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Master of Education ( Curriculum Studies)

This is a 2 year programme. The M.Ed. program gives students a strong disciplinary grounding that allows them to approach education questions. The M. Ed program consists of a set of common mandatory courses in the first year and a series of specialized courses in the second year.

A student may enrol in the M.Ed programme either on a full time basis or on a part-time basis.

The part time programme is offered in the evenings and during the school holiday period.  The programme offered during the holiday period is also known as the school based programme.

The full time programme shall extend over a minimum of four (4) semesters from the date of registration and a maximum of eight (8) semesters. The course shall consist of coursework, examination and Thesis.

The evening programme shall extend over a minimum of four (4) semesters from the date of registration and a maximum of twelve (12) semesters.  The course shall consist of course work, examination and project.

The school based programme shall be an intensive course taught during the school holidays. Two school holidays of four weeks each will constitute a semester.

 The programme shall comprise of 18 units.

During the first three semesters, a student shall take ten (10) compulsory (core) units. Each unit consists of 60 contact hours.

A student shall be required to take the 10 Core Units before being allowed to take elective courses for project or embark on their thesis.

A student shall be required to choose the topic for research thesis or project after successful completion of Core Units.

  • Research thesis will be after 10 core units and shall be considered to be equivalent to eight (8) units.
  • Research project shall be considered to be equivalent to four (4) units.

A student admitted into the M.Ed degree programme will specialize in any one of the following subject areas:

  • Educational Administration
  • Educational Planning
  • Economics of Education
  • Corporate Governance in Education
  • Curriculum Studies
  • Education in Emergencies

Thesis, after the 10 core units.

Project – 4 extra taught units

A holder of Bachelor of Education degree with at least an Upper Second Class honours degree of the University of Nairobi or equivalent qualifications from other universities recognized by Senate.

 A holder of Bachelor of Education degree with at least a Lower Second  Class honours  or equivalent  qualifications from other universities recognized by Senate with two years working experience.

A holder of any other Bachelor’s degree of the University of Nairobi with at least Second Class honours and a /Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) or equivalent qualifications from universities recognized by Senate.

Applicants who wish to specialize in economics of education and Educational planning should have had prior exposure to economics and economics related subjects at undergraduate level. However, for those wishing to specialize in Educational Planning, a strong background in mathematics at undergraduate level.

The careers available with a Master's in Curriculum and Instruction include educational design, leadership and consulting. A Master's in Curriculum and Instruction will focus on current theories, research and technology used to design curriculum content, instructional models and learning systems. These degree programs may offer courses in research methodology, instruction improvement, achievement gap strategies, personalized learning, adaptive assessments and competency-based curriculum.

Curriculum and Instruction Administrator

A curriculum and instruction administrator will lead, plan and coordinates education policies, programs and procedures. They may develop strategic business partnerships, such as with local companies for internships, or they may help develop regional student prospect plans, which involves educational marketing and recruitment. If they work at a community college, they may develop and sustain strategic partnerships with local universities to streamline the acceptance and transition of college credit courses for eligible students. Curriculum and instruction administrators may participate in human resource activities like new hire selection and teacher re-training.

Curriculum and Instruction Analyst

This type of curriculum and instruction administrator will have a strong computer and technical background. They will analyze data using a variety of methods and systems to benchmark programming, performance and program improvement. They must cooperate with appropriate IT personnel and target departments to ensure the continuity of accurate and timely data collections. For example, they may analyze everything from effective instruction to core curriculum adherence to academic intervention services. They should have strong interpersonal and organizational skills to effectively work with a wide range of parties.

 YEAR 1     YEAR 2   
TUITION @ 25200             126,000.00          126,000.00         100,800.00            100,800.00       453,600.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                 6,500.00                            -                6,500.00                             -           13,000.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                 7,000.00                            -                7,000.00                             -           14,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                 5,000.00               5,000.00              4,000.00                             -           14,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                 2,250.00               2,250.00              2,250.00                 2,250.00            9,000.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                 1,000.00                            -                1,000.00                             -              2,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                 2,000.00                            -                2,000.00                             -              4,000.00
CAUTION - (ONCE)                 5,000.00                            -                                 -              5,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                 5,000.00                            -                5,000.00                             -           10,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                 1,000.00                            -                1,000.00                             -              2,000.00
THESIS EXAMINATION                              -                              -                             -                30,000.00         30,000.00
Totals             160,750.00          133,250.00         129,550.00            133,050.00       556,600.00
Grand totals               556,600.00

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This Programme shall equip learners to:

i)      Acquire advanced knowledge and skills in Educational Technology.

ii)     Examine critically issues and challenges in Educational technology.

iii)    Develop competence for conducting research in Educational Technology.

iv)    Apply theories and principles of pedagogy in the adoption of Technology in Education

v)     Acquire skills in training of educational technology practitioners.

vi)    Design and produce Instructional materials

Duration and structure

  • The degree programme has two options:  course work, examination and project as option one and course work, examination and thesis as option two. 
  • The programme shall run for a minimum period of four semesters and a maximum   of 12 semesters of 15 weeks each.
  • M.Ed. in Educational Technology shall be offered by course work, examination and project/thesis.
  • The programme shall comprise 18 course units.
  • A student taking the programme by coursework, examination and project shall take ten (10) core course units, four elective course units and project.
  • A project shall be equivalent to four course units.
  • A student taking the programme by course work, examination and thesis shall take ten core course units and thesis
  • A thesis shall be equivalent to eight course units.
  • A course unit shall constitute 60 contact hours.

The common regulations for Masters’ Degree in the University of Nairobi shall apply.

  • A holder of Bachelor of Education degree with at least Upper Second Class honours  degree  of the University of Nairobi or its equivalent qualification recognized by the Senate.
  •  A holder of any other Bachelor’s degree of the University of Nairobi  with at least an  upper  second class honours and postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) of the University of Nairobi or equivalent qualification recognized by the Senate.
  •  A holder of lower second class degree in education obtained from the University of Nairobi  and three years teaching experience or any other equivalent qualification recognized by the Senate.
  • A holder of a pass degree in Education from the University of Nairobi and five years teaching   experience or any other qualification recognized by the Senate
  • Trainer of trainer
  • Managers of school
  • Curriculum development specialist
  • Computer studies teacher
  • IT consultant
  • Educational media specialist
  • Multimedia designer
  • Web designer
  • E - learning material developer
  • Researchers in educational technology
  Item  Details Cost
1 Tuition fees 5course units @ Ksh. 12000 each 60,000.00
2 Examination fees 5 examination papers @ Ksh.1000.00 each 5,000.00
3 Registration Ksh. 1000.00 per semester 1000
4 Student ID Ksh. 500.00  per year   500.00
5 Medical fee Ksh. 5000.00 per year 5,000.00
6 Library Ksh. 3000.00 per semester 3,000.00
7 Activity fee Ksh. 2000.00 per year 2,000.00
8 Caution money Ksh. 5000.00 (Once and refundable) 5,000.00
9 Computer fee Ksh. 5000.00 per year 5,000.00
Total 86,500.00
Year 1 Semester 2
  Item Details Cost
1 Tuition fees 5 course units @ Ksh. 12000 each 60,000.00
2 Examination fees 5 examination papers @ Ksh.1000.00 each 5,000.00
3 Registration Ksh. 1000.00 per semester 1000
4 Library Ksh. 3000.00 per semester 3,000.00
Total 69,000.00
Year 2 Semester 1
  Item  Details Cost
1 Tuition fees 4 course units @ Ksh. 12000 each OR 48,000.00
2 course units 24000
2 Examination fees 4 examination papers @ Ksh.1000.00 each 0r 4,000.00
2 examinations 2000
3 Registration Ksh. 1000.00 per semester 1000.00,
4 Student ID Ksh. 500.00  per year 500
5 Medical fee Ksh. 5000.00 per year 5,000.00
6 Library Ksh. 3000.00 per semester 3,000.00
7 Activity fee Ksh. 2000.00 per year 2,000.00
8 Computer fee Ksh. 5000.00 per year 5,000.00
9 Student’s union Ksh. per year. 1,000 1,000.00
Total 69,500.00
Year 2 Semester 2
1 Tuition fees Research project(4 course units) @ 12000 48000
OR Thesis (6 course units)@12000 72000
2 Project Examination fees 4 examination papers @ Ksh.1000.00 each 4,000.00
OR Thesis 6units @1000 6000
3 Registration Ksh. 1000.00 per semester 1000
4 Library Ksh. 3000.00 per semester 3,000.00
Total 56,000.00

             Add 25% for foreign students

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Master in Distance Education is a flagship program of the University of Nairobi to be offered to support Kenya’s Vision 2030.

Distance Education has become an important vehicle for providing education and training opportunities.  The Master in Distance Education course is intended to give learners the requisite theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in Distance Education.  The course is complemented by selected case studies, which have been developed from a wide variety of distance education setting in different parts of the world.  Practical work is also built into the course in order to give students the necessary experience in developing producing distance education programmes for specific purposes.

The objectives of the programme shall be to: -

  • Provide knowledge, skills and appropriate attitudes for designing and managing Open and Distance Education programmes.
  • Equip learners with philosophy, theories and concepts of ODE
  • Provide skills for planning, designing, developing and producing effective ODE  materials
  • Equip the learners with skills, knowledge and strategies necessary to critically monitor and evaluate the open and distance education programes .
  • To provide learners with knowledge and skills in ODE and mindset for transformation and attainment of sustainable developments.

For more information contact ; Dean School of Open & Distance Learning, 0720209996  [email protected]  or Chairman Department of Educational Studies   [email protected]


  • Log on to the University of Nairobi Website application link www.application.uonbi.ac.ke .
  • Type and enter or click on the slot written REGISTER to register your email with the University online application system and proceed.
  • Select  the School  as School of Open &Distance Learning   and the  mode of study as ‘ distance learning’

           Application Fee

  • Application fee is Ksh. 3,000/- and is non-refundable .  Its payable at the last step of the online application  vie  Mpesa Paybill number or deposit to KCB account or credit card or visa , details which are provided in online application portal as the application is done.


  •     The course shall run over a minimum period of four (4) semesters and a   maximum of ten (10) semesters of fifteen (15) weeks each.
  •     The course shall comprise course work, examination and research project.
  •  The course work shall consist of eleven (11) core course units, and one (1)     elective
  •  The student shall be required to take a minimum of two (2) course units and a     maximum of four (4) course units in a semester
  • The School reserves the right to decide the elective to offer in any academic year
  • The research project shall be equivalent to four course units, and it shall be     undertaken after completion of coursework.


  • The common regulations for the Master’s Degree in the University of Nairobi shall apply.
  • The following shall be eligible for admission:
  • A holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with at least a Second Class Honours, Upper Division of the University of Nairobi, or an equivalent qualification from other institutions recognized by Senate
  • A holder of Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with at least a Second Class, Honours, Lower Division, with two years relevant working experience
  • A holder of Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with at least a Pass and a Post-graduate diploma or with five years relevant working experience

Career prospects

Graduates of this course will have capacity to work in many distance education initiatives, institutions of learning offering programmes through distance mode, Non-governmental Organizations, Virtual Universities, media and material production firms and offering education in emergencies and conflict areas among others. 

TOTAL FEES - 302,000 Foreign students pay 25% more

Foreign students pay 25% more



                                    Per Annum                             Per Semester             2 Years

                                    Kshs.                                       Kshs.                           Kshs.

Medical                                                                                                          10,000

Activity                                                                                                            4,000

Library                                                                         3,000                          12,000

Caution                                                                                        refundable (5,000)

Computer                                                                                                       10,000

Registration                                                                1,000                             2,000

Examination                                                                                                   10,000

Student ID                                                                                                         1,000

            Total                                                                                                    49,000

            Master in Distance Education                                                                                240,000

            Statutory for two years                                                                                               49,000

            Minimum fee payable first semester (3 Units)                                                         74,500

            Minimum payable every semester                                                                             45,000

            Maximum number needed to finish the course is six semesters

Students are requested to pay their fees by direct cash deposit at any Absa Bank branch to UON CESSP COLLECTION A/C NO. 2032771362 ABSA BANK, ABSA PLAZA. Please take note that cash payments or cheques will not be accepted.

School of Continuing and Distance Education

1   Written Examination

7.1.1     All course units taken in a given semester shall be examined at the end of that                   semester.

7.1.2     A candidate shall be required to pass in all course units in order to be allowed to                    proceed to the research project.

7.1.3     A course unit shall be examined by a written examination of three hours duration.

7.1.4     Pass mark shall be 50%.

7.1.5     Coursework shall constitute 40% and the final examination 60%

7.1.6     A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners in any unit(s), may, on the                          recommendation of the Board of Examiners and approval of the Senate, be                     allowed to take up to two supplementary examinations in the unit(s) failed.

7.1.7     A pass obtained in a supplementary examination shall be recorded as 50%.

7.1.8     A candidate shall be discontinued if he/she fails a second supplementary              examination in any paper or fails to complete the programme during the                prescribed duration.

7.2           Research Project Examination

7.2.1    The research project shall be marked out of 100% and the pass mark shall be             50%. The Research Project shall be equivalent to four (4) course units.

7.2..2   A candidate who fails in the Research Project paper shall be required to re-            submit             it for up to two (2) times within the prescribed period.

7.2.3    A pass obtained in a re-submitted research project shall be recorded as 50% in         the student’s academic record.

7.2.4    A candidate who fails in the second re-submitted research project shall be             discontinued.

7.2.5    A candidate shall be required to defend the research project proposal and the final    project report.

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Master of Education Leadership and Management

  • Application Form

Intake Periods

Modes of study, course overview.

Our Masters of Education in Leadership and management is a needs based course. It is designed to empower its graduates with relevant leadership skills that are requisite in the running of schools and colleges. our graduates will link theoretical and practical approaches that will e appropriate in the field.


  • Curriculum Development, Educational Administration, Economics of Education, Educational Planning

Who Can Join

  • Bachelor of Education (or)
  • Bachelors of Arts degree with a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (or)
  • Bachelors of Science degree with a Post Graduate Diploma in Education

Masters courses offered at Mount Kenya University (MKU)

Filter By: Choose here... All Certificate Diploma Bachelors Degree Masters PhD

International Executive Master of Business Administration (IEMBA)

Mount kenya university main campus, master of arts, master of conflict management, master of education, master of education in early childhood studies, master of education in educational planning, management and administration, master of governance and ethics, master of information science, master of international relations, master of laws (llm), master of public administration, master of public health, master of science.


Masters Programmes

  • Master of Science, Crop Breeding
  • Master of Science, Irrigation and Soil Management
  • Master of Science, Pomology
  • Master of Science, Floriculture
  • Master of Science in Animal Science.
  • Master of Science in Agricultural Economics.
  • Master of Science in Agricultural Extension.
  • Master of Science in Soil Science.
  • Master of Science in Agri-Business Management
  • Master of Science in Agronomy
  • Master of Science in Genetics and Plant Breeding
  • Master of Science in Urban Environmental Planning and Management
  • Master of Science in Environmental Sciences
  • Masters of Arts, Linguistics
  • Masters of Arts, Literature
  • Masters of Arts, History
  • Masters of Arts, Women in History
  • Masters of Arts, Fashion Merchandising
  • Masters of Arts, Textile and Apparel Design
  • Masters of Arts, Social Development and Management
  • Masters of Arts, Anthropology
  • Masters of Arts, Communication and Media Studies
  • Masters of Arts, Literary Studies
  • Masters of Music
  • Masters in Criminology
  • Master of Arts in Fine Art.
  • Master of Arts in Interior Design.
  • Master of Arts in Theoretical Linguistics.
  • Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics.
  • Master of Arts in Kiswahili Studies.
  • Masters of Arts Sociology.
  • Masters of Arts Social Policy.
  • Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology.
  • Masters of Arts. (French Studies).
  • Master of Arts in Religion.
  • Master of Arts in Philosophy.
  • Master of Arts in Geography.
  • Master of Arts in Social Science Research Methods
  • Master of Arts in Gender Studies
  • Master of Arts in Gender and Development
  • Master of Arts in Psychology
  • Master of Arts in Fashion Design
  • Master of Science in Finance.
  • Masters of Business Administration(Mba).
  • Masters of Science Human Resource Management.
  • Masters in Business Entrepreneurship.
  • Master of Science in Eco-Tourism Management.
  • Master of Science in Tourism Management.
  • Master of Science in Hospitality Management.
  • Master of Economics (Economic Policy Analysis And Management)
  • Master of Economics (Applied Economics).
  • Master of Arts in Economics.
  • Master of Science in Supply Chain Management.
  • Master of Education in Special Needs Education.
  • Master of Education in Curriculum Studies .
  • Master of Education in Pedagogy.
  • Master of Education in Educational Planning and Economics.
  • Master of Education in Educational Administration.
  • Master of Education in Educational Technology.
  • Master of Education in Educational Psychology.
  • Master of Education in Guidance & Counselling.
  • Master of Education in Early Childhood Education Development.
  • Master of Arts in Research & Public Policy (MRPP).
  • Master of Arts in International Relations.
  • Master of Arts in Political Science.
  • Master of Research And Public Policy.
  • Master of Arts in Development Studies
  • Master of Arts in Urban Development & Management.
  • Master of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation.
  • Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management.
  • Master of Medicine (MMed), in Family & Emergency Medicine.
  • Master fo Medicine (MMed), in General surgery.
  • Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine
  • Master of Medicine in Paediatrics and Child Health
  • Master of Science in Human Anatomy
  • Master of sciences in Public Health Nutrition
  • Master Of Science in Community Nutrition and Development.
  • Master of Science in Medical Biotechnology.
  • Master of Science in Medical Parasitology.
  • Master of Science in Medical Entomology and Vector Science.
  • Master of Science in Medical Microbiology.
  • Master of Science in Medical Immunology.
  • Master of Science in Medical Cytology and Histology.
  • Master of Science in Medical Haematology.
  • Master of Science in Clinical Chemistry.
  • Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • Master of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Master of Science in Biomedical Science and Technology
  • Master of Science in Public Health
  • Master of Science in Medical Physiology
  • Master of Science in Plant Ecology.
  • Master of Science in Plant Physiology And Biochemistry.
  • Master of Science in Developmental Botany.
  • Master of Science in Genetics.
  • Master of Science in Plant Pathology.
  • Master of Science in Chemistry.
  • Master of Science in Aquatic Resources Conservation & Fisheries Development.
  • Master of Science in Conservation Biology.
  • Master of Science in Applied Entomology.
  • Master of Science in Applied Parasitology & Vector Biology.
  • Master of Science in Molecular Microbiology & Biotechnology.
  • Master of Science in Physics
  • Master of Science in Botany
  • Master of Science, Pure Mathematics.
  • Master of Science, Applied Mathematics.
  • Master of Science, Quantitative Research Methods.
  • Master of Science, Applied Statistics.
  • Master of Science, Actuarial Science.
  • Master of Science in Research Methods
  • Master of Science in Computer Science.
  • Master of Science in Information Technology.
  • Master of Science in Information Systems
  • Master of Science in Parallel and Distributed Computing
  • Master of Science in Mobile Computing and Networking
  • Master of Science in Computer Technology
  • Master of Science in Communication and Networking
  • Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
  • Master of Public Health (MPH).
  • Master of Science (MSc) in Quantitative Research Methods.
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Monitoring & Evaluation.
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Project Planning & Management.
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Social Development & Management.

masters in education courses in kenya

Mount Kenya University School of Education Courses for teachers

  • Latest News

masters in education courses in kenya

Are you looking forward to teaching profession? Here are academic programmes that you can pursue, Mount Kenya University has an intake for Distance and Institution-Based e-Learning in the months of April, August and December, where teachers come to study during holidays and continue with distance learning when the secondary and primary students resume school.

You can also join the university as a regular student during January, May and September intakes.

  • Bachelor of Education (Science)-BEDS
  • Chemistry & biology
  • Chemistry $ physics
  • Chemistry & Mathematics
  • Mathematics & computer studies
  • Physics & computer studies
  • Physics & Mathematics
  • Biology & Agriculture
  • Biology & Mathematics Duration- 8 semesters Regular –Kshs, 55,000 per semester DIBeL- kshs. 36, 000 Per Semester

2. Bachelor of Education (Arts)-BEDA

  • English &Literature
  • Geography & CRE
  • Geography & History
  • Geography & IRE
  • Geography & Business Studies
  • History & Kiswahili
  • Kiswahili & Geography
  • Kiswahili & CRE
  • Kiswahili & IRE
  • History & IRE
  • Arabic & IRE Duration- 8 semesters Regular – Kshs, 52,500 per semester DIBeL-kshs. 33, 000 per Semester Digital Learning-Kshs.50,000 per semester

3. Bachelor of Education (Primary Education)-BEPE Duration- 8 semesters DiBel-Kshs. 33,000 per Semester

4. Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Development-BECD Duration- 8 semesters DiBel-Kshs. 36,000 per Semester Digital learning Kshs,52,000 per semester

5. Bachelor of Education Special Needs Education (Primary Education)-BSNEP Duration- 8 semesters DiBel-Kshs. 36,000 per Semester

6. Bachelor of Education Special Needs Education (Secondary Education)-BSNES Duration- 8 semesters Regular – Kshs, 55,000 per semester DIBeL- kshs. 36, 000 Per Semester

7. Diploma in Special Needs Education Duration- 7 semesters Regular-Ksh29,550 per semester DiBel-Kshs. 27,000 per Session

8. Diploma in Early Childhood Studies Duration 7 semester Regular-Ksh. 29,550 per semester DiBel-Kshs. 24,000 per Session

Post-graduate programme s

1. Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) Duration- 3 semesters DiBel-Kshs. 32,000 per Semester Digital learning Kshs. 50,000 per semester

2. Doctor of Philosophy in Education Specialization:

  • Educational counseling psychology
  • Educational Communication &Technology
  • Educational Management Administration &Leadership
  • Economics of Education
  • Education Planning
  • Education Psychology
  • Sociology of Education
  • Education Guidance &Counselling Duration- 3 years (course work, Examination and Thesis) Weekend programme Kshs.250,00 per year Offered at main Campus only

3. Doctor of Philosophy(Early Childhood Studies) Duration- 3 years (course work, Examination and Thesis) Weekend programme Kshs.250,00 per year Offered at main Campus only

4. Master of Education Specialization:

  • Education Guidance &Counselling Duration- 2 years. Total fees-360,000 DiBeL- Kshs 90,000 per semester Digital Learning- 90,000 per semester

5. Master of Education in Special Needs Education Duration- 2 years. Total fees-360,000 DiBeL- Kshs 90,000 per semester

6. Master of Education(Early Childhood Studies) Duration- 2 years, Total fees- 360,000 DiBeL- Kshs 90,000 per semester Digital Learning- 90,000 per semester


  • PHD PROGRAMMES: Master’s Degree in a relevant field
  • MASTER’S DEGREE: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field
  • BED Arts/Science: KCSE mean grade of C+ (Plus) or Diploma in relevant Fiel d and a minimum of C+ in two teaching subjects.
  • DIPLOMA PROGRAMMES: KCSE C plan or certificate in a relevant field.


Apply to the Registrar, Academic Administration enclosing copies of relevant academic/professional certificates. Application fee of Kshs. 1,000 for undergraduate and kshs,2000 for post–graduate programmes to be deposited at either, Equity Bank -009029245067, standard chartered Bank-0102049817400, GT Bank 2014200002, Kenya-2120008796, or Lipa na Mpesa Pay Bill No.4075677.

Applications can be done online or application forms or visit any of our campuses/centers in Thika, Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Eldoret, Meru, Parklands Law Campus, Kakamega, Kisumu, Kitale, Kericho, Kisii, Malindi, Embu, Meru & Machakos. For more information about other academic programmes offered by University, Kindly visit www.mku.ac.ke or contact: Registrar, Academic Administration Main Campus, P.O Box 342-01000 Thika Tel:0709153000,+254 20 2878000, WhatsApp:0722999399 Email:[email protected]

MKU acquires Interactive Displays to Enhance Technology in Teaching and Learning

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Kenya needs you greatly, PS tells young people as more than 7,000 graduate from MKU today

Courses list.

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EDCTP- MKU Immmunology Workshop

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About Masters Programs

At USIU-Africa, students learn not what to think, but how. In an atmosphere of free and open inquiry, students and professors debate, collaborate, and investigate while challenging assumptions—and one another. Rooted in rigorous inquiry, USIU-Africa's unique education transforms individuals, preparing and empowering them to make a positive impact on the world.

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Kenya Education Guide

MKU Masters Courses [2024 Intake]

Last updated on January 17th, 2024 at 08:36 am

This article contains a list of all the MKU masters courses.

So, if you’ve been wondering what master’s courses are available at Mount Kenya University, you’ve come to the right place.

Continue reading to the end to find out more.

Let’s get started…

Table of Contents

MKU masters courses

The following are all of the master’s programs available at MKU:

Medical School – Department of medical laboratory sciences

  • Master of Science in Laboratory Sciences

Specializations: Microbiology, Haematology, and Blood Transfusion Sciences, Clinical Chemistry, Parasitology, Hisology and Cytology, Immunology and Virology

Mode of study: Full time

School of Clinical Medicine

  • Master of Clinical Medicine

Options: Forensic Medicine, Accidents and Emergency Medicine, Family and Emergency Medicine, Family

  • Master of Science in Health Information Management

School of Public Health

  • Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (Clinical Nutrition, and Community Nutrition)
  • Master of Science in Community Health
  • Master of Science in Health Education, Promotion and Development
  • Master of Public Health (MPH)

Options: Epidemiology and Disease Control, International Health and Development, Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Master of Public Health in Reproductive Health
  • Master of Science in Health System Management

Mode of study: Full time/Part-time (evening classes and digital learning)

School of Nursing

  • Master of Science in Nursing

Options: Midwifery Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Nursing education, Leadership & Management

School of Law

  • Master of Laws (LLM)

Intakes: January, May, and September

School of Engineering, Energy & the Built Environment

  • Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering

Mode of study: Full time/Part-time (weekends)

School of Education

  • Master of Education
  • Administration, Management and Leadership Curriculum Studies
  • Instructional Technology
  • Educational Planning
  • Philosophy of Education
  • Economics of Education


  • Education Guidance & Counselling
  • Sociology of Education
  • Educational Psychology
  • Educational Technology
  • Master of Education in Special Needs Education (MSE)
  • Visual Impairment
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Physical Handicap & Other Health Impairment
  • Gifted & Talented
  • Specific Learning Disabilities
  • Inclusive Education
  • Emotional & Behavioural Disorders
  • Master of Education in Early Childhood Studies

Mode of study: Full time/Part-time (digital learning)

More MKU masters courses

School of business and economics.

  • Master of Science in Procurement and Supplies Management
  • Master of Arts in Public Administration and Management

Options: Public Policy & Administration, Local Government Administration, Financial Management, Social Services Management, Community Development, NGO Management (Regular & Evening Programmes)

  • Master of Science in Human Resource Development
  • Master of Science in Project Planning and Management
  • Master of Arts in Economics
  • Master of Science in Accounting
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Human Resource Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Production and Operations Management
  • Small Business Management
  • Master of Science in Finance

School of Pure and Applied Sciences

  • Master of Science in Applied Entomology
  • Master of Science (Ecology and Conservation Biology)
  • Master of Science (Biotechnology)
  • Master of Science in Chemistry
  • Master of Science in Statistics

School of Computing and Informatics

  • Master of Science in Cyber Security
  • Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc. IT)
  • Master of Information Science (MIS)

School of Social Sciences

  • Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology
  • Master of Arts in Religious Studies
  • Traditional African Religion
  • Master of Arts in History
  • Master of Arts in Geography
  • Master of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy
  • Master of Arts in Philosophy
  • Master of Arts in English Language and Linguistics
  • Master of Arts in English Literature
  • Master of Arts in Kiswahili
  • Master of Arts in Development Studies
  • Master of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Master of Arts in Sociology

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

  • Master of Arts (MA) in Journalism and Media Studies
  • Communication
  • Media Management
  • Master of Arts (MA) in Film Studies

Institute of Security Studies, Justice and Ethics (Nairobi Campus)

  • Master of Arts in Law Enforcement and Public Administration
  • Master of Arts in Governance and Ethics
  • Master of Arts in Security Studies and Criminology

School of Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management

  • Master of Science in Hospitality Management

Mode of study: Digital learning only

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Now proceed reading below..👇

MKU masters courses entry requirements

The following are the general requirements for MKU’s master’s programs:

  • You must have a minimum of an upper second-class honors degree in the relevant discipline from Mount Kenya University or an equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by the university Senate.
  • Alternatively, you may be considered for admission with lower qualifications (such as a second-class lower or a pass), but with publications and postgraduate diplomas after a bachelor’s degree and sufficient work experience.

How to apply at MKU

To apply for any of the above master’s programs, click here to apply online or visit any MKU campus to apply in person.

You can also send your academic plus application documents to the Registrar-Academic Administration via email at [email protected] .

Please keep in mind that there is a non-refundable application fee of Kshs. 2,000 (if you are an East African applicant) and 100 USD (if you are a foreign applicant).

MKU masters courses – how to contact MKU

For more information on MKU’s master’s programs, please send an email to [email protected] or call 0709 153 000.

Additionally, you can also find more information on the website here .

MKU masters in education courses [2023 Intake]

Strathmore University masters courses 2023/2024

Online masters degree in Kenya

UoN masters programmes [University of Nairobi masters programmes]

Masters in education courses in Kenya [most marketable masters degree in education in Kenya]

Masters programmes in JKUAT [Jomo Kenyatta University masters programmes]

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List of Universities in Kenya Offering Distance Learning

In the recent past, there has been an increase of private and public universities in Kenya. Most of the Kenyan universities have adapted to different technological advancements to improve the efficiency of their respective institutions. Some of the Kenyan varsities now offer long-distance learning for students who cannot be physically present in classes. This has made life a lot easier and cheaper as people can pursue their dream courses from wherever they are.

This has ensured that the population of the Kenya universities has increased without a strain on the institution’s facilities. This is a complete list of universities in Kenya offering long-distance learning for their students.

Bachelor of Business Information Technology

Bachelor of Commerce

Certificate in Information Technology

Diploma in Information Technology

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Master of Science in ICT

Master of Science in Statistics

Master in Business Administration

 2. Egerton University 

Distance learning courses offered at Egerton University

1. B.Sc. in Community Development KCSE mean grade of C+ and a minimum of C+ in Biology, Chemistry and B- in any two humanity subjects   Diploma with Credit or Pass with at least two years experience in Community Development or related disciplines.

2. B. A. in Criminology and Security Studies Minimum KCSE grade of C+   Diploma with Credit or its equivalent in Criminology or Police Science from Egerton University or a recognized institution with at least C plain in KCSE 3 years 6 years
3. M.Sc. in Community Development & Extension Bachelor’s Degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) or its equivalent qualifications from Egerton University or a recognized university by the Senate in the field of BSc. Community Development, Bsc. Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension and any other related fields. 2 years 3 years
4. M. A. in Criminology and Criminal Justice Second Class Honours (Upper Division) or its equivalent qualifications from Egerton University or a recognized university by the senate in the field of Arts, Social Sciences, Law, Criminology and Security Studies or related areas. 2 years 3 years

3. University of Nairobi

Distance learning courses offered at University of Nairobi

D33M3 Bachelor of Commerce by distance 4
CO1M3 Bachelor of Arts(Distance)
Bachelor of Education (Arts, B.Ed Distance) 4
L37 B.Ed Science by distance learning 4
L35 Bachelor of Education (Arts, B. Ed) 4
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education 4
Bachelor of Education Arts in History and Geography 4
Bachelor of Education Arts in History and CRE 4
Bachelor of Education Arts in Geography and Mathematics 4
Bachelor of Education Arts in Double Mathematics 4
Bachelor of Education Arts in Mathematics and Business Studies 4
Bachelor of Education Arts in Geography and Environmental Studies and Business Studies 4
Bachelor of Education Arts in English and Literature 4
Bachelor of Education Science in Physics and Geography and Environmental Studies 4
Bachelor of Education Science in Double Mathematics 4
Bachelor of Science in Physics 4
Bachelor of Science in Analytical Chemistry 4
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry 4
Bachelor of Science in Geology 4
Bachelor of Science in Meteorology 4
Bachelor of Science in Pure Mathematics 4
Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics 4
Bachelor of Science in Zoology 4
Bachelor of Science in Botany 4
Bachelor of Science in Geography and Environmental Studies 4
Bachelor of Arts in History 4
Bachelor of Arts in Tourism 4
Bachelor of Arts in English Language 4
Bachelor of Arts in Literature 4
Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili 4
Bachelor of Arts in Communication 4
Bachelor of Arts in Arabic Studies 4
Bachelor of Arts Sociology and Social Work 4
Bachelor of Arts Christian Religious Studies 4
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy 4
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology 4
Bachelor of Arts in Guidance and Counseling 4
Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Environmental Studies 4
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting 4
Bachelor of Commerce in Finance 4
Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing 4
Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management 4
Bachelor of Commerce in Insurance and management 4
Bachelor of Commerce in Procurement and Purchasing and Supplies 4
Bachelor of Commerce in Operations Management 4
Bachelor of Commerce in Business Information Systems 4
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration 4
Masters of Arts in Project Planning and Management (Distance)
LDS Masters of Distance Education
Master of Science in Climate Change 2
Postgraduate Diploma/Master of Science in Energy Management 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in Educational Administration 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in Educational Planning 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in Curriculum Studies 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in Economics of Education 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in Corporate Governance in Education 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in Education in Emergencies 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in Sociology of Education 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in Adult and Continuing Education 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in History of Education 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in Philosophy of Education 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in Comparative Issues in Education 2
Master of Education (M.Ed) in Measurement and Evaluation 2
Master of Science in Climate Change 2
Master of Physics 2
Master of Arts in Christian Religious Studies 4
Postgraduate Dip in Education (PGDE) 2

St. Paul’s University

In 2012, St Paul’s University launched their distance learning program in order to offer students a more flexible and cost-effective learning mode. For those who are unable to attend brick and mortar classes at St Paul’s University, this program is the perfect alternative. The distance learning mode in St Paul’s University has not only attracted Kenyan students but also people all over East Africa and beyond. Many Kenyans who work in other countries like Afghanistan have been able to benefit from this distance learning mode. Programs offered under the distance learning mode in St Paul’s University include:

Bachelor of Arts in Community Development

Bachelor of Business Administration and Management

Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Management

KEMU is one of the private universities in Kenya that offers distance learning programs. KEMU offers learners various course materials together with the KEMU DLM Portal where they can access a number of study materials online.

African Nazarene University

Through the Institute of Open and Distance Learning, Africa Nazarene University allows learners to pursue a more flexible and accommodating mode of study. They utilize technology together with support from various centers to give distance learners a quality learning experience. This distance learning program has allowed busy individuals to continue with higher education while still pursuing their careers. The University even allows students to pay their tuition fees every month, so this offers a more cost-effective method of studying.

Other Universities in Kenya Other Universities in Kenya that offer distance learning programs:

Kenyatta University

Distance learning courses offered at Kenyatta University



  • Bachelor of Library and Information Science
  • Bachelor of Education (Library Science)
  • Bachelor of Science ( Records Management and Information Technology)


  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Security Management & Police Studies
  • Bachelor of Public Policy and Administration (BPPA)


  • Bachelor of Commerce.


  • Bachelor of Economics


  • Bachelor of Science


  • Bachelor of Information Technology


  • Bachelor of Science (Agribusiness Management and Trade)


  • Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (JMC)
  • Master of Education in Early Childhood Education
  • Master of Library and Information Science, Master of Science (Records Management and Archives Administration)


  • Master of Science in Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM)
  • Master of Science in Animal Nutrition & Management
  • Master of Science in Dryland Agriculture and Enterprise Development

Strathmore University

Distance learning courses offered at Strathmore University; check out here:  https://elearning.strathmore.edu

Daystar University

Distance learning courses offered at Daystar University  check out here: http://www.daystar.ac.ke/programs.html

 Moi University

Distance learning courses offered at Moi University check out here: https://www.mu.ac.ke/index.php/abount-mu/directorates?id=258

KCA University

  • Distance learning courses offered at KCA University
  • Bachelor of Business Information Technology (BBIT)
  • Bachelors of Commerce (B.Com)
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSc.IT)
  • Certificate & Diploma in Business Management

masters in education courses in kenya

Victor Matara

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Best Education School Universities in Kenya

Course Name : Bachelor Of Education (science)

Department : School of Education

Best Universities to Study Education in Kenya (Rankings)

Rank University Name Course Code Cutoff Points
1 Kenyatta University 1111137 37.778
2 University Of Nairobi 1263137 37.073
3 Maseno University 1229137 36.459
4 Chuka University 1105137 35.446
5 Moi University 1253137 35.434
6 Egerton University 1057137 35.282
7 University Of Eldoret 1114137 34.416
8 Masinde Muliro University Of Science & Technology 1082137 33.962
9 Machakos University 1170137 33.362
10 Kisii University 1087137 32.322
11 Maasai Mara University 1165137 32.020
12 Pwani University 1117137 31.965
13 Kibabii University 1108137 31.948
14 Laikipia University 1176137 31.823
15 University Of Kabianga 1118137 31.504
16 Murang'a University Of Technology 1246137 31.162
17 Meru University Of Science And Technology 1240137 30.648
18 University Of Embu 1093137 30.482
19 Karatina University 1244137 30.097
20 Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University Of Science And Technology 1053137 29.888
21 Kaimosi Friends University 1470137 29.438
22 Rongo University 1073135 27.670
23 Alupe University 1600135 26.318
24 Tom Mboya University 1515135 25.800
25 Bomet University College 1700135 25.757
26 South Eastern Kenya University 1166135 24.904
27 Tharaka University 1685137 23.992
28 Taita Taveta University 1091137 23.764
29 Koitaleel Samoei University College 3890135 23.272
30 Kenya Methodist University 1077135 22.358
31 Africa International University 1119135 22.358
32 Presbyterian University Of East Africa 1196137 22.358
33 University Of Eastern Africa, Baraton 1181137 22.358
34 Kenya Highlands Evangelical University 1169135 22.358
35 Great Lakes University Of Kisumu 1192135 22.358
36 Scott Christian University 1090135 22.358
37 Daystar University 1162137 22.358
38 Mount Kenya University 1279137 22.358
39 Africa Nazarene University 1078135 22.358
40 Gretsa University 1088135 22.358
41 St Pauls University 1107135 22.358
42 Garissa University 1096137 22.358
43 Management University Of Africa 1066135 22.358
44 Pioneer International University 1264135 22.358
45 Kabarak University 1061135 22.358
46 Kca University 1103135 22.358
47 Marist International University College 1530135 22.358
48 The East African University 1500494 22.358
49 Kenya Assemblies Of God East University 1555135 22.358
50 Lukenya University 1495135 22.358
51 Zetech University 1425135 22.358
52 Turkana University College 1570135 22.358
53 Kiriri Womens University Of Science And Technology 1460135 22.358
54 Islamic University Of Kenya 3895135 22.358
55 Tangaza University College 1475135 22.358
56 Catholic University Of Eastern Africa 1480135 22.358
57 Kirinyaga University 1079135 0.000
58 Riara University 1060135 0.000
59 International Leadership University 1225135 0.000
60 Umma University 1485135 0.000

Source of data: KUCCPS

** The table is updated when Cutoff points change depending on KCSE performance. Contact us via email at [email protected] for any corrections or inquiry.

**Cutoff points 0.000 means KUCCPS did not provide cutoff points for the course this year. Contact the affected university to know whether they are still offering the course.

Category : Course Rankings by Subject Area

Best Courses Overall : Top 50 Courses

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Prof. Njenga Munene, Zetech University Vice Chancellor while opening the event noted that, “The programs have been meticulously designed and rigorously evaluated, culminating in their recent approval by the Commission for University Education (CUE).” Prof. Njenga also further remarked that the achievement comes right on the month that Zetech University is celebrating the 2nd Anniversary as a fully chartered University.

With the introduction of the new courses, Zetech University is poised to be the market leader in technology, ensuring that the students are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing global landscape. Echoing the sentiments of the Vice Chancellor, Zetech University Deputy Vice Chancellor, Prof. Alice Njuguna said that, “At Zetech University we first identify what the problem is in the market, then rethink the solution with the help of the industry stakeholders looking at the international standards before introducing a course. That is why companies such as Microsoft ADC and the Industries through the County government are involved in shaping the curriculum of study for these new programs.”

Ms. Catherine Muraga, the Managing Director of Microsoft ADC also remarked the fruitful partnership that they share with Zetech University for some years now, in areas of Curriculum review, faculty training and student engagement and internships. She explained to the audience that the courses being introduced had been tested and reviewed keenly to fit the current job market, with Microsoft ADC having been part of the team that was involved in the curriculum review and structure of the new courses.

Kiambu County Deputy Governor, H.E. Rose Kirika, who graced the event, in her remarks explained the position and the crucial role of the County Government is shaping the future for the youths through technology and education. “Kiambu County has been keen in equipping the youth with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the ever-evolving job market, fostering innovation, entrepreneurship and self-reliance. Today, as we launch these new postgraduate programs here at Zetech University, we are not only commemorating the rich addition of the institution’s course portfolio but also igniting a beacon of hope and progress for the future of our youth.”

She further thanked Zetech University for being the forefront in embracing technological solutions, and welcomed an opportunity for partnership between Kiambu County Government and Zetech University in the areas of technology and education.

Other partners at the launch event included; Ms. Elder Onsongo from the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA); Prof. Wanjiku Khamasi, Principal, Kenya Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) a public institution in Konza City; Mr. Andrew Masila, the Head of Innovation at Safaricom; Mr. Amos Guni, Senior Technical Recruiter and Community Builder at Nethermind; Ms. Irene Githinji, Education and Engagements lead at Microsoft ADC; Stella Chelangat and Joy Mwangi from the International Computer Digital Literacy (ICDL) Africa, among other partners.

“The course overview is set to specialisations in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Mobile Computing & Networking, Software Engineering, Software Architecture and Design and Data System, with core units going beyond classroom work to research, seminars, dissertations and thesis, industrial guest lecturers and bootcamps, promising a timely completion.” Explained, Dr. -Ing. Wilfred Gikaru, Dean School of ICT, Media & Engineering at Zetech University.

Looking forward, Zetech University hopes to cultivate a new generation of researchers and scholars who will push the boundaries of knowledge and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries, with advanced technical skills and the ability to solve complex problems, preparing them for high-impact careers in academia, industry, and government.

Zetech University

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Tim Walz wrote a master’s thesis on Holocaust education, just as his own school’s approach drew criticism

A politician stands and applauds an elderly woman at a gala dinner

In Judi Agustin’s freshman year at Mankato West High School, her teacher instructed her to wear a yellow star.

It was part of a Holocaust curriculum at the school, located in a remote area of Minnesota with barely any Jews. For a week, freshmen were asked to wear the yellow stars, which were reminiscent of the ones the Nazis made the Jews wear. Seniors played the part of the Gestapo, charged with persecuting the “Jews.”

Unlike everyone else in her class in the 2001-2002 school year, Agustin was Jewish. The experience “was incredibly hurtful and offensive and scary,” she recalled on Tuesday. Her father complained to the district, and wrote a letter to the local paper decrying the lesson.

In response, she recalled, a teacher intervened. That teacher, according to her recollection: current vice presidential nominee Tim Walz.

“When Tim Walz found out about it, he squashed it real quick, and as far as I understand they never did it again,” Agustin told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “So he was an advocate for my experience, as one of four Jewish kids in the entire school district. And I always felt like he had our back.”

A progressive favorite in Minnesota, where he is now governor, Walz is also heralded for his background as a public school educator. Lesser known is the fact that, while teaching in rural, largely white Midwestern school districts, Walz developed a particular interest in Holocaust and genocide education.

Walz is on the campaign trail this week with Vice President Kamala Harris, his running mate, and did not immediately respond to a request for comment. JTA could not independently verify that he was the teacher who stopped the Mankato West lesson.

But it’s clear that how to teach the Holocaust well has occupied Walz for decades. In 1993, while teaching in Nebraska, he was part of an inaugural conference of U.S. educators convened by the soon-to-open U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Eight years later, after moving to Minnesota, he wrote a thesis arguing for changes in Holocaust education. And as governor, he backed a push to mandate teaching about the Holocaust in Minnesota schools.

Through it all, Walz modeled and argued for careful instruction that treated the Holocaust as one of multiple genocides worth understanding.

“Schools are teaching about the Jewish Holocaust, but the way it is traditionally being taught is not leading to increased knowledge of the causes of genocide in all parts of the world,” Walz wrote in his thesis, submitted in 2001.

The thesis was the culmination of Walz’s master’s degree focused on Holocaust and genocide education at Minnesota State University, Mankato, which he earned while teaching at Mankato West. His 27-page thesis, which JTA obtained, is titled “Improving Human Rights and Genocide Studies in the American High School Classroom.”

In it, Walz argues that the lessons of the “Jewish Holocaust” should be taught “in the greater context of human rights abuses,” rather than as a unique historical anomaly or as part of a larger unit on World War II. “To exclude other acts of genocide severely limited students’ ability to synthesize the lessons of the Holocaust and the ability to apply them elsewhere,” he wrote.

He then took a position that he noted was “controversial” among Holocaust scholars: that the Holocaust should not be taught as unique, but used to help students identify “clear patterns” with other historical genocides like the Armenian and Rwandan genocides.

Walz was describing, in effect, his own approach to teaching the Holocaust that he implemented in Alliance, Nebraska, years earlier. In the state’s remote northwest region, Walz asked his global geography class to study the common factors that linked the Holocaust to other historical genocides , including economic strife, totalitarian ideology and colonialism. The year was 1993. At year’s end, Walz and his class correctly predicted that Rwanda was most at risk of sliding into genocide.

“The Holocaust is taught too often purely as a historical event, an anomaly, a moment in time,” Walz Told the New York Times in 2008, reflecting on those Alliance lessons. “That relieves us of responsibility. Obviously, the mastermind was sociopathic, but on the scale for it to happen, there had to be a lot of people in the country who chose to go down that path.”

In his thesis, he noted that he intended to bring this curriculum to the Mankato school district as a “sample unit.” But another kind of lesson was unfolding there at the same time.

For years at Mankato West, high school students had been engaged in a peculiar lesson that was, all the same, not unusual for its time: In an effort to teach students who had never met a Jewish person what it might have been like to live under the Nazis, teachers had them role play.

For a week, freshmen wore the yellow stars, and seniors playing the Gestapo were given permission to torment them.

Such lessons had been going on since at least the 1990s, recalled Leah Solo, a Jewish student who graduated from Mankato West in 1998. For Solo, these lessons weren’t so bad.

“People knew I was Jewish, people knew to be sensitive around me,” Solo told JTA. Her teacher, who was not Walz and whom she liked, “was doing his best to try to teach a really hard subject to folks who had no idea. Most of these kids had never met a Jew before.” In her senior year she was given the choice of whether she wanted to play a Nazi or another kind of role, and chose the latter.

Things were different by the time Agustin took the class several years later. By then, the Holocaust role-playing wasn’t just limited to the confines of the classroom.

“They could come up to you in the lunchroom,” recalled Anne Heintz, a fellow student at the time. Local students whispered about the lesson before they got to high school, she said.

One senior, in Agustin’s recollection, got violent and started shoving the “Jewish” freshmen into lockers.

Outraged, her father wrote a letter to the local newspaper, and some parents complained to the school district. Agustin left the high school after her sophomore year. None of this happened in Walz’s classroom, according to the students, and Heintz recalled that the lessons had ended by the time she graduated in 2004.

“I’m not sure what his involvement was. I know it just ended,” Heintz, who is not Jewish, told JTA. “He was teaching at the time it ended.”

JTA could not verify whether Walz knew about the lessons, which had been going on for years, before they were stopped. A spokesperson for the high school told JTA they “don’t have any information” on the details of the lessons, but noted, “When Governor Walz was at Mankato West High School he was primarily a Global Geography Teacher and Football Coach. Subjects such as the Holocaust were taught in history courses.”

Agustin’s father, Stewart Ross, told JTA that he did not recall Walz being involved. Neither did Bob Ihrig, one of the teachers who taught the lesson as part of a World War II unit. He said it continued in a limited, classroom-only version until his retirement in 2014.

Ross, Ihrig and all three Mankato West High students spoke highly of Walz as a teacher and community leader, though only one, Heintz, actually had him in the classroom.

“What I remember most is, he always made all the subjects that we talked about super engaging,” she said. “It always seemed like he was able to make a subject really exciting for folks and really engage everyone in class. And I think that is part of how he speaks now that he’s on a national stage as well.”

Solo, who had Walz’s wife Gwen for a different class, took a student trip led by the couple to China, where Tim Walz taught for a year early in his career. She recalled how, in 2004, Walz stood up for her when she was working with John Kerry’s presidential campaign and security for a George W. Bush rally tried to boot them from the premises.

“When security also tried to kick him out, he was like, ‘I am a former Teacher of the Year who just returned from being deployed. I don’t think you want to kick me out,’” Solo recalled, describing an incident that made local news at the time. “And then after the rally, he came and signed up to volunteer with the Kerry campaign, because he did not appreciate that.”

Volunteering with Kerry’s campaign led directly to Walz’s entrance into politics . Solo would go on to work for Walz’s congressional campaigns.

Walz stuck with teaching as he began his political career; when he was elected to represent Mankato in 2006, he was the only active educator in Congress.

Last year, as Minnesota’s governor, Walz returned to Holocaust education, and supported and signed a law requiring the state’s middle and high schools to teach about the Holocaust. The law, initiated and championed by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas, also encourages schools to teach about other genocides. A working group for the curriculum hit snags earlier this summer when a pro-Palestinian activist was removed from the committee amid debates on whether Israel’s conduct in Gaza constitutes genocide.

The mandate is still anticipated to go into effect in the 2025-2026 school year. “This is going to work out, this is going to be good, because the governor and his staff are highly attuned to the concerns and sensitivities of the Jewish community,” Ethan Roberts, the JCRC’s deputy executive director, told JTA.

Speaking at a JCRC event in June, Walz said he had been “privileged and proud” to have participated in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum training early in his career. But he said more needed to be done, and he emphasized that the curriculum chosen to accomplish the requirement would determine its success.

“We need to do better on Holocaust education. We need to do better on ethnic studies,” he told the crowd. “And I tell you this as a teacher and as governor, too, we don’t need test scores or anything to tell us that we’re failing.”

It was the kind of message that former Mankato West students said they came to expect from him.

“He is what you hope a great teacher is,” said Solo, “which is someone who’s not only teaching, but also learning at all times.”

With additional reporting by Jackie Hajdenberg. 

Correction and updates (Aug. 8): This story has been corrected to remove a reference to Tim Walz as department chair. It has also been updated to reflect additional sources about Holocaust instruction at Mankato West High School.

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Map: Michigan joins list of states that offer tuition-free community college

Michigan will provide tuition-free community college to its recent high school graduates. Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed an education budget plan earlier this week. The administration says the state will be able to cover tuition costs for associate degrees and skilled certificates beginning in the Fall.

“In Michigan, we want every single person to be able to get onto the path that is best for them,” Whitmer said, the Detroit Free Press, part of the USA TODAY network , reported.

The Whitmer administration estimated that its free community college program will save money for over 18,000 students, up to $4,800 per student each year.

Michigan is one of at least 30 states to offer a version of free community college. Those eligible for Michigan's program must enroll in college full-time and fill out federal student aid form. The program is not dependent on a student's household income.

The following states have tuition-free community college programs:

These states cover the cost of community college tuition

More than 30 states offer a version of tuition-free community college. Students who are starting out in higher education, looking to to earn certificates or wanting to pursue a skilled trade have the opportunity to do so without going into debt.

Outside of Michigan, Colorado, Minnesota, and New Hampshire are the latest states to implement free college, according to BestColleges . Michigan, Minnesota and New Hampshire's programs will begin this fall. Colorado's program will take effect in 2025.

Graphics explain: How are college costs adding up these days and how much has tuition risen?

Free community college programs are often called "promise programs." While the programs significantly reduce costs, they often do not cover other expenses like room and board, transportation and book fees..

Eligibility for these programs differ by state. Often, those who qualify must graduate from an in-state high school and enroll full time. Other qualifications may include academic performance or financial need, Bankrate reported.

Michigan state officials say funding for its Michigan Achievement Scholarship would allow every recent high school graduate to receive an associate degree or skilled certificate at a community college for free. Unlike other states, Michigan says most students qualify for its community college guarantee program.

Students struggle to cover tuition costs

Tuition bills for the upcoming academic year are already here, but only 4% of Gen Z students say they’re fully funded for the entire school year, USA TODAY recently reported.

College costs have risen exponentially over the past several decades, outpacing both inflation and wages, experts say.

Since 1998, the  cost of a college education has grown by 188% , a rate faster than practically all goods and services and inflation-adjusted  hourly wages , according to Research.com. During the same time period, wages increased 26%.

As of June, 90% of college-bound Gen Z students said they don’t yet know how they’ll fully pay for school, according to a poll of 9,097 students surveyed by the  application site ScholarshipOwl . A fifth said they still needed more than $20,000 to meet the year’s tuition.

What are the outcomes of states that cover community colleges?

The average cost of an undergraduate degree ranges from  $25,707 to more than $218,000 , according to the Education Data Initiative. The price varies and depends on whether a student lives on campus and the type of institution they're attending.

Many students will have to take out loans to afford higher education. The weight of those loans can often dictate the types of careers students pursue and the opportunities they will have access to after graduating.

Research from the Federal Trade Commission found that offering free community college increased enrollment by 26% and degree completions by 20%.

Early data from the Tennessee Promise Program - the first free community college program in the U.S.- suggests that more students are enrolling into community college, and more are also persisting in it, according to the study.

Contributing: Medora Lee, USA TODAY

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  • Best Online Master's In Management

Best Online Master’s In Management Of 2024

Mikeie Reiland, MFA

Published: Aug 5, 2024, 10:47am

If you are a working business professional and feel like you’ve hit a wall or ceiling in your career and aren’t sure how to advance any further, an online master’s in management program might be a good option to get untracked. Largely built for working business professionals, these programs provide students with leadership training and practical skills in budgeting, forecasting and human resources, helping graduates advance to leadership and supervisory roles.

Since management is such a broad field, it can be difficult to differentiate between programs. That’s why we’ve researched and ranked the 10 best programs in the field. Read on to learn more about the best online master’s in management programs and find the best option for you.

Why You Can Trust Forbes Advisor Education

Forbes Advisor’s education editors are committed to producing unbiased rankings and informative articles covering online colleges, tech bootcamps and career paths. Our ranking methodologies use data from the National Center for Education Statistics , education providers, and reputable educational and professional organizations. An advisory board of educators and other subject matter experts reviews and verifies our content to bring you trustworthy, up-to-date information. Advertisers do not influence our rankings or editorial content.

  • 6,290 accredited, nonprofit colleges and universities analyzed nationwide
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Our Methodology

We ranked 384 accredited, nonprofit colleges offering online master’s degree programs in the U.S. using 15 data points in the categories of student outcomes, affordability, student experience, credibility and application process. We pulled data for these categories from reliable resources such as the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System ; private, third-party data sources; and individual school and program websites. Data is accurate as of February 2024.

We scored schools based on the following metrics.

Student Outcomes:

  • Overall graduation rate
  • Median earnings 10 years after graduation


  • In-state graduate student tuition and fees
  • Alternative tuition plans offered
  • Median federal student loan debt
  • Student loan default rate

Student Experience:

  • Student-to-faculty ratio
  • Socioeconomic diversity
  • Availability of online coursework
  • Total number of graduate assistants
  • Proportion of graduate students enrolled in at least some distance education


  • Fully accredited
  • Programmatic accreditation status
  • Nonprofit status

Application Process:

  • Acceptance rate

We chose the 10 best schools to display based on those receiving a curved final score of 93% or higher.

Find our full list of methodologies here .

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  • Best Online Finance Degrees
  • Best Online Master’s In Accounting Degrees
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Degree Finder

Key takeaways, best online master’s degree in management options, should you enroll in an online master’s in management program, accreditation for online master’s in management, how to find the right online master’s in management program for you, frequently asked questions (faqs) about online master’s degrees in management.

  • Since they are largely designed for working business professionals, many online master’s programs in management do not include field experience requirements.
  • A master’s in management is considered by some experts to be more practical than an M.B.A.
  • While a master’s in management is a general degree, some schools offer specialized concentrations in fields such as supply chain management, nonprofit management and human resource management.

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

University of florida, north carolina state university, university of the cumberlands, union college, lasell university, university of st. francis, mount vernon nazarene university, norwich university, indiana wesleyan university, featured online schools.

Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial credit and much more by clicking 'Visit Site'

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Program Tuition Rate


Percentage of Grad Students Enrolled in Distance Education

Overall Graduation Rate

Located in the Champaign-Urbana metropolitan area, the University of Illinois (U of I) offers an online Master of Science in management program that distance learners can complete in 12 to 24 months. The program’s 36-credit curriculum includes required coursework in areas such as managerial accounting, project management , global marketing, and leadership and teams.

The program includes synchronous, live online sessions; however, students who miss these sessions can watch recorded versions at their convenience. Students take either one or two courses at a time and should expect to spend 10 to 15 hours per week on each course.

  • Our Flexibility Rating: Learn on your schedule
  • School Type: Public
  • Application Fee: $70
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 36 credits
  • Program Enrollment Options: Full time, part time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Managerial accounting; leadership and teams
  • Concentrations Available: N/A
  • In-Person Requirements: No

University of Florida

$531/credit (in-state)

Located in Gainesville, the University of Florida (UF) offers an online Master of Science in management that offers both full-time (three-semester) and part-time (six-semester) tracks. The 32-credit curriculum includes coursework in managerial accounting, managerial economics, international business law and global strategic management.

Distance learners in the program should expect to spend approximately six to 10 hours on their studies per course each week. Fall and spring courses last eight weeks, while summer courses take six weeks to complete.

  • Application Fee: $30
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 32 credits
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Managerial accounting, international business law

North Carolina State University

$42,974 total (in-state)

Located in the capital city of Raleigh, North Carolina State University (NCSU) offers a part-time online Master of Management program with two concentration options: marketing analytics and risk and analytics. The 30-credit curriculum includes core courses in critical thinking for managers, leading people, strategic risk analysis using Excel, and sustainability and business.

The university delivers the majority of its online coursework asynchronously, but some courses may include synchronous elements. Prospective students do not need to submit GMAT or GRE scores, but they can if they think test scores will enhance their applications.

  • Application Fee: $75
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 30 credits
  • Program Enrollment Options: Part time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Critical thinking for managers, leading people
  • Concentrations Available: Marketing analytics, risk and analytics

University of the Cumberlands


Located in Williamsburg, Kentucky, Cumberlands is a private, Christian-affiliated university that offers a Master of Science program in strategic management. The 31-credit curriculum includes courses in areas such as strategic organizational design, management consulting, managing in a global environment, and mergers and acquisitions. All students must also complete a capstone course that involves a comprehensive written examination.

Cumberlands delivers most of its online coursework asynchronously. The program is designed for working professionals with an undergraduate business background.

  • School Type: Private
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 31 credits
  • Program Enrollment Options: Full time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Strategic organizational design, management consulting

Union College


Located in Barbourville, Kentucky, Union maintains an affiliation with the United Methodist Church. The college’s online Master of Science in management program requires 30 credits and includes courses such as management information systems, marketing for results, organizational behavior and teamwork, and leadership and human resources.

Incoming students must have earned a minimum 2.5 undergraduate GPA. Transfer students can earn up to six credits for prior coursework. Union delivers online coursework asynchronously and in eight-week terms.

  • Application Fee: Free
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Management information systems, marketing for results

Lasell University


Located in Newton, Massachusetts, Lasell offers an online Master of Science in management program that requires 30 credits. The curriculum delves into topics including global leadership, financial management, strategic marketing, and ethical theory and management. Students can complete the program online or enroll in a blended/hybrid format with some on-campus coursework.

Lasell delivers most of its online coursework asynchronously for maximum flexibility. Students in the management program can choose between a research project and an in-person internship as a capstone experience.

  • Our Flexibility Rating: Learn around your 9-to-5
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Global leadership, financial management
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, internship

University of St. Francis


Located in Joliet, Illinois, the University of St. Francis (USF) offers an online Master of Science in management program with eight concentration options, including data science in healthcare, human resource management, and management of training and development. In addition to nine credits of concentration courses, students complete a 15-credit core that includes courses in developing personal leadership and leading continuous improvement.

All students complete a management practicum experience in the field. The fastest completion timeline for this degree is 15 months.

  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Developing personal leadership, leading continuous improvement
  • Concentrations Available: Data science in healthcare; health administration; human resource management; instructional design in online learning; management of training and development; performance improvement; quality improvement in healthcare; supply chain management
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, practicum

Mount Vernon Nazarene University


Located in Mount Vernon, Ohio, Mount Vernon Nazarene University (MVNU) offers an online Master of Science in management program with four concentration options: logistics management, organizational management, human resource management , and human and social services leadership. Students complete nine credits in their concentration, in addition to core coursework in areas including strategic management, organizational behavior, global business and ethical leadership.

The typical student completes this degree in 16 months. The 30-credit curriculum does not include any in-person requirements.

  • Our Flexibility Rating: N/A
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Organizational behavior, strategic management
  • Concentrations Available: Logistics management; organizational management; human resource management; human and social services leadership

Norwich University


Located in Northfield, Vermont, Norwich is the oldest private military college in the nation. The university has recently expanded into distance learning and now offers a Master of Science program in management with 13 concentration options, including supply chain management , project management, fiscal management, organizational leadership management and nonprofit management.

The typical student completes this program in 18 months, and each online course lasts for 11 weeks.

  • Application Fee: $150
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Leadership fundamentals, strategic management
  • Concentrations Available: General; construction management; critical infrastructure protection and cyber crime; cyber law and international perspectives on cyberspace; cybersecurity; public sector leadership and crisis management; human resources leadership management; nonprofit management; organizational leadership management; fiscal management; technology management; project management; supply chain management

Indiana Wesleyan University


Headquartered in Marion, Indiana, Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) reaches students around the world through its online National and Global campus. The university’s online Master of Science program in management includes four concentration options: data analytics, information technology management, healthcare administration, and policy and organizational change.

No matter their chosen concentration, all of the program’s students complete courses in areas such as foundations of graduate business and ethical and legal aspects of management. The program’s curriculum consists of 30 total credits. The university delivers all online coursework asynchronously.

  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Foundations of graduate business; ethical and legal aspects of management
  • Concentrations Available: Data analytics; information technology management; policy and organizational change

These days, an online degree might seem like the obvious choice. However, distance learning is only the right fit for a specific type of student . To determine if that’s you, ask yourself a few key questions:

  • What’s your budget? Distance learning is a solid option for students looking to save money, as online students generally avoid paying campus-related costs such as housing and transportation. Additionally, some public universities allow students who exclusively enroll in online courses to pay in-state or otherwise discounted tuition rates.
  • What are your other obligations? Online learning is often the right choice for parents and students who plan to work full or part time while enrolled. Many of the ranked programs in our guide were built for business professionals who want to complete their master’s degrees around their jobs.
  • What’s your learning style? This is possibly the biggest question when determining whether or not online learning is right for you. If you are disciplined, organized and self-motivated, you can likely succeed in a less structured distance learning environment. If you crave regular interactions with a peer group or professor or prefer the structure of a physical classroom, campus-based learning might be a better choice.

There are two important types of accreditation: institutional and programmatic.

Institutional accreditation is the more important of the two. The U.S. Department of Education (ED) and Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) oversee the agencies that manage the institutional accreditation process. These agencies are each responsible for the schools within a group of states, vetting these schools for the quality of their academics, faculty and finances, among other areas.

You should only enroll at institutionally accredited schools, as this is the only way to qualify for federal financial aid. You can check a prospective school’s accreditation by visiting the accreditation page on its website or checking the directory on CHEA’s website.

Programmatic accreditation provides a similar vetting service in specific fields and disciplines. Its importance varies by field; however, programmatic accreditation is relatively important in business and management.

With master’s in management programs, keep an eye out for accreditation from three organizations: the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the International Accreditation Council for Business Education, or the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs.

Consider Your Future Goals

An online master’s in management program is generally a good option for an early career business professional who aspires to managerial and supervisory roles in their field. Some people claim that a master’s in management is a more practical degree than an M.B.A. , focused more on minutiae and data such as budgeting and forecasting.

As such, many schools build their programs with working business professionals in mind. To that end, many online master’s in management programs do not include field experience or practicum experiences or internships. If you want your program to include this opportunity, you’ll have to research more carefully on the front end.

Since management is a general field, some online programs in the field offer more specific concentrations in areas such as nonprofit management, human resource management or supply chain management. If you know you want to enter one of these subfields, make sure to apply to a program with the right concentration option.

Understand Your Expenses and Financing Options

Per-credit tuition rates for the 10 ranked programs in our guide ranged from $347 to $775. Over the course of a typical 30- to 36-credit master’s in management program, these rates translate to approximately $10,000 to $28,000 in total tuition.

As of the 2021–2022 academic year, the National Center for Education Statistics found that the average college charged $20,513 in annual tuition. For a one- or two-year master’s program, this translates to roughly $20,000 to $40,000 in total tuition.

Make sure to fill out the FAFSA to finance your master’s program. The FAFSA can lead to loans, scholarships and grants. You can pursue similar opportunities through nonprofit organizations and schools. You can also seek out graduate assistantships through your school, but these opportunities are often reserved for on-campus students.

Is a master’s in management worth it?

It depends on your goals and circumstances. However, if you hope to advance to a managerial role in a business field, a master’s in management is often worth it, equipping you with qualifications and skills necessary to advance your career.

Is a master’s in management the same as an M.B.A.?

No, they are two separate degrees. Some would say that a master’s in management is a more practical degree, focused on budgeting and forecasting as opposed to big-picture thinking. A master’s in management is often built for early career business professionals, while an M.B.A. targets career changers and accelerators.

How long does a master’s in management take?

The programs in our guide generally take between 12 and 24 months to complete depending on how many courses you take per term.

Mikeie Reiland, MFA

Mikeie Reiland is a writer who has written features for Oxford American, Bitter Southerner, Gravy, and SB Nation, among other publications. He received a James Beard nomination for a feature he wrote in 2023.

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Take classes in a condensed 5-7 week format to help you finish faster.

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Our courses are priced to be affordable. And, if any courses can help you in the workplace, check to see if your employer will help cover the cost . 

General education transfer guide

1. Check with your receiving institution to make sure they will accept your gen ed course for transfer.

2. Purchase and complete the course at University of Phoenix.

3.Once the course is completed, download your transcript to send to your receiving institution.

Frequently asked questions

What courses should i take.

If you have an unmet requirement for an undergraduate general education credit, you can complete that course with the University of Phoenix. Some courses also serve as approved prerequisites for core course curriculum at University of Phoenix and other institutions.  

Check your program requirements to know what courses you need to take for your core curriculum. You can select from a wide variety of courses designed to help you develop skills in key areas like math, critical thinking, science, humanities, arts, social and behavioral sciences, history, sociology and more.

Why are some general education courses required as prerequisites?

Some courses are required as prerequisites for your associate or bachelor’s degree, as they provide the skills and knowledge needed for your undergraduate core curriculum.

Are these general education courses transferrable?

Transferability of credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Check with the receiving institution to confirm whether the general education credits earned at University of Phoenix will be accepted for your associate or bachelor’s degree.

How do I show I met the requirements of a general education course at University of Phoenix?

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G. Galindo, Enrollment Rep

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Jobs That Help People in the Community

August 07, 2023 • 9 minutes

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How to Become a Music Teacher

February 26, 2023 • 6 minutes

Transfer credits to get closer to graduation

Get your course transcript

After you’ve completed your courses, you can request your official transcripts be sent directly to you or your school of choice.

Transferability of credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether or not credits earned at University of Phoenix will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice. If you have a question contact us at (866) 354-1800 .

Montclair Awarded $1 Million to Develop Unique Character Education Course Using Virtual Reality

With grant support from the Program for Leadership and Character at Wake Forest University, Montclair is positioned to be a leader in offering innovative, character-focused coursework in its core curriculum

Posted in: Homepage News , Press Releases , University

Logo for The Program for Leadership and Character

Montclair State University is launching a first-of-its-kind effort to create a character education course for its core curriculum using virtual reality – a project that has the potential to reach the entire undergraduate population at Montclair as well as other educational institutions.

In support of the project, titled “Planting the SEEDS of Character Growth: Developing Civic and Community Responsibility through Ethical Inquiry Using Virtual Reality,” the University has been awarded a three-year, $1 million grant that it has matched with an additional $888K in funding.

The Institutional Impact Grant , which aims to help develop the moral, civic and/or intellectual character and capacity of faculty, staff and students, is awarded by the Educating Character Initiative (ECI), a part of the Program for Leadership and Character at Wake Forest University. Montclair is one of 29 colleges and universities to be awarded the grant for 2024.

The ECI works to provide public and private institutions of higher education with the resources, funding and support needed to integrate character education into their distinctive institutional contexts, curricula, and cultures.

About the Institutional Impact Grant

With a focus on character, community engagement, student-centered transformational learning opportunities, and commitment to student success, Montclair is positioned to be a leader in solving the most complex and pressing societal problems. The institution is also committed to enabling innovative applications that foster transformative student experiences as evidenced by the development of a virtual reality lab that will offer immersive coursework.

To that end, the “Planting the SEEDS of Character Growth” project, led by principal investigator Jennifer Urban, professor of Family Science and Human Development, will develop and evaluate an interdisciplinary character education course that infuses virtual reality experiences and meets the character-focused learning objectives set forth in SEEDS, the University’s new general education curriculum. Key elements of the project include:

  • A four-module character education course including syllabus and real-world classroom activities. Modules will focus on character and the exploration of character virtues in topics that may include neurodiversity or aging, for example.
  • Three corresponding character education virtual reality experiences
  • A teaching manual that can be broadly disseminated to future course instructors.

Urban says she is eager to connect with faculty and staff from across the University who have expertise and lived experience related to the aforementioned topic areas.

The course will launch in the academic year following the project’s conclusion, potentially serving as a model for character education innovation in higher education.

“In these particularly fraught and divisive times, character education, ethical reasoning and a focus on community engagement have never been more important,” says Urban, who is also co-director of the Institute for Research on Youth Thriving and Evaluation (RYTE). “Our administration has elevated our identity as a university focused on the social good and the new SEEDS core curriculum operationalizes our aspiration to educate students who will contribute to civil society.”

“Imagine the potential power of virtual reality when applied to prosocial endeavors. Our students will be able to see what it feels like to truly walk in someone else’s shoes and reflect on those experiences through guided coursework.”

What is Character Education at Montclair?

The new SEEDS core curriculum reflects a call for universities to elevate their obligation to educate for character, not just prepare students for the workforce. SEEDS courses share a character-focused mission statement and follow a set of five values:

  • S ocial Justice and Equity
  • E ducated Citizenry
  • E ngagement, Agency and Leadership
  • D iversity and Intercultural Competency
  • S elf-discovery and Self-care

“Montclair enthusiastically supports and empowers students to become citizens of the world who demonstrate a commitment to the public good through ethics and empathy,” says Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Junius Gonzales. “The coursework in development through the Institutional Impact Grant will only strengthen the efforts of the SEEDS curriculum, designed to help our Red Hawks develop the skills necessary to tackle society’s biggest challenges.”

I’m a ______, tell me more…

Prospective Student / Parent: Learn more about the SEEDS core curriculum , plan a visit to our campus and take the first step in applying to become a Red Hawk !

Journalist: Contact the Media Relations team for assets or to schedule an interview with the team behind this grant-supported project. See our Faculty Experts and hi-res media assets available for download.


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  28. General Education Courses

    Some courses also serve as approved prerequisites for core course curriculum at University of Phoenix and other institutions. Check your program requirements to know what courses you need to take for your core curriculum. You can select from a wide variety of courses designed to help you develop skills in key areas like math, critical thinking ...

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  30. Montclair Awarded $1 Million To Develop Unique Character Education

    Posted in: Homepage News, Press Releases, University. Montclair State University is launching a first-of-its-kind effort to create a character education course for its core curriculum using virtual reality - a project that has the potential to reach the entire undergraduate population at Montclair as well as other educational institutions.