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Sheridan Grant

Content Specialist

Sheridan is a writer from Hamilton, Ontario. She has a passion for writing about what she loves and learning new things along the way. Her topics of expertise include skincare and beauty, home decor, and DIYing.

Table of Contents

About Thesis Nootropics

Thesis Nootropics Review

Hands up if you guzzle five coffees a day to stay awake, have tried all the supplements in the book desperate to improve your headspace, and aren’t interested in prescribed medications. Designed to increase focus , Thesis nootropics might be for you. 

Thesis offers a customized blend of ingredients designed to optimize your cognitive function , with personalized details that tackle your specific needs. Nootropics boost brain performance in the same way a stimulant would, without the common negative effects. 

A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that nootropics may help improve cognitive function in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Interested in finding out more about the brand and how it works? Leaf through our Thesis Nootropics review. We’ll be your guide through the company and the process, as well as details on the treatments, highlights from customer reviews, answers to important FAQs, and more, to help you decide if it’s worth the try.

Pros and Cons

Thesis Nootropics Review

  • Multiple cognitive benefits: Thesis Nootropics offers a variety of blends that cater to multiple aspects of cognitive function.
  • Long-term effects: On top of short term benefits for daily life, Thesis nootropics ingredients are designed to impact the brain in the long-term.
  • Personalized recommendations: Thesis Nootropics makes personalized recommendations based on your goals and unique brain chemistry.
  • Potential side effects: The most common side effects to watch out for when you start taking Thesis Nootropics include heartburn, headaches, confusion, dizziness, loss of appetite, and digestive issues.
  • Need to stop taking if issues arise: If you experience a headache or an upset stomach that won’t go away while taking their nootropics, Thesis recommends that you stop taking them.

What is Thesis Nootropics?

Thesis Nootropics Review

Nootropics are nutrient compounds and substances that are known to improve brain performance , such as caffeine and creatine. They help with issues that affect motivation, creativity, mood, memory, focus, and cognitive processing.

Nootropics are the ideal addition to an already healthy lifestyle that consists of exercise, proper nutrition, and enjoyable activities.  Thesis nootropics are carefully formulated to target specific needs, ranging from energy to creativity. The brand focuses on safety, ensuring that all supplements adhere to FDA guidelines and go through multiple clinical trials. 

How Thesis Nootropics Works

Thesis Nootropics Review

With all that being said, you may be wondering how Thesis provides users with an option that is specific to their needs. Fortunately, the process is simple and hassle free. Here’s how it works:

  • Take the Thesis nootropics quiz
  • Answer questions about your basic information
  • Receive personalized recommendations 
  • Get your starter kit for $120 , or $79 monthly when you subscribe 

After that, you’ll select one formula to take each week, taking one day off in between each different option. You’ll also track your results in the daily journal over the month to see how they affect your daily life. 

From there, it operates as a subscription service. Users will be able to optimize their next shipment by telling the brand which formulas worked best.

If you don’t like any of the blends in your box, let the company know and they’ll switch it for something that’s a better fit for your lifestyle, genetics, and goals.

Thesis Nootropics Ingredients

Thesis Nootropics is a brand that offers personalized nootropics designed to enhance cognitive function and overall brain health. Their blends contain a variety of ingredients that are carefully chosen for their cognitive-boosting properties. Here are some of the key ingredients in Thesis Nootropics:

  • Cognizin (Citicoline) : Cognizin is a type of choline that is known for its ability to enhance cognitive function, including memory and focus.
  • L-Theanine : L-Theanine is an amino acid that is found in green tea, and is known for its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom : Lion’s Mane Mushroom is a type of medicinal mushroom that is believed to have cognitive-boosting properties, including improved memory and focus.
  • Rhodiola Rosea : Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogenic herb that is known for its ability to reduce stress and fatigue, and improve mental clarity and cognitive function.
  • Ashwagandha : Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that is known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve memory and cognitive function.
  • Phosphatidylserine : Phosphatidylserine is a type of phospholipid that is found in high concentrations in the brain, and is believed to support cognitive function, including memory and focus³
  • Alpha-GPC : Alpha-GPC is a type of choline that is known for its ability to enhance cognitive function, including memory and focus.
  • TAU (uridine): TAU is a blend of uridine, choline, and DHA, which is believed to support brain health and cognitive function.
  • Artichoke extract : Artichoke extract is believed to enhance cognitive function by increasing levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is important for memory and learning.
  • Dynamine : Dynamine is a type of alkaloid that is believed to enhance cognitive function by increasing levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is important for mood and motivation.

Overall, the ingredients in Thesis Nootropics are carefully chosen for their cognitive-boosting properties, and are designed to work together to enhance overall brain health and cognitive function.

Thesis Nootropics Health Benefits

Thesis Nootropics is a brand that offers personalized nootropics designed to enhance cognitive function and overall brain health. Their blends contain a variety of ingredients that are carefully chosen for their cognitive-boosting properties, and offer numerous health benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of Thesis Nootropics:

  • Increased cognitive energy : One of the key benefits of Thesis Nootropics is increased cognitive energy, which can help improve productivity, mental alertness, and motivation, as it contains cognizin .
  • Enhanced mental clarity : Another benefit of Thesis Nootropics is enhanced mental clarity,given from Lion’s Mane Mushroom which can help reduce brain fog and improve focus.
  • Improved memory and learning abilities : Thesis Nootropics contains ingredients that are believed to improve memory and learning abilities, like Phosphatidylserine , which can help users retain information more effectively.
  • Elevated mood : Thesis Nootropics may help elevate mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, thanks to ingredients like L-Theanine and Ashwagandha .
  • Lowered stress levels : The adaptogenic herbs in Thesis Nootropics, such as Rhodiola Rosea and Ashwagandha , are known for their ability to lower stress levels and promote relaxation.
  • Boosted focus : Thesis Nootropics contains ingredients like Alpha-GPC and Artichoke extract , which are believed to boost focus and concentration.

While Thesis Nootropics offers numerous health benefits, it’s important to note that the long-term effects of nootropics are not yet fully understood and more research is needed.

3 Thesis Nootropics Bestsellers

Thesis energy review.

Thesis Energy Review

If you’re constantly struggling to keep up with the demands of your busy life, it might be time to try a natural energy booster like Thesis Energy. This powerful nootropic blend is specifically designed to increase energy, overcome fatigue, and build mental stamina.

Thesis Energy is caffeine-free, making it a great option for those who are sensitive to caffeine or looking for a natural alternative to traditional energy drinks. The Energy formulation is designed to help improve focus and mental clarity, increase cognitive energy, and reduce fatigue. Whether you’re facing a busy day at work, recovering after a night of poor sleep, or gearing up for an intense workout, Thesis Energy can help you power through.

Each ingredient in Thesis Energy is carefully chosen for its energy-boosting properties. The specific ingredients can vary depending on your needs, but they work together to help increase energy, improve mental clarity, and reduce fatigue.

To get the most out of Thesis Energy, take it every morning on an empty stomach. You can also take it again after lunch if you need an extra boost. It’s designed to help you tackle busy, hectic days, recover from poor sleep, and power through intense workouts.

If you’re tired of relying on coffee and energy drinks to get through the day, it might be time to give Thesis Energy a try. Check availability and start boosting your energy naturally today!

Thesis Creativity

Thesis Nootropics

If you’re someone who struggles with creativity or finds yourself feeling stuck in your creative endeavors, Thesis Creativity may be worth considering. This nootropic supplement is designed to help spark inspiration, enhance verbal fluency, and boost confidence in your own great ideas.

So what’s in Thesis Creativity? The ingredients may vary depending on your specific needs, but these ingredients work together to support stress management, memory function, mood regulation, and energy production.

By supporting stress management, memory function, and mood regulation, Thesis Creativity can help free up mental space for more creative thinking. Additionally, the caffeine and L-theanine combo can provide a boost of energy and focus without the jitters and crash that can come with caffeine alone.

To get the most out of Thesis Creativity, it is recommended to take it every morning on an empty stomach and again after lunch if you need an extra boost. This nootropic blend is particularly helpful for brainstorming and creative thinking, writing and creative projects, and public speaking and social situations.

As with any nootropic supplement, it’s important to note that the long-term effects of Thesis Creativity are not yet fully understood and more research is needed. It’s always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your routine.

In summary, if you’re looking for a little extra help in the creativity department, Thesis Creativity may be a valuable addition to your nootropic lineup. Its unique blend of ingredients can help support mental clarity, mood regulation, and energy production, making it a valuable tool for any creative individual.

Thesis Logic

Thesis Logic Review

If you’ve been having trouble with your memory lately, such as forgetting what you had for lunch yesterday or struggling to recall common words, then Thesis Logic may be just what you need. This formula is designed to help enhance your processing speed, boost your memory, and deepen your thinking.

Thesis Logic is caffeine-free, making it a great option for those who are sensitive to caffeine. The formula is ideal for use during deep, focused work, complex problem-solving, research projects, and completing tedious tasks.

Taking Thesis Logic is easy – simply take it every morning on an empty stomach, and take it again after lunch if you need an extra boost. By incorporating Thesis Logic into your daily routine, you may notice improvements in your cognitive function and overall mental performance.

Who Is Thesis Nootropics For? 

Thesis Nootropics Review

Thesis nootropics are designed for a number of different specific needs, including anyone who wants to focus better, have more energy, and maintain mental clarity. All in all, the products are specifically formulated to improve day to day life and target your specific needs .

Thesis Nootropics Side Effects

Thesis Nootropics Review

While Thesis nootropics are designed to enhance cognitive performance and provide a range of benefits, it’s important to be aware of the potential side effects that can occur. As with any supplement, individual reactions can vary, and some people may experience side effects while others may not.

Some of the potential side effects of Thesis nootropics include:

  • Insomnia : Some nootropics contain caffeine or other stimulants that can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • Blurry vision : Certain nootropics, such as those containing alpha GPC, have been linked to temporary blurry vision.
  • High blood pressure : Stimulant-based nootropics can increase blood pressure, which can be dangerous for people with hypertension or other heart conditions.
  • Fast heart rate : Similarly, stimulants can also increase heart rate, leading to palpitations or a rapid pulse.
  • Circulation problem s: Certain nootropics, such as vinpocetine, can affect blood flow and circulation, leading to issues like dizziness, nausea, or headaches.
  • Addiction : Some nootropics, such as those containing racetams, have been associated with the potential for addiction or dependence if used long-term.

It’s important to remember that not all nootropics will produce these side effects, and the severity of any reactions will depend on individual factors such as dosage, duration of use, and underlying health conditions. However, it’s always wise to discuss any potential risks with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Additionally, it’s important to follow dosage instructions carefully and not to exceed recommended amounts, as this can increase the risk of side effects. By being mindful of potential risks and using nootropics responsibly, users can reap the benefits of these supplements without experiencing adverse effects.

Thesis Nootropics Reviews: What Do Customers Think?

Thesis Nootropics Review

At this point in our Thesis nootropics review, it’s time to turn to what customers are saying. So, we sourced testimonials from the brand’s website, Reddit, and ZenMasterWellness. And spoiler alert, the Thesis nootropics reviews we came across have nothing but good things to say.

On takethesis.com , the brand earns 4.4/5 stars out of 7,956 reviews. One patron describes their particular blend as the perfect alternative to prescription meds :

“ I have been off stimulants for months now and these formulas are far superior. My husband and daughter both noticed the change and said I have been more productive, focused, less anxious, and more “thinking outside the box”. I have tried for years to get off stims and nothing would work .”

On Reddit, many reviewers share similar sentiments about how effective the products are. One buyer shares that they tried tons of different nootropics on the market, and Thesis stands out amongst the crowd . 

On ZenMasterWellness, one reviewer states that their blend provided the exact results they were looking for :

“ They offer notable improvements to how well I’m able to focus, stay on task, and grind when it’s time to grind. In practice, this usually looks like a clearer mind and an improved ability to just… chill. With the Clarity and Creativity blends, in particular, I just feel leveled out .”

Backed by clinical trials and real customer experiences, Thesis stands out in the world of nootropics and supplements. The personalized selections prove effective, while the quality ingredients live up to expectations. 

Is Thesis Nootropics Legit?

Thesis Nootropics Review

If you’re wondering if this brand offers products that are too good to be true, this Thesis nootropics review is here to say that it is the real deal .

The brand is backed by numerous clinical trials, which highlight how 86% of customers reported improvements in a wide range of cognitive challenges, while 89% noticed an improvement in their ability to reduce stress and maintain energy.

Is Thesis Nootropics Worth It?

Thesis Nootropics Review

Thesis is an appealing choice in the world of nootropics because it provides a completely customized selection based on your needs and goals. Plus, the ingredients are potent and ensure the best effects—and you only end up paying for the benefits you actually need.

With that in mind, this Thesis nootropics review deems the brand worth the try.


Here are some alternatives to Thesis Nootropics that you might find interesting:

  • Mind Lab Pro – This nootropic supplement is designed to improve cognitive function and mental performance. It contains 11 ingredients that work together to enhance memory, focus, and overall brain health.
  • Thorne Supplements : If you’re looking for high-quality, science-based supplements, Thorne is a great choice. Their products are designed with the latest research in mind and are rigorously tested for quality and purity. Some of their popular offerings include multivitamins, protein powders, and omega-3 supplements.
  • WeAreFeel Supplements : WeAreFeel is a supplement brand that offers a variety of products designed to support different aspects of your health. Their supplements are vegan-friendly and free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Some of their popular offerings include multivitamins, probiotics, and omega-3 supplements.
  • Neuro Gum : If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to boost your focus and energy levels, Neuro Gum is a great option. This gum is infused with caffeine and other natural ingredients that can help improve mental clarity and alertness. Plus, it’s sugar-free and comes in a variety of delicious flavors.
  • Neuriva Plus : Neuriva Plus is a brain supplement that’s designed to improve memory, focus, and cognitive performance. It contains a blend of natural ingredients, including coffee fruit extract and phosphatidylserine, that have been shown to support brain health. If you’re looking for a natural way to boost your cognitive function, Neuriva Plus is worth considering.

Thesis Nootropics Promotions & Discounts 

Thesis Nootropics Review

There aren’t currently any Thesis promos or discounts available. That being said, if you subscribe for recurring shipments of your recommended products, you’ll save $40 monthly .

Where to Buy Thesis Nootropics

Thesis Nootropics Review

At the time of this Thesis nootropics review, the products are exclusively available on the brand’s website, takethesis.com .

Is Thesis Nootropics vegan?  

Thesis nootropics are made with only vegan ingredients . That being said, while the brand has taken precautions to protect against cross contamination, the products are not certified vegan.

Is Thesis Nootropics gluten-free? 

On top of being vegan, Thesis products are made without gluten, eggs, or nuts . Again, while the brand strives to protect users against cross contamination, the products are not certified gluten free. 

What is Thesis Nootropics’ Shipping Policy?

If you’re anxiously awaiting your order from this Thesis nootropics review, you’ll be happy to hear that the company offers speedy shipping, sending orders out within 1 business day. After that, packages should arrive within only 1-3 business days . Costs are calculated at checkout.

At this time, Thesis is not able to offer international shipping. This Thesis nootropics review recommends following the brand on social media and signing up for the newsletter to stay up to date with shipping policies. 

What is Thesis Nootropics’ Return Policy?

If you find that your Thesis formula isn’t working out, the company requests that you contact them to make changes and adjustments to ensure you are able to receive the proper help.

If you would still like to make a return, follow these simple steps for a refund:

  • Submit your refund request
  • Ship the items back within 30 days of the original delivery
  • Send an email with your tracking number to the brand
  • Return any remaining product in their original packaging to: 

Thesis Returns 902 Broadway

6th Floor New York, NY 

Once your return has been received, a refund will be processed and email confirmation will be sent. It’s also important to note that the brand can only refund one month’s supply per customer and return shipping is the customer’s responsibility. 

How to Contact Thesis Nootropics

We hope you enjoyed this Thesis nootropics review! If you have any further questions about the brand or its products, you can contact them using the following methods:

  • Call 1 (646) 647-3599
  • Email [email protected]

902 Broadway Floor 6 New York, NY 10010

If you’re looking for other ways to boost your productivity via supplements, check out these other brands we’ve reviewed:

Thorne Supplements Review

WeAreFeel Supplements Review

Neuro Gum Review

Neuriva Plus Review

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What Is Thesis?

How does it work, thesis nootropics benefits, thesis blend breakdown, thesis energy benefits, clarity benefits, motivation benefits, logic benefits, creativity benefits, side effects, who should take it, who shouldn't take it, where can you buy it, other user reviews, how does thesis compare to other supplements, our verdict on thesis nootropics.

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  • ThesIs Nootropics Review

Thesis Nootropics Review (2024) Is It Worth The Hype?

James Cunningham, BSc, CPT

As a fitness coach, I've seen the impact of high-quality nootropic supplements on motivation and concentration during workouts.

Teaming up with my dietitian and 12 clients, we documented the significant cognitive benefits and general effects of Thesis over a period of four weeks.

Does it genuinely fulfill its promise of enhancing your mental performance and focus?

Before trying out the supplement, keep reading and find out if it's right for your mental wellness needs.


Close up shot of thesis nootropics products

Who is it for?

  • Individuals seeking personalized nootropic supplements to enhance cognitive performance, energy, and focus.
  • People looking for a tailored approach to mental wellness and cognitive enhancement.

Who is it not for?

  • Those looking for a cost-effective solution or who prefer a one-size-fits-all supplement.
  • Individuals sensitive to caffeine or those who prefer supplements without multiple ingredients.

Final Verdict

Thesis Nootropics offers a personalized approach to cognitive enhancement with a variety of blends tailored to individual needs. Its high-quality ingredients and positive user ratings make it a viable option for those looking to improve mental performance, though the cost and complexity of the blends may not suit everyone.

Thesis is a stack of supplements that aims to improve cognitive function, mental stamina, mood, and overall mental energy levels.

Thesis nootropics' energy formula claims to boost energy levels while catering to individuals following a certified gluten-free diet, promoting positive habits and supporting nerve health.

What's particularly interesting about purchasing this stack is the Thesis algorithm.

It’s a set of questions that assess your personal needs to create a bespoke starter kit.

More on this shortly.

As a result, you get a recommendation from a couple of their products to provide personalized blends for nootropics.

Let’s learn more about how Thesis supplements work with your brain health.

CTA of Thesis Nootropics

Thesis Nootropics

Rated With Total Shape's Scoring System

A person checking out things on a laptop while in the kitchen

The Thesis experience begins with a questionnaire to assess your needs and goals, like improved physical and mental energy.

Based on your responses, the algorithm will recommend different Thesis blends to help you achieve your goals.

After going through the quiz, you get a recommended Thesis starter kit.

The five different products Thesis then recommends claim to work similarly to smart drugs by boosting your cognitive function and mood.

But unlike prescription medications, Thesis uses natural ingredients like vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and herbs.

“Nootropics, a greek word meaning 'Towards the Mind', are compounds that are both (1) neurologically active and (2) directly or indirectly enhance cognitive potential via increased capabilities (ie. reflexes), state of well-being, or learning potential.” - Kamal Patel, MPH, MBA at Examine.com

Once you are a Thesis customer, you can also set up a meeting with a Thesis coach to review your stack and the effects you are looking for and experiencing.

But does that make Thesis legit?

Let’s see what our detailed clinical research reveals.

A person in the gym stretching with Thesis Nootropics logo

The first thing that we got our testing team to do is to go through a full week of keeping an hourly journal to self-evaluate their mood, concentration, and cognitive function.

Then we put them through three weeks of taking their Thesis recommended stack and got them all to keep their hourly journaling going.

The first thing we noted was that the energy blend and creativity formula seemed to give our clients a good boost in brain performance.

And the folks that took the motivation blend a few hours before heading to the gym also found they were more focused on their workouts.

However, the majority of our test group highlighted that the effects seemed to wear off after about 4–5 hours.

We also noted that the logic formula didn’t provide a huge benefit, which could be down to a lack of a proven formula.

We also found that the Thesis nootropics cost can mount up if you want to stack a few of them.

  • Allows you to combine different product formulas for personal goals
  • Provides support from coaches to help you refine your stack
  • Positive impacts on mood and concentration levels
  • Some of the ingredients are not supported by reliable clinical trials
  • You may need to swallow quite a few capsules, depending on your particular blend

A dietitian writing down notes on a clipboard with Thesis Nootropics logo on the side

Thesis Nootropics offers a unique blend of ingredients that target thesis energy, thesis creativity, cellular function, and even skin health, making it a notable contender in the supplement industry.

For this part of the Thesis supplements review, I got my dietitian to help out and analyze the Thesis formula for each of the products.

We also tested the effects with 12 clients to see whether the marketing hype lives up to expectations.

Let's have a more detailed look at the features and benefits of each blend.

The idea behind Thesis Energy is to help people clear brain fog and feel more mentally energized.

To verify this, we paid close attention to the journal entries our testing team made in the afternoons. This is typically when people feel a slump.

What we found was that folks who took this supplement after lunch gained some mental clarity.

But it seems like the effect wears off after about four hours, so you don’t gain an all-day effect like with other nootropics.

Key Ingredients:

  • Choline: According to PubMed, this mineral may boost memory function and verbal fluency [ 1 ].
  • L-Theanine: A controlled trial posted in Nutritional Neurosciences suggests that this amino acid can work well with caffeine to increase alertness without causing jitters [ 2 ].
  • Caffeine: This stimulant can boost alertness, but you can get this from a morning coffee, so I’m not overly impressed that it’s added here [ 3 ].

CTA of Clarity Benefits

Thesis Clarity is another product that aims to improve neural communication and allow you to think more clearly and effectively.

Thesis Nootropics' clarity formula provides an extra boost of cognitive performance, targeting stress response reduction and improving sleep quality, all while delivering a healthy dose for enhanced mental clarity and improved ability.

We did note in our testing review that there seems to be an improvement in mental function for several hours after taking it.

But this also seemed to happen more with those testers who took the clarity and energy formula.

  • 7,8-DHF: Studies have shown that Dihydroxyflavone can cross the blood-brain barrier and act as a neuroprotective ingredient [ 4 ].
  • Alpha GPC: This is an ingredient that has been shown to protect against neurological decline [ 5 ].
  • Lion’s Mane: This mushroom is common in nootropics and has been shown to improve mental performance and creativity [ 6 ].

A large part of improving mental health comes down to how focused and motivated you are with daily tasks. Our clients who tested the Thesis Motivation noted that it seemed to help them remain more motivated during workouts.

But this doesn’t seem to happen if you take it in the morning and go to the gym later in the day. So you’d need to get your timing right.

  • L-Phenylalanine: Research has shown that this ingredient can help with signs of depression and improve overall mood [ 7 ].
  • Dynamine: Also known as Methylliberine, studies have highlighted that it can impact your mental well-being when combined with caffeine [ 8 ].
  • Forskolin: The interesting thing about this herbal ingredient is that it can improve blood flow to the brain for better focus and motivation [ 9 ].

CTA of Thesis Logic Benefits

For this product, we looked at what our clients noted in their journals when they were at work or studying. While they did find a boost in focus, none of them noted that it helped improve verbal fluency or problem-solving skills.

  • Ginkgo Biloba: This is a common ingredient in traditional medicine, but modern clinical trials have shown that it can help brain health through improved blood flow and anti-inflammatory properties [ 10 ].
  • Ashwagandha: This herb can have a direct impact on stress and memory, allowing you to think clearly and effectively [ 11 ].
  • Saffron: It’s the most expensive herb in the world, and studies have linked it to improved stress, mood, and cognitive capacity [ 12 ].

A few of our clients tried the creativity blends, but this is one of the products where most of them didn’t report any significant improvements.

Combinations with other products above did positively impact mood and stress, but we couldn’t find any comments where our clients highlighted that they felt more creative in their work or any other creatively demanding context.

  • Agmatine: This amino acid doesn’t just boost cognitive performance but may also help to protect brain cells against oxidative stress [ 13 ].
  • Zembrin: Research has shown that this herb can impact both stress and anxiety, but there’s no specific evidence that it can help with creativity [ 14 ].
  • Ginseng: This is a common ingredient in diet supplements as it can improve blood sugar levels, but that wouldn’t directly influence creativity [ 15 ].

A doctor pointing to a clipboard

We also asked all of our clients to provide any feedback they had on side effects related to the nootropic blends.

Overall, the majority of people found that it didn't cause any major issues.

We only noted that one person had a bit of a rash, which could have been a result of an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients.

We also found that it’s best not to take these capsules on an empty stomach. Ideally, take them within 20 minutes of eating a meal to avoid stomach upset.

Based on my personal experience, people who want to achieve a moderate boost in brain function may want to take nootropic supplements.

You would need to experiment with the timing as these capsules don’t provide effects for the entire day. But after about a week, you should be in a position to spread out the capsules for maximum effect.

You can also contact a coach directly for advice on timing. It's especially important when you have no prior experience in taking these supplements. However, a good starting point is to take the minimum and adjust from there.

A doctor checking up on a patient in a clinic

Based on our own experience, people with high blood pressure or neurological diseases shouldn’t take Thesis natural nootropics to enhance cognitive function.

In such cases, it’s best to have a doctor review your detailed medical history and the nootropic ingredients for any potential side effects.

Our testing team didn’t note any improvements whatsoever, and when we specifically asked them after the trial, none of them said they saw a noticeable difference.

You can buy Thesis Nootropics directly from the company website.

We generally recommend avoiding third-party retailers to ensure that you always get the real product, so this is a positive highlight.

We placed two orders, and the package arrived within four days, which is about average for nootropic supplement companies.

One thing to point out on the Thesis supplements shipping policy is that currently, the company doesn’t offer international shipping.

A person looking at papers inside a kitchen

We also had a look for other nootropic reviews online to see what users were saying.

“It gave me more energy. I have struggled with low energy and I felt like my old self again. I could get up & get things done.” - Laurie C., taketheseis.com
“After 1 month of using Energy, Creativity, Clarity and Logic pack, I do not note any difference in mindset. I opted for the non-caffeinated blends as I am not a big caffeine person to begin with so a caffeinated blend might show some improvement.” - Beefnug, Reddit
“I have been continuously nauseated every day using thesis packets. I have given it a week and a half and cannot handle the negative side effects. Disappointed.” - AdGroundbreaking5162, Reddit

Our Thesis scientific research suggests that it doesn’t compare well to our testing of three other products for improving cognitive function.

First of all, we looked at the results we have for Mind Lab Pro .

The one thing that stands out the most is that it seems to be effective for many more hours than Thesis, so the timing doesn’t become an issue.

The second one we compared is Onnit Alpha Brain . This nootropic supplement seems to provide a lot more focus and motivation, especially while you’re at the gym.

Compared to Gorilla Mind Smooth , Thesis doesn’t have the same effect on boosting energy and reducing stress.

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Is It Safe To Take Thesis Nootropics Every Day?

Yes, it is safe to take Thesis Nootropics every day. We found Thesis to be generally easy to process, but you need to look out for allergies to any of the ingredients. A good way to do this is to ask your physician for advice since they will know whether these ingredients are good for your health.

Does Thesis Nootropics Contain Banned Ingredients?

No, Thesis Nootropics doesn’t contain any banned ingredients. All of the ingredients are based on minerals, amino acids, and herbs that won’t cause a positive drug test result.

Based on our feedback from a nutritionist and the test results with 12 clients, we don't recommend Thesis.

Not only do its effects wear off after a few hours, which makes timing your intake a problem, but it also burns a hole in your pocket for just a stack of three or four products.

Instead, I highly recommend one of the best nootropic brands we have tested so far: Mind Lab Pro .

Our results show that its effects last for most of the day and provide great clarity, energy, focus, and concentration, making it a favorite among clients of all age groups.

We Recommend This Instead

Mind Lab Pro

CTA of Mind Lab Pro

  • Great combination of herbs and amino acids that work as a cognitive enhancer
  • Added B vitamins to support red blood cell production and boosted energy levels
  • Great feedback from users that it can help with relieving anxiety
  • Get the BEST PRICE until the end of August
  • The capsules are not the smallest ones to swallow

About The Author

James Cunningham, BSc, CPT

James Cunningham is an author and dietary supplement connoisseur with a solid academic foundation, holding a BSc in Sport & Exercise Science from the University of Hertfordshire. Specializing in Performance Psychology, his expertise is backed by both rigorous study and practical experience.

As an author, James is committed to guiding his readers towards optimal health and performance, providing actionable insights and strategies through his writings.

James Cunningham, BSc, CPT

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Thesis Nootropics Review 2024: Honest Thoughts + Am I Still Buying?

  • Last updated: May 16, 2024

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About Dr. Steve Kim, MD

Physician Advisor

are thesis nootropics safe

After using Thesis nootropics for more than a year, for me, the higher price point is definitely worth it for the cognitive benefits I’ve experienced. Specifically, I’ve noticed that I am not feeling overwhelmed as often as I was prior, and I am able to focus and complete tasks with more ease.

Thesis Overview

  • Price:  $119 for one-time purchase or $79 with subscription
  • Helps With:  Cognitive function, including motivation, memory, focus, and more
  • Side Effects:  Headache, stomachache, and more
  • Safety: Made with ingredients that are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by the FDA or have passed Phase III clinical trials
  • Dietary Information:  Vegan, and made without gluten, eggs, and nuts

Opening up my Thesis starter kit

Thesis offers a variety of  nootropics, also called “smart drugs,” which are medicinal substances that improve cognitive function, specifically memory, thinking, and learning. While some prescription nootropics are FDA-approved, Thesis is not regulated by the FDA and is available over-the-counter (OTC). However, their ingredients are third-party tested and they only use ingredients that are either Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by the FDA or have passed through Phase III clinical trials. 

I’ve been taking Thesis for over a year now, about six times a week, and I’ve noticed some significant improvements in terms of how often I feel overwhelmed, as well as my ability to focus and stay on task. While I know Thesis won’t work well for everyone, these nootropics agree well with me and I’ll continue using them to help boost my productivity, focus, and more. 

In this article, I’ll delve into my experience using Thesis nootropics, as well as discuss their potential benefits, side effects, and more.

Opening up my Thesis starter kit

  • Custom blends
  • Personal coaching / support by nootropic experts
  • No proprietary blends (AKA no hidden ingredients!)
  • Caffeinated or noncaffeinated formulas
  • Effective ingredients
  • No free trials
  • Relatively high monthly cost

My Experience Taking Thesis Nootropics

I’ve been loving Thesis since I started using their products, specifically the Clarity, Creativity, Logic, and Energy blends, over a year ago. While there’s no nootropic that’ll offer you the same potency you’d get from Adderall, or other prescription stimulant medications, I’ve found Thesis to work surprisingly well for my needs.

When using them 6 times a week, they have offered notable improvements in how well I’m able to focus and stay on task. In practice, this usually looks like a clearer mind and an improved ability to maintain a relaxed state of mind while completing various tasks. As someone who feels overwhelmed fairly often, this is a welcomed change of pace.

With their Clarity and Creativity blends, in particular, I just feel leveled out. I’m able to sit down and work, without feeling like I’m just hopped up on too much caffeine, a feeling that really makes me uncomfortable. 

In the world of nootropics, where certain products don’t seem noticeable whatsoever, it cannot be overstated just how awesome my experience with Thesis has been.

Benefits of Thesis

As a customer, you’ll have the opportunity to speak with their coaches at any time. I have reached out on a few occasions, just to talk about the fascinating world of nootropics. In particular, I have had amazing conversations with one of their neurologists, Cindy. It truly is nice to speak with other individuals who are as fascinated with the science behind nootropics as I am.

Another aspect of Thesis that I really respect is that they clearly publish not only which ingredients they include, but also the exact amounts of each ingredient. This matters because it allows consumers to actually cross-check the research behind the ingredients/dosages, an unfortunate rarity in the supplement space.

Thesis nootropics product shot

  •  6 custom blends, each with unique effects that may work well for many individuals
  • Personal coaching/support from nootropic experts
  • No proprietary blends (hidden ingredients)
  • Caffeinated or non-caffeinated formulas
  • Effective ingredients that are backed by science and are third-party tested
  • Available OTC
  • Not FDA-approved
  • Relatively high monthly price, which may not work for everyone

How Does Thesis Work?

You’ll start by filling out a questionnaire on their website, which should only take a few minutes. Once you’re done with the survey, Thesis’ algorithm will run through its millions of data points to predict which of their blends may work best for you. 

Once you place your order, either as a one-time purchase or as a subscription, you’ll be shipped your blends.

Per the instructions, you’ll begin taking your blends and note how you feel in the included daily journal. This will help your track whether your blends are the right fit for your needs or if they need to be adjusted. You’ll also be able to speak with one of their coaches at any time for additional support. 

Related reading: Stasis Supplement Review – Our Research, Testing, and Impressions

Thesis vs. Alternatives

 We’ve created this comparison table to pit Thesis up against Onnit and Mind Lab Pro , two other popular nootropic brands.

Starting Price$119$80$69
Subscription Price$79$68n/a
Price per day (full dosage)$3.29$1.51$2.30
Coupon codeZENMASTER for 10% off
Customized formulas
Access to coaching
Sample packs available?
Refund policy?30 days90 days30 days
Caffeine Free?✔ (optional)
List ingredients and ?
Research-backed ingredients?✔ (but they're unclear about )

Thesis Nootropics Side Effects

The ingredients in Thesis may lead to side effects in some individuals, including: 

  • Stomachache
  • Signs of an allergic reaction

If you experience any prolonged discomfort, stop taking Thesis and reach out to your healthcare provider. Seek urgent medical care if you experience serious symptoms of an allergic reaction.

The Verdict: Are Thesis Nootropics Worth It?

Thesis offers a complete toolkit of nootropics that are tailored to your needs, in addition to ongoing expert support. Unlike other nootropics, which may include unnecessary or hidden ingredients, Thesis only offers what you need with their six unique blends that focus on supporting logic, energy, creativity, clarity, motivation, and confidence. Once you find the blend or blends that work for you, you can opt into a subscription and save on costs. 

While the monthly cost may be on the higher side, the ability to select only the blends you need, instead of opting for a nootropic that may include ingredients that are unnecessary for your particular needs, is definitely a major benefit of opting for this provider over others.

Keep in mind that Thesis will not feel as potent as prescription stimulant medication and that certain blends may lead to side effects, like gastrointestinal problems or headaches, in some. It’s always best to speak with your healthcare provider prior to trying Thesis to ensure that it is safe for you to do so.

Thesis will not be as potent as Adderall, a prescription medication. However,  Thesis , a type of nootropic or “smart drug,” may work well for some individuals in boosting cognitive function, focus, and more. 

Some nootropics can be used every day. However, it’s best to follow the specific’s products instructions, as well as speak to your healthcare provider about safe use.

Thesis  may be safe for some individuals to use. According to the company, they only use ingredients that are either classified as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by the FDA or that havve passed through Phase III clinical trials. However, it’s always best to speak with your healthcare provider prior to trying Thesis to ensure that it is safe for you to use.

Thesis does not offer free samples, however, they do offer a no-questions-asked refund. 

Thesis offer caffeinated and caffeine-free formulas.

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Thesis Nootropics Review

Thesis has a range of targeted nootropics you can combine to optimize your results. our team will help you decide which ones are right for you..

Daniel Imperiale

Daniel is a senior editor and writer at Innerbody Research. After receiving his bachelor’s degree in writing, he attended post-graduate studies at George Mason University and pursued a career in nutritional science.

Matt Segar, MD

Dr. Segar is a cardiologist at the Texas Heart Institute and a member of Innerbody Research's Medical Review Board.

In this Review

Nootropics in general offer the potential to improve cognitive abilities and regulate mood without the need for a prescription. And while more research is necessary, current data suggests that they consist of ingredients that are generally safe and effective for healthy adults. 35 However, Thesis isn’t the only provider of high-quality nootropics, nor do they offer especially low prices. In this review, we'll compare and contrast Thesis’ six formulas and see how they stack up against a growing field of competitors.

Our Findings

  • You can feel most results within an hour
  • Products are third-party-tested for purity
  • All options available without stimulants
  • Outstanding phone support
  • Subscriptions include complimentary wellness coaching
  • Free shipping on all orders
  • Use code INNERBODY for 10% off your first order
  • Somewhat more expensive than competitors
  • Up to four large pills per dose

Despite the somewhat high price, we recommend Thesis to anyone looking for a nootropic subscription that can be tailored to their specific needs. The formulas from Thesis provide tangible benefits with minimal ingredients, and each formula is available with or without caffeine. Thesis also offers stellar customer service and delivers their product in individually packed doses you can take just about anywhere.

Special Offer: Take 10% OFF with code INNERBODY

Why you should trust us

Over the past two decades, Innerbody Research has helped tens of millions of readers make more informed decisions about staying healthy and living healthier lifestyles. As nootropics have become more important players in the supplements landscape, we’ve taken a serious look at the key players to see which ones are worthwhile.

Thesis exists in a class of nootropics that combines multiple nootropic ingredients to achieve specific goals. We’ve spent hundreds of hours researching and testing various nootropics, including both individual ingredients and combinations like Thesis offers. In researching Thesis and their competitors, our team has read more than 100 clinical studies examining the efficacy and safety of nootropic ingredients, and we’ve combined all of that knowledge with our experiences to create this review.

If you're curious about our team's experience using Thesis nootropics and wondering how the products will arrive at your door, we made this handy, 5-minute video summarizing those details:

Youtube Video

Additionally, like all health-related content on this website, this review was thoroughly vetted by one or more members of our Medical Review Board for accuracy.

How we evaluated Thesis

To evaluate Thesis, we examined the extensive research available on each ingredient the company uses and compared them to a growing marketplace of nootropics, many of which our testing team has tried over the past few years. Specifically, we assessed how effectively Thesis' formulas work, as well as their safety, cost, and the convenience of acquiring and taking them.

Ultimately, we found Thesis to be one of the more reliable companies in terms of product quality and customer care, even if they are among the more expensive nootropic brands. For any nootropic, you’re looking to create a noticeable effect in brain performance, and altering anything to do with that sensitive chemistry likely warrants a fair investment. The bargain bin is not typically where you want to shop for mind-enhancing substances.

We’ll get into a more direct comparison between Thesis and their competitors a little later, and you’ll see that the balance between their price and overall value is quite reasonable. For now, let’s look at each criterion in more detail.


Nootropic companies have a plethora of ingredients at their fingertips when they formulate their products. Some companies take a modern approach, focusing on the latest research into established Western medicines. Others look to the past, where ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic practices employed various botanicals to achieve cognitive effects. The best companies combine these approaches, using potentially beneficial ingredients that science supports.

Thesis takes this combined approach, employing just under three dozen ingredients from amino acids to ancient herbs across their six products. The company scores highly in effectiveness thanks to the ingredients they choose and the doses they offer for each, making it likely that you can notice their combined effects.

Individual results will vary due to everything from sleep patterns to diet, but most people should find benefits in at least one of Thesis' six formulas. Caffeinated formulas generally have more pronounced effects than stimulant-free versions, but the value of Thesis offering every formula with or without stimulants cannot be overstated.

One minor knock against Thesis is that, unlike some of their competitors, Thesis does not have a nootropic blend designed for improved sleep. Better sleep supports cognition and mood, so some companies offer formulas designed specifically for sleep promotion with ingredients like melatonin. That said, some of Thesis’ formulas contain lion’s mane or Zembrin (a branded form of Sceletium tortuosum that’s been shown to reduce anxiety and promote sleep). 2 3 And the amount of Zembrin used in Thesis’ Creativity and Confidence blends is the exact same amount used in these successful studies — 25mg.

Good nootropics are, unfortunately, a bit expensive. You can find less expensive options than Thesis, but their $79 monthly rate is right in the middle of what the market demands. You could also argue that the ingredient quality, customization options, and overall efficacy Thesis offers make it a superior value to many less expensive alternatives. Still, the price remains a sticking point for some.

Let's compare the monthly and per-dose costs with some of Thesis' closest competition. The prices below reflect subscription savings where available.

Monthly costServings per monthCost per dose Shipping
$7924$3.29 Free

Three of the seven competitors included in the chart above are more expensive than Thesis, and another three are no more than $15 less expensive, revealing their generally average cost. Focus Factor — consistently our top budget pick among nootropics — costs much less than others in the field and includes many ingredients with associated clinical research. The downside is that increasing the number of ingredients (even when they seem to work) increases the odds of an adverse reaction.

TruBrain is the only company that truly compares to Thesis from a quality and variety standpoint. Other companies offer only one or two formulas, whereas Thesis and TruBrain each offer several more targeted products. TruBrain allows you to spend just $69 on your first jar when you subscribe — $10 less than Thesis — but that price shoots up to $119 every month after that, making Thesis the superior value.

When we consider the safety of any supplement, we look at available research into individual ingredients and compare those dosages with what the supplement offers. Whenever possible, we also test the product ourselves to observe its effects on us. Additionally, we look for safety standards in manufacturing that can provide added peace of mind, like third-party testing and compliance with the FDA’s Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

Thesis manufactures their products in GMP-compliant facilities and has third-party testing performed to assess the purity of each ingredient and formula. And the clinical research involving the lion's share of their ingredients reveals minimal risk profiles with few to no adverse effects reported. That said, ashwagandha isn’t safe for pregnant or breastfeeding individuals, and it can stimulate thyroid activity, so anyone with thyroid concerns (hyper- or hypothyroidism) or on medication to regulate thyroid function should be careful. 36 37

Thesis also limits their formulas to a handful of ingredients, which reduces the likelihood that any one of them would cause an adverse reaction. This is pretty typical of nootropics in Thesis’ class, but less expensive nootropics might try to convince you of their value by stuffing a single blend with several dozen components. That might increase the chances you feel some positive effect, but the side effect risk goes up by the same token.


Our convenience rating considers various aspects of a user's experience. It usually starts with the quality of a product's website design and whether or not its pages are easy to navigate. We also consider the presence of subscription systems that make reordering easier and money-back guarantees that protect your investment. A company's customer service is another vital aspect of convenience, especially if you need questions answered. The quality of an FAQ section, the availability of representatives via chat or phone call, and the responsiveness to email inquiries all play a part here.

Our convenience rating is also informed by the steps required to actually take the product. Nootropics often consist of large capsules, and doses can contain anywhere from 1-7 capsules, which is awful for anyone with difficulty taking pills. Smaller capsules, fewer capsules per dose, and simple dosing schedules are ideal. Thesis’ capsule count varies per formula, ranging from 2-4 mid-size capsules you can take 30 minutes before you might want or need their effects.

To summarize some important aspects of nootropic company convenience, let's look at which companies have large capsule counts, good money-back guarantees, and subscription systems.

Capsules per doseMoney-back guaranteeSubscription option
2-430 days
7100 days
2-430 days
360 days
260 days

Thesis also provides a service that few other companies offer: free consultations with in-house nootropic coaches. These experts can help you figure out the best time to take specific Thesis formulas and guide your experience so you can tell whether or not they're working for you. Follow-up consultations are also free as long as you subscribe to the product.

What are nootropics?

Nootropic is a term most people use to refer to any non-prescription supplement that can boost brainpower. 4 The technical definition is a little more nuanced — encompassing prescription medications like Ritalin and Adderall — but the supplement industry has largely co-opted it to categorize the new class of non-prescription products. The word loosely translates from its Greek origins to mean mind-changing, and the majority of ingredients in a given nootropic seek to alter the brain’s cognitive abilities, as well as its governance of mood and energy.

Most nootropic supplements contain botanical ingredients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that boast at least some clinical research connecting them with improvements in any of the following:

Compared to their prescription cousins, nootropic supplements aren't particularly strong. Still, limited clinical research indicates a tangible benefit to taking them.

What is Thesis?

Thesis is a supplement company with a focus on nootropics. Their founders each had experiences growing up with what would today be considered learning disabilities, and they credit nootropics for changing their lives. They make six distinct nootropic formulas, each with a specific ingredient profile.

Thesis differentiates themselves from their competitors in several critical ways:

  • They offer a starter kit containing a personalized combination of four blends.
  • You have the option to remove caffeine by request from any formula.
  • They provide some of the best phone support we've ever experienced.
  • Their targeted formulas conform to changing needs.

By providing you with a mix of formulas, Thesis gives you the ability to enhance the aspects of your cognitive and emotional life that need it the most on any given day. Maybe you know you have low energy levels on Mondays and Wednesdays, so you can take the Energy formula on those days. Maybe you want to devote your weekends to artistic pursuits. You can use the Creativity blend for that. Or you might find that one of their six blends works well for you in any situation. In that case, you can adjust your order to receive only that formula.

Thesis' customer service — particularly over the phone — is outstanding. While many customers might find chat support more convenient, our testers rarely waited more than a minute to speak to someone, and Thesis employs phone operators who are extraordinarily knowledgeable about the product and nootropics in general. Their email support is fine, and their chat support often redirects to an email inquiry. But that phone support is some of the best our testing team has experienced.

Is Thesis safe?

Most of the ingredients that Thesis uses in their nootropics exhibit minimal side effects in clinical research, so there’s a good chance that Thesis' various formulas will be safe for most people. But Thesis has nearly three dozen ingredients in their catalog, and not all of them will be safe for all users, including those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Of course, the most important thing you can do is talk to your doctor before taking Thesis.

The most common side effects to watch out for when you start taking Thesis nootropics include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Digestive issues

Thesis advises discontinuing their nootropics if you experience persistent headaches or an upset stomach.

Some Thesis products may present contraindications with certain prescription medicines. For example, ashwagandha has been shown to normalize thyroid hormone levels in people with hypothyroidism. 5 This has led some to believe that it could conversely cause thyrotoxicity in people with hyperthyroidism, though it’s worth noting that the study in question employed double the highest ashwagandha dose you’ll find in Thesis nootropics — the study used 600mg, and the ashwagandha dose in Thesis’ Creativity is 300mg.

Still, this should make abundantly clear the case for speaking with your doctor prior to taking Thesis. This is especially true considering the lack of research into the specific ingredient combinations you’ll find in Thesis products. There is also very little research looking into the risks of combining nootropic supplements with prescription stimulants such as Ritalin, Adderall, or Vyvanse.

Some side effects, such as jitteriness, can be attributed to the caffeine in Thesis formulas. The fact that you can elect to remove caffeine from any formula expands the company’s reach to anyone with caffeine sensitivities and those who really don’t want to give up their morning cup of coffee. If you want caffeine in your Thesis formula, we recommend trying it without having had any coffee first, so you can see how it affects you.

Insider Tip: If you’re not sure whether to get your formula with or without caffeine, we recommend getting it with caffeine. Thesis isolates the included caffeine in a single capsule separate from other ingredients. Caffeinated formulas cost the same as uncaffeinated ones, and you can always elect not to take the caffeine capsule (the smallest capsule in any formula, containing a white powder).

What are the ingredients in Thesis?

Thesis uses an impressive set of ingredients, many of which have been part of respectable clinical research. Not all of the effects they hope these ingredients provide have been proven with sufficient statistical significance or over multiple studies in different populations, but what we do know strongly suggests efficacy.

Here's a look at several Thesis ingredients that have encouraging research behind them:

Several studies on mice show that dihydrohonokiol-B (DHH-B) has potent anxiolytic effects. 6 That means it may be able to help combat anxiety. However, we can’t say this for sure since there haven’t been any studies conducted on humans yet, so any potential benefits are speculative at this time. 25 Converting the successful dose used in mice (1mg) to the equivalent human amount (4.86 mg) is about half the amount used in Thesis’ Confidence (10mg). 6

In numerous studies, ashwagandha has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. 32 Thesis uses a branded KSM-66 ashwagandha, which has a high standardized count of withanolides — the component of ashwagandha responsible for its positive effects. 33 This ensures both efficacy and consistency from doses that align with those used in successful studies.

While every formula is different, you'll notice that each contains caffeine and L-theanine. The nootropic properties of caffeine are well established. 19 L-theanine — a non-stimulant derived from green tea — has been shown to smooth out the jittery effects of caffeine. You can easily have caffeine removed from any Thesis formula for no extra cost, which is unique in the nootropic market. The L-theanine will remain, as it has its own set of cognitive benefits in addition to its ability to tame caffeine. 20

Saffron offers multiple benefits, including increased levels of dopamine and glutamate, that are dose-dependent. Human studies have also shown positive effects on depression symptoms. Thesis’ Confidence uses 28mg, which is 2mg less than what was used in many of the studies on saffron’s antidepressant effects. However, one study did find success with as little as 15mg. 7

A review of more than 120 scientific articles looking into the cognitive effects of phosphatidylserine concluded that it “safely slows, halts, or reverses biochemical alterations and structural deterioration in nerve cells.” The study goes on to say that it “supports human cognitive functions, including the formation of short-term memory, the consolidation of long-term memory, the ability to create new memories, the ability to retrieve memories, the ability to learn and recall information, the ability to focus attention and concentrate, the ability to reason and solve problems, language skills, and the ability to communicate.” 34

Derived from a South African plant, Zembrin appears to provide cognitive and anti-anxiety effects as demonstrated in clinical studies on human participants that used the same 25mg dose found in Thesis Creativity and Confidence. 8

Synapsa is a patented form of Bacopa extract, a traditional Ayurvedic memory enhancer. Studies on humans resulted in statistically significant improvements in cognitive tests. The study used 150mg twice daily (300mg total), which is only 20mg less than the 320mg used in Thesis’ Logic. 9

7,8 DHF is a small molecular TrkB agonist that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier. It can increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that improves neuroplasticity, learning, and memory. BDNF deficiencies are connected to numerous cognitive ailments as well. However, no human studies have been conducted. 26 In mice, 7,8 DHF appears to enhance spatial memory. When converting the effective dose for mice to humans, Thesis’ Clarity offers roughly 6mg more (about 24mg compared to Thesis’ 30mg). 27

Choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, a powerful neurotransmitter in the peripheral, autonomic, and enteric nervous systems. 10 One study on older adult human participants found that taking 187-399mg per day of choline reduced the risk of low cognitive functioning by nearly 50% compared to an intake under 187mg per day. 28 The CDP choline content in Thesis’ Energy is 300mg.

A 2010 clinical study on 485 older adult (over 55 years old) subjects found that 900mg per day of DHA improved memory and learning in those with age-related cognitive decline. 11 And another study in healthy adults 18-90 years old found that 580mg per day helped improve memory. 29 Unfortunately, the amounts used in many studies to improve cognitive function are quite a bit more than the 200mg (which is DHA and L-lysine combined) found in Thesis’ Logic.

Like choline, Alpha-GPC acts as an effective acetylcholine precursor. Studies also show that supplementation with Alpha-GPC can stave off exercise-induced reductions in choline levels. The effective amount used in the mentioned study is 200mg, which is less than half of what you’ll find in Thesis’ Clarity (500mg). 12

In addition to being an effective treatment for neuropathic pain, agmatine appears to have potent effects as an antidepressant. A five-year safety case report study concluded that there are no long-term side effect risks. Thesis’ Creativity only contains 250mg, which is well below the amount tolerated by study participants (2.67g per day). 13

Research into epicatechin indicates that it can enhance cerebral blood flow, delivering more oxygen to the brain to ensure it operates at its highest efficiency. The most effective dose for cognitive benefits appears to be over 50mg per day, and Thesis’ Clarity contains 278mg. 14

Lion's mane has been shown to increase nerve growth factor and promote neurite outgrowth of specific neural cells. It's a safe and reliable neurotrophic, but studies have debunked claims of neuroprotective properties. 15 A very small study of only 41 participants found that 1.8g of Lion’s mane may reduce stress and improve cognitive performance. 30 Thesis’ Clarity contains 500mg of Lion’s mane.

Hyperphenylalaninemia, a severe deficiency in phenylalanine, results in reduced dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline levels in the brain. 16 It can also alter cerebral myelin and protein synthesis. Supplementing with phenylalanine may provide neuroprotective benefits.

In a 2020 study, phenylalanine was a large component in a mix of seven amino acids that appeared to improve cognitive, psychological, and social functioning in middle-aged and older adults. Effective doses ranged from 0.85g to 1.7g of phenylalanine. A serving of Thesis’ Motivation contains 500mg, a bit under half of the average amount. 31

Examining the six formulas

Thesis has six nootropic formulas in their lineup (even though you can only choose up to four of them per box). Several other nootropic companies like TruBrain and BrainMD boast targeted lineups, as well, but Thesis is the Goldilocks of the bunch. Where BrainMD’s hyper-specific formulas rely on perhaps too few ingredients to make them worthwhile, many of TruBrain’s complex blends lack real specificity. With Thesis, you get targeted effects from numerous ingredients in moderately complex and reasonably priced combinations.

Each Thesis formula has a blend of ingredients that addresses specific needs. Their names give you a pretty big clue as to what the company intends each to do, but a closer look at their ingredients will help you understand how they achieve this.

Their formulas are:

Interestingly, the company thinks of its formulas as working well in pairs. You don't have to utilize them as such, but it's helpful to know how they view their most effective combinations. The following list details their purported combined benefits.

Enhances focus, eliminates brain fog, and lets thoughts flow naturally

Gets you going, keeps you going, and never crashes

Sparks new ideas, inspires extroversion, and revels in openness

You'll usually only take one formula at a time, but these pairs may act synergistically for specific personality types or cognitive needs.

Note that your first shipment of Thesis will contain six individually packed doses for four of these six formulas. Thesis chooses these formulas for you based on the results of an intake questionnaire, but you can make adjustments to that shipment on the customer dashboard before the shipment leaves their warehouse.

Let's take a closer look at each formula as they would appear with caffeine included.

Thesis Clarity

Thesis Clarity relies on 7,8 DHF (dihydroxyflavone), Alpha GPC (glycerylphosphorylcholine), epicatechin, and lion's mane to increase blood flow to the brain and stimulate the production of acetylcholine, a powerful neurotransmitter associated with learning, memory, and attention. It's particularly adept at cutting through brain fog.

Here's a look at Clarity's full ingredients list:

  • Alpha GPC: 500mg
  • Lion's Mane Mushroom: 500mg
  • Camellia sinensis tea leaf: 278mg
  • Dihydroxyflavone: 30mg
  • Caffeine: 100mg
  • L-Theanine: 200mg

One dose of Clarity consists of four capsules for the caffeinated formula and three capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Thesis Logic

Thesis Logic contains triacetyluridine (TAU), which caters to the health of the entire central nervous system. It also uses phosphatidylserine to help facilitate communication between and protection of brain cells. 17

This is Logic’s complete ingredients list:

  • Ginkgo Biloba: 160mg
  • Theobromine: 100mg
  • Phosphatidylserine: 400mg
  • High DHA Algae: 200mg
  • Triacetyluridine: 30mg
  • Bacopa Monnieri: 320mg

One dose of Logic consists of four capsules for the caffeinated formula and three capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Thesis Energy

Thesis Energy uses cysteine and tyrosine alongside caffeine to deliver a steady energy supply. It also includes TeaCrine, a branded form of theacrine, which partners with caffeine to affect adenosine signaling and prevent fatigue.

Here’s a full list of Energy’s ingredients:

  • Citicoline: 300mg
  • Mango leaf: 300mg
  • Theacrine: 100mg
  • N-Acetyl cysteine: 500mg
  • Indian trumpet tree: 100mg
  • N-Acetyl L-tyrosine: 300mg

One dose of Energy consists of three capsules for the caffeinated formula and two capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Thesis Motivation

Blood flow and cellular function are at the core of Thesis Motivation . It employs artichoke extract, forskolin, and B12 to achieve these goals, with a healthy dose of phenylalanine for added focus and motivation.

Here's Motivation's full ingredients list:

  • L-Phenylalanine: 500mg
  • Methylliberine: 100mg
  • Vitamin B12: 1000mcg
  • Forskolin: 250mg
  • Artichoke: 450mg

One dose of Motivation consists of three capsules for the caffeinated formula and two capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Thesis Creativity

Thesis Creativity aims to realign you with your inspiration by removing barriers caused by stress, anxiety, and depression. It contains ingredients with powerful anxiolytic properties and 5-HT reuptake inhibition.

Here's a look at Creativity’s ingredients list:

  • Alpha GPC: 150mg
  • Agmatine sulfate: 250mg
  • Panax ginseng: 200mg
  • Ashwagandha root: 300mg
  • Sceletium tortuosum : 25mg

One dose of Creativity consists of three capsules for the caffeinated formula and two capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Thesis Confidence

Confidence is designed to work hand-in-hand with Creativity, using saffron and DHH-B from magnolia bark to increase dopamine levels and decrease anxiety. One fascinating ingredient in this formula is sage extract, which one 2021 study showed can help with various memory tasks, including name and face recognition. 18 It’s worth noting, though, that this study employed a 600mg dose compared to Thesis’ 333mg dose.

Here is Confidence's complete ingredients list:

  • Saffron: 28mg
  • Magnesium bisglycinate: 500mg
  • Sage: 333mg
  • Magnolia Bark: 10mg
  • Ashwagandha leaf & root: 120mg

One dose of Confidence consists of three capsules for the caffeinated formula and two capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Our Thesis testing results

Our testing team has tried every Thesis formula (with and without caffeine) to determine their short- and long-term efficacy, at least at an anecdotal level. Here’s a quick summary of our experiences:

Clarity provided our testers with a combined sense of focus and mental ease, though we mostly found that it worked best from its second day forward. The very first dose is mildly effective, but it served us better as a loading dose. We had no crash from either caffeinated or uncaffeinated formulas.

Our testers found that Logic provided a similar experience as Clarity, increasing focus and mental acuity, but the caffeinated formula caused a crash in two of our testers. By excluding the caffeine, that crash can be avoided, though that comes at the expense of some efficacy.

We were very curious about how this formula would perform without the caffeine. Our testers had a noticeable increase in energy without jitteriness about one hour after taking Energy. The caffeinated version caused the worst crash of all the formulas, but we were pleased to find that the formula without caffeine still provided noticeable energy increases without a crash.

Our testers are generally a pretty motivated bunch, so we might not have been the best group to evaluate this particular formula. The testers who felt an uptick in a sense of motivation described it more like a feeling of being able to follow through on tasks with less distraction and completion anxiety.

Creativity, like Clarity, seemed to work better for our testers on its second and third days than on its first. Testers generally described a sensation similar to Motivation but without the feeling of being “on rails,” as one tester put it. It seems to allow for more curiosity and exploration, though not necessarily as much follow-through.

This is Thesis’ newest formula, so fewer of our testers have tried it. Among those who have, one tester with a mild case of social anxiety described feeling a bit more relaxed among groups of people. Testers preferred this formula without caffeine.

Thesis pricing, shipping, and returns

Thesis keeps their price structure decidedly simple. This is refreshing, considering the range of nootropics they offer. You don't have to worry about one formula costing you more than another. However, Thesis doesn't make a non-subscription approach economically feasible.

Every Thesis shipment — including the starter pack — consists of four small boxes, each containing six doses of a single formula. That’s 24 doses/month.

Here's how it works:

  • Any one-time purchase of a one-month supply, including the starter kit, costs $119.
  • When you subscribe, that monthly cost is only $79.
  • You can take an extra 10% off your first order with the coupon code INNERBODY

Subscriptions require an account with Thesis, which gives you access to a well-designed customer dashboard. This is where you can easily make formula adjustments, alter your shipping schedule, or cancel your subscription entirely.

Shipping from Thesis is free in the U.S., and the company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. In our testing experience, we attempted a return on a second shipment into the subscription. While it isn’t the company’s policy to do so, they refunded our money and let us keep the product. This is similar to some other “Keep it” guarantees we’ve seen from competitors, and we appreciated it.

Getting started with Thesis Nootropics

Thesis' website is easy to navigate, but it is inconvenient that you must complete the signup questionnaire before accessing formula-specific pages. There are ways around this — like direct searching or just knowing the formula URLs — but we think reviewing formulas should be a little easier when you first get to the site. And you won’t be able to place an order for anything until you complete the questionnaire.

The user interface for managing your subscription is exceptionally intuitive. You can quickly adjust your formula combinations, specifying whether or not you want specific formulas to contain caffeine.

Setting up a subscription with Thesis is a straightforward process. Here are the basic steps:

  • Take the Thesis quiz . This will create a starter kit specific to your results. (You can also build a box from scratch if you know which formulas you want to try.)
  • Order your starter kit. We recommend going with the kit Thesis creates after your quiz, but if you change your mind, you can use the customer portal after placing your order to make any changes to the formula combination before it ships.
  • Set up a coaching consultation. This is an optional step, but we recommend it and encourage you to have your first consultation before your kit arrives.
  • Take your nootropics as needed. Most people can experience some of Thesis nootropics' benefits within a few hours of ingestion. Some ingredients and formulas may take a few days to produce results.
  • Refine your order. As you near the end of your first month, you can head over to the Thesis website and customize your next order to include the formula or formulas you like most.
  • Set up follow-up consultations as needed. These will help you refine your future orders and maximize your results.

When you subscribe to the starter kit, you will continue receiving that kit every month until you customize your order. Thesis divides their boxes into four six-dose supplies, and you can mix and match those supplies to suit your needs. For example, you could boost energy on the weekdays and creativity on the weekends by getting a one-month supply with 18 servings of Energy in three packages and six servings of Creativity in a single package.

Personalized insights and coaching

When you take the quiz on the Thesis website, you'll get personalized insights comparing your results to other quiz-takers and a data set developed from nearly 500 scientific studies. The parameters in your results cover don’t completely line up with their formulas, but they include:

These results inform the system to make recommendations for your starter kit. After you order, you can set up a consultation with a Thesis coach. These consultations are free, and you can have as many follow-up sessions as you like. Other companies have apps or online resources like blogs or courses to help you on your nootropic journey, but Thesis’ personalized coaching offers a unique approach and execution.

Consultation calls last around 15 minutes, though some of our testers had their sessions go longer as their coaches' schedules allowed. We received best practices information about taking nootropics that covered dose timing, formula application, and more. Some of our testers also received diet and exercise advice that coincided with their formulas.

Alternatives to Thesis

There are generally two tiers of products in the nootropics landscape. The lower tier consists of products that cost between $20 and $40. Many of these nootropics contain proprietary blends that obscure the exact quantities of ingredients, presumably so companies can use more of the least expensive components. Some companies in this tier disclose their ingredient quantities but may not source them from the highest quality suppliers or perform third-party testing of any kind.

Top brands in this tier include:

  • Onnit Alpha BRAIN
  • Moon Juice Brain Dust
  • Focus Factor

The second tier — where you'll find Thesis — consists of more expensive nootropics that spell their contents out clearly, use high-quality ingredients, and often perform third-party testing to ensure safety and potency. Top brands in this tier include:

  • Qualia Mind

Hunter Focus

We have a comprehensive breakdown of our top nootropics , but here's a concise breakdown of Thesis' most comparable competition.

TruBrain offers one of the widest varieties of nootropics of any company — one of the few catalogs that rivals the variety Thesis offers. They also have some novel and beneficial delivery methods for their nootropic ingredients. Those include energy bars and liquid shots that are outstanding for anyone with difficulty swallowing pills.

TruBrain offers their nootropics in a targeted fashion, not unlike what you get from Thesis. They formerly offered their targeted blends in shot form only, but now you can get any of these targeted blends in capsule or liquid shot form. The shots come in small 1oz pouches that make them easy to take anywhere.

TruBrain's targeted blends include:

This is TruBrain's original blend. It contains seven nootropics, including Noopept, a branded form of N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester. This blend is caffeine-free.

The Strong blend is identical to the Medium formulation in contents and doses, but it also contains 100mg of caffeine.

The Extra Strong formula builds on the Strong blend by adding 150mg of adrafinil (2-(diphenylmethyl)sulfinyl-N-hydroxyacetamide). 21 This wakefulness-promoting substance may also help with weight loss and athletic performance.

TruBrain's Sleep formula contains just four nootropic ingredients: GABA, melatonin, 5-HTP, and a blend that TruBrain calls "functional oils."

Mellow is identical to the medium strength formula, but it adds the functional oil combination used in Sleep.

This formula contains Lion's mane, a mushroom that may promote neural growth , though human studies are necessary to determine if this is true. 22 Its other nootropic ingredients are rhodiola, guayusa, and rosehips.

A 30-day supply of TruBrain nootropic shots costs $89. That's $10 more than the subscription cost for a one-month supply of Thesis. Some of their shots contain caffeine, and others don't. If it already contains caffeine, there's no way to alter a TruBrain formula to be stimulant-free.

The first month of TruBrain capsules costs a bit less, coming in at $69. After your first month, however, the price goes up to $119. That makes Thesis the better value, but if you want the best possible nootropics for sleep support, it might be worth the extra money to check out TruBrain.

Qualia Mind is a brand under the Neurohacker Collective, a company that offers several products to address things like sleep quality, skin health, and vision. They have three nootropics available:

  • Qualia Mind Caffeine-Free
  • Qualia Mind Focus

Their original blend is comprehensive, consisting of nearly 30 ingredients in high doses. That means it's liable to provide you with noticeable effects. It also means you might not know which of those effects are coming from which ingredients, and some of the less beneficial components in your body may also have side effects you'd rather avoid.

The caffeine-free version is identical to the original formula but leaves the caffeine out. Qualia Focus is a more streamlined offering with only seven nootropic ingredients, including caffeine, L-theanine, and L-ornithine. 23

Initial shipments from Qualia Mind are significantly discounted, but after the first month, the price makes theirs one of the most expensive nootropics we've tested. For example, the first month of a subscription to Qualia Mind costs just $39. After that, it costs $139/month. And a one-time purchase is $159.

One inconvenient aspect of Qualia Mind is that a single dose consists of seven capsules, which can get tiresome even for people who don't have trouble swallowing pills. On the bright side, Qualia's 100-day money-back guarantee allows you to try it for a little over three months to determine if you can handle that kind of daily dosing.

Hunter Focus is one of three supplements in the Hunter stack alongside the company's Test and Burn supplements. The stack is intended for male use — Test is a testosterone supplement — but Focus and Burn are suitable for men and women.

Like Qualia Mind, Focus has a long list of ingredients in generous doses. In fact, one serving of Hunter Focus is like taking all six of Thesis' formulas at once. That said, the serving itself is difficult to swallow, as it consists of six large pills.

Another knock on Hunter is that they don't offer a subscription system. That means you can't get an extra discount, and you must remember to reorder when you're running low (theoretically, a nootropic like this should boost your memory). There's also no money-back guarantee to speak of, only a return policy with a relatively short window that only applies to unopened products.

One bottle of Hunter Focus costs $90, and shipping is $8.95 unless you buy more than one bottle at a time. The company will throw a fourth in for free if you buy three bottles at once. That's the only way to get any savings through Hunter.

Individual nootropic components

Many companies offer combinations of nootropic ingredients to perform specific brain-related tasks or even provide globally positive cognitive benefits. However, the scientific research behind most of these ingredients almost always includes just one rather than a combination. Some people prefer to try one at a time to minimize the potential for side effects and determine if one particular ingredient works for them. A few companies offer single-ingredient nootropic supplements for this specific purpose.

Our favorite company dealing in individual nootropic components is Nootropics Depot. They offer a wide variety of single-ingredient supplements and a few targeted blends. The prices are generally fair, with an average range running from $16-$70. A 30-day money-back guarantee covers every purchase, and you get free shipping on orders over $50.

Nootropics FAQ

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Specific nootropics affect different parts of the brain in their own ways. Some — like caffeine — reduce fatigue by blocking adenosine receptors, while others act to protect neural connections that are already present while possibly contributing to new neural growth. 24 Some also mitigate depression and anxiety, which frees up the brain to perform at its best.

Are nootropics safe?

The safety of a nootropic depends on the specific ingredients involved. Many are perfectly safe in the doses commonly employed by nootropic companies, but some can cause reactions like increased heart rate, gastrointestinal discomfort, headache, and even tremors. The smartest thing to do is to talk to your doctor before introducing any new supplement to your regimen.

Do nootropics really work?

Many nootropic supplements are noticeably effective — caffeine is a great example. Efficacy varies depending on the specific component or combination. Fortunately, a lot of companies offer money-back guarantees, so you can try their products to see if they work for you without much financial risk.

Will nootropics make me smarter?

Nootropics won't necessarily make you smarter, but many can increase your alertness, improve short-term recall, and promote neural growth and protection. That creates a great environment for learning if you apply yourself while using nootropics, and many ingredients can help you with the motivation it takes to do so.

How do you pronounce nootropics?

The 'noo' in nootropics comes from the Greek nous , which philosophers use to mean mind or intelligence. The 'tropic' in nootropic comes from the Greek tropikos , which relates to turning or changing. So, nootropic roughly translates to mind-changing. You pronounce the 'noo' like 'new' and the 'tropic' with a long O sound, like 'toe pick.'

Innerbody uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

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Thesis Nootropics Helped Me Ditch My 3-Coffee-A-Day Habit

Here's what to know about the personalized supplement brand.

An honest review of Thesis nootropics supplements, which helped me ditch my 3-coffee-a-day habit.

As someone who pours herself a tall glass of iced coffee three times a day — and sometimes even more, oops — I figured it wouldn’t hurt to look into other ways to boost my energy and focus. Of course, I also try to get enough sleep, water, and exercise, too. But I was also down to try a few supplements from Thesis, a nootropics company that aims to make you feel more productive with its plant-based blends.

If you’re not familiar, nootropics are similar to adaptogens in that they’re a class of functional plants that are buzzy in the wellness world. But nootropics — which include ingredients like ashwagandha , L-theanine , choline , and functional mushrooms — are more focused on activating different parts of your brain to support motivation, mood, memory, and cognitive processing . That’s why they’re sometimes called smart drugs or cognitive enhancers — and thus have a different role to play than everyday vitamins.

At Thesis, you’re hooked up with a kit of personalized vitamins , adaptogens , and nootropics that are meant to help support you in accomplishing your goals and feeling more energized and productive. I tried them out for a month and I have some thoughts. Here’s what it was like to try Thesis, in case you’re also a coffee fiend who could use a little more focus and energy.

Thesis Personalized Starter Kit

  • Price: $79/monthly subscription
  • Best for: Energy, focus
  • My rating: 4/5
  • What we like: Personalized supplements, supportive coaches
  • What we don't like: Can seem pricey, you have to be ready for some trial and error

What Is Thesis?

How do Thesis supplements work?

To get started, you’ll first take a quiz on the Thesis website that asks you about how you feel on a day-to-day basis, how much coffee you drink, what your energy levels are like, and how much you sleep (among other lifestyle questions) so that it can determine the best supplements for you. It’ll then send you a starter kit with six different supplement blends targeted for each issue you might be experiencing. From there, it’s up to you to decide which ones you want to continue using. It works like a process of elimination — you experiment by taking each supplement for six days to see whether or not it feels effective.

The Thesis line features eight different supplement blends: Creativity, Focus, Motivation, Clarity, Energy, Motivation, Confidence, and Logic. Though the brand notes it would love to formulate one pill that works for everyone, brain chemistry is so complex, so it decided it’s better to take the long route and have customers try multiple supplements in order to find the best fit for their noggin. That’s why Thesis also puts you in contact with a wellness coach, so you can chat and ask questions with an expert along the way.

How Do Nootropics Work?

Nootropics are meant to allow your brain to do its thing, only faster and with more efficiency. So, instead of slogging away at your desk with brain fog , you might notice that you feel perkier, extra organized, and more on-point than you normally do as you continue taking the supplements.

Some of the blends contain the nootropic acetylcholine , which is a neurotransmitter from the essential nutrient choline known for memory, learning, and healthy brain function . There are also plenty of amino acids, vitamins, and plant-based adaptogens in each packet to fight off fatigue and stress while protecting your brain from toxins so it’s easier to take in info — and actually remember what you learned. Other staple nootropics include ginkgo biloba , certain kinds of mushrooms, and caffeine, each of which plays a unique function in your cognitive function.

My Experience

What it was like to take Thesis supplements.

When I took the Thesis quiz , I said that I wanted to improve my energy, focus, and mood. A few days later, I received my starter kit, which contained Clarity , Confidence , Motivation , and Logic all laid out in cute little boxes. You’re supposed to pick one — each box contains six sachets full of pills — and take a packet a day for six days. I was immediately drawn to Clarity, a supplement combo that’s supposed to help with high-pressure situations, concentration, and tasks that require focus and attention. It has Lion’s Mane extract (a mushroom), caffeine, L-theanine , and a few other ingredients meant to support a calm, focused flow. The idea is to take the supplements in the morning so they kick in before you start your day, and most of the effects are said to last from four to six hours.

I’d been taking Clarity for a few days when I had a phone call with Cindy Yan , a Thesis wellness coach and nootropics expert. We chatted about my usual routine, how I’d been feeling, and any questions I had about the process. When I said I felt a slight uptick in focus, but nothing too dramatic, Yan told me the first couple days are called the “loading phase” which is when the nutrients work their way into your body. If you don’t feel anything after that point, it’s a sign the supplement isn’t necessary or right for your neurochemistry. If you do like how you feel, it’s a keeper.

As we chatted about my routine, Yan realized I’d benefit from Creativity, an ashwagandha-based supplement meant for brainstorming and public speaking, so that I could feel like a rockstar at work. I also told her that I tend to crave a nap around 3 p.m., so she suggested the Energy supplement made with choline and mango leaf extract , which you can take every day or on extra-busy days, before a workout , or whenever you want to feel alert.

Talking to a coach as I tested the supplements was a true perk. While the quiz got me started with some great options, having access to Yan helped me hone in on what I truly needed.

An honest review of Thesis nootropics.

Yan suggested I log how I felt every day as I took each supplement so I could keep track of any noticeable differences. A week in, I looked at the scribbles in my notebook and noticed that I did seem more productive during the six days I took Clarity. I wasn’t launching rockets to the moon, but I was getting through my emails and typing away like a woman on fire.

The next supplement on my agenda was Energy, a blend meant for busy days, intense workouts, and staying alert thanks to its mango leaf, theacrine , caffeine, and n-acetyl cysteine — and this is the one that gave me the most benefit. Yan was right on the money. She said I could take it in the morning and/or right after lunch to nip my afternoon slump in the bud, and it truly worked — no fourth mid-day coffee for me.

The more I took Energy, the less I felt like I needed to unhinge my jaw and dump as much cold brew into my face as possible. I found myself drinking a sensible cup or two in the morning, and that was that. Thesis says you can feel the effects of the supplements in as little as 30 minutes or it can take up to five days for all the benefits to sink in as your body and brain adjust. For me, though, Energy kicked in pretty quickly.

The Bottom Line

Typically, Thesis users land on two or three supplements for their regimen. After the month-long trial phase, you can order just the ones you want and forget about the rest. Personally, I’m sold on Energy and can see myself hanging onto Clarity, too.

Thesis seems to have figured things out in the nootropic supplement realm. While the boxes seem pricey, it isn’t so bad when you think about buying each supplement on your own individually — and the fact that you get a wellness coach, too.

TL;DR: I’d recommend it for anyone who feels fatigued, unproductive, or unfocused, or for folks who rely on caffeine to get through the day, like me. You might just find that there’s a better way.

Studies referenced:

Baba, Y. (2021). Effects of l-Theanine on Cognitive Function in Middle-Aged and Older Subjects: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study. J Med Food. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2020.4803. Epub 2021 Mar 22.

Coqueiro, AY. (2019). Glutamine as an Anti-Fatigue Amino Acid in Sports Nutrition. Nutrients. doi: 10.3390/nu11040863.

Gelabert-Rebato, M. (2019). A Single Dose of The Mango Leaf Extract Zynamite ® in Combination with Quercetin Enhances Peak Power Output During Repeated Sprint Exercise in Men and Women. Nutrients. 2019 Oct 28;11(11):2592. doi: 10.3390/nu11112592.

Lai, PL. (2013). Neurotrophic properties of the Lion's mane medicinal mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Higher Basidiomycetes) from Malaysia. Int J Med Mushrooms. doi: 10.1615/intjmedmushr.v15.i6.30.

Malík, M, Tlustoš P. Nootropics as Cognitive Enhancers: Types, Dosage and Side Effects of Smart Drugs. Nutrients. 2022 Aug 17;14(16):3367. doi: 10.3390/nu14163367. PMID: 36014874; PMCID: PMC9415189.

Mokhtari, V. (2017). A Review on Various Uses of N-Acetyl Cysteine. Cell J. doi: 10.22074/cellj.2016.4872.

Penry, JT. (2008). Choline: an important micronutrient for maximal endurance-exercise performance? Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. doi: 10.1123/ijsnem.18.2.191.

Sam, C. (2022). Physiology, Acetylcholine. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan–. PMID: 32491757.

Silberstein, R. B. (2010). Examining Brain-Cognition Effects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract: Brain Activation in the Left Temporal and Left Prefrontal Cortex in an Object Working Memory Task. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : ECAM , 2011 . https://doi.org/10.1155/2011/164139

Suliman, NA. (2016). Establishing Natural Nootropics: Recent Molecular Enhancement Influenced by Natural Nootropic. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. doi: 10.1155/2016/4391375.

Todorova, V. (2021). Plant Adaptogens-History and Future Perspectives. Nutrients. doi: 10.3390/nu13082861.

Wiedeman, AM. (2018). Dietary Choline Intake: Current State of Knowledge Across the Life Cycle. Nutrients. doi: 10.3390/nu10101513.

are thesis nootropics safe

Curious About Brain Optimization? Thesis Nootropics May Be Your In

Pills for creativity, energy, confidence, and more.

By Will Price and Rebekah Harding

Medically Reviewed by Sydney Greene, M.S., R.D.

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Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. We may earn a commission through links on our site. 

Ever feel like you have the ability but not the willpower or inspiration to excel at your job? Or maybe you’re stuck in a creative rut and are struggling to get yourself out. Thesis , a nootropics company, wants you to stop being so hard on yourself.

Nootropics are the buzzy brain-boosting substances of the moment, and Thesis attempts to match people to different nootropic blends designed for certain needs—creativity, confidence, energy, clarity, logic, and so on. But can you really summon the powers of creativity on demand from a pill? Myself, and fellow Edge writer Rebekah Harding, tried Thesis for three months to find out. Here’s what you need to know. 

Why You Should Trust Us

Hone Health is a team of health-obsessed journalists, editors, fitness junkies, medical reviewers, and product testers. The two authors of this review, Rebekah Harding and Will Price, spent months taking Thesis’ nootropics blends and logging how we felt. We’ve reported on the ingredients Thesis incorporates in its nootropic blends extensively, such as  ashwagandha ,  Alpha-GPC ,  Lion’s mane , and more.

For this review, we opted to review the product and service independently, as nootropics do not all affect people in the same way. Here’s what we found. 

Thesis Nootropics

Thesis Nootropics

Personalized recommendations.

  • High quality ingredients, third-party tested

Excellent customer service

Not for everybody, what is thesis.

Thesis’s thesis (sorry, I had to) is that you are capable of more. But as co-founder and CEO Dan Freed says on the back of the box the pills come in, “…people thought I was lazy, stupid, or unmotivated. I knew there was more in me.” Freed and his brand propose that the solution to this conundrum many of us face may be nootropics, which are substances that aim to improve cognitive performance. 

New users are funneled through a quiz that determines the best nootropic blends for them—each named for the feeling they’re meant to evoke, e.g. confidence, clarity, creativity. Boxes come with four blends, each of which should last one week, with auto-renewing deliveries shipping at $79 a month. (Note: you can buy Thesis for just one month, but it will cost $119). 

You’re meant to take notes on how each blend makes you feel and, after you’ve completed your first box, adjust which blends you receive going forward.

What are nootropics?

Nootropics are medicinal substances (some pharmaceutical, some natural) that take aim at improving brain performance—memory, creativity, motivation, mood, as well as anxiety reduction and sleep improvement.

While most have heard of popular nootropics like caffeine , creatine , or nicotine , most over-the-counter nootropic supplements—like Thesis—are formulated largely with herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other natural compounds that are known to benefit the brain.

Thesis ingredients

Each Thesis blend contains different ingredients, many of which are supported by solid research. Here are a handful. 

Lion’s mane: Mushrooms that contain hericenones and erinacines, which can stimulate nerve growth and may offer potential cognitive benefits ( 1 ). In addition to thinking capacity, these mushrooms may lower the risk of age-related brain diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease ( 2 ).

Alpha-GPC: May increase your levels of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which facilitates memory and learning, and plays an important role in cognitive function ( 3 ). 

L-Theanine: An amino acid that can positively affect mood. Studies have found L-theanine may be a beneficial nootropic for mood and mental health. It may also help ease anxiety and stress levels ( 4 ).  

Ashwagandha: An ancient herb taken for thousands of years, ashwagandha is an adaptogen that has been found to reduce cortisol —stress—levels in humans, which can have a number of powerful knock-on effects on the brain ( 5 ). 

DHA (Omega-3): This omega-3 fatty acid plays a role in supporting cognitive function and promoting growth and maintenance of brain cells . Research suggests that DHA may improve memory, learning, and overall cognitive performance ( 6 ). 

Synapsa: This patented extract of Water Hyssop boasts nootropic benefits such as enhanced memory and cognitive function ( 7 ). Research shows that taking Synapsa regularly may improve your information processing speed, increase your attention span and enhance your memory ( 8 ).

Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo Biloba has antioxidant properties, which are associated with cerebral blood flow and neuroprotection ( 9 ). Studies suggest that this nootropic may boost memory, mental clarity, and overall cognitive function ( 10 ).

Theacrine: This natural plant compound acts as a mild stimulant, without the tolerance build-up and jitters associated with caffeine ( 11 ). Theacrine may boost energy, mental clarity, and focus.

These supplements and packaging

What’s Good About Thesis Nootropics?

There are a lot of folks interested in nootropics. Google reports something like 100,000 monthly searches for the term each month. The issue many have is simple: nootropics aren’t easy. 

It’s not easy to know what companies are selling legitimate products and which are pushing low-grade stuff. It’s not easy to get a handle on what the many, many different nootropics are meant to do. Sometimes it’s not easy to know if the good week you just had was thanks to a nootropic you just took, or the absence of some stressor you forgot about. Then there’s dosage, doctors, and the way in which these substances play off each other to worry about. 

Getting your foot in the door with nootropics is a challenging task. Thesis’s approach is designed to simplify this, and it largely works.

The personalization is somewhat limited, in that the blends themselves cannot be changed, but the blends you receive can. Interested customers are prompted to complete a simple questionnaire that asks about physical traits as well as your goals in taking nootropics. You’re then given a “Starter Kit” that includes four different blends suited to what you’re after. 

High-quality ingredients

The more you delve into nootropics, the more you realize there are, broadly, two classes of company: the legit class and the not-so-legit class. Thesis, by our account, is the former. The company’s products are products in FDA-approved cGMP facilities, which ensures the manufacturing of the product is sound. More importantly, though, and this will sound humorous if you’ve never shopped for nootropics, Thesis actually tells you what’s in its blends. 

Thesis is not the only company selling nootropic blends as a shortcut for people not interested in doing months of research. There are a great many companies that don’t specify ingredients (“focus blend”) or, more commonly, aren’t clear on dosage of each individual nootropic.

Thesis’s nutrition label is crystal clear on what’s inside each serving of its nootropic blend.

When launching oneself into a health category one doesn’t know much about, having a friend can be helpful and reassuring. Thesis’s customer support service—available via email or phone—is the weird science friend you need. 

I pestered them numerous times and each issue was responded to and resolved within 24 hours every time. The first time I called. Is there a way to remove the caffeine from the blends (there’s 100mg, or a cup of coffee’s worth in each pack)? You can request non-caffeinated blends on your next order, but for the time being simply don’t take the white pill in the daily dose packet. My email questions were answered with similar speed as well. 

There’s also Thesis’s coaching feature, which is effectively customer service for questions about your specific blends, how the blends make you feel, and so on. When I called into it I mentioned that some of the blends made me slightly antsy, some made me feel great, and others seemed to have no effect at all. Not only is this common, it’s expected: these substances do not affect us all in the same way, so there is a necessary trial period to get through. 

Having a source of reassurance when trying something new to improve our health makes the process more comfortable. 


are thesis nootropics safe

What’s Not Good About Thesis Nootropics?

As previously mentioned, not all blends will work for you. Several reviews online suggest there are people for which none of them will work. My fellow reviewer and I each found one or two blends that worked especially well, some blends that didn’t seem to have any effect at all, and others that caused some minor anxiety. 

This is sort of the rub with nootropics. Different people will be hit different by different nootropics ; and even then there is the matter of dosage and duration, as most research suggests there is bedding-in period associated with nootropic effectiveness ( 12 ).

So is this a con for Thesis or for nootropic supplementation more generally? It’s a little of both, but more so a hurdle with the wider world of nootropics.

If you’re already waist deep in nootropics as a hobby or interest area, you can likely build your own nootropic stacks for cheaper than what Thesis offers.

Thesis costs $79 a month, or $3.29 per serving, once you’ve set up your account for automatic renewal. This is, unsurprisingly, on the middle-higher end of the nootropic blend market. 

Budget brands like Focus Factor come in at less than a dollar per serving. Mind Lab Pro , a brand closer to Thesis’s efficacy and quality, goes for about $2.10 per serving. The popular NooCube blend is also about $2.15 per serving. 

It should be said that I’m obviously comparing apples to oranges here. Each of these blends are made of up different stuff. Each of these companies is selling to a different customer. It could be argued that Thesis’s hyper responsive customer service and task-focused personalization model makes the $79 a month bill a fair deal. That said, the price doesn’t pull you in quite like the promise the rest of the product provides. 

Thesis Nutritional facts

What It’s Like to Take Thesis Nootropics

Tester #1 info : Female, 23 years old Reason for taking : diagnosed ADHD, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, anxiety Blends taken : Confidence, Motivation, Energy, Clarity

When I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2016, everything clicked. I’ve struggled with brain fog, task paralysis, and extreme difficulty concentrating for as long as I can remember. But all I have to show for my diagnosis is a raging caffeine addiction, two failed tries at taking prescription stimulant medication, and an ever-changing-never-working supplement stack.

As a neurodivergent person, the idea of nootropics—supplements that may improve cognitive performance—is intriguing to me. The idea of spending hours researching different blends and stand alone supplements, however, is not. That’s where Thesis comes in. 

To order your four-blend starter kit, Thesis kicks things off with a quick 25-question quiz. The questions were quick and multiple choice, and didn’t take more than a couple of minutes. (As a company that markets to ADHD-ers, I have to say they know their audience.) The quiz covers questions like how much sleep you clock in each night, your typical mood, and your procrastination habits—and a memory test at the end that I won’t spoil. At the end, you plug in an email and receive a customized recommendation based on your goals and struggles. 

I’m ultra-productive, but I have extreme anxiety and frequent brain fog depending on the state of my hormones. Thesis recommended four blends—Confidence, Motivation, Energy, and Clarity—to boost my mental health, promote relaxation, and fight off brain fog. 

I took each blend for six days each—as directed—with one day in between to reset.

Week one I opted for Confidence—a blend that includes saffron, ashwagandha, sage, and magnesium—which oddly produced the opposite of its intended effect. Two days in, I ditched the separate, white caffeine pill in the packet, but that only alleviated my anxiety slightly. Week two, I took Motivation—which contains artichoke extract, vitamin B12, methylliberine, and L-theanine. I enjoyed this blend the most, and felt like my mood and concentration got a decent boost. Weeks 3 and 4 I took Energy (mango leaf extract, theacrine, citicoline, and more) and Clarity (Lion’s Mane, L-theanine, and more) respectively. I noticed no changes these weeks.

Overall, I think Thesis is worth a shot for the nootropic-curious. Especially if you don’t have the time or patience to research these trendy supplements. However, I don’t think I’ll be stocking up on any of their blends any time soon.


are thesis nootropics safe

Tester #2 info : Male, 30 years old Reason for taking : brain fog, unfocused, spark creativity Blends taken : Clarity, Logic, Creativity, Energy

I’ve not been evaluated for or diagnosed with any neurological or neurodevelopmental matters, but I have struggled to train my mind’s gaze on one thing for long periods of time for as long as I can remember. Call it brain fog or something else, it’s been a persistent issue of mine going back to my high school and college years, where I’d substitute just about any distraction available to me instead of something that would require real attention.

A Thesis ad on Instagram suggested this issue may not be my own failing (a source of great personal anxiety), but perhaps something that could be fixed with nootropics. I’m willing to believe most anything that suggests my failings are not my failings, so I ordered my personalized starter kit. 

My kit came with the Clarity, Logic, Creativity, and Energy blends. I quickly eliminated Clarity and Logic from the rotation, and both seemed to trigger a mix of uncomfortable headaches and anxiety (a quick browse of the internet suggests this isn’t an uncommon reaction to these specific blends). Energy, while effective, wasn’t the most useful to me, someone who doesn’t struggle as much with alertness. 

Creativity was different, though. During the second month of testing, once I’d taken Creativity for a few weeks straight (remember there is a bedding-in period!), things started to click. I started to feel the gears turning a bit more in brainstorm meetings at work, and I could think more deeply about how I could build a workout plan for a friend.

That’s how I would describe the feeling: a noticeable but slight improvement in my ability to untangle a problem of some kind. It wasn’t as though the shackles of my brand were removed and I launched a Fortune 500 company which, thankfully, Thesis does not suggest in any of its marketing materials. 

I’ve taken the Creativity tablets for a few months now and find them to be good value for the money, for me. For those curious about nootropics, I think of Thesis as the ideal first stop. Once you figure out what works for your brain and needs, you might seek out other solutions. 

The Bottom Line

Thesis nootropics are probably the best way to get into nootropics without having to do loads of research. The brand isn’t the cheapest out there, but the product is quality and the customer service is excellent.

Lai, Puei-Lene et al (2013) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24266378/

Skubel Tomasz et al (2022) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363300485_Therapeutic_potential_of_Lion

Ham, Juhee et al (2018) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5645066/

Williams, Jackson L. et al (2019) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31758301/

Lopresti, Adrian L. et al (2019) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6750292/

Yurko-Mauro, Karin et al (2015) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4364972/

Downey, Luke A. et al (2012) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23281132/

Kumar, Navneet et al (2016) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5075615/

Mashayekhu, Ameneh et al (2012) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3163160/

Ge, Wei et al (2021) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8014356/

Bello, Marissa L. et al (2019) https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-019-0287-6

Malik, Matej et al (2022) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9415189/

About the author

Will Price is Hone Health’s Senior Lifestyle Editor. Before Hone he was Gear Patrol’s home and drinks editor. 

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are thesis nootropics safe

Thesis Nootropics Review: Unveiling the Effects on Cognitive Enhancement

Nootropics , often referred to as “smart drugs” or cognitive enhancers, have gained popularity for their potential to improve mental functions such as cognition, memory , intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration . As an avid researcher in the field of cognitive enhancement , I have come across various products that claim to offer these benefits. Thesis, a company that provides personalized nootropic stacks, presents a unique approach to cognitive enhancement by customizing supplements to match individual needs and goals.

are thesis nootropics safe

My personal journey with nootropics led me to investigate Thesis Nootropics further. Their promise hinges on the tailoring of their product to the user’s specific cognitive profile. This level of customization is intended to maximize the benefits while minimizing potential side effects. In reviewing Thesis Nootropics, I examined the ingredients used, the science behind them, the efficacy as reported by users, and how they compare to other products in the market.

Key Takeaways

  • Thesis provides personalized nootropic stacks to enhance cognitive functions.
  • Customization of supplements is designed to optimize benefits and reduce side effects.
  • Examining user experiences and comparative analysis is crucial in evaluating Thesis Nootropics.

Understanding Nootropics

are thesis nootropics safe

Nootropics, often referred to as “smart drugs,” have garnered attention for their potential cognitive benefits . I’ll give you an overview of their history and types, specifically focusing on natural versus synthetic variants.

History and Definition

Nootropics, a term coined in 1972 by psychologist Corneliu E. Giurgea, refer to substances that can improve mental performance. Initially, nootropics were associated with compounds that met very specific criteria that include the enhancement of learning and memory while providing protection to the brain under various conditions. The concept has since expanded to include a variety of nootropic supplements that claim to boost cognitive functions such as memory, creativity, and motivation.

Natural vs. Synthetic

Natural nootropics are compounds found in nature such as herbs and plant extracts that may offer cognitive enhancements. Common examples include:

  • Ginkgo Biloba: Often used with an aim to improve memory.
  • Panax Ginseng : Sought for its potential to boost brain function.

Conversely, synthetic nootropics are manufactured compounds like racetams and amphetamine derivatives. They include:

  • Piracetam: The first synthetic nootropic, designed to aid in memory and learning.
  • Modafinil: Prescribed for sleep disorders but often used off-label for its concentration-enhancing effects.

Both types aim to offer cognitive benefits, but their effects and mechanisms can widely differ. Natural nootropics are typically preferred by those seeking milder effects and a more holistic approach, whereas synthetic ones are chosen for their strong, targeted actions.

Thesis Nootropics Specifics

I’ve researched Thesis Nootropics intricately to provide accurate details on their product lineup, the customization process, and the intricacies of their subscription model.

Product Offerings

Thesis Nootropics presents a range of dietary supplements, each targeting specific cognitive functions. Their offerings typically include Thesis Energy , designed to boost stamina and focus , Thesis Clarity , intended to enhance cognitive sharpness, and Thesis Motivation , aimed at increasing users’ drive and productivity. The ingredients in these supplements range from natural extracts to amino acids , all selected for their potential nootropic properties.

  • Thesis Energy : Ingredients such as caffeine and L-theanine
  • Thesis Clarity : Includes nootropics like Rhodiola Rosea
  • Thesis Motivation : Features compounds such as sulbutiamine

Thesis Customization

The cornerstone of Thesis Nootropics is personalization. Upon embarking on their nootropic journey, customers receive a starter kit which allows them to test different ingredients and track their effects. This process is critical in developing personalized blends that match individual cognitive needs and goals. I appreciate that this approach acknowledges biological uniqueness and optimizes supplementation for personal effectiveness.

Subscription Model

Thesis offers their nootropic supplements through a monthly subscription model. After the initial starter kit evaluation phase, customers receive monthly deliveries of their tailored supplements. Subscriptions provide convenience and ensure continuous use for consistent cognitive support. This model necessitates a commitment but also emphasizes regularity in pursuing cognitive enhancement.

  • Monthly Deliveries: Ensures a steady supply of personalized nootropic blends
  • Subscription Cycles: Typically require a monthly payment with the flexibility to pause or cancel

The focus on specifics ensures that you possess a clear understanding of what Thesis Nootropics brings to the table in terms of products, customization, and purchase options.

Benefits and Efficacy

In evaluating Thesis Nootropics, I’ve found that the primary benefits are centered around enhancing cognitive function and managing mood and stress, both essential for optimal mental performance.

Cognitive Function Enhancement

Energy & Concentration: Users report heightened energy levels, which appear to correlate with an increased ability to focus and maintain concentration. This makes tackling complex tasks somewhat easier.

Memory & Clarity: Memory recall and mental clarity are also areas where Thesis Nootropics shows potential. My review notes improvements in these domains, supporting better retention of information and clearer cognitive processing.

Motivation & Creativity: There’s mention of an uptick in motivation, alongside a conducive environment for creativity. This is pertinent for those requiring innovative thinking in their daily activities.

Mood and Stress Management

Mood Improvement : Regular intake of Thesis Nootropics may lead to a stabilized and improved mood, as suggested by my analysis and user testimonials. This is vital for sustained cognitive performance.

Stress Reduction: Stress levels reportedly see a downward trend with these nootropics. My observations concur, and lower stress is indispensable for reducing cognitive friction and the dreaded brain fog.

Potential Side Effects and Safety

In assessing the side effects and safety of Thesis Nootropics, I focus on the documented experiences of users and the available clinical evidence supporting safety claims.

Common Concerns

Side effects : In my examination, users have reported various side effects that may include headache , anxiety, and jitteriness—typically associated with products containing caffeine . While individual tolerance varies, I have observed these reports to be relatively infrequent.

  • Headache : Possible in sensitive individuals or new users.
  • Anxiety : Can occur, particularly in formulations with high stimulant content.
  • Interactions : As with any supplement, a check for potential interactions with prescription medication is prudent.

Clinical Evidence

Clinical Trials : Thesis Nootropics’ safety profiles are often supported by studies on individual ingredients rather than on the products themselves. Comprehensive, product-specific clinical trials that are peer-reviewed and FDA-recognized remain limited.

  • Caffeine : Investigations affirm it’s generally safe in moderate amounts; however, excessive intake can lead to side effects.
  • FDA Oversight : Dietary supplements like Thesis Nootropics are not as stringently regulated as prescription medications, hence the FDA does not approve them. However, safety can be inferred from the FDA’s guidelines on individual ingredients.

Comparative Analysis

In this section, I examine how Thesis Nootropics stack up against other prominent brands in the market and assess their value for money.

Thesis vs. Other Brands

Thesis Nootropics stand out due to their personalized approach to cognitive enhancement. Customers complete an assessment that tailors the nootropics stack to their individual needs.

  • Mind Lab Pro offers a universal nootropic aiming to target all areas of cognitive function without personalized stacks. It has received acclaim for its comprehensive formula .
  • Onnit’s Alpha Brain is another competitor, well-known for celebrity endorsements and a formula that supports memory, focus, and cognitive processing without the need for personalization.

When looking at customer reviews , Thesis seems to have a strong following due to its bespoke service. On the other hand, both Mind Lab Pro and Alpha Brain have amassed numerous reviews praising their effectiveness for a broader audience.

Pros of Thesis: personalized approach, tailored benefits. Cons of Thesis: may be costlier due to customization, less known than other brands.

Pros of Mind Lab Pro: broad-appeal formula, strong market presence. Cons of Mind Lab Pro: lacks personalization, potential overkill of ingredients for some.

Pros of Alpha Brain: popularized by endorsements, focus on cognitive processing. Cons of Alpha Brain: potential variability in individual results, less tailored experience.

Cost-Benefit Consideration

When I consider the price of Thesis, it is generally on the higher side due to the personalized nature of the product. However, my logic dictates that the cost could be justified if the tailored stacks lead to more noticeable improvements in cognitive function.

  • Thesis sells their personalized nootropics starting at a certain price point that can go up depending on the customization.
  • Mind Lab Pro comes at a set price, positioning itself as a one-size-fits-all solution, potentially more cost-effective for those not seeking personalization.
  • Alpha Brain is similar to Mind Lab Pro in pricing but frequently offers deals and discounts which may make it a more attractive option for budget-conscious consumers.

To decide if Thesis is worth it , compare:

  • Price: Higher for customization.
  • Buy: Direct and through subscriptions for ongoing benefits.
  • Reviews: Positive for the personalized approach.
  • Comparison: More expensive than some, but the cost is justified for users who value bespoke formulas.

The deciding factor often comes down to whether an individual prefers a personalized approach or a generalized formula that has been traditionally popular in the market.

User Experience and Reviews

In this section, I will provide a detailed look at what consumers and professionals are saying about Thesis Nootropics. I seek to offer a balanced and informed perspective on the real-world impact these supplements have on cognitive performance.

Customer Testimonials

Thesis Nootropics have been met with a broad spectrum of feedback from users who typically emphasize gains in focus, clarity, and energy levels. Below is a curated selection of customer testimonials:

User Feedback
John S.
Emily R.
Alex T. The improvement in my daily cognitive function is noticeable, and I’ve recommended Thesis to several of my friends.

Professional Opinions

In the realm of expert analysis, coaches and neuroscientists have offered their professional outlook on Thesis Nootropics. The consensus is that these supplements provide a tailored approach to cognitive enhancement, by customizing nootropic blends to individual needs.

  • Dr. Aiden Smith, Neuroscientist : “Thesis Nootropics offer an innovative approach to cognitive support, backed by scientific research in neurology.”
  • Coach Jennifer Lynn , Cognitive Performance Coach: “My clients report clear, sustained focus and improved mental energy when incorporating Thesis into their wellness routine.”

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, I provide answers to some of the most common inquiries regarding Thesis nootropics. I focus on ingredients, comparisons with pharmaceuticals, potential benefits, side effects, user feedback, and top-rated alternatives for cognitive enhancement.

What are the main ingredients in Thesis nootropics and how do they work?

The main ingredients in Thesis nootropics include a range of vitamins, amino acids, and herbal extracts, each serving a specific function. Ingredients like Rhodiola and Bacopa enhance memory and focus, while L-Theanine and caffeine stimulate alertness and cognitive performance.

How do Thesis nootropics compare to Adderall in terms of effects and safety?

While Adderall is a prescription medication primarily used to treat ADHD, Thesis nootropics are over-the-counter supplements aimed at boosting cognitive performance. Adderall contains amphetamine salts, which have a significant impact on neurotransmitters but also carry a higher risk of side effects and dependency. Thesis nootropics offer a milder, non-prescription alternative with a focus on safety and minimal side effects.

Can Thesis nootropics potentially improve attention and focus in individuals with ADHD?

Some users with ADHD may find the ingredients in Thesis nootropics beneficial for improving attention and focus. However, Thesis products are not approved as a treatment for ADHD by the FDA, and individuals with ADHD should consult with a healthcare provider before using these supplements.

What are the reported side effects of taking Thesis nootropics?

The reported side effects of Thesis nootropics tend to be mild and can include jitteriness, stomach upset, or headaches. These are typically dosage-dependent and can often be mitigated by adjusting the intake.

How effective are Thesis nootropics according to user reviews?

User reviews generally suggest that Thesis nootropics are effective for enhancing cognitive functions such as focus, memory, and mental clarity. Effectiveness can vary individually, but many users report noticeable improvements after consistent use.

What nootropic is considered the highest-rated for cognitive enhancement?

While individual experiences may vary, many users and experts consider modafinil to be one of the highest-rated nootropics for cognitive enhancement. It is often praised for its ability to increase wakefulness, focus, and productivity. However, it is important to note that modafinil is a prescription medication and should be used under medical supervision.

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blends tailored to your unique needs.

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Blends for breakthroughs

Pioneering science. Powerful ingredients. Meet nootropics.

Find your focus

Centers attention and facilitates flow states.

Calm your nerves

Boosts mood and rallies resilience.

Fight your fatigue

Sharpens energy and strengthens stamina.

Nootropics aren’t one size fits all

We formulate potent nutrient compounds to enhance mental performance and make personalized recommendations based on your goals and unique brain chemistry

Your Personalized Thesis Journey

1. take the quiz.

Tell us about yourself and your goals. We’ll use your answers to determine your baseline and build your recommendations.

2. Get Your Starter Kit

You’ll sample 4 blends over the course of the month to understand what you can accomplish with each formulation.

3. Optimize with a Coach

Check in with your wellness coach and our nootropics experts to customise your blends based on your experience so far.

A powerful, natural way to boost your cognition

Thesis can help you.

  • Raise your energy level
  • Feel more motivated
  • Clear brain fog
  • Increase focus

We’ve Helped Over 500,000 People Find Their Formula

“Motivation gets me going during my six days in a row at work, and Clarity keeps my mind sharp and alert so I’m performing at my best . Creativity does just as it says -- I love this one for when I’m doing the Reading Comprehension and/or Arguments section of LSAT prep; I truly feel like it gives me an edge.”

Britney’S BLENDS

"I did feel different since day one. I got more motivated and had an overall better mood. [Thesis] has been a game changer for me."

Ondrej's BLENDS

“I always feel energized and focus without the afternoon crash that I typically experience with coffee. I can get hours of work done and stay motivated all day.”


"For someone who has struggled with attention and staying awake, [Thesis has] been life saving."

Trish's BLENDS

Trusted by experts

Dr. gabrielle lyon.

Functional Medicine & Nutritional Sciences

“I work with CEOs, celebrities, and other top performers in my practice. Thesis is what I recommend and take personally for focus and cognition. I even used it to help me nail my first TedX talk.”

Gabrielle’s blends

Professional Basketball Player & Mental Health Advocate

“With a busy life on and off the court, Thesis gives me energy and focus to get through the longest days and keep me sharp.”

Kevin's blends

Ultra-endurance Athlete & Nutrition Advocate

"Thesis has provided a substantial benefit to my ability to focus. Creativity works best for me — I take it 30 mins before a podcast or writing and it helps get me into the zone."

RICH’s blends

Pure and effective ingredients

Potent active ingredients.

Quality counts when supplementing, and only the active ingredients in a blend make an impact.

Clinically Studied Dosage

We only use nutrients that have been proven to safely deliver desired effects in clinical trials.

All ingredients in each batch are tested with a third party lab to ensure optimal potency and purity.

“ The Thesis process was developed by systematically testing different combinations of high quality ingredients. We made the process of finding the right nootropics quicker & safer.”

are thesis nootropics safe

DAN FREED CEO & Founder, Thesis

Our research and product development teams review clinical studies and information on safety, side effects, and any potential interactions for each ingredient being considered for a Thesis blend.

Each ingredient goes through two rounds of internal testing, in which members of our research and product development team share feedback on individual ingredients.

The research and product development team reviews existing clinical literature about synergistic benefits between ingredients and integrates it as we continue to formulate, developing 2-4 blends to move forward to Phase 3 testing.

We test each prospective blend internally, as members of our research and product development team try each of the blends before we move forward to Beta testing.

Next, we test multiple iterations of each blend with a group of 100 Thesis beta group customers and collect quantitative and qualitative feedback to help us refine the final blend.

We finalize our winning blend (based on the Alpha and Beta test feedback) by completing a final round of safety testing by our third party lab partners before we release it. Ongoing safety testing occurs with each batch of production.

After the blend undergoes third party lab testing for safety, we launch a limited release to 5,000 customers to help us gather additional feedback and work through our supply chain process

Once a blend passes the limited release phase, we launch full production in a cGMP facility and release it to all customers.

The Thesis Story

As long as I can remember, people thought I was stupid, lazy, or unmotivated. I started to believe it. In school, I would read the same page over and over again, without absorbing anything. At 16, I dropped out of high school and went to work at a sandwich shop.

Fast-forward ten years — I scored in the 99th percentile on the GMAT and earned Master’s degrees from Yale and INSEAD. Nootropics turned everything around for me, and helped me form the positive habits that I built my success on. Once I balanced my brain chemistry, I could perform like never before.

I take Energy to get me going in the morning and Motivation to power through long afternoons.

DAN’s blends

  • 10,000+ 5 star reviews
  • 2,000,000+ recommendations made
  • 500+ ingredients tested
  • 96% customer satisfaction
  • 90% find a blend that works
  • 500,000+ starter kits purchased
  • 86% winning formulas in the first month

5,000+ hours of research

Thesis nootropics are backed by dozens of clinical trials. We formulate our blends with the same ingredient dosage used in clinical studies with demonstrated results.

We test 100% of our ingredients

We third-party test every ingredient for purity and potency, ensuring the most bioavailable active ingredients in our blends (and no unnecessary fillers). 

Cutting-edge innovation

Our research and development loops, including feedback from half a million users, help us increase the efficacy of our blends and lead us to new ones.

Maximize your mind with nootropics

Nootropics are supplements that support cognitive health. They've been shown to boost motivation and focus, spark creativity, maintain long-term memory, balance mood, and more.

Found in nature, backed by science

Some nootropics, like Ashwagandha, have been used for thousands of years. Others, like caffeine, may already be part of your daily routine.

Enhance your brain activity

By delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the brain, nootropics help brain cells communicate better and promote neuroplasticity–how adaptable your brain is to learning and experiencing.

Results get better with time

Consistent, long-term nootropic use fosters healthy neuron growth, improving overall brain health and function, and supporting memory, focus, and overall mental performance.

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Over 500,000 people have reached their goals with Thesis

Thesis helped me write again after years of writer's block.

I am desperate for a change in my life and have been trying so many things that just aren't working, but I gave Thesis a shot. I wrote 4 chapters that night and went to bed so confused, until I remembered the next morning I was taking the Creativity pack. Seriously, mind blowing!

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– Eva H.

Thesis customer since January 2024

Thesis helped me pass my CPA exam without an ounce of stress

I used the Logic blend to help me focus and retain vast amounts of complex information for my CPA exams, and I used the Confidence blend the day before and the day of my exams to help me feel comfortable and ease my test anxiety. Thesis nootropics are like my secret weapon.

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– Daniel C.

Thesis customer since July 2022

Thesis helped me feel focused and clear-headed for the first time

Motivation and Energy give me the drive I need to overcome my executive dysfunction, and when I take Logic it's like my brain is finally... quiet. I am telling all of my neurodivergent friends about these supplements. It's exciting to find something that actually does what it claims.

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– Danielle N.

Thesis customer since March 2024

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Fitness Clone

Thesis Nootropics Review – Pros, Cons, and Verdict

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By Jack Cincotta, MS

Reviewed by Juliana Tamayo, MS, RDN - Last Updated February 15, 2023

thesis nootropics review

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I’m betting you’ve heard the word “nootropics” thrown around lately, especially if you have an interest in brain enhancement. 

The nootropics industry is exploding in popularity as people are trying to use these various brain boosters to improve focus , increase energy, and even enhance intelligence. 

As a holistic health practitioner, I’m pretty intrigued by the possible benefits, but I also know that they need to be scientifically backed and supported by evidence. And let me tell you straight up that not every supplement that claims to be a nootropic is a legitimate brain enhancer.

That’s why I’m going to go over all of the details of the Thesis Nootropics line to let you know if these are actually worth using. So, keep reading my Thesis Nootropics review to see what nootropic formulas they offer, the specific ingredients, potential benefits, and more!

About Thesis Nootropics

Thesis Nootropics is not one particular supplement but rather a nootropic brand that has a line of five different nootropic supplements. 

They offer personalized nootropic formulas to activate the potential in you, no matter what your brain chemistry looks like. They recommend that you go through a quick process in order to get the most personalized nootropic formulas.

This is somewhat similar to other personalized nootropics, such as Find My Formula . 

The Process

First, you are directed to take a unique quiz so they can learn more about your individual situation. You are asked basic info such as age and weight; and then they ask what your main goals are for using nootropics.

Then, they ask many questions related to your lifestyle habits, such as sleep, exercise, and caffeine intake. After that, they inquire about the degree to which you struggle with various things in day-to-day life, such as memory issues, low mood, motivation, confidence, and focus. 

The quiz only takes a few minutes to complete. And after you finish it, Thesis Nootropics recommends four distinct nootropic formulas that they think will work best for you. 

You are instructed to take just one of the four for one week, and then repeat the process with the other three for the rest of the month. 

After that, you let them know which ones worked best and they’ll help you optimize your stack even further.

What are the Specific Thesis Nootropics Formulas?

Thesis Nootropics has six possible formulas that you could be recommended after the quiz:

These have unique combinations made up of several of the 30+ ingredients that Thesis Nootropics offers. Most products typically have around 5 ingredients in total. 

thesis noontropic

Thesis Nootropics Benefits

The benefits you get from Thesis depends on which formulas you’re recommended. But generally speaking, here are the main possible benefits of using Thesis Nootropics :

Enhanced Learning & Memory

Increased energy, improved mood & motivation, more focus & clarity, reduced stress, brain protection.

thesis noontropic benefit

A lot of people start to have memory issues in middle to late adulthood. But these aren’t the only people who want improved memory. Even younger individuals want to increase learning and memory abilities to maximize their performance in school or work.

Thesis Nootropics are designed to boost learning and memory processes in the brain. Several ingredients may play a role here, such as Alpha-GPC and TAU (uridine). They’re designed to increase acetylcholine and improve neural connections, among other mechanisms.

Many individuals need an energy boost to start the day and/or in the late afternoon. Yet, you may want a healthier, more natural alternative to energy drinks.

Well, Thesis Nootropics has many ingredients that may increase energy, such as caffeine, theobromine, and Panax ginseng. These may boost stimulating neurotransmitters, such as noradrenaline, to help keep you alert and energized. 

Mental health problems are very common. Even if you don’t have clinical symptoms, low-level things such as poor mood, anxiety, and motivation certainly make it hard to enjoy life and become your best self.

Thesis Nootropics are meant to boost your mood and improve motivation, mainly by increasing dopamine and serotonin, so you can attack the day with full force. Whether that’s for a work project, school exam, or simply taking care of daily tasks.

This line has many ingredients that may boost mental well-being, such as zembrin, saffron, and magnesium. 

Brain fog, distractions, and lack of attention can all greatly decrease your productivity and efficiency. But unfortunately, there are so many things that can cause these problems, with everything from phone notifications, social media and other apps, and even certain foods you eat (if you’re sensitive).

But Thesis Nootropics claims to put an end to brain fog and poor concentration. They have many different ingredients that are advertised to boost acetylcholine and engage other key brain processes involved in focus, mental clarity, and attention. Such ingredients are theanine and tyrosine, among several others.

In today’s fast-paced world, a lot of folks have very high stress levels. And this can cause decrements in cognitive performance and overall well-being over time.

Thesis Nootropics are meant to reduce physical and mental stress on the body and help restore balance. They have many different ingredients, such as ashwagandha and phosphatidylserine to decrease cortisol and balance the body’s stress response.

Life can definitely take a toll on overall brain health. Over time, inflammation and oxidative stress caused by poor diet and lifestyle habits may increase the risk of brain damage and poor function.

But Thesis Nootropics are advertised to protect the brain from damage and preserve its optimal function. This is due to several compounds, such as sage, magnolia, and bacopa monnieri. 

Are Thesis Nootropics Legit?

There are a wide variety of proposed benefits from Thesis Nootropics . And you may be wondering if they are actually legit.

Well, as a holistic health practitioner, I can tell you that Thesis definitely seems legit because they use many different well-researched ingredients. And they also take steps to ensure product safety and quality. 

thesis noontropic feedback

But if you want to know whether Thesis Nootropics actually work , keep reading my Thesis Nootropics review!

Thesis Nootropics Ingredients

Thesis Nootropics has 31 ingredients that could possibly be recommended to you in your four formulas.

Now, you won’t have all 31 ingredients, just a blend of the ones that are most important for your goals and other factors, based on the quiz you took. 

Since there are so many ingredients, I will be grouping them together based on their main actions and functions. 

Below are all of the ingredients in Thesis Nootropics :

  • Theobromine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Phosphatidylserine

Ginkgo Biloba

Lion’s mane 8:1.

  • Epicatechin
  • Vitamin B12
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine
  • Forskolin 20%
  • Artichoke Extract 5%

GS15-4 Panax Ginseng

  • Triacetyluridine

Synapsa Bacopa

Ksm-66 ashwagandha.

  • Magnesium Bisglycinate
  • Sage Extract
  • Magnolia Bark Extract

I will go over the main compounds that have the most research. And I’ll also list other compounds that are similar in action to the main ones. 

Alpha-GPC is a bioavailable choline compound. It can increase acetylcholine in the brain, which may improve memory, enhance attention, and prevent cognitive decline.

Other similar ingredients: Choline.

Caffeine is a stimulant that blocks adenosine and increases serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, and other stimulating neurotransmitters. This may lead to increased energy, alertness, and motivation, among other cognitive functions. 

Note that there are caffeine-free options for Thesis Nootropics too, which use similar, but less-stimulating alternatives. 

Other similar ingredients: Theobromine, Dynamine, TeaCrine

L-tyrosine is a precursor to dopamine and noradrenaline, which are involved in motivation, alertness, and energy. Tyrosine supplementation may help restore these brain chemicals during periods of stress, which could help with cognition and physical performance during stress. 

Other similar ingredients: Phenylalanine, phosphatidylserine

Ginkgo biloba is an herb with many bioactive flavonoids and other components in the leaves. It seems to reduce oxidative stress, enhance blood flow in the brain, and increase dopamine.

There is some evidence that it boosts cognitive functions while reducing the risk of dementia and other cognitive problems.

You’ll find this in many other nootropics, such as Qualia Mind.  

Other similar ingredients: Forskolin, artichoke extract

Zynamite is a trademarked form of mango leaf extract. It is rich in polyphenols, and there is evidence that it boosts information processing, memory, and attention. 

Sabroxy is a trademarked form of oroxylum, which is an herb that’s been used in Ayurveda for many years. It has a lot of antioxidants in it and also seems to increase dopamine and GABA. 

Clinical trials show that this compound increases working memory, learning ability, and other cognitive functions. 

GS15-4 is a trademarked Panax ginseng compound. Panax ginseng is an herb with a huge history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It contains ginsenosides and other active compounds that decrease inflammation in the brain, reduce stress, and increase acetylcholine and other neurotransmitters.

Overall, Panax ginseng appears effective for mood, energy, and various cognitive functions, such as learning and memory. 

Many other similar products have Panax ginseng too, such as Performance Lab Mind .

Synapsa is a trademarked form of bacopa, which is a traditional herbal compound with many uses. It contains bacosides and other bioactives that boost acetylcholine, serotonin, and dopamine, while also enhancing blood flow and reducing oxidative stress in the brain.

As a whole, bacopa seems effective for enhancing memory, learning, mood, and neuroprotection. 

KSM-66 is a trademarked ashwagandha compound. This herb has been used in Ayurveda for many years. Withanolides and other bioactives in ashwagandha help the body restore balance during stress. It also boosts GABA and other neurotransmitters.

Overall, ashwagandha may help with attention, brain function, mood, and stress reduction.

Other similar ingredients: Magnolia bark extract, sage extract. 

Affron is a trademarked form of saffron, which is an herb with many possible benefits. It has anti-inflammatory effects and also increases serotonin in the brain.

Clinical evidence shows that saffron is effective in reducing anxiety and depression, improving mood, and reducing stress. 

Other similar ingredients: Zembrin

Lion’s mane is a medicinal mushroom with many health-boosting components. It reduces stress in the brain and also increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is a critical molecule involved in neuroplasticity and overall brain function.

There is evidence that lion’s mane is helpful for reducing cognitive impairments, protecting the brain from damage, and reducing depression.

Avantera Elevate is another one of many brain-boosting supps that contains this ingredient.

L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves. It increases alpha waves in the brain and supports serotonin and GABA production.

Evidence shows that theanine can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and boost cognitive functions (e.g. attention, alertness) especially when paired with caffeine. 

Does Thesis Nootropics Work?

It is likely that Thesis Nootropics will work. They have a really high-quality line of clinically-researched compounds. 

These support many areas of brain health and function, such as memory, attention, learning, mood, stress support, energy, and focus.

It’s also nice that they have personalized formulas to give you what you need specifically. Now, these aren’t so specific that they create a different formula for EVERYONE (otherwise, there would be millions of products). But they do still take time to recommend only the formulas that may work the best for you. 

Claims vs. Reality

It’s important to be realistic with nootropics compounds. Many people think that taking these will suddenly turn them into a superhuman that can access unlimited brain power.

While this won’t occur, Thesis still should provide moderate benefits. I’ve read some of the Thesis reviews from customers too. And they’ve noted increases in energy and focus, less stress, decreased brain fog, better attention, and other benefits.

Basically, Thesis Nootropics will likely help you feel, think, and perform moderately better than you had been before. And it also depends on how much you were doing initially to optimize your brain power too. 

Who is Thesis Nootropics Best For?

There are six different Thesis products (technically 12 if you count the caffeine-free options too), so it suits a wide variety of people. 

But basically, Thesis Nootropics are for anyone who wants to increase their performance, cognitive functions, and brain power on a regular basis.

How to Take Thesis Nootropics

As a reminder, Thesis gives you four of their products based on your unique profile. You are instructed to take just one of these each week for the first month to see which two work best for you.

They say to take Thesis right away in the morning. And if needed, you can take another serving after lunch.

Is Thesis Nootropics Safe?

There are many ingredients in Thesis Nootropics, but none of them are associated with significant long-term side effects. 

Of course, side effects are always possible. Some users may experience:

  • Digestive symptoms, such as bloating, upset stomach, gas
  • Increased anxiety, nervousness, jitters, or sleep problems 
  • Changes in blood pressure or heart rate
  • Blurred vision

This isn’t an exhaustive list. We always recommend talking with your doctor before taking any supplement.

Also, Thesis supplements are made in an FDA-approved, GMP-certified facility. And they are third-party tested for purity and quality. 

Thesis contains vegan ingredients and doesn’t contain gluten, eggs, or nuts, although some facilities process products that have those three ingredients. It is not certified gluten-free or vegan. And the Logic blend contains soy.

Where to Buy Thesis Nootropics

You can buy Thesis Nootropics on the Thesis website . 

thesis noontropic website

As a reminder, you get four products with each purchase.

The regular one-month supply of Thesis Nootropics is $119 ($3.97 daily) , but you can save $40 by choosing the Subscribe & Save option, which brings it down to $79 per month ($2.63/day) . 

This is a pretty expensive line of nootropics, but they are meant to be all-inclusive. And they truly do offer many ingredients in each formula, so you likely don’t need to buy any other brain supplements. 

All in all, it depends on how invested you are into nootropics and if the benefits are worth it.

thesis nootropics

Get the BEST deal

Thesis Nootropics

  • Formula can include 31 possible ingredients
  • Six different products offered
  • Benefits memory, energy, mood, focus, stress, and brain health

Final Verdict: Thesis Nootropics

That’s the end of my Thesis review.

These nootropic supplements are filled with evidence-based ingredients that support a wide variety of cognitive functions. There are compounds for energy, focus, attention, neuroprotection, mood, and much more. 

I also like that they’re individualized and you can figure out which ones are the best for you. Because that’s what it really should be; finding the supplements that work the absolute best for your own unique brain chemistry, lifestyle, personality, etc.

So, anyone interested in trying out Thesis Nootropics can start by taking the quiz here . 

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Jack Cincotta, MS

Jack Cincotta is a certified holistic health coach through AFPA and a board-certified holistic health practitioner through AADP. He has written hundreds of articles on nutrition and supplementation. Jack has a M.S. degree in Psychology and is passionate about researching the science behind nutrition. He often uses research-backed supplementation protocols for many of his clients to optimize results.

  • Can Magnesium Enhance Exercise Performance? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5622706/
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  • Homocysteine, B Vitamins, and Cognitive Impairment https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-nutr-071715-050947?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub++0pubmed
  • Ingesting a preworkout supplement containing caffeine, creatine, β-alanine, amino acids, and B vitamins for 28 days is both safe and efficacious in recreationally active men https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027153171400058X?via%3Dihub
  • Vitamins and Minerals for Energy, Fatigue and Cognition: A Narrative Review of the Biochemical and Clinical Evidence https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7019700/
  • B Vitamins and Their Role in Immune Regulation and Cancer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7693142/
  • Caffeine and sprinting performance: dose responses and efficacy https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Fulltext/2012/04000/Caffeine_and_Sprinting_Performance__Dose_Responses.17.aspx
  • Genetic determinants of blood pressure responses to caffeine drinking https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/95/1/241/4576611
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The Best Nootropics Supplements Personalized to Your Brain?

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Updated: 01/25/2024

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TakeThesis Nootropics Honest Review (FindMyFormula 2.0)

Your brain is a primary difference between winning a Nobel prize and living a life of mediocrity.

How well it functions isn’t solely a matter of genetics.

Neuroscience research, and overwhelming anecdotal experience, show that we can dramatically upgrade our:

  • Mental clarity
  • Productivity
  • Access to the flow state
  • Information processing speed

Welcome to the world of “neurohacking”. Using special ingredients and lifestyle practices to optimize the brains and increase our overall quality of life.

But there’s one glaring issue…

Companies making the best brain-boosting supplements recognize this and customize their formulas to your unique lifestyle.

One such nootropic experience is a “newcomer” (you’ll learn why this isn’t exactly true) called Thesis. You take a short brain assessment, they send you a starter kit, and their complimentary coach helps you hone the perfect brain supplements — customized to you!

This post will thoroughly review of TakeThesis, how it compares to other nootropics companies, and whether this is the last brain supplement you’ll need.

In a hurry?

Use the exclusive Thesis code URBAN to save 10%

Quick & Dirty Intro to Nootropics

thesis nootropics overview

These are different from the off-label use of prescription pharmaceuticals like Adderall.

Essentially, nootropics are a special class of ingredients that satisfy ALL the following criteria:

  • Safe and non-toxic
  • Enhance learning and memory
  • Protect against injury
  • Boost natural cognitive ability (memory, logic, creativity, focus, etc)

There’s something that makes them even better…

Nootropics upgrade your baseline performance even after you stop taking them . They cause long-term changes to brain structure and function. Almost like training you how to operate at a higher level and forming positive habits.

At the same time, the good ones provide a quick and noticeable pick-me-up. You don’t wonder if they’re working.

The right formulas help you reach your full potential faster and more effectively.

What is Take Thesis Nootropics?

TakeThesis Nootropic Ingredients Review

Thesis is the masterpiece of expert brain supplement formulators Dan Freed and Adam Greenfield. This duo began researching nootropics out of personal need. Both struggled with poor cognitive performance. They learned how to balance brain chemistry to maximize performance.

Now they’re sharing their discoveries with the world.

After great success with their original product, Find My Formula (which I reviewed here), they revamped their formulations and process.

While each of us has unique neurochemistries, after working with enough people, they began to spot patterns in which ingredients, the forms of those ingredients, and doses work best. Over the span of years, they’ve amassed a huge dataset:

  • 30,000+ users
  • 550,000 recommendations made
  • 127 ingredients tested

Resulting in 86% of users reporting higher energy levels, better mood, more reliable memory, and greater motivation.

Unsurprisingly, Thesis has garnered a stellar 96% customer satisfaction.

The company also has soul. By donating a portion of each sale to both the Covenant House and The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), they’re evolving the future of brain enhancement and also making it more accessible to the world.

Thesis Nootropics Ingredients

When evaluating any nootropic, you must consider how they source and test ingredients.

The sad truth is that most of the products on the market are WORSE than useless. Contaminated with heavy metals, mycotoxins, pathogens, even adulterated with banned (dangerous) substances.

Thesis puts each ingredient through a rigorous, multi-step ethical, medical, and legal evaluation. Before acquiring and testing the ingredients for safety and purity, every ingredient must be supported as safe and effective by clinical trials.

This team keeps up with the ever-changing regulations.

Since the days of Find My Formula, a lot has changed. Each of their blends has undergone a major overhaul.

One of the common gripes with naturals is that you don’t feel anything.

How Thesis Works

thesis nootripics process

Thesis isn’t your run-of-the-mill supplement company.

They’ve streamlined a process resulting in 86 percent of users finding their neurochemically tuned formulations in less than one month.

This is how to best use Thesis:

  • Assess your unique brain
  • Establish your baseline
  • Begin your Starter Kit
  • Notice what works for you and what doesn’t
  • Tweak and optimize with complimentary coaching

Your Thesis journey begins with a short survey to understand your basic lifestyle, how your brain functions, and your goals for using nootropics. The entire “quiz” takes just a few minutes. When you finish, their AI finds your “digital twin” to determine which formulations are most likely to work for you.

A few days later, you’ll receive the Thesis Starter Kit in the mail, with the four separate blends best matched to your brain.

I suggest jotting down the way you feel, your challenges, and goals. That way you’ll have something to reference after several weeks of testing. Bonus points for including audio/video in your log.

You’ll follow the directions, testing each product for six days in a row. Then take a break over the weekend, allowing your body to reset. Though you don’t need two days off, I notice better effects when I give my body the extra rest day.

If you’re sensitive, I suggest taking these capsules first thing in the morning.

At any point, you can schedule a call with one of the resident Thesis Nootropics Experts. They’ll help coach you to ensuring the best possible experience and tweak your kit as necessary. Definitely take advantage of the experts, as they’re a key bonus of Thesis !

By the end of the month, you’ll have discovered your favorite blends and the ones that you don’t like. It’s perfectly normal to not like some of them, and your future orders will only include the products you love most.

The Thesis Nootropic Blends for Every Goal

TakeThesis Nootropics Blends Full Unbiased Review

Note that I’ve written about five blends below, but your Starter Kit will only contain four. Once you’ve gone through the Starter Kit, you’ve demoed the blends.

Hopefully, you’ve discovered the ones that work great for you.

For every subsequent order, you get four slots to customize however you prefer. My favorite combo is:

  • (2) Clarity

But if I really loved a particular blend, for example, I could just do:

  • (4) Creativity

You can request any of the formulations in either of two versions: caffeinated or caffeine-free.

Don’t pay much attention to the names of each. They’re merely general suggestions of the most often reported benefits. It’s entirely possible that you’ll get more clarity from Creativity, or better logical reasoning from Energy.

Let’s examine each of the different blends.

Thesis Energy

Thesis Nootropics Review: Energy Formula

I reach for Energy when I get less than 7 hours of sleep, or when I need extra energy to crush a workout and power through a long Monday. It’s also useful for travel days, or when I know I’ll wind up in energy-depleting situations. Others use it to reinforce new healthy habits.

Thesis Energy blend ingredients include:

  • Zynamite® – 300mg
  • TeaCrine® – 100mg
  • Sabroxy® – 100mg
  • CDP Choline – 300mg
  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine – 300mg
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine – 500mg
  • Optional: Caffeine – 100mg
  • Optional: L-Theanine – 200mg

Sabroxy is an ancient Ayurvedic extract that comes from the bark of the Indian trumpet tree. Research suggests it enhances memory, focus, immunomodulation, mood, and even skin health.

From previous experience, I know that I respond well to Zynamite and TeaCrine. The former is an extract of mango leaf, and the latter is a molecular cousin of caffeine that comes from a tea plant, is non-habit forming, and with fewer side effects. Both noticeably increase energy, as expected. As a bonus, I find that these two also lift my mood.

Compared to the previous Energy formula, this iteration is smoother and more refined. Each sachet contains three capsules, and I start feeling effects 15 minutes after swallowing them.

I’ve been a big fan of all the Energy blends I’ve tested so far. It’s constantly ranked in my top 2 favorites due to the pronounced effects. It feels like a more full-body caffeine without the jitters or crash.

Thesis Clarity

Thesis Nootropics Review: Clarity Formula

As the package insert describes, Clarity supports a calm, focused flow and is great for optimal performance during high-stakes days. Good for presentations, content creation, and non-stimulating concentration.

I’ve found this description to be spot on. The formula has undergone a complete overhaul, featuring two ingredients I haven’t found in other nootropics.

Thesis Clarity blend ingredients include:

  • 7,8 Dihydroxyflavone – 30mg
  • Camellia Sinesis Extract – 250mg
  • Alpha GPC – 250mg
  • Epicatechin – 250mg
  • Lion’s Mane 8:1 Extract – 500mg

7, 8 Dihydroxyflavone is a man-made flavonoid that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and mimic the effects of BDNF (dubbed “MiracleGro for the brain”). Camellia Sinesis is the ingredient that earned tea’s reputation as a health drink. It’s a potent source of the relaxing compound l-Theanine. Epicatechin also comes from tea, and it promotes optimal blood flow, mood, and neuroprotection.

A dose of Clarity takes three capsules, and I couldn’t pinpoint the exact time I started feeling it. The effects became more pronounced after approximately one hour.

Don’t expect a huge boost in energy or racing thoughts from this one. Once I released that expectation, I noticed that I felt clear, calm yet alert, steady, and mentally sharp . All without overstimulation. I flowed through my work, easily focusing on each task through completion.

To my surprise, Clarity went from among my least favorite Find My Formula blends, to my Thesis top pick.

I’m confident that this is one of the only nootropics that I can take in the afternoon (or even evening) and still sleep great.

Thesis Creativity

Thesis Nootropics Review: Creativity Formula

Creativity helps you generate new ideas, think abstractly, and finally bring your dream projects to fruition. It works by quieting overthinking and helping integrate both hemispheres of the brain.

The stack of powerful adaptogenic herbs also makes it an excellent choice for stressful situations, or to relax in social events.

You can rest assured that it contains some of the most researched and scientifically proven herbs on the planet. Ashwagandha and Panax Ginseng are staples in Ayurvedic (Indian) and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Thousands of studies back their use.

Thesis Creativity blend ingredients include:

  • KSM-66 Ashwagandha – 300mg
  • GS15-4 Panax Ginseng – 200mg
  • Zembrin® – 25mg
  • Agmatine Sulfate – 250mg
  • Alpha GPC – 150mg

The Thesis formulators did a great job here, handpicking the strongest, cleanest, and most bioavailable forms of each ingredient.

Zembrin is one I hadn’t heard of, but am impressed by what I’ve learned. It’s a plant extract known to boost mood, improve workout focus, alleviate nervousness, and enhance complex problem-solving.

Approximately 45 minutes after my three-capsule dose, I noticed myself feeling slightly less reactive to urgent emails and other daily stressors. I could also more easily discern wisdom from my intuition. Each time I followed my instinct, I made the right choice.

I do already regularly take Ashwagandha and Ginseng in my own supplement regimen (which I stopped for this experiment), so it’s likely that my reaction is milder than most.

Thesis Logic

Thesis Nootropics Review: Logic Formula

The name summarizes it well. Logic supports rational thinking. Making a popular choice among lawyers, bankers, programmers, scientists, academics, and those looking to boost their analytical abilities.

Though I didn’t get it selected for my Starter Kit, I reached out to their customer service to have it swapped in. As a Data Scientist, I knew that this would fit me well.

I was right. My first experience with the original Find My Formula Logic blend quickly took silver (only behind their original Energy). It hit the sweet spot between energetic stimulation and effortless focus. I went from spec sheet to finished product 35 percent faster than normal.

Thesis Logic blend ingredients include:

  • Triacetyluridine – 30mg
  • Vegan Omega-3 Lysine complex (EPA + DHA) – 200mg
  • Phosphatidylserine – 200mg
  • Theobromine – 100mg
  • Gingko Biloba – 160mg
  • Synapsa® (Bacopa monnieri extract) – 320mg

As its name suggests, Triacetyluridine is a more potent version of the nootropic uridine. It’s known to improve learning, memory, energy, mood, and reduce neuroinflammation.

Theobromine is a mild stimulant related to caffeine naturally occurring in cacao. It increases blood flow, and improves focus.

Those interested in memory enhancement may know Bacopa — one of the greatest ancient memory-enhancing herbs. Gingko is another notable natural herb, known to improve alertness, concentration, focus, and memory.

Phosphatidylserine comes from sunflowers. It gently alleviates stress without drowsiness, improves memory, and increases alertness.

Indeed, the Logic formulation improves working memory, offsets stress, and accelerates learning. On days I reluctantly approached tedious work, the two capsule dose of Logic took the edge off within about 20 minutes.

I’m still experimenting with the latest Logic blend, but so far it stacks up with the original. The new Logic feels slightly weaker, but I greatly prefer the new ingredients.

Thesis Motivation

Thesis Nootropics Review: Motivation Formula

Motivation comes in a lime-green sachet. It’s Thesis’ take on the classic and original CILTEP nootropic stack.

Motivation bills itself as best for:

  • Crushing your TODO list
  • Building healthy habits
  • Increasing discipline and drive

It’s one of the blends that’s most polarizing. You either love it, or you hate it.

I’ve tested this exact formulation produced by several different companies (including NaturalStacks and Find My Formula), and I’ve had bad experiences every single time.

The predominant effect I notice is a headache (which I never get). I also feel slightly spacey. This time I came prepared and used Semax to pull me out of my CILTEP fog.

But just as many people rave about their Motivation.

Thesis Motivation blend ingredients include:

  • Forskolin – 250mg
  • Methylcobalamin – 1000mcg
  • Dynamine – 100mg
  • L-Phenylalanine – 500mg
  • Artichoke Extract – 450mg

It’s safe to say that after two days of use, you’ll know which Motivation camp you fall into.

Thesis Confidence

TakeThesis Nootropics Confidence Formula Review

Confidence is a newer Thesis blend that came out in mid-2022 after heavy internal research and development. I’ve been using it for the last few weeks and it’s certainly one of my favorites. Perhaps my top non-stimulating Thesis Formula.

Typical use cases for Confidence include:

  • Important situations
  • Doing uncomfortable or new things
  • Times of leadership
  • Stopping overwhelm

My experience with Thesis Confidence has been overwhelmingly positive. Within about 30 minutes, I felt a smooth and definite mood boost. The day seemed to flow easily. I didn’t feel jitters or nervousness before overwise stressful no-agenda meetings.

This one is great for social situations. I’m noticing that I feel more comfortable and bold as a newbie Bachata dancer.

Although it’s not very stimulating, I noticed a slight rush kind of like the effect of finishing a good workout. Increased blood flow and slight flushing paired with relaxation (but certainly not any sedation).

Thesis Confidence blend ingredients include:

  • Saffron extract (affron®) – 28mg
  • Ashwagandha extract (Shoden®) – 120mg
  • Sage extract – 333mg
  • Magnesium threonate – 50mg
  • Magnolia bark extract (DHH-B) – 10mg

This is an excellent formula. I love the synergy between the ingredients. Plus, many of these (like Saffron) are expensive and commonly faked in supplements. By using the patented versions, we’re assuredly getting the real thing.

How to Use Thesis

When the shipment finally arrives in the mail, you might feel overwhelmed.

Here’s what to expect…

Inside the large box, you’ll find four smaller boxes. Each box contains five sachets. Monday through Saturday mornings, you take one full sachet (2-3 capsules).

I suggest you take notes beforehand on what you wish to get out of the experience. Some popular examples include:

  • Spending less time distracted on social media
  • Output at your main job
  • Progress toward hobbies, projects, or other work
  • Starting a new skill, language, or health habit
  • Finish work faster

Then, at the end of each day, spend 15-seconds jotting down notes in the provided instruction manual. Trust me, this makes a huge difference. After completing week four, you’ll probably forget which blends you loved, the effects they had, and which ones didn’t work for you.

Some of the ingredients last slightly longer in your system, so I take the entire weekend off to allow my neurochemistry to reset. This also ensures you get the most bang for your buck.

After repeating this process for all four boxes, you’ll have discovered your favorite blends. A Thesis coach can help you customize future orders so you’ll only receive the ones you want!

Tips to Get the Most Out of Thesis Nootropics

Free Nootropics Mini Email Course New e1722472217121

Nootropics aren’t cheap.

You can skip this entire section, but these tips will help ensure that you get the most out of your experience.

Caffeine-free . If you’re new to nootropics, start with the non-caffeinated versions. I drink coffee most days. Sometimes two cups. But I always get my nootropics caffeine-free. For several reasons. First, nootropics potentiate caffeine. One coffee can feel like 3. If you’re not used to the combo, going caff-free gives you more control. Caff-free also means that I can take nootropics later in the day. Also, the health benefits of coffee don’t come from caffeine but from the polyphenols, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals. Plus, I just like the taste of coffee.

If you like this kind of thing, join my FREE nootropics mini-course where you’ll learn:

  • How professionals choose products
  • Tips to feel stronger effects and get more out of your supplements
  • Money-saving hacks
  • Natural cognitive enhancement technologies
  • Latest neuroscience-backed strategies to upgrade your brain

Fill out the info below to get started…

Request received. Your invitation should arrive in your inbox within about 5 minutes.

Thesis Nootropics Questions & Answers

Should i take thesis with caffeine.

I recommend taking Thesis without caffeine to start. Caffeine greatly increases the effects of certain nootropics. For some, this can be too much and lead to panic, headaches, and unease. You can always add coffee and more easily control your caffeine dosage later.

What’s the difference between Thesis and Find My Formula nootropics?

Thesis is the latest generation of Find My Formula nootropics. They’ve refined, upgraded, and revamped every single one of their formulas according to the latest neuroscience research. Find My Formula products are no longer available.

Which Thesis blend is best?

Your ideal Thesis stack depends on your neurochemistry, lifestyle, and goals. People either love or hate their Motivation blend. My favorites (in order) are Clarity, Energy, and then Logic.

How much do Thesis nootropics cost?

Thesis offers two different buying options: one-time, and subscription. One-time purchases cost $119.00 and subscriptions cost $79.00 per month. Use code URBAN and save an extra 15 percent! Thesis backs all purchases with a full 30-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

Thesis Nootropics Review: Boosting Your Brain With Precision Formulas

Ignore those that say you’re stuck with a less-than-optimal brain.

According to the latest neuroscience (and countless personal examples), that’s demonstrably false.

That is if you use the right products.

The most popular nootropics today are:

I’m constantly trying the latest nootropic formulas.

I take most of them for a month and see little benefit.

Thesis is one exception, featuring an impressive array of the highest-quality forms of well-researched ingredients. Drawing from their millions of data points, they’ve come up with unique formulas that give you both a quick boost and long-term benefits .

So that one day, should you choose, you can completely stop supplementing and continue enjoying all the fruits of an upgraded brain.

I personally prefer their Clarity, Energy, and Logic. Each serves a role specific to the type of day I have ahead.

Since the original Find My Formula blends, I’m impressed with their improvements. They’ve moved away from some of the man-made ingredients and embraced natural (but effective) bioharmonizing compounds.

As of January 2022, Thesis has amassed a 4.5+ star rating on 7,411 ratings.

Try it yourself with the exclusive Outliyr discount:

Thesis nootropics code URBAN saves you 10%

To the long-term Formula users — what do you think of the update? Have you enjoyed the new Thesis blends?

Let’s have a discussion in the comments below!

Post Tags: Brain & Cognition , Lifestyle , Nootropics , Review , Supplements

12 thoughts on “The Best Nootropics Supplements Personalized to Your Brain?”

Unfortunately, I can not use any of the samples sent by Thesis. Each packet contained the caffeine equal to a cup of coffee.

What a bummer!

I’m not sure how you do with caffeine, but it also includes l-theanine which is a natural amino acid that really smoothes out the negative effects of caffeine (I won’t use any form of caffeine without it). You might want to reach out to their team about this, but last I heard, one of the pills in each sachet is exclusively caffeine/theanine. I’ve received a few caffeinated boxes, and just threw away the smallest white caffeine/theanine pill.

Or you can reach out to them and they will likely make it right.

Hey, I had the same issue. Fortunately, the caffeine portion comes in its own separate capsule (the white capsule in each packet), so you can choose to leave it out!

Correct. It’s the smaller white one if there are multiple white capsules.

I’ll be honest. I think this is a scam, like snake oil.

Hi Andrew. Not sure what you mean. Have you ever used nootropics? Or botanicals/herbals? What makes you think this is a scam?

This is my first time visiting the website although I’m no stranger to nootropics. I don’t remember where or how I discovered acetyl choline—AGP?—but it was a game changer for me. I’d been taking phosphatidylserine for memory enhancement for at least 2 decades, L-Tyrosine to boost dopamine, PEA, for the same reason. All on my own initiative, as a result of my own independent research. What disturbs me about Thesis is: 1). I suffer from a congenital disease for which there is no cure—Lipedema—and this is allegedly at the root of the fatigue which has blighted my entire life and which I have been attempting to overcome for most of it. The disease afflicts about 10% of women and as one doctor blithely informed me, “you;d be better off with cancer. At least there’s a chance you might recover.” As a result of the quiz I took, Thesis informed me I was in the bottom 4% of applicants and never investigated further. Well, Hello. 2). Quiz had questions about exercise but nothing about diet or meditation, Since I follow functional and integrative Medicine, these gaps disappointed me. I still haven’t made up my mind about becoming a member, but I am grateful to Andrew Huberman for drawing my attention to this range of products.

Hi Jacqueline, sorry about the super slow response here! Glad you’ve found things that work for you. That’s strange. When I took the quiz, they didn’t show percentiles. I agree, diet and meditation are essential. Impossible to overlook really, especially when we’re discussing nutraceuticals. I’ll let them know when I talk to them next.

Update on “the ingredients are not evenly distributed throughout the pills.” I spoke to a Thesis rep this week, and after a detailed conversation regarding the caffeine pills (the small white pill in each caffeine line of products), she clarified that the other pills (not the 100mg of caffeine + 200 mg of L-Theanine small white pill) have the remaining blend evenly distributed between the pills.

Loved your article, how you spelt it out, and agree strongly with the feelings on Clarity being “clear, calm yet alert, steady, and mentally sharp. All without overstimulation.”

Good correction! The caffeine/theanine pill is easy enough to spot.

Thanks for the feedback. Which are your favorite(s)?

Nick, this is an awesome intro to nootropics and Thesis, thank you for breaking this down! I was a Formula customer for years and my favorite blends were Clarity and Creativity. With the new Thesis formulations Energy has been added into my routine! I feel like I have tools at my disposal for any occasion… Creativity is great for social situations or other experiences that would otherwise leave me mentally fatigued, Clarity is great when I have a ton I want to accomplish without interruption, Energy is great when I haven’t had great sleep or need to do more physical stuff. I don’t use it every day, but it’s there when I need a lift. Great read, thanks for the knowledge!

Thanks! How often do you use Thesis? Do you combine it with anything else?

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Nick Urban  is the Founder of Outliyr, an expert Biohacker with 12+ years of experience, a Data Scientist, a Certified CHEK Practitioner, Host of the Mind Body Peak Performance Podcast, and a High-Performance Coach. Click  here  to read how Nick went from struggling pre-diabetic, to collegiate rugby national champion. To send Nick a message, visit his  Contact Page .

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Thesis Review: Are Personalized Nootropics Legit?

Calloway Cook Calloway Cook is the President of Illuminate Labs and has reviewed over 1,000 clinical trials. See full bio . , Author | Taylor Graber MD Taylor Graber is a Medical Doctor (MD) and a practicing anaesthesiologist. He's also an entrepreneur who runs a health and wellness startup. See full bio . , Medical Reviewer Last updated: Nov 05, 2023

Calloway Cook Calloway Cook is the President of Illuminate Labs and has reviewed over 1,000 clinical trials. See full bio . , Author

Taylor Graber MD Taylor Graber is a Medical Doctor (MD) and a practicing anaesthesiologist. He's also an entrepreneur who runs a health and wellness startup. See full bio . , Medical Reviewer Last updated: Nov 05, 2023

are thesis nootropics safe

We review published medical research in respected scientific journals to arrive at our conclusions about a product or health topic. This ensures the highest standard of scientific accuracy.

Illuminate Labs has a team of medical experts including doctors and Registered Dietitians who are assigned to review the accuracy of health claims and medical research summaries based on the relevancy of their expertise to the article topic.

The focus of our articles is to share our opinion on the potential efficacy and safety of health trends and products.

are thesis nootropics safe

T hesis is a wellness brand that sells personalized nootropics. The brand sells supplements with unique names like “Creativity” and “Motivation,” and claims that their individualized products are “based on your unique brain chemistry.”

But is there legitimate research backing personalized nootropics or is this just a marketing spin? Why does the brand ask for so much personal data? Are their supplements well-formulated? And how do real users rate and describe the effects of Thesis?

In this article we’ll answer all of these questions and more as we share our concerns about the marketing practices and health claims of Thesis.

We’ll also analyze the ingredients in one of their formulations based on medical research to give our take on whether or not it's likely to be effective. We’ll share customer reviews of Thesis nootropics including some from individuals with ADHD.

Is the “Personalized” Approach Fake?

Thesis personalized health claim

The branding around Thesis is of “personalized nootropic formulas,” however this may be entirely untrue.

We submitted test answers into the health intake form of their site, along with a fake email, and after submitting all of this information we were brought to their “Starter Kit” landing page which is accessible at this link .

If you access the above link in a new window, the products suggested are the exact same, which suggests that Thesis is really collecting sensitive customer health data based on the guise of “personalized” supplements, while providing no additional value, which is a highly questionable marketing approach in our opinion.

The concept of “personalized nootropics” doesn’t even make sense, because the manufacturer would have to literally formulate and package them when a customer placed an order, unique to each customer’s order which is highly unlikely. It would make no business sense for a company to formulate millions of unique products and would be logistically impossible.

It appears that Thesis simply recommends some of their supplements to consumers based on their needs, which is not a “personalized nootropic formula,” it’s a personalized recommendation which literally any brand could offer.

This leads us to our second concern about this brand.

Rather than simply selling supplements, they require users to complete a questionnaire which asks a number of sensitive health questions. 

Thesis health quiz questions

As shown above, the brand requires users to answer questions about their gender identity and their alcoholic intake in their health quiz. What does this have anything to do with nootropics, and why would any user share this data with a random supplement startup?

We would recommend avoiding this brand based on these marketing and data collection practices alone, but in the next section we’ll analyze the formulation of one of their products.

Ingredient Analysis

Thesis Motivation supplement ingredients

Thesis’ “Motivation Formula” contains five active ingredients: l-phenylalanine, Dynamine, vitamin B12, forskolin and artichoke extract.

L-phenylalanine is an amino acid that Thesis describes as supporting mood, attention and motivation, however these claims are uncited and we can’t find any medical evidence supporting them. 

Most of the clinical research we found on this ingredient involves obesity, with this clinical trial finding that l-phenylalanine may increase the sense of fullness and decrease calories consumed in overweight individuals, but only at a dose 20x that in Thesis’ supplement.

Dynamine is a trademarked form of methylliberine, which is a chemical compound that can be isolated from coffee beans and tea. Thesis claims that this compound “supports alertness” but this claim is uncited and we can’t find any medical evidence supporting it.

The manufacturer of this ingredient is a company called Compound Solutions, and the company even states on their website that this ingredient is “typically used in combination with caffeine and TeaCrine,” because all three of the clinical trials that the manufacturer cites on their website use Dynamine in combination with either caffeine or TeaCrine.

However, there is no caffeine or TeaCrine in Thesis Motivation.

Vitamin B12 is often included in nootropic formulations, but we’re unsure why. As we referenced in our review of another nootropic supplement called Noocube which also contains this ingredient, we can’t identify any medical evidence that vitamin B12 improves cognitive function in healthy adults without a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Forskolin was shown in an animal study to reduce memory loss, but the lowest dose used was equivalent to over 200% of the human-equivalent dose in Thesis. We can’t identify any clinical trials with human trial participants proving this compound to be an effective nootropic.

Artichoke extract is the final active ingredient, and Thesis claims that this ingredient “supports blood flow and promotes stress management.” These claims are uncited and we’re unclear on why this ingredient would be included in a nootropic formula, as even the stated health claims do not reference an explicit improvement in cognitive function.

Thesis fails to publish inactive ingredients for Motivation, which is an important consumer safety concern.

Overall we do not consider Thesis Motivation likely to be effective for improving cognitive function or productivity as we are unable to identify a single active ingredient that we would consider effective at the given dose, based on a review of clinical studies.

We do not recommend this supplement or brand, and consider this product to be one of the worst nootropic formulations that we’ve reviewed on Illuminate Health. Most nootropic supplements we review at least contain one effectively-dosed active ingredient.

We Tried Thesis Ourselves

Thesis UGC

One of our product testers named Matt Donnelly tested Thesis. Here's his experience:

I spent the month trying out the starter pack, which included CLARITY, MOTIVATION, LOGIC, and MOTIVATION.

Of the four, the only one that seemed to have any positive effect was LOGIC. It's good for “Research projects” and “Complex problem-solving” according to the packaging.

I was hoping for good results because I had been sidetracked from creative projects. It seemed like this one may have contributed to more focus overall and focused attention.

On some days I got very tired a few hours after taking the capsules, and needed to lie down in the afternoon.

There are three or four pills in each packet. It seemed to me like a lot to consume on a daily basis, and the pills are large so they could be challenging to swallow.

Overall, I would rate Thesis 3/10 and I wouldn't purchase this product again.

Thesis User Test

A YouTube creator named “LUKAS YAN” reviewed Thesis nootropics and shared his thoughts on whether or not the supplements improved his physical and mental energy:

Will Thesis Nootropics Cause Side Effects?

Thesis Nootropics do not appear to have been studied in any clinical trials, so it’s impossible to say for certain whether or not they’re likely to cause side effects. However, we can make an educated guess based on their formulations.

Most of the active ingredients in Thesis supplements appear to be safe and well-studied. We don’t have access to the full set of the brand’s supplements because instead of transparently posting all product pages they rely on the “individualized” marketing.

Our concern in regard to side effects is that the brand fails to clearly publish inactive ingredient information, and some inactive ingredients can cause side effects.

We hope that in the future Thesis publishes inactive ingredients in the same section where active ingredients are published for each supplement they sell. This is important for consumer safety.

Our Clean Nootropic Picks

are thesis nootropics safe

Mind Lab Pro   by Performance Lab is our top premium nootropic pick.

This is the first Illuminate Labs Certified supplement, and   has been shown to be effective for short-term cognitive improvements in   two   clinical   trials   published in peer-reviewed journals.

Performance Lab MCT Oil   is our top food-based nootropic pick.

MCT oil  is derived from coconut oil, and  improved memory recall by 20% in adults  in a 2022  meta-study .

Illuminate Labs Ginkgo Biloba Extract   is our top herbal nootropic pick.

A  medical review  published in the  Psychopharmacology  journal  found that ginkgo biloba supplementation improved attention and cognitive performance in healthy, young adults.

Is Thesis Effective for ADHD?

We don’t recommend using Thesis supplements to treat any specific health condition.

There are several TikTok reviews from individuals with ADHD who tried Thesis supplements.

A TikTok user named Syd shared her experience using Thesis while having ADHD:

@sydneydelucchi Lets try @takethesis ! #nootropics #nootropicsforadhd #adhd ♬ original sound - Syd 🦋

A TikTok creator named Mike Cribbs shared her experience:

@mikacribbs Replying to @adrienne here are my initial thoughts using @Thesis 💙🩵 #takethesis #nootropics #thesis ♬ Fukashigi no Carte Lofi Hiphop (Bunny Girl Senpai) - bvyunx

We disagree with the way Thesis markets their products, and we recommend that consumers avoid giving sensitive health data to dietary supplement startups unnecessarily.

The one Thesis supplement that we analyzed based on its active ingredients, called Motivation, was underwhelming. We were unable to identify any effectively-dosed ingredients based on a review of medical research, and the brand fails to clearly publish inactive ingredient information or cite the health claims made about their ingredients.

We do not recommend Thesis supplements although we don’t consider it likely that the supplements will cause side effects.

Some TikTok users with ADHD who tried Thesis supplements had relatively negative feedback.

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Thesis Nootropics Review: Personalized, Nootropic Brain Support

Picture of Grace Morse

  • Published: June 12, 2023

Thesis Review

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Table of contents, about thesis.

You’ve likely felt that inner frustration throughout your workday when you feel as though your brain is moving through molasses—your processing speed of taking in information from your outside world, absorbing that, interpreting it within the crevices of your brain matter , and formulating a response (whether it be a movement, vocalized statement, or merely an inner thought), feels like a herculean task.

That strange sensation where you knew you forgot something, but all that your brain can recall is not what that something was but merely that it was something. It can be frustrating to say the least. While I have firm faith that, erase societal pressures and stressors, our fellow human brethren are some pretty intelligent souls, even I find myself questioning my intellectual couth some days.

So where is this intellectual, groggy deficit coming from? While it is not just a few identifiable causes, we live in a society filled with a glorification of severe routine, a practice of consuming and using synthetic chemicals, not inadvertently, but subtly, and the current social and economic stressors can be all too much—disrupting sleep, neuronal regeneration and thus, overall brain health.

But this is not all gloom and doom! Mother Nature has gifted us with some pretty potent brain protection: nootropics! Nootropics, called “ smart drugs ”, act on the brain to improve memory, cognitive function, and neuronal regeneration by improving the flow of blood, and thus essential nutrients, to the brain. (2) You may be thinking: this sounds incredibly expensive .

Not to worry because once brave soul decided to create an extensive line of nootropic blends to meet all your brain health qualms. Welcome, Thesis! With 86 winning formulations of nootropic blends to improve Creativity, Clarity, Motivation, Energy, and Logic, this review will focus on the effectiveness and composition of these purportedly stellar nootropic formulations.

Overview of Thesis

Founder and CEO, Dan Freed, found himself struggling in school as a child. He recalls rereading the same paragraph repeatedly, unable to understand the content despite functioning just fine in all other areas of life. Exhausted from the struggle and lack of support, he withdrew from school at the age of 16 and went to work in the restaurant industry.

But it clearly was not a learning deficiency as Dan eventually earned a Master’s Degree at Yale and went on to create the first-ever nootropic support with over 550,000 recommendations made by the scientific community and 127 tested ingredients to ensure maximum efficacy and bioavailability. Thesis offers five unique formulation to meet the common, daily need: Creativity, Clarity, Motivation, Energy, and Logic.

All of Thesis’s ingredients are noted to be purely sourced locally within the United States that bring you quality adaptogenic mushrooms , vitamins, minerals, and choline sources. Is Thesis the answer to a revived brain? Dan’s motto is, “Lazy doesn’t exist.” Let us find out if our brains need a total “reset” or merely some supportive, nootropic love.


Thesis believes in personalizing your experience to meet your needs in the most accurate form possible with their extensive questionnaire that queries your daily activities, energy levels, sleep cycle, caffeine intake, and more.

Quick and simple with effective results. Click here to begin your personalized journey to find your starter kit or, skip the quiz and build your own box here !

Thesis Products Review

Thesis offers 5 unique formulations to meet your daily mental support needs. Each crafted by a team set on ensuring maximum efficacy of each dosage of ingredient integrated, to give an idea of how prepared the Thesis team was in their first month of formulation , over 86% of each proposed formulation was approved—and praised—for its novel nootropic agencies.

With 96% purported customer satisfaction, perhaps Thesis’s reliance on the data speaks volumes to not only the integrity of products, but perhaps the communal effort in creating brain wellness. $119 each with retail price, or save $40 in the Thesis Subscribe & Save program , let’s take a dive into these pure and locally sourced, caffeine-free ingredients to find out more:

Thesis Creativity Review


Thesis’s Creativity blend is endorsed to increase that “spark” of inspiration, get your thought processes flowing into an easeful state of being, and improve your confidence in the process with four potent ingredients:

Alpha GPC (150mg): Alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine (αGPC) is the precursor molecule to acetylcholine, an essential neurotransmitter that plays a role in cognition and mood by increasing serotonin in the cerebral portions of the brain and dopamine in the frontal lobe. (3)

Agmatine (250mg): A molecule that is thought to be produced by the gut microbiome, agmatine is an amine molecule that is believed to alleviate depressive-like symptoms and even support metabolic syndromes like diabetes and obesity; albeit the mechanism of such is unclear. (4)

Ginseng (200mg): A centuries-old remedy originating from East Asia, ginseng is known to be a preventative measure for neurodegeneration disorder, Alzheimer’s, as well as remediate depressive symptoms in numerous clinical studies. (5)

Ashwagandha (300mg): Ashwagandha, Withania somnifera , is an Ayurvedic wonder that is known for its natural adaptogenic (ability to handle stress in a methodical, sequential manner) properties, as well as its anxiolytic ( anxiety-reducing ) characteristics. Plus, in numerous clinical studies, there is statistically significant indication of ashwagandha’s antioxidant properties; helping to reduce free radicals that cause cellular damage and early signs of aging throughout numerous organ systems. (6,7)

Zembrin® (25mg): A proprietary blend containing selectium or also known as kanna, Mesembryanthemum tortuosum , Zembrin is known for its anti-anxiety properties that holds no sedative qualities but offers an elevate, peaceful state of being. (8)

Thesis Clarity Review

Thesis Nootropics Review

Thesis’s Clarity is endorsed to get you in—and improve—your flow state. With a heightened sense of focus and analytical processing, let’s see if the ingredients really live up to its name:

Alpha GPC (500mg): (see benefits in Creativity ingredient list above)

Lion’s Mane (500mg): Lion’s mane, Hericium erinaceus , has been studies in numerous scientific studies examining the effect of lion’s mane in reducing depressive episodes among patient with mild to severe depression by reducing an inflammation pathway that has been linked to worsening depression and possessing a chemical structure like dopamine and serotonin—the “happy” chemicals of the brain. Happy chemicals, clearer intention. (9)

Epicatechin (278mg): A potent flavanol found in apples, berries, cacao, and tea, within large scale studies, these molecules have been found to improve cerebral (brain) blood flow; improving flow of nutrients to neurons, aiding in repair and regeneration. (10)

7,8-DHF (30mg): 7,8 DHF, short for 7,8-dihydroxyflavone, is a humble, yet mighty molecule that is known to act on a vital pathway in the brain’s regenerative properties (acting similar to brain-derived neurotrophic factor). Why should we care and why with Thesis place this essential ingredient into their Clarity formulation? Studies suggest that because of 7,8 DHF’s ability to act on this pathway, we now have a way to consume on a daily basis a molecule that protects neurons from free radical damage and encourage neuronal growth. It seems the Thesis team has really placed the science and biology at the forefront of their formulations. (11)

Thesis Motivation Review


Take 30 minutes prior your daily tasks and settle into a routine of dedicated, goal-driven mindset to get you through any task you need to accomplish in the day ahead. How does Thesis make an impossible feat possible with its Motivation formulation? Let’s look:

Artichoke Extract: Although the scientific community is still seeking true influence of artichoke extract on brain protection, current studies have suggested that artichoke extract, rich in flavonoid, has an anticholinesterase blocking property. Why should we care? In certain neurodegenerative diseases (i.e., Alzheimer’s), blocking this anticholinesterase enzyme has been shown to improve the long-term outcomes of such diseases. With the added benefits of neuroprotection, we get why Thesis include artichoke extract in the Motivation ingredient line-up. (12)

Forskolin: A pure molecule extracted by the East Asian plant, Coleus forskohlii , known by the scientific community to increase cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels, this is vital for optimum cognition and, like the artichoke extract, acts as a neuroprotectant. (13)

L-Phenylalanine: One of the 26 amino acids, has been suggested to have a direct correlation between levels of l-phenylalanine and dopamine, the reward chemical . With dopamine, humans quite literally lose motivation for even the most primal of needs (i.e., eating, procreating, sleeping, etc.). Important to stay motivated? We think so, too. (12)

Vitamin B12: Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 is vital for cognitive function in both the central (brain and spinal cord) as well as peripheral nervous system ; albeit the exact daily dose to provide this benefit is still debated amongst the medical community. (13)

Thesis Energy Review

Thesis Nootropics Review

It’s likely universally agreed that we could all use more of this currency (in addition to time!). But what makes Thesis’s Energy a true remedy for energy deficiency? Let’s peek:

Choline (300mg): According to Numerous clinical studies, choline, a nutrient present in eggs and liver, increases dopamine levels and assist in memory loss. Wonder if dopamine plays a role in energy? Absolutely it does! Our limbic reward system is directly ties to excitement and perceivable elevation of energy. (14)

Zynamite® (300mg): Known also as mangiferin ( Mangifera indica ), studies have suggested to have a synergistic effect during states of exercise by increasing the rates of oxygenation in the brain; supporting neurons with nutrient-dense electrolytes and glucose. Why did Thesis include this? More glucose to the brain means more sustained energy.  (15) 

TeaCrine® (100mg): Originating from the tree, Camellia kucha, TeaCrine has been known to support cognitive functioning as well as sustain energy throughout the day; especially when taken in conjunction with natural forms of caffeine (i.e., green tea extract). (16)

NAC (500mg): Although the mechanism as to whether NAC, N-acetyl cysteine, affects and promotes sustained energy levels throughout the day, researchers have noted potent antioxidant properties; suggesting there is some form of neurological protection as many neurodegenerative disorders are initiated by an inflammatory insult from free radicals. (17)

Sabroxy® (100mg): A study by Lopresti et al (2021) found that daily use of Oroxylum indicum extract (Sabroxy) had notable improvement in speed of processing thoughts when acquiring or approaching a new task in their subject groups. Important to sustain that energy by higher processing speeds? Absolutely. (18)

NALT (300mg): Known as N-acetyl tyrosine, NALT has been suggested to improve energy levels throughout the day as well as having evidence for improvement of dismantling longer term memory loss. (19)

Thesis Logic Review


So you have the energy, the motivation, the clarity, and creativity, but what is that all goof for if you quite literally have no logical sense of the actions you are performing? Thesis agrees. That is why they’ve included Logic in their mind wellness lineup. Although they have their handy quiz to help support you in your specific cognitive needs, we like to think we saved the one of the most important for last to review this powerful ingredient roster:

Ginkgo Biloba (160mg): Gingko biloba extract, coming from Ginkgo biloba, has a multitude of properties that all act in favor of your nervous system. Gingko biloba has been suggested to improve your innate levels of serotonin and dopamine, as well as improve long term cognition of hippocampal function and act as a free radial scavenger, protecting the prefrontal lobe where executive functioning takes place (i.e., the logical portion of your brain!). (20)

Theobromine (100mg): Extracted from the cacao tree, theobromine is believed to act on a series of pathways whereby improved working memory (your current memory that, for example, recalled the name of the company in which this article is written about). Important for logic? Without a doubt. Well done, Thesis team! (21)

Phosphatidylserine (400mg): Phosphatidylserine is known for its neuroprotective properties; supporting the myelin sheath (the protective layer around each neuron that improve its efficacy of neuronal transmission). (22)

DHA (200mg): Abbreviated DHA for docosahexaenoic acid, this is the most abundant omega-3 in the brain. This molecule integrates into the cellular integrity of brain cells to ensure structural integrity. Think of this as the “grease” that ensures the brain is functioning with optimum logic. (23)

TAU (30mg): Tau is a protein found within the brain that, when it becomes misfolded during its production from DNA into protein, it can become a conglomerate of protein mass that causes the ever-so-known neurodegenerative disease, Alzheimer’s . Logic is severely limited in these cases that is why Thesis utilizes a tau-target remedy as a proactive measure; keeping your logic in-tact for decades to come? Perhaps so. (24)

Synapsa® (320mg): Although unable to find from scientific articles, Thesis endorses on their site that Synpasa® comes from the extract of Bacopa Monnieri that is suggested “to improve cognitive function as well as overall neurological health.” (25)

Thesis Reviews – Customer Testimonies

What are customers saying about the efficacy of Thesis’s lineup of memory-enhancing, brain-protecting, logic-boosting formulations?

George L., a verified customer shares:

“I absolutely love this stuff, seriously. I’ve tried just about every nootropic in addition to making formulas for myself, but nothing comes close to Thesis. I’m actually shocked at how well it works. I work anywhere from 10-14 hours seven days a week and I can feel myself and being more motivated, even after 14 hours, I’ll be a customer for life and I recommend your products to my people.”

It’s always great to see a former skeptic take a complete 180-degree turn and find so much benefit in a product that they  intend to keep it as a daily regiment for life. Quality speaks for itself.

Thesis Nootropics Review

Debbie M writes her experience with Thesis Creativity:

“I have been off stimulants for months now and these formulas are far superior. My husband and daughter both noticed the change and said I have been more productive, focused, less anxious, and more “thinking outside the box”. I have tried for years to get off stims and nothing would work. Thank you for making such an amazing product.”

A happy mom is a happy household. Plus, to hear your fellow humanity share that they are “thinking outside of the box” in a world that is seemingly placing everyone with a “label” what an incredible breakthrough! The power of nootropics and adaptogens at its finest!

Kyle B. shares a heartfelt response on his experience with Thesis products and the team:

“You guys have been a lifesaver for me. I’m not sure how I could have done this past year without some help and you really were there for me. Great experiences and awesome customer service!”

Amazing, integrity inside and out—well done, Thesis.

Most recently, Elliott S. shares his initial skepticism with taking Thesis for the first time:

“I’m going to be honest with you, I was skeptical but I started a new job so I thought maybe it could help. Within a half hour of the first time taking it I saw immediate results. I’m more alert and focused than I’ve been in years. I’m so happy I found Thesis as it has been life changing for me so far.”

Skepticism is good—it means you think before you jump on the latest and greatest health fad. Amazingly, it seems Thesis has erased all wavering on efficacy for Elliott. Thesis products seemingly prove time and again.

Frequently Asked Questions

All of Thesis product are regulated by the current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) a manufacturing and processing standard that is regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). All ingredients used by Thesis are third party tested, pass all phrase three clinical trials and the FDA deems all of Thesis’s ingredients as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS).

Daily! Thankfully, Mother Nature never intentionally harms us and with plenty of scientific studies conducted, nootropics can be taken daily. With all of Thesis’s products, you can take up to two packets per day (one in the morning and next around lunchtime).

Every single body is so unique, so the loading phase (the amount needed during a duration of time to deem notable effects) is also unique. However, some users have found notable difference as soon as 30 minutes upon consumption.

No worries! Thesis isn’t hardcore strict. They believe the personalized formula should be just that: personalized for you. Contact Thesis at 646-647-3599 or send an email to [email protected] to swap out a line that is more appropriate for you.

All orders are sent within same day or next-day upon processing. Packages usually arrive within 3-7 formal business days.

Thesis will do their best to meet your needs, swap out any product you are not satisfied with or refund entirely. Contact Thesis at 646-647-3599 or send an email to [email protected] .

Check out Thesis’s full Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section here !

Subscribe & Refer A Friend Program


Join Thesis’s Subscribe Program to receive $40 off every order you spend. Cancel or modify without any additional fee. Get your nootropics for a fraction of the cost !

For every friend you refer to Thesis, your friend will receive $25 off their next order and a $25 credit will be applied to your account upon your next purchase! Share the nootropic goodness!

Community Mission

The team at Thesis believes in supporting not just their customers, but their community in the form of sending a part of their proceeds to The Covenant House , a homeless shelter for runaway and at-risk youth. CEO, Dan Freed, knows firsthand what it is like to be at the mercy of an unforgiving system. What better way than to give back? Much respect, team Thesis.

Where Can I Find Thesis?  

Thesis can be found on their main site at Thesis and on their Instagram page, @takethesis .

Final Takeaway

Thesis Products

Functional mushrooms to meet your daily cognitive needs? Thesis has created an extensive, yet poignant, lineup of Creativity, Energy, Motivation, Logic, and Clarity. With potent nootropics like lion’s mane, choline, alpha GPC, and ayurvedic powerhouses including ashwagandha and gingko biloba, Thesis has seemingly integrated a handful of pure ingredients into each formulation that is cGMP certified and locally sourced within the United States.

With community outreach to help serve organizations that service homeless children, Thesis was based on a mission beyond their consumer wellness . CEO, Dan Freed, wanted humanity to know that they are not alone. The mental fogginess, the inability to concentrate for longer sets of time, inability to foster an ounce of creativity, Dan knew this wasn’t a human deficiency but  a nutrient deficiency.

Tired of wondering if your mental strain could be remedied by daily consumption of a personalized nootropic lineup? Thesis might just offer the personalized support you’ve been seeking.

Embark on a holistic health and well-being exploration with these popular brands:

  • FULLER Overnight Oats
  • Natural Stacks

Article Sources

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(25) Thesis. Logic. Takethesis.com. Updated 2023. Accessed January 29, 2023 https://takethesis.com/pages/logic


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Nootralize Cognitive Enhancement

Are Nootropics Safe?

Yes, if you use them mindfully..

Posted February 19, 2020 | Reviewed by Matt Huston


The Science of Nootropics

The more evidence-based we become in our experience engineering, the more efficiently we can obtain real benefits while avoiding quackery and dangerous substances.

In the 165 human placebo -controlled studies on 77 nootropics with 7,152 experimental group participants we’ve reviewed for the Nootralize app, there were no serious adverse effects observed to be significantly more frequent than in the placebo groups of the studies.

Minor adverse effects that were observed to be significantly more frequent than in the placebo groups of the reviewed studies were:

  • Headache and gastrointestinal symptoms in a study where 46 participants received NAC [1]
  • Dizziness and dry mouth in a study where 25 participants received Reishi [2]
  • Anxiety in a study where 15 participants received Theacrine [3]

Three out of 165 studies noted significantly more frequent side effects than in the placebo groups of the studies.

The definition of a nootropic entails that the compound has to be safe. Sometimes (e.g. Citicoline, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Pine Bark Extract, and Uridine Monophosphate) nootropics may even be neuroprotective (promoting brain health through, for example, neurogenesis or neuroplasticity).

The Unknown

Yes, there’s a lot we don’t know about any specific nootropic.

No, there’s no guarantee that the first nootropic you try will supercharge your brain and help you achieve your goals instantly.

But with patience and mindful use, there's tremendous potential to nootropic use.

It is important that you're aware of risks and how to avoid them when you use nootropics.

We have quite a lot of evidence regarding the safety of nootropics for people in general, but in most cases not for any specific individual using any specific nootropic. Does this mean that no individual should experiment with nootropics?

Here's what Joe Cohen said when interviewed for the Nootralize podcast:

”There was no certainty with anything that I did, but I made good decisions, calculated decisions and I got great results from it […] So, life is all about making smart choices, smart risks, and that’s what I did and I got a lot of help and the people who I see doing that generally have very good results...” [4]

The large individual variance in responses from a nootropic with the same dose requires mindful self-experimentation.

Let’s say you want to improve your focus. You search for “focus” in the Nootralize app to find a nootropic that works for you. You get recommended Ginkgo Biloba, which appears to be the best nootropic for your goal to "focus" based on the available science—eight human placebo-controlled studies.

Do you usually require eight human placebo-controlled trials demonstrating safety to make a decision? Probably not. For instance, you may use alcohol , which is neurotoxic. [5]

Many nootropics have high-quality science in humans backing their safety.

How to Avoid Edge-Case Individual Side Effects

Anytime you plan to use a new compound, do two things first:

  • Research the potential side effects of the nootropic and find out how to solve/mitigate them.
  • Start with extremely small doses.

Researching the potential side effects

If the side effect can be neutralized by another nootropic, such as L-theanine eliminating the jitteriness of caffeine, then you can stack the two for a side-effect-free experience.

are thesis nootropics safe

Don’t accept side effects from nootropics; there are safe interventions that can help you with your goals.

To achieve peak cognitive performance and well-being, make sure to upgrade your sleep, exercise, nutrition , and mindfulness .

If the side effect is of a temporary and safe but uncomfortable nature, mindfulness can be helpful.

If you use several nootropics or prescription medications, speak with your doctor and use the WebMD interaction checker .

You can get a good gauge of the side effects of a nootropic by going to the Nootralize app. When you’ve arrived, look at how many participants received the nootropic in the studies we‘ve reviewed, and the side effects that were significantly more frequent in the experimental group than in the placebo groups of those studies (the side effects listed in the summary of studies for any nootropic). If many participants received the nootropic and had few or no side effects, you can be more certain that the nootropic is safe.

All studies in the Nootralize app are done on humans, are placebo-controlled, and are referenced in the app. If you want to read them, click the title of a specific study on any specific nootropic page.

Starting with small doses

In case of any adverse effects, you’ll have done most of the mitigation by not using too much of the nootropic in question.

Build up your dose until one of the following occurs:

1. Results are diminishing.

2. You have side effects.

3. You use more than researchers ever concluded is safe in humans.

Nootropics are safe if you have an awareness of risks and how to avoid them.

There is always a risk that you will have edge-case side effects. To avoid these, start with small dosages and do your research beforehand. Practice mindfulness while using nootropics to mitigate any temporary and safe but uncomfortable side effects.

[1] Paydary K. (2016). N-acetylcysteine augmentation therapy for moderate-to-severe obsessive-compulsive disorder: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial . Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics.

[2] Hong Zhao. et al. (2011). Spore Powder of Ganoderma lucidum Improves Cancer-Related Fatigue in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Endocrine Therapy: A Pilot Clinical Trial . Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine.

[3] Tim N. Ziegenfuss. et al. (2016). A Two-Part Approach to Examine the Effects of Theacrine (TeaCrine®) Supplementation on Oxygen Consumption, Hemodynamic Responses, and Subjective Measures of Cognitive and Psychometric Parameters . Journal of dietary supplements.

[4] Joe Cohen and David Rönnlid. (2019). Personalized SelfHacking via Genetic Mapping with Joe Cohen. Nootralize Podcast.

[5] (1999). The Neurotoxicity of Alcohol. Chapter 2: Alcohol and the Brain: Neuroscience and Neurobehavior.

Nootralize Cognitive Enhancement

Nootralize is dedicated to helping people engineer the experience of feel-good cognitive proficiency in themselves.

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Thomson Scientific

thesis nootropics

Thesis Nootropics Review 2023: tested and rated

  • Supplements
  • September 7, 2023

Picture of Goldie

Nootropics, those brain-boosting supplements, have come a long way in recent years. The buzz around cognitive enhancers has been nothing short of astounding. Let’s dive into one of the most talked-about brands this year: Thesis Nootropics.

What is Thesis Nootropics?

Nootropics are compounds that can potentially improve cognitive function, mainly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation. As the demand for enhanced mental performance grows, more individuals are turning to these supplements. Thesis Nootropics has become a prominent name in this space, but what makes them so special?

Ingredients that make Thesis Nootropics Special

One time, during a local health convention, I met a neuroscientist who emphasized the importance of the ingredient blend in nootropics. He mentioned that while individual ingredients might be powerful, the magic lies in the combination. And that’s precisely where Thesis Nootropics shines. Their combination not only enhances cognitive function but does so while ensuring there’s no overload or negative impacts on other bodily functions.

Understanding the foundation of any product starts with its ingredients. When it comes to Thesis Nootropics, they’ve curated a list of natural and potent ingredients that can make a significant difference to one’s mental clarity, focus, and overall brain health.

Bacopa Monnieri

This herb has been a staple in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Known for its ability to improve memory and reduce anxiety, it works wonders when it comes to enhancing cognitive function. Regular consumption can aid in retaining information and improves the speed of visual information processing.

Rhodiola Rosea

Stress is a huge factor affecting our mental capabilities. Rhodiola Rosea is known for its adaptogenic properties, which means it helps the body adapt to stress. Not just that, it also fights fatigue, making you more alert and focused.

A natural choline compound, Alpha GPC boosts dopamine levels and improves memory. In fact, some studies even suggest its effectiveness in delaying Alzheimer’s symptoms.

How do users typically feel after consuming Thesis Nootropics?

Once you’ve decided to try Thesis Nootropics, what should you expect? Most users report a noticeable difference in focus and clarity. That brain fog you feel after a sleepless night or an intense day? Many say it’s much less pronounced with Thesis. It’s like having a cup of strong coffee without the jitters or the eventual crash.

I remember a time when I was skeptical about such products. But last year, I had a project with tight deadlines, and my usual coffee wasn’t cutting it. A colleague mentioned Thesis Nootropics. I gave it a shot, and to my surprise, I felt more alert and focused. That project? A success! It’s just one anecdote, but sometimes personal experience speaks volumes.

However, everyone’s body reacts differently. Some people might experience a more pronounced effect than others. A buddy of mine, for instance, said he felt more alert and could concentrate on tasks better, but he didn’t feel a massive surge of energy. It was more of a gentle push than a forceful shove.

Do They Really Boost Memory and Concentration?

Yes, and there’s science to back it up. The blend of ingredients in Thesis Nootropics has been shown to enhance memory retention and increase concentration levels.

Real-Life Impacts

Many users report a noticeable difference in their daily lives. From being more alert during late-night work sessions to retaining more information during lectures, the benefits seem to span various scenarios.

Immediate vs. Long-Term Benefits

While some nootropics might give you an immediate boost, what’s commendable about Thesis Nootropics is the long-term brain health benefits. Over time, regular consumption can lead to sustained improvements in cognitive functions.

In a world overflowing with information, having an edge in retaining and processing this information can be a game-changer. Thesis Nootropics, with its perfect blend of proven and natural ingredients, offers just that. Whether you’re a student, a working professional, or someone looking to delay age-related cognitive decline, understanding the ingredients and their benefits is the first step in making an informed choice.

Potential Side Effects

While Thesis Nootropics has been generally well-received, it’s essential to approach any supplement with a degree of caution. Some users have reported mild side effects like headaches or digestive discomfort. However, these seem to be in the minority.

It’s good to start with a lower dose and see how your body reacts. If you’re on medication or have underlying health conditions, a chat with your doctor would be a smart move before diving into the world of nootropics.

Is it Safe to consume?

It’s a crucial question: Is it safe? For the most part, users of Thesis Nootropics report very few side effects. The components are generally well-tolerated, especially when taken as directed. However, as with any supplement, it’s always wise to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or take other medications.

Can everyone use Thesis?

You’ve probably wondered, “What’s in it for me?” With its potent blend of ingredients, Thesis Nootropics offers numerous benefits.

Improved concentration is at the top of the list. Many users report being able to stay on task for more extended periods, which is invaluable in our distraction-prone world. There’s also the potential for enhanced creativity. Some folks find they’re able to think outside the box more readily, connecting dots they wouldn’t have previously.

Of course, nootropics aren’t miracle drugs. They offer a boost, an edge, but they’re most effective when combined with other good habits like proper sleep, a balanced diet, and regular exercise.

While Thesis Nootropics is designed for adult consumption, it’s crucial to remember that everyone’s body is different. It’s not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Again, always check with a healthcare provider.

Why choose Thesis Nootropics?

Thesis Nootropics has made quite a splash in 2023. But what makes them different? For starters, they’ve put a lot of research into their formulation. We’re talking top-notch ingredients that have been studied extensively for their cognitive benefits. They’ve sourced ingredients that are not only pure but also potent. When you’re looking for a brain boost, you want something that works, right? Thesis seems to have ticked that box.

Furthermore, the brand maintains transparency with their clientele. It’s easy to find detailed ingredient lists, along with studies backing their choices. In an industry filled with vague claims and proprietary blends, Thesis stands out with its clear and forthright information.

Picture of Goldie

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More Interesting News


Take Thesis Nootropics Review: Personalized Nootropic Blends For Every Goal

Key Information

Thesis Nootropics offers personalized solutions

Thesis uses an algorithm and coaching to match you with the best nootropic blends for your goals.

Thesis Nootropics has four different blends

Thesis provides energy, motivation, clarity, and creativity formulas, each with a unique mix of compounds.

Thesis Nootropics compares well with other brands

Thesis has higher dosing, more variety, and more flexibility than other popular nootropic stacks.

Thesis Nootropics is worth trying

Thesis has potent, safe, and effective nootropics that can help you achieve your best self.

The world of brain hacking can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the concept.

So many compounds promise a particular benefit that it’s often tempting to take them all and hope for the best.

Knowing that your body is a chemistry lab, this approach to cognitive enhancement is a fool’s errand.

The truth is you have different needs for different tasks and goals.

Sometimes you need to speed things up, and other times you need to slow things down.

Enter Thesis Nootropics, a nootropic brand using a personalized approach to cognitive enhancement.

Knowing that everyone responds differently to specific compounds, Thesis offers goal-oriented formulations based on your particular needs.

In the following review, I highlight how Thesis’ nootropics program works, some pros and cons, and who might get the most out of their products.

Biohack Your Brainpower

What are nootropics.

First things first, let’s make sure we’re on the same page with the topic at hand, nootropics.

Nootropics are essentially supplements for your brain.

While they may seem new, nootropics have been around for 50 years.

They come in many different forms, from synthetic and available by prescription to more natural and easily found over-the-counter.

When taken correctly, nootropics are safe and highly effective.

On the other hand, things can go off the rails and cause problems if not done correctly.

This is why it’s always best to use these compounds under the watchful eye of a medical professional.

Many nootropics can elicit potent effects, and everyone’s results are highly individual and based on many physiological, and personal factors.

In other words, one random online reviewer’s experience will probably not be your experience.

Even the most natural, seemingly harmless nootropic can profoundly affect your brain.

Make sure you do your homework and refer to as many well-informed sources as possible before using anything.

For a complete primer on nootropics, check out: What Are Nootropics?

Who Are Thesis Nootropics

Thesis nootropics is a nootropics brand that offers personalized cognitive enhancement solutions.

The personalization aspect is the key here, as most other nootropic brands are not so hands-on with customer support.

They use an algorithm built by data scientists with over 12,882,593 data points to match you with formulas precisely aligned with your unique neurological makeup that identify areas for improvement to reach your desired goals.

The clincher is that they even have highly qualified nootropic coaches to guide you as you get started.

Main Difference Between Thesis and Other Nootropic Blends

Thesis is an excellent alternative to the industry-leading nootropic brands.

They use a simple questionnaire to match you with the best nootropic blends for you.

I can’t emphasize enough how impressive this aspect is.

While other nootropic stacks like Mind Lab Pro Qualia Mind and Alpha Brain offer plenty of product info, everyone gets the same blend at the end of the day.

The fact is that, depending on your needs, you may not need all that those stacks have to offer.

Some days you may need more focus and clarity, while on others, you may need more creativity or mood-centric compounds.

Your brain doesn’t work linearly. Providing options for making adjustments and staying fluid is one of Thesis’ significant strengths.

It’s essential to keep the context of the formula in mind when comparing these different nootropic blends.

Each blend has a unique mix of compounds that work synergistically with each other in specific ways.

Synergy Matters

It’s not enough to say there’s more of one thing vs. less of another thing. You have to consider the entire formula and how those compounds play with each other.

My recommendation is to try each of them for at least a month and see how you do.

Also, keep in mind that your personal circumstance plays into the mode of action. If you’re under a lot of stress, not sleeping, and eating junk, there’s only so much a nootropic product can do.

Take Thesis Coaching

Thesis breaks the mold here with access to free coaching as part of their subscription plan.

I can’t emphasize enough how crucial it is to understand what you’re doing with nootropics.

Using compounds that aren’t right for your goals, over supplementing with competing compounds, and underdosing the right compounds are just a few of the mistakes brain hackers make when using nootropics.

Speaking with a trained coach is invaluable if you want to get the most out of these products and truly hack your brain.

Thesis has several highly qualified wellness professionals on staff to answer all your questions and guide you towards the best nootropic options for you.

How Take Thesis Nootropics Work

Once you complete the introductory questionnaire, you are provided an introductory trial month box filled with four different nootropic blends.

You can use 1 blend per week or alternate daily.

It’s really up to you to monitor how each blend affects you.

After that, you can decide to continue with the blends that work, eliminate the blends that don’t work, or add different blends the following month.

This flexibility is a great feature as it helps you get more out of your nootropic choices while saving money on compounds that don’t work as well.

Thesis Nootropics vs Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro is one of my top recommended nootropic stacks.

Their potent yet straightforward formula contains highly effective nootropics that promote creativity, memory enhancement, sharp focus, and good mood vibes.

This formula includes some of my favorite nootropics like Lion’s Mane, Phosphatidylserine, Citicoline, and L-theanine.

One of the things I love most about the Mind Lab Pro blend is the absence of artificial fillers and preservatives often found in nutritional supplements.

On the other hand, Thesis does include some preserving agents in their capsules like Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Microcrystalline Cellulose, and Stearic Acid.

Ingredient Comparison

On a nootropic by nootropic analysis, Thesis offers a wider variety of compounds between the different stacks you receive.

You even get more of each comparable nootropic in the Thesis formula.

For example, Thesis’ “Energy” blend offers 300mg of Citicoline while Mind Lab Pro has 250mg. Not a big difference in my book, but is for some people.

In that same formula, Thesis has 200mg of l-theanine compared to 100mg in Mind Lab Pro and 300mg of N-acetyl-L-Tyrosine in Thesis vs. 175mg in Mind Lab Pro.

Learn More About Mind Lab Pro HERE : 

Thesis Nootropics vs Qualia Mind

Qualia Mind is the most advanced preformulated nootropic stack on the market today.

With 28 ingredients, this stack covers a lot of bases.

Its use is touted by some of the biggest names in biohacking, and natural medicine, like Ben Greenfield, Dave Asprey, Dr. Molly Maloof, and Jason Silva – the creator of NatGeo’s Brain Games.

It’s also prevalent among professional athletes and fitness personalities like some famous MMA fighters and cross-fitters.

Qualia’s formula is loaded with brain-boosting nootropics, cholinergics, amino acids, herbs, vitamins, and minerals.

Like Mind Lab Pro, Thesis also has higher dosing of head to head nootropics compared to Qualia Mind.

Examples include

  • Citicoline: Qualia – 250mg vs Thesis – 300mg
  • Forskolin: Qualia- 20mg vs Thesis – 250mg
  • Alpha GPC: Qualia 200mg vs Thesis 250mg
  • Caffeine: Qualia 90mg vs Thesis 100mg

Preservatives-wise Qualia also contains sunflower oil, silicon dioxide, and calcium carbonate.

Learn more about Qualia Mind HERE

Thesis Nootropics vs Alpha Brain

Alpha Brain may be the most popular, mainstream nootropic product, thanks to several big-name celebrities touting it like Joe Rogan.

Like other nootropic blends, Alpha Brain also contains some potent brain-boosting ingredients, including cholinergics, l-tyrosine, l-theanine, and phosphatidylserine.

Many of the ingredients found in Alpha Brain are also found in Thesis products.

Unlike Mind Lab Pro and Qualia, Alpha Brain uses proprietary blend elements, making it difficult to know the exact doses of each ingredient in the formula.

This isn’t a big deal for many users, but I usually steer clear of supplements like this.

On the other hand, Alpha Brain seems to work for many high performers, so they’re clearly doing something right.

Learn More About Alpha Brain HERE

Thesis Stacks

Thesis offers a nice mix of preformulated stacks that you use strategically throughout the month.

Each blend is designed to help you meet a specific brain-boosting goal.

Below are some quick thoughts on each formula:

Energy Formula by Thesis

Sharpen your focus and energy with powerful nootropics

Get the clean energy you need to smash your goals

Avoid the jitters and anxiety that can come with high-dose stimulants

Stay alert and focused all day long

The energy formula is loaded with nootropics that increase energy, fight fatigue, and build mental stamina.

This stack delivers 300mg of choline, 300mg of NALT, 100mg of Teacrine, and 100mg of caffeine – All nootropics that can certainly rev your brain and body.

There’s also l-theanine which pairs well with caffeine and teacrine to help level out the caffeine buzz and get more nootropic effects.

You also get a reasonable dose of NAC, which will help with the anxiety that comes with high doses of stimulating compounds.

What particularly interests me about this formula are the additions of Zynamite and Sabroxy, 2 proprietary compounds that are newcomers to the nootropics scene.

Zynamite is a stimulant that mimics caffeine but with more nootropic effects and less crash. It shows even more potent effects when paired with caffeine. 1 Wilfried Dimpfel. et al, Zynamite® ( Mangifera indica Leaf Extract) and Caffeine Act in a Synergistic Manner on Electrophysiological Parameters of Rat Central Nervous System ResearchGate. 2018

Sabroxy’s clinical trials show that it helps with BDNF and learning. 2 Adrian L. Lopresti1, Stephen J. Smith1, Muhammed Majeed and Peter D. Drummond, Effects of an Oroxylum indicum Extract (Sabroxy®) on Cognitive Function in Adults With Self-reported Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Front.Aging Neurosci. 2021

Motivation Formula by Thesis

Powerful stack to keep you focused and motivated

Build mental stamina

L-theanine to balance the effects of caffeine and teacrine

This stack is a bit of a wild card, in my opinion.

The caffeine and l-theanine stack helps focus and energy. There’s also L -phenylalanine for dopamine and methylcobalamin , which helps with overall brain and nervous system function.

Dynamine , like caffeine, will give you an immediate energy boost and ward off fatigue. 3 Trisha A. VanDusseldorp, Matthew T. Stratton,, Alyssa R. Bailly, Alyssa J. Holmes, Michaela G. Alesi, Yuri Feito, Gerald T. Mangine, Garrett M. Hester, Tiffany A. Esmat, Megan Barcala, Karleena R. Tuggle, Michael Snyder, and Andrew S. Modjeski, Safety of Short-Term Supplementation with Methylliberine (Dynamine®) Alone and in Combination with TeaCrine® in Young Adults Nutrients. 2020

Forskolin is also great for memory and long-term potentiation. 4 Brice Ayissi Owona, PhD,corresponding author Caroline Zug, MSc, Hermann J. Schluesener, PhD, MD, and Zhi-Yuan Zhang, PhD, Protective Effects of Forskolin on Behavioral Deficits and Neuropathological Changes in a Mouse Model of Cerebral Amyloidosis J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2016

I say this is a wild card because motivation seems harder to quantify. How much energy, blood flow, and alpha-state brain waves do you need to feel motivated?

I don’t think you can caffeinate your way to motivation, but this formula has some compounds that help stack the deck in your favor.

Clarity Formula by Thesis

Formulated to support a calm, focused flow

Clarity is especially useful when you need to perform at your best, even under stressful conditions

Made with natural ingredients

Non habit forming

The clarity formula includes nootropics that promote brainwave activity aimed at helping you focus.

It includes the classic caffeine + l-theanine combo with a good amount of choline via alpha GPC and lion’s mane.

This stack alone should get your brain in that productive, focused state.

Add in the BDNF boost from 7,8 DHF and the mitochondrial boost from epicatechin , and this is a potent stack for those needing laser focus.

Creativity Formula by Thesis

This formula is geared at sparking inspiration and boosting confidence, both needed for feeling creative.

The combination of Alpha GPC and the caffeine/l-theanine stack is a good start.

Ashwagandha is undoubtedly an excellent way to keep nerves at bay and, in combination with agmatine and Zembrin , can boost those good vibes.

You can tell Thesis goes heavy on stress control here with the addition of the Panax Ginseng .

Between the HPA-axis modulation and the mood-boosting compounds, this formula may be a great way to keep self-doubt at bay and let those unfettered thoughts fly.

Wrapping Up

What i like.

  • Nootropic Personalization
  • Different stacks for different goals
  • Access to coaching and support
  • Nootropic stacks are high potency with higher doses of effective compounds

What I Don’t Like

  • Fillers and preservatives in the nootropic formulations

Thesis Nootropics are indeed a nootropic product worth trying.

The stacks are loaded with potent compounds, each designed with an intended purpose, making getting exactly the effect you want easier.

I mostly love the coaching aspect, which is perfect for those with questions, which most people taking nootropics have plenty of.

If you’re looking for a high-quality nootropic that truly wants to help you achieve your best self then check out Thesis and get started!

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Nootropics as Cognitive Enhancers: Types, Dosage and Side Effects of Smart Drugs

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Nootropics, also known as “smart drugs” are a diverse group of medicinal substances whose action improves human thinking, learning, and memory, especially in cases where these functions are impaired. This review provides an up-to-date overview of the potential effectiveness and importance of nootropics. Based on their nature and their effects, this heterogeneous group of drugs has been divided into four subgroups: classical nootropic compounds, substances increasing brain metabolism, cholinergic, and plants and their extracts with nootropic effects. Each subgroup of nootropics contains several main representatives, and for each one, its uses, indications, experimental treatments, dosage, and possible side effects and contraindications are discussed. For the nootropic plant extracts, there is also a brief description of each plant representative, its occurrence, history, and chemical composition of the medicinal part. Lastly, specific recommendations regarding the use of nootropics by both ill and healthy individuals are summarized.

1. Introduction

At one time or another, everyone has dreamed of becoming more intelligent, learning more things in less time, thinking and reacting faster, and having a better memory. There are compounds currently available on the market that promise various combinations of the benefits mentioned above. This group of substances is known as the nootropics [ 1 ]. Although these substances are more effective in cases where cognitive functions are obviously impaired, they are of interest to healthy individuals because of their ability to increase intelligence and improve memory [ 2 ]. The vast majority of these substances are of natural origin [ 3 ], not subject to prescription, and can usually be easily obtained in the form of food supplements or herbal extracts. Their availability in synthetic form is somewhat limited and some preparations do require a valid prescription to obtain them. Nootropics tend to be well tolerated in patients with cognitive impairments; the incidence of side effects is low, and those that do occur are usually mild [ 4 , 5 , 6 ]. Most nootropics do not have an immediate effect after a single dose, and therefore long-term use is necessary to achieve the desired results [ 7 ]. However, their long-term effects on healthy individuals are still unknown [ 8 ].

This literature review provides an overview of the potential importance of nootropics, their types, use, dosage, and side effects. Original research articles, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews were included in our investigation and relevant animal studies were also considered. We did not limit our review to specific results, but focused on providing an up-to-date overview of readily available substances, primarily over-the-counter, either as food supplements or medications, that are also used by healthy people such as students. We tried to include all the currently popular “smart drugs.” Illegal drugs and drugs with a primarily non-nootropic function, such as stimulants, vitamins, etc., were not included. There have been few studies on healthy young individuals, so we tried to describe the effects of these substances also on individuals whose cognitive functions were impaired. Lastly, we summarized their potential effectiveness with recommendations for use.

2. What Are Nootropics?

Nootropics, also known as “smart drugs” in English language journals [ 2 ], are a heterogeneous group of compounds [ 9 ]. The term “nootropic” was first used by Cornelius E. Giurgea in 1972/1973 [ 10 , 11 ] to describe substances that primarily activate cognitive functions, such as memory and learning, especially in situations where these functions are impaired [ 1 ]. In a sense, they interfere with the metabolism of neuronal cells of the central nervous system (CNS) [ 12 , 13 , 14 ]. The name consists of two Greek words: nöos , which means thinking, and tropein , which means to guide [ 10 , 11 ]. There is no uniform approach to categorizing these compounds. Some authors distinguish between classical nootropics and substances that enhance brain metabolism, while others combine these two groups, or use the term cognitive effect rather than nootropic [ 15 ].

2.1. Mechanisms of Action

Nootropics do not act directly by releasing neurotransmitters or as receptor ligands [ 16 ], but improve the brain’s supply of glucose and oxygen, have antihypoxic effects, and protect brain tissue from neurotoxicity [ 9 , 17 ]. They also positively affect neuronal protein and nucleic acid synthesis and stimulate phospholipid metabolism in neurohormonal membranes [ 18 , 19 ]. Some nootropics have been found to affect the elimination of oxygen free radicals, possess an anti-aggregation effect, and improve erythrocyte plasticity. This improves the rheological properties of the blood and improves blood flow to the brain [ 3 , 20 , 21 ]. These substances are metabolically active, but most nootropics show no immediate effects after a single dose, requiring an extended period of use to produce results. They need to be able to penetrate the blood–brain barrier to improve brain metabolism and long-term use is necessary to achieve stable changes [ 7 ].

2.2. Indications

Nootropics are used in acute or subacute conditions for treating memory, consciousness, and learning disorders [ 22 ]. They are recommended for incipient brain damage, which manifests with memory loss, mental retardation, and qualitative changes in consciousness. This condition is referred to as acute psychoorganic syndrome (POS). It is usually reversible, but it can progress to dementia in some cases. Acute POS can be caused by brain trauma, infection, stroke, or intoxication (alcohol, drugs with central anticholinergic effect, or carbon monoxide). Delirium tremens also belong to the POS group [ 23 ].

Other indications may include chronic disorders of cognitive functions such as mental retardation or memory impairment [ 22 ]. Nootropics are given relatively often in these cases, but their benefit, especially in more severe dementia, is questionable. They seem to be more effective in patients with mild cognitive disorders or the so-called benign senescent forgetting when there is only a slowing down of brain function without the development of dementia [ 24 , 25 ]. Nootropics are sometimes used for attention and memory disorders due to fatigue and exhaustion [ 26 , 27 ]. They are also used by children with minimal brain dysfunction syndrome [ 28 , 29 ] and patients with encephalopathy [ 30 ], and their effect on myalgic encephalomyelitis (chronic fatigue syndrome) has also been tested [ 31 ]. As cognitive enhancers, nootropics are administered to patients who have Alzheimer’s disease [ 3 , 32 ], schizophrenia [ 33 ], hyperkinetic disorder [ 34 , 35 ], or senile dementia [ 15 , 24 , 25 ].

2.3. Nootropic Treatment

Nootropics are usually very well tolerated. Their efficacy depends on the size of the dose, and in practice, administering too low a dose is a common mistake. Treatment should be continued for at least 2–3 weeks after the disturbance of consciousness has disappeared [ 10 ]. A clinical scale has been developed to assess the depth and duration of impaired consciousness. Three aspects of behavior, such as motor response, verbal performance, and eye-opening, are measured independently. These are recorded and consistently evaluated according to the chart [ 36 ]. Side effects of nootropics are uncommon and are rarely serious. In addition to individual intolerance, an increase in activity in the undesired direction, a sleep disorder, or an increase in libido may occasionally occur [ 1 , 4 , 5 , 6 ]. Nootropics are contraindicated in hypersensitivity, pregnancy, and lactation [ 6 ].

2.4. Use by Students

Nootropics, thanks to their alleged ability to increase intelligence and improve memory and cognitive functions, attract the attention of university students in particular. They are known among them as ‘smart drugs’ [ 8 , 37 ]. Because most nootropics are of natural origin, students can obtain them as food supplements or as drugs that do not require a prescription [ 3 ], and, like many other substances and drugs, nootropics are increasingly available on the Internet. However, the use of nootropics by healthy individuals is of great concern due to the lack of clinical evidence regarding their efficacy, safety, and social consequences, especially in long-term use [ 2 , 8 ].

2.5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Natural vs. Synthetic Nootropics

The indisputable advantage of natural origin drugs from several plant organs (flower, leaf, root, etc.), is that they can have a greater variety of potentially beneficial pharmaceutical effects. This is due to the diverse composition of substances in a herbal drug that can have synergistic or additive effects [ 38 ]. Natural nootropics also usually have lower toxicity, which reduces the possibility of harm from an overdose. However, some compounds can reduce the pharmaceutical activity of other compounds [ 39 ]. Higher doses of such a herbal drug are needed to achieve the desired effect, which is why plant extracts are often used. There is also a problem in the case of storage or possible falsification and verification of the authenticity [ 40 , 41 ]. The advantages of synthetic compounds are their pharmaceutical purity, specificity of action, and a possible increase in their effect by modification of the chemical structure [ 42 ]. They usually are active at lower dosages, but this entails a greater risk of overdose [ 43 ].

3. Classical Nootropic Compounds

3.1. deanol (dmae).

The chemical name is 2-(dimethylamino)ethan-1-ol and the chemical structure is shown in Figure 1 [ 44 ]. The compound is physiologically present in the human brain. Deanol is commonly marketed as a natural dietary supplement. Many nutritional supplements contain DMAE in the form of the salt of tartaric acid (bitartrate salt). Small amounts can also be obtained from eating fish, especially salmon and shellfish. Deanol is a choline precursor that allows the brain to optimize the production of acetylcholine, the primary neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory [ 45 ].

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Chemical structure of deanol.

Dimethylaminoethanol pyroglutamate increased choline and acetylcholine extracellular levels in the brain’s prefrontal cortex in vivo in rat experiments. It further improved spatial memory and reduced scopolamine-induced memory deficits [ 46 ]. Dimethylaminoethanol cyclohexyl carboxylate fumarate significantly enhanced working memory performance in rats in the radial arm maze [ 47 ].

According to an electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis, supplements combining vitamins and minerals with compounds containing DMAE in humans for three months showed increased alertness, attention, and overall mood improvement [ 48 ]. DMAE also improved sleep quality and was able to induce lucid dreams [ 49 ]. Its administration has been tested in child hyperkinetic syndrome [ 50 ] and minimal brain dysfunction syndrome [ 51 ].

The daily dosage should be 500–2000 mg in the form of DMAE bitartrate [ 52 , 53 ]. It is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, and in patients with schizophrenia [ 50 ].

3.2. Meclofenoxate

The meclofenoxate molecule consists of two parts ( Figure 2 ). The first part is a synthetic auxin, a 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid similar to the natural auxin indoleacetic acid found in plant cells and which acts to exchange carbohydrates. The second part of the molecule consists of the already mentioned 2-(dimethylamino)ethan-1-ol or deanol [ 44 ].

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Chemical structure of meclofenoxate.

Meclofenoxate is well absorbed when administered parenterally. It dramatically increased CNS choline levels in vivo (in rats). In the hippocampus, this increase in choline was also accompanied by an increased level of acetylcholine. Thus, its effects on choline and acetylcholine levels in the brain are similar to those of deanol but appear to be about twice as effective [ 54 ]. Oral administration of meclofenoxate to rats (100 mg/kg, daily for 37 days) significantly improved memory impairment, and reduced neuronal damage, proinflammatory mediator levels, and oxidative stress to normal levels. The ability to alleviate memory deficits and neuronal damage may benefit cerebrovascular dementia [ 55 ]. The RNA-Seq study of brain tissues of Nothobranchius guentheri, which received meclofenoxate for almost a lifetime, concluded that while meclofenoxate compensated for age-dependent downregulation of neuronal activity genes, its effect on the aging brain transcriptome still could not be considered unequivocally positive [ 56 ].

In a double-blind study, meclofenoxate also increased mental alertness and consolidation of new information into long-term memory in elderly people [ 57 ]. It may be a useful therapeutic tool for potentiating depressed cholinergic neurons and treating neuroleptic-induced dyskinesias [ 58 ]. Meclofenoxate improves the status of qualitatively altered consciousness, has an antihypoxic effect, and is used to mitigate the overall slowdown in speech, thinking, and mental activity caused by CNS intoxication and injury. It has also been tested for treating Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia [ 59 ].

The daily dose should be 500–2000 mg [ 58 ]. Meclofenoxate is deemed to be safe and tolerable. Possible side effects are often caused by overdose, including dizziness, restlessness, nausea, and headache [ 58 , 60 ].

3.3. Nicergoline

Nicergoline is an ergot alkaloid, also known as nicergoline ( Figure 3 ) that has been clinically used since 1970. Nicergoline was initially developed as a vasodilator prescribed for cerebrovascular disorders. It is currently used clinically to treat syndromes of vascular or degenerative origin characterized by cognitive impairment with decreased intellect, and affective, behavioral, and somatic disorders. Specifically, it is used for memory loss, reduced alertness, concentration ability, mood swings, dizziness, fatigue, and vestibular and cochlear disorders [ 61 , 62 ].

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Chemical structure of nicergoline.

Nicergoline has a wide range of effects. It protected cultured neurons from β-amyloid toxicity in vitro [ 63 ]. Nicergoline has been shown to be an effective drug for preventing neuronal vulnerability due to experimentally induced nerve growth factor deprivation and improved the function of cholinergic and catecholaminergic neurotransmitters in rats in vivo [ 64 ]. It acted as an antagonist of α 1 -adrenoceptors [ 65 ], increased arterial blood circulation [ 66 ], inhibited platelet aggregation, supported metabolic activity (resulting in increased oxygen and glucose utilization), and had neurotrophic and antioxidant properties in rats in vivo [ 67 ]. Nicergoline also showed an improving effect on cognitive function in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease [ 68 ].

Nicergoline induced vasodilation and increased cerebral blood flow [ 69 ]. Its efficacy has also been demonstrated in patients with vascular dementia [ 70 ]. Nicergoline showed a comprehensive positive effect on different levels of cerebral, systemic, and cardiac hemodynamics in ischemic stroke patients [ 71 ]. According to an electroencephalogram/event-related potential (EEG/ERP) mapping study, in patients with multi-infarct dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, nicergoline improved alertness and information processing at the neurophysiological level, which led to clinical improvement at the behavioral level in both degenerative and vascular dementia [ 72 ].

The daily dose should be 30–60 mg [ 62 ]. Side effects are rare and usually include nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, fainting, and headache [ 73 , 74 ]. Due to the lack of experience with nicergoline in pregnant women, it is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation [ 74 ].

3.4. Piracetam

The chemical name of piracetam is 2-(2-oxopyrrolidin-1-yl)acetamide ( Figure 4 ). It is a cyclic derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and acetamide. Piracetam is thought to act on brain neurotransmission through modulation of ion channels (Ca 2+ and K + ), leading to nonspecifically increased neuronal excitability [ 75 ].

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Chemical structure of piracetam.

It enhanced the function of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine via muscarinic receptors [ 76 ], and affected N -methyl- D -aspartate receptors in rat models in vivo, increasing cell membrane permeability [ 77 ]. Piracetam has also been found to increase oxygen consumption in the brain and, in connection with adenosine triphosphate metabolism, it increased adenylate kinase activity in vivo in the rat brain [ 78 ]. It appears to increase the synthesis of cytochrome b 5 [ 79 ], which is involved in the mechanism of electron transport in mitochondria, where it also increases permeability. It alleviated the intensity of hypoxia-induced nerve cell damage, improved interhemispheric transmission, and increased glucose metabolism in the rat brain [ 80 ]. Piracetam has been tested for stroke, unconsciousness, treatment of withdrawal symptoms from alcoholism, and prevention of alcohol-induced hypoxia [ 81 , 82 ]. It also improved brain function in rat models affected by xenobiotics [ 83 ].

In addition to the metabolic effect on brain tissue, piracetam enhances erythrocyte plasticity and consequent brain perfusion [ 84 ]. It was used clinically for the prevention and treatment of post-traumatic cognitive and mental dysfunction, and to improve learning and memory functions in developmental dyslexia in children patients [ 85 ]. Piracetam has also been tested for treating Alzheimer’s disease [ 86 ] and combined with lecithin [ 87 ], but unfortunately without significant benefit in patients. The structural analogues of piracetam are oxiracetam, pramiracetam, etiracetam, nefiracetam, and aniracetam. These compounds act similarly to piracetam, but with varying efficacy [ 42 , 75 ]. According to the assessment of the effectiveness of nefiracetam on higher brain functions in terms of time and space using electric field distribution of the scalp map and low-resolution electromagnetic tomography for evoked potentials and spontaneous EEG with eyes closed, the Gottfries-Brane-Steen scale showed significant improvement. However, the Mini-Mental State Examination, the Hasegawa Dementia Scale, and the Kohs block test showed no improvement. These results suggest that nefiracetam has some benefits in patients with vascular dementia [ 88 ].

The effective dose of piracetam as an infusion for acute treatment is 4–8 g per day. The maintenance dose is usually about 2–4 g/day, adjusted based on kidney function. The tolerance of piracetam is excellent with only rare side effects, including insomnia, irritability, increased libido, and sexual function [ 75 , 83 ]. There is insufficient clinical experience with piracetam in pregnancy. Animal studies have not shown teratogenic or other embryotoxic effects, but piracetam should still be used during pregnancy only after carefully weighing the expected benefits against the potential risks. It should not be used during lactation [ 89 ].

3.5. Pyritinol

Additionally known as pyridoxine disulfide or pyrithioxin ( Figure 5 ), pyritinol was synthesized in 1961 by combining two molecules of vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) via a disulfide bridge. Like pyridoxine, it has different effects on different organ systems; however, the CNS is the primary system in which pyritinol exhibits observable pharmacological effects. Pyritinol crosses the blood–brain barrier and accumulates in gray matter, especially in the hippocampus, cerebral nuclei, cerebellum, and cortex [ 90 ].

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Chemical structure of pyritinol.

Animal studies have demonstrated effects on various neurotransmitters [ 91 ]. In vivo assays in rats revealed increased choline acetyltransferase activity, leading to choline accumulation in cholinergic neurons [ 92 ]. Pyritinol plays a supporting role in the recovery of age-related brain deficits. For example, in elderly rats, pyritinol metabolites increased cortical acetylcholine concentration and release, and nucleic acid metabolism in the brain [ 93 ]. Acute or prolonged oral administration of pyritinol reduced formaldehyde-induced nociceptive behavior and tactile allodynia in old diabetic rats. Pyritinol was also able to scavenge oxygen free radicals, thus acting as an antioxidant and improving cerebral circulation [ 94 ]. It also restored the decreased concentration of the primary excitatory neurotransmitter N -methyl- D -aspartate when administered to older mice [ 95 ]. Results of the experiment on rats showed that pyritinol may be helpful in learning and memory disorders caused by malnutrition and deprivation [ 96 ].

A study in healthy human males treated with pyritinol showed performance improvements in response time tests but not in memory tests [ 97 ]. Intramuscular injections of nandrolone decanoate and pyritinol have dramatically affected motor development and learning ability in children with cerebral palsy, without side effects. The combined effects of vinpocetine and pyritinol also improved blood and plasma viscosity in human patients with cerebrovascular disorders [ 98 ]. Due to the status of pyritinol as a dietary supplement in some countries, it can be safely used as an adjunct to any standard treatment of CNS diseases, such as developmental dysphasia and other cognitive disorders, for which current therapeutic options are limited [ 90 ].

No accumulation of the substance was observed, even after repeated oral administration, and toxic concentrations were not reached even in patients with impaired renal function. In practice, underdosing is common. The minimum recommended daily dose is 300 mg, divided into three sub-doses, but the amount taken should be 600 mg or more [ 90 , 97 ]. The common side effects are non-specific rashes, headache, inflammation of the oral mucosa, acute pancreatitis, diarrhea, nausea, and loss of appetite [ 99 , 100 , 101 ]. Pyritinol crosses the placenta, but systemic testing in mice and rats did not show teratogenic or embryotoxic effects. Only minimal amounts of pyritinol are excreted in human milk but a careful evaluation should still be made before dosing during pregnancy and lactation [ 90 , 101 ].

4. Substances Increasing Brain Metabolism

This group of substances exhibits simultaneous nootropic, hemorheological, and vasodilatory effects. Examples include vinpocetine, naftidrofuryl, and dihydroergotoxine, which is a mixture of dihydrogenated ergot alkaloids [ 102 , 103 , 104 , 105 , 106 ].

4.1. Vinpocetine

Vinpocetine ( Figure 6 ) is a semisynthetic derivative of the vincamine alkaloid that occurs in the lesser periwinkle, Vinca minor [ 107 ].

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Chemical structure of vinpocetine.

Experiments ex vivo have shown that vinpocetine acts as a selective inhibitor of Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase type I [ 21 , 108 ], a potent blocker of voltage-gated sodium channels [ 109 , 110 ], inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces blood viscosity, vasodilates cerebral arteries, and increases cerebral blood flow [ 111 ]. Ex vivo, vinpocetine increased glucose and oxygen consumption through brain tissue and improved brain cell tolerance to hypoxia [ 112 ].

In vitro, vinpocetine interacted with glutamate receptors [ 113 ], shifted glucose metabolism to more energy-efficient aerobic processes, and increased adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels in the brain [ 114 ]. Thus, vinpocetine offers significant and direct neuroprotection in vitro and in vivo [ 104 ]. This vasoactive alkaloid has been marketed for several years as an adjunct to vasodilators and nootropics to improve memory [ 115 ]. It is also considered an active substance in treating stroke and other diseases, including circulatory disorders in the brain [ 116 , 117 ].

It is recommended that users take only 2–5 mg for the first time to ensure that they do not have a hypersensitive reaction to it. They can then increase the dose to 10–30 mg daily [ 118 , 119 ], a dose that can cause some side effects, although very rarely, including nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, headache, and heartburn [ 120 ]. The use of vinpocetine is contraindicated during lactation and pregnancy [ 121 ].

4.2. Naftidrofuryl

Chemically, naftidrofuryl is a 2-(1-naphthalenylmethyl)-3-(2-oxolanyl)propanoic acid ester of 2-(diethylamino)ethanol ( Figure 7 ). Naftidrofuryl is a vasodilator with beneficial rheological effects on the blood and has long been used to treat intermittent claudication to improve walking and provide symptomatic relief [ 103 ].

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Chemical structure of naftidrofuryl.

Naftidrofuryl in vitro has shown a regulatory impact on deoxyglucose uptake [ 122 ] and glucose utilization [ 123 ], and it inhibited the hypoxia-induced decrease in ATP levels in fibroblasts and endothelial cells in vitro [ 124 ]. It inhibited serotonin- and epinephrine-induced platelet aggregation in vitro and ex vivo [ 125 , 126 ].

In mouse brains, it showed an antagonistic effect on 5-HT 2 receptors of vascular smooth muscle cells and platelets and inhibited serotonin-induced contractions in blood vessels [ 127 ]. 5-HT 2 receptors are a subfamily of 5-HT receptors that bind the endogenous neurotransmitter serotonin (also called 5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT). Serotonin is important in vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation, leading to atherosclerosis [ 128 ]. Naftidrofuryl was then shown to have antiatherosclerotic effects in various animal models [ 129 , 130 ]. In rats, it also increased the storage of spatial information and showed nootropic effects [ 131 ].

In a double-blind study in human volunteers, naftidrofuryl increased erythrocyte deformability and flow [ 132 ]. The induced reduction in the lactate/pyruvate ratio in healthy human volunteers during exercise suggests that naftidrofuryl increases the efficiency of aerobic metabolism in oxygen-deprived tissues [ 133 ]. It also has a positive effect on the energy metabolism of the neuron. Naftidrofuryl is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases [ 134 ], senile dementia [ 135 ], and Alzheimer’s disease [ 136 ].

To treat patients with mild to moderate occlusive peripheral arterial disease, it is recommended that naftidrofuryl be administered orally at a dose of 300 to 600 mg/day in three divided sub-doses, swallowed whole. Naftidrofuryl metabolism may be reduced in elderly patients. Therefore, the dose may need to be lowered for these patients [ 102 , 103 ]. Naftidrofuryl is well tolerated, and side effects occur only rarely. These are usually gastrointestinal problems, but there was a single known case of liver damage [ 137 ].

4.3. Dihydroergotoxine

Dihydroergotoxine ( Figure 8 ) is also known as hydergine or ergoloid mesylate, and is a mixture of the methanesulfonate salts of dihydrogenated ergot alkaloids: dihydroergocornine (DHCO), dihydroergocristine (DHEC), alpha-dihydroergocryptine (α-DHC), and beta-dihydroergocryptine (β-DHC). The drug was developed in the 1940s by Albert Hofmann [ 138 ], and thus, is one of the oldest nootropic drugs still in use. It was initially used against hypertension [ 139 ], but later was found, by chance, to improve mental health when patients with Alzheimer’s disease were treated for hypertension [ 140 , 141 ].

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Chemical structures of the methanesulfonate salts comprising dihydroergotoxine. Abbreviations: DHCO, dihydroergocornine; DHEC, dihydroergocristine; α-DHC, alpha-dihydroergocryptine; β-DHC, beta-dihydroergocryptine.

Dihydroergotoxine increased neuronal metabolism, and, in rats, it stimulated local glucose utilization in those parts of the brain related to learning and memory [ 142 ]. A similar effect has been observed in patients aged 74 to 79 years with multi-infarct dementia [ 143 ]. Dihydroergotoxine modulated synaptic neurotransmission in the brains of elderly rats by reducing levels of monoamine oxidase enzymes, which are commonly elevated in aging. Monoamine oxidases degrade neurotransmitters and are essential for normal brain metabolism, but an age-related increase in their activity can deplete catecholamine neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline), which impairs mental function [ 144 , 145 ]. In a rat experiment, hydergine regulated the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from the hippocampus [ 146 ] and increased the number of cholinergic receptors [ 147 ]. Furthermore, dihydroergotoxine slowed the release of lipofuscin, which has been associated with the aging process of neurons in old rats [ 148 ]. Hydergine acts as a peripheral and cerebral vasodilator. In monkeys, it increased blood flow and oxygen consumption through the brain [ 149 ].

Dihydroergotoxine also protects the brain against hypoxia. In a double-blind placebo-controlled quantitative EEG and psychometric study, volunteers inhaled a combination of gases simulating high altitude conditions, which caused hypoxia that led to reduced alertness, intellectual function, and performance depending on reaction time. However, after oral administration of hydergine, subjects who were again exposed to the same conditions achieved significantly better results [ 150 ]. It is used mainly in Alzheimer’s disease and vascular and post-traumatic dementias in old age [ 151 , 152 ].

It is non-toxic and relatively safe, with possible side effects including nausea, indigestion, orthostatic hypotension, and blurred vision. It is contraindicated in hypotension, psychosis, and a slow heartbeat. In practice, low dosing is common. The recommended daily dose is up to 6 mg [ 153 ]. The combination with piracetam and xanthine derivatives, which have a bronchodilator and vasodilatory effect, increases the effect of ergot alkaloids [ 154 , 155 ].

5. Cholinergics

Substances belonging to this group usually include acetylcholine precursors or cofactors of its formation. Acetylcholine is the primary mediator in processes related to memory, thinking, counting, and attention. The important representatives of this group include acetyl-L-carnitine, which is a source of acetylcholine precursors, acetyl, choline, lecithin, and pyrrolidine derivatives [ 156 , 157 ]. These substances are classified as cognitive substances that primarily affect cholinergic transmission in the brain rather than nootropics [ 158 ], so only their well-known representative, phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), is described in more detail.

Phosphatidylcholine (Lecithin)

Phosphatidylcholine ( Figure 9 ) belongs to a group of compounds called phospholipids, which are the main lipid components of cell membranes. A mixture of these phospholipids in oil is referred to as commercial lecithin. The abundant component of lecithin-containing supplements is phosphatidylcholine, followed by phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylglycerols. Fatty acids ester-linked to phosphatides are represented in lecithin by palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids [ 159 ]. The primary source of commercial lecithin today is soybean and sunflower oil. Lecithin is also present in egg yolk, liver, whole grain products, and nut kernels [ 160 , 161 ].

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Chemical structure of phosphatidylcholine.

The presumed mechanism of action shows choline being slowly released from lecithin as a precursor for acetylcholine synthesis. Although the mechanism of action of lecithin appears to be clear, the results of tests of its effectiveness in clinical trials were less convincing. Results of an in vivo experiment suggested that the administration of phosphatidylcholine to mice in a model of dementia increased acetylcholine concentrations in the brain and improved memory [ 162 ].

In contrast, results from randomized in vivo studies have shown no benefit of lecithin in treating patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease [ 163 ]. The data suggest that a lack of control over the subject’s learning levels may contribute to inconsistent findings. Phosphatidylcholine supplements may not uniformly improve memory, suggesting that the dose and time parameters required to achieve a therapeutic effect may depend on variables intrinsic to individual subjects. Students that have subnormal endogenous choline levels, may see a greater increase from phosphatidylcholine supplements, resulting in a measurable improvement in explicit memory, compared to healthy subjects with normal endogenous choline levels [ 164 ].

Many signs of aging are probably related to the fact that the older a person is, the higher the concentration of lecithin in the blood is needed to produce a good effect. The recommended dose of lecithin for prevention is 1200 mg three times a day. In patients, the amount should be 10–15 g/day or higher [ 160 ].

6. Plants and Their Extracts with Nootropic Effects

Pharmaceutical companies invest vast sums of money in discovering substances that could be used in the future to alleviate or treat mental disorders affecting people worldwide. The potential beneficial substances from plants, known as phytochemicals, are still being explored. Several species of plants have been selected for testing as nootropic agents because of their use in traditional medicine, and research has already identified several promising natural substances that could act as cognitive enhancers ( Table 1 ) [ 3 , 165 , 166 ].

Phytochemicals with potential nootropic effect.

Main Active CompoundsUses and EffectsBotanical Name
[ , , , , ]TerpenoidsPanaxosides (Ginsenosides)Adaptogen, antioxidant, vasorelaxation
[ , , , , ]GinkgolidesAntioxidant, neuroprotection, vasodilatation
[ , , ]Asiatic acid, centellic acid, madecassic acid, asiaticoside, centelloside, madecassoside, brahmosideAntioxidant, anxiolytic, nootropic
[ , , , ]WithanolidesAntioxidant, increase in red blood cell content, nootropic
[ , , , ]Bacosides, bacopasidesAntioxidant, cognitive enhancer, neuroprotectant
[ , ]AlkaloidsMethylxanthinesAnxiolytic, nootropic, panicolytic, stimulant
[ , , ]PolyphenolsRosavins, salidrosideAdaptogen, antidepressant, antioxidant, anxiolytic, stimulant
[ , , ]Schisandra lignansAntioxidant, neuroprotection
[ , , , , ]Diverse Eleutherosides, ciwujianosidesAntioxidant, memory improvement
[ , , ]Macamides, macaenesAntioxidant, antidepressant, cognitive enhancer

1 Heterogenous group of chemical compounds.

6.1. Herbal Drug Plant Collection

Despite the continuous improvement in the production of synthetic drugs, herbal compounds still have considerable use, but the important ones come from commercial plantings. The consumption of popular species is high, and it is impossible to cover it only by collecting wild plants. Bred varieties generally provide higher yields and reduce the risk of confusion or falsification [ 40 , 41 ]. Nowadays, the collector often encounters difficulties that were not present before, such as chemical damage or contamination of the growing plants [ 167 ]. The composition and total content of complex active constituents are variable during plant development and vegetative growth. Choosing a suitable period for harvesting or collecting is essential. Plants should not be harvested in humid or rainy weather, but only when dry. During harvesting, the plants must not be damaged because breaking the leaves sometimes affects the active compounds in an undesirable manner. Many compounds, such as vitamin C or tannins, can also react with metals. Therefore, if possible, the plants or parts are collected in their entirety. The leaves and stems are usually harvested just before flowering or during flowering. The flowers are harvested shortly before full development, but some may still be in the bud stage. The fruits and seeds are harvested at the time of full ripeness. For roots and rhizomes, the suitable period is the developmental dormancy of the plant, which is usually autumn or spring. The bark is harvested in the temperate zone at the beginning of vegetative growth in early spring, or, in the tropics, throughout the year [ 168 , 169 ].

6.2. Plant Material Processing

The extraction of plant material to produce an effective drug usually involves many technical steps. Contaminants on aboveground parts can be removed by sieving or winnowing, while underground organs are decontaminated by washing and brushing. The common method of preservation continues to be drying, preceded by fermentation in some cases. By removing water, enzymes are inactivated, and the growth of fungi and bacteria is limited [ 170 , 171 ]. Most plants should be dried in the shade, and the temperature should not exceed a specific limit. For plants containing volatile essential oils, this limit is 40 °C [ 172 , 173 ]. Freeze-drying or lyophilization is also frequently used. For this method, fresh plant material is rapidly frozen at a temperature of −20 °C to −50 °C and then dried under a high vacuum. However, in some cases, freeze-drying imperfectly preserves important classes of medicinal compounds such as phenolics and volatile substances, reducing the effectiveness of some plant drugs. Additionally, the material dried in this way is very hygroscopic [ 174 , 175 ]. Freeze-dried drugs have to be stored away from moisture, as well as dust, insects, and light [ 172 , 173 ]. The drug is usually processed or cut after drying. Active compounds are used either directly in the form of medicinal products or indirectly as raw materials to obtain active compounds, which become part of medicinal products. Medicinal products produced directly from drugs can be in the form of tea for water infusion, granules, tablets, extracts, and divided or undivided powders. Active compounds are obtained from herbal materials often by extraction (alkaloids, glycosides), distillation (essential oils), or pressing (oils, fats) [ 176 , 177 ].

6.3. Specific Plant Species

6.3.1. ginseng ( panax ginseng ).

As a drug, ginseng is prepared in two different ways, which affect the content of active components and the degree of medicinal effects. It can be modified either by peeling and drying the root, after which it is called white ginseng, or the root can be steamed without peeling when it is referred to as the “hotter” red ginseng [ 215 ].

Ginsenosides have been shown to stimulate nitric oxide (NO) production in several systems. Purified ginsenoside Rb 1 induced NO production in human aortic endothelial cells in vitro. The effect on the NO pathway is responsible for ginseng’s vasorelaxant and mildly hypotensive effect [ 182 ].

Ginseng increased the activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in rats in vivo. Thus, supplementation may prevent increased oxidant accumulation and age-related oxidative protein and nucleic acid damage [ 178 ]. Experimental data from tests on male chicks suggest that Rb 1 may improve memory for the task of visual discrimination and that the nootropic effect may be associated with changes in anxiety [ 179 ]. Ginsenoside Rb 1 also reduced simulated Alzheimer’s disease in a rat model. Thus, it could be used in the future as a therapeutic agent for patients with memory impairment [ 180 ]. Ginsenoside Rg 1 supplementation improved the performance of old mice in the behavioral test, significantly increasing the expression of proteins associated with synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, including synaptophysin and N -methyl- D -aspartate receptor subunit 1 [ 181 ]. Oral administration of a combination of Ginkgo biloba and Panax ginseng extracts improved memory in rats. Data on test drug effects suggested the involvement of a serotonergic transporter as an important neurochemical correlate of rat behavior and memory effects of study drugs [ 216 ].

Ginseng’s effect on the human body can be described as adaptogenic. It increased the physical and mental resilience of the organism, eliminated fatigue, and helped the body to adapt to any current needs [ 217 ]. It is recommended to use a standardized ginseng extract at a dose of 200 mg per day ginseng for an extended period of time. Standardization refers to the content of ginsenosides, which usually ranges from 1.5 to 7 percent. Alternatively, 0.5 to 2 g of dry root per day is recommended, with ginseng taken in tea or chewed [ 218 ]. Ginseng is contraindicated in patients with acute asthma and hypertension. In large doses, it can cause excessive body stimulation, restlessness, insomnia, increased blood pressure, nervousness, inability to concentrate, headaches, and nosebleeds [ 218 , 219 ].

6.3.2. Ginkgo ( Ginkgo biloba )

The leaves and ripe fruit are harvested from spring to early autumn. Leaves are used to make alcohol extracts (tinctures) or dried and ground [ 220 ]. Hulled and roasted ginkgo kernels are also consumed [ 221 ]. Mechanisms of action of Ginkgo biloba compounds include free radical scavenging for antioxidant activity, antagonistic effects on platelet-activating factor, vasodilation, and an overall reduction in blood viscosity [ 183 , 187 ].

Results of an ex vivo rat experiment showed that Ginkgo biloba extract had specific neuroprotective effects that may be useful in treating chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. The extract’s pharmacological mechanism involved modulating inflammatory mediators and the cholinergic system [ 184 ]. The triterpene lactones (ginkgolides A, B, C, and bilobalide) in the Ginkgo biloba extract have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects. In addition, in an experiment on mice, the extract had an antagonistic effect on glycine and GABA type A receptors [ 185 ].

A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial in which participants received validated neuropsychological tests before and after treatment with Ginkgo biloba extract indicated significant improvement in working memory and information processing speed [ 186 ]. In contrast, a critical review of the evidence from several randomized clinical trials did not provide convincing evidence that Ginkgo biloba extracts taken either in a single dose or over a long time had a positive effect on any aspect of cognitive performance in healthy human subjects under sixty years of age [ 222 ].

Still, Ginkgo biloba extracts are widely prescribed to treat cerebral dysfunction and neurological disorders. Doses of 120–300 mg of standardized Ginkgo biloba 761 extracts (24% flavone glycosides and 6% terpene lactones) per day should be administered [ 183 , 223 , 224 ]. No side effects have been reported at regular doses, but mild stomach irritation and headaches occasionally occur with excessive consumption. It causes blood thinning, so people taking some anticoagulants should not take the drug before surgery [ 219 , 225 ].

6.3.3. Asiatic Pennywort ( Centella asiatica )

Centella’s use in traditional medicine is diverse and varies regionally. In the countries of origin, fresh leaves are consumed as a salad, as part of curry spice mixes, or cooked as a vegetable [ 226 ].

An ethanol extract of C. asiatica mediated protection against amyloid-β-induced aggregated neurotoxicity by modulating the antioxidant defense system in cells in vitro, including superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and glutathione and glutathione disulfide levels. C. asiatica is a traditional medicinal herb with strong antioxidant activity that reduces amyloid-β deposition in the brain. Amyloid-β is the major component of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. This highlights the potential therapeutic and preventive value of C. asiatica in treating Alzheimer’s disease [ 189 ].

The results from in vivo experiments on rats in a maze, monitoring social interactions, locomotor activity, and cage tests, showed that pure asiaticoside, and methanol or ethyl acetate extracts of Centella asiatica had anxiolytic activity. In addition, asiaticoside did not affect locomotor activity, suggesting that this compound does not have sedative effects [ 227 ]. Another in vivo study in mice revealed that a NO modulating mechanism may be involved in the protective effect of Centella asiatica against anxiety caused by sleep deprivation, oxidative damage, and neuroinflammation [ 188 ]. A study in juvenile and young adult mice demonstrated the nootropic effect of an aqueous extract of C. asiatica . Treatment resulted in increased hippocampal acetylcholinesterase activity and dendritic arborization of hippocampal CA3 neurons. Thus, treatment with C. asiatica during the postnatal developmental stage can affect neuronal morphology and support brain function [ 190 ].

The reported typical daily dose of C. asiatica is approximately 600 mg of dried leaves, or from 60 mg to 120 mg of standardized extract of C. asiatica (contains at least 85% of triterpenoid glycosides) [ 228 , 229 ].

Based on clinical studies, the reported tolerability of orally administered extracts of Centella is high, and no interactions with other drugs are known. Although no teratogenic effects have been reported, the drug should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Use by children is also not recommended [ 230 ].

6.3.4. Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera )

The roots and the leaves are harvested and used mainly in dried form. An infusion is prepared from the leaves and a decoction from the root. Fruit is sometimes used as an emetic [ 231 ].

A study in mice indicated that ashwagandha increased the content of hemoglobin, platelets, and red as well as white blood cells. An increase in red blood cells increases the blood’s ability to transport oxygen to the peripheral system, ensuring greater maximum aerobic capacity [ 194 ]. In another study, rats were used as a model of tardive dyskinesia, a disorder characterized by involuntary neurological triggering that leads to spontaneous, repetitive body movements, such as grimacing, sticking out the tongue, or lip movements that were simulated by injection of reserpine. Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation products are involved in the pathophysiology of this disease. Long-term administration of Withania somnifera root extract to the rats significantly reduced lipid peroxidation, restored reduced glutathione levels, and reversed the decrease in brain superoxide dismutase and catalase levels induced by reserpine treatment. Thus, Withania somnifera root extract could be a helpful drug for treating drug-induced tardive dyskinesia [ 192 ]. Several tests in animal models have confirmed the nootropic effect of ashwagandha and its potential as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease [ 191 , 193 ]. In another study, the steroidal lactone withaferin, a bioactive compound from the group of withanolides showed significant anticancer properties both in vitro and in vivo [ 232 ].

The dosage can be from 6 to 10 g of ground roots of ashwagandha per day or the equivalent of 750 mg to 1250 mg of extract per day [ 233 ]. Ashwagandha is not recommended in cases of hyperthyroidism or pregnancy. It is a relatively safe drug when used at the recommended doses. Overdoses can cause gastrointestinal problems and vomiting; therefore, treatment should be started with small doses and gradually increased. Ashwagandha is best taken in the evening because, in substantial doses, the herbal extract can act as a sedative [ 234 ].

6.3.5. Water Hyssop ( Bacopa monnieri )

In countries of natural occurrence, it is sometimes used as a leafy vegetable in salads or soups [ 235 ].

In vitro treatment of rat astrocytes with methanol extract of Bacopa monnieri significantly reduced damage caused by high NO concentrations. It has been suggested that glial cells may produce NO by an enzyme-independent mechanism when stimulated by superoxide radicals, and the study results verified the antioxidant activity of Brahmi plant extract [ 196 ].

Treatment of albino rats with an alcoholic extract of Bacopa monnieri increased protein kinase activity and caused an increase in protein in the hippocampus. Overall, the extract has improved learning ability by enhancing cognitive function and memory retention. The chemical compounds responsible for this facilitating effect have been identified as a mixture of two saponins, bacosides A and B [ 197 ]. Choline acetyltransferase expression in the hippocampus was studied in olfactory bulbectomy mice compared to controls. Olfactory bulbectomy reduced cholinergic activity and thus choline acetyltransferase expression in the hippocampus. However, subsequent administration of Bacopa monnieri alcohol extract reversed this effect and gradually improved the induced cognitive dysfunction [ 195 ]. In a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease, Bacopa monnieri alcohol extract improved escape latency in the Morris water maze test. In addition, the loss of neurons and the density of cholinergic neurons were also mitigated [ 198 ]. Experiments have shown inhibition of the degeneration of cholinergic neurons by Bacopa monnieri , suggesting that the herb is a cognitive enhancer and neuroprotectant and may serve as a potential adjunctive drug for treating Alzheimer’s disease [ 195 , 198 ].

The Bacopa monnieri liquid extract dosage (ratio 1:2) is 5–12 mL per day for adults and 2.5–6 mL per day for children aged 6–12 years. For Bacopa monnieri extracts standardized at 20% content of bacosides A and B, 200–400 mg in divided doses for adults and 100–200 mg daily in divided doses for children is recommended [ 236 , 237 ].

No serious side effects have been reported. Rarely, mild sedation or digestive problems may occur after ingestion [ 238 , 239 ].

6.3.6. Guarana ( Paullinia cupana )

The seeds, the so-called guarana nuts, are harvested at full maturity. They are first roasted, then sifted by sieving, mechanically crushed, and mixed with water to make a bitter paste with high caffeine content. A coffee-like beverage is prepared by simmering guarana paste with hot water. Guarana paste is also added to syrups, and various non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks are prepared from it, mainly popular in Brazil. Sometimes, the guarana paste is dried, ground into a powder, and used to make tablets [ 240 , 241 ].

In an in vivo study, the aqueous fraction of Paullinia cupana seeds was repeatedly administered to rats who were then placed in a T-maze, a model of generalized anxiety and panic disorders, and the guarana was shown to have anxiolytic and panicolytic effects [ 242 ]. The impact of long-term administration of Paullinia cupana seed extract by gavage to rats at various doses on their cognitive behavior was studied using the Morris water maze test, which showed identical results in rats with scopolamine-induced amnesia compared with controls [ 200 ]. Mice that ingested guarana suspension showed a significant increase in physical capacity when exposed to stressful situations such as forced swimming. After both single and chronic administration, guarana partially reversed the amnesic effect of scopolamine, as measured by a passive avoidance test in rats and mice, indicating a positive impact on memory acquisition [ 199 ]. Studies have shown that oral administration of processed Paullinia cupana seeds had a significant nootropic effect. Herbal drugs that exhibit this property may offer a useful adjunct therapeutic option for preventing or treating memory deficits, such as those seen in Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease [ 199 , 200 ].

A typical dose is 75 mg of guarana extract (approximately 12% caffeine) administered as a tablet [ 243 ]. Guarana should not be used in persons with cardiovascular disease, who are pregnant or breastfeeding, have chronic headaches, diabetes, insomnia, mental disorders, stomach ulcers, or are taking theophylline [ 244 ].

6.3.7. Eleuthero ( Eleutherococcus senticosus )

The root is ground to a powder and formed into tablets or used in the form of a tincture. Infusion of the above-ground parts is also sometimes used [ 245 ].

In vitro experiments showed the antioxidant and antiradical activity of eleuthero [ 208 ], including the inhibition of lipid peroxidation [ 207 ].

In an in vivo study, an aqueous extract of eleuthero reduced acute stress in mice [ 210 ]. A study in normal mice examined the effects of an aqueous extract from eleuthero leaves on memory function. These in vivo tests showed that oral administration of the extract improved memory functions, and ex vivo confirmed that the active compounds of the extract, such as eleutheroside M and ciwujianoside B and C3, were able to penetrate the BBB and act on the brain. These three compounds and the leaf extract showed dendritic elongation activity against primary cultured cortical neurons, which may be related to improved memory [ 211 ].

Tests on healthy volunteers have also concluded that the active compounds of eleuthero affect cell defense, physical fitness, and lipid metabolism [ 209 ]. The detoxification properties of the extract have been used in treating chronic lead poisoning in mine workers [ 246 ]. Siberian ginseng has also been used in cosmetics [ 207 ].

The recommended daily dose of eleuthero is 2–3 g of dried root or an equivalent preparation [ 247 ]. According to the Russian Pharmacopeia, a standardized liquid extract of roots and rhizomes of Eleutherococcus senticosus (10 mg of the extract is equivalent to 120 mg of the crude herb) is currently available as an over-the-counter drug in a ratio of 1:1 with 40% ethanol. In the Russian medical system, this extract is recommended for oral use at a daily dose of 20–40 drops for an adult. However, further research is needed to investigate the appropriate dosing regimen to improve healthy adults’ cognitive function and physical performance [ 246 , 248 ]. Side effects occur infrequently. Eleuthero increases blood pressure, so its use in hypertension is not recommended [ 249 ].

6.3.8. Rhodiola ( Rhodiola rosea )

Rhizomes and roots from older plants are collected, dried, and subsequently used for extract preparation [ 250 ].

According to an in vitro study, salidroside, a phenylpropanoid glycoside isolated from R. rosea L., showed a protective effect in cultured PC12 neuronal cells against hypoglycemia and serum-restricted cytotoxicity, probably through modulation of gene expression associated with apoptosis, restoration of mitochondrial membrane potential, and inhibition of intracellular oxygen radical production [ 203 ].

An in vivo study was performed to investigate the effects of a single oral dose of an aqueous-alcoholic extract (plant material was extracted with 2% ethanol diluted with tap water) of R. rosea containing 3% rosavin and 1% salidroside on CNS activity in mice. The extract was tested for adaptogenic, antidepressant, anxiolytic, nociceptive, and locomotor activity at various doses using predictive behavioral tests in the animal model. The results showed that this extract significantly induced adaptogenic, antidepressant, anxiolytic, and stimulating effects [ 202 ], but the effects were not dose-dependent.

In a different trial, the effect of R. rosea L. extract on mood, anxiety, stress, and cognition in moderately anxious students was evaluated. Compared with the control, the experimental group showed a significant reduction in anxiety, stress, anger, confusion, and depression, and an improvement in general mood after treatment for two weeks. However, no significant difference in cognitive performance was observed between the groups [ 201 ].

The optimal dose of rhodiola extract for long-term use was 100–170 mg per day, and the rosavin content of the extract should be 3.6–6.14 mg per weight of the extract. This would suggest a daily dose of roughly 360–600 mg of standardized Rhodiola rosea extract containing 1% rosavin [ 251 ].

No serious side effects have been identified so far. Because it affects human nature, it is not recommended for patients who have manic–depressive psychosis. Rhodiola should also not be used by children, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, or people with high blood pressure [ 252 ].

6.3.9. Schisandra ( Schisandra chinensis )

The often used parts are fruits and seeds. A tincture can be prepared from crushed seeds and a tea brewed from dried berries, shoots, and leaves. The fruits are consumed dried or marinated in sugar or honey to make jam, syrup, juice, or compote. They can also be stored frozen. In addition to syrups and juices, a strong sweet wine can be made from the juice of the berries [ 253 , 254 ]. Schisandra fruits are known to the people of the Far East primarily as a tonic and stimulant against fatigue and exhaustion [ 253 ].

An in vitro study was performed to determine the neuroprotective effects of dibenzocyclooctadiene lignan, schisantherin A, from the fruits of Schisandra chinensis against selective dopaminergic neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neural damage in human neuroblastoma cells. Pretreatment with schisantherin A provided neuroprotection against induced cytotoxicity, regulated the intracellular accumulation of reactive oxygen species and inhibited NO overproduction by reducing the overexpression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in cells [ 206 ].

In other in vitro and in vivo experiments, SH-SY5Y (human neuroblastoma) cells were incubated with 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion, and mice treated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine were used to determine neuroprotection of schisantherin A. Pretreatment with schisantherin A significantly inhibited the induced cytotoxicity in SH-SY5Y cells. In addition, schisantherin A provided significant protection against induced dopaminergic neuronal loss in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease [ 204 ]. These findings demonstrate that schisantherin A may have potential therapeutic value for oxidative stress-related neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease [ 204 , 206 ].

In vivo cognitive tests such as the Morris water maze and the passive step-down avoidance tests were performed with rats given oral doses of aqueous or 95% ethanolic extract of Schisandra chinensis (petroleum ether fraction) and showed that the extract could partially reverse the effects of decreasing activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase and the overall antioxidant effect induced by D -galactose, and to maintain normal levels of glutathione, malondialdehyde and nitric oxide in serum, prefrontal cortex, striatum, and hippocampus. The extract improved the overall induced cognitive deficit [ 205 ].

The optimal dose of dried schisandra fruit for human administration is 2–6 g per day. For an average human body weight of 60 kg, the dose is 0.03–0.1 g of fruit per kg of body weight [ 253 , 255 ]. No serious side effects have been reported. Side effects have only occurred after regular ingestion of excessive amounts of fruits and included restlessness and insomnia [ 256 ].

6.3.10. Maca ( Lepidium meyenii )

Maca root is consumed either fresh or dried and has a distinctive taste and aroma. In South America, a sweet porridge or pudding called mazamorra de maca is made from dried roots, while the fresh root is cooked like potatoes. It can also be ground into flour, with a composition similar to cereal grains. A slightly alcoholic beverage called maca chica is made from the maca plant. Many growers mix and grind the leaves with the roots [ 257 , 258 ].

Polysaccharide fractions from maca leaves showed different in vitro scavenging capacities on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, hydroxyl, and superoxide anion radicals [ 212 ].

Researchers have recently been interested in the neuroprotective effects of Lepidium meyenii . Experiments in vivo and ex vivo tests have shown the effect of Lepidium meyenii in reducing latency in untrained and trained mice. In the swimming strength test, maca shortened the immobility time. It also increased the uterine weight of mice after ovariectomy. Lepidium meyenii appeared to positively affect latent learning in ovariectomized mice and exhibited antidepressant activity [ 214 ]. Maca improved cognitive function, motor coordination, and endurance in middle-aged mice, increased mitochondrial respiratory function, and upregulated proteins associated with autophagy in the cortex [ 213 ].

These findings suggested that maca might be an effective functional food to slow age-related cognitive decline. The optimal dose has not been determined; however, the amount of maca root powder used in many studies was in the range of 1.5–3 g per day for the average human adult [ 259 , 260 ].

So far, no serious side effects or contraindications to the extracts have been reported. Maca seems to be safe, effective, and non-toxic [ 261 ].

7. Summary and Recommendations

Nootropics are a heterogeneous group of drugs that affect the metabolism of neuronal cells in the central nervous system. They mainly improve cognitive function, especially in cases where there is damage or degeneration. Most of these substances do not have an immediate effect after a single administration and must be used for some length of time before there is a measurable improvement. They are used in acute, subacute, and chronic conditions of memory, consciousness, and learning disorders and as a supportive treatment in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, hyperkinetic disorder, or senile dementia. Nootropics are usually very well tolerated. Side effects are rare and typically mild, but some complications can occur. For example, people with cardiovascular disease should not use guarana. This is probably due to the relatively high caffeine content. The available literature suggests that the cardiovascular effects experienced by those consuming up to 600 mg of caffeine per day are, in most cases, mild, transient, and reversible, with no permanent adverse effects [ 262 ]. A typical dose of guarana is 75 mg of extract (approximately 12% caffeine) taken as a tablet [ 243 ]. Each such tablet, therefore, contains an average of 9 mg of caffeine. Therefore, in order to get close to the limit of 600 mg of caffeine, a person would have to consume around 66 of these tablets per day. A nootropic that could help in this case is naftidrofuryl, which functions as a vasodilator with rheological effects on the blood and is directly used in treating cardiovascular disorders [ 134 ]. Some nootropics can also affect psychiatric problems; for example, rhodiola is not recommended for patients with manic-depressive psychosis [ 252 ], and dihydroergotoxine is also contraindicated in psychosis [ 153 ]. An expert should be consulted before the use of any of these nootropics. Ginseng and eleuthero are contraindicated in patients with hypertension [ 218 , 219 , 249 ]. Ginkgo causes blood thinning, so people taking certain anticoagulants should not take it, for example, before surgery [ 219 , 225 ]. Additionally, ashwagandha is best taken in the evening because it can act as a sedative in large doses. It is also indicated by its Latin name Withania somnifera, where the Latin species name somnifera means “sleep-inducing” [ 234 ]. Therefore, nootropics users should consider their state of health and mood before deciding to try a certain compound; however, if the recommended dosage is followed, no serious complications should occur. Because of their potential for improving memory and thinking and their easy availability, nootropics have particularly attracted the attention of college students, who call them “smart drugs”. Because of the incomplete clinical evidence on their effectiveness, safety, and social consequences in the case of long-term use, especially with synthetic variants of these drugs, they cannot be recommended to healthy individuals who do not suffer from any cognitive dysfunction. There have not been sufficient experimental studies and results to support prophylactic use, even though the use of herbal supplements with nootropic effects has shown little risk of side effects and contraindications have been minimal. In any case, to be safe, none of these substances should be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Future research regarding nootropics should focus on experiments with more diverse human groups, whether in terms of age, health, gender, or weight. It should also mainly focus on young, healthy people, mostly university students, who use these substances a lot and obtain them, especially on the black market. Furthermore, already advanced methods based on neuroimaging assessment should be used more in experiments and studies to confirm or refute the potential beneficial effects.


We thank Gary Bentley for editing and improving the manuscript’s English and Lucie Malá for creating the graphical abstract.

Funding Statement

Financial support for publication was from CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014642 project.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.M.; formal analysis, M.M.; writing—original draft preparation, M.M.; writing—review and editing, M.M. and P.T.; visualization, M.M.; supervision, P.T.; project administration, P.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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What Are Nootropics?

are thesis nootropics safe

Whether you're a college student hoping to ace your exams, a busy professional striving for a promotion, or an older adult concerned about dementia , the idea of popping a pill that boosts your brainpower might seem appealing. So perhaps it's not surprising that the use of nootropics -- aka cognitive enhancers or smart drugs -- is on the rise. But do they work? And are they safe?

The term "nootropics" first referred to chemicals that met very specific criteria. But now it's used to refer to any natural or synthetic substance that may have a positive impact on mental skills. In general, nootropics fall into three general categories: dietary supplements , synthetic compounds, and prescription drugs.

While health experts generally agree that taking a prescription nootropic for an FDA-approved purpose (such as a stimulant medication if you have ADHD or donepezil if you have Alzheimer’s) may be helpful, the use of any type of cognitive enhancer in healthy people is far more controversial.

What Researchers Say

Barry Gordon, MD, PhD, director of the cognitive neurology/neuropsychology division at Johns Hopkins Medicine, says there's "no strong evidence" that any of the supplements now being sold for their supposed memory-boosting powers are helpful. "It's not clear that they work and not clear that they're safe," he says. He’s also skeptical of the basic premise behind nootropics.

"The circuits that are involved in human cognition are very complicated and not fully understood," he says. "You can't just 'turn up the dial' that easily." He notes that people who believe their mental performance has increased thanks to nootropics are largely being influenced by a placebo effect. "If you're more confident and think you'll do better, you will do better."

Chris D'Adamo, PhD, director of research and education at the University of Maryland’s Center for Integrative Medicine, has a different take. Like Gordon, he doesn't think nootropics will give you superhuman mental abilities, but he does believe they have the potential to offer some people an edge.

"Most people seeking to optimize cognitive function would be better off focusing on getting enough sleep , eating a nutrient-dense diet , and managing their stress ," he says. But once you have those basics down, the right nootropics might serve as a bonus, helping you think more clearly and sharply or reduce your chances of cognitive decline as you age, he says.

Types of Nootropics

Almost everyone uses a nootropic, whether they know it or not, says D'Adamo. He's talking about caffeine , and while it can have health risks if you overdo it, this natural stimulant has been shown to improve thinking skills. It doesn't simply make you feel more alert, says D'Adamo: Caffeine also gives you more access to several chemicals (neurotransmitters) in your brain such as acetylcholine, which helps with short-term memory and learning.

But most people interested in nootropics aren't sticking to coffee or tea. They’re branching out to dietary supplements. Some, such as ginseng and gingko, have not held up to scientific scrutiny. Yet others -- including CDP-choline, L-theanine, creatine monohydrate, Bacopa monnieri , huperzine A, and vinpocetine -- may still hold promise.

Racetams, such as piracetam, are another type of nootropic. You can get these synthetic compounds over the counter in the U.S., but they’re considered prescription drugs in some other countries. D'Adamo says these chemicals, which act on neurotransmitters including acetylcholine, have been studied in older adults who have a decline in thinking skills. He doesn’t recommend them for most younger, healthy people.

Prescription nootropics largely consist of stimulants such as those in some ADHD medications . Although these work well for many people with ADHD , they are not recommended for others who simply want to improve their focus and attention. Many college students get these types of drugs illegally, and while they may seem to help in the short term, there are serious risks. Side effects may include insomnia , blurry vision , high blood pressure , a fast heart rate , circulation problems, and addiction .

Another type of prescription nootropic is modafinil ( Provigil ). It's FDA-approved to treat narcolepsy, sleep apnea , and shift work disorder, but some studies suggest that it may help with learning and memory in healthy people. Modafinil appears to be safer than other types of stimulants, but more research is needed.

Most Promising Options

If you're considering trying nootropic supplements, you should talk it over with your doctor first. As with all supplements, you’ll want your doctor to let you know about any health risks, like effects on any conditions you have or medications you take.

Keep in mind that although there are some studies on the topic, they tend to be small or limited to the impact on older adults. Also, everyone's brain chemistry is unique, so what works for one person might not for another, says D'Adamo. That said, these four types might have promise:

L-theanine: This supplement seems to enhance the mental effects of caffeine and counteract caffeine -induced jitteriness, D'Adamo says. Research has shown that combining caffeine and L-theanine may help you multitask better. The safest way to get this combo is by drinking pure green tea, which contains both caffeine and L-theanine, but it's also OK to combine your usual coffee or tea with an L-theanine supplement.

Don't take caffeine in pill or power form, as it's too easy to overdo it. Caffeine, in excess, can be toxic, causing a racing heartbeat and even leading to seizures or death. Just 1 teaspoon of pure caffeine powder could have as much caffeine as you’d get from 28 cups of coffee. The FDA, which has cracked down on makers of pure and highly concentrated caffeine products, notes that the difference between a safe amount and a toxic amount is very small.

CDP-choline: Often prescribed in Europe as a drug, CDP-choline has been shown to help memory -- at least in people who have dementia caused by vascular problems in the brain. There are no known side effects, so it's generally considered safe to try.

Creatine monohydrate: Frequently found in body-building supplements, creatine helps build muscle mass. But studies have also found that it may improve reasoning skills and short-term memory in healthy people. It increases levels of a molecule called ATP, which leads to more cellular energy, D'Adamo says. "I take it regularly just for energy. It's very safe." But talk to your doctor first if you have any kidney problems.

Bacopa monnieri : A traditional Indian (ayurvedic) herb, Bacopa monnieri -- also known as brahmi -- has been suggested by some to help the brain processes information faster. It causes the branches of nerve cells (dendrites) to grow, says D'Adamo. He says this process takes some time; expect to wait 4-6 weeks for results. Although it's generally well-tolerated, it may cause abdominal cramping, nausea, and diarrhea.

While combining several of these supplements might seem like a good idea -- and many formulas on the market that do just that -- D'Adamo doesn't recommend it because most of the combos haven't been well-studied. Instead, he suggests trying one or two for a few months, then taking a month off before going back on them or switching to others. His concern is that you can become tolerant to nootropics (including caffeine), which means you'll need more and more for them to work for you.

As with any dietary supplements, you should also keep in mind that the FDA doesn’t closely regulate nootropic supplements the way it does prescription drugs. Look for reputable brands and trust your body: If you notice any side effects or don't see an improvement in the expected timeframe, it's wise to stop.

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Mushroom edibles are making people sick. scientists still don't know why, scientists aim to find out why mushroom edibles are making people sick.

Dr. Roy Gerona contracts with the Drug Enforcement Administration and has been investigating a string of illnesses from mushroom gummies.

Dr. Roy Gerona contracts with the Drug Enforcement Administration and has been investigating a string of illnesses from mushroom gummies. Preston Gannaway /for NPR hide caption

Dr. Michael Moss couldn’t explain why the man in his hospital’s ICU had started convulsing after trying a chocolate bar, but he knew there was more to the story.

The patient recounted eating a mushroomed-infused candy, packaged with trippy artwork — and purchased legally at a local store.

He’d been flown in over the weekend from a rural hospital to the University of Utah Hospital in Salt Lake City, where Moss, a toxicologist, is medical director of the Utah Poison Control Center.

“This was crazy,” he said to himself. “Nobody gets put on the ventilator and has a seizure from eating psychedelic mushrooms.”

Alarmed, he began contacting poison centers around the country and soon discovered similar cases were popping up: Patients with nausea, vomiting, agitation, seizures, loss of consciousness and other symptoms.

There are now more than 140 documented illnesses — including two suspected deaths — all tied to the same brand of mushroom edibles, called Diamond Shruumz, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

It’s one of the many varieties of psychedelic-inspired treats that have proliferated online, in smoke shops and convenience stores, often advertising some kind of proprietary mushroom blend, with words like “nootropic,” “magic” or “microdosing” emblazoned on the packaging.

Prophet Premium Blends, the company that makes Diamond Shruumz, said in a recall notice that it has ceased production and distribution of the products, citing “toxic levels of muscimol .”

Muscimol is a compound in the iconic red-capped mushroom, Amanita muscaria , and was identified by the company as a “potential cause” of the sickness, the recall notice said. The company did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

In spite of the recall, poison centers are still receiving calls, albeit at a slower pace than earlier in the summer, says Kaitlyn Brown , clinical managing director for America's Poison Centers.

While also psychoactive, the Amanita species has quite different effects from the famous (and mostly illegal) psilocybin-containing magic mushrooms and has gained more popularity lately , buoyed by the fact that it’s not a controlled substance.

Yet it’s still not clear that the colorful mushroom is to blame for the illnesses.

According to an ongoing FDA investigation, initial testing has turned up an array of other substances in the recalled products, and muscimol in less than half of them.

At this point, experts say none of the findings adequately explain why people are getting so sick. “We still don't know the culprit,” says Moss. “These products are living in this very strange legal gray area .” 

The rise of these unregulated psychoactive products is reminiscent of the boom in synthetic cannabis years back, except now hallucinogenic drugs are increasingly “in fashion,” says Roy Gerona , a chemist at the University of California, San Francisco who runs a toxicology lab that works with the Drug Enforcement Administration.

The federal investigation into Diamond Shruumz products hasn't yet pinned down what's responsible for the illnesses.

The federal investigation into Diamond Shruumz products hasn't yet pinned down what's responsible for the illnesses. Preston Gannaway/for NPR hide caption

A "kitchen sink" of substances

Figuring out what’s actually in these candy bars and gummies is proving to be quite tricky.

“The analysis itself is very challenging,” says Gerona. “That's the reason why it's taking a little longer than what the public is used to.”

The difficulties are manifold: Most toxicology labs didn’t have Amanita muscaria on their radar as they would for common street drugs. Even Gerona’s lab that specializes in responding to mass poisonings and detecting designer drugs had to hurry to develop accurate tests.

Beyond that, analyzing something like a chocolate bar is no easy task — and it’s especially difficult to detect muscimol and ibotenic acid, two of the potentially toxic compounds.

But what testing has turned up so far is concerning.

The federal investigation of Diamond Shruumz has found a synthetic version of psilocybin, 4-AcO-DMT , which is not a controlled substance but could be considered illegal under federal law because of its similarity to psilocybin. There are other substances, too, like the anticonvulsant drug pregabalin, which is sold under the brand name Lyrica, and the herbal supplement kava .

The mix of chemicals isn’t all that surprising to Dr. Avery Michienzi , a medical toxicologist at the University of Virginia, who responded to a separate cluster of illnesses about a year ago.

Her analysis of similar products — five brands of mushroom gummies — from smoke shops in Charlottesville found psilocin, ephedrine and the natural plant kratom , which has opioid-like properties.

“People may be intentionally seeking out the psychedelic experience, but getting more than they bargained for,” she says. “It’s scary they’re buying this stuff when they really don’t know what’s in there.”

The market appears to be growing. During surveillance of online tobacco retailers, Eric Leas , an epidemiologist at the University of California, San Diego, noticed an uptick in public interest in these products, which are sometimes sold alongside delta-8, a psychoactive substance derived from hemp, and herbal supplements.

“This is an investigation of one company, but there's hundreds selling these products,” says Leas.

Over the past year, Caleb King and Christopher Pauli have compiled a growing list of chemicals in various mushroom products.

“People are throwing the kitchen sink into some of these and calling them a natural blend,” says King, who along with Pauli runs Tryptomics , a company that tests for psychoactive substances in natural products.

The duo has examined more than 100 of these edibles — largely at the request of consumers — and has found herbal supplements, amphetamines and synthetic chemicals that are essentially spinoffs of popular hallucinogens.

“I’m seeing compounds that I had not seen yet, and we're rapidly trying to discover what they are,” says King.

What’s clear from the work done by Tryptomics is that there’s little in the way of consistency. The same type of edible can contain different ingredients and at varying concentrations. Counterfeits abound, especially with popular brands, says Pauli.

Dr. Roy Gerona poses for a photo near the toxicology lab where he works at UCSF in San Francisco, Calif. Preston Gannaway for NPR @pgannawayphoto

Gerona runs the UCSF Clinical Toxicology and Environmental Biomonitoring Lab, which focuses on detecting new psychoactive substances. Preston Gannaway/for NPR hide caption

Gerona, who has written a book on designer drugs, says his lab is still doing testing and trying to figure out the amount of muscimol in the products. That said, he’s keeping an open mind about the illnesses linked to Diamond Shruumz, including the possibility that a new psychoactive substance could be involved

“None of the data fully explains the symptoms yet,” says Gerona. “Some of us are asking ourselves, what are we missing here?”

A dose of MDMA. The drug has been studied as a treatment for PTSD and FDA is now considering whether to approve it.

FDA advisers reject MDMA therapy for PTSD, amid concerns over research

A mushroom takes center stage.

The mounting safety concerns are bringing new visibility to Amanita muscaria itself.

The mushroom has plenty of folklore surrounding it and was used medicinally in Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and other regions for hundreds of years, though nowadays most recognize it thanks to depictions in popular culture, from Alice in Wonderland to Super Mario to the mushroom emoji.

The compounds work on different receptors than psilocybin. Given the effects, it tends not to have a "high recreational potential,” says Kevin Feeney , a cultural anthropologist at Central Washington University who’s edited a compendium on Amanita muscaria , also known as fly agaric.

People often seek out the mushrooms for microdosing and believe it helps with anxiety, sleep and even more serious problems like addiction to benzodiazepines and alcohol, Feeney says. But there’s little evidence from clinical research on its possible therapeutic benefits in humans.

Christian Rasmussen, who sells Amanita muscaria online, likes to call it the “Santa Claus mushroom” because, in lower doses, it has a “light and jolly” quality, without the feeling of inebriation.

An avid believer in its healing properties, he credits the mushroom for “saving his life” when he was getting off benzodiazepines after years of addiction, and now he runs MN Nice Botanicals .

Still, Feeney cautions, taking the mushrooms at high doses “can be incredibly unpleasant and disturbing.” It provokes a “dissociative, dream-like state,” the closer comparison being ketamine rather than psilocybin, adds Rasmussen.

Amanita muscaria — also known as fly argar

Amanita muscaria — also known as fly agaric — is attracting more interest, but those familiar with the mushroom caution it's a far cry from a psilocybin mushroom trip. Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

The Amanita muscaria mushroom is poisonous, but there are not many documented reports of overdose and death. People who eat small amounts are unlikely to get very sick. In concentrated doses, at least two compounds in the mushroom can cause serious health problems, says Moss, who has studied its toxicity . (He warns it can sometimes be confused with other, more deadly species of Amanita .)

A prominent brain scientist took psilocybin as part of his own brain study

Muscimol has a sedating effect because it’s similar to the neurotransmitter GABA and can cause loss of consciousness or even a coma. The other, ibotenic acid, is a neurotoxin that can lead to hallucinations, delirium and, in rare cases, even seizures.

Together, large doses of both might help explain some of the illnesses, but testing for ibotenic acid is difficult, notes Gerona.

That compound has not shown up in the Diamond Shruumz edibles yet, although it has appeared in the raw ingredients (along with muscimol) that were reportedly used in some of the products, according to the FDA.

Fears of a regulatory backlash

The marketing of products touting Amanita strikes Feeney as essentially a “bait and switch,” with manufacturers drawing customers in under the guise of a legal substance.

This bothers people who believe in the mushroom’s health potential. Rasmussen says he noticed what he calls “the smoke shop industry” getting into the Amanita business about three years ago, eyeing it as the next delta-8, which is derived from hemp and sold legally.

“I told them from the beginning, that's not what this is,” he says.

Jeff Stevens worries that the confusion over what’s driving the illnesses could lead to a regulatory backlash.

His publicly traded company, Psyched Wellness , began selling Amanita muscaria tinctures in supplement stores a few years ago, after “spending millions of dollars on preclinical studies.”

While they’re not required to submit data to the FDA, he says their findings were reviewed by a panel of experts in accordance with federal regulations .

Their mushrooms come from foragers in Eastern Europe, are tested by a third party lab and undergo an extraction process to convert most of the ibotenic acid into muscimol, he says. (Feeney is on the company's advisory board.)

“My concern would be if there is a knee-jerk reaction on regulatory enforcement with all Amanita without taking the time to understand what caused the issues [with Diamond Shruumz] and considering how this mushroom can be used safely,” he says.

A deep freezer stocked full of biological samples from overdose cases at the toxicology lab at UCSF in San Francisco, Calif., on Friday, August 16, 2024.

A deep freezer stocked full of biological samples from overdose cases at the toxicology lab at UCSF. Preston Gannaway/for NPR hide caption

For now, though, there’s little to help the average consumers navigate the bewildering market that’s sprouted up around these mushroom products.

King at Tryptomics says he wouldn’t recommend trying them without testing what’s in there first. Look for QR codes on the packaging that pull up the actual results, what’s known as a certificate of lab analysis, which should be housed on the lab’s website. But Pauli warns sometimes those documents can be fake, or the analysis may only list the substances that are not present, rather than what’s in there.

“That's a huge issue,” says Pauli.

In a few instances, King says manufacturers have asked them to test a white powder that was bought from overseas under the impression it was muscimol, only to discover it’s actually an amphetamine-based substance.

Like any industry there are “good and bad actors” who are manufacturing and testing these products, says Roger Brown , CEO of ACS Laboratory, which is licensed by the DEA and tests products containing cannabis, muscimol and other compounds.

“ We produce the results — whether the results are good or bad for the client, we don't judge that,” he says.

He’s candid about the gaps in oversight.

“When you buy a gummy bear that's got Amanita muscaria in it, nobody's regulating it, or if they are regulating it, they're not enforcing it .”

Psilocybin mushroom grown in Littleton, Colo. Use of the psychoactive drug is growing in popularity in the U.S.

Microdosing and tripping on mushrooms is on the rise in U.S.

  • magic mushrooms
  • psychedelics
  • psilocybin mushrooms

Safe Bulkers: Downgrading Commons, Still Liking The Preferreds

Oakoff Investments profile picture

  • Safe Bulkers, Inc. specializes in dry bulk transportation services for key commodities, and its common stock has outperformed the S&P 500 index by 650-700 basis points since my last call.
  • I still think that Safe Bulkers can offer solid returns because the company's business is still thriving thanks to a strong market environment.
  • Market conditions remain uncertain until the end of 2025, making income-seeking investors (preferred shares investors) more protected than common stock buyers.
  • I downgraded SB common stock to "Hold", maintaining my "Buy" rating for SB's preferred shares.
  • I like SB.PR.C because of its higher liquidity compared to SB.PR.D.
  • I do much more than just articles at Beyond the Wall Investing: Members get access to model portfolios, regular updates, a chat room, and more. Learn More »

Loading grain into sea cargo vessel in commercial port.

My Thesis Update

Safe Bulkers, Inc. ( NYSE: SB ) ( NYSE: SB.PR.C ) ( NYSE: SB.PR.D ) is a global provider of dry bulk transportation services, specializing in the larger, gearless vessel classes (Panamax, Kamsarmax, Post-Panamax, and Capesize types) and transporting key commodities like coal, grain, and iron ore.

The last time I wrote about SB (and preferred shares) was at the end of March 2023, more than a year ago. Since then, the common stock's total return amounted to about 48%, outperforming the broader market represented by the S&P 500 index ( SP500 ) by ~650-700 basis points:

Seeking Alpha, Oakoff's coverage of SB and preferred shares

Seeking Alpha, Oakoff's coverage of SB and preferred shares

Back then, a year ago, I argued that Safe Bulkers was well-positioned to outperform market expectations amid improving prospects in the dry bulk shipping sector in general; driven by rising demand, SB stood out as the most undervalued stock among its peers. For income-seeking investors, the preferred stock was also a compelling choice, offering a forward yield of around 8.1% at the time while mitigating some of the company's risks. Time has shown that my bullish call was spot on.

Today, my old thesis changed a bit: I still think that Safe Bulkers can offer solid returns because the company's business is still thriving thanks to a strong market environment. However, I have some doubts that these market conditions are likely to continue at least until the end of next year, so income-seeking individuals (preferred shares investors) seem to be way more protected than common stock buyers. So I downgrade SB common stock to "Hold", maintaining my "Buy" rating for SB's preferred shares.

My Reasoning

In Q2 2024 , Safe Bulkers reported $78.5 million in net revenue, marking an 11% YoY increase - that was primarily driven by "higher charter rates and increased earnings from vessels equipped with scrubbers," which benefit from the price differential between heavy fuel oil and compliant fuel, according to the press release commentary . The average time charter equivalent (TCE) rate rose to $18,650, up from $17,271 in the previous year, while the daily vessel OPEX excluding dry-docking and pre-delivery costs went up by just 1% QoQ (being down 2.6% YoY), which helped SB to make 43% more in EBITDA than last year.

SB's latest 6-K

SB's latest 6-K

As a result, SB's net income for Q2 amounted to ~$27.6 million, a significant increase from $15.4 million in Q2 2023 (+79.2% YoY actually). As the press release noted, this rise in profitability can be attributed to the "stronger charter market environment, gains from the sale of older vessels, and the strategic deployment of the fleet." Indeed, the dry bulk market was primarily driven by a combination of resilient demand and limited supply during Q2, which helped support freight rates. The Baltic Dry index pushed up from the 2023 lows driven by stronger capesize demand, making a 6x comeback in Q4 2023, but then giving up some of its gains; however, it's still trending up, looking relatively good during the seasonally weak Q2:

TradingEconomics, Baltic Dry Index

TradingEconomics, Baltic Dry Index

I believe that the overall demand for dry bulk transportation should remain strong going forward, bolstered by economic activities in major economies such as China and India. It's not just that Q3 is generally seasonally better than Q2 - I'm talking primarily about the whole of 2H 2024. Although a slowdown in demand growth is forecast, overall, it is likely to remain at a relatively high level over the next few months, meaning that Safe Bulkers' focus on decarbonizing the fleet and energy-efficient newbuilds should bear fruit against this backdrop.

SB's IR materials, Oakoff's notes added

SB's IR materials, Oakoff's notes added

Safe Bulkers' management expects strong freight rates next year due to limited new ships and steady demand, with growth in iron ore and grain shipments, but a decline in coal shipments. BIMCO's analyst - Niels Rasmussen - whose opinion I always listen to, is more pessimistic about the dry bulk shipping industry, noting that the strong market in 2024 may cool as 2025 nears.

We expect the supply/demand balance to strengthen in 2024 but weaken in 2025. Supply is estimated to grow by 3-4% in 2024 and 1.5-2.5% in 2025, while demand is projected to grow by 4.5-5.5% in 2024 and weaken by 1-2% in 2025.


If there are indeed problems with demand in the market next year, then I expect that SB common stock may continue its correction (it's currently ~21% off its local peak).


For holders of preferred shares, however, it is sometimes important to pay attention to slightly different key figures. Safe Bulkers maintained a solid liquidity position with $81.6 million in cash and cash equivalents as of Q2, alongside $179.5 million in undrawn borrowing capacity, thus providing financial flexibility for future investments and operations. At the same time, the company's EBITDA has grown the fastest compared to other competitors in the recent past, which in my opinion says something about the effectiveness of business process management.


Furthermore, I see no problems in covering the preferred dividends in the future: at the time of Q2, SB could comfortably cover the preferred dividend payments, earning almost 14 times the income required to do so (last year this figure was only 7.6).

SB's recent 6-K, Oakoff's notes added

SB's recent 6-K, Oakoff's notes added

To come back to the common shares: I think they are quite undervalued, even compared to SB's closest publicly traded peers. However, if we add the debt-to-equity ratio to the usual EV/EBITDA ratio comparison, we'll see that the current comparative undervaluation is perhaps justified by the higher debt burden. However, the interest expense itself appears to be limited, which again speaks in favor of protection for preferred shareholders.

YCharts, Oakoff's notes added

YCharts, Oakoff's notes added

Talking about the valuation of SB.PR.C and SB.PR.D, which yield 7.84% and 7.79% , respectively (on a forward basis), I think we can say that they are quite fairly valued today. These preferred shares were issued at $25/sh., which is roughly where they are now (with a small premium), having fully recovered from the COVID slump.

Preferred Stock Channel

Preferred Stock Channel

Why do I say they are fairly valued despite the small premium? My first guess is that the recent macro data will not allow the Fed to delay rate cuts for too long. Money is getting "cheaper" again, so to speak, which should make assets that offer yields as high as SB's preferreds more attractive.

Your Takeaway

From all this, I conclude that while SB's business is growing quite rapidly, with prospects for the rest of 2024, I definitely see risks of a supply/demand imbalance next year. If these risks materialize, today's expectations for a decline in earnings per share in 2025 may turn out to be underestimated.

Seeking Alpha

Seeking Alpha

At the same time, I see no risk to the dividend payments on the preferred shares - even if earnings per share fall several times from here, SB will be able to pay the dividends on its preferreds. In this context, I like SB.PR.C because of its higher liquidity compared to SB.PR.D.

That's why I'm downgrading SB common stock to "Hold" today, maintaining my "Buy" rating for SB's preferred shares.

Good luck with your investments!

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This article was written by

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Oakoff Investments is a personal portfolio manager and a quantitative research analyst with 5 years helping readers find a reasonable balance between growth and value by sharing proprietary Wall Street information.

Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Seeking Alpha's Disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. Any views or opinions expressed above may not reflect those of Seeking Alpha as a whole. Seeking Alpha is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser or investment bank. Our analysts are third party authors that include both professional investors and individual investors who may not be licensed or certified by any institute or regulatory body.

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