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Argumentative Essay on Social Media

Argumentative Essay on Social Media


In the modern era, the surge of social networks is virtually irresistible, enveloping society in a cocoon of interconnected digital networks. An argumentative essay about social media often dives into this complex web, exploring the multifaceted issues interwoven with online platforms. This essay will navigate through the controversial sea of social media, underscoring its positive and negative impacts on society.

Formulating the Problem

Social media, as an accessible platform for individuals of various ages and backgrounds, brings about not just advantages like global connectivity and information dissemination, but also palpable challenges such as privacy invasion, cyberbullying, and misinformation spread. The core issue here is discerning whether the benefits of social media outweigh its drawbacks, essentially necessitating an exploration of various social media argumentative essay examples to delineate comprehensive insights.

Commentary on the Problem

The extensive reach and influence of social media indisputably carve both constructive and destructive pathways in society. Examples of the latter include the rampant dissemination of fake news, fostering polarization, and impairing interpersonal relationships with the illusion of connectedness, all of which feed into the intricacies of an argumentative essay on social media . Conversely, the positive aspects, like enhanced communication, awareness, and a platform for social change, cannot be discounted.

Author’s Position

This essay posits that while social media harbours potential for immense societal benefit, its perils, if left unchecked and unregulated, could overshadow its positives. Consequently, an argumentative stance herein insists on meticulous regulatory frameworks and educational initiatives to safeguard users while maximizing the platform's advantageous elements.

Agreement/Disagreement and Argumentation

  • Promotion of Information and Awareness: Social media notably excels in swiftly disseminating information on a global scale, enabling users to remain abreast of worldwide occurrences and innovations.


  • Psychological Impact: Various social media argumentative essay sources highlight its psychological impacts, including anxiety and depression, attributed to online harassment and the perpetuation of unrealistic standards.
  • Misinformation: Argument essay about social media often spotlight the proliferation of misinformation as a pressing concern. False data and fake news can propagate rapidly, fueling discord, panic, and uninformed decision-making among users.
  • Privacy Concerns: Social media argument essay narratives frequently underline the incessant erosion of user privacy, with personal data often being misused for profit or manipulative endeavors.

Social media stands at a juxtaposition of being a boon and a bane, intricately entwining diverse global narratives, making the topic a compelling subject for an argumentative essay social media . Despite the numerous advantages it presents, the detriments of social media cannot be understated or ignored. Striking a balance through regulatory frameworks, digital literacy, and ethical usage is imperative to harness its potential effectively while mitigating associated risks.

1. Ice Bucket Challenge: A Beacon of Positive Potential

In 2014, the Ice Bucket Challenge became an exemplar of how social media can serve as a vessel for widespread positivity, charitable action, and education on global health issues. By challenging individuals to pour a bucket of iced water over themselves and subsequently nominate others to do the same or donate to ALS research, it ingeniously melded entertainment, camaraderie, and philanthropy. With celebrities and common folk alike participating, the challenge not only raised an astonishing $115 million for ALS research in the United States but also significantly enhanced global awareness regarding the disease. Here, social media manifested as a formidable force for good, underlining its potential to elevate charitable causes and promote global solidarity.

2. Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory: Navigating through the Abyss of Misinformation

Conversely, the Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory provides a grim glimpse into the detrimental potentials of social media when pervaded by misinformation. Emerging during the 2016 United States presidential election, the theory falsely claimed that a Washington D.C. pizzeria was the nexus of a child-trafficking ring, allegedly linked to high-profile politicians. Propagated through social media channels, it not only sowed seeds of distrust towards democratic institutions and individuals but also resulted in a perilous real-world incident, wherein an armed individual sought to 'investigate' the matter, endangering lives. This highlights an exigent need to combat the unchecked dissemination of misinformation and the pivotal role of regulatory and educative interventions in mitigating such instances.

3. Rise of Influencer Culture: Redefining Marketing and Consumer Behavior

The ascension of influencer culture exemplifies another intriguing dimension of social media. With platforms such as Instagram and TikTok spearheading a new age of marketing, influencers have become pivotal in shaping consumer behavior, lifestyle choices, and brand preferences among followers. While this has democratized fame and offered new avenues for business and individuals to prosper, it also beckons a scrutiny of ethical marketing, the impact of materialistic pursuits, and the psychological implications among followers, especially younger audiences, ensuing from continuous exposure to curated and often, unrealistic portrayals of life and success.

In threading through the variegated aspects of social media, this essay endeavours to prompt reflection, advocating for a nuanced approach to its utilization and regulation. This not only ensures its optimal use but also safeguards the mental and societal health of its vast user base.

Note: This essay is a general guideline and should be expanded upon for a detailed, comprehensive exploration of the topic. It offers a structured overview and can be enhanced with specific details, data, and further discussions per section.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can an argumentative essay about social media address the psychological impacts on users?

Answer: An argumentative essay might explore the psychological repercussions by diving into various studies and real-life incidents, illustrating the stark realities and cascading effects of social media on mental health.

  • What role does misinformation play in the framework of a social media argumentative essay?

Answer: Misinformation takes a central role in a social media argumentative essay, highlighting how false narratives and deceptive information can distort public opinion, endanger public health, and even compromise the integrity of democracies.

  • How does an argumentative essay on social media evaluate the platform’s potential as a tool for social justice and change?

Answer: The essay could dissect several instances, such as social movements and campaigns that have leveraged social media for visibility and mobilization, exploring its viability and limitations as a conduit for social transformation.

  • In what way does an argumentative essay social media delve into the aspects of privacy invasion and data misuse?

Answer: The essay might scrutinize numerous instances of data breaches and the exploitation of personal information, weaving a narrative that elucidates the gravity and breadth of privacy issues spawned by social media platforms.

  • Can you cite a few social media argumentative essay examples that illuminate both the positive and negative facets of these platforms?

Answer: Certainly, essays might focus on varied instances like the global connectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic, amplifying social causes like Black Lives Matter, or delve into the darker facets like the Cambridge Analytica scandal and widespread cyberbullying, offering a multi-dimensional viewpoint on the spectrum of impacts rendered by social media.

These questions and the entailing discussions are pivotal, embodying the core of numerous debates surrounding social media and its varied implications on contemporary society. They underscore not just its evident advantages but also the covert, often insidious repercussions that necessitate astute scrutiny and deliberation, aspects crucial to any compelling argumentative essay social media.

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6 Example Essays on Social Media | Advantages, Effects, and Outlines

Got an essay assignment about the effects of social media we got you covered check out our examples and outlines below.

Social media has become one of our society's most prominent ways of communication and information sharing in a very short time. It has changed how we communicate and has given us a platform to express our views and opinions and connect with others. It keeps us informed about the world around us. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have brought individuals from all over the world together, breaking down geographical borders and fostering a genuinely global community.

However, social media comes with its difficulties. With the rise of misinformation, cyberbullying, and privacy problems, it's critical to utilize these platforms properly and be aware of the risks. Students in the academic world are frequently assigned essays about the impact of social media on numerous elements of our lives, such as relationships, politics, and culture. These essays necessitate a thorough comprehension of the subject matter, critical thinking, and the ability to synthesize and convey information clearly and succinctly.

But where do you begin? It can be challenging to know where to start with so much information available. Jenni.ai comes in handy here. Jenni.ai is an AI application built exclusively for students to help them write essays more quickly and easily. Jenni.ai provides students with inspiration and assistance on how to approach their essays with its enormous database of sample essays on a variety of themes, including social media. Jenni.ai is the solution you've been looking for if you're experiencing writer's block or need assistance getting started.

So, whether you're a student looking to better your essay writing skills or want to remain up to date on the latest social media advancements, Jenni.ai is here to help. Jenni.ai is the ideal tool for helping you write your finest essay ever, thanks to its simple design, an extensive database of example essays, and cutting-edge AI technology. So, why delay? Sign up for a free trial of Jenni.ai today and begin exploring the worlds of social networking and essay writing!

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We will provide various examples of social media essays so you may get a feel for the genre.

6 Examples of Social Media Essays

Here are 6 examples of Social Media Essays:

The Impact of Social Media on Relationships and Communication


The way we share information and build relationships has evolved as a direct result of the prevalence of social media in our daily lives. The influence of social media on interpersonal connections and conversation is a hot topic. Although social media has many positive effects, such as bringing people together regardless of physical proximity and making communication quicker and more accessible, it also has a dark side that can affect interpersonal connections and dialogue.

Positive Effects:

Connecting People Across Distances

One of social media's most significant benefits is its ability to connect individuals across long distances. People can use social media platforms to interact and stay in touch with friends and family far away. People can now maintain intimate relationships with those they care about, even when physically separated.

Improved Communication Speed and Efficiency

Additionally, the proliferation of social media sites has accelerated and simplified communication. Thanks to instant messaging, users can have short, timely conversations rather than lengthy ones via email. Furthermore, social media facilitates group communication, such as with classmates or employees, by providing a unified forum for such activities.

Negative Effects:

Decreased Face-to-Face Communication

The decline in in-person interaction is one of social media's most pernicious consequences on interpersonal connections and dialogue. People's reliance on digital communication over in-person contact has increased along with the popularity of social media. Face-to-face interaction has suffered as a result, which has adverse effects on interpersonal relationships and the development of social skills.

Decreased Emotional Intimacy

Another adverse effect of social media on relationships and communication is decreased emotional intimacy. Digital communication lacks the nonverbal cues and facial expressions critical in building emotional connections with others. This can make it more difficult for people to develop close and meaningful relationships, leading to increased loneliness and isolation.

Increased Conflict and Miscommunication

Finally, social media can also lead to increased conflict and miscommunication. The anonymity and distance provided by digital communication can lead to misunderstandings and hurtful comments that might not have been made face-to-face. Additionally, social media can provide a platform for cyberbullying , which can have severe consequences for the victim's mental health and well-being.


In conclusion, the impact of social media on relationships and communication is a complex issue with both positive and negative effects. While social media platforms offer many benefits, such as connecting people across distances and enabling faster and more accessible communication, they also have a dark side that can negatively affect relationships and communication. It is up to individuals to use social media responsibly and to prioritize in-person communication in their relationships and interactions with others.

The Role of Social Media in the Spread of Misinformation and Fake News

Social media has revolutionized the way information is shared and disseminated. However, the ease and speed at which data can be spread on social media also make it a powerful tool for spreading misinformation and fake news. Misinformation and fake news can seriously affect public opinion, influence political decisions, and even cause harm to individuals and communities.

The Pervasiveness of Misinformation and Fake News on Social Media

Misinformation and fake news are prevalent on social media platforms, where they can spread quickly and reach a large audience. This is partly due to the way social media algorithms work, which prioritizes content likely to generate engagement, such as sensational or controversial stories. As a result, false information can spread rapidly and be widely shared before it is fact-checked or debunked.

The Influence of Social Media on Public Opinion

Social media can significantly impact public opinion, as people are likelier to believe the information they see shared by their friends and followers. This can lead to a self-reinforcing cycle, where misinformation and fake news are spread and reinforced, even in the face of evidence to the contrary.

The Challenge of Correcting Misinformation and Fake News

Correcting misinformation and fake news on social media can be a challenging task. This is partly due to the speed at which false information can spread and the difficulty of reaching the same audience exposed to the wrong information in the first place. Additionally, some individuals may be resistant to accepting correction, primarily if the incorrect information supports their beliefs or biases.

In conclusion, the function of social media in disseminating misinformation and fake news is complex and urgent. While social media has revolutionized the sharing of information, it has also made it simpler for false information to propagate and be widely believed. Individuals must be accountable for the information they share and consume, and social media firms must take measures to prevent the spread of disinformation and fake news on their platforms.

The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health and Well-Being

Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with billions of people around the world using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay connected with others and access information. However, while social media has many benefits, it can also negatively affect mental health and well-being.

Comparison and Low Self-Esteem

One of the key ways that social media can affect mental health is by promoting feelings of comparison and low self-esteem. People often present a curated version of their lives on social media, highlighting their successes and hiding their struggles. This can lead others to compare themselves unfavorably, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment

Another way that social media can negatively impact mental health is through cyberbullying and online harassment. Social media provides a platform for anonymous individuals to harass and abuse others, leading to feelings of anxiety, fear, and depression.

Social Isolation

Despite its name, social media can also contribute to feelings of isolation. At the same time, people may have many online friends but need more meaningful in-person connections and support. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.

Addiction and Overuse

Finally, social media can be addictive, leading to overuse and negatively impacting mental health and well-being. People may spend hours each day scrolling through their feeds, neglecting other important areas of their lives, such as work, family, and self-care.

In sum, social media has positive and negative consequences on one's psychological and emotional well-being. Realizing this, and taking measures like reducing one's social media use, reaching out to loved ones for help, and prioritizing one's well-being, are crucial. In addition, it's vital that social media giants take ownership of their platforms and actively encourage excellent mental health and well-being.

The Use of Social Media in Political Activism and Social Movements

Social media has recently become increasingly crucial in political action and social movements. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have given people new ways to express themselves, organize protests, and raise awareness about social and political issues.

Raising Awareness and Mobilizing Action

One of the most important uses of social media in political activity and social movements has been to raise awareness about important issues and mobilize action. Hashtags such as #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter, for example, have brought attention to sexual harassment and racial injustice, respectively. Similarly, social media has been used to organize protests and other political actions, allowing people to band together and express themselves on a bigger scale.

Connecting with like-minded individuals

A second method in that social media has been utilized in political activity and social movements is to unite like-minded individuals. Through social media, individuals can join online groups, share knowledge and resources, and work with others to accomplish shared objectives. This has been especially significant for geographically scattered individuals or those without access to traditional means of political organizing.

Challenges and Limitations

As a vehicle for political action and social movements, social media has faced many obstacles and restrictions despite its many advantages. For instance, the propagation of misinformation and fake news on social media can impede attempts to disseminate accurate and reliable information. In addition, social media corporations have been condemned for censorship and insufficient protection of user rights.

In conclusion, social media has emerged as a potent instrument for political activism and social movements, giving voice to previously unheard communities and galvanizing support for change. Social media presents many opportunities for communication and collaboration. Still, users and institutions must be conscious of the risks and limitations of these tools to promote their responsible and productive usage.

The Potential Privacy Concerns Raised by Social Media Use and Data Collection Practices

With billions of users each day on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, social media has ingrained itself into every aspect of our lives. While these platforms offer a straightforward method to communicate with others and exchange information, they also raise significant concerns over data collecting and privacy. This article will examine the possible privacy issues posed by social media use and data-gathering techniques.

Data Collection and Sharing

The gathering and sharing of personal data are significant privacy issues brought up by social media use. Social networking sites gather user data, including details about their relationships, hobbies, and routines. This information is made available to third-party businesses for various uses, such as marketing and advertising. This can lead to serious concerns about who has access to and uses our personal information.

Lack of Control Over Personal Information

The absence of user control over personal information is a significant privacy issue brought up by social media usage. Social media makes it challenging to limit who has access to and how data is utilized once it has been posted. Sensitive information may end up being extensively disseminated and may be used maliciously as a result.

Personalized Marketing

Social media companies utilize the information they gather about users to target them with adverts relevant to their interests and usage patterns. Although this could be useful, it might also cause consumers to worry about their privacy since they might feel that their personal information is being used without their permission. Furthermore, there are issues with the integrity of the data being used to target users and the possibility of prejudice based on individual traits.

Government Surveillance

Using social media might spark worries about government surveillance. There are significant concerns regarding privacy and free expression when governments in some nations utilize social media platforms to follow and monitor residents.

In conclusion, social media use raises significant concerns regarding data collecting and privacy. While these platforms make it easy to interact with people and exchange information, they also gather a lot of personal information, which raises questions about who may access it and how it will be used. Users should be aware of these privacy issues and take precautions to safeguard their personal information, such as exercising caution when choosing what details to disclose on social media and keeping their information sharing with other firms to a minimum.

The Ethical and Privacy Concerns Surrounding Social Media Use And Data Collection

Our use of social media to communicate with loved ones, acquire information, and even conduct business has become a crucial part of our everyday lives. The extensive use of social media does, however, raise some ethical and privacy issues that must be resolved. The influence of social media use and data collecting on user rights, the accountability of social media businesses, and the need for improved regulation are all topics that will be covered in this article.

Effect on Individual Privacy:

Social networking sites gather tons of personal data from their users, including delicate information like search history, location data, and even health data. Each user's detailed profile may be created with this data and sold to advertising or used for other reasons. Concerns regarding the privacy of personal information might arise because social media businesses can use this data to target users with customized adverts.

Additionally, individuals might need to know how much their personal information is being gathered and exploited. Data breaches or the unauthorized sharing of personal information with other parties may result in instances where sensitive information is exposed. Users should be aware of the privacy rules of social media firms and take precautions to secure their data.

Responsibility of Social Media Companies:

Social media firms should ensure that they responsibly and ethically gather and use user information. This entails establishing strong security measures to safeguard sensitive information and ensuring users are informed of what information is being collected and how it is used.

Many social media businesses, nevertheless, have come under fire for not upholding these obligations. For instance, the Cambridge Analytica incident highlighted how Facebook users' personal information was exploited for political objectives without their knowledge. This demonstrates the necessity of social media corporations being held responsible for their deeds and ensuring that they are safeguarding the security and privacy of their users.

Better Regulation Is Needed

There is a need for tighter regulation in this field, given the effect, social media has on individual privacy as well as the obligations of social media firms. The creation of laws and regulations that ensure social media companies are gathering and using user information ethically and responsibly, as well as making sure users are aware of their rights and have the ability to control the information that is being collected about them, are all part of this.

Additionally, legislation should ensure that social media businesses are held responsible for their behavior, for example, by levying fines for data breaches or the unauthorized use of personal data. This will provide social media businesses with a significant incentive to prioritize their users' privacy and security and ensure they are upholding their obligations.

In conclusion, social media has fundamentally changed how we engage and communicate with one another, but this increased convenience also raises several ethical and privacy issues. Essential concerns that need to be addressed include the effect of social media on individual privacy, the accountability of social media businesses, and the requirement for greater regulation to safeguard user rights. We can make everyone's online experience safer and more secure by looking more closely at these issues.

In conclusion, social media is a complex and multifaceted topic that has recently captured the world's attention. With its ever-growing influence on our lives, it's no surprise that it has become a popular subject for students to explore in their writing. Whether you are writing an argumentative essay on the impact of social media on privacy, a persuasive essay on the role of social media in politics, or a descriptive essay on the changes social media has brought to the way we communicate, there are countless angles to approach this subject.

However, writing a comprehensive and well-researched essay on social media can be daunting. It requires a thorough understanding of the topic and the ability to articulate your ideas clearly and concisely. This is where Jenni.ai comes in. Our AI-powered tool is designed to help students like you save time and energy and focus on what truly matters - your education. With Jenni.ai , you'll have access to a wealth of examples and receive personalized writing suggestions and feedback.

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Essay on Social Media for School Students and Children

500+ words essay on social media.

Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days because of its user-friendly features. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more are giving people a chance to connect with each other across distances. In other words, the whole world is at our fingertips all thanks to social media. The youth is especially one of the most dominant users of social media. All this makes you wonder that something so powerful and with such a massive reach cannot be all good. Like how there are always two sides to a coin, the same goes for social media. Subsequently, different people have different opinions on this debatable topic. So, in this essay on Social Media, we will see the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

Essay on Social Media

Advantages of Social Media

When we look at the positive aspect of social media, we find numerous advantages. The most important being a great device for education . All the information one requires is just a click away. Students can educate themselves on various topics using social media.

Moreover, live lectures are now possible because of social media. You can attend a lecture happening in America while sitting in India.

Furthermore, as more and more people are distancing themselves from newspapers, they are depending on social media for news. You are always updated on the latest happenings of the world through it. A person becomes more socially aware of the issues of the world.

In addition, it strengthens bonds with your loved ones. Distance is not a barrier anymore because of social media. For instance, you can easily communicate with your friends and relatives overseas.

Most importantly, it also provides a great platform for young budding artists to showcase their talent for free. You can get great opportunities for employment through social media too.

Another advantage definitely benefits companies who wish to promote their brands. Social media has become a hub for advertising and offers you great opportunities for connecting with the customer.

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Disadvantages of Social Media

Despite having such unique advantages, social media is considered to be one of the most harmful elements of society. If the use of social media is not monitored, it can lead to grave consequences.

argumentative essay on benefits of social media

Thus, the sharing on social media especially by children must be monitored at all times. Next up is the addition of social media which is quite common amongst the youth.

This addiction hampers with the academic performance of a student as they waste their time on social media instead of studying. Social media also creates communal rifts. Fake news is spread with the use of it, which poisons the mind of peace-loving citizens.

In short, surely social media has both advantages and disadvantages. But, it all depends on the user at the end. The youth must particularly create a balance between their academic performances, physical activities, and social media. Excess use of anything is harmful and the same thing applies to social media. Therefore, we must strive to live a satisfying life with the right balance.

argumentative essay on benefits of social media

FAQs on Social Media

Q.1 Is social media beneficial? If yes, then how?

A.1 Social media is quite beneficial. Social Media offers information, news, educational material, a platform for talented youth and brands.

Q.2 What is a disadvantage of Social Media?

A.2 Social media invades your privacy. It makes you addicted and causes health problems. It also results in cyberbullying and scams as well as communal hatred.

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Persuasive Essay Writing

Persuasive Essay About Social Media

Cathy A.

Learn How to Write a Persuasive Essay About Social Media With Examples

Published on: Jan 26, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

Persuasive Essay About Social Media

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Are you looking to learn how to write a persuasive essay about social media? 

Perfect, you've come to the right place!

From navigating the power of hashtags to analyzing changes in public opinion, these examples will help guide you on your journey. 

Whether you’re a seasoned pro at writing persuasive essays or just a starter, look at these examples to be inspired.

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Brief Overview of Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay persuades the reader or audience to take a particular stance on an issue. It is used to present an opinion on any subject, and it typically takes the form of an academic essay. It includes evidence and facts supporting its arguments.

The writer must use facts and reliable sources to back up his or her claims.

It is also important that the essay should be well-structured. It should have clear arguments and a logical flow from one point to another.

Learn more about crafting perfect persuasive essays with the help of our detailed guide.

Persuasive Essay Examples About Social Media

Are you a student unsure how to write persuasive essays successfully? Well, never fear! 

We've got examples of some amazing persuasive essays about social media that will surely give you inspiration. Let’s take a look at a short persuasive essay example: 

Social media is a double-edged sword that has both positive and negative impacts on our society. On one hand, it serves as a powerful tool for communication, connectivity, and information dissemination. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow people to connect with friends and family, share experiences, and stay updated on current events. This connectivity can foster a sense of community and bridge geographical gaps.

However, the darker side of social media cannot be ignored. The rise of cyberbullying, misinformation, and the addictive nature of these platforms raise concerns about their impact on mental health and societal well-being. The constant comparison fueled by curated online personas can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, especially among the younger demographic.

Moreover, the rapid spread of fake news and misinformation on social media platforms poses a threat to the integrity of public discourse. The echo chamber effect, where users are exposed to information that aligns with their existing beliefs, further polarizes society and hinders constructive dialogue.

Despite these drawbacks, social media has undeniably played a pivotal role in movements for social justice and political change. The Arab Spring and various hashtag movements demonstrate the power of social media in mobilizing communities for positive societal transformations.

In conclusion, the impact of social media on our society is nuanced. While it facilitates communication and connectivity, it also brings forth challenges related to mental health, misinformation, and polarization. The key lies in striking a balance, leveraging the positive aspects while addressing the negative consequences through responsible usage, digital literacy, and regulatory measures. It is crucial for society to harness the potential of social media for collective benefit while mitigating its harmful effects.

Check these FREE downloadable samples of persuasive essays! 

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Examples of Argumentative Essay about Social Media

To help get your creative juices flowing, look at these example argumentative essays about social media below!

Argumentative essay about social media advantages and disadvantages

Argumentative essay about social media addiction

For more examples of persuasive essays, check out our blog on persuasive essay examples .

How Can You Write a Persuasive Essay About Social Media?      

A persuasive essay about social media can be an interesting and challenging task.

Understanding what makes a persuasive essay unique and how to craft arguments that effectively communicate your point of view is important. 

These are a few steps you should follow before writing an effective persuasive essay on social media.

Step 1: Decide Your Stance

First, you must decide on your stance regarding the issue at hand. Are you for or against the use of social media? Are you in support of social media?

After you decide your stance, move on to the research process.

Step 2: Conduct Due Research

Once you have established your position, you must research the topic and develop an argument that supports your stance. 

Make sure to include facts, statistics, and examples to back up your points.

Step 3: Outline Your Essay

Create a structured persuasive essay outline before delving into detailed writing. This roadmap will help organize your thoughts, ensuring a logical flow of arguments. Outline your introduction, key points, counterarguments, and conclusion.

Step 4: Craft Your Introduction 

The introduction should provide context, state the thesis statement , and grab the reader's attention. It precedes deciding your stance and initiates the overall writing process.

Read this free PDF to learn more about crafting essays on social media!

Persuasive essay about social media introduction

Step 5: Write the Body

Organize your arguments logically in the body of the essay. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point, supported by research and addressing counterarguments. This follows the introduction and precedes maintaining a persuasive tone.

Step 6: Address All Counterarguments

It is important to anticipate potential counterarguments from those who oppose your stance. 

Take time to address these points directly and provide evidence for why your opinion is more valid.

Step 7: Maintain a Persuasive Tone

To maintain your audience's attention, it is important to write in a confident and persuasive tone throughout the essay. 

Use strong language that will make readers take notice of your words. 

Check out this video on persuasive writing tones and styles.

Step 8: Conclude Your Essay

Finally, end your essay with a memorable conclusion that will leave your audience with something to think about. 

With these important steps taken into account, you can create an effective persuasive essay about social media!

Step 9: Revise and Edit

After completing your initial draft, take time to revise and edit your essay. Ensure clarity, coherence, and the effective flow of arguments. This step follows the conclusion of your essay and precedes the final check for overall effectiveness.

Persuasive Essay About Social Media Writing Tips

Here are some additional writing tips to refine your persuasive essay on social media.

  • Highlight Numbers: Use facts and numbers to show how important social media is.
  • Tell Stories: Share real stories to help people connect with the impact of social media.
  • Use Pictures: Add charts or pictures to make your essay more interesting and easy to understand.
  • Answer Questions: Think about what people might disagree with and explain why your ideas are better.
  • Talk About What's Right: Explain why it's important to use social media in a good and fair way.

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Social Media Persuasive Essay Topics

Take a look at these creative and enticing persuasive essay topics. Choose from one of them or get inspiration from these topics.

  • Should social media platforms be held accountable for cyberbullying?
  • Should age restrictions be stricter for social media access to protect younger users from its negative effects?
  • Should social media companies be mandated to prioritize user privacy over targeted advertising?
  • Should schools integrate mandatory education on the pitfalls of social media for students?
  • Should governments regulate the amount of time users spend on social media to prevent addiction?
  • Should social media influencers face stricter guidelines for promoting unrealistic body standards?
  • Should there be more transparency about how algorithms on social media platforms amplify divisive content?
  • Should employers be allowed to consider an applicant's social media profiles during the hiring process?
  • Should there be penalties for social networking sites that propagate false information?
  • Should there be a limit on the amount of personal data social media platforms can collect from users?

Check out some more interesting persuasive essay topics to get inspiration for your next essay.

Wrapping up, 

Learning how to write persuasive essays about social media matters in today's digital world is crucial whether you are a high school student or a college student. These examples guide us in exploring both the good and bad sides of social media's impact. 

We hope this persuasive blog on social media has given you a few new ideas to consider when persuading your audience.

But if you are struggling with your essay assignment do not hesitate to seek professional help. At CollegeEssay.org , our writing experts can help you get started on any type of essay. 

With our professional persuasive essay writing service , you can be confident that your paper will be written in utmost detail.

So don't wait any longer! Just ask us ' write my essay ' today and let us help you make the most of your writing experience!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some good persuasive essay topics.

Good persuasive essay topics can include topics related to social media, such as 

  • whether or not it should be regulated more heavily,
  • the impact of social media on society, 
  • how social media has changed our daily lives.

How do you write an introduction for social media essay?

You should start by briefly explaining what the essay will cover and why it is important. 

You should also provide brief background information about the topic and what caused you to choose it for your essay.

What is a good title for a social media essay?

A good title for a social media essay could be "The Impact of Social Media on Society" or "Social Media: Regulation and Responsibility." 

These titles indicate the content that will be discussed in the essay while still being interesting and thought-provoking.

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Persuasive Essay About Social Media

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argumentative essay on benefits of social media

Social Media: Beneficial or Harmful? Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

It is important to note that social media is a core element of the internet, and it reshaped how a modern human perceives information, communicates, socializes, and learns about the outside world. It became a primary lens through which one interacts with others, and thus, it is critical to properly evaluate whether or not such a state of affairs is beneficial or harmful to human wellbeing. The given assessment argues that social media, not the internet, is harmful to society and humanity in general because it reshapes the social fabric, causes loss of reason, logic, attentiveness, and memory, violates individual rights of all people as well as proliferates misinformation, which means that social media’s harms heavily outweigh its benefits.

Firstly, in order to fairly and properly assess the benefits or harms of social media, the latter should be distinguished from the internet. For example, it is stated that “the notion that the Internet is bad for you seems premised on the idea that the Internet is one thing—a monolith” (Goldsmith 597). In other words, the internet is not one thing but rather a collection of vastly different forms of communication, presentation, information exchange, entertainment, interactions, and other functions. Therefore, the internet is a source of many positive aspects of modernity because it not only brings more informational democracy but also prevents restriction and control of the free exchange of knowledge. However, the question is not about the internet as a whole but rather social media. Unlike the internet, which brings a number of benefits, which far outweigh the harms, social media does not bring a similar imbalance in favor of good. Social media was designed to simplify socialization and communication online, but the outcome is unchecked control of the flow of conversation in favor of a specific agenda, profit, and violation of individual rights.

Secondly, not all internet elements utilize artificial intelligence as extensively as social media platforms. The use of AI allows such companies to fine-tune one typology of information consumed, which means that it is social media that makes decisions for its users. While the internet is a library of knowledge, where a person makes a clear choice on what to read, watch, listen to, or interact with, social media uses AI and complex algorithms to influence its user. The underlying business model of all social media platforms is to learn about its user as much as possible and profit from them in a targeted manner. Such a design is not an inherent feature of the internet, which is not constrained to be profitable in this manner since many websites operate through subscriptions, direct sales, or other means. When it comes to such dangers, AI itself can also be a problem. It is stated that “there are indeed concerns about the near-term future of AI —algorithmic traders crashing the economy, or sensitive power grids overreacting to fluctuations and shutting down electricity for large swaths of the population” (Littman 314). In other words, social media’s extensive use of AI in combination with its problematic business model creates a host of issues that are not attributable to the internet.

Thirdly, in addition to social media-specific problems, they are also linked to harms associated with both devices and the internet in general. As stated before, the internet has its harms and benefits, but the latter usually outweighs the former. Similarly, devices come with harms as well as benefits, where the balance is tilted towards the positive aspects. However, not only social media has its inherent design flaws, but it also has problems with devices and the internet in general, which makes their harms far more abundant than benefits. For example, it is stated that “while our phones offer convenience and diversion, they also breed anxiety” (Carr 582). In addition, “as the brain grows dependent on the technology, the research suggests, the intellect weakens,” and “the division of attention impedes reasoning and performance” (Carr 583). Therefore, these device-related problems are multiplied a hundredfold by the fact that social media amplifies distraction and attention division through notifications. Social media is not a highly intellect-strengthening medium either, which further complicates the dependence factor.

Fourthly, social media companies are not properly regulated, and the nature of the business heavily favors oligopoly rather than a proper competitive environment because people want to have a unified platform for communication and audience-building. Therefore, the industry generates highly powerful companies with unchecked capabilities, where the national and even international discourse takes place exclusively on such mediums. For example, one cannot deny the influence of Twitter or Facebook as drivers of political or social discourse. Therefore, there is a conflict of interest among such big tech companies in regards to providing an open and fair platform versus making a profit, and the decision is clearly made in favor of the latter. The very structure of the business model of social media is to influence users to buy the advertisers’ products or services, and thus, it cannot be a just and fair place for discussion on important subjects by definition. Such a state of affairs threatens the fabric of society whether or not these companies intend to do so.

Fifthly, the conflict of interest described in the previous section brings its biggest harm when it comes to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, where private enterprises are not obliged to protect the freedom of speech and expression. Since the national and international discourse and communication are taking the place of social media, where the First Amendment is mandatory to have, these platforms are unable, unwilling, and not obliged to provide it. One can easily observe how such companies can become politically tilted towards one agenda over the other, where accounts of even the most influential individuals can be banned because they violated the terms of service of the company. In other words, a company’s rules override the Constitutional rules. It is important to note that only a better speech can be an answer to a bad speech and not a removal of that voice.

Sixthly, social media platforms are heavily engaged in data collection and privacy violations, which was demonstrated by well-known scandals and criticisms. Once again, the business model of social media companies is structured in such a manner that their primary customers are not users but advertisers. A former group is a form of product or service being sold to advertisers, which means that social media advances surveillance capitalism at its core. In a century where the right to privacy is constantly becoming a problem due to governmental antiterrorism interests, social media further threatens these fundamental rights. The problem is even more dangerous when one considers the ever-increasing cyber threat proliferation, which means a breach of security in a social media company endangers all of its users.

Seventhly, social media does not have a well-structured method of combatting misinformation since its primary incentive is to promote engagement and grab attention. Social media companies are conflicted between ensuring the accuracy of the information on their platform and boosting the interactivity with their users. Such companies want to have interesting pieces of information, which are better provided by misinformation since the truth is always more complex and intricate. Therefore, one can see how social media can become a breeding ground for people with agenda of public deception. In addition, these platforms would not have the capability to ensure the accuracy of information even if they were incentivized somehow. Public panic and political polarization are other phenomena that accompany social networks, and the catalyst for these occurrences is information received both directly by the subject and disseminated using modern social communication technologies.

In conclusion, social media is not the internet, and its harms are far more extensive than the latter because it affects memory, attention, and reason and violates individual rights for privacy, free expression, and fairness in discourse, as well as proliferates misinformation. In addition, social media inherits inherent problems associated with modern devices and the internet in general, which further compounds its harm. Therefore, the effects of social media hurt the social fabric by pretending that it serves its users while its actual customers are advertisers. It also pretends to provide an open and free platform for communication while its very business model implies targeted influence on the user’s preferences. The use of AI also adds to all of the concerns related to artificial intelligence safety.

Works Cited

Carr, Nicholas. “How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds.” They Say/I Say , edited by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein, W.W. Norton & Norton Company, 2021, pp. 582-596.

Goldsmith, Kenneth. “Go Ahead: Waste Time on the Internet.” They Say/I Say , edited by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein, W.W. Norton & Norton Company, 2021, pp. 597-602.

Littman, Michael. “Rise of the Machines” Is Not a Likely Future.” They Say/I Say , edited by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein, W.W. Norton & Norton Company, 2021, pp. 311-314.

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IvyPanda. (2022, July 2). Social Media: Beneficial or Harmful? https://ivypanda.com/essays/social-media-beneficial-or-harmful/

"Social Media: Beneficial or Harmful?" IvyPanda , 2 July 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/social-media-beneficial-or-harmful/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Social Media: Beneficial or Harmful'. 2 July.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Social Media: Beneficial or Harmful?" July 2, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/social-media-beneficial-or-harmful/.

1. IvyPanda . "Social Media: Beneficial or Harmful?" July 2, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/social-media-beneficial-or-harmful/.


IvyPanda . "Social Media: Beneficial or Harmful?" July 2, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/social-media-beneficial-or-harmful/.

A Social Media Essay on its Pros and Cons

argumentative essay on benefits of social media

By Huzaifa Dhapai

Are you looking for advantages and disadvantages of social media essays ? We’ve got you covered! Our social media essay will help shed light on the pros and cons associated with social media and the way it has changed the world. It is a highly debatable topic and thus here’s our view regarding its positive and negative effects on society.

There’s no denying the fact that social media plays a crucial role in shaping a society. If we look around, almost everyone is on FaceBook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. This wide popularity of social channels comes with a lot of things and this elaborated advantages and disadvantages of social media essay will help you understand the overall perspective more clearly.

Now without any further delay, let’s get started with the advantages and disadvantages of social media essays.  

Introduction to Social Media 

In this tech-savvy world, it’s almost impossible to think about our day to day life without social media. It has become a part of our regular lives and is a prevalent medium to stay connected, share information and communicate with the help of social media using the internet.

With its super easy to use interface and free of cost service, it is becoming quite popular among the internet users. In short, one can say that social media is a tool that has revolutionized the digital world with its inception.  

Social media has grown to be the most influential and important virtual space, where the platform is used not only for social networking but also as a great way to advertise digitally.

You’ll hardly find any business or brands not using social media for marketing. With its growing popularity, social media has not just given businesses a chance to connect with its target audience, but it has also unlocked new employment opportunities for the masses where they can master a platform and help brands to market their business digitally.

What are the popular and widely-used social media platforms?

Let’s take a look at what makes a social media platform popular and widespread. Many analysts believe it has to do with “ active users .” It is a critical factor in determining growth, popularity, and engagement. This graph depicts all the popular social media platforms in the world as of 2024 and their number of users in millions. 

argumentative essay on benefits of social media

Source : Statitsta.com

The Top 5 social networking sites and applications, as assessed by Statista, an industry-leading provider of business statistics, are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and Tik Tok.  These applications are followed by many others. Facebook , the most popular social network, was the first to cross 1 billion registered accounts and now has over 2.7 billion monthly active members. Facebook (main platform), WhatsApp , Facebook Messenger, and Instagram are the company’s four largest social media platforms, each with over 1 billion monthly active users. With such a growing number of users on social media, let’s now understand what the importance of social media is today. 

Importance of Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of everyone’s daily lives. With the internet at your fingertips, social media can be used to communicate with anyone, anywhere, at any time. 

Especially since covid-19, when everyone was locked in their homes, and unable to get in touch with their friends and family, social media served as an important tool to stay updated about each other and stay connected with your loved ones.

Another emerging importance of social media owing to the pandemic is how it gave opportunities to people to make fun videos and adhere to social media challenges and activities which helped keep people entertained in such testing times. 

The importance of social media in the rising growth and scope of digital marketing has also been phenomenal. 

It is also a platform where information on a variety of topics is easily accessible. This allows people to learn a lot and stay up to date on news from around the world.

But with every good that comes with something, there’s always a negative side to it. Thus, check out the major advantages and disadvantages of social media in the progressive world of today. 

Top 10 Advantages Of Social Media

1. facilitates education.

social media essay

In several ways, social media is used as an educational tool. People are able to learn about a lot of topics through the use of social media all from the comfort of their homes.

One classic example would be the Live sessions conducted by Industry experts and speakers on their Instagram and Facebook. 

They impart knowledge and educate people on topics outside of their textbooks and curriculum. And these Live sessions can be joined by anyone for free. 

Another way to gain knowledge is to join groups on social media that conduct open discussions on various topics and exchange knowledge for free. These are excellent ways to educate yourself . 

2. Reduces Communication Barriers

Decades ago, the world relied solely on letters to communicate with people in distant places. Communication was hampered as a result, and relationships suffered greatly. 

Now, Social media has enabled us to stay in touch with people both nearby and far away. And, with the rise of social media, distance is no longer an obstacle.

3. Social Impact

NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), fundraisers, etc use social media for a variety of noble purposes. 

Generally, it is intended to raise awareness and assist people in discovering numerous changes that can help them improve their life. 

This helps create a social impact on a large number of people right from your fingertips. 

4. Brand Promotions

Businesses big or small can easily promote their brand effectively and efficiently through the use of social media and receive a massive amount of engagement. 

Social media has become an excellent place for advertisement, which helps brands to know the needs of their audience well. This benefits businesses of all sizes greatly.

This has led to an increase in the need for social media marketers. The next point will help you understand more in detail.

5. Employment Opportunities

The increased use of social media as a marketing tool has increased the demand for social media marketers. 

Companies want experts who can handle social media for them and carry out marketing activities that bring great results. 

If you aspire to become one, here’s an Online Social Media Marketing Course led by top industry professionals to get you started

6. Content Creation

social media essay

People who love to create content whether it be video, picture, or audio can use social media to share their content with the world. 

This allows people with creative skills to flourish in the online industry and also monetize this skill which brings us to our next point.

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7. Monetization

The rise of social media content creation has resulted in a massive increase in users across multiple platforms. 

To entice users to stay and grow, social media firms have used monetization strategies such as adverts, promotions, and more. 

Anyone with a love for content creation can use this to promote their brand while also earning money. You can also create content for other brands and charge for the same.

A very popular concept is Influencers today. If you have a large follower base and the ability to truthfully influence them, brands will sponsor you to do so. 

8. Community building

These days local communities are using social media heavily to stay connected, support each other, and grow together even after lockdown. Social media has connected people with the same interests and perspectives, which has led to the formation of supportive online communities. For example, people who share the same interest in nature and the environment can form or join a community for the same. This can also lead to crisis management, and it might be useful to provide mutual aid for world problems.

9. Skill development

Due to various social media platforms, online classes have gained lots of popularity during the lockdown itself. What’s interesting is these classes are still being run on social media platforms even after the lockdown is over but also gained. People nowadays are constantly taking classes for various courses to upskill themselves for even better jobs and income opportunities.

10. Mental Health Support

People have recognized the problems that social media causes. Platforms like Reddit and Facebook have a community now, which gives a safe space to people who want to share their experiences or seek advice. 

Now, let’s glance at the disadvantages of social media and how it has a negative impact on society. 

Top 7 Disadvantages of Social Media

The dangers of social media are massive, and despite the fact that it has numerous benefits, the effects of social media can lead to harmful results sometimes.

1. Lack of Security

As social media has become more accessible to anyone with an internet connection, people have become more vulnerable to hacking. 

Many users upload important parts of their lives to social media platforms, communicate with people they don’t know and are uneducated about the do and don’ts of having a social media account. 

This leads to hackers taking advantage of such people and ending up costing them valuable information.

2. Leads To Addiction 

The ability to interact and contact friends and family at any time and from anywhere, along with a great volume of content, has led to social media addiction . We’ve also covered some points on how to beat social media addiction .

People spend more time on social media, communicating with people all over the world, and consuming content, and as a result, they get disconnected from their surroundings.

3. Unrealistic Expectations

What we see on social media is the ‘ideal’ part of a person’s life, and not their insecurities and problems. 

When we forget this, we start to compare the negative parts of our lives with the positive parts of the lives of our peers that we see online. In the long run, this damages our self-esteem.

4. Adverse Influence on Children

Children who are addicted to social media spend hours per day watching videos, photos, and other content posted by the accounts they follow. 

Other activities, such as schoolwork, sports, study, and other productive routines, are jeopardized by this addiction. In the end, the influence of social media negatively impacts the well-being of children.

It also affects their socializing skills as they find it more comfortable to talk on the phone rather than face the person. 

5. Digital Fatigue

After spending so much time on social media, especially during lockdown, many people are now facing the problem of digital fatigue. The constant screentime and virtual interaction can exhaust a human and make them feel lonely 

6. Cyberbullying and online harassment

This issue existed before, but it has increased to a greater level as more and more people are using social media. Whether your work is good or excellent, some people will always be there to criticize your content. But cyberbullying and online harassment cases can get worse.

7. Social comparison and mental health issues

Humans always tend to compare their situations with others, and social media has increased this issue of comparison, which makes people feel inadequate and pressure themselves to meet unrealistic standards. This eventually leads to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem .

Role of Social Media in Shaping Society

In the ever-evolving digital world, social media plays a pivotal role in shaping society. Whether we’re scrolling through our feeds or sharing our thoughts, it’s undeniable that social media has a significant impact, both positive and negative, on how we perceive the environment around us.

One of the key advantages of social media is its ability to connect people from all corners of the globe. Through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X, we can bridge geographical barriers and interact with individuals we might never have encountered otherwise. This connectivity fosters a sense of global community, where ideas, cultures, and experiences can be shared and celebrated.

Moreover, social media serves as a powerful tool for activism and social change. Movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo has gained momentum through online platforms, amplifying voices and catalyzing real-world action. Social media empowers individuals to raise awareness about important issues and mobilize others to join their cause, sparking meaningful dialogue and driving societal progress.

Let’s discuss some key points that significantly contributes in the society:

(a) Political Influence: The introduction of social media has changed the way of conducting political campaigns. It has become a primary tool for leaders, politicians, etc to discuss, support or present their thoughts. Social media helps these politicians to disseminate information, engage in politics-related debates, boost their popularity, etc.

(b) Change in Consumer Behavior: Hands down, there’s no denying the fact that social media influences consumer behavior like no other. Image and video sharing platforms like Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat have helped businesses and marketers immensely in branding, promoting and selling the products. These highly appealing images boost impulsive buying among the users and persuade them to either make a purchase or at least check the product/service once. 

© Impact on mental health: With the constant exposure to different forms of content and people, social media highly impacts mental health of individuals. The curated, idealized versions of people and their life lowers the self-esteem of individuals and they start doubting themselves. 

Apart from this, cyberbullying, trolling affects mental health in unimaginable ways.

In conclusion, social media offers both benefits and drawbacks, but it all relies on the individual who uses it. 

The information provided can be seen as debatable but our article is not a thesis on social media and is just an accumulation of researched information in a simple and precise format.

Bonus Read: The Next Wave Of Social Media

Social media is still in its infancy and will continue to grow rapidly in the future. From the launch of the first social media platform, Myspace, to the most recent and currently popular social media platform, Facebook. 

There are currently around 4.3 Billion social media users around the world.

Every platform that has ever been released has features that are unique and engaging. That has always been the primary goal of any social media platform. From Myspace’s “ ranking profile feature ” to Instagram’s ‘ Reels Insights features’ , social media has come a long way.

With the unprecedented growth of digital marketing, social media has grown tremendously too. Almost every digital company now needs a social media team to manage its online presence. Discover how to build a career in social media marketing . Social media has become an important part of a company’s digital marketing strategy. We hope this post has given you a better understanding of the world of social media.

argumentative essay on benefits of social media

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Ritu Dalvi

Social media essays are super important nowadays. They help us understand how platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram affect our lives. We can explore things like how we communicate, our privacy, and how we behave online

Yash Patil

“According to Statista, the top 5 social networking sites and applications are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. It’s interesting to see how these platforms continue to dominate the social media landscape. Which one do you find yourself using the most?”

Mansi arora

“Explore the intricate landscape of social media, examining its varied impacts on society, from empowerment to potential challenges.”

Abeer Siddiqui

Thankyou, for helping and providing such big social media essay .This will help me alot.

Manamika Mainali

The ‘Social Media Essay’ on iide.co provided invaluable insights for my assignment research, illuminating the digital landscape with clarity and depth. 🌐✨

Anay Anant

“Love this! Can’t wait for more updates. 😍”

“Interesting perspective, thanks for sharing!”

Sahil Gupta

An insightful overview of social media’s impact. How can individuals best navigate the negatives like unrealistic expectations?

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Persuasive Essay

Persuasive Essays About Social Media

Last updated on: Jul 12, 2024

Learning From Pros To Write Persuasive Essays About Social Media

By: Donna C.

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Jan 26, 2023

Persuasive Essays About Social Media

Writing a persuasive essay about social media can be tough. Most people want to make sure they convince their readers of their argument without coming across as aggressive. 

We’ve gathered some examples you can use to write a persuasive essay about social media. 

They will show you how to structure your argument, choose evidence, and avoid common mistakes. 

With our help, you'll be able to write a convincing essay that will get your reader's attention.

Let’s get started!

Persuasive Essays About Social Media

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What is a Persuasive Essay?

A persuasive essay tries to convince readers to accept your point of view or opinion on a particular topic. 

You must take a stand, support it with facts and evidence, and explain why it's the right viewpoint. 

It's not enough to just give an opinion; you need to back it up with data and research. 

Persuasive essays are usually written as argumentative essays, so you must develop a thesis statement and support it with evidence. 

Writing a persuasive essay can be difficult. Using strong logic and careful arguments can convince your readers to see things from your perspective.

How to start a Persuasive essay about social media?

Here’s how you can start a persuasive essay:

  • Start your persuasive essay about social networking sites by introducing the issue and outlining why it matters. 
  • Explain the potential implications of unrestricted access to social media and how that could affect our society. 
  • Take a stance on the issue, supporting it with evidence from reliable sources. 
  • Discuss ways social media can be used to benefit our lives, as well as possible risks associated with its use. 
  • End your persuasive essay with a call to action, encouraging readers to make informed decisions about social media usage.

Need help in starting your essay? See how you can create a persuasive essay outline .

Remember, the main goal of your essay is to persuade readers to consider your point of view.

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Here is an example to show you how to write an introduction:

Persuasive essay about social media introduction

Not sure on how to write the intro? Watch this video to write a perfect introduction.

Persuasive Essay Examples About Social Media 

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. It's time to understand its power and impact. 

Let’s start with a simple persuasive essay about social media.

Social media has become an undeniable presence in our lives. From how we communicate to how we consume news and entertainment, it's hard to imagine life without some form of social platform. But too much of a good thing can have its drawbacks, and social media is no exception. 

On the one hand, social media allows us to stay connected with friends and family, share ideas, and even keep up to date on current events. But on the other hand, it can be a distraction from real-life activities and be used for cyberbullying or malicious gossip. It’s important to know how much time we spend online and who we interact with to ensure we benefit from social media. 

That being said, there is no doubt that social media has the power to be used for good. It can provide a platform to share positive messages, organize movements and campaigns, or simply spread joy through funny videos and pictures. We must remember to use it mindfully and responsibly so it can continue to be an impactful tool for connecting us all. 

So, the next time you open a social media app, take a moment to reflect and see how you want to use it. Is it to stay engaged with friends and family or another form of procrastination? In either case, remember that social media can be a powerful tool, so let’s ensure we use it for good. 

It’s up to us to make sure that social media is used in a way that benefits us all! Let’s make sure we take advantage of this amazing platform and use it to do something positive. After all, with great power comes great responsibility. 

Here are a few persuasive essay examples that showcase the potential of social media positively and negatively. 

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Examples Of Argumentative Essay About Social Media

It's clear that social media has changed how we interact and communicate with others. So it's no surprise that this topic makes for an excellent argumentative essay. 

Here are some examples of argumentative essays about social media that you can use as inspiration to get started: 

Argumentative essay about social media advantages and disadvantages

Argumentative essay about social media addiction

Argumentative essay about social media on students

Looking for more sample PDFs? Take a look at these persuasive essay examples !

Persuasive Essay Topics About Social Media

Here are some ideas for persuasive essay topics about social media: 

  • Should governments be able to control the content that appears on social networks? 
  • How can companies protect their data from hackers and other malicious actors on social media platforms? 
  • How has social media impacted real-life relationships between individuals and groups?
  • Are influencers a powerful tool of persuasion, or are they a threat to democracy? 
  • How can schools and universities use social media responsibly in the classroom? 
  • Should employers be allowed to monitor their employees' use of social media during work hours? 
  • Is the current data privacy landscape sufficient to protect individual users on social networks?
  • Should businesses be held accountable for their social media content? 
  • How have the algorithms used by social media companies impacted our lives? 
  • What are the ethical implications of using targeted advertising based on user data collected from social networks? 

Need more options? Here are some more persuasive essay topics for you!

Let’s sum it up!

Social media isn't going away anytime soon, and lots of people need to understand the benefits and dangers of using it. 

By writing a persuasive essay about social media, you can help others become more aware of both sides of the issue.

Our examples make it easier for people to make an informed decision about how to use it responsibly. 

Make your voice heard and write a persuasive essay about social media today. 

Are you looking for an essay writer who can craft an argument that will make your reader stand up and listen? 

SharkPapers.com has got you covered!

Our essay writing service is designed to help you create the perfect argument supported by expert-level research and compelling evidence.

We understand how important it is to ensure your essay is persuasive. 

So if you're looking for a top-notch persuasive essay writing service, SharkPapers.com is the place to be. 

Let our persuasive essay writer craft the perfect argument for you today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some good persuasive essay topics.

When choosing a topic, you need something interesting that grabs the reader’s attention. 

Here are some great topics for your next persuasive essay: 

1. Should schools have mandatory uniforms?  2. Should students be allowed to use cell phones in class?  3. Should we get rid of teacher tenure?  4. Is gun control an effective way to reduce crime rates?  5. Do video games lead to violence among teens? 

How do you write an introduction for social media essay?

The main purpose of an introduction is to provide a general overview of the topic and spark interest in readers. So it should be concise yet intriguing.

To give you an idea, here are some advice and tips on how to write an effective introduction:

1. Start with a hook 2. Provide background information  3. Include relevant research studies 4. Mention central points

What is a good title for a social media essay?

If you're looking for a great title for a social media essay, why not consider this:

"The Impact of Social Media on Our Lives: A Detailed Analysis". 

Donna C.

Law, Education

Donna writes on a broad range of topics, but she is mostly passionate about social issues, current events, and human-interest stories. She has received high praise for her writing from both colleagues and readers alike. Donna is known in her field for creating content that is not only professional but also captivating.

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Social Media Essay: Benefits and Drawbacks of Social Networking Sites

The advent of various social media channels has revolutionized the internet landscape by introducing us to global networking. Today, an individual can connect with another in a completely different part of this world just in a matter of seconds. We will take you through various notions and opinions associated with social media and how they impact our everyday lives. Also, there are some incredible tips to give you a better insight into how to write a social media essay.

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Sep 03 2020 ● 8 min read

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Table of Contents

What is social media essay, how do you write a social media essay, structure of social media essay, various tones of a social media essay, incorporate an attractive topic.

As you know, an social media essay is a piece of writing that is used to introduce an essential topic to the world with its underlying advantages and disadvantages. These aspects are driven solely by facts and should not contain the opinions of the writers. It is drafted to give others a better understanding of the subject in hand.

No matter which subject it pertains to, an essay ends with a conclusion where the writers are permitted to give their opinion after weighing the advantages and disadvantages.

Similarly, a social media essay is written to appreciate the positive aspects and highlight the negative impacts of social media in this time and day. The conclusions include the analysis of the two elements by the writers in their own lives and give an open-ended point of view. Depending upon the essay writer or paper writing service , the decision can be decisive, too, but that is not encouraged.

Today, the use of social networks, whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, or LinkedIn, has increased exponentially. An average millennial spends 2 hours and 58 minutes per day on social media platforms like Facebook. While some say that the platform is super-informative, others argue that all the information gathered on this platform is trivial and doesn't justify long hours invested in the use of social media.

The above arguments make using social media by individuals with a debatable issue, and this is why a lot of students are required to write an essay on social media. So, here are some incredible tips to help you out in writing an essay on social media even if you don't have marketing skills .

A classic essay consists of 3 parts – the introduction, main body, and the conclusion.

  • The Introduction

As you introduce the main topic, always begin with how it is relevant to the current scenario. You can do this by providing some background information. The information can be made richer by adding some reliable stats and data . Once you have established the topic, you need to give a strong thesis statement of the hypothesis on which your essay is based.

The thesis statement in your essay should be precise and debatable. If not, the arguments that you are going to put forward in the essay would make no sense.

The main body of your text should consist of logical arguments in relevance to your hypothesis. Make sure you put forward one statement in one paragraph and start a new one with another section. This will make your essay look more organized.

Also, when developing ideas, only include the ones you can write clearly about. If not, avoid them. Make sure that the essay develops coherently.

To conclude the essay about social media, bring back your hypothesis, and state how the aspects you discussed earlier support or nullify it. Make it a point to summarize all ideas, but do not start adding more ideas when you are about to conclude. You can now give an, ideally, open end to your essay.

A great conclusion is the one that provokes thought and will make your readers question the use of social media in their everyday lives.

Also, remember that essays do not have to include pros and cons always. They can either be full of pros or cons or both, depending upon your hypothesis. Just ensure they are relevant.

You might believe that an essay is an essay, and two of them would be similar, but that's a misconception. Different essays have varying tones depending on how the author is treating the thesis statement through the main body of the text. Here are a few examples of essays on social media in different tones.

  • Sample of a Persuasive Essay

If you are asked to write an academic paper about the effects of social media on the mental health of teenagers and young adults, you should make it persuasive. For this, just writing about the topic is not enough. It would help if you had an impactful thesis, followed by powerful arguments to support or question your theory.

The perils associated with social media addiction are forcing parents and "grown-ups" to throw their benefits in bad light today. In the race to become best in academics and non-academic activities, people are losing their grip on how social networks bring people together. They empower individuals with knowledge about various cultures and languages, which might not have been possible otherwise.

Social media sites can be addictive, and students might waste their formative years scrolling through the trivial feed and gain nothing but superficial knowledge. But that is just because neither parents nor the school is encouraging positive social media behavior. If these institutions start offering tips to students to limit and utilize their time on social media , one would be amazed to see their achievements.

Is social media a catalyst for the downfall of student life? Well, social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and more are teeming with inspirational achievers and content creators who go the extra mile to share their stories and inspire students. If the children are taught to see their access to social media as an opportunity to grow rather than a competition for likes and followers, they are bound to work harder and achieve goals that seemed insurmountable earlier.

  • Sample of Negative Essay about social media

If you have been asked to highlight the negative aspects of social media, your teacher does not mean that you have to cross all limits to present the use of social media in a bad light. Instead, what they are asking for is some logical and believable arguments that tell us why social media is harmful to society.

Social media is destroying family links by creating a virtual shell for each individual, which dissociates them with their own parents and siblings. The kids are adversely affected by increased access to social media if parents are always indulged in their devices and ignore them. Eventually, even kids start using tools to connect to other people, ignoring their family members.

Since kids and teenagers are the most impressionable age groups, they start believing that everything that glitters on social media platforms is gold, and they become materialistic. Their lives start revolving around likes, comments, and followers/subscribers. No matter whether their minds are prepared for such exposure or not, social media exposes them to the best and the worst about this world, which might turn them into rebels. They start valuing their online friends more than their offline lives and go to unimaginable extents to keep them entertained.

So, parents and elders need to pay attention to their children and limit their social media use so that they can learn to form real relationships and values.

  • Weighing the pros and cons

Another way in which you can present your social media essay is by comparing the positive and negative aspects associated with it. In such essays, the conclusion is better left open for the readers to decide their own take on social media.

One cannot argue that social media has taken the world by storm by allowing like-minded individuals to connect and share their experiences with the world. You can use these platforms to make new friends and discover the ones who have lost touch. You can talk to everyone on your friend list and share your content on these channels to become a part of the creators' community. There is no dearth for talent on social media and its admirers.

On the other hand, if you use social media sites for long stretches of time in one go, you run the risk of addiction. Gradually, a social media addict starts to build a cocoon for themselves, which they find hard to step out of. This leads to a disconnect between you and the family you already have and love. One might feel too confined yet comfortable in their space that they have no urge left to step out, pushing them towards social seclusion, or worse – depression.

When you flip the coin again, you will discover that social media has become an incredible platform for small businesses to grow and earn good profits . The grass-root companies do not have to invest much for advertising and promotion or even own an establishment. All they have to do is to create a grassroots marketing strategy for themselves, and their brand will start selling in no time!

In the end, social media is a game-changer on the World Wide Web. It allows people to connect with the virtual world with the risk of disconnecting with the real world. Then again, businesses are doing well on these platforms. There are indeed two sides to social media, one positive and another negative, and it is up to you which one you lean towards more.

  • Argumentative social media essay

A challenging but equally exciting type of essay on social media you should know about is an argumentative essay. It is often written when you are tasked with altering the point of view of the reader, which is of a completely opposite belief. Here is a sample for your better understanding.

Social networks have an uncertain future with the string impression they leave on users, especially the younger generations. Parents panic with the first mention of social media sites by their children and learning about their presence on these platforms because they are afraid of cyberbullying. They do not want their children to get cat-fished by some stranger on Reddit when they are not around.

Moreover, social media platforms are the reason why several individuals are losing their confidential data every day to corporate houses. These businesses are using the information to bug users with ads about stuff they do not want to buy.

If such instances carry on, the day is not far when the government will start to keep checks on the likes of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other channels. Massive surveillance will be imposed on these sites to prevent malicious minds from harming innocent teenagers physically or by hacking into their systems. So, before you get a chance to ask " have I been hacked ", know that someone is taking care of it.

Having an attractive topic for your social media essay does not mean using poetic words in it. You should have an issue relevant to the current scenario. In the process of selecting a fascinating topic, do not forget to keep it within the extents of your knowledge. If it becomes too complicated for you to write about, you will be stuck when coming up with arguments and ideas.

The perfect topic would be the one which offers good potential for research and is interesting for the readers too. Even if you present profound arguments about such topics, they should be in a logical, comprehensible, and readable format for people to understand easily.

Writing a social media essay is no cakewalk, whether you are a high-school student or university student. All you need to do is, structuralize it properly, be clear with the ideas and arguments you are planning to present, pick the tone of your essay, and began writing. Do not forget to top your essay up with a catchy topic so that your entire hard work doesn't fall flat.

Published on Sep 03 2020

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Chapter 6: 21st-century media and issues

6.10.2 Social media and communication (research essay)

Lindsey Matier

English 102, April 2021

Communication is extremely important in today’s world, whether it be verbal or nonverbal. It can take place through many different forms such as through writing, speaking, listening and physical actions. These forms of communication evolve and continue to improve over time. As humans, we rely on communication for almost everything and it is a way of life. Communication has evolved from talking to writing letters to texting or talking over the phone. Every time a new form of communication is brought up and becomes more popular, we have to adapt and evolve to that new lifestyle. Throughout all the new forms of communication and ways of evolving, social media has been one of the most influential so far. Social media has allowed us to create new ways of communicating, such as texting or posting through different apps. It can connect us with people all over the world and give us a platform to express ourselves in ways that have not been possible before. While social media started off as a small form of technology, it has morphed into aspects of our everyday life. Now there are apps for everything from social media profiles to online shopping. While social media and technology itself has evolved, this has also affected our communication with each other and the world. Social media has created a fast track for information in a matter of seconds. It can give people a platform with millions of followers overnight for doing practically anything. It can help people express themselves in new ways and connect with people who have similar interests. The end goal of social media is to make people happy and ultimately make lives easier.


With all this being said, it is evident that social media is in our everyday lives and will continue to change. It has a very strong grip on society as social media usage continues to rise throughout the years. Generalizing social media, we are exposed to forms of media at almost all times of the day. Answering the question of what media is will help give a better understanding of social media as a whole. Media can be defined as a way of mass communication. This could include siting in the car listening to ads on the radio all the way to scrolling on twitter. We are exposed to social media less often than generalized media, but it tends to come in greater quantities when exposed. For example, for people that wake up and check twitter it is an instant flood of information with every scroll. Everything from politics to sports to celebrity news is available at the fingertips. The concern is not all focused on the overwhelming information, but also the overwhelming number of comments and opinions. If we wanted to debate or talk about something before social media it had to be done in person, face to face. Now with social media, we are able to fight with people in comment sections on a backup account with a different name and no connection to who we really are. This new form of communication takes away the vulnerability of speaking to people and having genuine conversation, and makes up for it in internet trolls. Overall, social media is impacting the way we communicate with each other and the real questions are: Is social media impacting us in a positive or negative way? Do the positive aspects outweigh the negative aspects? Is social media hindering the way we communicate in person with each other? Is their more room for improvement when it comes to dealing with communication in the social media spectrum? How is social media impacting younger generation’s communication versus older generation’s communication? How can we help improve our communication skills on social media and in real life?

Personal Research 

Along with the other studies that I found from the sources I chose, I also conducted my own study to determine more accurate and recent data. I asked students mostly within high school and college range questions relating to social media and communication. I tried to get a wide range of data dealing with social media apps, screen time, and overall communication as a result of social media. I expected to see almost all negative responses about social media and communication. I figured that most people would respond saying that it has affected them negatively rather than positively, but the results were different compared to what I expected.

The first questions I asked had to do with social media itself. I asked questions about their most used social media apps, screen time, what age they were allowed to start using social media, and whether or not they think social media has had a negative or positive impact on them. As expected, most of the social media apps were some of the most popular ones like Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok. Overall, the average screen time for all apps was evenly split between 4-6 and 6-8 hours, which I also expected. Something that did surprise me was the amount of time spent on certain social media apps. The data was split pretty evenly three ways and all between 1-4 hours. The next two questions dealt with when they group surveyed started using social media. I asked these questions because a lot of the points I want to discuss later in my paper have to deal with age and whether younger generations are suffering when it comes to communication. More than half the people surveyed said that they wished that they had waited to get social media until they were older. Some said that it is not appropriate for younger kids and that it is just toxic in general. Something that I really like that a couple people mentioned was that in reality, social media at a young age is stupid and useless. A lot of people said they wish they would have enjoyed their childhood more and they would be more extroverted now if they had not been exposed that early. The last question of this section that I asked was if they thought social media has had a more positive or negative impact on them. Overall, the data was split but leaning slightly towards the more positive side. The positive answers mostly dealt with being able to talk to stay in contact with people and meeting new friends. The negative answers all related to mental health and feeling bad about themselves. A lot of people said it is toxic and very controlling and takes up too much of our time.

The next set of questions I asked had to do more with communication and interaction with and without social media. I asked questions like how they feel about social media and how it has impacted their communication, their mental health, and if it has made our lives easier. I decided to ask questions like these because I figured I would get a wide range of responses and a lot of people’s different opinions. I started off by asking if people are an introvert or an extrovert to get an idea of what the responses would be like, and 66% said somewhere in between the two. The response for the next question really shocked me because I received such a one-side response. I asked if they think social media has impacted their communication and the way they interact with others and 75% (18/24 people) said yes. This is the information that I was looking for along with the next two questions. The next question asked if they think social media has negatively impacted their mental health and 50% said yes. I also plan on using this as a research question to show that social media can affect our mental health and therefore affect the way we interact with and around other people. The last two questions are similar but the responses were both very good. Almost everyone answered yes to the question asking if social media has made our lives easier. Everyone that answered yes said they think so because it helps them talk to friends, stay in touch with people they do not see as much, and meet new people that they are comfortable talking to. The people that said no also made good points such as it takes over our lives and it is filled with too much hate and cancel culture. I agree with both sides and am very happy that people can feel a positive response especially when it comes to communicating with other people online. The last question I asked was used to wrap up the whole survey and topic. I asked if they think social media has made our generation’s communication improve or worsen. The data was pretty evenly split, and most people gave a positive and a negative. The people that said improve gave that answer because they said it broadens our communication and allows us to talk to people at a wider range. The people who said it has made it worse all said that it is ruining our face-to-face interaction and causing us to lose emotion. They said that some people do not even know how to have a proper in person conversation and that they are too dependent on their phones. Overall, I agree with both arguments that people made but I do think that the positives outweigh the negatives in most of these situations and questions.

Research Questions

The first question I want to ask has to deal with the overall social media and communication connection and has multiple other questions I would like to cover within it. The main question is: Is social media hindering the way we communicate with each other? I also want to touch on questions like: Is social media impacting us in a positive or negative way? Do the positives outweigh the negatives? The second set of research questions I have is: Is their more room for improvement when it comes to dealing with communication in the social media spectrum? How can we help improve our communication skills on social media and in real life? How is social media impacting younger generation’s communication versus older generation’s communication?

Research Question One

Social media and communication have a direct connection to each other and both have a strong impact on the outcome of the other. My first research question has to do with that. My questions center around how social media has impacted our communication, and whether or not it is positive or negative. First, I think it is important to note the changes and different characteristics that come into play when talking about this. Things like age and problems going on in our world can affect our social media usage and communication. While we connect to people on a deeper level when talking to the in person, social media has also given us a newer and more broad way of communicating. The article “How Social Media Affects Our Ability to Communicate” by Stacey Hanke, talks about different ways social media has impacted our communication. Social media has become so relevant in our day to day lives and Hanke describes it in a couple different ways. She describes it as information binging and the fear of missing out, social graces and conversational boredom. Within these, she explains how social media has become an excuse and escape to talk to people face to face. Hanke also talks about how even though it is limiting our in person communication, it can sometimes make communicating in general easier, by being able to talk to each other in just a few words (Hanke 1). In another article by Ryan J. Fuller titled “The Impact of Social Media Use on Our Social Skills”, he discusses similar topics to Hanke’s article but also brings up more positive attributes of social media. Fuller starts of his article by giving some statistics, stating that 75% of teens own cellphones and 25% of them using it for social media, and also says that they use 7.5 hours a day using it (Fuller 1). I am glad that this was brought up because it is important to know how much time is spent on social media, scrolling through feed. Next, Fuller starts to discuss some of the benefits of social media. He briefly explains how social media is beneficial because we are able to stay in touch with our friends and family, and share important parts of our lives with them. He also explains how it helps people reach out to new friends and provide themselves with more opportunities (Fuller 1). Overall, I really like that he mentioned these because it is important to keep in mind the vast majority of social media and communication. While some use it for more simpler purposes likes just keeping up to date with what is going on in the world, others use it to make new friends, find new job opportunities, and stay in touch with people. Another topic I find important when it comes to answering this research question is how Covid affected everything. With the pandemic, we were left inside with nothing to do but what was at our fingertips. This pandemic increased social media usage drastically. The article “Social Media Insights Into US Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Analysis of Twitter Data” by Danny Valdez et al, shows extensive research into determining just how much social media usage in the United States increased during the pandemic. They did experiments and surveys to determine multiple responses to research questions and show how much we rely on social media to communicate with each other. During the pandemic, everyone spent more time on their social media and their phone in general, probably more than they would like to admit. The article helps give more insight into this claim. There is the idea that social media was meant as an addition to our lives. For some people, it has become an addiction and a new piece of their life. The article focuses on how social media could be a toxic place and have a negative effect on our mental health. The time period for this information focuses around the COVID-19 pandemic. Using data from Twitter, Valdez created a study to determine the mood of people during the pandemic and the usage throughout (Valdez et al 2). Collecting tweets with certain hashtags and during time periods, the goal was to determine how much the pandemic affected people’s moods, and how much they put out and shared on social media. They used hashtags, timeline data, and tweets from different periods such as the first lockdown, different stay at home orders, etc. Given the responses to the data, they were able to determine the increase in social media usage. We cannot determine if this had a positive or negative effect on the people who were using Twitter, but we can infer that social media is becoming a key part of our lives. Not being able to talk to people as much in person during the first few months of the pandemic greatly affected communication, in positive and negative ways. Communication over the phone increased due to the amount of free time that people had and were able to spend talking to others. Contrary to that, in person communication also decreased given that people were not really allowed to leave the house. The next article by Tayebi et al, “The Role of Information Systems in Communication Through Social Media” focuses a lot about how we have evolved over time with social media and communication. They start off by talking about how social networks are like social media societies. They explain it by resembling it to a human society, as it is filled with people communicating, regardless of time or place. They also exemplify other aspects such as emotional support, information, emotions (Tayebi 2). Social media is constantly looked at through such a negative light due to some of the major bad events that have taken place. While it can be difficult at times to look past the negatives, it is important to recognize and acknowledge the positives. The growth of scientific research would not be possible without the amount of information received from the media (Tayebi 3). Without social media and media in general, we would not be where we are today as a society. As mentioned earlier, it is so easy to get lost in the negative aspects of social media and discard the positive ones. Positive parts of social media such as widespread communication and unlimited access to information makes it all worth it. Staying on topic with positive aspects of social media and communication, social media in the workplace has also broken down barriers for communication. The article “A Guide to the Successful Use of Social Media in the Workplace” by Clark Boyd gives insight into how social media has improved the workplace, and ultimately communication and interaction as a whole. Companies can use social media as a form of branding and way to communicate their products (Boyd 4). Boyd states, “Harvard Business Review finds that 82% of employees believe social media improves work relationships. Left to their own devices, your teams will connect and communicate on social networks, both inside and outside the office.” This directly relates to the research question asking whether social media hinders our communication with each other. Social media also helps when it comes to dealing with complaints placed online. By seeing these through social media, it can help the company communicate either with the person or their company the concerns that are being stated (Boyd 9). Overall, it is safe to say that social media has directly affected communication throughout different aspects of our lives.

Research Question Two

My second set of research questions has a lot to do with the future and how we can improve. Questions such as: Is their more room for improvement when it comes to dealing with communication in the social media spectrum? How can we help improve our communication skills on social media and in real life? How is social media impacting younger generation’s communication versus older generation’s communication? The article “What is Literacy” by James Paul Gee talks a lot about the basics of communication. I find this an important article to talk about before I go into more detail with this second research question. Gee explains discourse as a socially accepted way of speaking, thinking, and acting (Gee 1). It is important to note this because social media has changed that discourse for us. We no longer communicate and interact the same way in which we use to therefore almost giving us a new discourse. Another thing Gee discusses is identity kits. Gee explains identity kits as “appropriate costumes and instructions on how to act and talk” (Gee 2). This relates to social media because there is a certain way we communicate online that we wouldn’t do in person. For example, we use emojis and abbreviations to communicate on social media or over text, but this is something we would not do when communicating face-to-face. There are also some basic well-known rules of social media that follow along the lines of an identity kit. Such as, for Instagram it is a common idea not to like people’s pictures from too long ago. When you say this aloud it sounds like it is not a big deal and silly almost, but for people that use social media it is something that makes sense. The next article is going to focus more on the question that has to do with room for improvement of communication. The article “The Positive Effect of Not Following Others on Social Media” by Francesca Valsesia, Davide Proserpio, and Joseph C. Nunes involves how we deal with social media and how we react to it. The article has a lot to do with pyramid schemes and marketing schemes on social media, simply due to follower count. Social media has a lot of power over us and the content we see. Influencers have too much impact on what we see every day and this overall effects our communication (Valsesia 1). Social media feeds us information at our fingertips, whether it be true or false. Valsesia is trying to get the point across that social media has no impact on our lives without the phone and therefore, having a smaller follower count is better for our communication and overall wellbeing in the first place. Leading into my next article, social media can have a huge impact on the younger generation. This leads into part of my second research question dealing with the younger generation and their communication. The article “The Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health: Challenges and Opportunities” by Jacqueline Nesi shows how social media is a very complex brand of information and makes it complicated for everyone. Younger kids having access to it and multiple devices like computers and phones makes it that much more difficult. There are a lot of positives and negatives for younger kids having access to social media and the internet in general. It has an impact on their mental health and studies show it leads to signs of depression, body dysmorphia, eating disorders (Nesi 2). It can also affect their communication and outward identity due to things such as bullying, internet drama, and behavioral problems. While it does have serious negative risks, social media also can bring a lot of new positive ones. Things like creative ideas, humor and entertainment, and being able to explore their identity are all really great positives that social media gives us (Nesi 4). Most of them using it as a way to connect with friends and family and help them feel a sense of acceptance and belonging (Nesi 4). Similarly to this, social media has given a great outlet for kids and young adults to speak out on issues going on in the world. The article “Building Bridges: Exploring the Communication Trends and Perceived Sociopolitical Benefits of Adolescents Engaging in Online Social Justice Efforts” by Mariah Elsa Kornbluh goes into detail about the racial injustices in the world and how they are communicated through social media. Social media networks can help connect kids to different backgrounds and aspects of their lives (Kornbluh 1). Kornbluh expresses how a society only can flourish under civic engagement and being able to express ourselves, and social media is helping us do that. It is helping the younger generation prepare for the civic role that they will undergo (Kornbluh 2). Social media helps play a major role in participating in political movements and bringing awareness to topics (Kornbluh 3). This all is done by the younger generation and would not be possible without them. So, while it is easy to look at the negative parts of social media and how it effects the younger generation, it also brings great awareness to real life problems in our world. This last article I wanted to go over dealing with this research question has to do with the pandemic. The article “Responses to COVID-19 in Higher Education: Social Media Usage for Sustaining Formal Academic Communication in Developing Countries” by Abu Elnasr E. Sobaih, Ahmed M. Hasanein and Ahmed E. Abu Elnasr briefly talks about communication with social media in higher education systems. Education systems had to switch from in person learning and communication to online learning, which was a struggle for everyone. Throughout the time that this took place, results showed that social media had a positive effect on students dealing with this (Sobaih 1). Students used social media to build a community and help support each other through this rough time. Through these results, proper usage of social media can be shown as a positive result for a new era of learning (Sobaih 1). This is just one more reason why social media can help us improve our future.

After answering my research questions, it has become clear to me that while social media does have negative aspects, the positive aspects outweigh them. Between the articles and my own research, I have enough evidence to prove that social media does effect communication, but in a more positive way. The way we act and present ourselves is heavily influenced by social media and communication between generations are different and can be seen that way. It is important to note the accomplishments we have made as a society with social media and the media in general. It has helped connect families, provide support groups, and provide entertainment in desperate times. Our communication has changed because of social media but has changed and helped us for the better in the long run. Keeping social media a positive place and staying away from the toxic people on it will only help us grow and learn new things about ourselves.

Works Cited

Boyd, Clark. “A Guide to Using Social Media in the Workplace in 2021.”  The Blueprint , The Blueprint, 13 May 2020, www.fool.com/the-blueprint/social-media-in-the-workplace/.


D, Valdez, et al. “Social Media Insights Into US Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Analysis of Twitter Data.”  Journal of Medical Internet Research  , vol. 22, no. 12, 14 Dec. 2020, pp. 1438–8871.

http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.proxy.ulib.csuohio.edu:2050/eds/detail/detail? vid=8&sid=ff59b04c-b868-44cd-b864-4538e112a2ea%40sessionmgr103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#AN=33284783&db=mnh

J, Nesi. “The Impact of Social Media on Youth Health: Challenges and Opportunities.”  North Carolina Medical Journal , vol. 81, no. 2, 2020, pp. 116–121.


Gee, James Paul. “What is literacy.”  Negotiating academic literacies: Teaching and learning  across languages and cultures  (1998): 51-59.


Hanke, Stacey. “How Social Media Affects Our Ability to Communicate.”  Thrive Global , 13  Sept. 2018, thriveglobal.com/stories/how-social-media-affects-our-ability-to-communicate/.



Kornbluh, Mariah Elsa. “Building Bridges.”  Youth & Society , vol. 51, no. 8, 2017, pp. 1104–1126., doi:10.1177/0044118×17723656.


Retchin, Sarah, et al. “The Impact of Social Media Use on Social Skills.”  New York Behavioral Health , 1 Dec. 2020, newyorkbehavioralhealth.com/the-impact-of-social-media-use-on-social-skills/.


Sobaih, Abu Elnasr E., et al. “Responses to COVID-19 in Higher Education: Social Media Usage for Sustaining Formal Academic Communication in Developing Countries.”  MDPI , Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 12 Aug. 2020, www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/16/6520/htm.


Tayeb, Seyed Mohammad, et al. “The Role of Information Systems in Communication through Social Media.”  International Journal of Data and Network Science , vol. 3, no. 3, 2019, pp. 245–268., doi:10.5267/j.ijdns.2019.2.002.


Valsesia, Francesca, et al. “The Positive Effect of Not Following Others on Social Media .”  Journal of Marketing Research  , vol. 57, no. 6, Dec. 2020, pp. 1152–1168.


Understanding Literacy in Our Lives by Lindsey Matier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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5 Positives of Social Media: Why Social Media Is Good for Us

  • February 26, 2020
  • Matthew Valentine

Is social media good or bad for us?

Are there real positives of social media? 

Or is social only hurting our ability to connect and promoting damaging ideals– from cyberbullying to the comparison trap– among other detriments?

Smartphones and our other various devices aren’t good or bad by nature. However, it can’t be denied that there are real dangers of social media use .

And those dangers intensify with more frequent use, including: 

  • Cyberbullying
  • Reduced attention
  • Social comparison trap
  • Data theft and information abuse
  • Tech addiction

Yet, that’s only part of the story.

Social media has its positives, too

Social media has several potentially significant positives that can’t be overlooked, making the conversation more complicated than, “this is bad, you should stop doing it.” 

As with most things tech-related, it’s not the complete cessation but the managing of that use which is ideal. 

After all, you wouldn’t down the entire canister of protein powder after a single workout, nor would you stay outside in the sun for eight hours without sunscreen. 

All good things need to be managed, lest they become harmful to us. 


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So, what are those benefits that regular– well-managed– use of social media can offer us? 

Here are five:

Table of Contents

  • 5 Positives of social media
  • Additional resources

Frequently asked questions

1. social media helps people strengthen their relationships, create new connections, and find social support in tough times.

Nowadays, most of us use social to keep in contact with friends and family.

One study found that 93% of adults use Facebook to connect with family while 91% with friends. And everyone knows how great social is at allowing us to stay (or get back) in contact with old friends, with 87% reporting they use social for that very reason. 

So, where’s the benefit?

According to one study , 81% of teens ages 13-17 say that social media makes them feel more connected to the people in their life, while 68% say using it makes them feel supported during tough times.

And yet another study found that 57% of teens say they’ve made new lasting friendships online. 

2. Social media can promote better habits by association

One benefit not often talked about is the power of our social media circle to promote better habits.


In “ Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives ” , author Nicholas Christakis, a Harvard University sociologist and physician, and James H. Fowler Ph.D., UCSD Professor of Political Science and Medicine, talk about their research into the, “three degrees of influence”.

The basic idea is this: your friends, their friends, and their friend’s friends all indirectly influence your actions. 

In an interview with USA Today , Fowler says that when we see a friend started exercising again on social, for example, “I change my mind about how much I should be exercising or I share stories with my other friends who are influenced to do the same. You either change your behavior or you transmit information about the behavior to others, who change their behavior.”

Of course, this suggests that social media is only as positive and beneficial for us as our social circle is positive and uplifting. 

However, fortunately, what you see and interact with on social can be controlled in a way that was never possible in real life. 

Don’t like the vibes someone is sending out? Unfollow. 

Do you notice that a certain family member is only ever complaining or posting about something negative? Mute is your friend.

3. Social media helps introverted or socially anxious personalities connect in a safe environment

As an introvert, I appreciate that social media (and the Internet as a whole, to a lesser extent) allows me to connect with people online in a space that feels less hazardous and draining than face-to-face interactions often are. 

But it’s not just me.

More than 25% of teens report social media making them feel less shy and 28% more outgoing. In addition to that, 20% reported feeling more confident as a result of their interactions on social.

Teens who label themselves as “less socially adept” say that social media makes it easier for them to make friends . Likewise, adults similarly report feeling that social media is a comfortable place for social interaction. 

4. Social media reduces stigmas around mental illness, disease, and sexuality

Many of the benefits of social media can only be fully comprehended when looked at in the context of society as a whole, whether that’s a local community, the U.S., or the world.

Social media has helped spark awareness and an ongoing conversation on mental illness and mental health in general in an incredible way within just a few short years, with notable celebrities such as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Adele, and Demi Lovato opening up about their struggles. 

And non-profits and social campaigns such as The Stigma Project use social to, “lower the HIV infection rate and neutralize stigma through education,” among other efforts.

5. Organized social media programs help students do better in school and improves attendance

Probably the most surprising benefit, given the challenges with teens and young adults and social media, is the effects that organized social media programs have had on student performance.

According to one study , more than half of students use social to discuss school assignments. 

Another study found that freshmen in college use social media to integrate themselves into their new school, build friendships, and that activity on social even reduces the risk of dropping out. 

That’s surprising enough, but it’s when social is used proactively by educators that it really shines. 

One Portland, Oregon middle school implemented a social media program exclusive to students and saw grades increase by more than 50%, chronic absenteeism reduced by 33%, and a 20% increase in students voluntarily completing extra-credit projects.

Enjoy the good, be mindful of the bad

Social media has real dangers, especially for teens and children, but it also has real positives.

It’s important to heed the negatives and take steps to manage those dangers, but it wouldn’t be fair to call social media all bad. 

So, take note of these positive effects of social media use and know that while you need to watch your regular use of social platforms like Facebook and Twitter, they can promote several useful benefits as well. 

And don’t forget to check out these additional resources to help you find balance by better managing your regular tech use: 

  • The Troubling Effects of Parents’ Screen Use on Children – And What To Do About It
  • How to Manage Your Digital Environment – 6 Practical Ideas from Pete Dunlap
  • How to Improve Focus: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Focus in Work and Life
  • 3 Lessons from Nir Eyal on Building Positive Habits with Technology
  • 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week

The benefits of social media are split primarily between personal benefits and society-wide benefits.

Some of the society-level benefits include:

  • Reduced stigma regarding mental illness, disease, and sexuality
  • Greater equality by increasing awareness of injustice, racism, sexism, and other prejudice
  • Greater student performance and attendance when organized ocial media programs are used in schools
  • Empowers social change on a community-wide level
  • And a faster and more effective response to natural and other disasters

Social media comes with several real dangers that parents need to be aware of. However, it has had some surprisingly positive effects when implemented in an intentional way within school programs.

Not only have some school-based social media programs found that student performance increased , but attendance (especially chronic absenteeism) improved as well.

In addition, studies have found that college students use social media to more effectively integrate themselves into the college’s social structure. It also reduces the risk of those students dropping out.

  • Maeve Duggan, Nicole B. Ellison, Cliff Lampe, Amanda Lenhart, and Mary Madden (2015). Demographics of Key Social Networking Platforms . Pewinternet.org.
  • Monica Anderson and Jingjing Jiang (2018). Teens’ Social Media Habits and Experiences . Pewresearch.org.
  • Amanda Lenhart, Aaron Smith, Monica Anderson, Maeve Duggan and Andrew Perrin (2015). Teens, Technology & Friendships: Video Games, Social Media and Mobile Phones Play a Role in How Teens Meet and Interact with Friends . Pewinternet.org.
  • Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives ” , author Nicholas Christakis, a Harvard University sociologist and physician, and James H. Fowler Ph.D.
  • USA Today (2009). Flocking Behavior .
  • Common Sense Media (2012). Social Media, Social Life: How Teens View Their Digital Lives . Commonsensemedia.org. 
  • Mary Wilks (2012). Online Social Networking’s Effect on Adolescent Social Development . Eckerd.edu.
  • Levi R. Baker and Debra L. Oswald (2010). Shyness and Online Social Networking Services . Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
  • The Stigma Project (2012). Our Mission & Vision . Thestigmaproject.org.
  • National School Boards Association (2007). Creating and Connecting: Research and Guidelines on Online Social – and Educational – Networking . Nsba.org.
  • Reynol Junco (2015). Student Class Standing, Facebook Use, and Academic Performance . Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.
  • Elizabeth Delmatoff (2010). How Social Media Transformed Our School Community . Oregoned.org.

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The Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research

The Pros and Cons of Social Media for Youth

A new review article looks at how social media affects well-being in youth...

Posted October 16, 2021 | Reviewed by Lybi Ma

  • Social media has both positive and negative effects on well-being in youth.
  • Social media impacts four distinct areas for youth: connections, identity, learning, and emotions.

More than 90 percent of teenagers in the U.S. have a smartphone. Access to this type of technology and social networking changes the playing field for young people who are simultaneously developing a sense of identity and new social relationships.

Leszek Czerwonka/Adobe Stock

We have certainly heard about the downside of teens and smartphones: cyberbullying, anxiety , and a misrepresented sense of body image . Research demonstrates there are some benefits too, including the ability to keep in touch with friends and loved ones – especially when the COVID-19 pandemic limited in-person social interactions.

A new systematic review published in the journal Adolescent Research Review combines the evidence from qualitative studies that investigate adolescent social media use.

The authors found, in short, that the links between adolescent well-being and social media are complicated and depend on a broad range of factors.

“Adults have always been concerned about how the latest technology will harm children,” said Amanda Purington, director of evaluation and research for ACT for Youth in the BCTR and a doctoral candidate in Cornell’s Social Media Lab. “This goes back to radio programs, comic books, novels – you name it, adults were worried about it. The same is now true for social media. And yes, there are concerns – there are many potential risks and harms. But there are potential benefits, too.”

Reviewing 19 studies of young people ages 11 to 20, the authors identified four major themes related to social media and well-being that ultimately affected aspects of young people’s mental health and sense of self.

The first theme, connections, describes how social media either supports or hinders young people’s relationships with their peers, friends, and family. The studies in the review provided plenty of examples of ways that social media helped youth build connections with others. Participants reported that social media helped to create intimacy with friends and could improve popularity. Youth who said they were shy reported having an easier time making friends through social media. Studies also found social media was useful in keeping in touch with family and friends who live far away and allowing groups to communicate in masse. In seven papers, participants identified social media as a source of support and reassurance.

In 13 of the papers, youth reported that social media also harmed their connections with others. They provided examples of bullying and threats and an atmosphere of criticism and negativity during social media interactions. Youth cited the anonymity of social media as part of the problem, as well as miscommunication that can occur online.

Study participants also reported a feeling of disconnection associated with relationships on social media. Some youth felt rejected or left out when their social media posts did not receive the feedback they expected. Others reported feeling frustrated, lonely , or paranoid about being left out.

The second theme, identity, describes how adolescents are supported or frustrated on social media in trying to develop their identities.

Youth in many of the studies described how social media helped them to “come out of their shells” and express their true identities. They reported liking the ability to write and edit their thoughts and use images to express themselves. They reported that feedback they received on social media helped to bolster their self-confidence and they reported enjoying the ability to look back on memories to keep track of how their identity changed over time.

In eight studies, youth described ways that social media led to inauthentic representations of themselves. They felt suspicious that others would use photo editing to disguise their identities and complained about how easy it was to deliver communications slyly, rather than with the honesty required in face-to-face communication. They also felt self-conscious about posting selfies, and reported that the feedback they received would affect their feelings of self-worth .

The third theme, learning, describes how social media use supports or hinders education . In many studies, participants reported how social media helped to broaden their perspectives and expose them to new ideas and topics. Many youths specifically cited exposure to political and social movements, such as Black Lives Matter.

argumentative essay on benefits of social media

On the flip side, youth in five studies reported that social media interfered with their education. They said that phone notifications and the pressure to constantly check in on social media distracted them from their studies. Participants reported that they found it difficult to spend quiet time alone without checking their phones. Others said the 24-7 nature of social media kept them up too late at night, making it difficult to get up for school the next day.

The fourth theme, emotions, describes the ways that social media impacts young people’s emotional experiences in both positive and negative ways. In 11 papers, participants reported that social media had a positive effect on their emotions. Some reported it improved their mood, helped them to feel excited, and often prompted laughter . (Think funny animal videos.) Others reported that social media helped to alleviate negative moods, including annoyance, anger , and boredom . They described logging onto social media as a form of stress management .

But in nearly all of the papers included in the review, participants said social media was a source of worry and pressure. Participants expressed concern about judgment from their peers. They often felt embarrassed about how they looked in images. Many participants expressed worry that they were addicted to social media. Others fretted about leaving a digital footprint that would affect them later in life. Many participants reported experiencing pressure to constantly respond and stay connected on social media. And a smaller number of participants reported feeling disturbed by encountering troubling content, such as self-harm and seeing former partners in new relationships.

“As this review article highlights, social media provides spaces for adolescents to work on some of the central developmental tasks of their age, such as forming deeper connections with peers and exploring identity,” Purington said. “I believe the key is to help youth maximize these benefits while minimizing risks, and we can do this by educating youth about how to use social media in ways that are positive, safe, and prosocial.”

The take-home message: The body of evidence on social media and well-being paints a complicated picture of how this new technology is affecting youth. While there are certainly benefits when young people use social media, there is also a broad range of pressures and negative consequences.

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Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Social Media — Pros and Cons of Social Media: Social Networking


Pros and Cons of Social Media: Social Networking

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Published: Sep 16, 2021

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Should follow an “upside down” triangle format, meaning, the writer should start off broad and introduce the text and author or topic being discussed, and then get more specific to the thesis statement.

Provides a foundational overview, outlining the historical context and introducing key information that will be further explored in the essay, setting the stage for the argument to follow.

Cornerstone of the essay, presenting the central argument that will be elaborated upon and supported with evidence and analysis throughout the rest of the paper.

The topic sentence serves as the main point or focus of a paragraph in an essay, summarizing the key idea that will be discussed in that paragraph.

The body of each paragraph builds an argument in support of the topic sentence, citing information from sources as evidence.

After each piece of evidence is provided, the author should explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the claim.

Should follow a right side up triangle format, meaning, specifics should be mentioned first such as restating the thesis, and then get more broad about the topic at hand. Lastly, leave the reader with something to think about and ponder once they are done reading.

A Good Hook Examples for Social Media Essay

  • The Digital Revolution: Step into the digital age and explore how social media has transformed the way we communicate, connect, and consume information.
  • Hooked on Notifications: Uncover the psychological tricks behind those red notification badges and how they keep us glued to our screens, waiting for the next update.
  • The Filtered Reality: Delve into the concept of a filtered reality on social media, where everyone’s life seems perfect, and examine the impact it has on mental health and self-esteem.
  • From Likes to Obsession: Discuss the addictive nature of receiving likes and comments on social media posts and its potential consequences on individuals and society.
  • Social Activism in the Digital Age: Explore the role of social media in driving social and political change, from hashtag movements to digital advocacy.
  • Rawath, S. S., Satheeshkumar, D. R., & Kumar, V. (2019). a Study on Impact of Social Media on Youth. Journal of Management (JOM), 6(1), 89-96. (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3526175)
  • Nesi, J. (2020). The impact of social media on youth mental health: challenges and opportunities. North Carolina medical journal, 81(2), 116-121. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32132255/)
  • Dredge, R., & Schreurs, L. (2020). Social media use and offline interpersonal outcomes during youth: A systematic literature review. Mass Communication and Society, 23(6), 885-911. (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15205436.2020.1810277)
  • Kulandairaj, A. J. (2014). Impact of social media on the lifestyle of youth. International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, 2(8), 22-28. (https://www.ijtra.com/special-issue-abstract.php?id=impact-of-social-media-on-the-lifestyle-of-youth)
  • Valentine, L., McEnery, C., D’Alfonso, S., Phillips, J., Bailey, E., & Alvarez-Jimenez, M. (2019). Harnessing the potential of social media to develop the next generation of digital health treatments in youth mental health. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry, 6, 325-336. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40501-019-00184-w)

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argumentative essay on benefits of social media

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Social Media Counterclaims: Benefits over Disadvantages

Social media counterclaims and arguments, social media counter arguments: explanation.

If you’re writing an essay about the benefits of online communication, check out this sample! Here, we present to you a rebuttal of arguments claiming that social media is bad. Check out our examples of a claim and counterclaim about social media below.

Argument premise 1: Humans utilize social media as a substitute for face-to-face communication and interaction, but it is not equivalent to real-life communication and lacks integrity.

Argument premise 2: Social media often persuade users to share private information about themselves or family members that can be harmful to their privacy.

C.: Social media not only fail to be equivalent to real-life communication but also become a hindrance since they impede peoples’ private lives and destroy integrity as the basis of interpersonal contacts.

Counter-argument premise 1: While real-life communication imposes limitations, social media provides almost boundless opportunities to share one’s opinion and express oneself.

Counter-argument premise 2: Despite concerns connected with privacy, people may easily protect themselves if they carefully think before they upload their materials and make their security settings.

C.: Social media open up new opportunities for people that are likely to bring good, and the expected benefits are substantial in comparison with the areas of concern.

The counter-argument premises give ground to consider social media to be advantageous. In their daily routine, people stick to their social roles, but they may want to break the tether and acquire new identities. Social media give them this chance. As for the interference with private lives, one just needs to be reasonable and do not have personal materials freely available. Because the advantage of self-expression opportunities outweighs the disadvantage of the invasion of privacy, social media should not be considered a hindrance.

The benefits of social media, in terms of people’s personal expression, are substantial. If a person needs warmth and support or wants to discuss their interests, they will probably address their friend or a family member. However, there is no guarantee that their feelings will be understood. In comparison, social media cover a larger audience: consequently, the chance to find comfort and meet persons with the same tastes is higher. Many users of Facebook, Tumblr, and other similar services emphasize that their Internet friends are very close to them: contrary to popular belief, integrity and friendship are present. Recent studies demonstrate that the sense of belonging is one of the primary factors that attract people to social media (Seidman, 2013). In other words, they are not fully satisfied with their face-to-face contacts and only want to change the situation for the better.

The desire to find a friend does not mean that a person is going to share private information. Statistics show that more than 60% of teen Facebook users, who are expected to show off, post hundreds of photos, and write numerous messages to all users, keep their profiles private and feel confident that nobody will disturb them; moreover, in broad measures of online experience, teens are considerably more likely to report positive experiences than negative ones (Madden et al., 2013). In the same way, the sense of safety within the social media environment is also characteristic of adolescent and adult populations who have the same opportunities as teenagers (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). Thus, privacy concerns are exaggerated.

The root of the disagreement between proponents and opponents of social media is probably the failure to understand that social media are only a mode of communication. People only prescribe them either merits or demerits depending on their own experience: both online interaction and face-to-face communication can be either advantageous or disadvantageous. Consequently, social media are objectively neutral. If people perceive them as a useful tool, as it is demonstrated by Facebook users, and expect good, they obtain it.

To conclude, social media seem to bring more good than harm. They provide people with numerous opportunities to manifest themselves and make new friends. The privacy concerns are irrelevant because users themselves make decisions and provide personal information. As a result, social media are valuable for a person.

Hardy, J., Foster, C., & Zúñiga y Postigo, G. (2015). With good reason: A guide to critical thinking. Web.

Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Duggan, M., Smith, A., & Beaton, M. (2013). Teens, social media, and privacy. Pew Research Center , 1 , 2-14.

Seidman, G. (2013). Self-presentation and belonging on Facebook: How personality influences social media use and motivations. Personality and Individual Differences, 54 (3), 402-407.

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StudyCorgi . "Social Media Counterclaims: Benefits over Disadvantages." October 28, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/social-media-benefits-over-disadvantages/.

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American Psychological Association Logo

Social media brings benefits and risks to teens. Psychology can help identify a path forward

New psychological research exposes the harms and positive outcomes of social media. APA’s recommendations aim to add science-backed balance to the discussion

Vol. 54 No. 6 Print version: page 46

  • Social Media and Internet

teens with skateboards looking at smartphones

This was the year that social media itself went viral—and not in a good way. In March, President Joe Biden threatened to ban the Chinese-owned video-sharing site TikTok. In April, a bipartisan group of senators introduced legislation to ban kids under 13 from joining social media. In May, the U.S. surgeon general issued an advisory urging action to protect children online ( Social Media and Youth Mental Health: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory , 2023 ). Just days earlier, APA issued its first-ever health advisory, providing recommendations to protect youth from the risks of social media ( Health Advisory on Social Media Use in Adolescence , 2023 ).

As youth mental health continues to suffer, parents, teachers, and legislators are sounding the alarm on social media. But fear and misinformation often go hand in hand. APA’s recommendations aim to add science-backed balance to the discussion. “There’s such a negative conversation happening around social media, and there is good reason for that. However, it’s important to realize there can be benefits for many teens,” said Jacqueline Nesi, PhD, an assistant professor of psychology at Brown University who studies technology use in youth, and a member of the APA panel that produced the health advisory. “Teens (and adults) obviously get something out of social media. We have to take a balanced view if we want to reach teens and help them use these platforms in healthier ways.”

[ Related:  What parents should know to keep their teens safe on social media ]

In 2023, an estimated 4.9 billion people worldwide are expected to use social media. For teens who grew up with technology, those digital platforms are woven into the fabric of their lives. “Social media is here to stay,” said Mary Alvord, PhD, a clinical psychologist in Maryland and adjunct professor at George Washington University, and a member of the APA panel. That doesn’t mean we have to accept its dangers, however. “Just as we decide when kids are old enough to drive, and we teach them to be good drivers, we can establish guidelines and teach children to use social media safely,” Alvord said.

Social media charms and harms

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide in young people were climbing. In 2021, more than 40% of high school students reported depressive symptoms, with girls and LGBTQ+ youth reporting even higher rates of poor mental health and suicidal thoughts, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( American Economic Review , Vol. 112, No. 11, 2022 ).

Young people may be particularly vulnerable to social media’s charms—as well as its harms. During adolescent development, brain regions associated with the desire for attention, feedback, and reinforcement from peers become more sensitive. Meanwhile, the brain regions involved in self-control have not fully matured. That can be a recipe for disaster. “The need to prioritize peers is a normal part of adolescent development, and youth are turning to social media for some of that longed-for peer contact,” said clinical psychologist Mary Ann McCabe, PhD, ABPP, a member-at-large of APA’s Board of Directors, adjunct associate professor of pediatrics at George Washington University School of Medicine, and cochair of the expert advisory panel. “The original yearning is social, but kids can accidentally wander into harmful content.”

[ Related: Potential risks of content, features, and functions: The science of how social media affects youth ]

The potential risks of social media may be especially acute during early adolescence when puberty delivers an onslaught of biological, psychological, and social changes. One longitudinal analysis of data from youth in the United Kingdom found distinct developmental windows during which adolescents are especially sensitive to social media’s impact. During those windows—around 11 to 13 for girls and 14 to 15 for boys—more social media use predicts a decrease in life satisfaction a year later, while lower use predicts greater life satisfaction ( Orben, A., et al.,  Nature Communications , Vol. 13, No. 1649, 2022 ).

One takeaway from such research is that adults should monitor kids’ social media use closely in early adolescence, between the ages of 10 and 14 or so. As kids become more mature and develop digital literacy skills, they can earn more autonomy.

The cost of connection

The internet is at its best when it brings people together. Adults can help kids get the most out of social media by encouraging them to use online platforms to engage with others in positive ways. “The primary benefit is social connection, and that’s true for teens who are connecting with friends they already have or making new connections,” Nesi said. “On social media, they can find people who share their identities and interests.”

Online social interaction can promote healthy socialization among teens, especially when they’re experiencing stress or social isolation. For youth who have anxiety or struggle in social situations, practicing conversations over social media can be an important step toward feeling more comfortable interacting with peers in person. Social media can also help kids stay in touch with their support networks. That can be especially important for kids from marginalized groups, such as LGBTQ+ adolescents who may be reluctant or unable to discuss their identity with caregivers ( Craig, S. L., et al.,  Social Media + Society , Vol. 7, No. 1, 2021 ). In such cases, online support can be a lifeline.

“We know from suicide prevention research that it’s critical for people to know they aren’t alone,” Alvord said.

Kids also learn about themselves online. “Social media provides a lot of opportunities for young people to discover new information, learn about current events, engage with issues, and have their voices heard,” Nesi added. “And it gives them an opportunity to explore their identities, which is an important task of the adolescent years.”

Yet all those opportunities come at a cost. “There is a lot of good that can come from social media. The problem is, the algorithms can also lead you down rabbit holes,” Alvord said. Technology is expertly designed to pull us in. Features such as “like” buttons, notifications, and videos that start playing automatically make it incredibly hard to step away. At the extreme, social media use can interfere with sleep, physical activity, schoolwork, and in-person social interactions. “The risk of technologies that pull us in is that they can get in the way of all the things we know are important for a teen’s development,” Nesi said.

Research suggests that setting limits and boundaries around social media, combined with discussion and coaching from adults, is the best way to promote positive outcomes for youth ( Wachs, S., et al.,  Computers & Education , Vol. 160, No. 1, 2021 ). Parents should talk to kids often about social media and technology and also use strategies like limiting the amount of time kids can use devices and removing devices from the bedroom at night. Caregivers should also keep an eye out for problematic behaviors, such as strong cravings to use social media, an inability to stop, and lying or sneaking around in order to use devices when they aren’t allowed.

[ Related:   How much is too much social media use: A Q&A with Mitch Prinstein, PhD ]

In helping to set boundaries around social media, it’s important that parents don’t simply limit access to devices, Alvord added. “Removing devices can feel punitive. Instead, parents should focus on encouraging kids to spend time with other activities they find valuable, such as movement and art activities they enjoy,” she said. “When kids are spending more time on those things, they’re less likely to be stuck on social media.”

Dangerous content

Spending too much time on social media is one cause for concern. Dangerous content is another. Despite efforts by caregivers and tech companies to protect kids from problematic material, they still encounter plenty of it online—including mis- and disinformation, racism and hate speech, and content that promotes dangerous behaviors such as disordered eating and self-harm.

During the first year of the pandemic, when kids were spending more time at home and online, McCabe saw a flurry of new diagnoses of eating disorders in her teen patients and their friends. “These kids often reported that they started by watching something relatively benign, like exercise videos,” she said. But their social media algorithms doubled down on that content, offering up more and more material related to body image and weight. “It was an echo chamber,” McCabe added. “And several of my patients attributed their eating disorders to this online behavior.”

Unfortunately, McCabe’s observations seem to be part of a common pattern. A large body of research, cited in APA’s health advisory, suggests that using social media for comparisons and feedback related to physical appearance is linked to poorer body image, disordered eating, and depressive symptoms, especially among girls.

Other research shows that when youth are exposed to unsafe behaviors online, such as substance use or self-harm, they may be at greater risk of engaging in similar behaviors themselves. In a longitudinal study of high school students, Nesi and colleagues showed that kids who saw their peers drinking alcohol on social media were more likely to start drinking and to binge drink 1 year later, even after controlling for demographic and developmental risk factors ( Journal of Adolescent Health , Vol. 60, No. 6, 2017 ).

Cyberbullying is another source of worry, both for young people and their caregivers. Indeed, research shows that online bullying and harassment can be harmful for a young person’s psychological well-being. APA’s health advisory cited several studies that found online bullying and harassment can be more severe than offline bullying. The research showed it can increase the risk of mental health problems in adolescents—with risks for both perpetrators and victims of cyberhate.

Ingrained racism

Search engines and social media algorithms can expose adolescents to other types of cyberhate, including racism. In fact, online algorithms often have structural racism and bias baked in, in ways that White users might not even notice. Sometimes, the algorithms themselves churn out biased or racist content. TikTok, for instance, has come under fire for recommending new accounts based on the appearance of the people a user already follows—with the inadvertent effect of segregating the platform. In addition to this form of “algorithmic bias,” people of color are frequently subjected to what some researchers call “filter bias.” In one common example, the beauty filters built into sites like Instagram or Snapchat might apply paler skin or more typically White facial features to a user’s selfies.

Like microaggressions in offline life, online racism in the form of algorithmic and filter bias can take a toll on mental health, said Brendesha Tynes, PhD, a professor of education and psychology at the University of Southern California, and a member of the APA advisory panel. In an ongoing daily diary study with adolescents, she is finding evidence that people who are exposed to algorithmic and filter bias are at increased risk of next-day depression and anxiety symptoms.

“I’m an adult who studies these issues and who has a lot of strategies to protect myself, and it can still be really hard” to cope with online racism, she said. Impressionable teens who haven’t learned such strategies are likely to experience even greater psychological impacts from the racism they encounter every day on social media. “We’re just beginning to understand the profound negative impacts of online racism,” Tynes said. “We need all hands on deck in supporting kids of color and helping them cope with these experiences.”

Despite the drawbacks of technology, there is a silver lining. Tynes has found Black youth receive valuable social support from other Black people on social media. Those interactions can help them learn to think critically about the racism they encounter. That’s important, since her research also shows that youth who are able to critique racism experience less psychological distress when they witness race-related traumatic events online ( Journal of Adolescent Health , Vol. 43, No. 6, 2008 ).

Tynes said more research is needed to understand how online racism affects youth and how best to protect them from its harms.

“Different groups have vastly different experiences online,” she said. “We need more detailed recommendations for specific groups.”

A role for psychology

How to protect kids from online racism is just one of a long list of questions on researchers’ wish lists. Digital technologies evolve so quickly that kids are off to a new platform before scientists can finish collecting data about yesterday’s favorite sites. “There’s so much we still don’t know about this topic. That’s understandably frustrating for people because social media is impacting people’s lives as we speak,” Nesi said.

It’s likely some groups, and some individuals, are more susceptible than others to the negative effects of social media, she added. “We need more information about who is more vulnerable and who is more resilient, and what it is they’re doing online that’s healthy versus harmful.”

While there is a lot of work to be done, Nesi said, “we’re getting closer.” As APA’s recommendations make clear, there is ample evidence some types of content and online behaviors can harm youth. Adult role models can work together with teens to understand the pitfalls of technology and establish boundaries to protect them from dangerous content and excessive screen time.

Psychological research shows children from a young age should be taught digital literacy skills such as identifying misinformation, protecting privacy, understanding how people can misrepresent themselves online, and how to critically evaluate race-related materials online. One way to promote those skills may be to lean into teens’ inherent skepticism of grown-ups. “You can teach kids that a lot of people want something from them,” Alvord said—whether it’s a stranger trying to message them on Instagram, or TikTok earning money by collecting their data or showing them branded content.

That’s not to say it’s easy to help kids develop a healthy relationship with social media. “By necessity, adolescents disagree more with their parents—and they are formidable when they insist on having something, like phones or social media, that all their friends have,” McCabe said. “But parents are eager for guidance. There is an appetite for this information now,” she added—and psychological scientists can help provide it.

That scientific research can inform broader efforts to keep children safe on social media as well. “Parents can’t do this alone,” Nesi said. “We need larger-scale changes to these platforms to protect kids.”

There are efforts to make such changes. The Kids Online Safety Act, a bipartisan bill introduced in April, establishes a duty of care for social media companies to protect minors from mental health harms, sex trafficking, narcotics, and other dangers. Additionally, the bill requires social media companies to go through independent, external audits, allows researcher access to platform data assets, and creates substantial youth and parental controls to create a safer digital environment. Even as legislators and tech companies consider those and other policies, researchers can continue their efforts to determine which actions might be most protective, said Nesi, who is currently leading a study to understand which features of social media are helpful versus harmful for kids at high risk of suicide. “For some kids, being able to connect with others and find support is really important. For others, social media may create more challenges than it solves,” Nesi said. “The key is making sure we don’t accidentally do any harm” by enacting restrictions and legislation that are not backed by science.

While researchers forge ahead, clinical psychologists, too, can add valuable insight for teens and their families. “Screens are a central part of adolescents’ lives, and that needs to be integrated into assessment and treatment,” Nesi said. “Clinicians can help families and teens take a step back and look at their social media use to figure out what’s working for them and what isn’t.”

Someday, McCabe said, digital literacy may be taught in schools the same way that youth learn about sexual health and substance use. “I hope we’ll come to a point where teaching about the healthy use of social media is an everyday occurrence,” she said. “Because of this dialogue that we’re having now among families and policymakers, we may see a new generation of kids whose entry into the digital world is very different, where we can use social media for connection and education but minimize the harms,” she added. “I hope this is the beginning of a new day.”

Social media recommendations

APA’s Health Advisory on Social Media Use in Adolescence makes these recommendations based on the scientific evidence to date:

  • Youth using social media should be encouraged to use functions that create opportunities for social support, online companionship, and emotional intimacy that can promote healthy socialization.
  • Social media use, functionality, and permissions/consenting should be tailored to youths’ developmental capabilities; designs created for adults may not be appropriate for children.
  • In early adolescence (i.e., typically 10–14 years), adult monitoring (i.e., ongoing review, discussion, and coaching around social media content) is advised for most youths’ social media use; autonomy may increase gradually as kids age and if they gain digital literacy skills. However, monitoring should be balanced with youths’ appropriate needs for privacy.
  • To reduce the risks of psychological harm, adolescents’ exposure to content on social media that depicts illegal or psychologically maladaptive behavior, including content that instructs or encourages youth to engage in health-risk behaviors, such as self-harm (e.g., cutting, suicide), harm to others, or those that encourage eating-disordered behavior (e.g., restrictive eating, purging, excessive exercise) should be minimized, reported, and removed; moreover, technology should not drive users to this content.
  • To minimize psychological harm, adolescents’ exposure to “cyberhate” including online discrimination, prejudice, hate, or cyberbullying especially directed toward a marginalized group (e.g., racial, ethnic, gender, sexual, religious, ability status), or toward an individual because of their identity or allyship with a marginalized group should be minimized.
  • Adolescents should be routinely screened for signs of “problematic social media use” that can impair their ability to engage in daily roles and routines, and may present risk for more serious psychological harms over time.
  • The use of social media should be limited so as to not interfere with adolescents’ sleep and physical activity.
  • Adolescents should limit use of social media for social comparison, particularly around beauty- or appearance-related content.
  • Adolescents’ social media use should be preceded by training in social media literacy to ensure that users have developed psychologically-informed competencies and skills that will maximize the chances for balanced, safe, and meaningful social media use.
  • Substantial resources should be provided for continued scientific examination of the positive and negative effects of social media on adolescent development.

Read the full recommendations and see the science behind them .

Further reading

Algorithms of oppression: How search engines reinforce racism Noble, S. U., New York University Press, 2018

Family Online Safety Institute

An updated agenda for the study of digital media use and adolescent development: Future directions following Odgers & Jensen (2020) Prinstein, M. J., et al., The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , 2020

From Google searches to Russian disinformation: Adolescent critical race digital literacy needs and skills Tynes, B., et al., International Journal of Multicultural Education , 2021

How social media affects teen mental health: A missing link Orben, A., & Blakemore, S.J. Nature , Feb. 14, 2023

Techno Sapiens

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Essay on Impact of Social Media on Teenager

Students are often asked to write an essay on Impact of Social Media on Teenager in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

100 Words Essay on Impact of Social Media on Teenager


Social media has become an integral part of our lives, especially for teenagers. It provides a platform to connect, share, and learn.

Positive Impact

Social media can be beneficial. It helps teenagers to express themselves and connect with friends. It’s also a source of information.

Negative Impact

In conclusion, while social media has its advantages, it’s essential for teenagers to use it responsibly.

250 Words Essay on Impact of Social Media on Teenager

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, particularly for teenagers. It’s a platform that offers a myriad of opportunities for communication, entertainment, and learning. However, it also presents challenges and potential harms.

Firstly, social media offers a platform for self-expression and identity formation, critical aspects of adolescent development. Teenagers can explore various facets of their personalities, interests, and values. Moreover, it provides an avenue for social interaction and friendship formation, connecting teenagers globally.

On the flip side, the pervasive nature of social media can lead to addictive behaviors, impacting teenagers’ mental health. The constant need for validation through likes and comments can lead to anxiety and low self-esteem. Furthermore, cyberbullying is a significant concern, with its effects often devastating, leading to depression or even suicidal thoughts.

Role of Digital Literacy

To mitigate the negative impacts, it’s crucial to foster digital literacy among teenagers. They need to be educated about responsible social media use, privacy settings, and how to handle cyberbullying.

In conclusion, while social media offers significant benefits to teenagers, it also poses considerable risks. It’s a double-edged sword that can either enhance or hinder adolescent development. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide teenagers with the necessary tools and education to navigate this digital landscape safely and responsibly.

500 Words Essay on Impact of Social Media on Teenager

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, shaping our interactions, relationships, and the way we perceive the world. However, its impact on teenagers, who are at a critical stage of their development, is a topic of intense debate and concern.

The Positive Impact

Moreover, social media helps teenagers build connections and socialize, especially those who may be introverted or socially anxious. It offers a space where they can engage in discussions, participate in online communities, and build friendships beyond geographical boundaries.

The Negative Impact

Conversely, the pervasive use of social media also has potential downsides. Cyberbullying is a significant issue, with teenagers being particularly vulnerable to online harassment and abuse. This can lead to serious emotional and psychological consequences, including depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Furthermore, excessive use of social media can negatively affect teenagers’ physical health. It can lead to sedentary behaviors, sleep disturbances, and even addictive tendencies, disrupting their overall wellbeing and development.

Given these impacts, it is crucial to promote digital literacy among teenagers. They need to be educated about the potential risks and benefits of social media, and how to use it responsibly. This includes understanding privacy settings, recognizing and reporting inappropriate content or behavior, and being mindful of the amount of time spent online.

In conclusion, while social media can be a beneficial tool for teenagers, it also presents significant challenges. It is imperative that parents, educators, and policymakers work together to ensure a safe and positive online environment for teenagers, fostering their growth and development in the digital age. The key lies in balance and mindful usage, allowing teenagers to harness the potential of social media while mitigating its risks.

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Surprising Ways Your Teen Benefits From Social Media

Parents often assume social media is a bad thing. But there are some surprising benefits to its use among teenagers. Here's what you need to know.

  • Benefits of Social Media

It is not surprising that most parents believe social media is harmful for kids. There's a constant influx of cyberbullying in the news, and victims of cyberbullying often suffer significant consequences as a result.

And while it is important for parents to instill healthy habits surrounding social media use —including limiting and monitoring time online —it is also important to recognize that there are benefits of social media.

Benefits of Social Media for Kids

While the overuse of electronics and social media can certainly be a problem, there are also a number of potential benefits of social media for kids, including the following:

  • Strengthening friendships
  • Motivating kids to do good
  • Reducing feelings of isolation
  • Becoming a source of support
  • Building a platform
  • Encouraging personal expression
  • Accessing information

Social media can strengthen friendships

Friendships are undoubtedly a key component of teen life. When kids have healthy friendships, they feel accepted for who they are and feel more empowered and connected to the world around them. Friends can also speak truth into their lives and encourage them to explore their dreams.

Moreover, research has shown that having at least one solid friendship can go a long way in preventing bullying. In fact, bullies often target teens who are alone or isolated. But teens who have a core group of friends often have a built-in layer of protection from bullying.

According to a survey by Common Sense Media, 52% of teens felt that social media improved their friendships, and only 4% felt it hurt them. Additionally, the study found that nearly 30% of social media users believe social networking makes them feel more confident and outgoing.

Social media is a vehicle for doing good 

Whether teens are developing fundraisers or supporting an important cause, social media can help them make an impact in their communities. Some social movements have started when teens leveraged social media to build awareness for an issue.

Whether they make YouTube videos or develop X campaigns, teens have more impact on the world around them because of social media. Moreover, their voices are being heard more frequently. 

Social media also exposes kids to important issues worldwide, not just those in their communities. As a result, they realize that social media is a way for them to help and support people even from far away. They can instantaneously impact things like world hunger, preserving the rainforest, or fundraising for kids without resources.

Social media reduces feelings of isolation

While social media can make adults feel lonelier, researchers find the opposite may be true for teens. One study found that even though teens have fewer friends than they did a decade ago, they still report feeling less lonely and less isolated. Researchers suggest that the difference is social media and technology.

As teens find their niche, they become more individualistic, extroverted, and have higher self-esteem . This increased individuality makes teens more secure in existing friendships and reduces feelings of loneliness overall. This is especially true if those friendships are healthy.

This research also suggests that teens are developing stronger social skills due to social media use. As technology becomes a bigger part of everyday life, solid online communication skills are important. Through social media, teens learn how to navigate social networking sites and other online communication methods, making them better communicators in an increasingly digital world.

Social media is a source of authentic support 

Years ago, if teens were interested in a quirky subject or grappled with who they were as people, they often felt marginalized and alone. Today, teens can connect with others who share similar interests, desires, and concerns. This connection helps them feel validated and secure in who they are.

Another way teens are finding support is through online communities. For instance, kids struggling with complex issues can now find help and support online in addition to professional support. This is especially helpful for teens in small communities or rural areas where resources may be limited.

Teens experiencing suicide ideation can even get immediate access to quality online support.

Suicide Prevention Resources

If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.

Social media can build a platform

Your teen can use social media to begin developing an online presence that can attract the attention of colleges and future employers. For instance, some teens make YouTube videos or write blog posts on topics they are passionate about.

A young teen who has a passion for reading and writing might publish book reviews or film videos with their thoughts, ideas, and comments. As their work gains traction online, they may even develop a following which could include authors, literary agents, and publishers.

Then, when this teen applies for college, they can reference their social media accounts on college applications. This work demonstrates their creativity and maturity, but also shows that they are a self-starter.

Building a platform on social media can open a lot of doors for teens and help them build a positive online reputation. It also can expose them to college scholarships, college networks, and even a future career. It's no longer just a place to post silly pictures or observe digital drama.

Social media allows for personal expression

Digital technology is the perfect tool for channeling creativity and personal expression. Whether kids enjoy singing, writing, or acting, they can share these talents with the world around them. Kids who enjoy fashion, make-up trends, or craft projects also can express themselves online. Providing this avenue of self-expression is important for teens.

Social Media's Influence on Self-Confidence

Research shows that there is a direct connection between self-expression and self-confidence. When kids are given avenues for being authentic and true to themselves, they become content with who they are and happier overall.

By contrast, when they do not have many opportunities to express themselves or they do not know people with the same passions or interests, they begin to wonder if there is something wrong with them. They also question why they are not like everyone else.

Social media is a tool for gathering information

Social media has become a source of information and news for many teens. Once they begin social networking, they can follow just about anyone with a social media account. From authors and athletes to celebrities, chefs, nonprofit organizations, and magazines, they are connected to all sorts of information.

Teens also can gather information about issues that impact them or their friends. For instance, if they are concerned a friend might have an eating disorder or a drug addiction, they can gather information about it. Or, if they want to learn more about a presidential election, climate change, or even find new ways to eat healthily, they can do so on their social media accounts.

Overall, social media does not have to be scary. Even though it can be exploited by kids who bully others, instilling good digital etiquette and maintaining an open dialogue about online safety can go a long way in keeping kids safe online.

As a parent, nurture the positive aspects of social media and discuss the dangers. Doing so will help your kids develop social media savvy, a skill that will ultimately help them in the years to come.

Preventing Bullying: through Science, Policy, and Practice . National Academies Press, 2016.

Relationship between self-esteem and self-consciousness in adolescents: An eye-tracking study .  Psychiatry Investigation.  2019.

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Attacks on Walz’s Military Record

By Robert Farley , D'Angelo Gore and Eugene Kiely

Posted on August 8, 2024 | Corrected on August 9, 2024

Este artículo estará disponible en español en El Tiempo Latino .

In introducing her pick for vice presidential running mate, Kamala Harris has prominently touted Tim Walz’s 24 years of service in the Army National Guard. Now, however, GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance and the Trump campaign are attacking Walz on his military record, accusing the Minnesota governor of “stolen valor.”

We’ll sort through the facts surrounding the three main attacks on Walz’s military record and let readers decide their merit. The claims include:

  • Vance claimed that Walz “dropped out” of the National Guard when he learned his battalion was slated to be deployed to Iraq. Walz retired to focus on a run for Congress two months before his unit got official word of impending deployment, though the possibility had been rumored for months.
  • Vance also accused Walz of having once claimed to have served in combat, when he did not. While advocating a ban on assault-style weapons, Walz said, “We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.”
  • The Republican National Committee has criticized Walz for misrepresenting his military rank in campaign materials. The Harris campaign website salutes Walz for “rising to the rank of Command Sergeant Major.” Walz did rise to that rank, but he retired as a master sergeant because he had not completed the requirements of a command sergeant major.

A native of West Point, Nebraska, Walz joined the Nebraska Army National Guard in April 1981, two days after his 17th birthday. When Walz and his wife moved to Minnesota in 1996, he transferred to the Minnesota National Guard, where he served in 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery.

“While serving in Minnesota, his military occupational specialties were 13B – a cannon crewmember who operates and maintains cannons and 13Z -field artillery senior sergeant,” according to a statement released by Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, the Minnesota National Guard’s state public affairs officer.

According to MPR News , Walz suffered some hearing impairment related to exposure to cannon booms during training over the years, and he underwent some corrective surgery to address it.

On Aug. 3, 2003, “Walz mobilized with the Minnesota National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery … to support Operation Enduring Freedom. The battalion supported security missions at various locations in Europe and Turkey. Governor Walz was stationed at Vicenza, Italy, during his deployment.” Augé stated. The deployment lasted about eight months.

“For 24 years I proudly wore the uniform of this nation,” Walz said at a rally in Philadelphia where he was announced as Harris’ running mate on Aug. 6. “The National Guard gave me purpose. It gave me the strength of a shared commitment to something greater than ourselves.”

Walz’s Retirement from the National Guard

In recent years, however, several of his fellow guard members have taken issue with the timing of Walz’s retirement from the National Guard in May 2005, claiming he left to avoid a deployment to Iraq.

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Vance, who served a four-year active duty enlistment in the Marine Corps as a combat correspondent, serving in Iraq for six months in 2005, advanced that argument at a campaign event on Aug. 7.

“When the United States of America asked me to go to Iraq to serve my country, I did it,” Vance said. “When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him, a fact that he’s been criticized for aggressively by a lot of the people that he served with. I think it’s shameful to prepare your unit to go to Iraq, to make a promise that you’re going to follow through and then to drop out right before you actually have to go.”

In early 2005, Walz, then a high school geography teacher and football coach at Mankato West High School, decided to run for public office. In a 2009 interview Walz provided as part of the Library of Congress’ veterans oral history project, Waltz said he made the decision to retire from the National Guard to “focus full time” on a run for the U.S. House of Representatives for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District (which he ultimately won in 2006). Walz said he was “really concerned” about trying to seek public office and serve in the National Guard at the same time without running afoul of the Hatch Act , which limits political speech by federal employees, including members of the National Guard.

Federal Election Commission records show that Walz filed to run for Congress on Feb. 10, 2005.

On March 20, 2005, Walz’s campaign put out a press release titled “Walz Still Planning to Run for Congress Despite Possible Call to Duty in Iraq.”

Three days prior, the release said, “the National Guard Public Affairs Office announced a possible partial mobilization of roughly 2,000 troops from the Minnesota National Guard. … The announcement from the National Guard PAO specified that all or a portion of Walz’s battalion could be mobilized to serve in Iraq within the next two years.”

According to the release, “When asked about his possible deployment to Iraq Walz said, ‘I do not yet know if my artillery unit will be part of this mobilization and I am unable to comment further on specifics of the deployment.’ Although his tour of duty in Iraq might coincide with his campaign for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional seat, Walz is determined to stay in the race. ‘As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington DC or in Iraq.'”

On March 23, 2005, the Pipestone County Star reported, “Detachments of the Minnesota National Guard have been ‘alerted’ of possible deployment to Iraq in mid-to-late 2006.”

“Major Kevin Olson of the Minnesota National Guard said a brigade-sized contingent of soldiers could be expected to be called to Iraq, but he was not, at this time, aware of which batteries would be called,” the story said. “All soldiers in the First Brigade combat team of the 34th Division, Minnesota National Guard, could be eligible for call-up. ‘We don’t know yet what the force is like’ he said. ‘It’s too early to speculate, if the (soldiers) do go.’

“He added: ‘We will have a major announcement if and when the alert order moves ahead.’”

ABC News spoke to Joseph Eustice, a retired command sergeant major who served with Walz, and he told the news organization this week that “he remembers Walz struggling with the timing of wanting to serve as a lawmaker but also avoiding asking for a deferment so he could do so.”

“He had a window of time,” Eustice told ABC News. “He had to decide. And in his deciding, we were not on notice to be deployed. There were rumors. There were lots of rumors, and we didn’t know where we were going until it was later that, early summer, I believe.”

Al Bonnifield, who served under Walz, also recalled Walz agonizing over the decision.

“It was a very long conversation behind closed doors,” Bonnifield told the Washington Post this week. “He was trying to decide where he could do better for soldiers, for veterans, for the country. He weighed that for a long time.”

In 2018, Bonnifield told MPR News that Walz worried in early 2005, “Would the soldier look down on him because he didn’t go with us? Would the common soldier say, ‘Hey, he didn’t go with us, he’s trying to skip out on a deployment?’ And he wasn’t. He talked with us for quite a while on that subject. He weighed that decision to run for Congress very heavy. He loved the military, he loved the guard, he loved the soldiers he worked with.”

But not all of Walz’s fellow Guard members felt that way.

In a paid letter to the West Central Tribune in Minnesota in November 2018, Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr — both retired command sergeants major in the Minnesota National Guard — wrote, “On May 16th, 2005 he [Walz] quit, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war. His excuse to other leaders was that he needed to retire in order to run for congress. Which is false, according to a Department of Defense Directive, he could have run and requested permission from the Secretary of Defense before entering active duty; as many reservists have.”

“For Tim Walz to abandon his fellow soldiers and quit when they needed experienced leadership most is disheartening,” they wrote. “When the nation called, he quit.”

Walz retired on May 16, 2005. Walz’s brigade received alert orders for mobilization on July 14, 2005, according to the National Guard and MPR News . The official mobilization report came the following month, and the unit mobilized and trained through the fall. It was finally deployed to Iraq in the spring of 2006.

The unit was originally scheduled to return in February 2007, but its tour was extended four months as part of President George W. Bush’s “surge” strategy , the National Guard reported. In all, the soldiers were mobilized for 22 months.

Responding to Vance’s claim that Walz retired to avoid deploying to Iraq, the Harris-Walz campaign released a statement saying, “After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform – and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families.”

Walz on Carrying a Weapon ‘in War’

Vance also called Walz “dishonest” for a claim that Walz made in 2018 while speaking to a group about gun control.

“He made this interesting comment that the Kamala Harris campaign put out there,” Vance said, referring to a video of Walz that the Harris campaign posted to X on Aug. 6. “He said, ‘We shouldn’t allow weapons that I used in war to be on America’s streets.’ Well, I wonder, Tim Walz, when were you ever in war? What was this weapon that you carried into war given that you abandoned your unit right before they went to Iraq and he has not spent a day in a combat zone.”

In the video , Walz, who was campaigning for governor at the time, talked about pushing back on the National Rifle Association and said: “I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt. … I’ve been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks. We can do [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] research. We can make sure we don’t have reciprocal carry among states. And we can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.”

But, as Vance indicated, there is no evidence that Walz carried a weapon “in war.”

As we said, Augé, in her statement, said Walz’s battalion deployed “to support Operation Enduring Freedom” on Aug. 3, 2003, and “supported security missions at various locations in Europe and Turkey.” During his deployment, Walz was stationed in Vicenza, Italy, and he returned to Minnesota in April 2004, Augé said. There was no mention of Walz serving in Afghanistan, Iraq or another combat zone.

In the 2009 interview for the veterans history project, Walz said he and members of his battalion initially thought they would “shoot artillery in Afghanistan,” as they had trained to do. That didn’t happen, he said, explaining that his group ended up helping with security and training while stationed at an Army base in Vicenza.

“I think in the beginning, many of my troops were disappointed,” Walz said in the interview. “I think they felt a little guilty, many of them, that they weren’t in the fight up front as this was happening.”

In a statement addressing his claim about carrying weapons “in war,” the Harris campaign noted that Walz, whose military occupational specialties included field artillery senior sergeant, “fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times” in his 24 years of service.

Walz’s National Guard Rank

The Republican National Committee has criticized Walz for saying “in campaign materials that he is a former ‘Command Sergeant Major’ in the Army National Guard despite not completing the requirements to hold the rank into retirement.”

Walz’s biography on the Harris campaign website correctly says that the governor “served for 24 years” in the National Guard, “rising to the rank of Command Sergeant Major.” 

Walz’s official biography on the Minnesota state website goes further, referring to the governor as “Command Sergeant Major Walz.”

“After 24 years in the Army National Guard, Command Sergeant Major Walz retired from the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in 2005,” the state website says. 

Walz did serve as command sergeant major , but Walz did not complete the requirements to retire with the rank of command sergeant, Augé told us in an email. 

“He held multiple positions within field artillery such as firing battery chief, operations sergeant, first sergeant, and culminated his career serving as the command sergeant major for the battalion,” Augé said. “He retired as a master sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.”

This isn’t the first time that Walz’s National Guard rank has come up in a campaign. 

In their 2018 paid letter to the West Central Tribune, when Walz was running for governor, the two Minnesota National Guard retired command sergeants major who criticized Walz for retiring before the Iraq deployment also wrote: “Yes, he served at that rank, but was never qualified at that rank, and will receive retirement benefits at one rank below. You be the judge.”

Correction, Aug. 9: We mistakenly said a 2007 “surge” strategy in Iraq occurred under President Barack Obama. It was President George W. Bush.

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