harvard economics phd job market candidates

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In This Section

  • PhD in Public Policy
  • PhD in Political Economy & Government
  • PhD in Health Policy
  • PhD in Social Policy

Get to know our PhD candidates entering the job market and their job market paper titles, research fields, and faculty committees.

Contact  Matthew Baum  (political science) or  Marcella Alsan  (economics) with questions about our PhD in Public Policy (PPOL) and Political Economy and Government (PEG) candidates, and Nicole Tateosian  about our PhD in Social Policy candidates.

Current PhD PPOL Job Market Candidates

Anthony bald  (economics track).

Job market paper title: The Birth of an Occupation: Professional Nursing in the Era of Public Health Fields: Labor economics, health economics, economic history Recommenders: Marcella Alsan (chair), Christopher Avery , Peter Blair , Claudia Goldin

Matthew Dodier (economics track)

Job market paper title: Smoke Signals: Examining the Impact of Smoke Plumes on Hospital Care Use in the State of Oregon Fields: Environmental and health economics Recommenders:   Marcella Alsan (chair), Joseph Aldy , Gordon Hanson

Roman Klimke  (economics track)

Job market paper title: The Value of Partial Unemployment Insurance: Evidence from Short-Time Work Fields: Public economics, labor economics Recommenders:  Jeffrey Liebman (chair), Maria Polyakova , Mark Shepard

Savannah Noray  (economics track)

Job market paper title: The Trade-Off Between Social Tasks and Workplace Flexibility: Implications for Gender Gaps Fields: Labor Recommenders:  Claudia Goldin (chair), Michela Carlana , Gordon Hanson

Yuan Pei  (economics track)

Job market paper title: Managing Subordinates’ Emotions: The Role of Middle Managers in Supporting Workplace Mental Health Fields: Development economics, applied microeconomics Recommenders:  Asim Khwaja (chair), Michela Carlana , Gautam Rao , Jorge Tamayo

Current PhD PEG Job Market Candidates

Akshay dixit (government track).

Job market paper title: The Impact of Welfare on Inter-group Relations: Caste-based Social Insurance and Social Integration in India Fields: Comparative politics, political economy Recommenders: Melani Cammett (co-chair),  Torben Iversen (co-chair),  Gautam Nair ,  Pia Raffler

Martin Koenen (Economics Track)

Job market paper title: Moving to Opportunity? The Role of Social Networks in Residential Choice Fields: Labor economics, political economy Recommenders:  Raj Chetty (chair), Edward Glaeser , Nathaniel Hendren

Current PhD in Social Policy Job Market Candidates

Brian highsmith (government and social policy track).

Job Market Paper Title: Governing the Company Town (forthcoming at Stanford Law Review) Research fields: Local government law, political/economic geography, historical institutionalism, democratic theory   Recommenders: Danielle Allen (chair), Yochai Benkler , Nikolas Bowie , David Schleicher ,   Kathleen Thelen

ALEXANDRA MITUKIEWICZ   (sociology and social policy track)

Job Market Paper Title: Job Search and Work Among Older U.S. Workers Research fields: Work, inequality, social policy, demography, aging, retirement.   Recommenders:  Alexandra Killewald  (co-chair),  David Pedulla (co-chair),  Jason Beckfield ,  Nicole Maestas

Elizabeth Thom (Government and social policy track)

Job Market Paper Title: Social Programs and the Political Consequences of Extractive Industry Decline Research fields: American politics, social policy, climate change, mixed methods  Recommenders:  Theda Skocpol (chair), Stephen Ansolabehere , Daniel Carpenter , Stephanie Ternullo

Recent PhD in PPOL, PEG, and Social Policy graduates have accepted academic positions at top institutions such as: Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Duke University, Harvard Business School, the London School of Economics and Political Science, New York University, Penn State University, Princeton University, Stanford University, Tufts University, University of California, San Diego, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University.

Others pursued analyst or policy careers at the Federal Reserve Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, Millennium Challenge Corporation, United Nations Development Programme, World Bank, nongovernmental organizations, and in the private sector. 

PEG PhD Dissertations and Job Placements

Ppol phd dissertations and job placements, doctoral program admissions.

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Students on the Job Market

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Please note this page will be updated throughout the fall.

Accounting & Management

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Elliot Tobin

Business economics.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Maxim Alekseev

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Marcela Carvalho

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Jeff Gortmaker

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Wilbur Townsend

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Jeffrey Yang

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Ta-Wei (David) Huang

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Aticus Peterson

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Kyle Schirmann

Technology & operations management.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Natalie Epstein

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The doctoral program in Economics at Harvard University is one of the leading programs in the world. Supported by a diverse group of faculty who are top researchers in their fields and fueled by a vast array of resources, the PhD program is structured to train and nurture students to become leading economists in academia, government agencies, the technology industry, finance and banking, and global policy organizations.

economics building

Harvard University and the Department of Economics are regularly ranked amongst the top programs in the world, and the consistency of success among our graduates is inspiring. We have educated several foreign heads of state, Nobel Prize Winners, Clark Medal Winners, MacArthur Fellowship Recipients - many of whom have returned to Harvard to offer their expertise and brilliance in shaping and nurturing our students.  Learn more about where we place our  graduates  and explore our  Program  to find out if a PhD in Economics is a good fit for you. 

program requirements

Program Requirements

As a PhD student in the Economics program, students will spend the first two years in the program engaged in rigorous coursework designed to develop a foundational understanding of economics. In the following years, students transition to research under the guidance of strong faculty mentorship and participate in field workshops. In the final year, students conduct independent research and complete a dissertation.

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The department of Economics at Harvard University is committed to seeking out and mentoring scholars who wish to pursue a rigorous and rewarding career in economic research. Our graduates are trailblazers in their fields and contribute to a diverse alumni community in both the academic and non-academic sectors. We invite you to learn more and apply to the PhD program in Economics. 

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Financial Support

Students have access to a variety of funding and financial support opportunities.

  • Research Funding
  • Teaching Fellowships and assistants
  • Additional external and internal resources

Learn more about financial support

Upcoming Events

Econ 3005 graduate workshop in economic development, location: .

Breakout Groups

Raul Duarte (Harvard)  “Patronage in customs”

Grace Finley (Harvard) “The Case of Cash Grants”

Gabriella Fleischman (Harvard Kennedy School) “What's in a Symbol? Evidence from U.S. Landmark Names”

Shao-Yu Jheng (Harvard) "Understanding Apartheid's (Cultural) Legacy in the Labor Markets of South Africa’s Former Homeland Villages"

Joseph Melkonian (Harvard Kennedy School) “Transnational migrant networks and the international diffusion of religious belief and practice” 

Andrea Neyra Nazarrett (Harvard) “AI in the Workplace: Does Technology Boost Productivity or Encourage Shirking”... Read more about ECON 3005 Graduate Workshop in Economic Development

ECON 3006 Graduate Student Workshop in Macroeconomics

Namrata Narain (Harvard) "How Patient is Venture Capital?"... Read more about ECON 3006 Graduate Student Workshop in Macroeconomics

ECON 3012 Graduate Student Workshop in Labor Economics and Public Economics

Jo Ellery (Harvard)"Borrower Defense to Repayment: Fraud Insurance and Moral Hazard"


View all Workshops


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Research and Teaching Fields

Labor Economics, Economics of Innovation, IO

Larry Katz [email protected]

Claudia Goldin [email protected]

Elie Tamer [email protected]

David Card [email protected]

Alice Wu Headshot Photo

Department of Economics Littauer Center, 1805 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02138

Personal Website Email Address : [email protected]

I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics and a Stone Scholar in Inequality.

My current research focuses on the role of firms in identifying talent. In particular, I study how firms’ innovation practices affect the labor market outcomes of workers, and the (mis)allocation of labor in the economy. My works rely on a combination of novel datasets, causal inference, and structural methods.

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John Conlon

Ph.d. candidate in business economics.

I am on the academic economics job market and will be available for interviews during the winter of 2022-2023. You can find my CV and read about my research below.

Please visit my personal website .

Job Market Paper

What Jobs Come to Mind? Stereotypes about Fields of Study .  With Dev Patel.

How do students form beliefs about how their future career will depend on their choice of college major? Using both nationally representative survey data and surveys that we administered among undergraduates at the Ohio State University, we document that U.S. freshmen hold systematically incorrect beliefs about the relationship between majors and occupations. Students appear to stereotype majors, greatly exaggerating the likelihood that they lead to their most distinctive jobs (e.g., counselor for psychology, journalist for journalism, teacher for education). A stylized model of major choice suggests that stereotyping boosts demand for "risky" majors: ones with rare stereotypical careers and low-paying alternative jobs. In a field experiment among the same Ohio State sample, providing statistical information on career frequencies to first-year college students has significant effects on their intended majors (and, less precisely, on their choices of which classes to enroll in), with larger effects on students considering risky majors. Finally, we present a model of belief formation in which stereotyping arises as a product of associative memory.  The same model predicts—and the survey data confirm—that students also overestimate rare non-stereotypical careers and careers that are concentrated within particular majors. The model also generates predictions regarding role model effects, with students exaggerating the frequency of career-major combinations held by people they are personally close to.


Memory and Probability .  With Pedro Bordalo, Nicola Gennaioli, Spencer Y. Kwon, and Andrei Shleifer. Forthcoming, The Quarterly Journal of Economics .

Major Malfunction: A Field Experiment Correcting Undergraduates' Beliefs about Salaries . The Journal of Human Resources . 2021.

Liquidity affects Job Choice: Evidence from Teach for America .   With Lucas C. Coffman, Clayton R. Featherstone, and Judd B. Kessler. The Quarterly Journal of Economics . 2019.

Working Papers

Not Learning from Others .  With Malavika Mani, Gautam Rao, Matthew Ridley, and Frank Schilbach. Revised and Resubmitted, Econometrica .

Learning in the Household .  With Malavika Mani, Gautam Rao, Matthew Ridley, and Frank Schilbach. NBER Working Paper No. 28844.

Labor Market Search With Imperfect Information and Learning .  With Laura Pilossoph, Matthew Wiswall, and Basit Zafar. NBER Working Paper No. 24988.

Information Cascades with Informative Ratings: An Experimental Test . With Paul J. Healy and Yeochang Yoon.  Permanent working paper.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Department of Economics Littauer Center North Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 [email protected]

Andrei Shleifer [email protected]

Katherine Coffman [email protected]

Lawrence Katz [email protected]

Gautam Rao [email protected]

Job Market Candidates

Student typing on her laptop in class

PhD Job Market Candidates

Harvard University’s Department of Government graduates go on to careers at leading academic institutions, companies, government agencies, and non-profits. On this page, you’ll find our candidates on the job market this year.

Placement Directors: Feyaad Allie and Peter Hall .

ComparativeSteven Levitsky
Boyden, EvelynPolitical TheoryEric Nelson
ComparativeSteven Levitsky
Political Economy & GovernmentTorben Iverson and Melani Cammett
Comparative PoliticsJeffry Frieden and Peter Buisseret
American Politics / Social PolicyDaniel Carpenter
Ebowe, EmmaPolitical TheoryDanielle Allen
Political Economy & GovernmentJeffry Frieden and Pia Raffler
American Politics / Social PolicyDanielle Allen
International RelationsJoshua Kertzer
American Politics / MethodsKosuke Imai
International RelationsDustin Tingley
Manevich, DorothyAmerican PoliticsMichael Hiscox
Political Economy & GovernmentDustin Tingley
ComparativeSteven Levitsky
ComparativePeter Hall
Political TheoryEric Beerbohm
Pangle, SophiePolitical TheoryHarvey Mansfield
American PoliticsJames Snyder
Comparative PoliticsRyan Enos
American Politics / MethodsKosuke Imai
American Politics / Social PolicyDaniel Carpenter
Government & Social PolicyTheda Skocpol
Political TheoryDanielle Allen
ComparativeAlisha Holland
ComparativePeter Hall

Job Market Candidate

Content tagged with job market candidate, please check back in fall 2024 for the next round of job market candidates.

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Job Market Candidates

Information about the department of economics 2021/2022 job market candidates..

Placement Officer: Professor Mark Schankerman Placement Administrator: Emma Taverner  


Daniel Albuquerque PhD Candidate in Economics Research Economist, Bank of England

Primary research interest: Macroeconomics


Fabio Bertolotti PhD Candidate in Economics Fellow, Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University, (Fall) 2022; Senior Economist, Bank of Italy, 2023

Primary research interests: Macroeconomics, Innovation, Growth


Jamie Coen PhD Candidate in Economics Assistant Professor, Finance, Imperial College Business

Primary research interests: Financial Economics, Industrial Organisation


Amanda Dahlstrand PhD Candidate in Economics Post-doc, Microsoft Research New England, 2022-23; Assistant Professor, University of Zurich, 2023-  

Primary research interests: Health Economics, Labour Economics and Development Economics


Alexandre Desbuquois PhD Candidate in Economics Associate, Cornerstone Research

Primary research interests: Public Economics, Labour Economics, Behavioural Economics


Sacha Dray PhD Candidate in Economics Young Professionals Program, World Bank Primary research interests: Public Economics, Political Economy


Bhargavi Sakthivel PhD Candidate in Economics Global Economist, Global Modelling and Analyst Team, Bloomberg Primary research interest: Macroeconomics


Bilal Tabti PhD Candidate in Economics Economist, IMF


Kohei Takeda PhD Candidate in Economics Presidential Fellow, National University of Singapore, 2022-24; Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore, 2024

Primary research interests: International Trade, Urban and Regional Economics


Hugo Vilares PhD Candidate in Economics Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, University of Porto, 2022

Primary research interest: Labour Economics


Martina Zanella PhD Candidate in Economics Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin

Primary research interests: Economics of Gender, Behavioural Economics, Political Economy

Post-Docs and PhD Candidates from Affiliated LSE Departments


Andrés Barrios-Fernández Postdoc Fellow at the Department of Economics, MIT PhD from the LSE Department of Economics

Primary research interests: Labour Economics, Public Economics, Economics of Education


Marcus Biermann Postdoc researcher at IRES, Université catholique de Louvain PhD from the LSE Department of Economics

Primary research interest: International Trade


Dzhamilya Nigmatulina PhD Candidate in Economic Geography LSE Department of Geography and Environment Assistant Professor in Economics, HEC Lausanne

Primary research interests: Urban Economics and Macroeconomic Development


Tanner Regan Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, LBS PhD from the LSE Department of Geography and Environment Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, George Washington University

Primary research interests: Urban Economics, Development Economics, Public Finance

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Take a walk through the most ancient Kremlin in Russia

The Novgorod Kremlin, which is also called ‘Detinets’, is located on the left bank of the Volkhov River. The first fortified settlement was set here during the reign of prince Vladimir Yaroslavich, the son of Yaroslav the Wise. During these times, all the state, public and religious life of Novgorod was concentrated here. It was the place where people kept chronicles and copied the texts of books. The Novgorod Kremlin, the most ancient one in Russia, was founded here in the 15th century.

St. Sophia Cathedral (11th century), The Millennium Of Russia Monument, Episcopal Chamber (15th century) and the main exhibition of The State Novgorod Museum-reservation located in a public office building of the 18th century are all situated in the Novgorod Kremlin. The exhibition will tell you about the whole Novgorod history from ancient times to the present day. There are also restoration workshops, a children’s center, a library and a philharmonic inside the Kremlin walls.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Send a letter with the State Novgorod Museum-reservation stamp

While visiting the main building of the Novgorod Kremlin museum, you’ll see a small bureau near the souvenir area. Two more bureaus like that can be found in the Fine Arts Museum and the Museum information centre. This is the Museum Post, the joint project of the State Novgorod Museum-reservation and Russian Post.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

The tradition to exchange letters (at that time written on birch bark sheets) dates back to the 11th century so it’s hardly surprising that such a project appeared here. The bureaus are desks and mailboxes at the same time, so you can send your friends a postcard with a view of Novgorod right from the museum.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Find the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin among the figures of The Millennium Of Russia Monument

In 1862, 1000 years after the Varangians were called to Russia, a monument dedicated to this event was launched in Novgorod. To tell the story of Russia’s one thousand years, the sculptor used 129 bronze figures: from state and military leaders to artists and poets.

One of figures portrays Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin, a politician and reformer who was responsible for Russia’s diplomatic relations in the middle of the 17th century. He is believed to be the father of international and regular mail in Russia. He was also the person who came up with the idea of the first Russian Post official emblem — a post horn and a double-headed eagle.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Cross the Msta River over the first arch bridge in Russia

The steel bridge in Borovichi town that connects two banks of the Msta river was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The project of the bridge was created by Nikolay Belelyubsky, engineer and professor of St. Petersburg State Transport University. This is the first arch bridge in Russia.

In 1995, it was included in the national cultural heritage register. More than 100 bridges across Russia were developed by Belelyubsky, but only this one is named after him.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Cast a virtual bell

When in the Novgorod region, you’ll definitely hear bells ring and learn about the Novgorod Veche Bell. During the siege of the city, tsar Ivan III ordered to remove this bell from the bell tower and send it to Moscow. Legend says that the bell didn’t accept his fate, fell to the ground near the border of the Novgorod region and broke to pieces against the stones.

In the biggest Museum Bell Centre in Russia located in the Valday town, you can see bells from across the world and learn why Novgorod bells are unique. The museum’s collection represents bells from different countries and ages, some of them dating back to the 3rd century BC. You’ll learn about the history of casting and modern bell-making technologies and also play games on a touch table. For example, harness virtual ‘troika’ (three) horses with bells or cast a virtual bell.

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Spot the pigeon on the cross of St. Sophia Cathedral

St. Sophia Cathedral was built in Novrogod between 1045 and 1050 by Kievan and Byzantine masters. It was conceived as the main cathedral of the city, and during its first years it was the only stone building in Novgorod. So where does the pigeon on the cross of the cathedral’s biggest dome come from?

Legend says that while tsar Ivan the Terrible and his Oprichniki were cruelly killing peaceful city folk in 1570, a pigeon suddenly sat down to the cross of the city’s main cathedral. It looked down, saw the massacre, and was literally petrified with horror. Since then the pigeon has been considered the defender of the city. People believe that as soon as the pigeon flies away from the cross, Novgorod will come to an end.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Visit a monastery, that was founded by Patriarch Nikon

The Valday Iver Monastery is situated on the island in the middle of the Valday lake. It is considered to be one of the most important and picturesque orthodox shrines.

The monastery was founded in 1653 by the initiative of Nikon who had just been elected Patriarch. Nikon wanted the monastery to look like the Iviron Monastery on Mount Athos, including the architectural style and monk’s clothes. Legend says that Nikon saw the spot for the monastery in a dream.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Check out Fyodor Dostoevsky’s country house

Fyodor Dostoevsky, a famous Russian writer, first visited Staraya Russa town in 1872 during a summer trip with his family. They liked it so much that the next year they rented a house near the Pererytitsa River’s embankment and spent every summer here ever since.

Dostoevsky loved this house, called it ‘his nest’ and considered it the perfect place to work and to be alone. In Staraya Russa he wrote his novels ‘The Adolescent’, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ and ‘Demons’. Today, this place is a museum where you can explore what Dostoevsky’s house looked like and see his family’s personal belongings, photos and letters.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Visit an authentic Russian ‘izba’ (wooden house)

If you want to really enjoy the atmosphere of the old Novgorod, you should come to the Vitoslavlitsy Museum of folk wooden architecture that is located on the Myachino lake not far away from Veliky Novgorod. In this open-air museum you’ll see the best examples of Russian wooden architecture, including authentic old ‘izbas’ (wooden houses), rural chapels and churches.

During the year, the museum hosts fairs of crafts and folklore, christmastides, and even an international bell ringing festival.

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Learn what Brick Gothic looks like

The Episcopal Chamber of the Novgorod Kremlin is the only non-religious German Gothic building of the 15th century preserved in Russia. You can have a good look at the facets of the gothic cross-domed vaults inside the chamber. This is why this building is also called ‘Faceted Chamber’ or ‘Chamber of Facets’.

The chamber was part of Vladychny Dvor, the place where all important city events took place: court hearings, gatherings of the Council of Lords of the Novgorod Republic, ambassador’s receptions and feasts. The seals of the city’s lords were kept here. The decree of tsar Ivan III on merging the Novgorod Republic with the Moscow State was first announced in 1478 in Episcopal Chamber. This is when the name of the new state, Russia, was first pronounced.

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See the murals by Theophanes the Greek

The Byzantine Empire had a huge impact on the development of the Russian culture. Many works of art and architecture in ancient Russia were created by Byzantine artists and masters. Theophanes the Greek was one of them. He was born in Byzantine and created icons and murals in Constantinople and Caffa (modern Feodosia). After that he moved to Novgorod where he was commissioned to paint the walls of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Ilyina Street. You can enjoy his unique and expressive style if you look at the murals inside the dome of the church and the Trinity side chapel.

The most recognizable and the only monumental work of Theophanes the Greek that is preserved today is the chest-high portrait of the Savior the Almighty in the dome of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Take a photo with an ancient Novgorod citizen who is learning how to read and write

In 1951, a letter written on birch bark dating back to the 14–15th centuries was found in Veliky Novgorod. Many decades later, in 2019, a sculpture designed by Novgorod artist and sculptor Sergey Gaev appeared on this exact site.

The sculpture portrays an 8–year old boy sitting on a stool and holding a piece of birch bark. At this age children in Novgorod started to learn how to read and write. During archaeological excavations in Novgorod, scientists often found ancient handwriting practice books and children’s drawings on birch bark sheets.

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Feel like an ancient viking or prince Rurik’s guest

Novgorod is one of the waypoints of the famous trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks. The route passed through the Volkhov river. In the 9–10th centuries there was a fortified settlement of the Viking Age here.

Some scientists believe that Novgorod is named after this area which was called ‘Stary Gorod’ (‘Old City’) at that time. Some historians and archeologists consider this place to be the residence of Prince Rurik who was asked to rule the city in 862. That’s why this ancient settlement is called ‘Rurikovo Gorodische’ (‘Ruruk’s Old City’).

harvard economics phd job market candidates

Learn more about the Soviet modernist architecture

On the bank of the Volkhov river near the Novgorod Kremlin, there is an incredible building that looks like a spaceship and contrasts strongly with the ancient buildings of the city.

This is the Fyodor Dostoevsky Theater of Dramatic Art that was built in 1987. It is one of the most striking examples of the Soviet modernist architecture. The theater was built for 10 years according to the project of architect Vladimir Somov.

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See what an everyday life of Old Believers looks like

The Krestsy town in the Novgorod region has always been considered to be the center of the Novgorod Old Belief community, and it still is. Before the Soviet revolution there were three Old Believers churches here.

The Lyakova village, which is located not far from the town, used to be inhabited completely by Old Believers. You can learn more about their lifestyle in the local interactive museum. You’ll be introduced to Old Believers’ traditional crafts and ceremonies, drink tea with healing herbs and learn how to chop wood and use an old spinning wheel.

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Buy a traditional embroidered tablecloth

A unique embroidery style that is now famous all over the world was born in the Staroye Rakhino village in the Novgorod province. By the middle of the 19th century, it had become a folk craft. Since then, linen tablecloths, towels and clothing items decorated with unusual ornaments have been popular not only among the locals, but also travellers.

In 1929, the first cooperative partnership of embroidery masters was created in Kresttsy. Later it turned into a factory that still operates today. The factory has a museum where embroidery traditions are preserved and new ornaments and technologies are created.

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Find yourself in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, Staraya Russa town could be called ‘the salt cellar of Russia’. That’s because salt making was the main trade here up to the 19th century. A few years ago, the old craft was brought back to life, and construction of salt works began. Later, an interactive museum was launched based on the results of archaeological findings.

This museum recreates a typical medieval manor of Staraya Russa of the 12th century with living rooms, a bathhouse, workshops, a livestock pen and traditional peasant household items. In this museum, you can also buy salt which is made in the same way as 1000 years ago.

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See the place where Suvorov started his Italian campaign

Alexander Suvorov’s manor in the Konchanskoe village, which has now become the museum of the great commander, was originally the place of his exile. Suvovor openly disagreed with the reform of Russian’s army based on the Prussian model, and Emperor Paul the First didn’t appreciate such behaviour. He first fired Suvorov and then sent him away to his family estate.

However, the exile lasted for only two years. The great commander started the military campaign straight from his house in the Konchanskoe. During this legendary expedition, he crossed the Alps and defeated the French army.

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Become a real hiker

If you dream of having a hike in the Novgorod region, but at the same time you are afraid that a tourist’s life may be too hard, you should try the Big Valday trail. This is a five-day 59-kilometer walking route. Its central part goes right through the Valday National Park’s territory.

You won’t have to cope with difficulties and inconveniences of camping life here. The route is marked with signs, and there are camping sites where you can find everything you need for an overnight stay from shelters and places for a fire to toilets. The trail finishes at the Dunayevshchina village where you can take a bus back to Valday. To take the trail, you have to fill out a special form and register on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation website.

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Russian Post has launched a limited series of products dedicated to the cultural heritage of the Novgorod region.

In autumn 2020, Russian Post announced an open contest to create the design for its limited series dedicated to Novgorod region. The project was supported by the Government of the Novgorod region, ‘Russ Novgorodskaya’ (Novgorod Russia) project, the State Novgorod Museum-reservation and Yandex.

Stamps and envelopes are traditionally used to spread information about historic dates and figures and famous landmarks. Now we can also use parcel boxes, packaging tape and postcards. The limited series products will travel around the world, introducing the most popular Russian attractions to six million Russian Post clients daily.

The participants were to create the design for the limited series featuring three iconic attractions of the Novgorod region, the Novgorod Kremlin, the Millennium Of Russia Monument and the Belelyubsky Bridge in Borovichi. Moscow designers and graduates of the Higher School of Economics’ Art and Design School Alena Akmatova and Svetlana Ilyushina won the contest. Their project was chosen via an open vote and by the expert jury.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

THE 10 BEST Veliky Novgorod Sights & Historical Landmarks

Veliky novgorod landmarks.

  • Churches & Cathedrals
  • Architectural Buildings
  • Monuments & Statues
  • Points of Interest & Landmarks
  • Historic Sites
  • Sacred & Religious Sites
  • Arenas & Stadiums
  • Historic Walking Areas
  • Observation Decks & Towers
  • Scenic Walking Areas
  • Civic Centers
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Good for Couples
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Adventurous
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

1. Novgorod Kremlin (Detinets)


2. St. Sophia Cathedral


3. Millennium of Russia


4. Granovitaya Palata

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5. St. George Monastery

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6. Pedestrian Bridge Across River Volkhov

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7. Church of the Savior's Transfiguration on Ilin Street

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8. Girl-Tourist Monument


9. Yaroslav Courtyard (Dvorishche)


10. Paraskeva Church at the Marketplace


11. Church of Theodore Stratilates on the Brook

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12. Saviour Church on Nereditsa

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13. Rurikovo Ancient Town

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14. Sofiyskaya Embankment

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15. St. Nicholas Cathedral

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16. Bear on the Bench


17. Cathedral of the Virgin of the Sign (Znamensky)

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18. Statue of Sergei Rakhmaninov

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19. Victory Monument


20. Church of Peter and Paul

harvard economics phd job market candidates

21. Monument to Painting Boy

harvard economics phd job market candidates

22. Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin


23. Ganzeyskiy Fountain


24. Sculpture Electrician and Cat

harvard economics phd job market candidates

25. Aleksandr Nevsky Monument

harvard economics phd job market candidates

26. Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral of Antoniyev Monastery Museum


27. Kinomuzey Valeriya Rubtsova

harvard economics phd job market candidates

28. Church of St. Philip the Apostle and St. Nicholas

harvard economics phd job market candidates

29. Monastery of The Virgin Nativity

harvard economics phd job market candidates

30. Antoniyev Monastery

What travelers are saying.


THE 10 BEST Veliky Novgorod Sights & Landmarks

Veliky novgorod landmarks.

  • Churches & Cathedrals
  • Architectural Buildings
  • Monuments & Statues
  • Points of Interest & Landmarks
  • Historic Sites
  • Sacred & Religious Sites
  • Arenas & Stadiums
  • Historic Walking Areas
  • Observation Decks & Towers
  • Scenic Walking Areas
  • Civic Centres
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Good for Couples
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Adventurous
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location.

harvard economics phd job market candidates

1. Novgorod Kremlin (Detinets)


2. St. Sophia Cathedral


3. Millennium of Russia


4. Granovitaya Palata

harvard economics phd job market candidates

5. St. George Monastery

harvard economics phd job market candidates

6. Pedestrian Bridge Across River Volkhov

harvard economics phd job market candidates

7. Church of the Savior's Transfiguration on Ilin Street

harvard economics phd job market candidates

8. Girl-Tourist Monument


9. Yaroslav Courtyard (Dvorishche)


10. Paraskeva Church at the Marketplace


11. Church of Theodore Stratilates on the Brook

harvard economics phd job market candidates

12. Rurikovo Ancient Town

harvard economics phd job market candidates

13. Saviour Church on Nereditsa

harvard economics phd job market candidates

14. Sofiyskaya Embankment

harvard economics phd job market candidates

15. St. Nicholas Cathedral

harvard economics phd job market candidates

16. Bear on the Bench


17. Cathedral of the Virgin of the Sign (Znamensky)

harvard economics phd job market candidates

18. Statue of Sergei Rakhmaninov

harvard economics phd job market candidates

19. Victory Monument


20. Church of Peter and Paul

harvard economics phd job market candidates

21. Monument to Painting Boy

harvard economics phd job market candidates

22. Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin


23. Ganzeyskiy Fountain


24. Sculpture Electrician and Cat

harvard economics phd job market candidates

25. Aleksandr Nevsky Monument

harvard economics phd job market candidates

26. Kinomuzey Valeriya Rubtsova

harvard economics phd job market candidates

27. Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral of Antoniyev Monastery Museum


28. Antoniyev Monastery

harvard economics phd job market candidates

29. Monastery of The Virgin Nativity

harvard economics phd job market candidates

30. Church of St. Philip the Apostle and St. Nicholas

What travellers are saying.



  1. PhD Job Market Candidates

    harvard economics phd job market candidates

  2. PhD Job Market Candidates

    harvard economics phd job market candidates

  3. Job Market Candidates

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  4. PhD Job Market Candidates

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  5. PhD Job Market Candidates

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  6. PhD Job Market Candidates

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  1. Coming Soon: The Spring 2022 Harvard Youth Poll

  2. Meet the Spring 2022 Resident IOP Fellows

  3. How to Choose a Ph.D. Concentration

  4. Introducing the IOP Spring 2023 Resident Fellows

  5. Nujin Prasertsom, Duke Economics Job Market Candidate

  6. The State of the Economy and What Comes Next


  1. Job Market Candidates

    Littauer Center 1805 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone (617) 495-2144 [email protected]. Twitter: @harvardecon

  2. Job Placement

    Curriculum Vitae Template (6/25/23 version) for Harvard Economics Job Market Candidates (in Word using table layout; turn on "view gridlines" to fill it out) and general information (The CV Guide) on constructing your Curriculum Vitae. Note: The CV template is new for 2023/24 and specific to Harvard economics. Resume.

  3. Job Market Candidates

    Job Market Candidates. Get to know our PhD candidates entering the job market and their job market paper titles, research fields, and faculty committees. Contact Matthew Baum (political science) or Marcella Alsan (economics) with questions about our PhD in Public Policy (PPOL) and Political Economy and Government (PEG) candidates, and Nicole ...

  4. Career Placement for Prior Classes

    Development Economics, Political Economy, Economic History, Behavioral Economics Harvard Business School Yin Wei Soon Industrial Organization, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Finance ... Organizational Economics, Market Design Hitotubashi University Sabrina Howell ... Job Market Candidates. People. Faculty Graduate Students Staff ...

  5. Students on the Job Market

    Abstract: In entering foreign markets, artists-as-entrepreneurs face a choice. Drawing from nearly 500,000 MP3 files and 15 million releases (e.g., albums, LPs), I analyze the aesthetic and collaborative choices made by Global South musicians seeking to develop their audiences beyond borders.

  6. PDF Job Market Candidates 2020-2021

    Job Market Candidates 2020-2021 ANGIE ACQUATELLA JMP: "Optimal Reimbursement Contracts for Provider Administered Treatments" ... Fields: Urban Economics, Corporate Finance, Labor Economics, Real Estate, Industrial Organization Advisors: Edward Glaeser, Lawrence Katz, Jeremy Stein, Adi Sunderam .

  7. Romaine A. Campbell

    I am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at Harvard University. My main areas of interest are labor economics, the economics of crime, and the economics of education. ... I am on the 2023-24 job market and will be available for interviews. Harvard University Littauer Center Cambridge, MA 02138 [email protected].

  8. Jenna Anders

    1805 Cambridge Street. Cambridge, MA 02138. Email Address: [email protected]. Personal website. I am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at Harvard University. My research interests are in public economics. I'm particularly interested in regulation and social and environmental programs. I am on the academic job market this year (2023-2024).

  9. Giorgio Saponaro

    Ph.D. Candidate in Economics. ABOUT. I am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at Harvard University. I am on the job market in the academic year 2022-2023 and will be available for interviews. FIELDS. Behavioral Economics, Finance, Experimental Economics. Contact. Room 315, Littauer Center

  10. PhD Program

    The Ph.D. Program in the Department of Economics at Harvard is addressed to students of high promise who wish to prepare themselves in teaching and research in academia or for responsible positions in government, research organizations, or business enterprises. Students are expected to devote themselves full-time to their programs of study.

  11. Graduate

    Graduate The doctoral program in Economics at Harvard University is one of the leading programs in the world. Supported by a diverse group of faculty who are top researchers in their fields and fueled by a vast array of resources, the PhD program is structured to train and nurture students to become leading economists in academia, government agencies, the technology industry, finance and ...

  12. Benjamin Goldman

    Department of Economics Littauer Center 1805 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02138. Email Address: [email protected]. Personal website. I am a PhD student in the economics department at Harvard University, a research affiliate at Opportunity Insights and EdRedesign, and a Stone Scholar in Inequality and Wealth Concentration at Harvard Kennedy School. My research is primarily in labor and ...

  13. Martin Aragoneses

    Department of Economics Littauer Center 1805 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02138. Email: [email protected]. Twitter: @m_aragoneses Twitter thread summary of job market paper. Curriculum Vitae (CV) In September 2024 I will move to Paris to be an Assistant Professor of Finance at INSEAD

  14. Ziqi Lu

    1805 Cambridge Street. Cambridge, MA 02138. Email Address: [email protected]. Personal Website: ziqilu.com. I am a graduating Ph.D. student and a job market candidate from Harvard Economics Department. My research focuses on cultural economics and political economy, and I examine these issues from both empirical and theoretical perspectives.

  15. Alice Wu

    Department of Economics. Littauer Center, 1805 Cambridge Street. Cambridge, MA 02138. Personal Website. Email Address: [email protected]. I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics and a Stone Scholar in Inequality. My current research focuses on the role of firms in identifying talent. In particular, I study how firms' innovation practices ...

  16. John Conlon

    Ph.D. Candidate in Business Economics. Skip to main content. Main Menu; Utility Menu; Search; HARVARD.EDU. John Conlon Ph.D. Candidate in Business Economics. Contact. I am on the academic economics job market and will be available for interviews during the winter of 2022-2023. ... Department of Economics Littauer Center North Harvard University ...

  17. Job Market Candidates

    PhD Job Market Candidates Harvard University's Department of Government graduates go on to careers at leading academic institutions, companies, government agencies, and non-profits. On this page, you'll find our candidates on the job market this year. Placement Directors: Feyaad Allie and Peter hall Placement Candidate Field Advisor Ashley, Sean Comparative Steven Levitsky Boyden, Evelyn ...

  18. Job Market Candidate

    Content tagged with Job Market Candidate. Not finding what you're looking for? Try using Advanced Search. Sort by: ... Please check back in Fall 2024 for the next round of job market candidates! Person. location_on. Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy 8 Story Street, Suite 380 Cambridge, MA 02138 . Admin login.

  19. Job Market Candidates

    Information about the Department of Economics 2021/2022 Job Market Candidates. Placement Officer: Professor Mark ... PhD Candidate in Economics Fellow, Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University, (Fall) 2022; Senior Economist, Bank of Italy, 2023. Primary research interests: ... PhD Candidate in Economics Post-doc, Microsoft ...

  20. 20 reasons to visit Veliky Novgorod and the Novgorod region

    Moscow designers and graduates of the Higher School of Economics' Art and Design School Alena Akmatova and Svetlana Ilyushina won the contest. Their project was chosen via an open vote and by the expert jury. The sale of the limited series kicked off in January, 2021. Parcel boxes, postcards, envelopes, envelopes packs and packaging tape are ...

  21. THE 10 BEST Veliky Novgorod Sights & Historical Landmarks

    The Transfiguration Church (Церковь Спаса Преображения на Ильине улице) is located above the Tvorg or market place. Amidst a meadow, there is this white building from 1374, tastefully, but unostentatiously decorated outside. Inside are the frescos by Teophanous the Greek, also from the 1370ies.

  22. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Veliky Novgorod (UPDATED 2024)

    St. Sophia Cathedral. 550. Architectural Buildings. One of the oldest stone buildings in Russia, this magnificent cathedral is considered to be the symbol of the city, and was once the hiding place for Novgorod's treasury. 3. Vitoslavitsy Museum of Folk Wooden Architecture. 963. Speciality Museums.

  23. THE 10 BEST Veliky Novgorod Sights & Landmarks

    Top Veliky Novgorod Landmarks: See reviews and photos of sights to see in Veliky Novgorod, Russia on Tripadvisor.