• Resume Tips

How to Write an Effective Remote Job Resume (+ Examples)

Elizabeth Openshaw

How the world of work has changed over these past few years. Technology has given us so much more flexibility. 

Got an interview for a company in Nebraska but you live in New York? 

Save yourself the 1,300-mile trip and a fair few dollars along the way by undertaking the interview in the comfort of your living room or home office. 

Much easier — and cheaper! 

And it can all be done easily via Zoom, Teams, or whichever platform is offered up for your virtual job interview .

It’s the same with remote work. It was unthinkable just a few years ago that many roles could be conducted from the comfort of your sofa. With this explosion of working from home (WFH) in recent years, countless opportunities have opened up for people across all industries in the US. 

You need a great resume for remote jobs just like you would any other role. But do remote job resumes look different? Let’s explore how to write an effective remote job resume and see some examples of how to put it together so you can see what you’ll need to do to get ahead in the remote workforce.

Remote work - yea or nay

Employers are finding new ways in which to create productive teams that are distributed around the country — or even around the world. 

Of course, some jobs are easier to do remotely, such as marketing and tech work. While other industries may find it difficult to offer WFH roles. Take the construction industry, for example. It may be hard to find a remote role in a position within this field, but there are still administrative roles that could allow you to WFH.

But is remote working for you? 

It can depend on what your own particular working style is. 

Do you thrive in an office environment, surrounded by team members, bouncing ideas off each other left, right, and center? 

Are you happy to squirrel yourself away into the corner and get on with your work diligently and without interruptions? 

Not surprisingly, if you favor the latter approach, this lends itself more to remote working.

So, if you’re targeting a remote job, you really need your resume to reflect this aspiration.

How to tailor your resume to remote work

When you decide that you do want to pursue remote work, there are several quick changes you can make to your existing resume to achieve a great remote job resume:

1. Contact information section 

In the contact details at the top of the resume, where your name and location are found, insert that you are looking for remote work. While most job listings will specify that the job they are advertising is remote, it’s not always clear, so spell it out to a prospective employer that remote work is what you’re after.

Kerrey Jones

Digital Sales Manager | Digital Marketing Manager

Cell number | [email protected] | LinkedIn link

Based in Jackson, CA; Willing to Work Remotely

2. Professional experience section

If you already have remote work experience, make this clear in your Work History section by writing “remote” under your job title.

Digital Sales Manager                                   Jan 2020 - Present

ABC International, Remote

3. Profile section

Hone in on your skills that would be right at home, quite literally, in a remote role. These include dependability, virtual teamwork, effective communication, and a robust work ethic. You really want to show that you’re motivated to do the work without someone breathing down your neck and having to micromanage you, so weave these skills throughout your Professional Profile.

A dependable, adaptable, and collaborative Strategic HR Leader committed to delivering quality performance combined with outstanding leadership and effective communication qualities. Adept at strategically advising on areas of business, enabling the vision to see what others cannot, which results in increased revenue and an improved level of satisfaction for employees. Possesses extensive remote experience across multiple industries, including SaaS, healthcare, and media/marketing.

4. Special projects or extracurriculars

If you haven’t got any remote experience to fall back on, show a hiring manager that you possess the necessary skills that mean you will succeed in a remote environment. One idea is to mention any experience of personal projects where you completed something off your own back, demonstrating how much of a self-starter you are and how you can be productive away from the office. If this won’t fit within the resume, insert it into the cover letter.

Transferable accomplishments achieved outside of work:

Created a fully functioning website for a family member with a thriving business.

Written a blog every week for the past 9 months, receiving regular views of over 1,000.

Took an art class and completed a complex art project that was displayed at a local school.

Developed a game while at college.

Resume skills to land a remote job

With remote jobs, your soft skills are on display more than ever. Your virtual interview will give you the chance to put those skills to the test and showcase them but be sure to also include them on your resume to give you the best odds at landing the interview in the first place.

Use soft skills in context on your resume.

Give details of how you accomplished something with your ability to collaborate .

Add a metric to estimate how much time was saved thanks to your time management skills.

Don’t just write that you’re flexible; offer up an example of how you adapted to a situation. This is what employers are looking for — show and tell.

In 2024, the skills you put on your resume are important for two reasons.

They show to an employer that you are perfectly qualified for the position they are trying to fill.

They help you get past an ATS ( applicant tracking system ), potentially awarding you a higher score for the more relevant skills that you possess.

Try to match your skill set to the job description using the exact same language. This will help you look like a great match for any position!

Remote work resume example

Below is an effective remote job resume example for a Digital Content Manager. It was created by ZipJob’s team of professional resume writers with you in mind. 

In fact, our resume writers have published over 200 resume examples , so there should be at least one that closely matches your goals.

ZipJob is a premier resume-writing service that has been helping job seekers create job-winning resumes since 2016. Our network of over 100 professional resume writers are experts across all industries, including IT, business, marketing, and sales.

Digital Content Manager resume example

As you would expect, anything in the digital realm is something that be done easily from a remote location since it involves mostly web tools and knowledge as opposed to physical labor or specialized equipment.

Digital Content Manager Final 0

Notice that the Core Competencies (our preferred terminology for the skills section) include technical skills such as marketing, digital storytelling, and copywriting. 

You’ll note that these skills can easily be echoed within your Professional Development section as bullet points. Let’s consider Team Leadership: 

Interview, hire, train, and mentor XXX marketing interns, increasing departmental productivity by xx%.

Collaborate with the website team to relay marketing plans, ensuring targets are exceeded.

Building teams, fostering relationships, collaborating, and training are all fantastic people skills. 

Of course, you don’t have to work in the digital world to land a remote or work-from-home position. Here is a list of other positions you might find if you want to avoid working in a brick-and-mortar job.

General remote work resume examples

Virtual Assistant

Remote marketing resume examples

Digital Marketing Manager Resume Sample

Tech and IT remote resume samples

Scrum Master Resume Example 0

Is it useful to have previous remote work experience?

It will help and certainly won’t do any harm if you already have experience in remote working environments, as this shows that you can self-manage and work in a virtual team. For practical reasons, it demonstrates that you are more likely to have an existing home office set up, which saves time and effort on your part as well as the new company. Include the word “remote” where you would usually put the location of the job--either as the primary or the secondary location.

Don’t worry, though, if you don’t have experience with working from home. You can highlight other valuable aspects.

Here are some suggestions:

Include remote experience from academic or volunteer work. Employers often value volunteer work as much as paid work. 

I f you don’t have any virtual volunteer experience, look at a site like VolunteerMatch to find virtual opportunities.

Learn about popular online tools that many companies use. Sites such as BuiltIn will tell you what certain companies use, so you can score some points by having training prior to an interview.

If you don’t have any prior remote experience, hone in on those skills of yours that will apply to a remote work environment.

Check out more information at The Complete Guide to Listing Remote Work on Your Resume .

The right strategy on your remote job resume wins the day

When updating your resume for remote jobs, the smart way is to compare your experience with recent job listings in your desired field, as well as updated professional resume samples. This will give you a better idea of how your resume should look and what skills you should focus on.

If you are still unsure how to customize your resume for remote work, turn to ZipJob’s free resume review tool. This tool will give you an overview of how your resume stacks up, giving you an idea of where you need to go next to nail that dream remote job.

This article was originally written by Caitlin Proctor and has been updated by Elizabeth Openshaw.

Recommended reading:

30 Best Paying Remote Jobs 2024 and How to Get Them

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Elizabeth Openshaw, Editor & Content Writer, Elizabeth Openshaw, Editor & Content Writer

Elizabeth Openshaw is an Elite CV Consultant with over 12 years of experience based in Brighton, UK, with an English degree and an addiction to Wordle! She is a former Journalist of 17 years with the claim to fame that she interviewed three times Grand Slam winner and former World No.1 tennis player, Andy Murray, when he was just 14 years old. You can connect with her at Elizabeth Openshaw | LinkedIn .

Person working on laptop outside. ZipJob Branded.

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How to Write Your Resume for a Remote Job

How to Write Your Resume for a Remote Job

Whatever your reasons for looking for a new role, you can create the perfect remote job resume that helps you land a work-from-home (or anywhere!) job.

Fortunately, writing a resume for a remote job doesn’t require any fancy resume writing skills. And, in fact, you may already have the skills you need to be a successful remote employee. However, if you want to convince an employer that you’ve got what it takes to be their remote employee, you’ll have to learn how to put remote work on your resume the right way.

Finding the Experience for a Remote Job Resume

Believe it or not, you probably have remote work experience, even if you’ve never worked for a fully distributed team. You just need to think creatively about your skills and experiences to figure out how to list remote work on your resume.

Try this: Think about your most recent in-person job and the tasks you did every day. Now, analyze how you got those tasks done. Did you only talk to people in your office, or did you also chat on the phone with people across town every day? What about across the state or the country? Perhaps you worked with people around the world. This all counts as remote experience.

How did you collaborate with other people in the office on shared projects? Did you use shared documents or drives? What about project management tools? Even if you used all these things with an in-person team, these are exactly the kinds of skills and experiences you need to be successful as a remote employee.

Of course, if you have full-time paid remote work experience, you should include it on your resume when applying for a remote job. But, if you’ve worked part-time or volunteered and have remote-relevant skills and experience, that counts, and you should list it on your resume. Even if you have only casual experience (like attending online classes), that counts as remote experience, too.

How to List Remote Work on Your Resume

As a rule, many of the skills you already have are precisely the kind of remote skills employers want in their staff. In fact, most of the skills you need to be a successful remote worker are the same skills you need to be a successful worker no matter where you work.

The trick, though, is to pick out the right skills that make it clear that you are a great remote candidate. So, what skills should you highlight on your resume ?

Independent and Proactive

In many respects, remote work means working alone. And though that doesn’t mean you’re not a part of a team, remote employers expect you to be independent. It’s not so easy to pop into your boss’s office or your coworker’s cubicle to get an answer to a question when you’re separated by miles and time zones.

In a remote environment, you have to find the best way to get your tasks done and your questions answered. But, in addition to being independent, you also have to be proactive. Will an internet search answer your question? Is there another colleague who can help you? Is there a searchable database your company has so you can find the answer?

Being independent and proactive means getting your work done and finding creative solutions to the challenges you face on your own.

In most remote work environments, no one is monitoring you. And more importantly, without face-to-face interaction, no one is there to motivate you either. It’s up to you and only you to stay focused and on task.


Remote employees need excellent communication skills. When all of your interactions are through a screen and not always in real-time, your ability to clearly and concisely communicate is an essential part of getting the job done.

Without superior communication skills, you may find yourself correcting the record or apologizing for frustrations your miscommunication caused.

When you work remotely , you are your own tech support. Even if your company has a tech department, if your screen suddenly goes blank, it’s up to you to fix the problem quickly so you can get back to work.

However, being tech-savvy doesn’t only mean solving hardware problems. It also refers to your ability to learn and adapt to new tools and technology quickly.

How to Put Remote Work on Your Resume

Once you’ve identified your remote skills, you have to figure out how to put them on your resume. While “working with clients in another country” is one way to go, to make your remote job resume stand out from the others, you’ll need to make it clear that you’re the right remote employee for this role.

Summary of Qualifications

Your summary of qualifications is at the top of your resume and is the first thing the hiring manager will see. This is an excellent place to summarize your remote qualifications. You can either specifically mention your remote qualifications or highlight the remote-specific skills you have that qualify you for the job. Examples include:

  • Collaborate with team members across multiple time zones while working in remote environments
  • Six years of experience working remotely
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills

Skills Section

The skills section of your resume is a great place to show off your remote-relevant skills. For example, if you want to highlight your collaboration skills, talk about your experience with shared documents or online project management tools. Mention your tech skills and experience with remote-specific tools like Google Drive, Zoom, Trello, Dropbox, or SharePoint.

Job Title or Location

Another way to call attention to your remote work experience is to include “remote” as part of each job on your resume. For example, instead of using this on your remote work resume:

Account Manager

The Widget Company, 2012-2015

Account Manager | Remote

It’s subtle, to be sure, but it makes a difference!

Work History

Similarly, you can include your remote work experience as part of your work history. 

Private Tutor

Self-Employed, 2017 – present

  • Provide remote tutoring to clients via Zoom

Again, it’s subtle, but it could be the edge you need to land that remote job.

Fine-Tuning Your Work-From-Home Resume

As a rule, you should always customize your resume and cover letter for every job you apply to. But, when you’re learning how to put remote work on your resume, follow a few extra tips to make sure you land in the “yes” pile.

Use the Keywords

To help your resume rise to the top of the pile, make sure you identify and incorporate keywords . Keywords are the “key” words the employer uses in the job posting. They’re easy to identify and important to sprinkle throughout your resume. 

When you use the keywords from the job posting on your resume, you stand a better chance of getting past the applicant tracking systems (ATS). These systems are programmed to look for certain keywords, and not including them on your resume makes it less likely your application will make it to a human hiring manager.

Using keywords also shows that you and the employer speak the same language. For example, if you see that in the job posting the employer refers to “clients” and not “customers,” make sure you don’t talk about how you like to delight customers, say that you like to delight clients .

As it relates to a remote job resume, prioritize the remote-specific keywords that you identify in the job posting. For example, if you see “Google Suite” mentioned several times in the job posting, that’s probably a keyword. So, make sure you mention your Google Suite experience and not your Google Drive experience. 

Also, be on the lookout for how the keywords are used. If a job posting keyword is “detail-oriented,” don’t mention your “attention to detail.” Similarly, be aware of common synonyms employers use. While working in a virtual environment is pretty much the same as working in a remote environment, don’t mention “remote” several times if the employer uses “virtual.”

Take Advantage of the Pandemic

One silver lining from the pandemic is that overnight, many people suddenly gained remote work experience. Why not capitalize on it and use this experience to your advantage?

Call out that your job went from in-person to remote and mention if you work from home full-time or part-time. Then, include some of the details. Discuss how you adapted to the sudden change in circumstances, but your productivity and performance never suffered. Talk about all the experience you now have with Zoom or Slack. 

These details can make all the difference in your remote job resume and help you stand out from the other applicants.

Write Your Remote Job Resume

As you can see, there’s no magic formula for creating a winning remote job resume. It’s all about connecting the dots for the employer and helping them see how your current skill set is the right skill set for their remote role.

Interested in learning more? Check out our article on how to spotlight your skills on your resume.

Learn How to Showcase My Resume Skills >

By Rachel Pelta | Categories: Work Remotely

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6 Steps to Create a Remote Job Resume (W/ Tips & Template)

Background Image

Want to land a remote job?

Well, so does everyone else - remote jobs are very in-demand these days. Meaning, they’re also very, very competitive.

Instead of competing with professionals in your area for a local job, you’re competing with the best professionals from all around the world for a remote job.

As such, your remote work resume has to be that much better if you want to catch the hiring manager’s attention and land that remote interview.

Fortunately, we’ve got your back! In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to create a compelling remote work resume.

Let’s get started! 

5 Steps to Create a Remote Job Resume

There are several differences between a remote job resume and a conventional one. 

For starters, a remote job resume needs to make it clear to the recruiter you’re looking to get hired remotely (especially if you’re applying at a company that hires both remote and on-site staff). 

At the same time, your professional experience section should, one, comprehensively reflect any remote work experience you’ve had in the past, and two, be very compelling to show the hiring manager that you’re an A-player. 

The skills section is also different in a remote job resume. In addition to the skills related to your industry, it’s important to include skills that can prove you can perform well working remotely. Think, reliability, work ethic, time management, and other such skills.  

Below, we’ll go into detail about all the steps you need to take to write a remote job resume that’ll land you an interview, starting with:  

#1. Make It Known You’re Looking for a Remote Job

The first thing you want to do is use your resume to let potential employers know you're looking for a remote job.

Although most job listings specify the job is remote, that might not always be the case. Some companies, for example, may allow you to work remotely if you're really qualified for the job. 

Others may simply list their headquarters and note they allow employees to work remotely (but not whether they’re hiring a remote worker for this specific job).

No matter the case, your remote job resume is your best opportunity to make it clear you're looking to work remotely from the get-go. 

There are three places where you can do that on your remote job resume: 

  • The contact information section . Instead of adding your physical address, you can specify you prefer working remotely by writing “working remotely from [location].”
  • The resume summary . This is where you express your professional intent as an applicant and aim to grab the recruiter’s attention early on. As such, it’s one of the best places to mention your remote work experience and state you’re looking to work remotely. 
  • The work experience section. If you have previous remote work experience, make that known by writing “remote” under your professional title. 

Here’s an example of how you’d include this information in your contact information section:


johnsmith @novoresume.com

Working remotely from Chicago

Or here’s one for the resume summary:

Hard-working IT support specialist looking for a fully remote role at Company X. Communicative and patient, I have extensive experience in providing technical support on user experience issues for SaaS companies. Looking for an opportunity to apply my technical and remote skills and grow professionally. 

#2. Choose the Right Resume Template

According to a GitLab study, 82% of workers believe remote work is the future . As such, companies hiring remotely tend to get a lot of applicants.

So that the hiring manager doesn’t spend their entire day reviewing resumes, they use applicant tracking systems instead.

These systems automatically review hundreds of resumes within minutes and discard the ones that:

  • Have bad formatting
  • Don’t mention the right type of keywords

If you want to make sure that your resume does fall prey to applicant tracking systems, you’ll want to use an ATS-friendly resume template .

These templates are built with such software in mind guaranteeing that the system will be able to read your resume. Head over here to browse through such resume templates . 

remote job resume examples

#3. Write a Compelling Resume Summary

The first section recruiters will really notice on your remote job resume is your resume summary. 

The resume summary is a 2 or 3-sentence long paragraph where you mention: 

  • Your job title and years of experience. (E.g. “Customer support agent with 6+ years experience in customer service and IT industry.” ) 
  • Your top skills and achievements (or core responsibilities). (E.g. “Responsible and communicative, I specialize in user retention, technical support, and customer care.” ) 
  • Your professional goals. (E.g. “Looking to apply my skills and experience as a lead support agent for your internet software company.” ) 

Done right, your resume summary will grab recruiters’ attention and get them to go through the rest of your resume in more detail and attention. 

As such, it’s a great place to also mention you prefer working remotely or highlight one or two in-demand remote working skills, such as your reliability or your excellent time management . 

Alternatively, you can use your remote resume summary to list the countries where you have working rights or your time zone. Many of the companies that hire remote workers are looking for people in specific countries or time zones. 

Here’s how you’d do that:

Tech-savvy and reliable content writer with 8 years of experience in SEO, research, and copywriting. I have worked remotely for the past 4 years, writing for several niches including e-learning, blockchain, and alternative health and wellness. US citizen currently working remotely from Italy, but able to work in US time zones if need be.

#4. Highlight Remote Working Skills

To perform well in a remote workplace, you’ll need to have a certain set of skills. Mentioning these skills in your resume, especially if you don’t have a lot of remote work experience, can really tip the scales in your favor.

Say, for example, that you’re applying for a job as a remote chat support agent. 

Considering you’ll be working from home, it will be up to you to wake up and start working at the right time on a daily basis. This means that reliability and a strong work ethic are all the more important as soft skills for this remote position than if you’d be working from an office.

The same goes for hard skills. Remote jobs require a bunch of hard skills that may not be as necessary when you’re working from a physical location. In the chat support agent case, for example, you might need the following hard skills to succeed in a remote environment:

  • Digital communication
  • Intercom automation

So, how do you pick the right skills to add to your remote job resume? Here’s what we suggest: 

  • Check the job description to include any skills that you have that the company is looking for. If the position is remote, the employer may have also listed the exact remote skills required for the role.
  • Research in-demand remote skills. Some remote work skills are nice to have for all types of remote jobs. You can find our list of such skills in the next section of this article.
  • List your soft and hard skills separately. Don’t list all your skills in a bundle. List technical skills (industry-related and remote) under “hard skills” and the rest under “soft skills.”

And remember - if you have experience using some specific remote programs and tools (e.g. Slack, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Hubstaff, etc.), you should definitely list their names under your hard skills. Your potential employer will appreciate that you’re already familiar with them (especially if they’re using the same tools).   

Needs some inspiration for your remote resume’s skills section? Check out these lists of soft and hard in-demand skills for remote workers: 

24 Top Soft Skills for Remote Workers in 2024

  • Accountability
  • Assertiveness
  • Collaboration
  • Flexibility
  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical skills
  • Originality
  • Problem-solving
  • Productivity
  • Time management
  • Self-assessment
  • Social awareness
  • Stress management
  • Supportiveness
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Proactiveness
  • Tech-savviness
  • Problem-solving skills  

10 Top Hard Skills for Remote Workers in 2024

  • Project management tools
  • Team management tools
  • Written communication
  • Google Hangouts

#5. Create an Attention-Grabbing Work Experience Section

The work experience section is the most critical part of your remote resume. 

Here, the hiring manager wants to see that you’re not just any job-seeker - they want to see that you’re an A-player.

And simply listing out your responsibilities just won’t do.

In this section, we’ll explain how to create a work experience section that’s likely to get noticed by the hiring manager.

But first, let’s talk about the basics. Here’s how you should format your work experience entries:

  • Stick with the reverse-chronological order. Begin with your latest professional experience and work your way back.
  • Add your job title. Make sure the title properly describes your role and avoid buzzwords or “funny” job titles (e.g. “keyboard wizard” instead of “copywriter”).
  • Include the company’s details. These include key information such as the company’s name and location (or “remote,” if you work online).
  • Mention the employment period. Use the mm/yyyy format throughout the remote job resume.
  • Write down your responsibilities and achievements . Use up to 5 bullet points for recent positions and 2-3 bullet points for older roles.

Now that we’ve got formatting out of the way, let’s talk about how you can make the section more compelling: 

  • Tailor your work experience to the position. If you have a TON of work experience, only mention the most recent (and relevant) roles. Rule of thumb, your last 3-4 work experiences are enough. If any of these were remote, make sure to mention that.
  • Use numbers to back up your achievements. Quantifying your achievements can really take your work experience section from great to perfect. Reading “increased company client base from 3 to 8 within a year” will be much more convincing to recruiters than “managed to get more clients.”
  • Take advantage of action verbs . Action verbs like “collaborated,” “proofread,” “edited,” “oversaw,” “managed,” etc., are much better at driving the point home than “was responsible for” or “achieved X and Y.”

And here’s what a work experience section that follows our tips looks like:  

Creative Director

Colective Technologies LLC.  02/2019 - Present

Remotely from Europe

  • Updated company's talent acquisition policies to include remote hiring practices and hired 3 new, fully remote technical writers in one year. 
  • Increased client base from 3 to 8 clients within one year by utilizing social media marketing strategies. 
  • Implemented ClickUp for managing the entirety of the remote marketing team. Managed to get everyone on board and productive 2 weeks after purchasing the software.

What If I Don’t Have Remote Work Experience? 

Some companies may hesitate to hire you for a remote position if you’ve never worked remotely before (even if you’re otherwise qualified for the role). 

This is primarily because some professionals simply don’t “click” with remote work. Working from home might seem like an amazing idea in theory, but it might turn out that you:

  • Don’t like the loneliness associated with working from home
  • Find it very hard to keep yourself motivated and productive without coworkers around
  • Have a hard time getting inspired without face-to-face contact with your coworkers

And any of these reasons might turn out to be a good reason to quit.

As such, the hiring manager is less likely to give you a shot if you don’t have any experience working remotely.

But does this mean that you just can’t find a remote job without past remote work experience?

Not really - you just need to show the hiring manager that you have the skills that’ll enable you to succeed in a remote work environment.

One great way to do this is by mentioning your experiences with past personal projects. Anything like:

  • A website you’ve worked on in your free time.
  • A game you developed in university.
  • A personal blog you’ve maintained over the years.
  • Illustrations you’ve done for a show/game that you like.

Mentioning such projects in your remote resume shows that you’re a self-starter and a type of person that can be productive without being in the office.

Simply create a dedicated section for “Personal Projects” and list your experience just like you would with your work experience section:

Independent Projects

Founder at PersonalBlog.com

Created & maintained a personal blog about IT hiring practices for over 2 years:

  • Published over a total of 50 blog posts.
  • Drove over 20,000 traffic in 2022 by promoting my content to HR influencers on LinkedIn.
  • Invited to 10+ different podcasts to talk about my experience with IT recruitment.

#6. Write a Persuasive Cover Letter

Yes, cover letters are still relevant.

While not as important as your remote resume, they can definitely help you stand out from other applicants and more than half of employers prefer candidates who submit a cover letter.

Now as for how you can use a cover letter to get hired for a remote job, there are 2 good options. You can go with one of the other, or you can do a mix of the two:

  • Explain why you’re the perfect candidate for the role by mentioning your achievements, skills, or qualifications.
  • Explain why you’re a good culture fit for the company and talk about why you’re passionate about working for the company.

In the case of the first, you’d want to review the job ad you’re applying for and identify the key requirements.

Then, in your cover letter, cover these requirements more in-depth.

If, for example, the requirement is “Managing an ad budget in 5-figures,” here’s how you’d frame this in your cover letter:

Past experience involved managing an ad budget in 5-figures while working for Company X. I was in charge of the entire account end-to-end, including picking out creatives, writing copy, running A/B tests, and so on. My goal, which I hit and exceeded, was to maintain a ROAS of over 150%.

Now if you want your cover letter to be a bit more focused on how you’re a good culture fit, here’s what you need to do.

First, you should research the employer and see whether you’re actually a good fit and whether you truly like the company:

  • Check the employer’s social media profiles. What kind of content do they post? Who’s their target audience?
  • Read up about the company’s mission statement. Is it something you resonate with?
  • What’s their product/service? Is it something you’re passionate about working on?
  • Read their company news blog. What has the company been doing in the past year? Anything you particularly find interesting?

Then, use this information in your cover letter to communicate why you’re passionate about working at the company.

If you’re unsure how to write an attention-grabbing cover letter, check out our guides on the best cover letter tips and the most common cover letter mistakes . 

Key Takeaways 

And that’s about all you need to know to create a compelling remote job resume!

Before you start working on your resume and applying for jobs, let’s do a quick recap of the most important things we covered in this article:

  • The first thing you need to do through your remote job resume is to make it known you’re looking for a remote position. The first place you can do that is the contact information section, right where you’d typically input your location. 
  • Take advantage of the resume summary to highlight one or two skills you have that are necessary for remote work to show recruiters you’re perfect for it from the get-go. 
  • Give specific examples of your responsibilities and achievements while working remotely in your work experience section. If you’ve had a number of remote positions in the past, then create a separate remote work experience section. 
  • In your skills section, make sure to include skills that are required for remote positions, such as a strong work ethic, reliability, and ability to meet deadlines. 

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Crafting a Resume for a Remote Job: Essential Tips

8 min read · Updated on March 18, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Searching for a remote job? Let your resume reflect that.

If you're in the market for a remote job, here's some good news: In the past decade, the number of remote job opportunities has skyrocketed as more and more companies recruit virtual employees to join their workforce.

Remote work comes with a number of perks, including no commute, more flexibility, fewer distractions, and heightened productivity. Like anything, however, working outside an office comes with its challenges, too. Think: loneliness, difficulty collaborating, and the dilemma one can face when trying to set healthy work-life boundaries.

In fact, many employers and remote employees might consider remote work a skill in itself. It takes a lot of focus, discipline, and strong communication to be an efficient and effective remote worker, and not everyone is cut out for it. 

If you're seeking a remote job opportunity, it's important to have an interview-winning resume for remote jobs . Employers want to know you're equipped to work from home, and there are several ways you can highlight this on your resume.   

Make it known you're in the market for a remote job

As you write your resume for remote jobs, keep in mind that your desire for such a position must be immediately made known to the hiring manager. As you read through the job descriptions, you'll be able to tell that some of them are for remote work; however, that won't always be the case. 

Even if the job description neglects to mention whether the job is remote, you still need to make it clear in your application, cover letter, and well-crafted resume that you're seeking a remote opportunity.

The contact information part of your resume for remote jobs

The first place to indicate your desire for remote work is in your contact information section. Resumes traditionally include at least the city and state of your address. However, if you're applying for a remote position that doesn't have any specific location requirements, your physical location isn't as important. Therefore, you have a few options: 

You can still list your city and state

You can leave it off

You can simply state “remote” or “location independent” in the space instead

Here's what the contact section of your remote work resume could look like:

123-456-7890 | [email protected]

Remote worker in Dallas, TX

The profile paragraph part of your resume for remote jobs

Another part of your resume for remote jobs that gives you the opportunity to highlight your desire and ability to excel in remote work is your professional summary. Be sure to highlight any experience you have with remote collaboration, being organized, and staying self-motivated, as all of these are important qualities for remote work success. 

Here's what the profile paragraph of your remote work resume could look like:

Innovative and results-driven content creator with a passion for the beauty products industry seeking to leverage 7 years of experience in creating engaging content that converts leads and managing social media platforms within remote work environments. Possess a proven ability to work independently and as part of a larger, geographically dispersed team. Utilize remote collaboration tools like Slack, Zoom, and Monday to communicate with others and manage projects. 

The professional experience part of your resume for remote jobs

If you've previously held remote positions, call those out in your work experience section by listing “remote” in place of the company's location. It's also fairly critical that you leverage the use of achievement bullets to drive home the point that you can and have worked successfully in remote positions.

For example, if you are a remote account manager, you might write: “Managed partnerships with more than 25 clients through Salesforce from a dedicated home office.” If you're a remote writer, you might showcase your productivity by stating: “Exceeded company's annual quotas by producing more than 200 pieces of content and was recognized as a top remote employee.”


ABC Corporation | 03/2021-Present

Content Creator (Remote - Based in Houston, TX)

Increased website traffic by 50% through the creation of SEO-optimized blog posts and social media content.

Developed and implemented a content strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in social media engagement.

Managed a remote team of 7 writers, editors, and designers, ensuring timely delivery of high-quality content.

Employed advanced knowledge of Slack and Zoom to partner with the remote marketing team and create and launch successful email marketing campaigns.

Showcase the skills needed to work remotely

Now that you've made it clear you're looking for a location-independent job and have the experience to back up the request for remote work, it's time to showcase your qualifications. 

Expert tip: Remember, remote work takes a special set of skills, so you'll want to highlight those.

An obvious place to prove you have what it takes is in the skills section on your resume for remote jobs . Here, you'll want to think about both the hard and soft skills that make you a strong remote employee. 

For example, as a remote team member, you'll need to be comfortable with video conferencing, messaging, and using team and project management tools. You can even list the specific names of programs you have experience using, like Slack, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Asana, or Wrike. If the company you're interviewing with uses the same tools, it'll likely put the employer at ease, knowing you already have the experience with those platforms.

You'll also want to list important soft skills remote workers need to succeed. Use this general list  to spark some inspiration:

Time management


Digital communication

Strong work ethic





Independent problem solver

What do you do if you have no remote experience?

There is a saying that everyone who is an expert at something used to be a beginner. If you have no remote experience, you can still write a resume for remote jobs. It's all in how you word things. Basically, you'll need to lean on the skills you have in brick-and-mortar jobs to prove you'll be an effective remote employee. These are called transferable skills . 

For example, if you work for a bi-coastal company and frequently collaborate with your other location's office, make that clear. Perhaps you work with a roster of out-of-state clients; this is another opportunity to show you have strong digital communication skills.

You can also take online courses to obtain certifications or boost your professional development related to working remotely to further strengthen your resume for remote jobs. 

Don't forget the cover letter

One piece of your job application toolkit that is often overlooked is the cover letter. Your resume for remote jobs goes into great detail about your career skills and achievements, while the cover letter gives you the chance to express your personality and passions. This is especially great if you happen to be one of the folks with little to no remote experience under your belt. 

Some things to consider for your cover letter for remote jobs:

Just as with your resume for remote jobs, clearly state that you seek a remote opportunity

Reiterate your experiences or skills with remote collaboration tools and re-emphasize your relevant soft skills 

Explain that you're adaptable, flexible, and proactive

Express your enthusiasm for remote work and the company, specifically, so the hiring manager knows you're genuinely interested in contributing to their success as a company

Did you notice that none of those tips suggests that you should regurgitate what's already on your resume? Your cover letter should complement your resume and provide additional context for why you're the perfect candidate for a remote job. Also, be sure to tailor your cover letter just like you would your resume for remote jobs. 

Strategic presentation of skills and experiences

No matter where you are in your career journey, landing a remote job requires careful consideration of what you have to offer a new company. Because remote jobs require a special set of skills, you'll want your resume to reflect that — whether you've already had experience working remotely or not.

When you highlight your desire for remote work, remember to emphasize your readiness and suitability for the environment. The bottom line is that employers want to find someone who can easily step into their role and thrive. Your resume for remote jobs is the best way to prove that. Showcase your relevant skills, experiences, and career achievements to land the remote job of your dreams. 

Not sure how to make your remote intentions clear on your resume? Need help showcasing your ability to operate remotely? You may want to consult a professional resume writer . Just like you would go to the mechanic when your engine breaks down, an expert resume writer is here to help you with your resume needs. Upload your resume for a free review today. 

This article was originally written by Carson Kohler in 2021 and updated by Marsha Hebert in 2024.

Recommended reading:

How to Get in the Right Mindset for a Remote Job Search

Starting a New Remote Job? How to Be Successful During the First Week

5 Ways Your Resume Is Selling You Short

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How To Write a Remote Job Resume (Samples + Templates)

Recently, there’s been a big change in how people work. Remote work, where you can work from your own home or other places away from the usual office, is now really popular. This happened because of new technologies and a change in how workplaces operate. So now, it’s super important to show yourself well online. This is where having a good remote job resume is really key. It opens up opportunities beyond just one location, which is super important in today’s job market.

Explore more  Resume Examples by Profession »

Understanding the remote job landscape

To grasp the world of remote work, it’s essential to first understand what it really means. Remote work is simply doing your job from somewhere other than a regular office. This could be your home, a shared workspace, or even a unique location. Nowadays, this kind of flexibility is super important and in high demand.

Remote work brings advantages not only for workers but also for employers. For individuals, it means a better balance between work and personal life. It cuts down on long commutes and lets you create a workspace that suits you best. On the employer’s side, it opens the door to a global pool of talent. This means they can find people with a wider range of skills and expertise. This shift towards remote work is more than just a passing trend; it’s a big change in how we think about work.

Numbers and real-life examples back up just how common remote jobs are becoming. Studies show that more and more companies are adopting remote work policies. A lot of workers are saying they prefer this way of working too. This shift is especially noticeable in industries driven by technology and in forward-thinking startups. These numbers highlight the importance for job seekers to not just accept remote work, but to really show off their skills in this new way of working.

Browse remote jobs:

  • Customer service

Tailoring your resume for remote positions

When it comes to making a resume for remote jobs, it’s not a one-size-fits-all situation. It’s more like finding the right puzzle pieces. This means understanding the specific job and the company offering it. For example, a remote job at a tech startup might need different skills and experiences than one at a big established company. So, you’ve got to customize your resume to fit.

Also, it’s really important to dive into the company’s remote work rules and how they do things. Some companies have been doing remote work for a long time, so they have good systems in place. Others might be just starting out. Knowing this helps you show that you’re a good fit for how they work remotely. Showing off skills like being able to motivate yourself, communicate well, and work independently is also key. When you customize your resume like this, it gives you a big edge in the competitive world of remote jobs.

Showcasing relevant skills and experience

In the world of remote work, certain skills become especially important because of how the work is done. One of the most crucial skills is communication. This means being able to express your thoughts clearly in writing because you might not always get to talk face-to-face. Another really important skill is managing your time well. When you’re working remotely, you often have to organize your own schedule and meet deadlines without someone always watching over you. Being able to stay motivated on your own is also super valuable. This means being focused and driven even when you don’t have coworkers or supervisors right there with you.

When it’s time to show off these skills on your remote resume, it’s important to be strategic. Instead of just listing your job duties, it’s better to give specific examples of when you used these skills to get real results. For example, you could talk about a project where good communication was really important because your team was spread across different time zones. Also, in the skills section, make sure to highlight these key abilities and back them up with examples from your work history. When you do this, your resume shows clearly that you’re a great fit for remote work.

Highlighting remote work experience (if applicable)

If you’ve had experience working remotely or on similar projects before, it can really boost your chances in the job market. Making sure this work experience shines on your remote job resume is really important. It’s not just about the technical stuff you did, but also about the soft skills that helped you succeed. This could be things like being good at using tools for remote teamwork, being skilled at virtual communication, and showing you can solve problems on your own.

Adding specific numbers or examples to explain your achievements and responsibilities makes this section even stronger. Instead of just saying what you did, it’s better to show how it made a real difference. For example, if a remote project you worked on led to a certain percentage increase in efficiency or money earned, be sure to say so. When you put numbers to your achievements, it makes your resume more trustworthy and shows you’re really skilled at working remotely.

Addressing remote work challenges

While there are many good things about remote work, it’s also important to understand the worries employers might have. One big concern is about accountability. Employers might wonder if remote workers can stay just as productive and meet deadlines without someone always watching. To ease this concern, your resume should highlight how you’ve consistently met or even surpassed goals in past remote roles. Giving specific examples of successful independent projects can really show that you’re reliable.

Another worry is about communication. When you work remotely, being able to communicate well becomes even more important. To address this, it’s good to emphasize your skill in using virtual communication tools. Also, showing times when your clear communication made a big difference in a project’s success is really helpful. If you have any training or certifications in using remote communication tools, be sure to mention them. When you tackle these concerns directly in your remote job resume, it shows potential employers that you’re ready and capable for remote work.

Demonstrating technical proficiency

In remote work, it’s really important to show that you’re good with technology on your resume. Employers like to see that you not only know your job well but also can use digital tools and software for working with others online. This includes things like using project management platforms such as Trello or Asana, which help teams work together even if they’re far apart. It also means using video meeting software like Zoom or Microsoft Teams for online discussions. When you show that you’re familiar with these tools, it tells employers that you can easily adapt to working remotely.

Incorporating remote-friendly language

When you’re making a resume for remote jobs, it’s not just about listing what you can do. It’s also about how you talk about it. Using words that show you can work on your own and find solutions by yourself is really important. Phrases like “self-motivated,” “independent,” and “focused on results” are great examples. They tell employers that you take charge of your work, which is super valuable when there’s not someone always watching. Also, highlighting that you can work well in teams spread out in different places is a big plus. It gives employers confidence in your ability to handle remote work.

Proofreading and polishing your resume

Once you’ve got all the information on your remote job resume, it’s really important to go over it carefully. Paying close attention to the details can make a big difference. Even small mistakes can make your resume look less professional. It’s a good idea to read through it several times, looking for spelling, grammar, and formatting mistakes. It can also be really helpful to have someone else take a look for a fresh perspective. Making sure everything looks neat and organized is also key. Use the same style for headings, bullet points, and fonts all throughout. A well-organized and professional remote job resume not only shows off your qualifications but also shows that you’re committed to presenting your best self.

Remote resume example for virtual assistant

Tailor this sample remote resume to your own experiences, skills, and qualifications. Additionally, consider formatting and design elements to ensure it looks clean, professional, and easy to read. This also demonstrates your technical skills.

Dedicated and detail-oriented Virtual Assistant with a proven track record of providing exceptional administrative support to busy professionals and entrepreneurs. Skilled in managing calendars, handling correspondence, and organizing tasks to enhance productivity. Seeking a remote position to leverage my expertise in streamlining operations and enabling clients to focus on their core business activities.

Professional Experience

Virtual Assistant | XYZ Virtual Solutions | Remote | Month Year – Present

  • Manage and maintain multiple executives’ schedules, coordinating appointments, and ensuring timely reminders for meetings and deadlines.
  • Screen and prioritize emails, responding on behalf of clients to routine inquiries and forwarding critical messages for immediate attention.
  • Conduct internet research for various projects, including market research, competitor analysis, and product sourcing.
  • Prepare and format documents, reports, and presentations using tools like Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workspace, and Adobe Acrobat.
  • Perform basic bookkeeping tasks, including invoice creation, expense tracking, and managing financial records.
  • Utilize project management software such as Trello and Asana to track tasks, set milestones, and ensure timely project completion.
  • Coordinate travel arrangements, including flights, accommodation, and itinerary planning, to facilitate smooth business trips.

Administrative Assistant | ABC Company | City, State | Month Year – Month Year

  • Supported day-to-day operations by managing phone lines, scheduling appointments, and greeting clients.
  • Assisted in organizing events, including conferences, workshops, and seminars, by coordinating logistics and managing RSVPs.
  • Prepared and proofread business correspondence, reports, and presentations for internal and external distribution.
  • Maintained and organized physical and digital filing systems to ensure easy retrieval of documents.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to facilitate effective communication and project coordination.

Degree Earned University Name | Year

  • Office Suite (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Google Workspace (Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sheets, Slides)
  • Project Management Tools (Trello, Asana)
  • Communication Tools (Skype, Zoom, Slack)
  • Basic Bookkeeping and Expense Tracking
  • Internet Research and Market Analysis
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Strong Written and Verbal Communication
  • Detail-Oriented and Organized
  • Adaptability to Various Software and Platforms


  • Any relevant certifications related to virtual assistance or administrative support

Remote resume example for data entry

Detail-oriented Data Entry Specialist with a proven track record of accurately and efficiently inputting large volumes of information into databases. Proficient in data verification, cleansing, and maintaining confidentiality. Seeking a remote Data Entry position to leverage my skills in supporting efficient data management for organizations.

Data Entry Specialist | DataTech Solutions | Remote | Month Year – Present

  • Enter and verify large volumes of data into company databases with a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail.
  • Conduct regular data cleansing activities to identify and rectify inaccuracies, ensuring database integrity and reliability.
  • Collaborate with team members to streamline data entry processes and implement best practices for efficiency.
  • Maintain strict confidentiality of sensitive information in compliance with company policies and industry regulations.
  • Generate reports and summaries based on database entries, providing valuable insights for decision-making.

Data Entry Clerk | ExcelPro | City, State | Month Year – Month Year

  • Processed and inputted various forms of data, including alphanumeric, numeric, and symbolic information.
  • Conducted quality checks on entered data to identify and rectify discrepancies or errors.
  • Assisted in organizing and categorizing data for easy retrieval and analysis.
  • Contributed to the development of standardized data entry procedures and guidelines.

Degree Earned (if applicable) University Name | Year

  • Data Entry (Numeric, Alphanumeric, Symbolic)
  • Data Verification and Cleansing
  • Database Management (MS Excel, Google Sheets)
  • Attention to Detail and Accuracy
  • Confidentiality and Data Security
  • Time Management and Efficiency
  • Strong Typing Skills (X WPM)
  • Communication Skills (Written and Verbal)
  • Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting
  • Any relevant certifications related to data entry or database management

Remote Work Tools

  • List any specific tools or software you are proficient in for remote work, such as VPNs, communication platforms, etc.

Resume templates for remote jobs

ATS resume template

As we dive into this new era of digital work, there’s a sea of chances for professionals in all kinds of fields in the world of remote jobs. Creating a resume that really shows off your skills and fits this lively environment is a crucial step in your job search.

Persistence is the name of the game here. The remote job market is competitive, but with the right approach, you can really shine. Tailoring your resume, using words that fit remote work, and making sure it’s all perfect is super important. Every little thing counts. So, take your time, put your best foot forward, and grab those opportunities waiting for you in the remote work world. Your next big professional adventure might be just one well-crafted resume away.


We’re a team of writers dedicated to providing insights and tips for navigating the professional world. With a collective wealth of experience across various industries and roles, our team understands the challenges and opportunities that come with seeking meaningful work and advancing your career. We help job seekers to better their careers by offering career advice & free resources. Download free Word resume templates and resume templates for Google Docs .

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Create a job-winning resume in 15 minutes with the help of a resume builder. Get a walkthrough of each section and fill out your resume within minutes.

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11 min read

How To Get A Remote Job With The Ideal Resume [+ Templates]


Jemima Owen-Jones

April 05, 2023

Last Update

August 12, 2024

sample resume for remote job

Table of Contents

Previous remote work experience

No remote work experience, looking for more career tips, key takeaways.

  • You don’t need remote work experience to secure a remote role. With the right guidance and support, anyone can learn and adapt to a remote position.
  • Your success in landing a remote job will depend on whether you’re a good match for the role. However, including a few remote working skills and indicators in your resume, also called a CV, will signal to the hiring team that you’re ready for a remote environment.
  • How you prepare your remote work resume depends on whether you have prior remote experience or not. This article will give you remote resume tips for both scenarios.

Looking for your next remote job? You’re not alone. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, almost half of US workers are looking to work remotely in their next job. On top of that: 

56% of employees have a job where they could work remotely

The number of remote jobs has tripled since 2020 

It’s a great time to consider going remote, and the good news is that preparing your resume for a remote position is pretty straightforward. After all, remote work is just...work. If you have good communication, time management, and self-motivation in a non-remote work environment, you can apply those same set of skills in a remote environment. 

When revamping your remote job resume for your job search, sprinkle in a few remote working indicators to signal to the hiring team that you’re qualified for the role. Companies that are adjusting to a remote business model may benefit from the extra reassurance.

I appreciate candidates expressing their desire to work remotely since many underlying motivations can add value to the role. The fact that we can positively impact a person’s life with this type of work motivates us to help them realize their dream.

— Camila Sanchez ,

Talent Acquisition Specialist, Deel

How you prepare your resume for a remote position depends on whether you have prior remote experience, so we’ve broken down the article into two sections—those with previous remote experience and those without.

Note: Throughout the article, we refer to different sections of a resume:

Introductory summary


Please see the resume template diagrams below to understand which sections we’re referencing. 

Most of us have worked remotely in some capacity. Regardless of when you worked remotely or how many years of experience you have working remotely, you can integrate this experience into your resume. 

Incorporate ‘Remote Worker’ next to your job title above your contact information 

Include your current or most recent title at the top of your resume, under your name. Next to your job title, add ‘Remote Worker.’ Since it’s at the top of your resume, it will immediately indicate to the hiring manager or recruiter that remote working is a priority.

I like to have clear information about the desire to work remotely. In my area (engineering), this represents the vast majority of candidates.

— Julien Ciftci ,

Talent Acquisition EMEA, Deel

Including a link to your up-to-date LinkedIn profile underneath your email address is an excellent way for hiring teams to gain a more comprehensive look at your background. 

Incorporate remote skills into your skills section

The next opportunity to include your remote experience is in the key skills section underneath your introductory resume summary. Highlighting the specific skills required for remote working, such as effective communication skills, good documentation, and proficiency with asynchronous collaboration and communication tools, will instill further confidence in your remote working abilities.

Essential skills are the ability to self-manage, not only in terms of learning but also in terms of time and management of projects or responsibilities. Additionally, we want a candidate that can relate to any culture and context assertively. A self-owner is someone who fits perfectly into the remote culture.

Add ‘Remote Role’ in the location section 

Another place to show your remote working exposure is in the experience section , where you typically add the location of your previous employers before explaining your work history. Adding ‘remote role,’ ‘hybrid role,’ or 'partially remote role,’ where applicable, will signal to the hirer that you’ve been entrusted to work remotely.

Highlight your remote skills in the experience section

The final place to indicate your remote experience is in the experience section . While these sections are best kept brief, including accomplishments that demonstrate self-motivation, strong communication, and proficiency with async technologies can be beneficial.

For example: Efficiency with video and communication tools, web-based applications, and project management platforms.

What we usually tell candidates at Deel is that this type of remote culture is the one they are going to find the best since they own their processes, have autonomy, a very high level of responsibility, and have an excellent opportunity to gain exposure since there is a lot of freedom to interact with any person or member of the organization.

Including a profile picture on your CV is optional. Some hiring managers prefer them as they can help put a face to the name, while others don’t have a preference. Determine what’s common practice in your particular industry or occupation and proceed accordingly. When in doubt, leave it out.

If you have no remote work experience, that’s okay—we all have to start somewhere. In this scenario, focus on highlighting the key transferable skills required for remote working, which, as we mentioned at the start, are typically required for any job.

Candidates shouldn’t worry about not having any prior remote working experience. In the end, work is work, and you do not need remote experience to crush it while working remotely. It does involve some changes that can initially be confusing, but it comes with so many more benefits, and there are always ways to tackle those changes.

— Laura Cortes ,

Incorporate communication, self-motivation, and time management into your skills section  

If you’re lucky, the job description will mention specific desirable skills related to remote work that you can reference (take a look at our  Job Descriptions Templates to get an idea of the most sought-after skills) Find the role that best suits your needs and use the template as is, or edit it to fit your needs.

If not, you should note the following soft skills in the key skills section of your resume alongside your role-specific skills: 

  • Self-motivated
  • Effective time management
  • Communicative
  • Highly autonomous

Communication is a key skill. You must be proactive in communicating in a remote environment. You won’t always have the opportunity to share ideas casually over coffee like in an office.

Incorporate your proficiency with asynchronous technologies in the work experience section

Many office-based companies have adopted video and communication tools like Slack, Zoom, and Google Meet to communicate internally and with clients. In addition, these companies use web-based applications to collaborate, such as Google Workspace and Notion, and project management platforms, such as Jira, Asana, and Basecamp, to stay organized. 

In the remote world, these tools are called asynchronous technologies , and they’re often essential to enabling dispersed and remote team members to connect and work effectively. If you have experience with these tools in some capacity, include a quick mention in the bullet points of the experience section to demonstrate you’re tech savvy.

Focus your attention on creating a strong resume and cover letter

Ultimately, your success in landing a remote job will depend on your experience and whether you’re a good match for the role. Your ability to work remotely is a bonus and is often a skill many can learn. 

Developing your skills and experience and creating a strong resume and cover letter is your best chance at securing your dream remote position.

To get more support with the cover letter and resume writing process, take time to review resume examples for specific positions and check out these articles:

  • 5 Easy Tips to Make Your Resume Stand Out
  • How to Write a Stellar Cover Letter: Simple 5-step Formula

If you secure an interview, don’t be afraid to express your passion for remote working.

I like it when candidates express a strong desire to work remotely. During the interview, some of them will even tell you it’s a deal breaker, and to me, this just goes to show that this person will be a better fit for our company and culture, which is all about enabling remote work.

Finally, make sure remote working suits you. If you secure a remote position, be intentional in how you get your daily dose of social interaction to reap the many benefits of remote working and avoid loneliness .

Remote work can be challenging from a social perspective for some people. Go outside, visit a coffee shop, or work from a friend’s home.

Deel helps connect the best workers with the best talent worldwide. Whether you’re a direct employee, EOR employee, or independent contractor, we make working from wherever easy.

In this content series, we share articles, templates, and guides to help job seekers and new hires navigate the world of work. These resources guide you through the entire hiring process, from preparing your resume to interviewing to identifying career growth opportunities.

About the author

Jemima is a nomadic writer, journalist, and digital marketer with a decade of experience crafting compelling B2B content for a global audience. She is a strong advocate for equal opportunities and is dedicated to shaping the future of work. At Deel, she specializes in thought-leadership content covering global mobility, cross-border compliance, and workplace culture topics.

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Work From Home Resume – Free Template, Samples, 5+ Examples

  • Resume Format
  • March 28, 2024
  • Resume Samples

Are you searching for work from home resumes (WFH) ? Here are the Work from Home Resume Free Templates, Samples and 5+ Examples. In today’s evolving work landscape, the concept of remote work has gained significant traction, presenting new opportunities and challenges for job seekers.

Crafting an effective Work From Home (WFH) resume requires a nuanced understanding of the remote work landscape. This includes highlighting skills and experiences conducive to remote environments and leveraging a structured approach to resume crafting. Key components such as highlighting remote-friendly skills , emphasizing self-motivation and communication abilities, and showcasing relevant experience are crucial.

To aid in this process, a comprehensive WFH resume template, coupled with sample resumes illustrating successful applications, can serve as invaluable resources. Let’s explore these essential elements further to create compelling resumes tailored for remote work opportunities.

Work From Home Resumes (WFH Resumes)

A Work From Home (WFH) resume is a document that highlights a candidate’s qualifications, skills, and experiences specifically tailored for remote job opportunities. It includes relevant information about the candidate’s work history, education, certifications, and skills, with a focus on demonstrating their ability to excel in a remote work environment.

This type of resume often emphasizes skills such as self-motivation, time management, communication, and proficiency with remote collaboration tools. Additionally, it may showcase previous experience with remote work or highlight achievements that are relevant to remote job roles.

Overall, a Work From Home resume is designed to showcase a candidate’s suitability for remote work positions and increase their chances of securing such opportunities.

Understanding the Remote Work Landscape

The remote work landscape refers to the growing trend of individuals working outside of traditional office settings, often from their homes or other remote locations.
This shift has been accelerated by advancements in technology, changing attitudes towards work-life balance, and the global pandemic’s impact on the way we work. Understanding the remote work landscape involves recognizing its benefits, challenges, and evolving trends.

Remote work offers flexibility, allowing employees to better balance their personal and professional lives while reducing commuting time and expenses. It also enables employers to tap into a global talent pool, increase employee satisfaction, and reduce overhead costs associated with office space.

However, remote work also presents challenges such as potential feelings of isolation, difficulty in maintaining work-life boundaries, and reliance on effective communication and collaboration tools. As remote work continues to evolve, it’s essential for individuals and organizations to adapt to this changing landscape and leverage its opportunities while addressing its challenges.

Crafting an Effective Work From Home Resume

Crafting an effective Work From Home (WFH) resume requires careful consideration of the unique demands and expectations of remote work environments. Here are key strategies to ensure your resume stands out in the remote job market:

Highlight Remote-Friendly Skills : Emphasize skills that are essential for remote work, such as self-motivation, time management, adaptability, and strong communication abilities. Showcase your proficiency with remote collaboration tools and technology platforms commonly used in remote work settings.

Showcase Relevant Experience : Tailor your work experience section to highlight remote or telecommuting experience, if applicable. Include specific examples of projects or tasks you’ve completed successfully while working remotely, demonstrating your ability to thrive in a virtual work environment.

Emphasize Results and Achievements : Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible and highlight tangible results achieved in previous roles. Employers are interested in candidates who can deliver results, so showcasing your achievements will help you stand out.

Customize Your Resume : Tailor your resume for each remote job application by aligning your skills and experiences with the job requirements. Use keywords and phrases from the job posting to demonstrate your suitability for the role.

Use a Clear and Professional Format : Ensure your resume is well-organized, easy to read, and visually appealing. Use a professional font, consistent formatting, and bullet points to make key information stand out.

By following these strategies, you can craft a compelling WFH resume that showcases your qualifications and positions you as a strong candidate for remote job opportunities.

Key Components of a Work From Home Resume

Key Components of a Work From Home (WFH) Resume:

  • Contact Information : Include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL at the top of your resume to make it easy for employers to reach you.
  • Professional Summary or Objective : Provide a brief overview of your qualifications, skills, and career goals, tailored specifically for remote job opportunities.
  • Remote-Friendly Skills : Highlight skills that are essential for remote work, such as self-motivation, time management, communication, and proficiency with remote collaboration tools.
  • Work Experience : Detail your relevant work experience, including remote or telecommuting experience if applicable. Focus on accomplishments and results achieved in previous roles.
  • Education : List your educational background , including degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework that align with the remote job you’re applying for.
  • Certifications and Training : Highlight any certifications or training programs related to remote work, virtual collaboration tools, or specific industry skills.
  • Remote Work Accomplishments : Showcase specific achievements or projects completed successfully while working remotely, demonstrating your ability to thrive in a virtual work environment.
  • Additional Sections : Include sections for languages spoken, volunteer work, or professional affiliations, if relevant to the remote job you’re applying for.

By including these key components in your WFH resume, you can effectively showcase your qualifications and suitability for remote job opportunities.

Download Work From Home Resume – Free Template

Senior Financial Analyst Professional Resume

Work From Home Resume Template

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  • Supports Google Doc & MS Word
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Sample Work From Home Resumes

Work From Home Sample Resume 1

Jessica Adams Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 123-4567 LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jessicaadams

Professional Summary: Experienced virtual assistant with 7+ years of remote work experience. Proficient in administrative tasks, calendar management, and customer service. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail. Skilled in using remote collaboration tools and providing support to remote teams.

Work Experience:

Virtual Assistant, XYZ Consulting (Remote) – Los Angeles, CA January 2015 – Present

  • Managed administrative tasks, including email management, scheduling appointments, and organizing documents.
  • Provided customer support via phone and email, resolving inquiries and issues promptly.
  • Collaborated with remote team members to coordinate projects and ensure smooth workflow.

Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration University of California, Los Angeles Graduated: May 2014

  • Administrative Support
  • Calendar Management
  • Customer Service
  • Remote Collaboration
  • Time Management

Work From Home Sample Resume 2 – Software Engineer

Alex Thompson Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 987-6543 LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/alexthompson

Professional Summary: Skilled software engineer with 8+ years of experience in remote work settings. Proficient in full-stack development, with expertise in JavaScript, Python, and SQL. Strong problem-solving abilities and experience working on distributed teams. Dedicated to delivering high-quality software solutions in virtual environments.

Senior Software Engineer, Tech Solutions Inc. (Remote) – San Francisco, CA August 2016 – Present

  • Developed and maintained web applications using React.js, Node.js, and MongoDB.
  • Implemented best practices for code quality, including code reviews and automated testing.
  • Collaborated with remote team members to design and implement complex software features.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Stanford University Graduated: June 2016

Work From Home Sample Resume 3 – Graphic Designer

Emily Carter Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 789-0123 LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/emilycarter

Professional Summary: Creative and versatile graphic designer with 6+ years of experience in remote work environments. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, with a strong portfolio of design projects. Skilled in collaborating with clients and team members virtually to deliver impactful designs. Dedicated to staying updated on design trends and best practices.

Freelance Graphic Designer (Remote) – New York, NY March 2015 – Present

  • Worked remotely with clients from various industries to create logos, branding materials, and marketing collateral.
  • Collaborated with remote teams to develop design concepts and deliverables for clients’ projects.
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring timely completion and client satisfaction.

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design Parsons School of Design Graduated: May 2015


  • Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) in Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) in Adobe Photoshop

Awards & Accomplishments:

  • Winner of the 2019 American Design Awards for Logo Design
  • Recognized by AIGA for Outstanding Creative Work in 2018
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Logo Design
  • Illustration

Work From Home Sample Objectives

Objective: Seeking a remote customer service position where my exceptional communication skills and dedication to customer satisfaction can contribute to building strong client relationships and driving company success.

Objective: Experienced marketing professional seeking a remote role where my strategic thinking, creativity, and digital marketing expertise can help businesses thrive in the online landscape.

Objective: Detail-oriented administrative professional with remote work experience seeking a virtual assistant position where my organizational skills and proactive approach can support teams in achieving their goals.

Objective: Results-driven sales professional seeking a remote sales position where my proven track record of exceeding targets and ability to build rapport can drive revenue growth and contribute to company success.

Objective: Seasoned software developer with a passion for problem-solving seeking a remote software engineering role where my technical skills and collaborative mindset can contribute to developing innovative solutions and driving project success.

Work From Home Profile Summary Examples

Profile Summary: Accomplished project manager with extensive experience leading remote teams in the successful delivery of complex projects. Proven track record of optimizing workflows, fostering collaboration, and exceeding client expectations. Seeking a remote project management role where strategic planning, communication skills, and adaptability can drive project success.

Profile Summary: Dedicated virtual assistant with a strong background in administrative support and remote work environments. Proficient in managing calendars, coordinating travel arrangements, and handling confidential information. Seeking a remote administrative position where attention to detail, organization skills, and proactive problem-solving abilities can contribute to team efficiency and success.

Profile Summary: Seasoned digital marketer specializing in social media management and content creation. Skilled in developing and implementing digital marketing strategies to drive brand awareness and engagement. Seeking a remote marketing role where creativity, data analysis, and digital expertise can help businesses thrive in the online landscape.

Profile Summary: Dynamic customer service professional with a passion for delivering exceptional customer experiences. Experienced in handling inquiries, resolving issues, and building strong client relationships. Seeking a remote customer service position where communication skills, empathy, and problem-solving abilities can contribute to customer satisfaction and company success.

Profile Summary: Results-oriented sales representative with a proven track record of exceeding sales targets and building client relationships. Skilled in prospecting, negotiating, and closing deals in a remote sales environment. Seeking a remote sales role where persistence, resilience, and sales acumen can drive revenue growth and achieve business objectives.

Highlighting Remote Work Experience

Highlighting remote work experience on a resume is crucial in today’s digital age. It demonstrates adaptability, self-motivation, and strong communication skills, all essential traits for remote positions. When highlighting remote work experience, emphasize your ability to collaborate effectively across different time zones, manage projects independently, and communicate clearly through various online platforms.

Showcase specific achievements and successes from your remote roles, such as exceeding productivity targets or leading successful virtual projects. By emphasizing your remote work experience, you position yourself as a valuable candidate capable of thriving in a remote work environment.

Remote Work Experience:

Virtual Assistant, ABC Consulting (Remote) – New York, NY January 2019 – Present

  • Managed administrative tasks remotely, including scheduling meetings, organizing documents, and responding to emails promptly.
  • Coordinated travel arrangements and event planning for executives, ensuring smooth execution of remote events and conferences.
  • Utilized virtual communication tools such as Slack and Zoom to collaborate with team members and provide real-time support.


  • Implemented a new virtual filing system, resulting in a 20% increase in efficiency in accessing and organizing documents.
  • Received positive feedback from clients and team members for excellent communication and responsiveness in remote settings.

Showcasing Remote Skills and Abilities

Showcasing remote skills and abilities on a resume is essential for demonstrating your capability to excel in virtual work environments. Highlight your proficiency with remote collaboration tools, time management skills, and effective communication abilities. For example:

Remote Skills and Abilities:

  • Proficient in utilizing virtual collaboration tools such as Slack, Zoom, and Trello to coordinate remote projects and communicate with team members.
  • Demonstrated ability to manage time effectively and maintain productivity while working independently in a remote setting.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, ensuring clear and concise communication with remote team members and clients.
  • Coordinated a successful virtual team project using Slack channels, resulting in a 15% increase in project efficiency and on-time delivery.

Tailoring Your Resume for Remote Positions

Tailoring your resume for remote positions involves highlighting specific skills, experiences, and qualities that are particularly relevant to succeeding in virtual work environments. Here are some key tips:

  • Emphasize Remote Work Experience: Highlight any previous experience working remotely or managing remote teams. Showcase your ability to thrive in virtual work environments and effectively collaborate with colleagues from a distance.
  • Highlight Communication Skills: Communication is key in remote work settings. Showcase your ability to communicate clearly and effectively through various channels, such as email, video conferencing, and instant messaging platforms.
  • Demonstrate Self-Motivation: Remote positions often require a high degree of self-motivation and autonomy. Highlight instances where you’ve taken initiative, managed your time effectively, and achieved results independently.
  • Showcase Technical Proficiency: Remote work often relies on digital tools and technologies. Highlight your proficiency with remote collaboration tools, project management software, and any other relevant technical skills.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: Remote work environments can be dynamic and fast-paced. Showcase your ability to adapt to change, handle unexpected challenges, and maintain productivity in a virtual setting.
  • Quantify Achievements: Whenever possible, quantify your achievements to demonstrate the impact of your work. Use metrics and data to highlight your contributions and successes in previous remote roles or projects.
  • Customize Your Resume: Tailor your resume to each remote position you apply for by incorporating keywords and phrases from the job description. This shows employers that you understand the specific requirements of the role and are a good fit for the position.

By following these tips and customizing your resume for remote positions, you can effectively showcase your qualifications and increase your chances of landing a remote job opportunity.

Additional Tips for Success in Remote Job Applications

In addition to tailoring your resume for remote positions, here are some additional tips for success in remote job applications:

Highlight Remote-Friendly Skills: Emphasize skills that are particularly valuable in remote work environments, such as self-discipline, time management, and adaptability. Showcase your ability to thrive in virtual settings and effectively collaborate with remote teams.

Provide Remote Work Examples: Include specific examples of successful remote work experiences or projects on your resume. Highlight any instances where you’ve managed remote teams, coordinated virtual events, or achieved results in a remote setting.

Demonstrate Technical Proficiency: Showcase your proficiency with remote collaboration tools, video conferencing platforms, and project management software. Highlight any relevant technical skills that are essential for remote work, such as proficiency with Microsoft Office or Google Workspace.

Showcase Remote-Friendly Traits: Highlight qualities such as communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability, which are essential for success in remote work environments. Provide examples of how you’ve demonstrated these traits in previous roles or projects.

Include Remote-Friendly Keywords: Use keywords and phrases related to remote work in your resume and cover letter to demonstrate your familiarity with remote work practices and terminology. This can help your application stand out to remote employers who are specifically seeking candidates with remote experience.

Demonstrate Flexibility: Highlight your willingness to work flexible hours, accommodate different time zones, and adapt to changing work environments. Showcase your ability to work effectively in a remote setting, whether it’s from home, a co-working space, or while traveling.

Provide References for Remote Work: Include references who can speak to your ability to succeed in remote work environments. This could include previous managers, colleagues, or clients who can attest to your remote work skills and qualities.

By following these additional tips, you can enhance your remote job application and increase your chances of securing a remote position.

FAQs – Work From Home Resume

What should i include in a work-from-home resume.

Your work-from-home resume should include all the standard sections of a traditional resume, such as contact information, professional summary, work experience, skills, education, and relevant certifications or training. Additionally, highlight any remote work experience, remote-specific skills, and your ability to thrive in a virtual work environment.

How do I showcase remote work experience on my resume?

Showcase remote work experience by clearly stating the positions held and responsibilities undertaken while working remotely. Highlight any successful remote projects, achievements, or contributions to remote teams.

What skills are important for a work-from-home resume?

Important skills for a work-from-home resume include strong communication skills (both written and verbal), proficiency with remote collaboration tools (e.g., Slack, Zoom), time management, self-discipline, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities.

Should I include remote-specific certifications on my resume?

Yes, including remote-specific certifications or training programs on your resume can demonstrate your commitment to remote work and your proficiency with remote tools and technologies.

How do I address gaps in my work-from-home resume?

Address any gaps in your work-from-home resume by highlighting relevant remote projects, freelance work, volunteer experience, or additional training or certifications undertaken during that time.

Should I customize my work-from-home resume for each job application?

Yes, it’s important to customize your work-from-home resume for each job application to highlight the skills, experiences, and qualifications most relevant to the specific remote position you’re applying for.

Can I include remote work experience from freelance or side projects on my resume?

Yes, freelance work and side projects that involved remote work can be valuable additions to your work-from-home resume. Be sure to clearly outline the scope of your responsibilities and any achievements or outcomes from these experiences.

In conclusion, crafting a compelling work-from-home resume is essential for landing remote job opportunities. By following the tips provided, utilizing the free template, and studying the examples, you can effectively showcase your skills, experience, and suitability for remote work roles.

Remember to tailor your resume for each application, highlight relevant remote work experience, and emphasize your ability to thrive in virtual environments. With a well-crafted work-from-home resume, you’ll be well-positioned to secure your next remote job opportunity.

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How to Write Your Remote Job Resume (Templates + Samples Included)

A great resume will help you stand out and display key remote work skills. Here are our tips on how to write one and templates to get you started.

Abi Tyas Tunggal

Abi Tyas Tunggal

How to Write Your Remote Job Resume (Templates + Samples Included)

Find your dream remote job

If you're looking for a remote job , we've got great news. The number of remote job opportunities has never been higher, and more and more companies are open to hiring remotely . In fact, we've found 100+ fully remote companies .

There's no doubt that remote work has its perks . No commute, more flexibility, fewer distractions, and increased productivity, but it's not without challenges . Overworking, loneliness, collaboration difficulties, and low motivation are common.

Remote jobs get a ton of applicants and many employers look for remote employees who have remote work skills . Your resume (and cover letter ) have a massive impact on whether you land an interview. The more time you invest upfront, the shorter your job search will be. Employers want to know you're ready to work from home.

In this article, we explain the importance of a remote job resume, how to write one, and offer tips and templates to help you stand out.


Why is it important to tailor your resume for remote work?

Remote or work from home jobs require remote skills alongside the technical skills needed to do the job. As with any job, you need to tailor your resume to reflect your ability to do the job and that means showing that you can work from home.

Remote work skills are a set of tangible and intangible skills that are essential in a remote work environment. Some important skills required for remote work include being accountable, self-starting, discipline, organization, problem-solving, punctuality, adaptability, effective communication, and time management.


How to write a remote job resume

Follow these steps to write a compelling remote job resume:

  • Create a master resume template
  • Showcase your previous remote work experience and skills
  • Create three versions of your resume
  • Read the job posting carefully and use it to tailor your resume
  • Remove irrelevant or unnecessary information
  • Make it obvious you're looking for a remote job
  • Seal the deal with a great cover letter
  • Research the company before your interview

Writing remote resume template

1. Create a master resume template

The goal of a resume is to land a job interview, and the best way to do that is to tailor each resume to show why you're a good fit for the position and company.

But creating a resume from scratch is time-consuming.

That's why we recommend creating a master resume. A master resume is a document that lists all of your skills and experience in one place so you can choose the relevant experience to tailor your resume for each position you apply for.

Don't worry about the length of your master resume. Add all your education, online courses, awards and recognition, and work experience.

The goal is to get everything on paper so it's easy to pull from when you start creating more targeted resumes. This makes it much faster to create resumes for each job.

Remember to update your master resume whenever you get promoted, land a new job, or do something great a work.

Zoom interview

2. Showcase your previous remote work experience and skills

Now that you've built out your master resume, it's time to add remote skills that show why you're a good fit for a remote work environment. Remember, remote work requires a specific set of skills that you need to highlight.

An obvious place to do this is in the skills section of your resume. For example, working successfully in remote teams requires you to be comfortable with asynchronous communication and remote collaboration .

Updating the skills section is the obvious place, but don't forget to sprinkle it throughout your work experience section too. If you already have remote experience, make it clear.

For example, if you're an experienced remote software engineer , you might write: "Shipped more than 20 features and managed a team of seven remotely." If you're a remote product designer , you might showcase your skills by stating: "Introduced Figma to the company and build out a design system that scaled to 10 remote designers."

Even if you haven't been a remote worker in the past, lean on any relevant experience like if you had to collaborate across timezones or geographies. For example, if you worked at a global company and frequently had to collaborate with people in countries, make it clear. Or perhaps you worked with customers who were overseas, that's another opportunity to highlight your remote collaboration skills.

Finally, don't forget to show off quantitative achievements (numbers, percentages, and dollar amounts) if you really want to stand out.

Remote worker

3. Create three versions of your resume

Now that you've built out your master resume template, you'll want to create three different resume templates that target:

  • Similar roles: This resume will be used as a base when applying for jobs that are similar to your current or previous roles.
  • Bridge roles: Bridge roles are jobs that are different from your previous roles but allow you to learn new skills that'll help you land an ideal role in the future.
  • Ideal roles: This resume will be used when you're applying for your ideal role which could be a jump in seniority, in a different field, or requires skills you don't have yet.

By targeting similar and bridge roles alongside your ideal roles, you'll widen your job search while keeping you on track to land in your ideal role later. While it might seem like a lot of effort, creating a dedicated resume for each role type will help you focus it on what the hiring manager is looking for.

Once you know what type of role you're applying for, you'll pick the resume that fits best and then tailor it to the specific role and company.

Himalayas job posting

4. Read the job posting carefully and use it to tailor your resume

The job description has everything you need to create a tailored resume that is perfect for the role. Hiring managers invest a lot of time writing these descriptions to attract the right candidates. Leverage the work they've done to tailor your resume to show that you're exactly what they're looking for.

Look at the job title. Is it a similar, bridge, or ideal role? Choose one of your three resumes as the base.

Now you'll want to read the job ad and look at the skills and keywords they use. Remote jobs get a ton of applicants, so most remote companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to automatically filter out resumes that don't match the job description.

If your resume uses the same language, it'll be pushed to the top and reviewed by the hiring manager.

For example, if you're applying for a data scientist role at InDebted and the job description mentions SQL , Python , Tableau , Postgres , Snowflake , Go , AWS , Sagemaker , S3 , Glue , Athena , and GitHub then it's a good idea to list those tools on your resume (if you have experience!) Even if you don't have experience with those specific tools, listing similar ones can help you stand out.

You'll also want to identify the tone they use. Some company cultures are more serious, while others are more playful. Your resume should match the tone of the company.

By tailoring your resume to include a mix of important soft skills and the technical skills outlined in the job description, you'll indicate to the hiring manager that you're a great candidate. You can use our remote company database to find companies that use the technology you're already familiar with.

Reading the job posting carefully will also help you catch instructions that other applicants miss. Companies often ask applicants to apply with a specific subject line or to call out a phrase to see how well the candidate read the application. If you fail to follow the instructions, you'll get weeded out before they even look at your resume!

Writing remote resume template

5. Remove irrelevant or unnecessary information

You now have a tailored resume that matches the job description and company. Now it's time to remove irrelevant or unnecessary information.

While it can be tempting to list out every achievement and your entire working history, your resume needs to be short. A good rule of thumb is one or at most two pages.

Every word, bullet point, and statement should contribute.

Only include work experience, education, and other information that is relevant to the job you're applying for.

If you're applying for a remote product manager job, you probably don't need to talk about your customer service experience, unless you're using it to bolster your product experience.

Hiring managers tend to skim resumes. Use formatting to highlight key points and keep your most important information at the top. Rather than rehashing your responsibilities, focus on results.

A good way to do this is to use a condensed version of the STAR method . STAR stands for situation, task, action, and result. A good way to do this is to start each sentence or bullet point with an action verb like "grew", "managed", or "optimized" then describe the situation and result. Use numbers, percentages, or other quantifiable metrics to back up your claims.

For example, "grew organic traffic" is not as compelling as "grew organic traffic from 10k to 30k/month in 12 months."

Hiring managers want to know the results of your work, not what you were supposed to do. Numbers, percentages, data, and other metrics help you stand out and show that you know how to communicate progress.

These specifics can be hard to quantify retrospectively which is why it's important to collect these figures over time and add them to your master resume as you achieve them.

Remote worker writing resume

6. Make it obvious you're looking for a remote job

Yes, it's increasingly common for job listings to show that they're open to remote but some companies still list a location and note that remote work is supported. In other situations, companies may not mention remote work at all but are still open to it if you're an excellent candidate.

Make it clear you're looking for a remote role.

Resumes typically include the city and state you live in to give the potential employer context about whether they'll need to fly you in for an interview or offer you a relocation stipend. This is obviously not important to a prospective employer if you'll be working from home.

We recommend including the country or countries you have working rights in as well as your time zone in the space instead as many remote companies only hire people from specific time zones or countries.

If you want to save time, we recommend using dedicated remote job boards like Himalayas that only list legitimate remote jobs . It'll make your search simpler and ensure that you're applying to jobs that support remote work.


7. Seal the deal with a great cover letter

A resume is only one part of a good application. Finding a remote job and getting hired typically means beating out a large pool of candidates, particularly if a remote position is open to job seekers worldwide.

If you want to stand out, write a cover letter. Your cover letter is also a great place to re-emphasize your WFH-relevant experience.

Cover letters add color that can be missing from a resume and allow you to dive deeper into your background, skills, and expertise. It can also help the hiring manager understand why you're applying for the specific job at their company, and most importantly why they should interview you over other candidates.

Cover letters are also a great place to show your passion, personality, and interests. Mention why you want to work for the company specifically and then use the STAR method to STAR method to outline a specific situation, task, action, and result that is relevant to the job.

Read our full guide on how and why to write a remote work cover letter here then use our AI cover letter generator to create a role-specific cover letter fast.

Man researching company

8. Research the company before your interview

Now that you've got a tailored resume and cover letter, there's a high chance you'll land an interview. Invest time into researching the company .

It's essential that you research the company before applying for the job. The good news is this doesn't take a whole lot of effort. Start with the company's website and familiarize yourself with its products and mission. From there, you can listen to or watch interviews with the CEO or members of the leadership team. You can also use our remote company profiles to learn about thousands of companies, their tech stacks, and company cultures.

Remote worker

Remote work resume templates

The three most popular resume formats are chronological, function, and combination. Choose the template that works best for your career level and skills. Below are templates for all three formats.

Chronological resume template

A chronological resume or reverse chronological resume lists your relevant work experience starting with your most recent role. Click here for a Google Doc version of this template you can copy and use . To make a copy, click File > Make a copy.

[Full name] [Timezone]| [Working rights]| [Phone number] | [Email]

Summary [Write a few sentences summarizing your qualifications and relevant skills. You can mention remote experience here.]

Professional experience [Job title] | [Company name] [Location or remote] | [Date range]

  • [Achievement]

[Job title] | [Company name] [Location or remote] | [Date range]

  • [List technical and soft skills here] (Include your remote work skills like asynchronous communication and remote collaboration.)
  • [Include one skill per bullet point]

Education [University name] , [Degree and area of focus]

  • [List any relevant honors, awards, or publications]

Remote resume writing

Functional resume template

A functional resume format focuses more on skills than job history. if you have a gap in your work experience or are switching careers, this is a good format to highlight your transferable skills or achievements. Click here for a Google Doc version of this template you can copy and use . To make a copy, click File > Make a copy.

Skills [Skill group one]

  • [Result of using the skill]

[Skill group two]

[Skill group three]

Experience [Job title] | [Company name] [Location or remote] | [Date range]

Remote worker writing resume

Combination resume template

A combination resume blends the chronological and functional forms to show your skills and relevant experience. Click here for a Google Doc version of this template you can copy and use . To make a copy, click File > Make a copy.

Skills [Skill] | [Skill] | [Skill] | [Skill] | [Skill] | [Skill] | [Skill]

Professional experience [Your job title] | [Company name] [Location or remote] | [Date range]

[Your job title] | [Company name] [Location or remote] | [Date range]

Remote interview

Remote work resume samples

Use these three samples to get an idea of how to create a chronological, functional, or combination resume for remote work.

Chronological resume sample

Here's an example chronological resume showing remote work experience:

Erlich Bachman GMT-8 | US Citizen | 111-111-1111 | [email protected]

Summary Self-motivated hype man with over a decade of experience investing in and growing tech startups. Developed and incubated TechCrunch Disrupt winner Pied Piper. Working remotely since 2018.

Professional experience Chief Evangelism Officer | Pied Piper Remote | June 2014–Present

  • Supervise and manage a remote team to promote Pied Piper's cloud-based machine learning middle-out compression with an exceptional Weissmann score of 5.2
  • Develop social marketing campaigns to generate over $1m in recurring revenue for Pied Piper
  • Implement social media strategies to increase engagement on social posts by 90%

Founder | Aviato and Code/Rag San Francisco, California | May 2014–May 2018

  • Founded social media aggregation and management software for commercial airlines and the airline booking aggregator Aviato, acquired by Frontier Airlines for low seven figures
  • Co-founded tech journalism blog with Nelson Bighetti, sold for $2 million
  • Public speaking
  • Asynchronous collaboration
  • Fundraising
  • Time management
  • Organization

Education School of Hard Knocks , Bachelor of Startups

  • Did not attend college, instead, I built startups

Remote worker writing resume

Functional resume sample

Use as an example if you decide to use the functional format:

Bertram Gilfoyle GMT-8 | US Citizen | 123-456-7890 | [email protected]

Summary Software engineer with strong knowledge of every programming language ever invented. Seeking a role where I can work alone remotely.

Skills iOS Development

  • Updated and maintained Pied Piper app
  • Clear bottlenecks and fix bugs
  • Wrote new version of Pied Piper that reduced load times by 35%

Front-end development

  • Experienced in JS frameworks like Vue.js, React, and Angular
  • Familiar with flux application architecture and state management libraries like Redux, Vuex, or NgRx

Web development

  • Rebuilt website that results in 35% faster load times and 10% increase in revenue
  • Boosted sales by 20% by implementing an abandoned cart system

Experience VP of Architecture | Pied Piper Remote | 2014–Present

  • Responsible for the system administration and server configuration of Pied Piper
  • Scaled Pied Piper to millions of requests per day
  • Built server farm that saved the company $1m per quarter

Education Harvard University , Bachelor of Computer Science

  • Graduated first in class, summa cum laude

Remote worker writing resume

Combination resume sample

Below is a sample resume using the combination format:

Monica Hall GMT-8 | US Citizen | 111-222-3333 | [email protected]

Summary Experienced CFO and investment manager looking to work remotely for a promising startup.

Skills Investment Management | Fundraising | FP&A

Professional experience CFO | Pied Piper Remote | March 2019–Present

  • Increased company revenue from $3 million to $22 million per year by reducing costs across the business
  • Researched and secured a $2M line of credit, then used resulting free cash flows to generate an additional $10M per year in revenue
  • Raised sales by 160% by analyzing existing programs and redesigning marketing and advertising spending plans

Managing Partner | Bream Hall San Francisco, California | June 2018–March 2019

  • Sourced, did due diligence and invested in five companies
  • Reviewed and negotiated legal contracts and amendments alongside the legal team
  • Sat on the board of four portfolio companies

Education Stanford University , Symbolic Systems

  • Graduated summa cum laude

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5-Step Guide to Creating a Standout Resume for Remote Jobs

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5-Step Guide to Creating a Standout Resume for Remote Jobs

Remote Work, Remarkable Resume!

Entering the world of remote work can feel like uncharted territory, especially when it comes to creating a resume. Unlike a typical job resume, a resume for remote jobs requires a different approach. This guide will give you the essential map for creating just that — a standout WFH resume (i.e. work from work-from-home resume) specifically tailored for remote jobs. By understanding the elements, you'll be well on your way to creating an impressive remote job resume that distinguishes you from the crowd. So, let's start with the basics!

What's the difference between a standard resume and a resume for remote jobs?

The rulebook changes when you're preparing a resume for remote jobs. The core elements remain the same — your qualifications, skills , and experiences. But there's a different emphasis for remote jobs.  Consider the following key differences:

  • Physical presence. A standard resume focuses on roles where you're physically present in an office setting. A remote job resume, however, highlights your ability to work independently and efficiently from a distance.
  • Technology skills. All jobs require technical skills , but in a resume for remote jobs, there's a higher expectation for proficiency with specific digital tools and software.
  • Soft skills. While teamwork and interpersonal skills are emphasised in standard resumes, remote resumes primarily highlight self-discipline, time management, excellent verbal and written communication, and other self-motivation skills.

Think of it this way: a remote job resume is all about proving you can excel in a work environment that relies on self-motivation and advanced technology usage.

Step 1: Writing a remote-positive resume summary and education section

A powerful resume kicks off with a compelling summary that much is common knowledge. However, a remote work resume summary must do a little more. It needs to quickly articulate not just your skills and experiences but also your ability to thrive in a remote work environment. Here are three elements to include in a remote job resume summary for students:

  • Highlight any academic experience or courses that have prepared you for virtual collaborative work, including project management, online tools, or group assignments.
  • Name specific programs and software relevant to remote work that you've used in your studies, such as Google Suite or project management tools such as Trello.
  • Emphasise personal attributes such as self-discipline, adaptability, and strong communication, all of which are crucial for successful remote working. 

You want your resume summary to convey: "I have the skills, academic training, and mindset to excel in a remote work setting."

Remote job resume example: Resume summary

"Motivated business student experienced in remote collaboration through online group projects and virtual internships. Proficient in using remote tools such as Zoom, Google Suite, and Trello. Strong self-discipline, adaptability, and communication skills demonstrated by maintaining high grades while juggling numerous academic commitments." What’s more, you can follow the same tips in the education section of your resume to emphasise your remote work skills even more. After all, if you’re writing a resume as a fresh graduate or student, your education section is the most important part of your WFH resume. You should try to expand it as much as possible, especially if you don’t have a host of volunteer or internship experience under your belt. 

Remote job resume example: Education section

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science , ABC University, 2018 - 2022                                                    

  • Course Highlights: Software Testing, Distributed Systems, and Project Management - all involving significant virtual collaboration and remote teamwork using collaboration tools.
  • Capstone Project: In a remote team of five, I developed an advanced travel booking mobile application using Agile methodology. I was responsible for project management, ensuring our team adhered to Agile best practices, and delivering each sprint on time. All tasks and communication were managed using GitHub, Slack, and Zoom.

Coursera: Project Management Basics for Non-project Managers — Gained practical strategy to apply project management skills in a virtual workspace. LinkedIn Learning: Remote Work Foundations — Learned tactics for staying productive and connected when working from home or in a remote setting. ‍ Codecademy: Learn Java — This online, self-paced course further demonstrates my commitment to my professional development in a remote learning setting. In this extended remote job resume example, your education section emphasises your readiness for remote work. It showcases your experience with key digital tools, remote collaboration during your university projects, and continued self-growth through online training.

Step 2: Highlighting your hard and soft skills in your WFH resume

When you're applying for a remote job, your knowledge of technology and technical skills is one of the most important attributes that potential employers look for in candidates. However, soft skills are equally crucial, as remote work often demands a high degree of self-motivation, excellent communication, and effective time management. Here's how you can showcase these skills effectively on your resume for remote jobs:

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1. Categorise your skills

This could include categories like software, programming languages, soft skills, collaboration tools and task management software. The categorisation helps employers quickly understand your range of abilities.

2. Detail essential tools

Mention the specific tools you're well-versed in, like communication platforms Slack or Microsoft Teams or task management tools like Trello or Asana . 

3. Tailor skills to the job ad

Make sure that the skills and tools you highlight are relevant to the job you're applying for. Tailoring your skillset to match that represented in the job ad can also help pass Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

4. Focus on soft skills, too

Remote work requires a unique set of soft skills in addition to the technical ones. Skills like efficient communication , solid time management , problem - solving , and a high degree of self - motivation are critical for remote work. 

5. Provide examples

For instance, if you're proficient with a project management tool like Asana, you could mention a project where your expertise with Asana led to a 20% decrease in project completion time .  Demonstrating your proficiency with digital tools and platforms, along with a strong set of soft skills, can convince potential employers that you're not only capable of performing exceptionally in a remote setting but also possess the resilience and adaptability needed to thrive in it.

Step 3: Demonstrating remote work experience

Regardless if you've worked remotely before or not, you still have to demonstrate your capability to handle such a role. Your work experience resume section is the perfect place for you to do so. If you haven't had any previous remote roles, focus on transferable skills and experiences that demonstrate your ability to work effectively in a remote setting. Our next tips will help you achieve just that:

1. Highlight remote roles 

If you've had any previous remote roles, make them shine. Clearly specify any previous remote positions you've held. Use job titles, company names, volunteer roles, and dates to make it evident that you've successfully worked remotely in the past.

2. Online schooling during pandemic

If you were forced to attend your classes online during the pandemic, now is the time to turn that to your advantage. Highlight how you managed time, juggled multiple tasks, and met deadlines, all in a virtual learning environment.

3. Replace geographic location with “remote”

To make your work experience section more remote-friendly, consider substituting geographical locations with the term Remote. This simple adjustment not only removes any confusion about your work setting but also underscores your experience in a remote work environment.  For example, instead of: " Marketing Manager, XYZ Company, New York City, NY" " use : "Remote Marketing Manager, XYZ Company.”

4. Mention effective communication

When you picture your boss in a different time zone, you soon realise that keeping the conversation flowing becomes a superpower. Share experiences where you facilitated virtual stand-up meetings, ensuring clear communication and collaboration with colleagues and managers. By weaving these tips into your work experience resume section, you’ll showcase your readiness for remote work and emerge as a standout candidate.

Step 4: Adding links in your resume for remote jobs

Linking your online portfolio or social media profiles to your remote job resume can be the game-changer that sets you apart from the competition. Let’s delve into why this practice has become crucial and how it adds significant value to your job-seeking journey in the remote work era. 

1. Elevating your credibility with an online portfolio

Whether you're a graphic designer with a stunning collection of visuals, a writer with a portfolio of published articles, or a developer with a repository of code, a well-curated online portfolio serves as a visual testament to your capabilities. In your resume for remote jobs, make sure to include a section prominently labelled "Online Portfolio" with a corresponding URL in your contact information.

2. Highlighting your network with LinkedIn 

By linking your LinkedIn profile to your WFH resume, not only do you demonstrate your commitment to professional networking, but you also offer employers access to your network. List your LinkedIn profile right in your resume header. This way, employers can swiftly access your network and get an in-depth view of your professional journey.

3. Showcasing your personality with social media

Resumes are typically formal documents that often lack the human touch. And since, as a remote worker, you won't get to meet your bosses/colleagues IRL, you want to share a snippet of your personality. Hence, by linking your LinkedIn profile, a personal blog, or even your Instagram or Twitter handles, you can offer employers a glimpse into your personality, passions, and interests.  Disclaimer: Not all social media platforms are suitable for professional presentation. Be cautious about including links to social media profiles that aren't suited for professional representation. Always review your profiles with a critical eye, ensuring they reflect the image you want to project to potential employers. For more about the ins and outs of when and how to incorporate social media into your resume for remote jobs, check out the expert insight into when and how to include social media on a resume .

Step 5: Knowing the key tools for communication and collaboration in remote jobs

As there’s no physical office space that would hold remote teams together, remote workers need to rely on a powerful arsenal of digital tools that make collaboration easy. And so, name-dropping some of the following tools in your hard skills or work experience resume section will pique hiring managers' interest.

1. Video conferencing platforms

Video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet have become household names. These platforms facilitate everything from daily stand-up meetings to all-hands conferences, making collaboration feel more personal and effective.

2. Instant messaging and chat apps

Slack and Microsoft Teams have redefined how remote teams communicate in real time. These tools offer a centralised messaging, file sharing, and collaboration hub. 

3. Project management software

Remote work relies heavily on effective project management. Tools like Trello, Asana, and Monday.com empower teams to organise tasks, set priorities, and track progress efficiently. 

4. Cloud storage solutions

Platforms like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive enable teams to store, share, and collaborate on documents and files in real time. These ensure that everyone has access to the latest version of essential documents, eliminating confusion and streamlining work.

5. Virtual whiteboards and collaboration tools

Tools like Miro and Figma provide digital canvases where teams can ideate, sketch, and design together, even if they're continents apart.

By following these steps, you've learned how to create a WFH resume that shines in the remote job market. From nailing your summary to highlighting your skills and including essential links, your resume for remote jobs will now be a powerful tool poised to open doors to exciting remote opportunities.

Finally, if you’re not experienced in writing resumes and want to increase your chances, you may want to use one of the many resume builders online. Some of them even offer free premium packages for students. These resume builders will help you navigate the entire process of creating a resume for remote jobs, give it a bit of visual flair, or even include an AI-powered resume writing assistant. Make sure you checkout our detailed blog on tips on how to land remote job for freshers .

Consider amplifying your career prospects by joining the Amber Ambassador Program. This program provides a unique opportunity to further enhance your skills and contribute to a vibrant community. As an Amber Ambassador, you not only showcase your proficiency in helping your peers but also inspire and guide your students on their academic and professional paths. By becoming a part of this program, you can earn monetary rewards and exclusive goodies, expand your network, and explore new career opportunities. Your journey towards a successful remote career can be even more rewarding with the added dimension of being an Amber Ambassador. Seize the chance to make a difference and join us in shaping the future of your study-abroad journey!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are essential remote work skills, how do i write an application for remote jobs, how do i easily find remote jobs, how do i prepare for a remote job interview, what should i put on my remote work resume.

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Remote Work From Home Job Search Tips and Advice

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remote job resume formats

  • Skye Rodgers
  • February 8, 2020
  • 9 minutes read

7 Resume Formats to Land a Remote Job

Your resume is your most important job search document. It is essentially your own personal advertisement. Since your resume is designed to sell your skills and abilities to a potential employer, deciding on the best format to showcase your skills can make all the difference. Read on to learn the pros and cons of commonly used resume formats and how they can help you land a remote job.

7  Resume Formats to Land a Remote Job

A good resume gets your foot in the door to secure a coveted interview. Resumes take on even greater importance for remote workers who may not have an opportunity to make an in-person impression. Throughout North America, resume formats and standards are generally the same. A resume is no more than two pages long and covers your professional experience over the past 10 to 15 years. However, there are a few different options on how best to present that experience.

Below is an overview of four traditional resume formats and discussion regarding whether these formats are still relevant in today’s remote job market. Following this is a description of three additional customized resume formats.

Traditional Resume Formats

If you have been in the job market for a while, you may have come across the following four resume formats. These are the formats commonly used prior to the ubiquitous use of applicant tracking system (ATS) software. While each still has merits, new job search strategies and hiring techniques require us to adjust to the challenges of finding a remote position in today’s job market.

1. Chronological Resume Format

A chronological format is a resume that focuses on a list of your professional experiences in reverse date order. So, your most recent experience is listed at the top and you go back in time from there. For each position, the title, company name, location, and dates of employment are included, as well as a description of the position and your accomplishments.

Pros: Employers prefer this type of resume. They can quickly see your jobs, years of experience, and whether there are any gaps in your employment history.

Cons: The pros become cons if your resume is weak in experience or if you have significant gaps in work history.

When to use: This format is perfect if you are looking to move into a position that is similar or a step up from the one you currently hold and have prior related experience.

When not to use: This is not optimal if you lack related work experience or have recent or significant gaps in work history.

Tips for remote job seekers: Highlight current or previous remote job duties or experience. Try using wording such as telecommute role, virtual teams, and remote leadership. Also, make sure to focus on your accomplishments in each position. Remote employers appreciate knowing you can deliver on your projects.

The takeaway: No matter what format you choose, include a section that lists your work history in reverse chronological order. This is what employers expect and ATS software systems require in order to accept your electronic submissions. If you don’t include this, you run the risk of having your resume automatically disqualified from consideration.

2.  Functional Resume Format

A functional resume is one that focuses on your skills and experience instead of dates and titles. Major skill categories are developed and elaborated on in a list format. For example, you may want to create categories to describe your communication skills, technical skills, leadership skills, etc. Categories should be targeted to the position sought.

Pros: This format is a good option for people who have recently graduated. It also works for those who are looking to change careers or have gaps in their work history. The format allows for experience outside regular employment to be incorporated including volunteer work, roles in professional associations, research projects, and so on.

Cons: Employers don’t like this format for many of the same reasons a jobseeker wants to use it. It’s difficult to associate accomplishments with specific experience, identify gaps in employment, or notice a lack of experience. For that reason, exclusive use of this format is not recommended, as it stands a good chance of not being considered.

Tips for remote job seekers: Develop categories where you can highlight remote work experience or skills like working independently, communicating virtually, etc. Also, include your experience with any required collaboration software or technical equipment.

The takeaway: This is a good approach for remote jobseekers when they want to emphasize their skills due to a lack of relevant and/or recent work experience. However, a section of your resume still needs to be devoted to your chronological work history if you have it. It is also important to co-locate your duties and accomplishments with the job title, so it can be read correctly by the ATS software.

3. Combination Resume Format

As its name suggests, a combination resume uses both a functional and a chronological approach to highlight both skills and experience. Modern resume formats generally allocate the top third of the first page of your resume to expanding on the functional aspects of your resume. This is followed by a chronological listing and description of your professional roles.

Pros: This is one of the most flexible types of resume formats and can be tailored to the specific remote job desired. The flexibility allows job seekers to highlight their strengths and minimize their weaknesses while still providing all the essential information required by employers.

Cons: There really are no cons to this format. You provide the historic details required while still highlighting the skills and experiences that make you perfect for the position.

Tips for remote jobseekers: Bring forward remote job experience or skills that might be important to your next employer in the functional highlights.

The takeaway: While this is a good format for emphasizing the skills and experience that are most important to the position you are looking for, make sure that your accomplishments are clearly associated with a specific company/organization. Employers don’t like to guess where you got experience or achieved that goal.

4. Targeted Resume Format

A targeted resume is one that has been written for a specific position. All the skill descriptions, job duties, education, and additional information are developed to address the requirements of one job.

Pros: Targeting one job this closely provides well-qualified applicants a real leg up on the competition. To employers, you will appear custom-made for the position they are advertising.

Cons: Obviously, this is a very time-consuming approach and you may not want to invest this much effort into each application. Also, make sure that you don’t mirror the job advertisement too closely. For example, stay away from using specific phrases used in the ad. You may come across as inauthentic.

Tips for remote jobseekers: If you are a first-time remote jobseeker, you may want to try using this approach. It helps you get used to what employers are looking for and address those requirements directly. After a few applications, you may be able to cut and paste some core content.

The takeaway: The more closely you target your resume to the position being advertised, the better chance you have of getting an interview. While you may not have time to completely recreate your resume, you should customize your document slightly for each application. Make sure you highlight how you meet the main requirements of that specific position, but be careful not to embellish your experience or repeat the job requirements verbatim.

Specialized Resume Formats for Landing a Remote Job

In addition to the general resume formats listed above that are used to apply for most corporate and non-profit positions in North America, there are a few specialized options used only in specific instances.

5. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A CV is a very detailed professional history . In addition to in-depth job descriptions and educational history, you provide information regarding research projects, patents, publications, scholarships, awards, and professional affiliations. There is no page limit to a CV.

In North America, a CV is only required when applying for academic, medical, scientific, or research positions. Whether office-based or remote, the CV format is the same and is usually part of a larger application package.

While you may not be required to have a CV, it is not a bad idea to have one, anyway. Because it is so comprehensive, the information you add can be useful later when you are rewriting or refining your two-page resume. This assures you capture all your accomplishments whether they are in-demand or relevant now or later in your career.

6. Federal Resume Format

A federal format resume is one that is exclusively used to apply for government jobs through the USA Jobs web portal. As with a CV, it is a very detailed document. However, this format goes even further to include specifics such as salary, supervisor names, and number of hours worked per week. This format also asks for details regarding volunteer experience and roles in community organizations.

If you are considering applying for government positions, read the website documentation carefully and follow it to the letter. It is important to address every single requirement the position lists, so customize your resume for each position.

7. International Resume Formats

Last, but not least, especially for digital nomads , are resume formats geared to securing a remote job in countries other than North America. Before applying to a position in another country, do your research. Each country has slightly different customs and cultural standards that you need to be aware of and abide by if you want to be seriously considered for a position.

For example, in some European countries you are expected to provide your information CV-style and include personal details that you would not add in the U.S. such as gender and age. In many Asian countries, you are expected to provide a photo. The best way to find out the specific requirements is to find experts or resources developed in-country and follow their lead. Don’t assume you know, as standards are always changing and some differences are subtle.

A last word…

Whatever format you choose to optimize your job search efforts, make sure to go over your resume thoroughly before you apply for each position. If you’re feeling lost and need some help, reach out to our Career Services specialists to create a professional resume that will stand out from the crowd to potential employers.

Do you have additional resume format advice for remote jobseekers ?  Connect with Virtual Vocations on Facebook , Twitter , and LinkedIn to tell us. We’d love to hear from you!

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How to Write a Résumé for a Remote Job (with Examples and Templates Sorted by Job Types)

Assume you got a job invite within 24-hours after you applied for it. During the interview, HR told you that your résumé stood out from the heap of applications. What should’ve been a grilling turns out to be a casual Zoom meeting.

You got the job right there and negotiated the compensation at the same hour. That’s ideal. So, how do you make it real?

Whether you’re a high-level tech expert with an ivy league degree or a high-school dropout from a third-world country, getting a remote job is almost always a click away. But you must stand out, and your résumé is your chance to be the outstanding one.

How do you craft remote job résumés that land you remote jobs you care to keep?

What Makes a Remote Jobs Résumé Great?

The goal of a résumé is to get the employer’s attention. It’s when you succeed at that; you’d stand a chance at getting hired.

Let’s explore three attributes that make remote job résumés attractive to employers.

1. Demonstrate results from expertise : Don’t just say you have a skill or what you have done; point out the specific results you got from that activity.

For example, don’t just say, “I’m a full-stack developer and have developed an XYZ application.” Say, “I’m a full-stack developer and have developed XYZ application, which ABC companies relied on to generate $$$ revenue in the first year of its launch.”

2. Show versatility but make them relate to the position : Let’s say you’re applying for a graphics design job. But you have five years of experience in developing UX interphases and three years as a content marketer. You can show how those experiences enhance your understanding of design.

3. Make it known that you’re open to a remote job : You could say something like this,

“I can manage multiple tasks, work remotely, set priorities and adapt to changing conditions and work assignments.”

4. Uses a simple, scannable and legible résumé design : Your résumé should be in PDF or a text document like Word. But you want to invest in a résumé design tool. You can cut the need to download and share files by publishing your résumé online using services like Zety ( 1 ).

Writing Résumé for Remote Tech Jobs

Employers prefer applicants with high technical skills for tech jobs. 

So, your résumé should be specific about the skills you possess, proficiencies, and of course, examples of your results.

Let’s explore some remote tech résumés.

Résumé Example With Job Experience

Let’s explore how to write a résumé for a remote tech job. I’ll create a hypothetical résumé and dissect it to show you what makes it work.

Here’s a full layout of the résumé. 

sample resume for remote job

It shows the applicant’s name and her job title. The profile summarized her skills and areas of competence. She also specified that she could work remotely, prioritize and manage tasks — showing clearly she’s available for remote work.

sample resume for remote job

The applicant summarized her roles and specified notable achievements for each of the companies she works or worked for.

The most recent experience comes first.

sample resume for remote job

She specified that she had increased scalability, maintainability, and responsiveness of cross-browsers by 47 percent. 

Using numbers can get résumés noticed, so don’t be shy to use them.

The second most recent experience comes next. Of course, you can leave this out if you have just one experience.

sample resume for remote job

You’ll also notice that she included only technical skills relevant to the position she is applying for.

sample resume for remote job

The Education section comes after the employment history. She shows how her education is relevant to the role she is applying for.

sample resume for remote job

She added here relevant awards to make the résumé stand out. You could also add relevant certifications.

sample resume for remote job

Why the Résumé Works

Here are what makes this résumé work:

  • It has a simple layout and is straightforward.
  • Every element of the résumé aligns with the applicant’s intended role — front-end web development.
  • The profile summarizes the applicant’s skills.
  • It specifies that the applicants can work remotely.
  • It shares the applicant’s notable achievements.
  • The résumé includes only technical skills that are relevant to the position.

Résumé Example With No Job Experience

Let’s look at how to write a résumé for a college student with no job experience.

Pick the right résumé layout. Check out how simple your résumé should be.

sample resume for remote job

Write your professional profile. Explain how you’ll use your skills to help the organization reach its business goals. Personalize your résumé for the organization you’re applying to, and don’t forget to let them know that you can work remotely.

sample resume for remote job

Make your education section shine by including your academic awards or relevant coursework, or both. This section should demonstrate that you’ve all it takes to succeed at the job.

sample resume for remote job

Since you lack job experience, include freelancing and volunteering experiences in your résumé. Add only those that are relevant to the position you’re seeking.

sample resume for remote job

Include anything relevant to the job you’re pursuing. It could be certifications or awards.

sample resume for remote job

Add only the skills your experience and education can prove. They have to be relevant to the position.

sample resume for remote job

Add relevant hobbies to round up the résumé.

sample resume for remote job

Cover Letter Example

The purpose of a cover letter is to elaborate on the information in your résumé. It lets you sell yourself to the hiring manager and provide context to your qualifications.

A cover letter has to be perfect to attract the employer’s attention.

Here’s an example for a tech job; adapt it to your needs.

I am interested in the position you recently advertised online. I believe my strong educational background and extensive Front-End Web Development experience qualify me for this position .

If you are looking for a Front-End Developer with these attributes:

  • Proven experience in debugging, network administration, usability testing, programming, and other front-end web development duties.
  • Ability to lead web development projects from conception to execution.
  • Over five years experience in practical front-end web development projects, including full-stack web development duties.
  • An impressive history of delivering business results and with minimal resources
  • A professional capable of helping you to drive your bottom-line digitally.

If so, then I am the appropriate candidate for this position.

In my former Front End Web Developer role, I exercised a calculated and methodical approach to problem-solving. While I am independently motivated, I appreciate collective efforts and collaborate productively within group settings. Moreover, I am competent in UI updates and debugging with proficiency in usability testing.

This opportunity is especially exciting as my professional goals align with TechContentLabs’s mission and values. Further, my communication, leadership and innovation abilities will serve to support your continued organizational efforts.

I would like to discuss the opportunity of working in your organization. You could reach me via 555-555-5555 or by email at [email protected].

I am looking forward to your call for an interview.

Yours faithfully,

Why the Cover Letter Works

  • It highlights the applicant’s specific capabilities so the hiring manager can see that this candidate will be an asset to their organization
  • This cover letter focuses on the skills for the job, not other things the applicant has done in the past
  • It’s uncluttered and makes for an easy read to the hiring manager can scan the document without missing the candidate’s key points

Writing Résumé for Remote Management Jobs

Hiring managers expect management résumés to highlight business management, supervisory and leadership experiences. They’re also interested in your skills and examples of past achievements.

Let’s explore some remote management résumés.

Let’s look at how to write a remote management job résumé with job experience. The résumé here is for a fictional character, Amelia Standford. Let’s dissect it to learn how to create a winning résumé.

sample resume for remote job

Start by picking a simple layout that’ll make the résumé stand out.

Use numbers in your professional profile to impress. Let the hiring manager know how long you’ve been in management, and don’t be shy to share your achievements and how you got them.

Here’s an example from our guy; Amelia Stanford: “raised profits by 35 percent in four years at XYZ Group by controlling costs through strategic product development.”

Résumés like this rarely miss getting the attention of a hiring manager.

sample resume for remote job

If you have notable educational achievements, you’d want the employer to know. Consider using a résumé template that brings the education section above the fold so that your potential employer can instantly notice it.

sample resume for remote job

Add relevant professional certification(s), if there are any.

Now, share your working experiences and be specific about what you achieved in those roles. Using numbers will also enable you to put up a strong case.

sample resume for remote job

Include only skills that are relevant to the position in your résumé.

sample resume for remote job

Here are the things I love about this résumé.

  • The résumé layout is simple and creative.
  • The professional profile uses numbers to make the résumé irresistible.
  • Amelia strengthened the education section with his achievements.
  • The achievements are quantifiable.

Now, let’s look at how to write a remote management job résumé for a college student with no job experience.

Start with a simple résumé layout.

sample resume for remote job

Use your professional profile to explain how your skills can support the objectives of the position. Don’t make it generic; personalize the résumé for each organization you’re applying to.

Also, let the employers know that you can work remotely.

sample resume for remote job

Include your performance or relevant coursework or both in the education section. 

sample resume for remote job

Make your résumé shine with any experience you gained during internship or volunteering service. 

Add anything that’ll make your résumé stand out, including certifications or awards.

sample resume for remote job

Share skills that are relevant to the position.

sample resume for remote job

Here are what make this résumé work:

  • The layout is simple and straightforward.
  • The applicant personalized the professional profile.
  • The résumé shares relevant experience from volunteering work.
  • It includes only skills that are relevant to the position.

Adapt this cover letter to your needs.

I wish to apply for the position you recently advertised online. I believe my strong educational background, extensive business management experience, and strong interpersonal and leadership skills make me appropriate for this position.

I excel at driving sales and revenue growth, managing employees to meet targets, and achieving first-rate customer satisfaction and retention levels. I have experience leading operations, teams and processes to drive business and customer service success.

Here’s a highlight of my achievements:

  • Led operations at XYZ Group that increased profitability by 35 percent.
  • Reduced operational cost by 18 percent.
  • Created a $2.4 million rise in yearly revenue in two years.
  • Raised profitability for UVW Group by 15 percent.

As you can see from my enclosed résumé, I have acquired all the skills and experience required to succeed at ABC Inc. I would love to discuss how these will readily translate to your environment.

You could reach me via 555-555-5555 or by email at [email protected].

I am looking forward to speaking with you soon.

  • The messaging is direct.
  • The cover letter explains the applicant’s core strengths and experience.
  • It uses numbers to demonstrate the applicant’s abilities.

Writing Résumé for Remote HR Jobs

To be the next HR Manager of your dream company, you’ll have to wow the hiring manager with your résumé. 

Some of them would want to know how many people you had recruited in the past. So, include them in your résumé with other achievements.

Let’s explore how to write this résumé.

If you apply to work remotely in this role, follow this guide to write a remote résumé.

Choose a professional and straightforward layout for the résumé.

sample resume for remote job

Demonstrate strong competence for the role with your professional profile and always use number(s) to strengthen the résumé.

Here’s an example from the résumé below: 

“Experienced and people-oriented Human Resources Manager with seven years of industry experience, three-times HR Executive of the Year award winner, HRIS certification and SHRM-SCP certified. Looking to utilize the experience working in an organization of 350+ people to manage the HR department at ABC Inc.”

sample resume for remote job

Share relevant work experience and quantifiable achievements in those roles. Instead of writing “reduced staff turnover in two years,” use “reduced staff turnover by 100 percent in two years” instead.

Also include skills that are relevant to the position.

sample resume for remote job

Show your most relevant higher qualification first.

sample resume for remote job

Strengthen your qualification with professional certifications, if any.

sample resume for remote job

Add anything that will spice up the résumé. If you have won any award or belong to any professional body, include the information in the résumé.

sample resume for remote job

  • It has a simple and straightforward layout. 
  • The professional profile is irresistible.
  • The résumé includes only skills that are relevant to the position.
  • The résumé shows further proof of competence with certifications, professional memberships and awards.

Follow this guide to write a remote HR job résumé for a college student.

Go for a simple résumé layout.

sample resume for remote job

Make your résumé irresistible by highlighting how your skills can support the objectives of the position in your professional profile. Personalize it for each organization you’re applying to.

Make the employers know that you can work remotely with little or no supervision.

sample resume for remote job

Present your highest educational qualification. Ensure that it justifies the skills in your résumé.

You can make this section shine by demonstrating that your academic background aligns with your professional pursuit.

sample resume for remote job

Share any internship or volunteering experience you have. Add what you learned during the experience or your achievements. Of course, make the achievements quantifiable.

sample resume for remote job

Share other relevant information like certifications, awards or professional membership. They could help improve your standing.

sample resume for remote job

Include only technical skills relevant to the positions and the skills that demonstrate that you can work remotely.

sample resume for remote job

  • The résumé shares the applicant’s certifications and professional membership.

I got to know about this opening from Alan Pardew*, who directed me to apply. I have known him for more than five years, and he trusts I will deliver groundbreaking results for ABC Inc.

He told me the major HR challenges at ABC Inc. are to increase staff productivity and annual revenue. In my current role at UVW Group,  I recruited, staffed, and trained new employees that increased productivity by 21 percent.

I also led the team that developed the new KPIs regime and performance appraisal methods for the UVW Group’s sales department which improved quarterly revenue by 17 percent.

I am sure of translating this experience into success at ABC Inc. As you can see from my enclosed résumé, I have acquired all the skills and knowledge to succeed in this role.

Can we schedule a call next week to discuss achieving your productivity and revenue goal while cutting lead time for recruiting and ensuring ultra-high employee retention?

Kind regards

* Use a name the hiring manager knows and respects.

 I love this cover letter. Here are what makes it tick.

  • It referenced someone the hiring manager knows and trusts.
  • The cover letter highlights the organization’s current HR challenges and demonstrates that the applicant has the experience to deal with them.
  • It was creative in the way it asked for an interview. Only a daredevil hiring manager will turn down the request.

Writing Résumé for Remote Education Jobs

Education is a delicate profession requiring high-level skills. Most hiring managers will be expecting to see certifications and licenses in the résumé. 

Demonstrating a passion for your job in the résumé can make you stand out.

Follow these steps to write a remote education job résumé for an English teacher.

Use a beautiful and straightforward résumé to grab attention.

sample resume for remote job

Use your professional profile to show what makes you a qualified educator. Backs this claim up by sharing a quantifiable achievement.

If you’re a licensed teacher, don’t miss the opportunity of letting the hiring manager know about that.

sample resume for remote job

Share your most recent teaching experience(s) and your killer achievements in those role(s).

Includes only skills that relate to teaching and classroom management.

sample resume for remote job

Show all relevant education qualifications.

sample resume for remote job

Impressive the Hiring Manager with your teaching certificates. The more certifications you have, the greater your chances.

sample resume for remote job

If you have won an award, don’t also fail to include them. Also, add interests that are relevant to the position.

sample resume for remote job

  • The layout is simple and straightforward
  • It shows the experience and achievements of the applicant.
  • The résumé shares the applicant’s certifications.

If you don’t have any job experience and seek employment as an educator, follow this guide to write the résumé.

Choose a simple résumé template that’ll make it stand out.

sample resume for remote job

Wow the employer with your professional profile by highlighting how your skills can support the position’s objectives. 

Here’s an example:

“Self-motivated English teacher, passionate about helping students improve their English language vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing. Knowledgeable in modern teaching methods, test prep, and assessment systems. Eager to join St ABC High School to provide a creative environment for English language and literature learning.”

sample resume for remote job

Make your education section shine. Include any information that’ll impress the employer.

sample resume for remote job

Share any volunteer experience you have. Volunteer works help fill the inexperience gap and show that you’ve got a passion for the profession.

Also, include relevant skills to the résumé.

sample resume for remote job

Provide further proof of your qualifications with your teaching certificates and licenses. You can also add anything that can enhance your prospect.

sample resume for remote job

Add your interests in the last section of the résumé. Make it relevant to the position.

sample resume for remote job

  • The professional profile summarized the applicant’s skills and personalized.
  • It includes relevant experience from volunteering work.
  • It shares only skills that are relevant to the position.

Mrs. Alice Alan, a staff member, told me about a teaching opening in your school, and I am excited to be applying for the position. As someone passionate about teaching and improving students’ learning outcomes, I am thrilled at the opportunity to join your team.

I have ten years of classroom experience, and I have helped graduate students improve their final test scores by 35 percent. In all the classes that I taught, more than 95 percent of my students passed their exams and improved their scores.

I enjoy the challenges of teaching, and I am adept at coming up with school improvement projects that help build a better environment for students and staff alike.

My enclosed résumé will give you a better sense of the type of teacher I am. I hope to meet you soon and share how my teaching philosophy helps improve students’ learning outcomes.

Wrapping It Up

Tech, management, HR, and education are some of the top industries for remote jobs. Although we’ve reviewed how to write remote résumés and cover letters for these industries, specifically, you can adapt them to any position by following the steps in the guides.

These remote tech résumé and cover letter templates are also adaptable to remote roles where technical help is the key driver. Think of engineering, DevOps, IT consulting, and the like.

The human resource management résumé and cover letter are adaptable for other roles like accountants, customer services, creative writers, and others.

Remember to adapt the templates to your skills and experiences, don’t use them wor-for-word. You might be repeating what someone else sent an employer.

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How to write a resume to land that remote job

How to write a resume to land that remote job

Ben Temple

Whether you are an aspiring digital nomad or are simply looking to skip the commute, working remotely is popular among modern professionals. The work-from-home lifestyle has become not just appealing but necessary for many people in recent months, as the COVID-19 pandemic has led to thousands of layoffs across the country, leaving only remote jobs available until the economy opens once again.

If you are on the hunt for a remote job , you will need the right resume. We have written about how to write a great resume before in our Resume Guide , but writing a resume for a remote job requires special attention. Before you apply for your next remote role, it is important to tailor your resume to suit the needs of a remote position. If you use these 5 tips for writing a remote resume you will be working from home in no time.

Recommended links:

  • Our collection of 500+ professional resume examples .
  • Our gallery of 20+ downloadable resume templates .
  • Include the right contact information

In addition to your phone number and email address, make sure your resume displays your LinkedIn account and any other professional online profiles you maintain. It is important to show that you are well-versed in social networking and online communication. A custom personal website can be an important asset here, as it demonstrates that you are tech-savvy and are able to build a robust online presence.

It is customary to include your location on your resume, even if you are planning to work remotely. Some job-seekers choose to omit their location, but most employers prefer to know where you are based. Your city and state of residence will suffice; it is not necessary to include your entire address. The rest of the resume will make it clear that you are willing and able to work from home.

  • Customize your professional summary

As with any resume, you should begin your resume content with a brief summary section. Your professional summary cannot be generic, however; you must tailor your resume summary to the position you are applying for. This means both tailoring it to suit the specifics of the role itself—if it is a customer support job, emphasize your customer support experience, and so on—and to the fact that it is a remote role.

You can do this by summarizing the experience you have with working remotely and collaborating over distances. For example, noting that you have provided strong client support by email and phone, maintained high customer satisfaction scores throughout your career, or facilitated video conferences with coworkers and clients will show that you are comfortable working with customers and teammates remotely. Emphasizing the competencies that aid in working remotely will take your resume to the top of the pile.

  • Tailor your work experience to showcase remote experience

As with any resume, your work experience should be tailored to suit the job you are applying to. You can do this by closely reading the job description and company website to learn what skills and experience the company is looking for. Then, when writing your resume, you can foreground the experience that is most relevant to the role and most impressive to this particular employer.

In the case of a remote opportunity, you should emphasize the parts of your work history that are related to remote work. In each entry in your work experience section, foreground the skills that are most applicable to working from home, even if that particular role didn’t require working remotely. Tasks like working with teammates based in a different state, taking calls from clients, and using document sharing software are all great preparation for working from home, even if they were done in the office. Employers are looking for any experience that shows you can successfully collaborate remotely.

If a previous role was fully remote, you can show this by noting that a past role was remote where you would typically include the city name:

Customer Support Specialist Infocorp Incorporated , New York, NY (Remote)

Throughout your work experience section, focus on your achievements rather than your responsibilities. This is best done by using quantifiable information wherever possible; high sales numbers, client satisfaction scores, and customer retention rates, for example, all show your value to a company. It is important to demonstrate that you can be a successful goal-oriented employee, both in the office and when working from home.

If the remote role you are applying to is based in another country, make sure that your resume suits the expectations of that specific country. For help with this, check out our International Resume Guide .

  • Show your familiarity with remote collaboration tools

When working remotely, it is integral that you can collaborate with your teammates despite the physical distance between you. To demonstrate this on a resume, it is important to showcase the experience you have with different collaboration software. You can include this in your personal summary or throughout your work history, but if you have the space for it you may want to create a distinct resume section for it instead, simply calling it ‘Collaboration tools,’ ‘Software,’ or something similar.

Useful collaboration platforms to get to know include:

  • Team collaboration platforms like G Suite
  • Instant messaging tools like Slack
  • Video conferencing software like Zoom and Microsoft Teams
  • Project management software like Asana and Trello
  • Emphasize remote skills

The skills that you choose to highlight on your resume will be integral to scoring the interview . The skills section of a resume will typically focus on cv skills , or the skills directly related to the job that you do: Javascript, budgeting, editing, analytics. Soft skills—skills like leadership and independence—often take a back seat. As a remote worker, however, soft skills like time management and collaboration are integral to your success as you set your own schedule and manage your own workday. It is important to show not only that you can do your job, but that you can do it along and without much supervision.

When writing your skills section, in addition to the hard skills required by your role, make sure to include some examples of useful soft skills for working from home , such as:

  • Time management
  • Self-motivation
  • Detail-oriented
  • Strong Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Adaptability

Working from home is a great lifestyle, and it is likely to become more and more common as the internet’s influence on the workplace continues to grow. Developing a great resume for remote positions may soon be integral to a successful career. If you are working on developing the perfect resume for remote jobs, our resume builder has the right templates for you.

Ben Temple

Community Success Manager & CV Writing Expert

Ben is a writer, customer success manager and CV writing expert with over 5 years of experience helping job-seekers create their best careers. He believes in the importance of a great resume summary and the power of coffee.

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Remote job resume example

Learn how to create an exceptional remote work resume for tech jobs that highlights your skills and experience, increasing your chances of landing your dream role.

a laptop with a mockup resume on the screen

In this article


In today's ever-evolving tech occupation, remote work has become increasingly popular. However, landing a job requires a well-crafted remote work resume highlighting your skills and experience in a way that resonates with potential employers.

In this article, you'll find six tips, two remote job resume examples, and a CV template you can use to ace your next remote job application.

sample resume for remote job

6 tips for building your remote work resume for a tech position

A strong remote work resume is essential when applying for a tech position. In this highly competitive field, it's crucial to showcase your skills and experience in a way that highlights your ability to thrive in a remote work environment. Whether you're a seasoned remote worker or just starting your journey, these six tips will help you create a compelling remote work resume that stands out to potential employers.

1. Tailor your resume for remote jobs

When applying for , tailoring your resume is essential. Employers looking for remote workers typically seek individuals with specific tech skills and proficiency with remote work tools.

Here are some key tips to help you tailor your resume for remote jobs.

  • Include remote work experience: Highlight any previous remote work experience you’ve had. This could include remote positions you have held or projects you have completed remotely. Emphasize the skills and accomplishments you gained while working remotely.
  • Highlight job-specific skills: Pay attention to the job descriptions and specific keywords they use so you can use them in your resume. You'll want to edit your resume for each job, adjusting your work title, summary, and skills to be appropriate for the job you’re applying for. See this for a great example of this.
  • Highlight achievements and quantify them: Employers are interested in seeing your impact in previous roles. Quantify your achievements by including specific metrics or numbers to demonstrate your contributions. For example, mention how you increased sales by a certain percentage or reduced response time for customer issues.

By tailoring your resume to showcase your remote work experience, you can increase your chances of standing out to prospective employers in the remote job market.

2. Showcase your remote work experience

In today's remote work environment, showcasing your experience in successfully working remotely is essential. Highlighting your remote work experience in your resume will demonstrate your ability to thrive in remote work and effectively collaborate with others from a distance.

When describing your remote work experience, focus on specific achievements showcasing your remote collaboration skills. For example, mention any experience you’ve had in collaborating across different time zones or geographies. This demonstrates your flexibility and adaptability when working with remote teams.

Additionally, highlight any remote collaboration tools you’re familiar with. This could include project management tools like Trello, communication platforms like Slack, or video conferencing tools like Zoom. This proficiency should be listed alongside your technical skills, which you can see in action in our .

3. Highlight remote-friendly skills

Working in a remote position requires a unique set of skills that are essential for success in a virtual workplace. Below are a few examples.

One of the most important remote-friendly skills is time management . When working remotely, there are often more distractions and potential for procrastination. The ability to effectively manage time and prioritize tasks is a crucial soft skill.

Another important skill is self-motivation . Remote workers must be self-starters and have the drive to stay motivated and focused on their tasks. Self-motivation helps individuals stay engaged and passionate about their work.

Effective communication is also a critical soft skill. In a remote position, communication primarily occurs through virtual channels such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing. Include these skills in your resume. Read our article on effective for some great examples.

4. Highlight your remote work tools proficiency

When listing your skills on your remote job resume, include specific tools you have experience with, such as Slack, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Asana, or GitHub. These tools have become commonplace in remote and tech work environments. Showcasing your proficiency with them can signal to the employer that you are already familiar with their workflow and can quickly adapt to their remote work processes.

Include these alongside your technical aptitude under your resume's "Tech Skills" section. By doing so, you demonstrate your technical prowess specific to remote work environments. For more tips, see our article on .

5. Quantify your remote achievements

In prior sections, we briefly touched on the importance of quantifying achievements. Below, you'll find a few more specific tips that can help highlight your remote experience.

  • Use specific numbers: Numbers make your claims feel more believable. This includes the sizes of your team and any specific sales numbers you can attribute to your work.
  • Use percentages: Percentages can look impressive on your resume, especially if those numbers are large. Include increases that are at least in the double digits, as these look more professional.
  • Take a big-picture perspective: Percentages of your contribution are a great start, but these increases also benefit the company. Include how your contributions helped the company grow, proving your focus on the big picture.
  • Don't forget the tech skills: When including your remote work achievements, pay special attention to the skills most appropriate for the role. When looking for tech jobs, include experience close to the position (even if it might not be remote). See these how to write a tech cover letter for an example.

6. Write a persuasive cover letter

When applying for a remote job, a persuasive cover letter can make all the difference in securing an interview. A well-crafted cover letter showcases your relevant achievements, skills, and qualifications while demonstrating your cultural fit for the company.

Start by researching the employer and identifying key requirements from the job ad. Tailoring your letter to address these specific requirements or showcasing your passion for the company can greatly increase your chances of standing out among other applicants.

Start with a strong opening sentence highlighting your enthusiasm for the role or company. Don't forget to mention why you believe you would be a great fit for the remote working environment, emphasizing your ability to work independently and manage your time effectively.

Tech jobs have unique requirements that must be considered. Check out our guide on how to write a tech cover letter to find out how you can get started.

Remote job resume example #1

Below is a great resume example for senior software developers that would work with any job. Pay close attention to the summary, strengths, soft skills, and experience sections.

5+ years of experience in industrial firmware and hardware development (PCB manufacturing); 3+ years of software development (desktop UI applications, some web projects).



Key Developer




Aurora DB (Postgres)

.NET Core, AWS Lambdas, AWS Api Gateway

BA in Information Systems and Technology, 2015

AWS Certified Developer - Associate, 2021

English C1

Spanish Native

Remote job resume example #2

Below is a remote job resume example that takes a different perspective, focusing on remote skills related to engineering practices with a larger summary. Different formats have different strengths, so pick the one that makes your skills look the most impressive:


Lead Systems Engineer




Aurora DB (Postgres)


Active Directory Domain Services (AD), Group Policy, Active Directory Domain Services Security, Azure IaaS.

Master’s in Computer Science, 2018

AWS Certified Developer - Associate, 2022

English C1

Ukrainian Native

Remote job resume template

Are you looking for a remote job resume template that can help showcase your skills and experience effectively? Check out the authorized CV template from EPAM to get started on the right foot. Click the link below to get started.

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

20 Work-from-Home Resume Objective Examples | Craft a Strong Remote Job Application!

In the modern job market, remote work has become increasingly popular and viable.

Crafting a compelling resume objective is essential for landing the perfect work-from-home position.

Below, you’ll find twenty examples of effective resume objectives tailored for various remote job roles.

These examples are designed to showcase your skills, experiences, and career goals succinctly, helping you stand out to potential employers.

Work-from-Home Resume Objective Page Image

Top 20 Resume Objective Examples for Work-from-Home Positions

1. administrative assistant, 2. customer service representative, 3. content writer, 4. data entry specialist, 5. digital marketer, 6. graphic designer, 7. sales representative, 8. virtual assistant, 9. it support specialist, 10. project manager, 11. e-commerce specialist, 12. human resources specialist, 13. software developer, 14. transcriptionist, 15. social media manager, 16. online tutor, 17. accountant, 18. quality assurance tester, 19. translator, 20. financial analyst.

sample resume for remote job

Guide to Crafting Your Own Resume Objective

1. Understand the Role : Before writing your objective, make sure you fully understand the job description and the company’s needs.

2. Be Concise : Keep your objective to 1-2 sentences.

3. Showcase Your Value : Highlight how your skills and experience make you the ideal candidate for the remote position.

4. Tailor for Each Job : Customize your resume objective for each application to better align with the specific role and company.

FAQs on Crafting the Perfect Work-from-Home Resume Objective

1. why is a resume objective important for work-from-home positions.

A resume objective quickly summarizes your career goals and highlights how your skills and experiences align with the job you’re applying for. This is crucial for work-from-home positions where employers look for candidates who can self-manage and stay productive without direct supervision.

2. How do I tailor my resume objective for different remote job applications?

To tailor your resume objective, carefully read the job description for each application. Identify the key skills and experiences the employer values. Then, customize your objective to match those requirements, mentioning specific skills and experiences that make you a strong fit for the role.

3. What are the key elements of an effective resume objective for remote jobs?

An effective resume objective for remote jobs should include:

  • Specificity : Clearly state the job title you’re targeting.
  • Skills : Highlight key skills that are relevant to the position and beneficial in a remote work environment.
  • Experience : Briefly mention any relevant work experience.
  • Alignment : Show how your career goals align with the company’s mission and objectives.

4. How long should my resume objective be?

Your resume objective should be concise, ideally 1-2 sentences. It should provide a clear and direct snapshot of your professional intentions and how you can contribute to the potential employer.

5. Can I use the same resume objective for all my remote job applications?

While it might be tempting to use a generic objective for all applications, employers prefer candidates who tailor their resume for each job. Customizing your resume objective for each application demonstrates your genuine interest in the specific role and highlights your most relevant qualifications.

6. How can I make my resume objective stand out to employers?

To make your resume objective stand out, emphasize unique skills and experiences that are particularly valuable for remote work. Mention any remote work experience if you have it, and be sure to highlight your ability to self-manage, stay organized, and communicate effectively in a virtual environment.

7. Do I need a resume objective if I include a cover letter?

While a cover letter provides more detailed information, a resume objective can still be beneficial. It gives employers a quick snapshot of your career goals and qualifications right at the top of your resume, which is especially useful if they only skim the document.

8. What mistakes should I avoid in writing my resume objective?

Common mistakes to avoid include:

  • Being too vague or generic.
  • Using clichés or buzzwords that don’t add value.
  • Making it too lengthy or complex.
  • Failing to tailor the objective for each specific job application.
  • Not aligning your skills and experiences with the job requirements.

9. What should my resume objective focus on if I have no prior remote work experience?

If you lack direct remote work experience, focus on transferable skills that are crucial for remote work, such as time management, communication, self-motivation, and problem-solving abilities. Demonstrate how these skills have helped you succeed in previous roles.

10. Can I include personal qualities in my resume objective?

Yes, mentioning personal qualities that are essential for remote work can be beneficial. Qualities like being self-driven, disciplined, detail-oriented, and having a strong sense of responsibility can strengthen your resume objective and appeal to potential employers.

Recommended :

  • Work from Home Resume Sample
  • 10 Best Work from Home Jobs

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7 Skills That Better Be on Your Resume if You Want to Land a Remote Job

person in coffee shop

Have I mentioned how much I love working remotely? ( Spoiler alert: I have, repeatedly). If it were up to me, we’d all have amazing remote jobs and have all the flexibility and freedom we could possibly need.

Remote jobs require a particular set of skills, though, regardless of what kind of job it is. One thing to keep in mind is that the tech industry tends to have the best remote job openings and the most variety. Learning tech skills makes you more qualified for more of those job openings, though there are some that you can get with only basic tech skills.

If you’ve been dreaming of a remote job but aren’t sure if you’re qualified, check out this list of skills you need to be a successful remote worker. Then make sure you highlight them on your resume when you apply for your next job.

1. Digital Communication Skills

Yes, virtually every job out there requires “good communication skills.” But digital communication skills are more specialized. It’s not just being able to talk to people.

Digital communication skills mean being able to manage your email and respond to things in a timely fashion. It also means being able to effectively communicate with email and not end up misinterpreted (which is so easy when you’re talking to someone purely through email).

It’s being willing and able to jump on video calls to chat with your team. It’s being able to create reports that share important information with the people who need that info (and also to read reports that others have created for you).

Knowing how to keep in touch with your team and others at your company, as well as any customers or clients you need to work with when you’re not seeing people face-to-face every day isn’t an optional skill when you work remotely. It’s vital for being successful.

2. Time Management Skills

When you clock in every morning at nine and clock out at five, managing your time is sort of automatic. You know that you’re at your desk for eight hours and that’s the time you have allotted to finish your to-do list for the day. And people will notice if you’re still sitting at your desk past five regularly.

But when you work remotely, you won’t necessarily have anyone notice if you’re still sitting at your desk at midnight because you went down the Facebook click-hole of cute cat videos, wasting an entire afternoon.

One of the biggest perks of a ton of remote jobs is that you have flexibility about when you work. You might have meetings at specific times, but if you need to run out for the afternoon or prefer to take a long lunch on Wednesdays to go to your favorite yoga class, you can.

You just have to figure out how to manage your time around those other engagements so that you can get your work done.

3. Self-Motivation Skills

Some remote jobs have tons of checks to make sure you’re getting your work done when you should. But other remote jobs are more like “here’s what you need to get done in the next two weeks” and you don’t get another check until that work is due.

If you can’t motivate yourself to work when you need to to stay on track, then you’re going to have a hard time with a lot of remote jobs.

One of the best ways to self-motivate if it doesn’t come naturally is to gamify your workday. Gamification basically breaks down to rewarding yourself for checking things off your to-do list and establishing good habits. My favorite app for gamifying your productivity is Habitica .

4. Independence Skills (a.k.a., Being Proactive)

If you want to be a successful remote worker, you have to learn to be proactive about the projects you take on. You’re not going to have a boss who suddenly notices you don’t have a project to work on.

Being proactive about taking on new projects that are proposed, or coming up with ideas yourself, are appreciated in any work environment, but even more so in a remote job.

5. Tech Skills

You probably saw this one coming, right?

Remote work revolves around technology. Without tech, you won’t be able to stay connected to your team.

That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be an expert coder. But it does mean you need to be proficient with things like email, project management software (like Trello, JIRA, or Asana), video call software (like Google Hangouts or Skype), and chat apps (like HipChat or Slack).

You have to familiarize yourself with these tools and become comfortable with them if you want to land a remote job you love, let alone be successful as a remote worker.

6. Organizational Skills

Organization is important, but being able to prioritize your tasks is even more vital as a remote worker. Knowing which projects are the most important, and which things to work on first, is really important when you’re doing more solo work.

A lot of remote jobs will have you working as part of a team, and being able to prioritize the work you have so that you can get solo projects done as well as not become a blocker for others on your team, holding up their work.

7. Team Player Skills

That brings me to another vital skill for remote workers: being a team player. You’ll be working with people on a daily basis who may be spread all over the world. Here at Skillcrush, just on the marketing team, we have members who are located in almost every time zone in the US, plus at least a couple in Europe. That means even things like coordinating meetings can require some compromise on the part of many team members (who either get up early for meetings or work late).

But at the same time, because you’re not face-to-face with your team in an office all the time, it can take longer to find your “groove” as a team. It takes a bit more effort to make sure that your team is actually functioning like a team, and actually feels like a team.

Psst! Want to kick your resume up a notch and make sure it’s doing its part to land you an interview? Check out Skillcrush’s free Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Resume for everything you need to know, including templates!

sample resume for remote job

More From Forbes

Top 10 in-demand remote jobs that pay $100,000+ in 2024, from research.

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Telemedicine physicians are among the highest-paid earners in the remote work model, with ... [+] eyewatering salaries reaching as high as nearly half a million

Is high-paying remote work really declining in 2024?

Contrary to popular opinion, the job board, Indeed.com, believes this is not the case. In its recent analysis of remote jobs from its Remote Job Tracker , Indeed noted that the share of job postings that advertize remote and/or hybrid work is actually leveling off at close to 8%, which is about three times higher than the share of remote job availability in 2019, despite the efforts of some employers to urge and mandate workers to RTO (return to office).

Top 10 Fastest Growing Remote Jobs That Pay $100,000 In 2024

Based on the analysis, here are the most popular, or fastest growing remote jobs, ranked in order (including pay). Salary estimates and average salary ranges are from Glassdoor, Zippia, ZipRecruiter, and Salary.com, as some sources did not have all jobs listed and therefore were unable to provide full U.S. compensation data for all jobs listed below.

  • Document reviewer —average salary range between $27,000 to $103,000
  • Telemedicine physician —average salary range between $267,000 to $456,000
  • Forensic analyst —average salary range between $45,000 to $134,000
  • Real estate analyst —average salary range between $84,180 to $117,090
  • Senior environmental scientist— average salary range between $102,307 to $128,700
  • Senior information technology specialist —average salary range between $80,143 to $99,130
  • Senior staff engineer —average salary range between $98,313 to $117,885
  • Social media strategist —average salary range between $76,353 to $101,896
  • Program analyst— average salary range between $131,783 to $175,248
  • Senior AI/machine learning engineer —average salary range between $113,330 to $143,370

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, how to find these high-paying remote jobs.

So, what steps can you take to find these remote jobs?

According to Indeed career advisors, they suggest you take following steps:

  • Research your industry: Some industries they note, such as IT and tech, marketing, and accounting, are much more likely to have remote roles. If you work in one of these sectors, you stand a better chance of securing a remote job. If not, you might want to re-evaluate your career position and assess whether it would be a wise move to make a career pivot so that you are better aligned with remote work opportunities. Of course, this decision would only be sensible to you if remote work was a greater priority for you in your employment considerations than any other factor.
  • Use remote job boards: Of course, there are quite a few job boards dedicated to remote and flexible jobs, such as FlexJobs and WeWorkRemotely, and there are other traditional job boards such as LinkedIn and Indeed that have filters you can apply to find remote work as well. Just a note of caution: always bear in mind that many job boards serve aggregated data on job listings that are posted elsewhere as well, and are not responsible for the safety or legitimacy of these jobs. Sites such as Indeed do share guidance on how to protect yourself from fake or scam jobs; however it is up to you to be mindful of this when approaching any job platform, and bear in mind that there are some criminals who will play on the fact that you and many others are looking for remote work, just to obtain your personal or financial information. Look out for any red flags, such as jobs that sound too good to be true, obvious spelling mistakes, or the company simply cannot be found existing anywhere on the internet.
  • Edit your resume: Highlight your independent work skills, your background in working remotely or in a hybrid model, and tailor your resume for each remote job you apply to.

Additionally, you should consider:

  • What type of remote job works best for you, whether you want a full-time, hybrid, or freelance remote job.
  • Preparing your physical space, tech set-up, and common interview questions for remote job interviews .
  • Weighing up both the pros and cons of remote work, such as increased flexibility and reduced commuting, versus loneliness and self-paced schedule management, and decide if this is something you are happy to put up with for the long-term.

When applying for a remote job, always ensure that your physical space and internet speed is set up ... [+] to successfully accommodate everything from your remote interview to the day-to-day demands of the role

Following these steps, and looking out for these opportunities within the tech, marketing, app development, and other remote-first industries will enable you to be better aligned to secure your dream remote job—even sooner than you imagined was possible.

Rachel Wells

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How to Land a Remote Tech Job from St Louis: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 21st 2024

St Louis remote tech job search guide for Missouri beginners.

Too Long; Didn't Read:

Landing a remote tech job from St. Louis in 2024 is achievable with strategic steps. Despite a 45% drop in tech job listings nationwide between 2022-2023, St. Louis saw a 2% tech employment rise due to skilled tech demand. Key skills include software development, cybersecurity, and data science. Boosting your tech resume, networking in St. Louis' vibrant community, and leveraging resources from local bootcamps and universities can set you apart. Highlight St. Louis' perks, such as low-cost living, while proving remote readiness. Success stories highlight the city's supportive ecosystem for tech professionals.

Let's talk about snagging a sweet remote tech job from St. Louis in 2024! The demand for these gigs has been soaring since the pandemic, and it's not slowing down anytime soon.

According to the latest report from TechSTL , while overall job listings for tech roles dropped by 45% from 2022 to 2023, employment in the local tech industry actually nudged up by 2%.

That's because companies are prioritizing lean teams while still needing skilled techies.

Emily Hemingway, TechSTL's Executive Director, emphasizes that the St. Louis region needs to focus on nurturing local startups and entrepreneurs to drive job growth.

And the good news is, techpreneurs like Sarah Davis and Chris Ocasio are leading the charge in industries like geospatial analytics, biotech, and fintech.

So, what skills are in demand for remote roles? The usual suspects like software development, cybersecurity, and data science are still hot.

But don't sleep on emerging fields like edge computing and sustainability tech. And remember, networking is key in St.

Louis' tight-knit tech community – Nucamp's bootcamps can help you make those crucial connections.

Table of Contents

Building the right tech skillset in missouri, crafting a st louis-specific tech resume and cover letter, networking in the st louis tech community, applying and interviewing for remote tech positions from st louis, overcoming location challenges in the remote tech job search, success stories: st louis residents in remote tech roles, frequently asked questions, check out next:.

Stay ahead of the curve by understanding the Tech industry trends in St Louis for 2024, which could kickstart your career.

If you're aiming to snag a sweet remote gig in 2024, leveling up your skills is non-negotiable.

The hottest IT skills you'll need to master include programming languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript, along with cloud computing, data analysis, and cybersecurity know-how.

These are the gems that St. Louis tech companies are desperately seeking for their remote roles.

But the real deal is that simply having the skills isn't enough; you gotta keep upgrading constantly.

The Missouri Innovation folks say tech pros who stay on top of their game earn a sweet 25% more and climb the career ladder faster. Luckily, we've got a buffet of online courses and bootcamps ready to fuel your growth.

Sites like Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer flexible, self-paced options tailored to Missouri's unique market demands. And don't sleep on local bootcamps like Nucamp and Launch Code - they're prepping people with job-ready skills for those coveted remote roles.

Just ask Michael Martin, a St.

Louis software engineer who recently landed a fully remote position. He'll tell you straight up:

"In the fast-paced tech world, getting complacent is a career killer. Continuous learning and adapting to new trends have been crucial for me to secure a fulfilling remote role that aligns with my goals and lifestyle."

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Tailoring your resume for a St. Louis tech gig is the real deal.

You gotta show these hiring managers that you know the city like the back of your hand. First things first, nail that cover letter and make it personal.

Mention the startup scene you're hyped about or how you vibe with St. Louis' cultural richness. These little touches go a long way, trust me. Next up, highlight any local projects, internships, or volunteer work you've done in the tech world.

It's all about showing your connection to the city, ya feel me?

Make sure your skills section is on point too. St. Louis has a heavy presence in industries like agriculture tech and financial tech, so if you've got experience in those areas, flaunt it on your resume .

It'll show hiring managers that you're the perfect fit for their needs. Remember, it's not just about technical abilities – it's about understanding the local landscape and being able to seamlessly vibe with the St.

Louis community. When you craft a personalized application that checks all these boxes, you'll be well on your way to landing that remote tech role you've been dreaming of.

Just keep it real, and let your passion for St. Louis shine through.

St. Louis is the place to be if you're trying to land a remote tech gig! As of August 2024, the city is buzzing with tech meetups and events where you can connect with fellow geeks and network your way into the scene .

It's all about building those connections, ya know?

First up, you gotta check out St. Louis Women in Tech Connect .

These ladies are all about empowering each other and sharing their tech journey. Plus, they host dope events every month with awesome speakers and networking sessions.

If you're more into the startup vibe, Venture Café St.

Louis Gatherings is where it's at. Picture this: a weekly Thursday night event with panel discussions, happy hour, and tons of innovative minds bouncing ideas off each other.

It's the perfect place to pitch your ideas and maybe even score an internship or job opportunity.

Let's not forget about the online communities too. STL Tech and Built In St.

Louis are go-to spots for job listings, event updates, and connecting with fellow tech enthusiasts. You can ask questions, share your thoughts, and stay in the loop with everything happening in the St.

Louis tech scene.

At the end of the day, networking is key if you wanna snag that remote tech job. St. Louis has got your back with all these awesome meetups, events, and online communities.

So get out there, make connections, and show off your skills! The remote tech job of your dreams is just around the corner.

Let's be real, landing a remote tech gig from St. Louis ain't no walk in the park, but it's totally doable if you play your cards right. Jemima Abu's story of nabbing her first remote job while still in school is a prime example of how persistence and honesty can pay off big time.

The key is to follow the right steps and tailor your approach to showcase your skills and adaptability as a potential remote hire from the Lou.

First off, get your online presence dialed in.

Make sure your tech resume is on point and your GitHub, LinkedIn, and portfolio sites are polished.

Then, scour job boards like Remote OK and Jobspresso for openings that match your expertise. Don't sleep on networking either – connecting with locals in the St.

Louis tech scene can open doors you never knew existed.

When it's time to interview, be ready to show off your remote collaboration skills and time management tactics.

Nail the basics too – test your setup, pick a clean background, and come prepared with questions that demonstrate your passion for the role and company. And remember, companies want trustworthy team players who can handle working autonomously, so let your personality and work ethic shine through.

With the right mindset and preparation, scoring that dream remote tech job from St. Louis is totally achievable.

Look, St. Louis might not be a huge tech hub like San Francisco or NYC, but us locals have an edge when gunning for remote gigs. According to a survey by Remote.co, most hiring managers actually prefer candidates from smaller cities because of the lower cost of living and reduced burnout risk.

Still, we gotta overcome some hurdles to snag those coveted remote roles.

To stand apart from applicants in major metro areas, highlight the perks of living in Missouri.

"Flaunt the affordable cost of living, shorter commutes, and chill vibes of St. Louis," says career coach Nancy Moore. "Companies realize that happier employees = higher productivity and less turnover." Scan open remote roles in St. Louis to get started.

Beyond lifestyle factors, prove you can crush it working remotely.

Share examples of virtual collaboration and communication wins from past gigs. Quantify achievements, showcase your skills with remote tools like Zoom and Trello, and emphasize your self-motivation abilities.

"While megacity folks have local networking events, St. Louisans can tap into our tight-knit tech scene," notes career pro Karen Lopez. His tips for rising above the noise:

  • Engage in community : Attend virtual meetups and webinars hosted by Missouri tech groups like Venture Café St. Louis
  • Stay connected online : Get active on forums like the /r/StLouisTechJobs subreddit
  • Network strategically : Set up informational interviews with St. Louis-based remote employees

By flaunting the Missouri lifestyle advantages and proving your remote readiness, you can overcome location challenges and land an awesome tech job from the Lou.

The remote tech scene in St. Louis is straight-up fire! Just check out these success stories that'll make you wanna quit your 9-to-5 and join the hustle. Nancy Jones, a badass software engineer, landed a sweet gig at a Silicon Valley startup back in '22.

She said, "Going remote let me find that work-life balance while still being part of the vibrant STL tech community ." A recent survey from the Missouri Tech Corp showed that over 65% of St.

Louis techies felt more productive and satisfied after switching to remote or hybrid roles.

Christopher Johnson, a cybersecurity pro, credits the city's dope educational resources for helping him level up and snag a remote job.

He said, "The online courses from local universities and coding bootcamps were clutch in helping me stand out." A 2024 study by the St.

Louis Chamber showed the city invested over $12 million in remote workforce development in the last three years, proving they're serious about growing tech talent.

But it's not just about the money and skills.

St. Louis-based remote techies rave about the overall vibe that helps them crush it:

  • Community : A tight-knit community where collaboration and knowledge-sharing are on point.
  • Cost of Living : Affordable cost of living, so you can ball out without breaking the bank.
  • Cultural Scene : Dope cultural scene and endless recreational activities to keep you entertained.

As Jennifer Brown, a UX designer, put it,

"St. Louis is the perfect remote work backdrop. The city's energy and supportive ecosystem helped me level up in my role."

With its solid infrastructure, talented workforce, and commitment to innovation, St.

Louis is a prime spot for remote techies looking to unlock their full potential.

What skills are in demand for remote tech jobs from St. Louis?

High-demand skills for remote tech jobs from St. Louis include software development, cybersecurity, data science, and emerging fields like edge computing and sustainability tech. Understanding languages such as Python, Java, and JavaScript, along with knowledge in cloud computing and data analysis is crucial.

How can candidates make their resumes stand out for St. Louis tech roles?

Candidates should personalize their resumes to highlight local projects, internships, or volunteer work related to St. Louis. Emphasizing experience in the city's dominant industries, such as agriculture tech and fintech, and showcasing a connection to the St. Louis tech community can make a resume stand out.

What networking opportunities exist in the St. Louis tech community?

St. Louis offers various networking opportunities including tech meetups and events like Venture Café St. Louis Gatherings, and online communities like STL Tech and Built In St. Louis, where tech professionals can connect, network, and explore job listings.

What challenges do St. Louis residents face when applying for remote tech jobs?

Although not a major tech hub, St. Louis offers a lower cost of living, which is an advantage. Candidates should emphasize remote working skills, share remote collaboration experiences, and engage actively in the local tech community to overcome geographical challenges.

Are there any success stories of St. Louis residents landing remote tech jobs?

Yes, many, such as Nancy Jones, a software engineer who found a fulfilling remote role with a Silicon Valley startup, and Christopher Johnson, who transitioned to remote work through the help of local educational resources. St. Louis provides a supportive climate for remote tech workers.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

Dive into the promising cybersecurity job market in St Louis and discover emerging trends for 2024.

Witness the growth trends leading into 2024 that are reshaping the tech landscape in St. Louis.

The growing tech industry in St Louis is creating new opportunities for coding bootcamp graduates.

Gain invaluable skills and experience through Boeing's tech internship in St Louis.

The Handshake platform is key for connecting with potential employers in the St Louis area.

Discover the thriving tech industry in St Louis and why it's a hotspot for tech careers.

Weigh the cost of coding bootcamps against the benefits they offer in St. Louis.

An overview of tech job market in St Louis reveals exciting job prospects for coders.

Chevas Balloun Blog Author for Nucamp

Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.

  • Capital One

sample resume for remote job

08-20-2024 WORK LIFE

These are the top 10 fully remote jobs that make $100,000-plus per year

There are several industries that offer fully remote, in-demand jobs that offer substantial salaries.

These are the top 10 fully remote jobs that make $100,000-plus per year

[Source Photos: Artem Podrez /Pexels and Mackenzie Marco /Unsplash]

BY  FlexJobs 3 minute read

When people think of remote jobs , rarely do they think they’ll be making a substantial salary. However, there are several industries that offer fully remote, in-demand jobs that have salaries of more than $100,000.

If you’re looking to  land a six-figure job  or are asking yourself what jobs are in demand, look no further. FlexJobs analyzed its job database from February 1, 2024, through July 30, 2024, to find the most in-demand,  fully remote jobs  that offer high salaries. The list below features jobs that offer $100,000-plus annual salaries, according to Payscale.

Note: FlexJobs is the longtime leader in helping job seekers find the highest-quality  remote, work-from-home, hybrid, and flexible jobs . You can  sign up for premium-level access  to its database of hand-screened job listings, as well as job search and career webinars, and many other great resources. Learn today how  FlexJobs can empower your job search .

Fully Remote Jobs With $100K+ Salaries

Are you looking to make a high salary but not sure where to start? These in-demand jobs are a great launching point for your job search.

1.  Senior Customer Success Manager

Median salary: $101,184

Senior  customer success  managers oversee the relationships between a brand and its clients, ensuring satisfaction, retention, and growth. These professionals work closely with sales and support teams to provide strategic solutions, address client needs, and help clients meet their goals with the company’s products or services.

2.  Account Director

Median salary: $104,053

Account directors develop and execute strategies to meet clients’ business objectives, ensuring  client satisfaction  while driving revenue growth. This role often involves coordinating internal teams to manage key client accounts and deliver high-quality services.

3.  Senior Marketing Manager

Median salary: $107,438

Senior  marketing  managers lead marketing strategies and campaigns designed to drive brand awareness, acquire new customers, and grow revenue. These professionals analyze market trends and collaborate with cross-functional teams, such as content, social media, and public relations, to execute multichannel marketing initiatives that align with business goals.

4.  Director, Business Development

Median salary: $114,579

Directors of  business development  focus on identifying and securing new business opportunities. Major responsibilities include building and maintaining relationships with key partners and clients, negotiating deals, and developing strategies for market expansion.

5.  Machine Learning Engineer

Median salary: $119,111

Machine learning engineers design, develop, and implement algorithms that allow machines to learn and make decisions based on data. These professionals work on projects ranging from predictive modeling to natural language processing with the overall goal of advancing  AI -driven technologies.

6.  Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Median salary: $120,469

Specializing in mental healthcare, psychiatric nurse practitioners diagnose and treat mental illnesses through therapy, medication management, and patient education. They work closely with other healthcare providers on a care team to deliver comprehensive mental health  services.

7.  Sales Director

Median salary: $120,540

Sales directors lead sales teams, develop strategies to meet revenue targets, and manage key client relationships. They also analyze market trends, oversee  sales  pipelines, and ensure that the team meets or exceeds performance goals. Sales directors are key to driving a company’s financial success.

8.  Senior Software Engineer

Median salary: $127,857

These technical roles involve designing, developing, and maintaining complex  software  systems. Senior software engineers collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver software solutions and troubleshoot technical issues. They also support projects to ensure they meet technical specifications and business requirements.

9.  Senior Product Manager

Median salary: $133,060

Senior product managers oversee the development and life cycle of a  product , from conception to launch and beyond. They work closely with engineering, marketing, and sales teams to ensure the product meets market needs and business goals, driving product strategy and roadmaps.

10.  Cybersecurity Manager

Median salary: $136,977

Cybersecurity managers are responsible for protecting an organization’s IT infrastructure from cyber threats. These roles involve developing and implementing  cybersecurity  protocols, managing security teams, and ensuring compliance with regulations. Additionally, they actively stay ahead of emerging threats to safeguard sensitive data and systems.

Related high-paying jobs and companies

Interested in exploring more high-paying flexible jobs? From  entry-level  and  part-time jobs  to  flexible jobs in your area , the lists below offer additional options in your search for high-paying jobs and companies.

  • 10 Highest-Paying Jobs Without a Degree
  • 18 High-Paying Remote Jobs With $100K+ Salaries
  • 20 High-Paying Part-Time Jobs With Flexibility
  • 25 Side Hustle Jobs That Pay Well
  • High-Paying Jobs Near Me: Finding Local Jobs That Pay Well
  • High-Paying Work-From-Home Jobs That Pay Well ($100K+ Salaries)
  • How to Find High-Paying Entry-Level Jobs

Search fully remote, in-demand jobs making more than $100,000

Finding other well-paying remote jobs doesn’t have to be a struggle. By using FlexJobs, you can explore a number of high-paying jobs  anywhere in the world .

FlexJobs members get full access to our extensive jobs database, which is updated every day with  new job postings in more than 50 career categories . And that’s not all! Take a tour to learn more about the many benefits of membership!

Jessica Howington is a senior content manager at FlexJobs.

This article originally appeared on FlexJobs.com and is reprinted with permission.

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FlexJobs is a remote job site to find vetted flexible, hybrid, or work-from-home jobs that was founded in 2007.   More

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An official website of the United States government

NASA - Accepting Resumes from 30 Percent or More Disabled Veterans

NASA is committed to providing employment opportunities for those who have honorably served on behalf of our nation . To support this commitment, we accept and manage a Standing Register for 30% or more Disabled Veterans. As vacancies occur, this register can be used as a means of an alternate recruitment source using a non-competitive hiring authority.

  • Accepting applications

Open & closing dates

08/23/2024 to 09/30/2024

Salary range reflects the lowest and highest potential salaries of NASA locations. Actual salary range varies by selectee(s) location and grade.

Pay scale & grade

Many vacancies in the following location:

  • NASA - United States Locations

Telework eligible

Travel required.

Occasional travel - You may be expected to travel for this position.

Relocation expenses reimbursed

Appointment type.

Multiple Appointment Types

Work schedule


Promotion potential

Job family (series).

  • 5201 Miscellaneous Occupations

Supervisory status

Security clearance.

Not Required

Position sensitivity and risk

Non-sensitive (NS)/Low Risk

Trust determination process

  • Suitability/Fitness

Financial disclosure

Bargaining unit status, announcement number.


Control number

This job is open to, clarification from the agency.

This is a standing register accepting applications from only 30% or more Disabled Veterans. This announcement gathers applications that may or may not result in a referral or selection.

  • Duties will be based on and commensurate to the grade, occupational series, and duty location of position.


Conditions of employment.

  • Positions are subject to pre-employment background investigation or higher-level clearance. Investigation/Clearance may differ and be required based on the duties/location-Directorate/Division/Branch requirements.
  • Financial Disclosure, Drug Testing, Bargaining Unit, and/or the Travel Requirements for positions may differ and be required based on the duty location/Directorate/Division/Branch requirements.
  • Positions may require a trial period or probationary period.
  • You must meet qualifications requirements by the date of consideration for any potential positions.
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen or National.
  • Males born after 12-31-1959 must be registered for Selective Service.


A basic education qualification may be required and is dependent upon occupational series. Additionally, education may be substituted for experience to qualify for certain occupational series at specific grades. Learn more here . If education is a basic requirement for the job series of interest and/or you anticipate using education in substitution for specialized experience, you MUST submit your transcript(s) with your application package.

Additional information

  • 30% or More Disabled Veterans Appointment: A veteran with a compensable service-connected disability of 30 percent or more (by way of notice from the Veterans Administration) may be non-competitively appointed. Eligible disabled veterans can receive a noncompetitive, temporary appointment of more than 60 days or a term appointment. Then they may be converted to a career or career-conditional appointment at any time during the temporary or term appointment based on successful performance. You must meet the basic qualifications for the position

A career with the U.S. government provides employees with a comprehensive benefits package. As a federal employee, you and your family will have access to a range of benefits that are designed to make your federal career very rewarding. Opens in a new window Learn more about federal benefits .

Review our benefits

Eligibility for benefits depends on the type of position you hold and whether your position is full-time, part-time or intermittent. Contact the hiring agency for more information on the specific benefits offered.

How You Will Be Evaluated

You will be evaluated for this job based on how well you meet the qualifications above.

To determine your qualifications your resume and supporting documentation will be reviewed. Not providing the required supporting documents to determine veteran's eligibility and qualifications, may result in your removal from consideration. If considered for a position, you will be contacted with further instructions and next steps. Being considered and/or contacted does not constitute nor indicate a job offer. NASA considers paid and unpaid experience, including volunteer work done through National Service programs (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) and other organizations (e.g., professional; philanthropic; religious; spiritual; community, student, social). Volunteer work helps build critical competencies, knowledge, and skills and can provide valuable training and experience that translates directly to paid employment. You will receive credit for all qualifying experience, including volunteer experience. NASA will not ask you to disclose criminal history record information during the application process or before we make a conditional/tentative offer of employment. If you apply for this position and are selected, NASA will conduct a suitability/security background investigation after you accept a tentative job offer. If you feel you are asked to disclose your criminal history before you accept a tentative offer and wish to file a complaint within 30 days, please contact: [email protected] .

As a new or existing federal employee, you and your family may have access to a range of benefits. Your benefits depend on the type of position you have - whether you're a permanent, part-time, temporary or an intermittent employee. You may be eligible for the following benefits, however, check with your agency to make sure you're eligible under their policies.

  • DD-214/ Statement of Service
  • Disability Letter (VA)

If you are relying on your education to meet qualification requirements:

Education must be accredited by an accrediting institution recognized by the U.S. Department of Education in order for it to be credited towards qualifications. Therefore, provide only the attendance and/or degrees from schools accredited by accrediting institutions recognized by the U.S. Department of Education .

Failure to provide all of the required information as stated in this vacancy announcement may result in an ineligible rating or may affect the overall rating.

  • To begin the application process, you will need to be logged into your USAJOBS account. If you do not have a USAJOBS account, you will need to create one before beginning the application process. Once logged in to your account, click on the "Apply" link.
  • Follow the prompts to select your resume and/or other supporting documents to be included with your application package. We strongly encourage you to utilize the USAJOBS resume builder when creating your resume. Using the resume builder will help you ensure your resume includes important information related to your qualifications and eligibility status. Answer the questions presented in the application and attach all necessary supporting documentation. During the application process you can review, edit, delete and update your information. We'll automatically save your progress as you go, so you won't lose any changes. Your uploaded documents may take several hours to clear the virus scan process.
  • After acknowledging you have reviewed your application package, complete the 'Include Personal Information' section as you deem appropriate and click to continue with the application process. You will be taken to the vacancy questionnaire which you must complete in order to apply for this Standing Register. Complete the online application, verify all required documentation is included with your application package, and submit the application.
  • Click the Submit Application button prior to 11:59PM (ET) on the announcement closing date.

Agency contact information

Once you submit your application package, you will receive an acknowledgement email of registration to the Standing Register. If considered, you will be contacted with further instructions and next steps. Being considered and/or contacted does not constitute nor indicate a job offer. No additional notifications will be generated except when this posting expires. Once expired, you will need to reapply to the current posting for the new fiscal year.

The Federal hiring process is set up to be fair and transparent. Please read the following guidance.

  • Criminal history inquiries
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy
  • Financial suitability
  • New employee probationary period
  • Privacy Act
  • Reasonable accommodation policy
  • Selective Service
  • Signature and false statements
  • Social security number request

Required Documents

How to apply, fair & transparent.

This job originated on www.usajobs.gov . For the full announcement and to apply, visit www.usajobs.gov/job/806325900 . Only resumes submitted according to the instructions on the job announcement listed at www.usajobs.gov will be considered.

Learn more about

Headquarters, NASA

Explore the Extraordinary Calling all the innovators, pioneers, visionaries, and adventurers! We are diverse group of professionals united by a common purpose: to discover and expand knowledge for the benefit of humanity. We're building on our rich legacy by embarking on new and exciting missions, both on Earth and beyond and we're looking for fresh ideas to help us get there. Do you have a passion for exploration? Do you want your work to leave an enduring impact? Join us in a career that can take you farther than you can imagine. At NASA, our work is more than just a profession-it's a lifelong pursuit, a passion, and a chance to change the world. NASA is more than astronauts. We are scientists, engineers, IT specialists, human resources specialists, accountants, writers, technicians and many other kinds of people working together to break barriers to achieve the seemingly impossible. Explore the extraordinary, every day; explore a career at NASA!

Visit our careers page

Learn more about what it's like to work at Headquarters, NASA, what the agency does, and about the types of careers this agency offers.


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Posted Aug 25

Remote video editor & multimedia designer, view company profile & all jobs →, jobs posted: 4.

  • You must have proof that you have created content that has converted on paid ads 
  • You must understand KPIs like Hook Rates, Hold Rates, CTR, CPC and CPA
  • You must have proof that you have identified hooks and you’ve tested these hooks 
  • You can write copy for videos and posters 
  • You are familiar with CreatioveOS, Ugly Ads, Us v Them, etc 
  • We have 2 positions available: freelance and/or permanent full-time 
  • Fully Remote (we will provide a coworking space in your local area)
  • Fluent in English (reading, writing & speaking)
  • 2 Month probationary period
  • £1000-£1500 monthly salary
  • Must be available during UK hours but flexible working hours
  • Write scripts and create voiceovers to create completing fundraising videos that get people to donate  
  • Review and organise content from the client’s Google Drive to create engaging and high-quality videos.
  • Search through clients’ social media profiles to identify content that can be used or modified. 
  • Source clips from TikTok and Instagram to create fundraising content for emergency campaigns. 
  • Coordinate with videographers on the ground creating content in orphanages, school or refugee camps to ensure they capture compelling stories. 
  • Create scripts and directions for UGC Creators to film 
  • Edit the content UGC Creators share 
  • Perform post-production tasks, including adding subtitles, colour grading, transitions, music and refining visuals to enhance the overall appeal.
  • Add necessary elements such as soundtracks, logos, motion graphics, b-roll, screen recordings, and green screens.
  • Think strategically about content edits to increase Hook Rates and Conversions. 
  • Test different sequences and hooks to find winning creatives.
  • Design Static Content that gets people to donate.  
  • Create posters, carousels, thumbnails, email graphics and landing page assets.
  • Write compelling copy for posters, carousels and email graphics 
  • Edit and adjust landing page designs based on winning creative insights.
  • Develop email designs, including headers and overall layout, that align with campaign objectives.
  • Select the images to use for the above-mentioned Static Content by searching through clients’ assets. 
  • Analyze and test various hooks, sequences, and creative elements to determine what drives the best performance.
  • Understand and utilize KPIs such as Hook Rates, Hold Rates, CTR, CPC, and CPA to guide content creation and optimization efforts.
  • Share this job:

Apply for this Position

Please ensure you meet geographic and skills requirements before applying.

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sample resume for remote job


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  7. How To Write a Remote Job Resume (Samples + Templates)

    Remote resume example for virtual assistant. Tailor this sample remote resume to your own experiences, skills, and qualifications. Additionally, consider formatting and design elements to ensure it looks clean, professional, and easy to read. This also demonstrates your technical skills.

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    Include your current or most recent title at the top of your resume, under your name. Next to your job title, add 'Remote Worker.'. Since it's at the top of your resume, it will immediately indicate to the hiring manager or recruiter that remote working is a priority. I like to have clear information about the desire to work remotely.

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    3. Make it known that you're open to a remote job: You could say something like this, "I can manage multiple tasks, work remotely, set priorities and adapt to changing conditions and work assignments.". 4. Uses a simple, scannable and legible résumé design: Your résumé should be in PDF or a text document like Word.

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    You strive for excellence: You're not just looking for a job; you're seeking a craft. You take pride in your work and are committed to delivering quality results. You see every task as an opportunity to excel and contribute to our shared goal of having the best product in the market.

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    Landing a remote tech job from St. Louis in 2024 is achievable with strategic steps. Despite a 45% drop in tech job listings nationwide between 2022-2023, St. Louis saw a 2% tech employment rise due to skilled tech demand. Key skills include software development, cybersecurity, and data science.

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    Remote job No Telework eligible ... At NASA, to fill positions using a non-competitive hiring authority, resumes maintained in this Standing Register will be reviewed for qualifications for the following types of positions: Jobs within series 0000-0099/ Miscellaneous Occupations

  30. Remote Video Editor & Multimedia Designer at CerealBox

    We have 2 positions available: freelance and/or permanent full-time Fully Remote (we will provide a coworking space in your local area) Fluent in English (reading, writing & speaking)