“I really needed the time to think about what it meant to drive change at scale. The opportunity to cultivate the skills to lead at scale and influence change. And some of that was the network, but some of it was also really leaning into the opportunity to think a little bit more intentionally about what change I wanted to have.”

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Harvard’s Three-Year, Fully Funded Doctor of Education Leadership (Ed.L.D.)

If you’re ready to engage with top faculty, policymakers, and researchers, request info to learn more.

Leveraging the vast intellectual and professional resources of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Harvard Business School, and the Harvard Kennedy School, our  practice-based doctoral program  will prepare you to improve outcomes in American pre K-12 education.

Over the course of three years, you’ll gain expert knowledge in learning and development, a firm grasp of public policy issues, and organizational management skills — all with the help of HGSE’s  highly integrated core curriculum, tailored electives , and  10-month paid residency experience.

Create Systemic Change in Education

— simone wright, ed.l.d. ‘22, if you’re committed to growing as a teacher leader while fostering high-quality educational opportunities and outcomes for all, request information about hgse’s ed.l.d. program.

All students receive a full tuition funding package plus stipends and work opportunities.

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Training Leaders to Transform Education

November-December 2009

Kathleen McCartney

Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) has created a new doctor of education leadership (Ed.L.D.) program, a three-year, practice-oriented degree aimed at preparing a small cohort of leaders who can effect major changes in K-12 education. Dean Kathleen McCartney said the program aims to teach its students “how to create change, how to be entrepreneurial, how to create a strategy and really stick with it.” Her very vocabulary underscored how the new course of study differs from the traditional research- and dissertation-focused Ed.D. But the Ed.L.D. graduates’ goal, McCartney emphasized, is consistent with HGSE’s purposes as adapted to challenging circumstances in primary and secondary education: “Everything these leaders do should have a laser-like focus on learning.”

“Sometimes people think education is an intractable problem,” she said, citing the scale of the issues, the flood of unanalyzed data about students’ performance, and the apparently inadequate American level of learning revealed on tests administered around the world—not to mention the daunting gaps in performance between and within U.S. districts.

The Ed.L.D. attacks that challenge in two ways. The unusual curriculum—based in part on current HGSE-led executive-education programs for superintendents, principals, and other K-12 leaders—suggests the rationale for the school’s first new degree in 74 years. First, it aims to equip graduates with expertise not only in teaching and learning, but also in organizational management and leadership, and command of policy and politics. By linking HGSE faculty members with Business School (HBS) and Kennedy School (HKS) colleagues, and scholars with practitioners, the Ed.L.D. program recognizes that superintendents, state education policymakers, nonprofit advocates of school reform, and even private investors are all involved in enhancing education—and that each sector’s leaders need to master multiple skills and disciplines. (Curriculum development was supported by the Gates, Hewlett, and Noyce foundations; see www.gse.harvard.edu/academics/doctorate/edld .)

Second, after two years of work on campus, each student will enter a field placement, at venues ranging from large urban school districts to nonprofit organizations such as the New Teacher Project, the New Schools Venture Fund, and Teach For America (TFA). During that on-site, final year, the doctoral candidates will lead an education-reform project, prepare a “capstone” product, and gain hands-on experience building and leading a team—and evaluating its members’ performance as their own is assessed. McCartney noted that the new degree solves “a human-capital issue” by opening a path for those seeking education careers but not a research doctorate and unsure about navigating from an M.B.A. or J.D. into their preferred field.

“As we’ve engaged in this work over the past 20 years,” said Wendy Kopp, TFA founder and CEO, “we’ve seen that it is absolutely possible for kids in low-income communities to excel academically”—at the classroom level, school-wide, and even through entire school systems, demonstrating the “possibility of school-system-wide change.” At each of those levels, she said, “Ultimately, it turns out, it’s all about talent and leadership,” in classrooms, the principal’s office, and the superintendency. There is now widespread recognition of the “role of leadership in actually moving the needle against educational inequity.” The Ed.L.D. program, she said, “promises to provide one more stream of talent who do have deep grounding” not only in education but in “relationship-building skills” that have to be applied in the very complex setting of education reform.

The Ed.L.D.’s faculty co-directors—Anrig professor of educational leadership Richard Elmore and professor of practice Lewis (Harry) Spence, J.D. ’74—embody its ambition to combine content with application.

Elmore described two strands of work that underpin the new curriculum. More than a decade of research, at Harvard and elsewhere, on accountability, school improvement, and school organization has, he said, become “increasingly specific about the conditions that promote high-level learning and performance in educational institutions,” within classrooms and in systems as a whole. But the work of public schools is “highly compartmentalized, disorganized, and incoherent,” reflecting historical forces that have shaped education. In response, Elmore said, school systems and education leaders need to define coherent strategies for improvement, specify the elements of each strategy, and detail the actions required to implement them—and figure out how to explain all these changes to the public.

At the same time, previous HGSE collaborations have opened the way to apply those findings to effect change in large school systems. The Public Education Leadership Project, an HGSE-HBS venture, developed a case-based executive-education curriculum for superintendents and principals from large urban school systems. (Alumni include former Chicago superintendent Arne Duncan ’86, now U.S. Secretary of Education.) Week-long campus sessions and field consultations by faculty members introduced training in strategic alignment, executing a strategy, managing human capital, and designing systems for resource allocation and accountability measures.

Since 2006, the Wallace Foundation (see below) has supported a separate Executive Leadership Program for Educators (ExEL), to provide training on campus and in the field for teams of school-district leaders and the leaders of their state education departments (two states each year). The joint approach aimed to combine state-level policy with practice and application in operating districts and schools. ExEL’s faculty ranks include HGSE, HBS, and HKS members.

Now, the content and techniques of the executive-education programs are being extended into a regular degree course of study. Beyond superintendents and chief academic officers, Elmore envisions enrolling people who will create entrepreneurial training organizations (nonprofit and for profit); organizations that will support charter schools; people interested in funding innovation; and pioneers in data and other services—hence the breadth of the partners for students’ third-year placements.

Co-director Harry Spence brings that hands-on perspective directly into the design of the Ed.L.D. From 1991 to 1995, he was receiver for Chelsea, Massachusetts, where restructuring the school system was a principal priority. Thereafter, he was deputy chancellor for operations of the New York City board of education, and then commissioner of the Massachusetts department of social services.

School systems are “easily pulled in a thousand directions,” Spence said: like the leaders of other public institutions, education executives spend 80 percent of their time on politics and administration, and only 20 percent on improving practice and the services delivered. Reversing that ratio, in his view, is the key to “genuine transformation” of education, and the Ed.L.D. promises “an intense focus on improving practice.” That means helping leaders find ways to rise above the details of budgets, legislation, or placating city councils and parent-teacher organizations so they can focus on enhancing teachers’ learning and their classroom effectiveness and marshaling resources properly. That is the only way, he said, to boost lagging student achievement overall, and to address effectively issues of race and identity that lie at the heart of urban systems’ achievement gaps.

These tough challenges cannot be overcome by “education rhetoric,” Spence acknowledged. By forming deep partnerships with the organizations where Ed.L.D. candidates will spend their third year, he said, HGSE could itself benefit from a “tremendous virtuous circle between the academy and practice” that will inform faculty members’ own knowledge and their ability to teach future leaders.

Heretofore, making education schools’ curriculums pertinent to the real problems of improving teaching and learning has been its own intractable problem. For the past decade, the Wallace Foundation has focused its education philanthropy (to the tune of $300 million) “exclusively around the notion that to make school reform work for kids, we need to spend much more time and attention on leadership,” said foundation president M. Christine DeVita. Leadership training and effectiveness, she said, are “under-recognized and under-leveraged aspects of school life.”

The job of contemporary school principals has changed dramatically, DeVita said—but their preparation has not. Their most critical tasks are “leading organizational change, creating cultures of learning for the adults in the building, and leading instructional improvement for the children”—and “none of those sophisticated organizational changes and management issues are things they’ve been prepared for.” Principals, the key actors in effecting school-level improvements, are thrown into their jobs without mentors (or whatever mentoring they get is passive and episodic), and subjected to inadequate or irrelevant performance assessments. Where these factors are altered, Wallace’s programs show, schools can improve.

School reform, DeVita said, is above all “a systems problem” and so requires systems thinking, “which is exactly what good leaders do in all sectors, and exactly what we’re asking education leaders to do, too.” But among education schools, “There isn’t anybody out there doing it in a way that’s worthy of the challenge—and that’s what’s so exciting about this program.” The kind of preparation and thinking she envisions for education leaders is “what’s taken for granted at Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School,” which is why the Wallace Foundation originally underwrote ExEL. With such an approach now in place at HGSE, too, DeVita said, the foundation has followed up by making a $10-million grant for fellowships for the entering Ed.L.D. candidates.

Arthur Levine—past president of Teachers College at Columbia University, now president of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation—has been a harsh critic of prevailing practices. He characterized leadership programs as the weakest of education schools’ offerings, with low admissions standards; curriculums that “lack coherence and connections to the work that’s actually done in the field”; clinical programs devoted to mere shadowing of practitioners, whether they are successful or not; “watered-down” dissertations with little connection to practice; and other failings. Those deficiencies are particularly disturbing, Levine said, “given the enormous changes that need to happen” in response to changed demographics, the growth in student populations, new skills required for students to compete economically, and the rapid evolution of technology. “We need administrators who aren’t simply managers of [existing] schools,” he said, “but who can create new schools.”

In that light, he said, the Ed.L.D. venture could be “a very useful model” for the entire country. He cited the multidisciplinary curriculum as “unique and critical to the kinds of leadership training required today.” He also pointed to the substantive third-year placement “in organizations known for their accomplishments” in school reform, and with “incomparable” attention to the quality and rigor of the experience. Throughout the program’s design, he discerned a focus on real problems, he said, an approach that “makes so much more sense” than generating more “watered-down dissertations.”

The first cohort of 25 students is being recruited this fall, to enroll in 2010. They will do so tuition-free, and with stipends for living expenses, thanks to the gift for fellowships from the Wallace Foundation, among others. (McCartney cited a $1-million fellowship fund given by former Harvard Overseer Paul Buttenwieser and his wife, Catherine.)

Elmore and Spence imagine that the applicants will have at least several years of experience working in the “education sector,” broadly defined, who have demonstrated leadership in effecting some significant change or reform, and who come from diverse backgrounds and interests. Spence recalled students pursuing narrower professional degrees for whom the Ed.L.D. “suddenly answers their questions” about how to “genuinely prepare for the task of transforming large educational organizations, as much as humanly possible.”

A final check on the program’s design and aspirations is its executive director, lecturer on education Elizabeth City—herself a former teacher, principal, instructional coach, and doctoral student at HGSE. Now she is an evangelist with a mission: to build from 25 Ed.L.D.s per year, to extend to the partner organizations where they will intern and the entities they ultimately lead, and ultimately to affect other education schools. City drew on her own background and on the Ed.L.D. intellectual framework to outline everything “transformative system-level leaders need to know” to reform education today, from learning about the origin of teacher unions and the evolution of de facto segregation in urban school districts (“These things didn’t just pop up”) to effective teamwork to comprehensive performance assessments.

Until now, City said, it has been up to prospective leaders to accumulate these needed skills on their own. With the Ed.L.D., she said, “We’re trying to do the integrative work, rather than saying to the students, ‘Here, you put it together.’” They need all the help they can get, she said, given the urgent mission of “transforming American education.”

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The doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree signifies mastery of a broad discipline of learning together with demonstrated competence in a special field within that discipline. In addition to the common requirements below, PhD candidates must complete additional requirements specified by their academic program . 

PhD students must register full-time until receipt of the degree, for a minimum of two years. At the discretion of the program, this requirement can be reduced up to one year (8 courses: 32 credits) if academic credit is given for work done elsewhere. A department may appeal to the Office of Academic Programs to request certification of other criteria to measure the amount of progress a student has made.

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In most programs, students must pass a general examination or other preliminary or qualifying examinations as determined by the academic program before undertaking independent dissertation research. 

Many programs require that students prepare a dissertation prospectus, which must be approved by their program often before beginning the process of extensive independent research, fieldwork, and writing the dissertation. Any student wishing to present a dissertation as a published article, series of articles, book or other document, or a manuscript that has been accepted for publication must also receive the approval of their program. Approved dissertations must be submitted to ProQuest ETD by the dates noted in the degree calendar .

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In addition to overall satisfactory progress requirements, PhD students must make progress toward the completion of expected milestones, which typically take the form of: 

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Academic programs will outline the required timelines for academic milestone completion and may require additional and/or more stringent conditions.

PhD candidates who have not completed the requirements for the degree by their 10th year of study will be  withdrawn . Once the dissertation is complete, withdrawn students may apply for  readmission for the purpose of receiving the degree. Exceptions may be made for students with special circumstances. For more information, students should contact their program, which may confer with the Office of Academic Programs to review particular circumstances.


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Romela Petrosyan, MD, FACP practices Internal Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care, and Renal (Kidney) Disease in Boston and Foxborough

Romela Petrosyan, MD, FACP

Dr. Romela Petrosyan is a Board-certified Nephrologist and Proceduralist at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, Department of Medicine, Renal Division and Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School. 

Quadrilingual (Russian, Armenian, Spanish, and English), former refugee, and third-generation female physician, she is passionate about medical education as well as shaping the culture and execution of health care delivery. With former and current leadership roles of Regent of the American College of Physicians, Delegate to the American Medical Association, Chair of the National Resident and Fellow Council, and Vice Chair of the Early Career Section at the Massachusetts Medical Society, she leads advocacy efforts on behalf of resident and fellow physicians nationally. Dr. Petrosyan has been inducted into fellowship of the American College of Physicians.

Clinically, Dr. Petrosyan subspecializes in the care of patients with diabetic kidney disease, cancer-related kidney disease, glomerulonephropathy, and kidney stones. She is one of two nephrologists at Brigham and Women’s Hospital who performs ultrasound-guided native kidney biopsies.

She earned her Bachelor of Science (BS) with Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, and Honors in Biological Sciences at University of California, Irvine. She earned her Doctor of Medicine (MD) with a merit-based scholarship at University of Central Florida College of Medicine followed by Internal Medicine residency at University of South Carolina and Nephrology fellowship at the combined Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital Joint Program. She is currently completing a Master of Science in Clinical Service Operations at Harvard Medical School. 

She is committed to excellent patient care, quality improvement, education, and healthcare advocacy. Dr. Petrosyan is active in the education and mentorship of Harvard medical students, residents, and fellows as a dedicated resource, supporting the next generation of leaders.

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Doctoral Degrees 24

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TOEFL IBT score: 104
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Focus of faculty research: System level leadership in education
Externally sponsored research expenditures last year: 32,623,943

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The Ph.D. in Education is an interdisciplinary doctoral program that combines advances in the social sciences, sciences, arts, and humanities with deep expertise in educational research, policy, and practice to train students for careers as academics, researchers, policymakers, and leaders who will improve educational outcomes in the United States and around the world. Ph.D. candidates will collaborate with faculty from across Harvard graduate and professional schools and conduct groundbreaking research — forging new fields of inquiry that will transform education practice and policy.  Candidates for the Ph.D. in Education choose from among three concentrations: Culture, Institutions, and Society; Education Policy and Program Evaluation; or Human Development, Learning and Teaching.

All Ph.D.s are granted through the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

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CV of Professor Muhammad Yunus

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Yunus Cntre Press Release 24th May 2009

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  • 24th May 2009

Curriculum Vitae of Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, Chairman of Yunus Centre and Founder of Grameen Bank, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Personal Information

Chairman, Yunus Centre
Grameen Bank, Mirpur-2
Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
June 28, 1940
Ph.D in Economics, Vanderbilt University, U.S.A.(1970)

1. Awarded Fulbright Fellowship to study in the U.S.A. for 1965-66. 2. Awarded Vanderbilt University research and teaching fellowships during 1966-69. 3. Awarded Eisenhour Exchange Fellowship for 1984. 4. Senior Fellow, The Institute of Mediterranean Studies,Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland (2000 - ). 5. Awarded the fellowship in Economics at the University of Venice Ca' Foscari, Italy because of his very high contribution to the development of the social innovation and the creation of value, on October 05, 2018

Professional Experiences

1962 - 65 Lecturer of Economics, Chittagong College, Bangladesh
1969 - 72 Assistant Professor of Economics, MTSU, Tennessee, USA
1972 (July-Sept) Deputy Chief, General Economics Division, Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh
1972 - 75  Associate Professor of Economics and Head of the Department of Economics, Chittagong University,    Bangladesh
1975 - 1989 Professor of Economics, Chittagong University and Director, Rural Economics Programme, Chittagong, Bangladesh
1976 - 1983 Project Director, Grameen Bank Project, Bangladesh
1983 - 2011  Managing Director, Grameen Bank, Bangladesh
1996 (April-June) Cabinet Minister (Advisor) in the Caretaker Government of Bangladesh
2008- present Chairman, Yunus Centre, Bangladesh
2012 - 2016 (June) Chancellor, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK
2015 – Present Adjunct Professor, La Trobe Business School, in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, Australia
2018 – Present Visiting Professor, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
2020 – Present Chancellor of Albukhary International University (AIU), Malaysia

  Membership of Committees and Commissions (National)

  • Was member, National Committee on Population Policy set up by the President of Bangladesh, in 1981.
  • Was member, Land Reform Committee, set up by Chief Martial Law Administrator, headed by the Minister of Agriculture, in 1982.
  •  Member, Education Commission (1987-88), Government of Bangladesh.
  • Member, Presidential Committee on Health Education and Service (1987-88).
  • Appointed as the Chairman of the Socio-economic Committee of the National Disaster Prevention Council set up by the President of Bangladesh (1989-90).
  • Member of the National Debt Settlement Board headed by the President of Bangladesh (1989-90).
  • Member of the Task Force for reviewing the operation of the Nationalised Commercial Banks (1989).
  • Appointed as the Convener of the Task Force on Self-Reliance set up by the Planning Advisor (1991).
  • Member of the National ICT Task Force Committee, Ministry of Planning, Bangladesh (2002 - ).

Membership of Committees and Commissions (International)

  • Appointed by the Secretary General of the United Nations as a member of the International Advisory Group for the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China (1993-1995).
  • Appointed as a member of the Global Commission on Women's Health for the period 1993-1995 by the Director General, World Health Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Appointed as member of Advisory Council for Sustainable Economic Development, World Bank, Washington DC, USA (1993-to-date).
  • Appointed as member of the UN Expert Group on Women and Finance: Transforming Enterprise and Finance Systems, UNIFEM, Washington DC, USA (1993 to date).
  • Chairman of the Policy Advisory Group for the CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest), World Bank , Washington D.C., U.S.A. (1995 - 2000).
  • Member of the Council of Patrons of Friends of the Earth International, Amsterdam, Netherlands to support it in its continued campaigns to protect the environment (1996).
  • Member of the Advisory Committee, Asian Ecotechnology Network.
  • Co-Chairman , State of the World Forum, San Francisco, U.S.A. (1996 - ).
  • Co-Chairman, Council of Practitioners, Micro-Credit Summit, U.S.A. (1997 - ).
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Center of Arab Women For Training And Research (CAWTAR), Tunisia (1997 - ).
  • Member of the Advisory Group, Institute For Democracy And Electoral Assistance (IDEA), Sweden (1997 - ).
  • Honourary Member, Club of Budapest, London, U.K. ( 1997 - ).
  • Member of the Advisory Group, Council of Women World Leaders, Kennedy Schools of Government Harvard University, U.S.A. (1997 - ).
  • Member of the Advisory Committee, 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture and the Environment initiative, IFPRI, U.S.A. (1998 - ).
  • Member of the Advisory Committee, INTERNEWS, Arcata, San Francisco, U.S.A. (1999 - ).
  • Member of the International Consultative Committee, International Forum, Mujeres & Hombres, Lima, Peru (1999 - ).
  • Member, AGFUND Prize Committee, AGFUND, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1999 - ).
  • Member, Hilton Humanitarian Prize Jury Committee, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, U.S.A. (1999 - ).
  • Member of the Presiding Council of the ProVention Consortium (a global partnership to address the increasing vulnerability of developing countries to the risk of natural and technological catastrophes), World Bank, Washington DC, U.S.A. (2000 - to-date).
  • Member of the High Council of International Exhibitions, International Bureau of Expositions, Paris, France (2000 - ).
  • Member of the High-Level Advisory Group on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), United Nations, New York, U.S.A. (2000 - ).
  • Member, Advisory Committee, Queen Sofia Chamber Orchestra (Orquestra de Camara Reina Sofia), Madrid, Spain (2001 - ).
  • Member, Global Steering Committee for the Fish for All Initiative, ICLARM, Malaysia (2002 - ).
  • Member, International Jury Committee of the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development, Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust, India (2002 - 2004).
  • Co-Chairman, Ambassadors' Council, Freedom from Hunger, U.S.A. (2003 - to-date).
  • Member, Africa Progress Panel, UK (2007 - to-date).
  • Member, Elders Project, South Africa (2007 - to-date).
  • Co-Chairman, Women's World Forum, Republic of Korea (2007 - to-date)
  • Member, Foundation Board of the Global Humanitarian Forum, Geneva, Switzerland (2007 -to-date)
  • Member of the UN Secretary-General Network of Men Leaders, U.S.A, (2008-to-date) which aims to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls in all parts of the world
  • Member, MDG Advocacy Group, Focus on MDG 8 (global partnership for development), New York, U.S.A (2010-to-date)
  • Founding Commissioner, Broadband Commission for Digital Development Switzerland (2010-to- date)
  • Member, myclimate Patronage Committee, Switzerland, (2010-to-date)
  • Member, U.S. Department of State International Council on Women Business Leadership (ICWBL) Subcommittee on Access to Capital., U.S.A. (2012-to-date)
  • Member of the Executive Secretary’s 2015 Council of UN Climate Change Secretariat (2015 - to-date)
  • Awarded  the Honorary Membership of Miraikan – The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation at Tokyo, Japan on March 27, 2018
  • Co-Convenor of the Global Financial Sector Commission on Eliminating Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Commissio, Liechtenstein
  • Member of the international jury of the Felix Houphourt-Boigny-UNESCO Peace Prize. UNESCO, Paris, France. (2019-to-date)

Member, Board of Advisors (International)

  • Calmeadow Foundation, 4 Kind Street West, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1B6, Canada.
  • The Synergose Institute, 100 East 85th Street, New York, NY10028 U.S.A.
  • Living Economics, 42 Warriner Gardens, London SW11 4DU, U.K.
  • International Council for Freedom From Hunger, U.S.A.
  • International Council, Ashoka Foundation, Washington DC, USA.
  • Advisory Council, Women for Women of Bosnia, Washington DC, USA.
  • Advisory Board, The Center For Visionary Leadership, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • International Advisory Board, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, U.S.A.
  • International Advisory Board, Foundation for the Research of Societal Problems Ankara, Turkey.
  • Advisory Board, Credit for All, Inc. Denver, U.S.A
  • Advisory Board, The Gleitsman Foundation International Activist Award, California, U.S.A.
  • International Council, Asia Society, New York, U.S.A.
  • International Advisory Panel, UNESCO, Paris, France.
  • International Advisory Board, The Center For Visionary Leadership, Washington D.C. U.S.A.
  • International Council on the Future, UNESCO, Paris, France.
  • Global Advisory Board, EARTH ONE (a radio service for the world community) Borehamwood, United Kingdom.
  • Global Public Goods Advisory Board, Office of Development Studies, UNDP, New York, U.S.A
  • Advisory Board, Information Technologies and International Development, MIT Media Laboratory, Cambridge, U.S.A.
  •  Advisory Board, Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Germany.
  • Advisory Panel, ESCAP/UNDP Joint Initiative in Supporting the Achievement of Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific Region, Thailand.
  • Founder Member, The Global Academy for Social Entrepreneurship, Ashoka, U.S.A.
  •  Advisory Board, Prague Institute for Global Urban Development, Czechoslovakia.
  •  Honorary Advisory Council, Alliance for the New Humanity (ANH), U.S.A.
  •  Advisory Council for the new Templeton Freedom Awards, Atlas Economic Research Foundation , U.S.A
  •  Advisory Board, Holcim Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland.
  •  Advisory Board, Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence, Virginia, U.S.A
  • Honorary Board Member, Center for International Studies Micro- Credit Program, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
  •  Honorary Board Member, SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, the Netherlands.
  •  Advisory Board Member, “Global Health Agenda for Girls” project at the Center for Global Development, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Advisory Board Member, Multimedia Super Corridor Malaysia International Advisory Panel (IAP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Member, Advisory Committee, Ritsumeikan Asian Pacific University, Japan.
  •  Founder, Grameen Creative Lab , Germany
  •  Co-Chairperson, Governing Board, Yunus Centre, AIT,Thailand
  • Lead Advisory Scholar, Okan University Muhammad Yunus International Centre for Microfinance and Social Business, Turkey
  •  Founder, Yunus Social Business GmbH, Germany
  • Member of the Advisory Council, AGFUND Microfinance Bank, Saudi Arabia
  • Member of the Advisory Board of International University of Japan's Graduate School of International Management (GSIM), Japan
  •  Member of the International Advisory Council (IAC) of Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) university, Brazil
  • Member of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG ) Advocacy Group chaired by the Secretary General of United Nations, for the promotion and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. On January 21, 2016.
  • Appointed as Commissioner for the UN Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth in March, 2016
  • Member of the “FAO Nobel Laureates Alliance for Peace and Food Security”  of FAO, Rome, May, 2016
  •  Member of the Hiroshima Global Academy International Advisory Board. Hiroshima Prefectural Government, Tokyo, Japan on March 28, 2018
  • Member of International Advisory Council, HEC Paris, France from 1st September 2018
  • Member of the Global Advisory Board (GAB) of the School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM), Tsinghua University,   Beijing, China. (April, 2019 –to-date)

Member, Board of Directors (National)

1976 - 1983 Founder and Project Director, Grameen Bank Project.
1983 - 2011 Founder and Managing Director, Grameen Bank, Dhaka.
1991 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Krishi (Agriculture) Foundation, Rangpur.
1990 - to-date Founder and Executive Trustee, Grameen Trust, Dhaka.
1990 - to-date Designer and member of Governing Body, Polli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), Dhaka.
1979 - to-date Member, Board of Directors, Centre for Mass Education for Science, Dhaka.
1994 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Fund (a Social Venture Capital Fund), Dhaka.
1994 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Motsho (Fisheries)O PasuSampad (Livestock) Foundation, Dhaka.
1994 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Uddog, a non-stock, non-profit organization dedicated to promote the interest of the handloom-weavers of Bangladesh.
1995 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Telecom, a cellular telephone company to provide nationwide telephone service. It will provide telephone service in the rural areas of Bangladesh primarily through the poor women in rural areas.
1995 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Shamogree (Products), Dhaka.
1995 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Gona Shyastha Grameen Textile Mills Ltd., Dhaka.
1996 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Cybernet, Dhaka.
1996 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Communications, Dhaka.
1996 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Kallyan (well-being), Dhaka.
1996 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Shakti (energy), Dhaka.
1996 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Yunus Foundation, Dhaka.
1996 - to-date Member, Advisory Council of the Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust, Dhaka.
1997 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Shikkha (Education), Dhaka.
1997 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Knitwear Ltd., Dhaka.
1998 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Capital Management Ltd, Dhaka.
1999 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Software Ltd, Dhaka.
2000 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen IT Park Ltd, Dhaka.
2002 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Star Education Ltd, Dhaka.
2002 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Information Highways Ltd, Dhaka.
2007 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Danone Food Ltd, Bangladesh
2007 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Green Children Eye-Care Hospital
2008 - to-date Founder and Chairman, BASF Grameen Ltd.
2008 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Yunus Centre, Dhaka
2009 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Caledonian College of Nursing
2009 - to-date Founder and Chairman, Grameen Veolia Water Ltd, Bangladesh

M ember, Board of Directors (International)

1987 - 1997 Board of Directors, RESULTS, A Citizen's Lobby, Washington DC, U.S.A.
1987 - 1995 Board of Trustees, Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (A Grameen Replication Project in Malaysia.)
1989 - 1994 Board of Trustees of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines.
1990 - to-date Chief Patron, Credit and Savings for Hardcore Poor, (CASHPOR), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
1990 - 1992 Steering Committee, The Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Geneva, Switzerland.
1992 - 2002 Board of Directors, Calvert World Values Fund, Washington DC, USA.
1993 - to-date Board of Directors, Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA), U.S.A.
1995 - to-date International Crisis Group, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
1996 - to-date Patron, United Kingdom Social Investment Forum, London,U.K.
1998 - to-date Board of Directors, United Nations Foundation , Washington, U.S.A.
2000 - to-date Founding Patron, C21: Tomorrow’s Leaders for a Safer Planet, Oxford Research Group , Oxford, United Kingdom.
2001 - to-date Board of Directors, Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship , Cologny, Switzerland.
2002 - to-date Board of Director, ManyOne Foundation, Canada.
2006 - to-date Board of Trustees, Coexist Foundation, University of Cambridge, UK.
2007 - to-date Board of Director, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Monaco.
2007- to -date Board of Directors, Chirac Foundation, France.
2007- to -date Board of Directors, Grameen Danone Food Ltd, Bangladesh.
2007- to -date Board of Directors, Danone Communities Fund, France.
2007- to -date Board of Directors, Sing For Hope, New York, U.S.A.
2008- to -date Board of Directors, Grameen Credit Agricole Microfinance Foundation, Luxemoburg.

BANGLADESH President's Award: 1978 Originator of the concept of Three share Farming (Tebhaga Khamar) as a joint farming operation. Organised Nabajug Tebhaga Khamar in Jobra, Chittagong in 1975, around a deep tubewell which was lying unused because of management problems. Government of Bangladesh adopted the concept and introduced it in the country under the name of "Packaged Input Programme" (PIP) in 1977. Nabajug Tebhaga Khamar was awarded President's Award in 1978 for introducing an innovative organisation in agriculture.   PHILIPPINES Ramon Magsaysay Award: 1984 Awarded Ramon Magsaysay Award in the Field of "Community Leadership" in 1984 for "Enabling the neediest rural men and women to make themselves productive with sound group managed credit."   BANGLADESH Central Bank Award: 1985 Awarded the Bangladesh Bank Award 1985 in recognition of the contribution in devising a new banking mechanism to extend credit to the rural landless population, thereby creating self employment and socio economic development for them.   BANGLADESH Independence Day award: 1987 Awarded the Independence Day Award, 1987, by the President for the outstanding contribution in rural development. This is the highest civilian national award of Bangladesh.   SWITZERLAND Aga Khan Award For Architecture: 1989 Awarded Aga Khan Award For Architecture, 1989 by Geneva based Aga Khan Foundation for designing and operating Grameen Bank Housing Programme for the poor, which helped poor members of Grameen Bank to construct 60,000 housing units by 1989, each costing on an average $ 300.   U.S.A. Humanitarian Award: 1993 Awarded 1993 Humanitarian Award by the CARE, U.S.A. in recognition of role in providing a uniquely pragmatic and effective method of empowering poor women and men to embark on income generating activities.   SRI LANKA Mohamed Sahabdeen Award for Science (Socio Economic): 1993 Awarded Mohamed Sahabdeen Award for Science (Socio Economic) in 1993.   BANGLADESH Rear Admiral M. A. Khan Memorial Gold Medal Award: 1993 Awarded Rear Admiral Mahbub Ali Khan Memorial Gold Medal Award in 1993.   U.S.A. World Food Prize: 1994 Awarded 1994 World Food Prize by World Food Prize Foundation, U.S.A. in recognition of the lifetime achievements of an economist who created a bank loan system that has given millions of people access to adequate food and nutrition for the first time in their lives.   U.S.A. Pfeffer Peace Prize: 1994 Awarded 1994 Pfeffer Peace Prize by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, U.S.A. for his vision of non collateral lending through the Grameen Bank and the courage of persevere in the concept that credit is a human right.   BANGLADESH Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Memorial Gold Medal Award: 1994 Awarded Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Memorial Gold Medal Award in 1994.   MALAYSIA : Tun Abdul Razak Award : 1994 Awarded 1994 Tun Abdul Razak Award for the Bank's unique programme to lend money to the poorest of the poor and thus transform the lives of thousands of impoverished people.   SWITZERLAND Max Schmidheiny Foundation Freedom Prize: 1995 Awarded Max Schmidheiny Foundation Freedom Prize in 1995.   BANGLADESH RCMD Award: 1995  Awarded Rotary Club of Metropolitan Dhaka Foundation Award in 1995.   VENEZUELA & UNESCO International Simon Bolivar Prize: 1996 Awarded International Simon Bolivar Prize in 1996.   U.S.A. "Distinguished Alumnus Award" of Vanderbilt University: 1996 Awarded "Distinguished Alumnus Award" of Vanderbilt University in 1996.   U.S.A. International Activist Award: 1997 Awarded International Activist Award Gleitsman Foundation, U.S.A., in 1997.   GERMANY Planetary Consciousness Business Innovation Prize: 1997 Awarded "Planetary Consciousness Business Innovation Prize" by the club of Budapest in 1997.   NORWAY Help for self help Prize: 1997 Awarded "Help for self help Prize" by the Stromme Foundation in 1997.   ITALY Man for Peace Award: 1997 Awarded "Man for Peace Award" by the Together For Peace Foundation in 1997.   U.S.A. State of the World Forum Award: 1997  Awarded "State of the World Forum Award" by the State of the World Forum, San Francisco in 1997.   U.K. One World Broadcasting Trust Media Awards: 1998 Awarded One World Broadcasting Trust Special Award” by the One World Broadcasting Trust in 1998.   SPAIN The Prince of Austurias Award for Concord: 1998 Awarded The Prince of Austurias Award for Concord by The Prince of Austurias Foundation in 1998.   AUSTRALIA Sydney Peace Prize: 1998 Awarded Sydney Peace Prize by the Sydney Peace Foundation in 1998.   JAPAN Ozaki (Gakudo) Award : 1998 Awarded Ozaki (Gakudo) Award by the Ozaki Yukio Memorial Foundation in 1998.   INDIA Indira Gandhi Prize: 1998 Awarded Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development by the Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust in 1998.   FRANCE Juste of the Year Award: 1998 Awarded "Juste of the Year" by the Les Justes D'or in 1998.   U.S.A. Rotary Award for World Understanding: 1999 Awarded Rotary Award for World Understanding by the Rotary International in 1999.   ITALY Golden Pegasus Award: 1999 Awarded Golden Pegasus Award by the TUSCAN Regional Government in 1999.   ITALY Roma Award for Peace and Humanitarian Action: 1999 Awarded Roma Award for Peace and Humanitarian Action by the Municipality of Rome in 1999.   INDIA Rathindra Puraskar: 1998 Awarded Rathindra Puraskar for 1998 by the Visva-Bharati in 1999.   SWITZERLAND OMEGA Award of Excellence for Lifetime Achievement: 2000 Awarded OMEGA Award of Excellence for Lifetime Achievement in 2000.   ITALY  Award of the Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Senate: 2000 Awarded The Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Senate in 2000.   JORDAN King Hussein Humanitarian Leadership Award: 2000 Awarded "King Hussein Humanitarian Leadership Award" by the King Hussein Foundation in 2000.   BANGLADESH "IDEB Gold Medal" Award: 2000 Awarded IDEB Gold Medal Award by the Institute of Diploma Engineers in 2000.   ITALY  "Artusi" Prize : 2001 Awarded "Artusi" prize by Comune di Forlimpopoli in 2001.   JAPAN Grand Prize of the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize: 2001 Awarded "Grand Prize of the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize " by the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize Committee in 2001.   VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh Award: 2001 Awarded Ho Chi Minh Award by the Ho Chi Minh City Peoples Committee in 2001.   SPAIN International Cooperation Prize Caja de Granada: 2001 Awarded International Cooperation Prize Caja de Granada Caja de Ahorros de Granada in 2001.   SPAIN  NAVARRA International Aid Award: 2001 NAVARRA International Aid Award by the Autonomous Government of Navarra together with Caja Laboral (Savings Bank) in 2001.   U.S.A  Mahatma Gandhi Award: 2002 Awarded Mahatma Gandhi Award by the M.K Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, in 2002.   U.K.  World Technology Network Award: 2003 Awarded "World Technology Network Award 2003" for Finance by the World Technology Network in 2003.   SWEDEN  Volvo Environment Prize: 2003 Awarded "Volvo Environment Prize 2003" by the Volvo Environment Prize Foundation in 2003.   COLOMBIA  National Merit Order Award: 2003 Awarded "National Merit Order" by the Honorable President of the Republic of Colombia in 2003.   FRANCE  The Medal of the Painter Oswaldo Guayasamin Award: 2003 Awarded "The Medal of the Painter Oswaldo Guayasamin" by the UNESCO in 2003.   SPAIN  Telecinco Award: 2004 Awarded "Telecinco Award for Better Path Towards Solidarity" by the Spanish TV Netwark - Channel 5 in 2004.   ITALY City of Orvieto Award: 2004 Awarded "City of Orvieto Award" by the Municipality of Orvieto in 2004.   U.S.A.  The Economist Innovation Award: 2004 Awarded "The Economist Award for Social and Economic Innovation" by The Economist in 2004.   U.S.A. World Affairs Council Award: 2004 Awarded "World Affairs Council Award for Extra-ordinary Contribution to Social Change" by the World Affairs Council of Northern California in 2004.   U.S.A. Leadership in Social Entrepreneurship Award: 2004 Awarded "Leadership in Social Entrepreneurship Award" by Fuqua School of Business of Duke University, U.S.A. in 2004.   ITALY Premio Galileo 2000 - Special Prize for Peace: 2004 Awarded "Premio Galileo 2000 - Special Prize for Peace" by Ina Assitalia Fireuze in 2004.   JAPAN  Nikkei Asia Prize: 2004 Awarded "Nikkei Asia Prize for Regional Growth" by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. (Nikkei) in 2004.   SPAIN  Golden Cross of the Civil Order of the Social Solidarity: 2005 Awarded "Golden Cross of the Civil Order of the Social Solidarity" by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in May, 2005.   U.S.A. Freedom Award: 2005 Awarded "Freedom Award" by the America's Freedom Foundation, Provo, Utah, U.S.A. in July, 2005.   BANGLADESH  Bangladesh Computer Society Gold Medal: 2005 Awarded "Bangladesh Computer Society Gold Medal" by the Bangladesh Computer Society, Bangladesh in July, 2005.   ITALY Prize Il Ponte: 2005 Awarded " Prize Il Ponte " by the Fondazione Europea Guido Venosta, Italy in November, 2005.   SPAIN  Foundation of Justice: 2005 Awarded "Foundation of Justice 2005" by the Foundation of Justice, Valencia, Spain in January, 2006.   U.S.A  Harvard University, Neustadt Award: 2006 Awarded "Neustadt Award" by Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, U.S.A. in May, 2006.   U.S.A  Global Citizen of the Year Award: 2006 Awarded "Global Citizen of the Year Award" by Patel Foundation for Global understanding, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A in May, 2006.   NETHERLAND  Franklin D. Roosevelt Freedom Award: 2006 Awarded "Franklin D. Roosevelt Freedom Award" by Roosevelt Institute, Middleburg, Province of New Zeeland, The Netherlands in May, 2006.   SWITZERLAND ITU World Information Society Award: 2006 Awarded "ITU World Information Society Award" by International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland in May, 2006.   KOREA  Seoul Peace Prize: 2006 Awarded "Seoul Peace Prize 2006" by Seoul Peace Prize Cultural Foundation, Seoul, Korea in October, 2006.   SPAIN  Convivencia (Good Fellowship) of Ceuta Award: 2006 Awarded "Convivencia (Good Fellowship) of Ceuta 2006" by Fundacion Premio Convivencia, Ceuta, Spain in October, 2006.   Norway Nobel Peace Prize: 2006 Awarded "Nobel Peace Prize 2006" in October, 2006.   INDIA  Disaster Mitigation Award: 2006 Awarded "Disaster Mitigation Award 2006" by FIRST INDIA Disaster Management Congress 2006, Delhi, India in November, 2006.   INDIA  Shera Bangalee:2006  Awarded "SHERA BANGALEE 2006" by ETV, India in February, 2007.   U.S.A Global Trailblazer Award: 2007  Awarded "Global Trailblazer Award 2007" by the Vital Voices, Washington DC, USA in March, 2007.   U.S.A ABICC Award For Leadership In Global Trade: 2007  Awarded "ABICC Award For Leadership in Global Trade 2007" by ABICC, Miami, USA in March, 2007.   U.S.A Social Entrepreneur Award: 2007 Awarded "Social Entrepreneur Award 2007" by the Geoffrey Palmer Center for Social Entrepreneurship and the Law, Pepperdine School of Law, USA in January, 2007.   U.S.A Global Entrepreneurship Leader Award: 2007  Awarded "Global Entrepreneurship Leader Award 2007" by the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, USA in April, 2007.   SPAIN  RED CROSS Gold Medal: 2007  Awarded "Red Cross Gold Medal 2007" by the Red Cross Society, Spain in 2007.   INDIA  Rabindra Nath Tagore Birth Centenary Plaque: 2007  Awarded "Rabindra Nath Tagore Birth Centenary Plaque 2007" by the Asiatic Society, Kolkata, India in May, 2007.   NETHERLAND  EFR-Business Week Award: 2007  Awarded "EFR-Business Week Award 2007" by the University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands in May 2007.   U.S.A.  Nichols-Chancellor Medal: 2007 Awarded "Nichols-Chancellor Medal" by the Vanderbilt University, U.S.A. in May, 2007.   GERMANY  Vision Award: 2007  Awarded "Vision Award 2007" by the Global Economic Network, Berlin, Germany in June, 2007.   U.S.A BAFI Global Achievement Award: 2007  Awarded "BAFI Global Achievement Award 2007" by the Bangladesh-American Foundation Inc., U.S.A in July, 2007.   U.S.A.  Rubin Museum Mandala Award: 2007 Awarded "Rubin Museum Mandala Award" by the Rubin Museum, USA, October 2007.   INDIA Sakaal Person of the Year Award: 2007 Awarded "Sakaal Person of the Year Award 2007" by the Sakaal Group of Publications, India in November, 2007.   PHILIPPINES First AHPADA Global Award: 2007 Awarded "1st AHPADA Global Award" by the ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association (ASPADA), Philippines in November, 2007.   Brazil Medal of Honor: 2007 Awarded "Medal of Honor" by the Government, Santa Catrina State, Brazil, November 2007.   U.S.A.  Award for UN South-South Cooperation: 2007 Awarded the "UN South - South Cooperation" by the United Nations, USA, December 2007.   U.S.A.  Project Concern Award: 2008 Awarded "Project Concern Award" by Project Concern International, Santa Barbara, California, January 2008.   New York International Women's Health Coalition Award: 2008 Awarded "IWHC" Award by the International Women's Health Coalition, February 2008.   Japan Kitakyushu Environmental Award: 2008 Awarded "The Kitakyushu Environmental Award" by the Mayor of City of Kitakyushu, Japan, February 2008.   U.S.A.  Chancellor's Medal: 2008 Awarded " Chancellor's Medal" by York College, USA, February 2008.   U.S.A.  President's Medal: 2008 Awarded "President's Medal" by Lehman College, USA, March 2008.   U.S.A.  Human Security Award: 2008 Awarded " Human Security Award" by Muslim Public Affairs Council, USA, March 2008.   AUSTRIA Annual Award for Development: 2008 Awarded "2008 Annual Award for Development" by OPEC Fund for International Development(OFID), Austria, June 2008.   U.S.A.  Humanitarian Award: 2008 Awarded "2008 Humanitarian Award" by The International Association of Lions Clubs, U.S.A., June 2008.   SPAIN Friend of Children Award: 2008 Awarded "Friend of Children 2008" by Save the Children, Spain, October 2008.   GERMANY AGI International Science Award: 2008 Awarded "AGI International Science" by University of Cologne, Germany, October 2008.   GERMANY Corine International Book Award: 2008 Awarded "Corine International Book Award" by the Bavaraian Government for the book, "Creating World Without Poverty", Germany, November 2008.   GERMANY  TWO WINGS prize: 2008 Awarded "TWO WING prize 2008" by the Freie Universitat, Berlin, Germany, November 2008.   USA Global Humanitarian Awards: 2008 Awarded "Global Humanitarian Awards 2008" by the Tech Museum, San Jose, California, November 2008.   California World Affairs Council Awards: 2008 Awarded "World Affairs Council Awards 2008" by the World Affairs Council of Northern California, San Francisco, California, November 2008.   USA Full Impact Award: 2008 Full Circle Fund awarded the Full Impact Award 2008 for his bold, inspiring leadership on November 13, 2008   PORTUGAL Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize: 2009 The Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize was awarded to Muhammad Yunus Creating a world without Poverty. It is the biggest award in the field of international studies. It is awarded on an annual basis to books, which offer outstanding analysis of global issues. May, 2009.   USA Eisenhower Medal for Leadership and Service: 2009 Awarded the Dwight D. Eisenhower Medal for Leadership and Service from the Eisenhower Fellowships at a ceremony in Philadelphia, May, 2009.   Slovakia Golden Biatec Award: 2009 Awarded Golden Biatec Award by the Economic Club, Slovakia, June, 2009.   USA Gold Medal of Honor Award: 2009 Awarded the Gold Medal of Honor Award from the ATLAS, U.S.A, June, 2009.   USA PICMET Leadership in Technology Management: 2009 Awarded the "PICMET (Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology) Leadership in Technology Management" from PICMET, U.S.A. on August 4, 2009. This award recognizes and honors individuals who have provided leadership in managing technology by establishing a vision, providing a strategic direction, and facilitating the implementation strategies for that vision.   USA Presidential Medal of Freedom: 2009 Awarded the highest US civilian honor "The Medal of Freedom" by President Barack Obama at White House on August 12, 2009. The Medal of Freedom is awarded to individuals who make an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.   SPAIN The Sustainable Development Award: 2009 Awarded "The Sustainable Development Award 2009" by Ecology and Development Foundation, Spain on October 22, 2009.   GERMANY The Bayreuth Leadership Award: 2009 Awarded the "The Bayreuth Leadership Award 2009" by the University of Bayreuth, Wiesbaden, Germany on November 5, 2009 in recognition of work to create opportunities for economic and social development with the aim of eliminating world poverty.   USA Prize for Ethical Business Award: 2010 Awarded the "Prize for Ethical Business Award 2010" by the Creighton University, Omaha, USA in February, 2010.   USA Presidential Medallion Award: 2010 Awarded the "Presidential Medallion Award 2010" by the President, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA in March, 2010.   USA Presidential Medal Award: 2010 Awarded the "Presidential Medal Award 2010" by the Emory University, Atlanta, USA in March, 2010.   SPAIN SolarWorld Einstein Award 2010 Awarded the "SolarWorld Einstein Award 2010" by the SolarWorld AG, Germany at the 25th European Phtovoltaic Conference in Valencia, Spain on September 6, 2010.   USA Presidential Medal Award 2010 Awarded the "Presidential Medal Award 2010" by the Miami Dade College, Miami, Florida,  USA in September, 2010.   USA Congressional Gold Medal 2010 Awarded the highest civilian honor "Congressional Gold Medal" by US Congress in September, 2010.   PERU Order of the Sun in the Grade of Grand Cross Awarded the highest national award given by the Nation of Peru   CHINA Global Award, the Third China Poverty Eradication Awards: 2010 Awarded Global Award, the Third China Poverty Eradication Awards by The State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development Management, Government of People's Republic of China and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation in Beijing on October 17, 2010.   U.S.A. St. Vincent de Paul Award: 2011 Awarded the St. Vincent de Paul Award by DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois on September 23, 2011.   USA Elon Medal for Entrepreneurial Leadership: 2011 Awarded the Elon University Medal for Entrepreneurial Leadership in 4 April, 2012   CANADA Equitas Award 2011 Awarded Equitas Award 2011 for Human Rights Education on May 28, 2014 by Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education, Canada.

USA Jean Mayer Global Citizen Award: 2012 Awarded the Jean Mayer Global Citizen Award by the Institute for Global Leadership of Tufts University on April 20, 2012. This award was created to honor Jean Mayer, by challenging and inspiring the students and the University community, by bringing to Tufts distinguished scholars and practitioners whose moral courage, personal integrity, and passion for scholarship resonated his dictum that scholarship, research and teaching must be dedicated to solving the most pressing problems facing the world.   USA Outstanding Entrepreneur of Our Time and The Best Humanitarian of the Year" by OFC Venture Challenge: 2012 Awarded the Outstanding Entrepreneur of Our Time and the Best Humanitarian of the Year" by OFC Venture Challenge on April 23, 2012.   USA Transformational Leadership Award: 2012 Awarded the 2012 Transformational Leadership Award from the Wright Foundation for Transformational Leadership on April 27, 2012 in honor of his achievements as a humanitarian and social entrepreneur.   USA International Freedom Award: 2012 Awarded the 2012 Freedom Award by the National Civil Rights Museum on October 16, 2012 at Memphis, Tennessee as the founder of Grameen Bank for providing collateral-free loans to the poorest of the poor in Bangladesh.

USA Salute to Greatness Award 2013 Awarded "Salute to Greatness Award 2013" by Martin Luther King Center, USA on January 19, 2013.

USA Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award 2013 Awarded “Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award 2013” by Quinnipiac University, Connecticut, USA on March 6, 2013.

U.K. Skoll Global Treasure Award 2013 Awarded “Global Treasure Award” by Skoll Foundation, Oxford, UK on April 11, 2013

U.S.A. The Congressional Gold Medal Award 2013 Awarded the “Congressional Gold Medal” award by the US congress on April 17, 2013. A special bill S. 846 was passed in US congress to award Congressional Gold Medal to Professor Muhammad Yunus by unanimous vote. The Public Law 111-253 for the award was passed in October, 2010.   USA Forbes 400 Lifetime Achievement Award for Social Entrepreneurship, 2013 Awarded Forbes 400 Philanthropy Forum Lifetime Achievement Award for Social Entrepreneurship by Forbes Magazine, USA on June 05, 2013.   U.S.A Asian American/ Asian Research Leadership Award 2013 Awarded “Asian American/ Asian Research Leadership Award” on November 21, 2013 at the 12th Annual Gala organized by Asian American/Asian Research Institute, City University of New York. USA.

U.S.A Robert F Kennedy Ripple of Hope Award 2013 Awarded “Robert F Kennedy Ripple of Hope Award” on December 11, 2013 by Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights, USA.

U.S.A Westmont leadership Award2014 Awarded “Westmont leadership Award” on February 28, 2014 by Westmont College, USA.

U.S.A. Lotus Leadership Award 2014 Asia Foundation’s Lotus Circle honors Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus on June 18, 2014 with Lotus Leadership Award 2014.

SAUDI ARABIA Prince Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Global Entrepreneurship Award 2014 Centennial Fund (TCF) honors Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus on November 3, 2014 with Global Entrepreneurship Award 2014.

ALBANIA Albania Excellence Award Awarded Albania Excellence Award given by the Association of Albanian Excellence on November 6, 2014

PAKISTAN International Humanitarian Award Awarded International Humanitarian Award 2015 by the International Human Rights Commission on January 28, 2015.

CHINA Distinguished professorship from YNU Awarded distinguished professorship from Yunnan University, China on October 2015

U.S.A Women Deliver Award Women Deliver, a US global NGO presented "The Women Deliver Award for Innovation" at its global conference in Copenhagen for his contribution to the empowerment of women and children education in innovative ways. May, 2016.

U.S.A George Washington University President’s Medal Awarded the awarded the George Washington University President’s Medal, the highest honor the university’s president can bestow. George Washington President Steven Knapp presented the award to honor Dr. Yunus for his pioneering work in creating economic development through microcredit during a ceremony at Lisner Auditorium on October 26, 2016.

INDIA Gold Medal Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi honours Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus for his contribution to the society with a gold medal while inaugurating the 104th Indian Science Congress in Triputi India on January 3, 2017.

USA The Ford Family Notre Dame Award for International Development and Solidarity  Receive the Ford Family Notre Dame Award for International Development and Solidarity at a ceremony on April 12, 2018 at the University of Notre Dame. The Ford Family Award will recognize Yunus for his lifelong contributions toward ending poverty, from his groundbreaking innovations in microcredit to his more recent work on human development focused on social entrepreneurship and sustainability.

INDIA KISS Humanitarian Award 2018 Awarded the 11th KISS Humanitarian Award 2018 at a glittering presentation ceremony in KIIT Deemed to be University, Odisha, India on May 11, 2018. He has been awarded for his unwavering commitment to eradicate global poverty and foster economic and social development.

ITALY Nuovo Rinascimento or New Renaissance Award Honored with the “Nuovo Rinascimento” Award or the New Renaissance Award on by the Italian Buddhist School Soka Gakkai. He has been awarded this prize for his efforts to testifying the humanistic philosophy through social business and micro-credit on October 1, 2018

SWITZERLAND Global Women’s Leadership Award Awarded by the 2019 Global Women’s Leadership Award at The Global Summit of Women in Basel, Switzerland, for his internationally recognized work in poverty alleviation and economic empowerment of women globally through his pioneering work of microfinance and social business on 5th July, 2019

INDIA 5th Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Memorial Award Awarded by the Kalam Center for working towards Finalcial Inclusion and Social Empowerment and Creating a Livable Planet Earth on 27 July, 2020

SLOVAKIA 2015 The Peace Prize from Slovakia  Awarded the 2015 Peace Prize from Slovakia for 2020 for efforts and contribution to the peace on earth on 6 August 2020

INDIA Dr. Thomas Cangan Management Leadership Award 2020 Awarded the Dr. Thomas Cangan Management Leadership Award 2020 by Institute of Rural Management, Jaipur for outstanding business and social leaders to recognize their contributions to the society and economy by the 8th Thought Leadership Lecture and Dr. Thomas Cangan Leadership Award function on 14th September 2020.

GERMANY Opinion Maker Award, “Die Blaue Zunge” 2021 Awarded Opinion Maker Award, “Die Blaue Zunge” by Greator, an Coaching Company in Germany, at Greator Festival 2021 on May 30 2021

SWITZERLAND Olympic Laurel Awarded the second Olympic Laurel for his extensive work in sport-for-development including founding the Yunus Sports Hub, a global social business network that creates solutions through sport. He has collaborated with the IOC on several projects including educational elements of the IOC Young Leaders Programme, the “Imagine” Peace Youth Camp and the Athlete365 Business Accelerator – the first comprehensive entrepreneurship programme to help career transition for Olympians. The award is given by International Olympic Committee (IOC) at the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, on 23 July 2021.

INDIA Namaste Award Awarded the 2021 Namaste Award by Yoga Gives Back (YGB) at the YGB Annual Global Gala was held in virtual on 13 November 2021.

U. S. A Champion for Global Change Award The United Nations Foundation awarded 2021 Champion for Global Change Award  for extraordinary contributions of individuals and organizations striving to further the work of the UN and advance its goal of a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world for everyone, everywhere. At at “We The Peoples” event on December 9, 2021.

GERMANY Karl Kübel Prize The Karl Kübel Foundation for Child and Family awarded Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Muhammad Yunus with the Karl Kübel Prize. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation on September 30, 2022 the foundation gave the award in recognition of Muhammad Yunus’s extraordinary and multifaceted commitment to families all over the world 

ITALY The Artigiano della Pace, Sermig’s original prize

Honorary Degrees Received by Professor Muhammad Yunus:

Honorary Degrees Received by Professor Muhammad Yunus: U.K.  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa, by the University of East Anglia, U.K., in 1992.

U.S.A.  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Humanities by the Oberlin College, U.S.A. in 1993.

CANADA  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Law, honoris causa, by the University of Toronto, Canada in 1995.

U.S.A.  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Law by the Haverford College, U.S.A. in May, 1996.

U.K.  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Law by the Warwick University, U.K. in July, 1996.

U.S.A.  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Public Service by the Saint Xaviers' University, U.S.A. in May, 1997.

U.S.A.  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Civil Law, Honoris Causa by the University of the South, U.S.A. in January, 1998.

BELGIUM  Awarded a Degree of Doctor Honoris Cause by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium in February, 1998.

U.S.A.  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa by the Yale University, U.S.A. in May, 1998.

U.S.A.  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa by the Brigham Young University, U.S.A. in August, 1998.

AUSTRALIA  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science in Economics by the University of Sydney, Australia in November, 1998.

AUSTRALIA  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University by the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia in February, 2000.

ITALY  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor in Economics and Business (Laurea Honoris Causa) by the University of Turin, Turin, Italy in October, 2000.

U.S.A.  Awarded a Degree of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa by the Colgate University, Hamilton, U.S.A. in May 2002.

BELGIUM  Awarded a degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the University Catholique of Louvain in February, 2003.

ARGENTINA  Awarded a Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universitad Nacional De Cuyo in April, 2003.

SOUTH AFRICA  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Economics, honoris Causa by the University of Natal in December 2003.

INDIA  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa by the Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswayvidyalaya, India in February, 2004.

THAILAND  Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Technology, Honoris Causa by the Asian Institute of Technology in August, 2004.

ITALY  Awarded a Degree of Doctor in Business Economics, Honoris Causa by the University of Florence in September, 2004.

ITALY  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor in Pedagogyst by the University of Bologna in October, 2004.

SPAIN  Awarded a Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Complutense, Madrid in October, 2004.

SOUTH AFRICA  Awarded a Honorary Doctorate Degree in Economics by the University of Venda, South Africa in May, 2006.

LEBANON  Awarded a Doctor of Humane Letters by the American University of Beirut, Lebanon in June, 2006.

SPAIN  Awarded a Doctor of Honoris Causa by the University of Alicante in Valencia, Spain in June, 2006.

SPAIN  Awarded a Doctor of Honoris Causa by the University of Valencia, in Valencia, Spain in June, 2006.

SPAIN  Awarded a Doctor of Honoris Causa by the University of Jaume I in Valencia, Spain in June, 2006.

BANGLADESH  Awarded a Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws by the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in February, 2007.

JAPAN  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humanities by the Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan in July, 2007.

MALAYSIA  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Economics by the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia in August, 2007.

KOREA  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the Ewha Womans University in September, 2007.

COSTA RICA  Awarded a Doctor of Humanities Honoris Causa Degree by the Earth University in December 2007.

U.S.A.  Awarded an Honorary Degree by the Regis University, U.S.A. in March 2008.

CANADA  Awarded an Honorary Degree by the University of British Columbia in March 2008.

RUSSIA  Awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree by Moscow State University, Russia in April 2008.

ITALY  Awarded an Honoris Causa Degree in Science of Cooperation and Development by Sapienza University of Rome, Italy in June, 2008.

U.K.  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctorate of Letters (D. Litt) in Glasgow Caledonia University, Glasgow, UK in December 2008.

U.K.  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctorate in University of Glasgow, UK in December 2008.

JAPAN  Awarded an Honorary Degree in Kobe University, Japan in March 2009.

U.S.A.  Awarded an Honorary Doctors of Law Degree by University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia in May 2009.

JAPAN  Awarded an Honorary Degree from Hokkaido University, Japan in September 2009.

TURKEY  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctorate in Istanbul Commerce University, Istanbul in October 2009.

U.S.A.  Received a Doctor of Humane Letters from Duke University, Durham, USA on May 16, 2010.

JAPAN  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctorate in Kwansei Guakin University, Kobe, Japan on 18 July 2010.

CANADA  Awarded a Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada on September 1, 2010.

PERU  Awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa from San Ignacio de Loyola University, Lima, Paru on September 27, 2010.

PERU  Awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Paru on September 27, 2010.

BELGIUM  Awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa from University of Mons in Mons on October 18, 2010.

U.K.  Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science in Economics from London School of Economics at London on November 24, 2011.

JAPAN  Awarded Honorary Degree of Doctorate from Tohoku University, Japan on 11 March, 2012.

U.S.A  Awarded Doctor of Humane Letters degree fromTuskegee University, U.S.A. on 12 May, 2012.

U.S.A  Awarded the degree of Doctors of Letters from Emory university, U.S.A. on 14 May, 2012.

ALBANIA  Awarded the Degree of Doctoris Honoris Causa from the European University of Tirana, Albania on 15 January, 2013.

U.K.  Awarded Honorary Degree from University of Salford, Manchester, UK on May 18, 2013.

BOLOVIA  Awarded Doctor Honoris Causa from Bolivia University of Aquino in Santa Cruz on 25 October, 2013.

IRELAND  Awarded Doctor of Philosophy Honoris Causa from Dublin City University of Republic of Ireland on 18 October, 2014.

BRAZIL  Awarded Doctorate Honoris Causa from Federal University of Paraná of Brazil on 3 May, 2015.

U.S.A  Awarded “Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters” from Babson College, MA, U.S.A on 14 May, 2016.

INDIA  Conferred an Honorary Doctor of Science degree by Chandigarh University, Punjab, India at the Convocation Ceremony of the university on January 8, 2017.

INDIA  Awarded  Doctor of Philosophy Honoris Causa at Amity University Rajasthan, India on 26 January, 2018

MEXICO  Awarded an honorary degree in special convention ceremony by the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) in Tijuana, Mexico on 11th October, 2018

GREECE  Awarded an Honorary Doctorate  of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece on 02 April, 2019.

SPAIN  The Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) of Santander, Spain awarded honorary Doctorate “Doctor Honoris Causa “ for extraordinary contribution in the field of economics, for being the driving force of microcredit, microfinance; and for their efforts to encourage social and economic development on 06 July, 2019.

INDIA  Sharda University, India confer an Honorary Doctor of Literature Degree 'Honoris Causa' for contributions in the field of social business entrepreneurship, microfinance, banking, political economy, and peace across the globe at its 5th Convocation on 11 November, 2021

MALAYSIA  Received an honorary doctorate in economic sciences at the University Putra Malaysia. The ruler of Selangor state and chancellor of the University of Putra Malaysia confers the honorary doctorate degree in economic sciences to Nobel laureate professor Muhammad Yunus at the university’s 46th convocation ceremony in Malaysia on 25 November 2022.

PERU  The Cesar Vallejo University of Peru conferred on Nobel laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus their highest honour, the Ph D. degree honoris causa at a specially arranged ceremony at the Embassy Suites Hilton in Bogota, Colombia on 13 November 2022.

JAPAN  Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus is conferred with the Honorary Doctorate Degree at the Ryukoku University, one of the finest universities in Japan established in 1639 on 08 July 2023.

Special Honour:

PHILIPPINES  Legislature of Negros Occidental, a province of the Philippines, passed a resolution awarding the status of "Adopted Son of Negros Occidental" for the contribution made to the poorest of the poor of the province, in 1992.

BANGLADESH  Chosen by The Daily Star, a daily newspaper of Bangladesh, as the "Man of the Year 1994".

U.S.A.  Was Chosen as the" Person of the Week" Professor Muhammad Yunus was chosen as the "Person of the Week" by American TV ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings on September 15, 1995 at the conclusion of the World Summit on Women held in Beijing. This is how Peter Jennings announced the news : "Finally this evening, our Person of the Week. As we reported elsewhere in this broadcast, the International Women Conference in China is now over. And the women there, from many parts of the world, will go home and try to inspire others to translate all the talking into action which will benefit women. On this final day of the women conference, we choose a man. He was on the agenda of the women conference because he truly understands the value of women."

HONG KONG  The ASIAWEEK, a weekly international news magazine has selected as one of the "Twenty Great Asians (1975 1995)".

INDIA  The Ananda Bazar Patrika a daily leading newspaper of India has selected as one of the Ten Great Bangalees of the century" (1900-1999).

HONG KONG  The ASIAWEEK, a weekly international news magazine has selected as one of the Asians of the Century (1900-1999).

U.S.A  The U.S. NEWS a weekly leading news-magazine of U.S.A. has selected as one of the 20 Heroes in the world in 2001.

U.S.A  Appointed as an International Goodwill Ambassador for UNAIDS by the United Nations in June, 2002.

BANGLADESH  Elected as a Fellow of the Society by the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh in September, 2003.

U.S.A  PBS Documentary : The 25 Most Influential Business Persons of the Past 25 Years Professor Yunus was chosen by Wharton School of Business for PBS documentary, as one of "The 25 Most Influential Business Persons of the Past 25 Years" Among others were : Bill Gates, George Soros, Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Warren Buffertt, Michael Dell, Alan Greenspan, Lee Lacocca, Charles Schwab, Frederick Smith, and Sam Walton. PBS aired the programme on January 19, 2004, in their "Nightly Business News".

U.S.A.  Profiled in Discovery Channel In 2004, TV Cable Channel Discovery produced an autobiography documentary film series titled "Crossings". In each episode it featured "one individual who made significant contribution to society as a result of certain experiences in life." Twelve Asians were profiled in this series. Professor Muhammad Yunus was one of them. He was the only one from the South Asian countries. Among others were : Chinese actress-director Joan Chan, international action movie star Jackie Chan, Thai elephant keeper Saudia Shawalla, and Malaysian cartoonist Datuk Laat.

FRANCE  Inducted as a Member of the Legion d'Houneur by President Chirac of France in May, 2004.

BELGIUM  Appointed as a Special Advisor to Hon'ble Mr. Louis Michel, E.U. Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid in March 2005.

FRANCE  Awarded "Professeur Honoris Causa" by the most prestigious business school of France, HEC, in October, 2005.

TURKEY  Addressed the "Members of the Turkish Grand National Assembly" at the invitation of the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly Mr. Bulent ARINC, on May 15, 2006.

COLOMBIA  Received the "Key of Bogota City" from the Mayor of Bogota City, the capital of Columbia in October, 2006.

COLOMBIA  Addressed Upper House of Parliament (Senate) and formal conferment of the title of "Knight", Colombia in October, 2006.

CHINA  Appointed as "Honorary Professor" by Peking University, China on October, 2006.

HONG KONG  "TIME" a weekly International news-magazine has selected as an "ASIAN HERO" of their "60 Years of ASIAN HEROS" issue in November, 2006.

USA  MSN chosen as one of "Ten Most Influential Men of 2006" in their MSN LIFESTYLE : MEN category in December, 2006.

FRANCE  Diploma of Honor given by Friends of the Indian Ocean, December 2006.

KOREA  Selected as a "Distinguished Fellow" of the Ewha Academy for Advanced Studies, EWHA WOMENS UNIVERSITY, Seoul, Korea in March, 2007.

BAHRAIN  Conferred the highest honour "Medal of the First Order of Merit" by the Kingdom of Bahrain in February, 2007.

VENEZUELA  Conferred the highest honor of Government of Venezuela “Order of the Liberator in First Class with Grand Decoration by President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela in Caracas, May 2007.

U.S.A.  Business Week a weekly international news magazine has selected as one of the Greatest Entrepreneurs of All Time in July, 2007.

CHINA  The Government of Hainan Province of the People Republic of China has honoured as an Adviser to the Government of Hainan Province in July, 2007.

SAUDI ARABIA  Conferred by HM King of Saudi Arabia the highest Civil Award "King Abdul Aziz Medal" in September, 2007.

SAUDI ARABIA  Establishment of a Research Chair at King Saud University in the name of Professor Muhammad Yunus in September 2007.

SAUDI ARABIA  Conferred Honorary Professorship of the University in the Department of Economics, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia in September 2007.

ECUADOR  Conferred Key to the City of Guayaquil and named Distinguished Guest of the City of Guayaquil declared by the District of Guayaquil, December 2007.

ECUADOR  Conferred Key to the City of Quito and named Distinguished Guest of the City of Quito declared by the District of Quito, December 2007.

ECUADOR  Visiting Fellow Catholic University of Guayaquil, Guayaquil, December 2007 .

USA  Bill White, Mayor of the City of Houston, USA has honoured Muhammad Yunus through proclaiming January 14, 2008 as Muhammad Yunus Day, January 2008.

BENIN  Commander of the National Order of Benin : Conferred " Commander of the National Order of Benin" by the Grand Chancellor of the Order of Benin in Cortonou in February, 2008.

RUSSIA  Conferred Honorary Professorship at Higher School of Economics by Evgeniy Yasin, Academic Supervisor, Alexander Shokhin, President and Yaroslav Kuzminov, Rector, The State University of Moscow - Higher School of Economics in March 2008.

RUSSIA  Decorated by the Presidium of the International Movement of "Eastern Dimension" with the International Order of Eastern Dimension for asserting the world's highest ideals, humanism, and progress and for enhancing of friendship between Russian and Bangladeshi people, Russia in April 2008.

UKRAINE  Awarded highest honor of the National Taras Shevchenko University in Kiev, Ukraine in April 2008.

U.S.A.  Delivered commencement speech at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Massachusetts, USA on 6 June, 2008.

U.K.  Delivered Adam Smith Lecture at Glasgow University, Glasgow, UK in December 2008.

U.K.  Delivered Romanes Lecture at Oxford University, UK in December 2008.

U.S.A.  Delivered commencement speech at Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA on 17 May 2009.

JAPAN  Conferred the Distinguished Professor of the Kyushu University, Japan on July 17, 2010.

U.K.  In 2008, in an open online poll, was voted the 2nd topmost intellectual person in the world on the list of Top 100 Public Intellectuals by Prospect Magazine (UK) and Foreign Policy (United States). Also voted 2nd in Prospect Magazine's 2008 global poll of the world's top 100 intellectuals.

U.S.A  Delivered commencement speech at Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA on 17 May 2009.

South Africa  Delivered the Seventh Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture on July 11, 2009 at Johannesburg, South Africa.

India  Delivered the second Prof. Hiren Mukerjee Memorial Annual Parliamentary Lecture at 6 PM on Wednesday on the 9th of December 2009, in the central hall of the Parliament House in New Delhi.

U.K.  Inaugurated the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health in Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow on July 9, 2010

Japan  Conferred the Distinguished Professor of the Kyushu University, Japan on July 17, 2010.

Italy  Honored with the highest national honor from the Republic of Italy, Cavaliere di Gran Croce on July 26, 2010

Peru  Honored with Peru highest national honor, Order of the Sun in the Grade of Grand Cross by President Alan Garcia of Peru on September 29, 2010

Malaysia  Named the Laureate-in- residence at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) on July 15, 2011

U.S.A.  Selected as one of the 12 greatest entrepreneurs of our times by Fortune Magazine. This consists of an exclusive group of individuals, all of whom are known throughout the world for their innovation, vision and ability to get things done.

U.S.A.  Featured in a book called Transformative Entrepreneurs: How Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Muhammad Yunus and Other Innovators Succeeded" by Jeffrey Harris. The book came out in January 2012.

U.S.A.  Featured as one of the “Most Influential Business Thinkers” in 2013, by the Wall Street Journal.

JAPAN  Nominated as APU Academic Advisor at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) in 2014.

KAZAKHSTAN  Nominated as Honorary Professor at Eurasia University in 2014.

IRELAND  Delivered Inaugural Human Rights Lecture of Mary Robinson Centre on October 17, 2014 at Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland

SWEDEN  Ranked 5th in the ‘‘Global Thought Leader 2014’’ survey by the Zurich-based Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute for Economic and Social Studies (GDI) and MIT Sloan School researcher Peter Gloor in 2014.

INDIA  Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, presented gold medal to Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus for "giving the poorest a life of hope, opportunity and dignity" at the opening ceremony of the 102nd Indian Science Congress at Mumbai on January 3, 2015.

PAKISTAN  Lifetime Member of The Intergovernmental Relations Council and Eminent Persons Council of International Human Rights Commission from 28 January 2015.

ITALY  Awarded honorary citizenship of the city of Bologna in Italy. Mayor of Bologna Virginio Merola conferred this citizenship at a grand ceremony in the City Hall on July 8, 2015.

U.S.A  Awarded “President's Medal 2016”, Becker College, MA, U.S.A. on 6 April 2016

ITALY  Conferred honorary citizenship of Pistoia by the Mayor of the nearly 1000 year old Tuscan city. The ceremony took place in the Town Hall which was built in 1200 on May 10, 2016.

U.S.A  ”Commencement Speaker” during Babson’s 2016 Commencement Ceremonies on May 14, 2016 at Babson College, MA, U.S.A.

BRAZIL  Carried the Olympic torch on the final leg of the Olympic torch relay in Rio de Janeiro in the build up to the opening of the Olympic Games 2016 on August 4, 2016

FRANCE  Mayor of Paris Ms Anne Hidalgo officially presenting 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus with the citizenship of Paris city at the venue of Global Social Business Summit 2017, International University Campus Paris (Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris) on November 06, 2017

JAPAN  Honorary Distinguished Professor: Awarded Honorary Distinguished Professor by Hiroshima University, Japan for outstanding accomplishment and recognition of his notable contribution to the development of education and research to this university on March 27, 2018

Special Show Appearances

The Daily Show with John Stewart Appeared in the Daily Show with John Stewart that aired on November 16, 2006 (Episode #11146), emphasizing that in lending the "poor should have the first priority".
Oprah Winfrey Show Appeared in the Oprah Winfrey Show in 2006 and discussed on poverty reduction strategies.
The Colbert Report Appeared in the Colbert Report hosted by Stephen Colbert that aired on January 10, 2008, explaining microcredit model.
Real Time with Bill Maher Appeared in the Real Time with Bill Maher that aired on May 22, 2009 at 8 PM and discussed on the Global Economic Crisis.
The Simpsons Appeared as a live cartoon character in an episode of hit US TV show The Simpsons. The appearance focused on Grameen Bank and work on micro-credit, and aired on October 3, 2010.

Awards Received by Grameen Bank

Awarded Aga Khan Award For Architecture, 1989 by Geneva based Aga Khan Foundation for designing and operating Grameen Bank Housing Programme for the poor, which helped poor members of Grameen Bank to construct 60,000 housing units by 1989, each costing on an average $ 300.
Awarded "The King Baudouin International Development Prize 1992" for its recognition of the role of women in the process of development and the novelty of a financial credit system contributing to the improvement of the social and material condition of women and their families in rural areas.
Awarded Independence Day Award for outstanding contribution to Rural Development.
Awarded the Independence Day Award, 1987, by the President for the outstanding contribution in rural development. This is the highest civilian national award of Bangladesh.
Awarded World Habitat Award : 1997 by Building and Social Housing Foundation.
Awarded "Gandhi Peace Prize :2000" by Government of India.
Awarded "Petersberg Prize 2004" by the Development Gateway Foundation, U.S.A. in 2004.
Awarded "Nobel Peace Prize 2006" in October, 2006.

Curriculum Vitae of Professor Muhammad Yunus

  • 08th August 2024

Statement from Professor Muhammad Yunus:

  • 07th August 2024

দেশবাসীর উদ্দেশ্যে প্রফেসর ইউনূসের বক্তব্য

Prof. muhammad yunus felicitated in manila on the occasion of his 40th anniversary of receiving the “ramon magsaysay” award..

  • 03rd July 2024

Prof. Muhammad Yunus felicitated in Manila on the occasion of his 40th anniversary of receiving the “Ramon Magsaysay” Award.

 “র‌্যামন ম্যাগসাইসাই” পুরস্কার প্রাপ্তির ৪০তম বার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে  প্রফেসর মুহাম্মদ ইউনূসকে ম্যানিলায় সম্মাননা প্রদান

 “র‌্যামন ম্যাগসাইসাই” পুরস্কার প্রাপ্তির ৪০তম বার্ষিকী উপলক্ষে  প্রফেসর মুহাম্মদ ইউনূসকে ম্যানিলায় সম্মাননা প্রদান

Social Business Academia Dialogue & 3ZERO Club Convention 2024 held in Manila, Philippines

  • 30th June 2024

Social Business Academia Dialogue & 3ZERO Club Convention 2024 held in Manila, Philippines

The 14th Social Business Day concludes in Manila, Philippines

  • 29th June 2024

The 14th Social Business Day concludes in Manila, Philippines

The 14th Social Business Day 2024 kicks off in Manila, Philippines

  • 27th June 2024

The 14th Social Business Day 2024 kicks off in Manila, Philippines

Yunus Never Convicted of Tax Evasion. No such case existed. - Rejoinder to Law Minister's statement in Reuters' news

  • 12th June 2024

ইউনূস কখনোই কর ফাঁকির দায়ে অভিযুক্ত হননি। কর ফাঁকির কোনো মামলা ছিল না। - রয়টার্সের খবরে আইনমন্ত্রীর বক্তব্যের প্রতিবাদ।

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Candidates announced for board positions

Elections for board of overseers, haa elected directors will take place in april-may.

Once again this spring, Harvard degree holders will have the opportunity to vote for new members of the  Harvard Board of Overseers  and elected directors of the  Harvard Alumni Association  (HAA).

The elections will begin April 1. Eligible voters can vote either online or by paper ballot. Completed ballots must be received by 5 p.m. (EDT) on May 17. All holders of Harvard degrees as of Jan. 1, except officers of instruction and government at Harvard and members of the Harvard Corporation, are entitled to vote for Overseer candidates. All Harvard degree holders as of Jan. 1 may vote for HAA elected directors.

The candidates listed below will be considered by voters for six anticipated vacancies on the Board of Overseers and for six openings among the HAA elected directors.

The candidates’ names appear below in ballot order, as determined by lot.

Overseer candidates

The HAA nominating committee has proposed the following candidates for the 2022 election.

Vikas P. Sukhatme, M.D. ’79, cum laude S.B. ’71, Sc.D. ’75, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dean, Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta

Cesar R. Conde ’95,  cum laude M.B.A. ’99, University of Pennsylvania Chair, NBCUniversal News Group Miami

Kim M. Rivera, J.D. ’94 B.A. ’90, Duke University Chief Legal and Business Affairs Officer, OneTrust (effective March 1, 2022) Portola Valley, California

Monica Bharel, M.P.H. ’12 B.S./M.D. ’94, Boston University Senior Adviser to the Mayor, City of Boston Brookline, Massachusetts

Sangu J. Delle ’10,  cum laude,  J.D. ’16, M.B.A. ’16 M.St. ’19, University of Oxford Chief Executive Officer, Africa Health Holdings Ltd. Accra, Ghana

Wilhelmina “Mimi” Wright, J.D. ’89 B.A. ’86, Yale University U.S. District Judge, District of Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota

Todd Y. Park ’94,  magna cum laude Co-Founder and Executive Chair, Devoted Health Los Altos Hills, California

Scott Mead ’77,  cum laude M.Phil. ’79, University of Cambridge; J.D. ’82, University of Pennsylvania Photographer London

Lauren Ancel Meyers ’95,  magna cum laude Ph.D. ’00, Stanford University Professor, Departments of Integrative Biology and Statistics & Data Sciences, University of Texas at Austin; Director, UT COVID-19 Modeling Consortium Austin, Texas

The nominating committee has proposed nine candidates this year rather than the usual eight because of an additional vacancy on the Board. The sixth-place finisher in the 2022 Overseers election will complete the remainder of her term.

Elected director candidates

The HAA nominating committee has proposed the following HAA elected director candidates for the 2022 election

Corina Santangelo, M.P.A. ’99 A.B. ’93, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Head of Fundraising, ChildFund Mexico Mexico City

Stein E. Rafto ’78,  cum laude M.D. ’83, University of Hawaii Physician, Retired Honolulu

André Du Sault, M.P.A. ’00 M.Sc.A. ’82, Université Laval; M.B.A. ’87, London Business School Principal, SDA Conseil Inc. Montréal

Jyoti Jasrasaria ’12,  cum laude,  J.D. ’18,  cum laude Associate, Elias Law Group L.L.P. Washington

Sofia Bahena, Ed.M. ’13, Ed.D. ’14 B.A. ’06, Trinity University Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio

Michael Bervell ’19 M.S. ’21, University of Washington Portfolio Development Manager, Microsoft Venture Fund Snohomish, Washington

Aditi Banga ’09,  magna cum laude M.B.A. ’15, Stanford University Global Head of Shopping Partnerships, Instagram New York

Cherie Lynn Ramirez, Ph.D. ’12, PDS ’14 A.A. ’02, Valencia Community College; B.A. ’06, Rollins College Assistant Teaching Professor, Chemistry and Physics, Simmons University Boston

Judith Michelle Williams ’91,  cum laude M.A. ’95, Ph.D. ’97, Stanford University Human Capital Consultant, Magic Deer L.L.C. San Francisco

The candidates for both Overseer and HAA elected director emerged from this fall’s deliberations of the alumni-led  HAA nominating committee . The committee’s voting members include 13 alumni, broadly diverse in their backgrounds and experience, who are appointed by the HAA’s volunteer leadership. Among the committee’s members are three current or recent Overseers, who bring direct knowledge of the workings and the needs of the board.

The nominating committee selects candidates through extensive deliberations conducted in a series of meetings each fall. In formulating its slates of candidates both for Overseer and for HAA elected director, the committee reviews materials about hundreds of prospective candidates suggested by alumni and others in the Harvard community.

In developing a diverse slate of Overseer candidates, while taking account of the board’s present composition and the University’s future needs, the nominating committee considers candidates with prior board service and an understanding of complex organizations; experiences and accomplishments in an academic or professional domain; a broad interest in and concern for higher education, including the interests of Harvard and for the general quality and ongoing development of its education and research mission; a commitment to investing the time and energy required for effective service; and the ability to lead as well as to build consensus.

More information on the nomination and election process appears at  elections.harvard.edu/elections-process .

The Board of Overseers is one of Harvard’s two governing boards, along with the President and Fellows, also known as the Corporation. Formally established in 1642, the board plays an integral role in the governance of the University. As a central part of its work, the board directs the visitation process, the primary means for periodic external assessment of Harvard’s Schools and departments. Through its array of standing committees, and the roughly 50 visiting committees that report to them, the board probes the quality of Harvard’s programs and assures that the University remains true to its charter as a place of learning. More generally, drawing on its members’  diverse experience and expertise , the board provides counsel to the University’s leadership on priorities, plans, and strategic initiatives. The board also has the power of consent to certain actions such as the election of Corporation members. The current membership of the board is listed  here .

The HAA Board, including its elected directors, is an advisory board that aims to foster a sense of community, engagement, and University citizenship among Harvard alumni around the world. The work focuses on developing volunteer leadership and increasing and deepening alumni engagement through an array of programs that support alumni communities worldwide. In recent years, the board’s priorities have included strengthening outreach to recent graduates and graduate school alumni; supporting antiracism work in alumni communities; and continuing to build and promote inclusive communities.

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College of Education, Health and Human Sciences

Physical Address: 921 Campus Drive Moscow ID, 83844

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Education, Ph.D.

Career information is not specific to degree level. Some career options may require an advanced degree.

Current Job Openings and Salary Range

in ID, WA, OR, MT and HI



salary-range plot chart graphic

  • Career Options
  • Education Teacher, Postsecondary

Regional Employment Trends






Employment trends and projected job growth in ID, WA, OR, MT & HI

*Job data is collected from national, state and private sources. For more information, visit EMSI's data sources page .

  • Degree Prep

In order to be considered for doctoral study (Ed.D. or Ph.D.), all potential students (including those who have already earned a graduate degree at the University of Idaho) must meet the following criteria and complete application requirements which have been established by the College of Graduate Studies and the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences.

  • An undergraduate cumulative GPA of 2.80 or higher for the last 60 semester credits and a graduate cumulative GPA of 3.50.
  • International students are required to submit TOEFL (or equivalent) scores showing a required minimum score of 550.
  • Evidence of at least three years of teaching and/or professional experience (the faculty within each program area may require or accept an alternative experience)
  • 3 letters of recommendation documenting primarily the applicant's professional work performance and, secondarily, academic qualifications.
  • Writing sample (previous academic, scientific or professional writing example)
  • Application fee as indicated on the College of Graduate Studies  website.
  • Change of Curriculum form (required for only those students who have earned either a master’s or educational specialist degree).
  • Degree Roadmap

Procedures for students to obtain a Doctoral Degree download (PDF) the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences Doctoral Guide .

Students who are pursuing a doctoral degree in education have various areas of specialization to choose from. Refer to the Doctoral Specializations page for more information.

  • Scholarships

Visit the  Financial Aid office  for available scholarships.

  • Hands-On Learning
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Progression in Education

This research-oriented program is designed primarily, though not exclusively, for students who want research and/or teaching careers in higher education. You will design and implement original dissertation research addressing a specific problem or issue in education, and become proficient in advanced statistical and qualitative research methodologies. Your work should lead to publishable articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals.

  • A Ph.D. is a terminal degree.
  • Classes are available online and face-to-face.
  • Classes are delivered in Boise, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Falls and Moscow.

Choose from the following Ph.D. specializations

Adult, organizational learning and leadership, ph.d..

A Ph.D. in Adult, Organizational Learning and Leadership will prepare you to lead and teach professional development and training programs as a leader or educator. This doctorate program at the University of Idaho prepares students in a wide range of careers including higher education, business, government agencies and nonprofit organizations.

  • View Ph.D. study plan

Autism Spectrum Disorder & Related Disabilities, Ph.D.

The Ph.D. specialization at the University of Idaho is designed to prepare prospective university faculty and leaders to teach, conduct and disseminate research and secure funding for research in the area of autism spectrum disorder and related disabilities. This highly structured program is designed to accommodate full- and part-time doctoral students both at a distance and on campus, and to produce high-quality leaders that are philosophically oriented toward family involvement, cultural competency, inclusive and multi-tiered supports, evidence-based interventions and research to practice scholarship.

  • View Ph.D. study guide

Career and Technical Education, Ph.D.

This program prepares education professionals for leadership positions in public or private education systems, including K-12 districts and community colleges. The degree is designed for experienced educators who want to perform and apply research to address practical problems relevant to their personal careers and local educational landscapes. As a student in this program, you will lead original dissertation research, likely within the context of your professional work, with a focus primarily on real-world, real-time applications in your local community. Students graduate proficient in program evaluation, case study and action research.

Curriculum and Instruction, Ph.D.

This program offers opportunities to contribute to national and international conversations surrounding the many complex issues in today’s educational system. This research-oriented program is designed primarily, but not exclusively, for students who want research and/or teaching careers in higher education. As a student in the program, you will design and implement original dissertation research to address a specific problem or issue in the field of education. Your work should lead to publishable articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Students in this program become proficient in advanced statistical and qualitative research methodologies and gain the skills to lead further research in their professional careers in academia.

Educational Leadership, Ph.D.

A Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree with an educational leadership emphasis is for students who want to learn advanced skills and theories that will help inform and improve research and practice. This degree prepares students to assume positions as research-based faculty members in universities, high-level administrators and analysts in schools, school districts and in state and national-level agencies. The doctorate can also open doors in the private sector as a consultant and CEO.

Exercise Science, Ph.D.

This Ph.D. program prepares you to help advance the field of exercise science through teaching, research and service at universities or other exercise-related institutions. As a student in the program, you will focus your doctoral studies in biomechanics, exercise physiology or sport psychology. You also will lead independent research in the field, with opportunities to conduct performance, physiological or motor-skills tests in the on-campus Human Performance Laboratory which houses the Exercise Physiology Lab and the Biomechanics Lab.

Healthy Active Lifestyles, Ph.D.

Stem (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), ph.d..

The College of Education, Health and Human Sciences (EHHS) has a specialization in STEM education within its Ph.D. in education. The college focuses on the disciplines within STEM not only because the skills and knowledge in each discipline are essential for student success, but also because these disciplines are deeply intertwined in the real world and in how students learn most effectively.

There are various areas of expertise and experience in EHHS that include but are not limited to:

  • K-12 STEM Education
  • Math and Science Education
  • Engineering and Technology Education
  • Indigenous STEM Education
  • Experiential STEM Education

Because there is so much variance among study plans in the STEM Education specialization based on students’ backgrounds and focus, a sample program sheet is not provided. Contact the associate dean for the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences for specific information regarding a given focus within STEM Education.

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  1. Doctoral Degree Programs

    The Doctor of Education Leadership (Ed.L.D) is a three-year, practice-based program designed to produce system-level leaders in American pre-K-12 education. The Ed.L.D. curriculum mines the vast intellectual and professional resources of HGSE, the Harvard Business School, and the Harvard Kennedy School, and includes a 10-month residency in the ...

  2. Doctor of Philosophy in Education

    The Harvard Ph.D. in Education trains cutting-edge researchers who work across disciplines to generate knowledge and translate discoveries into transformative policy and practice. Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides ...

  3. Doctor of Education Leadership

    The Ed.L.D Program — taught by faculty from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Harvard Business School, and the Harvard Kennedy School — will train you for system-level leadership positions in school systems, state and federal departments of education, and national nonprofit organizations. Ed.L.D. is a full-time, three-year ...

  4. Doctoral Programs

    Doctor of Education Leadership (Ed.L.D.) Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Ph.D.) Admissions & Aid ... Access the premiere education subject library for Harvard University. Explore the Library. For Current Students Access the Office of Student Affairs, the Office of the Registrar, Career Services, and other key resources. ...

  5. Homepage

    The mission of the Harvard Graduate School of Education is to prepare education leaders and innovators who will change the world by expanding opportunities and outcomes for learners everywhere. We're an institution committed to making the broadest impact possible, putting powerful ideas and evidence-based research into practice.

  6. Education Leadership

    The Doctor of Education Leadership (Ed.L.D.) prepares experienced educators to become the transformational preK-12 leaders that the country needs — passionate about educational quality and equity, well versed in learning and development, and knowledgeable about public policy and organizational management, so they can translate visionary ideas into real-world success.

  7. Harvard Graduate School of Education

    The Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) is the education school of Harvard University, a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts.Founded in 1920, it was the first school to grant the EdD degree and the first Harvard school to award degrees to women. HGSE enrolls more than 800 students in its one-year master of education (Ed.M.) and three-year doctor of ...

  8. Click To Learn More About Our Ed.L.D.

    Leveraging the vast intellectual and professional resources of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Harvard Business School, and the Harvard Kennedy School, our practice-based doctoral program will prepare you to improve outcomes in American pre K-12 education.. Over the course of three years, you'll gain expert knowledge in learning and development, a firm grasp of public policy ...

  9. Download Doctoral Brochure

    ©2017 President and Fellows of Harvard College. If you have questions about the admissions process, please email [email protected].

  10. Master's Programs in Education

    The Harvard Graduate School of Education offers the Master's in Education (Ed.M.) degree in two formats — residential and online — and in a variety of programs. HGSE's on-campus master's degree is a one-year, full-time, immersive Harvard experience. You'll apply directly to one of its five distinct programs, spanning education ...

  11. Education

    Students in the Program in Education are enrolled in and receive their degree from the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences even though they may work primarily with faculty at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and at other Harvard Faculties. The interdisciplinary nature of this program is unique, as you are ...

  12. Harvard Graduate School of Education doctorate of education leadership

    November-December 2009. Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) has created a new doctor of education leadership (Ed.L.D.) program, a three-year, practice-oriented degree aimed at preparing a small cohort of leaders who can effect major changes in K-12 education. Dean Kathleen McCartney said the program aims to teach its students "how to ...

  13. Doctor of Education

    The Doctor of Education (EdD or DEd; Latin Educationis Doctor or Doctor Educationis) is ... Henry Holmes, an educator at Harvard College, raised funds to establish the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Holmes saw value in increasing Harvard's role in the professional training of educators [3] and established doctorate of education, ...

  14. Education

    Candidates for the PhD in education degree may apply 8 courses/32 credits of their doctoral program toward an AM in passing from Harvard Griffin GSAS. PhD in education students may apply for a master's only after they have completed at least 16 courses (64 credits) since enrolling in the PhD program.

  15. Degrees and Programs

    Degrees and Programs. Through a rich suite of courses and co-curricular experiences, a degree from HGSE prepares you to make a difference in education today — at all levels and across all roles. Explore our master's and doctoral degrees. Apply Now.

  16. Doctor of Philosophy

    The doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree signifies mastery of a broad discipline of learning together with demonstrated competence in a special field within that discipline. In addition to the common requirements below, PhD candidates must complete additional requirements specified by their academic program.. Academic Residence. PhD students must register full-time until receipt of the degree ...

  17. Romela Petrosyan, MD, FACP

    Dr. Romela Petrosyan is a Board-certified Nephrologist and Proceduralist at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, Department of Medicine, Renal Division and Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Quadrilingual (Russian, Armenian, Spanish, and English), former refugee, and third-generation female physician, she is passionate about medical education as well as shaping the culture and ...

  18. From Mindanao to Harvard: A Pulmonologist's Journey in Medicine and

    In February 2024, Alauya-Lamping graduated from Harvard Medical School's Leadership in Medicine: Southeast Asia certificate program. Mother, Daughter, Doctor, and Business Owner . In addition to being a pulmonary and internal medicine clinician, Alauya-Lamping balances many responsibilities.

  19. Doctor of Education Leadership (Ed.L.D.) Program

    Doctor of Education Leadership (Ed.L.D.) Program at Harvard University provides on-going educational opportunities to those students seeking advanced degrees. Doctor of Education Leadership (Ed.L.D.) Program - Harvard University - Graduate Programs and Degrees

  20. Doctor of Education Leadership at Harvard Graduate School of Education

    PhD / Doctoral Programs. Harvard University, Harvard Graduate School of Education. Doctor of Education Leadership.

  21. Paul Henry Hanus, 1855-1941

    Paul Henry Hanus, 1855-1941. In This Section. Chair, Division of Education, 1906-1912. In 1891, Harvard President Charles W. Eliot appointed Paul Henry Hanus to the first faculty position in education, establishing the formal study of education as a discipline at Harvard. Although Hanus is considered the founder of HGSE, the school would not ...

  22. Education

    The Ph.D. in Education is an interdisciplinary doctoral program that combines advances in the social sciences, sciences, arts, and humanities with deep expertise in educational research, policy, and practice to train students for careers as academics, researchers, policymakers, and leaders who will improve educational outcomes in the United States and around the world.

  23. Experts

    The Belfer Center brings together more than 300 leading experts in government and academia from all over the world, providing the highest quality research, policy recommendations, and analysis on a full range of public policy issues. Request an Interview. 176 results.

  24. CV of Professor Muhammad Yunus

    Curriculum Vitae of Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, Chairman of Yunus Centre and Founder of Grameen Bank, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Personal Information Name PROFESSOR MUHAMMAD YUNUS Present Address Chairman, Yunus CentreGrameen Bank, Mirpur-2Dhaka 1216, BangladeshE-mail: [email protected]: www.muhammadyunus.org Date of Birth June 28, 1940 Marital Status Married Nationality ...

  25. Candidates for Overseer, HAA elected directors announced

    Once again this spring, Harvard degree holders will have the opportunity to vote for new members of the Harvard Board of Overseers and elected directors of the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA). The elections will begin April 1. Eligible voters can vote either online or by paper ballot. Completed ballots must be received by 5 p.m. (EDT) on May 17.

  26. Education Ph.D.-EHHS-University of Idaho

    The Doctor of Philosophy prepares students as researchers, ... College of Education, Health and Human Sciences. Physical Address: 921 Campus Drive Moscow ID, 83844. Mailing Address: University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3080 Moscow, ID 83844-3080 General Contact: Phone: 208-885-6772