house and tried to peer through the windows, but the thick curtains blocked my view. I walked all the way to the back and came back to the front. For some reason, the atmosphere started to feel gloomy. My heart started to beat faster. My sixth sense told me something wasn’t right.

I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.The response was almost immediate “911…what’s your emergency!”

“My friend is in trouble!” I exclaimed.

“What kind of trouble ma’am?”

For a few seconds, my mind went blank. I didn’t know how to answer. Then I regained my composure. I shouted, “Someone is in trouble! Just come over right now! 145 Blueberry Drive, Georgetown, Guyana ! Right opposite the ice cream shop.”

“What kind of trouble ma’am?” the officer asked again.

At that point, my frustration had reached a boiling point. “Useless police!” I shouted as I hang up the phone. I looked around me. My eyes caught a heavy log on the ground. Just then I heard a scraping sound coming from the house. Then I heard something tumbling. Then I heard a muffled voice…as though someone were trying to scream.

I grabbed the log. It must have been about one hundred pounds in weight. I didn’t know where the strength came from, but I lifted the log and clutched it to my right side like a human crane. With superhuman force, I drove it into the door. The door rattled, creaked, and groaned under the extreme pressure I had just exerted on it. Then slowly, the hinges loosened and it fell forward, hitting the ground with a dramatic “bang!”

Like half-human, half robot, I stormed into the house. As I ran up the stairs, I heard noises of a struggle. The noises were coming from the bedroom. I ran straight to the door. It was locked. I held on the lock. I pushed and pulled with all my might, but it did not open. I started to kick at the door which banged with a loud noise as it tore from its hinges and fell to the side. Then, I came face to face with the most terrifying sight I had ever seen.

Bri was bound hand and foot unto a chair, her mouth gagged with a cloth. Her eyes were filled with horror and so was mine. Next to her stood her husband brandishing a long knife in his hand, a frightful image in itself. But what was more frightful was the expression of death in his contorted face, his eyes red with anger.

At that point, my mind reeled back to ten years ago, to the wedding at the church.This is the man who had promised to love Bri…to have and to hold, to protect and to care for, till death do them part . He stared at me. I could tell that she wasn’t expecting to see me there. He looked shocked and amazed.

Breaking myself free from the momentary trance, I ran to him and grabbed his hands trying to wrestle the knife from him. But he was so much stronger than I was. He quickly braced me to the wall. Slowly, and with brutal force, he turned the knife towards me as I summoned every ounce of my strength to save my life. A dreadful struggle ensued, but I was loosing the battle. I was at the end of my strength. My life flashed before my eyes. I thought that this was my end. I was about to let go and let what had to happen, happen when I heard the sound of boots stamping up the stairs. I felt a renewed surge of strength flow through my body. I braced my adversary with one final push. Then I heard that comforting, heroic shout, “Police!” There a loud bang. Blood splattered on my face. The knife clanged on the ground. I stared in horror as Jim reeled slowly backward and fell to the floor. My blood froze. My hands were shaking. I stared in horror at everything around me. That was a narrow escape.

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Road Accident Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on road accident.

Essay on Road Accident: Road accidents have become very common nowadays. As more and people are buying automobiles, the incidences of road accidents are just increasing day by day. Furthermore, people have also become more careless now. Not many people follow the traffic rules. Especially in big cities, there are various modes of transports. Moreover, the roads are becoming narrower and the cities have become more populated.

Essay on Road Accident

Thus, road accidents are bound to happen. You pick up a newspaper and you will find at least one or two news about road accidents daily. They cause loss of life as well as material. People need to be more careful when on the road, no matter which mode of transport you are from. Even the ones on foot are not safe because of the rise in these incidences. Every day people witness accidents in the news, from relatives and even with their own eyes.

Road Accident Incident

Once I was on my way back home from festive shopping when I witnessed a road accident. I was with my sister and it was around 6 o’ clock in the evening. In the middle of the road, we saw a crowd surrounding something. We weren’t quite sure what was happening as the first thought that came to our mind was that it was probably a quarrel between two men. However, when we reached the spot, we found out an accident had taken place.

a narrow escape from an accident essay

Subsequently, the police arrived as the people had caught the driver and were beating him up. After the police came, they caught hold of the driver and asked about the incident. Later, we came to know that the driver was drunk. The police detained him and went to the hospital for a statement. Fortunately, the driver was declared out of danger. The doctors dressed his wounds and informed that he was still in shock.

That incident made me realize how precious our lives are. In addition, as to how we take it for granted. We must all be very careful when on road, on foot or by a car that does not matter. We can adopt measures that will prevent road accidents.

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Road Accident Prevention

We need to prevent road accidents to decrease the death rate. Every year thousands of people lose their lives to road accidents. Children must be taught from an early age about traffic rules. They must be taught the value of life and how they can safeguard it.

Moreover, the government must pass more stringent laws for people who disobey traffic rules. They must fine people heavily or take strict action when found guilty of breaking these laws irrespective of gender.

Similarly, parents must set an example for the younger ones by not using phones while driving. Also, they must always wear their helmets and seatbelts to avoid the chances of an accident.

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    I stopped in the middle of the road and covered my ear. I opened my eyes and I saw a blue van coming in my direction. I just thought that my life will be ended anytime by now. A few moments later, I didn't feel anything. Slowly I opened my eyes and saw a blue van just right in front of me. It really was a narrow escape.

  13. Free Essay: A Narrow Escape: Essay

    I had to think fast. I was running out of breath and started to make air bubbles. I then started to swallow water and then I felt him came off and I race for the surface. I came out and took a huge breath. I screamed and cried as I came out of the water. It was a narrow escape. Only God could have saved me.

  14. A NARROW ESCAPE in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use A Narrow Escape

    14 Sentences with A Narrow Escape Examples. A narrow escape from failing the exam was possible when the professor decided to curve the grades.; After pulling an all-nighter to complete the project, the student had a narrow escape from missing the submission deadline by a few minutes.; A narrow escape from a serious injury was experienced by the college student when a bookshelf fell in the ...

  15. Short Fiction

    A Narrow Escape. A meek-looking man, with one eye and a timid, shuffling gait, entered a Houston saloon while no one was in except the bartender, and said: "Excuse me, sir, but would you permit me to step behind the bar for just a moment? You can keep your eye on me. There is something there I wanted to look at.".

  16. A Narrow Escape by Errika Bezerra

    The following short story, entitled "A Narrow Escape" was submitted by 14 year old Errika Bezerra, a Grade 9 Student of CXC English at St. Ignatius Secondary School in Rupununi, Guyana, South America. Have fun reading and enjoy! I was born at the Georgetown Public Hospital Cooperation. I grew up at lot 14 Sachi Bazar Street, Parshad Nagar.

  17. A Narrow Escape (Involving Danger and Violence)

    A Narrow Escape. It was a warm Sunday evening when I was walking to the house of my friend, Bri. As I strolled along the beautiful bitumen paved road, a thousand thoughts flew through my mind…thoughts of this lovely young woman Bri with a not so perfect life. Soon, I turned the corner, opened the gate, and walked into her yard.

  18. BBC Learning English

    The speeding car nearly hit him! What a narrow escape! 那辆超速的汽车差点撞到他。. 真是死里逃生!. As soon as I got home it started to rain outside - it was a narrow escape ...


    SAMPLE ESSAY ON WRITING ABOUT ACCIDENTS (edited) (1).docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Last Saturday, while traveling from Johor, the narrator witnessed a grim accident on the highway that brought back memories of a tragic accident in their youth. As a teenage boy waiting for the bus with his best friends Ashraff and ...

  20. write an essay of narrative on A narrow escape. word limit 300 to 400

    Answer: A narrow escape is a narrative essay that recounts a personal experience of narrowly avoiding a dangerous or life-threatening event. It typically includes an introduction, a detailed account of the events, and a conclusion that reflects on the experience. In this essay, the writer shares their narrow escape from a car accident, highlighting the importance of cherishing life and valuing ...

  21. Road Accident Essay for Students and Children

    A man was crossing the road when a truck hit him leaving him severely injured. The man was lying on the ground bleeding profusely and people were calling for an ambulance. We instantly called up the ambulance but time was running out. Therefore, an auto driver took the man in his auto and rushed to the hospital.


    A NARROW ESCAPE definition: 1. a situation in which you avoid danger although you very nearly do not: 2. a situation in which…. Learn more.

  23. Tesla Dashcam: Today's Accident, A Narrow Escape

    Witness a shocking car accident caught on a Tesla dashcam today. #Tesla#TeslaDashcam#CarAccident#NearMiss#DashcamFootage#AccidentToday#CarCrash#DrivingSafety...

  24. Minutes from death: Narrow escape in Victor hospital 4WD crash

    Three Victor Harbor hospital workers have narrowly escaped death or serious injury after a 4WD ploughed through an office wall and into a meeting table they were seated at just minutes earlier ...