Where Did The Phrase “The Dog Ate My Homework” Come From?

Dogs are known as man’s best friend. Dogs keep us safe, are hard workers … and can provide a handy excuse in a pinch. Maybe that’s why versions of the classic expression the dog ate my homework have been around for hundreds of years.

Today, the dog ate my homework is used as a stock example of the kind of silly excuses schoolchildren give for why their work isn’t finished. Very rarely do people say, “the dog ate my homework” and expect it to be taken literally; they use the expression as an example of a typically flimsy excuse.

So where did the phrase come from?

Forrest Wickman, a writer for Slate , describes the legend of the 6th-century Saint Ciarán of Clonmacnoise as the alleged first recorded “the dog ate my homework” story. According to the tale, Saint Ciarán had a tame young fox that would take his writings to his master for him. One day, the fox grew up and decided to eat the leather strap binding the writings together instead. Still, this tale is more Garden-of-Eden parable and less terrible schoolchild excuse.

The notion that dogs will eat just about anything, including paper, turns up in lots of stories over the centuries. An example comes from The Humors of Whist , published in 1808 in Sporting Magazine . In the story, the players are sitting around playing cards when one of them remarks that their companion would have lost the game had the dog not eaten the losing card. Good boy.

Some attribute the creation of the dog ate my homework to a joke that was going around at the beginning of the 20th century. In a tale found as far back as an 1894 memoir by Anglican priest Samuel Reynolds Hole, a preacher gives a shortened version of a sermon because a dog got into his study and ate some of the pages he had written. However, the clerk loved it because they had been wanting the preacher to shorten his sermons for years.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary , the first example of the dog ate my homework excuse in print can be found in a speech given by retiring headmaster James Bewsher in 1929 and published in the Manchester Guardian : “It is a long time since I have had the excuse about the dog tearing up the arithmetic homework.” The way this comment is phrased suggests that the whole dog ate my homework story had been around for some time before it was put in print.

When was the word homework created?

But in order for a dog to eat homework specifically, homework had to be invented (oh, and how we wish it hadn’t been). True, the word homework , as in what we call today housework , appears as early as 1653. But homework , as in school exercises to be done at home, isn’t found until 1852. Once we had homework , it was only a matter of time before the dog was accused of eating it.

How we use this phrase now

No matter the origin, sometime in the 1950s, the expression became set as the dog ate my homework . This inspired any number of riffs on the theme, like my cow ate my homework or my brother ate my homework . In the 1960s, the dog ate my homework continued to gain popularity. The expression popped up a couple times in politics over the years, like when President Reagan said to reporters in 1988, “I had hoped that we had marked the end of the ‘dog-ate-my-homework’ era of Congressional budgetry … but it was not to be.”

It seems unlikely that the dog ate my homework was ever used consistently or frequently by actual schoolchildren. In fact, it’s the unlikeliness of the story that makes it so funny and absurd as a joke. Instead, teachers and authority figures appear to have cited the dog ate my homework many times over the years as such a bad excuse they can’t believe students are really using it.

In the 21st century, students don’t spend as much time working with physical pen and paper as they once did. That may contribute to the decline in the use of the phrase. So, maybe soon we’ll see a new equally absurd phrase pop up. Come on Zoomers, you’ve got this.

WATCH: What's A Unique Homework Routine That Works?

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September 2024

My Doggy Ate My Essay

My doggy ate my essay. He picked up all my mail. He cleaned my dirty closet and dusted with his tail.   He straightened out my posters and swept my wooden floor. My parents almost fainted when he fixed my bedroom door.   I did not try to stop him. He made my windows shine. My room looked like a palace, and my dresser smelled like pine.   He fluffed up every pillow. He folded all my clothes. He even cleaned my fish tank with a toothbrush and a hose.   I thought it was amazing to see him use a broom. I’m glad he ate my essay on “How to Clean My Room.”   Copyright Credit: “My Doggy Ate My Essay” © 2009 by Darren Sardelli. Reprinted from Galaxy Pizza and Meteor Pie , Copyright © 2009 by Laugh-A-Lot Books. Used with permission from Darren Sardelli.   Source: Galaxy Pizza and Meteor Pie (Laugh-A-Lot Books)

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From Our Listeners

Sometimes the dog really does eat your homework.

Last week, we brought you the story of how the phrase "The Dog Ate My Homework" came to be and how it morphed into a palpably ridiculous excuse. Turns out, sometimes its not an excuse at all. Weekend Edition host Scott Simon has a few stories from our listeners that swear, honest, the dog did eat their homework.

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April 18, 2014

Contemporary Fiction , Education

The Dog Ate My Homework

It seemed like the most plausible excuse at the time: blame the new dog for eating up my now overdue essay. But then I just had to embellish...

Karen Donley-Hayes

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Illustration of a GI Joe figurine, a tadpole, a pencil, a rock, and a school report on a plate. Illustration by Karen Donley-Hayes

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Illustration of a GI Joe figurine, a tadpole, a pencil, a rock, and a school report on a plate. Illustration by Karen Donley-Hayes

The fact of the matter was, I didn’t have anyone else to blame. So I blamed Roscoe–perhaps ill-advised, him being my father’s K-9 partner-in-waiting, but I had completely forgotten my homework. I wasn’t in the habit of lying or putting blame where it didn’t belong, but I was caught off guard–daydreaming about Roscoe, in fact. My third grade teacher now loomed over my desk, expectant, her hand outstretched, fingers wiggling. And in my deer-in-the-headlights stare, with Miss Underwood frowning down at me, the words blurted out all on their own.

“Roscoe ate it.”

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“What?” Miss Underwood scowled more, if that were possible. She planted her fists against her ample hips and leaned in, hovering over me.

I blinked, swallowed a spitless lump in my throat, and having already lied, promptly repeated myself. “Roscoe ate it,” I said with slightly more conviction.

Miss Underwood stood stiff, smack dab in front of my desk, so close I should have been able to smell the little flowers on her dress. I had an overpowering impulse to move away from her, but my chair shackled me to the spot. I stared at the vibrant gladiola sprouting out from beneath Miss Underwood’s belt, and felt the entire class’s attention span shake from all else and swoop down on me.

“Mister Pike. You are not lying to me, are you?” It was more a challenge than a question.

Miss Underwood absolutely terrified me–almost as much as did the prospect of acquiring the entire class’s ridicule or getting caught in a bald-faced lie–and such terror can be a remarkable survival mechanism, because my brain spun a web and my mouth spewed it out without so much as consulting with me. I sat, breathless and rapt with the rest of the class, listening to this story unfold.

“Oh, no ma’am,” a voice–my voice–poured out of me, my brain, frenetic, only barely keeping a syllable ahead of my mouth. “I wrote my report on the metamorphosis of tadpoles into frogs,” I heard. (It was a good thing I had recently become fascinated by this amphibious process and had not only been reading about it but observing it in the natural setting of our backyard.) “And I took the paper with me to the pond so that I could look at them and draw pictures to show the stages, and Roscoe came with me, and I had a tadpole on the top of the paper so I could trace it and Roscoe saw it and before I knew what happened he jumped on it and swallowed it whole, and the paper.”

I shifted my bug-eyed gaze up the floral landscape to the teacher’s face. Miss Underwood remained completely still.

“And the rock that I had holding the paper down,” my voice said. Her eye twitched, barely perceptible. “And the pencil I was using.” Her brows drew closer together. “And then it was dark, and I couldn’t draw them again, and then I had to do my chores and it was time for bed.”

Miss Underwood frowned, unwedged one hand from her hip and pointed at my chest. “You’d better be sure to get that dog to the vet, young man.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I nodded vigorously. “We’re taking him this afternoon.”

“Good,” she said. “And re-write your report and bring it in tomorrow. Along with a report on how Roscoe did at the vet’s.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said, and wondered if the pittance I had in the Mason jar under my bed could buy me a plane, train, or boat ticket anywhere else in the world.

That afternoon, when I slouched from the school bus, Roscoe careened down the driveway to meet me, his half-grown legs all knobs and paws flying indiscriminately; he seemed none the worse for wear for his “misadventure” of the day before. I trudged up the driveway, the pup orbiting around me, bounding and panting, pausing only to wolf down my mother’s lone remaining gladiola. While my reporting of late had been very light on honesty, there was truth to the fact that Roscoe was a one-canine mauling, gulping, devouring, completely-nondiscriminatory eating machine. The gladiolas, much to my mother’s dismay, had vanished into his maw during a single galumphing frenzy; this was shortly after Roscoe had discovered the infinite wonders that the frog pond in the backyard held. Mom had admonished my father to restrain the dog. Dad had testified that socialization was critical to Roscoe’s mental development and future as a police dog. Mom declared her flowers unfair casualties. Dad promised to build a fence for her gardens (a moot point, as Roscoe had already decimated them).

The sound of my mother’s footsteps on the porch drew my attention; I looked up to see Roscoe gleefully caprioling by her side. She had her arms crossed over her chest, and was staring at me with an expression that immediately made me slow my already lethargic trudge.

“I hear Roscoe ate your homework,” she said. There was no tone of accusation or belief–or even disbelief, for that matter–just a simple statement. I stopped and looked up at her, and for two ticks of a heartbeat I was on the verge of coming clean. I steeled myself to admit my lie, to face the consequences, and to be a better man for it. During those two ticks of a heartbeat, Roscoe splayed himself on the porch and latched onto one of the banister posts, gnawing and grunting.

“Yes ma’am,” I said, and felt the heat rise under my collar as I lied to my own mother. I looked intently at Roscoe (who supported my story with his every action) to avoid looking in my mother’s eyes. I heard her sigh.

“Well, alright then. I called Dr. Brown’s office as soon as Miss Underwood phoned me, so let’s get things together and get going. Hopefully, he’ll be fine; it’s that rock I’m worried about.”

I nodded and walked up the porch steps, head down and ashamed, and slipped past my mother, past the squirming, euphoric mass of German shepherd enthusiasm. My mother stayed on the porch while I dropped my book bag on the kitchen table. Roscoe leapt up, flung himself against her legs. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her reach down idly and rub his head. He gazed up at her adoringly, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, wood splinters flecking his lips; his tailed swished nonstop across the porch.

“Maybe the paper and rock and all just went right through him,” I said, and hoped that if a dog actually were to eat a paper and a rock, they might actually move right along. Otherwise, I was going to be busted when the vet checked the dog out and declared him devoid of foreign objects. Not that I wanted him to have a problem; I didn’t, but his clean bill of health was my sentence. Granted, it was of my own making.

“I hope so,” Mom’s voice came in from the porch. I heard her add, under her breath, “Roscoe, you’re going to be the death of me if you live long enough.”

In the vet’s waiting room, I studiously worked on my tadpole-to-frog report, shielding it from Roscoe, who my mother worked up a sweat restraining. And when it was finally his turn to go in and be examined, and I was left with silence and the weight of my own guilt, I could barely remember the details of amphibian metamorphosis, much less write about them. Mom, quiet, read a paperback. The clock on the wall ticked off five minutes, 10, 15; the smell of the waiting room mixed with the odor of wet dog, cat pee, and rodent cage litter, and I began to feel nauseous.

“How’s your paper coming?” Mom asked. I shrugged. I sweated.

I was nearly to the point of breaking down and admitting my guilt, or at least bolting from the waiting room and into the parking lot, when Dr. Brown summoned us. Mom clutched her purse, and I drooped behind her, a condemned man going to the gallows. The vet brought us into the execution chamber, and closed the door. The harsh florescent lights gleamed, ruthless and all-seeing. Roscoe was not in the room to witness my punishment.

Dr. Brown cleared his throat. I felt a prickling thrill of sweat, and stared fixedly at the poster of canine parasites on the wall. “Well, we took x-rays of Roscoe, and we don’t see your rock or your paper.”

I couldn’t help a fleeting glance at the vet; he met my eyes for a beat, then looked over at Mom. “But it’s a good thing you brought him in, because we did see something else.”

I blinked, confused.

“Oh?” my mother said.

Dr. Brown turned his back to us, popped a thick sheet of film against a panel, and turned on the light behind it. Ribs and spine and gray masses flickered to light. Dr. Brown glanced over his shoulder toward us. Both Mom and I leaned toward the glowing image. Dr. Brown cleared his throat again and pointed to something in the middle of the picture. I looked closer, squinted, and then with a sting of recognition, I understood the image on the screen. My mother realized at the same time, and she chuffed, glancing sidelong at me.

“This,” Dr. Brown said, tapping the image of my G.I. Joe, recently MIA, “needs to come out. And it won’t come out the easy way like that rock did,” he glanced down at me again. “It will snag other things he swallows, and you’re going to have a bad emergency situation, maybe a dead dog.”

My mother reached for the collar of her blouse, pressed her hand flat. “Oh, no. Oh, poor Roscoe!”

My skin prickled again, but I wasn’t worried about my guilt and punishment anymore. “Will he be okay?” My voice sounded tiny and tremulous. “He won’t really die, will he?”

Dr. Brown smiled then. “No, I think we got him in time. We’ll put him on the surgery schedule for the morning, and he should be right as rain in a month’s time.” He reached a hand out and ruffled my hair. I realized I was crying. “In a way, it’s a good thing he ate your homework, otherwise you might not have found out about this until it was too late.”

I looked up at him lamely.

That weekend, Dad fenced off what was left of Mom’s gardens, I patrolled the entire house and yard and commandeered all swallowable objects (and even some that didn’t seem swallowable), and my folks and I discussed the new obedience regimen for Roscoe. When he came home a few days later, belly shaved but none-the-worse for wear, I doted on him and chaperoned him vigilantly. After a short period of gorging withdrawal, Roscoe adjusted gleefully to his obedience training, and was already ahead of the learning curve when he officially entered his police-dog training.

I was too ashamed to ever admit to my parents my panic-induced homework fabrication. I like to think that the guilt and anxiety I experienced for that long afternoon was punishment enough, and sometimes, I also like to think that it was all part of the plan for Roscoe’s long and decorated life. I like to think that, but I don’t believe it much more than Miss Underwood believed me.

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Sep 13, 2024

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Maximus and Massima

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Sep 06, 2024

The Lucky One

Susan Alice Bickford

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Aug 30, 2024

Give or Take a Quarter Inch

Joseph S. Walker

I love reading K. Donley’s fiction & non fiction. There is always an element of curiosity and expectancy that keeps my attention and wanting to discover. Her sentences are like little paintings that color and shape the atmosphere and lend to the feeling of actually being “there.” Keep writing K. Donley!

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1 Love Poems

1 Love Poems

School excuses: my dog ate my homework poems | 1lovepoems.

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Unleash the Fun: My Dog Ate My Homework Poems

Welcome to 1LovePoems, where we take the classic excuse “my dog ate my homework” to the next level with a collection of hilarious and charming poems. Whether you’re looking for a silly rhyme to lighten the mood or a heartfelt verse to express your love for your furry friend, we’ve got you covered. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this range of poems about our four-legged homework helpers. Who knows, you may even find some inspiration for your next excuse!

Short Poems

1. “The Excuse” My dog ate my homework, I swear that it’s true, He gobbled it up, Before I even knew.

2. “The Apology” Dear Teacher, I’m sorry, My dog was to blame, He chewed up my homework, It’s my fault, I’m ashamed.

3. “The Confession” I’ll tell you the truth, My dog didn’t eat, I procrastinated, And now I’m a cheat.

4. “The Resolution” No more excuses, I’ll do it on time, Homework complete, And no more canine crime.

Medium Poems

1. “Excuses, Excuses”

My dog ate my homework, oh what a cliché, But when I walked in my room, I knew it was true all the way. The papers were scattered, a mess on the floor, My dog looked up, guilty as ever before.

I searched for a reason, an excuse that would stick, But I knew deep inside, I had only one trick. So I hung my head, and as tears filled my eyes, I said to my teacher, “I’m sorry, please don’t penalize.”

2. “Man’s Best Friend”

My dog ate my homework, I know it sounds absurd, But it’s true, I swear it, every single word. He’s my best friend, always by my side, But in that moment, he couldn’t resist his canine pride.

I begged and pleaded, to no avail, My homework was gone, beyond the pale. But as I looked at my dog, with his wagging tail, I realized it wasn’t his fault, he couldn’t help but prevail.

3. “The Last Straw”

My dog ate my homework, again and again, I couldn’t take it, I was driven insane. So I made a plan, to end this silly game, And prevent my dog from taking the blame.

I kept my homework far from his reach, And finally, he couldn’t quite breach. So now, when I hand in my work, I can finally breathe, without a quirk.

The Great Excuse

I’ll tell you a tale that’s hard to swallow, About a dog who ate my homework, oh so hollow. It may seem like an old cliche, But it really happened to me, I’m here today to say.

It was late at night, and I was feeling quite weary, I had a project due, and was feeling quite dreary, I had spent all night on the assignment at hand, But then I realized, I didn’t have a plan.

I knew I couldn’t make the midnight deadline, So, I decided to lie and say that I was just fine, I told my teacher a dog ate my paper, It sounded like a fib, it made them taper.

The teacher just rolled their eyes and said, You’d better have that homework done by next week or you’ll be dead. I was dumbfounded and didn’t know what to do, But then I thought of a plan, which I would pursue.

I went home and searched for the perfect pooch, It had to be a breed with a guilty rooch, I found the perfect one that very night, I named him “Homework,” and thought I was quite bright.

The next day, I walked into class with a grin, I had my homework in my hand, as I strolled in, My teacher couldn’t believe what they had seen, Homework wasn’t due for another week, it was just obscene.

But then the teacher noticed the bite marks and tears, The paper was in a million pieces, it brought tears, They looked at me and said, “This is ridiculous, it’s not your fault”, But I didn’t feel bad, I knew I had found the perfect vault.

As time went on, I’d always blame my pup, For eating my work, it became my go-to backup, I never got caught, not even once, My excuse was so believable, it was full of fun.

So, if you ever need an excuse to skip your homework, Just tell them your dog ate it, you’ll twist their mind cork, But be warned, it may become a bad habit, Your dog might become famous, and people might grab it.

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My Dog Does My Homework

A Funny Dog Poem for Kids

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From the book When the Teacher Isn't Looking


My dog does my homework at home every night. He answers each question and gets them all right.

There’s only one problem with homework by Rover. I can’t turn in work that’s been slobbered all over.

 — Kenn Nesbitt

Copyright © 2005. All Rights Reserved.

Reading Level: Grade 2 Topics: Animal Poems , School Poems Poetic Techniques: Anthropomorphism & Personification , Descriptive Poems , Irony Word Count: 41

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Fun fact: John Steinbeck’s dog ate the first draft of Of Mice and Men .

Katie Yee

“The dog ate my homework” is, perhaps, the oldest excuse in the book. But it really happened to John Steinbeck! His dog, Toby, apparently ate half of the first manuscript of Of Mice and Men .

On this very day, May 27, 1936, he wrote :

Minor tragedy stalked. My setter pup, left alone one night, made confetti of about half of my manuscript book. Two months work to do over again. It set me back. There was no other draft. I was pretty mad, but the poor little fellow may have been acting critically. I didn’t want to ruin a good dog for a manuscript I’m not sure is good at all. He only got an ordinary spanking … I’m not sure Toby didn’t know what he was doing when he ate the first draft. I have promoted Toby-dog to be a lieutenant-colonel in charge of literature.

Dog lover that he was, at least he was in good humor about it! (Maybe the moral here is: if your first draft gets destroyed, don’t  terrier self up about it!)

As for Toby, maybe he really was trying to tell his owner that the first draft was  ruff and he didn’t want Steinbeck to setter for it. Or he was hounding him to finish the thing, already! Maybe he just didn’t like that Lennie accidentally killed that innocent dog in the book.

Or maybe Toby somehow knew that later in life, John Steinbeck would go on to write a travelogue with his other dog, a poodle named Charley.

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My Dog Chewed Up My Homework

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by Bruce Lansky

My Dog Ate My Homework by Bruce Lansky

I’m glad to say my homework’s done. I finished it last night. I’ve got it right here in this box. It’s not a pretty sight.

My dog chewed up my homework. He slobbered on it, too. So now my homework’s ripped to shreds and full of slimy goo.

It isn’t much to look at, but I brought it anyway. I’m going to dump it on your desk if I don’t get an A.

Copyright © 1996 Bruce Lansky.  From the book My Dog Ate My Homework . Meadowbrook Press. Reprinted by permission of the author.

About this Poem

“My dog chewed up my homework” is a common excuse used by students who don’t turn in their homework. Usually, it’s a fib to cover up the fact that the student watched TV or shot hoops the night before the homework was due. But what if it were true (I wondered). In this poem I concoct a scenario likely to be believed (and taken seriously) by the teacher.

About The Author

Author Bruce Lansky

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Origin of "my dog ate my homework"?

Is there a specifc incident or origin story for the common joke/comedic phrase "my dog ate my homework"? I always wondered whether there was a student who became notorious for not turning in their homework and using that excuse, or whether someone somewhere used it as a flimsy excuse and everyone thought it was funny, or any other reason...

If no one can find anything, do we at least know how long it's been around as a saying?

Also, how often does it turn out to be true? Has anyone here who owned a dog during childhood ever actually had that happen to them?

user45266's user avatar

  • 2 Yes, one of our dogs chews lots of things if they are left lying about. It is completely plausible. I’d bet it originated in truth about the same time as people started letting dogs live inside the home and homework was being done on paper. –  Jim Commented Mar 6, 2019 at 2:03
  • Here is a piece that recounts a similar joke as early as 1905: slate.com/human-interest/2012/10/… . However, I do not have any evidence that this was the earliest occurrence. –  Benjamin Kuykendall Commented Mar 6, 2019 at 2:04
  • It's been around for as long as there have been dogs and homework. –  Hot Licks Commented Mar 6, 2019 at 2:05
  • That article would make a pretty good answer. –  DJClayworth Commented Mar 6, 2019 at 4:13

The phrase was actually built up through a series of sentences like, ' My dog chewed it up ' and ' My cat chewed it up and I had no time to do it over. '

These sentences were first used in the 1965 comic novel, Up the Down Staircase.

But it mainly became popular in 1974 when a book was written with the title, ' The Cat Ate My Gym. ' Many works had the same reference and only then did it become a classic punch.

It's funny, anyway.

sulfuric.nyx's user avatar

  • 2 1965 may be the origin of the two precise sentences you quote, but it is definitely not the origin of the trope, which is attested in written sources from the beginning of the 20th century. –  Janus Bahs Jacquet Commented Mar 6, 2019 at 16:15

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Wonder of the Day #491

Do Dogs Really Eat Homework?


SCIENCE — Life Science

Have You Ever Wondered...

  • Do dogs really eat homework?
  • Why do dogs eat paper?
  • What foods can be dangerous to dogs?
  • chocolate ,
  • guacamole ,
  • Assignment ,
  • Curiosity ,
  • Veterinarian ,
  • Table Scraps ,
  • Theobromine ,
  • Kidney Failure ,
  • Macadamia Nuts ,

Today’s Wonder of the Day was inspired by Thomas. Thomas Wonders , “ Why do dogs eat homework? ” Thanks for WONDERing with us, Thomas!

You have a big, important homework assignment due tomorrow, but you're not stressed . You made good use of your study time at school and completed over half of it. When you got home, you avoided distractions, like television and video games, and worked hard until it was finished.

Then your worst nightmare happened! While you were in the kitchen making a healthy snack , your dog got hungry, too. Instead of eating his dog food, though, he made a sandwich out of your homework! Oh no! What will you do?

You know that “my dog ate my homework" is the oldest excuse in the book. Your teacher will never buy that! Or will she?

As it turns out, dogs really do eat paper from time to time. If you explain this to your teacher — and show her what scraps remain, if any — you just might get an extension to re-do that assignment. Better yet, make use of modern technology and do your homework on the computer, so you can save it and print out a copy whenever you need it!

Remember: honesty is the best policy . If you simply forget to do your homework, don't lie and blame it on your dog!

Dogs are known to be indiscriminate eaters with healthy appetites. This means that some dogs will eat just about anything if given the chance.

Why? Some scientists believe eating paper and other non-food items may just result from boredom . Most dogs are energetic animals that need plenty of exercise and distractions to keep from becoming bored.

When bored, many dogs will give in to their natural curiosity and explore new things. This exploration can often take the form of scratching, biting, and eating. If you were eating a sandwich while you were doing your homework, stray crumbs or bits of food might even make your homework tempting to a dog that's bored!

To dogs, paper is just another “thing." It's something to chew on. If it happens to be your homework, that's particularly bad for you. However, it's probably no different to your dog than chewing on newspaper or a book. To prevent your homework from becoming lunch, be sure to store it in a safe place when you're finished with it!

It might also help to make sure your dog is well-fed. Stick to food and treats recommended by your veterinarian , though. It can be dangerous to feed your dog human food in the form of table scraps.

Over the years, veterinarians have learned that there are certain foods that can harm dogs. Here are some foods that can be particularly dangerous to dogs:

  • Avocado : Skip the guacamole ! Avocados contain persin, which can be toxic to dogs in large amounts.
  • Caffeine : In large quantities, caffeine can be fatal for dogs. So stick to water and skip the coffee, tea, and sodas for your dog. Also avoid chocolate , which contains caffeine and another substance toxic to dogs: theobromine.
  • Onions and Garlic : Dogs who eat onions or garlic regularly or in large quantities can develop a condition called anemia, which results from the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Grapes and Raisins : Veterinarians don't really know why, but it's clear that grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs.
  • Macadamia Nuts : As few as six macadamia nuts can make a dog ill. Larger doses can be fatal.

Wonder What's Next?

Are unicorns real? Do they live in the sea? Find out tomorrow in Wonderopolis!

Are you ready for some homework? Grab a friend or family member and try out the following activities:

  • Do you or a friend or family member have a dog? What kind of trouble do dogs tend to get into? Has one ever eaten homework? What about chewing up toys? Talk about the funny stories you've heard of dogs getting into trouble. Do you think any of these stories might have been caused by dogs feeling bored?
  • Have you ever forgotten to do your homework? If you do, you probably don't want to blame your forgetfulness on your dog. It's best to fess up to your forgetfulness and ask for extra time to complete your homework…and maybe an extra credit assignment to make up for it being late. Inevitably, though, some students will choose to get creative and invent wild excuses as to why they weren't able to complete their homework. What do you think? If you were a teacher, would you believe any of the following excuses? I don't have my homework, because: + My babysitter flushed it down the toilet! + My locker is jammed and my homework is trapped inside! + My dad used it to start a fire in our wood stove! + I left it at home! I thought that's where HOMEwork was supposed to stay! + My friend fell in a lake! I jumped in to rescue him, and my homework drowned!
  • If you don't want your dog to eat your homework, it's best to keep Fido well-fed. What do dogs usually eat, though? Do some research to learn more about dog food. Find a bag of dry dog food and read the list of ingredients. Which ingredients do you recognize? What are the others? Search the Internet to discover what some of those oddly-named ingredients actually are. If you have a dog, put what you learned into practice by making your pooch a special treat of homemade dog food !

Wonder Sources

  • http://jackinabox.hubpages.com/hub/Why-do-dogs-eat-paper
  • http://pets.webmd.com/dogs/ss/slideshow-foods-your-dog-should-never-eat
  • http://madtbone.tripod.com/school.htm

Did you get it?

Wonder contributors.

We’d like to thank:

Dalya and Jayden for contributing questions about today’s Wonder topic!

Keep WONDERing with us!

Wonder Words

  • distraction
  • indiscriminate
  • veterinarian


Yikes! We hope you've come up with a solution to prevent that from happening! 


my dog tore up my homework folder in first grade and ate my homework we posted a pic online (dog shaming)


omg i agree

That's super cool, Natalia! 


Or your dogs can do your homework for you.


You're welcome, Savannah.


Thanks for being our Wonder Friend, duncan!


well thats sad that ur dog ate ur homework

It would be very sad if that happened! Do you have any pet dogs, Caitlyn?


Thanks for sharing, Lucas B! We hope that your dog hasn't eaten your homework!!


You have a very nice dog, peyton! Also, check out  Wonder 1499: When Was the Great War? for more information about World War I!


Camden Riley Justice

Hi, Camden! If you have a video of your dog eating your homework, we think that there is a good chance that your teacher would believe you! Hopefully your dog has never eaten your homework, though!! ?


C j/CamdenJustice

my dog broke my computer and NOW i have a new one AND MAKE SHURE YOU NEVER FED A DOG CHOKELET

That's right, Cj! We even have a Wonder about why you shouldn't give chocolate to dogs:   Wonder 1522: Why Can't Dogs Eat Chocolate?

Uh-oh! ?


maby you don't have any toys thats what made our dog stop dolng that.

Thanks for joining the conversation, camden!!

Thanks for sharing, jayden! It sounds like your dog pixie lived a great, long life!! We don't recommend chocolate for dogs, though.  If you are concerned about Nada's eating habits, you may want to make an appointment to see a veterinarian.  Sometimes, though, dogs eat things like paper because they are bored! 


Great question, Zehra! Dogs can eat things they're not supposed to when they're bored!


my dog eat some of my moms brownies

Uh, oh! We hope not too many, because dogs shouldn't eat chocolate!  Wonder 1522: Why Can't Dogs Eat Chocolate? will explain why!!

Thanks for your concern for our canine friends, joshua! We actually have a Wonder about this topic, as well! Check out  Wonder 1522: Why Can't Dogs Eat Chocolate?


? Thanks, Amara!! We are SO happy to have you WONDERing with us!!


good job wonderopolis

? Thanks!! We love having you as our Wonder Friend!!


? Thanks for WONDERing with us, Aiden!!


Hi, Paige! Dogs may tend to eat anything in sight due to boredom, not stupidity! We hope this helps!!

Hi, Paige! Thanks for WONDERing with us!


Thanks for stopping by, Wendy!


Hello!! We are WONDERing about how dogs can eat homework!! What are you WONDERing about??


? Oh, no!! We're so sorry to hear that, Patricia! We hope that you were able to get an extension!


We're happy to help and that you're researching this information before you get a dog, Eloise!!! What type of dog are you planning to get?


Thanks for letting us know, Brady!! 


No way I never knew that dogs are crazy and I am in 5th grade.

Thanks for joining the discussion, Wendy!

It sounds like you know this from experience, Max!! Do you have a dog?


i dowt that the dog ate your book

Thanks for sharing, Mark!! Dogs do sometimes eat paper, and this can be due to boredom.  We hope that the library book didn't cost too much to replace!!


they eat paper from time to time

You're right, mya!! Thanks for sharing!!

I do too because some of my friend's dogs ate there homework.

I like to chew paper from time to time

That's cool, James--but we recommend making sure it's clean paper!

Dogs do sometimes eat paper, so it is a possibility! ?


Did a dog ever eat your homework, bob?? ?


Isabel the monster

That's awesome, Isabel!! What are your dogs names?? Have they ever tried to eat YOUR homework?? Thanks for WONDERing with us!!!


? Thanks, franklin! 


We're sorry to hear about your birds, alexis.  Have your dogs ever eaten your homework? (Or your chickens or bunny??)


? That is very unlucky! Hopefully she was able to reprint the paper, or get an extension!!

My sister did get an extension on her homework. Because she brought the rest of the rip up papers:\

Whew! That's good news! We're glad she was able to get the extension, though hopefully she didn't have to make up too much extra work!

That is WONDERful to hear, A.K.!!! We're thrilled that you're learning with us!!


Thank you so much for sharing, Taylor! We love learning new things here at Wonderopolis, and we're thrilled that you do, too!!  Wonder #1149: Can Wolves Be Tamed? sounds like a perfect Wonder for you to check out!


? So sorry to hear that, Emily! Do any of your friends have dogs?


Dogs are awesome but there a lot of work

That is absolutely true, James! Some of the work can be fun, like playing with them. But, cleaning up poop isn't fun, that's for sure! 


Ha Ha I don't think that is the reason.:)

Me either!!

Well, Ally, having a dog certainly does come with its own set of responsibilities. Some people think its worth it for the companionship. Other people prefer cats. Which do you like better: dogs, or cats?


No problem, charlotte. Your friends are probably just jealous of how awesome you and your dogs are! But keep those avocados out of reach, just to be safe.


Heehee, that gave us a laugh, Boi! Thank you for WONDERing with us!

We are glad you finally found the answer, Isaac!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, jordan! We're glad you are WONDERing and learning with us! ?


i eat my homework too:)

You all are funny, Boi! Homework seems like it'd be a bit on the bland side! ?

mecer i know you eat homwork

We bet that doesn't taste too good, jordan! ?

That's interesting, mercer! We hope you spit the paper out! :P


Thanks for commenting, Amaris! Here's a related Wonder that you may like: Wonder #577. :)


Wonder Friend

my dog ate my homework too i had to email my teacher or she woudn,t believe me.

That stinks, Wonder Friend! We hope it didn't impact your grade too much!

Oh my, hoi man! We bet your friend was frustrated! Thanks for sharing your connection to this Wonder. :)


Thanks for commenting, Ava! Have you seen Wonder #1113? It's all about autocorrect! :)


my name is Shayna! pronounced sh-ae-nu

Hey there, Shayna! We're glad you are WONDERing with us! :)

Thank you for asking, Shaelyn! We are doing well! How are you? We hope great!! :)

Hello there, michhele! We sure are glad you visited Wonderopolis! :)

Hi, karina! We're glad you liked this Wonder! It's always GREAT when we learn something new! Keep an eye on your dog when he's around books! Hehe! :)

Ava Gelinas

Hi, Ava! It's definitely possible for dogs to eat your homework! We're glad you liked this Wonder! :)


nicole mack

Thalia woof.

Me too I want a dog but I have a baby

Thanks for joining the discussion, Thalia! :)

Hi, maanya! That would be AWESOME! We hope you get to have a dog one day, too! :)

Thanks for being a supportive Wonder Friend! We appreciate you joining the discussion! :)

Hi, nicole! Puppies are adorable! Dogs are WONDERful pets! :)



Hi, amanda! Sounds like you're good friends! Check out Wonder #1238: What Does It Mean To Be a Good Friend? Have fun WONDERing! :)

We do, too, amanda! Dogs are WONDERful animals and great companions! :)

i dont i do my homework. i like pizza (Off Topic)

Thanks for joining the discussion, Wonder Friend! It's important to do your homework so you can practice what you're learning in school. We also like pizza! We encourage you to use the search box to find Wonders about pizza to explore! :)

Thanks for sharing your opinion, angel! Have a WONDERful week! :)


Hi, Wonder Friend! We're not sure if this would work! Better to be safe than sorry and do your homework! :)


what is the author name?

Great question! Thanks for asking! Wonderopolis is brought to you by the National Center for Families Learning. They would be the author of the Wonders! :)

We're THRILLED you liked this Wonder, jacques! Thanks for visiting Wonderopolis and leaving a comment! :)

Welcome, Adsur! Dogs are WONDERful pets. However, we don't want them to eat your homework! That wouldn't be good! :)

But then how would you be graded on it, Nicola? Better stick with kibble! ;-)


Hi, Kasey! We're glad this Wonder reinforced something you already knew. That's GREAT! Thanks for WONDERing with us! :)

Hello, Josie! We hope you had fun exploring this Wonder. Thanks for stopping by Wonderopolis! :)

Hi, Skeley! We don't know. Every dog is different. To be safe we would keep our homework in a very safe place! :)


That's good to hear! Thanks for leaving a comment. Keep up the GREAT enthusiasm for WONDERing! :)


Oh no, roxie! But, then you wouldn't have it to turn in after doing all that work! :)


Alex Oczkus

We're glad you enjoyed WONDERing with us, Alex! We hope you have an awesome day! :)

Good point, ayden! Puppies sometimes chew things they aren't supposed to because they don't know any better. You're right! It's important to always put your homework in a safe place, just in case! :)


i hate that puppy cant eat my homework!!!!

Why would you want your puppy to eat your homework?? Then you wouldn't have it to show off your hard work! :)

Hi, gunnar! Dogs can eat broccoli, but it's always important to check with your vet and to remember to only feed them human foods in moderation. Every dog's diet is different. It's great you're checking to see if it is good for them before feeding them, but be sure to always ask your vet first! :)


Can that dog eat my h.w

Hi, WONDER friend! It is a possibility, so be sure to put it in a very safe place! Thanks for joining the discussion! :)



Welcome, Darksaber! According to Pet WebMD , chocolate can be poisonous to dogs if consumed in a large enough amounts. Other times, it simply may just make your dog sick. There is no way to know for sure how your dog will react, so you must be very cautious when dogs are around chocolate. Thanks for sharing this information with our WONDER friends! :)


Jumpin' Jordan and Jo

You're welcome, Jumpin' Jordan and Jo! We're glad to hear you learned some new things with us! Your fun name reminded us of a few Wonders of the Day! :) :) We hope you'll enjoy these: #703 Who Jumps the Highest? #1093 Do You Double Dutch?


Thanks for stopping by Wonderopolis and sharing your questions, Abigail S.! There have been a couple times our dog (and once even our cat!) has nibbled a bit on our homework! But fortunately, we caught it before he ate the whole thing! Have you had a pet take some bites out of your homework? ;)


kirrily Johnson

We're sorry to hear that you have LOTS of homework, Kirrily! We do know that homework is important for learning. :( We are SUPER glad to have you WONDERing with us today! :D


Oh no, Graham. It sounds like all that "people food" may hurt your dog's stomach. We think it is best to stick with the dog food. Thanks for sharing with us today! :-)


We're glad you enjoyed it, Nicole! Thanks for WONDERing with us today! :-)


Oh no, Morgan! Paper is not good for dogs. Be sure to read the Wonder article, especially the list of foods that are dangerous to dogs. It is always best to feed your dog only food and treats recommended by your vet. Thanks for WONDERing with us today! :-)


Absolutely, Cora. That looked like a mess! We are so glad that you enjoyed this Wonder. Thanks for WONDERing with us! :-)


WONDERful guess, Ann! Check back tomorrow to find out if your Wonder Prediction was correct! Keep WONDERing! :-)


That would be nice, Bryce! Thanks for WONDERing with us! Keep WONDERing! :)


Mrs. LaLonde's Class

WOOHOO, we're so glad you enjoyed this woof-tastic Wonder, Mrs. LaLonde's Class! We want to keep our pets nice and healthy, so we're glad to learn that dogs shouldn't eat chocolate (even if they want to)! However, they sure do like peanut butter... and paper, too! Thanks for sharing your WONDERful comment today! :)


Thanks so much, Erin! We're so excited that you visited today! We hope your dog doesn't get a hold of your homework! :)


Very cool, Wonder Friend N! We're so glad you are visiting us today to learn about dogs and their love of homework! We Wonder what your project covers? :)


Hey there, Momo! We are glad you're doing your homework, and we hope your dog doesn't mistake your work for a tasty treat! We have lots of awesome topics to Wonder about here at Wonderopolis! You can check out our categories section and search by topic, or you can visit us every day for a brand new Wonder! :)


Girls 4 ever

Hey there, Girls 4 ever! We are glad you're WONDERing with us today! We know that things happen from time to time, but excuses are not as WONDERful as the truth. We Wonder if you have ever had your dog eat your homework? YIKES! Thanks for sharing your comment today! :)


We think that's an excellent word to describe the dog in the Wonder video, Patrick! That is one energetic dog! We Wonder if homework tastes good to dogs, or if they would prefer to eat some dog food instead? Thanks for sharing your comment with us today! :)


Thanks so much, Brad! We're glad to hear it! :)

We don't think homework would taste very good, that's for sure, Brad! We know that some dogs, especially our four-legged friends here at Wonderopolis, sometimes eat things that don't taste the best. This includes furniture... homework... and even old sneakers! We know that dogs are great, but we have to keep important things, like homework and shoes, far away from them! :)


Hi there Tanner, thanks for sharing your story with us! We are glad your friend was able to turn in another copy of his homework-- his dogs must have been very hungry! We hope you have a SUPER day! :)


Thanks for sharing your personal connection to this Wonder, Noel! We think teachers might hear "the dog ate my homework" a lot! :-)


YIKES! We don't think that's a very healthy habit for your dog OR your grades, Eipco! Thank you for sharing your comment with us today...we appreciate it! :-)


That's a really great guess, Janelle! Thanks so much for hanging out in Wonderopolis with us today! :-)


Moa fahlstedt

You've got THAT right, Moa! We thought it was cute to see the little puppy try to play tug of war and tear up the girl's homework. We hope she didn't have to do her homework again because her dog tried to eat it! :-)


awesome Mackenzie ttyl

We're not sure, Mackenzie! We think maybe they see it as something their owners were playing with (or working on), so maybe they think it's a toy and they want to play with it, too? We're sure there are other reasons why dogs eat homework, so it's fun to WONDER about that! :-)


Hi, Emily! Thanks for letting us know you like cheese. Have you visited any of these CHEESY Wonders? Wonder #52 - Why Is Cheddar Cheese Orange? https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-is-cheddar-cheese-orange/ Wonder #322 - Why Are Some Cheeses Stinky? https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-are-some-cheeses-stinky/ Happy WONDERing! :-)


Team Mcneil22

Those are really creative excuses, Team McNeil 22! We hope none of our smart, amazing, clever Wonder Friends ever have to use any of them, though! We hope everyone's homework gets done and handed in on time! That would be WONDERful, wouldn't it? Thanks so much for sharing your comment with everyone in Wonderopolis today! :-)

Team McNeil #4

We're SO GLAD to hear the new information and word you learned by exploring this Wonder, Team McNeil #4! We think there are toxins that dogs react to inside grapes. Since raisins are dried grapes, it makes sense that they would be harmful to dogs, also. Good luck trying to change the habit of feeding your dog table scraps! We know from experience that it is a tough habit to break! :-)

Team Unger 10

We think it's SUPER cool that you searched for a topic you were interested in to see what Wonders would pop up, Team Unger 10! Way to go! Dogs who ingest avocados can become very, very sick because of the toxin, "persin," that is found in the avocados. Thanks so much for WONDERing even MORE about this Wonder after you explored it! :-)

We hope her teacher believes her, too, Team McNeil 22! That dog was so cute...it must REALLY like homework a LOT! :-)


Thanks for visiting Wonderopolis today and sharing about your dog, Star! We'd say it might be a good idea to keep him or her away from your homework! :-)


Well one time a person at my Spanish class said her dog ate her homework and the teacher asked for proof.The next day the student brought a bag of paper shreads

Oh no, Cam! That probably wasn't very pretty! Thanks for sharing your story! :)

We think that's a good thing, Skelekian! Thanks for leaving us this comment today! :-)


Hi, Zoe! Thanks for sharing your thoughts about dogs today! We appreciate your comment! :-)


Team wilch 5

We're glad to see you are exploring different Wonders in Wonderopolis today, Team Wilch 5! We bet your teachers will appreciate you NOT using the "my dog ate my homework" excuse! :-)


Happy Monday, Annie! Thanks so much for visiting this Wonder of the Day® and for letting us know you thought it was COOL! :-)


andrew hattenbach

That sounds like a really good idea, Andrew! Thank you for telling us that you liked this Wonder and that you learned a few new facts about something you've always WONDERed! Have a WONDERful day! :-)


That's a GREAT question, Britney! We're not sure how paper would digest inside a dog (or even a human)! That is something we will BOTH have to do a bit more WONDERing about! :-)

Thanks so much for sharing your personal connection to this Wonder of the Day®, Britney! We're sorry your dog ate your homework before...we hope he/she doesn't do it anymore! :-)


Hi, CR1 Eric! You have to put the colon symbol ":" right beside the end parenthesis symbol ")" to make a smiley face. So, : PLUS ) EQUALS :)! :-)


Jessie Leigh

Thanks for sharing about Pugsly, Jessie! She is a really lucky dog to have such an AWESOME owner like you who loves and cares for her so very much! :-)



That puppy certainly WAS cute, SassyCat923! Thanks for sharing your comment with everyone in Wonderopolis today! :-)


Thanks for letting us know what you thought about the video for this Wonder of the Day®, Marion! We appreciate your comment! :-)


Hello, Michael! It's so great to hear from you today! Thank you for visiting Wonderopolis! :-)


Thanks for sharing a story about what happened to your homework, Clayton! We hope your teacher still accepted it when you tried to turn it in! :-)


Hi, Audrey! We don't think it would be a good idea to teach your dog to eat your homework...he might think other important papers (like certificates or money) are homework and eat them, too! YIKES! :-)


We like that creative excuse, Hannah! So, what you would actually be telling your teacher is that YOU ate YOUR OWN homework! Thanks for making us smile today...you're a GREAT Wonder Friend! :-)


Hello, Kimberly! Thanks so much for this GREAT comment! We hope your dog doesn't eat your homework tonight, either! Thanks for WONDERing what tomorrow's Wonder might be about. We WONDER that every day, too! :-)

That's a clever excuse, Jordan! We hope your neighbor's cat doesn't really do that to your homework! That would be a less-than-PURRRRfect situation! :-)


You're RIGHT, Ashlyn! We have all seen the proof in the video for this Wonder! Wasn't that puppy super cute? :-)


Thanks for letting us know you liked today's Wonder and the video for it, too, Chloe! We know from experience how badly hitting your "funny bone" can hurt...it's not very funny when it first happens!


Miriam and Ruthie and Jami

Happy Wednesday, Miriam, Ruthie and Jami! Thanks so much for leaving us this enthusiastic comment and for letting us know you liked the video for this Wonder of the Day®! To make the smiley face, you type a colon and an ending parenthesis. : + ) = :) You can also make a "winking" smiley face by typing a semicolon and an ending parenthesis. ; + ) = ;) How about a smiley face with sunglasses? Just type the number eight and an ending parenthesis. 8 + ) = 8)


Wonder Friend I-L-P

Hi, Wonder Friend I-L-P! Let us know if your teacher believed you about your dog eating your homework! We hope you remember to bring all your homework home and back to school next time! Have a WONDERful day! :-)

CR1 student/Eric

We're really happy to hear that, Eric! Thanks so much for visiting Wonderopolis at home, too! We think it's neat that your friend might have made the video for this Wonder of the Day®! :-)


We think the dog in the video ate the girl's homework because of two reasons, Blake! The first reason is that it is a puppy, and puppies LOVE to chew things...even important things! The second reason is maybe the puppy thought the homework was just another toy to play with! :-)


We WONDERed the same thing, Abby! We wonder if she did her homework over again? :-)


abigail Rae

Thanks so much for visiting this Wonder of the Day®, Abigail! We're glad you liked it and that you learned something new! :-)


brooklyn from team loganbill

Thanks so much for visiting this Wonder and for wishing us a WONDERful day, Brooklyn! We think your mom is awesome for bringing you your homework when you forgot it on a Friday! She sounds like a GREAT mom! :-)


We're super sorry your dog had kidney problems, Maya. We're proud of you for learning something from this Wonder that might help you and your parents determine what could have caused your dog's health issues. Thanks so much for visiting Wonderopolis today! :-)

We think your dogs sound like awesome pets, Maya! Thank you for sharing a little about them with us today! :-)

CR1 student

We're super sorry you can't see any videos for the Wonders of the Day, CR1 Student! If you're trying to view the Wonders at school, we want to let you know that some schools/school districts put "blocks" on certain videos that come from places like YouTube or Vimeo. The blocks protect students from accidentally seeing unsafe things by making sure the videos don't show up on school computers. Because we use videos from these places in our Wonders of the Day®, you might not be able to see them when you’re at school (even though the videos we post on Wonderopolis are safe). You might want to check with your teacher to see if he/she can do something about getting the blocks removed. Thank you for visiting Wonderopolis today! :-)


Thanks for always adding something awesome to each Wonder with your WONDERful comments, Paige! We appreciate you, Wonder Friend! :-)


Mischeivious Missy

WOW! That's a LOT of happy, Missy! Thanks so much for making us smile even MORE today! YOU ARE AWESOME! :-)


We hope that too, Avery! We know our Wonder Friends (like you) work really hard on their homework, so we hope it all makes it back to school and gets checked off as completed! Thank you for sharing your comment today! :-)


ashlyn from mrs.fradys class

Thanks for leaving us the GREAT comment, Ashlyn! No, we don't have a dog that ate our homework, but as you can see by reading the comments on today's Wonder, a few of our other Wonder Friends do! :-)


Justin and Drew

Hi there, Justin and Drew! Thanks for leaving us this comment today! We think dogs eat homework (and other things they shouldn't eat) because they think it's something fun to play with. They might also think it's fun when their owners chase them around saying, "Please give me that back! That's my homework!" They think it is a game! :-)



WOW, Tommy! That's a LOT of homework eating! Thank you for sharing about your dog today...we hope he or she finds something else to play with besides the homework you spent so much time working on! :-)



It sounds like Coco is very adventurous, Jeron! We bet she is very lovable, though, and we bet she loves you a whole bunch! :-)


alexia garcia

Hello, Alexia! We're guessing Simon's dog ate his MATH homework? We think it was funny that Simon thought his dog wanted to learn multiplication! Thanks for making us smile this afternoon! You are a GREAT Wonder Friend! :-)


Carly at North Todd Elem.

Thanks for letting us know what you liked best about the video for today's Wonder, Carly! Also, thanks for sharing your story about your sister and your homework! :-)

Lucas at North Todd Elem.

It sounds like homework is tough to keep a hold of in your house, Lucas! We appreciate you sharing your comment with us today...THANK YOU! :-)

Mason at North Todd Elem.

Thanks for hanging out in Wonderopolis today and for sharing your personal connection to this Wonder, Mason! We think you ROCK! :-)


It's interesting to learn that, isn't it, Charlie? We thought it was also interesting to learn all the things that can make dogs super sick if they eat them. We are going to be EXTRA careful now about what we feed our pets in Wonderopolis! :-)

That's a clever one, Ingrid! We sure hope that doesn't really happen, but we're glad you shared your creativity with us today...THANKS! :-)

We like that excuse a lot, Qualee! It's really awesome and super creative...GREAT job! :-)


Lanyja at Kerrick

We really appreciate you sharing your personal connection to today's Wonder of the Day®, Lanyja! We hope your dog doesn't try to eat your homework again! :-)


josh at kerrick

We bet there are a LOT of dogs out there that think homework is more fun to play with than a squeaky toy or a ball, Josh! :-)


YIKES, Riley! That must be super frustrating! Thanks for sharing your comment with us today! :-)

We think some dogs might eat homework because they think the paper the homework is written on is just another toy to play with, Sarah! Thanks so much for sharing your view on dogs eating homework! :-)


Hi, Johnathan! We'd say you've got a really WONDERful dog if he or she does not eat your homework! Thanks for sharing your comment with us today! :-)


We think you should give your dogs an extra hug and play with them for a little longer than normal today because they leave your homework alone, Caroline! They sound like pretty awesome pets to us! :-)


Hannah from Team Turner

Hello, Hannah! We're not sure about the first time that excuse was used, but we think it was creative, and we hope the person who first said it was really telling the TRUTH! :-)


WOW! We sure do like those excuses your class came up with, Mr. K! They are really, really creative! Thank you for sharing them with us today! :-)


We like that guess a LOT, Zoey! Thanks for letting us know what you think tomorrow's Wonder will be about! :-)

Mischievious Missy :)

Those are both VERY creative excuses for not having your homework, Missy! Thank you for sharing them with your friends in Wonderopolis today! Thanks for taking a guess about tomorrow's Wonder, too! :-)


autumn school girl

Thanks for sharing your personal connection to today's Wonder, Autumn! We're glad you were able to prove that your puppy ate your homework! You will always have a funny story to tell about that! :-)


Thanks for letting us know you thought this Wonder was awesome, Wonder Friend! We appreciate your comment! :-)


Hello, Darian! That's a really good guess! We think all of our Wonder Friends (like you!) who are guessing the next Wonder will be about states will be excited to explore Wonderopolis tomorrow! :-)


Happy Monday, Hannah! Thank you for letting us know you thought today's Wonder was interesting! We appreciate your comment! :-)


Thanks for making us laugh today, Cassidy! We appreciate you sharing your personal experience with today's Wonder of the Day®! :-)


Hi there, Jesse! Thanks for letting us know you liked the video for today's Wonder! We search high and low for the best videos to accompany each day's Wonder, and we're sure glad you thought we did a good job with today's! We think your guess about tomorrow's Wonder is a really good one...we'll all have to visit Wonderopolis again tomorrow to see if you're right! :-)


I think this article was very interesting and it had a lot of humor in it. I wonder if cats have a strange behavior like this as well.

Great question, Daniel! We think cats are more likely to lay on your homework than eat it, but some may. ;-) Thanks for WONDERing with us! :-)


Mrs. Newland's Class

Thanks so much for leaving us this GREAT comment today, Mrs. Newland’s Class! We're glad you explored today's Wonder together and learned some new facts! We think you guys are AWESOME Wonder Friends! :-)


Wonderopolis aka PREET

This is really funny. I used all of those and I used my friend fell of into the the lake and my homework drowned. :) :) :):) :) :):) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :):) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

That is a funny excuse, PREET! Thanks for sharing with us today! :-)



This is really good, so teachers now know sometimes kid's are not lying from time to time. :)

It is true. A dog can eat your homework. Just be sure to follow the tips in the Wonder to keep them from doing it. Thanks for WONDERing with us! :-)

That's a really WONDERful guess, Vikkie! We're so excited to visit Wonderopolis tomorrow to see if you are correct...we would like to learn more about how the states got their names! :-)

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Question 1 of 3

Which of these is probably NOT the reason your dog ate your homework?

  • a boredom Not Quite!
  • b hunger Not Quite!
  • c curiosity Not Quite!
  • d sabotage Correct!

Question 2 of 3

What can you do to keep your dog from eating your homework?

  • a Eat a sandwich while doing your homework. Not Quite!
  • b Stay focused on your homework, paying your dog little to no attention. Not Quite!
  • c Give your dog plenty of exercise and distractions to keep him from getting bored. Correct!
  • d Watch TV with your dog. Not Quite!

Question 3 of 3

What can you do to ensure that your dog is well-fed?

  • a Stick to food and treats recommended by your veterinarian. Correct!
  • b Give your dog lots of fatty treats. Not Quite!
  • c Share your meals with your dog. Not Quite!
  • d Ask the neighbors to feed your dog. Not Quite!

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My Dog Chewed up My Homework

My Dog Chewed up My Homework by Bruce Lansky

I’m glad to say my homework’s done. I finished it last night. I’ve got it right here in this box. It’s not a pretty sight.

My dog chewed up my homework. He slobbered on it, too. So now my homework’s ripped to shreds and full of slimy goo.

It isn’t much to look at, but I brought it anyway. I’m going to dump it on your desk if I don’t get an A.

  — Bruce Lansky

Copyright © 2003. All Rights Reserved. From My Dog Ate My Homework . Running Press . Reprinted by permission of the author.

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From my dog ate my homework.

my dog homework

My Dog Ate My Homework is the first collection of Bruce Lansky’s own poetry. This book helped make Lansky’s reputation as a consistently entertaining poet with a unique voice and style. His poems are about someone named “I” or “me” who so resembles the readers, their siblings, friends, parents, pets, and teachers – they think Lansky is writing about them.

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About the Author

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Bruce Lansky was first called “the King of Giggle Poetry” by the students of a school in North Miami Beach, Florida whose teacher “kidnapped” Lansky and forced him to perform at her school at needle point. The title refers to Lansky’s third poetry book:  A Bad Case of the Giggles . Altogether he has written or edited 20 humorous poetry and song books which have sold about 4 million copies. He visits schools, because he loves hanging out with kids (unfortunately, his grandchildren live in Sweden, so he only sees them once a year).

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My dog ate my homework (Past Simple and Past Continuous)

  • Games and Role Plays
  • Past Tenses

Grammar - Past Simple and Past Continuous

Past Simple and Past Continuous

This is a standalone lesson but it can also be used as part of the set titled:

  • Tell me what happened

photo of the author


In this lesson, students learn the difference between Past Simple and Past Continuous . They also get the chance to practise using the two tenses in a variety of tasks. 


At the beginning of the lesson students read the definition of the word excuse and think what excuses people often give in different situations (e.g. when they are late). Then, students read six situations and think of an excuse they might give in each of them (e.g. You borrowed a friend’s laptop and broke it .) Next, they look at a list of excuses and match them with the situations they talked about. The excuses contain verbs in Past Simple and Past Continuous forms. After that, students look at some of the excuses again and find the verbs , as well as decide which tense they are. They also work out the rules of using Past Simple and Past Continuous. 

In this part of the lesson students practise using the past tenses . First, they do a controlled activity in which they need to choose the correct verb forms in sentences. Then, they look at four photos of people who might have done something wrong and discuss some questions. For instance, they explain what happened (e.g. someone broke some plates), say whether these situations ever happened to them, and decide if the people should apologize for what happened. Then, students use the four photos to create some excuses for what happened. They need to use Past Simple and Past Continuous, as well as some verbs in brackets. Finally, students play a game in which they get a list of situations (e.g. You promised to cook dinner but you didn’t .). In pairs, they need to create excuses for what happened, and their partner needs to guess what the situation is.

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' src=

Really fun, my students love tense revision lessons, happy this was added

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Great practice for reviewing past tenses and recycling vocabulary!

That’s really good to hear. Thanks!

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What a great lesson! My beginner students loved it and found it extremely useful and clear

Awesome! Thanks for the feedback 🙂

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I love it! My students love it! Congrats!

Thank you 🙂 Happy to hear the lesson was a success!

' src=

An enjoyable and imaginative lesson for all! Just one little thing, the instructions on slide 10 are not very clear, and it took a while for me and the student to work out what was actually required. Great work Ewa. Highly recommended.

Thanks for the feedback, Pete 🙂 We have redisigned the task a bit to make it clearer.

Thank Ewa. Much better now!

' src=


Fantastic! Thank you 🙂

Lovely lesson. Just a little correction (I think!): slide 16 has “down” from the “walked/walking down the street” example crossed out in the answers – I don’t think it should be as it makes sense with both tenses.

Hi, thanks for spotting that! We’ve fixed it.

' src=

This lesson is excellent. The students can practice grammar while discussing a funny topic. I would love similar lesson for the other past tenses.

Thanks for the comment 🙂 We always try to make grammar lessons more than just about grammar. You can browse other (hopefully equally fun) lessons covering past tenses and talking about the past here .

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James Middleton Reveals He Was ‘Saved’ From Suicide by His Dog Ella in Forthcoming Book


James Middleton  is discussing his experience with suicidal thoughts and depression in his forthcoming memoir , Meet Ella: The Dog Who Saved My Life .

In the new book, which will be released on Thursday, September 26, Princess Kate Middleton ’s brother shared how his spaniel Ella was instrumental in saving his life.

“Life is no longer worth living,” James wrote in an excerpt from Meet Ella published by the Daily Mail . “I feel suicidal. I contemplate ways of dying so I can get off the giddy roller-coaster that is sending me to the brink of madness.”

Recalling one particularly harrowing night in 2017, James remembered climbing up onto the roof of his home.

Inside Kate Middleton s Relationship With Her Family Through the Years 323

Related: Inside Kate Middleton’s Relationship With Her Family Through the Years

“I pace up and down, but there is no reprieve from the torment in my mind,” he explained. “Dark thoughts crowd in on me,” James wrote. “What can I do to make them stop? I think about jumping from the rooftop. Who would find me? A passing taxi-driver?”

After considering how a potential suicide would impact his family, James was distracted by the sight of his pet dog.

“As I pace, I look down through the skylight and see my spaniel Ella’s gentle eyes looking back up at me,” he said. “Like me, she has been wakeful all night. She senses my strange, agitated state of mind.”

Although James didn’t immediately climb down from the roof, it was his dog Ella’s presence that stopped him from acting on any suicidal thoughts.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by James Middleton (@jmidy)

“Ella has not moved,” James wrote. “Her brown eyes are still staring intently at me, soulful and pleading, and as my gaze locks on hers again, my brain quietens.”

He continued, “In that instant I know I will not jump. What would happen to Ella if I died? How long would she wait alone in the flat for someone to find her?”

Throughout James’ most challenging moments and experiences with depression, his spaniel Ella was by his side.

“I have loved her with every bit of my being since she was a tiny, sightless, newborn pup,” James explained. “She has been my companion, my hope, my support through my darkest days.”

Kate Middleton James Middleton s Sweetest Sibling Moments

Related: Kate Middleton and James Middleton’s Sweetest Sibling Moments Over the Years

James’ name has gained a sense of notoriety in his own right after his eldest sister, Princess Kate, married Prince William in 2011. The whole Middleton family rose to fame at the time, with Pippa Middleton making waves for her bridesmaid dress and more.

James, 37, announced this past March that he wrote a book about Ella, his late dog. Through the book, readers will get an inside look at James’ relationship with the pup, and how she got him through some tough times.

“Many of you have asked me over the years if I would ever write a book, when Ella passed I started writing all of our adventures and memories down as a way of processing the grief,” James wrote on Instagram . “ I credit Ella to saving my life when I was eclipsed with Clinical depression, she introduced me to my wife, gave me purpose and loved me unconditionally.”

James Middleton Discusses TK in Forthcoming Book Meet Ella

James told followers that he hopes the book will allow them to “talk more openly about our mental health” and “need for connection” — especially when it comes to animals.

Aside from being a budding author, James is an entrepreneur who founded the James & Ella, a “happiness and wellbeing” company for dogs.

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“Ella is the first dog I got as an adult. She is the matriarch of my pack and the one who has been there to help and guide me through a large portion of my adult life,” James wrote for the company’s website. “I owe a lot to Ella and I believe she is a large reason I was able to overcome the deep struggles I have had with my mental illnesses. She is truly my inspiration and the inspiration behind James & Ella.”

Meet Ella: The Dog Who Saved My Life is set to be released on Thursday, September 26.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat at 988lifeline.org .

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  1. The dog ate my homework

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  2. My Dog Ate My Homework

    From the book The Biggest Burp Ever. My dog ate my homework. and gobbled it up. My dog ate my homework. It's gonna be late. will just have to wait. My dog ate my homework. He swallowed it whole. with food in his bowl.

  3. Where Did The Phrase "The Dog Ate My Homework" Come From?

    Forrest Wickman, a writer for Slate, describes the legend of the 6th-century Saint Ciarán of Clonmacnoise as the alleged first recorded "the dog ate my homework" story. According to the tale, Saint Ciarán had a tame young fox that would take his writings to his master for him. One day, the fox grew up and decided to eat the leather strap ...

  4. My Doggy Ate My Homework

    By Dave Crawley. "My doggy ate my homework. He chewed it up," I said. But when I offered my excuse. My teacher shook her head. I saw this wasn't going well. I didn't want to fail. Before she had a chance to talk, I added to the tale:

  5. The Dog Ate My Homework

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  6. My Doggy Ate My Essay

    By Darren Sardelli. My doggy ate my essay. He picked up all my mail. He cleaned my dirty closet. and dusted with his tail. He straightened out my posters. and swept my wooden floor. My parents almost fainted. when he fixed my bedroom door.

  7. Can The Dog Still Eat Your Homework?

    WICKMAN: Yeah, so even through the '60s people - it's still juts one of many excuses. People might say my dog ate my homework. My dog went on my homework is one excuse that's used in a popular ...

  8. Sometimes The Dog Really Does Eat Your Homework

    Sometimes The Dog Really Does Eat Your Homework. Last week, we brought you the story of how the phrase "The Dog Ate My Homework" came to be and how it morphed into a palpably ridiculous excuse ...

  9. The Dog Ate My Homework

    The sound of my mother's footsteps on the porch drew my attention; I looked up to see Roscoe gleefully caprioling by her side. She had her arms crossed over her chest, and was staring at me with an expression that immediately made me slow my already lethargic trudge. "I hear Roscoe ate your homework," she said.

  10. School Excuses: My Dog Ate My Homework Poems

    My dog ate my homework, I swear that it's true, He gobbled it up, Before I even knew. 2. "The Apology" Dear Teacher, I'm sorry, My dog was to blame, He chewed up my homework, It's my fault, I'm ashamed. 3. "The Confession" I'll tell you the truth, My dog didn't eat, I procrastinated, And now I'm a cheat. 4. "The ...

  11. My dog ate my homework! : a collection of funny poems

    My dog ate my homework! : a collection of funny poems by Lansky, Bruce; Carpenter, Stephen, ill. Publication date 2002 Topics Children's poetry, American, Humorous poetry, American, American poetry, Humorous poetry Publisher Minnetonka, MN : Meadowbrook Press ; New York : Distributed by Simon & Schuster

  12. My Dog Does My Homework

    A Funny Dog Poem for Kids. 2794 votes. From the book When the Teacher Isn't Looking. My dog does my homework. at home every night. He answers each question. and gets them all right. There's only one problem. with homework by Rover.

  13. Fun fact: John Steinbeck's dog ate the first draft of

    "The dog ate my homework" is, perhaps, the oldest excuse in the book. But it really happened to John Steinbeck! His dog, Toby, apparently ate half of the first manuscript of Of Mice and Men. On this very day, May 27, 1936, he wrote: Minor tragedy stalked. My setter pup, left alone one night, made confetti of about half of my manuscript book.

  14. My Dog Chewed Up My Homework

    About this Poem. "My dog chewed up my homework" is a common excuse used by students who don't turn in their homework. Usually, it's a fib to cover up the fact that the student watched TV or shot hoops the night before the homework was due. But what if it were true (I wondered). In this poem I concoct a scenario likely to be believed ...

  15. Dog ate my homework

    Definition of dog ate my homework in the Idioms Dictionary. dog ate my homework phrase. What does dog ate my homework expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.

  16. etymology

    2. Yes, one of our dogs chews lots of things if they are left lying about. It is completely plausible. I'd bet it originated in truth about the same time as people started letting dogs live inside the home and homework was being done on paper. - Jim.

  17. My dog ate my homework! : a collection of funny poems

    My dog ate my homework! : a collection of funny poems by Lansky, Bruce. Publication date 2009 Topics Humorous poetry, American, Children's poetry, American, Poetry, Humorous poetry Publisher Minnetonka, MN : Meadowbrook Press ; New York : Distributed by Simon & Schuster Collection

  18. Do Dogs Really Eat Homework?

    As it turns out, dogs really do eat paper from time to time. If you explain this to your teacher — and show her what scraps remain, if any — you just might get an extension to re-do that assignment. Better yet, make use of modern technology and do your homework on the computer, so you can save it and print out a copy whenever you need it!

  19. My Dog Chewed up My Homework

    From My Dog Ate My Homework. My Dog Ate My Homework is the first collection of Bruce Lansky's own poetry. This book helped make Lansky's reputation as a consistently entertaining poet with a unique voice and style. His poems are about someone named "I" or "me" who so resembles the readers, their siblings, friends, parents, pets, and teachers - they think Lansky is writing about them.

  20. My dog ate my homework (Past Simple and Past Continuous)

    In this lesson, students learn the difference between Past Simple and Past Continuous. They also get the chance to practise using the two tenses in a variety of tasks. A2 / Pre‐Intermediate 60 min Standard Lesson Premium Plan. Unlock these lesson worksheets with the Premium subscription.

  21. James Middleton Discusses Suicidal Thoughts in Book 'Meet Ella'

    James Middleton is discussing his experience with suicidal thoughts and depression in his forthcoming memoir, Meet Ella: The Dog Who Saved My Life. In the new book, which will be released on ...