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Natural Resources of ASSAM || অসমৰ প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদ
July 15, 2021 by Souvik Leave a Comment
অসমৰ প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদ
আৰম্ভণি ( introduction ).
ভাৰতৰ ভিতৰত প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদত চহকী যি কেইখন ৰাজ্য আছে তাৰ ভিতৰত অসম অন্যতম আৰু অনন্য ।কোনো বিধ প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদেই এই ৰাজ্যত নোহোৱা নহয়।যি ৰাজ্য প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদত চহকী,সেই ৰাজ্য শিল্প বাণিজ্য তো চহকী হয়।অসম কিন্তু ইয়াৰ ব্যতিক্ৰম।ইমানবোৰ প্ৰকৃতিজাত সম্পদ বা কেঁচামাল থকা সত্ত্বেও অসম শিল্প বাণিজ্য ত তেণেই পিছপৰা।যি দুটা এটা উদ্যোগ বা শিল্পানুষ্ঠন গঢ়ি উঠিছে,তাৰো গৰাকী সাধাৰণতে বহিৰাগত।আনকি প্রকৃতিজাত কেঁচামাল ৰ ব্যৱসায়ো প্ৰধানকৈ অনাঅসমীয়া ৰ হাতত। বনজাত,খনিজাত,জলজাত আৰু মাটিৰ উৰ্বৰা হেতু কৃষিজাত বস্তুবোৰে হল প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদ।
List of National Parks in Assam – click here
কৃষিজাত সম্পদ :
অসমৰ হাবিবোৰ নানান মূল্যবান গছ গছনি,লতা গুল্মেৰে পৰিপূৰ্ণ। শাল,চেগুন,আজাৰ আদি ঘৰ আৰু ঘৰুৱা আচবাব সজোৱা কামৰ কাৰণে বৰ উপযোগী।কাগজ শিল্পৰ ঘাই উপাদান বাঁহ,জুইশলা কাৰখানা ৰ ঘাই উপাদান শিমলু গছো এই হাবিত প্ৰচুৰ পৰিমাণে পোৱা যায়।মচলা জাতীয় গছ, মেজাংকৰি আদি ৰঙৰ গছ,শিমলু তুলা আৰু লা ৰ কাৰণেও অসমৰ হাবি বিখ্যাত।অসমৰ হাবিত থকা বেত আন এবিধ উল্লেখযোগ্য সম্পদ।অসমৰ হাবিত ওপজা সুকাঠি গছ,নাহৰৰ গুটি, পদ্মকাঠ আৰু চিত্ৰণলা বনৰ পৰা তেল আৰু সুগন্ধি দ্ৰব্য প্ৰস্তুত কৰা হয়।ইয়াৰ পৰ্বত আৰু হাবি বোৰত নানান জন্তু,চৰাই চিৰিকতি বাসভূমি।এইবোৰৰ ভিতৰত হাতী,বাঘ,ভালুক,পহু আদি জন্তু আৰু ধনেছ,ময়ুৰ,দেওহাহ আদি চৰাই উল্লেখযোগ্য।হাতী আৰু গড় বৰ মূল্যবান জন্তু।বনজ সম্পদৰ ভিত্তিত প্লাইউড,কাঠ ফলা কল,জুইশলা কাৰখানা নিচিনা সৰু সুৰা উদ্যোগৰ উপৰিও যোগীঘোপা,পাঁচ গাওঁ আদিত কাগজ কল স্থাপিত হৈছে।
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খনিজত সম্পদ :
খনিজাত সম্পদ পৃথিৱীৰ ভিতৰতে উল্লেখযোগ্য।ইয়াত বিভিন্ন মাটি,আৰু শিলৰ উপৰিও চূণ,কেৰাচিন তেল, কয়লা,প্ৰাকৃতিক গেছ,ডিজেল, পেট্ৰল আদি পোৱা যায় যদিও প্ৰধান খনিজাত সম্পদ হিচাপে খাৰুৱা তেলৰ কথাকে উল্লেখ কৰিব পাৰি।ভাৰতৰ ভিতৰত অসম এই সম্পদত প্ৰথম। দুলীয়াজান,গেলেকি,মৰাণ,ডিগবৈ, লাকোৱা,নাহৰকটীয়া,নামৰূপ,আদি অঞ্চলত তেলৰ পুং আৰু প্ৰাকৃতিক গেছ পোৱা যায়।বোকাজান ত চূণশিল,লিডু,মাৰ্ঘেৰিটা, লেখাপানী আদি ঠাইত কয়লা পোৱা যায়।অসমত তাম আৰু সোণৰ খনিও পোৱাৰ সম্ভাৱনা আছে। আহোমৰ ৰাজত্বকালত সোৱণশিৰি নৈৰ বালিত সোণৰ কণিকাও পোৱা গৈছিল বুলি জানিব পৰা গৈছে।অসমৰ তেল শোধনৰ বাবে ডিগবৈত আগৰ পৰাই এটা সৰু তেল শোধনাগাৰ আছিল।এতিয়া গুৱাহাটীৰ নুনমাটি আৰু বঙাইগাঁওত দুটা তেল শোধনাগাৰ স্থাপিত হৈছে।
জলজাত সম্পদ :
জলজসম্পদৰ ভিতৰত অসমৰ নদী নলা,আৰু ইয়াত থকা মাছ কাছ আদিক ধৰা হয়।অসমৰ নৈৰ খৰস্ৰতা আৰু বাৰিষা খৰালি উভয় সময়তে ইয়াত পানীৰ অভাৱ নহয়।এইবোৰ জলবিদ্যুৎ উৎপাদনৰ বাবে বৰ উপযোগী।অসমৰ উৰ্বৰা খেতিপথাৰত পানী যোগান ধৰি আৰু সময়ে সময়ে হোৱা প্ৰলয়ংকাৰি বানপানীক নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰি কৃষি খ ব্যাপক উন্নতি সাধন কৰিব পাৰি।এনেদৰে জলজ সম্পদৰ পূৰ্ণ বিকাশ ঘটাই ৰাজ্যখনৰ আৰ্থিক অৱস্থা টনকিয়াল কৰিব পাৰি।
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অসম ৰাজ্যখন মৌচুমী অঞ্চলত অৱস্থিত তথা ইয়াৰ মাটিভাগ বৰ সাৰুৱা।গতিকে খেতিৰ বাবে ইয়াৰ মাটি বৰ উপযোগী।ইয়াত ধান,মাহ,সৰিয়হ,কুঁহিয়াৰ,মৰাপাট,চাহ,নাৰিকল,তামোল পাণ আদি নানা শাকপাচলি আৰু ফলমূল উৎপন্ন হয়।চাহ উৎপাদনত ভাৰতৰ স্থান পৃথিৱীৰ ভিতৰত প্ৰথম।ইয়াৰ উৎপাদনৰ শতকৰা ৬৬ ভাগ চাহ অসমতে উৎপন্ন হয়।অসমৰ চাহপাতৰ মানদণ্ড উন্নত ধৰণৰ হোৱা বাবে বজাৰত ইয়াৰ চাহিদা অতি বেছি।অসমৰ আটাইকেইখন জিলাতে কম বেছি পৰিমাণে মৰাপাট উৎপন্ন হয়।নগাওঁ,কামৰূপ, গোৱাল পাৰাত ইয়াৰ উৎপাদন বেছি।ইয়াৰ উপৰিও তামোল পান ,নাৰিকল,আম,কঁঠাল,আনাৰস,আদি ফল ইয়াৰ পৰা ভাৰতৰ আন আন ঠাই লৈ ৰপ্তানি হয়।আদা,হালধি,জালুক আদি নানা প্ৰকাৰৰ শাক পাচলি ইয়াত প্ৰচুৰ পৰিমাণে উৎপন্ন হয়।
অসমত যিমান বোৰ প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদ আছে,সেই আটাইকে উদ্ধাৰ কৰি তাক যথাযোগ্যভাবে কামত লগাব পাৰিলে অসমৰ অৱস্থা নদন বদন নহৈ নোৱাৰে।তাৰ কাৰণে চৰকাৰ আৰু দেশৰ জনসাধাৰণে আগবাঢ়ি আহিব লাগিব।আনহাতে কোনো সম্পদই চিৰস্থায়ী নহয়,তাক সংৰক্ষণ আৰু সংবৰ্ধনৰ কৰি মিতব্যয়িতাৰে যদি কামত লগোৱা নহয়,অচিৰেই ই নাইকীয়া হব।সেইবাবে এই তিনিটা ব্যৱস্থাত গুৰুত্ব দিয়া উচিত।
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Essay on the Natural Resources of Assam
Assam , known as the land of blue hills and red river is a darling of nature. She has lavished upon her abundant natural bounties unseen elsewhere in the country. The state is blessed with rich mineral, water, forest, agricultural and human resources of great potential and value, offering immense possibilities of becoming one of the frontline states of India. The scope of industrialisation, agricultural prosperity and all round economic development are indeed great, if the state’s natural resources are fully tapped and utilised.
Assam is rich in mineral resources. Petroleum, natural gas, coal, and limestone are the state’s principal mineral resources. Among these petroleum is the most important. Oil was first discovered at Digboi as early as 1867. Currently Digboi, Rudrasagar, Narharkatia, Moran, Lakwa, Hugrijan etc. are the leading oilfields of the state. The state’s oil refineries situated at Digboi, Noonmati (Guwahati), Bongaigaon, and Numaligarh not only produce petroleum but also important bye-products such as, crude oil, diesel, kerosene, lubricants, tar, etc.
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The availability of natural gas has helped the state to become the chief supplier of L.P.G (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) to the rest of the Northeastern states. The availability of coal and limestone has been instrumental for the development of cement industry in the state.
About 25% of the states land area is under forests. Forests in Assam are rich in valuable trees such as, Sal, Simalu, Saral, Segun, Agar, Bossum, Bamboo, Cane, Medicinal herbs, etc. They also supply fruits, fuel and fodder. These forest resources have helped the growth of forest-based industries such as, plywood and paper industries.
Agar oil extracted from Agaru trees is a valuable product highly demanded all over India. The vast forests of the state not only provide employment to thousands of people but also prevent soil erosion, add fertility to the soil, lower down humidity and temperature and bring about abundant rain in the state. The forest-based tourism centres such as Kaziranga National Park and Manas Sanctuary fetch a good deal of income for the state.
Image Source: india4people.com
The state produces nearly 55% of the total output of tea in the country. Her main agricultural produces are rice, wheat, pulses, potatoes and maize, while chief cash crops consist of tea, jute, oil seeds, tobacco and sugar cane. Many of these agricultural produces are exported to other parts of India bringing a good deal of revenue to the state. Sericulture made much headway in the state. Silk products such as Muga and Endi’ of Assam are world famous.
Assam is gifted by nature with plenty of rainfall and many swift flowing rivers and streams. Therefore the power potential of the state is immense. It is estimated that in the total water potential of India, Assam alone is capable of providing 28%.
The mighty Brahmaputra and its numerous tributaries have great potential for the generation of hydroelectricity. The existence of numerous rivers has also boosted the growth of fishing and fish-rearing industry in the state.
Although, Assam is blessed with an abundant supply of natural resources, yet she remains one of the industrially backward states of India. The apathy of the state govt., the step-motherly treatment of the central govt., constant political instability in the state, recent spurt in militancy, etc. have primarily been responsible for this state of affairs. Some corrective steps have been taken recently in this direction. But a lot more remains to be done if the state wishes to usher an era of prosperity in the state.
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Essay on Assam
Students are often asked to write an essay on Assam in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.
Let’s take a look…
100 Words Essay on Assam
Assam, a state in northeast India, is known for its wildlife, archaeological sites, and tea plantations. It’s a region of rich biodiversity and vibrant culture.
Assam is surrounded by seven Indian states and shares international borders with Bhutan and Bangladesh. The Brahmaputra River flows through it, providing fertile land.
Assam’s culture is a blend of various communities like Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, and more. Bihu is the most significant festival celebrated here.
Assam’s economy is based on agriculture, oil, tea, and tourism. The state is the largest tea producer in India.
Assam is home to several wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, including Kaziranga and Manas, both UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
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250 Words Essay on Assam
Assam, a jewel in the crown of Northeast India, is a diverse and culturally rich state. Its geographical location, unique biodiversity, and varied culture make it a fascinating study.
Geographical Significance
Assam is nestled in the lap of the eastern Himalayas, bounded by Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh to the north, Nagaland and Manipur to the east, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram to the south, and Bangladesh and West Bengal to the west. The state is enriched by the mighty Brahmaputra river, contributing significantly to its fertile plains.
Biodiversity and Environment
Assam is renowned for its rich biodiversity. It houses two of India’s biodiversity hotspots, Kaziranga and Manas National Parks, both UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The state is also home to the one-horned rhinoceros, a species endemic to the region, symbolizing Assam’s biodiversity richness.
Cultural Diversity
Assam’s cultural landscape is as diverse as its geographical and biological features. It is a melting pot of various ethnic groups, each with its distinct traditions, languages, and cuisines. The Assamese New Year, Bihu, manifests this cultural diversity through music, dance, and food.
Assam’s economy is primarily agrarian, with tea and silk being significant contributors. Assam produces over half of India’s tea, making it a key player in the global tea industry. The state is also famous for its Assam Silk, particularly Muga, known for its durability and golden hue.
In essence, Assam is a microcosm of India’s diversity and cultural richness. Its geographical uniqueness, biodiversity, cultural vibrancy, and economic potential make it a compelling area of study, offering profound insights into India’s Northeastern frontier.
500 Words Essay on Assam
Assam, a northeastern state of India, is renowned for its rich biodiversity, cultural heritage, and historical significance. It is bordered by Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh to the north, Nagaland and Manipur to the east, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, and Bangladesh to the south, and West Bengal to the west.
Geographical Features
Assam is characterized by the majestic Brahmaputra River, which is the lifeline of the state, providing both water resources and fertile soil for agriculture. The state’s topography is defined by the Barail hill range and the North Cachar Hills. Assam is also home to the world’s largest river island, Majuli, and Asia’s smallest inhabited riverine island, Umananda.
Assam’s biodiversity is unparalleled, with several national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Kaziranga National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, shelters two-thirds of the world’s one-horned rhinoceros population. Manas National Park, another UNESCO World Heritage site, is a biodiversity hotspot. These parks and sanctuaries are also home to various other endangered species like Bengal tigers, Asian elephants, and numerous bird species.
Cultural Heritage
Assam’s cultural heritage is a blend of various ethnic groups and tribes, each with its unique traditions, rituals, and festivals. The state is famous for its Bihu dance, a folk dance performed during the Bihu festival. Assam’s music, predominantly Borgeet, and Ankia Naat (a form of one-act play), created by the 15th-century scholar, saint, and cultural icon Srimanta Sankardeva, are significant cultural contributions.
Assam’s economy primarily depends on agriculture, with tea and silk being the most significant contributors. Assam produces more than half of India’s tea and is also known for its unique Muga silk. Additionally, the state has substantial petroleum resources and is home to India’s oldest oil refinery in Digboi.
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite its rich resources, Assam faces numerous challenges. Frequent floods, caused by the Brahmaputra river, lead to significant loss of life and property every year. Similarly, ethnic conflicts and political instability have hindered the state’s development. However, with proper management and strategic planning, these challenges can be turned into opportunities. For instance, the floods can be managed better to recharge groundwater, improve soil fertility, and support fisheries. Similarly, harnessing the state’s rich cultural heritage and biodiversity can boost tourism, creating jobs and supporting the economy.
Assam is a state of immense potential, with its rich natural resources, diverse cultural heritage, and strategic location. However, to fully realize this potential, it is essential to address the challenges it faces and invest in sustainable development. With the right approach, Assam can truly become a jewel in India’s crown.
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The Historical Development of Assam’s Natural Resources: A Journey Through Time
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- History of Assam
Assam, located in the northeastern region of India, is a land blessed with a diverse range of natural resources. From vast stretches of fertile land to dense forests, rich biodiversity, mineral resources, and significant reserves of crude oil and natural gas, Assam’s natural wealth has shaped its economy, society, and history. The state’s rich natural resources have played a critical role in its development over the centuries and have been central to its identity. This essay explores the historical development of Assam’s natural resources, from ancient agricultural practices to the discovery of oil in the modern era, examining the role these resources have played in shaping Assam’s growth.
The Abundant Natural Wealth of Assam
Geographical overview.
Assam is geographically located in a region that enjoys a tropical monsoon climate, which provides it with ample rainfall and fertile soil. The state is crisscrossed by numerous rivers, the most significant being the Brahmaputra , which provides water for irrigation, sustains rich biodiversity, and enables agricultural production. Assam’s forests are home to diverse flora and fauna, and its mineral wealth, especially oil, coal, limestone, and natural gas, has earned it a prominent place in India’s natural resource landscape.
Early Exploitation of Natural Resources in Assam
Agriculture: the backbone of early assamese economy.
Historically, agriculture was the foundation of Assam’s economy. The region’s fertile plains, irrigated by the Brahmaputra and its tributaries, supported the cultivation of rice, pulses, mustard, and various other crops. Wet rice cultivation emerged as the primary agricultural activity in Assam due to the region’s abundant rainfall and favorable soil conditions. The indigenous farming techniques, including shifting cultivation (Jhum cultivation) practiced in the hilly areas, allowed communities to adapt to the region’s geography.
The development of agriculture in Assam allowed the state to become self-sufficient in food production, supporting large settlements and small kingdoms that ruled the region throughout ancient and medieval times. Additionally, Assam’s forests and rivers contributed to hunting, fishing, and gathering activities that supplemented the early economy.
Tea: Assam’s Gift to the World
The British colonial period marked a turning point in Assam’s natural resource development with the discovery of tea. Assam became world-famous for its tea plantations after the British East India Company began large-scale cultivation of tea in the early 19th century. In 1823, Scottish adventurer Robert Bruce discovered indigenous tea plants growing in the region, leading to the development of Assam’s tea industry.
By the mid-19th century, the British established tea estates across Assam, employing both local labor and laborers brought from other parts of India. The introduction of tea transformed the economy of Assam and linked it to global trade networks. Today, Assam is one of the largest tea-producing regions in the world, and its Assam Tea remains internationally renowned for its strong flavor and quality.
Forest Resources: Timber and Wildlife
Assam’s rich forests have long provided valuable resources, particularly timber, which became a vital commodity during British colonial rule. The rainforests of Assam, which include valuable timber species like sal , teak , and sissoo , were exploited for construction, railway sleepers, and shipbuilding. Forests also contributed to the state’s vibrant wildlife, including elephants, rhinoceroses, and tigers, which attracted royal hunters and, later, conservation efforts.
The indigenous tribes of Assam, such as the Bodos , Mishing , and Karbi , have traditionally depended on the forests for their livelihoods. They utilized the forest’s produce, including firewood, medicinal plants, and non-timber forest products like bamboo , which is an integral part of Assamese culture and economy.
The Discovery of Oil and Mineral Resources
Assam as india’s first oil producer.
One of the most significant natural resource developments in Assam was the discovery of oil. In 1889, crude oil was discovered in Digboi , making it the first oil-producing region in India. The British established the Digboi oil refinery in 1901, which remains one of the oldest functioning oil refineries in the world. The name “Digboi” is said to have originated from the phrase “dig, boy, dig,” as British engineers instructed workers to dig for oil.
The discovery of oil transformed Assam’s economic landscape and placed it at the center of India’s oil production. Oil India Limited (OIL) , a major player in India’s energy sector, was established in Assam, and the state became a key contributor to India’s energy security. In addition to Digboi, other oil fields such as Naharkatia , Rudrasagar , and Moran were discovered, further expanding Assam’s oil production capabilities.
Coal and Natural Gas: Expanding Assam’s Mineral Wealth
Alongside oil, Assam is also rich in coal and natural gas reserves. Coal mining in Assam dates back to the 19th century, with significant coal deposits found in regions such as Makum and Ledo . Assam’s coal is primarily used for power generation and industrial purposes, including in the tea industry and cement production.
Natural gas reserves in Assam have also been a critical resource for the state’s economy. Assam’s gas fields, primarily in Tinsukia and Sivasagar , have supported the growth of industries such as fertilizers, power generation, and the production of petrochemicals. The Assam Gas Company Limited has been instrumental in the development and distribution of natural gas in the state, providing energy to various sectors and contributing to industrial growth.
Post-Independence Development and Industrialization
Nationalization of resources.
After India gained independence in 1947, the control and management of Assam’s natural resources underwent significant changes. The Indian government nationalized the oil industry in Assam in the early 1950s, with Oil India Limited becoming the primary operator. This shift allowed the Indian government to centralize the management of oil resources and use the revenues for national development. However, it also led to tensions in Assam, as locals felt that the state was not receiving its fair share of the economic benefits generated by its natural resources.
Similarly, the forestry and coal industries saw increased regulation and state intervention post-independence. Forest conservation laws were enacted to prevent the over-exploitation of Assam’s forests, and efforts were made to protect the state’s unique wildlife, leading to the establishment of national parks such as Kaziranga National Park and Manas National Park .
Industrial Growth and Challenges
The post-independence period also witnessed efforts to industrialize Assam using its natural resources. Industries such as oil refining, petrochemicals, fertilizers, paper production, and cement manufacturing grew in Assam, creating employment opportunities and contributing to the state’s economic development. However, the industrial sector in Assam has faced several challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, political instability, and insurgent activities in the northeastern region.
Moreover, environmental degradation resulting from deforestation, coal mining, and oil extraction has raised concerns about the long-term sustainability of Assam’s natural resources. The state has also faced recurring floods, which have caused damage to agriculture and infrastructure, further complicating development efforts.
The Role of Natural Resources in Assam’s Socio-Economic Development
Employment and livelihoods.
Assam’s natural resources have been a significant source of employment and livelihoods for its population. Agriculture remains the primary occupation for the majority of the state’s population, with tea plantations and rice cultivation being the dominant sectors. The oil and natural gas industries have also provided substantial employment opportunities, both directly and indirectly, through related industries and services.
Resource Management and Environmental Conservation
In recent decades, there has been growing awareness of the need for sustainable resource management and environmental conservation in Assam. The state’s government, along with various non-governmental organizations, has taken steps to promote conservation efforts, particularly in its forests and wildlife reserves. Initiatives to reduce deforestation, protect endangered species, and combat the impact of climate change are becoming increasingly important in Assam’s development strategy.
The historical development of Assam’s natural resources has been a cornerstone of its socio-economic evolution. From the early agricultural practices that sustained ancient civilizations to the discovery of oil and the establishment of the tea industry, Assam’s natural wealth has shaped its identity and progress. However, the challenges of managing these resources in a sustainable manner, addressing environmental concerns, and ensuring that the benefits of resource exploitation reach all segments of society remain critical. Assam’s natural resources will continue to play a vital role in its future development, providing opportunities for growth, employment, and socio-economic transformation.
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Natural Resources of Asssam Essay Example
- Pages: 5 (1369 words)
- Published: December 7, 2016
- Type: Article
Assam, the largest state in northeastern India, serves as the gateway to the rest of the region. It presents ample opportunities for exploration and is dedicated to creating an investment-friendly environment with support from both Central and State Governments. Industrial units within Assam receive subsidies and incentives. Moreover, the Central Government allocates 10% of the Union Development Budget specifically for promoting development in Northeast India. The state of Assam boasts abundant natural resources such as minerals, forests, water bodies, and vast fertile land.
Assam's economy relies heavily on agriculture, with 74% of its population engaged in farming and related activities. The region focuses on cultivating crops like paddy, wheat, and tea plantations. In addition to agriculture, Assam is rich in mineral resources, particularly oil, which was discovered more than a century ago. The Digboi oil well and o
ther areas in Assam are significant sources of fuel not only for the North-East but also for the entire nation. The economy of Assam can be categorized into three sectors: primary (agriculture, mining), secondary (manufacturing), and tertiary (services such as electricity, water supply, trade, finance, banking, telecommunication).
Assam is renowned for its abundant hills and forests, which are inhabited by a wide array of medicinal herbs and plants. Examples of these include Sarpagandha (rauvolfia serpentine Benth. ex. Kur), Pippali (Piper longam Linn), Amlakhi (Emblica Officinalis Gaertn), Hilikha (Terinalia Chebula Retz.), Bhomora (Terminalia belerica), and Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna Wight ; Arn.). The state boasts approximately 300 different types of medicinal herbs and plants, with the Brahmaputra valley alone housing 150 varieties that hold significant commercial value.
Assam, with its agrarian economy and
workforce of about 77% involved in agriculture, has only tapped into a small percentage (around 5-10%) of the potential plants and herbs available. This sector contributes approximately 40% to the state's GDP, utilizing around 40% of the total land for cultivation. Among Assam's unique products is the Assam Lemon, rich in Vitamin C (10 mg), as well as Vitamin B (0.02 mg) and Niacin (0.1) per 100 gm. The peel of this lemon variety contains about 0.8% extractable oil content, making it suitable for use in the cosmetic industry.
Hatkora, an exclusive export item from the citrus family, is used for tenderizing meat and enhancing flavor in culinary dishes. Assam is home to over 600 out of the 925 varieties of orchids available in India, with around 200 unique varieties found in the region, of which 60% are ornamental. Joha Rice, an aromatic rice grown in the region, has a quality comparable to popular aromatic rice worldwide. Bhut Jalakia, also known as Capsicum Chinensis Jacq., is the hottest chili on earth with a Scovelli Heat Unit (SHG) of 10,41,047. Additionally, the climate and general environment of Assam are well suited for sericulture.
The state cultivates traditional varieties of silk such as eri, muga, and mulberry. The local silk weaving industry uses muga silk, known for its fine sheen and golden color, which has led to the growth of the muga culture. It also provides opportunities in silk processing and spinning units. Moreover, the favorable agro-climatic conditions support the cultivation of various horticultural crops including plantation crops, fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants, nut crops and tuber crops.
The majority
of horticulture products in Assam are organic, with farmers relying on traditional organic farming methods and using minimal Chemical Fertilizers. Assam is renowned for its wide selection of Orchids, boasting over 600 different types, including 200 unique varieties. Out of these orchids, 60% possess ornamental characteristics. Furthermore, Assam showcases a diverse range of aromatic plants like Citronella (Cymbopogan flexuosus Steud Wats), Lemon Grass, Patchouli (Pogostemon cabiln Benth.), and Agar (Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.). Currently, most extracted oils from these plants are sold in their crude form. Additionally, Assam possesses abundant forest resources.
Assam, known for its significant forest cover accounting for approximately 25% of its land area, possesses reserved forests that benefit from ample rainfall. These forests serve as a reserve for valuable resources such as timber, bamboo, stone, and cane. Bamboo, recognized globally as the finest natural engineering material, holds great importance. The Government of Assam aims to promote bamboo as a substitute for wood and establish it as the primary timber choice in the 21st century.
The northeastern region of India where Assam is located holds 64% of India's bamboo growing stock and contributes to 20% of the world's supply. Annually, this region harvests bamboo worth 500 billion rupees. It is noteworthy that wood consumption in India is increasing at a rate of 10% each year.
As an alternative to wood, Assam possesses abundant mineral resources that can be widely utilized in construction, scaffolding, and furniture. These resources consist of Coal (320 Mn. T.), Limestone (703 Mn. T.), Iron Ore (11 Mn. T), Granite (1 Bn. Cu. Mtrs), as well as Fireclay, Lithomarge, Fuller's Earth, Sillimanite, and Glass Sand. However, the
coal in Assam contains high levels of sulphur and volatile matter which diminishes its cokeability. Conversely, limestone is another valuable resource with reserves of approximately 500 million tonnes accessible in various grades.
The Karbi-Anglong district has a valuable resource in the form of China clay, which is essential for the ceramics industry. This has led to the establishment of a few small plants. There are also abundant deposits of decorative stone such as granite, with an estimated volume of over one billion cubic meters, available in various shades and colors. These stones have a significant potential market both locally and internationally. There are several opportunities in the mineral industry, including Gasification & Liquefaction of Coal, De-Sulphurisation of Coal, Coal based Power Plant, Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Extraction, Exploration of Oil & Natural Gas, and HDPE / LLDPE / Polypropylene based industries. The overall focus is on energy, oil, and gas-based industries.Assam possesses approximately 1.3 billion tonnes of proven crude oil and 156 billion cu. mt of natural gas reserves, making it a significant contributor to India's crude output. Notably, the wells located at Digboi, Duliajan, Sivasagar, and other areas also contribute to around 50% of India's onshore natural gas production. The region boasts multiple refineries with varying capacities: Digboi Refinery (0.65 MMTPA), Guwahati Refinery (1.00 MMTPA), Numaligarh Refinery (3.00 MMTPA), and Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. (2.5 MMTPA). Additionally, the Assam Gas Cracker Plant is under development, with an expected production capacity of 220,000 TPA for HDPE/LLDPE and 60,000 TPA for Polypropelene. Over the past four years, private sector/JV companies have made approximately 32 significant hydrocarbon discoveries in the region.
Assam also attracts tourists from various walks
of life due to its abundant natural beauty. From nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts to sightseers, ornithologists, and photographers, the region offers a diverse range of attractions including lush green forests, wildlife sanctuaries, pilgrimage spots, and tea gardens. Assam truly caters to the preferences of various types of tourists, from leisure seekers to adventure enthusiasts.
The tourism industry is expected to experience significant growth with the removal of the Restricted Area Permit (RAP). There are numerous opportunities in various sectors, including Accommodation Projects (such as Hotels, Motels, Lodges, and Resorts), Food Oriented Projects (including Restaurants, Cafeterias, and Wayside Amenities), and Service Oriented Projects (such as Travel Agencies, Tour Operators, and Training Institutes). Additionally, Ropeways and amusement parks have potential for development. Some of the state's popular tourist destinations consist of Kaziranga, Manas, Orang, Sonai, Rupai,L aokhowa,Pobitora,and Dibru-Chaikhowa Wildlife Sanctuaries.
Scenic Beauty: Chandubi, Bhairabkunda, Daranga, Bhalukpung, Haflong. Pilgrimage: Guwahati, Hajo, Majuli, Batadrawa. Golf courses with air strips: Narengi, Borsola, East Boraoi and 21 others. Manpower availability and skills: Assam has a large number of educational institutions. A significant portion of the population in the major towns, aged between 15 and 25, are computer literate.
Assam has several educational institutions, with a significant portion of its population having a literacy rate of 52.89%. The region's female literacy rate surpasses the national average at 43.3%. Assam is home to four universities and one agricultural university, as well as three medical colleges and one specializing in aquaculture. When it comes to technical education, the state boasts four engineering colleges, including the renowned Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), along with 23 vocational training institutes (ITI), eight polytechnics, and one
junior technical school. Nonetheless, there is an observable disparity between the national average and Assam's statistics for technical education. Consequently, initiatives are underway to bridge this gap and achieve the national average by the end of the IXth Plan.
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অসমৰ প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদ, আৰম্ভণি: .
প্ৰকৃতিৰ বুকুত মুক্ত ভাৱে পোৱা সম্পদ সমূহকে প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদ বোলে। এই প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদবোৰক আমি আমাৰ দৈনন্দিন জীৱনত প্ৰত্যক্ষ বা পৰোক্ষভাৱে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি আছো।
প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদৰ শ্ৰেণীবিভাগ:
অসমৰ প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদৰাজিক চাৰিটা ভাগত ভগাব পাৰি। সেইবোৰ হ’ল- (ক) কৃষিজাত (খ) খনিজাত (গ) বনজাত আৰু (ঘ) জলজাত
(ক) কৃষিজাত সম্পদ:
কৃষিজাত সামগ্ৰীৰ বাবে অসমৰ মাটি বৰ উপযোগী। আটাইকেইখন জিলাতে ধান, মাহ, সৰিয়হ আদি উৎপন্ন হয়। অসমৰ চাহ পৃথিৱী বিখ্যাত। অসমৰ আটাইকেইখন জিলাতে কম-বেছি পৰিমাণে মৰাপাট উৎপন্ন হয়। বিভিন্ন প্ৰকাৰৰ মচলা-পাতিৰ লগতে নানা ধৰণৰ শাক পাচলিও প্ৰচুৰ পৰিমাণে পোৱা যায়। তদুপৰি তামোল, নাৰিকল, আম, কঠাল, আনাৰস আদিৰ দৰে ফলো ভাৰতৰ নানা ঠাইলৈ ৰপ্তানি হয়।
(খ) খনিজাত সম্পদ:
অসমৰ খনিজাত সম্পদবোৰৰ ভিতৰত খাৰুৱা তেল, প্ৰাকৃতিক গেছ, কয়লা, চূণশিল আদি বিশেষভাৱে উল্লেখযোগ্য। ভাৰতৰ ভিতৰত খাৰুৱাতেলৰ সম্পদত অসম প্ৰথম। ডিগবৈ, নাহৰকটীয়া, দুলীয়াজান আদি ঠাইত যথেষ্ঠ পৰিমাণে খাৰুৱাতেল পোৱা যায়। তদুপৰি মৰাণ আৰু নাহৰকটীয়া খনিৰ পৰা আহৰন কৰা প্ৰাকৃতিক গেছৰ পৰা ডিব্ৰুগড় জিলাৰ নামৰূপ আৰু গুৱাহাটীত বিজুলী শক্তি উৎপাদন কৰা হয়। অসমৰ মাৰ্ঘেৰিটা, মাকুম আদিত কয়লাৰ খনি আছে।
(গ) বনজাত সম্পদ:
প্ৰচুৰ পৰিমানে বৰষুণ হোৱাৰ বাবে অসমৰ অনেক ঠাইত ডাঠ হাবি পোৱা যায়। সেইবোৰত শাল, চেগুণ, সোণাৰু, গমাৰি আদিৰ দৰে মূল্যৱান গছ পোৱা যায়। অসমৰ হাবিত বহুতো ঔষধি গছো পোৱা যায়। লা আৰু শালধূনা অসমৰ হাবিত পোৱা দুবিধ মূল্যৱান বস্তু। অসমৰ হাবিত নানা তৰহৰ পশু-পক্ষী চৰাই-চিৰিকটি পোৱা যায়। বৰ্তমান অসমত সাতখন ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় উদ্যান আছে, বিভিন্ন ধৰনৰ পশু-পক্ষী সংৰক্ষন কৰি ৰখা হৈছে। কাজিৰঙাৰ এশিঙিয়া গড়ঁ পৃথিৱী বিখ্যাত।
(ঘ) জলজাত সম্পদ:
ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ আৰু বৰাক অসমৰ দুখন ডাঙৰ নদী। এই দুখনৰ অনেক উপনৈয়ে ৰাজ্যখনক জালৰ দৰে আগুৰি আছে। তদুপৰি অনেক বিলো ৰাজ্যখনৰ বিভিন্ন ঠাইত আছে। এই নদী আৰু বিলবোৰত মাছ, কাঁছ আদি প্ৰচুৰ পৰিমানে পোৱা যায়। মাছ-কাঁছ আদিৰ উপৰিও নৈ-বিল আদিও জলজাত সম্পদৰ ভিতৰত পৰে। বাৰিষাকালত এইবোৰৰ পানীয়ে পথাৰ ওপচাই পেলায়। সেই পানীয়ে পলসৰ দ্বাৰা সেইবোৰ সাৰুৱা কৰে।
প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদৰ দ্বাৰা চৰকাৰ আৰু ৰাইজ উভয়ে উপকৃত হৈছে। অসমৰ চাহ বিদেশলৈ ৰপ্তানি কৰা হয়। চাহৰ পৰা ভাৰত চৰকাৰে বৈদেশিক মুদ্ৰা অৰ্জন কৰে। প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদৰাজি আহৰন কৰা বাবে সেইবোৰৰ পৰা অনান্য বস্তু উৎপাদনৰ অৰ্থে ইয়াত নানা ধৰণৰ কল-কাৰখানা, উদ্যোগ আদি স্থাপিত হৈছে। সেইবোৰত কাম কৰিও হাজাৰ হাজাৰ লোকে পেট প্ৰৱৰ্তন কৰিব পাৰে। এইদৰে প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদে অসমৰ নিবনুৱা সমস্যা কিছু পৰিমাণে হ্ৰাস কৰিছে।
সম্পদ থাকিলেই নহয়, সেইবোৰৰ যথোচিত ব্যৱহাৰ হ’ব লাগে। তেতিয়াহে সেইবোৰ সাৰ্থক হয়। কিন্তু অসম প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদসমূহৰ আটাইবোৰৰে যথোচিত ব্যৱহাৰ এতিয়ালৈকে কৰিব পৰা নাই। ৰাজ্যখনৰ অনেক ঠাইত খাৰুৱাতেল, কয়লা, সোণ আদি খনিজ পদাৰ্থ পোৱাৰ সম্ভাৱনা আছে। পিছে আটাইবিলাক আহৰণ কৰা ব্যৱস্থা এতিয়ালৈকে হোৱা নাই। অসমৰ প্ৰাকৃতিক সম্পদৰ আলমত গঢ়ি উঠা অনেক উদ্যোগ এতিয়াও অসমৰ বাহিৰৰ পৰা অহা লোকৰ হাতত। সেইবোৰৰ পৰা যাতে অসমৰ থলুৱা লোকসকল অধিক পৰিমাণে উপকৃত হ’ব পাৰে, তাৰ বাবে অসম চৰকাৰ আৰু ৰাইজ উভয়ে সজাগ হোৱা উচিত।
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