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  • Review Article
  • Published: 12 March 2024

Deep learning for water quality

  • Wei Zhi 1 , 2 ,
  • Alison P. Appling   ORCID: 3 ,
  • Heather E. Golden   ORCID: 4 ,
  • Joel Podgorski   ORCID: 5 &
  • Li Li   ORCID: 2  

Nature Water volume  2 ,  pages 228–241 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Environmental sciences

Understanding and predicting the quality of inland waters are challenging, particularly in the context of intensifying climate extremes expected in the future. These challenges arise partly due to complex processes that regulate water quality, and arduous and expensive data collection that exacerbate the issue of data scarcity. Traditional process-based and statistical models often fall short in predicting water quality. In this Review, we posit that deep learning represents an underutilized yet promising approach that can unravel intricate structures and relationships in high-dimensional data. We demonstrate that deep learning methods can help address data scarcity by filling temporal and spatial gaps and aid in formulating and testing hypotheses via identifying influential drivers of water quality. This Review highlights the strengths and limitations of deep learning methods relative to traditional approaches, and underscores its potential as an emerging and indispensable approach in overcoming challenges and discovering new knowledge in water-quality sciences.

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Data availability.

Streamflow data (Fig. 1a ) from the Global Streamflow Indices and Metadata Archive (GSIM) were compiled from repositories at and . Water-quality data (Fig. 1b ) from the Global River Water Quality Archive (GRQA) were downloaded from .

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W.Z. was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (52121006) and by the Barry and Shirley Isett Professorship (to L.L.) at Penn State University. L.L. was supported by the US National Science Foundation via the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (EAR-2012123 and EAR-2012669), Frontier Research in Earth Sciences (EAR-2121621), Signals in Soils (EAR-2034214), and US Department of Energy Environmental System Science (DE-SC0020146). J.P. was supported by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) (WABES project, 7F-09963.02.01). This paper has been reviewed in accordance with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s peer and administrative review policies and approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement or recommendation for use by the US Government. Statements in this publication reflect the authors’ professional views and opinions and should not be construed to represent any determination or policy of the US Environmental Protection Agency.

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The National Key Laboratory of Water Disaster Prevention, Yangtze Institute for Conservation and Development, Key Laboratory of Hydrologic-Cycle and Hydrodynamic-System of Ministry of Water Resources, Hohai University, Nanjing, China

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA

Wei Zhi & Li Li

US Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA

Alison P. Appling

Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, USA

Heather E. Golden

Department of Water Resources and Drinking Water, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG), Dübendorf, Switzerland

Joel Podgorski

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W.Z. and L.L. conceived the idea for the review paper and wrote the first draft. A.P.A., H.E.G. and J.P. provided content for multiple sections and edited multiple versions of the paper. L.L. finalized the paper.

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Zhi, W., Appling, A.P., Golden, H.E. et al. Deep learning for water quality. Nat Water 2 , 228–241 (2024).

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Received : 13 April 2023

Accepted : 10 January 2024

Published : 12 March 2024

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water quality prediction research paper



Machine learning algorithms for efficient water quality prediction

  • Original Article
  • Published: 26 August 2021
  • Volume 8 , pages 2793–2801, ( 2022 )

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water quality prediction research paper

  • Mourade Azrour   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Jamal Mabrouki 2 ,
  • Ghizlane Fattah 3 ,
  • Azedine Guezzaz 4 &
  • Faissal Aziz 5  

2948 Accesses

77 Citations

4 Altmetric

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Water is an essential resource for human existence. In fact, more than 60% of the human body is made up of water. Our bodies consume water in every cell, in the different organisms and in the tissues. Hence, water allows stabilization of the body temperature and guarantees the normal functioning of the other bodily activities. Nevertheless, in recent years, water pollution has become a serious problem affecting water quality. Therefore, to design a model that predicts water quality is nowadays very important to control water pollution, as well as to alert users in case of poor quality detection. Motivated by these reasons, in this study, we take the advantages of machine learning algorithms to develop a model that is capable of predicting the water quality index and then the water quality class. The method we propose is based on four water parameters: temperature, pH, turbidity and coliforms. The use of the multiple regression algorithms has proven to be important and effective in predicting the water quality index. In addition, the adoption of the artificial neural network provides the most highly efficient way to classify the water quality.

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Computer Sciences Department, IDMS Team, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Moulay Ismail University, Errachidia, Morocco

Mourade Azrour

Laboratory of Spectroscopy, Molecular Modeling, Materials, Nanomaterial, Water and Environment, CERNE2D, Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Rabat, Morocco

Jamal Mabrouki

Civil Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Water Treatment and Reuse Structure, Mohammadia School of Engineers, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Avenue Ibn Sina B.P 765, 10090, Agdal Rabat, Morocco

Ghizlane Fattah

Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, High School of Technology, Cadi Ayyad University, 44000, Essaouira, Morocco

Azedine Guezzaz

Laboratory of Water, Biodiversity and Climate Change, Semlalia Faculty of Sciences, University Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco

Faissal Aziz

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Azrour, M., Mabrouki, J., Fattah, G. et al. Machine learning algorithms for efficient water quality prediction. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. 8 , 2793–2801 (2022).

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Received : 29 June 2021

Accepted : 13 August 2021

Published : 26 August 2021

Issue Date : June 2022


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A review of the artificial neural network models for water quality prediction.

water quality prediction research paper

1. Introduction

  • First, we identified ANN-related papers in influential water-related and environmental-related journals to ensure that high-quality papers are included in the review. These papers are mainly from journals whose subjects are environmental science and ecology, water resources, engineering and application.
  • Thereafter, a keyword search of the ISI Web of Science was then conducted for the period 2008–2019 using the keywords; water quality, river, lake, reservoir, WWTP, groundwater, pond, prediction, and forecasting, accompanied by the names of ANN methods (one or more), such as neural network, MLP, RBFNN, GRNN, RNN, to name but a few.
  • Then, through the search process from 1 to 2, 151 articles in English relevant to our focus were selected. The basic information of the papers, including authors (year), locations, water quality variables, meteorological factors, other factors, output strategy, data size, time step, data dividing, methods, and prediction lengths are provided in Appendix A .

3. Three Basic Model Structures in Water Quality Prediction

3.1. feedforward architectures, 3.2. recurrent architectures, 3.3. hybrid architectures, 3.4. emerging methods, 4. artificial neural networks models for water quality prediction, 5.1. data collection, 5.2. output strategy, 5.3. input selection, 5.4. data dividing, 5.5. data preprocessing, 5.6. model structure determination, 5.7. model training, 6. discussion, 6.1. data are the foundation, 6.2. data processing is key, 6.3. model is the core, author contributions, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

CategoriesAuthors (Year)LocationsWater Quality VariablesMeteorological FactorsOther FactorsOutput StrategyDatasetTime StepData DividingMethodsPrediction Lengths
Feedforward [ ]WWTP(Turkey)BOD; SS, TN, TPNAQCategory 2364 samples (1 year)dailyTrain: 67%, test:33%ANN, MLRNA
Feedforward[ ]Mamasin dam reservoir (Turkey)DO, EC; SS, TN, WTRFAODDCategory 2No detailsNo detailsNo detailsANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Singapore coastal waters (Singapore)S, DO, Chl-a;; WTNANACategory 332 samples (5 months)No detailsNo detailsANN(MLP), GRNN1
Feedforward[ ]Feitsui Reservoir (China)Chl-a;NABandsCategory 2No detailsNo detailsTrain: 75%, test:25%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Pyeongchang river (Korea)DO, TOC; WTNAQCategory 3No details (3 months)5 minutesNo detailsANN, MNN, ANFIS12,24
Feedforward[ ]Feitsui Reservoir (China)Chl-a;NABandsCategory 2No details (7 years)No detailsTrain:57%, validate: 29%, test: 14%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Melen River (Turkey)BOD; COD, WT, DO, Chl-a, NH -N, NO , NO NAF, NsCategory 2No details (over 6 years)monthlyTrain:60%, validate: 20%, test: 20%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Moshui River (China)COD, NH -N;;NAmineral oil;;Category 0No details (5 years)No detailsTrain:80%, test: 20%BPNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Doce River (Brazil)WT, pH, EC, TNNAother ionsCategory 2232samples (3 years)No detailsTrain:50%, validate: 25%, test: 25%ANNNA
Feedforward[ ]NA (China)pH, DO;; WT, S, NH -N, NO NANACategory 3500 samplesNo detailsTrain:80%, test: 20%BPNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Gomti river (India)DO, BOD; pH, TA, TH, TS, COD, NH -N, NO , PRFNACategory 2500 samples (10 years)monthlyTrain:60%, validate: 20%, test: 20%ANNNA
Feedforward[ ]Pyeongchang River (Korea)TOC;;PrecipQ;;Category 3No details (7 years)No detailsNo detailsANNNA
Feedforward[ ]Groundwater (China)NO , COD;;NAother 7 variablesCategory 397 samplesNo detailsTrain:56%, test: 44%ANNNA
Feedforward[ ]Omerli Lake (Turkey)DO; BOD, NH -N, NO , NO , PNANACategory 2No details (17 years)No detailsNo detailsANN, MLR, NLRNA
Feedforward[ ]Changle River (China)DO, TN, TP;; WTRFF, FTTCategory 3No details (18months)monthlyNo detailsBPNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Sangamon River (USA)NO ;;AT, PrecipQCategory 3No details (6 years)weeklyTrain:50%, test: 50%ANN1
Feedforward[ ]Surface water (Turkey)Chl-a;NAother 12 variablesCategory 2110 samplesNo detailsTrain:67%, test: 33%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Gruˇza reservoir (Serbia) DO; pH, WT, CL, TP, NO , NH -N, ECNAFe, MnCategory 2180samples (3 years)No detailsTrain:84%, test: 16%ANNNA
Feedforward[ ]The tank (China)DO;; pH, S, WTATNACategory 3No details (22 months)1 minuteTrain:57%, validate: 29%, test: 14%ANN30
Feedforward[ ]Groundwater (India)S; ECNAWL, T, Pumping, RainpCategory 2No details (7 years)No detailsTrain:29%, test: 71%ANNNA
Feedforward[ ]WWTP(China)BOD; COD, SS, pH, NH –NNAOilCategory 2No detailsNo detailsTrain:50%, test: 50%RBFNN5
Feedforward[ ]Groundwater (Iran)NO ; pH, EC, TDS, THNAMg, Cl, Na, K, HCO , SO , Ca, ICsCategory 2818samples (nearly 17days)30 minutesTrain:70%, test: 30%ANN, Linear regression (LR)NA
Feedforward[ ]Wells (Palestine)NO ;NAQ, other five variablesCategory 2975samples (16 years)No detailsNo detailsMLP, RBF, GRNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Upstream and downstream (USA)DO; pH, WT, ECNAQCategory 22063, 4765 samples (18 years)dailyTrain:50%, validate:25%, test: 25%RBFNN, ANN(MLP), MLR,NA
Feedforward[ ]WWTP (Korea)DO;; NH -NNANACategory 31900 samplesNo detailsTrain:45%, validate:5%, test: 50%MNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Eastern Black Sea Basin (Turkey)SS; TurNANACategory 1144 samples (1 year)fortnightlyTrain:75%, validate:8%, test: 17%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Kinta River (Malaysia)DO, BOD, NH -N, pH, COD, Tur;;NANACategory 2255 samples (7 months)No detailsTrain:80%, validate:10%, test: 10%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Power station (New Zealand)WT;AT, AP, WD, WSother 8 variablesCategory 245,594 samples (2 years)10 minutesTrain:70%, test: 30%ANN(MLP)12
Feedforward[ ]Yuan-Yang Lake (China)WT;SR, AP, RH, AT, WS, WDSTCategory 2No details (2 months)10 minutesTrain:70%, validate & test: 30%ANN(MLP)1
Feedforward[ ]Experimental system (UK)BOD, NH -N, NO , P; DO, WT, pH, EC, TSS, TurNARPCategory 2195samples (4 years)No detailsTrain: 62%, test: 38%ANNNA
Feedforward[ ]Lake Fuxian (China)DO, TP, SD, Chl-a;; TN, WT, pHNAMonth;Category 2 and Category 3No detailsNo detailsNo detailsANNNA
Feedforward[ ]Doiraj River (Iran)SS;RFQCategory 1 and Category 2more than 3000 samples (11 years)dailyNo detailsANN, Support vector regression (SVR)1
Feedforward[ ]Lake Abant (Turkey)DO, Chl-a; WT, ECNAMDHMCategory 26674 samples (86 days)15 minutesTrain:60%, validate:15%, test: 25%ANN, Multiple nonlinear regression (MNLR)NA
Feedforward[ ]Johor River, Sayong River (Malaysia)TDS, EC, Tur;NANACategory 1No details (5 years)No detailsThe test set is approximately 10–40 % of the size of the training data setANN(MLP), RBFNN, LRNA
Feedforward[ ]Mine water (India)BOD, COD; WT, pH, DO, TSSNAotherCategory 273 samplesNo detailsTrain:79%, test: 21%ANNNA
Feedforward[ ]Heihe River (China)DO; pH, NO , NH3-N, EC, TA, THNACl, CaCategory 2164 samples (over 6 years)monthlyTrain:60%, validate:20%, test: 20%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Danube River (Serbia)DO; WT, pH, NO , EC Na, CL, SO HCO , other 11 variablesCategory 21512 samples (9 years)No detailsTrain:70%, validate:20%, test: 10%GRNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Stream Harsit (Turkey)SS; TurNATCC, TICCategory 1 and Category 2132 samples (11months)No detailsNo detailsANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Feitsui Reservoir (China)DO; WT, pH, EC, Tur, SS, TH, TA, NH -NNANACategory 2400 samples (20 years)No detailsNo detailsBPNN, ANFIS, MLRNA
Feedforward[ ]Stream (USA)WT;ATForm attributes, forested land coverCategory 2982 (6 months)dailyTrain:90%, validate & test: 10%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]The Bahr Hadus drain (Egypt)DO, TDS;;NANACategory 0No detailsmonthlyTrain:80%, test: 20%CCNN, BPNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Karoon River (Iran)DO, COD, BOD; EC, pH, Tur, NO , NO , PNACa, Mg, NaCategory 2200 samples (17 years)monthlyTrain:80%, test: 20%ANN(MLP), RBFNN, ANFISNA
Feedforward[ ]Manawatu River (New Zealand)NO ;NAEMS (Energy, Mean, Skewness)Category 1144 samplesweeklyTrain: 70%, test: 30%RBFNNNA
Feedforward[ ]WWTP (China)BOD; DO, pH, SSNAF, TNsCategory 2360 samplesdailyTrain: 83%, test: 17%HELM, Bayesian approach, ELMNA
Feedforward[ ]Nalón river (Spain)Tur; NH -N, EC, DO, pH, WTNANACategory 2No details (1 year)15 minutesTrain: 90%, test: 10%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Groundwater (Turkey)pH, TDS, THNASAR, SO4; CLCategory 2124 samples (1 year)monthlyTrain: 84.1%, test: 15.9%ANNNA
Feedforward[ ]Johor River (Malaysia)DO; WT, pH, NO , NH -NNANACategory 2No details (10 year)monthlyTrain:60%, validate: 25%, test: 15%ANN(MLP), ANFISNA
Feedforward[ ]The Taipei Water Source Domain (China)Tur;RFNACategory 2No details (1 year)No detailsNo detailsBPNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Mashhad plain (Iran)EC;NACL; Lon, LatCategory 2 and Category 3122 samplesNo detailsTrain:65%, validate: 20%, test: 15%ANN(MLP), ANFIS, geostatistical modelsNA
Feedforward[ ]Tai Po River (China)DO; pH, EC, WT, NH -N, TP, NO , NO NACLCategory 2252 samples (21 years)No detailsTrain:85%, test: 15%ANN, ANFIS, MLRNA
Feedforward[ ]Ireland Rivers (Ireland)DO, BOD, Alk, TH;; WT, pH, ECNADOP (dissolved oxygen percentage), CL;;Category 23001 samples (No details)No detailsNo detailsANNNA
Feedforward[ ]Twostatistical databases (European countries)BOD; DONAother 20 variablesCategory 2159 samples (9 years)No detailsTrain:88%, test: 12%GRNN, MLRNA
Feedforward[ ]Maroon River (Iran)WT, Tur, pH, EC, TDS, TH;NAHCO , SO , CL, Na, K, Mg, CaCategory 2No details (20 years)monthlyTrain:60%, validate: 15%, test: 35%ANN(MLP), RBFNNNA
Feedforward[ ]River Zayanderud (Iran)TSS; pH, THNANa, Mg, CO , HCO , CL, CaCategory 21320 samples (10 years)monthlyNo detailsRBFNN, TDNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Ardabil plain (Iran)EC, TDS;RFRO, WLCategory 2No details (17 years)6 monthsTrain:71%, test: 29%ANN, MLR1
Feedforward[ ]Danube River (Serbia)BOD; WT, DO, pH, NH -N, COD, EC, NO , TH, TPNAother 8 variablesCategory 2more than 32,000 samples (years)No detailsTrain:72%, validate: 18%, test: 10%GRNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Hydrometric stations (USA)SS;;NAQCategory 0 and Category 3No details (8 years)dailyTrain and test:80%, validate:20%ANN(MLP), SVR, MLR1
Feedforward[ ]Surma River (Angladesh)BOD, COD;;NANACategory 0 and Category 3No details (3 years)No detailsTrain:70%, validate: 15%, test: 15%RBFNN, MLPNA
Feedforward[ ]Groundwater (Palestine)S; EC, TDS, NO NAMg, Ca, NaCategory 2No details (11 years)No detailsTrain: more than 50%, test: less than 50%ANN(MLP), SVMNA
Feedforward[ ]River Danube (Hungary)DO; pH, WT, ECNAROCategory 2More than 151 samples (6 years)monthlyNo detailsGRNN, ANN(MLP), RBFNN, MLRNA
Feedforward[ ]Langat River and Klang River (Malaysia)DO, BOD, COD, SS, pH, NH -N;NANACategory 2No details (10 years)monthlyTrain:80%, validate: 20%RBFNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Eight United States Geological Survey stations (USA)DO; WT, EC, Tur, pHNAYMDHCategory 235,064 samples (4 years)hourlyTrain:70%, test: 30%ELM, ANN(MLP)1, 12, 24, 48, 72, 168
Feedforward[ ]Rivers (China)DO; WT, pH, BOD, NH -N, TN, TPNAother variablesCategory 2969 samplesNo detailsTrain and validate: 80%, test: 20%BPNN, SVM, MLRNA
Feedforward[ ]Syrenie Stawy Ponds (Poland)DO, BOD, COD, TN, TP, TANACL; other ionsCategory 2No details (19 months)monthlyTrain:60%, validate: 20%, test: 20%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Delaware River (USA)DO; pH, EC, WTNAQCategory 1 and Category 22063 samples (6 years)dailyTrain:75%, test: 25%ANN(MLP), RBFNN, SVMNA
Feedforward[ ]Zayandeh-rood River (Iran)NO ; EC, pH, THNANa, K, Ca, Mg, SO , CL, bicarbonateCategory 2No detailsNo detailsTrain:50%, validate: 30%, test: 20%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]Saint John River (Canada)TSS, COD, BOD, DO, Tur;NANACategory 239 samples (3 days)No detailsTrain:60%, validate: 20%, test: 20%BPNN, SVMNA
Feedforward[ ]Karkheh River (Iran)BOD; TDS, ECNACL, Na, SO , Mg, SAR, CaCategory 213,800 samples (5 years)No detailsNo detailsANNNA
Feedforward[ ]Xuxi River (China)COD; WT, DO, TN, TP, NH -N, SD, SSNANACategory 2110 samples (8 hours)No detailsNo detailsMLPNA
Feedforward[ ]Danube River (Serbia)DO; pH, WT, EC, BOD, COD, SS, P, NO , TA, THNAfive metal ionsCategory 2No details (6 years; 7 years)monthly or fortnightlyTrain:72%, validate: 18%, test: 10%BPNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Sufi Chai river (Iran)TDS;NAQ, Other 4 variablesCategory 2144 samples (12 years)monthlyTrain:66%, validate: 17%, test: 17%ANN(MLP)NA
Feedforward[ ]River Tisza (Hungary)DO; WT, EC, pHNAROCategory 2More than 1300 samples (6 years)No detailsTrain:67%, test: 33%RBFNN, GRNN, MLR12
Feedforward[ ]Karoon River (Iran)TH; EC, TDS, pHNASAR; HCO , CL, SO , Ca, Mg, Na, K, TACCategory 2No details (49 years)No detailsNo detailsANN(MLP), RBFNNNA
Feedforward[ ]Yamuna River (India)DO;; BOD, COD, pH, WT, NH -NNAQCategory 3No details (4 years)monthlyTrain:75%, test: 25%BPNN, SVM, ANFIS, ARIMANA
Feedforward[ ]Lakes (USA)Chl-a; TP, TN, TurNASDCategory 21087 samples (6 years)No detailsTrain:75%, test: 25%MLP, ANFISNA
Feedforward[ ]Karoun River (Iran)BOD, COD; EC, Tur, pHNAsix mental ionsCategory 2200 samples (16 years)No detailsNo detailsANN, ANFIS, Least Squares SVM(LSSVM)NA
Feedforward[ ]Lakes (USA)TN, TP; pH, EC, TurNANACategory 21217 samplesNo detailsTrain:55%, validate: 22%, test: 23%ANN, LRNA
Feedforward[ ]Three rivers (USA)WT;ATQ, DOYCategory 2No details (8 years)No detailsNo detailsELM, ANN(MLP), MLRNA
Feedforward[ ]St. Johns River (USA)DO; NH -N, TDS, pH, WTNACLCategory 2232 samples (12 years)half a monthTrain:75%, test: 25%CCNN, DWT, VMD-MLP, MLPNA
Recurrent[ ]Talkheh Rud River (Iran)TDS;NAQCategory 1No details (13 years)No detailsTrain:69%, validate & test: 31%Elman, ANN(MLP)1
Recurrent[ ]Hyriopsis Cumingii ponds (China)DO;; pH, WTSR, WS, ATNACategory 3816 samples (34 days)No detailsTrain and validate:80%, test: 20%ElmanNA
Recurrent[ ]Danube River (Serbia)DO; WT, pH, ECNAQCategory 261 samplesmonthly or semi-monthlyTrain: 85%, test: 15%Elman, GRNN, BPNN, MLRNA
Recurrent[ ]Chou-Shui River (China)pH, AlkNAAs;; CaCategory 3No details (8 years)No detailsNo detailsSystematical dynamic-neural modeling (SDM), BPNN, NARXNA
Recurrent[ ]Yenicaga Lake (Turkey)DO; WT, EC, pHNAWL, DOY, hourCategory 213,744 samples (573 days)15 minutesTrain:60%, validate: 15%, test: 25%TLRN, RNN, TDNNNA
Recurrent[ ]Dahan River (China)TP;; EC, SS, pH, DO, BOD, COD, WT, NH -NNAColiCategory 3280 samples (11 years)monthlyTrain:75%, test: 25%NARX, BPNN, MLR1
Recurrent[ ]Taihu Lake (China)DO, TP;;NANACategory 0657 samples (7 years)monthlyTrain:90%, test: 10%LSTM, BPNN, OS-ELMNA
Recurrent[ ]WWTP(China)BOD, TP;; COD, TSS, pH, DO, WTNAORPCategory 2 and Category 35000 samplesNo detailsTrain:45%, validate: 15%, test: 40%RESNNA
Recurrent[ ]Mariculturebase (China)WT, pH; EC, S, Chl-a, Tur, DONANACategory 2710 samples (21 days)5 minutesTrain:86%, test: 14%LSTM, RNN>32
Recurrent[ ]Marine aquaculture base (China)pH, WT;;NANACategory 0710 samplesNo detailsTrain:86%, test: 14%SRUNA
Recurrent[ ]Geum River basin (Korea)BOD, COD, SS;AT, WSWL, QCategory 2No details (10 years)dailyTrain:70%, test: 30%RNN, LSTM1
Recurrent[ ]Lakes (USA)WT;;NANACategory 01520 samplesNo detailsTrain:65%, test: 35%LSTMNA
Recurrent[ ]Reservoir (China)Chl-a;; WT, pH, EC, DO, TurNAORPCategory 0 and Category 21440 samples (5 days)5 minutesNo detailsTL-FNN, RNN, LSTMNA
Recurrent[ ]Two gauged stations (USA)SS;;NAQCategory 110,060 samples (30 years)dailyTrain: 70–90%, test: 30–10%WANNNA
Recurrent[ ]Agricultural catchment (France)NO , SS;RFQCategory 1 and Category 226,355 samples (1 year)dailyTrain: 66.67%, test: 33.33%SOM-MLP, MLPNA
Recurrent[ ]Four streams (USA)WT;SR, ATNACategory 2No details (4 years)10 minutesTrain:50%, validate: 25%, test: 25%u GA-ANN, BPNN, RBFNNNA
Hybrid[ ]Chaohu Lake (China)TP, TN, Chl-a;NABandsCategory 218,368 (TN),1050(TP) samples (more than 3 years)No detailsTrain:86%, test: 14%GA-BP, BPNN, RBFNNNA
Hybrid[ ]Two stations (USA)SS;;NAQCategory 1 and Category 3730 samples (2 years)dailyTrain:50%, test: 50%ANN-differential evolutionNA
Hybrid[ ]B¨uy ¨ uk Menderes river (Turkey)WT, DO, B;;NANACategory 0108 samples (9 years)monthlyTrain:67%, test: 33%ARIMA-ANN, ANN, ARIMANA
Hybrid[ ]Karkheh reservoir (Iran)water quality variablesNANACategory 2No details (6 months)No detailsNo detailsPSO-ANNNA
Hybrid[ ]WWTP(China)DO; COD, BOD, SSNAother two variablesCategory 3No detailsdailyNo detailsSOM-RBFNN, ANN(MLP)NA
Hybrid[ ]Bangkok canals (Thailand)DO;; WT, pH, BOD, COD, SS, NH -N, TP, NO , NO ,NAtotal coliform, hydrogen sulfideCategory 313,846 samples (5 years)monthlyTrain: 70%, test: 30%FCM-MLP, MLP1
Hybrid[ ]Lake Baiyangdian (China)Chl-a; WT, pH, DO, SD, TP, TN, NH –N, BOD, CODPrecip, EvapWL, LV, SthCategory 2No details (10 years)monthlyNo detailsWANN, ANN, ARIMANA
Hybrid[ ]Songhua River (China)DO, NH -N;;NANACategory 0No details (7 years)monthlyTrain:71%, test: 29%BWNN, ANN, WANN, ARIMA1
Hybrid[ ]Gazacoastal aquifer (Palestine)NO ; EC, TDS, NO , CL, SO , Ca, Mg, NaCategory 2No details (10 year)No detailsNo detailsK-means-ANNNA
Hybrid[ ]WWTP (Turkey)COD; SS, pH, WTNAQCategory 2265 samples (3 years)dailyTrain:50%, validate:25%, test: 25%k-means-MLP, Arima-RBF, ANN(MLP), MLR, RBFNN, GRNN, ANFISNA
Hybrid[ ]Yangtze River (China)DO, NH -N;;NANACategory 0480 samples (9 years)weeklyTrain:67%, validate & test: 33%ARIMA-RBFNN1
Hybrid[ ]Taihu Lake (China)DO, EC, pH, NH -N, TN, COD, TP, BOD, COD;NAVP, petroleum, other 11 variablesCategory 22680 samplesNo detailsTrain:75%, test: 25%PCA-GA-BPNNNA
Hybrid[ ]Gauging station (Iran)DO, WT, S;; Tur, Chl-aNANACategory 0 and Category 2 and Category 3650, 540 samplesdaily, hourlyTrain:70%, validate: 15%, test: 15%WANN, ANN1, 2, 3
Hybrid[ ]Two gauging stations (USA)SS;;NAQCategory 0 and Category 31974 samples (8 years)dailyTrain:75%, test: 25%WANNNA
Hybrid[ ]River Yamuna (India)COD;;NANACategory 0120 samples (10 years)monthlyTrain:92.5%, test: 7.5%ANN, ANFIS, WANFIS9
Hybrid[ ]Two catchments (Poland)WT;ATQ, declination of the SunCategory 2No details (10 years)dailyNo detailsMLP, ANFIS, WNN, Product-Unit ANNs (PUNN), ensemble aggregation approach1, 3, 5
Hybrid[ ]South San Francisco bay (USA)Chl-a;;NANACategory 0No details (20 years)monthlyTrain:60%, validate: 20%, test: 20%WANN, MLR, GA-SVR1
Hybrid[ ]Asi River (Turkey)EC;;NAQCategory 0 and Category 3274 samples (23 years)No detailsTrain:75%, test: 25%WANN, ANNNA
Hybrid[ ]Klamath River (USA)DO;; pH, WT, EC, SDNANACategory 0 and Category 2No detailsmonthlyTrain:80%, validate: 10%, test: 10%WANN, ANN, MLRNA
Hybrid[ ]Prawn culture ponds (China)WT;NANACategory 01152 samples (8 days)10 minutesTrain:87.5%, test: 12.5%EMD-BPNN, BPNN1
Hybrid[ ]WWTP(China)BOD; COD, SS, DO, pHNANACategory 2598 samples (19 months)dailyNo detailsChaos Theory-PCA-ANNNA
Hybrid[ ]Charlotte harbor marine watersTN;NANACategory 0No details (13 years)monthlyTrain:70%, validate: 15%, test: 15%WANN, wavelet-gene expression programing (WGEP), TDNN, GEP, MLR1
Hybrid[ ]Groundwater (Iran)EC, Tur, pH, NO , NO NACuCategory 2No details (8 years)No detailsTrain:80%, test: 20%PCA-ANNNA
Hybrid[ ]Downstream (China)WT, DO, pH, EC, TN, TP, Tur, Chl-a;NANACategory 0No details (13 months)dailyTrain:80%, validate: 10%, test: 10%Ensemble-ANN1
Hybrid[ ]Karaj River (Iran)NO ;NACL; QCategory 0 and Category 1 and Category 3No detailsmonthlyTrain:80%, validate: 10%, test: 10%WANN, ANN, MLRNA
Hybrid[ ]Crab ponds (China)DO;; WTSR, WS, AT, AHNACategory 3700 samples (22 days)20 minutesTrain:71%, test: 29%RBFNN-IPSO-LSSVM, BPNN3
Hybrid[ ]Guanting reservoirs (China)DO, COD, NH -N;;NANACategory 0No details (18 weeks)weeklyNo detailsKalman-BPNN2
Hybrid[ ]Toutle River (USA)SS;;NAQCategory 0 and Category 32000 samples (8 years)dailyNo detailsA least-square ensemble models-WANNNA
Hybrid[ ]WWTP (China)DO; pHNANACategory 250 samplesNo detailsTrain:70%, test: 30%FNN-WNNNA
Hybrid[ ]Clackamas River (USA)DO;; WTNAQCategory 31623 samples (6 years)dailyTrain:78%, test: 22%WANN, WMLR, ANN(MLP), MLR1, 31
Hybrid[ ]Representative lakes (China)Chl-a; WT, pH;; NH -N, TN, TP, DO, BODNAother 17 variablesCategory 3No details (3 years)No detailsTrain:80%, test: 20%GA-BPNA
Hybrid[ ]Miyun reservoir (China)DO, COD, NH -N;NANACategory 05000 samples (2 years)weeklyTrain:98%, test: 2%PSO-WNN, WNN, BPNN, SVMNA
Hybrid[ ]Aji-Chay River (Iran)EC;;NANACategory 0315 samples (26 years)monthlyTrain:90%, test: 10%WA-ELM, ANFIS1, 2, 3
Hybrid[ ]Yangtze River (China)DO, COD , BOD;;NANACategory 365 samples (2 months)dailyTrain:50%, validate: 16%, test: 34%IABC-BPNN, BPNNNA
Hybrid[ ]WWTP(China)COD; COD, SS, pH, NH -NNANACategory 2250 samplesNo detailsNo detailsWANN, ANN(MLP)NA
Hybrid[ ]The Stream Veszprémi-Séd (Hungary)pH, EC, DO, Tur;;NANACategory 2No details (7 years)yearlyNo detailsDE-ANNNA
Hybrid[ ]Shrimp pond (China)DO; WT, NH -N, pHAT, AH, AP, WSNACategory 22880 samples (20 days)10 minutesTrain:75%, test: 25%SAE-LSTM, SAE-BPNN, LSTM, BPNN18, 36, 72
Hybrid[ ]Four basins (Iran)TDS; ECNANa, CLCategory 2No details (20 years)No detailsTrain:80%, test: 20%WANN, GEP, WANFISNA
Hybrid[ ]Blue River (USA)pH, DO, Tur; WTNAQCategory 0 and Category 3No details (4 years)dailyTrain:80%, test: 20%WANN, WGEP1
Hybrid[ ]Chattahoochee River (USA)pH;;NAQCategory 3730 samples (2 years)dailyTrain:75%, test: 20%WANN, ANN, WMLR, MLR1, 2, 3
Hybrid[ ]Morava River Basin (Serbia)WT, EC; SS, DONAother ionsCategory 2No details (10 years)15 daysNo detailsPCA-ANNNA
Hybrid[ ]Tai Lake, Victoria Bay (China)DO;; WT, pH, NO , TPPrecipNACategory 3No details (7 years)No detailsTrain:80%, test: 20%IGRA-LSTM, BPNN, ARIMANA
Hybrid[ ]WWTP (Saudi Arabia)C, DO, SS, pHNACL;;Category 3774 samplesNo detailsNo detailsPCA-ELMNA
Hybrid[ ]Prespa Lake (Greece)DO, Chl-a;;NANACategory 0363 samples (11 months)dailyTrain:70%, validate: 15%, test: 15%CEEMDAN-VMD -ELM)NA
Hybrid[ ]The Warta River (Poland)WT;;ATNACategory 3No details (22 to 27 years)dailyTrain:4/9, validate: 2/9, test: 1/3WANN(MLP), MLP1
Hybrid[ ]Ashi River (China)DO, NH -N, Tur;;NANACategory 0846 samples (4 hours)more than 4 monthsTrain:70%, test: 30%IGA-BPNN1
Hybrid[ ]Qiantang River (China)pH, TP, DO;;NANACategory 01448 samplesNo detailsTrain:70%, test: 30%DS-RNN, RNN, BPNN, SVRNA
Hybrid[ ]The Johor river (Malaysia)NH -N, SS, pH; Tur, WT,NACOD , Mg, NaCategory 2No details (1 year)No detailsNo detailsWANFIS, MLP, RBFNN, ANFISNA
Hybrid[ ]Hilo Bay (the Pacific Ocean)Chl-a, S;;NANACategory 0No details (5 years)dailyNo detailsBates–Granger (BG)-least square based ensemble (LSE)-WANN1, 3, 5
Hybrid[ ]WWTP (China)COD, TP, pH, TN; DO, NH -N, BOD, THNACL, oil-related quality indicatorsCategory 223,268 samples (4 years)hourlyTrain:80%, test: 20%PSO-LSTM1
Hybrid[ ]Beihai Lake (China)pH, Chl-a, DO, BOD, EC;NAHA;;Category 3No details (5 days)30 minutesTrain:70%, test: 30%PSO-GA-BPNN12
Hybrid[ ]River (China)COD;;NANACategory 0460 samples (14 months)12 hoursTrain:95%, test: 5%LSTM-RNN1
Hybrid[ ]Zhejiang Institute of Freshwater Fisheries (China)DO; WTAT, AH, WS, WD, SR, APSM, STCategory 45006 samples (1 year)10 minutes Train:80%, test: 20%attention-RNN6, 12, 48, 144, 288
Hybrid[ ]Taihu Lake (China)pH; DO, COD, NH -NNANACategory 228 samples (6 months)Weekly Train:75%, test: 25%grey theory-GRNN, BPNN, RBFNN1
Emerging[ ]Wastewater factory (China)TP; WT, TSS, pH, NH -N, NO , DONAother 3 variablesCategory 21000 samples (4 months)No detailsTrain:80%, test: 20%SODBNNA
Emerging[ ]Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (China)DO;; EC, pH, WTNANACategory 34500 samples (13 months)10 minutesTrain:67%, validate: 11%, test: 22%CNN, BPNN18
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AbbreviationsFull NameAbbreviationsFull NameAbbreviationsFull NameAbbreviationsFull Name
AHair humidityECElectrical conductivityORPOxidation reduction potentialTCCtotal chromium concentration
AODDAugust, October, December, dataEvapevaporationQdischargeTICtotal iron concentration
APair pressureFTTflow travel timepHPondus HydrogeniiTACtotal anions and cations
ATair temperatureFeironPrecipprecipitationTNstotal nutrients
AsArsenicFflowPphosphateTAtotal alkalinity
BboronHCO bicarbonateRHrelative humidityTPtotal phosphorus
BODBiochemical Oxygen Demand;HAHydrogenated AmineRPRedox potentialTurturbidity
CcarbonICsionic concentrationsROrunoffTDStotal dissolved solids
ClchlorideKpotassiumRFrainfallTNtotal nitrogen
CuCopperLonlongitudeRainPRainy periodTHtotal hardness
CacalciumLatlatitudeSRsolar radiationTOCtotal organic carbon
CO CarbonateLVlake volumeSthsunshine time hoursTSStotal suspended solids
ColiColiformMDHMmonth, day, hour, minuteSDtransparenceVPvolatile phenol
CODChemical Oxygen DemandMnmanganese;SARsodium absorption ratioWLWater Level
COD permanganate indexMgmagnesiumSMSoil MoistureWTwater temperature
Chl-aChlorophyll aNasodiumSTsoil temperatureWSwind speed
DOdissolved oxygenNsnutrientsSO sulphateWDwind direction
DOYday of yearNO nitriteSsalinityYMDHthe year numbers
CategoriesStructure(s)Advantage(s) Reference(s)
MLPsThey are based on an understanding of the biological nervous systemSolving the nonlinear problems[ , , , , , , ]
TDNNsThey are based on the structure of MLPsUsing time delay cells to deal with the dynamic nature of sample data [ ]
RBFNNsThe structure of RBFNNs is similar to the MLPs
The radial basis activation function is in the hidden layer
To overcome the local minimum problems[ , , , ]
GRNNsA modified form of the RBFNNs model
There is a pattern and a summation layer between the input and output layers
Solving the small sample problems[ , , , , , ]
WNNsWavelet function replace the linear sigmoid activation functions of MLPsSolving the non-stationary problems [ , ]
ELMsThe structure of ELMs is similar to the MLPs
Only need to learn the output weight
Reducing the computation problems because the weights of the input and hidden layer need not be adjusted[ , , , , ]
CCNNStart with input and output layer without a hidden layerA constructive neural network that aims to solve the problems of the determination of potential neurons which are not relevant to the output layer[ ]
MNNsA special feedforward network Choosing the neural network which have the maximum similarity between the inputs and centroids of the clusterSolving the problem of low prediction accuracy[ , ]
RNNsThe RNNs are developed with the development of deep learning Solving the problems of long-term dependence which are not captured by the feedforward network[ , , , , ]
LSTMsIts structure is similar to RNNs
Memory cell state is added to hidden layer
Addressing the well-known vanishing gradient problem of RNNs[ , , , , ]
TLRNIts structure is similar to MLPs
It has the local recurrent connections in the hidden layer
Reducing the influence of the noise and owning the advantage of adaptive memory depth[ ]
NARXSub-classes of RNNs
Their recurrent connections are from the output
Solving the problems of long-term dependence[ ]
ElmanA context layer that can store the internal states is added besides the traditional three layers It is useful in dynamic system modeling because of the context layer [ ]
ESNDifferent from the above recurrent neural networks
The three layers are input, reservoir, and readout layer
To overcome the problems of the local minima and gradient vanishing[ ]
RESNThey are based on the structure of ESN which has a large and sparsely connected reservoirTo overcome the ill-posed problem existing in the ESN[ ]
Hybrid methodsThe combination of conventional or preprocess methods with ANNs
The internal integration of ANN methods or
Exploring the advantages of each methods[ ]
CNNInput, convolution, fully connection, and output layersAn emerging method to solve the dissolved oxygen prediction problem[ ]
SODBNThey are based on the structure of DBN whose visible and hidden layers are stacked sequentiallyInvestigating the problem of dynamically determining the structure of DBN[ ]
Water Quality VariablesCategoriesUnitMajor SensorsResearch Scenarios
DOchemicalmg/Lriver, lake, reservoir, WWTP, ponds, coastal waters, creek, drain
BODchemicalmg/L-river, lake, WWTP, mine water experimental system
CODchemicalmg/L-river, lake, reservoir, WWTP, groundwater, mine water
WTphysical°Criver, lake, ponds, catchment, stream, coastal waters
Chl-abiologicalμg/Llake, reservoir, surface water, coastal waters
pHphysicalnoneriver, lake, WWTP, stream, coastal waters
SSphysicalmg/L-river, stream, coastal waters, creek, catchment
ECphysicalus cm river, lake, reservoir, groundwater, stream
TPphysicalμg/L-river, lake, WWTP
NH -N chemicalmg/Lriver, lake, reservoir, groundwater experimental system
TurphysicalFNUriver, stream
NO chemicalmg/L-river, groundwater, catchment, wells, aquifer experimental system
TDSphysicalmg/L-river, groundwater, drain
Sphysicalpsugroundwater, coastal waters
TNchemicalmg/L-lake, WWTP, coastal waters
COD chemicalmg/L-river
NO chemicalmg/L-groundwater
Pphysicalmg/L-experimental system
CategoriesAuthors (Year)MethodsScenario (s)Time StepDataset (Samples)
Feedforward[ ]GRNN, BPNN, RBFNNlakeweekly28 (6 months)
[ ]ANN(MLP), GRNNcoastal watersNo details32 (5 months)
[ ]BPNNriver No details39 (3 days)
[ ]ANNmine waterNo details73
[ ]ANNgroundwaterNo details97
[ ]ANN(MLP)surface waterNo details110
[ ]MLPriverNo details110 (8 hours)
[ ]ANN(MLP)plainNo details122
[ ]ANNgroundwatermonthly124 (1 year)
[ ]ANN(MLP)streamNo details132 (11 months)
[ ]ANN(MLP)basinfortnightly144 (1 year)
[ ]ANN(MLP)rivermonthly144 (12 years)
[ ]RBFNNriverweekly144
[ ]GRNN, ANN(MLP), RBFNN, MLRrivermonthlyMore than 151 samples (6 years)
[ ]GRNN, MLROpen-source dataNo details159 (9 years)
[ ]ANN(MLP)rivermonthly164 (over 6 years)
[ ]ANNreservoirNo details180 (3 years)
[ ]ANNsystemNo details195 (4 years)
[ ]ANN(MLP), RBFNN rivermonthly200 (17 years)
[ ]ANNriverNo details200 (16 years)
[ ]ANNriverNo details232 (3 years)
[ ]CCNN, MLPriverhalf a month232 (12 years)
[ ]ANNriverNo details252 (21 years)
[ ]ANN(MLP)riverNo details255 (7 months)
[ ]ANN(MLP), RBFNN, GRNNWWTPdaily265 (3 years)
[ ]ELM WWTPdaily360
[ ]ANNWWTPdaily364 (1 year)
[ ]BPNNreservoirNo details400 (20 years)
[ ]BPNNNANo details500
[ ]ANNrivermonthly500 (10 years)
[ ]ANNgroundwater30 minutes818 (nearly 17 days)
[ ]BPNNriverNo details969
[ ]MLP, RBF, GRNNWellNo details975 (16 years)
[ ]ANN(MLP)streamdaily982 (6 months)
[ ]MLPlakeNo details1087 (6 years)
[ ]ANNlakeNo details1217
[ ]RBFNN, GRNN, MLRriverNo detailsMore than 1300 samples (6 years)
[ ]RBFNN, TDNNrivermonthly1320 (10 years)
[ ]GRNNriverNo details1512 (9 years)
[ ]MNNWWTPNo details1900
[ ]ANN(MLP), RBFNNriverdaily2063 (6 years)
[ ]ANNriverNo details3001
[ ]RBFNN, ANN(MLP), MLRupstream and downstreamdaily2063 and 4765 samples (18 years)
[ ]ANNriverdailymore than 3000 samples (11 years)
[ ]ANNlake15 minutes6674 (86 days)
[ ]ANNriverNo details13,800 (5 years)
[ ]GRNNriverNo detailsmore than 32,000 samples
[ ]ELM, ANN(MLP)Open-source datahourly35,064 (4 years)
[ ]ANN(MLP)power station10 minutes45,594 (2 years)
Recurrent[ ]Elman, GRNN, BPNN, MLRrivermonthly or semi-monthly61
[ ]NARX, BPNN, MLRrivermonthly280 (11 years)
[ ]LSTMriver12 hours460 (14months)
[ ]LSTM, BPNNlakemonthly657 (7 years)
[ ]LSTM, RNNMariculture base5 minutes710 (21 days)
[ ]SRUMariculture baseNo details710
[ ]ElmanpondNo details816 (34 days)
[ ]RNN, LSTMreservoir5 minutes1440 (5 days)
[ ]RNN, BPNNriverNo details1448
[ ]LSTMlakeNo details1520
[ ]LSTM, BPNNpond10 minutes2880 (20 days)
[ ]RESNWWTPNo details5000
[ ]RNNFreshwater10 minutes5006 (1 year)
[ ]TLRN, RNN, TDNNlake15 minutes13,744 (573 days)
[ ]LSTMWWTPhourly23,268 (4 years)
Univariate-Input-Itself-Output (Category 0)UnivariateTemporal relationshipThe output(s) at a specific point are learned from its own historical information
Univariate-Input-Other(one)-Output (Category 1)UnivariateTemporal relationshipThe output(s) at a specific point are learned the historical information from other variables (one)
Multivariate- Input-Other (multi)-Output (Category 2) MultivariateTemporal relationshipThe output(s) at a specific point are learned the historical information from other variables (more than one)
Multivariate-Input-Itself-Other-Output (Category 3)MultivariateTemporal relationshipThe output(s) at a specific point are learned the historical information from both its own and other variables
Multivariate-Input-Itself-Other (multi)-Output (Category 4)MultivariateTemporal relationship and spatial relationshipThe output(s) at a specific point are learned the historical information from both its own and other variables (more than one)
model-freead-hocBased on domain knowledge or casual way
analyticThe linear and non-linear relationship between input and output
otherIGRA, Garson method
model-basedad-hoce.g., trial-and-error
stepwiseConstructive and pruning methods
sensitivity analysise.g., MCS
global optimizatione.g., GA
supervisedtrial-and-errorTaking the statistical properties of each subset into consideration
temporal partitioningDividing the data into diel, diurnal, and nocturnal
M-testThe number of the data points was obtained through the winGamma software
unsupervisedad-hocBased on domain knowledge or a casual way
randomDivide the data randomly
cross-validatione.g., K-fold cross-validation, leave-one-out cross-validation
stratified methode.g., SOM
NormalizationNo detailsBuilt-in functions in platforms
Range scalingThe scale of each feature is in the same range
StandardizationA new variable with zero mean and unit standard deviation
Missing data imputationOnly mentionedNot recommend
DeletionNot recommend
Linear interpolationThe slope of the assumed line to calculate the data increment
Improved mean value methodSolve the breakpoint phenomenon of mean value method and linear interpolation method
Missing–refilling schemeDividing of ID and SD and using Temporal exponentially moving average to fill the missing data
Gap-fillingTemporal partitioning as gap-filling in order to get continuous records
Filling in the predicted values of the modelThe missing values of predictors at time T0 are obtained by prediction values of the model at time T0 by other predictors
Data correct Smoothing methodThe moving average filtering can attenuate high-frequency signals
Mean value methodNeed to be corrected as a median of k data before and after
Data abnormalThe fixed threshold methodSetting the upper and lower threshold ranges (discard)
CategoriesMethodsCommentsTypical Examples
Ad-hocEmpirical formula and trial-and-error approachRule 1: M is less than N minus 1
Rule 2: one range of M is equal to the sqrt of N plus O and finally plus A
Rule 3: the other range of M is equal to log base 2 logarithm of N
[ ]
Rule 4: M is equal to 5 multiplied by sqrt of N[ ]
Rule 5: M is equal to half of the sum of N and O plus square root of the number of training patterns[ ]
Rule 6: M is equal to sqrt of N plus one and finally plus A[ ]
Rule 7: M is equal to sqrt of N multiplied by O [ ]
Trial-and-errorPurely on a trial-and-error approach [ ]
Stepwise trial-and-errorStepwise trial-and-errorWith each modification of the trial, a structure that is neither too complex nor too simple is building [ ]
Global methodsGASearching the solution space through simulated natural evolution [ ]
u GAIntroducing creep mutation in a small population [ ]
IGASelecting excellent individuals effectively to avoid the situation of discarding by GA[ ]
PSOExcitation function does not need to be differentiable and derivable[ ]
IPSOThe convergence rate and accuracy of the solution are improved[ ]
ABCMore precise than PSO and GA [ ]
IABCUpdating formulas just like the PSO algorithm [ ]
OthersNot mentionedNot recommend[ ]
Not requiredFixed structures such as GRNNs [ ]
DeterministicBP algorithm(L)Computing the direction of gradient descent
Newton’s methods(L)The computing tasks are implemented by Hessian matrix
Conjugate gradient method(L)The search direction is carried along the conjugate direction and does not need to use Hessian matrix
Levenberg–Marquardt method(L)A method, combination of BP and Newton algorithm, use Jacobian matrix to do the computing tasks
The Quasi-Newton method(L)It is applied to the situation of that Jacobian matrix or Hessian matrix is difficult or even impossible to compute
BFGSA Quasi-Newton method implemented by the built-in function in R
TRAINLMA gradient descent with momentum and Levenberg–Marquardt backpropagation
Global optimizationSee
Stochastic methodsBayesian methodsPrediction limits can be obtained
Adam optimization methodIt implemented a reverse gradient update with the value obtained by Mini batch data
Emerging methodsOnline learning algorithmQuickly adjust the model in real time

Share and Cite

Chen, Y.; Song, L.; Liu, Y.; Yang, L.; Li, D. A Review of the Artificial Neural Network Models for Water Quality Prediction. Appl. Sci. 2020 , 10 , 5776.

Chen Y, Song L, Liu Y, Yang L, Li D. A Review of the Artificial Neural Network Models for Water Quality Prediction. Applied Sciences . 2020; 10(17):5776.

Chen, Yingyi, Lihua Song, Yeqi Liu, Ling Yang, and Daoliang Li. 2020. "A Review of the Artificial Neural Network Models for Water Quality Prediction" Applied Sciences 10, no. 17: 5776.

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On the Search of the Optimum Method for Water Quality Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques Combined with Advanced Sampling Techniques

20 Pages Posted: 3 Sep 2024

Rahmi Fadhilah

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Heri Kuswanto

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Dedy Dwi Prastyo

Handling Imbalanced datasets is a significant challenge in water quality assessment. This study evaluates the performance of three machine learning models Naïve Bayes (NB), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and Random Forest (RF) on imbalanced water quality datasets. Various sampling strategies, including Random Undersampling (RUS), Rapidly Converging Gibbs Sampler (RACOG) and a combined RACOG-RUS approach, were employed to enhance model performance. The analysis shows notable variation in model accuracy and F1 scores depending on the sampling method and wheter feature selection was applied. XGBoost with RACOG achieved the highest performance without feature selection (accuracy: 0,958), while Naïve Bayes with RUS performed exceptionally well (accuracy: 0,986; F1 Score: 0,979). With feature selection, XGBoost with RACOG outperformed other models, reaching an F1 score of 0,982 and accuracy (0,606). These findings highlight the importance of advanced sampling techniques and feature selection in enhancing machine learning models for water quality classification. The method used:Apply advanced sampling techniques to handle imbalanced datasets effectively;Evaluated model performance with and without feature selection to identify the best approach;Enhance classification accuracy for better water quality assessment.

Keywords: Water Quality Classification, Imbalanced Data Handling, Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, XGBoost, Random Under Sampling (RUS), Rapidly Converging Gibbs Sampler (RACOG), RACOG-RUS

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Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ( email )

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    During these processes, two scenarios were introduced: Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Scenario 1 constructs a prediction model for water quality parameters at every station, while Scenario 2 develops a prediction model on the basis of the value of the same parameter at the previous station (upstream). Both the scenarios are based on the value of ...

  18. Machine learning algorithms for efficient water quality prediction

    In addition, reliable predictions of water quality are also the best evidence that can help policy makers to make good decisions before disaster strikes (Lu and Ma 2020). In this research paper, our goal is to suggest a new model for prediction water quality based on machine learning algorithms and with minimal parameters. In addition, the ...

  19. A Review of the Artificial Neural Network Models for Water Quality

    Water quality prediction plays an important role in environmental monitoring, ecosystem sustainability, and aquaculture. Traditional prediction methods cannot capture the nonlinear and non-stationarity of water quality well. In recent years, the rapid development of artificial neural networks (ANNs) has made them a hotspot in water quality prediction. We have conducted extensive investigation ...

  20. Data-Driven Water Quality Analysis and Prediction: A Survey

    This paper reviews the published research results relating to water quality evaluation and prediction. Moreover, the paper classifies and compares the applied big data analytics approaches and big data based prediction models for water quality assessment. Furthermore, the paper also discusses the future research needs and challenges.

  21. On the Search of the Optimum Method for Water Quality Prediction Using

    These findings highlight the importance of advanced sampling techniques and feature selection in enhancing machine learning models for water quality classification. The method used:Apply advanced sampling techniques to handle imbalanced datasets effectively;Evaluated model performance with and without feature selection to identify the best ...

  22. Analysis and prediction of water quality using deep learning and auto

    Taking a step further, this paper explores Automated Deep Learning, which is a new research domain. This paper straddles perfectly built DL models and automated DL models. With the same baseline data, the authors intend to explore the potential of automated processing, as well as the shortcomings in it. ... The water quality prediction using ...

  23. Predictive Models for River Water Quality using Machine Learning and

    The increase in pollution influences the quantity and quality of water, which results high risk on health and other issues for human as well as for living organisms on the planet. Hence, evaluating and monitoring the quality of water, and its prediction become crucial and applicable area for research in the current scenario.

  24. Water quality prediction using machine learning methods

    Water Quality Research Journal 1 February 2018; 53 (1): 3-13. doi: ... The aim of this study is the prediction of water quality components using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques including MLP, SVM, and group method of data handling (GMDH). ... In this part of the paper, the results of prediction of the internal relations between the ...

  25. Aquaponic Farming Water Quality Prediction

    This review paper explores the latest developments in IoT-based automated water monitoring systems, focusing on their role in predicting and managing water quality in aquaponic systems.

  26. Quantitative prediction of water quality in Dongjiang Lake watershed

    1.Introduction. Surface water is a non-renewable resource that is important in the daily life of human beings (Chen et al., 2020).Predicting the trend of water quality in a watershed is necessary for ensuring that water quality remains within manageable limits (Kut et al., 2019, Peng et al., 2020).The task of predicting water quality has become more complex due to water quality is affected by ...