Clara wins the Julia Wood History Essay Competition run by Oxford University

Congratulations to Clara for winning the Julia Wood History Essay Competition run by St Hugh's College, University of Oxford.  

Clara commented about her achievement:

"Through studying History at school, I discovered a particular interest in the subject, prompting me to read further outside of the curriculum. In doing so, I discovered the concept of German Ordoliberalism, which became the focus of my essay. Having previously heard of the Julia Wood essay competition, I decided to enter, and wrote on the development of Ordoliberalism throughout the first half of the 20th century. Winning the competition was an unexpected but very pleasant surprise, and through writing and researching, I developed skills that have been invaluable in my Advanced Higher History course."

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julia wood history essay competition

History Commendation

Since 1971 St Hugh's College, Oxford has held an annual history essay competition in memory of a college alumna, Julia Wood. Unlike most other such competitions, the entrants are given complete freedom in their choice of topic. Thus, it provided me with a great opportunity to research an area of history that rarely appears on the school curriculum, and is of great personal interest. I chose to write about the Ruthenians; a loosely defined ethnic and religious group living in, and constituting the majority of the population of, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. At least in part, this choice was guided by a sense of historical justice; neither the Ruthenians nor the Grand Duchy of Lithuania figure prominantly in the mainstream of historical discussions. However, the Ruthenians were, in the course of the 14th to 16th centuries, the most influential ethnic group in what was once the largest state in Europe. Even in those countries today that bear a direct relevance to these topics, namely Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus, there is no active or widespread study of this history, often for political reasons.

Although I cannot hope that my essay could single-handedly redress this situation, I would be very happy if I managed to inform or interest but one person in this topic. I was honoured to learn that my essay was highly commended by the history tutors of St Hugh's. I was invited for lunch at the college in early September, where I had the opportunity to meet the history tutors and the other entrants who had been highly commended and won prizes. Certainly, for anyone aspiring to read history at university, the competition is a great opportunity to demonstrate one's interests beyond the syllabus, as well as to meet and talk to those who share your passion for that subject.

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julia wood history essay competition

The Prize Essay

George Garnett reflects on the Julia Wood Prize and on the state of sixth-form history.

In 1994 the history tutors at St Hugh’s College, Oxford, decided to reallocate a prize formerly awarded to a second-year undergraduate historian. We thought that offering a prize of several hundred pounds for an essay written by a sixth-former would encourage a large number of entries. We also thought that it would give us a very good idea of what was going on in sixth-form history in a wide range of schools. By persuading History Review to publish the winning essay, considerable kudos was added to monetary reward: very few historians secure an audience of this size before they have even taken their A levels, IB or equivalent. And the wide readership of the Review would gain an idea of what the best sixth-form historians are capable.

On all counts we were right. We have had an average of over 100 entries a year, for 17 years. That is an awful lot of history essays, all of them 3000-4000 words long. The candidates are to a considerable degree self-selecting, so we gain an insight into what the best historians are doing in schools.

julia wood history essay competition

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8 September 2016

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A recent Birkenhead Sixth Form College graduate who is headed for Trinity College, Cambridge has scooped a prestigious writing prize from ‘rival’ university, Oxford, as he starts his higher education tenure with a bang.

Samuel Killcross beat elite competition to claim Oxford University’s St Hugh’s College 2016 Julia Wood Prize : a History essay writing contest for sixth form students with a winner’s purse of £250. The victor also has the honour of their essay being published on the college’s website after a special presentation at an Oxford lunch in October.

Over 230 papers were submitted for the consideration of Oxford History Dons , and Sam’s effort, which at 2000-4000 words was a significant undertaking along with college work, came out on top.

julia wood history essay competition

Sam said: “I entered as a sort of challenge to myself. After reading through the essays of previous winners, I felt that I could produce something just as good as them, but there was certainly no shortage of competition. The committee was impressed with the ‘sophistication and maturity’ of my essay, and I would say that the fluidity of my prose combined with my thorough treatment of the subject matter was what secured my win. The fact that a judge, Professor Garnett, is a self-confessed devotee of Tarkovsky probably didn't hurt my chances either!”

With an open-ended subject remit, 18-year-old Sam, who’s set to read History at Cambridge this year, elected to concentrate on the somewhat niche topic of cinema and its role within Russian history with emphasis on lauded directors Eisenstein and Tarkovsky . Not coincidentally, it also happened to be his topic of study in History while at Birkenhead Sixth Form College.

Sam, who gained A Level grades of an A* and two As in History , English Literature and Religious Studies respectively, explained: “Word limits of A2 coursework restricted the amount of depth I could go into with the theme, so I used the Julia Wood competition as a means of writing the essay I had wanted to write all along. It was quite a cathartic experience for me on a personal level as well as an exercise in academia."

julia wood history essay competition

“My History teacher, David Simpkin, had encouraged me to read around the subject (courtesy of his bookshelf) and also re-affirmed the importance of historiography in class: something which I made sure to implement in my essay.”

Heading to Cambridge at the start of October, Sam feels that his hard work over many years has paid off as he begins his distinguished path at one of Britain’s oldest and most renowned universities, concluding: “I’ve been mentally preparing myself to go to Cambridge since I was about 10-years-old, so my mood for these last few weeks has been one of eagerness and appetency rather than apprehension. I’m absolutely ready for it.”

Tags: University History Alumni Cambridge Oxford

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julia wood history essay competition

선택하신 상품을 장바구니에 담았습니다.

장바구니에 있는 상품과 같이 주문할까요?

<EC 개요>

Established in 1971, in memory of a St Hugh’s College historian, the Julia Wood Prize is an annual History essay competition open to Sixth Form pupils who have not been in the Sixth Form of any school or college for a period of more than two years. The Prize, worth up to £500, is offered by the Principal and Fellows of St Hugh’s College for the best historical essay submitted by the closing date. The choice of historical subject is left to candidates. Essays should be between two thousand and four thousand words. 

세계적인 명문대 옥스포드 대학의 St. Hugh's College에서 주최하는 역사 에세이 대회입니다. 상당히 구체적이고 전문성 있는 역사 연구를 요구하는 대회이기 때문에 AP, A-Level, IB 수준의 역사 수업을 수강했고, 특정한 역사적 시기 또는 지역에 대해 탄탄한 배경지식이 있는 학생들에 한해 추천드리는 대회입니다. 대회가 요구하는 연구의 퀄리티와 구체성을 가늠하는데 아래의 수상작 주제들 참고하시길 바랍니다.

2022년 수상작들은 다음과 같습니다 : 

  • The Paradox of the Model Operas: To what extent was there a "cultural" revolution in China b etween 1966-1976?
  • "Never Quite Roman" - The rise, fall, and revival of Russian imperial thought and Roman inheritance
  • To What Extent did the United States Precipitate the Dissolution of British Empire after 1939?

2021년 수상작들은 다음과 같습니다:

  • La Convivencia: did the Catholic reconquest of Granada in 1492 bring an end to peaceful religious coexistence in Southern Spain?
  • The rising hope of those stern and unbending Tories’: how High was Gladstone’s High Toryism 1832-41 
  • Sparing the weak and feeble’: was the Black Death the cause of population ageing in medieval England?  

Essay Length

2,000 ~ 4,000 words

2023.7.28 (금) 5 PM (BST)

<컨설팅 프로그램 안내>

1달 ~ 2달 Workshop

1차: 연구하고 싶은 지역, 시기, 분석수준 (개인, 제도, 민중 등), 분야 (political history, economic history, cultural history, intellectual history 등) 정한 후 1차 자료조사에 대한 가이드라인을 받고 이를 바탕으로 조사 시작 2차: Secondary Document에 기반하여 주제에 대한 이해 증진에 집중, 주제에 대한 심층적 논의를 통해 다각도로 주제를 분석하고 역사적 사고를 익히는 것에 집중 3차: 자료조사한 Research Question와 Thesis Statement 구체화, 집중토론을 진행하여 Preliminary Thesis에 대한 반박과 재반박을 통해 Thesis를 발전시키는 것에 집중 4차: 주제 관련 Primary/Secondary Document 수집 및 분류작업하며 에세이 발전. 연구지도를 받으며 Historical Research의 성격과 노하우 습득 5차: Thesis 확정 + Outline 작업 후, 섹션별로 작성 시작 6차: 초안 작성 + 첨삭 및 피드백을 통한 수정 7차: 수정안 완성 + 첨삭 및 피드백을 통한 수정 8차: 최종본 완성 + 참고문헌 정리 + Cover Sheet 작성 및 제출

julia wood history essay competition


서비스 기간: 모든 EC 워크샵은 결제일로부터 모집기간을 제외한 [준비기간 + 스케줄링 소요 시간 최대 1주일] 내로 서비스가 완료됩니다.

제 26조 [관계법령상 청약철회 및 환불정책]

①    회사의 본 환불규정은 "학원의 설립 운영 및 과외교습에 관한 법률", "전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률", "콘텐츠 산업 진흥법" 등을 반영하였습니다.

②    회사는 회원에게 대금 등을 환불할 때에 기 지불한 대금의 결제와 동일한 방법으로 전부 또는 일부를 환불합니다. 다만, 동일한 방법으로 환불이 불가능할 때에는 이를 사전에 고지합니다.

제 27조 [청약철회]

①    교재 등 재화 등을 공급받은 날로부터 7일 이내에는 청약철회가 가능합니다. 다만, 재화 등의 내용이 회사가 표시ㆍ광고한 내용과 다르거나 계약내용과 다르게 이행된 경우에는 그 재화 등을 공급받은 날부터 3개월 이내, 그 사실을 안 날 또는 알 수 있었던 날부터 30일 이내에 청약철회가 가능합니다.

②    회원이 재화 등의 청약철회를 하는 경우 회사에 공급받은 재화를 반환하여야 하며, 회사는 재화 등을 반환 받은 날부터 3영업일 이내에 이미 지급받은 대금을 환불합니다.

③    청약철회 시 재화 등이 일부 소비된 경우에는 해당 금액을 공제하고 환불하며, 반환에 필요한 비용은 회원이 부담해야 합니다.

④    다음 각호의 경우에는 회원의 청약철회가 제한됩니다.

1.    회원의 책임 있는 사유로 재화 등이 멸실되거나 훼손된 경우. 다만, 재화 등의 내용을 확인하기 위하여 포장 등을 훼손한 경우는 제외됩니다.

2.    회원의 사용 또는 일부 소비로 재화 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우

3.    시간이 지나 다시 판매하기 곤란할 정도로 재화 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우

4.    복제가 가능한 재화 등의 포장을 훼손한 경우

회원이 환불을 하고자 하는 경우 회사 웹사이트 등 또는 전화 등을 통하여 회사에 그 의사를 표시하여야 하며, 회사는 환불요청을 접수하고 본 약관 및 환불규정을 확인 후 3영업일 이내에 대금을 환불합니다. 단 회사의 책임 영역 외의 금융사의 전산마비 등 외부적 사정에 의하여 다소 지연될 수 있으며, 이와 같은 지연의 경우 회사는 책임을 지지 않습니다.

제 29조 [수강기간 경과율 등에 따른 강의 등의 환불규정]

①    전액 환불: 결제승인일로부터 7일 이내 환불 요청 시 등록된 강좌의 수강이력이 없는 경우 전액 환불됩니다. 

②    부분 환불: 결제승인일로부터 7일 경과 후 환불 요청 시 환불 접수 발생 시점을 기준으로 다음 각 호에 따라 산출한 금액이 부분 환불됩니다.

1.    수강기간이 1개월(30일) 이내인 강좌의 경우

가.    수강시작일로부터 ⅓ 경과 전인 경우: 환불액 = 수강료의 ⅔에 해당하는 금액 –유료 자료이용료

나.    수강시작일로부터 ½ 경과 전인 경우: 환불액 = 수강료의 ½에 해당하는 금액 –유료 자료이용료

다.    수강시작일로부터 ½ 경과 후: 환불액 없음

2.    수강기간이 1개월(30일)을 초과하는 강좌의 경우

환불 접수 발생월을 제1호의 기준으로 환불액을 산출한 후 나머지 월의 수강료를 모두 합한 금액에서 유료 자료 이용료 공제 후 환불

③    수강 강좌수 기준의 원격 학습에 의한 강의의 경우 강좌결제 후 등록된 강좌의 수강 이력이 있는 경우, 수강한 강의 수만큼 학습수수료를 차감 후 환불합니다. 강의를 수강하거나, 자료를 다운로드 받는 등의 행위는 강의를 수강한 것으로 간주합니다.

학습수수료 = 강좌 정가금액 / 전체 강의 구성수 X 학습 강의수

④    다음 각 호에 해당하는 유료 콘텐츠 서비스의 열람 또는 사용 이력은 강의를 실제 수강한 것으로 간주되어 열람 또는 사용한 부분만큼 유료 자료이용료를 공제합니다.

1.    유료 콘텐츠 서비스의 자료(첨부 PDF 등)의 열람 이력

2.    유료 콘텐츠 서비스가 제공하는 보충강의, 특강, 상담 및 질문권의 열람 또는 사용

⑤    이벤트, 프로모션을 통해 무상으로 취득한 혜택 및 서비스(사이버머니(포인트, 쿠폰 등), 콘텐츠, 강좌 등의 일체 서비스)등 회원이 결제를 통해 직접 비용을 지불하지 아니한 금액에 대해 회사는 현금화하여 환불 또는 보상하지 않습니다.

⑥    패키지 강좌의 경우, 1개의 강좌라도 수강시작 이후에는 수강기간이 남아있는 한 잔여분에 대해 부분환불이 가능합니다. 단, 패키지 강좌 반환기준에 따라 제공된 혜택은 철회되고, 단과강좌 수강기준의 수강료와 수강기간으로 환불 금액을 산정할 수 있습니다.

⑦    교재 또는 재화가 포함되어 있는 패키지 상품의 환불의 경우에는 교재 또는 재화의 공시 판매가격을 기준으로 금액을 차감한 후 환불을 진행합니다.

⑧    재수강, 수강연장 등 동일한 강의를 다시 수강하는 경우에도 본 조의 규정이 적용됩니다.

제 30조 [교재 등 재화 등의 환불]

①    교재 또는 재화 발송 전에는 배송상태가 입금승인 상태인 경우에만 취소 및 환불 가능합니다. 교재의 발송 후에는 배송완료일 기준 7일 이내에 전화 또는 온라인 이용문의를 통해 반품접수 후, 반송이 완료되어 회사가 확인한 경우에 환불이 가능합니다. 

②    제1항의 경우 교재에 낙서 및 훼손 등 이상이 있거나 비닐 랩핑된 교재의 랩핑을 훼손 또는 제거한 때에는 환불이 불가합니다.

③    전자기기 등 별도의 제조사가 있는 재화의 경우 제조사의 환불 및 A/S 정책을 따릅니다.

④    회원의 단순 변심으로 인한 교재의 반송료는 회원이 부담하고, 회사 부담(착불)으로 보냈을 경우, 환불 금액에서 택배 착불 비용이 차감됩니다.

제 31조 [특별 강좌의 환불]

특별 강좌는 기간제 정액상품, 이벤트성 강좌, 비정규 강좌, 특별기획 강좌 등을 말하는 것으로서 이는 별도의 수강 취소, 변경 및 환불규정이 우선 적용될 수 있습니다. 회사는 해당 내용을 특별 강좌마다 개별적으로 공지하고 있습니다.

제 32조 [사이버머니(포인트, 쿠폰 등)]

회사가 무료로 회원에게 지급한 사이버머니(포인트, 쿠폰 등)는 현금화하여 환불하지 않습니다. 유료 서비스 결제시 사이버머니(포인트, 쿠폰 등)를 사용한 부분은 환불요청 시 사이버머니(포인트, 쿠폰 등)로 환불됩니다. 다만, 유효기간이 지나 소멸한 사이버머니(포인트, 쿠폰 등)는 재발행되지 않습니다.

제33조 [과오금의 환급]

①    회원이 대금 등을 결제함에 있어서 과오금을 지급한 경우 회사는 대금결제와 동일한 방법으로 과오금을 환불합니다. 다만, 동일한 방법으로 과오금의 환불이 불가능할 때에는 즉시 이를 고지하고, 회원이 선택한 방법으로 환불합니다.

②    회사의 책임이 있는 사유로 과오금이 발생한 경우 회사는 계약비용·수수료 등에 관계없이 과오금 전액을 환불합니다. 다만, 회원의 책임이 있는 사유로 과오금이 발생한 경우 회사는 과오금을 환불하는데 소요되는 비용을 합리적인 범위 내에서 공제하고 환불할 수 있습니다.

julia wood history essay competition

Oxford Essay Competition Success

julia wood history essay competition

U6th former wins two Oxford prizes

Earlier this summer, I was awarded prizes in two essay competitions run by St Hugh’s College, Oxford. In my entry to the Julia Wood History Competition (for which I was awarded Fourth Prize), I investigated how the Supreme Court’s undisturbed memory of Reconstruction impacted their rulings. I discovered that this retreat from Reconstruction, which led to the gradual erosion of the Fourteenth Amendment, was facilitated by Claude Bowers’The Tragic Era, a finding which encouraged me to reflect on both the impact flawed histories can have on the present and the nature of judicial decision making in general.

My entry to the Mary Renault Classical Reception Competition (which was ‘highly commended’) concerned the reception of Tacitus’s Germania, an ancient text firstly misinterpreted and misappropriated by fifteenth century Italian and German humanists. The debate that ensued between the two nations regarding their relative superiority arguably fostered the concept of multipolarity among nations, consequently giving rise to nationalism itself. Indeed, the Germania was used by German nationalists to reaffirm and strengthen their national character. Beyond nationalism, at the dawn of the Third Reich, Tacitus’s reference to the purity of the Ancient German people justified antisemitism, giving rise to its reputation as “a most dangerous book”.

Merchant Taylors’ School Celebrates GCSE Results Success 

Merchant taylors’ school celebrates its best ever a-level results, organ recital in the great hall.


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Lancing Historians Triumph in Prestigious Awards

Lancing historians have again triumphed this summer in some of the most prestigious nationwide History essay competitions. Isaac H, Gibbs’, has been awarded the highly regarded Young Historian Award for World War One by the Historical Association. Chris C, Teme, was also a finalist and runner-up for History in the hugely competitive Libra Essay Prize, and he has just been highly commended for his work towards the fiercely contested Julia Wood History Essay Prize at St Hugh’s, Oxford. These are exceptional achievements and are a reflection of Isaac and Chris’ outstanding abilities as historians. They are also grounded in the History Department’s longstanding commitment to the encouragement of independence of thought, wider reading, and research far beyond the curriculum, from the Lancing Heresy Project to the toughest Oxbridge Essay Prizes. This is a creative and intellectual joy in itself. It is also fundamental to the Department’s consistent high-level success at both A-Level and elite university entrance, including Oxbridge.

Dr Damian Kerney - Head of History

  Isaac H  has been awarded this year’s much coveted Young Historian Award for World War One by the Historical Association for his essay ‘How did spy and invasion literature affect the British views of Germany in the run up to WWI?’ The prize was awarded for an ‘extraordinarily good’ piece of historical research, rich in reading and written with real flair. Isaac is a very fine historian in the making, with exceptional cultural range, and he has a formidable future as an historical writer.

It was a great pleasure to take part in the Young Historian Award competition. I really enjoyed both the research and writing stage of the project and loved digging deeper into the genre of spy literature pre-WWI which has become an area of real interest to me. It gave me an opportunity to practise my essay writing and to explore the effect that books have on public sentiment. I am also very chuffed to have won my category

Chris C  has had a golden summer of achievement as an historian. He was a finalist and then runner-up in History with a ‘special mention’ in this year’s fiercely competitive annual Libra Essay Prize, writing with acute, deeply researched insight on the issue of nuclear security. He has also just been highly commended for an outstanding piece of historical writing for this year’s prestigious Julia Wood History Prize awarded by St Hugh’s College, Oxford. The awarders of the prize were ‘greatly impressed’ by the quality of his essay ‘A Bad Deal: The Dangers of Hosting American Nuclear Weapons in Britain, 1954-63’, and he has been invited up to the College to meet the tutors in History. His talents as an historian are very rightly securing national plaudits.

I recently picked up an amazing book, Eric Schlosser’s Command and Control on the history of nuclear safety . It captivated me with its larger than life characters, monumental scale and complete absurdity. It felt like it was straight out of a Victorian science fiction novel, except it was all real. To put it simply, the recent Nolan film Oppenheimer did not have to deviate very far from reality to make it a hit. This drove me into a tunnel of books and jstor articles, which all highlighted to me the real unknown lack of safety surrounding nuclear weapons. Through all the crises of the Cold War up until 1979, the combination code lock on US weapons was “00000000”. The documents detailing the accidents and misses involving these weapons just across a three year period amount to over 200 pages. This I wrote about in my Libra Essay. Up until this point, I was still fairly at ease with Britain’s role. This is just the Americans right? Nothing to do with the British. However, I found, somewhat to my horror, that Britain had been storing American weapons on our soil for the majority of this period. This not only created a hazard for the people near the bases, given America’s extremely poor handling of the weapons, but it also made the UK a considerable target. This I explored in my Julia Wood Essay. The whole world of nuclear weapons’ history is fascinating, and I strongly encourage everybody to read Schlosser’s book. It details the significant problems we continue to face in 2023, which are still poorly understood.

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Julia Wood History Prize

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Home → Study Here → Outreach → Essay Competitions

St Hugh’s essay competitions are open to Sixth Formers from the UK and across the world. These are a fantastic opportunity to explore a topic of interest in a particular subject in more depth, whether something you have studied at school has inspired you, or whether you are keen to broaden your horizons in a new academic discipline.

This year’s essay competitions are now closed. Entrants will be contacted in due course with the outcome of their entry.

To find out more about these competitions please click on the links below:

  • Julia Wood – History
  • Mary Renault – Classical Reception
  • Kavita Singh – Politics, Philosophy, and Economics
  • Gwyneth Bebb – Law

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  1. Julia Wood History Essay Competition

    The Julia Wood prize is an annual History essay competition named in memory of a St Hugh's College historian. The Principal and Fellows of St Hugh's College, Oxford offer a prize, worth up to £500, for the best historical essay submitted by a pupil who, at the closing date, has been in the Sixth Form of any school or college for a period ...

  2. The Julia Wood 2022 essay competition is now open!

    The Julia Wood 2022 essay competition is now open! Established in 1971, in memory of a St Hugh's College historian, the Julia Wood Prize is an annual History essay competition open to Sixth Form pupils who have not been in the Sixth Form of any school or college for a period of more than two years. The Prize, worth up to £500, is offered by the Principal and Fellows of St Hugh's College ...

  3. History Essay Prizes

    History Essay Prizes — Libra Education. Established in 1971, in memory of a St Hugh's College alumna, the Julia Wood Prize is an annual History essay competition open to Sixth Form pupils who have not been in the Sixth Form of any school or college for a period of more than two years. The Prize, worth up to £500, is offered by the ...

  4. Clara wins the Julia Wood History Essay Competition run by Oxford

    Having previously heard of the Julia Wood essay competition, I decided to enter, and wrote on the development of Ordoliberalism throughout the first half of the 20th century.

  5. Julia Wood Essay Prize

    Julia Wood Essay Prize. All four Upper Eighth Paulines who submitted essays for the St Hugh's College, Oxford's Julia Wood Prize for History were recognised by the judging panel. Fergus Walsh received second prize for his essay on Changes to Hungarian Language and Literature as a result of the 1848 Revolution and Charlie White, Luke ...

  6. Julia Wood Essay Competition winner

    Julia Wood Essay Competition winner. Alexander Gong (Upper Eighth) was a joint winner of the Julia Wood essay competition awarded by the University of Oxford. The Principal and Fellows of St Hugh's College offer the Julia Wood Prize for the best historical essay submitted by a pupil who, at the closing date, has been in the Sixth Form of any ...

  7. History Commendation

    Since 1971 St Hugh's College, Oxford has held an annual history essay competition in memory of a college alumna, Julia Wood. Unlike most other such competitions, the entrants are given complete freedom in their choice of topic.

  8. The Prize Essay

    In 1994 the history tutors at St Hugh's College, Oxford, decided to reallocate a prize formerly awarded to a second-year undergraduate historian. We thought that offering a prize of several hundred pounds for an essay written by a sixth-former would encourage a large number of entries. We also thought that it would give us a very good idea of ...

  9. Julia Wood Prize Winner

    Mark Connolly (SVI) has been named as one of four winners of the Julia Wood Prize, an annual History essay competition run by St Hugh's College, Oxford. Mark's winning entry was entitled 'Socialism or death? An Assessment of the Socio-economic Successes and Failures of the Cuban Revolution, 1958-1975.' Congratulations to Mark on a wonderful achievement. This is the 2nd consecutive year ...

  10. St Hugh's announces the winners of the Julia Wood Prize, 2021

    Established in 1971, in memory of a St Hugh's College alumna, the Julia Wood Prize is an annual History essay competition open to Sixth Form pupils who have not been in the Sixth Form of any school or college for a period of more than two years. The Prize, worth up to £500, is offered by the Principal and Fellows of St Hugh's College for the best historical essay submitted.

  11. Cambridge-bound Sam Scoops Oxford University Writing Prize

    Samuel Killcross beat elite competition to claim Oxford University's St Hugh's College 2016 Julia Wood Prize: a History essay writing contest for sixth form students with a winner's purse of £250. The victor also has the honour of their essay being published on the college's website after a special presentation at an Oxford lunch in October.

  12. Julia Wood Prize, 2023 (University of Oxford)

    Julia Wood Prize, 2023 (University of Oxford) <EC 개요>상세Established in 1971, in memory of a St Hugh's College historian, the Julia Wood Prize is an annual History essay competition open to Sixth Form pupils who have not been in the Sixth Form of any school or college for a period of more than two years. The Prize, worth up to £500, is ...

  13. Julia Woods Essay competition 2021 winner

    Julia Woods Essay competition 2021 winner. A. moooyaooo. 1. Has anyone who has entered this history competition hosted by St Hughs college oxfrord, received any news/ updates about the winner for this year ? i can't see any updates on the college update - no published 2021 essays. Reply 1.

  14. Oxford Essay Competition Success

    Earlier this summer, I was awarded prizes in two essay competitions run by St Hugh's College, Oxford. In my entry to the Julia Wood History Competition (for which I was awarded Fourth Prize), I investigated how the Supreme Court's undisturbed memory of Reconstruction impacted their rulings.

  15. Lancing Historians Triumph in Prestigious Awards

    This I explored in my Julia Wood Essay. The whole world of nuclear weapons' history is fascinating, and I strongly encourage everybody to read Schlosser's book.

  16. PDF Prize

    Julia Wood Prize 2024 The Principal and Fellows of St Hugh's College, Oxford offer a prize worth up to £500, for the best historical essay submitted by a pupil who, at the closing date, has been in the Sixth Form of any school or college for a period of not more than two years. As the below examples suggest, essays which fare well in the competition tend to be specially written for it. 2023 ...

  17. Julia Wood Essay Upload Form

    Julia Wood Essay Upload Form Home → Study Here → Outreach → Essay Competitions → Julia Wood History Essay Competition → Julia Wood Essay Upload Form The deadline for essay submissions has now passed.

  18. 2020 Julia Wood and Mary Renault essay competitions now open

    The deadline for both essay competitions is 5pm on Friday 24th July 2020. Established in 1971, in memory of a St Hugh's College historian, the Julia Wood Prize is an annual History essay competition open to Sixth Form pupils who have not been in the sixth form of any school or college for a period of more than two years.

  19. Julia Wood History Prize

    Forums Universities and HE colleges South of England University of Oxford Julia Wood History Prize Watch 5 months ago

  20. Essay Competitions

    This year's essay competitions are now closed. Entrants will be contacted in due course with the outcome of their entry. To find out more about these competitions please click on the links below: Julia Wood - History. Mary Renault - Classical Reception. Kavita Singh - Politics, Philosophy, and Economics. Gwyneth Bebb - Law.