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image caption generator research paper ieee

IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica

  • JCR Impact Factor: 15.3 , Top 1 (SCI Q1) CiteScore: 23.5 , Top 2% (Q1) Google Scholar h5-index: 77, TOP 5
Y. Ming, N. N. Hu, C. X. Fan, F. Feng, J. W. Zhou, and H. Yu, “Visuals to text : A comprehensive review on automatic image captioning,” , vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 1339–1365, Aug. 2022. doi:
Y. Ming, N. N. Hu, C. X. Fan, F. Feng, J. W. Zhou, and H. Yu, “Visuals to text : A comprehensive review on automatic image captioning,” , vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 1339–1365, Aug. 2022. doi:

Visuals to Text: A Comprehensive Review on Automatic Image Captioning

Doi:  10.1109/jas.2022.105734.

  • Yue Ming 1 ,  , 
  • Nannan Hu 1 ,  , 
  • Chunxiao Fan 1 ,  , 
  • Fan Feng 1 ,  , 
  • Jiangwan Zhou 1 ,  , 
  • Hui Yu 2 ,  , 

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China

School of Creative Technologies, University of Ports

Yue Ming (Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. degree in communication engineering in 2006, the M.Sc. degree in human-computer interaction engineering in 2008, and Ph.D. degree in signal and information processing in 2013, all from Beijing Jiaotong University. She was a Visiting Scholar in Carnegie Mellon University, USA from 2010 to 2011. She is an Associate Professor at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Her research interests include biometrics, computer vision, computer graphics, information retrieval, and pattern recognition

Nannan Hu received the B.Sc. degree in communication engineering in 2016, and the M.Sc. degree in electronic science and technology in 2019, both from Shandong Normal University. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in electronic science and technology at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Her research interests include object recognition, NLP and multi-modal information processing

Chunxiao Fan (Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. degree in computer science in 1984, the M.Sc. degree in decision support systems and artificial intelligence in 1989 from Northeastern University, and the Ph.D. degree in computers and communications from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2008. She is a Professor in the School of Electronic Engineering and the Director of the Information Electronics and Intelligent Processing Center, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Her research interests include intelligent information processing, multimedia analysis and NLP

Fan Feng received the M.Sc. degree in control science and engineering from Donghua University in 2019. He is currently a Ph.D. cadidate in electronic science and technology at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. His research interests include audio-visual learning and multi-modal action recognition

Jiangwan Zhou received the B.Sc. degree in computer science from Heilongjiang University in 2019. She is currently a Ph.D. cadidate in electronic science and technology at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Her research interests include video understanding, action recognition bath in RGB-domain and compressed-domain

Hui Yu (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree from Brunel University London, UK. He worked at the University of Glasgow and Queen’s University Belfast before joining the University of Portsmouth in 2012. He is a Professor of visual computing with the University of Portsmouth, UK. His research interests include methods and practical development in visual computing, machine learning and AI with the applications focusing on human-machine interaction, multimedia, virtual reality and robotics as well as 4D facial expression generation, perception and analysis. He serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems and Neurocomputing Journal

  • Corresponding author: Hui Yu, e-mail: [email protected]
  • 1 We use the Flick8k dataset as the query corpus in this demo.
  • 2 https://cocodataset.org/ 3 https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/3221 4 https://forms.illinois.edu/sec/1713398
  • 5 http://shannon.cs.illinois.edu/DenotationGraph/ 6 https://www.imageclef.org/photodata 7 http://visualgenome.org/
  • https://forms.illinois.edu/sec/1713398
  • http://shannon.cs.illinois.edu/DenotationGraph/
  • 8 https://github.com/furkanbiten/GoodNews 9 https://challenger.ai/ 10 https://vizwiz.org/ 11 https://nocaps.org/
  • http://visualgenome.org/
  • https://github.com/furkanbiten/GoodNews
  • 11 https://nocaps.org/
  • https://vizwiz.org/
  • https://nocaps.org/
  • 12 https://github.com/tylin/coco-caption
  • Revised Date: 2022-03-29
  • Accepted Date: 2022-05-26
  • Artificial intelligence , 
  • attention mechanism , 
  • encoder-decoder framework , 
  • image captioning , 
  • multi-modal understanding , 
  • training strategies
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通讯作者: 陈斌, [email protected]

沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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  • Conducting a comprehensive review of image captioning, covering both traditional methods and recent deep learning-based techniques, as well as the publicly available datasets, evaluation metrics, the open issues and challenges
  • Focusing on the deep learning-based image captioning researches, which is categorized into the encoder-decoder framework, attention mechanism and training strategies on the basis of model structures and training manners for a detailed introduction. The performance of current state-of-the-art methods of image captioning is also compared and analyzed
  • Discussing several future research directions of image captioning, such as Flexible Captioning, Unpaired Captioning, Paragraph Captioning and Non-Autoregressive Captioning
  • Copyright © 2022 IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
  • 京ICP备14019135号-24
  • E-mail: [email protected]  Tel: +86-10-82544459, 10-82544746
  • Address: 95 Zhongguancun East Road, Handian District, Beijing 100190, China

image caption generator research paper ieee

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  • Figure 1. The evolution of image captioning. According to the scenario, image captioning can be divided into two stages. Here, we mainly focus on generating caption for generic real life image after 2011. Before 2014, it relies on traditional methods based on retrieval and template. After 2014, various variations based on deep learning technologies have become benchmark approaches, and have got state of the art results.
  • Figure 2. Overview of the deep learning-based image captioning and a simple taxonomy of the most relevant approaches. The encoder-decoder framework is the backbone of the deep learning captioning models. Better visual coding, language decoding technologies, the introduction of various innovative attention mechanisms and training strategies all bring a positive impact on captioning insofar.
  • Figure 3. The framework of image captioning model based on retrieval. Preparing a corpus with a large number of image-caption pairs. Retrieval models search for visually similar images to the input image in the query corpus through similarity comparison, then select the best annotation from the corresponding candidates as the output caption.
  • Figure 4. The framework of image captioning model based on template. The template-based methods are based on a predefined syntax. For a given image, it extracts relevant elements such as objects and actions, predicts their language labels in various ways, then fills them in the predefined template to generate caption.
  • Figure 5. The flowchart of deep learning methods for image captioning. The trained model is passed to validation and then to test, parameter optimization and fine-tune of the model improves the results gradually, and it is a parameter sharing process.
  • Figure 6. The overall technical diagram of deep learning-based image captioning. Notice that the self-attention mechanism is can also be used for visual encoding and language decoding. We summarize the attention mechanism in detail in Section III-B.
  • Figure 7. Comparison of global grid features and visual region features. Global grid features correspond to a uniform grid of equally-sized image regions (left). Region features correspond to objects and other salient image regions (right).
  • Figure 8. Two main ways for CNN to encode visual features. For the upper one, the global grid features of image are embedded in a feature vector; for the bottom one, fine-grained features of salient objects or regions are embedded in different region vectors.
  • Figure 9. The framework of graph representation Learning. e i is a set of directed edges that represent relationships between objects, and a i , o i are nodes, which represent attributes and objects, respectively.
  • Figure 10. The singe-layer LSTM strategy for language modeling. (a) Unidirection single-layer LSTM model; (b) Bidirection single-layer LSTM model, which conditioned on the visual feature.
  • Figure 11. The two-layer LSTM strategy for language modeling.
  • Figure 12. The triple-stream LSTM strategy for language modeling.
  • Figure 13. The common structure of cross-modal attention used for image captioning. (a) The framework of attention mechanism proposed in the Show, Attend and Tell model [ 25 ], which be widely used in cross-modal attention for image captioning; (b) The attention used in single-layer LSTM; (c) The attention used as a visual sentinel in single-layer LSTM; (d) An attention layer used in two-layer LSTM; (e) Two-layer LSTM with dual attention.
  • Figure 14. The common structure of intra-modal attention used for image captioning in the first stage, the Transformer model works with the traditional CNN-LSTM framework. (a) is the framework of CNN-Transformer decoder, and (b) is the framework of Transformer encoder-LSTM.
  • Figure 15. The framework of intra-modal attention used with object detected features.
  • Figure 16. The overall of convolution-free intra-modal attention model.
  • Figure 17. Qualitative examples from some typical image captioning datasets. MS COCO and Flickr8k/30k are the most popular benchmarks in image captioning. The images used in the MS COCO, Flickr8k and Flickr30k datasets are all collected from Yahoo’s photo album site Flickr. AIC is used for Chinese captioning, which focuses on the scenes of human activities. The images used in the AIC dataset are collected from Internet search engines. Nocaps is used for novel object captioning.
  • Figure 18. Qualitative examples from five popular captioning models on MS COCO val images. All models are retrained by us with ResNet-101 features. Errors are highlighted in red, and new descriptions of objects, attributes, relations are highlighted in green, blue and orange severally.
  • Open access
  • Published: 08 February 2023

Image caption generation using Visual Attention Prediction and Contextual Spatial Relation Extraction

  • Reshmi Sasibhooshan 1 ,
  • Suresh Kumaraswamy 2 &
  • Santhoshkumar Sasidharan 3  

Journal of Big Data volume  10 , Article number:  18 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

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Automatic caption generation with attention mechanisms aims at generating more descriptive captions containing coarser to finer semantic contents in the image. In this work, we use an encoder-decoder framework employing Wavelet transform based Convolutional Neural Network (WCNN) with two level discrete wavelet decomposition for extracting the visual feature maps highlighting the spatial, spectral and semantic details from the image. The Visual Attention Prediction Network (VAPN) computes both channel and spatial attention for obtaining visually attentive features. In addition to these, local features are also taken into account by considering the contextual spatial relationship between the different objects. The probability of the appropriate word prediction is achieved by combining the aforementioned architecture with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) decoder network. Experiments are conducted on three benchmark datasets—Flickr8K, Flickr30K and MSCOCO datasets and the evaluation results prove the improved performance of the proposed model with CIDEr score of 124.2.


Images are extensively used for conveying enormous amount of information over internet and social media and hence there is an increasing demand for image data analytics for designing efficient information processing systems. This leads to the development of systems with capability to automatically analyze the scenario contained in the image and to express it in meaningful natural language sentences. Image caption generation is an integral part of many useful systems and applications such as visual question answering machines, surveillance video analyzers, video captioning, automatic image retrieval, assistance for visually impaired people, biomedical imaging, robotics and so on. A good captioning system will be capable of highlighting the contextual information in the image similar to human cognitive system. In the recent years, several techniques for automatic caption generation in images have been proposed that can effectively solve many computer vision challenges.

Basically image captioning is a two step process, which involves a thorough understanding of the visual contents in the image followed by the translation of these information to natural language descriptions. Visual information extraction includes the detection and recognition of objects and also the identification of their relationships. Initially, image captioning is performed using rule based or retrieval based approaches [ 1 , 2 ]. Later advanced image captioning systems are designed using deep neural architectures that uses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as encoder for visual feature extraction and a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) as decoder for text generation [ 3 ]. Algorithms using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) [ 4 , 5 ] and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) [ 6 ] are introduced to obtain meaningful captions. Inclusion of attention mechanism in the model helps to extract the most relevant objects or regions in the image [ 7 , 8 ], which can be used for the generation of rich textual descriptions. These networks localize the salient regions in the images and produce improved image captions than previous works. However, they failed to extract accurate contextual information from images, defining the relationship between various objects and between each object and the background, and to project the underlying global and local semantics.

In this work, an image captioning method is proposed that uses discrete wavelet decomposition along with convolutional neural network (WCNN) for extracting the spectral information in addition to the spatial and semantic features of the image. An attempt is made to enhance the visual modelling of the input image by the incorporation of DWT pre-processing stage together with convolutional neural networks that helps to extract some of the distinctive spectral features, which are more predominant in the sub band levels of the image in addition to the spatial, semantic as well as channel details. This helps to include more finer details of each object, for example, the spatial orientation of the objects, colour details etc. In addition to these, it helps to detect the visually salient object/region in the image that draws more attraction similar to human visual system due to its peculiar features with respect to the remaining regions. A Visual Attention Prediction network (VAPN) and Contextual Spatial Relation Extractor (CSE) are employed to extract the fine-grained semantic and contextual spatial relationship existing between the objects, gathered from the feature maps obtained using WCNN. Finally, these details are fed to LSTM network for generating the most relevant captions. The word prediction capability of the LSTM decoder network can be improved through the concatenation of attention based image feature maps and contextual spatial feature maps with the previous hidden state of the language generation model. This enhances the sentence formation greatly, as each word in the generated sentence focuses only on particular spatial locations in the image and its contextual relation with other objects in the image.

The contributions made in this work are:

An image caption generation technique incorporating semantic, spatial, spectral and contextual information contained in the image is proposed.

A Visual Attention Prediction network is employed to perform atrous convolution on the feature maps generated by WCNN for extracting more semantic contents from the image. Both channel as well as spatial attention are computed from these feature maps.

A Contextual Spatial Relation Extractor that utilizes the feature maps generated by WCNN model for predicting region proposals to detect spatial relationship between different objects in the image.

The performance of the method is evaluated using three benchmark datasets—Flickr8K, Flickr30K and Microsoft COCO datasets and comparison is done with the existing state-of-the-art methods using the evaluation metrics—BLEU@N, METEOR, ROUGE-L and CIDEr.

The organization of the paper is as follows: First a brief descriptions about the previous works in image captioning, which is followed by the proposed model architecture and detailed experiments and results. Finally the conclusion of the work is also provided.

Related works

In order to generate an appropriate textual description, it is necessary to have a better understanding about the spatial and semantic contents of the image. As mentioned above, the initial attempts of image caption generation are carried out by extracting the visual features of the image using conditional random fields (CRFs) [ 9 , 10 ] and translating these features to text using sentence template or combinatorial optimization algorithms [ 1 , 11 , 12 ]. Later retrieval based approaches are used to produce captions that involves the process of retrieving one or a set of sentences from a pre-specified sentence pool based on visual similarities [ 2 , 13 ]. The evolution of deep neural network architectures helps to have visual and natural language modelling in a superior manner by generating more meaningful descriptions of the image.

The inclusion of additional attention mechanisms in the encoder—decoder framework helps to extract more appropriate semantic information from the image and thereby creating captions that look similar to human generated captions [ 14 , 15 , 16 ]. An encoder–decoder model capable of detecting dynamically attentive salient regions in the image during the creation of textual descriptions is proposed by Xu et al. [ 17 ]. Yang et al. [ 18 ] proposed a review network with enhanced global modelling capabilities for image caption generation. A Fusion-based Recurrent Multi-Modal (FRMM) model consisting of CNN-LSTM framework together with a fusion stage generates captions by combining visual and textual modality outputs [ 19 ]. A better comprehensive description can be generated using a Recurrent Fusion Network (RFNet) [ 20 ] or by modifying the CNN-LSTM architecture by incorporating semantic attribute based features [ 21 ] and context-word features [ 22 ]. Attempts are also made by simultaneously introducing a dual attention strategy in both visual as well as textual information to improve the image understanding [ 23 , 24 ]. Better descriptions can be produced using multimodal RNN framework that makes use of inferred alignments between segments of the image and sentences describing them [ 25 ]. To make mandatory correspondence between descriptive text words and image regions effective, Deng et al. proposed a Dense network and adaptive attention technique [ 26 ]. A multitask learning method through a dual learning mechanism for cross-domain image captioning is proposed in [ 27 ]. It uses reinforced learning algorithm to acquire highly rewarded captions. Attempts for better caption generation has also been done with the development of algorithms with multi-gate attention networks [ 28 ], CaptionNet model with reduced dependency on previously predicted words [ 29 ], context aware visual policy networks [ 30 ] and adaptive attention mechanisms [ 31 , 32 , 33 ]. A new positional encoding scheme is proposed for enhancing the object features in the image, which greatly improves the attention information for generating more enriched captions is presented in [ 34 ]. A novel technique to understand the image and language modality configuration for achieving better semantic extraction from images using anchor points are presented in [ 35 ]. Visual language modelling can also be accomplished using a Task-Agnostic and Modality Agnostic sequence-to-sequence learning framework [ 36 ]. Another image captioning technique employs a configuration that utilizes a set of memory vectors together with meshed connectivity between encoding and decoding sections of the transformer model [ 37 ]. A scaling rule for image captioning is proposed in [ 38 ] by introducing a LargE-scale iMage captiONer (LEMON) dataset, which is capable of identifying long-tail visual concepts even in a zero shot mechanism. [ 39 ] presents a novel methodology for vision language task that is pre-trained on much larger text-image corpora and is able to collect much better visual features or concepts.

Even though these approaches perform well in image caption generation, they still lack the inclusion of fine grained semantic details as well as contextual spatial relationship between different objects in the image, which need to be improved further with enhanced network architectures. Also, due to the presence of multiple objects in the image, it is very essential that the visual contextual relationship between objects must be in correct sequential order to generate a caption with which the contents in the image is better represented. This can be solved by introducing attention mechanisms and considering the spatial relationship between objects in the model.

Model architecture

figure 1

Proposed model architecture

The model consists of an encoder-decoder framework with VAPN, that converts an input image I to a sequence of encoded words, W = [ \(w_{1}\) , \(w_{2}\) ,... \(w_{L}\) ], with \(w_{i}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{N}\) , describing the image, where L is the length of the generated caption and N is the vocabulary size. The detailed architecture is presented in Fig.  1 . The encoder consists of the WCNN model that incorporates two levels of discrete wavelet decomposition combined with CNN layers to obtain the visual features of the image. The features maps \(F_1\) and \(F_2\) obtained from the CNN layers are bilinearly downsampled and are concatenated together with \(F_3\) and \(F_4\) to produce a combined feature map, \(F_{in}\) of size, 32 \(\times\) 32 \(\times\) 960. This is then given to the VAPN for obtaining attention based feature maps that highlights the semantic details in I by exploiting channel as well spatial attention. In order to extract the contextual spatial relationship between the objects in I , the feature map of level \(L_{4}\) of WCNN, \(F_{4}\) , is given to the CSE network as shown in Fig.  1 . The contextual spatial feature map, \(F_{cse}\) , generated by the CSE network is concatenated with the attention based feature map, \(F_{Att}\) , to produce \(F_{o}\) and is provided to the language generation stage consisting of LSTM decoder network [ 40 ]. The detailed description of the technique is presented below.

Wavelet transform based CNN model

The image is resized to 256 \(\times\) 256 and is split up into R, G and B components. Then each of these planes is decomposed into details and approximations using low pass and high pass discrete wavelet filters. In this work, two levels of discrete wavelet decomposition are used that results in the formation of LL , LH , HL and HH sub-bands, where L and H represents the low frequency and high frequency components of the input. In the second level decomposition, only the approximations ( LL ) of R, G and B will be further decomposed for each of the three components. These components are then stacked together at each level and are concatenated with the outputs of the first two levels of CNN having four levels ( \(L_1\) to \(L_4\) ) consisting of multiple convolutional layers and pooling layers of kernel size 2 \(\times\) 2 with stride 2 as shown in Fig.  1 . The details of various convolution layers are given in Tables 1 and   2 .

The image feature maps \(F_1\) through \(F_4\) so obtained are then given to the VAPN network for extracting the inter-spatial as well as inter-channel relationship between them.

Visual attention predictor network

figure 2

Structure of VAPN

To have good insight of the visual features of the image for acquiring the most relevant caption, it is necessary to extract out the semantic features from the input image feature maps, \(F_1\) through \(F_4\) . The size, shape, texture features etc. of the objects vary in an image, which causes difficulties in its identification or recognition. To tackle these situations, atrous convolutional network with multi-receptive field filters are employed, which extracts out more semantic details from the image as these filters are capable of delivering a wider field of view at the same computational cost. In this work, four multi-receptive filters—one having 64 filters of kernel size 1 \(\times\) 1, and the rest three of kernel size 3 \(\times\) 3 each with 64 filters of dilation rates 3, 5 and 7, respectively, are used. The combined feature map, \(F_{in}\) , is subjected to atrous convolution and the resultant enhanced feature map of size 32 \(\times\) 32 \(\times\) 256, is given to a sequential combination of channel attention (CA) network and spatial attention (SA) network as illustrated in Fig.  2 . The CA network examines the relationship between channels and more weight will be assigned to those channel having attentive regions to generate the refined channel attention map, whereas the SA network generates a spatial attention map by considering the spatial details between various feature maps.

For more accurate descriptions, the weights of channel attention and spatial attention, \(W_C\) and \(W_S\) are computed by considering \(h_{t-1}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{D}\) , the hidden state of LSTM memory at \((t-1)\) time step [ 14 ]. Here D represents the hidden state dimension. This mechanism helps to include more contextual information in the image during caption generation.

In the channel-wise attention network, the feature map of \(F_{in}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{H\times W \times C}\) is first average pooled channel-wise to obtain a channel feature vector, \(V_{C}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{C}\) , where H , W and C represent the height, width and total number of channels of the feature map, respectively.

Then channel attention weights, \(W_C\) can be computed as,

where \(W^{'}_{C}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{K}\) , \(W_{hc}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{K\times D}\) and \(W_{o}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{K}\) are the transformation matrices with K denoting the common mapping space dimension of image feature map and hidden state of the LSTM network, \(\odot\) and \(\oplus\) represent the element-wise multiplication and addition of vectors, \(b_{C}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{K}\) and \(b_{o}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{1}\) denote the bias terms. Then F \(_{in}\) is element-wise multiplied with \(W_{C}\) and the resultant channel refined feature map, F \(_{ch}\) , is given to the spatial attention network.

In the spatial attention network, the weights, \(W_S\) , can be calculated with flattened F \(_{ch}\) , as follows,

where \(W^{'}_{S}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{K\times C}\) , \(W_{hs}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{K\times D}\) and \(W^{'}_{o}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{K}\) are the transformation matrices, \(b_{S}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{K}\) and \(b^{'}_{o}\) \(\in\) \({\mathbb {R}}^{1}\) denote the bias terms. After this, F \(_{in}\) is element-wise multiplied with \(W_{S}\) to obtain the attention feature map, F \(_{Att}\) , highlighting the semantic details in the image.

Contextual spatial relation extractor

Rich image captioning can be achieved only through the exploitation of contextual spatial relation between the different objects in the image in addition to the semantic details. For this, first the regions occupied by the various objects are identified using a network configuration similar to Faster RCNN [ 41 ] incorporating WCNN model and RPN along with classifier and regression layers for creating bounding boxes. The feature map \(F_{4}\) from level \(L_{4}\) of WCNN model is given as input to the Region Proposal Network (RPN) for finding out the object regions in the image. Then these objects are paired and different sub images containing each of the identified object pairs are created and resized to 32 \(\times\) 32 for uniformity. Each of these sub images are given to the CNN layers with three sets of 64 filters, each with receptive field of 3 \(\times\) 3, to generate the features describing spatial relations between the object pairs. The spatial relation feature maps of each object pair is then stacked together and is given to 1 \(\times\) 1 \(\times\) 64 convolution layer to form the contextual spatial relation feature map, \(F_{cse}\) , of size 32 \(\times\) 32 \(\times\) 64, which is further concatenated with \(F_{Att}\) to obtain \(F_{o}\) and is given to the LSTM for the generation of the next caption word.

The prediction of the output word at time step t , is nothing but the probability of selecting suitable word from the pre-defined dictionary containing all the caption words.

The model architecture is trained to optimize the categorical cross entropy loss, \(L_{CE}\) , given by

where \(y_{1:t-1}\) represents the ground truth sequence and \(\theta\) represents the parameters. The self-critical training strategy [ 42 ] is used in this method to solve the exposure bias problem during the optimization with cross-entropy loss alone. Initially, the model is trained using cross-entropy loss and is further optimized in a reinforced learning technique with self-critical loss for achieving the best CIDEr score as reward on validation set.

Experiments and results

The detailed description of the datasets used and the performance evaluation of the proposed method are presented in this section. Both quantitative as well as qualitative analysis of the method is carried out and is compared with the existing state-of-the-art methods.

Datasets and performance evaluation metrics used

The experiments are conducted on three benchmark datasets: (1) Flickr8K (8,000 images) [ 43 ], (2) Flickr30K (31,000 images) [ 44 ] and (3) Microsoft COCO dataset (82,783 images in training set, 40,504 images in validation set and 40,775 images in test set) [ 45 ]. All the images are associated with five sentences. Among these for the Flickr8K dataset, we have selected 6,000 images for training, 1,000 images for validation and 1,000 images for testing as per the official split of the dataset. For fair comparison with previous works, the publicly available Karpathy split for Flick30K and Microsoft COCO datasets have been adopted [ 46 ]. As per this, the Flickr30K dataset split is set to 29,000 images for training, 1,000 images for validation and 1,000 images for testing. In the case of MSCOCO dataset, the split is set as 5,000 images for validation, 5,000 images for testing and all others for training. The textual descriptions are pre-processed with the publicly available code in https://github.com/karpathy/neuraltalk , so that all the captions are converted to lowercase and the non-alphanumeric characters are discarded. Each caption length is limited to 40 and those words whose occurrence is less than five times in the ground truth sentences are removed from the vocabulary.

The performance evaluation of the proposed captioning model is done using the evaluation metrics—Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU@N (for N=1,2,3,4)) [ 47 ], Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit ORdering (METEOR) [ 48 ], Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation (ROUGE) [ 49 ] and Consensus-based Image Description Evaluation (CIDEr) [ 50 ] denoted as B@N, MT, R and CD, respectively. These metrics measures the consistency between n-gram occurrences in the caption generated and the ground-truth descriptions. It should be noted that the fair comparison of the results are reported by optimizing the methods with cross entropy loss.

Implementation details

To encode the input image to visual features, the Wavelet transform based CNN model with Birothogonal 1.5 wavelet (bior 1.5) [ 51 ] pretrained using ImageNet dataset [ 52 ] is used. For the modified Faster R-CNN configuration used in the Contextual spatial relation extractor, we have used an IoU threshold of 0.8 for region proposal suppression, and 0.2 for object class suppression, respectively. The LSTM employed in the decoding section is having a hidden state dimension set as 512, respectively. The caption generation process terminates with the occurrence of a special END token or if predefined max sentence length is reached. Batch normalization is applied to all convolutional layers with decay set as 0.9 and epsilon as 1e-5. Optimization of the model is done using ADAM optimizer [ 53 ] with an initial learning rate of 4e-3. The exponential decay rates for the first and second moment estimates are chosen as (0.8, 0.999). The mini batch size for the Flickr8K, Flickr30K and MSCOCO dataset are taken as 16, 32 and 64. The self critical training strategy is employed in the implementation, where the model is trained initially for 50 epochs with the cross-entropy loss and it is further fine tuned with 15 epochs using the self-critical loss for achieving the best CD score on validation set. To avoid overfitting, dropout rate is set as 0.2 and L2 regularization with weight decay value set as 0.001. For the word vector representation of each word, 300 dimensional GloVe word embeddings [ 54 ] pre-trained on a large-scale corpus is employed in this work. For the selection of best caption, BeamSearch strategy [ 3 ] is adopted with a beam size of 5, which selects best caption from few selected candidates. The proposed image captioning framework is implemented using TensorFlow 2.3. To train the proposed method, we used Nvidia Tesla V100 with 16GB with 5120 CUDA cores.

Analysis for the selection of appropriate mother wavelet

The choice of the mother wavelet has been done by analyzing the performance of the proposed method on four different wavelet families—Daubechies wavelets (dbN), biorthogonal Wavelets (biorNr.Nd), Coiflets (CoifN) and Symlets (SymN), where N represents number of vanishing moments, Nr and Nd denotes the number of vanishing moments in the reconstruction and decomposition filters, respectively. Table  2 gives the detailed performance results of the proposed image captioning method for Flickr8K, Flickr30K and MSCOCO datasets. Here a model consisting of WCNN with two-level DWT decomposition, VAPN and LSTM alone is considered. The contextual spatial relation extractor is not taken into account for this experimentation. In this, the baseline method (BM) is a model similar to the one described above without DWT decomposition. From Table  2 , it is evident that bior1.5 is giving good results compared to other wavelets used in the experimentation. This is because it employs separate scaling and wavelet functions for decomposition and reconstruction purposes. Biorthogonal wavelets exhibit the property of linear phase and allow additional degrees of freedom when compared to orthogonal wavelets.

Here for the Flickr30K dataset bior2.4 secures highest B@4 score of about 25.32 but bior1.5 scores better value for CD compared to the other wavelets. For Flickr30K and MSCOCO datasets, bior1.5 achieves better B@4 and CD scores of about 26.34 and 60.58 and about 37.14 and 120.41 for the MSCOCO dataset. Hence bior1.5 wavelet is chosen as the mother wavelet for experimentation using these datasets.

Analysis for the choice of DWT decomposition levels

For analysing the performance of the model with different DWT decomposition levels, experiments are carried out with the same baseline model as used for finding out the best mother wavelet. Here bior1.5 wavelet are employed. The detailed ablation study regarding the results obtained for various DWT decomposition levels for the MSCOCO dataset are presented in Table  3 .

The model with two level DWT decomposition exhibits better performance compared to 1-level DWT decomposition scoring an improvement in the B@4, MT and CD values of about 1.26%, 1.79% and 1.18%, respectively, for the MSCOCO dataset. The method also shows little performance improvements with the use of three level decomposition stages. Hence considering the computational complexity, method with two level decomposition is preferred in the proposed work.

Quantitative analysis

The quantitative evaluation of the proposed method for the MSCOCO dataset is carried out using the above mentioned metrics and the performance comparison is done with fifteen state-of-the-art methods in image captioning. These models include Deep VS [ 25 ], emb-gLSTM [ 5 ], Soft and Hard attention [ 17 ], ATT [ 55 ], SCA-CNN [ 14 ], LSTM-A [ 56 ], Up-down [ 7 ], SCST [ 42 ], RFNet [ 20 ], GCN-LSTM [ 57 ], avtmNet [ 58 ], ERNN [ 59 ], Tri-LSTM [ 60 ] and TDA+GLD [ 61 ].

Table  4 shows the evaluation results for the comparative study on MSCOCO ‘Karpathy’ test split. From Table  4 , it is evident that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with good CD score of 124.2. It acquires a relative improvement of about 0.9 \(\%\) , 0.5 \(\%\) , 0.2 \(\%\) and 0.7 \(\%\) in B@4, MT, R and CD score, respectively, compared to Tri-LSTM method [ 60 ]. This is because the image feature maps of the proposed model includes spectral information also along with spatial as well as semantic details compared to the other methods by the inclusion of discrete wavelet decomposition in the CNN model, which helps to extract fine grained information during object detection. Also it takes into account of contextual spatial relationship between objects in the image and exploits both spatial and channel-wise attention of the enhanced feature maps resulted from atrous convolution employing multi-receptive field filters that are capable of locating visually salient objects of varying shapes, scales and sizes.

The comparison results of the proposed method for the Flickr8K and Flickr30K datasets are tabulated in Tables  5 , 6 . From Table  5 , it is evident that the method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with an improvement of 2.3 \(\%\) , 2.8 \(\%\) and 2.1 \(\%\) on B@1, B@4 and MT compared to SCA-CNN [ 14 ] for Flickr8K dataset. Also the proposed method scores an improvement of 2.4 \(\%\) and 0.9 \(\%\) on B@4 and MT in comparison with the avtmNet [ 58 ] method for Flickr30K dataset. It also secures a good CD value of about 67.3.

Qualitative results

figure 3

Comparison of the captions generated by the baseline approach and the proposed method for few samples images. Here GT represents the ground truth sentence

Figure  3 shows the captions generated by the proposed image captioning algorithm and the baseline approach for few sample images. Here the baseline method utilizes a VGG-16 network instead of WCNN network, together with the attention mechanism and LSTM configuration. The CSE network is not incorporated in the baseline method. For the qualitative study, images of simple scenes, complex scenes with multiple objects and also those having objects that is to be specified clearly with colour as well as their count are chosen. For the images 1 and 4, our method successfully identifies the number of persons in the image as ‘three’ . The proposed method generates more enriched captions for the images 1, 2, 5 and 6, by detecting ‘wooden benches’ , ‘water fountains’ , ‘red ropes’ and ‘yellow guitar’ . Image 3 consists of more complex scene than others with more number of objects, for which the method is able to distinguish ‘five men’ and ‘bicycles’ clearly along with the extract of relationship between them as ‘standing near’ in a better manner. Thus from Fig. 3 , it is evident that the use of attention mechnaism in WCNN structure and CSE network helps to include more finer details in the image, highlighting both spatial, semantic as well as contextual relationship between the various objects thereby generating better textual descriptions of the image.

Figure  4 shows a few failure captions generated by the proposed captioning method. The method is unable to extract the semantics from certain images due to incorrect detection and recognition of objects and also the contextual relation between them. For images 1 and 3, the objects are not distinguished from the background and in image 6, the activity is wrongly interpreted as ‘ walking ’. In image 2, the object ‘ remote ’ is identified as ‘ phone ’ and hence the method fails to recognize the activity of that complex scene. Similar error happened in the case of image 5, with the detection of ‘ rope ’ as some fishing tool. Image 4 is formed from a group of photos combined together highlighting the various moves and techniques of tennis players. In this situations, the method fails to extract the semantics and contextual information of the image generating a caption as ‘ Men dancing with tennis racquet ’.

figure 4

Few samples of failure captions generated by the proposed method. The descriptions given in blue and red represents the ground truth and generated captions, respectively

Ablation study

To evaluate the performance of the combination of various stages in the model, an ablation study is conducted. The evaluation results of various configurations of the proposed model with MSCOCO dataset for cross entropy loss and with self critical loss with CD score optimization are given in Table  7 . Experimental studies are conducted initially by using WCNN model as the encoder network together with atrous convolution to extract the enhanced feature maps, which are then directly fed to the LSTM network for translation. Then attention networks are included in different combinations to the enhanced feature maps, which generates enriched textual descriptions. At first, SA network alone was incorporated by considering the \(h_{t-1}\) hidden state of the LSTM that highlights the spatial locations according to the generation of words to form the descriptions. This improved the B@4 and CD score by about 0.8 \(\%\) and 1.6 \(\%\) for cross entropy loss and about 1.3 \(\%\) and 1.4 \(\%\) for self-critical loss, respectively. Further CA network is introduced and we tried both the sequential combinations with CA and SA networks: (SA+CA) and (CA+SA). The (CA+SA) combinational network proved to be better than the other by providing B@4 and CD score of about 37.1 and 120.4 for self critical loss as shown in Table 7 . Finally, the CSE network is also employed in the network, which enhances the B@4 and CD score by 38.2 and 124.2.

Figure  5 illustrates the captions generated by the proposed method for three sample images with their annotated ground-truth sentences. From the generated captions, it is evident that the proposed method is able to understand the visual concepts in the image in a superior manner and is successful in generating more suitable captions, reflecting the underlying semantics.

figure 5

Samples of image captions generated by the DWCNN based image captioning method with the five ground truth sentences denoted as GT1, GT2, GT3, GT4 and GT5 respectively. D1 , D2 and D3 denotes the descriptions generated by the three configurations -WCNN+LSTM, WCNN+VPAN+LSTM amd WCNN+VAPN+CSE+LSTM, respectively

In this work, a deep neural architecture for image caption generation using encoder-decoder framework along with VAPN and CSE network is proposed. The inclusion of wavelet decomposition in the convolutional neural network extracts spatial, semantic and spectral information from the input image, which along with atrous convolution predicts the most salient regions in it. Rich image captions are obtained by employing spatial as well as channel-wise attention in the feature maps provided by the VAPN and also by considering the contextual spatial relationship between the objects in the image using CSE network. The experiment is conducted with three benchmark datasets, Flickr8K, Flickr16K and MSCOCO using BLEU, METEOR and CIDEr performance metrics. It achieved a good B@4, MT and CD score of 38.2, 28.9 and 124.2, respectively, for MSCOCO dataset. This proves its effectiveness. Since contextual information are utilised, finer semantics can be included in the generated captions. In future works, instead of LSTM, more advanced transformer network can be considered for achieving better CD score and finer captions. By the incorporation of temporal attention, the work can be extended for caption generation in videos.

Availability of data and materials

1. The Flickr 8k datset is available at https://www.kaggle.com/dibyansudiptiman/flickr-8k . 2. The MS COCO dataset is available at: https://cocodataset.org/ . 3. The Flickr30k dataset is available at: https://shannon.cs.illinois.edu/DenotationGraph/ .


Wavelet transform based Convolutional Neural Networks

Visual Attention Prediction Network

Long Short Term Memory

Recurrent Neural Network

Gated Recurrent Unit

Contextual Spatial Relation Extractor

Conditional random field

Fusion-based Recurrent Multi-Modal

Recurrent Fusion Network

Convolutional Neural Network

Channel attention

Spatial attention

Region Proposal Network

Bilingual Evaluation Understudy

Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit ORdering

Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation

Consensus-based Image Description Evaluation

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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum, Thiruvanathapuram, 695016, Kerala, India

Reshmi Sasibhooshan

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Government Engineering College, Mananthavady, Wayanad, 670644, Kerala, India

Suresh Kumaraswamy

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Government Engineering College, Painav, Idukki, 685603, Kerala, India

Santhoshkumar Sasidharan

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Sasibhooshan, R., Kumaraswamy, S. & Sasidharan, S. Image caption generation using Visual Attention Prediction and Contextual Spatial Relation Extraction. J Big Data 10 , 18 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-023-00693-9

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Received : 24 February 2022

Accepted : 21 January 2023

Published : 08 February 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-023-00693-9

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  • Image captioning
  • Wavelet transform based Convolutional Neural Network
  • Visual Attention Prediction
  • Contextual Spatial Relation Extraction

image caption generator research paper ieee

Show and tell: A neural image caption generator

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A systematic literature review on image captioning.

image caption generator research paper ieee

1. Introduction

2. slr methodology, 2.1. search sources.

  • IEEE Xplore
  • Web of Science—WOS (previously known as Web of Knowledge)

2.2. Search Questions

  • What techniques have been used in image caption generation?
  • What are the challenges in image captioning?
  • How does the inclusion of novel image description and addition of semantics improve the performance of image captioning?
  • What are the newest researches on image captioning?

2.3. Search Query

  • Year ○ 2016; ○ 2017; ○ 2018; ○ 2019;
  • Feature extractors: ○ AlexNet; ○ VGG-16 Net; ○ ResNet; ○ GoogleNet (including all nine Inception models); ○ DenseNet;
  • Language models: ○ LSTM; ○ RNN; ○ CNN; ○ cGRU; ○ TPGN;
  • Methods: ○ Encoder-decoder; ○ Attention mechanism; ○ Novel objects; ○ Semantics;
  • Results on datasets: ○ MS COCO; ○ Flickr30k;
  • Evaluation metrics: ○ BLEU-1; ○ BLEU-2; ○ BLEU-3; ○ BLEU-4; ○ CIDEr; ○ METEOR;

4. Discussion

4.1. model architecture and computational resources, 4.1.1. encoder—cnn, 4.1.2. decoder—lstm, 4.1.3. attention mechanism, 4.2. datasets, 4.3. human-like feeling, 4.4. comparison of results, 5. conclusions, author contributions, conflicts of interest.

Image EncoderImage DecoderMethodMS COCO Flickr30k
YearCitationAlexNetVGGNetGoogleNetResNetDenseNetLSTMRNNCNNcGRUTPGNEncoder-DecoderAttentionNovel ObjectsSemanticsBleu-1Bleu-2Bleu-3Bleu-4CIDErMeteorBleu-1Bleu-2Bleu-3Bleu-4CIDErMeteor
2016[ ] x x Lifelog Dataset
2016[ ]xx x x 62.142.628.119.3
2016[ ] x x x x50.031.220.313.161.816.8
2016[ ] x x xx 71.450.535.224.563.821.9
2017[ ] x x
2017[ ] x x x x 63.844.630.721.1
2017[ ] x x CUB-Justify
2017[ ] x x x 27.2
2017[ ] x x x 66.94632.522.6
2017[ ] x x xx 24.167.94429.220.9 19.7
2017[ ] x x Visual Genome Dataset
2017[ ]xx x 19.913.713.1
2017[ ]x x xx
2017[ ] x x xx 70.953.940.630.590.924.3
2017[ ] x 31.193.2
2017[ ] x x x x 71.353.940.330.493.725.1
2017[ ] x x xx 30.793.824.5
2017[ ] x x xxxx72.455.541.831.395.524.864.946.232.422.447.219.4
2017[ ] x x x x73.456.74332.69624
2017[ ] x x x 32.199.825.766
2017[ ] x x x 4231.9101.125.7 32.522.944.119
2017[ ] x x x 39.329.910224.8
2017[ ] x x xx xx 9183.172.861.7102.935
2017[ ] x x xx 73.156.742.932.3105.825.8
2017[ ] x x xx 74.25843.933.2108.526.667.749.435.425.153.120.4
2018[ ] x x Recall Evaluation metric
2018[ ] x xOI, VG, VRD
2018[ ] x x XX 71.651.837.126.5 24.3
2018[ ] x x APRC, CSMC
2018[ ] x x x x F-1 score metrics21.6
2018[ ] x x xxx
2018[ ] x x xx 72.55136.225.9 24.568.445.531.321.4 19.9
2018[ ] x x x x74564231 2673554028
2018[ ] xxx x x 6342.124.214.62542.3
2018[ ] x x xx74.458.144.333.8 26.2
2018[ ]x x x x IAPRTC-12
2018[ ] x x xx
2018[ ] x x xxxR
2018[ ] x x x xxx 50.530.819.112.16017
2018[ ] x x x xx 5132.220.713.665.417
2018[ ] x x xxxx66.7 23.877.222.4
2018[ ] x x xx 68.851.33726.583.923.460.742.529.219.939.519.1
2018[ ] x x x 7153.739.128.18924.1
2018[ ] x x x 70.853.639.128.489.824.861.543.830.521.346.420
2018[ ] x x x 39.528.290.724.3
2018[ ] x x 7254.7402991.7 62.743.529.620.5 19.3
2018[ ] x x xx 57.1 30.59825.4
2018[ ] x x X x74.056.743.331.398.325.564.643.831.922.439.619.2
2018[ ] x x xx91.683.673.462.59934.8
2018[ ] x x xx 30.2101.825.8
2018[ ] x x xx 34103.626.3
2018[ ] x x x xx 74.257.743.833105.8 66.348.134.424.552.9
2018[ ] xx x xx 44.334.5105.926.5 33.42444.219
2018[ ] x x xx 44.334106.026.3
2018[ ] x x xx 7356.943.633.3108.1
2018[ ] x x x 75 34.6108.226.9
2018[ ] x x xx x76.158.144.934.9109.126.773.15438.627.959.421.7
2018[ ] xx x xxx 76.460.447.937112.527.4
2018[ ] X X XXXx79.463.148.236.1119.628.172.148.736.921.253.620.5
2018[ ] x x xx 38.3123.228.6
2018[ ] x x xx 38.1126.128.3
2019[ ] x x xx 71.952.938.728.4 24.369.445.733.222.6 23
2019[ ] x x x x 21.9
2019[ ] x x x x 12.6
2019[ ] x x xx 67.148.834.323.973.321.8
2019[ ] x x xxxx66.648.935.525.882.123.161.542.128.619.339.918.2
2019[ ] x x xx 70.653.439.529.288.123.7
2019[ ] xx x xx 69.552.138.628.791.924.166.648.434.624.752.420.2
2019[ ] x x xxx
2019[ ] xx xx 73.456.642.832.299.925.465.247.133.623.9 19.9
2019[ ] x x xxx73.957.143.333101.62666.147.233.423.2 19.4
2019[ ] x x x 73.556.943.332.9103.325.467.148.734.923.953.320.1
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Architecture#Params#Multiply-AddsTop-1 AccuracyTop-5 AccuracyYear

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Staniūtė, R.; Šešok, D. A Systematic Literature Review on Image Captioning. Appl. Sci. 2019 , 9 , 2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9102024

Staniūtė R, Šešok D. A Systematic Literature Review on Image Captioning. Applied Sciences . 2019; 9(10):2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9102024

Staniūtė, Raimonda, and Dmitrij Šešok. 2019. "A Systematic Literature Review on Image Captioning" Applied Sciences 9, no. 10: 2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9102024

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Computer Science > Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Title: comparative evaluation of cnn architectures for image caption generation.

Abstract: Aided by recent advances in Deep Learning, Image Caption Generation has seen tremendous progress over the last few years. Most methods use transfer learning to extract visual information, in the form of image features, with the help of pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network models followed by transformation of the visual information using a Caption Generator module to generate the output sentences. Different methods have used different Convolutional Neural Network Architectures and, to the best of our knowledge, there is no systematic study which compares the relative efficacy of different Convolutional Neural Network architectures for extracting the visual information. In this work, we have evaluated 17 different Convolutional Neural Networks on two popular Image Caption Generation frameworks: the first based on Neural Image Caption (NIC) generation model and the second based on Soft-Attention framework. We observe that model complexity of Convolutional Neural Network, as measured by number of parameters, and the accuracy of the model on Object Recognition task does not necessarily co-relate with its efficacy on feature extraction for Image Caption Generation task.
Comments: Article Published in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), Volume 11 Issue 12, 2020
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Machine Learning (cs.LG); Multimedia (cs.MM); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)
Cite as: [cs.CV]
  (or [cs.CV] for this version)
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Journal reference: in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11(12), 2020
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The CAA Captioner–Enhancing Image Captioning with Contrastive Learning and Attention on Attention Mechanism

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 01 September 2024
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image caption generator research paper ieee

  • Zhao Cui 7  

Part of the book series: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies ((SIST,volume 388))

Included in the following conference series:

  • The World Conference on Intelligent and 3D Technologies

Image Captioning is a complex interdisciplinary task, situated at the intersection of CV (computer vision) and NLP (natural language processing). In recent years, with the development of encoder decoder frameworks and attention mechanisms, although significant progress has been made in this task, there is still a need to optimize the accuracy and completeness of text generation to improve the generalization ability of the model. We propose an Image Captioning method that combines a contrastive learning-enhanced ResNet101 encoder with an Attention on Attention (AoA) improved Transformer decoder to achieve better performance in generating accurate and natural descriptions. We utilize contrastive learning to enhance the model's understanding of image content. Additionally, we apply data augmentation techniques to enhance the model's generalization ability, and optimize the attention mechanism of the Transformer decoder using the AoA module. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of contrastive learning in handling complex scenes, multiple objects, and detailed descriptions, as our approach achieves superior performance on widely adopted Image Captioning datasets.

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Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria

Roumen Kountchev (Deceased)

Interscience Institute of Management and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Srikanta Patnaik

School of Electrical, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai, China

Wenfeng Wang

TK Engineering, Sofia, Bulgaria

Roumiana Kountcheva

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Cui, Z. (2024). The CAA Captioner–Enhancing Image Captioning with Contrastive Learning and Attention on Attention Mechanism. In: Kountchev (Deceased), R., Patnaik, S., Wang, W., Kountcheva, R. (eds) AI Methods and Applications in 3D Technologies. WCI3DT 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 388. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-2144-3_22

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-2144-3_22

Published : 01 September 2024

Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore

Print ISBN : 978-981-97-2143-6

Online ISBN : 978-981-97-2144-3

eBook Packages : Intelligent Technologies and Robotics Intelligent Technologies and Robotics (R0)

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  1. Image Caption Generation Using Deep Learning Technique

    The model is trained in such a way that if input image is given to model it generates captions which nearly describes the image. The accuracy of model and smoothness or command of language model learns from image descriptions is tested on different datasets. ... Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 25 April 2019 ISBN Information: Electronic ISBN: 978-1 ...

  2. Show and tell: A neural image caption generator

    Show and tell: A neural image caption generator ... In this paper, we present a generative model based on a deep recurrent architecture that combines recent advances in computer vision and machine translation and that can be used to generate natural sentences describing an image. ... Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 15 October 2015 ISBN Information ...

  3. Camera2Caption: A real-time image caption generator

    Published in: 2017 International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science (ICCIDS) Date of Conference: 02-03 June 2017. Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 01 February 2018. ISBN Information: DOI: 10.1109/ICCIDS.2017.8272660. Publisher: IEEE. Conference Location: Chennai, India. Authors. Figures.

  4. Visual Image Caption Generator Using Deep Learning

    An Image Caption Generator is a sophisticated AI system that combines computer vision and natural language processing to automatically create descriptive textual captions for images.

  5. [1411.4555] Show and Tell: A Neural Image Caption Generator

    Oriol Vinyals, Alexander Toshev, Samy Bengio, Dumitru Erhan. View a PDF of the paper titled Show and Tell: A Neural Image Caption Generator, by Oriol Vinyals and 3 other authors. Automatically describing the content of an image is a fundamental problem in artificial intelligence that connects computer vision and natural language processing.

  6. Visuals to Text: A Comprehensive Review on Automatic Image Captioning

    Image captioning refers to automatic generation of descriptive texts according to the visual content of images. It is a technique integrating multiple disciplines including the computer vision (CV), natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence. In recent years, substantial research efforts have been devoted to generate image caption with impressive progress. To summarize the ...

  7. Deep Learning Approaches on Image Captioning: A Review

    Image captioning is a research area of immense importance, aiming to generate natural language descriptions for visual content in the form of still images. ... and Dumitru Erhan. 2015. Show and tell: A neural image caption generator. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision ... and Yongdong Zhang. 2020. Multi-level policy and ...

  8. Image caption generation using Visual Attention Prediction and

    The organization of the paper is as follows: First a brief descriptions about the previous works in image captioning, which is followed by the proposed model architecture and detailed experiments and results. ... Bengio S, Erhan D. Show and tell: A neural image caption generator. In: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ...

  9. Show and tell: A neural image caption generator

    Abstract. Automatically describing the content of an image is a. fundamental problem in artificial intelligence that connects. computer vision and natural language processing. In this. paper, we present a generative model based on a deep recurrent. architecture that combines recent advances in computer. vision and machine translation and that ...

  10. Deep Learning Approaches on Image Captioning: A Review

    Image captioning is a research area of immense importance, aiming to generate natural language descriptions for visual content in the form of still images. The advent of deep learning and more recently vision-language pre-training techniques has revolutionized the field, leading to more sophisticated methods and improved performance. In this survey paper, we provide a structured review of deep ...

  11. Image Caption Generator Using Attention Mechanism

    This paper introduces a system that uses an attention mechanism alongside an encoder and a decoder to generate the captions. It uses a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) viz. Inception V3 to extract features of the image and then a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) viz. GRU to generate a relevant caption.

  12. PDF Show and Tell: A Neural Image Caption Generator

    "encoder", by first pre-training it for an image classification task and using the last hidden layer as an input to the RNN decoder that generates sentences (see Fig.1). We call this model the Neural Image Caption, or NIC. Our contributions are as follows. First, we present an end-to-end system for the problem. It is a neural net which

  13. (PDF) Image Caption Generator

    Image Caption Generator. December 2023. DOI: 10.2991/978-94-6463-314-6_35. License. CC BY-NC 4.0. In book: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering ...

  14. A Systematic Literature Review on Image Captioning

    A novel semantic attribute-based feature for image caption generation. In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Calgary, AB, Canada, 15-20 April 2018; pp. 3081-3085. [Google Scholar] Chang, Y.-S. Fine-grained attention for image caption generation. Multimed.

  15. Comparative evaluation of CNN architectures for Image Caption Generation

    Aided by recent advances in Deep Learning, Image Caption Generation has seen tremendous progress over the last few years. Most methods use transfer learning to extract visual information, in the form of image features, with the help of pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network models followed by transformation of the visual information using a Caption Generator module to generate the output ...

  16. Automatic image caption generation using deep learning

    Image captioning is an interesting and challenging task with applications in diverse domains such as image retrieval, organizing and locating images of users' interest, etc. It has huge potential for replacing manual caption generation for images and is especially suitable for large-scale image data. Recently, deep neural network based methods have achieved great success in the field of ...

  17. Generating Image Captions based on Deep Learning and ...

    This model enables an individual to input an image and output a description for the same. The research paper makes use of the functionalities of Deep Learning and NLP (Natural Language Processing). Image Caption Generation is an important task as it allows us automate the task of generating captions for any image. This functionality enables us to easily organize files without paying heed to ...

  18. The CAA Captioner-Enhancing Image Captioning with ...

    Google's Neural Image Caption (NIC) model, proposed in 2015, is the most representative and practical achievement. This paper first introduced the encoder-decoder framework for solving the Image Caption task, using CNN as the image feature extractor and encoder, and RNN as the extractor and decoder from image information to text language.

  19. PDF International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring ...

    Image Caption Generator Megha J Panicker, Vikas Upadhayay, Gunjan Sethi, Vrinda Mathur Abstract — In the modern era, image captioning has become one of the most widely required tools. Moreover, there are inbuilt applications that generate and provide a caption for a certain image, all these things are done with the help of deep neural

  20. PDF Image Caption Generator using CNN-LSTM

    International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 08 Issue: 07 | July 2021 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 ... Image Caption Generator using CNN-LSTM Preksha Khant1, Vishal Deshmukh2, ... No. Authors Research Paper Publication Year Dataset and methodology Conclusions

  21. Image Caption Generator using EfficientNet

    Our proposed model shows better understanding of the image and provides us with desirable results. Published in: Article #: Date of Conference: 13-14 October 2022. Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 08 December 2022. ISBN Information: Electronic ISBN: 978-1-6654-7433-7. USB ISBN: 978-1-6654-7432-. Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-6654-7434-4.

  22. PDF Image Caption Generator using Machine Learning

    This paper presents a far reaching investigation of the cutting edge models and progression in exploration that has occurred in image captioning. Key Words: Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Image Captioning, Technology. 1. INTRODUCTION Image caption generator is a mainstream research

  23. Image Captioning Using Deep Learning

    The process of generating a textual description for images is known as image captioning. Now a days it is one of the recent and growing research problem. Day by day various solutions are being introduced for solving the problem. Even though, many solutions are already available, a lot of attention is still required for getting better and precise results. So, we came up with the idea of ...