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7th Grade Writing

For seventh graders, this Common Core area helps students gain mastery of writing skills by working collaboratively and producing written texts, understanding syntax and vocabulary, and organizing their ideas. Among the complete standards for this grade, seventh graders will be asked to: use precise language for written work, including formal style, use appropriate technology to publish writing and to collaborate on written projects, demonstrate keyboarding skill, go through the process of writing, editing and revision for their written work, conduct short research projects to answer a question, quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of supporting texts while avoiding plagiarism and using proper citation, use evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Abraham Lincoln Bio Poem

Abraham Lincoln Bio Poem

Your students will write a bio poem about Abraham Lincoln.

Back to School Diamante Poem

Back to School Diamante Poem

Teach your students a fun way to write diamante poems using our new back to school worksheet.

Bio Poem: My Mother

Bio Poem: My Mother

A fun Mother’s Day bio poem activity for your students!

Bio Poem: Pilgrim

Bio Poem: Pilgrim

A biography poem, also called a bio poem, is a short poem which describes a person or thing. This printable Thanksgiving Activity guides students through creating a bio poem about Pilgrims.

Bio Poem: Someone You Know

Bio Poem: Someone You Know

Students will write a bio poem about someone they know using the format set in this worksheet.

Christmas Tree Bio Poem

Christmas Tree Bio Poem

A biography poem, also called a bio poem, is a short poem which describes a person or thing. Sometimes writing a bio pem can be tricky! This printable Christmas Activity guides students through creating a bio poem about a Christmas tree.

Correct the Transition Words Mistakes – Worksheet

Correct the Transition Words Mistakes – Worksheet

Have your students revise sentences and correct transition word mistakes with this educational writing activity.

Diamante Poem: Antonyms

Diamante Poem: Antonyms

Students write an antonym diamante poem in the space provided.

Diamante Poem: Synonyms

Diamante Poem: Synonyms

A diamante poem takes its name from the shape it makes: a diamond. Diamante poems were introduced in 1969 by Iris Tiedt. Students write a synonym diamante poem in the space provided.

Edgar Allan Poe; Journalist Trickster

Edgar Allan Poe; Journalist Trickster

Students read about one of Edgar Allan Poe’s hoaxes when he was a journalist. Each student then write’s their own hoax!

Edgar Allan Poe: Secrets in Poetry

Edgar Allan Poe: Secrets in Poetry

Students read from Edgar Allan Poe’s “An Enigma” and decipher the name of the woman’s whose name is hidden within the text.

Father’s Day Bio Poem: My Father

Father’s Day Bio Poem: My Father

Enhance your students’ writing skills with this fun Father’s Day Biography Poem activity.

Fourth of July Bio Poem: America

Fourth of July Bio Poem: America

Encourage your students to learn about America with this Fourth of July Biography Poem activity.

George Washington Bio Poem

George Washington Bio Poem

Your students will write a bio poem about George Washington.

George Washington’s List of Rules

George Washington’s List of Rules

When George Washington was a young boy, he made a list of rules for himself. Students choose one of the rules and write what it means.

Halloween Bio Poem Activity: Ghost

Halloween Bio Poem Activity: Ghost

Create a bio poem about your own personal ghost with our fun Halloween printable activity!

Main Idea Organizer

Main Idea Organizer

Teach your students how to organize their writing with this helpful Main Idea Organizer. Students will be asked to complete the worksheet by writing their own main idea, three details, and a summary. This will help your students better understand how to organize their ideas for writing in the future, especially when writing an essay!

Newspaper Reporter: An Interview With President Lincoln

Newspaper Reporter: An Interview With President Lincoln

Your student is now an official reporter and their task is to interview President Abraham Lincoln! Students write three questions they would ask him and what his replies would be.

Transition Words: Complete the Sentence

Transition Words: Complete the Sentence

Enhance your students’ writing skills with this “Complete the Sentence” transition words activity.

Using Transition Words

Using Transition Words

In this worksheet, your students will learn how to properly use transition words in a sentence.

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Printable 7th Grade Writing Worksheets

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59 Writing Prompts For 7th Graders

By Suzanne Brown | Last Updated May 4, 2022

Children will be inspired to reflect on their experiences and consider their future objectives due to the seventh-grade writing prompts. 7th grade symbolizes the start of academic education and the transition to secondary school. It presents unique difficulties for many children. This is the ideal moment to encourage pupils to begin a notebook in which they can reflect on their daily activities and moods.

As seventh graders prepare to enter their difficult adolescent years, teachers must do all possible to keep their children focused and grounded. For many children, seventh grade is a very difficult year—they may feel a newfound maturity and pride. Still, they will also likely feel the burdens of higher demands and greater obligations.

59 Writing Prompts For 7th Graders

These 60 writing prompts will educate your pupils on how to express themselves via their writing and how the power of words can help them through both difficult and happy situations.

1. Who would you prefer to meet if you had the opportunity to meet anyone on this planet?

Who would you prefer to meet if you had the opportunity to meet anyone on this planet?

2. Consider the last time you sat down with one of your grandparents and had a talk with them. How did you know? What were the subjects of your discussion?

Consider the last time you sat down with one of your grandparents and had a talk with them. How did you know? What were the subjects of your discussion?

3. Have you ever felt compelled to take action in response to a friend’s request? Express your feelings in writing

Have you ever felt compelled to take action in response to a friend's request? Express your feelings in writing.

4. When it comes to spending time with a friend, what is the most enjoyable activity? Why?

When it comes to spending time with a friend, what is the most enjoyable activity? Why?

5. Take five minutes to survey the classroom. Have you observed anything you hadn’t noticed before? Have you noticed something familiar in a different light?

Take five minutes to survey the classroom. Have you observed anything you hadn't noticed before? Have you noticed something familiar in a different light?

6. Do you believe that people are getting more united or more divided due to technology?

Do you believe that people are getting more united or more divided due to technology?

7. What does “school spirit” mean? How can you demonstrate your school pride?

What does "school spirit" mean? How can you demonstrate your school pride?

8. Concerning your life, what are the things that you are most enthusiastic about?

Concerning your life, what are the things that you are most enthusiastic about?

9. Write a profile of someone you admire. How can you aspire to be like him or her?

Write a profile of someone you admire. How can you aspire to be like him or her?

10. Tell me about the impact the most important person in your life has on you. What caused them?

Tell me about the impact the most important person in your life has on you. What caused them?

11. Would you accept the option to be home-schooled through high school? What are your reasons for or against it?

Would you accept the option to be home-schooled through high school? What are your reasons for or against it?

12. Have you ever been bereft of a friend? What transpired? How did you feel as a result?

 Have you ever been bereft of a friend? What transpired? How did you feel as a result?

13. How frequently do you volunteer your time or money to help others? Who do you support and why?

How frequently do you volunteer your time or money to help others? Who do you support and why?

14. Write about a time when you behaved differently at home than you did at school

Write about a time when you behaved differently at home than you did at school

15. Which of the following is your strongest conviction? Justify your position by writing about why you’re so adamant about it

Which of the following is your strongest conviction? Justify your position by writing about why you're so adamant about it

16. Write about how technological advancements have altered the way pupils learn nowadays

Write about how technological advancements have altered the way pupils learn nowadays

17. Compose a poem about the process of maturation

Compose a poem about the process of maturation

18. Create a story about when you were caught doing something you shouldn’t have been doing at the time

Create a story about when you were caught doing something you shouldn't have been doing at the time

19. Consider a period when you were aware that you had disappointed someone. What emotions were you experiencing?

Consider a period when you were aware that you had disappointed someone. What emotions were you experiencing?

20. Do you believe in the existence of God?

Do you believe in the existence of God?

21. Why do you believe there is such a great deal of suffering if God exists?

Why do you believe there is such a great deal of suffering if God exists?

22. Make a list of the activities you would do to help the environment. For example, when not in use, turn off the lights

Make a list of the activities you would do to help the environment. For example, when not in use, turn off the lights

23. Which three books would you choose if you had to take three with you to a desert island and why?

Which three books would you choose if you had to take three with you to a desert island and why?

24. Do you believe that climate change is a real phenomenon?

Do you believe that climate change is a real phenomenon?

25. Do you believe your school can make a difference in making the globe a more environmentally friendly place?

Do you believe your school can make a difference in making the globe a more environmentally friendly place?

26. Why is participation in extracurricular activities critical for students?

Why is participation in extracurricular activities critical for students?

27. Write about an instance when being “nice” prevented you from expressing an opinion. How did you feel about that?

Write about an instance when being "nice" prevented you from expressing an opinion. How did you feel about that?

28. Write a review of the most recent film or television show you enjoyed – and attempt to get others to see it

Write a review of the most recent film or television show you enjoyed - and attempt to get others to see it

29. Write about an instance when you stepped in to assist a friend. What emotions did it elicit in you?

Write about an instance when you stepped in to assist a friend. What emotions did it elicit in you?

30. Write a review of the most recent film or television show you detested – and attempt to convince others not to see it

 Write a review of the most recent film or television show you detested - and attempt to convince others not to see it

31. What is your most admired characteristic about yourself? Why?

What is your most admired characteristic about yourself? Why?

32. If you were to become the leader of your country, what would you change about it?

 If you were to become the leader of your country, what would you change about it?

33. Which of your characteristics is your least favorite? How can you make it better?

Which of your characteristics is your least favorite? How can you make it better?

34. Which aspects of school administration will you change if you become your school’s principal?

Which aspects of school administration will you change if you become your school's principal?

35. What would you do with $500 if you discovered it on the ground? What if you were unable to locate the owner?

What would you do with $500 if you discovered it on the ground? What if you were unable to locate the owner?

36. Make a list of three items you would like to see improved in your classroom

Make a list of three items you would like to see improved in your classroom

37. Write about a time when you pushed yourself to accomplish something difficult. How did you feel as a result?

Write about a time when you pushed yourself to accomplish something difficult. How did you feel as a result?

38. Create a poem about the sensations you experience when sitting down to take a test

Create a poem about the sensations you experience when sitting down to take a test

39. What are the three things you are most grateful for in your life?

What are the three things you are most grateful for in your life?

40. Write about an instance when you made an incorrect judgment about someone based on their appearance. What did you discover?

Write about an instance when you made an incorrect judgment about someone based on their appearance. What did you discover?

41. Write a story about a little boy who never gave up on his ambitions and aspirations

Write a story about a little boy who never gave up on his ambitions and aspirations

42. When it comes to the modern world, why is space exploration so important?

When it comes to the modern world, why is space exploration so important?

43. Create a list of the current issues you encounter that you feel you can’t share with anybody else

Create a list of the current issues you encounter that you feel you can't share with anybody else

44. Would you change anything about your history if you could travel back in time? If you were to alter anything, what would you change and why? If not, why would you want to?

 Would you change anything about your history if you could travel back in time? If you were to alter anything, what would you change and why? If not, why would you want to?

45. Make a list of the things that make you anxious

Make a list of the things that make you anxious

46. What is your definition of success?

What is your definition of success?

47. Are you a public speaker that enjoys your job? Why are you or are you not?

Are you a public speaker that enjoys your job? Why are you or are you not?

48. If you could have one birthday wish, what would it be?

If you could have one birthday wish, what would it be?

49. Consider an area where you excel and write about how you could teach another person to achieve the same thing

Consider an area where you excel and write about how you could teach another person to achieve the same thing

50. What is one aspect of your life that your parents do not comprehend? Why do you believe they have difficulty connecting with you on this subject?

What is one aspect of your life that your parents do not comprehend? Why do you believe they have difficulty connecting with you on this subject?

51. What characteristics define a good parent?

What characteristics define a good parent?

52. Write a short narrative about an imaginary city where everyone shares a surprising trait

Write a short narrative about an imaginary city where everyone shares a surprising trait

53. Do you believe it is improper to speak negatively of someone behind their back?

Do you believe it is improper to speak negatively of someone behind their back?

54. Make a note of a time when you felt deceived

Make a note of a time when you felt deceived

55. What are the advantages and disadvantages of homework? Should teachers provide homework to their students?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of homework? Should teachers provide homework to their students?

56. Create a story about when you stood up for a buddy

Create a story about when you stood up for a buddy

57. Which memory is your all-time favorite? Why is it so vital to you?

Which memory is your all-time favorite? Why is it so vital to you?

58. Consider a time when you accomplished something so tough that no one expected you to succeed

Consider a time when you accomplished something so tough that no one expected you to succeed

59. Select an object that identifies you – and explain why it is a good fit for your personality

Select an object that identifies you - and explain why it is a good fit for your personality

Writing Prompts for 7th Grade

Compassionate Eye Foundation/Robert Kent/Getty Images

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writing assignments for 7th graders

By seventh grade, students should be refining the core writing skills of brainstorming , researching, outlining, drafting, and revising. In order to hone these skills, seventh-grade students need regular practice writing a variety of essay styles, including narrative, persuasive, expository , and creative essays. The following essay prompts offer age-appropriate starting points to help seventh graders flex their writing muscles.

Narrative Essay Writing Prompts

Narrative essays share a personal experience to tell a story, usually to make a point rather than merely to entertain. These narrative essay prompts encourage students to describe and reflect on a story that's meaningful to them.

  • Embarrassing Pasts - As people get older, they are sometimes embarrassed by things they used to like, such as toys, television shows, or nicknames. Describe something that you used to enjoy that you now find embarrassing. Why is it embarrassing now?
  • Bonds of Hardship - Sometimes difficulties draw families closer. Describe something that your family endured together that strengthened your relationships.
  • There’s No Place Like Home - What makes your hometown special? Explain this special quality.
  • New Kid in Town - Being new to a town or school can be challenging because you don’t know anyone, or exciting because no one knows you and your past. Describe a time when you were the new kid.
  • Finders Keepers -  Write about a time when you lost (or found) something of value. How did that experience affect your opinion of the saying, “Finders keepers; losers weepers?"
  • Follow the Leader -  Describe a time when you were in a leadership role. How did it make you feel? What did you learn from the experience?
  • April Fools -  Write about the best prank you’ve ever played on someone (or had played on you). What made it so clever or funny?
  • Bon Appetit - Special meals can be powerful memory-makers. Write about a specific meal that stands out in your memory. What made it so unforgettable?
  • Bon Voyage - Family trips and vacations also create lasting memories. Write an essay detailing your favorite family vacation memory.
  • Batter Up -  Write about a valuable lesson that you learned while playing your favorite sport.
  • Best Friends Forever -  Describe your friendship with your BFF and what makes it so important to you.
  • The Real Me -  What is one thing you wish your parents, teachers, or coaches really understood or knew about you?
  • TV -  Explain what makes your favorite television show so enjoyable or relatable to you.

Persuasive Essay Writing Prompts

Persuasive essays use facts and reasoning to convince the reader to embrace the writer’s opinion or take a course of action. These essay prompts empower seventh graders to write persuasively about an issue they genuinely care about. 

  • Outdated Laws - What is one law or family or school rule that you think needs to be changed? Convince lawmakers, your parents, or school leaders to make the change.
  • Bad Ads - Advertising can have a powerful impact on consumers. What is a product that you’ve seen advertised that you don’t think should be? Explain why the media should quit showing these ads.
  • Puppy Love - You want a pet, but your parents don’t think you need one. What would you say to change their minds?
  • Lights, Camera - What is your favorite book of all time? Write an essay convincing a producer to make a movie about it.
  • Snooze Button - Studies have shown that tweens and teens need more sleep. Write a proposal for a later school start time.
  • Body Shop - Magazines can negatively impact their readers’ body image by using edited images of models. Convince a teen magazine publisher that they should not use heavily-edited model images in their publication.
  • It Can’t Be Over - The network is canceling your favorite television show. Write a paper convincing the station that they’re making a mistake.
  • Curfews -  Some malls have policies forbidding kids under 18 to be at the mall without adult supervision during certain times. Do you think this is fair or unfair? Defend your position.
  • Team Spirit - Should homeschooled students be allowed to play sports on public or private school teams? Why or why not?
  • Smartphones - All of your friends have the latest smartphone, but you only have a “dumb phone.” Should your parents upgrade your phone, or are smartphones for middle school kids a bad idea?
  • Bullies - Some dogs, such as pit bulls or Dobermans, are labeled “bully breeds.” Is this label deserved or undeserved?
  • Money Can’t Buy You Love - People say that money can’t buy happiness, but some studies have shown that people with higher incomes may be happier . Do you think this is true? Why or why not?
  • Ratings -  There are age restrictions on movies and video games, ratings on television shows, and warning labels on music. Computers and smartphones offer parental controls. Do adults have too much control over what kids watch and listen to or do these restrictions serve a valuable purpose?

Expository Essay Writing Prompts

Expository essays describe a process or provide factual information. These prompts can serve as jumping-off points for the explanatory process. 

  • School’s in Session - Would you rather attend public school, private school, or be homeschooled. Explain the benefits of your choice.
  • Admiration -  Who do you admire from your life or history? Write an essay describing how their character or contributions to their community have earned your respect.
  • Global Community -  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Write about your dream hometown and why you want to live there.
  • Peer Problems - Peer pressure and bullying can make life as a middle school student difficult. Describe a time you were pressured or bullied and how it affected you.
  • Order Up -  A friend wants to learn how to make your favorite food. Detail the process, step-by-step, so your friend can recreate the dish.
  • Addictions - Many people are impacted by drug or alcohol addictions. Share facts about how the use of these substances negatively affects families or communities. 
  • Serve Others - Community service is a valuable experience. Describe a time you volunteered. What did you do and how did it make you feel?
  • City or Country Mouse - Do you live in a big city or a small town? Explain why you do or don’t like living there.
  • Aspirations - What do you want to be when you’re an adult? Explain why you’d choose that career  or what you’ll do to prepare for it.
  • Point in Time - Sometimes people bury time capsules so future generations can learn about the past. What would you include to give an accurate snapshot of life in the current time?
  • Hobbyist -  You’re friend wants to take up your favorite hobby. Explain it to him.
  • SOS - A natural disaster has destroyed homes and businesses in a nearby city. Describe what you can do to help.
  • Wonder Twin Power - Some superheroes can fly or become invisible. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Creative Essay Writing Prompts

Creative essays are fictional stories. They use plot, character, and dialog to engage and entertain the reader. These prompts will get the creative juices flowing. 

  • Fan Fic -  Write a story about your favorite characters from a book, film, or television show.
  • Cats vs. Dogs - You have two pets of different species. Write a story from their point of view about a day at home alone.
  • Time Travel - You find a time machine in your backyard. What happens when you step inside?
  • Dream State - Think about a time when you woke in the middle of a vivid dream. What would have happened if the dream hadn’t been interrupted?
  • New Door -  You’ve just discovered a door that you’ve never seen before. What happens when you walk through it?
  • Secret Keeper - You find out your best friend has kept a secret from you. What is the secret and why didn’t your friend tell you?
  • Fridge Fun - Write a story from the perspective of an item in your refrigerator.
  • Desert Island - You’ve just discovered an uncharted island. What happens next?
  • Fly on the Wall - You see two people talking excitedly, but you can’t hear what they’re saying. Write a story about what they might be saying.
  • Special Delivery - You receive a battered package in the mail. Write a story about its journey from the sender to you.
  • A Mile in My Shoes - You find a pair of shoes in the thrift store and put them on. Suddenly you find yourself transported into someone else’s life. Describe what happens.
  • Mission to Mars - Imagine that you’re a pioneer to start a colony on Mars. Write about a typical day on your new planet.
  • Snow Days - You find yourself snowed in for a week with your family. There is no electricity or phone service. What do you do for fun?
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Tim's Printables

7th Grade Writing Prompts

This webpage contains a 7th grade writing prompts PDF worksheet, useful for 7th grade students, language arts teachers, homeschooling parents, and creative writers. The writing prompt sheet has 20 questions / writing topics to work from. The topics presented in these writing prompts vary, and range from creative questions that require imaginative solutions, to meaningful questions that will ask students to reflect on their own beliefs and perspectives.

To download the PDF version, please click the thumbnail image below. You can also read online further down the page.

7th Grade Writing Prompts for kids

7th Grade Writing Prompts List

  • Describe some of your life goals.
  • Write a mythological explanation for why the sky is blue.
  • Write a fictional explanation for why the earth is actually flat instead of round.
  • Write a mythological explanation for why the sun rises every morning.
  • What would you do with your time if you had a billion dollars?
  • If it were possible, would you choose to be immortal? Why or why not?
  • Why is truth important?
  • Please explain the meaning of life in 140 characters or less.
  • Describe one thing you can do today that will help you succeed tomorrow.
  • Describe something you want to accomplish in your life. List the necessary steps needed in order to accomplish this.
  • What does it mean to be successful?
  • Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond, or a small fish in a big pond? Why?
  • Write a persuasive argument why ostriches are better than koala bears, or vice versa.
  • When is it important to lead, when is it important to follow?
  • What would you do if you discovered you could control time?
  • Is fighting crime as a super hero an effective way to improve the world? Why or why not?
  • Describe an unusual but legal way to earn money.
  • Describe one thing you have learned this week.
  • Are some ideals worth dying for?
  • How did books change the world?

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Unlocking Ideas: 100+ Prompts Tailored for the 7th-Grade Mind

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on August 17, 2023

Categories Writing

You’re about to dive into the world of writing prompts for 7th graders. You’ll discover their importance, explore various types, and learn how to choose the right one. This article aims to help you encourage creativity and boost critical thinking skills in your classroom or at home.

Key Takeaways

  • Writing prompts ignite creativity and improve writing skills.
  • Prompt categorization helps identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Challenging prompts can be rewarding.
  • Understanding student interests is crucial for engaging 7th graders.

100 Writing Prompts for 7th Graders

Personal writing is like opening a window into your soul, allowing fresh insights to pour in and old doubts to flutter out. Every prompt is an invitation, a beckoning to delve deeper into your own psyche, experiences, and aspirations.

From your bravest moments to your most profound failures, these questions aim to guide you through a labyrinth of emotions, dreams, and memories.

Whether you’re a seasoned journal enthusiast or someone looking to start, this collection ensures that every day becomes an opportunity for introspection. Embrace the quest of understanding oneself, and let these prompts light your path.

  • Write about a time you ventured out of your comfort zone.
  • Reflect on your proudest achievement to date.
  • If you could switch lives with someone, who would it be?
  • Describe your ultimate leisure activity in detail.
  • Recall a time fear gripped you.
  • Sketch out your dream holiday scenario.
  • Share a pivotal life lesson and its source.
  • Narrate a day from your pet’s perspective.
  • Envision an invention to better our world.
  • List traits of a true friend.
  • Reflect on a moment you swelled with pride.
  • If you could reside anywhere, where would that be?
  • Set a goal for this academic year.
  • Talk about a moment of sheer disappointment.
  • Dream up your superhero persona.
  • Which possession holds great sentimental value?
  • Plan your ideal weekend.
  • Remember an instance when inspiration struck.
  • Jot down things that tickle your funny bone.
  • Offer a piece of advice for newcomers to your school.
  • Paint a picture of your serene natural spot.
  • Revisit a moment of profound gratitude.
  • Describe your envisioned career path.
  • Reflect on a holiday that warms your heart.
  • Recall an experience with a hard-hitting lesson.
  • Compliment yourself on a unique quality.
  • Describe an unforgettable gesture of kindness towards you.
  • Share feelings from a lonesome period.
  • Define the markers of a commendable teacher.
  • Take a trip down a cherished childhood memory lane.
  • Introduce yourself to your role model.
  • If you had a global platform for a day, what’s your message?
  • Confront your greatest phobia.
  • Chronicle a burst of creativity.
  • Savor the memory of your most delectable meal.
  • Celebrate what sets you apart from the crowd.
  • Open up about facing and overcoming adversity.
  • Rekindle one of life’s joyful milestones.
  • If time travel were possible, where and when would you go?
  • Describe your birthday bash of dreams.
  • Recommend an unforgettable book.
  • Unravel feelings from an anxious episode.
  • Choose your dinner companion from any point in history.
  • Revel in your favorite season’s charms.
  • Salute your bravest act.
  • Share three happiness sources.
  • Reflect on a treasured family custom.
  • If the zoo gates opened, which animal becomes your pet?
  • Define the essence of friendship.
  • If there’s one item in infinite supply, what’s your pick?
  • Describe your ultimate weekend blueprint.
  • Embark on your most thrilling adventure again.
  • Spell out your most anticipated month.
  • Recall a moment that tested your mettle.
  • Who would attend your ideal birthday celebration?
  • What qualities form a steadfast friend?
  • Introduce your safe haven or retreat.
  • If you were to compete in the Olympics, your sport is?
  • Ponder upon a transformative experience.
  • Which tune resonates with your soul?
  • If any subject was available, what’s your elective?
  • Share your strategy against looming fears.
  • Detail your fantasy expedition.
  • Reiterate a life-changing piece of advice.
  • Unearth memories of a creative spree.
  • Spotlight a goal for the upcoming year.
  • Who stands as the beacon of heroism in your life?
  • Set three targets for your current educational phase.
  • Envision an unrestricted course for the next term.
  • What activity makes weekends special for you?
  • Recall a testing moment and its aftermath.
  • Who’s the beacon of heroism in your world?
  • Draft an action plan for an imminent objective.
  • Explore an instance when motivation fueled you.
  • If you could decode any subject next term, what would it be?
  • Revisit an encounter that changed your perspective.
  • If you could amplify a single trait, which would it be?
  • What does an average day in your life look like?
  • Share a moment when you stood up for something.
  • Pen down your thoughts about personal growth.
  • Recall an incident that evoked strong emotions.
  • Describe a challenge and its valuable lessons.
  • List hobbies that relax and rejuvenate you.
  • Reflect on a time you surpassed your own expectations.
  • Describe an act that left a lasting impact on you.
  • Which creature comforts bring you the most joy?
  • Share insights from an eye-opening book.
  • Describe a random act of kindness you’ve recently witnessed.
  • Chronicle a moment of sheer determination.
  • If you were a novel character, who would you be?
  • Reflect on an experience with a profound impact.
  • Which fantasy realm would you reside in?
  • Recall a time when a movie deeply moved you.
  • If you authored a book, what’s its core message?
  • Share your feelings on an unresolved personal challenge.
  • Remember a moment that tested your patience.
  • Explore feelings from a challenging transitional phase.
  • Share an unexpected source of inspiration.
  • Describe a ritual that centers and grounds you.
  • Reflect on a time you stepped up as a leader.

Understanding the Importance of Writing Prompts

 Notebook With A Pencil Poised Above, Surrounded By Seven Colorful, Thought-Bubble-Shaped Sticky Notes, Each Containing Various Icons Symbolizing Writing Prompts And Elements Of Storytelling

It’s vital for 7th graders to understand that writing prompts aren’t just school tasks, they’re tools to ignite their creativity and improve their writing skills. Prompt categorization helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses in different areas of writing. For instance, are you better at descriptive or narrative pieces? Use these prompts as a pathway to discover your unique voice.

Prompt diversity is also crucial. By responding to various types of prompts – from persuasive essays about current events to creative stories about imaginary worlds – you’ll become a more versatile writer. Don’t shy away from challenging ones; they can sometimes be the most rewarding!

Exploring Different Types of Writing Prompts

Ize A 7Th Grader Sitting Under A Tree, Different Types Of Writing Prompts Like Narratives, Expository, And Persuasive Prompts Floating Around In Thought Bubbles

Let’s delve into the various kinds of assignments they’ll encounter. The key to prompt variety is understanding its role in student engagement.

You see, diverse prompts can cater to different learning styles and interests, making writing tasks more appealing.

Consider narrative prompts that encourage students to fabricate a story or share personal experiences. These stimulate creativity and self-expression.

Descriptive prompts, on the other hand, refine sensory observation skills as students paint vivid images with words.

Compare-contrast prompts foster critical thinking by analyzing similarities and differences between subjects.

Lastly, persuasive prompts develop argumentation skills as students defend their standpoints.

Tips to Choose the Right Writing Prompt

 An Image Showing A 7Th Grader, Surrounded By Various Writing Prompts, Thoughtfully Selecting The One Glowing With A Golden Light

You’re about to dive into the art of choosing the right writing prompt, and it’s crucial you understand three key factors: student interests, difficulty level, and learning outcome.

It’s not enough to pick a prompt at random; you’ve got to hone in on what your students are passionate about to truly engage them.

Balancing their interests with an appropriate challenge and clear learning goals will make all the difference in their educational journey.

Understanding Student Interests

Understanding your students’ interests can significantly enhance your ability to create engaging writing prompts. It’s essential to consider student hobbies and extracurricular activities while crafting these prompts. This step not only fosters a connection between you and your pupils, but it also makes the learning process more enjoyable for them.

Here are some ways to explore their interests:

  • Conduct surveys or questionnaires
  • Keep an eye out for what they get excited about in class
  • Engage with parents or caregivers about student hobbies outside school
  • Observe their participation in extracurricular activities

Difficulty Level Consideration

It’s equally important to take into account the difficulty level of the tasks you’re assigning. You must strike a balance with prompt complexity to encourage student adaptability, not frustration. Too simple, and they’re bored; too hard, and they may give up.

Consider their academic abilities: Are they struggling or excelling? This requires adjusting your expectations and prompts accordingly. Engage them with challenges that stretch their capabilities but remain within reach.

Also, diversify task types — mix easier tasks with complex ones. This approach fosters resilience as students navigate different levels of challenge while boosting their confidence when they complete trickier assignments successfully.

Prompt’s Learning Outcome

Right on the heels of considering the difficulty level, you’re now ready to tackle ‘Prompt’s Learning Outcome.’

Understanding the outcome is paramount in prompt evaluation and curriculum integration. So, how can you ensure that your writing prompts are pedagogically effective?

  • Start by aligning them with specific learning objectives.
  • Next, consider how they fit into wider units or themes in your curriculum.
  • Evaluate whether they encourage critical thinking and creativity.
  • Lastly, think about their potential for engaging students and sparking interest.

Encouraging Creativity in 7th Graders

Ize A Dynamic Swirl Of Vibrant Crayons, Pencils, And Paintbrushes, With 7Th Graders Brainstorming Under A Light Bulb, Symbolizing Their Creativity Being Ignited

You’re about to explore three essential elements that can ignite the spark of creativity in your 7th graders: boosting creative thinking, innovative writing exercises, and nurturing artistic expression.

Each component is designed not only to enhance their academic skills but also to unleash their imaginative power.

Boosting Creative Thinking

Boosting creative thinking is often achieved through engaging in various forms of art, such as painting and music. But let’s not forget about writing too! You can overcome creativity barriers by using unconventional prompts.

Here are a few tips to help you:

  • Break the norm: Use prompts that challenge traditional thinking. This could be an unusual scenario or a different perspective.
  • Embrace randomness: Let unpredictability fuel your imagination. A random word or image can spark unique ideas.
  • Think visually: Drawings or photos can serve as great prompts too, stimulating your visual intelligence.
  • Be open to failures: Don’t fear making mistakes; they’re part of the creative process.

Innovative Writing Exercises

Let’s dive into some innovative exercises that’ll surely ignite your creative writing skills. Experiment with prompt variations and storytelling techniques to stretch your imagination.

For instance, try altering a well-known fairy tale by changing its setting or ending. This engages your creativity and helps you explore different narrative possibilities.

Another exercise is to use an object in your room as the central element of a story. Describe it vividly, give it a backstory, make it the hero or villain – there’re no limits!

Also consider retelling an event from multiple perspectives. It can be any historical event or even something mundane like making breakfast.

These exercises aren’t just fun but also great training in perspective-switching, character development, and plot creation. Give it a shot!

Nurturing Artistic Expression

Nurturing artistic expression isn’t only about mastering technical skills. It’s also about exploring one’s emotions and experiences in a creative way. As you facilitate your 7th grader’s artistic development, consider employing different expression techniques that will help them convey their thoughts and feelings effectively.

Here are some strategies to guide you:

  • Encourage open-ended creativity: Don’t limit them to traditional forms of art.
  • Provide an environment that fosters imagination: Surround them with inspiring materials and resources.
  • Teach them how to use various tools: Brushes, pens, clay – the choices are endless.
  • Promote emotional intelligence: Help them understand their feelings and translate those into art.

Writing Prompts to Boost Critical Thinking Skills

N Notebook, A Poised Pencil, A Magnifying Glass Over A Brain On One Page, And Diverse Question Marks Floating Out Of The Other Page

Encouraging critical thinking skills in 7th graders can be achieved through well-crafted writing prompts. Promoting empathy and digital literacy is a great way to do this.

Begin by presenting situations that require students to step into someone else’s shoes. Ask them how they’d feel, react, or handle those circumstances. This will not only stimulate their imagination but also foster understanding and compassion.

Incorporating digital literacy is equally important. You can assign tasks where they’ll need to evaluate the credibility of online sources or identify fake news. As they navigate these challenges, they’re honing their ability to discern truth from falsehood—an essential skill for the 21st century.

Narrative Writing Prompts for 7th Graders

7Th Graders Sitting In A Circle, Each Holding A Glowing Orb Projecting An Imaginative Narrative Scene, All In A Cozy, Creative Classroom Setting

You’re about to embark on a journey through narrative writing prompts specifically designed for 7th graders.

We’ll delve into the exploration of personal experiences, create imaginative scenarios, and reflect deeply through journal entries.

Get ready, as this adventure will not only hone your writing skills but also give you a chance to introspect and voice your thoughts in an engaging way.

Exploring Personal Experiences

Think about a time when you’ve faced a tough decision and what you learned from that experience. Exploring personal experiences can be an insightful journey into your own personal growth documentation, often revealing unseen perspectives.

When writing about personal experiences, consider these elements:

  • Describe the situation in detail
  • Identify the choices you had available
  • Explain why it was a challenging choice
  • Share what you learned from this experience

Writing about your own life isn’t just engaging for others to read, it’s also enlightening for yourself. It allows exploration of unseen perspectives and provides invaluable documentation of your personal growth.

Imaginative Scenario Prompts

Let’s dive into imaginative scenario prompts. They’re a fantastic way to spark creativity and broaden your horizons.

Picture this: you’re exploring alien encounters on a distant planet. How do you communicate? What does their society look like? These prompts push you to think outside the box and concoct wildly inventive narratives.

Now, let’s take a deep breath and plunge into underwater adventures. You’re swimming among vibrant coral reefs, encountering mysterious sea creatures. How do you navigate this new environment? What undiscovered species might lurk in the depths?

These scenarios aren’t just fun; they enhance critical thinking and writing skills. So next time you need inspiration, remember these unique scenarios. They’ll certainly stretch your imagination!

Reflective Journal Entries

Reflective journal entries can be quite enlightening. They’re an excellent tool for processing your thoughts and emotions. As a 7th grader, these can help you understand your emotional intelligence and navigate peer interactions better.

Consider the following prompts for your reflective journal entries:

  • Reflect on a recent situation where you effectively managed your emotions.
  • Narrate an incident involving a peer interaction that led to personal growth.
  • Discuss how understanding others’ emotions has improved your relationships.
  • Ponder over the role of empathy in enhancing emotional intelligence.

Writing about these will not only refine your writing skills but also boost self-awareness. So, grab a pen and start exploring yourself through words! Remember, it’s not just about recording events but recognizing feelings too.

Persuasive Writing Prompts for 7th Graders

 Notebook With A Pen, A Gavel, And A Speech Bubble, Surrounded By 7Th Graders In Deep Thought And Discussion

You’ll find these persuasive writing prompts for 7th graders engaging and challenging. They are specially designed to have cultural relevance, making them more relatable and interesting for your students. For instance, one prompt could be debating the significance of celebrating diverse cultures in schools.

Moreover, incorporating humor into these prompts can make the learning process more enjoyable. You can ask your students to write a persuasive essay on why their favorite comedian should be considered a national treasure. This task will surely spark their interest and creativity.

Using these tactics not only enhances their critical thinking but also improves their ability to communicate effectively with others. It’s an excellent way to prepare them for real-world situations while keeping things fun and engaging!

Expository Writing Prompts for 7th Graders

Room Setting With 7Th Graders At Their Desks, Hands Raised, A Teacher Pointing At A Chalkboard Filled With Expository Writing Structures, Brainstorming Bubbles, And A Large Hourglass

Switching gears, expository tasks encourage your 7th grade students to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, and present a clear point of view on the subject. Here’s where prompt selection strategies come into play. Selecting the right expository writing prompts can trigger their imagination and analytical skills.

Expository writing benefits are plenty:

  • It enhances critical thinking.
  • Boosts research skills.
  • Improves clarity in communication.
  • Increases knowledge on various topics.

You’ll find that it’s not just about improving their writing but also enriching their understanding of the world around them. So don’t hesitate to challenge them with diverse topics from technology to social issues. Remember, the goal is to make learning enjoyable and engaging while fostering intellectual growth.

Dealing With Writer’s Block

Ate A Frustrated 7Th Grader At A Desk, Crumpled Papers Around, With A Bright Light Bulb Emerging From A Thought Bubble Above Their Head

When tackling writer’s block, it’s important that you don’t let it intimidate you; instead, view it as a challenge to overcome. Consider this block overcoming strategy: seek inspiration from different sources and ignite your creativity. Maybe read a book or watch a movie that excites you. Take a walk in nature or listen to some music. You’d be surprised how these little things can spark your creative ignition.

How to Use Writing Prompts Effectively

 Notebook With Brainstorming Doodles, A Sharpened Pencil, A Lit Lamp, And A Young Teen Absorbed In Thought, Holding A List Of Intriguing Writing Prompts

Utilizing thought-provoking questions effectively can significantly aid in overcoming writer’s block and reigniting your creativity. To make the most of writing prompts, consider prompt personalization. Tailor each prompt to resonate with your interests or experiences.

Here are some tips on how to use writing prompts effectively:

  • Personalize the scenario: Change the characters or setting to something more relatable.
  • Use it as a jumping-off point: Let the prompt inspire you, but don’t feel limited by it.
  • Add a twist: Modify the prompt to add an unexpected element that sparks your creativity.
  • Set a timer: This can increase your writing motivation by creating a sense of urgency.

The Role of Feedback in Writing

 Notebook With A Pencil, A Magnifying Glass Highlighting Marked Paragraphs, And Two Speech Bubbles, One With A Check Mark, Another With A Light Bulb

It’s critical to understand the role of feedback in the writing process, as it offers a fresh perspective and can help hone one’s skills. Peer evaluation plays a significant part here. It allows you to receive reactions from someone who is on an equal footing with you and understands your position.

Feedback interpretation is another crucial aspect. You shouldn’t take criticism personally, instead see it as an opportunity for growth. Understand that each piece of advice given is meant to improve your writing abilities.

Example Writing Prompts and Responses

N Notebook, Pencil Poised Above, Surrounded By Crumpled Paper Balls, An Apple, A Desk Lamp And A Classroom Chalkboard Displaying Vague, Unfinished Sentences

You’re going to find examples of prompts and responses incredibly useful for understanding the concept better. When it comes to prompt selection, it’s crucial to choose ones that will spark student motivation and push their thinking boundaries. Remember, you want your students not only to write but also to enjoy the process.

Here are a few example prompts:

  • Write about a time when you had to make a tough decision.
  • Describe a place that makes you feel happy.
  • Imagine what life would be like if we could live on another planet.
  • Craft an argument for or against school uniforms.

The aim is not just completion, but engagement. So, always consider students’ interests and aspirations when selecting prompts. This approach ensures they stay motivated throughout their writing journey.

The Benefits of Regular Writing Practice

7Th Grader Sitting Under A Tree, Pen In Hand, Writing In A Journal

After exploring various writing prompts and seeing how they can be tackled, let’s now dive into the benefits of regular writing practice.

As a 7th grader, you’re likely encountering more complex language tasks. Regular writing doesn’t just improve your ability to craft engaging stories or persuasive arguments; it also contributes significantly to your language development and vocabulary enhancement.

By consistently practicing, you’ll naturally expand your vocabulary as you strive to express yourself accurately and eloquently. You’re not just jotting down words—you’re learning how they interact, how they convey nuanced meanings, and how best to use them in different contexts.

So keep sharpening that pen (or keyboard!). The benefits are manifold: better academic performance, improved communication skills, even enhanced critical thinking.

Embrace the journey!

So, you’re all set to boost your 7th grader’s writing skills. Remember, the perfect prompt can ignite their creativity and critical thinking. Use them effectively, give constructive feedback, and encourage regular practice.

Dive into this exciting world of words together and watch them grow as confident, articulate writers!


7th Grade Worksheets

Solving Crimes Word Prompts

Solving Crimes

Smart Phone Prompts

Smartphones And Their Impact

School Writing Prompts

School Life

7th Grade Writing Prompt #1

If I Could Change…

7th Grade Writing Prompt #2

A Subject To Learn

7th Grade Writing Prompt #3

Compare And Contrast

7th Grade Writing Prompt #4

Thank You Letter

7th Grade Writing Prompt #6

Just One Food

7th Grade Writing Prompt #7

No More Uniforms

7th Grade Writing Prompt #8

My Favorite Food

7th Grade Writing Prompt #9

Social Media

7th Grade Writing Prompt #10

Meaning Of Friendship

7th Grade Writing Prompt #11

Growth Mindset

7th Grade Writing Prompt #12

Honesty Or Responsibility

7th Grade Writing Prompt #13

Alien Interaction

7th Grade Writing Prompt #14

Value Of Sports

7th Grade Writing Prompt #15

Middle School Blues

All about these 15 worksheets.

These worksheets typically contain a variety of writing prompts that encourage students to think critically, express their thoughts, and practice different writing styles.

Here are some common features and examples of 7th grade writing prompt worksheets:

Prompts – Worksheets include a series of writing prompts, which can be in the form of questions, statements, or scenarios. Prompts may cover various genres such as narrative, expository, persuasive, or descriptive writing.

Example – “Describe a place you have visited that had a significant impact on you. Explain why this place was meaningful and how it affected you.”

Instructions – Worksheets provide clear instructions on how to approach the writing task. They may include guidelines on organization, structure, and language usage.

Example – “Write a persuasive essay expressing your opinion on whether students should be required to wear school uniforms. Use at least three strong arguments to support your viewpoint. Remember to include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.”

Word limits – Some worksheets may specify a word limit for the writing assignment, helping students practice concise and focused writing.

Example – “Write a short story in which a character discovers a magical object. Your story should be between 300 and 500 words.”

Graphic organizers – Worksheets may include graphic organizers or planning templates to assist students in organizing their ideas before writing. These can include story maps, outlines, or concept maps.

Example – A graphic organizer with sections for introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion to help students structure their persuasive essay effectively.

Revision and editing tasks – Some worksheets may include exercises for revising and editing written work. These activities aim to improve grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall writing quality.

Example – “Read the paragraph below and identify any errors in grammar or punctuation. Rewrite the paragraph with the corrections.”

7th grade writing prompt worksheets are valuable tools for teachers and students to enhance writing skills, explore different writing styles, and develop critical thinking abilities. They provide structured practice opportunities and help students build confidence in expressing their thoughts through writing.

How Do You Best Approach These Types of Writing Prompts?

When teaching students how to respond to a writing prompt, it’s important to guide them through a step-by-step process. Here’s a general approach to teaching students how to effectively respond to a writing prompt:

Understand the prompt – Start by ensuring that students thoroughly understand the writing prompt. Encourage them to read it multiple times and underline or highlight key instructions, keywords, or specific requirements.

Analyze the prompt – Help students analyze the prompt by breaking it down into its components. Discuss the type of writing (e.g., narrative, persuasive, expository), the purpose of the writing (e.g., inform, persuade, entertain), and the intended audience. This analysis will guide their approach and content.

Generate ideas and plan – Encourage students to brainstorm ideas related to the prompt. They can create outlines, mind maps, or lists to organize their thoughts and determine the main points they want to cover in their response. Planning helps students structure their writing and ensures they include all the relevant information.

Develop a thesis statement or main idea – In prompts that require an argument or opinion, guide students in formulating a clear thesis statement or main idea that reflects their stance on the topic. The thesis statement should provide a roadmap for the rest of their response.

Gather evidence and examples – For prompts that require supporting evidence or examples, teach students how to gather relevant information from credible sources such as books, articles, or personal experiences. Encourage them to find specific examples that strengthen their arguments or illustrate their points.

Organize the response – Teach students the importance of organizing their writing in a coherent and logical manner. Discuss the structure of different writing formats (e.g., introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion) and guide them in arranging their ideas accordingly. Provide them with templates, graphic organizers, or models to support their organization.

Write a draft – Encourage students to write a draft of their response, focusing on expressing their ideas without worrying too much about grammar or spelling at this stage. Emphasize the importance of revising and editing later.

Revise and edit – Teach students how to review their draft critically. Encourage them to revise their content for clarity, coherence, and supporting evidence. Additionally, guide them in editing for grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and vocabulary usage. Peer feedback or teacher conferences can be valuable during this stage.

Proofread and publish – In the final step, teach students how to proofread their revised drafts to correct any remaining errors. Encourage them to read their response aloud or have someone else read it to identify mistakes or areas that need improvement. Finally, guide them through formatting and presenting their response in a neat and organized manner.

Free Printable Writing Worksheets for 7th Grade

Reading & Writing worksheets for Grade 7 students: Discover a vast collection of free printable resources, crafted by educators, to enhance your students' reading and writing skills. Dive into Quizizz's treasure trove today!


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Writing - Printable Writing Worksheets Grade 7 - Quizizz

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Explore printable Writing worksheets for 7th Grade

Writing worksheets for Grade 7 are an essential tool for teachers to help their students develop and enhance their reading and writing skills. These worksheets are specifically designed to cater to the needs of Grade 7 students, focusing on various aspects of language arts, such as grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and creative writing. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can provide a structured and engaging learning experience for their students. Furthermore, these worksheets can be easily adapted to suit different learning styles and abilities, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to improve their reading and writing skills. In conclusion, writing worksheets for Grade 7 are an invaluable resource for teachers looking to support their students' literacy development.

Quizizz is an innovative platform that offers a wide range of educational resources, including worksheets, quizzes, and interactive games, all designed to enhance the learning experience for students of various grades, including Grade 7. Teachers can utilize Quizizz to create customized worksheets that target specific reading and writing skills, making it an ideal tool for supplementing traditional classroom instruction. In addition to worksheets, Quizizz also offers a vast library of quizzes and games that can be used to assess students' understanding of various topics, providing teachers with valuable insights into their students' progress. By incorporating Quizizz into their teaching strategies, educators can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that fosters the development of essential reading and writing skills in Grade 7 students.

Inspiration & Information for Self-Improvement

Writing Prompts & Topics for 7th Grade

Writing Prompts & Topics for 7th Grade

As 7th graders navigate the transition to adolescence, it’s crucial for educators to provide them with tools to express themselves and stay engaged in their learning. One effective method is through the use of writing prompts . By offering prompts and topics that are relevant and thought-provoking, teachers can unlock the potential for creativity in their students, while also improving their writing skills.

Writing prompts provide 7th graders with a dedicated space to explore their thoughts, emotions, and personal experiences. It allows them to express themselves freely, without fear of judgment or criticism. Moreover, writing prompts help students strengthen their ability to communicate their ideas effectively, while also encouraging self-reflection and critical thinking.

With a collection of 60 writing prompts and essay topics tailored for 7th grade students, teachers have a valuable resource to inspire and challenge their students. These prompts cover a range of subjects, from personal growth and relationships to ethical dilemmas and aspirations. By exploring these prompts, 7th graders can enhance their writing abilities and develop their unique voice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Writing prompts are a powerful tool to nurture self-expression and engage 7th grade students in their writing journey.
  • By offering thought-provoking prompts and topics , teachers can enhance students’ critical thinking and communication skills.
  • Writing prompts provide a safe and judgment-free space for 7th graders to explore their thoughts, emotions, and personal experiences.
  • Utilizing a diverse range of prompts and essay ideas, teachers can inspire creativity and help students find their unique voice.
  • Encouraging self-reflection through prompts strengthens students’ understanding of themselves and their actions.

Table of Contents

The Power of Writing for 7th Graders

Writing is a formidable tool for 7th graders to unleash their creativity, develop critical thinking skills, and express themselves. Through writing, students can embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring their thoughts, emotions, and experiences without any interruptions or judgment.

Journaling, in particular, provides a safe and private space for 7th graders to reflect on their daily lives and gain a deeper understanding of themselves. It allows them to delve into their innermost thoughts, helping them make sense of their actions, decisions, and relationships.

“Writing is a window to the soul. It helps me understand who I am and what I believe.” – Ava, 7th grade student

By engaging in regular writing exercises, students not only improve their writing skills but also enhance their ability to communicate effectively. Writing prompts provide a structured framework for students to engage with a variety of topics, encouraging them to think critically and creatively. This process not only hones their writing abilities but also fosters self-expression and self-awareness.

Benefits of Writing for 7th Graders

There are numerous benefits of writing for 7th graders:

  • Enhanced Self-Expression: Writing allows students to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions freely, helping them find their unique voice and identity.
  • Improved Communication Skills: Through writing, students learn to articulate their ideas clearly and effectively, fostering strong communication skills that extend beyond the written word.
  • Critical Thinking Development: Writing prompts encourage students to think critically, analyze situations, consider multiple perspectives, and develop logical arguments.
  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Expressing themselves through writing enables students to empathize with others and explore different emotional experiences, ultimately fostering emotional intelligence.
  • Positive Self-Reflection: Journaling prompts thoughtful self-reflection, helping students gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their actions, and their personal growth.

Overall, writing provides 7th graders with a platform for self-discovery, personal growth, and creative expression. Whether it’s through journaling or engaging with writing prompts, students can harness the power of words to shape their thoughts and make their voices heard.

30 Writing Prompts for 7th Grade

Looking for creative writing ideas to ignite your 7th grade students’ imaginations? Here is a curated list of 30 writing prompts designed specifically for 7th graders. These prompts cover a range of engaging topics, allowing students to explore their personal experiences, ponder ethical dilemmas, examine relationships, and aspire to their dreams.

  • If you could travel back in time, which historical event would you visit and why?
  • Write a story about a memorable adventure with your best friend.
“Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.” – Hans Christian Andersen
  • Imagine you found a magical object. Describe its powers and the adventures it leads you on.
“The story I am about to tell you is one of the greatest ever written.” – C.S. Lewis
  • Write a letter to your future self, outlining your goals and aspirations for the next five years.
  • Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. How did you reach your conclusion?
  • Write a poem about your favorite place in nature.

Exploring Ethical Dilemmas

  • Would you break the rules to help a friend in need? Why or why not?
  • If you could have any superpower, how would you use it to make the world a better place?
  • Imagine you witnessed a friend cheating on a test. What would you do?

Unleashing Creativity

  • Write a short story about an ordinary object that comes to life.
  • Design your ideal world. How would it look, feel, and function?
  • If you could invent a new holiday, what would it be and how would people celebrate?

Encourage your students to choose a prompt that resonates with them or challenges their creative thinking. These writing prompts foster self-reflection and critical analysis, helping students develop their writing abilities and express their unique voices. Remember, the power of writing lies in its ability to inspire, evoke emotions, and captivate readers. So, let these prompts be a springboard for your students’ literary adventures.

Additional Prompts and Essay Writing Ideas

If the previous list of prompts wasn’t enough, here are 30 more ideas to inspire 7th grade writers. These prompts cover a wide range of topics, including personal growth, social issues, and imaginative storytelling. Students can choose a prompt that sparks their interest or challenges their creativity . These additional prompts provide ample opportunities for students to practice their essay writing skills and further explore their ability to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively .

These additional prompts give 7th grade students the opportunity to explore various topics and develop their writing skills further. Whether it’s delving into personal experiences, examining social issues, or letting their imagination run wild, these prompts offer a starting point for students to express their unique perspectives and enhance their essay writing abilities.

Writing prompts are a valuable tool for 7th grade teachers to encourage self-expression and improve writing skills. By providing prompts that cover a wide range of topics , teachers can engage students in meaningful writing activities that foster creativity and critical thinking.

The prompts discussed in this article offer a starting point for teachers to inspire and challenge their 7th grade students. With prompts that encompass personal experiences, relationships, ethical dilemmas, and aspirations, students can explore their own perspectives and enhance their communication skills.

Through writing, students have the opportunity to delve into their own experiences, reflect on their thoughts and emotions, and ultimately enhance their self-awareness. Writing prompts provide a structured way for students to develop their writing abilities, encouraging self-reflection and critical thinking.

By incorporating writing prompts into their curriculum, 7th grade teachers can empower their students to express themselves, explore their own unique voice, and develop essential communication skills. Writing prompts open the door to a world of possibilities and allow students to unlock their full potential as writers.

How can writing prompts benefit 7th grade students?

Writing prompts provide a structured way for students to engage with various topics and develop their writing skills. They encourage self-reflection, critical thinking, and help students express their unique voice.

What topics are covered in the writing prompts for 7th grade?

The writing prompts cover a range of topics including personal experiences, relationships, ethical dilemmas, aspirations, personal growth, social issues, and imaginative storytelling.

How many writing prompts are available for 7th grade students?

There are a total of 60 writing prompts and essay ideas available for 7th grade students.

How can journaling help 7th graders?

Journaling allows 7th graders to explore their thoughts without interruptions or judgment. It helps them understand their emotions, reflect on their experiences, and gain a better understanding of themselves and their actions.

What is the purpose of providing additional prompts for 7th grade writers?

The additional prompts aim to inspire 7th grade writers further. They offer ample opportunities for students to practice their essay writing skills, explore their creativity, and effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas.

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Seventh Grade Writing Prompts: Encourage Middle School Creativity

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My name is Debbie, and I am passionate about developing a love for the written word and planting a seed that will grow into a powerful voice that can inspire many.

Seventh Grade Writing Prompts: Encourage Middle School Creativity

Seventh grade is a crucial time in a student’s academic journey, where they begin to develop their own voice and style of writing. However, it is also a period filled with insecurities and self-doubt. That’s why, as educators and parents alike, it’s vital to nurture their creativity and foster a love for writing. In this article, we will explore a plethora of seventh-grade writing prompts that not only encourage middle school creativity but also enable these young minds to express themselves authentically. So, whether you’re looking for engaging classroom activities or ways to inspire your own child, get ready to unlock the boundless creativity that lies within our middle schoolers.

1. Fostering Imagination: Unleashing the Power of Seventh Grade Writing Prompts

2. nurturing fluency: how writing prompts inspire middle schoolers to find their voice, 3. cultivating critical thinking: engaging seventh graders with thought-provoking writing prompts, 4. encouraging empathy: writing prompts that foster understanding and compassion in middle school students, 5. boosting confidence: using writing prompts to empower seventh graders in their writing abilities, 6. inspiring creativity: crafting unique and stimulating writing prompts for middle school writers, 7. enhancing collaborative skills: writing prompts that encourage peer-review and group work in seventh grade, matching prompts to students’ interests, adapting prompts to students’ abilities, frequently asked questions, wrapping up.

The seventh grade is a critical time in a student’s educational journey where they begin to develop their writing skills. Harnessing the power of imaginative thinking is imperative during this period to cultivate creativity and critical thinking abilities. One effective tool that can help teachers unleash the potential of seventh-grade writers is the utilization of writing prompts. These prompts stimulate students’ imaginations and encourage them to explore different genres, styles, and perspectives.

When it comes to fostering imagination, seventh-grade writing prompts offer countless benefits and opportunities for growth. Here’s why they are a game-changer:

  • Enhanced brainstorming: Writing prompts provide a starting point for students, acting as a catalyst for their ideas to flow freely. They stimulate the creative part of their brains, allowing them to generate imaginative and unique thoughts.
  • Expanded vocabulary: Exploring diverse writing prompts introduces students to new words, phrases, and expressions. This exposure not only enriches their vocabulary but also enhances their ability to express themselves effectively and eloquently.
  • Developed storytelling skills: Writing prompts spur students to create engaging narratives. Crafting compelling stories fosters their storytelling skills, helping them develop a sense of structure, character development, and plot progression.
  • Cultivated critical thinking: Through writing prompts, students are encouraged to think critically, analyze situations, and make informed decisions. They learn to evaluate the consequences of various actions and choices, honing their decision-making abilities.

By incorporating a variety of creative and thought-provoking seventh-grade writing prompts into their curriculum, teachers can unlock the full potential of their students’ writing capabilities. These prompts enable students to explore the boundaries of their imagination while refining their writing skills, ultimately paving the way for their future success as versatile and proficient writers.

2. Nurturing Fluency: How Writing Prompts Inspire Middle Schoolers to Find their Voice

Writing prompts play a pivotal role in nurturing fluency among middle schoolers, acting as a catalyst for them to discover and unleash their unique voice. These thought-provoking cues serve as a guiding light, fueling their creativity and unlocking the doors to self-expression. By providing a structured starting point, writing prompts encourage students to articulate their thoughts, opinions, and personal experiences, fostering not only their writing skills but also their ability to communicate effectively.

Through the use of writing prompts, middle schoolers are empowered to explore various subjects, expanding their knowledge and expanding their perspective. These prompts allow students to delve into different genres, such as descriptive, narrative, or persuasive writing, allowing them to experience the beauty and power of language. By embracing these prompts, students can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as they need to gather their thoughts and organize them coherently. Moreover, writing prompts nurture a sense of autonomy and confidence, as students are encouraged to take ownership of their ideas and opinions.

  • Writing prompts serve as a starting point, providing structure and guidance.
  • They encourage creativity and unlock self-expression.
  • Students explore various subjects, expanding knowledge and perspective.
  • Different genres help students experience the beauty and power of language.
  • Develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Nurtures autonomy and confidence in expressing ideas and opinions.

By actively engaging with writing prompts, middle schoolers can develop their writing fluency, embracing their unique voice, and becoming confident communicators. These prompts not only strengthen their writing skills but also foster personal growth, helping them create connections with the world around them. So, let the power of writing prompts inspire and empower the young minds, as they embark on a journey to find their voice and make a difference.

Developing critical thinking skills in seventh graders is crucial for their intellectual growth and academic success. One effective way to achieve this is through the use of thought-provoking writing prompts . By providing students with stimulating prompts, we can encourage them to think deeply, analyze information, and express their thoughts coherently. Here are some strategies educators can employ to engage seventh graders in cultivating critical thinking through writing:

  • Vary the prompt types: Introduce different types of prompts such as opinion-based, problem-solving, and open-ended questions. Offering a variety of writing prompts challenges students to approach the subject matter in diverse ways and encourages them to think critically from multiple angles.
  • Provide real-world contexts: Relate the prompts to real-life situations or current events, enabling students to connect their knowledge and opinions to the world around them. This not only helps develop critical thinking skills but also promotes engagement and relevance in the learning process.
  • Encourage evidence-based reasoning: Prompt students to support their arguments and opinions with evidence and logical reasoning. By requiring substantiation, students are motivated to think critically and avoid making baseless claims, enhancing their analytical and evaluative skills.

Engaging seventh graders with thought-provoking writing prompts empowers them to become independent thinkers, capable of analyzing information and forming meaningful opinions. Through this intentional cultivation of critical thinking skills, educators are equipping students with an essential tool that extends beyond the classroom and into their future endeavors.

4. Encouraging Empathy: Writing Prompts that Foster Understanding and Compassion in Middle School Students

Empathy is a vital skill that helps individuals develop understanding and compassion towards others. Middle school is a critical time for students to cultivate empathy as they navigate complex social dynamics and expanding perspectives. To support this essential growth, we have curated a collection of engaging and thought-provoking writing prompts specifically designed to foster empathy in middle school students. Through these prompts, students will be encouraged to step into the shoes of others, explore diverse perspectives, and develop a deeper sense of compassion.

  • Write a poem from the perspective of a refugee who has just arrived in a new country. Explore their hopes, fears, and dreams.
  • Describe a time when you felt misunderstood. How did it make you feel, and what did you learn from that experience?
  • Imagine you are a character in a book who has faced discrimination. Write a diary entry reflecting on the impact it had on your life and the lessons learned.

These writing prompts not only encourage students to think beyond their own experiences but also enhance their ability to understand and connect with others. By examining diverse narratives and emotions, students will develop a profound sense of empathy that extends beyond the classroom.

5. Boosting Confidence: Using Writing Prompts to Empower Seventh Graders in their Writing Abilities

Unlocking the potential of seventh-grade students in their writing abilities can be an empowering journey. One effective strategy that boosts their confidence and helps them explore their creative potential is the use of writing prompts. By implementing writing prompts regularly, teachers can inspire students to think critically, express their thoughts, and enhance their overall writing skills.

Here are a few reasons why incorporating writing prompts can have a profound impact on the growth and self-assurance of seventh graders:

  • Encourages creativity: Writing prompts provide a platform for students to freely unleash their imaginative ideas and explore various writing styles. It allows them to experiment with different storylines, genres, and perspectives, nurturing their creativity along the way.
  • Fosters self-expression: Writing prompts encourage seventh graders to express themselves through the written word. By tackling prompts that resonate with their interests, experiences, or beliefs, students can tap into their emotions, thoughts, and personal experiences, ultimately building self-awareness and self-confidence.
  • Enhances critical thinking skills: Writing prompts often require students to analyze a situation, problem-solve, and develop logical arguments. By engaging with these prompts, seventh graders develop their critical thinking abilities, sharpening their reasoning skills, and expanding their perspectives on various topics.
  • Builds fluency and writing mechanics: Regular exploration of writing prompts strengthens students’ writing fluency and mastery of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. It provides an avenue for them to practice these skills in a creative and engaging manner, allowing for continuous improvement of their writing abilities.

6. Inspiring Creativity: Crafting Unique and Stimulating Writing Prompts for Middle School Writers

When it comes to middle school writers, providing them with engaging and thought-provoking writing prompts can be the key to unlocking their creativity. By sparking their imagination and encouraging them to explore different writing styles and genres, you can empower these young minds to express their unique thoughts and ideas. Here are some innovative ways to craft writing prompts that will inspire and captivate your middle school students:

  • Real-world scenarios: Incorporate real-life situations, current events, or trending topics in your prompts to make them relatable and interesting. For example, ask students to imagine they are stranded on a deserted island and must write a journal entry about their survival strategies. This not only stimulates their creative thinking but also helps develop their problem-solving skills.
  • Immersive descriptions: Paint a vivid picture with your prompts by using descriptive language. Describe a mysterious door hidden in the middle of a forest, then challenge students to write a short story about what lies behind it. By creating a sense of curiosity and anticipation, you’ll encourage students to think outside the box and experiment with their storytelling abilities.
  • Alternative perspectives: Encourage empathy and critical thinking by presenting prompts that require students to write from alternative viewpoints. For instance, prompt them to write a persuasive essay arguing for or against a controversial topic that challenges their own beliefs. This not only fosters open-mindedness but also helps them understand the power of persuasive writing and the importance of considering different perspectives.

By incorporating these strategies into your writing prompts, you’ll provide middle school writers with a stimulating and enriching writing experience. Remember to always encourage creativity, originality, and individuality in their responses, giving them the freedom to express their unique thoughts and ideas. With the right prompts, you’ll inspire a lifelong love for writing in these young students and empower them to become confident and creative communicators.

7. Enhancing Collaborative Skills: Writing Prompts that Encourage Peer-Review and Group Work in Seventh Grade

Collaborative skills are a crucial component of a student’s development, and in seventh grade, it becomes even more important to foster effective teamwork and peer interactions. One effective way to enhance these skills is through writing prompts that encourage peer-review and group work. By engaging students in collaborative writing activities, they not only strengthen their writing abilities but also learn how to work together, provide constructive feedback, and develop a deeper understanding of different perspectives.

Here are some exciting writing prompts that promote peer-review and group work in seventh-grade classrooms:

  • Story Circle: Begin a story by writing a captivating opening paragraph. Students then pass their papers clockwise, with each peer adding a paragraph or two to continue the story. After several rounds, the story comes back to the original writer, who wraps it up with an engaging conclusion. This activity fosters creativity, cooperation, and problem-solving as students collaborate to weave together a cohesive narrative.
  • Editor’s Workshop: Assign groups of three students and provide each group with a piece of writing (such as a short story or essay) by one of their peers. Within their group, students take turns being the author and editors. The author presents their work, and the editors offer suggestions for improvement, focusing on grammar, structure, clarity, and creativity. Through this exercise, students not only receive valuable feedback but also develop critical thinking skills and learn to provide constructive critiques.

Implementing these collaborative writing prompts not only enriches the writing skills of seventh-graders but also nurtures teamwork, communication, and respect for diverse viewpoints. Through interactive exercises like Story Circle and Editor’s Workshop, students not only enhance their writing abilities but also learn invaluable life skills that will benefit them far beyond the walls of their classroom.

8. Tailoring Prompts for Individual Needs: Strategies for Adapting Writing Prompts for Diverse Middle School Students

One effective strategy for tailoring writing prompts to individual needs is by incorporating topics that align with students’ personal interests. By selecting prompts that resonate with their hobbies, passions, or areas of expertise, educators can create a more engaging and motivating writing experience. Whether it’s inviting students to write about their favorite books, music, sports, or even social issues they care about, tailoring prompts to their interests helps foster a sense of ownership over their writing.

  • Encourage students to brainstorm a list of topics they are passionate about.
  • Provide a variety of prompts that cover different interests and allow students to choose.
  • Allow students to modify or personalize the prompts to better align with their own experiences.

By incorporating student interests into writing prompts, educators can tap into their intrinsic motivation, resulting in more authentic and meaningful written responses.

In order to accommodate diverse students in a middle school classroom, it is crucial to adapt writing prompts to their individual abilities. This ensures that every student can participate and successfully complete the writing task while still being challenged appropriately. Some strategies for adapting prompts include:

  • Providing varying levels of scaffolding, such as sentence starters or graphic organizers, to support students who may struggle with organizing their thoughts.
  • Offering additional resources, such as reference materials or online tools, for students who require extra support or information gathering.
  • Allowing students to choose the format or medium for their written response, such as a traditional essay, a poem, or even a multimedia presentation, to showcase their strengths and creativity.

By adapting prompts to meet students’ individual needs, educators can create a more inclusive and accessible writing environment that empowers every student to express themselves confidently.

Q: What are some benefits of using writing prompts in seventh grade? A: Writing prompts in seventh grade have various benefits. They stimulate creativity and critical thinking skills, help students develop their writing style, and encourage self-expression. Writing prompts also provide a structured way for students to practice and improve their writing abilities.

Q: What types of writing prompts are suitable for seventh-grade students? A: Seventh-grade writing prompts can be quite diverse. They can range from personal reflection prompts to persuasive, descriptive, or narrative writing prompts. It’s important to choose prompts that are age-appropriate and relevant to their interests and experiences.

Q: How can writing prompts be used to encourage creativity? A: Writing prompts serve as a catalyst for students’ creativity by offering them a starting point or a situation to imagine. By encouraging students to think outside the box and consider different perspectives, writing prompts help foster their creativity and imagination.

Q: Can you provide examples of seventh-grade writing prompts? A: Sure! Here are a few examples of seventh-grade writing prompts: 1. Describe your ideal vacation destination and explain why it would be the perfect getaway. 2. Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against student dress codes in schools. 3. Imagine you wake up one day with the ability to talk to animals. Write a short story about your adventures. 4. Reflect on a time when you faced a difficult decision. Write about the process you went through to make your choice and what you learned from it.

Q: How can teachers make writing prompts more engaging for middle school students? A: To make writing prompts more engaging, teachers can make them relatable to students’ lives and interests. They can also incorporate multimedia, such as images or videos, to inspire students’ imagination. Another effective technique is to provide choice and allow students to select the writing prompt that resonates most with them.

Q: How can teachers provide effective feedback on student writing prompted by these prompts? A: Effective feedback on student writing can be provided by focusing on both content and mechanics. Teachers can provide constructive criticism to improve the clarity and coherence of the writing, as well as suggestions for vocabulary enhancement or sentence structure. They can also praise the strengths of the students’ writing, encouraging them to continue developing their skills.

Q: Are there any potential challenges in using writing prompts for seventh graders? A: Yes, a few challenges may arise when using writing prompts for seventh graders. Some students might struggle with the direction or interpretation of the prompt. Others might have difficulties getting started or staying motivated. However, these challenges can be overcome with clear instructions, scaffolding, and providing support to students who need it.

Q: How can parents support their seventh-grade children in their writing prompt assignments? A: Parents can support their seventh-grade children by discussing the writing prompts with them, encouraging them to brainstorm ideas, and helping them overcome any initial difficulties. Parents can also allocate time for writing, create a quiet and comfortable writing environment, and show interest in their child’s work by providing feedback and praise.

In conclusion, seventh grade writing prompts provide a valuable opportunity for middle school students to express their creativity and enhance their writing skills. By encouraging imagination and critical thinking, these prompts help students develop their unique voice and transform their ideas into engaging stories.

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7th Grade Journal Prompts

7th grade journal prompts

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Unlock your 7th grader's creativity and enhance their writing skills with our engaging journal prompts. Explore topics that are relevant, fun, and thought-provoking - perfect for their academic journey.

Entering into the 7th grade can be a whirlwind of new experiences, emotions, and discovery. A journal can serve as a wonderful companion during this time, enabling young writers to express themselves, explore their thoughts and navigate their tween life.

In this article, we’ll be sharing a collection of 7th grade journal prompts to stir up exciting writing sessions. Perfect for school projects, daily practice, or just a creative outlet to unwind, these prompts will engage students in thoughtful self-reflection, build their writing skills, and fuel their imaginations.

So, whether you’re a 7th grader starting your journaling habit, a teacher seeking inspiration for your class, or a parent helping your child channel their thoughts meaningfully, grab a journal and pen, cozy up, and let’s delve into the captivating world of creative writing together.✨

Themes For 7th Grade Journaling

Themes in 7th grade journaling play a crucial role in shaping the mental, emotional and creative growth process, offering a structured way for students to express their observations, feelings, and perspectives. Here are 20 themed prompts to cultivate a unique expressive journey:

  • Write about your experience adjusting to the new demands of 7th grade.
  • Describe a new friendship you've made this academic year.
  • Think of an issue at school that you'd like to change. Write a letter to the school principal about it.
  • Jot down your feelings on a current global event and how it impacts you.
  • Write about a day you spent without any electronic devices.
  • Describe a dream or goal you wish to achieve by the end of 7th grade.
  • Imagine traveling back in time. Choose a historical period and describe your experience.
  • Write a movie review for the last film you watched.
  • Describe the perfect day. How do you feel at the end of it?
  • Reflect on a time you had to deal with a difficult situation. What did you learn from it?
  • Discuss a book you've recently read. What was your takeaway?
  • Write about a cultural festival you celebrated recently. How does it enrich your understanding of your culture?
  • Think of an invention that could solve a problem in your life. Describe it.
  • Reflect on a personal achievement you're proud of. What obstacles did you overcome?
  • Write about your favorite family tradition. Why is it important to you?
  • Describe your favorite hobby or pastime. How did you get started with it?
  • Write about a fear or challenge you’ve faced and how it made you feel.
  • Choose a cause that you are passionate about. Write down why it is important to you.
  • Think about an unexpected positive event recently. How did it change your day?
  • Lastly, reflect on your identity. How would you describe yourself to a stranger?

Expressive Writing Prompts

Expressive writing prompts for 7th graders are designed to help students express their emotions, thoughts, and experiences creatively. Here are 20 prompts to spark your imagination and inspire your expressive writing:

  • Write about a time you felt the strongest emotion you've ever experienced.
  • Describe your favorite location and why it means so much to you.
  • Imagine it has rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Describe how the world would look and how people are affected.
  • Write a poem expressing your feelings about a social issue you care about.
  • Create a short story about encountering a mythical creature in your town.
  • Describe an imaginary world where animals rule and humans do not exist.
  • Create a character based on your favorite fruit. Detail their adventures in a world dominated by food-based characters.
  • Write about a time you did something you thought was impossible and describe how you felt afterwards.
  • Describe a moment where you overcame a fear and how it changed you.
  • Imagine you have the ability to stop time. How would you use this power?
  • Write a letter to your future self 10 years from now.
  • Write a short story about an adventure you would like to embark on.
  • Describe a memory that makes you happy whenever you think about it.
  • Write about a dream you had and how it made you feel.
  • Imagine you and your best friend swapped bodies for a day. Describe your experience.
  • Write a letter to someone who has hurt you, expressing your feelings but also forgiving them.
  • Imagine you are a detective solving a mystery. Write about your investigation and how you solve it.
  • Write a poem celebrating the beauty of nature.
  • Create a short story about a world where children are the rulers.
  • Write about a time you helped someone and the joy it brought you.

Journaling For Personal Growth

Journaling for Personal Growth offers a constructive way to explore one's feelings, motivations, and reactions, allowing us to understand and improve ourselves better. Here are 20 prompts that can be used to guide this self-exploratory practice:

  • Write about a situation where you had to make a difficult decision. What factors did you consider?
  • Reflect on a mistake you made recently. What lesson did you learn from it?
  • Describe a moment in your life where you felt truly proud of yourself.
  • What do you value the most about yourself? Why?
  • Identify a habit you want to change. What steps can you take to work on it?
  • Write about a person who has significantly influenced your life.
  • How do you deal with stress? List three ways you can improve your stress management skills.
  • Write about a challenge that you overcame recently. How did it make you feel?
  • Describe a time when you felt truly grateful. What prompted this feeling?
  • What does success mean to you? Explain your definition with personal examples.
  • Reflect on a moment when you stood up for yourself. How did that situation unravel?
  • Write about a goal you want to achieve in the next year. What steps will you take to achieve it?
  • What qualities do you look for in a friend? Why do these qualities matter to you?
  • Reflect on a time when you felt out of your comfort zone. What did you learn from this experience?
  • Write about a recent act of kindness you performed. How did it make you feel?
  • How would you describe yourself in three words? Why did you choose these words?
  • Present a recent situation where you handled criticism. How can you use it constructively?
  • Discuss a fear you’ve overcome. How did you deal with it?
  • Write about an achievement that made you feel accomplished. How did it change you?
  • Describe an ideal day. What would you do, and who would you spend it with?

Mental Health Prompts

Maintaining mental health in the face of the unique challenges and pressures of the 7th grade can be made easier by regularly responding to carefully curated journal prompts. Below, you'll find 20 mental health prompts specially designed for 7th graders:

  • Write about a situation where you felt anxious. What strategies did you use to manage that anxiety?
  • Reflect on a day when you felt really happy. What made it so great?
  • Jot down three things that you like about yourself and explain why.
  • Think about a time when you felt sad or upset. What helped you feel better?
  • Describe a dream that you've had recently. How did it make you feel?
  • Write a letter to your future self. What advice or encouragement would you give them?
  • Recall an incident when you were unable to control your anger. What could you have done differently?
  • List down five things that help you to relax when you are stressed.
  • Discuss a situation where you felt peer pressure. How did you handle it?
  • Describe a moment when you felt proud of yourself and why.
  • Write about a time when you felt misunderstood. How did you handle it?
  • Discuss a situation where you felt nervous or scared. How did you overcome these feelings?
  • Jot down three things you're grateful for in your life.
  • Write about a challenge you've faced and how you've overcome it.
  • Describe a situation where a friend or relative helped you through a tough time.
  • Think about a time when you didn't meet your own expectations. How did you handle disappointment and what did you learn from the experience?
  • Talk about a fear you have and how it impacts you.
  • Write a letter to someone who has hurt you in the past, expressing your feelings but focusing on forgiveness.
  • List down three things that always bring you joy, no matter what.
  • Finally, envision your ideal day. What does it look like and how does it make you feel?

Prompts For Hobby Exploration

Exploring new hobbies through journaling aids in developing new ideas and cultivating diverse interests tailored for 7th graders, hence offering an avenue for skill acquisition and self-discovery. Here are 20 prompts that can guide in channelling your thoughts towards uncovering potential hobbies:

  • Write about a hobby you know nothing about but would love to learn.
  • Jot down five things you would like to make, grow or create as part of a hobby.
  • Express your feelings when you think about your favorite hobby.
  • List three hobbies that your friends enjoy that you'd like to try.
  • Write out the steps you would need to take to get started with a new hobby.
  • Create a detailed narrative about your ideal day spent doing your prospective new hobby.
  • Envision a future where your hobby turns into your career. What does it look like?
  • Describe the most interesting hobby you've ever heard of and why it appeals to you.
  • Discuss about a hobby you tried and didn't like. What lessons did you take from it?
  • Imagine and write about a hobby unique only to you and how you would pursue it.
  • Draft a detailed plan on how you will share your new hobby with a friend.
  • Express any fears or anxieties you may have about starting a new hobby.
  • Write a pretend letter to a hobby expert seeking advice.
  • Reflect on a hobby you enjoyed as a child. How can it be adapted for your age now?
  • Write about the feelings you hope to experience while practicing a new hobby.
  • Pen down the places, if any, you would like to visit to learn or improve your chosen hobby.
  • List three hobbies you think your parents enjoyed at your age, and write if any appeal to you.
  • Detail out the reasons why you believe hobbies are important in life.
  • Chronicle a day in the life of a person entirely consumed by your chosen hobby.
  • Express the life skills you expect to gain from your chosen hobby.

Family-themed Writing Prompts

Family-themed Writing Prompts not only enhance a 7th grader's writing skills but also deepen their understanding and appreciation of their family dynamics, values, and heritage. Here are 20 writing prompts that encourage reflection on the various aspects of family life:

  • Write about a cherished family tradition. Why is it important to you?
  • Describe a time when your family overcame a challenge together.
  • Write a letter expressing gratitude to a family member who has significantly influenced your life.
  • Create a story about your ancestors based on the stories and information you've heard.
  • Reflect on your role within your family. How do you contribute to your family's dynamics?
  • Describe a typical day in your family's life.
  • Write about a favorite memory with your immediate family.
  • Imagine a conversation with a family member 50 years in the future. What would you ask them?
  • Write about a way in which your family celebrates a particular holiday.
  • Describe a time when a family member taught you an important lesson.
  • Imagine your family is moving to a different country. What challenges might you face together?
  • Write about a time you did something fun with your cousins.
  • Reflect on a moment when a sibling or a parent became your hero.
  • Share a funny event or tradition in your family.
  • Write a letter to a relative who lives far away, expressing your wish to connect with them more.
  • Describe the most important values your family has instilled in you.
  • Write about a talent or trait that seems to run in your family.
  • Reflect on an unforgettable trip or outing with your family.
  • Imagine how your family will change in the next five years and describe how these changes might affect you.
  • Write a narrative about your favorite family-owned item that has been passed down through generations.

Journaling About Friendship

Through journaling about friendship, students can examine the dynamics, joys, challenges, and growth that occur within their social relationships. Here are 20 prompts to probe deeper into the realm of friendships:

  • Write down the names of your five closest friends and mention one quality you admire about each one.
  • Recall a happy memory with a friend and detail it in your journal.
  • Share a challenging time when a friend was there for you. How did that make you feel?
  • Describe an instance where you felt let down by a friend. What lessons did you learn?
  • Outline what elements you think are essential for a strong friendship.
  • Jot down an apology to a friend you might have upset unknowingly.
  • Write a fictional story about two friends going on an adventure together.
  • Detail the ways you can be a better friend in the future.
  • Narrate a situation where you had a disagreement with a friend. How did you resolve it?
  • Contemplate about a friend who moved away. Share your feelings on this.
  • Consider an influential friendship in your life and its impact on you.
  • Write about a time when you were proud to be someone's friend.
  • Document how your friendships have changed from the past to now.
  • Put down an appreciation letter for a friend who never judged you.
  • Imagine meeting a new friend who shares your interests. Describe this person.
  • Think about a friend who consistently brings out the best in you.
  • Relive a friendship milestone moment. What did it signify to you?
  • Consider an activity you and your friends enjoy. Why do you enjoy it?
  • Describe the feeling of making a new friend.
  • Index 3 attributes you seek in your friends and elaborate why they matter.

School-related Journal Prompts

School-related journal prompts provide an opportunity for 7th graders to explore their academic experiences, friendships, and personal growth in a school setting, allowing them to better understand their feelings about school. Here are 20 school-related journal prompts for your consideration:

  • Write a letter to your future self for the end of this school year. What are your goals?
  • Compare your first day of school with your most recent school day.
  • What extracurricular would you like to undertake, and why?
  • Describe a time when you worked hard to understand a difficult topic.
  • Write about your favorite teacher and what makes them stand out.
  • Discuss a time when you handled a conflict at school. How did you solve it?
  • Who are your school friends and why do you associate with them?
  • Describe a school project that you're really proud of.
  • What is your favorite school subject and why?
  • If you were the principal for a week, what changes would you implement?
  • Discuss a subject or topic you struggle with. How do you plan to improve?
  • Describe an instance where you demonstrated leadership in school.
  • Talk about a book you read for school that you actually enjoyed.
  • Who is your most challenging classmate and why?
  • Share a memorable field trip experience, and explain why it stands out.
  • Write about a time when you received constructive criticism. How did it impact you?
  • Reflect on your relationship with your homeroom teacher.
  • Describe the happiest school-related moment this year.
  • Share a thought on a current event, or issue that your school is facing.
  • Write about a change in your study or learning habits that you've noticed recently.

Fun And Imaginative Journal Prompts

Fun and imaginative journal prompts can inspire creativity, adventure, and exploration for 7th graders, sparking interesting thoughts and stories. Here are 20 writing prompts to engage the minds of young writers:

  • Imagine you've discovered a new planet. Describe what it's like.
  • Invent a new animal and write about its habitat, diet, and behavior.
  • Picture yourself as a superhero. What powers would you have and how would you use them?
  • Think of a regular object, like a pencil or a shoe. Write a story where that object is of great importance.
  • Suppose you were trapped in a video game. Which game would it be and how would you win?
  • If you could invent a machine that can do anything, what would it do?
  • Write a diary entry for a famous historical figure.
  • Imagine a world where animals could talk. How would this affect daily life?
  • Picture that you have a magical backpack which can give you three things you wish each day. What would you ask for and why?
  • Write a short story using these five words: dragon, treasure, storm, rainbow, mysterious.
  • If you were granted three wishes, what would they be and why?
  • Describe what it would be like if you could walk on clouds.
  • Imagine you've found a secret door in your house. Where does it lead to?
  • What would your autobiography be titled and why?
  • Pretend you are a home appliance for a day. Write about your experiences.
  • If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be and why?
  • Suppose you've been chosen to design a new city. Describe it in detail.
  • Picture that your pet (or an imaginary pet) can suddenly speak. What would they say?
  • Invent a new holiday and describe how people celebrate it.
  • If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and what would you talk about?

Journaling About Dreams And Aspirations

Journaling about dreams and aspirations in the context of 7th grade journal prompts stimulates self-awareness, encouraging students to recognize and articulate their goals and hopes for the future. To facilitate this introspection, consider the following 20 writing prompts:

  • Write down your biggest dream and why it appeals to you.
  • Describe one major goal you have for this school year.
  • Discuss a character from a book or movie who embodies your dream career.
  • Write about a skill you aspire to master and why.
  • Imagine it's five years in the future and you have achieved your dream. What does your life look like?
  • List three smaller, personal aspirations you have.
  • Write about what your dream home would look like, and who else might live there.
  • Pen down an aspiration that scares you and explain why.
  • Describe a dream you have that might surprise others.
  • Write about someone who inspires you and the dream you share with them.
  • Chronicle a step you've taken towards achieving your dream in the past week.
  • Create an action plan to carry you closer to one of your aspirations.
  • List three people who can support you on your journey towards your dream.
  • Discuss circumstances that might hinder your progress towards your aspirations and how you could overcome them.
  • Imagine that a wish-granting genie has given you one wish, what dream would you wish to come true?
  • Detail a dream that seems impossible- how could you make it possible?
  • Reflect on a dream you’ve had since you were younger, has it changed? How and why?
  • Write about a person or experience that made a significant impact on your aspirations.
  • Consider your ideal version of yourself in ten years. What other dreams or aspirations might this person have?
  • Name one small dream you can commit to achieving in your life right now and devise a plan for achieving it.

Environmental Awareness Prompts

Environmental Awareness Prompts encourage thoughtful engagement with the natural environment and sharpen our conscious about the crucial role we play in its sustainability. These prompts can stimulate poignant reflections in a 7th grade journaling exercise:

  • Write down three ways you can reduce your impact on the environment.
  • Imagine Earth could talk to you, what would it say?
  • What do you appreciate most about the natural world?
  • Write a dialogue between yourself and a tree.
  • How can you convince your friends to recycle more?
  • Picture you've invented an eco-friendly version of your favorite gadget, describe it.
  • What are three things you'd like to learn about climate change?
  • Reflect on what your life would look like in a world without pollution.
  • Write a letter to your future self about the environmental changes you hope to see.
  • Describe a situation where you saw someone not respecting nature, and how you responded.
  • Imagine what would happen if all the bees disappear.
  • List ten things you can do to save water.
  • Write about a fictional character who commits to living environmentally friendly.
  • What's your favorite nature spot and why do you love it?
  • Describe the journey of a plastic bottle from your house to the ocean.
  • If you were an environmental policymaker for a day, what would you change?
  • How can schools contribute to preserving the environment?
  • Visualize a day without using any electricity. What's your routine like?
  • If animals could talk, what would they tell us about how we treat the environment?
  • Convince someone in your family to start composting.

Historical Themed Journal Prompts

Moving the lens from present to past, Historical Themed Journal Prompts guide students to delve into different eras, significant events, and influential figures, enhancing both their understanding of history and their creative writing skills. Here are 20 intriguing prompts that can stimulate the young historians in their journal writing, offering an exploration into the depths of history:

  • Imagine you were a child during the American Revolution; narrate a typical day in your life.
  • If you could have a conversation with Abraham Lincoln, what questions would you ask him?
  • Write a diary entry from the perspective of a soldier in the First World War.
  • You discovered a time machine. What historical period would you visit and why?
  • Pretend you are an archaeologist uncovering the mysteries of Ancient Egypt. What do you find?
  • Describe a day in the life of an inventor during the Industrial Revolution.
  • Write a letter from the perspective of a passenger on the Titanic before it sinks.
  • You are a music enthusiast in the 1960s. What influences this era's music and why?
  • As a colonist living in Plymouth Colony in 1621, describe your first Thanksgiving feast.
  • You are a Civil Rights activist marching on Washington in 1963. What emotions do you experience?
  • Imagine you are an explorer discovering a new land for the first time. Describe your experience.
  • Pretend you were a challenger in the Roman Colosseum. Write about your thoughts and feelings.
  • As a woman, express your excitement and disbelief on the day you earn the right to vote.
  • Write a news reporter's account of the first moon landing in 1969.
  • Describe a day in the life of a Native American before European settlers arrived.
  • Imagine you are Martin Luther King Jr. Write a speech advocating for equality and justice.
  • You are a scientist deep into the discovery phase of penicillin. State why this is an important invention.
  • You are a citizen in the 1920s. How did the stock market crash affect your life?
  • Describe the excitement and nervousness of a teenager attending Woodstock in 1969.
  • You're a child living during the Civil War. Write a letter to your father who is on the battlefront.

7th Grade Life Skills Journaling

7th Grade Life Skills Journaling involves introspection and critical thinking about various aspects of personal growth and development, as well as social interaction. Here are 20 journal prompts to stimulate insightful reflection in 7th graders:

  • Discuss a time you resolved a conflict. How did you feel?
  • Describe a situation where you had to manage your time effectively. What worked and what didn't?
  • Reflect on a moment when you were a good listener. How did it impact your relationship with the individual?
  • Think of a situation where you had to demonstrate mild patience. What was it and how did you cope?
  • Describe an instance when you had to show responsibility. How did it make a difference?
  • Describe an accomplishment you are proud of. What does it teach you about perseverance and dedication?
  • Write about a time you helped someone in need. What motivated you to help?
  • Describe an instance where you had to accept a mistake. How did it help you grow?
  • Write about a scenario that required you to show empathy to someone else.
  • Reflect on an occasion when you had to resist peer pressure. How did it make you feel?
  • Imagine your future self five years from now, what advice would you give to your current self?
  • Write about a moment when you had to stand up for what you believe in.
  • Discuss a time when you recognized and respected someone's difference. How did it change your perspective?
  • Write about a situation where you dealt with stress or anxiety. How did you manage it?
  • What is your strategy when you encounter a challenging problem or task?
  • Discuss an incident when you had to use effective communication. What difference did it make?
  • Think about a time when you had to conserve resources (be it time, money, or materials). How did you go about it?
  • Describe a personal trait that you consider a strength. How does this strength help you deal with day-to-day tasks?
  • List three things you can do to enhance your personal learning style.
  • Write about how maintaining good health habits affects your overall well-being.

Bullying Awareness Journal Prompts

Bullying Awareness Journal Prompts are designed to encourage empathy, understanding, and informed action among 7th graders. Here are 20 writing prompts on the topic:

  • Recount a situation when you witnessed bullying. How did it make you feel?
  • How would you define bullying? Write about it in your own words.
  • Write a letter to a bully, expressing your feelings and offering a way towards resolution.
  • Reflect on a time when you stood up against bullying. What was the result?
  • Imagine you are a superhero with a power to stop bullying. Describe how you would use this power.
  • Write an acrostic poem using the word RESPECT. How does it relate to bullying?
  • List five reasons why someone might become a bully.
  • Recall a time when you felt bullied. How did you handle the situation?
  • Imagine a world without bullying. What would it look like?
  • Write a dialogue between you and a friend discussing how to prevent bullying in your school.
  • List three strategies to help someone who is a target of bullying.
  • Write a fake news article about a school that eradicated bullying. What measures did they put in place?
  • Describe how you might feel if you were the bully. What might lead to such behavior?
  • Construct a conversation you would have with your parents about bullying you've witnessed.
  • Think about a character from a book or movie who was bullied. How did they deal with it? What would you do differently?
  • Propose a campaign to spread awareness about bullying in your school.
  • Write about the impact of online bullying and how it can be prevented.
  • Imagine if you could speak to a bully's parents. What would you say?
  • Write a short story where a victim of bullying becomes a beacon of hope and inspiration.
  • Reflect on how bullies are portrayed in the media. Share your thoughts on what could be improved.

Journaling For Building Empathy

Utilizing journaling as a tool for developing empathy strengthens our ability to identify and comprehend the feelings and perspectives of others, further preparing us to respond compassionately and effectively. Here are 20 distinct prompts to assist you in using your journaling habit to enhance empathy:

Describe a time when you empathized with a character from a book or a movie. How did it impact your view of the story?

Write about an instance when you did not understand someone else's feelings. What steps could you have taken to empathize with them?

Think about a misunderstanding you had with a friend. How could empathy have changed that situation?

List three words that you feel best represent empathy. Why did you choose these words?

Write a letter to your future self, discussing an empathetic life lesson you learned this year.

Think of someone who is very different from you. How can you better understand their perspective?

Reflect on a moment when your empathy significantly affected someone else's day.

Describe how you felt the last time someone showed you empathy.

Consider a global issue that deeply affects you. Write about the different perspectives around this issue.

Recall a time when you struggled to empathize with someone. Why was it difficult, and what could have made it easier?

List three benefits of improving empathy skills. Provide personal examples if possible.

Write about a time when someone's empathy towards you was unexpected. How did this change your relationship with this person?

Imagine you are in someone else's shoes who you disagree with. Write about their viewpoint.

Describe an incident where showing empathy made a positive difference in your life.

Think of an animal you feel a connection with. Can this connection help you in understanding empathy better?

Write about a situation where you felt heard and understood. How can you offer this feeling to others?

Reflect on a moment when understanding someone else's perspective changed your viewpoint.

List three habits you can adopt to become more empathetic in your day-to-day life.

Write about how empathy can impact your interactions with family and friends.

Think of a social issue you feel strongly about. How can empathy play a role in addressing this problem?

Book Review Journaling Prompts

Book Review Journaling Prompts within the context of 7th grade journaling exercises can empower students to deeply explore the themes, narratives, and characters of books they read in a personal and reflective way. Here are 20 prompts to prompt intriguing reflections concerning Book Review Journaling:

  • Re-write the ending of the last book you read.
  • Detail a conversation between you and your favorite character.
  • Write a letter to the author sharing your thoughts about the book.
  • Illustrate the main theme of the book in your own words.
  • Draw a parallel between an event in the book and an event in your life.
  • Justify the actions of a character you don't like.
  • Predict what will happen to the main character in the future.
  • Create a scenario where you meet a character in the real world.
  • Record a new adventure based on the world the author has created.
  • Make a list of questions you would ask the author about the book.
  • Speculate how your best friend would react to the story.
  • List all the emotions you felt while reading the book.
  • Imagine you were the villain in the story.
  • Illustrate the setting created in the book.
  • Write a poem about the book's main conflict.
  • Select a secondary character and rewrite a scene from their perspective.
  • Share how the book changed your viewpoint on a certain topic.
  • Imagine if the story took place in your town instead.
  • Create a new chapter that can fit in the middle of the book.
  • If you were a literacy critic, how would you rate the book?

Science Exploration Journal Prompts

Science Exploration Journal prompts inspire students to reflect and document their observations, inquiries, and breakthroughs, facilitating a deeper understanding and love for the subject. Here are 20 thought-provoking prompts that will stimulate curiosity and activate the investigative thought process:

  • Write down an experiment you would like to conduct. What do you predict the results will be?
  • Describe an existing scientific concept that baffles you and why.
  • Choose a science-related news headline. What are your thoughts on this matter?
  • Discuss the function of a specific organ in the human body that you find fascinating.
  • What would the world be like if gravity didn’t exist? Discuss your thoughts.
  • Record your observations after looking at the sky for ten minutes.
  • Describe and explain your favorite invention or piece of technology.
  • If you could meet any scientist, alive or from history, who would it be and why?
  • Imagine you are a scientist who discovered a new species. Describe this discovery in detail.
  • Write about an ecological problem and propose a scientific solution.
  • Analyze the relationship between plant growth and sunlight exposure.
  • Contemplate on the question: Does everyone see colors the same way? Explain.
  • Write about the possibility of life existing on other planets.
  • Propose a new feature or design for a smartphone of the future.
  • Journal about a fascinating animal adaptation and its survival benefits.
  • Discuss how weather impacts daily life and how technology would change it.
  • How does recycling help the environment? Discuss your thoughts.
  • Debate the merits and drawbacks of renewable and non-renewable energy resources.
  • Write about a scientific breakthrough you'd like to see in your lifetime.
  • Reflect on a science class experiment that had surprising results.

Positive Affirmation Journaling

Through Positive Affirmation Journaling, seventh graders can build self-confidence, reinforce positive self-concepts, and visualize their goals. Here are 20 writing prompts to help start the journey of Positive Affirmation Journaling:

  • Write about a skill or talent you are proud of and how it makes you feel.
  • Reflect on a compliment you received recently. How did it make you feel?
  • Write about your strongest trait and how it has helped you in life.
  • Create a list of five things you like about yourself.
  • Think about your biggest accomplishment yet and describe how you achieved it.
  • Write about a challenge you’ve faced and how you overcame it.
  • Imagine your dream future, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  • pen down the steps you are willing to take to make your dream a reality.
  • Reflect on three things you are grateful for today.
  • Write about a person who inspires you and what qualities you admire about them.
  • Pen an encouraging letter to yourself as an adult.
  • Describe an accomplishment you want to achieve this school year and how you plan to do so.
  • Talk about how you have improved in a skill or area compared to how you were last year.
  • Write a thank you letter to yourself acknowledging all the good you did this week.
  • Think about a moment you felt proud of yourself, describe what happened and how it made you feel.
  • Write about a quality you wish to develop in yourself and the steps you will take to build it.
  • Write about your favorite hobby and why it brings you joy.
  • Pen down the positive changes you intend to make in your school, home, and community.
  • Write about a thing you love about your personality.
  • Describe your happiest memory and why it means so much to you.

Exploring Feelings And Emotions

In exploring feelings and emotions via 7th grade journal prompts, you encourage a deeper self-awareness and understanding in your students. Below are 20 prompts that will guide students in exploring their feelings and emotions:

  • Describe a time when you felt really happy. What were the circumstances?
  • Write about a moment when you felt sad. What triggered this emotion?
  • Think about an event that made you angry. Why did it evoke such a strong reaction?
  • Recall a situation that made you feel scared. What fears were triggered then?
  • Are there moments when you feel annoyed? Write about what usually causes this.
  • Reflect on an event that made you feel excited. Describe your anticipation.
  • Consider a time when you felt calm and peaceful. What made you feel this way?
  • Describe a situation when you felt frustrated. What was the reason for this?
  • Recall a memory that caused you surprise. Discuss your reaction.
  • Think about a time when you felt proud. Why were you proud?
  • Write about a scenario where you felt embarrassed. How did you handle the situation?
  • Reflect on a moment when you felt guilty. What did you learn from it?
  • Describe an event that made you feel confused. How did you clarify things?
  • Consider a time when you felt relieved. What were the circumstances?
  • Recall an instance when you felt jealous. How did you deal with that emotion?
  • Remember a time when you felt lonely. How did you cope?
  • Think about a moment where you felt confident. What boosted your self-assurance?
  • Reflect on a situation that made you feel grateful. Why were you thankful?
  • Write about an experience when you felt disappointed. What were your expectations?
  • Recall a time when you felt content. What were the elements that contributed to your contentment?

Game And Sports-themed Journal Prompts

Game and Sports-themed journal prompts inspire students in the 7th grade to explore their experiences and attitudes towards various physical activities, encouraging personal growth and active lifestyle appreciation. Here are 20 writing prompts centered around Game and Sports:

  • If you could invent a new sport, what would it be and how would it be played?
  • Describe a time when playing a game or sport taught you a life lesson.
  • If you were an athlete in the Olympics, what sport would you participate in and why?
  • Write about your favorite sport. Describe why you love it and what excites you about it.
  • If you could meet any athlete, dead or alive, who would it be and what would you ask them?
  • Discuss a time when you had to be a team player during a game or sport. How did this affect your relationship with your teammates?
  • Imagine you are a professional athlete. Describe a day in your life.
  • Write a set of rules for fair play and sportsmanship for your favorite sport.
  • Talk about a sports game you lost. How did you handle the loss and what did you learn?
  • What is an unusual or lesser-known sport you wish more people knew about? Describe it.
  • In your own words, define what ‘team spirit’ means to you.
  • Write about a time when a sport or game challenged you physically. How did you overcome that challenge?
  • Who is your favorite athlete, and what do you admire about them?
  • If you could change one rule in your favorite sport, what would it be and why?
  • How do you prepare yourself before a big game or competition? Describe your routine.
  • Discuss a moment when you made a mistake during a game. How did it make you feel, and what did you do to make it right?
  • Explain how participating in sports or active games can be beneficial to one’s health.
  • What is the most difficult aspect of playing your favorite sport or game, and why?
  • Write about a time when your favorite team won a match. Describe the emotions you felt.
  • Describe a sport you've never tried but would like to. What draws you to it?

Cultural Appreciation Journal Prompts

Cultural Appreciation Journal Prompts help foster respect, understanding, and appreciation for diverse cultures and societies. Here are 20 prompts to inspire thoughtful reflection on different cultures:

  • Write about a cultural celebration from another country that you find exciting. What elements appeal to you?
  • Discuss a dish from another culture that you've tried and enjoyed. What made it memorable?
  • Reflect on a popular tradition from another culture. How does it contrast with or relate to your own traditions?
  • Write about a time you experienced culture shock. What did you learn from it?
  • Describe a cultural artifact from another country that you find fascinating. What significance does it hold?
  • Research and discuss a folk tale or myth from another culture. How might it reflect cultural values or beliefs?
  • Write a letter to a pen pal in another country, introducing them to a unique aspect of your own culture.
  • What is an influential invention or idea that originated from another culture?
  • Discuss the challenges immigrants might face when adapting to a new cultural environment.
  • Explain the importance of diversity and cultural representation in media.
  • What customs or social norms from another culture do you find particularly interesting?
  • Write a short story inspired by a cultural practice different from your own.
  • Explore a major historical event from the perspective of another culture.
  • Describe a famous piece of architecture from another culture. What does it symbolize or represent?
  • Reflect on an act of kindness or hospitality you've witnessed or received while exploring a different culture.
  • Discuss a musical style or dance from another culture that you admire.
  • Write about a book or movie that gave you insight into another culture. How did it change your perspective?
  • Describe a cultural celebration or practice from your heritage that you would like to pass on to future generations.
  • Discuss a value or principle from another culture that you would like to incorporate into your own life.
  • Reflect on global issues like climate change or poverty. How might these be addressed differently in other cultures?

Current Events Journal Prompts

Keeping a journal about current events helps 7th graders understand and reflect on the world around them, enhancing their knowledge and critical thinking skills. Here are 20 prompts to encourage writing about current events:

  • Choose a headline from today's news. Describe why you think it's important.
  • Write a letter to a world leader about a current issue you care about.
  • Suppose you're a reporter. Write an article about a local event or issue.
  • Analyze a recent political speech. What was the speaker's main message?
  • How has a recent event changed your understanding of the world?
  • Discuss a recent scientific discovery. How does it impact our daily lives?
  • Describe a current event that made you feel hopeful. Why did it influence you that way?
  • What was the biggest lesson the world learned last year?
  • Compare a current world event with a historical one.
  • Think about an environmental issue in the news. What can we do to help?
  • Discuss a recent event that made you question your beliefs or values.
  • Write an obituary for a famous person who recently passed away. What was their most significant contribution?
  • Discuss the impact of a recent technological innovation.
  • Write about a current event that made you feel angry. Why did it provoke this reaction?
  • What was a recent event in sports that surprised you? Why?
  • Explain how a recent event in the news has directly affected you or your community.
  • Choose a current event related to public health. What have you learned from it?
  • Discuss a recent cultural event or trend. Why is it significant?
  • Predict how a current world conflict might resolve.
  • Choose a recent humanitarian issue from the news. How can people help?

Social Justice Journal Prompts

Social Justice Journal Prompts encourage young writers to explore issues of equity, inclusion, and rights through reflection and expression. Here are 20 writing prompts to inspire thought and discussion around social justice for 7th grade students:

  • Write about a cause you care about. Why does this issue matter and how could it be addressed?
  • Discuss a moment when you encountered an unfair situation. How did you handle it and what would you do differently?
  • Explore the concept of privilege. How does privilege impact society?
  • Reflect on a time when you spoke up for someone who was being treated unfairly.
  • Write about a world leader who fights for social justice. What steps have they taken to initiate change?
  • Imagine you could change one law to improve social justice. Describe the law and how it would create change.
  • Discuss how education can play a role in achieving social justice.
  • Write about a book, movie, or song that you think sends a strong social justice message. Why did it resonate with you?
  • Describe how you can make your school or neighborhood more inclusive and fair.
  • Imagine you're organizing a social justice rally. Who would be your key speakers and why?
  • Write about a historical event that significantly impacted social justice.
  • Reflect on a discussion you had with someone who has a different perspective on a social justice issue.
  • Discuss how social media can be used to promote social justice.
  • Explore the idea of diversity. How does a diverse community benefit everyone in it?
  • Describe your vision of a socially just world.
  • Write a poem inspired by the word "Equality".
  • Record a time when you realized the importance of social justice.
  • Brainstorm ways to use creativity, like art or writing, to express social justice ideas.
  • Write a thanks letter to someone who stands up for social justice.
  • Imagine you have the power to eradicate one social injustice. What would it be and why?

Confidence-building Journal Prompts

Building confidence through journal prompts allows seventh graders to explore their inner strengths and push beyond their comfort zones while fostering self-assuredness. Here are 20 prompts that can pave the way for a stronger, more confident self:

  • Write about a time you felt confident. What were you doing? How did it feel?
  • List five skills you are proud of mastering.
  • Share a moment when you stood up for yourself or someone else.
  • Write a letter to your future self, brainstorm ten goals you wish to achieve.
  • List three affirmations that make you feel empowered.
  • Describe a situation where you wish you had been more confident. How could you act differently next time?
  • Do you prefer being a leader or a follower? Explain why.
  • Recall a time when you succeeded at something difficult. How did it boost your confidence?
  • What is your favorite thing about yourself? Why does this make you feel self-assured?
  • Imagine stepping into a role or taking on a task that scares you. How would you tackle it?
  • Write about someone who inspires you. What characteristics do they have that you’d like to develop?
  • List three things you can do to be more confident in school.
  • Describe a moment when someone praised you or acknowledged your abilities.
  • How do you contribute positively to the lives of people around you?
  • Write a statement that begins with "I am confident when…"
  • Describe how overcoming a challenge has helped boost your self-esteem.
  • Identify three strengths you believe you possess and explain how you can use these strengths in everyday life.
  • Write about a risk you took that paid off.
  • What is one thing you want to improve about yourself and why?
  • Write about something you're excited to learn or do in the future. Explain how this could enhance your confidence.

Creative Storytelling Prompts

Creative Storytelling prompts provide a unique opportunity for 7th graders to explore their imagination and improve their writing skills. Here are 20 creative storytelling prompts that can be used as a foundation for their varied narratives:

  • Imagine if all the world's water turned into a different liquid. Describe your day.
  • Write a tale about a mythical creature that moves into your neighborhood.
  • What if you woke up one day in the shoes of your favorite movie character? Detail your adventure.
  • Describe what happens when time freezes for everyone but you for 24 hours.
  • Write your own fairy tale starring a chameleon and a grumpy gnome.
  • Recall a dream you had and spin it into an exciting short story.
  • Write about a day where everything you think of materializes.
  • Create an alien species and describe their visit to Earth.
  • Imagine that your pet or a neighborhood animal can speak- what is their story?
  • Detail a day in the life of the worst superhero.
  • Write about a time travel mishap that leads to a historical event.
  • Construct a tale about a face-off between a mountain and a sea.
  • Descend into the world of an ant- describe challenges and triumphs.
  • Detail an adventurous journey to the center of the earth.
  • Write a story from the perspective of an abandoned toy in a store.
  • Imagine that the paintings in a museum come to life at night. Detail their adventures.
  • Descend into a future where humans coexist with robots. What is a typical day?
  • Construct a story around an unexpected letter from a pirate.
  • Describe what happens when the last tree on Earth starts to speak.
  • Write about a child who discovers that his/her shadow has a life of its own.

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The Teaching Couple

How to Improve Writing in Seventh Grade

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Written by Dan

Last updated January 31, 2024

Improving writing skills is crucial to academic success, and seventh-grade students are no exception. Writing is a fundamental skill that students need to master, and it is essential to start early. However, many students struggle with writing, and it can be challenging to know where to begin.

Related : For more, check out our article on  How To Make Writing Fun  here.

improve writing in seventh grade

To improve writing skills in seventh grade, students need to understand the basics of writing, practice regularly, and receive feedback. Reading is also essential to improving writing skills, as it helps students develop their vocabulary and grammar.

Additionally, technology can play a significant role in enhancing writing skills, providing students with various tools and resources to improve their writing.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the basics of writing is essential to improving writing skills.
  • Reading can help students develop their vocabulary and grammar, which is crucial for writing.
  • Regular practice, feedback, and the use of technology can significantly enhance writing skills.

Related : For more, check out our article on How To Improve Writing In Sixth Grade  here.

Understanding the Basics of Writing

Writing is a fundamental skill that students must learn in their academic journey. In seventh grade, it is essential to understand the basics of writing to improve writing skills.

This section will cover the writing process, vocabulary, phrases, and styles.

The Writing Process

The writing process involves several steps that students must follow to produce a complete piece of writing. The following table summarizes the steps involved in the writing process:

Additional Writing Prompts and Essay Writing Ideas
Topic Prompt
Personal Growth Write about a time when you faced a difficult challenge and how you grew from it.
Social Issues Discuss the impact of climate change on the environment and what can be done to address it.
Imaginative Storytelling Create a short story set in a world where everyone has a superpower.
Steps in the Writing Process

Prewriting involves brainstorming ideas, researching, and outlining. Drafting is the stage where the student writes the first draft.

Revising involves reviewing and refining the draft, while editing involves correcting errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation . Publishing is the final stage where the student shares the finished product.

Related : For more, check out our article on How To Improve Writing In Fifth Grade  here.

planning a writing unit

Vocabulary and Phrases

Vocabulary and phrases are essential components of writing. Students must have a good command of vocabulary to express their ideas effectively. The following list provides some useful phrases that students can use in their writing:

  • In addition to
  • Furthermore
  • On the other hand
  • Nevertheless
  • Consequently
  • In conclusion

Writing Styles

Writing styles refer to the tone and voice that the writer uses in their writing. The following list provides some common writing styles:

  • Descriptive
  • Argumentative

Students must understand the different writing styles to choose the appropriate one for their writing task. For instance, if the task requires the student to tell a story, they should use the narrative style.

Understanding the basics of writing is crucial for seventh-grade students to improve their writing skills. They must follow the writing process, have a good command of vocabulary and phrases, and choose the appropriate writing style for their task.

Related : For more, check out our article on  How To Teach Children To Add Suspense To Their Writing  here.

Improving Writing Through Reading

Importance of Reading

Reading is an essential aspect of improving writing skills in seventh graders. Reading helps students to gain exposure to different writing styles, expands their vocabulary, and improves their comprehension skills .

A student who reads regularly can quickly identify the structure of a sentence, the use of grammar, and the correct use of punctuation marks.

Furthermore, reading helps students to develop their critical thinking skills, which is an essential component of writing. Students read and are exposed to different perspectives, ideas, and concepts.

This exposure helps them to develop their ideas and opinions, which they can use to create compelling and persuasive written content.

Types of Reading Materials

Seventh graders can use different types of reading materials to improve their writing skills. These materials include books, magazines, and online articles.

Books are an excellent source of reading material as they provide in-depth information on different topics. Students can choose books on different genres such as fiction, non-fiction, and biographies.

Fiction books help students to develop their imagination and creativity, while non-fiction books provide factual information on different topics.

Magazines are another great source of reading material for seventh graders. Magazines provide a wide range of information on different topics such as science, history, and current events.

They also provide a platform for students to read articles written by different authors, which helps them to identify different writing styles.

Reading is an essential aspect of improving writing skills in seventh graders. It helps students to develop their critical thinking skills, expand their vocabulary, and improve their comprehension skills.

Students can use different types of reading materials such as books and magazines to improve their writing skills.

Writing Practice and Exercises

Seventh-grade students can significantly improve their writing skills by practicing regularly. Writing practice and exercises can help students to develop their writing abilities, enhance their creativity, and improve their critical thinking skills.

Here are some effective writing practice and exercises that seventh graders can use to improve their writing skills.

Writing Prompts

Writing prompts are an excellent way to help seventh graders develop their writing skills. Writing prompts can be used to inspire students to write about different topics, such as personal experiences, current events, and fictional scenarios.

Writing prompts can help seventh graders to improve their vocabulary, grammar, and syntax.

Here are some examples of writing prompts for seventh graders:

  • Write a short story about a character who discovers a mysterious object in their backyard.
  • Write a persuasive essay about the importance of recycling.
  • Write a descriptive paragraph about your favorite place in the world.

Worksheets and Assignments

Worksheets and assignments are another effective way to help seventh graders improve their writing skills. Worksheets and assignments can help students to practice their writing skills, learn new writing techniques, and improve their research skills.

Here are some examples of writing worksheets and assignments for seventh graders:

  • Write a character analysis of a character from a book you have read.
  • Write a compare and contrast essay about two different cultures.
  • Write a research paper about a historical event.

Short Research Projects

Short research projects are an excellent way to help seventh graders improve their writing skills. Short research projects can help students to develop their research skills, learn how to organize their ideas, and improve their writing skills.

Here are some examples of short research projects for seventh graders:

  • Research a famous person and write a biography about them.
  • Research a current event and write a news article about it.
  • Research a scientific experiment and write a lab report about it.

Writing practice and exercises are essential for seventh graders who want to improve their writing skills.

Writing prompts, worksheets and assignments, and short research projects are all effective ways to help students develop their writing abilities, enhance their creativity, and improve their critical thinking skills.

The Role of Technology in Enhancing Writing Skills

Technology has played a significant role in enhancing writing skills for seventh-grade students. The internet has opened up many resources and multimedia tools that students can use to improve their writing abilities.

In this section, we will explore two of the most critical ways in which technology can help students improve their writing.

Online Resources

The internet is a treasure trove of resources students can use to improve their writing. Numerous websites offer free writing prompts, grammar lessons, and writing tips.

These resources can help students develop their writing skills by providing them with the necessary tools and guidance.

One of the most significant advantages of online resources is that they are accessible to everyone. Students can access these resources from anywhere, at any time, as long as they have an internet connection.

This means that students can work on their writing skills at their own pace, without having to worry about being on campus or in the classroom.

Multimedia Tools

Multimedia tools are another way in which technology can help students improve their writing skills. These tools include software and apps that allow students to create multimedia presentations, videos, and other forms of digital media.

By using these tools, students can develop their writing skills more engagingly and interactively.

Multimedia tools can help students develop their writing skills by allowing them to experiment with different forms of media. For example, students can create videos incorporating text, images, and sound to convey their ideas.

This can help students develop their writing skills by encouraging them to think creatively and critically about how to communicate their ideas effectively.

In conclusion, technology has played a significant role in enhancing writing skills for seventh-grade students. Online resources and multimedia tools are just two of the many ways in which technology can help students develop their writing abilities.

By using these tools, students can improve their writing skills in a more engaging and interactive way, and at their own pace.

Feedback and Revision

Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are essential components of the writing process. Seventh-grade students should be taught to review their work for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

They should also learn to identify and correct awkward phrasing or unclear sentences. A good strategy is to have students read their work aloud, as this can help them identify errors they might not have noticed otherwise.

Teachers can also provide feedback on student writing by using a rubric or checklist to evaluate the quality of the work.

This can help students understand what they need to improve and how to do it. Teachers can also provide specific feedback on areas that need improvement, such as grammar, sentence structure, or organization.

Teacher and Peer Reviews

In addition to self-editing, students can benefit from receiving feedback from their peers and teachers. Peer reviews can be done in small groups, where students read and evaluate each other’s work.

This can help students learn to give and receive constructive feedback, as well as improve their own writing by seeing examples of strong writing from their peers.

Teachers can also provide feedback on student writing by meeting with students individually or in small groups. This allows teachers to provide more detailed feedback and address specific concerns.

Teachers can also use technology tools to track student progress and provide feedback online.

In conclusion, feedback and revision are essential components of the writing process for seventh-grade students.

By teaching students to edit and proofread their own work, and by providing feedback from peers and teachers, students can improve their writing skills and become more confident writers.

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About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.

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7th Grade Writing Prompts Worksheets

Our printable writing prompts worksheets for grade 7 empower children to write better narratives, reports, and essays. Write arguments with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Support claims with logical reasoning and relevant examples. Practice toggling between formal and informal styles as required. Use a range of transition words and phrases to allow for clarity and cohesion. Master the art of writing excellent introductions and conclusions. Write a range of essays like expository, opinion, and more. Try our free 7th grade writing prompt worksheet and see what's in store for you!

How to Deal with the Generation Gap

How to Deal with the Generation Gap

In this 7th grade writing prompt pdf worksheet, write about how people can deal with the problems caused by the generation gap. Organize the reasons and evidence logically. Use cohesive devices effectively.


Digital Literacy and Netiquette

It's more important than ever to be digitally literate and stay away from bad netiquette. Write a research report on the topic. Be sure to use search terms correctly while you look for information.

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Alone in the Woods

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Today, children are more addicted to junk food than ever. What problems does eating junk food cause? What is the best way for us to get kids to eat more healthy food? Write an essay.

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Packing for a Holiday

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John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy

For many, JFK is America's most loved president. In 1957, Kennedy was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his book, Profiles in Courage. Improve your writing with this engaging 7th grade writing prompt pdf worksheet!

Visiting the Countryside

Visiting the Countryside

This part of our printable writing prompts worksheets is a narrative essay about the pleasure and pain of living in the countryside. Use relevant description to develop experiences or events.


This writing task is a research report about the Olympics. Assess the credibility and accuracy of each source that you use to gather details. Draw on several resources for additional information.

Story Prompt 2

Story Prompt 2

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Is Veganism the Way Forward?

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Access this printable 7th grade writing prompt worksheet and guarantee children the pleasure of writing something interesting! Let them master outlining, drafting, and revising.

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7th Grade Writing Assignments Worksheets

Related ela standard: w.7.10.

When you really want to know if students have internalized a work or concept having them writing extended assignments is a must. It is easy to answer a question but hitting on higher order thinking skills and sustaining a long-term argument is a different thing entirely. These types of activities take a large window of time to complete. They are also a good deal of writing endurance that 7th grade students are just starting to build upon. These worksheets will give students extended writing tasks to help them master the art of essay writing and build their ability to communicate in written form.

Extended Writing Worksheets To Print:

Talking about Technology - Should robots just run everything? What are they missing? It is all about writing in one sitting and done.

Writing In Stages - This is a great process to get yourself in. This is a three day writing project. Choose one of the pictures below as inspiration for a story.

Writing in a Single Session - Choose between the topic of privacy and homeschooling and write a piece in one sitting that fully answers the questions that you are presented with.

Prewriting Worksheet - See if you can bring yourself to use this sheets often and always. Think of a significant event in your life, and write one sentence that summarizes the experience.

Research | Reflection | Revision - Who has a past that you deeply admire? Choose someone that is no longer living who interests you or that you admire. You will be researching that person and writing their biography. The biography should be at least two typed pages long.

An Exploration of Poetry - There are many ways to write a poem. This might be a new form for you. m. Depending on how you use language, you can say exactly what you mean, in as many or as few lines so as you like, or you can NOT say exactly what you mean at all, but only hint at it using image words and sound words to create pictures or feelings in the reader.

What Happened? - Imagine that you arrive home to find that there has been a fire at your house while you have been at school and your parents have been at work.

Dear Principal, - If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be? Would you abolish homework? Increase the lunch period? Shorten the school day? Think about how what you want to change would affect the student body, both in the present and in the future.

What Makes Good Parents? - People can be very, very different from one another, and there are all kinds of ways to be a good parent. What qualities do you think make a good parent? Of those qualities, which are non‐negotiable, and which are optional, nice to have qualities?

Hand To The Face Prompt - Describe what you think is happening in this picture. This guy is not having such a great day. Tell us all about it.

Creativity Prompts - Are order and creativity mutually exclusive? Are creative people naturally messy? Does neatness stunt creativity? Explain your position on the topic.

Mapping Family Constellations - For this project you will be creating a description of the constellations within your family, and compiling them into a booklet.

Read | Reflect | Write - The world has changed an enormous amount in the last 50 years. Think about it, then do a little research to help give both the prompt and your thoughts some context. Use what you learned from your research to answer the prompt.

Using History as a Setting - Conduct whatever research you feel is necessary. Then write at least one full page answering the prompt.

Rock On - Picture Prompt - Describe what you think is happening in this picture. This is a picture of a concert scene.

How to Approach Extended Writing Assignments

Extended writing assignments involve research and critical reading from multiple sources of information and ideas and the development of persistent argument within a fixed amount of time. It is also known as independent writing. Students are usually given extended writing assignments by their teachers to test their writing skills. Though the topic to write on is quite easy and students usually enjoy writing on it but the main problem faced but a majority of students is their inability to plan an extended writing assignment properly. Given below are some tips that will help one a lot in writing extended assignments:

Understanding The Topic

First thing to do while planning an extended writing assignment is to read the topic carefully. Try to grab the topic correctly and then make a list of as many words as possible that relate to that topic. As extended writing is time based, making a list will ensure that you do not have to spend time in thinking about the related words while writing the body of assignment.

Writing The Body of Extended Assignment

In the second step, decide the main idea and the topic sentence of your material and write them down. Include additional information that will explain your main idea and the topic. This explanation will be the first paragraph of your extended writing assignment. Second paragraph will provide other necessary information and the third will sum up your main points.


After writing the body of your assignment, write a sentence or a small paragraph that summarizes the main point and restates your topic sentence. This paragraph marks an end to your extended written assignment.

After you are done writing the whole assignment, take some time to revise and review it. Make sure that your extended writing assignment includes all the necessary information with correct punctuation and spellings and is free of errors.

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