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essays to write about sports

How to Write a Non-Cliche College Essay About Sports + Examples

What’s covered:, what makes a sports essay cliche.

  • How To Make Your Sports Essay Unique

Great Examples of College Essays About Sports

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You’ve been brainstorming essay topics for your college applications, and you think you’ve finally found the right one: an extended metaphor likening your experience on the field with overcoming personal struggles. The problem: many other students have this same thought. 

The purpose of a college essay is to make yourself stand out as a unique individual, but when students write about sports, they often blend in. Because of that, students are usually advised to pick a different topic.

That being said, it is possible to write a non-cliche college essay about sports if you put in a little extra effort. Read along to learn how to make your sports essay different from all the other sports essays.

Sports essays are cliche when they follow a standard trajectory. Some of these trajectories include writing a story about:

  • An agonizing defeat
  • Forging bonds with teammates
  • Overcoming adversity
  • Overcoming an injury
  • Refusing to quit
  • Victory during a big game

Because sports essays have very similar themes and “lessons learned,” it can be difficult to make your story stand out. These trajectories also often focus too much on the sport or storyline, and not enough on the writer’s reflections and personality.

As you write your essay, try to think about what your experience says about you rather than what you learned from your experience. You are more than just one lesson you learned!

(Keep in mind that the sports essay is not the only college essay cliche. Learn about other essay cliches and how to fix them in our complete guide).

How to Make Your Sports Essay Unique

1. focus on a specific moment or reflection..

The college essay is a way for students to humanize themselves to admissions officers. You do not feel human if you are describing yourself as just another player on the field!

One important way to make your essay about you (not just about sports) is by focusing on a specific moment in time and inviting the reader to join you in that moment. Explain to the reader what it would be like to be sitting in that locker room as you questioned the values of the other players on your team. Ask your reader to sit with you on the cot in the trainer’s room as your identity was stripped away from you when they said “your body can’t take this anymore.” Bring your reader to the dinner table and involve them in your family’s conversation about how sports were affecting your mental health and your treatment of those around you.

Intense descriptions of a specific experience will evoke emotions in your reader and allow them to connect with you and feel for you.

When in doubt, avoid anything that can be covered by ESPN. On ESPN, we see the games, we see the benches, we even see the locker rooms and training rooms. Take your reader somewhere different and show them something unique.

2. Use sports to point out broader themes in your life.

The main risk when writing about sports is neglecting to write about yourself. Before you get started, think about the main values that you want to express in your sports essay. Sports are simply your avenue for telling the reader what makes you unique. 

As a test, imagine if you were a pianist. Would you be able to talk about these same values? What if you were a writer? Or a chemist? Articulating your values is the end, and sports should simply be your means.

Some values that you might want to focus on:

  • Autonomy (you want to be able to set your mind to anything and achieve it on your own)
  • Growth (you seek improvement constantly)
  • Curiosity (you are willing to try anything once)
  • Vulnerability (you aren’t afraid to fail, as long as you give it your all)
  • Community (you value the feedback of others and need camaraderie to succeed)
  • Craft (you think that with deliberate care, anything can be perfected)
  • Responsibility (you believe that you owe something to those around you and perhaps they also owe something to you)

You can use the ESPN check again to make sure that you are using sports as an avenue to show your depth.

Things ESPN covers: how a player reacts to defeat, how injuries affect a player’s gameplay/attitude, how players who don’t normally work well together are working together on their new team.

Things ESPN doesn’t cover: the conversation that a player had with their mother about fear of death before going into a big surgery (value: family and connection), the ways that the intense pressure to succeed consumed a player to the point they couldn’t be there for the people in their life (value: supporting others and community), the body image issues that weigh on a player’s mind when playing their sport and how they overcame those (value: health and growth).

3. Turn a cliche storyline on its head.

There’s no getting around the fact that sports essays are often cliche. But there is a way to confront the cliche head-on. For example, lots of people write essays about the lessons they learned from an injury, victory, and so on, but fewer students explain how they are embracing those lessons. 

Perhaps you learned that competition is overwhelming for you and you prefer teamwork, so you switched from playing basketball to playing Dungeons & Dragons. Maybe, when your softball career ended abruptly, you had to find a new identity and that’s when you became obsessed with your flower garden and decided to pursue botany. Or maybe, you have stuck with football through it all, but your junior-year mental health struggle showed you that football should be fun and you have since started a nonprofit for local children to healthily engage with sports.

If your story itself is more cliche, try bringing readers to the present moment with you and show why the cliche matters and what it did for you. This requires a fair amount of creativity. Ensure you’re not parroting a frequently used topic by really thinking deeply to find your own unique spin.

Night had robbed the academy of its daytime colors, yet there was comfort in the dim lights that cast shadows of our advances against the bare studio walls. Silhouettes of roundhouse kicks, spin crescent kicks, uppercuts and the occasional butterfly kick danced while we sparred. She approached me, eyes narrowed with the trace of a smirk challenging me. “Ready spar!” Her arm began an upward trajectory targeting my shoulder, a common first move. I sidestepped — only to almost collide with another flying fist. Pivoting my right foot, I snapped my left leg, aiming my heel at her midsection. The center judge raised one finger. 

There was no time to celebrate, not in the traditional sense at least. Master Pollard gave a brief command greeted with a unanimous “Yes, sir” and the thud of 20 hands dropping-down-and-giving-him-30, while the “winners” celebrated their victory with laps as usual. 

Three years ago, seven-thirty in the evening meant I was a warrior. It meant standing up straighter, pushing a little harder, “Yes, sir” and “Yes, ma’am”, celebrating birthdays by breaking boards, never pointing your toes, and familiarity. Three years later, seven-thirty in the morning meant I was nervous. 

The room is uncomfortably large. The sprung floor soaks up the checkerboard of sunlight piercing through the colonial windows. The mirrored walls further illuminate the studio and I feel the light scrutinizing my sorry attempts at a pas de bourrée, while capturing the organic fluidity of the dancers around me. “Chassé en croix, grand battement, pique, pirouette.” I follow the graceful limbs of the woman in front of me, her legs floating ribbons, as she executes what seems to be a perfect ronds de jambes. Each movement remains a negotiation. With admirable patience, Ms. Tan casts me a sympathetic glance.   

There is no time to wallow in the misery that is my right foot. Taekwondo calls for dorsiflexion; pointed toes are synonymous with broken toes. My thoughts drag me into a flashback of the usual response to this painful mistake: “You might as well grab a tutu and head to the ballet studio next door.” Well, here I am Master Pollard, unfortunately still following your orders to never point my toes, but no longer feeling the satisfaction that comes with being a third degree black belt with 5 years of experience quite literally under her belt. It’s like being a white belt again — just in a leotard and ballet slippers. 

But the appetite for new beginnings that brought me here doesn’t falter. It is only reinforced by the classical rendition of “Dancing Queen” that floods the room and the ghost of familiarity that reassures me that this new beginning does not and will not erase the past. After years spent at the top, it’s hard to start over. But surrendering what you are only leads you to what you may become. In Taekwondo, we started each class reciting the tenets: honor, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, courage, humility, and knowledge, and I have never felt that I embodied those traits more so than when I started ballet. 

The thing about change is that it eventually stops making things so different. After nine different schools, four different countries, three different continents, fluency in Tamil, Norwegian, and English, there are more blurred lines than there are clear fragments. My life has not been a tactfully executed, gold medal-worthy Taekwondo form with each movement defined, nor has it been a series of frappés performed by a prima ballerina with each extension identical and precise, but thankfully it has been like the dynamics of a spinning back kick, fluid, and like my chances of landing a pirouette, unpredictable. 

Why it works:

What’s especially powerful about this essay is that the author uses detailed imagery to convey a picture of what they’re experiencing, so much so that the reader is along for the ride. This works as a sports essay not only because of the language and sensory details, but also because the writer focuses on a specific moment in time, while at the same time exploring why Taekwondo is such an important part of their life.

After the emotional image is created, the student finishes their essay with valuable reflection. With the reflection, they show admissions officers that they are mature and self-aware. Self-awareness comes through with statements like “surrendering what you are only leads you to what you may become” and maturity can be seen through the student’s discussion of values “honor, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, courage, humility, and knowledge, and I have never felt that I embodied those traits more so than when I started ballet.” These are the kinds of comments that should find their way into a sports essay!

essays to write about sports

“Advanced females ages 13 to 14 please proceed to staging with your coaches at this time.” Skittering around the room, eyes wide and pleading, I frantically explained my situation to nearby coaches. The seconds ticked away in my head; every polite refusal increased my desperation.

Despair weighed me down. I sank to my knees as a stream of competitors, coaches, and officials flowed around me. My dojang had no coach, and the tournament rules prohibited me from competing without one.

Although I wanted to remain strong, doubts began to cloud my mind. I could not help wondering: what was the point of perfecting my skills if I would never even compete? The other members of my team, who had found coaches minutes earlier, attempted to comfort me, but I barely heard their words. They couldn’t understand my despair at being left on the outside, and I never wanted them to understand.

Since my first lesson 12 years ago, the members of my dojang have become family. I have watched them grow up, finding my own happiness in theirs. Together, we have honed our kicks, blocks, and strikes. We have pushed one another to aim higher and become better martial artists. Although my dojang had searched for a reliable coach for years, we had not found one. When we attended competitions in the past, my teammates and I had always gotten lucky and found a sympathetic coach. Now, I knew this practice was unsustainable. It would devastate me to see the other members of my dojang in my situation, unable to compete and losing hope as a result. My dojang needed a coach, and I decided it was up to me to find one. 

I first approached the adults in the dojang – both instructors and members’ parents. However, these attempts only reacquainted me with polite refusals. Everyone I asked told me they couldn’t devote multiple weekends per year to competitions. I soon realized that I would have become the coach myself.

At first, the inner workings of tournaments were a mystery to me. To prepare myself for success as a coach, I spent the next year as an official and took coaching classes on the side. I learned everything from motivational strategies to technical, behind-the-scenes components of Taekwondo competitions. Though I emerged with new knowledge and confidence in my capabilities, others did not share this faith.

Parents threw me disbelieving looks when they learned that their children’s coach was only a child herself. My self-confidence was my armor, deflecting their surly glances. Every armor is penetrable, however, and as the relentless barrage of doubts pounded my resilience, it began to wear down. I grew unsure of my own abilities.

Despite the attack, I refused to give up. When I saw the shining eyes of the youngest students preparing for their first competition, I knew I couldn’t let them down. To quit would be to set them up to be barred from competing like I was. The knowledge that I could solve my dojang’s longtime problem motivated me to overcome my apprehension.

Now that my dojang flourishes at competitions, the attacks on me have weakened, but not ended. I may never win the approval of every parent; at times, I am still tormented by doubts, but I find solace in the fact that members of my dojang now only worry about competing to the best of their abilities.

Now, as I arrive at a tournament with my students, I close my eyes and remember the past. I visualize the frantic search for a coach and the chaos amongst my teammates as we compete with one another to find coaches before the staging calls for our respective divisions. I open my eyes to the exact opposite scene. Lacking a coach hurt my ability to compete, but I am proud to know that no member of my dojang will have to face that problem again.

In the beginning, you might think this is another cliche sports essay about overcoming adversity. But instead, it becomes a unique statement and coming-of-age tale that reads as a suspenseful narrative. 

The author connects their experience with martial arts to larger themes in their life but manages to do so without riffing off of tried-and-true themes. Through statements like “I knew I couldn’t let them down. To quit would be to set them up to be barred from competing like I was” we learn about the students values and their desire to be there for those who depend on them. 

The student also brings it full circle, demonstrating their true transformation. By using the “Same, but Different” ending technique , the student places themself in the same environment that we saw in the intro, but experiences it differently due to their actions throughout the narrative. This is very compelling!

“1…2…3…4 pirouettes! New record!” My friends cheered as I landed my turns. Pleased with my progress, I gazed down at my worn-out pointe shoes. The sweltering blisters, numbing ice-baths, and draining late-night practices did not seem so bad after all. Next goal: five turns.

For as long as I can remember, ballet, in all its finesse and glamor, had kept me driven day to day. As a child, the lithe ballerinas, donning ethereal costumes as they floated across the stage, were my motivation. While others admired Messi and Adele, I idolized Carlos Acosta, principal dancer of the Royal Ballet. 

As I devoted more time and energy towards my craft, I became obsessed with improving my technique. I would stretch for hours after class, forcing my leg one inch higher in an effort to mirror the Dance Magazine cover girls. I injured my feet and ruined pair after pair of pointe shoes, turning on wood, cement, and even grass to improve my balance as I spun. At competitions, the dancers with the 180-degree leg extensions, endless turns, and soaring leaps—the ones who received “Bravos!” from the roaring audience—further pushed me to refine my skills and perfect my form. I believed that, with enough determination, I would one day attain their level of perfection. Reaching the quadruple-pirouette milestone only intensified my desire to accomplish even more. 

My efforts seemed to have come to fruition two summers ago when I was accepted to dance with Moscow’s Bolshoi Ballet at their renowned New York City summer intensive. I walked into my first session eager to learn from distinguished ballet masters and worldly dancers, already anticipating my improvement. Yet, as I danced alongside the accomplished ballerinas, I felt out of place. Despite their clean technique and professional training, they did not aim for glorious leg extensions or prodigious leaps. When they performed their turn combinations, most of them only executed two turns as I attempted four. 

“Dancers, double-pirouettes only.” 

Taken aback and confused, I wondered why our teacher expected so little from us. The other ballerinas seemed content, gracing the studio with their simple movements. 

As I grew closer with my Moscow roommates, I gradually learned that their training emphasized the history of the art form instead of stylistic tricks. Rather than show off their physical ability, their performances aimed to convey a story, one that embodied the rich culture of ballet and captured both the legacy of the dancers before them and their own artistry. As I observed my friends more intently in repertoire class, I felt the pain of the grief-stricken white swan from Swan Lake, the sass of the flirtatious Kitri from Don Quijote, and I gradually saw what I had overlooked before. My definition of talent had been molded by crowd-pleasing elements—whirring pirouettes, gravity-defying leaps, and mind-blowing leg extensions. This mindset slowly stripped me from the roots of my passion and my personal connection with ballet. 

With the Bolshoi, I learned to step back and explore the meaning behind each step and the people behind the scenes. Ballet carries history in its movements, from the societal values of the era to each choreographer’s unique flair. As I uncovered the messages behind each pirouette, kick, and jump, my appreciation for ballet grew beyond my obsession with raw athleticism and developed into a love for the art form’s emotive abilities in bridging the dancers with the audience. My journey as an artist has allowed me to see how technical execution is only the means to a greater understanding between dancer and spectator, between storyteller and listener. The elegance and complexity of ballet does not revolve around astonishing stunts but rather the evocative strength and artistry manifested in the dancer, in me. It is the combination of sentiments, history, tradition, and passion that has allowed ballet and its lessons of human connection to become my lifestyle both on and off stage.

This essay is about lessons. While the author is a dancer, this narrative isn’t really about ballet, per se — it’s about the author’s personal growth. It is purposefully reflective as the student shows a nice character arc that begins with an eager young ballerina and ends with a reflection on their past. The primary strength of this essay is the honesty and authenticity that the student approaches it with.

In the end, the student turns a cliche on its head as they embrace the idea of overcoming adversity and demonstrate how the adversity, in this case, was their own stereotypes about their art. It’s beautiful!

“Getting beat is one thing – it’s part of competing – but I want no part in losing.” Coach Rob Stark’s motto never fails to remind me of his encouragement on early-morning bus rides to track meets around the state. I’ve always appreciated the phrase, but an experience last June helped me understand its more profound, universal meaning.

Stark, as we affectionately call him, has coached track at my high school for 25 years. His care, dedication, and emphasis on developing good character has left an enduring impact on me and hundreds of other students. Not only did he help me discover my talent and love for running, but he also taught me the importance of commitment and discipline and to approach every endeavor with the passion and intensity that I bring to running. When I learned a neighboring high school had dedicated their track to a longtime coach, I felt that Stark deserved similar honors.

Our school district’s board of education indicated they would only dedicate our track to Stark if I could demonstrate that he was extraordinary. I took charge and mobilized my teammates to distribute petitions, reach out to alumni, and compile statistics on the many team and individual champions Stark had coached over the years. We received astounding support, collecting almost 3,000 signatures and pages of endorsements from across the community. With help from my teammates, I presented this evidence to the board.

They didn’t bite. 

Most members argued that dedicating the track was a low priority. Knowing that we had to act quickly to convince them of its importance, I called a team meeting where we drafted a rebuttal for the next board meeting. To my surprise, they chose me to deliver it. I was far from the best public speaker in the group, and I felt nervous about going before the unsympathetic board again. However, at that second meeting, I discovered that I enjoy articulating and arguing for something that I’m passionate about.

Public speaking resembles a cross country race. Walking to the starting line, you have to trust your training and quell your last minute doubts. When the gun fires, you can’t think too hard about anything; your performance has to be instinctual, natural, even relaxed. At the next board meeting, the podium was my starting line. As I walked up to it, familiar butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Instead of the track stretching out in front of me, I faced the vast audience of teachers, board members, and my teammates. I felt my adrenaline build, and reassured myself: I’ve put in the work, my argument is powerful and sound. As the board president told me to introduce myself, I heard, “runners set” in the back of my mind. She finished speaking, and Bang! The brief silence was the gunshot for me to begin. 

The next few minutes blurred together, but when the dust settled, I knew from the board members’ expressions and the audience’s thunderous approval that I had run quite a race. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough; the board voted down our proposal. I was disappointed, but proud of myself, my team, and our collaboration off the track. We stood up for a cause we believed in, and I overcame my worries about being a leader. Although I discovered that changing the status quo through an elected body can be a painstakingly difficult process and requires perseverance, I learned that I enjoy the challenges this effort offers. Last month, one of the school board members joked that I had become a “regular” – I now often show up to meetings to advocate for a variety of causes, including better environmental practices in cafeterias and safer equipment for athletes.

Just as Stark taught me, I worked passionately to achieve my goal. I may have been beaten when I appealed to the board, but I certainly didn’t lose, and that would have made Stark proud.

This essay uses the idea of sports to explore a more profound topic—growing through relationships. They really embrace using sports as an avenue to tell the reader about a specific experience that changed the way they approach the world. 

The emphasis on relationships is why this essay works well and doesn’t fall into a cliche. The narrator grows not because of their experience with track but because of their relationship with their coach, who inspired them to evolve and become a leader.

Have a draft of your college essay? We’re here to help you polish it. Students can participate in a free Peer Review, or they can sign up for a paid review by CollegeVine’s experts. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to start improving your essay and your chances of acceptance!

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essays to write about sports

Essay on Importance of Sports for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of sports.

First of all, Sport refers to an activity involving physical activity and skill . Here, two or more parties compete against each other. Sports are an integral part of human life and there is great importance of sports in all spheres of life. Furthermore, Sports help build the character and personality of a person. It certainly is an excellent tool to keep the body physically fit. Most noteworthy, the benefits of Sports are so many that books can be written.  Sports have a massive positive effect on both the mind and body.

importance of sports

Physical Benefits of Sports

First of all, Sports strengthen the heart. Regular Sports certainly make the heart stronger. Hence, Sport is an excellent preventive measure against heart diseases . This certainly increases the life expectancy of individuals. Furthermore, a healthy heart means a healthy blood pressure.

Sports involve physical activity of the body. Due to this physical activity, blood vessels remain clean. Sports reduces the amount of cholesterol and fats in the body. This happens because of the increase of flexibility of the wall of the blood vessels. The flexibility increases due to physical exertion, which is the result of Sports.

Furthermore, the sugar level in blood also gets lower thanks to Sports. The sugar certainly does not accumulate in the blood due to physical activity.

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A person experiences a good quality of breathing because of Sports. Sports strengthen the lungs of the body. Sports certainly escalate the lung capacity and efficiency of the body. Hence, more oxygen enters the blood which is extremely beneficial. Furthermore, there are fewer chances of developing lung diseases due to Sports.

Appropriate body weight is easy to maintain because of sports. A Sports playing person probably does not suffer from obesity or underweight problems. Sports certainly help the body remain fit and slim.

Furthermore, Sports also improves the quality of bones. A person who plays sports will have strong bones even in old age. Several scientific research reports that Sports prevent many diseases. For example, many researchers conclude that Sports prevent the development of cancer.

Other Benefits of Sports

Sport is certainly an excellent tool to build self-confidence . Playing Sports increases confidence to talk properly. A sport certainly improves the skills of communicating with others. Furthermore, the person experiences confidence in sitting, standing, and walking properly. Hence, Sports enriches the social life of an individual.

Sports bring discipline in life. It certainly teaches the values of dedication and patience. Sports also teach people how to handle failure. Furthermore, the importance of following a time schedule is also present in Sports.

essays to write about sports

Above all, Sports improves the thinking ability of individuals. Sports certainly sharpen the mind. Children who play Sports probably perform better at exams than those who don’t.

Finally, Sports reduces the stress of mind . A Sports playing person would certainly experience less depression. Sports ensure the peace of mind of those playing it. Most noteworthy, Sports brings happiness and joy in the life of individuals.

A sport is an aspect of human life that is of paramount importance. It certainly increases the quality of human life. Sports must be made mandatory in schools. This is because it is as important as education. Everyone must perform at least one Sport activity on a regular basis.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [ { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do Sports clean blood vessels?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Sports clean blood vessels by physical activity. This physical activity certainly reduces the amount of fat and cholesterol.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How Sports improves the quality of breathing?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Sports improves the quality of breathing by strengthening the lungs. This certainly results in increasing lung capacity.” } } ] }

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Essay Samples on Sports

When college athletes have to start with an academic writing task, they often feel lost and do not know how to start. It’s exactly the same with other academic subjects because one should take time and find inspiring information that can be used unless you already have a prompt. You can focus on the importance of sports or talk about the pros of recreational sports and spending time outside. See our sport essay example as a starting point and learn how to structure your writing correctly. Your introduction part should start with a brief introduction or statistical information that explains your writing objectives or the peculiarities of the problem that you plan to address. The majority of college essays about sports that you see below will provide you with inspiring ideas and teach you how to implement various quotes without falling into the plagiarism trap. If you want to use some source, remember that you must introduce it first and explain why it is there. When you’re talking about the use of medication in college sports, turn to some stats and explain why these are important or biased as you research. It will help you to add an author’s voice. 

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  • Famous Person

Was the Reconstruction Era a Success or Failure: A Look Through Sport

The competitive sport of basketball traces its origins to a game known as peach basketball. In 1891, Dr. James Naismith invented basketball at Springfield College, Massachusetts. Initially, peach baskets without openings at the bottom served as goals, requiring the use of ladders to retrieve the...

  • Reconstruction Era of The United States

The Issue of Racism in Soccer: Causes, Effects, and Ways to Combat

Introduction Picture yourself as a person of color, having to confront racism in the profession you cherish. Wouldn't you long to release all that anger and frustration? Unfortunately, this is the reality for the black community and people of color in the realm of sports,...

Passion and Perseverance: The Key to Success for Student-Athletes

Success. One word that has many different meanings to many different people. To some, it means making a great amount of money, while others define it as finding happiness and love. However, student-athletes define success a bit differently. To a student-athlete, success means winning games,...

The Road to Equity: Evaluating the Case for Paying Student Athletes

Globally, there have been conversations and debates on whether to pay college athletes. In recent times, generating revenues with these athletes has intensified, drawing the attention of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Arguments debate that these athletes from colleges are just students and they...

Macronutrient Intake in Team Sport Athletes

Introduction: Optimizing energy intake and macronutrient composition is crucial for enhancing performance and supporting the training demands of team sport athletes. Inadequate energy intake during training can lead to adverse effects such as loss of lean muscle mass and decreased bone density, increasing the risk...

Soccer as My Hobby and How It Shapes My Life

Hobby is an activity, habit or favorite choice of a human, who regularly performs in leisure or extra time for pleasure, relaxation and enjoyment. Everyone has different hobbies that he or she would like to do to have fun or relax. They can be physical...

Lessons from Ancient Greece: Contributions and Limitations

Philosophers, Society, and Olympic Games Greek scholars began to investigate the world through the lens of observation rather than recounting the myths of their ancient Gods. During this period, Philosophers questioned a lot about life's topics. They are also known as the founders of scientific...

  • Ancient Civilizations
  • Ancient Greece
  • Olympic Games

The Nike's Popularity Among Track and Field Athletes

Not many people know that Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman first started the company as Blue Ribbon Sports in 1964. On May 30, 1971, the name was officially changed to Nike. Nike's first employee Jeff Johnson came up with the name of Nike. Phil Knight...

  • Track and Field

The Analysis of Movement Used in Track and Field

The track and field sprint is a common event at track meets at the middle and high school, collegiate and professional levels. It is often performed in many meets as a 55, 100, 200- or 400-meter distance, depending on the season. It can be an...

Track and Field: The Funding and Physical Education Requirements

Physical education requirements are updated to reflect how an active lifestyle benefits the student's well-being. Inadequate physical activity can have a negative effect on the individual’s confidence. The school district welcomes high school students to enroll into track and field programs as a requirement for...

  • Physical Education

A Person You Admire: Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo is my favorite footballer and sportsperson. He inspires and motivates me. He has many fans round the world. he's the foremost reason why I started following and playing this beautiful game. Cristiano has many nicknames. Among fans, he's known by names like Ronnie,...

A Trend By Kneeling During The National Anthem

Over the last couple of years during football season, a former quarterback from the San Francisco 49ers has made a name for himself. He has gained a lot of attention, both negative and positive from the media and NFL fans, as well as citizens across...

  • American Culture

College Sport: Good For Health And Well Learning

College sport helps students in studies and life because students get better grades, become more mature, learn life skills, and while some people say sports cause injuries that limit a person's time and ability they improve the students overall health physically and mentally. So doing...

Swimming as a Hard Skill Necessary for Human Being

Swimming is hard. For non-swimmers swimming is harder than most realise and not easy to take up as a regular sport. All those good swimmers you see have excellent cardio-respiratory fitness and often years of technique training. So don't be discouraged. And... The first step...

  • Human Behavior

The 2012 London Olympics Women's Boxing

The 2012 London Olympics, described as the ‘Women Olympics’ had the potential to either make or break Women’s Boxing, and, in terms of media interest and coverage, it was certainly a groundbreaking moment for the sport. The results of the media reporting from UK newspapers...

Cricket: Main Rules, Tricks and Perspective

Sports analytics play a significant role in numerous issues related to sport. A number of these problems are the ranking of individual players and their specialised skills, the composition of groups with an optimal balance of specialised skills, the ranking of teams, the negotiation of...

Everest: The 'Goddess Mother of the World'

Mount Everest is one of the mountains on the crest of the Great Himalayas region which lies on the edge of both Nepal and China. It’s the world’s tallest mountain above sea level, reaching an altitude of 8,848 metres. Mount Everest remains to be one...

  • Mount Everest
  • Mountain Climbing

The Highlights of Some of the Best Kinesiology Tapes

Whether you are a runner, skater, baller or involved in any form of athletics, a kinesiology tape is your ticket to less painful joints and muscles. The sports tape is used by professional athletes to support their muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments. The tape is...

  • Kinesiology

How the Gym Influences Fitness

A primary concern that both men and women share is how they care about their physical appearance. Gym members believe they have to represent a particular image to be attractive in today’s society. Women are expected to be curvy and thin, while men are expected...

Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Ali and Cassius Clay

Heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali in 1964, a reckless new expert fighter, straight from his Olympic gold award triumph, detonates on to the scene, Cassius Clay. Sharp and candid, he cuts an entirely new picture for African Americans in-game with his pleased open self-assurance with his...

  • African American
  • Muhammad Ali

Famous Indian Badminton League and Its Role

The IBL was a first of its kind initiative of the Badminton Association of India. Originally proposed by the Maharashtra Badminton Association, the League was commercially managed by a sports management company, Sporty Solutionz Private Limited. The idea was to make Poona (the original name...

World Record of the Fastest Tennis Ball Hit

Tennis has been known as a game of inches, kings, game of lifetime…. It is incredible even today with its outstanding players, known with their incredible shots. Novak Djokovic is famous for his crazy shots from baseline to the edge of opponents service boxes. One...

The First Reported Hazing Death

In 1838, John Butler died due to a class hazing at Franklin Seminary in Kentucky, the first reported hazing death. October. In 1905, Stuart L. Pierson was hit by an unscheduled train and died because he was being initiated into Delta Kappa Epsilon at Kenyon...

Jackie Robinson as the African American to Play Major League Baseball

Jackie Robinson once said,'I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking of me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.”. Born on January 31st, 1919, in Cairo, Georgia on a plantation, Jackie Robinson was the youngest among his five siblings....

  • Jackie Robinson

Valinco Skydiving Center and Fondest Memories

If you want to have a unique experience during your next parachute jump, here are some destinations to consider. In front of the beauty of our beautiful planet, many thrill seekers take advantage of their passion to admire the magnificent landscapes from here and elsewhere...

  • Adventure Sports

Piles of Books on Chess Strategies

I looked down at the battlefield, checkered with rich maple and mahogany. In a deep half-hour contemplation, I looked down at the fallen soldiers in this ongoing battle. Knights scattered across the field ready to be sacrificed to protect the kings. Pawns and bishops discarded...

Boxing Is Great for Your Physical Health

Boxing is a sport that catches many people’s attention. So many people enjoy watching this sport. This exciting sport has been going on for thousands of years! Boxing has been going on since 1681. Boxing is a great sport. It is a very hard sport...

  • Physical Exercise

Sarath Ton and Her Effect Wrestling Techniques

Sasha Banks is one of the fiercest and most respected female wrestlers in the world. Fans and critics alike are in awe of her flamboyant fashion sense, her effect wrestling techniques, and the thrilling performances she always puts on in the ring. Before becoming a...

Taekwondo, Music and Co-creating Own Fashion Line

One of the main reasons I want to study architecture is my passion for French Romanesque-style buildings. It is my ambition to one day contribute to the construction of these. This passion stemmed from my visits to France as a child. On these trips, I...

An Importance of Foundation in a Play of Badminton

The fundamental badminton skills are essentially used as a foundation in a play of badminton; this can be from your stance to how you serve in a play of badminton. Making a habit of extensively practicing these techniques will immensely increase the development of your...

Sports And Life Experiences And How They Shape The Person You Are Today

Over time, people have begun to believe sports shape people poorly, they’ll say that it makes the player arrogant, cocky, and even rude, but what if I told you they were completely wrong? What if I told you sports changed your personality for the better?...

  • Individual Identity
  • Personal Growth and Development

Equal Pay For Equal Work In Women's Sports 

Women's equal pay in sports is a big argument in today's society. A reason why it is a big argument is because in some sports, for example, “The women’s national team actually generated more revenue than the men’s as well, according to new reports —...

  • Equal Pay For Equal Work

The Question Whether College Athletes Should Be Paid

What do you think, should college athletes be paid? Well you came to the right place where we will go over all of the factual evidence we have pulled from very creditable sources and professionals. The thing about this subject is that it is a...

Teachers And Professional Athletes Are Paid Differently: Teachers Should Be Paid More

Is it fair that Teachers and Professional Athletes are paid differently? I think the real question should be if they can even be categorized the same. I don't believe the wages of the two can even compare, simply because who is to say one is...

Paying College Athletes: Should College Athletes Be Paid

There are many controversies surrounding the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the most discussed one being about athletes getting paid. This dispute has been going on for decades, but only recently has it made the news that current and former players strongly disagree with the rule...

Considering E Sport And Video Games As A Competitive Sport

What is E-sport? E-sport is a type of sport competition that uses video games instead of using physical activity. It is believed that there are many people who have a different view on what E-sport is; whether if it is considered as a real sport...

  • Impact of Video Games
  • Video Games

The Discourse Community Analysis Of A Football Team

I came to UC Merced and joined Writing 001 with no knowledge of what a discourse could be. Now in Lovas’s class reading “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie. I had no idea what a discourse community was, the idea of this is very well...

Defining Sport: Cheerleading As A Type Of Sport

How do you define something like a sport? That has been a debate surrounding cheerleading for the longest time. The discussion on whether it is a sport or art is fiery and characterized by two very passionate sides, each defending their claim. Cheerleading, which was...

  • Cheerleading

Considering Video Games A Competitive Sport

Many people think of football, basketball, baseball, etc. when you say sport some of you might say shooting and other forms of stationary sports like archery. Others might even debate things like cheese rolling and hot dog eating. But surprisingly not many people would consider...

The Debate Whether College Athletes Should Be Paid

Athletes most of the time incline to getting into sports for the easy and fun way to earn money, but colleges paying young athletes would eliminate the line between amateur and professional sports. According to the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) the reason why student...

The Need For College Athletes To Be Paid

College athletics have increased tremendous popularity among Americans in the course of recent decades. This has come about into expanded livelihoods for the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the schools taking part inside the affiliation. This has filled the open thought of whether school...

College Athletes Should Be Paid: Opening The Conversation

College athletics have increased tremendously popular among Americans in the course of recent decades. This has come about into expanded livelihoods for the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the schools taking part inside the affiliation. This has filled the open thought of whether school...

College Athletes And Whether They Should Be Paid

College sports are turning out to be more and more like the professional leagues with the one exception being the players don’t get paid. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) makes billions of dollars off these student athletes. College basketball and football are two of...

American Sport: Cheerleading And American Football

American football is one of the most watched sporting events in the USA, But lately there has been a debate rather or not football is dangerous and should it be banned for certain ages or no tackle football whatsoever. Football is dangerous, but less dangerous...

All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy: Application Of Saying In P. E.

”All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' this is an example of a proverb that means without time from work a person can become bored of the work being done. This quote itself can be used to tell the importance of physical...

  • Childhood Obesity

Importance Of Physical Fitness In Marathon Runners

Running is one of the most popular sports and it is performed in various distances like long distances and short distances and there are also various other competitions as well as the events for the runners and the most popular one is the Marathon. Marathon...

Effects Of Running On Our Health

Running is tiring, it’s tedious, it’s painful and it’s exhausting. We often hear many complaining about aching knees, strained muscles, and how energy-consuming it is, not to mention how hot and humid it is to run here in Singapore. So why do people still run?...

Jackie Robinson And The American Dilemma

Racism. Unfortunately, it is an American dilemma still being battled today. However, in 1919, the year Jackie Robinson was born, was a particularly devastating year in regards to this matter. Case in point, the horrific death of a 17-year-old African-American boy, Eugene Williams. Both whites...

  • Racial Segregation

Never Had It Made: Jackie Robinson

From all the options my brain collected, I chose to read and write about Jackie Robinson, who is most famously known for being the first African American to play in major league baseball. Robinson was born in 1919 and died in 1972 of a heart...

The Experience Of Competitive Games Before Spring Break

In this essay, I will be comparing my own life to the hero cycle. It will reflect on a time when I have been forced out of my comfort zone. This was when I tried out for cheer. It was my first time trying out...

  • Spring Break

Soccer Vs Basketball: The Uniqueness Of Each Sport

Playing sports is an emotional, physical, and mental adventure. You have the opportunity to know whether you are a team player or a maverick. Soccer and Basketball are two of the most popular sports that are played by people around the world. The purpose of...

Evolution Of Basketball And Football In The World Of Sports

Have you ever thought to yourself, how did the game of basketball become such a worldwide sport? How the game has evolved into what it is now? There’s a lot of questions that pop into the human head when the topic of basketball is introduced....

Study On The Mental Game Of Fencing

Fencing is one of the oldest sports existing, being one of the five sports that was part of the first Olympic Games. Around 1458, fencing wasn’t a sport, but an army training, but Domenico Angelo established in 1763 the first rules and made a sport...

  • Psychoanalysis

Story Of The Controversial Case Of Oj Simpson

There are a number of subjects that divide opinions among Americans – guns, healthcare, and more. One other subject on that list is Orenthal James Simpson, more commonly known as O.J Simpson. He has gone from being one of the most adored personalities in America...

Overview Of The Three Ai Strategies For Chess Game

Minimax Tree Minimax is a sort of backtracking calculation that is utilized in basic leadership and game hypothesis to locate the ideal move for a player, expecting that your rival likewise plays ideally. This method is mostly used in two player games like chess, Mancala...

  • Artificial Intelligence

Types Of Artificial Intelligence And Algorithmic Strategies In Chess Games

Strategy One: Minimax Algorithm In this algorithmic strategy, created by John von Neumann. He classified chess as a two-person, zero-sum game with complete information. This means that this class of problems can’t be fully solved using the Minimax Algorithm as the Minimax Algorithm doesn’t go...

Difference Between Civil And Criminal Liability And Their Importance

This week’s topic brings back memories of reading the John Grisham book, King of the Torts. The setting is obviously in the USA, where most torts are filed in the world. King of the Torts is good reading and Grisham a brilliant author. Civil liability...

History Of Adidas Company And Quality Of Its Footwear Products

Introduction Adidas was founded in 1949 as a member company of German sportswear manufacturer adidas AG. Named after its founder, Adolf Adi Dassler, shoe production began in hazogenaurach in 1920. Adidas owns three series: performance (three stripes) and originals (clover), And the sports fashion series...

  • Athletic Shoe

Benefits Of New Balance Running Shoes For Athletes

Have you ever wondered how you can ever be able to run faster than a lightning bolt? Well, I heard the new 2019 New Balance 1400v6 running shoes will make you faster than ever. I always wondered how I can be lighter on my feet...

Analysis Of The Memoir Shoe Dog, Nike's History Of Entrepreneurship

'Shoe Dog' is not only Knight's autobiography, but also Nike's epic of entrepreneurship. In the process of starting a business from zero to zero, with the help of wisdom, talent, belief and luck, Nike can overcome every danger. This shows the spirit of entrepreneurship and...

Lampuuk Beach: Coastal Light That Have Recovered From Tsunami Trauma

Lampuuk Beach is one of the main tourist destinations in Aceh Besar before the 2004 tsunami. The beach is always crowded with visitors, both from Banda Aceh, Beraboh, or other areas. With white sand and shady pine trees, this place is the ideal place to...

Creative Writing Assignment About My Passion With Chess

Chess is a fantastic game to play. Hello my name is Ethan Shin. I am a sixth grade student at Geneva school. I would like to tell you about chess. The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, once said, “Chess makes men wiser and clear sighted.”...

Correlation Between The Height Of Nba Players And The Average Points Per Minute Played

Abstract The National Basketball Association (NBA) is famous for the tall men who throw a ball through a hoop, but there is not much know about the influence of the length of a basketball player on the numbers of scores made. This study has showed...

  • Correlation

Pursuit Of Excellence In The Soul Of An Olympian By Heather L. Reid

The author, Heather L. Reid looks at Olympism and what it meant in ancient Greece, outlining what great philosophers like Plato, Aristotle and Socrates thought of Olympics. The author starts her article by looking at an ancient Olympic stadium in Nemea. The athletes started their...

Concerns About Athlete Mental Health In Sports

Helping athletes with poor mental health is a subject of study that has gained plenty of popularity over the years. Driven in part by the raising of awareness of elite athletes who have suffered and or continue to suffer with mental health, this topic has...

  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Mental Disorder

Title Ix: Opening A New Door Of Academic Opportunities For Women

Title IX was passed in 1972, giving many influential women an opportunity to prove their abilities and create a path for many women to follow.. One example of this is how Title IX caused the creation of the United States National Women’s Soccer Team (USWNT)....

Overview Of The Issues In Sports Medicine sector

There is high pressure for competitors to perform in top notch sports, for example, football, where wounds are universal, have added to the fast advancement of medication in sports. Human health care services callings have created social orders and intrigue bunches inside their centralized computer...

  • Sports Medicine

Movie Report On Concussion: American Football Drama

Synopsis This movie is based on true events that relates with “League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis” issue. The crisis starts when Mike Webster a former NFL player was found dead in his pickup truck. Dr Bennet Omalu, a forensic neuropathologist handles Webster’s autopsy...

  • American Football
  • Movie Summary

My Passion for Skating: Exploring the Reasons Behind its Place as My Favorite Sport

When individuals involve themselves in various sports, it helps them alleviate work and school-related stress. When I was a child I have been participating in sporting activities. When I feel distracted and exhausted so that I can entertain myself and others. The sporting activity that...

Why Athletes and College Students Should Cut Down on Drinking

Joe Montana, a former Notre Dame standout has a son who was among 11 Fighting Irish athletes arrested on misdemeanor charges of underage drinking at a party (Trotter 1). A total of 44 people were arrested after city police responded to a call about a...

  • College Students
  • Underage Drinking

Is The WWE Industry too Violent to be Considered Entertainment

Introduction WWE has been on the top of their game for many years now and there have been so many controversies and debates on the fact of weather the WWE is fake or real, weather their superstars have actually died or just gone into retirement...

  • Violence in Sports

Overview of the Major Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are common on our roads. Due to the bike's efficiency in terms of speed most people prefer to use them. However, because motorcyclists lack any sort of surrounding protective structure on their vehicles, they are more likely to suffer severe or fatal injuries...

Writing Assignment on the Teamwork During the Challenging Mt. Everest Climbing

This writeup focuses on the Everest simulation game which presents a challenge to five team members climbing the mount Everest with different roles, independent goals but a common ultimate goal of reaching the summit of the mountain and staying alive. However, culturally, the four team...

The Disadvantages of Intense Training Among Runners

In sports and athletics, the common belief is that the harder you train and the faster you complete rounds and cycles, the stronger you become. While this is mostly true, it also varies according to the type of sport and competition. It seems counter-intuitive, but...

Toxic Masculinity, Hazing and How It Affects the Mental Health of Others

Throughout the world, men on average have a difficult time seeking help and speaking up when put in serious, uncomfortable or life threatening situations. Prior to college, most males are involved with sports because it is a stereotype of the their gender. However, 74 percent...

  • Masculinity

Technological Advancements and the Future of Tennis

Among other sports, many would say that tennis has lagged behind in terms of technological advancements. Tennis players today would learn the same way, and use almost identical equipment as athletes and recreational players almost 50 years ago. The norm would be going to a...

  • Advantages of Technology

Why I Prefer Mountain Climbing to Other Leisure Activities

Activity Description The fact that there were a considerable number of events to choose from in our leisure event, we had to pick an event that could be endorsed by every student. In other words, the event had to meet the needs of every student....

Drug Abuse in Sports and How Sport Organizations Deal With the Issue

The usage of illicit substances in sport, better known as doping is becoming a rising issue in modern times. The purpose of taking these drugs is either enhance performance of an athlete or to escape from the large amounts of pressure and stress on them....

  • Steroids in Sports

History of Cricket Bats and Their Further Development

The cricket bat was first mentioned in 1624 when an investigation was carried out into the passing away of a fielder. In that era, the bowlers used to bowl underarm, which is by throwing the ball from knee level. This is why the bats used...

History of Golden State Warriors Success in the NBA

The world is changing in every aspect compared to how it was lived a decade ago. Fewer and fewer people take daily strolls in the park and hang out in social media communities instead, businesses have less need for actual, physical stalls to reach their...

History of the Legendary Photographs of Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston Match

Muhammad Ali was the former heavyweight boxing champion. During 1964, Ali won one of the most known fights against Sonny Liston. At the time of this event, Ali was known by his former name, Cassius Clay. Cassius Clay was known as the “the greatest man...

  • Photography

Comparison Of Swiss Ball Exercises And Plyometric Training For Agility

Hockey is a team sports which requires two physiological components anaerobic and aerobic capacity& one of the most popular gamesin the world. [1] As we all know key feature of the field hockey is changing of direction during sprinting as well as intermittent running, e....

Best topics on Sports

1. The Soccer Discourse Community: Passion, Identity, and Global Connection

2. Why Football Is the Best Sport: Multifaceted Dimensions

3. Why College Athletes Shouldn’t Be Paid

4. Why Basketball is the Best Sport Among Others

5. Why Basketball Is My Favorite Sport: Memorable Moments and Life Lessons

6. Why Baseball is the Best Sport for Me

7. Should Sports Be Segregated by Gender

8. Overview of Bowling as a Sport for Everyone

9. College Athletes Should Get Paid: An Argumentative Exploration of the Issue

10. Beyond the Field: How Competitive Sports Teach Us About Life

11. Advantages and Disadvantages of Team Sports: Fostering Unity and Individual Growth

12. Harmony of Mind and Body: Exploring the Benefits of Yoga

13. The 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup: an Overview

14. The History of Volleyball: Evolution and Global Impact

15. How to Play Volleyball: Mastering Rules of the Game

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The Best College Essays About Sports

Spoiler alert: almost none of the best college essays are about sports.  

Generally speaking, students try to make their case for writing about sports in one of two ways. Students have either spent many years playing a particular sport or have spent an inordinate amount of time learning about, watching, and/or gathering stats (read: obsessing) on a sport. Below we’ve broken down our responses:  


“My dad taught me how to catch a ball when I was two years old and I’ve been playing baseball ever since. I’ve poured my heart and soul into this sport, made the varsity team as a freshman, and hit a home run in the finals game which made me the town hero.”

First, anything that you’ve spent 15 years doing will undoubtedly be included in the activities section of your application. As we’ve said many times before, writing about anything that appears anywhere else on your application is a major no .

We know that’s a tough pill to swallow, but you have a very limited number of opportunities to add depth to your application. If you could describe yourself to your dream college in only three words, you wouldn’t use “athlete” twice . They already know you play baseball.

Second, the winning goal essay is extremely overdone. It’s florals for spring. We can hardly count the number of times we’ve heard it, so you can only imagine how many times an admission officer has read it. It’s an accomplishment, but it’s certainly not a way to stand out.

“I understand!!! But I was extremely introverted and had a hard time in social situations and playing baseball really helped me to break out of my shell and gain confidence.” 

We are really (seriously) glad this happened. Sports can be a good way to bond with others, create lasting friendships, and overcome obstacles. No one is taking that away from you, but as it relates to writing a college essay this path still won’t work.

Think of another way to write about this. In this case, you’re still using sports as a way to shine light on your development and because of that, your essay will be filed under the “sports essay” category with a thousand others. They won’t see your personal growth.  Use something else as a vehicle to show your progress.


“I don’t play football but I know everything there is to know about the sport. I know the stats, I keep detailed excel documents, and everyone comes to me for fantasy football advice. I watch football every single week with my parents, and have been since I was a child.”

This is more common than you’d think. The biggest issue with this essay is that it doesn’t say much about you. As fun as it may be, being a sports fan doesn’t speak to any of the unique qualities you have. You’re looking for a characteristic about yourself that you haven’t had space to explore yet, and a weekly football watching date with family and friends doesn’t cut it. Essays about loving a sport also tend not to have a narrative arc: remember that you’re looking for a story with a beginning, middle, and end.

Don’t worry, there will undoubtedly be something else for you to write about. Don’t sell yourself short by focusing on a sports related hobby and brainstorm other stories you can tell about yourself.  

In the history of TKG, we’ve made a few exceptions to our strict no sports rule. One example was a student who wrote about surfing . This is because teaching surfing lessons was a job and the essay was about an experience with one of his students.  

We’d love to talk about some of your ideas. Contact us here .

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Essays About Sports: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

Almost nothing compares to the thrill of sports; discover our guide with helpful tips for writing essays about sports through essay examples and prompts. 

Most people would agree on the importance of sports for a well-balanced life. Sports provides us with a multitude of benefits, both physically and mentally. But more than this, sports provide people with fun, even in the darkest times. The thrills of sports games and competitions are almost unmatched in the joy it brings others. 

It is important to keep in mind several risks of playing sports. First, the competitive mindset may consume you, as some of the best books about rugby show, and you are susceptible to various injuries, depending on the sport. However, a healthy love of sports often does not involve these risks.


5 Examples of Essays About Sports

1. importance and benefits of sports by melih sozdinler, 2. the importance of sports in empowering women by jo ousterhout, 3. the fastest growing sport in the world by sean monaghan.

  • 4.  Extreme Sports by Archie Simmons
  • 5. ​​The Mental Health Awakening Has Reached the Sports World  — Now What? by Maggie Ryan

1. My Favorite Sport

2. physical benefits of sports, 3. psychological and mental benefits of sports, 4. opinions on sports, 5. comparing and contrasting sports, 6. an unconventional sport, 7. an extreme sport, 8. values needed for sports, 9. sports in the modern world.

“We can conclude that there are several advantages and benefits of sports. First, sports are required by people to be fit, smart, and good looking. Second, sports are entertaining due to many facts. Third, sports are the huge market for countries’ economies. In my opinion, despite sports’ advantages, many people can’t believe that sports are useful and beneficial. I hope that in the future these people will tend to be more optimistically to sports since they are the necessity of our lives.”

Sozdinler writes about why people should play sports, elaborating on several benefits of sports. First, sports help improve coordination, cognition, circulation, and physique. Second, they provide us with entertainment and relief from the stresses of life. Finally, sports competitions are economically beneficial, allowing countries to expose their people and goods to foreigners. 

“Women who participate in sports are more likely to do better in school, attend college and make higher wages. In a survey of 401 female executives, 82 percent reported playing organized sports while growing up. Hillary understands the role sports can play in empowering women. As she has said, “Sports can make you stronger, tougher, more confident, more resilient, and those qualities can stay with you long after you finish the race or the final buzzer sounds.”

In this essay, Ousterhout discusses a speech by Hillary Clinton in which she stressed the importance of empowering women through sports. Clinton recognizes women’s talent in all fields, sports included, and Ousterhout, citing research, discusses how sports can help women succeed academically and otherwise. Finally, she uses this as a basis to support Clinton’s 2016 campaign for the presidency of the United States. 

“From a game played by the Navajo tribe, to a game broadcasted to millions of people each weekend. Having a sport that is fast paced and filled with incredible skill, lacrosse is bound to see even more growth in the future. The PLL, college lacrosse, and social media have all impacted lacrosse and all sports forever, proving that lacrosse is the fastest growing sport in the world.”

Monaghan writes about lacrosse and how it is becoming more popular. He briefly describes its history, dating back to the Navajo tribe. It started being played as an organized sport in the 1900s and has only grown in popularity. Monaghan believes that Lacrosse is the fastest-growing sport in the world, and its popularity is much-deserved. Check out these essays about badminton.

4.   Extreme Sports by Archie Simmons

“Various news stories, movies, and other sources in the media help spread the impression of the risks and dangers of the sports. Although the public hears mostly about all the negative effects of extreme sports, there are a variety of ways to decrease one’s risk of injuries through proper precautions and practice. In saying that, there are also many benefits to extreme sports as seen in Bode Miller’s memoir, as well as interviews with other extreme sport athletes.”

Simmons gives a brief introduction to the world of extreme sports in his essay. Extreme sports require specialized gear and much preparation and has an increased risk of injury. Simmons writes that athletes continue to participate in extreme sports because they know the risks and prepare to avoid them. He cites a memoir by Bode Miller, explaining his methods and training to ski quickly and carefully. 

5. ​​ The Mental Health Awakening Has Reached the Sports World  — Now What? by Maggie Ryan

“Sports can provide community, boost physical and mental health, foster self-confidence, and serve as an escape. Sports can also be the opposite of all those things: isolating, physically and mentally debilitating, or something that athletes can come to dread. The dividing line between the two, Post says, lies in the tools and preventative care that athletes have at their disposal.”

Ryan writes about the effects of competitive sports on athletes’ mental health. Sometimes athletes are pressured into making sports the center of their lives, affecting their mental health and social life to their detriment. Ryan cites several athletes who have been open about their struggles, including Simone Biles and Jasmine Blocker. The industry must work on this issue and break the stigma around mental health. 

9 Prompts for Essays About Sports

Essays About Sports: My favorite sport

All sports enthusiasts follow one particular sport. Whether you play it or not, choose your favorite sport and briefly describe how it is played. Also, explain why it is your favorite; this should be based entirely on your opinion. 

Participating in a sport can make you stronger and healthier. In your essay, write about a few of the many physical benefits playing sports can have. This can include, muscle strengthening, cardio workout, increased stamina, and good mental health. Give examples of specific sports and the body parts they can help you strengthen, such as football increasing leg strength and increasing stamina.

Playing sports can also clear your mind and make you healthier mentally. Discuss how sports can improve your cognition and mental health, such as certain skills, values, and emotions they can promote. Ensure your argument is well-supported and provide research and statistics for a convincing essay.

In your essay, write about your stance on playing sports, specifically whether you like playing them or not. Discuss the pros and cons of playing sports, and include anecdotes of the different kinds of sports you have tried out. Conclude your essay by deciding whether you are a fan of playing sports or not.

This essay topic is simple and straightforward. Choose any two sports and give a short description of each. Organize your essay according to their similarities and differences in gameplay, physical activity required, and training. Be sure to choose sports that are not too different, and make sure they have some similarities. For example, you could compare and contrast American football with Rugby, discuss the similarities and differences for an exciting piece of writing.

Some sports are deemed “unconventional” due to a lack of physical activity or belittlement for their more art-centric practices. These include chess, thumb wrestling, and dance. Choose a more niche sport and write about its mechanics and popularity in the world today. 

Many sports force athletes to risk their lives, such as bungee jumping and paragliding. In your essay, you can write about one of these “extreme sports” and what they entail. Focus on your chosen sport’s health risks and dangers and perhaps explain why people still participate despite the risk. 

To excel in sports, one needs to have values such as commitment, courage, and teamwork. Discuss one or more of these skills and values, giving their definition and usage in sports. Be as detailed as possible for an engaging, well-supported essay.

Like everything else in the 21st century, the sports landscape is changing drastically due to the rise of esports and other developments. Research on the state of sports and sports competitions in the modern world. To you, is this a good thing? Briefly explain your stance in the essay as well. 

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing .

If you still need help, our guide to grammar and punctuation explains more.

TCK Publishing

Sports Writing: Types, Examples, and Tips for Better Reporting

by Yen Cabag | 30 comments

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A sports enthusiast’s love for the game can include everything from the preparation and anticipation, to watching the actual game, enjoying replays and highlights, and discussing everything about the game afterward—including the teams, the coaches, and their favorite (and not-so-favorite) players. 

Sports writing plays a huge role in stirring up expectations and giving fans the information they crave about the people behind their favorite sport. 

What Is Sports Writing in Journalism? 

Sports writing is a form of creative nonfiction or journalism that covers sports, athletes, or other sports-related issues. A journalist who reports on sports is called a sportswriter. 

Glenn Stout, editor of The Best American Sports Writing 2015 , describes a good sports story as one that “provides an experience that… takes you from one place you’ve never been before and by the end leaves you in another place, changed.” 

In the introduction to the 2012 edition of The Best American Sports Writing , Michael Wilbon says that the best sports stories are those that come from conversations, and not from formal interviews. These people may be reluctant or poor conversationalists, but they often turn out the best stories. 

What Are the Elements of Sports Writing? 

Sports writing typically covers basic information, such as: 

  • highlights of the game
  • the names of the teams involved
  • the type of sport
  • score or final outcome
  • when and where the game was played

But in order to write a good sports article, remember to focus on what an athlete does. Because sports revolve around the drama of competition, spotlighting a single person gives your story a human side that your readers can relate to. 

5 Types of Sports Stories 

The following are the five most common types of sports stories: 

1. Straight-Lead Game Story

The most basic form of all sportswriting, the straight-lead (also spelled straight-lede) game story is an article using a straight-news format. The article summarizes the main points of a game: which team won or lost, the final score, and what a star player did. 

A straight-lead might look something like this:

Second-string quarterback Robert Jameson threw the game-winning touchdown with just 10 seconds left to lead the Mountain View High School Bears to a 21-14 victory over the Canyon del Oro High School Captains Saturday night.

After that, the story follows by giving an account of big plays, players who contributed tremendously to the final outcome, and after-game insights, quoting both players and coaches. 

Many high school and college sports use the straight-lead game story, but sports writers for professional sports events have veered away from this format.

The reason is that TV already shows the entire game and fans usually know the scores and highlights before the article makes it to publication.

2. Feature Game Story 

The feature game story is a favorite tool for professional sports writers because it gives fans and readers a different angle from the highlights they have seen on TV. 

Here’s an example of an actual sports feature lead involving the Queensland Reds and their rugby coach, Tevita Koloi : 

It’s the start of yet another season. The quiet of the night contrasts with the vibrant group gathered in the upper room of their local church, fervently praying. As the clock ticks closer towards midnight, the spiritual coach of the state’s professional rugby team receives an impression from God – “the last placed team he is mentoring will win the entire league this very year.”  It is a bold revelation, and he grapples with what to do with this.

After opening with this unique angle, the writer proceeds to describe the prominent rugby coach’s background, as well as what was going on at the time he had this unusual experience. 

And, as is common trait of feature game stories, he only gets to the scores near the end of the article—which is fine because readers are not looking to read about the score, which they already know.

Instead, the story gives them a different perspective of the game and the people involved.

3. Profiles

Whereas a feature game story spotlights a game, a profile features an individual character. This person might be a rookie athlete rising in the ranks, or perhaps an influential coach. 

To show you the difference between a feature game story and a profile, here is an example of a real-life personality profile opening of the same rugby coach Tevita Koloi : 

He stood on the bridge, pondering how everything in his life had gone wrong. After several years of depression, disappointment, abuse and separation, he had reached the end of his rope and was ready to end it all. He closed his eyes, readying himself to take this irreversible step. At that very moment, he heard a seemingly innocuous noise from below, “Beep-beep!  Beep-beep!” He opened his eyes and reached into his pocket for his phone, intending to read this message before he went forward with his tragic plan. The words he read, sent from an acquaintance he was not even particularly close to, shocked him out of his stupor: “Jesus loves you. He will never leave you. Receive His love.” 

The story then proceeds to describe his battle with depression and suicide, and how he used the same thing that saved him, text messaging, to help others in the sports world. 

4. Season Preview and Wrap-up Stories

Every sportswriter needs season previews and wrap-up stories in their collection. These stories are published while the coaches and their teams are preparing for the upcoming season, or after the season has ended—whether in victory or in defeat. 

These stories take a bird’s eye view of the season: they normally share the expectations that coaches and players have, or how they feel at the end of a season. 

A fictional example of a lead for this kind of story is: 

Coach Sandy Miller has high hopes for the Bannerview High School women’s volleyball team this year. With the Royals being the county champions last year, led by dynamic team captain Serena Delgado, who continues to lead the team this year as a senior. “We believe she’ll bring the team to greater heights this year,” Coach Miller says.

5. Columns 

A sportswriting column is the place where a sportswriter shares their opinion. Sometimes these columns may include venting when a team, player, or coach doesn’t meet expectations. Other times, they may write about what they admire in a team, player or coach. 

A favorite subject is a coach who is able to direct a weak team to an unexpected championship, or perhaps an underdog player who demonstrates unusual determination and teamwork. 

Here is an excerpt of a column from The Sports Column : 

For me, head-to-head competition is the most significant indicator for seeding, but not to EIWA coaches. When coaches use rules/regulations to protect their interests, then athletes suffer. To make a three-time All-American–a proven wrestler–a 4-seed behind an opponent he has defeated…well…that’s bad for everybody. And to make things worse, the only other seeded wrestler who has qualified for the Nationals (Jared Prince of Navy), is seeded #5, opposite Kolodzik. None of the other six seeds have had such success this year.

Sports Writing Examples

football game image

The best sports writers are able to convey the sense of awe readers feel when watching a game.

However, sports writing is not limited to simply describing a game: it may also profile an athlete or unveil important news surrounding a key character in a sport, such as reports of abuse. 

Example #1. From “ Roger Federer as Religious Experience ” (2006) by David Foster Wallace: 

A top athlete’s beauty is next to impossible to describe directly. Or to evoke. Federer’s forehand is a great liquid whip, his backhand a one-hander that he can drive flat, load with topspin, or slice — the slice with such snap that the ball turns shapes in the air and skids on the grass to maybe ankle height. His serve has world-class pace and a degree of placement and variety no one else comes close to; the service motion is lithe and uneccentric, distinctive (on TV) only in a certain eel-like all-body snap at the moment of impact. His anticipation and court sense are otherworldly, and his footwork is the best in the game.

Example #2. From “ Most Dominant Athlete of 2018: Simone Biles ” by Danyel Smith:

The only thing greater than the legendary, genius, paradigm-shifting athletic status of Simone Biles is the degree to which so many don’t know or can’t understand what it is that she actually does. Even if you’ve seen Biles doing a split leap on a box of Special K, you likely don’t know the depth of her determination to dominate. Some of it is that Biles competes in an odd, ancient Greek sport based in “disciplined exercise” that conquering Romans militarized and people now barely pay attention to outside of Summer Olympic years. More of it is that it’s the American female gymnasts who excel.

Example #3. From “ Everyone Believed Larry Nassar ” by Kerry Howley

It has by the fall of 2018 become commonplace to describe the 499 known victims of Larry Nassar as “breaking their silence,” though in fact they were never, as a group, particularly silent. Over the course of at least 20 years of consistent abuse, women and girls reported to every proximate authority. They told their parents. They told gymnastics coaches, running coaches, softball coaches. They told Michigan State University police and Meridian Township police. They told physicians and psychologists. They told university administrators. They told, repeatedly, USA Gymnastics. They told one another. Athletes were interviewed, reports were written up, charges recommended. The story of Larry Nassar is not a story of silence. The story of Larry Nassar is that of an edifice of trust so resilient, so impermeable to common sense, that it endured for decades against the allegations of so many women.

How Do You Write a Good Sports Lead? 

A lead is the introductory section of a news story, intended to hook the reader into reading the full story.

To write a good sports lead, first pick which of the 5 types of sports stories you would like to write. The type of story you choose will determine the lead you write. 

If you opt for a straight-news story, pick a highlight from the game you are writing about and focus on that in your first paragraph. 

If you choose a feature or profile, pick something that stands out about the team or person. Think of a scene that best describes the characteristic you want to highlight. Do you describe a practice session? A game huddle? Or an after-game interview? 

For a season preview or wrap-up story, pick a sport you love and describe a broad perspective of an upcoming season or the season that just wrapped up, beginning with the best teams. 

For or an opinion column, find one angle that you would like to express your opinion on and that you feel passionate about.

Writing About Sports

Writing about sports is not only exciting, but it also gives us a chance to get to know the people in our favorite sport and share those findings with our readers.

Excellently written sports stories make these characters come alive, letting fans connect to their favorite teams in a more meaningful way.

Which sport would you like to write about? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Yen Cabag

Yen Cabag is the Blog Writer of TCK Publishing. She is also a homeschooling mom, family coach, and speaker for the Charlotte Mason method, an educational philosophy that places great emphasis on classic literature and the masterpieces in art and music. She has also written several books, both fiction and nonfiction. Her passion is to see the next generation of children become lovers of reading and learning in the midst of short attention spans.



Could you please help me on how to write or feature for school journalism. I have joined my school’s basketball team and I am on the media team and it’s actually my first time.

Kaithlyn cordel

Maybe i can be of help. Im a school paper adviser and an article writer at a national monthly magazine.

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This helped me a lot especially it’s my first time in journalism and I had no idea on how to do it When I came across this website, thank you!


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Sanjana Yadav

Thank you so much Kaelyn. It is really helpful and informative. I got a great help as i had to present on sports beat and my presentation captures almost the whole of your content. Thank you so very much

Kaelyn Barron

I’m so glad to hear that it was helpful for your presentation, Sanjana! :)


maraming salamat po! ito ay lubos na nakatutulong

walang anuman po :)

Nora R. Valencia

thank you so much! this is very helpful for us beginners.

You’re very welcome, Nora! Glad you found it helpful :)

Madaki peter jeffrey

Thanks a million, I would love to write about soccer and its greatest players

That’s a great subject, Madaki! I hope you find these tips helpful for your sports writing :)

Antonia Monk Richburg

This was really well -done. Are there similar offerings that are done in journals? I am looking for sports writing informative articles for a paper for school.

Hi Antonia, thanks for your comment! Not sure what you mean by offerings done in journals?

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Hi Aliraza, we’re not currently selling our site or posts

Collins Ojiwa

This is indeed a masterpiece. A must-read article for any sports enthusiast. Am grateful for this great job.

thank you, glad you enjoyed the article!


You’re welcome, hope you enjoyed the article!


Nice post, I appreciate this but wish you could give more details about Feature Game Story. I really want to learn more about it so i can apply it in my website — Footballrover.com

My interest is on football only, so I want to learn how to write feature story on football more often on my site. Could you kindly help pls? Thanks a lot


Very helpful article. I have a sports blog and look for tips on making it successful.

I’m so glad you found the article helpful, Stacie! :)

Rhodalyn Valerozo

Thjs article is helpful.. Can you give me a possible sports topic to write on for school journalism? Appreciate it.

I’m so glad you found it helpful! :) It depends on what areas you want to cover, but if you want to take an opinion/current events article, there’s a lot going on as far as the rights of athletes to protest, the first openly gay football player… also the tokyo olympics are coming up.

Danayson Cloete

Perfect context!

I am definitely using this as inspiration and guide for my sports article.

Franklin Romero

Great synopsis of sports writing! I very much appreciated the break down

Thanks Franklin, we’re so glad you enjoyed the post! :)

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How to Write a Non-Cliche Sports College Essay

Writing your college application essay about your experiences in sports is a popular topic. Admissions officers have read countless essays about the life lessons learned from being on a team, pushing through adversity, or achieving a personal best. While sports can certainly provide meaningful material for an essay, you need to be careful to avoid cliches and tell YOUR unique story in an original way.

Writing a non-cliché sports college essay involves highlighting personal growth, overcoming challenges, and showcasing unique perspectives, and with the support of professionals willing to write my essays for me , you can authentically convey your passion for athletics while standing out to admissions committees.

preparing an essay

Here's how to write a compelling sports essay that will make you stand out.

Know the Cliches to Avoid

The first step is to recognize the overused cliches that make admissions officers roll their eyes when they see them. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Learning about leadership/teamwork - Almost every sports essay mentions this one.
  • Finding inner strength/overcoming adversity - While powerful when done well, this theme is very commonly used.
  • Discovering passion/purpose - A cliche opening about falling in love with the sport at a young age.

Your goal is to avoid these trite cliches like the plague. Don't start your essay with "Ever since I was a kid dribbling a basketball..." or say your biggest accomplishment was "learning to be a team player." These have been done to death already.

Find Your Unique Angle

When writing a non-cliché sports college essay, focusing on introspection, specific anecdotes, and personal connections to the sport can set your narrative apart. The key is identifying a specific anecdote, accomplishment, or obstacle from your sports experience that allows you to share a fresh perspective and meaningful insight. Maybe your role on the team unexpectedly changed, forcing personal growth. Or an injury sidelined you for a time, teaching resilience. Or perhaps you dealt with issues of equity, access or discrimination.

The most engaging essays go beyond the expected cliches to shed light on the real challenges, meaningful setbacks, eye-opening revelations, and true stories of grit that made you who you are today. This could come from the big championship game or an easy practice day. The situation itself matters less than the depth of self-reflection and your ability to construct an insightful narrative.

Use Vivid Details

The difference between cliche and captivating often comes down to the vividness of your writing and your ability to construct scenes that immerse the reader in the experience. Don't just blankly state that you learned leadership—describe a specific moment when you had to take charge and motivate your teammates during a crisis. Use dialogue, smells, sounds, visual details and your most evocative descriptors to recreate key moments for the reader.

For example, instead of writing "I'll never forget the big championship game," try something like:

"The murmurs of the crowd swirled like a distant Universe in my ears as I dug my cleats into the hardwood floor, the squeaking of rubber soles echoing with each dribble. My heart thudded with the weight of possibility, knowing this could be our last game if we didn't pull ahead soon..."

See the difference? The latter example uses concrete details to place the reader in the arena and build suspense. Leverage techniques like this wherever possible to elevate your essay from bland cliches to a gripping narrative.

Reflect on What It All Meant

Beyond sensory details, the other key element is to elevate your essay with enlightening self-reflection and analysis on what you learned. High school sports teach countless life lessons, and admissions officers want to see evidence of your maturity, self-awareness, and ability to derive deeper meaning from your experiences.

In each essay, dig below the surface accomplishments to unearth the inner grit, mindsets, and philosophies you developed. What counterintuitive lessons did you learn about sacrifice, leadership, failure, or excellence that go against societal cliches? How were your perceptions about community, hard work, or your capabilities fundamentally altered? What about the experience equipped you with skills and perspectives that will propel success in college and beyond?

The best essays don't just assert that you learned perseverance, but provide a thoughtful examination of perseverance through vivid examples, anecdotes, and deep self-reflection. Leave the reader with a window into your values, intellect, and readiness to thrive.

Potential Subheadings

Here are some potential subheadings you could consider using to organize your sports essay:

  • More Than Lessons in Teamwork
  • Avoiding the Trap of Cliche 
  • Finding My Unique Sports Story 
  • Bringing the Reader Into the Arena
  • Elevating My Essay with Deeper Meaning
  • An Unconventional Education Through Sports
  • Redefining Victory Off the Field
  • My Philosophy Forged by Wins and Losses 

Any of these could work, just make sure your subheadings effectively segment and signal the points being addressed in each section.

Additional Tips

Here are some final tips for making your essay shine:

  • Only briefly summarize your accomplishments. The focus should be on personal reflections.
  • Avoid excessive use of sports cliches like "give 110%," "left it all on the field," or calling something the "biggest game of my life."
  • Leverage self-deprecating humor about your shortcomings where appropriate.
  • Conclude with insight on how your experiences will help you succeed in college.
  • Have others read your essay to catch any inadvertent cliches you may have missed.

Writing about sports in college admissions essays can work, but you must do it thoughtfully and originally. By steering clear of cliche themes while embracing vivid storytelling and hard-earned wisdom, your essay will be a winner that gets you accepted.

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Argumentative Essay Writing

Argumentative Essay About Sports

Cathy A.

Win the Debate - Writing An Effective Argumentative Essay About Sports

Published on: Mar 1, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

argumentative essay about sports

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Are you searching for a way to score that winning point in the classroom? 

Are you wanting to take your sports knowledge and turn it into an impressive argumentative essay? 

Well, look no further - we have the perfect guide on how to win the debate through effective argumentation! 

This post will provide tips on how crafting an argumentative paper around sports can help you ace your next assignment. 

Let's get started!

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Why Do We Write an Argumentative Essay About Sports?

Argumentative essays are meant to demonstrate a student's ability to think critically.

When writing about sports, you can use an argumentative paper as a way of exploring the different sides of any issue. 

This could include debates on rules changes, the impact of technology in sports, or the role of sports in society. 

By delving into these topics, you will be able to learn more about the topic. This way you  can make an informed argument for your side. 

Check out this amazing blog on argumentative essay outline to craft perfect outlines.

Examples of Argumentative Essay About Sports

Before you start writing your argumentative essay, it's a good idea to check out some example essays. 

This will give you an idea of what to write and the structure of a high-scoring paper. 

Here is a sample written by our experts. 

Sports can be a great source of physical health, professional athletes and life skills. Playing sports can help professional athletes to stay in shape and stay competitive, while also helping people of all ages to develop important life skills such as teamwork, communication and problem-solving. It has been shown that professional athletes who regularly participate in sports have better physical health than those who don’t engage in physical activity. Additionally, sports can be a great way for professional athletes to network and build connections with other players. 

When it comes to developing life skills, playing team sports helps individuals create strong relationships with teammates as well as learn how to work together toward a common goal. Teamwork is an essential skill for success, both on the field and off the field. Sports can also help individuals develop communication skills by teaching them how to better express themselves and listen to what others have to say. Lastly, sports can help players learn how to problem solve quickly and efficiently in order to succeed in their game of choice.

Overall, professional athletes who engage in sports are more likely than those who don’t participate in physical activity to benefit from improved physical health as well as life skills such as teamwork, communication and problem-solving. These benefits make it clear that playing sports is an important part of professional athletes’ lives, regardless of the level they may be competing at. Therefore, professional athletes should prioritize staying physically active by playing team sports whenever possible.

Here are some great examples by CollegeEssay.org: 

argumentative essay about team sports

argumentative essay about college sports

argumentative essay on sports should be compulsory in schools

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Check our extensive blog on argumentative essay examples to ace your next essay!

Examples of Persuasive Essay About Sports 

Sports persuasive essay is a form of argumentative writing that presents the writer’s opinion on a certain sports topic. 

The topics can cover anything from professional sports to health issues related to sports, to ethics in sports, and more. 

Writing an effective persuasive essay requires research, organization, and passion. 

Below are some examples of persuasive essays about sports that you can use as inspiration.

Persuasive essay about sports

Persuasive essay about sportsmanship

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Best Argumentative Essay About Sports Topics

Choosing a good argumentative essay topic can be a daunting task. 

But with the right approach and focus, you can easily find one that is both interesting and relevant to your paper.

Here are some of the best sports argumentative essay topics for you to consider: 

  • Should student-athletes receive special privileges? 
  • Are professional sports teams more important than amateur ones? 
  • Should there be greater regulation of doping in professional sports? 
  • Is it ethical to pay athletes so much money? 
  • Should college athletes be paid for their participation in sports? 
  • How can we prevent injuries in youth sports? 
  • Are video games an effective way to teach sports skills? 
  • Should the use of performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in professional sports? 
  • Is it important to have gender equality in sports? 
  • How can we encourage more girls and women to participate in sports? 

Check our comprehensive blog on argumentative essay topics to get more topic ideas!

How to Choose an Argumentative Essay Topic?

When choosing an argumentative essay topic, there are some things to consider. 

  • Make sure the topic is something you're passionate about or interested in.
  • Research your topic thoroughly and make sure it's current and relevant to today's society.
  • Consider both sides of the argument when selecting a topic.
  • Ensure that there is enough evidence available for your chosen topic to make a convincing argument.
  • Choose an argumentative essay topic that you can easily defend.
  • Make sure the topic is not too broad or too narrow to fit within your essay's scope.
  • With the right topic and approach, you will be able to write a compelling persuasive essay that engages readers.

Check out this video about selecting the right argumentative essay topic.

In conclusion, 

Argumentative essay writing about sports can be a great way to explore and discuss important topics in today’s society. 

With the right topic and approach, you can easily make an informed argument for your side.

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essays to write about sports

Essay About Sport Example

10 December, 2020

11 minutes read

Author:  Donna Moores

Physical development plays a critical role in sustaining a healthy living and contributing to wellbeing in the long-term. Various topics on sports are relevant for both the young generation and older individuals at all times. For one, sport is a means of maintaining an excellent physical shape and great mobility; others perceive sports as a way to unwind and get one’s mind together. Alternatively, sport might let oneself learn about self-organization and discipline and experience its positive influence on life.

Essay About Sport

Regardless of the direction and type of activity, sports always brings out only the best: a team spirit, improved physical health, emotional fulfillment, and psychological relief. Since many youngsters might underestimate the benefits of sports, it is fundamental to emphasize its crucial role in determining one’s personality, health, and wellbeing. 

sports essay example

How to write an essay on sports?

If you so far have a vague idea of an essay about sport but still have enough time for writing, you are on the safe side. Here is what you should do to end up with a marvelous essay about sports.

First of all, try to pick a topic that is both relevant and not boring. By ensuring that the latter is the case, you will prevent yourself from writing meaningless stuff that isn’t even interesting to read. 

There are some tips that will help you stick to an appropriate essay format and save a great deal of time. Here is what you can take into account to take better control of your essay about sport writing:

  • Research for a while and make sure you find some sound pieces of literature to back on in your writing
  • Draft the main goals of your essay and come up with the question you are about to find answers to 
  • Draft an outline and attach comments to each section of your outline. A short comment is a helper in elaborating an idea in each part of your outline
  • Pick suitable arguments for each of the body paragraphs. Try to make sure that all the statements are actually reliable and relevant.

Make sure you prepare a piece of paper (or you may use any electronic device as an alternative) to write down your notes. It is always better to keep your drafts in a single place so that you don’t get lost in multiple notes. 

Sports Essay Topics 

If you want your next essay on sports to be an ultimate success, try picking a topic that will sound intriguing and be easy to comprehend at the same time. Below, we’ve listed a few indeed attention-grabbing topics that will be easy for you to elaborate on: 

  • How regular sports correlates with a better quality of life 
  • Essential skills that any type of sport requires
  • Adverse effects of doping in sports 
  • An example of a woman/man who went down into the history of sports
  • New kinds of sports on the rise in 2021
  • Sport has no gender: the women who rocked ‘male’ sports 
  • The history of sports in your country
  • Reasons for young generations to do sports 
  • Arguments for deeming chess a sport 
  • The influence of sports on mental health
  • Sport and society
  • The procedure of college admission for future sports students 

Structure of Essay on Sport 

Whether you are about to compose just a short essay about sport or your teacher expects you to develop a complex paper, the structure always remains similar. If you want to craft a useful outline that will prove its efficiency during the writing process, you first need to learn what the structure of an essay about sport looks like. Below we’ve listed the critical components of such an essay.


At this point, you are free to provide any piece of information that will sound convincing to the reader. This might be some statistical data, a historical fact, or a quote. Remember, your task is to encourage your reader to go through your essay and read it till the end. At the end of your paper, you will need to mention a thesis statement: a sentence that reveals what you will be talking about further.

Body paragraphs

Body paragraphs may contain any information that relates to your topic and a thesis statement. Any fact, statistical data, or a quote will be really welcome. A typical body paragraph follows such a structure:

  • The topic sentence with a key idea. 
  • Substantiated topic sentence and the main argument
  • An example or any fact to make the opinion sound reasonable

In the last paragraph, just summarize the main points of your essay. You may briefly restate your introductory statements and explain how each of the body parts supports your thesis. Usually, there is only one thing you need to avoid in conclusion: repetitions. 

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Essay Example 

The role of sports in promoting good mental health 

Sports is something that most people cannot imagine their everyday living without. The notion of sport had evolved in ancient times before the Olympic games in Greece started to take place. After the second industrial revolution, sport has become an extensively popular and admired subject in almost any school. As a means of entertainment and, at the same time, a way to relieve tension and move one’s energy in a good direction, the sport has always been associated with individual growth and physical health maintenance. These days, schoolers, students, adults, and older people engage themselves in a variety of sports activities for different reasons. But regardless of the purpose, all of them definitely achieve one target – better mental health. Indeed, performing sports activities regularly contributes to improved mental health by reducing stress, promoting a team spirit and social inclusion, and preventing depression. 

Engaging oneself in a sports activity is positively correlated with better social inclusion. In essence, sport is a team activity, which means that doing a particular kind of sports implies interaction with other individuals. Building social contacts while engaging in sports is exciting and easy: finding common ground with teammates or a sports partner is not complicated since you already share at least one significant interest. A recent study by British scientists suggests that individuals who did sports during their school years show higher social inclusion levels and can easily make new acquaintances in adult age. This means that sport plays a critical role in defining an individual’s future behavior in socializing with other people. And since sports promotes an ability to better engage in social groups and  make new acquaintances, it also contributes to an individual’s mental health. As long as humans live in a community and need communication for a healthy and happy living, sports is the key. 

Regular physical activity does not let stress accumulate and negatively influence one’s mental health. The reason why people experience less stress if they give preference to working out on a regular basis is endorphins production. Endorphins are particular neurotransmitters that a human brain produces as a result of physical activity. Neurotransmitters promote good feelings and make it harder for various stress factors to irritate oneself. Additionally, endorphins produced by a body while performing a sports activity promote a better quality of sleep. The latter, in its turn, leads to significant stress reduction as well. Apart from a guaranteed stress reduction, sports activities reduce the adverse effects of stress. Hence, one can come to the conclusion that since stress is an inevitable and highly annoying phenomenon, it is critical to seek preventative measures, and sports seems to cope with the issue of stress and constant tension brilliantly. Therefore, a moderate workout contributes to one’s mental health in the long term.  

Finally, sport has been proven to be one of the most potent remedies for depression. According to what clinicians claim, depression impacts both mental and physical health way worse than diabetes. Therefore, depression is a condition that needs treatment. However, it is highly possible to prevent depression just by exercising and adding some sport to one’s daily routine. Sports influence the human brain almost in the same way that medical drugs do: it promotes the brain’s better capacity to absorb serotonin. Not less important, sport activities contribute to nerve cell growth and prevent cells in the hippocampus from dying. Besides, physical activity has been found to improve self-esteem, which in turn improves body image and self-perception. Overall, a regular sport activity can not only guarantee depression alleviation but also prevent further disorders that have to do with psyche. 

All in all, sports can reasonably be deemed a natural remedy not only against physical but also multiple mental conditions. Just by performing moderate exercises a few times a week, one can make their life go in a different, healthier direction. Performing sports activities can reasonably promote stress-free life since exercising influences endorphins production in the brain. Additionally, a regular sport promotes better social inclusion and facilitates communication with peers. Finally, regular exercises serve as a solution to depression. It is critical to preserve one’s mental health, so working out is something to begin with straightaway.

Write an Essay with HandmadeWriting

While writing an essay about sport, it is essential to find the balance between the topic’s complexity and reader engagement. In other words, a winning essay about sport neither has a primitive subject, nor it covers a very specific and potentially boring sports topic. If this sounds quite complicated for you or if you merely have other reasons for leaving your writing for better times, you may get your paper done with HandmadeWriting . We are always available to assist you with your paper promptly. All you need to do is go to our website, submit paper instructions, and take care of yourself while we are taking care of your paper. 

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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — 250 Sports Topics: Persuasive Speech Ideas and Titles

250 Sports Topics: Persuasive Speech Ideas and Titles

sports topics

Sports, as a universal language, encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including team sports like football and basketball, individual sports such as tennis and swimming, adventure sports like rock climbing and surfing, as well as winter sports, including skiing and ice hockey. The realm of sports topics extends far beyond mere celebration of victories or analysis of defeats; it delves into the understanding of human endeavor, resilience, teamwork, and individual brilliance. These topics offer a rich vein of content for persuasive speeches and essays, appealing to both emotions and reason, and urging audiences to consider deeper societal issues, health, education, and personal growth.

Writing about sports topics provides an opportunity to explore the impact of sports on society and the individual. It's not just about the physical aspects but also about the psychological and social benefits. Sports debate topics often highlight the role of sports in promoting mental health, fostering community spirit, and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. They can also address controversies, such as doping, corruption, and the commercialization of sports, providing a platform for critical thinking and discussion.

The richness of sports as a subject matter offers endless opportunities to weave together narratives of challenge, triumph, and transformation, making essays on sports not just informative but also profoundly inspiring.

How to Choose a Good Topic on Sports

Choosing a compelling sports topic necessitates a nuanced understanding of your audience's preferences, alongside an assessment of the topic's current relevance and its capacity to incite meaningful debate or persuade effectively. It's crucial to identify subjects that not only resonate on a deeply personal level with your audience but also intersect with broader thematic elements such as ethics, advancements in technology, and the various socio-economic factors that influence the realm of sports. This balanced approach ensures the topic's universal appeal and its ability to engage a diverse readership. Particularly, the convergence of sports with pressing societal issues—like providing resources for low-income college students—opens up a rich avenue for discussion that transcends mere sports commentary. It invites a more profound exploration of how sports can serve as a microcosm for larger societal dynamics, offering insights into equity, accessibility, and the transformative power of sports as a tool for social change. In this article, we delve into 250 varied sports persuasive speech topics and sports argumentative essay topics, each carefully selected to spark interest and drive discourse across different aspects of sports, from team-based dynamics and individual feats to the broader social impact of sporting activities. Whether you're crafting an argumentative essay that tackles the ethical dilemmas in sports or preparing a persuasive speech that advocates for more inclusive policies in sports programs, these topics are designed to bolster your arguments with a rich mix of insights and perspectives.

The Best 10 Sports Topics to Write About in 2024

In 2024, sports writing is evolving, focusing on topics that blend traditional interests with pressing social issues. Consider exploring:

  • The impact of technology on fair play in sports.
  • Mental health awareness among professional athletes.
  • The role of sports in bridging socio-economic divides.
  • Gender equality in sports: Progress and challenges.
  • The influence of sports scholarships on low-income students.
  • The environmental footprint of major sporting events.
  • The rise of e-sports and its recognition as a legitimate sport.
  • The importance of sports in fostering global peace and understanding.
  • Ethical considerations in sports sponsorships and advertising.
  • The future of sports in a post-pandemic world.

Interesting Sports Debate Topics

When it comes to stimulating discussions and engaging audiences, few subjects can match the dynamism of sports debate topics. This section not only explores the competitive spirit and strategic intricacies inherent in various sports but also delves into how these activities intersect with larger societal questions, ethics, and personal development. By addressing these topics, speakers and writers can challenge perceptions, encourage critical thinking, and foster a deeper appreciation for the impact of sports on individuals and society alike. Below are 10 thought-provoking topics that cover a range of issues, from the moral obligations of athletes and fans to the economic and environmental considerations of hosting large-scale sporting events.

  • Should performance-enhancing drugs be legalized in professional sports under medical supervision?
  • The role of sports in promoting global peace and understanding: Idealistic or achievable?
  • Is the commercialization of sports eroding its true essence and spirit?
  • The impact of technology on traditional sports: Evolution or dilution?
  • Gender equality in sports: How far have we really come?
  • The ethics of using animals in sports competitions.
  • Should esports be recognized and respected as traditional sports?
  • The influence of media on public perception of athletes and sports.
  • Mandatory retirement ages for professional athletes: For or against?
  • Are the psychological pressures on young athletes justified by potential career rewards?

Sports Persuasive Speech Topics on Team Sports

When exploring persuasive speech topics sports, the emphasis on team sports opens a wide avenue for discussions that transcend mere game strategies or win-loss records. Delving into the realm of team sports, we unlock a vast potential for persuasive discourse, aiming to influence opinions, stir emotions, and inspire action on various aspects of sportsmanship, teamwork, and the societal impact of sports.

Volleyball Sports Research Topics

  • The Evolution of Volleyball: From Origins to Olympic Glory
  • Analyzing the Impact of Modern Training Techniques on Volleyball Performance
  • Volleyball Injury Prevention Strategies: A Comprehensive Review
  • The Role of Team Dynamics and Communication in Volleyball Success
  • Gender Equality in Volleyball: Progress and Challenges
  • The Influence of Technology on Volleyball Coaching and Performance Analysis
  • Mental Toughness in Volleyball: Developing Resilience among Athletes
  • The Economic Impact of Professional Volleyball Leagues Worldwide
  • Volleyball and Youth Development: Lessons Beyond the Court
  • The Future of Beach Volleyball: Growth, Trends, and Sustainability

Football Sports Argumentative Topics

  • Should College Football Players Be Paid for Their Performance?
  • The Impact of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) Technology: Fairness vs. Flow of the Game
  • The Role of National Identity in International Football Competitions
  • Tackling Racial Discrimination: Is Football Doing Enough?
  • The Ethics of Transfers and Loans in Professional Football
  • Concussions in Football: Are Safety Measures Sufficient?
  • The Commercialization of Football: Beneficial Evolution or Detrimental to the Sport's Essence?
  • Should FIFA Implement Stricter Regulations to Combat Match Fixing?
  • The Influence of Fan Culture on Football Team Performance
  • Youth Development in Football: Is the Current System Benefiting Young Talents?

Baseball Persuasive Speech Topics

  • The Case for Implementing Instant Replay Reviews in Baseball
  • Why Baseball Needs to Address Its Pace of Play to Attract Younger Audiences
  • The Importance of Preserving Historic Baseball Stadiums for Future Generations
  • Enhancing Safety Measures in Baseball to Prevent Injuries from Foul Balls
  • The Role of Analytics in Baseball: Revolutionizing the Game or Diminishing Tradition?
  • Advocating for More International Representation in Major League Baseball
  • The Economic Impact of Minor League Baseball Teams on Local Communities
  • The Need for Stricter Performance-Enhancing Drug Policies in Baseball
  • Encouraging Youth Participation in Baseball to Foster a Love for the Game
  • Making the Case for Increasing the Visibility and Support of Women's Baseball

Basketball Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The Effectiveness of the NBA's One-and-Done Rule: A Boon or Bane for Young Athletes?
  • Gender Disparity in Basketball: Addressing Wage and Media Coverage Gaps
  • Should the NBA Implement Stricter Policies on Player Rest Days to Prevent Injuries?
  • The Impact of Social Media on Professional Basketball Players' Mental Health
  • College Basketball vs. Overseas Professional Leagues: The Best Path for Emerging Talents
  • The Role of Analytics in Basketball: Enhancing the Game or Diminishing Human Elements?
  • The Influence of Shoe Companies on Amateur and Professional Basketball
  • Basketball and Education: Balancing Athletics and Academics in College Sports
  • The Case for and Against Expanding the NBA Playoffs
  • Addressing Age Limits in Professional Basketball: Protecting Young Players or Restricting Opportunities?

Ice Hockey Persuasive Speech Topics

  • The Importance of Implementing More Stringent Concussion Protocols in Ice Hockey
  • Why Ice Hockey Needs to Expand its Reach Beyond Traditional Markets
  • The Role of Fighting in Ice Hockey: Tradition vs. Player Safety
  • Encouraging Diversity and Inclusion in the Predominantly White Sport of Ice Hockey
  • The Economic Benefits of Hosting Major Ice Hockey Tournaments for Local Communities
  • Implementing Greener Practices in Ice Hockey Arenas to Combat Climate Change
  • The Impact of Youth Ice Hockey Programs on Community Development
  • Addressing the Gender Gap: Promoting Women's Ice Hockey on a Global Scale
  • The Need for Better Mental Health Resources for Ice Hockey Players
  • Persuading Governments to Increase Funding for Ice Hockey Facilities in Underprivileged Areas

Cheerleading Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Recognizing Cheerleading as a Sport: The Case for Official Recognition and Funding
  • The Importance of Implementing Strict Safety Standards in Cheerleading
  • Cheerleading: Beyond Pom-Poms and Smiles - Advocating for Athletic Respect
  • The Role of Cheerleading in Promoting Team Spirit and School Morale
  • Addressing Gender Stereotypes in Cheerleading: Breaking Down Barriers
  • The Psychological Benefits of Cheerleading: Building Confidence and Teamwork
  • The Need for Professional Development and Training Programs for Cheer Coaches
  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion Within Cheerleading Squads
  • Advocating for Competitive Cheerleading to Be Included in the Olympic Games
  • The Importance of Scholarships for Cheerleaders in Higher Education Institutions

Argumentative Essay Topics on Individual Sport

When we delve into the realm of individual sports, we're not just talking about the physical prowess required to excel solo; we're exploring a universe brimming with rich, complex topics ripe for argumentative essays. The focus on individual athletes shifts the discourse towards intense scrutiny of personal ethics, training methodologies, mental health, and the broader socio-economic impacts of their sporting endeavors. In this section, we tackle sports argumentative essay topics that provoke thought, challenge preconceived notions, and invite readers to reconsider their perspectives on what it means to compete and succeed in the arena of individual sports. Here, argumentative essay topics about sports transcend the mere spectacle of competition, engaging with the intricate weave of personal achievement against the backdrop of global sporting culture.

Sports Argumentative Topics on Swimming

  • Should High Schools and Colleges Prioritize Funding for Competitive Swimming Programs?
  • The Ethics of Technological Swimsuits: Enhancing Performance or Undermining Talent?
  • Mandatory Water Safety and Swimming Lessons in Schools: A Necessity or Overreach?
  • The Impact of Early Specialization in Competitive Swimming on Athlete Burnout
  • Gender Equality in Competitive Swimming: Are We Doing Enough?
  • The Role of International Bodies in Combatting Doping in Professional Swimming
  • Accessibility of Competitive Swimming Training for Low-Income Families
  • The Psychological Impact of Competitive Swimming on Young Athletes
  • Should Transgender Athletes Compete in Gendered Swimming Competitions?
  • The Environmental Impact of Maintaining Large Swimming Facilities for Competitive Events

Sports Argumentative Topics on Ski

  • The Responsibility of Ski Resorts in Promoting Environmental Sustainability
  • Helmet Laws in Skiing: Necessary Safety Measure or Personal Choice?
  • The Economic Impact of Ski Tourism on Local Communities: Boon or Bane?
  • The Influence of Climate Change on the Future of Competitive Skiing
  • Should Skiing Equipment Be Standardized for All Professional Competitions?
  • The Role of Artificial Snow in Ski Competitions: Ethical Considerations
  • Accessibility and Inclusion: Making Skiing a Sport for Everyone
  • The Debate Over Land Use for Ski Resorts vs. Conservation Efforts
  • Enhancing Safety Measures for Ski Jumping: How Far Should Regulations Go?
  • The Impact of Professional Skiing on Youth Participation and Interest in the Sport

Sports Argumentative Topics on Boxing

  • The Ethical Dilemma of Brain Injuries in Boxing: Is the Sport Worth the Risk?
  • Should There Be an Age Limit for Professional Boxers?
  • The Role of Weight Classes in Boxing: Fair Competition or Unnecessary Limitation?
  • The Influence of Media and Promotion in Shaping Boxing Careers
  • Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Boxing: Can the Sport Ever Be Clean?
  • The Impact of Boxing on Youth: Violence Promotion or Discipline Building?
  • The Future of Women’s Boxing: Breaking Barriers and Challenging Stereotypes
  • Should Boxing Be Banned or Further Regulated for Safety?
  • The Role of Technology in Training and Judging Boxing Matches
  • The Economic Divide: Does Boxing Favor the Wealthy in Terms of Training and Opportunities?

Sports Argumentative Topics on Track and Field

  • The Use of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Track and Field: A Losing Battle?
  • The Impact of High-Tech Equipment on Fairness in Track and Field Competitions
  • Gender Equality in Track and Field: Are Prize Money and Opportunities Equal?
  • The Role of Genetic Engineering: Will Designer Athletes Dominate Track and Field?
  • The Ethics of Age Limits in Professional Track and Field Competitions
  • The Effectiveness of Lifetime Bans for Doping in Track and Field
  • The Importance of Amateur Track and Field Programs in Schools
  • The Debate Over Transgender Athletes in Track and Field Competitions
  • Climate Change and Outdoor Track and Field Events: Adapting to a New Reality
  • The Legacy of Track and Field Icons: Role Models or Unattainable Standards?

Taekwondo Sports Argumentative Topics

  • The Effectiveness of Taekwondo as a Means of Self-Defense
  • The Impact of Olympic Inclusion on Taekwondo’s Popularity and Development
  • Gender Stereotypes in Taekwondo: Breaking Down Barriers
  • The Importance of Mental Discipline in Taekwondo Training
  • The Role of Taekwondo in Promoting International Peace and Understanding
  • The Debate Over Scoring Systems in Competitive Taekwondo
  • The Balance Between Tradition and Modernization in Taekwondo Practice
  • The Need for More Stringent Concussion Protocols in Taekwondo
  • Taekwondo for All Ages: Benefits and Limitations
  • The Future of Taekwondo: Technology Integration in Training and Competitions

Yoga Sports Argumentative Topics

  • Yoga as Sport vs. Spiritual Practice: Losing Its Essence?
  • The Commercialization of Yoga: Beneficial or Detrimental?
  • The Role of Yoga in Athletes’ Mental and Physical Health
  • The Standardization of Yoga Practices: Necessary or Restrictive?
  • The Cultural Appropriation of Yoga: Respect or Exploitation?
  • Yoga Certification: Ensuring Quality or Creating Exclusivity?
  • The Impact of Online Yoga Classes on Traditional Studios
  • The Inclusion of Yoga in School Physical Education Programs
  • Addressing the Lack of Diversity in the Yoga Community
  • The Potential for Competitive Yoga: How Would It Work?

Gym Sports Argumentative Topics

  • The Role of Gyms in Promoting Public Health: Luxury or Necessity?
  • The Debate Over Bodybuilding: Healthy Lifestyle or Obsessive Culture?
  • The Impact of Social Media on Gym Culture: Inspiration or Intimidation?
  • Should Gyms Be Required to Have Staff Trained in Mental Health First Aid?
  • The Effectiveness of Personal Trainers: Worth the Investment?
  • The Rise of Home Gyms: The End of Traditional Gyms?
  • Gym Membership Fees: Accessibility vs. Quality of Service
  • The Importance of Creating Inclusive Gym Environments for All Body Types
  • The Safety of Dietary Supplements Sold in Gyms
  • The Future of Fitness: Technology’s Role in Personalized Gym Experiences

Running Sports Argumentative Topics

  • The Ethics of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Professional Running.
  • Should Ultra-Marathon Races Have More Stringent Health and Safety Regulations?
  • The Impact of High-Tech Running Shoes on Competition Fairness.
  • The Role of Running in Public Health Campaigns Against Obesity.
  • Addressing the Gender Gap in Sponsorship and Media Coverage of Running Events.
  • The Influence of Amateur Running Clubs on Professional Running.
  • Should Cross-Country Running Be Included in the Olympic Games?
  • The Debate Over Age Limits for Participation in Marathon Races.
  • The Environmental Impact of Large-Scale Running Events and Marathons.
  • The Effectiveness of Virtual Running Competitions: A Pandemic Legacy.

Golf Sports Argumentative Topics

  • The Exclusivity of Golf Clubs: Elitism vs. Tradition.
  • Environmental Concerns: Should Golf Courses Be More Eco-Friendly?
  • Gender Equality in Golf: Addressing the Pay Gap and Tournament Opportunities.
  • The Role of Technology in Golf: Enhancing the Game or Diminishing Skill?
  • Should Golf Be Considered a Physically Demanding Sport?
  • The Impact of Golf Tourism on Local Economies and Environments.
  • The Debate Over Slow Play in Golf and Its Impact on the Sport's Popularity.
  • Youth Participation in Golf: Declining Interest and Potential Solutions.
  • The Future of Golf: Adapting to Changing Demographics and Preferences.
  • Golf in the Olympics: Does It Belong?

Badminton Sports Argumentative Topics

  • The Global Recognition of Badminton: Is It Undervalued as a Sport?
  • Addressing the Dominance of Asian Countries in International Badminton.
  • The Role of Technology in Badminton Equipment: Fair Advantage or Not?
  • Should Badminton Focus More on Expanding Its Reach to Western Countries?
  • The Impact of Coaching Styles on Badminton Players' Performance.
  • Gender Disparities in Badminton: Evaluating Equality in Prize Money and Coverage.
  • The Potential of Badminton to Improve Physical Health Among the Elderly.
  • The Influence of Shuttlecock Quality on Game Fairness.
  • The Importance of Grassroots Programs in the Development of Elite Badminton Players.
  • The Effectiveness of the Current Scoring System in Professional Badminton.

Tennis Sports Argumentative Topics

  • The Debate Over Equal Prize Money for Men and Women in Tennis.
  • The Impact of Youth Tennis Academies on the Sport’s Future Stars.
  • Should Tennis Tournaments Reduce the Number of Sets to Prevent Injuries?
  • The Role of Mental Health Support for Professional Tennis Players.
  • The Evolution of Tennis Equipment: Keeping the Essence of the Game Intact.
  • Addressing the Climate Impact of International Tennis Tours.
  • The Influence of Wild Card Entries on the Fairness of Tennis Tournaments.
  • The Effectiveness of Anti-Doping Measures in Professional Tennis.
  • The Future of Davis Cup and Fed Cup: Preserving Tennis Traditions vs. Modernization.
  • The Impact of Player Behavior and Sportsmanship on the Public Perception of Tennis.

Wrestling Sports Argumentative Topics

  • The Ethical Considerations of Weight Cutting Practices in Wrestling.
  • Should Professional Wrestling Be Recognized as an Olympic Sport?
  • The Role of High School Wrestling in Promoting Discipline and Physical Fitness.
  • Addressing the Risk of Concussions and Chronic Injuries in Wrestling.
  • The Representation of Women in Wrestling: Progress and Challenges.
  • The Influence of Media and Entertainment on Amateur Wrestling.
  • The Importance of Strict Anti-Doping Regulations in Wrestling Competitions.
  • The Debate Over the Use of Protective Gear in Wrestling.
  • The Cultural Significance of Wrestling in Different Societies.
  • The Future of Wrestling: Balancing Tradition with Innovation.

Adventure/Extreme Sports: Argumentative Essay Topics

The world of adventure and extreme sports brings to the forefront a plethora of engaging and contentious issues, ripe for exploration through argumentative essays and persuasive speeches. As participants push the boundaries of human capability and endurance, the debates surrounding these activities offer a unique lens through which we examine questions of safety, ethics, environmental impact, and the very nature of sport itself. This section delves into debate persuasive speech topics about sports and sports argumentative essay topics, specifically tailored to the adrenaline-fueled realm of extreme sports. Here, we challenge readers and speakers alike to confront their perceptions of risk, reward, and responsibility in the context of sports that defy conventional boundaries and provoke intense discussion.

Skydiving Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The Ethics of Commercializing Extreme Sports: A Case Study of Skydiving.
  • Should Age Restrictions for Skydiving Be More Stringent?
  • The Role of Government Regulation in Ensuring Skydiving Safety.
  • Skydiving and Mental Health: The Therapeutic Benefits vs. Risks.
  • The Environmental Impact of Skydiving: Are We Ignoring the Carbon Footprint?
  • The Debate Over Mandatory Insurance for Skydivers: Who Should Bear the Cost?
  • Can Virtual Reality Skydiving Adequately Replace the Real Experience?
  • The Impact of Social Media on Skydiving: Encouraging Recklessness or Promoting Safety?
  • Should Skydiving be Included in Olympic Games as a New Extreme Sport?
  • Addressing the Gender Gap in Skydiving: Barriers and Opportunities for Female Skydivers.

Surfing Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Balancing Local Culture and Global Surfing Competitions: Preservation vs. Progress.
  • The Impact of Surfing on Coastal Ecosystems: Sustainable Sport or Environmental Hazard?
  • Should Surfing Spots Be Regulated to Prevent Overcrowding?
  • The Commercialization of Surfing: Losing Its Soul to Sponsorships and Media.
  • The Role of Artificial Wave Pools in Surfing: Innovation or Detraction from Authenticity?
  • Addressing the Gender Disparity in Professional Surfing: Equality in the Water.
  • The Influence of Surfing on Mental Health: A Deep Dive into Its Therapeutic Benefits.
  • The Debate Over Surfing Etiquette: Unwritten Laws vs. Formal Regulation.
  • Surfing in the Olympics: Does It Enhance or Diminish the Sport's Rebel Spirit?
  • The Future of Surfing: Navigating the Challenges of Climate Change and Rising Sea Levels.

Winter Sports: Topics to Write About

Winter sports, with their unique blend of thrill, tradition, and environmental reliance, serve as a fascinating backdrop for a rich array of argumentative essays. The icy realms of skiing, ice skating, snowboarding, and more, are not just playgrounds for athletic prowess but also arenas for heated debates on topics ranging from climate change impacts to technological advancements and ethical considerations in competitive settings. This section explores sports argumentative essay topics and argumentative essay topics about sports, specifically zooming in on the challenges, controversies, and cultural significance of winter sports. As we lace up our boots and set out on this exploratory journey, we invite discussions that scrutinize the multifaceted aspects of these chilly pursuits, from argumentative essay topics sports that question the sustainability of snow-based activities to the socio-economic barriers that may limit access to these exhilarating but often exclusive sports.

Argumentative Sports Topics on Ski

  • The Ethical Implications of Artificial Snow in Competitive Skiing.
  • Climate Change and Its Impact on Traditional Ski Resorts: Adaptation Strategies.
  • The Safety of Backcountry Skiing: Necessary Risks or Reckless Endeavors?
  • Gender Equality in Skiing Competitions: Progress and Challenges.
  • The Influence of Skiing on Local Economies: A Blessing or a Curse?
  • The Role of Technology in Enhancing Ski Performance and Safety.
  • The Debate on Age Limits for Professional Skiing: Protecting Young Athletes.
  • The Environmental Footprint of Ski Tourism: Finding Sustainable Solutions.
  • Skiing and Cultural Appropriation: Respecting Indigenous Lands and Traditions.
  • Mandatory Helmet Laws in Skiing: Safety Precaution or Personal Choice?

Argumentative Sports Topics on Ice Skating

  • Judging Bias in Competitive Ice Skating: The Need for Transparency and Fairness.
  • The Role of Ice Skating in Promoting Physical Fitness Among Youth.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Outdoor Ice Skating Venues.
  • Addressing the High Costs of Competitive Ice Skating: Barriers to Entry.
  • The Psychological Pressure on Young Ice Skaters: Navigating Mental Health.
  • Should Ice Skating Moves With High Injury Risks Be Banned?
  • The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Ice Skating.
  • The Evolution of Ice Skates: Technology vs. Tradition.
  • The Future of Synthetic Ice Rinks: Pros and Cons.
  • Ice Skating and Education: Balancing Academics and Athletic Training.

Argumentative Sports Topics on Ice Hockey

  • The Necessity of Fighting in Ice Hockey: Tradition vs. Player Safety.
  • Addressing Concussion Issues in Ice Hockey: Are Current Protocols Sufficient?
  • The Role of Women's Ice Hockey in Promoting Gender Equality in Sports.
  • Climate Change: The Future of Outdoor Ice Hockey Games.
  • The Economic Impact of Professional Ice Hockey Teams on Local Communities.
  • Youth Ice Hockey: Preventing Injuries and Promoting Safe Play.
  • The Debate Over the Use of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Ice Hockey.
  • Enhancing Diversity in Ice Hockey: Strategies for Inclusivity.
  • The Impact of Technology on Refereeing in Ice Hockey.
  • The Tradition of College Ice Hockey: Balancing Sport and Academics.

Reflecting on the Wide World of Sports Topics

As we cross the finish line of our exploration into the diverse and dynamic world of sports topics, it's clear that the realm of athletics offers far more than just games and competitions. From the heated debates stirred by sports argumentative essay topics to the compelling narratives that fuel sports persuasive speech topics, sports serve as a mirror reflecting societal values, challenges, and aspirations. Whether dissecting the ethical implications of performance-enhancing drugs, advocating for gender equality on the playing field, or exploring the impact of technology on traditional sports, the discussions we've engaged in underscore the profound influence sports have on culture, education, and personal development. As athletes continue to push the boundaries of human potential, and fans deepen their engagement with these pursuits, the topics we've covered offer a starting point for deeper inquiry and debate. In the world of sports, every game, match, or race tells a story, and every story invites us to consider broader questions about what it means to strive, to compete, and to be part of a community bound by shared passions and pursuits.

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essays to write about sports

193 Sports Persuasive Essay Topics [with Tips & Examples]

essays to write about sports

For many of us, physical activity is an essential part of life. From morning yoga to professional soccer, it helps us stay fit and healthy. Besides, it’s a source of entertainment that can relax us and calm us down.

Writing or talking about sports can be as enjoyable as doing or playing them. Are you passionate about some game or event? Do you have a favorite player? Have you ever participated in a championship? Watched the Olympic games? All these aspects can be explored in a paper, and a good sports persuasive essay topic will help you with that.

Whether you need a subject for public speaking or you are writing a persuasive text, you will find the right idea here. Our professional writers prepared gathered sports persuasive speech topics and essay ideas. So, check out our list to find something you can convince your audience of.

  • ✍️ How to Start?
  • ⭐ Stellar Sports Topics
  • ❄️ Winter Sports
  • ☀️ Summer Sports
  • 🏈 American Football
  • 🏀 Basketball
  • 🏋 Olympics Topics
  • 🏆 NBA Topics
  • 🏃 NFL Topics
  • 🏒 NHL Topics
  • 🤸 Exercises Topics

🍏 Fitness Topics

  • 💃 Dance Topics
  • 📝 Writing about Sports

✍️ How to Start a Sports Persuasive Essay?

You may be familiar with the term “hook” concerning the essay writing. If not, well, it’s a catchy sentence or two at the beginning of the paper. It’s supposed to intrigue the reader and grab their attention so that they follow your train of thought.

The writer places a hook before the thesis statement of their paper. This way, the reader will be more focused on the core message.

Let’s be real:

Not everyone is interested in sports. Or not in the particular game that you center your paper around. So, in the persuasive essay on sports, a catchy hook is essential. You need an attention grabber to make anyone engaged. Plus, it helps to get a clear understanding of your thesis later. You can check out some college essay examples to better understand what we’re talking about.

Starting an essay with a hook ensures that your audience will want to keep reading.

So, how can you intrigue from the start?

There are several popular hooks for sports-related essays:

  • Quotations . A quotation is an engaging way to introduce your reader to the topic. Make sure the quote is relevant to the rest of the essay. “You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.” – Michael Jordan
  • Fun Facts . Use some fun or unexpected info about sports to surprise a reader. It can be a great attention-grabber, especially if a reader is not knowledgeable on the subject. A record 202 countries participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens.
  • Personal Experience. Using personal experience in a hook is smart in several ways. First, it gives the reader a sense of the author’s presence. Second, it provides information in an engaging, conversational style. I couldn’t stand the idea of working out when I was younger.
  • Anecdotes . Similar to personal experience, anecdotes are entertaining stories. They can be based on a real narrative or be entirely made-up. Your task is to make them humorous. Do you know Jim Thorpe’s response when he received the gold medal for the Decathlon? When the King of Sweden said that Thorpe was the greatest athlete in the world, he said, “Thanks, King.”
  • Rhetorical Questions . Rhetorical questions don’t require an answer. They either state the obvious or encourage one’s thinking. Use them in a hook to immerse the reader into the subject. If LeBron James ends up taking the Cleveland Cavaliers to the playoffs now, and Carmelo Anthony can’t take the Denver Nuggets to the playoffs, what do you think that does to the Rookie of the Year voting?
  • Useful Definition . Starting the first paragraph with a definition sets the tone for your essay. It is an informative, specific lead to your topic. Deck work is the mood-setting moves performed on the deck once the music starts before the swimmers enter the water.
  • Controversial statement . There are usually two sides to any controversy. Your reader will either agree or disagree with a given statement but will stay invested. The U.S. men’s soccer team won’t win a World Cup in the foreseeable future.

Make sure not to make baseless assumptions and statements.

⭐ 12 Best Sports Persuasive Speech Topics

  • College Basketball.
  • Sports Psychology.
  • Ticket Prices.
  • American Football.
  • Student-Athletes.
  • Soccer Championships.
  • Sports Education.
  • Controversial Matches.
  • 2022 Olympics.
  • Cheerleading.
  • Youth Sports.

🍂 Persuasive Essay Topics: Seasonal Sports

Some sports activities differ from one time of the year to another. Here is a list of good persuasive essay topics about seasonal sports:

❄️ Winter Sports Persuasive Essay Topics

  • The launch of The Winter Dew Tour has greatly Improved Snowboarding Culture in the US .
  • Recent Climate Change Trends pose a significant threat to the winter sports industry.
  • Cross Country Skiing is the least dangerous of all winter sports.
  • Figure skating judges are biased .
  • Violence in hockey is often encouraged by fans.
  • Ski jumping is better than snowboarding.
  • North Korea stole the show during Pyongyang winter Olympics.
  • The Winter sports apparel market will keep growing regardless of the global crisis.
  • Fake snow should not be used for winter sports.
  • Bobsleigh is not a serious sport.

☀️ Summer Sports Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Golf is a rich man’s favorite sport.
  • Horse showing is underrated in the US .
  • Boxing is better than MMA. Are boxers better athletes than MMA fighters?
  • More American Universities should invest in organizing summer sports camps.
  • It’s time to cancel the NBA summer league.
  • Gymnastics is the most aesthetically pleasing sport.
  • Wimbledon is not as prestigious anymore.
  • Skateboarding should not be a part of the Olympics.
  • Alcohol consumption should be prohibited during the Tour de France.
  • Martial arts are practiced only for defense purposes .
  • Nike is the best producer of golf equipment .
  • Badminton is harder to play than tennis.
  • Lacrosse and field hockey are the same sport.
  • Swimming should be a mandatory skill for everyone.
  • Surfing is the most difficult of all water sports.

🏏 Sports Persuasive Essay Topics: Games

Games can be one of the most exciting things about sports. Take a look at the persuasive essay topics about team sports:

🏈 American Football Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Football is too dangerous for its players . Concussions and other brain injuries are common in American football.
  • American football philosophy is inseparable from American identity .
  • American football is more profitable than baseball .
  • Companies should stop placing ads on the player’s uniform. Elaborate on the distracting factor. Can it lead to more injuries among the players?
  • College athletes who play American football should get a better insurance plan.

Some insurance policies are only of value to college players.

  • The Canadian football league is more fun to watch than the NFL.
  • Rugby is harder to play than American football.
  • College football players should get higher scholarships.
  • More awareness should be raised about racist team names in football.
  • The football helmet is an essential part of the equipment.
  • Of all contact team sports, American football is the most dangerous .
  • There should be an age limit for young kids to start playing football.
  • The tradition of American football has created a tightly-bound community.
  • American football cultivates unnecessary violence and aggression.
  • American football conveys a wrong image of masculinity.

⚽ Soccer Persuasive Essay Topics

  • FIFA World Cup is the most profitable yet corrupt soccer event in the world . Should its policies be reconsidered?
  • FIFA’s primary mission is to promote peace and intercultural communication .
  • Soccer World Cup is not well adjusted for the international crowd.
  • Women’s soccer gets fewer media coverage than men’s soccer.
  • Virtual reality is soccer training that can replace conventional training methods.
  • The World Cup events bring severe damage to the countries that host them.
  • Soccer drills are the most effective training strategy.
  • Different techniques for kicking a soccer ball are a critical element of the game.
  • Despite all the risks, soccer is the best investment in the sports industry .
  • Soccer has become an integral part of Saudi culture .
  • The World Cup bidding system is too corrupt.

There are too many scandals concerning the World Cup corruption.

  • Girls soccer teams should be allowed to compete with boys soccer teams.
  • Karl Henning is a better businessman than a soccer player.
  • Soccer coaching ethics should be stricter.
  • Soccer is the most popular team sport of the century .

🏀 Basketball Persuasive Essay Topics

  • UCR’s Women’s Basketball uses inefficient marketing strategies .
  • We should reconsider the age range for basketball game players.
  • There should be a female version of the Big East conference.
  • Racial prejudices are a prominent issue in basketball.
  • College basketball players should get paid for each game.
  • Michael Jordan and LeBron James should not be compared.
  • Basketball is the least traumatic team sport.
  • Schools should encourage and support girls’ basketball teams more.
  • Basketball is a more exciting game than soccer.
  • Height is not a decisive factor in basketball.
  • There is a link between basketball and hip-hop.
  • The use of Native American imagery for basketball mascots is offensive.
  • Basketball is a more American game than football.
  • Basketball used to be more accessible.
  • Basketball games in movies are not realistic.

⚾ Baseball Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Baseball is more profitable than football.
  • Baseball games should incorporate instant replays.
  • Major League Baseball should carry out tests on steroid use among players .
  • MLB should invest more in seeking out young talents .
  • Pitchers play the most influential role in baseball.
  • Princeton University Youth Baseball and Softball Association is a great initiative.
  • Baseball is more interesting to watch than cricket.
  • Data collection methods in MLB are not objective .
  • The rules in baseball are too complicated for spectators to follow.

There is an entire subculture of unwritten rules in baseball.

  • Baseball used to be more exciting as a game.
  • International players in baseball teams attract new audiences.
  • American Legion Baseball coaches should get higher salaries.
  • MLB should have a set salary cap.
  • Baseball salary caps are, in fact, a bad idea.
  • Houston Astros players should’ve been penalized after the sign-stealing scandal.

🥇 Professional Sports Persuasive Essay Topics

We honor a variety of sports on different large-scale events. Here are persuasive essay topics about professional sports:

🏋 Olympics Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Ancient Greek Olympics held more sense and symbolism compared to the modern Olympics.
  • Skill and greatness shouldn’t be ultimately measured by the number of gold medals.
  • The Summer Olympics are more entertaining than the Winter Olympics.
  • We should abolish the Olympic games . Explain that they cause severe economic and social issues. Elaborate on the harm to the environment due to the games.
  • The Olympics are great at promoting values of peace and international communication.
  • The Olympic games bring more damage than benefits to a hosting country.
  • Medicine dealing is the most problematic aspect of the Olympics.
  • Jesse Owens is the greatest athlete in Olympics history.
  • The Olympics ticketing system will significantly benefit from IT development .
  • The Olympics Committee should reconsider the use of anabolic steroids.
  • Money spent on the Olympics could serve better causes .
  • Special Olympics should get more media coverage.
  • The Summer Olympics list should include cricket.
  • We shouldn’t ban blood doping during the Olympics.
  • Tokyo 2020 Olympics should be postponed until 2022.

🏆 NBA Persuasive Essay Topics

  • If not his multiple injuries Ralph Sampson could’ve become the player of the century.
  • The WNBA is underrated compared to the NBA . Why do female players have significantly smaller salaries than male players?
  • The NBA has one of the most loyal fan bases of all.

By the early 1980s the NBA was plagued by money-losing franchises.

  • The NBA All-Star games are more entertaining than Super Bowl events.
  • The NBA age limit is too small.
  • Investing in an NBA team is too risky .
  • The NBA draft does not provide equal chances for all teams.
  • Joel Embiid owes part of his success to Kobe Bryant.
  • Is NBA the most successful of North America’s sports leagues?
  • Charlotte Hornet’s value rose because Michael Jordan bought it.
  • Toronto Raptors and Milwaukee Bucks are equally good teams.
  • The rivalry between Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors developed after the 2015 NBA Finals.
  • The NBA’s dress code should be reconsidered.
  • The NBA 2011 lockout has significantly worsened the owners-players relationship .
  • Michael Jordan is overrated.

🏃 NFL Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Super Bowl uses an extremely efficient marketing strategy .
  • The NFL concussion rules are too disruptive for the game.
  • Tony Romo is the best player in Dallas Cowboys.
  • The NFL is more profitable than MLB.
  • NFL’s Michael Vick case . Explain that the legal justice system does not treat celebrities equally as other individuals. Provide more examples from real life to support your arguments.
  • Does NFL cultivate violence and aggression?
  • NFL UK will be able to compete with the original NFL in the foreseeable future.
  • The NFL should pay more attention to head injuries.
  • Dak Prescott is the best quarterback.

Dak Prescott entered the 2019 season with some of the same lingering doubts he’s faced throughout his young career.

  • Is Tua Tagovaiola overrated? He went straight from Alabama football team to Miami Dolphins. That’s when Tagovailoa started as a promising quarterback. But what happened after?
  • We should end the NFL Preseason tradition as it’s unnecessary.
  • Chicago Bears is the most successful NFL team.
  • New Orleans Saints was a revolutionary team for the NFL.
  • Antonio Brown should be able to return to playing in NFL regardless of his criminal record.
  • The NFL is the best football association in the world, and here’s why.

🏒 NHL Persuasive Essay Topics

  • The NHL is not doing enough to control violence during the game.
  • Fighting should be banned as it can result in player’s life-long injuries.
  • Edmonton Oilers’ Connor Mcdavid is the best NHL player.
  • Canadians are better at playing hockey than Americans.
  • The NFL should consider reducing contract length.
  • Florida Panthers have a long way to go to become a good team.
  • Gary Bettman is the worst NHL commissioner.
  • Tickets for the NHL winter classic games should be less expensive.
  • Victor Hedman is the all-time best defenseman in Tampa Bay Lightning.
  • Regardless of their efforts, referees are always the scapegoats on ice.
  • The NHL All-Star games are more exciting than the NBA ones.

🚴 Physical Activities Persuasive Essay Topics

Sport is not always about competing. For many of us, it is a way to stay active and get that good old endorphin rush.

🤸 Persuasive Essay Topics on Exercises

  • Daily exercise ensures better mental and physical health . Seems obvious, right? Give this sports persuasive essay topic a scientific twist by describing its impacts on physiology.
  • The gym is the best place for physical activity .
  • Yoga is the best practice for stress-management .
  • Children should not be assessed for their physical training at school.
  • All children should have a certain level of physical activity a week.
  • Companies should let their employees exercise during work hours .
  • Everyone should know how to play at least one sport.
  • Personal trainers can improve your exercise routine significantly.
  • CrossFit is not the healthiest way to exercise .
  • Swimming is one of the healthiest workouts.

Swimming is a healthy activity that you can continue for a lifetime.

  • At-home workouts are as efficient as gym workouts.
  • Exercise rehabilitation is essential for injury recovery.
  • Physically active children have more chances to grow into dynamic adults.
  • Physical exercise can battle depression.
  • Proper stretching activities are essential to prevent injuries.
  • Obesity and weight loss are some of the most burning issues in the US .
  • Vegetarianism can damage health . Discuss the controversy of vegetarianism as a lifestyle concept.
  • Fitness obsession is not that harmful.
  • Poor sleeping pattern is one of the most health-damaging factors.
  • All restrictive diets are bad for human’s health.
  • Health and wellness programs have a positive impact on employees’ performance .
  • Excessive salt consumption is hugely harmful.
  • It is a myth that gluten can negatively affect one’s health.
  • Schools should take better care of children’s nutrition plan.
  • Food supplements can’t replace actual vitamin intake.
  • Most people who are trying to lose weight approach dieting in the wrong way.
  • Nutrition is more important than physical exercise.
  • Healthy food should be more affordable.
  • Social media plays a crucial role in promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Diet pills can put your life in danger.

💃 Dance Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Dance is more of a sport than an art.
  • Zumba is a better workout than pilates and aerobics.
  • Hip-hop will never become outdated.
  • Ballet schools require one of the most intense physical training.
  • Dancing provides physical and mental relaxation .
  • Learning how to dance is one of the less obvious confidence boosters.
  • Capoeira is an underrated martial art .
  • Should dance be included in major sports events like the Olympics?
  • The right amount of training can make a good dancer out of anyone.
  • Dancing can be as good of a workout as any other sport.

📝 Writing a Persuasive Essay about Sports

Now that you’ve seen the topics let’s talk about writing. Persuasive essays differ from the other academic papers in both the goal and structure. You have to keep in mind that you’re composing not for yourself but for the reader. That’s why you have to present your arguments logically and coherently.

You should outline the persuasive essay before writing.

Here are some tips on writing a killer persuasive essay about sports:

  • Choose a topic that you can handle. Don’t try to compose a paper on the game that you know nothing about. It’s too tiring and time-consuming. Remember that it takes months for a fan to learn everything about their favorite sport. If you don’t have such years-long passion, focus on the more straightforward aspects of your topic.
  • Research beforehand . Even if you’re a sports fan, and especially if you’re not. There are plenty of rules and scandals that you need to consider to sound convincing. Look up some fun facts or entertaining stories. Sports topics usually give you plenty of material to play around with.
  • Take notes. The more notes you take while researching, the less work you’ll have to do after. And you won’t have to reread the materials to find that one sports event that you’ve forgotten about. The industry is quite vibrant with exceptional cases. Make sure you keep track of all the information that might be useful.
  • Pick the issues to discuss according to the evidence . If you can’t support an argument with enough credible proof, don’t include it in your essay. Both argumentative and persuasive essays require you to stay on top of your argumentation.
  • Outline and draft your paper before writing the final version. When you’re writing on recent events, you may get new information at any moment. So, draft before composing. In case you decide to include some new evidence or improve an argument, it won’t be messy. Outlining will help to organize your thoughts comprehensively and concisely.

Read the sports news before writing the final version of the essay.

Thank you for your attention. Share this sport related persuasive essay article with a friend. And don’t be shy to convince everyone your opinion is the right one!

  • Good Topics for an Argumentative Essay on Sports: Tasos Vossos, Pen and the Pad
  • Essay Structure: Elizabeth Abrams, for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Writing the Introduction: Monash University
  • The Basics of Essay Writing: UNSW Current Students
  • English II Persuasive Essay [10th grade]: Brianna Johnson, Trinity University
  • Write an Attention-Grabbing Opening Sentence for an Essay: Grace Fleming, ThoughtCo
  • Online Guide to Writing and Research — UMGC
  • Taking Notes from Research Reading: Margaret Procter, Writing Support, University of Toronto
  • Basic Guide to Essay Writing: Kathy Livingston
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Essay on Sports: 100+ Topics and Examples

essays to write about sports

How to Write an Essay on Sports

Various sports, like basketball, tennis, and soccer, are popular among young and older generations worldwide. In addition to the fact that playing sports brings mental and physical health in shape, it also projects sportsmen and women's leadership skills. These role models give sports fans reasons to keep rooting for their favorite players and fuel young athletes' motivation to keep practicing and perfecting themselves in various youth sports.

If you are interested in professional sports or the career development of professional athletes, we encourage you to write a college essay on sports.

Choosing a relevant topic when writing an essay on sports requires deep knowledge of a specific sports industry and its representatives.

how to write essay on sport

  • Choose a topic of your interest. Usually, tasks we are genuinely curious about require equal mental stimulation but less tension and stress. For instance, you could choose the topic of the influence of physical fitness on mental health in case you are interested in health science.
  • Look for relevant resources to provide trustworthy and valuable information regarding the shortlist of sports essay topics. For example, you could check out famous journals that prioritize writing about physical activity and sports cultures, such as the British Journal of Sports Medicine or the Journal of Human Sport and Exercise.
  • After gathering relevant data, list the major issues you will write about in the sports essay. For instance, if you'd rather concentrate on the features your favorite athlete acquires, we suggest you write on persuasive sports essay topics. Highlight the major events in the sports career of chosen male or female athletes that helped them go pro.
  • Construct an essay outline highlighting the major points you will touch down throughout your essay. This will loosen the essay writing process and will save some time for you as well.
  • As you point out the major issue of reflection in the thesis statement part of your introductory paragraph, proceed with the body paragraphs of arguments supporting your perspective regarding the statement.

Keep reading to find a variety of essay topics like an essay on sports day in English, as well as specified issues relating to sports competitions, such as an essay on concussions in sports, etc.

Essay Topics on Sports

College students who are interested in doing and writing about sports can find many essay topics listed below on sports ranging from Olympic games to performance-enhancing drugs, sports nutrition to sports injuries, and so on.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Sports

  • Cross-country skiing is the most dangerous winter sport.
  • American universities should pay college athletes
  • Ice-Skating is the most aesthetically pleasing sport.
  • Soccer is one of the most played college sports in the US.
  • Alcohol consumption should be prohibited during the Olympic games.
  • More awareness should be raised about racist team players in all kinds of sports.
  • FIFA's primary mission is to promote intercultural relations.
  • We should reconsider the age range of baseball players.
  • There is a link between team sports and math.
  • Dealing with Medicine is the most disputable issue of the Olympic Games.
  • Sports culture in the US is much higher than in East European countries.
  • Cricket should be included in the Summer Olympics.
  • The UEFA Championship promotes youth sports.
  • The New Orleans Saints as a revolutionary NFL team.
  • Everyone should be developed at least in one sport.
  • Fitness obsession is a benefit for physical health.
  • Sports nutrition is more important than physical activity.
  • Dancing is one of the best confidence boosters.
  • The rise of Charlotte Horne's value because of MJ.
  • International teams in football attract a wide range of audience.

Feel free to ask to ' write me an essay ' on a wide range of persuasive essay topics on sports. Our writers are always at your service to help you achieve academic success.

Argumentative Essay Topics on Sports

  • Should major sports events be taken in politically dangerous zones?
  • Sports programs should be accessible through all types of TV channel packages.
  • Transgender athletes should have the freedom to choose their own pronouns.
  • Current sports organizations are corrupt.
  • Athletic training should be psychological too.
  • Soccer is number one of the most popular sports around the US.
  • The most quality games were played at the World Cup 2022.
  • School athletics should be paid for.
  • American football is not popular around the world.
  • Ice hockey is the most dangerous of winter sports.
  • Sporting events are mostly watched during work days.
  • Physical exercise is as important as mental through athletic development.
  • Sports psychology: implementation of a mental training course for student-athletes.
  • Many current sports organizations degrade women's sports.
  • Sports history: development of baseball around the USA.
  • Playing sports should be obligatory for school children.
  • Professional athletes should be paid more in Western European countries.
  • Toxic masculinity ruins the success of team sports.
  • Cheerleading should be part of the Olympic games.
  • Are video games sports?

Simply ask to do my paper on various argumentative essay topics on sports and receive the high-quality finished product in the nick of time.

Essay on Sports and Games in School

  • Should sports be made compulsory in schools?
  • The impact of promoting Air Jordans on developing a winner's mindset in school children.
  • The importance of having sports clubs in schools.
  • Should school sports participation be an excuse to miss classes?
  • Governments should encourage more youngsters to play school sports.
  • Is sports a solution to the current mental health crisis in school children?
  • Should governments promote more opportunities for high schoolers to pursue aesthetically pleasing sports?
  • Which sport is most popular among youngsters around the US?
  • Should prospective basketball players be rejected due to height measures in school basketball teams?
  • The importance of physical therapy in high school athletes.
  • Does sport teach the importance of teamwork?
  • Should parents encourage students to play sports?
  • Can the gym be a substitute for physical fitness?
  • Do sports conflict with academic learning?
  • Sports medicine application to mental exhaustion in school athletes.
  • Does sport help students develop leadership skills?
  • Is playing chess stimulating analytical thinking?
  • Importance of media coverage of sports events.
  • The pressure of performance in sports
  • The chances of school students making it into the national basketball team.

Argumentative Essay on Gender Inequality in Sports

Check out some of the best sports essay topics if you are willing to write an argumentative essay on gender inequality in sports:

  • Why are female athletes paid less than their male counterparts in most sports?
  • Male athletes have more chances of going pro in basketball than women.
  • Club sports exclude some players based on gender.
  • Male and female athletes are equally resilient to sports injuries.
  • Soccer and Ice hockey are male-dominated sports.
  • The marketing strategies of UCR's Women's Basketball are inefficient.
  • Height should not be a decisive factor for either men's or women's basketball.
  • Gender prejudices discriminate against myriads of potentially successful athletes in various sports.
  • National teams should be completed with males as well as females.
  • Women's sports are not valued as much as Men's sports.
  • Sports medicine is actively used by female athletes under pressure to enhance performance.
  • The number of female athletes participating in the Olympic games should increase.
  • Fewer female students choose to play sports after graduating from high school compared to the number of male students.
  • Negative psychological aspects of post-traumatic stress disorder in athletes.
  • More female students should be encouraged to play sports while performing their academic duties.
  • Comparatively, more men make it to major league baseball than women.
  • Performance-enhancing drugs adversely affect growing healthy muscle groups.
  • Ancient sports like the ancient Greek Olympics have nothing in common with modern Olympic games.
  • Lack of women professional football players in America.
  • Women's soccer is less promoted by European high schools than Men's.

If you have already surpassed the age of school and you're currently working on an essay on sports and games in school or trying to write an essay on sports event in school, do not hesitate to contact our dissertation writers to hire .

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Essay on Benefits of Games and Sports

Playing professional sports brings about its advantages. Consider writing an essay on benefits of games and sports and choose from a wide variety of topics below:

  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Improved concentration
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Increased dopamine and serotonin level
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Improved mood
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Improved sleeping habits
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Reduced stress and depression
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Boosted Self-confidence
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Development of leadership traits
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Improved mental health
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Healthy sleeping habits
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Maintaining healthy body weight
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Improved academic performance in school children
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Better scholastic outcomes
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Active blood circulation
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Developing school athletes as better team players
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Enhanced analytic thinking
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Effective multitasking
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Improved mental and physical health.
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Opportunity to develop a career outside the home nation.
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Better communication skills.
  • Benefits of Playing Sports: Smart time management.

Essay on My Favorite Sports Person

Famous sports figures often inspire school students. Take a look at the list of topics to write an essay on my favourite sports person:

  • Roger Federer: my favorite tennis player
  • Tiger Woods: the best golfer in the US
  • Cristiano Ronaldo: The GOAT of GOATs.
  • Rafael Nadal: the most prominent tennis player in Spain
  • Kevin Durant: the rising star of the NBA
  • Lebron James: the best basketball player in the modern NBA
  • Usain Bolt: greatest sprinter of all time
  • Alexi Lalas: most beloved American soccer player
  • Michael Schumacher: seven-time World Champion
  • Frank Thomas: greatest baseball player
  • Shaun White: the best American snowboarder
  • Jennie Finch: most honorable softball player in America
  • Dirk Nowitzki: the guy who beat Lebron James.
  • Kevin Garnett: most emotional and dedicated in NBA
  • Ray Bourque: the best of hockey players
  • Billie Jean King: Honor for women tennis players
  • Bill Elliot: Nascar's most popular driver
  • Mark Messier: greatest leader in hockey history
  • Khvicha Kvaratskhelia: Rising star of European football
  • Maradona: most prominent soccer player of all time

Feel free to write an essay on sports and games for 10th class from the above topics.

Persuasive Essay on Sports Betting

If you decide to write a persuasive essay on sports betting, take some inspiration from the topics below:

  • Beginners should be taught how to place a bet.
  • Money-line betting is addictive
  • Sports betting should be prohibited under the 18
  • Betting on NFL wins totals
  • Scandal and controversy in sports are always connected to betting
  • Game theory has a direct relation to gambling
  • Online casinos should be banned
  • Math is used in gambling to assess the risks of winning
  • Sports bettors are great analysts
  • Mobile betting is a better option than desktop
  • Sportsbooks are the main guide to learning sports betting
  • Gambling is more entertaining than addictive
  • The FIFA World Cup has the biggest betting volume
  • The Super Bowl makes up half of all sports bets summed up
  • Kentucky Derby is one of the highest-rated betting events in horse racing
  • The Grand National horse racing attracts the highest sports bettings around the UK
  • Las Vegas is the best gambling destination in the world
  • Singapore has one of the strictest gambling rules in the world
  • Monte Carlo is the classiest gambling point
  • Aruba is the Vegas of the Caribbean

Common App Essay on Sports

You can easily craft top-notch essays related to sports in your college application. Take some of the examples from the topics listed below, and do not hesitate to write a common app essay on sports.

  • Learning to take constructive criticism as a soccer player
  • Sports is the greatest teacher of teamwork
  • Keeping a winner mindset through the challenges of chess
  • How I Learned to be a leader through my college sports experience
  • Basketball taught me the value of my own contribution to the team's success
  • How Failures in soccer championships boosted my self-confidence
  • The constant practice resulted in major success: how sport taught me the value of invested work
  • How I learned to appreciate my body through the aesthetics of ice skating
  • Hip-Hop dancing is the best teacher of networking with people of multicultural origins
  • Winning a national tournament in swimming after numerous defeats
  • Overcoming a sports injury and going back to a fresh start taught me resilience
  • Being a part of the basketball team helped me better perceive my athletic abilities
  • Coming from a family of immigrants, my soccer team helped me develop a sense of belonging on American land
  • Being a high school student and an athlete led me to better time management
  • Baseball player enhanced my concentration skills; within me
  • Getting in touch with professional sports persons and mentors led me to personal growth
  • Learning from mistakes and using defeat for my own benefit is what playing ice hockey taught me
  • Running on the track made me become mentally sharp
  • I learned how to lead the game through soccer
  • Playing sports led me to broaden my network of professionals

Sample College Essay on Sports

The winning mindset plays a major role in helping athletes develop to the best of their potential. The profound legend of modern-day basketball, Michael Jordan is one of those rare athlete leaders that set an example for millions of college basketball players in and out of the USA on mastering his mind and shaping himself through tough discipline. Therefore, if you are interested in sports psychology, you could pick a related topic and represent an athlete or specific sports teams that similarly show off psychological discipline through their performance that later results in their success.

We have prepared a sample essay on sports below. Examine it carefully to understand a sports research paper format better!

Final Words

We are hoping that not only have you gained some ideas about essay topics on sports, but you are also leaving this article with the motivation to keep working despite any rejections or failures that come along the way.

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essays to write about sports

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Essay on Sports | Sports Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Sports: Sports occupies a vital role in our lives. It keeps us fit, healthy and makes us active. The secret to having a healthy and positive lifestyle is to have a positive mind and body. Sports is one such activity which helps us in maintaining a proper physique and a positive mentality.

Apart from keeping a healthy body and mind, sports also helps us in alerting our senses, keeps us aware and an undaunting personality and outlook on life. Hence, sports has a multi-faceted role in our lives. Students in schools are asked to write essays on the topic of sports for their exams and assignments. For their convenience, we have provided sample essays on the subject.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Sports for Students and Kids in English

One extended essay on sports, one short essay on sports and ten lines on the topic of sports essay have been provided further. The extended essay is of 450-500 words and the short one of 100-150 words. The long sports essay is for students studying in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The short sports essay is for students in grades 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Long Essay on Sports 500 Words

Sports is such an activity that it can be taken up by anyone; at any age and any point in life. Adults, children and elders – everyone alike can take part in sports. Many regard sports as a mere co-curricular or extra-curricular activity in schools. However, in reality, sports play an equally important role as does education in a person’s life. To achieve overall and all-round development in life, one should be well-versed in both sports and culture. While training sharpens the mind, sports sharpens the body and fitness. Thus, both are essential.

There are numerous advantages of involving oneself in sports. First and foremost, as known by all and very definitively, competitions increase the physical fitness of an individual. Additionally, sports also contribute to building stable mental well-being of a person. Various researchers show that people who are in the daily practice of sports in any form record better mental as well as physical health. Moreover, sports also eliminates the risk of a person catching diseases or facing any bodily interruptions. Competitions increase immunity and increase people’s stamina.

Sports also influence the life expectancy of people, increasing the potential years to live of an average human individual. All of us are associated with games somehow or the other in our lives. While at schools and as kids, we were exposed to sports in various forms. However, since many institutions do not make it obligatory to pursue sports in higher academics, some of us are dissociated from its practice. However, a lot of people take up games further, on their own accord. Some people even decide on pursuing a career in the field.

A lot of people take up a lot of different kinds of sporting activities. There are many outdoor sports; these include cricket, badminton, football, hockey, volleyball etc. Indoor sports such as various board games, table tennis, chess etc. are also popular. One can choose from a large variety. While outdoor sports contribute heavily in building the physical aspect of one’s being, indoor games have a more psychological impact. However, none of the activities can be categorised in a hard and fast way. Every sporting activity contributes to the well- being of a person, both physically and mentally.

Sports also builds several characteristics and personality traits in a person. Sports instils a sense of confidence and enthusiasm in an individual’s attitude. People who are involved in regular sports practices show qualities of leadership, team-work and excellence in their personalities and behaviour. Sports makes one competitive, however in a healthy manner. It also helps us to deal with failure and enables us to work hard in achieving our respective goals.

These are all just a few good qualities that sports brings us into our lives. There are many other attributes that games have. Hence, we should all engage actively and more frequently in sports and other physical activities. It instils discipline in us, makes us active, energetic and increases our mental, emotional and physical state. Read on to know about how we celebrate Sports day in my School Essay .

Sports Essay

Short Essay on Sports 150 Words

Sports implies all kinds of physical activities and games that one participates in. Sports is a fascinating and fun thing to practice. Many people involve themselves in sports out of the enthusiasm and energy-boost that it delivers. Many ardent sports-people pursue the field based on their passion and interests.

Furthermore, sports bring a lot of healthy benefits to the ones who engage in it. It helps one take care of their physical state and also of their emotional state. Hence it is a very beneficial practise to participate in. It brings both joy and health benefits in people’s lives.

Sports should be pursued, practised and engaged in by all. It is a critical practice and should be popularised more widely.

10 Lines on Sports Essay

  • Sports is a critical practice.
  • All of us have engaged in sports in one way or another.
  • Kids are encouraged to involve themselves in sports while in their schools and by their parents.
  • Sports can take various forms, like outdoor and indoor games.
  • A person who engages in sports regularly maintains a better physical shape, enthusiasm and energy level.
  • With sports comes a sense of discipline, team-spirit and confidence.
  • Some of the most popular kinds of sports include football, cricket, hockey, volleyball, handball etc.
  • Parents should encourage their kids to participate in sports frequently.
  • Sports also actively contribute to shaping a person’s mental and emotional well-being.
  • All of us, irrespective of our ages, should take part in sports.

Essay About Sports

FAQ’s on Sports Essay

Question 1. Are sports important?

Answer: Yes. Sports are important. It helps us in life in different ways.

Question 2. What sports are commonly played in India?

Answer: Some of the commonly played sports in India include cricket and football.

Question 3. What are some benefits of playing sports?

Answer: Sports help us in becoming physically strong, mentally confident and morally disciplined.

Question 4. Who should engage in sports?

Answer: Anyone can engage in sports. Sports is not restricted to any particular age category, and hence all people can participate in it irrespective of their age.

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  • Essay On Importance Of Sports

Essay on Sports

500+ word essay on the importance of sports.

Sports keep us healthy and active. We can have a healthy mind only when we have a healthy body. We can achieve anything in our lives if we have a healthy body and a peaceful mind. Physical and mental well-being comes naturally when we involve ourselves in sports activities. Sports help in improving our overall personality and make us more active and attentive. Here, students can find a 500+ Words Essay on the Importance of Sports where we will be discussing how important a role sports plays in our life.

Essay on the Importance of Sports

The topic of sports is very broad. It can serve as a form of therapy and a tool in different aspects of life, which can help change the world. Through sports, children develop physical skills, exercise, be team players, and improve their self-esteem. Sports play a significant role in advancing education and in enhancing knowledge.

Playing sports means regular exercising, jogging, going to the fitness centres or playing any game. There are different types of games involved in sports activities. Each game has its own specific rules. These sports activities are done either by individuals or teams for leisure, and entertainment as well as to compete against one another. Playing sports improves the physiological functions of the body organs and improves the functionality of the entire body system. Through sports, we learn different skills like leadership, patience, coordination, motivation, and team effort.

Sport has great importance in building personality, too. For some people, it is not only the body movement or playing strategy, but it’s a life philosophy. In the modern world, a positive attitude to sports is becoming a trend and style. Young people try to look sporty, fit and full of energy. A sports career in India was considered less lucrative in the past. However, now it has become one of the gainful professional options for students. Sometimes students take an interest in sports merely for adventure and a tension-free life. Now, sports games are gaining popularity. Various sports competitions are played at the international level, such as the Olympics. Apart from it, multiple matches and inter-city competitions are organised to promote the field of sports.

Benefits of Sports and Games

Nowadays, we can see problems related to unhealthy lifestyles. We sit more and more on the couch, surrounded by modern technologies. We don’t realise the importance and benefits of sports and physical activities. The lack of physical activity in our body leads to obesity and many other health problems such as heart disease and so. It has become a necessity of today’s world that all of us do daily physical activities or play any sports for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Regular physical activity benefits health in many ways. It helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints, controls weight, reduces fat, and prevents high blood pressure. Children who participate in physical activities such as sports, experience positive health benefits. These health benefits include a decreased risk of high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Also, these children are less likely to smoke or use drugs and alcohol than children who don’t participate in sports.

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Frequently asked Questions on the Importance of Sports Essay

Why is playing sports important for us.

Playing sports not only helps in the active functioning of our body but also helps in flexibility and reduces the chances of falling sick.

Which was the first sport to be played in the world?

Wrestling is said to have been the first sport played in the world, depictions of the same can be found in the caves of France.

Which is the most famous sport in the world?

Football is ranked as the top sport with 3.5 billion followers, seconded by Cricket.

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essays to write about sports

Essay on Sports

essay on sports

Here we have shared the Essay on Sports in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Sports in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Sports in 150-250 words

Essay on sports in 300-400 words, essay on sports in 500-1000 words.

Sports play a crucial role in our lives, offering numerous benefits both physically and mentally. Engaging in sports activities not only promotes physical fitness but also teaches valuable life skills and promotes social interaction.

Firstly, participating in sports enhances our physical well-being. Regular exercise involved in sports helps strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and increase overall endurance. It also aids in maintaining a healthy weight and preventing various health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases.

Furthermore, sports instill important life skills such as teamwork, discipline, perseverance, and leadership. Athletes learn to work together towards a common goal, understand the value of hard work and dedication, and develop the ability to overcome challenges and setbacks. These qualities are not only beneficial on the field but also applicable in various aspects of life.

Sports also provide a platform for social interaction and the development of friendships. Whether playing on a team or attending sporting events, individuals have the opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests. This fosters a sense of community, encourages positive competition, and promotes cultural exchange.

In conclusion, sports are more than just physical activities. They contribute to our physical well-being, teach important life skills, and facilitate social interaction. Engaging in sports is a valuable pursuit that brings numerous benefits and should be encouraged for individuals of all ages.

Sports play a vital role in our society, offering a multitude of benefits both physically and mentally. Whether it’s participating in a team sport or engaging in individual activities, sports have a significant impact on individuals and communities alike.

First and foremost, sports promote physical fitness and overall health. Regular participation in sports activities helps improve cardiovascular health, increase muscle strength and flexibility, and enhance overall endurance. It aids in maintaining a healthy weight and reduces the risk of developing various health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases. Moreover, engaging in sports from a young age encourages a habit of an active lifestyle, setting a foundation for a healthier future.

Furthermore, sports teach essential life skills and values. Team sports, in particular, promote teamwork, cooperation, and effective communication. Athletes learn to work together towards a common goal, understand the value of each team member’s contribution, and develop skills in collaboration and problem-solving. These skills are not only applicable to the field but also extend to various aspects of life, including academics, career, and personal relationships.

Sports also instill discipline, perseverance, and resilience. Athletes learn the importance of practice, setting goals, and working hard to achieve them. They face challenges and setbacks, but through sports, they develop the determination and resilience to overcome obstacles and strive for improvement. These qualities are crucial for success in any endeavor and contribute to personal growth and character development.

Moreover, sports provide a platform for social interaction and community building. Whether it’s playing on a team or attending sporting events, individuals have the opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests. This fosters a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and unity among players and fans alike. Sporting events bring people together, promoting cultural exchange and fostering a spirit of sportsmanship and fair play.

In conclusion, sports have far-reaching effects beyond physical activity. They promote physical fitness, teach valuable life skills, and foster social interaction and community building. Engaging in sports is not only enjoyable but also contributes to personal growth, overall well-being, and the development of a stronger and healthier society. Therefore, it is important to encourage and support sports participation at all levels, ensuring that individuals of all ages have access to the numerous benefits that sports offer.

Introduction :

Sports play a significant role in society, impacting individuals physically, mentally, and socially. Whether participating in team sports or engaging in individual activities, sports offer a range of benefits that contribute to personal growth and community development. This essay will explore the importance of sports, discussing their impact on physical fitness, life skills, social interaction, and overall well-being.

Physical Fitness and Health

Regular participation in sports activities promotes physical fitness and overall health. Engaging in physical exercise through sports helps improve cardiovascular health, increase muscle strength and flexibility, and enhance endurance. It aids in maintaining a healthy weight and reduces the risk of developing health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Through sports, individuals improve their physical capabilities, pushing their limits, and achieving higher levels of fitness. Moreover, participating in sports from a young age encourages the development of an active lifestyle, establishing healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

Life Skills and Values

Sports teach valuable life skills and values that extend beyond the field of play. Team sports, in particular, promote teamwork, cooperation, and effective communication. Athletes learn to work together towards a common goal, understanding the value of each team member’s contribution. They develop skills in collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making, all of which are essential in various aspects of life, including academics, career, and personal relationships. Sports also instill discipline, perseverance, and resilience. Athletes learn the importance of practice, setting goals, and working hard to achieve them. They face challenges and setbacks, but through sports, they develop the determination and resilience to overcome obstacles and strive for improvement. These qualities are crucial for success in any endeavor and contribute to personal growth and character development.

Social Interaction and Community Building

Sports provide a platform for social interaction and community building. Whether it’s playing on a team or attending sporting events, individuals have the opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests. This fosters a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and unity among players and fans alike. Sporting events bring people together, promoting cultural exchange and fostering a spirit of sportsmanship and fair play. Through sports, individuals develop social skills, learn to respect others, and appreciate diversity. They build relationships and networks that extend beyond the realm of sports, creating a sense of community and fostering a positive social environment.

Overall Well-being and Personal Growth

Engaging in sports contributes to overall well-being and personal growth. Physical activity releases endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones, which reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Participating in sports provides an outlet for emotions, helping individuals manage their mental health and improve their overall mood. Additionally, sports promote self-confidence and self-esteem. As athletes achieve their goals, surpass their limits, and experience success, they develop a sense of accomplishment and self-belief that translates into other areas of life. Sports also teach individuals to accept failure and learn from it, promoting a growth mindset and encouraging continuous self-improvement.

Conclusion :

Sports have a profound impact on individuals and communities, offering a range of benefits that encompass physical fitness, life skills, social interaction, and overall well-being. Engaging in sports not only improves physical health but also teaches valuable life lessons, instills important values, and fosters social connections. It contributes to personal growth, character development, and the creation of a positive and healthy society. Therefore, it is essential to promote and support sports participation at all levels, ensuring that individuals of all ages have access to the numerous benefits that sports offer.

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Essay on Importance of Sports

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Sports in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Sports


Sports play a vital role in our lives. They are not just for fun but are also important for our health and overall development.

Health Benefits

Participating in sports helps us stay fit and healthy. It strengthens our muscles, improves heart function, and boosts our immune system.

Building Character

Sports teach us important life skills like teamwork, leadership, and discipline. It instills a sense of responsibility and helps us develop a strong character.

Improving Academics

Sports improve concentration and memory, aiding in academic performance. It also reduces stress and enhances creativity.

Also check:

250 Words Essay on Importance of Sports

The pivotal role of sports.

Sports play a significant role in shaping our lives. They are not just physical activities to keep us fit, but they also contribute to our overall personality development, and instill values such as discipline, responsibility, self-confidence, sacrifice, and accountability.

Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Sports are instrumental in maintaining physical health, improving mental strength, and promoting social interaction. They enhance cardiovascular health, improve muscle strength, and help in weight management. Moreover, they foster mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. The spirit of sportsmanship developed through sports is invaluable, teaching individuals to handle both victory and defeat with grace.

Life Skills and Character Building

Sports provide a platform for the development of essential life skills. They nurture teamwork, leadership, problem-solving abilities, and time management skills. They also instill a sense of discipline and punctuality, which are crucial for personal and professional life. Moreover, sports foster resilience and perseverance, teaching individuals to remain undeterred in the face of challenges.

Contribution to Academic Success

Contrary to the common perception, sports can enhance academic performance. They improve concentration, memory, and learning abilities, thereby contributing to academic success. Furthermore, many universities value sports achievements, providing scholarships to talented athletes.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Sports

Sports, often perceived merely as games, hold a significant place in society. Their importance transcends the boundaries of recreation, extending to the domains of education, social development, and health.

Physical and Mental Health

Engaging in sports is an excellent way to maintain physical health. It helps in the development of muscular strength and enhances body coordination. The physical exertion involved helps in burning calories, improving cardiovascular health, and boosting the immune system.

Character and Skill Development

Sports serve as a practical platform for character and skill development. They inculcate essential values such as teamwork, discipline, and respect for others. Sports teach individuals to handle both success and failure gracefully, fostering resilience.

From a skills perspective, sports enhance leadership abilities, strategic thinking, and decision-making skills. They also foster communication and negotiation skills, as sports often require individuals to strategize and collaborate to achieve a common goal.

Social Benefits

Educational value.

In an academic setting, sports can significantly contribute to a student’s learning experience. They teach practical lessons about the importance of hard work, perseverance, and dedication. Moreover, students who engage in sports often display improved concentration and learning abilities in their academic pursuits.

Economic Impact

On a larger scale, sports contribute to economic development. They generate employment, boost tourism, and can spur infrastructural development. Successful sports events can significantly contribute to the local and national economy.

In conclusion, the importance of sports is multifaceted. They contribute to individual health, character development, social cohesion, and economic prosperity. As society becomes increasingly sedentary, the role of sports in promoting a healthy and active lifestyle becomes even more crucial. Therefore, fostering a culture that values and promotes sports participation is essential for individual well-being and societal progress.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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College Essay Myths Debunked: Yes, You Can Write About Sports

Ivy Divider

The notion that all students who play sports write college essays about their athletic pursuits is simply inaccurate. Last year one our our students, a star football player, wrote about his aptitude for solving puzzles. Another student on the school rowing team wrote about her family’s immigration story. Athletes are not just athletes — they are complex humans with varied talents and experiences, many of which are worth exploring in essay form. Still, it is impractical to think that students who devote thirty hours or more of their lives each week to a sport, won’t feel compelled to write about their passion for soccer or aptitude for tennis or cheerleading. And rightfully so. Sports teach valuable skills like leadership, teamwork and discipline. They foster bonds of friendship that often last decades or longer. A working knowledge of sports can even be a lifelong conversation starter among strangers.

Students do not have to shy away from detailing these experiences and what they learned from them — they just have to shift the lens, add another layer, or approach these topics from creative perspectives to make them both original and reflective of a greater range of interests and talents. For example, maybe your experience diving for the ball as a volleyball player allowed you to take a risk in applying for the job of your dreams. Perhaps the qualities needed to be a good basketball player and also the skills needed to command a boardroom. Students might want to steer away from major tropes like getting injured before a big game or scoring the winning goal — though if those stories are treated with sincerity and an innovative perspective, they can make for effective essays as well. The test of whether or not you have achieved the level of creativity necessary to set a sports essay apart from all the rest is this: Could any other basketball player have written your essay? If another lacrosse player put her name on your application, would the details still be mostly accurate? If the answer is yes, find another way in; add another twist; push towards a more compelling and creative conclusion. So, yes, you can write a sports essay — it just has to be a sports essay unlike any other.

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Essay on My Favourite Sport: Samples in 100 Words and 200 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Apr 23, 2024

Essay on My Favourite Sport

Sports is a physical activity which is considered good for both mental and physical health. It has the unique ability to attract the attention of the audience. In sports, people display their strength and skills by competing with the other person either for serious competition or for entertainment. The personality of a sportsperson can be understood by the type of sport he/she plays. All the sports are categorised into two types; indoor and outdoor. In this blog, we will provide you with some sample essay on my favourite sports, so that you can get an idea about how you can frame your essay for school or essay writing competition. Stay tuned and continue reading this article!

Table of Contents

  • 1 My Favourite Sport Essay 100 words
  • 2 Essay on My Favourite Sport 250 words
  • 3 Essay on My Favourite Sport Badminton
  • 4 Essay on My Favourite Sport Cricket

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My Favourite Sport Essay 100 words

I am a great fan of basketball. I used to practice this game since I was in class 5th. My parents and my coach encouraged me a lot to perform well in my favourite sport. I believe that it is a game that combines strategy, athleticism, and teamwork . The best thing I like about this sport is the dribbling of the basketball. I love playing basketball with my friends at the society’s basketball court.

We used to gather every evening at 6:30 and play a match regularly to maintain the stamina and the pace of precision shooting. The winning situation in this game is completely dependent on teamwork, the result could be truly magical. Basketball is the sport that keeps me captivated with its adrenaline-pumping excitement. 

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Essay on My Favourite Sport 250 words

My favourite sport is everyone’s favourite. Yes, Cricket it is. Cricket is often known as the ‘ Gentleman’s Game .’ Almost every Indian loves cricket for us this sport is not just a game it is an emotion. The entire Nation keeps a keen eye on the World Cup match when our country is performing. 

My idol is Hon’ble Sachin Tendulkar and MS Dhoni. In my childhood, I tried to copy their style and always wished to be a good cricket player. As it is rightly said ‘Practice makes a Man Perfect.’ I also believed in it and practised with my school cricket team to become a good cricket player. My endurance and dedication helped me to secure the position of opening batsman for the school cricket team and we are presenting our school at the district-level cricket competition.

The main reason cricket resonates with me is its rich history and traditions. It’s a sport that has been played for centuries, and it carries with it a sense of timelessness. The iconic venues, the legends of the game, and the celebrated rivalries all contribute to the sport’s allure. Whether it’s the Ashes battles between England and Australia or the fervent India-Pakistan contests, cricket has a way of gripping the hearts and minds of fans around the world.

Cricket not only teaches sportsmanship but also helps us learn about teamwork, patience, dedication, etc. My dream is to build a successful cricket career. To accomplish my goals I am planning to take admission in the cricket academy and learn from experts.

In conclusion, cricket is more than a sport to me; it’s a culture, a passion, and a source of endless joy in my life. Its rich heritage, technical intricacies, and life lessons will forever held close to my heart. 

Also Read: How to become a cricketer?

Essay on My Favourite Sport Badminton

Among all the indoor and outdoor activities, I love to play badminton the most. Badminton is played as an indoor and outdoor game but traditionally it was an indoor game. It is one of the most admired sports among children and adults. Badminton is my favourite sport because it requires speed, practice, precision, stamina, and accuracy all at the same time.

A player needs to be very attentive while playing badminton. When each stroke of the shuttle makes a ‘whoosh’ sound, it infuses a feeling of competitiveness and enthusiasm to perform extraordinarily against the opponent.

I am a huge admirer of Saina Nehwal and PV Sindhu. Watching them perform makes me feel so proud and more inclined towards the sport. It’s my dream to play a badminton tournament at the National level and win for the country.

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Essay on My Favourite Sport Cricket

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My favourite sport is cricket. It is the most popular sport of all. Every person loves to watch cricket matches, especially the T20 and the World Cup. My favourite players are Virat Kohli and AB de Villiers.

Badminton is a dynamic racket sport which is popular worldwide. This sport is categorized as an indoor sport owing to its sensitivity to weather. It involves hitting the shuttlecock with quick reflexes using a racket. This game is played between two players and is known for its agility, precision, practice, and attentiveness. 

The most popular sports are cricket, football, badminton, table tennis, and hockey.

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Hi, I am Kajal, a pharmacy graduate, currently pursuing management and is an experienced content writer. I have 2-years of writing experience in Ed-tech (digital marketing) company. I am passionate towards writing blogs and am on the path of discovering true potential professionally in the field of content marketing. I am engaged in writing creative content for students which is simple yet creative and engaging and leaves an impact on the reader's mind.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, writing an essay about a sport.

Hey everyone, I want to write an essay about my experience playing a sport in high school. How can I make sure my essay stands out and doesn't come across as cliché? Any tips for showcasing it in a unique way? Thanks!

Hi there! It's great that you want to write about your high school sports experience in a unique way. Remember, it's not the topic itself that's cliché, but rather how the story is told. Here are some tips to help your essay stand out:

1. Focus on a specific moment: Instead of writing about your entire sports journey, concentrate on a singular event, experience, or turning point. This approach will allow you to delve deeper into the emotions and lessons that arose from that situation.

2. Reflect on personal growth: Use the sport as a backdrop for a larger story about your personal development. Maybe playing on the team taught you valuable time management skills or it helped you forge meaningful relationships. Discuss how these experiences have shaped you and contributed to your personal growth.

3. Be authentic and genuine: Don't exaggerate your achievements or experiences. Authenticity will always be more engaging than hyperbole. Be honest and share your true feelings and thoughts in the essay.

4. Show, don't tell: Use sensory details, anecdotes, and dialogues to paint a vivid picture of your sporting experiences. Instead of simply stating what happened or how it impacted you, engage the reader with descriptive elements that immerse them in the story.

5. Avoid common themes: Steer clear of emphasizing sports victories or injuries as the central theme of your essay. Focus on unique aspects of your experience that are less likely to be covered in other sports-related essays.

6. Connect to your future goals and aspirations: Tie your sports experience to your future academic or career ambitions. Explain how the skills and lessons you've learned through sports can be applied in college and beyond.

For example, rather than discussing how your team won the state championship, you could write about a specific moment when you overcame self-doubt or anxiety during a critical game. Reflect on how this experience taught you to trust yourself and your abilities, and how this newfound confidence can be applied to various aspects of your life, including college and your future career.

You can also read more about how to creatively approach the sports story, and other common essay topics, on CollegeVine's blog: https://blog.collegevine.com/cliche-college-essay-topics. If you still aren't sure if your essay is unique enough, consider utilizing CollegeVine's Free Peer Essay Review Tool, or submitting your essay for a paid review by an expert college admissions advisor through CollegeVine's marketplace.

By following these guidelines and crafting your story in a unique and personal way, you can avoid the cliché pitfalls and create an engaging essay that leaves a lasting impression on college admissions officers. Good luck with your essay writing!

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How To Write A Great Essay On Sports?

Benjamin Oaks

Table of Contents

essays to write about sports

ESPN points out that in the U.S., the number of young people engaged in competitive sports is larger than the population of Texas; SFIA estimates the number at 21.47 million.

Sport is a topic of great interest throughout generations. Being an activity that is good for both body and mind, it is often favored by teachers who delight in assigning essays on sport in its various aspects: sport and youth, sport and its problems, sport and its values.

These are some of the factors that determine the current and unwaning interest in the subject.

How to write an essay on sports?

Do not be under a false impression that you have all the time in the world. Once you get to it, the task may start taking more time than you may think it would, so plan accordingly.

It is always best to err on the safe side when you leave out time for every part of your written assignment.

We suggest to break your essay writing into the following parts:

  • Find materials related to the topic of sports, specifically to the narrower topic that you chose to write on.
  • Study the materials and extract the most important information you are going to make use of.
  • Outline the problems you are going to solve in your essay.
  • Create a draft for your introduction with thesis and method introduced comprehensibly.
  • Proceed to write the main paragraphs . Prove your viewpoints and back them up by making use of the resources you found in the initial stages of your research.

Do not underestimate the importance of arranging your essay writing notes, so that you can quote the sources clearly and logically.

This will help you lead your reasoning to relatable conclusions.

Stunning essay topics on sports

  • Sport and doping.
  • Idolizing athletes in popular sports.
  • Most popular sports by country.
  • Why youth should be engaged in sports.
  • Sport skills classification.
  • Sports and gender differences.
  • The perceptual style in sports.
  • Body confidence in sports.
  • Women in traditionally male sports.
  • Professional sports poses more health risks than it brings benefits.
  • College admission for athletes.
  • Role of competitive sports in youth development.
  • Gender typing of sports.
  • Is video gaming a sport?
  • Why is chess sports?
  • Amateur vs. professional sports.
  • New kinds of sports in 2019.
  • The educational value of sports.
  • The importance of physical activity in advanced age.
  • The history of sports.
  • Olympics: from Ancient Greece to the present day.
  • Why is yoga sports?
  • Sport in society.
  • The future of sports science.
  • Sports terminology in idioms.

Persuasive essay topics on sports

So, you have been assigned to write a persuasive essay on the importance of sport, but you have no idea what to write or how to structure the text?

While the essay of sports lends itself to being analyzed from numerous points of view, a persuasive essay has a very precise structure, which differs from the classic essay.

How you define an argumentative essay? Well, it would require you to write on a topic that sounds like you need to persuade your readers. Moreover, you’d need to make them see the matter from your point of view.

…Need a sample of a topic like this?

Cheerleading is a sports essay.

Sounds like a nice choice.

Pro essay writing service conclude that the purpose of writing a persuasive essay is in providing a well structured and logical reasoning of own viewpoint, that is supported by facts, numbers, and other data. Also, one needs to argue the antithesis constructively. This means respecting the opposing standpoint and being able to come up with counter-arguments.

…Need help?

Here is one of the best outlines for a persuasive essay! There’s no better place to start.

  • Introduction . Present the subject and highlight the importance of the chosen topic.
  • Introduce your thesis + the viewpoint you want to promote to your readers.
  • Present the information (facts, statistics, graphs, tables) that proves your standpoint.
  • Antithesis . Present opinions contradictory to yours and write the reasons for which you consider them weak.
  • Conclusion . Sum up the facts presented above, and reiterate your opinion.

Classification essay on sports

When tasked with writing a classification essay, you should focus on a relevant principle that you will apply to your classification of sports or related phenomena into groups, and apply the same principle throughout.

Indicate a method you use for classification of sports into categories.

For instance…

Sports can be classified based on type and intensity applied: dynamic (isotonic) and static (isometric).

Adhere to the following scheme when writing a classification essay on sport:

  • Think of the categories .
  • Use a single classification principle .
  • Exemplify each category.

Essay samples

We call “sport” any activity that requires a psycho-physical effort on the part of those who carry it out and has a recreational intent. People have enjoyed both these characteristics in sporting activities since the times of Greeks and Romans. Athletes performed in various disciplines before an audience: from the beginning, therefore, the sport had a role in entertainment and life of individuals.

In sports, two components are joined together: on the one hand, we have the physical effort required on the part of the athlete, and on the other, the entertainment aspect offered to the spectators. The athletes’ physical and mental efforts are rewarded through various sources of remuneration; these sources can in part be traced precisely in the proceeds from ticket sales, merchandising, and sponsors’ investments.

Athletes are required to maintain a high level of performance for a longer or shorter period. Some sports completely take over the lives of those who perform them at high levels (such as football in Italy or baseball in America), by providing very high salaries and care of all kinds, from medical to everyday life management.

However, there are other athletes who, despite representing their country in all national and international sporting events, maintain more than one occupation and have to deal with the difficulties and commitments we all face from time to time.

The tendency to idealize athletes who, due to their performance or their personality, succeed in gaining public attention, has allowed some of them to lead, in parallel with sporting activities, a second career. In some cases, this is a performance through excesses and sensationalism. In others instead, these people have managed to lay the foundations to be able to reinvent themselves as sports commentators, coaches or in other careers, to secure a future even after closing that window of strength and agility that characterizes the young body but do not last forever.

Ever since man invented the sporting events, the link between physical activity and entertainment has always been very tight: the athletes of ancient Greece were remembered as great footballers of the past.

It is sad to realize that some sports and some athletes get practically no recognition comparing to their more famous cousins. Moreover, they are almost ignored, even when the services offered by those who practice them allow the home team to qualify or win international competitions. Perhaps with an education in sport that broadens the panorama beyond the “usual” football, these sports workers would also get the glory they deserve.

On balance…

Writing about sports can be fun, especially if you are a sports enthusiast. For instance, if you are a football fan, writing why football is the best sports essay should not be a problem at all!

Or you can come up with something even more exciting, like Should video games be considered sport? argumentative essay.

Just remember to support your opinion with proven facts from trusted sources, logically structure your essay, quote your sources, sound persuasive in an academic way, and proofread your essay. That’s a maelstrom of conditions making your copy worth an “A”!

No time to write your essay on sports? Buy argumentative essay from our writers who are here to help you out! Click the button to learn more.

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Descriptive Essay About a Person

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Cops are using AI software to write police reports

Police departments are often some of the tech industry’s earliest adopters of new products like drones, facial recognition, predictive software, and now– artificial intelligence . After already embracing AI audio transcription programs , some departments are now testing a new, more comprehensive tool—software that leverages technology similar to ChatGPT to auto-generate police reports. According to an August 26 report from Associated Press , many officers are already “enthused” by the generative AI tool that claims to shave 30-45 minutes from routine officework.

Initially announced in April by Axon , Draft One is billed as the “latest giant leap toward [the] moonshot goal to reduce gun-related deaths between police and the public.” The company—best known for Tasers and law enforcement’s most popular lines of body cams—claims its initial trials cut an hour of paperwork per day for users.

“When officers can spend more time connecting with the community and taking care of themselves both physically and mentally, they can make better decisions that lead to more successful de-escalated outcomes,” Axon said in its reveal.

The company stated at the time that Draft One is built with Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI platform , and automatically transcribes police body camera audio before “leveraging AI to create a draft narrative quickly.” Reports are “drafted strictly from the audio transcript” following Draft One’s “underlying model… to prevent speculation or embellishments.” After additional key information is added, officers must sign-off on a report’s accuracy before it is for another round of human review. Each report is also flagged if AI was involved in writing it.

[Related: ChatGPT has been generating bizarre nonsense (more than usual) .]

Speaking with AP on Monday, Axon’s AI products manager, Noah Spitzer-Williams, claims Draft One uses the “same underlying technology as ChatGPT.” Designed by OpenAI, ChatGPT’s baseline generative large language model has been frequently criticized for its tendency to provide misleading or false information in its responses. Spitzer-Williams, however, likens Axon’s abilities to having “access to more knobs and dials” than are available to casual ChatGPT users. Adjusting its “creativity dial” allegedly helps Draft One keep its police reports factual and avoid generative AI’s ongoing hallucination issues .

Draft One’s scope currently appears to vary by department. Oklahoma City police Capt. Jason Bussert claimed his 1,170-officer department currently only uses Draft One for “minor incident reports” that don’t involve arrests. But in Lafayette, Indiana, AP reports the police who serve the town’s nearly 71,000 residents have free rein to use Draft One “on any kind of case.” Faculty at Lafayette’s neighboring Purdue University, meanwhile, argue generative AI simply isn’t reliable enough to handle potentially life-altering situations as run-ins with the police.

“The large language models underpinning tools like ChatGPT are not designed to generate truth. Rather, they string together plausible sounding sentences based on prediction algorithms,” says Lindsay Weinberg, a Purdue clinical associate professor focusing on digital and technological ethics, in a statement to Popular Science .

[Related: ChatGPT’s accuracy has gotten worse, study shows .]

Weinberg, who serves as director of the Tech Justice Lab , also contends “almost every algorithmic tool you can think of has been shown time and again to reproduce and amplify existing forms of racial injustice.” Experts have documented many instances of race- and gender-based biases in large language models over the years.

“The use of tools that make it ‘easier’ to generate police reports in the context of a legal system that currently supports and sanctions the mass incarceration of [marginalized populations] should be deeply concerning to those who care about privacy, civil rights, and justice,” Weinberg says.

In an email to Popular Science , an OpenAI representative suggested inquiries be directed to Microsoft. Axon, Microsoft, and the Lafayette Police Department did not respond to requests for comment at the time of writing.

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Jury deliberating in trial of ex-politician accused of killing Las Vegas investigative reporter

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Chief Deputy District Attorney Christopher Hamner during Robert Telles' murder trial at the Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas, on Aug. 22, 2024. K.m. Cannon/The Associated Press

A jury began deliberating Monday in the trial of a former Las Vegas-area Democratic politician accused of killing an investigative journalist who prosecutors said the official blamed for writing stories that destroyed his career, ruined his reputation and threatened his marriage.

“And he did it because Jeff wasn’t done writing,” prosecutor Christopher Hamner said during closing arguments of defendant Robert Telles and the reporter, Jeff German. “It’s like connecting the dots.”

Jurors deliberated for about four hours before breaking for the evening, to return Tuesday.

Earlier, they sent the judge a note seeking more note paper and a court technician to show them how to zoom in on laptop video while in the jury room. They remained an hour past the court’s usual 5 p.m. end time.

Telles lost his Democratic primary for a second term after German’s first stories for the Las Vegas Review-Journal in May 2022 about Telles’ conduct heading an obscure county office that handles unclaimed estates. The reports described turmoil and bullying in Telles’ workplace and a romantic relationship between Telles and a female employee.

The day before German was stabbed to death, Telles learned that Clark County officials were about to provide German with e-mail and text messages that Telles and the woman shared, in response to the reporter’s request for public records. Another story was in the offing, Hamner said.

“The murder is the very next day … about 15 hours later,” prosecutor Pamela Weckerly said as she presented to the jury a timeline and videos of Telles’ maroon SUV leaving the neighbourhood near his home a little after 9 a.m. on Sept. 2, 2022, and driving on streets near German’s home a short time later.

The SUV driver was seen wearing a bright orange outfit similar to one worn by a person captured on camera walking to German’s home and slipping into a side yard.

“That person stays, lying in wait,” Weckerly said, playing again a video from a neighbour’s home showing German’s garage door rise and German walk into the side yard where he was attacked just after 11:15 a.m.

A little more than two minutes elapse, then the figure in orange emerges and walks down a sidewalk. German does not reappear.

The prosecutor said the killing was first-degree murder because evidence showed it was willful, deliberate and premeditated. While prosecutors did not have the murder weapon, she said evidence was clear that one was used.

Weckerly also focused on a text message from Telles’ wife, which he failed to answer, asking, “Where are you?” about 45 minutes before evidence showed German was killed.

Hamner and Weckerly told the jury they believe Telles didn’t respond because he left his cellphone – and its ability to track him – at home.

German’s body was found the next day, and Telles’ DNA was found beneath German’s fingernails. When asked about the DNA, Telles said he believed it was planted.

None of German’s blood or DNA was found on Telles, in his vehicle or at his home, defence attorney Robert Draskovich said Monday, urging the jury to, “Ask yourself what is missing.”

Draskovich introduced a new clip of video for the first time, zeroing in on a view of a maroon SUV like Telles,’ seen through the passenger window with the shadowed silhouette of a driver at the wheel. The image was prosecution evidence that had not been shown to the jury.

That driver was not Telles, the lawyer said, noting that his client is completely bald.

The jury heard again about cut-up pieces of a broad straw hat and a grey athletic shoe found at Telles’ house that looked like ones worn by the person wearing the orange shirt, which was never found.

“You are the sole judges of the facts,” Draskovich told the jury during his closing arguments before the panel was pared to 12, broke for lunch and began just before 2 p.m. to deliberate whether they all believe Telles murdered German.

“I’m not crazy. I’m not trying to avoid responsibility,” Telles told the jury on Friday to end his second and final round of self-guided testimony in his defence. “I didn’t kill Mr. German, and I’m innocent.”

The testimony came the day German would have turned 71. Originally from Milwaukee, he was a respected journalist who spent 44 years covering crime, courts and corruption in Las Vegas.

Telles, 47, is an attorney who practised civil law before he was elected in 2018. His law license was suspended following his arrest several days after German was killed. He faces up to life in prison if he is found guilty.

Jurors have been attentive throughout the trial, watching Telles in the witness box and the defence table. He sat Monday with his brow creased and his eyes slightly squinted at computer images in front of him as Weckerly and Hamner spoke.

In his testimony, he had named office colleagues, real estate agents, business owners and police he accused of “framing” him for German’s killing. He said it was retaliation for his crusading effort to root out corruption he saw in his office of about eight employees handling probate property cases.

“I am not the kind of person who would stab someone. I didn’t kill Mr. German,” Telles said Thursday. “And that’s my testimony.”

Where Telles was when German was killed remained a central focus during the trial, as Weckerly and Hamner presented 28 witnesses and hundreds of pages of photos, police reports and video.

Telles and five other people testified during trial for the defence. No Telles family members were called to the stand or identified in the trial gallery.

About a dozen German family members sat silently together in the hushed courtroom on Monday. They declined as a group to comment to The Associated Press.

The killing drew widespread attention. German was the only journalist killed in the U.S. in 2022, according to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. The non-profit has records of 17 media workers killed in the U.S. since 1992.

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    The following are the five most common types of sports stories: 1. Straight-Lead Game Story. The most basic form of all sportswriting, the straight-lead (also spelled straight-lede) game story is an article using a straight-news format. The article summarizes the main points of a game: which team won or lost, the final score, and what a star ...

  8. How to Write a Non-Cliche Sports College Essay

    Find Your Unique Angle. When writing a non-cliché sports college essay, focusing on introspection, specific anecdotes, and personal connections to the sport can set your narrative apart. The key is identifying a specific anecdote, accomplishment, or obstacle from your sports experience that allows you to share a fresh perspective and ...

  9. Writing about sports in college essays

    3. Write about a unique experience: Avoid the clichés by writing about an unusual or unexpected experience related to sports. For example, an essay could focus on how coaching a youth sports team shaped your leadership skills or how organizing a charity sports tournament benefited your community. 4.

  10. Winning Tips to Write an Argumentative Essay About Sports

    Argumentative essays are meant to demonstrate a student's ability to think critically. When writing about sports, you can use an argumentative paper as a way of exploring the different sides of any issue. This could include debates on rules changes, the impact of technology in sports, or the role of sports in society.

  11. Essay About Sport

    Essay About Sport Example. Physical development plays a critical role in sustaining a healthy living and contributing to wellbeing in the long-term. Various topics on sports are relevant for both the young generation and older individuals at all times. For one, sport is a means of maintaining an excellent physical shape and great mobility ...

  12. List of 250 Sports Topics for Persuasive & Argumentative Essays by

    The Best 10 Sports Topics to Write About in 2024. In 2024, sports writing is evolving, focusing on topics that blend traditional interests with pressing social issues. Consider exploring: The impact of technology on fair play in sports. Mental health awareness among professional athletes. The role of sports in bridging socio-economic divides.

  13. How to successfully craft a college essay about a sport?

    If I decided to write about this, what are some tips to make it stand out and not fall into the 'dime a dozen' sports essay trap? 9 months ago. When it comes to sports essays, the key is to focus on a unique angle or story that authentically reflects your personal growth and character. Ditch the 'big game' or injury narrative and dig deeper ...

  14. 193 Sports Persuasive Essay Topics [with Tips & Examples]

    193 Sports Persuasive Essay Topics [with Tips & Examples] by IvyPanda®. 11 min. 48,408. For many of us, physical activity is an essential part of life. From morning yoga to professional soccer, it helps us stay fit and healthy. Besides, it's a source of entertainment that can relax us and calm us down. We will write a custom essay ...

  15. Topics and Examples

    Feel free to write an essay on sports and games for 10th class from the above topics. Persuasive Essay on Sports Betting. If you decide to write a persuasive essay on sports betting, take some inspiration from the topics below: Beginners should be taught how to place a bet. Money-line betting is addictive; Sports betting should be prohibited ...

  16. Sports Essay for Students and Children in English

    You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more. Long and Short Essays on Sports for Students and Kids in English. One extended essay on sports, one short essay on sports and ten lines on the topic of sports essay have been provided further.

  17. Essay on Sports For Students In English

    The topic of sports is very broad. It can serve as a form of therapy and a tool in different aspects of life, which can help change the world. Through sports, children develop physical skills, exercise, be team players, and improve their self-esteem. Sports play a significant role in advancing education and in enhancing knowledge.

  18. Essay on Sports: 150-250, 300, 500-1000 words for Students

    You can use this Essay on Sports in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. Topics covered in this article. Essay on Sports in 150-250 words. Essay on Sports in 300-400 words. Essay on Sports in 500-1000 words.

  19. Essay on Importance of Sports

    Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Sports in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. ... 250 Words Essay on Importance of Sports The Pivotal Role of Sports. Sports play a significant role in shaping our lives. They are ...

  20. How To Write a College Application Essay About Sports

    That's what EVERYBODY does.". The notion that all students who play sports write college essays about their athletic pursuits is simply inaccurate. Last year one our our students, a star football player, wrote about his aptitude for solving puzzles. Another student on the school rowing team wrote about her family's immigration story.

  21. Essay on My Favourite Sport: Samples in 100 Words and 200 Words

    My favourite sport is cricket. It is the most popular sport of all. Every person loves to watch cricket matches, especially the T20 and the World Cup. My favourite players are Virat Kohli and AB de Villiers. Write an essay on my favourite sport badminton. Badminton is a dynamic racket sport which is popular worldwide.

  22. Writing an Essay About a Sport?

    Hi there! It's great that you want to write about your high school sports experience in a unique way. Remember, it's not the topic itself that's cliché, but rather how the story is told. Here are some tips to help your essay stand out: 1. Focus on a specific moment: Instead of writing about your entire sports journey, concentrate on a singular event, experience, or turning point.

  23. How To Write A Great Essay On Sports?

    Find materials related to the topic of sports, specifically to the narrower topic that you chose to write on. Study the materials and extract the most important information you are going to make use of. Outline the problems you are going to solve in your essay. Create a draft for your introduction with thesis and method introduced comprehensibly.

  24. Cops are using AI software to write police reports

    Police departments are often some of the tech industry's earliest adopters of new products like drones, facial recognition, predictive software, and now-artificial intelligence. After already ...

  25. Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports

    OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A body camera captured every word and bark uttered as police Sgt. Matt Gilmore and his K-9 dog, Gunner, searched for a group of suspects for nearly an hour. Normally, the ...

  26. Jury deliberating fate of ex-politician accused of killing Las Vegas

    LAS VEGAS (AP) — A jury began deliberating Monday in the trial of a former Las Vegas-area Democratic politician accused of killing an investigative journalist who prosecutors said the official ...

  27. Jury deliberating in trial of ex-politician accused of killing Las

    A jury began deliberating Monday in the trial of a former Las Vegas-area Democratic politician accused of killing of an investigative journalist who prosecutors said the official blamed for ...