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  • How to Apply for A PhD Abroad – International Study
  • Applying to a PhD

So you’ve decided to enrol onto a doctoral degree and study abroad at the same time. This is a great opportunity to develop yourself both personally and academically. However, do you actually go about securing a PhD as an international student? To help answer this for you, we’ve created this guide to explain how to apply for a PhD in foreign universities.

Why Do Your PhD Abroad?​​​​​​​

There are many benefits to studying abroad.

Some PhD students do so as a way to develop a new language, discover more about a different culture, and to meet new people.

Besides personal reasons, undertaking a doctorate degree abroad can also for academic purposes. For example, in some countries, a particular research field may not be very popular and so there may not be many doctorate options available. In these cases, undertaking a PhD abroad will open up many more opportunities. It could also offer greater funding, lower tuition fees, better laboratory equipment and more experienced supervisors. Not only would these factors result in a more enjoyable PhD, but they could also contribute to greater career prospects. For example, you will likely have more opportunities to write publications, attend conferences and collaborate with other researchers. All of these will help you establish yourself as a respectable researcher within your field.

Is It Difficult to Apply to PhDs Abroad?​​​​​​​

It’s not as difficult as you would imagine when it comes to applying to a PhD in a foreign country. Regardless of whether you’re applying to a university within the EU, such as the UK, Finland or Spain, or to universities within the US or Asia, the processes are relatively similar.

The differences in the application process can be categorised into three areas.

  • the documents you need to provide,
  • the prerequisite tests you need to sit,
  • how much you need to communicate with the potential supervisors before applying.

We’ve provided a basic outline of the application processes below. Although this will provide you with a good starting point, we highly recommend you look at the university websites for specific instructions and guidance before applying.

Will I Need a Student Visa?​​​​​​​

This will depend on what country you are applying to. For example:

  • In the UK, applicants from outside the EU will need a Visa Tier 4 (Student). This will allow them to undertake a full-time PhD. However, due to UK visa restrictions, international students are unlikely to be able to enrol onto a part-time degree.
  • In Germany, most students will not require a student visa but will require a residence permit.
  • In the US, applicants will need to hold an F-1 Student Visa.
  • In Asia, the requirements differ depending on the specific country. For example, in China, you will require an X1 Student Visa whereas in Singapore you will require a Student Pass.

Because of the significant differences between countries, we highly recommend it is highly that you check the requirements on an individual case-by-case basis. This is best done by checking the government website of the country you wish to apply to.

General Process for Applying to PhDs Abroad​​​​​​​

When applying to a PhD position, most universities regardless of where they’re located will require:

  • Online Application – An electronic form to provide your details and attach all supporting documents. You will also need to make any application fees during this process if required.
  • Academic Transcripts – Most universities need a scanned copy of your transcripts when applying. You will only have to submit official hard copies once they have accepted your admission.
  • CV – This should include details of your previous education, undergraduate degree and any experiences revenant to the field you’re applying to.
  • Statement of Purpose/Personal Statement – A letter which outlines why you’re applying to the PhD and why you believe you’re suitable for the project.
  • Letters of Recommendation – this should preferably be provided by your undergraduate degree course tutor or a professor who knows you well.

Language Tests

If your PhD is to be undertaken in English and English isn’t your first language, most universities will require you to sit an English language proficiency test. The most common tests, in order of popularity, are:

  • IELTS (International English Language Testing Systems)
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
  • PTE (Pearson Test of English)

The minimum test scores will change from university to university. They will also vary depending on the research field. For example, research projects related to English Literature or Law will require relatively high scores whilst projects in Science and Engineering will require slightly lower scores. To provide an example, the University of Leicester in the UK requires a minimum overall IELTS score of 7 for Law PhDs but has a lower overall score requirement of 6 for Engineering PhDs.

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How to Apply for PhDs in EU Countries​​​​​​​

For UK universities, there are generally two ways of applying. You can either apply directly through the university’s website or you can make an application through the UCAS Postgraduate system .

In Spain, Italy and Germany, before applying to a PhD you will first need to pass a pre-application process. This involves checking that your qualifications meet their eligibility requirements. Before undergoing this pre-screening process, it would be beneficial to first speak to your government. They may offer advice on how your countries qualification system corresponds to the qualification system in the country hosting the PhD.

Once you’ve made your application, the university will review it and get in contact with you. For most EU institutions, they will invite you for a Skype or telephone interview with them if they believe you may be a suitable candidate.

If you require a student visa to study in an EU country, it’s recommended that you submit your application at least 3-4 months before the proposed PhD start date.

How to Apply for PhDs in USA

In addition to the English language exams mentioned previously, international applicants will also need to sit additional exams to be eligible for PhDs in the USA. These are the GRE General Exam and GRE Subject Exam(s). The GRE Subject Exam(s) you will need to undertake will be specific to your field and will be specified by the university as part of their edibility requirements.

Securing a PhD position in the United States is considered relatively difficult compared to other countries. As a result, it is commonly recommended that you apply to at least 9 different universities to increase your chances of securing a position.

How to Apply for PhDs in Asia

As Asia covers a wide range of countries such as China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, UAE and India, their application processes naturally differ from one another. Therefore, check the specific application process for each university you’re interested to get the most accurate information.

To summarise:

  • China – uses two centralised application services, CUAC and CUCAS. Both these services help international students find and apply to a PhD project in China. Students can also apply directly to a University if they wish to.
  • Singapore – rather than applying to a specific research project, you will have to apply to a faculty or department within a University. Only once you have been accepted into the university department will their research projects become available to you. Like US universities, most universities in Singapore will have required you to have sat a GRE Exams prior to applying to them.
  • UAE – you must apply directly to your chosen university. To be eligible for a PhD in UAE , you must hold a Master’s degree and it must be from a university recognised by their government. You will also be required to undertake GRE Exams before making your application.

How to Apply for PhDs in Australia

To apply to a PhD in Australia , you will first be expected to find and email a potential supervisor. If you’re an international student and you make an application directly to the university without doing this first, it’s highly likely that you won’t be considered for the position.

Upon discussing the project with the supervisor, they will instruct you to put in a formal application. This formal application will require the information previously outlined above.

Similar to EU institutions, if an Australian university believes you’re a strong candidate, they will likely invite you to a Skype or telephone interview.

Unlike EU universities, PhDs in Australian universities can start at any time of the year. Therefore, unless a specific funding requirement is attached to the project, there are usually no deadlines associated with applying to their PhDs. However, try to apply 3 to 4 months before you intend to start your studies.

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Choosing to study a PhD abroad, especially in a foreign country with a new language, is not something to take lightly. But as I write this on my second day in Sweden, in my dorm room with the sounds of Swedish life outside my window, I’m here to tell you it’s not impossible.     Despite the many challenges of pursuing an academic career outside your home country, the breadth of experiences and connections that come with it are well worth the short-term obstacles. Whether you opt for a PhD on the other side of the world or some where a bit closer to home , making the journey towards becoming an international PhD student is something deserving of applause. But there are several things I wish I would have known before choosing to pursue my PhD in a foreign country. From learning the language to understanding banks to asking questions about immigration and residency permits, there are many things to consider before making the jump abroad !  

Which Country, Which Uni, Which Advisor?

So you’ve decided that you want to pursue a PhD abroad?     That’s great! But there are some very important questions to ask yourself which will ultimately determine your future and where you’ll end up. One of the first beginner questions you must ask yourself, as I did, was, “Where do I want to go and why? ” While it’s fun to dream up your life in various foreign countries, you’re ultimately making a career choice by moving to a different country. So, it’s crucial that you have a solid reason for why you want to go to that specific country , and have a short – and long-term plan as to how you want to make the most of your time there.     The second and third questions are mundane but also incredibly important : “What university do I want to apply to?” and, “Where are there openings? ” For me, choosing Sweden was prompted by an email telling me there were two openings to PhD programs . However, I was also prompted by another major factor, something we often hear in graduate studies. Namely, finding the right advisor(s) , and having a clear research question.     M any questions related to PhD studies in your country of choice can be answered by a good advisor /supervisor . Of course, they can’t guarantee you actually get into the university, but they can help you decide if applying is a good choice for you and your choice of research. Making it clear what you’re looking for in an advisor can often help you narrow down where it is you want to study. In my experience, these went hand in hand. If you know what you’re researching, what niche you want to fill in terms of your applicable academic discourse, and you have a solid question with some evidence to back it up, then all you have to do is find a university department that aligns with your work and research interests . This can be far more complicated in practice, but if you let your research lead you in your search for a foreign university, paying attention to openings when they arise, then you’ll be set to go! Asking questions, and often, is key, and don’t be afraid to email potential advisors for help if you need it !  

You’ve Been Accepted! Now What?

If you’ve found yourself with an acceptance letter and a willing advisor in a foreign university – congratulations! But now begins the myriad of complexities and tasks in order to actually be able to begin your life abroad as a student. Whether it’s getting a residence permit accepted, attempting to learn a foreign language, opening a new bank account, or arranging housing, there’s lots to juggle at this point. But if you take it one step at a time , and try to do things in order, you’ll find everything seems to fall into place.

Residence Permits, Housing and Language

One of the first things to think about is the residence permit which will allow you to live in your foreign country. Without it, all the other elements fall to the wayside as you won’t be able to stay in the country. Sometimes, as was the case in my experience, the process takes quite a while and includes several arduous steps. Be careful to familiarize yourself with the process before you begin! Further, the road towards finding housing may not be straight either. Take care to reach out to your university’s housing department and see if you can procure university housing. If not, make sure to look up, or ask around, where others look for housing.

After completing your residence permit and housing, you may want to start thinking about the language. Whether that means learning it on your own, finding a tutor, or even just watching some videos on the web, trying your best to learn the native language will help you feel at home. Although you may be nervous, learning how to say “Please” and “Thank you” might just win you your first international friend and open doors for you, who knows!?

Ultimately, making a list of important to lesser important points will be helped by reading and rereading the information that your university gives you, and by asking questions. Don’t be afraid to send that email if you don’t understand or if something doesn’t make sense. If you are clear with what your question is, then most likely you’ll find your answer.

Now the Fun Stuff Begins

Phew. It’s completed. You’ve done the heavy lifting of getting yourself set up to begin your studies abroad and, by some miracle, all your efforts have culminated in you moving to your new place. Now you’re on your own and have to do quite a few more tasks in order to really feel at home in your new city. From finding the train station to the grocery store, you have to know your surroundings, and give yourself time to find everything that your city has to offer its residents! One of the first few things I did when moving to Uppsala was find a church. For others, it may be a coffee shop or library that can offer you a place of community . Trying to put yourself into the community fabric of your city is such an important point in really feeling like you have a place here as a newly arrived foreigner. Although it’s scary, at times, to not really know the language and attempt to socialize, it’s often fruitful when you do. So, if you can find a place where you can integrate yourself into a community, then it’ll be easier to make that first friend. Part of that community building can also be finding places of culture to visit. In your city, there may be countless museums for you to see. All you have to do is just look for them. A helpful way of organizing all of what you find is by using Google Docs to make a list of those places you’ve been to and not been to yet. These include the location of your local train station and grocery stores!

Looking After Your Mental Health

Finally, when it comes to fun, finding your parks and recreational areas outside will be helpful in navigating the waters of how to spend time outdoors in nature. Don’t forget that you’re human. While you’re here to complete your PhD, you can’t forget that looking after your mental health is just as important as your academic success. Thus, plan accordingly and think about which parks you might want to go visit, and bodies of water you might want to go see. Spending time outdoors is a helpful way of fuelling the body and mind so you can be more productive when it’s time to work. Overall, if you stay focused on the fundamental steps that will let you live in your foreign country successfully and then let your interests lead the way, a whole new world will open up. While moving to a different country is a huge task, if you break it down into manageable steps and do one after the other, you’ll find yourself capable of doing things you had previously only imagined!

John David Vandevert

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To Be or Not To Be (a Reviewer 2): Should I Review Articles as a PhD Student?

For the wheels to continue turning in research, we need reviewers. Although often a thankless endeavour (littered with Reviewer 2 jokes), acting as a gatekeeper for the integrity of your research field remains vital. As a PhD student, you may find the process of reviewing a manuscript pretty novel, but a reviewer request email may enter your inbox in the near future. This article guides you through the pros and cons of reviewing articles.

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‘Stairway to Lecture’: A Roadmap to Progress from PhD to Lecturer

Landing a lecturing role after a PhD can be difficult, and rejection is commonplace. To lower the chances of rejection, it is important to focus on your career planning and gain experience as early into your PhD as possible. Therefore, if you are serious about becoming a lecturer, here are four things you can start doing now.

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Study Abroad Guide

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All You Need To Know About Ph.D. Abroad

January 2022

Course Overview:

A Ph.D. is a doctoral research degree and the highest level of academic qualification one can achieve. A Ph.D. or a Doctor of Philosophy is a doctorate degree awarded by several universities in different countries. The international universities award Ph.D. degree in a wide range of programs in the sciences and humanities. A Ph.D. degree is a mandatory requirement for employment as university professors and researchers in various fields.

Top Study PhD Abroad for Indian Students

Why study Ph.D. overseas?

  • It will help you augment your horizons, unearth a new country and culture and escalate your personal development.
  • You will be introduced to new research environments/methods as well as academics with a different perspective.
  • It will internationalize your CV and show your versatility.
  • You will gain language skills.
  • Your career opportunities will be enhanced.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • A high GPA score
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Undertaken Ventures
  • Scores of tests like GRE, TOEFL, etc.
  • Papers Posted, if any,
  • If submitted, dissertations
  • Participation in co-curricular activities related to the research subject you have selected
  • Letters for Recommendation


The different types of research scholarships available for Indian Ph.D. students: Full scholarship: All charges, including all tuition fees, lodging, and food prices, will be paid by the trust fund, among other expenses. Partial scholarships: Partial financial assistance will be provided to students in the form of either paying their tuition costs housing expenses or all other expenses outlined by the trust fund.

A few scholarships to pursue a Ph.D. abroad:

 AAUW International Fellowships For Women  USA
 The University Of Nottingham  UK
 Australian Government Research Training Programme (AGRTP) International Scholarships   Australia
 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships  Canada

Trending Courses:

  • Arts & Humanities - Literature, Cinema, Visual & Performing Arts.
  • Engineering Studies - There are a variety of research areas under Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Architectural Engineering.
  • Management Studies - More students are opting for Marketing, Organization Behaviour, Finance, etc.
  • Natural Sciences - Popular subjects are Mathematics, Geology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, and various fields of Biological Sciences.
  • Social Sciences - Most researched areas are Political Science, History, Economics, Sociology, Demography, etc.

Career Options:

  • Public Sector and Science
  • College Professor
  • Government Sectors
  • Science Writing
  • Patent Lawyer
  • Medical Research Centres
  • Geological Sectors
  • Scientific Advisor
  • Medical Researcher and Developer

Best Places to study:

  • USA: Ph.D. in the USA is a series of three phases, wherein, 1st phase course work that requires 1-3 years for completion followed by a preliminary, a comprehensive examination, or a series of cumulative examinations. In the first phase, examination focus is upon the breadth of knowledge instead of depth. There are 282 universities in the United States that award the Ph.D. degree.
  • New Zealand: New Zealand is known for its Ph.D. programs across the world. The course structure includes an in-depth thesis, which is counted as an original and significant contribution to the relevant field of study. The duration of the program might vary between three to four years depending upon the scope of your research. Also, all Ph.D. graduates are entitled to three years of work visas post completion of their studies.
  • UK: A Ph.D. in the UK usually culminates in a dissertation, based on the research carried out by the student over the course duration. In the UK, Ph.D. programs are generally of a duration period of three years, and students are required to submit thesis reports within 12 months of the end of the program. However, duration may vary depending on the structure of the course and related projects.
  • Australia : Australia provides one of the best research experiences for students pursuing a Ph.D. degree. Australia has one of the highest Ph.D. completion rates, as well as several scholarship options for international students. The Australian Ph.D. is normally a pure research qualification. a full-time Ph.D. normally takes three years. Some students take longer, but this usually depends on registration and funding arrangements. Part-time PhDs in Australia can take up to six years, but this mode of study isn't normally available to international students.

For further assistance or queries, you can contact us, Edwise International, and avail our wide range of services for students on destinations like study in USA , study in Canada , study in Australia , study in New-Zealand , Study in Ireland , study in Singapore and many other countries.

PhD programs for international students

Also read: 5 Best Study Abroad Programs for Indian Students

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Fully Funded PhD Programs in English

University of Notre Dame PhD Programs in English

Last updated May 10, 2022

As part of my series on  How to Fully Fund Your PhD , I provide a list of universities that offer full funding for a PhD in English. “Full funding” is a financial aid package for full-time students that includes full tuition remission and an annual stipend or salary for the three to the six-year duration of the student’s doctoral studies. Funding is typically offered in exchange for graduate teaching and research work that is complementary to your studies. Not all universities provide full funding to their doctoral students, which is why I recommend researching the financial aid offerings of all the potential PhD programs in your academic field, including small and lesser-known schools both in the U.S. and abroad.

You can also find several external fellowships in the ProFellow database for graduate and doctoral study, as well as dissertation research, fieldwork, language study, and summer work experience.

Would you like to receive the full list of more than 1000+ fully funded programs in 60 disciplines? Download the FREE Directory of Fully Funded Graduate Programs and Full Funding Awards !

Boston College, Department of English  (Newton, MA): Offers a tuition remission fellowship plus a stipend for all students for five years as well as university-funded dissertation fellowships to support their research.

Columbia University, Department of English and Comparative Literature (New York, NY): All admitted students are fully funded for 6 years with tuition, fees, and a living stipend, $30,770 in total (including a grant to support research over the summer break).

Fordham University (New York, NY): All Ph.D. students receive a tuition scholarship as well as a stipend of at least $25,164. Students in later years of the program are eligible to apply for Distinguished Fellowships that carry stipends of up to $33,124.

Syracuse University, Department of English (Syracuse, NY): All students are fully funded. Each student admitted receives a full-tuition scholarship in addition to an annual stipend of $17,500. Some of these scholarships are configured to include teaching duties.

University of Chicago, Department of English Language and Literature (Chicago, IL): Doctoral students are awarded a five-year fellowship that includes a stipend, full tuition, and health insurance coverage. Students may also apply for research and travel funds.

University of Michigan, Department of English Language and Literature (Ann Arbor, MI): Offers a guaranteed six-year funding package to all students admitted to the program. Funding covers complete in-state and out-of-state tuition costs, health care benefits, and living expenses in the form of direct stipend and teaching. Summer funding is available in years one through five.

University of Notre Dame, Department of English (Notre Dame, IN): All students admitted to the PhD program can expect full funding for five years which includes tuition and stipends, plus opportunities for the sixth year.

University of Virginia, Department of English (Charlottesville, VA): Financial support, including health insurance and tuition remission, is awarded to all PhD students from the first through the fifth year of study, with a significant number of students receiving support in the sixth year of study.

Need some tips for the application process? See my article  How To Get Into a Fully Funded PhD Program: Contacting Potential PhD Advisors .

Also, sign up to discover and bookmark more than 1300 professional and academic fellowships in the ProFellow database .

© Victoria Johnson 2020, all rights reserved.

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20 Countries Offering Affordable Doctoral Degrees or No-Cost PhDs

  • by Canice Silas

Is it possible to obtain a PhD without any cost? Indeed, you may be aware that certain institutions offer tuition-free opportunities for doctoral students. Well, in a way. In this post, let us discuss the top countries that offer free tuition to PhD students or affordable doctoral degrees. Whether you take a minor issue or a major issue, education has always been a common denominator, which binds the candidates, across the globe with a thin thread.

It is the best investment, that a country and parent can make. However, it is a fact that, in today’s world, education has become the most expensive thing, it no longer remains within the reach of the common man. Hence, countries offering affordable or no-cost doctoral degrees are mostly sought after.

In the present decade, more or less every individual is aspiring to fly high in the sky but due to lack of money, their aspirations are nipped in the bud. That is why, all of a sudden, the notion of ‘’Affordable or Free Doctoral Programs” is picking up extensively and students who missed out on the chance earlier are now able to realize their dreams.

A PhD program overseas offers a lot of benefits, such as the opportunity to study at world-class institutions, broaden your horizons, gain valuable work experience, and, of course, save a ton of money.

Table of Contents

Overview of the Rising Cost of Education

The cost of tertiary education, particularly master’s and doctoral programs, is often on the rise. According to the World Economic Forum , the general cost of higher education has increased by 65%, and the cost of an undergraduate degree has surged by a massive 67%, when adjusted for inflation, from 2006 to 2016. In a 1985 report by the National Center for Education Statistics , it costs an estimated $5,504 to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the USA. Compared to 2017, the cost of pursuing the same bachelor’s degree rose to about $27,357.

In the US, the cost of college tuition is roughly 2.5 times higher in 2017 than it was in 1978 and by 2030, you can guess what it would be, adjusted for inflation. Yet in many countries, the cost is reduced for international students in doctoral programs, while some countries across Scandinavia offer open funded PhD programs.

Doctoral Education

Doctoral students are typically more mature than other students pursuing higher education, meaning that many have taken time out of their initial studies to work or raise a family. As a result, they often have substantial financial responsibilities, particularly if they have dependents of their own. Such students can’t typically look to their families as a source of financial aid, and as a result students pursuing doctoral degrees often require financial aid and scholarships to help them pay for school.

Unfortunately, money is often tight in the current economy, and this has forced many institutions to scale back their financial aid packages, or not offer any at all. With this situation at hand, those who are determined go on to look for free doctoral degree programs to pursue. But is there anything like a free PhD?

One can easily say, “low-cost PhD degrees, tuition-free doctoral studies, PhD programs without tuition fees and so on but then, the cost of living expenditures for three or more years of postgraduate research are only one of many additional costs involved with a doctorate.

Importance of Doctoral Degrees

In addition to the educational and personal fulfillment of obtaining a doctoral degree, it also carries a prestige factor with it. Doctoral degree holders are often seen as an elite group of professionals, deemed experts with the ability to work at the highest levels within a specific field or on the cutting edge of the discipline.

When you obtain a doctoral degree from an international faculty or university, this prestigious level is raised even higher and can open doors to opportunities to work and study all over the world. These doctorate programs also provide students with the opportunity to study abroad and make international connections, collaborate with colleagues from around the world and become part of the technologically dynamic international research community of universities and other institutions.

PhD is FREE in France 🇫🇷 PhD is FREE in Austria 🇦🇹 PhD is FREE in Poland 🇵🇱 PhD is FREE in Finland 🇫🇮 PhD is FREE in Norway 🇳🇴 PhD is FREE in Sweden 🇸🇪 PhD is FREE in Denmark 🇩🇰 PhD is FREE in Czech Republic 🇨🇿 PhD is FREE in the Netherlands 🇳🇱 — Your Grad Coach (@yourgradcoach) July 14, 2023

List of  Countries Offering Affordable Doctoral Degrees or No-cost PhDs

There are a few free PhD programs in Europe; however, many count countries like Germany, Norway and Sweden are among the best for affordable and practically free Doctorate degrees. Let us take a look at a list of countries offering affordable or no-cost PhD degrees

Doctoral programs in Germany differ a lot from those in the UK and USA . Generally, they are completely state-funded, with no costs for tuition. Also, a lot of doctoral programs don’t carry any tuition fees just like undergraduate programs, some charge negligible tuition fees which are in 3 digits (about €100-350) per semester. Again it is not compulsory that you pay this fee, and you can also apply for a scholarship from German-based organizations or some from overseas organizations.

Some of the notable low-cost PhD degrees are offered in law, biosciences, economics & business. The deadlines for the application to doctoral programs vary a lot between universities, between different programs in a university and between different universities offering the same program. Known as the country that invented the doctoral program, Germany offers affordable doctoral programs.

In Norway, all students can study at public universities at no cost, regardless of nationality. Students who wish to complete a doctorate in Norway should be aware that institutions in the country do not provide any support for international students who wish to gain a doctorate unless they have very high grades.

Therefore, it is important for students who wish to study in Norway to learn about and plan for all costs involved, which mostly include travel, living expenses, and tuition. Many institutions do not provide aid or information to students who come from outside of Norway.

Finland has a statutory tuition fee system for students who are not citizens of an EU/EEA member state. However, PhD students can study for free in Finland if the institution they are studying at does not charge tuition fees. Since many public universities in Finland do not charge tuition fees for PhD students, one is likely to find the availability of a doctoral program within their area of expertise where they can study for free.

Some universities in Finland that offer Doctoral programs in English are the University of Helsinki, Aalto University, University of Eastern Finland, University of Oulu, and Tampere University.

Students with permanent high-speed internet access and a valid passport or national ID can study for a doctorate free of charge at a Swedish university. This might seem too good to be true, yet Sweden has a reputation of academic excellence reaching as far back as the invention of the Nobel Prize which annually recognizes outstanding contributions in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, peace and economic sciences.

The no-tuition PhD opportunities offered in Sweden are one of the top reasons that makes Sweden a top destination for PhD research .

Denmark, like its neighbouring countries in Scandinavia, offers high quality PhD programs at a low price. Here, Phil/PhD students are charged around in tuition fees per year. Denmark also offers a range of student scholarships and grants to help cover living costs and tuition fees. One of the largest scholarship schemes is offered by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Higher Education and provides support for many academics.

And speaking of Austria, students of the medical sciences can expect to enjoy a tuition-free education at the doctoral level. The same applies to the life sciences, natural sciences, and technical sciences. And to the 99% of tuition-free programs, you can add the remaining 1% of paid programs. This is the price for a very small number of special programs. There is a small fee to be paid each semester to the Austrian Student Union for membership, insurance, and a postage stamp.

In Chile, tradition and modernity sit side by side. The country has invested heavily in the practice of innovative learning and is a popular choice for postgraduate students. Chile is also a country offering free or low tuition for Ph.Ds. It is in Latin America, and you may want to consider the cost of living. However, the payoff in terms of having access to some of the best natural laboratories for research in the world makes it a desirable place to pursue a doctorate.

As it turns out, France is home to the largest number of the world’s most prestigious and respected institutions. Doctorate students here not only have the privilege of earning a degree for free but can also get financial aid to help cover their living expenses. French doctorate students are also allowed to work part time to help sustain themselves during their studies. Public Universities in France offer Doctoral Programs at extremely reduced costs, and International students are eligible for the same tuition fees and scholarships that the locals are.

Czech Republic

There are plenty of reasons to consider obtaining a degree in the Czech Republic, from its rich history and hearty cuisine to its relatively cheap cities and bustling nightlife. Tuition at public universities is free for students undertaking the first degree. However, fees are subject to students who have already obtained a degree and for students who remain enrolled beyond a 12-semester limit.

The Czech Republic has a number of high-ranked universities, falls at 43rd place in the U21 ranking, and performs well in the items that focus on Connectivity and Output. In addition, the country does not lack a good number of English-taught programs.

The tuition fees at Hungarian universities are quite affordable and cost-effective when compared to universities in other European countries. For example, you can expect to pay around €1000 to €2000 per year for the regular courses in social sciences and humanities. The tuition fees for technical and science courses are around €4500 to €6000 per year. Another advantage of doing a PhD in Hungary is its favorable geographic location within Europe.

The low living costs and affordable tuition fees make it a popular student destination. As a result, the cost of living in Hungary is very low when compared to other European countries, without compromising the quality of education. Additionally, the Hungarian government offers scholarships for foreign students, providing global students with extra support to study both the Hungarian language and tuition-free Hungarian degrees.

In Holland, doctorate programs are offered mainly by organizations outside of the universities. These organizations have contracts with the universities that have the prerogative to grant doctorate degrees. Candidates complete their studies at the organization, where they are also taught and supervised. The exact procedure and requirements of the doctorate program, like the language in which the thesis must be written or the duration of the program, depend on the rules and regulations of the organization in question.

The University of Iceland offers PhD programs in a number of disciplines from the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, the School of Social Sciences, the School of Health Sciences, the School of Humanities, and the School of Education. The university emphasizes research and students who enroll in a PhD program are required to write and defend a doctoral dissertation. Most PhD programs require a master’s degree. If a candidate has a total of 90 credits of both graduate and undergraduate work in the specific discipline, a special admission ruling can be assigned.

Greece is a beautiful and historically rich country which has a long standing tradition of offering excellent and affordable education. However, if you wish to immerse yourself in a culturally stimulating environment while pursuing your doctoral degree, Greece is considered the perfect choice. The University of Athens which was founded in 1837 and is the oldest modern university in the Eastern Mediterranean, is also one of the highest-ranking universities in Greece. Many other universities offer doctoral programs in Greece, and given the low tuition fees and cost of living, it is an attractive option for students from all around the world.

New Zealand

New Zealand is liked by students from all over the world for its beautiful and impressive landscapes. In addition, the quality of education in the country is of the highest standards. New Zealand is also well-known for its research work. There are affordable and even free doctoral programs available in New Zealand for international students. In some cases, the student must pay for extra fees or supplies. This is because the fees do not include living expenses and health insurance. In some programs, the estimated living expenses are approximately $15,000 per year. On the other hand, in some programs, they are $25,000 per year.

Public universities may charge tuition fees to non-E.U. students enrolled in the university’s regular programs. The majority of programs are available in Portuguese, but some are offered in English. Doctoral programs are usually available at universities and polytechnics with research centers, as well as in the polytechnics with the College of Technology and Management. Candidates must have a master’s degree in an appropriate field, or a first degree and an outstanding academic curriculum or a particularly relevant academic or scientific curriculum.

Students pursuing a PhD in Estonia can enroll in a 4-year program, which can be extended to 6 years if necessary. Estonia is a small country located in the Baltic region, in North-Eastern Europe, with a rich history and cultural mix. While getting your degree, enjoy the lush green countryside, unique cuisine and music. Estonia is a good option for anyone wanting a cost-effective and challenging life as a PhD student.

There are several reasons that the University of Latvia can be appealing to foreign doctoral students: the array of English-taught doctoral programs in the social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences; the university’s multi-lingual community; the prevalent use of English in the state; and, of course, free tuition.

Lithuania is another European country that offers affordable education, including Doctoral degrees. One notable program is the tuition-free scholarship for places at universities run by the Republic of Lithuania Law on Higher Education and Research for persons of Lithuanian origin. This is funded by the Lithuanian government or the European Social Fund, with competition for eligible places being held each year.

In Japan, tuition for doctoral students and similar degree programs at public institutions is typically much lower than at private institutions. The majority of Japanese institutions have fees to cover matriculation, tuition, and library use and may include health insurance. However, fees vary widely and can range from 10,000 to 20,000 USD per year. Moreover, other fees related to facilities, programs, or the like might apply. Unlike in other countries, in Japan, the funding and enrollment process is entirely separate. Eligibility for funding to study is decided after the admittance into the university.

The Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, known as the National University of Córdoba, offers a prestigious, fully-funded doctorate program in Political Science. Collaborating with UADE, a private institute, the university provides financial assistance and fosters academic excellence for aspiring scholars. Through public-private partnerships, the university empowers students to contribute to political knowledge and sets an example for global educational institutions. The Universidad Nacional de Córdoba prioritizes no-cost education and equal opportunities for talented individuals in Argentina and South America.

If you are open to the idea of earning a doctoral degree in another country, you should be able to find programs with either very low tuition or no tuition at all. The trick is often in finding these programs and wading through the unique conditions of each country’s offerings. With this guide, you will have somewhere to start your search, and you can begin to ask the right questions to target communities in foreign countries and gain access to invaluable experiences, opportunities, and doctoral study options.

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Canice Silas

Canice U. Silas is a dedicated scholar who has channeled the last 20 years of his life to various forms of scholastic pursuits. He holds a BSC in Industrial Chemistry and a master's degree in Inorganic Chemistry from the prestigious Imo State University, Owerri. Mr Silas is set to complete his PhD in Inorganic Chemistry within the next six months. Passionate about the classroom from his elementary school days, Mr Silas grabbed the first opportunity that came his way at the Imo State University where he worked as A. A and currently K. O. Mbadiwe University, as a lecturer and as well has been into educational consulting for thousands of students across various tertiary institutions in the world.

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How to Apply for a PhD Abroad

Updated on 23 february, 2024.

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad Abroad Team

Upgrad abroad editorial team.

upGrad Abroad Team

Career planning is one of the most crucial activities students engage in after completing their education, especially after earning a master’s. On many occasions, there is still a lot one can learn about the chosen field by doing a PhD. It is the best option for those who want to explore novel areas of study and education in-depth. But how to apply for a PhD in foreign university is the one topic that is constantly on a student’s mind.

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Table of Contents

Why is phd important and how to apply for a phd abroad, which 5 phd streams are most popular, united states of america, united kingdom, how to apply in foreign universities for a phd, how to apply for a phd abroad with a scholarship.

A wide range of career options, both in India and abroad, can be unlocked by finishing your PhD. Choosing an international university to do your PhD has several advantages. Some of the well-known benefits of obtaining a PhD overseas are listed below:

  • Students can look out for fresh possibilities and novel experiences.
  • They can also apply for scholarships, which will reduce their tuition costs.
  • Students have the choice of learning about the culture of the new nation.
  • Additionally, it facilitates networking.
  • It helps students learn from the top professors in the world.
  • It offers a selection of various research packages for the user to choose from.
  • A PhD from a university with international renown improves job prospects.

A guide on how to apply for a PhD in foreign universities is provided below.

There are no restrictions on the disciplines in which a student can pursue a PhD. Some streams pay better and are in higher demand than others. Here are the top 5 PhD streams to take into account as you decide to apply for a PhD abroad:

  • Political Science  
  • Physical Therapy  

Top 5 Countries to Apply for PhD

The USA is the best country to apply to for a PhD because of the high quality of education there. In addition, the USA provides a wide range of subject options, exposing overseas students to numerous research initiatives. Gaining expertise in the specialized subject of study can be facilitated by a PhD from the United States.

The top 5 US universities and their most popular PhD programs are:

1. Harvard University Political Science (Doctor of Philosophy) $52,456 5
2. Elementary Education $56487 3
3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Behavioral and Policy Sciences $28795 per semester 1
4. California Institute of Technology Doctor of Philosophy $97886+ 6
5. Arts and Science $46900 18

Study and Settle in the USA – Fix a Free Appointment Now

German universities offer top-notch facilities to international students, making them a center for higher education. Renowned German universities and colleges also provide thesis-based research degrees. Every year, Germany awards more than 29,000 PhD degrees to international students. The top 5 German universities that grant PhDs are shown below:

1. Technical University of Munich Doctorate in TechnoScience Studies No fee 30
2. Ludwig-Maximilians-University Doctoral Program Environment and Society No fee 33
3. Humanities, Social Science and Law EURO 1500 per semester 43
4. Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Medicine 315,64 € 73
5. Humboldt University Berlin Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies No fee 86

Study and settle in Germany – Consult Experts Now!

The United Kingdom is well known for its elite educational system and a broad range of degree programs. Several of the top universities in the world are located in the UK, which makes it popular with students from other countries. The top 5 institutions where international students can pursue a Ph.D. are as follows:

1. Ancient History – DPhil £28,020 1
2. PhD in Aerosol Science £53,341 3
3. Engineering £ 27,500 10
4. UCL Centre for Multidisciplinary and Intercultural Inquiry, Research Degree £22,230 22
5. Accounting (PHD)  £24,800 29

Interested to Study In the UK? Apply for Free Counseling

A Canadian PhD entails training and research with some of the top academics. Like the United States, Canada is renowned for its cutting-edge educational facilities for international students. A student can take advantage of several internship possibilities and post-study work visa programs shortly after completing their studies. The top 5 Canadian universities offering PhD programs are as follows:

1. Arts and Science $8,735.99 18
2. Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership $3,130.70 (installment based) 40
3. Doctor of Philosophy $2845 per semester 46
4. Doctor of Business $6307 per year 85
5. Communication $7304 per year 111

Seeking to study in Canada – Apply Now

Australia is one of the best options for research-based programs for any PhD student. The country also offers a variety of scholarships for international students and boasts world-class infrastructure with the highest completion rates for PhDs. Additionally, students at Australian universities can choose to pursue PhD in some of the most offbeat and innovative fields. Some of the top universities offering PhD programs are as follows:

1. Doctor of Philosophy AUD$206,886 34
2. Business $33700  44
3. Architecture $37,480 53
4. Doctor of Philosophy $51,000  54
5. Doctor of Medicine and Surgery $87,590.00 62

Get Free Counseling to Study in Australia

Here is a list of the paperwork students must provide to apply to one of the overseas universities. The paperwork would vary from country to country and from university to university.

  • A master’s degree earned from a recognized university.
  • GRE scores (For courses/ universities that require GRE, a score above 310+ is considered to be good, although the minimum score for different sections may differ for each program/ university)
  • IELTS proficiency test results (an IELTS score of 6.5 overall is generally required, with at least 6.0 in each of the four components).
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Transcripts (of secondary school education, undergraduate degree, and graduate degree)
  • Statement of Purpose

The top 5 scholarships for Indian students interested in pursuing a PhD at a foreign university are listed below:

1. Destination Australia Program Studying at a regional institute in Australia Up to $15,000 per year 4 years
2. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Exceptional academic merits, research potential, and leadership skills. CAD 50,000 3 years
3. Friedrich Naumann Foundation for International Students Academic merit and relevance of the research proposal 800 to €1200 per month Up to 3 years
4. AAUW International Women’s Fellowship Women scholars of non-US citizenship who intend to return to their home country. $20,000–$50,000 a year 1 year
5. DAAD Scholarship Germany Two years of work experience, academic merit, and german language requirements Currently, € 1,200
(It includes  monthly scholarship payment and travel allowance. It might also include health, accident, and personal liability insurance)
1 year

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A Ph.D.  is an exceptional qualification that requires a lot of attention on the part of the students and guidance from an excellent university that values research. Therefore, students need to understand how to get admission in PhD abroad at some top universities. The facts in this post will help you determine which nation will be the best and why.

How to get admission in PhD abroad?

Along with other necessary paperwork from the university, a student needs a master’s degree from an accredited institution to study PhD abroad.

Is there a test to get a PhD abroad?

Some of the most popular entrance examinations needed for studying PhD abroad include IELTS, TOEFL , the GRE, the GMAT , and the SAT .

We are a dedicated team of study-abroad experts, ensuring intensive research and comprehensive information in each of our blogs. With every piece written, we aim at simplifying the overseas education process for all. Our diverse experience as journalists, content writers, editors, content strategists, and marketers helps create the most relevant and authentic blogs for our readers.

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PhD Abroad: with Scholarship for Indian Students, Colleges, Work Visa, Eligibility

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PhD Abroad are 2 to 6-year degree courses available at most of the top public universities across the globe. PhD from abroad will light up more opportunities for the candidates in terms of career and scholarship.

Top abroad universities offer a full scholarship for PhD programmes.  IELTS ,  TOEFL ,  GRE ,  GMAT , and  SAT  are some of the most popular entrance exams required for studying PhD Abroad.

See more :  List of PhD Courses

Table of Contents

  • PhD Abroad: Eligibility
  • Why study PhD from Abroad

PhD Abroad Scholarships

Phd abroad: top colleges.

4.1 Colleges in USA

4.2 Colleges in UK

4.3 Colleges in Canada

4.4 Colleges in Germany

4.5 Colleges in France

4.6 Colleges in Australia

  • Work Visa for PhD Abroad

PhD Abroad: Top Careers

Phd abroad: faqs, phd abroad: eligibility criteria.

  • Grades from academia (a high GPA)
  • Previous Studies for Science
  • Undertaken Ventures
  • Scores of Studies (GRE, TOEFL in case of USA )
  • Papers Posted, if any,
  • If submitted, dissertations
  • Healthy engagement in co-curricular events related to the research subject you have selected.
  • Excellent Letters for Recommendation
  • A clear Intent Argument

Why Study PhD from Abroad?

  • Better Opportunities: In terms of both services and future managers, adding internationality will give you more alternatives. Also, researching in another country may encourage your access if your research needs access to such museums, locations, libraries, archives, or facilities.
  • Better Funding: Doing your Ph.D. abroad could be considerably cheaper. Tuition fees, notably at the doctorate level, vary greatly around the globe. In addition, you may apply for some scholarships that are exclusively for students studying abroad from your home country or your destination country.
  • Broad Network: By creating ties in a new county, extend your network. You will get to know individuals on a personal basis and make friends from all over the world. Doing a Ph.D. abroad will also benefit you if, after receiving your degree, you intend to work beyond your home country.
  • New Culture: Studying globally would help you to develop a global perspective. You're going to be introduced to new concepts, ways of instruction, and academic communities. You might also get the chance to learn a foreign language.

Why Study PhD from Abroad

Students who are aiming for a Ph.D. program often opt for foreign countries in different fields like healthcare, automobile, manufacturing, computer Science, Social Science, etc. The average cost can vary and it can be very heavy on pockets. Scholarships help reduce that burden. Some of the top Scholarships are tabulated below for your reference, 

Scholarship Name Country Eligibility Value
AAUW International Fellowships For Women US All women candidates, not US Citizens or residents are eligible. USD 20,000
Women with research subjects related to the advancement of women.
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Canada Candidate must be pursuing a Ph.D. or a joint undergraduate research program $50,000 per year
Candidates under joint undergraduate or graduate research studies must not have completed more than 32 months of study
Gates Cambridge Scholarships UK Candidates must be citizens of any country except the UK Covers the cost of studying at Cambridge including tuition fees, visa cost, travel costs and other expenses.
Candidates must be pursuing a full-time residential program at the University of Cambridge.
Australian Government Research Training Programme (AGRTP) International Scholarships at Flinders University Australia Candidate sare required to meet the academic requirements for the Masters by Research or Doctorate. AUD 28,092 with an establishment allowance of AUD 1485
Candidates shall fulfill the English Proficiency Requirements.
Candidates with Australian and New Zealand citizenship are not eligible
Vice Chancellor’s International Scholarship for Research Excellence University of Nottingham, UK Candidates must possess a valid offer for a full-time PhD or M.Phil in any discipline other than engineering Scholarship covers the entire tuition fees with a monthly stipend of GBP 1015
PhD Scholarships for International Candidates, Swansea - International Candidates other than UK/EU. GBP 8650
IELTS score of above 6.5
Interested in obtaining a PhD at the Department of Physics at Swansea University
President's PhD Scholarships Imperial College, London Distinction in Master’s Full Funding of Tuition Fees GBP 21,400 (Living Costs) and GBP 2000 (Consumable funds for first 3 years)
Fulbright- Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships USA Should have conducted research on the relevant topics, particularly resources of India. Variable
Enrolled in PhD Programme in India applying in US
DAAD Scholarship Germany Applicant for Doctorate Studies 1200 Euros per month and a flat rate travel allowance to reduce transportation costs
Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini International Postdoctoral Fellowship France Research Fellowships that are minimum of 2 year duration Funding amount is paid as a salary covering health insurance.
Candidates need to pursue research in one of the institutes under Institut Pasteur in Paris

PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is an academic qualification that allows the degree holder to teach the subject they have chosen at the university level. There are many top universities around the globe that offer PhD courses in various specializations. They also offer scholarships as well for students who worry about their finances

PhD abroad is a 3-6 year course that brings more opportunities for the candidates. IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT, SAT, and GRE are some of the major entrance exams to gain admission to these universities. Many countries like the USA, UK, Germany, Australia, Japan, Canada, Singapore, France house top universities that offer PhD courses.

PhD Colleges in USA

Some of the top PhD colleges in USA are tabulated below:

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
1 Behavioral & Policy Sciences, Economics, Finance & Accounting, Management Science, Engineering
3 Education, Business, Medicine, Economics, Computer Science, Humanities, Social Sciences
5 Humanities, Social Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering
6 Engineering, Computer Science, Life Science
13 BioEngineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Mechanical Engineering
14 Engineering, Management, Law, Architecture, Arts.
19 Anthropology, Architecture, Management, Biological Sciences, Chemical Physics
20 East Asian Studies, Philosophy, mUsic Composition, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and many more.

PhD Colleges in UK

Tabulated below are some of the top colleges for PhD and the courses offered by them are provided below for your reference, 

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
2 Ancient philosophy, Archaeology, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary and Many more
3 Clinical Neurosciences, Medical Science, Archaeology, History or Arts, Sociology, Law
7 Aeronautics, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Computing, Design Engineering, Earth Science and Engineering
8 Behavioral Science and Health, Cancer Institute, Clinical Psychology, Child Health Research
16 Cardiovascular Science, Clinical Education, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Education
27 Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Applied Theater, Arab World Studies, Architecture, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Biological Physics
35 Addiction Research, Age related Diseases, Applied Mathematics Research, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics
49 Economic Geography, Environmental Economics, Environmental policy and Development, Regional and Urban Planning studies

PhD Colleges in Canada

Tabulated below are some of the top colleges for PhD and the courses offered by them are provided below for your reference,:

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
26 Accounting, Business Economics, Finance, Operations Management, Strategic Management
27 Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences, Education, Engineering
46 Applied Animal biology, Adult Learning and Education, Education, Ancient Culture Religion and ethnicity, Anthropology, Aquaculture,
111 Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Neurological Sciences
126 Epidemiology, Health Promotion and Socio-Behavioral Sciences, Public Health
149 Actuarial Science, Anthropology, MA public issues, Applied Mathematics, Quantum Information, Biology
170 Anatomy, Applied Health Sciences, Astronomy, biomedical Engineering, Business Administration.

PhD Colleges in Germany

Some of the top PhD colleges in Germany and Courses are tabulated below for your reference,:

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
50 Quantum Information, Applied Biology, Applied Mathematics, Health care, Law.
63 Humanities, Social Science and Law, Life Sciences, natural Sciences
64 Cultures of Vigilance, Buddhist studies, environment and society, medieval and renaissance studies.
127 Integrative oncology, mind and brain, biodiversity, evolution and ecology, computational Neurosciences.
128 BGSS International Doctoral Program, economics and management, socio-economic and statistical studies.
136 Natural Sciences, Functional materials, optics and Photonics
159 Economics, Management, Berlin Industrial Engineering and Management
165 Engineering Sciences, Natural Sciences, Applied Geography, Applied Geophysics, Automobile Engineering

PhD Colleges in France

Some of the top PhD colleges in France and Courses are tabulated below for your reference,::

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
44 Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University Paris Anthropology, Astrophysics, Archaeology, Sociology, Life SCiences,Medicine, Earth Sciences, Geography.
49 Physics, Biology,Information Technology, Biology, Data, Artificial Science, Artificial Intelligence
72 Astronomy, Brain Cognitive Behavior, Life Sciences Complexity, Modern and Contemporary History, Ancient and Medieval Worlds.
86 Paris-Saclay University Law, Economics and Management, Mathematics and Physics, Biosphera
245 École des Ponts ParisTech Physics, mechanics, chemistry, geosciences, environment sciences, and life sciences.
261 University of Paris Astrophysics, Environmental Sciences, Legal, Economics and management, Geosciences

PhD Colleges in Australia

Some of the top PhD colleges in Australia are tabulated below:

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
27 Engineering & Computer Sciences, Business & Commerce, Arts, Culture & Society
37 Biomedical Engineering, Child and Adolescent Health, Comprehensive Cancer, Infection And Immunity
38 Arts and social Sciences, Philosophy, Engineering
47 Philosophy, Biotechnology, Veterinary Clinical Science
58 Art, Design , architecture, Education, Business and Economics
93 Philosophy, Advanced social Work, Architecture, Creative Writing, Music
108 Philosophy, Law, Business Management, Applied Psychology, Applied Geography, Child Development

PhD Abroad: Work Visa

After Completion of the PhD program, there are a number of visas available that will help candidates to stay in that country for future job prospects. Some of the visa and their eligibility is mentioned below for your reference, 

Visa Name Country Eligibility
The Graduate Route UK Students Completing their undergraduate or master’s degree to remain in work in the UK for up to 2 years
J1 Visa and H1B Visa US Completed a Bachelor's or higher degree in the related specialty occupation from a US educational Institution
Post Study Work Stream Visa Australia Must be a Degree holder from a recognized institute of higher education be it a diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degree.
Third Level Graduate Scheme Ireland Candidates must have received NFQ level 9 or above to be eligible for This visa to stay in Ireland for up to 12 months.
Public Sector and Science Medical Research Centres
College Professor Analysts
Government Sectors Geological Sectors
Science Writing Scientific Advisor
Patent Lawyer Medical Research and Development Centres

Ques. What is the qualification required to pursue a Ph.D.?

Ans. You must have a previous master's degree in a relevant subject. You will also need a thesis proposal, Language proficiency scores, well-written SOP, and letters of recommendation to apply for a Ph.D.

Ques. Which country offers pocket-friendly Ph.D.?

Ans . Countries such as Germany, Finland, Sweden, and Norway offer low-cost Ph.D. programs?

Ques. What is the period required to complete a Ph.D.?

Ans. A Ph.D. program usually takes anywhere between 2 to 6 years.

Ques. Which country offers a better stipend to Ph.D. students?

Ans. For Ph.D. candidates, the highest salaries are in Switzerland and Canada, with Ph.D. candidates in Switzerland earning on average twice as much as those in Germany.

Ques. Which exams you need to clear to pursue a Ph.D. abroad?

Ans. You will need to secure excellent IELTS/TOEFL scores

Ques. What is the cost of studying Ph.D. abroad?

Ans . In the USA, the average cost of studying for a Ph.D. is nearly US$20,000–40,000 per year. In the UK, the average total cost of studying Ph.D. and living is nearly £10,032 per year. In Australia, The average total cost of doing a Ph.D. in science is nearly AUS$60,562. In Germany, you are expected to pay a semester contribution of around €250.

Ph.D. : 43 answered questions

Ques. are master's degrees from ignou acceptable for admission into ph.d courses in top universities.

● Top Answer By Anumita Mukharjee on 28 Apr 22

Ques. Is a Phd from IGNOU worth it/valuable?

● Top Answer By Srabani Guha on 24 Jul 23

Ques. How is the Direct PhD program of IIT Madras?

● Top Answer By Arati Sinha on 29 Mar 23

Ques. What is the value of a Ph.D. degree from IIT Bombay?

● Top Answer By Karuna Nair on 13 Mar 23

Ques. Why do some students in IIT Bombay leave high-paying jobs and join grad schools for PhD?

● Top Answer By Advait Joshi on 23 Mar 23

Ques. What is the placement scenario after PhD in IIT Bombay?

● Top Answer By Advait Joshi on 17 Mar 23

Ques. Is a PhD from IGNOU valid?

● Top Answer By Pankaj Kumar on 18 Oct 22

Ques. What is the placement record of MSc applied statistics students of IIT Bombay?

● Top Answer By Poornima Sahoo on 18 Mar 23

Ques. How difficult is it to get a PhD from IISc Bangalore?

● Top Answer By Bidita Ghose on 14 Jul 23

Ques. How good is doing a PhD in BITS Pilani compared to IITs?

● Top Answer By Advait Joshi on 27 Jun 23

Ph.D. (Chemistry)

Ph.d. (physics), ph.d. (mathematics), ph.d. (biotechnology), ph.d. (zoology), ph.d. (psychology), ph.d. (business management), ph.d. (management studies), master of science [ms], ph.d. (computer science), ph.d. colleges in india.

IIM Mumbai - Indian Institute of Management

IIM Mumbai - Indian Institute of Management

IIMV - Indian Institute of Management

IIMV - Indian Institute of Management

Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research - [PGIMER]

Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research - [PGIMER]

IIM Jammu

IIM Sambalpur

IIM Sirmaur

IIM Sirmaur

University Business School, Panjab University - [UBS]

University Business School, Panjab University - [UBS]

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How to prepare to study a PhD

Studying for a PhD represents is the highest level of academic study. Requiring hard work and dedication it's a big decision to study at a doctoral level. We explore how to prepare and what you can expect.

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Studying for a PhD represents the highest level of academic study that you can pursue. It is a unique opportunity to research independently and make an original contribution to the subject and field you are involved in. A PhD is quite different from other postgraduate degrees, requiring additional skills, knowledge and insight. We’re here to help you with some tips on preparing for a PhD, what you’ll need, what you can study, and how a PhD can help or shape your career. 

What is a PhD?

A PhD is a research-driven degree and the highest academic qualification you can obtain. PhD candidates need to undertake in-depth research and positively contribute to the body of knowledge in a subject specialisation. A PhD is different from almost all other degrees as there are generally no taught components. A PhD usually takes between three and four years to complete full-time, while part-time up to seven years. 

As a PhD student, you will submit a final thesis and dissertation, which is assessed by a panel of examiners who decide whether the work warrants the award of a doctoral degree. A PhD may also have no mark attached to it and is awarded as either a pass or fail. If you pass your PhD, you get a Doctor of Philosophy qualification and the title of Doctor, although this is usually only used in academic settings. 

Why study for a PhD?

A PhD is a significant investment of time and money. You must be interested in the subject or area of specialisation you intend to research. You should also have an affinity for academic research and inquiry. Additionally, you’ll be motivated to contribute to a field and develop your expertise. Some of the reasons why students decide to study for a PhD are:

  • To gain invaluable skills 
  • To improve career prospects
  • To develop knowledge and understanding
  • To uncover unique insights and perspectives 
  • To translate research into practical implementation 
  • For personal development 

Every student may have different motivations for pursuing a PhD, so it’s always advised that you speak with a prospective supervisor or the academic office at a university to assess your suitability. This can be assessing your specialist area or whether a PhD aligns with your personal and professional goals. 

What does studying for a PhD involve?

For a PhD, you will initially have to submit a proposal or outline of your proposed research. This will list the hypothesis, theories, methodology and scope for your research. If accepted onto a PhD programme, you can use this as the blueprint for your dissertation and thesis. Depending on your subject area, you may need to conduct in-person interviews, focus groups, laboratory work and fieldwork as part of your studies. 

Studying for a PhD will involve a lot of reading, testing, writing and research. Don’t worry, you won’t have to do it all alone. On a PhD programme, you can usually interact with other doctoral students at seminars and workshops. In addition, you will have an appointed supervisor , who is usually an expert in the field, helping you refine ideas and supporting you. 

One of the most important skills you must master as a PhD student is time management. You will be balancing many competing priorities, so having a clear schedule and plan can help significantly. You will find yourself multitasking and trying to meet deadlines regularly. 

Read more about the international student experience abroad. 

What challenges do PhD students face? 

Preparation for a PhD is essential. You must honestly assess some of the challenges and obstacles you could face to navigate these successfully. You’ll be working hard and maintaining high academic standards , which can be stressful. Additionally, a PhD can mean working and researching independently, which can be isolating and lonely. Don’t be afraid to request academic support or speak with your supervisor about this. 

Due to the length of a PhD, you will also find that your motivation levels may change. This is completely normal, and you shouldn’t worry too much about it unless it affects your day-to-day life and ability to meet deadlines. Perseverance is key, and if you need to speak with a counsellor or someone you trust to get support , always do so. 

Another challenge some PhD students will face relates to funding . Tuition fees and additional costs will add up over time, so finding a form of funding, such as a loan or scholarship can be very useful. If you are paying for the degree yourself, this may involve you working a full-time job or doing part-time work. Always check that you can work in the destination you want to study in and make a comprehensive budget, including all living costs and expenses . 

Discover more about looking after your mental health as a student. 

Tips for preparing for a PhD

Preparing for PhD study involves several key steps. You will need to decide on your research topic and area of specialisation. You must also check if your prospective university has a supervisor who is suitably qualified in the area. In addition, some other valuable steps you can take to get ready for doctoral studies include:

  • Reading articles, books, and journals related to your topic of interest
  • Finding out what the entry requirements are
  • Researching the application procedure
  • Asking your current lecturers for their advice on studying for a PhD
  • Look into how to write a research proposal
  • Undertake any English language tests if necessary
  • Decide on your references (people who know you in an academic context)

Discover more about how universities verify overseas qualifications .  

Will a PhD help my career?

The answer to this question depends on the specialisation you are studying. First and foremost, a PhD is an academic rather than a professional degree , so the direct connection with career progression may not be readily apparent. However, in STEM fields such as medicine, engineering, healthcare, and even technology, a PhD can positively impact your career trajectory. 

A PhD will also equip you with several transferable skills . These include key competencies such as:

  • Information synthesis 
  • Writing 
  • Research 
  • Presenting 
  • Interviewing 
  • Communication 

Some PhD graduates go on to teach and work at universities, becoming lecturers and potentially professors. If you wish to work in higher education in this capacity, a PhD is usually a pre-requisite. 

Hopefully, you now feel more prepared to take on a PhD. If you're looking to do some more research, you may like our guides to postgraduate study , preparing for postgraduate study , and the top postgraduate degrees for international students.

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Study PhD Abroad for Indian Students & Apply now for 2024 Intake

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Study PhD Abroad for Indian Students & Apply now for 2024 Intake

A phd abroad is worth every effort and time.

Undertaking research studies abroad is a dream academic plan for a number of international students. PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is the highest academic degree awarded to a student pursuing an advanced study in any particular field. While there are a number of Indian universities that offer a PhD program, pursuing PhD abroad has its fair share of advantages which entice international students. Completing a successful overseas PhD requires much more than just time and money. It takes an immense amount of patience and perseverance.

Why study PhD abroad?

Pursuing your research studies abroad benefit you in more ways than one. Here are the top perks of the same:

A global network: Doing your PhD outside your home country allows you to meet scholars from across the world and learn from their unique perspectives

Career advancement: It opens up opportunities for you to gain global skills and the land the most coveted jobs anywhere in the world

Globally recognised degree: A PhD from top universities abroad

adds weight to your CV and is highly respected by employers across the world

World-class faculty: Top ranking universities abroad have exceptionally skilled and experienced professors

Types of PhD programs

If you enjoy research, then applying for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship a year in advance would be a good move. If teaching interests you, then talking with the Adviser or Department Head is advisable and would help you to progress in academics. Venturing into industries is also a great option for research scientists as there are a number of opportunities available.

Eligibility criteria

While the specific requirements may vary from one university to another, here is what you will typically need:

Masters degree earned from a recognised university

Satisfactory GRE scores (you can speak with your IDP counsellor to know how much you will need to score to get into your preferred university)

Overall score of 6.5 or above on IELTS English proficiency test

You should also keep your letters of recommendation, transcripts, and Statement of Purpose ready for a timely application.

Read more : How to write an SOP | LOR – everything you need to know

Studying in a foreign country can seem expensive. To manage your finances efficiently, it is always a good idea to have a rough idea of how much money you will need.

Read more : Cost of studying abroad

Course duration

Depending upon the field of study, thesis completion and individual progress, PhD completion may take somewhere between 3 to 10 years. The coursework while pursuing international PhD will comprise of lectures, countless presentations, and extensive research.

Intake season

There are usually two intakes round the year that most foreign universities and colleges offer – one during the month of January which is the Spring intake and the other during the month of September which is the Fall intake. Some universities may also offer an intake in the month of April which is the Summer intake. Choose your intake based on factors like availability of your preferred program, your chosen institution, academic records, entrance test scores, job opportunities etc. You can always ask your IDP counsellor for guidance on the intake that is right for you.

Find out more about study abroad intakes

How to choose a university?

Choosing the right university is critical for any student aiming to study abroad. Before taking a decision, the key factors that should be considered are course structure, course fee, accommodation cost, university ranking, teaching standards, research activities, career prospects, and whether the degree is recognised or not.

Read more : How to choose where to study abroad

What scholarship options are available for Indian students?

Students can fund their PhD abroad by availing one of the several scholarships that are available:


Country Name

Scholarship names


The UK

Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship

Charles Wallace India Trust Scholarships


The US, the UK and Europe

Inlaks-Shivdasani Scholarship

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for international Students


The US

Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship



Australian Government Research and Training Program

Endeavour Leadership Program



Government of Ireland Scholarships

NUI Galway Hardiman Scholarships



Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

IDRC Research Awards

Trudeau Doctoral Scholarships


New Zealand

Commonwealth Scholarships for students studying in New Zealand

Career scope A PhD abroad opens a new world of career opportunities to you. While in academics, you could continue with your post-doctoral project as researchers or teachers, industrial jobs are an option for science and engineering doctorates. PhD students can also work as consultants, biochemists, medical scientists, etc.

Benefits of pursuing PhD abroad

Exposure to new research methods

Fluency in a new language

Enhances your resume

Boosts your professional growth

Enables personal grooming and development

Work visa after course completion

There are a number of visa options that may be of help to you in case you are planning to stay and work in your chosen country:






J1 Visa and H1B visa



Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme



Post-Study Work Stream Visa



Temporary Resident Visa



Third Level Graduate Scheme


New Zealand

Post Study Work Visa

Earning a PhD abroad is quite an achievement in itself as it takes immense patience and determination. Completing your PhD research demands commitment so make sure you are certain about the subject area and topic you choose. If you feel stuck anywhere, just connect with our international education specialists and we will be happy to guide you.

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5 Countries That Offer Free or Very Cheap PhD Programmes


  • Updated on  
  • May 11, 2023

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Do you currently hold a degree or a master’s degree and desire to advance your education by pursuing a PhD abroad? The good news is that those with graduate degrees, like master’s or doctoral degrees, had the best salaries and lowest unemployment rates in several countries. Is that terrible news? A PhD program overseas might be quite expensive. When studying overseas, you would have to take tuition, living fees, and other extra costs into account. However, there is a solution to this. The next step would be researching the nations with the most affordable PhD programs. Fortunately, there are quite a few nations where the cost of attending a PhD program is either zero or extremely low. This enables you to enrol in a prestigious university overseas and learn what it’s like to live in a foreign nation and adjust to other customs. You can concentrate on your studies and any other personal or professional goals when you study for a PhD abroad with little concern for your financial situation. Having said that, the following are the 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes in the world.

This Blog Includes:

Swedish doctoral degrees, fees and funding, admissions requirements, norwegian phd fees, admission requirements, entry requirements, types of phd in germany, phd programmes, programme length, phd fees .

A Ph.D. in Economics normally includes coursework in both macroeconomics and microeconomics. However, if you intend to teach or conduct formal research in economic subjects, this is a beneficial degree. Once the proposal is approved and the oral exam is passed, the final years of enrollment are devoted to dissertation research, writing, and defence.

Sweden is the greatest option if you want to pursue a PhD in renewable energy or a field that is closely related to it. According to data, about 56 per cent of the energy utilized in Sweden in 2019 originates from renewable sources. What is the nicest thing about obtaining a PhD in Sweden? Everyone can use it for free, even students from other countries. (Note that students seeking bachelor’s or master’s degrees who are not EU/EEA citizens are not eligible for free tuition.)

Seven of Sweden’s universities are included in the top 350 universities in the world according to the QS World University Rankings 2023, making it the home to some of the most highly regarded universities in the world. The KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Lund University, the two top universities in Sweden, are 89th and 95th, respectively.

Key details-

International students30912
Oldest university
Ph.D. length4 years
Academic yearAugust to June

For students in Swedish universities, a PhD signifies the pinnacle of academic success. Similar to other nations, the focus is on your independent study leading to an original thesis that adds new knowledge to the topic.

countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes

Must Read: Best Countries for PhD

In Sweden, a doctoral study might take one of two forms:

A typical Ph.D. confers a full doctorate (together with the crucial title of “doctor”) after a minimum of four years of full-time work (240 ECTS credits).

As an alternative, you might decide to pursue a licentiate degree. Typically, this only necessitates two years of full-time work toward a more condensed and modest thesis (equivalent to 120 ECTS credits). Some students first enroll for the Swedish licentiate before upgrading to full Ph.D. candidates since it is comparable to the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree provided in the UK or other countries.

In Sweden, there are two teaching terms (August to January and January to June), which are separated by summer and winter breaks. You will often have more flexibility throughout the year as a PhD student, but some additional courses and other activities can be connected to particular teaching periods.

There are no tuition fees for PhD study at state-funded Swedish universities (note that this does not apply to Master’s or Bachelor’s degrees). Doctoral programs are free for students from the EU, EEA, and other countries.

The same is true of application costs; there are none to be paid for a PhD in Sweden.

Although you will need to pay for your housing and living expenses, your university might be able to provide assistance.

Universities in Sweden are permitted to establish their own admittance standards for PhD programs. A bachelor’s degree in an applicable area is typically the required minimum, but a master’s degree is also preferable, especially if you’re asking for funding.

Your capacity to exhibit prior research experience will be as crucial as your previous qualifications. It is crucial that you can demonstrate some preparation for the independent research you will conduct on your PhD, even if this is just the dissertation project for one or both of your previous degrees.

Also Read: PhD in USA

Norway is another Nordic nation that ranks among the 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programs. All students, regardless of nationality, are not charged tuition at Norway’s public universities. Norway’s cost of living is comparable to that of Sweden, therefore you may want to look into ways to reduce your out-of-pocket spending. Other than that, you will just need to pay a nominal semester student union charge to cover expenses like tests or sports facilities, which would only cost you between 300 and 600 Norwegian kroner (approximately INR 2353.24 to INR 4706.49). You can try your luck by submitting an application to the University of Oslo , the top-ranked institution in Norway, which is currently placed 101st in the most recent QS World University Rankings.

International students12400
Oldest universityUniversity of Oslo
PhD length3-4 years
Academic yearAugust to June

Following the Bologna approach, Norwegian PhD programs are third-cycle degrees. As a result, conducting research and creating a PhD thesis will be needed for you.

In Norway, PhDs frequently adhere to a standardized format. Before beginning your PhD research and thesis writing, this usually entails a training component. You might also be regarded as an employee of the university, complete with benefits. In this situation, you will need to uphold your teaching and administrative duties.

The fact that all PhD students in Norway get free tuition is a significant and alluring feature of the program. The cost of living is high in the nation. As a result, maintenance financing of some kind is typically required.

Universities in Norway do not charge tuition for their PhD programs. However, in order to join and receive a student card at many Norwegian universities, you must pay a charge of INR 4149.5 to INR 8299 to the student union each semester.

In Norway, candidates for a PhD are required to hold a master’s degree in a related field. You can check your qualifications’ eligibility at the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. A similar degree may be approved (NOKUT).

Each research organization has a different set of conditions for applications. Always double-check with your desired university.

Typically, PhD candidates must submit a strong research proposal or project description together with the necessary application materials. Other standard materials for PhD applications may also be requested from you. These are some extra materials that might be needed:

  • certified copies of all the documents that are pertinent to your education
  • a strategy for financing your studies (for the full 3-4 years of full-time study, plus information about the funding source and type)
  • An explanation of any significant scholarly or material resource needs
  • a minimum of one proposed academic supervisor’s name (unless stipulated otherwise)

Also Read: PhD in Netherlands

Another Nordic nation, Finland , is at the top of our list of 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programs. In Finland, pursuing a PhD is entirely free, even for those who are not citizens, similar to Norway and Sweden. According to QS, Finland is home to two of the top 150 institutions. This includes the 106th-ranked University of Helsinki and the 116th-ranked Aalto University . It is distinguished as a top-tier study destination by more than just its educational features. Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is ranked 66th in the most recent QS study of “Best Student Cities.” The midnight sun and the Northern lights (aurora borealis), which fill the sky with a breathtaking vista for anywhere between 10 and 20 nights a year, are only two of the most magnificent natural phenomena that can be seen in Finland’s vast, open areas.

International students23794
Oldest university
PhD length4 years
Academic yearSeptember to June

Finland is a very economical alternative for your PhD study abroad because of its generous higher education policy. Any student, regardless of country, is not now required to pay doctoral fees.

In contrast, fees are often charged to non-EU students for Finnish Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

A master’s degree (or its equivalent) from a recognized institution is necessary for admission to a PhD program in Finland.

Other prerequisites will be determined by the area of study you are applying for and the particular procedures followed by your university. If unsure, consult your department.

Germany is famous for having a top-notch educational system and for being an innovative nation. According to QS, three of its universities are among the top 100. This includes Heidelberg University, which is ranked 65th, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, which is ranked 59th, and the Technical University of Munich , which is ranked 49th. According to the most recent Best Student Cities rankings by QS, two of its cities, Munich and Berlin, are among the top 10.

International students311738
Oldest universityUniversity of Heidelberg
PhD length3-4 years
Academic yearOctober-September

Germans invented the doctoral degree, which is based on independent study leading to the submission and review of a thesis. Most colleges continue to offer this style, although some others provide more “organized” programs:

The traditional PhD requires you to choose a research project and conduct it on your own under the supervision of a qualified supervisor (Doktorvater/Doktomutter). The candidate selects the setting for their research, whether it be in a university, non-university organization, or German corporation.

Structured doctoral programs are conducted mostly in English and are focused on the global market. Along with writing your thesis, you will complete extra training, which may entail partnerships and job placements with outside research organizations.

Doctoral degrees are typically free in Germany for all students, regardless of nationality, due to the generous governmental investment in education. You might, however, have to pay additional costs while you are a student.

All public institutions in Germany offer free tuition for doctoral-level studies for up to three years (six semesters). For any additional time beyond the term of your PhD, you might have to pay tuition.

Despite not having to pay tuition, you will still need to pay a semester contribution (Semesterbeitrag), which typically ranges from INR 8k to INR 29k. This pays for office expenses, student government, and student services (Studentenwerk).

In general, you must have completed at least eight semesters of college work before enrolling in a PhD program in Germany. Your final certification must be on par with a German master’s degree.

Additionally, the Dean’s Office (Dekanat) or Board of Examiners (Promotionsausschuss) at your university must acknowledge your prior higher education degree(s).

International students with exceptional qualifications may be admitted to a PhD program with a Bachelor’s degree (fast-track program), albeit you will normally need to pass an entrance exam.

France , which has four universities ranked among the top 100 by QS, is another nation that makes it to our list of 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes. French institutions demand comparatively little tuition. A typical annual cost at a public university, for instance, is around 380 euros (INR 31k at the time of writing). Three French cities—Lyon, Toulouse, and of course, the nation’s capital Paris, which is placed ninth by QS—are included in the top 100 Best Student Cities list as a result of their high academic standing and affordable tuition.

International students246378
Oldest universitySuccessors to the University of Paris
PhD length3-4 years
Academic yearSeptember-June
Typical feesINR 3.11 LPA (public institutions)

The bulk of PhDs is completed as part of a program inside doctoral schools, although French universities occasionally do offer specific doctoral research programs.

The number is 266 in total. In order to provide doctorate training for PhD candidates and foster the growth of early career researchers, they are affiliated with universities and work in partnership with related research laboratories and other centres.

For a typical three-year PhD, a “doctorate” consists of six semesters, yielding two teachings (or research) semesters annually:

  • late September to early January, with a break between Christmas and New Year
  • early February to early June, with a spring break at Easter for several colleges

Exams are normally held at the conclusion of each semester, and institutions take a three-month summer break from July to September. As a full-time student, you will typically complete your PhD in France in 3–4 years.

The current French PhD tuition is the same for all students, regardless of nationality. But costs can differ greatly depending on whether you attend a public or private school (such a Grandes École).

Must Read: PhD in Switzerland

Public institutions charge substantially lower tuition since the State invests an average of INR 11,62,147.82 per student, per year.

The following fees may apply depending on your institution:

  • Fees for PhD students at public institutions are €380 annually.
  • Private institutions – Tuition at private institutions, particularly business schools, range from INR 2.49 Lakh to INR 8.30 Lakh per year.
  • Administrative fees (frais de dossier), which universities may impose, are normally modest—a few tens of euros.

In France, each institution is permitted to establish its own standards and conduct personalized evaluations. However, in order to enroll as a PhD student, you will normally need to hold a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in a suitable field.

If you are pursuing your master’s degree and expect to graduate before the PhD program begins, you may apply.

Additionally, you could be accepted based on your performance on entrance tests and in pre-college courses like the ‘Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles’ (CPGE), which is a frequent practice among French Grandes Écoles.

Pursuing PhD in Finland is entirely free.

The average cost of PhD in the UK is GBP 40,000 (INR 40.67 Lakh)

One of the top countries to pursue an MBA abroad is the United States of America.

Hope now you know 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes. Not sure which country to choose for your PhD? Don’t worry! Our Leverage Edu experts will provide you with end-to-end assistance starting from your university application to the time you reach your university and commence your studies. Call us at 1800 57 2000 to book a FREE 30-minute counselling session today.

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Nikita Puri

Nikita is a creative writer and editor, who is always ready to learn new skills. She has great knowledge about study abroad universities, researching and writing blogs about them. Being a perfectionist, she has a habit of keeping her tasks complete on time before the OCD hits her. When Nikita is not busy working, you can find her eating while binge-watching The office. Also, she breathes music. She has done her bachelor's from Delhi University and her master's from Jamia Millia Islamia.

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PhD in Australia for International Students: Top Universities, Tuition Fees & More

  • Last Updated On September 2, 2024
  • Published In General

PhD in australia

Australia offers a wide range of PhD programs, from humanities to sciences and engineering. 

Table of Content

Australian PhD programs are highly research-oriented, with students focusing on their projects from the start.


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Most PhD programs in Australia typically last between 3 to 4 years, similar to those in the UK but shorter than in the US.

Around 38% of Australian PhD graduates move into academic roles post-completion.

Australian universities attract a significant number of international students, contributing to a culturally diverse academic environment.

Key Highlight Table

Over 40 universities in Australia offer PhD programs.
Typically 3 to 4 years.
INR 25,00,000 to INR 45,00,000 per year.
INR 68,750 – INR 1,37,500
6.5–7.0 or equivalent, with no band below 6.0.
University of Melbourne, Australian National University (ANU), University of Sydney
INR 35,00,000 to INR 65,00,000

Why Study a PhD in Australia?

Pursuing a PhD in Australia offers a combination of rigorous academic research, state-of-the-art facilities, and global networking opportunities. Australia is renowned for its high standards of research excellence and prestigious institutions. 

Here are five compelling reasons to consider Australia for your PhD:

World-Class Research Facilities and Expertise : 

  • Australian universities like the University of Melbourne and ANU are known for their cutting-edge research facilities and academic expertise. 
  • For instance, the Australian National University’s research centres are among the best globally, offering top-notch resources and academic guidance.

Strong Global Reputation : 

  • A PhD from an Australian institution is highly regarded worldwide, providing graduates with significant international recognition. 
  • This prestige can open doors to prestigious academic and professional opportunities globally.

Extensive Funding and Scholarships : 

  • Australia offers numerous funding options and scholarships for PhD students.
  • Institutions like the University of Sydney provide various grants and fellowships to support research projects and living costs.

Diverse Research Opportunities : 

  • Australian universities offer a wide range of research opportunities across various fields, allowing students to pursue innovative projects with significant real-world impact. 
  • For instance, the University of Queensland provides extensive research options across disciplines from environmental science to humanities.

Networking and Collaboration : 

  • Studying in Australia facilitates connections with leading researchers, professionals, and industry experts. 
  • Universities like Monash University have strong ties with industry partners, fostering collaboration and networking opportunities.

Which are the Top 10 Universities for a PhD in Australia?

Australia is home to many prestigious universities known for their excellent PhD programs and research opportunities. 

According to the QS World University Rankings 2025, these institutions stand out for their academic rigour and global impact:

#13INR 37,00,000 / AUD 65,000
#30INR 35,00,000 / AUD 61,000
#18INR 36,00,000 / AUD 63,000
#40INR 34,00,000 / AUD 59,000
#19INR 33,00,000 / AUD 58,000
#37INR 32,00,000 / AUD 56,000
#77INR 31,00,000 / AUD 55,000
#82INR 29,00,000 / AUD 52,000
#88INR 30,00,000 / AUD 54,000
#133INR 28,00,000 / AUD 50,000

What are the Top PhD Specialisations in Australia?

Australia is renowned for its advanced research facilities and expertise in various fields. Known for its world-class universities and cutting-edge research, Australia provides an exceptional environment for pursuing a PhD. 

With a focus on innovation and global impact, PhD programs in Australia often lead to groundbreaking discoveries and influential academic contributions. 

Here are some of the top PhD specialisations:

  • Focus : Climate Change, Conservation, Ecology
  • Courses : Environmental Policy, Climate Modeling, Conservation Biology
  • Career Paths : Environmental Scientist, Policy Advisor, Conservationist
  • Focus : Big Data, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics
  • Courses : Advanced Statistics, Data Mining, AI and Machine Learning
  • Career Paths : Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Data Analyst
  • Focus : Genetic Engineering, Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology
  • Courses : Genomics, Biostatistics, Biomedical Research
  • Career Paths : Biotech Researcher, Geneticist, Academic
  • Focus : Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
  • Courses : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Structural Analysis, Robotics
  • Career Paths : Research Engineer, Project Manager, Consultant
  • Focus : Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Social Psychology
  • Courses : Psychopathology, Neuropsychology, Research Methods
  • Career Paths : Clinical Psychologist, Academic, Researcher

What are the Admission Requirements for a PhD in Australia?

Applying for a PhD in Australia involves meeting specific academic and English proficiency requirements. 

Here’s what you need:

  • Master’s Degree : A relevant Master’s degree or equivalent research experience.
  • Research Proposal : A detailed proposal outlining your intended research project.
  • English Proficiency : TOEFL (minimum score of 90) or IELTS (minimum score of 6.5), with no band below 6.0.
  • Letter of Recommendation : Usually, two academic references support your research capabilities.
  • Transcripts : Academic transcripts from previous institutions.
  • Statement of Purpose : An essay describing your research interests and career goals.
  • CV/Resume : Detailing academic and professional achievements.
  • Australian Student Visa : Required for non-Australian students, including a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) form and proof of financial support.
  • Post-Study Work Visa : Allows international students who have completed a PhD in Australia to stay and work for up to 4 years. This visa is essential for those wishing to gain work experience or pursue further career opportunities in Australia after their studies.

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What is the cost of studying a phd in australia.

The cost of pursuing a PhD in Australia varies based on the university and specific program. 

  • Typically, tuition fees range from AUD 30,000 to AUD 65,000 per year, translating to approximately INR 25,00,000 to INR 45,00,000 . 

Additionally, students should budget for living expenses, which can add to the overall cost.

What is the Cost of Living in Australia?

The cost of living in Australia can vary greatly depending on location and lifestyle. 

Here’s an approximate breakdown of monthly expenses:

AUD 300 – AUD 500INR 16,500 – INR 27,500
AUD 700 – AUD 1,500INR 38,500 – INR 82,500
AUD 100 – AUD 200INR 5,500 – INR 11,000
AUD 150 – AUD 300INR 8,250 – INR 16,500
AUD 1,250 – AUD 2,500INR 68,750 – INR 1,37,500

Which are the Scholarships for PhD in Australia?

Pursuing a PhD in Australia can be a significant financial commitment, but various scholarships are available to help alleviate the cost. 

These scholarships aim to support students by covering tuition fees, living expenses, and additional costs. 

They are designed to ensure that talented individuals can undertake advanced research without being burdened by financial constraints. 

Let’s explore the scholarships:

Government-funded It covers full tuition, a living allowance, and airfare.
Government-funded,Covers full tuition and a monthly stipend.
Institution-specific, merit-basedVaries – can cover tuition, stipend, and research expenses.
Government-fundedTuition fees are offset, and there is a stipend for living expenses.
Government-fundedCovers tuition fees, living expenses, and travel costs.

Curious about scholarships in Australia? Click here to learn more .

What are the Job Prospects After a PhD in Australia?

Australia offers robust job prospects for PhD graduates across various sectors. 

After completing a PhD, many graduates pursue academic careers, research positions, or roles in industry and government. 

The skills and expertise gained during a PhD program are highly valued, leading to diverse career opportunities. 

The following table highlights some of the top job roles for PhD graduates, along with their annual average salaries:

University Lecturer, Research FellowAUD 85,000 – AUD 140,000 / INR 46,75,000 – INR 77,00,000
Research Scientist, Research ManagerAUD 90,000 – AUD 150,000 / INR 49,50,000 – INR 82,50,000
Data Analyst, Senior ConsultantAUD 95,000 – AUD 160,000 / INR 52,25,000 – INR 88,00,000
Policy Advisor, Research DirectorAUD 90,000 – AUD 145,000 / INR 49,50,000 – INR 79,75,000

Want to know about the highest-paying jobs in Australia? Click here to learn more .

Who are the Top Recruiters After a PhD in Australia?

PhD graduates in Australia often secure positions with leading organisations known for their research excellence and innovative approaches.

Here are five top recruiters: 

  • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
  • University of Melbourne
  • CSIRO Data61

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. what are the benefits of pursuing a phd in australia for indian students.

Ans. Pursuing a PhD in Australia offers Indian students access to world-class research facilities, a diverse academic environment, and global networking opportunities. With universities like the University of Melbourne and ANU renowned for research excellence, students gain valuable expertise. Additionally, the shorter duration of 3-4 years and extensive funding options, including scholarships, make Australia an attractive destination for PhD studies.

Q. What types of PhD programs are available in Australia?

Ans. Australia offers a wide range of PhD programs across various fields such as humanities, sciences, engineering, and more. These programs are highly research-oriented, with students focusing on their research projects from the beginning. Specialisations include Environmental Science, Data Science, Biotechnology, Engineering, and Psychology, among others, allowing students to pursue innovative research with significant real-world impact.

Q. What are the general PhD requirements in Australia for international students?

Ans. International students applying for a PhD in Australia need a relevant Master’s degree or equivalent research experience, a detailed research proposal, and proof of English proficiency (IELTS 6.5–7.0 or TOEFL 90-100). Additionally, two academic references and supporting documents like transcripts, a statement of purpose, and a CV are required. These criteria ensure that candidates are well-prepared for advanced research.

Q. How much do PhD programs cost in Australia?

Ans. The cost of PhD programs in Australia varies depending on the university and program. Typically, tuition fees range from AUD 30,000 to AUD 65,000 per year (INR 25,00,000 to INR 45,00,000). Students should also budget for living expenses, which can add significantly to the overall cost of studying in Australia.

Q. Are there fully funded PhD options in Australia for international students?

Ans. Yes, Australia offers fully funded PhD options through various scholarships and grants. Scholarships such as the Australia Awards, Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship, and Research Training Program (RTP) provide funding that covers tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs. These scholarships make it possible for international students to pursue advanced research without financial burden.

Q. What is the duration of PhD programs in Australia?

Ans. PhD programs in Australia typically last between 3 to 4 years, which is shorter than the duration of similar programs in the US. This timeframe allows students to focus intensely on their research projects, leading to timely completion of their studies and entry into the workforce or further academic pursuits.

Q. How can Indian students apply for PhD admission in Australia?

Ans. Indian students can apply for PhD admission in Australia by selecting a relevant program, preparing a strong research proposal, and submitting it along with academic transcripts, a statement of purpose, and letters of reference. Additionally, they must demonstrate English proficiency through IELTS or TOEFL scores. Applications are submitted directly to the chosen university, where candidates undergo a rigorous selection process.

Q. What are the living costs for PhD students in Australia?

Ans. The cost of living for PhD students in Australia varies by location and lifestyle. On average, monthly expenses range from AUD 1,250 to AUD 2,500 (INR 68,750 to INR 1,37,500). This includes rent, food, transport, and other personal expenses. Major cities like Sydney and Melbourne tend to have higher living costs compared to smaller cities.

Q. What job opportunities are available after completing a PhD in Australia?

Ans. After completing a PhD in Australia, graduates have strong job prospects in academia, research, industry, and the public sector. Roles include University Lecturer, Research Scientist, Data Analyst, and Policy Advisor, with salaries ranging from AUD 85,000 to AUD 160,000 (INR 46,75,000 to INR 88,00,000) annually. Australia’s robust economy and innovative industries provide diverse career paths for PhD holders.

Q. Which universities are top-ranked for PhD programs in Australia?

Ans. Australia is home to several top-ranked universities for PhD programs, including the University of Melbourne, Australian National University (ANU), and the University of Sydney. These institutions are renowned for their research excellence, global impact, and strong academic support, making them ideal choices for students pursuing advanced research degrees.

Q. What are the top recruiters for PhD graduates in Australia?

Ans. Top recruiters for PhD graduates in Australia include the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), University of Melbourne, CSIRO Data61, BHP, and Cochlear. These organisations are known for their research excellence and innovative approaches, offering PhD graduates opportunities to apply their expertise in impactful roles.

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Essential guide: studying abroad tips.

30+ Universities for Study Abroad

  • Arizona State University
  • Northeastern University
  • Coventry University
  • University Of East London
  • University Of Hertfordshire
  • Conestoga College
  • Humber College
  • Centennial College
  • University Of Birmingham
  • Stanford University
  • University Of Greenwich
  • Columbia University
  • Bpp University
  • Texas A & M University
  • University Of Maryland
  • University Of Toronto
  • University Of Melbourne
  • University Of Waterloo
  • New York University
  • Mcgill University
  • Harvard University
  • University Of British Columbia
  • University Of Alberta
  • University Of Oxford
  • University Of Cambridge
  • University Of California Berkeley
  • Yale University
  • University Of Calgary
  • Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT)

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Prachi Sethi

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2/3 of university students in Japan are interested in working abroad: survey

September 3, 2024 (Mainichi Japan)

Japanese version

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TOKYO -- Two out of three university students in Japan are interested in working overseas, according to a survey conducted by the Mainichi Shimbun and a Tokyo-based IT firm, revealing their strong interest in foreign countries.

The survey was carried out online from July 4 to 14 by the Mainichi Shimbun in collaboration with Penmark Inc. that offers a schedule management app for college students called "Penmark." A total of 1,116 first- to fourth-year university students responded to 13 questions about their lifestyles and work styles.

When asked if they were interested in working abroad, 66.8% of respondents answered affirmatively, while 33.2% replied negatively. When those interested were asked to choose up to two specific reasons, the most common response was "to learn a new language" at 28.3%, followed by "to experience a different culture" at 26.9% and "because it is likely that incomes will be higher abroad" at 14.2%.

Naoaki Yokoyama, 27, CEO of Penmark, said that compared to how he felt when he was at college, he feels that two out of three students answering "interested in working abroad" is a very large number.

An increasing number of Japanese up to the age of 30 are working in Australia under working holiday programs, which allow them to obtain special visas. Yokoyama said, "We actually hear students say, 'Going abroad under such schemes is more cost-effective than studying abroad because I can learn, as well as earn money.' The popularity of the program may be reflected in the survey results."

Meanwhile, the poll also asked the university students if they would like to travel abroad. The most common response, at 56.5%, was "would like to go, but cannot because the cost is too high," while 18.2% said they "would like to travel and are planning to do so." Those who answered "don't want to go or are not interested" totaled 11.6%.

In a choice of up to three travel destinations, Europe was the most popular at 57.9%, followed by South Korea at 48.5%, Hawaii at 46.1% and North America (U.S. and Canada) at 43.7%.

(Japanese original by Tsuyoshi Goto, Business News Department)

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Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara, right, and his Norwegian counterpart Bjorn Arild Gram meet in Tokyo on Sept. 3, 2024. (Kyodo)

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Applying to the Biological Engineering PhD program

Thank you for your interest in MIT BE – we want to receive your application! This page explains the application process and provides information specific to our program that you may use to strengthen your application. Our evaluation process begins with your electronic application folder and proceeds through an on-site interview.

We believe that our diverse, welcoming, and collaborative community fosters the most effective environment for training students to conduct world-class research. To maintain and further strengthen our culture, we depend on continuing to receive applications representing a broad range of academic and personal backgrounds. From 2019-2022, we invited applicants from 64 different undergraduate institutions holding and expecting bachelors degrees in many different disciplines to interview for admission. Of applicants invited to interview from 2019-2022, about 52% self-identified as female, and more than 18% self-identified as underrepresented minorities (as defined by MIT). Many students join the program immediately after completing their undergraduate studies, while others have already received advanced degrees or acquired post-baccalaureate professional experience.

The guidance below is intended to help prospective students understand the aspects of academic preparation and experience that poise applicants for success in our program and how to present this information effectively in their application materials. This guidance is not intended to describe any “ideal” application profile or minimum standards for admission (no quantitative standards exist). Every complete application received is reviewed holistically by BE faculty.

Application to MIT BE is competitive, with fewer than 10% of applicants receiving an offer to interview each year (we offer admission to the majority of interviewees). Applicants holding international undergraduate degrees may apply, and such applicants received about 3% of the interview offers made from 2019-2022. Interview offers are communicated asynchronously to applicants in January and February each year.

Evaluation of applications for PhD study in BE particularly focuses on:

  • Evidence of strong academic preparation and demonstrated interest in both a quantitative discipline and a biological discipline
  • Evidence of aptitude for and experience/accomplishment in scientific or engineering research
  • Explanation of interest in pursuing a career that leverages PhD-level training in Biological Engineering under the guidance of MIT BE faculty advisors

Academic preparation. Success in the challenging coursework and research components of the MIT BE PhD program requires a strong academic background in both biology and quantitative engineering or science. While many successful applicants hold undergraduate engineering degrees and have completed substantial coursework in biology, there are many different ways to demonstrate the academic preparation needed. Applicants whose principal degree is quantitative, computational, engineering, or in the physical sciences can bolster their training in biology by taking core biology courses like biochemistry, genetics, and cell biology. Applicants whose principal degree is in a life science field can acquire quantitative training in courses beyond calculus, biostatistics, and programming/informatics such as differential equations, linear algebra, and advanced courses in probability, statistics, analysis, and computer science.

Understanding that every applicant’s personal and college experience is unique and that grading practices differ, BE has no minimum grade point average (GPA) requirement. We strongly consider the factors other than GPA described on this page in our admissions process. However, most applicants receiving an interview offer have a GPA in the A range (>3.6 on an A = 4.0 scale), and from 2019-2022 the median GPA of interviewees was 3.94. Many applicants with high GPAs do not receive interview invitations, and applicants with GPAs below the A range may be competitive for admission in our holistic evaluation process given other extraordinary aspects of their academic record, experiences, and achievements detailed in their application materials.

Applicant statement. This application component is a free-form opportunity to introduce yourself in writing to the admissions committee, explain your interest in Biological Engineering at MIT, and contextualize other application components including your academic record, research experience, and letters of recommendation. The admissions committee wants to hear why PhD-level training in Biological Engineering under the mentorship of MIT BE faculty is right for you, which research groups you may be interested in joining, how you have prepared to receive PhD training, and how this training may power your aspirations for the future. The MIT BE Communications Lab CommKit has additional content on writing statements of purpose . While not a particular focus of our evaluation, the statement is an opportunity to directly demonstrate your writing skills and attention to detail.

Letters of recommendation provide crucial evidence of research aptitude in successful applications. The most impactful support letters come from your faculty research supervisor(s) who know you well and have substantial experience advising PhD students. Support letters from other research supervisors, academic advisors, or course instructors may also be included. You can find general guidance (not specific to applications to study in the BE PhD program) on requesting letters of recommendation and on support letter content from the Biological Engineering Communication Lab.

To apply , go to the online application and create a user id and password. You do not need to complete the entire application in one sitting. You may begin the application, save it, and return to it at a later time using your user ID and password.

Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications ahead of the deadline and are responsible for ensuring that all admissions credentials are submitted on time. Your application will not be reviewed until all materials have been received. There is no separate application for financial support; all admitted applicants are offered a full support package.

The BE Department does not require the standardized Graduate Record Examination (GRE) test as part of our application process, but will consider scores if provided by the applicant.

To apply follow these steps.

1. Fill out the online application by 23:59, EST, December 15.

You will be providing the following information:

  • Field(s) of interest
  • Personal information/addresses
  • International student data
  • Three or more names and email addresses of letter writers
  • Scanned copies of your College Transcripts
  • For international students, scanned copies of your IELTS scores
  • Academic preparation and research/work experience
  • Applicant statement
  • Credit card payment of $90 (Information on requesting a fee waiver is here )

2. Arrange for submission of the following (official reports only):

Scanned PDF transcripts and IELTS scores are considered unofficial documents but are sufficient for review purposes. Official documents are required before an admissions decision can be made. Please have any test scores electronically transmitted to MIT Admissions and mail official copies of your transcript(s) to:

MIT Department of Biological Engineering

77 Massachusetts Avenue, Bldg. 16-267

Cambridge, MA 02139

For international students:

IELTS scores should also be electronically sent directly to MIT.

  • To register for a test, visit the IETLS website.
  • IELTS does not require a code. Please write “Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology”. No address is required as scores are reported electronically.
  • If you are an international student, you should take the IELTS test by November 15. The Department of Biological Engineering does not waive this requirement.

The IELTS is waived for applicants who are citizens of Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Nigeria, Singapore, or the United Kingdom, or for applicants who have or will earn a BS degree at a US university.

  • PhD Study in the USA - 2024

Over one million international students choose the USA as their study abroad destination, making it the most popular international study destination in the world! America is known for its comprehensive approach to postgraduate education, combining enhanced subject knowledge and research opportunities with the development of a suite of transferrable skills.

Why study a PhD in the USA?

  • Accessibility – A US graduate programme takes longer than a UK PhD, but this can also help you find your feet as a PhD student. The taught elements mean you have more time to develop a more detailed understanding of your subject as the basis for your own research.
  • World-leading universities and research – Rankings aren’t everything, but the global league tables continue to be dominated by US institutions. Amongst other things, this reflects the country’s substantial investment in research output and expertise.
  • International community - American universities host huge numbers of students from across the world. Whatever and wherever you study, you’ll be welcomed as part of a diverse academic community.
  • Innovation – America was the second country ( after Germany ) to adopt the modern PhD degree. Its own structured approach to doctoral training is also now influencing PhD study in the UK and Europe .

If you’re interested in studying your PhD in the USA, we’ve covered everything you need to know in our selection of guides below, including applications , visas and funding .

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Our guide to PhD funding in the USA has information on fully-funded PhD scholarships, as well as other funding options for international and domestic students.

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  16. Doctorate Degrees Abroad

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    A PhD degree in Engineering in UK is a doctoral degree, specifically created to provide students with expertise and knowledge in different engineering fields. It is a 3-5 years Doctorate degree for candidates who have completed their graduation and postgraduate studies in the same field.

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    Eligibility. The Graduate Route. UK. Students Completing their undergraduate or master's degree to remain in work in the UK for up to 2 years. J1 Visa and H1B Visa. US. Completed a Bachelor's or higher degree in the related specialty occupation from a US educational Institution. Post Study Work Stream Visa. Australia.

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    Studying for a PhD will involve a lot of reading, testing, writing and research. Don't worry, you won't have to do it all alone. On a PhD programme, you can usually interact with other doctoral students at seminars and workshops. In addition, you will have an appointed supervisor, who is usually an expert in the field, helping you refine ...

  20. Study PhD Abroad for Indian Students & Apply now for 2024 Intake

    Course duration. Depending upon the field of study, thesis completion and individual progress, PhD completion may take somewhere between 3 to 10 years. The coursework while pursuing international PhD will comprise of lectures, countless presentations, and extensive research. Intake season.

  21. PhD Study in Europe

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  22. 5 Countries That Offer Free or Very Cheap PhD Programmes

    France. France, which has four universities ranked among the top 100 by QS, is another nation that makes it to our list of 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes. French institutions demand comparatively little tuition. A typical annual cost at a public university, for instance, is around 380 euros (INR 31k at the time of ...

  23. PhD in Australia for International Students

    Ans. International students applying for a PhD in Australia need a relevant Master's degree or equivalent research experience, a detailed research proposal, and proof of English proficiency (IELTS 6.5-7.0 or TOEFL 90-100). Additionally, two academic references and supporting documents like transcripts, a statement of purpose, and a CV are ...

  24. 2/3 of university students in Japan are interested in working abroad

    When asked if they were interested in working abroad, 66.8% of respondents answered affirmatively, while 33.2% replied negatively. When those interested were asked to choose up to two specific ...

  25. PhD Application Advice for International Students

    The UK ENIC (the UK's centre for the recognition of international qualifications) can advise you on this if you're applying for a UK PhD. Proof of your English language proficiency is another important part of an international PhD application. If you haven't already studied in an English-speaking country, you'll usually need to provide ...

  26. How Do I Apply?

    Explanation of interest in pursuing a career that leverages PhD-level training in Biological Engineering under the guidance of MIT BE faculty advisors Academic preparation. Success in the challenging coursework and research components of the MIT BE PhD program requires a strong academic background in both biology and quantitative engineering or ...

  27. PhD Study in the USA

    PhD Study in the USA - 2024. Over one million international students choose the USA as their study abroad destination, making it the most popular international study destination in the world! America is known for its comprehensive approach to postgraduate education, combining enhanced subject knowledge and research opportunities with the ...