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Book Review of "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Dr Spencer

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Who Moved My Cheese? It is a fable about dealing with what, according to the Greek philosopher and essay writer Heraclitus, change is the only constant in life. Spencer Johnson describes four minor characters living in a labyrinth. And how each of them reacts when their cheese suddenly disappears. According to the author, when faced with this change, there are two strategies, they can either resist the change and suffer or learn to accept it and move on to something better.

How can anyone write a business book about mice looking for cheese? Even better, how does a book become a mega-bestseller?

That's amazing about Who Took My Cheese or Who Moved My Cheese. When it was first published in 1998, it sold 21 million copies in 5 years and tens of millions more copies after that).

Who is Spencer Johnson?

Spencer Johnson was a physician and author. He is best known for writing the book Who Moved My Cheese. Dr. Johnson earned his M.D. from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland after graduating with a B.A. in psychology from the University of Southern California. He also completed internships at the Mayo Clinic and Harvard Medical School.

He served as Director of Communications for Medtronic, the makers of cardiac pacemakers; as a Research Physician at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies; as a Consultant to the Center for the Study of the Person; and as a Leadership Fellow at Harvard Business School.

What the point of Who Moved My Cheese book?

The book begins with a realistic scenario. In Chicago, a group of former classmates enjoys a high school reunion. They are talking about how all their lives have changed over the past few years. Then, one wants to share a story he heard that helped him deal with the change. And this is when the main story begins.

In another world, there was a maze where two mice and two little people lived. The mice were named Sniff and Scurry. The two "Lilliputians" were named Kif and Kof. The "little humans" were the same size as the mice, but their minds were like ordinary people, their thoughts and emotions often complicating their lives.

Sniff and Scurry. Sniff and Scurry spend most of their time going through their maze in search of cheese, going from one path to another, not quite knowing which direction has the cheese, often ending up in dead ends, but in these cases, they just have to turn back, and they will have another chance to try again.

Kif and Kof also spend their days in a labyrinth searching for cheese, but unlike Scurry and Sniff, their search for cheese is not for the cheese itself, not that they are hungry, but they are looking for it because they believe it can bring them happiness.

Instead of starting to look for the cheese, Kif and Kof spend their time thinking about how to find the cheese most effectively, how to see what strategies work, and dreaming about what it would be like to have that cheese. This makes them think they are more efficient, but they waste a lot of time dreaming and not doing what they need to do.

At first glance, and with our tendency to overthink and perfectionism, we might think that the Sniff and Scurry mice method is inefficient, but this is due to the sunk cost bias and that we do not realize how much time we waste thinking and doubting without knowing if our hypotheses are true.

These doubts not only waste our time in minutes, hours and days but can sometimes delay us for years because we always have a new excuse as to why now is not the best time to do it, without realizing that the best time to do it is now.

Although it is true that in a few years maybe we will know more if we use our time well, it is also true that the rest of the world will learn more and that we may waste our time during those years.

Thinking is fine. Trying to be more efficient and effective is an excellent idea, but sometimes it is much more important to be proactive and do.

Everything is constantly changing. It's just that we don't want to see these changes.

We are afraid of not knowing, and that fear sometimes makes us self-deceive and think that as long as we try not to change, things will continue as they are now.

But the reality is that no matter how much we would have liked or not, the circumstances to be the same, the truth is different. The world is constantly changing, and every minute that passes will be further from the previous one and the next one that died, so if we want to achieve something, the first step is to accept that every minute and every second counts and that it is up to us to make the most of it.

To explain this to us, Spencer uses the stories of Sniff and Scurry

After searching for some time, Sniff and Scurry found several pieces of cheese on one of the paths in the maze. When they saw the cheese, the mice took advantage of it, coming to eat when they got hungry, and when they didn't, they kept exploring. And when they saw no cheese left, they simply moved on to the next place and soon found more cheese.

In contrast, when Kif and Kof found the cheese, they stayed where it was and just ate and hung out there until a few days later, they got used to the fact that there was cheese, and they didn't have to do anything to get more cheese.

The problem was that they didn't want to accept that the cheese was disappearing and that they wouldn't have any more left in a few days. One morning they woke up and realized that ''someone had taken their cheese''.

Realizing that there was no more cheese, Kif and Kof became depressed and began to complain about reality and how the world worked, how it wasn't fair. Instead of trying to solve their problems, they stayed around the area instead of looking for new sites with cheese, simply because they expected the cheese to ''magically'' reappear.

As in the previous example, our way of thinking is much more similar to Hem and Haw than to that of the mice, unfortunately, and this makes it very difficult for us to accept when problems appear, and we try to deny them even though they are right in front of us, because we have already invested in doing something, and we do not want that investment to be lost.

In addition, we unwittingly accept habits with the least friction into a state of doing nothing so that we have to expend even more energy to do something new that can help us improve.

The reason Kif and Kof ran out of cheese is the exact reason why so many companies have fallen over time. They get used to things one way and act as if they will always be that way. This leads to new competitors that take them out of the market simply because they look at the situation and try to understand how to make the most of it.

Instead of locking ourselves in and trying to avoid change, we must learn to accept it as part of the process, as the stoics do, because only if we accept change will we have any chance of learning, improving, and adapting to the new circumstances.

As they say, the only constant in the world is changing. So let's stop kidding ourselves and start looking at reality.

The key is to keep moving.

Happiness and the feeling of being fulfilled may seem like something we can only find in particular circumstances, but this is simply because we tend to want the easy option and forget the remarkable adaptability of human beings.

Happiness, feeling full and fulfilled, are emotions that we can achieve in different contexts and do not have to be something we can only get in a single situation. We must be willing to accept the changes and make the best of each context.

There is no place in the world that is just for us, but there are many places that we can shape to suit what we want to be and where we want to go.

This is demonstrated by Kif, who at first always assumed a position of being a victim and hoping that things would work out for him, but who over time realized that the fear we have is much worse in our minds and that the more we face that fear, the less its effect on us will be.

As Spencer says in his book, the best thing about cheese is not that once we have found it we have it for life, but that we can always find more cheese. We just have to be willing to look one more time.

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Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson

Who Moved My Cheese

An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life

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  • First Published:
  • Feb 1, 2000, 96 pages
  • Apr 1999, 96 pages
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Who Moved My Cheese Book Review

Reviewing the timeless classic “Who Moved My Cheese” by Spencer Johnson, this blog post dives into the life-changing lessons and insights that this simple yet profound book offers. With a friendly tone, we explore the powerful concepts of adaptation, change, and resilience as illustrated through the captivating story of two mice and two little people who navigate a maze in search of cheese. Unpacking the key takeaways and practical wisdom found in this enlightening read, this review aims to inspire and empower readers to embrace change and harness the secrets to success in both personal and professional endeavors.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Change is Inevitable: The book emphasizes the importance of adapting to change and being prepared to face new challenges.
  • Embrace Change: Rather than fearing change, it is important to embrace it and see it as an opportunity for growth and success.
  • Flexibility is Key: Being flexible and open-minded allows individuals to navigate through change with ease and find new opportunities for success.

Summary of the Story

Now, let’s probe a summary of the book “Who Moved My Cheese”. The story is a powerful metaphor about change and how individuals react to it. It follows the lives of four characters who are searching for cheese in a maze, representing the search for happiness and success in our lives.

The Cheese Analogy

Story: The cheese in the book represents what we want in life, whether it is a job, a relationship, money, or a possession. The maze symbolizes where we look for what we want – our workplace, community, or even our mind. When the cheese is moved, the characters must adapt and change their approach to find new cheese.

Characters and Their Journeys

Their: The four characters in the story are Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw. Each character represents a different way that people respond to change. Sniff and Scurry are simple and quickly adapt to change, while Hem and Haw struggle and resist accepting the new reality.

Journeys: Hem initially resists change and clings to the past, while Haw gradually learns to embrace change and navigate through the maze to find new cheese. Their journeys highlight the importance of being open to change and adapting to new situations in order to find success and happiness.

Key Themes and Messages

Embracing change.

Change is inevitable in life, and the key to success lies in how we adapt to it. Embracing change is about being open to new possibilities, willing to let go of old ways, and having the courage to explore what lies beyond our comfort zone. In “Who Moved My Cheese,” the characters who embrace change are the ones who find new opportunities and experiences that lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

Who Moved My Cheese Book Review: Dive Into Your Next Adventure

Overcoming Fears

For many of us, fear is the biggest obstacle when faced with change. It can hold us back from taking risks, trying new things, or pursuing our dreams. However, in order to move forward and thrive, we must acknowledge our fears and find the strength to overcome them. With determination and a positive mindset, we can conquer our fears and discover the power and potential that lies on the other side of change.

Practical Applications

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Adapting to Change in Personal Life

All of us experience change in our personal lives, whether it’s through relationships, health, or living situations. One key lesson from ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ is that adaptation is crucial for personal growth and happiness. By embracing change and being willing to let go of the past, we can navigate life’s twists and turns with more ease and grace.

Strategies for Change in the Workplace

Change in the workplace can be intimidating, but it is inevitable for growth and success. Workplace development is crucial in maintaining a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced environment. For instance, implementing flexible work arrangements and encouraging a growth mindset can help employees adapt to change more effectively and boost productivity.

Critical Analysis

Strengths of the book.

Not every book manages to simplify complex concepts in such an easily digestible manner as “Who Moved My Cheese”. The use of a simple parable to convey profound messages about dealing with change resonates with readers of all ages and backgrounds. The book’s brevity and straightforward language make it accessible to a wide audience, from seasoned professionals to high school students.

Criticisms and Counterpoints

The book has faced criticism for its oversimplified approach to dealing with change and its lack of depth in exploring the complexities of coping strategies. Some argue that the characters are too one-dimensional and the solutions presented are overly simplistic. However, it’s important to note that the book serves as a starting point for discussions on change management rather than a comprehensive guide.

Understanding the limitations of “Who Moved My Cheese” can help readers appreciate it for what it is – a tool for initiating conversations about change and adaptation. While it may not offer a deep probe the nuances of change management, its straightforward approach can serve as a catalyst for further exploration and self-reflection.

Now that you have read this book review of “Who Moved My Cheese,” it is clear that this timeless parable offers valuable insights into embracing change and adapting to new situations. By following the journey of the characters as they navigate a maze in search of cheese, readers are encouraged to reflect on their own attitudes towards change and learn how to approach it with a positive mindset. This book serves as a powerful reminder that change is inevitable, and by being flexible and open to new possibilities, we can navigate life’s twists and turns with greater ease and confidence.

Q: What is “Who Moved My Cheese” about?

A: “Who Moved My Cheese” is a motivational business fable that tells the story of four characters who live in a maze and look for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. It explores how individuals deal with change in their work and personal lives.

Q: Who is the author of “Who Moved My Cheese”?

A: The author of “Who Moved My Cheese” is Spencer Johnson, a renowned author who has written many inspirational and self-help books. His simple storytelling style and valuable life lessons have made his books popular across the world.

Q: What are some key takeaways from “Who Moved My Cheese”?

A: Some key takeaways from “Who Moved My Cheese” include the importance of adapting to change, being proactive in finding solutions, not being afraid to let go of old ways, and embracing new opportunities. The book encourages readers to approach change with a positive mindset and a willingness to learn and grow.

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Who Moved My Cheese?: An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life

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Today’s book review is on Who Moved My Cheese?: An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life . Below is the mind map of this book for anyone interested in better your life.

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Who Moved My Cheese Summary: Key Takeaways & Review 

Sudarshan Somanathan

Head of Content

January 11, 2024

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At first glance, cheese might sound like an unusual metaphor for aspirational values like happiness, success, and wealth. However, when you read Spencer Johnson’s iconic fable, Who Moved My Cheese , you’ll understand why it’s the perfect one. 

Published in 1992, the book owes its enormous success to its simple yet profound message: change is inevitable, and our response to it determines our fate.

If you want to absorb the lessons from the book but can’t spare the time to read the whole thing, let’s take you through the Who Moved My Cheese summary.

Phases in the story

Symbolism in the story, 1. embrace change, 2. be adaptable, 3. anticipate change, 4. overcome fear, 5. enjoy change, 6. smell the cheese often, 7. innovate and experiment, 8. learn from change, popular who moved my cheese quotes, apply who moved my cheese principles with clickup, the way forward.

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Who Moved My Cheese Book Summary at a Glance

Who Moved My Cheese Book Summary

Who Moved My Cheese is both an inspirational and cautionary story that revolves around four main characters—Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw.

Sniff and Scurry are two mice 🐁 while Hem and Haw are little people 🧑‍🤝‍🧑.

All four characters live in a maze and search for cheese. But as they encounter changes in their cheese supply, each responds differently to them, with varying degrees of success.

Hem and Haw discover a vast source of cheese and settle into a life of predictable comfort, building elaborate routines around their cheese supply. Meanwhile, Sniff and Scurry constantly sniff the air, adapting to ever-changing cheese patterns.

One day, the cheese disappears. 

Hem and Haw are devastated, clinging to their past, blaming and fearing the unknown. Sniff and Scurry, however, quickly adjust and explore new tunnels, finding delicious new cheese. 

Haw eventually joins them, embracing the change and rediscovering his adventurous spirit. But Hem remains trapped in denial, refusing to move on.

The story unfolds in four parts:

Part 1: Cheese Station C

All four characters enjoy a content, stable life, happily indulging themselves in a seemingly endless supply of cheese from Cheese Station C.

Part 2: The cheese vanishes

As they enjoy the abundance, the characters become complacent, taking the cheese for granted. But that all changes one day, when the cheese mysteriously disappears. 

Though Sniff and Scurry had suspected the cheese supply was dwindling, its sudden loss comes as a shock. The characters are forced to confront the reality that the circumstances they relied on have changed. 

The vanishing of the cheese is a powerful metaphor for unexpected changes that we must all confront at one point or another in our lives. 

Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw now face a choice: resist change or embrace it.

Part 3: Adapting to change 

The way the four characters respond to the disappearance of the cheese reflects their differing attitudes toward change.

Sniff and Scurry decide to venture deeper into the maze, searching for new cheese. They learn to let go of the past and embrace the unknown in the hunt for sustenance. Eventually, their efforts pay off and they find the new cheese.

Hem and Haw, on the other hand, resist the change. They mistakenly believe that someone moved their cheese and cling to the hope that the old cheese will return. For a long time, they struggle to accept the uncertainty of their situation.

Part 4: Enjoying the new cheese

The final part of the story focuses on Haw’s journey of adaptation. He learns to navigate the maze, leaving his realizations as messages on the walls. These messages share his insights on what it means to cope with change. 

Haw, too, eventually discovers the new stash of cheese, symbolizing a fresh opportunity or success. The experience of adapting and finding new cheese brings him joy and fulfillment. 

In this part, Spencer Johnson highlights the importance of:

  • Letting go of the past
  • Embracing change with a positive mindset
  • Actively seeking new opportunities

It encourages readers to not only adapt to change but to find joy and satisfaction in the process of exploration and growth. 

While the book uses anthropomorphized characters most often seen in children’s books, it contains important lessons for businesses. Here is a breakdown of some of the key symbols in the book:

Cheese Station C: The station serves as a metaphor for a secure and predictable environment where individuals find satisfaction in their lives.

The cheese: “Cheese” symbolizes anything you value in life, whether it’s a secure job, a loving relationship, good health, or personal fulfillment. The two types of cheese, the “hard nibbling” for the mice and the “Cheese” with a capital C for the humans highlight the diversity of our desires and the subjective nature of what makes us happy.

Old cheese versus new cheese represents holding on to outdated ideas and habits versus embracing new opportunities and growth

The maze: The maze represents the environment we navigate in pursuit of these desires, filled with both opportunities and challenges

Running shoes: They symbolize preparation and readiness for change.

Sniff’s backpack: Sniff’s backpack serves as a multi-layered symbol of his preparedness and resilience in the face of changing circumstances. It can be seen as a physical manifestation of his experiences, adaptability, resourcefulness, or even emotional attachment. 

Haw’s “Write it on the Wall” messages: Haw’s “Write it on the Wall” messages illustrate his personal journey of coping with change, evolving from resistance to acceptance. Initially, writing helps him process his emotions and express his anger at the situation. At this stage, his messages are accusatory: “Who moved my cheese?” or “Why me?”

As time passes, Haw’s writing evolves as his thoughts do. He grapples with his fears and anxieties, writing messages that reflect his internal struggle: “It’s too scary in here!” or “Maybe the new cheese isn’t worth it”

Eventually, Haw starts writing messages that offer a glimmer of hope and encouragement. He acknowledges the difficulty of change but also recognizes the need to move forward: “No cheese here. Move on!” or “New cheese awaits!”

These messages are not just for himself, but also for Hem. Haw hopes Hem will see them when he finally sets off on his own journey of change. By sharing his lessons and acknowledging how one must adapt to survive, Haw documents his own journey of growth and paves the way for those who might follow him. 

His final message: “Smell the cheese often so you know when it’s getting old” is a distilled lesson learned from his experience. It urges Hem and the readers to be proactive, to read the signs of changing headwinds, and to recognize the inevitability of change.

The main message of the book can be encapsulated as follows: Change is bound to happen, and if you accept change and adjust, you tend to do well. But if you resist it, you might have to struggle to grow. 

Key Takeaways from Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson

The book attempts to leave readers with the following key takeaways:

Even when changes seem scary, you’ve to deal with them, and accepting this aspect of life sets you up for success. 

Sniff and Scurry embody this principle by quickly adapting to changes in their environment, always ready to move on in search of new opportunities.

Quick tips to embrace change at work:

  • Cultivate a positive attitude towards change by appreciating its potential for fueling learning and growth
  • Encourage open communication within your team to prepare them for change and discuss concerns and questions 
  • Celebrate successful adaptations to change, creating a culture that values flexibility and resilience

The ability to adjust to changing circumstances is vital for finding “cheese” or success. You must remain open to new possibilities and learn new skills. 

In the story, Haw learns this lesson the hard way. Though he initially resists change, he eventually realizes that adapting is the key to finding new sources of cheese.

Quick tips for adaptability:

  • Encourage a mindset of continuous learning within the team
  • Provide the training and resources your team needs to enhance skills and competencies
  • Foster an environment where experimentation and trying new approaches are celebrated rather than discouraged

Anticipating change is a proactive approach to staying ahead in a disruption-prone world. 

Sniff and Scurry regularly check the status of their cheese supply. It allows them to anticipate and prepare for any changes. 

This underscores the importance of staying vigilant and being aware of potential shifts in your environment.

Quick tips to prepare for change at work:

  • Monitor industry trends and technological advancements
  • Regularly assess the effectiveness of your current strategies
  • Encourage team members to share insights and observations that may signal potential changes

A paralyzing fear of the unknown hinders personal and professional growth. 

Haw faces his fears by venturing into the unknown parts of the maze, realizing that overcoming fear is essential for discovering new opportunities and achieving success.

Quick tips to nurture a fearless workforce:

  • Create a supportive, safe environment to help team members express their worries
  • Coach and mentor individuals to navigate and overcome their fears
  • Acknowledge and celebrate instances where individuals overcome challenges or fears

Rather than dreading change, learn to enjoy the journey and feel happy. 

The characters who embrace change find joy in the process, understanding that it leads to new experiences and opportunities. This mindset shift can make the journey more fulfilling and less stressful.

Quick tips to thrive in change:

  • Foster a culture that values innovation and creativity
  • Encourage team members to share success stories related to embracing change and treat each misstep as a learning opportunity
  • Highlight the positive outcomes and growth that often accompany successful adaptations

Just like Sniff and Scurry, regularly monitor changes in your environment. This means staying alert to potential changes, so you can anticipate and prepare for the future. 

Keeping a watchful eye on your surroundings also keeps you primed to make timely decisions. 

Quick tips for staying vigilant:

  • Implement tools and processes for continuous monitoring of key metrics
  • Establish a feedback loop where team members can share observations and insights
  • Conduct regular check-ins to assess the effectiveness of ongoing strategies

Experimentation and innovation are crucial for adapting to change. 

The characters in the story learn to experiment with different paths, discovering new routes to arrive at a cheese source. This illustrates the importance of trying new approaches and thinking outside the box.

Quick tips to encourage innovation:

  • Set aside time for brainstorming and idea generation 
  • Create a designated space or platform for sharing and testing new ideas
  • Recognize and reward innovative solutions and approaches

Every change brings valuable lessons. 

As he journeys through the maze, Haw comes to realize the importance of learning from his experiences. Reflecting on the past and extracting lessons can provide insights that guide future decisions.

Quick tips to learn from the past:

  • Conduct post-change reviews to analyze what worked well and areas for improvement
  • Encourage a culture of continuous improvement by implementing feedback loops
  • Provide opportunities for team members to share and discuss lessons learned from recent changes

The book’s powerful message expressed in a lighthearted story of mice, little people, and cheese, has captured the imagination of millions of readers from all walks of life. Here are some of the most popular quotes from the book: 

“What you are afraid of is never as bad as what you imagine. The fear you let build up in your mind is worse than the situation that actually exists.”

This quote highlights the psychological impact of fear and how it can make challenges seem overwhelming. By facing fears and recognizing that they are often exaggerated, you can approach challenges with a clearer mindset. That helps you overcome obstacles more effectively.

When you stop being afraid, you feel good.

In the story, Haw realizes that overcoming fear brings a sense of liberation and positivity. Fear prevents personal and professional growth. Overcoming your fears is essential to developing a sense of self-worth and confidence. 

Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old.

The characters in the story regularly check the status of their cheese supply to stay informed about its freshness. It reminds you that it is crucial to monitor and stay aware of your environment. Regular assessment helps you detect the signs of change early.

The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.

This quote is about the importance of letting go of the past and being open to new opportunities. Outdated or ineffective strategies can slow your progress. That’s why you need to constantly course-correct, even if change is unfamiliar and uncomfortable at first .

If you do not change, you can become extinct!

This quote is a reminder that resistance to change can lead to stagnation and irrelevance. Change is a constant, in business and in life. If you get stuck in your ways and don’t change, it will hinder your growth.

ClickUp, a powerful project management platform, is built on the principles espoused in Who Moved My Cheese . We understand how important adaptability, agility, and nimbleness can be in a fast-paced business environment. Here’s how ClickUp empowers change-makers to stay ahead of their tasks and the competition: 

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  • Define goals, track progress, and communicate effectively with stakeholders during periods of change by using these change management templates 
  • Plan and implement changes seamlessly, ensuring that your team is well-prepared for transitions

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  • Analyze data and trends to identify areas that require adjustment and make informed decisions to navigate change successfully

Reporting and Analytics for Monitoring Change

Who Moved My Cheese is a guide to navigating the complexities of change with grace and resilience. With ClickUp as your partner, you can create a culture of adaptability at work by embracing the key takeaways from this widely loved book.

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Who Moved My Cheese Summary

1-Sentence-Summary:   Who Moved My Cheese tells a parable, which you can directly apply to your own life, in order to stop fearing what lies ahead and instead thrive in an environment of change and uncertainty.

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Who Moved My Cheese Summary

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Funny, how you sometimes stumble into things that were right in front of your nose, all along. I’ve had this book for 10 years. When I was a kid, my uncle gave it to me, it was a leftover copy from somewhere. I briefly looked at it (it was still wrapped), thought it was a “manager’s book” and put it away. I distinctly remember the picture of the cheese slice on the cover, and turned it in my hands a couple times since. Sadly, I never felt intrigued enough to read it. What an idiot I was!

This site would probably have existed 5 years earlier, had I read it back then. But there’s no use in crying over spilled milk, so I’ll just make do with what I’ve got and share some of Spencer Johnson’s great lessons about change with you right now.  Who Moved My Cheese  a parable about two little people and two mice in a maze, searching for cheese, where each character represents a different attitude towards change, with cheese being what we consider success .

Here are 3 lessons about cheese and what you should do when someone moves yours:

  • Thinking too much about your cheese might paralyze you, so just start looking.
  • Nothing lasts forever, so keep your eyes open for approaching changes.
  • You can always find new cheese, and the minute you start moving things will get better.

Are you ready to become a champion of change? Let’s look for that cheese!

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Lesson 1: Stop thinking too much about your cheese and start chasing it.

The two mice inside of our maze are Sniff and Scurry. They spend most of their time running up and down the corridors of the maze, looking for cheese. Turn a corner, run to the end, see if there’s any cheese, and if not, turn around and go back. That’s their pattern, and, while it seems kind of mindless and unstructured, it actually saves them a lot of time and energy.

Hem and Haw, two little people, also spend their days in the maze looking for cheese, but not because they’re hungry – they think finding it will make them feel happy and successful. However, because of their complex brains, they think a lot about

  • how they can find the cheese the fastest
  • which strategies will work best in getting through the maze
  • how to keep track of those strategies
  • what finding the cheese will feel like
  • when they’ll finally find it

…and of course, they wonder if there even is any cheese in the maze at all every time they turn another empty corner.

Life is the same. Every minute you spend wondering what success looks like, how to get it, whether it’s possible and how you’ll feel in the future is a minute not spend working towards it. Humans are complicated beings, but that doesn’t mean we have to make everything complicated .

Be more like a mouse and just start running!

Lesson 2: Even the biggest cheese doesn’t last forever, so try to see change coming.

Sniff and Scurry soon found a big stash of cheese at Station C, and even though they enjoyed snacking a bit of it every day, they kept paying attention. The amount of cheese kept declining, slowly, but steadily, every day. Once they realized they were about to run out, they decided to move on of their own accord and soon found another huge cheese at Station N.

When Hem and Haw found station C, however, they settled there, and quickly grew accustomed to the new status quo . The cheese fest they indulged in every day soon became the center of their lives, as they thought it was the fair reward for all their hard work. They were so preoccupied with the cheese that they didn’t notice how it was disappearing, one piece at a time, and how some corners of it even got moldy. One morning, they woke up, only to find  someone had moved their cheese .

This left Hem and Haw sad, depressed, feeling treated unfairly and in denial. Instead of venturing out to find new cheese, they kept returning to Station C, getting ever hungrier and weaker.

No supply of cheese can last forever. Change is always bound to happen, sooner or later. Instead of fooling yourself that things will stay the same forever, always keep an eye open for change.

Lesson 3: Don’t worry, there’s always new cheese to be found. The minute you start moving things will improve.

The best part about cheese isn’t that once you’ve found it you’re set for life. It’s that there’s always more cheese to be found. Haw eventually got sick of sitting around, so he decided to go looking for new cheese all by himself.

Once he started moving, his situation instantly got better. Yes, he just found a few bits and pieces of cheese here and there at first, but this was a lot better than doing nothing and being paralyzed by fear. After having found the courage to move on despite your fears once, fear’s grip on you will never be as strong as it used to be .

Haw realized the accumulated fears in his mind were a lot worse than even the biggest challenges he encountered. Full of confidence, he kept exploring the maze, until he eventually found Sniff and Scurry at Station N, where the three of them shared the new cheese they had found.

This is a great book. I love stories like these. It  is a management book, and many a manager has told this story to his team to inspire them, but it’s just as valuable for you as an individual.

It describes a simple pattern of embracing change, finding success, looking out for more change and then embracing it again, which will help you cultivate a much more optimistic attitude about life. A really cool book!

Listen to the audio of this summary with a free reading.fm account:

The 15 year old, who got this book from a relative, but has never touched it, because he thinks it’s “just a business book”, the 32 year old accountant at a big corporation, who sometimes feels her drive for change is nipped in the bud, because structures are rusty, and anyone who likes Stuart Little.

Last Updated on August 1, 2022

book review who moved my cheese

Niklas Göke

Niklas Göke is an author and writer whose work has attracted tens of millions of readers to date. He is also the founder and CEO of Four Minute Books, a collection of over 1,000 free book summaries teaching readers 3 valuable lessons in just 4 minutes each. Born and raised in Germany, Nik also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration & Engineering from KIT Karlsruhe and a Master’s Degree in Management & Technology from the Technical University of Munich. He lives in Munich and enjoys a great slice of salami pizza almost as much as reading — or writing — the next book — or book summary, of course!

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Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

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Who Moved My Cheese Summary

General Thoughts

A cautionary tale about the dangers of complacency and the importance of embracing change, Who Moved My Cheese? is a fun little read, although it offers nothing you likely haven’t read before.   

What Is Who Moved My Cheese About?

Who Moved My Cheese? is a parable about change that takes place in a Maze where four characters look for “Cheese”—cheese being a metaphor for what we want in life. 

The four imaginary characters depicted in the story—the mice: “Sniff” and “Scurry,” and the Littlepeople: “Hem” and “Haw”—are intended to represent the simple and the complex parts of ourselves. 

Whatever parts of us we choose to use, we all share something in common: a need to find our way in the Maze and succeed in changing times.

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Who moved my cheese summary.

Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw are four characters that live in a dark, elaborate maze, each searching for their own special cheese to nourish them. 

The mice, Sniff and Scurry, use the simple trial-and-error method of finding cheese. The two Littlepeople, Hem and Haw, rely on their complex brains to develop more sophisticated strategies of finding Cheese. But due to Hem and Haw’s beliefs, their emotions often take over and cloud the way they look at things, making life in the maze overly complicated and challenging.

One morning, both mice and the Littlepeople locate their favorite type of cheese at the end of one of the corridors in Cheese Station C. Every morning after that, the mice head over there to feast, waking early each morning and following the same route, establishing a routine in the process. 

In the beginning, Hem and Haw also race to Cheese Station C every morning. However, over time, the two Littlepeople arrive later and later, confident that the cheese will always be there.

One morning, the mice arrive at Cheese Station C and notice that there is no cheese. They aren’t surprised. Since Sniff and Scurry noticed the supply of cheese dwindling every day, the mice are prepared for the inevitable and know what to do. 

To the mice, the problem and the answer are both simple. The situation at Cheese Station C has changed. So, Sniff and Scurry decide to change. Before long, they scurry off in search of New Cheese in the maze.

Meanwhile, Hem and Haw, who have failed to notice the small changes taking place each day, arrive at Cheese Station C. Both refuse to accept that the cheese is gone. The two rant about the injustice of the situation and question how such a situation could have even arisen. Haw suggests a search for New Cheese, but Hem rejects his proposal.  

While Hem and Haw evaluate the decision, Sniff and Scurry go further into the maze and discover “Cheese Station N,” along with the biggest store of cheese the mice have ever seen.

Meanwhile, Hem and Haw grow frustrated and blame each other for their situation. Inspired by the mice, Haw again proposes a search for new cheese. However, Hem is comforted by his comfortable routine and rejects the idea once more.

After living in denial for some time, the Littlepeople go without cheese, growing weaker from hunger with each passing day. Finally, one day, Haw laughs at himself, realizing that both he and Haw keep doing the same things over and over again and wonder why things don’t get better. Knowing that he is finally able to laugh at himself, let go and move on, Haw enters the maze, but not before chiseling “If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct” on the wall of Cheese Station C for his friend to consider.

During the next several days, Haw finds a little Cheese here and there, but nothing that lasts very long. Haw looks back on things and realizes that the Cheese at Cheese Station C had not just disappeared overnight, as he had once believed. Instead, the amount of cheese that had been there toward the end had been getting smaller, although he had been in denial about what was coming.

Haw decides he will stay more alert from now on. He expects change to happen and looks for it, and will trust his basic instincts to sense when change will occur and adapt as necessary.

After many empty cheese stations, Haw brushes aside his fears and decides to go back for Hem with the few bits of New Cheese he has found. Hem declines his friend’s gesture to leave, stating, “I don’t think I would like New Cheese. It’s not what I’m used to. I want my own Cheese back, and I’m not going to change until I get what I want.”

Dejected, Haw returns to the farthest point he had reached in the maze but feels stronger than ever, safe in the knowledge that he’s no longer letting fear rule his life. After finding little bits of Cheese here and there, Haw leaves a trail of writings on the wall to clarify his own thinking and serve as a marked trail for Hem should he ever choose to leave Cheese Station C.

One day, Hem discovers Cheese Station N, abundant with cheese, including some new varieties, and sees his old friends Sniff and Scurry. After eating, Hem considers returning to Cheese Station C to see if he can show Haw how to get out of his predicament but realizes that he had already tried to get his friend to change. Hem realizes that Haw has to find his own way, beyond his comforts and past his fears. No one else can do it for him or talk him into it. He somehow has to see the advantage of changing himself.

Finding the largest wall in Cheese Station N, Hem writes on the wall,

  • Change Happens. They Keep Moving The Cheese
  • Anticipate Change. Get Ready For The Cheese To Move
  • Monitor Change. Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old. 
  • Adapt To Change Quickly. The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese
  • Change. Move With The Cheese
  • Enjoy Change! Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!
  • Be Ready To Change Quickly And Enjoy It Again. They Keep Moving The Cheese.

Haw then hears what he thinks is the sound of movement out in the Maze, and as the noise grows louder, he realizes that someone is coming. Haw prays and hopes—as he had many times before—that maybe, at last, Hem has found the way…

Who Moved My Cheese? Key Takeaways

  • There’s a difference between activity and productivity.        
  • Getting out of your comfort zone makes adapting to change easier.                             
  • Fear that you let build up in your mind is far worse than the situation that exists.                
  • When you change what you believe, you change what you do.              
  • The fastest way to change is to laugh at your own folly—then you can let go and quickly move on.
  • You have to find your own way, beyond your comforts and past your fears. No one else can do it for you, or talk you into it. You have to see the advantage of changing yourself.                
  • It’s safer to be aware of your real choices than to isolate yourself in your comfort zone.

Recommended Reading

If you like Who Moved My Cheese? you might also like:

  • Eat That Frog! Get More of the Important Things Done – Today! by Brian Tracy
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey
  • Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results by James Clear

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Book Review: “Who Moved My Cheese?”

“Who Moved My Cheese?” – the best seller by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson – is a small book (94 pages with wide margins). It is arranged in three parts: a fable wrapped between two made-up conversations.

I’ve got to tell you, I have a strong aversion to self-help books written by Ph.D.s. A college professor or psychologist writing about business steps up to my batter’s box with two strikes against him: a lack of practical experience and an academic approach to the subject.

I opened “Who Moved My Cheese?” with those prejudices – and yet it won me over. It is essentially a child’s story that says something about human nature, happiness, and change.

Just In Case Someone Quizzes You At An Office Party . . .

The story itself is simple. Once, long ago and far away, there lived four little characters who ran through a maze looking for cheese. Two – Sniff and Scurry – were mice. The other two – Hem and Haw – were little people. Each eventually found his favorite type of cheese at the end of Cheese Station C. When the cheese supply ran out, Sniff and Scurry went right into action looking for new cheese, because they had never abandoned their animal instincts. Hem and Haw, in contrast, waited around at Station C, complaining about their bad luck.

Sniff and Scurry finally found new cheese, but Hem and Haw stayed put in Station C hoping something would change. Finally Haw realized how ridiculous his behavior had been and left Hem alone in order to search for new cheese. For a long while, he had no success. Sometimes, he doubted he would ever find it. But then one day, when he had wandered far into an unfamiliar part of the maze, he came upon new cheese again.

It will cost you 20 bucks and take you about an hour to read “Who Moved My Cheese?” It’s probably worth the investment, because there is a chance that during that time you will think about your own relationship to change – and that might change you.

Like any good fable, “Who Moved My Cheese?” can be read in many ways. On one level, it’s a story about the welfare state – how a reliance on government makes people lazy and helpless. On another level, it’s about the need to accept change. On still another, it’s a fable about process vs. ends.

However you read it, one idea stands out: To be successful in life, you have to keep moving.

That’s not a very popular idea. Most people want to do as little moving as possible. They show up for work and then . . . well . . . not much happens. It’s as if they think life is a contest – and he who gets away with doing the least wins.

I remember when I was a kid, working in a warehouse. I was way up near the ceiling, crawling around on the third level of a huge steel shelving structure that was packed with boxes of I don’t know what. I was looking for something. I removed one box to look behind it and discovered an interior path, illuminated somehow. I followed it around, and it opened into a sort of anteroom made out of boxes with box-chairs and a box-table on which a pack of cards sat. Beyond the anteroom were music and the source of the light I had been following. I crawled through to find Old Charlie lying on a box, drinking a beer, and listening to Aretha Franklin.

“Charlie!” I said. “What the hell is this place?”

“It’s where I spend my time,” he said.

“Aren’t you afraid someone’s going to catch you?”

“Hell, no!” he said. “I ain’t the only body be resting up here.”

As it turned out, Charlie’s place was a clandestine boxed country club, not only for Charlie (and now me) but also for the union shop steward and the two warehouse managers who could have put an end to it.

“Don’t nobody want to work all day long,” Old Charlie explained.

For the rest of that summer, Old Charlie was a god to me. Every thing he did (or didn’t do), I’d emulate. Every word he spoke, I took as gospel. But somewhere along the way I noticed something – the days were dragging by. And I never found the peace of mind Old Charlie had in such abundance.

I do think life gives us two choices. We can get through it doing as little as possible. Or we can work hard and try to build something.

I never had the frame of mind to do it Old Charlie’s way. Not working was just too hard for me. But I never forgot how graceful Old Charlie’s slothfulness seemed. It seemed a more advanced way of being.

But we are what we are. And if you’ve been reading ETR for a while, you are probably not a guru of laziness and probably never will be. You are a worker – a natural born mover and shaker – but one who has a little bit of Old Charlie in his soul. When you want to slow down – or do nothing at all – it’s Old Charlie tempting you.

“Who Moved My Cheese?”does not allow for the Old Charlie in you. It posits a world where success and happiness are the byproducts of work. And that’s fine, because that is the world we ETRs have chosen to live in. When it comes to making money, building business, and creating wealth, prosperity, and value – nothing works like work.

“Who Moved My Cheese?” reminds us that we can’t stop moving. That we must always be pushing, always be trying new things, and always be ready to change.

Businesses that stagnate degenerate. Businesspeople who don’t keep moving eventually fail. Think of yourself as a shark. If you stop going forward, you die. Yet, so many businesspeople find a limited amount of success and then stop. You can see it almost anywhere you look. The restaurant that has a good location but serves mediocre food. It is making a modest profit, so the owner assumes things will get better in the future. But things get worse. “It’s the market,” the owner thinks, “a temporary slowdown that can’t be avoided. I’ll just sit and wait.”

As a customer, you know what the problem is. The pasta is soggy and the tomato sauce is tasteless. But since the owner wants most of all to do nothing, he never asks your opinion. You don’t tell him. He doesn’t know. And the food gets no better. Two years later, he is bankrupt – and he still doesn’t know why.

In the direct-marketing business, I see managers who stop testing new promotions once they find one that works. “Finally, I have something I can count on,” they think. And so they sit back and relax a little. Six months later, they get their first serious warning. Results are flat. “It must be a glitch in the market,” they think. “Let’s see what happens the next time we mail.” What happens is that the results are even worse. But by then, it is way too late to fix the problem. Profits are down.

It doesn’t matter what you do – whether you own a business or work for one – and it doesn’t matter what industry you are in. Unless you keep moving and changing, you will fall behind.

Something You Can Promise Yourself . . .

Don’t be satisfied with your product/service. However good it is, there is some way to make it better. Speak to your customers. Consult with experts. Examine it yourself. Find some way to improve it. And when you are done, do it again.

Do the same thing with your marketing. Create a successful promotion. Than the moment you know it’s working, start looking for another one to replace it. Spend the money. Devote the time. Believe that the end is nearer than you expect. It usually is.

And with your business plan, expect change too. Anticipate that your customers will change. They will become richer or poorer, older or younger, smarter or dumber, cooler or lamer. Know that your employees will change too. They will move or quit, die or become disabled (hey . . . let’s be honest), become disenchanted or enchanted elsewhere. Same thing with your vendors, consultants, and colleagues.

Expect change. Welcome change. Don’t ever stop changing.

Here’s what Spencer Johnson, Ph.D., has to say about finding new cheese:

1. Smell the cheese often, so you know when it’s getting old.

2. When you move beyond your fear, you feel free.

3. The quicker you let go of the old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.

4. It is safer to search in the maze than to remain in a cheeseless situation.

5. Move with the cheese and enjoy it.

The Corporate Sister

Book Review: Who Moved My Cheese?

Sep 19, 2021 | LIFESTYLE

Book Review: Who Moved My Cheese?

If you’ve ever wondered about how to deal with change in your career and life, you owe it to yourself to read this book. “ Who moved my cheese? ” by Dr. Spencer Johnson was recommended during a professional training, igniting my curiosity. I literally devoured it in one evening…

This short story featuring two mice and two little humans faced with a shortage of cheese at their usual cheese station reminds us the only constant is change . When both the little mice and little humans show up one day to no longer cheese at their usual cheese station, they’re surprised and unprepared to deal with this seemingly new turn of events. While the “simpler” little mice accept their new circumstances without much questioning and embark on a search for new cheese, the little humans go through a more laborious process, questioning the change at hand and hesitating to adapt to their new reality. Through their thought process, behaviors and lessons learned, they reveal to us the intricacies of our own nature when faced with the “new” and the lessons learned along the way.

 It’s quite easy to identify with the characters, especially the little humans who are more hesitant to recognize and adapt to change. In a few short words and a powerful anecdote, Dr. Spencer Johnson expertly manages to place a mirror in front of us as readers, confronting us with the reality of our core instincts of self-preservation, comfort and predictability. He presents the dilemma of change so many of us face with a simple tale of humanity that can be applied to any area of work or life.

“ Who Moved My Cheese? ”, in its simplicity and truth, is a game-changer when it comes to dealing with change at work and in life. It not only prompts us to look within at our own beliefs and attitudes about personal and professional transitions, but also to realize and confirm the necessity of change in life. More importantly, it teaches us all to anticipate change, adapt to it, and enjoy the process.

PS: Read a book you’d like to recommend to fellow working women and moms? Please email us at [email protected] !

Happy Reading!

The Corporate Sis.

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Who moved my Cheese by Spencer Johnson book

Who moved my Cheese? Book Review: A clever fable engineered to help deal with change

How i came across the book, who moved my cheese.

I received this book as a gift from a special person in my life. If you know me, you should how attached I am to my school, even to this day; nine years after having left it. So, you could imagine the state I was in, on our farewell day. It was hard for me to move on from the very haven that had nurtured me for thirteen long years. But I had to accept that change. There was no choice. And that’s when my friend gifted me a book as a farewell present; Who moved my Cheese? by Dr. Spencer Johnson.

Who moved my Cheese? Book review

Our school principal once said, “ All good things are sweet and short ”. Who moved my Cheese?  is an epitome of that expression. This book is not your usual self-help book because, fascinatingly enough, you can read it in just a couple of hours! In my own case, I read it while at the airport, waiting for the boarding call after the security check. Secondly, although it carries a profound message to take home, the book is understandable even by a ten-year-old kid! This is because the book presents itself in the form of a simple fable. There are just four characters in this fable for each of whom, cheese is their ultimate aim in life. While two of them are simple, the other two are complex overthinkers. How one same situation affects each of them in different ways is the essence of the story.

Some lines and excerpts from the book, Who moved my Cheese? that I found most appealing

“He had to admit that the biggest inhibitor to change lies within yourself and that nothing gets better until you change.”

“Change could surprise you only if you didn’t expect and weren’t looking for it.”

What I did like about the book, Who moved my Cheese?

There are many things that I liked about this book. Some of them include:

What I did not like about the book, Who moved my Cheese?

Genre, style and narrative of the book, who moved my cheese, about the author.

Spencer Johnson was an international best-selling American writer who authored several self-help books and children’s books. Born in 1938, he graduated with a psychology degree as well as a medical degree and many medical clerkships. However, he left his medical career to pursue one of literature as he loved writing. Who moved my Cheese? published in 1988, is one of his most famous works. In fact, it was so well received that it found its place repeatedly on the New York Times Bestseller list. Only a few know that the book was a product of his own experience from dealing with a difficult change. His books are available in over forty languages all over the world. Some of Dr. Spencer Johnson books include:

How much would I rate the book, Who moved my Cheese ?

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Deepika Punya

  • September 12, 2021

Book review: Who moved my Cheese?

book review who moved my cheese

AUTHOR                                               Dr Spencer Johnson GENRE                                                 Self-help RATING                                                 3.5 / 5 RECOMMEND                                      Yes FICTION / NON FICTION                     Non- Fiction

book review who moved my cheese


  • Someone, who is dealing with change at their workplace, or relationship. (as stated by the book)
  • If you want a good short read.
  • If you need a better clarity or some motivation to push yourself forward.


  • How to respond or adapt to changes that occur in life, either in an organization, or relationship or in any other aspect.
  • A little motivation on the way whenever you feel lost.
“When you change what you believe, you change what you do.”
  • In this book, the author narrates its readers about change in life, either at workplace or at home, and how different individuals with different characteristics trait, deal with them.
  • The book makes use of metaphors – where cheese represents a material, goal, or a person, that we as human mostly tend to live for or consider that our main purpose in life, e.g.; money, job or relationship. Whereas, the term maze represents life.
  • The book consists of three sections: 1. A Gathering 2. Who moved my cheese? – Story 3. The Discussion
  • The first and the last section of the books, revolves around a group of school friends reuniting after a number of years, and discussing about their life. That is when one person narrates them the story of ‘WHO MOVED MY CHEESE’.
  • The Main story deals with four characters – Scurry, Sniff, Hem and Haw. Each with a different quality and approach when dealing with change.
  • Scurry and Sniff are rats, whereas Hem and Haw are little humans (in the size of rats).
  • All four characters go around the maze, in search for cheese. Scurry and Sniff, being rats, use simple methods like trial and error, for  searching cheese. Whereas, Hem and Haw, being little humans, use their complex brains, in their cheese find.
  • One day, the cheese in their station (Cheese station ‘C’), gets over. And how the four characters respond to this change, builds up the rest of the story.
  • Along the course of the story, you may find yourself one among the characters.
“What would you do if you weren’t scared?”
  • A good short read.
  • You will find yourself as one of the characters, and the situation they face almost similar to real life. (Although, it may not be true for everyone.)
  • The book is filled with quotes, and you can even write a few of them, and place it, where you can see it everyday
  • The first and the third section in the book didn’t feel important. (Even the author suggests that we could stop the book at the second section and do the discussion part for our self.)


  • Definitely a book I would recommend.
  • This book reminded me to KEEP VISIONING YOUR GOAL, whenever I would feel lost and am are trying to adapt to change,
  • It definitely is one among the books that I would go for whenever I feel de-motivated.
  • And being a short read is only an added advantage.

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Book Summary Who Moved My Cheese? , by Spencer Johnson

We all experience change in our lives. It can be distressing or rewarding, depending on our approach. “Who Moved My Cheese” is a parable that demonstrates in practical terms how to handle change better and avoid pitfalls, by practicing a few key principles: anticipate and prepare for change, overcome fears, envision success, and enjoy change. By depicting simple, memorable characters and scenarios, the parable gives you a framework for responding to change successfully.

book review who moved my cheese

1-Page Summary 1-Page Book Summary of Who Moved My Cheese?

“Who Moved My Cheese,” a bestseller by Spencer Johnson published in 1998, is a parable about the inevitability of change, the ways in which we typically deal with it, and how revising our attitude toward change can reduce stress and increase success. Like all parables, it’s told as a story that you can relate clearly to your life.

The Narrative

The story takes place in a maze, where four characters search for and consume cheese. Cheese represents happiness or satisfaction in its various forms — for instance, security, prestige, or wealth.

Two characters, Sniff and Scurry, are mice who take an industrious, uncomplicated trial-and-error approach to finding cheese, They don’t overthink things, instead trying out various routes until one day they find a large store of cheese.

The other two characters, Hem and Haw, are little humans who apply more sophisticated thinking and analytical skills to the daily search. They, too, find the same large stockpile of cheese as the mice.

But the two have very different attitudes toward their situation. The humans Hem and Haw take the cheese for granted, assuming it will always be there. By contrast, the mice stay alert to their surroundings. They notice that the quality and supply of the cheese are slowly dwindling.

One day the cheese is gone. How the characters cope with this change offers lessons in surviving and thriving despite the inevitable changes in life and the workplace.

The simple-minded mice don’t overthink things. They quickly accept the changed situation for what it is , not cursing the world or the environment for its unfairness. They adapt to the change and immediately head out to look for new cheese. And while it takes concerted effort, they eventually find happiness in the form of a huge new pile of...

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Who Moved My Cheese? Summary The Story

No matter what environment we operate in — whether a town, city, family, relationship, workplace, or other setting — change is inevitable. “Who Moved My Cheese” by Spencer Johnson is a parable about a place that changed, and how its inhabitants reacted. Through the characters’ triumphs and travails, the story offers lessons and tips for coping successfully with change in our lives by changing our attitudes and behavior.

The parable unfolds in a maze, where four characters — two mice (Sniff and Scurry) and two tiny humans (Hem and Haw), search for cheese, which represents happiness. They get pretty good at this. The mice use their simple, rodent-specific talents of sniffing out cheese and scurrying around until they find it. Hem and Haw use their human thinking and analytical skills to also find cheese. They find a huge supply and all four enjoy its benefits for quite a while.

One day the maze dwellers confront a crisis: The cheese is gone. All four characters must adapt in one way or another to their changed circumstances.

The mice are the best equipped at the outset.

  • They’re not surprised at the change because they noticed it happening. They stayed observant and...

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Shortform Exercise: Reflecting on the Story

This simple parable can give you insights into your own attitudes about change, which can help you be more successful in the future.

Which character would you most prefer to be lost in a maze with, and why? (Sniff, Scurry, Hem, or Haw)

What Our Readers Say

This is the best summary of How to Win Friends and Influence People I've ever read. I learned all the main points in just 20 minutes.

Who Moved My Cheese? Summary Applying the Lessons

Two chapters appearing before and after the cheese story (The Gathering and The Discussion) recount conversations among friends dealing with change and considering how to apply the lessons of the story in their lives and workplaces.

These may be useful in prompting reflection on changes in your life and how you’ve coped, as well as suggesting areas in which the principles could be helpful. For instance, you might understand what’s going wrong in a relationship, or how to deal with a recent change in your career or life.

(On the other hand, you might also take a second to reflect on the narrative and what it means to you, before reading on.)

As old friends at a reunion compare their lives and confess to being unsettled by change, one classmate relates the cheese story. The friends talk about which characters they resembled when experiencing change. Some lessons or conclusions they share from their lives are:

  • If you stubbornly resist change at work, you could end up being fired or let go. The same can...

Who Moved My Cheese? Summary A Guide to Change

Change is inevitable, but it can be addressed successfully. Here’s a guide on what to do, and what not to do.

What to do to handle change successfully:

Be prepared for change : Pay attention to signs of change in your environment, whether it’s layoffs at your workplace, new aches and pains, or strains in your home life. Consider how potential changes could affect you and develop a plan to handle them - for instance, by learning new skills.

  • In the story: Mice Sniff and Scurry noticed the cheese stockpile getting old and dwindling. They were ready (they kept their running shoes handy) to search for a new supply when the old one disappeared.

Let go of the past : When things change, move forward quickly. The longer you wait, the more resistance you build to moving, and the harder it’ll be to adapt later.

  • In the story: Sniff and Scurry were action-oriented, and set off immediately to search for new cheese. It helped that they also kept things simple and didn’t overanalyze or overcomplicate things by, for instance, getting hung up on “what if’s.”
  • In the story: Initially, Haw also stayed with Hem and wished for things to return to normal. But Haw came to...

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book review who moved my cheese

Who Moved My Cheese? Summary Putting It All Together

(Shortform exclusive section)

Let’s put it all together by talking about a common change in many people’s lives — job changes. If your job is redefined or eliminated, applying the principles in “Who Moved My Cheese” can help you deal with it successfully.

To start with, watch for change by paying attention to company statements, workload and structural changes, and industry trends. If you sniff out change, you can prepare for change by getting your personal finances in order, adding a part-time job, learning a new skill to develop your job in a different direction, or moving to a new company.

Don’t try to hold on to the past (don’t wait for the cheese to reappear) by ignoring warning signs, resisting new skill...

Shortform Exercise: Prepare for Change

Change is natural. If you pay attention, you might detect the change coming long before it happens.

Are there some signs of change in your workplace or personal life? What are they, and what change might be coming?

Shortform Exercise: Picture Success

Picturing what success looks like, and imagining yourself succeeding, can help you get there.

What would be your equivalent of sitting on a large pile of cheese? Picture your success in vivid detail - what does the world look like? What are you doing? How do you feel? How do others feel?

Shortform Exercise: Overcome Fear

Even when you recognize that you must “move with the cheese,” it can be difficult to leave your comfort zone due to fear.

When’s a time you overcame your fear in the past? What was the result? How did your life improve (or not)?

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Shortform Exercise: Avoid Overanalyzing

When we notice change occurring, we may waste time overanalyzing what’s already happened or what might happen, instead of simply taking action to move forward.

Think about a time when overanalyzing held you back. How did you eventually move forward?

Shortform Exercise: Prepare for Continuous Change

If you expect change to happen, you’ll be better prepared when it does. Think about how to better prepare for changes.

How could your company or organization better prepare for unexpected changes?

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Who Moved My Cheese?

  • By Cherie Tsukamoto
  • August 4, 2024
  • No Comments

Have you read Spencer Johnson’s iconic fable, “Who Moved My Cheese?” It’s a successful book because of its simple yet very profound message: change is inevitable and our response to it determines our fate.

The fable is about four characters who live in a maze. They all love cheese, and one day, the cheese disappears. The characters in the story respond differently to the change they encounter. Two of the characters, Hem and Haw, cling to their past and fear the unknown. But, Sniff and Scurry quickly adjust, explore new tunnels, and find new cheese!

The question we all must ask ourselves is, will we remain trapped in denial when change occurs, or will we embrace change and discover new opportunities? Will we refuse to move on or will we grow and rediscover our adventurous spirit?

Our industry is facing change. The National Association of Realtors has put in place a new rule prohibiting offers of compensation on an MLS. The new rule allows listing brokers and sellers to continue to offer compensation for buyer broker services, but such offers cannot be communicated via an MLS. Also, the new rules require a buyer to sign a written agreement with an agent before touring a home. As always, agent compensation for home buyers and sellers continues to be fully negotiable.

For more information about the rule changes, click on the links below:

  • Home Sellers: Here’s What You Need to Know
  • Homebuyers: Here’s What You Need to Know

Change is nothing new in our profession. We adapt all the time to changing markets, changing technology, changing laws, rules and regulations. But, the one thing that doesn’t change is how we represent you.

At Hawaii Life , our mission is to represent your best interests with expertise, integrity, and personalized service. Not to mention a whole lot of aloha spirit.

So yes, our “cheese” may be moving, but our mindset and commitment to best practices and extraordinary service has not.

What about you? Do you find yourself in the flux of change? If so, take heart from the following quotes and go find some new cheese!

“What you are afraid of is never as bad as what you imagine. The fear you let build up in your mind is worse than the situation that actually exists.”

“When you stop being afraid, you feel good.”

“Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old.”

“The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.”

“If you do not change, you can become extinct!”

Posted on August 4, 2024 in Hawaii , Sales , Tips , Buyers , opportunity , realtors , Sellers

Cherie Tsukamoto

Cherie Tsukamoto

Cherie Tsukamoto is a BIC, R, ABR, CRB, CRS, GRI, SRES, MRP, with Hawai'i Life. You can email me at CherieTsukamoto@hawaiilife.com or via phone at (808) 227-2216 .

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book review who moved my cheese


  1. Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson

    book review who moved my cheese

  2. Who Moved My Cheese?

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  3. Who Moved My Cheese?

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  4. Who Moved My Cheese? Book Summary by Spencer Johnson

    book review who moved my cheese

  5. Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

    book review who moved my cheese

  6. Who Moved My Cheese

    book review who moved my cheese


  1. Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

    Spencer Johnson, Kenneth H. Blanchard (Foreword) 3.86. 479,940 ratings17,387 reviews. "Who Moved My Cheese?" is a simple parable that reveals profound truths. It is an amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a "Maze" and look for "Cheese" to nourish them and make them happy. Two are mice named Sniff and Scurry.

  2. Book Review: Who Moved My Cheese. The Story

    This evergreen best seller describes how different personalities deal with change and gives practical advice on how to embrace and succeed in an ever-changing, fast paced world. The story goes ...

  3. Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson: Summary and reviews

    Dr. Spencer Johnson realizes the need for finding the language and tools to deal with change--an issue that makes all of us nervous and uncomfortable. Most people are fearful of change because they don't believe they have any control over how or when it happens to them. Since change happens either to the individual or by the individual, Spencer ...

  4. Book Review of "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Dr Spencer

    The book begins with a realistic scenario. In Chicago, a group of former classmates enjoys a high school reunion. They are talking about how all their lives have changed over the past few years. Then, one wants to share a story he heard that helped him deal with the change. And this is when the main story begins.

  5. Book review: Who moved my cheese, by Dr. Spencer Johnson

    "Who moved my cheese" is literally that, i.e. a little tale shared between old friends, with the purpose of sharing common problems occurring in life and at work, then discuss those problems ...

  6. What do readers think of Who Moved My Cheese?

    Many peoples future would be to have a successful career and a caring family. Similarly, This book is an amazing way to deal with success in your work and in your life. The book put emphasis on using what you learned for day-to-day life. The most important parts to this book were the phrases the author used.

  7. Who Moved My Cheese Book Review

    A: Some key takeaways from "Who Moved My Cheese" include the importance of adapting to change, being proactive in finding solutions, not being afraid to let go of old ways, and embracing new opportunities. The book encourages readers to approach change with a positive mindset and a willingness to learn and grow. Editor's Picks.

  8. Book Review of "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Dr. Spencer Johnson

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  9. Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work

    Spencer Johnson, M.D., is the originator of The One Minute Manager System™ and co-author of the New York Times bestsellers The One Minute Manager®, The One Minute Sales Person, and One Minute for Myself.His other bestsellers include Who Moved My Cheese?; The Precious Present; and Yes or No: The Guide to Better Decisions. Called "The King of Parables" by USA Today, Dr. Johnson is often ...

  10. Who Moved My Cheese?: An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work

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  11. Who Moved My Cheese Summary: Key Takeaways & Review

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  12. Who Moved My Cheese Summary and Review

    Who Moved My Cheese Review. This is a great book. I love stories like these. It is a management book, and many a manager has told this story to his team to inspire them, but it's just as valuable for you as an individual.. It describes a simple pattern of embracing change, finding success, looking out for more change and then embracing it again, which will help you cultivate a much more ...

  13. Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

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  14. Who Moved My Cheese?

    Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life, published on September 8, 1998, is a bestselling work and motivational business fable by Spencer Johnson.The text describes the way one reacts to major change in one's work and life, and four typical reactions to those changes by two mice and two "Littlepeople," during their hunt for "cheese."

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    4. It is safer to search in the maze than to remain in a cheeseless situation. 5. Move with the cheese and enjoy it. Posted in Motivation, Self-Improvement. Jaylen Malcolm • 5 years ago. The book who moved my cheese is a fable of talking mice, and tiny people.

  18. "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Dr. Spencer Johnson

    Follow. 4 min read. ·. Aug 30, 2020. 1. "Who Moved My Cheese?" tells a story that is, at the same time, both simple and brilliant. From all the reviews I've read online and all the people I ...

  19. Book Review: "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Spencer Johnson

    by megmb. "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Dr. Spencer Johnson is a classic among motivational and self-help books. It's a simple yet profound allegory that explores the themes of change, adaptability, and resilience. First published in 1998, this book has resonated with readers worldwide, becoming a staple in personal development and business ...

  20. Book Review: Who Moved My Cheese?

    If you've ever wondered about how to deal with change in your career and life, you owe it to yourself to read this book. " Who moved my cheese? " by Dr. Spencer Johnson was recommended during a professional training, igniting my curiosity. I literally devoured it in one evening…. This short story featuring two mice and two little humans ...

  21. Book Review of "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Dr. Spencer Johnson

    We need to move with the Cheese and enjoy it. After reading and re-reading this amazing book, personally, I always aim to be like Sniff & Scurry, who can smell the change early & always ready to ...

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    Who Moved my Cheese by Spencer Johnson. I received this book as a gift from a special person in my life. If you know me, you should how attached I am to my school, even to this day; nine years after having left it. So, you could imagine the state I was in, on our farewell day. It was hard for me to move on from the very haven that had nurtured ...

  23. Book review: Who moved my Cheese?

    PRO's: A good short read. You will find yourself as one of the characters, and the situation they face almost similar to real life. (Although, it may not be true for everyone.) The book is filled with quotes, and you can even write a few of them, and place it, where you can see it everyday. CON's:

  24. Book Summary Who Moved My Cheese? , by Spencer Johnson

    Summary The Story. No matter what environment we operate in — whether a town, city, family, relationship, workplace, or other setting — change is inevitable. "Who Moved My Cheese" by Spencer Johnson is a parable about a place that changed, and how its inhabitants reacted. Through the characters' triumphs and travails, the story offers ...

  25. Who Moved My Cheese?

    The fable is about four characters who live in a maze. They all love cheese, and one day, the cheese disappears. The characters in the story respond differently to the change they encounter. Two of the characters, Hem and Haw, cling to their past and fear the unknown. But, Sniff and Scurry quickly adjust, explore new tunnels, and find new cheese!