English Compositions

Short Essay on Save Electricity [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you will learn to write short essays on the topic of ‘Save Electricity’. Here I will write three sets of essays on the same topic in very simple words for a better understanding of all kinds of students. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on save electricity in 100 words, short essay on save electricity in 200 words, short essay on save electricity in 400 words.

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Electricity is one of the biggest gifts that science has given to us. It is mostly produced by burning fossil fuels and fossil fuels are non-renewable. This means that once we use up all the fossil fuels present on this planet, we will have to solely depend on solar, wind and hydropower to generate electricity.

Although these resources do help, the use of renewable energy is not widespread and thus, a large part of the world may end up having to live without electricity. That’s why we must save electricity. We must be mindful of our usage of electricity. We must turn off light bulbs and fans when they aren’t in use. Saving electricity is the need of the day. 

Today, it is very difficult to imagine a life without electricity. Be it light bulbs or fans, heaters or air-conditioners, mixer-grinders or ovens, everything runs on electricity. Even our mobile phones and computers wouldn’t be able to function without electricity. And that is why it is very important for us to save electricity.

Electricity is generated around the world mostly using fossil fuels like coal. Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources. This means that once we use up all the fossil fuels present on this planet, we will have to solely depend on solar, wind and hydropower to generate electricity. These days, many parts of the world use these renewable resources to generate a portion of the total electricity needed. But since producing electricity using such methods is neither very well-developed nor widespread, it is possible that if we empty the reserves of fossil fuels, a large part of this world will be left without electricity. 

We must conserve electricity to ensure that our future is bright. We must be mindful of our usage of electricity. We must always remember to turn off light bulbs, fans and other electrical appliances when they are not in use. Instead of watching television all day long, we should encourage each other to go out and play in nature. Only by reducing our usage of electricity will we be able to save it. 

Over the last 200 years, science has bestowed countless gifts upon humanity. Out of all these gifts, the one that has proved to be the most important is electricity. Today, it is very difficult to imagine a life without electricity. Be it light bulbs or fans, heaters or air-conditioners, mixer-grinders or ovens, everything runs on electricity.

Even our mobile phones and computers wouldn’t be able to function without electricity. We have now become dependent on electrical appliances for the smallest of things like hair drying, heating food and washing our socks. That is why it is very important for us to save electricity. 

In most nations across the world, electricity is produced using fossil fuels such as coal. Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources. This means that we can not go on and on and expect that we will always have electricity. Once we use up all the fossil fuels present on this planet, we will have to solely depend on renewable resources such as solar, wind and water to generate electricity. These days, some parts of the world use these renewable resources to generate a portion of the total electricity needed. But producing electricity using such methods is neither very well-developed nor widespread. 

It is not only possible but also probable that if we empty the reserves of fossil fuels, a large part of this world will be left without electricity. Therefore, we must conserve electricity to ensure that our future is bright. We must be mindful of our usage of electricity. We must always remember to turn off light bulbs, fans and other electrical appliances when they are not in use. It is actually quite easy to save electricity. We can wash clothes by hand instead of turning the washing machine on for every single piece of garment.

We can also use natural light instead of depending on electric lamps during the day. Instead of watching television all day long, we should encourage each other to go out and enjoy nature. We should encourage kids to play with each other rather than watching TV all day long or playing video games on their computers. This would not only save electricity but also help kids live an active and healthy life. 

We should launch campaigns to spread awareness amongst people about the importance of saving electricity. We should also push the government to adopt renewable ways of electricity generation and encourage people to install solar panels on the top of their houses. This would make us less dependent on fossil fuels for electricity. Electricity is a precious resource for us that’s why we must focus on saving electricity. 

Hopefully, all your doubts have been resolved regarding this context after going through this lesson. If you still have any confusion, kindly let me know through some quick comments. 

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  • Save Electricity Essay


All About Electricity

Electricity is the best gift of science to mankind. This is the age of electricity. Electricity is a source of light, heat, and other comforts. Right from house lighting to the running of giant factories to streets and parks, it is the invisible current that makes these entities run. Electricity supplies all types of energy to man in order to improve his scientific inventions and increase his social amenities.  Heating and cooling processes are also executed by it. All you need to do is just switch on a button and there you have ample power.

Electricity is primarily produced from coal and water. It is also produced from other sources like nuclear energy, solar energy, etc. but still, production is very less. Efforts are being made to produce more electricity from solar, wind, and nuclear sources so that the natural sources can be conserved. 


Electricity is one of the most important sources in the life of a human. Especially now that we have entered the 21 st century, there is hardly anything that does not work on electricity. However, due to the huge demand for electricity worldwide, it has become hard to produce electricity and provide it to everyone. However, if proper steps and measures are taken to Save Electricity then it is possible that both mankind that is to come and the mankind currently existing can use them. Here is a guide on how you can write the Save Electricity Essay via Vedantu and express all your views on the same. This essay writing helps not only kids from high classes but also those students present in the lower grades.

Need for Electricity

The modern world without electricity is impossible now and it is needed in every sphere of life. Electricity facilitates technological advancement and supports a wide range of products and services that enhance our quality of life and stimulate economic productivity. Thus, demand for power is directly correlated with population and economic growth. 

Houses, streets, parks, offices, shops, malls, etc. are lighted with electricity. Modern communications and transport are rendered safer, speedier, and more comfortable by the introduction of mobile phones, the Internet, the electric train, tram, and motor.

The introduction of electrical devices has simplified labor in every form in the house, in the office, and in the factory. Among domestic services, equipment of every type is functioned more cheaply and efficiently by electricity. Many labor-saving and time-saving devices using electrical energy have been introduced, to minimize drudgery at home and office. 

Radio, television, cooler, heater, washing machine, air conditioners, all depend on electricity. There is no grandeur in festivals and celebrations without electricity. 

Electricity has brought a great revolution in the field of medical science. It plays an important role in the treatment of diseases by electrotherapy. 

Electricity has changed the way of farming. In fact, it has mechanized farming. It has helped us to distribute the water of the rivers into canals and irrigate dry and barren lands. Without electricity, we cannot imagine industrial growth. All types of industries require electricity to function.

How to Save Electricity?

Electricity generation depends largely on non-replaceable resources. Thermal power needs coal and other fossil fuel for generating electricity. This fuel has limited reserves and it will take millions of years to replenish these reserves.

There are many different ways in which we can save electricity and thus conserve energy. At home, elementary actions should be taken such as unplugging computers, turning off televisions in order to reduce our consumption of electricity, thereby conserving energy. You can install thermostat technology at your home and connect the different appliances and gadgets that draw power from all those outlets that are not even in use. Solar panels can be planted to reduce the consumption of electricity.

Furthermore, we can use more natural light. In the daytime instead of switching on lights and fans, we can keep our windows open to get natural light and air.

We can increase our outdoor activities more like playing, gardening, reading, etc. so that TV time can be reduced. We can switch our office work and other related tasks to laptops from desktops because laptops consume less energy than desktops. 

Tips to Write a Good Save Electricity Essay

Make sure you use short lines

Make the lines used in the essay a bit interesting to the readers

Do not use many complex words and keep them as simple as possible.

Electricity is the backbone of modern society. Our life will go back to the primitive age without electricity. There is a need for rational use of electricity, as it is largely produced from non-renewable sources like coal and water. Alternative sources of electricity should be explored to meet the gap between its demand and supply. We should take every step to conserve sources of electricity for future generations.


FAQs on Save Electricity Essay

1. What are all the parts of the essay that need to be covered while writing the Save Electricity Essay?

There are particular parts of the essay that need to be included in the Save Electricity Essay in order to provide the best essay possible. Without these sections, the essay will look all clustered, and hence including them while writing your essay is a must. Here are the parts that you need to add:

1. Introduction:

An introduction should not be too lengthy. Its main purpose should be to attract readers. Students should write at least 50 to 60 words in this section.

The body is the main part of the essay as it will consist of everything about the topic. This section will contain about 100 to 150 words.

3. Conclusion:

This section will mostly focus on providing the summary of the entire essay along with the closing statement. There will be only 2 to 3 lines with about 30 to 40 words.

2. What are some of the uses of electricity?

Leading a comfortable life needs electricity in it and hence electricity has become one of the most important aspects of our lives. For example, if you were to attend a class online you would need electricity. Similarly, electricity will be needed by a surgeon to conduct successful surgeries. Apart from these passengers who are traveling by railways or airplanes can only do so if proper electricity has been provided to the engine. This means that various means of transportations and other objects are run on electricity and if electricity is not used well then these operations might not be possible.

3. How does writing the Save Electricity Essay help students understand the importance of electricity?

When students write on the Save Electricity Essay they get to know various aspects related to electricity as follows:

  • Importance of electricity
  • Uses of electricity
  • Why is electricity being one of the scarce resources nowadays
  • How electricity can be saved for future generations

All of these aspects once understood by students will also be able to be a part of the sustainable environment. Vedantu helps students get an idea about the same with a sample Save Electricity Essay that helps them from one on their own. Students can also refer to the Vedantu NCERT Solutions that help them study well and get good grades.

4. How to write a short Save Electricity Essay for my class assignment?

If you are focusing on writing a short Save Electricity Essay for your class assignment you can check out the sample provided on Vedantu. Apart from this you can also check the points provided below and add them to get a short and simple essay.

  • Electricity is an important aspect of our life and it is impossible to live in this generation without electricity being provided.
  • It is possible that without electricity our lives might go back to the primitive age.
  • Saving electricity is one of the important things if humans are to live efficiently in this world.
  • It is to be made sure that during the day time the natural light should be preferred than using the lights or lamps to light the room
  • When there is good weather outside, open the window and enjoy the light breeze rather than turning on the AC or fans as these take up a lot of electricity.

5. How is Electricity produced and why is it becoming scarce as days go by?

It is seen that around 65% of water is used to generate electricity and is also used in various generators that run on electricity. With such a large amount of water being involved in the production of electricity, it is seen that water is becoming scarce day by day. Hence the electricity which is produced with water is also becoming more and more scarce day by day. Due to this, there will be a time when it will be impossible to save water and electricity anymore. These two main aspects once lost will lead to a lot of trouble.

Word count: 858


Essay on Electricity 500+ Words

Electricity, a phenomenon that has revolutionized the way we live, is nothing short of magical. It powers our homes, lights up our lives, and drives the technology that surrounds us. In this essay, we will explore the fascinating world of electricity, understanding how it works, its incredible impact on our lives, and why it’s truly a force to be reckoned with.

The Spark of Discovery:

Electricity has a long history, dating back to the ancient Greeks, who discovered the attraction of amber when rubbed with fur. However, it was Benjamin Franklin who famously experimented with lightning and a kite to prove the connection between electricity and lightning. His brave experiment paved the way for our understanding of electricity’s true nature.

The Science of Electrons:

Electricity is all about tiny particles called electrons. These electrons move through conductors like wires, creating a flow of electricity we can use. Think of it as a river of tiny particles carrying energy. Understanding this flow of electrons helps us harness the power of electricity.

Lightning: Nature’s Electric Show:

Lightning is one of the most dramatic displays of electricity in nature. It happens when clouds build up electric charges, and the energy is released in a lightning bolt. This awe-inspiring force of nature can light up the sky and even start fires.

Electricity in Our Homes:

Electricity is the lifeblood of our homes. It powers our lights, appliances, and gadgets. Just imagine life without electricity—no TV, no internet, and no video games! Electricity has transformed our homes into comfortable and convenient places to live.

A Bright Idea: The Light Bulb:

Thomas Edison, often called the “Wizard of Menlo Park,” invented the practical electric light bulb in 1879. Before that, people used candles and gas lamps to light their homes. The light bulb revolutionized our world, making it safer and more accessible after dark.

Electricity in Medicine

Electricity is not just for homes and technology; it’s also crucial in medicine. In fact, the heart’s electrical system controls its rhythm. Doctors use electricity in devices like pacemakers to help people with heart problems.

Powering Our World:

Electricity is not just about our homes; it’s essential for powering industries, transportation, and more. It’s the energy behind trains, factories, and even charging stations for electric cars. Without electricity, our modern world would grind to a halt.

Renewable Energy:

As we become more aware of our impact on the environment, we’re turning to renewable sources of electricity like solar panels and wind turbines. These sources generate electricity without harming the planet, providing us with a greener future.

Electrical Safety:

While electricity is incredible, it can also be dangerous if not handled carefully. We must learn about electrical safety, such as not sticking fingers or objects into outlets and being cautious during storms when lightning strikes.

Conclusion of Essay on Electricity

Electricity, with its fascinating history, scientific wonders, and incredible applications, is undeniably one of the most remarkable forces in our world. From powering our homes to lighting up the night sky with lightning, it shapes our lives in ways we sometimes take for granted. As we continue to discover new ways to harness and use electricity, we must also remember the importance of using it safely and responsibly. In doing so, we ensure that this remarkable force remains a beacon of progress and a spark of wonder in our lives. Electricity truly is the spark of life, illuminating our past, present, and future.

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Essay on Save Electricity for Students in English [Easy Words*]

January 25, 2021 by Sandeep

Save Electricity Essay: Electricity is the most basic service required by all of us in every sphere of life. All our amenities and services are entirely dependent on electricity for running smoothly. Our everyday lives would be unimaginable without electricity at the backdrop. We must conserve electricity because the source from which it is generated is not unlimited in supply. Right from education, health, industries, factories, offices, railways, airlines, other travel modes are all dependent on electricity for their survival.

Essay on Save Electricity 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Save Electricity Essay in English, suitable for class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

Electricity stripped darkness from the earth and illuminated every area of human activity. Life is almost impossible today without electricity. Modern life has become so technological and industrial that we need energy even for simple daily life things. Most devices we use today are powered by electricity.

Electricity is the basis for both technological and scientific practices. Modern people now enjoy travel and networking services, which can only be done with electricity. This has revolutionized western forms of travel and communication. Battery cars and electric trains are fast means of travelling. Many diseases have modern surgical treatment. Hundreds of patients undergo surgery, so these procedures are unlikely without electricity.

Importance of Saving Electricity

One of the primary motivators for power consumption at home is the cumulative energy gain at the end of the year. There are other reasons why it is essential to save energy besides your pocket effect.

Solar or wind-energy generation limits the consumption of fossil fuels. The turbines that produce electricity need these fuels. The longer they are used, and the more energy they consume, the sooner they are exhausted. These supplies are not infinite or renewable. The burning of fossil fuels for energy creates massive quantities of air emissions. Oceans and soil are also affected by the environment after an oil spill occurs. Such environmental challenges reinforce why electricity conservation is so critical.

Ways to Save Electricity

Using natural light throughout the day will save you up to $9 a day. A single, strategic window will illuminate the area from 20 to 100 times. Natural light increases your room’s aesthetic value, aside from saving your money. There are essential kitchen appliances in any home, including refrigerators or dryers. Make a point of replacing the existing, obsolete ones with the new energy star certified ones. Replacement of an old dryer with the new robust version will save you up to $130 a year.

Any computer printers and other electronic gadgets use energy even though off. 10% of energy consumption is in this kind of electronics. You may use a power strip with a lock to shut several machines off at a time. The air conditioner is often imminent, so it is not appropriate to use it from early spring to late summer without ever shutting it off.


10 Lines on Save Electricity

10 Lines on Save Electricity for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Save Electricity: Electricity is one of the finest and greatest inventions of science. The era before electricity had limited ample of technological advancements. Electricity can be termed as the first-ever invention of technology.

Since the birth of electricity, the world has seen many revolutionary developments. Electricity obtained by means of natural resources has become an essential part of our lives. It is now impossible to survive in peace without electricity.

However, there are still underprivileged regions in the world where electricity has not yet taken its first steps. Such areas are waiting for the birth of electricity so that they can also experience the wonders of science. In such world circumstances, it is essential for us to understand the vitality of electricity and take measures to save it.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Save Electricity for kids

  • Electricity is the greatest wonder of science.
  • The birth of electricity has given way to almost all essential technological advancements of the world.
  • Electricity is a kind of energy that is generated using natural resources.
  • The more electricity we use, the more natural resources are consumed.
  • To save natural resources, we must limit the use of electricity.
  • Using electricity efficiently becomes very important for the survival of future generations.
  • Various ways to save electricity include turning off of extra running electrical appliances.
  • One must use only the needed and essential electrical instruments in households and organisations.
  • The underprivileged regions deprived of electricity also deserve to live a glowing life.
  • To be fair to humanity and nature, one must save electricity.

10 Lines on Save Electricity 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Save Electricity for School Children

  • Electricity is very crucial to have a comfortable life in the contemporary world.
  • The wonders of electricity include artificial light, artificial breeze and other technological advancements.
  • Electricity is obtained from natural resources and used to produce artificial ease to mankind.
  • However, the wonder of electricity has still not reached to every corner of the world.
  • There are plenty of regions in different corners of the world, where electricity remains strange and unknown.
  • There are various socio-political reasons why electricity does not reach to all properties.
  • One of the reasons being limitations on resources to produce the means of electricity.
  • To overcome this, one must try and save as much electrical energy as possible.
  • Wastage of electrical energy is irreversible, and it must be controlled for future generations to survive in ease.
  • The more electricity wasted, the more natural resource consumed.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Save Electricity for Higher Class Students

  • Electricity is an instrumental element in all our lives.
  • The birth of electricity has given birth to new standards of comfort.
  • In the contemporary world, a day without electricity cannot be imagined.
  • Because everything we do in our daily lives depends on electrical energy, we can suffer minorly or largely due to its absence.
  • But recent research and studies state that the misuse of electricity can lead to scarcity of resources to produce electricity.
  • We often misuse electricity through ignorance and psychological limitations.
  • Humanity has started to consume electricity via various electrical appliances that seem to make their lifestyle easy.
  • These appliances often are just a substitute for human efforts and result in high consumption of electrical energy. This becomes the vital channel of waste of electricity.
  • Sometimes, we simply ignore or forget the running electrical appliances around us, which is the primary source of wastage of electrical energy.
  • Whether known or strange, we have wasted a lot of natural resources via different means. It is time we start saving it for future generations to come.

10 Lines on Save Electricity 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Save Electricity

Question 1.  How to save electricity?

Answer: We can save electricity just by avoiding to waste it. Some of the important means can be remembering to turn off the electrical appliances on time and when not in use, consider using only the necessary electrical appliances, etc.

Question 2. Will electricity become extinct one day?

Answer: Electricity is obtained from natural resources of the earth. The extinction of electrical energy depends on the extinction of natural resources. We cannot predict when the natural resources limit themselves but must save it by saving electricity.

Question 3.  What are some less useful electrical appliances?

Answer: Some of the less useful electrical appliances that can result in the saving of electricity are toaster, Chargeable toys, electric brushes, electric can opener, blender, coffee maker, etc.

Question 4. When was electricity invented?

Answer: Electricity was invented in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison.

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Save Electricity Essay – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Note: Essay On ‘Save Electricity’ For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘save electricity’ for kids, a paragraph on ‘save electricity’ for children, short essay on ‘save electricity’ for kids, long essay on ‘importance of saving electricity’, what will your child learn from this essay.

We use electricity for almost everything nowadays, and it seems impossible to live without it. However, we waste too much electrical energy without considering the consequences. This article will discuss the topic ‘save electricity’ for classes 1, 2 and 3. We must save electricity to use it in the future, and we must preserve energy so future generations can benefit from it. Conservation of electricity essay is the best way to teach kids about the rising concern of electricity. It will sensitise them about the importance of the conservation of electricity, and they will learn how they can cooperate to achieve the same.

Your child should keep a few key aspects in mind when writing an essay on this topic. Let us demonstrate how to create an essay about electricity conservation for your youngster:

  • The first stage is to have your youngster organise the concepts (in their heads) regarding the electricity conservation that they wish to write about.
  • Allow your kid to jot down their thoughts to create an outline that will allow them to cover all of the themes while writing the essay in the second phase.
  • They will build easy-to-read short and basic phrases in the third phase.
  • Your child can write about the value of electricity conservation, how saving electricity can save mankind, and so on.

Consider what your life would be like if you didn’t have access to electricity. There will be no tablets, light bulbs, or snack refrigerators. Isn’t it difficult to imagine? We have a few lines below that will help children write an essay for classes 1 and 2 on saving electricity in English.

  • Electricity is an important resource today. We need electricity for everything that we do, so we must try to save it as much as possible.
  • Electricity is derived from coal and other natural resources extracted from the earth, so we can save the earth by saving electricity.
  • Electricity is also harnessed from water, which is a crucial natural resource.
  • We must use energy-saving products such as LED blulbs.
  • If we switch off all the lights and fans when not in use, we can save a lot of electricity.
  • We should turn off electric appliances to save electricity when they are not in use.
  • We also can save electricity by using energy-efficient refrigerators, air coolers, and air conditioners.
  • Solar panels are a great alternative to reducing energy consumption.
  • We can burn less fuel and conserve water to save electricity.
  • If we save electricity, it can be distributed more efficiently.

Electricity is important for everyone, and children are the future, so we should teach them to save electricity. Below is the paragraph that will help children write an essay on saving electricity:

Electricity is one of humanity’s greatest discoveries. The discovery of electricity signalled the start of bigger findings relevant to humankind. Electricity has transformed our way of living, and it should be saved at home and in the workplace, organisations, and classrooms. Every individual should be responsible for saving power. Saving electricity saves money as well. We, as students, must take responsibility for switching off lights and equipment when not in use. Appliances that are not in use should also be unplugged. Installing solar panels is beneficial and cost-effective.

Power drives the world, and if we have plenty of it, we also have responsibility. Given below is the essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 on saving electricity.

We should conserve energy. We require electricity at all times and for a variety of social purposes. Electricity is seen as the heart of existence, without which the entire world remains black at night in the current world. Our healthcare, teaching, farming, technology, and other specialised activities depend on electricity. The expert in the activity theatre, the engineer in the industry, the engine technician in the garage, the officer at the workplace, and the passengers at the train station, all benefit from the administration provided by electricity. Indeed, even our minor efforts to conserve electricity will be beneficial. We should be careful about the electric devices we use at home. Fans, lighting, air conditioning systems, coolers, and water heaters must be used properly. TVs should not be turned on when nobody is watching them. We should use sunlight wherever we can as it will help conserve energy. We should all make an effort to preserve electricity.

Electricity saved is electricity generated. This essay for class 3 on saving electricity will help your child organise their thoughts:

Electricity is one of the most important resources for any lifestyle. Our daily lives are powered by electricity. It is difficult to picture living without electricity now. Thus, preserving electricity is critical for human survival.

Uses of Electricity

We use electricity in nearly every aspect of our lives; we require it to live a pleasant life full of comforts and services. Without power, the world will become dormant. Electricity, for example, powers all medical and educational institutions. If there is no power, a surgeon cannot execute the necessary surgeries, and students cannot obtain practical experience, for which the internet is crucial. Similarly, workers in workshops and engineers in plants rely on electricity to perform properly. Passengers on the railway and airport may also travel securely because there is electricity around.

Why Is It Important to Save Electricity?

Electricity sources are likely to run out. Energy, it is true, cannot be generated or destroyed. However, the energy sources from which it is derived are expected to diminish. For example, coal, which significantly contributes to the creation of power, is rapidly decreasing. This necessitates energy conservation. Saving electricity aids in the conservation of natural resources, allowing for economic savings.

Ways To Save Electricity

There is no industrial sector or other areas in today’s world where electricity is not utilised. People must realise that even little steps may go a long way toward saving power.

  • We should use natural light more often and turn off the lights in the morning and afternoon when it is not needed.
  • We should make every effort to make our own homes more energy efficient.
  • Remember to disconnect your electrical appliances when they are not in use since even when they are inactive, they consume 10% of the power. Unplug them to conserve electricity.
  • All outdated appliances that use a lot of power should be replaced.
  • One of the most effective strategies to save power is to use renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy.

Your child will learn to think about different aspects of electricity. It will develop their observation and thought process toward electricity. They will also learn about the importance of saving electricity.

1. Who Invented Electricity, And When?

Benjamin Franklin invented electricity in 1752.

2. What Are The Names Of Some Less Useful Electric Appliances?

  • Backyard Lamps
  • Egg boilers

Writing an essay on topics like saving electricity plays a major role in developing their social and mental ability. Your child will observe the importance of electricity around them and try to write them down, improving their creative and expressive skills.

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Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes

January 30, 2024 by Sastry CBSE

Power station: Electricity that we use at homes, in our factories, is supplied from a power station.

Electric cell: Electric cell is a source of electricity.

Production of electricity in a cell: An electric cell produces a small amount of electricity from chemicals stored inside it. When the chemicals in the electric cells are used up, the electric cells stop producing electricity.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 img-1

Circuit: The complete path, from one terminal of the electric cell through the bulb and back to the other terminal of the electric cell, is called a circuit.

Open circuit: If there is any gap in the path of a circuit, the bulb does not light up. Such a circuit is called an open circuit.

Closed circuit: The bulb lights up only when a bulb and wire form a complete path, which starts at one terminal of electric cell and ends at the other terminal. Such a circuit is called a closed circuit.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 img-4

In the bulb, current enters through one of its terminals, flows through the filament inside the bulb and comes out through the other terminal of the bulb. When the current flows through the filament, it starts glowing.

Fused bulb: If the filament of the bulb is broken, the circuit is not corhpleted and hence the current cannot flow. The bulb with broken filament is called a fused bulb. When a bulb gets fused, it does not light up.

Electric switch: Electric switch is a simple device that either breaks the circuit or completes it to stop or start the flow of current.

  • When the switch completes the circuit, it is called closed switch.
  • When the switch breaks the circuit, it is called open switch.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 img-5

  • Materials through which electric current can flow are called conductors.
  • Most metals are conductors.
  • Our body is also a good conductor.
  • Materials, through which the electric current cannot pass, are called insulators. In other words, insulators are the bad conductors of electricity.
  • Rubber and wood are insulators.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 img-6

Filament: The thin wire that gives off light is called the filament of the bulb.

Dry cell: Dry cell is a source of electricity. It generates direct current (DC) due to chemical reaction that takes place inside it.

Bulb: An electric bulb is a device which glows and emits light, when electric current is passed through it.

Conductors: Materials that allow electric current to pass through them are called conductors.

Electric circuit: The complete path from one terminal of the electric cell through the bulb and back to other terminal of the electric cell is called an electric circuit.

Filament: In electric bulb, there is a thin tiny wire inside the glass cover. This is called filament.

Insulator: Materials that do not allow electric current to pass through them are called insulators.

Switch: Electric switch is a simple device that either breaks the circuit or completes it to stop or start the flow of current.

Terminal: All types of electric cells have two terminals, a positive terminal and a negative terminal.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 img-7

Electric Current Most of the devices and machines we use like an electric iron, oven, room heater, refrigerator, ceiling fan or an electric bulb work when an electric current flows through them.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 img-8

The zinc can is also wrapped so that only the base is exposed. Every source of electric current has two ends or terminals where conducting wires are connected to draw electric current. The tip of the metal cap and the base of the zinc can are called the positive and negative terminals of the dry cell, respectively. Electric current can be thought of as ‘flowing in’ from one terminal and ‘flowing out’ from the other. If the tip of the metal cap and the base of the zinc can are connected by a metal wire, current will flow through it.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 img-10

Flow Of Electric Current Three basic conditions (Fig. 14.5) are required for an electric current to flow.

  • A device used to produce an electric current like cell, battery, or a plug point acting as a source.
  • A wire made of a metal like copper, silver, or aluminium, which will allow electric current to flow through easily.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 img-11

Making a Simple Electric Circuit: When we connect the terminals of a pencil cell (name given to the cell due to its shape) to a bulb using two wires, the bulb glows. This happens because we provide a path for the current to flow. A path for an electric current to flow is called an electric circuit.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 img-12

Conductors And Insulators Look at Figures 14.11(a)-(d). Each shows a complete electric circuit. Then why is it that the bulb glows only in circuits (b) and (d)? It is because not all materials allow electric current to pass through them.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 img-11

Examples of insulators are glass, wood, rubber, pure water, and dry air. Flowever, the smallest impurity in water (impurities are substances like salts, dissolved in water) makes it a conductor. The handles of screwdrivers and testers used by electricians are usually made of wood or hard plastic. They also wear rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch to avoid electric shock.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 img-17

Source of electric current: A device that can be used to produce an electric current is called a source of electric current.

Electric circuit: A path for an electric current to flow is called an electric circuit.

Closed circuit: A circuit which has an ‘unbroken path’ through which an electric current can flow is called a closed circuit.

Open circuit: A circuit with a break in it is called an open circuit.

Electric switch: A device that is used to open or close a circuit is called an electric switch.

Conductor (in this chapter): A material that allows electric current to pass through it easily is called conductor.

Insulator (in this chapter): A material that does not allow electric current to pass through it easily is called an insulator.

In a dry cell, a chemical reaction takes place to produce an electric current.

A dry cell contains solid or semisolid ingredients.

All cells have two terminals: the positive and the negative terminal.

Electric current flows only if there is an unbroken or complete path, starting from one terminal of the source, through various devices back to the other terminal of the source.

An electric switch is a device that is used to open or close a circuit.

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Electricity is a form of Energy.

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  • CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 12 – Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes

CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 12 – Electricity and Circuits Revision Notes

In the Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes, the student will be studying electricity and its importance in our day to day life. You may notice that we are having a variety of electrical appliances in our surroundings which require electricity to function. Electricity is the revolutionary invention of the modern world. We use the electricity to operate pumps for lifting water from wells. Also, we use the bulb to get light in the night. Therefore, electricity makes it possible to light our homes, roads, offices, markets, and factories even after sunset.

The student will learn about electric cells and their functioning. The chapter explains the connection of various cells in series as well as in parallel, to get more energy and power and also the concept of an electric circuit. The electric circuit provides a complete path for electricity to pass between the terminals of the cell. The students will learn the working and need of the electric switch.  It is used for switching on or off our homemade torch.

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Subtopics covered under Electricity and Circuits

  • Electric Cell : This topic deals with the concept of electric cells. These are used to supply electricity to various appliances such as electric bulbs, alarm clock, radio, torch, remote, etc.
  • Electric Circuits and Conductors and Insulators : Electric circuit is an arrangement of connecting various electrical equipment with electric cells and electric switch. Students will also understand the concept and differences of conductors and insulators.

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CBSE Class 6 Science Revision Notes

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NCERT Solutions and Notes for Class 6 Science Chapter 9: Electricity and Circuits

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  • Updated on  
  • Apr 17, 2024

Class 6 Chapter 9 Science

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Notes contain all important concepts of electricity and circuits. To begin with, our subject experts have simplified the meaning of electric current, electric cell, electricity, and electric circuit. Also, these notes are designed to help students ace their understanding of the materials around them, which serve as good and bad conductors of electricity. Furthermore, we have also provided NCERT solutions for questions included in the chapter “Electricity and Circuits:”. Also, we hope that the simple language and pictures used in the blog will help you know the things around you. Keep learning!!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Summary of NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 9
  • 2.1 Current and Electric Current
  • 2.2 Electricity
  • 2.3 Electric Cell
  • 2.4 Electric Circuit
  • 2.5 Electric Switch
  • 2.6 Electric Wire
  • 2.7 How Does an Electric Bulb Work?
  • 2.8 Conductors and Insulators
  • 2.9 Conduction Tester
  • 3 Important Questions and Answers in NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 9

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Download NCERT Science Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Important Questions and Answers PDF

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Summary of NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 9

CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 9 helps us learn about electricity and circuits. The chapter deals with current and electric current, electricity, electric cells, and electric circuits. In this chapter, we also explore the workings of an electric bulb. In addition, we get an understanding of conductors and insulators that complete or break an electric circuit, respectively. 

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes

Let us now explore important concepts and notes of NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 9!

Current and Electric Current

The movement of particles in one direction is called current. For instance, water currents or air currents that create winds. Whereas, electric current is the flow of particles in an electric circuit that generate electricity.


Electricity refers to the flow of electric current through a medium such as a metal wire. It is a form of energy that can be generated through the following:

  • Electric cells

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Electric Cell

An electric cell is an internal generator of electricity produced by chemical processes. A new cell must be used in place of the old one when the chemicals inside the old one run out. Positive and negative terminals are present in every cell. Positive and negative terminals must be linked, and this polarity must be preserved, for current to flow.

Here is how an electric cell produces electricity:

  • A small amount of power is generated by an electric cell from the chemicals that are contained within it. Electric cells stop producing energy when their chemical resources are depleted.

Electric Circuit

Any closed-loop path that is taken by an electric current is called an electric circuit. The current cam only passes through a circuit when it is closed. Whereas, when the path is broken or the witch is open, the circuit is open. An open circuit does not conduct electricity as the current cannot flow in an open circuit.

Electric Switch

A device used to break or connect an electric circuit is called an electric switch. When the switch breaks the circuit, it is Off and when it connects the circuit, it is On.

Electric Wire

In an electric circuit, a wire acts as a conducting channel down which current can travel.

Typically, it is constructed of a metal that is a good electrical conductor.

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How Does an Electric Bulb Work?

Here are the components of an electric bulb and its working:

  • It comprises a tiny wire that illuminates as current flows across it. This wire is known as the filament.
  • A closed path for the current to flow is provided by an electrical circuit. Wires link the terminals of the lightbulb to the electric cell.
  • Occasionally, the bulb fails to glow because an overheated filament fused (broke).

Conductors and Insulators

  • Conductor: Any material or object that enables electricity to flow through it is known as a conductor. For instance, metals such as copper, cobalt, and aluminum.
  • Insulator: Any material or object that obstructs the flow of electric current is called an insulator. It is also called a bad conductor of electricity. For instance, plastic, wood, air, and rubber.

Conduction Tester

It is a simple device or tool to determine whether a substance is an insulator or conductor.

Important Questions and Answers in NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 9

In this section, we have provided NCERT solutions to questions in CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 9. 

Ques 1: Fill up the blanks

  • A device used for breaking an electrical circuit is known as_________________.
  • An electric cell has ________________ terminals.

Ques 2: Which of the following statements is True or False?

  • Electric current can flow through metals.
  • A jute string, instead of a metal wire, can be used to create an electric circuit.
  • Electric current can pass through a thermo Col sheet.

Ques 3: Explain why the bulb will not glow in the following arrangement:

Ans: The bulb will not glow as the circuit is incomplete. The circuit has an insulator between the battery and the bulb, which does not allow the bulb to glow. To complete the circuit, we need an electric switch in between the two.

Ques 4: What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name a few electrical gadgets that have in-built switches.

Ans: The electric switch is placed to complete or break a circuit. Some of the electrical gadgets that have in-built switches are microwave ovens, fans, TVs, electric cookers, and refrigerators.

Ques 5: Would the bulb glow in the below-mentioned circuit?

Ans: No. The bulb will not glow.

Ques 6: The “conduction tester” was used to test an object, and it was discovered that the bulb started to glow. Is that thing an insulator or a conductor? Explain.

Ans: The bulb glows due to the conductor. 

Ques 7: Why should a repairman for an electrical switch at your house wear rubber gloves? Explain.

Ans: As rubber gloves are insulators, they do not conduct electricity. Therefore, a repairman should wear rubber gloves to avoid electric shocks.

Ques 8: The handles of the tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for

repair work usually have plastic or rubber covers on them. Can you explain

Ans: Handles of screwdrivers and pliers are made of plastic or rubber because these are insulators. Due to this, electricians will be protected from electric shocks.

Explore Notes of All subjects of CBSE Class 6:

Ans: It is the flow of particles in an electric circuit that generates electricity.

Ans: The wire in the bulb that conducts electricity is known as a filament. It is usually made of Argon.

Ans: Electricity refers to the flow of electric current through a medium such as a metal wire. 

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Ankita Singh

Ankita is a history enthusiast with a few years of experience in academic writing. Her love for literature and history helps her curate engaging and informative content for education blog. When not writing, she finds peace in analysing historical and political anectodes.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

In this article, we have provided the best NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits. Class 6 Science Chapter 12 textbook questions and answers help students to clear their doubts and to obtain good marks in Class 6 final exam. All the solutions provided in this article are strictly based on the CBSE syllabus and curriculum.

The Class 6 NCERT Solutions for Science Chapter 12 includes all the intext and exercise questions. Al these questions are solved by experts with a detailed explanation that will help students complete their assignments & homework. Having a good grasp over CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science will further help the students in their preparation for board exams and other competitive exams.

Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1: Fill in the blanks: (a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called a ________. (b) An electric cell has ________ terminals.

Answer: (a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called  switch . (b) An electric cell has  two  terminals.

Question 2: Mark ‘True’ or ‘False’ for following statements: (a) Electric current can flow through metals. (b) Instead of metal wires, a jute string can be used to make a circuit. (c) Electric current can pass through a sheet of thermocol.

Answer: (a) True

Metals are good conductors of electricity. They allow an electric current to flow through them easily. Hence, an electric current can flow through metals.

Jute string is a bad conductor of electricity. If jute string is used to make an electric circuit, then the current will not flow through it. Hence, strings made of jute cannot be used to make circuits.

Thermocol is a bad conductor of electricity. Hence, electric current cannot pass through it.

Question 3: Explain why the bulb would not glow in the arrangement shown in Fig. 12.13.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 1

Answer: The handle of screw driver is made of plastic which is a bad conductor of electricity. Thus, current cannot flow through the circuit. Hence, the bulb would not glow.

Question 4: Complete the drawing shown in Fig 12.14 to indicate where the free ends of the two wires should be joined to make the bulb glow.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 2

Answer: To complete the given circuit, the free terminal of the cell should be connected to one end of the switch and the base terminal of the bulb should be connected to the other end of the switch as shown in the following figure.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 3

Question 5: What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them.

Answer: A switch is an electric device that is used to complete or break an electric circuit. If the switch is ‘ON’, then a current can flow through the circuit. However, if the switch is ‘OFF’, then the current cannot flow through the circuit.

Electrical appliances such as table fans, electric lamps, washing machines, juicers and mixers, TV, radio, etc. have switches built into them.

Question 6: Would the bulb glow after completing the circuit shown in Fig. 12.14 if instead of safety pin we use an eraser?

Answer: Erasers are bad conductors of electricity. They do not conduct electricity. The circuit becomes an open circuit. Hence, the bulb will not glow if a safety pin is replaced with an eraser.

Question 7: Would the bulb glow in the circuit shown in Fig. 12.15?

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 5

 Answer: Both the wire are connected to only one terminal of the bulb, so current will not flow through the bulb and it would not glow. We should make a correction as follows:

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 6

Question 8: Using the “conduction tester” on an object it was found that the bulb begins to glow. Is that object a conductor or an insulator? Explain.

Answer: Yes, the given object is a conductor as it allows the electric current to pass through it and causes the bulb of tester to glow.

Question 9: Why should an electrician use rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch at your home? Explain.

Answer: An electrician uses rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch at your home because rubber gloves are insulators. This protects him from avoiding electric shocks.

 Electricians frequently touch copper wires or they may accidentally come in contact with live wires (wires carrying current). Since human body is a good conductor, electricians may get shock. Rubber is an insulator. To prevent themselves from electric shock or flow of current, the electricians use rubber gloves while repairing.

Question 10: The handles of the tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for repair work usually have plastic or rubber covers on them. Can you explain why?

Answer: Tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for repair work because plastic is an insulator and plastic handles protect the electrician from electric shocks.

Plastic and rubber both are bad conductors of electricity. So, they do not allow current to pass through them. The handles of tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for repair work usually have plastic or rubber cover on them so that they do allow the current to pass through them and save the electrician from any electric shock.

Extra Questions

Short Type Answer and Questions

Question 1. What is an electric cell?

Answer: Electric cell is a source of energy. It produces a small amount of electricity from chemicals stored inside it.

Question 2. What is meant by a battery?

Answer: When two or more cells are joined together, it is called a battery.

Question 3. Give any difference between a cell and a battery.

Answer: A cell has only one plate as a positive and only one plate as a negative electrode, while a battery, which is a combination of cells in a series, can have many plates.

Question 4. Why does a cell stop producing electricity after some time?

Answer: An electric cell produces electricity from chemicals stored inside it. When the chemicals inside the cell are used up, the cell stops producing electricity.

Question 5. Why should we not join the wires connected to the two terminals of the electric cell?

Answer: We should never join the wires with two terminals of the electric cell. If we do so, the chemicals in the electric cell get used up very fast and the cell stops working.

Question 6. Name some devices in which we use an electric cell.

Answer: We use electric cell in an alarm clock, wrist watch, transistor, camera, torch, etc.

Question 7. Two cells can be joined in two ways in series and in parallel. What do you mean by these two ways? In which way the cells are joined in a torch?

 Answer: In series: When (+) terminal of one cell is joined to (-) terminal of the other, the arrangement is called in series. Parallel: When (+) terminal of a cell is joined to (+) terminal and (-) terminal to (-) terminal of other cell, the arrangement is called parallel.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 7

Question 8. Why shouldn’t the two terminals of an electric cell be joined directly?

Answer: Never join the two terminals of the electric cell without connecting them through a switch and a device like a bulb: Because if you do so, the chemicals in the electric cell get used up very fast and the cell stops working.

Question 9. How do we connect wires to the electric cell?

 Answer: Two separate wires are connected to the two terminals of the cell as shown below:

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 8

Question 10. How is the bulb connected to the wires?

Answer: We can stick the wires to the bulb at the two terminals by the tape or using soldering machine as shown in the figure.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 9

Question 11. How is an electric bulb connected to the cell? Show by a diagram. Answer:

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 10

Question 12. What are the advantages of dry cells?

Answer: Advantages of dry cells are:

  • They are light in weight and small in size.
  • They can be transported from one place to another easily.
  • There is no fear of leakage/spillage in dry cells.

Question 13. What is electric circuit?

Answer: Path from one terminal of the electric cell to the other terminal of the electric cell through wires passing to and from the electric bulb is called electric circuit.

Question 14. What is the direction of the current in the electric circuit?

Answer: In an electric circuit, the direction of current is taken to be from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the electric cell.

Question 15. Sometimes an electric bulb does not glow even if it is connected to the cell. What could be the reason?

Answer: This may happen if the bulb has fused.

Question 16. What is a filament?

Answer: A filament is a thin wire fixed in the middle of a bulb connected to the two supporting wires.

Question 17. Why does a fused bulb not light up?

Answer: A fused bulb means a break in its filament which results in a break in the path of the current between the terminals of the electric cell. Thus a fused bulb does not light up as no current passes through its filament.

Question 18. What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them.

Answer: A switch is a simple device that either breaks the circuit or completes it. Hence we use electric switches in order to either some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them are-electric iron, table fan, television set, radio, etc.

Question 19. How are cells arranged in a torch—in parallel or in series?

Answer: In torch, cells are connected in series.

Question 20. If in a circuit you have arranged cells in series. Will the bulb continue to shine even if the connection of one of the cells is reversed?

Answer: If cells are connected in a series in a circuit, change of ends of any one of the cells will stop the flow of electricity and the bulb might not illuminate as circuit will not be completed.

Question 21. Give the symbol of following:

  • Switch (OFF)
  • Switch (ON)

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 11

Question 22. What is a conductor? Give examples.

Answer: A conductor is a material that allows an electric current to pass through it. For example, copper, aluminium, zinc, iron, etc.

Question 23. What is an insulator? Give few examples.

Answer: Insulator is the material that does not allow an electric current to pass through it. For example, wood, mica, asbestos, rubber, etc.

Question 24. Why does one remove the plastic coating of connecting wires before making circuits?

Answer: Plastics is a bad conductor or insulator of electricity. It prevents us from electric shocks. To complete the circuit, we have to remove the plastic coating to connect wires so that the current may flow through the circuit.

Question 25. Why do you have to clean the ends of wires used for making a circuit with sand paper to make the bulbs shine?

Answer: A layer of bad conductor polish is coated on the wire. The current will flow properly after removing this coat. Therefore, we have to remove the coating with sand paper.

Question 26. Is our body insulator or conductor?

Answer: Our body is a good conductor of electricity.

Long Type Answer Questions

Question 1. Is air a good or a bad conductor of electricity?

Answer: Air is a bad conductor of electricity. If air were the good conductor of electricity, electricity could reach to the bulb without wiring and the bulb could light without wires. Moreover, the electricity running through wire could scatter all around the wire and then it might be dangerous.

Question 2. What would happen if air were a good conductor of electricity?

Answer: If air were a good conductor of electricity, the electricity could scatter all around in atmosphere nearby the power stations. The men at work could die with electric shocks. The electricity could not be transmitted to homes, factories from power stations.

Question 3. Out of aluminium foil, paper, dry cloth and rubber sheet, which is the good conductor? Tell by using a torch.

 Answer: Aluminium is a good conductor of heat and electricity. For this explanation, take a torch with cells. Switch on to see that it lights up. Now in the place between bulb and the cell put all things like, aluminium foil, dry cloth and rubber sheet one by one and check whether the torch lights up. It lights up with aluminium foil only. So, we can say that aluminium is a good conductor.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 12

Question 4. Give some uses of conductors and insulators.

Answer: Conductors and insulators are equally important for us. Switches, electrical plugs and sockets are made of conductors. On the other hand, rubber and plastic are used for covering the electrical wires, plug tops, switches and other parts of electrical appliances, which people might touch.

Question 5. Why is the handle of electrician’s screw driver made of plastic?

Answer: A screw driver is made of steel. It is a good conductor of electricity. So electricity can easily flow through it. Plastic is a bad conductor and does not allow electricity to pass through it. So, the electrician has a plastic handle to protect him from any shock.

Question 6. Using a conduction tester, select conductors and insulators from the following. Note your observations in a table as follows: Pin, notebook, chalk, duster, pen, comb, key, rubber, nail, paper.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 13

Question 7. What is power station? What are its types?

Answer: The electricity used by us in our homes is supplied from power stations. Types of power station:

  • Hydro power station
  • Thermal power station
  • Solar power station
  • Nuclear power station.

Question 8. Match the following items given in Column A with that in Column B:

(a) Cell(i) Allows electricity to pass through it
(b) Battery(ii) Either breaks or completes a circuit
(c) Conductor(iii) Converts electricity into light
(d) Insulator(iv) Glows when electricity passes in it
(e) Switch(v) A device which produces electricity
(f) Bulb(vi) Is a path of electricity
(g) Filament(vii) Does not allow electricity to pass
(h) Circuit(viii) A combination of cells
(a) Cell(v) A device which produces electricity
(b) Battery(viii) A combination of cells
(c) Conductor(i) Allows electricity to pass through it
(d) Insulator(vii) Does not allow electricity to pass
(e) Switch(ii) in Either breaks or completes a circuit
(f) Bulb(iii) Converts electricity into light
(g) Filament(iv) Glows when electricity passes in it
(h)  Circuit(vi) Is a path of electricity
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Electricity and Circuits - Class 6 Notes & Olympiad Questions

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Electricity, electric current, electric circuit, electric components, classification of cells, types of cells, electric switch, electric fuse, electric bulb, conductors and insulators.

  • Solved Questions on Electricity and Circuits

a) Electricity is a form of energy that powers many of the things we use in our daily lives. b) We rely on electricity for numerous purposes both in our homes, industries and even in transportation. c) It is an essential component that surrounds us, from the natural phenomenon of lightning in the sky to the comforting warmth of heaters in our homes. d) The electricity we utilise within our households and industries is supplied by power stations. e) Electricity flows through wires, just like water flows through pipes. When we want to use electricity, we need to create a pathway for it to travel. This pathway is called an electric circuit.

a) In our homes, we have outlets where we can plug in devices like phones, lamps, or televisions. When we plug something in, we complete the circuit, and the electricity starts flowing from the power source (like a power station) to the device we're using. b) This flow of electric charges in a circuit is what we call an electric current. c) In the world of electricity, we have two types of charges: positive and negative charges. d) Just like magnets, where similar poles repel each other and opposite poles attract, electric charges behave in a similar way. This means that positive charges repel other positive charges, and negative charges repel other negative charges. But, positive and negative charges attract each other.

a) An electric circuit is like a path that allows electric current to flow in a complete loop. It's made up of different elements like electric bulbs, electric cells (or batteries), electric switches, and wires. b) When we connect these elements together in a closed loop, it forms a circuit. This means that the current can travel from one point to another in a continuous pathway. c) It's important to note that the circuit needs to be closed for the current to flow. This means that all the components of the circuit, like the wires and the switch, need to be properly connected so that there is a continuous pathway for the current to follow. d) In a circuit, the electric current flows from the positive terminal of the electric cell (or battery) to the negative terminal. The electric cell provides the energy or "push" needed to make the electric charges move around the circuit.

Diagram of Electric Circuit - Science Grade 6

Electric Cell

Diagram of an Electric Cell - Science Grade 6

a) An electric cell is a special device that acts as a source of electricity. The primary job of an electric cell is to convert chemical energy, which is stored inside the cell, into electrical energy that we can use. b) An electric cell has two terminals, which are like the cell's "endings" or "connections." One of these terminals is usually marked with a metal cap and is called the positive terminal. The other terminal is marked with a metal disc and is known as the negative terminal. c) Inside the cell, there are chemicals that can produce electricity. These chemicals are carefully chosen and combined in such a way that they create a chemical reaction when the cell is in use. d) This reaction generates electrical energy and allows the flow of electric charges, creating an electric current.

1. Primary Cells

a) Some cells, called primary cells, are designed to be used once. b) When all the chemicals inside the cell are used up, it stops producing electricity, and we replace it with a new cell. c) These types of cells are used in household devices like remote controls or flashlights.

2. Secondary Cells

a) On the other hand, there are cells that can be recharged and used multiple times. We call these secondary cells. b) They can be recharged by sending electrical energy back into them, which replenishes the chemicals inside and allows them to produce electricity again. c) Examples of secondary cells include the batteries used in smartphones, laptops, and electric vehicles.

There are different types of electric cells and each type serves a specific purpose and has different characteristics.

1. Dry Cells

a) Dry cells are commonly used in everyday devices like flashlights, remote controls, and portable radios. b) They are called "dry cells" because they don't contain liquid or fluid. Inside a dry cell, there is a chemical paste or gel that acts as a source of electrical energy. c) Dry cells are convenient because they are portable, easy to use, and don't require special maintenance.

2. Car Battery

a) A car battery is a special type of electric cell used to power vehicles like cars and motorcycles. b) It is much larger and more powerful than a dry cell. c) Car batteries are rechargeable, meaning they can be recharged and used multiple times. d) They have a higher capacity to provide a large amount of electrical energy to start the car's engine and power various electrical systems in the vehicle.

3. Solar Cell

a) A solar cell, also known as a photovoltaic cell, is a unique type of electric cell that converts sunlight directly into electricity. b) Solar cells are used in solar panels to generate renewable energy from the sun. c) They are environmentally friendly and are an important source of clean energy.

4. Button Cell

a) Button cells are small, round-shaped electric cells commonly used in devices like watches, calculators, and hearing aids. b) They are called "button cells" because of their shape, which resembles a small button. c) Button cells are often non-rechargeable and are sealed inside a metal casing. d) They provide a stable and long-lasting source of electrical power for small electronic devices that require low energy.

Classification of Electric Battery - Science Grade 6

a) When multiple cells are connected together, they form a battery. b) A battery is like a team of cells working together to provide more electrical energy. c) Batteries come in different sizes and shapes, depending on the number and type of cells they contain.

Electric Switch - Science Grade 6

a) An electric switch is a device that we use in an electric circuit to control the flow of electric current. It's like a gate that can either allow or block the movement of the electric charges. b) An electric switch can either be ON or OFF. c) When the switch is ON, it acts like an open door in the circuit. It allows the electric current to flow smoothly through the circuit. d) On the other hand, when the switch is OFF, it acts like a closed door. It blocks the flow of electric current in the circuit. e) By turning the switch ON or OFF, we can control the flow of electric current and determine whether a device connected to the circuit receives power or not. f) For example, if you have a lamp connected to a circuit with a switch, turning the switch ON will allow the electric current to flow, and the lamp will light up. But if you turn the switch OFF, the current will be blocked, and the lamp will turn off. g) Electric switches are an essential part of our electrical systems, as they give us the ability to control when and where electricity flows. They make it convenient and safe to use electrical devices and conserve energy when we don't need them.

Electric Fuse - Science Grade 6

a) An electric fuse is a device that helps protect electrical circuits from overloading and keeps our devices safe when there's too much current flowing through a circuit. b) Imagine you have a water pipe that can only handle a certain amount of water flowing through it. If you try to force more water through the pipe than it can handle, it might burst or cause damage. Similarly, in an electric circuit, too much current can be dangerous and can damage the circuit or the connected devices. c) To prevent this, we use an electric fuse, also known as a circuit breaker. It is connected in a line with the other parts of the circuit. The fuse is a small, thin wire that is designed to melt or break when too much current passes through it. d) The fuse has a rating which tells us the maximum amount of current it can handle. If the current flowing through the circuit exceeds the rating of the fuse, the fuse wire will melt and break the circuit. e) Using a fuse in a circuit is important because it helps ensure the safety and longevity of electrical devices.

a) An electric bulb, also known as a light bulb, is a device that produces light when an electric current flows through it. b) Inside the bulb, there is a thin wire called a filament. This filament is made of a special material that can get very hot without melting. When an electric current passes through the filament, it gets heated up and starts glowing, giving off light. c) The outer case of the bulb is usually made of glass, which protects the filament and allows the light to shine through. d) Sometimes, if the bulb doesn't glow, it could be because the filament inside has fused or broken. This can happen when the filament gets too hot due to a high amount of current flowing through it or if it has been used for a long time. When the filament breaks, the circuit is interrupted, and the current can no longer flow through it, resulting in the bulb not producing light. e) When a bulb stops working, we need to replace it with a new one because the filament cannot be repaired. However, modern bulbs, such as LED bulbs, have different mechanisms and don't rely on a heated filament. They are more durable and energy-efficient. f) Electric bulbs are widely used in our homes, schools, and offices to provide artificial light.

Diagram of Bulb - Science Grade 6

In the world of electricity, there are two important materials: conductors and insulators.

a) Conductors are materials that let electric current flow through them easily. b) Some examples of conductors are metals like copper, silver, and aluminium. c) We use copper wires in a circuit because copper is a great conductor. It allows electric charges to move freely.

Good Conductors of Electricity - Science Grade 6

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a) Insulators are materials that don't let the electric current pass through them easily. They act like barriers to electricity. b) Some examples of insulators are wood, plastic, glass, and leather. These materials don't allow electric charges to move around easily, so they help keep us safe from shocks.

Examples of Insulators - Science Grade 6

Understanding conductors and insulators help us know which materials are good for carrying electricity and which ones are better for keeping it contained or controlled.

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Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12

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Explore the interesting chapter of Electricity and Circuits with our Class 6 Science Chapter 12 notes. We’ve created these notes keeping in mind the CBSE syllabus , aiming to make the learning process both enjoyable and straightforward. We break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand explanations. Our goal is to provide you with a reliable resource that ensures a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

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Power station: Electricity that we use at homes, in our factories, is supplied from a power station.

Electric cell: Electric cell is a source of electricity.

Production of electricity in a cell: An electric cell produces a small amount of electricity from chemicals stored inside it. When the chemicals in the electric cells are used up, the electric cells stop producing electricity.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 1

Battery: When two or more cells are joined together, the combination is called a battery.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 2

Bulb: We get light from a thin tiny wire inside the glass cover. This is called a filament. It is supported by two thicker wires, as shown in Fig. One of these thick wires is connected to the metal casing around the base of the bulb. The other is connected to the metal tip of the base. The base of the bulb and the metal tip of the base are the two terminals of the bulb. These two terminals are fixed in such a way that they do not touch each other. The inside portion of the bulb is filled up with inert gases, like argon.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 3

Circuit: The complete path, from one terminal of the electric cell through the bulb and back to the other terminal of the electric cell, is called a circuit.

Open circuit: If there is any gap in the path of a circuit, the bulb does not light up. Such a circuit is called an open circuit.

Closed-circuit: The bulb lights up only when a bulb and wire form a complete path, which starts at one terminal of the electric cell and ends at the other terminal. Such a circuit is called a closed circuit.

The flow of current in a circuit: As soon as the path from one terminal of the electric cell to the other is completed, an electric current starts flowing through the circuit and the bulb lights up. The electric current flows from the positive terminal of the electric cell to its negative terminal.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 4

In the bulb, current enters through one of its terminals flows through the filament inside the bulb and comes out through the other terminal of the bulb. When the current flows through the filament, it starts glowing.

Fused bulb: If the filament of the bulb is broken, the circuit is not completed and hence the current cannot flow. The bulb with a broken filament is called a fused bulb. When a bulb gets fused, it does not light up.

Electric switch: Electric switch is a simple device that either breaks the circuit or completes it to stop or start the flow of current.

  • When the switch completes the circuit, it is called a closed switch.
  • When the switch breaks the circuit, it is called an open switch.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 5

  • Materials through which electric current can flow are called conductors.
  • Most metals are conductors.
  • Our body is also a good conductor.
  • Materials, through which the electric current cannot pass, are called insulators. In other words, insulators are the bad conductors of electricity.
  • Rubber and wood are insulators.

Conduction tester: It is a simple device to test whether a material is a conductor or insulator.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Notes Science Chapter 12 6

Filament: The thin wire that gives off light is called the filament of the bulb.

Dry cell: Dry cell is a source of electricity. It generates direct current (DC) due to a chemical reaction that takes place inside it.

Bulb: An electric bulb is a device that glows and emits light when an electric current is passed through it.

Conductors: Materials that allow an electric current to pass through them are called conductors.

Electric circuit: The complete path from one terminal of the electric cell through the bulb and back to the other terminal of the electric cell is called an electric circuit.

Filament: In an electric bulb, there is a thin tiny wire inside the glass cover. This is called a filament.

Insulator: Materials that do not allow an electric current to pass through them are called insulators.

Switch: Electric switch is a simple device that either breaks the circuit or completes it to stop or start the flow of current.

Terminal: All types of electric cells have two terminals, a positive terminal and a negative terminal.

Life without electricity is difficult to imagine. Many devices and machines in our day-to-day lives run on electricity. Look at the pictures given below. Which of these run on electricity? Write their names in the space provided.


Things that run on electricity have electric currents passing through them. In this, chapter, you will learn about electric current, what is needed to produce it, the conditions required to make an electric current flow, and the materials through which current can flow. You will learn some very interesting things like how to make a small bulb glow and how to make an electric switch. Answers: Refrigerator, Fan.

Electric Current

Most of the devices and machines we use like an electric iron, oven, room heater, refrigerator, ceiling fan or an electric bulb work when an electric current flows through them.

With help from an adult, look at what is inside a transparent electric bulb (Fig. 14.1). Among other things, you will see that it has a thin filament (a very thin metal wire). The filament heats up when an electric current is passed through it. It heats up so much that it begins to glow and give out light. Now, we will learn what produces an electric current.


Source Of Electric Current

A device that can be used to produce an electric current is called a source of electric current. Common sources of electric current are cells and batteries (collection of cells) which comes in various shapes and sizes (Fig. 14.2), an electric current that we get from plug points in houses. A very useful kind of cell which we use very often is the dry cell. Due to a chemical reaction that takes place in cells and batteries, an electric current is produced. For large-scale production of electricity, flowing water or steam is used.


A dry cell is a very convenient source of electric current. The dry cell, as its name suggests, contains dry or semi-solid ingredients. Let us take a look inside a dry cell [Fig. 14.3(a and b)].


The dry cell contains a paste of ammonium chloride inside a zinc container. Inside the paste, a cardboard container containing powdered manganese dioxide and carbon is placed. The cardboard container has microscopic ‘holes’ in it (such materials are called porous materials) through which a chemical reaction takes place between ammonium chloride paste and powdered manganese dioxide. A rod, usually carbon, with a metal cap is dipped into the manganese dioxide. The whole thing is then sealed (with only the metal cap sticking out) so that the contents do not spill out.

The zinc can is also wrapped so that only the base is exposed. Every source of electric current has two ends or terminals where conducting wires are connected to draw electric current. The tip of the metal cap and the base of the zinc can are called the positive and negative terminals of the dry cell, respectively. Electric current can be thought of as ‘flowing in’ from one terminal and ‘flowing out from the other. If the tip of the metal cap and the base of the zinc can are connected by a metal wire, the current will flow through it.

Different Types of Electric Cells:

Apart from the simple primary cells like dry cells, there are different types of electric cells. Different cells use different methods for producing an electric current. Primary cells can be used only once, and have to be thrown away once they have been used up.


Flow Of Electric Current Three basic conditions (Fig. 14.5) are required for an electric current to flow.

  • A device used to produce an electric current like a cell, battery, or plug point acting as a source.
  • A wire made of a metal like copper, silver, or aluminium, which will allow an electric current to flow through easily.
  • An unbroken loop (of the wire) running from one terminal of the source, through various appliances, back to the other terminal of the source.


Making a Simple Electric Circuit: When we connect the terminals of a pencil cell (the name given to the cell due to its shape) to a bulb using two wires, the bulb glows. This happens because we provide a path for the current to flow. A path for an electric current to flow is called an electric circuit.

In Figure 14.6(a), one wire from the pencil cell is connected to the torch bulb, while the other wire is not. The electric circuit is not complete here. In Figure 14.6(b), both the wires from the cell are connected to the torch bulb. The electric circuit is complete in this case. Electric current flows only if there is an unbroken path or closed circuit starting from one terminal of the source, through the torch bulb, to the other terminal of the source. Thus, the bulb glows in Figure 14.6(b) but not in Figure 14.6(a). The circuit in Figure 14.6(a) is not complete. Hence, current cannot flow through the circuit and the bulb does not glow. Such a circuit is called an open circuit. The circuit in Figure 14.6(b) is complete. Electric current flows through the circuit and, as a result, the bulb glows. Such a circuit is called a closed circuit.


Electric current flows in a particular direction. In an electric circuit, the electric current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the electric cell. Figure 14.7 shows the direction of the flow of electric current in a circuit.


Electric Torch A schematic diagram of an electric torch is shown in Fig. 14.10. An electric torch has one or more dry cells inside it, which act as the ‘source’. These cells are connected through a switch to a small bulb. When the switch is pushed to the ‘on’ position, the circuit is complete and the bulb glows. When the switch is pushed to the ‘off’ position, the circuit is incomplete (broken). Now the current cannot flow through the circuit, and the light goes out.


Conductors And Insulators Look at Figures 14.11(a)-(d). Each shows a complete electric circuit. Then why is it that the bulb glows only in circuits (b) and (d)? It is because not all materials allow an electric current to pass through them.

A material that allows electric current to pass through it is called a conductor of electricity like the key and the safety pin [Figs. 14.11(b) and (d)]. A material that does not allow an electric current to pass through it is called an insulator of electricity like the rubber band and the plastic pen [Figs. 14.11(a) and (c)].


All metals are conductors of electricity while some are better conductors than others. A few non-metals like graphite (pencil lead is made of graphite) are also conductors of electricity.

Examples of insulators are glass, wood, rubber, pure water, and dry air. However, the smallest impurity in water (impurities are substances like salts, dissolved in water) makes it a conductor. The handles of screwdrivers and testers used by electricians are usually made of wood or hard plastic. They also wear rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch to avoid electric shock.

Electrical Safety Electricity can be very dangerous if you do not handle electrical devices carefully. One should never play with electrical wires and sockets. Electricity from cells is safe and you can experiment with it, but you have to be careful not to connect the two terminals of a cell directly through a wire/conductor. Electricity generated by portable generators is dangerous and should not be used for experiments.


Source of electric current: A device that can be used to produce an electric current is called a source of electric current.

Electric circuit: A path for an electric current to flow is called an electric circuit.

Closed-circuit: A circuit that has an ‘unbroken path’ through which an electric current can flow is called a closed circuit.

Open circuit: A circuit with a break in it is called an open circuit.

Electric switch: A device that is used to open or close a circuit is called an electric switch.

Conductor (in this chapter): A material that allows electric current to pass through it easily is called a conductor.

Insulator (in this chapter): A material that does not allow an electric current to pass through it easily is called an insulator.

In a dry cell, a chemical reaction takes place to produce an electric current.

A dry cell contains solid or semisolid ingredients.

All cells have two terminals: the positive and the negative terminal.

Electric current flows only if there is an unbroken or complete path, starting from one terminal of the source, through various devices back to the other terminal of the source.

An electric switch is a device that is used to open or close a circuit.

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NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 - Electricity and Circuits

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 – Electricity and Circuits aid students in effective preparation for the annual exams. The solutions are prepared by expert faculty having vast knowledge in their respective field. Students aspiring to secure high marks in the final examination are advised to practise the solutions on a regular basis. To learn the concepts in a better way, students can download the NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Solutions PDF for free and practise offline as well.

Chapter 12 – Electricity and Circuits, deals with circuits and direction, in which the current flows, and provides answers to all the questions related to each and every concept covered in this chapter. The solutions have been designed in a unique and simple manner so that students can understand the concepts clearly. NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Solutions are provided in PDF in the link below for students to download easily.

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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Choose from the options a, b, c and d given in fig 12.1, which shows the correct direction of the current.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 1

(b): In an electric circuit, the direction of current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the electric cell.

2. Choose the incorrect statement. (a) A switch is the source of electric current in a circuit. (b) A switch helps to complete or break the circuit. (c) A switch helps us to use electricity as per our requirement. (d) When the switch is open, there is an air gap between its terminals. Solution:

(a): A switch is the source of electric current in a circuit.

An electric cell is the source of electric current in a circuit, not the switch.

3. In an electric bulb, light is produced due to the glowing of (a) the glass case of the bulb (b) the thin filament (c) the thick wires supporting the filament (d) gases inside the glass case of the bulb. Solution:

(b): the thin filament

4. In the following arrangement shown in fig 12.2, the bulb will not glow if the ends A and B are connected with

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 2

(a) A steel spoon (b) A metal clip (c) A plastic clip (d) A copper wire Solution:

(c): A plastic clip

A plastic clip is a poor conductor of electricity; it is an insulator.

5. In the circuit shown in fig 12.3, when the switch is moved to the ‘ON’ position,

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 3

(a) bulb A will glow first (b) bulb B will glow first (c) bulb C will glow first (d) all bulbs will glow together Solution:

(d): all bulbs will glow together

As soon as the circuit gets completed, the current is found at every point in the circuit instantly.

6. Filament of a torch bulb is (a) a metal case (b) metal tip at the centre of the base (c) two thick wires (d) a thin wire Solution:

(d): a thin wire

7. Paheli is running short of connecting wires. To complete an electric circuit, she may use a (a) glass bangle (b) thick thread (c) rubber pipe (d) steel spoon Solution:

(d): steel spoon

Steel spoon is a good conductor of electricity. Hence, we use a steel spoon to complete an electric circuit.

8. In which of the following circuits, A, B and C, given in fig 12.4, will the cell be used up very rapidly?

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 4

In circuit A, the cell will be used up very rapidly.

9. Fig. 12.5 shows a bulb with its different parts marked as 1,2,3,4, and 5. Which of them labels the terminals of the bulb?

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 5

Labels 3 and 4 are the terminals of the bulb.

Short Answer Questions:

10. You are provided with a bulb, a cell, a switch and some connecting wires. Draw a diagram to show the connections between them to make the bulb glow. Solution:

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 6

11. Will the bulb glow in the circuit shown in fig 12.6? Explain.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 7

No, the bulb will not glow in this circuit because the switch is open, and the circuit is broken. Current flows only in a closed circuit.

12. An electric bulb is connected to a cell through a switch, as shown in fig 12.7. When the switch is brought in the ‘ON’ position, the bulb does not glow. What could be the possible reason/s for it? Mention any two of them.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 8

When the switch is brought in ‘ON’ position, the bulb does not glow. There could be the following reasons for it:

(i) Loose connections.

(ii) Connecting wires are broken.

(iii) The cell is a used one.

(iv) The bulb is fused.

13. A torch requires 3 cells. Show the arrangement of the cells, with a diagram, inside the torch so that the bulb glows. Solution:

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 9

14. When the chemicals in the electric cell are used up, the electric cell stops producing electricity. The electric cell is then replaced with a new one. In the case of rechargeable batteries (such – as the type used in mobile phones, cameras and inverters), they are used again and again. How? Solution:

Rechargeable batteries can be recharged by providing them with appropriate current through secondary cells or storage cells.

15. Paheli connected two bulbs to a cell, as shown in fig 12.8,

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 10

She found that the filament of bulb B is broken. Will the bulb A glow in this circuit? Give reason. Solution:

No, the bulb will not glow in this circuit as the filament of bulb B is broken. Due to the breakage in the circuit current does not flow.

16. Why do bulbs have two terminals? Solution:

A bulb has a tiny thin wire called filament which consists of two terminals to connect the filament within the circuit so that current can pass through it.

17. Which of the following arrangement, A, B, C and D, given in fig 12.9, should not be set up? Explain why.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 11

Arrangement A should not be set up since the current flows from a negative terminal to the positive terminal, which will exhaust the cell very quickly as the large current will flow through it.

18. A fused bulb does not glow. Why? Solution:

A fused bulb does not glow since the filament inside it is broken, and the circuit is incomplete.

19. Paheli wanted to glow a torch bulb using a cell. She could not get connecting wires; instead, she got two strips of aluminium foil. Will she succeed? Explain how. Solution:

Yes, Paheli will succeed. Aluminium foil being a good conductor of electricity, it can be used as connecting wires for the supply of electricity.

Long Answer Questions:

20. Boojho has a cell and a single piece of connecting wire. Without cutting the wire in two, will he be able to make the bulb glow? Explain with the help of a circuit diagram. Solution:

Yes, he can succeed in getting the bulb to glow by using the given arrangements.

He can connect by connecting to a positive terminal of the cell directly from the second terminal of the bulb, as given in the figure. In this way, the circuit will get completed without using another piece of connecting wire.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 12

21. Fig 12.10 A and B show a bulb connected to a cell in two different ways.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 13

(i) What will be the direction of the current through the bulb in both cases (Q to P or P to Q)? (ii) Will the bulb glow in both cases? (iii) Does the brightness of the glowing bulb depend on the direction of current through it? Solution:

(i) In the case of Q to P: the current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.

In the case of P to Q: the current flows from the negative terminal to the positive terminal.

(ii) Yes, the bulb will glow in both cases as the current is flowing and the circuit is complete.

(iii) No, the brightness of the glowing bulb does not depend on the direction of the current through it. The amount of current and voltage in the circuit decides the brightness of the glowing blub.

22. Think of six activities which use electric current. Also, name the devices used to perform the activity.

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12- image 14

Activity you perform Device
Example Get light Torch
Make toast Toaster
Heat water Geyser
Listen to music CD player
Watch movies Laptop/TV
Cook food Microwave/Heater

23. A torch is not functioning, though contact points in the torch are in working condition. What can be the possible reasons for this? Mention any three. Solution:

The possible reasons for the torch, not functioning could be

(i) The switch may be faulty.

(ii) The cells may not be placed in the correct order.

(iii) The cells may have been used up.

(iv) The filament may be fused in the bulb.


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