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Saving theses to LUTPub

Learn the guidelines of lut for theses, check the file of your thesis before uploading and saving, accessibility of the thesis file, the thesis file and permission to upload it to lutpub, naming the thesis file, select the licence to your thesis.

  • Saving and uploading the thesis to LUTPub
  • After saving the thesis to LUTPub
  • Request to modify and change pdf from library

The current guidelines of LUT University for the thesis and thesis template are available in eLUT portal  (link opens in new browser window). There are own subpages for bachelor's thesis  (link opens in new browser window) and for master's thesis  (link opens in new browser window).

NOTE! If your submission does not include pdf-file and you do not agree your thesis to be published online, please send the pdf file of your thesis to the library by e-mail lutpub(at)lut.fi. However, save your thesis description to LUTPub. Send the pdf file also to LUT Student Services by e-mail graduation(at)lut.fi for assessment.

Please read the library's checklist (link opens in new browser window) and make possible changes before saving your thesis in LUTPub. We have included in the checklist the issues to which we pay attention in our publication review. Note: when the library publishes the thesis you have saved to LUTPub, the pdf is immediately available for download from the open network.

Accessibility promotes equality and the easy approach of digital services despite possible disabilities e.g. challenges in hearing, seeing or reading. Accessibility requirements are included in the law and they also apply to thesis. The student is responsible for the accessibility of the thesis file.

Information how to create accessible documents are available e.g. in Michigan State University's site  (link opens in new browser window).

LUT thesis template (MS Word) is available in eLUT portal. It meets the accessibility criteria. 

Permission for uploading

You must have the publishing permission from the 1st examiner before saving the thesis to LUTPub and the thesis needs to be totally ready. Once saved thesis cannot be changed, edited or removed. When the library publishes the thesis you have saved to LUTPub, the pdf is immediately available for download from the open network. If an error is found in the content of the thesis after publication in LUTPub, error(s) correction is made by creating an Errata document . If you notice something in your thesis right after publishing or you have uploaded the wrong version of thesis, please contact immediatelly  [email protected] .

The file to upload

Before uploading to LUTPub make assessible PDF/A file of your thesis. If you have written your thesis on the Word or LaTeX thesis template (link opens in new browser window) available in eLUT, it takes into account the accessibility criteria. Appendix 3 of the template provides guidance on alt texts for images and tables.

How to make PDF/A file in Word:

1. Open your thesis' file in Word. 

2. Choose 'File' > 'Export' > 'Create PDF/XPS'.

3. In 'Publish as PDF or XPS' window choose 'Options.

4. Choose 'PDF/A compliant' below title 'PDF options'. > 'OK'.

5. Choose 'Publish'.

Please check the PDF/A file: text layout and formatting are as should be, page numbering is visible and no blank pages have been formed in the pdf/a file. 

Name the pdf file of your thesis as follows: type_lastname_firstname.pdf, example mastersthesis_example_eric.pdf

Please don't use in the name of file a dot or any special characters like  (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ` ; < > ? , [ ] { } ' " | )  

Also avoid letters like ä, ö, å, ü etc. if possible. Example: use a instead of å and u instead of ü, space can be replaced with _

During the thesis submission you can define other users' rights to your thesis. Please get to know to Creative Commons licences (link opens in new browser window) before saving your thesis to LUTPub. 

"All rights reserved" - normal rights conferred by copyright law. Others may refer to your thesis.

Creative Commons (link opens in new browser window) - you have copyrights to your thesis and you define the terms and conditions under which your thesis may be edited and shared. 

  • Next: Saving and uploading the thesis to LUTPub >>
  • Last Updated: May 28, 2024 12:24 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.lut.fi/lutpub-en/thesis

LUT Thesis Template

LaTeX template for LUT University's master's and bachelor's theses. The thesis template is created based on the LUT university's official Word template available at: https://elut.lut.fi/en/completing-studies/theses/masters-thesis .

Good luck with the thesis!

License: Creative Commons CC 4.0 (not BY)

LUT Thesis Template

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Master's Thesis template in Markdown for Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT.


Folders and files.

6 Commits

Repository files navigation

Thesis template in Markdown, uses LUT University guidelines . Adapted from https://github.com/tompollard/phd_thesis_markdown by Tom Pollard, head over to original repository for more information on how this template is organized and what requirements there are.

You may view example of generated PDF in output/thesis.pdf .

I have quite limited understanding on LaTeX, so there are most likely definitions and hacks that could be done better. If something breaks, you may keep all the pieces.


You will need tools like Pandoc , please see the original repository for more information.


Update HTML version automatically:

Generate PDF:

  • Makefile 10.6%
  • Python 7.9%
  • Suomeksi (FI)
  • In English (EN)

Summer image

Master's thesis

Master's thesis is the final work for Master's degree in which the student will benefit widely the skills and knowledge acquired in the Master's studies in order to solve a specific challenge. Master's thesis is one of the strongest ways to transfer to the working life after graduation.

Every year about 800 Master's thesis are done at LUT University. Most of them are commissioned by companies or other organizations.

Why to commission a Master's thesis?

For companies and other organizations the Master's thesis offers a possibility to

  • get wider challenges or tasks done through student work
  • get access to new information and apply theory to practical challenge and
  • get to know a potential future employee and recruit him/her.

What kind of topic is suitable for a Master's thesis?

Wider design, development or research topics are suitable for Master's thesis. The variety of topics is wide. However, the topic needs to be directly linked to the content of the Master's programme. Check the previous Master's thesis at LUT University at LUT Pub system.

The length of a Master's thesis is about 80-100 pages and the time reserved for it is about 6 months of work. Masters's thesis are almost without exceptions done as individual work.

The students will start their Master's thesis projects according to their own schedules all around the year. However, the strongest need for Master's thesis topics is in the beginning of the autumn and spring semesters as well as at the end of spring semester.

LUT University recommends that the student will get paid for the Master's thesis project. This can happen either by employing the student for a work relationship or giving him/her a grant for the thesis project.

You can check the salary recommendations by employee unions and grant procedures below.

  • TEK salary recommendations
  • Suomen Ekonomit pay recommendations
  • Grant through Research Foundation

LUT Career Spark subsidy covers part of the wage costs when employer offers an international student a paid Master's thesis position with employment relationship.

Other oblications

The company or other organization should

  • offer a topic suitable for the thesis and be willing to define the topic in more detail
  • actively participate in supervising the thesis project for the whole duration of the project and
  • read the final Master's thesis and give comments to it.

Naturally, the student will also need an access to all the information and material needed from the company's / organization's side to execute the thesis project.

Masters's thesis always has a designated supervisor from LUT University.

Finding a student

You can publish your Master's thesis positions to our students in an electric JobTeaser job portal. We will publish all Master's thesis positions suitable for our study fields regardless of the salary level.

Note that the students will select the Master's thesis position which interests them and at the time that suits their studies. Therefore, all offered Master's thesis projects will not be carried out. We recommend that you will pay attention to the attractiveness of your Master's thesis position, the flexibility of its schedule and the way you present it to the students. Unpaid Master's thesis positions will be applied quite rarely.

The final topic of the Master's thesis will always be defined in a meeting together with the company / organization, student and the supervising professor.

Master's thesis reports are public documents and they will be published at LUTPub database.

If required, an embargo can be set for the report for max. 2 years. After that the report will be published.

If the student makes the Master's thesis in a work relationship, the employer and the student will sign a normal contract of employment together.

In all other cases, a separate agreement will not be signed. However, the employer may agree about the confidentiality of the information directly with the student.

The professor supervising and evaluating the Master's thesis is bound by the confidentiality obligation of the work agreement. Therefore, the teachers will not sign any separate confidentiality agreements.

If the Master's thesis is done in a work relationship, the employer is responsible for providing necessary insurances for the student.

For Master's thesis projects without a work relationship, LUT University students are covered with Worker's Compensation Insurance . Liability insurance is not provided by LUT University.

Contact persons

If you need some assistance in evaluating or defining your thesis idea, please contact:

  • Business Administration: Hanna Salojärvi
  • Chemical Engineering: Ritva Tuunila
  • Computational Engineering: Lassi Roininen
  • Electrical Engineering: Katja Hynynen
  • Energy Technology: Päivi Sikiö
  • Environmental Technology: Sanni Väisänen
  • Indutrial Engineering and Management: Petra Pekkanen
  • Mechanical Engineering: Harri Eskelinen
  • Software Engineering: Jussi Kasurinen
  • Social Sciences: Hanna-Mari Husu

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LUT Thesis Template

LaTeX template for LUT University's master's and bachelor's theses. The thesis template is created based on the LUT university's official Word template available at: https://elut.lut.fi/en/completing-studies/theses/masters-thesis .

Good luck with the thesis!

License: Creative Commons CC 4.0 (not BY)

LUT Thesis Template

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LUTPub is the publication repository of the LUT University.

LUTPub includes Bachelor's and Master's theses, licentiate theses, doctoral dissertations and their abstracts. In addition, publications, research datasets, teaching and presentation materials are stored in the LUTPub.

LUTPub replaces the Doria publication repository in LUT University and acts as an repository for the parallel saved publications.


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Dissertation, Doctoral Project, and Thesis Information & Templates

Note: Forms required for the submission of theses and dissertations are available on the  Academic Forms  page.

Important Notes for Dissertation, Doctoral Project & Thesis Writers

  • Information is available in Section IV.B.2 Research on Human Subjects of the  Graduate Bulletin   (from the  Resources and Policies page ).
  • Additional information and forms are available on the   IRB website . Your IRB approval number must be included on the Thesis or Dissertation Proposal Form.
  • Consult the  Guidelines for Dissertation, Doctoral Project and Thesis Writers  before beginning your thesis or dissertation.
  • Download a template to assist with formatting your work. The templates are unlocked and can be edited (links to the template can be found in the “Submission Procedures” sections below).
  • Check the Resources & Guidelines section of the ProQuest website for instructions on using the site. The Library has created a very informative series of  short videos  about the choices you must make on the ProQuest site.
  • Additional information on copyright, publishing options and other topics is available on  Lauinger’s Scholarly Communication  website.
  • More information about the requirements for dissertations, doctoral projects and theses can be found in the  Graduate Bulletin .

Submission of the Thesis, Doctoral Project or Dissertation

Information on the forms required leading up to a defense and also afterward appear on Submission of Thesis  and  Submission of Dissertation or Doctoral Project .

Download a Thesis / Doctoral Project / Dissertation Template

(for Master’s and Doctoral candidates) We recommend that you download a Thesis / Doctoral Project / Dissertation Template using Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome browsers. There are some reported issues for students trying to download using Internet Explorer. The download links are shown below:

  • The combined  Master’s Thesis / Doctoral Project / Doctoral Dissertation Template  for MS-Word for Windows is available at: Thesis/Project/Dissertation Template-PC
  • The  Master’s   Thesis Template  for Word for Mac is available at:  Thesis Template-MAC
  • The  Doctoral Template  for Word for Mac is available at  Dissertation Template-MAC
  • If you use the LaTeX markup language, you can download a ZIP file folder containing several template and style documents, as well as an extensive tutorial manual, at this link:  Thesis/Dissertation Template-LaTeX . An updated .sty file was uploaded in June 2020.

LaTeX users please note: These LaTeX template materials are provided for the use of those who are already proficient in the use of LaTeX. Neither the Graduate School nor the faculty who helped develop this template are able to provide support or training in the use of this specialty software.

LUT Thesis Template

LaTeX template for LUT University's master's and bachelor's theses. The thesis template is created based on the LUT university's official Word template available at: https://elut.lut.fi/en/completing-studies/theses/masters-thesis .

Good luck with the thesis!

License: Creative Commons CC 4.0 (not BY)

LUT Thesis Template

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LUT Thesis Template

LaTeX template for LUT University's master's and bachelor's theses. The thesis template is created based on the LUT university's official Word template available at: https://elut.lut.fi/en/completing-studies/theses/masters-thesis .

Good luck with the thesis!

License: Creative Commons CC 4.0 (not BY)

LUT Thesis Template

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  1. Master's thesis

    Template Thesis template - Word Thesis template - LaTeX (external site, link opens a new tab) (for LaTeX users) Master's Thesis Electronic assessment and publication. Check also graduation .

  2. LUT Thesis Template

    LaTeX template for LUT University's master's and bachelor's theses. The thesis template is created based on the LUT university's official Word template avail...

  3. DOCX Tervetuloa eLUTiin!

    This document is a template on which you can write your final thesis at LUT University. It meetsthe requirements for the content, structure and layout of the BSc and MSc theses as well as the accessibility criteria for material published in the LUTPub repository. It is especially important that you use the template in formulating the title page, abstracts, table of contents, list of references ...

  4. Theses and dissertations

    The instructions for doctoral dissertations by LUT Academic Library and the LUT University Press including publication procedure, publishing agreement and dissertation templates are in the Dissertations and ACTA Series guide.

  5. PDF LUT Thesis template for Bachelors and Masters thesis

    The content of this master thesis is the investigation and comparison of concepts for the input stages, based on simulations and calculations. The input voltage, as seen above, will range from 30V- 60V, while the nominal voltage would have to be 48V.

  6. Templates

    LaTeX template for LUT University's master's and bachelor's theses. The thesis template is created based on the LUT university's official Word template available at: https://elut.lut.fi/en/completing-studies/theses/masters-thesis.

  7. BSc and MSc theses checklist

    All BSc and MSc thesis projects that start after 11 August 2021 follow the positioning and guidance of LUT thesis template. Both Word and LaTeX writing templates are available.

  8. SamiKoh/LUT-MSc-thesis-template

    LaTeX template for Master's Thesis at LUT School of Business and Management - GitHub - SamiKoh/LUT-MSc-thesis-template: LaTeX template for Master's Thesis at LUT School of Business and Mana...

  9. Before uploading and saving

    The current guidelines of LUT University for the thesis and thesis template are available in eLUT portal (link opens in new browser window). There are own subpages for bachelor's thesis (link opens in new browser window) and for master's thesis (link opens in new browser window).

  10. PDF LUT_Thesis_template_for_Bachelors_and_Masters_thesis_edit_10_2023_2

    This thesis was conducted to provide information for a company within the car rental industry regarding buy-lease option through the Real Options Valuation (ROV). Within the study, two selected asset management strategies of buying and leasing were compared against each other in terms of profitability.

  11. Master's thesis

    Abstract. Hou Yuen Kevin Cheung Lappeenranta University of Technology LUT School of Energy Systems Electrical Engineering. Hardware-In-the-Loop Test Automation Setup for Power Converter System Development. 2019. Master's Thesis. 74 pages, 23 figures, 1 table and 2 appendices.

  12. LUT Thesis Template

    LaTeX template for LUT University's master's and bachelor's theses. The thesis template is created based on the LUT university's official Word template avail...

  13. GitHub

    Master's Thesis template in Markdown for Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT. - paulihuhtiniemi/lut-thesis-markdown

  14. PDF Microsoft Word

    Software Engineering Kerttu-Irmeli Pyrhönen Underrepresentation of Women in higher Technology education Master's thesis 2022 47 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables and 1 appendix Examiner(s): Hyrynsalmi.

  15. PDF Electronic assessment and publication of Master's Theses

    Master's theses are public documents. If it is necessary to include information in Master's thesis that the commissioner wants to keep secret, the university may allow keeping the Master's thesis confidential for up to two years. This document describes the steps in the assessment and publication process for both 1) Public- access theses and 2) Confidential theses.

  16. DOCX Tervetuloa eLUTiin!

    This document is a template on which you can write your final thesis at LUT University. It meetsthe requirements for the content, structure and layout of the BSc and MSc theses as well as the accessibility criteria for material published in the LUTPubrepository. It is especially important that you use the template in formulating the title page, abstracts, table of contents, list of references ...

  17. Master's thesis

    Master's thesis is the final work for Master's degree in which the student will benefit widely the skills and knowledge acquired in the Master's studies in order to solve a specific challenge. Master's thesis is one of the strongest ways to transfer to the working life after graduation.

  18. LUT Thesis Template

    LaTeX template for LUT University's master's and bachelor's theses. The thesis template is created based on the LUT university's official Word template avail...

  19. LUT

    LUT Pub LUTPub is the publication repository of the LUT University. LUTPub includes Bachelor's and Master's theses, licentiate theses, doctoral dissertations and their abstracts. In addition, publications, research datasets, teaching and presentation materials are stored in the LUTPub.

  20. Dissertation and Thesis Template

    Get started with formatting your dissertation or thesis with the Master's Thesis Template or Doctoral and Dissertation Templates. Download here.

  21. LUT Thesis Template

    LaTeX template for LUT University's master's and bachelor's theses. The thesis template is created based on the LUT university's official Word template avail...

  22. LUT Thesis Template

    LaTeX template for LUT University's master's and bachelor's theses. The thesis template is created based on the LUT university's official Word template avail...