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Boxes R Us are 100% Australian Made and Owned!

We are a Brisbane based family-owned manufacturing company

Boxes R Us manufactures Wholesale Gift Boxes and Promotional Packaging in small quantities.  We produce Australian Made cardboard boxes for gift hampers, treat boxes or even presentation boxes for your clients or staff and so much more.

We specialize in 100% recycled board which is available across our full range., boxes r us (craftpak pty ltd t/a boxes r us) has been supplying packaging at both low cost and in realistic, affordable quantities since 1995. , if you’re after custom printed boxes, we offer foil printing as an option to have your box branded with your logo. for more information on foil printing, see our  printing options page  to learn more., “we aim high to produce high quality products ever time for every customer”, login / create account × please login or create an account prior to adding products to you cart. logging in first will help for a faster ordering experience. close cancel var $=jquery;if('1'==1){if('button'=='all'){jquery('#close_popup_1').attr('onclick','eplm_set_cookie(1);');jquery('#closepopup_1').attr('onclick','eplm_set_cookie(1);')}else if('button'=='icon'){jquery('#closepopup_1').attr('onclick','eplm_set_cookie(1);')}else 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L1 - Long Box with Lid - 160mm x 65mm x 30mm

L1 – Long Box with Lid – 160mm x 65mm x 30mm

DC3D - Die-Cut Carton - 240mm x 195mm x 80mm

DC3D – Die-Cut Carton – 240mm x 195mm x 80mm

DC1 - Die-Cut Carton - 150mm x 105mm x 40mm

DC1 – Die-Cut Carton – 150mm x 105mm x 40mm

R2 - Rectangle Box with Lid - 150mm x 110mm x 50mm

R2 – Rectangle Box with Lid – 150mm x 110mm x 50mm


Box Biz & Bindery Logo

Custom Made & Designed Presentation Boxes

Presentation Boxes - Your  Presentation is Our Priority

Presentation is everything. The packaging used to hold and present your gift is the first expression of your brand or yourself that the recipient will take note of. Box Biz understand the importance of functional and visually appealing presentation boxes or packaging to enhance your products. 

Our Presentation Boxes are the ideal way to present corporate gifts or merchandise, personally made products or hand made/keepsake gifts. We can customise almost any aspect and send you visuals of the final product to ensure you are satisfied with your presentation box before we begin crafting.

What is Different About Presentation Boxes by Box Biz?

At Box Biz, we can customise every single aspect of your presentation box to create packaging exactly as you had envisioned. Our customers have trusted our design and creation teams to put together effective product packaging on multiple product runs. With longstanding relationships with many of our customers, some of the reasons they rely on Box Biz for presentation boxes include:

  • Made in Australia from High Quality Materials
  • Quick Production and Shipping Turnaround 
  • Short and Long Production Runs
  • CMYK Printing or Hot Foil Embossing

Contact Box Biz For More Information About Creating Your Own Presentation Box Design

Presentation Boxes

Design & Production of Presentation Boxes

Our high quality presentation boxes are made in Australia within our Adelaide warehouse and can be shipped nationally. Each box is designed and produced using the latest in computer-aided design technology, giving a customised look and purpose to suit each of our customers. 

First the box is cut from rigid box board and then corner cut by hand, ready to be hand covered. They are then laminated in your selected colour and texture of paper from our wide variety available with any additional features such as hot foil embossing as desired. 

At Box Biz we specialise in complex projects, including 5 colour finishes, die cut inserts and unique foam lining to create the perfect Presentation Box in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth or any location within Australia to ensure you receive the very best.  plus we are able to emboss our boxes or packaging to achieve your desired effect. 

Ready to see what we have created in collaboration with other brands? View our Presentation Box Gallery to see what is possible.

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Bespoke Custom Made Presentation Boxes in Australia

Spend over $69 to receive free shipping in Australia or over $189 for New Zealand!

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Tools to Liveby

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  • Notepads & Sticky Notes
  • Traveler's Notebook
  • Bullet Journals
  • Desk Pads & To-Dos
  • Planner Stickers
  • Planner Stamps
  • Journaling Pens
  • Letter Writing Paper
  • Letter Sets
  • Handles & Sealing Wax
  • 2025 Diaries
  • 2025 Calendars
  • Undated Diaries
  • Fountain Pens
  • Fountain Pen Inks
  • Fountain Pen Accessories
  • Ballpoint Pens
  • Ballpoint Refills
  • Rollerball Pens
  • Rollerball Refills
  • Mechanical Pencils
  • Mechanical Pencil Refills
  • Wooden Pencils
  • Sharpeners & Erasers
  • Pencil Point Guards
  • Calligraphy Pens
  • Calligraphy Nibs
  • Calligraphy Inks
  • Calligraphy Workbooks
  • Rulers & Stencils
  • Staplers & Hole Punches
  • Pencil Boards
  • Stamp Ink Pads
  • Pen Loops & Straps
  • Pen & Pencil Cases
  • Highlighters
  • Watercolour Paints
  • Ringbinders
  • Ringbinder Inserts
  • Springback & Clamp Binders
  • Filing Boxes
  • Letter Trays
  • Compendiums
  • Magazine Files
  • Photo Albums
  • Photo Ringbinders
  • Photo Stickers & Corners
  • Photo Album Pens
  • Carry Cases
  • Card Holders
  • Passport Covers
  • Wrapping Papers
  • Japanese Stationery
  • Gifts Under $15
  • Gifts Under $50
  • Gifts Under $100
  • Animal Lovers
  • Beginner Fountain Pens
  • Calligraphy

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  • Bookbinders Design
  • Leuchtturm1917
  • Traveler's Company

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Graf von Faber-Castell

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Fisher Space Pen

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  • Cosmetic Display Boxes Cream Boxes Eye Liner Boxes Eye Shadow Boxes Foundation Boxes Hair Extension Boxes Hair Spray Boxes Lip Balm Boxes Lip Gloss Boxes Lipstick Boxes Lotion Boxes Makeup Boxes Mascara Boxes Nail Polish Boxes Perfume Boxes
  • Bakery Boxes Cake Boxes Candy Boxes Cereal Boxes Chinese Food Boxes Chinese Takeout Boxes Chocolate Boxes Coffee Boxes Cookies Boxes Cupcake Boxes Dessert Boxes Donut Boxes Macaron Boxes Muffin Boxes Noodle Boxes Pastry Boxes Pie Boxes Pizza Boxes Popcorn Boxes Snack Boxes Tea Boxes Truffle Boxes Wine Boxes
  • Gold Foil Boxes Silver Foil Boxes
  • Archive Boxes Book Boxes Business Card Boxes Candle Boxes Cardboard Boxes CD/DVD Storage Boxes Christmas Boxes Cigarette Boxes Corrugated Boxes Cube Boxes Die Cut Boxes Display Boxes Favor Boxes Folding Boxes Gable Boxes Game Boxes Gift Boxes Gift Card Boxes Handle Boxes Invitation Boxes Kraft Boxes Medicine Boxes Ornament Boxes Paper Boxes Pillow Boxes Playing Card Boxes Postage Boxes Presentation Boxes Product Boxes PVC Bags Pyramid Boxes Shirt Boxes Sleeve Boxes Soap Boxes Software Boxes Sports Boxes Subscription Boxes Suitcase Boxes Tie Boxes Toy Boxes Wedding Card Boxes White Boxes Window Boxes Wrap Boxes
  • Auto Bottom Sleeve Box Cover Sleeve Cosmetic Sleeve Die Cut Sleeve Hanger Sleeve Paper Sleeve Seal End Sleeve Soap Sleeve Taper Style Sleeve
  • 1 2 3 Bottom Display Lid 123 Bottom 4 Pack Bottle Carrier Auto Bottom With Display Lid Full Flap Auto Bottom Handle Bag Shape Box Seal End Auto Bottom Six Pack Bottle Carrier Tuck End Cover Tuck With Bellow Dust Flap Lock
  • Bookend CD Case Four Panel CD Jacket Six Panel CD Jacket Two Panel CD Jacket
  • Auto Bottom Tray Bowl Sleeve Cube Shaped Carrier Disc Folder Double Glue Side Wall Tray Double Locked Wall Lid Double Wall Foot Lock Double Wall Tray Economy Disc Folder Foot Lock Tray French Fry Boxes Full Flat Double Tray Gable Bag Glass Carrier Header Card Ice Cream Cone Holder Multi-Purpose Header Piece Tray With Reinforced Side Wall Pillow Box Regular Six Corner Side Lock Six Corner Six Corner Sleeve With Cap Lock Sleeve With Product Retainers Sleeve With Tapered Side Panel T Box
  • Bookend Box With Hanging and Locking Tabs Double Wall Tuck Front Four Corner Cake Box Half Circular Interlocking Top Flaps Hexagon Hexagon 2 PC Self-Locked Counter Display Tray Square Box With Ladder Top Tray and Sleeve Box Two Piece
  • Divider Fence Partition Punch Insert
  • Dispenser Double Glued Side Wall Tray and Sleeve Five Panel Hanger Flip Out Open Dispenser Box Folder Business Card Four Corner Tray Front Cut Out Display Tray Full Overlap Seal End Hanger Product Holder Header Card Bag Topper Mailer With Zipper Panel Hanger Snap Lock Bottom Paper Briefcase Perforated Dispenser Box Pinch Lock Tray Pop Counter Display Tray Prism Shaped Box Reinforced Sides With Hinged Top Reverse Tuck End Reverse Tuck End With Lock Roll End Tray Roll End Tuck Top Roll Ends With Lid Seal End Seal End With Tear Open Seal End With Tear Open and Lock Side Lock Tuck Top Display Box Simplex Tray Slope Top Reverse Tuck End Straight Tuck End Straight Tuck With Customizable Window Straight Tuck With Rise Up Insert Triangular Tray Lid Tuck End Auto Bottom
  • 4 Corner Tray Tuck Top 4 Corner Tray With Lid Auto Lock Cap Bag Shaped Box Auto Bottom Brochure Display Holder Display Box Auto Bottom Document Folder Door Hanger Double Wall Frame Tray Double Wall Frame Tray Lid Double Wall with Display Lid Easel Counter Display Easel Display Stand Tuck End Snap Lock Bottom Wine Bottle Carriers
  • Double Wall Tuck Top Flower Shaped Top Closure Four Corner With Display Lid Gable Bag Auto Bottom Gable Bag Bottom Hanger Gable Box Auto Bottom Gable Box Style Seal End With Perforated Top Self Lock Cake Box
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Presentation Boxes


If you are looking for some amazingly beautiful  presentation boxes ,  has tons of it such as,  Full Color Graphics, Cardboard and shipping presentation boxes  to give some examples. We believe in the best quality and materials to use in our custom made boxes. As we all know, the presentation can make or break any product or gift item. We provide attractive  custom presentation boxes  that will enhance the perceived value of any product or gift.


No Idea Plate Charges

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High quality offset printing

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Quick Turn Around

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Starting from 100 boxes

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Custom size and style

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Competitive Price

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Free Design Support

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Free shipping

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Product facts & figures.

  • They are not only a perfect solution for presenting the packed items decently but also for protecting them from environmental effects as well as from breakage or spoilage.
  • They help businesses to make a unique identity in the market.



Dimensions All Custom Sizes & Shapes
Printing CMYK, PMS, No Printing
Paper Stock 10pt to 28pt (60lb to 400lb) Eco-Friendly Kraft, E-flute Corrugated, Bux Board, Cardstock
Quantities 100 - 500,000
Coating Gloss, Matte, Spot UV
Default Process Die Cutting, Gluing, Scoring, Perforation
Options Custom Window Cut Out, Gold/Silver Foiling, Embossing, Raised Ink, PVC Sheet.
Proof Flat View, 3D Mock-up, Physical Sampling (On request)
Turn Around Time 4-6 Business Days , Rush

Custom Presentation Boxes and Packaging 

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Burning Your Money

Burning Your Money

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Amanda Cochran

# Date Days Holiday Offer
2 Jan 26, 2018 Thursday Australia Day Up To 35% Off
4 March 13, 2018 Monday Labour Day Up To 30% Off
6 Jun 13, Sep 26 (WA), Oct 03 (QLD) Monday Queens Birthday Up To 40% Off
8 Dec 25, 2018 Monday Christmas Up To 50% Off

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Level 26, 44 Market Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia

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  • Magnetic Closure Boxes
  • Hamilton Collapsible Cases
  • Gift Shipper Candle Boxes
  • Disposable Catering Boxes
  • Foldout Catering Grazing Boxes
  • Catering Grazing Boxes
  • Catering Hamper Carry Boxes
  • Fruit Hamper Boxes
  • Carry Boxes - Deep Large/ Recessed Handle
  • Gourmet Display Boxes
  • Square Hamper Boxes
  • Rectangle Hamper Boxes
  • Square Gift Boxes
  • Rectangle Gift Boxes
  • Postage Hamper and Gift Boxes
  • Packaging Filler
  • Shipper Boxes
  • Small Corporate Hamper Boxes
  • Pillow Boxes
  • Corsage Boxes
  • Christmas Gift Boxes
  • Kraft Packaging
  • Flower / Posy Boxes
  • Wine Gift Postage Boxes
  • Postage Hamper Boxes
  • Gift Hamper Shipper Boxes
  • Postage Gift Boxes
  • Gift Shipper Boxes
  • Shipping Outer Carton
  • 1 Bottle Wine Boxes
  • 2 Bottle Wine Boxes
  • 2 Bottle Display Boxes
  • 3 Bottle Wine Boxes
  • 6 Bottle Wine Carriers
  • Beer and Wine Carriers
  • Hamper Trays
  • Carry Packs
  • Deluxe Hamper Trays
  • Amelia Cupcakes
  • Grazing and Catering Boxes
  • Food Delivery Boxes
  • Treat Boxes
  • Chocolate Box Packaging
  • Cake Boxes and Wedding Cake Boxes
  • Cookie Boxes
  • Donut Boxes
  • Macaron Gift Boxes
  • Sweet Boxes
  • Cupcake Gift Boxes
  • Foldout Catering Boxes
  • Carry Boxes - Deep Large / Recessed Handle
  • Flower Posy Boxes

158 products

presentation boxes australia

Unique Cardboard Gift Boxes in Australia

A perfectly packaged and presented gift can make or break the unboxing experience for your lucky recipient. Whether you're a family-run small business, a large manufacturer, or simply love to create unique gift hampers for your friends and family, presentation is everything.   

boxfox carries an extensive collection of premium quality packaging products. From hat boxes to pillow boxes and everything in between, we have large and small gift boxes of all styles and colours. Browse our range now.

Discover Our Range of Wholesale Gift Boxes

We're proud to present a large range of wholesale gift boxes in Australia to suit the needs of any customer, with boxes suitable for packaging anything from a wine bottle selection to a box of baked goods. 

Many of our products feature sturdy magnetic closures perfect for shipping shoes and apparel. We also have many sleeve lid options which are ideal for more dramatic unboxing experiences for lifestyle and wellness products.

Whatever the shape, our range is constructed with high-quality materials. With GSM counts of 300 and above, our designs are sturdy enough to carry your gifts safely. 

They’re available in a range of colours from neutral to knockout red. With gloss or matt gift boxes available, we have something to suit any style.

Find a Gift Box Suitable For Any Occasion

From weddings and baby showers to birthdays and thank you gifts, we have something to suit any occasion.

Consider a gloss white wine bottle box for a sweet gift for weddings. A matt black magnetic closure box lined with tissue paper is perfect for presenting gifts with multiple parts such as sets of accessories. 

Bulk order small gift boxes for product promotions and send samples of the products your site sells to any shop you'd like to stock your creations. Fill some hamper boxes with snacks and sweet treats as a thank-you gift for your employees. The possibilities truly are endless.

What are the minimum order quantities for gift boxes?

Minimum order quantities vary across our collection. Search our website for detailed information on order quantities available for the particular gift boxes suited for your needs. 

Many of our products are available with order quantities as low as 15, ideal for celebrating birthdays or other events where you're providing a present box for attendees.

Does boxfox offer sample gift boxes?

Not only does boxfox offer sample boxes, we highly recommend them. Ordering a boxfox sample allows you to move forward confidently knowing that you're happy with the style and quality of our products before sending them to your customers.

You can order up to 8 samples of different products from our line to compare in the comfort of your own home. All samples come in white, and are available for a small price which is much more economical than placing a minimum quantity order. Your samples will be sent with tracking so you can follow their journey right to your address.

Shipping and delivery timelines

We aim to dispatch your order from our warehouse within one to two business days. Our orders can be shipped via road, rail, and air anywhere in Australia. We partner with StarTrack and Australia Post to provide a range of delivery options for every budget. Delivery timeframes vary based on your budget and shipping option. 

We offer express and premium mail options for those times you need your items delivered in a hurry. We understand that waiting at home for your parcel is not always possible; If you're not home when your package arrives, we'll look for a safe place to leave it unless you've requested to sign for your delivery.

At this stage, we do not ship to Australian PO boxes. If this is your only shipping option, contact us at [email protected] for assistance.

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Custom packaging company

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Presentation boxes, foam inserts for boxes, premium wine boxes, pharmaceutical sales box, property handover box, cardboard inserts for boxes, magnetic property box, pharmaceutical training kits, bottle boxes, handover magnetic box, magnetic close box, two piece box set, book style box with foam insert, clamshell box with foam tray, polypropylene boxes & satchels, metal edge box.

Custom packaging company

We create premium boxes for a wide range of uses – from premium handover kits, high end gift boxes and luxury packaging. All of our boxes can be custom printed to showcase your business. We can digitally print, screen print or metallic foil print or deboss. We offer a wide range of materials to make our boxes – so contact us today to discuss your needs!

At Abbey Manufacturing Group, we understand that your product's packaging is as crucial as the product itself. Our premium custom presentation boxes are more than just containers; they are an extension of your brand and a key component in the consumer experience. Specialising in crafting bespoke presentation boxes, we offer solutions that are visually appealing and constructed to meet the highest standards of quality and functionality.

Tailored to Perfection

Every brand is unique, and your packaging should reflect that. Whether you're showcasing high-end jewellery, luxury watches, or exclusive cosmetics, our presentation boxes are designed to create an impactful first impression. With our extensive selection of materials, finishes, and customisation options, Abbey Manufacturing Group stands ready to bring your vision to life. Our bespoke boxes are tailored to fit your product's specific dimensions and style, ensuring a perfect match that enhances its perceived value.

Premium Materials and Innovative Designs

Our commitment to excellence is evident in our choice of materials and innovative packaging design approach. We use premium materials, including refined wood, robust cardboard, elegant fabrics, and cutting-edge synthetics. Each material is selected not only for its aesthetics but also for its durability and ability to protect the contents securely.

In addition to traditional materials, we embrace innovative technologies and eco-friendly options. From recycled paper products to biodegradable plastics, Abbey Manufacturing Group is dedicated to sustainability without compromising luxury or quality. Our design team is skilled in integrating functionality with aesthetic appeal, incorporating features such as magnetic closures, custom inserts, and decorative accents that make each box a work of art.

Enhanced Branding and Customer Experience

A well-designed presentation box does more than protect your product; it enhances the entire customer experience. Our boxes are crafted to build anticipation, elicit excitement, and reinforce your brand identity at every touchpoint. We offer a variety of printing and embossing techniques to include your brand logo, tagline, or other custom graphics that resonate with your audience and increase brand recognition.

By choosing Abbey Manufacturing Group for your presentation boxes, you're not just buying a package—you're investing in a branding tool that interacts with your customers on an emotional level. Our boxes are designed to make the unboxing experience memorable, encouraging repeat business, social sharing, and word-of-mouth promotion.

Why Choose Abbey Manufacturing Group?

  • Customisation at its Core: Every detail of our boxes, from dimensions and materials to finishes and add-ons, can be customised to meet your specific needs.
  • Australian Made Quality: Proudly Australian-owned, all our products are made locally, ensuring they adhere to stringent quality standards while supporting the local economy.
  • Sustainable Practices: We are committed to reducing environmental impact through sustainable practices and materials, helping your brand enhance its green credentials.
  • Expertise and Experience: With years of expertise in the luxury packaging industry, our team provides insights and guidance to ensure the best packaging solutions for your needs.

Abbey Manufacturing specialises in creating high-quality gift and wine boxes that combine elegance and functionality. Whether you need packaging for a corporate gift, a special occasion, or a premium product, our custom presentation boxes are designed to impress. As a leader in the packaging industry, we pride ourselves on being one of the top custom box design manufacturers in Australia, providing tailored solutions that align with your brand and elevate your products.

Our gift and wine boxes are made from premium materials and crafted with attention to detail, ensuring that your items are presented in the best possible way. We offer a variety of styles, sizes, and finishes, allowing you to customise every aspect of your packaging to match your specific needs. Whether you're in the wine industry, retail, or gifting sector, our custom presentation boxes provide a luxurious touch that enhances the overall value of your products.

At Abbey Manufacturing, we understand that packaging is crucial to customer experience. That's why we focus on delivering bespoke solutions that reflect the quality of your brand. As custom box design manufacturers, we offer complete flexibility in design, enabling you to create packaging that is as unique as your products. From luxurious gift boxes to sophisticated wine packaging, we ensure that each custom presentation box is perfectly crafted.

Our team of experts works with you from concept to creation, offering guidance on materials, finishes, and design elements to ensure your custom presentation boxes meet your aesthetic and functional requirements. Whether you need a single box or a full-scale production run, we are equipped to handle your project with care and precision.

Abbey Manufacturing is your trusted partner for high-quality gift and wine boxes that make a lasting impression. Our commitment to excellence and innovation has made us a go-to choice for businesses seeking custom presentation boxes that stand out. Explore our range today and let us help you create packaging that adds a touch of luxury and enhances your product’s appeal.

Custom packaging company

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  • Pharma Medicine Boxes
  • Retail Packaging
  • Sports Boxes
  • Cardboard Boxes
  • Corrugated Boxes
  • Kraft Boxes
  • Rigid Boxes
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  • Labels & Stickers
  • Packaging News

Presentation Boxes

Custom presentation boxes play an important role in the growth and success of any business. It helps to create a lasting impression on customers and attract more customers. Therefore, investing in high-quality packaging sets you apart and improves your brand awareness. Contact OXO Packaging and order your custom packaging boxes at low rates today.

Reviews 336 • Excellent


High Recom..........

Maryann and Daniel were highly communicative during the entire life cycle of my project. The packaging looks fantastic and high quality at the best pr...

Date of experience:



I worked with Mark Willis...very professional! My packaging looked even better than I had hoped and everything was processed and delivered as promised...



I loved working with Kevin. I got my boxes yesterday and oh my gosh.... I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! They are everything I wanted and more. The quality is gre...



This company is amazing and fast! Their representative Mark has been with us every step of the way on a very large project and he has been able to tro...



OXO was excellent. They offered a good price, and more importantly, great product and service (this is the third packaging company we tried out in fiv...



We received our customised lip balm stands today and are so happy! They fit perfectly with our branding. So easy to work with. Thank you so much....



I had custom boxes and labels made and I can happily say that the quality is excellent. I worked with Salman, who went above and beyond to help me ach...


Fantastic Service & Quality! I stumbled across the guys at oxo packaging by chance, after getting frustrated trying to source my skincare packaging vi...

Payment Methods

Gift Boxes

All Custom Sizes & Shapes

No Printing, CMYK, CMYK + 1 PMS color, CMYK + 2 PMS colors

Die Cutting, Gluing, Scored,Perforation

Eco-Friendly, Recycled Boxes, Biodegradable

8 - 10 Business Days, RUSH


Enhance Your Brand's Appearance with Premium Presentation Boxes

Recently, presentation boxes have become very popular, and for a good reason. These versatile boxes offer many benefits, which is why they have become a go-to choice for business and gifting purposes. One of the biggest benefits of using them is that they offer excellent protection for the products. Whether you are packing clothing, jewelry, or even a bakery item, these boxes keep the product safe and secure. Another important aspect of using these boxes is to present or gift your items in eye-catching packaging. It is because how you pack their products can influence customer buying decisions and drive sales.

Today, businesses are looking for ways to create a space for themselves in the market. One of the best ways to do so is by customizing packaging. So, whether you want premium wallet boxes or other presentation boxes, with unique designs, you can impress customers. At OXO Packaging AU, we create presentation gift boxes that can help boost business growth and brand image. These boxes will also help you achieve your sales targets and long-term success goals.

Branding: Custom Presentation Packaging to Promote Your Brand

Presentation gift packaging is the best way to promote your brand and stand out. These presentation boxes can enhance your product's look and present them in the best way possible. That is why businesses use them as a powerful marketing tool that can help them increase sales while creating brand recognition.

One way to do so is by customizing your presentation packaging with your company logo, name, and message. At OXO Packaging, we will help you create eye-catching custom packaging with a professional look. Packaging with your name and logo makes it easier for customers to remember it for a longer time. It also helps you gain their loyalty by offering a unique experience.

Customization: Creating Boxes for Special Events or Promotions

Custom presentation boxes offer the best way to show your brand's uniqueness to your customers. With many customizable options at OXO Packaging, creating the perfect presentation box for special events and promotions is the best decision you can make. If you want to learn how to customize your boxes, here is what you need to do:

Choose the Right Material for the Protection

At OXO Packaging, you can choose from kraft, e-flute corrugated, and cardboard to create your presentation boxes. These materials are eco-friendly and can be customized in any design, shape, and size. Also, they are extremely durable and keep the content in the box safe and secure. 

Go for Unique Shape to Stand Out

Another option is choosing a unique shape or size that mirrors the product being showcased. For example, if you promote cupcakes, consider creating cupcake-shaped boxes to make them stand out even more.

Add Branding Elements

When it comes to adding branding elements on presentation boxes with lids, we can help you customize packaging accordingly. You can add your name, logo, slogan, and message on your boxes to promote your brand. 

Sustainability: Eco-Friendly Options Available for Custom Presentation Packaging Boxes

Recently, the need for eco-friendly packaging options has grown in every business. It is because customers want to buy from brands that want to reduce their carbon footprint. When it comes to eco-friendly options, cardboard is one of the most popular choices. By using cardboard packaging, you can reduce your packaging waste. Moreover, recycled cardboard is affordable, making it a great option for businesses of all sizes. At OXO Packaging, there are many eco-friendly packaging options you can choose from. You can choose from cardboard, kraft, corrugated, and rigid board to create durable and eco-friendly boxes.

Cost-Effective: Saving Money in The Long Run with Wholesale Presentation Box

Regarding customised packaging AU , businesses overlook the benefits and focus more on the cost of the packaging. It is important to know that packaging does not have to be expensive in order to look and feel good. If you are looking for an excellent solution that will help you control your cost, wholesale packaging boxes are the answer. 

By purchasing these boxes in bulk, you can save costs compared to buying them individually. That is why we offer discounts for bulk packaging, which translates into lower unit costs. Additionally, wholesale presentation boxes are often made from high-quality materials designed to last longer, thus reducing replacement costs over time.

OXO Packaging: Your Reliable Packaging Partner!

OXO Packaging AU is a trusted name in the world of wholesale presentation packaging. Our commitment to quality, affordability, and delivery makes us an ideal packaging partner. With many options available for clear lid presentation box, OXO Packaging AU is the go-to choice for many companies across Australia.

So, if you are looking for reliable packaging that can help your brand stand out, look no further than OXO Packaging AU. Order now and experience the difference! To do so, write us at [email protected] or contact our customer service by dialing (02) 7228 8555 .

Paramount Quality Packaging Materials

We use high-quality and flexible materials to make your custom packaging boxes. Custom boxes manufactured with sturdy raw materials having higher tensile strength provide optimal safety to your products. These packaging raw materials are also eco-friendly and long-lasting. That is what makes them the preferred choice of our customers.

More Than +5000 Satisfied Clients Worldwide

oxo packaging

Get your custom boxes made in the required size, shape, and style.


Upload your artwork and get it superbly printed the way you want.

Get it done

Order any quantity, enjoy a wholesale price, pay no extra for die plates.

Yes, at OXO Packaging AU, you can customize your presentation box packaging in any size, style, design, and material.

Consider the size and type of your product before choosing the size of the presentation box.

At OXO Packaging, you can order between 50-100 presentation box packaging per order.

The usual Turnaround time is 10-15 business days and 8-10 days for rush delivery after the design is approved.

Yes, you can include your logos, branding, and other design elements on your presentation boxes packaging.


  • Why Choose Us
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  • Capabilities
  • Business Diaries
  • Corporate Diaries
  • Fabric Sample Book
  • Flooring Sample Books
  • Flooring Swatches
  • Swatch and Memo Cards
  • Flooring Samples
  • Sample Folders
  • Fabric Hangers
  • Fabric Swatches
  • Sample Boxes
  • Ring Binders
  • Presentation Folders
  • Pockets & Wallets
  • Point of Sale Stationery
  • Presentation Boxes

Custom Presentation Boxes

presentation boxes australia

Black Polyurethane Gift Box

presentation boxes australia

Blue Casemade Matte Laminate Box

Blue Polypropylene Box Satchel

Blue Polypropylene Box Satchel

presentation boxes australia

Brown Buckram Casemade Box

presentation boxes australia

Clear Polypropylene Box Satchel

presentation boxes australia

Grey Polypropylene Box

presentation boxes australia

Light Brown Buckram Casemade Box

presentation boxes australia

Navy Blue Polypropylene Box

Navy Blue Polypropylene Box Satchel

Navy Blue Polypropylene Box Satchel

Pink Polypropylene Box Satchel

Pink Polypropylene Box Satchel

presentation boxes australia

Purple Casemade Gift Box

Are you looking for custom diaries, journals or notebooks?

Claws Custom Boxes

Presentation Boxes


Presentation Boxes are used to display your products to make them look even more alluring and to ensure customer engagement and involvement. What looks better, sells better. Therefore. You need to invest in good-quality presentation boxes. We at Claws Custom Boxes deal in all types of rigid presentation boxes and designs that according to your products. We also offer the addition of other details that include foiling, embossing, printing, customized coloring, and logo designs. So work with us and say goodbye to all your packaging problems. We provide economic rates for our presentation boxes and deliver free all over Australia.

  • Specifications

All Custom Sizes & Shapes


CMYK, PMS, No Printing

Paper Stock

10pt to 28pt (60lb to 400lb) Eco-Friendly Kraft, E-flute Corrugated, Bux Board, Cardstock


100 – 500, 000


Gloss, Matte, Spot UV

Default Process

Die Cutting, Gluing, Scoring, Perforation


Custom Window Cut Out, Gold/Silver Foiling, Embossing, Raised Ink, PVC Sheet.


Flat View, 3D Mock-up, Physical Sampling (On request)

Turn Around Time

7-9 Business Days, Rush

With the introduction of custom packaging boxes to the market, manufacturers have switched to these cases and have left traditional packaging boxes. Custom boxes with their uniqueness, innovativeness, creativity, and adaptability, have changed the whole packaging experience for many business companies in the market as well as customers. These days packaging is not for the sole purpose of protection. But another equally important aspect of packaging includes the beautification of the product. Creatively designed boxes can bring out features of the packaging and add value to the product itself. Presentation Boxes are the type of packaging wraps that are used for the packaging of jewelry items, and cosmetic products, and all the high-end goods, etc.

The purpose of these Retail Boxes is to add to the visual and aesthetic appeal of the product. These cases present the product in the most elegant way and increase its noticeability on the retail shelves. Presentation of a product basically sets a visual worth of it and maintains a standard for it as well. This can help in customers thinking high of a product and its manufacturing company too.

Promotion and Marketing of the Products and Brand with Custom Presentation Boxes:

This way these Packaging Boxes not only help in the promotion of the product but also upgrade the image of the brand. These cases with their innovative shapes are a unique way to add a touch of creativity to your boxes and your brand simultaneously. These can be used for a variety of products and thus their usage applicability is quite vast. These wraps are also in use for the packaging of gift items and related products. Presentation and good displays of items can also make the buyer or the receiver of an item feel immense excitement. This joyous feeling and strong emotion may also develop a link and connection between a retail company and its target buyers.

With their different appearance, these boxes are easy on the eyes and are instantly liked by buyers. Apart from this, these boxes are very durable and reliable. They provide maximum support to products and are a great investment. Their affordability also makes them a good choice and hence they do not put any kind of strain on the budget of a brand. Including a good display into your packaging schemes should not be a budget-disturbing factor. This is why affordability and cost-effectiveness are two of the most rewarding features of these Packaging Custom Boxes. 

Durability and Affordability:

Another reason business developers started choosing custom boxes for packaging was that they can be easily made with little to no effort and can make your brand stand out and be in the spotlight. Apart from recognition, your brand can get the audience’s affection too. Since custom boxes are affordable, they do not cost too much. And any business set up either small or big, new or old, can invest in getting wraps for them.

Options to Choose From:

Since there is a lot variety of materials from which these cases can be made, and they can be made in all sizes, shapes, and structures. They give all businesses the leverage and ease of choosing what is right for them. These options include corrugated boxes, paper boxes, Kraft boxes, rigid boxes, plastic boxes, eco-friendly boxes, etc. All these ranges and options can help you choose the most suitable and fitting type of custom box for your brand while still being mindful of your budget. Custom presentation boxes are easy on the pocket and do not cost you a hand and arm. This is why today almost all business holders have chosen custom packaging cartons for delivering their products across the globe.

Leverage of Customization and Personalization:

Allowing creativity results in the fabrication of uniqueness and innovation in form of wrapping cases and cartons. Every brand when self-designs and creates a layout for its items. Then it also associates a different representation with its products. This further also helps in upraising a product and adding significant worth to it. All in all, through the facility of customization, brands can act as the anchor of the ship. And thus, choose whatever they want to see in their packing services. Moreover, these presentation boxes offer several materials that further allow a lot of techniques to improve the retail presence of an item.

Our Services and Strong Points:

We at Claws Custom Boxes are a team of professionals that fabricate all types of packing cases for our clients. We specialize in creative ideas and precision in our work to provide premium quality wrappings to our consumers. Associate good feedbacks and validation from the customers with your perfume companies with our highly influential packing solutions. We especially pay attention to all small details that can have a profound impact overall on the working of a company or its products.

Claws Custom Boxes especially pays attention to this aspect and adds every little detail that can make a good difference in the overall influence of a product. Thus, we also allow our clients to share their ideas and make sure the cases portray the whole design as it is. We professionally deal in all sizes and shapes for these wrapping packs. Our main target is to provide convenience to both, our clients and their customers. By offering unique size and shape variations, we let our clients and consumers decide what they think is suitable for them. We value the thoughts and ideas our users have in mind. The objects that are packaged inside innovative boxes can easily draw attention. In the retail business grabbing attention is usually on the priority list of all retailers.

Customer care:

  We are available for our dear customers 24/7 in case of any information or queries. We are a customer-centered company, and the client’s satisfaction is our only priority. Contact us at (02) 8488 0818  or get in touch with our customer representatives at [email protected]

Turnaround time:  Our turnaround time is 4-8 working days.

Shipping:  Over a certain amount, we also offer free shipping to our amazing customers all around Australia.


  • Retail Boxes


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Sizes: (Length x Width x Depth)

More Info: (Unit x Color x Stock)

Inches CM MM

Colors 1-Color 2-Color 3-Color 4-Color 4/1-Color 4/2-Color 4/3-Color 4/4-Color

Stock 12pt 14pt 16pt 18pt 20pt 22pt 24pt Cardboard Stock Kraft Stock Corrugated Stock Rigid Stock

Breakdown: (1K x 10K x 100k)

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Trusty Boxes

We design, we build and deliver premium bespoke presentation boxes and packaging.

It’s simple just like Trusty.

We make the sort of stuff your mum would keep, quality, tough and special.

It’s in our blood and it’s made fresh daily.

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presentation sample box, metal edge box premium box, slip case, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, polyprop ring binder,

Keno double A4 pocket polyprop satchel

presentation box, premium box, slip case, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, plastic polyprop ring binder, metal edge box

Half Canadian polyprop document cover & satchel

Custom Made ring binders, presentation folders, box & packaging custom built at Trusty Boxes, Sydney Australia

Magnet closure ring binder

ustom made premium box

Antumbra product folder

Life Letters box deboss

Life Letters packaging

USB packaging

USB housing

presentation box, paper box premium box black designer box, slip case, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, polyprop ring binder,

Nickelodeon ring binder

Custom made presentation box, slip case, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, plastic polyprop ring binder, metal edge box

Argo polypropylene ring binder & slip case

Premium menu cover

La Vita menu covers

Bespoke presentation box packagin

Manta prestige menu covers

magnet bill holder presentation ring binder folder, paper box premium box black designer box, slip case, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, polyprop ring binder,

Stitched magnet bill holder

Menu holder cover bespoke premium menu fabric covered with magnets custom made at the House of Trusty Sydney

Bill holder

presentation box, paper box premium box black designer box, slip case, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, polyprop ring binder,

Lendlease A4 document cover

USB gift box rigid box presentation box ring binder premium box, polypropylene, cardboard box, product box

Boston polypropylene menu

Premium made box Australia

RSPCA case made box

Smeg polyprop carry bag

Smeg polypropylene carry bag

Custom made rigid luxury packaging, boxes, ring binders, product presenters, document covers, and much more do yourself a favour and call now!

Land Rover Defender metal edge box

Custom made presentation box packaging

Fudge polypropylene product case

presentation box custom packaging

Pavilions settlement handover box

presentation sample box, metal edge box premium box, slip case, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, polypropylene ring binder,

Chandon luxury premium packaging

Premium presentation box packaging

White fibre board metal edge box

Custom case made ring binders, presentation folders, box & packaging custom built at Trusty Boxes, Sydney Australia

Pavilions settlement handover magnet ring binder

presentation box, premium box Sydney, slip case, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, plastic polyprop ring binder, metal edge box

Ella Bache presentation folder

gift box custom made

Luxury product presentation packaging

presentation box, premium box Sydney, slip case, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, plastic polypropylene ring binder, metal edge box

Canadian Club premium spirits bottle presenter

Luxury custom packaging presentation box, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, plastic polyprop ring binder, metal edge box

IP A4 document folder

presentation box, premium box Sydney, slip case, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, plastic polypropylene ring binder, metal edge box

Smeg case made ring binder

Luxury packaging presentation box, custom made bespoke gift box, ring binder, menu cover, plastic satchel, plastic polypropylene ring binder, metal edge box

Travelex polypropylene satchel

presentation box, premium box Sydney, slip case, custom made bespoke magnet folder gift box, ring binder, menu cover, plastic polypropylene ring binder, metal edge box

Bespoke Premium Tender Packaging

e flute corrugated card board

Recycled E flute corrugated board

Custom presentation document cover

Mlab folder & sleeve

presentation boxes australia

Life Letters pod

Ring binders, paper boxes, custom built, product launches, presentation packaging

Fabric hanger recycled box board

Trusty Robot

Daily curve balls that are returned with some Trusty advice.

Q. Do you actually make what you design in-house or is it out-sourced to other manufacturers?

A. all the items you view on this site are either designed & built in-house or built by our offshore partners with love., q. what do you do in your factory, a. apart from dreaming of world peace or strolling down endless deserted beaches with not a human in sight, our in house processors involve a host of gear to create little miracles every day. box making using cnc cutting and die cutting, case making and lamination. our embellishment processes include debossing, embossing, foil stamping and uv screen printing. we also avoid clocking off with toilet paper glued to our fingers., q. we need a super premium pack built to contain a usb, gold pen, limited edition donald trump mug, we need 100 units and we have a budget of $5.00 per unit + gst, including delivery and we need them in 3 days., a. all our product is bespoke, from receiving the brief, designing the proposed solution to production, it takes time and there are numerous fixed costs that restricts us from meeting some budget expectations., q. hi my name is william and i’m from payneful foneatakwardtimes global, could i speak to the owner of the business., a. i’m sorry william the owner has only just left the building to board the sea fairy princess for a 21 day all you can eat tour of asia-pacific call centres…hello william are you there, q. what are your typical lead times, a. our lead times vary depending on how intricate the build is, in house is typically 10 – 15 working days, offshore it can be 8 – 12 weeks. a fresh swell, craft beer launches and rugby can also affect those lead times., q. we have some items that requires to be presented in some very cool packaging of some sort, can you help, a. yes we love cool things, we can design the package, produce a prototype for approval, and supply all the die lines for your art placement., q. we’re after a ring binder however we can’t work out the size of the spine we need, a. ring binder spines are based on what size ring mechanism is to be fixed to it. to work out your ring size you need to determine the thickness of all the pages that are to be included into your ring binder, have that information ready and we can specify the correct ring mechanism for your binder., q. why do scuba divers fall backwards out of the boat, a. because if they fell forward they’d still be in the boat., q. dude, like we’re into stuff that’s not going to shred up the environment, are you into that, a. bro, like we get your drift. we work with an array of recycled and recyclable materials and all our offcut, both fibre & polymers, is recycled, we waste nothing, choice. it’s been said that we’re so tight that the trusty canteen milk use by date often extends for up to 5 days so avoid having a white tea or coffee at our joint because you just never know., q. good afternoon could i speak to the business owner please, a. william is that you………, q. do you do free quotes, a. yes all our quotes are free although we certainly do accept donations apart from live farm animals, unwanted relatives and tickets to a celine dion concert., q. how long does a quote take, a. depending on how intricate the product is, usually 1 – 2 days, offshore quotes are 2 – 4 days..

Facebook Trusty Boxes

Trusty Boxes - Located on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, The Land of the Gayamaygal People, Australia.

Showroom by appointment only, ph +61 2 9907 1511 [email protected].

[email protected]

Fill out the Following Information & We Will Contact You.

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Choose Your Box Battery Boxes Beverage Boxes Book Packaging Boxes Candy Boxes Chocolate Boxes Cigarette Boxes Confectionery Boxes Cupcake Boxes Cosmetic Boxes Die-cut boxes Display Boxes Drink Cartons Dry Milk Boxes Electronic Boxes Entry Cartons Boxes File Storage Boxes Food Boxes Frosted Boxes Gable Boxes Hat Boxes Jewellry Boxes Luxury Boxes Mug Packaging Boxes Popcorn Boxes Pharmaceutical Boxes Pizza Boxes Presentation Boxes Promotional Boxes Products Packaging Sandwich Boxes Shoe Boxes Soap Boxes Software Boxes Toy Boxes Tear away-Boxes Tools Packaging Boxes Watch Boxes Window Boxes Other

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inches cm mm

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presentation boxes australia

Choose a box type and upload your artwork and we will get back to you with a quote.

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presentation boxes australia

  • Product Description
  • Additional Information
  • Product Reviews
  • Successful Projects
Box Style All Custom Shapes Available
Quantities 100 – Unlimited Pcs
Sizes All Custom Sizes are Available
Stock 350 GSM Silk Card, Corrugated-Cardboard, Kraft Card
Color Full Colour CMYK and PMS (Pentone Matching System)
Lamination Free Lamination, Gloss or Matte
Digital Proof Free Digital Design Proof
Turnaround 10 Business Days After Press-Ready File Confirmed by Client
Shipping Ship Flat, Packed in Boxes

Presentation boxes are great for awards, ceremonies and special gifts; they are also an effective and eye catching technique for exhibiting and promoting products for business. At my box printing we are able to manufacture numerous embellishing printing options such as embossing/degassing, foil stamping, metallic and spot UV printing for a box that is truly dazzling. We also print on a variety of materials, our customers can choose from a wide range of corrugated card, cardboard, paper and plastic.The printed artwork on the presentation box often incorporates brand imagery to create an impression, and for marketing purpose. The packaging of the box can be die-cut in any shape or size and designed in a way to provide ease of construction, and yet an elegant appearance.

At My Box Printing we can create and design custom printed presentation packaging boxes for your business or event, providing a cost effective, and an aesthetically pleasing end product. We provide a fast delivery, quality and the best wholesale supplier price unmatched in Australia!

Are you looking to re-brand your business or design an artwork for your box? At my box printing we have an expert design team that is able to design Presentation packaging .


Create your own review

presentation boxes australia

Presentation Boxes

  • intro: Presentation boxes are great for awards, ceremonies and special gifts; they are also an effective and eye catching technique for exhibiting and promoting products for business.
  • wpcr3_format: product
  • wpcr3_enable: 1
  • wpcr3_product_name: Presentation Boxes

presentation boxes australia

Please fill in your details below to get an instant quote:

  • Customer Stories

A Bit About Us…

My Box Printing is based in Australia, and is proud to be called a leading commercial custom box supplier! We are a wholesale supplier of personalized printing and packaging - we are able to die-cut your boxes in any shape or size, with a wide range of trendy printing options, such as: embossing/degassing, gold or silver foil stamping, metallic and spot UV printing for a box that will be truly dazzling.

Featured Products

  • Pizza Boxes
  • Food Packaging
  • Cosmetic Packaging
  • Bakery Packaging
  • Display Boxes
  • Luxury Packaging
  • Candy Packaging Boxes
  • Sandwich Packaging Boxes
  • Popcorn Boxes
  • Products Packaging

Related Searches

  • Food Packaging Boxes
  • Custom Gift Boxes
  • Matt Laminated Toy Boxes
  • High Quality Window Boxes
  • Customized Luxury Packaging
  • Custom Printed Popcorn Boxes
  • Ultra Quality Pizza Boxes
  • Die-Cut Boxes
  • File Storage Boxes
  • Personalized Jewelry Boxes
  • Pharmaceutical Packaging boxes

Company Information

My Box Printing

Custom Cake Boxes

Unit 1, 14-16 Gordon Street Bankstown , NSW , 2200

(02) 9158 8455

Price Range: $$

presentation boxes australia

Top Service Areas

Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Perth | Adelaide | Gold Coast | Newcastle | Canberra | Sunshine Coast | Wollongong | Hobart | Darwin | Cairns | Townsville| Geelong | Ballarat | Toowoomba | Albury

We provide free shipping to all over Australia for orders more than AUD200.

© 2018 My Box Printing. All Rights Reserved Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions

presentation boxes australia

Presentation Boxes For Peroni

Company Peroni
Box Style Two Piece – Separate Lid
Material 500 GSM Bleach Card
Printing One Colour
Lamination Matte

Presentation Boxes For Acanthus

Company Acanthus
Box Style 0301 Telescope-Style
Material 250 GSM cardboard Stock
Printing One Colour
Lamination Gloss

Promotional Boxes | Corporate Gift Boxes

CORPORATE BRANDING is vital to sell your company or products. High quality promotional boxes are required to fulfill that task, be it an open display, box and lid, ring binder and slipcase, or a simple carton.

There is nothing more eye-catching than an “odd” shape or style of presentation boxes to sell your message.

Nothing impresses your clients more than beautifully printed finishes, or perhaps stylish book binders cloths & papers. Don’t forget – you can add value to your presentation boxes by foil stamping, embossing or film lamination.

Duncan Packaging is a leading Australian manufacturer and designer of promotional boxes and corporate gift boxes, and we have been creating bespoke presentation packaging since 1976. Our customers range from large retailers and multi-national brand owners to individuals with some great ideas of their own.

To discuss your options, please contact us on (03) 9706 5044.


Hard Cover Presentation Folder Case - Open

Hard Cover Presentation Folder Case – Open (Code DP-045)

Custom A4 Shallow Presentation Gift Box and Lid

Custom A4 Shallow Presentation Gift Box and Lid (Code DP-228)

Bra Presentation Box with Magnet Support - Open

Bra Presentation Box with Magnet Support – Open (DP-093)

Custom Made Presentation Box

Custom Made Presentation Box (Code DP-144)

Custom Promotion Briefcase Box - Closed

Custom Promotion Briefcase Box – Closed (Code DP-073)

Printed Paper Wrapped Rigid Box

Printed Paper Wrapped Rigid Box (DP-113)

School Valedictory Night Promotional Champagne & Glass Box - Open

School Valedictory Night Promotional Champagne & Glass Box – Open (Code DP-129)

Two Piece Presentation Box with Gloss Spot UV

Two Piece Presentation Box with Gloss Spot UV (Code DP-257)

Custom Marketing Kit Box

Custom Marketing Kit Box (Code DP-262)

' data-src=

Product Presentation Kit Box (Code DP-149)

Luxury White Gift Box

Luxury White Gift Box (Code DP-227)

Flip Top Box with Magnetic Catch

Sleep at the G Presentation Box with Magnet Support – Open (Code DP-092)

Small Black Gift Box with Lid

Small Black Gift Box with Lid (Code DP-243)

Promotional Beer Carry Pack Set

Promotional Beer Carry Pack Set (Code DP-140)

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Black Presentation Box (Code DP-272)

Custom Magnetic Lid Presentation Box - Satin Lined

Custom Magnetic Lid Presentation Box – Satin Lined (Code DP-219)

Luxury Product Presentation Box

Luxury Product Presentation Box (Code DP-213)

Elegant Ipad / Tablet Magnetic Gift Box

Elegant Ipad / Tablet Magnetic Gift Box (Code DP-251)

Branded Gift Box with Magnetic Flap and Gold Foil

Branded Gift Box with Magnetic Flap and Gold Foil (Code DP-259)

Custom Printed Book Presentation Box

Custom Printed Book Presentation Box (Code DP-184)

Small White Cardboard Gift Box

Small White Cardboard Gift Box (Code DP-221)

Apparel Presentation Box with Magnet Support - Closed

Apparel Presentation Box with Magnet Support – Closed (Code DP-091)

Mobile Phone Display Presentation Box

Mobile Phone Display Presentation Box (Code DP-287)

' data-src=

School Valedictory Night Promotional Champagne & Glass Box (Code DP-147)

Presentation Magnetic Packaging

Presentation Magnetic Packaging (Code DP-240)

Musical Presentation Box with CD Insert & Product Insert

Musical Presentation Box with CD Insert & Product Insert (Code DP-043)

Cardboard Suitcase Box with Handle

Promotional Cardboard Suitcase Box with Handle (Code DP-292)

Book Presentation Box with Lid

Book Presentation Box with Lid (Code DP-142)

Promotional Box with Foam Insert and Magnet Closure

Promotional Box with Foam Insert and Magnet Closure (Code DP-027)

Flip Top Gift Box with Magnetic Catch

Flip Top Gift Box with Magnetic Catch (Code DP-266)

Custom CD Set Promo Box - Open

Custom CD Set Promo Box – Open (Code DP-088)

Product Box with Magnetic Closure

Product Box with Magnetic Closure (Code DP-195)

Promotional Gift Box

Promotional Gift Box (Code DP-044)

Corporate Branded Beer Gift Box

Corporate Branded Beer Gift Box (Code DP-086)

Custom Printed Cosmetic Packaging Box - Closed

Custom Printed Cosmetic Packaging Box – Closed (Code DP-070)

Custom Cosmetic Box - Open

Custom Cosmetic Box – Open (Code DP-071)

Custom Branded Cufflink Box

Custom Branded Cufflink Box (Code DP-249)

Gift Boxes with Foam Inserts

Custom Corporate Presentation Box – Open (Code DP-061)

Display Presentation Kit with Die Cut Insert

Display Presentation Kit with Die Cut Insert (Code DP-270)

Custom Shoulder Neck Boxes

Custom Printed Shoulder Box with Foam Insert (Code DP-210)

Deluxe Gift Card / Credit Card Magnetic Box

Deluxe Gift Card / Credit Card Magnetic Box (Code DP-273)

Made To Measure White Box with Insert

Made To Measure White Box with Insert (Code DP-230)

Event Promotional Box with Custom Made Silk Insert - Closed

Event Promotional Box with Custom Made Silk Insert – Open (Code DP-080)

Picnic Promotional Box

Picnic Promotional Box (Code DP-114)

Luxury Gift Box Packaging

Luxury Gift Box (Code DP-218)

BMW Promotion Box - Closed

BMW Promotion Box – Closed (Code DP-069)

Corporate Presentation Box with Foam Insert

Corporate Presentation Box with Foam Insert (Code DP-224)

Book Presentation Box

Book Presentation Box (Code DP-141)

Custom Presentation Box with Magnetic Catch - Closed

Custom Presentation Box with Magnetic Catch – Closed (Code DP-098)

Welcome Gift Pack Promotional Box

Welcome Gift Pack Promotional Box (Code DP-290)

Custom Sample Book Binders

Carpet Sample Open – Book Folder (Code DP-020)

Promotional Magazine Holder

Promotional Magazine Holder (Code DP-110)

Custom CD Set Promo Box - Shown with Mailing Unit

Custom CD Set Promo Box – Shown with Mailing Unit (Code DP-089)

Luxurious Gift Box

Luxurious Gift Box (Code DP-285)

Cocktail Set Gift Boxes

Cocktail Set Promotional Pack (Code DP-250)

Wrapped Custom Size Box & Lid

Wrapped Custom Size Box & Lid (Code DP-011)

Hard Case Presentation Folder

Hard Case Presentation Folder (Code DP-004)

USB Presentation Boxes

USB Presentation Gift Box (Code DP-229)

Promotional Folder (Code DP-169)

Promotional Folder (Code DP-169)

Custom Sample Kit Box with handle

Custom Sample Kit Box with handle (Code DP-253)

Presentation Boxes

Custom Printed Magnetic Closure Gift Box – Open (Code DP-097)

Wine Gift Box with Secret Drawer

Wine Gift Box with Secret Drawer (Code DP-130)

Bespoke Two-Piece Setup Box

Bespoke Two-Piece Setup Box (Code DP-261)

Olympic Dinner Presentation Box - Closed

Olympic Dinner Presentation Box – Closed (Code DP-079)

Hinged Lid Style Magnetic Box with Silver Foil

Hinged Lid Style Magnetic Box with Silver Foil (Code DP-293)

Rigid Box with Magnetic Closing Lid

Magnetic Lid Gift Box – Open (Code DP-242)

Custom Made Document Presentation Folder

Custom Made Document Presentation Folder (Code DP-185)

Foiled Musical Presentation Box with DVD Insert & Product Insert

Foiled Musical Presentation Box with DVD Insert & Product Insert (Code DP-023)

VIP Promotional Give-Away Box

VIP Promotional Give-Away Box (Code DP-281)

Product Samples Presentation Box - open (Code DP-150)

Product Samples Presentation Box – open (Code DP-150)

Product Launch Presentation Kit Box

Product Launch Presentation Kit Box (Code DP-274)

One Piece Handmade Gift Box

One Piece Handmade Gift Box (Code DP-286)

Product Samples Display Box - open - with foam inserts (Code DP-151)

Product Samples Display Box – open – with foam inserts (Code DP-151)

Cardboard Suitcase Presentation Box with Handle

Cardboard Suitcase Presentation Box with Handle (Code DP-252)

Custom Made Sample Presentation Case - Open

Custom Made Sample Presentation Case – Open (Code BP-072)

Custom Beer Promotion Box

Custom Beer Promotion Box (Code DP-056)

Neck and Shoulder Set Up Box

Neck and Shoulder Set Up Box (Code DP-271)

Magnetic Flap Gift Box - Closed

Magnetic Flap Gift Box – Closed (Code DP-241)

Product Sample Display Folder

Product Sample Display Folder (Code DP-021)

Custom Advertising Keyring Box and Lid with foam insert and ribbon

Custom Advertising Keyring Box and Lid with foam insert and ribbon (Code DP-005)


  • Fabric Hangers
  • Sample Folders and Binders
  • Swatch Cards and Memos
  • Swatch and Sample Books

Presentation Boxes

Pixi is a creative multi-concept WordPress theme will help business owners create awesome websites.

Make a Difference with Customised Presentation Boxes

Customised presentation boxes  are an essential packaging and promotional tool for your business. These boxes add value to brand communication amongst new and existing stakeholders.

Each presentation box is unique based on your business or brand vision. With such packaging, there is only one chance to make a lasting impression. Our customised presentation boxes are bespoke and one-of-a-kind, tailor-made to your needs.

Custom promotional boxes help your business stand out and make a statement in the market while ensuring long-lasting brand promotion.

Impress with Unique Custom Presentation Boxes

Ice House Sampling is Australia’s most trusted presentation box manufacturer. Our production team offer unparalleled expertise in the field.

We get exclusive and distinctly different customised presentation box requests for product packaging, sample folders, branding, employee onboarding, and corporate gifting.

You can use our customised boxes for a variety of purposes:

  • Product Packaging — Rising Ecommerce sales and online delivery have given rise to customised and decorated boxes for delivering your products. Our reinforced boxes are reusable and collapsible, ensuring your products arrive safely with consistent and intact branding
  • Product Sampling  — Make product sampling memorable the first time around by sending it in our customised presentation boxes. You may include blind & curtain hardware samples, chip & tile display items, or hold a range of fabric swatches to make the sample display functional and attractive.
  • Product Branding  — Launching a new product? Deck it up with our custom presentation boxes to promote your brand and product.
  • Corporate Gifts — Bespoke custom boxes enable you to leave a memorable impression. They are a distinctly luxurious yet subtle branding tool that makes your staff and clients feel valued.
  • Employees Onboarding Package  — When you welcome new employees with tailored onboarding packages, you set a standard for your team culture. Custom presentation boxes help cultivate a positive team culture through gift-giving.

Customise Ice House Sampling’s presentation boxes with colours, logos and size options. Promote your product and advertise your brand with our presentation boxes  — they are the best fit for a unique showcase of your products.

Best Material for Your Customised Presentation Boxes

Our quality customised boxes for presentation  are meant to carry and present the product perfectly while enhancing your branding exactly how you envisioned it.

Standard packaging and customised   boxes  are starkly different from each other. The latter empowers companies and products to curate their packages to make them unique and special.

We offer you unmatched materials for your bespoke presentation box .

Our products are available in –

  • Polypropylene — A carbon-neutral and 100% recyclable plastic. These boxes impart an impressive look while being durable against cracks and tears. Moreover, they are easy to wipe clean.
  • Casemade — An item created by wrapping laminated prints around cardboard. These boxes offer an aesthetically pleasing finish. Customise your brand logo and name with prints across the entire gift box.

We are committed to producing tailored, high-quality custom presentation boxes at Icehouse Sampling to help your business make an impression while showcasing your offer.

Pricing for our personalised boxes varies greatly depending on the following factors:

  • Material type

The above list also includes the method of printing used, which can be screen printing, digital printing, hot foil stamping and a few more industry-leading techniques.

Get in touch with us and get a quote today.

If you would like to know more about what we do, enquire about a potential new project or just say hello, please feel free to get in touch.

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  • Create an Account
  • FREE Design
  • PRICE BEAT Guarantee
  • IDEAS Gallery
  • Australian Owned
  • 02 9054 8990
  • [email protected]


  • Metal Keyrings
  • PVC Keyrings
  • Leather Keyrings
  • Challenge Coins
  • Medals & Awards
  • Patches & Emblems
  • Button Badges
  • Shopping Trolley Coins
  • Ties & Clips
  • Belt Buckles
  • Recognition Rings
  • Bottle Openers & Bar Items
  • Luggage Tags
  • Tokens & Coins
  • Name Plates & Labels
  • Name Badges
  • Wood Products
  • Printed Ribbon
  • Express Samples
  • In Stock Designs
  • Gift Packaging
  • Indigenous Range
  • Award Ribbons
  • Replacement Fittings
  • Woven & Embroidered Patches
  • Covid 19 Awareness
  • Express Shop
  • Order Samples

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Price Beat Guarantee

Customised Packaging For Your Metal Products

Select from some of our popular metal packaging options to complete your branded metal gifts. We offer various gift boxes, backing cards and cases that can be branded with your logo and company information. Gift packaging is a fantastic way to increase the perceived value of a gift to staff or customers and when combined with the right branding options such as laser engraving or foil printing can really create a brilliant impression of your business or organisation.

CP11 Two Way Medal Display Case

Browse any product and select a few key options, then enter your details to receive an instant quote from our system.

Send us a sketch, design files or just a description and let our design team design and amend until you are 100% happy.

Our team will send you a production ready artwork for approval so you can see exactly what you are ordering.

We will then produce your pins according to approved artwork and delivery straight from our factory to your door!

If you need help choosing the right product for your business then talk to us today! Our experts are on stand by to assist with your query.

We also specialise in bespoke creation of products and product development so if you have an idea or have seen an item somewhere that is not listed on our website then we can help to bring your vision to life.

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presentation boxes australia

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Bespoke Boxes Co

  • Cream Boxes
  • Eyeliner Boxes
  • Eyeshadow Boxes
  • Foundation Boxes
  • Hair Extension Boxes
  • Hairspray Boxes
  • Lip Balm Boxes
  • Lip Gloss Boxes
  • Lipstick Boxes
  • Lotion Boxes
  • Makeup Boxes
  • Mascara Boxes
  • Nail Polish Boxes
  • Perfume Boxes
  • Tights Boxes
  • Socks Packaging
  • Latex glove boxes
  • Foldable Boxes
  • Face Mask Boxes
  • Hair Extension Box
  • Window Boxes
  • Pop up Display Boxes
  • Cosmetic Boxes
  • Bakery Boxes
  • Candy Boxes
  • Cereal Boxes
  • Chinese Takeout Boxes
  • Chinese Food Boxes
  • Chocolate Boxes
  • Coffee Boxes
  • Cookie Boxes
  • CupCake Boxes
  • Donut Boxes
  • Macaron Boxes
  • Muffin Boxes
  • Noodle Boxes
  • Pastry Boxes
  • Pizza Boxes
  • Popcorn Boxes
  • Snack Boxes
  • Truffle Boxes
  • Masala Boxes
  • Cream Butter Boxes
  • Biscuit Boxes
  • Cardboard Boxes
  • Gold Foil Boxes
  • Silver Foil Boxes
  • Charity Boxes
  • Bottle Boxes
  • Cup Jar Boxes
  • Jar Candle Boxes
  • Tuck End Boxes
  • Archive Boxes
  • Business Card Boxes
  • Candle Boxes
  • CD/DVD Boxes
  • Corrugated Boxes
  • Cigarette Boxes
  • Custom Boxes
  • Die Cut Boxes
  • Folding Boxes
  • Favor Boxes
  • Invitation Boxes
  • Medicine Boxes
  • Playing Card Boxes
  • Postage Boxes

Presentation Boxes

  • Product Boxes
  • Pyramid Boxes
  • Shirt Boxes
  • Software Boxes
  • Sports Boxes
  • Suitcase Boxes
  • Wedding Card Boxes
  • White Boxes
  • Thread Boxes
  • Stationary boxes
  • Swimwear Boxes

Promotional Boxes

  • Mobile Accessory Box
  • Fidget Spinner Boxes
  • Eye Drops Boxes
  • Golf Ball boxes
  • Gable Boxes
  • Energy Saver Boxes
  • Compact Blushes Box
  • Electric Devices Boxes
  • Belt Packaging Boxes
  • Bandage Packaging
  • Bath Bomb Packaging
  • Ballot Boxes
  • Autolock Bottom Box
  • Tamp On Boxes
  • Spinning Wheel Boxes
  • E Liquid Boxes
  • Stress Toys Boxes
  • Handle Boxes
  • Display Boxes
  • Auto Bottom Sleeve
  • Box Cover Sleeve
  • Cosmetic Sleeve
  • Die Cut Sleeve
  • Hanger Sleeve
  • Paper Sleeve
  • Seal End Sleeve
  • Soap Sleeve
  • Taper Style Sleeve
  • 1-2-3 Bottom
  • 4 Pk Bottle Carrier
  • Auto Bottom Tray
  • Bottom Display Lid
  • Full Flap Auto Bottom
  • Handle Bag Shape Box
  • Ornament Boxes
  • Seal End Auto Bottom
  • Six Pk Bottle Carrier
  • Tuck End Cover
  • Tuck Dust Flap Lock
  • Tuck End Tea Boxes
  • Bookend CD Case
  • Four Panel Cd Jacket
  • Two Panel Cd Jacket
  • Six Panel Cd Jacket
  • Bowl Sleeve
  • Cube Shaped Carrier
  • Disc Folder
  • Double Glue Side Wall
  • Kraft Boxes
  • Double Lock Wall Lid
  • Double Wall Tray
  • Economy Disc Folder
  • Foot Lock Tray
  • Full Flat Double Tray
  • Glass Carrier
  • Piece Tray Side Wall
  • Regular Six Corner
  • Side Lock Six Corner
  • Sleeve With Retainers
  • Sleeve With Cap Lock
  • Sleeve Tapered Panel
  • Gift Card Boxes
  • Box With Locking Tabs
  • Double Tuck Front
  • Four Corner Cake Box
  • French Fry Boxes
  • Gable Box Bottom
  • Half Circular Interlock
  • Header Card
  • Hexagon 2 PC
  • Box With Ladder Top
  • Self-Lock Tray
  • Tray And Sleeve Box
  • Gable Box Style
  • Fence Partitions
  • Ice Cream Holder
  • Punch Insert
  • Double Glued Side Box
  • Flip Out Dispenser Box
  • Four Corner Tray
  • Full Overlap Seal End
  • Multi Purpose Header
  • Panel Hanger Boxes
  • Perfor Dispenser Box
  • Pinch Lock Tray
  • Reverse Tuck End
  • Reverse Tuck End Box
  • Roll End Tray
  • Roll End Tuck Top
  • Roll Ends With Lid
  • Seal End Tear Open
  • Seal End Open Lock
  • Straight Tuck End
  • Simplex Tray
  • Straight Window Box
  • Straight Tuck Rise Up
  • Triangular Tray Lid
  • Tuck End Auto Bottom
  • 1-2-3 Bottom Lid
  • 4 Corner Tray T Top
  • 4 Corner Tray With Lid
  • Auto Lock Cap
  • Bag Shaped Boxes
  • Brochure Holder
  • Display Box Bottom
  • Door Hanger
  • D Wall Display Lid
  • Double Frame Tray
  • D Wall Frame Tray Lid
  • Double Wall Tuck Top
  • Easel Counter Display
  • Easel Display Stand
  • Five Panel Hanger
  • Folder Business Card
  • Four Corner Lid Box
  • Hang Product Holder
  • Header Card Bag Top
  • Mailer With Zipper
  • Paper Brief Case
  • Prism Shaped Box
  • Reinforced Sides Box
  • Side Lock Tuck Top D
  • Slope Top Tuck End
  • T Snap Lock Bottom
  • Wine Bottle Carriers
  • Document Folder
  • Flower Shaped Boxes
  • Cut Out Display Tray
  • Gable Bag A Bottom
  • Gable Bag Hanger
  • Pillow Boxes
  • Counter Display Tray
  • S End Perforated Top
  • Self Lock Cake Box
  • Luxury Laminated
  • Luxury Un-Laminated
  • Luxury Kraft
  • Twisted Handle
  • Folded Handle
  • Counter Bags
  • Lam. Non-woven
  • Paper Mailing Bags
  • Bubble Bags
  • Tissue Paper

Luxury Book Boxes

Credit card boxes, luxury rigid boxes, photography boxes, round boxes, luxury sleeve boxes, sports packaging box, box for hotels & spas, gourmet boxes, luxury wallet boxes, slip case boxes, watch boxes, cell phone packaging, luxury catalogs boxes, pharmacy rigid boxes, shoulder boxes, luxury soap boxes.

  • Collapsible Rigid Boxes
  • Magnetic Closure Box
  • Two Piece Setup Box
  • Single Color Boxes
  • Bangle Boxes
  • Cufflink Boxes
  • Earring Boxes
  • Necklace Boxes
  • Boxes For Belts
  • Luxury Boutique
  • Luxury Textile Boxes
  • Luxury Lingerie Boxes
  • Rigid Tie Boxes
  • Luxury Gift Boxes
  • Food Gift Boxes
  • Custom Gift Card Box
  • Sticker Labels
  • Swing Hang Tags
  • Business Cards
  • Folders Printing
  • Backing card printing
  • Table Tents
  • Tags Printing
  • Vinyl Banners
  • Rigid Boxes
  • Luxury Boxes

Print Presentation Boxes Cheap & Delivered Fast

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Presentation Boxes

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Luxury Book Boxes

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  • Cream Boxes
  • Eyeliner Boxes
  • Eyeshadow Boxes
  • Foundation Boxes
  • Hair Extension Boxes
  • Hairspray Boxes
  • Lip Balm Boxes
  • Lip Gloss Boxes
  • Lipstick Boxes
  • Lotion Boxes
  • Makeup Boxes
  • Mascara Boxes
  • Nail Polish Boxes
  • Perfume Boxes
  • Tights Boxes
  • Socks Packaging
  • Latex glove boxes
  • Foldable Boxes
  • Face Mask Boxes
  • Hair Extension Box

Window Boxes

  • Pop up Display Boxes
  • Cosmetic Boxes
  • Bakery Boxes
  • Candy Boxes
  • Cereal Boxes
  • Chinese Takeout Box
  • Chinese Food Boxes
  • Chocolate Boxes
  • Coffee Boxes
  • Cookie Boxes
  • CupCake Boxes
  • Donut Boxes
  • Macaron Boxes
  • Muffin Boxes
  • Noodle Boxes
  • Pastry Boxes
  • Pizza Boxes
  • Popcorn Boxes
  • Snack Boxes
  • Truffle Boxes
  • Masala Boxes
  • Cream Butter Boxes
  • Biscuit Boxes
  • Cardboard Boxes
  • Gold Foil Boxes
  • Silver Foil Boxes

Charity Boxes

Bottle boxes, cup jar boxes, jar candle boxes, tuck end boxes, archive boxes, business card boxes, candle boxes, cd/dvd boxes, corrugated boxes, cigarette boxes, custom boxes, die cut boxes, folding boxes, favor boxes, invitation boxes, medicine boxes, paper boxes, pillow boxes, playing card boxes, postage boxes, presentation boxes, product boxes, pyramid boxes, shirt boxes, software boxes, sports boxes, suitcase boxes, wedding card boxes, white boxes, thread boxes, gable boxes, stationary boxes, swimwear boxes, promotional boxes, mobile accessory box, fidget spinner boxes, eye drops boxes, golf ball boxes, energy saver boxes, compact blushes box, electric devices boxes, belt packaging boxes, bandage packaging, bath bomb packaging, ballot boxes, autolock bottom box, tamp on boxes, spinning wheel boxes, e liquid boxes, stress toys boxes, handle boxes.

  • Auto Bottom Sleeve
  • Box Cover Sleeve
  • Cosmetic Sleeve
  • Die Cut Sleeve
  • Hanger Sleeve
  • Paper Sleeve
  • Seal End Sleeve
  • Soap Sleeve
  • Taper Style Sleeve
  • 1-2-3 Bottom
  • 4 Pk Bottle Carrier
  • Auto Bottom Tray
  • A Bottom Display Lid
  • Full Flap Auto Bottom
  • Ornament Boxes
  • Handle Bag Shape
  • Seal End A Bottom
  • Six Pk Bottle Carrier
  • Tuck End Cover
  • Tuck Dust Flap Lock
  • Tuck End Tea Boxes
  • Bookend CD Case
  • Four Panel Cd Jacket
  • Two Panel Cd Jacket
  • Six Panel Cd Jacket
  • Bowl Sleeve
  • Cube Shaped Carrier
  • Disc Folder
  • Double Glue Side Wall
  • Kraft Boxes
  • Double Locked Lid
  • Double Wall Tray
  • Economy Disc Folder
  • Foot Lock Tray
  • Full Flat Double Tray
  • Glass Carrier
  • Piece Tray Side Wall
  • Regular Six Corner
  • Side Lock Six Corner
  • Sleeve With Retainers
  • Sleeve Cap Lock
  • Sleeve Side Panel
  • Gift Card Boxes
  • Box Locking Tabs
  • D Wall Tuck Front
  • Four Corner Cake Box
  • French Fry Boxes
  • Gable Box A Bottom
  • Half Circular Interlock
  • Header Card
  • Hexagon 2 PC
  • Box With Ladder Top
  • Self-Lock Counter Tray
  • Tray And Sleeve Box
  • Gable Box Style
  • Fence Partitions
  • Ice Cream Holder
  • Punch Insert
  • D Glued Side Box
  • FlipOut Dispenser Box
  • Four Corner Tray
  • Full Overlap Seal End
  • Multi Purpose Header
  • Panel Hanger Boxes
  • Perfor Dispenser Box
  • Pinch Lock Tray
  • Reverse Tuck End
  • Reverse Tuck End Lock
  • Roll End Tray
  • Roll End Tuck Top
  • Roll Ends With Lid
  • Seal End Tear Open
  • Seal End Open Lock
  • Straight Tuck End
  • Simplex Tray
  • Straight T Window Box
  • Straight Tuck Rise Up
  • Triangular Tray Lid
  • Tuck End Auto Bottom
  • 1-2-3 Bottom Display
  • 4 Corner Tray T Top
  • 4 Corner Tray Lid
  • Auto Lock Cap
  • Bag Shaped Boxes
  • Brochure D Holder
  • Display Box A Bottom
  • Door Hanger
  • Double Wall D Lid
  • D Wall Frame Tray
  • Double Wall Tuck Top
  • Easel Counter Display
  • Easel Display Stand
  • Five Panel Hanger
  • Folder Business Card
  • Four Corner Lid Box
  • Hanger Product Hold
  • Header Card Bag Top
  • Mailer With Zipper
  • Paper Brief Case
  • Prism Shaped Box
  • Reinforced Sides Box
  • Side Lock Tuck Display
  • Slope Reverse Tuck
  • Snap Lock Bottom
  • Wine Bottle Carriers
  • Document Folder
  • Flower Shaped Boxes
  • Cut Out Display Tray
  • Gable Bag A Bottom
  • Gable Bag Hanger
  • Counter Display Tray
  • Seal Perforated Top
  • Self Lock Cake Box
  • Luxury Laminated
  • Luxury Un-Laminated
  • Luxury Kraft
  • Twisted Handle
  • Folded Handle
  • Counter Bags
  • Lam. Non-woven
  • Paper Mailing Bags
  • Bubble Bags
  • Tissue Paper
  • Luxury Book Boxes
  • Credit Card Boxes
  • Luxury Rigid Boxes
  • Photography Boxes
  • Round Boxes
  • Luxury Sleeve Boxes
  • Sports Packaging Box
  • Box For Hotels & Spas
  • Gourmet Boxes
  • Luxury Wallet Boxes
  • Slip Case Boxes
  • Watch Boxes
  • Cell Phone Packaging
  • Luxury Catalogs Boxes
  • Pharmacy Rigid Boxes
  • Shoulder Boxes
  • Luxury Soap Boxes
  • Collapsible Rigid Boxes
  • Magnetic Closure Box
  • Two Piece Setup Box
  • Single Color Rigid Box
  • Bangle Boxes
  • Cufflink Boxes
  • Earring Boxes
  • Necklace Boxes
  • Boxes For Belts
  • Luxury Boutique
  • Luxury Textile Boxes
  • Luxury Lingerie Boxes
  • Rigid Tie Boxes
  • Luxury Gift Boxes
  • Food Gift Boxes
  • Custom Gift Card Box
  • Sticker Labels
  • Swing Hang Tags
  • Business Cards
  • Folders Printing
  • Backing card printing
  • Table Tents
  • Tags Printing
  • Vinyl Banners
  • Retail Boxes

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Presentation Boxes

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Charity Boxes

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Convenient presentation boxes.

Presentation Boxes are the best and most common way of delivering and packaging goods. They keep things safely stacked and organized. Presentation Boxes come in all sizes for all products in custom designs and printing. We will provide you with the best packaging that will not only be best for your product but will also make it the talk of the town. The boxes are delivered in flat stacks in boxes for safe shipment to prevent any dents or breakage. Boxes come in tuck-ins, auto bottom, and hard lids, slide ins and many more. Custom Presentation Boxes can be used for many purposes such as candy packaging, stationery, cakes, biscuits, tea, e-liquids and hundreds of other products. These boxes are greatly used and recycled for various uses.

Specialist in cardboard box manufacturing

We specialize in manufacturing cardboard box of every kind. Give a stylish finish with our quality laminations such as silver or gold foil, embossment, glossy or matte finish etc. Printing gives any packaging a special look, and with our quality printing techniques, your brand will be recognized in the market and give your product worth. We will provide you with customized Presentation Boxes in all shapes and sizes with the best printing results and cost-effective rates.

Fast delivery services make our company even better. Make your orders today and trust us with quality packing. We provide consultations on live chat to help you choose the right packaging. Our customers are always satisfied with our quality and production and we guarantee you will too!

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Our simple smart process, printing process.

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FolderCorp are Australia’s premium manufacturer of quality and creative presentation folder solutions

Explore our range of ring binders, folders, presentation boxes, portfolios solutions today.

presentation boxes australia

Custom Ring Binders & Folders

Specialising in custom presentation ring binders and premium presentation folder designs that boost your business image and brand. From concept to final design, our extensive manufacturing capabilities will allow you to create stunning ring binder folders and all within your budget and time frame.Choose from our comprehensive range of material and finishes.

Custom Portfolios

Our presentation portfolios are prefect for featuring something special or to make a statement and impress. These beautifully crafted portfolios will stand out and build your brand & Image marketing objectives. Prefect for corporate and luxury brands and ideal for photographers, architects, landscape designers, product catalogues and so much more.

presentation boxes australia

Presentation Boxes

Leaders in high quality custom presentation boxes, we have produced presentation solutions for some of the best brands in Australia. Our aim is to create impressive brand identities that your customers will connect with and love. Our extensive manufacturing capabilities and scope is limitless.

Certificate Holder / Folders

Our high-quality “Award Certificates Folders” are crafted and tailored to your requirements. We can incorporate your logo and we have many additional finishes that will enhance your design.  Whether you are looking for graduation or awards certificate holders, folders, we can design quality, custom certificate holders that will impress and meet your requirements.

presentation boxes australia

There are many factors to consider when producing quality and effective package solutions. Outlining your packaging strategy and design solutions is vital. Increasing brand awareness and standing out from your competitors is ultimately about SELLING.

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presentation boxes australia

Innovated Design, Quality Materials, Trusted Years of Experience.

Foldercorp are passionate about creating high standards of manufacturing designs in Australia. As leaders in custom presentation products, we supply throughout Australia and our global market is increasing. Why? We are second to none when it comes to producing QUALITY DESIGNS at competitive prices and you can TRUST us to deliver on time.

Our range of ring binders and folder sizes start from A4, A5 & A6 and our extensive selection of materials include Leather, timbers, buckram, bamboo, fabrics, metals polypropylene plastic, and more.

Product Catalogues

Design and manufacturer custom visual display product catalogue for effective presentation of your samples. Making it easy for your customers to view your sample range. Our sample boards and product catalogue are designed to be portable and lightweight, facilitating easy handling and transportation to trade shows or client in home meetings.

presentation boxes australia

There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW!

A leading Australian Company who manufacture and wholesale a range of commercial and personalised folders, ring binders, portfolios, compendiums, and presentation boxes. All our products are designed, crafted and manufactured on our premises, guaranteeing quality and personalised service every step of the way, from the initial concept to final delivery.

Our efficient manufacturing capabilities enable us to deliver individual, small and large runs. We source materials from all over the world to bring new innovative patterns. Our range of finishes will enhance styles with flexibility, value and durability.

Proudly Made In Australia

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Experts Packaging – Custom Box Packaging with logo Logo

Presentation Boxes

presentation boxes australia

In the luxurious packaging of Experts Packaging, Custom Presentation Boxes are most commonly sought and used boxes. Our Custom presentation boxes have extreme firmness in its structure and have most notably features and are three to four times thicker than other custom packaging boxes that keep the product with extra care that looks elegant and professional all time. Call us or email us to get our trendy boxes crafted with our creative techniques at very affordable prices.

Inquiry form

Description, get high end custom printed presentation box packaging at wholesale prices.

Experts Packaging is a One-Stop-Shop to do this Job. We would ensure you will get Tailored features for your Custom Boxes. Style your Custom box by Defining the desired Dimension. Choose the Custom Box Style or Shape of your choice, Experts Packaging will Do the rest of the job to make your Dream Design custom box, A reality. Experts Packaging Provides you the variety of choices to make your custom Custom Presentation Boxes Boxes look Classy, Elegant, and Unique. Products Impression touches new heights and so does the potential buyers if everything is Finished the best, that’s where our expertise comes in the play.

Get Affordable Custom Printed Presentation Boxes with logo, size, shape and layout

Our Experts at Experts Packaging are going to assist you through Human-Based Live chat. Apart from that, we will assist you through Email and Direct Phone calls. Feel free to contact or leave us a message, we will get back to you as soon as possible. At Experts Packaging , you only need to provide us specific details about your Custom Presentation Boxes boxes and simply relax as we will take care of the rest. We just only care about your custom Boxes but we also care a lot about our valued customer.

The Perks of Working with Experts Packaging aren’t limited to only a few services. We ensure your Custom designed Packages will reach you on your doorstep in 12 to 15 business days. This will surely save your precious time for other valuable activities. We deliver our custom boxes for completely FREE OF COST to USA, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Whether it’s a Quote Request or a Query, Experts Packaging is the quickest in responding and winning your hearts by providing the best services. Drop us Email or Request a Quote , we will get your issues/queries sorted out in the least time possible. Experts Packaging uses bio-degradable and Eco-Friendly Material/stock for your Custom Designed Boxes. Keeping the Environment Clean is a common responsibility, we are just doing our bit for the better World.

Get Luxury Custom Presentation Boxes with various design options available at Experts Packaging Australia

You will get Free Design Support from the Experts at Experts Packaging . Experts will help you create one of the best design boxes/packaging for your branded Products. There are a variety of templates provided on the website, from which you can choose the one best-suited one. Or Else you may provide your idea about the design, Our experts at Experts Packaging will bring it into existence and make it more charming than your imagination.

Product Specification

Custom Presentation Boxes All Custom Sizes Available 100 – 500,000 10pt to 28pt (60lb to 400lb) Eco-Friendly Kraft, E-flute Corrugated, Bux Board, Cardstock Plain, CMYK Colors, PMS (Pantone Matching System), Spot Colors Gloss Lamination, Matte Lamination, Gloss AQ, Gloss UV, Matte UV, Spot UV, Embossing, Foiling Die Cutting, Gluing, Perforation Embossing, Window Patching, (Gold, silver, Cooper, Red, Blue Foil Stamping) Flat View, 3D Mock-up, Physical Sampling (On request) 8-12 business days after press-ready file confirmed by client Ship Flat, Packed in Boxes, UPS, Fedex, DHL

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Gable Boxes

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Custom Mailing Envelops

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Auto Bottom Lock Boxes

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Pillow Boxes

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Pharmacy Boxes

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Custom Ballot Boxes

Experts packaging is a custom packaging expert offering high quality of custom printed boxes at unbelievable low prices., quick links, material and shape, get in touch.

Australia Office  +61 (3) 90058512 [email protected]  15 Lester Drive Altona North 3025 Victoria, Australia

Modes of Payment

presentation boxes australia

© 2024 Experts Packaging | All rights reserved.

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  • Earl Grey Tea Canister
  • Jasmine Green Tea Canister
  • White Ginger Pear Tea Canister
  • English Breakfast Tea Canister
  • Bombay Chai Tea Canister
  • All Loose Leaf Tea Canisters
  • Herbal Retreat Single Steeps®
  • World of Tea Single Steeps®
  • Forte Classic Single Steeps®
  • Lotus Single Steeps®
  • All Single Steeps® Teas
  • Earl Grey Presentation Box
  • Black Tea Assortment Presentation Box
  • Green Tea Assortment Presentation Box
  • Jasmine Green Presentation Box
  • Herbal Retreat Presentation Box
  • All Classic Presentation Boxes
  • Dolce Vita Presentation Box
  • Chakra Presentation Box
  • Jardin Petite Presentation Box
  • Wellbeing Presentation Box
  • All Limited Edition Presentation Boxes
  • Earl Grey Event Box
  • English Breakfast Event Box
  • Estate Darjeeling Event Box
  • Citrus Mint Event Box
  • Chamomile Citron Event Box
  • All Event Boxes
  • Ceylon Gold Tea Over Ice®
  • Blood Orange Tea Over Ice®
  • Raspberry Nectar Tea Over Ice®
  • Ginger Pear Tea Over Ice®
  • Pitcher Set with Sampler Tea Over Ice®
  • All Tea Over Ice®
  • Rejuvenation Gift Set
  • Solstice Gift Set
  • All Gift Sets
  • Wedding & Showers
  • All Special Occasions
  • Pugg Teapot
  • Solstice Teapot
  • Solstice Tea Cup & Saucer
  • Poom Double Wall Tea Cup
  • Sugar & Creamer Set
  • All Teaware
  • Cherry Blossom KATI® Steeping Cup
  • Dolce Vita KATI® Steeping Cup
  • Jardin KATI® Steeping Cup
  • Wellbeing KATI® Steeping Cup
  • Orchid White KATI® Steeping Cup
  • All KATI® Steeping Cups
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  • USDA Organic (10)


White ginger pear champagne cocktail.

A light and refreshing summer cocktail featuring white pear and champagne.

Ginger Lemongrass Hot Toddy

Looking to shore up your immune system's reserves during cold and flu season? Herbal teas are a simple and natural...

Orchid Vanilla Collins

A twist on the classic Collins, this spicy vodka and grapefruit cocktail comes alive with a hint of vanilla tea.

Transform Every Cup of Tea into a Ritual of Elegance

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Murphys of Healesville logo.

medal boxes from Murphy's

One of Murphy's medal boxes made from jarrah wood, opened to show military medals on green velvet.

with Timeless Medal Boxes

We have a range of medal box sizes available..

A4 medal presentation boxes, opened up to showcase medals.

A4 Presentation Medal Box – $210.00

Large wooden medal box displaying array of military mdeals.

Large Medal Box – $130.00

Words from our happy customers.

Medium sized medal boxes made from australian jarrah wood, with the lid open to show medals.

Medium Medal Box – $115.00

Small medal box, open to show medals, with green lining in the base.

Small Medal Box – $95.00

How to store medals.

Field of poppies for commemoration of military veterans.

100% Family Owned

Our products.

Round timber wooden icon.

Murphy's of Healesville


  1. Printed Presentation Decorative Boxes

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  2. Display Boxes

    presentation boxes australia

  3. Presentation Boxes

    presentation boxes australia

  4. High-Quality Presentation Boxes in Sydney

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  5. Affordable Custom Designed Presentation Boxes

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  6. Presentation Boxes

    presentation boxes australia


  1. flower presentation box ideas/handmade presentation boxes/ handmade flowers

  2. What's in the Australian Box?


  1. Presentation Boxes

    Purchasing luxury presentation boxes and corporate gift boxes directly from a cardboard box manufacturer such as ourselves is a great way of getting good value for money. However, there are several other ways we can help you make sure your packaging costs are kept to a minimum, just call us on (03) 9706 5044 and speak to one of our friendly ...

  2. Boxes R Us

    Boxes R Us manufactures Wholesale Gift Boxes and Promotional Packaging in small quantities. We produce Australian Made cardboard boxes for gift hampers, treat boxes or even presentation boxes for your clients or staff and so much more. We specialize in 100% Recycled board which is available across our full range. Boxes R Us (Craftpak Pty Ltd T ...

  3. Affordable Custom Designed Presentation Boxes

    Bespoke Custom Made Presentation Boxes in Australia. Contact (08) 8347 7701. [email protected]. ABN: 82 107 175 262. Address. Leeds Street, Woodville North. South Australia 5012. Hours. Monday - Thursday 7:30 am - 3.30pm. Friday, Saturday & Sunday Closed.

  4. Presentation Boxes Australia

    A3 (4)‎. View results. Show filters. 73 products. Sort by. Featured. Leuchtturm1917 - Box - A4+ Book Box - Pacific Green. Bookbinders Design - Box - A6 + Silk Ribbon - Ivory. Bookbinders Design - Box - A6 + Silk Ribbon - Dusty Pink.

  5. Presentation Boxes

    Description. Custom Presentation Boxes and Packaging. Our Custom presentation box adds the "wow" factor to your product. Add some shine to your presentation with and place your order right now. Your product or gift will become more special when you present it in our custom box.

  6. Gift Boxes Australia

    Unique Cardboard Gift Boxes in Australia A perfectly packaged and presented gift can make or break the unboxing experience for your lucky recipient. Whether you're a family-run small business, a large manufacturer, or simply love to create unique gift hampers for your friends and family, presentation is everything.

  7. Custom Presentation Boxes Manufacturer Australia

    Abbey Manufacturing specialises in creating high-quality gift and wine boxes that combine elegance and functionality. Whether you need packaging for a corporate gift, a special occasion, or a premium product, our custom presentation boxes are designed to impress. As a leader in the packaging industry, we pride ourselves on being one of the top ...

  8. Get Presentation Boxes in Australia

    Boost your Sales with Luxury Presentation boxes. We provide custom design and style with free shipping in Australia. ... We provide custom design and style with free shipping in Australia. Order now from OXO packaging. Instant Quote. X GET CUSTOM QUOTE. Description. Upload your artwork: + = (Are you human?) Submit. Office Timings Mon - Fri 09: ...

  9. Custom Made Presentation Boxes Supplier Australia

    Polypropylene Boxes; Polypropylene presentation boxes are made with carbon neutral 100% recyclable plastic. They start from a one-piece solid polyethylene (or polypropylene) and are creased with large equipment to create the box shape. These boxes look great, are easy to wipe clean and durable to cracks and tears.

  10. Custom Presentation Boxes

    Sagamore manufactures high quality custom presentation boxes in Australia. Browse our custom presentation boxes for corporate gifts, wine boxes and product branding, or satchels for building handover kits, educational content, business cards and more.

  11. Presentation Boxes

    We provide economic rates for our presentation boxes and deliver free all over Australia. Custom Window Cut Out, Gold/Silver Foiling, Embossing, Raised Ink, PVC Sheet. With the introduction of custom packaging boxes to the market, manufacturers have switched to these cases and have left traditional packaging boxes.

  12. Trusty Boxes

    Round Theory Influencer Premium Presentation Box ©Trusty Boxes 2023. Beltone product display & info pack ©Trusty Boxes 2023. Nourish product presentation box ... Australia. SHOWROOM BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. PH +61 2 9907 1511 [email protected].

  13. Juergens & Co.

    Custom presentation box featuring; a single four-sided tray with full. wrap-around lid with magnetic closure. Bound and lined with light grey Miller. fabric branded in opaque white ink. inner-lid lined in uncoated printed paper. with fixed internal product tray. HANDCRAFTED IN AUSTRALIA. BY JUERGENS & Co.

  14. Custom Printed Presentation Boxes

    Presentation boxes are great for awards, ceremonies and special gifts; they are also an effective and eye catching technique for exhibiting and promoting products for business. wpcr3_format: product. wpcr3_enable: 1. wpcr3_product_name: Presentation Boxes. No Die & Plate Charges. 15 Days Turnaround. Starting From 500 Boxes. High Quality Printing.

  15. Promotional Boxes

    Duncan Packaging is a leading Australian manufacturer and designer of promotional boxes and corporate gift boxes, and we have been creating bespoke presentation packaging since 1976. Our customers range from large retailers and multi-national brand owners to individuals with some great ideas of their own. To discuss your options, please contact ...

  16. Boxes for Presentation

    Icehouse Sampling is Australia's well-established and professional customised boxes & presentation box supplier. Call us on 02 8488 8233 for more details. CALL ON (02) 8488 8233. ENQUIRE NOW. Home; About us; Products. Fabric Hangers; ... Seaford, VIC 3198, Australia. P.O. Box 2122 Seaford VIC 3198 (03) 9786 4399. [email protected].

  17. Lapel Pin Gift Boxes, Medal Presentation Boxes & Display Cases

    Browse Our Range Of Medal Presentation Boxes, Lapel Pin Gift Boxes, Velvet Pouches, Wooden Gift Boxes & More. All Items Available Branded Or Plain. Enquire Today. ... We Serve Australia's Biggest Organisations. Connect With Us. 02 9054 8990 [email protected] The Pin Factory 13 Dee Crescent, Tuncurry NSW 2428, Australia.

  18. Luxury Presentation Box Printing

    Buy Luxury Presentation Boxes with custom design support all across Australia with no minimum. Free design support without die-cut charges. Get Custom Luxury Presentation Boxes with free shipping in Australia. hidden Call Us: (+61) 2 8520 3915 . hidden Email Us ...

  19. Buy Presentation Packaging Box Solution

    Purchase quality Presentation Boxes with best packaging and designing Australia. offer printed presentation box printing and packaging solutions in Australia. hidden Call Us: (+61) 2 8520 3915 . hidden Email Us ...

  20. Custom Presentation Folder Manufacturers & Wholesalers

    Presentation Boxes. Leaders in high quality custom presentation boxes, we have produced presentation solutions for some of the best brands in Australia. Our aim is to create impressive brand identities that your customers will connect with and love. Our extensive manufacturing capabilities and scope is limitless.

  21. Custom Presentation Boxes with logo

    Box Style: Custom Presentation Boxes: Dimension (L + W + H) All Custom Sizes Available: Quantities: 100 - 500,000: Paper Stock: 10pt to 28pt (60lb to 400lb) Eco-Friendly Kraft, E-flute Corrugated, Bux Board, Cardstock

  22. Luxury Tea Presentation Boxes

    Add to cart. Presentation Box Green Tea Assortment. $62.00. Add to cart. Petite Presentation Box Fleur. $49.00. Add to cart. Presentation Box Herbal Tea Assortment. $62.00.

  23. Medal Boxes

    Small Medal Box - $95.00. Our small jarrah medal box is 115mm x 115mm x 40mm internally and is designed to store one to three medals. This box is made from durable Australian Jarrah hardwood with a deep green lining and pinboard to display medals and hat badges. Use the lift out tray to display large medals and store miniatures, badges and ...