Medical Procedures Essays

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Medical procedures for cosmetics purposes should not be allowed. Do you agree or this agree

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IELTS Agree / Disagree Essay Sample (Corrected)

Medical procedures for cosmetic purposes should not be allowed..

Do you agree or disagree?

Due to a rapid development in technology, medical procedures for cosmetic purposes have become more and more popular. However, a better and easily affordable cosmetic ( surgeries ) surgical operations have made people to discuss whether this should be allowed or not.

On the one hand, it is difficult to draw a line between what is a reasonable medical condition to have an access to cosmetic surgery and what is not. As of current regulations, it depends on a the person itself. To debate ( over ) whether governments should restrict people from access to cosmetic surgery seems quite nonsens e ical . Instead of debating, there is a strong need to educate people to be more aware about of the possible consequences that plastic surgery may have. Moreover, it is important to make people to consider whether plastic surgery is still inevitable really necessary in their cases. If a person decides to have a the surgery, the real need for this may become questionable when the surgery is only intended to make a personā€™s appearance to be in a better accordance with beauty standards.

On the other hand, prohibiting medical procedures for cosmetic purposes according to the ( fact ) view that people are willing to have it too easily and unreasonably would be very unfair against people who really are in serious need of surgery. For instance, there are many people who have got been burnt by flames in their life. Good examples are firemen who may have saved thousands of lives in their career. Therefore, giving these people an access to cosmetic surgery is absolutely ( understood ) justifiable .

In conclusion, although there are people who may want to forbid cosmetic surgeries, I personally find this to be unreasonable. Instead of prohibiting it, we should rather rise raise peoplesā€™ awareness of cosmetic surgeries and its possible consequences. Hopefully, it this would make people to highly seriously consider whether having cosmetic surgery is still necessary ( in ) for their particular condition.

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Should Healthcare Be Free? Essay on Medical System in America

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Problem statement, why healthcare should be free, why healthcare should be paid, works cited.

The US government has historically taken a keen interest in the health of its citizens. As far back as the beginning of the 1900s, President Theodore Roosevelt declared that “nothing can be more important to a state than its public health: the state’s paramount concern should be the health of its people” (Gallup and Newport 135). Despite these, the United States is classified as the nation with the most expensive, and yet inefficient, health care system among developed nations.

An expensive health care system translates to an increasing proportion of the population being unable to access the much needed medical care. The New York Times reports that according to census survey carried out in the year 2007, an estimated 45.6 million people in the USA were uninsured and hence unlikely to receive comprehensive medical care from hospitals (1). Due to the perceived inefficiencies, there has been agreement that the current health care system is faulty and therefore in need of radical changes to make it better.

Majority of Americanā€™s are greatly dissatisfied with the current health care system which is extremely expensive and highly inefficient. While an effective system can be deemed to be one which is efficient, acceptable and at the same time equitable, the current system is lacking in this attributes.

The aim of this paper will be to analyze the effects that free health care system in America would have. This paper will argue that a health care system which guarantees free health care for all Americans is the most effective system and the government should therefore adopt such a system.

Free health care would result in a healthier nation since people would visit the doctors when necessary and follow prescriptions. Research by Wisk et al. indicated that both middle and lower class families were suffering from the high cost of health care (1). Some families opted to avoid going to the doctor when a member of the family is sick due to the high cost of visiting the doctor and the insurance premiums associated with health care.

In the event that they go to the doctor, they do not follow prescriptions strictly so as to reduce cost. Brown reveals that “60 percent of uninsured people skipped taking dosages of their medication or went without it because it cost too much” (6). Such practices are detrimental to a personā€™s health and they cost more in the long run.

The last few years have been characterized by financial crises and recessions which have negatively affected the financial well being of many Americans. In these economic realities, the cost of health care has continued to rise to levels that are unaffordable to many Americans. This loss of access to health care has led to people being troubled and generally frustrated. A report by Brown indicates that the price for prescription drugs in the US has escalated therefore becoming a financial burden for the citizens (6).

The productivity of this people is thereby greatly decreased as they live in uncertainty as to the assurance of their health and thereby spend more time worrying instead of being engaged in meaningful activities that can lead the country into even greater heights of prosperity. Free health care would lead to a peace of mind and therefore enable people to be more productive.

Since medical care is not free, many people have to make do with curative care since they cannot afford to visit medical facilities for checkups or any other form of preventive medical care. This assertion is corroborated by Colliver who reveals that many people are opting to go without preventative care or screening tests that might prevent more serious health problems due to the expenses (1).

Research shows that approximately 18,000 adults die annually due to lack of timely medical intervention (The New York Times 1). This is mostly as a result of lack of a comprehensive insurance cover which means that the people cannot receive medical attention until the disease has progressed into advanced stages. This is what has made medical care so expensive since ā€œsick patients need more care than relatively healthy onesā€ (Sutherland, Fisher, and Skinner 1227).

This is an opinion shared by Sebelius who reveals that 85% of medical costs incurred in the country arise from people ailing from chronic conditions (1). She further notes that if screened early, these diseases such as diabetes and obesity can be prevented thus saving the medical cost to be incurred in their treatment. It therefore makes sense to have a health care system that makes it possible for everyone to access preventive care thus curbing these conditions before they are fully blown.

While most people assume that free health care will result in better services as more people will be able to access health care, this is not the case. The increase in people who are eligible for health care will lead to an increase in the patientsā€™ level meaning that one may have to wait for long before receiving care due to shortage of medical personnel or the rationing of care.

A European doctor, Crespo Alphonse, reveals that when health care is free, people start overusing it with negative implications for the entire system (AP). In addition to this, free health care would invariably lead to cost cutting strategies by hospitals.

This would lead to scenario where finding specialized care is hard and the rate of medical mistakes would increase significantly. As a matter of fact, a survey on Switzerland hospitals found that medical errors had jumped by 40% owing to the introduction of mandatory health insurance (AP). While it is true that free health care will increase the number of people visiting the doctor, this may be a positive thing since it will encourage preventive care as opposed to the current emphasis on curative care.

Free health care is a move towards a socialistic system. As it is, the US is a nation that is built on strong capitalistic grounds. This is against the strong capitalistic grounds on which the United States society is build on. While detractors of the private insurance firms are always quick to point out that the firms make billions of dollars from the public, they fail to consider the tax that these firms give back to the federal government (Singer 1).

Free health care would render players in the health industry such as private insurance companies unprofitable. Free health care will bring about a shift from a profit oriented system to a more people oriented system. Without money as a motivation, research efforts will plummet thereby leading to a decrease in the medical advancement as investment in research will not be as extensive (Singer 1).

The Associate Press reveals that doctors may also lack to be as motivated if they are no incentives and thereby the quality of their work may weaken (1). As such, a free health care system would have far reaching consequences for the economy of the nation since the health care industry is a profitable industry for many.

The Healthcare system is one of the most important components of the U.S. social system since full productivity cannot be achieved without good health. This paper has argued that a free health care system would be the most effective system for America. To reinforce this assertion, the paper has articulated the benefits that the country would accrue from free health care.

With free health care, all Americans would be able to access health services when they need it leading to increased quality of life. In addition, many people would make use of preventive healthcare services, therefore reducing the financial burden that the expensive curative services result in.

The paper has taken care to point out that free health care has some demerits, most notably of which is overloading the health services with a high number of patients. Even so, the observably advantages to be reaped from the system far outweigh the perceived risks. As it is, decades of reform on the US health care system have failed to provide any lasting solution to the problem.

Making health care free for all may be the strategy that will provide a solution for the ideal health care system that has thus far remained elusive. From the arguments presented in this paper, it can irrefutably be stated that free health care will result in a better health care system for the country.

Associate Press. (AP). Europe’s free health care has a hefty price tag . 2009. Web.

Brown, Paul. Paying the Price: The High Cost of Prescription Drugs for Uninsured Americans. U.S. PIRG Education Fund, 2006.

Colliver, Victoria. ā€œJump in middle-income Americans who go without health insurance,ā€ San Francisco Chronicle (SFGate), 2006.

Gallup, Andrew, and Newport Francis. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion . Gallup Press, 2005. Print.

Sebelius, Kathleen. Health Insurance Reform Will Benefit All Americans . 2009. Web.

Singer, Peter. Why We Must Ration Health Care . 2009. Web.

Sutherland, Jason., Fisher Elliott, and Skinner Jonathan. ā€œGetting Past Denial – The High Cost of Health Care in the United Statesā€ . New England Journal of Medicine 361;13, 2009).

The New York Times. The Uninsured . 2009. Web.

Wisk, Lauren. High Cost a Key Factor in Deciding to Forgo Health Care . 2011. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, October 12). Should Healthcare Be Free? Essay on Medical System in America.

"Should Healthcare Be Free? Essay on Medical System in America." IvyPanda , 12 Oct. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Should Healthcare Be Free? Essay on Medical System in America'. 12 October.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Should Healthcare Be Free? Essay on Medical System in America." October 12, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Should Healthcare Be Free? Essay on Medical System in America." October 12, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Should Healthcare Be Free? Essay on Medical System in America." October 12, 2018.

Home ā€” Essay Samples ā€” Nursing & Health ā€” Cosmetic Surgery ā€” Cosmetic Surgery: Exploring Procedures, Motivations, and Implications


Cosmetic Surgery: Exploring Procedures, Motivations, and Implications

  • Categories: Cosmetic Surgery

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Words: 509 |

Published: Feb 7, 2024

Words: 509 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Table of contents

Understanding cosmetic surgery, motivations for cosmetic surgery, ethical and psychological implications.

  • Rhinoplasty: Nose reshaping to improve aesthetics or function.
  • Breast Augmentation: Enlarging or reshaping the breasts through implants or fat transfer.
  • Liposuction: Removal of excess fat from specific areas of the body.
  • Facelift: Reducing signs of aging through tightening facial muscles and skin.
  • Botox and Fillers: Injectable treatments to reduce wrinkles and enhance facial features.
  • Enhancing Self-Esteem: Many individuals believe that improving their appearance will boost their self-confidence and overall well-being.
  • Correcting Physical Imperfections: Some people opt for cosmetic surgery to correct perceived flaws or deformities that have caused emotional distress.
  • Anti-Aging and Youthfulness: The desire to look younger and reduce the signs of aging is a common motivator for cosmetic procedures.
  • Social and Professional Advantages: Some individuals believe that an improved appearance can lead to better social interactions and career opportunities.
  • Body Image Issues: People with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) may seek cosmetic surgery excessively due to an obsessive focus on perceived flaws.
  • Ethical Considerations: Cosmetic surgery raises ethical questions about body autonomy, societal pressures to conform to beauty standards , and the potential for unnecessary medical risks.
  • Psychological Impact: Not all individuals experience improved mental health after cosmetic surgery. Unrealistic expectations and dissatisfaction with results can lead to psychological distress.
  • Addictive Behavior: Some individuals become addicted to cosmetic procedures, constantly seeking new alterations and enhancements, which can have negative consequences on their mental and physical health.
  • Social and Cultural Influences: Societal and cultural pressures to conform to beauty ideals can contribute to the normalization of cosmetic surgery, potentially influencing individuals to undergo procedures they might not genuinely desire.

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