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Speech On Girl Education | Girl Education Speech for Students and Children in English

August 26, 2020 by Prasanna

Speech On Girl Education: Girl children are always looked down upon by the orthodox males and in some cases some orthodox hard headed women also look down upon the girl children. The girls in the earlier times were restricted from almost everything, including studies.

Even now in this era, in rural areas, the girls are restricted from studying. The girls should be given equal opportunities to study with the boys. The girls are also human beings and they also have the potential to study.

The girls should be given chance to become independent like the boys and let them complete their education before getting them married.

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Long And Short Speeches On Girl Education for Kids And Students in English

A long speech on girl education of 500 words is provided and a short speech on girl education of 150 words is provided to the students so that the students can prepare a speech on this topic. Ten lines on this topic are also provided to the students so that they realize the importance of this topic in the society.

A Long Speech On Girl Education is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Girl Education is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Girl Education 500 Words In English

Good morning and welcome to our respected chief guest and our loving teachers,

Let me present a speech on the topic of girl education.

Education for the girls is very important as they are also the part of our society. They are also the future of our country. Children are born from the women; for this reason, children are first encountered by their mother who is a woman.

In most cases, the women do not work after marriage. They look after the household work and look after the children. A child’s upbringing is dependent on the mother. For this reason, a woman or a girl should be educated from childhood, both academically and morally.

In the earlier times, the girls were considered as a burden because they would have to be married off so that the girl’s father could be released from the burden of taking care of their daughter.

The girls did not have any identity of their own. They were always recognized as someone’s daughter, someone’s sister before marriage and as someone’s wife and someone’s mother after marriage.

As the girls were considered as a burden, the family members did not consider it to be necessary to educate the girls of the family. For this reason, the girls used to remain illiterate and depend on the man of the house for the financial works and for the decisions taken inside the house.

They were not considered to be important to acknowledge their existence. There were many girls who aspired to study, but their aspirations were smashed by her family members. Those who still wished to study and used to study secretly, they used to question people if they were saying something wrong in front of women, considering them to be illiterate.

In some villages, the girls who knew how to study and when they questioned about the wrongdoings of the people, those girls were killed considering them to be a witch. Girls and education were considered to be two opposite terms.

But nowadays the scenario is different. The girls are now being educated. Though there are situations where the girls are being married immediately after they complete their school education, they are being educated and their education is being considered to be important.

As they are being allowed to study, the girls are now aspiring to do something more. Some girls wish to have a definite vocation in life, some want to do their desired jobs so that they earn their desired salary and they get their deserved identity.

There are cases where a girl is forced to leave their jobs after their marriage so that she could look after the children. Though the society is becoming open minded, the girls’ aspirations are being crushed in front of the boys’ just because there are some people who cannot break the barriers of giving both of them their deserving chance.

There are places where jobs are offered on the basis of gender but not skills. A girl should be given the right to be educated so that she gets her own identity.

Short Speech On Girl Education 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Girl Education 150 Words In English

Good morning to everyone present,

Today I want to give a short speech on girl education.

Education is very important. Each and every people have the right to be educated irrespective of the gender, religion, caste, class, etc. Girls are given the least priority always. They were not given a chance to study before, now when they are being given a chance to study, they are given this chance so that she is married off to a good place.

There are very few families who allow their girls to study so that she has her own identity. Most families think that it would be very expensive to spend on their girl’s education. As people have only one goal, to get the girl married.

Most of the girls’ families spend money on the girls’ marriage more than her education. The girls should be encouraged to study more as it is equally important for the girls to have their own identities like the boys.

10 Lines On Girl Education Speech In English

  • The girls also have the right to education similar to the boys. They should not be deprived of education.
  • The girls are the future of the country. They are the ones who have to teach the children with correct values.
  • The girls are not educated in the rural areas even now as they are considered to be burdens. If they don’t want their girls to become burdens then they should encourage their daughters to study so that they have their own identity.
  • To increase a nation’s literacy rate, the girls should be educated.
  • There are many jobs which are based on skills, if the girls also get a chance to study then they would also get to learn about those skills and there will be a variety of skilled labour.
  • Girl education will reduce the mal practices on the girls which are overthrown into them.
  • Girls would become more careful about their hygiene if they are well educated.
  • Gender equality gets importance if the girls are educated along with the boys.
  • By educating the girls, the family will create a very good and useful human resource for the country.
  • Educated girls generate more educated members of the family.

10 Lines On Girl Education Speech In English

FAQs On Speech On Girl Education

Question 1. Why should a girl be educated?

Answer: A girl should be educated so that they have their own identity.

Question 2. What is the importance of a girl’s education?

Answer: A girl’s education increases the country’s literacy rate.

Question 3. Why should a girl complete her education before getting married?

Answer: A girl should complete her education before getting married so that she does not become a burden on her husband and her in-laws after marriage.

Question 4. Why is it important for a mother to be educated?

Answer: It is important for a mother to be educated so that her children learns the correct values.

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Speech on girl’s education

Social causes related to education, especially those related to girl child education, are talked about the most. Every government gives priority to it in its scheme because all governments understand the importance of educating girls. To make children aware, such speeches are given in school, meetings or various functions or government programs whose motivational words inspire others to work for this direction.

Table of Contents

Long and Short Speech on Girl Education in English

Speech – 1.

Good morning to all the people present here today – I am ___________, a student of class ___ or House ___________ here to address you about the importance of girl child education.

Girls who belong to families where it is thought that girls are a burden, the purpose of their life is to reduce the burden of their husband and their family. It is a mentality according to which girls are seen as mere objects and servants to fulfill those duties. Most girls have a similar fate.

When we talk about girls we are actually talking about half of the population and also half of that population are talented, powerful, efficient and full of energy though untapped. In every direction girls are equal to their partners, whom we call boys.

Not many of us have heard the name of the celebrity Washington Irving but what he has said is very interesting indeed. They say, “The best academy is at the feet of the mother”. Do you all agree with this fact? I am so. All the lessons whether they are taught in school or on the playground or in my hobby center are all reinforced and coated with morals and virtues which is absolutely right and my spirit has taught me the right way what to do and What not to do Who made this possible? My mother

who is mother Be it mine or yours or someone else’s. She is a girl of her time. Now imagine that this girl herself is illiterate. Imagine she never went to any school, stayed at home, cooked, cleaned and that’s it! So would you be here today where you are today? So yes I completely agree with Mr. Irving’s statement. Mother’s Feet is the best academy. So if you want the coming educated generation to follow you then think how important it is to educate girls.

Why a mother, a girl becomes an officer, a lawyer, a minister, a doctor even an army officer. If a girl is given a chance to prove herself then there is no limit to her power to prove herself.

The construction of a strong building depends on its strong foundation. Similarly a strong nation depends on all its educated citizens and knowledgeable people. If we keep more than half of our citizens away from their personal development then we have already started to thwart our plan to move forward as a nation. If a girl works full time or does housework for a while she may be able to complete her work with full capabilities with the help of her education.

An educated girl surely recognizes the importance of going to school. He knows that when we go to school there is a need for kindness, creativity, innovation, science, art, music, dance, There are yoga and so many other things that we imbibe in ourselves. An educated girl can contribute creatively not only towards building her strong character but also to the people around her. She can also educate her mother if her mother never went to school. His younger siblings can also get benefits from this. There are still some people in the villages who consider it bad to send the girl out of the house to study. Primary education for him is enough for his daughter to survive. But in today’s world where internet and its benefits cannot be counted while education is present in everyone’s android phone then it is just one step away from you.

We have beautifully crafted all the classrooms through government programs and TV recorded programs on Gyan Bharti channels to teachers, making this excuse of sending a girl out of the house seem like a bundle of lies. You can learn a lot on this without spending a single penny. Children get free food, free books, money for their clothes and everything they need.

So what are you waiting for? – Educate girls and build a strong nation.

I end my speech with the words of Helen Rice, “A child’s class is his mother’s heart”.

Hello friends! I would like to thank you for inviting me to this special meeting/function and for giving me this opportunity to express your views in front of all of you. I see that there are many young people and some experienced people like me sitting among my audience.

Education is the path that takes you to unknown places. Sitting comfortably in your classroom, you will get an idea of ​​what the North Pole is like and where you should go if you want to see the ocean. Education makes man.

We all have gathered here today to celebrate the girl child and her future in our country. There is a very important aspect which we all feel is that girls should be sent to school. They should get the level of education for which we send our boys to schools and vocational institutions. Adequate steps are being taken to promote and support this objective. Let us understand this clearly which we are feeling as a problem. Why even after 70 years of independence, we have not been able to overcome this problem of educating the girl child, which is considered the responsibility of the government and the teacher.

About 70% of Indians belonging to conservative families with traditional values ​​live in villages where sending girls out of their homes is still considered evil. The constraints imposed on girls by their mothers (in some cases even fathers) for not going out are the result of social customs. The head or elders of the family think that if their girls move away from the vicinity of their homes, their pure mind will be polluted and they will be removed from their ‘original pure religious mentality’. This change will be permanent and they will become rebellious.

But, girls will see the world the way education will show them. A whole new world full of so many opportunities just waiting to be taken advantage of! A world that can enable them to use their wonderfully untapped and brighter creativity.

Girls are that part of humanity which is the carrier of all positivity in the society. Girls are those whose presence itself fills the atmosphere with chivalry, civility and pleasantness. Their presence brings out the best of men Compare this place to a room where only boys live. What came in your mind? Can you all see the picture I see? I am not saying that boys are not capable. Boys are actually successfully completing many tasks but they are not doing it alone. Their counterpart girls are equally important part of the society. If you keep them at home you are keeping half of the country away from learning, away from being a productive partner, away from all achievements, away from everything that can take away from your education. able to achieve full

The use of the word education is not limited to just books and schools. If we look around us, we see PV Sindhu, Bharatnatyam dancer Geeta Chandran, astronaut Kalpana Chawla, PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, recent Miss World – Manushi Chhillar. We are able to see the contribution of girls and women in every field wherever they are working.

All we have to do is to allow them to spread their wings out of their house and extend into the sky. We need to remove our old thinking. We need to believe that we can depend on them.

There is a fact that nowadays girls can educate themselves even by staying at their home. Technology has a very important role in this. I would like to highlight the roles that our governments have been playing from time to time. With the help of communication infrastructure, today our governments provide various educational channels which are free of cost and available in remote areas villages. They are spending not only money but also time on science, history, maths, physics or classical music or dance in such informative and educational programs of the world of education. If we inspire them to learn, they will definitely come forward and aspire to be something.

My appeal to all the young and old present today is to go home today and think about how each one of us can make a difference. The next time we go on a holiday to these places where you go to remote villages, you can join them. Can find out about them the current status of schools and their children. We can actually go to some places and help them to know the importance of sending their children, especially girls, to school. After all this is our country. It is our duty and responsibility to be involved in all these efforts. We should build a strong nation.

Good morning to all of you present here. I ___________ a student of class XYZ class ___ or House to welcome you on this special day/occasion. We humans are very different from all other species that we think are intelligent like us or they are faster or smarter than us for many reasons but we have some qualities that other species do not have. We have the thumb, its structure has made it possible for us to invent and handle it. The second most important thing is education.

It is true to say that the importance of girl child education is undoubtedly an important issue. Boys and girls should be treated equally so that there is no gender inequality. If we talk about national development and progress then girls and boys should be seen equally. How can we dream of a future world where technology, creativity, beauty and advancement will be present in every field by confining half of our productive population within the confines of the four walls of the house.

We know that most of the people in India live in villages but these villages have changed a lot with the changing times. The way people’s thinking was at the time of independence, in the same way today people are not of conservative and old thinking. Many families have sent their daughters to other states for better facilities. There they not only read school books but also read many things related to theatre, dance, painting, music, sculpture, science, history, journalism, medicine, computer etc.

Girls go out and give their best whether it is education or playground. She rises to the highest level by virtue of her hard work and perseverance like any other boy who is focused to achieve his goals.

One thing which stops one from achieving his goal is self confidence but in case of girls apart from their determination they need family support to achieve success. They need a family that understands them and helps them grow like any other male equal in their family. So their parents have a lot of responsibility in their hands. According to the MacArthur Foundation, “home-to-school distance/safety concerns are a significant barrier to sending girls to school, especially in rural areas.”

Organizations working for children say, “All families on the basis of gender prevent girls from sending them to school – they believe that only her in-laws will benefit from the girl’s earnings, due to which the girl’s parents will continue her education.” less interested in investing in

(According to the 7th All India Education Survey 2002) “More than 50 percent of girls fail to enroll in school and those who enroll drop out before the age of 12.”

Children are like buds. With the right amount of water and enough sunlight at the right time, they grow into healthy flowering flowers. By children I mean both boy and girl. If we change our thinking then we all can remove those problems like our attitude towards our daughters, educating them and importance towards our national development. Together we can make a difference by making the environment conducive.

Educating girls, eradicating illiteracy

expose the children, expose the nation

Good morning to everyone present here on this special day/occasion on behalf of my ___ class ___ or house ___ student. I have selected girl’s education as the topic for the speech:

Just imagine this world for once. Everything is half – half flower, half sun, half your favorite movie, half your face even half your school. What would the world look like? One word – incomplete, so incomplete!

So how do we send half of our children to school and half of our children to sit at home? Or keep half your kids at home and send half the kids to the playground!! This is the fault when we think that send boys to school and keep girls at home by depriving them of education.

Education is one such tool which enables you. It fosters moral and intellectual progress marked by refinement in behavior and manners. Simply put, education makes man. I believe that women are born with a lot of values. So striving to improve the presence of women in society is a necessity not only to relax at their own home but also as active and equal partners in building a community. We want to see women teaching kids in school, see them as nurses, cooks, nannies, caregivers but what about seeing them as something bigger than that? – Factory owners, businessmen, managers, astronauts, ministers, as the only earners for their families.

If 75% of the population who live in villages will not send their girls to schools, how will they achieve these goals? By sending us to school our dreams of raw bud form will become as beautiful as flowers which will not only beautify the world but will also give happiness, bright colors and power to the society. It is the mindset of the people in India that needs to be changed. We should focus on modifying India with the aim of making the country developed from developing country.

Even God has equally given the child’s brain structure, ability to read and learn things. The teachers who teach us, the schools we go to, whether in cities or villages, do not discriminate or discriminate among children. Then who is stopping girls from learning? First of all we should identify our enemy? Let us first understand our enemy and then we will know how to win over him. King Ashoka was always adept at recognizing the weakness of his enemy. John F. Kennedy once said, “A man’s greatest enemy is often not lies, recklessness, stubbornness and dishonesty, but myth, dogma and unreality”.

Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan is a famous face not only in Pakistan and Asia but all over the world. Malala is the girl who stood firm against people with guns. She believed it right to stand up for whatever she wanted to do – education is every human’s birthright, regardless of gender inequality. They tried to kill her by shooting her but she lived not just to tell her story but to get us ready to raise my voice against those who want to stop girls from studying, who believe that girls are limited. and they have no freedom to pursue their hobbies.

Malala already knew her enemy. She knew that only one person could stop her from being educated and that one person herself was she. He has taught the world the power to believe in himself and the strength to stand on one’s own feet. So it is of paramount importance to give our girls a sense of the power that lies within them. It is their belief, their ideology, their choice, their decision to study and explore the wonderful world of books.

It is also important to educate conservative and traditionalist families living in villages and small towns. They should be educated that their girl child has equal right to education like a boy. If there is a school in their village, send it to school. If not then in today’s world, where technology is all around, it is very easy to provide education to your girls and there is no period to get education and learn if they want! It keeps you young and mentally creative.

Our government not only run the channels broadcast all over the country but they also provide education through open schools like SOL, IGNOU etc… from above government to motivate all the children free education, school uniform, mid Provides incentives such as day meals, so that children go to school every day. There are many schemes to support education in India. In fact if one wishes one can learn various skills like computer software, programming, typing, sewing etc. in skill development centres. It costs little or no cost.

Much is being done, and much more needs to be done. It is very necessary to educate the girl child, which will help us to make a better community and an efficient nation. In the words of Michelle Obama, “If a country undermines the potential of its women and ignores the participation of half of its population, its progress is not possible”.

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Four Top Speeches on Girls’ Education

Four Top Speeches on Girls' Education

Despite major headway, particularly in global poverty alleviation, there are still significant social and cultural barriers to education for girls around the world. Modern third-wave feminism and contemporary feminist jurisprudence itself continue to prioritize the elimination of gender-based discrimination in all facets along with its focus on intersectionality.

As girls’ education remains one of the most prevalent social issues of today, the following are some of the top speeches on girls’ education that prove to be inspiring and revolutionary not only in their content and scope but also their context and timelessness.

  • ‘What Educated Women Do’ by Indira Gandhi:  This particular speech was rendered by former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi before her death and it remains one of the most influential speeches on girls’ education , especially as it draws attention to the issues faced in South Asia. Not only does she use anecdotes and experiences from her own life to describe India’s tough social landscape but she also outlines the hardships and conditions for women and children in the country and the continued presence of outdated and oppressing social constructs in society. According to Gandhi, education is paramount to ensuring India’s continued growth and development in the future. Furthermore, she believed that educated women in India can boost the country’s image on the world stage as well.
  • “Islam Forbids Injustice Against People, Nations and Women,” by Benazir Bhutto:  The speech given by Pakistan’s former Prime Minister before her death is especially noteworthy for its radical opposition to politics and society in the country. Bhutto’s position in Pakistan’s political arena was largely dominated by her political activism to end discrimination and inequality . She singled out conservatism and patriarchy in society as being some of the primary causes of discrimination. Moreover, Bhutto’s unraveling of society was especially historic at that juncture as she called into question the religious misinterpretation of Islamic teachings and the propagation of obscurantism that contributes to it. She distinguished between social taboos and Islamic religious teachings to highlight the social injustices adversely impacting women in her country.
  • ‘Let Girls Learn’ by Michelle Obama in London: Of all the empowering speeches Michelle Obama has given through her tenure as the former First Lady of the United States, a rather remarkable one remains her address on the occasion of her campaign for ‘Let Girls Learn,’ which is an organization that revitalizes the importance of girl’s education across the world. Established in 2015  by the Obamas in collaboration with USAID, Let Girls Learn aims to reach more than 62 million girls globally by increasing existing education programs and securing private-sector commitments. These initiatives will help increase access to education and crumble existing barriers. In her speech, she struck a chord as she passionately advocated for girls’ education as she  addressed girls in a school in Mulberry , a borough that is known to be among London’s poorest. On this visit, Michelle Obama collaborated with the U.K. government and secured $200 million in funding to support girls’ education in conflict-ridden zones in countries like Liberia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone.
  • UN Address by Malala Yousafzai: Not only did this speech cement Malala Yousafzai’s influence globally but it also alerted the world to the deficiencies and lack of girl’s education in many countries. She drew from the context in Pakistan and her horrific experiences as a child. In her poignant speech, she spoke about practices like child labor, exploitation and other social injustices befalling women. She also emphasized the strong potential that female education could have on the world, particularly in crises like war, conflict and poverty. One of the most striking aspects of her speech is her direct address to world leaders as she urged international discourse on peace and security to center around the protection of women and girls and securing their rights. The last words of her speech, ‘Education first,’ still remain the key pillar for all her initiatives, particularly the work being undertaken by the Malala Foundation.

These four incredible women have been an inspiration to women and girls around the world. They have tirelessly fought for equality for women and an equal chance at education. These four women delivered the four top speeches on girls’ education.

– Shivani Ekkanath Photo: Pixabay

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Jul 13, 2020

Michelle Obama Speech Transcript on the Importance of Educating Girls & Gender Equality

Michelle Obama’s Special Message to 2020 Girl Up Leadership Summit

Former U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama gave a virtual video speech on July 13 to the 2020 Girl Up Leadership Summit attendees. Read the full transcript of her video message here.

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Michelle Obama: ( 00:00 ) Hi, everyone. I wish we could be together sharing hugs and laughs in person, but I am so thankful that Girl Up has found a way to keep us connected and celebrate the power of girls all over the world.

Michelle Obama: ( 00:14 ) Over these past few months, there’s been so much uncertainty. You all are dealing with serious loss in your own families and abrupt changes to your daily lives, especially when it comes to your education. But you all have shown incredible resilience in difficult circumstances before. Your determination over so many years has already helped countless girls create a brighter future for themselves and their families. And this pandemic has only shown that your efforts are even more important right now.

Michelle Obama: ( 00:49 ) We know from past crises like Ebola, that the struggles that many girls already face are worsened in times like these: violence at home, child marriage and teen pregnancy, economic hardship, and caretaking responsibilities within families. Challenges like these are made even more stark in times of crisis; and that, of course, includes education.

Michelle Obama: ( 01:17 ) The Malala Fund predicts that when students are eventually allowed back into their classrooms, an additional 10 million girls of secondary school age could remain out of school. And we can’t let that happen. We can’t let these girls be forgotten during this crisis. The stakes are just too high. Because when we give girls the chance to learn, we give them the opportunity to fulfill their potential, build healthier families and contribute to their country’s economies for generations to come.

Michelle Obama: ( 01:52 ) That’s why we started the Girls Opportunity Alliance at the Obama Foundation. Because we believe that the millions of adolescent girls around the world who aren’t in school today can make a profound difference for their families, their communities, and our entire world; but, only if they have the opportunity and the education to get it done.

Michelle Obama: ( 02:19 ) I know that all of you believe that too. And that’s why we are excited to work hand-in-hand with each and every one of you. And you can start by joining me in spreading the word about global girls education with the hashtag #GirlsOpportunityAlliance.

Michelle Obama: ( 02:37 ) I’ve already seen your ability to create change all over the world. Girl Up clubs have stepped up in incredible, inspiring ways during the pandemic from making face masks for their communities in Mexico, to setting up online learning platforms in Malawi. With every action you take, you’re proving that you’re not just the leaders of tomorrow, you’re already the leaders of today.

Michelle Obama: ( 03:04 ) So thank you again. Thank you for everything you’re doing. I can’t wait to see how you’ll come together to change the world and help all girls fulfill their boundless promise. Have a great summit. See you.

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Speech on Girl Education in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

The social cause that involves around education and in particulars girl education is the most talked about cause. It is the project of every government that takes it up on the priority as they all understand the importance of teaching the girls. It can begin a revolution as it did in America or France in the 17 th & 18 th centuries. To make out children aware, at school assemblies or at the various functions or government run programs such speeches are given by various speakers whose inspiring words motivate others to work towards the cause. So whether it is any such occasion or simply a school student trying to win a competition, we have it all here.

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On this site we have shared here some examples of Speech on Girl Education and its importance that will help you on any occasion. Our short speech can be used at school or college level and the long speeches may be used by speakers other than children. The language is easy to understand with simple examples that each one can relate to. You can draw reference from our speeches and make your speech interesting for your audience.

Long and Short Speech on Girl Education

Girl education speech – 1.

Good morning to all present here today on this very special day/occasion of —– I, XYZ, student of class ___ or House ___________, am here to impress upon you the importance of educating girls.

Girls who belong to the families who think that girls are a burden that they have to off load to the groom & his family’s shoulders, A mindset according to which girls are considered as a mere commodity and a soul that is made to fulfill the duties others assign to her, that is the fate most of the girls meet.

When we talk about girls we talk about half of the population, half of those people who are talented, powerful, resourceful and full of energy however untapped. Souls that are equal in every aspect to the other half whom we call boys.

A lot of us may not have heard the name of a famous personality Washington Irving. But what he says is really very interesting. He says “The best Academy is a mother’s knee”. Do you all agree to it? I do. All my lessons, whether at school, or in the playground, or even at my hobby center, just all of them are reinforced, coated with all the morals & virtues that it makes a holistic sense and teaches me by my instinct what is correct way of doing something and what is not. Who makes it possible? My mother.

Who is this mother? Mine or yours or anybody else’s, she is but a girl of yesteryears. Now imagine that this very girl herself was uneducated. Think that she had never gone to any of the schools, remained at home, learnt to cook & clean and that’s it! Would you be where you are today? So yes I agree completely with Mr. Irving, Mother’s knee is the best academy. So if you want an educated generation to follow you think how important it is to educate the girls.

Why just a mother, a girl child grows up to be an officer, a lawyer, a minister, a doctor, even an army officer. There is no limit to the opportunities she has in store for her if given a chance to prove herself.

Construction of a strong building depends on its robust foundation. Likewise a strong nation is built when all its citizens are well-educated knowledgeable participants. And if we keep half of the citizens away from their personal development we have begun already to falter our plan to move further as a nation. Whether a girl grows up to be working full time, part time or becomes a home maker, she will be able to perform to her fullest abilities if she has had a sound education.

An educated girl will definitely know the importance of going to school. She will know how important it is for each one of the person in and around her must be exposed to this wonderful world filled with compassion, creativity, innovation, science, art, music, dance, yoga and so many more things that we imbibe in us when we go to a school. It gets so inter-twined in the fabric of one’s life that one is bound to benefit. An educated girl will be able to constructively contribute towards building of a strong character, not just hers, but all around her too. She can even go ahead and teach her mother, if her mother has never gone to a school. Her younger siblings can benefit from her. It is in villages that a lot of household still think it as a taboo to send their girl child out of the house to study. For them primary education is enough for their daughter to survive. But in today’s world where internet and its benefits are out-numbered and education is on the tips of everyone having an android phone, education is just a click away.

We have beautifully designed curriculum for all classes by government run programs and TVs showing teachers recorded programs on the Gyan Bharti channels that even this excuse of sending girl child out of the house seems like a bundle of lies. Not a penny is spent and you can learn so much. The children get free food, free books, money for their dresses and all the support they need.

What are we waiting for then – Educate the Girls, Build a Strong Nation.

I end my speech with the words of Helen Rice, “A mother’s heart is a child’s classroom”.

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Girl Education Speech – 2

Hello Everyone! I thank you for inviting me to this special assembly / function/ and giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts with this august gathering. Amongst my listeners I see a lot of youngsters and some seasoned ones like me.

Education is that vehicle that takes you to places unknown, sitting right in the comfort of your classroom you know what North Pole is like, where to go if you want to see the seas. Education maketh a Human Being.

We have all gathered here today to celebrate the Girl child and her future in this nation. The one very important aspect that we all realize is that the Girls must be sent to school. They must get the education that we very fondly send our boys to get in schools and vocational institutes. Enough is being done to promote and support the cause. Let me put it in words what some of us may feel already as a cause why even after 70 years of independence we are not able to overcome this problem of entrusting education on the Girl Child and which still seems to be the responsibility of the government and educators alone.

Almost 70% of Indians lives in villages, belonging to conservative families with traditional values; where sending their girls out of their house is still a taboo. The inhibitions that are imposed on the girls and their mothers (father’s in some cases) to not send them out to learn is a result of social custom. The ‘Mukhiya’ or the head of the family still think that if their girls go away from the vicinity of their very pious homes, their uncorrupted pure minds will get polluted and they will shun their ‘original pure devout mindset’. It will cause a permanent change and they will become rebellious.

The girls will also see the world that education will show them. A whole new world that is so full of opportunities that are waiting to be seized! A world that can make them able, able enough to use their brilliant unutilized, untapped creativity and resplendence.

Girls are that part of humanity that is the carriers of all positivity in a society. They are the ones whose presence itself is an ambience full of chivalry, decency and pleasantness. Their presence brings out the best in men. Compare this place to the room where there are only boys. What comes to your minds? Do you all see the picture that I do? I am not saying that boys are not capable. They are in fact the ones who have been successfully running most of the functions, yet not alone. Their counterparts the Girls are the other equally important part. You keep them home; you have kept half of the country away from learning. Away from becoming a productive participant, away from all the achievements that they are capable of when they get their education.

The use of this word education is not limited to just books and school. If we have a good look around us we see P. V. Sindhu, Bharatanatyam dancer Geeta Chandran, Astronaut Kalpana Chawla, Indira Nooyi Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo, The now Miss World – Manushi Chhillar. We notice the contribution of girls and women in every field they are exploring.

All we need to do is to allow them to step out of their cocoon and spread their wings and span the skies. We need to shun our age old attitude. We need to believe that we can depend on them.

The fact is that today the girls can educate themselves within the comfort of their homes. Technology has a very important role to play in this. I would like to highlight the role that our governments have been playing over a period of time. Today with the help of communication infrastructure our governments have provided various educational channels that are free of cost and are available to the remotes of the villages. They are spending not just money but also the time of the super stars of the education world to make such informative and educative programs be it science, history, maths, physics or even classical music or dance. If we motivate them towards learning then why would they not come forward and become what they desire to become.

My appeal today to you all young and old present here is to go home and think how each one of us can make a difference. May be next time we go on a vacation to these areas where you cross villages you can go connect with them, find out from them the current status of schools and their children. We can actually go visit some and help them to know the importance of sending their children, especially their Girls to school. After all it is our country; it is our duty & responsibility to get involved. Let us together build a strong nation.

Girl Education Speech – 3

Good morning to one and all present here today on this very special day/occasion of —–I, am XYZ, student of class ___ or House ___________. We the humans are different from any other species that we think are as intelligent as us of may even be swifter or sharper in many ways. But we possess some things that no other species have. One is thumb, the structure of it has made it possible for us to create & invent and hold. The other most important thing is education.

Having said that importance of education for girls is undoubtedly an important issue. It is only just to think of boys & girls as a whole, there is no gender parity. The girls as well as boys are to be groomed equally if we talk about national growth and development. How can we leave one half of its productive population in the four walled boundary called home and dream about a futuristic world that is so full of technology, creativity, beauty and advancement in every field.

In India we know, most of the people live in villages. But these villages have changed over a period of time. The way the people thought around independence they are not as conservative any more. A lot of families have sent out their daughters to other states with better facilities. There they learn not just school books but also many more things like theatre, dance, painting, music, sculpting, science, history, journalism, medicine and so many more fields relating to computers etc.

The girls go out and do their best, may it be education or sports, they excel on the basis of their hard work and persistence just like any other boy who is focused towards achieving his goals.

The only thing that stops anyone from achieving is they themselves. But in the case of girls, besides their determination they need a lot of support from the family. They need a family that understands them and their need to grow just like any other male counterpart in their family. So a lot of responsibility lies in the hands of her parents. According to MacArthur Foundation, “a concern over school distance/safety is a critical barrier to sending girls to school especially in rural areas.”

Save the children organization says, “Deep rooted gender norms prevent households from sending girls to school – belief that girl’s earnings will only benefit her marital family discourages parents from investing in her education.”

“More than 50 per cent of girls fail to enroll in school; those that do are likely to drop out by the age of 12.” (According to 7th All India Education Survey, 2002).

Children are like buds, given correct amount of water and enough sunshine at the right time, they develop into healthy blooming flowers. When I say children I mean both, irrespective of their gender. We can overcome all the problems if we are able to change how we perceive our daughters, importance of educating them and relating its importance towards our national growth. Making an environment conducive for their learning, we can together make the difference.

Educate Girls, Eradicate Illiteracy

Enlighten the children, Enliven the Nation

Girl Education Speech – 4

Good Morning to all present here today on this very special day/occasion of —–I, am XYZ, student of class ___ or House ___________. I have selected the topic girl education to speech about here:

Imagine this world, full of halves – Half a flower, half a Sun, Half your favorite movie, half your face or even half your school. How would the world look? One word – Incomplete, so imperfect!

So how can we even think of sending half the children to school and the other half at home? Or keep half of yourself at home & the other half in the playground!! That is how defective it is, when we think of boys sent to school & girls being kept at home deprived of education.

Education is such a tool that makes you capable. It chisels out moral & intellectual advancement marked by refinement in taste and manners. In simpler words Education maketh a MAN. Women are born with a lot of those values, so I believe. So the effort to make the society a better place the presence of women in the society not just in the comfort of their homes but as an active and equal participant in building of a community; is a necessity. We want to see women at schools, teaching our children, we want to see them as nurses, we want to see them cleaning houses, or as cooks, maids, nannies, care takers, but how about seeing them in the forefront – as factory owners, business women, managers, Astronauts, Ministers, Breadwinners of their families…..

How will they achieve these goals if 75% of the population that resides in villages does not send their girl children to schools? There goes by our dream to see the buds bloom into gorgeous flowers, that don’t just beautify the world but also gives it happiness, color and vigor. The efficacy of creating a prosperous nation ceases. In India it is the mindset of the people that needs to be altered. We must focus upon the objective of modifying India from developing nation to DEVELOPED nation. Even God has giving the children same brain structure, same intelligence same learning and grasping abilities. The teachers who teach us, the schools we go in, whether in cities or in villages, do not differentiate or discriminate. Then who is stopping the girls from learning? Who should we term as our enemy? Let us understand our enemy first and then we will know how to win him/her. King Ashoka always used to identify the grit of his enemy.

“The great enemy of a person is often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent persuasive & unrealistic”, said John F Kennedy.

Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan is a well known face, not just in Pakistan, not in Asia, but the whole world knows her. She is one girl who stood firm against the few people who were armed with guns. All she wanted to do was to stand for what she believed was correct – education is a birth right of every human, irrespective of the gender. They fired at her. They tried to kill her. But she lived, not just to tell her story, but to remind us again and again the very importance of speaking up against those who want to stop the girls from learning, those who believe that girls are to be confined, girls have no freedom to decide what they desire.

This girl knew her enemy alright. She knew that the only one person to stop her from getting educated was herself. She has taught the world the power of believing in oneself and the power of standing by one’s belief. So it is of paramount importance to give our girls this sense of strength that they have within them. It is their belief, their ideology, their choice, decision to study and explore the wonderful world of books.

Then it is equally significant to educate the conservative and traditionalist families that reside in villages and small towns. Educate them that their girl child has equal right to study; go to school if there is one in their village. If not then, in today’s world that is structured around technology , it is extremely easy for them to provide education to not just their girls but themselves if they desire, for education & learning does not have an expiry date! It rather keeps you young and mentally constructively occupied. Our govt. not only has channels free of cost that at aired in the entire country, but they also provide education through open schools like SOL, IGNOU etc… Above all the government provides incentives like free education, school dress, mid-day meals to motivate children to go to school every day. A lot of schemes are there to support education in India. In fact if one wants one can learn various skills like computer software, programming, typing, tailoring etc in the skill development centers. There is very little or no cost attached to it.

So much is being done and so much more needs to be done. Educating the girl child is a journey that will lead us to a better community, and an efficient nation. In Michelle Obama’s words, “No country can truly flourish if it strifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens”.

Related Information:

  • Paragraphs on Education
  • Paragraph on Importance of Education
  • Essay on Girl Education
  • Essay on Vocational Education
  • Essay on Save Girl Child
  • Essay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
  • Speech on Adult Education
  • Speech on Value of Education
  • Speech on Importance of Education
  • Speech on Indian Education System

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Speech on Girl Education

The social cause that involves around education and in particulars girl education is the most talked about cause. It is the project of every government that takes it up on the priority as they all understand the importance of teaching the girls. It can begin a revolution as it did in America or France in the 17 th & 18 th centuries. To make out children aware, at school assemblies or at the various functions or government run programs such speeches are given by various speakers whose inspiring words motivate others to work towards the cause. So whether it is any such occasion or simply a school student trying to win a competition, we have it all here.

On this site we have shared here some examples of Speech on Girl Education and its importance that will help you on any occasion. Our short speech can be used at school or college level and the long speeches may be used by speakers other than children. The language is easy to understand with simple examples that each one can relate to. You can draw reference from our speeches and make your speech interesting for your audience.

Long and Short Speech on Girl Education

Girl education speech – 1.

Good morning to all present here today on this very special day/occasion of —– I, XYZ, student of class ___ or House ___________, am here to impress upon you the importance of educating girls.

Girls who belong to the families who think that girls are a burden that they have to off load to the groom & his family’s shoulders, A mindset according to which girls are considered as a mere commodity and a soul that is made to fulfill the duties others assign to her, that is the fate most of the girls meet.

When we talk about girls we talk about half of the population, half of those people who are talented, powerful, resourceful and full of energy however untapped. Souls that are equal in every aspect to the other half whom we call boys.

A lot of us may not have heard the name of a famous personality Washington Irving. But what he says is really very interesting. He says “The best Academy is a mother’s knee”. Do you all agree to it? I do. All my lessons, whether at school, or in the playground, or even at my hobby center, just all of them are reinforced, coated with all the morals & virtues that it makes a holistic sense and teaches me by my instinct what is correct way of doing something and what is not. Who makes it possible? My mother.

Who is this mother? Mine or yours or anybody else’s, she is but a girl of yesteryears. Now imagine that this very girl herself was uneducated. Think that she had never gone to any of the schools, remained at home, learnt to cook & clean and that’s it! Would you be where you are today? So yes I agree completely with Mr. Irving, Mother’s knee is the best academy. So if you want an educated generation to follow you think how important it is to educate the girls.

Why just a mother, a girl child grows up to be an officer, a lawyer, a minister, a doctor, even an army officer. There is no limit to the opportunities she has in store for her if given a chance to prove herself.

Construction of a strong building depends on its robust foundation. Likewise a strong nation is built when all its citizens are well-educated knowledgeable participants. And if we keep half of the citizens away from their personal development we have begun already to falter our plan to move further as a nation. Whether a girl grows up to be working full time, part time or becomes a home maker, she will be able to perform to her fullest abilities if she has had a sound education.

An educated girl will definitely know the importance of going to school. She will know how important it is for each one of the person in and around her must be exposed to this wonderful world filled with compassion, creativity, innovation, science, art, music, dance, yoga and so many more things that we imbibe in us when we go to a school. It gets so inter-twined in the fabric of one’s life that one is bound to benefit. An educated girl will be able to constructively contribute towards building of a strong character, not just hers, but all around her too. She can even go ahead and teach her mother, if her mother has never gone to a school. Her younger siblings can benefit from her. It is in villages that a lot of household still think it as a taboo to send their girl child out of the house to study. For them primary education is enough for their daughter to survive. But in today’s world where internet and its benefits are out-numbered and education is on the tips of everyone having an android phone, education is just a click away.

We have beautifully designed curriculum for all classes by government run programs and TVs showing teachers recorded programs on the Gyan Bharti channels that even this excuse of sending girl child out of the house seems like a bundle of lies. Not a penny is spent and you can learn so much. The children get free food, free books, money for their dresses and all the support they need.

What are we waiting for then – Educate the Girls, Build a Strong Nation.

I end my speech with the words of Helen Rice, “A mother’s heart is a child’s classroom”.

Girl Education Speech – 2

Hello Everyone! I thank you for inviting me to this special assembly / function/ and giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts with this august gathering. Amongst my listeners I see a lot of youngsters and some seasoned ones like me.

Education is that vehicle that takes you to places unknown, sitting right in the comfort of your classroom you know what North Pole is like, where to go if you want to see the seas. Education maketh a Human Being.

We have all gathered here today to celebrate the Girl child and her future in this nation. The one very important aspect that we all realize is that the Girls must be sent to school. They must get the education that we very fondly send our boys to get in schools and vocational institutes. Enough is being done to promote and support the cause. Let me put it in words what some of us may feel already as a cause why even after 70 years of independence we are not able to overcome this problem of entrusting education on the Girl Child and which still seems to be the responsibility of the government and educators alone.

Almost 70% of Indians lives in villages, belonging to conservative families with traditional values; where sending their girls out of their house is still a taboo. The inhibitions that are imposed on the girls and their mothers (father’s in some cases) to not send them out to learn is a result of social custom. The ‘Mukhiya’ or the head of the family still think that if their girls go away from the vicinity of their very pious homes, their uncorrupted pure minds will get polluted and they will shun their ‘original pure devout mindset’. It will cause a permanent change and they will become rebellious.

The girls will also see the world that education will show them. A whole new world that is so full of opportunities that are waiting to be seized! A world that can make them able, able enough to use their brilliant unutilized, untapped creativity and resplendence.

Girls are that part of humanity that is the carriers of all positivity in a society. They are the ones whose presence itself is an ambience full of chivalry, decency and pleasantness. Their presence brings out the best in men. Compare this place to the room where there are only boys. What comes to your minds? Do you all see the picture that I do? I am not saying that boys are not capable. They are in fact the ones who have been successfully running most of the functions, yet not alone. Their counterparts the Girls are the other equally important part. You keep them home; you have kept half of the country away from learning. Away from becoming a productive participant, away from all the achievements that they are capable of when they get their education.

The use of this word education is not limited to just books and school. If we have a good look around us we see P. V. Sindhu, Bharatanatyam dancer Geeta Chandran, Astronaut Kalpana Chawla,  Indira Nooyi Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo, The now Miss World – Manushi Chhillar. We notice the contribution of girls and women in every field they are exploring.

All we need to do is to allow them to step out of their cocoon and spread their wings and span the skies. We need to shun our age old attitude. We need to believe that we can depend on them.

The fact is that today the girls can educate themselves within the comfort of their homes. Technology has a very important role to play in this. I would like to highlight the role that our governments have been playing over a period of time. Today with the help of communication infrastructure our governments have provided various educational channels that are free of cost and are available to the remotes of the villages. They are spending not just money but also the time of the super stars of the education world to make such informative and educative programs be it science, history, maths, physics or even classical music or dance. If we motivate them towards learning then why would they not come forward and become what they desire to become.

My appeal today to you all young and old present here is to go home and think how each one of us can make a difference. May be next time we go on a vacation to these areas where you cross villages you can go connect with them, find out from them the current status of schools and their children. We can actually go visit some and help them to know the importance of sending their children, especially their Girls to school. After all it is our country; it is our duty & responsibility to get involved. Let us together build a strong nation.

Girl Education Speech – 3

Good morning to one and all present here today on this very special day/occasion of —–I, am XYZ, student of class ___ or House ___________. We the humans are different from any other species that we think are as intelligent as us of may even be swifter or sharper in many ways.  But we possess some things that no other species have. One is thumb, the structure of it has made it possible for us to create & invent and hold. The other most important thing is education.

Having said that importance of education for girls is undoubtedly an important issue. It is only just to think of boys & girls as a whole, there is no gender parity. The girls as well as boys are to be groomed equally if we talk about national growth and development. How can we leave one half of its productive population in the four walled boundary called home and dream about a futuristic world that is so full of technology, creativity, beauty and advancement in every field.

In India we know, most of the people live in villages. But these villages have changed over a period of time. The way the people thought around independence they are not as conservative any more. A lot of families have sent out their daughters to other states with better facilities. There they learn not just school books but also many more things like theatre, dance, painting, music, sculpting, science, history, journalism, medicine and so many more fields relating to computers etc.

The girls go out and do their best, may it be education or sports, they excel on the basis of their hard work and persistence just like any other boy who is focused towards achieving his goals.

The only thing that stops anyone from achieving is they themselves. But in the case of girls, besides their determination they need a lot of support from the family. They need a family that understands them and their need to grow just like any other male counterpart in their family. So a lot of responsibility lies in the hands of her parents. According to MacArthur Foundation, “a concern over school distance/safety is a critical barrier to sending girls to school especially in rural areas.”

Save the children organization says, “Deep rooted gender norms prevent households from sending girls to school – belief that girl’s earnings will only benefit her marital family discourages parents from investing in her education.”

“More than 50 per cent of girls fail to enroll in school; those that do are likely to drop out by the age of 12.” (According to 7th All India Education Survey, 2002).

Children are like buds, given correct amount of water and enough sunshine at the right time, they develop into healthy blooming flowers. When I say children I mean both, irrespective of their gender. We can overcome all the problems if we are able to change how we perceive our daughters, importance of educating them and relating its importance towards our national growth. Making an environment conducive for their learning, we can together make the difference.

                                                    Educate Girls, Eradicate Illiteracy

                                               Enlighten the children, Enliven the Nation

Girl Education Speech – 4

Good Morning to all present here today on this very special day/occasion of —–I, am XYZ, student of class ___ or House ___________. I have selected the topic girl education to speech about here:

Imagine this world, full of halves – Half a flower, half a Sun, Half your favorite movie, half your face or even half your school. How would the world look? One word – Incomplete, so imperfect!

So how can we even think of sending half the children to school and the other half at home? Or keep half of yourself at home & the other half in the playground!! That is how defective it is, when we think of boys sent to school & girls being kept at home deprived of education.

Education is such a tool that makes you capable. It chisels out moral & intellectual advancement marked by refinement in taste and manners. In simpler words Education maketh a MAN. Women are born with a lot of those values, so I believe. So the effort to make the society a better place the presence of women in the society not just in the comfort of their homes but as an active and equal participant in building of a community; is a necessity. We want to see women at schools, teaching our children, we want to see them as nurses, we want to see them cleaning houses, or as cooks, maids, nannies, care takers, but how about seeing them in the forefront – as factory owners, business women, managers, Astronauts, Ministers, Breadwinners of their families…..

How will they achieve these goals if 75% of the population that resides in villages does not send their girl children to schools? There goes by our dream to see the buds bloom into gorgeous flowers, that don’t just beautify the world but also gives it happiness, color and vigor. The efficacy of creating a prosperous nation ceases. In India it is the mindset of the people that needs to be altered. We must focus upon the objective of modifying India from developing nation to DEVELOPED nation. Even God has giving the children same brain structure, same intelligence same learning and grasping abilities. The teachers who teach us, the schools we go in, whether in cities or in villages, do not differentiate or discriminate. Then who is stopping the girls from learning? Who should we term as our enemy? Let us understand our enemy first and then we will know how to win him/her. King Ashoka always used to identify the grit of his enemy.

“The great enemy of a person is often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent persuasive & unrealistic”, said John F Kennedy.

Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan is a well known face, not just in Pakistan, not in Asia, but the whole world knows her. She is one girl who stood firm against the few people who were armed with guns. All she wanted to do was to stand for what she believed was correct – education is a birth right of every human, irrespective of the gender. They fired at her. They tried to kill her. But she lived, not just to tell her story, but to remind us again and again the very importance of speaking up against those who want to stop the girls from learning, those who believe that girls are to be confined, girls have no freedom to decide what they desire.

This girl knew her enemy alright. She knew that the only one person to stop her from getting educated was herself. She has taught the world the power of believing in oneself and the power of standing by one’s belief. So it is of paramount importance to give our girls this sense of strength that they have within them. It is their belief, their ideology, their choice, decision to study and explore the wonderful world of books.

Then it is equally significant to educate the conservative and traditionalist families that reside in villages and small towns. Educate them that their girl child has equal right to study; go to school if there is one in their village. If not then, in today’s world that is structured around technology , it is extremely easy for them to provide education to not just their girls but themselves if they desire, for education & learning does not have an expiry date! It rather keeps you young and mentally constructively occupied. Our govt. not only has channels free of cost that at aired in the entire country, but they also provide education through open schools like SOL, IGNOU etc… Above all the government provides incentives like free education, school dress, mid-day meals to motivate children to go to school every day. A lot of schemes are there to support education in India. In fact if one wants one can learn various skills like computer software, programming, typing, tailoring etc in the skill development centers. There is very little or no cost attached to it.

So much is being done and so much more needs to be done. Educating the girl child is a journey that will lead us to a better community, and an efficient nation. In Michelle Obama’s words, “No country can truly flourish if it strifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens”.

Related Information:

Paragraphs on Education

Paragraph on Importance of Education

Essay on Girl Education

Essay on Vocational Education

Essay on Save Girl Child

Essay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Speech on Adult Education

Speech on Education

Speech on Value of Education

Speech on Importance of Education

Speech on Indian Education System

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Essay on Girl Education for Students and Children

500+ words essay on girl education.

If we look at the demographics, India is one of the most populated countries. However, the rate of girl education is quite low in the country. It is quite troubling to see the figures in a country where women are given the status of goddesses. The figures have significantly improved to an extent but there’s still a long way to go.

Essay on Girl Education

Women were not allowed to even step out of their houses in ancient India , but times are changing. Along with changing times, people’s thinking is also changing. They wish to educate their girls and see them succeed in life. However, this is not the case in rural India which makes for more than 60% of the population. We need to identify the factors responsible for such low rates of girl education to find some solutions.

Factors Contributing to Low Rate of Girl Education

There are various factors that make it impossible for girls to get an education in our country. Firstly, the poverty rate is alarming. Even though education is being made free, it still involves a substantial cost to send girls to school. Therefore, families who are struggling to make ends meet fail to pay the educational expenses of their children.

Secondly, in rural areas, there aren’t many schools. This creates a distance problem as they are located far from the villages. In some areas, students have to walk for three to four hours to reach their school. This is where the safety of the girls gets compromised so parents don’t see it fit to send them off so far.

Furthermore, the regressive thinking of the people makes it tougher for girls to get an education. Some people still believe girls are meant to stay in their houses and look after the kitchen. They do not like women to do any other tasks expect for household ones.

Other than that, social issues like child marriage and child labor also stop the girl from getting an education. Parents pull daughters out of school to marry them off at an early age. Also, when girls indulge in child labor, they do not get time to study.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Benefits of Girl Education

If we wish to see India progress and develop, we need to educate our girl child. They are indeed the future of our nation. Moreover, when they become educated, they will not have to be dependent on others for their livelihood.

One of the most important benefits of girl education is that the country’s future will be brighter and better. Similarly, our economy can grow faster if more and more women become financially strong thereby reducing poverty.

Furthermore, women who are educated can take proper care of their children. This will strengthen the future as lesser kids will die due to a lack of vaccination or a similar reason. Even for women, they will be less likely to become a patient of HIV/AIDS as they will be aware of the consequences.

Most importantly, educated women can result in a decrease in social issues like corruption, child marriage , domestic abuse and more. They will become more confident and handle their families better in all spheres. Thus we see how one educated woman can bring so much change in her life along with the others as well.

Some FAQs on Girl Education

Q.1 Why is girl education not encouraged in India?

A.1 India is still a developing country. It has too much poverty and regressive thinking. It is one of the main reasons why people don’t encourage girls to get an education.

Q.2 What are the advantages of educating girls?

A.2 When we educate girls, we educate a whole nation. As she teaches everyone around her. The education of girls will result in a better economy and a brighter future along with enhanced confidence of the girl.

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Speech on Girls Education for Students in English [3 Minutes*]

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Speech on Girls Education: In India, girls’ education, especially in rural parts, is relatively low. The government has launched many initiative schemes like “ Beti Bachao Beti Padhao ” to encourage girl’s education. Raja Ram Mohan Roy played a crucial role in fighting for women’s education in our country. A country’s progress and development depend on the rate of women’s education. With changing times, girls are being educated in every family and enrolled for higher education too.

Speech on Girls Education 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Girls Education Speech in English, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 students.

A very warm welcome to everyone present here. Today I’m going to speak on the topic of Girl’s education. Education is the all-round development of personality, which is required to live in this society. It helps in shaping our mind, sharpening our intelligence & developing our skills. Education is a part of life which must not be ignored. It is an essential factor which helps in personality development, character building & achieving success as well as happiness in life.

So today, I will focus on girl’s education, how educating a woman can make a big difference? Women are part of our society, consisting of almost half of the population. Men & women both are important for our society. They are like two sides of a coin, who are equally valuable & important. So giving them an equal opportunity at every field let it be a job or education has become an important aspect & vital for our growth as a country or society.

An educated woman gives us a better society who effortlessly balances life. They are always ready to challenge all hurdles of life. They are talented & brilliant. Education also increases their efficiency & productivity. Not only in professional life but also it makes their life more comfortable at home too. As women are always considered the first teacher for a child, education empowers them for the same. It helps them to prove themselves in every role let it be at the home, job or as a citizen of the country. Education boosts their confidence & helps in living a happy life.

It is unfortunate to express that; however, in our country, we still have a long way to go in terms of girl’s education. There are still few people in the society who thinks that education is not the right of a girl. They still differentiate between male & female in terms of facilities to be given to them. Few significant issues for which girl’s education still lags in the country is poverty, child marriage & gender-biased society. We do not consider girls to be a crucial asset for our country & economy, which has given rise to this inequality. The literacy rate of females is only 65.46%, whereas the literacy rate of males in India is over 80%.

Although the literacy rate has improved from 1947, still we have a lot more scope of improvement. Child marriage has been controlled to a great extent, reservation for women in both government & non-government organisation by the government is also a significant step. “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” is one of the initiatives of our government which works solely in this direction. We all must come forward & support the girl’s education as educated women will be better assets not only for our country but also our family.

Let us educate the girls for a better future.

Thank you. Have a beautiful day ahead.

Short Speech on Girls Education

Hello everyone. My name is ……… & I am going to deliver a speech on girl’s education. Education is vital for everyone to let it be for a male or female.

Education helps us in the growth & development of ourselves with growth in personality & skills. It is one of the fundamental right of everyone to get education & equal rights in every field. Men & women are equally important in this society; none of them can be ignored for the development of the country. However, we still face an issue like inequality, gender bias decisions when it comes to the education of women. Still, there are few people in our society who thinks that girls are born to do only home chores.

The mind-set of society is that women are here only to continue the family tradition & take care of the family. However, we all need to understand that women can do much more than that. They can also contribute equally to the economy & growth of this country. Women are already proving themselves in several flies of science, technology, teaching, law, politics & many more. Girl’s education is essential as they are the first teachers to their child. They are ones who spread knowledge & learning to them.

Education broadens the outlook of the women & also helps them to manage things easily as well as tactfully. It gives them the freedom to think & act. Educated girls can brighten up the future of the country by contributing to the economy. Education also empowers women to be economically independent & to take self-driven decisions in life. Girls must be given equal opportunities as boys in every field so that they can also be proved to be as important as males in society. We all must remember that.

“When women are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous.”

Speech On Girl Education For Students – Read Here

  • September 14, 2021

short speech on girl education

The education of girls is a major issue in today’s society. This speech discusses the importance of educating girls and how to go about doing so.

The short speech on girl education is a short speech that discusses the importance of educating girls.

Good morning to everyone here, respected sir, madam, teachers, and all my close friends. Today I am grateful that my instructor offered me the opportunity to express my views with the country’s future generations.

So, do you believe that education is a necessity for everyone, yes or no? Yes, it is our path that will lead us to the goal that we have set for ourselves, and there is no doubt that both girls and boys should be educated until they are ready.

The Viewpoints of the Rulers


Before or shortly after independence, rulers believed that educating girls was unnecessary because they would eventually leave the house; however, boys were well educated because they lived in the home until they died, which meant that they broke the family’s food, so the population would remain stable until the boy child returned to the family.

In the family, there was more partiality between the girl and boy children. Because the family believed that the girl child was a burden to the family, girls were married between the ages of 12 and 13.

The Girl Child’s Importance Today


People nowadays recognize the value of girls in the family, as every family requires women in various roles such as mother, sister, wife, and many others.

People have realized that a girl can achieve anything if she sets her mind to it; now, in every sector, girls are challenging boys, and families are supporting their daughters to pursue their dreams in whatever field they desire, whether it is dance, painting, engineering, singing, or the most important of all, politics. Women have also made history in sports, such as in the Olympics.

The Value of Education


Parents are also giving their children the best if they are from rural cities; they send their children to another state with all the facilities to study, and after a certain period of time, the daughters are the ones who look upon their parents, and this is the case today.

Many campaigns for girl education have been launched by the government, such as “Beti Bachao, Beti Padao.” All children should be given a better education so that they can understand what is right and wrong.

Girls require a lot of help from their families. More than half of all girls do not complete their education or have dropped out by the age of 12.

Children are like paper; if we crush it, it will never be straight again, so support it and write in it when the time comes, and don’t forget about the girl child’s work and support her in all aspects of life.

If you have any additional questions about Speech On Girl Education, please leave them in the comment section below.

The speech on girl child education wikipedia is a speech by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The speech was delivered in the Lok Sabha, India’s lower house of parliament.

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6 Speech Examples About Education

In a world where knowledge holds the key to success, education speeches play a crucial role in inspiring and empowering learners of all ages.

A well-written speech can ignite a passion for learning, challenge minds to think critically, and open doors to new possibilities.

Speech Examples About Education

Speech Examples About Education

Whether you’re a teacher, student, or advocate for education, these six speech examples will provide you with the guidance and inspiration you need to deliver a powerful message.

So, are you ready to dive into the world of education speeches?

Let’s get started!

A Teacher’s Plea for Education Reform (300 words)

Dear policymakers and fellow educators,

I stand before you today as a passionate teacher who has witnessed firsthand the critical need for education reform in our schools. For too long, we have focused on test scores and standardized assessments, neglecting the true essence of learning. It’s time we shift our priorities and invest in the holistic development of our students.

Education is not about memorizing facts and figures; it’s about nurturing curiosity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love for learning. We must create an environment that encourages exploration, creativity, and collaboration. By doing so, we empower our students to become active participants in their own education and equip them with the skills they need to thrive in the 21st century.

I urge you to support initiatives that prioritize student-centered learning, project-based curricula, and personalized instruction. Let us work together to provide our students with the resources, support, and guidance they need to reach their full potential. The future of our society depends on the quality of education we provide today.


Commentary: This short speech is a passionate plea from a teacher advocating for education reform. It emphasizes the importance of shifting focus from standardized tests to holistic student development. The speech is suitable for education conferences, school board meetings, or any gathering of educators and policymakers.

The Power of Education in Transforming Lives (500 words)

Ladies and gentlemen,

Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world. These words, spoken by the late Nelson Mandela, ring true today more than ever. Education has the power to transform lives, break the cycle of poverty, and create a brighter future for generations to come.

I stand before you as a testament to the transformative power of education. Growing up in a disadvantaged community, I witnessed firsthand the struggles and limitations faced by those without access to quality education. But I was fortunate enough to have parents who understood the value of learning and sacrificed everything to ensure I had the opportunity to pursue my dreams.

Through education, I discovered a world beyond the confines of my neighborhood. I learned to think critically, to question the status quo, and to believe in myself. Education opened doors that I never knew existed and provided me with the tools to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

But my story is not unique. Countless individuals have experienced the life-changing impact of education. It is through education that we can break down barriers, promote social mobility, and create a more just and equitable society. By investing in education, we invest in the future of our communities, our nation, and our world.

However, the journey towards universal access to quality education is far from over. Millions of children around the globe still lack the opportunity to learn and reach their full potential. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that every child, regardless of their background or circumstances, has access to the transformative power of education.

So, I challenge you today to become advocates for education. Support initiatives that promote access to quality learning opportunities, champion policies that prioritize education funding, and volunteer your time and resources to organizations working towards educational equity. Together, we can create a world where every child has the chance to learn, grow, and thrive.

Remember, education is not a luxury; it is a fundamental human right. Let us work together to ensure that this right is extended to all.

Commentary: This medium-length speech highlights the transformative power of education in changing lives and creating a better society. The speaker shares a personal story to emphasize the impact of education and calls upon the audience to become advocates for educational equity. This speech is suitable for school assemblies, community events, or fundraisers focused on education initiatives.

Embracing Diversity in Education (700 words)

Good morning, everyone.

Today, I want to talk about a crucial aspect of education that often goes overlooked: the importance of embracing diversity in our schools and classrooms. In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected and globalized, it is essential that we prepare our students to navigate a diverse and multicultural society.

Diversity in education goes beyond the mere representation of different ethnicities, cultures, and backgrounds. It encompasses a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and ways of thinking. By embracing diversity in our educational institutions, we create an environment that fosters inclusivity, empathy, and understanding.

When students are exposed to diverse perspectives and ideas, they develop critical thinking skills and learn to appreciate different viewpoints. They begin to understand that there is no single “right” way of looking at the world and that our differences can be a source of strength and innovation. This exposure prepares them to become global citizens who can effectively collaborate and communicate with people from all walks of life.

Moreover, embracing diversity in education helps to break down stereotypes and prejudices. When students interact with peers from different backgrounds, they learn to see beyond labels and recognize the common humanity that unites us all. This understanding is crucial in combating discrimination and promoting social cohesion in our communities.

However, embracing diversity in education is not without its challenges. It requires a concerted effort from educators, administrators, and policymakers to create inclusive learning environments that cater to the needs of all students. This includes providing culturally responsive curricula, recruiting diverse teaching staff, and addressing systemic barriers that may hinder the success of marginalized students.

It is also essential that we engage in ongoing conversations about diversity and inclusion in our schools. We must create safe spaces for students to share their experiences, ask questions, and learn from one another. By fostering open and honest dialogue, we can build bridges of understanding and create a more inclusive educational landscape.

As educators, we have a unique opportunity and responsibility to shape the minds and hearts of the next generation. By embracing diversity in our classrooms, we not only enrich the educational experience of our students but also contribute to building a more just and equitable society.

So, I challenge you today to reflect on how you can actively promote diversity and inclusion in your own educational practices. Whether it’s through incorporating diverse perspectives into your lessons, creating opportunities for cross-cultural exchange, or advocating for policies that support marginalized students, every action counts.

Let us remember that education is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about empowering individuals to become agents of change in their communities and the world at large. By embracing diversity in education, we can inspire a generation of leaders who value empathy, understanding, and inclusivity.

Commentary: This long speech emphasizes the importance of embracing diversity in education. It highlights the benefits of exposing students to diverse perspectives, breaking down stereotypes, and promoting social cohesion. The speech also acknowledges the challenges and calls upon educators to actively promote diversity and inclusion in their practices. This speech is suitable for teacher training sessions, education conferences, or school diversity initiatives.

Education as a Catalyst for Sustainable Development (1000 words)

Distinguished guests, esteemed colleagues, and fellow advocates for education,

It is an honor to stand before you today to discuss a topic that lies at the heart of our collective future: education as a catalyst for sustainable development. In a world facing unprecedented challenges, from climate change to social inequality, education holds the key to unlocking the potential of individuals and communities to create a more sustainable and equitable future.

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize education as a fundamental human right and a crucial driver of progress across all dimensions of sustainable development. Quality education empowers individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to make informed decisions, participate actively in society, and contribute to the well-being of their communities and the planet as a whole.

However, the reality is that millions of children and youth around the world still lack access to quality education. According to UNESCO, 258 million children and youth were out of school in 2018, and over 617 million children and adolescents were not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics. This educational divide not only perpetuates cycles of poverty and inequality but also hinders our collective ability to address global challenges and achieve sustainable development.

To harness the transformative power of education for sustainable development, we must take bold and urgent action. First and foremost, we must ensure that every child, regardless of their background or circumstances, has access to quality education. This requires investing in education infrastructure, recruiting and training qualified teachers, and providing learning materials and resources that are relevant, engaging, and culturally responsive.

But access alone is not enough. We must also focus on the quality and relevance of education to prepare learners for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. This means integrating sustainability principles and practices into curricula across all subjects and levels of education. From early childhood to higher education, learners should be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become responsible global citizens and agents of change.

Moreover, education for sustainable development must go beyond the classroom walls and engage learners in real-world problem-solving and community action. Through project-based learning, service-learning, and community engagement, students can apply their knowledge and skills to address local and global challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and social inequality. By connecting learning to real-world contexts, we can foster a sense of agency, empowerment, and responsibility among learners to become active participants in shaping a more sustainable future.

To achieve these goals, we need a whole-of-society approach that brings together governments, civil society, the private sector, and international organizations. We must forge partnerships and collaborate across sectors to mobilize resources, share knowledge, and scale up effective practices. This includes investing in research and innovation to develop new pedagogies, technologies, and assessment methods that support education for sustainable development.

Furthermore, we must recognize and value the role of indigenous knowledge systems and traditional practices in promoting sustainability. By integrating indigenous perspectives and ways of knowing into education, we can foster a more holistic and culturally responsive approach to sustainable development that respects the diversity of human experiences and relationships with the natural world.

As we look to the future, we must also consider the role of lifelong learning in supporting sustainable development. In a rapidly changing world, education cannot end with formal schooling. We must create opportunities for continuous learning and skills development throughout life, enabling individuals to adapt to new challenges and opportunities and contribute to the ongoing process of sustainable development.

In conclusion, education is not just a means to an end but an end in itself. It is a fundamental human right and a powerful tool for empowerment, social transformation, and sustainable development. By harnessing the transformative power of education, we can create a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world for all.

So, let us recommit ourselves to the cause of education for sustainable development. Let us work together to ensure that every child, youth, and adult has access to quality learning opportunities that prepare them to become responsible global citizens and agents of change. Let us invest in the power of education to unlock the potential of individuals and communities to create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Commentary: This lengthy speech positions education as a catalyst for sustainable development, aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. It emphasizes the need for access to quality education, the integration of sustainability principles into curricula, and the importance of real-world problem-solving and community engagement. The speech calls for a whole-of-society approach and lifelong learning to support sustainable development. This speech is suitable for international education conferences, sustainability forums, or high-level policy discussions.

The Future of Education: Embracing Technology and Innovation (300 words)

The world is changing at an unprecedented pace, and education must keep up with these transformations. As we look to the future of education, it is clear that technology and innovation will play a crucial role in shaping how we teach and learn.

The rapid advancement of digital technologies has opened up new possibilities for personalized learning, collaborative environments, and global connectivity. By embracing these tools, we can create educational experiences that are more engaging, interactive, and relevant to the needs of 21st-century learners.

However, integrating technology into education is not about replacing teachers with machines. It’s about empowering educators with the tools and resources they need to enhance their teaching practices and better support student learning. By leveraging data analytics, adaptive learning platforms, and immersive technologies, teachers can gain insights into student progress, provide targeted feedback, and create more inclusive and accessible learning environments.

Moreover, technology can help bridge the digital divide and expand access to education for underserved communities. Through online learning platforms, open educational resources, and mobile technologies, we can reach learners in remote areas, provide flexible learning options for working professionals, and offer lifelong learning opportunities for all.

As we embrace technology and innovation in education, we must also ensure that we are preparing students for the future of work. This means fostering the development of critical skills such as creativity, collaboration, communication, and problem-solving. By integrating these skills into our curricula and assessments, we can equip students with the competencies they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

The future of education is bright, but it requires a collective effort from educators, policymakers, and industry partners to realize its full potential. Let us work together to create a more innovative, inclusive, and future-ready education system that empowers learners to thrive in the digital age.

Commentary: This short speech focuses on the role of technology and innovation in shaping the future of education. It highlights the potential of digital technologies to personalize learning, enhance teaching practices, and expand access to education. The speech also emphasizes the importance of preparing students for the future of work by fostering critical skills. This speech is suitable for education technology conferences, school board meetings, or professional development workshops for educators.

The Importance of Lifelong Learning in a Changing World (500 words)

Dear friends and colleagues,

In today’s rapidly changing world, the concept of lifelong learning has never been more relevant or important. Gone are the days when education was confined to the walls of a classroom or the pages of a textbook. In the 21st century, learning has become a continuous and dynamic process that extends throughout our lives.

The pace of technological advancement, globalization, and social change has made it imperative for individuals to continually update their skills, knowledge, and competencies to remain relevant and adaptable in the workforce and society at large. The jobs of tomorrow may not even exist today, and the skills we acquire in our youth may become obsolete within a matter of years.

This is where lifelong learning comes in. By embracing a mindset of continuous growth and development, we can navigate the uncertainties of the future with greater resilience and agility. Lifelong learning empowers us to take control of our own personal and professional development, to explore new interests and passions, and to contribute meaningfully to our communities and the world around us.

But lifelong learning is not just about acquiring new skills or knowledge. It’s also about cultivating a curious and open mindset, a willingness to step outside our comfort zones, and a commitment to personal and societal growth. It’s about recognizing that learning is not a destination but a journey, and that the process of discovery and growth is just as valuable as the outcomes.

To foster a culture of lifelong learning, we must create opportunities and support systems that enable individuals to pursue their learning goals throughout their lives. This includes investing in adult education programs, promoting workplace learning and development, and creating accessible and flexible learning pathways that cater to diverse needs and circumstances.

Moreover, we must recognize and value the many forms that learning can take, from formal education to informal and experiential learning. Whether it’s through online courses, mentorship programs, community initiatives, or personal projects, there are countless ways to engage in meaningful learning experiences that enrich our lives and contribute to the greater good.

As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, let us embrace the power of lifelong learning to transform ourselves and the world around us. Let us cultivate a growth mindset, a curiosity for the unknown, and a commitment to continuous development. And let us work together to create a society that values and supports learning in all its forms, throughout all stages of life.

Remember, it’s never too late to learn something new, to discover a hidden talent, or to make a positive impact in the world. So, let us seize the opportunities that lifelong learning presents and embark on a journey of growth, discovery, and transformation.

Commentary: This medium-length speech emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning in a rapidly changing world. It highlights the need for individuals to continuously update their skills and knowledge to remain adaptable and resilient. The speech also calls for creating opportunities and support systems to foster a culture of lifelong learning, recognizing the diverse forms that learning can take. This speech is suitable for adult education conferences, professional development workshops, or community events focused on personal growth and development.

Education speeches have the power to inspire, motivate, and empower learners of all ages.

Whether you’re advocating for education reform, celebrating the transformative power of learning, or envisioning the future of education, your words can make a lasting impact on your audience.

By writing speeches that are engaging, relevant, and thought-provoking, you can spark conversations, challenge assumptions, and galvanize action towards a more equitable and empowering education system.

So, go forth and use your voice to champion the cause of education, for the future of our society depends on the quality of learning we provide today.

Malala Yousafzai: 16th birthday speech at the United Nations

"So let us wage a global struggle against illiteracy, poverty and terrorism and let us pick up our books and pens. They are our most powerful weapons." {"content":{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"content":[{"data":{},"marks":[],"value":"\"So let us wage a global struggle against illiteracy, poverty and terrorism and let us pick up our books and pens. They are our most powerful weapons.\"","nodeType":"text"}],"nodeType":"paragraph"}],"nodeType":"document"}}

New York, New York

Bismillah hir rahman ir rahim. In the name of God, the most merciful, the most beneficent.

Honourable UN Secretary General Mr Ban Ki-moon, Respected President General Assembly Vuk Jeremic Honourable UN envoy for Global education Mr Gordon Brown, Respected elders and my dear brothers and sisters; Today, it is an honour for me to be speaking again after a long time. Being here with such honourable people is a great moment in my life.

I don't know where to begin my speech. I don't know what people would be expecting me to say. But first of all, thank you to God for whom we all are equal and thank you to every person who has prayed for my fast recovery and a new life. I cannot believe how much love people have shown me. I have received thousands of good wish cards and gifts from all over the world. Thank you to all of them. Thank you to the children whose innocent words encouraged me. Thank you to my elders whose prayers strengthened me.

I would like to thank my nurses, doctors and all of the staff of the hospitals in Pakistan and the UK and the UAE government who have helped me get better and recover my strength. I fully support Mr Ban Ki-moon the Secretary-General in his Global Education First Initiative and the work of the UN Special Envoy Mr Gordon Brown. And I thank them both for the leadership they continue to give. They continue to inspire all of us to action.

There are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers who are not only speaking for human rights, but who are struggling to achieve their goals of education, peace and equality. Thousands of people have been killed by the terrorists and millions have been injured. I am just one of them.

So here I stand, one girl among many.

I speak not for myself, but for all girls and boys.

I raise up my voice — not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.

Those who have fought for their rights:

Their right to live in peace. Their right to be treated with dignity. Their right to equality of opportunity. Their right to be educated.

Dear Friends, on the 9th of October 2012, the Taliban shot me on the left side of my forehead. They shot my friends too. They thought that the bullets would silence us. But they failed. And then, out of that silence came, thousands of voices. The terrorists thought that they would change our aims and stop our ambitions but nothing changed in my life except this: Weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage was born. I am the same Malala. My ambitions are the same. My hopes are the same. My dreams are the same.

Dear sisters and brothers, I am not against anyone. Neither am I here to speak in terms of personal revenge against the Taliban or any other terrorists group. I am here to speak up for the right of education of every child. I want education for the sons and the daughters of all the extremists especially the Taliban.

I do not even hate the Talib who shot me. Even if there is a gun in my hand and he stands in front of me. I would not shoot him. This is the compassion that I have learnt from Muhammad — the prophet of mercy, Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha. This is the legacy of change that I have inherited from Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. This is the philosophy of non-violence that I have learnt from Gandhi Jee, Bacha Khan and Mother Teresa. And this is the forgiveness that I have learnt from my mother and father. This is what my soul is telling me, be peaceful and love everyone.

Dear sisters and brothers, we realise the importance of light when we see darkness. We realise the importance of our voice when we are silenced. In the same way, when we were in Swat, the north of Pakistan, we realised the importance of pens and books when we saw the guns.

The wise saying, "The pen is mightier than sword” was true. The extremists are afraid of books and pens. The power of education frightens them. They are afraid of women. The power of the voice of women frightens them. And that is why they killed 14 innocent medical students in the recent attack in Quetta. And that is why they killed many female teachers and polio workers in Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa and FATA. That is why they are blasting schools every day. Because they were and they are afraid of change, afraid of the equality that we will bring into our society.

I remember that there was a boy in our school who was asked by a journalist, "Why are the Taliban against education?” He answered very simply. By pointing to his book he said, “A Talib doesn't know what is written inside this book.” They think that God is a tiny, little conservative being who would send girls to the hell just because of going to school. The terrorists are misusing the name of Islam and Pashtun society for their own personal benefits. Pakistan is peace-loving democratic country. Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons. And Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood. Islam says that it is not only each child's right to get education, rather it is their duty and responsibility.

Honourable Secretary General, peace is necessary for education. In many parts of the world especially Pakistan and Afghanistan; terrorism, wars and conflicts stop children to go to their schools. We are really tired of these wars. Women and children are suffering in many parts of the world in many ways. In India, innocent and poor children are victims of child labour. Many schools have been destroyed in Nigeria. People in Afghanistan have been affected by the hurdles of extremism for decades. Young girls have to do domestic child labour and are forced to get married at early age. Poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism and the deprivation of basic rights are the main problems faced by both men and women.

Dear fellows, today I am focusing on women's rights and girls' education because they are suffering the most. There was a time when women social activists asked men to stand up for their rights. But, this time, we will do it by ourselves. I am not telling men to step away from speaking for women's rights rather I am focusing on women to be independent to fight for themselves.

Dear sisters and brothers, now it's time to speak up.

So today, we call upon the world leaders to change their strategic policies in favour of peace and prosperity.

We call upon the world leaders that all the peace deals must protect women and children's rights. A deal that goes against the dignity of women and their rights is unacceptable.

We call upon all governments to ensure free compulsory education for every child all over the world.

We call upon all governments to fight against terrorism and violence, to protect children from brutality and harm.

We call upon the developed nations to support the expansion of educational opportunities for girls in the developing world.

We call upon all communities to be tolerant — to reject prejudice based on cast, creed, sect, religion or gender. To ensure freedom and equality for women so that they can flourish. We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.

We call upon our sisters around the world to be brave — to embrace the strength within themselves and realise their full potential.

Dear brothers and sisters, we want schools and education for every child's bright future. We will continue our journey to our destination of peace and education for everyone. No one can stop us. We will speak for our rights and we will bring change through our voice. We must believe in the power and the strength of our words. Our words can change the world.

Because we are all together, united for the cause of education. And if we want to achieve our goal, then let us empower ourselves with the weapon of knowledge and let us shield ourselves with unity and togetherness.

Dear brothers and sisters, we must not forget that millions of people are suffering from poverty, injustice and ignorance. We must not forget that millions of children are out of schools. We must not forget that our sisters and brothers are waiting for a bright peaceful future.

So let us wage a global struggle against illiteracy, poverty and terrorism and let us pick up our books and pens. They are our most powerful weapons.

One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world.

Education is the only solution. Education first.

short speech on girl education

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist, student, UN messenger of peace and the youngest Nobel Laureate. As co-founder of Malala Fund, she is building a world where every girl can learn and lead without fear.

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  • Girl Education Essay for Students in English


Essay on Girl Education

If we see our India it is the second-largest country in the world, wherein in some fields we are equal to other countries, but when it comes to education for girls we are too behind, hence the rate of girl education is very very low. India is known for the study of a goddess but when it comes to the real picture it’s different. The poor people are not able to give proper education to their daughters. Education for girls has somewhat improved over the last few decades but there is still a long way to go, and for this the government should take action. In The past, people were not much interested in educating their daughters, they used to think that they should not leave home. But slowly the time is changing, people are also changing their mindset in terms of giving education to their daughters because they also want to see them getting success in their life but still not happening to people living in rural areas.

Girl education is a term used in context to describe and resolve issues in the educational upliftment of women as a group. Historically in almost all major societies and cultures, women were expected to be doing household chores and all major social work were done by the men. Men used to be the ones competing for positions and resources in society. When education became a thing it was men who started to learn new things and have a formal process to get through with the education. 

As the industrial revolution came into existence the ability of men which gave them an edge over women became irrelevant. Women went out and started contributing to society. But there was one problem, women were yet to achieve their fair share of education and hence were unable to compete with men for the position available. 

Challenges in Girl Education

Poverty: A major challenge in girl education is poverty. When families struggle to get their basic needs it becomes tough for them to send their children for education. Even if somehow they can afford some basic schooling it always prefers boys over girls to send them for education.

Social Conservatism: In many developing countries the boy stays with parents throughout their life and takes care of them. While girls marry and move in with their husband and his family. This always reduces the incentive for families to educate their girls.

Safety: In many countries, the safety of girls is very risky and families stop their education over their safety. This as a society is our responsibility to create a safe environment for everyone at least till they don't fear to come for education. 

Religion: Some of the religious texts have girl children forbidden to have education, at least it is how the religious texts get translated by the religious people for use in daily life. This prevents families from sending their girl child for education.

Many organizations have come forward to help the world with the issue involved in girl child education. This problem is more acute in developing nations as compared to developed countries. We as a nation should have to definitely work on it as India suffers most from this issue. We have the second largest population and so we have the second-largest women population and if we won't be able to bring them to the frontline with better education it will be very tough for us to compete with the world.


FAQs on Girl Education Essay for Students in English

1. What are the economic implications of girl education?

Women are half of the population of any country or world as a whole. If they don't have proper education then it would be tough for them to contribute to the development of the country by engaging themselves in productive work. Due to this we as a society are losing a huge workforce and if we could be able to resolve the issue then we can solve many other problems in the society and our development will surely pick up at a greater pace.

2. Which organizations are working on improving girl education?

There are many organizations working on improving girl education with UNICEF leading the way. It has a tagline "gender equality in education benefits everyone". It promotes the importance of girl education throughout the world and even provides many kinds of support to countries to achieve it. It has many dedicated funds which gather money from all around the world in support of this mission. In India, the ministry of women and child development is the major body that works on resolving the issue of girl education. It has worked extensively with many NGOs to help the government with different activities related to the issue and doing a great job at it.

3. What are the benefits of girl education?

When a girl child gets an education it not only helps her to achieve something in her life but also does a lot of benefits to society. When a girl gets educated she becomes more independent and doesn't rely on anyone, she gets married late and can give birth to healthy children. When she gets educated she will be able to participate in the decision making process of society which will help every one of us. This makes the society more stable and resilient which provides opportunities for every individual to fulfil their true potential including boys.

4. Where can I find more about gender equality?

We, at Vedantu , truly believe that a society should be fully inclusive with equal opportunity to every one of us. Equality starts with gender equality and has a huge impact on society. We have published a lot of materials on gender equality, its issues and the possible solution to those on our website. We don't consider gender equality as a topic of education rather a topic of discussion and everyone should give their thoughts to it. Our materials are created by people from all sectors including science, math, economics, history and geography. This will help you to get a perspective from all the directions into the issue. Sign up today and start exploring the best of all the topics on Vedantu .

5. What are the growths achieved in the field of girl education?

If you check the board results of all the education boards for secondary and higher secondary in India you will find that girls are doing way better than they used to do a decade back. We can also see a trend of girls dominating the topper lists of the results for the board exams. 

The percentage of increase in literacy rate for women has increased more than that of the increase in literacy rate of men. We can also see women excelling in many fields all over the country and this will provide icons and idols for every girl child to look up to and in future, we will achieve gender equality in each and every field.

  • School Life

National Space Day Speech 2024: Check Short and Long Speech in English

National space day speech: check this article for short and long speech ideas on the occasion of national space day 2024 celebrations in schools and communities..

Gurmeet Kaur

National Space Day Speech in English:  National Space Day, celebrated annually on August 23, is a day to recognize and celebrate India's advancements in space exploration and honour the remarkable achievements of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). On this day, India marks the anniversary of the Chandrayaan-3 mission's historic soft landing of the Vikram Lander on the moon, which occurred on August 23, 2023.

Nationwide celebrations are being held on this day to celebrate India’s achievements in space exploration and honour the dedicated scientists and engineers of ISRO. Schools across the country are also organizing various contests to help students engage with and appreciate the wonders of space. Speech on National Space Day (or ISRO Day) is going to be one of the activities in schools for students where students will get an opportunity to express their enthusiasm and gratitude for the inspirational work of ISRO's dedicated scientists.

10 Lines on National Space Day 2024

Good morning/afternoon everyone,

1.Today, we have come together to celebrate the National Space Day, a day dedicated to honouring our nation’s achievements in space exploration.

2.On this day, we commemorate the historic success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission and the incredible feat of landing the Vikram Lander on the moon.

3.This milestone is a testament to the hard work and brilliance of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and its dedicated scientists.

4.National Space Day is not only a celebration of our scientists’ remarkable achievements but also a reminder of the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

5.As we reflect on this significant accomplishment, we recognize the profound impact of space exploration on our understanding of the universe.

6.This day also serves as a call to action for the next generation of explorers, scientists, and innovators to continue the quest for knowledge.

7.As we look to the stars, we are reminded of the boundless possibilities that await us.

8.National Space Day inspires us to dream big and reach for the stars.

9.Let us honour the legacy of ISRO’s achievements by embracing curiosity and pursuing our own dreams with determination.

10.Let’s celebrate our achievements and continue to support the pursuit of knowledge and exploration.

National Space Day 2024: 2-3 Minute Speech  for Students

Today, we gather to celebrate National Space Day, a significant occasion that honours our nation’s remarkable strides in space exploration. On August 23, 2024, we mark the first National Space Day, commemorating the extraordinary success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission. On this day, India created history as its Moon mission became the first to land in the lunar south pole region. With this achievement, it also became the fourth country in the world to land a spacecraft on the Moon. 

India’s Moon Mission represents a monumental milestone in our journey through space. It highlights the innovation and dedication of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and its team of brilliant scientists and engineers.

As we celebrate this day, we reflect on how far we have come in our quest to explore the universe. National Space Day is not just a celebration of our past achievements but also an inspiration for future generations. It reminds us of the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our planet and encourages us to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

Through events and competitions held today, students and enthusiasts have the chance to dive into the amazing world of space. Let’s use this opportunity to foster curiosity, inspire creativity, and support the ongoing efforts in space research. Together, we honour the spirit of exploration and the quest for discoveries.

National Space Day 2024: 5 Minute Speech  for Students

Today, we come together to celebrate National Space Day, an occasion that holds special significance for our nation. August 23, 2024, marks our inaugural National Space Day, a day dedicated to acknowledging the remarkable achievements of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and its groundbreaking Chandrayaan-3 mission.

Last year, on August 23, 2023, Chandrayaan-3 made history by successfully landing the Vikram Lander on the moon. This achievement not only demonstrated our technological prowess but also reaffirmed India’s position as a key player in the global space community. Despite the failure of Chandrayaan-2, our scientists continued to persevere and innovate, leading to the remarkable success of Chandrayaan-3. The successful soft landing of the Vikram Lander was a testament to the hard work, dedication, and innovative spirit of our scientists and engineers. National Space Day is a celebration of these achievements and an opportunity to reflect on the broader impact of space exploration.

The theme for National Space Day 2024 is "Touching Lives while Touching the Moon: India's Space Saga," which perfectly captures the essence of our journey in space. It highlights how space exploration has not only advanced our scientific knowledge but also enriched our daily lives through various technological innovations.

On this day, let us also take a moment to honour the incredible individuals who have made these achievements possible. The scientists, engineers, and support staff at ISRO have worked tirelessly to bring these missions to fruition. Their dedication and passion are an inspiration to us all and a reminder of what can be achieved through teamwork and perseverance.

National Space Day is a chance for all of us, especially the young minds, to engage with the wonders of space. As we celebrate National Space Day, let us be inspired by the spirit of exploration and discovery. Let us support and encourage the pursuit of knowledge, and continue to reach for the stars, Let us support the ongoing efforts in space research and encourage the spirit of discovery that drives us forward. By doing so, we honour the legacy of our space missions and pave the way for future advancements that will continue to inspire and benefit humanity.

Thank you, and Happy National Space Day!

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Speech on Dream Big and Work Hard: Long and Short Speech Samples

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  • Aug 21, 2024

Speech on Dream Big and Work Hard

Speech on dream big and work hard: In a world often filled with uncertainty and obstacles, it is essential to cultivate a spirit of ambition and perseverance. Dreams, the guiding stars of our aspirations, can propel us to extraordinary heights. However, it’s not enough to merely dream; we must also be willing to work tirelessly to achieve our goals. This blog post will explore the powerful combination of dreaming big and working hard, emphasising the transformative impact it can have on our lives.

Short Speech on Dream Big and Work Hard

Good morning to all the teachers and students,
Today I’m here to share a simple yet powerful message to students: Dream Big and Work Hard. Dreaming big is the first step towards achieving big. When we dream about something, we ignite a spark that leads us on a path of greatness. Dreams offer us a sense of desire, yet dreaming alone is enough. To make our dreams a reality, we must work hard. Hard work is the effort, dedication, and determination that pushes us towards our goals and turns our dreams from intangible ideas into actual results. Hard work allows us to grow our skills, overcome challenges, and create the resilience required for success.

Consider the stories of many influential individuals, including J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk, who all had dreams and made them a reality. Remember that the path to success is filled with challenges. Even after hard work, you are going to face failures and rejections, but this should not stop you from moving forward. It is during these times that our dedication to our goals and willingness to work hard are truly tested.

In conclusion, dreaming big and working hard can lead to remarkable results. Remember that no dream is too big if you are ready to put up the necessary effort and commitment. So, let us all dare to dream big and work hard to make our dreams a reality. 

Thank You!

Also Read: Value of Hard Work Speech for 2 minutes, 3 minutes, ASL

Long Speech on Dream Big and Work Hard

Good morning to the respected teachers and students,
Today I stand before you to share my thoughts on the importance of dreaming big and working hard for students. These two powerful concepts, when combined, can lead to greater success.

The path to success begins with a dream. A dream is a seed of our future since it is the vision that motivates us to achieve our goals. All of history’s greatest achievements, from landing on the moon to building pyramids, all of these started as someone’s dream. Dreams have no bounds since they are limitless and unrestricted Dreams lead us to imagine what is impossible and then believe that it can be made possible. This concept is important because it drives us to take action.

But how will we transform the impossible into the possible? The answer is hard work. Dreams are not enough; we must combine them with hard work. Hard work serves as a bridge between our dreams and our achievements. Thomas Edison once stated, “Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.” This highlights the importance of constant effort and perseverance in bringing dreams to life. 

Dreaming big offers us a purpose for achieving our goals. Working hard is the path that leads us to our goal. Consider J.K. Rowling’s inspirational story: she dreamed of being a writer, but it was her hard work, determination, and commitment that made her a globally renowned person today. Her story shows the value of big dreams and working hard.

It is critical to understand that in order to achieve your goals, you have to face a path filled with challenges. Even with your best efforts, you will fail at times. But that shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your dreams. One method to keep motivated is to break down your goals into smaller, more achievable activities. This will make your journey easier. Every single step forward moves us closer to our ultimate goal. 

When we are committed and passionate about our dreams, we are more inclined to put in the effort required. This passion will only boost our spirit and keep us going even when things get tough. There are several examples of people who have dreamed big and worked hard to accomplish their dreams. dreamed of revolutionising space travel, Oprah Winfrey dreamed of building a media empire, and dreamed of freedom in the midst of slavery. All of these influential persons showed the necessary dedication, determination, and hard work to achieve their goals.

In conclusion, dreaming big and working hard are two fundamental concepts that can lead to remarkable results. Dreams provide us with a vision, while hard work transforms the vision into reality. Remember that no dream is too big if you are ready to put in the effort and remain committed. The journey may be difficult, but the rewards are worth it. 

Thank you

Also Read: Success in Life Speech: Short and Long Speech

Ans: Dreaming Big is about being inspired by something that you are passionate about. It doesn’t matter how impossible that dream looks. It can always be achieved if you put in the right effort and stay committed towards your dreams.

Ans: ‘ Good morning to the respected teachers and students, Today I stand before you to share my thoughts on the importance of dreaming big and working hard for students. These two powerful concepts, when combined, can lead to greater success.’

Ans: The path to success begins with a dream. A dream is a seed of our future since it is the vision that motivates us to achieve our goals. Dreams have no bounds since they are limitless and unrestricted Dreams lead us to imagine what is impossible and then believe that it can be made possible. This concept is important because it drives us to take action.

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UN Women Strategic Plan 2022-2025

Speech: Transform education – transform gender equality

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Closing Remarks by Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UN Women, Sima Bahous, for Transforming Education Summit (TES) Leaders Day—Spotlight session “Advancing gender equality and girls’ and women’s empowerment in and through education”

UN Women Executive Director Sima Bahous delivers remarks at the Transforming Education Summit held in New York on 19 September 2022. Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown

[As delivered.]

We can all agree that education is a fundamental right. Yet, as we have heard here today, that right is not consistently afforded to all girls, and especially not to girls facing other challenges and crises. SDG 4 and SDG 5 must go hand-in-hand. The urgent ambition of this conference cannot be divorced from the urgent global context for gender equality.

Earlier this month UN Women published data that show—based on current rates of progress—that women and girls will not achieve full equality with men and boys for another 300 years. We hear every day of rollbacks and threats to the rights that women and girls believed were secure. I don’t think any one of us would want to wait 300 years. This is why UN Women, and its partners and allies across every sector of society, launched Generation Equality—an urgent acceleration agenda and a call to action for global gender equality. Education lies at the heart of that call to action. As we have heard so eloquently today, education is critical to building agency, equality, voice and power—yes, power—for the world’s women and girls, in all their diversity.  

As we heard Malala say, we need to ensure that we are not working in silos, with a short-term vision. We need to be bold. To achieve that, nothing less than transformation is necessary. As Minister Ndiaye of France said, an education policy needs to be feminist. That is not an option it is an obligation.  We must move beyond simply increasing the number of girls and women in education. We must transform the power relations and the harmful norms, stereotypes and biases that pervade—and degrade—our education systems.  We must create safe learning spaces, in person and online, that not only protect girls and women from gender-based violence but propel their creativity, potential and innovation. We must ensure that the education we offer girls and women truly equips them for the future. Currently women are only 35 per cent of those in STEM education. We must do better, or our world will not do better.

And while we make progress for girls, we must not forget about the millions of adult women who have already missed out on education. They need different educational support as well as access to childcare, safe public transport, training in life skills and decent paid work.

We gather at a time when global gender equality and women’s rights are in acute danger. Education is not only a critical tool to combat this, it is the means to fundamentally improve the lives of women, girls, families and whole communities. We must hold each other accountable for doing so and safeguard our progress.

That is why it is my pleasure to commend today’s Call to Action and Global Platform on Gender Equality and Girls’ and Women’s Education. Taken together, they offer a transformative agenda for action, policy change, financing and bold new partnerships to transform education through an explicit gender lens. A collaborative vision to dismantle gendered barriers and place gender considerations at the heart of education. When we transform education, we also transform the global trajectory of gender equality. The cause is urgent. We must seize the opportunity together. I thank you.

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