• Interactive Presentation

Product Presentation Examples | 2024 Ultimate Guide

Ellie Tran • 07 April, 2024 • 20 min read

Are you looking for product launch presentation example? The headlines below are just a tiny part of what you can find in the media just a couple of days after these brands delivered their product presentation . They all made it a success.

  • ‘ Tesla’s next-gen Roadster stole the show from the electric truck ’, Electrek .
  • ‘ Moz unveils Moz Group, new product ideas at MozCon ’, PR Newswire .
  • ‘ 5 mind-boggling tech sneaks from Adobe Max 2020 ’, Creative Bloq .

So, what did they do both on stage and behind the scenes? How did they do it? And how can you nail your own product presentation just like them?

If you’re looking for answers to these questions, you’re in the right place. Take a look at the full guide for how to make a successful product presentation.

Ready to dive in? Let’s get started!

What is the goal of the product presentation?Match out customer's needs and features and benefits of product
What are the 5 P's in product presentation?Planning, preparation, practice, performance, and passion
What a good product presentation should be?Lots of colors and visuals

Table of Contents

What is a product presentation.

  • Why Is It Important?
  • 9 Things in the Outline
  • 6 Steps to Host

In A Few Words…

Frequently asked questions, tips from ahaslides.

  • Marketing presentation
  • Business presentation

Alternative Text

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A product presentation is a presentation you use to introduce your company’s new or renovated product, or a newly developed feature, for people to get to know more about it. 

In this type of presentation , you’ll take your audience through what it is, how it works, and how it helps solve their problems.

For example, the Tinder pitch deck and Tesla's Roadster launch are both fascinating product presentations used in different ways. The former presented their product idea and the latter unveiled their final product .

So, who will you present for? As you can do this kind of presentation at different stages while developing your product, there are some common groups of audience:

  • Board of directors, shareholders/investors - To this group, typically you’ll pitch a new idea to ask for approval before the whole team starts working on it.
  • Colleagues - You can show a trial or beta version of the new product to other members of your company and collect their feedback .
  • The public, potential & current customers - This can be a product launch, which shows your target audience everything they need to know about the product.

The person in charge of presenting is actually quite flexible and not necessarily the same one or role in every situation. That could be a product manager, a business analyst, a sales/customer success manager or even the CEO. At times, more than one person can be hosting this product presentation.

Why Is Product Presentation Examples Important?

A product presentation gives your audience a closer look at and deeper understanding of the product, how it works and what values it can bring. Here are some more benefits that this presentation can offer you:

  • Raise awareness and grab more attention - By hosting an event like this, more people will know about your company and product. For example, Adobe hosts MAX (a creativity conference to announce innovations) in the same format every year, which helps to build the hype around their products.
  • Stand out in the cutthroat market - Having great products isn’t enough as your company is in a tight race against other competitors. A product presentation helps set you apart from them.
  • Leave a deeper impression on your potential customers - Give them another reason to remember your product. Maybe when they’re on the go and see something similar to what you’ve presented, it would ring a bell for them.
  • A source for external PR - Ever noticed how Moz dominates the media coverage after their annual professional ‘marketing camp’ MozCon? CEO at the  WhenIPost guest posting agency  says: "You can get the source of external PR (but to a lesser extent, of course) by building better relationships with the press, your potential and current customers as well as other stakeholders."
  • Boost sales and revenue - When more people have the chance to know about your products, it can bring you more customers, which also means more revenue.

9 Things in a Product Presentation Outline

To put it simply, a product presentation often involves a talk and slideshows (with visual aids like videos and images) to describe the features, benefits, market fit, and other relevant details of your product.

Let’s take a quick tour of a typical product presentation 👇

An infographic of a product presentation outline.

  • Introduction
  • Company Information
  • Product Information
  • Benefits of the Product
  • Positioning Map
  • Examples and Testimonials
  • Call to Action

#1 - Introduction

An introduction is the first impression people have of your product presentation, that’s why you should start strong and show people what they can expect to hear.

It’s never easy to blow the audience’s mind with an introduction ( but you still can) . So at least, try to get the ball rolling with something clear and simple, like introducing yourself in a friendly, natural and personal way ( here’s how ). A great start can boost your confidence to nail the rest of your presentation.

If you want to make this product presentation super-duper clear, you can give your audience a preview of what they’re going to see. This way, they will know how to follow better and not miss any important points.

#3 - Company Information

Again, you don’t need this part in every one of your product presentations, but it’s best to give the newcomers an overview of your company. This is so they can know a bit about your team, the field your company is working in or your mission before digging deeper into the product.

#4 - Product Introduction

The star of the show is here 🌟 It’s the main and most important section of your product presentation. In this part, you need to present and highlight your product in a way that wows the whole crowd.

There are many approaches when it comes to introducing your product to the crowd, but one of the most common and effective is the problem-solution method .

As your team has invested massive amounts of time in developing your product to meet the market’s demands, it’s essential to prove to your audience that this product can solve their problems.

Do some research, discover your customers’ pain points, list out some potential consequences and here comes a hero to the rescue 🦸 Emphasise that your product can do wonders for the situation and make it shine bright like a diamond, just like how Tinder did in their pitch deck many years ago.

You might give other approaches a try when presenting your product. Talking about its strengths and opportunities, which can be taken out from the familiar SWOT analysis , probably works well too.

Or you can answer the 5W1H questions to tell your customers all the basics of it. Try using a starbursting diagram , an illustration of these questions, to help you delve more deeply into your product.

Starbursting diagram.

#5 - Benefits of the Product

What else can your product do, aside from solving that particular problem? 

What values can it bring to your customers and the community? 

Is it a game-changer? 

How is it different from other decent similar products on the market?

After grabbing the audience's attention on your product, poke into all the good things that it can bring about. It’s also vital to spotlight your product’s unique selling point to distinguish it from others. Your potential customers can then have a deeper understanding of what it can do for them and why they should use this product.

🎊 Check out: 21+ Icebreaker Games for Better Team Meeting Engagement | Updated in 2024

#6 - Positioning Map

A positioning map, which tells people the position of your product or service in the market compared to competitors, can help your company stand out in a product pitch. It also acts as a takeaway after laying out all the descriptions and benefits of your product and saves people from getting lost in loads of information.

If a positioning map doesn’t fit your product, you can choose to present a perceptual map, which illustrates how the consumers perceive your product or service.

In both of these maps, your brand or product is rated based on 2 criteria (or variables). It can be quality, price, features, safety, reliability and so on, depending on the type of product and the field it’s in.

#7 - Real-Life Product launch Presentation Examples and Testimonials 

Everything you’ve said to your audience so far can sound like theories that go in one ear and out the other. That’s why there should always be a section of examples and testimonials to put the product in its real setting and etch it into the memories of your audience.

And if possible, let them see it in person or interact with the new product right away; it’ll leave a lasting impression on them. To make it more engaging, you should use more visuals on your slides during this phase, such as pictures or videos of people using, reviewing the product or mentioning it on social media.

✅ We have some real-life examples for you too!

#8 - Call to Action 

Your call to action is something you say to encourage people to do something . It actually depends on who your audience is and what you want to achieve. Not everyone writes it on their face or says something directly like ‘ you should use it ’ to persuade people to purchase their product, right?

Of course, it’s still crucial to tell people what you expect them to do in a few short sentences.

#9 - Conclusion

Don’t let all your effort from the beginning stop in the middle of nowhere. Reinforce your key points and end your product presentation with a quick recap or something memorable (in a positive way).

Quite a huge load of work. 😵 Sit tight; we’ll walk you through everything in the simplest way possible to get you prepared.

6 Steps to Host a Product Presentation

Now you get what should be included in your product presentation, it’s time to start making one. But from where? Should you jump right into the first part of the stuff we outlined above?

The outline is a roadmap for what you will say, not what you will do to prepare. When there are a lot of things that need to be done, it can easily get you into a mess. So, check out this step-by-step guide to keep yourself from feeling overwhelmed!

  • Set your goals
  • Define audience needs
  • Make an outline & prepare your content
  • Choose a presenting tool & design your presentation
  • Anticipate questions & prepare the answers
  • Practice, practice, practice

#1 - Set your goals

You can define your goals based on who your audience members are and the purposes of your product presentation. These two factors also are your background to establish the style you’re going for and the way you present everything.

To make your goals more clear and achievable, set them based on the SMART diagram.

A SMART goal illustration.

For example , at AhaSlides, we have product presentations among our big team quite often. Let’s imagine we’re having another one real soon and we need to set a SMART goal.

Here’s Chloe, our Business Analyst 👩‍💻 She wants to announce a recently developed feature to her colleagues.

Her audience is made up of colleagues who don’t directly build the product, like the ones from the marketing and customer success teams. This means that they’re not experts in data, coding or software engineering, etc.

You might think of a general goal, such as ‘everyone understands thoroughly about the developed feature’. But this is pretty vague and ambiguous, right?

Here’s the SMART goal for this product presentation:

  • S (Specific) - State what you want to achieve and how to do so in a clear and detailed way.

🎯 Ensure that marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and data charts.

  • M (Measurable) - You need to know how to measure your goals afterwards. Numbers, figures or data can be of great help here.

🎯 Ensure that 100% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts (i.e. conversion rate, activation rate & daily active user).

  • A (Attainable) - Your goal can be challenging, but don’t make it impossible. It should encourage you and your team to try and achieve the goal, not put it totally out of reach.

🎯 Ensure that at least 80% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts.

  • R (Relevant) - Have a look at the big picture and check whether what you’re planning on doing will hit your goals directly. Try to answer why you need these goals (or even the 5 whys ) to ensure everything is as relevant as possible.

🎯 Ensure that at least 80% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts. Because when these members know the feature well, they can make proper social media announcements and assist our customers better, which helps us build stronger relationships with customers.

  • T (Time-bound) - There should be a deadline or a time frame to keep track of everything (and steer clear of any tiny bit of procrastination). When you finish this step, you’ll have the ultimate goal:

🎯 Ensure that at least 80% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values before the end of this week by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts. This way, they can further work with our customers and maintain customer loyalty.

A goal can get quite big and sometimes make you feel too much. Remember, you don’t have to write down every part of your goal down; try and write it into one sentence and keep the remainder of it in mind.

You can also consider chunking down a long goal into smaller objectives to do one by one. 

Check out: Use idea boards to brainstorm better for your next presentation!

#2 - Define audience needs

If you want your audience to stay focused and engaged in your presentation, you need to give them what they want to hear. Think about their expectations, what they need to know and what can keep them following your talk.

First thing first, you should discover their pain points via data, social media, research or any other reliable sources to have a solid background on the things you definitely need to mention in your product presentation.

In this step, you should sit down with your team and work together (maybe try a session with right brainstorm tool ) to develop more ideas. Even though only a few people will be presenting the product, all the team members will still prepare everything together and will need to be on the same page.

There are some questions you can ask to understand their needs: 

  • What are they like?
  • Why are they here?
  • What keeps them up at night?
  • How can you solve their problems?
  • What do you want them to do?
  • See more questions here .

#3 - Make an outline & prepare your content

When you know what you should say, it’s time to draft the main points to have everything in hand. A careful and coherent outline helps you stay on track and avoid overlooking anything or going too deep into a particular part. With this, you can have better flow and a good sense of time management, which also means fewer chances to go off-topic or deliver a wordy, rambling speech.

After finishing your outline, go through each point and decide exactly what you want to show your audience in that section, including images, videos, props or even sounding and lighting arrangements, and prepare them. Make a checklist to ensure that you and your team won’t forget anything. 

#4 - Choose a presenting tool & design your presentation

Talking is not enough on its own, especially in a product presentation. That’s why you should give the audience something to look at, and maybe interact with, in order to liven up the room.

With slide decks, it’s not that easy to create something aesthetically pleasing or to create content that is interactive for your audience. Many online tools offer you some help with the heavy lifting of making, designing and customising an appealing presentation.

A product presentation slide on AhaSlides.

You can have a look at AhaSlides to create a more creative product presentation compared to using traditional PowerPoint. Besides slides with your content, you can try adding interactive activities that your audience can join easily with just their phones. They can submit their responses to random team generator , word cloud , online quiz , polls , brainstorming sessions, Q&As tool , spinner wheel and more.

💡Looking for more Powerpoint product presentation templates or alternatives? Check them out in this article .

#5 - Anticipate questions & prepare the answers

Your participants, or maybe the press, can ask some questions during your Q&A session (if you have one) or sometime after that. It would be really awkward if you couldn’t answer all questions related to the product that you’ve created, so try your best to avoid that situation.

It’s a good practice to put yourself in the audience’s shoes and look at everything from their perspective. The whole team can imagine being the audience members in that pitch and predicting what the crowd will ask, and then finding the best way to answer those questions.

🎉 Check out: 180 Fun General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers [2024 Updated]

#6 - Practice, practice, practice 

The old saying still rings true: practice makes perfect. Practice speaking and rehearse a few times before the event takes place to make sure that your presentation is smooth.

You can ask a few colleagues to be your first audience and collect their feedback to revise your content and polish your presentation skills. Remember to have at least one rehearsal with all your slideshows, effects, lighting and sound system too.

5 Product Presentation Examples

Many giant companies have delivered great product presentations throughout the years. Here are some great real-life success stories and the tips we can learn from them.

#1 - Samsung & the way they started the presentation

Imagine sitting in a dark room, staring at the space in front of your eyes and boom! The light, the sounds, and the visuals hit all your senses directly. It’s loud, it’s eye-catching, and it’s satisfying. That is how Samsung made great use of video and visual effects to begin their Galaxy Note8 product presentation.

Alongside videos, there are many ways to start , like asking an intriguing question, telling a compelling story or using performance. If you can’t come up with any of these, don’t try too hard, just keep it short and sweet.

Takeaway: Start your presentation on a high note.

#2 - Tinder & how they laid out problems

As you’re presenting your product to ‘sell’ them to a cohort of people, it’s important to find out the thorns in their side.

Tinder, with their first pitch deck back in 2012 under the very first name Match Box, successfully pointed out a big pain point for their potential customers. Then they pledged that they could provide the perfect solution. It’s simple, impressive and can’t be any more entertaining.

Takeaway: Find the true problem, be the best solution and drive your points home!

#3 - Airbnb & how they let the numbers speak

Airbnb also used the problem-solution tactic in the pitch deck that granted this start-up a $600,000 investment a year after it first launched. A significant thing that you can notice is they used quite a lot of numbers in their presentation. They brought to the table a pitch that investors couldn’t say no to, in which they let their data gain trust from the audience.

Takeaway: Remember to include data and make it big & bold.

#4 - Tesla & their Roadster appearance

Elon Musk might not be one of the best presenters out there, but he definitely knew how to wow the whole world and his audience during Tesla's product presentation.

At the Roadster launch event, after a few seconds of impressive visuals and sounds, this new classy electric car appeared in style and took the stage to cheers from the crowd. There was nothing else on stage (except for Musk) and all eyes were on the new Roadster.

Takeaway: Give your product a lot of spotlights ( literally ) and make good use of effects.

#5 - Apple & the tagline for Macbook Air presentation in 2008

There’s something in the Air.

This was the first thing Steve Jobs said at MacWorld 2008. That simple sentence hinted at the Macbook Air and immediately caught everyone's attention. 

Having a tagline reminds people of your product’s characteristics. You can say that tagline right at the beginning like Steve Jobs did, or let it appear a few times throughout the event.

Takeaway: Find a tagline or slogan that represents your brand and product.

Other Product Presentation Tips

🎨 Stick to one slide theme - Make your slides uniform and follow your brand guidelines. It’s a good way to promote your company’s branding.

😵 Don’t cram too much information on your slides - Keep things neat and clean, and don’t put walls of text on your slide. You can try the 10/20/30 rule : have a maximum of 10 slides; maximum length of 20 minutes; have a minimum font size of 30. 

🌟 Know your style and delivery - Your style, body language and tone of voice matter greatly. Steve Jobs and Tim Cook had different styles on stage, but they all nailed their Apple product presentations. Be yourself, everyone else is already taken!

🌷 Add more visual aids - Some pictures, videos or gifs can help you grab people’s attention. Make sure that your slides also focus on the visuals, rather than overfilling them with text and data. 

📱 Make it interactive - 68% of people said they remember interactive presentations longer. Engage with your audience and turn your presentation into a two-way conversation. Using an online tool with exciting interactivities could be another great idea to get your crowd pumped up.

Feeling snowed under with all the information in this article?

There are a lot of things to do when presenting your product, whether it’s in the form of an idea, a beta version or a ready-to-release one. Remember to highlight the most important benefits that it can bring and how it helps people solve their problems.

If you forget anything, head to the step-by-step guide or reread some key takeaways from the product presentation examples of behemoths like Tinder, Airbnb, Tesla, etc. and give yourself more motivation to make yours a massive success.

A product presentation is a presentation you use to introduce your company’s new or renovated product, or a newly developed feature, for people to learn more about it.

Why product presentation is important?

Effectively product presentation helps to (1) raise awareness and grab more attention (2) Stand out in the cutthroat market (3) Leave a deeper impression on your potential customers (4) A source for external PR and (5) Boost sales and revenue

What a good product presentation should be?

A great product presentation blends between the presenter's delivery of the information and the visuals that illustrate the product itself, to impress listeners, including investors, colleagues and public in general

Ellie Tran

A lifelong learner, a traveller and content creator eager to explore the best of both worlds: the real and virtual one full of interactive activities with AhaSlides.

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

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How to Nail Your Brand Presentation: Examples and Pro Tips

featured image for how to make a branded presentation

Back in the day, “branding” and “brand image” were concepts restricted to large corporations with hefty budgets.

Most small businesses and startups thought building brand awareness meant getting a professional logo , maybe some business cards and letterheads, and moving on with their day.

Can you even think back to a time like that? Seems unbelievable now!

Today, branding and building brand awareness are not just for big businesses.

Even standalone freelancers and consultants must think about building their brand recognition and brand presentation through marketing efforts, to entice potential clients and new audiences while staying relevant to their target audience.

This includes everything from creating a brand logo and letterheads to site design , promoting relevant content, and maintaining a consistent brand identity online and offline.

You, as the creator of this business brand, have to think beyond the basics to highlight your brand in everything you do.

For example, you have to consider branding when preparing a pitch deck . This is also known as brand presentation.

Brand presentation goes beyond just showcasing a product idea or pitching your business.

This article shows you how to improve your brand presentation skills and ensure that your branded presentation does what it’s supposed to do — help you and your business stand out from competitors. You’ll also find brand presentation templates and examples below to make the right impression.

Create a free Piktochart account so you can follow along and play around with the branding presentations and templates we feature.

Let’s get started.

Why You Should Care About Getting Your Brand Presentations Right

One of the common characteristics of brands that endure the test of time is strong brand presence.

What is brand presence?

Brand presence refers to the visibility and recognition of a brand in the marketplace. It is the extent to which a brand is known, understood, and respected by its target audience.

A strong brand presence is essential for building customer loyalty, increasing brand awareness, and driving business growth.

Brand presence can be established through various marketing activities, such as advertising, social media, content marketing, and public relations. These activities help to create a consistent and recognizable brand identity, which makes it easier for customers to connect with the brand and its products or services.

Factors contributing to a great brand presence include a clear brand message, consistent visual branding, positive customer experiences, and effective communication strategies.

Brands with a strong presence are often associated with specific values and qualities that resonate with their target audience.

Overall, brand presence is a crucial aspect of building a successful brand. It helps establish a brand’s reputation, increase customer loyalty, and differentiate it from its competitors.

These brands (think Coca-Cola and Apple) have built a name in their industries not just because of their products but also because their brand voice and personality are immediately recognizable.

why care about getting your brand presentations right for high brand awareness

A solid brand presence is a key factor in helping promote consumer trust, and consumers want to buy from businesses they trust. Plus, when your customers think highly of your products and services, the greater their willingness to purchase from you.

screenshot of scatter plot of paying customers perceived value and willingness to pay

10 Pro Tips for Nailing Your Next Brand Presentation

Now that you already understand the importance of getting your brand presentation right, take note of the following pro tips to help you get started. 

1. Identify your presentation goal

You could have the most beautiful presentation, but if it doesn’t drive home a single, clear point, then… what’s the point? 

Before designing your presentation , know what it’s supposed to convey and work backward from there.

For example, if you’re presenting  logo design  ideas to a client, you could start your presentation with how you see the brand and take them through your thought process. 

Use the slides to craft a story about how the logo’s colors, fonts, style, icons, and layout will help the brand build a lasting connection with its users. Show the logo designs after setting the context.

Think of this as a story with a beginning, middle, and end.

brand awareness employee-engagement-survey-results-cover-slide

2. Align your brand presentation with other branding elements

Building a brand image is necessary irrespective of whether you’re a business or a solo hustler. Your brand presentations must be aligned with your overall brand. 

If you’re selling a product or a service, the chances of you performing better increase significantly when you build a brand around your business. In fact,  81 percent of consumers  say that trust is crucial for them before buying a brand.

So, what is it that builds trust?

It always comes down to professionalism and consistency.

Let’s explore them individually.


Person A and Person B are logo designers who help young startups design a logo and craft a complete brand identity. 

Person A only has social profiles and a generic email address. They have their portfolio in Google Drive, and they share that long, clunky URL every time someone asks to see their past work.

Meanwhile, Person B has built a brand for themselves. Their website has a professional logo highlighting who they are, their academic and professional accolades, past work, and client recommendations. They use a professional email address, and all their social profiles follow similar branding as their website.

Both these designers can be equally good at what they do, but the fact that Person B has built their own brand identity conveys their capability of doing the same for someone else.


Getting all the essential brand elements in place is the first step in building a brand. 

Communicating that brand consistently across all online and offline platforms is what makes the difference. 

For example, if you have a professional logo, highlight it on your website, branding videos , business cards, email signature , social media , invoices, brand presentations, and every point of communication possible. This also helps build memorability and brand recall.

cover page of brand presentation template for client status reports branded presentation

The brand awareness presentation template above by Piktochart is quite versatile. You can incorporate many branding elements in your presentation — from customizing it with your logo to changing the presentation’s color scheme into your brand colors.

screenshot of how to change color schemes in Piktochart presentation editor for a branded presentation and promote brand awareness

3. Make the most of emotions

When you think of business presentations, the first emotion you think of is boredom, right?

How excited would you feel to see a bunch of boring charts and texts on a slide?

Don’t answer; that’s rhetorical. 

As a presenter, it’s your job to add some spice to your brand presentation.

Telling a unique, engaging story on a dull topic is a superpower. Think about how you can take your audience on an emotional rollercoaster. It’s a proven fact that people remember and engage more with something that evokes some emotion.

So, how do you do it?

Follow this simple formula:

Pain points ⇢ Enter hero ⇢ Happy ever after

simple formula to use in your brand presentation for brand awareness and more

Start by painting a gruesome picture highlighting all your audience’s pain points. Use the first few slides showing negative, downbeat, and sad visuals. Once your audience is bummed out enough, swoop in with the hero (solution to the problem). 

A great example of this is Velocity Partner’s first presentation slide in “The other C word: What makes great content marketing great” .

a presentation slide sharing pain points and services also promoting brand awareness

Map out your story , write it on a doc, and break it into slides. Creating brand presentations that work requires strategy.

4. Don’t get stingy with your brand presentation slides

How short do you think people’s attention span is?

Think of a number and then reduce it ten times.

If you’re at a conference, chances are your audience has seen quite a few presentations already and is not interested in your ten slides. They’re probably thinking about the buffet waiting for them once you’re done.

An excellent way to tackle this diminishing attention span is to use a lot of slides (contrary to popular advice to use as few slides as possible).

Instead of adding a ton of points in one slide and talking on it for umpteen minutes, use multiple slides to help you illustrate as you speak.

For example, Wordstream’s Larry Kim covered almost 200 slides in his 30-minute presentation at the C3 Conference in 2017.

5. Get creative with your presentation slides

A critical factor that makes for fantastic brand presentations is the creativity put into building each slide.

You can add your flair by incorporating PowerPoint’s effects, transitions, visual elements, images, clipart, and more; as long as you keep in-line with your brand guidelines.

creative presentation template using brand colors inline with brand guidelines

However, do not go overboard with this. Add a lot of images and transitions; now what you have is clutter.

The goal here is to be fun and creative and find ways to engage your audience but still keep it simple enough not to distract them from the message.

6. Only use high-resolution images

You don’t like looking at a pixelated image on the phone. Imagine showing it on a 10x bigger screen where the photos don’t make sense. 

For example, maybe you have an image with a cool one-liner on it, but it’s not clear enough for the audience to see. What could have been entertaining for the audience has now left them confused.

Images are a fantastic way to make your presentation more engaging and get your point across.

A photo is, after all, worth a thousand words. Your audience will relate to images more than plain text. And finding the right image for each idea/point is like hitting the jackpot.

presentation slide example with high resolution image following brand guidelines showing brand personality

For these reasons, it’s essential to add high-resolution and relevant images to your brand presentations. Spend some time sourcing these images, and make sure they adhere to your overall brand awareness strategy and align with your brand colors. 

Luckily, Piktochart’s integration with Pexels allows you to access a library of over 3000+ high-quality photos and more.

preview of the Pexels library of high-quality photos in Piktochart for your brand awareness presentations

7. Use humor–but in a good way

Good humor can differentiate between a great and a memorable brand presentation.

a comic about humor in marketing using simple words

Don’t be shy to throw in jokes and memes to stir people’s sense of humor. In fact, you could even consider adding some memes to your slides as long as they align with your marketing goals and brand awareness strategy.

Another great way to add more humor is to use gifs. Here, avoid using niche or nerdy humor and stick with common and familiar areas. Using these formats is a great way to give your audience a good laugh and make your presentation memorable.

You can even use gifs to encourage an emotion or a reaction to what you shared. It should ideally give your audience an idea of how to react. For example, when sharing surprising data, use familiar gifs to convey each important metric.

Another critical thing to remember here is to use them strategically. If you use them a lot, they may distract the audience from what’s important. Correct timing makes a joke funny; the same principle applies to building presentations.

an example of a a humorous presentation slide for brand awareness

8. Think about the wider use of your presentation

Keep the flow and content of your presentation in mind if it has the potential to be shared later.

Here’s why: Each slide should be complete and comprehensive, and the presentation should make sense even when you’re not around to share additional context. Each slide should promote and establish brand awareness for your large or small business.

The slides from a talent management and recruitment presentation template below are great examples.

marketing presentation slide cover brand awareness

You know you’ve done an excellent job if someone were to go through your entire brand presentation and understands what you were trying to communicate.

The jokes, graphs, and pointers in your presentation should be constructed to achieve this goal.

9. Get someone to proofread

Even when you think you’ve nailed your brand presentation and adhered to your brand guidelines , get someone to proofread it for you.

Even when you’ve gone through all the slides hundreds of times, get someone to see it differently. No matter how confident you are, get someone to proofread your presentation.

There’s nothing more embarrassing than standing in a room full of people giving a presentation and realizing a spelling error. Yikes!

For example, let’s say you’re fluent in English and have a strong command of the language. If you’re presenting in the US, the spelling of “colors” will be different than if you’re presenting to a European crowd that spells it as “colours” with a “u.”

This blunder comes across as unprofessional, which can be why someone hesitates to do business with you and your brand.

People who proofread may always be able to highlight an error or two, and they also can give you their feedback on whether your jokes are appropriate or not, and if they can follow your story.

10. Rehearse multiple times

Practice makes perfect! The more you rehearse, the more gaps and inconsistencies you’ll find. It’ll also help you understand your story and time yourself better.

You’ll be able to identify any dull points or unnecessary information while rehearsing, and it’ll help you nail your brand presentation.

You’re Ready To Roll Out Your Brand Presentation

Thousands of tools and resources are available today to help businesses build and communicate their brand better (most of them are free). Piktochart’s presentation maker provides great examples to get started quickly on your branded presentation and other relevant assets. Try it for free . 

The key to this task lies in identifying the right presentations to build brand awareness and using them to design beautiful brand presentations that seal the deal.

Be ready for brand perception changes

Finally, keep in mind that you will never be in complete control of your prospects, consumers, or customers’ perception of your branding.

Brand perception can change over time due to a variety of factors, including changes in the marketplace, shifts in customer preferences, and the brand’s own actions or messaging. Here are some ways brand perception can change:

  • Changes in the marketplace: The competitive landscape can change rapidly, and new competitors may emerge with new products or services that offer a better value proposition to customers. If a brand fails to adapt to these changes, its perception may suffer as customers switch to competitors.
  • Changes in customer preferences: As customer preferences change, brands must adapt their products, messaging, and overall strategy to remain relevant. For example, a brand that was once known for its traditional values may need to update its image to appeal to younger, more diverse customers.
  • Brand messaging: The way a brand communicates its message can also impact perception. If a brand’s messaging becomes inconsistent or fails to align with its values or target audience, it may be perceived as less trustworthy or less relevant.
  • Negative publicity: Negative publicity or scandals can have a significant impact on a brand’s perception. Customers may lose trust in the brand or associate it with negative traits, which can be difficult to overcome.
  • Positive experiences: Positive customer experiences can help to improve a brand’s perception. When customers have a good experience with a brand, they are more likely to recommend it to others and have a positive view of the brand overall.

Overall, brand perception can change over time due to a range of internal and external factors. Brands must be aware of these changes and take steps to adapt their strategy and messaging to remain relevant and competitive in the marketplace.

The most important thing is you’re always putting your best foot forward to build brand awareness every time you interact with your audience, from your packaging, brochures , your FAQ page, and all the way to your business presentations. 

As long as you keep your audience in mind and apply the tips we mentioned above, you’ll be well on your way to build stunning brand presentations.

Alisha Shibli

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25+ Best Brand Presentation Templates & Examples

When it comes to showcasing a brand’s identity, values, and unique selling propositions, visuals play an indispensable role and presentations remain one of the most effective tools.

To help depict a brand’s story in the most compelling way, a well-structured brand presentation template is a must-have asset. We’ll help you find the perfect presentation template for your project.

In this post, we showcase the best brand presentation templates , hand-selected for their aesthetic alignment with various branding strategies, their functionality, and their adaptability to different storytelling styles.

From sleek and modern templates that speak to innovative brands, to warm and organic designs for those with a story rooted in tradition, our list of presentation templates ensures that your brand’s voice is not just heard, but felt. Have a look and see for yourself.

How Does Unlimited PowerPoint Templates Sound?

Download thousands of PowerPoint templates, and many other design elements, with an Envato membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 19+ million presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

Modern PPT Templates

Modern PPT Templates

New & innovative.

BeMind Minimal Template

BeMind Minimal Template

Minimal PPT Templates

Minimal PPT Templates

Clean & clear.

Explore PowerPoint Templates

Coverse – Modern Brand Presentation Template

Coverse - Modern Brand Presentation Template

Coverse is a modern PowerPoint template that offers a sleek and contemporary design for brand presentations. It includes 20 unique layouts that have been meticulously crafted. Features include image placeholders, a full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, versatile layout, text variations, business guideline pages, and much more.

Vaselina – Brand Presentation PowerPoint Template

Vaselina - Brand Presentation PowerPoint Template

Vaselina PowerPoint template is a professionally created and fully customizable slideshow for brand presentations. With its chic, ultramodern design, 20 unique layouts, easy-to-edit elements, and full HD frames, this template allows for individualized presentations that rely on your images and unique brand story.

Imagine – Brand PowerPoint Presentation Template

Imagine - Brand PowerPoint Presentation Template

Imagine is a versatile PowerPoint template perfect for modern brands. With its 30 customizable slides, it’s great for showcasing various fields like photography, business, fashion, and more. Its smooth 16:9 ratio guarantees pixel-perfect imagery. Plus, it features easy-to-use drag-and-drop placeholders and a selection of free fonts.

Nanase – Brand Presentation PowerPoint Template

Nanase - Brand Presentation PowerPoint Template

Nanase is a sleek, professionally designed PowerPoint template, perfect for brand presentations. The ultra-modern design features 35 unique layouts, easy image placeholders, and customizable text variations. Crafted with attention to detail, it’s multipurpose, and suitable for business, portfolio, corporate, branding, and advertising presentations.

Stint – Creative Brand Presentation Template

Stint - Creative Brand Presentation Template

Stint is a premium PowerPoint template specially designed with an aesthetically minimal design for fashion or lifestyle brand companies. This high-resolution template comes with 34 modern, unique slides that are easily edited and customized to your needs, and includes features like drag-and-drop image placeholders, free fonts, vector icons, master slides, and more.

Brand Proposal Presentation Template

Brand Proposal Presentation Template

This is a PowerPoint template that will elevate your brand presentations with its vibrant, professional design. It boasts a range of dynamic features such as photo layouts, infographics, tables, vector icons, and diagrams to effectively portray your work and company profile.

Brand Guideline Presentation Template

Brand Guideline Presentation Template

Another PowerPoint template to craft professional branding presentations for modern companies. It sports a minimal design and allows easy integration of your logos, images, and brand colors. This template features 25 unique slides covering different sections such as Cover, Brand Overview, Typography, and Contact. The elements are resizable, and the template can be exported as a PDF or PPTX for easy sharing with clients.

T’Lady – Brand Presentation Deck Template

T'Lady - Brand Presentation Deck Template

T’Lady is a distinctive, professionally designed PowerPoint template suitable for any presentation need. Especially suitable for fashion brand presentations, the template offers a variety of layout and text variations, easy image placement, and customization features, including effortless color change and unique portfolio slides.

Celtic – Brand Strategy Presentation Template

Celtic - Brand Strategy Presentation Template

The Celtic PowerPoint template offers over 35 creatively designed slides tailored for brand presentations. With HD resolution and a modern, unique layout, it provides a platform to showcase your business in an engaging but simple way. Its user-friendly design makes customization easy, with drag-and-drop image placeholders and free fonts.

Brand Guideline Presentation Template

A PowerPoint template ideal for outlining your brand’s rules and guidelines. It will save you all the hard work of creating one from scratch. It’s easy to customize this professional and minimalistic asset with your logo, images, brand colors, and typography. With over 30 unique slides including a cover page, content overview, mission and vision, and specific sections for logo, color palette, typography, and more.

Barriers – Modern Brand Presentation Template

Barriers - Modern Brand Presentation Template

The Barriers is a polished and ultra-modern PowerPoint template designed with meticulous attention to detail. It features 20 unique layouts varying in design and text, a 1920 x 1080 px resolution, image placeholders, and a simple drag & drop function. Perfect for presenting modern brands, it is easy to customize, fully editable, and comes with free support.

Volosa – Brand Fashion Presentation

Volosa - Brand Fashion Presentation

Volosa is a thoughtfully designed PowerPoint template specifically tailored for fashion brands seeking an up-to-date and chic design style for their presentations. Boasting 24 unique slides, image placeholders, high-resolution design, the flexibility of layout and textual variations, and user-friendly Slide Master features for easy customization, Volosa offers intriguing details, expertly crafted for your convenience and branding needs.

Commerca – Brand Guideline Presentation Template

Commerca - Brand Guideline Presentation Template

Commerca is a highly versatile and professional PowerPoint template, perfect for brand presentations. The template features over 30 unique slides, equipped with media and image placeholders for easy customization. It also includes editable maps, resizable vector elements, and offers unlimited color options.

Stylish Brand Guidelines Presentation Template

Stylish Brand Guidelines Presentation Template

This is an easy-to-use PowerPoint template that allows you to effortlessly customize your brand presentation with your logo, images, colors, and typography. It has 34 editable pages full of features such as resizable vector elements, editable charts, infographics, and a plethora of sections that cover everything from brand values, photography style to social media and more.

Bold Brand Proposal Presentation Deck Template

Bold Brand Proposal Presentation Deck Template

Another PowerPoint template designed for modern brand presentations. Easy to use, it is perfect for showcasing your talents, products, or services in a stunning, professional style. The template features a master slide layout, 20 unique animated slides, theme color adaptation, and resizable vector elements.

Altto – Modern Brand Presentation Template

Altto - Modern Brand Presentation Template

Altto is a modern brand presentation template, perfect for contemporary companies looking to elevate their PowerPoint presentations. Boasting a professional design created with meticulous attention to detail, it features 20 unique layouts, image placeholders, various text formations, and business guideline pages.

Bara – Brand Presentation PowerPoint Template

Bara - Brand Presentation PowerPoint Template

The Bara PowerPoint template is an ultra-modern, professionally designed slideshow ideal for showcasing brand concepts. Boasting 20 unique layouts, flexible text variations, and a drag-and-drop image feature, this 1080p, fully editable template truly simplifies content presentation.

Aesthetic Brand Guidelines Powerpoint Presentation

Aesthetic Brand Guidelines Powerpoint Presentation

This is a beautifully crafted PowerPoint template that serves as a visually appealing guide for your brand’s identity. It features a modern, aesthetically pleasing design that promotes a consistent brand image. Ideal for organizations in various stages of brand definition, this fully customizable template boasts a unique layout, free fonts, and drag-and-drop image placeholders.

Trendy Brand Guidelines Presentation Template

Trendy Brand Guidelines Presentation Template

This is a sleek and unique PowerPoint design perfect for creating brand guideline presentations. It comes with 30 different slide layouts that you can tailor to your brand’s style, including a drag-and-drop function for easily replacing photos. With resizable vector elements, a full HD 16:9 ratio, and free fonts, this template makes professional presentation creation straightforward and enjoyable.

Azura – Brand Strategy Presentation Deck

Azura - Brand Strategy Presentation Deck

Azura is a powerful, contemporary PowerPoint template perfect for showcasing brand strategies and company profiles. This professional template offers a clean design with creative photo layouts, infographics, editable vector icons, and diagrams. It’s user-friendly, easily customizable, and available across multiple formats.

Brand Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Template

Brand Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Template

Take your brand presentations to the next level with the Riya PowerPoint template. This straightforward yet powerful template features contemporary design elements like creative photo layouts, infographics, tables, vector icons, and diagrams, highlighting your work and company profile in a fresh way.

Colorful Brand Presentation Template

Colorful Brand Presentation Template

This is a vibrant and distinctive PowerPoint template suitable for a vast range of presentations. This asset is not only professional and ultramodern, but its design is also crafted meticulously for optimal display. Key features include image placeholders, multiple layout variations, business guidelines pages, easily customizable elements, and a unique color change mechanism.

Minimal Brand Proposal Presentation Template

Minimal Brand Proposal Presentation Template

This minimal PowerPoint template makes it convenient for you to set up your brand’s proposition for clients. Boasting a clean, timeless aesthetic, this template comes with 20 unique slides and resizable elements, it also offers myriad sections such as Welcome, About, Special Service, and Contact. The straightforward design and adaptability serve a range of clients superbly.

Free Brand Presentation Templates

Free urban clothing brand pitch deck presentation.

Free Urban Clothing Brand Pitch Deck Presentation

This is a modern pitch deck template for branding presentations. It’s especially perfect for modern, urban clothing brands and fashion brands to present their brand identities. The template includes 32 unique slides and it comes in PowerPoint and Google Slides formats.

Free Brand Identity Presentation Template

Free Brand Identity Presentation Template

A creative and minimalist brand presentation template featuring simple colors and illustrations filled with geometric shapes. This template is ideal for presenting bold brand identity designs. It includes fully customizable slides.

Free Social Media Branding Guidelines Presentation

Free Social Media Branding Guidelines Presentation

A very colorful and stylish brand presentation template for PowerPoint and Google Slides. This template features 28 unique slides full of gradient colors and stylish typography. It’s perfect for presenting social media branding guidelines for modern businesses.

Free Brand Key Pitch Deck Presentation

Free Brand Key Pitch Deck Presentation

This PowerPoint template features a very simple slide design that effectively highlights your content above all else. It includes lots of useful slides with editable vector graphics, maps, charts, and more.

Free Sports Brand Marketing Plan Presentation

Free Sports Brand Marketing Plan Presentation

Even though this PowerPoint template is designed with sports brands in mind, you can easily customize the slides to create presentations for many other types of brands as well. It also comes in Google Slides format.

The Ultimate Brand Identity Presentation Guide [FREE PPT Template]


If you’re in the process of building the right image for your company, it’s essential that you and your team manage clear guidelines on how to present your brand to the world .

These guidelines will help you maintain consistency (a KEY aspect of branding), and that’s why today, I’ll show you how to create a brand identity presentation that helps you inject your corporate identity into every single material.

brand product presentation

We’ll go over the following topics:

  • Starting with the basics: What is a brand identity presentation?

How to present a brand identity?

What to include in a brand identity presentation.

  • Your Brand Identity
  • Your Brand Visual Elements (+ Expert Tips!)
  • What to expect? Brand identity presentation examples
  • Check out our FREE Brand identity presentation template!
  • Final Step: Brand Your Guidelines! Check out how we can help you out

Download your brand identity presentation PDF

What is a brand identity presentation.

A brand identity presentation is a practical and efficient way to present your brand’s guidelines. What are brand guidelines? They are a set of rules on how your brand should be used across any type of media.

These guidelines include all of your brand’s elements, such as your typography, color palette, tone of voice, etc . They provide all the instructions you need to maintain consistency every time you create new marketing materials, from brochures to flyers, packaging, and even your branded presentations .

brand product presentation

The best way to present your brand identity is through a PowerPoint presentation. Why? For several reasons:

  • Adaptability: Having all your brand's elements in a PowerPoint presentation not only provides the convenience of having everything accessible but also offers the flexibility to adapt it to various formats, such as social media and websites.
  • Familiarity: PowerPoint is already a tool you likely use regularly. This familiarity makes using it for brand identity design presentation the easiest choice.
  • Rich content: PowerPoint presentations have ample space for including visual examples, videos, and essential links. They encompass a wide array of content types, including text, charts, infographics, and videos.

Let's take a look at all the elements you should include in your brand identity presentation:

Your brand identity

1. Mission and Vision

Including your mission and vision in your brand identity design presentation is vital because it defines your brand’s purpose and long-term goals . You should structure these slides with a brief introduction followed by concise mission and vision statements:

brand product presentation

2. Brand Purpose

Your brand’s purpose allows your audience to emotionally connect with your content, so it is crucial to include it to ensure everyone in the company creates content aligned with it. Present a brief statement with any explanation you’d like to have:

brand product presentation

Including your brand’s values in your presentation is crucial as it helps match your team's actions and decisions with the core principles your brand stands for . You can present them simply or provide explanations for each one:

brand product presentation

4. Tone of voice

Explaining your brand's preferred tone of voice is essential because it sets the style for all your content. Be sure to provide a description of how your brand should communicate and share examples about what to do and what not to do in order to clarify expectations:

brand product presentation

5. Intended audience

By presenting your buyer persona, you ensure that everyone involved understands who the brand is speaking to . This way, you help them create content that resonates with the target audience:

brand product presentation

Your Brand Visual Elements

Now, let’s check out the visual elements you should definitely include :

6. Logo design

Your logo is a cornerstone of your brand identity. Including it, along with variations and do’s and don'ts , ensures that everyone has access to and uses it correctly, which helps maintain a professional and consistent brand image:

brand product presentation

7. Typography

Presenting your chosen typography is essential for maintaining a uniform visual identity in your text-based content. Include font styles for different types of text and usage guidelines to ensure that all written materials adhere to your brand’s style:

brand product presentation

8. Brand Colors

Displaying your primary brand colors and their codes is essential for consistent visual branding. By providing the color palette and codes , you ensure that all design elements align with your brand's color scheme:

brand product presentation

9. Photography

Explaining the style and types of photography that align with your brand is crucial. Make sure to include examples of preferred photography styles that help your team understand the visual aesthetic your brand aims to achieve :

brand product presentation

10. Illustrations

If illustrations are part of your brand, presenting their style and usage guidelines is vital . You should include examples that illustrate the desired style and do’s and don’ts, making it easier for designers and content creators to maintain consistency in visuals:

brand product presentation

Additionally, make sure you include these supplementary recommendations to elevate the quality even further, as suggested by our design managers Ramaditya Ananda and Indah Yuniarti .

As Ramaditya says:

“Make sure to include a link to access existing assets so it’s easier and faster for designers to use them.”

Including links to ALL the assets is a great way to facilitate the process for everyone designing or creating content. Attach these links for your logos, illustrations, shapes, etc.

Additionally, remember that you should include as many examples as possibl e. Try to be as specific as you can to ensure that all your content is illustrated exactly as you have in mind. As Indah adds:

"Be specific about how you would like to visualize your brand. Provide context regarding how the elements should be used and include the DO's and DON'Ts. Offer examples of both correct and incorrect applications of brand guidelines to help minimize errors in their implementation."

Check out the final product: Brand identity presentation examples

Ready to see the final product? Check out some amazing brand identity presentation examples.

Skype provides a great example of everything you must include in your presentation, especially how to present it. Skype’s guide offers a visually appealing yet playful presentation that cleverly introduces all of the brand’s elements in carefully crafted storytelling.

See the full brand guide here .

brand product presentation

Heineken’s brand identity presentation provides every detail you should be including in your own presentation. They consider every single element, from all the logo variations, to all the visual elements the content creators or designers could need.

Check out the full brand guide here .

brand product presentation

FREE Brand identity presentation template!

Now you’re ready to create your own brand style guide!

And to help you in the process, the 24Slides designers created a PowerPoint template that follows the structure we’ve seen above. Take this as your starting point in the making of your company’s brand identity presentation .

brand product presentation

This hands-on brand identity presentation template comes with 20 slides for you to insert each one of your brand elements. If you feel ready to start, click on the image. You’ll be sent to our Templates Hub where you can download these slides for free.

However, as you might already notice, this is a generic template . It helps tremendously to get everything structured and in place as your first draft, but it’s not quite the finished document you want to present.

There’s one last step you shouldn’t skip if you really want to create a brand style guide that you and your team feel proud of.

Final Step: Brand Your Guidelines!

How are you going to encourage people to use your brand properly if you don’t do it yourself? Branding your guidelines, or any of your presentations , is key!

Your brand style guide or brand identity presentation is an excellent opportunity to practice what you preach and show how a document can breathe and live your brand to the fullest.

Ideally, your brand manual will be a consultation document for internal and external teams (graphic designers, copywriters, web developers, marketers, consultants, etc.), so it makes sense to have it aligned with your brand as well.

If you envision your brand style guide with a professional aspect but don’t know exactly how to get it there, you might be interested in outsourcing your presentation design .

At 24Slides , our PowerPoint designers are experts at making presentations that truly reflect your brand and values. Just check some of our before-and-after examples :

brand product presentation

If you’ve already got all your elements and text in your brand identity PowerPoint template, all you need to do is send it our way ! Our designers have provided top-notch presentations to thousands of professionals and companies around the world, so rest assured your slides are in good hands.

brand product presentation

But if you’d like to test the service first, that’s totally okay! We’re all about transparency and 100% customer satisfaction, so here’s a try-out offer for you : Send us one slide (maybe the cover of your brand style guide!), and we’ll redesign it for just one dollar. This is a cool way to experience what our presentation design service can do for you and your team.

As I mentioned before, no two brand style guides are the same. These 10 points we’ve covered are the essential parts any brand style guide should have, but you can add others according to what your brand needs.

Just remember to keep your brand style guide short, easy to read for everyone, and shareable!

Ready to create your own brand identity presentation? Look no further - this template is your ultimate tool to make it happen! Download it for free:

brand product presentation

Want to learn more?

  • Get superb on-brand presentations with 24Slides!
  • Corporate Identity: Why is Branding Important in a Presentation?
  • How to Write a Design Brief for Your Next Project?
  • Rebranding Checklist: 5 Aspects You Should Consider

Create professional presentations online

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Home Blog Design How to Create a Successful Brand Presentation (Tips + Templates)

How to Create a Successful Brand Presentation (Tips + Templates)

Cover for Brand Presentation guide by SlideModel

A well-crafted presentation can distinguish between securing a deal and losing a potential client. Depending on your industry, competition can be fierce when presenting ideas, strategies, and results in the most impactful format while working with a professional aesthetic. On this behalf, a branded presentation goes beyond a mere collection of slides; it visually represents a company’s identity and values.

This article will guide you in the concept of branded presentations, differentiating them from brand identity in presentations and exploring the essential elements to secure their maximum potential. Additionally, we provide a list of ready-made PowerPoint templates to make your design job easier.

Table of Contents

What is a Branded Presentation?

What is the difference between brand presentation and brand identity presentation, elements of a brand presentation, how to create a brand presentation slide by slide, tips for creating an effective branded presentation, recommended brand presentation powerpoint templates, final words.

A branded presentation is a customized set of PowerPoint slides that reflect a company’s unique design style and visual identity. This means that the presentation includes specific elements that are consistent with the company’s branding guidelines. These elements often encompass the company’s logo, brand colors, fonts, photography style, and other graphical elements that are part of the company’s visual identity.

Branded presentations are required tools for an efficient communication plan in any business or organization, considering both internal and external communications. By incorporating the visual elements that define the brand, these presentations help maintain a cohesive brand image, reinforcing brand awareness.

Although brand presentation and brand identity presentations are terms used interchangeably, there are considerable differences between them as they are used in their respective contexts.

Brand Presentation

A brand presentation communicates various business-related information, such as project updates, sales reports, marketing strategies, and more. It is tailored to fit the specific message and audience of the presentation while ensuring that all visual elements adhere to the company’s branding guidelines. The focus is on the presentation’s content, with the branding elements providing a consistent and professional backdrop.

Brand Identity Presentation

On the other hand, a brand identity presentation is specifically designed to introduce and explain the elements of a company’s brand identity. This type of presentation is often used during brand rollouts, rebranding efforts, or to onboard new employees and partners. It provides a comprehensive overview of the brand’s visual and verbal identity, including the logo (read our article on logo presentation for more insights), color palette, typography , imagery, tone of voice, and brand values . The goal is to educate and align all stakeholders on the brand’s look and feel, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints.

Bonus tip: Check our guide on color theory to learn how to create harmonic color palettes for your brand identity presentation.

The following elements must be included in any brand deck.

The company’s logo should be prominently displayed on each slide. There are multiple methods to accomplish that: a footer, a watermark logo, a small logo at the top-right corner of the slide, etc.

Using a logo in a slide deck helps to immediately associate the presentation with a company or organization.

Brand Colors

When creating the slides, the use of the company’s color palette must be considered to maintain a consistent aesthetic and integrate the logo as a natural element. 

Presenters can use different color schemes if the logo is monochromatic or harmonious palettes in case we count with a pre-established color selection. To create a unified look, these colors should be used for backgrounds, text, and graphical elements.

Have you ever heard the phrase “less is more”? Certainly, this applies to the use of fonts in your presentation slides. A branding presentation must work with the same typefaces selected for the logo or with options defined at the brand identity stage.

As a general rule, never use more than three different typefaces or more than three font weights in the same slide deck.

Imagery Style

One aspect that defines a professional brand aesthetic is to count with images or photos in the same style across slides. If you work with photos, then stick to similar editing settings. If you opt for illustrations, then continue using illustrations across the branded slides. 

Another example is mixing black-and-white images with fully colored images. As a rule, you should use the same color scheme across your images.

Graphical Elements

Icons, graphs, patterns, charts, shapes, and any other graphical element. On this behalf, you can find fine examples of what to include in these categories:

  • Brand Strategy PowerPoint templates
  • Brand Awareness templates
  • Brand Management templates

While primarily visual, the tone of voice in any text or spoken elements should also reflect the brand’s personality and values. Avoid unnecessary jargon and changes between active and passive voice.

Creating a branded presentation is fairly easy once you master the steps. The core structure remains the same, but the body slides can be changed depending on the requirements of your presentation.

Title Slide

This slide sets the tone for the entire presentation. In a few words, it’s your introduction card. 

The company logo should be prominently displayed but in a subtle way so it doesn’t compete with the text. The presentation title must use the brand’s font and color scheme, including a subtitle with a lighter font weight version of the brand’s font. Format the date and presenter’s name so that it can be easy to edit if the slide deck has to be repurposed.

Title slide in a branded presentation

Agenda Slide

The agenda slide serves to outline the main points to be covered in the presentation, hence giving the audience a clear understanding of what to expect. You can use the brand’s accent colors to highlight each point of the talk or creative PPT icons to bring attention.

Use of color in branded presentation slide

Introduction Slide

Like any other presentation, you need to introduce the purpose and context. A branded presentation would take into account the imagery style, color palette, typefaces, and logo placement.

Introduction slide in a brand presentation

Body Slides

Depending on the kind of presentation you’re building, the structure of the slides will vary. Since consistent logo placement is a must in branded presentations, in our experience, it’s best to stick with the top-right corner or footer as a potential position for it. If you opt for the latter, be sure to place the logo at the opposite corner of the slide number indicator. Keep in mind you don’t have to add the logo to all slides, as that’s overwhelming for the viewer.

Charts and graphs have to bear the same color palette designated for the brand identity or directly contrasting colors in case we work with a monochromatic scheme. One useful concept to master is the brand essence wheel , as it can help us curate which content is relevant for our presentation, depending on the context.

Body slide with branding values

Conclusion Slide

When defining how to end a presentation , presenters summarize the core concepts disclosed in the presentation and use call-to-actions to elicit a response from the audience. The text should be kept concise and focused, using the brand’s accent colors for the call to action button or graphics.

Conclusion slide with CTA in brand presentation

Tip #1 – Start with a Template

Working with professionally-designed PowerPoint templates cuts down the branded slides creation process by over 200%. Not only do you not have to worry about color pairing or font pairing choices, but you also ensure that a consistent look is going to be used across all slides in your deck. In case you don’t find a template that bears the same colors as your branding, you can easily customize it in both PowerPoint or Google Slides.

Tip #2 – Leverage Social Proof

Incorporate testimonials, client logos, and case studies that reflect your brand’s credibility. This is of particular interest in scenarios like business pitches or sales presentations, where your reputation is the one key factor that can make or break a deal.

Tip #3 – Incorporate Motion Graphics

Not all presentations have to bear a boring, old-school 2D look. Using branded motion graphics or animations is a great method to engage your audience and explain complex concepts in a more dynamic format.

Tip #4 – Negative Space is Your Friend

Don’t overload slides with tons of content to show how much you know about a topic. A presenter who mastered the art of communication is well aware that less is more, so learn how to effectively use negative space to make the slides look clean. Focus on emphasizing key content rather than populating slides on the go.

Tip #5 – About Your Backgrounds

Use simple, branded backgrounds to focus the attention on the content, not the graphics. Gradient effects can be used as long as they remain subtle.

Tip #6 – Test for Accessibility

A point to take into account, especially for company-wide presentations, is to check for high-contrast colors, readable fonts, and alt text for images. Considering accessibility for your presentations is a must these days if you care about your attendees and the experience they get out of your content.

Tip #7 – Logo Placement

Unlike what most people think, your logo doesn’t need to be shown on every single slide. In fact, that’s a bad practice as you overcrowd the slides with content. It’s a very different scenario if we talk about academic presentations where the slides may be repurposed for educational content – thus, your branding is important in terms of intellectual property. Once again, for most cases, placing your logo every 3-4 slides is good and plenty.

1. Operational Planning Branded Presentation PPT Template

Technology and Innovation Template Slide

This slide deck contains all that’s required to create accurate report presentations on logistics, processes, management, HR, and more. This animated brand presentation template counts with a cohesive aesthetic and carefully thought logo placement to meet the requirements of each slide. Check it out!

Use This Template

2. Branded Corporate Event Planning PowerPoint Template

Managing Attendees PowerPoint Slide - Corporate Planning PPT Template

Ideal for HR professionals, event planners, managers, and anyone who has to organize a corporate event. We count with multiple tools for decision-making processes in event management, such as event goals, dos and don’ts for venue location selection, event marketing strategies, and the list goes on. A creative color palette with a nice logo placement distributed across 15 slides.

3. Minimalistic Black & White Brand Presentation Template

Black & White Template Slide

Whenever you need to create a formal, clean-looking brand presentation in a monochromatic palette, this is the option to check. Nine slides with a clear structure that doesn’t overwhelm the viewer are perfect for introducing a company, presenting a series of facts, or for in-company meetings. A ‘Thank You’ slide with contact information and social media icons is also included.

4. Branded Corporate Expense Management PPT Template

Tools and Technologies Slide

Intended for training financial professionals in the art of tracking the movements, budget, and overall expenses of any corporation, this slide deck manages an analogous color palette and pre-established placeholder areas for logo placement. The balance between colors ensures an appropriate contrast and an excellent readability experience.

5. Company Profile Branded Presentation Template

Contact Us Slide PPT Template

If you’re looking for a slide deck packed with tools to deliver a company profile presentation, but also considering branding requirements, see no further. This is the option to go in terms of ease of editing, graphics quality, and resources offered. 18 slides to check and customize now.

Coming up with a branded presentation is not a complex process. Presenters can use multiple tools available online to come up with professional-quality results, like presentation templates, font pairing tools, branding guideline documents, and the list goes on. It’s important to highlight the brand in the subtle details, like color selection, rather than overloading slides with badly sized logos or repeated branding elements (i.e., website address). Keep it simple and iterate to achieve your desired result.

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Brand, Brand Consistency Filed under Design

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How to make your branding presentation a success

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera March 30, 2024

For all brands, whether established or new, pitching your identity and intentions as a brand should be an important part of presentations. But, it’s not always easy to showcase your brand in the way you envision. This is why knowing how to create the perfect branding deck is important. With Prezi, merging your ideas into a branding presentation has never been easier. Read on to learn more about what a branding deck is and get the knowledge you need to showcase your brand in the right way. 

What is a branding presentation? 

People use branding presentations for several reasons. They can be used to introduce a brand and explain their values and business strategy. They’re also used to brief marketing teams or partners or align internal teams with the brand’s direction. They can be useful for all brands, from newly established to global companies. 

A branding presentation will usually consist of: 

  • Brand overview;
  • Detailed information about the brand’s target market;
  • How the brand positions itself in the market;
  • Showcase of the brand’s visual elements (logo, color palette, imagery);
  • Explanation of the brand’s communication style (voice, tone);
  • Examples of how the brand identity is applied across various mediums;
  • Brand guidelines and standards.

Examples of branding presentations

We’ve put together some examples of branding presentations that were created using Prezi. 

Personal branding presentation 

The following example is a personal branding presentation, which uses the same principles as a normal branding presentation. Only, the brand you’re selling is yourself. This presentation is created by the help of Prezi AI , and you can reuse this presentation example and fill in the placeholders with your own information. You can showcase your strengths, values, and goals, and add a personal touch to make it authentically yours. Or, you can also use Prezi AI to create a presentation like this in minutes or even seconds.

Fashion branding presentation 

The following branding presentation could be used for a fashion brand. The presentation design, created using Prezi AI , matches the aesthetic appeal a fashion brand might want to use. This is a good example of storytelling as the presentation moves through each point telling the audience about the brand and what their intentions are. The fashion brand presentation also explores its identity and heritage, which is a great way to connect with the audience on a personal level. You can simply reuse this presentation, add your content and personal touch, and present it right away.

Grammarly brand presentation 

This presentation on Grammarly is a great example of staying consistent and true to your brand. When you look at the overall theme of the presentation, such as the colors and fonts used, you can see that the brand identity is solid all the way through. This is a great way of sharing what you envision your brand to look like with the audience. 

8 Tips to help you create the best branding presentation

Now we know what a branding presentation should consist of, let’s look at some tips to help you in the creation process. 

Start with a strong story 

In order to captivate your audience from the beginning, you need to come up with a story that captures your brand’s mission, vision, and values. A storytelling approach helps to engage your audience emotionally and intellectually, making your brand’s purpose and direction clear from the outset. 

Know your audience 

Think about who you’re presenting to, as this will help you highlight the more relevant aspects of your brand. Whether you’re presenting to clients, stakeholders, or internal teams, tailor your branding presentation to the specific interests and expectations of your audience. 

Branding presentation for an audience.

Highlight the unique value proposition 

In order for people to take your brand seriously, you should talk about what sets you apart from your competitors. Think about the unique benefits your brand offers compared to similar brands, and highlight these points. You should make your unique value proposition the main focus of your presentation to showcase why your brand matters. 

Use interesting visuals 

Another great way to grab your audience’s attention is to make your branding presentation look visually interesting. You should include your brand logo and color scheme throughout to reinforce who you are. When it comes to including imagery, it’s important to choose images that correlate with your message, and they should be relevant to the information on your presentation slides. When used in the right way, visuals can be really good at strengthening the points you’re making. 

A women presenting a presentation with a school presentation theme

Examples of your brand in action 

The best way to get people on board with your brand is to make them believe in it. The best way to do this is to show them your brand in action. This could be from brand packaging and advertising examples to displaying your digital presence. By showing how your branding is applied in real-world circumstances, you’re bringing your brand to life, rather than just talking about it. 

Be concise and focused

Your audience is going to soak in information better if you keep your presentation clear and to the point. Think about the key points you want to make, and stick to them. You could use each slide of your branding presentation to make one key point, this way you’re not overloading each slide with too much information, which can be confusing. When thinking about how you want your presentation to look, avoid cramming your slides with too much text and too many visual elements. Your message will come across much clearer if you keep it simple. 

Interactive elements 

This is an aspect that can really boost your presentation and make it less boring. For branding presentations, you might want to include interactive elements like a live demonstration or an interactive session where the audience can experience your products or platform firsthand. Another idea might be to encourage your audience to participate in discussions, like sharing their experiences or expectations of your product or service. For virtual branding presentations, use Live Prezi to take interactivity to the next level. With Live Prezi, you can create an interactive presentation experience in real-time. Simply set up your link and share it with anyone, anywhere. Up to 100 participants can join your Live Prezi session and follow along as you guide them through your compelling content.

Business women trainer having a Zoom meeting.

End with a clear call to action 

It’s important that you make it clear to your audience what action you need them to take following your presentation. This might be seeking approval or feedback, or a specific, unique action you require from your branding presentation. Either way, you should be clear about the next steps you want the audience to take following your presentation. 

Pitfalls to avoid 

We’ve already discussed things that you should consider when creating your branding deck, now let’s look at some mistakes you should avoid. 

Too much information 

A common mistake when making branding presentations is putting too much information onto the slides. Overloading slides in this way is going to be distracting for your audience. Try using bullet points to make each point clear and use visuals that complement your spoken words. With Prezi’s AI text editing tool , you can easily modify your text to match your desired outcome in seconds. Make text longer, shorter, or create a concise and engaging list.


When you use a mixture of styles, fonts and colors throughout your branding presentation, it screams amateur. You should make sure the whole thing looks in alignment with your brand and stays consistent for the whole presentation. Staying constant with the visual aspect helps to paint a picture of what your brand looks like. To feel more confident in your design choices, use Prezi’s AI presentation maker – it’ll suggest matching color schemes, layouts, and more, to match your topic and style.

Underestimating your audience’s knowledge 

Assuming your audience knows too little or too much can cause confusion. Make your presentation just right for what they know about your brand and the field it’s in. Give them new things to learn without making it too simple.

Skipping your brand’s story

People tend to resonate with stories and purposes. Failing to talk about who you are as a brand and what you stand for can cause your audience to disconnect. You should make it a personal branding presentation that mentions your values and intentions. 

Failure to mention competitors

It’s important to let your audience know where your brand sits in the market. When you fail to discuss your competitors, your audience may deem this ignorant or naive. The purpose of mentioning your competitors is to show how your brand can outshine them and what values you have to offer that they don’t. Without this, your audience will be left with questions about your brand’s uniqueness and whether you’ll fit in the market. 

Forgetting to proofread 

If your presentation contains typos, spelling mistakes, or inaccuracies, you may come across as unprofessional and questions about your brand’s credibility may arise. Remember, branding presentations are all about giving off a good first impression, so make sure you’ve checked each slide properly before your big moment arrives. 

Don’t rely too heavily on text

When the screen is crammed with text, it can make your branding presentation look dull and make it harder for your audience to follow. By using visuals to explain your points instead of lots of text, the audience can process your message much faster. After all, you’re going to be the voice of the brand, so stick to a few bullet points and elaborate with speech. 

Not preparing for questions 

Your audience is bound to have questions about your brand and goals, and how you plan on reaching these goals. Since there’s no way of knowing what questions will be thrown at you, it’s a good idea to prepare beforehand. 

Rear view shot of a businessman raising hand to ask questions during a seminar. Professional asking query during a launch event in convention center.

Prezi’s role in your branding presentation 

Prezi is a presentation tool that’s different from any other. It lets you share ideas in a way that’s interesting, by moving around a single space, letting you zoom in and out of sections to show off your points. There’s no longer a need for boring, traditional slide-based presentations because Prezi allows us to share our thoughts in a more dynamic way that lets us bring our audience on a journey with us. 

Prezi is particularly useful for creating branding presentations because you can share your brand’s story and identity in a new and exciting way that sticks with your audience. Let’s look at some of Prezi’s features that would be great for creating your branding presentation. 

Brand kits 

We know how important it is that things stay consistent when it comes to branding presentations. This is why Prezi has created the Brand Kit feature, where you can include your brand’s color palette, logo, fonts, and style so that every time you need it, you have a pre-set branding presentation template. This way, you can save time whenever you need to create a presentation based on your brand, and you know it’s going to align with your brand’s identity every time. 

Integration features 

When it comes to presenting your branding deck virtually, Prezi has all the tools you need to succeed. You can connect and engage with hybrid teams in real-time using Prezi Video , making your meetings more exciting and engaging. You can show your branding content at the same time as showing your face, so you can still present just like you would in a conference room. 

Prezi Video

Open canvas 

Prezi’s open canvas feature allows you to move freely from one point to the next. It takes away the restrictions that come with slide by slide-based presentations. This is ideal for when you’re telling your brand’s story, as you can zoom in on certain key points and then back out to the bigger picture. It’s also easier to go back and forth between points which might be useful when faced with questions about your brand. 

Professionally designed templates 

For those who don’t want to start with a blank page, having a fully prepared template can be a huge help. With Prezi, you can choose from a great range of templates . No matter what industry you’re starting out in, you can find a template that can serve as the building ground for your branding presentation. Prezi templates are customizable, so you can integrate parts of your brand as you go along the creation process. 

Images and icons 

Prezi has countless icons and images you can choose from to help you create the perfect visuals. Branding presentations are all about telling a story, and with Prezi, your options are endless when it comes to selecting the perfect visuals to complement your narrative. Having a great range of images and icons to choose from all in the same place makes the creation process much simpler, saving you time for more important aspects of your brand. 

AI text editing tool 

When it comes to forming the right words, we can help. Our AI feature can edit your work or offer suggestions, such as correcting spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Prezi’s AI text editing tool can also shorten or lengthen text, as well as restructure it, such as changing paragraphs to readable bullet points. This is a really important feature when it comes to making a branding presentation, as easily readable slides are a crucial part of it. 

Collaborate easily 

Working together to create the best branding presentation is easy with Prezi. You and your team can work remotely on the presentation and communicate ideas and feedback using the comment feature. You can comment on each frame, so you and your team can be sure that every part of the presentation is up to scratch, working together from anywhere in the world. 

A young woman in a modern office space uses a laptop at a desk. Space for copy.

Why every branding presentation needs AI 

At Prezi, we’re always striving to provide the best presentation creation experience – that’s why we’re elevating it with advanced AI features. There are so many benefits of using AI to assist in the creation process of your branding presentation. Let’s look at a few of these advantages: 

Save time with automatic design and content: AI quickly creates designs and content, cutting down the time you spend on making presentations. For those using Prezi, this means extra time to improve your story. 

Brings new ideas: AI can come up with new designs and content ideas that you might not have thought of yourself. 

Keep things consistent: Many AI tools can help you stick to the same theme throughout your branding presentation, such as, colors and fonts. 

Easy updates and changes: With AI, making changes and improvements to your presentations is a lot easier. Take the Prezi AI text editing tool for example, which makes suggestions to make your content even better. 

A new beginning for branding presentations 

Whether you’re launching a new brand or whether you’re an established brand taking on a new venture, branding presentations can be the make or break for you. This is why it’s so important to make a good, strong impression on your audience. By following the tips we’ve mentioned in this article, you can maximize your chances of making a showstopping branding presentation that leaves your audience invested. 

Confident businessman presenting an investor pitch deck.

By using Prezi to make your presentation, you’re not only equipped with features like pre-designed templates , but you also have the advantage of AI-powered design tools . It’s clear that features like the AI presentation creator and AI text editing tool have changed the way we create presentations. Gone are the days of worrying about what to say and when, because with Prezi, you know that each slide is going to have the perfect balance between text and visuals, captivating your audience.  

And, not only is the creation process a lot easier with Prezi, but it’s quicker too. This is a great perk for brand owners, as we know there’s much more to launching a brand than making presentations. The assistance of Prezi means you now have more time to spend on important tasks. So, for your next branding presentation, partner with Prezi and reap the benefits of amazing design features and AI-powered presentation tools. 

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How to Create a Great Product Presentation

How to Create a Great Product Presentation

Visual presentations can be a powerful tool for communicating new information to multiple people. The slides engage audiences visually and offer plenty of opportunities to capture their attention and dazzle their senses. It’s no wonder why product presentations are such a popular tool for pitching a new product.

Of course, knowing you need a product presentation is only half the battle. You or your team still have to design it. What makes a great product presentation, and how can you design an effective pitch deck?

Want to create a powerful and effective product presentation? Check out these 10 tips for designing a great product presentation:

1. Plan a powerful introduction

How do you plan to introduce yourself and your product? The first few seconds can make or break your product presentation as your audience either becomes enraptured with your topic or shifts its focus elsewhere. How will you engage your viewers and capture their attention? A powerful introduction is key to an efzzwefective presentation. Be sure to create an opening slide that is heavy on visual interaction and communicates a strong statement that leaves people yearning to learn more.

2. Keep everything on brand

A professional slide deck is one that stays on brand from start to finish. You don’t have to spend hours poring over the intricate design details of a PowerPoint deck. Beautiful.ai users can personalize a theme for their entire presentations, customizing all the colors and typography with just a couple of clicks. Users can even add a custom logo to appear on slides, ensuring that the entire deck stays on brand. Beautiful.ai’s Team Plan users can even lock in the right logo and brand elements across the entire organization, guaranteeing that every deck is fully on brand.

3. Use a product roadmap

Product roadmaps are perfect for bringing a vision to life since they include the essential elements of a successful pitch: vision and strategy, goals and objectives, launch timelines and more. Beautiful.ai features a product roadmap template that’s already professionally designed to be the perfect product presentation tool. The template can help users pitch new products to investors, visualize the trajectory of research and development, as well as inform and educate sales teams about up-and-coming products. The slides are already curated; users need only customize the appropriate content, and the presentation can be completed in just a few minutes.

4. Include a demo

Product presentations are designed to demonstrate how a brand can positively influence a buyer, investor or partner. Because most people prefer to see a product in action before making a major purchase, a demonstration video serves as an effective tool for promotion. By walking your audience through a product’s use, you can help viewers understand how your product is the solution to their problems. It’s easy to integrate a product demonstration video using Beautiful.ai, as well as a variety of other PowerPoint-alternative presentation software tools.

5. Feature engaging images

Want to engage your audience and ensure it remembers your product presentation? Add visual elements to your slides. It only makes sense: Studies show people remember about 10% of what they hear after 72 hours, but they can remember 65% if visuals are added to the oral presentation. It’s simple to add images like photos, icons and even infographics to presentations designed using Beautiful.ai. Not only do a plethora of Smart Slides feature eye-catching infographics like bar graphs, pie charts and scattergraphs, but the platform features a vast library with thousands of free stock photos, icons and even company logos.

6. Try a design sprint

A design sprint is a time-constrained process that uses design thinking to introduce a new product better. Through a design sprint, presentation designers can answer critical questions through design, prototyping and experimenting with new ideas over a five-day period. By participating in a design sprint , teams can reduce their risks when bringing a new product to market. While a design sprint can be very effective, many teams may be unsure exactly how to conduct one. Fortunately, Beautiful.ai features a design sprint presentation template to get users started. The customizable template includes everything needed for a design sprint, including the process steps and weekly deliverables.

7. Provide success stories

The proof is in the pudding, and audiences want to hear about examples of a product’s success. While it’s important to describe a product’s features and its benefits, it’s just as crucial to provide specific examples of the new product in action. Tell specific success stories to help cement the product’s value in the minds of your audience members. Even better, feature true success stories from real-life customers. Testimonials have been a tried and true sales tool for centuries, and they can be just as powerful when included in your product presentation slide deck.

8. Create a memorable close

Nobody wants to spend time designing an otherwise stellar presentation and lose their audience with a mundane close. Some speakers will close their product presentation with a call to action, but we recommend closing with a clincher – a final story, a compelling statistic or even an inspirational quote that will leave an audience thinking long after the last slide has concluded. Beautiful.ai users can choose from all sorts of different Smart Slide templates to serve as their closing slide , and add engaging images and even video to help keep an audience interested until the very end of the product presentation and beyond.

9. Delegate with deadlines

Collaboration can be key to designing a powerful product presentation, and the Beautiful.ai Teams Plan makes it easy to get the entire team involved and on task. Delegate different slides or portions of the slide deck to specific team members, then be sure and set deadlines to keep everyone on schedule. There’s no need to worry about scattered slides with the Beautiful.ai Team Plan . Keep everything in one place with our single, searchable library. Slides are instantly synced when changes are made, so everyone is always working on the most current version at all times.

10. Conduct a product reflection

Also known as a project retrospective, a product reflection helps teams dive deep into completed projects, assessing what worked and what could have been better. The process helps to inform future planning, but it has the potential to be a tedious task that gets left by the wayside once a product presentation is completed. By using Beautiful.ai’s project retrospective template, however, project managers can create an effective product reflection in half the time. The customizable template features all the necessary slides for a powerful retrospective including project inventory, time investment, feedback and wins. By using the project retrospective presentation template , teams can better understand where their efforts paid off and how they can improve future projects.

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha is an independent journalist, editor, blogger and content manager. Examples of her published work can be found at sites including the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and Buzzfeed.

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brand product presentation


Tips To Create A Powerful Product Presentation Plus Examples

Have you ever attended a product presentation that left you feeling underwhelmed and unimpressed? Maybe the speaker was dry and uninspiring, or the product itself didn’t seem all that exciting. Whatever the reason, a lackluster product presentation can be a real letdown.

But what if there was a better way? What if you could create a PowerPoint product presentation that wows your audience and leaves them eager to learn more?

This blog will share some inspiring product presentation examples to help you take your presentations to the next level.

We’ll also provide tips and tricks to help you create an informative and memorable product presentation.

What is a Product Presentation, and why it’s important?

Product presentations are an essential part of any business, as they help showcase the features and benefits of a product to potential customers or investors. A product presentation serves as a means of communication to showcase a product’s noteworthy attributes and advantages. It also exemplifies how the product addresses a specific problem or fulfills a particular requirement.

The importance of product presentations cannot be overstated, as they play a vital role in the success of a product launch or marketing campaign. Here are some reasons why product presentations are so important:

  • Captures attention: A well-executed product presentation can capture the attention of potential customers and investors, making them more likely to remember your product and consider investing in it.
  • Demonstrates value: A product presentation can effectively demonstrate the value of a product, highlighting how it can solve a particular problem or meet a specific need.
  • Builds credibility: A professional and engaging product presentation can help build credibility for your product and brand, making customers more likely to trust and purchase from you.
  • Increases sales: A presentation for a product can help increase sales by effectively communicating the features and benefits of a product and convincing potential customers that it is worth their investment.
  • Differentiates from competitors: A well-designed presentation can differentiate your product from competitors in the market, highlighting what sets it apart and making it more attractive to potential customers.

Key Elements of a Product Presentation

When it comes to creating a successful new product presentation , there are several vital elements that you should include to ensure your message is clear and compelling. Let’s explore each of these elements in more detail:


Your introduction should capture your audience’s attention and give them a reason to listen. Consider starting with a thought-provoking question, a startling statistic, or a personal anecdote related to the problem your product solves.

Company Overview

This is your chance to give your audience background information about your company , including your mission statement, history, and notable achievements. This helps build credibility and establish trust with your audience.

The Problem

Clearly define the problem that your product solves and why it’s crucial. Use real-world examples or statistics to help your audience understand the significance of the problem.

Product and Solution

This is the meat of your presentation, where you introduce your product and explain how it solves the problem you just defined. Use clear, concise language and visuals to demonstrate how your product works.

The Promise of Value or Benefits

Elucidate your product’s advantages and potential to enhance your customer’s life quality. Emphasize the distinctive characteristics that differentiate your product from rivals and justify why it’s a valuable investment.

Product Positioning

Describe the position of your product in the market and its comparison with similar products. Accentuate your unique selling proposition (USP) and justify why your product is the most suitable option for your intended audience.

Use Cases and Social Proof

Use real-world examples and case studies to demonstrate how your product has helped other customers. Incorporate endorsements or evaluations from contented customers to establish social proof and build trust.


End your presentation with a clear call to action, such as a website or phone number to contact for more information or to make a purchase. Simplify the process for your audience to proceed to the next step.

By including these key elements in your product presentation design , you’ll be well on your way to creating a compelling message that resonates with your audience. So, take the time to carefully craft each element and watch as your product presentation helps drive success for your business.

The 8 Steps Formula To Craft a Powerful Product Presentation

Are you ready to create a product presentation that genuinely captivates your audience and drives success for your business? 

A robust product design presentation requires strategic planning, compelling content, and engaging PowerPoint graphics . In this section, we’ll walk you through the eight steps you must follow to create a presentation that showcases your product in the best possible light. 

So, let’s dive in and explore the formula for crafting a robust product design presentation that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Start with a captivating introduction

Your introduction is your first impression of your audience , so it’s essential to make it count. Consider starting with a story, a surprising statistic, or a thought-provoking question related to your product. 

This will aid in captivating your audience and pique their interest in what you have to communicate. You can also use your introduction to outline the key points you’ll cover in your presentation.

Stay on brand

Consistency is key in branding, and your product presentation should reflect your brand’s personality and values. Employ uniform branding components in your presentation, such as colors, fonts, and logos. This will strengthen your brand identity and render your presentation more memorable.

Leverage a product roadmap

A product roadmap can help you showcase your product’s features and benefits in a clear, organized way. Consider using a timeline template or flowchart to highlight critical milestones and show how your product has evolved.

Write promising content

Your content should focus on your product’s benefits rather than just its features. Use clear, concise language and emphasize the value your product can bring to your customers’ lives. 

Clarify how your product resolves an issue or fulfills the necessities of your intended audience. You may also employ storytelling techniques to render your content more relatable and captivating.

Use engaging visuals

Visuals are a vital component of any product launch presentation . Utilize top-notch images, videos, and graphics to illustrate your ideas and maintain your audience’s interest.

Ensure your visuals are relevant to your content and support your key messages. In addition, you may use visual aids to separate the text and enhance the visual appeal of your presentation.

Showcase a demo

A live product demo can be a powerful way to showcase your product’s capabilities and build excitement. Consider showing your product in action to help your audience visualize how it works. Keep your demo concise and focused on the key features and benefits.

Share success stories

Use case studies or testimonials from satisfied customers to build social proof and establish credibility. This can assist in persuading your audience that your product is a valuable investment.

Use real examples relevant to your target audience and explain how your product helped solve a problem or achieve a goal.

End in an actionable way

Conclude your presentation with a distinct call to action, such as a website or phone number for further details or to make a purchase. Facilitate your audience in proceeding to the next step and converting them into customers.

You can also use your call to action to reinforce the key benefits of your product and remind your audience why they should choose your product over the competition.

Winning Product Presentation Examples That Convert and Sell

Product strategy deck powerpoint template.

This PowerPoint product strategy deck showcases the product strategy and gives a detailed insight into the customer, product, company, and competition, defining key success metrics and mapping your product vision with user personas, user journeys, and user stories. Product managers can use this deck to showcase their product strategy to senior management or investors.

New Product Presentation

This product presentation can be a great starting point for product managers to create polished and professional product presentations, giving the product an air of credibility and quality. 

Such presentations help build trust with potential customers and make them more likely to purchase. 

Product Features Presentation

This product presentation deck focuses on the product’s benefits. By highlighting the benefits, the presentation helps the senior management understand how the product will solve customers’ problems or meet their needs. It is crucial to map out product features with benefits to showcase how the product solves customer problems or meets their needs.

It also builds trust with the customer. The presentation shows that the company is transparent and trustworthy by providing accurate and detailed information about the product.

Collection of Product Roadmap templates

The product roadmap template helps demonstrate the product vision and the company’s plans. By showing the product’s development direction, the presentation helps stakeholders understand where it is headed and how it will evolve. This collection offers various ways of showing product roadmap for your product presentation. 

Collection of Product Planning

Product Planning is a crucial part of product development. Use a product planning template to showcase a clear direction for the product. It helps to define the product’s goals, target market, and competitive landscape. This clarity can attract potential customers who want to know that the company has a clear plan for the product’s success.

It also illustrates the product development process and how the company plans to bring the product to market. Detailed planning helps build trust with potential customers by demonstrating the company’s well-thought-out product development plan.

Collection of Product Review

A product review template is one of the winning product presentation examples that convert and sell because they help to showcase the product’s features and benefits through the eyes of actual customers. By including customer reviews and testimonials in the product presentation, potential customers can see how others have used and benefited from the product. 

This helps build trust and credibility with potential customers, increasing sales and conversions. Additionally, product review templates can help identify improvement areas and provide valuable feedback for the product development team.

Collection Of Product Performance

These winning product performance presentation examples are guaranteed to convert and sell by demonstrating the product’s performance in an eye-catching and engaging way. 

Showcasing the product’s impressive performance can build trust and credibility with your audience, leading to increased sales and conversions. 

Common mistakes to avoid while delivering a product presentation

Delivering a product presentation can be daunting, but it’s also a chance to exhibit your product and convince prospective customers to invest in it. However, several common mistakes can detract from the effectiveness of your presentation.

From failing to define your presentation goal to not scoping out the presentation venue ahead of time, we’ll cover everything you need to know to deliver a successful product presentation.

Not defining your presentation goal

One of the most prominent mistakes presenters make is not clearly defining the goal of their presentation. Before commencing the creation of your presentation, take some time to ponder on what you aim to accomplish.

Are you trying to persuade investors to fund your product? 

Are you showcasing new features to existing customers? 

Knowing your goal will help you structure your presentation and focus on the most critical points.

Not preparing enough for the presentation

A lack of preparation can lead to a lackluster presentation. Ensure you allocate ample time to prepare your content and practice your delivery . Practicing your presentation can also assist you in recognizing areas where modifications are required.

Not knowing who your audience is

Understanding your audience is critical to delivering an effective product launch presentation . Make sure you tailor your presentation to the interests and needs of your audience. Researching your audience beforehand can also help you anticipate their questions and concerns.

Not checking if the presentation file is working

Technical difficulties can be a significant distraction during a presentation. Make sure to test your presentation file on the equipment you’ll be using ahead of time to avoid any surprises.

Not scoping out the presentation venue ahead of time

Arriving at the presentation venue without knowing what to expect can add unnecessary stress to your presentation. Visit the venue beforehand to familiarize yourself with the space and equipment.

Too many animations

Although animations can enhance the visual appeal of your presentation, excessively using them can be disruptive. Ensure your animations are relevant to your content and don’t detract from your message. Remember that simplicity and clarity are vital to delivering an effective product presentation.

Wrapping It Up

A product presentation can make or break the success of your product launch. By implementing the key elements we discussed earlier and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a powerful presentation that will wow your audience and leaves a lasting impression.

Remember to maintain your brand image, employ captivating visuals, and exhibit your product’s unique value proposition. Also, do not hesitate to derive inspiration from the remarkable product presentation ideas we provided.

With these tips and a little creativity, you can deliver a presentation that will captivate your audience and drive sales for your product.

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Make a Product Launch Presentation (+ Examples & Templates)

Master how to make a product launch presentation with our guide. Explore examples usable as templates to outshine competitors and captivate your audience.


9 minute read

Product launch presentation examples

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What makes an effective product launch presentation?

An effective product launch presentation captivates with a clear value proposition, engages with compelling storytelling, and persuades with data-driven results.

It's visually appealing, audience-focused, and concludes with a strong call-to-action, setting the stage for market success.

Most new products fail - does yours have what it takes to succeed?

Think about this: every year, over 30,000 new products try to make their mark, yet 95% of them don't catch on.

Most new products fail to launch because they fail to grab attention with a compelling product launch presentation.

In a sea of competition, only the most compelling, clear, and persuasive presentations manage to break through the noise.

So, how do you make sure your product doesn't become just another statistic?

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through real, actionable strategies and examples to make your product launch presentation a hit.

Let’s get started!

What is the purpose of a product launch presentation?

Capture attention: Immediately engage your audience with a striking introduction that makes them want to learn more.

Highlight value: Directly address how your product solves a specific problem or fulfills a need, making it indispensable to your audience.

Drive action: Motivate your audience to take the next step, be it purchasing, subscribing, or sharing, by presenting a clear and compelling call to action.

How to structure a product launch presentation?

Introduction: Begin with an impactful opening that immediately captures interest. Use a compelling question, a relatable problem, or a striking statistic to draw your audience in and set the tone for what’s to come.

Problem statement: Articulate the specific problem or need your product addresses. This is where you connect with your audience by highlighting a universal challenge they face.

Solution presentation: Unveil your product as the solution to the problem identified. Detail its features and benefits, emphasizing how it offers a practical and innovative solution.

Market analysis: Provide an overview of the current market landscape. This includes trends, consumer behavior, and market needs, establishing the context in which your product enters the market.

Competitive analysis: Dive into how your product stands out from the competition. Discuss your product’s unique selling points (USPs) and how these differences position it as a superior choice.

Customer testimonials or case studies: Share success stories or endorsements from early users or beta testers. Real-world examples add credibility and illustrate the tangible impact of your product.

Pricing and packages: Provide clear, straightforward information about pricing and any packages or deals. Make it easy for your audience to understand what they're getting.

Marketing strategy: Before you call your audience to action, outline your marketing strategy. This shows how you plan to support the product post-launch, reassuring your audience of its longevity and value.

Call to Action (CTA): Conclude with a compelling CTA. Direct your audience towards a specific action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a demo, or following your brand for more updates.

Interactive product launch presentation templates

Starting from scratch on a product launch presentation can feel like a huge task, especially when so much depends on this one moment.

Interactive product launch presentation templates offer a structured starting point. They come packed with features that are optimized to engage and guide your audience through the story of your product.

Grab one and create your best deck yet.

What does a product launch presentation look like?

A product launch presentation is a dynamic and interactive deck that captivates your audience, making them feel like active participants rather than passive listeners. It does more than just share information; it creates an experience.

Here’s what a modern product launch presentation looks like:

What makes a successful product launch presentation?

Engaging storytelling: It starts with a story that resonates. This narrative weaves through the entire presentation, making the problem, solution, and benefits of your product felt on a personal level.

Visual impact: High-quality images, embedded videos, and data visualization components bring your product and its benefits to life. These elements work together to create a visual story that complements your spoken words.

Interactivity : Interactive elements like narrated design, surveys, and clickable demos involve the audience, transforming your presentation into a two-way conversation.

Strong Call to Action: The presentation ends with a clear and compelling call to action. Whether it's signing up for a trial, making a purchase, or simply learning more, the CTA is direct and easy for the audience to follow.

How to make a product launch presentation?

In a world where the majority of new products struggle to make an impact, your presentation is the golden ticket to standing out. Let's explore how to craft a product launch presentation that not only showcases your product but also makes it irresistible.

1) Know your audience

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of a successful presentation. Dive deep into their world—what challenges do your ideal customers face? What solutions have they tried and found wanting?

Personalizing your presentation to address these specific concerns makes your audience feel seen and valued, significantly boosting the relevance and impact of your message.

2) Define your presentation goals

Clarity in your presentation's purpose is crucial. Are you aiming to ignite interest, drive pre-orders, or secure investment?

This goal will dictate your presentation's structure, content, and call to action. It acts as a guiding light, ensuring every element of your presentation is aligned with achieving this objective.

3) Start with a bang

Your first words are your first impression. Start with something that sticks—a startling statistic, a compelling story, a question that piques curiosity, or a bold statement that challenges conventional wisdom.

For example:

"In a world where every second counts, we've found a way to give you hours back."

piques curiosity and positions your product as a revolutionary solution from the outset.

4) Highlight the problem

David Ogilvy's insight, “More often new products fail because they are not new enough,” underscores the importance of highlighting a genuine problem.

Make your audience feel the pinch of the issue your product resolves, making your solution not just wanted, but needed.

Illuminate the problem your product solves in a way that your audience can feel the pain. This creates a context for your product's introduction and underscores its necessity. Remember, the more relatable the problem, the more desirable the solution.

It's about striking a balance—your product shouldn't be so ahead of its time that it's alien, nor should it be so familiar that it fails to excite.

Here's a great example of a problem slide:

Product launch presentation problem slide example

5) Unveil the solution

When introducing your product, clarity and simplicity are key. Explain how it addresses the problem you've outlined, focusing on features that translate directly into benefits.

This is where your product moves from being a concept to a tangible solution in the minds of your audience.

6) Highlight the benefits

Features tell, but benefits sell. Articulate how your product enriches or simplifies life for your customer. Whether it's saving time, reducing costs, or enhancing well-being, benefits that resonate on an emotional level are incredibly compelling.

Here's a great example of solution and benefits slides:

Product launch presentation solution and benefits slide

7) Conduct solid research

Akio Morita once famously said:

“We don’t believe in market research for a new product unknown to the public. So we never do any.”

While this may have worked for Sony, today's market demands solid research. Understanding your market, competition, and consumer behavior is non-negotiable for crafting a presentation that hits home.

Here's a great market research slide:

Product launch presentation market research slide

8) Incorporate interactive elements

Enhancing your presentation with interactive elements can transform a standard pitch into an engaging, memorable experience.

For instance, embedding interactive charts allows your audience to explore data points relevant to your product's success in real-time.

Interactive timelines can illustrate your product's development journey or future roadmap in a visually dynamic way, inviting the audience to engage with your content at their own pace.

Additionally, incorporating clickable sections within your presentation can lead viewers to more detailed information, videos, or testimonials, enriching their understanding and appreciation of your product without overwhelming them with information all at once.

These interactive elements keep your audience engaged and provide a deeper, more personalized exploration of what your product has to offer.

Here's a great example of an interactive slide:

Product launch presentation interactiv slide

9) Demonstrate your product in action

A live demo or a well-crafted video demonstration can be incredibly persuasive. It offers proof of concept and allows your audience to see your product in action. This tangible experience can be the push your audience needs to move from interest to action.

10) Personalize your presentation

Personalization can significantly increase the impact of your presentation.

Tailoring content to reflect your audience's specific industry, interests, or challenges shows that you understand and care about their unique needs, making your product more relevant and appealing.

Here's how you can easily personalize your presentation using Storydoc:

How to personalize your decks with Storydoc

11) Provide social proof

Incorporating social proof lends credibility to your product. It's the difference between taking your word for it and seeing evidence of your product's impact. This builds trust and can significantly influence decision-making.

For new products, traditional forms of social proof like user testimonials may not be readily available. However, you can leverage beta tester feedback, expert endorsements, or pilot study results as powerful forms of social proof.

By using influencer search tools you can engage with industry influencers to review your product or secure a seal of approval from a reputable authority within your field. This can also serve as compelling evidence of your product's value and effectiveness.

Even highlighting the number of pre-orders or waitlist signups can act as social proof, showcasing demand and anticipation for your product.

Example of a social proof slide:

Product launch presentation social proof slide

12) Present your marketing strategy

When it comes to your product launch presentation, unveiling your marketing strategy is like showing the roadmap of how you plan to introduce your product to the world.

It's not just about the product itself but how you're going to make sure it reaches the right people, in the right way, at the right time.

This part of your presentation should clearly outline the channels you'll use, whether it's social media, email marketing, influencer partnerships, or traditional advertising.

Explain how each channel fits into your overall strategy and the role it plays in engaging your target audience. This is your chance to show that you've not only created a great product but that you also have a solid plan to ensure it's a success.

Here's a great example of a marketing strategy slide:

Product launch presentation marketing strategy slide

13) Create a compelling call to action

Your conclusion should be a clear, compelling invitation to take the next step—whether that's to learn more, sign up, or make a purchase. Make this action as simple and straightforward as possible, removing any barriers to engagement.

Here's a great example of a CTA slide:

Product launch presentation CTA slide

Winning product launch presentation examples

When it comes to product launches, standing out is everything. A successful presentation goes beyond facts and figures; it captivates, convinces, and converts.

Let's dive into some product launch presentation examples that do just that, leveraging interactivity to outshine the competition.

Product launch proposal

This deck showcases how interactivity can elevate a product launch presentation from good to great, engaging the audience in a way that traditional slides simply can't match.

What makes this product launch presentation great:

Engaging and interactive: The presentation uses an interactive format, inviting the audience to actively participate in the journey of discovering the product.

Clear value proposition: It effectively communicates the unique selling points of the headphones, such as advanced noise cancellation and intuitive controls, making it clear why they set a new standard in audio excellence.

Compelling narrative: The presentation tells a story of innovation and passion, from the problem statement to the solution, and wraps up with a vision for the future, making it memorable and impactful.

Light mode product newsletter

This feature launch within the light mode product newsletter is a game-changer for businesses looking to deepen engagement and track the effectiveness of their communications.

Personalization using dynamic variables: It introduces the ability to personalize using dynamic variables. This means businesses can now tailor their messages to each recipient, making communications more relevant and engaging.

Access to analytics panel: With the panel, businesses gain real-time insights into how readers are interacting with their newsletters. It tracks opens, clicks, and engagement time on each slide, providing valuable data to optimize future decks.

Clickable links: You can incorporate clickable links throughout the presentation. These links offer the audience the opportunity to explore additional information, access detailed resources, or even sign up for product demos.

SaaS product demonstration presentation

This product demonstration presentation effectively communicates the value of the company’s solution, making a strong case for why businesses should consider their platform to revolutionize their operations.

Clean design: The presentation leverages a clean design with ample white space, making it easy for viewers to focus on key information without feeling overwhelmed.

The option to embed videos: The option to embed a product demo video directly into the deck allows potential customers to see the product in action within the context of the presentation.

Clear pricing package overview: The presentation includes a clear overview of pricing packages, making it easy for potential customers to understand their options and make informed decisions.

Physical product demo presentation

This product launch presentation aims to bridge the gap between traditional business processes and modern efficiency, highlighting a physical product's role in streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity.

Option to extract branding from a website: One of the standout features is the ability to extract branding elements directly from a website, ensuring that the presentation is consistent with the company's branding.

Access to analytics panel: The presentation includes access to an analytics panel that provides insights into how viewers are interacting with the deck.

Option to edit details post-send: This presentation allows for the editing of details even after it has been sent. This ensures that the information remains up-to-date, reflecting any changes in the product, pricing, or other critical details.

Software demo presentation

Through a detailed walkthrough of the software's capabilities, this presentation aims to illustrate the seamless integration of tasks, the automation of workflows, and the facilitation of real-time collaboration, all designed to optimize performance and eliminate inefficiency.

Option to embed links to case studies: This feature allows viewers to explore in-depth examples of how your software has been successfully implemented in various businesses, providing tangible evidence of its effectiveness and versatility.

CRM integrations: The presentation leverages CRM integrations, enabling it to pull live data directly into the deck.

Responsive design: The presentation is designed with responsiveness in mind, ensuring that it looks and functions flawlessly across a variety of devices and screen sizes.

ERP software demo presentation

This product launch presentation is designed to showcase how the offered solution can revolutionize business operations by integrating various processes into a single, efficient system.

It aims to demonstrate the software's ability to streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and significantly improve operational efficiency across the board.

Quirky design: The presentation employs a quirky and engaging design that mirrors the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the ERP industry.

Use of grayed-out content to direct attention: Strategic use of grayed-out content effectively directs viewers' attention to the most critical information, ensuring that key features and benefits of the ERP software are highlighted.

Logo placeholders: The presentation includes customizable logo placeholders, empowered by a logo finder feature, allowing for seamless integration of your or partner branding directly into the presentation.

Modern product launch

This product launch presentation introduces a groundbreaking solution designed to revolutionize how companies operate. It promises to streamline operations and boost efficiency through innovative features tailored for the digital era.

Interactive approach: Using an interactive platform, the presentation engages the audience directly, making the exploration of the product an immersive experience.

Clear solution to a common problem: It effectively communicates how the product addresses the pressing needs of businesses looking to enhance collaboration and automate processes in a rapidly evolving corporate landscape.

Visionary and inspirational message: The presentation focuses on the product's features but also shares a compelling vision for the future, emphasizing the transformative impact on businesses and the industry as a whole.

Light mode product launch

This approach to the product launch educates the audience about the product's capabilities and gets them excited about the potential for transformation in their own operations.

User-centric design: The presentation emphasizes the product's user-friendly interface, showcasing how it simplifies complex processes for everyday users, making technology accessible to all levels of technical expertise.

Direct address of business needs: The presentation zeroes in on the specific challenges faced by companies today, demonstrating how the product directly solves these issues with innovative technology.

Scalability and integration: It highlights the product's ability to scale with business growth and seamlessly integrate with existing systems, ensuring a smooth transition and long-term utility.

Dark mode product launch

This striking dark mode-themed presentation unveils a product designed to captivate and cater to modern businesses. This launch introduces a groundbreaking product with a keen eye on user experience and market demands.

Comprehensive market analysis: It dives deep into market trends, consumer behaviors, and competitive landscapes. AI product research provides a detailed view of where the product fits within the current market and how it's poised to meet emerging needs.

Segmented marketing strategies: The content is organized into tabs, each detailing strategies tailored to different segments of their target audience. This ensures that potential customers receive personalized and relevant information.

Multiple smart CTAs: The presentation features various smart Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons, guiding viewers through a journey from initial interest to taking actionable steps.

Versatile product launch presentation

In a market flooded with standard pitches, this deck sets a new standard. By leveraging the latest in presentation technology, it crafts a narrative that's not only about a product but about inviting the audience into a new ecosystem of efficiency and innovation.

Use of grayed-out content: It uses grayed-out content to subtly direct viewers' attention to key areas. This visual technique ensures that the focus is on the most important information, enhancing the audience's retention.

Embeddable videos: It comes with the option to embed videos that can be played directly within the deck. This allows you to showcase your product in action, providing an immersive experience that text and static images cannot achieve.

Data visualization components: The deck incorporates advanced data visualization components, enabling the presentation of complex data in an intuitive and easily digestible format.

Modern product demo presentation

By incorporating interactive features, this modern product demo presentation effectively captures the audience's attention and guides them through a compelling narrative, from identifying with the problem to seeing the offered product as the ideal solution.

Clear value proposition: The presentation effectively communicates the company’s value proposition, outlining how their SaaS product can transform business operations.

Problem-solution framework: The presentation is structured around a clear problem-solution framework, making it easy for the audience to understand the context and need for the offered product.

Option to embed multiple smart CTAs: The presentation enhances interactivity by incorporating the option to embed multiple smart CTAs (Calls to Action). This makes readers more likely to take the desired next step after viewing the deck.

brand product presentation

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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Free Brand Presentation Templates

By Joe Weller | November 2, 2021

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We’ve compiled the most useful collection of free brand presentation templates for chief marketing officers (CMOs), brand ambassadors, marketers, creative directors, and product managers. 

Included on this page, you’ll find a brand presentation template , a brand identity presentation template , a brand launch presentation template , and a brand logo presentation template , as well as a list of helpful tips for completing these templates .

Brand Presentation Template

Brand Presentation Template

Download Brand Presentation Template Microsoft PowerPoint | Google Slides

Use this comprehensive template to present your brand story to team members, clients, investors, or other stakeholders. Enter details about your company’s background, purpose, values, and culture to offer an introductory idea to your company’s brand. Next, describe your organization’s positioning and strategy, including the marketplace, long-term vision and strategy, and how the brand aims can help the company reach its goals. Finally, list your brand’s distinctive attributes, as well as any story-friendly facts and figures that support it. This template helps you create a visually dynamic, easy-to-follow brand story that is engaging, memorable, and inspires loyalty. 

For helpful details to ensure that your branding efforts are aligned with your company style guide, read our article on brand style guide templates .

Brand Identity Presentation Template

Brand identity presentation template

Download Brand Identity Presentation Template Microsoft PowerPoint | Google Slides  

A strong brand creates an emotional connection with its customers, which results in brand loyalty.  In order to foster lifelong partnerships that lead to upsell opportunities, you must first have a strong brand identity. 

This brand identity presentation template provides a step-by-step process for defining and refining it. Enter design goals and objectives, marketing materials, and details about your target audience. 

Next, define your brand’s call to action (i.e., the desired reaction from your target audience), and enter the brand look and feel, campaign message, competitive analysis, and any brand-related image details. This completely customizable template is the ideal presentation vehicle for your brand, from brainstorming stages to brand campaigns and launches.  

For helpful details on ensuring your branding efforts are effective, see read our article on brand audit templates .

Brand Guide Presentation Template

Brand Guide Presentation Template

Download Brand Guide Presentation Template Microsoft PowerPoint | Google Slides  

Use this customizable template with sample-answer text to capture and share your brand’s unique attributes. The template walks you through four primary company branding steps: who you are, what you do, how you do it, and why you do it. A strong brand increases your visibility in the marketplace by establishing an emotional reaction from potential and existing customers. This template will help you create that connection with customers through your branding efforts.

Brand Promotion Presentation Template

Brand Promotion Presentation Template

Download Brand Promotion Presentation Template Microsoft PowerPoint | Google Slides

This brand promotion presentation template includes a presentation-ready framework for everything you need to promote your brand. Enter company history, purpose, values, and culture details, what you do and why, and positioning and strategy details to reflect (or further define) the power of your brand. The template also includes a Brand Attributes section that includes space to note brand messaging, mission statement, vision, and brand personality, as well as an Executive Bios section to list key stakeholders and their role in strengthening your company’s brand. 

For helpful details on making your branding assets more effective, read this marketing asset management guide .

Brand Launch Presentation Template

Brand launch presentation template

Download Brand Launch Presentation Template Microsoft PowerPoint | Google Slides  

Use this dynamic brand launch presentation template to keep your team apprised of all brand-specific developments, from initial brainstorming sessions to brand launch. The template includes sections to note brand marketing guidelines, brand marketing materials, target audience, call to action, brand campaign look and feel, competitive analysis, and schedule. This template emphasizes key brand messaging, so you’ll be on-track for a successful brand launch and make an impression in the market. 

For more brand strategy resources and solutions, see our guide to effective brand asset management .

Luxury Brand Presentation Template

Luxury Brand Presentation Template PPT

Download Luxury Brand Presentation Template Microsoft PowerPoint | Google Slides  

This presentation template provides a professional, design-rich backdrop for your luxury brand. Whether your brand is in the jewelry, auto, real estate, fashion, or advertising industry — or another luxury vertical — this customizable presentation template prompts you to emphasize your brand’s unique value proposition. This all-inclusive luxury brand presentation template helps you to accurately define your one-of-a-kind brand story and highlight the brand’s high-end characteristics.

Brand Logo Presentation Template

Brand Logo Presentation Template

Download Brand Logo Presentation Template Microsoft PowerPoint | Google Slides  

Introduce or explain every facet of your logo with this easy-to-use brand logo presentation template. As the visual representation of your brand, your logo is the primary symbol connecting your company with your customers — as such, the template focuses on creative elements, such as imagery, tagline, verbiage, design style, colors, and other visual considerations. This template’s unique offerings provide ample space for you to brainstorm, develop, refine, or revise your logo for maximum visual appeal.

Brand Pitch Deck Template

Brand Pitch Presentation Deck Template

Download Brand Pitch Deck Template Microsoft PowerPoint | Google Slides

Your brand is primarily concerned with establishing and maintaining strong relationships among your organization, employees, business partners, and customers. In order to effectively present your brand, you need a dynamic way to pitch it to stakeholders. This brand pitch deck template is the perfect vehicle to introduce all of your brand’s crucial components (e.g., company history, values, purpose, positioning, strategy, and brand attributes), so that your audience feels inspired and invigorated by your offerings. 

For more on building strong brand frameworks, learn how to write a brand brief and download free templates .

What Is a Brand Presentation Template?

A brand presentation template provides a framework to showcase a brand’s attributes and market impact. A branding presentation template displays your company’s history, purpose, values, and visual qualities intended to establish connections with customers and inspire lifelong brand loyalty. 

As the primary storytelling vehicle for a company’s brand, a brand presentation template is a crucial means to condense and exhibit everything your brand represents. A brand has the power to build long-lasting trust with customers and the potential to increase loyalty and upsell opportunities. 

A brand presentation template helps you turn your brand into a “story” by providing a presentation outline. Use the template as a guide to ensure that you note every aspect that makes your brand powerful, unique, and effective. By using a brand presentation template, your company will be fully prepared for brand launches, product announcements, rebranding, internal branding efforts, and special marketing campaigns. 

In your presentation, include details about each of the following components to establish solid brand awareness: 

  • Company History: Provide company details, including your date of establishment, location, growth patterns, goals, and motivation.
  • Customers: Provide customer information and describe your target audience.
  • Customer Issues: Explain any issues or problems your customers face, and how your products and services help them solve these issues.  
  • Company Purpose: Provide details for why you’re in business, including the historical and ethical reasons, and what the company is passionate about.
  • Company Values: Define your company’s values and the principles that guide your company’s actions. 
  • Company Culture: Share information about your company’s culture and how it positively impacts your customers. 
  • What, Why, and How: Explain what you do as a company, how you do it, and why you do it. 
  • Company Vision: Add information about your company’s vision. Where do you want to be in the future, based on your organization’s aspirations and goals? 
  • Company Mission: Define your company’s mission and overall intention.
  • Positioning and Strategy: Provide details of the marketplace, your company’s long-term vision and strategy, and how your brand aims to meet and exceed your goals.
  • Brand Attributes: Add your brand attributes, including brand-related verbiage, imagery, design and style, logo, colors, and other visual considerations. 
  • Facts and Figures: Share brand story-friendly facts and figures about your company to support its effectiveness.
  • Executive Bios: Include brief biographical details for your brand’s primary stakeholders, including their background, current roles, and major contributions within your company.

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Must-Have Product Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

Must-Have Product Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

Kavesh Malhotra


“Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire,” Arnold H Glasow, writer.

This quote encapsulates the essence of product presentations. In a dynamic business landscape, where innovation is the driving force, presenting a new product is akin to igniting that spark of curiosity and interest among stakeholders. SlideTeam’s product presentation templates are the creative fuel that sparks success. Welcome to our exploration of the world of product presentations, where we delve into the art of introducing groundbreaking ideas, captivating audiences, and leaving a lasting impact.

Before we proceed, elevate your product visibility and marketing efforts with these carefully crafted catalogs that showcase your offerings in the most captivating way.

Power of Product Presentation Templates

Imagine this: A company has developed a revolutionary product that has the potential to disrupt the market. The product is ready, and the team is excited, but how do they convey its essence to the world? This is where product presentation templates are a must-have in your library. These presentations serve as the foundation upon which a compelling narrative is built. They offer a structured canvas to showcase the product’s features, benefits, and uniqueness. But more than that, they transform complex ideas into visual stories that resonate with audiences.

If your current need is to showcase the quality and reliability of your products by documenting their testing and results using these essential presets .

The 100% customizable nature of the templates allows you to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.

Let’s explore!

Template 1: Example Presentation About New Product PowerPoint Presentation Slides

This PPT Bundle is the gateway to showcasing your product in the most presentable way using a PPT Template.

Communicate the launch of your latest product to stakeholders and clients with utmost clarity using this comprehensive PPT collection. This deck comprises seventy-three top-tier slide layouts, which are designed to provide a holistic view of your new product. Use this template to  delve into crucial subjects, including product idea screening, in-depth new product analysis, product lifecycle illustration, clear product and roadmap depiction. This also includes  tools and techniques employed, comprehensive market analysis, robust development plans, impactful branding, and repositioning strategies. Use this comprehensive deck to also use a meticulous cost analysis , and a comprehensive product feasibility review. With sleek visuals, compelling descriptions, and a clear structure, download this presentation that guides presenters through showcasing the product's features, its relevance in the market, and the potential it holds.

Example Presentation About New Product


Template 2: Virtual Reality Product Pitch Presentation Complete Deck

Virtual Reality (VR) has transcended science fiction and become a reality. A company specializing in VR technology is about to pitch its groundbreaking product to potential investors. This presentation is a comprehensive guide that takes presenters through every aspect of the VR product. This innovative layout dives deep into the realm of augmented reality and the global VR market. Explore critical aspects such as market statistics, market analysis, pain points, product lifecycle, new product analysis and SWOT analysis. Uncover software development principles, navigate the competitive landscape, and discover compelling reasons behind investing in VR technology. This comprehensive presentation also delves into strategies for digital transformation and outlines fundamental features inherent to VR products. Within this module, you’ll find insightful slides that shed light on revenue streams, details of the leadership team, and a comprehensive go-to-market plan.

Additionally, the presentation addresses key individuals driving the VR product development process, showcasing their pivotal roles. Explore the budget allocation, potential impact, and dashboard assessment for augmented reality initiatives. This complete deck is not just a presentation; it's an immersive journey into the realm of virtual reality.

Virtual Reality Product Pitch Presentation

Template 3: Food Product Pitch Presentation PPT Template

Food is not just sustenance; it's an experience. Imagine a culinary entrepreneur about to introduce a new line of gourmet delights. This pitch deck PPT Template captures the essence of the food product and a unique presentation for businesses to showcase their product or brand to business partners or investors. From showcasing the company story, the value that the products offer, market size analysis and business model. Use this template to also highlight innovation strategies on competitors’ analysis, competitive advantage, supply chain, target group bifurcation, and more.

With delectable visuals, enticing descriptions, and a layout tantalizes the senses, download this preset that takes presenters on a gastronomic journey.

Each of these templates serves as a beacon of creativity, guiding presenters through the intricate maze of introducing a new product to the world.

Food Product Pitch Presentation

Unlocking Success: Captivating Audiences and Achieving Goals

As we conclude this exploration of product presentation templates, it's evident that they are not mere slides but catalysts of success. They empower presenters to convey their ideas with clarity, conviction, and creativity. They capture attention, fuel curiosity, and leave a lasting impression. Whether it's a tech gadget, a virtual reality marvel, or a culinary delight, product presentations are the vessels that carry innovation to its rightful destination - the hearts and minds of those who seek to be inspired.

As we advance, dive into the world of strategic product development with these templates that guide you through every step of creating and refining your product.

FAQs on Product Presentations

What is a good product presentation  .

A good product presentation communicates a product's value, features, and benefits to its target audience. It should be visually appealing, well-structured, and engaging. A successful product presentation highlights the product's unique selling points, addresses customer pain points, and demonstrates how the product solves those issues. It should also include relevant data, visuals, and, possibly, real-life use cases to resonate with the audience.

What is an online product presentation?  

An online product presentation is a virtual product demonstration conducted over the Internet. It involves using digital tools, such as slides, videos, and interactive elements, to showcase a product's features, benefits, and value proposition to a remote audience. Online product presentations can be live webinars and video demonstrations to interactive virtual tours and product walkthroughs.

What are the steps in product presentation?  

Steps in a product presentation involve a systematic approach to conveying the product's information effectively:

  • Research:  Understand your audience and tailor the presentation accordingly.
  • Outline:  Create a clear structure for the presentation, including an introduction, key features, benefits, visuals, and a conclusion.
  • Introduction:  Grab the audience's attention and introduce the product's context.
  • Features and Benefits:  Highlight the product's unique features and how they solve customer problems.
  • Visuals:  Incorporate visuals like images, videos, and infographics to enhance understanding.
  • Use Cases:  Provide real-life examples of how the product can be used.
  • Data and Metrics:  Include relevant data such as market statistics, customer testimonials, and success stories.
  • Comparison:  If applicable, compare the product with alternatives to showcase its superiority.
  • Call to Action:  Encourage the audience to take the next step, whether it's purchasing the product or reaching out for more information.

What should be included in a product launch presentation?  

A product launch presentation is a crucial opportunity to present a new product to the market. It should cover:

  • Product Overview:  Introduce the product's name, purpose, and target audience.
  • Value Proposition:  Clearly state the unique value the product offers to customers.
  • Features and Benefits:  Highlight key features and how they address customer needs.
  • Use Cases:  Provide real-world scenarios where the product can make a difference.
  • Market Analysis:  Share insights on the market demand and potential for the product.
  • Competition:  Discuss how the product compares to existing solutions.
  • Availability:  Specify the product's launch date, availability, and purchasing information.
  • Team and Resources:  Introduce the team behind the product's development.
  • Future Roadmap:  Briefly outline the product's future developments and improvements.

Remember, a successful product presentation effectively communicates the product's value, addresses customer needs, and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

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Product presentation: best practices & templates for success.

11 min read

As a product manager, it’s not enough to simply come up with a great product that you know will solve the problems of your customers or give the market something it hasn’t seen before.

One of the key drivers to product success, is how the product is eventually presented to the market. Pitching your product correctly can make a success out of your hardwork. Pitching it wrong, however, can undo months (potentially years of hard work).

In this guide we take a look at the process of product presentation and outline why it’s important to your brand’s long-term success.

What is product presentation?

Product presentation is the process of bringing your product in front of your customers, whether it’s a new product, or an existing product with new features.

As the name suggests, it involves a presentation (product presentation slides) during which you take potential customers through the details of your product, including what it is, how it works, and how it helps to solve their problems.

A successful product presentation will ensure your potential customers know exactly why they should be interested in your new or updated product and can also help your sales team and marketing team with their plans for further product promotion.

Getting your product presentation right is a critical stage and there are several benefits you can generate with a powerful product presentation.

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Some of these benefits include:

A. Raise more product awareness

Giving a product presentation to potential buyers can generate far more awareness and draw attention to your product. We’ve all seen the slick product presentations by the likes of Apple that are treated as world events.

B. Help your product stand out

Whether you’re looking to entice existing customers with product updates, or establish credibility with new customers, a product presentation can help you stand out above the competition, which is particularly useful if you’re in a competitive or crowded market.

C. Reach a much larger audience

We’ve already mentioned how companies like Apple use product presentations in their marketing strategy. When Apple gives a product presentation or releases new features, it becomes a world-wide event generating interest not just from customers, but from the media.

Generating this wider media interest has many benefits and can create even more hype about your product among current customers and potential customers.

Getting your company name out in the media will help keep you front of mind when customers come to purchase – which is exactly where you want to be.

D. Generate more sales and revenue

Ultimately your product presentation is a sales presentation that sales teams can use to move buyers towards purchasing by demonstrating your product quality and providing specific product details directly to your audience.

What is the purpose of product presentation?

While product presentations can by used as sales presentations, they provide a specific purpose for product managers to help customers understand exactly why they should be interested in your product and what it can do for them.

It also provides an opportunity to be clear about what makes your product unique, but it also helps you tell the story of your product and help make a connection between the product and your customers.

We’ve all heard Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” presentation, this is what your product presentation can do.

It can help customers understand why you do what you do, and provide specific examples of why your product solves their challenges.

Examples of effective product presentations

Effective product presentations can be different from company to company, but many follow the same template and will include many of the same elements.

The best product presentations will include details like:

1. Your company overview

Give customers some background and an idea of who you are as a company and why you do the things you do.

2. The problem you solve

Whether you solve a new problem or solve similar problems but in a better way, you need to be absolutely clear how you meet your customer needs and solve the problems in the market.

3. What the product is

This is your chance to outline all the benefits, features and other details of your latest product. The information you give here will help build trust with customers and increase the chances of them making a purchase.

4. Case studies

If you already developed social proof for your product with customers, then you should include details of this in your product presentation. If you can include testimonials or other instances to demonstrate how your product works, include them.

5. Call to action

Remember, your product presentation can work like a sales presentation (although it will be more focussed on the product and features than a sales presentation) so you should use a call to action to encourage customers to complete an action, like a purchase.

Here are a few examples of effective product presentations we’ve seen:

Samsung galaxy note8.

Samsung made great use of visual aids and entertainment to introduce the new Samsung Galaxy Note8 in this product presentation. This goes to show that while you can be effective with a product powerpoint presentation, adding a bit of extra spark can set you apart:

AirBnB’s product presentation is a textbook example of a presentation template that hits all the main points of a great product presentation.

AirBnB keep their product presentation simple, outlining very clearly the problem they solve, where they see themselves positioned in the marketplace, and exactly how the product works.

They also include many figures for revenue, the key benefits they offer and clear use cases when their product would be used.

Tesla Roadster

Tesla is becoming as synonymous with brilliant product presentations as Apple and the presentation of the company’s Roadster was a great example.

All the features were on full display and the audience were given the real sense they were looking at a genuine market disruptor.

Apple 2008 MacBook Air

Of course it wouldn’t be right to have a guide about product presentation and not include the company that has revolutionised this product focussed sales pitch.

The MacBook Air product presentation tagline There’s something in the air makes sense completely in the brand guidelines of Apple too.

It creates a story around the product before diving into the details.

What not to do with your product presentation

Of course, while your product presentation slides can get your foot in the door with customers, they can just as easily end with the door slamming in your face if you get it wrong.

And there’s plenty of examples of what you shouldn’t do in a product presentation:

Ignore brand guidelines

Remember, you want customers to associate your brand along side your product so they think of both synonymously. If you prepare a product presentation that jumps around in styles and themes, you’ll risk confusing customers.

Using too much information

There’s nothing worse than a product powerpoint presentation with big blocks of text that are hard to understand. It’s not just powerpoint slides that can be a problem of course. While it’s important to give customers information in your product presentations, the key is to give them the relevant information.

Cramming in too much risks them losing the key points.

Having a boring presentation template

We’ve shown with AirBnB’s product presentation that a pdf format and a slide deck outlining the key product details, and a clear product roadmap make for an effective presentation.

That can work when you don’t have a physical product.

But as we’ve also seen with the likes of Apple, Tesla and Samsung, if you have a physical product, use it to your best advantage.

Make it all about you

This might sound counterintuitive when talking about your product, but the only reason customers are going to care about it is because they get something out of it. Be clear what’s in it for them, and also try to include them in your product presentation. If you can engage your audience and make your product presentation more interactive there’s a great chance it will stand out.

Product presentation templates

Your product presentation should be a reflection of your individual brand and product, but a product presentation template can help get you started, and there are plenty available:

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Related resources

Product concept 12 min read, product feedback 14 min read, product metrics 17 min read, product launch 18 min read, product marketing 23 min read, product roadmap 16 min read, product analysis 13 min read, request demo.

Ready to learn more about Qualtrics?

How to perfect your brand presentation

Back in the day, the concept of a full “ brand identity design ” applied mostly to major corporations with a huge marketing presence. Everyone else got along well enough with just a logo; at best, one that could be stamped on letterhead and business cards too.

Now, even small businesses have to think right from the start about how their brand is going to work across a website (on several types of device), social media, print media, product packaging and swag; and, yes, letterhead and business cards as well.

And you, the designer, have to find a way to present your design in a way that proves it is up to the task. How on earth do you fill such a tall order?

To find the answer, we sifted through the best, most professional and innovative brand presentations and campaigns of 2016—among them Grubhub, Guinness, AT&T and the Tate—to see how the world’s best design firms presented their initial work. We grouped our findings into the 10 categories below.

1. Illustrate your concept

Image via Manual

Most logos have an underlying concept or idea, even a simple one. Manual’s design for Fort Point Beer Company, for example, uses one of the steel trusses from a picturesque bridge near the brewery’s location. By including a handsome photograph of this object in their brand presentation, they really make their concept click.

The same firm also designed a new identity for the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. By itself it  might just look like an abstract polygon, but in fact the concept was based on the unique shape of Yerba Buena’s site, and is also meant to represent arrows expanding outward to signify growth. The concept behind this one is a little less obvious, so their map image, which they also animated to illustrate the expansion component, really makes a difference.

2. Showcase your creative process

Image via DesignBridge

As any art lover will tell you, knowing the story behind how a great work was created can really add to your appreciation of it. The same goes for your branding work. DesignBridge had an especially impressive process in creating Guinness’ new, more realistic harp logo. They went to one of the oldest harp manufacturers in the United Kingdom to actually spend time with the instruments and capture their visual essence. They make sure to highlight this special effort in their brand presentation, and also include sketches to show their working process.

Image via UnderConsideration

Interbrand took a simple but effective approach in their brand presentation for AT&T. They simply included a collage of photographs documenting their creative process. It gives a sense of the many iterations they considered before arriving at the finished product.

3. Distinguish your design from the old one

Image via Wolff Olins

If a company has hired you to create their first ever brand identity, then you have a clean slate. But if you are replacing an existing one, then you need to make an extra effort to demonstrate how your work is superior to what came before. Wolff Olins ‘ approach was to juxtapose their sleek new design (shown at left above) with a motley collage of old brand materials (right), which together show how crude and disjointed the old brand had become.

Interbrand’s AT&T design is very similar to the old one. Their task was not a complete overhaul, but rather a small tweak to make the brand more effective across new 21st century media. Thus, their approach to presenting their work was simply to overlay their new design on top of the old one and point out its small but significant improvements.

4. Go into detail

Typographic wordmark designs require a tremendous amount of precise crafting. Unfortunately, to a layperson client, it might look like you did little more than select a font. To show them that your design is more than “just a font,” do what Uber did: go in to detail with a grid that shows all the specific lengths, widths and angles that make your wordmark aesthetically successful.

5. Show your design’s flexibility

Recognize that hexagon? It’s the outline of Manual’s logo for Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (discussed earlier). This image is a mockup of how their design could be modified to visually organize Yerba Buena’s advertisements, season catalogs or even signage. Such flexibility is a key value in contemporary branding. If you can show that your design can unify a complex platform of marketing elements, you will be in good shape.

Image via Interbrand Australia

Can you spot the logo here, by Interbrand Australia for Australian Design Center? This “modular” logo’s basic form is the third one from the left, consisting of three simple blocks topped by a triangle. Its genius lies in its flexibility: it is able to expand to incorporate other visual and textual elements, or contract into smaller shapes to fit on smaller screen sizes. If the designer had simply presented the logo’s primary form to the client, it might have seemed ridiculously simple. But by showing its various iterations, it looks marvelously versatile.

Images via Wolff Olins

Being flexible doesn’t have to be as complicated as Australian Design Centre’s acrobatic manuever. Wolff Olins made a more simple effort to show how their elegant wordmark can shift and bend into different formations while still being recognizable as the brand that it is.

6. Prove it is adaptable

This suggestion is similar to the last one, but not quite the same. Proving flexibility means showing your design is capable of shape shifting to work across different environments. Proving adaptability means showing how one single design can maintain its integrity within different parameters. Here, Interbrand shows its client how their logo can look good in front of white backgrounds, black backgrounds, colored backgrounds and photographs—something that was not true of the old, three dimensional looking design.

Another example is DesignBridge’s Guinness logo. Here they show how it still looks good in black and white, and in an embossed gold form. Very handsome indeed.

7. Justify your color scheme

The color scheme is one of the most tricky and ineffable, yet crucially important, aspects of a brand identity design. There are tons of questionable studies out there about the psychology of color, but at the end of the day it largely comes down to sensible taste. How do you convey something like that to a client? Skip the Pantone swatches and demonstrate your color scheme using real brand elements, like Manual did with their stationery for YBCA.

Uber took a more more innovative, adaptable approach to color: the color scheme and graphic background patterns for their app change depending on one’s location in the world. This idea is somewhat opaque in theory, so their visual demonstration is very helpful. Each of these collages shows a city and a typical local pattern or landscape, next to the color schemes into which these translate.

8. Show off your typeface

Image via Enchilada

Kudos to you if you have the skills to create a custom typeface for your client, like Enchilada (great name, by the way) did for Rotterdams Harmonisch Orkest. But even if you’re just selecting a typeface from existing options—which is totally fine—it’s still a good idea to do what Enchilada did and present an industry-standard sample to your client. Take Enchilada’s cue and ditch “Lorem ipsum” in favor of a brief explanation of why your typeface is the right choice for the brand.

9. Put product packages in their best light

Showing off a product packaging design to a client is especially difficult, because you have to convey something three-dimensional using just two. Roll-outs are of course a necessary component, but it’s also a smart idea to show how the design will look in real life. This Budweiser mockup by Jones Knowles Ritchie is especially effective because of how they angle each bottle to provide a view of the design as a whole.

This image by Manual for Fort Point is also a lesson in presentation. By filling up the whole frame with their can designs, rather than having them stand before a white background, they create a much more compelling image.

10. Capture every application

Images via UnderConsideration

Like we said at the start, nowadays designers must assume that their design will appear absolutely everywhere, from tote bags to iPhone screens to architecture. North does a good job of showing how their refresh of the Tate brand will look on pins, t-shirts and even shoes. This photo looks like it is of actual merchandise, but if you are creating a brand presentation for a client, you could easily do something similar in mockup form.

This image of Interbrand Australia’s design for Australian Design Centre conveys an important lesson: always try to show how your brand work will look in the actual space where it is going to appear—not just a generic one. If you can add it to a photograph with real people, all the better.

Lastly, don’t forget to keep in mind the hottest, newest technology. Wolf Ollins was quick to show its client, Grubhub, how their design would look on an Apple Watch interface.

Check out this article for more branding tips .

Need help with design? Explore all your custom design options and bring your ideas to life today! Tell me more

Author: Alex Bigman

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Illustrated Business Presentation Template

Illustrated Business Presentation

Make your business look more creative using this colorful, artistic presentation template.

Interior Design Presentation Template

Interior Design Presentation

Showcase your brilliant home decor ideas with this interior design presentation template.

Mobile App Trends Presentation Template

Mobile App Trends Presentation

Use this mobile app presentation template to create a buzz or update your audience on recent trends.

Red Background Presentation Template

Red Background Presentation

Create a stunning first impression in front of your audience with this simple red background presentation template.

Free Product Presentation Templates by Visme

Consumers love nothing if not a good story. You may think that your product presentation is supposed to make your offering look as appealing as possible, and to a certain extent that's true. But what you're really trying to do is tell a story. Why is this the right solution for the right consumer challenge at exactly the right time? How will the lives of your audience members be better after they've engaged with your product than they were before? These are the types of questions that your presentation needs to answer and now, thanks to Visme's presentation software , it's easier than ever to do precisely that.

Whether you're trying to convince individual consumers to make a purchase or are trying to get large retailers to stock your product on their valuable shelves, Visme and its 100s of features (not to mention incredible product presentation templates) puts all of the tools you need to accomplish your goals squarely in your hands. These templates have the colors, the backgrounds and the thousands of free stock images you need to not only earn and keep the attention of your audience, but to truly tell your product's story with a refreshing level of ease you probably haven't been able to enjoy up until now. Once you spend a few minutes using Visme's effortless drag-and-drop interface, we believe you'll quickly come to wonder how you were ever able to get by without it in the past.

Create Your Presentation Now

Free Product Presentation Templates by Visme


  1. Free Brand Presentation Templates

    brand product presentation

  2. Create a Stunning Brand Presentation (with Templates)

    brand product presentation

  3. 25 Beautiful Examples of Brand Presentation for Inspiration

    brand product presentation

  4. Brand & Marketing Design Presentation Template

    brand product presentation

  5. Free Brand Presentation Templates

    brand product presentation

  6. Free Brand Presentation Templates

    brand product presentation


  1. Trick customers into buying your product with unique packaging #salestips #businesstips #marketing

  2. Marketing Coordinator: Mastering Brand Tone & Voice 18

  3. The Most Common Way to Brand a Product

  4. Guide To Build A Personal Brand Powerpoint Presentation Slides

  5. Company Branding Powerpoint Presentation Slides

  6. Effective Product Marketing Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides


  1. 10 Steps to Creating a Powerful Product Presentation

    Step 8: Determine Follow-Up Questions and Provide Answers. At the end of your product presentation, prospects or investors are likely to have a handful of questions about your product. Typically prospective customers ask questions to know if the product is a right fit for their organization.

  2. 11 Product Presentation Examples Driving Business Results

    But contrary to what design studios will tell you, high-quality images, graphics, and videos are not enough to create an engaging experience. For that you need visuals that show what words can't tell - show your product in action, how it works, or how it changes lives. 4. No clear call-to-action.

  3. Product Presentation Examples

    A product presentation is a presentation you use to introduce your company's new or renovated product, or a newly developed feature, for people to get to know more about it. In this type of presentation, you'll take your audience through what it is, how it works, and how it helps solve their problems. For example, the Tinder pitch deck and ...

  4. Best Branded Presentation Examples

    Creating branded presentations is a cornerstone of modern business.. If you think about it, we usually use presentations to convince people to experience our brand - either as a client, employee, or investor.Let's say in client meetings, webinars, or pitch competitions. These are important events that could make or break future partnerships for the success of your business.

  5. How to Nail Your Brand Presentation: Examples and Pro Tips

    8. Think about the wider use of your presentation. Keep the flow and content of your presentation in mind if it has the potential to be shared later. Here's why: Each slide should be complete and comprehensive, and the presentation should make sense even when you're not around to share additional context.

  6. 25+ Best Brand Presentation Templates & Examples

    Imagine - Brand PowerPoint Presentation Template. Imagine is a versatile PowerPoint template perfect for modern brands. With its 30 customizable slides, it's great for showcasing various fields like photography, business, fashion, and more. Its smooth 16:9 ratio guarantees pixel-perfect imagery.

  7. The Ultimate Brand Identity Presentation Guide

    Your brand identity. 1. Mission and Vision. Including your mission and vision in your brand identity design presentation is vital because it defines your brand's purpose and long-term goals. You should structure these slides with a brief introduction followed by concise mission and vision statements: 2. Brand Purpose.

  8. How to Create a Successful Brand Presentation (Tips + Templates)

    Tip #2 - Leverage Social Proof. Incorporate testimonials, client logos, and case studies that reflect your brand's credibility. This is of particular interest in scenarios like business pitches or sales presentations, where your reputation is the one key factor that can make or break a deal.

  9. How to Make a Killer Brand Presentation

    A branding presentation will usually consist of: Brand overview; Detailed information about the brand's target market; How the brand positions itself in the market; Showcase of the brand's visual elements (logo, color palette, imagery); Explanation of the brand's communication style (voice, tone); Examples of how the brand identity is ...

  10. Create Killer Marketing Presentations (Examples & Templates)

    Branding & product presentation. When presenting on branding and product, you're essentially telling a story. Showcase the personality, values, and unique selling proposition (USP) of your brand. Introduce your product or service, making it tangible and valuable to your audience.

  11. How to Create a Great Product Presentation

    A powerful introduction is key to an efzzwefective presentation. Be sure to create an opening slide that is heavy on visual interaction and communicates a strong statement that leaves people yearning to learn more. 2. Keep everything on brand. A professional slide deck is one that stays on brand from start to finish.

  12. Tips To Create A Powerful Product Presentation Plus Examples

    Demonstrates value: A product presentation can effectively demonstrate the value of a product, highlighting how it can solve a particular problem or meet a specific need. Builds credibility: A professional and engaging product presentation can help build credibility for your product and brand, making customers more likely to trust and purchase ...

  13. Make a Product Launch Presentation (+ Examples & Templates)

    Interactive product launch presentation templates offer a structured starting point. They come packed with features that are optimized to engage and guide your audience through the story of your product. Grab one and create your best deck yet. Sales demo presentation. SaaS product business proposal.

  14. 10+ Free Product Presentation Templates

    Add images, custom fonts, vector icons, and other visual elements that highlight your product's value proposition. You can also use charts and tables to help convey complex data in a clear ...

  15. Free Brand Presentation Templates

    This brand identity presentation template provides a step-by-step process for defining and refining it. Enter design goals and objectives, marketing materials, and details about your target audience. Next, define your brand's call to action (i.e., the desired reaction from your target audience), and enter the brand look and feel, campaign ...

  16. Must-Have Product Presentation Templates with Examples and ...

    This is where product presentation templates are a must-have in your library. These presentations serve as the foundation upon which a compelling narrative is built. They offer a structured canvas to showcase the product's features, benefits, and uniqueness. But more than that, they transform complex ideas into visual stories that resonate ...

  17. Product Presentation: Best practices & templates for success

    AirBnB. AirBnB's product presentation is a textbook example of a presentation template that hits all the main points of a great product presentation.. AirBnB keep their product presentation simple, outlining very clearly the problem they solve, where they see themselves positioned in the marketplace, and exactly how the product works.. They also include many figures for revenue, the key ...

  18. How to perfect your brand presentation

    Interbrand took a simple but effective approach in their brand presentation for AT&T. They simply included a collage of photographs documenting their creative process. It gives a sense of the many iterations they considered before arriving at the finished product. 3. Distinguish your design from the old one.

  19. 6 Brand Presentation Templates

    Here's what you need to do to design your brand presentation: 1. Choose a template. Communicate your brand-related assets better with these ready-made presentations. Just pick from any of the ...

  20. Free Product Presentation Templates to Customize

    You need professional product presentation templates. These templates have the colors, backgrounds, and free stock images needed to not only keep the attention of your audience, but to tell your product's story with refreshing ease. Type. Industry.

  21. Free Product Presentation Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Free Product Slide Templates for an Engaging Slideshow. Make your product presentations stand out with this product presentation template. Perfect for business professionals and entrepreneurs, these templates will help you showcase your products in a visually appealing way. With a range of customizable slides, you can easily manage your ...