
36 Engaging opening sentences for an essay

Last Updated on July 20, 2022 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

An essay’s opening sentence has a tremendous impact on the reader. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing an argumentative essay, a personal narrative, or a research paper; how your text begins will affect its tone and topic. You can write about anything as long as it is relevant to your thesis—starting with an engaging opening sentence may be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful essay.

An introduction is the first section of any paper that allows you to introduce your thesis and provide an overview of your argument or discussion. A good introduction should grab your audience’s attention and entice them to read on, summarising what you’re trying to say concisely. It’s a good idea to think of your introduction as a hook, writing an opening sentence that will leave your reader wanting more.

Writing a thesis statement is the first thing you need to do when planning your paper. Although there are multiple strategies for creating a thesis statement, you must express yourself clearly and answer three simple questions: What is the main idea of my essay? Why is it important? How do I plan to prove it in a paper?

There are countless ways to begin an essay or a thesis effectively. As a start, here are 36 introductory strategies accompanied by examples from a wide range of professional writers.

1. “Is it possible to be truly anonymous online?”

This is an engaging opening sentence because it immediately poses a problem that the reader will likely want answered. It’s also interesting that this question applies directly to internet usage, something everybody has experience with. The subject of the opening sentence is “online anonymity,” which allows the writer to discuss two related concepts.

2. “I was shocked to awake one morning to find I had turned into a snail.”

The opening sentence immediately grabs the reader’s attention with its play on words, leaving them unsure if it’s meant as a joke. It continues to entertain by combining an unlikely image (a person turning into a snail) with waking up more common. The sentence also establishes the essay’s tone, which is humorous and personal.

3. “I didn’t want to study abroad.”

This opening sentence immediately intrigues the reader because it presents an opinion that contradicts what would be expected in this type of assignment. The writer then follows with a statement about their decision to study abroad, discussing the reasons for this choice and explaining their position on the matter.

4. “The three dogs had been barking for over an hour before my neighbor finally came out to investigate.”

This opening sentence introduces a narrative about something that happened in the past, starting with dogs barking at night. The next sentence provides background information by revealing that the neighbor came out after an hour and then reasons for this delay. The fact that the writer does not reveal why this is significant until later on makes the opening sentence even more effective because it keeps the reader engaged with what will happen next.

5. “I have always been interested in fashion.”

This opening sentence immediately sets the topic for the entire paper by discussing interest in fashion. It also establishes the tone, clearly portraying the writer’s voice while informing the audience about their personal experience with the subject matter.

6. “I remember when I first realized I didn’t have a home.”

This opening sentence begins a personal narrative about a time before moving out of their family home when the writer realized they didn’t live there anymore. It uses flashbacks to set up the rest of the essay by showing what happened before they moved out and how this made them feel.

7. “When I was in middle school, my dad told me not to get into fights.”

This opening sentence establishes a relationship between the writer and the subject of their essay, creating a more personal tone. It also establishes an expectation for what will be discussed by telling something that happened in the past. The sentence ends with a twist, so it’s more interesting than just stating something that was told to them, making this opening sentence effective.

8. “When I first sat down to write this essay, I was absolutely certain of the thesis.”

This opening sentence immediately introduces conflict because it tells about something that didn’t occur as expected. It also implies that there will be an alternate solution or angle for this paper that will be explored in the following paragraphs. The vocabulary (like “absolutely”) suggests more certainty in this opening paragraph than presented, making it interesting to read.

9. “I remember the first time I killed a man.”

This opening sentence offers an unexpected statement that intrigues the reader and immediately draws them into the essay, wanting to know more about what happened. This type of sentence is called a gripping opener because it does just that. The sentence is also effective because it creates suspense and anticipation in the reader’s mind about what will happen next in this story .

10. “There are two sides to every story: my side and your side.”

This opening sentence introduces a topic that will be revisited multiple times throughout the essay, making it effective for an introduction. It also creates a sense of mystery about the two sides and how they relate to each other, which will be resolved later on once it becomes clear that there are three sides.

11. “I should start this essay by introducing myself.”

This opening sentence includes an explanation for why this paragraph is being written (to introduce oneself) before it ends with a question (“who am I?”). This is effective because it gets the reader to think critically about who the writer is and what they want to say. It also permits them to stop reading after this sentence if they don’t feel like it, making it one of the less intimidating opening sentences.

12. “At the age of seven, I knew my life was going to be amazing.”

This opening sentence establishes a confident, optimistic tone by mentioning something that happened in the past. It also implies that the writer had this positive outlook before anything particularly special happened to them yet, which will likely be mentioned later on, making it more interesting to read.

13. “I don’t know when I lost my sense of excitement for learning.”

This opening sentence presents a conflict that the writer will likely try to resolve in this essay, which gives the reader something to look forward to. It also establishes voice by expressing how they feel about their education so far and suggesting what could be done about it.

14. “Coming home after a long day of school and work is like walking into a warzone.”

This opening sentence creates a sense of conflict that will likely be discussed later on and establishes voice because it shows the writer’s attitude towards their environment. It provides an example of why this subject has been brought up by describing what happens during this “warzone” of a day.

15. “I’ve always loved school.”

This opening sentence is effective because it provides an example of how their life used to be before the issue was introduced (in the next few sentences), making it more interesting to read. It also creates a sense of nostalgia about how good things used to be, making it more engaging.

16. “I feel like I’m losing my mind.”

This opening sentence is effective because it creates a voice by describing the writer’s experience and establishes conflict, so the reader knows what to expect in this essay. It provokes an emotional response in the reader, making them more interested.

17. “On day two of our honeymoon, my wife passed out.”

This opening sentence creates suspense by mentioning what happens before revealing why this is significant. It also establishes conflict because it implies that the writer’s wife’s health will be an issue throughout the essay. This leads to a likely discussion about whether or not they should continue their honeymoon, making it engaging for the reader.

18. “I’m a college student, and I hate it.”

This opening sentence establishes conflict for the rest of the essay because it implies that something negatively affects their education. It also establishes voice by showing what they think about being a student and how they feel about college so far, which makes it more interesting to read.

19. “The first time I heard the word ‘stan’ was when Eminem released his song in 2000 by the same name.”

This opening sentence establishes conflict for what will likely be discussed later on and also creates a sense of nostalgia because it takes the reader back to a significant point in recent history that they might remember (rare for essays). It also establishes voice because it shows the writer’s knowledge about rap music.

20. “I used to hate when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up because I never knew how to answer them.”

This opening sentence helps the reader understand why this essay was written to tie into their own experiences. It also establishes conflict by revealing something that the writer used to be troubled by. It also makes them seem relatable because everyone has problems with their future at one point or another.

21. “All my life, I’ve been told I was destined for greatness.”

This opening sentence establishes that the writer had difficulties in their life despite being seen as destined for greatness so far. It also creates a sense of conflict because it implies that they will have to convince the reader otherwise, making it more interesting to read.

22. “My friend once told me that I should never say ‘I’m just being honest when discussing our differences, but I always do.”

This opening sentence creates conflict by showing the reader that there is always tension between the writer and their friend because of this issue. It also establishes voice because it shows how honest they are about their differences, which makes them more relatable. This makes it engaging for the reader to read on.

23. “I’ve never been one to keep my emotions bottled up, and now that I’m pregnant, that’s been amplified.”

This opening sentence establishes emotion from the writer because it shows that they are uncomfortable keeping their emotions to themselves and continue to do so even when they become pregnant. It also creates a sense of conflict because the reader will probably wonder how this lack of emotional inhibition might affect them later on.

24. “The first time I read ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ it changed my life.”

This opening sentence grabs the reader’s attention and shows what impact this book has had on the writer so far. It also establishes how passionate the writer is towards literature and makes them more relatable because many people have been affected by great works of literature in some way. This is engaging for the reader to read on.

25. “As I walked out of class one day, my professor asked me what I wanted to do with my future.”

This opening sentence establishes conflict by showing that there was a time when the writer did not have an answer to this question despite being capable of doing anything in their mind. It also establishes voice by showing that the writer can stand up for themselves when pushed and makes them seem more relatable because everyone struggles with thinking about their future at some point or another. This is engaging for the reader to continue reading.

26. “I’ve always been taught that it’s impolite to talk about money, but I want to share my experience with you.”

This opening sentence establishes voice by showing that the writer does not abide by this code of conduct because they believe it’s more important to be open and honest. It also creates a sense of conflict so that the reader might have their own contrasting opinions, which will create tension while reading. This is engaging for the reader to continue reading.

27. “Growing up, I never liked math, and it wasn’t until college that I realized why.”

This opening sentence establishes voice because it shows how passionate the writer was about their dislike of math despite not knowing why. It also creates conflict because they will have to explain their reasoning to the reader, which makes it more interesting to read, and it is engaging for the reader to read on.

28. “There are so many factors that go into determining how much someone should be paid, but I believe that everyone deserves equal pay.”

This opening sentence establishes conflict because the writer believes in something that not many people support, and they will have to explain their reasoning. It also establishes voice because it shows that the writer is passionate about this belief and makes them more relatable for other people who share the same opinion. This is engaging for the reader to read on.

29. “Many things have been said about Millennials, but no one has asked us what we think.”

This opening sentence creates a sense of conflict because the reader might be wondering what this person thinks as a Millennial. It also establishes voice by using “us” to show that they are not alone in their beliefs and makes them seem more relatable. This is engaging for the reader to read on.

30. “I finally found a job that I love, and as it turns out, it’s located in a city that has been my dream destination since I was little.”

This opening sentence establishes voice because it shows how the writer feels about their new job and makes them sound passionate about their work which makes the reader want to read on. This is engaging for the reader to continue.

31. “It was the summer of 2001 when I first came across an anime dubbed in French.”

This opening sentence establishes voice through personal experience and makes it relatable because many people have watched their favorite movies or shows in another language. It also creates a sense of conflict by making the reader wonder why they continued watching even though they didn’t understand much of what was being said. This is engaging for the reader to read on.

32. “For years, I thought my life was perfect, until one day when I realized that there’s nothing more important than your mental health.”

This opening sentence establishes voice by showing that the writer used to have this belief but then had a heart change, making them more relatable because everyone’s beliefs change over time. It also creates a sense of conflict by questioning what the reader believes about their mental health, which will make them want to continue reading. This is engaging for the reader to read on.

33. “As children, it’s easy to dream about becoming an astronaut or a firefighter, but I never imagined that my greatest passion would be writing.”

This opening sentence establishes voice by showing how the writer is passionate about what they are currently doing. It also creates a sense of conflict because the reader may have different interests, making it more interesting to read. This is engaging for the reader to continue reading on.

34. “If you would’ve asked me a few months ago, I wouldn’t have said that my life was perfect. However, after some time and perspective, I’m grateful for the twists and turns.”

This opening sentence establishes voice by showing how this person’s perspective has changed over time. It also creates a sense of conflict because it questions what the reader thinks and makes them want to read on. This is engaging for the reader to read on.

35. “Everyone has goals in life, whether it’s saving up enough money to buy a house or finally writing that book.”

This opening sentence establishes conflict because it questions the reader’s goals and shows how they may be different from the writer’s. It also creates a sense of connection because many people share the same goals and make them want to keep reading. This is engaging for the reader to read on.

36. “I’m not sure if I’ve ever told you this, but my favorite show as a child was A Little Princess.”

This opening sentence establishes voice by showing that the writer shares a secret and makes them sound like they’re talking directly to someone. It also creates a sense of conflict because it’s difficult to imagine that the reader doesn’t know this information and makes them want to read on. This is engaging for the reader to read on.

Final Words

To conclude, there are countless ways to begin an essay or a thesis effectively. These 36 opening sentences for an essay are just a few examples of how to do so. There is no “right way” to start, but it will become easier to find your voice and style as you continue writing and practicing. Good luck!

Harvard University

Purdue University

Royal Literary Fund- Essay Writing Guide

University of Melbourne

Amherst College

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Sharon Baisil

Hi, I am a doctor by profession, but I love writing and publishing ebooks. I have self-published 3 ebooks which have sold over 100,000 copies. I am featured in Healthline, Entrepreneur, and in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology blog.

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Sentence Starters: Ultimate List to Improve Your Essays and Writing

Ashley Shaw

By Ashley Shaw

How to start a sentence

This blog post is going to be about … No. Too boring.

Today, I am going to talk to you about ... No. Too specific.

This is a blog post for all writers ... Nope. Too generic.

Has this ever been you while writing? I get it. Writing a good sentence can be hard, and when you have to string a whole lot of them together, the task can become daunting. So what do you do?

From the first sentence you write to the very last, you want each one to show your style and motivate your reader to keep reading. In this post, we are going to think about how you start your sentences.

sentence starter tip

What Is a Good Sentence Starter for an Essay Introduction?

What is a good sentence starter for a body paragraph, 25 useful transitions, can i repeat a sentence starter, how can i rephrase "in conclusion".

The first paragraph of a paper can make or break your grade. It is what gets your audience into the topic and sets the whole stage. Because of this, it is important to get your readers hooked early.

The first sentence of a paper is often called the hook. It shouldn’t be anything ordinary. It should have strong language and be a little surprising, with an interesting fact, story, statistic, or quote on the topic.

Because it is designed to pull the reader in and surprise them a little, it is often good to avoid pre-written sentence starter examples when writing your hook. Just get into it here, and worry about the flow later.

Here are some examples:

Spider webs were once used as bandages.

I taught myself to read when I was three. At least, that’s the story my parents tell.

Recent studies suggest that the average person lies at least once in every conversation.

“The world is bleeding and humans wield the knife,” or so says environmental scientist So Andso.

(P.S. Except for example 1, which is true, I just made all of these up to demonstrate my point. So, please don’t quote me on these!)

Once you jump right in with your hook, it is time to start working on ways to move sentences along. Here is where you may need some sentence starter examples.

In your first paragraph, you basically want to connect your hook to your thesis. You’ll do this with a few sentences setting up the stage for your topic and the claim you will make about it. To do that, follow the tips found in the next section on body paragraphs and general sentence starter tips.

Many of the tips I am about to discuss can be used anywhere in a paper, but they are especially helpful when writing body paragraphs.

Let’s start with one of the most important types of sentence starter in essay writing: transition words.

How Do I Use Transitions in an Essay?

Definition of Transitions

If you want to start writing terrific sentences (and improve your essay structure ), the first thing you should do is start using transition words.

Transition words are those words or phrases that help connect thoughts and ideas. They move one sentence or paragraph into another, and they make things feel less abrupt.

The good thing about transition words is that you probably know a lot of them already and currently use them in your speech. Now, you just need to transition them into your writing. (See what I did there?)

Before we get into examples of what a good transition word is, let’s look at a paragraph without any transitions:

I went to the store. I bought bacon and eggs. I saw someone I knew. I said hello. I went to the cashier. They checked me out. I paid. I got my groceries. I went to my car. I returned home.

Yikes! That is some boring writing. It was painful to write, and I am sure it is even worse to read. There are two reasons for this:

  • I start every sentence with the same word (more on this later)
  • There are no signposts showing me how the ideas in the paragraph connect.

In an essay, you need to show how each of your ideas relate to each other to build your argument. If you just make a series of statements one after the other, you’re not showing your instructor that you actually understand those statements, or your topic.

How do we fix this? Transition words. Roughly 25% of your sentences should start with a transition word. If you can hit that number in your essay, you’ll know that you’ve made meaningful steps towards demonstrating your understanding.

Of course, hitting that number isn’t enough—those transitions need to be meaningful. Let’s look at the different types of transitions and how you can use them.

What Are Words Like First , Next , and Last Called?

You probably already use some transitions in your essays. For example, if you start a paragraph with firstly , you’ve used a transition word. But transitions can do so much more!

Here are 25 common transitional words and phrases that you could use in your essay:

  • Additionally / In Addition
  • Alternatively / Conversely
  • As a result of
  • At this time
  • Consequently
  • Contrary to
  • First(ly), Second(ly), etc.
  • In contrast
  • Nonetheless
  • On the other hand
  • Particularly / In particular
  • In other words

Common Transitional Words

This list isn’t exhaustive, but it is a good start.

These words show different types of relationships between ideas. These relationships fall into four main categories: Emphasis , Contrast , Addition , and Order .

What Are Emphasis Transition Words?

These phrases are used when you want to highlight a point. Examples from my above list include clearly , particularly , and indeed . Want to see some more? Follow my bolded transitions: Undoubtedly , you understand now. It should be noted that you don’t need to worry.

How Do You Use Addition Transitions?

These words add on to what you just said. These are words like along with , moreover , and also . Here are some more: Not only are you going to be great at transitions after this, but you will also be good at writing sentences. Furthermore , everyone is excited to see what you have to say.

How Can I Use Transitions to Contrast Ideas?

This is the opposite of addition, and you use it when you want to show an alternative view or to compare things. Examples from my list include words like nonetheless , contrary to , and besides .

Here are some more: Unlike people who haven’t read this article, you are going to be really prepared to write great sentences. Even so , there is still a lot more about writing to learn.

How Do I Order Ideas in My Essay?

A good first step is using order transition words.

This set of transitions helps mark the passage of time or gives an order to events. From the list, think of things like first and finally . Now for some extras: At this time yesterday , you were worried about starting sentences. Following this , though, you will be an expert.

The four types of transitions

Now that you get the concept of transitions, let’s go back to that poorly written paragraph above and add some in to see what happens:

This morning , I went to the store. While I was there, I bought bacon and eggs. Then I saw someone I knew. So I said hello. After that , I went to the cashier. At that time , they checked me out. First , I paid. Next , I got my groceries. Following that , I went to my car. Finally , I returned home.

(Notice the use of commas after most of these transitions!)

This isn’t the best paragraph I’ve ever written. It still needs a lot of work. However, notice what a difference just adding transitions makes. This is something simple but effective you can start doing to make your sentences better today.

If you want to check your transition usage, try ProWritingAid’s Transitions report . You’ll see how many of each type of transition word you've used so you can pin-point where you might be losing your reader.

prowritingaid transitions report for essay

Sign up for a free ProWritingAid account to try it out.

What Are Some Linking Phrases I Can Use in My Essay?

As well as individual words, you can also use short phrases at the beginning of your sentences to transition between ideas. I just did it there— "As well as individual words" shows you how this section of the article is related to the last.

Here are some more phrases like this:

As shown in the example,

As a result of this,

After the meeting,

While this may be true,

Though researchers suggest X,

Before the war began,

Until we answer this question,

Since we cannot assume this to be true,

While some may claim Y,

Because we know that Z is true,

These short phrases are called dependent clauses . See how they all end with a comma? That's because they need you to add more information to make them into complete sentences.

  • While some may claim that chocolate is bad for you, data from a recent study suggests that it may have untapped health benefits .
  • Since we cannot assume that test conditions were consistent, it is impossible to reach a solid conclusion via this experiment .
  • As a result of this, critics disagree as to the symbolism of the yellow car in The Great Gatsby .

The bolded text in each example could stand on its own as a complete sentence. However, if we take away the first part of each sentence, we lose our connection to the other ideas in the essay.

These phrases are called dependent clauses : they depend on you adding another statement to the sentence to complete them. When you use a sentence starter phrase like the ones above in your writing, you signal that the new idea you have introduced completes (or disrupts) the idea before it.

Note: While some very short dependent clauses don’t need a comma, most do. Since it is not wrong to use one on even short ones (depending on the style guide being used), it is a good idea to include one every time.

Definition of a dependent clause

Along with missing transitions and repeating sentence structure, another thing that stops sentences from being great is too much repetition. Keep your sentences sharp and poignant by mixing up word choices to start your sentences.

You might start your sentence with a great word, but then you use that same word 17 sentences in a row. After the first couple, your sentences don’t sound as great. So, whether it is varying the transitional phrases you use or just mixing up the sentence openers in general, putting in some variety will only improve your sentences.

ProWritingAid lets you know if you’ve used the same word repeatedly at the start of your sentences so you can change it.

ProWritingAid's Repetition Report

The Repeats Report also shows you all of the repeats in your document. If you've used a sentence starter and then repeated it a couple of paragraphs down, the report will highlight it for you.

Try the Repeats Report with a free ProWritingAid account.

Now that you have your introduction sentences and body sentences taken care of, let’s talk a little about conclusion sentences. While you will still use transitions and clauses as in the body, there are some special considerations here.

Your conclusion is what people will remember most after they finish reading your paper. So, you want to make it stand out. Don’t just repeat yourself; tell them what they should do with what you just told them!

Use the tips from above, but also remember the following:

Be unique. Not only should you vary the words you use to start different sentences, but you should also think outside of the box. If you use the same conclusion sentence starter everyone else is using, your ideas will blend in too.

Be natural. Some of the best writing out there is writing that sounds natural. This goes for academic writing, too. While you won’t use phrases like "at the end of the day" in essay writing, stilted phrases like "in conclusion" can disrupt the flow you’ve created earlier on.

Here are some alternatives to "in conclusion" you could use in an essay:

  • To review, ... (best for scientific papers where you need to restate your key points before making your final statement)
  • As has been shown, ...
  • In the final analysis, ...
  • Taking everything into account, ...
  • On the whole, ...
  • Generally speaking, ...

If you’re looking for more ways to rephrase "in conclusion," take a look at our complete list of synonyms you can use.

in conclusion alternatives

There may not be a set word or words that you can use to make your sentences perfect. However, when you start using these tips, you’ll start to see noticeable improvement in your writing.

If you’ve ever heard people talk about pacing and flow in academic writing, and you have no idea what they mean or how to improve yours, then this is your answer. These tips will help your writing sound more natural, which is how you help your ideas flow.

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20 Editing Tips From Professional Writers

20 Editing Tips from Professional Writers

Whether you are writing a novel, essay, article, or email, good writing is an essential part of communicating your ideas., this guide contains the 20 most important writing tips and techniques from a wide range of professional writers..

interesting essay openers

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Ashley Shaw

Ashley Shaw is a former editor and marketer/current PhD student and teacher. When she isn't studying con artists for her dissertation, she's thinking of new ways to help college students better understand and love the writing process.

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October 10, 2018

30 Kickass Ways to Start an Essay

by Nicholas Walker , under IELTS and TOEFL , Writing skills


30 kickass ways to start an essay

The purpose of the first sentence in your essay is to make your reader want to read your next sentence. In truth, every sentence you write has the same purpose: to keep them reading to the end.  

So, you have to start off strong. Your first sentence has to have some impact on the reader or you risk your essay being tossed aside never to be picked up again.

Try to feel my pain. As your reader, the last thing I want to read is some dry announcement about your plan for your essay, “ In my essay, I will blah blah blah .” Yuck! I would rather read a grocery list!

And you can do better than that. 

A martial artist once told me, “If you want to win a fight, hit first and hit hard.” With that in mind, here are 30 sentence types that will hit your reader hard at the beginning of your fight for his or her attention. 

My advice to you is to take 30 minutes to compose 30 of your own sentences using each structure and example to guide you. Don’t labour over each one. Some will be easy. Some not so much. 

Once you have your list of 30 kickass sentences, copy and paste your own sentences into the Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checker to check for errors .

Of course, you should become a member  of the Virtual Writing Tutor first–if you aren’t one already–because then the system will save your sentences to your profile for you to review later. (Yes, membership is 100% free, and no, we don’t send spam.)

1. Not this, but that.

Example: A moral code is not a hindrance to true success– it’s a necessity.

Structure :   ____ is not a ______ — it’s a _______.

Comment:   Say what something is not (or should not be) so that you can say what it is (or should be). Notice the dash. It joins two short sentences, one negative and one affirmative. You can join your sentences with a semicolon or a comma* if you prefer.

*Strictly speaking, using a comma to join two sentences is usually called a comma splice error, but because the sentences are short, your reader will will interpret the sentence as a stylistic sentence rather than a comma splice error.

2.  Use “ better off than ” to highlight an advantage.

Example : A society with minimal restrictions on the expression of ideas and opinions is better off than a society with a propensity to censor.

Example : A person with talent is better off than a person with training.

Structure : ________is better off than __________.

Comment:   The phrase “better than” compares two things directly, whereas the phrase “better off than” compares starting points. It tells the reader that one has an advantage the other doesn’t have. 

3. Compare adjectives with “ being ___ is better than being ___ “

Example : Being realistic is better than being heedlessly optimistic.

Structure:   Being _______ is better than being ________.

Comment: Nouns are easy to compare, but when we compare adjectives we need the word “being” in front of them.  This structure makes short, punchy claims easy to write, which make it easy for your reader to keep reading. 

4. Show equality with “ just as .”

Example : Apathy is just as harmful to humans as a physical disease .

Structure : ____ is just as _______ as _______.

Comment : If you are asked to discuss to two things and give your opinion, it can be a good idea to show how two things are equal in way before getting into their differences.  

5. Introduce alternatives with “ between ___ and ___ .”

Example : Between the nation state and the individual, the nation state is more important by far.

Structure: Between X and Y, X is best .

Comment: By offering two alternatives and then naming the first alternative again with a claim to its superiority, you create a sentence with a repeated element. The repetition creates an impact by making the repeated element more memorable. Poetry and song lyrics use repetition with this same intention.

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6. Announce your plan to categorize with “ fit into a range of .”

Example : Courageous deeds fit into a range of categories.

Structure:   Xs fit into a range of categories.  

Comment: After an opening sentence like this, you must keep your promise to categorize examples of “courageous deeds” into multiple types. 

7. Say how something resists categorization with “ go beyond .”

Example : Dreams go beyond career choices and material desires .

Structure: Xs go beyond Ys and Zs.  

Comment:  Notice how the three items in the example are all plurals. Keep your items parallel when using this sentence structure. Also, notice how saying dreams go beyond  make dreams bigger and more important than the other items mentioned. Readers will be curious how. Don’t disappoint. 

8. Say where concepts originate.

Example: Established values in a society originate in culture, religion, and the hopes and dreams that a country was founded upon.

Plural Structure:   Xs originate in Y and Z. 

Singular Structure:   X originates in Y and Z.

Comment : Saying where something originates opens the door to illustrations from the past. An essay with a first sentence like this will practically write itself.

9. Show surprising resilience with “ even with .”

Example:   Even with the divorce rate of 50% Americans remain dedicated to the idea of family and community.

Example : Despite a string of serious allegations, voters continue to support their president. 

Structure : Even with / Despite _______,   Xs remain _________.

Comment : Sentences that show us the surprising resilience of a state of affairs despite a factor that works against it make readers curious about why it is so.  Make no mistake. Notice “even with” introduces past and present situations, while “even if” tells the reader about the future.   

10. Virtually disappeared .

Example: Good manners have virtually disappeared from our self-centered world.

Structure: ___ has virtually disappeared. 

Comment: “Virtually” means “nearly or almost.”  If you say that good manners have disappeared, your reader may say to him or herself, “Nonsense! I have good manners.” If this happens, you will have an uphill battle on your hands. Your reader will resist you. But if you say  that good manners have virtually disappeared, that is much harder to contradict and should arouse curiosity instead.

11. Imagine a world without something.

Example: Imagine a world without the light bulb, without civil rights, or without the personal computer.

Structure: Imagine a world without ___, without ___, or without ___. 

Comment: Imagining a different world arouses the reader’s imagination and curiosity. All you have to do after a sentence like this is to offer illustrations how life would be different. Easy. 

12. Say what is important to do before taking action.

Example: It is very important to attempt to understand people’s motivations and circumstances before judging their actions.

Structure:   It is very important to ____ before _____.

Comment:   This is a way of telling your reader what to do without directly telling your reader what to do. You merely point out what to do first. 

13. Say what someone did and how he or she did it with “ through .”

Example: Lincoln, through the force of his character and his knack for politics, kept the United States united and ended 250 years of slavery.

Structure:  X, through the ______ of his/her character, ________.

Comment: This sentence is very useful for making claims about people who have shown leadership or talent in the past. By painting a portrait of a great person, you will activate your reader’s memory and imagination. 

14. Say how most people agree that…

Example: Most people agree that the amount of preparation is proportional to the degree of success for any endeavor.

Structure:    Most people agree that ____.

Comment: If you say, “all people agree that” or “all people know that,” your reader will resist you because it will sound like an exaggeration. Using the words “most people” still sounds bold, but it makes your claim sound less extreme.

15. Say how an idea “ manifests itself .”

Example: Nowadays, creativity manifests itself endlessly, in all fields of study.

Structure: Nowadays, _________ manifests itself, in _______.

Comment: “Manifests itself” is just another way of saying “appears,” but it sounds more active and impressive. The adverb “endlessly” isn’t an essential part of this structure. It is not an exaggeration in the example sentence. I think it is true. We live in a very creative age. 

16. Say what experts have observed  or noticed.

Example: Philosophers and scientists have observed that perspective colors perception.

Structure:  ______ have observed _____.

Comment:   This is a useful alternative to the word “said.” When you say that experts have observed something, they have seen it and talked about it.  Notice how “to observe” is a little ambiguous. It can mean strictly “to watch and see,” but it is often used to mean “said.” The ambiguity prevents the reader from thinking, “Oh, yeah? Really? Where have they said that? Cite your sources!” Ambiguity at the beginning of your essay reduces resistance to your initial claim and keeps your reader reading. 

17. Say how reflecting on something often leads to something else.

Example: Reflecting on the condition of modern society often leads to the question, have we become overly cynical and desensitized?

Structure: Reflecting on _____ often leads to the question ______?

Comment: When you tell your reader reflection leads to curiosity about something, your reader will reflect and become curious. Kickass!

18. Claim that a virtue leads to harm.

Example: Sometimes the realization of one’s personal goals can cost another theirs.

Structure:  Sometimes  _______ leads to ________. 

Comment: The irony that a good thing leads to a bad thing for others will arouse your reader’s sympathy and moral indignation. This sentence structure is a powerful first sentence in an essay. 

19. Say that the world once believed something.

Example: The world once believed in things that we now find either horrifying or ridiculous.

Structure:   The world once believed ______.

Comment:   This sentence flatters your reader that he or she is not so stupid as the stupid people in the past, with their ridiculous ideas. Your readers will like the way you make them feel good about themselves. 

20. Say how the greater part of something depends upon something.

Example: The greater part of our happiness or misery depends more upon disposition than circumstances.

Structure:    The greater part of _____ depends more upon _____ than _____.

Comment:  This is a very versatile structure that immediately spurs thought-provoking reflection. You could start an essay about success by saying, “ The greater part of success depends more upon luck than skill. ” AN essay about happiness could begin, “ The greater part of happiness depends more upon a hopeful sense of progress than upon the satisfaction of past achievement.”

21. Introduce a criticism by saying X is often accused of something.

Example: The media is often accused of sensationalism and outright bias.

Structure: _______ is often accused of ________.

Comment:  This sentence makes the accusation sound unfair. It will arouse sympathy and moral indignation in your reader. 

22. State a universal need.

Example: The need to belong is universal.

Structure: _______ is universal. 

Comment: There are many things that are universal. Use this structure to tell your reader. 

23. Claim that something “ seems straightforward .”

Example: The purpose of education these days seems to be a straightforward one.

Structure: _____ seems straightforward. 

Comment:  These are two useful words that when placed side-by-side become even more useful. “Seem” suggests that things could be different than they appear. This arouses curiosity. “Straightforward” suggests simplicity. We all want to be rescued from confusion and excessive complexity. 

24. Declare that something “ has been debated for ages .”

Example: The role of government has been debated for ages without any concrete answer being offered.

Structure:  _____ has been debated for ages.

Comment: When you start an essay like that, I’m expecting that you will settle the debate. Keep your promise. 

25. Reflect on “ an inherent part of the human psyche .”

Example: The search for answers to all of life’s mysteries is an inherent part of the human psyche.

Structure:   _____  an inherent part of the human psyche. 

Comment:  There are lots of things that are inherent to the human psyche. Memorise this structure. It could be useful to you.

26. Claim that there is little or no correlation to something.

Example: The truth and facts have little or no correlation to what is popular or mainstream.

Structure:  _____ have little or no correlation to ______.

Comment:  Oh, really? Not connected? Do tell. This sentence is bold and arouses my curiosity. It will arouse your reader’s curiosity also. 

27. There can be no doubt .

Example: There can be no doubt that problems will continue to plague humanity far into the future, problems as diverse as the people they afflict.

Structure:   There can be no doubt that ______.

Comment: People are attracted to certainty. Offer some to your reader. 

28. Tell us that “ nobody is free from ” something.

Example: Today, nobody is free from the demands or expectations of others, whether one is a toddler and expected to walk by certain age or a father expected to provide a comfortable life for his family.

Structure:   Nobody is free from _______.

Comment:  Everybody wants to be free. It is unfair that people should be unfree. Every reader will want to keep reading after the first four words. 

29. What forever remains ? Tell us.

Example: Two opposing ideals remain forever in competition.

Structure:  _____ remain forever _____.

Comment:  Putting the word “forever” after the word “remain” seems a little old-fashioned and formal. It will make you sound like an authority on the subject. 

30. What “ might never have come to fruition ?”

Example: Without passion optimism and the willingness to believe in the past, many accomplishments in this world might never have come to fruition.

Structure:  Without _____, _____ might never have come to fruition. 

Comment: This blog post might never have come to fruition if I hadn’t bought “ 30 Model Essays ” and been impressed with the first lines of each essay.  I hope you found it useful. 

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Crafting Compelling Sentence Starters for Essays

interesting essay openers

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on mastering sentence starters for essays. Ever wondered how some writers effortlessly hook their readers from the first line, smoothly transition between ideas, and leave a lasting impression?

The secret lies in the artful use of sentence starters. These short phrases are more than just transition words; they're the key to making your paper engaging, coherent, and sophisticated.

In this blog post, we'll shed light on the importance of good sentence starters, provide examples, and guide you on how to use them effectively in different parts of your essay. Whether you're writing an introduction, body paragraph, or conclusion , we've got you covered. But that's not all.

We'll also delve into common mistakes to avoid when using sentence starters and how to adapt them for different types of essays. So, buckle up and get ready to elevate your essay writing skills to new heights. Let's get started!

Understanding the Importance of Good Sentence Starters

Whether you're crafting an academic text or writing a blog , the right sentence starter can make all the difference. It's not just about stringing words together; it's about choosing the right words that will hook the reader and keep them engaged. So, let's delve deeper into understanding the importance of good sentence starters and how they can elevate your writing.

Why Good Sentence Starters are Crucial for Your Writing

Good sentence starters are the backbone of compelling writing. They act as the gateway to your thoughts, guiding the reader through your narrative or argument. They're not just a fancy academic phrase or a tool to meet a word count. They're the key to making your writing flow, to connecting your ideas, and to keeping your reader engaged.

Imagine reading a text that jumps from one point to another without any clear transitions. It would be like trying to follow a map without any signposts. You'd likely get lost, frustrated, and give up. That's exactly what happens when you don't use sentence starters. Your readers can't follow your train of thought, and they lose interest.

When you use sentence starters effectively, you're laying out a clear path for your reader. You're telling them, "Pay attention, this is an important point," or "Here's a contrasting view," or "Let's move on to a new idea." You're hooking the reader, keeping them engaged, and making your writing more impactful.

Examples of Effective Sentence Starters

Here are some examples of effective sentence starters that can elevate your writing:

  • "Despite the common belief, ..."
  • "Drawing from the data, ..."
  • "Contrary to what one might think, ..."
  • "Given the circumstances, ..."
  • "Taking into account the evidence, ..."
  • "As a matter of fact, ..."
  • "In light of recent events, ..."
  • "Considering the implications, ..."
  • "Reflecting on the situation, ..."
  • "From a different perspective, ..."

These sentence starters are not just words or phrases; they are the hooks that grab your reader's attention. They are the bridges that connect your thoughts and ideas, making your academic text more coherent and engaging. So, the next time you sit down to write, pay close attention to your sentence starters. They might just be the key to taking your writing to the next level.

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interesting essay openers

Sentence Starters for Essay Introductions

In this section, we will explore how to use sentence starters effectively in essay introductions, providing you with practical tips and examples.

How to Use Sentence Starters in Essay Introductions

The art of crafting an engaging essay introduction lies in the strategic use of sentence starters. These are not just any random words, but carefully chosen transition words, short phrases, or clauses that guide the reader into the narrative. They serve as a bridge, connecting the title to the body of the essay, and setting the tone for what's to come.

To use a sentence starter effectively, you need to understand its purpose. It's not just about starting a sentence; it's about creating a smooth transition that guides the reader from one idea to the next. It's about shedding light on the purpose of your research, and preparing the reader for the arguments you're about to present.

The goal is to make your paper as readable and engaging as possible. So, don't overuse sentence starters. Use them sparingly, and only when necessary to enhance the clarity and coherence of your essay.

Examples of Sentence Starters for Essay Introductions

Here are some examples of sentence starters that can be used in essay introductions:

  • "The purpose of this research is to..."
  • "This essay will shed light on..."
  • "In answer to the top question..."
  • "To paraphrase the research findings..."
  • "The essay introduction starters are designed to..."
  • "Using a sentence starter, we can..."
  • "With the use of transition words, we can..."
  • "A short phrase can make your paper more engaging..."
  • "Here's a starter example to illustrate..."
  • "This sentence starter example will clarify..."

These starters not only grab the reader's attention but also provide a clear roadmap for the essay. They can be used to introduce a new argument, create a smooth transition between paragraphs, or emphasize key ideas. Remember, the goal is to make your writing more compelling and engaging for the reader.

Sentence Starters for Body Paragraphs

Understanding how to use these paragraph starters effectively is crucial in crafting a well-structured essay. They not only introduce new ideas but also create a seamless connection between the previous and the upcoming content.

How to Use Sentence Starters in Body Paragraphs

In essay writing, sentence starters for essays are the secret sauce that adds flavor to your content. They are the transition phrases that guide your reader from one idea to the next, ensuring a smooth journey through your thoughts. When it comes to body paragraphs, these starters play a pivotal role in maintaining the flow and coherence of your essay.

A good paragraph starter doesn't just introduce the next idea, it also ties in with the previous one. It's a bridge that connects the two, making your paper feel like a cohesive whole rather than a collection of disjointed thoughts. So, when you start a body paragraph, consider the content of the previous one and choose a transition that will smoothly carry your reader forward.

Sentence Starters for Essay Conclusions

Wrapping up an essay or research paper with a strong conclusion is just as important as having a compelling introduction. The conclusion is your final chance to leave a lasting impression on your reader, and using the right sentence starters can make all the difference.

These conclusion sentence starters not only help you summarize your findings but also add a touch of sophistication to your writing. They serve as a bridge, connecting your final thoughts and the main body of your work, ensuring a smooth transition that enhances the overall readability of your paper.

Whether you're looking to paraphrase research findings or shed light on the broader implications of your work, the right sentence starter can help you achieve your goal. So, let's delve into the art of using sentence starters for essay conclusions.

How to Use Sentence Starters in Essay Conclusions

When it comes to wrapping up your research paper or essay, the use of conclusion sentence starters can be a game-changer. These short phrases or transition words can help you summarize your findings, restate your thesis, and leave a lasting impression on your reader.

The key to using these sentence starters effectively is to use them sparingly. Overuse can make your paper sound repetitive and unprofessional. Instead, use them to introduce a new idea or to transition smoothly between thoughts.

Another effective way to use a sentence starter is to highlight something important. A well-placed sentence starter can draw the reader's attention to a key point or finding in your research.

Examples of Sentence Starters for Essay Conclusions

Here are some examples of conclusion sentence starters that can be used to wrap up your research paper or essay:

  • "In conclusion, it is evident that..." This starter is a classic way to summarize your findings. For instance, "In conclusion, it is evident that the purpose of this research was to shed light on the effects of climate change."
  • "Based on the findings, it can be concluded that..." This phrase is perfect for emphasizing the results of your research. For example, "Based on the findings, it can be concluded that regular exercise contributes to improved mental health."
  • "Overall, this research sheds light on..." This sentence starter is great for highlighting the broader implications of your work. For instance, "Overall, this research sheds light on the importance of early intervention in education."

The use of a sentence starter or transition word can make your paper more coherent and impactful.

Sentence Starters for Different Types of Essays

Let's explore the specifics of using sentence starters in different types of essays. Whether you're crafting an argumentative, descriptive, or narrative essay, we'll provide you with a starter example to shed light on how to make your paper more compelling. Let's dive in!

Sentence Starters for Argumentative Essays

  • "Despite the prevailing belief, I argue that..."
  • "The evidence strongly suggests that..."
  • "To shed light on this issue, consider the following..."
  • "The purpose of this research is to challenge the notion that..."
  • "One cannot ignore the fact that..."
  • "Drawing upon the data, it becomes clear that..."
  • "This argument is further strengthened by the fact that..."
  • "In response to this argument, one might assert that..."
  • "The crux of the matter is that..."
  • "This line of reasoning leads us to conclude that..."
  • "In the face of such compelling evidence, it is hard to dispute that..."

Sentence Starters for Descriptive Essays

Here are some sentence starters that can be effectively used in descriptive essays:

  • "As I stepped into the room, ..."
  • "The first thing that caught my eye was ..."
  • "I was immediately struck by ..."
  • "The sight that greeted me was ..."
  • "I couldn't help but notice ..."
  • "The aroma of ... filled the air."
  • "The sound of ... echoed in the distance."
  • "The taste of ... lingered on my tongue."
  • "The touch of ... sent shivers down my spine."
  • "The feeling of ... was overwhelming."

These sentence starters can help you set the scene and engage your reader's senses right from the start. Remember, the purpose of a descriptive essay is to paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind. Using these sentence starters can help you achieve that.

Sentence Starters for Narrative Essays

  • Setting the Scene : "The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the park as children's laughter echoed in the distance..."
  • Introducing a Character : "Meet John, a man of few words but with a story that could fill volumes..."
  • Creating Suspense : "As she turned the corner, her heart pounded in her chest, not knowing what she would find..."
  • Describing an Event : "The concert was a whirlwind of lights, music, and energy that swept everyone off their feet..."
  • Presenting Dialogue : "'I've never seen anything like it,' he whispered, his eyes wide with awe and wonder..."
  • Sharing an Inner Thought : "She couldn't help but wonder if this was the right decision, if she was on the right path..."
  • Ending with a Cliffhanger : "As the door slowly creaked open, he braced himself for what was to come..."

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Sentence Starters

It's not just about knowing a variety of good sentence starters, but also about knowing when and how to use them to hook the reader and emphasize important points. Let's explore these common mistakes and learn how to avoid them.

Overusing the Same Sentence Starters

One of the most common pitfalls when using sentence starters is overusing the same phrase or word. It's like a song on repeat; after a while, it loses its charm. This is especially true in academic texts, where the goal is to hook the reader and keep them engaged.

A good sentence starter can be a great way to introduce a new idea or point. However, if you use the same starter example repeatedly, it can make your writing sound monotonous and uninteresting. It's important to pay attention to this as it can detract from the important points you're trying to make.

Remember, variety is the spice of life, and this holds true for sentence starters as well. Mixing up your sentence starters not only makes your writing more engaging but also helps to maintain the reader's interest.

So, the next time you write, be mindful of the sentence starters you use. Try to incorporate different ones to keep your writing fresh and engaging. This is a great way to ensure that your writing is always at its best.

Using Inappropriate Sentence Starters

One of the most common mistakes that writers make is using inappropriate sentence starters. This usually happens when the writer is not fully aware of the context or the tone of the text. For instance, using a casual sentence starter in an academic text can disrupt the flow and confuse the reader.

It's important to pay attention to the type of text you're writing. If it's an academic paper, using academic phrases as sentence starters is a great way to maintain the formal tone. On the other hand, if you're writing a blog post or a novel, you might want to use more casual or creative sentence starters to hook the reader.

Another important point to remember is that not all sentence starters are suitable for all types of sentences. For example, using a contrasting sentence starter in a sentence that's supposed to add information can lead to misunderstandings.

Final Thoughts on Mastering Sentence Starters for Essays

Mastering the use of sentence starters is a crucial skill for any writer. These transition words and phrases serve as bridges, guiding your reader through your thoughts and arguments. They not only enhance the flow and coherence of your writing but also hook the reader's attention, making your work more engaging and compelling.

However, remember that the effective use of sentence starters requires balance.

Overuse can lead to redundancy, while inappropriate use can confuse your reader. Therefore, it's essential to understand the context and purpose of each sentence starter to use it appropriately.

In the end, the art of using sentence starters is about making your paper more readable and persuasive. So, keep practicing, and soon, you'll find that these handy tools have become an integral part of your writing toolkit.

If you need professional writing help , try Strategically AI for free today.

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  • Essay Editor

How to Write a Hook: Powerful Openers for Your Essay

How to Write a Hook: Powerful Openers for Your Essay

Have you ever thought about how to grab your readers' attention right from the start of your essay? A good hook can really make a difference. It can pull your readers in and set the stage for an interesting piece of writing. This guide will help you understand what is a hook in an essay and give you ways to create strong openings that will keep your readers interested until the end.

What Is a Hook in an Essay?

A hook is the opening sentence or group of sentences that serves as an attention-grabbing introduction to your essay. Its primary purpose is to pique the reader's interest and create a specific tone for your writing. Good hooks are essential for academic papers, as they set the stage for your argument and encourage readers to continue exploring your ideas.

Some hook examples for essays are:

  • Anecdotes or personal stories
  • Thought-provoking questions
  • Surprising statistics or facts
  • Relevant quotations
  • Vivid descriptions or imagery
  • Bold statements or declarations

These hook examples can be tailored to suit various essay types and subjects, making them versatile tools for writers.

Placing Hooks in Your Essay Introductions and Conclusions

While hooks are typically associated with introductions, they can also be effectively used in conclusions to bring your essay full circle and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Introduction Hooks

In the introduction, your hook should:

  • Grab attention immediately
  • Provide context for your topic
  • Lead smoothly into your thesis statement

Hook sentence examples for introductions:

"In the time it takes you to read this sentence, about 100 stars will have died in our universe."

"What if I told you that the most dangerous animal in the world isn't a shark, a lion, or even a human—but something so tiny, you can't even see it?"

Conclusion Hook

Hook ideas for conclusions:

  • Revisit the opening hook with new insight
  • Pose a challenge or call to action
  • End with a provocative question or statement

Hook sentence examples for conclusions:

"As we close this chapter on climate change, the question remains: will our grandchildren inherit a planet of possibilities or a world of what-ifs?"

"As we stand on the brink of AI-powered breakthroughs, one can't help but wonder: will machines dream of electric sheep, or will they dream of us?"

Loving these hooks? Aithor can write many more just like them for your next essay. 

Tips to Write Good Hooks for Essays

Writing good hooks for essays needs creativity and an understanding of who will read your work. Here are some tips to help you write strong openings:

  • Make your hook appeal to the specific people who will read your essay.
  • Make sure your hook fits with the overall feel of your essay, whether it's formal, funny, or serious.
  • A hook should be short and clear, usually no more than one or two sentences.
  • Using an active voice in your hook makes your writing more engaging and direct.
  • Stay away from common sayings or ideas that might bore your readers.
  • Your hook should connect directly to your essay's main topic or main idea.
  • Don't be afraid to rewrite your hook several times to make it better.

Remember, the goal is to create an opening that naturally leads into your essay's main content while piquing the reader's curiosity.

Step-by-Step Hook Creation Process

Follow these steps to come up with hook ideas that work:

  • Different kinds of essays (like argumentative, narrative, and descriptive) might benefit from different types of hooks.
  • Come up with several hook ideas based on your topic and essay type.
  • Definitions
  • Metaphors or similes
  • Write a few versions of your chosen hook type.
  • Look over your drafts, thinking about how well they fit with your essay's purpose and tone.
  • Share your hook with others to see how effective it is.
  • Make sure your hook flows naturally into the rest of your introduction.

Remember, the key to how to write a good hook is practice and improvement. Don't be afraid to change and make your hook better as you write your essay.

Types of Hooks

There are several types of hooks you can use to begin your essay. Here are some popular options:

Question Hook 

"Ever wondered why your dog tilts its head when you speak? The answer might surprise you – and reveal more about human-canine communication than you'd expect."

Anecdotal Hook 

"The first time I tasted durian, I thought I'd accidentally eaten something that had gone bad in the tropical heat. Little did I know, this pungent fruit would become my obsession and lead me on a culinary adventure across Southeast Asia."

Statistic Hook 

"In the time it takes you to read this sentence, over 700 hours of video will have been uploaded to YouTube. The digital content explosion is reshaping how we consume information, and it's happening faster than you might think."

Quotation Hook 

"'The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.' Dorothy Parker's words ring truer than ever in our age of endless information — but is our curiosity leading us to knowledge, or just more distraction?"

Description Hook 

"The air shimmers like a mirage, heat radiating from the cracked earth. In the distance, a lone tree stands defiant against the barren landscape. This is the face of climate change — stark, unforgiving, and impossible to ignore."

Metaphor or Simile Hook 

"Learning a new language is like trying to navigate a foreign city without a map. At first, every street corner looks the same, every sign is indecipherable. But slowly, patterns emerge, landmarks become familiar, and suddenly you're no longer lost — you're on an adventure."

Each of these hook examples for essays can be effective when used appropriately. The key is to choose a hook that aligns with your essay's tone and purpose.

Wrapping Up: The Impact of a Strong Essay Hook

A well-written hook can make the difference between an essay that keeps readers interested and one that doesn't. By understanding what a hook in an essay is and how to create one effectively, you can improve your writing and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Remember, the best hooks not only grab attention but also fit well with your essay's main ideas. They should give a taste of what's to come, encouraging readers to keep reading your work.

For those looking to further enhance their essay-writing skills, try writing tools like Aithor . Aithor can give extra insights and suggestions to help you write even more engaging hooks and essays. By combining your own creativity with advanced writing help, you can make your essays even better and really connect with your readers.

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'Whack at Your Reader at Once': Eight Great Opening Lines

Examples of How to Begin an Essay

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In "The Writing of Essays" (1901), H.G. Wells offers some lively advice on how to begin an essay :

So long as you do not begin with a definition you may begin anyhow. An abrupt beginning is much admired, after the fashion of the clown's entry through the chemist's window. Then whack at your reader at once, hit him over the head with the sausages, brisk him up with the poker, bundle him into the wheelbarrow, and so carry him away with you before he knows where you are. You can do what you like with a reader then, if you only keep him nicely on the move. So long as you are happy your reader will be so too.

Good Opening Lines for Essays

In contrast to the leads seen in Hookers vs. Chasers: How Not to Begin an Essay , here are some opening lines that, in various ways, "whack" the reader at once and encourage us to read on.

  • I hadn't planned to wash the corpse. But sometimes you just get caught up in the moment. . . . (Reshma Memon Yaqub, "The Washing." The Washington Post Magazine , March 21, 2010)
  • The peregrine falcon was brought back from the brink of extinction by a ban on DDT, but also by a peregrine falcon mating hat invented by an ornithologist at Cornell University. . . . (David James Duncan, "Cherish This Ecstasy." The Sun , July 2008)
  • Unrequited love, as Lorenz Hart instructed us, is a bore, but then so are a great many other things: old friends gone somewhat dotty from whom it is too late to disengage, the important social-science-based book of the month, 95 percent of the items on the evening news, discussions about the Internet, arguments against the existence of God, people who overestimate their charm, all talk about wine, New York Times editorials, lengthy lists (like this one), and, not least, oneself. . . . (Joseph Epstein, "Duh, Bor-ing." Commentary , June 2011)
  • Before the 19th century, when dinosaur bones turned up they were taken as evidence of dragons, ogres, or giant victims of Noah's Flood. After two centuries of paleontological harvest, the evidence seems stranger than any fable, and continues to get stranger. . . . (John Updike, "Extreme Dinosaurs." National Geographic , December 2007)
  • During menopause, a woman can feel like the only way she can continue to exist for 10 more seconds inside her crawling, burning skin is to walk screaming into the sea--grandly, epically, and terrifyingly, like a 15-foot-tall Greek tragic figure wearing a giant, pop-eyed wooden mask. Or she may remain in the kitchen and begin hurling objects at her family: telephones, coffee cups, plates. . . . (Sandra Tsing Loh, "The Bitch Is Back." The Atlantic , October 2011)
  • There is a new cell-phone ring tone that can't be heard by most people over the age of twenty, according to an NPR report. The tone is derived from something called the Mosquito, a device invented by a Welsh security firm for the noble purpose of driving hooligans, yobs, scamps, ne'er-do-wells, scapegraces, ruffians, tosspots, and bravos away from places where grownups are attempting to ply an honest trade. . . . (Louis Menand, "Name That Tone." The New Yorker , June 26, 2006)
  • Only a sentence, casually placed as a footnote in the back of Justin Kaplan's thick 2003 biography of Walt Whitman, but it goes off like a little explosion: "Bram Stoker based the character of Dracula on Walt Whitman." . . . (Mark Doty, "Insatiable." Granta #117, 2011)
  • I have wonderful friends. In this last year, one took me to Istanbul. One gave me a box of hand-crafted chocolates. Fifteen of them held two rousing, pre-posthumous wakes for me. . . . (Dudley Clendinen, "The Good Short Life." The New York Times Sunday Review , July 9, 2011)

What Makes an Opening Line Effective

What these opening lines have in common is that all have been reprinted (with complete essays attached) in recent editions of The Best American Essays , an annual collection of crackling good reads culled from magazines, journals, and websites.

Unfortunately, not all the essays quite live up to the promise of their openings. And a few superb essays have rather pedestrian introductions . (One resorts to the formula, "In this essay, I want to explore . . ..") But all in all, if you're looking for some artful, thought-provoking, and occasionally humorous lessons in essay writing, open any volume of The Best American Essays .

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  • Examples of Great Introductory Paragraphs
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  • Process Analysis Essay: "How to Catch River Crabs"
  • How to Start a Book Report
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  • Rhetorical Analysis of E B. White's 'The Ring of Time'
  • Rhetorical Analysis of Claude McKay's 'Africa'
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  • How to Structure an Essay
  • 67 Causal Essay Topics to Consider
  • How to Write a Paper at the Last Minute
  • Structure of a Descriptive Essay
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  • How to Write a Good Thesis Statement
  • Tips on How to Write an Argumentative Essay

How to Start a College Essay: 5 Effective Techniques

interesting essay openers

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interesting essay openers

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  • 01 Impressionable Openers
  • 02 Descriptions and Demonstrations
  • 03 Show Vulnerability
  • 04 Be Authentic
  • 05 Stay Personal, Fun & Quirky
  • 06 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your College Essay
  • 07 Ways to Overcome Writer's Block
  • 08 Frequently Asked Questions About Starting a College Essay

College essays are a huge part of your college career. If not huge, one of the biggest, and for someone who has been there and done that, I know the amount of pressure the beginning of a college essay, as well as the entire essay, can put on your shoulders.

Not only are you trying to juggle things like word count and grammar errors, but you're also trying to create the perfect college essay introduction that will attract admissions officers to your application or professors to your writing skills. And that, itself, can feel impossible, fill you with dread and self-doubt, but just breathe. I am here to help all present and future students know how to start a college essay.

Today is all about starting a college essay. I have come up with five easy and effective techniques that will help you create essays so good you're going to leave your readers wanting more , starting with your opening sentence! So, this is for all college students and college applicants. Stress no more! This guide was created to help you write a successful college essay. Let's get into it.

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interesting essay openers

Impressionable Openers

The beginning of your essay should, first and foremost, always have a strong opening sentence . This sentence sets the tone for not only your readers but for the entire essay. Having a wobbly, almost interesting opener can steer an admissions officer and/or professor away, so you want it to be strong. And it doesn't have to be complicated! Less is more in this situation. Here are a couple of ways you can accomplish this.

  • Look within and be relatable
  • Use your real life for inspiration
  • Think about ways to evoke emotion

Here are some examples of impressionable openers:

  • Example 1: When I was 11 years old, my mother told me she had cancer over breakfast.
  • Example 2: Maybe yellow isn't my favorite color.
  • Example 3: I sat next to this girl in class who made me feel stupid.

DISCLAIMER : your opener should ALWAYS adhere to the essay prompts. These are just a few examples that can capture your reader's attention almost immediately.

Descriptions and Demonstrations

In order to keep readers interested, visuals are key . Image-based descriptions will not only add value to your writing, it will give your readers front seats to your essay's journey. These descriptions let actions speak for themselves.

Here is an example of a description and demonstration in an essay:

  • Example 1: "I was sitting on a bar stool when the word 'cancer' hit me like the smell of her coffee brewing on the stove. The Rice Krispies were popping in my cereal bowl, and MTV Jams was playing in the background, yet all I could hear was the sound of doom all around me. The lips of my mother were moving, but I was frozen, crumbling on this stool like my mother's health. She was sick, and I didn't know how sick or what that even meant, and that terrified me."

Why This Works:

Here you can clearly feel the writers emotional state: shocked, still, scared. Not only is this moment at breakfast traumatic, you feel frozen in time with the writer. Using descriptions like this will evoke so much emotion and leave your reader wanting more.

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Show Vulnerability

Something one of my teachers told me in high school was any good essay will have personal elements in it, no matter the topic. That always stuck with me and became the way I approached my college essays. Showing vulnerability in your writing will always guarantee interest. It also evokes emotion.

You can show vulnerability by:

  • Being honest
  • Explaining what's going on inside underneath the exterior
  • Describe what's going on around you at the moment
  • Letting go of the fear of being seen
  • Connecting with the topic
  • Being transparent about mistakes/flaws

Examples of showing vulnerability:

  • Example 1 : My mother telling me she had cancer over breakfast was not on my bingo card this year.
  • Example 2 : I never thought losing someone I love would change me.
  • Example 3: I had to lose everything in order to gain everything.

I know being vulnerable can be tough for some , but showing this side of you to college admissions officers and/or professors will not only make you stand out, but it can also help free you of things that might be weighing on your mind. Not to sound corny, but it can be therapeutic and make you a better writer . Just make sure you are staying on track with the essay prompt, and you're set!

Be Authentic

Whether it's believed or not, an admissions officer wants to see pieces of you in your personal statement, so starting your essay by showing authenticity is a major major key. Along with being vulnerable, there are a few ways you can achieve this.

  • Reflect : Take the time to reflect on your experiences, values, and beliefs that have shaped who you are today. Let your values, passions, and interests shine through in your writing.
  • Mind Your Voice : Write in your own voice and avoid trying to sound like someone you're not. Authenticity comes from being genuine and true to yourself.
  • Tell Your Story : Share personal anecdotes and insights that show your unique perspective.
  • Be True to You : Focus on what matters to YOU (as long as you're on topic!). Write about what is meaningful and important to you rather than what you think admissions officers want to hear.

Above all, be open . Showing introspection and self-awareness in your essay will show any admissions committee who you are beneath the surface, as well as your personal growth.

Stay Personal, Fun & Quirky

You can also begin your essay being as random and silly as you'd like . It goes hand-in-hand with other important factors like vulnerability and authenticity. But don't get too crazy . Beginning your essay with something strange will definitely draw readers in. Let me show you what I mean.

  • Example 1 : I start my mornings off in silence and solitude to keep people away from me.
  • Example 2 : Sometimes, I like to circle big words in complex articles to learn new words. Yeah, but to also keep one in my back pocket for later use.
  • Example 3 : Being the youngest child means getting away with everything you want, and that's exactly how I like it.

Do you see how each sentence draws you in? Not only are they light-hearted, but they also make you want to know why you want to keep people away in the morning and what kind of weapon you're forming against others with new words. And every youngest sibling will attest to feeling that exact same way. All of these examples are sure to make your essay fun, show who you are, and leave readers wanting more.

mistakes to avoid in college essays

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your College Essay

Years of writing college essays have taken me through every high and low of the process possible. And when they're good, they're great! But for some reason, my mistakes stick out more than anything. So, I've compiled a list of common mistakes to avoid when writing your college essay .

  • Avoid Being Cliche - While you want to be captivating, you want to avoid overly used syntax and phrases that could potentially lose your reader's curiosity. For example, "in today's day and age," "follow my heart," "don't judge a book by its cover," etc. are all cliches that can be avoided by thinking outside of the box.
  • Using Vocabulary to be Impressive - I know you want to impress the admissions committees, but it's important to stick to what you know and not what you can allude to. That is, use verbiage that resonates with your personality. Using extravagant words can work against you, and they can also sound forced. College admissions officers want to see the real you, so show it to them.
  • Steer Clear of Controversy - Though it's not said enough, your college essay should tell your personal story and not touch on things that can stir the pot. For instance, talking about politics and religious beliefs may not be the route you want to take UNLESS it's called for in the college essay topic. And if so, stay on track with the essay prompts.
  • Procrastinating : Waiting until the last minute to start writing your essay will bite you in the butt. You will feel rushed and end up writing a poorly crafted piece. Give yourself enough time to complete an essay draft, edit the draft, and repeat this two-step cycle until your essay is complete.
  • Lack of originality : This goes hand-in-hand with avoiding cliches. Your college essay should exude a lot of your personality, so show admissions officers and teachers who you are! Include your cultural background, test scores that you're proud of, any future aspirations, etc. This all depends on the essay prompts, of course, but in my experience, every essay topic has room to show who you are.
  • Ignoring the prompt : This is a major key. STAY ON TRACK. Make sure to carefully read and understand the essay prompt, and write your essay accordingly. The last thing you want to do is write a college essay that has nothing to do with the prompt. Reading is essential here.
  • Lack of focus : If you want to know how to start a college essay, that means knowing how to stay focused. Find a quiet space, turn off electronics, hide your phone, and really nestle into how you want to capture your reader's attention. This will help you use your five senses clearly, keep your writing strong and not write an overly wordy essay. Focus is the tool here.
  • Poor organization : Make sure your essay has a strong structure with clear transitions between paragraphs. An outline will work best to accomplish this. If you go into starting your college essay without a plan, be prepared to hit all roadblocks.
  • Neglecting to Revise and Edit : Like procrastinating, don't fail to revise and edit your work. Always, always, always proofread your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors , as well as clarity and coherence.
  • Not Seeking Feedback : Listen, I know that completing an essay is an accomplishment in itself, and you immediately want to submit it, but it's so beneficial to have others read your essay for feedback. You can only spot so many holes in your work when your eyes are constantly reviewing it, so a second, third, or even fourth set of eyes can help point out areas for improvement.

Above all, trust the writing process. Though I do want you to be aware of your jargon, don't get too wrapped up in thinking you're making a mistake. That's what editing is for! Once you complete your college essay, you should always revise and edit accordingly . What you thought sounded good might make you edit it to sound great. Just keep in mind that many colleges are looking for honesty and authenticity vs how well you can sound on paper . So, if you're aware of these factors, you'll be good to go.

ways to overcome writers block

Ways to Overcome Writer's Block

Take it from someone who has suffered from chronic writer's block, it's a pain to get through . Imagine being on a writing streak so good that when you stop, the entire essay writing process stops as a whole. It's definitely a challenge, but after 10 years of writing essays and really honing my craft, I learned a few things that have helped me get through even the thickest of writer's blocks, and I want to share them with you. Check them out:

  • Take a break : This works every single time. Take a short break and step away from your computer to clear your mind and come back with a fresh perspective. For me, 15 minutes is all I ever need. If you need more time, that's okay. Just try not to make your break a rest.
  • Freewriting : Sometimes, I'd start writing without worrying about my structure or grammar to get the ideas flowing, and surprisingly enough, I found my essay taking a pleasant turn.
  • Change your environment : Move around. Don't underestimate the effects of a different location or workspace to stimulate creativity. Try coffee shops, bookstores, a park, or a new room in your house. New environment, new energy.
  • Set small goals : This one is actually the most important. Some people get overwhelmed with the word "essay" for things like lack of proper writing skills, pressure to write a great essay, etc. But if you try breaking down your writing task into smaller, manageable chunks to make it less overwhelming, it can help. For example, set a goal of three paragraphs one day, take a day to edit those paragraphs, two more the next day, and so forth. Find a formula that works for you.
  • Brainstorming : Write down all your ideas--everything. No matter how small you think the idea is, write it down. Even if these ideas seem unrelated, they will help you generate new thoughts and connections.
  • Read or listen to music : It took me a while to realize this helps, but engaging in other forms of art can inspire new ideas and break through mental blocks. And new creativity can lead you to impress admissions officers.
  • Talk it out : As a writer, it's hard to let people in on the creative process, but discussing my ideas with a friend, family member, or colleague helped me gain new perspectives and insights.
  • Relax and Meditate : Hear me out: it works! Practice deep breathing and/or meditation to reduce stress and anxiety that may be contributing to writer's block.

I won't sugarcoat it: the college application process can be intimidating , but it doesn't have to throw you off your game. When it comes to college essays, I see them as opportunities to be fun and expressive. Trust me when I say if you have fun with it, you'll attract the reader's attention , paint vivid details, and write an essay that will leave the admissions officer wanting you at their school. So, take it one step at a time and watch your personal statement come to life.


Frequently Asked Questions About Starting a College Essay

How can i make my college essay stand out to admissions officers.

Simply put, be yourself. As long as you stay on track with the essay's topic, showing pieces of yourself will allow admissions officers to know more about who you are. Essays are meant to show readers who you are, how you feel, and what you think naturally, not robotically, so be authentic in your writing, and you'll be sure to stand out amongst the rest.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a college essay?

Some common mistakes to avoid in your essay are using cliches and boring wording. You also want to avoid procrastinating, wasting time, not focusing, not editing, etc. When writing your essay, you want to make sure you give your writing the time and attention it deserves, so make sure you're aware of what is pulling you away from your writing. This will help you stay focused. If you have any other doubts, refer to the section about mistakes in this article and let it guide you to success.

How important is the college essay in the admissions process?

Your college essay is key in the admissions process . It's an admissions committee's first impression of you as a writer and potential student, so it should be taken very seriously. Trying to cut corners or rush through the writing process will be obvious, and it will stand out more than things like test scores, academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any other positive influence you've had in your life. So, don't take the easy way out and really work on your essay.

Feeling confident in your college essay skills and want to explore some other essay content? Explore our blog on the comma splice to enhance your technical writing skills!

About Chanelle

Chanelle is a dedicated and seasoned writer, editor, and researcher. She’s familiar with college admissions, finding and applying for scholarships, and the financial aid process.

She graduated from the University of South Florida with a major in English, Creative Writing with a specialization in Technical Writing.

Chanelle has over a decade of experience in the writing industry, specializing in blog writing, SEO writing, editing, translations, corporate writing, and various forms of creative writing. She founded and operated Femme Feature Magazine, an online and print publication dedicated to celebrating women in all corners of the creative field. An avid reader, Chanelle is constantly seeking refined and innovative ways to tell her stories. Writing is her foremost passion, and she is always on the lookout for her next narrative adventure.

Since joining the Bold.org team in 2023, Chanelle has brought her enthusiasm for merging the writing and digital worlds. She is dedicated to assisting students and young adults in navigating their educational and professional journeys.

Chanelle's unwavering commitment to her craft and her dedication to helping others shine through in her work. Leveraging her personal and professional experiences, she provides invaluable support to students, empowering them to achieve their goals and realize their potential.

Quote from Chanelle

“There is always a way to say the same thing over and over again. You just have to be creative and think outside the box.”

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  • How to write an essay introduction | 4 steps & examples

How to Write an Essay Introduction | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on February 4, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on July 23, 2023.

A good introduction paragraph is an essential part of any academic essay . It sets up your argument and tells the reader what to expect.

The main goals of an introduction are to:

  • Catch your reader’s attention.
  • Give background on your topic.
  • Present your thesis statement —the central point of your essay.

This introduction example is taken from our interactive essay example on the history of Braille.

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

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Table of contents

Step 1: hook your reader, step 2: give background information, step 3: present your thesis statement, step 4: map your essay’s structure, step 5: check and revise, more examples of essay introductions, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about the essay introduction.

Your first sentence sets the tone for the whole essay, so spend some time on writing an effective hook.

Avoid long, dense sentences—start with something clear, concise and catchy that will spark your reader’s curiosity.

The hook should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of the topic you’re writing about and why it’s interesting. Avoid overly broad claims or plain statements of fact.

Examples: Writing a good hook

Take a look at these examples of weak hooks and learn how to improve them.

  • Braille was an extremely important invention.
  • The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability.

The first sentence is a dry fact; the second sentence is more interesting, making a bold claim about exactly  why the topic is important.

  • The internet is defined as “a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities.”
  • The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education.

Avoid using a dictionary definition as your hook, especially if it’s an obvious term that everyone knows. The improved example here is still broad, but it gives us a much clearer sense of what the essay will be about.

  • Mary Shelley’s  Frankenstein is a famous book from the nineteenth century.
  • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a crude cautionary tale about the dangers of scientific advancement.

Instead of just stating a fact that the reader already knows, the improved hook here tells us about the mainstream interpretation of the book, implying that this essay will offer a different interpretation.

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interesting essay openers

Next, give your reader the context they need to understand your topic and argument. Depending on the subject of your essay, this might include:

  • Historical, geographical, or social context
  • An outline of the debate you’re addressing
  • A summary of relevant theories or research about the topic
  • Definitions of key terms

The information here should be broad but clearly focused and relevant to your argument. Don’t give too much detail—you can mention points that you will return to later, but save your evidence and interpretation for the main body of the essay.

How much space you need for background depends on your topic and the scope of your essay. In our Braille example, we take a few sentences to introduce the topic and sketch the social context that the essay will address:

Now it’s time to narrow your focus and show exactly what you want to say about the topic. This is your thesis statement —a sentence or two that sums up your overall argument.

This is the most important part of your introduction. A  good thesis isn’t just a statement of fact, but a claim that requires evidence and explanation.

The goal is to clearly convey your own position in a debate or your central point about a topic.

Particularly in longer essays, it’s helpful to end the introduction by signposting what will be covered in each part. Keep it concise and give your reader a clear sense of the direction your argument will take.

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As you research and write, your argument might change focus or direction as you learn more.

For this reason, it’s often a good idea to wait until later in the writing process before you write the introduction paragraph—it can even be the very last thing you write.

When you’ve finished writing the essay body and conclusion , you should return to the introduction and check that it matches the content of the essay.

It’s especially important to make sure your thesis statement accurately represents what you do in the essay. If your argument has gone in a different direction than planned, tweak your thesis statement to match what you actually say.

To polish your writing, you can use something like a paraphrasing tool .

You can use the checklist below to make sure your introduction does everything it’s supposed to.

Checklist: Essay introduction

My first sentence is engaging and relevant.

I have introduced the topic with necessary background information.

I have defined any important terms.

My thesis statement clearly presents my main point or argument.

Everything in the introduction is relevant to the main body of the essay.

You have a strong introduction - now make sure the rest of your essay is just as good.

  • Argumentative
  • Literary analysis

This introduction to an argumentative essay sets up the debate about the internet and education, and then clearly states the position the essay will argue for.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

This introduction to a short expository essay leads into the topic (the invention of the printing press) and states the main point the essay will explain (the effect of this invention on European society).

In many ways, the invention of the printing press marked the end of the Middle Ages. The medieval period in Europe is often remembered as a time of intellectual and political stagnation. Prior to the Renaissance, the average person had very limited access to books and was unlikely to be literate. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century allowed for much less restricted circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

This introduction to a literary analysis essay , about Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein , starts by describing a simplistic popular view of the story, and then states how the author will give a more complex analysis of the text’s literary devices.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a crude cautionary tale. Arguably the first science fiction novel, its plot can be read as a warning about the dangers of scientific advancement unrestrained by ethical considerations. In this reading, and in popular culture representations of the character as a “mad scientist”, Victor Frankenstein represents the callous, arrogant ambition of modern science. However, far from providing a stable image of the character, Shelley uses shifting narrative perspectives to gradually transform our impression of Frankenstein, portraying him in an increasingly negative light as the novel goes on. While he initially appears to be a naive but sympathetic idealist, after the creature’s narrative Frankenstein begins to resemble—even in his own telling—the thoughtlessly cruel figure the creature represents him as.

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  • Write a College Essay
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  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

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Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:

  • An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay .

The “hook” is the first sentence of your essay introduction . It should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of why it’s interesting.

To write a good hook, avoid overly broad statements or long, dense sentences. Try to start with something clear, concise and catchy that will spark your reader’s curiosity.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

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McCombes, S. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Introduction | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 15, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/introduction/

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How to Start a College Essay to Hook Your Reader

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What’s Covered:

What is the purpose of the college essay introduction, tips for getting started on your essay, 6 effective techniques for starting your college essay.

  • Cliche College Essay Introduction to Avoid

Where to Get Your Essay Edited for Free

Have you sat down to write your essay and just hit a wall of writer’s block? Do you have too many ideas running around your head, or maybe no ideas at all?

Starting a college essay is potentially the hardest part of the application process. Once you start, it’s easy to keep writing, but that initial hurdle is just so difficult to overcome. We’ve put together a list of tips to help you jump that wall and make your essay the best it can be.

The introduction to a college essay should immediately hook the reader. You want to give admissions officers a reason to stay interested in your story and encourage them to continue reading your essay with an open mind. Remember that admissions officers are only able to spend a couple minutes per essay, so if you bore them or turn them off from the start, they may clock out for the rest of the essay.

As a whole, the college essay should aim to portray a part of your personality that hasn’t been covered by your GPA, extracurriculars, and test scores. This makes the introduction a crucial part of the essay. Think of it as the first glimpse, an intriguing lead on, into the read rest of your essay which also showcases your voice and personality. 

Brainstorm Topics

Take the time to sit down and brainstorm some good topic ideas for your essay. You want your topic to be meaningful to you, while also displaying a part of you that isn’t apparent in other aspects of your application. The essay is an opportunity to show admissions officers the “real you.” If you have a topic in mind, do not feel pressured to start with the introduction. Sometimes the best essay openings are developed last, once you fully grasp the flow of your story.

Do a Freewrite

Give yourself permission to write without judgment for an allotted period of time. For each topic you generated in your brainstorm session, do a free-write session. Set a time for one minute and write down whatever comes to mind for that specific topic. This will help get the juices flowing and push you over that initial bit of writer’s block that’s so common when it comes time to write a college essay. Repeat this exercise if you’re feeling stuck at any point during the essay writing process. Freewriting is a great way to warm up your creative writing brain whilst seeing which topics are flowing more naturally onto the page.

Create an Outline

Once you’ve chosen your topic, write an outline for your whole essay. It’s easier to organize all your thoughts, write the body, and then go back to write the introduction. That way, you already know the direction you want your essay to go because you’ve actually written it out, and you can ensure that your introduction leads directly into the rest of the essay. Admissions officers are looking for the quality of your writing alongside the content of your essay. To be prepared for college-level writing, students should understand how to logically structure an essay. By creating an outline, you are setting yourself up to be judged favorably on the quality of your writing skills.

1. The Scriptwriter

“No! Make it stop! Get me out!” My 5-year-old self waved my arms frantically in front of my face in the darkened movie theater.

Starting your essay with dialogue instantly transports the reader into the story, while also introducing your personal voice. In the rest of the essay, the author proposes a class that introduces people to insects as a type of food. Typically, one would begin directly with the course proposal. However, the author’s inclusion of this flashback weaves in a personal narrative, further displaying her true self.

Read the full essay.

2. The Shocker

A chaotic sense of sickness and filth unfolds in an overcrowded border station in McAllen, Texas. Through soundproof windows, migrants motion that they have not showered in weeks, and children wear clothes caked in mucus and tears. The humanitarian crisis at the southern border exists not only in photographs published by mainstream media, but miles from my home in South Texas.

This essay opener is also a good example of “The Vivid Imaginer.” In this case, the detailed imagery only serves to heighten the shock factor. While people may be aware of the “humanitarian crisis at the southern border,” reading about it in such stark terms is bound to capture the reader’s attention. Through this hook, the reader learns a bit about the author’s home life; an aspect of the student that may not be detailed elsewhere in their application. The rest of the essay goes on to talk about the author’s passion for aiding refugees, and this initial paragraph immediately establishes the author’s personal connection to the refugee crisis.

3. The Vivid Imaginer

The air is crisp and cool, nipping at my ears as I walk under a curtain of darkness that drapes over the sky, starless. It is a Friday night in downtown Corpus Christi, a rare moment of peace in my home city filled with the laughter of strangers and colorful lights of street vendors. But I cannot focus. 

Starting off with a bit of well-written imagery transports the reader to wherever you want to take them. By putting them in this context with you, you allow the reader to closely understand your thoughts and emotions in this situation. Additionally, this method showcases the author’s individual way of looking at the world, a personal touch that is the baseline of all college essays.

interesting essay openers

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4. The Instant Plunger

The flickering LED lights began to form into a face of a man when I focused my eyes. The man spoke of a ruthless serial killer of the decade who had been arrested in 2004, and my parents shivered at his reaccounting of the case. I curiously tuned in, wondering who he was to speak of such crimes with concrete composure and knowledge. Later, he introduced himself as a profiler named Pyo Chang Won, and I watched the rest of the program by myself without realizing that my parents had left the couch.

Plunging readers into the middle of a story (also known as in medias res ) is an effective hook because it captures attention by placing the reader directly into the action. The descriptive imagery in the first sentence also helps to immerse the reader, creating a satisfying hook while also showing (instead of telling) how the author became interested in criminology. With this technique, it is important to “zoom out,” so to speak, in such a way that the essay remains personal to you.

5. The Philosopher 

Saved in the Notes app on my phone are three questions: What can I know? What must I do? What may I hope for? First asked by Immanuel Kant, these questions guide my pursuit of knowledge and organization of critical thought, both skills that are necessary to move our country and society forward in the right direction.

Posing philosophical questions helps present you as someone with deep ideas while also guiding the focus of your essay. In a way, it presents the reader with a roadmap; they know that these questions provide the theme for the rest of the essay. The more controversial the questions, the more gripping a hook you can create. 

Providing an answer to these questions is not necessarily as important as making sure that the discussions they provoke really showcase you and your own values and beliefs.

6. The Storyteller

One Christmas morning, when I was nine, I opened a snap circuit set from my grandmother. Although I had always loved math and science, I didn’t realize my passion for engineering until I spent the rest of winter break creating different circuits to power various lights, alarms, and sensors. Even after I outgrew the toy, I kept the set in my bedroom at home and knew I wanted to study engineering.

Beginning with an anecdote is a strong way to establish a meaningful connection with the content itself. It also shows that the topic you write about has been a part of your life for a significant amount of time, and something that college admissions officers look for in activities is follow-through; they want to make sure that you are truly interested in something. A personal story such as the one above shows off just that.

Cliche College Essay Introductions to Avoid

Ambiguous introduction.

It’s best to avoid introductory sentences that don’t seem to really say anything at all, such as “Science plays a large role in today’s society,” or “X has existed since the beginning of time.” Statements like these, in addition to being extremely common, don’t demonstrate anything about you, the author. Without a personal connection to you right away, it’s easy for the admissions officer to write off the essay before getting past the first sentence.

Quoting Someone Famous

While having a quotation by a famous author, celebrity, or someone else you admire may seem like a good way to allow the reader to get to know you, these kinds of introductions are actually incredibly overused. You also risk making your essay all about the quotation and the famous person who said it; admissions officers want to get to know you, your beliefs, and your values, not someone who isn’t applying to their school. There are some cases where you may actually be asked to write about a quotation, and that’s fine, but you should avoid starting your essay with someone else’s words outside of this case. It is fine, however, to start with dialogue to plunge your readers into a specific moment.

Talking About Writing an Essay

This method is also very commonplace and is thus best avoided. It’s better to show, not tell, and all this method allows you to do is tell the reader how you were feeling at the time of writing the essay. If you do feel compelled to go this way, make sure to include vivid imagery and focus on grounding the essay in the five senses, which can help elevate your introduction and separate it from the many other meta essays.

Childhood Memories

Phrases like “Ever since I was young…” or “I’ve always wanted…” also lend more to telling rather than showing. If you want to talk about your childhood or past feelings in your essay, try using one of the techniques listed earlier (such as the Instant Plunger or the Vivid Imaginer) to elevate your writing.

CollegeVine has a peer essay review page where peers can tell you if your introduction was enough to hook them. Getting feedback from someone who hasn’t read your essay before, and thus doesn’t have any context which may bias them to be more forgiving to your introduction, is helpful because it mimics the same environment in which an admissions officer will be reading your essay. 

Writing a college essay is hard, but with these tips hopefully starting it will be a little easier!

interesting essay openers

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interesting essay openers

Table of Contents

How to Write a Great Opening Sentence

Examples of great first sentences (and how they did it), how to write a strong opening sentence & engage readers (with examples).

interesting essay openers

“I’ve never met you, but I’m gonna read your mind.”

That’s the opening line to The Scribe Method . It does what great opening sentences should: it immediately captures the reader’s attention. It makes them want to read more.

The purpose of a good opening line is to engage the reader and get them to start reading the book. That’s it.

It’s a fairly simple idea, and it works very well—but there are still a lot of misconceptions about book openings .

Many first-time Authors think they have to shock the reader to make them take note.

That’s not true. There are many ways to hook a reader that don’t require shocking them.

I also see Authors who think the purpose of the first paragraph is to explain what they’ll talk about in the book .

Not only is that wrong, it’s boring.

Readers can sense bullshit a mile away, so don’t try to beat them over the head with shock. Don’t give them a tedious summary. Don’t tell your life story. Don’t go into too much detail.

Use your first sentence to connect to the reader and make them want to keep reading.

This guide will help you write a great opening line so you can establish that authenticity and connection quickly.

Everyone knows some of the great opening lines from fiction novels:

  • “Call me Ishmael.” – Herman Melville, Moby Dick​​​​
  • “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” – Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
  • “Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.” – Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude
  • “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.” – Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

The common thread between these opening lines is that they create a vivid first impression. They make the reader want to know more.

They’re punchy, intriguing, and unexpected.

The first words of a nonfiction book work the same way. You want to create an emotional connection with the reader so they can’t put the book down.

In some ways, nonfiction Authors even have an advantage. They’re writing about themselves and their knowledge while having a conversation with the reader.

They can establish the connection even more immediately because they don’t have to set a fictional scene. They can jump right in and use the first person “I.”

Let’s go back to The Scribe Method ‘s opening paragraph:

I’ve never met you, but I’m gonna read your mind. Not literally, of course. I’m going to make an educated guess about why you want to write a book.

When you read that, at a minimum, you’re going to think, “All right, dude, let’s see if you really know why I want to write a book .” And you’re going to keep reading.

At best, you’re going to think, “Wow. He’s inside my head right now.” And you’re going to keep reading.

In both cases, I’ve managed to create an emotional connection with the reader. Even if that emotion is skepticism, it’s enough to hook someone.

So where do you start when you’re writing your book ? How do you form that connection?

The best hooks usually start in the middle of the highest intensity.

In other words, lead with the most emotional part of the story.

If you’re starting your book with a story about how you got chased by the police, don’t begin with what you had for breakfast that day. Start with the chase.

A good hook might also be a question or a claim—anything that will elicit an emotional response from a reader.

Think about it this way: a good opening sentence is the thing you don’t think you can say, but you still want to say.

Like, “This book will change your life.”

Or, “I’ve come up with the most brilliant way anyone’s ever found for handling this problem.”

Your opening sentence isn’t the time for modesty (as long as you can back it up!).

You want to publish a book for a reason . Now’s your chance to show a reader why they should want to read it.

That doesn’t mean you have to be cocky. You just have to be honest and engaging.

When you’re trying to come up with a great opening line, ask yourself these 3 things:

  • What will the audience care about, be interested in, or be surprised by?
  • What is the most interesting story or inflammatory statement in your book?
  • What do you have to say that breaks the rules?

The best opening lines are gut punches.

They summarize the book, at least in an oblique way. But they’re not dry facts. They’re genuine, behind-the-scenes glimpses into a human life. They establish who you are and what you’re about, right from the beginning.

Human beings respond to genuine connection. That means being vulnerable. You have to break down any barriers that you might usually keep around you.

That’s one of the hardest things to do as an Author, but it makes for a great book.

Reading about perfection is boring, especially because we all know there’s no such thing.

In the next section, I’ll go through examples of great first sentences and explain why they work.

Every one of these strategies helps create an instant, authentic connection with readers. You just have to pick the one that makes the most sense for your book.

1. Revealing Personal Information

When most people think about comedian Tiffany Haddish, they think of a glamorous celebrity.

They don’t think about a kid who had trouble in school because she had an unstable home life, reeked of onions, and struggled with bullying.

From the first line of her book, Tiffany reveals that you’re going to learn things about her that you don’t know—personal things.

I mean, really personal.

The book’s opening story concludes with her trying to cut a wart off her face because she was teased so much about it (that’s where the “unicorn” nickname came from).

That level of personal connection immediately invites the reader in. It promises that the Author is going to be honest and vulnerable, no holds barred.

This isn’t going to be some picture-perfect memoir. It’s going to be real, and it’s going to teach you something.

And that’s what forms a connection.

2. Mirroring the Reader’s Pain

Geoffrey and I chose this opening sentence because it let readers know right away that we know their pain.

Not only that, we knew how to fix it .

If a reader picked up the book and didn’t connect to that opening line, they probably weren’t our target audience.

But if someone picked it up and said, “This is exactly what I want to know!” we already had them hooked.

They would trust us immediately because we proved in the first sentence that we understood them.

In this sentence, Geoffrey and I are positioned as the experts. People are coming to us for help.

But you can also mirror your reader’s pain more directly. Check out this example from Jennifer Luzzato’s book, Inheriting Chaos with Compassion :

That’s a gut punch for anyone. But it’s an even bigger one for Jennifer’s target audience: people who unexpectedly lose a loved one and are left dealing with financial chaos.

Jennifer isn’t just giving the reader advice.

She’s showing that she’s been through the pain. She understands it. And she’s the right person to help the reader solve it.

3. Asking the Reader a Question

Readers come to nonfiction books because they want help solving a problem.

If you picked up a book about team-building, culture, and leadership, you likely want answers to some questions.

Daniel Coyle’s book shows the reader, right off the bat, that he’s going to give you answers.

His question also isn’t a boring, how-do-organizations-work type of question.

It’s compelling enough to make you keep reading, at least for a few more sentences. And then ideally, a few sentences, pages, and chapters after that.

Starting with a question is often a variation on tactic number 2.

If the reader picked up your book hoping to solve a certain problem or learn how to do something, asking them that compelling question can immediately show them that you understand their pain.

It can set the stage for the whole book.

You can also pique the reader’s interest by asking them a question they’ve never thought about.

Nicholas Kusmich ‘s book Give starts with the question,

It’s a unique question that hooks a reader.

But the answer still cuts straight to the heart of his book: “Both entrepreneurs and superheroes want to use their skills to serve people and make the world a better place.”

The unexpected framing gives readers a fresh perspective on a topic they’ve probably already thought a lot about.

4. Shock the Reader

I said in the intro to this post that you don’t have to shock the reader to get their attention.

I never said you couldn’t .

If you’re going to do it, though, you have to do it well.

This is the best opening to a book I’ve ever read. I’m actually a dog person, so this shocked the hell out of me. It was gripping.

As you read, the sentence starts making more sense, but it stays just as shocking. And you can’t help but finish the page and the chapter to understand why. But my God, what a way to hook a reader (in case you are wondering, the dogs were licking up blood from dead bodies and giving away the soldiers’ positions to insurgents. They had to kill the dogs or risk being discovered).

I read this opening sentence as part of an excerpt from the book on Business Insider .

I plowed through the excerpt, bought the book on Kindle, canceled two meetings, and read the whole book.

5. Intrigue the Reader

If you don’t read that and immediately want to know what the realization was, you’re a force to be reckoned with.

People love reading about drama, screw-ups, and revelations. By leading with one, Will immediately intrigues his readers.

interesting essay openers

They’ll want to keep reading so they can solve the mystery. What was the big deal?

I’m not going to tell you and spoil the fun. You’ll have to check out Will’s book to find out.

There are other ways to be intriguing, too. For example, see the opening line to Lorenzo Gomez’ Cilantro Diaries :

Again, the Author is setting up a mystery.

He wants the reader to rack his brain and say, “Well, if it’s not the famous stuff, what is it?”

And then, when Lorenzo gets to the unexpected answer—the H-E-B grocery store—they’re even more intrigued.

Why would a grocery store make someone’s top-ten list, much less be the thing they’d miss most?

That kind of unexpected storytelling is perfect for keeping readers engaged.

The more intrigue you can create, the more they’ll keep turning the pages.

6. Lead with a Bold Claim

There are thousands of books about marketing. So, how does an Author cut through the noise?

If you’re David Allison, you cut right to the chase and lead with a bold claim.

You tell people you’re going to change the world. And then you tell them you have the data to back it up.

If your reader is sympathetic, they’re going to jump on board. If they’re skeptical, they’re still going to want to see if David’s claim holds up.

Here’s the thing, though: only start bold if you can back it up.

Don’t tell someone you’re going to transform their whole life and only offer a minor life hack. They’ll feel cheated.

But if you’re really changing the way that people think about something, do something, or feel about something, then lead with it.

Start big. And then prove it.

7. Be Empathetic and Honest

One Last Talk is one of the best books we’ve ever done at Scribe. And it shows right from the first sentence.

Philip starts with a bold claim: “If you let it, this book will change your life.”

But then he gives a caveat: it’s not going to be fun.

That’s the moment when he forms an immediate connection with the reader.

Many Authors will tell their readers, “This book will change your life. It’s going to be incredible! Just follow these steps and be on your way!”

Not many Authors will lead with, “It’s going to be worth it, but it’s going to be miserable.”

By being this upfront about the emotional work the book involves, Philip immediately proves to his readers that he’s honest and empathetic.

He understands what they’re going to go through. And he can see them through it, even if it sucks.

One piece of advice we give at Scribe is to talk to your reader like you’re talking to a friend.

Philip does that. And it shows the reader they’re dealing with someone authentic.

8. Invite the Reader In

Joey starts the book by speaking directly to the reader.

He immediately creates a connection and invites the reader in. This makes the book feel more like a conversation between two people than something written by a nameless, faceless Author.

The reason this tactic works so well is because Joey’s whole book is about never losing a customer.

He immediately puts the book’s principles into action.

From the first sentence, Joey’s demonstrating exactly what the reader is there to learn.

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Looking for Easy Words to Use as Good Essay Starters?

Patrick Green

  • Include a good hook sentence that provides a hint of what the essay is about. A good hook sentence keeps readers intrigued to the end.
  • Understand your subject/ reader: Each generation varies in language. It’s good to know your subject well, whether old or young.
  • Use good words that flow easily. These include: for instance, moreover, equally important, but also, and so forth.
  • Set an appropriate tone.
  • Include a thesis statement.

Make sure you grab the attention of the reader such that they’ll want more. Reach into their hearts. While doing this may sound easy, it is not, and you may require a lot of efforts so as not to become boring. However, learning these easy tips may change a lot. What is more pleasing, we offer essay writing services . If you feel you have inadequacies in using these tips you can always ask for assistance from us. We are an essay writing company whose job is to solve student’s writing problems. We offer different types of essays. Whether expository, narrative, descriptive, analytical, argumentative, persuasive, definition or critical essay is what you need, we have got you covered. Moreover, our writers are experienced and knowledgeable in different areas, including in the appropriate use of starters. They will ensure that your customized piece is interesting and your readers are left fascinated.

Table of Contents

Get to Learn More About Essay Sentence Starters in These Simple Steps

You may have a clue of the contents required to write about your topic of coverage. But do you know how to begin a sentence in each topic to cover? You need to know what essay sentence starters are meant for and how to use them. They include words and phrases that clue in the reader as to why and the meaning of content. They are generally used to:

  • Welcome your reader’s attention.
  • Add ideas to your writings
  • Bring in comparison
  • Emphasize on a topic

These starting words are in the form of:

  • Rhetorical questions. Use a deeper meaning using questions to intrigue the person reading your content, making sure they are in line with the topic.
  • Numerals & statistics. These tend to capture the reader’s attention. Note that it will not be advisable to guess numbers or select any number of statistics. Make sure that you have done ample research on the topic you are covering to avoid false statements.
  • Another great starter is the highlight of your article.
  • Quote, famous people you believe are wise and keep in line with the topic.

Are you still having difficulties with choosing appropriate starters for your essay and are worried that your essay will not be up-to-standard? Put your worries to rest as we have a solution for you. Ask us for assistance. We are always willing to help. Whether you need your essay to be written from scratch or want us to edit your draft, we will offer our assistance.

Learn More About Essay paragraph Starters

It is advisable to start every paragraph with a new word. More precisely, using words that will draw your reader’s thinking and how this word reflects the topic is a good vibe to use as essay paragraph starters. With this, you can choose your word perfectly, to bring out the best of your paragraph. For a topic paragraph, you will need some knowledge of your content determining your essays’ topic. Every time you are adding a sentence, use words that bring out the similarities. When emphasizing, use words that mean what you are trying to say. When comparing, use, on the other hand, in contrast and any other comparing pack of words. Make sure to use different kinds of words and do not keep on repeating them to capture the one reading fully. Use different variation and choose a tone when writing according to your subject. If you encounter hitches, you can always ask us for help!

Incorporate Effective College Essay Starters in Your Writing

Tired of gazing on a blank screen, empty and not knowing what to write or even where to start? Worry not, here are simplified and straight points as a solution to your worry. Firstly, you need to use effective college essay starters for your academic piece to be exceptional. Additionally, ensure that your paper adheres to the following standards:

  • Introduction: It is a good idea first to introduce yourself here. Talk more on your personality, outlook on life experiences, passion, hobbies, trying to engage with the one reading, creating a perfect picture of who you are as they read through that essay. The introduction should impress your subject and get him intrigued to read to the very last word in your essay. Your introduction should start with a juicy sentence. To set up this sentence that should grab your reader’s attention, point out your ideas for the story, and finally choose a flow of word transition that will reveal your essay. If you still gaze to a blank screen, it is a good idea to try brainstorming ideas with your friends and put down the best ideas from your discussion.
  • Be creative: Be very creative in your use of words, in your topic, in your ideas and most importantly write something that will keep the reader glued to your essay, an example is trying to jog around the reader’s mind with a joke here and there.
  • Get the best hook for your essay: having in mind that many others have a written essay to be read, learn how to outstand the rest. Engage the person reading inspiring that person to keep reading. Choose an outstanding topic, a very interesting topic that will not only intrigue the reader but also inspire him and even yarn to meeting with you.
  • Ask a question: Asking a question at the beginning of your essay activates your reader’s critical thinking as they hunger for the answer.

These tips will make your essay exceptional and interesting.

What About Argumentative Essay Sentence Starters?

When writing argumentative essays, sentence starters are important. Considering that your entire argumentative essay hovers around your thesis statement, it is important to use appropriate argumentative essay sentence starters. You will need to use a hook to capture the attention of the reader. Your thesis should create a problem that you resolve in the body of the argumentative essay. It can either be a provocative or a rhetorical question, where you can define the thesis and challenge the accepted fact. You should start with a persuasive mechanism for your introduction, mention your research from the beginning as it shows your knowledge from the beginning.

Master what kind of audience is most comfortable with you. Learn to appeal the reader’s emotions with an enticing argument while capturing the reader’s emotions. For instance. Below is an example of how to start;

Have you ever felt invisible? Unwanted? But still very much vibrant? That’s what I felt when we moved, and I had to join my now new school. All eyes were focused on me, and I had to put myself together and tried to fit in if it were not for the armed bullies who wasted not even a fraction of a second to attack.

This is one of the many essay starters examples that begins with a question which strikes the reader to want to read on through the essay to get to know how the writer finally settled and mingled in the new school. Essay conclusion starters are when you are writing down the final thought about your thesis. Make sure that your conclusion must include the information that was discussed in the body. Certain words should be used when concluding, they include:

  • I am concluding.
  • As said above,
  • As a matter of fact

It is important to note that in such cases, essay starters introduction mark the end of the essay.

In most cases, they appear as the last sentence in writing. Important characters to consider when concluding sentences are:

  • Reviewing main points mentioned in the body
  • Mentioning the topic sentence again.
  • Do not add any new ideas or topics
  • Make sure it elaborates about the topics discussed.

The essay body paragraph starters should also be mentioned in the conclusion as discussed, use words which are capturing with phrases for a new paragraph. Useful linking words are:

  • As a result
  • As we have seen
  • Another factor
  • Every part of this
  • For this/that reason
  • More to that,

Every paragraph ought to have a topic sentence that informs the paragraph’s main idea. The following are examples of essay topic sentence starters that can be used:

  • Differences and similarities exist between….
  • While …..presents with multiple benefits, some detrimental impacts may also occur.
  • The causes of ….can be numerous.

I hope that this will help you as you tackle that essay paper and that your reader will not get bored. You should not use them all the time. This can also be used as personal essay starters, although in the body it contains activities, abilities, interests, and personal beliefs because this essay is more of an own testament for publication. Your focus is more on yourself, and you must be more open and flexible. You also need to have a hook just like any other essay. Focus on the reader who needs to be intrigued in your personal life. You need a memorable story that shouldn’t be boring. Use flowing words thinking how each word relates to the body.

Now that you have all the information of every starter mentioned above should help you get and intrigue your readers attention, use of great people stories and quoting famous people, knowing how to start an essay and where to get your research from should also stimulate the reader to be on toes and want to get the whole information of what you are writing. If you still aren’t sure what starters to use, when, and where to place them don’t be stressed up. We are here for you. Just place an order with us, and you’ll receive a piece with the most appropriate starters. Our experts have all it takes. They are experienced, competent, and proficient in what they do.

Additionally, we have experts competent in all disciplines, ranging from mathematics, accounting, biological sciences, religion, business studies, human resource, medical sciences, and computer science. Thus, your paper will be written by professionals. Place an order now and get the help you need.

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