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CVs & Résumés

  • Jul 13, 2022

The 30 Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

We can’t stop laughing at these résumés!

Joanna Zambas

Joanna Zambas

Content Manager and Career Expert

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

Funniest résumés

When looking for a job , you want to make sure you have a powerful résumé that grabs the hiring manager’s attention. Some jobseekers, though, take it a little too far and end up standing out from the crowd for all the wrong reasons.

We jumped down the internet rabbit hole in search of some of those résumés and job applications that — whether intentionally or not — had hiring managers (and us) rolling on the floor laughing.

There were hundreds of candidates for this list, but we narrowed it down to 30. So, without further ado, here are the funniest résumés and job applications you might not want to replicate.

1. The excellent communicator

I mean, kudos to his sky-high ego, but apart from being a comedian , he hasn’t demonstrated any transferable skills that will get him hired.

Funny and excellent communicator resume

2. The drug dealer

This applicant is brutally honest… maybe too honest! It goes from bad to worse from no education to running a “marijuana delivery service”. It’s clear he has some sales skills , but not the type you’d want in a professional establishment!

Drug dealer funny résumé

3. The self-loving actor

Is this really a résumé, a hilarious joke or a meme even? If one picture wasn’t enough, Daryl decided to share three. The fact that he was cast as a rapist is slightly alarming too!

The Self-loving Actor hilarious résumé

4. A teen with a good sense of humor

This funny teen actually bagged himself a job at McDonald’s with his awesome and honest answers.

Good sense of humour résumé

5. Simply the best

This devilishly handsome candidate thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. He’s definitely brave for responding to a job application like this.

Funny brave résumé

6. Or, you know… Whatever

I mean, who else wouldn’t be impressed by an applicant with cat-like reflexes, a horse-like laugh and a large appetite?!

Funniest real résumé

7. The boss

A self-proclaimed boss who is good at nearly everything, but has no work experience or education — who wouldn’t want to take the risk and hire this stud muffin?

The Boss funny résumé

8. What an interesting hobby!

Brad had been sending out his résumé with this interesting hobby listed on it for a while before he realized that his friend had written it as a joke. Brad, my friend… you got punked!

Masturbation on résumé

9. The zero f*cks guy

Although many of us give zero f*cks from time to time, it’s probably not the best idea to list it on your résumé…

Swearing funny résumé

10. Is he for real?

It has to be a practical joke; from the bad picture to the jail time story. I’m a little scared just reading his résumé, let alone meeting Mr Santangelo.

Scary but funny résumé

11. Ms Desperation

Besides the poorly written résumé full of typos, nothing screams “desperate” more than “HIRE ME” written all over the bottom of this ridiculous résumé.

Hire me desperation funny résumé

12. Job for the summer

Despite the obvious punctuation and typographical issues , this young teen “with a good soul” only wants a job for the summer . What a real go-getter!

Funny summer job résumé

13. Simplicity is key

I’m not quite sure that the direct approach here will get this candidate the job. Any thoughts?

Simple but funny CV

14. Nicolas Cage

So cringe! This candidate attached a funny picture of Nicolas Cage instead of her actual résumé! Always remember to proofread and ensure your attachments are the correct ones!

Nicolas Cage funny résumé mistake

15. The c*ck

What a funny c*ck-up of a résumé. It’s safe to say that this is one way you shouldn’t apply for a catering position.

Funny Major Typo on Résumé

Someone teach this applicant some manners, please! I’m all for a bit of light banter, but this is the worst résumé I have ever seen. It’s outright rude and obnoxious.

rude and funny CV

17. The devil wears what?

If you’re going to reference a film, it’s probably best that you double-check the title first. I’ve never heard of Devil Wears Prague — have you?

Funny movie typos on résumé

18. The distraction

Clearly, this candidate’s filter from brain to paper sucks. Although hilarious, his ego will clearly be a distraction to his personal work.

Funny ego résumé

19. References unavailable

Funny how this résumé wasn’t burnt in the fire too…

Funny References on Résumé

20. Monkey business

Was this made by a 10-year-old with WordArt? This example will leave an outstanding impression, but maybe not the best one.

Silly word art font on résumé

21. Google autocomplete

We’ve all had situations with predictive text in the past, right? Well, this person decided to let Google write his résumé for him. Don’t get us wrong: it’s a funny résumé, but it doesn’t really show many skills other than creativity and a sense of humor.

Google Autocomplete funny résumé

22. The death certificate

Wow. This guy really wanted the job. So much so that he kept an eye on the obituary and sent the deceased person’s death certificate in with his application as proof there was an open position. I can’t see him getting the job, as it’s a bit callous, if you ask me.

Death certificate funny résumé

23. The GoT and Stranger Things expert

This isn’t a great example of a graduate résumé , so try not to take inspiration from it. Clearly, this person is a TV connoisseur, though, because they’re both great shows.

Game of Thrones and Stranger Things expert funny résumé

24. Pandemic résumé

I think we can all relate to certain things on this résumé (for me, it was the “staring into the void” listed in the skills section). The pandemic was a weird time, but at least this person has thoughtfully gathered examples of things they did and learned during it (and created the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time!).

Pandemic funny résumé

It seems that Bruce Wayne applied for a hospitality position, and even noted his desired salary as “justice”. I think this is a joke, but if it wasn’t, I don’t think his application will have gone far.

Batman funny job application

26. Insert text here

If you’re using a template when writing your résumé, make sure you delete any placeholder text like “text here”. While it might not be detrimental, it shows a complete lack of attention to detail .

Insert text here funny résumé

27. The race and sex change

This is one résumé mistake that Marissa won’t ever forget. In a similar fashion to the entry above, this person decided to use a résumé template . If your template has a picture, make sure you update the stock photo to a picture of yourself, or it could lead to some confusion when you’re invited to an interview. Can you imagine their faces when she walked in?!

Race and sex change funny résumé

28. The wild bear fighter

If the company is wanting someone brave and courageous, then this person gets a big fat tick. Who else do you know who is willing to fight a bear?

Wild bear fighter funny résumé

29. A typical teenager

Well, this would definitely stand out on the résumé pile — if it was real, that is. This girl’s father decided to create a résumé for her and let’s just say it didn’t highlight many positive skills — including “giving out all clients [sic] information to fraudsters” and “chopping colleagues [sic] toes off with a spade”. Ouch!

Typical teenager funny résumé

30. Dungeons and Dragons

If you’re an avid gamer, you might wonder how you can use these skills to get a job. Well, here’s a great (and funny) example of how you can show the skills you learned from playing D&D. You’re welcome.

Dungeons and dragons funny résumé

Final thoughts

While some of these résumés might be inadvertently (or even intentionally) funny, they definitely wouldn’t make it to the next stage of the hiring process. With a little under 30 seconds to impress hiring managers, you want to make sure you put your best foot forward — if, that is, you’re serious about your job search . So, whatever you do, don’t take a page out of these jobseekers’ book!

Have you come across any other funny résumés on the internet, or have you ever submitted an application that hilariously went wrong? We want to hear from you in the comments section below!

Originally published on September 30, 2015. Updated by Hayley Ramsey.

Job Applications

Résumé Examples

27 Hilarious Resume Memes That Every Job Seeker Can Relate To 😂📄

Are you navigating the turbulent waters of job hunting or resume building?

Sometimes, all you need is a good laugh to ease the stress ! 🌊😅 Welcome to our collection of 27 hilariously relatable resume memes that every job seeker will understand.

From the struggle of fitting your life’s achievements onto one page to the art of embellishing your skills, we’ve got it all covered.

These memes are a lighthearted take on the challenges and quirks of crafting the perfect resume.

So, take a break from polishing your CV and enjoy some humorous insights into the world of job applications! 📝🤣

Top 27 Hilarious Resume Memes:

Two Buttons Meme : A person is sweating while deciding between two buttons.

The first button says “List all my real skills” and the second button says “Exaggerate everything to impress.” Caption: “Making a resume be like.”

Two Buttons Meme: A cartoon character sweating and looking stressed while deciding between two buttons. The first button is labeled "List all my real skills" and the second button is labeled "Exaggerate everything to impress." Below is a caption that reads, "Making a resume be like." The scene is set in a simple, office-like background.

Drake Hotline Bling Meme : Drake disapproves the first panel: “Using a basic, no-frills resume template.” In the second panel, he approves: “Adding unnecessary but fancy graphics and colors to the resume.”

Drake Hotline Bling Meme: The image is divided into two panels. In the first panel, rapper Drake looks displeased with a caption that reads "Using a basic, no-frills resume template." In the second panel, Drake smiles approvingly with a caption that reads "Adding unnecessary but fancy graphics and colors to the resume." The background is simplistic, resembling the music video with color gradients.

Distracted Boyfriend Meme : A recruiter (boyfriend) is looking at a flashy resume (distracting woman ) while their own simple, well-written resume ( girlfriend ) looks on in disbelief.

Caption: “Recruiters every time .”

Distracted Boyfriend Meme: A man (labeled as 'recruiter') is walking with his girlfriend (labeled as 'simple, well-written resume') but he is distracted and looking back at another woman (labeled as 'flashy resume'). The girlfriend looks on in disbelief. Caption at the bottom reads, "Recruiters every time." The background is a city street scene to mimic the original meme setting.

Expanding Brain Meme : – First Brain: “Using Microsoft Word for your resume.” – Second Brain: “Using a professional resume builder.” – Third Brain: “Creating a custom-designed resume in Photoshop.” – Galaxy Brain: “Sending a video resume with special effects.”

Expanding Brain Meme: Four panels showing the evolution of ideas. First panel: A small brain with the caption "Using Microsoft Word for your resume." Second panel: A slightly larger brain, captioned "Using a professional resume builder." Third panel: A larger brain with lights, captioned "Creating a custom-designed resume in Photoshop." Fourth panel: A galaxy within a brain, captioned "Sending a video resume with special effects." The panels progress from simple to complex, reflecting the growth in idea complexity.

“This Is Fine” Dog Meme : A dog sitting in a room on fire says, “This is fine.” Caption: “Me, ignoring the typos in my resume because I’ve already sent it to 20 companies.”

"This Is Fine" Dog Meme: A cartoon dog sitting calmly at a table in a room engulfed in flames, looking relaxed. The dog says, "This is fine." Below the image, a caption reads, "Me, ignoring the typos in my resume because I've already sent it to 20 companies." The scene should reflect a sense of calm amidst chaos, echoing the irony of the situation.

“I Guess I’ll Die” Meme : An old man shrugs with the caption, “When the job requires 10 years of experience in a software that was created 5 years ago.”

"I Guess I'll Die" Meme: An image of an old man shrugging with a resigned expression. The caption reads, "When the job requires 10 years of experience in a software that was created 5 years ago." The man should appear somewhat baffled and humorous, emphasizing the absurdity of the situation. The background is simple and does not distract from the main character and caption.

Yoda Meme ( Star Wars) : Yoda says, “Reverse-chronological order, your work experience must be.” Caption: “When giving resume advice.”

Success Kid Meme : A baby with a clenched fist and a triumphant expression.

Caption: “Finally found the perfect resume template after three hours.”

Image of a baby with a determined and triumphant expression, clenching a fist. The baby is looking slightly upwards, embodying a sense of victory. The background is simple and not distracting. There's a caption at the bottom of the image in bold, impact font that reads: 'Finally found the perfect resume template after three hours.'

“Change My Mind” Meme : A man sits at a table with a sign: “One-page resumes are better than two-page resumes.

Change my mind.”

Image of a man sitting at a table outside, confidently looking at the camera, with a smug expression. On the table, there's a sign facing towards the viewer. The sign reads: 'One-page resumes are better than two-page resumes. Change my mind.' The background is a casual outdoor setting, possibly in a park or on a college campus. The man is dressed casually and looks approachable yet firm in his belief.

Futurama Fry Meme : Fry looks suspicious and confused .

Top Text: “Not sure if I’m underqualified for this job.” Bottom Text: “Or just terrible at writing resumes.”

A confused and suspicious looking person with a furrowed brow. The image should have two captions: Top caption says 'Not sure if I'm underqualified for this job.' Bottom caption says 'Or just terrible at writing resumes.' The person should appear uncertain and contemplative, embodying the dilemma of self-doubt in job applications.

“That Would Be Great” Office Space Meme : Bill Lumbergh from “Office Space” holding a coffee mug .

Text: “Yeah, if you could just tailor your resume to each job application, that would be great.”

A man in a white collar shirt and suspenders, holding a coffee mug, standing in an office setting. The image should have a caption: 'Yeah, if you could just tailor your resume to each job application, that would be great.' The man should have a smug, managerial demeanor, resembling a boss from a 90s office comedy.

SpongeBob Imagination Meme : SpongeBob with a rainbow .

Top Text: “Skills I actually have.” Bottom Text: “Skills I mention in my resume.”

A cartoon character under a rainbow, looking happy and imaginative. The image should have two captions: Top caption says 'Skills I actually have.' Bottom caption says 'Skills I mention in my resume.' The character should be depicted as enthusiastic and imaginative, evoking a sense of creativity and exaggeration.

Roll Safe Meme : A guy pointing to his head with a knowing look .

Text: “Can’t get rejected from a job for having a two-page resume if you only have enough experience for half a page.”

A man confidently pointing to his head with a knowing smile. The image should have a caption: 'Can't get rejected from a job for having a two-page resume if you only have enough experience for half a page.' The man should appear self-assured, with a look of clever realization, as if he's discovered a smart workaround.

First World Problems Meme : A woman crying .

Top Text: “I have so much work experience.” Bottom Text: “I can’t fit it all on one page of my resume.”

A woman looking upset and crying. The image should have two captions: Top caption says 'I have so much work experience.' Bottom caption says 'I can't fit it all on one page of my resume.' The woman should be depicted as overwhelmed and frustrated, symbolizing the dilemma of having too much experience to easily summarize.

Batman Slapping Robin Meme : Batman slaps Robin mid-sentence.

Robin says, “I think I’ll include all my high school achievements,” and Batman interrupts with a slap, saying, “You’re 30!”

A superhero character in a mask and cape slapping another character mid-sentence. The first character is saying, 'I think I'll include all my high school achievements,' and the second character interrupts with a slap, saying, 'You're 30!' The image should capture the moment of interruption, with the first character looking surprised and the second character appearing stern and serious.

Grumpy Cat Meme : Grumpy Cat with a displeased expression.

Text: “Submitted my resume online.

I hate everything.”

A grumpy looking cat with a displeased expression. The image should have a caption: 'Submitted my resume online. I hate everything.' The cat should appear annoyed and unimpressed, embodying the frustration of job applications and online submissions.

The Most Interesting Man in the World Meme : The man holding a beer with a confident look.

Text: “I don’t always write a cover letter, but when I do, it’s almost as long as my resume.”

A confident man holding a beer, with a self-assured look. The image should have a caption: 'I don't always write a cover letter, but when I do, it's almost as long as my resume.' The man should exude confidence and charisma, symbolizing the aura of someone who is rarely perturbed by formalities.

“One Does Not Simply” Mordor Meme : Boromir from “The Lord of the Rings” looking serious.

Text: “One does not simply write a resume without endlessly questioning every life choice.”

A medieval warrior looking serious and contemplative. The image should have a caption: 'One does not simply write a resume without endlessly questioning every life choice.' The warrior should be depicted as pensive and slightly overwhelmed, as if pondering the complexities and challenges of a monumental task.

“How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?” Meme : Steve Buscemi, dressed as a teenager .

Top Text: “How do you do, fellow applicants?” Bottom Text: “Me, trying to use modern jargon in my resume.”

An image of a man dressed as a teenager, looking awkward and out of place, holding a skateboard. He has a confused expression. Top text reads: 'How do you do, fellow applicants?' Bottom text reads: 'Me, trying to use modern jargon in my resume.' The scene should resemble a humorous attempt at blending in with a younger crowd.

“I’m in Danger” Ralph Wiggum Meme : Ralph Wiggum sitting on a bus with a nervous smile.

Caption: “Me, sitting in an interview after I lied on my resume.”

An image of a cartoon boy sitting on a bus, with a nervous smile on his face. The scene looks like a moment of realization or apprehension. The caption reads: 'Me, sitting in an interview after I lied on my resume.' The image should convey a humorous sense of anxiety or being out of place.

Confused Nick Young Meme : Nick Young with question marks around his head.

Text: “Says ‘detail-oriented’ in the resume.

Misspells ‘attention to details.'”

An image of a man looking confused with question marks around his head. He appears perplexed or doubtful. The text reads: 'Says 'detail-oriented' in the resume. Misspells 'attention to details.' The scene should convey a humorous sense of irony and self-contradiction.

“Is This a Pigeon ?” Meme : A confused anime guy mistaking a butterfly for a pigeon.

He’s holding a paper labeled ‘My Resume’.

Butterfly labeled: “Literally any job experience.” Caption: “Is this relevant?”

An image of a confused anime character holding a paper labeled 'My Resume'. Next to him, there's a butterfly labeled 'Literally any job experience.' He's looking at the butterfly, puzzled, as if mistaking it for something else. The caption reads: 'Is this relevant?' The image should convey a humorous sense of misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

Tuxedo Winnie the Pooh Meme : Regular Pooh says: “Good skills.” Tuxedo Pooh says: “Exceptional proficiencies in a dynamic environment.”

An image depicting two versions of Winnie the Pooh. The first version is regular Pooh with a simple expression, captioned: 'Good skills.' The second version is Winnie the Pooh in a tuxedo, looking sophisticated, captioned: 'Exceptional proficiencies in a dynamic environment.' The scene should highlight the humorous contrast between the two statements.

“Ah, Yes, Enslaved” Meme : A picture of a brain with the caption: “Ah, yes, enslaved experience.” Below: “Me, turning all my fun hobbies into professional skills on my resume.”

An image of a brain, personified with a caption that reads: 'Ah, yes, enslaved experience.' Below it, there's a subtitle that says: 'Me, turning all my fun hobbies into professional skills on my resume.' The brain should have a humorous expression, and the overall scene should convey the funny irony of transforming hobbies into work experiences.

“Why Can’t You Just Be Normal?” Meme : A screaming child in the backseat with the mom driving .

The mom is labeled “Me,” and the child is labeled “My resume trying to fit into one page.”

An image showing a scene with a mom driving a car and a child screaming in the backseat. The mom is labeled 'Me,' and the child is labeled 'My resume trying to fit into one page.' The scene should capture a sense of frustration and chaos, highlighting the humor in the struggle of condensing a resume.

Michael Scott Screaming Meme from The Office : Michael Scott screaming.

Top Text: “When you accidentally send a meme instead of your resume.” Bottom Text: “No God, Please No!”

An image depicting Michael Scott from 'The Office' with a horrified expression, as if screaming in panic. The top text reads: 'When you accidentally send a meme instead of your resume.' The bottom text reads: 'No God, Please No!' The scene should capture a humorous sense of regret and horror.

“You Guys Are Getting Paid?” Meme : From “The Hangover,” with the three main characters looking shocked.

Caption: “When you find out people actually hire professionals to write their resumes.”

An image from 'The Hangover' showing the three main characters with shocked expressions. The scene conveys a moment of surprise or disbelief. The caption reads: 'When you find out people actually hire professionals to write their resumes.' The image should highlight the humor in the realization of professional resume writing services.

As we’ve seen through these 27 uproarious resume memes, the journey of job searching and resume writing is full of humorous twists and turns.

Whether you’re struggling to condense your experience, debating how much to embellish your skills, or just trying to make your resume stand out, remember that you’re not alone in this.

Laughter is a great way to navigate the complexities of the job market.

Keep these memes in mind as a light-hearted reminder that every job seeker shares these universal struggles and triumphs.

Good luck with your job search, and may your resume be ever in your favor! 🍀😄

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Let us make you smile with some funny resume memes.

A day in a job hunter's life includes everything- from writing a resume, writing cover letters, filling up job application forms, and following up with the hiring managers. And it can be quite stressful. We get that.

No matter how many jobs you are applying for, you need to make separate documents for each company. It is quite a nerve-wracking job.

Well, we have some news that may help you cope. In the USA alone the unemployment rate is 6.3% . That means almost 10 million people are going through what you are going through right now.

So, keep calm and give yourself a break with a quick laugh.

Mark Twain once said—

"Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand."

With the concept "laughter as a stress relief" in mind, we have searched the web for the most funny resume memes to make you smile.

Enjoy this list of 19 resume funny memes that we have specially curated for you.

Perfect Use of "Keep Your Cover Letter Short"


What can we say? This is the hilarious resume pun example of our advice "keep your resume cover letter short."

But in reality, this might be a slight exaggeration. Yes, you need to keep your resume cover letter short. But at the same time, it needs to be professional, formal and grammatically correct.

When You Lie on Your Resume


This “when you lie on your resume meme" paints a hilarious picture of what happens when you lied on resume.

Everyone lies on their resume a bit.

But make sure to minimize your lies, or it will make a false impression of you, and you will face problems down the road.

It's Not What You Do, It's How You Tell It


These two funny resume memes are the classic example of how candidates converts basic skills and responsibilities into a nice and impressive format in the resume.

And, the best part is, it's not technically wrong. Recruiters prefer to see certain phrases and keywords on the resume. And that's why candidates use it on their resume.

Problems arise when candidates overuse it on their resumes.

So make sure to be mindful of how you describe your skills and achievements on the resume.

Also read : What are the power verbs best suited for a resume?

Formal or Informal Email, That Is the Question


There is a lot of confusion between candidates on what email address to use in their resume? And this resume meme perfectly describes what you should do.

Your personal email address may be anything like, [email protected] [email protected] etc.

But you should not use these email addresses on your resume. Instead, create a separate professional resume with only your name, such as [email protected] and include that email address on your resume.

Why Put All the Resume Information on the Job Application Form, Again?


This meme is a classic resume jokes of the age-old question of job seekers:

"Why should I put all the information again on the job application when I'm providing you with my resume?"

Let us give us the answer. Recruiters get 100s of resumes a day. And it isn't easy to open each resume, read and sort them out. That's why they ask you to put all your information in a job application form.

This application nicely sorts all the candidates' information in a single sheet, and recruiters can quickly sort the candidates without wasting time.

That Time When Your Resume Does Not Portray What You Say


This is a hilarious resume meme perfectly portrays how you should not include unnecessary skills on your resume. It will not be a deal-breaker if you don't have a particular skill, because you can quickly learn it.

But, it will not look good in your resume if the interviewer finds out that you are lying about your skills.

This funny resume skills meme also reminds you to always do a proper grammar check before sending the interviewer's resume.

Gap in Resume? Oh My God!


This meme sarcastically integrates the current job scenario in 2022 after the pandemic with a little pun. In the USA alone, almost 20 million people lost their jobs because of the pandemic. And it certainly reflected on their resume when the job market is opening again.

However, here is a little tip from our side. Do not make any excuses for your resume gap. Instead, explain the situation to your interviewer. If the reasons are proper, the interviewer will not reject you because of the career gap.

Also read : How to explain a career gap in your resume?

Highlight Achievements: Yes or No?


Freesume has created a brilliant resume meme cartoon on how not to over exaggerate your skills and achievements in your resume.

Everybody highlights their skills and work experience in their resume. And it is essential to know what to highlight and how much to highlight. For example, you certainly can not say that you have experience in specific tools for five years when the tool is around for only three years.

Also read : How to highlight your achievements in a resume?

Short and to the Point Resume: On Point!


What better way to make your resume short and to the point than this?

On a serious note, do not make your resume too much straight forward like this resume meme. Make sure your resume has all the essential information:

  • Professional Summary
  • Technical Skills
  • Certification
  • Professional Experience
  • Extra/Co-Curricular Achievements/Additional

Be Truthful or Lie?


This resume meme accurately calls the candidate's dilemma to give accurate information on a resume or lie slightly to get an initial advantage.

But you need to remember that, the incorrect information on your resume might get you the interview. Still, the interviewer can easily figure out if you are telling the truth during the interview. And it can lead to rejection.

I Have Nothing to Say


This resume meme is a sarcastic example of what happens when you don't prepare for your interview.

Also read : How to introduce yourself in a job interview?

Moral Dilemma


In the previous section, we told you that you should not lie to your resume. We still stand by the statement. But this resume meme perfectly articulates how the unrealistic industry expectations sometimes force you to lie.

That is also why we always advise students or job seekers to do as many internships as possible with studies. It will make you job-ready and help you crack any interview.

When Your Resume Feels too Short


We all are guilty of this, aren't we? You started creating your resume and after finishing it, it doesn't feel impactful!

So, what do you do? You start adding random funny resume skills on your resume.

The truth is, recruiters only care about skills related to the job profile. Apart from that they will not consider any other skills that directly or indirectly do not add value to the job responsibilities.

In fact, sometimes too much unnecessary skills may distract the recruiter, and they might miss the essential skills they are looking for.

So, make sure to stick to the key skills, and if you want to highlight other skills, you can include it in the cover letter.

Also read : What are the skills to put in your resume in 2022?

When You Know You Made a Great Resume


Writing a resume is challenging. We know that.

But it also makes the feeling of writing an excellent resume really special. Every resume is a gateway of opportunity, and with writing every resume, you are continually creating new opportunities for yourself.

Resume References Make Everyone Cry


This is a hard truth wrapped up in this funny resume meme. It is difficult for the job seekers to find trustworthy people to be their reference. That is why many job seekers put their parents or friends or relatives as their reference.

It is also pain or sometimes frustrating for the interviews to see these inappropriate references on a resume.

Also read : How and when to add references on a resume?

Resume as a Word Document- Be Careful


If you send your resume in a word document to the interviewer, this resume meme accurately portrays why it is not a good idea.

Every person uses a different version of MS Word. And the alignment in the word document varies from computer to computer. You may perfectly align your resume in your system, but it may not open correctly on the recruiter's computer.

So, always make sure to send your resume in a PDF format to the recruiter.

Also read : What are the pros and cons of a resume in word format?

Online Resume Builder

Meanwhile, if you want to create ATS-optimized and professionally designed resumes, go to Hiration Online Resume Builder and choose from 15+ design templates to create one for yourself.

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • Intuitive next text suggestion
  • Auto bold feature
  • 25+ resume designs
  • LIVE resume score
  • JD-resume matcher
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ pre-filled resume templates
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • LIVE resume editor

Go ahead and try our Online Resume Builder and experience the professional resume-writing experience like never before!

Comics Sans Resume Font: You Are Playing with Fire


What font are you using on your resume?

Is it Comic Sans? Then you are playing with fire.

You need to use a professional resume font on your resume. These fonts are simple and easier to read. Also, make sure to keep the font size between 12-14 so that recruiters can easily read it.

With that, we have come to an end of this collection of resume memes. Hope you had a good laugh while also learning some valuable tips.

Also read : What are the font styles to choose for resume writing in 2022?

Resume Review Service

With that said, if you want to get your resumes reviewed by professionals, simply upload it on our Online Resume Builder and get insights from professionals on what changes you can make in your resume to make it shortlist-worthy.

Our experts will review your resume in compliance with the following parameters:

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Working Mom Making Moves

Laugh-Out-Loud Resume Memes for When You Need a Job Search Break

Inside: 10 relatable and hilarious resume memes to keep you laughing when the job search has you down.

Even in a thriving job market, the job search can be tough! You’re updating your resume, sending out applications, having dozens of networking calls, preparing for interviews, stressing out!

So why don’t we take a break from all the job search worries and share a few laughs with resume memes!

Plus stick around until the end and snag a free resume template to make your job search a whole lot easier!

Resume Memes for When the Job Seach Struggle is Real

The neverending job application.

Resume Meme: *Upload Resume* NEXT Please fill in your employment history. Lebron James frustrated.

Career Coach Tip: Okay, yes. Resubmitting your resume information on the application is brutal. But it’s also a good reason to have a Word document version of your resume easily accessible instead of just a PDF so you can copy and paste.

Also, don’t skip over this part because you are (justifiably) aggravated. It’s going to take a few more minutes but you don’t want to count yourself out of the running by skipping the step that allows the employer’s system to move your application along.

Add Those Resume Skills!

Parenting skills I'm gonna add to my resume: -Experienced in cleaning up hazardous waste. - Able to listen to things I'm completely uninterested in for long periods of time. - Can withstand ruthless performance reviews. @drivingmomcrazy

Career Coach Tip : The performance reviews part had me rolling. Moms and dads – you get it!

But for real, don’t count out your transferable skills! For parents returning to the paid workforce, think about what you’ve accomplished and the skills you’ve built in the past 3, 5, 8 years. It’s a lot, and it’s 100% worth putting on your resume.

You’re a Multitalented Sunflower!

My resume pales in comparison meme. Picture of Alan Moore, Writer/Wizard/Mall Santa/Rasptin Impersonator

Career Coach Tip: Don’t count out what might feel like “odd jobs” on your resume. Check out that job description and take the time to figure out what in your experience would be most valuable to the role. Then talk about it!

Yes, this does mean customizing your resume for specific job applications which I know can feel tedious, but if it’s going to get you in the door and into the interview? Worth it.

Resume Formatting, Try Resume For(throwing my computer out the window)ing

writing a resume meme

Career Coach Tip: Trying to manage a resume update using your own template? The WORST.

It gets even trickier when you have images or icons. So skip the photos all together (it’s not necessary) and if you’re including icons make sure you have a format that is already set so you don’t need to play with it.

Make this easier on yourself and grab a free professional resume template that you can plug your content into.

Rseume Meeme, errrr Resume Meme, Resume Meme!!!

Star wars resume meme

Career Coach Tip: PROOFREAD your resume! And then get another set of eyes on it, please and thank you.

Need some help with your resume editing? Let’s talk.

Blame Barbie for the Resume Gap

Funny resume tweet from mark @thcatwhisprer The gap in my resume? That was the year I bought my kid a Barbie and had to remove it from the package.

Career Coach Tip: I laughed out loud at this while calling Nick Cage to see if he could help me unearth the national treasure that is my child’s Christmas present…

But in all seriousness, when you’re dealing with a resume gap, keep in mind a couple of key points.

  • You don’t REALLY have a resume gap. You weren’t just hanging out the past X number of years. No, no. You were a full time caregiver, volunteering, doing project work, etc. That belongs on your resume as valuable experience.
  • A skills section and a profile section can go a long way in setting the narrative of your resume instead of handing that job over to a bunch of job titles and dates! Start your resume by highlighting what you uniquely bring to the table.

I have some VERY special skills

Dwight Schrute resume meme - When your resume feels too short so you start asking random special skills.  "I can raise and lower my cholesterol at will."

Career Coach Tip : I LOVE a good skills section on a resume. Just make sure that it’s relevant to the job and use the appropriate keywords.

If the company is looking for someone who has experience with a specific technology tool and you have that experience, call it out! Do they refer to the figurative “herding the cats” you do in your job as project management? Use their language!

Now THAT’s a Resume Accomplishment

Tweet from Abby Heugel - If you put away the clean laundry on the same day that you wash it, I feel like that's what you should lead with on your resume.

Career Coach Tip: I genuinely wish I could do this! Maybe laundry speed and efficiency don’t show up on your resume, but this resume tweet definitely has a point.

Make sure your resume is about your accomplishments! More on that in the next tip.

Illumination Specialist (2015 – Present)

How would you write "I changed a light bulb" on your resume? Tweet

Career Coach Tip: This is about getting your resume bullet points up to PAR.

That stands for Problem, Action, Result.

Every bullet point on your resume needs to earn it’s real estate by talking about a problem you solved, an action you took, and the results of those actions.

If the bullet point isn’t doing that, it’s just listing a responsibility and not a good use of space.

My babies, my babies!

Schitt's Creek resume meme - struggling to edit your resume down to one page like... David Rose saying "I feel like that needs to be celebrated."

Career Coach Tip: Speaking of resume space… Keep it to a one-page resume for less than 10 years of experience. You can go to a two-page resume MAX for more than 10 years of experience.

Anything longer than two pages won’t get read, so while it may be tough to cut things off your resume, it’s necessary! Focus on the last 10 years of your experience in particular. Earlier roles require less detail.

(Keeps cool under pressure)

Funny resume tweet: Every parent who has picked up a toddler and taken them away from a playground while they kick and scream and cry is legally allowed to put "bouncer" on their resume's work history.

Career Coach Tip: Another shout out to those transferable parenting skills!

Grab a list of 48 transferable skills here for your resume if you’re feeling stuck.

Free Resume Template

I promised you a free resume template along with some laughs. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget!

Grab your free resume template here and leave here knowing that you got some resume memes to take the edge off AND a resume template to accelerate your job search.

writing a resume meme

More Memes and Resume Tips:

Funny Back to Work Memes for When You’re Not Ready to Start Wearing Real Pants Again

Take Your Resume from “Meh” to “We Need to Meet Her!”

Funny Working Mom Memes

Uplevel Your Resume Intro

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Becca Carnahan is a Career Coach, author, and mom of two. Her company, Next Chapter Careers, specializes in helping mid-career parents land fulfilling jobs they love without giving up the flexibility they need.

Becca trained as a career coach at Harvard Business School and has 16 years of experience in the career and professional development field. Find her sharing elder Millennial laughs and career advice on her podcast and in her book both named When Mommy Grows Up!

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