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Formatting your assignments

Illustrated step-by-step guides to help you understand the formatting and presentation expectations of university assignments.

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Although formatting your essay, report or dissertation can feel like a lesser priority than the process of research and writing itself, it is an important way to ensure your ideas are given the spotlight through visually accessible, professional presentation. Formatting can be a minefield, especially when you’re formatting at the last minute; it’s important to leave a few days at the end of your essay writing process for working on your formatting, and to spend some time familiarising yourself with the different aspects of formatting.

301 Recommends:

Our Essay Structure and Planning workshop will outline how to analyse your essay question, discuss approaches logically structure all your ideas, help you make your introductions and conclusions more effective, and teach how to link your ideas and ensure all essay content flows logically from the introduction.

Below, you will find some general introductions to the key areas. 

Action: know the rules 

Because formatting rules can vary greatly depending on your department or assignment, it’s crucial to check the formatting specifications in your assignment description/rubric, and any general departmental presentation standards, as a first port of call. Many referencing systems also have specific rules about how to format your work, so make sure to familiarise yourself with the university library’s referencing guides . Many referencing systems also have more detailed style guides available via their websites.

Formatting key information  

Assignment cover sheets .

In some departments, you may be expected to include a cover sheet on the front page of your assignment. This is a page including key information about your assignment, such as your module number, student registration number, essay title, and submission date.

You may be asked to submit a plagiarism declaration and to make your markers aware of any disabilities through the yellow sticker system . If you are asked to include a cover sheet in your assignment, your department should make you aware of where you can access this.

Assignment titles

Place your assignment title at the top of your first page, either centre or left aligned, in bold font. At university, you may be assigned a pre-designed essay title/question, or asked to select from several possible titles. You may also be asked to design your own essay title. Here are some top tips on designing your own title:

  • To bring focus to your essay, draft a working title at the essay planning stage. You can come back and review this title in light of your finished essay draft.
  • Make sure to use action words in your essay title that reflect the skills your assessors are looking for, both in the assignment description and the marking criteria you have been given. For example, if heavy emphasis is placed on critical analysis, you could use a title like ‘Analyse the effect of…’ See this glossary of essay terms , containing examples that you can use in your own titles. 
  • The action words you choose can also help you to reflect the structure of the essay in your question. For example, an essay using the action word ‘Discuss’ might use a for/against/conclusion or advantages/disadvantages/conclusion structure, or an essay using the term ‘Analyse’ might break an issue down into parts, e.g. into key themes, to understand its meaning as a whole. Think about the type of essay you want to write: do you want it to be comparative, look at several topics equally, or do you have a clear argument that you want to put forward? You can then create a question that gives you the opportunity to approach the topic from your own perspective.
  • Make sure to include the main terminology you are working with in your assignment title.
  • Make sure your question has a realistic scope, without being so broad that you cannot answer it within the limitations of your essay. To limit your question, you could include any limiting factors you are working with, such as specific time periods, geographical regions or sub-themes within the overall topic area. For example, in the title ‘Evaluate the proposition that a global monoculture will destroy diversity and difference’, the broad topic of global monoculture is limited down through a specific sub-focus on diversity and difference.

Stating word counts 

Depending on the instructions you have been given, you may be asked to state your word count, either on your cover sheet or at the beginning of your essay. If you are asked to include this information, make sure your word count accurately reflects the assessment guidance: for example, are references included in your word count?

Visual clarity  

Line spacing .

Most assignment descriptions specify that you should increase the space between each line on the page, from the standard 1.0 spacing to either 1.5 or 2.0 spacing. You are asked to do this to make the essay more visually accessible and easier to read, by breaking up the number of lines on each page. 

Download this step-by-step illustrated guide to line spacing in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.


All non-examination based assignments should be word processed rather than handwritten. Most assignment descriptions will specify that for visual clarity, and to ensure a professional appearance, you should use a plain, sans-serif font such as Arial. For readability, this should be in 11 or 12 point size. Check your departmental or assignment guidance for any specific rules about font choices. 

Page numbering, headers and footers  

Including page numbers in your assignments makes them more accessible. Depending on the departmental guidance you have been given, you may be asked to include these in either the header or the footer of your essay (the blank space above and below where the text would go on a normal page in a word processor). It may also be helpful to include your registration number and the module code of the essay in the same header or footers that specify the page number. 

Download this step-by-step illustrated guide to adding page numbers and using headers and footers in Microsoft Word and Google Docs. 

Page layout   

Margins .

A margin is the amount of blank space on either side of a paragraph in a normal word processor. Traditionally, assignment descriptions specified that the margins should be made wider at the binding edge (the left hand side) of the page, to allow for easier reading of printed essays. However, with the shift to online essays, you might not be asked to do this any more and the default settings on your word processor are likely to be sufficiently wide.

For printed dissertations and theses, you may receive specific guidance about the suitable layout of margins, as these are more likely to be printed: see this university guide on formatting PhD theses . 

Download this step-by-step illustrated guide to adjusting margins in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

Paragraph alignment 

Most formatting instructions specify that paragraphs should be lined up in a straight line (aligned) on the left hand edge, but left jagged on the right hand edge (like this page). This is called left alignment, or flush-left style, and should be the default alignment setting for your word processor. This style can be helpful for visual accessibility, but check any specific instructions you have been given by your department to see which style of alignment you have been asked to use. 

Download this step-by-step illustrated guide to adjusting paragraph alignment in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.  

Paragraph indentation

You may be asked to add indents to your paragraphs: an indent is an additional small gap between the margin and the beginning of a paragraph (it makes a ‘dent’ in the first line of your paragraph). Indents are used to provide extra clarification that the reader is starting a new paragraph after finishing the last one: therefore, they should not be used in the first paragraph of your essay. Indents are not always required, and whether you are expected to use them may depend on your referencing style , and any formatting instructions you have been given by your department.

Download this step-by-step illustrated guide to indenting paragraphs in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

Formatting referenced material 

Footnotes and endnotes .

Some referencing systems require you to use footnotes or endnotes to format your references (make sure to check the library’s referencing guide to familiarise yourself with the expected format of your referencing style). Inserting a footnote into your word document when you have cited from a source adds a superscript number (a number formatted in a smaller font) to the sentence. It creates a note with a matching number at the bottom of the page you are working on (in the footer), which you can add the reference information to.

Endnotes work in the same way, but instead of appearing at the bottom of the page, the reference list appears at the end of the document.

Download this step-by-step illustrated guide to manually inserting footnotes and endnotes in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.  

References and bibliographies  

Instead of, or alongside footnotes/endnotes, some referencing systems ask you to include a bibliography and/or a reference list at the end of the essay (make sure to check the library’s referencing guide to familiarise yourself with the expected format of your referencing style). A reference list is a list of all the sources you have directly referred to in the essay, which could be ordered numerically or alphabetically, depending on your referencing style.

A bibliography could be used alongside, or instead of, a reference list, depending on your referencing style; here, you list all the sources you have consulted that have influenced your ideas, whether they are included in the essay or not. The way this is ordered also depends on your referencing style. 

If you auto-generate your citations in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, you can auto-generate your bibliography instead of creating it manually: instructions for doing so are in the resource below. If you use a different reference manager, such as Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote, these have their own specific instructions for auto-generating bibliographies. See the reference management resources offered by the university. 

Download this step-by-step illustrated guide to manually or automatically formatting a bibliography or reference list in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

Block quotations  

When you need to include a quotation in your essay that is three or more lines long, you can add this as a block quotation. A block quotation appears on a separate line to the other parts of the paragraph, and is indented (i.e. there is a wider gap between a block quotation and the left-hand margin than there is between the rest of the paragraph and the left-hand margin). Block quotations aren’t placed in quotation marks, so the indentation is used to indicate that you are using a quotation.

Check your referencing guide and any departmental guidance to learn more about the specific rules on formatting block quotations in your department. Because they take up large chunks of your word count, and break up the flow of your texts, make sure to use block quotations sparingly: they are especially helpful when you are going to perform close analysis of a large section of text. For more information on different types of quotation and how to use them, see our workshop on paraphrasing and using academic sources.

Download this step-by-step illustrated guide to formatting block quotations in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

Advanced formatting 

Headings and contents tables .

Most standard short essays do not include headings, other than the essay title and reference list and/or bibliography. Section headings may be required for some longer or more structured types of academic writing, such as reports; reports often follow a very closely prescribed structure, so it is essential to pay very careful attention to the specific guidelines issued with your brief. Make sure that any system you use for numbering your headings and subheadings is consistently applied throughout the document.

Depending on the advice you have been given, and the length and complexity of a lab report, you may also be required to include a table of contents to help the reader navigate between headings. Contents tables are generally standard practice in longer assignments such as dissertations and theses. Make sure to check any departmental guidance you have been given about formatting reports.

Download this step-by-step illustrated guide to formatting headings and contents tables in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

301 Recommends: Scientific Writing and Lab Reports Workshop

This workshop  will help you to familiarise yourself with some of the specific expectations associated with this assignment format.

Figures and tables 

Some kinds of essays, dissertations and reports will require you to make use of figures (pictures, diagrams, and graphs) and tables (any data in a table format). Figures and tables are normally numbered in sequence, e.g. ‘Table 1’, ‘Figure 4’, and are directly referred to in the text according to their number, rather than according to their location on the page (e.g. ‘as shown in Table 2’ rather than ‘as shown below’). 

If your text is of dissertation or thesis length, or if your text has several figures, it may also be helpful to include a list of figures immediately after the table of contents. Some referencing guides have specific rules about presenting and referencing tables and figures, so make sure to familiarise yourself with these and carefully read any specific instructions about figures and tables in your assignment brief. 

Download this step-by-step illustrated guide to inserting figures and tables and creating lists of figures/tables in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

Top tips for formatting tables and figures:

  • Make sure that any tables or figures you use are placed below the paragraph where you refer to them, and that you have directly referred to all figures and tables in the text of the essay.
  • The caption for a table usually acts as its title, so this is placed above the table in the document. The caption for a figure is usually placed underneath the figure. Do not include unnecessary additional titles in the graph image itself, if the title is already included in your image caption. 
  • Make sure to label your captions consistently, choosing between ‘Fig.’ or ‘Figure’ and consistently using either a full stop or a colon after the label (i.e. ‘Figure 1:’ or ‘Fig. 1.’) 
  • Your caption should clearly and succinctly explain what the figure or table is. If the figure is taken from an external source, you must provide a reference that accurately reflects its copyright status (see these university library guides to inserting and attributing images and figures in university work). 
  • Make sure to include legends in any charts you use (a key that helps to explain the data in the chart). Any data series you use should be clearly distinguishable from each other (e.g. avoid printing a report with coloured graphs in black and white!) If you are only using one series of data, a legend is not always necessary. 
  • Make sure tables are clear and easy to read, using sans serif fonts, a readable font size, and avoiding unnecessary use of colour. 
  • Make sure graphs are clear and easy to read, with clearly and appropriately labelled axes. Be wary of 3D effects that may obscure the clarity of a graph.
  • Make sure to avoid presenting the same information in a graph and a table.
  • Images and figures in printed essays, such as dissertations and theses, should be large enough for the text and numbers to be legible on the printed copy. Make sure they do not extend beyond the print margins of the document. 

301 Recommends: Displaying Data in Graphs and Tables Workshop

This workshop will provide more technical advice on using graphs and tables in your work. See also this Engineering department guidance on formatting graphs and tables in Engineering lab reports.


Appendices commonly appear in dissertations, theses, and lab reports. An appendix provides supporting information that gives the reader a better understanding of the essay, but that might be too long, detailed or awkward to insert into the main body of the essay without breaking up its flow. Interview questions or transcripts, sample questionnaires, raw data, figures, photographs, large/complex datasets, and diagrams are all examples of information that could be included in an appendix, if it is relevant to do so.

The reader should be able to understand the essay without reference to this supporting information, as all the most important and relevant information needed to answer the question should be included in the body (i.e., the appendix should not be used to make room for content that doesn’t fit within your word count). Your appendices must be clearly signposted and explained in the body of your report, highlighting any information that is essential for your reader to understand. Do not include any appendices that are not referenced in the text itself.

The appendices should be placed in numerical or alphabetical order, and signposted according to this specific system (e.g. ‘Appendix B indicates that…’) They should be clearly labelled, using headings that match up to the in-text reference. Appendices usually appear at the very end of the assignment, after your references/bibliography. Make sure to list any appendices used in your table of contents; if you have been instructed to do so by your department or within your referencing system, you could include a list of appendices separate to your contents list. 

The specific format of the appendix heading, and the reference made to the appendix in the text, depends on your referencing style , so make sure to carefully review this information before you design your appendices.

Download this step-by-step illustrated guide to inserting appendices and creating lists of appendices in Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

Tips and resources

  • Use this 301 proofreading checklist to check over your work when you are finished.
  • Use the University Library referencing guide for advice about referencing and formatting that is specific to your referencing style. If you need extra clarification about formatting rules, it is often possible to download an extended style guide from the official website for a specific referencing system. 
  • For further training on referencing, using reference generators, and using images in your work, see the University Library workshop programme .

Related information

Academic Writing


Essay structure and planning

Scientific writing and lab reports

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Report writing

What is a report and how does it differ from writing an essay? Reports are concise and have a formal structure. They are often used to communicate the results or findings of a project.

Essays by contrast are often used to show a tutor what you think about a topic. They are discursive and the structure can be left to the discretion of the writer.

Who and what is the report for?

Before you write a report, you need to be clear about who you are writing the report for and why the report has been commissioned.

Keep the audience in mind as you write your report, think about what they need to know. For example, the report could be for:

  • the general public
  • academic staff
  • senior management
  • a customer/client.

Reports are usually assessed on content, structure, layout, language, and referencing. You should consider the focus of your report, for example:

  • Are you reporting on an experiment?
  • Is the purpose to provide background information?
  • Should you be making recommendations for action?

Language of report writing

Reports use clear and concise language, which can differ considerably from essay writing.

They are often broken down in to sections, which each have their own headings and sub-headings. These sections may include bullet points or numbering as well as more structured sentences. Paragraphs are usually shorter in a report than in an essay.

Both essays and reports are examples of academic writing. You are expected to use grammatically correct sentence structure, vocabulary and punctuation.

Academic writing is formal so you should avoid using apostrophes and contractions such as “it’s” and "couldn't". Instead, use “it is” and “could not”.

Structure and organisation

Reports are much more structured than essays. They are divided in to sections and sub-sections that are formatted using bullet points or numbering.

Report structures do vary among disciplines, but the most common structures include the following:

The title page needs to be informative and descriptive, concisely stating the topic of the report.

Abstract (or Executive Summary in business reports)

The abstract is a brief summary of the context, methods, findings and conclusions of the report. It is intended to give the reader an overview of the report before they continue reading, so it is a good idea to write this section last.

An executive summary should outline the key problem and objectives, and then cover the main findings and key recommendations.

Table of contents

Readers will use this table of contents to identify which sections are most relevant to them. You must make sure your contents page correctly represents the structure of your report.

Take a look at this sample contents page.


In your introduction you should include information about the background to your research, and what its aims and objectives are. You can also refer to the literature in this section; reporting what is already known about your question/topic, and if there are any gaps. Some reports are also expected to include a section called ‘Terms of references’, where you identify who asked for the report, what is covers, and what its limitations are.


If your report involved research activity, you should state what that was, for example you may have interviewed clients, organised some focus groups, or done a literature review. The methodology section should provide an accurate description of the material and procedures used so that others could replicate the experiment you conducted.


The results/findings section should be an objective summary of your findings, which can use tables, graphs, or figures to describe the most important results and trends. You do not need to attempt to provide reasons for your results (this will happen in the discussion section).

In the discussion you are expected to critically evaluate your findings. You may need to re-state what your report was aiming to prove and whether this has been achieved. You should also assess the accuracy and significance of your findings, and show how it fits in the context of previous research.


Your conclusion should summarise the outcomes of your report and make suggestions for further research or action to be taken. You may also need to include a list of specific recommendations as a result of your study.

The references are a list of any sources you have used in your report. Your report should use the standard referencing style preferred by your school or department eg Harvard, Numeric, OSCOLA etc.

You should use appendices to expand on points referred to in the main body of the report. If you only have one item it is an appendix, if you have more than one they are called appendices. You can use appendices to provide backup information, usually data or statistics, but it is important that the information contained is directly relevant to the content of the report.

Appendices can be given alphabetical or numerical headings, for example Appendix A, or Appendix 1. The order they appear at the back of your report is determined by the order that they are mentioned in the body of your report. You should refer to your appendices within the text of your report, for example ‘see Appendix B for a breakdown of the questionnaire results’. Don’t forget to list the appendices in your contents page.

Presentation and layout

Reports are written in several sections and may also include visual data such as figures and tables. The layout and presentation is therefore very important.

Your tutor or your module handbook will state how the report should be presented in terms of font sizes, margins, text alignment etc.

You will need good IT skills to manipulate graphical data and work with columns and tables. If you need to improve these skills, try the following online resources:

  • Microsoft online training through Linkedin Learning
  • Engage web resource on using tables and figures in reports

Oxford Brookes University

Report writing

Reports are informative writing that present the results of an experiment or investigation to a specific audience in a structured way. Reports are broken up into sections using headings, and can often include diagrams, pictures, and bullet-point lists. They are used widely in science, social science, and business contexts. 

Scroll down for our recommended strategies and resources. 

Difference between reports and essays

Essays and reports are both common types of university assignments. Whilst an essay is usually a continuous piece of writing, a report is divided into sections. See this overview for more on the differences between reports and essays:

Features of reports (University of Reading)

Reports have an expected structure with set sections so information is easy to find. Science reports may have methods and results sections, but business reports may only have a discussion and recommendations section. Always check what type of structure is needed for each report assignment as they may change. See this overview of different types of report structures:

Sample report structures (RMIT University)

Finding your own headings

Sometimes you are given the choice of how to name your sub-headings and structure the main body of your report. This is common in business where the structure has to fit the needs of the information and the client. See this short video on how to find meaningful sub-headings:

Finding your own report structure [video] (University of Reading)

Purpose of each section

Each section of a report has a different role to play and contains different types of information. See this brief overview of what goes where and how to number the sections:

What goes into each section (University of Hull)

Writing style

As well as having a different purpose, each report section is written in a different way and they don’t have to be written in order. See these guides on the style and order for writing a report and on the features of scientific writing:

Writing up your report (University of Reading)

Scientific writing (University of Leeds)

Tables and figures

Reports commonly use graphs and tables to show data more effectively. Always ensure any visual information in your report has a purpose and is referred to in the text. See this introductory guide to presenting data:

Using figures and charts (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Further resources

If you’d like to read more about the structure and style of reports, see this resource and book list created by Brookes Library:

Writing essays, reports and other assignments reading list

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report format for university assignments

Related topics

  • Critical thinking
  • Finding information
  • Understanding assessments
  • Note-taking
  • Time management
  • Paraphrasing and quoting
  • Referencing and avoiding plagiarism

See all available workshops .

Short on time? Watch a video on:

  • Essay writing – 6:28
  • Paraphrasing & summarising – 6:46
  • Using active and passive voice – 9:58
  • Editing your work – 5:12

Have any questions? 

This is the footer


Report writing

  • Features of good reports
  • Types of Report


Organising your information, abstract / executive summary, literature review, results / data / findings, reference list / bibliography.

  • Writing up your report

Useful links for report writing

  • Study Advice Helping students to achieve study success with guides, video tutorials, seminars and appointments.
  • Maths Support A guide to Maths Support resources which may help if you're finding any mathematical or statistical topic difficult during the transition to University study.

report format for university assignments

  • Academic Phrasebank Use this site for examples of linking phrases and ways to refer to sources.
  • Academic writing LibGuide Expert guidance on punctuation, grammar, writing style and proof-reading.
  • Reading and notemaking LibGuide Expert guidance on managing your reading and making effective notes.
  • Guide to citing references Includes guidance on why, when and how to use references correctly in your academic writing.

The structure of a report has a key role to play in communicating information and enabling the reader to find the information they want quickly and easily. Each section of a report has a different role to play and a writing style suited to that role. Therefore, it is important to understand what your audience is expecting in each section of a report and put the appropriate information in the appropriate sections.

The guidance on this page explains the job each section does and the style in which it is written. Note that all reports are different so you must pay close attention to what you are being asked to include in your assignment brief. For instance, your report may need all of these sections, or only some, or you may be asked to combine sections (e.g. introduction and literature review, or results and discussion). The video tutorial on structuring reports below will also be helpful, especially if you are asked to decide on your own structure.

  • Finding a structure for your report (video) Watch this brief video tutorial for more on the topic.
  • Finding a structure for your report (transcript) Read the transcript.

report format for university assignments

  • When writing an essay, you need to place your information  to make a strong argument
  • When writing a report, you need to place your information  in the appropriate section

Consider the role each item will play in communicating information or ideas to the reader, and place it in the section where it will best perform that role. For instance:

  • Does it provide background to your research? ( Introduction  or  Literature Review )
  • Does it describe the types of activity you used to collect evidence? ( Methods )
  • Does it present factual data? ( Results )
  • Does it place evidence in the context of background? ( Discussion )
  • Does it make recommendations for action? ( Conclusion )

Reports for different briefs will require different sections to be included. Check your brief carefully for the sections to include in your final report.

report format for university assignments

  • the purpose of the work
  • methods used for research
  • main conclusions reached
  • any recommendations

The introduction … should explain the rationale for undertaking the work reported on, and the way you decided to do it. Include what you have been asked (or chosen) to do and the reasons for doing it.

- State what the report is about. What is the question you are trying to answer? If it is a brief for a specific reader (e.g. a feasibility report on a construction project for a client), say who they are.

- Describe your starting point and the background to the subject: e.g., what research has already been done (if you have to include a Literature Review, this will only be a brief survey); what are the relevant themes and issues; why are you being asked to investigate it now?

- Explain how you are going to go about responding to the brief. If you are going to test a hypothesis in your research, include this at the end of your introduction. Include a brief outline of your method of enquiry. State the limits of your research and reasons for them, e.g.

"Research will focus on native English speakers only, as a proper consideration of the issues arising from speaking English as a second language is beyond the scope of this project".

report format for university assignments

Introduce your review by explaining how you went about finding your materials, and any clear trends in research that have emerged. Group your texts in themes. Write about each theme as a separate section, giving a critical summary of each piece of work, and showing its relevance to your research. Conclude with how the review has informed your research (things you'll be building on, gaps you'll be filling etc).

  • Literature reviews LibGuide Guide on starting, writing and developing literature reviews.
  • Doing your literature review (video) Watch this brief video tutorial for more on the topic.
  • Doing your literature review (transcript) Read the transcript.

The methods  should be written in such a way that a reader could replicate the research you have done. State clearly how you carried out your investigation. Explain why you chose this particular method (questionnaires, focus group, experimental procedure etc). Include techniques and any equipment you used. If there were participants in your research, who were they? How many? How were they selected?

Write this section  concisely  but  thoroughly  – Go through what you did step by step, including everything that is relevant. You know what you did, but could a reader follow your description?

report format for university assignments

Label your graphs and tables clearly. Give each figure a title and describe in words what the figure demonstrates. Save your interpretation of the results for the Discussion section.

The discussion ...is probably the longest section. It brings everything together, showing how your findings respond to the brief you explained in your introduction and the previous research you surveyed in your literature review. This is the place to mention if there were any problems (e.g. your results were different from expectations, you couldn't find important data, or you had to change your method or participants) and how they were, or could have been, solved.

  • Writing up your report page More information on how to write your discussion and other sections.

The conclusions ...should be a short section with no new arguments or evidence. This section should give a feeling of closure and completion to your report. Sum up the main points of your research. How do they answer the original brief for the work reported on? This section may also include:

  • Recommendations for action
  • Suggestions for further research

report format for university assignments

If you're unsure about how to cite a particular text, ask at the Study Advice Desk on the Ground Floor of the Library or contact your Academic Liaison Librarian for help.

  • Contact your Academic Liaison Librarian

The appendices ...include any additional information that may help the reader but is not essential to the report's main findings. The report should be able to stand alone without the appendices. An appendix can include for instance: interview questions; questionnaires; surveys; raw data; figures; tables; maps; charts; graphs; a glossary of terms used.

  • A separate appendix should be used for each distinct topic or set of data.
  • Order your appendices in the order in which you refer to the content in the text.
  • Start each appendix on a separate page and label sequentially with letters or numbers e.g. Appendix A, Appendix B,…
  • Give each Appendix a meaningful title e.g. Appendix A: Turnover of Tesco PLC 2017-2021.
  • Refer to the relevant appendix where appropriate in the main text e.g. 'See Appendix A for an example questionnaire'.
  • If an appendix contains multiple figures which you will refer to individually then label each one using the Appendix letter and a running number e.g. Table B1, Table B2. Do not continue the numbering of any figures in your text, as your text should be able to stand alone without the appendices.
  • If your appendices draw on information from other sources you should include a citation and add the full details into your list of references (follow the rules for the referencing style you are using).

For more guidance see the following site:

  • Appendices guidance from University of Southern California Detailed guidance on using appendices. Part of the USC's guide to Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper.
  • << Previous: Types of Report
  • Next: Writing up your report >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 8, 2024 4:35 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.reading.ac.uk/reports

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Report writing

Report writing is an essential skill in many disciplines. Master it now at university and writing reports in the workplace will be easier.

A report aims to inform and sometimes to persuade. They should be written as clearly and succinctly as possible with evidence about a topic, problem or situation.

Here are some general guidelines but check with your lecturer for more detailed information about what is expected.

What is a report?

Differences between a report and an essay, a report is similar to an essay in that both need:.

  • to be written in a formal style.
  • an introduction, body and conclusion
  • analytical thinking
  • extensive researching for information and evidence to support a conclusion
  • careful proofreading and neat presentation.

A report is different to an essay in that a report:

  • is a presentation of facts and information, rather than a discussion of various opinions
  • is often written for a very specific audience (e.g. an organisation that has commissioned a report)
  • is structured so that it may be scanned quickly by the reader
  • uses numbered headings and subheadings (e.g. 2.1 executive summary)
  • uses short, concise paragraphs and dot points where applicable
  • uses graphics wherever possible (tables, graphs, illustrations)
  • may need an abstract (sometimes called an executive summary)
  • makes recommendations
  • does not always need references and a bibliography
  • often has appendices.

How to write a report

Plan to write your report.

Ask some questions first:

  • Who has requested the report?
  • Why have they asked for a report?
  • What do they need to know?
  • How will the report be used?
  • Who is/are my audience or audiences? (e.g. clients, lecturers, assessors, managers etc.)

Analyse your task

Analysing your task is very important. Here are some questions to explore:

  • What type of report is needed? (e.g. experimental report, technical design proposal, business report)
  • How long does your report need to be?
  • What is required in the report?
  • What is the problem/question to be solved?
  • What is the aim of the report?
  • What key points or issues need to be addressed?
  • What information do you need to collect?

Types of reports for university

For all reports, you have to ensure that the conclusions that you draw are supported by the evidence that you find. At university, you will mostly be writing business, experimental/laboratory or technical reports.

Business report

A business report aims to:

  • examine how an organisation can achieve an objective
  • highlight a problem and suggest a solution
  • offer information, interpretation (e.g. product surveys), analysis and recommendations.

Experimental/Laboratory report

An experimental report aims to report on:

  • an experiment or research
  • what was achieved during the course of the experiment?
  • what was concluded and how this compares with previous published results?

Technical design report

A technical design report aims to:

  • solve a problem
  • recommend a design.

Typical format of a report

Letter or memorandum

Provided to the person or group who commissioned the report, stating the purpose of the report, brief summary and/or recommendations, and acknowledging others who have contributed.

Title page

Clearly describes what the report is about.

Abstract or Executive summary

Approximately 200 words. States the problem, how it was investigated, what was found, and what the findings mean.

Table of contents

A list of the major and minor sections of the report.


Sets the scene and gives some background information about the topic. States the aim/purpose of the investigation and outlines of the sections in the body of the report.

Main body

Organised into sections: what was investigated, how it was investigated it, what was found (evidence), and interpretations.


Summary, what the report achieved – did it meet its aims, the significance of the findings and a discussion and interpretation of the findings.


What is recommended as a course of action following the conclusion?


A list of all the sources you used.


Any information (graphs, charts, tables or other data) referred to in your report but not included in the body.

Layout of the report

Lay out the report for easy reading and comprehension. Many managers will only read the recommendations but will dip into the report for the details which they want to find quickly and easily. Use this checklist:

Further resources

  • Bogg, D 2012, Report writing , MacGrawHill/Open University, Maidenhead, UK.
  • Eunson, B 2012, Communicating in the 21st century, 3rd edn , Wiley, Sydney.
  • Kuiper, S 2007, Contemporary business report writing , Thompson, Mason.
  • A resource on report writing from the University of Canberra.
  • An overview on reports from UOW Learning Co-Op
  • University of NSW writing laboratory reports resource
  • A resource on business reports from UOW
  • A resource on technical reports from Monash university

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Here are some examples of common report structures.

The highlighted bolded headings and subheadings show some of the differences between reports for different fields of practice or for different purposes.

Short report

  • Introduction
  • Recommendations

Science report

  • Aims/objectives
  • participants (for psychology or biological/sports sciences)

Business report

  • Executive summary
  • Table of contents
  • Findings or observations

Engineering report

  • Executive summary (optional)
  • Aim/Objectives
  • Recommendations & action plan

Research/project report

  • Method/methodology
  • Results/findings
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography

Example of a student's report

This technical report was submitted by a university student. It is an excellent example of a report written by a student. 

Student sample technical report (PDF 137KB)

  • Reports vs essays
  • Purpose of reports and sources to use
  • Overall structure of a report

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Types of Assignment

  • Starting an assignment
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  • Annotated bibliography
  • Project Proposal
  • Dissertation or final year project
  • Literature review
  • Critical Assessment - Assessing Academic Journal Articles
  • Systematic Review (Postgraduate resource)
  • Presentation
  • Reports in Microsoft Word

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Type of Assignment: Report

A report is a formal document that presents information, findings, or analysis on a particular topic, issue, or event. It typically includes an introduction, body, and conclusion, and may contain sections such as; summary, methodology, results, discussion, and recommendations. Reports are often used to communicate research findings, evaluate projects or initiatives, inform decision-making, or provide updates on progress. They are commonly used in academic, business, government, and professional contexts.

In University various formats are used to present information and learning. A report assignment is asking you to present the information using a certain format (Headings and sub-headings are common). Understanding the assignment task includes understanding the formatting required and the digital elements.

Check out our guide on breaking down the assignment task: Starting an Assignment.

For support with Word and the digital skills required to create a report contact the TILE team.

Report: Things you need to know...

Reports are like burgers, they have a top and bottom (Introduction and a conclusion) but what goes in-between can vary greatly depending on the writer and the purpose of the report. Typically, at University reports are used to evidence learning and to segment different topics for easier reader understanding (though it can also help the writer too as it helps in the creation of the content as well).

Reports are usually written to record the methodology, results and conclusions of an investigation (this may be as a result of primary research (often practical and undertaken by you) or secondary (analysis of current literature and evidence).

They are written for easy reading and discussion so headings, sub-headings, numbering, bullet points, images, tables and graphs can all be used.  Use concise, business-like language so that the reader of your report can easily understand.

Reports can be written in a variety of ways, there is not just one correct way (check assignment guidelines). A report may consist of sections such as:

  • Title  - be specific.
  • Introduction - aim(s), objectives and why this is an important area for investigation?
  • Methodology – what you did to investigate and/or research this subject?
  • Findings and discussion – what you found out and what the findings mean?
  • Conclusions – what conclusions you made? 
  • Recommendations - if needed.
  • Title page  - be specific.
  • Executive summary  - highlights and key points from the report
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction  – aim(s), objectives and why this is an important topic
  • The main body portion  – what you found out and what the findings mean?
  • Conclusion  – what conclusions you made? 
  • Recommendations  - if needed.

An appendix comprises supplementary and extra content that is not crucial to the main body of the text, yet it can aid in offering a more comprehensive comprehension of the research problem or provide information that is too extensive to be incorporated within the main paper.

The appendix provides the reader with information needed to understand or clarify an element discussed within the main body e.g. the questions used in a survey.

  • Report structure What sections to include when writing a formal academic report.

Need to know more...

Try doing an advanced search, for example "report writing" + business in order to find resources appropriate to your subject area..

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Assignment writing guides and samples

If you're looking for useful guides for assignment writing and language skills check out our range of study skills resources

Essay writing

  • Writing essays [PDF 240KB] . Tips on writing a great essay, including developing an argument, structure and appropriate referencing. 
  • Sample essay [PDF 330KB] . A sample of an essay that includes an annotated structure for your reference.  

Writing a critical review

  • Writing a critical review [PDF 260KB] . Tips on writing a great critical review, including structure, format and key questions to address when writing a review. 
  • Sample critical review [PDF 260KB] . A sample of a critical review that includes an annotated structure for your reference.  

Writing a business-style report

  • Writing a business-style report [PDF 330KB] . A resource for business and law students Find out how to write and format business-style reports.
  • Sample of a business-style report [PDF 376 KB] . A resource for business and law students. A sample of a business-style report with an annotated format.  

Investigative report sample

  • Sample of an investigative report [PDF 500KB] . A resource for science, engineering and technology students. How to write an investigative report, including an annotated format.  

Assignment topics and editing

  • Interpreting assignment topics [PDF 370 KB] . Find out how to interpret an assignment topic, including understanding key words and concepts. 
  • How to edit your work [PDF 189KB] . A guide for all students about how to edit and review their work.   

Language skills

  • Building your word power (expanding your knowledge of words) [PDF 306KB]. A guide to expanding your knowledge of words and communicating your ideas in more interesting ways.
  • Handy grammar hints [PDF 217KB] .  A guide to getting grammar and style right in your assignments.

Resources relevant to your study area

Science, engineering and technology.

  • Writing a critical review [PDF 260KB].  Tips on writing a great critical review, including structure, format and key questions to address when writing a review. 
  • Sample critical review [PDF 260KB] . A sample of a critical review that includes an annotated structure for your reference. 
  • Sample of an investigative report [PDF 500KB] . A resource for science, engineering and technology students. How to write an investigative report, including an annotated format. 
  • How to edit your work [PDF 189KB] . A guide for all students about how to edit and review their work.  
  • Building your word power (expanding your knowledge of words) [PDF 306KB]. A guide to expanding your knowledge of words and communicating your ideas in more interesting ways. 
  • Handy grammar hints [PDF 217KB] . A guide to getting grammar and style right in your assignments. 

Health, Arts and Design

  • Sample essay [PDF 330KB] . A sample of an essay that includes an annotated structure for your reference. 
  • Writing a critical review [PDF 260KB]. Tips on writing a great critical review, including structure, format and key questions to address when writing a review. 
  • Sample critical review [PDF 260KB]. A sample of a critical review that includes an annotated structure for your reference. 
  • How to edit your work [PDF 189KB] . A guide for all students about how to edit and review their work. 
  • Handy grammar hints [PDF 217KB]. A guide to getting grammar and style right in your assignments.

Business and Law

  • Sample essay [PDF 330KB]. A sample of an essay that includes an annotated structure for your reference. 
  • Writing a business-style report [PDF 330KB]. A resource for business and law students. Find out how to write and format business-style reports.
  • Sample of a business-style report [PDF 376 KB]. A resource for business and law students. A sample of a business-style report, with an annotated format. 
  • Interpreting assignment topics [PDF 370 KB]. Find out how to interpret an assignment topic, including understanding key words and concepts. 
  • How to edit your work [PDF 189KB]. A guide for all students about how to edit and review their work.
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How to Write an Assignment Report for University

An academic report provides a descriptive analysis of research, experiment, or survey. The report discusses the results in detail following a specific academic report structure. A report is different from an essay because the writer of an essay can add their thoughts or opinions about a topic.

A student is required to do thorough planning, which might include a proposal. After this, they must begin the research, experiment, or survey. The final step is to provide a detailed report of the findings.

When you are given a task to write a report for university assignment, you might feel overwhelmed. The process of writing a report can be tedious but with the right information, you will realize it is an easy process. It requires you to understand the question correctly and to follow the instructions closely.

Our team of experienced writers has written this  assignment writing guide  to help you understand the process. The guide gives details on the writing style and structure. You will learn what makes a good report, things to avoid, and the skills required. After reading this guide, you will be able to write a university report correctly.

What Is Assignment Report

Writing an assignment report is part of a student’s university tasks. Many students fear writing reports but they are not difficult. They require the right approach and good organization. The process requires thorough research and understanding of the requestion.

A university report answers a research, experiment, or study question. It describes in detail what you observed or found. Included in the report should be the methods, tools, or apparatus used. Its outline must be clear. You will benefit from quality university report if you use  assignment help  from professional writers.

How to Structure a Report for University Assignment?

A lot of information on how to structure a report is available online. You must ensure you understand the structure correctly. When you get it right, it will be easy to write your report. The structure of a university report is similar to an essay structure. It has an introduction, body, and conclusion.

However, since a university report serves a different purpose, it has a lot of differences with an essay structure. Your instructor may ask you to include a few things. You may add a table of content appendices or recommendations.

The report might also include a title page, glossary, and an executive summary. The report writing structure should include the following.

1. The title page

On the title page, include the following details

  • Name of your instructor
  • Student number

2. The table of content

Your assignment report must have a table of contents that includes the following.

  • Page numbers of the main sections
  • Page numbers of the subsections

The report is written using a numbered list. The headings and subheadings are differentiated using different heading styles.

3. Any abbreviations used

This part contains any abbreviations used in the report. It also contains the technical words or acronyms used.

4. The executive summary

The executive summary gives a short overview of what the entire report is about. A reader first reads the executive summary to have an idea of what to expect in the report. The summary should not exceed one paragraph.

5. Introduction

When preparing to write a report introduction, focus on several things. The introduction orientates your audience to the topic. It explains why the report is important. In the introduction, explain the context of your report. Explain briefly any important point that can be useful to the reader. Give a short breakdown of the structure.

6. The report’s main body

In the assignment report format, the main body is the core. It presents an account of the issues under review. The content in the main body is analysis-based. It is never a suggestion or opinion.

Due to this, you should not use the phrases like ‘I think, feel, guess,’’ etc. Every idea is supported with concrete evidence or a logical argument. The evidence helps to substantiate your assertions. You must use a specific report assignment example or evidence to build a logical argument.

The report’s main body is divided into several sections. It has headings, subheadings, and paragraphs. If possible, use diagrams or images to help the reader understand better. Introduce each main point in the first lines of the paragraph. After giving your strong evidence, conclude the point within the paragraph.

In summary, the report’s main body should feature the following main points.

  • Analyze the main features
  • Define the problem
  • Explain the phases
  • Propose other ways to approach/manage the problem

7. Report conclusion

The conclusion gives a summary of the entire report. It is different from the results section. The conclusion draws to attention what has been discussed. It doesn’t introduce new information. You will confuse the reader by introducing fresh information. Make the conclusion short but do not leave out the main points.

8. Report recommendations

Recommendations give suggestions of actions that you feel are important. Do not give a recommendation that is outside the discussions. Give recommendations based on priorities. Start with the most important recommendation and end with the least important one.

9. References

The references section gives a list of all sources used in your report. Depending on the report writing style you have used, use the right reference structure. Your references section can have:

  • The writer/editor
  • Date published

10. The report appendices

The report appendices include any additional information you might have. It should not be part of the word count. It must be included in the references list. Any information that is not referenced should not appear in the appendices. Depending on the instructor, the appendices can sometimes be used in the report grading.

>Assignment Report Format

A university report presents the facts about a problem. It is an analysis of the problem and a suggestion of solutions. You should divide the report into sections. For the best flow, use numbered headings and subheadings. This makes the information logical and easy to understand.

The report sections include the following:

  • Contents table
  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodologies
  • Recommendations

The file format you choose is important. Although the university might be specific on the file format, the widely accepted formats are PDF and Word. Some reports are presented in PowerPoint slides.

You may include images or page background color to make your report presentable. In the grading process, the report structure/format is given a percentage. The format also helps you to ensure there is nothing you left out in the writing process.

Report Writing Style 

Your university report can be formal or informal. Their main distinguishing factor is their length. An informal report is shorter, although you cannot expressly pinpoint its page limitation. You can think about an informal report in terms of 10 pages and below. In this type of report, use informal language. There should be a limit on the language. Do not make it too informal lest it loses quality.

A formal university report focusses on formal language. You must limit yourself within the official language. This type of report is usually longer in terms of pages or words. The report focuses on complex topics that require detailed background information. The writer must research widely to give a detailed discussion.

What Makes a Good Report for a University Assignment

If you want to write a good report, you must focus on its qualities. You must focus on presenting the facts based on relevant evidence. The facts presented must be related to the problem or question of the report topic. A good report must acknowledge every source used. It must follow the preferred style by the university or department. These are the qualities of a good university report.

  • It must be simple

By simplicity, it means the report should be easy to read. The language used should be easy to understand. Avoid complex scientific language/terms. Unless you are presenting it before a scientific team, use a language that everyone will understand.

  • It must be consistent

Your report must be consistent from the title page to the conclusion. The message must not conflict at any phase of the report. Remember, there could be other reports on the same topic done by other writers.

  • It must be accurate

You must learn how to write a report university and the need for accuracy. The report provides information from an experiment, survey, or research work. Make sure the information is accurate and precise. Present it in a way that someone else can replace it and get the exact results.

Things to Avoid in Assignment Report Writing

A report is written to provide a record of actions taken and results received. It should not be confusing. Avoid the following mistakes.

  • Avoid using jargon and buzz words because they will only make your report difficult to understand.
  • Avoid missing the deadline – Your hard work might go to waste if you submit your report late.
  • Avoid a too lengthy report. When the report is too long, it becomes complicated. The reader will take too long to read. They might abandon reading your report in the middle.
  • Avoid working alone. Gather information from people. Listen to their opinions or advice to create the best quality report.
  • Do not forget to edit your report. If you desire your report to be the best, take time to edit. Read your report and use editing tools to help you achieve the best quality. Things like typing errors, improper grammar, and wrong spelling will lower your report quality.
  • Do not forget to cite your report. If you do not cite your report, it will the counted as a plagiarized report. Cite in the correct citation style.

Skills Required to Write a Good Report

You require several abilities that will help you write a professional report. These are general abilities that every report writer should have, although there are other specialized abilities that you can gain later.

  • Research skills

Every university report must be detailed. You need to research widely to get the best points. Research skills help you understand the best places to get information. The sources you use must be credible. Having good research skills will help you get the right information.

  • Planning skills

Planning means organizing your report so that the information flows well. Your report will have a topic, executive summary, introduction, body, and conclusion. Planning skills are useful so that each component of your report will fall to where it should be.

  • Writing skills

Writing skills helps you communicate effectively with written words. It is the ability to write a well-flowing report. Writing skills focuses on the use of correct grammar, sentence, and paragraphs flow. A good report structure example uses a coherent sentence structure.

We hope this university report writing guide has helped you understand the right procedures to follow. You might need help with writing your report, or you might have limited time to research and write. You can hire our assignment writing service  to save time and get a quality report.

Written by Frank Dehoyos

Publish Date: Mar 18, 2022

Frank Dehoyos

Frank Dehoyos

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report format for university assignments

Lecturer in Student Learning and Communication Development, University of Sydney

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University life comes with its share of challenges. One of these is writing longer assignments that require higher information, communication and critical thinking skills than what you might have been used to in high school. Here are five tips to help you get ahead.

1. Use all available sources of information

Beyond instructions and deadlines, lecturers make available an increasing number of resources. But students often overlook these.

For example, to understand how your assignment will be graded, you can examine the rubric . This is a chart indicating what you need to do to obtain a high distinction, a credit or a pass, as well as the course objectives – also known as “learning outcomes”.

Other resources include lecture recordings, reading lists, sample assignments and discussion boards. All this information is usually put together in an online platform called a learning management system (LMS). Examples include Blackboard , Moodle , Canvas and iLearn . Research shows students who use their LMS more frequently tend to obtain higher final grades.

If after scrolling through your LMS you still have questions about your assignment, you can check your lecturer’s consultation hours.

2. Take referencing seriously

Plagiarism – using somebody else’s words or ideas without attribution – is a serious offence at university. It is a form of cheating.

Hands on a keyboard using the Ctrl C copy function

In many cases, though, students are unaware they have cheated. They are simply not familiar with referencing styles – such as APA , Harvard , Vancouver , Chicago , etc – or lack the skills to put the information from their sources into their own words.

To avoid making this mistake, you may approach your university’s library, which is likely to offer face-to-face workshops or online resources on referencing. Academic support units may also help with paraphrasing.

You can also use referencing management software, such as EndNote or Mendeley . You can then store your sources, retrieve citations and create reference lists with only a few clicks. For undergraduate students, Zotero has been recommended as it seems to be more user-friendly.

Using this kind of software will certainly save you time searching for and formatting references. However, you still need to become familiar with the citation style in your discipline and revise the formatting accordingly.

3. Plan before you write

If you were to build a house, you wouldn’t start by laying bricks at random. You’d start with a blueprint. Likewise, writing an academic paper requires careful planning: you need to decide the number of sections, their organisation, and the information and sources you will include in each.

Research shows students who prepare detailed outlines produce higher-quality texts. Planning will not only help you get better grades, but will also reduce the time you spend staring blankly at the screen thinking about what to write next.

Young woman sitting at desk with laptop and checking notes for assignment

During the planning stage, using programs like OneNote from Microsoft Office or Outline for Mac can make the task easier as they allow you to organise information in tabs. These bits of information can be easily rearranged for later drafting. Navigating through the tabs is also easier than scrolling through a long Word file.

4. Choose the right words

Which of these sentences is more appropriate for an assignment?

a. “This paper talks about why the planet is getting hotter”, or b. “This paper examines the causes of climate change”.

The written language used at university is more formal and technical than the language you normally use in social media or while chatting with your friends. Academic words tend to be longer and their meaning is also more precise. “Climate change” implies more than just the planet “getting hotter”.

To find the right words, you can use SkELL , which shows you the words that appear more frequently, with your search entry categorised grammatically. For example, if you enter “paper”, it will tell you it is often the subject of verbs such as “present”, “describe”, “examine” and “discuss”.

Another option is the Writefull app, which does a similar job without having to use an online browser.

5. Edit and proofread

If you’re typing the last paragraph of the assignment ten minutes before the deadline, you will be missing a very important step in the writing process: editing and proofreading your text. A 2018 study found a group of university students did significantly better in a test after incorporating the process of planning, drafting and editing in their writing.

Hand holding red pen to edit paper.

You probably already know to check the spelling of a word if it appears underlined in red. You may even use a grammar checker such as Grammarly . However, no software to date can detect every error and it is not uncommon to be given inaccurate suggestions.

So, in addition to your choice of proofreader, you need to improve and expand your grammar knowledge. Check with the academic support services at your university if they offer any relevant courses.

Written communication is a skill that requires effort and dedication. That’s why universities are investing in support services – face-to-face workshops, individual consultations, and online courses – to help students in this process. You can also take advantage of a wide range of web-based resources such as spell checkers, vocabulary tools and referencing software – many of them free.

Improving your written communication will help you succeed at university and beyond.

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Structuring written work

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Some assignments have a standard format, such as lab reports or case studies, and these will normally be explained in your course materials. For other assignments, you will have to come up with your own structure.

Your structure might be guided by:

  • the assignment question. For example, it may list topics or use wording such as ‘compare and contrast’
  • the subject matter itself, which may suggest a structure based on chronology, process or location
  • your interpretation of the subject matter. For example, problem/solution, argument/counter-argument or sub-topics in order of importance
  • the structure of other texts you’ve read in your discipline. Look at how the information is organised and sequenced. Make sure you modify the structure to suit your purpose to avoid plagiarism.

Essays are a very common form of academic writing. Like most of the texts you write at university, all essays have the same basic three-part structure: introduction, main body and conclusion. However, the main body can be structured in many different ways.

To write a good essay:

  • know if you’re expected to write an analytical, persuasive or critical essay
  • clearly structure your main body and paragraphs
  • use appropriate referencing
  • use academic language .

Reports generally have the same basic structure as essays, with an introduction, body and conclusion. However, the main body structure can vary widely, as the term ‘report’ is used for many types of texts and purposes in different disciplines.

Find out as much as possible about what type of report is expected.

How to plan your structure

There are many ways to come up with a structure for your work. If you’re not sure how to approach it, try some of the strategies below.

During and after reading your sources, take notes and start thinking about ways to structure the ideas and facts into groups. For example:

  • look for similarities, differences, patterns, themes or other ways of grouping and dividing the ideas under headings. This could include advantages, disadvantages, causes, effects, problems, solutions or types of theory
  • use coloured highlighters or symbols to tag themes or categories of information in your readings or notes
  • cut and paste notes in a document
  • physically group your readings or notes into piles.

It’s a good idea to brainstorm a few different ways of structuring your assignment once you have a rough idea of the main issues. Do this in outline form before you start writing – it’s much easier to re-structure an outline than a half-finished essay. For example:

  • draw some tree diagrams, mind-maps or flowcharts showing which ideas, facts and references would be included under each heading
  • discard ideas that don't fit into your overall purpose, and facts or references that are not useful for what you want to discuss
  • if you have a lot of information, such as for a thesis or dissertation, create some tables to show how each theory or reading relates to each heading (this is often called a 'synthesis grid')
  • plan the number of paragraphs you need, the topic heading for each one, and dot points for each piece of information and reference needed
  • try a few different possible structures until you find the one that works best.

Eventually, you’ll have a plan that is detailed enough for you to start writing. You’ll know which ideas go into each section and, ideally, each paragraph. You will also know where to find evidence for those ideas in your notes and the sources of that evidence.

If you’re having difficulties with the process of planning the structure of your assignment, consider trying a different strategy for grouping and organising your information.

Making the structure clear

Your writing will be clear and logical to read if it’s easy to see the structure and how it fits together. You can achieve this in several ways.

  • Use the end of the introduction to show the reader what structure to expect.
  • Use headings and sub-headings to clearly mark the sections (if these are acceptable for your discipline and assignment type).
  • Use topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph , to show the reader what the main idea is, and to link back to the introduction and/or headings and sub-headings.
  • Show the connections between sentences. The beginning of each sentence should link back to the main idea of the paragraph or a previous sentence.
  • Use conjunctions and linking words to show the structure of relationships between ideas. Examples of conjunctions include: however, similarly, in contrast, for this reason, as a result and moreover.


Most of the types of texts you write for university need to have an introduction. Its purpose is to clearly tell the reader the topic, purpose and structure of the paper.

As a rough guide, an introduction might be between 10 and 20 percent of the length of the whole paper and has three main parts.

  • The most general information, such as background and/or definitions.
  • The core of the introduction, where you show the overall topic, purpose, your point of view, hypotheses and/or research questions (depending on what kind of paper it is).
  • The most specific information, describing the scope and structure of your paper.

If the main body of your paper follows a predictable template, such as the method, results and discussion stages of a report in the sciences, you generally don’t need to include a guide to the structure in your introduction.

You should write your introduction after you know both your overall point of view (if it is a persuasive paper) and the whole structure of your paper. You should then revise the introduction when you have completed the main body.

Most academic writing is structured into paragraphs. It is helpful to think about each paragraph as a mini essay with a three-part structure:

  • topic sentence (also known as introductory sentence)
  • body of the paragraph
  • concluding sentence (necessary for long paragraphs but otherwise optional).

The topic sentence introduces a general overview of the topic and the purpose of the paragraph. Depending on the length of the paragraph, this may be more than one sentence. The topic sentence answers the question 'what's the paragraph about?'.

The body of the paragraph develops this topic. It may elaborate directly on the topic sentence by giving definitions, classifications, explanations, contrasts, examples and evidence.

The final sentence in many, but not all, paragraphs is the concluding sentence. It does not present new information, but often either summarises or comments on the paragraph content. It can also provide a link, by showing how the paragraph links to the topic sentence of the next paragraph. The concluding sentence often answers the question ‘so what?’, by explaining how this paragraph relates back to the main topic.

You don’t have to write all your paragraphs using this structure. For example, there are paragraphs with no topic sentence, or the topic is mentioned near the end of the paragraph. However, this is a clear and common structure that makes it easy for the reader to follow.


The conclusion is closely related to the introduction and is often described as its ‘mirror image’. This means that if the introduction begins with general information and ends with specific information, the conclusion moves in the opposite direction.

The conclusion usually:

  • begins by briefly summarising the main scope or structure of the paper
  • confirms the topic that was given in the introduction. This may take the form of the aims of the paper, a thesis statement (point of view) or a research question/hypothesis and its answer/outcome.
  • ends with a more general statement about how this topic relates to its context. This may take the form of an evaluation of the importance of the topic, implications for future research or a recommendation about theory or practice.

This material was developed by the the Learning Hub (Academic Language and Learning), which offers workshops, face-to-face consultations and resources to support your learning. Find out more about how they can help you develop your communication, research and study skills .

See our Writing skills handouts .

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Sample written assignments

Look at sample assignments to help you develop and enhance your academic writing skills. 

How to use this page

This page features authentic sample assignments that you can view or download to help you develop and enhance your academic writing skills. 

PLEASE NOTE: Comments included in these sample written assignments  are intended as an educational guide only.  Always check with academic staff which referencing convention you should follow. All sample assignments have been submitted using Turnitin® (anti-plagiarism software). Under no circumstances should you copy from these or any other texts.

Annotated bibliography

Annotated Bibliography: Traditional Chinese Medicine  (PDF, 103KB)

Essay: Business - "Culture is a Tool Used by Management"  (PDF, 496KB)

Essay: Business - "Integrating Business Perspectives - Wicked Problem"  (PDF, 660KB)

Essay: Business - "Overconsumption and Sustainability"  (PDF, 762KB)

Essay: Business - "Post bureaucracy vs Bureaucracy"  (PDF, 609KB)

Essay: Design, Architecture & Building - "Ideas in History - Postmodernism"  (PDF, 545KB)

Essay: Design, Architecture & Building - "The Context of Visual Communication Design Research Project"  (PDF, 798KB)

Essay: Design, Architecture & Building - "Ideas in History - The Nurses Walk and Postmodernism"  (PDF, 558KB)

Essay: Health (Childhood Obesity )  (PDF, 159KB)

Essay: Health  (Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare)  (PDF, 277KB)

Essay: Health (Organisational Management in Healthcare)   (PDF, 229KB)

UTS HELPS annotated Law essay

 (PDF, 250KB)

Essay: Science (Traditional Chinese Medicine)  (PDF, 153KB)

Literature review

Literature Review: Education (Critical Pedagogy)   (PDF, 165KB)

Reflective writing

Reflective Essay: Business (Simulation Project)  (PDF, 119KB)

Reflective Essay: Nursing (Professionalism in Context)  (PDF, 134KB)

Report: Business (Management Decisions and Control)   (PDF, 244KB)

Report: Education (Digital Storytelling)  (PDF, 145KB)

Report: Education (Scholarly Practice)   (PDF, 261KB)

Report: Engineering Communication (Flood Mitigation & Water Storage)  (PDF, 1MB)

UTS acknowledges the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the Boorooberongal people of the Dharug Nation, the Bidiagal people and the Gamaygal people, upon whose ancestral lands our university stands. We would also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present, acknowledging them as the traditional custodians of knowledge for these lands.

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Designing Effective Research Assignments

  • Designing a Research Assignment
  • Designing an Information Literacy Curriculum

Below are questions to ask yourself when designing an assignment that promotes information literacy and critical thinking skills.

  • What will students learn as a result of completing this assignment?
  • What are the information literacy student learning outcomes?
  • What are the writing or presentation outcomes?
  • What are the discipline-specific outcomes?
  • Are these goals clear to students?
  • Does our library have these resources? Are they freely and easily available elsewhere?
  • Is there a link to the library (or other needed resources) in the assignment and/or syllabus?
  • Is there a link to any related student services (peer tutoring, technology help desk, etc.) in the assignment and/or syllabus?
  • Does this model a process students can repeat in the future? Is that clear to students?
  • Is there space for students to reflect on what they are doing, which strategies are working and which aren’t?
  • Does this provide enough time for students to be successful?
  • Does it provide time for you to give feedback to students, and for students to revise and/or integrate that feedback into their next piece of work?
  • Do you have grading criteria or a rubric to help you score student work? Is this available to students?
  • Might you ask past students if you can use their work as a sample, or can you create your own?
  • How will students access the sample(s)? Hand out in class, provide in Moodle, etc.?

Source: Greenfield Community College Library.  “Information Literacy Toolkit for Faculty.”  gcc.mass.edu, Greenfield Community College. Accessed 1 Jan. 2021.

Scaffolding and reinforcing information literacy skills and concepts throughout your courses and program, will allow students to develop and master their skill set. Below are a number of questions to think about while creating course and program materials. 

  • Is it clear to students how these skills connect to continued study and/or real life?
  • What do they already know? Can you assume, or do you need to find out?
  • Which information literacy skills do you need to teach, in addition to your course content?
  • What can a librarian help teach?
  • What needs to be done during class time (for face-to-face classes)?
  • What can be done outside of class, as homework?
  • What supports does the library already have available (i.e. Moodle plug-ins, videos, handouts, etc.)?
  • If you want a librarian to teach, where does that fit in the course schedule?
  • If not, what needs to change? Course content, the research assignment, or both?

Greenfield Community College Library.  “Information Literacy Toolkit for Faculty.”  gcc.mass.edu, Greenfield Community College. Accessed 1 Jan. 2021.

Ideas and Examples

  • Classic Examples of Research Assignments
  • Ideas for Research-related Assignments

Assignments below are linked to documents. Please feel to download and edit for your classroom or context and to remix assignments. A librarian would be happy to tailor a version of an assignment or scaffold research skills into your class.

Example of a short assignment that asks students to think critically about two news sources.

Example of an annotated bibliography assignment that asks students to think critically about their sources.

Example of a research paper abstract assignment that asks students to closely evaluate their topics and sources needed.

Example of an assignment that asks students to brainstorm and evaluate research questions.

Example of an assignment that asks to compare and evaluate various sources.

Example of an assignment that asks students to critically approach source use and paraphrasing.

Example of an assignment that asks students to detail the research process by recording search strategies and resources located.

Example of an assignment that asks students to choose and refine a research topic.

Example of an assignment that asks students to think critically about sources.

Example of an assignment that asks students to crucially evaluate their research topic by evalauting sources.

There are any number of library-related assignments that can be incorporated into a course. Here are a few examples that can be adapted to most subjects (assignments may be repeated across categories).

Critical Evaluations & Comparisons

  • Locate a popular magazine article, then find a scholarly article on the same subject. Compare the two articles for content, style, bias, audience, etc.
  • Analyze the content, style, and audience of three journals in a given discipline.
  • Choose an autobiography of someone related to the course content. Find secondary sources which deal with an idea or event described in the autobiography. Compare and contrast the sources.
  • Evaluate a website based on specific criteria.
  • Determine the adequacy of a psychological test based on the literature about the test. Then develop a test battery designed for a particular clinical (or other) situation, by using published tests and the literature about them.
  • To develop the ability to evaluate sources, students prepare a written criticism of the literature on a particular issue by finding book reviews, by searching citation indexes to see who is quoting the context of the scholarship in a particular field.
  • Students use bibliographies, guides to the literature and the Internet to find primary sources on an issue or historical period. They can contrast the treatment in the primary sources with the treatment in secondary sources including their textbook.
  • Write a newspaper story describing an event--political, social, cultural, whatever suits the objectives-based on their research. The assignment can be limited to one or two articles, or it can be more extensive. This is a good exercise in critical reading and in summarizing. The assignment gains interest if several people research the same event in different sources and compare the newspaper stories that result.
  • Contrast journal articles or editorials from recent publications reflecting conservative and liberal tendencies.
  • Write a review of a musical performance. Include reference not only to the performance attended, but to reviews of the composition's premiere, if possible. Place the composition in a historical context using timetables, general histories and memoirs when available, using this information to gain insight into its current presentation.

Fact-Finding Research

  • Read an editorial and find facts to support it.
  • In biology or health classes, assign each student a 'diagnosis' (can range from jock itch to Parkinson's Disease). Have them act as responsible patients by investigating both the diagnosis and the prescribed treatment. Results presented in a two-page paper should cover: a description of the condition and its symptoms; its etiology; its prognosis; the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, its side effects and contradictions, along with the evidence; and, finally, a comparison of the relative effectiveness of alternate treatments. This can also be accompanied by oral or visual presentations, slideshow, poster session, etc.
  • Students follow a piece of legislation through Congress. This exercise is designed primarily to help them understand the process of government. However it could also be used in something like a 'critical issues' course to follow the politics of a particular issue. (What groups are lobbying for or against a piece of legislation? How does campaign financing affect the final decision? etc.).
  • Similar to the above, have students follow a particular foreign policy situation as it develops. Who are the organizations involved? What is the history of the issue? What are the ideological conflicts?
  • Nominate someone or a group for the Nobel Peace Prize. Learn about the prize, the jury, etc. Justify the nominations.
  • Write an exam on one area; answer some or all of the questions (depending on professor's preference). Turn in an annotated bibliography of source material, and rationale for questions.

Career-Based Research

  • Assemble background information on a company or organization in preparation for a hypothetical interview. For those continuing in academia, research prospective colleagues' and professors' backgrounds, publications, current research, etc.
  • Ask each student to describe a career they envision themselves in and then research the career choice. What are the leading companies in that area? Why? (If they choose something generic like secretarial or sales, what is the best company in their county of residence to work for? Why?) Choose a company and find out what its employment policies are-flex time, family leave, stock options. If the company is traded publicly, what is its net worth? What is the outlook for this occupation? Expected starting salary? How do the outlook and salaries vary by geography?

Personal Research

  • Locate primary sources from the date of your birth. You may use one type type of material only once, i.e., one newspaper headline of a major event, one quotation, one biography, one census figure, one top musical number, one campus event, etc. Use a minimum of six different sources. Write a short annotation of each source and include the complete bibliographic citation.

Historical Research (for any subject)

  • Select a scholar/researcher in a field of study and explore that person's career and ideas. Besides locating biographical information, students prepare a bibliography of writings and analyze the reaction of the scholarly community to the researcher's work.
  • Pick a topic and research it in literature from the 60s and 70s. Then research the same topic in the literature of the 80s and 90s. Compare and contrast the topic in a bibliographic essay.
  • Write a biographical sketch of a famous person. Use biographical dictionaries, popular press and scholarly sources, and books to find information about the person.
  • Everyone becomes an historical figure for a day. Students research the person, time-period, culture, etc. They give an oral presentation in class and answer questions.
  • Similar to the above, students adopt a persona and write letters or journal entries that person might have written. The level of research required to complete the assignment can range from minimal to a depth appropriate for advanced classes.
  • News conferences offer good opportunities to add depth to research and thus might work particularly well with advanced students. A verbatim transcript of an analytical description of a news conference can serve as a format for simulated interviews with well known people of any period. What questions would contemporaries have asked? What questions would we now, with hindsight, want to ask? How would contemporary answers have differed from those that might be given today? Here students have an opportunity to take a rigorous, analytical approach, both in terms of the questions to be asked and the information contained in the answers.

Biographical Research

(annotated) bibliography variations.

  • Prepare an annotated bibliography of books, journal articles, and other sources on a topic. Include evaluative annotations.
  • Create a Web page on a narrow topic relevant to the course. Include meta sites, e-journals, discussion lists, and organizations.
  • Update an existing bibliography or review of the literature.
  • Compile an anthology of readings by one person or on one topic. Include an introduction with biographical information about the authors, and the rationale for including the works [justify with reviews or critical materials].
  • Choose a topic of interest and search it on the Internet. Cross reference all search engines and find all websites which discuss the topic. Like a research paper, students will have to narrow and broaden accordingly. The student will then produce an annotated bibliography on the topic, based solely on internet references.
  • Create an anthology. The model for this format is the annotated book of readings with which most students are familiar. In this case, however, rather than being given the anthology, they are asked to compile it themselves. The assignment can limit the acceptable content to scholarly articles written within the last ten years, or it can be broadened to include chapters or excerpts from monographs and significant older materials. Students should be asked to write an introduction to the anthology that would display an overall understanding of the subject. In addition, each item should be described, and an explanation given as to why it is included. The assignment could also require a bibliography of items considered for inclusion as well as copies of the items selected. In any subject course in which students would benefit from finding and reading a variety of scholarly, such an assignment would guarantee that they use their library skills to locate the articles, their critical reading skills to make the selections, and a variety of writing skills to produce the introduction, the summaries, and the explanations.

Literature Review Variations

  • Each student in the class is given responsibility for dealing with a part of the subject of the course. He or she is then asked to 1) find out what the major reference sources on the subject are; 2) find out "who's doing what where" in the field; 3) list three major unresolved questions about the subject; 4) prepare a 15 minute oral presentation to introduce this aspect of the subject to the class.
  • Conduct the research for a paper except for writing the final draft. At various times students are required to turn in 1) their choice of topic; 2) an annotated bibliography; 3) an outline; 4) a thesis statement; 5) an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Write a grant proposal addressed to a specific funding agency; include supporting literature review, budget, etc. Have class peer groups review. (Best proposal could be submitted for funding of summer research).

Collins Memorial Library.  “Ideas for Library-Related Assignments.”  Pugetsound.edu, University of Puget Sound. Accessed 1 Jan. 2021.

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  • Last Updated: Sep 11, 2024 10:20 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.wlu.edu/infolit


  1. Free Simple University Report Template

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  1. PDF Guide for writing assignment reports

    Next the contents is briefly sketched. The introduction is the first chapter of the report. 1.6 The body of the report This part should clearly reflect the specific achievements of the assignment. Results and extensive theoretical derivations of other authors should only be referenced as far as it is of importance for the problem at hand.

  2. Formatting your assignments

    Assignment titles. Place your assignment title at the top of your first page, either centre or left aligned, in bold font. At university, you may be assigned a pre-designed essay title/question, or asked to select from several possible titles. You may also be asked to design your own essay title. Here are some top tips on designing your own ...

  3. How to Write a Report: A Guide to Report Formats with Examples

    1 Choose a topic based on the assignment. Before you start writing, you need to pick the topic of your report. Often, the topic is assigned for you, as with most business reports, or predetermined by the nature of your work, as with scientific reports. If that's the case, you can ignore this step and move on.

  4. Report writing

    Reports use clear and concise language, which can differ considerably from essay writing. They are often broken down in to sections, which each have their own headings and sub-headings. These sections may include bullet points or numbering as well as more structured sentences. Paragraphs are usually shorter in a report than in an essay.

  5. PDF Academic Report Format Guide

    In an academic report, all pages are consecutively numbered. Position the page number in the upper right-hand corner, flush with the right margin. Leave a 0.5-inch top margin. (Place the page number in the header, if necessary.) Key your last name, followed by a space, and then key the page number. Figure 1.

  6. Report

    A report is a well-structured and researched document that informs a specific audience on a particular problem or topic. The purpose of a report is to inform, guide or influence decision making and/or the outcome of a course of action. Writing reports is common in many workplaces. Thus, you often find this form of writing set as an assessment ...

  7. Report writing

    Report writing. Reports are informative writing that present the results of an experiment or investigation to a specific audience in a structured way. Reports are broken up into sections using headings, and can often include diagrams, pictures, and bullet-point lists. They are used widely in science, social science, and business contexts.

  8. PDF Writing a Research Report

    Use the section headings (outlined above) to assist with your rough plan. Write a thesis statement that clarifies the overall purpose of your report. Jot down anything you already know about the topic in the relevant sections. 3 Do the Research. Steps 1 and 2 will guide your research for this report.

  9. Report writing

    Reports are an important form of assessment at university. A good report: Displays the result of an experiment, investigation, or inquiry. Examines potential solutions to a problem or issue and communicates and interprets research findings. Uses features such as graphics, images, or specialised vocabulary to persuade a specific audience to ...

  10. Structuring your report

    Report writing. The structure of a report has a key role to play in communicating information and enabling the reader to find the information they want quickly and easily. Each section of a report has a different role to play and a writing style suited to that role. Therefore, it is important to understand what your audience is expecting in ...

  11. Report writing

    Report writing is an essential skill in many disciplines. Master it now at university and writing reports in the workplace will be easier. A report aims to inform and sometimes to persuade. They should be written as clearly and succinctly as possible with evidence about a topic, problem or situation. Here are some general guidelines but check ...

  12. Sample report structures

    Example of a student's report. This technical report was submitted by a university student. It is an excellent example of a report written by a student. Student sample technical report (PDF 137KB) Keywords: Reports. Report structure. Sample writing. Examples of common report structures.

  13. Report

    In University various formats are used to present information and learning. A report assignment is asking you to present the information using a certain format (Headings and sub-headings are common). Understanding the assignment task includes understanding the formatting required and the digital elements.


    GUIDELINES FOR ASSIGNMENT REPORT WRITING LGR Page 1 of 6 This document provides guidelines on the expected format of the assignment report. All instructions in the assignment must be adhered to in addition to the format presented in this document. A. Samples of the Table of Contents, List of Tables and List of Figures Note: 1.

  15. Assignment writing guides and samples

    Find out how to write and format business-style reports. Sample of a business-style report [PDF 376 KB]. A resource for business and law students. A sample of a business-style report, with an annotated format. Interpreting assignment topics [PDF 370 KB]. Find out how to interpret an assignment topic, including understanding key words and concepts.

  16. Writing a report

    Overall design and format. The context and purpose of the report will influence how elaborate the overall design should be. A full formal report submitted in a business context often comes with a visually appealing cover page, a table of contents, lists of tables and figures, an abstract/executive summary, and acknowledgements, and such a ...

  17. How to Write an Assignment Report for University

    In the introduction, explain the context of your report. Explain briefly any important point that can be useful to the reader. Give a short breakdown of the structure. 6. The report's main body. In the assignment report format, the main body is the core. It presents an account of the issues under review.

  18. 5 tips on writing better university assignments

    Here are five tips to help you get ahead. 1. Use available sources of information. Beyond instructions and deadlines, lecturers make available an increasing number of resources. But students often ...

  19. Structuring written work

    Some assignments have a standard format, such as lab reports or case studies, and these will normally be explained in your course materials. ... Like most of the texts you write at university, all essays have the same basic three-part structure: introduction, main body and conclusion. However, the main body can be structured in many different ...

  20. Templates for college and university assignments

    Templates for college and university assignments. Include customizable templates in your college toolbox. Stay focused on your studies and leave the assignment structuring to tried and true layout templates for all kinds of papers, reports, and more. Category. Color. Create from scratch. Show all.

  21. FREE University Report Templates

    Whether you need an academic manuscript or research paper, Template.net provides comprehensive template examples of free printable university reports that are useful for students' monthly assignments. Choose your needed template sample from our available line of university reports in simple, short, or standard MLA-style reports that have ...

  22. Sample written assignments

    Essay: Business - "Culture is a Tool Used by Management". Essay: Business - "Integrating Business Perspectives - Wicked Problem". Essay: Business - "Overconsumption and Sustainability". Essay: Business - "Post bureaucracy vs Bureaucracy". Essay: Design, Architecture & Building - "Ideas in History - Postmodernism".

  23. How to write a report

    Project details: - This assignment is worth 25% of the total mark. - Group of 5 will be formed for this project. There will be individual marking. - Submission: Colour printed copy, pdf copy ...

  24. Washington and Lee University Research Guides: Information Literacy

    Example of an assignment that asks to compare and evaluate various sources. Paraphrasing . Example of an assignment that asks students to critically approach source use and paraphrasing. Research Log . Example of an assignment that asks students to detail the research process by recording search strategies and resources located. Topic Proposal