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Laundromat Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Laundromat Business Plan Template

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs and laundromat owners create business plans to start and grow their laundry businesses. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

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What is a Laundromat Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your laundromat business as it stands today, and lays out your business growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes research to support your business plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Laundromat

If you’re looking to start or grow a laundromat, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your laundromat in order to improve your chances of success. Your laundromat services business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your business grows and changes.

Source of Funding for Laundromats

With regard to funding, the main sources of funding for a laundromat are bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your laundromat business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable. But they will want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business.

The second most common form of funding for a laundromat is angel investors. Angel investors are wealthy individuals who will write you a check. They will either take equity in return for their funding or, like a bank, they will give you a loan. Venture capitalists will not fund a laundromat as they tend to focus on modern technology companies with quick and explosive growth potential.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a laundromat business plan.

Your own business plan should include 10 sections as follows:

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your laundromat business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key component of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of laundromat services business you are operating and the status; for example, are you a startup, do you have a laundromat that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of laundromats.

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the laundry industry. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target market. Provide a snapshot of your laundromat marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial and sales forecast.  

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of laundry business you are operating.

For example, you might operate a traditional laundromat in which you offer coin-operated washers and dryers. Or, you might (also) offer fluff and fold laundry services in which your staff washes and folds your customers’ laundry. This wash and fold service could also include home/office pickup and delivery. Be sure to explore all dry cleaning and laundry services that could be of benefit to your target demographic.

In addition to explaining the type of laundromat you operate, the Company Analysis section of your laundry shop business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include sales forecasts, goals you’ve reached, new store openings, etc.
  • Your legal business structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the laundry business.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the laundromat industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy particularly if your research identifies market trends. For example, if there was a trend towards fluff & fold, it would be helpful to ensure your plan calls for offering such a service.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your laundry shop business plan:

  • How big is the laundry industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s future growth over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your business. You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your new laundromat business plan must detail the patrons you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: college students, sports enthusiasts, soccer moms, techies, teens, baby boomers, etc.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of laundromat you operate. Clearly, baby boomers would want a different atmosphere, pricing, and product options, and would respond to different marketing promotions than teens.

Try to break out your target customer base in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, including a discussion of the ages, genders, locations, and income levels of the customers you seek to serve. Because most laundromats primarily serve customers living in the same city or town, such demographic information is easy to find on government websites.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers. For example, middle-class households may value clean laundry above all else, while upper-class households may value convenience most of all.

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Competitive Analysis

In this section, you should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other laundromats.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from you that aren’t direct competitors. This includes laundry machines/dryers in consumers’ homes or living environments (e.g., in college dorms). You need to mention such competition to show you understand that not everyone who needs their clothing washed frequents a laundromat.

With regards to direct competition, you want to detail the other laundromats with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will be laundromats located close to your location.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of clientele do they serve?
  • What laundry services do they offer (self-serve laundry, wash & fold, dry cleaning, etc.)?
  • What are their business hours?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to stand outside your competitors’ locations and ask customers as they leave what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide superior laundry services?
  • Will you provide additional services that your competitors don’t offer?
  • Will you make it easier or faster for customers to acquire the services offered?
  • Will you offer any additional amenities such as a coffee bar or free wi-fi access?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?
  • Will you offer more payment options suitable for your customer base?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, the marketing section of a business plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a solid laundromat business plan, you should include the following:

Product : in the product section, you should reiterate the type of business that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific laundromat services you will be offering. For example, in addition to washing and drying machines, will you offer fluff & fold, dry cleaning, etc.

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections, you are presenting the services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your laundry business. Document your strategic locations and mention how each location will impact your success. For example, is your business located next to a heavily populated office building, or gym, etc.? Discuss how your location might provide a steady stream of customers. Also, if you operate or plan to offer fluff & fold services, detail the geographic area you will serve.

Promotions : the final part is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will create awareness and drive potential customers to your location(s). You might consider the following strategies to help promote your laundromat services:

  • Making your storefront extra appealing to attract passing customers
  • Marketing on social media platforms
  • Marketing in local papers and magazines
  • Local radio advertising
  • Banner ads at local venues

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your laundromat business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your business such as serving customers, procuring supplies, keeping the store clean, maintaining laundry equipment, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to serve your X,000th customer, or when you hope to reach $X in sales. It could also be when you expect to hire your Xth employee or launch a new location.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your ability to succeed as a business, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a business.

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in the laundromat business. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act as mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in laundromats and/or successfully running retail and small businesses.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you serve 100 customers per day or 200? And will your sales strategy help you grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheet : While balance sheets include much information, to simplify them to the key items you need to know about, balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. For instance, if you spend $100,000 on building out your new laundromat, that will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $100.000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key startup costs:

  • Location build-out including design fees, construction, etc.
  • Start-up expenses if starting a new business
  • Cost of laundry equipment like washers and dryers
  • Cost of fixtures like folding tables, laundry carts, vending machines, counters, and lighting
  • Cost of supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your store design blueprint or location lease.

Putting together a new business plan for your business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the industry, your competition, and your customers. You will have developed a marketing strategy and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful laundromat.

To further help you, we have other articles on key aspects of how to start your laundromat and running it effectively. Specifically, our laundromat marketing plan will help you develop the best promotions strategy. Our laundromat startup costs post will let you know what costs to expect.

Laundromat Business Plan Template PDF

You can download our laundromat business plan template PDF to help you get started on your own business plan. We also offer a sample laundromat business plan to further provide guidance on how to craft you own laundromat business plan.

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Start a Mobile Laundry Business on the Side

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Believe it or not, the mobile laundry business is a great way to quickly attract customers and rake in cash. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the dry-cleaning business alone employs some 250,000 workers. Just within the United States, the business as a whole is worth over $25 billion. That means that there’s plenty of room for competition. If a mobile laundry business sounds like an appealing idea, the following steps can make the dream a reality.

Zero in on a Profitable Niche

Before purchasing any supplies, it’s important to settle on a sector of the market to target. Start by researching demographics that could be profitable. For instance, you might decide to go after hospitality businesses like B&Bs or motels that go through sheets like crazy during a busy vacation season. Alternatively, you could focus on affluent families with busy working parents who don’t have time to launder their own linen. Just know how your bread will be buttered before making serious investments.

Sketch out a Business Plan

After you’ve picked a promising demographic, a business plan is the next logical step. The appropriate scope for your mobile laundry business is the big unknown. For instance, will you merely transport clothes to a third-party laundry outfit or will you do all of the work yourself? Will you pick up laundry at a moment’s notice or do it on a schedule? How much will you charge for a load? These are the questions to ask before diving in with both feet.

Get the Necessary Start-Up Funds

The amount of money that you’ll need to get started will depend on how you choose to proceed. While it’s possible to launch a mobile laundry business on a shoestring budget, a few thousand dollars will likely be required. Figure out how much money you’ll need to stay afloat during the first three months. A trusty local credit union loan is often the best bet when it comes to funding. If you have lousy credit, consider a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign.

Round up the Required Materials

If you’re serious about making money in the laundry game, you’ll eventually need some commercial equipment. Industrial washers and dryers as well as pressing machines make life a lot easier. If you plan on offering dry-cleaning services, you’ll need plenty of perchloroethylene or PCE. Stock up on various detergents as well as coat hangers, plastic bags and labels to keep clients’ valuables organized. Buying or leasing a decent van to tote around large amounts of laundry is probably a wise idea.

Deal with the Inevitable Paperwork

Any serious business will need merchant accounts with reputable banks to process a variety of transactions. Set up lines of credit with wholesale suppliers of laundry staples. You’ll need to draft contracts that you and your clients will sign that cover issues like pricing, delivery details and liability issues. Sooner or later, an article of clothing is going to be lost or damaged. While you could use a waiver to limit your liability, it might be wise to have a reimbursement plan in place.

Learn the Ins & Outs of the Business

While it wouldn’t seem like washing clothes is particularly difficult, there’s more to it than meets the eye. You should know how to deal with different stains on different fabrics before launching your mobile laundry enterprise. Use trade publications like  American Drycleaner  and  National Clothesline  to pick up helpful tips on various laundering techniques. Experiment with a number of different detergents and equipment to fine-tune your skills and avoid looking amateurish during the crucial first months of operation.

Finding Those First Few Clients

As with any venture, the hardest part of starting a mobile laundry business is creating a buzz around your brand. Word-of-mouth advertising is often the best way for small outfits to get the most bang for their marketing buck. Post flyers at locations where you’re likely to find consumers that would be interested in mobile laundry services such as gyms and coffee shops. Joining local community organizations is also a great way to spread the word about your new laundry company.

Refine the Business Model as You Go

Within a month of opening, you should have a good idea of what works and what doesn’t. Locking down the right pricing structure is often the hardest nut to crack. Iron out any operational issues that you may be encountering such as delivery difficulties and customer complaints. After about three months, you should focus on streamlining the enterprise by trimming costs wherever possible. Always be on the lookout for better deals on materials from bulk suppliers to improve the bottom line.

Take Your Marketing Game to the Next Level

Eventually, you’ll need to get serious about marketing your company on the web. Social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter are a foregone conclusion. A healthy presence on review sites like Yelp and Google+ will help you to bring wary window shoppers into the fold. A flagship website with a popular blog will attract customers in droves. Use location-specific language within your blog posts to dominate the search engine results for mobile laundry in your immediate area.

Grow the Business as Quickly as Possible

Considering the low margins that are usually associated with the laundry game, growth is the key to reliable profits. Both vertical and horizontal expansion are viable options depending on your unique circumstances. You might find that offering more services outside of your wheelhouse is the best way to maximize revenue. On the other hand, it might be smarter to take your proven business model and expand into other markets in your region. The point is to avoid resting on your laurels and becoming complacent.

Staying a Step Ahead of the Competition

Even a business like laundry is prone to sudden shakeups that catch companies by surprise. Keeping an eye on industry trends will help you to see problems in the making and tweak your strategy to capitalize on them. Read publications like  American Laundry News  regularly to stay abreast of industry developments. When consumer tastes change overnight, be prepared to change with them. With any luck, your mobile laundry outfit will be a successful concern for years to come.

mobile laundromat business plan

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Business Plan For The Laundry Industry [PDF]

mobile laundromat business plan

In order to have a successful business, it is crucial to have a plan, a laundromat business plan . But, what exactly is  a business plan ? What should be included? How to know if the steps are being followed? This is what this article is all about!

Download your laundromat busines plan

Step 1. The definition of a business plan is that it is a written description of the future of a business. It's a document that tells the story of what the plan is and how to make it happen.  Although every business has its own story, there are some generally accepted conventions about what a full-blown business plan should include and how it should be presented. First of all, the famous 5 W's: What, When, Who, Where, Why and How .  By answering this 5 questions in the right way, the business plan for laundry services will cover all the important matters that will contribute on making the business a success.

“Going into business without a business plan is like going on a mountain trek without a map or GPS support – you’ll eventually get lost and starve!”  - Kevin J. Donaldson

Any laundromat business plan should start with a list of the services that will be provided. Will the laundry be delivered back to the customers or will there be specialized services offered such as dry cleaning and/ or ironing? It does not matter if entrepreneur(s) will not be going for a bank loan or a venture capital, a business plan doc will give clarity about where the business is heading and it is a helpful tool to stay organized and remain on track.


business plan laundry pdf

Laundry business has had a boom in these recent years, since people have no time (nor are they are fund of) for washing, dry cleaning and ironing their clothes. This business sector is a great business opportunity to invest in due to the fact that it offers a solution to people's problems, which is why it has a very high and recurrent demand (people will never stop washing their clothes). Although laundry business has a great potential, it is crucial to understand the importance of a business plan in order to make this business work. 

Business franchises come with a large number of benefits, including the providing of everything needed to get a business up and running. As the brand  and business model are already set-up and established, entering a franchise contract can come with less risk than starting a business entirely from scratch.


It is important that every business plan for laundry services answers the 5w's , the length does not matter, as some business are bigger than others or need a deeper explanation for its understanding. As stated before, the main objetive of a business plan is for your product(s) and/or service(s) to be understood.

The following topics are to be explained in a business plan:

laundry-business plan

  • Basic Business Concept
  • Strategy and Actions for its Implementation
  • Competitive Advantages
  • Target Market
  • Financial Needs

1. Basic Business Concept

This is an overall of the idea, where the When & How should be explained. This is where the entrepreneur(s) should explain and discuss the following:

  • The industry
  • The business structure
  • The introduction of the product or service
  • The plan for making the business

The main objective of this section is for people (such as investors) to figure out if the business is attractive or not and where the What and How  will be explained. 

2. Strategy and Actions for its Implementation

After the introduction of the product or service is made, here is where the following questions must be answered:

What are the specific goals for this business? 

When and How  will the goals be accomplished? 

This three questions are the body of the plan, this is one of the most important sections, it could be said that it is the heart of the business plan. 

3. Competitive Advantages od a laundromat business plan

laundry business plan competitive advantages

Why should people look at this laundry business plan instead of other? Why would customers want to purchase those products and/ or services and not those of the competitors? Here is where the chance to dazzle the readers with good and solid information about the laundry business is.

4. Target Market --> Marketing Plan

Everything about the potential and actual customers. 

  • What profile is being looked for? 
  • What is the demographic audience? 
  • What methods will be used to capture the specific audience? 
  • How will the “attack” and retain of the customers will be done to gain more profit? 
  • What sets your business apart from the competition?

5. Financial Needs

Starting a laundry business might be more expensive than people think. When writing down a laundry business plan , it is important to jot down all the equipment and items that will be needed such as: washers, dryers, detergent, hangers, and so on. These items will need to be factored into the budget to ensure the venture is financially viable.

These statements provide a model of how the ideas about a laundry business, its markets and its strategies will play out. It is important to remember that a business plan is based on facts and not feelings. The entrepreneur(s) have to stick on the projections and numbers instead of hopes, think about realistic expectations of profit instead of focusing on dreams of wealth. This section is about facts - checkable, demonstrable facts - because here, is were the most important component of all comes out: THE CREDIBILITY


A laundromat business plan is a great tool that allows founders to present their vision and plans of a project. When using any business plan format, there are standard questions (such as the 5 w’s) that force every person involved to think, analyze & create a long term vision and strategy for the idea.  It is demonstrated that writing things down on paper helps as a guide to track the progress and have better control on the status to be accountable on the future.

“Business planning is incredibly helpful for describing what you do, understanding who your competitors are, and crafting a realistic three to five year plan. Each of these activities is crucial if you are looking to launch or expand a venture, and learning to speak concisely about your company will always be crucial no matter what stage you’re in.”   - Garrett Neiman , College Spring


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How to Write a Startup Business Plan (Template and Real Examples)

Opening a profitable laundromat requires strategic planning. This comprehensive guide provides a laundromat business plan template alongside real examples, financial projections, and expert tips to set your startup on the path for success.

Why a Detailed Business Plan Matters

Creating a thorough business plan is crucial because it forces you to:

  • Validate demand for a new laundromat in your area
  • Estimate capital requirements and operating expenses accurately
  • Research nearby competitors to position yourself competitively
  • Create income statements projecting profitability
  • Clarify your marketing plan to attract customers
  • Determine ideal equipment, offerings, staffing, and pricing
  • Identify potential issues before launch

Advance planning increases the odds your laundromat succeeds long-term. Our template simplifies the process.

Laundromat Business Plan Template

Use this outline as a framework when writing your laundromat business plan:

Executive Summary

  • One paragraph elevator pitch for your laundromat
  • Overview of location, services, target market

Company Description

  • Founder bios and skillsets
  • Legal business structure

Products & Services

  • Details on offerings like wash/dry, fold services, drop-off, ironing
  • Available equipment and capacities

Target Market

  • Area demographics like household income, housing types
  • Customer segments and buying habits

Competitor Analysis

  • Research on nearby laundromats
  • How you'll differentiate from competitors

Marketing Plan

  • Website, social media, and advertising strategies
  • Tactics promoting grand opening and ongoing promotions

Operations Plan

  • Identify ideal locations and compare rent prices
  • Equipment buying or leasing
  • Layout, staffing, processes, and policies

Startup Expenses & Capitalization

  • Estimated costs for equipment, renovations, inventory
  • Capital sources and allocation

Financial Plan

  • 3 year income statement forecast
  • Monthly cash flow projections
  • Break-even analysis

Now let’s explore examples for each section using real laundromat business plans as illustrations.

Executive Summary Example

Pure Laundry will be a state-of-the-art laundromat serving families in the Riverdale neighborhood of Austin, TX. With all new high-capacity equipment, rewards programs, and customer amenities, our laundromat will provide a five-star cleaning experience in an upscale, comfortable environment. Our attention to customer service and efficiency gives us an edge over dated incumbent laundromats nearby.

Company Description Example

Bubbles Laundry Lounge LLC is a new laundromat founded by cousins Ben Howard and Alice Chen. Ben worked previously in hospitality management. Alice has marketing experience from her prior role at a cleaning products startup. Together their respective skills in service and branding provide the diverse expertise needed to deliver an exceptional laundromat experience. The company is structured as an LLC with Ben and Alice sharing equal 50% ownership.

Products & Services Example

The WestHill Laundromat provides full-service wash, dry, and optional folding services to meet a range of customer needs. Our equipment selection includes:

  • 16 extra-capacity front load washing machines
  • 8 industrial 80-pound dryers for fast drying
  • State-of-the-art soap vending machine with myriad options
  • Coin-operated and bill-accepting change machines
  • Topload washers available for specialty items
  • Folding station for optional service at $1 per pound

With ample equipment selections, customers can tailor the laundry process from DIY to full-service based on their needs and budget.

Target Market Example

Pure Laundry is located near University of Maryland serving two main demographic groups:

  • College students living in campus apartments or nearby shared homes needing a convenient, quality laundromat. Our evening hours cater to student schedules.
  • Young professionals and families in newly built communities lacking in-unit laundry. New complexes within 2 miles house 500+ such units, ensuring consistent demand.

These segments share key traits - valuing convenience, efficiency, and comfortable amenities during laundering. Our facility fulfills these needs completely.

Competitor Analysis Example

The WashHouse is the only direct laundromat competitor within 2 miles of our location. However, their outdated machines, barebones space, and limited hours leave many needs unmet that our laundromat will fulfill, including:

  • Modern machines - Their equipment breaks frequently while ours will be brand new.
  • Customer service - They have no staff. We will have attendants on-site to assist.
  • Amenities - Their space is barebones. Ours will have free Wifi, TVs, and lounge seating.
  • Operating hours - They close at 8pm. We will stay open until 10pm to serve after-work demand.
  • Capacity - Our equipment selection is 50% larger to handle demand.

By offering modern touches, better service, and longer hours, we can rapidly attract customers away from the incumbent operator.

Location Analysis Example

We have narrowed the location search down to these two options:

Site 1 - 235 Oak Street

  • Located across from new condo complex with 500 units
  • Storefront space in a small strip mall
  • 1,200sqft at a monthly rent of $3,000
  • Parking lot in front with 30 spaces

Site 2 - 681 Main Avenue

  • Corner attached unit next to a grocery store
  • 800sqft at a monthly rent of $2,000
  • On a bus route with constant foot traffic
  • Street parking only

Though Site 2 offers lower rent, Site 1's dedicated parking, larger space, and proximity to a huge customer base make if far more ideal despite higher rent. We will proceed with Site 1.

Marketing Plan Example

To promote community awareness and customer loyalty, we will deploy several marketing initiatives:

  • Run ads in the local newspaper celebrating our grand opening.
  • Print 5,000 flyers to be handed out at area football games, church groups, schools, etc.
  • Offer discounted wash promotions through social media daily deal partners.
  • Create window signs announcing our hours, services, and specials.
  • Host a community open house event when launching.
  • Provide referral rewards to encourage existing customers to spread the word about our laundromat.
  • Always engage customers to thank and learn more about their needs.
  • Sponsor a little league team using our brand name on uniforms.
  • Run radio ads on local stations right when households are finishing laundry.

This omni-channel strategy will inform the whole community of the quality, service, and convenience our laundromat provides over the competition.

Startup Expenses & Capitalization Example

Total estimated startup costs are $140,000:

  • Washers and dryers - $85,000
  • Point of sale system - $9,000
  • Signage - $4,500
  • Working capital for first 2 months - $15,000
  • Licensing and legal fees - $1,500
  • Contract labor - $3,500
  • Grand opening marketing - $6,000
  • Other startup costs - $15,500

Of this, $112,000 will be financed through a 10-year SBA loan because of the high equipment cost. The remaining $28,000 consists of equity injected by the founders.

Financial Projections Example

Number of Loads per Year - 26,000Average Load Price - $2.75Revenue - $71,500

ExpensesRent - $36,000 Loan Repayment - $16,272Labor - $26,000Utilities - $8,400Laundry Supplies - $4,000Marketing - $1,500 Insurance - $2,400Accounting & Legal - $700Other - $5,600Total Expenses - $100,872

Net Profit - $(29,372)

Number of Loads - 32,000Revenue - $88,000Net Profit - $8,154

Number of Loads - 40,000Revenue - $110,000Net Profit - $42,028

By Year 3, we generate strong profits by reaching just 40% of our estimated market demand. Steady growth in the initial years quickly leads to healthy margins.

Use this template to create realistic financial forecasts for your own laundromat based on market conditions, pricing, costs, and local demand.

Bring Your Laundromat Vision to Life

Writing a comprehensive business plan takes effort upfront but gives your startup the best shot at thriving long-term.

Follow our laundromat business plan template as you work through your own. Validate the market opportunity, analyze competitors, create marketing plans, and model cash flows based on real data.

The upfront research and planning will prove invaluable as you start welcoming the community into your modern, customer-focused laundromat. Now move forward armed with a strategic blueprint for making your business vision a success!

  • Business plans

Laundromat Business Plan

Used 4,872 times

Create your success roadmap with a laundromat business plan template, designed to arrange the essentials of the laundry business.

e-Sign with PandaDoc

Image 1

Created by:

​ [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] ​

​ [Sender.Company] ​

Prepared for:

​ [Recipient.FirstName] [Recipient.LastName]

​ [Recipient.Company] ​

Executive Summary

The [Sender.Company] is a prominent registered Laundromat facility strategically positioned in the bustling city of (Location Name). The Laundromat offers a convenient solution for the laundry needs of both residents and travelers. They are offering not just laundry services but also (state here the business' complimentary services).

The store's flexible hours are from (Time) (Mon-Thurs) and 24/7 (Fri-Sun) and are tailored to customer preferences. The company prioritizes creating an environment that ensures the customers' comfort and convenience, offering additional services such as ironing, folding, and packaging clothes. The attentive staff can always assist with currency exchange, detergent, and softeners.

Owned and managed by (owner Nane), a seasoned professional with a (Add some information such as college degree and other applicable credentials). [Sender.Company] is committed to providing top-notch service and embracing the latest technology to enhance your laundry experience. As your laundry needs, comfort and enjoyment are the company's top priorities.

Company Summary

​ [Sender.Company] is a distinguished professional in the laundry industry, known for his/her exceptional achievements and expertise. Throughout his/her career, he/she has consistently demonstrated his/her ability to enhance operational efficiency and raise the bar for service in the field.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to become one of the most successful laundromats in (Location) and be an industry leader and a choice laundry service provider.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to establish a successful Laundromat business in (Location) that thrives in both success and profitability. Our aim is not only to fulfill the needs of our valued clients but to exceed their expectations with excellent dry cleaning and laundry services at affordable prices.

Management Team

​ [Sender.Company] is under the ownership of (Owner Name), who has enlisted the support of (Recruit Name), a fellow graduate from (Name of University) with a bachelor's degree in (Field of Study), to serve as the company's (Position).

(Recruit Name) holds a master's degree in (Field of Study) from (Name of University) with a (Number of Years) of experience as a (Position) for a (Previous Company). His/her reputation as a (Position/Expertise) is well-established, making him/her an invaluable asset in maintaining the (Position/Expertise) integrity of the laundromat.

We project that [Sender.Company] Shall introduce the listed services when we attain (Milestone).

As [Sender.Company] matures, we will consider expanding our operations to additional locations or introducing new services, such as (Additional Services to be Offered), to meet evolving customer preferences and market demands.

We will also offer customizable membership programs at (Price) with exclusive benefits to enhance customer loyalty.

Products and Services

​ [Sender.Company] is a state-of-the-art Laundromat strategically positioned to become the industry's market leader. Aside from offering a laundry facility, the business also provides additional services. These supplemental services will assist [Sender.Company] in hooking clients.

These are the services and amenities available to the customers:

Self–service washing

Dry cleaning services

Folding and packaging of clothes

Home delivery services

(add service)

Market Analysis

Market segmentation.

​ [Sender.Company] plans to cater to a (small/big) range of clients in (Location). The target market for our laundry business is the following group of people:

Busy Corporate Executives

Visitors / Travelers

Business Owners

(Add customer profile)

Competitive Advantage

After carefully analyzing the market, [Sender.Company] has realized that it has a competitive advantage. The company's competitive advantages are as follows:

Location: (Description).

Environment: (Description).

Convenience: (Description).

Quality: (Description).

Services: (Description).

Strategy and Implementations

Marketing strategy.

The marketing strategy for [Sender.Company] will primarily focus on offering a reliable and secure laundry facility, exceptional customer care, and supplementary services.

​ [Sender.Company] is committed to utilizing traditional and innovative marketing methods to promote the business.

With this in mind, [Sender.Company] will implement the following approaches to attract customers and cultivate their loyalty. Some of the marketing strategies that will be utilized include:

Advertise our Laundromat business through national newspapers, local TV stations, and community radio channels.

To promote our Laundromat business through our official website and across various social media platforms.

Commit to continuously enhancing the performance of our brand.

Ensure consistent and exceptional customer experiences, emphasizing the importance of making a positive first impression.

(Add strategy)

Pricing Strategy

At [Sender.Company] , the pricing aligns with industry standards. We will not aim to overcharge or undercharge compared to our competitors in the surrounding areas. Plus, we will occasionally offer discounts and rewards for loyal customers and referrals.

Here are the flexible payment options [Sender.Company] offers to cater to various preferences:

1. Cash/Coins Payment

2. Point of Sale (POS) Machine Payment

3. Online Bank Transfer via our payment portal

4. Mobile Money Payment

Financial Plan

Revenue and cost drivers.

​ [Sender.Company] 's income generators will be the fees charged to customers for using the self-service machines and the costs for the additional laundry services the company will provide. Laundromats in the neighborhood charge an average of (Amount) to wash laundry. [Sender.Company] will charge (Amount) per load, comparable to the prices charged by other laundromats in the area.

The main cost factor is the overhead expenses needed to staff the laundry. These are the company's additional expenditures:

Payroll cost

Marketing materials

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

​ [Sender.Company] ​ seeks financial funding for (Amount) to start the laundromat company. The money will be used to buy card-operated machines and secure the laundromat's location.

Additionally, the funding will be set aside for (Number of months) of overhead expenses. The funding for the company is broken down as follows:

Washing machines and dryers: (Amount)

Card-operated machines: (Amount)

Water heating system: (Amount)

(Number of months) months of overhead costs (payroll, rent, utilities): (Amount)

Marketing costs: (Amount)

Working capital: (Amount)

Financial Forecasts

The company's projected income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement are shown below.

​ [Recipient.FirstName] [Recipient.LastName] ​

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Laundromat Business Plan

Venturing into the laundromat business? Whether you’re considering how to buy a laundromat or starting a laundromat business, a well-thought-out laundromat business plan is essential for success.

In this guide, we provide practical insights, templates, and expert advice to help you establish and manage a thriving laundromat business. Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or new to the laundry industry, our comprehensive guide is tailored to assist you in creating a solid laundry business plan. We’ll guide you through essential steps, from starting a laundromat to developing a strategic marketing plan for sustainable growth.

Whether you’re an individual entrepreneur or part of a team managing a laundry facility, our guide covers vital information to create an effective business plan for laundry services that aligns with your unique goals. This laundromat business plan example focuses on the prosperous laundromat industry, providing a solid foundation for your venture.

Join us on this journey as we explore the intricacies of opening a laundromat and crafting a business plan for laundromat that propels your success. Our team of business plan writers has meticulously prepared this guide to aid you in developing your laundry shop business plan. Let’s turn your dream of owning a laundry business into a tangible and thriving reality.

Executive Summary

Sparkle Waves Laundromat emerges as a beacon of convenience and cleanliness in the bustling city of Sacramento, California . This executive summary outlines the key facets of our business plan, illustrating how we aim to redefine the local laundry experience.

A Haven of Cleanliness

Situated strategically in Sacramento, Sparkle Waves Laundromat is poised to become the go-to destination for those seeking a top-notch laundry service. Our comprehensive range of offerings includes cutting-edge equipment, eco-friendly practices, and a customer-centric approach, setting us apart in the local market.

Tapping into a Growing Market

With Sacramento experiencing a steady surge in population and urban growth, the demand for modern, efficient laundromats has never been higher. Sparkle Waves Laundromat aims to meet this demand by providing a contemporary and customer-focused laundry solution. We cater not only to individuals but also to families and businesses seeking reliable and innovative laundry services.

Excellence in Every Detail

At the heart of Sparkle Waves is a commitment to excellence. We plan to partner with industry-leading suppliers to ensure our laundromat is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery, eco-conscious products, and a welcoming atmosphere. Our goal is to redefine the laundry experience, making it efficient, environmentally friendly, and enjoyable for all.

Financial Support for a Dazzling Launch

To turn this vision into reality, Sparkle Waves Laundromat is seeking a $200,000 Small Business Administration Loan. This capital infusion will be allocated to leasehold improvements, cutting-edge equipment acquisition, marketing initiatives, and operational expenses. It forms the cornerstone of our strategy to establish a robust presence in the local market and swiftly become the preferred laundry choice for Sacramento residents.

Company Overview

At Sparkle Waves Laundromat, our mission is to provide a sparkling clean and efficient laundry experience, elevating the standards of convenience and customer satisfaction. We are committed to offering top-notch services that cater to the diverse needs of individuals, families, and businesses in Sacramento.

Our vision at Sparkle Waves Laundromat is to establish a community-centric laundry destination that goes beyond basic services. We aspire to create an inviting and eco-friendly space where patrons feel a sense of belonging. Through strategic partnerships, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to sustainability, we aim to set a new benchmark for the laundromat industry.

Core Values

Rooted in our mission and vision, Sparkle Waves Laundromat upholds a set of core values . These values include a dedication to excellence, environmental responsibility, customer-centricity, and fostering a positive community impact. We believe in setting a new standard for laundromats by embracing these principles.

Recognizing the diverse needs of Sacramento’s growing population, Sparkle Waves Laundromat caters to individuals, families, and businesses alike. Our goal is to be a comprehensive laundry solution, meeting the demands of both personal and commercial clients with equal dedication.

To ensure that Sparkle Waves stands out in terms of service and equipment, we are establishing partnerships with leading suppliers in the industry. This commitment allows us to equip our laundromat with state-of-the-art machinery, eco-conscious products, and an inviting atmosphere, creating a laundry experience like no other.

Financial Foundation for Growth

To support our ambitions, Sparkle Waves Laundromat is seeking a $200,000 Small Business Administration Loan. This capital infusion will be strategically allocated to leasehold improvements, acquiring top-tier equipment, initiating effective marketing campaigns, and managing operational expenses. This financial foundation is essential for establishing a strong presence in the local market and ensuring a successful launch.

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Market Analysis

Local Demographics

Situated in the heart of Sacramento, California, Sparkle Waves Laundromat taps into a diverse and growing community. Our strategic location allows us to cater to the laundry needs of a mix of residents, students, and local businesses.

Population Trends

Sacramento has experienced consistent population growth, creating a demand for essential services such as laundry facilities. The upward trend in population, including students and professionals, presents a promising market for Sparkle Waves.

Competitive Landscape

Analyzing the local laundromat landscape reveals opportunities for Sparkle Waves to stand out. By providing high-quality services, eco-friendly practices, and a customer-centric approach, we aim to differentiate ourselves in a competitive market.

Consumer Behavior

Understanding consumer behavior is crucial. Many customers seek convenience, affordability, and eco-conscious options in laundry services. Sparkle Waves aligns with these preferences, offering a range of services to meet diverse customer needs.

Technological Integration

Incorporating technology into the laundromat experience is a growing trend. Sparkle Waves addresses this by offering a user-friendly mobile app, providing customers with seamless payment options, machine availability updates, and loyalty program tracking.

Environmental Considerations

The increasing emphasis on sustainability influences consumer choices. Sparkle Waves Laundromat responds to this trend by using eco-friendly detergents, implementing energy-efficient machines, and promoting responsible laundry practices.

Strategic Partnerships

Exploring partnerships with local businesses and institutions creates additional revenue streams. Collaborations with nearby hotels, restaurants, and educational institutions can enhance Sparkle Waves’ visibility and customer base.

Regulatory Landscape

Staying informed about local regulations and environmental standards is vital. Sparkle Waves Laundromat commits to compliance with industry regulations, ensuring a responsible and lawful operation within the community.

Market Entry Strategy

Our market entry strategy involves a comprehensive understanding of the local community, leveraging technology, and implementing sustainable practices. By offering a range of services tailored to customer preferences, Sparkle Waves aims to capture a significant share of the local laundry market.

SWOT Analysis


By conducting a comprehensive SWOT analysis, Sparkle Waves aims to leverage strengths, address weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate threats, with the goal of carving a successful niche in the competitive Sacramento laundromat market.

Products and Services

Self-Service Machines

Our laundromat offers a range of self-service washing machines equipped for different load sizes. Customers can choose from various wash cycles, ensuring flexibility for personal laundry needs.

Commercial-Grade Washers and Dryers

For businesses with larger laundry requirements, Sparkle Waves provides high-capacity commercial washers and dryers. This service caters to local hotels, restaurants, and other businesses with consistent laundry demands.

Wash-and-Fold Services

We understand that time is a precious commodity. Sparkle Waves Laundromat provides a convenient wash-and-fold service for customers who prefer to drop off their laundry and have it professionally cleaned and folded.

Eco-Friendly Detergents

As part of our commitment to sustainability, Sparkle Waves exclusively uses eco-friendly detergents. These detergents are effective in cleaning clothes while minimizing environmental impact.

Mobile App Integration

Our user-friendly mobile app allows customers to check machine availability, make secure payments, and track loyalty program points. This tech-savvy approach enhances the overall customer experience.

Commercial Client Solutions

Sparkle Waves Laundromat caters to the unique needs of local businesses by offering tailored laundry solutions. This includes customizable service packages, priority machine access, and flexible scheduling options.

Specialized Cleaning Services

In addition to standard laundry services, Sparkle Waves provides specialized cleaning services for items such as comforters, curtains, and delicate garments. Our experienced staff ensures the proper care of different fabrics.

Comfortable Seating Area

Beyond laundry services, Sparkle Waves offers a comfortable seating area for patrons. Whether waiting for a load to finish or working remotely, our customers can relax in a clean and welcoming environment.

Vending Services

For added convenience, Sparkle Waves Laundromat provides vending services for laundry essentials such as detergents, fabric softeners, and snacks. This one-stop approach enhances the overall customer experience.

Quality Assurance

Our commitment to quality extends to the regular maintenance of machines, cleanliness of the facility, and adherence to sustainable practices. Sparkle Waves Laundromat prioritizes customer satisfaction in every aspect of our service offerings.

Marketing Plan

Target Audience

Our primary focus is on local residents, families, and businesses in Sacramento, California. We aim to appeal to individuals seeking a convenient and high-quality laundry experience, families with varying laundry needs, and local businesses requiring commercial laundry services.

Strategic Positioning

Sparkle Waves Laundromat positions itself as a premium yet affordable laundry destination. Through a combination of top-notch equipment, eco-friendly practices, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, we aim to stand out as the preferred choice in the local market.

Marketing Channels

  • Local Advertising : Utilizing local newspapers, community bulletin boards, and radio spots to create awareness.
  • Digital Presence : Leveraging social media platforms, local online forums, and a dedicated website for promotions and engagement.
  • Partnerships : Collaborating with local businesses, hotels, and event venues for cross-promotions and special offers.

Promotional Strategies

  • Opening Promotions : Offering discounts and perks during the launch phase to attract a wide customer base.
  • Loyalty Programs : Introducing loyalty cards and special offers for returning customers.
  • Referral Discounts : Encouraging word-of-mouth marketing through referral incentives.

Operational Plan

Facility Layout

Our laundromat will be strategically organized to accommodate various types of laundry loads, including self-service machines, commercial-grade washers, and dryers. The layout will ensure efficient use of space and a comfortable environment for patrons.

Technology Integration

Sparkle Waves Laundromat will implement a user-friendly mobile app for payment, machine availability, and loyalty program tracking. Additionally, CCTV cameras will be installed for security, and an online booking system for commercial clients will streamline operations.

We will maintain a well-trained and friendly staff to assist customers, monitor machines, and ensure the cleanliness and orderliness of the facility. Continuous training programs will be implemented to uphold service standards.

Sustainability Practices

To align with eco-conscious values, Sparkle Waves Laundromat will implement water and energy-efficient machines, recycling initiatives, and eco-friendly detergents. This commitment to sustainability will be communicated to customers as part of our brand ethos.

Operating Hours

The laundromat will operate seven days a week with extended hours to accommodate different schedules. This flexibility ensures accessibility for both residential and commercial clients.

Quality Control

Regular maintenance checks and cleaning schedules will be implemented to guarantee the optimal functioning of machines. Customer feedback mechanisms will also be in place to address concerns promptly and improve overall service quality.

Financial Projections

Sparkle Waves Laundromat anticipates achieving profitability within the first year of operation. Financial projections include detailed breakdowns of income, expenses, and profit margins, providing a transparent overview of the business’s financial health.

Management Team

Sarah Thompson

Founder and CEO

As the visionary leader behind Sparkle Waves Laundromat, Sarah Thompson brings a wealth of experience in the laundry service industry. With a background in business management and a passion for creating exceptional customer experiences, Sarah is committed to making Sparkle Waves a prominent name in the Sacramento laundry market.

Key Personnel

In the coming months, Sparkle Waves Laundromat is actively planning to expand its team by recruiting skilled professionals to drive various aspects of the laundromat’s operations. The roles targeted for recruitment within the next twelve months include:

  • Laundry Attendants The backbone of our service, responsible for ensuring efficient and effective laundry operations, including washing, drying, and folding.
  • Customer Service Representatives

Friendly and customer-focused individuals to assist clients, manage inquiries, and maintain a positive customer experience.

  • Maintenance Staff Skilled personnel to ensure all equipment and facilities are well-maintained, addressing any technical issues promptly.
  • Marketing Coordinator

A creative mind to plan and execute marketing strategies , promotions, and community engagement to enhance brand visibility.

  • Administrative Assistant

Efficient support for day-to-day administrative tasks, scheduling, and coordination to keep operations running smoothly.

  • Supervisors

Experienced individuals to oversee daily operations, manage staff, and maintain high-quality service standards.

  • Security Personnel

Ensuring a safe environment for both staff and customers, contributing to the overall security and well-being of the laundromat.

Our recruitment strategy aims to bring together a dedicated team committed to delivering excellent service and contributing to the success of Sparkle Waves Laundromat.

Have Questions? Looking To Get Started?

Financial Plan

The financial projections presented here is a result of careful planning by the management team at Sparkle Waves Laundromat . These projections look ahead and are subject to securing the required funding. It is the responsibility of the audience to conduct their own thorough investigation.

Considering the current state of the market and the specifics of our business, we outline the expected funding needs for the initial year of operations in the following financial plan. This plan serves as a transparent guide, showcasing our commitment to sound financial practices and strategic management.

Accounting & Bookkeeping $3,900
Bank Charges $660
Contractor Fees $76,132
Employee Wages $76,132
Employee Benefits $3,807
Cost of Goods Sold $120,154
Insurance – Business $5,400
Insurance – WCB $3,807
Legal Fees $1,980
Marketing & Advertising $30,000
Phone, Internet, Cable $1,860
POS System Fees $4,796
Office Expenses $1,800
Utilities $7,800
Contingency $6,000
Prepaid Expenses $20,000
Inventory $63,315
Property, Plant, Equipment $500,000
Start-up Expenses to Fund $344,227
Start-up Assets to Fund $583,315


The Pro Forma Income Statement outlines the company’s anticipated financial performance for the next three years, with gross revenue projections of $456,795 in Year 1, $629,776 in Year 2, and $813,124 in Year 3. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) show positive growth, reaching $111,548 in Year 1, $180,456 in Year 2, and $248,423 in Year 3. The Pro Forma Income Statement provides key insights into the company’s profitability and financial trajectory.

Accounting & Bookkeeping 3,900 3,900 3,900 11,700
Alarm System 1,020 1,020 2,040
Bank Charges 660 660 660 1,980
Contractor Fees 76,132 104,962 135,519 316,613
Employee Wages 76,132 104,962 135,519 316,613
Employee Benefits 3,807 5,248 6,776 15,831
Insurance – Business 5,400 5,400 5,400 16,200
Insurance – WCB 3,807 5,248 6,776 15,831
Legal Fees 1,980 1,980 1,980 5,940
Marketing & Advertising 30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000
Phone, Internet, Cable 1,860 1,860 1,860 5,580
POS System Fees 4,796 6,613 8,538 19,947
Office Expenses 1,800 1,800 1,800 5,400
Utilities 7,800 7,800 7,800 23,400
Contingency 6,000 6,000 6,000 18,000
Commercial Mortgage Interest 39,477 39,192 38,887 117,556
Depreciation 9,286 9,286 9,286 27,857
Corporate Taxes 7,534 15,837 24,030 47,402

mobile laundromat business plan


The Pro Forma Cash Flow Statement is a vital component of the business plan, projecting cash inflows and outflows over the next three years. It anticipates a strong start in Year 1 with an opening cash balance of $10,000, followed by significant growth in Year 2 with an opening balance of $33,388. By Year 3, the business is poised for continued success, starting with an opening cash balance of $69,756. The statement serves as a critical tool for financial planning, providing insights for strategic decision-making and ensuring effective management of cash resources .

Net Income 55,252 116,141 176,220
Depreciation 9,286 9,286 9,286
GST Collected 22,840 31,489 40,656
GST Paid 13,265 16,956 21,120
GST Payable 9,574 14,533 19,536
Income Taxes Payable 7,534 15,837 24,030
Owners’ Down Payment 60,000
Commercial Mortgage 440,000
Purchase of Commercial Property -500,000
Commercial Mortgage – Principal -3,006 -3,288 -3,596
Payment of Dividends -55,252 -116,141 -176,220

Projected Cash flow


The Pro Forma Balance Sheet provides a snapshot of the company’s financial standing over the next three years, showcasing a progressive increase in total assets from $80,100 in the opening year to $760,612 in Year 3. Shareholders’ equity, a combination of invested equity, cumulative retained earnings, and dividends paid, is anticipated to grow from $70,100 in the opening year to $271,492 in Year 3, indicating a positive trajectory for the company’s financial health.

As we conclude our deep dive into the world of laundry entrepreneurship, it’s evident that understanding how to start a laundromat business involves more than just knowing how to operate washing machines. Opening a laundromat business requires strategic planning, from selecting the right location and acquiring essential equipment to developing a solid business plan.

For those pondering how to own a laundromat successfully, the key lies in comprehending the nuances of starting, building, and operating a laundry business. If you’re stepping into the world of entrepreneurship and considering how to start laundry business or looking to expand existing ones, the process involves careful consideration of various factors. From choosing a strategic location to setting up efficient operations, understanding the market, and providing quality services, opening a laundry business demands attention to detail and a well-thought-out plan.

Starting a laundry business isn’t just about washing clothes; it’s about building a laundromat that caters to the diverse needs of customers. The journey from learning how to open a laundromat to becoming a successful player in the washing machine business demands a blend of industry knowledge, customer-centricity, and effective management.

In the realm of laundromat entrepreneurship, how to open a laundromat business signifies more than just launching a place for clean clothes. It’s an opportunity to create a valuable service in the community, providing convenience and cleanliness. So, for those contemplating how much to start a laundromat, consider it an investment not just in machines but in the well-being of your future patrons.

In essence, understanding how to start a laundry business endeavors or embark on a laundromat business journey requires a comprehensive approach. It’s not merely about the logistics; it’s about building a business that stands the test of time, providing a fundamental service that people rely on every day. 

Whether you’re contemplating how to own a laundromat business or seeking guidance on how much to start a laundromat, our team at BSBCON is here to assist you. 

If you’re ready to turn your vision into reality and have specific questions about how to start a laundromat, opening a laundry business, or any related concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us at BSBCON for personalized assistance on your laundromat business journey.

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  • Sample Business Plans

Laundromat Business Plan

Executive summary image

Planning on starting a laundromat? Great call.

Starting a coin-operated laundry business can be extremely profitable due to its huge market size and growth potential.

Anyone can start a laundromat, but you need a detailed business plan for raising funding, applying for loans, and scaling it for good.

So, in this article—we’ll discuss what the laundromat industry looks like, steps to make your business setup process easier, and finally, how to write a laundromat business plan.

Before you start writing your business plan for your new laundry business, spend as much time as you can reading through some examples of cleaning & maintenance business plans .

Ready to get started? Let’s roll!

Industry Overview

According to IBIS World , the Laundromat industry is reported to be a 6 billion dollar market in 2023, with 19,375+ operating laundry businesses employing over 52960 employees in the United States.

Although a slight downturn in recent times, the coin-operated laundry market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4% .

These laundromats are a great help for students, professionals staying in dorms, or anyone who doesn’t have time to do their laundry—so it is a no-brainer that it could be a potentially profitable business venture.

Additional services like pickup and drop facilities can be an added advantage to your business, as it increases convenience for your consumers.

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Things to Consider Before Writing a Laundromat Business Plan

Pick a convenient location.

A convenient location is central to your business’s success . The location should be close to hostels, dorms, or apartment complexes to make it easier for your customers to access your service. After all, who would want to walk miles with all that heavy laundry?

Decide upon additional services

Coin-based laundries are gaining attention due to the additional services they have to offer. Your busy customers would highly appreciate services like pick up and drop, ironing, etc.

Having these services up for grabs makes it more convenient for your consumers and also gives you additional business opportunities.

Hence, it is a good practice to make a list of services your target audience would prefer to have and arrange resources for the same.

Pick a legal structure

Legal structures decide the taxes you pay, the risk to your personal assets, and many other aspects of your business. Hence, looking into your options and selecting the one that fits the best for your business is essential. Look into all of your options and pick one after considering all of its implications.

Gather market information

Know all there is to know about the industry, current market trends, target audience, preferences, competitors, their business and marketing strategies, and so on. This is one of the best business setup practices out there. It helps you understand what you are getting yourself into like nothing else. Hence, gather all the available information before getting started.

Chalking Out Your Business Plan

Reading sample business plans will give you a good idea of what you’re aiming for and also it will show you the different sections that different entrepreneurs include and the language they use to write about themselves and their business plans.

We have created this sample Laundromat Business Plan for you to get a good idea about how perfect a Laundromat business plan should look and what details you will need to include in your stunning business plan.

Laundromat Business Plan Outline

This is the standard laundromat business plan outline which will cover all important sections that you should include in your business plan.

  • Mission Statement
  • Management Team
  • Keys to Success
  • Financial Summary
  • 3 Year profit forecast
  • Startup cost
  • Market Analysis
  • Industry Analysis
  • Market Trends
  • Corporate Executives
  • Middle-Class Households
  • Business Owners
  • Sport Clubs
  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Advertising Strategy
  • Sales Forecast
  • Financial Plan
  • Important Assumptions
  • Brake-even Analysis
  • Profit Yearly
  • Gross Margin Yearly
  • Projected Cash Flow
  • Projected Balance Sheet
  • Business Ratios

After getting started with Upmetrics , you can copy this sample business plan into your business plan modify the required information, and download your laundromat business plan pdf or doc file. It’s the fastest and easiest way to start writing your business plan.

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A business plan software like Upmetrics is the best way to draft your business plan. Getting started with this tool is a breeze thanks to the step-by-step instructions, customizable templates, and the library of 400+ sample business plans included.

So, whether starting a laundromat business or planning to grow an existing one, Upmetrics is the tool you need to create a business plan.

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Frequently asked questions, what key components should a laundromat business plan include.

The following are the key components your laundromat business plan must include:

  • Executive summary
  • Business Overview
  • Products and services
  • Sales and marketing strategies
  • Operations plan
  • Management team
  • Financial plan

What are the common mistakes to avoid in a laundromat business plan?

Following are some of the common mistakes to avoid when writing a laundromat business plan:

  • Poor market research and ignoring industry trends.
  • Inadequate and inaccurate financial projections.
  • Undefined goals and lack of details.
  • Including outdated and irrelevant information.
  • Not proofreading the document for typos and grammatical errors.
  • Not regularly updating your business plan.

How to get funding for your laundromat business?

There are several ways to get funding for your laundromat business, but self-funding is one of the most efficient and speedy funding options. Other options for funding are:

  • Bank loan —You may apply for a loan in government or private banks.
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) loan —SBA loans and schemes are available at affordable interest rates, so check the eligibility criteria before applying for it.
  • Crowdfunding —The process of supporting a project or business by getting a lot of people to invest in your business, usually online.
  • Angel investors— Getting funds from angel investors is one of the most sought-after startup options.

Apart from all these options, there are small business grants available. Check for the same in your location, and you can apply for it.

What is the easiest way to write a laundromat business plan?

There are many ways you can write your business plan, and using Upmetrics’ business plan template is one of them. It allows you to edit and modify the sections of your project as you need—it can be considered the easiest way to write a business plan.

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How to create a laundromat business plan (+ examples)

  • Annabelle Amery
  • 11 min read

How to create a laundromat business plan

When diving into the world of running a laundromat, one of your first spin cycles should be creating a well-structured business plan. Your laundromat business plan serves as a blueprint for setting goals, defining strategies and projecting your financial journey.

Your plan helps you smooth out any potential wrinkles when you’re starting a business for the first time. Keep reading to learn how to structure your plan, and how to make sure that it works to your advantage.

Looking to promote your business online? Use Wix’s website builder to start making your website , then manage your site, marketing and ads all in one place.

How to create a laundromat business plan in 6 steps

To effectively clean up in the industry, a laundromat business plan will need to outline your service offerings, marketing strategies and financial projections. In the upcoming sections, we will walk you through six critical components of any strong laundromat business plan.

Executive summary

Business and domain names

Market research and analysis

Operations plan

Marketing and advertising

Financial plan

01. Executive summary

The executive summary of a laundromat business plan is a concise overview of the entire plan. It provides readers with a snapshot of the business's goals, strategies and key elements. Writing a clear executive summary is crucial as it sets the tone for the rest of the plan and should encapsulate the essence of the business in a compelling way.

To create an effective executive summary for a laundromat business plan, focus on the following aspects:

Introduce your laundromat business, its core services, and the unique value it offers to customers. Provide a brief overview of your vision and mission.

Define your target demographic, such as students, busy professionals or families. Explain why this market is ideal for your laundromat services.

Highlight what sets your laundromat apart from competitors: your key differentiation. This could be advanced technology, exceptional customer service, convenient location or a focus on sustainability.

Provide a high-level overview of your financial projections, including startup costs, estimated revenue and the timeline for profitability.

If applicable, briefly outline your future growth strategies and expansion plans, such as adding additional locations or services.

02. Business and domain names

Selecting an appropriate business name is a big decision for your laundromat business. It's the foundation of your brand identity and should convey the essence of your services. When brainstorming names, consider using a business name generator for inspiration. Ensure that your name is memorable, easy to pronounce and reflective of your brand values.

Alongside your company name, securing a matching domain name for your business website is crucial. The domain name should closely align with your company name and be easy to remember. Use domain name registrars to check the availability of your preferred name.

Once you’ve landed on your name and business structure, make sure to register your business .

03. Market research and analysis

Including a market analysis and research section in your laundromat business plan is essential for understanding the competitive landscape and crafting a successful marketing strategy. Conduct thorough research to identify your target market's preferences, demographics and behaviors.

By analyzing competitors in your area, you can gain insights into their strengths and weaknesses. This information allows you to position your laundromat effectively, highlighting your unique value proposition. Additionally, a SWOT analysis helps you identify internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats, guiding your strategic decisions.

04. Operations plan

The operations plan details the practical aspects of running your business efficiently and provides insights into location, premises, equipment and staffing needs.

Outline the location selection process, taking into consideration factors like foot traffic, accessibility and proximity to your target market. Describe the layout of your laundromat, including the arrangement of washing and drying machines, folding areas and seating.

Discuss the equipment you plan to use. Include specifications for washers, dryers, vending machines and any other amenities. Address staffing needs, detailing the roles of attendants, maintenance personnel and customer service representatives.

05. Marketing and advertising plan

Incorporate a comprehensive marketing and advertising plan that outlines how you intend to attract and retain customers.

Make sure to develop your branding strategy, too, which includes your logo, laundromat slogan , color scheme and overall visual identity. If you’re not sure where to start, use a logo maker to get the creative juices flowing.

Outline both your online and offline marketing tactics, laying out any promotional campaigns you plan to run (think: discounts for first-time customers, loyalty programs and referral incentives). Think of other avenues to promote your site, such as creating a business website , managing online reviews and partnering with local businesses.

06. Financial plan

The financial plan section projects the financial aspects of your business. List your startup costs, including equipment purchases, your lease, facility renovation, permits, licenses and initial marketing expenses. Estimate ongoing operating expenses like utilities, maintenance, insurance and staffing costs.

After that, develop a revenue forecast based on the number of machines, usage rates and the pricing structure. Outline your pricing strategy, considering local market trends and competitor pricing.

Last but not least, you’ll want to detail funding sources for your startup, whether it's personal savings, loans, investments or grants. Provide a clear timeline for achieving profitability, considering factors like customer acquisition rate and seasonal fluctuations.

steps to creating a business plan

Examples of laundromat business plans

Below are two business plan examples for hypothetical laundromat businesses. These plans include all the sections discussed previously and can act as a starting point for your own plan.

Draft business plan 1: FreshWash Laundromat

FreshWash Laundromat is a cutting-edge self-service laundry facility located in a prime urban area. Our mission is to provide customers with a convenient, efficient and environmentally friendly laundry experience. With a commitment to modern technology, exceptional customer service and sustainable practices, we aim to redefine the way people approach laundry.

Our target market includes urban professionals, college students, and young families seeking a hassle-free laundry solution. We stand out from competitors by offering contactless payment options, energy-efficient machines and a relaxing lounge area for customers.

In our first year of operation, we project revenue of $150,000, growing to $200,000 in the second year. With the success of our initial location, we plan to expand to additional neighborhoods in the third year, achieving a 10% market share.

Company and domain names

We have chosen "FreshWash Laundromat" as our company name to reflect our commitment to providing fresh and clean laundry services. The domain name "" complements our brand identity and serves as a user-friendly online platform for customers to explore our services and offerings.

Market analysis and research

Our marketing analysis reveals a growing demand for convenient and modern laundromat services in urban areas. By conducting competitor analysis, we've identified opportunities to differentiate ourselves through cutting-edge technology, customer engagement and sustainable practices.

Our laundromat will be strategically located near residential complexes and commercial areas, maximizing foot traffic. The facility will feature advanced washing and drying machines, comfortable seating, free Wi-Fi and vending machines. We'll employ attendants for customer assistance and maintenance.

Marketing and advertising plan

Our marketing strategy focuses on creating an engaging online presence through social media platforms, local advertisements and partnerships with nearby businesses. We'll offer promotional campaigns, loyalty programs and referral incentives to attract and retain customers. Our website will provide information about services, pricing and convenient online booking options.

Startup costs

Lease and facility setup: $50,000

Washing and drying machines: $70,000

Renovation and decor: $20,000

Marketing materials: $5,000

Initial operating expenses: $10,000

Funding sources

Personal savings: $40,000

Small business loan: $70,000

Revenue projections

Year 1: $150,000

Year 2: $200,000

Year 3: $250,000

Break-even analysis: Expected break-even point within the first year.

Draft business plan 2: EcoClean Laundromat

EcoClean Laundromat is a revolutionary self-service laundry facility that combines convenience with environmental responsibility. Our goal is to offer customers an eco-friendly alternative for their laundry needs, using energy-efficient machines, biodegradable detergents and water-saving technologies.

Our target market comprises environmentally conscious individuals, families and students seeking to reduce their ecological footprint. Our unique value proposition lies in promoting sustainability while providing top-notch laundry services.

We anticipate revenue of $120,000 in the first year of operation, growing to $150,000 in the second year. Our expansion plans include collaborating with local sustainability organizations to further raise awareness and community engagement.

"EcoClean Laundromat" aligns perfectly with our commitment to environmentally friendly practices. Our domain name, "," reinforces our brand message and offers customers a seamless online experience to learn about our services and book appointments.

Our market analysis highlights a growing trend towards eco-conscious consumer behavior. By researching competitors and industry trends, we've identified opportunities to cater to individuals who prioritize sustainability in their choices.

EcoClean Laundromat will operate in a central location with a focus on energy efficiency and water conservation. We'll use modern washing machines that require less water and energy, and biodegradable detergents that minimize harm to the environment. Our facility will offer educational materials to promote eco-friendly laundry practices.

Our marketing strategy emphasizes online and offline channels to reach our target audience. We'll use social media platforms to share tips on sustainable living and promote our eco-friendly services. Collaborations with local environmental organizations and participation in community events will further enhance our visibility.

Lease and facility setup: $40,000

Energy-efficient machines: $60,000

Renovation for eco-friendly features: $15,000

Marketing materials: $3,000

Initial operating expenses: $7,000

Personal savings: $30,000

Green business grant: $50,000

Year 1: $120,000

Year 2: $150,000

Year 3: $180,000

Why should you create a laundromat business plan? Top benefits to keep in mind

A business plan  can take shape in many different ways, but a well-structured plan can offer the following benefits.

Raising money for your business :  Your laundromat business plan can help you gain the trust of potential investors, partners or lenders specifically interested in the world of laundry. It shows you've done your research, know the ins and outs of the laundry game, and have a clear plan for making a clean profit.

Mapping out your resources:  Your plan helps you sort out all the laundry-specific essentials you need to launch and operate your laundromat successfully. From washers and dryers to detergents, seating, signage and even coin exchange machines, it's all there. This detailed resource plan ensures you don't miss a single sock and allows you to create an accurate budget tailored to the laundromat business.

Staffing:  Your laundromat business plan covers your staffing needs. Whether you're hiring attendants, maintenance experts or front desk staff, defining these roles helps estimate labor costs, ensuring the efficient operation of your laundromat.

Mastering the market:  Your plan dives deep into the laundromat market—understanding your competition, pinpointing your target customers and staying ahead of laundry trends. This insight is essential to find your unique selling points within the laundry world and tailor your offerings to meet the specific demands of laundry enthusiasts.

Operating smoothly:  Your business plan spells out the nuts and bolts of how your laundromat operates, from customer entry to equipment use and payment methods unique to the laundry industry. This meticulous level of detail ensures smooth operations and happy customers, specifically within the laundromat setting.

Anticipating any challenges:  By conducting a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis within the laundry context, your plan helps you spot potential wrinkles in the laundry cycle.

Painting the big picture:  Your plan pushes you to set long-term goals and dreams within the laundromat business. This vision guides your decisions, growth plans, and investments, ensuring your laundromat stays on the path to becoming a reputable and successful laundry hub within your community.

Read more about how to start a service business .

Laundromat business plan FAQ

What types of equipment are needed for a laundromat.

The most essential equipment for a laundromat includes washing machines, dryers, detergent dispensers, seating, and coin exchange machines. Depending on your target market and services offered, you may also need additional equipment such as ironing stations or garment steamers.

How much does it cost to open a laundromat?

Do i need any special permits or licenses to open a laundromat, how can i make my laundromat more eco-friendly, how do i choose the best location for my laundromat, what legal considerations should i keep in mind when opening a laundromat business, how can i effectively market my laundromat, what operational challenges can i expect in running a laundromat, how do i determine the pricing strategy for my laundromat services, how often should i review and update my laundromat business plan, is it better to buy an existing laundromat or start one from scratch, how can technology enhance the customer experience in a laundromat, other service business ideas you might be interested in pursuing.

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Laundromat Business Plan

Start your own laundromat business plan

Universal Laundromat

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">, opportunity.

Many urban residents lack access to in-home laundry facilities, and existing laundromats may not provide a pleasant, efficient environment for customers. Additionally, environmentally conscious customers are seeking sustainable laundry options that minimize water and energy waste.

Universal Laundromat provides a clean, modern, and comfortable space equipped with energy-efficient washing machines and dryers. We strive to create a welcoming atmosphere with customer-focused amenities, while also promoting environmentally friendly practices.

It’s been shown that the best method of advertising is through word-of-mouth. No major newspaper ad campaign is planned. However, we shall run weekly specials. In addition, we shall have an incentive program for referrals. Those customers who refer someone else to the store will be rewarded with two free washes, and the referee will receive an introductory gift of a free wash. In addition, we will ensure a clean environment, reliable machines, and friendly, prompt services.


Universal Laundromat would like to set itself apart from other laundromats that may offer only one or two services. Although the focus of Universal Laundromat is a washing and drying service, we do wish to offer our clients the convenience of these other services in one location. Those services include folding and potentially pick-up/delivery service, as well as online reservation and membership for pick-up and delivery. Most importantly, it’s our convenience that sets us apart from the competition.

Universal Laundromat is a full-service coin-op laundry (washing, drying, and optional folding) service dedicated to consistently providing high customer satisfaction by rendering reliable machines and furnishing a clean, enjoyable atmosphere at a competitive price/value relationship.


It is very important to note that the minimum monthly amount of loan payback should decrease as principal decreases. Furthermore, the profit projected in the table is after all expenses and monthly loan payback have been subtracted. All net profit will then be paid as an additional sum to greatly shorten the term of the loan.

Financial Highlights by Year

Financing needed.

Currently, Mr. Mihn Doung owns a small permanent shop in 7th Berryessa Flea Market selling power tools every weekend. That store brings in approximately $4,500/month on average in revenue. The profit averages out to approximately $2,500/month. Considering the potentiality in the coin-op laundromat industry, he’d like to take on further challenges by starting another venture.

To achieve this objective, Universal Laundromat is seeking $150,000 in additional loan financing. This loan will be paid by the cash flow from both the shop at the Flea Market and the laundry business, and will be collateralized by the assets of the business and steady income it brings along with an initial $75,000 down payment, and backed by the character, experience, and personal guarantees of the owner.

Problem & Solution

Problem worth solving.

Every person needs clean clothes. Not every family can afford a washer and dryer or laundry soap. 

Our Solution

Our Mission : To provide convenient, clean, and friendly laundry service.

Our Motto : "Professional, convenient, friendly service and competitive pricing"

Target Market

Market size & segments.

Universal Laundromat’s target market is every household that needs laundromat services within the immediate area of east San Jose. There is no market segmentation strategy associated with this potential market. The Market Analysis table indicates the estimated number of potential customers and their growth rate.

Current Alternatives

Our advantages.

Universal Laundromat would like to set itself apart from other laundromats that may offer only one or two services. Although the focus of Universal Laundromat is a washing and drying service, we do wish to offer our clients the convenience of these other services in one location. Those services include folding and potentially pick-up/delivery service, as well as online reservation and membership for pick-up and delivery. Most importantly, it’s our convenience that sets us apart from the competition.

Keys to Success

The keys to success in our business are:

  • Location : the potential business is to be located in a nice small shopping center of a poor to lower-middle class, ethnically Mexican neighborhood, where it’s the closest and most convenient place to get services. In addition, there are two apartment complexes located nearby. In addition to being the sole laundromat in this neighborhood and surrounded by residences, there is no potential for a competitor.
  • Convenience : offering clients services ranging from full-service washing and drying to optional folding, and extended business hours.
  • Environment : providing an environment conducive to giving clean, friendly, and professional service.
  • Reputation : long-term reputation resulting from friendly, professional service will encourage customers to return.

Marketing & Sales

Marketing plan, locations & facilities.

The laundromat is located in San Jose, California. It will utilize 1,500 square feet. The location is strategically situated on one of the busiest streets in East San Jose. More specifically, it’s located in a small attractive shopping center next to the poor to lower-middle class homes; therefore, there is NO possible competitor (after very careful examining). In addition, there are two apartment complexes located nearby. Surrounding it, there is a Mexican neighborhood whose residents get most of their services and needed goods in this plaza where the laundromat is located.

Milestones & Metrics

Milestones table.

Milestone Due Date
Mar 09, 2020
June 05, 2020
Sept 06, 2020
Dec 05, 2020

Key Metrics

Our key metrics are: 

  • # of reviews we receive, we shall especially pay attention to the locals
  • # of people who walk in verse make a point of calling to see if we are in 
  • the cost of running the machines

Ownership & Structure

Pro Tip:

Management Team

Minh Duong is an ambitious, hardworking, philosophical leader and businessman. He has extensive business experience, and knowledge in various fields including retail sales, service and the Internet industry. Over the years, he has started various small businesses ranging from offline retail sales of a wide variety of products and services to online hosting services. He has extensive leadership skills as he had been elected to be President of five different clubs in High School. In college, Minh had founded two organizations at the University of California, Berkeley. In addition, he had also been elected to various leadership roles such as President and Vice-president of three different large organizations with membership over 500 members. School-wide, Minh had been fortunate to be elected by the student body of the university to be a Senator in the student government. During his term of office, he headed the Finance Committee that dealt with over $500,000 in student fund allocation. Moreover, he also headed the Student Affairs Committee as well as the Computing Facilities of the student government. Realizing his service and efficiency, fellow senators elected him to the board of directors of the Berkeley Student Foundation, the largest scholarship foundation for minority students sponsored by the Associated Students of the University of California. There, Minh dealt with the decision process of fund allocations to top high school minority students throughout the country. In the business world, Minh currently owns a permanent Flea Market Power Tools Shop at the Berryessa Flea Market in San Jose, CA. He is also the President/CEO of a small start-up Internet company providing business solutions to other businesses. He is currently working with five other colleagues at his college on that business. In academia, he is currently working with Professor Bradford Delong, a former Bill Clinton’s Foreign Policy Advisor Committee member, as a Research Assistant on  a book titled,  A Time Series of Changes Due to Globalization . Independently, he is currently working on a research paper titled, "Is Chinese Reform Sustainable? Is It Different?"

Minh is currently a fifth year Pre-med, Pre-MBA student with a triple major in Economics, Mathematics, and Statistics. He is currently 22 years old. He came to the U.S. on Nov. 7, 1990 from Viet Nam. After finishing his college education, he plans to achieve an MBA from Harvard Business School and an MD from John Hopkins Medical School.

Personnel Table

2020 2021 2022
Owner $60,000 $61,200 $62,424
Cashier $42,000 $42,840 $43,697
Totals $102,000 $104,040 $106,121

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

Key assumptions.

Key Assumptions: 

  • People need and appreciate clean clothes 
  • People will be willing to pay 20 dollars to have someone help with the wash and fold 
  • Not everyone can afford a washer and dryer
  • Those who can’t afford them still need somewhere to do clothes. 

Revenue by Month

Expenses by month, net profit (or loss) by year, use of funds.

We estimate $30K in startup expenses, which are mainly location fix-up, some signage, some legal. 

We estimate $40,000 in purchasing assets including the appliances, some furniture and fixtures. 

Sources of Funds

Mr. Duong will invest $80,000 of savings. He will also have $8,000 in accounts payable, left over from some assets purchased. The plan includes a 10-year SBA guaranteed loan for $75,000. 

If all goes according to plan, he will be able to pay off the SBA loan early, in the third year. However, that detail is not included in the plan. 

Projected Profit & Loss

2020 2021 2022
Revenue $298,200 $384,000 $442,000
Direct Costs $119,310 $154,488 $178,268
Gross Margin $178,890 $229,512 $263,732
Gross Margin % 60% 60% 60%
Operating Expenses
Salaries & Wages $102,000 $104,040 $106,121
Employee Related Expenses $20,400 $20,808 $21,224
Rent $30,000 $30,000 $30,000
Gas / Electric $8,946 $11,520 $13,260
Marketing expenses $1,139 $700 $900
Insurance $5,964 $7,680 $8,840
Maintenance $5,964 $7,680 $8,840
Amortization of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0
Total Operating Expenses $174,413 $182,428 $189,185
Operating Income $4,477 $47,084 $74,547
Interest Incurred $2,887 $2,633 $2,370
Depreciation and Amortization $5,714 $5,715 $5,714
Gain or Loss from Sale of Assets
Income Taxes $0 $5,192 $9,969
Total Expenses $302,324 $350,456 $385,506
Net Profit ($4,124) $33,544 $56,494
Net Profit/Sales (1%) 9% 13%

Projected Balance Sheet

Starting Balances 2020 2021 2022
Cash $15,000 $32,593 $67,558 $128,064
Accounts Receivable $0 $0 $0
Inventory $12,874 $14,856 $14,856
Other Current Assets $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
Total Current Assets $17,000 $47,467 $84,414 $144,920
Long-Term Assets $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000
Accumulated Depreciation ($5,714) ($11,429) ($17,143)
Total Long-Term Assets $40,000 $34,286 $28,571 $22,857
Total Assets $57,000 $81,753 $112,985 $167,777
Accounts Payable $8,000 $35,016 $37,327 $40,018
Income Taxes Payable $0 $1,456 $2,496
Sales Taxes Payable $8,082 $8,478 $9,783
Short-Term Debt $6,221 $6,475 $6,738 $7,013
Prepaid Revenue
Total Current Liabilities $14,221 $49,573 $53,999 $59,310
Long-Term Debt $68,779 $62,304 $55,566 $48,553
Long-Term Liabilities $68,779 $62,304 $55,566 $48,553
Total Liabilities $83,000 $111,877 $109,565 $107,862
Paid-In Capital $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000
Retained Earnings ($106,000) ($106,000) ($110,124) ($76,580)
Earnings ($4,124) $33,544 $56,494
Total Owner’s Equity ($26,000) ($30,124) $3,420 $59,914
Total Liabilities & Equity $57,000 $81,753 $112,985 $167,777

Projected Cash Flow Statement

2020 2021 2022
Net Cash Flow from Operations
Net Profit ($4,124) $33,544 $56,494
Depreciation & Amortization $5,714 $5,714 $5,714
Change in Accounts Receivable $0 $0 $0
Change in Inventory ($12,874) ($1,982) $0
Change in Accounts Payable $27,016 $2,311 $2,691
Change in Income Tax Payable $0 $1,456 $1,040
Change in Sales Tax Payable $8,082 $396 $1,305
Change in Prepaid Revenue
Net Cash Flow from Operations $23,814 $41,440 $67,245
Investing & Financing
Assets Purchased or Sold
Net Cash from Investing
Investments Received
Dividends & Distributions
Change in Short-Term Debt $253 $264 $275
Change in Long-Term Debt ($6,475) ($6,738) ($7,013)
Net Cash from Financing ($6,221) ($6,475) ($6,738)
Cash at Beginning of Period $15,000 $32,593 $67,558
Net Change in Cash $17,593 $34,965 $60,506
Cash at End of Period $32,593 $67,558 $128,064

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How To Build a Successful Laundromat Delivery Service Business Plan

How To Build a Successful Laundromat Delivery Service Business Plan

Laundry delivery, also known as on-demand pickup and delivery , is an emerging market with major potential for new and experienced entrepreneurs.

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With a meticulous, robust business plan you can unlock the true potential of the laundry industry. The process of creating a comprehensive business plan specific to the laundromat delivery service industry can be complex, but starting with a solid, well-thought foundation can help you overcome the unique challenges that come with this sector. 

In this blog post you’ll get the building blocks for a profitable laundry delivery business venture complete with informed decision making strategies, long-term goals, and tips for market penetration and sustainable growth.

Why a Laundromat Delivery Service?

There has never been a better time to start a laundry pickup and delivery service. As life gets busier, cities become more dense, and technology advancements continue to prioritize customer convenience, people and families value services that save them time and reduce their daily burdens. 

Laundry, a time-consuming chore that virtually everyone has to deal with, is ripe for innovation! This is where laundromat delivery services come into play, addressing a genuine need in the marketplace for convenient and efficient laundry solutions. These services take the hassle out of the laundry process by providing pick-up and delivery right to the customer's doorstep, aligning with the broader societal trend toward convenience and on-demand services.

The demand for such convenience-driven services is not just an emerging trend— it's a rapidly expanding market with promising financial potential . Verified Market Research predicts a bright future for the online on-demand laundry service sector, forecasting a global market value of $113.24 billion by 2027 , with a strong compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 35.9% . It's clear that a strong business model which combines exceptional pickup and delivery practices with the modern consumer's need for convenience stands ready to make a huge impact in the laundry landscape.

Why you should start a pickup and delivery service:

Burgeoning Market: The laundry service market is forecasted to reach a global value of over $100 billion in the coming years . This trajectory points to a clear demand and a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs who are ready to adapt to capitalize on the changing landscape.

Service for Commercial Customers: The potential client base for a laundromat delivery service isn't limited to busy individuals—it can also extend to businesses. Restaurants, hotels, gyms, and healthcare facilities often require frequent and reliable laundry services, making them potential heavy-hitting clients for your venture.

Busy Customers: Today’s consumers juggle a never-ending list of daily responsibilities, and any service that can lessen the burden from time-sucking chores is often welcomed. 

Minimal Inventory Requirements: Unlike many businesses, laundromat delivery services require minimal physical inventory. The focus is on providing a service rather than selling a product, which can significantly reduce inventory management and storage costs.

Year-Round Demand: The need for laundry services persists year-round, making this business model less susceptible to seasonal fluctuations. This provides a steady demand, enabling more predictable business planning and revenue forecasting.

Room for Growth: Starting with a small operational radius doesn't limit your business's growth potential. As your laundromat delivery service gains popularity and the demand increases, there are abundant opportunities for geographical expansion and scaling up for the growth-minded business owner.

Adaptability: A laundromat delivery service offers flexibility, allowing you to tailor your services to the specific needs of your market. Whether it's offering express services, 24/7 availability, or specialized care for delicate fabrics, there's plenty of room for customization and differentiation.

Elements of a Laundromat Delivery Service Business Plan

 A laundromat delivery service business plan serves as a blueprint for your venture. This should encompass every detail that may influence the success of your business. Here are the step-by-step fundamentals of this plan:

1. Market Analysis

Begin with an in-depth market analysis. This includes understanding the demographics, lifestyle, and laundry needs of your target market, examining the competitive landscape, and acknowledging the possible challenges that may arise. By thoroughly investigating these aspects, you can strategically position your laundromat delivery service in a unique niche that best leverages profitable opportunities.

2. Services and Pricing

Identifying the spectrum of services to offer is an important initial step. You could range from standard washing and folding to more specialized services such as dry cleaning, stain removal, sneaker cleaning , or delicate fabric care. Your offerings should fit with the target market's needs you found in the market analysis phase. Make sure to also bake in a component that sets you apart from your local competitors. Apply competitive analysis to your pricing strategy as well. The goal is to be competitive yet profitable, aligning with the quality and convenience you offer.

3. Marketing and Sales Strategy

You need to develop an effective marketing and sales strategy to attract and retain customers. This should encompass a mix of online and offline advertising, public relations efforts, promotional offers, and social media campaigns. Integral to this strategy is crafting a compelling brand narrative that resonates with your audience and fosters customer loyalty.

4. Operations and Logistics

This is the backbone of a successful laundromat delivery service. From scheduling pickups and deliveries to managing the laundry processing, every operational detail impacts the customer experience. Your business plan must include detailed strategies for streamlining logistics, prioritizing punctuality, ease-of-use for customers, and maintaining superior service standards.

5. Financial Projections

This step includes forecasting potential revenues based on your pricing and sales strategy, estimating operational and capital expenses, and assessing profitability. A realistic financial plan will guide your business decisions, providing clarity on your venture's economic feasibility and attractiveness to potential investors.

6. Technology Integration

Your start-up planning should include competitive technology integrations. A user-friendly mobile app or website can simplify the ordering process for your customers, providing features such as service selection, scheduling, real-time tracking, and payments. It also makes your life easier by streamlining operations, improving your services, and facilitating simplified fleet management . Incorporating technology in your plan also demonstrates forward-thinking, appealing to both customers and investors.

By thoroughly understanding and planning these components, you can build a fool-proof laundromat delivery service business poised for profit. Each step serves as an essential component for the launch of a powerful laundry delivery service, setting you on a path to success in this promising and dynamic industry.

Key Considerations in Developing Your Plan

You have the step-by-step business plan fundamentals; now let’s get granular with the specifics. Designing a quality business plan requires you to look beyond the basics, so let’s dive deeper into several critical considerations that could significantly influence the trajectory of your venture.

Unique Value Proposition: Your unique value proposition (UVP) is the very thing that distinguishes you from the competition. Your UVP should concisely communicate why your laundromat delivery service is the best choice in the local area. It could encompass differentiating factors like unparalleled service quality, fast turnaround times, superior convenience, or exceptional customer service. Be sure your UVP resonates with your target audience and is effectively communicated across all your marketing channels.

Regulatory Awareness : Adhering to local regulations is a vital aspect of running any business. For a laundromat delivery service, this could include understanding the legalities surrounding laundry operations, transportation, and employment. Ensuring legal compliance is essential to prevent any unforeseen complications that could disrupt your business operations. Regular consultation with legal experts and staying updated with industry-specific regulations can safeguard your business against potential legal hiccups.

Risk Assessment: Risk is an inherent part of any business venture. Your business plan needs to include a thorough risk assessment that isolates potential threats and devises contingency strategies. This ranges from operational risks, such as disruptions in delivery or equipment failure, to broader risks like changing market trends or regulatory changes. By anticipating these risks and planning proactive mitigation strategies, you can strengthen the resilience of your business.

Sustainability: As consumers become more environmentally conscious , aligning your business with sustainable practices can significantly enhance your brand image and widen your customer appeal. Consider opting for energy-efficient laundry machines, using eco-friendly detergents, promoting water conservation, or offering reusable laundry bags to customers. Emphasizing your commitment to sustainability not only attracts eco-conscious consumers but also exemplifies responsible entrepreneurship.

Location and Technology : Choosing the right location for your business and understanding your market demographics can significantly impact your success. Location plays a huge role in accessibility for pickups and deliveries and can influence your speed and efficiency. A laundromat management software can streamline the ordering process, offer real-time order tracking, provide secure payment options, and improve overall customer engagement, giving you an edge.

Strategic Partnerships: Strategic partnerships can play a pivotal role in the growth of your business. Collaborations with residential complexes, hotels, corporate offices, or other businesses that require regular laundry services can provide a steady customer base. These partnerships not only boost your business volume but also lend credibility to your service, helping you establish a strong reputation among your customers.

Take action!

Navigating the lucrative yet challenging journey of setting up a laundromat delivery service requires more than an innovative idea—it needs a detail-oriented business plan. A business plan not only serves as a roadmap guiding your business operations but also facilitates strategic decision-making, financial preparedness, and marketing efforts.

The rapid growth of the on-demand laundry market, combined with the increasingly convenience-oriented consumer base, presents an incredible opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to break new ground in the industry. Capturing this opportunity requires a deep understanding of market dynamics, clear operational strategies, robust financial projections, and a compelling unique value proposition—all elements of a comprehensive business plan.

Keep this blog post in mind as you develop the blueprint for your laundry industry success. The future of laundry is here, and it's ready for trailblazers like you to help shape it!

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Laundromat business plan template + PDF

This guide presents the sophisticated AI Business Plan Generator template, meticulously tailored for entrepreneurs eager to kickstart or enhance their laundromat business endeavors. It's worth noting that the names and financial projections mentioned herein are purely for illustrative purposes, serving as educational aids to steer your business planning journey. These examples are thoughtfully chosen to showcase how you can personalize your own AI-generated Laundromat Business Plan, empowering you to tackle obstacles and seize opportunities within the laundromat industry.

For those in pursuit of a tailored solution, we provide a downloadable 'Laundromat Business Plan PDF' . This document is indispensable for entrepreneurs committed to crafting a compelling and strategic roadmap for launching or expanding their laundromat services. The 'AI Business Plan Generator' acts as an exhaustive guide, offering profound insights into the laundromat landscape. Equipped with this tool, you'll adeptly navigate and elevate your laundromat business, harnessing the prowess of AI for unparalleled strategic planning.

How to create a laundromat business plan

Crafting your customized laundromat business plan is effortless with our AI Business Plan Generator. Simply click 'Generate your business plan' and respond to a series of tailored inquiries regarding your laundromat venture. Our cutting-edge AI technology will analyze your responses to produce a business plan that seamlessly aligns with the goals and requirements of your laundromat enterprise. This efficient and user-friendly approach takes just 5-10 minutes, delivering a thorough and organized plan. Our platform offers the flexibility to adjust and refine your plan, ensuring it accurately reflects your distinct vision for your laundromat business. Once completed, your plan is available for download, serving as a precise and comprehensive roadmap for launching and expanding your laundromat venture. Harness the power of our AI business plan generator, specifically designed for laundromat businesses, to elevate your strategic planning endeavors.

Laundromat business plan: questionnaire

Laundromat business plan sample

Executive summary, business description, market research and analysis, swot analysis.

  • Organizational Structure and Management Team

Products or Services

Marketing and sales strategy, operations plan, financial projections, risk analysis.

mobile laundromat business plan

Otters Laundromat emerges as a pioneering force within the laundromat industry, strategically positioned in the bustling urban landscape of New York. With an unwavering commitment to offering high-quality, convenient, and eco-friendly laundry solutions, our business caters to the diverse needs of busy professionals, college students, and families seeking efficient laundry services. At the core of our offerings are our state-of-the-art self-service washing and drying facilities, professional drop-off laundry services, an innovative monthly laundry subscription model, and the sale of environmentally friendly detergents. These services are carefully designed to meet the dynamic demands of our target market, embodying our mission to revolutionize the traditional laundry experience while emphasizing sustainability and customer satisfaction.

Founded in 2023 by Alex Martin, a visionary entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in the laundromat sector, Otters Laundromat has quickly distinguished itself as a market leader, adept at blending convenience with environmental conscientiousness. Under Alex's leadership, our management team, which boasts extensive expertise in operations, marketing, and financial management, drives our strategic direction, ensuring operational excellence and superior service delivery. Together, we are dedicated to establishing Otters Laundromat as the premier choice for laundry services in New York, fostering strong community ties and building lasting customer relationships.

Our financial projections for the next five years demonstrate robust growth, with anticipated revenues increasing from $250,000 in the first year to $560,000 by year five. This growth is underpinned by strategic investments in marketing, technological innovations, and operational efficiencies, aimed at expanding our customer base and enhancing profitability. We project net profits to rise steadily, from $50,000 in the first year to $168,000 by the fifth year, reflecting our focus on scaling the business, controlling costs, and maximizing revenue potential. These projections are supported by a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy that leverages digital and traditional channels to engage our target audience, alongside a competitive pricing model that balances affordability with value.

In alignment with our commitment to sustainability and customer convenience, we continuously explore opportunities to introduce new services, such as mobile laundry pickups and deliveries, and to integrate advanced technologies that streamline service booking and management. Branded as Otters Laundromat, we seek to protect and amplify our unique identity through trademarking efforts, ensuring our brand's integrity and market positioning.

Our operational plan details meticulous attention to service delivery processes, quality control, and inventory management, ensuring seamless daily operations and high standards of customer service. Strategic supply chain relationships and rigorous facility and equipment maintenance protocols underpin our operational efficiency, enabling us to meet and exceed customer expectations consistently.

Mindful of the challenges inherent in our industry, our risk analysis identifies potential market, operational, and financial risks while outlining effective mitigation and contingency strategies. Comprehensive insurance coverage, adherence to legal and regulatory requirements, and proactive financial management further reinforce our resilience and strategic preparedness.

In summary, Otters Laundromat stands at the forefront of the laundromat industry, distinguished by our innovative service model, commitment to sustainability, and unwavering focus on customer satisfaction. With solid financial foundations, a strategic growth plan, and a dedicated team, we are poised to capitalize on market opportunities, navigate potential challenges, and achieve sustained success. Our business represents a compelling investment opportunity for stakeholders looking to be part of a forward-thinking, eco-friendly, and customer-centric enterprise set to redefine the laundry service landscape.

laundromat business plan template

Laundromat business plan template

Otters Laundromat, located in the heart of New York, is a state-of-the-art laundromat service that caters to a wide array of customers, including busy professionals, college students, and families of nearby communities. We pride ourselves on offering top-tier laundry services, ranging from self-service washing and drying to convenient drop-off laundry services, along with a monthly subscription for unlimited laundry. Otters Laundromat is housed in a strategically chosen location that maximizes accessibility for our target market, ensuring we are a cornerstone in the daily lives of our customers.

The laundromat industry, characterized by its essential service to the urban population, has evolved over the years from mere utility to a community-centric service provider that values eco-friendliness, convenience, and quality. Otters Laundromat sits at the intersection of these values, setting itself apart in a crowded market space. As the trend towards eco-conscious living continues to gain momentum, our emphasis on using energy-efficient machines and selling eco-friendly detergents places us at the forefront of this industry shift.

Established in 2023 by Alex Martin, a seasoned entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in the laundromat business, Otters Laundromat was born out of a vision to revamp the traditional laundromat experience, merging convenience with quality and eco-consciousness. The inception of Otters Laundromat was driven by the realization that the local market was underserved in terms of high-quality, sustainable laundry services. Our background in understanding the intricate dynamics of the laundromat sector, coupled with an acute awareness of customer needs, has positioned us as a vanguard in the industry.

Our mission statement, "To provide the community with an eco-friendly, convenient, and top-quality laundry experience," encapsulates our business ethos and guides our operational framework. Otters Laundromat is committed to enhancing the quality of life of our customers by offering services tailored to their busy lifestyles, while also contributing positively to environmental sustainability.

Legally structured as a Limited Liability Company, Otters Laundromat combines the benefits of partnership’s flexibility and the corporation’s limited liability. This legal form was chosen to optimize operational flexibility, promote growth, and protect the personal assets of the owner, Alex Martin, and the key management team involved in the day-to-day operations.

The long-term potential of Otters Laundromat is vast, with the laundromat industry showing continual growth, especially in metropolitan areas like New York. As the city's population continues to rise, along with a growing trend towards renting without in-unit laundry facilities, the demand for high-quality laundromat services is expected to increase. Our strategic focus on combining technology, environmental sustainability, and customer service excellence positions Otters Laundromat not just as a business that meets an existing need but as an essential community service with the potential for significant growth and expansion. With plans to incorporate advancements such as online booking for drop-off services and potentially mobile laundry services, Otters Laundromat is poised for success.

Sustainable practices, community engagement, and continuous innovation are at the core of Otters Laundromat’s long-term strategy. By adhering to these principles, we aim to not only achieve financial success but also to foster a sense of community, contribute to the environmental sustainability of our operations, and redefine the laundromat experience for our customers. Born out of a deep understanding of our industry and a clear vision for the future, Otters Laundromat stands ready to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, making us a promising venture for investors and an invaluable asset to the community we serve.

The laundromat industry is a robust and essential sector within the urban fabric, offering significant growth potential and resilience in the face of economic fluctuations. As per the latest data, the U.S. laundromat market generates approximately $5 billion in annual revenue, with a projected growth rate of 1.5% annually over the next five years. This growth is supported by historical data indicating a steady increase in demand for laundromat services, driven by urbanization, increased rental living, and the rising need for convenient and efficient laundry solutions.

Otters Laundromat operates within this thriving industry, targeting a specific market segment in New York, where the population density and high percentage of rental properties create a conducive environment for laundromat services. Our target market includes busy professionals, college students, and families in the locality, which we estimate to encompass over 50,000 potential customers within a 5-mile radius of our location. Given the total sales volume of laundromats in similar urban areas, we project a revenue potential of up to $2 million annually in this segment, aiming to capture a market share of 5% within our first three years of operation.

Customer demographics within our target market primarily include individuals aged 18-45, with a nearly equal distribution between males and females. Approximately 60% of this demographic are college-educated, with an average annual income level ranging from $45,000 to $75,000, predominantly residing in rental properties without in-unit laundry facilities. These characteristics underscore the demand for affordable, efficient, and high-quality laundry services.

The average price point for laundromat services in New York ranges from $2.50 to $5.00 per load for washing and from $1.50 to $2.50 for drying. Otters Laundromat intends to adopt a competitive pricing strategy that offers value through superior service quality, environmentally friendly options, and convenient service features such as our drop-off and subscription services, positioning our average price point at approximately $3.75 for washing and $2.00 for drying.

Considering our main competitors, "Suds and Bubbles Laundrette" and "Clean Wave Laundromat," annual revenues are estimated at $300,000 and $250,000, respectively, indicating a market share of approximately 2% for each within our targeted segment. Otters Laundromat aims to exceed these figures by leveraging advanced technology, superior customer service, and marketing strategies focused on engaging our target demographic effectively.

Consumer behavior trends have shifted significantly in recent years, with an increasing preference for subscription-based services, eco-friendly products, and high-quality, convenient service experiences. These trends align with our service offerings, which are designed to meet these evolving customer needs, thereby presenting an opportunity for capturing a greater market share.

Economic indicators relevant to our market include an average disposable income level of $60,000 in our target demographic, a relatively low unemployment rate of 4% within the area, and a consumer confidence index that has remained stable over the past year. These indicators suggest a favorable economic environment for the laundromat industry, with sufficient disposable income to support discretionary spending on services such as those offered by Otters Laundromat.

Regulatory costs and compliance expenses are estimated to amount to approximately $10,000 annually, covering licensing, environmental compliance, and operational standards specific to New York. Barriers to entry in this industry are moderate, primarily encompassing the initial capital expenditure required for state-of-the-art equipment, estimated at $80,000, and marketing expenses to establish brand presence, projected at $20,000 for the first year. Operational costs, including rent, utilities, and payroll, are estimated at $150,000 annually, highlighting the financial considerations necessary for sustaining and growing a laundromat business in this competitive landscape.

In conclusion, Otters Laundromat is positioned to enter and expand within the laundromat industry by leveraging detailed market research and analysis, addressing the specific needs of our target market, and navigating the operational and regulatory environment effectively.

Otters Laundromat's core strengths lie in its strategic location, state-of-the-art, eco-friendly laundry equipment, and a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the needs of busy professionals, college students, and families. Our emphasis on using environmentally friendly detergents and offering a convenient drop-off service, along with a subscription model for regular customers, sets us apart from competitors. Additionally, our management team's in-depth industry experience and commitment to superior customer service ensure operational excellence and customer satisfaction, positioning Otters Laundromat as a leader in the local market.Despite our competitive positioning, Otters Laundromat faces a few internal weaknesses that could impact our growth. Initial capital investment in high-quality, eco-friendly machinery strains our budget, potentially limiting our ability to invest in marketing and further service expansion. Our reliance on local market awareness for business growth may restrict rapid expansion possibilities. Furthermore, the operational model, heavily dependent on physical presence, could be vulnerable to unforeseen circumstances such as utility disruptions or health-related closures, affecting our ability to deliver consistent service.
The evolving market landscape presents numerous opportunities for Otters Laundromat. The growing environmental consciousness among consumers and the increasing demand for sustainable services align perfectly with our eco-friendly business model, offering a chance to capture a niche market segment. Expanding our service offerings to include mobile laundry services or partnerships with local businesses and student dormitories could further enhance our market reach. Additionally, the integration of technology through a mobile app for service booking and payment could streamline operations and improve customer experience, tapping into the younger, tech-savvy demographic.Otters Laundromat operates in a competitive and evolving industry, facing threats from existing competitors and potential new entrants attracted by the industry’s steady growth. Changes in environmental regulations could also introduce compliance costs, affecting profitability. Economic downturns or shifts in consumer behavior, possibly increasing the preference for in-home laundry solutions, pose a significant threat. Moreover, the variability in utility costs and potential increases in rent for our prime location could impact operational expenses, while negative reviews or customer experiences could harm our reputation and customer loyalty.

Laundromat business plan: Market Research and Analysis

Organizational Structure and Management

Otters Laundromat is structured to ensure efficiency, agility, and quality of service, adopting a flat organizational hierarchy conducive to swift decision-making and a collaborative work environment. Our organizational chart delineates clear roles and responsibilities, facilitating efficient operations and a customer-centric approach.

At the top of our organizational structure is the Owner and Manager, Alex Martin, who oversees all strategic and operational facets of Otters Laundromat. Reporting directly to Alex are three key positions: Operations Manager, Marketing Manager, and Financial Manager. This core management team is supported by a staff of customer service associates, maintenance technicians, and a cleaning crew, ensuring the smooth daily operation of our facilities.

Management Team

- Alex Martin (Owner and Manager): Alex brings over a decade of industry experience, having previously managed multiple laundromat operations. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Alex's leadership underpins the strategic direction, operational efficiency, and customer service ethos of Otters Laundromat.

- Jordan Lee (Operations Manager): Jordan oversees the day-to-day operations, machine maintenance, and staff management. With five years of experience at Otters Laundromat and a certification in Laundry and Dry Cleaning Operations, Jordan ensures that our services run smoothly and effectively.

- Sam Rivera (Marketing Manager): Sam, holding a Master’s Degree in Marketing, spearheads our marketing initiatives, focusing on digital campaigns, community engagement, and customer loyalty programs. Sam’s innovative strategies have significantly increased our local market presence.

- Casey Kim (Financial Manager): With a Bachelor's Degree in Finance and a CPA certification, Casey oversees all financial aspects, including budgeting, financial planning, and analysis. Casey’s expertise ensures the financial health and strategic growth planning of Otters Laundromat.

Staffing Needs

Currently, Otters Laundromat employs a team of 10 customer service associates, responsible for assisting customers, handling transactions, and ensuring a welcoming environment. Additionally, we have two maintenance technicians who maintain and repair equipment and a three-person cleaning crew who manage the cleanliness of the facility. As we plan to expand our services, including the introduction of a mobile laundry service, we anticipate the need for additional staff, including delivery drivers and mobile app developers, over the next two years.

Human Resources Policies and Practices

Our human resources policies are designed to create a supportive, inclusive, and productive workplace. We offer competitive salaries, health benefits, and opportunities for professional development. Recognizing the importance of work-life balance, we provide flexible working hours and prioritize employee well-being. We are committed to equal employment opportunities, fostering a diverse and discrimination-free workplace. Regular training sessions ensure that our staff is up-to-date with the latest industry standards and practices.

External Advisors and Consultants

To complement our in-house expertise, we engage with external advisors and consultants, including a legal advisor to oversee compliance and regulatory matters, an environmental consultant to ensure our operations are eco-friendly and sustainable, and a technology consultant to assist in the development of our mobile app and IT infrastructure. These partnerships enable us to navigate complex legal landscapes, adhere to environmental best practices, and leverage technology to enhance our service offerings.

In conclusion, Otters Laundromat’s organizational structure and management team are the backbone of our operation. With a clear hierarchy, dedicated professionals, and supportive human resources policies, we are well-positioned to achieve our strategic objectives and serve the community with exceptional laundry services. As we look to the future, our focus on staff expansion, continuous training, and external advisory will be integral to sustaining growth and ensuring operational excellence.

Otters Laundromat offers a comprehensive range of laundry services designed to meet the demands of our target market, including busy professionals, college students, and families residing in New York. Our primary offerings include self-service washing and drying, drop-off laundry service, laundry subscription service, and the sale of eco-friendly detergents. Each service is crafted to provide maximum convenience, affordability, and quality, leveraging the latest technology in laundry equipment and environmentally friendly practices.

Self-Service Washing and Drying: Our facility houses state-of-the-art, eco-friendly washing and drying machines available in various sizes to accommodate a wide range of needs, from single-person loads to large families' laundry. Customers can use these machines 24/7, ensuring convenience regardless of their schedule. Our machines are equipped with the latest technology to save water and electricity, thereby supporting our commitment to sustainability.

Drop-Off Laundry Service: Recognizing the fast-paced lifestyle of our customers, we offer a drop-off service where customers can leave their laundry with us and have it professionally cleaned, dried, and folded, ready for pick-up within 24 hours. This service is ideal for those who prioritize time and convenience.

Laundry Subscription Service: For our regular customers, we offer a monthly subscription service that allows unlimited laundry washing and drying at a flat rate. This service is designed to provide affordability and convenience, especially appealing to families and students who require regular laundry services.

Eco-Friendly Detergents: In line with our commitment to environmental sustainability, we sell eco-friendly, hypoallergenic laundry detergents. These products are gentle on clothes and the environment, catering to health-conscious customers who are sensitive to traditional detergents.

Unique Selling Points or Competitive Advantages: What sets Otters Laundromat apart is our focus on eco-friendliness and technology. Our machines are among the most energy and water-efficient on the market, and our detergents are specially selected for their low environmental impact. Additionally, our services are designed with the utmost convenience in mind, from 24/7 availability to quick turnaround times, all at competitive price points.

Development Stage: Currently, Otters Laundromat is fully operational with all the aforementioned services available to our customers. Looking forward, we plan to expand our offerings to include a mobile laundry service that will pick up and deliver laundry directly to our customers' homes, further enhancing our value proposition. Digital integration through a bespoke app is also in the pipeline, which will streamline booking, payments, and service tracking.

Intellectual Property Status: While the nature of our business does not lend itself to patents, we are in the process of trademarking the Otters Laundromat brand, including our unique logo and service marks. This will protect our brand identity and ensure that our market position is secured against potential imitators.

Production Process: Our production process involves several key steps to ensure the highest quality of service. For our drop-off service, laundry is sorted by color and fabric type, washed with our eco-friendly detergents in the appropriate machines, dried, folded, and finally packaged for pick-up. Maintenance routines for our machines are scheduled regularly to ensure they operate at peak efficiency, reducing downtime and ensuring a seamless customer experience.

Supplier Information: Our eco-friendly detergents are sourced from reputable suppliers known for their sustainability practices and product quality. These relationships are vital to our commitment to environmental responsibility, and we work closely with our suppliers to ensure a constant supply of these products, enabling us to meet our customers' needs consistently and effectively.

In summary, Otters Laundromat is positioned as a modern, eco-conscious, and customer-friendly service provider in the laundromat industry. Our current services and planned future expansions are designed to solidify our market position and meet our customers' evolving needs.

Laundry business marketing plan

Laundry business marketing plan

Otters Laundromat's marketing and sales strategies are crafted to ensure we effectively reach our target market of busy professionals, college students, and families in New York, promoting our unique value proposition of convenience, quality, and eco-friendliness. Our comprehensive approach encompasses a mix of digital and traditional marketing, a customer-centric sales strategy, competitive pricing, strategic distribution channels, robust promotion and advertising planning, and exemplary customer service policies.

Marketing Strategy: Our marketing strategy focuses on digital channels to reach our tech-savvy target audience, supplemented by traditional methods for broader community engagement. We will leverage social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase our services, highlight customer testimonials, and share eco-friendly laundry tips. Our website will serve as a central hub, offering detailed service information, pricing, and a blog with valuable content on sustainable living practices. Email marketing campaigns will keep our customers informed about promotions, new services, and loyalty rewards. To engage the local community and build brand awareness, we will participate in local events, sponsor college activities, and collaborate with apartment complexes, offering exclusive deals to their residents.

Sales Strategy: Our sales strategy is rooted in providing exceptional customer experiences that encourage repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals, the most potent sales drivers in our industry. Our frontline staff, trained in customer service excellence and product knowledge, will act as our primary sales team. They will be incentivized to upsell services like our subscription plans or eco-friendly detergents by highlighting long-term savings and environmental benefits. Strategic partnerships with local businesses and campuses will also serve as a sales channel, enabling bulk service deals and fostering a referral network.

Pricing Strategy: Otters Laundromat employs a competitive pricing strategy balanced with premium service offerings. Our self-service rates will be competitive within the local market, with added value from our state-of-the-art, eco-friendly machines and amenities. The drop-off service and subscription plans will be priced to offer convenience and value, encouraging recurring revenue. Our eco-friendly detergents will be competitively priced, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers willing to invest in sustainable products. Seasonal promotions and loyalty discounts will also be implemented to reward regular customers and attract new ones.

Distribution Channels: Our primary distribution channel is our strategically located Laundromat facility, accessible 24/7 to cater to our customers' varying schedules. The introduction of a mobile app and online booking system will open up a new distribution channel, allowing customers to access our services digitally, schedule pickups, drop-offs, and manage their subscriptions. This digital extension aims to enhance convenience and accessibility, aligning with modern consumer expectations.

Promotion and Advertising Plans: Our promotion plan includes targeted online ads to reach our demographic segments, leveraging data analytics to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. Special introductory offers for new customers, referral bonuses for existing customers, and seasonal promotions will drive initial trials and encourage loyalty. Local radio spots, community bulletin board ads, and participation in community events will raise awareness in the broader local area. Cross-promotions with local businesses will also extend our reach.

Customer Service Policies: Customer satisfaction is paramount. Our policies focus on providing a seamless, friendly, and helpful service experience. Transparent pricing, clear communication of service features, and a no-quibble re-clean policy for any service not meeting customer expectations underline our commitment to quality. Feedback channels via our website, app, and in-store will ensure customers' voices are heard and acted upon, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and customer-centricity.

In conclusion, Otters Laundromat's marketing and sales strategy is designed to build a strong brand presence in New York, attract and retain a loyal customer base, and establish the laundromat as a leading provider of eco-friendly laundry services. Through targeted marketing efforts, strategic pricing, comprehensive distribution channels, aggressive promotion, and a focus on exceptional customer service, we aim to achieve our business objectives and drive sustainable growth.

The Operations Plan for Otters Laundromat details the systematic approach to our daily operations, ensuring efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction in the delivery of our laundry services. This plan encompasses our operational workflow, service delivery processes, quality control measures, inventory management, supply chain strategies, and facilities and equipment requirements.

Operational Workflow: Otters Laundromat operates on a 24/7 basis to accommodate the schedules of our diverse clientele, including busy professionals, college students, and families. Our daily operations are structured around three primary services: self-service washing and drying, drop-off laundry service, and the sale of eco-friendly detergents. The self-service area is equipped with user-friendly, coin-operated machines, allowing customers to manage their laundry independently. Attention is paid to maintain cleanliness and orderliness for optimal customer experience. The drop-off service is managed by our trained staff, who ensure that each customer’s laundry is washed, dried, folded, and packaged meticulously for pickup. Sales of eco-friendly detergents are handled at the front desk, where staff can also provide product information and recommendations.

Service Delivery Processes: For our drop-off service, a streamlined process is in place to manage the inflow and outflow of laundry efficiently. Upon receiving laundry from customers, items are tagged, inventoried, and sorted according to color and fabric type. Laundry is then washed using our eco-friendly detergents and settings appropriate for each load. After washing and drying, clothes are folded, packaged, and stored for customer pickup. Each step is documented in our system, enabling us to track progress and notify customers when their laundry is ready.

Quality Control Measures: Quality control is integral to our operations. We conduct regular maintenance checks on all machines to ensure they are working efficiently and effectively. Random spot checks are also performed on processed laundry to ensure washing, drying, and folding meet our high standards. Staff are trained in customer service and laundry handling techniques that emphasize garment care and satisfaction. Feedback from customers is regularly solicited and reviewed to identify areas for improvement.

Inventory Management: Inventory management focuses on maintaining optimal levels of laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and packaging materials. We employ a just-in-time (JIT) inventory system to minimize storage needs and reduce waste. Automated inventory tracking is utilized to monitor supplies and trigger reorders when levels approach pre-set thresholds. This system helps us avoid overstocking and understocking, ensuring that we always have necessary supplies on hand without excessive expenditure on storage.

Supply Chain Management: Our supply chain is streamlined to ensure consistent and timely delivery of high-quality, eco-friendly detergents and operational supplies. We have established relationships with multiple reputable suppliers to mitigate risks of stockouts and ensure competitive pricing. Regular reviews of supplier performance and negotiations ensure we maintain cost efficiency without compromising on quality.

Facilities and Equipment Needs: Otters Laundromat is equipped with industrial-grade, energy-efficient washers and dryers, which are essential to our operations. Our facility includes well-organized laundry areas, comfortable waiting lounges with Wi-Fi, and a service desk for drop-off and detergent sales. Regular investment in the maintenance and upgrade of our equipment is prioritized to keep pace with technological advancements and ensure operational efficiency. Security systems, including surveillance cameras and secure access, protect our facilities, employees, and customers' belongings.

In conclusion, our Operations Plan is designed to ensure that Otters Laundromat operates smoothly and efficiently, providing high-quality laundry services to our customers. Through meticulous attention to service delivery processes, quality control, inventory and supply chain management, and the maintenance of our facilities and equipment, we are committed to excellence in every aspect of our operations.

starting a laundromat business plan

starting a laundromat business plan

Our financial projections for Otters Laundromat over the next five years are designed to provide investors and stakeholders with a comprehensive view of our financial health and business trajectory. These projections, grounded in thoughtful analysis and realistic assumptions, illustrate a path of steady growth in revenue, profitability, and asset accumulation, while simultaneously managing liabilities responsibly.

Starting with our sales forecasts, we anticipate consistent growth across all our services, reflecting increased market penetration and enhanced brand recognition. Our profit and loss projections indicate an escalating net profit margin, a testament to our operational efficiency and effective cost management strategies. Specifically, we expect our revenue to grow significantly, with corresponding increases in cost of goods sold and operating expenses that are proportionately lower than revenue growth, evidencing our scale economies and operational optimizations.

The cash flow projections underscore our robust financial planning, showcasing positive cash inflows and a healthy balance of cash outflows that support business growth while maintaining sufficient liquidity. This financial stability is critical for sustaining operations and funding future expansion efforts.

Our balance sheet forecast reflects a well-structured financial position, with total assets increasing over the years, underpinned by strategic reinvestments fueled by our growing equity and prudent management of liabilities. This balance sheet growth not only strengthens our financial foundations but also positions us to seize future opportunities.

Key financial assumptions underpinning these projections include stable market conditions, moderate inflation rates affecting operational costs, and our ability to maintain competitive price points that attract and retain customers. We've also assumed continued advancements in laundry technology that enhance operational efficiencies, and stable supplier relationships that ensure consistent inventory levels at competitive prices.

Additionally, our financial considerations account for potential market fluctuations, regulatory changes affecting operational costs, strategic investments in marketing to build brand equity, and the allocation of resources towards technological innovations to improve customer service and operational efficiency.

In sum, Otters Laundromat's financial projections reflect a well-considered approach to achieving sustainable growth, profitability, and financial health over the next five years, supported by sound business strategies, operational excellence, and a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Sales Forecast

product nameyear 1year 2year 3year 4year 5
Self-Service Washing and Drying75,000 USD90,000 USD105,000 USD120,000 USD135,000 USD
Drop-Off Laundry Service100,000 USD120,000 USD140,000 USD160,000 USD180,000 USD
Laundry Subscription Service60,000 USD72,000 USD84,000 USD96,000 USD108,000 USD
Eco-Friendly Detergents15,000 USD18,000 USD21,000 USD24,000 USD27,000 USD

Profit and Loss Forecast

metricyear 1year 2year 3year 4year 5
Revenue250,000 USD320,000 USD400,000 USD480,000 USD560,000 USD
COGS50,000 USD64,000 USD80,000 USD96,000 USD112,000 USD
Gross Profit200,000 USD256,000 USD320,000 USD384,000 USD448,000 USD
Operating Expenses150,000 USD176,000 USD208,000 USD240,000 USD280,000 USD
Net Profit50,000 USD80,000 USD112,000 USD144,000 USD168,000 USD

Cash flow Forecast

descriptionyear 1year 2year 3year 4year 5
Beginning Cash50,000 USD120,000 USD240,000 USD420,000 USD660,000 USD
Cash Inflows250,000 USD320,000 USD400,000 USD480,000 USD560,000 USD
Cash Outflows180,000 USD200,000 USD220,000 USD240,000 USD260,000 USD
Ending Cash120,000 USD240,000 USD420,000 USD660,000 USD960,000 USD

Laundromat profit and loss statement

Laundromat profit and loss statement

In navigating the complexities of the laundromat industry, Otters Laundromat acknowledges the array of risks that could potentially impact our business. Our risk analysis encompasses market, operational, and financial risks, among others, and outlines the strategies and contingency plans we have developed to mitigate these risks, as well as our approach to insurance and legal considerations.

Market Risks: The primary market risks include fluctuations in demand due to economic downturns, increased competition, and changes in consumer behavior. To mitigate these risks, Otters Laundromat is committed to continuously analyzing market trends and customer feedback to adapt our services accordingly. Our diverse service offerings, including self-service facilities, drop-off services, and eco-friendly product sales, are designed to cater to a broad customer base, thereby reducing our dependency on a single market segment. Furthermore, our marketing strategy is built on a strong online presence and community engagement, ensuring brand visibility and loyalty even amidst changing market dynamics.

Operational Risks: Operational risks stem from potential disruptions in service due to equipment malfunction, supply chain issues, or unforeseen events such as natural disasters. To address these concerns, we conduct regular maintenance of our laundry equipment and have established relationships with multiple suppliers to ensure the continuous availability of detergents and other necessary materials. Additionally, we've developed a comprehensive emergency plan, including backup power sources and an alternative operational site to maintain service continuity in the event of significant disruptions. Training staff in emergency response and maintaining clear communication channels further enhances our preparedness.

Financial Risks: Financial risks include currency fluctuation risks, increased operational costs, and unexpected capital needs. Otters Laundromat's approach to mitigating financial risks involves maintaining a prudent financial management strategy, with careful budgeting, regular financial reviews, and the establishment of a reserve fund to manage unexpected expenses. Our pricing strategy is also designed to provide flexibility, allowing us to adjust service prices in response to significant shifts in operational costs or market conditions. Regularly monitoring economic indicators enables us to anticipate and react to potential financial challenges proactively.

Insurance and Legal Considerations: To safeguard against liability risks, property damages, and other unforeseen events, Otters Laundromat has secured comprehensive insurance coverage, including general liability, property insurance, and business interruption insurance. We also ensure that our operations comply with all relevant local, state, and federal regulations, particularly those related to health, safety, and environmental standards. Retaining a legal advisor ensures that we stay informed about legal and regulatory changes affecting our business and assists in navigating legal matters, contract negotiations, and intellectual property protection.

Contingency Plans: Our contingency plans are designed to address various unforeseen circumstances, ensuring the resilience and sustainability of our operations. These plans include strategies for rapid response to equipment failures, alternative sourcing strategies for supplies, and financial contingencies for managing unexpected drops in revenues or increases in costs. Regular drills and reviews of these plans ensure that our team is well-prepared to execute them efficiently if needed.

In conclusion, while Otters Laundromat operates in an industry susceptible to various risks, our comprehensive risk analysis and mitigation strategies demonstrate our commitment to proactive planning and adaptability. By recognizing potential risks and preparing effectively, we enhance our capacity to navigate challenges, ensuring the long-term success and stability of our business.

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Coin operated laundromat business plan

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Laundromat Business Plan With Expert Tips and Template

Published Apr.21, 2018

Updated May.16, 2024

By: Cynthia Turner

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Laundromat Business Plan Sample

Table of Content

Are you planning to start your laundromat in 2024? That’s a great decision as the laundromat industry has been experiencing consistent growth of 3-5% annually, and this upward trend is expected to continue for the next ten years. But, before taking the plunge, it is advisable to have a strong laundromat business plan.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to create a successful business plan for a laundromat. We will cover key elements of starting a laundromat business plan:

  • Laundromat Industry Challenges

Executive Summary

Company overview, customer analysis, competitive analysis, marketing plan for laundromat, operations plan, management team.

After reading this article, you will have the knowledge and confidence to start your own business with this laundromat business plan template. Let’s begin!

What Are the Challenges of the Laundromat Industry

The laundromat industry is growing significantly. In 2022, the global market for coin-operated laundries was valued at $17.55 billion. It will continue to grow at a 9.3% annual growth rate from 2023 to 2030, reaching a substantial $35.84 billion by 2030. (Source: Grand View Research )

However, several significant challenges can hinder growth and profitability:

1. Increasing Competition – As outlined in our washing machine business plan, the laundromat industry faces increased competition from online laundry services. According to IBISWorld, the market size of the laundromat industry has grown 0.5% annually over the past five years. (2018 -2023)

2. Rising Operating Costs – Energy, water, and maintenance costs are rising, impacting the profitability of laundromats and making it important to have a solid pressure washing business plan . The Coin Laundry Association reports that utility costs for laundromats have increased by 14% over the last five years.

3. Technological Advancements – Keeping up with technological advancements such as mobile payment systems and smart machines is challenging for traditional laundromats. A survey by American Coin-Op revealed that 45% of laundromat owners consider technology upgrades a challenge.

4. Changing Consumer Preferences – Shifts in consumer behavior towards convenience and eco-friendliness pose challenges for traditional laundromats. Statista reports that 67% of consumers prefer eco-friendly laundry services.

5. Regulatory Compliance – Compliance with regulations adds complexity and costs to laundromat operations. The EPA estimates that laundromats use up to 15,000 gallons of water each month, emphasizing the necessity for adherence to water consumption rules.

If you plan to open a laundromat business, we have created a customizable business plan example/template that includes key sections with helpful tips and samples:

Great service

Great service. Good turnaround time and quality work. Thanks!

The executive summary is a concise overview of your entire laundry business plan for a laundry service. It should capture the reader’s attention and provide a high-level understanding of your: 

  • Business concept
  • Target market
  • Competitive advantages
  • Financial projections

Write the executive summary last after completing other sections of the business plan.

Tips for Writing the Executive Summary in a Laundromat Business Plan

  • Keep the laundromat startup business plan brief (1-2 pages) and engaging
  • Highlight the key points from each section of your plan
  • Emphasize your unique selling proposition and competitive advantages
  • Include financial highlights, such as projected revenue and profitability
  • Use clear and compelling language

Sample Executive Summary of a Laundromat Business Plan

Fresh Spin is a newly established laundromat business located in the heart of a densely populated urban area. Our mission is to provide convenient, affordable, and eco-friendly laundry services to residents and businesses in the neighborhood.

Our target market consists of:

  • Apartment and condo residents
  • University students living in dorms
  • Small businesses requiring commercial laundry services

Fresh Spin offers the following competitive advantages :

  • Convenient location with ample parking
  • Extended operating hours
  • State-of-the-art, energy-efficient equipment
  • Secure and well-lit facility
  • Friendly and knowledgeable staff

Our financial projections indicate strong potential for growth and profitability:

  • Year 1 revenue: $375,000
  • Year 3 revenue: $625,000
  • Projected break-even point: 18 months

With our strategic location, customer-centric approach, efficient operations, and potential to expand into a commercial window cleaning business plan , Fresh Spin is poised to become the premier laundry service provider in the area.

Company overview gives a thorough rundown of what your laundromat business is all about – the kind of legal entity it is, where it’ll be located, and any special perks or services you’ll be offering to customers. It also explains the laundromat business model you’re going with, the specific customer base you’re targeting, and what competitive edges your laundromat will have over others in the area.

Tips for Writing the Company Overview in a Laundromat Business Plan

  • Clearly state the legal structure and ownership details while writing a business plan for a laundromat
  • Define your business name, location, and why you chose it
  • Craft a compelling mission statement that reflects your core values and purpose
  • Outline your short-term and long-term goals clearly
  • Highlight what makes your laundromat unique and different

Sample Laundromat Business Plan Company Overview

Fresh Spin is a limited liability company (LLC) owned and operated by Jane Charles and her husband, Nick Well. The business is located at 123 Main Street, in a bustling downtown area.

Mission Statement

What we’re aiming for is to make doing laundry an easy, green, and wallet-friendly experience for folks and businesses around here. We want to provide excellent customer service by combining modern facilities with helpful staff.

Short-term Goals

  • Achieve a 50% market share among apartment residents within the first year
  • Establish partnerships with local businesses for commercial laundry services
  • Implement energy-efficient practices and reduce our environmental footprint

Long-term Goals

  • Expand the business by opening additional locations in surrounding neighborhoods
  • Introduce 24/7 pick-up and delivery services for added convenience
  • Become the leading provider of laundry services in the city

Unique Selling Proposition

Fresh Spin offers a combination of convenience, eco-friendliness, and exceptional customer service unmatched in the area:

  • 24/7 access with ample parking
  • High-efficiency, energy-saving equipment
  • Secure and well-lit facility for safety
  • Friendly and knowledgeable staff available during operating hours
  • Commitment to sustainable practices and reducing our environmental impact

The customer analysis section is about understanding your target customers inside and out. Take into account their demographic and psychographic profiles, as well as their laundry requirements. It’s also important to distinguish between your primary and secondary customer groups and communicate how your laundromat will meet their needs.

This information is crucial for tailoring your services, pricing, and marketing strategies to attract and retain customers while exploring a potential business plan for a junk removal service to diversify offerings.

The enterprise has thoroughly researched the market, identified opportunities, and formulated a marketing strategy to achieve success. More and more people are turning to professional laundry business plan providers for key services, creating lucrative business opportunities.

Tips for Writing the Customer Analysis in a Laundromat Business Plan

  • Define your target customer segments based on various factors in your small laundromat business plan
  • Identify the specific needs and pain points of each customer segment
  • Analyze customer behaviors, preferences, and buying patterns
  • Gather data through market research, surveys, and customer feedback

Sample Customer Analysis of a Laundromat Business Plan

Fresh Spin has identified three primary target customer segments:

● Ages 20-45
● Single or young families
● Middle-income
Within 2-mile radius● Convenient and affordable laundry facilities
● Lack of in-unit washers and dryers
● Limited time for laundry tasks
● Carrying heavy loads
● Waiting for available machines
● Ages 18-25● Single● Low to middle-incomeWithin 1-mile radius, near campus● Cost-effective laundry services● Easily accessible● Busy schedules
● Limited transportation options
● Small living spaces
● Restaurants
● Salons
● Small hotels/motels
Within 5-mile radius● Reliable and efficient commercial laundry services
● For linens, towels, and uniforms
● High operational costs
● Limited space for in-house laundry facilities

Fresh Spin aims to address these issues by offering a modern, secure, and well-maintained facility with extended operating hours and attentive staff.

In the competitive analysis section, we identify and assess both direct and indirect competitors. We assess their strengths, weaknesses, and identify how we can differentiate from our competitors. Developing business plans for cleaning services provides insight into potential synergies in related markets. 

Tips for Writing the Competitive Analysis in a Laundromat Business Plan

  • Identify direct and indirect competitors in your targeted area in your laundromat company business plan
  • Analyze competitors’ locations, services, pricing, marketing strategies, and customer loyalty
  • Assess their strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential threats and opportunities
  • Determine your competitive advantages and unique selling proposition

Sample Competitive Analysis of a Laundromat Business Plan

Fresh Spin has identified three main direct competitors within a 2-mile radius, as well as various indirect competitors in the local market.

A) Direct Competitors

1. Suds City Laundromat

  • Well-established business operating for over 20 years.
  • Loyal customer base, primarily consisting of long-term residents.
  • Slightly lower pricing compared to Fresh Spin.


  • Limited operating hours, closed on Sundays.
  • Outdated facility with aging equipment.
  • No digital payment options or mobile app integration.
  • Lacks eco-friendly practices and sustainable initiatives.

2. Wash Depot

  • Spacious facility with over 80 washers and dryers.
  • Ample parking spaces, accommodating customers with large laundry loads.
  • Inconvenient location, situated in a light industrial area.
  • Poor customer service reputation, with frequent complaints.
  • Pricing is comparable to Fresh Spin, but no loyalty programs.

3. Sassy Laundromat and Dry Cleaners

  • Diversified services, offering both laundromat and dry cleaning services under one roof.
  • Loyalty program with rewards for frequent customers.
  • Small facility with only 30 washers and dryers.
  • Limited capacity for handling large volumes of laundry.
  • Pricing is 15-20% higher than Fresh Spin for laundromat services.

B) Indirect Competitors:

Fresh Spin also faces competition from various indirect sources, including:

  • Local dry cleaners and alterations services
  • Wash-and-fold services
  • Residential apartment buildings and condominiums with in-unit laundry facilities
  • Online laundry services and mobile apps

Fresh Spin aims to differentiate itself from its competitors by offering a modern, eco-friendly, and customer-centric laundromat experience. 

Our key competitive advantages include:

  • Convenient location in a high-traffic area with ample parking
  • Extended operating hours (24/7) for maximum convenience
  • Modern, energy-efficient equipment
  • Secure and well-lit facility for customer safety
  • Competitive pricing compared to local competitors

By addressing the weaknesses of its competitors and leveraging its unique strengths, Fresh Spin aims to establish itself as the premier laundromat in the area, catering to the diverse needs of its target customer segments while promoting sustainability and exceptional customer service.

Operational and Strategic Planning

The marketing plan outlines your strategies for attracting and retaining customers. Consider various marketing channels, and describe your branding, pricing, and customer loyalty programs.

Tips for Developing the Marketing Plan of a Laundromat Business Plan

  • Define your brand identity, positioning, and messaging in your universal laundromat business plan
  • Develop pricing strategies that align with your target market and competitive landscape
  • Identify effective promotional channels and tactics
  • Outline customer service and loyalty programs
  • Set measurable marketing goals and budget allocations

Sample Marketing Plan for a Laundromat Business Plan

Branding and positioning.

Fresh Spin aims to establish itself as the premier provider of convenient, eco-friendly, and customer-focused laundry services in the area. Our brand positioning emphasizes:

  • Convenience: Extended operating hours, accessible location, and user-friendly facilities
  • Sustainability: Energy-efficient equipment and practices to reduce environmental impact
  • Superior Customer Experience: Attentive staff, clean and secure facilities, and value-added services

Our brand messaging will highlight these key pillars through a consistent visual identity (logo, color scheme, and branding elements) and clear communication across all marketing channels.

Pricing Strategies

Fresh Spin will employ a competitive pricing strategy, offering rates slightly below the market average to attract price-conscious customers. 

Our pricing structure includes:

  • Wash and Dry Cycles: $ 2.50 for a standard load (comparable to competitors at $3.00)
  • Large Load Pricing: $4.00 for a large load (20% discount compared to competitors)
  • Commercial Laundry Services: Customized pricing based on volume and frequency

We will periodically review and adjust pricing based on market conditions, operating costs, and customer feedback.

Promotional Activities

To build brand awareness and attract new customers, Fresh Spin will implement the following promotional activities with an annual marketing budget of $25,000 .

Grand Opening Event: $5,000 (20% of budget)

  • Offer free wash and dry cycles, giveaways, and promotional discounts
  • Targeted social media advertising and local print/radio ads

Local Advertising: $6,000 (24% of budget)

  • Targeted ads in community newspapers ($3,000)
  • Flyers and direct mail campaigns ($3,000)

Social Media Presence: $4,000 (16% of budget)

  • Active engagement on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Nextdoor
  • Paid social media advertising and influencer partnerships

Loyalty Program: $2,500 (10% of budget)

  • Rewards program for frequent customers (e.g., free wash after 10 visits)
  • Program management, promotional materials, and customer communications

Partnerships: $5,000 (20% of budget)

  • Collaborate with local apartment complexes, universities, and businesses
  • Offer discounts, bundled services, or revenue-sharing arrangements

Other Marketing Expenses: $2,500 (10% of budget)

  • Printed materials (brochures, flyers, banners)
  • Website development and maintenance
  • Promotional merchandise (t-shirts, tote bags)

mobile laundromat business plan

The operations plan details the day-to-day operations of your laundromat. This includes staffing requirements, equipment maintenance, inventory management, and customer service protocols. Explain your plans for ensuring a clean and efficient laundromat environment.

Tips for Developing an Operational Plan for a Laundromat Business Plan

  • Describe the physical location, facility layout, and equipment requirements
  • Outline staffing needs, roles, and responsibilities
  • Develop policies and procedures for cash management, security, and maintenance
  • Address environmental and regulatory considerations, such as waste management and energy efficiency
  • Identify suppliers and establish inventory management processes

Sample Operational Plan for a Laundromat Business Plan

Facility and equipment.

Fresh Spin is located at 123 Main Street, occupying a 3,000-square-foot space in a high-traffic commercial area. The facility layout includes:

  • Main Laundry Area: 40 washing machines (15 large capacity) and 30 dryers (10 large capacity)
  • Folding and Sorting Area: Large tables and hanging racks
  • Vending Area: Snack and beverage vending machines
  • Restrooms and Changing Rooms
  • Staff Office and Storage Room

All equipment is energy-efficient and eco-friendly, with features like water recycling systems and energy-saving modes.

Staffing and Operations

Fresh Spin will operate 24/7, with the following staffing structure:

  • 2 Full-Time Attendants (Day Shift)
  • 2 Part-Time Attendants (Evening/Night Shift)
  • 1 Facility Manager (Responsible for overall operations, staffing, and maintenance)

Detailed standard operating procedures will be developed for cash management, security protocols, equipment maintenance, and cleaning schedules.

Environmental and Regulatory Considerations

Fresh Spin, operating in the United States, is committed to sustainable and eco-friendly practices, adhering to the following regulations:

  • Compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) and Energy Star certification.
  • Adherence to the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act.
  • Compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
  • Adherence to local zoning ordinances and health department regulations.
  • Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).

Fresh Spin will implement comprehensive policies, procedures, and training to ensure full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, maintaining a safe, sustainable, and legally compliant operation.

The management team section introduces the key individuals responsible for leading and operating the laundromat business. Also highlight the team’s relevant experience and qualifications. When hiring additional staff, describe your recruitment and training processes.

Tips for Presenting Your Management Team in a Laundromat Business Plan

  • Provide brief information on the owners and key team personnel
  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of each team member
  • If hiring additional staff, describe the positions and qualifications required

Sample Management Team for a Laundromat Business Plan

Fresh Spin is owned and operated by Jane Charles and Nick Will, with a combined 15 years of experience in the retail and customer service industries.

  • Jane Charles, Co-Owner and General Manager: Jane has 8 years of experience in retail management, overseeing operations, staffing, and customer service. Jane is responsible for overall laundromat operations, staff management, and implementing marketing strategies.
  • Nick Will, Co-Owner and Financial Manager: Nick has 7 years of experience in financial management and accounting. Nick is responsible for financial planning, cash management, and identifying opportunities for operational efficiencies

Additional Staff

Fresh Spin will employ the following staff members:

All staff members will undergo comprehensive training on equipment operation, customer service protocols, cash handling, and safety procedures.

With a strong management team and dedicated staff, Fresh Spin is well-positioned to deliver exceptional service and achieve long-term success in the local laundry services market.

Need Help With Your Laundromat Business Plan? OGSCapital Can Assist

Confused about how to write a business plan for a laundromat? At OGSCapital, we offer specialized business plan services. Our experienced consultants, proficient in creating professional plans to help entrepreneurs and business owners succeed.

Our business plan include:

  • In-depth Market Analysis
  • Competitive Landscape Evaluation
  • Financial Projections
  • Marketing Strategy Development
  • Operational Planning

Our SBA business plan writers work closely with you to align the business plan with your vision and objectives. We deliver tailored business plans to meet specific needs of startups and existing businesses. Our well-crafted business plan aids in securing funding, attracting investors, and setting a clear path to success. 

Contact Us to get started on your laundromat business plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

How profitable is owning a laundromat.

According to Coin Laundry Association , there are about 29,500 coin laundries in the US generating nearly $5 billion in gross revenue annually which averages out to $169,491 per laundromat business. As per a coin-operated laundromat business plan, the average business ROI is between 20-35%.

How much does it cost to start a small laundromat? 

The average cost to start a laundromat is estimated to be around $82,010 as per our coin-op laundromat business plan. This cost is an average that takes into account the range provided for each equipment item (as per ZenBusiness) needed to start a new laundromat business as per the table below:

Security System$2,500$7,500
Banking ATM$2,000$7,000
Bill and Coin Changer$500$3,000
Soap Vending Machine$300$3,000
Folding Tables$150$1,500
Water Heater$5,000$50,000
Electrical Panel Upgrade$2,000$30,000

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How To Start A Mobile Laundry Service

Laundry services are increasingly becoming innovative in terms of customer service. Such innovations have birthed mobile laundry, which is growing in popularity.

As an entrepreneur seeking opportunities in this sector, you may want to consider starting a mobile laundry service.

What’s a Mobile Laundry Service all about?

If you’ve wondered about or become easily confused by the term “mobile laundry,” the following explanation should help you fully understand the concept. A mobile laundry service provides laundry services for clients seeking such services.

However, unlike traditional practice, which involves customers picking up their bags of dirty laundry and visiting the Laundromat, you’ll need to take on this responsibility.

In other words, you’ll have to visit clients, pick up their laundry, and return it well-cleaned.

In a changing and increasingly busy world, people have time to spare to do their laundry or visit a Laundromat. Your mobile laundry service takes over such responsibilities in exchange for earnings.

Starting a Laundry Service Company

Like most businesses, starting a laundry service requires detailed planning. You’ll need to plan well before the company is launched, and there are many factors to consider during the planning phase.

Some of the most basic include your market, financing, marketing, and possible expansion,

Your Target Market

Identifying your target market before your mobile laundry service takes off is essential. Such a business must serve specific clients. Now, you must study or assess your surrounding or targeted market.

This is done with the sole aim of clearly understanding the demand for laundry services and modifying such services to suit your clients. You’ll also need to determine customer demographics and the economic viability of serving a specific market.

Target markets may include middle and upper-class neighborhoods or other unique considerations. It all depends on what your findings are. In any case, your target market should hold significant potential for patronizing your mobile laundry service.

A Mobile laundry service cannot be adequately launched with sufficient financing. There are many ways to raise the needed funds for this business idea. The most common sources include financing through savings, loans, angel investors, family & friends, and partnerships.

Other sources to obtain financing include venture capitalists, money lenders, grants , and trade credits. You’ll have decided which sources suit your needs and enable you to raise sufficient funding.

Obtaining financing for your mobile laundry service will require presenting a well-written business plan. Your plan serves as a framework for actions to actualize your business goals or targets.

Also necessary is the interpretation it provides to money lenders. By reading through your laundry service business plan , the investor should be able to determine the business’s viability. An investor or money lender seeks to determine how the company will make money.

This is necessary as it gives them an idea about the safety of their investments. As such, to stand a chance of getting the financing you seek, you must put as much work into it as needed. Certain sections are vital to writing an effective mobile laundry service plan.

These include the executive summary, business description, products, services, and market analysis. Others include strategy, implementation, organization, management team financial plans, and projections.

These sections should be well thought out and written to highlight the realities on the ground. If you’re having difficulties coming up with something unique and practical, it’s essential to seek help from an expert.

No matter how great your laundry business is, it won’t sell if you don’t sell the idea to potential clients.

Various ways exist to announce your business and persuade clients to patronize it. Such strategies include the following;

Having a social media presence is vital for your mobile laundry service.

Most people spend much of their day on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. To sell your business to clients, you must create content in pictures, videos, and infomercials.

Creating brand awareness with a catchy laundry name can also involve your community. The aim is to give potential clients a positive impression of your mobile laundry service.

As such, you can begin by sponsoring social events within the community, such as sports,

Such events are used to network with potential clients and businesses of interest, yielding positive results in the long run.

You can also highlight your mobile laundry equipment by discussing how advanced it is and how much it would help provide excellent laundry services.

Some help will go a long way to promote your mobile laundry service much better and faster. This is most needed in cases where you’re new to the business and are trying to establish your operations in a competitive market.

Possible Expansion

When starting your mobile laundry service, you must have a long-term goal. This goal should be growth-focused.

Every successful business today once had an idea of where they wanted to be at a particular time. This goal helps keep you focused on achieving or even surpassing it.

Equipment Needed

The equipment needed for a mobile laundry service is varied. It includes washing machines, dryers, cleaning chemicals, a drying rack, an iron, and an ironing board. The price points for these also vary.

You’ll need to get durable equipment to avoid frequent damage.

Competitive Edge

You’re bound to encounter competition in varying degrees from other mobile laundry services.

To attract clients, you’ll need a competitive edge. To do this, you’ll need to tap into your strengths or know where you have the most advantage and leverage them.

Starting a mobile laundry service is a great business idea that can be financially rewarding. The steps mentioned above are crucial to helping you achieve your dreams.

Satisfying the customer results in loyalty and attracts more clients.

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Top 10 Laundry Business Plan Templates With Examples and Samples

Top 10 Laundry Business Plan Templates With Examples and Samples

Samradni Pradhan


The idea of laundry service is a product of Western culture, where customers go to a store and wash their clothes using a washing machine and detergent. When a single washer doesn't work, laundry services clean the fabric on a larger scale. Hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and other locations that need regular fabric cleaning extensively use these services.

Like any other business, a laundry service needs a thorough business plan that includes the objectives and a strategy for achieving them. This plan will encompass operational details, staffing needs, financial evaluation, market analysis, customer assessment, and more. It aims to assess the firm's feasibility comprehensively. A well-executed business plan ppt will aid entrepreneurs in securing capital and loans for maintenance, expansion, and growth.

This blog will discuss the best laundry business plan templates for your company.

Best Laundry Business Plan Templates

Table of contents, 1. executive summary, 2. company overview, 3. industry analysis, 4. customer analysis, 5. competitor analysis, 6. swot analysis, 7. porter's framework, 8. marketing plan, 9. operational plan, 10. financial plan.

Getting clean clothes is only one aspect of laundry – the other is improving the overall service. Furthermore, when launching a laundry business, many possibilities are challenging to track. Our templates are helpful in this situation.

Using our comprehensive business plan template gives your business ideas a canvas and a notebook. These templates were created explicitly with the needs of a laundry and dry-cleaning business plan in mind. This blog will cover details on the top 10 pages of the complete deck. After downloading, you will get 65-page Doc, PDF, and XLS files.

An executive summary should highlight your laundry business's distinctive value proposition, mission, and vision. Investors can swiftly determine the organization's viability by viewing your fundamental goals and essential tactics.

In our Executive Summary section, you will get templates for:

1.1 The Quick Pitch: Provide an impressive and brief introduction, highlighting the key characteristics and value propositions that make your laundry business stand out.

1.2 The Entity Profile: Create an easy-to-understand visual representation of your business structure and unique brand strategically designed to capture the attention of investors and partners.

Executive Summary

Download this business plan

(Looking for a specific commercial business plan for your laundry services, look no further than our business plan ! Commercialize your services the right way)

Commercial Laundry Business Plan

Download this presentation

You may inspire trust in potential investors by clearly representing your company's objectives, culture, and long-term goals. This section is an opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm and dedication, an aspect that lures investors who share your values and vision.

In our Company Overview section, you will get templates for:

2.1 Vision and Mission: Create a compelling mission and vision statement to lead your laundry business to success.

2.2 Company Goals and Objectives: Understand exactly what you want to accomplish with your laundry business, creating a transparent and inspirational roadmap to success.

2.3 Start-up Summary: Provide a glimpse into your laundry business’s history, revealing how it started, how it has been structured, the use of coin-operated machines , and fundamental elements forming the foundation for your creative process.

2.4 Market Gap Analysis and Business Statement: Unlock untold potential in the laundry industry and showcase your unique business brand identity, positioning your brand as a leader.

2.5 Services Portfolio: Showcase a wide range of high-end laundry services .

2.6 Key Success Factors: Identify the key elements defining your laundry business strategy, paving the way to success in design and aesthetics.

Company Overview

(Given the growth of on-demand laundry services, your interest may be piqued to explore our business plan designed especially for those needs, download it right away)

On-Demand Laundry Business Plan

The Industry Analysis section provides an in-depth analysis of the laundry industry’s current state and trends. Investors are looking for high-growth businesses to invest in. This section provides insights into the market size, key industry trends, and new opportunities. It places your laundry business in a position to understand the dynamics of the industry, making it more appealing to investors looking for growth industries to invest in.

In our Industry Analysis section, you will get templates for:

3.1 Market Analysis: Dig deep into the world of laundry, discovering hidden gems and uncovering industry leaders that will shape your business for years.

3.2 Market Trends Tracking: Stay ahead of the rest by keeping an eye on the latest trends to capture the attention of today’s customers.

3.3 Major Challenges and Solutions: Fearlessly take on industry challenges, creating cutting-edge solutions that ensure continuous growth for your laundry business.

3.4 Growth Drivers Identification: Develop strategic plans and identify the crucial factors that will drive your laundry brand to rapid growth and long-term success.

3.5 Geographical Market Analysis: Customise your strategy to the regions in your target market, allowing for smooth growth that aligns with regional preferences and meets unique needs.

Industry Analysis

(If your business caters to fresh laundry services, we have just the apt resource for you to explore! Download our fresh laundry services business plan template today!)

Fresh Laundry Service Business Plan

Understanding your customers is crucial to attracting investors to your business. In this section, demonstrate your understanding of your customers, including their needs, preferences, and characteristics. Investors want to know that you've figured out what kind of market you're in and develop strategies to attract and retain customers.

Our Customer Analysis section offers comprehensive templates for:

4.1 Target Market Definition: Create a crystal clear view of the customer or business segments in which your laundry services excel, ensuring a precise and measurable market approach.

4.2 Buyer Persona Development: Build a detailed profile of your perfect customer, from age and gender to preferences and behaviour. This will help you personalize your services precisely, skillfully meeting your customer’s needs.

4.3 Market Sizing Analysis: Understand the size of your laundry market, calculate the market share that your brand can grab, and paint a picture of the opportunities that are waiting for you in your business environment.

Customer Analysis

Investors love businesses well-versed in competition and know laundry care growth statistics . This section will give you insights into your competition's strengths and weaknesses. This will help investors evaluate your business’s competitive edge. 

In our Competitor Analysis section, we provide templates for:

5.1 Major Players: Identify and analyze the top competitors and key players driving the laundry market in your area.

5.2 Attributes Comparison: Conduct in-depth research, creating meaningful comparisons of the key characteristics and features that distinguish different laundry products and services on the market, allowing you to position your products strategically.

Competitor Analysis

A SWOT, short for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats- Analysis is a must-have tool if you’re looking to self-assess your business. It helps investors understand your laundry business’s strong suits and weak spots and its external opportunities and threats. On this page, you’ll see how to identify and mitigate your business’s risks while taking advantage of its strengths. This will make your business more attractive to risk-averse investors.

SWOT Analysis

Porter’s Framework looks at the competitive forces in your industry. Investors want to know how your laundry business is positioned in the market and its resilience to competitive pressures. Showcasing your competitive strategies and market positioning can draw in investors looking for businesses with a strong market presence and a long-term competitive advantage.

Porter's Framework

The Marketing Plan includes information about how to attract and engage customers. Investors are looking for a comprehensive marketing plan that can aid with brand development and building a customer base. A successful marketing plan appeals to individuals and investors who recognize the importance of effective marketing for business growth.

In our Marketing Plan section, we provide templates for:

8.1 Sales Strategy: Create a custom sales plan carefully crafted to exceed your laundry business’s financial goals and aspirations.

8.2 Promotional Strategy: Shine a bright light on your marketing and promotion strategies, creating excitement and a lasting legacy for your laundry brand.

8.3 Pricing Strategy: Discover the secret to your pricing strategy that seamlessly combines profitability and unmatched competitiveness, setting the benchmark in the laundry industry.

8.4 Sales Funnel Optimization: Navigate the captivating experience from discovery to customer satisfaction with the laundromat's business growth . Optimize every sales funnel stage to maximize efficiency and delight in your laundry experience.

Marketing Plan

On the Operational Plan page, you can outline your business’s daily operations, including personnel, operations, and technology. Having a well-thought-out operational plan helps investors trust that your business will meet its goals and continue to grow.

In our Operational Plan section, we provide templates for:

9.1 Retail Selling Strategy: Lead the way to retail success with a strategic plan for selling your laundry refurbishment, demonstrating your sales skills and tactical thinking.

9.2 E-commerce Sales Strategy: Get ahead of the competition with a comprehensive plan and budget to take over the online market with your unique laundry services.

9.3 Milestones and Achievements: Brighten up your laundry business’s journey by highlighting the critical turning points and impressive successes.

Operational Plan

The Financial Plan is essential for investors as it gives them a better understanding of your laundry project management finances. This section guides them in estimating their potential returns on investment. 

In our Financial Plan section, we provide templates for:

10.1 Financial Assumptions: Turn your business goals into a plan that will help shape the financials of your laundry business with professional ironing and folding .

10.2 Revenue Model and Sales Forecast: Show off how your laundry business makes money and how it can grow.

10.3 Break-Even Analysis: Getting to the bottom of what's holding your laundry business back from breaking even is a big step to making money.

10.4 Projected Profit and Loss Account: Draw a clear picture of what your laundry business can do financially, how much money you can make, how much you need to spend, and how much you can expect to make.

10.5 Projected Cash Flow Statement: Make sure your laundry business runs smoothly by observing how much money you expect to make.

10.6 Projected Balance Sheet: Get a complete picture of what your laundry business is expected to make, what it will owe, and what it's worth. That way, you can ensure your finances are as transparent as possible.

10.7 Scenario Analysis: Explore different scenarios to see how different conditions and risks could affect the financial strength of your laundry business.

10.8 DCF Valuation: Using discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, you can determine how much your business is worth today in the laundry industry.

Financial Plan

We have so much more to offer

We hope this blog has given you an idea of the amazing content you could gain from this business plan. But this is just the beginning. Upon downloading this business plan, you'll receive all 65 pages and all the valuable content it contains. Starting a laundry business is no easy feat, but we can simplify it. You can download the entire business plan in an easy-to-edit PowerPoint to modify it per your business’s requirements.

FAQs on Laundry Business Plan

1. what is a laundry business plan.

A laundry business plan is a thorough document outlining the plans and goals for starting and running a profitable business. It includes essential elements, including market analysis, financial estimates, marketing plans, and operational strategies. It acts as a road map for business owners, guiding them through the difficulties of the laundry sector and, if necessary, obtaining capital.

2. How profitable is a laundry business?

A laundry business's profitability can vary significantly based on variables including location, pricing, and services provided. A successful laundry operation can make a profit, but success demands careful planning, effective management, and efficient operations.

3. How do I start a laundry business plan?

A laundry business strategy contains the following steps:

  • Examine the market and rivalries.
  • Identify your offerings and target market.
  • Construct a thorough financial plan.
  • Create operational and marketing plans.
  • Describe your objectives and goals.
  • Seek for expert guidance if required.

4. What are the 3 types of laundry business?

There are three primary categories of launderettes:

  • Coin-operated machines are used by patrons in self-service launderettes to wash and dry their clothing.
  • Laundries that provide complete service, including washing, drying, folding, and ironing.
  • Commercial laundry services: Taking care of significant volumes of uniforms and linens for corporations, hotels, and healthcare facilities.

5. What are the risks in the laundry business?

The following are typical risks in the laundry industry: - Equipment failures and maintenance expenditures.

  • Variable utility costs.
  • The opposition from competing launderettes.
  • Changes in market demand.
  • Adherence to regulations and environmental issues.
  • Difficulties in managing and training employees.
  • Economic downturns impact consumer spending.

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Laundromat Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]


Laundromat Business Plan

If you want to start a new laundromat or expand your current laundry business, you need a business plan.

The following laundromat business plan template gives you the key elements to include in a solid laundromat business plan for a startup or to grow your existing laundry business. In addition to this template, conducting market research on the laundromat industry will help you better understand the business, complete your customer analysis and help you craft your mission statement, marketing plan and strong financial projections.

You can download our Laundromat Business Plan Template (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.

Laundromat Business Plan Example

The sample laundry business plan below provides an outline of the key sections to include in your plan.

I. Executive Summary

You can download our Business Plan Template (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.

Business Overview

[Company Name] is a local laundromat that caters to individuals and businesses in [location]. It features 50 top-of-the-line washing and drying machines, so it can accommodate a large number of customers at a time.

In addition to do-it-yourself laundry services, [Company Name] also offers drop-off services where we will wash, dry and fold your laundry for you.

[Company Name] will be open 24 hours a day and offer complimentary wi-fi, coffee, televisions and vending machines.

The laundromat will also have an attendant on duty to help with any laundry issues.

Products Served

The following are the services that [Company Name] will be able to provide to its clients:

  • DIY, coin-operated wash and dry
  • Drop-off wash, dry and fold
  • Laundry delivery and pick-up

Customer Focus

[Company Name] will primarily serve the residents who live within the city. The demographics of these target customers are as follows:

  • 310,431 residents
  • 96,025 workers
  • Average income of $52,000
  • 42.6% married
  • 39% in Mgt./Professional occupations
  • Median age: 35 years

Management Team

[Company Name] is headed by its founder, [Founder’s Name] who is a business consultant. She graduated from [University] with a degree in Business Administration. Her experience with small businesses ensures that she is able to handle the laundromat successfully and her local connections help her build a solid client base.

Her partner is an experienced operations director who will help manage [Company Name].

Success Factors

[Company Name] is uniquely qualified to succeed for the following reasons:

  • [Company Name] will fill a specific market niche in the growing community we are entering.
  • In addition, we have surveyed the local population and received extremely positive feedback saying that they explicitly want to make use of our services when launched.
  • Laundromat businesses are a proven, successful business in the United States.
  • The management team has a track record of success in service-related businesses.

Financial Highlights

[Company Name] is seeking a total funding of $250,000 of debt capital to open its laundromat business. The capital will be used for funding capital expenditures and location build-out, hiring initial employees, marketing expenses and working capital.

Specifically, these funds will be used as follows:

  • Laundromat design/build: $90,000
  • Working capital: $160,000 to pay for marketing, salaries, and lease costs until [Company Name] reaches break-even
Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Revenue$200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000
Total Expenses$176,390 $230,030 $250,431 $261,901 $273,920
EBITDA$23,610 $69,970 $149,569 $238,099 $326,080
EBIT$23,610 $69,970 $149,569 $238,099 $326,080
PreTax Income$23,610 $69,970 $149,569 $238,099 $326,080
Income Tax Expense$13,344 $19,409 $52,349 $83,334 $114,128
Net Income/Surplus$10,266 $50,561 $97,220 $154,764 $211,952

II. Company Overview

Who is [company name].

[Company Name] is a local laundromat that caters to individuals and businesses in [location]. It features 50 top-of-the-line washing machines and dryers, so it can accommodate a large number of customers at a time.

In addition to self service laundromat services, [Company Name] also offers drop-off services where we will wash, dry and fold your laundry for you.

[Company Name]’s History

In [year], [Company Name] was founded by business consultant [Founder’s Name]. After years of spending her days off doing laundry and not having enough quality time with her family, she decided to start a business that would address her needs. She later found out that other working moms without helpers are struggling with juggling their time with work and chores. Having a laundromat handle loads of laundry for a reasonable cost is a huge help not just to busy moms, but also to college students and young professionals.

[Company Name]’s Products/Services

  • Drop-off wash, dry and fold service
  • Laundry pickup and delivery services

III. Industry Analysis

The laundromat industry has grown over the past five years. Rentals represent a core target market for the industry, and many consumers have opted to rent apartments rather than purchase homes over the past five years. Due to a combination of urban population growth, increased multifamily housing construction and rising urbanization, rental vacancy rates are anticipated to decline at an annualized rate of 0.8%. Low rental vacancy rates lead to an increase in industry demand. Consumers who rent residential homes or purchase homes are more likely to use an existing washer and dryer or purchase their own, rather than go to a laundromat.

The laundry industry is highly competitive because there is little differentiation between laundry businesses in terms of quality of service and price. As a result, industry operator success is largely dependent on location. Establishments operating in regions with high consumer volume can benefit from decreased competition. In turn, laundromat businesses predominantly operate in populous urban areas throughout the country.

Over the next five years, industry revenue is expected to continue to increase as more consumers rent vs. buy homes. Additionally, rising disposable income and falling unemployment will spur rising demand for industry services. Colleges and universities that offer coin- and card-operated washers and dryers for students are another prominent market for the laundry industry. Rising disposable incomes will make college education more affordable, causing an increase in the number of college students.

IV. Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

[Company Name] will serve the residents within [location] and the immediately surrounding areas.

Total Population26,09710,725
Square Miles6.893.96
Population Density3,789.202,710.80
Population Male48.04%48.84%
Population Female51.96%51.16%
Target Population by Age Group
Age 18-243.68%3.52%
Age 25-345.22%4.50%
Age 35-4413.80%13.91%
Age 45-5418.09%18.22%
Target Population by Income
Income $50,000 to $74,99911.16%6.00%
Income $75,000 to $99,99910.91%4.41%
Income $100,000 to $124,9999.07%6.40%
Income $125,000 to $149,9999.95%8.02%
Income $150,000 to $199,99912.20%11.11%
Income $200,000 and Over32.48%54.99%

Customer Segmentation

Our target customers can be segmented into three main groups:

  • Working moms: [Location] currently has a growing population of working moms who need more time with their family and can afford the cost of laundromats.
  • Young professionals: These are individuals who are residing on their own and are working full-time jobs with the disposable income to pay for laundromat services.
  • Hotels, restaurants, and other businesses: These are local establishments that use a variety of linens in their daily operations and thus need a reliable commercial laundry service provider that can deliver their needs on time and do it efficiently.

V. Competitive Analysis

Direct & indirect competitors.

Cascade Laundromat Cascade Laundromat provides coin operated machines, as well as wash and fold service, laundry service, and free drying with wash. The facility houses 66 washers and dryers, with large capacity machines (60 lb washers and 45 lb dryers). Amenities include: Free Parking, Free Wi-Fi, Flat Panel TVs, Folding Stations and laundry attendant.

All American Laundry Business All American Laundry Business offers coin-operated laundry services. Its services include: Coin-operated washers & dryers, dry cleaning and wash and fold services. Their main clientele includes multifamily housing, colleges and universities, and hotels. They have three locations in the area.

Super Laundromat Super Laundromat’s amenities include plenty of seating; snack, drink, and game machines, as well as lotto machines. Super Laundromat offers large capacity washers – including 80, 100, and 125 lb capacity machines – and free drying. In addition, it provides Wash & Fold service, and professional dry cleaning. It maintains an ample supply of laundry carts and tables, and stocks a large selection of laundry soaps, bags, softeners, etc.

Competitive Advantage

[Company Name] enjoys several advantages over its competitors. These advantages include:

  • Location: [Company Name]’s business is surrounded by apartments and condominiums and near the center of the city where many local businesses are located.
  • Convenient Offerings: [Company Name] will be the only laundry business in [location] that offers drop-off and pick-up laundry services
  • Management: [Founder’s Name] has been extremely successful working as a business consultant and will be able to use her previous experience to provide the best sales and customer service experience. Her qualifications will serve customers in a much more sophisticated manner than [Company Name]’s competitors.
  • Relationships: [Founder’s Name] knows many of the local leaders and business owners within [location]. With her [x] years of experience and good relationships with business leaders in the area, she will be able to develop an initial client base.

VI. Marketing Plan

The [company name] brand.

The [Company Name] brand will focus on the Company’s unique value proposition:

  • Our unique service offering that are not offered elsewhere, will give us advantage over the competition
  • Well-trained staff that prioritizes customer satisfaction
  • Service built on long-term relationships
  • High quality, well-maintained laundry equipment
  • Thorough knowledge of the industry

Promotions Strategy

[The Company’s] promotions strategy to reach these individuals includes:

Local Publications [Company name] will announce its opening several weeks in advance through publicity pieces in multiple local newspapers and publications. Regular advertisements will run to maintain exposure to relevant markets.

Community Events/Organizations [Company name] will promote itself by distributing marketing materials and participating in local community events, such as school fairs, local festivals, or sporting events.

Commuter Advertising We will drive attention to [Company name] by hiring workers to hand out flyers alongside [route or highway]. Advertising on heavily traveled commute routes is an opportunity to alert large numbers of working individuals with disposable income of our opening.

Loyalty Program [Company name] will create a client loyalty program that rewards customers for repeat business.

Direct Mail [Company Name] will blanket businesses and homes within the city with direct mail pieces. These pieces will provide general information on [Company Name], offer discounts and/or provide other inducements for people to use our services.

Online Marketing Online Marketing [Company Name] will maintain social media accounts and publish updates on on-going promotions and discounts. Additionally, it will use highly-focused, specific keywords to draw traffic to its website through search engine optimization, where potential customers will find a content-rich site that presents [Company Name] as the trustworthy, well-qualified laundry business in [location].

VII. Operations Plan

Functional roles.

[Founder] will initially manage the business and eventually employ an assistant manager to oversee the day-to-day business operations.

In addition, the Company intends to hire [x] admin staff, [x] washing staff, [x] delivery personnel and [x] maintenance staff.

In order to execute on [Company Name]’s business model, the Company’s employees include the following roles:

Service Functions

  • Assistant Manager
  • Laundry staff
  • Delivery personnel
  • Maintenance personnel

Administrative Functions

  • General & administrative functions including marketing, bookkeeping, etc.
  • Delivery scheduling

[Company name]’s long term goal is to become the most reliable and affordable laundry service provider in [location]. It seeks to be the standard by which other providers are judged.

The following are a series of steps that lead to our vision of long-term success. [Company Name] expects to achieve the following milestones in the following [xyz] months:

[Date 1]Finalize lease agreement
[Date 2]Design and build out [Company Name]
[Date 3]Hire and train initial staff
[Date 4]Kickoff of promotional campaign
[Date 5]Launch [Company Name]
[Date 6]Reach break-even

VIII. Management Team

Management team members.

[Company Name] is headed by its founder, [Founder’s Name] who is a business consultant. She graduated from [University] with a degree in Business Administration. Her experience with small businesses ensures that she is able to handle the laundry business successfully and her local connections help her build a solid client base.

Hiring Plan

[Founder] will serve as the Manager of [Company Name]. In order to launch, it needs to hire the following personnel:

  • Assistant Manager: 1 full-time employee to manage the day-to-day business operations
  • Laundry staff: 3 full-time employees who will divide the 24-hr shifts
  • Delivery personnel: 2 full-time employees to handle all pick-ups and deliveries

IX. Financial Plan

Revenue and cost drivers.

[Company Name]’s revenues will come primarily from laundry services.

The lease of the business space, maintenance of the machines, supplies and operating expenses are the key cost drivers of [Company Name]. The major cost drivers for the company’s operation will consist of:

  • Laundry supplies
  • Lease on business location

Ongoing marketing expenditures are also notable cost drivers for [Company Name].

Capital Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions & financial statements.

Number of customers per dayPer location
Year 115
Year 220
Year 325
Year 430
Year 535
Average transaction$35
Annual Lease ( per location)$50,000

5 Year Annual Income Statement

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Product/Service A$151,200 $333,396 $367,569 $405,245 $446,783
Product/Service B$100,800 $222,264 $245,046 $270,163 $297,855
Total Revenues$252,000 $555,660 $612,615 $675,408 $744,638
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$57,960 $122,245 $122,523 $128,328 $134,035
Lease$60,000 $61,500 $63,038 $64,613 $66,229
Marketing$20,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
Salaries$133,890 $204,030 $224,943 $236,190 $248,000
Other Expenses$3,500 $4,000 $4,500 $5,000 $5,500
Total Expenses & Costs$271,850 $412,775 $435,504 $454,131 $473,263
EBITDA($19,850)$142,885 $177,112 $221,277 $271,374
Depreciation$36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960
EBIT($56,810)$105,925 $140,152 $184,317 $234,414
Interest$23,621 $20,668 $17,716 $14,763 $11,810
PRETAX INCOME($80,431)$85,257 $122,436 $169,554 $222,604
Net Operating Loss($80,431)($80,431)$0$0$0
Income Tax Expense$0$1,689 $42,853 $59,344 $77,911
NET INCOME($80,431)$83,568 $79,583 $110,210 $144,693
Net Profit Margin (%)-15.00%13.00%16.30%19.40%

5 Year Annual Balance Sheet

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Cash$16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570 $392,389
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Inventory$21,000 $23,153 $25,526 $28,142 $31,027
Total Current Assets$37,710 $113,340 $184,482 $286,712 $423,416
Fixed assets$246,450 $246,450 $246,450 $246,450 $246,450
Depreciation$36,960 $73,920 $110,880 $147,840 $184,800
Net fixed assets$209,490 $172,530 $135,570 $98,610 $61,650
TOTAL ASSETS$247,200 $285,870 $320,052 $385,322 $485,066
Debt$317,971 $272,546 $227,122 $181,698 $136,273
Accounts payable$9,660 $10,187 $10,210 $10,694 $11,170
Total Liabilities$327,631 $282,733 $237,332 $192,391 $147,443
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings($80,431)$3,137 $82,720 $192,930 $337,623
Total Equity($80,431)$3,137 $82,720 $192,930 $337,623
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$247,200 $285,870 $320,052 $385,322 $485,066

5 Year Annual Cash Flow Statement

Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5
Net Income (Loss)($80,431)$83,568 $79,583 $110,210 $144,693
Change in working capital($11,340)($1,625)($2,350)($2,133)($2,409)
Depreciation$36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960 $36,960
Net Cash Flow from Operations($54,811)$118,902 $114,193 $145,037 $179,244
Net Cash Flow from Investments($246,450)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$317,971 ($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$317,971 ($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)($45,424)
Net Cash Flow$16,710 $73,478 $68,769 $99,613 $133,819
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570
Cash at End of Period$16,710 $90,188 $158,957 $258,570 $392,389

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Laundry Service Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » Service Industry » Laundry Business

Laundry and Drycleaning Business

Are you about starting a laundry & dry cleaning business ? If YES, here is a complete sample laundromat business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE.

Hygiene is one important thing that must not be practiced with less seriousness; as a matter of fact, it has to be a frequent practice. One must take it really seriously, so as to avert bad odor and sickness; it is for this reason that one must keep things really clean.

This is also the reason why people love to wash their clothes. However, there are times when one might not have the luxury of time to the laundry. That is where the Laundromat business comes in. This is one business that people all over the world are beginning to key into because of the level of profitability which it promises.

If you are thinking to start in this line of trade, then that is a good idea. Good news is that you can choose to start on a small or large scale. This all depends on the capital which you have got to start the business Below is a sample Laundry business plan.

A Sample Laundry Service Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

In the united states of America and in most developed countries of the world, self-service laundry business which is popularly called Laundromat in the United States is rapidly an essential part of the urban life. This is so because in this age and time, 24 hours seems not to be enough, especially for people that work in the corporate world or even those who run their own businesses.

As the name implies, a self-service laundry or coin wash / laundry or Laundromat is a laundry facility where people come in to personally wash and dry their clothes; technically, customers provide their own labor and still pay the price for making use of the laundry equipment made available.

Customers have the option of paying with coins which is the popular payment option and they can also pay via swipe cards that subtract the cost of the wash or dry or even via mobile money. Despite the fact that customers provide their own labor, some Laundromat owners still employ people to man or provide assistance to customers.

It is normal to find Laundromats where operators are employed to man the day to day operations, as well as provide value added services like; helping customers iron their clothes, starch their clothes, and fold their clothes et al.

Usually when Laundromat hire employees, the core responsibility assigned to them is to man the counter, give directions to customers, sell washing powder, sell laundry bags, provide change and watch over the washing machines and other equipment in the Laundromat to guide against theft of the machines or even customer’s clothes.

Although the laundry industry can be said to be a competitive trade, but it does not in any way stop entrepreneurs who are creative to still make headway in the trade.

It is indeed a profitable industry especially when the business is well located. No doubt busy cities with growing population might just be highly suitable for Laundromat. There are loads of people that patronize Laundromats; and they include; busy corporate executives, students, and even senior citizens.

In the bid to stay afloat in the highly competitive Laundromat business, owners of Laundromats now go the extra mile to ensure that they make their facilities welcoming and conducive for customers. As a result, Laundromats now have coffee bars, snack bars, cigar lounge, video games, children’s playground and free Wi-Fi connection, amongst others.

Over and above, any aspiring entrepreneur can comfortably start his or her own Laundromat business by acquiring an existing Laundromat and then refurbish it to meet the expected standard, or start the business from the scratch by constructing a new one and then equip it with the needed equipment and accessories.

The average startup cost for a standard Laundromat business is around $250,000 to $500,000. When starting your own Laundromat business, ensure that you choose a location where you can easily attract the kind of people that patronize Laundromat services.

2. Executive Summary

Las Vegas City Laundromat is a registered Laundromat facility that was built to serve the people of Las Vegas- especially the busy corporate executives and students. Our Laundromat will be located in the heart of the city of Las Vegas which is less than 30 minute drive from McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, and 10 minutes minute drive from Mandalay Bay Event Center.

We are strategically positioned in the world’s headquarter for casinos and games; a commercial center and we are set to services the whole of the community as well as visitors and travelers alike. Las Vegas City Laundromat is a standard Laundromat in a 6,000 square feet facility; we have one of the biggest Laundromats with the latest and easy to use washing machines and dryers.

Aside from welcoming customers to do their laundry chores at an affordable fee in our Laundromat, we have a conducive environment that will encourage them to always choose us as their number one choice. We have a coffee bar in our facility, we cigar lounge, we have children’s fun center and video games and snacks bar et al.

Our Laundromat will be open from 6 a.m. and close 10 p.m. from Mondays to Thursdays and will run a 24 hours service from Friday to Sunday. We decided to operate in this format because from our market survey and feasibility studies, we realized that customers usually do most of their laundry during weekends.

Las Vegas City Laundromat is a proud member of the Coin Laundry Association of America and we are well positioned to become one of the leading Laundromat facilities in the whole of Nevada. We will be providing our esteemed customers the right environment and equipment for them to comfortably do their laundry.

We will also provide additional services such as ironing, folding and packaging of clothes for our customers. Our attendants will always be available to change money, sell detergents and softeners et al. We are quite aware that in order to become the number one Laundromat in Nevada, we must continue to make our facility welcoming and relaxing and that is exactly what we will do.

We are open to the use of latest technology in the industry. No doubt our excellent customer service and the range of additional complementary services we offer will position us to become one of the leading Laundromats in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Las Vegas City Laundromat is owned and managed by Anthony Miller and family. The business will be financed by Mr. Miller and he will be actively involved in the day to day operation of the Laundromat. Mr. Anthony Miller has a B.Sc. in Business Administration and Management and he has well over 5 years of experience in the service industry.

3. Our Products and Services

Las Vegas City Laundromat is a standard Laundromat with state of the art facility specifically positioned to become the market leader in the industry. Our major purpose of starting this business is to provide a suitable and comfortable facility where people can easily do their laundries with little stress at an affordable fee.

Much more than providing a facility where people can do their laundries, we also offer complementary services; services that will get our customers hook to us. Bottom line is that we will go all the way to help our customers maximize their time when they patronize our Laundromat. These are the services and amenities that will be made available to our customers;

  • Self – service washing
  • Dry cleaning services
  • Folding and packaging of clothes
  • Home delivery services
  • Cigar lounge
  • Children playground
  • Video games
  • Big screen movies

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our Vision is to operate one of the most successfully Laundromat in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Our mission is to develop a highly successful and profitable Laundromat business with state of the art facility in the heart of Las Vegas, Nevada; a business that will not only meet the needs of her clients but also supersede their expectations.

Our Business Structure

Las Vegas City Laundromat is set to become one of the leading Laundromat businesses in the whole of Nevada, hence the need for us to build a solid business foundation and business structure that will enable us achieve our aims and objectives.

Excellent customer service and efficiency are top priority for us which is why we will ensure that we look for applicants that match the picture of the business who want to build before hiring them. Although we will provide trainings in areas such as excellent customers services et al, but we will ensure that we shortlist applicants that are customer centric.

In essence, we want to build a team, a dedicated workforce that will work together to help the organization achieve its set targets.

We will not only hire attendants that will help supervise our Laundromat and attend to customers need when they patronize our services, but we will also hire employees that will manage our coffee café, cigar lounge, snacks bar, and our children’s playgrounds et al. Las Vegas City Laundromat will employ customer centric and skilled people to occupy the following position;

  • Manager (Owner)
  • Accountant / Cashier
  • Marketing Officer
  • Laundromat Attendant
  • Coffee Café and Snacks Bar Manager

Cigar Lounge Manager

  • Children’s Playground Manager
  • Security Guard

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Manager (Owner):

  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for recruitment
  • Responsible for payment of salaries
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization
  • Responsible for managing the daily activities at the Laundromat
  • Ensures that the facility is in tip top shape and conducive enough to welcome customers
  • Interfaces with vendors
  • Prepares budget and reports for the organization
  • Responsible for Training and Development in the organization
  • Handles procurement
  • Defines job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carries out staff induction for new team hires

Marketing Officer (2)

  • Develops, executes and evaluates new plans for expanding increase sales
  • Documents all customer contact and information.
  • Represents the company in strategic meetings
  • Helps increase sales and growth for the company
  • Manages the company’s CRM system
  • Identifies, prioritizes, and reaches out to new partners, and business opportunities et al

Coffee Café and Snacks Bar Manager:

  • Interacts with customers, take orders for coffee and snacks.
  • Responsible for preparing different flavor and style of coffee for customers
  • Makes lists of supplies in conjunction with the bar manager
  • Ensures that each cup of coffee that leaves the kitchen is tailor made and meet the request of each customer
  • Responsible for quality control
  • Assesses customers’ needs and preferences and make recommendations
  • Makes lists of supplies in conjunction with the management
  • Prepares inventory or purchase requisitions as needed to replenish supplies.
  • Ensures that the assigned bar area is fully equipped with tools and products needed for Mixing beverages and serving guests.
  • Responsible for managing the cigar lounge
  • Prepares inventory or purchase requisitions as needed to re – stock the lounge.
  • Clears ashtrays regularly
  • Ensures that the assigned lounge area is fully equipped with tools and products needed to by our clients

Accountant / Cashier:

  • Moves round the machines to collect payment after each working shift
  • Prepares financial report at the end of every working week
  • Handles all financial transaction on behalf of the company
  • Interfaces with our bankers
  • Responsible for payment of tax, levies and utility bills
  • Handles any other duty as assigned by the manager

Laundromat Attendants

  • Mans the various washing machines and dryers
  • Assists customers as required by them especially on how to operate our machines
  • Provides change for customers
  • Sells detergent and softener to customers
  • Ensures that the Laundromat is clean and ready to welcome customers at all times
  • Responsible for ironing and folding of clothes based on demand
  • Maintains a clean working area by sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning of glass doors and windows et al.
  • Ensures that toiletries and supplies don’t run out of stock
  • Handles and move objects, such as waste baskets, clothe rack and hand dryer et al
  • Handles special request like pick up and home delivery
  • Handle any other duty as assigned by the manager

Children’s Play Ground Manager

  • Responsible for managing children’s play ground
  • Ensures that the children are safe and happy
  • Makes recommendation for purchase of children’s toys and video games
  • Mops the floors
  • Wipes down the machines
  • Cleans the soap dispensers in your front-load washers
  • Washes off the folding tables
  • Cleans the bathroom
  • Empties the trash
  • Washes the windows
  • Cleans the vending machines, change machines and video game screens

Security Guards

  • Ensures that the facility is secured at all time
  • Controls traffic and organize parking
  • Gives security tips to staff members from time to time
  • Patrols around the building on a 24 hours basis
  • Submits security reports weekly
  • Handles any other duty as assigned by the restaurant manager

6. SWOT Analysis

No doubt starting a Laundromat is indeed capital intensive, especially for aspiring entrepreneurs who may not have huge sum of money saved up in a bank. We are aware that it will require loads of cash to set up a standard Laundromat business in Las Vegas, which is why we decided to do all that is required to build a profitable business

We don’t intend to invest our hard earned money in a business that we know we are not truly cut out for. One of the tools that is required to position us in building a successful Laundromat business is SWOT Analysis.

We hired the services of Mr. Coleman Carrington, an HR and Business consultant who is based in Las Vegas, Nevada, to help us conduct SWOT analysis and draft a laundromat marketing plan for our company and he did a pretty good job for us.

Here is a of the result we got from the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Las Vegas City Laundromat, Las Vegas, Nevada;

Las Vegas City Laundromat is centrally located in a densely populated area in Las Vegas; our location is in fact one of our major strengths. Aside from the basic service that we offer, we also offer complimentary services that most of our competitors do not offer.

Our Laundromat facility is located inside a very big facility. We have the latest washing machines, dryers and equipment and our attendants are well groomed to handle various classes of customers.

The weakness of Las Vegas City Laundromat could be the fact that it is a new business, which is owned by an individual (a small family), and we may not have the financial capacity to sustain the kind of publicity that can give us leverage.

  • Opportunities:

We are centrally located in one of the busiest areas in Las Vegas and we are open to all the available opportunities that the city has to offer.

Our business concept has also positioned us to attract people who like doing their laundries and catching some fun at the same time. Las Vegas is one of the densely populated cities in the United States, and indeed the population translates to opportunities.

One of the major threats that confronts businesses all over the world is economic downturn; when the economy is bad it affects consumers spending which in turn impacts businesses negatively. Another threat that we are likely going to face to confront us is the emergence of a new Laundromat within the same location where Las Vegas City Laundromat is located.


  • Market Trends

The ability for business owners to continue to re – invent itself is key to the success of the business. In the laundry industry especially in the U.S., it is trendy to see laundry companies and Laundromats that add additional complementary services to their business offerings.

Once a Laundromat is conducive and relaxing, it sure attracts customers. This is the strategy that helps Laundromat attract customers. This is why Laundromats are now building kids’ fun centers, holding music concerts, karaoke, selling coffee, snacks, and tobacco and hiring attendants who are friendly and helpful.

As a matter of fact, loads of Laundromat owners now realize that they can increase business by providing a play area for children to play. It is encouraging for parents to bring their kids and get them hooked with fun in the playground under the care of a competent employee, whilst they do their laundries.

It is important to state that despite the fact that the trends mentioned above are favorable to Laundromat owners, this does not in any way suggest that the business is booming. The Laundromat industry is what experts describe as a “mature market.

“ Except for areas where that are highly populated; it is easier to find one or more laundry businesses/ Laundromats in same area in most cities in the U.S.

8. Our Target Market

Before choosing a location for our Laundromat business, we conducted our feasibility studies and market survey and we were able to identify those who will benefit greatly from our service offerings which is why we deiced to settle for Las Vegas.

Essentially, those who will benefit from our service offering are busy corporate executives, business owners, households, students and travelers / visitors. These are the category of people that we intend marketing our Laundromat business to;

  • Busy Corporate Executives
  • Business Owners
  • Visitors / Travelers
  • Sport clubs

Our Competitive Advantage

From our recently concluded feasibility studies and market survey, we observed that there are several laundry businesses scattered all over the city of Las Vegas, as a matter of fact, there are two or more laundry / Laundromats in same locations in some areas. This goes to show that there are stiffer competition in the industry.

Before launching our Laundromats, we have critically studied the market and we know that we have some form of competitive edge. Our competitive advantage is that we have a standard Laundromat facility that offers additional complementary services that will definitely help us attract and retain customers.

Las Vegas City Laundromat can boast of having state of the art Laundromat facility with latest and easy to use laundry machines (washing machines, dryers, industrial irons et al). We specifically, we leased a big facility, so as to enable us achieve our aim of building a well – equipped children’s playground, coffee and snacks café, cigar lounge amongst others.


  • Sources of Income

Las Vegas City Laundromats will generate income from the following service offerings;

  • Self – service laundry jobs
  • Ironing, folding and packaging of clothes
  • Sale of detergents, laundry bags and other useful laundry products
  • Sale of Coffee
  • Sales of Snacks
  • Pickup and Home delivery
  • Cigar Lounge

10. Sales Forecast

It is important to state that our sales forecast is based on the data gathered during our feasibility studies and also some of the assumptions readily available on the field with reference to similar business in Las Vegas.

We know that we are well positioned and we will definitely attract clients that will not only patronize our Laundromat but clients that will patronize our coffee care and snacks bar, and cigar lounge et al meaning that we will generate additional income from these sources.

Below is the sales projection for Las Vegas City Laundromat, it is based on the location of our Laundromat and the type of services and products that we will be offering;

  • First Year-:  $80,000
  • Second Year-: $120,000
  • Third Year-: $180,000

N.B: This projection is done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any Laundromat offering same additional services like us within 4.5 miles radius from our Laundromat facility.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

The marketing strategy for Las Vegas City Laundromat is going to be driven basically by making available standard and safe Laundromat facility, excellent customer service and provision of complementary services. We will work hard to build a loyal customer base; customers that will always patronize us over and over again and as well help us use word of mouth publicity to get their friends and acquaintance to patronize us.

We want to drive sales via making available easy to use washing machines, dryers and industrial irons et al. We are quite aware of how satisfied customers drive business growth especially businesses like Laundromat which is why we will always ensure that our customer service and facility are top notch.

Over and above, our unique selling proposition is that we have various complementary service offerings such as coffee café, snacks bar, cigar lounge; children playground, ironing, folding and packaging, pickup and home delivery, and sale of detergents, laundry bags and other useful laundry products.

In view of that, we are going to adopt the following strategies to ensure that we do not only attract customers but ensure that they become loyal customer; Part of the marketing and sales strategies that we will adopt are;

  • Open our Laundromat business with a party and free trial for all our visitors for the first three days of launching the business.
  • Advertise our Laundromat business on national dailies, local TV stations and local radio station
  • Promote our Laundromat business online via our official website and all available social media platforms
  • Continuously Improving the performance of our brands
  • Hire the services of experts to make our brands the first choice for in Las Vegas
  • Delivering consistent customer experiences to all our guest; making our first impression count positively
  • Make use of attractive handbills to create awareness and also to give direction to our Laundromat.
  • Adopt direct mailing coupon marketing approach
  • Position our signage / flexi banners at strategic places
  • Create a loyalty plan that will enable us reward our regular customers
  • Engage on road shows within our neighborhood to create awareness for our Laundromat business.

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

We are aware of the power of publicity and advertisement for new businesses like ours which is why we created a budget that will help us access various publicity and advertising platforms that will enable us reach out to our potential market.

At Las Vegas City Laundromat, will ensure that we leverage on all conventional and non – conventional publicity and advertising technique to promote our Laundromat business. Here are the platforms we intend leveraging on to promote and advertise Las Vegas City Laundromat;

  • Encourage our loyal customers to help us use Word of Mouth mode of advertisement (referrals)
  • Advertise our Laundromat business in relevant magazines (America Coin – Op, and Journal Coin Laundry News et al), local newspaper, local TV stations and local radio station.
  • Promote our Laundromat business online via our official website
  • List our Laundromat business on local directories (yellow pages)
  • Sponsor relevant community programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; Instagram, Facebook , twitter, et al to promote our brand
  • Install our Bill Boards on strategic locations
  • Direct coupon mailing approach
  • Engage in road show from time to time
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas all around Las, Vegas.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

At Las Vegas City Laundromat, our pricing system is going to be based on what is obtainable in the industry, we don’t intend to charge more (except for premium and customized services) and we don’t intend to charge less than our competitors are offering in Las Vegas.

Be that as it may, the management of Las Vegas City Laundromat have put plans in place to offer discount services once in a while and also to reward our loyal customers especially when they refer clients to us. The prices of our products (snacks, cup of coffee, cigar, detergents et al) will be same as what is obtainable in any part of the United States of America.

  • Payment Options

Basically, we have made provisions for our washing machines and dryers to accept coins , but that does not in any way restrict us from receiving payments from other options especially for our complimentary service offerings. In other words, our payment policy is going to be all inclusive because we are quite aware that different people prefer different payment options as it suits them. Here are the payment options that will be available in every of our pub;

  • Payment by cash /coins
  • Payment via Point of Sale (POS) Machine
  • Payment via online bank transfer (online payment portal)
  • Payment via Mobile money

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will help us achieve our payment plans without any difficulty.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

This is the key areas where we will spend our start – up capital on;

  • The Total Fee for Registering the Business in Las Vegas, Nevada – $750 .
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses (Health department license and business license) and permits (Fire department permit, Air and water pollution control permit, and Sign permit et al) – $4,500.
  • Marketing promotion expenses (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of $3,580 .
  • Cost for hiring Consultant – $2,000 .
  • Insurance (general liability, theft, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $30,800 .
  • Cost of accounting software, CRM software and Payroll Software – $3,000
  • Cost for leasing facility for the Laundromat – $70,000 .
  • Cost for facility remodeling – $50,000 .
  • Other start-up expenses including stationery – $1000
  • Phone and Utilities (gas, sewer, water and electric) deposits – ( $3,500 ).
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $40,000
  • The cost for Start-up inventory – $15,000
  • Storage hardware (bins, utensil rack, shelves, glasses case) – $2,720
  • The cost for Washer hook-up fees (sewer connection) – $800
  • Cost for serving area equipment for coffee café and snacks bar ( glasses, flatware) – $5,000
  • Cost for laundry machines and equipment (washing machines, dryers, industrial irons, ironing board et al ) – $100,000
  • The cost for the purchase of furniture and gadgets (, Printers, Telephone, TVs, Sound System, video games, toys, vacuum cleaner, tables and chairs et al) – $30,000 .
  • The cost of Launching a Website – $600
  • The cost for our grand opening party – $5,500
  • Miscellaneous supplies (cleaning supplies, soap, invoices for wash-and-fold, bathroom supplies, etc.) – $10,000

We would need an estimate of $1 million to successfully launch our Laundromat business in Las Vegas Nevada. Please note that the startup cost is higher than the average startup cost for a Laundromat business simply because we intend adding coffee café, snacks bar, cigar lounge and children’s playground.

Generating Funding / Startup Capital for Las Vegas City Laundromat

Las Vegas City Laundromat is a family business and it will be financed by the owner who is also the Laundromat manager. These are the areas where we intend sourcing for fund for Las Vegas City Laundromat;

  • Generate part of the start – up capital from personal savings and sale of his stocks
  • Generate part of the start – up capital from family members and friends (soft loans)
  • Generate a larger chunk of the startup capital from the bank.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

Las Vegas City Laundromat is set to become the number Laundromat business in the whole of Nevada which is why we took our time to craft out business plan that will help us sustain the business , as well as grow the business. Part of the plans we have in place to sustain our Laundromat is that we will have efficient machines and equipment.

We will also continue to deliver quality services, improvise on how to do things faster and cheaper. We are not going to relent in providing conducive environment for our workers and also the required trainings that will help them deliver excellent services at all times.

We are quite aware that our customers are key component to the growth and survival of our business hence we are going to continuously engage them to give us ideas on how to serve them better. We will not waste time in diversifying our services; expand our products and service offerings once the need arises.

Check List / Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit licenses (Health department license and business license, Fire department permit, Air and water pollution control permit, and Sign permit et al): Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Acquiring facility and remodeling the facility: In Progress
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • writing of business plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of laundry machines and equipment ( washing machines, dryers, industrial irons, ironing board et al ): In Progress
  • Purchase of furniture and gadgets (Printers, Telephone, TVs, Sound System, video games, toys, vacuum cleaner, tables and chairs et al): In progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: Completed
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and in the neighborhood: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Opening party / launching party planning: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors – suppliers of all our needed laundry accessories, drinks, and tobacco et al: In Progress

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How to Make an On-demand App for Online Laundry Service in 5 Steps

On demand Laundry App Development

If you are searching for how to start a mobile laundry service, and how to create an on-demand laundry application like Cleanly or Rinse, you are on the right blog.

We found a report by Grand View Research, a company that provides accurate industry analysis and market, with interesting information. It states that the global dry-cleaning & laundry services market size was valued at USD 60.88 billion in 2019 and is projected to show annual growth of 3.4% from 2020 to 2027.

After realizing the potential of on-demand laundry services in his city and country, one of our clients from Saudi Arabia approached us with an idea.

An idea of on-demand laundry app development. The idea was to develop a laundry app called EasyClean that will bring laundry and dry cleaning services to the doorstep.

After successfully completing the online laundry service app project, we realized our development experience can help laundry service provider who is planning to get their business online and develop Android or iOS-based mobile applications to grow their laundry business.

From this blog, you will learn

  • Benefits of online laundry service
  • How to develop an on-demand laundry app
  • Which features to include?
  • 4 Best on-demand laundry apps
  • On-demand laundry service business model
  • How much time does it take to develop a laundry app?
  • On-demand Laundry Service Market Stats
  • Benefits of Online Laundry Service
  • Develop On-demand Laundry App
  • Online Laundry Service App Key Features
  • Best Laundry Apps
  • Cost and Time to Develop an On-demand Laundry App

Online On-demand Laundry Service Market

COVID-19 has changed the way people do even the most basic activities including laundry. Why will anyone risk going out when the laundry services cater to them, right at their doorstep? Of course, with safety precautions. This is the reason why the online on-demand laundry and dry cleaning delivery service market has gained momentum.

Whether you are a laundry owner or an aggregator planning to develop an app , this is the best time to do so. This market is showing amazing potential for future growth.

  • Research and Markets reported that the global dry-cleaning and laundry services market is expected to show a growth rate of 10.9% reach a valuation to nearly $180 billion by 2022.
  • You can see the growth of the US online laundry service market in this graph by Grandview Research.

Online Laundry Service Market Size

But, why has the demand surged so much in such a little time? We’ll tell you about the benefits to answer this question.

What are the Benefits of Online Laundry Pick-up & Delivery App?

We think that some real-life examples will help you understand better. So, here are some of the benefits that our client received due to the online laundry business – EasyClean.

Benefits of On Demand Laundry Service App

Enhances Convenience

The main purpose of developing any mobile laundry service app should be user-oriented. If the user finds the application favorable, the developers and owners automatically get the benefits. These days, both partners in a family are working. If there are kids in a family, the workload increases exponentially. This leaves no time to do a load of laundry.

Increases Safety 

With increased \awareness of social distancing, people try not to go out of the house too much. The main concern here is safety. EasyClean has helped the people in Saudi Arabia to get their clothes cleaned by dry cleaners without having to go to the laundry room.

Promotes Local Laundries

There are a lot of different laundries in the area. If the business needs to stand out, they need to do something unique. The laundry owners can promote their business by paying to get featured on the app. We have made it possible on EasyClean.

Better Management

If the laundry owners are still using traditional ways to manage their business operations, it is time to change. A laundry app like Cleanly and EasyClean helps in managing every order with precision. We integrated a feature to verify the clothes received in delivery by the driver. This feature helps to verify whether the garments are as described or not.

Generates Revenue

Whether you are a laundry owner or an aggregator that has gathered different laundry shops on the app, laundry apps can help generate revenue easily. Our client is an aggregator who developed EasyClean for multiple laundries in the area. This app made it possible for the laundries to get new customers and the client to earn a commission from the laundries.

Offline laundry services

Want to Develop an On-demand Laundry App?

Looking to Develop an On-demand Laundry App? Get in touch with our experienced app developers for a free consultation.

Cta Image

Now comes the second question, how to start a laundry pickup and delivery service business.

Here is your answer.

How to Make an On-demand Laundry Business App?


Project Plan

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” -Alan Lakein

The first step for doing anything new is planning after you get the idea. Once you have thought of an idea, you need to work on the details. You need to answer some questions like:

  • What purpose does the app fulfill?
  • What type of features do you want in your app?
  • Who are your competitors and what can you do better than them?
  • What unique functionalities do you need in the app?

Budget Planning

Now that you have a better idea of your requirements, and how you want to build a laundry app, you can plan your budget. Your budget needs to be aligned with your requirements. If you need a simple app with only the necessary features, your budget will be less. If you need a unique app with advanced features, the budget will be more.

Project Scope

Laundry application development.

The laundry mobile app development company, like ours, then appoints experienced app developers and designers for your project. The app designers create design mock-ups and prototypes by following the best design practices and get them approved by you. Then the developers develop the app as per your requirements.

The last step in the process is to deploy the app on the platforms like Apple App Store and Google Play store. We will provide all the data and documentation of the app before deploying it. In fact, we take care of all the formalities required by the app marketplace if you need us to.

Key Features of an App for Online Laundry Service

Before jumping to features of laundry service, you need to understand that there isn’t just one app. There are different components of the entire online laundry app solution. Even if you are planning to build software or app for the laundry business there will be multiple components to develop like an admin panel, client panel, and laundry owner panel, depending upon the business requirements.

If you are an aggregator, your app for online laundry service will have 4 components: Customer/User App, Laundry Owner App, Driver App, Admin Panel. While, if you are a laundry owner, you might just need only 3 components by combining the laundry owner app features in the admin panel. It depends on your requirement.

Components of an On Demand Laundry App

Before we begin, these are just the key features that you will need in your app. If you want to see the features in detail, you can check out our EasyClean App.

Technology Stack

PlatformiOS and Android
LanguageSwift and Kotlin
BackendLaravel PHP
SMS GatewayTwilio
New Order

Let’s see laundry app features of all of three components one by one.

Customer App

Schedule pick up and delivery, track driver, order history, delivery driver app, track route, manage earnings, laundry owner app, laundry details, order details, track drivers, admin panel, manage orders, manage drivers, manage laundries.

Now, let’s see which are the top competitors that you need to learn from and even beat if you want to develop the best laundry app.

Best Laundry Apps in the Market

FeaturesApp Links

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an Uber for Laundry App?

The average cost of developing on-demand laundry app is $15600. 

We use a simple formula to calculate the cost of developing an app :

How Much Time Does It Take to Develop an Uber for Laundry App?

Developing an on-demand laundry app requires around 4 months of time.

Yes, it took us 4 months to develop the entire EasyClean on-demand laundry app solution from scratch, starting from concept research, market analysis, designing, development, and testing to deployment.

Need to validate your app idea or consult with an expert? Get a free consultation now!

We will now see answers to some of the commonly asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do laundry apps work.

Laundry apps follow the following process:

  • Step 1. The customers register and log in.
  • Step 2. Then they choose the type of service and add details like material, type of garment, detergent preferences.
  • Step 3. Next, they schedule a pickup and drop-off of their order
  • Step 4. Choose a payment method and make the payment
  • Step 5. The driver receives the order and chooses to accept or reject the order
  • Step 6. He picks up the order and delivers to the laundry
  • Step 7. The laundry processes the order and notifies the customer as well the driver
  • Step 8. The driver picks up the processed order from the laundry and delivers to the customer

How do laundry apps make money?

In order to make money from a laundry app , you need to follow one of two business models:

  • On-site: Laundry app owner making money from the order after subtracting the driver’s fee. In this model, you need to take care of the washing process also.
  • Marketplace (aggregation model): In this model, you need to manage orders but do not have to manage the washing process. You will earn by taking a commission from the laundry owners as payment for providing them to the customers.

Where can I find laundry app developers?

If you are looking for app developers, you must choose a company with experience in developing such apps. You can find developers on websites like Upwork, and Clutch. You can check out their badges, ratings, and reviews by previous clients to see if the company is reliable or not. You should also check out their portfolio to see their experience.

Start Your Own Mobile Laundry Business

We hope that this small guide helps you in making decisions about developing an app for an online laundry service. We understand starting a new business as an aggregator or changing your business operations using an can be a huge shift for you. You will have more queries regarding the same. Being an on-demand laundry app development company, we are more than happy to help you with your questions.

Hire a smartphone app development company with experience in developing an app for online laundry service like EasyClean. We have also developed other Android and iOS on-demand apps like Glovo – most downloaded on-demand grocery app in Spain, and Lacy – on-demand alcohol delivery app. Feel free to contact us and we’ll get back to you at our earliest.

Bhaval Patel

Bhaval Patel is a Director (Operations) at Space-O Technologies . He has 20+ years of experience helping startups and enterprises with custom software solutions to drive maximum results. Under his leadership, Space-O has won the 8th GESIA annual award for being the best mobile app development company. So far, he has validated more than 300 app ideas and successfully delivered 100 custom solutions using the technologies, such as Swift, Kotlin, React Native, Flutter, PHP, RoR, IoT, AI, NFC, AR/VR, Blockchain, NFT, and more.

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Online Laundry Service: The Most Successful On-Demand App Examples

13 min read

Sergii Gladun

“ I want it here and I want it now! ” - we, the modern people, are used to requesting. That’s when various on-demand services, so popular today, would come in handy. They help us get the desired results without unnecessary hassle and effort. After all, we just don't have time to do these boring chores on our own! And why should we if the world of the 21 century offers so many opportunities to simplify and better our life? We may well demand that the work be done, and it’ll be done, thanks to digital innovations.

This model applies, among other things, to dry cleaning and laundry services. Its essence is really simple: your clothes are picked up straight from home and returned clean. Such an approach promises quality, clearness, safety... which is especially important today, given the pandemic (alas, we have to be careful and limit our communication with other people).

So the time has come to consider creating an on-demand app for laundry service and cleaning. And if you're a laundry owner, you have all the more reasons to go digital with your business.

But first things first. Let's discuss the matter properly.

What is an On-demand Laundry Mobile App?

In fact, we’re dealing with the opportunity to order laundry services here and now, that is, wherever you are at any given time. You don't need to stay off doing your usual things. Just open the application and make a few taps. The rest will be done without your participation.

But what about application owners? What options do they have? Or should we say "YOU have", since you're likely to become one?

Frankly, there are only two basic ways to act:

Suppose, you own the dry-cleaner or you know such an owner and can start a joint business with him. In this case, your mobile program offers a feature of ordering services online, as well as provides the possibility to organize the pick-up and drop off of clothes (so that your customers don't have to leave their homes).

However, another business model is more sought-after today, namely, a mobile app acting as an intermediary and connecting clients with the various dry-cleaner service providers available in the city. That's what we usually have in mind when speaking of on-demand laundry mobile apps.

Whichever business model of laundry service you choose, you'll need to cooperate with couriers. Again, you have several options in this regard:

taxi service assistance;

partnership with a courier company;

attracting independent couriers who should register in the mobile laundry service application as delivery men to be able to generate additional income.

Modern market data

Online Laundry Services Market size is predicted to reach USD 223.71 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 30.70% during the forecast period (2023-2030).

The above data is impressive! The reason is the coronavirus, which has set new trends in the world of disinfection, among which are environmental friendliness, technological innovation, and on-demand services (something similar to Uber for Laundry).

There are not many examples of online laundry services operating on demand yet, but they do exist. Among them is the British Laundrapp, which has been working since 2014, as well as a number of American projects (FlyCleaners, Cleanly, etc.).

What is driving the rise in popularity of on-demand apps?

Let's figure out why on-demand applications have become so popular (and we’re talking not only about laundry but also about any other similar services, be it shopping, walking the dogs, cleaning the apartment, etc.).

Total digitization . We all strive to digitally present our services to customers. There is no point in starting your business without a website and a mobile application in mind.

High busyness . Today we are too busy and don't have enough time to complete our daily household chores. So the on-demand app for laundry service and cleaning would become a great time-saver.

Safe payments , which are also a good argument in favor of on-demand programs.

Pandemic . And the last point is the coronavirus, which caused the need to adhere to social distancing. With on-demand apps, you can stay safe and still have work done.

Maybe it’s time to discuss how Uber for Laundry works, what do you think? The topic definitely deserves our attention.

How on-demand laundry service apps operate 

As you've already understood, these applications work according to the Uber model. After all, what is an Uber taxi? It's maximum convenience: the user doesn't need to call the operator, he just opens the app, indicates his address and destination, and waits for the car. It's pretty simple, isn't it?

It should be the same with the on-demand laundry service application: you open the program and place an order that one of the dry cleaners accepts. The app finds the closest courier and sends him a notification about a nearby delivery order. The courier comes to you, picks up your clothes, and takes them to the dry cleaning. Sometimes, the receiver arrives with the driver too (to assess the state of clothes). Though it's optional, there may be other ways to assess the initial state of wardrobe items.

After washing, cleaning, ironing, and steaming, the clothes are packed and you’re notified of the order's status. Now dry-cleaning workers are ready to send your belongings back to you, also using the help of one of the couriers nearby.

As to the payment, it can be charged both before the start of work, and when the order is completed.

Benefits of Online Laundry Service s

Let’s start with the benefits laundry business owners receive:

Full business control . Using mobile platforms, you’ll be able to manage your business in a more efficient way;

More clients . Another advantage of on-demand laundry service applications is the ability to get and attract a great many new loyal customers;

Profit growth . The above advantage leads to an increase in profits (in the end, the more customers, the more money);

More free time caused by partial automation of business processes;

Brand promotion . Mobile applications are a kind of advertising platform to promote local laundry services in your region, which means improving the organization's recognition in the market;

Convenient reporting system and a large number of analytical tools;

Now we should talk about customers of dry cleaners and the reasons why they have to become application users:

Availability . Best laundry apps run on multiple platforms and are generally easy to install.

Wide choice . Users have a huge selection of dry-cleaners at their disposal, the list of which is available in one place. Such undisputed convenience is a big advantage, don't you agree?

Positive consumer experience . Users are able to order cleaning and laundry services anytime and anywhere. The only thing required is a mobile app. The work of delivering and dry cleaning the clothes will be done by other people.

Safety. And finally, today we mustn't forget about the threat of infection (covid-19 has made us reconsider our habits!). Therefore, the opportunity to order any services remotely is a wonderful chance to keep you healthy.

By the way, we offer to briefly compare online and offline laundry services so that you are finally convinced that the game is worth the candle (which means your laundry app development costs will be paid back).

on-demand laundry mobile app

Features of Laundry Delivery App s

Let’s discuss the key features of an app for online laundry service and divide them into three basic blocks.

Features focused on customers:

Check-in . To start using the laundry marketplace app, a customer has to sign up and create his or her personal account. The easiest way to sign up is through social networks.

Personal profile . Now the user fills in the created personal account (aka profile) with information on himself: full name, contacts, profile photo, etc. If registration was performed through social networks, all this data can be obtained from the user's profile on FB, Instagram, etc.

Search with filters . Okay, a person has registered in your mobile laundry service app and now wants to use it to its destination. Surely, he opens the program and resorts to a search mechanism, using filters to specify the parameters of the ideal laundry. A possible list of filters could include:

price range;

type of service (say, some accouterment items require a special approach during dry cleaning);

institution rating.

View information on the laundry . The user has found what he needed and wants to know details about a particular laundry, such as:

contact details;

working hours;

location on the map;


price policy;

loyalty programs.

Placing an order. The prospective client studied the list of offered cleaning and laundry services and chose what seemed the best option; now he’d like to move on to the next stage, right? So offer him the opportunity to place an order and perform all possible operations with it, such as:


confirmation of order;

change of order details;

order cancellation.

Favorites section . If the user is satisfied with the cooperation with a particular laundry, he can add it to his favorites so that in the future he'll be able to order its services in a few taps.

Courier selection . Do you know why an on-demand app for laundry service and cleaning is so good? Because it provides you with the opportunity to get the job done while staying at home. A courier comes, picks up your clothes, and delivers them to the dry-cleaning company (and then brings them back cleaned). Therefore, your application should have a courier selection feature to help organize all this.

when ordering a courier service, the user should be able to specify a particular time and date of picking up and dropping off and leave a comment regarding delivery (which may contain the address data and the phone number of the person to be contacted);

It’ll also be great if the user can track the movement of the driver (courier) with his order online.

Monitoring the order status . Okay, the user orders the required services without leaving his home. But it’s not enough: in addition, he must be able to monitor the progress of the work (remotely, of course!). The order status will change depending on the stage of dry cleaning of his clothes.

Cost calculation . Also, the functionality should offer the ability to calculate the indicative price of cleaning and laundry services. The cost factor can be influenced by such things as the number of items of accouterment, the type of clothing and fabric, and so on. With this option, the user has a chance to determine in advance how much money he'll have to pay to get the work done.

Order payment . If you decide to build an on-demand app for laundry service, be sure to add the payment feature. Your users won't have to worry about cash, they'll be able to pay with their bank card.

Reviews & Rating . It'll also be great if the consumer is able to express his (her) opinion about a particular dry-cleaner. But how to implement such a feature in practice? Of course, the easiest way to leave feedback about laundry services is to resort to ratings and reviews!

Order history . Such a functionality option would help the user recall the history of his previous orders.

Chat . And of course, the best laundry apps necessarily offer a chat feature so that the client can communicate with the representatives of the dry cleaner online: discuss general wishes, express complaints, etc.

Notifications . One of the ways to inform the user about a change in the order status is to send him or her a notification. Among others, you can notify users about updates to the application's functionality, loyalty programs, and so on. And you also have an opportunity to remind the client that he hasn’t opened the program for a long time.

On-demand Laundry Mobile App

Features focused on laundry owners:

Registration . Laundry representatives should also register their establishment in the application and provide basic company data. Thus, their clients will be able to find out in advance whether it’s worth ordering services from them.

View customer data . The mobile laundry service application should allow dry-cleaning workers to view the details of the potential customer whose order they’re going to accept.

Client database . Surely, every laundry company, which uses your application as a customer search platform, gradually forms its own customer base with all the necessary contact information. 

Work with an order . Simply put, laundry workers must be able to accept and cancel an order, view its details, update its status, and calculate the cost. The more order management options, the better.

Push notifications . Naturally, features of laundry delivery apps must include notifications to inform dry cleaning representatives about important news (application updates, the appearance of an interesting order, etc.).

Acceptance of payment , and it is desirable to provide several options to provide money (cash, bank transfer, credit card, bonus, prepayment, etc.).

Loyalty programs . Also, online laundry services are good for organizing flexible loyalty systems (personalized discounts, cumulative bonuses needed to reward loyal customers, sales and promotions, and so on).

Chat : an important feature, the value of which we’ve described above, in the subsection dedicated to laundry customers.

Analytics and reporting syste m . And, at last, the on-demand app for online laundry service is a great opportunity to get the latest statistics data in the form of detailed reports, analytical charts, and more.

Features focused on couriers:

Registration: a feature common to all types of users.

Orders Search , a functionality option allowing the courier to find the pickup, drop off, and delivery orders nearby.

View earnings for a particular ride or a specified time period.

Request management . The courier should be allowed to accept the delivery order, refuse it, change the status, and so on.

GPS integration focused on tracking orders and finding an address on a map.

Chat: without it, the list of features of laundry delivery apps will be incomplete.

features of laundry delivery app

How to Make an On-demand App for Online Laundry Service

First of all, make sure you have a combination of several key conditions:

Understanding that offline options are limited . If dry cleaning owners are satisfied with the old-fashioned way of doing business, you’ll find it difficult to persuade them to register with your application.

Useful contacts . Let's say businessmen are ready to use digital technologies but do they want to cooperate with you? Start by making useful connections and helpful financial tie-ups, and only then move on to the next steps.

Development budget. Yes, the laundry app development costs can be quite high so don't think you would get by without a proper budget.

An experienced development team capable of bringing your project to life.

Marketing plan . Without the right promotion, even the coolest app, of any type, is doomed to fail.

Now let's discuss the stages of the development process itself:

Market analysis . In other words, as we've explained above, you have to figure out if your local laundry service market needs an on-demand application.

Drawing up a preliminary plan . The plan should be based on the received analysis data and your financial capabilities.

Finding high-skilled developers . And bear in mind, the task is more difficult than it might seem at first glance.

Finalization of the initial plan . The team you've hired must tell you how realistic your ideas are and help you correct them, if necessary. In addition, you should discuss the optimal development approach.

UI/UX . We perceive the world with our eyes, so interface design plays a significant role.

On-demand laundry service mobile app development , which is the most laborious and time-consuming part of the work.

Publishing and Marketin g . The application is ready to start its life in the market.

What is the perfect on-demand app for online laundry service?

Quick start: the app should be easy to install;

User-friendly UI/UX , namely, a simple and intuitive interface;

Cloud data storage , which gives access to the user from any device;

Integration with popular third-party services (such as payment solutions);

High protection of customer data (no extra explanation required!);

The possibility to contact the support team , which will help solve the problem related to the operation of the application.

The Cost to Develop an On-demand Laundry Mobile App

We've explained to you how to make an on-demand app for online laundry service, but we’re unable to name the exact amount you need to have to start such a project. We can only explain what affects the formation of the development budget.

Let’s see… 

Platform(s) . It all depends on your financial capabilities:

you can build an on-demand app for laundry service, which works on all types of platforms. The option is more expensive but certainly better;

you may limit yourself to just one OS if you know which devices your customers prefer (iOS or Android, to be more precise). This will save your budget;

the last option is a cross-platform application, which has both pros and cons (it is worse than a native app but better than a program focused on a single platform).

Development approach . Also, the cost to develop an app like Cleanly or, say, FlyCleaners is influenced by the development method chosen by you:

creating an application from scratch. You'll get a product, which fully meets your requirements (but such an option is rather costly);

the use of ready-made solutions. The option is more affordable financially, but it limits you in functionality;

"out of the box" solution, roughly speaking. Scaling and customization options are close to zero.

Project level. You may start by developing an MVP model, which includes only the most basic features of laundry delivery apps. In this way, you'll get the opportunity not only to save money at the start but also to test your product on end-users. 

Developers' rate . Well, of course, the rate of the team you hire affects the cost of the project either. The rate, in turn, depends on the reputation of the company, its experience, prestige, and even location.

laundry app development cost

Okay, we've figured out the cost to develop an on-demand laundry mobile app... but what about your competitors?

The Best Laundry Apps

As you already know, there are relatively few on-demand laundry mobile applications, and each one can make you serious competition. That's why you had better study what they offer and draw up a competent development strategy on this basis.

Cleanly , FlyCleaners , Tide Cleaners

Cleanly, FlyCleaners, Tide Cleaners are applications, that are very popular in their niche, therefore they're your strong competitors. They allow ordering laundry services online and get clean clothes effortlessly.

best laundry apps

Let's explore the benefits of online laundry service, which these three apps have in common:

Ease of use . These apps are easy to learn and use; what's more, they don't force users to make extra taps to order the desired service.

Personalization . Application owners strive to meet the needs of their customers. Therefore, the user can clarify his wishes regarding the cleaning of his clothes.

Convenient time frames. The user is allowed to specify the delivery time he prefers most.

Tracking the order and receiving notifications when its status changes.

Safety . And the most important thing is the ability to stay at home, safe.

We hope we've convinced you that the laundry app development costs are worth it. With the thought-out approach to the project, you'll get an excellent platform, and it’ll become the source of your profit.

Features of Laundry Delivery Apps

12 min read

How to Build a Pediatrics On-demand App?

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Uber-like App for Trucks: Discussing Logistics App Development Features and Cost


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Business Funding and Market Research

Laundromat Business Plan

Written by Elma Steven | Updated on July, 2024

laundromat business plan

How to Write a Laundromat Business Plan?

Laundromat Business Plan is an outline of your overall laundromat business. The business plan should include a 5 year financial projection, marketing plan, industry analysis, organizational overview, operational overview and finally an executive summary. Remember to write your executive summary at the end as it is considered as a snapshot of the overall business plan. You need to be careful while writing the plan as you need to consider various factors that can impact the business’s success.

You can spend 3 to 4 weeks trying to write your own Business Plan by browsing through free online resources or hire a professional writer for $2,000. There is a better way to do this-  Download our Laundromat Business Plan to write a plan in just 2 days .

This depends on your expected revenue and cost. Also, we need to consider the startup cost. Find out the answer- Is Laundromat business Profitable?

Table of Contents

Executive summary.

Overview : Chris Johnson is the founder of Sparkling Threads Laundry Lounge. We offer self-service laundry solutions in a contemporary and simple way and the business is located at New York. Our primary offerings include self service laundry, dry cleaning, wash & fold and ironing services. Our goal is to make doing laundry a pleasant and easy experience for families and individuals. Our laundromat is committed to providing a dependable and stress-free washing service and we are targeting both commercial and retail consumers.

Mission: Our goal is to make doing laundry a breeze for our valued clients. Through the use of cutting-edge technology, utmost tidiness and stellar service we promise to provide our customers with an unforgettable experience.

Vision: Sparkling Threads Laundry Lounge’s vision is to change the way people think about laundromats by offering first-rate service, spotless facilities and cutting-edge technology.

Industry Overview:

Rising urbanization, disposable incomes and consumer preferences are projected to propel the worldwide laundry service industry to new heights in the years to come. The worldwide market for laundry services is expected to reach $331.3 billion by 2025 expanding at a CAGR of 5.6% according to a recent analysis.

Check out this guide on  how to write an executive summary?  If you don’t have the time to write on then you can use this  custom Executive Summary Writer  to save Hrs. of your precious time.

Financial Overview:

financial overview of laundromat business plan

Business Description

Business Name: Sparkling Threads Laundry Lounge

Founder : Chris Johnson

Management Team:

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Legal Structure: LLC

Location:  New York


✔️ Market Leadership: The laundry will launch a series of focused marketing strategies including incentives and community involvement programs with the goal of increasing their market share by 15% in the following 12 months. To increase brand recognition and client acquisition via strategic alliances and events.

✔️ Customer Satisfaction: The laundromat will educate all employees extensively since they know how important it is to provide great customer service. The objective is to boost customer satisfaction by 25% via enhanced interactions with customers. A continual commitment to training, feedback methods, effective and timely resolution of client problems are all part of this project.

✔️ Operational Efficiency: A thorough training program will be instituted for all employees in recognition of the significance of providing outstanding customer service. A 25% improvement in customer satisfaction ratings is the target outcome of our efforts to client interactions. A dedication to solving client problems quickly, efficiently as well as regular training sessions and feedback systems, are all part of this effort.

✔️ Brand Recognition: Aiming for increased brand visibility the laundromat will launch a multi-channel marketing campaign. Utilizing social media, participating in local events and forming partnerships to increase the reach of promotional efforts to achieve a 25% increase in brand visibility within the next quarter.

✔️ Expansion and Growth: The following six months the laundry will launch a feasibility study to investigate potential additional locations in high-demand areas in an effort to expand their company.


✔️ Express Wash and Fold Service: This service provides a time-saving and convenient alternative to doing laundry on one’s own which is especially helpful for those whose calendars are already full.

✔️ Dry Cleaning Services: Expand the range of services by incorporating dry cleaning facilities. This addition caters to customers who require specialized care for delicate fabrics and garments that cannot be laundered in a traditional washing machine.

✔️ Mobile App and Online Booking: Make it easy for consumers to arrange laundry services, monitor their progress, pay via a mobile app and online booking system. This technology integration showcases the laundromat’s modernity and efficiency while also improving client convenience.

✔️ Subscription Packages: Introduce subscription packages for regular customers, offering discounted rates for a specified number of washes per month. This subscription model encourages customer loyalty and provides a predictable revenue stream for the business.

✔️ Specialty Cleaning Services: Offer specialty cleaning services for items like comforters, blankets and large household items. This specialized service addresses the unique needs of customers with bulkier items that may require different cleaning methods than standard laundry.


✔️Self-Service Washers and Dryers

✔️ Vending Machines

✔️ Additional Services

Financial Overview

Fund Usage Plan

fund usage plan for laundromat business plan

Key Metrics :

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Business Model Canvas

It comprises nine key components – customer segments and value propositions to revenue streams and cost structures. The canvas provides a clear and concise way to map out, analyze, and communicate the intricacies of a business idea. It offers a holistic view of how a business creates, delivers, and captures value. It also aids entrepreneurs in refining concepts, fostering innovation, and making informed strategic choices. It serves as a versatile tool for brainstorming, planning, and presenting business models to stakeholders. Check out  100 samples of business model canvas .

business model canvas for laundromat business plan

it offers a clear lens into a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This self-awareness enables effective resource allocation and strategic positioning against competitors. Businesses can mitigate risks, make informed decisions, and set realistic goals. In addition, presenting a SWOT analysis in a business plan communicates to stakeholders that the company possesses a deep understanding of its market environment. In essence, SWOT ensures a business’s strategy is grounded in reality enhancing its chances of success. Check out the  100 SWOT samples  which will give you a better idea on SWOT writing process.

SWOT of laundromat business plan

Marketing Plan

Promotional channels.

Social Media Marketing – $15,000 (30%):

✔️ Platform Focus: Focus on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok to promote your laundry business. Post videos showing how clothes change over time, testimonials from satisfied customers and details about any sales or events you’re hosting.

✔️ Paid Ads : Use targeted ads to reach demographics interested in recreational activities, group events and unique experiences.

✔️ Content Strategy : Implement a content strategy centered around regular posts featuring exciting laundry moments, satisfied customer testimonials and announcements for special promotions or events like discount days.

Website and SEO – $10,000 (20%):

✔️ Website Revamp : Incorporate high-quality images showcasing the cleanliness and modernity of your laundromat making it an inviting online space for potential customers.

✔️ Blog Content : Regularly update a blog section on your website with articles that provide laundry tips, information on garment care and insights into the benefits of using a laundromat.

✔️ SEO : Optimize your website for relevant keywords related to laundry services, local convenience and community-oriented cleaning options. 

Email Marketing – $5,000 (10%):

✔️ Newsletter : Develop a monthly newsletter for your laundromat featuring upcoming promotions, service discounts and highlights from recent customer experiences. 

✔️ Segmentation : Tailor your messages for different customer segments based on their preferences and needs.

Local Partnerships – $7,000 (14%):

✔️ Community Events : Partner with local festivals, fairs and community events to set up temporary laundry service stations or promote your laundromat’s offerings. 

✔️ Collaborations with Local Businesses : Forge collaborations with nearby businesses such as dry cleaners, cafes or local clothing stores for cross-promotion and package deals. Offer joint promotions where customers receive discounts or incentives when using both services.

Influencer and Group Collaborations – $6,000 (12%):

✔️ Collaborations : Partner with local influencers or community groups for special laundry-related sessions leveraging their following for broader reach. 

✔️ Sponsorship Deals : Explore sponsorship deals with local businesses, schools or community organizations for team-building events or group meet-ups at your laundromat.

Direct Mail and Local Advertising – $4,000 (8%):

✔️ Direct Mail : Send out flyers or discount offers to local residents and businesses.

✔️ Local Media : Invest in advertising in local leisure magazines, community publications and local event listings to build a strong community presence.

Referral Program – $3,000 (6%):

  • Implement a referral program that incentivizes customers to bring friends, family or colleagues, capitalizing on word-of-mouth and building a loyal customer base.

Brand Management

Social Media Marketing

✔️ Brand Voice and Visual Identity : Develop a friendly and approachable brand voice that resonates with a broad audience, emphasizing the convenience, reliability and modernity of your laundromat services.

✔️ User-Generated Content : Encourage customers to share their laundry experiences, showcasing before-and-after transformations, creative folding techniques or any unique laundry challenges. 

✔️ Live Sessions : Host live sessions on social media featuring laundry tips, quick demonstrations of machine use, fun laundry-related competitions or Q&A sessions with staff.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Local SEO:

✔️ Ad Copy : Craft compelling ad copy that highlights the unique and enjoyable experience of doing laundry at your laundromat. Emphasize the convenience of a well-equipped and modern facility making laundry a great group activity for friends or family. 

✔️ Website Optimization : Ensure your laundromat’s website is engaging, user-friendly and optimized for search engines. Incorporate relevant keywords such as “laundry services,” “group laundry activities” and “team-building laundry.”

✔️ Google My Business : Keep your Google My Business listing updated with current photos, services and contact information to improve local search visibility.

Email Marketing:

✔️ Newsletter : Share regular updates in your laundromat newsletter featuring information about new services, promotions and highlights from customer experiences.

✔️ Segmentation : Customize your email campaigns for different customer segments to increase relevance and engagement. Tailor messages specifically for corporate clients, offering information on corporate laundry solutions and exclusive deals.

Local Partnerships and Sponsorships:

✔️ Community Events : Partner with local festivals and community events to set up temporary laundry service stations or promote your laundromat’s offerings

✔️ Collaboration with Local Businesses : Forge collaborations with nearby businesses such as dry cleaners, cafes or local clothing stores for cross-promotion and package deals.

Content Marketing:

✔️ Educational Content : Create blog posts and videos about effective laundry practices, garment care techniques and the convenience of using a laundromat. 

✔️Behind-the-Scenes Insights : Share behind-the-scenes stories and photos from your laundromat facility, emphasizing the clean and vibrant atmosphere.

Go To Market Strategy

Online presence and community engagement.

Social Media Marketing:

✔️Brand Voice and Visual Identity : Develop a friendly and approachable brand voice for your laundromat that resonates with a broad audience, using consistent visuals on social media platforms to showcase the excitement of a well-done laundry day and special events.

✔️User-Generated Content : Encourage customers to share their laundry experiences, showcasing before-and-after transformations and unique challenges, building a sense of community and authenticity by reposting their content.

✔️Live Sessions : Host live sessions featuring laundry tips, machine demonstrations and fun competitions to engage your audience providing a personal touch to your brand and emphasizing the convenience of your laundromat services.

✔️Ad Copy : Craft compelling ad copy that highlights the unique and enjoyable experience of doing laundry at your laundromat. Emphasize the convenience of a well-equipped and modern facility making laundry a great group activity for friends or family. 

✔️Website Optimization : Ensure your laundromat’s website is engaging, user-friendly and optimized for search engines. Incorporate relevant keywords such as “laundry services,” “group laundry activities” and “team-building laundry.”

✔️Google My Business : Keep your Google My Business listing updated with current photos, services and contact information to improve local search visibility.

✔️Newsletter : Share updates about new game modes, league information, special offers and highlights from recent events or competitions.

✔️Segmentation : Customize emails for different groups such as corporate clients, birthday party groups and casual visitors to increase relevance and engagement.

✔️Community Events : Partner with local festivals and community events to set up temporary laundry service stations or promote your laundromat’s offerings

✔️Collaboration with Local Businesses : Forge collaborations with nearby businesses such as dry cleaners, cafes or local clothing stores for cross-promotion and package deals.

✔️Educational Content : Create engaging blog posts and videos about efficient laundry practices, fabric care techniques and the convenience of using a laundromat educating customers on best practices and the benefits of your services.

✔️ Behind-the-Scenes Insights : Share behind-the-scenes stories and photos from your laundromat facility, focusing on the cleanliness, modern amenities and vibrant atmosphere to give customers a glimpse into the care and dedication behind your laundry services.

Organizational Overview

Organizational overview provides a snapshot of how a company is structured and operates. It outlines the ownership structure, roles, responsibilities of key management personnel, and the reporting hierarchy within the organization. This section offers stakeholders, investors and other readers a clear understanding of the company’s leadership and its chain of command. Additionally, it may give insight into the company’s culture, values and operational philosophy.

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Chris Johnson is a businessman providing exceptional service that has inspirational brains behind the successful New York laundromat Sparkling Threads Laundry Lounge. Extensive education and impressive record of achievements which Jacob offers a lot of knowledge to his enterprise guaranteeing its triumphant success. Jacob also offers simple laundry service by combining his extensive background in business administration with an acute grasp of consumer demands. His ability is honed by his academic background and years of practical experience in the field.

Jacob’s track record demonstrates his commitment to maximizing operational efficiency and delighting customers. A chain of reliable, spotless and warmly welcome laundromats has been built under his able guidance. Reviews have been consistently good and the company has built a devoted client base all thanks to his leadership.

Jacob places his laundromats in prime locations and keeps them open late to accommodate customers with varying schedules because he values convenience and putting the consumer first. To top it all off he enhances the consumer experience by investing in user-friendly technology and facilities. These include mobile payment choices and pleasant lounging places.

Positions and Responsibilities

CEO (Chief Executive Officer): The chief executive officer (CEO) is responsible for the overall financial stability and expansion of the company. In charge of budgeting, analyzing market trends, encouraging a business culture that shares its goals and objectives.

Manager: The Manager takes on a pivotal role in the laundromat’s daily operations acting as the linchpin between the CEO’s strategic vision and its practical implementation.

Maintenance Technician: The Maintenance Technician is the laundromat’s technical expert, responsible for the upkeep and functionality of laundry equipment. Regular inspections, prompt issue resolution and preventative maintenance are essential aspects of this role.

Janitorial Staff: The Janitorial Staff is vital to maintaining a clean and hygienic environment within the laundromat. Performing routine cleaning tasks such as sweeping, mopping and sanitizing surfaces, they create a pleasant atmosphere for customers.  Accountant: The Accountant manages the financial aspects of the laundromat business, overseeing accounts payable, receivable, preparing financial reports, creating budgets and forecasts.

organogram of laundromat business plan

Operational Overview

✔️Laundry Services: Offers comprehensive laundry services catering to individuals, families and businesses. Customers can use our state-of-the-art machines for standard wash-and-dry sessions suitable for various types of clothing and fabrics.

✔️Specialized Services : Offers specialized options such as dry cleaning, delicate garment care and bulk cleaning services. This ensures that our customers have a variety of choices to meet their unique laundry needs.

✔️Self-Service and Full-Service Options : Customers can opt for self-service using our coin-operated or card-operated machines or they can choose our full-service option for a hassle-free experience.

✔️Membership and Loyalty Programs : Customers can benefit from discounts, exclusive promotions and personalized offers creating a sense of appreciation for their continued patronage.

✔️ Eco-Friendly Initiatives : This includes energy-efficient machines, water-saving measures and environmentally conscious detergent options. Our commitment to green practices aligns with the growing demand for sustainable solutions.

Industry Analysis

According to projections the laundromat business in the United States will be worth $5 billion in 2023. Its growth over the last five years has been consistent clocking in at 1.5% CAGR. There are more than 29,500 laundromats in the nation and on average they make more than $500,000 a year with profit margins between 20% and 35%. Laundry services are indispensable and the industry’s steady customer base is a major factor in its longevity.

Industry Analysis of Laundromat Business Plan

Source: trycents

Apartment dwellers, college students and low-income families are just a few of the different populations served by the laundromat sector, which is vital in satisfying their washing requirements in urban and suburban regions. About 20% of American homes utilize shared laundry facilities, which are mostly located in cities making this service quite important. A rising number of laundromats about 35% are adopting digital payment methods showcasing the industry’s growth via technological improvements. In addition to catering to modern consumer tastes, this tech-savvy strategy helps laundromats become more efficient and more convenient for customers. This sector has shown that it can adapt to the demands of a broad and contemporary consumer base by embracing technological innovations that meet the evolving requirements of its customers.

In an effort to lessen their impact on the environment laundromats are adopting greener methods. For instance a quarter of the industry has upgraded to more efficient machines which cut water use in half and electricity consumption in half. These days 30% of laundromats provide extra services including dry cleaning and wash-and-fold. By adopting greener practices and increasing its service offerings the sector is responding to growing consumer preferences and market demands.

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Source: martinray

Other key trends and stats:

✔️ Growth of Competitive and Community Aspect

✔️ Economic Contribution and Employment

✔️ Emerging Trend in Experiential Entertainment

✔️ Affordability and Accessibility: Attracts a wide range of customers due to its affordability.

✔️ Community and Competitive Play: Growing popularity in competitive leagues and community

Industry Problems 

✔️Safety and Liability : Laundromats must implement robust safety measures to prevent accidents, adhere to stringent liability and insurance requirements, given the potential risks associated with the operation of machinery and the handling of cleaning agents.

✔️Cost and Pricing Strategy: Laundromats face the challenge of striking a delicate balance between offering affordable services for customers and covering operational costs.

✔️Equipment Quality and Maintenance : Ensuring that washing machines and dryers are well-maintained, promptly repaired and periodically upgraded is essential for delivering a consistently high-quality service to customers.

✔️Skill Levels and Training : Laundromats must provide clear and effective guidance to users, ensuring they understand the equipment and laundry processes to enhance their overall experience.

✔️Venue Atmosphere and Comfort: A pleasant environment with clean facilities, adequate seating and possibly amenities like Wi-Fi contributes to a positive experience and encourages repeat visits.

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Source: marketresearch

Industry Opportunities

✔️Eco-Friendly Practices : By integrating energy-saving machines, water conservation technologies and environmentally-friendly detergent choices they can attract consumers who are mindful of the environment and enhance their brand reputation.

✔️Technology Integration : Incorporating mobile applications that allow for online reservations, cashless payments and live updates on machine availability can greatly improve customer convenience, positioning the business as contemporary and focused on customer needs.

✔️Specialized Services : Providing specialized services beyond standard wash-and-dry options can attract a diverse customer base. Offering dry cleaning, delicate garment care or bulk cleaning services caters to varied customer needs and creates additional revenue streams.

✔️Membership and Loyalty Programs : The implementation of membership and loyalty programs represents a valuable opportunity for laundromats. By offering discounts, exclusive promotions, personalized benefits businesses can encourage customer loyalty and repeat business.

✔️ Community Engagement : By actively participating in local community activities laundromats can establish a robust local presence. Involvement in neighborhood causes, local initiatives can cultivate a community spirit and enhance customer loyalty.

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Source: ibisworld

Target Market Segmentation

Demographic Segmentation:

✔️Age Groups : Provide diverse experiences tailored to different ages such as kid-friendly sessions and competitive offerings for adults.

✔️Income Levels : Offer a range of prices from budget-friendly options to upscale group experiences catering to various income groups.

✔️Cultural Diversity : Celebrate New York’s multicultural environment with themed events and cultural celebrations.

Psychographic Segmentation:

✔️Convenience Seekers: Target customers who value quick and hassle-free laundry experiences offering efficient self-service options .

✔️Eco-conscious Customers: Attract environmentally conscious individuals with green machines and sustainable detergent choices.

Behavioral Segmentation:

✔️Regular Users : Develop loyalty programs or discounts to encourage repeat visits from frequent customers.

✔️Special Occasion Users : Cater to those needing laundry services for special events or delicate garments with specialized offerings.

✔️First-Time Users : Ensure a welcoming environment for newcomers with clear instructions and helpful staff.

Geographical Segmentation:

✔️Local Residents : Focus on the local community in New York with targeted marketing establishing the laundromat as a convenient neighborhood option.

✔️Tourists and Temporary Visitors : Accommodate tourists, short-term visitors with tailored services and location-specific promotions.

Technological Segmentation:

✔️Tech-Savvy Consumers : Implement advanced features like digital payments, online reservations and live updates on machine availability.

✔️Traditional Customers : Keep straightforward easy-to-use laundry options available for customers who prefer a traditional approach.

Market Size

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✔️Total Addressable Market (TAM): Anyone in the specified area or city that needs laundry services makes up the laundromat’s target audience list (TAM). The lifestyle choices of the local population, the number of apartments without washers, dryers and the demographics of the region (including age, income and culture) are all variables that might impact this vast industry. The increasing number of renters and the move towards more convenient urban living are two further factors that might affect the TAM.

✔️Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM): A laundromat’s SAM uses the TAM to zero in on the customers who are really within the company’s grasp. Location of the laundry, the services it offers (self-service, full-service, specialist fabric care) and its marketing tactics are all elements that contribute to this. People that are concerned about the environment, have a knack for technology and have hectic lives would make up the SAM in a heavily crowded metropolitan region where a laundromat provides high-tech eco-friendly laundry solutions.

✔️Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM): The SOM for a laundromat is the portion of the SAM that the business can realistically expect to capture based on its current capabilities, resources and competitive landscape. This includes considerations like the quality and convenience of the services provided, the uniqueness of the laundromat’s offerings (such as mobile app integration, loyalty programs), customer service excellence, pricing strategy and the effectiveness of local market positioning.

Industry Forces

✔️Market Demand and Entertainment Trends: A number of factors come into play including the need for environmentally conscious, technologically advanced facilities, the necessity of finding ways to save time and the demand for supplementary services such as dry cleaning and changes.

✔️Competition: Differentiation can be achieved through unique services, exceptional customer experience, offering wash-and-fold services and providing a comfortable inviting environment.

✔️Technological Advancements: Utilizing technology like online booking for laundry services, digital payment systems, social media for customer engagement can enhance the customer experience and improve operational efficiency.

✔️Regulatory Environment: Compliance with local health, safety regulations, environmental guidelines and business licensing requirements is crucial. This includes adhering to standards for laundry operations and maintaining high cleanliness levels. ✔️Economic Factors: Economic conditions can influence spending on services like laundry. Flexible pricing strategies, offering a range of services can cater to different budget levels and sustain customer interest in various economic situations.

Market Segmentation

Application:  The dry-cleaning and laundry services industry is divided into residential and commercial segments based on their application. In 2019, the residential application category had a significant market share. It is expected to continue in the projection period. During the projection period, the residential sector is predicted to rise due to an increase in the number of homes with working members across the world, as well as an increase in expenditure on clothing and their cleaning. Furthermore, rising consumer preference for professional cleaning services due to personal hygiene and cleanliness is expected to drive residential sector development.

Service:  Laundry, dry cleaning, and duvet cleaning are the three types of services available. In 2019, the laundry category took over half of the market share. Customers’ increased preference for casual clothes and greater washing frequency will outperform laundry services from other categories. Growing consumer awareness of the need for good personal cleanliness is encouraging people to wash their daily clothing on a regular basis. In the projection period, these variables will most likely fuel demand for washing services.

Market Segmentation for Laundromat Business Plan

The dry-cleaning industry is predicted to develop significantly in the future years, owing to an increase in professional employees who often wear business attire, like suits and jackets, which cannot be washed with ordinary techniques and must be dry-cleaned with extreme care.

Demand is likely to be driven by the fact that dry cleaning is frequently utilized for other specialty garments, like bridal dresses, throughout the forecast period. The hotel sector and hospitals throughout the world are continuing to expand, necessitating effective laundry and duvet cleaning services, which is projected to boost the market.

A marketing plan outlines the company’s strategy to promote its products or services to its target audience. It includes specific tactics and channels the business will use to reach potential customers. This section defines the company’s unique value proposition, identifies the target market segments, and discusses the competitive landscape. It also includes insight into budget allocation, projected outcomes and key performance indicators to measure success. Marketing plan helps businesses demonstrate their understanding of the market dynamics, their positioning within the industry and their approach to driving customer engagement and sales.

image 59

Website and Social Media: To market our brand, we use the internet and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, and others. Include Universal Laundromat in phone books and directories in your neighborhood. Create a company website and be active on key social media sites.

Seminar and Programs: Sponsor sports events and tournaments in town that are significant to you.

Referral Marketing: Encourage individuals to utilize referral marketing (word-of-mouth), and engage in direct marketing .

Advertisement: Advertise Universal Laundromat on local television, radio stations, and in local publications. Ensure that all of our employees are wearing our branded clothing and that all of our official cars and trucks are well-branded with our company emblem and other identifying information. Distribute our flyers and handbills at strategic locations. Advertise Universal Laundromat on local television, radio, and print stations.

Pre-Opening Events: To raise awareness, have a party to honor the Universal Laundromat launch.

Commute Advertising: By employing individuals to display signs alongside we will draw attention to Universal Laundromat. Install our billboards in high-traffic areas,

Customer Loyalty Program: To honor our loyal customers, we will develop customer incentive programs and promotions.

A financial plan provides a comprehensive projection of a company’s financial health and its anticipated monetary performance over a specified period. This section encompasses a range of financial statements and projections such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements and capital expenditure budgets. It outlines the business’s funding requirements, sources of finance and return on investment predictions. The financial plan gives stakeholders particularly potential investors and lenders a clear understanding of the company’s current financial position. A financial plan helps businesses demonstrate their financial prudence, sustainability, and growth potential.

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How to Grow a Laundry Business [Tips, Tricks + Examples]

Discover how to grow your laundry business with tips like on-demand services, route optimization, and local marketing for higher customer satisfaction.

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Laundry services are a huge industry. The global dry-cleaning and laundry services market was valued at $67.2 billion in 2022 . By 2030, it's expected to grow to $103.5 billion, which means it's growing at an average rate of 5.5% each year from 2022 to 2030.

A small dry-cleaning shop can earn about $30,000 a year after paying all expenses. A self-service laundromat can bring in cash flow between $15,000 and $300,000 annually.

Clearly, the laundry business is profitable. No matter what type of laundry business you run, there are plenty of ways to expand your business.

Try these four laundry business ideas to get more customers and boost your earnings.

In this post:

1. Add More Services

2. try route optimization software, 3. use local marketing to promote your laundry business, 4. check out your competition, expand your laundry business with elogii.


Offering more services can bring in more customers.

Provide Wash-and-Fold Services

Many people dislike doing laundry and putting it away , and some don’t even have easy access to washers and dryers.

Offering a wash-and-fold service can help with both these issues. Customers can drop off their dirty clothes, and you'll return them washed, dried, and folded. This luxury service can attract a new type of customer, helping both laundromats and dry cleaners looking to bring in new and returning customers.


Customers who use laundromats are typically from lower-income households. Those who opt for wash-and-fold services generally have more disposable income.

For example, a laundry service that includes wash-and-fold options can have a wide variety of customers. The clientele could include single working men, college students, tourists, hotel guests, vendors, restaurants, small businesses, and working couples without children who have disposable income.

Dry cleaners can also benefit from offering wash-and-fold services. With the demand for dry cleaning going down as people use laundromats, home washing machines, and other alternatives, adding more services can help attract new customers. You can also offer ironing along with dry cleaning to expand your offerings.

Providing laundry delivery could boost your business even more because delivery has become popular in many industries. Most delivery customers live within five miles of the store, but adding delivery has expanded the customer base to a 12-mile radius.

Go with On-Demand Laundry Services

Elevate laundry delivery with on-demand convenience.

Often known as the “Uber for laundry,” on-demand laundry lets customers easily get their laundry done whenever they want. Similar to ordering a ride, you can schedule laundry pickup through an app or website and pick the services you need. Then, your clean clothes get delivered right to your doorstep when they’re done.

It’s a profitable option, with on-demand laundry services expected to reach about USD 563.05 billion by 2032.


Rinse is a rapidly expanding brand in the laundry delivery industry. Despite challenges in the consumer on-demand market, it has consistently grown its margins. Besides on-demand service, Rinse offers smart scheduling, providing weekly laundry pickup and delivery to customers.

If you start with any of these laundry business ideas, like on-demand or smart-scheduling laundry services, you’ll want to use route optimization software. This kind of software can help you save time, work more efficiently, and make customers happier, all of which will boost your profits.

Here’s how eLogii can help your laundry business:

Forget about manual planning! Just upload a list of delivery and pickup addresses in an Excel file, and eLogii’s software will find the best routes and evenly split the work between your drivers.

Efficient routes mean less money spent on gas and mileage. Plus, by making the most of your routes, you’ll cut down on labor costs and get more out of your team.

Date-range Tasks

eLogii allows you to schedule tasks within a specific date range . This means the system will assign each task to the best day based on constraints like schedules, capacities, and time windows, while also considering current and historical traffic data.

Set Task Priority

When setting up a task, you can mark its importance in the Advanced section of the form. eLogii will use this priority level to adjust and create routes. If you set the priority to high, the system will make sure this task is given top importance compared to others.

Keep Your Customers Updated with Live Tracking


Send text or email updates to let them know when their laundry is on its way. Updates even include a link for live tracking .

Get Delivery Proof With The eLogii Driver App

Your drivers can collect signatures, snap photos, and jot down delivery notes, giving you all the details you need to answer customer questions about their orders.

Make the Most of Your Google Business Profile

Improve your local search visibility with your free Google Business Profile. It helps potential customers find, learn about, and contact your laundry business quickly.


Your Google Business Profile should include your website, business hours, phone number, photos, customer reviews, and answered questions. A detailed profile can boost engagement, improve your Google ranking, and attract more customers. In fact, 88% of people who search for local businesses on their smartphones visit or call within 24 hours.

Check out this guide to get the most out of your Google Business Profile .

Boost Your Social Media Presence

Many consumers find local businesses through social media , so make sure your laundry business is easy to find by setting up and staying active on the right platforms.

You don’t need to be on every social network—just focus on the ones that matter most for your business. For instance, being active on Yelp is important to respond to customer reviews and questions, but you probably don’t need a TikTok account to reach local customers. Yelp ads are also effective since 82% of users visit with the intent to purchase, and 89% of them make a purchase within a week.

Invest in Local Digital Ads

Yelp and Google are great places to advertise your laundry business because they target people actively looking for your services.

Google’s Local Services ads show up when someone searches for terms like “Seattle laundry service” in your area. Plus, you only pay if someone contacts you through the ad.

Show Off Your Happy Customer Reviews

One great way to attract more customers is to share positive reviews from satisfied clients.

Most people check online reviews before choosing a local business. Highlighting glowing endorsements from your customers is a powerful way to attract new business. Namely, 75.5% of people trust in online reviews when deciding what to purchase.

There are several ways to encourage more reviews , like offering incentives and timing your requests perfectly during the customer experience. Once you gather the valuable user-generated content , make it is easy to find. Display them on your website, share them on social media, and use them wherever you can.

If you can offer a better experience, you can charge more for your luxury laundry services. Start by exploring what your local competitors are doing and find ways to improve your own business. Trying out their services can help you find the best pricing for your services.

Sampling other laundry services can also inspire you with new ideas to enhance your own laundry business.

As we've discussed, wash-and-fold delivery and on-demand laundry services are what customers expect from a modern laundry business. Give them what they want, and let eLogii help you provide top-notch service.

Our route optimization software makes it easy to add pickup and delivery to your business model. It helps you save hours of planning and money, providing a better delivery experience for your customers. This leads to happy repeat customers and great reviews.

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In the wash: How to use laundry services in Moscow

mobile laundromat business plan

Most Russians have a washing machine (and sometimes even a tumble dryer) at home. But what do you do if you have neither and desperately need to wash your clothes in Moscow?

Laundry services

mobile laundromat business plan

Public laundries are not widespread in the Russian capital but there are lots of cleaning services that clean laundry, too. People use them for cleaning their carpets (as you remember, they like to put them everywhere ) or clothes that require special care like evening dresses or ironed work shirts.

Cleaning services are usually located in big shopping malls or in residential houses on the ground floor - some of them offer home delivery as well. The most popular services are Diana ( check the map , open daily 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. ), Jemima ( delivery only ), Washdrop ( delivery only ). The prices are reasonable. For example, cleaning a shirt in Diana costs about 250 rubles ($4) or Jemima will wash one kg of clothes for 390 rubles ($7) - they will also iron your shirts. Usually, it takes one day or less to wash and dry your things, but in most services there’s an option for urgent washing.

Phrases you may need: “Gde mne nayti prachechnyu?” (“Where can I find a laundry service?”); “Skolko stoit postiratj moi veschi?” (“How much does it cost to wash my things?”); “Kogda veschi budut gotovy?” (“When will my things will be ready?”)

Dry cleaning services

mobile laundromat business plan

Dry cleaning is very popular in Russia, especially to freshen up fur coats. Most dry cleaning services are in the same places as the laundries and also offer delivery. Dry cleaning a coat costs from 1,000 rubles ($18) and a jacket from 600 rubles ($10), but it depends on the place.

Phrases you may need: “Gde zdes khimchistka?” (“Where is a dry cleaning service around here?”); “U menya zdes uzhasnoe pyatno” (“There is an awful stain here”).


mobile laundromat business plan

Laundromats, or self-service laundries, are rather rare in Moscow. Nevertheless, it’s not a problem to find them. The laundromats chain called Chistoff has eight joints in Moscow (check addresses here ), they work 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Using the washing machines costs 90 rubles for one hour ($1.5). Another chain called has six places  and offers the same prices. The biggest chain of laundromats - SamPrachka - has over 40 places in and around Moscow, some of them are open 24/7 (check addresses here ). The price for nine kg of clothes costs 200 rubles. Just don’t forget to take washing powder with you.

Phases you may need: “Gde nayti prachechnyu samoobsluzhvanniya?” (“Where can I find a self-service laundry?”); “Kak polzovatsya stiralnoy mashinoy?” (“How does one use the laundromat?”); “Kak polzovatsya sushilkoy?” (“How does one use the drying machine?”).

Have you had an unusual travel experience in Russia? Tell us about it in the comments section below and don’t forget to read about seven popular mistakes foreign tourists make in Russia ! 

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