Ellin Lolis Consulting

2024-2025 Stanford MBA Essay Tips and Example Essays

Jun 24, 2024

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  • Who is Stanford GSB looking for?
  • How should I answer the Stanford essay questions?
  • Essay Length
  • Make sure you get into Stanford GSB

UPDATE : This article was originally posted on August 20, 2018. It has been updated with new information and tips below. 

With a mission to “ to create ideas that deepen and advance our understanding of management and with those ideas to develop innovative, principled, and insightful leaders who change the world ,” Stanford Graduate School of Business is at the top of many applicants’ list of dream schools.  

However, with increasing competition over the small number of spots at this haven for innovative thinkers, securing a place at Stanford is more challenging than ever. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Stanford GSB admissions essays to stand out . We’ve rounded up our best tips and links to Stanford MBA sample essays to ensure you give your Stanford application your best shot. 

1. Who is Stanford GSB looking for?

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“At Stanford, we strive to ensure that a diversity of cultures, races and ethnicities, genders, political and religious beliefs, physical and learning differences, sexual orientations and identities is thriving on campus. Such diversity will inspire new angles of inquiry, new modes of analysis, new discoveries and new solutions … Our diversity ensures our strength as an intellectual community. In today’s world, diversity represents the key to excellence and achievement.” – Persis Drell, Provost, Stanford University

Every year, Stanford GSB’s admissions team selects around 400 students from over 6,000 applications for the honor of joining their prestigious MBA program. Though what “fits” at Stanford is constantly evolving, they do tend to admit slightly younger applicants (with an average of 5.0 years of work experience). Stanford also works hard to admit a highly diverse group of students. 

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Applicants offered admission also tend to have outstanding GMAT scores (the average for the Class of 2025 was 738) or exceptional GRE scores (the average for the Class of 2025 was 164Q and 164V) .  

Nonetheless, that does not mean that Stanford looks simply for good test-takers. Instead, they want a talented, principled group of leaders who will use business to positively impact the world. 

According to Stanford’s Admissions team: 

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If this sounds like a community in which you’d be right at home, you’ll first have to prove you’ve got what it takes by successfully answering Stanford’s open-ended admissions essay questions. 

2. How should I answer the Stanford essay questions?

Writing any admissions essay is a tough task , however, Stanford raises the bar when it comes to presenting a highly challenging yet open-ended prompt. 

According to Stanford, here’s what they want to see in your admissions essays. 

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Keep reading for a more in-depth look at how to turn this rather open-ended task into a standout essay! 

2.1. Essay A

Essay a: what matters most to you, and why.

For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. Once you’ve identified what matters most to you, help us understand why. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you? What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives?

Like most excellent admissions essays, this essay begins with in-depth brainstorming. 

Questions like “What matters most to you” are not questions we commonly ask ourselves on a daily basis, so the answer might not be readily apparent to you. 

During this brainstorming period, you should focus on retroactively connecting the dots and thinking about the future. What moments in your life did you feel most engaged or fulfilled? Have you overcome any challenges that marked your identity? What are your values ?

Regardless of which topic you choose, make sure it is genuine and that you can point to specific moments in your life during which you have acted on this value. This is not a purely philosophical essay in which you examine a core value. Instead, it is a picture of your motivations, intentions, and lessons as you have navigated your life’s many ups and downs. As I always tell clients, if you argue that what matters most to you is sustainability but you can’t provide a single example of acting to make your company or community more sustainable, perhaps you should go back to the drawing board or consider how to tweak your examples to tell a clearer, more compelling story.

If you’re having trouble getting started, or aren’t sure you’ve really identified the right path forward, family members and close friends can be an excellent resource to help you zero in on the best topic.

After you choose your theme, you must go about supporting it . This does not mean you should simply copy/paste examples from other essays. This simply won’t work for Stanford. 

Instead, carefully consider times when you clearly acted upon the core value you’ve presented. For example, if you state that being an independent thinker is what matters most, describe a time in your life when you went against the grain — and it paid off. 

In writing your examples, be sure not to lose your theme, as this essay must be a coherent exploration of how your life has centered around what matters most to you. 

TOP TIP : Striking upon a core value that GSB has never heard of before is almost impossible. The admissions committee has read thousands upon thousands of essays. Instead of standing out by choosing a unique (but perhaps under-supported) theme, choose the theme that genuinely demonstrates what you’re all about .

Lastly, be sure to make sure the essay includes you and your personality . The key to this is what we call voice . To help you demonstrate your voice, we suggest you keep the following tips in mind:

  • While writing, imagine you were explaining what matters most to you to a good friend or family member. How would you explain it to them? Which words would you use?
  • Explain the feelings and emotions you experienced during the events you are describing.
  • Think about the tone you want to write in and how it reflects how you feel or felt about the experience you describe.
  • Use sensory descriptors like how specific environments, events, people, or objects looked, smelled, tasted, felt, or sounded.
  • It’s okay to use informal language (e.g. contractions, slang, exclamations, etc.) in this essay to reinforce your voice! While this is a formal essay, these elements are often a welcome addition.

2.2. Essay B

Essay b: why stanford.

Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. If you are applying to both the MBA and MSx programs, use Essay B to address your interest in both programs.

This question is essentially a goals essay , a common type of essay required of applicants at many elite business schools. 

In this essay, you have a big task. In around 350 words, you need to discuss:

  • Any context from your past experience that helps underline your motivation for your goals
  • Your specific-post MBA goals
  • Why you believe an MBA is necessary to reach these goals
  • How a Stanford MBA will help you reach these goals

Each of these elements must be included and must build off of each other.

We suggest beginning your essay with a hook or experience from your past that demonstrates your motivation or past experience with your target industry. For example, if you are looking to go into developing green technologies, you could write about your country’s current green energy capacity; your first experience with sustainability as a teenager; a past work project focused on applying technology effectively; or your experience with sustainable business practices. As long as the story underlines why you care about your goals, it can work as an effective introduction to your essay.

Second of all, many candidates think they do not need to specifically state their goals, or that it’s better to leave “their options open.” If you are applying to elite business schools, however, you must have and present absolutely clarity about your goals. 

Second, you should clearly demonstrate why you need an MBA . 

An MBA is not a catch-all degree that serves a purpose for all career paths. As such, you need to demonstrate that the goals you have set for yourself require the additional training an MBA can provide. 

Be thoughtful about this particular section. If you don’t need to improve in any meaningful way, you might be presenting the argument the admissions committee needs for why you can’t actually benefit from an MBA. 

Furthermore, if you show fluffy or unsupported reasons you need to hone your skills, you’ll also likely see your application tossed aside in favor of an applicant who was able to clearly demonstrate how they plan to leverage their time at business school. 

Third, show how Stanford can specifically help you grow in the areas you’ve identified. Mentioning that you want to go to Stanford because of its ranking or sunny California location will not cut it here. 

Instead, show that you understand the flexibility of Stanford’s curriculum and have done significant, thoughtful research into how the opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom can help you grow. You should also definitely mention how you can contribute to the community. 

Unlike other goals essays, however, you should also keep the theme you’ve presented in your first essay in mind. If you write a goals essay that is completely at odds with what you’ve shown is most important to you in life in your first essay, this inconsistency will likely end your Stanford application journey. However, it is okay if they are not explicitly related.

Finally, if you are applying for the Stanford MSx program , you are given an additional 50 words to also discuss your interest in this particular program. 

2.3. Optional Essays

In addition to the two main essays, Stanford also has four optional short essays. These essays give you additional space to show off different elements of your profile and highlight areas you might not have been able to include in your What Matters Most and Why Stanford essays. 

2.3.1 Optional Impact Essays

Question: Think about a time in the last few years when you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others?

If you would like to discuss your contributions more fully, this section is the place to do so. Perhaps you would like to expand upon a bullet item from your resume and tell us more about the “how” or “why” behind the “what.” Or maybe you have had an impact in a way that doesn’t fit neatly in another part of the application. You are welcome to share up to three examples (up to 1,200 characters, or approximately 200 words, for each example).

Though these responses are technically optional, we highly suggest using this space to highlight professional or extracurricular achievements that you may not have been able to address in your What Matters Most essay. In particular, try to show a variety of achievements that complement your stories in other parts of your application and work to include stories with clear outcomes. 

2.3.2 Additional Context Essay

Additional Context: We know that each person is more than a list of facts or pre-defined categories. With this question, we provide you with an optional opportunity to elaborate on how your background or life experiences have helped shape your recent actions or choices. (1,200 characters) 

Stanford GSB values applicants who can contribute to its greater community and the educational experience for all. This question tests how prepared, willing, and capable you are to draw on what you’ve experienced thus far in life to contribute to a project, class discussion, or community or interpersonal challenge. For that reason, it’s important to keep in mind that they are not asking you to show a time when you offered input — instead, they want to see when something about your personal or professional background proved to be the key to winning the day. 

For example, one of our clients, Fabrizio, had a brother who had been unemployed for a long period of time, and he personally witnessed how demoralizing the lack of support he received during this period was. Then, when tasked with working on a workforce transition project at his consulting firm, he made sure to design initiatives that took into consideration how layoffs affect real people. In your essay, similarly look for a time when your previous experience or core values inspired you to take action. 

Keep in mind you must limit yourself to 1,200 characters including spaces . 

2.3.3 Additional Information Essay

Additional Information: We are deliberate in the questions we ask. We believe that we get to know you well through all of the elements of your application. Complete this section only if you have critical information you could not convey elsewhere on your application (e.g., extenuating circumstances affecting academic or work performance). This section should not be used as an additional essay. (1,200 characters

Stanford, like most top business schools, gives you space to explain any gaps or weaknesses in your profile. This should not be a place to discuss why Stanford should admit you, who you know from Stanford, or who you know from Stanford. It most certainly should not be a continuation of your Why Stanford essay. 

Furthermore, just because there is no stated word limit does not mean you should write more than is absolutely necessary here. In my opinion, if you’re writing more than 200 words you might want to revisit your essay to ensure every part is needed. 

If you’d like to learn more about what topics justify an optional essay – and how to write these essays – check out our post on the topic here . 

3. Essay Length (Essays A and B)

Your answers for both essays A and B combined may not exceed 1,000 words.

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Each of you has your own story to tell, so please allocate these words between the essays in the way that is most effective for you. In our experience, the recommended 650/350 word length suggestions works very well. 

Looking for Stanford GSB MBA essay examples? Check out our real sample essays that got our clients admitted here .

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4. Make sure you get into Stanford GSB

One of the most common mistakes we see in MBA essays is that candidates fail to tell compelling stories . This is important because if your stories are not compelling, they will not be persuasive. At the same time, they must be backed by strong examples that establish a track record of success and prove to the admissions committees why you belong at their school. 

Striking this balance between content and creativity can be tough, however, as succeeding means not only choosing the right stories but ensuring they are told in an optimal manner. 

This is why our iterative developmental feedback process here at Ellin Lolis Consulting helps you mold your message through the application of our storytelling expertise until it reflects exactly what makes your profile stand out and show fit with your target program. 

That’s the approach we took with Giulia, who was admitted to Stanford. In her words, “I will never forget when I told Ellin I wasn’t applying for my dream school because I was sure I wouldn’t be accepted. She encouraged me to apply, and in the end, I was accepted. 

The team is so well prepared to help the applicants with their specific needs. Above all, I felt I invested in mentoring and coaching, more than just help with the MBA process. Ellin and her team balanced perfectly dreaming with having my feet on the ground!”

Not only can you take advantage of our editing expertise through multiple edits – you can also benefit from it after a single review! If your budget is tight, our editors will be happy to help polish your text as much as possible and leave “bonus comments” so you can keep working on it on your own!

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No matter how long we work with you, we will always ensure your essays shine . Sign up to work with our team of storytelling experts and get accepted.

5. Deadlines

Here are the 2024-2025 deadlines. You can access the online application here .

Stanford Round 1 Deadlines

Application Deadline : September 10, 2024

Interview Notification : Ongoing

Decisions Released : December 5, 2024

Stanford Round 2 Deadlines

Application Deadline : January 8, 2025

Decisions Released : April 3, 2025

Stanford Round 3 Deadlines

Application Deadline : April 8, 2025

Decisions Released : May 29, 2025

Real MBA Essays That Got People In

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  • By Matt Symonds

The Stanford GSB essays continue to present a formidable exercise in self-awareness.

The Stanford GSB application esssays include two required questions and two optional short-answer questions. From these questions, the GSB wants to understand why we do the things we do, why we make certain choices in life, and the opportunities and challenges we face. Take this on as a personal feat, not just a series of MBA essay questions.

Rather than providing a hard word limit for each essay, the school sets a combined limit for both Stanford GSB essays at 1,000 words. They recommend up to 650 words for the iconic “What matters most to you and why” Essay A and up to 350 words for the “Why Stanford GSB?” essay. They say that they often find effective essays written in far fewer words.

By offering not just one but two optional short answer essays, the GSB is inviting you to get more personal in the main essay A, providing another space for you to detail your professional accomplishments and contributions. The second optional question, under Personal Information, invites you to elaborate on how your background or life experiences have helped shape your recent actions or choices

Stanford GSB Essay A

“What matters most to you and why?” (approx. 650 words)

This notorious question has become emblematic of the Stanford GSB essays, and typically ties applicants in knots as they try to come up with an answer that they hope is clever, striking or profound. The school is looking not just for extremely bright and successful individuals, but also people who have strong values and want to have a positive impact in the world. Taking the time to really think about this question provides invaluable insight into your life purpose and values. The “true you” that emerges from this introspection helps the GSB to evaluate your fit and and potential contribution to the class, which helps them select students forming a diverse and dynamic community.

Stanford suggests aiming to write 650 words/ Maybe you feel that you can answer the first part of the question in one word, with things like love, family or chocolate. But the heart of the question, the part that reveals your life’s calling and uniquely personal journey to get there, requires deeper introspection. Why does that one thing matter more than any other?

If you’re staring in terror at the blank page, Fortuna’s Tatiana Nemo , a Stanford GSB alumna and former MBA admissions interviewer, advises: “Invest some effort in building a timeline of the influences, instances and moments that have shaped you. Dig deep, connecting the dots between what has shaped you and who you’ve become. Devote essay A to talk about the past and present; talk about the future in essay B. Both essays need to be coherent and connected, so they could read as a single story.”

To best tackle the structure of this Stanford GSB essay question, start with identifying a person, event or experience that greatly impacted you, and think about the morals, values and lessons you gained from this experience or interaction. How do you use these lessons today, and how do they impact your drive, your motivation, and your vision of the world? The best Stanford GSB essays that worked in the past delivered a narrative that’s both personal and courageous in answering this question. (Fortuna coaches have sample Stanford GSB essays that have proven effective in the past.)

Even though you might have to spend hours on this essay brainstorming, researching, talking with others, writing a draft, and then another (and then another), just remember that it’s all inside you. It’s your story, and you just have to find it and pull it out.

Kirsten Moss, Stanford GSB’s former assistant dean of MBA admissions & financial aid, explained to Fortuna’s Matt Symonds why the GSB has stuck with this question for so long: “One of the things that has been proven over and over in research is that highly inspirational leaders who get the highest level of performance from their organizations really know what drives them, and they are thinking beyond themselves to the problems they can make change and have an impact on,” Moss told Symonds at a CentreCourt MBA Festival in San Francisco. “Taking the time to understand what matters to you will be your true north as a leader, no matter what school you go to, in the rest of your life… You will be one step ahead of the game in terms of being able to motivate others.”

For more guidance on this question, view my analysis in Forbes .

why stanford essay prompt

Why Stanford GSB Essay B

“Why Stanford? Describe your aspirations and how Stanford and your GSB experience will help you realize them.”   (approx. 350 words)

If the first Stanford GSB essay is about your past and present, the second “ Why Stanford GSB ” essay is about your future. Stanford asks you to explain your decision to pursue graduate education in management and the distinctive opportunities you will pursue at Stanford. If you hope to create one of the best Stanford MBA essay examples , then your school research really needs to shine. What classes, clubs, events or other elements of the program and community will catalyze the impact you are aiming to make in the short, medium and long term? Dig deep and get specific; show Stanford that you’ve done more than just read about the different programs on the GSB website .

This is also where you should lay out career vision, in a highly focused and concise way. Beyond connecting the dots for your interviewer, you also really need to be specific to you. Fortuna’s Heidi Hillis , Stanford GSB alum and former alumni interviewer, advises her clients: “Look at every sentence and make sure no one else could have said it. Why do you need to be a better leader? In what way? How is the Stanford MBA and its offerings uniquely positioned to help? Consider specific aspects of your career vision when making the case to Stanford. If you have the room, potentially cite what kind of internship or post-MBA job you’re seeking.”

Optional Essay 1

“Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others? You are welcome to share up to three examples.” (200 words for each example)

Introduced for the first time in 2019, this short answer question is a valuable invitation to reveal where you’ve been most impactful. You’ll do well not to consider it optional, and respond with with both substance and specificity. Behind this question is Stanford GSB’s belief that past behavior is the best predictor of future potential. It’s very likely your examples will appear in other parts of the application: a bullet on the resume, a story used to support the recommendation — even on the application itself, which asks you to talk about your “most significant accomplishment” for each job. The best Stanford GSB essay examples all went  deeper with this question and didn’t repeat something that may be found elsewhere. Your responses should add value to your overall application. They should support the essays and the rest of the application, in highlighting why you find each circumstance to be impactful.

Stanford GSB Optional Essay 2

Tell us about a time within the last three years when your background influenced your participation in a situation, interaction, or project. (200 words)

This is a slight revision of a previously used Stanford GSB optional essau, which posed the question in the context of work or school. This wording invites you to draw upon a wider spectrum of situational examples or experiences. In this question, the GSB seeks to uncover the less visible forces that shape candidates’ lives, opportunities, decisions and achievements. This optional essay is a way for the admissions committee to recognize the challenges – or privileges ­– certain applicants face to get to where they are, even when students themselves may not see them as distinctive or noteworthy. Like the required essays, answering this question in an authentic and compelling way requires both substantial introspection and self-awareness. It’s a recognition that beyond your test scores, college  transcripts, and career achievements, prospective students come from different backgrounds that shape both their decisions and actions in invisible ways. Similar to this Berkeley Haas optional essay , it’s a signal that the GSB wants to support the admissions committee’s decision-making by supplying a full and rich understanding of who each applicant truly is.

This question has always been part of the GSB application but has been elevated from a short-answer field on the form to an optional essay. Think of it as a place to talk about an aspect of your life that hasn’t been addressed anywhere else. The good news is that it can also take a more lighthearted turn, touching on a sport you’re involved in, your side gig in improv comedy, your training as a concert pianist. Be sure to show how this has shaped your presence and impact in the workplace.

When you understand and articulate what matters most to you, along with the forces that shape you, you’re claiming a self-awareness and clarity of purpose that set you up for success not just at business school, but also with relationships and career. Stanford wants to know what matters most to you, and so should you.

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Fortuna Admissions is a dream team of former MBA admissions directors and officers from top business schools, including Wharton. With our unparalleled collective expertise, we can help you develop a clear vision of your goals for business school and beyond. We work closely with you throughout the application process and provide expert guidance at every stage to maximize your chances of admission to a top school.

Our free consultations are consistently rated as the best in the industry. To learn more about Fortuna and get a candid assessment of your chances of admission to Wharton and other top programs, book your consultation session now .

Want more free advice?

View related articles by Fortuna’s expert coaches on Stanford GSB:

  • MBA Admissions Masterclass: How to Get Into Stanford GS B (video)
  • MBA Interview Prep for Stanford GSB + Example Behavioral Questions
  • MBA Letters of Recommendation: Strategy for Stanford GSB & HBS

You can also view one of our top resources , the MBA Admissions Essay Masterclass featuring   Stanford GSB, below.

All MBA Admissions Essay Masterclasses in our series, featuring insider advice from former gatekeepers of the world’s top business schools, are available on Fortuna’s YouTube channel .

Matt Symonds

  • Posted on July 31, 2024

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Personal MBA Coach

Stanford GSB Essay Advice and Application Deadlines: 2024-2025

Stanford GSB Essays and Application Deadlines

Stanford GSB ‘s 2024-2025 MBA application is now live. It appears that this year Stanford lowered the word count for essay B. It is suggested to allocate up to 650 words on Essay A and up to 350 words on Essay B.

Stanford had already shortened the combined word limit a few years ago, a sign that the school encourages applicants to remain focused and concise in their answers. Below, please find Personal MBA Coach’s advice on how to approach the two Stanford GSB essay questions.

The Upcoming Stanford GSB Application Deadlines 2024-2025 Are:

Round 1: September 10, 2024

Round 2: January 8, 2025

Round 3: April 8, 2025

2024-2025 Stanford GSB Essays:

Stanford gsb essay a: what matters most to you, and why  (650 words suggested).

For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. Once you’ve identified what matters most to you, help us understand why. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you? What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives?

This first Stanford MBA essay is arguably one of the hardest MBA application questions across all schools. This challenging question requires candidates to speak from the heart.

As Stanford advises, think more about your values here and WHY you made the choices you have made than WHAT you have done. Personal MBA Coach recommends you do some serious soul searching before starting. Think about what you are most passionate about. What drives you to get out of bed each morning? If you could spend your time as you wish, what would you do? Ideally, you have acted on this passion, and it extends throughout multiple aspects of your life.

Then, think carefully about why this matters to you. Did you have an experience as a child? Are you following a passion held by others in your family?

Finally, once you have established the why, you should include some WHAT here. After all, a passion or cause that you have done nothing with will not be very believable. Remember though, this is only PART of this personal essay.

Man at a Coffee Shop Looks at Stanford Graduate School of Business Application Deadlines

Stanford GSB Essay B: Why Stanford? (350 words suggested)

Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them. If you are applying to both the MBA and MSx programs, use Essay B to address your interest in both programs.

In this short Stanford MBA essay, candidates have a lot to cover. First, you should set up why you want an MBA. Naturally, this would include what your goals are and what skills you need to develop to achieve these goals.

Then, establish how Stanford will help you to fill these skill gaps. Once again, be specific! Name classes, clubs, programs, etc. and how they will help. Finally, be sure to articulate what attracts you to Stanford’s culture. We realize this is a tall order with a suggested word count of only 350 words, so be succinct.

Unlike other schools, Stanford gives the candidate discretion on how to divide the 1000 words across the two essays. The breakdown above is a suggestion and, in general, this is an ideal breakdown for most candidates.

In addition, there is one optional question in the Stanford GSB application.

Stanford Graduate School of Business Campus

Stanford GSB Optional Question: Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others?

In the Essays section of the application, we ask you to tell us about who you are and how you think Stanford will help you achieve your aspirations. We are also interested in learning about the things you have done that are most meaningful to you. If you would like to go beyond your resume to discuss some of your contributions more fully, you are welcome to share up to three examples.  (Up to 1,200 characters, or approximately 200 words, for each example)

For many other top MBA programs, Personal MBA Coach advises clients to answer optional essays only to discuss unique circumstances. Take a look at  our blog  on optional essay questions to learn more.

However, the requirements for addressing one or more of the optional Stanford MBA essays are not quite as stringent. You can use these optional essays to share other aspects of your candidacy not included in your essays.

That said, use these Stanford MBA essays sparingly. Less continues to be more here.

Answer these questions only if you have something very powerful to add that is not already included elsewhere in your Stanford GSB application.

Looking help developing your Stanford GSB essays? Find out how we can help with our comprehensive packages . Plus, for more information on the full-time Stanford MBA program, check out Personal MBA Coach’s Stanford guide .

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How I Got Into Wharton – An Interview with Trevor Higginson

A recent admit to Wharton's MBA program talks about his application, including how to tackle the Wharton essays, the Wharton TBD, the GMAT vs. GRE decision, the letters of recommendation, and more.

Posted August 27, 2024

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Featuring Matt P.

Planning Your MBA Application

Starting friday, september 6.

12:00 AM UTC · 45 minutes

Table of Contents

Introduction: meet trevor.

I’m Trevor Higginson, originally from Salt Lake City, Utah. I studied finance at the University of Utah and started my career in finance at Ernst & Young. After that, I transitioned to investment banking at a Japanese bank called Mizuho and then moved into secondary private equity investing at Lexington. More recently, I joined a tech startup in Salt Lake City called Aumni, which served the VC space by helping monitor investments and manage legal and economic terms. Last year, Aumni was acquired by J.P. Morgan, and I ended up there as a PM before deciding to pursue my MBA at Wharton.

The application process was grueling and intense, but with the massive help of the Leland community, particularly my coach Chas , along with support from friends and family, I was able to get into Wharton after applying to Harvard, Stanford, and Wharton!

See other admit stories:

How I Got Into Chicago Booth Scholars (Deferred MBA) – An Interview With Bruce Erickson

How i got into stanford gsb as a deferred applicant – an interview with dj fernandez.

  • Defining a Narrative of Capability: To Harvard Business School and Beyond

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Why did you choose to pursue an mba and why wharton.

Many people think of an MBA only in terms of its short-term benefits, like switching industries or climbing the ranks in their current field. But I believe the value of an MBA stretches much further, impacting your career over the next 10, 20, or even 30 years. I wanted to transition from working in a startup that got acquired to a big tech company, specifically in product management. I’ve seen what it’s like to work in a startup, and now I want to experience working in a large organization. Ultimately, I also have ambitions to start my own tech company in the future.

When it came to choosing a school, I only applied to Harvard, Stanford, and Wharton. My mindset was that if I didn’t get into one of these three, I’d continue advancing in my career as a product manager without an MBA. I was drawn to Wharton because of its strong academics, robust recruiting opportunities, and vibrant social and extracurricular scene. I appreciated Wharton’s mix of lecture-style classes, team-based learning, and case studies. This blended approach worked well for me as an undergrad and was something I wanted in my MBA experience.

Read: The Wharton School — MBA Program & Application Overview

How did you decide what schools to apply to?

For me, it was about quality over quantity. Having gone through various roles at different companies, from consulting at EY to investment banking and private equity, I had a clearer sense of where I wanted to go. I was already in product management, and I was happy with that path. So, it made sense to only aim for the top three schools that I felt would give me the best brand, network, and future opportunities. I wasn’t desperate for an MBA; it was more about enhancing my path, not defining it.

Read: How to Choose an MBA Program: The Discerning Student's Guide

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Did you take the gmat or gre how did you decide.

I initially considered taking the GMAT right after undergrad, which is pretty common for people with finance backgrounds. However, I was overwhelmed and decided to wait. When I did start the test prep process, I chose the GRE over the GMAT. This decision came down to my strengths. I realized quickly that the GMAT’s focus on integrated reasoning and certain quant sections didn’t play to my strengths, whereas the GRE had a stronger emphasis on verbal skills and vocabulary, which I was more comfortable with.

I highly recommend taking practice tests for both the GMAT and GRE to see which one aligns better with your strengths. There’s no reason to choose the GMAT just because it’s the traditional route for business school. Play to your strengths and pick the test that suits you best.

Read: GMAT vs. GRE for an MBA—Which Should You Take (and How to Ace Both)

How did you tackle the Wharton essays?

First, I spent a lot of time getting to know Wharton because it’s very student-driven, with many clubs and other initiatives led by students. I looked at Wharton’s website to understand the clubs , courses , and other opportunities they offered. I also spoke to alumni and current students to understand the culture and how it aligned with my goals. This research helped me craft essays that were specific to my background and aspirations, showing how Wharton could bridge the gap between where I am and where I want to be.

Read: Wharton MBA Application Essays: Prompts & Expert Tips

How did you navigate the letters of recommendation?

To decide on my recommenders, I worked with my coach and created a short list of people from my last two jobs who I had worked closely with and who understood my abilities. I chose two recommenders from different employers to provide varied perspectives. With the help of my coach, Chas , I prepared a prompt document for my recommenders, outlining key attributes and anecdotes they could highlight. This made the process easier for them and ensured that their letters complemented my application narrative.

Read: MBA Recommender Questions and Criteria for the Top 10 Business Schools and How to Get the Perfect MBA Letter of Recommendation—With Examples

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MBA Recommender Prep Doc

Template and example prep doc to help you guide your recommenders

The Wharton TBD Interview

Wharton’s Team-Based Discussion (TBD) interview is quite different from other MBA interviews. You’re grouped with other applicants to discuss a prompt, and the admissions team observes how you interact. To prepare, I participated in a mock TBD through Leland, which was invaluable. We received detailed feedback on how to handle different roles, like being a timekeeper or ensuring everyone had a chance to speak. Wharton values collaboration, so they want to see you work well in a team, not just dominate the conversation.

Make sure to sign up for Leland to stay in the loop for future mock Wharton TBDs and lots of free events.

Read: Wharton MBA Interview Guide: The Team-Based Discussion (TBD)

Wharton Application: Challenges & Tips

What were the biggest challenges you faced during the application process.

Every part of the process was challenging in its own way. The GRE preparation was grueling, and writing essays that effectively conveyed my story and motivations was tough. Having a coach and a support system made a huge difference. The introspection required to write compelling essays that were true to me and highlighted my unique qualities took a lot of effort and multiple iterations.

What is your top piece of advice for all future MBA applicants, and Wharton applicants more specifically?

The best advice I can give is to start early and give yourself enough time to go deep into the process. Be intentional about why you want an MBA and be prepared to articulate that clearly. A great coach is invaluable—they provide guidance, feedback, and support that can make a real difference.

For Wharton specifically, really understand what makes the program unique. Get to know the culture, the student experience, and how you can contribute. Wharton values a collaborative community, so make sure that comes across in your application.

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An Extraordinary Collection Of MBA Essays From Successful Stanford & Harvard Applicants

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Two of the most challenging questions asked of MBA applicants who aspire to the most highly selective business schools in the world are probably given more thought than a marriage proposal or the purchase of a house.

“What matters most to you and why?” is the intriguing query Stanford Graduate School of Business poses to candidates.

“What more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy?” asks Harvard Business School of its applicants.

The former question must be answered with a 650-word limit, while Harvard imposes no limit on the size or scope of the answer to its essay prompt.


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Now, for the first time ever, they will have a chance to see how successful candidates at both schools, including applicants who won dual admits to Harvard and Stanford, tackled those questions. What Matters? and What More? is a 188-page book filled with 50 different essays shared by successful applicants to those schools. ( You can immediately download the entire book for $60 here instantly .)  Everyone knows that each year a large number of people apply to both schools so among the 50 actual examples are ten “pairs” of essays for HBS and the GSB, showing how the same candidate approached the two schools’ differing essay prompts.

Written by Jeremy Shinewald, founder of mbaMission, and Liza Weale, founder of Gatehouse Admissions, and published in partnership with Poets&Quants , the book promises to be a must-read for all elite MBA applicants, whether they apply to Harvard, Stanford or any other highly selective business school.

More than a collection of the essays, however, the book features thoughtful critiques written by Shinewald and Weale on every aspect of each of the essays that explore what worked and what didn’t. They not only make general statements about each of the essays in the book; they literally tear apart paragraphs, commenting on the strengths and weaknesses of an applicant’s approach and offering savvy advice on how not to make a mistake. The guidance, samples, and critiques in What Matters? and What More? will help applicants determine the best approach for sharing their strongest stories with these programs—and help to swing the formidable odds in their favor for a cherished admit.


As Shinewald notes in What Matters? and What More? , “Many applicants have preconceived notions about how a great HBS essay should read. A candidate could be forgiven for thinking something along the lines of ‘HBS wants to see ferocious, unyielding leaders who achieve the impossible,’ but the idea that most applicants would fit this mold is unrealistic. Reading this guide should prove that point!”

One of his favorite essays is the book is from an applicant to Harvard who uses 1,213 words in his essay, including a rather dramatic start:

Despite all we had been through in recent years, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I asked my mother one summer evening in Singapore, “What role did I play during those tough times?” In 2014, a pulmonologist in Singapore, where my parents live, told my father he had three months to live. The only solution was to undergo a complete double lung transplant in America—a precarious, logistically complex, and financially burdensome procedure. Despite the daunting news, I sprang into action and spent weeks researching options. I channeled my inner Product Manager and delegated aspects of the research and planning to different family members, creating dozens of spreadsheets detailing our to-dos. We then waited patiently for the call.


The essay goes on from there. “In managing a complicated family dynamic,” adds Shinewald, “he realizes the importance of truly paying attention to what someone is saying, and he adroitly hones this skill through challenging community work, which itself equips him to solve personal and professional problems. Throughout, the applicant creates a narrative that is deeply thoughtful and calming. His voice in the essay gives the reader the sense that he is a fundamentally introspective person who draws power from reflection. But do not try to simply replicate his voice in your essay. What is critical is finding your own.”

Or, how about this compelling story written by Helena, a successful candidate to Stanford GSB. The opening is equally dramatic and gripping, too.

Six months into joining JP Morgan, I got a call from my dad close to midnight. The call itself wasn’t unusual—my parents liked to check in on me—but the discussion was. He needed me to keep this conversation between the two of us. He needed money.

“Helena’s story of financially helping her father—and subsequently her entire family—is a moving one,” notes Weale. “Taking on that responsibility as a recent college graduate must have filled Helena with both stress and concern. Yet the story of her father’s plight accounts for only a small portion of the essay, and a meaningful theme emerges: Helena is fueled to grow, learn, and achieve for herself, then apply her growth, learnings, and achievements to help others.”

Just how Helena navigates these themes into an essay of 751 words is something of a work of art. But she clearly pulled it off. The candidate draws from a number of stories and moments from her life to make her point. “As she moves from one time period to another, the consistent element (beyond her theme) is her use of specific details to make each story stand out,” adds Weale. “Yes, we say it time and time again—such precise particulars make your story one that only you can tell; moreover, they enable the reader to better envision your world. She also dots the essay with a few asides that give the reader more insight into who she is, even beyond her core thesis. Throughout, we see a strong, optimistic, and caring leader, one who is willing to contribute however she can to improve the circumstances of those around her.”


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  • Stanford MBA Essay Analysis 2023
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Stanford Graduate School of Business is one of the most prestigious MBA programs in the world, attracting thousands of highly qualified applicants each year. To differentiate themselves from other applicants and stand out in the highly competitive admissions process, applicants are required to submit several essays as part of their application. Applicants painstakingly craft these essays to provide the admissions committee with a deeper understanding of their personality, values, experiences, and goals. In this article, we will explore the importance and analysis of the essays asked as part of Stanford’s MBA admissions process. We will discuss the different essay prompts, what the admissions committee is looking for in each essay, and provide tips on how to write strong and compelling essays that will increase your chances of getting accepted to the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Stanford MBA essay

There are two essay prompts that every applicant has to submit and there are a few optional essays.

Below are the essay topics for the 2022-23 application cycle.

Essay A: What matters most to you, and why?

For this essay, we would like you to reflect deeply and write from the heart. Once you’ve identified what matters most to you, help us understand why. You might consider, for example, what makes this so important to you. What people, insights, or experiences have shaped your perspectives?

Essay B: Why Stanford?

Describe your aspirations and how your Stanford GSB experience will help you realize them.

The combined word limit for both essays is 1050 words; 650 words for essay A and 400 words for essay B.

Let’s take a look at both essays.

Essay A: What matters most to you, and why? (650 words)

Optional essay analysis, reapplicant essay, final thoughts, stanford mba essay analysis and tips.

The essay topic “What matters most to you, and why?” is a classic and open-ended question that Stanford Graduate School of Business has used for many years. It is a deceptively simple question that requires deep introspection and reflection to answer. The essay is designed to give the admissions committee insight into the applicant’s values, beliefs, and character, and how these have shaped their aspirations and goals.

The prompt encourages applicants to explore their passions, values, and beliefs and how they have influenced their lives. The question is broad enough to allow applicants to choose from a wide range of topics, from personal experiences to philosophical and ethical questions to career aspirations. The essay topic is designed to be open-ended, allowing applicants to express themselves in their own voice and style.

The essay requires applicants to think deeply about what matters most to them, and why. This requires self-reflection and introspection, which can be challenging for some applicants. It is important, to be honest and authentic in the essay, and to avoid falling into the trap of pandering, speculating about what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. The essay is an opportunity for applicants to showcase their unique qualities, values, and aspirations, and to demonstrate their fit with Stanford’s culture and values.

The essay prompt requires applicants to go beyond their resume and academic record and delve into their personal values and beliefs. The essay allows applicants to explain why they have made certain choices in their lives, how they have overcome obstacles, and what motivates them. The essay should provide insight into the applicant’s character, and what drives them to achieve their goals.

The essay prompt is unique because it does not require applicants to provide a specific answer or solution. Rather, it encourages applicants to explore their own personal beliefs and values and how they have influenced their lives. This allows applicants to be creative and express themselves in their own unique way. It is important to remember that there is no right or wrong answer to this essay prompt and that the admissions committee is looking for authenticity and self-reflection.

To write a successful essay on this topic, applicants must first identify what matters most. This can be a daunting task, as it requires honest introspection and self-reflection. Applicants must ask themselves what they care about deeply, what motivates them, and what they believe in.

Here is some actionable advice from Abhi Arora, who is a current second-year student at Stanford GSB.

Once applicants have identified what matters most to them, they must explain why it is important. This is where the essay becomes more challenging, as it requires applicants to articulate their values in a clear and compelling way. This is not an opportunity to write a philosophical treatise or a long-winded autobiography. Instead, it is an opportunity to showcase one’s ability to communicate effectively and express complex ideas in a concise and compelling manner.

The best essays on this topic are those that are both personal and universal. They are personal because they draw on the applicant’s own experiences and values. They are universal because they speak to larger truths that are relevant to everyone.

For example, an applicant might write about their commitment to social justice. They might describe how they have volunteered at a local non-profit organization, worked to raise awareness about important issues, or advocated for change in their community. They might then explain why social justice matters so much to them, drawing on personal experiences, family background, or other factors that have shaped their worldview.

At the same time, they might also make a broader argument about the importance of social justice in society. They might explain how inequality and injustice harm everyone, and how working towards a more just and equitable world benefits everyone, not just the disadvantaged.

Another applicant might write about their passion for entrepreneurship. They might describe how they have started their own business, worked with a startup, or developed innovative ideas in their field. They might then explain why entrepreneurship matters so much to them, drawing on personal experiences, career goals, or other factors that have inspired their interest.

At the same time, they might also make a broader argument about the importance of entrepreneurship in society. They might explain how innovation and creativity drive progress and prosperity, and how entrepreneurship can help solve some of the world’s most pressing problems.

Ultimately, the goal of the “What matters most to you, and why?” essay prompt is to help the admissions committee get to know the applicant as a person. It is an opportunity for applicants to showcase their values, personality, and unique perspective on the world. By writing a thoughtful and compelling essay, applicants can stand out from the crowd and demonstrate their potential to be successful students and future leaders. This is an opportunity for you to convey what makes you tick, how you face adversity, and how you make decisions. 

One thing that is crucial in the Stanford application is to be vulnerable. Do not be afraid to talk about your weaknesses or when you failed. As opposed to hiding it under the rug, own up to it and convey how you have grown from the experience. It would serve to show your maturity. It would also reflect the kind of leader you have the potential of being – someone who is not afraid of owning up to her mistakes. This is important as acceptance is the first step in the path to effect change. If a leader remains in denial, it could have devastating consequences for an organization (as we have only too well learned from the experience of Lehman Brothers in the financial crisis of ‘08). 

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The Stanford MBA admissions essay topic “Why Stanford?” is an important question that requires careful thought and reflection. The essay topic is designed to help the admissions committee understand why an applicant is interested in attending the Stanford Graduate School of Business specifically and how they will contribute to the Stanford community.

The “Why Stanford?” essay should not be a generic statement of interest in attending a top MBA program. Instead, it should be a thoughtful and well-researched response demonstrating a deep understanding of Stanford’s values, culture, and resources. It is important to explain why Stanford is the best fit for the applicant and how they will contribute to the Stanford community. The essay should also show how the applicant’s personal and professional aspirations align with Stanford’s values and how they will benefit from the Stanford MBA program.

One approach to answering the “Why Stanford?” essay question is to focus on the specific resources and programs that Stanford offers. For example, applicants could discuss Stanford’s reputation as a leader in entrepreneurship, innovation, and social impact. They could also highlight specific courses, clubs, or resources that they are interested in, such as the Stanford Venture Studio or the Stanford Social Innovation Review. This approach shows the admissions committee that the applicant has done their research and has a clear understanding of what Stanford can offer them. Of course, the above or any other aspects should be used only as long as they are relevant to your career aspirations. If you have an interest in social impact but are waxing eloquent about Stanford’s entrepreneurial resources, it may be unlikely to sway the admissions committee to the strength of your arguments. 

Another approach to answering the “Why Stanford?” essay question is to focus on the values and culture of the Stanford community. Stanford emphasizes collaboration, diversity, and intellectual curiosity, and applicants should demonstrate how they embody these values. They should also highlight their unique perspective and experiences that will contribute to the Stanford community. This approach shows the admissions committee that the applicant is not only a good fit for Stanford but also has the potential to make a positive impact on the Stanford community. It also gives the reader a sense of why the applicant is eager to pursue their MBA education at Stanford. 

It is important to note that the “Why Stanford?” essay is not just a reflection of the applicant’s past experiences and achievements, but also a preview of their future aspirations and how they plan to achieve them. Applicants should demonstrate how their career goals align with Stanford’s values and how the Stanford MBA program will help them achieve those goals. This will show the admissions committee that the applicant is not just looking for a top MBA program, but is committed to making a positive impact in their future career and the world.

To do a good job with the essay, it can be useful to do primary research on the school. This means talking to students and alumni and hearing about their experiences. Your first step in identifying prospective touchpoints from the community could be to explore the networks that you are already part of. Explore if someone from your former or current employer or educational institution(s) is or was at Stanford GSB. Explore your LinkedIn network to find any direct or indirect connections with people from Stanford GSB. Be mindful of the academic calendar and the availability of the intended recipient of your message. For example, in the summer post the first year of the MBA program, the odds are that the student would be busy with a summer internship until sometime in August. In December or January during the first year of the MBA program, odds are that the student would be occupied with internship recruiting. Prepare a questionnaire ahead of the call, show up on time, be mindful of the time, and do not abuse the person’s generosity. If your circumstances permit the same, you may also consider visiting the school and attending a class. 

In conclusion, the “Why Stanford?” essay topic requires careful thought and reflection. It is important to demonstrate a deep understanding of Stanford’s values, culture, and resources and how they align with the applicant’s career aspirations. The essay should show why Stanford is the best fit for the applicant and how they will contribute to the Stanford community. By doing so, the applicant will demonstrate their potential to make a positive impact in their future career and the world and increase their chances of being admitted to the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Let’s take a look at the optional essay prompts

Stanford MBA Optional essays

In the Essays section of the application, Stanford asks you to share who you are and how you think Stanford will help you achieve your aspirations. The Stanford MBA admissions committee is also interested in learning about the things you have done that are most meaningful to you. If you would like to go beyond your resume to discuss some of your contributions more fully, you are welcome to share up to three examples (up to 1,200 characters, or approximately 200 words, for each example)

What does the admissions committee mean by “optional”? They truly mean you have the opportunity to choose. If you feel that you’ve already described your contributions well in other areas of the application, congratulations, you’re done! If not, feel free to use this opportunity to tell more.

“Think about times you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others?” (up to 1,200 characters, or approximately 200 words, for each example – up to three examples)

The optional impact essay questions for Stanford MBA admissions provide an opportunity for applicants to showcase their leadership abilities and highlight their unique experiences and achievements. This essay prompt allows applicants to discuss their contributions in a variety of settings, including professional, extracurricular, academic, or personal contexts.

While this essay is optional, it provides a valuable chance to differentiate oneself from other applicants and highlight one’s unique strengths.

The essay question asks applicants to reflect on specific instances where they have created a positive impact in any setting. This can include professional, academic, or extracurricular experiences. It is important for applicants to provide a detailed description of their impact and the specific actions they took to achieve it. They should also discuss the outcomes of their actions and the extent of the positive impact they had on others.

In addition to describing the impact, the essay question also asks applicants to reflect on what made the experience significant to them or to others. This requires applicants to go beyond just describing the impact and to discuss their personal values, motivations, and goals. For example, an applicant who created a positive impact in a non-profit organization may discuss their passion for social impact and the values that led them to get involved in the organization. This reflection helps the admissions committee understand the applicant’s personal qualities and how they align with Stanford’s values and culture.

If you are wondering about the kind of impact that is good enough to talk about here, this can be an impact on an organization, community, or even an individual. The important part is that this should be meaningful to you. This could even be your support of your family or it could be some contribution in college or at your workplace. The important part is that you should be proud of the accomplishment. If that’s the case, it merits inclusion as part of one of three possible impact essays. Think about how you’ve changed lives, changed organizations, or changed the world. Use that as a guiding force when drafting your responses to this essay. 

Overall, the “positive impact” essay question is an opportunity for applicants to showcase their leadership skills, personal values, and accomplishments. It allows them to demonstrate their ability to make a positive difference in the world and to show how their experiences have shaped their personal and professional goals. The essay should be written in a clear and concise manner and should showcase the applicant’s unique perspective and accomplishments. By doing so, applicants can increase their chances of being admitted to the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

The reapplicant essay for Stanford MBA admissions is an opportunity for applicants who have previously applied to the program to update the admissions committee on any changes in their personal or professional life since their last application and to explain how these changes have better prepared them for the MBA program.

When writing the reapplicant essay, you should begin by acknowledging your previous application and explaining what you have been doing since your last application, highlighting any new experiences or accomplishments that have enhanced your profile.

It’s important to focus on substantive changes rather than simply listing additional accomplishments that have occurred since your last application. The admissions committee is looking for applicants who have taken concrete steps to address the weaknesses in their previous application or to enhance their overall profile.

For example, you may have taken additional coursework to strengthen your academic background, taken on a new leadership position at work or in your community, or gained a new perspective on your career goals through conversations with colleagues or mentors.

It’s important to explain how these changes have influenced your decision to reapply to the Stanford MBA program, and how they have better prepared you for the academic rigor and leadership opportunities offered by the program. You should also reflect on how your goals have evolved since your last application and how the Stanford MBA program will help you achieve those goals.

In addition to highlighting changes and progress since your last application, it’s important to address any weaknesses in your previous application. This may include addressing areas where you fell short in your last application, and explaining what you have done to overcome these weaknesses and become a stronger candidate for the Stanford MBA program.

Overall, the reapplicant essay is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your growth and progress since your last application, and to show the admissions committee that you are a stronger and more qualified candidate than before. By being reflective, honest, and specific in your essay, you can increase your chances of being admitted to the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

The essays asked as part of the Stanford MBA admissions process are a critical component of the application. They allow applicants to showcase their unique qualities and experiences, and to demonstrate their fit with Stanford’s values and culture. The essays are carefully crafted to provide the admissions committee with a deeper understanding of the applicant’s personality, values, experiences, and goals. By following the tips and guidelines we have discussed in this article, applicants can write strong and compelling essays that will increase their chances of being admitted to the Stanford Graduate School of Business. It is important to remember that essays are just one part of the application and that applicants should also focus on other areas. However, by putting in the time and effort to craft strong essays, applicants can significantly improve their chances of being accepted to the Stanford MBA program, and take the first step towards a successful and rewarding career.

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Optional Short Answer Question

In this section, we provide an optional opportunity for you to discuss some of your contributions more fully.

What do we mean by “optional”? We mean you have the opportunity to choose. If you feel that you’ve already described your contributions well in other areas of the application, congratulations, you’re done! If not, feel free to use this opportunity to tell us more.

In the Essays section of the application, we ask you to tell us about who you are and how you think Stanford will help you achieve your aspirations. We are also interested in learning about the things you have done that are most meaningful to you. Using these optional spaces, perhaps you would like to expand upon a bullet item from your resume and tell us more about the “how” or “why” behind the “what.” Or maybe you have had an impact in a way that doesn’t fit neatly in another part of the application. You are welcome to share up to three examples (up to 1,200 characters, or approximately 200 words, for each example).

Question: Think about a time in the last few years when you’ve created a positive impact, whether in professional, extracurricular, academic, or other settings. What was your impact? What made it significant to you or to others?

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  1. Stanford MBA Essay

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  2. Sample MBA Essay

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  3. Stanford MBA Essay Tips and deadlines for 2022

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  4. Examples of Stanford MBA essays submitted by successful ARINGO

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  5. Stanford MBA Essay

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  6. 2024-2025 Stanford MBA essay analysis and tips

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  1. Stanford MBA Pitch Your Classmates #stanford #mba #business #finance #gradschool #students

  2. Reading My College Essay That Got Me Into Stanford!

  3. HBS MBA Career Choice Essay

  4. Ask 2 Harvard and Stanford MBA Grads Anything #business #mba #stanford #harvard #finance #students

  5. P&Q’s Must Reads: Harvard Business School’s New MBA Essays For Applicants

  6. MBA Essay Insight Webinar


  1. Got into Stanford, Wharton, Booth and Kellogg. AMA. : r/MBA

    ADMIN MOD. Got into Stanford, Wharton, Booth and Kellogg. AMA. Admissions. Hi everyone, this is a new account, but I was lucky to get into these 4 M7 schools and received a ton of help from this subreddit so I just want to pay-it-forward. I applied to the entire M7 and interviewed at HSWBK, waitlisted pre-interview at MIT, and dinged without ...

  2. Why is Stanford so coveted? looking for honest perspectives

    Stanford is not in San Francisco any more than Wharton is in NYC. It's not in Silicon Valley either (though closer to SV than to SF). The school has been the #1 MBA program for most of its lifetime, consistently able to draw leaders of industry to the school. I've interviewed alums who attended in the 1950s -- long before the rise of tech or PE/VC

  3. r/MBA on Reddit: Tips for Answering Stanford GSB's Question on

    The Stanford brand relies upon the transformation you achieve by way of a Stanford MBA. Adcom invests a lot of time and money in creating a highly diverse class, from all strata and walks of life, and want to make sure their efforts will be leveraged. ... This essay question allows them to refine things one level further. Most believe that past ...

  4. 50 MBA Essays That Got Applicants Admitted To Harvard & Stanford

    This collection of 50 successful HBS and GSB essays, with smart commentary, can be downloaded for $60. They are two of the most selective schools, routinely rejecting nine or more out of every ten applicants. Last year alone, 16,628 candidates applied to both schools; just 1,520 gained an acceptance, a mere 9.1% admit rate.

  5. How To Tackle Stanford GSB's New Short Answer Essay

    For quick context, essay #1 focuses on values and motivations and can be deeply personal. It is definitely NOT the place to talk about accomplishments. (For tips on how to tackle Stanford GSB's iconic 'What matters most' essay, check out this recent article by my Fortuna Admissions colleague Matt Symonds.) Essay #2 is about why an MBA ...

  6. Essays

    Begin work on the essays early to give yourself time to reflect, write, and edit. Feel free to ask friends or family members for feedback, especially about whether the tone and voice sound like you. Your family and friends know you better than anyone. If they think the essays do not capture who you are, what you believe, and what you aspire to ...

  7. Stanford GSB Essay Examples & Tips, 2024-2025

    June 17, 2024. Jeremy Shinewald. The Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) requires only two essays of its candidates, though its long-standing first essay question—about "what matters most" to applicants—is one we have seen many people struggle with over the years. The largely open-ended nature of the prompt often stymies ...

  8. A Successful Stanford GSB Essay Example

    The essay we will review in this post is showcased in the book "What Matters?" and "What More?": 50 Successful Essays for the Stanford GSB and HBS (and Why They Worked), co-authored by mbaMission Founder Jeremy Shinewald.To read more of our analysis of this essay, and that of 49 other examples, be sure to download your copy today. Note that this essay is not meant to be a template—it ...

  9. Are there any "regular people" at Stanford GSB? : r/MBA

    IsTheNewBlack. •. The most "regular" person you'll find at the GSB are MBB and traditional buy-side people that have sky-high stats. For example, I know someone who went to a top state school (e.g., Berkeley, Michigan, etc.), 1-year selective Masters at a top school, a few years at MBB, and great stats.

  10. 2024/25 Stanford GSB Essay Analysis

    This question is essentially a goals essay, a common type of essay required of applicants at many elite business schools. In this essay, you have a big task. In around 350 words, you need to discuss: Any context from your past experience that helps underline your motivation for your goals. Your specific-post MBA goals.

  11. My Stanford MBA essays that worked [Stanford GSB]

    Here's a video of me narrating the two essays that got me accepted into Stanford's MBA Program at the Graduate School of Business (GSB). 0:00 - Intro0:30 - W...

  12. Stanford GSB Essays: Strategy on Writing What Matters Most

    Rather than providing a hard word limit for each essay, the school sets a combined limit for both Stanford GSB essays at 1,000 words. They recommend up to 650 words for the iconic "What matters most to you and why" Essay A and up to 350 words for the "Why Stanford GSB?" essay. They say that they often find effective essays written in ...

  13. Stanford GSB Essay Advice & Deadlines: 2024-2025

    Stanford GSB Essay Advice and Application Deadlines: 2024-2025. Stanford GSB 's 2024-2025 MBA application is now live. It appears that this year Stanford lowered the word count for essay B. It is suggested to allocate up to 650 words on Essay A and up to 350 words on Essay B. Stanford had already shortened the combined word limit a few years ...

  14. How I Got Into Wharton

    How I Got Into Stanford GSB as a Deferred Applicant - An Interview with DJ Fernandez . An admit to Stanford GSB's deferred MBA program talks about his application, including the challenges, what made his story stand out, how to navigate the interviews, approaching the essays, whether to take the GMAT or GRE, and more.

  15. Thoughts on the optional essays for admissions. : r/MBA

    Admissions. Hey everyone! I am working on my applications for Fall 2021 matriculation, and was hoping to hear some people's thoughts on the optional essay. I personally don't have any major pitfalls that need explaining (not saying I'm a great applicant, just no major negatives). Because of that, I feel like I have no need to do the ...

  16. MBA Essays From Successful Stanford & HBS Applicants

    The former question must be answered with a 650-word limit, while Harvard imposes no limit on the size or scope of the answer to its essay prompt. ACTUAL EXAMPLES OF HARVARD & STANFORD MBA ESSAYS FROM SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS. Last year alone, some 18,391 candidates applying for admission to those two schools spent countless hours wondering how to ...

  17. Stanford GSB Essays

    The following essay topic analysis examines Stanford's Graduate School of Business (Stanford GSB) MBA admissions essays for the 2024-2025 admissions season.You can also review essay topic analyses for other leading MBA programs as well as general Essay Tips to further aid you in developing your admissions essays.. Stanford has asked applicants to respond to the same two questions it has ...

  18. Stanford MBA Essay Analysis 2023

    Stanford Graduate School of Business is one of the most prestigious MBA programs in the world, attracting thousands of highly qualified applicants each year. To differentiate themselves from other applicants and stand out in the highly competitive admissions process, applicants are required to submit several essays as part of their application. Applicants painstakingly craft these...

  19. Views on Stanford MSx/MIT Sloan Fellows MBA? : r/MBA

    PS. MIT's Sloan Fellows recently became STEM-certified and out of the three original Sloan Fellows programs (including LBS') is the only one that awards an MBA degree - serving as a 1-year MBA degree of sorts for MIT Sloan. ORM male working in Canada. Keeping light on specifics for anonymity, but I'm currently satisfying residency ...

  20. How optional are "optional essays" in MBA applications?

    The additional info essays are truly optional, meant to explain any red flags in your application (work history, grade lapses, etc). They are not intended to be an additional place to state your case. They should be succinct and as objective as possible. The "optional" essays for Stanford are not optional. Even though they aren't required, if ...

  21. Optional Short Answer Question

    What do we mean by "optional"? We mean you have the opportunity to choose. If you feel that you've already described your contributions well in other areas of the application, congratulations, you're done! If not, feel free to use this opportunity to tell us more. In the Essays section of the application, we ask you to tell us about who ...