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Doctoral Program (Ed.D.)

For those seeking to generate and apply research in the solution of complex real-world challenges facing our communities..

The College of Education, Health, and Human Services’ Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.) focuses on development of a high level and advanced proficiency in the education field of study as well as acquisition of research and leadership skills. It aims to produce graduates who can solve practical problems in a specific education-related context. The Ed.D. is ideal for educators who seek new skills and new opportunities for leadership and is designed to meet a critical need in southeastern Michigan for educational leaders who can transform education at the PK-12, community college and university levels.

Individuals who apply for either the Elementary and Secondary (PK-12) School Administrator Certificate (ES) or the Central Office School Administrator Certificate (CO) must pass a newly created MTTC. Effective January 1, 2025, individuals must make an attempt at the test, although a passing score is not required.  Effective May 1, 2025, a cut score will be required. Upon completion of your academic program, please contact your advisor to verify which MTTC you need, based upon your program. The programs and MTTCs are uniquely different and not interchangeable. 

  • School Administrator Certificate (ES) requires MTTC #139
  • Central Office Certificate (CO) requires MTTC #140

Course Information

Program goals.

Graduates of the Doctorate of Education will conduct scholarly research including: 

  • Identifying important/practical questions or problems that can be addressed through scholarship.
  • Reviewing, critically analyzing, and synthesizing literature that addresses an important question or problem in education.
  • Collecting and analyzing appropriate types of data.
  • Communicating results of that research in writing and orally with diverse audiences.

Degree requirements

Program Information : The Ed.D. Program is a 60-credit hour program with 24 credit hours of core courses, 24 credit hours of concentration area courses and 12 credit hours dedicated to a dissertation or applied studies project. Students must maintain a “B” average (cumulative grade point average of 3.0) to remain in good standing in the Ed.D. program.

Transfer of Credit : Up to six credit hours from another (non-U-M) accredited university may be accepted as transfer credits with approval of the program adviser. Students may transfer up to one-half (1/2) the minimum number of credit hours required for the Ed.D. degree from the Ann Arbor and Flint U-M campuses.

Courses must be at the 500 level or above. The student’s program adviser must approve the transfer of the course and credits.

Transfer of Credit will be considered if:

  • Graduate credits were completed within five years of application to the Ed.D. program at another accredited institution.
  • Graduate credits were completed at another U-M School or College (including Flint and Ann Arbor).
  • University of Michigan, Wayne State University, Michigan State University, Western Michigan University, Central Michigan University, Eastern Michigan University, Northern Michigan University and Oakland University.
  • Students completed the course during their junior or senior year 
  • They were approved for graduate credit by the graduate school of the institution where and when the student took the course
  • The courses were not used in whole or in part, in any way, to meet requirements for a degree
  • The student’s program adviser approves the transfer of the course and credits

Time to Completion : The Ed.D. program is designed for completion of the degree requirements within four calendar years. Students will not be allowed to register for credits in the program after ten years without the approval of a formal petition by the Ed.D. Faculty Advisory Committee.

Course requirements

Core Courses (24 hrs)

EDA 725. Seminar in Metropolitan Education

EDB 722  Seminar in Educational Leadership

EDC 740. Seminar in Educational Psychology/Special Education

EDD 717   Seminar in Curriculum and Practice

EDK 700. Introduction to Educational Research

EDK 823   Quantitative Research Methods

EDK 825. Qualitative Research Methods

EDK 850. Research Design & Proposal Development

Concentration Area Courses (24 hrs) Eight graduate level courses must be selected in the area of concentration with prior written approval from the doctoral program adviser. The professional studies courses are offered through the College of Education, Health, and Human Services and other units of the university. The student will work with their faculty adviser to determine which concentration area courses are appropriate to the student’s needs and professional goals. This plan will be submitted to the doctoral program coordinator for approval within one year of admittance to the program.

Portfolio Defense and Qualification for Proposal (3 hrs) The portfolio defense is the first step in the process of moving from the pre-candidacy stage to the candidacy stage of the program. The purpose of the Ed.D. Portfolio is to provide the student with an opportunity to document their academic and professional growth and development in an organized, coherent, and selective record. The portfolio presentation and defense allows each student’s dissertation/applied study committee to evaluate their readiness to (a) conduct scholarly research, (b) connect with the community, and (c) engage in transformative leadership. The portfolio represents the student’s accomplishments in coursework, independent study, research experiences, internships, and other advanced learning activities. The portfolio also provides both a vehicle for self-reflection and a comprehensive account of a doctoral student's experiences and ongoing progress toward their academic and professional goals.

Dissertation/Applied Studies Project (9 hrs) A student will become a candidate for the Ed.D. degree after completing the required coursework with a minimum GPA of “B” and after passing both qualifying as well as preliminary examinations. At this point, the student will be allowed to pursue the dissertation or applied studies work.

The student must submit a written copy of the dissertation or applied studies project to the dissertation/applied studies committee for approval before the oral defense will be scheduled. All members of the dissertation or applied studies committee are responsible for reading the dissertation or applied studies documents and submitting their written evaluations to the committee chair at least a week prior to the defense.


Admission is on a yearly-basis only.  Materials must be submitted in full by March 15, annually.

Learn more about application forms and admission information

Concentration Areas

Students will complete 24 credits in one of the three concentration areas that will specifically target their professional interests.

Educational Leadership: Central Office Administrator Certificate

Students in the Educational Leadership concentration can be recommended to the Michigan Department of Education for the MDE-required Central Office Administrator Certificate for educators in or aspiring to a K-12 district central office leadership position.

Course Requirements:

  • EDD - Educational Leadership with Central Office Administration Certificate

Metropolitan Education

The concentration in Metropolitan Education prepares students to assume leadership positions in metropolitan school systems and other educational agencies with a focus on the historical, political, economic and socio-cultural context of communities and schools.

Curriculum and Practice

Become subject area leaders and/or a curriculum specialist. This is a flexible concentration that may include any of the disciplines in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services such as mathematics, science, literacy, social studies, early childhood education and English as a Second Language.

Featured Links

  • Ed.D. Handbook
  • Ed.D. Graduation Deadlines
  • Ed.D. Graduates
  • Graduate Catalog

Admission Requirements

We utilize a holistic approach to reviewing applications and take into consideration all materials submitted when making admission decisions.  In order for us to complete this holistic review, students must submit the follow items with their application. The GRE is not required for admission to this program. The Office of International Affairs lists additional admission requirements for international students.

  • Bachelor's and Master's degree from accredited institutions
  • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended
  • 3.3 GPA or higher on submitted transcripts
  • Two professional letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • Writing sample that addresses one of the provided prompts

Ed.D. Alumni Scholarship Fund

This scholarship fund originated as an idea in 2017 and was established by generous graduates of the Doctorate of Education program in 2018, most of whom were from the early cohorts when the Ed.D. program was launched.  The $10,000 to establish the fund was raised through donations and multi-year pledges.  Donors to the fund include Ed.D. alumni, UM-Dearborn faculty and administrators, as well as friends of the University.

The fund is expected to generate a $500 annual scholarship for Ed.D. students beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year.

Everyone is invited to make a donation to the fund .

Licensure Statement

The pathways in our Educator Preparation Program were designed to satisfy educational prerequisites to initial and advanced licensure in only the state of Michigan. We encourage students to contact the appropriate licensing agency in the state in which they are located or, if different, the state in which they intend to seek licensure for more information. While the Educator Preparation Program pathways may or may not fully satisfy educational prerequisites to licensure in other states,  academic advisors work with students on an individual basis and are available to discuss teaching certifications and reciprocity opportunities in other states. In addition, the  Education Commission of the States website provides solid information as to the expectations each state and the District of Columbia has for obtaining licensure beyond Michigan licensure. 

Contact Information

CEHHS Office for Student Success 262 Fairlane Center South (FCS) [email protected] 313-593-5090

Academic Advisor

Stein Brunvand

Stein Brunvand, Ph.D.

To schedule an appointment with dr. brunvand please contact:.

CEHHS Office of Student Success email: [email protected] phone: 313-593-5090.

Christopher Burke

Christopher Burke, Ph.D.

To schedule an appointment with dr. burke please contact:.

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Students interested in studying rhetoric, composition, literacy studies, or English education at UM should apply to the interdisciplinary Joint PhD program in English and Education (JPEE). Students in this program have written dissertations on rhetorical theory, literacy, feminist theory, new media composition, disability studies, queer theory, applied linguistics, English language studies, ethnic studies, creative writing studies, and writing assessment. All JPEE students have the opportunity to pursue research projects collaboratively with faculty, including social justice- and activist-oriented research, in addition to individual dissertation research. All students are guaranteed five years of full funding, and there is additional support for conference travel, research projects, and summer research and writing. To date, the program has a 100% placement for graduates who have chosen to pursue tenure-track faculty positions in education and English departments in colleges and universities; program graduates also sometimes choose to pursue opportunities in educational nonprofits, school districts, and government-sponsored agencies Students in JPEE work closely with those in other PhD programs in both the English Department and the School of Education and take courses in both units. However, JPEE maintains its own admissions process, exam schedule, and support structure. To learn more about the program and how to apply, visit our JPEE Program Page .

Program Newsletter

These are the recent issues of the Program's newsletter:

  • 2018  (PDF)
  • 2017  (PDF)
  • 2016  (PDF)
  • 2015  (PDF)
  • 2014  (PDF)
  • 2013  (PDF)
  • 2012  (PDF)
  • 2011  (PDF)
  • 2010  (PDF)
  • 2009  (PDF)
  • 2008  (PDF)
  • 2007  (PDF)
  • 2006  (PDF)
  • 2005  (PDF)
  • 2004  (PDF)

Hours: M-F 8 am - 4:30 pm

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Department of Educational Leadership Research and Technology Western Michigan University Kalamazoo MI 49008-5283 USA (269) 387-3897

Educational Leadership, Research and Technology

Higher education leadership ph.d. concentration, doctor of philosophy.

Class discussion with students.


Admissions requirements

  • Masters degree from an accredited institution, indicated on an official transcript.
  • An overall grade point average of at least 3.0 for all graduate work undertaken beyond the bachelor’s degree.
  • Official transcripts as required by WMU.
  • Career and professional goals written narrative in which an applicant describes their professional goals, and how this doctoral program fits with those goals.
  • Graduate reference forms completed by the different individuals who can address an applicant’s ability to successfully complete doctoral-level work.
  • A professional curriculum vitae or resume.


Dr. DeAnna Burt-Nanna

Program overview

Leadership knowledge and development, applicable to both instructional and administrative aspects of higher education institutions, is the focus of this program in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology at Western Michigan University.  Higher education faculty who have not yet obtained a terminal degree, as well as those working in student services or other administrative areas within universities, community colleges or other institutions focused on adult learning, will be well served by this program.

Of the doctoral students already admitted to this program, some are existing faculty, currently teaching in a wide range of disciplines (e.g., engineering, business, nursing, social work, criminal justice, hospitality).  Most plan to remain faculty members upon completion of their doctorate; however, some seek roles as department chairs or deans.  Other students come from student services or other administrative areas, such as student support programs, extended university programs, residence life and housing, human resources, university athletics, information technology services, university libraries, international affairs and study abroad, and other student affairs departments.

Many of these students plan to continue in or advance within administrative units in higher education, while also planning to serve as part-time faculty.  Only a few of our admitted students are not currently working within higher education institutions but are instead involved in training or other adult learning activities.  All students admitted to this concentration are expected to have a minimum of 3-5 years of post-master's leadership experience in post-secondary education settings, or a closely related sector. 

Please note that this concentration may not be suitable for individuals seeking a faculty position in specific disciplines that have their own terminal degrees; most universities hire faculty with a doctoral degree in the subject area in which they will be teaching. 

Why higher education leadership at Western Michigan University?

  • 100% of WMU educational leadership graduates were employed or continuing education within three months of graduation. 
  • Students are encouraged to pursue additional educational opportunities through one of our many excellent  study abroad programs .
  • We are the  only institution in the U.S.  that includes an optional co-curricular designation known as the  WMU Signature . Pathways include: Teaching & Student Success, Leadership, Health & Wellbeing, Diversity, Inclusion, Equity & Justice, and more! 

Application information

The admissions deadline for students hoping to start the program Fall 2023 (or summer if requested) is  January 15, 2023 . The admissions application process is completely online. If you wish to be considered for department  funding as a graduate assistant  (GA or DGA), please complete the application by the stated deadline.

  • Application requirements
  • Applicant interview and decision dates

The EDLD PhD Program will offer a second admissions cycle this year (for students who wish to start their doctoral program in fall 2023) with an application deadline   March 3, 2023 ; interviews will be held  March 30 and April 3.  Applicants will be notified about final decisions no later than April 11. Please note that this second admissions cycle is only for students who do NOT need funding for their first year (2023-24); all deadlines for funding will have passed, and monies already allocated. 

EDLD has permanently suspended the GRE requirement as an admission requirement. Be aware that there may be additional requirements during the admissions review to provide supplemental information about applicant's preparedness to be in a doctoral program.

Required program of study

  • Required Program of Study (Higher Education) for students admitted Fall 2018 or later
  • Required Program of Study, (Higher Education) for students admitted after Summer 2012 and before Fall 2018
  • Required Program of Study (Higher Education) for students admitted before Summer 2012
  • Scheduling Guide

Resources for current students

For program information visit the   current educational leadership Ph.D. students page .

Cost & Funding

  • Tuition and fees
  • Cost of attendance
  • Scholarships
  • Assistantships
  • Employer-paid tuition

Helpful links

  • College of Education and Human Development
  • International Admissions and Services
  • Graduate College
  • Office of Military and Veterans Affairs
  • Visit Campus

return to program overview


University of Michigan Fully Funded PhD in Education

University of michigan.

The University of Michigan, based in Ann Arbor, MI offers fully funded PhD in Education. Choose from doctoral programs in educational studies, higher education, education & psychology, and English & education. Funding for students admitted into our doctoral programs includes tuition, health and dental benefits for students and their families, and a stipend for living expenses. Each of the programs also provides additional support for conference travel, research projects, and writing. Funding for each program is described in greater detail below. All funding packages are contingent upon maintaining good academic standing.

  • Deadline: Dec 01, 2024 (Confirmed)*
  • Work Experience: Any
  • Location: North America
  • Citizenship: Any
  • Residency: United States

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Best Grad Schools in Michigan 2024

phd in higher education michigan

Best Grad Schools in Michigan

  • University of Michigan
  • Tuition: $18K
  • Michigan State University
  • Tuition: $17K

Wayne State University

  • Tuition: $16K
  • Western Michigan University
  • Tuition: $15K
  • Eastern Michigan University
  • Andrews University
  • Tuition: $33K
  • Oakland University
  • Michigan Technological University
  • Tuition: $19K
  • University of Detroit Mercy
  • Tuition: $31K
  • Central Michigan University
  • Tuition: $14K

Key Takeaways

  • Sixteen schools in Michigan meet our criteria for the best grad schools in the state.
  • Earning a master’s or doctorate degree from one of the state’s best grad schools will qualify graduates to work in one of Michigan’s top industries.
  • It is important to choose a grad school in Michigan that offers opportunities for independent research, mentorships, and professional networking.

Graduate school may be a critical step in your higher education, whether you are interested in expanding your knowledge, learning a specialization, or earning advanced credentials required by your profession. The best graduate schools in Michigan offer advanced degrees, such as master’s and doctoral degrees, as well as opportunities for independent research, mentorships, and professional networking.

Colleges and Universities in Michigan

With over 80 public and private colleges to choose from, students hoping to earn their master’s, or doctorate degree can find a program that suits their educational needs and budget. Michigan State University and the University of Michigan are the two largest schools, both serving around 42,000 students and costing $16,000 in tuition. Most of the schools in The Wolverine State, however, serve smaller student populations, with tuition fees ranging from $3,000 to $49,000.

Find college admissions consultants in your state.

Both traditional and online students at these schools can study areas like engineering, business, healthcare, law, philosophy, or even religious studies. One of these degree programs give graduates the knowledge necessary to work in one of Michigan’s top industries, including:

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Automotive Manufacturing
  • Engineering, Design & Development
  • Life Sciences & Medical Devices

Michigan, like many other states, also provides a special loan forgiveness program to those in medical, dental, and mental health professions who work in underserved communities. Recipients can receive up to $200,000 of tax-free funds over an eight-year period.

What are Michigan’s Colleges & Universities?

  • 12 Research Universities
  • 30 Liberal Arts Colleges & Universities
  • 16 Graduate Schools
  • 21 Public Colleges & Universities
  • 21 Private Colleges & Universities
  • 16 Christian Colleges & Universities
  • 26 Small Colleges & Universities (fewer than 5,000 students)
  • 21 Affordable Colleges (below $20,000/year)
  • 23 Community Colleges
  • 20 Online Colleges

Michigan’s Best Overall

There are 16 doctorate-granting graduate schools in Michigan. Our ranking of the best graduate schools in the Michigan is composed of both private and public schools. To be included, schools must be fully accredited non-profit institutions, and must offer doctoral degrees and a broad array of graduate degrees.

  • #4 Top Schools that Offer Free Master's Degrees Online
  • #9 Best Universities in the US Ranked for Prospective Students in 2024
  • #9 50 Best Graduate Schools Ranked for Prospective Students in 2024
  • #11 Best Universities in the World 2024
  • #22 50 Best Research Universities Ranked for Undergrads in 2024
  • #1 Best Research Universities in Michigan 2024
  • #1 Best Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #1 The Most Influential Universities and Colleges Ranked by State 2024
  • #1 Most Affordable Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #1 Best Public Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #2 Best Research Universities for Education Degrees
  • #4 Best Research Universities for Business Degrees
  • #5 Best Research Universities for Nursing Degrees
  • #6 Best Research Universities for Psychology Degrees
  • #6 Best Research Universities for Communications Degrees
  • #8 Best Research Universities for Anthropology Degrees
  • #8 Best Research Universities for Sociology Degrees
  • #9 Best Research Universities for History Degrees
  • #10 Best Research Universities for Computer Science Degrees
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Engineering Degrees
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Philosophy Degrees
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Math Degrees
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Economics Degrees
  • #12 Best Research Universities for English Degrees
  • #12 Best Research Universities for Political Science Degrees
  • #13 Best Research Universities for Earth Sciences Degrees
  • #13 Best Research Universities for Physics Degrees
  • #13 Best Research Universities for Chemistry Degrees
  • #13 Best Research Universities for Biology Degrees
  • #14 Best Research Universities for Religious Studies Degrees
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in Michigan
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024
  • #1 Best Online MBA Degree Programs No GRE Required Ranked for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Master’s in Health Science
  • #1 Top 8 Best Online Public Health PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #1 Top 5 Best Online Sociology PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #1 Fastest Online Master's Degrees Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #2 Best Online History Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #2 Top 10 Best Online Communications PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #2 Best Online Master's Programs 2024
  • #2 Top 5 Best Online Sociology PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #3 Top 3 Best Online Economics PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #3 Top 5 Best Online English PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #4 Top 6 Best Online Clinical Nutrition PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #6 Guide to Free Online Courses for MBA Students in 2024
  • #1 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Nursing Degree Programs 2024
  • #7 The Best Traditional MBA Programs Ranked for Students in 2024

Tuition + fees

Student body

Median SAT/ACT

Career Outlook for degree at University of Michigan

University of Michigan’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Engineering
  • Anthropology
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Social Work

Most Influential Alumni

  • Claude Shannon
  • Arthur Miller
  • Alvin Plantinga
  • George Dantzig
  • Edgar F. Codd
  • Hans-Hermann Hoppe
  • Stephen Smale
  • Urie Bronfenbrenner
  • John Henry Holland
  • Amos Tversky
  • Marshall Sahlins

With cutting-edge research facilities and global opportunities, the University of Michigan offers highly-ranked graduate programs across disciplines such as engineering, business, public health, law, and the arts.

What we love about the University of Michigan:

The university’s MBA program comes with Multidisciplinary Action Projects that allow students to work with real companies to solve business challenges.

The University of Michigan is ideal for students who:

Seek a balanced student life through recreational activities.

The University of Michigan might not be the best fit for students who:

Refrain from joining personal development workshops.

  • #2 Best Public Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #3 The Most Influential Universities and Colleges Ranked by State 2024
  • #2 Best Online MBA Programs in Michigan
  • #2 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024
  • #3 Best Online MBA Degree Programs No GRE Required Ranked for 2024
  • #9 Best Online Master's Programs 2024
  • #11 Best Online Master's in Management

Career Outlook for degree at Michigan State University

Michigan State University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Criminal Justice
  • Alfred Hershey
  • Russell Kirk
  • David Sloan Wilson
  • Charles Bachman
  • Vernor Vinge
  • Theda Skocpol
  • Daniel Wegner
  • Eugene Parker
  • Robert Ressler
  • Liberty Hyde Bailey

With a commitment to excellence and collaboration, Michigan State University’s graduate students often work with various departments for research and innovation projects.

What we love about Michigan State University:

The Graduate School offers different student services, such as mental health support, health insurance, and housing assistance.

Michigan State University is ideal for students who:

Are looking for a graduate school that values representation and diversity.

Michigan State University might not be the best fit for students who:

Don’t want to work with mentors and faculty instructors.

  • #3 Best Public Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #1 Best Online MBA in Human Resources Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Social Work Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #2 Best Online MBA in Supply Chain Management Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #2 Best Online MBA in Accounting Degree Programs
  • #3 Best Online MBA Programs in Michigan
  • #3 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024
  • #3 Best Online MBA in Entrepreneurship Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #3 Best Online MBA in Business Analytics Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #3 Best Online Master’s in Human Resources
  • #4 Best Online Master's in Sports Management
  • #5 Best Online MBAs in Finance
  • #8 Top 20 Most Affordable Online MBA Degree Programs Ranked 2024
  • #9 Best Online Master’s in Education
  • #11 Best Online Master's Degrees in Accounting
  • #17 Best Online Master's in Criminal Justice
  • #19 The Best Online MBA Degree Programs in 2024 Ranked for Students

Career Outlook for degree at Wayne State University

Wayne State University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Communications
  • Joseph Weizenbaum
  • Carl Djerassi
  • Hayden White
  • Arthur Danto
  • William L. Rowe
  • Deborah Tannen
  • James Lipton
  • Ulana Suprun
  • Wesley C. Salmon
  • Robert Ettinger

With a heavy emphasis on research, Wayne State University provides countless opportunities for graduate students to expand their learning and connect with global organizations.

What we love about Wayne State University:

The Pathway to Faculty Program provides funding and research support for doctoral students who are interested in teaching at the university after graduation.

Wayne State University is ideal for students who:

Plan on joining international exchange programs.

Wayne State University might not be the best fit for students who:

Are not interested in being mentored by research advisors.

  • #4 Best Public Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Religious Studies Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Best Online Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor’s in Child Development Degree Programs for 2024
  • #4 Best Online MBA Programs in Michigan
  • #4 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Western Michigan University

Western Michigan University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Dennis Archer
  • Thom Hartmann
  • Akhil Gupta
  • Luther Vandross
  • Gardner Ackley
  • Ortrud Oellermann
  • Jesús A. De Loera
  • Michael Adas
  • Tererai Trent
  • Bruce Campbell
  • Greg Jennings

Western Michigan University offers flexible graduate programs, with learning formats ranging from in-person to online and hybrid coursework.

What we love about Western Michigan University:

The school’s Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Ceramics degree program uniquely combines skills development with artist exposure and residency opportunities.

Western Michigan University is ideal for students who:

Loves exploring cafes near the campus.

Western Michigan University might not be the best fit for students who:

Are looking for more graduate scholarship options.

  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's of Cybersecurity Degree Programs in Michigan
  • #5 Best Online MBA Programs in Michigan
  • #6 Best Online Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity
  • #7 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024
  • #12 Best Online Master's in Special Education

Career Outlook for degree at Eastern Michigan University

Eastern Michigan University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Earth Sciences
  • Winsor McCay
  • Rodney E. Slater
  • George Gervin
  • Anthony Walsh
  • Michael L. Radelet
  • George Allen
  • Antonio Gates
  • Newton Howard
  • Terry Collins
  • Ronald DeVore
  • Wilbert J. McKeachie

With a diverse range of fields, Eastern Michigan University’s graduate programs offer specialized training and hands-on research opportunities tailored to meet individual needs and interests.

What we love about Eastern Michigan University:

The university is home to numerous research centers, such as the Institute for Geospatial Research and Education and the Textile Research and Training Institute.

Eastern Michigan University is ideal for students who:

Want to complete a capstone project for their graduate degree.

Eastern Michigan University might not be the best fit for students who:

Prefer taking up more independent study courses.

  • #10 Best Research Universities in Michigan 2024
  • #1 Best Online Associate in Christian Ministry
  • #2 Best Online Associate Degrees in Michigan 2024
  • #3 Best Online Master’s in Biblical Studies
  • #4 Best Online Doctorate of Physical Therapy Programs (PhDs)
  • #5 Best Online Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #6 Best Online MBA Programs in Michigan
  • #6 Best Online Associate in General Studies
  • #6 Best Online Associate in Business Administration
  • #10 Best Online Master’s in Educational Administration
  • #12 Best Online Bachelor's in Public Health Degree Programs for Students
  • #13 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024
  • #14 Best Online Master's in Organizational Leadership
  • #25 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students

Career Outlook for degree at Andrews University

Andrews University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Religious Studies
  • Melba Phillips
  • Barry Black
  • Desmond Ford
  • John C. Sheehan
  • George R. Knight
  • Jon Dybdahl
  • Edwin R. Thiele
  • Samuele Bacchiocchi
  • Alden Thompson
  • Arthur Patrick
  • David R. Williams
  • Ángel Manuel Rodríguez

With competitive graduate programs, Andrews University invests in its students by providing modern research centers, various scholarship options, and a wide array of recreational facilities.

What we love about Andrews University:

The Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary offers different graduate programs geared towards enhancing ministerial skills and preparing students for leadership roles in church.

Andrews University is ideal for students who:

Want to finish a Masters in Architecture.

Andrews University might not be the best fit for students who:

Uncomfortable with outdoor activities.

  • #3 Best Online Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #3 Best Online Master’s in Forensics Degree Programs
  • #6 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024
  • #7 Best Online MBA Programs in Michigan
  • #16 Best Online Master's in Nursing MSN
  • #17 Best RN to BSN Online
  • #24 Best Online Master’s in Engineering Management

Career Outlook for degree at Oakland University

Oakland University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Barbara Oakley
  • A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
  • Janet L. Holmgren
  • Michael Honey
  • Elizabeth Reaser
  • Andrea Russell
  • Richard T. Sullivan
  • G. Mennen Williams
  • Tom Stanton
  • Daniel D. Polsby

Transforming passion to drive, graduate students at Oakland University receive exceptional training through their competent faculty, support services, and learning initiatives.

What we love about Oakland University:

The university’s fully online graduate degree line-up includes some hard-to-find programs such as Forensic Nursing, Human Movement Science, and Systems Engineering.

Oakland University is ideal for students who:

Prefer personalized attention for graduate mentors.

Oakland University might not be the best fit for students who:

Want more payment plan options.

  • #8 Best Online MBA Programs in Michigan
  • #8 Best Online Master’s in Sustainability and Green Technologies
  • #10 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024
  • #20 Best Online Master’s in Health Informatics

Career Outlook for degree at Michigan Technological University

Michigan Technological University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Melvin Calvin
  • Donald Shell
  • Donald G. Saari
  • Samson Jenekhe
  • Bhakta B. Rath
  • Tony Esposito
  • Marek W. Urban
  • David Edwards
  • Reza Abbaschian
  • Bill Hammack

Fueling curiosity, Michigan Technological University offers master’s and Ph.D. programs that provide interdisciplinary collaboration and real-world experiences across various fields of study.

What we love about Michigan Technological University:

The university offers a Graduate School Emergency Fund that aims to help students struggling financially or those facing unexpected needs.

Michigan Technological University is ideal for students who:

Are looking for a globally recognized graduate institution.

Michigan Technological University might not be the best fit for students who:

Seek a graduate degree in Nursing.

  • #5 The Most Influential Universities and Colleges Ranked by State 2024
  • #6 Best Research Universities in Michigan 2024
  • #8 Best Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #25 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #8 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024
  • #9 Best Online MBA Programs in Michigan
  • #10 Best Online Christian Colleges and Universities for Master's Degrees
  • #13 Best Online Master's in Economics
  • #19 Best Online Master’s in Finance

Career Outlook for degree at University of Detroit Mercy

University of Detroit Mercy’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Joyce Carol Oates
  • George Noory
  • Gary Habermas
  • Robert Kearns
  • John A. Saliba
  • Jerome Horwitz
  • Robert Axtell
  • Dick Vitale
  • Andreas Blass
  • Michael J. Padilla
  • Frank Murphy
  • Carl E. Misch

Whether it’s Business Administration or Health Professions, the University of Detroit Mercy’s graduate programs offer value, extensive training, and supportive backing.

What we love about the University of Detroit Mercy:

The university’s School of Law continues to deliver outstanding graduates, providing hands-on lawyering in mini-clinics and externships.

The University of Detroit Mercy is ideal for students who:

Are looking for a comprehensive dentistry graduate program.

University of Detroit Mercy might not be the best fit for students who:

Avoid attending ministry services.

  • #9 Best Online Master's in Project Management
  • #10 Best Online MBA Programs in Michigan
  • #10 Best Online MBA in Human Resources Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #11 15 Most Affordable Online Public Health Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #11 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024
  • #11 Best Online Master's in Organizational Leadership
  • #18 Best Online Master’s in Human Resources

Career Outlook for degree at Central Michigan University

Central Michigan University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Political Science
  • Dick Enberg
  • Anthony Zinni
  • Clark Howard
  • Helen Murray Free
  • Steven Radelet
  • C. W. Thornthwaite
  • Arthur Stinchcombe
  • John Grogan
  • James A. Berlin
  • Chris Kaman
  • William Benoit
  • James C. Renick

Providing unparalleled support, Central Michigan University’s graduate studies office offers personalized graduate degree planning and career advising.

What we love about Central Michigan University:

The university boasts various student facilities ranging from an extensive online library to cozy in-campus accommodation and a modern fitness center.

Central Michigan University is ideal for students who:

Want to save time in finishing their Master’s through an accelerated graduate program.

Central Michigan University might not be the best fit for students who:

Avoid working on thesis or research projects.

  • Ferris State University
  • #10 Best Online Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #14 Best Online Bachelor’s of Digital Media for 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Ferris State University

Ferris State University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Butch Jones
  • Jason Blake
  • George Ryan
  • Vennela Kishore
  • Magnus Gustafsson

Ferris State University offers comprehensive master’s and doctoral curriculums that are paired with reliable support services and academic advising.

What we love about Ferris State University:

The university provides flexible payment plans for graduate students, making it easier to manage tuition costs and reducing financial stress.

Ferris State University is ideal for students who:

Are looking for reliable eLearning services for their graduate program.

Ferris State University might not be the best fit for students who:

Plan on participating in graduate fellowships.

  • University of Michigan–Dearborn

Career Outlook for degree at University of Michigan–Dearborn

University of Michigan–Dearborn’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Michael Moore
  • Matthew Olzmann

University of Michigan-Dearborn helps its graduate students advance in their fields through comprehensive academic training, professional development resources, and experiential learning opportunities.

What we love about the University of Michigan-Dearborn:

With the 4+1 program option, graduate students can work on earning both a Business Administration and an Accounting Master’s in as fast as five years.

University of Michigan-Dearborn is ideal for students who:

Seek a supportive learning environment with hands-on teachers.

University of Michigan-Dearborn might not be the best fit for students who:

Not interested in networking and meeting industry professionals.

University of Michigan–Flint

Career outlook for degree at university of michigan–flint.

University of Michigan–Flint’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

Boasting world-class graduate curriculums, the University of Michigan-Flint maintains a supportive and dynamic academic environment that fosters career growth and excellence.

What we love about the University of Michigan-Flint:

Interested graduate students who want to work as Nursing faculty can take advantage of the Nurse Faculty Loan Program, which provides loan coverage upon employment.

University of Michigan-Flint is ideal for students who:

Plan on pursuing a specialist program in Education.

University of Michigan-Flint might not be the best fit for students who:

Are not enthusiastic about developing a plan of study.

  • Lawrence Technological University

Career Outlook for degree at Lawrence Technological University

Lawrence Technological University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Christopher Charles Benninger
  • Steve Ballmer
  • John DeLorean
  • Timothy Schedl

Lawrence Technological University emphasizes leadership across its graduate programs, equipping students with the skills to head organizations and lead innovation projects.

What we love about Lawrence Technological University:

The school maintains active partnerships with companies from various industries, providing graduate students with unique opportunities for training and networking.

Lawrence Technological University is ideal for students who:

Seek state-of-the-art research facilities that support studies in artificial intelligence and manufacturing.

Lawrence Technological University might not be the best fit for students who:

Don’t want to consult with a dedicated academic advisor.

Madonna University

  • #4 Best Online Associate Degrees in Michigan 2024
  • #12 Best Online Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #14 Fastest Online Associate Degrees Ranked for 2024
  • #14 Best Online Associate in Criminal Justice
  • #16 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Madonna University

Madonna University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

Changing lives, Madonna University equips both students and professionals with an expanded skill set that allows them to advance in their careers.

What we love about Madonna University:

Offering flexibility and convenience, the school’s fully online program options include Criminal Justice, Nursing Practice, and Public Health.

Madonna University is ideal for students who:

Are interested in advancing their knowledge in Forensic Science.

Madonna University might not be the best fit for students who:

Are looking for an online graduate program in Social Work.

Cornerstone University

  • #11 Best Online Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Degree Programs
  • #21 Best Online Associate in Human Services
  • #25 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Cornerstone University

Cornerstone University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Douglas L. Fagerstrom

Integrating faith and community spirit, graduate programs at Cornerstone University are filled with professional development, innovation, and peer collaboration.

What we love about Cornerstone University:

Understanding the importance of flexibility for graduate students, the university offers various learning options, including weekend and online classes, paired with reliable academic support and tech services.

Cornerstone University is ideal for students who:

Seek graduate studies in Theology, Ministry Leadership, and Biblical Studies.

Cornerstone University might not be the best fit for students who:

Are not interested in joining graduate events and campus activities.

  • Build your own college ranking

Michigan’s Best Grad School for Your Area of Interest

Resources for prospective grad students.

Whether you’re just getting started on your college search, you’re looking for survival tips on your way to a bachelor’s degree, or you’re preparing for the transition into grad school, we’ve got guides, how to’s and tons of other valuable resources to keep you moving forward in your educational journey.

Many of our 2024 undergraduate focused rankings look considerably different than 2023. That’s because we took a fundamentally different approach. For 2024 we utilized our Concentrated Influence algorithm , designed to take away the size advantage larger schools have when we rank their faculty and alumni’s academic influence. Concentrated influence highlights smaller schools that are proportionally as successful as larger universities at cultivating influential alumni and faculty.

PhD Applications

IOE Courses & Course Codes

PhD Admission Recommendations

Table of contents.

  • Graduate Application Mentoring Program (GAMP)
  • Deadlines to submit applications
  • PhD application step-by-step
  • Previous degrees required
  • Course prerequisites/deficiencies
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Additional information

Deadlines To Submit Applications

Application deadline for Fall 2025 PhD: December 10, 2024.

PhD applicants are only accepted for entry in the Fall semester.

PhD Application Step-by-Step

1. Fill out the application

Applying to U-M Ann Arbor (Rackham Graduate School Link)

2. Statement of purpose

Must include areas of interest in the top corner

3. Personal statement Some suggested topics for your personal statement are:

  • Volunteer and/or community service;
  • Extra-curricular activities;
  • Leadership activities;
  • Educational, cultural, geographic or socio-economic background underrepresented in your discipline of graduate study;
  • Financial hardship;
  • First generation U.S. citizen or first generation in family to graduate from a four-year college.

4. GRE scores

A GRE score is not required for applicants who apply for Fall 2024 PhD

5. Three letters of recommendation

If you apply online, we encourage you to submit your letters electronically. At least TWO of your letters should be from faculty.

6. Transcripts

Submit a transcript for each Bachelor’s, Master’s, Professional or Doctoral degree earned or in progress. For instructions on submitting transcripts, please see the  Rackham Graduate School website . Applicants will upload a copy of the official transcript and enter a “self-reported” GPA when applying online. Official paper transcripts/documents are only required if a student is admitted, and these must be submitted by the end of the first term of enrollment.

All credentials submitted for admission consideration become the property of the University of Michigan and will not be returned in original or copy form.

7. International applicants must also send

Include one set of: Official transcripts, certificates, and diplomas in the original language, in addition to an English translation.

TOEFL scores sent from ETS (institution code 1839)

8. Application fee

There is a $90.00 application fee for international applicants.  

Domestic and Permanent Resident applicants are eligible for an application fee waiver. This will automatically apply to your application.  

Undocumented or DACA Applicants are also eligible for application fee waivers here.

While very limited, in certain circumstances, International applicants may be eligible for an application fee waiver administered by the Rackham Graduate School. For information about eligibility criteria and instructions for various fee waiver programs, visit this page.

9. Decision notification

All applicants who are offered admission are notified via e-mail as soon as a decision is reached. PhD admission/financial aid offers will be sent via e-mail mostly during the months of February and March. Notification to applicants who do not receive admission are sent in early-April. The Graduate Admission Committee is working very hard to finish reviewing your application. Once an admission decision has been made by the committee, we will notify you by e-mail. Thank you for your patience.

Previous Degrees Required

Admission to the PhD program does not require a Master’s degree. Qualified students who hold a bachelor’s degree in engineering, science or mathematics may apply directly to the PhD program.


Most of our classes require and assume that the students are knowledgeable in one or more of the following subjects: linear algebra, calculus-based probability, calculus-based statistics, and computer programming. If you are admitted to the Master’s or PhD programs, the department will provide a list of descriptions of University of Michigan courses frequently used to satisfy these prerequisites to help you ascertain your knowledge of the above topics, and, if needed, attain the necessary background. We will provide an opportunity to review the highlights of these subjects together with your fellow entering students before the fall semester begins. We will also recommend classes at the University of Michigan if you prefer to take them during your graduate studies.

Test Of English As A Foreign Language – (TOEFL)

  • take the verbal and written English tests given by ELI (English Language Institute);
  • report the results to the IOE graduate program advisor, and
  • abide by any recommendation made by his or her counselor or the Graduate Program Advisor for remedial coursework.

Letters Of Recommendation

  • Letters of recommendation should be submitted online, but hard copies may be submitted if that is not possible. Remember to add sufficient time for hard copies to reach us by the application deadlines.

Additional Information

Please send requests to:  [email protected]

University of Michigan School of Social Work

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PhD in Social Work and Social Welfare

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The goals of the University of Michigan School of Social Work’s PhD in Social Work and Social Welfare are to:

  • Prepare the future social work professoriate with a specific focus in the solution of social problems through rigorous scientific methodological and integrative, transdisciplinary social science inquiry.
  • To prepare leaders of the social work profession with expertise in social policy and social intervention that is based in rigorous scientific methods and theoretical and empirical inquiry.

The PhD program in Social Work and Social Welfare is focused on developing scholars who are transdisciplinary experts (i.e., masters of a broad array of applicable methods not in a specific to a social science but drawing from an array of disciplines) with the education and training to understand, develop, and evaluate social interventions, including service systems and policies.  The PhD Program in Social Work and Social Welfare applies appropriate transdisciplinary perspectives to focus specifically on problems at the heart of social work: to promote human adaptation, social change, and social justice. The distinctive elements of the PhD program in Social Work and Social Welfare are its transdisciplinary perspective and its greater emphasis on the science of multi-level individual and social change and social justice in a diverse and pluralistic societal context.

The PhD program in Social work and Social Welfare trains students to be able to create and evaluate interventions designed to solve societal problems. As social work is an applied profession, the PhD program in Social Work and Social Welfare prepares students to discover new methods for helping people and society overcome the problems they face. Coursework aligns with this focus and the preliminary examination required for candidacy asks students to synthesize research on practice interventions in their area of research, critique it, identify gaps, and make suggestions on addressing these gaps. 

Beginning in Fall 2024, the program will admit five (5) Social Work and Social Welfare PhD students to start in the Fall of 2025. 

Please note that applicants can apply to both the doctoral program in Social Work and Social Welfare and the SSW Joint Doctoral program in Social Work and Social Science but must complete specific applications for each program. Students are encouraged to thoroughly review materials about both PhD program options to ensure alignment between the program(s) and their research interests and scholarly goals.

Related My SSW Sections

  • Joint PhD Program »

Intranet resources for students, faculty, and staff.

PhD Office 1080 South University Room B660 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106

Phone: (734) 763-5768 Email: [email protected]

Contact Us Press escape to close

  • Phone 1 (734) 764-3309 Fax 1 (734) 936-1961
  • Email MSW [email protected] CE [email protected] PhD [email protected]

University of Michigan School of Social Work 1080 South University Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106

  • Faculty, Staff & PhD Directory » Building Hours & Maps

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What Are The Highest-Paying Jobs In The U.S.?

Ilana Hamilton

Updated: Apr 29, 2024, 1:29pm

What Are The Highest-Paying Jobs In The U.S.?

Key Takeaways

  • Out of the 20 highest-paying occupations according to the BLS, most are in the healthcare industry. ¹
  • As of July 2023, the U.S. population stood at more than 334.9 million people. ²
  • As of March 2024, 60.3% of the U.S. population aged 16 and older was employed. ³
  • The average projected growth rate for all U.S. jobs from 2022–32 is 2.8%, adding approximately 4.7 million jobs total. ⁴
  • Between 2019 and 2021, 49.8% of U.S. workers aged 25 years and older held an associate degree or higher. ⁵
  • The median wealth of U.S. households increased during the Covid-19 pandemic, from $128,200 in 2019 to $166,900 in 2021. ⁶
  • Among race and ethnicity groups in the U.S., Asian American households make the highest median annual income at $108,700, and Black households make the lowest at $52,860. ⁷

Looking for a rewarding, high-paying job? Healthcare jobs rank among the best-paying occupations in the U.S., but becoming a doctor isn’t your only option. In fact, you may not even need a graduate degree to secure one of the highest-paying jobs.

Though in general, incomes increase with degree level, qualifications for the highest-paying jobs in the U.S. vary from no degree requirement to a doctorate plus several years of experience.

U.S. income data shows that several factors influence salaries, including college major, industry, race and gender. Diving into the data reveals a complex relationship between education, income and employment. Keep reading to learn about the United States’ highest-paying jobs.

Why You Can Trust Forbes Advisor Education

Forbes Advisor’s education editors are committed to producing unbiased rankings and informative articles covering online colleges, tech bootcamps and career paths. Our ranking methodologies use data from the National Center for Education Statistics , education providers, and reputable educational and professional organizations. An advisory board of educators and other subject matter experts reviews and verifies our content to bring you trustworthy, up-to-date information. Advertisers do not influence our rankings or editorial content.

  • 6,290 accredited, nonprofit colleges and universities analyzed nationwide
  • 52 reputable tech bootcamp providers evaluated for our rankings
  • All content is fact-checked and updated on an annual basis
  • Rankings undergo five rounds of fact-checking
  • Only 7.12% of all colleges, universities and bootcamp providers we consider are awarded

Highest-Paying Occupations in the U.S.

What are the highest-paying jobs in America? Unsurprisingly, physicians, surgeons and psychiatrists rank near the top of the list. But chief executives, airline pilots and athletes also rank high.

Many of the highest-paying occupations in America are also among the fastest-growing jobs . For example, computer scientists, software developers, physician assistants and healthcare managers all report six-figure median salaries and projected job growth exceeding 20% from 2022–32, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Explore the highest-paying jobs based on BLS salary data in the table below. ¹ , ⁸

Qualifications for High-Earning Jobs

Want to know how to get a high-paying job? Earning a degree is a smart first step since high-earning jobs often require a college degree. And for many high-paying medical jobs , you’ll need a doctorate.

Explore the requirements and earning potential for different jobs with high average salaries below.

Physicians and Surgeons ⁹

  • Physicians and surgeons typically need a bachelor’s degree and a medical degree.
  • Three to nine years of an internship, a residency or a subspecialization
  • One to three years of a fellowship
  • In 2022, the median annual pay for physicians and surgeons was $229,300.
  • Employment for physicians and surgeons is projected to grow by 3% from 2022–32.

The highest-paying medical jobs include pediatric surgeons, cardiologists, orthopedic surgeons and radiologists . These specialties report average annual salaries between $350,000 and $450,000.

However, medical doctors and surgeons often spend a decade or even longer on post-baccalaureate training and invest significant funds in their education. Median student debt among med students in the class of 2023 was $200,000, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges. 10

Athletes and Sports Competitors ¹¹

  • Athletes and sports competitors do not need formal education credentials, but they should have deep knowledge of their sport and strong athletic skills.
  • Athletes usually begin training when they’re young and progress through various levels of competition until they reach the professional level.
  • Certain sports and states require licensure or other credentials; for example, racecar drivers should have a valid driver’s license and a credential from an approved automobile racing organization to compete.
  • In 2022, the median pay for athletes and sports competitors was $94,270 per year.
  • Employment for these professionals is projected to grow by 9% from 2022–32, significantly faster than average.

Breaking into the competitive field of sports is difficult but can pay off. Athletes and sports competitors earn a median pay of over $94,000 per year, making this one of the highest-paying jobs without a college degree requirement.

Athlete salaries vary widely, with the lowest-earning 10% athletes earning less than $28,000 per year, while the highest-paid 10% make more than $239,000. The athlete profession is volatile, and careers tend not to last long, adding to the challenges of working in this field.

Dentists ¹²

  • Dentists must graduate from an accredited dental program and pass written and clinical exams.
  • In 2022, the median pay for dentists was $159,530 per year.
  • Employment for dentists is projected to grow by 4% from 2022–32.

Like physicians and surgeons, dentists earn high salaries, but they need a doctorate to practice. The highest-paid dental professionals include oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists and prosthodontists.

While demand for dentists continues to grow, high educational requirements keep the profession relatively small, with around 155,000 dentists practicing in 2022.

Airline and Commercial Pilots ¹³

  • Airline pilots may need a bachelor’s degree and prior commercial or military pilot experience.
  • For on-the-job training, commercial pilots typically need flight training and to meet FAA requirements.
  • In 2022, the median pay for airline and commercial pilots was $148,900 per year.
  • Employment for airline and commercial pilots is projected to grow by 4% from 2022–32.

Airline pilots rank among the highest-paying jobs that require only a bachelor’s degree. Prospective pilots must also meet physical health requirements and complete flight training.

Even the lowest-paid pilots report six-figure salaries, with the highest-paid professionals earning a median pay of $239,000. The highest-paying industries include express delivery services and scheduled air transportation. ¹³

U.S. Employment Rates and Layoffs

With 2023 layoffs making headlines, it’s worth looking at the U.S. unemployment rate over the past two decades. The country’s current sub-4.0% unemployment rate is historically low. ³ Economic events such as the Great Recession and the Covid-19 pandemic have shaped U.S. employment rates and layoffs in the 21st century, putting many people on the hunt for a recession-proof job .

U.S. Employment Grew Steadily From the End of the 2008–09 Great Recession to the Beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic ¹⁴ , ¹⁵

  • The U.S. unemployment rate in December 2007 rose from 5% to 10%.
  • By late 2009, nearly 15 million people were unemployed.
  • After the Great Recession led to a national spike in unemployment, the country’s labor force slowly recovered.
  • By 2017, total employment numbers grew to 5% higher than in 2007.

0.4%: Average Annual Growth of U.S. Labor Force From 2010–20 ¹⁴ , ¹⁶

  • By 2019, 88% of men and 76% of women between the ages of 25 and 54 were working or seeking work.
  • The national unemployment rate surged to 13% in the second quarter of 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Unemployment lowered to 6.7% by the fourth quarter of 2020.

1.6 Million: Layoffs as of December 2023 ¹⁷ , ¹⁸

  • The industries most affected by 2023 layoffs included professional and business services, leisure and hospitality, and construction.
  • In April 2020, Covid-19 lockdowns led to the layoffs of 16 million Americans.
  • While the pandemic continued to affect the workforce, the number of layoffs dropped to 1.6 million in December 2023.

3.8%: U.S. Unemployment Rate as of March 2024 ³ , ¹⁹

  • North Dakota (2%)
  • South Dakota (2.1%)
  • Vermont (2.2%)
  • Maryland (2.5%)
  • Nebraska (2.5%)
  • In contrast with the high unemployment rate in 2020, the U.S. unemployment rate dropped below 4.0% in 2024.
  • As of 2024, the groups with the highest unemployment rate include teenagers and those with a high school diploma or less.

6.4 Million: Unemployed People in the U.S. as of March 2024 ³ , ¹⁹

  • California (5.3%)
  • The District of Columbia (5.2%)
  • Nevada (5.1%)
  • Washington (4.8%)
  • New Jersey (4.8%)
  • Most of America’s unemployed workers had been unemployed for less than five weeks, followed by those unemployed for 5 to 14 weeks.

Average Income by Demographic

In 2021, the average income in the U.S. exceeded $60,000 for the first time, according to data from the Social Security Administration .

That’s a significant increase over the $50,000 average wage in 2017 or the $40,000 average wage in 2007. Since 1985, only one year—2009, the depths of the Great Recession—has seen a drop in average wages.

$48,060: 2023 Median Individual Income in the U.S. 20 , 7

U.S. Census data reveals that the median household income exceeded $74,000 in 2022. As the number of people in the household increases, so does the median household income.

Earnings by Race and Gender

  • In 2023, full-time wage and salary working women earned a median weekly income of $1,005, which was 83.6% of the $1,202 median earned by men. ²¹
  • In 2022, Black women earned 70% as much as white men, and Hispanic women earned only 65% as much. ²²
  • On average, white U.S. households have significantly more wealth than all but Asian households. ⁶

Race and gender influence income, with white and Asian Americans reporting higher median incomes than Black or Hispanic Americans. Women also reported lower earnings than men, with Black and Hispanic women experiencing the largest gender pay gap.

Women earn less in spite of the fact that they are more likely to hold college degrees than men, with 48% of employed women and 41% of employed men holding a bachelor’s degree or higher in 2022. ²²

Income, Employment and Educational Attainment

How does educational attainment––also known your degree level––impact income and employment? The research is clear: Earning a college degree usually equates to a higher household income, lower unemployment rate and higher lifetime earnings. And yet most U.S. workers do not hold a college degree.

While a higher level of education often pays off, the degree type matters. The highest-paying majors include business and STEM, while liberal arts, education and fine arts majors report lower wages. ²³

50.3%: Proportion of U.S. Workers Ages 25 and Older Without College Degrees ⁵

  • More than half of U.S. workers do not hold a college degree, yet several of the highest-paying careers require one.
  • College graduates make up 76.5% of chief executives, for example, and 67.5% of athletes and sports competitors.

$118,300: Median Annual Household Income Where Householder Holds a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher ⁷

  • Some college: $68,690
  • High school, no college: $51,470
  • No high school diploma: $34,850

Household income and educational attainment share a strong correlation. Compared to households where a high school diploma represents the highest educational attainment, householders with a bachelor’s degree or higher report a median household income nearly twice as high. And only households with bachelor’s degrees report a six-figure median annual income.

$60,000: Median Annual Income for Recent College Graduates With Bachelor’s Degrees, Ages 22 to 27 ²³

For high school graduates of the same age, median earnings were $36,000 per year. This shows that even for early-career professionals, a bachelor’s degree tends to pay off.

Income and Unemployment Rate by Degree Attainment

Professionals with higher-level degrees tend to report higher median salaries and lower unemployment rates. In fact, a bachelor’s degree means nearly $600 more in weekly pay compared with a high school diploma. And when comparing people with a high school diploma and doctorate, those with a high school diploma report a four-times higher unemployment rate. ²⁴

Lifetime Earnings: Workers With Bachelor’s Degrees Earn 75% More Than Those With Only High School Diplomas ²⁵

Degree level affects lifetime earnings, with a significant boost for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher. As the lifetime earning figures below demonstrate, college is worth it .

  • Professional degree: $4.7 million
  • Doctorate: $4 million
  • Master’s degree: $3.2 million
  • Bachelor’s degree: $2.8 million
  • Associate degree: $2 million
  • Some college, no degree: $1.9 million
  • High school diploma: $1.6 million
  • No high school diploma: $1.2 million

College Majors With the Highest Median Midcareer Wages ²³

When it comes time to choose a major , you’re also shaping your earning potential. Based on mid-career wages, earning an engineering degree offers the highest income.

  • Chemical engineering: $133,000
  • Computer engineering : $125,000
  • Aerospace engineering: $120,000
  • Electrical engineering : $112,000
  • Mechanical engineering : $111,000
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates
  • U.S. Census Bureau, QuickFacts
  • BLS, April 5, 2024 Employment Situation Summary
  • BLS, Sept. 6, 2023 Employment Projections News Release
  • BLS, Educational Attainment for Workers 25 Years and Older by Detailed Occupation
  • Pew Research Center, “Wealth Surged in the Pandemic, but Debt Endures for Poorer Black and Hispanic Families”
  • U.S. Census Bureau, Income in the United States: 2022
  • BLS, Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
  • BLS OOH, Physicians and Surgeons
  • Association of American Medical Colleges, You Can Afford Medical School
  • BLS OOH, Athletes and Sports Competitors
  • BLS OOH, Dentists
  • BLS OOH, Airline and Commercial Pilots
  • BLS Monthly Labor Review (MLR), Projections Overview and Highlights, 2020–30
  • BLS MLR, “Great Recession, Great Recovery? Trends From the Current Population Survey”
  • BLS MLR, “Unemployment Rises in 2020, as the Country Battles the Covid-19 Pandemic”
  • BLS, April 2, 2024 Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary
  • BLS, The Economics Daily (TED), “Temporary Layoffs Remain High Following Unprecedented Surge in Early 2020”
  • BLS, Local Area Unemployment Statistics
  • Social Security Administration, Average Wage Index
  • BLS TED, “Women’s Earnings Were 83.6% of Men’s in 2023”
  • Pew Research Center, “The Enduring Grip of the Gender Pay Gap”
  • Federal Reserve Bank of New York, The Labor Market for Recent College Graduates
  • BLS Employment Projections, Education Pays
  • Georgetown University, the College Payoff

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the Highest-Paying Jobs

What is the highest-paid job in the world.

Healthcare jobs rank among the highest-paid occupations in the world. In the U.S., pediatric surgeons reported the highest average salaries, earning over $449,320 in May 2023, according to the BLS.

What career has the highest salary?

Physicians and surgeons report the highest salaries in the U.S., with pediatric surgeons earning the highest mean wage at nearly $450,000 per year, the BLS reports. Cardiologists, orthopedic surgeons, radiologists and surgeons also rank among the highest-paid occupations in the country.

What is the highest-paying IT job?

Computer and information research scientists report the highest pay in tech, with a median salary of $145,080 in May 2023, per the BLS. The highest-paying tech jobs requiring only a bachelor’s degree include software developer, computer network architect and information security analyst.

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With five years of experience as a writer and editor in the higher education and career development space, Ilana has a passion for creating accessible, relevant content that demystifies the higher-ed landscape for traditional and nontraditional learners alike. Prior to joining Forbes Advisor's education team, Ilana wrote and edited for websites such as and

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Enrollment Profile Classification

Enrollment Profile Classification provides a bird’s eye view of the student population by grouping institutions according to the mix of students enrolled at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Exclusively undergraduate institutions are further disaggregated by level (two-year and four-year). For institutions with both undergraduate and graduate students, institutions are grouped according to the distribution of full-time equivalent ( FTE* ) students across the two levels, giving an approximate measure of the student population’s “center of gravity.” As a result, it reflects important differences with respect to educational mission as well as institutional climate and culture—differences that can have implications for infrastructure, services, and resource allocation. For more information regarding how this classification is calculated, please click below.

Enrollment Profile Methodology

For a flowchart illustrating the logic of the six all-inclusive Classifications, click  here .

Data are from the IPEDS Completions survey corresponding to degree conferrals from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, as well as from the 2020 Institutional Characteristics and Fall Enrollments surveys. These were the most recent data available for all institutions as of December 2021.

Institutions were identified as two- or four-year based on a combination of IPEDS Completions and Institutional Characteristics data (institutional level). If an institution awarded no bachelor's or higher-level degrees and was designated within institutional characteristics as at the two-year level, it was included among two-year institutions.

Institutions were identified as exclusively undergraduate, combined undergraduate and graduate, or exclusively graduate based on the Fall 2020 enrollment data. For institutions with both undergraduate and graduate enrollments, the percentage of graduate was calculated as full-time equivalent ( FTE* ) graduate students as a proportion of FTE degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate. FTE was calculated as full-time headcount plus one-third part-time headcount.


Fall enrollment data show only undergraduates enrolled at these associate’s degree granting institutions.

Search by Classification

Exclusively Undergraduate Two-Year


Fall enrollment data show only undergraduates enrolled at these bachelor’s or higher degree granting institutions.

Exclusively Undergraduate Four-Year


Fall enrollment data show both undergraduate and graduate students, with the latter group accounting for less than 10 % of FTE* enrollment.

Very High Undergraduate


Fall enrollment data includes both undergraduate and graduate students, with the latter group accounting for 10–24 % of FTE* enrollment.

High Undergraduate


Fall enrollment data includes both undergraduate and graduate students, with the latter group accounting for 25–49 % of FTE* enrollment.

Majority Undergraduate


Fall enrollment data includes both undergraduate and graduate students, with the latter group accounting for at least half of FTE* enrollment.

Majority Graduate


Fall enrollment data includes only graduate students enrolled.

Exclusively Graduate

*FTE: Full-time equivalent enrollment was calculated as full-time headcount plus one-third part-time headcount.

Classifications are time-specific snapshots of institutional attributes and behavior based on 2019-20 data.

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Our mission with the Curriculum, Instruction and Teacher Education (CITE) doctoral program is to prepare students to be leading scholars and educators who deeply understand and work to improve education in its political, social and cultural contexts.


We combine internationally renowned faculty, an interdisciplinary approach, exposure to multiple ideas and flexibility in study through a variety of focal areas to create a one-of-a-kind learning experience tailored to your professional career objectives.

Make your own course of study

Ph.d. personalized.

Create your own path through the program by  choosing your courses .


Students can shift their  academic focus  throughout the program.

We have you covered

Our students currently get full funding for up to five years, which includes opportunities for assistantships, fellowships, study abroad, conferences, scholarships and more.

CITE faculty group photo

Point of Distinction

For six straight years, Michigan State University has been ranked No. 1 in the nation for curriculum and instruction, according to U.S. News & World Report.

The CITE program environment is academically rigorous, socially conscientious, and at the same time supportive of students. This is a rare combination, which makes it an extraordinary doctoral program. VIVEK VELLANKI CITE Alum

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  • Spartans named to national committee for data, computing in K-12 education
  • Four Spartans earn awards for equitable, justice-oriented teaching 
  • MSU among the best globally for education, kinesiology

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Best graduate student loans for fall 2024

By Aly Yale

Edited By Angelica Leicht

Updated on: August 2, 2024 / 3:12 PM EDT / CBS News

Pink Piggy Bank with Graduation Cap and Coins in Hand on Pink Background

Depending on what field you're planning to go into, graduate school might be a necessity. But even if it's not, you may still want an advanced degree to improve your earning or employment prospects.

It's an effective strategy . After all, having a master's degree or higher offers earnings about 20% higher than those with only a bachelor's degree, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

Unfortunately, those advanced degrees don't come for free. The average cost of graduate school is just under $20,000 per year, the latest data shows — and that's for in-state tuition only. While federal student loans and aid can often help cover some of these costs, it may not be enough. If that's the case for you, private student loans can be an option to fill in the gaps. 

Start comparing the top student loan rates available to you here .

Here are the best private graduate student loans to consider: 

Best overall: College Ave

When it comes to private student loans for graduate school, College Ave is tops overall. The lender offers general graduate school loans as well as loans specifically for graduate students in dental, MBA, medical and law programs. Its interest rates are among the lowest we looked at and come in both fixed and variable options.

There are also four repayment plans to choose from, including a flat $25 payment during school. Loan terms range from five to 15 years. 

Learn more about your College Ave student loan options here .

Best for low rates: Sallie Mae

Sallie Mae offers low interest rates on both fixed-rate and variable-rate graduate loans. Fixed interest rates range from 3.99% to 14.48%, while variable rates range from 5.37% to 14.97% (including an autopay discount). 

There are zero origination fees tied to these loans, and you can get up to 48 months of payment deferment while doing an internship or fellowship. There's also a six-month grace period upon graduation with this lender.

Find out how affordable your student loans could be with Sallie Mae .

Best for no fees: Earnest

If you want to avoid fees when getting your graduate student loan, look to Earnest, which charges no origination, disbursement or late payment fees. You can also skip a payment once a year without penalty, and there are four repayment options to choose from. 

Another standout: Earnest offers a rare nine-month grace period after graduation vs. the six-month option offered by most lenders.

Check your private student loan options with Earnest today .

Best for borrowers with a cosigner: Ascent Funding

If you can find a creditworthy cosigner, you may to look to Ascent Funding for your graduate school loans. The lender offers some of the lowest rates around for cosigned loans, with fixed APRs starting at just 3.79%. Be aware, though, that its non-cosigned loans have APRs much higher (ranging from 8.65% to nearly 15%). 

There are also graduate loans for a number of programs, including MBA, medical school, dental school, law school, PhD programs, master's programs and health professions, and the maximum loan amounts can be as high as up to $400,000.

Start comparing your loan options from Ascent Funding now .

Best for students with bad credit: SoFi

If you don't have great credit, you may want to look to SoFi. Not only does the lender offer a number of cosigner options you can use to qualify , but as a member, you can also check your credit score and get access to financial advisor and career services, too. There are opportunities to earn cash for good grades as well, and there are several options for rate discounts.

Loans are available for graduation programs and certificates, and the minimum loan amount is just $5,000.

See what rate you could get with SoFi here .

Best for students with good credit: LendKey

If you've got good credit and are willing to set up autopay, you can get a rate as low as 3.99% with LendKey (or as low as 6% on variable-rate loans). The marketplace boasts a variety of loan options from credit unions nationwide and streamlines the application process on its digital platform. You can also refinance student loans through LendKey.

The bottom line

When getting any sort of loan — education or otherwise — make sure to shop around for your lender. Rates, fees, and loan offerings can vary widely between companies, so comparing several options can help ensure you get the best deal.

If you need help deciding what private student loan or lender to go with, reach out to a financial professional. They can point you toward the right options for your goals.

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Academic Affairs and Student Development

The Higher Education Academic Affairs and Student Development Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education program focuses on the teaching and learning missions of colleges and universities, and on the communities in which these central functions occur. Graduates may consider an academic or research career, so there are opportunities to develop research skills, studying students, faculty, diversity, teaching and learning, curriculum, history, philosophy, international and comparative higher education, and institutional policy.

Three major perspectives are used in this doctoral program to inform students' understanding of teaching and learning environments:

  • Individual learning and development
  • Institutional factors that affect teaching and learning in postsecondary contexts 
  • Societal conditions (social, cultural, and historical) that affect teaching and learning

This concentration opens doors to myriad administrative career options within the academic and student affairs structures of colleges and universities.

Students are assigned an academic advisor from among the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education (CSHPE) faculty members, based on shared professional interests. Students and advisors work together to develop a plan of study that is appropriate to the student’s background and career interests. As students progress, they meet annually with CSHPE faculty, who conduct an academic review of students’ progress to ensure all needs are being met.

  • Learning Experience Design Certificate


Common curricular credits.

Students complete the following courses:

  • EDUC 622 – Proseminar in Higher Education
  • EDUC 661 – History of Postsecondary Education
  • EDUC 888 – Qualifying Paper Preparation Workshop

In EDUC 622 and 661, students receive a broad overview of postsecondary education from contemporary and historical perspectives. In EDUC 888, students hone qualifying paper ideas, approaches, and theories.

Gateway credits

Gateway courses introduce students to concentrations and typically serve as prerequisites for advanced studies within concentrations. Students choose from the following courses:

  • EDUC 690 – Academic Affairs and Student Development in Postsecondary Education (gateway to the Academic Affairs and Student Development concentration)
  • EDUC 761 – Postsecondary Institutions as Complex Organizations (gateway to the Organizational Behavior and Management concentration)
  • EDUC 764 – Public Policy in Postsecondary Education (gateway to the Public Policy in Postsecondary Education concentration)

Research credits

  • EDUC 767 – Research Practicum in Higher and Continuing Education
  • EDUC 793 – Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Educational Research
  • EDUC 795 – Quantitative Methods for Non-Experimental Research (or an equivalent statistics course)
  • A course in qualitative methods
  • An advanced methods course for dissertation-related research

Concentration credits

Students complete a minimum of 12 credits in concentration courses chosen in consultation with faculty advisers.

Cognate credits

Students complete a minimum of six credits in cognate courses, chosen in consultation with faculty advisers, outside their area of study but connected in some way to it. Credits from graduate courses outside the Marsal School may be used to fulfill the cognate requirement with approval from faculty advisers.

Elective credits

Students choose elective courses as needed to fulfill the 60-credit requirement. Students may choose electives that exceed the gateway, research, concentration, or cognate minimum requirements. Electives may be offerings from or outside the Marsal School.

Qualifying Paper

  • EDUC 889 - Qualifying Paper A
  • EDUC 899 - Qualifying Paper B

Dissertation, precandidacy, and candidacy credits

  • EDUC 990 – Dissertation Pre-Candidacy
  • EDUC 995 – Dissertation Candidacy


Frequently Asked Questions

Prospective students

Discover more offerings from CSHPE

The Center for the Study of Postsecondary and Higher Education

Associated faculty.

Peter Bahr

Peter Riley Bahr

Phil Bowman

Phillip J. Bowman

Charles H.F. Davis III

Charles H.F. Davis III

Lisa Lattuca

Lisa R. Lattuca

Rosie Perez

Rosemary Perez

Connect with cshpe.

Phone: (734) 764-9472 Fax: (734) 764-2510 Master's:  [email protected] Doctoral:  [email protected]

610 E. University Avenue Room 2117 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1259

Office Hours

Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Application Deadline

Application process.

To submit a successful application for admission, you need to provide the following:

  • The Academic Statement of Purpose should be a concise statement about your academic and research background, your career goals, and your reasons for applying to this degree program. Please be specific in explaining how the course offerings and faculty expertise of this program fit your educational and career objectives. Please mention if you are interested in attending part-time. We are also interested in how you learned about our program. Two double-spaced pages is considered a good length.
  • Part-Time Admission: Applicants seeking admission to a master’s program may attend on a part-time basis. Please indicate this in your Academic Statement of Purpose.
  • 500 word limit
  • How have your background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, educational or other opportunities or challenges, motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan? For example, if you grew up in a community where educational, cultural, or other opportunities were either especially plentiful or especially lacking, you might discuss the impact this had on your development and interests. This should be a discussion of the journey that has led to your decision to seek a graduate degree. Please do not repeat your Academic Statement of Purpose.
  • We strongly encourage two of your letters come from individuals who are familiar with your academic performance. The third may be from a professional reference.
  • Register your recommenders' names and contact information on the online application so that they will be sent instructions for submitting their letters via the application system. Let your recommenders know that they need to upload a letter and that it is required by the program.
  • As soon as you click "save" on the page of the application where your recommenders' contact information is entered, they will receive an email with instructions for completing the process. Proceed to this point in the application process as soon as possible to trigger that email.
  • Resume or CV
  • English proficiency scores (for non-native speakers of English only)
  • GRE Test Scores are not required for admission

Create an account with Rackham Graduate School.

This program, like all of the Marsal Family School of Education's graduate programs, is administered through the University of Michigan's Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Rackham offers a host of resources and administrative support to help see you through from submitting your application to completion of your degree.

  • After completing page 5 of the application, you will receive an e-mail with your U-M ID. A U-M ID number will be issued to you via email within 5 business days of completing pages 1-5 and advancing to page 6 of the ApplyWeb application. Having your U-M ID number to include on all your application materials ensures accurate and timely processing, so we encourage you to complete pages 1-5 early in the process.
  • If you need to submit your application before you receive your U-M ID number, you may still complete the application. Include your date of birth and the program’s name on your application materials.
  • Current and former U-M Ann Arbor students, alumni and employees: You do not need to obtain a new U-M ID number. Use your previously obtained U-M ID number.
  • If your personal information has changed (for example, legal name, gender), make sure the personal information you submit with your application matches your previous Ann Arbor campus record. If your previous Ann Arbor campus record does not display your current personal information, contact the Registrar’s Office or the Shared Services Center to change your personal information before you apply.

Include at the top of each document:

  • The type of document (Academic Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement, or Curriculum Vitae or Resume)
  • The name of the graduate program
  • Your 8 digit U-M ID (if known)

Make sure margins are at least one-inch so nothing is cropped when you upload the documents to the application.

  • Information regarding English Proficiency tests and exemption guidelines can be found on the Rackham Graduate School website . 
  • GRE test scores are not required for admission , but scores (valid 5 years from test date) can be included with your application.
  • Provide ETS with the U-M Institutional Code of 1839 and your scores will be sent directly to the university.
  • Test scores must be sent directly from the testing center to the Rackham Graduate School. We recommend starting this process early as it can take up to two weeks for the scores to be received. 
  • Upload an electronic version of your official transcript(s) for each Bachelor’s, Master’s, Professional, or Doctoral degree earned or in progress through your ApplyWeb application account (part of the Rackham application system). Do not upload academic records printed from your school’s website or student portal.
  • You are not required to send official transcripts at the time of application. If you are recommended for admission, the Rackham Graduate School will require official transcripts. Admitted applicants will receive an email notification when the official transcripts are required.
  • Students who have studied in a country outside of the U.S. should review the required credentials from non-U.S. institutions . For all degrees obtained at non-U.S. institutions—Request that degree-granting institutions submit official transcripts/records to the Rackham Graduate School at the time of application.
  • Information for submitting official transcripts can be found on the Rackham Graduate School website .
  • Check the status of your letters of recommendation, change a recommender, or resend the notification email to your recommender using the ApplyWeb Activity Page
  • Please reach out to [email protected] if there are any questions regarding the submission of the letters of recommendation.

Check on your application status . If you’ve been accepted, you will receive an email with information on how to send your official transcripts.

  • If you have been accepted, congratulations! You may accept or decline the offer of admission in your U-M Friend Account.
  • For international students that accept offer of admission, Rackham prepares immigration documents for visas.

For questions regarding the master's or doctoral program application in Higher Education:

  • Jessica Mason School Registrar [email protected] (734) 764-8483

For questions regarding tuition, scholarships, financial aid, & residency:

  • Office of Student Affairs [email protected]
  • U-M Office of Financial Aid

For general questions regarding the master’s or doctoral program in Higher Education:

  • Higher Education Program Office [email protected] (734) 764-9472

Quick Facts

Gre general exam scores, prior master's degree, undergraduate gpa guideline.

Guideline for previous two years of coursework on a 4-point scale

Graduate GPA guideline

Guideline on a 4-point scale

Financial aid

Online, evening, or weekend courses.


  1. Marilyn AMEY

    phd in higher education michigan

  2. Phd Programs In Michigan

    phd in higher education michigan

  3. 10 Best PhD Programs in Michigan (2024)

    phd in higher education michigan

  4. PhD Program Admissions Overview

    phd in higher education michigan

  5. Doctor of Philosophy Requirements

    phd in higher education michigan

  6. PhD

    phd in higher education michigan



    The Combined Program in Education and Psychology doctoral program is supported through a collaboration of the Marsal Family School of Education and the Department of Psychology in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. You will have the opportunity to work with faculty from both schools to research processes in development, learning ...

  2. Educational Studies

    The Educational Studies program focuses on the improvement of K-12 education. We do this through research and scholarship on educational practice and through the preparation of knowledgeable, skillful, and thoughtful teachers and education administrators. We offer a number of PhD specializations that will allow you to pursue the specific set of ...

  3. Doctoral

    Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education (CSHPE) ... Each student in JPEE receives a 20-hour-per-week assignment as a graduate student research assistant, graduate student staff assistant, or graduate student instructor. ... University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education • 610 East University Avenue • Ann Arbor ...

  4. Ph.D. in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education

    Consistently ranked in the nation's top-10 higher education programs, the Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education (HALE) doctoral program prepares some of the strongest, most well-equipped leaders in higher education. The innovative HALE curriculum challenges students to critically analyze the current research, develop their instruction and ...

  5. Doctoral Program (Ed.D.)

    The $10,000 to establish the fund was raised through donations and multi-year pledges. Donors to the fund include Ed.D. alumni, UM-Dearborn faculty and administrators, as well as friends of the University. The fund is expected to generate a $500 annual scholarship for Ed.D. students beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year.

  6. Programs of Study » Rackham Graduate School: University of Michigan

    Programs of Study. Graduate education at the University of Michigan is a shared enterprise. The Rackham Graduate School works together with faculty in the schools and colleges of the University to provide more than 180 graduate degree programs and to sustain a dynamic intellectual climate within which graduate students thrive. Programs of Study.

  7. Educational Studies [Ph.D.]

    Educational Studies [Ph.D.] The Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies will prepare educators from a variety of community organizations (P-12 schools, higher education, and other community contexts) to engage in effective research and practice of teaching and learning. The program consists of two primary strands, one that concentrates on ...

  8. PhD in English and Education

    Ph.D. Dissertations. Students interested in studying rhetoric, composition, literacy studies, or English education at UM should apply to the interdisciplinary Joint PhD program in English and Education (JPEE). Students in this program have written dissertations on rhetorical theory, literacy, feminist theory, new media composition, disability ...

  9. Doctor of Philosophy in Evaluation, Measurement and Research

    Program overview. This program is offered in-person, online, and hybrid. The Ph.D. program in Evaluation, Measurement, and Research in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology at Western Michigan University is designed for highly qualified students and seeks to prepare them as evaluators, assessment specialists, or researchers for leadership and teaching positions in ...

  10. Higher Education Leadership Ph.D. Concentration

    An overall grade point average of at least 3.0 for all graduate work undertaken beyond the bachelor's degree. ... applicable to both instructional and administrative aspects of higher education institutions, is the focus of this program in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology at Western Michigan University ...

  11. Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology

    A Unique & Rich Combination in an Ed Psych and Ed Tech Doctoral Program. The nationally ranked Educational Psychology and Educational Technology (EPET) doctoral program produces scholars and leaders in the study of human learning and development and/or in the design and study of diverse technologies supporting learning and teaching. It emphasizes rigorous scholarship and diverse analytical ...

  12. Education Policy Ph.D.

    The Michigan State University doctoral program in Education Policy prepares students to conduct research on current and enduring issues, and to connect with policymakers and educational professionals. The program was created by faculty members from multiple disciplines who shared a vision: that policy should be created with stakeholders through research that takes into account the

  13. Educational Leadership (EdD)

    Our doctoral program in educational leadership emphasizes using theory to improve practice through research and advanced scholarship. Your classes will cover topics such as educational research and analysis, ethical leadership, and organizational change. Most courses are held online, with a summer one-week residency.

  14. PhD in Higher Education Degree Programs in Michigan 2024+

    What are PhD in Higher Education Programs? Higher Education PhD programs are oriented more toward theory and research than other doctorate degree programs. A PhD in Educational Administration program might suit students who aim for a career in school administration, a school district or a statewide education system.

  15. PhD Programs

    By the end of your fifth year, you will defend your dissertation. Your PhD will be granted by the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. The school's Doctoral Handbook provides key information, such as a timeline and outline of expectations and requirements. For more information, contact [email protected].

  16. Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education

    The Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education offers Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in a variety of concentrations. You may also choose to earn a dual degree with the Stephen M. Ross School of Business or the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. Each of these programs includes coursework and other experiences that will prepare you for leadership in shaping ...

  17. University of Michigan Fully Funded PhD in Education

    The University of Michigan, based in Ann Arbor, MI offers fully funded PhD in Education. Choose from doctoral programs in educational studies, higher education, education & psychology, and English & education. Funding for students admitted into our doctoral programs includes tuition, health and dental benefits for students and their families ...

  18. Best Grad Schools in Michigan 2024

    Ferris State University. Big Rapids , MI. #2 Best Online Bachelor's of Cybersecurity Degree Programs in Michigan #3 Best Online Associate Degrees in Michigan 2024 #5 Best Online Associate in Marketing #9 Best Online Bachelor's of Health Science Degree Programs Ranked for 2024. Other Rankings. Tuition + fees.

  19. PhD in Higher Education Degree Programs 2024+

    Graduate Program - Higher Education Administration. Central Michigan University. PhD. Ed.D in Organizational Leadership: Higher Education Leadership (Qualitative Research) Grand Canyon University. EdD. Doctor of Education - Leadership in Higher Education. National University.

  20. PhD Applications

    IOE Courses & Course Codes PhD Admission Recommendations Table of contents Deadlines To Submit Applications Application deadline for Fall 2024 PhD: December 10, 2023. PhD applicants are only accepted for entry in the Fall semester. PhD Application Step-by-Step 1. Fill out the application Applying to U-M Ann Arbor (Rackham Graduate School Link) 2. Statement of […]

  21. PhD in Social Work and Social Welfare

    Contact Information. PhD Office 1080 South University Room B660 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106. Phone: (734) 763-5768 Email: [email protected]

  22. What Are The Highest-Paying Jobs In The U.S.?

    While a higher level of education often pays off, the degree type matters. The highest-paying majors include business and STEM, while liberal arts, education and fine arts majors report lower ...

  23. Teaching as a second career: A roadmap for success

    Expedited Educator Preparation Programs: Several universities in Michigan offer teacher candidates with a valid substitute teacher permit the opportunity to work as the teacher of record for a classroom or co-teach with a mentor teacher while taking coursework to qualify for a Michigan Standard Teaching Certificate.; Alternative Licensure Programs: This is a non-traditional preparation program ...

  24. Home

    The Marsal School is home to more than 550 undergraduate and graduate students; nearly 60 tenure-track, over 20 research-track, and 10 clinical-track faculty members; and 40+ lecturers ... #2 in Higher Education Administration #2 in Secondary Teacher Education ... University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education • 610 East University ...

  25. These are the best U.S. employers for high school graduates

    "Being named the best place for high school graduates to start a career further validates our commitment to our team members' development and career growth, which includes a 90% internal promotion ...

  26. What a Kamala Harris presidency could mean for college students, higher

    BestColleges reports on where Harris stands on key higher education policies ahead of the Democratic National Convention in mid-August.. A History of Backing Tuition-Free College. Harris was one ...

  27. Enrollment Profile Classification

    Enrollment Profile Classification provides a bird's eye view of the student population by grouping institutions according to the mix of students enrolled at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Exclusively undergraduate institutions are further disaggregated by level (two-year and four-year). For institutions with both undergraduate and graduate students, institutions are grouped according ...

  28. Ph.D. in Curriculum, Instruction and Teacher Education

    Our mission with the Curriculum, Instruction and Teacher Education (CITE) doctoral program is to prepare students to be leading scholars and educators who deeply understand and work to improve education in its political, social and cultural contexts. COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUM, TAILORED TRAINING We combine internationally renowned faculty, an interdisciplinary approach, exposure to multiple ...

  29. Best graduate student loans for fall 2024

    There are also graduate loans for a number of programs, including MBA, medical school, dental school, law school, PhD programs, master's programs and health professions, and the maximum loan ...

  30. Academic Affairs and Student Development

    Lisa R. Lattuca. Director, Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education; Professor, Marsal Family School of Education; Professor, College of Engineering. [email protected]. (734) 647-1979.