Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Ireland

The National Further Education and Training (FET) Strategy

Future FET: Transforming Learning

This strategy is the product of extensive analysis and a comprehensive consultation process. The ambitious agenda set out in this new FET strategy for the period 2020-2024, is aimed at Transforming Learning over the next 5 years. As we transition from the first FET strategy which followed the establishment of Education and Training Boards and SOLAS , we are moving towards a phase where real reform and performance improvement can deliver a more strategic and integrated FET system.

The timing is perfect, with the formation of a new Department dedicated to both further and higher education, new Ministers in place to oversee a more cohesive approach across both, and a programme for Government which sets out a range of commitments to grow the role and contribution of FET over the next few years. The new approach is based on three strategic pillars: building skills; fostering inclusion, and facilitating pathways.

This will be underpinned by a strong focus on four enabling themes: digital transformation; learner and performance focus; staffing and structures; and capital development.

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Further Education

Applicants wishing to register as a teacher in the Further Education sector must meet the requirements set out in  Route 3  of the Teaching Council [Registration] Regulations 2016 and The Teaching Council [Registration] (Amendment) Regulations 2016.

Any person who meets the degree qualification requirements outlined therein is eligible for conditional registration for a period of three years, in which time a Council accredited teacher education qualification must be completed.

There are currently seven accredited teacher education qualifications specific to the further education sector.

For further information, please see:

  • Qualification requirements for further education teachers
  • Registration process for Route 3 Further Education

Higher Education Institutions

The following Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) provide programmes of initial teacher education for further education.

Dublin City University (undergraduate only)

  • Bachelor of Science in Education & Training (Further, Adult and Continuing Education)

Marino Institute of Education

  • Professional Diploma in Education (Further Education)

Mary Immaculate College, Limerick

  • Graduate Diploma in Adult & Further Education

Maynooth University (National University of Ireland Maynooth)

  • Higher Diploma in Further Education

National College of Ireland

  • Master of Arts in Socially Engaged Art: (Further Adult & Community Education)
  • The Post Graduate Diploma in Arts in Educational Practice, in Teaching for Further Education (Formally Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Learning and Teaching)

University of Galway (formerly National University of Ireland, Galway)

South east technological university (formerly waterford institute of technology).

  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Teaching in Further Education and Adult Education
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching in Further Education (F/T)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching in Further Education (P/T)

You can also view the reports for all the programmes on the accredited programmes page .

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Overview of the Irish education system

Education in ireland, pre-school education, primary education, post-primary education, special needs education for students with disabilities, further and adult education, third-level education.

The Irish education system is made up of primary school and post-primary school (also know as secondary school). You must ensure that your child gets a certain minimum education from the age of 6 to 16 or until they have completed 3 years of post-primary education.

Primary and post-primary schools must provide places based on their school admissions policy and admissions notice .

Many people continue on after post-primary to further education and third-level education . State-funded education is available at all levels, unless you choose to send your child to a private school.

The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Scheme provides free early childhood care and education for children of pre-school age.

Other than the ECCE, pre-school education is usually provided by privately funded childcare services. However, the National Childcare Scheme (NCS) provides financial support to help parents to meet the costs of private childcare.

The Department of Education also funds some pre-school initiatives focused on children at risk .

Children do not have to attend school until the age of 6.

Usually, children start primary school when they are 5 years of age. They start in September - the beginning of the school year.

The Irish primary school curriculum is child-centred.

Generally, children are required to study Irish in school. Some children may be exempted from learning Irish in school .

Find out more about choosing a primary school for your child.

Post-primary education is provided by different types of post-primary schools .

Post-primary education has 2 stages:

  • Junior Cycle – age 12 to 15 (approximately)
  • Senior Cycle - age 16 to 18 (approximately)

Junior Cycle and examinations

Students generally start the Junior Cycle at the age of 12 and take the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) examination at the end of 3 years.

Senior Cycle and examinations

Children can have a 2 or 3-year Senior Cycle. The Senior Cycle is 3 years, if you opt to include Transition Year .

The Transition year allows students to experience a wide range of educational instruction and work experience.

During their final 2 years in the Senior Cycle , students take one of 3 programmes, each leading to a State examination:

  • Established Leaving Certificate
  • Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
  • Leaving Certificate Applied

The established Leaving Certificate is the main basis on which students are allocated places in universities, institutes of technology and colleges of education.

The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme has elements of the established Leaving Certificate but concentrates on technical subjects and includes additional modules with a vocational focus.

The Leaving Certificate Applied Programme aims to prepare students for adult and working life through relevant learning experiences. It is for students who wish to follow a practical or vocational programme. It is not recognised for direct entry to third-level courses but it can enable students to take Post-Leaving Certificate courses .

Educational provision for students with special educational needs ranges from additional support in mainstream schools to specialist support in special schools. A student with a disability may be enrolled in a:

  • Mainstream class with additional support
  • Special class in a mainstream school
  • Special school

After post-primary school many students move on to further education or third level (see third-level education below). The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) has 10 levels of education and allows you to compare the different standards and levels of education available to you across the education system.

Educational Training Board programmes

The Education and Training Boards (ETBs) run a range of adult and further education and training programmes nationwide including Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses . PLCs offer technical and practical education as well as a route to higher and third-level education.

Other programmes offered through ETBs include the Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (second-chance education for adults); Youthreach for early school-leavers; other literacy and basic education; and self-funded evening adult programmes.


Apprenticeships provide on-the-job training and off-the job education. Apprenticeships are offered in traditional craft trades such as plumbing and electrical engineering but also new apprenticeships such as ICT, finance, software development and hospitality.

You must be at least 16 years of age and may need a minimum grade in Junior Cycle or equivalent exam.


Springboard+ provides free higher education courses for people who are unemployed (or were self-employed) and those looking to return to the workforce.

If you are working, you may have to pay a contribution towards course fees. Generally, courses are part-time for one year and offered at Level 6 to 9 on the NFQ. Courses offered include ICT, medical technologies, cybersecurity and sustainable energy.

Third-level education is made up of a number of sectors that are substantially funded by the State.

  • University sector
  • Technological sector
  • Colleges of education

Universities in general are autonomous and self-governing. They offer degree programmes at bachelor, masters and doctorate level.

The technological sector includes technological universities (TUs) and institutes of technology (ITs) which provide programmes of education and training in areas such as business, science, engineering, linguistics and music to certificate, diploma and degree levels.

The colleges of education specialise in training for primary school teachers. Training for post-primary teachers is provided by many third-level institutions. Qualifax provides detailed information on programmes for teacher training .

In December 2022, the Government announced plans to develop joint further and higher education degree programmes. From September 2023, students may start some degree programmes in further education and progress to higher education.

Related documents

  • Irish Constitution and education The Irish Constitution (Bunreacht na hÉireann) contains specific articles on education, religion, and the family, which affect how education is organised. 2125.321
  • Case studies: Choosing between the student grant and Back to Education Allowance. Three case studies exploring the choices available to people getting Jobseeker’s Allowance, One-Parent Family Payment and Disability Allowance. 1947.8658
  • Main institutions of the Irish State Power in Ireland is divided between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. This document describes how these powers are used and introduces the institutions at the heart of power in the State. 1936.7957

If you have a question about this topic you can contact the Citizens Information Phone Service on 0818 07 4000 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm).

You can also contact your local Citizens Information Centre .

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  • Further Education and Training Act 2013

Further Education and Training Act 2013 Permanent Page URL

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25 2013


Preliminary and General


An tSeirbhís Oideachais Leanúnaigh agus Scileanna

Dissolution of An Foras Áiseanna Saothair



Redress for Contravention of

Acts Referred to

1990, No. 33

1993, No. 8

1981, No. 11

2013, No. 11

1995, No. 22

1997, No. 2

1997, No. 13

1987, No. 15

Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts 1973 to 2005

2000, No. 41

1997, No. 20

2003, No. 29

2001, No. 45

2012, No. 37

2012, No. 28

1967, No. 21

Redundancy Payments Acts 1967 to 2007

2005, No. 10

2010, No. 37

Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977 to 2007


Number 25 of 2013



[10 th July , 2013]


Higher Education Authority

The higher education institutions (HEIs) with whom the HEA works under statute or who are in receipt of core public funding are listed below:

Higher Education Institutions

  • Atlantic Technological University
  • Dublin City University
  • Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art and Design & Technology
  • Dundalk Institute of Technology
  • Mary Immaculate College
  • Maynooth University
  • Munster Technological University
  • National College of Art & Design
  • RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Royal Irish Academy
  • South East Technological University
  • St Angela’s College
  • Technological University Dublin
  • Technological University Shannon: Midlands Midwest
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • University College Cork
  • University College Dublin
  • University of Galway
  • University of Limerick
  • Athlone Institute of Technology
  • Cork Institute of Technology
  • Dublin Institute of Technology
  • Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
  • Institute of Technology Blanchardstown
  • Institute of Technology Carlow
  • Institute of Technology Sligo
  • Institute of Technology Tallaght
  • Institute of Technology Tralee
  • Letterkenny Institute of Technology
  • Limerick Institute of Technology
  • Mater Dei Institute of Education
  • St Patricks College, Drumcondra
  • Waterford Institute of Technology

A list of higher education institutions in receipt of public funding is available here on the website of the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.

There are a number of other higher education providers that offer programmes that are validated by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), the State’s Qualifications and Quality Assurance Authority. A list of these higher education providers can be found on the  QQI website .

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  1. gov

    Further education is education and training that happens after second-level schooling, but which is not part of the third-level system. There are number of providers of further and adult education and training. A wide variety of schools, organisations and institutions are involved in the delivery of continuing education and training for young ...

  2. Further education and training (FET) courses

    There is a wide range of further education and training (FET) courses available. You can choose from: Full-time courses, or. Part-time courses. Qualifax has a database of all further education courses. It also has the information you need to make an informed choice about your education, training and career path.

  3. Further education

    Further education. Further education (often abbreviated FE) in the United Kingdom and Ireland is additional education to that received at secondary school that is distinct from the higher education (HE) offered in universities and other academic institutions. It may be at any level in compulsory secondary education, from entry to higher level ...

  4. gov

    Higher education in Ireland is provided by universities, technological universities, institutes of technology and colleges of education. Also, several other third-level institutions provide specialist education, in fields such as art and design, medicine, business studies, rural development, theology, music and law. Find out more about higher ...

  5. Further and higher education qualifications

    Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) is the state agency responsible for promoting the quality, integrity and reputation of the further and higher education system in Ireland. It has taken over the functions of the following 4 bodies: National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI) Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC)

  6. Further education and training

    If you want to improve your reading, writing, maths or computer skills, there are free services available. Provides opportunities for adult learners and early school-leavers who want to upgrade their skills. If you get a place on a Further Education and Training (FET) training course you may be paid an allowance.

  7. gov

    Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD and Minister of State for Further Education Niall Collins TD have today launched the National Further Education and Training Strategy. The strategy sets out a five-year roadmap for the sector which is built around three key pillars of building skills ...

  8. PDF What is the Further Education System in Ireland?

    What is the Further Education System in Ireland? Further Education and Training or FET, offers a wide variety of life-long education options to anyone over 16 years of age. Further Education and Training includes core literacy and numeracy services, community and adult education, Post Leaving Cert1 (PLC) courses, as well as apprenticeships and ...

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  10. National Framework of Qualifications

    The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is a European initiative to support mobility within the EU. It allows qualifications gained in any European country to be classified and organised into an eight-level system. It enables learners, learning providers and employers to compare qualifications between different countries' national ...

  11. What is further education and training?, a new website from the further education and training agency, is bursting with news, stories and information the areas of FET that are most relevant for school-leavers ...

  12. The National Further Education and Training (FET) Strategy

    Future FET: Transforming Learning. This strategy is the product of extensive analysis and a comprehensive consultation process. The ambitious agenda set out in this new FET strategy for the period 2020-2024, is aimed at Transforming Learning over the next 5 years.As we transition from the first FET strategy which followed the establishment of Education and Training Boards and SOLAS, we are ...

  13. Third-level education in Ireland

    Third-level educational institutions. A wide range of institutions in Ireland provide third-level education. The university sector, the technological sector and the colleges of education are substantially funded by the State. In addition, there are a number of independent private colleges. The Higher Education Authority is the statutory agency ...

  14. Third-level education in the Republic of Ireland

    Third-level education in the Republic of Ireland includes all education after second-level, encompassing higher education in universities and colleges and further education on Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) and other courses. The degree-awarding institutions which can grant awards at all academic levels are the University of Dublin, National ...

  15. Education in the Republic of Ireland

    Education in the Republic of Ireland is a primary, secondary and higher (often known as "third-level" or tertiary) education.In recent years, further education has grown immensely, with 51% of working age adults having completed higher education by 2020. [1] Growth in the economy since the 1960s has driven much of the change in the education system. For universities there are student service ...

  16. Further Education

    Further Education. Applicants wishing to register as a teacher in the Further Education sector must meet the requirements set out in Route 3 of the Teaching Council [Registration] Regulations 2016 and The Teaching Council [Registration] (Amendment) Regulations 2016. Any person who meets the degree qualification requirements outlined therein is ...

  17. 'The Future of Further and Higher Education in Ireland': Speech by

    This is also an exciting time for Further Education and Training in Ireland. The FET Strategy - Future FET Transforming Learning, acknowledges the key role of FET in driving both economic development and social cohesion. This roadmap for the sector is built around three core pillars of building skills; fostering inclusion; and facilitating ...

  18. PDF Recognition of Prior Learning in Irish Further Education and Training (FET)

    This report was prepared by Deirdre Goggin, Phil O'Leary and Prof. Irene Sheridan of Cork Institute of Technology. Published September 2017. Recognition of Prior Learning in Irish Further Education and Training (FET) entsForeword1 Conclusions and RecommendationsIntroduction 4 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 4 RPL; an international ...

  19. Overview of the Irish education system

    Education in Ireland. The Irish education system is made up of primary school and post-primary school (also know as secondary school). You must ensure that your child gets a certain minimum education from the age of 6 to 16 or until they have completed 3 years of post-primary education. Primary and post-primary schools must provide places based ...

  20. Further Education and Training Act 2013

    47. Transfer of land and other property to education and training boards. 48. Transfer of rights and liabilities, and continuation of leases, licences and permissions granted by An tSeirbhís. 49. Provisions consequent upon transfer of functions, assets and liabilities to An tSeirbhís. 50.

  21. Higher Education Institutions

    A list of higher education institutions in receipt of public funding is available here on the website of the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.. There are a number of other higher education providers that offer programmes that are validated by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), the State's Qualifications and Quality Assurance Authority.

  22. gov

    See an overview of further and higher education in Ireland. Statutory Instrument S.I. No. 430 of 2024: Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012

  23. Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and

    Global Citizens 2030 is Ireland's new Talent and Innovation Strategy. Consultations. Public Consultation on the proportionality of the Construction Safety Licensing Bill 2023. 20 August 2024 ... The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science is responsible for policy, funding and governance of the Higher and ...