
6th Grade Essay Topics – Best 100 Essay Ideas for Sixth Graders

6th grade essay topics don’t have to be boring and uninspiring. With the right essay topics, sixth graders can express themselves in depth and descriptively. This article aims to highlight 100 amazing essay topics for 6th graders that’ll enhance their writing skills and improve their mental performance. These essay topics all meet the Common Core Standards.

100 Great 6th Grade Essay Topics

Since the 6th grade is the bridge to middle school, teachers will ensure students are prepared for middle school. The emphasis will be laid on the quality of writing and frequent writing assignments and tasks. The key to boosting the writing creativity of 6th graders is allowing them to research essay topics in advance. This will enable you to be more prepared and organised. To find the perfect 6th-grade essay topics, you have to allow your students to sift through the list of essay topics and select the one they feel interested in.

Narrative Essay Topic for 6th Grade 

Whether you want your students to recount an event that happened shortly or an adventure that need them to fuel their imaginative spirit, narrative essays tell a story. The narrative essay is structured with a plot, which organizes it into beginning, middle and end.

Here are some narrative essay topic for 6th graders:

  • Think about the best day of your life. What made it so great?
  • Who is the oldest person you know?
  • Describe a friend situation that changed over only one day.
  • Write about how it feels when you’re alone.
  • Describe your favourite vacation.
  • Has a book, movie, or album ever changed your life?
  • Think about your future self. Write about a day in your life, one year from today.
  • Tell a family story from your perspective.
  • Describe a memory you have of extreme weather.
  • Think about a time you had to work hard to learn something.
  • Your first day of school.
  • Your most exciting day of school
  • A field trip that your class took.
  • Your favourite summer vacation.
  • A trip that included something unexpected or surprising.
  • A time that you experienced something spooky.
  • A time that you experienced something truly frightening.
  • A time that you learned something new that changed you in some way.
  • The moment when you met someone who changed your life.
  • The day that you got your first pet.
  • A move from one place to another.
  • Something funny that happened to you.
  • Something funny that happened to one of your family members or friends.
  • Something embarrassing that happened to you.
  • Your favourite birthday party.
  • A birthday that was disappointing.
  • A big storm (rain, snow or even a tornado!).
  • A time that the power went out.
  • A summer day when the temperature got much higher than expected.
  • A time when you went to an amusement park
  • A time when you got lost somewhere.
  • A memorable experience with a favourite family member
  • A sad experience with someone about whom you care
  • Your most exciting moment playing sports
  • Your most exciting moment is performing in a play, singing, playing music, or dancing.
  • An experience that left you feeling frustrated.
  • An experience that was hard but ended up being worth it.
  • A time that you experienced rejection.
  • A weird encounter with a stranger
  • A random act of kindness.
  • A time that you took a stand for someone or for an issue that you care about.
  • A moment when you thought you might get hurt but didn’t.
  • Breaking a bone (or otherwise suffering an injury).
  • Your first time away from home for the night (or longer).
  • A time when you experienced a historic event.
  • Where were you when a major event happened? (Note: You don’t need to have been at the site of the event; this prompt is about where you were when you found out about the event and how you reacted.)
  • A time when you rebelled against your parents or teacher.
  • A dangerous experience.
  • A misunderstanding between yourself and someone else.
  • A difficult decision that you had to make.
  • The end of a friendship or relationship.
  • The beginning of a friendship or relationship.
  • A time when you judged someone first and then realized that you were wrong about the person.
  • A time when someone judged you first and then realized that he or she was wrong about you.
  • A moment when you felt that you were starting to grow up.
  • A time when you saw one or both of your parents in a different light.
  • A time when you looked up to your older sibling
  • A time when your younger sibling looked up to you
  • A time when you were grateful to be an only child.
  • An experience that you think has only ever happened to you!

Expository essay topic for the 6th Grade

Expository essays are informative. They are fantastic tools you can use to teach your 6th graders about the method of exploring and researching. You’d want to build their writing skills. So here are some Expository essay topic for the 6th graders:

  • Write an extended  definition essay  on one of your vocabulary words.
  • Pretend a friend hasn’t seen your favorite TV show. And what is it about?
  • Compare and contrast two of your friends.
  • Describe your school year so far. And what have been the most important events?
  • Choose a problem at your school. And what’s the best solution?
  • What was the cause of a recent argument you had? And what was the effect?
  • Compare and contrast two of your favorite sports or activities.
  • Discuss a conflict in a movie you like. And how was it resolved?
  • Write a definition essay about the concept of empathy.
  • Explain how to send a friendly text message.
  • Teach a reader how to play your favorite board or card game.
  • Write about the steps needed to tie a shoe.
  • Create a user manual for something you use a lot (e.g., hair straightener or cell phone).
  • Describe how you get home after school.
  • Tell a younger reader how to do homework without wasting time.
  • How do you get to the library from your classroom?
  • How do you choose what to watch on a streaming service?
  • Explain how to pass a difficult level in a video game.
  • Write about the steps you follow to listen to your favourite music.

Argumentative essay topic for the 6th Grade

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The argumentative essay is about debating. It is formal writing that aims to persuade readers to the writer’s line of thought or point of view. It is one way of spurring curiosity in your 6th grader, allowing them to passionately research and boost their writing skills.

Here are some argumentative essay topics for the 6th grade:

  • Would you rather get or give a gift?
  • If you were anybody when you grow up, who’d you be?
  • What is the most selfless thing that you have ever done?
  • Do you believe that there are things that only men or only women can perform? Why or why not?
  • Do you think that astrological horoscopes are true?
  • What are some of the problems faced by immigrants to a new country? How did this experience make you feel?
  • What was the funniest moment you’ve ever experienced? Why?
  • How do you talk to somebody who has political or spiritual beliefs which are different than your own?
  • What is the longest time that you have ever kept a secret? What was the key?
  • Write about an experience where you thought you knew something for certain, but were later turned out to be wrong.
  • Name and explain somebody that has been a inspiration to your life.
  • In 20 years, where do you think you’ll be? What will you do?
  • How do you start a conversation with somebody that you do not know?
  • What is your deepest, darkest fear?
  • What would you believe at the most? How can you create this belief? What’s it about?
  • What is your favorite thing to do after school or on this weekend?
  • Have you ever been lost? How did you end up finding your way?
  • Should kids have homework?
  • Is your city a good place to live?
  • Is it important to learn math?
  • Should school start later?
  • What’s the best way to eat an ice cream cone?
  • Should skateboarding be allowed in private parking lots?
  • Is Monday through Friday the best school schedule?
  • Does pizza make a good breakfast?
  • Are hamsters fun pets?
  • Should students be allowed to go anywhere they want on the Internet?

Narrative essay topic for the 6th Grade

The Narrative essay is used to motivate students to tell a beautiful story and craft pictures in the mind of readers. Here are some Narrative essay topic for the 6th graders,

  • Your favorite summer vacation.
  • Your favorite birthday party.
  • A time when you went to an amusement park.
  • A memorable experience with a favorite family member.
  • A sad experience with someone about whom you care.
  • Your most exciting moment playing sports.
  • Your most exciting moment performing in a play, singing, playing music or dancing.
  • A weird encounter with a stranger.
  • A moment when you thought you might get hurt but didn’t.
  • Where you were when a major event happened. (Note: You don’t need to have been at the site of the event; this prompt is about where you were when you found out about the event and how you reacted.)
  • A time when you looked up to your older sibling.
  • A time when your younger sibling looked up to you.

Descriptive essay topic for the 6th Grade

Here are some fun and inspiring essay topic for 6th graders:

  • Describe your favourite place.
  • Describe your ideal bedroom.
  • Describe the house in which you grew up.
  • Describe what the first house on the moon would look like.
  • Describe some of your favourite places in your hometown.
  • Describe a peaceful place that you’ve visited.
  • Describe a place that exists only in your imagination.
  • Describe a friend’s or family member’s house where you enjoy spending time.
  • Describe your perfect fantasy vacation destination.
  • Describe your favourite store.
  • Describe your favourite teacher’s classroom.
  • Describe a museum that you’ve visited recently.
  • Describe a place you have dreamed about that doesn’t exist in real life.
  • Describe a place where your pet likes spending time.
  • Describe an outdoor place that you know well.
  • Describe your favourite person.
  • Describe each of your family members.
  • Describe a famous person that you would like to meet.
  • Describe one of your friends.
  • Describe one aspect of someone that you like (for example laugh, style of dress, words that the person likes to use, etc.)
  • Describe yourself to someone who has never met you.
  • Describe the average human to an alien who has never before seen a person.
  • Describe your pet.
  • Look at some old family photos and describe an older family member as he or she was when at your age.
  • Describe someone whom you miss.
  • Describe an object that is special to you.
  • Give a tour of one room in your house by describing the most important objects in that room.
  • Describe one of your favorite outfits.
  • Describe your favorite toy as a child.
  • Describe how you get around (for example: a bicycle, skateboard, sneakers, your parents’ car, the school bus).
  • Describe your favorite piece of furniture where you like to spend time and relax.
  • Describe something that you would bury in a time capsule to tell people about what life is like today.
  • Describe an object that has been in your family for a long time.
  • Choose a piece of food to eat; then, write a description of it that includes the way it looks, smells and tastes.
  • Describe a smartphone to a time traveler from the 1900s.
  • Describe your oldest memory.
  • Describe your best summer vacation.
  • Describe a memorable concert you attended.
  • Describe a memorable trip you took.
  • Describe a special time that you and your family had together.
  • Describe the first time you met one of your friends.
  • Describe a time you met someone famous.
  • Describe one of your happiest memories.
  • Describe one of your saddest memories.
  • Describe a time that you felt scared.
  • Describe a time that you felt excited.
  • Describe a time that something totally unexpected happened.
  • Describe a memory of someone whom you miss.
  • Describe one of your most memorable first days of school.
  • Describe one of your most embarrassing moments.

Creative Essay Topics for 6th Grade

  • What is the best thing someone has ever given to you?
  • What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
  • Write about what you can teach others. Everyone is good at something. This question helps children think about what they’re good at and how they can help others.
  •  Did you ever get into an argument with a friend or family member? How did that make you feel?
  • Did you ever hurt someone’s feelings? Explain what happened and how it made you feel.
  •  Did someone ever hurt your feelings? How did it make you feel? Did you talk to that person about it?
  •  Is there anyone you would like to switch places with? who and why?
  • What does it mean to be loyal?
  •  When was a time you were loyal to a friend or a friend who was loyal to you?

Self-Esteem Essay Topics for 6th Grade

  • Has a friend ever betrayed you? How did it make you feel? What do you think your friend should have done differently.
  • Have you ever been friends with someone who was unpopular or not part of the group? This is a great question to ask children when teaching them about acceptance and how it feels not to be part of a group.
  • When was a time you felt you were treated unfairly? How did it make you feel?
  • Is it fair to give someone a head start in a race? When is it fair? When is it not fair?
  • Write about a time when you had a strong opinion about something? Why did you feel so strongly about it?
  • Write about a time you made a big mistake. How did you fix it? Everyone makes mistakes. This writing topic helps children understand that mistakes are part of the learning experience.
  • Write about a time when you were very angry. What happened? How did being angry make you feel? I find that many times children will feel sad when they are angry. Did I make a good choice when I was angry?
  •  If you heard a rumour about a friend that you knew wasn’t true, what would you do? How would it make you feel?
  • \Write about a time when you cheered someone up. What did you do? How did it make you feel? How did it make that person feel?
  • Write about a time when you used your inner strength to get through a tough situation.
  •  Write about 3 things that are hard for you and why.
  • When was the last time you were afraid? What scared you? How did you react?
  •  What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
  •  Who is your hero and why?
  • What do you think risk-taking is? Have you ever taken a risk?
  • Write about your best friend. Who are they, how long have you known them, why are they your best friends?
  • What does it mean to have good character? Do you think you have a good character? Why?

Compare and contrast essays for grade 6

  • Group work and individual work
  • Only child vs. having siblings
  • Nature vs. nurture
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Old friends and new friends
  • Your teacher vs. your parent/guardian
  • Car ownership and public transportation
  • Working your way through college as you go or taking out student loans
  • Parents and grandparents
  • Elementary school and high school
  • Learning to read vs. learning to write
  • The importance of any two school subjects
  • Wearing glasses vs. having braces
  • You and your best friend
  • Friendship vs. romantic love
  • Public and private schools
  • Online school and in-person school
  • Any two schools or colleges
  • Going to college vs. starting work full-time

2 thoughts on “6th Grade Essay Topics – Best 100 Essay Ideas for Sixth Graders”

I don’t like those give me feed back how you could give me gaming stuff for narrative essay

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by Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.  

28 Expository Writing Prompts for Middle School

October 12, 2014 in  Pedagogy

Expository Writing Prompts Middle School

The ability to provide information in different contexts is essential to effective communication. Students must practice expository writing throughout their academic careers. The sooner they start, the better. Below are some descriptive, sequential, compare and contrast, cause and effect, and problem/solution writing prompts to help you give your students the practice they need.


  • Write an essay describing your school to a potentially new student.
  • Write an essay describing the appeal of reality TV shows.
  • Write an essay describing a rainy night.
  • Write an essay describing your first pet.
  • Write an essay describing your first memory.
  • It’s Christmas morning and there is a package under the tree containing exactly what you requested. Describe the contents of your package..
  • Write an essay describing how you feel when you wake up and discover snow on the ground outside — and school has been cancelled.
  • Writing an essay explaining the process you use to style your hair in the morning.
  • You have invited your two best friends to spend the afternoon at your home. Write an essay telling how your prepare for their visit.
  • Everyone has lost something at one time or another. Write an essay telling what you did to find what you had lost.
  • Describe how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
  • Tell how you wash your hair.
  • Describe the plot of your favorite book.

Compare and Contrast

  • Write an essay comparing and contrasting ownership of cats and dogs.
  • Compare and contrast this year in school to last year.
  • Compare and contrast your two favorite characters.
  • Compare and contrast your family’s home and the home of your dreams.
  • Compare and contrast a typical day in your life today and what you think a typical day in your life will be like when you are 25.
  • Compare and contrast your two favorite teachers.

Cause and Effect

  • Write an essay telling how peer pressure has affected you this year.
  • Write an essay explaining what causes students to drop out of high school.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of bullying in schools.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of poverty in rural (urban) areas.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of drug or alcohol use on families.


  • Most students do not read or watch news, resulting in a lack of knowledge about the world outside of their immediate neighborhood. Write an essay describing why this is a problem and telling how this problem might be solved.
  • Think about the community in which you live. What could you do to make it a better place? Choose one problem that needs to be solved to make your community a better place to live. Write a letter to the editor describing how solving this problem would make your community a better place, and tell what you would do. Give reasons why you think your plan would work.
  • Think about what you could do to make your school more beautiful. Think about how you would do this. How could you persuade the people in your school that your idea is a good one? Write a letter to the principal of your school asking for support for your plan for making your school more beautiful. Tell what you would do and how you would do it. Explain why you think your plan is important and why it would work.
  • Think about animal abuse. Some people abuse animals by being intentionally cruel to them or neglecting their basic needs; others abuse animals out of ignorance. Think about what could be done to prevent both kinds of animal abuse. Write a letter to leaders in your community describing how you would solve this problem, and how treating animals better would improve the lives of animals and people. Explain why you think your plan will work.

Related topics: Informative Writing , Quickwriting

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About the author 

Michelle Boyd Waters, M.Ed.

I am a secondary English Language Arts teacher, a University of Oklahoma student working on my doctorate in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with an concentration in English Education and co-Editor of the Oklahoma English Journal. I am constantly seeking ways to amplify students' voices and choices.

  • Pingback: Writing in the Middle School-Thoughts and Ideas | Teachers Pondering

the prompt should be harder,and including a think about and quote.

Thank you very much for your input, Amelia!

this info is very helpful and all but right now at school (i am in middle school) i have to write an expisitory essay on any topic i am really having trouble finding a topic but it has to be something u can argue like for example: football: people think it is a dangerous sport but the rules have changed more saftey… yeah stuff like that something u can argue ur opinion and so far i have nothing i was really hoping this would help but no but thx anyways i am gonna go to another website but in the future this could really help thx!!!!

But it makes your teacher happy to know what your input is for example what your input is about bullying and drugs.

Thank you so much for this. I need to give my 8th-grader, reluctant writer, some options for what he writes as practice on spring break. This is a great list. I added one about describing the appeal of the YouTube videos he watches, and another about the cause-and-effect of DOnald Trump’s candidacy, since my son is very interested in Trump.

Thank you this helped a lot when I didn’t know what to write for my essay.

I really like this website because i like writing essays for practice and these are a little difficult but It is good for it to be a little diffcult because it is more challenging.

These are great! I will be using these suggestions with my 6th graders! I love expository writing!!!! 🙂

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50 Engaging 6th Grade Writing Prompts for Thoughtful Essays

Sixth grade marks a big transition in students’ lives. They’re no longer little kids, but they’re not quite teens either–that’s what middle school is all about. To help your students bridge this transition with ease, it’s important to give them plenty of opportunities to practice their writing skills since they’ll be doing a lot of writing in high school and beyond.

Narrative Writing Prompts

Narrative writing revolves around telling a story with a plot that has rising action, a climax, and a resolution. These narrative writing prompts will give your 6th-grade students plenty to think about–and write about.

Story Starters

1. I had the biggest fight with my best friend yesterday. It all started when…

3. I’ll never forget the time when I was lost in the city. It was…

Personal Narrative Prompts

Personal narratives are all about giving students the opportunity to tell their own stories in descriptive ways. Here are writing prompts to get them started.

8. Think about your future self–where do you see yourself in 1 year? Write about it.

Reflective Writing Prompts

Reflective writing is a lot like journaling–it gives students the opportunity to process their thoughts and feelings on a given topic. These reflective writing prompts/journal prompts will encourage thoughtful reflection in your students while giving them some fun.

12. Take a walk in nature and describe what you see. What emotions does it evoke in you?

14. Make a list of all the emotions you experience throughout the day.

Informational Writing Prompts

Informational writing is an essential skill for middle-schoolers, especially as they head into high school and college, where they’ll be expected to write long-form essays rather than fiction. These informational writing prompts will give your students plenty of practice with this type of writing.

Expository Prompts

18. Discuss a problem in a movie you enjoy. What was the outcome of the situation?

Research Prompts

Next, research writing prompts will help students practice their research skills by investigating a given topic and finding credible sources to support their claims. These research writing prompts will allow your students to conduct investigative research and write about what they’ve found in detail.

22. What animals are on the verge of extinction?

25. Explore your dream career. What skills would you need to succeed in it?

Procedural Prompts

26. Make a user guide for anything you use frequently (e.g., your computer, smartphone, video game console).

Argument Writing Prompts

The next type of writing prompt is argument writing. Argumentative writing is a type of nonfiction writing that requires students to investigate a topic, collect evidence, and assess their findings to defend a point of view while also considering the perspectives of others.

Argumentative Essay Prompts

They’ll then need to provide satisfactory evidence from their research to support their position. Here are some prompts to get them started.

Persuasive Prompts

37. Should there be a limit on the amount of homework students can receive?

Poetry Prompts

Poetry prompts are a great way to get your students to write creatively. These prompts will help your students tap into their imaginations and write poems that are both beautiful and moving. Whether in free verse or strict meter, your students will be sure to impress you with their poetic prowess.

43. Choose an onomatopoeia and use it five times in a poem.

Creative Writing Prompts

Last but not least, creative writing is all about using imagination to create a piece of writing that’s unlike anything else. This creative writing prompts will help your students tap into their imaginations and write some truly unique pieces revolving around self-expression.

49. Write a family story from the perspective of your pet.

Dust Off Those Pencils and Get Ready to Write! 

6th grade expository essay topics

Emily is an active mother of two and a dedicated elementary school teacher. She believes the latest technology has made a huge impact on the quality of early learning and has worked hard to upgrade her classroom and her own children’s learning experience through technology.

Follow her on Twitter , Pinterest , and Instagram for more teaching fun!

50 Exclusive 6th Grade Writing Prompts that are Printable for Free

Victory Ihejieto

  • February 22, 2024

Table of Contents Hide

Table of contents, personal narratives:, creative stories:, opinion pieces:, descriptive essays, expository essays, book reviews, research projects, journal entries:, exclusive 6th grade writing prompts , 6th-grade writing prompts , creative writing topics for grade 6 , 6th grade writing prompts with reading passages , recommendations.

For sixth graders, imagination can be the key to creative expression. It’s a strong weapon. With specialized 6th Grade Writing Prompts, you can have an insight into the distinctive thoughts of these young authors and inspire a wide range of creative and inventive ideas.

As a student, every prompt offers you the chance to use narrative to explore new aspects of yourself, from ones that take them to far galaxies to those that delve deeply into your feelings and experiences.

In this article, we will take you through 50 exclusive 6th grade writing prompts that are printable for free. Carefully read through!

  • Exclusive 6th Grade Writing Prompts
  • 6th-grade Writing Prompts
  • Creative Writing Topics for Grade 6
  • 6th Grade Writing Prompts with Reading Passages

What Should a 6th Grader Write about?

A sixth grader’s writing can cover a wide range of subjects, contingent upon their experiences, interests, and the particular assignment or goal of the writing work. Some possibilities for topics a sixth grader could write about are as follows:

Students are encouraged to explore their own experiences and share them with others through the use of personal narratives.

They can relive with vivid detail special occasions, like the time they overcame their fear of heights by scaling a mountain, obstacles they’ve overcome, like learning to ride a bike without training wheels, or memorable times spent with loved ones, like a touching holiday celebration or an adventure that strengthened their bond with siblings.

Students acquire insight into their own lives and ideals by thinking back on these experiences and expressing them in writing, in addition to honing their storytelling abilities.

Students can express their imagination and ingenuity via creative stories. Authors can showcase their storytelling skills by creating inventive stories with captivating characters, compelling narratives, and unique settings.

Students are free to let their imaginations run wild, whether they go on an exhilarating journey through a magical kingdom, solve a mystery in a chilling haunted mansion, or explore the depths of space in a futuristic starship.

They hone their narrative abilities, create gripping stories, and bring their imaginative ideas to life on paper via the process of storytelling.

Students can express their opinions on a variety of subjects that are important to them through opinion pieces. Students can use persuasive writing to communicate their ideas, advocate for their beliefs, and express their perspectives on a variety of topics, from pop cultural phenomena to environmental issues to school laws.

Students gain the ability to effectively express their thoughts, provide evidence to back up their claims, engage in critical thinking, and debate—whether they are advocating for tighter environmental rules, defending their favorite book or movie, or suggesting changes to school procedures.

Descriptive essays require students to use language to conjure up vivid images in the readers’ minds and arouse their senses. They can paint a detailed picture of a location they have been to, such a busy city street, a calm beach at dusk, or a comfortable lodge in the woods.

As an alternative, individuals can use rich descriptions and striking pictures to delve into the sensory nuances of a beloved memory, a favorite dish, or an interesting object. Students who practice descriptive writing are better able to arouse readers’ emotions, appeal to their senses, and produce immersive writing.

Expository essays educate students how to present facts and provide a clear, structured explanation of difficult subjects.

They can delve into a variety of topics, including historical events, cultural customs, how-to manuals, and scientific ideas.

Whether they’re breaking down a cultural ritual, exploring the history of ancient civilizations, or explaining how photosynthesis works, students learn how to effectively research, analyze, and present information. This helps them improve their writing, research, and critical thinking abilities.

Through the skillful use of language and images, poetry provides students with a unique means of expression, enabling them to explore themes such as nature, emotions, friendship, and identity. They can play around with various poetry forms, including limericks, sonnets, haikus, or free verse, and investigate the lyrical and rhythmic aspects of language.

Students learn how to use words to express emotions, generate images, and build meaning in their poetry, whether they’re writing a whimsical limerick, a heartfelt sonnet, or a haiku that captures the majesty of a sunset.

By giving students a platform to express their ideas and opinions about books they’ve read, book reviews support the growth of their analytical and critical thinking abilities.

They can assess the book’s advantages and disadvantages, character and topic analysis, and storyline summary.

Students gain the ability to engage with literature thoughtfully, express their opinions clearly, and participate in literary discussions and debates—whether they are analyzing a classic work of literature, suggesting a favorite novel to their peers, or delving into the themes of a recent bestseller.

Research projects allow students to explore interesting subjects in-depth, gather data, and present their results in an orderly and systematic manner. They can delve into a variety of topics, such as social issues, cultural customs, historical events, and scientific occurrences.

Whether they’re looking into the origins of climate change, studying the past of ancient civilizations, or examining how social media affects society, students gain important research skills from these projects.

These skills include how to collect data from trustworthy sources, assess the validity of the data, and effectively and persuasively present their findings.

Keeping a journal gives students a private place to consider their feelings, ideas, experiences, and observations. Journaling allows them to keep track of their daily activities, examine their feelings and responses to situations, and think back on their development and education.

Regular journaling helps kids develop self-awareness, introspection, and mindfulness. This can be done by having them write down their ideas before going to bed, reflect on their experiences after a difficult day, or capture moments of inspiration and insight.

Read ALSO:  107+ Creative Writing Prompts For Middle School Students

  • Write a tale about a time-traveling excursion to a significant historical occasion.
  • Describe a world in which all people’s dreams come true.
  • Which historical figure, and why, would you want to meet if you could?
  • Ten years from now, write a letter to yourself.
  • Consider being able to teleport to any location on Earth. Which place would you visit first?
  • Describe a superhero’s typical day in the life of a neighborhood resident.
  • If you could communicate with animals, how would you respond?
  • Write a story about a magical item that, although granting desires, has drawbacks.
  • Describe a future society in which all aspects of existence are governed by technology.
  • What superpower, if any, would you choose to have, and how would you use it?
  • Write a tale about a bunch of pals figuring out a mystery in their community.
  • Describe an unruly world. How would that feel?
  • What exactly does being a good friend entail? Write about an instance where you showed friendship.
  • Which disciplines would you include in your own curriculum, if you could create one?
  • Write a letter expressing your admiration for the writing of your favorite author.
  • Tell about a moment when you had to make a tough choice and how you came to an answer.
  • Consider being able to travel to any fictitious place from a book. To what place would you go?
  • Write about a moment when, despite the difficulty, you stood up for what you believed in.
  • What would you alter, and why, if you could, in the world?
  • Write a tale that takes place in a bleak future when humanity is about to perish.
  • Write about a day in the life of your favorite movie or book character.
  • For you, what does success mean? Write about a moment when you felt accomplished.
  • Consider being able to speak with extraterrestrials on a different world. How would you respond?
  • Write a letter expressing your admiration for your role model.
  • Describe a society in which mind reading is a common skill.
  • What new technology, and how might it help civilization, if you could create it?
  • Write about a failure you’ve had and the lessons you took away from it.
  • Describe a civilization that is utopian and in balance with the natural world.
  • What would you change if you could travel back in time to alter one particular historical event?
  • Write a tale about a party of adventurers finding a lost culture.
  • Describe a world in which magic exists but is kept out of the public eye.
  • What does being brave really mean? Write about a brave moment in your life.
  • Which historical period—past or future—would you like to live in, and why?

Read ALSO:  140 Exclusive Writing Prompts For Adults

  • A Magical Land : Describe a world where magic is real and part of everyday life.
  • Time Travel Adventure : Write a story about traveling back in time to a significant historical event.
  • Superhero Origins : Create the origin story of a new superhero, including their powers and motivations.
  • Mystery Mansion : Describe a spooky mansion and the mysteries hidden within its walls.
  • Animal Kingdom : Imagine a world where animals can talk and interact with humans.
  • Dream Vacation : Describe your ideal vacation destination and what you would do there.
  • Invent a New Planet : Design a planet with unique geography, inhabitants, and customs.
  • Lost in the Wilderness : Write about being lost in the wilderness and the adventures that follow.
  • Sports Star : Imagine becoming a professional athlete in your favorite sport. Describe your journey to success.
  • School of Magic : Enroll in a school for wizards and witches. Describe your experiences learning spells and potions.
  • Alien Encounter : Describe an encounter with an alien species and the impact it has on Earth.
  • Underwater Adventure : Dive deep into the ocean and explore an underwater world full of wonders and dangers.
  • Robot Revolution : Write about a future where robots have become sentient and demand equal rights.
  • Time Capsule : Imagine burying a time capsule with items representing your life. What would you include and why?
  • A Day in the Life of a Celebrity : Describe a day in the life of a famous celebrity of your choice.
  • The Quest for a Magical Artifact : Write a story about a quest to find a powerful magical artifact and the challenges faced along the way.
  • Haunted House : Explore a haunted house and uncover its dark secrets.
  • Space Exploration : Describe a journey to explore a distant planet in search of new life forms.
  • Future Career : Imagine your future career and what a typical day in that profession would be like.
  • Invisible Friend : Write about having an invisible friend and the adventures you have together.

Read ALSO:  50 Exclusive 4th Grade Writing Prompts That Are Printable For Free

  • Prompt : Imagine you are one of the characters in the passage below. Write a diary entry describing your thoughts and feelings about the events that unfolded.

Reading Passage : “The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. As Sarah packed her bag, she couldn’t shake off the feeling of dread. She knew she had to face her bully on the bus ride home.”

  • Prompt : After reading the passage below, write a persuasive essay arguing whether or not schools should implement a dress code policy like the one described.

Reading Passage : “As students entered the school gates, they were greeted by the sight of their peers dressed in a rainbow of colors and styles. Some wore jeans and T-shirts, while others donned skirts and blazers. There was no uniform requirement, allowing students to express their individuality through their clothing choices.”

  • Prompt : Use the information from the passage to write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper expressing your opinion on the issue discussed.

Reading Passage : “The town council is considering banning plastic bags in an effort to reduce pollution and protect the environment. Many residents are divided on the issue, with some arguing that it would inconvenience shoppers and hurt businesses, while others believe it is a necessary step towards a greener future.”

  • Prompt : After reading the passage below, write a narrative describing a day in the life of the protagonist, using details from the passage to inspire your story.

Reading Passage : “Jake woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. As he stretched and yawned, he glanced at the clock and realized he was running late for school. He quickly dressed, grabbed his backpack, and raced out the door, eager to start the day.”

  • Prompt : Based on the information provided in the passage, write a summary of the main arguments presented by each side of the debate.

Reading Passage : “The school cafeteria is considering replacing unhealthy snacks with nutritious options. Proponents of the change argue that it will improve student health and academic performance, while opponents worry about increased costs and decreased student satisfaction.”

  • Prompt : Use the passage below as inspiration to write a descriptive essay about your favorite outdoor activity.

Reading Passage : “As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Sarah and her friends gathered around the campfire. They roasted marshmallows, told stories, and gazed up at the starry sky, feeling at peace in the great outdoors.”

  • Prompt : After reading the passage below, write a compare and contrast essay discussing the similarities and differences between the two characters.

Reading Passage : “Emily was outgoing and adventurous, always eager to try new things and meet new people. In contrast, her sister Olivia was shy and reserved, preferring to spend her time lost in books or exploring nature alone.”

  • Prompt : Using the information provided in the passage, write a persuasive speech arguing for or against the proposed changes.

Reading Passage : “The city council is considering implementing a curfew for teenagers in an effort to reduce crime and keep young people safe. Supporters believe it will decrease juvenile delinquency, while opponents argue it will unfairly restrict the freedoms of law-abiding teenagers.”

  • Prompt : Write a narrative inspired by the passage below, imagining yourself as the protagonist navigating the challenges described.

Reading Passage : “Mark stared at the blank page in front of him, feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the task ahead. He had a history essay due tomorrow, but he had no idea where to begin. With a sigh, he picked up his pen and started writing, determined to conquer his writer’s block.”

  • Prompt : Based on the information provided in the passage, write a response discussing your opinion on the topic and providing evidence to support your viewpoint.

Reading Passage : “The debate over homework continues to divide educators, parents, and students alike. Some argue that it reinforces learning and teaches responsibility, while others believe it causes stress and detracts from family time. What is your stance on the issue?”

Yes, these writing prompts are designed to be age-appropriate and engaging for all 6th graders.

Yes, these writing prompts have been carefully crafted to align with common core standards for 6th grade writing.

It’s recommended to introduce a new prompt regularly, such as once a week, to keep your students inspired and practicing their writing skills consistently.

Engaging with a variety of creative and thought-provoking prompts can definitely help enhance your students’ writing abilities over time.

These varied subjects for sixth-grade writing assignments are sure to stimulate young writers’ creativity and critical thinking. Teachers and parents can easily include these prompts in their lesson plans or home-schooling activities because they are free to print.

Students will be able to convey their own views and perspectives while practicing a variety of writing abilities by responding to these prompts.

These writing prompts can be used as homework assignments, daily warm-ups, or creative writing exercises. They are an invaluable tool for supporting the development of young writers.

  • 50 Exclusive 4th Grade Writing Prompts That Are Printable For Free
  • 140 Exclusive Writing Prompts For Adults
  • 107+ Creative Writing Prompts For Middle School Students
  • Chinese vs Japanese Writing: A Side-by-Side Comparison

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25 Expository essay topics for Middle School by Category


Expository Essays explain a particular topic in a detailed, logical and straightforward manner. These types of essays are completely informative. They do not include any references or any opinion of the writer. The tone of an expository essay is kept neutral. Hence, while writing an expository essay you will be expected to illustrate, define, explain or clarify the topic in a way that the readers can easily understand it completely. You may provide arguments, conduct an investigation or evaluate things in order to provide a clear explanation to your readers.

Essay writing is an art. It is an essential skill to have which is why you’re going to require essay topics for Grade 7 , 8, 9, and 10. You may have to do a lot of creative writing in middle school . Writing is a must-have school and these activities in school prepare you for it.

Types of Expository Essays

  • Descriptive Essay – describes a place, thing or an experience
  • Problem-Solution Essay – presents a problem and its solution
  • Cause-Effect Essay – finds the cause of something and its impact
  • Comparison Essay – compares and contrasts two things
  • Process Essay – explains a process

How to Choose a Topic for your Expository Essay?

The most difficult and important aspect of essay writing is choosing the ‘right topic’. Many times students choose a difficult topic for which they need to conduct a lot of research which however makes essay writing difficult. Here are 4 quick tips on picking up the right topic –

  • Understand the purpose of writing the essay
  • Brainstorm some ideas and hence make an informed choice
  • Always conduct background research on the topic that you choose to understand its scope
  • Start with an outline first! Do not start writing straight away.

Expository Essay Samples

To help you get a better idea of what an expository essay is, consider the samples given below –

Topic: How Students can spend Their Leisure Time

Students have got a lot to handle! From attending classes to completing assignments, and participating in extracurricular activities, the small amount of leisure time that remains for them should be utilized in the best way possible. Students must choose their activities wisely as the way they spend their leisure time can reflect upon their physical and mental well-being.

Sports and Exercises

With most activities being sedentary nowadays, students should find some time to indulge in any kind of sports activity or a workout routine of their choice. Studies have shown that continuous sitting can lead to adverse effects on the health of students. Hence exercise and sports are good choices for students.

Developing Hobbies

Gardening, reading, writing, drawing, painting, or even cooking, there are numerous hobbies to choose from. Students should find some time for pursuing their hobbies, exploring new ones and enhancing their skills as a part of their leisure activity. No one knows when your hobby becomes your passion and hence gives a pathway to your success!

Time to Relax!

It is essential for us to learn to quiet our minds in this busy world. Hence students should develop a habit to relax and practice mindfulness every day. They can pick up any activity for this like meditation, yoga, listening to music, or even sitting with their family and friends. It is crucial for students to stay calm and find time, particularly for them for their mental and spiritual well-being.

These activities can help students take control of their lives. Picking up an activity that does not involve intellect, that is unlike school activities, can help students find a balance in their life. They can relax, play, grow and discover their true potential only through proper utilization of their leisure time.

Expository Essay Topics

Got a gist of how to write an expository essay? Let us have a look at some easy yet interesting expository essays that you can use –

Descriptive Essay

1. Describe your School 2. Describe your Pet 3. How Diversity can affect a Classroom? 4. Why do we Celebrate Christmas? 5. When you saw Snow for the first time

Problem-Solution Essay

1. Many students do not watch the news. How can this be a matter of concern for them? Are there any solutions to this issue? 2. Animal Abuse and Its Solutions 3. Global Warming and Its Solutions 4. What is Deforestation? Why is it a serious issue? How can this issue be solved? 5. How can we make our Community a Better Place?

Cause-Effect Essay

1. How air Pollution is affecting our Health? 2. Bullying in Schools – Causes and Effects 3. Peer Pressure and its Effects 4. Effects of Using Social Media 5. How Poverty affects urban and rural areas

Comparison Essay

1. Compare your two favourite sportspersons 2. Compare your current house to your dream home 3. Compare your two favourite TV shows 4. Watches – then and now! 5. Compare a place you visited recently with your city

Process Essay

1. How to Make Friends 2. How to Study 3. How to Take Care of your Dog 4. How to Fix a Table Fan 5. How to Write a Diary Entry

Got some inspiration to start with your own essay? So why delay? Start wiring your essay today itself. We hope that these topics would have given you a fair idea of what topic you can choose for your expository essay. Happy Writing!

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65 Expository Prompts for Kids

65 expos prompts

1. Write about what you think the world will be like in 100 years.

2. We are learning all the time.  Write about something you have learned recently and how it has affected you.

3. You have been asked by your principal to recommend one course which will help you prepare for the job you want in the future.  It could be a course your school is already offering or a new course.  Write an essay to explain to your principal the course you would recommend.  Be sure to give the reasons for your suggestion.

4. Explain the main reasons why you think students drop out of school.

5. Talk about your favorite music and why you like it.

6. Think of your favorite year in school.  Explain why it was your favorite year.

7. Friends are important, but everyone has a different opinion of what makes a good friend.  Explain what, in your opinion, makes a good friend.

8. Some teachers are special.  Without giving any names, explain why one particular teacher in your life was special.

9. If you could change one thing about your school, what would you change?  Explain why.

10. We all get angry at times, but different people react in different ways.  Some people show their anger openly, and some hide it within themselves.  Explain and describe what you do when you get mad.

11. Friends sometimes experience conflicts.  Explain why this happens.

12. If someone were new to your town, explain to him/her the highlights.

13. If you could make changes to your school lunchroom, what would you do?

14. Most people like one particular animal more than others.  Explain why your favorite animal is your favorite animal.

15. Most people remember one day that really was special.  Think about a special day you have had and write an essay explaining why that day was so special.

16. Your generation faces many problems.  Identify one of these problems that you feel is the most important, explain it, and propose some possible solutions to the problem.

17. Much has been written about the negative effects of television on young people.  Are all television shows bad for children?  Write an essay describing a show you feel has a positive impact on today’s teens and explain how the show could be helpful.

18. Rules are important in our daily lives.  We have rules for driving, rules for studying, and even rules for playing.  Think about the rules you have in your school.  What three rules should every school have? Write an essay explaining to the reader the three rules you selected. Give clear reasons why each one is needed.

19. Games are fun and often teach us something as well.  Think about your favorite game.  Write a paper telling about your favorite game. Explain to the reader your reasons for enjoying it.

20. Suppose you have been appointed to a neighborhood improvement committee.  You must make recommendations on ways to make your neighborhood a better place to live.  Think about some changes you would like to make in your neighborhood.  Write an essay to inform your reader of changes you would recommend to improve your neighborhood and why these changes are important.

21. If you could choose any animal for a class pet, what would you choose and why?

22. What is your favorite time of the year?  Explain why this is your favorite time.

23. Everyone has something or someone that is important to him/her. Pick an object, a person, or a feeling that is important to you and explain why it is so important in your life.

24. Eating healthy foods is very important.  Write an essay explaining why it is important to eat healthy foods.

25. Explain why it is important to learn to read.

26. Think back to when you were little and had a favorite toy.  Explain why you liked this particular toy.

27. Everyone has chores to do.  Explain why you do the job or chore you have.

28. If you could be any other person for a day, who would you be?  Explain why you would like to be that person for a day.

29. We are increasingly worried about our environment.  Write an essay explaining about one environmental problem you think is important and  propose some possible solutions to the problem.

30. Suggest one change that you think can make this country better.

31. If you had a time machine and could go to any time in the past or future, where you go?  Explain why you chose that particular time.

32. Everyone has responsibilities.  Write a paper explaining a responsibility you have now or will have in the future and why you shoulder that responsibility.

33. Write an essay explaining whether you prefer a big city or small town in which to live and why you prefer it.

34. Your class is making a box to be seen in 2096.  Write an essay explaining the one thing you put in that box and why.

35. Think of your favorite year in school.  Now write an essay explaining why it was your favorite year.

36. Most adults in this world have a job of some sort.  Think of the ideal job for you when you complete your schooling.  Now, think of some reasons why this would be your ideal job.  Write an essay to explain why this is your ideal job.

37. Schools do not offer all the elective courses (like art and music) that students would like to take.  Think of one elective course you want to take that your school does not offer at this time.  Think of some reasons why you think this course should be offered.  Now, write an essay explaining why you think that this particular elective should be offered in your school.

38. Everyone has a book that he or she enjoyed reading, whether it be a book recently read or one read as a small child.  Think of one book you have read that you really enjoyed.  Maybe it was your favorite book when you were little.  Maybe it’s one you read recently.  Think of some reasons why you liked that book.  Now, write an essay explaining why you really like your favorite book.

39. Many writers, scientists, and politicians have a view of what the world will be like 50 years from now.  What do you think the world will be like by the time you are in your 60’s?  Think of the future and the direction you think the world is headed.  Write an essay explaining what you believe the world will be like 50 years from now.

40. Many students drop out of school before they graduate from high school.  Think of some reasons why you think these students do not finish high school.  Now, write an essay explaining why you think students drop out of school.

Alternative for younger students: Many students do not do their work in school and then later often quit school before they graduate.  Think of some reasons why you think these students do not do their work and get bad grades.  Now, write an essay explaining why you think these students do not work in school and often quit school before graduating.

41.High school English classes require students to read Shakespeare and other classics.  Some students object to this practice.  Think of some reasons why you think the state requires that Shakespeare and the classics be taught in high school English.  Now, write an essay explaining why you think Shakespeare and the classics are required.

Alternative for younger students: In school, students must read classic books that the teacher picks.  Some students do not like to be told what to read.  They would rather pick their own books.  Think of some reasons why your teachers require these classic books that are so famous.  Think of some that your teacher has read to you or that you have read yourself.  Now, write an essay explaining why you think the teachers insist that students read and listen to the famous classics.

42. Imagine that time travel to the past was possible.  Think of where and when you would like to go for a visit.  Write an essay telling where and when you would go in the past and explain why you choose to go there.

43. Imagine that you had no TV or radio for one week.  Think of some activities that you can do instead to keep you busy and out of trouble. Write an essay to explain what you can do to keep occupied in a week of no TV or radio.

Or, alternatively, if your students are having trouble with this type of essay: Imagine that you had no TV or radio for one week.  Think of one activity that you would like to do instead to keep you busy and out of trouble.  Write an essay explaining one activity to replace the TV and radio for that week.

44. Teenagers (children) are faced with many problems today.  School, home, society, peers all complicate your lives.  Think of one problem that really bothers you.  Now, think of some solutions to that problem that might make it easier to bear.  Write an essay offering solutions to your worst problem.

45. Many teenagers (children) complain that adults expect too much of them.  Many adults think that teenagers (children) do not help out enough at home, at school, or in society doing volunteer work.  What do you think?  Do adults expect too much of you?  Think of some reasons to support your answer.  Now, write an essay explaining whether or not you think adults expect too much of you.

46. Each year many teenagers are killed by driving under the influence of alcohol or by being in a car driven by another teen who has had too much alcohol.  How can the number of alcohol-related deaths be reduced?  Think of some solutions you and your friends could implement to solve this problem.  What do you think would work to reduce the deaths?  Now, write an essay proposing some solutions to help stop teenagers from risking their lives and driving under the influence of alcohol.

Alternative for younger students: Each year many teenagers are killed by driving under the influence of alcohol or by being in a car driven by another teen who has had too much alcohol. Think of what you and your friends, as younger persons who cannot yet drive, can do to keep your older brothers and sisters and friends from drinking and driving when drunk.  Write an essay explaining your ideas to keep these teens out of the car if they drink.

47. Pollution, excessive garbage, toxic and industrial waste, using up nonreplaceable resources are all problems facing our environment.  Think of one particular environmental problem that you believe could be solved.  Now think of some possible solutions to that problem.  Write an essay proposing and explaining your solutions to the environmental problem you chose.

48. We all have a place where we can imagine or go where we relax, let our troubles disappear, and have a good time.  For some it is a place far away, and for others it is a place close to home.  Think of your favorite place where you can feel an escape from the hassles of your world, a place you love to be, your favorite place.  Now, write an essay explaining why this place is your favorite.

49. Everyone has something they do to relax and have fun.  Some like to read; others prefer sports; still others like to chat with friends. What is your favorite thing to do to relax and have fun?  Think of why  you enjoy this activity so much.  Now, write an essay explaining why your favorite activity is your preferred way to relax and have fun.

50. In the past few years, there have been more and more incidents of violence reported on school campuses.  In fact, there have been many reports of violence even at the kindergarten level!  What do you think is the cause of this rise in violence?  Think of some possible reasons. Write an essay explaining why you think there have been more incidents of violence in schools in recent years.

51. By the time we reach high school, at least one teacher has made an impact in our lives.  Think of a teacher you have had who influenced you and really helped you to learn and to mature.  Think of some reasons why this teacher made such a positive impact on your life. Now, without mentioning the teacher’s name (use Mr. or Ms. X),explain why this teacher has had such a positive influence in your life.

52. Many kids hear their parents and grandparents talk about “the good old days.”  Is this just a figment (imaginary thought) in older people’s minds as they remember their youth?  Was life really better twenty or forty years ago?  What do you think of this statement?  Is life for teens harder now or when your parents and grandparents were young? Now, write an essay explaining your answer to this question.

53. Philosophers have written books and books about the meaning of life. Each one is different.  What is your philosophy of life?  What is life all about?  Decide what you think are the most important elements that make us human, that are the ideas (philosophies) of the way you run your life.  Write an essay explaining your philosophy of life.

Alternative for younger students: There are many books that talk about the meaning of life.  Your teacher talks about living a “good” life.  What do you think are the most important things to remember to follow in the years to come?  What do you think are the most important things to do in your life that will lead to your happiness? Now, write an essay explaining what will make life good and meaningful for you.

54. We all have different personalities, different ways of dealing with life, different points of view.  What are the main elements of your personality?  What kind of a person are you?  What are you really like inside?  Write an essay explaining your personality to your reader.

55. Life is filled with conflicts, conflicts of interest, conflicts of opinion, conflicts of life styles, etc.  Most good novels have some sort of conflict in them to add to the interest.  Resolving that conflict is what the novel is about.  Think about some of the conflicts in your life. Now think how you resolve those conflicts.  Write an essay to explain how you usually resolve conflicts.  What is your method?

56. Everyone, no matter how young, has a year in his or her life that was not so good.  Think of the worst year of your life.  Think of reasons why it was your worst year.  Write an essay  explaining why that particular year was the worst year of your life. (Or conversely)

57. Your school (the United States, your state, etc.) is not perfect.  No matter how good something is, there are always ways to make it better.  Think of one problem your school (the United States, your state, etc.) has that might be improved with some clever plans.  Now, think of some solutions, some ways to make that improvement.  Write an essay explaining your solutions to the problem.

58. Imagine that going to the future was possible.  Think how far ahead into the future you would like to visit.  Think about your reasons why you would like to choose that particular time.  Write an essay telling how far into the future you would like to go and explain why you chose that particular time.

59. When we are young, we play games—board games, imaginary games, sports games.  Think of some reasons why you really liked this game. Now, write an essay explaining why this game was your favorite as a younger child.

60. Medical studies have shown that exercise is a necessary part of our daily routine.  What do you think?  Do you exercise?  Think about some reasons why you exercise.  Exercising is important.  Write an essay why it is important to exercise regularly.

61. We consider certain people (real or made up) to be our heroes.  Think about a real or made-up person and why he or she is your hero.  Now write an essay explaining why that person is your hero.

62. Imagine if you could do anything you wanted for an entire week.  Pick one thing you would like to do that week of freedom.  Now write an essay to explain why you chose to do that one thing in a week in which you could have done anything you wanted.

63. You have been told for years by your parents and teachers to eat healthy foods instead of junk food.  Think of some reasons why eating healthy foods is important.  Now write an essay explaining why eating healthy foods is important.

64. At school, at work, and at play we have to work in teams in order to achieve our goals.  Think of some attributes that make a good team player whether it be in a sport, at work, or at school when working in groups.  Now write an essay to explain what makes a person a good team player.

65. Your parents and teachers insist that respect for others is very important.  Think of some reasons why this might be important.  Now write an essay explaining why respect for other people is important.

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11 thoughts on “ 65 Expository Prompts for Kids ”

Thank you but i would do something more fun for a little one.

these are fun

I think this is pretty helpful

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61 General Expository Essay Topic to Practice Academic Writing

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Expository essays discuss topics by using facts rather than opinions, requiring students to evaluate and investigate while setting forth their arguments clearly and concisely. Teachers often include expository essays as part of assessments , especially in college-level courses, so students can help themselves succeed by practicing writing these types of essays. When teachers are integrating writing throughout the curriculum, students can use expository essays to demonstrate what they've learned in other courses.

Sample Expository Essay Topics From Students

There is no best topic for an expository essay since everyone is inspired by different subjects. Tenth-graders wrote the following general expository essay topics. Students can practice writing these topics or use the list to come up with ideas of their own. The important thing to remember is that these expository essays are based on facts rather than the writer's beliefs or feelings.

  • Explain why you admire a particular person.
  • Explain why someone you know should be regarded as a leader.
  • Explain why parents are sometimes strict.
  • If you had to be an animal, which would you be and why?
  • Explain why you especially enjoy a particular teacher.
  • Explain why some cities have curfews for teens.
  • Explain why some students are forced to leave school once they are sixteen.
  • Explain how moving from place to place affects teens.
  • Explain why getting a driver's license is an important event in the lives of many teenagers.
  • Describe the major stressors in teens' lives.
  • Explain why you like or don't like working in a team.
  • Describe some nonmaterial things that make you happy.
  • Explain why some teens commit suicide.
  • Explain how music affects your life.
  • Explain the impact of different music genres on society.
  • Explain why students listen to a particular type of music.
  • Explain why some teens skip school.
  • Explain the likely consequences of skipping school.
  • Describe the likely consequences of doing poorly in school.
  • Explain why some teens do drugs.
  • Describe the likely consequences of selling drugs.
  • Describe the likely consequences of taking drugs.
  • Explain why some teens smoke cigarettes or vape.
  • Explain the likely consequences of being kicked out of school.
  • Explain the likely consequences of skipping classes.
  • Explain the likely consequences of siblings constantly fighting.
  • Explain why some teens wear makeup.
  • Explain the consequences of having alcohol on the school campus.
  • Explain the likely consequences of being sexually active without using protection.
  • Explain why some teens' parents do not like to be alone with their child's boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • Explain the likely consequences of increasing the time between classes from five to 15 minutes.
  • Explain why some teens join gangs.
  • Explain the difficulties teens have once they are in gangs.
  • Explain how life for a teenager changes once they have a baby.
  • Describe what you feel a boy should do if he finds out his girlfriend is pregnant.
  • Explain why you should or should not laugh at embarrassing moments.
  • Describe the effects of marijuana.
  • Explain the likely consequences of teens becoming sexually active.
  • Explain why it is helpful to organize your materials and activities.
  • Explain why your schoolwork is important.
  • Describe the ways you help out at home.
  • Explain the likely consequences of abolishing capital punishment.
  • Explain the consequences of adopting a pass/fail grading system.
  • Explain the likely consequences of enforcing an 11:00 p.m. curfew.
  • Explain the likely consequences of ending forced busing.
  • Explain why some teenagers dislike saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Explain why some schools don't have open lunch policies.
  • Explain why some teenagers are materialistic.
  • Explain why some teens get jobs.
  • Explain the consequences of having a job while in high school.
  • Explain the likely consequences of dropping out of school.
  • Describe some productive ways students can spend their leisure time.
  • Explain why dealing with divorce can be difficult for many teens.
  • Explain why teens love their parents even when family situations are difficult.
  • Describe the things that bring you the greatest happiness.
  • Describe three things you would like to change about the world and explain why you would change them.
  • Explain why you prefer living in an apartment (or house).
  • Describe the likely consequences of requiring a childbearing license.
  • Describe three objects that symbolize your culture and explain why you selected them.
  • Explain why you are interested in a particular career.
  • Explain the likely consequences of requiring students to wear school uniforms.
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6th Grade Writing Prompts: Unlocking Imagination

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on Published: March 27, 2023  - Last updated: July 31, 2023

Categories Writing

6th Grade Writing Prompts are a valuable tool for educators and parents alike, allowing young students to explore their thoughts, feelings, and ideas through creative writing exercises. These prompts can cover various topics, from personal experiences and emotions to thought-provoking scenarios and ethical dilemmas. The aim is to encourage students to think critically and express themselves effectively while developing their writing skills.

At this crucial stage of development, providing a supportive and engaging environment for students to practice and improve their writing abilities is vital. Numerous resources offer a wealth of compelling writing prompts specifically designed for 6th graders. The prompts you’ll find below in this article can inspire students to ponder real-world issues, reflect on their personal experiences, and imagine creative solutions to hypothetical situations.

The Importance of Writing Prompts

Writing prompts play a crucial role in developing the writing skills of 6th-grade students. They provide a starting point for students to begin expressing their thoughts and ideas, helping them overcome the common challenge of “writer’s block.” As students engage with various writing prompts, they learn to think critically, express their opinions, and dive into imaginative storytelling.

By offering a diverse range of topics, such as prompts that focus on procedural writing, students are exposed to different genres and styles of writing. This variety expands their writing horizons and helps them become well-rounded, versatile writers.

Introducing writing prompts at the 6th-grade level also enhances students’ analytical and problem-solving abilities. They learn to use evidence, logic, and reasoning to support their viewpoints and persuade readers. Additionally, writing prompts allow students to explore their creativity and foster a sense of self-discovery.

Lastly, engaging with writing prompts helps 6th graders develop crucial communication skills that serve as a foundation for future academic success and life experiences. Writing prompts encourage active participation in the learning process, promote self-expression, and cultivate a lifelong love for writing.

25 6th Grade Writing Prompts

  • Imagine you’ve discovered a hidden door in your home that leads to a secret room. Describe the room and what you find inside.
  • Write a story about a day when everyone’s dreams come true. How does this change the world?
  • If you could switch lives with any historical figure for a day, who would you choose and why? Describe your day in their shoes.
  • Imagine you have a time machine that can only be used once. Where and when would you go, and what would you do?
  • Write a letter to your future self ten years from now. What advice would you give, and what questions would you ask?
  • Create a new holiday and explain its celebration, including unique traditions or activities.
  • Write an opinion essay on whether or not students should be required to wear uniforms in school. Provide reasons to support your argument.
  • Imagine you can communicate with animals. What would you talk about, and which animal would you be most excited to speak with?
  • Write a short story where the main character finds a mysterious map that leads to a hidden treasure.
  • You’ve been chosen to represent Earth in an intergalactic council. What would you share about our planet and its inhabitants?
  • Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against using technology in the classroom.
  • Create a new superhero and describe their powers, backstory, and how they use their abilities for good.
  • Imagine you are the president for a day. What would be your top priorities, and how would you address them?
  • Write a story that starts with the sentence: “It was a dark and stormy night…”
  • Create a fictional island and describe its geography, culture, and inhabitants. What makes this island unique?
  • If you could invent a new gadget or tool to make life easier, what would it be, and how would it work?
  • Write a personal narrative about a time when you faced a challenge and how you overcame it.
  • Imagine you could create a new class or elective for your school. What would the class be about, and why would students benefit from it?
  • Write a descriptive essay about your favorite place to visit. Use vivid sensory details to make the reader feel like they are with you.
  • You wake up one day to find you’ve gained the ability to read minds. How do you use this power, and what challenges or moral dilemmas do you face?
  • Create a fictional holiday and write a short story about a family celebrating it for the first time.
  • Write a persuasive essay about the importance of conserving natural resources and the steps that should be taken to protect our environment.
  • Imagine you are a detective solving a mysterious crime. Write a story that details your investigation and how you uncover the truth.
  • If you could converse with any famous author, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
  • Write a personal narrative about a memorable experience with a friend and what it taught you about friendship.

Understanding the 6th Grade Writing Curriculum

The transition from elementary to middle school.

As students enter 6th grade, they transition from elementary to middle school. This brings new challenges and expectations in their writing skills. They will be expected to write more complex content and use more sophisticated vocabulary. This includes writing for extended periods, such as long-term research or expressive pieces that may take a week, and writing for shorter durations in one sitting.

Emphasis on narrative writing

In 6th grade writing curriculum, there is a strong emphasis placed on narrative writing. This requires students to develop their storytelling abilities and write in a manner that engages the reader. They will focus on creating a clear narrative structure, developing characters, setting, and plot, and using vivid descriptive language to engage their audience.

Introduction to essay writing and personal narratives

Another vital part of the 6th grade writing curriculum is the introduction to essay writing and personal narratives. Students will learn how to effectively organize their thoughts and ideas coherently and logically. They will gain experience writing various essay types, such as persuasive, informative, and argumentative. Personal narratives will also play a key role, encouraging students to write about personal experiences and emotions and helping them build their voice and style as writers.

Role of reading comprehension and vocabulary development

Reading comprehension and vocabulary development are crucial in the 6th grade writing curriculum. Students must be able to understand complex texts, as this will inform their writing. Students will be exposed to new words and phrases to improve their vocabulary through reading assignments and class discussions. Building a strong vocabulary allows students to express their ideas more accurately and clearly, ultimately leading to more effective writing.

Types of 6th Grade Writing Prompts

Narrative prompts.

Narrative prompts encourage students to tell a story, real or imagined. These prompts can range from personal experiences to creating stories based on given scenarios. For example, a narrative prompt could be “Describe the hardest thing you have ever learned to do.”

Short Story Ideas

Short story ideas are prompts that invite students to create a fictional story with characters, settings, and a plot. These writing activities push students to develop their writing skills, storytelling abilities, and creativity. An example of a short story idea might be to “Write a story about a magical forest.”

Personal Narratives

Personal narrative prompts ask students to write about their own experiences or thoughts. These types of prompts encourage reflection, introspection, and the exploration of personal feelings. A personal narrative prompt might be “Write about a time you overcame a fear.”

Story Starters

Story starters are prompts that provide the beginning of a story, challenging students to continue and develop the narrative. They help spark students’ imaginations and encourage them to think creatively. For example, “In a world where animals could talk, a young girl made a surprising discovery…”

Descriptive Prompts

Descriptive writing prompts ask students to describe a specific object, place, or situation in detail, using vivid language and sensory details. This type of prompt helps students practice their creative writing and observation skills. An example of a descriptive prompt could be “Describe your dream vacation destination.”

Persuasive Prompts

Persuasive writing prompts require students to convince the reader of a particular opinion or point of view. Students practice building strong arguments, using evidence and facts, and addressing opposing viewpoints. An example of a persuasive prompt might be “Convince your readers why cell phones should or should not be allowed in school.”

Expository Prompts

Expository writing prompts ask students to explain, evaluate or analyze a topic, providing information and facts to support their position. This style of writing promotes critical thinking and research skills. A sample expository prompt might be “Explain the benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources.”

Creative Writing Prompts

Encourage your students to express their emotions and creativity through poetry. Here are some poetry prompts to inspire them:

  • Write a poem about the changing seasons.
  • Describe your favorite place using vivid imagery and sensory details.
  • Compose a haiku about an everyday object.
  • Create a poem from the perspective of an animal.

Imaginative Stories

Imagination is a powerful tool for developing writers. Provide these creative story prompts to spark their ideas:

  • Write a story about a school where magic is real.
  • Imagine you are a time-traveling scientist. Describe your adventures.
  • Develop a story that revolves around a mysterious key.
  • Create a tale where the main character’s best friend is a talking animal.


Scriptwriting can build dialogue and narrative skills. Suggest these engaging scriptwriting prompts for your students:

  • Write a short script about two friends with a deep secret.
  • Develop a scene featuring an unexpected encounter.
  • Create a script that mixes elements of reality and fantasy.
  • Compose a dialogue-rich scene set in a public place.

Using these creative writing prompt categories, 6th grade students can develop their writing abilities while letting their imagination soar.

Essay Writing Prompts

In this section, we explore a variety of essay writing prompts for 6th-grade students. These prompts are categorized under opinion essays, informative essays, and persuasive essays.

Opinion Essays

Opinion essays allow students to express their thoughts on a specific subject. Here are some prompts for 6th graders:

  • What is your favorite hobby, and why?
  • Which is better, traditional books or e-books? Explain your choice.
  • What’s the best (or worst) birthday you’ve ever had?
  • What is your greatest aspiration? Or, your darkest fear?

Informative Essays

Informative essays help students develop research and presentation skills. They should provide factual information about a topic. Here are some informative essay prompts:

  • Describe your favorite short story in your own words.
  • Write about the life cycle of a butterfly.
  • Explain the process of photosynthesis in plants.
  • Describe the history and importance of a famous landmark.

Persuasive Essays

Persuasive essays help students to develop their argumentative skills. They should present clear reasons and evidence to support their opinion. Here are some persuasive essay prompts:

  • Should school uniforms be mandatory? Why or why not?
  • Is it essential to learn a foreign language? Explain your view.
  • Do video games have a positive or negative impact on children?
  • Should students be allowed to use mobile phones in school? Provide reasons for your opinion.

Subject-Specific Prompts

Integrating subject-specific writing prompts can help students connect their writing skills to various subjects. This section will explore writing prompts for Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Math, and Life Skills.

Language Arts

Language Arts writing prompts encourage students to analyze literature, express their thoughts, and improve their vocabulary. Examples include:

  • Write a character analysis of the protagonist in your favorite book.
  • Create a poem describing a historical event.
  • Compose a short story inspired by a well-known myth.

Science writing prompts assist students in describing experiments, explaining scientific concepts, and making real-world connections. Examples include:

  • Describe the steps of the water cycle and its importance to Earth.
  • Explain the theory of evolution and provide examples of natural selection.
  • Write about the role of technology in reducing the environmental impact of humans.

Social Studies

Social Studies writing prompts help students to explore historical events, cultural perspectives, and global issues. Examples include:

  • Write an essay comparing the government systems of two countries.
  • Discuss the significance of a famous historical figure’s actions.
  • Analyze the impact of a specific geographical feature on human settlement.

Math writing prompts challenge students to apply mathematical concepts in various contexts and describe the logic behind problem-solving. Examples include:

  • Explain how to solve a given math problem using the order of operations.
  • Describe a real-world scenario where fractions are used and explain how to solve it.
  • Discuss the role of geometry in architecture and provide examples.

Life Skills

Life Skills writing prompts encourage students to reflect on their personal experiences, goals, and values. Examples include:

  • Write a letter to your future self, discussing the lessons you’ve learned and the goals you hope to accomplish.
  • Discuss the importance of effective communication in relationships and provide examples.
  • Explain the steps to achieving a specific personal goal and the challenges you may encounter.

Framework for Developing Prompts

When developing 6th grade writing prompts, balancing challenging and engaging topics is crucial. This allows students to explore new concepts while encouraging creativity and critical thinking. The framework presented in this section offers a few guiding principles for crafting effective prompts for this age group.

First, consider the interests and experiences of 6th grade students. Choosing topics related to their lives and what they care about will increase their motivation to write. For example, you might create prompts about the school, friendships, hobbies, or current events.

Next, design prompts that encourage a variety of writing genres, such as narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive. This helps students develop skills in different writing styles and formats. For example, a narrative prompt might ask students to tell a story about a memorable experience, while an expository prompt might ask them to explain how a particular invention works.

Ensure to include prompts requiring students to practice critical thinking and problem-solving. These prompts often involve solving a given situation, analyzing a topic, or comparing and contrasting ideas. This helps 6th graders develop analytical and evaluative skills essential for academic and personal success.

Lastly, incorporate opportunities for reflection and self-expression. Reflective prompts allow students to examine their feelings, beliefs, and ideas. For example, ask students to consider how they would handle a specific dilemma or what they appreciate most about their family or friends.

Following these guiding principles, you can create a diverse collection of 6th-grade writing prompts that encourage creativity, critical thinking, and self-expression.

Techniques to Engage Students

Creating meaningful and engaging writing prompts for sixth-grade students involves considering their interests, skills, and development stage. Several techniques can help achieve this.

First, one can use creative prompts to encourage students to think outside the box and express their unique perspectives. Some examples of creative writing prompts for sixth graders include writing a poem about feeling outraged or imagining a day from a cell phone’s perspective.

Next, incorporating argumentative and persuasive prompts can help students learn to articulate their opinions and support them with strong evidence. This is particularly useful in developing research and critical-thinking skills. Examples include writing a persuasive essay on a current issue or debating the merits of a controversial book or movie.

Another effective technique involves using real-world connections in prompts to make them more relevant and applicable to students’ lives. For instance, ask students to write about their first hospital experience or discuss how technology has impacted their daily routines.

Lastly, integrating different writing styles like narrative, expository, and descriptive prompts will allow students to experiment with various writing techniques and improve their writing skills. Examples include composing a personal narrative about overcoming a challenge, writing an expository essay on a historical event, or crafting a descriptive piece about a favorite place or object.

Assessing and Providing Feedback

One of the key aspects of 6th Grade Writing Prompts is the assessment and provision of constructive feedback to students. Assessing their writing skills helps teachers identify strengths and weaknesses and guide future instruction tailored to student needs.

When evaluating student writing, it’s essential to consider various aspects, such as content, organization, word choice, sentence structure, and grammar. Providing specific and actionable feedback allows students to improve their skills and better understand writing concepts.

A helpful approach for grading and feedback is to use rubrics. Rubrics offer a structured way to outline the expectations for a writing assignment and help students understand the evaluation criteria. There are different types of rubrics, such as analytic, holistic, grid, numeric, and hybrid, which can be customized to suit a variety of writing prompts.

Another strategy for providing effective feedback is ensuring students know the learning objectives and quality expectations for their writing assignments. Explicitly discussing the writing goals and criteria helps students focus their efforts and self-assess their progress.

Lastly, integrating student-teacher conferences or peer review sessions can benefit the feedback process. These sessions allow for dialogue, clarification, and additional insights from different perspectives.

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15 Engaging Explanatory Writing Prompts

Explanatory Writing Prompts

When you want your students to practice explanatory writing, present them with one or more of the following prompts, grouped by difficulty. You can also introduce students to the PAST strategy to help them understand what each explanatory prompt is asking them to do.

Beginning Explanatory Prompts (Grades 4–5)

The following explanatory prompts are meant for students who are moving from paragraph writing to essay writing. 

1. Defining Friendship

Everyone needs friends. What qualities make someone a good friend? How can you be a friend for someone who needs one? Write an essay that explains ways to be a good friend.

2. A Job for Me

People do all kinds of jobs. Some people build. Others serve. Some teach. Others sell. Some people work on ships at sea, and others in skyscrapers in cities. What kind of job would you like to do? As a future worker, write an essay that names a job you would like, describes the work, and tells why you would like it.

3. An Admirable Person

We all have people we admire. They might be family members or friends. They might be singers, dancers, or actors. They might even be fictional characters. Whom do you admire most? Write an essay that names a person you admire and describes the qualities that make you like the person.

4. Sweet or Spicy?

Most people have a favorite food. What is yours? Is the food a common one that most other kids would know about, or a really special type? Is it sweet or spicy? In an essay, name your favorite food and describe to your classmates how it looks, smells, and tastes. Tell why you like it so much.

5. My Ideal Home

Most people can imagine a dream home. What would yours be? Big or small? In the country or in the city? How many floors? Would it be underground or up in a tree? As a young person, write an essay describing your dream home to a parent or guardian.

Intermediate Explanatory Prompts (Grades 6–8)

The following explanatory prompts are meant for students who do regular multi-paragraph writing. 

6. Connectivity Culture

Smartphones, tablet PCs, social media, and constant connectivity are changing the ways that people live, think, work, and connect. How do these technologies shape your life? Are you plugged in or tuned out? Why? Write an essay that explains to your fellow students the ways that you connect digitally and predicts how people will connect in the future.

7. Pets vs. People

Pets are not people. After all, dogs don’t go to school and cats don’t hold down jobs. But pet owners often consider their dogs and cats to be members of their families. In what ways are pets like people and in what ways are they not? Write a comparison-contrast essay explaining the similarities and differences between pets and people.

8. Defining Responsibility

A parent is responsible for taking care of children. A criminal is responsible for committing a crime. And teens are encouraged to make responsible choices. Just what does it mean to be “responsible”? Does it mean something different for young people than for adults? As a young person who is taking on more and more responsibilities, write an essay that defines what responsibility means to you, and explain the idea to those older than you.

9. Unique Celebrations

The Chinese celebrate New Year with a dragon dance. How do you celebrate New Year? What other special days do you observe? In an essay, explain a celebration or ritual that you know about. Tell what is usually done and why. Explain it to a reader who is new to the event.

10. Here's How It's Done

What are you really good at? Perhaps you can sink a free throw every time. Maybe you can identify birds by their songs, or make a very delicious homemade pizza. Think of a particular skill you have and could teach others. Then write an essay describing the process you use to accomplish this special feat. Provide enough detail so your reader can learn how to do the same thing.

Advanced Explanatory Prompts (Grades 9–12)

The following prompts are meant for high-school level writers. Students may need to research the topics in order to respond with sufficient depth and complexity. 

11. Addressing Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying involves using technology to harm, intimidate, and embarrass others. One form of cyberbullying called “trolling” occurs when anonymous Internet users intentionally post inflammatory content in an attempt to provoke and upset other users. While much effort has been made to counteract bullying in schools, the online and anonymous nature of cyberbullying makes it difficult to regulate. Write an essay that explains to your fellow students ways to counteract cyberbullying.

12. Moral Dilemmas

Consider a moral dilemma that a character in a novel or other piece of literature must face. It could be an issue you yourself have faced or one that is new to you. Explain what you would do if you were caught in the same situation. Then explain why you would handle it that way.

13. Talking About My Generation

Today’s youth are sometimes perceived as tech savvy, optimistic, and accepting. Other times, they are perceived as spoiled, coddled, and lazy, more interested in checking Instagram than in bearing down and working hard. In an essay, define the general characteristics of your generation. Provide evidence and reasons to support your definition.

14. Fashionable Expressions

Author Sarah MacLean believes “The most confident of women are those who believe in every scrap of fabric they wear.” Indeed, clothing is a form of self-expression for many people. Evaluate the clothing choices that you or someone else (famous or not) makes and explain what these fashion choices express about the person.

15. Comparing Future Career Paths

What do you want to do after you graduate from high school? Attend college? Hone your skills at a trade school? Or go straight into the professional world? Choose two options (college, trade school, job) and write an essay in which you analyze similarities and differences between the two options.

Teacher Support:

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Standards Correlations:

The State Standards provide a way to evaluate your students' performance.

  • 110.5.b.12.B
  • LAFS.3.W.1.2
  • 110.6.b.11.B
  • 110.6.b.12.B
  • LAFS.4.W.1.2
  • 110.7.b.12.B
  • LAFS.5.W.1.2
  • 110.22.b.10
  • 110.22.b.11.B
  • LAFS.6.W.1.2
  • 110.23.b.10
  • 110.23.b.11.B
  • LAFS.7.W.1.2
  • 110.24.b.10
  • 110.24.b.11.B
  • LAFS.8.W.1.2
  • 110.36.c.10.B
  • LAFS.910.W.1.2
  • 110.38.c.10.B
  • 110.39.c.10.B
  • LAFS.1112.W.1.2
  • LA 12.2.1.b
  • LA 12.2.2.a

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Expository Essay Guide

Expository Essay Topics

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

Expository Essay Topics Recommended by Experts

By: Donna C.

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Apr 7, 2020

Expository Essay Topics

“Expository” comes from the word explanatory. It means explaining everything in depth, increasing the reader’s understanding, and effectively conveying the writer’s message.

Expository writing is not subjective like a persuasive essay. It doesn't just state opinions and beliefs but rather uses authentic facts to support your argument objectively.

For a good essay, you need a great essay topic. Therefore, continue reading this blog and get a complete list of the best expository essay topics.

Expository Essay Topics

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Expository Essay Topics for Students

Before writing an essay, you need to have an interesting topic, and an expository essay is no different.

Some professors assign the same topic for the expository essay to the entire class. However, if you have the liberty to choose a topic, this is the right place for you.

We have gathered a list of good expository essay topics for students of all levels.

Expository Essay Topics for University Students

  • Is it important to read the book before watching the movie?
  • Explain the likely consequences of skipping classes.
  • Express your understanding of morality.
  • Explain why teens smoke cigarettes.
  • The causes of terrorism in modern times.How to be a smart consumer.
  • What qualities make someone popular?
  • Why is diversity in a workplace important?
  • How do the stages of personality develop in childhood?
  • Cost of living on the moon.

Expository Essay Topics for College Students

  • Should people work on artificial intelligence?
  • Why are college papers so tough?
  • What are some useful ways that students can utilize their free time?
  • Can youngsters learn something useful from playing video games?
  • Is there a way to decrease the influence of social media on our lives?
  • Does our emotional state affect our memory?
  • How can you improve your life in a year?
  • Do you ever plan on changing the world? And how?
  • What are some ways to find out if someone is lying? How can you spot a liar?
  • How can one be a wise consumer?

Expository Essay Topics for High School

  • Why is it necessary to create the expository essay outline?
  • What is the role of the family in our lives? How important is family?
  • Does science help improve the human lifespan?
  • How to write your paper like professionals?
  • What are the benefits of working out?
  • What stages do you go through before making a decision?
  • Is a good essay prompt a sign of a successful essay?
  • What are some benefits of knowing multiple foreign languages?
  • What are the different types of essays?
  • Why are teenagers fascinated by alcohol and drugs?

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Expository Essay Topics for Middle School

  • Does another person’s point of view matter?
  • The person I admire and why?
  • What are the effects of global warming?
  • What do you want to become and why?
  • How can we save the planet?
  • Should there be uniforms in schools?
  • What is your favorite sport, and what do you enjoy most about it?
  • How does essay writing service work?
  • Describe your first memory, and what makes it memorable?
  • What is your favorite subject at school?

Expository Essay Topics for Grade 6

  • Explain why teens wear makeup.
  • What makes a good friend?
  • How might your upbringing affect your personality?
  • Global warming and its solutions.
  • What's the worst way to study for finals?
  • Write a report about your trip to the museum.
  • How does pop music influence our way of living?
  • Explain how modern advertising is a danger to our society.
  • How do you plan to change your school?
  • Which strong points do you have?

Expository Essay Topics for Grade 7

  • How to become a leader?
  • Explain why you admire a particular person.
  • Types of eating disorders.
  • How can you stop racism?
  • How to study?
  • What is your favorite cartoon?
  • What poem had a profound effect on you and why?
  • Steps to saving the planet.
  • How does a coffee house help run away from school?
  • How real is fusion power?

Funny Expository Essay Topics

  • How can you make a gloomy person smile?
  • What can you do to kill time at work?
  • How to stop being a hoarder?
  • How to stop being an impulse shopper?
  • How can one stop binge-watching random shows?
  • What is the most ineffective way to prepare for a big test?
  • The worst profession there is, and why do people choose it?
  • Is China the cause of overpopulation in the world?
  • What are some weird superstitions that someone you know has?
  • The most ridiculous fashion trends of all time.

Interesting Expository Essay Topics

  • An author(s) who changed the way people think.
  • Do geeks become successful adults?
  • What is an interesting website idea, and how to make it?
  • How can the internet be used for combating unemployment?
  • Will space travel ever become commercialized?
  • What are some pros and cons of having a part-time job in high school?
  • Why do writers create the thesis statement?
  • What is the best treatment for mental health illnesses like anxiety, depression, etc.?
  • Can people get over their fear of heights?
  • Is art effective in curing psychological issues?

Expository Essay Topics About Education

  • Explain why it is important to learn to read.
  • Why do some students drop out of school?
  • What do you think are the benefits of studying math?
  • Why do great topics make the essay perfect?
  • How does one get a college scholarship?
  • What is the history of your college?
  • How to write a compare and contrast essay?
  • Is there a need for higher education to be free for every child?
  • The role of education in national development.
  • How do you choose great topic ideas for an essay?

Expository Essay Topics on Social Issues

  • Hobbies for teenagers to avoid.
  • Are teenagers materialistic?
  • Why do teens run away from home?
  • Why is depression on the rise in America?
  • Why do some teens get jobs while others don’t?
  • Poverty and social life.
  • Does Instagram change the way we perceive our lives?
  • What phenomena can be considered social issues?
  • Forced migration.
  • Why do parents lie?

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Controversial Expository Essay Topics

  • Are females better students than males?
  • Why are siblings constantly fighting?
  • Why do students decide to join gangs?
  • Will banning free soda refills help to fight obesity?
  • Live under the poverty line.
  • Killing animals for their fur
  • Psychological causes of racism
  • Explain why parents are sometimes strict.
  • People are supporting other country’s leaders.
  • What symbolizes your culture?

Expository Essay Topics Consumer Culture

  • The positive and negative effects of consumer culture.
  • Understanding the modern consumer culture.
  • Consumer culture in China and the middle class.
  • Consumer culture is central to understanding contemporary identities.
  • Consumerism in consumer culture.Advertising and consumer culture.
  • Explain consumer culture.
  • Consumption, and consumption’s role in our everyday life.
  • Urban consumer culture.
  • The Chinese consumer culture.

Expository Essay Topics 2022

  • Why is it so important to have friends while you are at school?
  • Describe the relationship between dogs and people.
  • Pros and cons of getting financial aid.The many benefits of exercising regularly.
  • What is your brightest dream about the future?
  • Define the latest developments in human brain study.
  • Which religion will you introduce to your children?
  • Describe the ways you help out at home.
  • Which voting system is the fairest?
  • Why is writing an expository essay difficult?

Expository Essay Topics on Health

  • How does advertising influence healthy food choices?
  • Explain how doctors train to become qualified.
  • What makes a good psychotherapist?
  • What is life?
  • Discuss the importance of mental health.
  • Fibromyalgia: is it a disease?
  • Does music affect our state of health?
  • Does expressing your emotions help?
  • What are some effective ways to stay healthy?
  • Does mental health matter?

Need more topics for your essay?

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These were some sample expository essay topics that can help you get an idea of a good topic.

However, do you still need help in the topic-selection phase? Don’t worry; just contact and get professional writers’ help. All your ‘write my essay’ requests answered by expert essay writers.

So, contact us now and get the well-written essay on time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 5 types of expository writing.

Here are the 5 types of expository writing.

  • Descriptive essay
  • Comparison essay
  • Problem solution essay
  • Process essay
  • Cause and effect essay

What is an example of an expository essay?

Expository writing is the most popular type of academic and non-academic writing. Common examples are:

  • Newspapers articles
  • Assembly instructions
  • How to manuals

Donna C.

Marketing, Literature

Donna has garnered the best reviews and ratings for her work. She enjoys writing about a variety of topics but is particularly interested in social issues, current events, and human interest stories. She is a sought-after voice in the industry, known for her engaging, professional writing style.

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Expository Essay Topics, Ideas & Writing Tips

Updated 21 Aug 2024

Short Expository Essay Characteristic

The name ”expository” comes from the verb ”to expose”, meaning that in such an essay, you should dwell on something, define, and describe it. On the same note, it can be an examination or analysis of a particular issue, depending on expository essay topics you may choose. Generally speaking, an expository essay is a general term for a group of pieces that includes: cause and effect paper, descriptive essays, comparison, problem and solution and also process essay .

Expository Essay Topics

Expository Essay Tips

Please note that the above list is just an example for you to have a better understanding of an expository essay, feel free to invent something of your own! Once you’ve decided on an expository essay topic, you will probably need several tips on how to organize the process of writing as well as skilled help with an essay in general. So, here are several pieces of advice to make the process of how to write an expository essay easier.

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Outline the Structure

To begin with, you should think about the structure of your expository paper. For this type of work, the basic structure (Introduction, Body, Conclusion) is the most appropriate. It's better to start with the body, where your primary thoughts are going to be placed. Then, you can think of creating a gripping introduction that would make readers keep reading your paper. Finally, compose a conclusion that will summarize your write-up. It would be a good idea if you restated your main idea thus signaling that you've either solved the problem or described it (depending on the expository writing topics and purpose of your paper).

If you're seeking further guidance and examples, you can find expository essay examples online to gain a better understanding of the structure and writing style.

Expository Essay Outline

Most college students in the United States get stuck thinking about how to start an expository essay or what parts should be included. Considering that it’s basically a research paper, it uses classic 5 paragraph style, which is recommended by most educational institutions in the country. This structural pattern helps to disclose all aspects of the specific topic, so essay maker will use this standard by default when you order this type of paper.

  • Introduction - start with brief discussion of subject in question. No matter what kind of narration will be chosen, it’s crucial to include brief explanation of what is to follow. Do not make it overly complex, but do best to explain why topic is relevant, why it makes sense within particular paper. Final sentence is thesis statement, which makes strong, yet careful argument without taking sides. Make it meaningful and informative, not as an assumption why something is so!
  • Body Paragraphs - this is where most details relate while writing an expository essay. Include descriptions, statistics, interesting facts, charts, quotes, visually appealing images, just anything, which will help explain specific concepts or ideas to your audience. If applicable, sort content by criteria of importance or difference, especially if it’s compare and contrast essay. Depending on type, provide analysis, explaining why given research method has been chosen.
  • Conclusion - final essay paragraph represents wrapping up of all important facts in more accessible language. Task here is to help reader memorize everything that matters and guide him or her towards further information, which can be used for additional, deeper research. Make strong call to action if it fits within essay requirements, make personal assumption or give voice to your writing by using famous quote. This is your chance to liven up narration, adding emotional touch to scientific research.

Thesis Statement

This is probably the most critical part of the expository writing. You should aim at making readers understand what you are going to discuss as well as keep them interested; they need to understand your expository writing topic. For instance, if you are going to address the illiteracy of adults, it can be like:

“It is hard to imagine that today, there are illiterate adults even in developed countries. So what are the causes of this issue? Let’s find out.”

Create the Draft

After you’ve structured your thoughts, it is time to create your first draft of expository essay. Be ready that you will rewrite it several times, though. Anyway, you’d like to expose a problem or an issue, wouldn’t you?

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Give it to somebody to Proofread

When you have been writing for a long time, you might miss some silly mistakes, typos, etc. Some ideas might be formulated more concisely, too. Thus, you should find someone to proofread your paper for you (by the way, this person should evaluate the choice of expository essay topics). You might also want to put it away for one day at least and take a fresh look at it later. You will be surprised at how many things you might want to change.

Excellent Essay Writing Steps

  • Choose Topic - Narrow it down while choosing something that reflects the necessary essay type. The topic should remain neutral, allowing the audience to make their own conclusions. When a task requires a comparison of two articles, it’s necessary to specify everything in the title to let readers see the original information for possible reference. Expository essay topics should be reflecting like “Environmental Issues in New Jersey Suburbs” or “Genetically Modified Foods Popular Myths”.
  • Do Research — One of the most frequent tips that experienced writing experts share is sounding confident when exposing something. Sufficient research and information achieve high self-esteem and clear language, which allows the author to expose certain data to a full degree, especially if both sides of the same issue should be mentioned. Research academic journals, news reports, and publications on the  topic to provide as much detail as possible.
  • Find Suitable Materials —Regardless of how large or complex your assignment is, it’s extremely important to search for suitable materials that can be utilized as sources to support diverse arguments or facts. This way, the paper becomes reliable, as the inclusion of statistics, news references, or even basic scientific facts helps to convince the audience.
  • Define Exposition Method —Another crucial part is defining the required exposition method, which means that students should choose a particular research method unless already specified. The method can be descriptive, comparative, cause-and-effect, classification,  or any other method that fits within exposure writing guidelines.
  • Compose Outline — Always start with an outline that contains key points about the particular idea, a thesis statement, and a list of strong arguments. It should serve as a guide for what is included during the draft stage. Moreover, an outline helps ensure  unbiased exposure as information is sorted and structured by order of significance.
  • Brainstorm Thesis Statement — This part, usually the final sentence of the introduction paragraph, is similar to the expository essay definition in that it helps readers connect with the author's main idea, unknown concept, or claim. Keep brainstorming ideas out loud to see which makes more sense and fully reveals the  assumption or claim without leaning to either side. Remember that a key to success is presenting information, not taking sides!
  • Check Paragraphs for Topic Sentences - pay attention to how each paragraph is structured by using a relevant topic sentence, which either reflects solutions or speaks about facts that help reveal or explain specific points. This way expository essay becomes more logical and to the point. Additionally, if there is any information that is not your own thought or something commonly known, always support it with reliable sources to avoid plagiarism issues.
  • Proofread & Edit Final Paper - do not underestimate careful editing for grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, wordiness, logic, and general clarity of ideas. Take enough time for editing where you leave the best parts, cutting out all what seems weak. Make sure to only correct mistakes during the proofreading part. These are two separate tasks that should not be crossed for best results!
  • Check Sources, Citation, and Formatting —Once all other points have been met, it is recommended that you check the Works Cited or References page for sorting issues and the accuracy of citations. Remember to check format and page layout to ensure  that nothing is missed.

Get Professional Help

However, it might happen that you don’t feel like you can cope with the task on your own. In this case, of course, you could address professionals to help you out. All you need to do is to find the right ones. Whether you can’t pick up one of the topics for expository essays or just don’t know how to structure your thoughts – these people will help you out.

Read also: Classification Essay Topics

Exemplary Topics for Expository Essays

Social problems expository essay topics.

  • The Impact of Social Media on Teen Mental Health
  • Homelessness Crisis in Urban Areas: Causes and Solutions
  • Racial Profiling and Inequality in the Criminal Justice System
  • The Opioid Epidemic: Origins, Impact, and Policy Responses
  • Climate Change as a Social Issue: Effects on Vulnerable Populations
  • Income Inequality and Economic Disparity in Developed Countries
  • The Digital Divide: Access to Technology in Low-Income Communities
  • Immigration Reform: Challenges and Opportunities for Inclusion
  • Gun Control and Violence: Analyzing the Second Amendment Debate
  • The Role of Education in Alleviating Poverty
  • Gender Inequality in the Workplace and Solutions for Empowerment
  • The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health and Barriers to Treatment
  • Child Labor: Global Realities and the Push for Ethical Consumerism
  • The Aging Population: Social and Economic Impacts
  • Food Insecurity: Causes, Consequences, and the Role of Food Banks
  • The Effects of Bullying in Schools and Strategies for Prevention
  • LGBTQ+ Rights and Equality: Progress and Challenges
  • The War on Drugs: Impact on Communities and Alternatives to Incarceration
  • Human Trafficking: A Modern Form of Slavery
  • The Crisis of Affordable Housing and Its Impact on Society

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Ethical Issues Expository Writing Topics

  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Balancing Progress and Privacy
  • Gene Editing: The Moral Implications of CRISPR Technology
  • Animal Rights vs. Scientific Research: Finding the Middle Ground
  • The Ethical Dilemmas of Autonomous Vehicles: Who is Responsible in an Accident?
  • Privacy in the Digital Age: How Much Surveillance is Too Much?
  • The Morality of Euthanasia: Autonomy and the Right to Die
  • Ethical Considerations in Organ Transplantation: Who Gets Priority?
  • The Impact of Social Media on Privacy and Ethics
  • Climate Change Responsibility: Ethical Obligations of Developed Nations
  • The Ethics of Drone Warfare: Collateral Damage and Civilian Lives
  • Fair Trade Products: The Ethics of Consumption
  • The Use of Big Data: Privacy vs. Innovation
  • Ethical Issues in Genetic Cloning: Potential and Pitfalls
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Ethical Business Practices
  • The Death Penalty: Justice, Retribution, or Cruelty?
  • Ethical Hacking: Security Measures or Privacy Invasion?
  • The Ethics of Stem Cell Research: Potential vs. Principle
  • Workplace Surveillance: Productivity vs. Privacy
  • The Ethics of Wealth Inequality: Redistribution and Responsibility
  • Cultural Appropriation vs. Cultural Exchange: Where is the Line?

Health Expository Writing Topics

  • The Impact of Diet on Chronic Diseases: Understanding the Connection
  • Mental Health in the Workplace: Strategies for Support and Awareness
  • The Opioid Crisis: Origins, Impact, and Solutions
  • Vaccination: Myths, Facts, and Public Health Implications
  • The Rise of Telemedicine: Benefits and Challenges
  • Preventive Care: The Key to Long-term Health
  • The Effects of Pollution on Respiratory Health
  • Obesity Epidemic: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention
  • Stress and Health: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection
  • The Role of Exercise in Managing Diabetes
  • Sleep Hygiene: The Impact of Sleep on Health and Well-being
  • Alternative Medicine: Complementary Approaches to Health Care
  • The Psychology of Eating Disorders: Causes and Treatments
  • The Global Fight Against HIV/AIDS: Progress and Challenges
  • Healthcare Systems Around the World: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Ethics of Genetic Testing: Privacy, Consent, and Implications
  • Childhood Vaccination: Policies, Perceptions, and Protection
  • The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health
  • Public Health Campaigns: Success Stories in Disease Prevention
  • The Future of Personalized Medicine: Tailoring Treatment to the Individual

Topics for Expository Essays on Literature

  • The Role of the Tragic Hero in Ancient Greek Literature
  • Exploring the Theme of Revenge in Shakespeare’s "Hamlet"
  • The Evolution of the Gothic Novel: From "The Castle of Otranto" to Modern Works
  • The Concept of the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s "The Great Gatsby"
  • Dystopian Visions: A Comparative Analysis of "1984" by George Orwell and "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley
  • The Use of Magical Realism in Gabriel García Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude"
  • The Bildungsroman Genre: Coming of Age in Literature
  • Feminist Themes in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s "The Yellow Wallpaper"
  • The Influence of Colonialism on Postcolonial Literature
  • The Depiction of War in Erich Maria Remarque’s "All Quiet on the Western Front"
  • Narrative Techniques in Modernist Literature: Stream of Consciousness in James Joyce’s "Ulysses"
  • The Role of Nature in Romantic Poetry
  • The Impact of the Harlem Renaissance on African American Literature
  • Exploring the Hero’s Journey in J.R.R. Tolkien’s "The Lord of the Rings"
  • The Representation of Race and Identity in Toni Morrison’s "Beloved"
  • Satire and Social Commentary in Jonathan Swift’s "Gulliver’s Travels"
  • The Concept of Love and Death in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry
  • The Psychological Depth of Characters in Dostoevsky’s Novels
  • The Theme of Isolation in Mary Shelley’s "Frankenstein"
  • The Influence of Shakespeare on Modern Literature and Film

History Expository Essay Topics

  • The Impact of the Black Death on European Society and Economy
  • The Causes and Consequences of the Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The Role of the Silk Road in Shaping Early Global Trade Networks
  • The Significance of the Magna Carta in the Development of Modern Democracy
  • The Cultural and Scientific Achievements of the Golden Age of Islam
  • The Effects of the Columbian Exchange on the New and Old Worlds
  • The French Revolution: Causes, Key Events, and Outcomes
  • The Industrial Revolution and Its Impact on Urbanization and Social Class
  • The Causes and Effects of World War I on the Global Stage
  • The Harlem Renaissance: Art, Music, and Literature as Means of Resistance
  • The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union: A Historical Overview
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the United States: Key Figures and Milestones
  • The Cultural Revolution in China: Goals, Processes, and Consequences
  • The Impact of the Discovery of DNA on Scientific and Medical Research
  • The Role of Women in World War II: From the Home Front to the Battlefield
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall: Symbolism and Significance
  • The Historical Development of the European Union
  • The Influence of the Spice Trade on European Exploration
  • The Witch Trials in Early Modern Europe: Causes and Effects
  • The Technological and Tactical Innovations of World War II

Science and Technology Expository Essay Topics for College

  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Healthcare: Promises and Challenges
  • Blockchain Technology: Beyond Cryptocurrency
  • The Ethics of Gene Editing: CRISPR and the Future of Human Evolution
  • Renewable Energy Technologies: The Path to a Sustainable Future
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A Scientific Perspective
  • Space Exploration: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Manned Mars Missions
  • The Evolution of Smart Cities: Integrating Technology into Urban Planning
  • Cybersecurity in the Digital Age: Protecting Information in a Connected World
  • The Science Behind Climate Change: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • Nanotechnology: Applications and Ethical Implications
  • The Future of Transportation: Electric and Autonomous Vehicles
  • Virtual Reality: Transforming Entertainment, Education, and Training
  • The Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities and Security Risks
  • Biotechnology in Agriculture: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Food Security
  • 3D Printing: Revolutionizing Manufacturing, Medicine, and Beyond
  • The Psychological Effects of Technology Dependency
  • Quantum Computing: Principles and Potential Impacts
  • Wearable Technology: Health Monitoring and Beyond
  • Augmented Reality in Education: Enhancing Learning Experiences
  • The Role of Big Data in Decision Making: Opportunities and Privacy Concerns

Expository Topics on Religion and Philosophy 

  • The Ethics of Belief: Clifford vs. James on Faith and Evidence
  • The Problem of Evil: Philosophical Approaches to Suffering and God
  • Existentialism: The Search for Meaning in a Seemingly Indifferent Universe
  • The Concept of the Soul in Different Religious Traditions
  • Stoicism and Modern Life: Ancient Wisdom in Contemporary Practice
  • The Influence of Religion on Political Systems Throughout History
  • Buddhism and the Concept of Non-Attachment
  • The Philosophy of Science: Understanding the Limits of Human Knowledge
  • Comparative Analysis of Monotheistic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  • The Role of Women in Religious Leadership Across Different Faiths
  • Hinduism and the Cycle of Rebirth: Understanding Karma and Dharma
  • Secular Humanism: Ethics Without Religion
  • The Impact of Greek Philosophy on Christian Theology
  • The Concept of Free Will in Theological and Philosophical Discourse
  • Taoism and the Philosophy of Wu Wei: Effortless Action
  • The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence: Can Machines Have Moral Values?
  • Nihilism and the Search for Meaning in a Postmodern World
  • The Intersection of Religion and Environmentalism: Stewardship of the Earth
  • Philosophical Skepticism: Can We Really Know Anything for Certain?
  • The Role of Meditation in Religious and Philosophical Practices

Education Expository Essay Topics

  • The Rise of Homeschooling and its Long-Term Impact
  • Gamification in Education: Boon or Bane?
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: Friend or Foe?
  • The Debate on Standardized Testing: Measuring Progress or Stifling Learning?
  • Vocational Training vs. College Degrees: Is One Path Truly Better?
  • Student Mental Health: A Growing Concern in Educational Institutions
  • The Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance
  • Bridging the Digital Divide: Ensuring Equitable Access to Technology in Education
  • Rethinking Traditional Grading Systems: Alternative Approaches to Assessment
  • Early Childhood Education: Investing in the Future
  • The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Shaping Well-Rounded Individuals
  • Language Barriers in Education: Challenges and Solutions for Multilingual Learners
  • Cultural Sensitivity in the Classroom: Fostering Inclusion and Understanding
  • The Ethics of Online Education: Privacy, Security, and Academic Integrity
  • Personalized Learning: Catering to Individual Needs and Learning Styles
  • The Global Education Landscape: Comparing and Contrasting Different Systems
  • Lifelong Learning: The Importance of Continuous Education in a Changing World
  • The Financial Realities of Higher Education: Addressing Affordability Concerns
  • Teacher Burnout: Exploring the Challenges and Seeking Solutions
  • The Future of Education: Predicting Potential Trends and Innovations

Topics for Expository Essay on Personal Experience

  • Overcoming Stage Fright: Transforming Fear into Performance Joy
  • From Beginner to Badass: My Journey in Mastering a New Skill
  • Unexpected Detour: How a Missed Opportunity Led to My Greatest Discovery
  • The Courage to Say No: Learning to Prioritize Myself and My Values
  • Lost and Found: Navigating a Personal Identity Crisis
  • Breaking Free: Escaping a Toxic Environment and Reclaiming My Happiness
  • Facing the Unknown: Embracing Solo Travel and its Challenges
  • From Broken to Beautifully Strong: How a Personal Setback Became My Fuel
  • The Power of Vulnerability: Sharing My Story and Connecting with Others
  • Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone: Embracing New Experiences and Growing as a Person
  • Finding My Voice: Overcoming Shyness and Learning to Speak Up
  • From Flawed to Flourishing: Embracing Imperfections and Building Self-Love
  • The Gift of Failure: How Mistakes Led to My Biggest Wins
  • Reconnecting with My Roots: Exploring Family History and Cultural Identity
  • From Chaos to Calm: Finding Peace and Mindfulness in a Stressful World
  • The Unexpected Mentor: How an Unlikely Guide Changed My Life
  • Facing Prejudice: Standing Up for Myself and Others
  • The Healing Power of Nature: Finding Solace and Connection in the Outdoors
  • Letting Go and Moving On: Dealing with Loss and Finding Closure
  • Gratitude Transformed: How Appreciation Changed My Perspective on Life

Expository Essay Topics for College

  • The Paradox of Choice: Abundance and Decision Fatigue in College Life
  • Dorm Room Dilemmas: Negotiating Space, Shared Living, and Personal Boundaries
  • Coffee-Fueled All-Nighters: Examining the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cramming
  • Friendship Formations and the Evolution of Social Circles in College
  • From High School Hero to College Nobody: Redefining Identity and Finding Belonging
  • Balancing Finances: The Art of Surviving on Ramen and Scholarships
  • The Pressure to Preach: Navigating Religious Discourse and Personal Beliefs
  • The Instagram Illusion: Comparing Lives Online and Cultivating True Happiness
  • Free Speech on Campus: Exploring Boundaries, Respect, and Open Dialogue
  • Hookup Culture or Meaningful Connections: Redefining Casual Relationships
  • Sleepless Nights and Sunrise Classes: Optimizing Health and Wellness in College
  • Procrastination Nation: Understanding and Overcoming the Delaying Game
  • Professors as Mentors: Cultivating Meaningful Relationships beyond the Classroom
  • Beyond Textbooks: Engaging in Service Learning and Experiential Education
  • The Allure of Internships: Balancing Career Exploration with Academic Demands
  • Passion vs. Pragmatism: Choosing a Major and Navigating Future Directions
  • From Frat Parties to Philosophical Debates: Exploring Diverse Social Scenes
  • Balancing Independence and Hometown Connections: Maintaining Relationships at a Distance
  • Navigating the Political Landscape: Activism, Awareness, and Civic Engagement
  • From Freshmen Fears to Graduation Goals: Reflecting on Personal Growth and College Transformation

Topics for Expository Essays about High School

  • Navigating the Jungle: Demystifying High School Cliques and Finding Your Tribe
  • Test Anxiety Terror: Conquering High-Stakes Exams and Finding Calmness
  • Lunchroom Legends and Locker Drama: Unveiling the Unwritten Rules of the High School Social Scene
  • From Freshman Fumbles to Senior Savor: Reflecting on the Evolution of Your High School Self
  • Balancing Act: Juggling Academics, Extracurriculars, and Social Life without Losing Sanity
  • The Digital Divide: Examining the Impact of Technology on High School Learning and Socialization
  • From Bullied to Buddy: Confronting or Overcoming High School Bullying and its Lasting Effects
  • College Countdown or Crossroads Conundrum: Deciding on Your Future Path Amidst Uncertainty
  • The Pressure to Impress: Exploring the Culture of Perfectionism and its Costs in High School
  • Sleepless in Seattle (or Anytown)? Examining the Impact of Chronic Sleep Deprivation in High Schoolers
  • Friend or Foe?: Evaluating the Influence of Social Media on Self-Esteem and Body Image in High School
  • The Silent Struggle: Exploring Mental Health Challenges and Seeking Support in High School
  • More Than a GPA: Defining Success and Worth Beyond Academic Achievement
  • Breaking the Mold: Navigating Alternative Learning Paths and Challenging Traditions
  • From Zero to Hero: Embracing Public Speaking and Overcoming Performance Anxiety
  • The Cost of Cool: Examining the Pressure to Conform and the Price of Popularity
  • From Bullies to Bystanders: Understanding and Countering the Dynamics of Bullying in High School
  • From Cafeteria Chaos to Cultural Exchange: Exploring the Impact of Diversity and Inclusion in High School
  • The Value of Volunteering: Discovering Your Passions and Making a Difference through Service
  • Beyond the Textbooks: Cultivating Passionate Learning and Finding Inspiration in Unexpected Places
Read also: Cause and Effect Essay Topics

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David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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Android vs. iPhone? Capitalism vs. communism? Hot dog vs. taco?

First day of school vs. the last day of school.

In compare and contrast essays , writers show the similarities and differences between two things. They combine descriptive writing with analysis, making connections and showing dissimilarities. Remind students that in this type of writing, they’re not necessarily trying to sway the reader to one opinion or another—they’re just presenting and analyzing facts. These compare and contrast essay topics will give them plenty of practice.

  • School and Work Essay Topics
  • Friends and Family Essay Topics
  • Life and Health Essay Topics
  • Entertainment Essay Topics
  • History and Politics Essay Topics
  • Just for Fun Essay Topics

School and Work Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Going to college vs. starting work full-time

  • Going to college vs. starting work full-time
  • Public and private schools
  • Charter schools and traditional public schools
  • Online school and in-person school
  • Block scheduling vs. traditional scheduling
  • Any two schools or colleges
  • Working your way through college as you go or taking out student loans
  • Elementary school and high school
  • Single gender vs. coed schools
  • Learning to read vs. learning to write
  • The importance of any two school subjects
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  • Group work and individual work
  • First day of school vs. last day of school
  • High school and college
  • Volunteering and paid work
  • Quitting vs. getting fired
  • Traditional job vs. starting a small business
  • Employee and manager
  • Work-life balance in U.S. vs. Europe

6th grade expository essay topics

Friends and Family Compare and Contrast Topics

Friendship vs. romantic love

  • Friendship vs. romantic love
  • You and your best friend
  • Online friends vs. IRL friends
  • Old friends and new friends
  • Best friend vs. group of friends
  • Your teacher vs. your parent/guardian
  • Only child vs. having siblings
  • Parents and grandparents
  • Siblings and cousins
  • Nuclear family vs. extended family
  • Adoptive families vs. biological families
  • Single-parent families and two-parent families
  • Parents vs. aunts and uncles
  • Oldest child and youngest child
  • Big family vs. small family

Life and Health Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Car ownership and public transportation

  • Car ownership and public transportation
  • Learning to ride a bike vs. learning to drive a car
  • Cooking at home and dining out
  • Wearing glasses vs. having braces
  • Nature vs. nurture
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Introverts vs. extroverts
  • Summer and winter
  • Fall and spring
  • City life vs. country life

Vegetarian and vegan

  • Vegetarian and vegan
  • Mondays and Fridays
  • Mornings vs. evenings
  • Giving vs. receiving gifts
  • Phone calls and texting
  • Electric cars vs. gas-powered cars
  • Shopping online and shopping in person
  • Cardio vs. strength training
  • Traditional medicine and alternative medicine
  • Mental health vs. physical health

Entertainment Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Xbox vs. PlayStation

  • Xbox vs. PlayStation
  • iPhone vs. Android
  • Laptop vs. tablet
  • Instagram vs. X
  • YouTube and TikTok
  • Traditional camera vs. phone camera
  • Football vs. soccer
  • Baseball vs. basketball
  • Horse racing vs. NASCAR
  • Team sports and individual sports
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  • Sprint vs. marathon
  • A movie based on a book and the book it was based on
  • Reading and watching TV
  • E-books vs. paper books

Shopping online and shopping in person

  • Poetry and rap music
  • DC vs. Marvel
  • Netflix and YouTube
  • Opera music and pop music
  • Rock music and hip-hop
  • Going to a play vs. going to a movie
  • Reality TV and documentaries
  • Playing a video game and watching a movie
  • Video games and board games
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History and Politics Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Two political candidates in a current race

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  • Socialism vs. communism
  • Monarchy/dictatorship and democracy
  • Spanish flu pandemic vs. COVID-19 pandemic
  • World War I and World War II
  • American pioneers vs. first space explorers
  • Gen X vs. Gen Z
  • Gen Z vs. Gen Alpha
  • Any two historic eras

Any two U.S. states

  • Any two U.S. states
  • Abraham Lincoln vs. Barack Obama (or any other two presidents)
  • Queen Elizabeth I vs. Queen Elizabeth II
  • Hitler and Stalin
  • The first airplane flight vs. the first manned spaceflight
  • Civil Rights Movement vs. Women’s Suffrage Movement
  • United States vs. China
  • United Nations and the League of Nations
  • Cold War vs. the War on Terror
  • Roman Empire vs. British Empire

American president vs. U.K. prime minister

  • American president vs. U.K. prime minister
  • Fox News vs. CNN
  • Legislative branch and executive branch and/or judicial branch
  • Equality and equity
  • Elected politicians vs. lobbyists
  • Republicans and Democrats
  • Conservatism vs. liberalism
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Just for Fun Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

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  • Hot dogs vs. tacos
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  • Coke vs. Pepsi
  • Frozen yogurt and ice cream
  • Hurricane vs. tornado
  • Birthday as a kid and birthday as an adult
  • Going barefoot vs. wearing shoes
  • Mountain vacation vs. beach vacation

Appetizers and desserts

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  • Pants vs. skirts
  • Chocolate shake vs. hot chocolate
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  • Christmas vs. birthdays

What are some of your favorite compare and contrast essay topics? Come share your prompts in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out the big list of essay topics for high school.

Combine descriptive writing with analysis when you use these compare and contrast essay topics, with options for students of all ages.

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Expository Essay Writing

Expository Essay Topics

Cathy A.

Good Expository Essay Topics to Impress Everyone

Published on: Apr 30, 2020

Last updated on: Feb 24, 2024

Expository Essay Topics

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An expository essay is a genre that investigates a topic in detail. This paper examines, evaluates, and expounds on an idea, concept, event, object, or subject. Writing this essay type is an important component of academic assignments.

If you are a high school or a college student, writing an expository essay will be mandatory for you. The first thing to make your essay impressive is to choose an amazing title. After that, it is the writer’s first attempt to motivate the audience to read the entire document.

In case you are assigned to write an essay and are looking for some amazing themes. Continue reading this blog to get sample expository essay topics.

How to Choose an Expository Essay Topic?

The importance of an interesting essay topic can not be overlooked. While reading an essay, it is the first thing that a reader comes across. With this, they would decide whether to continue reading or not.

Deciding on the topic for your writing piece can be challenging. Students often find themselves with writer’s block and cannot think of creative ideas for their essays.

Follow the steps given below to come up with an engaging expository essay topic.

  • Brainstorm ideas and make a list -  Brainstorming is a great way to come up with a topic. Make a list of all the ideas that interest you and your audience. At this point, you do not have to gather only good ideas.
  • Evaluate the topic -  After preparing a list of ideas, analyze which topic is appropriate. For writing an expository essay, make sure that the topic you choose can be explained in detail.
  • Narrow down the topic’s focus -  Once you have chosen a topic, focus on specific aspects. Broad topics will make it difficult for the writer to explain and support the argument.
  • Check for sources -  The last but most important step is to check for credible sources of information for your selected topic. Here, the writer needs strong supporting evidence to explain the topic in detail.

Expository Essay Topics for Students

Have a look at the following list of topics for expository essays to get a better idea.

Expository Essay Topics for Middle School

  • Explain your first experience in the school?
  • Describe your perfect place for vacations.
  • Explain your experience of studying online.
  • Describe the consequences of Covid-19 on studies.
  • Explain what influences families have on the personality of an individual?
  • Describe what productive hobbies a middle school student should have?
  • Describe the qualities of a good instructor.
  • Explain how role models can help you become a better person?
  • Describe the advantages of having a pet in the house.
  • Describe the meaning of true love.

Expository Essay Topics for Grade 7

  • Explain why wearing uniforms can be beneficial for students?
  • Talk about the things you want to change in the world, and why?
  • Explain why some girls like wearing makeup in school?
  • Describe how important it is for the children to spend time with their parents?
  • Explain the impact of smoking cigarettes on teen’s health.
  • Describe how a person can stay fit and healthy.
  • Explain how important it is to have a balanced diet?
  • Distant learning vs. traditional learning? Which is better?
  • Explain why students should not be given homework?
  • Explain how the education quality in public and private schools differs?

Expository Essay Topics for Grade 8

  • Explain the theme of your favorite book.
  • Explain how a seed becomes a plant?
  • Explain why we should not consume processed foods?
  • Explain the effects of social media platforms on our lives.
  • Describe the effects of pollution on marine life.
  • Explain how to keep oral hygiene?
  • Why is being immortal a good thing?
  • Using strong evidence, explain how to identify if someone is lying?
  • Explain the things and habits that affect your memory?
  • Describe the consequences of getting bad grades on academics.

Expository Essay Topics for High School

  • Explain gunpowder invention.
  • Describe the French Revolution.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of the Vietnam War.
  • How Jazz music affects our brain?
  • Explain what characteristics make a person famous?
  • Explain a particular psychological disorder.
  • How different is it to connect with people online and in person?
  • Explain how science helps people live a better life?
  • Explain the pros and cons of artificial intelligence.
  • Explain the invention of an object of your choice.

Expository Essay Topics for College

  • Pick a planet and explain what it would be like to live there?
  • Explain what you want to invent for the world?
  • Explain how a particular lifestyle or dieting pattern affects the environment?
  • Explain life in 25 years and the technological advancements that will take over.
  • Explain why teachers should be available for students after school hours as well?
  • Explain why there should be some restrictions on the use of social media for teenagers?
  • Describe why an employee should be a good team player?
  • Describe the consequences of selling drugs on campus.
  • Explain why constant fighting between siblings can be alarming?
  • Explain why the gang culture is spreading drastically?

Expository Essay Topics on Social Issues

  • Describe the importance of learning social values.
  • Describe how gun control laws can influence people’s lives?
  • How do the needs of people change with time?
  • Explain how to help the homeless and prevent homelessness?
  • Describe a social work you took part in, and how did it make a difference?
  • Explain how obesity socially affects people and their thinking?
  • Explain one social issue that largely prevails in your country.
  • Describe how people’s attitudes towards mental illnesses have changed during a decade?
  • Have parenting roles changed over time? Explain how?
  • Explain what can be the possible ways to control pollution.

Expository Essay Topics on Health

  • Describe how dieting for weight loss can be dangerous for health?
  • Explain why late-night munching is harmful?
  • What are the causes and effects of obesity?
  • How is fast food harmful to mental health?
  • Explain how eating disorders result in disturbed sleeping patterns?
  • Explain how AIDS and poverty are related?
  • Explain how a healthy body impacts an IQ level of a person?
  • How important is the environment for the stability of mental health?
  • Explain what diet a student should have?
  • What are the causes and effects of malnutrition?

Expository Essay Topics about Education

  • Discuss the causes and effects of teaching techniques on learning.
  • What are the causes and effects of teaching sex education in schools?
  • Explain how can our education systems are modified?
  • What is the significance of homeschooling?
  • Explain why students should be given the liberty to choose their subjects in school?
  • Should college scholarships be granted based on sports performances?
  • Explain why higher education is important for a successful career?
  • Explain how can the quality of education can be improved??
  • Explain why students should be taught foreign languages in schools?
  • Describe the qualities of a good teacher.

Expository essay writing can be challenging if your knowledge about the topic is limited. It is important to know that while writing such college papers, a writer has to share his point of view. Only stating the facts will be monotonous for the readers.

Also, keep in mind to follow a defined structure for the content. Moreover, the traditional essay outline of an introduction, body, and conclusion should be included in the document.

The introduction paragraph should be well written and provides a defined thesis statement. Then comes the body paragraphs that present all the explanations and descriptions of the topic. However, make sure to keep the body of your essay informative and organized.

Conclude your essay with strong closing lines to leave a lasting impression on the readers.

If the expository writings give you a hard time, get help from the professionals. They will help you by providing great comparison and contrast along expository essay ideas to score well. is a custom essay service that provides reliable essay help for your college essay and paper.

Furthermore, our essay writer will help you come up with great topic ideas and provide you with written assignments.

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How to Write an Expository Essay | Structure, Tips & Examples

Published on July 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

“Expository” means “intended to explain or describe something.” An expository essay provides a clear, focused explanation of a particular topic, process, or set of ideas. It doesn’t set out to prove a point, just to give a balanced view of its subject matter.

Expository essays are usually short assignments intended to test your composition skills or your understanding of a subject. They tend to involve less research and original arguments than argumentative essays .

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Table of contents

When should you write an expository essay, how to approach an expository essay, introducing your essay, writing the body paragraphs, concluding your essay, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about expository essays.

In school and university, you might have to write expository essays as in-class exercises, exam questions, or coursework assignments.

Sometimes it won’t be directly stated that the assignment is an expository essay, but there are certain keywords that imply expository writing is required. Consider the prompts below.

The word “explain” here is the clue: An essay responding to this prompt should provide an explanation of this historical process—not necessarily an original argument about it.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to define a particular term or concept. This means more than just copying down the dictionary definition; you’ll be expected to explore different ideas surrounding the term, as this prompt emphasizes.

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An expository essay should take an objective approach: It isn’t about your personal opinions or experiences. Instead, your goal is to provide an informative and balanced explanation of your topic. Avoid using the first or second person (“I” or “you”).

The structure of your expository essay will vary according to the scope of your assignment and the demands of your topic. It’s worthwhile to plan out your structure before you start, using an essay outline .

A common structure for a short expository essay consists of five paragraphs: An introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Like all essays, an expository essay begins with an introduction . This serves to hook the reader’s interest, briefly introduce your topic, and provide a thesis statement summarizing what you’re going to say about it.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works.

In many ways, the invention of the printing press marked the end of the Middle Ages. The medieval period in Europe is often remembered as a time of intellectual and political stagnation. Prior to the Renaissance, the average person had very limited access to books and was unlikely to be literate. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century allowed for much less restricted circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

The body of your essay is where you cover your topic in depth. It often consists of three paragraphs, but may be more for a longer essay. This is where you present the details of the process, idea or topic you’re explaining.

It’s important to make sure each paragraph covers its own clearly defined topic, introduced with a topic sentence . Different topics (all related to the overall subject matter of the essay) should be presented in a logical order, with clear transitions between paragraphs.

Hover over different parts of the example paragraph below to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

The invention of the printing press in 1440 changed this situation dramatically. Johannes Gutenberg, who had worked as a goldsmith, used his knowledge of metals in the design of the press. He made his type from an alloy of lead, tin, and antimony, whose durability allowed for the reliable production of high-quality books. This new technology allowed texts to be reproduced and disseminated on a much larger scale than was previously possible. The Gutenberg Bible appeared in the 1450s, and a large number of printing presses sprang up across the continent in the following decades. Gutenberg’s invention rapidly transformed cultural production in Europe; among other things, it would lead to the Protestant Reformation.

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The conclusion of an expository essay serves to summarize the topic under discussion. It should not present any new information or evidence, but should instead focus on reinforcing the points made so far. Essentially, your conclusion is there to round off the essay in an engaging way.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a conclusion works.

The invention of the printing press was important not only in terms of its immediate cultural and economic effects, but also in terms of its major impact on politics and religion across Europe. In the century following the invention of the printing press, the relatively stationary intellectual atmosphere of the Middle Ages gave way to the social upheavals of the Reformation and the Renaissance. A single technological innovation had contributed to the total reshaping of the continent.

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An expository essay is a broad form that varies in length according to the scope of the assignment.

Expository essays are often assigned as a writing exercise or as part of an exam, in which case a five-paragraph essay of around 800 words may be appropriate.

You’ll usually be given guidelines regarding length; if you’re not sure, ask.

An expository essay is a common assignment in high-school and university composition classes. It might be assigned as coursework, in class, or as part of an exam.

Sometimes you might not be told explicitly to write an expository essay. Look out for prompts containing keywords like “explain” and “define.” An expository essay is usually the right response to these prompts.

An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Expository Essay | Structure, Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 18, 2024, from

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  3. 6th grade curriculum review 2022 2023


  5. Important Essay topics for expository writing final term paper. #expositorywriting #uog

  6. My Expository video on JB Mauney


  1. Excellent Essay Topics for 6th Graders »

    Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School. Expository Essay Topic Ideas. Story Writing Topics for Grades 5 - 9. Essay writing curriculum 6th grade. These 37 essay topics for 6th graders will help your kids form opinions, explore their ideas on paper, and express their thoughts confidently.

  2. 33 Excellent Expository Writing Prompts »

    This form of writing is a method of writing in which the author describes, informs, or explains a topic to the reader. Learning how to write an expository paper (or essay) is one of the most important skills that students can develop from an early age. Of course, it is also a skill one may develop or refine at any age or stage in school or life.

  3. 6th Grade Essay Topics

    Expository essay topic for the 6th Grade. Expository essays are informative. They are fantastic tools you can use to teach your 6th graders about the method of exploring and researching. You'd want to build their writing skills. So here are some Expository essay topic for the 6th graders: Write an extended definition essay on one of your ...

  4. Awesome 6th Grade Writing Prompts (Updated!)

    That's all the ideas for this post. 121 More FREE Grade 6 Writing Resources. Take a look at this list of even more wonderful writing prompts and resources for 6th graders. 37 6th Grade Writing Prompts; 31 6th Grade Writing Ideas; 53 Reflective Writing Prompts; Until next time, write on… If you enjoyed these Writing Prompts for 6th Graders,

  5. 28 Expository Writing Prompts for Middle School

    28 Expository Writing Prompts for Middle School. October 12, 2014 in Pedagogy. Share. The ability to provide information in different contexts is essential to effective communication. Students must practice expository writing throughout their academic careers. The sooner they start, the better. Below are some descriptive, sequential, compare ...

  6. 50 Engaging 6th Grade Writing Prompts for Thoughtful Essays

    These prompts will help your sixth graders learn the essentials of procedural writing. 26. Make a user guide for anything you use frequently (e.g., your computer, smartphone, video game console). 27. Write a set of instructions for cleaning your room. 28.

  7. 50 Exclusive 6th Grade Writing Prompts that are Printable for Free

    Creative Writing Topics for Grade 6. A Magical Land: Describe a world where magic is real and part of everyday life. Time Travel Adventure: Write a story about traveling back in time to a significant historical event. Superhero Origins: Create the origin story of a new superhero, including their powers and motivations.

  8. 25 Best Expository Essay Topics for Middle School

    Descriptive Essay - describes a place, thing or an experience. Problem-Solution Essay - presents a problem and its solution. Cause-Effect Essay - finds the cause of something and its impact. Comparison Essay - compares and contrasts two things. Process Essay - explains a process.

  9. 6th Grade Essay Prompts: A Comprehensive Guide

    As a 6th grader, you are at an exciting stage of academic and personal growth. One of the most important skills you'll develop during this time is essay writing. Essay writing is an essential skill that will help you communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively. It will also help you develop critical thinking skills, research skills, and ...

  10. Expository Essay Examples for Middle and High School

    Get past the thesis statement with two examples of expository essays. Learn more about the format, requirements, and types of expository writing for middle and high school.

  11. 100 Entertaining 6th Grade Writing Prompts

    Choose from 100 prompts, story starters, research topics, and poetry ideas to start the writing process in a sixth-grade classroom.

  12. 65 Expository Prompts for Kids

    Be sure to give the reasons for your suggestion. 4. Explain the main reasons why you think students drop out of school. 5. Talk about your favorite music and why you like it. 6. Think of your favorite year in school. Explain why it was your favorite year. 7.

  13. A List of General Expository Essay Topics

    Expository essays discuss topics by using facts rather than opinions, requiring students to evaluate and investigate while setting forth their arguments clearly and concisely. Teachers often include expository essays as part of assessments , especially in college-level courses, so students can help themselves succeed by practicing writing these ...

  14. 6th Grade Writing Prompts: Unlocking Imagination

    Examples include composing a personal narrative about overcoming a challenge, writing an expository essay on a historical event, or crafting a descriptive piece about a favorite place or object. Assessing and Providing Feedback. One of the key aspects of 6th Grade Writing Prompts is the assessment and provision of constructive feedback to students.

  15. 15 Engaging Explanatory Writing Prompts

    The following prompts are meant for high-school level writers. Students may need to research the topics in order to respond with sufficient depth and complexity. 11. Addressing Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying involves using technology to harm, intimidate, and embarrass others.

  16. 100+ Expository Essay Topics to Impress Your Teacher

    Expository Essay Topics Consumer Culture. The positive and negative effects of consumer culture. Understanding the modern consumer culture. Consumer culture in China and the middle class. Consumer culture is central to understanding contemporary identities. Consumerism in consumer culture.Advertising and consumer culture. Explain consumer culture.

  17. PDF Expository Writing

    Section 6: Authen-tic Writing Tasks • Lesson 1: Analyzing Prompts for Givens and Variables, p. 466 • Lesson 2: 7-Day Process Writing Time-line, p. 519 Process Writing Piece Choose an appropri-ate expository topic and use the process writing timeline to fully developed piece together Introduce from Section 6: Steps for Approaching

  18. 200+ Excellent Expository Essay Topics for Students

    Science and Technology Expository Essay Topics for College. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Healthcare: Promises and Challenges. Blockchain Technology: Beyond Cryptocurrency. The Ethics of Gene Editing: CRISPR and the Future of Human Evolution. Renewable Energy Technologies: The Path to a Sustainable Future.

  19. 125 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Kids and Teens

    Life and Health Compare and Contrast Essay Topics. Car ownership and public transportation. Learning to ride a bike vs. learning to drive a car. Cooking at home and dining out. Wearing glasses vs. having braces. Nature vs. nurture. Anxiety and depression. Introverts vs. extroverts. Summer and winter.


    TOPIC: Explain to next year's sixth graders what they can expect in seventh grade. STATEMENT: Sixth graders need to prepare for seventh grade by learning how to plan for long-term assignments. REASON: Because seventh grade teachers expect their students to be more independent, the long-term planning skill is one that will ensure a successful

  21. 140+ Interesting Expository Essay Topics & Ideas for 2024

    Expository Essay Topics for Students. 3. Expository Essay Topics on Social Issues. 4. Expository Essay Topics on Health. 5. Expository Essay Topics about Education. An expository essay is a genre that investigates a topic in detail. This paper examines, evaluates, and expounds on an idea, concept, event, object, or subject.

  22. How to Write an Expository Essay

    The structure of your expository essay will vary according to the scope of your assignment and the demands of your topic. It's worthwhile to plan out your structure before you start, using an essay outline. A common structure for a short expository essay consists of five paragraphs: An introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  23. Free 6th grade writing-expository printables

    This cute hamburger graphic organizer helps your students write an expository/classification paragraph with a topic sentence, a 3-part body paragraph as well as a closing sentence. This graphic organizer also includes transition words to help your students link sentences smoothly. 1 st - 6 th. Writing, Writing-Essays, Writing-Expository.