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Essay on Cat

The cat is a domestic animal. Its scientific name is Felis catus. It is a small animal that belongs to the “Felidae” family. The cat is the only domesticated species of the family. Other members include tigers, panthers, etc. Cats are adorable animals and are petted by lots of people in the world. They are playful and spending time with them reduces stress and anxiety. In this essay about cats in English , their nature, behaviour and diet have been discussed.

Cat Paragraph in English

Cats are of three types- house cats, farm cats and feral cats. House cats are the cats we pet in our houses. Cats become good friends of humans. Unlike dogs, cats are not very active around their owners. However, they are good emotional companions to their owners. An essay on cats must emphasize the fact that cat-sitting has been proven to be therapeutic by many researchers. 

Any ‘my pet cat essay for Class 6’ must include a few details about the appearance of cats. Cats have very sweet features. It has two beautiful eyes, adorably tiny paws, sharp claws, and two perky ears which are very sensitive to sounds. It has a tiny body covered with smooth fur and it has a furry tail as well. Cats have an adorable face with a tiny nose, a big mouth and a few whiskers under its nose. Cats are generally white in colour but can also be brown, black, grey, cream or buff. 

Cats are omnivores. They eat vegetative items such as rice, milk, pulses, etc. as well as fish, meat, birds, mice, etc. Therefore, cats can feed on both types of food.

It is worth mentioning in this my pet cat essay for Class 6 that cats are considered sacred in several cultures such as the Japanese culture. Cats are often depicted as symbols of wit and honour. Several folklores include stories about the intelligence of cats. 

Apart from being clever and sweet, cats are also skilful hunters. They use their sharp, pointed nails and canines (teeth) to kill animals like snakes, mice and also small birds. Cats are also helpful to their owners as they protect the household from rats. Thus, from this cat essay, it can be said that cats are helpful pets as well.

However, any essay on cats would be incomplete without writing about their babies. A cat offspring is called a “kitten”. Cats are very protective and caring towards their kittens. They feed the kittens and raise them. Kittens are extremely tiny and adorable as well. Their eyes open sometime after they are born. Kittens are very energetic and they spend their time playing with each other and loving their parents. 

Now this cat essay will discuss the nature of cats. Cats are very lazy creatures. They usually spend their time napping and sleeping in warm places. Cats have a slow approach to their lives. They are not very energetic animals and they yawn very adorably whenever they are tired. Cats are very good friends to humans if they trust them. Cats like to sleep close to humans for their body warmth.

A Short My Pet Cat Essay for Class 6

In the following, my favourite pet cat essay, the cat’s behaviour, diet and appearance are discussed. Cat is a domestic animal. Cats are very beautiful and friendly animals. They are very good at hunting rats and snakes.

Cats have two eyes, a tiny nose, two perky ears, four legs and a tail. Their bodies are covered with smooth fur. They have whiskers under their nose. They have sharp claws and tiny paws. Cats are very lazy animals. They sleep a lot during the day. Cats are very good friends to humans. Cats eat both animals and vegetables. 

With that, this cat essay in English comes to its conclusion. This cat essay includes various information about cats in short. In a nutshell, this cat essay for kids discusses why cats are loved by many people.

My Pet Cat Essay for Class 1

Cats are domestic animals. They are small in size. Their bodies are covered with smooth fur. They have two mesmerizing eyes, two highly sensitive ears, four legs, whiskers under their nose and a long tail.

Cats are of three kinds, namely- farm cats, house cats and feral cats. House cats are petted by many people all across the globe. Cats are considered sacred in some traditions and cultures like the Japanese culture. Cats are very witty animals. They are very skilful hunters of rats, snakes, etc. Cats are very lazy pets, they sleep for long hours in a day and they are friendly to people they trust. Cats are not very social animals. Its offspring is called a “kitten”. Cats belong to the same family of tigers and panthers. Cats feed on both vegetables and animals and are, therefore, omnivores. Cats are very beautiful animals and they’re a favourite of many people.

With that, my pet animal cat essay comes to an end. In this essay on cats for class 1, their types, appearance, behaviour, diet and nature are discussed. These are some reasons why cats are adored by many.


FAQs on Cat Essay

1. What is a Cat’s Average Lifespan?

A cat’s average lifespan ranges from two to sixteen years. This is usually in the case of indoor cats as compared to street cats whose lifespan extends only up to 5 years.  The lifespan of a cat depends on the lifestyle they adapt to as well as the environmental hazards they are protected from. A person must contact a veterinarian and use the tips given to ensure that the cat is able to survive longer and lead a healthier lifestyle.

2. How Many Breeds of Cats are There on the Planet?

There are sixty recognized cat breeds in the world at present. Some of them are- Persian cats, Birman, Siberian cats, Siamese cats, British Shorthair, American Shorthair, etc. Some of the most common cat breeds known are Domestic shorthair, American shorthair, Domestic Longhair, Russian Blue, Bengal, Scottish Fold, etc. Different breeds have different characteristics in terms of their behaviour, personalities and needs. Some of them are reserved and short-tempered while some are extremely affectionate and loving. There are some breeds that are extremely independent while others are devoted to their owners.

3. How do Cats Clean Themselves?

The tongues of cats are scaly and they are excellent for cleaning the fur of cats. Cats keep their fur clean by licking their bodies. They are epitomes of cleanliness in terms of hygiene and hence use their tongue, paws and teeth to clean themselves clean. They use their rough/barbed tongues to lick, the paws for absorbing moisture and using it to clean off the dirt as well as their teeth to pick out the stubborn specks from their body.

4. How do we know that a cat is suffering from a health issue?

Cat owners must be very vigilant about the health of their cats by observing changes in their movements time and again. Once a cat reaches a certain age, it is obvious that their diet routine and their behaviour. For those cats suffering from major infections or diseases, regular checkups at the vet are mandatory. Once every two months is the recommended period of time to get a cat checked for health issues. Some symptoms like hiding, aggression towards people, loss of interest towards surroundings, neglect to groom or unusual vocalisation should be monitored.

5. What should domestic cats eat?

There is a difference in the diets of domesticated cats and street cats. Most of the time street cats are found to dig through garbage for leftover food for survival or catch smaller live animals as a part of their hunting tactics. In the case of domesticated cats, veterinarians usually suggest a compact diet that is healthy and to the liking of the cats. Regulating the food every day can prevent the cats from being either malnourished or overweight. Cats mostly prefer meat so boiled or cooked fish, chicken or red meat can be included plus cat food containing the same can also help in building their immune system and protect their heart, eyes and bowel movements. Raw meat and dairy products like cheese should be avoided as they are very harmful.

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Essay On Cat – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay for Students and Children

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Cats

10 lines on my pet cat.

  • Paragraph On Cats

Short Essay On Cats

  • Long Essay On My Favourite Pet Cat
  • Fun Facts About Cats That Kids Should Know

What Your Will Child Learn From The Essay?

Cats are beloved pets known for their cute, furry appearances, serious expressions, carefree attitudes, and silly antics that captivate people worldwide. Their long history of coexistence with humans has led to an enduring fascination, with some even questioning whether we have domesticated them or they have domesticated us.    

Cats have a unique charm that sets them apart from other pets. From playful kittens to graceful adults, cats possess an irresistible appeal that has made them a staple in popular culture, with countless books, movies, and TV shows featuring feline characters. In this article, we will go over what makes cats a favourite and show you how to write cat essays in English for classes 1, 2 and 3 in short and long forms.   

Here are some essential tips on how to write an essay on cats:   

  • If you plan to write about your pet cat in the essay exclusively, start from their adoption and continue the essay writing about their behaviour.   
  • When writing a generic essay about cats, discuss their habits, food preferences, instincts, and general nature.   
  • Long-form essays should have introductory and concluding sentences/paragraphs.   
  • A good essay can balance information about your cat’s behaviour and nature.   

If your little one could use some help describing cats, this section about the appearance of cats will come in handy.   

Cats & Their Appearance

The common cat is a four-legged mammal with furry skin, soft paws, attentive ears, and a heightened sense of alertness. They are born with different colours such as black, white, grey, orange and sometimes a mix of all the three. The fur on cats is to protect them from cold. They have soft, padded paws that dampen noise when they are hunting or moving about. They also have long whiskers around their nose to sense the movement of prey and a rough tongue to scrape the flesh off of bones. Cats are carnivores that hunt little animals in the wild. An adult cat can weigh between 3.5 to 4.5 kilos.

This 10-line my pet cat essay is easy to follow for children in classes 1 and 2. Here is how you can frame 10 lines on cats:   

  • I have a pet cat, and his name is fluffy.
  • Fluffy is a male cat with a long furry tail.
  • He is white with orange stripes on different parts of his body.
  • Fluffy is a good boy and behaves well all the time.
  • He poops in his litter box and eats up all his food without making a mess.
  • Sometimes he becomes very playful and runs all around the house.
  • Fluffy follows me wherever I go and sleeps below my desk all the time.
  • He also loves to relax and laze around everywhere in the house.
  • Fluffy loves spending time cuddling with us and makes soft purring sounds.
  • I love my pet cat, Fluffy, and I know he loves me a lot, too.

Paragraph On Cats   

Here is an example of my pet cat essay in around 100 words:   

My pet cat is an orange tabby named Lizzy. We raised Lizzy since she was a 12-week-old kitten. She is nine months old now and loves to play all the time. She likes to chase her toy ball around the house. She also chews on all my stuff and pulls the curtains and sheets. When she is not playing, she wants to eat and sleep. I always look for Lizzy the first thing in the morning when I wake up, and I pet her goodnight before going to sleep.   

A short essay is an excellent exercise to establish flow and narrative. Here is an example of a ‘My Pet Cat’ essay in 150 to 200 words:   

We have a pet cat in the house called Momo. He is a stray we adopted from our street when he was three months old. Momo has been in our family for two years now. He stays inside the house and lazes around all day but is very energetic at night. That’s when he loves to run around and often topples things in the house.   

Having a pet cat is a huge responsibility. Since letting them outside exposes them to diseases and other dangers, you must provide them with everything inside the house. Cats need fresh and healthy food, a litterbox to poop in, and a good bed to sleep on. They also have to be vaccinated against several diseases to ensure their safety.   

Cats are carnivores by nature. Momo loves to eat chicken, fish, dry cat food, and wet cat food. Sometimes, he also brings the small animals he hunts from the garden inside the house. Everybody in the family loves Momo, and he loves us back even more. Although they appear calm, cats have a different way of showing affection to their owners. Momo loves me when he slowly blinks his eyes when I call out for him or curls up beside my feet when I study.   

Girl playing with cat

Long Essay On My Favourite Pet Cat   

A long, descriptive essay on my pet cat requires children to plan for what they wish to include in the essay and build a good narrative. Here is an example of an essay for Class 3:   

My pet cat, Rocket, is a Maine Coon cat. As a popular breed for its size and furry looks, Rocket is as impressive as any pet can get! He is white, black, and grey and quite a graceful-looking feline by his appearance. He sits majestically and walks majestically but sleeps in silly postures. He loves spending his time with me or outside looking at birds sitting in the backyard.   

I’ve always wanted to have a pet cat that is furry and cute. Maine Coon is my favourite cat breed as I think they are the most majestic-looking cats in the world. These cats live in cold climates and higher latitudes where it snows and the temperature regularly falls below freezing levels. Because their natural habitat is cold, they naturally have thick fur. Therefore, we must take extra precautions to ensure Rocket doesn’t get too hot in the lower latitudes we live in. He gets his air-conditioned room where the temperature is always maintained cool. It has his bed, play area, and a window leading him to the backyard.   

Rocket spends most of his time indoors during hot summer days, sleeping in my room. We also give him a haircut to make him feel more comfortable. When it’s colder outside, he likes to venture into the garden and hunt little animals. Even though we give him all the best foods, his hunting instincts remain the same as all other cats. He often hunts little birds, pigeons, chipmunks, and other unfortunate critters wandering into the garden.   

Rocket also loves to be pet and cuddled. He likes it when I scratch his back with a comb. When he is not the apex predator in the garden, he is a silly cat playing with random things in the house. I cannot wish for a better pet than Rocket!   

Fun Facts About Cats That Kids Should Know   

Some cool facts about cats for children:   

  • Cats are excellent jumpers – they can jump six times their height.   
  • Cats always land on their feet when they fall.   
  • Cats spend 13 to 16 hours sleeping during the day.   
  • One year of a cat’s life is approximately equal to 15 years of human life.   
  • Cats show affection to their owners by slowly opening and closing their eyes.   

By studying the examples given above and writing an essay on ‘My Pet Animal’ or ‘My Pet Cat’, your child can learn how to express their observation and knowledge about cats in short and long essays. These examples will equip your little one with ideas on how to present information about their pet cat sequentially for their own composition.

1. Why Should You Get a Pet Cat?

Cats are incredibly adorable pets that are smart enough to take care of themselves. They are also loving and affectionate pets that are very clean and need little grooming or maintenance.

2. What Are Cats’ Eating Habits?

Cats are carnivores; hence they naturally eat meat. Domesticated cats will also eat packaged cat food, dairy products, meat, fish, and other non-vegetarian products.

3. What Are Some Regular Life Habits Of Cats

Domesticated cats spend most of their time sleeping or playing at home. They would also want to go outside the house to explore and even mate if they are not neutered.

4. What Are Different Breeds of Cats? 

There are many different breeds of cats, each with unique characteristics. Some popular breeds include Siamese, Persian, Maine Coon, and Bengal cats.   

5. Do Cats Have Special Abilities? 

Cats have excellent night vision, sharp claws for hunting, and a strong sense of smell. They are also known for their agility and ability to land on their feet.

Cats are amazing creatures that are adored all over the world. If you are writing an essay about your cat, include plenty of information about their behaviours that others can relate to. Keep the essay as cute and fun as your pet!   

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Short Essay on Cat [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Essay writing is an indispensable part of any English writing comprehension syllabus. From lower grades to upper, all kinds of students have a common need to learn essay writing. In today’s session, you are going to learn to write essays on one of the most common animals: cats. Essays on cats have become quite popular in exams during the last few years. So, without further introduction, let’s get started. 

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Short Essay on Cat in100 Words

Cats are domestic animals. They are small and cute and are kept as pets. They have bright eyes, tiny paws, sharp claws and a furry body and tail. Most commonly, cats are found in colours like black, white, brown, ginger and orange. They are true carnivores and prey on rats, mice, lizards, snakes, small fishes and other small animals in the wild.

Pet cats can live for 12 to 18 years. Cats have been valued by humans for thousands of years. In ancient Egypt, cats were sacred animals and were worshipped. They were viewed as magical beings by the Persians. Cats are also seen as a symbol of good luck in China and Japan. 

Short Essay on Cat in 200 Words 

Cats are small domestic animals. They belong to the family Felidae and are the only domestic species in their family. Cats can be either house cats who live with people, farm cats who live on farms or feral cats who live on streets or in the wild. Cats are small and cute. They have bright eyes, tiny paws, sharp claws and a furry body and tail. Most commonly, cats are found in colours like black, white, brown, ginger and orange. There are about 60 different varieties of cats. 

Cats are true carnivores and need to eat meat to survive. They prey on rats, mice, lizards, snakes, rabbits, small fishes, small birds and other small animals in the wild. They usually eat many small meals throughout the day. Pet cats are known to love tuna and meats like chicken, turkey and beef. Most cat breeds can live for 12 to 18 years. A few cats have even lived for 25 to 30 years. 

Cats have been living with humans for thousands of years. People valued them not just for their ability to kill rodents and snakes, but also as companions. Ancient cultures like Egypt saw them as sacred and worshipped them. In Persia, they were seen as the messengers of omens and magical beings. In Japan and China, cats symbolise blessings, good luck and fortune and their figurines are often displayed in storefronts. 

Short Essay on Cat in 400 Words 

Cats are small animals that can be easily domesticated. They belong to the family Felidae and subfamily Felinae. Cats are the only domestic species in their family. The wild members of the family include lions, tigers, cougars, panthers, and leopards.

Cats can be either house cats who live with people in houses, farm cats who live on farms, or feral cats who live on streets or in the wild and generally avoid people. Cats are small and cute. They have bright eyes, tiny paws, sharp teeth, retractable claws and a furry body and tail. Most commonly, cats are found in colours like black, white, brown, ginger and orange. There are about 60 different varieties of cats. 

Cats are true carnivores and need to eat meat in order to survive. Their night vision and sense of smell are well-developed. They mostly hunt during dawn or at dusk. Cats prey on rats, mice, lizards, snakes, rabbits, small fishes, small birds and other small animals in the wild.

Pet cats are known to love fishes like tuna, salmon, and sardines and meats like chicken, turkey, and beef. Cats are believed to be the only mammals who do not taste sweetness. There are many predators that prey on cats. Some larger predators include cougars, coyotes, raccoons, and wolves, while smaller animals like hawks, eagles, snakes, and owls also hunt cats. 

Most cat breeds can live for 12 to 18 years. A few cats have even lived for 25 to 30 years. Cats usually have kittens from spring to late autumn and their average litter size is four to six. Burmese, Siamese, and Persian cats are known to have the largest average litter. Cats are social animals. In feral conditions, while many cats live alone, others form colonies and live together around food sources. Cats are very territorial and mark their areas by urine spraying, rubbing facial secretions, and defecation. 

Cats have been living with humans for thousands of years. They were first domesticated in the Near East around 7500 BC. People valued them not just for their ability to kill rodents and snakes, but also as companions. Ancient cultures like Egypt saw them as sacred and worshipped them. In Persia, they were seen as the messengers of omens and magical beings. In Japan and China, cats symbolise blessings, good luck and fortune, and their figurines are often displayed in storefronts. According to estimates, there are around 220 million owned and 480 million stray cats today. 

That’s all about today’s session on writing essays on cats. In this essay, I have tried to discuss many different aspects of cats. Hopefully, after going through this session, you have holistic clarity about the topic we have just discussed. If you still have any queries, let me know through some quick comments. And keep browsing the website to read more such essays and other writing comprehensions. 

Join us on Telegram to get the latest updates about our upcoming session. Thanks for being with us. See you again, soon. 

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Essay on Cat: Samples for Students in 100, 200, and 300 Words

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  • Jan 29, 2024

Essay On Cat

Cats are adorable pets. They are furry, cute and cuddly and are loved by most people. Their silly acts make them a favourite among people. Cats have been around for thousands of years now it is now sometimes unclear if we have domesticated them or if is it the opposite that is true. There are so many aspects to cats. We have included several things related to cats in the samples of our essay on Cat. let’s have a look at the same!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Cat in 100 words
  • 2 Essay on Cat in 200 words
  • 3 Essay on Cat in 300 words

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Essay on Cat in 100 words

I have a pet cat and her name is Hermoine. She is white in color. We brought her home when she was only 8 weeks old kitten. Now, she is 1 year old. I love to play with her. We have a ball for her that she likes to chase around the house. Most of the time she is playing, she likes to eat and sleep otherwise. When I wake up in the morning, I look for Hermoine. And every night before going to bed, I pet her. I love my cat and now, she an important part of our lives. 

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Essay on Cat in 200 words

I have a pet cat. His name is Snowbell and he is white in colour. We brought Snowbell home when he was around 8 weeks old and now, he is 1.5 years old. Most of the time he stays inside the house being lazy and sleeping. But he is also very energetic. He likes to chase a ball around the house that we brought for him. 

Pets are very lovable but having them brings a lot of responsibilities. We take very good care of Snowbell and feed him twice a day. We make sure that he gets enough nutrients in his meals. My sister bathes him twice a week. And then we brush his white fur. Cats also need a good bed to sleep in so, we brought a bed specifically for him. It’s so soft and he loves sleeping in it. Also, we made sure that he got all his vaccinations done on time. 

By nature, cats like to eat fish and other meats. And so, our Snowbell also loves fish and chicken. Whenever I am studying, Snowbell comes near me, curls up around my feet and lays there. Our whole family loves Snowbell, especially my mother. Snowbell is an important part of our family.

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Essay on Cat in 300 words

My cat’s name is Stuart. He is a Maine Coon cat that is famous for its furry looks. Stuart is very dear to me. His walk is majestic, and he loves to hop around the house while carrying all his grace in his golden fur. Although very majestic, when he sleeps, his postures are funny to look at. 

Most of the time he stays at home playing with the ball we got him. But at times he also goes in the backyard for a stroll. He loves watching the birds from the window in my room. I have always wanted a pet cat and when my dad brought home Stuart, I was the happiest. He came home curdled like a white snowball. The cats of his breed live in cold climates, hence we have to ensure that our house is airconditioned properly, especially at night. Now, because they are habitual to such cold climates, the fur of Stuart is amazingly fluffy. We also have to take extra precautions so that Stuart doesn’t feel too much heat. 

Cats require a lot of attention and care. We take care of Stuart’s meals like we would of a baby. We feed him twice a day and make sure that he gets all the necessary nutrients through his meals. We also bathe him twice a week. Another important thing that we made sure of is that he got all his vaccinations done on time. And periodically we visit the vet to make sure that he is healthy. Although domesticated, he still likes to chase around birds. When some pigeons sit on the window, he chases them away. 

Everyone in our family love loves Stuart. We all take care of him and love him with all our hearts. He is an important member of our family.

Ans: I have a pet cat and her name is Hermoine. She is white in colour. We brought her home when she was only 8 weeks old kitten. Now, she is 1 year old. I love to play with her. We have a ball for her that she likes to chase around the house. Most of the time she is playing, other times she likes to eat and sleep. When I wake up in the morning, I look for Hermoine. And every night before going to bed, I pet her. I love my cat and now, she an important part of our lives. 

Ans: I have a pet cat. His name is Snowbell and he is white in colour. We brought Snowbell home when he was around 8 weeks old and now, he is 1.5 years old. Most of the time he stays inside the house being lazy and sleeping. But he is also very energetic. He likes to chase a ball around the house that we brought for him.  Pets are very lovable but having them brings a lot of responsibilities. We take very good care of Snowbell and feed him twice a day. We make sure that he gets enough nutrients in his meals. My sister bathes him twice a week. And then we brush his white fur. Cats also need a good bed to sleep in so, we brought a bed specifically for him. It’s so soft and he loves sleeping in it. Also, we made sure that he got all his vaccinations done on time.  By nature, cats like to eat fish and other meats. And so, our Snowbell also loves fish and chicken. Whenever I am studying, Snowbell comes near me, curls up around my feet and lays there. Our whole family loves Snowbell, especially my mother. Snowbell is an important part of our family.

Ans: A pet is an animal that is brought home and is taken care of as one of the family members.

Related Reads:

This brings us to the end of our blog on Essay on Cat. Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu.

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Essays About Cats: Top 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Cats are some of the most beloved animals to humankind; this article contains writing prompts and essay examples to help you write essays about cats. 

When you think of animals, two things come to mind: cats and dogs. Cats are some of the most popular pets, as they are, for the most part, relatively independent, low-maintenance, and easy to care for. The word “cat” most often describes domesticated house cats but also refers to some of the most vicious predators on the planet, such as lions, cheetahs, and leopards. Nevertheless, they make great companions for people who enjoy staying home and spending time sitting down and petting them, which reduces stress and anxiety. 

If you want to start writing essays about cats, start by reading some essay examples.

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5 Writing Prompts For Essays About Cats

1. should you own a cat, 2. why are cats so loved, 3. my experience with cats, 4. cats vs. dogs, 5. my favorite breed of cat.

“If your cat has given birth to kittens, make sure that your house is quiet because a lot of noise and activity can scare a small kitten and a cat lover would never wish to scare a kitten for sure. Cats can be shy in nature and can even take time while adjusting with the environment. One needs to be patient and deal with the animal with a lot of love and care.”

Daga gives a basic description of cats’ physical features, personalities, and misconceptions about them. They are gentle and playful yet, to an extent, selfish. Many believe that cats are related to black magic and bad luck; however, this is entirely false. Daga ends the essay by briefly discussing how to tame a cat and care for one that has given birth to kittens.

“Although it’s impossible for us to adopt every stray cat on the street, but imagine if every family manage to keep a pet cat in their home. That can actually save a lot of their lives. Some might have allergies towards animals but you can still help by providing clean water and some food outside of your house for the cats. This can avoid them from eating poisonous or unhygienic foods and also let them have a healthier life.”

In his essay, Bridges implores readers to be more sympathetic to the plight of stray cats. They have difficulty finding food and are involved in many accidents, particularly with cars. Bridges suggest leaving out food and water for stray cats, so they eat healthier food than whatever they scavenge for. In addition, he encourages people to adopt stray cats, although this is not for everyone, as some may have allergic reactions. 

Looking for more? Check out these essays about dogs .

“the extent of cat self-awareness is still a mystery. Despite all of the wisdom contained in her all-knowing eyes, when your cat’s pacing back and forth in front of mirror, she’s probably not admiring the sleekness of her coat or the smoothness of her freshly-trimmed nails.

More than likely, she’s investigating the stranger that is too close for comfort.”

O’Brien writes about the phenomenon in which cats look at themselves intently in the mirror. Based on research, cats do not recognize themselves and continue to look into the mirror to assess possible threats. As animal brains are less developed, they do not understand that they see themselves and instead see their reflections as other animals. They are not looking at themselves as people claim but trying to perceive the presence of another cat. 

“How many people do you see taking their cat with them on car rides? Or having a nice walk in the park? Absolutely no one. If you’ve ever brought your cat in the car, you know how loud, annoying and horrible it is, not only for them but you as well. The whole time, all you hear is their pitiful meow from the carrier, which is in the very back, covered in blankets to drown out the ear-splitting screeches.”

Cain’s essay explores the more negative aspects of cats, particularly compared to owning a dog. She starts by recalling ancient Egyptian traditions by which cats were associated with divinity and protectors from evil spirits, demons, and hell. She also discusses several bad qualities of cats; they are “a bit messy,” “filthy,” “annoying,” and “horrible.” While Cain does not hate cats, she believes dogs are preferable. 

5. ​​ Why Are Cats So Incredibly Rude? by Julie Davidson

“Cats hold a grudge. When a cat is mad, she wants you to acknowledge it. Some will act out doing such things as clearing the books off the coffee table, sumo wrestling a feline roommate, or emptying her water dish out onto the floor—all to get your attention. But, just when she has pushed us to our absolute limit, a cat flashes those big kitten eyes (picture Puss in Boots from Shrek), and we melt like a snowman in the Sahara.”

Davidson writes about some of the cats’ bad habits, particularly their “rudeness.” They demand attention, put up a bad attitude when it is not given, and do things considered “adorable” to win back the favor of their owners. Cats are lovable yet manipulative; however, this is part of their nature, and cat owners must deal with it. For more, you can also see these articles about cats .

Essays About Cats: Should you own a cat

In this essay, research and list the advantages and disadvantages of owning a cat- what positive and negative traits do they have? Then, conclude whether you would recommend getting a cat as a pet to others. Of course, this would be easier if you own or have a cat, but ample research will suffice. This is an excellent topic for an argumentative essay, as you can find many arguments for and against owning a cat online. 

It is a fact that cats are loved by many. What makes cats so lovable? In your essay, look into some qualities of cats that make them so beloved and ideal as pets. If you do not have a cat,  you can base your essay on interviews with cat owners or information from the internet. 

Think of a memorable occasion when you interacted with a cat, whether with your pet, a family member or friend’s cat, or even a stray cat outside. How did it make you feel- were you stressed, relaxed, or disgusted? Your essay should be a retelling of a personal story; do not include others’ opinions or ideas from online sources. 

For an engaging argumentative essay, decide which animal you prefer: cats or dogs. Research and write about the advantages and disadvantages of having either of them as a pet, then decide which one you would prefer. Be sure to justify your choice; you can use some of the essay examples above as evidence, 

Do you have a favorite breed of cat? How about the species of cat overall? For your essay, write about your favorite type of cat, whether a lion, tiger, or adorable Persian cat. Explain why it is your favorite and, if applicable, any other special meaning the cat has to you. 

If you’d like to learn more, check out our guide on how to write an argumentative essay .

For more help, check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

Essay on Cat | 500+ Words

Cats, those mysterious and beloved creatures, have captured our hearts and homes for centuries. In this essay, I will argue that cats make exceptional companions and offer a multitude of benefits to their human counterparts. These independent, agile, and affectionate creatures have a unique place in our lives.

Companionship and Comfort

Cats provide companionship and comfort like no other. According to a survey by the American Pet Products Association, 67% of households in the United States have a pet, and a significant portion of them are cats. Why? Because cats offer unwavering companionship, especially for people living alone or those seeking solace. Their presence alone can bring a sense of calm and ease.

Stress Reduction

Research published in the journal “Psychosomatic Medicine” suggests that interacting with cats can reduce stress and anxiety levels. The simple act of petting a cat can release feel-good chemicals in our brains, such as oxytocin and serotonin. When I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, spending time with my cat, Whiskers, always helps me relax and feel better.

Low Maintenance

Cats are known for their independence and low maintenance. Unlike some pets that require constant attention and care, cats are self-sufficient animals. They groom themselves, use a litter box, and can be left alone for longer periods without worry. This makes them an ideal choice for busy families and individuals.

Health Benefits

Studies have shown that owning a cat can have a positive impact on our health. The American Heart Association suggests that having a cat may reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure. The gentle purring of a cat can be soothing and therapeutic. My family and I have noticed that having a cat has a calming effect on all of us, and we cherish our time with our feline friend.

Pest Control

Historically, cats have been employed as pest controllers. In ancient Egypt, they were revered for their ability to keep homes and granaries free from rats and mice. Even today, many farmers and homeowners rely on cats to help control unwanted pests. This natural pest control ability is a valuable benefit of having cats around.

Playful Companions

Cats are not only affectionate but also playful. They provide entertainment with their curious nature and acrobatic antics. The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends interactive play with cats to stimulate their minds and bodies. Playing with my cat using toys and laser pointers is not only fun but also helps keep him happy and healthy.

Quiet Company

Cats are known for their calm and quiet presence. Unlike some pets that can be noisy or demanding, cats tend to be more serene. This calmness can be soothing, especially after a long and tiring day. I often find solace in the peaceful moments spent with my cat, reading a book or simply enjoying each other’s company.

Conclusion of Essay on Cat

In conclusion, cats are extraordinary companions that bring comfort, joy, and numerous benefits to our lives. Their ability to reduce stress, their low-maintenance nature, and their health benefits make them cherished members of many households. As I reflect on the presence of my cat, Whiskers, in my life, I am grateful for the calm and contentment he brings.

Cats have a unique way of making us feel loved and valued, even without words. Their independent spirits and playful natures add a touch of wonder to our daily lives. So, whether it’s curling up with a cat on a cozy afternoon or watching them chase a feather toy, cats are indeed our feline friends, enriching our lives in countless ways. As we celebrate the joys of cat companionship, let us cherish the magic of these enigmatic creatures and the special place they hold in our hearts.

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My Pet Cat Essay | Essay on My Pet Cat for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

My Pet Cat Essay: Cats are very cute, and they are also really great pets as they know how to take care of themselves and don’t need much help from their humans. Cats know how to clean up after themselves and also to survive without much help from their humans. This is why they make the perfect pet because they can care for themselves. However, they still make themselves cozy and comfortable with their owners.

Long and Short Essays on My Pet Cat for Students and Kids in English

Read below to find two essays about my pet cat. The first essay is a long essay of 500 words, and the second is a short essay of 200 words. The former is suitable for class 7-10 students as well as for those aspiring for competitive exams. The latter essay is ideal for kids of class 6 and below.

Long Essay on My Pet Cat 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay about my pet cat of 500 words and is suitable for students of class 7 to 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.  Long Essay on My Pet Cat in English for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants

My pet cat is Peter, and he is a Siamese cat. My younger brother named our cat Peter because he thought it would be funny to give our cat a human name. Most of my relatives also think that that is funny because their pet cats have names like ‘Fluffy.’ I wanted to name my cat Garfield, as the comic because I love reading Garfield comics, but now his name is Peter.

Peter is a white cat with patches of fading black fur here are there. Around his face, there is a shadow-like patch of black fur, in the middle of which you can see Peter’s big, bright, and round blue eyes. Through the patch, you can also see his white whiskers in a sticking out fashion. Even Peter’s ears, paws, and tail are black, while the rest of his body is covered in soft white fur. This color patching of black and white is the common characteristic of all Siamese cats.

Peter is a very clean cat who knows how to clean up after himself when he has to go to the bathroom. His kitty litter box is kept in the bathroom in my house so that he can be just as independent as his humans, i.e., my family and me. After he finishes his bathroom business, he even covers it up with the litter.

Most cats are known to prefer to be on their own, being independent, etc. However, Peter is the opposite of that. He loves to get affection and attention and playing with everyone who wants to. His favorite person to play with is my father because he gives Peter lots of treats. Yes, Peter gets a lot of treats along with his two meals a day, which is why he is one of the fattest cats I have ever seen. His fatness makes him very cute, chubby, and fun to play with, and he is the best cuddle buddy.

Another way that my pet cat Peter is very different from other cats is that he likes to play Fetch. My aunt bought him a small squeaky toy, which, when we throw it for him, fetches it and brings it back. He also likes to go for walks with my mom and me in the evenings and does not hate it when we put a collar and leash to take him out. My friends told me that their cats really hate when they do that, but Peter likes to go out like that.

I really love my pet cat Peter because he is always there to keep me company when I don’t want to be alone. When I’m doing my homework or working on a project, watching TV, playing video games, or anything else, Peter comes and sits down with me to keep me company. It is a very nice feeling to have a pet cat.

Essay on My Pet Cat

Short Essay on My Pet Cat 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay about my pet cat of 200 words. This short essay on the topic of My Pet Cat is suitable for students of class 6 and below. Short My Pet Cat Essay in English for Classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

My pet cat is a Persian Cat, and her name is Fluffles. My family and I named her Fluffles because of how fluffy and soft her white fur is. Sometimes, Fluffles camouflages with the carpet in my bedroom, which is also white. Fluffles really loves to sleep on that carpet, which is why we must be cautious at home so that we don’t step on her.

Fluffles is always there at home for me when I come back from school. Sometimes, when I feel bad, I sit next to Fluffles and pet her soft fur, which makes me feel happy. Once, I got fewer marks than everyone in a maths test, so I felt terrible, but I went to Fluffles and played with her for a while, which made my mood better.

It is not only my family that loves my pet cat Fluffles and me but also all my friends who come over, my cousins, etc all love to play with my pet cat. Maybe it is because she is very cute, or very fluffy, or maybe because she is a really nice pet for me and everyone else to play with. I really love Fluffles, and I hope she lives forever.

10 Lines About My Pet Cat Essay

  • Cats are great pets because they know how to clean up after each other.
  • Pet cats give you their attention whenever it pleases them, and it’s better not to force them to do that.
  • Cats are very cute to look at, which is why having a pet cat is so nice.
  • Cats have very soft coats of fur, which makes them look like soft rugs, and once you pet them, you don’t want to stop because they are so soft.
  • My pet cat loves to play with my family and me.
  • My pet cat is the most attached to the person who gives him or her treats.
  • All my friends and relatives also love my pet cat.
  • Hanging out with my pet cat always makes my mood better.
  • My pet cat keeps me company all the time so that I never have to be alone.
  • I hope my pet cat lives forever.

Essay About My Pet Cat

FAQ’s On My Pet Cat Essay

Question 1. Why should I get a pet cat?

Answer: You should get a pet cat because they will always keep you company, especially when you feel down.

Question 2. What is the kitty litter box?

Answer: A kitty litter box is a box in which cats go and relieve themselves. This box is filled with litter, which you can buy in the market. You must change this litter every few days so that it remains fresh.

Question 3. What does it mean that cats are independent in their ways?

Answer: Cats are independent in the sense that they do not necessarily need much to be entertained. If you leave a cat, be to sleep or play around on its own, most probably it will be fine. Thus, cats are very independent and love being alone with themselves.

Question 4. What do you feed cats?

Answer: Cats are carnivores, which means they love eating meat and fish. However, despite this, cats love drinking milk, and their favorite meal is fish.

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Essay on Cat for Kids & Students in English [Easy Words*]

January 19, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Cat: Cat is one of the cutest pet animals with sharp claws and attentive eyes. They have a very good nocturnal vision; hence they easily catch their prey even in dark hours. It is born with hypersensitive ears that are great at sensing even remote noise. The tail at its hind end helps to maintain good posture and balance while moving around. Kids are attracted to cats mainly because of their portrayal as funny creatures.

Essay on Cat 150 Words in English

Below we have provided my pet cat essay for class 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 school students, written in easy and simple words.

Cats are one of the most commonly domesticated animals in the entire world. Unlike their lion and tiger cousins, they are smaller and easier to tame. They are carnivorous mammals and eat other smaller animals like mice and bugs. They also enjoy chasing birds. Cats have flexible bodies and quick reflexes, making them such incredible hunters.

They never fear to have to fall from great heights because of their accuracy and ability to always land on their feet. They have a short lifespan, ranging from 2-16 years, depending on several factors like their environment, eating habits, and overall health. Cats are generally more independent in comparison to dogs. Regardless of this, they still like interacting with other cats.

Photo of a close-up of a tabby cat with green eyes, focusing intently at the camera, with blurred trees and foliage in the background.

‘Hold back the talons of your paws/Let me gaze into your beautiful eyes.’ Charles Baudelaire, ‘Le Chat’. Photo by Gallery Stock

If a cat could talk

Felines walk the line between familiar and strange. we stroke them and they purr, then in a trice they pounce.

by David Wood   + BIO

Saturday was a small snake. Each morning for six days, Berzerker — half-Siamese, half-streetcat, with charcoal fur and a pure white undercoat — had deposited a new creature on the doormat. On this last day, the snake was as stiff as a twig; rigor mortis had already set in. I wondered if there was a mortuary under the porch, a cold slab on which the week’s offerings had been laid out. What were these ritualistic offerings all about? Gift, placation, or proof of lethal skill? Who knows. On the seventh day he rested.

When I look at any one of my three cats — when I stroke him, or talk to him, or push him off my yellow pad so I can write — I am dealing with a distinct individual: either Steely Dan Thoreau, or (Kat) Mandu, or Kali. Each cat is unique. All are ‘boys’, as it happens. All rescued from the streets, neutered and advertised as mousers, barn cats: ‘They will never let you touch them,’ I was told. Each cat is a singular being ­— a pulsing centre of the universe — with this colour eyes, this length and density of fur, this palate of preferences, habits and dispositions. Each with his own idiosyncrasies.

At first, they were truly untouchable, hissing and spitting. A few weeks later, after mutual outreaching, they were coiling around my neck, with heavy purring and nuzzling. They do indeed hang out in my barn — I live on a farm — and are always pleased to see me at their daily feed. Steely Dan, unlike the other two, will walk with me for miles. Just for the company, I suspect. Occasionally he will turn up at the house and demand to be let in. He is a favourite among my friends for his free dispensing of affection. But the rift between our worlds opens wide again when he shreds the faux leather sofa with his claws. When scolded, he is insouciant.

‘When I play with my cat,’ Montaigne mused, ‘how do I know that she is not playing with me rather than I with her?’

Since the Egyptians first let the wild Mau into their homes, cats and humans have co-evolved. We have, without doubt, been brutal — eliminating kittens of the wrong stripe, as well as couch-potato cats that gave the rats a pass, cats that could not be trained, and cats that refused our advances. My Steely Dan, steely eyed professional killer of birds and mice (and snakes, lizards, young rabbits, voles, and chipmunks), lap-lover, walking companion extraordinaire, is the product of trial by compatibility. This sounds like a recipe for compliance: domestication should have rooted out the otherness of the feline. But it did not.

The Egyptians domesticated Felis silvestris catus 10,000 years ago and valued its services in patrolling houses against snakes and rodents. But later they deified it, even mummifying cats for the journey into the afterlife. These days we don’t typically go that far — though cats and cat shelters are frequently the subjects of bequests. We remain fascinated both by our individual cats and cats as a species. They are a beloved topic for publishers, calendars and cartoons. Cats populate the internet: there are said to be 110,000 cat videos on YouTube. Lolcats tickle us at every turn. But isn’t there something profoundly unsettling about the whiskered cat lying on a laptop (or somesuch), speaking its bad English? Lolcats make us laugh, but the need to laugh intimates disquiet somewhere.

P erhaps because we selected cats for their internal contradictions — friendly to us, deadly to the snakes and rodents that threatened our homes — we shaped a creature that escapes our gaze, that doesn’t merely reflect some simple design goal. One way or another, we have licensed a being that displays its ‘otherness’ and flaunts its resistance to human interests. This is part of the common view of cats: we value their independence. From time to time they might want us, but they don’t need us. Dogs, by contrast, are said to be fawning and needy, always eager to please. Dogs confirm us; cats confound us. And in ways that delight us.

In welcoming one animal to police our domestic borders against other creatures that threatened our food or health, did we violate some boundary in our thinking? Such categories are ones we make and maintain without thinking about them as such. Even at this practical level, cats occupy a liminal space: we live with ‘pets’ that are really half-tamed predators.

It is something of an accident that a cat’s lethal instincts align with our interests

From the human perspective, cats might literally patrol the home, but more profoundly they walk the line between the familiar and the strange. When we look at a cat, in some sense we do not know what we are looking at. The same can be said of many non-human creatures, but cats are exemplary. Unlike insects, fish, reptiles and birds, cats both keep their distance and actively engage with us. Books tell us that we domesticated the cat. But who is to say that cats did not colonise our rodent-infested dwellings on their own terms? One thinks of Ruduyard Kipling’s story ‘The Cat That Walked by Himself’ (1902), which explains how Man domesticated all the wild animals except for one: ‘the wildest of all the wild animals was the Cat. He walked by himself, and all places were alike to him.’

Michel de Montaigne, in An Apology for Raymond Sebond (1580) , captured this uncertainty eloquently. ‘When I play with my cat,’ he mused, ‘how do I know that she is not playing with me rather than I with her?’ So often cats disturb us even as they enchant us. We stroke them, and they purr. We feel intimately connected to these creatures that seem to have abandoned themselves totally to the pleasures of the moment. Cats seem to have learnt enough of our ways to blend in. And yet, they never assimilate entirely. In a trice, in response to some invisible (to the human mind, at least) cue, they will leap off our lap and re-enter their own space, chasing a shadow. Lewis Carroll’s image of the smile on the face of the Cheshire cat, which remains even after the cat has vanished, nicely evokes such floating strangeness. Cats are beacons of the uncanny, shadows of something ‘other’ on the domestic scene.

O ur relationship with cats is an eruption of the wild into the domestic: a reminder of the ‘far side’, by whose exclusion we define our own humanity. This is how Michel Foucault understood the construction of ‘madness’ in society — it’s no surprise then that he named his own cat Insanity. Cats, in this sense, are vehicles for our projections, misrecognition, and primitive recollection. They have always been the objects of superstition: through their associations with magic and witchcraft, feline encounters have been thought to forecast the future, including death. But cats are also talismans. They have been recognised as astral travellers, messengers from the gods. In Egypt, Burma and Thailand they have been worshipped. Druids have held some cats to be humans in a second life. They are trickster figures, like the fox, coyote and raven. The common meanings and associations that they carry in our culture permeate, albeit unconsciously, our everyday experience of them.

But if the glimpse of a cat can portend the uncanny, what should we make of the cat’s own glance at us? As Jacques Derrida wondered: ‘Say the animal responded?’ If his cat found him naked in the bathroom, staring at his private parts — as discussed in Derrida’s 1997 lecture The Animal That Therefore I Am — who would be more naked: the unclothed human or the never clothed animal? To experience the animal looking back at us challenges the confidence of our own gaze — we lose our unquestioned privilege in the universe. Whatever we might think of our ability to subordinate the animal to our categories, all bets are off when we try to include the animal’s own perspective. That is not just another item to be included in our own world view. It is a distinctive point of view — a way of seeing that we have no reason to suppose we can seamlessly incorporate by some imaginative extension of our own perspective.

easy essay on cat

This goes further than Montaigne’s musings on who is playing with whom. Imaginative reversal — that is, if the cat is playing with us — would be an exercise in humility. But the dispossession of a cat ‘looking back’ is more disconcerting. It verges on the unthinkable. Perhaps when Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote (of a larger cat) in Philosophical Investigations (1953) that: ‘If a lion could talk we would not understand him,’ he meant something similar. If a lion really could possess language, he or she would have a relation to the world that would challenge our own, without there being any guarantee of translatability. Or if, as T S Eliot suggested in Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (1939) , cats named themselves as well as being given names by their owners (gazed on by words, if you like), then the order of things — the human order — would be truly shaken.

Yet the existence of the domestic cat rests on our trust in them to eliminate other creatures who threaten our food and safety. We have a great deal invested in them, if now only symbolically. Snakebites can kill, rats can carry plague: the threat of either brings terror. Cats were bred to be security guards, even as their larger cousins still set their eyes on us and salivate. We like to think we can trust cats. But if we scrutinise their behaviour, our grounds for doing so evaporate.

Look into the eyes of a cat for a moment. Your gaze will flicker between recognising another being, and staring into a void

It is something of an accident that a cat’s lethal instincts align with our interests. They seem recklessly unwilling to manage their own boundaries. Driven as they are by an unbridled spirit of adventure (and killing), they do not themselves seem to have much appreciation of danger. Even if fortune smiles upon them — they are said to have nine lives, after all — in the end, ‘curiosity kills the cat’. Such protection as cats give us seems to be a precarious arrangement.

N o story of a cat’s strangeness would be complete without touching on the tactile dimension. We stroke cats, and they lick us, coil around our legs, nuzzle up to us and pump our flesh. When aroused, they bite and plunge their claws innocently and ecstatically through our clothes into our skin. Charles Baudelaire expresses this contradictory impulse, somewhere between desire and fear, in his poem ‘Le Chat’ (1857): ‘Hold back the talons of your paws/Let me gaze into your beautiful eyes.’ A human lover would be hard put to improve on a normal cat’s response to being stroked. Unselfconscious self-abandonment, unmistakable sounds of appreciation, eyes closing in rapture, exposure of soft underbelly. Did the human hand ever find a higher calling? Baudelaire continues: ‘My hand tingles with the pleasure/Of feeling your electric body’. It feels like communion, a meeting of minds (or bodies), the ultimate in togetherness, perhaps on a par with human conjugal bliss (and simpler).

But the claws through the jeans give the game away. The cat is not exploring the limits of intimacy with a dash of pain, a touch of S&M. He is involuntarily extending his claws into my skin. This is not about ‘us’, it’s about him, and perhaps it always was — the purring, the licking, the pumping. Cats undermine any dream of perfect togetherness. Look into the eyes of a cat for a moment. Your gaze will flicker between recognising another being (without quite being able to situate it), and staring into a void. At this point, we would like to think — well, that’s because she or he is a cat. But cannot the same thing happen with our friend, or child, or lover? When we look in the mirror, are we sure we know who we are?

Witch’s cats were called familiars, an oddly suitable term for cats more generally — the strange at the heart of the familiar, disturbing our security even as they police it and bring us joy. They are part of our symbolic universe as well as being real physical creatures. And these aspects overlap. Most cats are unmistakably cut from the same cloth. But this only raises more intensely the question of this cat, its singular irreplaceability. I might well be able to replace Steely as a mouser, to find another sharp set of teeth. Steely II might equally like his tummy rubbed and press his claws into my flesh. And to my chagrin, Steely I and Steely II could each offer themselves in this way to my friends, as if I were replaceable. I was once offered a replacement kitten shortly after my ginger cat Tigger died. I was so sad that I toyed with the idea of giving the kitten the same name, and pretending that Tigger had simply been renewed. In the end, I could not. But the temptation was real.

To quote Eliot again:

You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter When I tell you a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES. First of all, there’s the name that the family use daily But I tell you, a cat needs a name that’s particular, A name that’s peculiar, and more dignified, But above and beyond there’s still one name left over, And that is the name that you never will guess; The name that no human research can discover — But THE CAT HIMSELF KNOWS, and will never confess.

Cats, one at a time, as our intimates, our familiars, as strangers in our midst, as mirrors of our co-evolution, as objects of exemplary fascination, pose for us the question: what is it to be a cat? And what is it to be this cat? These questions are contagious. As I stroke Steely Dan, he purrs at my touch. And I begin to ask myself more questions: to whom does this appendage I call my hand belong? What is it to be human? And who, dear feline, do you think I am?

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The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family.

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easy essay on cat

10 Lines on Cat

A cat, also known as a domestic cat is a carnivorous i.e. meat-eating animal. It has been tamed for approximately 10000 years. Cats are one of the most popular pets of this world. They belong to the origin of African wildcat. During ancient times they were tamed especially for the purpose of eating rodents such as rats, mice, small animals etc that were destroying the agricultural fields of farmers, later they were used as pets due to their friendly, playful and attractive nature with the human beings. Domestic cats can be found with long hair, short hair and hairless breeds. The word “cat” also comes under the category of other “Felines”. Felines are generally called as either big or small cats.

Ten Lines on Cat in English

We are providing 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on cat in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 through which you can know more about cats in a better manner. Furthermore, you can add these lines in your essay and paragraph writing in your exam or in school.

If you have to write my favourite pet cat essay or my pet animal essay then these lines will be very much useful. Further it will also help you to answer your question related to cats like what sounds cat make, can cat see in darkness, what a cat eats, what is the average life of cat, what is male cat called, what is female cat called, what are baby cats called, what is a kitten, how many breeds of cats are there in world, what is the religious important of cats etc.

1) Cat is a one of the popular pet animals which is tamed by human since long time.

2) They are friendly and playful with people especially with children.

3) Cats have four legs and one tail and they produce a “meow”, “purr” and “hiss” sound.

4) They can see and hear better than humans and they are able to see in night also.

5)  Cat is a carnivore animal which means it is a flesh-eating animal.

6) The average life of a cat is 10 years to 12.5 years.

7) A male cat is called as Tomcat and a female cat is called as Molly or Queen.

8) A female cat gives birth to its offspring which are called as “Kittens”.

9) On an average, a cat gives birth to 3 to 6 kittens at a time.

10) There are 500 breeds of cats which are known to the world.

10 Lines and Sentences on Cat

1) To express its love and affection, cats either produce a Purr sound or they lie on the floor.

2) Human beings especially the children love to play with cats.

3) Some species of cats like “Bengal Cats” are very responsive, they quickly respond after hearing a human voice.

4) Cats eat rodents like rats, mice and small animals which harm the agricultural field.

5) Research says that petting cats could reduce the chance of heart attacks as it relieves stress.

6) The “purr” sound produced by a cat has healing ability and could heal the injury of human beings faster.

7) It is believed that children who play with cats are less affected with breathing related problems.

8) Although cats are friendly and playful in nature, sometimes they get angry and could bite their owners.

9) In most Asian countries including China, people love to eat cat-meat.

10) In some religions cats are killed because they are considered as symbol of “Witchcraft” which brings bad luck to a person.

10 Lines on Cat

5 Lines on Cat

1) A small furry animal is a sweet cat.

2) They have sharp eyes.

3) They love milk and fish.

4) They are afraid of dogs.

5) They look cute and adorable.

20 Lines on Cat

1) Cat is a small carnivorous mammal which is a domesticated species belonging to family Felidae.

2) Cats are either house cats or free roaming ones those tend to avoid any human contact.

3) Domesticated house cats help the inmates by keeping the population of rodents at bay.

4) Cats have a very strong flexible body with fast reflexes and sharp teeth as well as retractable claws.

5) Cats are crepuscular meaning they are predators who are most active during the dusk and dawn.

6) Cats have a unique ability to hear sound almost inaudible to normal human beings.

7) Cats have a distinguished ability to see in dark, even in near complete darkness.

8) Cats also have a wonderful sense of smell, but they have a poor vision for colors.

9) Despite being solitary hunters cats are social animals and often live in colonies around a food source.

10) Cats living in proximity to human settlements have become dependent on humans for food.

11) Cats are widely domesticated animals, second only to the dogs.

12) Domesticated cats undergo minor behavioral changes and are also capable of surviving in wild.

13) Domestic cats are smaller in size and limb measurement than their wild counterparts.

14) Cat species come in varying sizes ranging from as low as 1 Kg to as heavy as exceeding 11 Kgs.

15) Cats have an unusually large eye socket and a powerful jaw with sharp teeth for killing prey.

16) A cat walks by placing its hind paw exactly as the place of its forepaw, without generating any sound.

17) Female cats mate with different males and give birth to kittens of different fathers in same litter.

18) Cats have a poor color vision and a limited ability to distinguish between red and green colors.

19) Cats have dozens of whiskers on their face, which help in sensation and navigation.

20) Cats have a acute sense of balance and always land on their feet after a fall.

Cats are very beautiful creatures of earth and one of the most popular pets of human beings. There are several varieties of cats. Cats eat rodents like rats, mice and other small animals in order to protect the agricultural land from getting damaged.

They are very playful and friendly in nature and are considered as best house pets but there are some superstitions which are attached with cats like they are the symbol of witchcraft; they bring bad luck with them etc which is totally wrong.

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My Pet Essay

500 words essay on my pet.

Pets are a blessing that only lucky people get to have. I have been lucky enough to have many pets since my childhood. My pet is a cat whom we call Mingi. It is white and grey in colour. Mingi is 3 years old and has been with me ever since she was born. Through my pet essay, I will make you learn all about Mingi and why it is so dear to me.

my pet essay

How Mingi Became My Pet Essay

Mingi has short hair and also a glossy coat. It is a female and love to have milk and chicken. Sometimes, I treat it with fish as it loves the taste of tuna. Moreover, Mingi is a very loving pet that stays with me at all times.

Ever since I was little, I liked cats. I love how clean and majestic they are. Although, there were no plans to keep a pet cat. My mother did not allow me as she would end up doing all the work for the pet.

However, she used to keep a bowl of fresh water in our garden to ensure no birds or animals remain thirsty during the summer season. A lot of pigeons and sparrows come to my garden to quench their thirst.

One fine day, a cat came to drink the water. It started coming regularly afterwards and gave birth to kittens in our garden. My mother gave them food as well and some milk every day.

However, one day all of them were gone except for a little kitten. I started to feed it regularly and became close to it. As the mother did not return, I decided to keep it as my pet.

After taking permission from my mother, I finally got to keep Mingi by promising to bear its responsibility. Ever since Mingi has been in my life. It was so little but now has grown into a big and beautiful cat.

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A Clean Pet

Cats are one of the cleanest pets that do not require a lot of effort to maintain. I hardly have to worry about Mingi being dirty as it cleans itself regularly. I conduct a bathing session every month with my mother.

It is not easy but Mingi is now used to it. We also comb Mingi’s coat twice a week so no dead hair remains and her hygiene is intact. Moreover, it may sound rare but we also brush Mingi’s teeth every week.

During winters , Mingi gets cold so we have got her a warm coat to protect her from the cold. Mingi remains indoors mostly and never dirties our house. Ever since it was little, she knew where to relieve herself so she’s always been low maintenance and love.

Conclusion Of My Pet Essay

All in all, Mingi has been a blessing that happened by chance. However, she is now an inseparable part of my life. I love spending time with her and she manages to make my saddest days happier.

FAQ on My Pet Essay

Question 1: Why are pets important?

Answer 1: Pets like cats and dogs can reduce the stress and anxiety of a person. Moreover, they also help to ease loneliness and reduce depression. Children become more secure and active when they care for animals .

Question 2: What do pets need?

Answer 2: Pets needs food, water, shelter, exercise, and socializing. It is essential to give your pet all this so they can lead a comfortable and happy life.

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Essay on Cats As Pets

Students are often asked to write an essay on Cats As Pets in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Cats As Pets

Why cats are good pets.

Cats make wonderful pets for many reasons. They are small, so they fit well in houses and apartments. Cats clean themselves, which means they usually don’t need baths. They also use a litter box for their bathroom needs, making them easy to care for. Cats enjoy playing, which can be fun for their owners.

Caring for a Cat

Taking care of a cat means giving them food, water, and love. Cats need to visit a vet for check-ups to stay healthy. They also need a scratching post to keep their claws in shape. Spending time with your cat and petting it helps create a strong bond.

Cats and Companionship

Cats can be very loving and often form close friendships with their owners. They can sense when you’re sad and may come to snuggle with you. Cats have a soft purr that is calming and can make you feel better. Having a cat as a friend can bring a lot of joy.

250 Words Essay on Cats As Pets

Why cats make great pets.

Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. They are small, furry animals that live with people in their homes. Many people love cats because they are good companions and are easy to take care of. In this essay, we will talk about why cats are good pets for families and individuals.

Easy to Look After

Good company.

Cats are known for being good friends to their owners. They like to play and cuddle, which can make people feel happy and loved. Cats often sit on laps or next to their owners, purring, which is a sound they make when they are content. This can create a peaceful feeling in the home.

Good for Health

Having a cat can also be good for your health. Stroking a cat’s fur can make you feel calm and lower stress. Playing with a cat can be a fun way to get some exercise. Studies have shown that having a cat can even lower the chance of having a heart attack.

In conclusion, cats are wonderful pets that are easy to care for, provide great company, and can improve your health. This is why many people choose to have a cat as a pet in their home.

500 Words Essay on Cats As Pets

Introduction to cats as pets.

Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. Many people choose to have cats in their homes because they are small, clean, and can be very loving. Cats have been living with humans for thousands of years. They were even worshipped as gods in ancient Egypt! Today, cats are cherished members of many families, providing companionship and joy to people of all ages.

Why Cats Make Good Pets

Cats are known for being independent animals. This means they can be left alone for a few hours and they will be okay. They don’t need to go outside for walks like dogs do, which can be very handy for busy families or people living in apartments. Cats use a litter box inside the house, which they learn to use very quickly, often when they are just kittens.

Caring for Cats

Taking care of a cat is not too hard, but it is important. Cats need to eat cat food, which can be bought at most stores. They also need fresh water every day. It’s important to clean their litter box regularly to keep the house smelling nice and to keep the cat healthy.

Cats also need to play and exercise. They love to chase toys and climb on cat trees, which helps them stay active and happy. Giving a cat toys that mimic hunting, like toy mice or feathers on a string, can be a good way for them to play.

The Bond with Cats

Cats can form a strong bond with their owners. They might show their love by sitting on your lap, purring, or following you around the house. Some cats are more cuddly, while others might be more playful. Each cat has its own personality, which makes them unique and fun pets.

Cats can also be good for your health. Petting a cat can make you feel calm and less stressed. Some studies even say that having a cat can lower your chance of heart problems because they help you relax.

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easy essay on cat

Essay On Cat

500 + words essay on cat in english.

Cats are domestic animals. The scientific name of the cat is Felia catus . It is a very cute and adorable animal. Apart from tigers, cats belong to the family Felidae. The offspring of cats are called kittens. From kids to adults, everyone is fond of cats. Cats are very good friends of humans. They like to play with them. Cats usually feed on milk, meat, fish, mice, etc. Though cats are kept as domestic pets, they are clever hunters. They are very friendly animals and like to hunt mice and snakes. 

Cats are basically tiny creatures covered with silky fur. They have whiskers and ears which are highly sensitive. They have sharp eyes which helps them to see at night. Cats are social animals which like to spend time with people. Most of the time they like to sleep. But, they entertain and create happiness at home. If cats get irritated, they can strike with their claws. They only need love and affection from people. Cats are extremely lazy as they like to lie down in some corner of the house. 

What Are The Features Of Cats?

Cats usually make a meow sound for their communication. Did you know that the catwalk is the most graceful? Yes, they walk very gracefully and slowly. They like to play with their owners. Some of the interesting facts about cats are mentioned below: 

  • Cats are the most intelligent animal.
  • Cats have bright eyes, sensitive ears and whiskers. 
  • Cats are fond of eating mice, fish and drinking milk. 
  • Cats have sharp eyes that can see even at night. 
  • Cats are very friendly animals. 
  • The body of a cat is covered with silky hair. 
  • Cats hate sweets. 
  • Cats have a tendency to make less sound while walking. 
  • Cats can groom other cats. 
  • The sound meow is a way of their communication. 
  • Cats live longer when they stay indoors. 

How To Protect Cats?

Though cats are very intelligent and independent animals, it is important to take care of them. Some of the ways to groom and protect cats are mentioned below:

  • Devote some time to the cats. 
  • Provide timely food and water for the cats. 
  • Groom cats on a regular basis. 
  • Create a safe environment for the cats to play. 

Also explore: Learn more about animals like cats in essay on tiger , essay on animals and essay on zoo .

Benefits Of Owning A Cat

The cats bring extreme joy and unconditional love for their owners. They help in reducing their stress and relieving tensions in life.  Some of the benefits of cats are mentioned below:

  • Cats are fun and playful animals. 
  • They are extremely low maintenance pets. 
  • Most cats like to maintain silence and avoid any kind of fuss at home. 
  • They do not look for attention and always play independently without disturbing others. 
  • They hunt mice and other insects in the house. 
  • They help in relieving tensions in life. 
  • They reduce the feeling of isolation and loneliness among people.


Cats are domestic animals and belong to the family Felidae. They are very clever and intelligent animals. Most of the cats are kept as domestic pets at home. They only need love and care from their owners. Therefore, cats have to be protected and taken care of. 

We hope this essay on cat was useful to you. Check essays for kids to explore more topics. 

Frequently Asked Questions On Essay On Cat

What is an essay on cats.

It is a short write up on cats which are the domestic pets belonging to the Felidae family. 

What are the features of cats?

The  features of cats are that they have sharp claws, whiskers and bushy tails. The body of the cat is covered with fur.

What are the benefits of owning a cat?

The benefits of owning a cat are that they shower love and reduce the feeling of loneliness in life.

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Daily Article of the Day to improve reading comprehension for CAT

This page is created for aspirants who are looking for some best English articles to improve CAT reading comprehension.

What is this ‘Article of the Day’ all about?

You all must be aware that CAT reading comprehension is one the most important areas that are tested in CAT; in fact, CAT reading comprehension comprises almost 75% of the entire CAT verbal ability and reading comprehension section.

Moreover, a number of other entrance exams such as IIFT, NMAT, XAT and SNAP test the aspirants in this area. Therefore, it is advisable that the aspirants master the reading comprehension, to maximise their chances of scoring well in the CAT verbal ability and reading comprehension section.

Why did Bodhee Prep start with the ‘Article of the Day’ series?

Over the years, we observed that students often fail to do well in CAT reading comprehension. After analysing the weaknesses of a number of students, we realized that students are weak in reading comprehension because:

  • They have very poor reading skills, as a result of which they fail to grasp the central idea of the passage
  • They don’t have access to good articles that are similar to the ones that come in the CAT exam.
  • They are not able to develop a regular reading habit

To address these three areas, we have started with the ‘Article of the day’ series.

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What kind of articles do we cover in this series?

In the ‘Article of the day’ series, you will find articles that are quite similar to the ones that come in entrance tests. If you go through the CAT reading comprehension section of past year papers , you will notice that most of the passages come from

  • Science and Technology
  • Business and Economics
  • Humanities.

Most of the articles are complex and focus on some specific problem about which you would never have read before. Thus, we feel that students should read something with which they are less familiar, in order to easily and quickly adapt to the reading materials that are likely to come across in CAT reading comprehension.

Through our ‘Article of the day’ initiative, we want to expose the students to a wide range of articles from a wide range of subjects, making them aware of plenty of issues and arguments.

Enjoy this series, and do share a word about this initiative of ours.

List of Articles of the Day

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Table of Contents

Selected RCs Relevant for CAT Exam :

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Reading Articles For CAT Details

Genre involved in the CAT reading articles will be :

BREAKING DOWN ‘Reading Comprehension’

  • Higher retention – 40%
  • Fast reading speed – 30%
  • Ability to gauge the tone – 20%
  • Vocabulary – 10%

How to Maximise the Reading Articles For CAT

What you have to do?

  • You need to daily read one article and summarise it in your Mind.
  • Apart from that you will need to practice 3 RCs per day.
  • Within 2 months of this excercise you’ll be able to see some major improvement.

Importance of Reading For CAT

Reading articles for CAT

To ace the CAT Reading Comprehension section, you need to develop a reading habit. Habitual reading helps you gain focus, comprehend and improve your vocabulary. Reading is the best strategy for CAT hence finding the most relevant reading articles for CAT also becomes important. Subscribe to an editorial, or newspaper; read blogs, online essays, short stories, anything you can find. Go for different genres as the CAT RC passages are also related to different genres, such as, History, Science & Technology, Economics, Philosophy, Literature, etc. Reading also helps with increasing your knowledge in certain domains.

A regular reading habit increases your focus by several folds. Make sure that while you read, you also analyse the tone of the passage and what the author wants to convey. Try summarizing it later for a better understanding.

250 Genre wise Reading Articles For CAT by iQuanta

To access, visit: and check Reading Materials Section there. There you will discover multiple Genre-wise articles for reading comprehension from those sources from where CAT has been giving RCs in recent years along with their Summary.

All you have to do is read daily 1 article at least, from any genre you want to get comfortable with.

Practice 3 RCs per day , for which you can use Past CAT RCs , here

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Daily Reads for VARC: Aeon Essays - 100 RCs for Practice - CAT - Formulas, Tricks, Videos & Tests

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Notes for Daily Reads for VARC: Aeon Essays - 100 RCs for Practice for CAT

Other chapters in 100 rcs for practice for cat.

How to prepare for CAT?

Frequently asked questions about cat examination.

  • How many attempts does a CAT have? There is no limit for the CAT exam candidates to the number of attempts of giving the exam. A candidate can appear unlimited time throughout his / her entire lifespan. But the candidates should have some criteria for the candidate to hold a minimum of 50 % marks or equal to no CGPA or grade in Graduation.
  • Is calculator allowed in CAT? Yes – a calculator is allowed in the CAT exam. But this does not mean that you can carry your own calculator in the exam. You will be allowed to use an on-screen calculator on your computer.
  • Is GK asked in CAT? While GK or Business GK has not been part of the CAT testing, it is very important for an aspirant to be comfortable with these. Other examinations – like the XAT – have a section on GK. Barring that, the preparation for CAT does not end with giving the CAT examination.

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Critic’s Notebook

When Your Child Is an Animal

The charged cultural conversation about pets and children — see “Chimp Crazy,” “childless cat ladies” and more — reveals the hidden contradictions of family life.

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By Amanda Hess

Amanda Hess is a critic at large who writes about internet and pop culture.

“Monkey love is totally different than the way that you have love for your child,” Tonia Haddix, an exotic animal broker, says at the beginning of “Chimp Crazy,” the documentary HBO series investigating the world of chimpanzee ownership. “If it’s your natural born child, it’s just natural because you actually gave birth to that kid. But when you adopt a monkey, the bond is much, much deeper.”

“Chimp Crazy” arrives in a summer of cultural and political obsession about the place of animals in our family lives. When JD Vance became the Republican vice-presidential nominee, his 2021 comment about “childless cat ladies” resurfaced, positioning them as adversaries of the traditional family. New York magazine published a special issue questioning the ethics of pet ownership, featuring a polarizing essay from an anonymous mother who neglected her cat once her human baby arrived. In the background of these stories, you can hear the echoes of an internet-wide argument that pits companion animals against human children, pet and tot forced into a psychic battle for adult recognition.

These dynamics feel supercharged since 2020, the year when American family life — that insular institution that is expected to provide for all human care needs — became positively airtight. The coronavirus pandemic exaggerated a wider trend toward domestic isolation : pet owners spending more time with their animals, parents more time with their children, everyone less time with one another — except perhaps online, where our domestic scenes collide in a theater of grievance and stress.

When a cat, a dog or certainly a chimp scampers through a family story, it knocks it off-kilter, revealing its hypocrisies and its harms. In “Chimp Crazy,” Haddix emerges as the avatar for all the contradictions of the domestic ideal of private home care: She loves her chimp “babies” with such obsession that she traps them (and herself) in a miserable diorama of family life.

Haddix, a 50-something woman who describes herself as the “Dolly Parton of Chimps,” believes that God chose her to be a caretaker. She was a registered nurse before she became a live-in volunteer at a ramshackle chimp breeding facility in Missouri, where she speaks of a male chimp named Tonka as if she is his mother. Haddix also has two human children; she just loves them less, and says so on television.

As she appoints herself the parent to an imprisoned wild animal, she asserts an idealized form of mothering — one she describes as selfless, unending and pure. “Chimp Crazy” is the story of just how ruinous this idea of love can be, for the woman and the ape.

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