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3 Cabin Crew Cover Letter Examples (+Writing Guide)

Posted by Phillip Jewell on Apr 16, 2020

The ultimate guide to writing the perfect cover letter for flight attendants, with 3 cabin crew cover letter examples, including a cover letter sample for flight attendants with no experience.

Along with your CV , an effective cover letter is one of the most important aspects of the job application process when pursuing cabin crew jobs.

Approaching job applications in the aviation industry with a good cover letter is a sure-fire way of ensuring your cabin crew applications don't run aground.

cover letter for virgin atlantic cabin crew

Cabin crew jobs are in high demand. Offering freedom, international travel and many fantastic experiences, the role of flight attendant is among the most sought-after jobs.

Just like when writing your CV, it’s extremely important to make yourself stand out from the crowd. View our guide to writing a cabin crew CV, which includes two cabin crew CV templates .

Your cover letter must show recruiters why you’re a stronger candidate than the competition.

In this guide, we’ll show you exactly how to write a brilliant cabin crew cover letter that generates job interviews.

What's included in this guide?

- How to write the perfect cabin crew cover letter for flight attendants and those with no experience as cabin crew

- Three great cabin crew cover letter examples

- How to structure and format your cabin crew cover letter

- What to include on your cabin crew cover letter

- A cabin crew cover letter example for those with no experience as a flight attendant

Cabin Crew Cover Letter Example

Cabin Crew Cover Letter Example

How to Structure Your Cabin Crew Cover Letter?

There are no hard rules regarding the way cover letters should be written. However, following a simple structure can help to guide you through the process.

We find this six-step process works best:

1. Introduction

2. Overview of knowledge and expertise

3. Key selling points

4. Why you want to work for the airline

5. key skills, 6. polite ending and call to action.

As you can see, when broken down into a six-step process, writing a cover letter doesn’t seem so daunting. However, there is plenty of work to be done to ensure you prepare a cover letter that makes an impact on recruiters.

Let’s look at these five steps in more detail.

Start your cover letter with a brief, professional introduction. Explain your interest in the role and tell the reader why you are writing the letter.

2. Overview of expertise, knowledge and experience

Provide a brief summary of yourself, touching on your areas of expertise, experiences and knowledge. Keep this part short and to-the-point.

3. Key Selling points

This part of your cover letter is where you highlight your strongest selling points. Draw on your greatest strengths to convince the reader that you’re the perfect candidate for the job.

Have you got multiple years’ business class flight attendant experience? If so, focus on that here. Have you been recognised for improving the passenger experience? If so, focus on that here.

Showcase your key successes and achievements. If possible, quantify your achievements with numbers to bolster them and make a more powerful impact on the reader.

This is the part where your research comes into play.

Explain how you fit into the airline’s values and culture. By marrying yourself to the airline’s values and showing that you understand the airline, you’ll show that you're genuinely interested in working for the airline.

Describe a few of your strongest skills. Provide examples of times you have used the skills to achieve positive outcomes.

End your cover letter by thanking the reader for their time. State that you look forward to hearing from them and that you would be eager to discuss your application further.

Flight Attendant Cover Letter Sample

Skills for Cabin Crew Cover Letter

What are the most important skills to include on a cabin crew cover letter? Here, we detail five of the most valued skills for flight attendants, as well as how to show them on your cover letter.

However, remember your cover letter should be tailored to you and your experiences. You should identify your most valuable skills and showcase them in a way that sells you to recruiters.

If your skill set includes these skills, ensure to follow our advice to demonstrate them on your cabin crew cover letter.

1. Customer Service

Cabin crew jobs are primarily about optimising the passenger experience while maintaining their safety. Excellent customer service is vital in achieving this.

On your cover letter, articulate your customer experience skills. Show that you go the extra mile to deliver outstanding customer service and ensure to convey your customer-driven approach to tasks.

2. Communication

As with most jobs, communication is a vital skill for flight attendants. Whether it be engaging with passengers or colleagues, strong communication is key to ensuring the smooth-running of flights.

A great way of showing off your communication skills on your cover letter is to describe achievements and successes that came about as a result of your communication skills.

3. Adaptability

As a member of cabin crews, you’ll always be on the move, landing in different countries and working with new colleagues regularly. As such, flight attendants need to be adaptable.

To demonstrate your adaptability on your cover letter, show that you’re dynamic and capable of acclimatising to change. Write about times you were receptive to change and modified your behaviour to accommodate change.

Other ways of showing your adaptability include writing about times you learned new skills to perform new tasks and developed new solutions to problems.

4. Professionalism

Flight attendants are usually seen as the face of airlines. For this reason, cabin crew members must be able to maintain a high level of professionalism at all times.

To covey your professionalism on your cover letter, draw attention to times you demonstrated professionalism while operating in challenging environments.

5. Teamwork

In order to meet objectives and ensure flights run efficiently, a good degree of effective teamwork is essential among cabin crew members.

Highlight times that you have demonstrated your teamworking qualities. This may involve activities outside of employment. For example, do you take part in sporting events? Did you work in groups at university?

These kind of activities enable you to provide fantastic examples that demonstrate your teamworking skills.

When writing your cabin crew cover letter, it's important to conduct some research into the airline you are applying to work for. This is because you need to understand the airline’s values and organisational culture.

When you understand this information, you can then explain how you are aligned with the airline’s values and culture.

As an example, let’s take a look at the values and culture of Emirates.

This was summed up by the airline’s president, Tim Clark, in an interview with Airlines IATA : ‘The success of Emirates is the result of our corporate culture of innovation and a pioneering spirit, combined with a ‘make it happen’ attitude that is shared throughout the organization at all levels. Working with bright, talented people who are not afraid to take calculated risks makes my job easy.’

So, what are the key takeaways from this in terms of Emirates’ values and culture?

Well, we now know that the airline values innovation, a pioneering spirit, determination, talent and calculated risk-taking.

So, if you were preparing a cover letter for Emirates, you should convey how you meet these values. This is, of course, assuming you do in fact meet these values. We would never encourage anyone to lie on their cover letter for any reason whatsoever.

Honesty is always the best policy when approaching job applications.

Another great aspect of research is that is shows recruiters you’re genuinely interested in their airline. At least interested enough to learn about the company.

Take your research a step further and find out what the airline’s objectives are for the future. Learn about their market position. If you can mention any of this in your cover letter, without coming across as pretentious, you’ll convince the recruiter that you have a sincere interest in joining the airline.

How to Write a Cabin Crew Cover Letter With No Experience

If you have no cabin crew experience, you may be wondering how to complete the impossible task of writing a strong cover letter for flight attendant positions.

The truth is, it’s not that difficult.

Customer service experience is the one of the most important experiences for cabin crew jobs. And customer service experience isn’t exclusive to flight attendants .

While customer service experience obtained in the air may be valued more than customer service experience obtained on ground, both use the same principles to provide customers with an excellent service.

So, if possible, make your customer service skills the focus of your cover letter, whether you acquired the experience in air or on the ground.

If you don’t have any customer service experience, identify your transferable skills. You might not have experience supporting customers, but you will most likely have experience supporting people. Draw attention to your people skills, communication skills and how you’re adept at helping people.

It's also important to be prepared to demonstrate your relevant experience in your cabin crew job interview. Check out our 20 most common cabin crew job interview questions and how to answer them .

Here is an example cover letter for a flight attendant who has no prior cabin crew experience.

Cabin Crew Cover Letter Example - No Experience

Cabin Crew Cover Letter Example - No Experience

State that you’re prepared to train

With no cabin crew experience, training is a big factor in the future of your flight attendant career. For this reason, it’s important to focus to any flight attendant training you have undertaken.

If you haven’t yet completed any flight attendant training, get cracking on some training courses. Research courses that cover the basics of cabin crew roles and identify the perfect course for you.

It’s also beneficial to complete cabin crew job interview training, as well as training for the general recruitment process, such as training for open days.

How to Professionally Format Your Cabin Crew Cover Letter

Line spacing.

This is a very important aspect of cover letter writing.

To ensure your cover letter is professional and easy-to-read, you must add line spacing between paragraphs.

Cover letters that don’t use line spacing often appear as one huge block of text. Most recruiters won’t even read these letters as they make for such a poor reading experience, so make sure to utilise Microsoft Word’s line spacing feature.

To add spacing to your cover letter, highlight the text, click ‘Layout’, then add 8 pt. spacing in the ‘After’ section.

This will ensure your paragraphs are easily distinguished from each other. It will also optimise your recruiter’s reading experience, which can only be a positive thing!

Ideally, you should be aiming for margin sizes of between 1.7 cm (0.66”) and 2.2 cm (0.86”). Of course, you can widen or narrow the margins further in line with the amount of content you do or don’t have to include. But try not to make them too wide or too narrow in order to ensure your letter is professional in appearance.

Fonts and font sizes

Use common fonts that readers have become accustomed to. These include Times New Roman, Garamond and Calibri.

Don’t be creative with your fonts. At best your cover letter will look unprofessional. At worst it will be too difficult to read.

Font sizes should be between 11 pt. and 12 pt. for most fonts, including Times New Roman, Calibri and Garamond. Make sure your text is neither too small or too large.

Job Application Follow Up

A week or two after applying for the job, it’s advisable to send a job application follow up letter. Follow up letters thank the hiring manager for their time, reinforce what makes you a unique candidate and reiterate your interest in the role.

Keep your follow up letter short and concise. Don’t go into too much detail and try to avoid a pestering tone in your cover letter.

You may think of follow up letter as a bit pushy. However, they are a professional way of recapping on your suitability for the role and demonstrating you’re enthusiasm.

Further Tips

Accompany your cover letter with an effective cv.

Your cover letter should be accompanied with a powerful CV. Without a strong cabin crew CV, even a great cover letter will struggle to get you results in the job market.

To learn how to write an effective flight attendant CV, take a look at our step-by-step cabin crew CV writing guide , which includes flight attendant CV examples.

Or view 15 of our CV examples and templates , which you can use today to maximise your job search.

Give your document a professional title

When saving your cover letter in Microsoft Word – or whichever word processor you are using – make sure to give it a simple, professional title. Something like ‘Cover Letter’ is appropriate.

Avoid unprofessional titles such as ‘coverletter023432’. When recruiters see such titles on documents, they may instantly form an opinion of you as an unprofessional candidate.

State that your CV is attached/enclosed

If you’re submitting your CV along with your cover letter, state that you’ve enclosed the CV. To do this, include the abbreviation ‘Enc.: CV’ at the bottom of your cover letter, as demonstrated in the cover letter samples in this guide.

We hope this guide and our cabin crew cover letter templates have proved useful in helping you prepare an engaging, interview-generating cover letter.

More of our free cabin crew/flight attendant career resources:

- 2 cabin crew CV examples and templates

- Cabin crew LinkedIn summary example

- 20 cabin crew job interview questions and how to answer them

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Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew Requirements

If you want to become a flight attendant for Virgin Atlantic , there are a few requirements you’ll need to meet. First, you must be at least 18 years of age and have a high school diploma or equivalent. You’ll also need to be able to swim 50 meters unassisted and have a current passport. In addition, you must be fluent in English and able to pass a drug test. If you meet all of these requirements, you’ll be one step closer to joining the Virgin Atlantic team.

Also Read:  How to Answer: What are Your Weaknesses?

Virgin Atlantic is based in the United Kingdom and flies to many destinations around the world. As a flight attendant, you’ll be responsible for the safety and comfort of passengers during their flight. In order to be successful in this role, you must have excellent customer service skills and be able to work well under pressure. If you’re interested in becoming a Virgin Atlantic flight attendant, make sure you meet all of the requirements listed below. Then, start preparing for your interview so you can show off your skills and land the job.

A career as a Virgin Atlantic cabin crew member provides much more than just a job. Who wouldn’t want to be in a company where the environment is like home with your family? Though there are hard days, and it’s never 9-5, there will be no downtime alone.

Delta Air Lines now owns 49 percent of Virgin Atlantic. The two airlines currently collaborate ith the Air France-KLM company, but only through a joint venture. You’re with a good airline. So, if you’re ready to take the plunge check out all the requirements and qualifications for their FA position.

List of Requirements and Qualifications to Become a Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew

Application process, salary and benefits, video: new recruits do their cabin crew training | inside virgin atlantic e1 | our stories, photos: virgin atlantic airlines cabin crew uniforms, 1. does virgin atlantic accept applicants with tattoos, 2. how to know if my application was unsuccessful, 3. i’m turning 18 in 5 months, can i apply now, 4. what will be done during assessment day, 5. how long does the final interview lasts.

virgin atlantic male and female crew

Please see the list of requirements and qualifications you will need to have before you begin the application process to become a Virgin Atlantic cabin crew.

  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must have legal permission to live and work in the United Kingdom
  • Must have three GCSE or equivalent level passes.
  • Must have a 210 cm arm reach
  • Be able to brace while sitting in a jump seat with your feet flat on the floor (45 cm from the floor with no shoes)
  • Be able to communicate in both written and spoken English.
  • You must be able to swim 25 meters unassisted and tread water while putting on and manually inflating a life jacket.
  • Be willing to commit to a 4.5-week intense training program.
  • No criminal records.
  • They prefer applicants with: 1-year customer service experience.

virgin atlantic crew smile

Here is an overview of the application process to become a Virgin Atlantic UK crew.

Step 1: You need to fill out an application form on Virgin Atlantic’s official career page. You can go here:

Simply click on this link to view the job description. Then, select the Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew Job Vacancy Employment Profile option. Read all of the instructions before filling out the application form with all of the required information. After that, submit your application, and remember to print a copy of the Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew Application form for future reference.

Step 2: Submit your most recent CV after printing a copy of the application form. The airline scans and checks your CV using extremely special software, so make sure to produce an impressive CV while avoiding white lies. There is also an area where you must include a cover letter. Make sure that your cover letter showcases all of your best abilities, traits, and strong points for the job.

Step 3: Congratulations! You have passed the initial interview. If your application was accepted they will send an invitation email with full instructions. In this step, the airline will be asking you to take part in a short interview. But don’t get too nervous since the interview questions are pre-recorded.

Step 4: If you passed the preliminary interview, you should receive an email inviting you to the next round of your application. However, due to the high volume of applications, it may take some time for this to be given to you. The next step will be your assessment date. The time and date of your assessment schedule will be specified in the invitation email. This is usually held at one of Virgin Atlantic’s UK sites. In the email, you will also receive further evaluation instructions.

The following items are frequently included on the assessment day:

  • Registration
  • Psychometric aptitude tests (this can be done online or on paper)
  • Interview with the assessor one on one
  • The Virgin Atlantic crew and personnel will give you information about the organization and your responsibilities as a cabin crew member.
  • Group activities such as role-playing, conversation, and problem-solving/completing a task

Step 5: The final interview will take place if you are one of the applicants who passed the evaluation. It usually takes 30 to 40 minutes and includes many additional questions to examine and analyze your aptitude for a cabin crew career. Be prepared because your final interview will take place on the same day as the assessment unless you are granted a different timetable.

Step 6: All freshly hired cabin staff receive extensive but rewarding training from Virgin Atlantic. This normally takes five to six weeks of instruction at the airline’s world-class training facilities. Aside from that, the training will assist you to prepare for any unexpected emergency or medical problems that may develop while you are on duty.

virgin atlantic crew with masks

If you want to know the average salary as well as the benefit of a Virgin Atlantic cabin crew member, please check out the list below:

  • Starting income is at £17,000, including trip pay and on-board commission.
  • A pension that is adaptable
  • Life Insurance
  • Profit sharing
  • Private Medical Insurance
  • Bike for Work
  • Childcare assistance
  • Season Ticket Loan for Travel
  • Access to the Employee Store, Salon, and Gym

Watch the video to get an inside look of what it’s like to work as a Virgin Atlantic cabin crew member. This 44-minute video will walk you through the actual training of new Virgin Atlantic recruits.

Some part of the video will also show you how the daily life of a flight attendant goes during happy and hurry times. Get to know how they react under pressure and how they manage to provide quality service every time. You will also see some of the challenges that come with the job.

virgin atlantic cabin crew

Check out these pictures of Virgin Atlantic Airlines crew so you can see what they look like in uniforms:

virgin atlantic flight attendants

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs about the airline:

The U.K. According to a press release issued on May 31, the airline modified its policy to be more accommodating of employees who have tattoos and relaxed earlier limits. Virgin Atlantic will soon enable staff to show off their tattoos while at work, despite previously requiring them to be covered. Take note that this one of the first airlines to introduce a more relaxed tattoo policy.

If you are particularly interested in receiving feedback from an interview, please contact the Talent Experience Partner or Specialist who assisted you during the process. In the interim, if any other advertised jobs pique your interest, they welcome your application and encourage you to apply right away; however, they suggest external applicants not to apply for the same role within a 6-month period.

The airline specifies a minimum age for the applicants because of legal or regulatory constraints. Because of the fast-paced nature of the industry, it is critical that all of the applicants meet the age restrictions indicated at the time of application.

You will undergo a one-on-one interview, role-playing, problem-solving tasks, and even a psychometric test.

It usually lasts for 30-40 mins.

virgin atlantic flight attendants

Working as a flight attendant for Virgin Atlantic is more than just a job – it’s an opportunity to explore the world and meet new people.

As a Virgin Atlantic flight attendant, you’ll be based in one of our global hubs, including London, New York, Los Angeles or Hong Kong. From there, you’ll have the opportunity to fly to any of their destinations, including the beautiful Caribbean beaches and stunning African safaris.

In addition to getting to see the world, working as a Virgin Atlantic flight attendant also comes with some great perks, including free travel on Virgin Atlantic flights and discounts on hotels and other products

Virgin Atlantic cabin crews are passionate about providing excellent customer service. From takeoff to landing, they employ their distinct personality to bring the brand to life. If you have the flight attendant qualities , this one is a good airline to start and stay for years or decades. If you’re looking for an exciting and rewarding career, then a job as a Virgin Atlantic flight attendant could be the perfect role for you.

Virgin Atlantic Assessments

Prepare for the Virgin Atlantic recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

Online Application

Assessment Centre

Ability Tests

  • About Virgin Atlantic

Established in 1984, Virgin Atlantic is a British airline. From its hub at Heathrow and secondary base at Manchester, the airline flies to destinations across Asia, North America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, and Africa.

Virgin Atlantic was founded by business magnate Sir Richard Branson and is part of the company Virgin Atlantic Limited, along with Virgin Holidays.

It operates a mixed fleet of Airbus and Boeing aircraft, with three cabin classes – economy, premium and upper class.

The airline employs thousands of people across its global network and prides itself on a culture of inclusion and diversity. The security, safety and contentment of its customers is at the heart of Virgin's service, as it strives to deliver the best possible experience.

With nearly 40 years of experience, being part of Virgin Atlantic means belonging to an established and passionate community.

  • Virgin Atlantic Application Process

Virgin Atlantic offers employment opportunities in customer service, cargo, engineering, and operations, as well as positions for pilots and cabin crew members.

There are also roles in Information Technology, Sales & Marketing, Finance & Procurement, HR & Training, Commercial, and Customer Experience at its Head Office in Crawley, UK.

Current vacancies can be found via a Virgin Atlantic careers search .

The recruitment process differs depending upon the business area and role to which you are applying. It usually involves an online application, assessments (in the form of group discussions, role plays, ability tests, and presentations), and an interview.

Virgin Atlantic Online Application

The first stage of the application process is submitting an online application. The application form requires you to upload a CV and covering letter.

Your cover letter should be clear and well-structured, conveying your motivation for applying to your chosen role and briefly highlighting your relevant skills and experience. The recruitment team wants to hear how you can add value to Virgin, so make sure your own voice comes through.

Ensure this is accompanied by an up-to-date CV that is tailored to the role. List your educational qualifications and relevant experience, along with the responsibilities and skills involved. Be honest, but don't shy away from highlighting your achievements.

Both your CV and covering letter should be carefully checked for any spelling mistakes. Double check that your personal details are up to date.

Virgin Atlantic Assessment Centre

The exact assessments encountered during the recruitment process depend upon the role in question, but most applicants will be asked to attend an assessment centre. This may be virtual, or in person, depending upon the circumstances.

Assessment centres explore a candidate's strengths and potential through tasks such as ability tests, presentations, role play exercises, and group tasks. They also often feature an interview.

The different assessments encountered are explored in greater detail below:

Virgin Atlantic Group Discussion

As teamwork is at the core of Virgin Atlantic's business, the assessment centre may include group discussions. You will be placed into a group of your peers and given a topic to discuss within a given time.

The recruitment team will observe and monitor your contribution, alongside the effectiveness of your team working skills. Remember that listening and encouraging the voices of others is just as important to teamwork as allowing your voice to be heard.

Virgin Atlantic Role Plays

The role play exercises involve scenarios that may be encountered whilst working in the role. You'll be given a scenario and some time to prepare, then asked to enact the situation alongside members of the recruitment team.

The aim of the role play is to assess your behaviour when dealing with the given situation – namely how well you cope with unexpected challenges under pressure.

  • Virgin Atlantic Ability Tests

As part of the Virgin Atlantic Assessment centre, you may be required to sit some online ability tests. These tests assess your aptitude across different skills and must be completed within a given time limit.

The test types vary depending upon role, but you may encounter a numerical reasoning , verbal reasoning , abstract reasoning and/or logical reasoning test. All the tests will be in a multiple-choice format.

You may also be asked to complete a personality questionnaire and situational judgement test , so the recruitment team can get a better idea of your character and behavioural preferences.

There will be a couple of untimed practice questions to complete so you can familiarise yourself within the interface but, once the test begins, you'll need to answer the questions quickly and accurately to secure a high score.

If you are applying for a pilot role, there will also be motor skills, coordination, and simulator tests.

Virgin Atlantic Presentation

For certain roles, you'll be asked to deliver a presentation as part of the assessment process. You'll be given a topic – which may feature a case study – and asked to prepare a short presentation.

Your presentation should carefully analyse the options available and make clear recommendations. Speak confidently and be prepared to justify your convictions, as the panel will likely ask questions on the material you present.

Virgin Atlantic Behavioural/Biographical Interview

All Virgin Atlantic applicants will be required to complete at least one interview.

During the behavioural interview , you'll need to evidence your skills and behaviours using examples from your job history. The recruitment team wants to know how you deal with workplace situations and challenges.

Use the STAR (situation, task, action, result) technique to ensure you from strong, well-structured responses.

A biographical interview is based around the information on your CV – your experience, achievements, and career choices. It will also touch upon your motivation for the sector and for applying to work for Virgin Atlantic.

The interview(s) may be in person or via video, depending upon the circumstances. Either way, be confident, conscious of your body language, and convey professionalism.

If you're asked to attend a video interview, choose a quiet location, free from distractions, and check your internet connection is stable.

Remember, an interview is an opportunity to meet and talk to a member of the recruitment team, so come with your questions. It is a two-way process - and a chance for you to get a feel for whether Virgin Atlantic is the right fit for you – so don't be overwhelmed by the process.

If you take time to prepare relevant examples to evidence your skills and competencies, you'll show up ready to display your motivation, enthusiasm, and potential for a career in aviation with Virgin Atlantic.

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  • Virgin Atlantic Assessments Sample Questions

Virgin Atlantic Assessments Tips

Virgin atlantic assessments faqs, more employer tests.

  • Qantas Airways
  • British Airways
  • Qatar Airways
  • United Airlines
  • Virgin Atlantic

Sample Virgin Atlantic Assessments question Test your knowledge!

An airline ticketing system categorizes ticket changes into four types: rescheduled, rerouted, upgraded, and cancelled. If the pattern of customer service requests is RRUUCC, rerouted followed by upgraded, which category of change will be requested next?

  • Rescheduled

An airline operates three types of aircraft on its long-haul route: The A-380 carries 500 passengers, the B-747 carries 400 passengers, and the A-350 carries 375 passengers. If the airline schedules a total of 33 flights each week on its long-haul route, carrying a combined total of 14,625 passengers, how many of each aircraft type does the airline need to schedule to carry all the passengers?

  • 12 A-380s, 11 B-747s, and 10 A-350s
  • 15 A-380s, 9 B-747s, and 9 A-350s
  • 10 A-380s, 15 B-747s, and 8 A-350s
  • 13 A-380s, 12 B-747s, and 8 A-350s

In relation to customer feedback, a recent survey highlighted that 75% of respondents rated their flight experience as excellent. If 600 survey responses were received, how many respondents did not rate their experience as excellent?

  • 150 respondents
  • 450 respondents
  • 500 respondents
  • 100 respondents

After reading the company's new in-flight service protocol, which goal is the primary focus?

The airline has developed a comprehensive in-flight service protocol to enhance passenger comfort and satisfaction. This includes personalized greetings, expanded meal service with regional delicacies, and increased interaction between cabin crew and passengers to anticipate needs before they arise. The protocol emphasizes creating a memorable and distinctive experience to foster customer loyalty and advocacy.

  • Reducing in-flight service costs
  • Increasing the in-flight service speed
  • Enhancing the overall passenger experience
  • Standardizing meal services

Consider an airline that has decided to revise its boarding process. Which of the following plans is most likely to reduce the overall time it takes for passengers to board?

  • Boarding passengers seated at the front of the aircraft first, followed by those at the back.
  • Boarding passengers with window seats first, then middle seats, followed by aisle seats.
  • Boarding passengers in sequence from the rear to the front of the aircraft.
  • Allowing all passengers to board at the same time regardless of seat location.

Build your confidence today

Try one of our Virgin Atlantic tests for FREE.

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Familiarizing yourself with the structure and types of questions you’ll encounter on the aviation industry exams can boost your confidence.

Consistent practice will help improve your speed and accuracy. This is why regular practice exams on Careerroo can be so beneficial.

Make sure to carefully read each question to understand what is being asked before providing an answer.

Keep an eye on the clock. Good timing can be the difference between completing the test and missing out.

Remember, you can give practice tests of these types of test on Careerroo for free, helping you prepare effectively.

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  • 8 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 93 Employer packages
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Virgin Atlantic uses a range of tests during their recruitment process to identify candidates who will excel in the aviation sector. These tests are bespoke to roles at Virgin Atlantic and designed to assess key skills and competencies.

The tests crafted for Virgin Atlantic's recruitment are challenging but not insurmountable. They are intended to ascertain an applicant's suitability and potential within such a dynamic industry.

The best preparation for Virgin Atlantic tests involves practicing as much as possible. Careerroo offers a plethora of practice tests that simulate the actual tests, helping you get ready for the real thing.

The duration of the recruitment process at Virgin Atlantic can vary depending on the role. It's typically thorough to ensure the best fit for the company's culture and needs.

Virgin Atlantic upholds core values such as safety, security, and customer contentment, anchored by a commitment to inclusion and delivering a premier travel experience.

The Cabin Crew Forum

  • Free Resume Templates

Exploring the Legal Reason Why Virgin Atlantic Removed its Makeup Rule

Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew Recruitment – Step by Step Process 2020

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  • Posted by Mateusz Maszczynski
  • 7 years ago

Since its founding in 1984, Virgin Atlantic has become known for its fun, quirky style.   And the airline’s cabin crew have become an incredibly important part of Virgin’s success, forming an iconic part of its brand image.  It’s no surprise the airline’s motto is: “ Embrace the human spirit and let it fly .”

The Virgin Atlantic team are looking for candidates who work hard, take safety very seriously but who know how to have fun and let their hair down.  To do this, the recruitment team has introduced a multi-layered process with plenty of assessments and tests to get through.

Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew Balloted in Industrial Action Following Rejection of Pay Deal

If you don’t know much about Virgin Atlantic, here’s a quick rundown:  The airline was founded by colourful, British entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson but is now majority-owned by Delta Air Lines.  Despite concerns the joint venture would see Virgin eventually become part of Delta, the American airline has said it will retain the Virgin brand and personality.

Virgin Atlantic currently operates 39 aircraft, including Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s on long-haul routes, primarily to the United States and the Caribbean.  New joiners will join the airline’s cabin crew team who work from both London Heathrow and London Gatwick.  Competition to transfer to Manchester remains tough.

Check out the following step-by-step guide to find out more about the updated Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew recruitment process.

Step 1. Submit Online Application

Step 2 – telephone or video interview, step 3 –  assessment day, step 4 – final interview, step 5 – offer in principle, stage 6 – referencing and final approval, the background.

You can only submit an application on the official Virgin Atlantic careers website .  After completing several recruitment processes in 2019, Virgin Atlantic is currently not accepting any new applications.  However, expect the hiring processes to reopen at some point in the first half of 2020 – this page will be updated when recruitment restarts.

Virgin Atlantic typically receives an overwhelming response when its starts a cabin crew recruitment campaign.  As a result, the application window can close early so candidates are encouraged to submit their application at the earliest opportunity.

Updated Resume

You’ll be expected to submit an up to date resume which will be scanned by an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) – this software scans your resume/CV without any human involvement to automatically determine whether you should be shortlisted.

To stand the best chance of being shortlisted by the computer, you need to create a customized resume that closely matches the skills and requirements of the Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew position.

Creating an excellent resume is the best way to improve your chances at this vital stage.  I would highly recommend following this step-by-step guide to writing a Cabin Crew resume .  You’ll find loads of information to create your perfect resume, as well as free templates designed to pass the computer screening element.

Customer Service Questions

You’ll be asked to provide answers to two or three customer service questions.  In the past, these have focused on your ability to work as part of a team and to describe a time you have gone above and beyond to help a customer (although these questions do change from time to time).

It’s important not to rush this section.  These are competency-based questions and you should answer with a specific example for each question.  Wherever possible, use the SOAR model to effectively answer the question:

  • Situation: Describe the scenario
  • Objective: What you intended to do (eg. how you planned to help the customer)
  • Actions: What specific action’s you took
  • Result: What was the end result

Use a separate word processing programme to draft your answer – this will help you identify any spelling or grammar errors.  It will also allow you to keep track of how many characters you have used – it’s suggested you stay as close to the maximum number of characters permitted as possible.

It might take you a couple of days to write your answer – that’d fine.  You don’t have to submit your application straight away.  Make sure you have triple checked your application and customer service answers before sending it.

If you’d like to submit a Cover Letter with your application, check this article out: Do You Need a Cover Letter for Your Cabin Crew Application?

The Taxman Forces Virgin Atlantic to Change Pay and Conditions for Cabin Crew

If you pass the initial application phase, you’ll be invited to take part in either a telephone interview or a pre-recorded video interview.

The telephone interview is relatively straightforward and it allows a recruiter to call you at a mutually agreed time in order to find out more about you and ask a few more detailed questions.

Telephone Interview

There are several elements of the telephone interview:

  • Getting to know more about you
  • Your knowledge of Virgin Atlantic and the role of cabin crew
  • Behavioural questions
  • Competence-based questions

As it’s a telephone interview, there’s nothing stopping you from having notes and pre-prepared answers to hand.  However, you’ll need to have different answers than the ones you already provided in the initial application.

For lot’s more information on how to succeed at a telephone interview, check out this article: How to Ace the Cabin Crew Telephone Interview

Video Interview

Like many airlines,  Virgin Atlantic has been experimenting with video interviews.  The interview is pre-recorded and accessed through a special web page.  Instead of a human recruiter judging your performance, computer analytics will review your performance and automatically decide whether you should be shortlisted.

The elements of the video interview are the same as the telephone interview.

We have a two-part article that tells you everything you need to know about the on-demand video interview:

  • The Complete Guide to the Cabin Crew Video Interview: Part One – What is an On-Demand Video Interview?
  • The Complete Guide to the Cabin Crew Video Interview: Part Two – How to Ace the Interview. Tips and Advice

You should expect to hear whether you have been successful within several days of completing the telephone or video interview.

Virgin Atlantic

Choose a Date and Location

If you successfully pass the telephone or video interview you’ll be invited to participate in an Assessment Day.

All Assessment Day’s are held at the airline’s headquarters in Crawley, West Sussex.  Virgin Atlantic can’t reimburse travel costs whether you are successful or not.

Simply log into your online account via the Virgin careers site and choose a date that is most convenient for you.

What Happens

Assessment Day’s are a popular recruitment method that are used to screen a large number of candidates.  The day will be made up of a number of elements used to test your suitability for the role of Cabin Crew.  You’ll be able to take part in all elements of the Assessment Day, including the Final Interview.

Virgin Atlantic occasionally change the format of their Assessment Day’s but the general principles remain the same.  As such, it’s a good idea to read the following, in-depth article about Cabin Crew Assessment Day’s.

We’ve included lots of details about what to expect, the different elements involved and what the recruiters are looking for: How to Ace the Cabin Crew Assessment Day – Tips and Advice .

As a general rule of thumb, the Virgin Atlantic Assessment Day looks something like this:

  • Introduction’s and presentation
  • Physical checks (eg. height and ability to fit in crew harness)
  • Group exercises
  • Reading and memory test

Virgin Atlantic gives every candidate shortlisted to the Assessment Day, the opportunity to take part in the Final Interview.  The interview will normally last between 25-40 minutes and takes place on the same date as the Assessment Day.

Competency-Based Interview

The interview will be made up of competency and behavioural based questions.  You’ll need to have examples from your previous work experience that prove you possess the skills, qualities and competencies that the Virgin Atlantic recruiters are looking for.

It can take some time to gather the evidence and become comfortable with your answers.  You should, therefore, prepare for the Final Interview at the earliest opportunity.  Our best interview technique is the SOAR method – We’ve included lots of details here to help you best prepare: SOAR to Success at Your Cabin Crew Final Interview

We also have how-to guides on answering some of the most popular cabin crew interview questions.  You can check out the full list here.

You should expect to hear the outcome of your Assessment Day and Final Interview within a week.  You will be notified via email so be sure to check our junk mail folder just in case.

What Deciding Factors Are Used?

The methods that the recruitment team use at this stage are a closely guarded secret.  However, we know that they assess your performance throughout the recruitment journey to make their decision.

This includes the original resume you submitted, your performance at the Assessment Day and how you performed in the Final Interview.


If you successfully pass the Assessment Day, you’ll be sent an online link from Virgin Atlantic’s third-party referencing partner.  You will be expected to cover the costs of the criminal records check and referencing yourself (approximately £100).

Simply fill out the online form with as much detail as possible.  The referencing process can take several months, especially if you’ve lived outside of the UK or have a complicated work history.

A coordinator from the referencing partner will contact you should you have any problems.

U.S. Cabin Crew Visa

As Virgin Atlantic operates a lot of U.S. routes, it is a pre-requisite that you can obtain a U.S. work visa.  You must cover the initial cost but if you join Virgin, the airline will reimburse this cost.  The recruitment team will send you detailed instructions on how to obtain a U.S. visa.

Start Onboarding Process

Once your referencing checks have been completed, Virgin will send you a confirmed start date for the cabin crew training course.  You’ll receive detailed instructions and information on how to contact the recruitment team should you have any concerns or issues.

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Mateusz Maszczynski

Mateusz Maszczynski honed his skills as an international flight attendant at the most prominent airline in the Middle East and has been flying throughout the COVID-19 pandemic for a well-known European airline. Matt is passionate about the aviation industry and has become an expert in passenger experience and human-centric stories. Always keeping an ear close to the ground, Matt's industry insights, analysis and news coverage is frequently relied upon by some of the biggest names in journalism.

More essential reading...

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Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew Recruitment – Step by Step Process 2020


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Since its founding in 1984, Virgin Atlantic has become known for its fun, quirky style.   And the airline’s cabin crew have become an incredibly important part of Virgin’s success, forming an iconic part of its brand image.  It’s no surprise the airline’s motto is: “ Embrace the human spirit and let it fly .”

The Virgin Atlantic team are looking for candidates who work hard, take safety very seriously but who know how to have fun and let their hair down.  To do this, the recruitment team has introduced a multi-layered process with plenty of assessments and tests to get through.

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If you don’t know much about Virgin Atlantic, here’s a quick rundown:  The airline was founded by colourful, British entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson but is now majority-owned by Delta Air Lines.  Despite concerns the joint venture would see Virgin eventually become part of Delta, the American airline has said it will retain the Virgin brand and personality.

Virgin Atlantic currently operates 39 aircraft, including Boeing 787 Dreamliner’s on long-haul routes, primarily to the United States and the Caribbean.  New joiners will join the airline’s cabin crew team who work from both London Heathrow and London Gatwick.  Competition to transfer to Manchester remains tough.

Check out the following step-by-step guide to find out more about the updated Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew recruitment process.

Step 1. Submit Online Application

Step 2 – telephone or video interview, step 3 –  assessment day, step 4 – final interview, step 5 – offer in principle, stage 6 – referencing and final approval, the background.

You can only submit an application on the official Virgin Atlantic careers website .  After completing several recruitment processes in 2019, Virgin Atlantic is currently not accepting any new applications.  However, expect the hiring processes to reopen at some point in the first half of 2020 – this page will be updated when recruitment restarts.

Virgin Atlantic typically receives an overwhelming response when its starts a cabin crew recruitment campaign.  As a result, the application window can close early so candidates are encouraged to submit their application at the earliest opportunity.

Updated Resume

You’ll be expected to submit an up to date resume which will be scanned by an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) – this software scans your resume/CV without any human involvement to automatically determine whether you should be shortlisted.

To stand the best chance of being shortlisted by the computer, you need to create a customized resume that closely matches the skills and requirements of the Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew position.

Creating an excellent resume is the best way to improve your chances at this vital stage.  I would highly recommend following this step-by-step guide to writing a Cabin Crew resume .  You’ll find loads of information to create your perfect resume, as well as free templates designed to pass the computer screening element.

Customer Service Questions

You’ll be asked to provide answers to two or three customer service questions.  In the past, these have focused on your ability to work as part of a team and to describe a time you have gone above and beyond to help a customer (although these questions do change from time to time).

It’s important not to rush this section.  These are competency-based questions and you should answer with a specific example for each question.  Wherever possible, use the SOAR model to effectively answer the question:

  • Situation: Describe the scenario
  • Objective: What you intended to do (eg. how you planned to help the customer)
  • Actions: What specific action’s you took
  • Result: What was the end result

Use a separate word processing programme to draft your answer – this will help you identify any spelling or grammar errors.  It will also allow you to keep track of how many characters you have used – it’s suggested you stay as close to the maximum number of characters permitted as possible.

It might take you a couple of days to write your answer – that’d fine.  You don’t have to submit your application straight away.  Make sure you have triple checked your application and customer service answers before sending it.

If you’d like to submit a Cover Letter with your application, check this article out: Do You Need a Cover Letter for Your Cabin Crew Application?

The Taxman Forces Virgin Atlantic to Change Pay and Conditions for Cabin Crew

If you pass the initial application phase, you’ll be invited to take part in either a telephone interview or a pre-recorded video interview.

The telephone interview is relatively straightforward and it allows a recruiter to call you at a mutually agreed time in order to find out more about you and ask a few more detailed questions.

Telephone Interview

There are several elements of the telephone interview:

  • Getting to know more about you
  • Your knowledge of Virgin Atlantic and the role of cabin crew
  • Behavioural questions
  • Competence-based questions

As it’s a telephone interview, there’s nothing stopping you from having notes and pre-prepared answers to hand.  However, you’ll need to have different answers than the ones you already provided in the initial application.

For lot’s more information on how to succeed at a telephone interview, check out this article: How to Ace the Cabin Crew Telephone Interview

Video Interview

Like many airlines,  Virgin Atlantic has been experimenting with video interviews.  The interview is pre-recorded and accessed through a special web page.  Instead of a human recruiter judging your performance, computer analytics will review your performance and automatically decide whether you should be shortlisted.

The elements of the video interview are the same as the telephone interview.

We have a two-part article that tells you everything you need to know about the on-demand video interview:

  • The Complete Guide to the Cabin Crew Video Interview: Part One – What is an On-Demand Video Interview?
  • The Complete Guide to the Cabin Crew Video Interview: Part Two – How to Ace the Interview. Tips and Advice

You should expect to hear whether you have been successful within several days of completing the telephone or video interview.

Virgin Atlantic

Choose a Date and Location

If you successfully pass the telephone or video interview you’ll be invited to participate in an Assessment Day.

All Assessment Day’s are held at the airline’s headquarters in Crawley, West Sussex.  Virgin Atlantic can’t reimburse travel costs whether you are successful or not.

Simply log into your online account via the Virgin careers site and choose a date that is most convenient for you.

What Happens

Assessment Day’s are a popular recruitment method that are used to screen a large number of candidates.  The day will be made up of a number of elements used to test your suitability for the role of Cabin Crew.  You’ll be able to take part in all elements of the Assessment Day, including the Final Interview.

Virgin Atlantic occasionally change the format of their Assessment Day’s but the general principles remain the same.  As such, it’s a good idea to read the following, in-depth article about Cabin Crew Assessment Day’s.

We’ve included lots of details about what to expect, the different elements involved and what the recruiters are looking for: How to Ace the Cabin Crew Assessment Day – Tips and Advice .

As a general rule of thumb, the Virgin Atlantic Assessment Day looks something like this:

  • Introduction’s and presentation
  • Physical checks (eg. height and ability to fit in crew harness)
  • Group exercises
  • Reading and memory test

Virgin Atlantic gives every candidate shortlisted to the Assessment Day, the opportunity to take part in the Final Interview.  The interview will normally last between 25-40 minutes and takes place on the same date as the Assessment Day.

Competency-Based Interview

The interview will be made up of competency and behavioural based questions.  You’ll need to have examples from your previous work experience that prove you possess the skills, qualities and competencies that the Virgin Atlantic recruiters are looking for.

It can take some time to gather the evidence and become comfortable with your answers.  You should, therefore, prepare for the Final Interview at the earliest opportunity.  Our best interview technique is the SOAR method – We’ve included lots of details here to help you best prepare: SOAR to Success at Your Cabin Crew Final Interview

We also have how-to guides on answering some of the most popular cabin crew interview questions.  You can check out the full list here.

You should expect to hear the outcome of your Assessment Day and Final Interview within a week.  You will be notified via email so be sure to check our junk mail folder just in case.

What Deciding Factors Are Used?

The methods that the recruitment team use at this stage are a closely guarded secret.  However, we know that they assess your performance throughout the recruitment journey to make their decision.

This includes the original resume you submitted, your performance at the Assessment Day and how you performed in the Final Interview.


If you successfully pass the Assessment Day, you’ll be sent an online link from Virgin Atlantic’s third-party referencing partner.  You will be expected to cover the costs of the criminal records check and referencing yourself (approximately £100).

Simply fill out the online form with as much detail as possible.  The referencing process can take several months, especially if you’ve lived outside of the UK or have a complicated work history.

A coordinator from the referencing partner will contact you should you have any problems.

U.S. Cabin Crew Visa

As Virgin Atlantic operates a lot of U.S. routes, it is a pre-requisite that you can obtain a U.S. work visa.  You must cover the initial cost but if you join Virgin, the airline will reimburse this cost.  The recruitment team will send you detailed instructions on how to obtain a U.S. visa.

Start Onboarding Process

Once your referencing checks have been completed, Virgin will send you a confirmed start date for the cabin crew training course.  You’ll receive detailed instructions and information on how to contact the recruitment team should you have any concerns or issues.

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Mateusz Maszczynski honed his skills as an international flight attendant at the most prominent airline in the Middle East and has been flying ever since... most recently for a well known European airline. Matt is passionate about the aviation industry and has become an expert in passenger experience and human-centric stories. Always keeping an ear close to the ground, Matt's industry insights, analysis and news coverage is frequently relied upon by some of the biggest names in journalism.

Thank you for your constant support.

Virgin Atlantic, we believe do not have any requirements in regards to nationalities they hire, the only requirement needed is that you have the right to work and/or live in the UK.

Hope that helps you a bit more Jin.

Will they be having Open days is different countries?

Unfortunately, no. All Virgin Atlantic applications have to be submitted online via their official careers website and then shortlisted candidates must attend an Assessment Day at the airline’s headquarters near London.

Do the recruit for cabin crew who would fly out of belfast

Elaine. You could ‘commute’ – using travel concessions you could fly from Belfast to work at either London Heathrow or Gatwick. Although this can be difficult if you have a standby shift. It’s hard work but many cabin crew manage it (somehow!)


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Virgin Atlantic aircraft at takeoff

Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew Recruitment Process 2024

Want to work for virgin atlantic but unsure of how then just follow this simple guide..

Photo of Cabin Crew Wings Team

Virgin Atlantic are one of the most famous airlines in operation today. Founded in 1984 by entrepreneur Richard Branson, they are the third largest long-haul airline in the UK, setting new standards in customer service and passenger comfort.

They are also regarded as one of the best airlines to work for , with lots of benefits on offer for their crew.

Handwriting CV

Before you start

You’ll need a copy of your current CV saved in either Microsoft Word or PDF format.

Your CV will be scanned by specialist software and matched against the role requirements, to see how good a fit you’d be for Virgin crew.

So it’s really important to have a fantastic CV , where the information is written in a way that’s as relevant to the position as possible.

Step 1 –The Application Form

Check our Cabin Crew Jobs Board to see if Virgin Atlantic are recruiting. 

Read the job description carefully – this lists all of the qualifications and requirements that the airline is looking for.

Before you upload your CV you’ll be asked to fill in your personal details, and answer some basic yes or no screening questions. These are just to make sure that you understand and meet the basic job requirements.

There’s also a section for you to provide a cover letter – it’s a good idea to have this prepared in advance and saved, ready to copy.

Remember that the cover letter may be the first impression the airline gets of you. Make sure it’s tailored to the position, to the point, and highlights your best skills and attributes!

Step 2 – The Video Interview

If your initial application is successful you may be asked to take part in a short video interview . These are becoming more and more common in online application processes.

The interview questions are pre-recorded, and you’ll be sent an invitation via e-mail with full instructions.

You can then do the interview at your own convenience, through your computer or phone/tablet using the face-to-face or ‘selfie’ camera.

You’ll get the chance to complete some practice interview questions so that you can feel comfortable with the system. You can try as many times as you like.

The interview will consist of behavioural and biographical questions. Behavioural questions are designed to assess how you might behave in certain situations relevant to a Cabin Crew role, and to evaluate your experience in areas such as customer service . There will also be questions designed to assess your knowledge of the cabin crew role .

Sound a little confusing?

Don’t worry – our video interview guide will explain things in a little more detail.

Step 3 – The Assessment Day

If you’ve passed you will receive an email inviting you to the next stage. Due to the volume of applications the airline receives this may take a little time to be sent, so don’t panic if it seems to be taking a while.

Next in the process is the assessment day . This will be held at a specified date and time at one of the Virgin Atlantic UK bases. You’ll receive instructions and directions in the invitation e-mail.

The Assessment day will typically include:

  • Registration
  • A presentation by Virgin staff and crew on the company and role
  • Group exercises
  • Psychometric ability tests (taken either online or on paper)
  • One-to-one interview

You’ll get the chance throughout the day to ask any questions you might have about the airline and the role, and to chat with existing crew members.

The group exercises might take the form of a discussion, problem solving task or a role-play exercise .

As there are a large amount of candidates present on an assessment day there will generally be ‘cuts’ and different points during the day, with only the most suitable candidates making it through to the interview stage.

Try not to be too disappointed if you don’t make it through – if you’ve made it to the assessment day you’ve already done really well!

Psychometric ‘ability’ tests might cause a few worries if you’ve never done this type of testing before. The tests are multiple choice and include sections in verbal reasoning and numeracy.

You’ll be given a specific time to complete the test in, and may have to do this on the assessment day itself or in some cases online at home.

Step 4 –The Interview

This final interview will last around 30-40 minutes and contains more questions to assess your suitability for the role.

You might be asked to do this in the afternoon of the assessment day, or alternatively you may be given a slot on a different date.

This is perhaps the most important part of the application process – it gives you the opportunity to prove yourself to the recruiters and give detailed answers to show that you have the skills that they are looking for.

Virgin’s interview style is behavioural and biographical . This means they will be asking questions about work related situations you’ve encountered and how you’ve dealt with them, and also questions about the details you’ve provided in your CV, and your employment history.

Preparation is key here. This is your big chance to convince the recruiters that YOU are the person that the airline wants on their crew.

You might be asked to prepare a short presentation on a given topic for your interview. This is just to see how well you fare addressing an audience – something you’re likely to have to do as a member of cabin crew.

You’ll receive all the instructions you need beforehand though, don’t worry!

Final Checks

If you’ve been offered a position as crew, there are a few checks the airline will have to do before your employment can begin.

The checks will include following up references, criminal record checks, and your work background for the last five years (including any gaps which must be accounted for).

You’ll be asked to enter the details for the criminal record check online and pay a £25 fee for processing.

Cabin crew also have to attend a ‘security interview’ – this isn’t as scary as it sounds! It’s just a case of checking all of your documentation is in order.

You’ll be asked to fill out a simple medical and health information form which will be reviewed by the airline’s occupational health department.

Once all of these checks are completed you’ll be ready to begin your pre-employment training!

So, feel like you could crew for one of the most iconic airlines – Virgin Atlantic?

Find out if they are recruiting here .

Best of luck!

Photo of Cabin Crew Wings Team

Cabin Crew Wings Team

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Written Samples

15 sample cover letters for cabin crew position.

Are you dreaming of a career that takes you to new heights, both literally and figuratively?

Look no further than the exciting world of cabin crew!

As a flight attendant, you will have the opportunity to travel the globe, meet fascinating people, and provide exceptional service to passengers.

Sample Cover Letters for Cabin Crew Position

To land your dream job, you need a compelling cover letter that showcases your unique qualifications and enthusiasm for the role.

In this article, we present 15 sample cover letters that will inspire you to create your winning application.

Get ready to spread your wings and soar!

Cover Letter One

Subject: Passionate and Experienced Candidate for Cabin Crew Position

Dear Hiring Manager,

With great enthusiasm, I am applying for the cabin crew position at [Airline Name]. As a customer-oriented professional with three years of experience in the hospitality industry, I am confident in my ability to provide exceptional service to your passengers.

My background includes working as a front desk agent at a five-star hotel, where I honed my communication, problem-solving, and customer service skills. I excel at remaining calm under pressure, adapting to diverse situations, and creating positive experiences for guests. These qualities, combined with my passion for travel and cultural exploration, make me an ideal candidate for your cabin crew team.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Airline Name]’s mission of delivering safe, comfortable, and enjoyable flights to passengers worldwide. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how my skills and experience align with your needs.

[Your Name]

Cover Letter Two

Subject: Enthusiastic and Multilingual Applicant for Flight Attendant Role

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my strong interest in joining your cabin crew team at [Airline Name]. As a multilingual individual fluent in English, Spanish, and French, with a genuine passion for travel and customer service, I am well-prepared to excel in this role.

During my two years as a customer service representative at [Company Name], I developed excellent communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. I consistently received positive feedback from customers for my friendly demeanor, attentiveness, and ability to resolve issues efficiently. These experiences have prepared me to deliver exceptional service to passengers in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.

I am thrilled about the prospect of combining my love for travel with my dedication to providing outstanding customer service. I am confident that my language skills, cultural sensitivity, and adaptability will be valuable assets to your diverse team and passenger base.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am eager to contribute to [Airline Name]’s commitment to excellence and would welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

Best regards,

Cover Letter Three

Subject: Safety-Focused and Customer-Centric Candidate for Cabin Crew Position

I am excited to submit my application for the cabin crew position at [Airline Name]. With a strong background in safety training and a genuine commitment to customer satisfaction, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your team’s success.

As a certified first responder with extensive knowledge of emergency protocols, I understand the critical importance of maintaining a safe and secure environment for passengers and crew. My ability to remain calm and focused in high-pressure situations, combined with my excellent communication and problem-solving skills, enables me to handle emergencies effectively and efficiently.

In addition to my safety expertise, I am passionate about delivering exceptional customer service. I have honed my interpersonal skills through my volunteer work at [Organization Name], where I regularly interact with diverse individuals and provide assistance with empathy and professionalism.

I am thrilled about the opportunity to bring my unique combination of safety knowledge and customer service skills to [Airline Name]. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of joining your team and contributing to your commitment to passenger safety and satisfaction.

Cover Letter Four

Subject: Experienced and Multilingual Flight Attendant Seeking New Opportunity

With five years of experience as a flight attendant and fluency in English, Mandarin, and Japanese, I am excited to apply for the cabin crew position at [Airline Name]. My passion for providing exceptional service, combined with my extensive knowledge of safety protocols and cultural sensitivity, makes me an ideal candidate for your team.

Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to deliver outstanding customer service in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment. I excel at anticipating passengers’ needs, resolving conflicts diplomatically, and creating a welcoming atmosphere on board. My language skills have proven invaluable in communicating effectively with diverse passengers and providing personalized assistance.

In addition to my customer service expertise, I am well-versed in emergency procedures and have received commendations for my quick thinking and decisive action during in-flight incidents. I am committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety and security for passengers and crew.

I am thrilled about the prospect of bringing my skills and experience to [Airline Name] and contributing to your reputation for excellence. Thank you for your consideration. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications align with your needs.

Cover Letter Five

Subject: Enthusiastic and Customer-Focused Applicant for Cabin Crew Position

I am writing to express my strong interest in the cabin crew position at [Airline Name]. As an enthusiastic and customer-focused professional with a deep passion for travel, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team’s success.

My background includes two years of experience in the hospitality industry, where I honed my communication, problem-solving, and customer service skills. I excel at creating positive experiences for guests, remaining calm under pressure, and adapting to diverse situations. These qualities, combined with my friendly demeanor and attention to detail, make me well-suited for the dynamic role of a flight attendant.

I am particularly drawn to [Airline Name]’s commitment to exceptional service and cultural diversity. As someone who embraces new experiences and enjoys interacting with people from all walks of life, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your mission of connecting people and cultures across the globe.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my enthusiasm, dedication, and customer-focused approach to your cabin crew team. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further.

Cover Letter Six

Subject: Multilingual and Service-Oriented Candidate for Flight Attendant Role

With fluency in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, along with a strong background in customer service, I am thrilled to apply for the flight attendant position at [Airline Name]. My passion for travel, combined with my excellent communication and interpersonal skills, makes me an ideal candidate for your cabin crew team.

Throughout my three years as a customer service representative at [Company Name], I consistently demonstrated my ability to provide exceptional service in a fast-paced environment. I excel at resolving customer concerns efficiently, maintaining a friendly and professional demeanor, and going above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. These skills, coupled with my language abilities, will enable me to deliver outstanding service to your diverse passenger base.

I am particularly drawn to [Airline Name]’s reputation for excellence and commitment to creating memorable travel experiences. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your mission and to grow professionally within your dynamic team.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am eager to bring my multilingual skills, service-oriented approach, and enthusiasm to your cabin crew. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications in more detail.

Cover Letter Seven

Subject: Safety-Conscious and Customer-Centric Applicant for Cabin Crew Position

I am excited to submit my application for the cabin crew position at [Airline Name]. With a strong background in emergency response and a genuine commitment to customer satisfaction, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your team’s success.

As a certified EMT with extensive knowledge of first aid and safety protocols, I understand the critical importance of maintaining a safe and secure environment for passengers and crew. My ability to remain calm and focused under pressure, combined with my excellent communication and problem-solving skills, enables me to handle emergencies effectively and efficiently.

In addition to my safety expertise, I am passionate about delivering exceptional customer service. Through my volunteer work at [Organization Name], I have honed my interpersonal skills and developed a keen understanding of how to interact with diverse individuals with empathy and professionalism.

Cover Letter Eight

Subject: Experienced and Multilingual Flight Attendant Seeking New Challenge

With six years of experience as a flight attendant and fluency in English, French, and Arabic, I am excited to apply for the cabin crew position at [Airline Name]. My passion for providing exceptional service, combined with my extensive knowledge of safety protocols and cultural sensitivity, makes me an ideal candidate for your team.

Best regards ,

  [Your Name]

Cover Letter Nine

Subject: Enthusiastic and Detail-Oriented Applicant for Cabin Crew Position

I am writing to express my strong interest in the cabin crew position at [Airline Name]. As an enthusiastic and detail-oriented professional with a deep passion for travel, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team’s success.

My background includes three years of experience in the retail industry, where I honed my communication, problem-solving, and customer service skills. I excel at creating positive experiences for customers, remaining calm under pressure, and paying close attention to detail. These qualities, combined with my friendly demeanor and adaptability, make me well-suited for the dynamic role of a flight attendant.

I am particularly drawn to [Airline Name]’s commitment to exceptional service and attention to detail. As someone who takes pride in delivering high-quality work and ensuring customer satisfaction, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your mission of providing seamless and enjoyable travel experiences.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my enthusiasm, dedication, and detail-oriented approach to your cabin crew team. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further.

Cover Letter Ten

Subject: Multilingual and Customer-Focused Candidate for Flight Attendant Role

With fluency in English, German, and Russian, along with a strong background in customer service, I am thrilled to apply for the flight attendant position at [Airline Name]. My passion for travel, combined with my excellent communication and interpersonal skills, makes me an ideal candidate for your cabin crew team.

Throughout my four years as a customer service representative at [Company Name], I consistently demonstrated my ability to provide exceptional service in a fast-paced environment. I excel at resolving customer concerns efficiently, maintaining a friendly and professional demeanor, and going above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. These skills, coupled with my language abilities, will enable me to deliver outstanding service to your diverse passenger base.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am eager to bring my multilingual skills, customer-focused approach, and enthusiasm to your cabin crew. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications in more detail.

Cover Letter Eleven

Subject: Safety-Focused and Service-Oriented Applicant for Cabin Crew Position

I am excited to submit my application for the cabin crew position at [Airline Name]. With a strong background in safety training and a genuine commitment to customer service, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your team’s success.

Cover Letter Twelve

Subject: Experienced and Multilingual Flight Attendant Seeking Growth Opportunity

With seven years of experience as a flight attendant and fluency in English, Spanish, and Italian, I am excited to apply for the cabin crew position at [Airline Name]. My passion for providing exceptional service, combined with my extensive knowledge of safety protocols and cultural sensitivity, makes me an ideal candidate for your team.

I am thrilled about the prospect of bringing my skills and experience to [Airline Name] and contributing to your reputation for excellence. Thank you for your consideration. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications align with your needs and how I can grow professionally within your organization.

Cover Letter Thirteen

Subject: Enthusiastic and Adaptable Applicant for Cabin Crew Position

I am writing to express my strong interest in the cabin crew position at [Airline Name]. As an enthusiastic and adaptable professional with a deep passion for travel, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team’s success.

My background includes four years of experience in the hospitality industry, where I honed my communication, problem-solving, and customer service skills. I excel at creating positive experiences for guests, remaining calm under pressure, and adapting to diverse situations. These qualities, combined with my friendly demeanor and willingness to learn, make me well-suited for the dynamic role of a flight attendant.

I am particularly drawn to [Airline Name]’s commitment to exceptional service and continuous improvement. As someone who embraces change and enjoys taking on new challenges, I am excited about the opportunity to grow professionally within your organization and contribute to your mission of delivering outstanding travel experiences.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my enthusiasm, adaptability, and customer-focused approach to your cabin crew team. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Cover Letter Fourteen

Subject: Multilingual and Service-Driven Candidate for Flight Attendant Role

With fluency in English, French, and Mandarin, along with a strong background in customer service, I am thrilled to apply for the flight attendant position at [Airline Name]. My passion for travel, combined with my excellent communication and interpersonal skills, makes me an ideal candidate for your cabin crew team.

Throughout my five years as a customer service manager at [Company Name], I consistently demonstrated my ability to provide exceptional service in a fast-paced environment. I excel at resolving customer concerns efficiently, maintaining a friendly and professional demeanor, and going above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. These skills, coupled with my language abilities, will enable me to deliver outstanding service to your diverse passenger base.

I am particularly drawn to [Airline Name]’s reputation for excellence and commitment to creating memorable travel experiences. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your mission and to take on a leadership role within your dynamic team, leveraging my experience in customer service management.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am eager to bring my multilingual skills, service-driven approach, and leadership experience to your cabin crew. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications in more detail.

Cover Letter Fifteen

Subject: Safety-Conscious and Customer-Focused Applicant for Cabin Crew Position

As a certified paramedic with extensive knowledge of advanced life support and safety protocols, I understand the critical importance of maintaining a safe and secure environment for passengers and crew. My ability to remain calm and focused under extreme pressure, combined with my excellent communication and problem-solving skills, enables me to handle emergencies effectively and efficiently.

In addition to my safety expertise, I am passionate about delivering exceptional customer service. Through my volunteer work at [Organization Name], I have honed my interpersonal skills and developed a keen understanding of how to interact with diverse individuals with empathy, cultural sensitivity, and professionalism.

I am thrilled about the opportunity to bring my unique combination of advanced safety knowledge and customer service skills to [Airline Name]. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of joining your team and contributing to your commitment to passenger safety and satisfaction.

Crafting a compelling cover letter is your opportunity to showcase your unique qualifications, passion for the cabin crew role, and enthusiasm for the airline you are applying to.

By highlighting your customer service skills, safety knowledge, language abilities, and relevant experiences, you can demonstrate your value as a potential member of the cabin crew team.

Remember to tailor each cover letter to the specific airline and position, emphasizing how your skills and experiences align with their mission and values.

Keep your language professional, concise, and engaging, and be sure to proofread your letter carefully before submitting your application.

With a well-written cover letter, you can set yourself apart from other applicants and increase your chances of landing an interview for your dream cabin crew position.

So, take the time to craft a compelling letter that showcases your strengths, passion, and commitment to excellence in the role.

Good luck with your application, and may your career as a flight attendant take you to new heights!

Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew Recruitment Process Step by Step

Published by Paresh Baidya on January 26, 2019 January 26, 2019

Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew  –  Hello, friends in this article I am gonna writing on the Virgin Atlantic cabin crew recruitment process step by step . Which will help you simplify your cabin crew or flight attendant interview for Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew? So, I requested that you not skip any sentences and read the full article. you will get the full idea.

Given that Virgin Australia is not as big as other companies yet, they work very carefully with whom they hire as their employees. In addition to their physical abilities for the post of cabin crew, they also require many documents that will allow them to work legally in areas where Virgin Australia flies.

In our previous post, we shared a detailed guide on how to start a resume that stands out among others. Just to give you a quick summary, you should clean your resume and appeal to the person who has recruited. Do not enter a copy-pasted summary from Google, rather make a personalized and remarkable one. Focus on our useful tips!

You need a Cover Letter

Although most applications for airline companies do not require you to submit a customized cover letter, Virgin Australia is one of those few. It is a tool that will boost your chances of hiring when used properly. Think of it as another opportunity to showcase your skills and be different from your competitors. You can tell them about your experience, knowledge, skill, and choice.

Just remember that due to not having too much information in the form of a long cover letter at a time, there is always no positive result. The standard you can follow is to make it one page long, it should be clear and concise with a professional yet friendly voice.

Online Application

The application for the post of Cabin Crew is usually done through Virgin Australia’s career website, where you will be asked to provide information such as personal information with your professional background.

Virgin Australia organizes screening every time through a phone call, based on status. It is usually done by recruiters and lasts for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Recruitment Day

The recruitment day is also part of the recruitment process of this airline company. They tend to inspect the behavior of the applicants when it comes to doing tasks related to negotiation and service.

If you were able to make a good impression during the recruitment day, you will be invited to participate in the Behavior Interview, where the hiring managers will try to find out more about you. To help you in preparing for this event, we have written a guide about possible job interview questions they can ask you. Be sure to study very hard and prepare your answer!

Medical Exam

If the position you are applying for, the medical examination of which you are applying is necessary, for which you should be physically healthy. It is usually done at their own expense and is organized at their respective medical centers.

After going through all these steps, you will receive an e-mail about the outcome of your application. They will notify you if you are hired or not.

Also, you can check any other airline vacancies from the below links

Singapore Airlines hiring a pilot

Qatar Airways hiring cabin crew

Do you have any questions to ask? related to Aviation jobs or airline jobs please comment below and also you can message me on my Facebook page and YouTube channel.

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Paresh Baidya

Hello, Everyone I am Paresh Baidya. And an Experienced Airlines Staff.Apart from that, I am a YouTuber and Blogger of AVIATION DREAMER. And I love to making video and writing on the different topic and my hobbies are listening to music and traveling through the country.

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Ashraf Ali · January 26, 2019 at 1:30 PM

My name is Ashraf Ali .my education qualification in from Ara bhojpur bihar.and other qualifications in diploma in airlines from p.t.u.uniwersiti .and may entereste to job.plase information to job . experience airport maintenance Igi Airports Delhi contact no 7079216811

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Ram · February 8, 2019 at 9:48 AM

The vacancy was for Virgin Atlantic. Virgin Australia is a different airline.

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Assia · September 1, 2021 at 12:31 PM

flight attendant

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Cover Letter for Cabin Crew Position: Samples and Tips

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  • Updated on  
  • Aug 26, 2023

Cover Letter for Cabin Crew

Writing a cover letter for cabin crew position can be a tricky task, as it is one of the most sought-after jobs in the aviation industry. But drafting the perfect cover letter can make sure that your career remains as high-flying as your spirit to travel all over the world! To realise your dream of flying high, it is essential to use the accepted format for a cover letter. While using the industry standard format, it is important to showcase your qualifications and intent in a crisp and confident manner. Always pen down your details and ambitions in a lucid manner. Also, use a formal tone and do not sway away from the tonality while describing your achievements and goals. 

For more tips and reference samples, keep reading!!

This Blog Includes:

1. a header, 2. an introduction, 3. your interest in the role applied for, 4. your professional history and skills, 5. ask the employer to contact you, 6. sign off.

Also Read: How to Write a Cover Letter for Your First Job

How to Write A Cover Letter For Cabin Crew Position?

To write a cover letter for cabin crew role, you first need an outline of all the information to include and mention. It forms the base of your cabin crew cover letter. Given below are some crucial elements and tips that are mandatory to add to your cover letter.

Include details like your full name, phone number, email address, and the city you live in on the top left corner of your cover letter. Cross-check to make sure these details are the same in both the cover letter and your CV. Also, leave enough spacing between all pieces of information so they are clear and accessible.

This paragraph is meant for you to introduce yourself for the cabin crew role . Sum up your passion and skills relevant to the position. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Start by addressing the hiring manager by their name (if possible) or use the placeholder “hiring manager” in its place. 
  • Now, introduce yourself to the recruiter and express your interest in working as a cabin crew member. 
  • Further, go through your background and work history and connect them to the role you are applying for.
  • Finally, highlight your experience if you have worked in near-relevant fields like travel and tourism and any interpersonal skills you’re proficient in.

Thereafter, expand on why you are interested in pursuing the role of cabin crew member. Since the company will choose candidates passionate about the work, you can elaborate on the following points:

  • Initially, tell the organization why you want to work with them. Include your interest in travel, meeting and working with new people, and expanding your professional network.
  • Now, use employee satisfaction or your own positive experience as evidence to support the airline being the best in the field.
  • Further, discuss how your long-term career goals align with the company’s culture.

Then comes the main body of your cover letter for cabin crew role, which is your professional history. Highlight your relevant professional history, skills, and experiences gained in previous roles. You can also get help from the job ad to mention the necessary skills and experience the organization is looking for. Support your eligibility for the role through your education, real-life instances, and relevant hobbies.

Having mentioned your entire background, it’s now time to ask the employer to contact you for further details and discussion about the position. This conclusive paragraph shows your interest and professional etiquette to the employer. You can mention any medium of communication (phone, email) that you prefer in this section and thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration.

Since most of the interview process occurs online these days, sign off digitally using drawing or digital signature tools. You can also simply type your name at the end. Before hitting the “send” button, proofread the entire cover letter to ensure that it’s error-free and consistent. Use readable, professional fonts like Calibri or Arial and avoid using slang.

Also Read: 20+ Manager Interview Questions + Sample Answers

Cover Letter for Cabin Crew Position: Sample Format

Now that we are thorough with the essential elements, let us try and write a cover letter for cabin crew position using the above-mentioned elements and tips. Given below are some samples that can serve as templates for your cabin crew cover letter:

[Your Full Name]

[Phone number] | [Email] | [City]

[Airline Name]

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the cabin crew position advertised on your website. I have always been passionate about aviation and customer service, and I believe I have the skills and experience to be a valuable member of your team.

Further, I have a diploma in hospitality management and a certificate in first aid. Also, I have completed a cabin crew training course at the Aviation Academy, where I learned the basics of safety procedures, emergency situations, communication skills, and service standards. I have a valid passport and no medical restrictions.

Furthermore, I have over two years of experience as a cabin crew member for Airline X, where I was responsible for ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers on board domestic and international flights. Besides, I performed various duties such as greeting passengers, checking tickets, demonstrating safety equipment, serving meals and beverages, assisting with special needs, and handling complaints. Also, I received positive feedback from both passengers and supervisors for my professionalism, friendliness, and efficiency.

I am eager to join your airline because I admire your reputation for excellence and innovation. In addition, I share your vision of providing a memorable and enjoyable travel experience for your customers. I am confident that I can contribute to your success by delivering high-quality service and exceeding expectations.

I would love to discuss this opportunity with you in more detail. Please find attached my resume for your consideration. Thank you for your time and attention.


[Your name]

Also Read: 8 Easy Steps to Write a Cover Letter: Sample Templates

Hello Recruiter,

I am thrilled to apply for the cabin crew position at your airline. It has always been my dream to work in the aviation industry and serve customers from different cultures and backgrounds. I have the qualifications, experience, and personality to be an asset to your team.

To start with, I have a bachelor’s degree in tourism management and a certificate in CPR. Furthermore, I have also completed a cabin crew training program at the Flight School, where I acquired the skills and knowledge necessary for the cabin crew role. Besides, I learned how to handle various scenarios such as security issues, medical emergencies, turbulence, and evacuation. Additionally, I also gained proficiency in English, French, and Spanish languages.

On top of that, I have one year of experience as a cabin crew member for Airline Y, where I was involved in providing safety and comfort to passengers on board regional and transcontinental flights. Also, I performed tasks such as welcoming passengers, verifying documents, instructing safety procedures, distributing amenities, offering food and drinks, attending to special requests, and resolving problems. I was recognized by my managers and colleagues for my dedication, enthusiasm, and teamwork.

Currently, I am excited to join your airline because I respect your values and mission. In addition, I share your commitment to delivering exceptional service and creating loyal customers. I am confident that I can bring value to your organization by meeting and exceeding your standards.

I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you further about this position. Please find attached my resume for your review. Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards, 

Also Read: How to Write a Thank You Email After An Interview?

Here are some basic steps to start writing a cover letter for cabin crew role: 1. Provide your name and contact details in the header. 2. Introduce yourself 3. Express your interest in the cabin crew role in detail 4. Mention your work history and skills 5. Ask the employer to contact you and sign off

To write a good flight attendant cover letter, you should reference the mentioned requirements listed in the job description. Also, include your most relevant and exceptional skills and qualifications to show the employer that you’re a good fit for the role.

You can start a cover letter for a flight attendant by greeting the hiring manager with a formal salutation, such as “Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs.” followed by their last name. Then, you can state the position you are applying for and how you found out about it. Alternatively, you can start with a catchy opening sentence that captures the hiring manager’s attention and shows your personality. Whichever way you choose to start your cover letter, make sure it is clear, concise, and professional. Avoid using generic or clichéd phrases that don’t show your uniqueness or value.

We hope that this blog helped you understand how to write a cover letter for cabin crew position. For more content on interview preparation like this, stay tuned to Leverage Edu. Thank you for reading!

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Disha Kaira

Disha is an electrical engineer turned writer passionate about bringing a spark (and accuracy) to whatever content she comes across. Whether it's UI/UX Design or writing blogs on abroad education, she relishes every chance to learn and test the limits of her creativity.

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  • Fly with Virgin Atlantic

Virgin Atlantic crew banner

A crew like no other

From the moment they put on their Vivienne Westwood uniform, our crew transform into a sky superhero – with the power to make your journey the most memorable. Our crew are the beating heart of what we do.

Who you'll see onboard

Pilot Lauren

Our pilots have the best seat in the house, leading our operation every day and working hard to get you to your destination safely. You'll find two different ranks of pilot on board, and you can tell who's who by the stripes on the shoulders of their uniform - your Captain will have four stripes, and Senior First Officers will have three.

Virgin Atlantic cabin crew

Our onboard heroes, keeping you safe, and delivering our famous service in style. On your journey, you'll meet Cabin Crew, Cabin Service Supervisors and Flight Service Managers - look out for a purple shirt or silver tie to spot who the manager is on your next flight with us!

Play video Economy

A day in the life of our crew

Meet our red spirit nominees.

Since day one, it’s always been people that make Virgin Atlantic so special. The customers who proudly fly with us, and our people who go the extra mile.

Our Red Spirit series celebrates what makes us, us – the individuality of our amazing people and the amazing work they do, both in the skies and back on land. 

Meet Faye - Cabin Crew and passionate philanthropist

Meet Faye - Cabin Crew and passionate philanthropist

Kind-hearted, compassionate and caring, Faye combines travelling the world with her dedication to helping others whilst down-route. In 2013, Faye founded Spread Some Sunshine, a charity set up to bring happiness to children facing adversity.

Meet Dan - Flight Service Manager and dancing icon

Meet Dan - Flight Service Manager and dancing icon

When Dan isn’t leading a team through the skies, he’s disco dancing his way into our hearts adding a touch of magic wherever he goes. With infectious energy, passion and flare, Dan has been an incredible ambassador for us for over 11 years.

Meet Andrea- Cabin Service Supervisor and coffee entrepreneur

Meet Andrea- Cabin Service Supervisor and coffee entrepreneur

Beyond providing outstanding service and leadership at 38,000ft, Andrea has combined a passion for aviation and coffee with her entrepreneurial spirit, creating her own perfect blend through her business, Minding My Own Coffee.

They're highly trained

Virgin Atlantic cabin crew

All of our pilots and crew have undertaken intensive, specialist training to earn those fabulous golden wings. Regularly re-visiting our training school to keep their knowledge up-to-date, our cabin crew are trained in aviation medicine, safety and security procedures, and everything they need to know about the aircraft they work on. Our pilots are also safety experts, with regular training in the 'sim' (that's one of our state-of-the-art flight simulators!) to make sure they're ready for any eventuality.

All of our flying staff also take part in annual human factors training, which is a unique form of training all about teamwork and communication.

They always fly in style

Wearing the wow factor

Wearing the wow factor

Our famous Vivienne Westwood uniform is a partnership that brings together original design and sustainability.

A uniform not defined by gender

A uniform not defined by gender

We champion individuality, which is why our people can choose clothes that express how they identify or present themselves.

Make-up or no make-up

Make-up or no make-up

When our crew told us they didn't always want to wear make-up we listened. Since 2019, it's been a personal choice for all our crew to wear make-up or go without.

Tattoos worn with pride

Tattoos worn with pride

In 2022, we were the first airline to relax our tattoo policy, so crew no longer need to cover up tattoos and are free to be their most authentic selves. 

They're compassionate and resilient

Supporting the crisis in Ukraine

Supporting the crisis in Ukraine

We recently operated a relief flight between London and Warsaw, Poland. The flight, organised by Magen David Adom, Save a Child and the Dnipro Appeal,  took 52 Ukrainian orphans and eight carers away from the conflict and to the UK for onward care. 

Our crew were instrumental in this unique operation, readily offering the children and their carers the extra love that they so needed - they even created and handed out translation cards for common questions, to make the journey just that little bit easier.

Supporting our NHS

Supporting our NHS

When Covid-19 meant that travel was placed on hold, our crew utilised their skills to help our NHS. From vaccinators to 999 call-handlers, our people played a huge part in the pandemic response. Those still flying even took on 'ultra long-haul' duties to pick up vital supplies, spending over 24 hours onboard! 

They're ambassadors

Celebrating Pride

Celebrating Pride

Diversity and inclusion is a huge part of who we are, and we're always keen to join in with pride celebrations. Our crew have always played an important role, representing our people and having plenty of fun along the way.

Football fundraisers

Football fundraisers

Our brilliant crew have organised charity football matches (cabin crew vs pilots, anyone?) to raise money for mental health charity Mind, as well as recently playing opposite another airline to raise funds to support Ukrainian regufees.

And they're our travel experts!

With hundreds of flying hours every year, it's no wonder that our crew are in the know about all the best places to go.

Sipping coffee in San Fran

Sipping coffee in San Fran

Resident coffee conniseur Andrea shares her recommendations.

Hiking in Hollywood

Hiking in Hollywood

Lauren's got the lowdown on how best to see the Hollywood sign.

Safari's in South Africa

Safari's in South Africa

Daisy takes us on a trip to Johannesburg.

Who are they?

Meet a few of our crew.

Meet Bernice

Meet Bernice

Bernice Moran always dreamed of being a pilot, and safe to say her dream came true - she's now one of our senior first officers, flying the 787. She's also the founder of the Be Sweet Company, and mother to three small children.

Meet Otis

If you're looking for a Virgin Atlantic GIF, you'll probably find Otis. Cabin Service Supervisor and content creator extrodinare, Otis has been flying with us for over 13 years, managing his team with flair and finesse.

Meet Lauren

Meet Lauren

We've all had our ups and downs over the last couple of years, none more so than Lauren Wigglesworth, a senior first officer on our Airbus fleet. She lost one dream job, found another and started a family in a pandemic.

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Barbados travel advice

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Barbados travel alerts

There are currently no travel alerts - You're good to go!

Please check the travel advice for all countries in your itinerary .

Entry requirements

You must check all requirements before heading to the airport.

Travel bans

There are no restrictions on who can travel to Barbados, as long as the latest travel requirements are adhered to. Please check  Visit Barbados  before travelling.

For fully vaccinated travellers

All Covid-19 travel restrictions have now been removed for travellers to Barbados. 

All customers regardless of vaccination status will need to complete a customs and immigration travel form at least 72 hours prior to arrival, which can be found here

Please note, you are no longer required to access and update the BIMSafe app. 

Your passport should be valid for the proposed duration of your stay; you don’t need any additional period of validity on your passport beyond this.

Make sure you have a spare page in your passport for the entry stamp.

You can visit Barbados for up to six months without a visa (unless you are travelling from India, Brazil or South Africa - VISA entry requirements apply).

For non vaccinated travellers

All customers regardless of vaccination status will need to complete a customs and immigration travel form at least 72 hours prior to arrival, which can be found here

Please note, you are no longer required to access and update the BIMSafe app.

Please note, on your flight to Barbados it will be your personal choice to wear a face mask onboard, now that mask-wearing is not a legal requirement in England.  

Spraying in the cabin

The process of disinsection is required by WHO (World Health Organisation) and local health authorities to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, e.g. Malaria.

On our Barbados route, we spray the inside of the aircraft with insecticides, which is recommended under the WHO based on their safety and effectiveness.

The spray we use onboard is Phenothrin (1R-trans phenothrin), which dissipates within a few minutes after being sprayed in the cabin.    

Our cabin crew will make an onboard announcement when the spraying of insecticides is about to take place. We encourage customers to use this opportunity to cover their nose, eyes and mouth if they wish to do so. 

Airport guides

cover letter for virgin atlantic cabin crew

Grantley Adams International Airport (BGI)

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How to Become Cabin Crew with Air Austral: Step-by-Step Guide

  • Updated on September 23, 2024
  • 7 minutes read
  • No Comments

How to Become Cabin Crew with Air Austral: Step-by-Step Guide

Air Austral is a well-known French airline based in the Indian Ocean on the island of Réunion. Known for its high level of service, becoming a cabin crew member for Air Austral offers an exciting opportunity to travel the world while representing a leading airline in the region. But how do you get started in such a competitive industry?

In this guide, we’ll explain how you can join the ranks of Air Austral’s cabin crew, covering everything from the basic requirements to the application process. Whether you’re just starting out or transitioning from another airline, these steps will help you take the next step toward your dream career.

Meeting the basic requirements

The first step to becoming cabin crew with Air Austral is to ensure you meet their basic eligibility criteria . These qualifications are designed to ensure that candidates can handle the demands of the job, which include working long hours and managing passengers’ safety and comfort.

Here are the key requirements:

  • Minimum age : You must be at least 18 years old to apply.
  • Education : You will need a high school diploma or equivalent to be considered.
  • Language skills : Fluency in French is a must, as Air Austral operates in French-speaking regions. English proficiency is also essential, especially for international routes. Additional languages such as Spanish or Portuguese can be an asset.
  • Height : You need to meet certain height requirements (typically around 160 cm for women and 170 cm for men) to ensure you can reach overhead safety equipment.
  • Physical fitness : You must pass a medical examination to confirm you are fit to handle the physical demands of the job.
  • Appearance and grooming : Like most airlines, Air Austral has high standards for grooming and appearance . Candidates should have no visible tattoos or piercings while in uniform .
  • Key point : Ensure you meet the basic requirements before applying, as this will save time and increase your chances of being considered.

Developing key skills for cabin crew

Airlines like Air Austral look for candidates who have not only the qualifications but also the skills and qualities that are essential for cabin crew. Developing these skills before applying will make you stand out from the competition :

  • Customer service experience : Air Austral is known for excellent customer service. If you have experience in hospitality, retail, or any customer-facing role, this will be a big advantage.
  • Communication skills : As a cabin crew member, you’ll need to communicate effectively with passengers and the rest of your team. Fluency in multiple languages can also improve your application.
  • Problem-solving abilities : Cabin crew members often face unexpected situations, such as medical emergencies or challenging passengers, so demonstrating that you can handle problems calmly is important.
  • Teamwork : Cabin crew operate as part of a team, and being able to work well with others under pressure is key to succeeding in this role.
  • Key point : Focus on developing these skills before applying, as they are highly valued by airlines like Air Austral.

Preparing your application

Once you meet the basic qualifications and have developed the necessary skills, it’s time to prepare a strong application . Air Austral’s hiring process is competitive, so you need to make sure your resume and cover letter stand out.

Here’s what to include:

  • Resume : Highlight your educational background, any relevant work experience (especially in customer service or hospitality), language skills, and any aviation-related certifications.
  • Cover letter : This is your chance to explain why you want to work for Air Austral, why you’re a good fit for the airline, and what skills and experiences make you stand out from other candidates.
  • Photos : Many airlines, including Air Austral, require a headshot and full-body photo as part of your application.
  • Key point : Take the time to create a professional resume and cover letter that highlight your strengths and why you want to work for Air Austral.

How to apply for a cabin crew position with Air Austral

To apply for a cabin crew position at Air Austral, you need to submit your application through the official Air Austral careers page . This is where the airline posts job openings for various roles, including cabin crew.

  • Visit the official website : Go to the Air Austral website and navigate to the Careers section, where you can find current job openings for cabin crew positions. The airline periodically updates this page with available vacancies.
  • Follow application instructions : Make sure to carefully follow the instructions on the job listing, as missing details or documents could delay your application.
  • Key point : Submit your application via Air Austral’s official Careers page and ensure all required documents are prepared and uploaded correctly.

Understanding the interview process

If your application is successful, you’ll be invited to attend an interview and possibly an assessment day . This is one of the most important stages of the recruitment process, as it allows the airline to assess your suitability for the role.

Here’s what you can expect during the interview process:

  • Group exercises : Airlines often assess candidates’ ability to work in a team through group activities and problem-solving tasks .
  • One-on-one interviews : You’ll likely be asked about your experience, why you want to work for Air Austral, and how you handle customer service and emergency situations.
  • Personality tests : Some airlines use personality tests to assess whether you’re a good fit for the role and the airline’s culture.
  • Key point : Prepare thoroughly for the interview by researching common cabin crew interview questions and practicing your answers.

Completing cabin crew training

If you pass the interview, you’ll be offered a place in Air Austral’s cabin crew training program . This is a mandatory course that covers all aspects of the job, from safety procedures to customer service techniques.

Here’s what you can expect during the training:

  • Safety procedures : Learning how to handle emergency situations, such as evacuations and fires, and operating safety equipment like life jackets and oxygen masks.
  • First aid : Cabin crew members must be trained in first aid, including CPR and how to manage medical emergencies on board.
  • Customer service : You’ll receive training on how to provide excellent service to passengers, from greeting them at the door to handling special requests.
  • Grooming and appearance : Air Austral will also train you on their grooming standards to ensure you maintain a professional appearance at all times.
  • Key point : Cabin crew training is intensive, but it will equip you with all the skills you need to succeed in the role.

Advancing your career with Air Austral

Once you’ve completed your training and started working as cabin crew, there are plenty of opportunities to advance your career with Air Austral. As you gain experience, you may be promoted to roles such as senior cabin crew or purser , which come with more responsibilities and higher pay.

Additionally, many cabin crew members eventually transition into other roles within the airline, such as training new recruits, working in ground operations, or moving into management positions.

  • Key point : Air Austral offers plenty of opportunities for career growth, so continue developing your skills and gaining experience to advance in your career.

Ready to join Air Austral? Share your thoughts below!

Becoming a cabin crew member with Air Austral is an exciting opportunity to travel, meet new people, and represent a leading airline. Do you have any questions or experiences to share? We’d love to hear from you! Comment below or join our cabin crew forum to discuss the career with experienced professionals. Don’t forget to check out our cabin crew jobs page for the latest opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are the basic requirements to become a cabin crew member for air austral.

You need to be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and speak fluent French and English. You should meet the airline’s height requirements and pass a medical exam . Good grooming is also essential, with no visible tattoos or piercings while in uniform.

2. Do I need to speak multiple languages to apply?

Fluency in French and English is required. Additional languages, such as Spanish or Portuguese, can improve your chances, especially for international routes.

3. What skills do I need to develop before applying?

Focus on customer service experience, strong communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. Airlines like Air Austral value these skills in cabin crew candidates.

4. How do I apply for a cabin crew position with Air Austral?

You can apply directly on the Air Austral website under the Careers section. Follow the instructions carefully and ensure all documents, like your resume and photos, are included.

5. What can I expect during the interview process?

The interview process may include group exercises, one-on-one interviews, and possibly a personality test. You’ll be asked about your experience, why you want to join Air Austral, and how you handle challenging situations.

6. What kind of training will I receive if hired?

You will go through intensive training covering safety procedures, first aid, customer service, and grooming standards. This prepares you to handle emergencies and provide excellent service.

7. Are there opportunities for career growth at Air Austral?

Yes, as you gain experience, you can be promoted to roles like senior cabin crew or purser. There are also opportunities to move into other areas, such as training, operations, or management.

8. Is Air Austral’s recruitment process competitive?

Yes, Air Austral’s hiring process is competitive, so it’s important to meet the requirements, develop key skills, and submit a strong application.

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