Timeline to Degree

Ph.d. in chemistry timeline.

The time to complete the Ph.D. in Chemistry program is four to six years, with a typical student finishing in five years.

"A great thing about our program is the breadth of our research. You can explore many different areas of Chemistry." - Dean Tantillo, Professor
  • Take and pass four ACS Entrance Exams at the 50th percentile or better  or  any prescribed undergraduate courses with a grade of "B" or better.
  • Meet with faculty and join a research group by the end of the Fall quarter.
  • Take up to six graduate courses (one to three per quarter) based on your chosen research area.
  • Take any remaining required graduate courses.
  • Take your  Qualifying Examination  (QE) either in Winter or Spring quarter, after all coursework is completed.
  • Nominate your dissertation committee and Advance to Candidacy with the Office of Graduate Studies.
  • Present your research project to your dissertation committee and peers in a  seminar , either in Winter or Spring quarter.
  • Continue with research, write your dissertation and file to graduate.

About the Chemistry Ph.D. Program

Ph.d. in chemistry faq's.

Trevor Lohrey, Arnold Research Group

The Chemistry PhD program is designed towards developing within each student the ability to do creative scientific research. Accordingly, the single most important facet of the curriculum for an individual is their own research project. In keeping with the goal of fostering an atmosphere of scholarly, independent study, formal course requirements are minimal and vary among disciplines; advisor's tailor course requirements to best prepare the student for the chosen research field.

The Doctoral program includes the following concentrations, each of which has specific degree requirements:

  • Physical Chemistry : In general, the Physical Chemistry Graduate Program encompasses analytical, nuclear, biophysical, and theoretical chemistry.
  • Synthetic Chemistry : The Synthetic Chemistry Graduate Program includes emphases in either organic or inorganic chemistry
  • Chemical Biology : The Chemical Biology Graduate Program covers a range of research areas at the interface of Chemistry and Biology.

Research. A graduate student spends a good deal of time during the first week of the first semester at Berkeley talking to various faculty members about possible research projects, studying pertinent literature references, and choosing an individual project. New graduate students meet shortly after their arrival with a faculty adviser. From the faculty adviser the student obtains a list of faculty members whose research may interest the student. After visiting these and additional faculty, if necessary, the student chooses a research director, with the consent of the faculty member and the graduate adviser. By the end of the first semester most students have made a choice and are full-fledged members of research group. Students in the Chemical Biology Graduate Program will select their thesis advisor after completion of three-ten week rotations. Thereafter, all students become involved in library research on their projects and many begin actual experimental or theoretical work.

Independent Study. A student who chooses to specialize in physical chemistry is normally expected to take two courses per semester during the first year and one or two additional semesters of coursework sometimes during the second year. These may include topics such Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Group Theory, Interactions of Radiation with Matter, and many more. At the other extreme, a student specializing in inorganic chemistry will concentrate more heavily on special topics seminars and take fewer courses. The course offerings in the University are varied so that individual students have the opportunity to take other courses which serve their own needs. Such as, a student working on nuclear chemistry will probably elect additional graduate physics courses, while a student working on biophysical or bio-organic problems may take courses offered by the Biochemistry Department. Students in the Chemical Biology program will take courses from both Chemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology departments.

Seminars. Because of the size and diversity of the Berkeley faculty, there are many seminars on a variety of topics which students may choose to attend. There are regular weekly seminars in several major areas, including biophysical, physical, nuclear, organic, theoretical, solid state, and inorganic chemistry. These seminars are presented by members of the Berkeley faculty, as well as distinguished visitors to the campus. These seminars allow the students to become aware of the most important current research going on in the field. In addition to these regular seminars, there are several regular department seminars devoted to presentations by graduate students. One of the doctoral program requirements is that each student delivers a departmental seminar known as a graduate research conference during the second year. Individual research groups also hold regular research seminars. The format of these small, informal seminars varies. In some cases, graduate students discuss their own current research before the other members of the research group. On other occasions, the group seminars may be devoted to group discussions of recent papers which are of interest to the particular research group. In any event, small group seminars are one of the most important ways in which students learn by organizing and interpreting their own results before their peers.

Qualifying Exam. Sometime during the second year of graduate work at Berkeley, each student takes a qualifying examination. The examining board, a committee of four faculty members, is appointed to examine the student for general competence in the area of interest. The qualifying examination is centered around the defense of the individual research project. Upon satisfactory completion of the oral qualifying examination, the student is advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. After advancement, the student completes an original, scholarly contribution to science and writes a dissertation on the subject. Most students complete their work and received their degree within five years.

Teaching. An integral part of the graduate education at Berkeley is teaching. The department requires that each doctoral candidate assist in the instructional program of the department as a teaching assistant for two semesters during their graduate careers. The faculty regard the teaching experience as highly valuable for all graduate students, especially those who plan to teach as a career.

Financial Aid. All students admitted to our graduate program receive a stipend for the duration of study in the form of teaching and research assistantships as long as they are in residence and demonstrate good progress toward the degree. Students also receive full tution, health, dental and vision insurance. Most funds for this support derive from research contracts and grants.

For more information see the Berkeley Bulletin

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Department of Chemistry

  • Mellon College of Science

Graduate Program

Carnegie Mellon Chemistry has renowned faculty and a highly collaborative culture conducive to exciting graduate studies.

Some distinctive features of graduate education in our department:

  • Ph.D. students in the department can begin research quickly. Some begin in the first semester as soon as they join a group. Some do optional rotations to help them find the best group for them by early in their second semester. An early research start in the summer is sometimes possible.
  • A highly collaborative research environment makes it possible to have a project with co-advisors or strong mentoring relationships with more than one faculty member, including faculty in engineering or biological sciences.
  • Students can tailor course work to their research and career interests. Course requirements are completed in 2-3 semesters with specialized courses that can be audited later.
  • Faculty members have trained students for a variety of career paths including academia, entrepreneurship, industry and government. We support the development of excellent communication and mentoring skills for career success.

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Ph.D. in Chemistry

Graduate students earn a Ph.D. through independent research in collaboration with one or more faculty members . A modest amount of graded coursework ensures a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of the chosen field, as well as breadth of knowledge in the chemical sciences. The median time to complete all requirements for the Ph.D. is about five years. Students are required to pass oral examinations in their area of specialization. There are no pre-entrance or qualifying exams.

For complete details about our doctoral program, see the pages below:

  • First Year of Study
  • Ph.D. Degree Requirements
  • Ph.D. Degree Timeline
  • 2nd Year Exam Guidelines (pdf, example)
  • General Exam Instructions (pdf, example)
  • Data Science Option (Chem-DSO)
  • Elements of Good Academic Standing
  • General Policies
  • Advising & Mentoring
  • Financial Support
  • Student Awards

For current students, the most up to date documents and information can be found in the PhD Student Handbook .

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Ph.d. timeline.

The time for completion of a Ph.D. varies, four to six years is typical. A sample timeline under the Research First program is broken down in milestones for students as below.

First Semester

  • Begin research
  • Participate in optional research group rotations
  • Begin coursework

Second Semester

  • Continue research
  • Finalize selection of a research group
  • Assemble the Supervisory Committee
  • Develop the Program of Study
  • Continue coursework
  • Present a seminar
  • Complete Research Update Interview
  • Complete Original Proposal Oral exam
  • Complete Coursework
  • Meet with Supervisory Committee to discuss graduation

Entire Year

  • Complete research
  • Write the Ph.D. dissertation
  • Complete the Ph.D. dissertation defense
  • Submit the finalized Ph.D. dissertation
  • Conferral of the Ph.D.

PhD Grad


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Graduate Student Timeline

  • MD/PhD Program Requirements
  • PhD Program Requirements
  • Professional Development
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  • Chemistry Computer Classroom (CCC)
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  • Dietrich School Scientific Stockroom
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  • Materials Characterization Laboratory
  • Nanoscale Fabrication and Characterization Facility
  • NMR Spectroscopy
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  • Past Events & Seminars
  • Department Positions
  • In The News
  • Prospective Students

The following table from the Graduate Student Handbook gives a timeline for graduate students that entered the program fall  2019 and later .

This timeline reflects the milestones for a typical full-­‐time graduate student in the Ph.D. chemistry program that you and your advisor should keep in mind. Adjustments to the schedule can be made for non-­‐academic, extenuating circumstances (e.g. leave of absence, illness, pregnancy, parenting, etc.). 

chemistry phd timeline

Please use the following checklists to guide your progress through the program.  Click on the appropriate checklist for a printable PDF version.

For more specific details please refer to your handbook.

PhD Program Checklist

MS Program Checklist

The following table from the Graduate Student Handbook gives a timeline for graduate students that entered the program fall 2018 and earlier.

Green (Standard) Zone

Staying on this course will yield a degree in 5.0 years or less. This time-­‐to-­‐degree is a departmental goal. To stay on track in the Green Zone, you must pass the comprehensive exam before November 1st of Year 3. In addition, you should pass the proposal defense by the end of Year 4 and at least four weeks before the Dissertation Examination.

Finally, before November 1st of Year 4, you will be required to schedule a meeting with your thesis committee during which you will present an “exit plan” towards graduation. You will be required to submit a written summary of the exit plan for the approval of all members of your committee. One thesis committee meeting will be required annually thereafter. Following the comprehensive exam, you should apply for candidacy as soon as possible. Once your committee is approved by the Dean, changing it is simple and fast.

Yellow (Cautionary) Zone

If you are in the Yellow Zone, you should accelerate your progress in order to get back on course to the Green Zone. Requests to extend the deadline for taking the comprehensive exam after December of Year 3 should be submitted to both the GSAC Chair and Director of Graduate Studies by September 15th of that year.

If you are concerned about your lack of progress, you should consult with your advisor and dissertation committee. It may also be helpful to consult the academic division chair, the GSAC chair, the Director of Graduate Studies, and/or the Assistant Chair. 

Red (Danger) Zone

If you are in the Red Zone, you are at risk for formal action. You will receive a formal letter outlining the dates by which certain milestones should be completed and the consequences that will occur in the event that these expectations are not met.

In addition, if you have not scheduled your thesis defense by Year 6, you will be required to schedule an additional thesis committee meeting to discuss an exit plan towards graduation.

Student Timeline








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A list version of the timeline is:

Year Semester Action
First Fall Take two core courses
Choose research advisor
  Spring Take two core courses
Pass preliminary exam
Second Fall Choose comprehensive committee
  Spring Submit research objective and research plan
Pre-comprehensive meeting
Third Fall Complete comprehensive exam and apply for Candidacy
Fourth Fall Yearly overview meeting
  Fall or Spring Prepare and present research proposal
Fifth Fall Yearly overview meeting

UCI Department of Chemistry

UCI Department of Chemistry

Search form, phd requirements and timeline.

During the course of the Ph.D. program, students will join one of the research tracks listed at the bottom of this page. Each has its own course requirements, but general features for all tracks include:

  • Coursework : 7 four-unit courses (excluding Chem 280, 290, 291, and 399) with a grade of B or better. Students are also required to take Chem 200.
  • Enrollment : To maintain full-time status, students must enroll in a minimum of 12 units per quarter
  • Grades : To remain in good academic standing, students must maintain a 3.0 average
  • Teaching : Students are required to TA for at least 4 quarters (3 quarters for ChAMP students)
  • Advisor : Students will typically choose an advisor during the 2nd quarter of their first year
  • Exams : For students in the analytic, atmospheric, physical, or theoretical tracks, cumulative exams will take place at the end of the 1st year. Cumulative exams for the organic and inorganic tracks take place at the start of the 2nd year
  • Advancement to Candidacy : Students typically advance to candidacy at the start of their 3rd year (end of 2nd year for organic students)
  • Thesis Defense : Typically takes place at the end of the 5th year

For details on the requirements of the individual tracks, click on the appropriate link below:

  • Atmospheric
  • Chemical, Applied and Materials Physics (ChAMP)
  • Chemical Biology
  • Theoretical

Chemistry, PhD

Zanvyl krieger school of arts and sciences.

Johns Hopkins University was the first American institution to emphasize graduate education and to establish a PhD program in chemistry. Founding Chair Ira Remsen initiated a tradition of excellence in research and education that has continued until this day. The Hopkins graduate program is designed for students who desire a PhD in chemistry while advancing scientific knowledge for humankind.

The graduate program provides students with the background and technical expertise required to be leaders in their field and to pursue independent research.

Graduate students’ advancement is marked by entrance exams, coursework, teaching, seminars, oral examinations, and an individual research project that culminates in a thesis dissertation. The thesis research project represents an opportunity for graduate students to make a mark on the world. Working in conjunction with a faculty member or team, individually tailored thesis projects enable students to think independently about cutting-edge research areas that are of critical importance. Thesis research is the most important step toward becoming a PhD scientist, and our program provides an outstanding base with a proven track record of success.

Graduate students make up the heart of the Chemistry Department, and the department strives to support students’ individual needs. Each student is carefully advised and classes are traditionally quite small. Multidisciplinary research and course offerings that increase scientific breadth and innovation are hallmarks of the program.  In addition to academic and technical development, our department also offers several outlets for professional and social development.

Admission Requirements

Application materials include:

  • Academic transcripts
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of Purpose
  • We encourage (but do not require) applicants to report scores for the GRE general and GRE chemistry subject tests. Applicants who feel that GRE scores support their case are welcome to include them. Our application review process is holistic, and the Graduate Admissions Committee believes that standardized test scores represent only one piece of a candidate’s profile. Applicants for whom taking the GRE presents a burden or who feel it does not represent their skills are free to not include them.
  • The application fee is $75. However, fee waivers may be requested for applicants that have documentation showing they are a part of SACNAS, MARCC, oSTEM and many other organizations. To access the full list to see if you qualify, go to the  Krieger Graduate Admission and Enrollment  page.

Assistance with the application process is available. Candidates with questions about the application process should contact the department's administrative staff ([email protected]).

There are no fixed requirements for admission. Undergraduate majors in chemistry, biology, earth sciences, mathematics, or physics may apply as well as all well-qualified individuals who will have received a BA degree before matriculation. A select number of applicants will be invited to visit campus to tour our facilities and interact with our faculty members and their lab members over a weekend in March.

For further information about graduate study in chemistry visit the Chemistry Department website . 

Program Requirements

Normally, the minimum course requirement for both the M.A. and the Ph.D. degrees is six one-semester graduate courses in chemistry and related sciences. Exceptionally well-prepared students may ask for a reduction of these requirements.

Requirements for the Ph.D. degree include a research dissertation worthy of publication, and a knowledge of chemistry and related material as demonstrated in an oral examination. Each student must teach for at least one year.

Below is a list of the core Chemistry courses for graduate level students.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Organometallic Chemistry3
Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds3
Materials & Surface3
Intermediate Quantum Chemistry3
Statistical Mechanics3
Chemical Kinetics3
Chemical Biology I3
Advanced Mechanistic Organic Chemistry I3
Advanced Mechanistic Organic Chemistry II3
Advanced Organic Synthesis I3


Graduate study in Chemistry at Stanford stresses the unique needs of the students; basic course and examination requirements are deliberately kept to a minimum to allow each candidate flexibility in fulfilling individual research interests. Graduate students are usually engaged in research by the second quarter of their first year. Many first-year students do two, five-week optional rotations during autumn quarter.  All students join labs by the end of February of their first year and only after meeting with at least six faculty members. Generally, University and Department requirements for the Ph.D. degree can be met in less than six years of residence.

The research groups in Chemistry range from small (only two to three students) to large (twenty or more), including postdoctoral research fellows. Much of the advanced instruction, little of which is formally listed in the course catalog, occurs in group seminars organized within the individual research groups. Distinguished visiting scientists often participate in such special seminars, while research seminars of broader interest are arranged through weekly Departmental seminar programs in all areas of chemistry.

Due to the confidence the Department has in its selection of candidates for admission to graduate study, no departmental or comprehensive examinations are required for the Ph.D. degree. Alternatively, scientific development in the second and third years is normally monitored through individual student discussions with the faculty advisor. The only formal test requirement comprises a set of entrance examinations, taken by the incoming class of graduate students before the autumn quarter to display proficiency and breadth in chemistry at the level of a traditional advanced undergraduate curriculum. Any deficiencies are identified and corrected by the student in conjunction with the appropriate faculty. Once the examinations are taken, possible research problems are discussed with individual faculty members. Subsequent coursework and other requirements are largely determined by the student and research advisor(s).

More detailed information concerning degree requirements and course offerings can be found in the Stanford University general catalog, Stanford Bulletin, under these headings:

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
  • Explore Courses

See also the  Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures  for specifics on Stanford University admissions, doctoral program requirements, funding, student records, and more.

PhD Timeline

PhD Timeline

Schedule for Completion of PhD Degree Requirements

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A world class education.

Video 3 of 3. Graduate students and faculty discuss how Northwestern Chemistry promotes interdisciplinary research.   Watch video .  

Video 2 of 3 . Graduate students discuss how Northwestern promotes collaboration that leads to scientific discovery and application.  Watch video.

Video 1 of 3 . Chemistry faculty members discuss what makes Northwestern a unique place to study chemistry.  Watch video .

Graduate Admissions Timeline

September, 2023.

The application process for the Graduate Program in Chemistry for Fall 2024 is currently CLOSED.  

December 1, 2023

Chemistry and Graduate School application deadline for applicants who wish to enter the Graduate Program of Chemistry in Fall 2024. All materials must be received by this date.

January - February, 2024

Department of Chemistry admission decisions are made.

Visit Weekends, March 2024

Department of Chemistry visit weekends for those offered admission.

April 15, 2024

Deadline for students to accept or decline offers of admission

What you need to apply

Application for admission, recommendation letters.

Three separate letters of recommendation are required. All letters of recommendation can be uploaded by the NU (Northwestern University) application software. The NU application software will ask you for the names and email addresses of three references. As you submit your application, an email will be sent to your references providing them with instructions for submitting their letters of recommendation. The NU application software will send you a confirmation email once your references have uploaded their letters of recommendation. If your references are uncomfortable using the web, you may wish to consider sending hard copies.

Official Transcript(s)

While completing your online application, you must submit one scanned copy of your transcript from each school you have attended. Scanned transcripts should be exact duplicates of the transcripts issued by your institution (bearing the institution’s seal). Please do not upload foreign language transcripts unless English language transcripts are impossible to obtain. If you only have access to foreign language transcripts, your foreign language transcripts must be accompanied by an official English translation bearing the original ink signature and seal of the issuing university.

Please make sure your scanned transcripts are legible before uploading them. Illegible transcripts will not be reviewed.

If you are recommended for admission and decide to enroll, you are required to mail one official copy of each of your transcripts to The Graduate School Admission Office as soon the transcripts are available. Your transcripts should be sent in sealed, unopened envelopes, directly from the issuing institution. Please be sure that your official transcripts list all the degrees that you have earned prior to enrolling at Northwestern University. Failure to submit all your transcripts (including degree awarding transcripts) by the end of your first quarter of study will result in registration holds.

Please do not mail copies of your transcripts to The Graduate School before you have been admitted AND submitted your enrollment decision. Any transcript submitted prior to that point will not be kept, and you must submit those transcripts again. The Graduate School’s address is listed below:

Northwestern University The Graduate School Rebecca Crown Center 633 Clark Street Evanston, IL, 60208

Any fraudulent activity or discrepancies found between uploaded and official transcript[s] will result in the immediate revocation of admission and/or dismissal from Northwestern University.

Transcript requirements of the Graduate School

Gre scores .

The Northwestern Chemistry Ph.D. program no longer requires the general GRE on graduate applications.


Much of your success in graduate study will rely on your ability to understand, read, write, and speak English. If your native language is not English, you must certify your proficiency in the English language in one of the following three ways.

Providing official scores for either the TOEFL or IELTS exam. The test must be taken no more than two years before the intended quarter of entry. (If you are applying for fall 2023 entry, test scores must be no older than September 2020.) For the TOEFL, you must score 600 or higher on the paper-based test, 250 or higher on the computer-based test, 100 or higher on the internet-based test. For the IELTS, you must receive a score of 7.0 or higher.

Providing official transcripts verifying an undergraduate degree from an accredited four-year institution or equivalent, where the language of instruction is English.

Providing official transcripts verifying a graduate degree from an accredited institution where the language of instruction is English.

TOEFL requirements of the Graduate School

Supplemental materials .

All material, such as publications or awards can be uploaded electronically.


Northwestern equitable application resource (near) program.

NEAR is a graduate student-run mentorship program that provides application assistance to prospective chemistry students. Mentors can give feedback on written statements as well as general guidance through the admissions process. The NEAR program is intended to assist but is not limited to. applicants from historically underrepresented groups in chemistry. If you are planning to apply to Northwestern’s chemistry program for Fall 2023 admission and would like to be part of the NEAR program, please fill out the following form:

https://forms.gle/SGk2Bf9Na1Rud8Bz5 .

  • Applications are due by September 25th.
  • Decisions and mentor-mentee pairings will be sent out by October 3rd.
  • Participation in NEAR does not guarantee admission to the graduate program.
  • Any other questions can be answered by either visiting the FAQ page or sending them to [email protected] .


Graduate Program Timeline in Chemistry

First year - selecting a research advisor and topic.

Most students will decide on their research advisor and begin their thesis research by the end of the fall (first) term. During the first three weeks of the fall term, there are a series of orientation seminars where faculty present their research to first-year students. Students are required to join a group by end of winter (second) term. Many students work on collaborative projects with joint advisors, and a few select a research advisor outside the chemistry option and still obtain a PhD in chemistry. Students are required to take at least 5 courses in their first year.

Second Year - Candidacy in Chemistry

Each student must demonstrate scientific and professional competence in order to advance to candidacy by the end of his or her second year. Chemistry requires an oral candidacy examination held before three faculty members including the research advisor, a second in-field chemistry faculty member, and a third out-of-field faculty member. Students also have the option of inviting a non-Caltech faculty to be on their committee in addition to the required 3 members. In the oral examination, students defend a written research progress report and two original research propositions, one of which is considered out-of-field.

Third Year - Thesis Committee and Annual Meetings

Beginning in the third year, students will have an annual meeting with their thesis committee. A fourth thesis committee member is chosen by the Chemistry Graduate Study Committee after the student consults with their advisor and submits a list of possible candidates at the end of their third year of residence. The meeting is an opportunity for students to share their research, describe their progress, and discuss future plans.

Fourth Year - Thesis Research Progress Meeting

Before the start of their fifth year of residence, students are expected to demonstrate satisfactory progress in their research through an informal meeting with the four members of their thesis committee. At the meeting, students present a brief summary of their research progress and a timetable for completion of the degree to be discussed and agreed upon. If the completion of the Ph.D. is deemed inappropriate, the student will receive a Master's Degree for their completed work.

Final Requirements - Propositions Examination and Thesis Defense

The final examination consists of two parts, a Propositions Examination and a Thesis Defense and Seminar. The Props Exam is a separate examination on three propositions by your thesis committee and is held at least ten weeks before the Thesis Defense and Seminar. No more than one of the propositions may be carried over from the candidacy examination.

The thesis must be submitted to your Thesis Committee no later than two weeks before the Thesis Defense. The thesis Defense and Seminar is a public, one-hour presentation followed by a closed-door examination by the thesis committee. The final version of the Thesis must be submitted to the Graduate Office no later than two weeks before the end of the Spring Term prior to commencement. The average time to complete a Ph.D. is five and a half years. Students in their sixth year or later must, prior to the beginning of each new academic year, meet with their Thesis Committee to present a plan for completion, and then petition to the Division and to the Graduate Office to continue study at Caltech.

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  • Graduate Overview >

PhD in Chemistry

Student in Timothy Cook's lab holds beaker of yellow liquid.

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Student in the Prasad lab.

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Prof. Morrow and PhD Student.

The PhD in Chemistry is primarily a research degree. The majority of a doctoral student’s time will be devoted to original research that nurtures creativity and independent thinking. The department recognizes the importance of this aspect of a graduate student’s development, and has established requirements that provide a stimulating environment to perform first-rate chemical research.

PhD Program Requirements

  • Coursework Once admitted to the PhD in Chemistry program, students are required to complete six graduate-level lecture courses during the first two years of full-time study. Of these courses, three must be one-semester introductory core courses selected from the four traditional areas of chemistry, while the other three elective courses are chosen in consultation with the student’s research advisor. 
  • Proficiency Students must also demonstrate proficiency in analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry during the first three semesters. Proficiency can be established by completing a core graduate course or by passing the ACS Placement Exam in the area. A 3.00 grade point average in lecture courses is required.
  • Research Synopsis During the fifth semester (third year) of graduate study, PhD students are required to prepare a written research synopsis summarizing research progress to date and future research plans. An oral examination with the student’s PhD committee is used to evaluate the student’s research potential.
  • Research Proposal Also during the fifth semester, the student is required to write and orally defend an independent research proposal. This proposal involves the identification of a problem from the chemical literature that is not directly related to the student’s thesis work and a proposed solution to that problem. There are no cumulative exams in the UB Department of Chemistry.
  • Public Lecture During the fourth year of graduate study, PhD students present a public lecture on their research progress. This provides the PhD committee a chance to give the student feedback prior to finishing their written dissertation.
  • Dissertation and Oral Defense The majority of a PhD student’s time is spent on creative research. At the conclusion of the research work, a dissertation must be written and orally defended before the PhD committee and the department at large.

Faculty Research Mentor

The Department of Chemistry views an advanced degree in chemistry or medicinal chemistry as primarily a research degree, so the choice of research director is an important decision for the first-year graduate student. To facilitate the selection of the research mentor, the members of the faculty engaged in research present a general overview of their research interests in a series of meetings with the new graduate students. This allows the students to become acquainted with the different research opportunities in the program in an informal setting. 

Students are also encouraged to speak informally with as many faculty members as possible before making their decision. Assistance is available to those students having difficulty with this decision. However, it is to the student’s advantage to select a research advisor at the earliest possible date. Typically, graduate research is initiated during the second semester or during the first summer within the program.

PhD Student Timeline

Upon arrival, all new graduate students are required to take standardized tests produced by the American Chemical Society to assess their preparation for graduate study. Results of these tests are used by the Graduate Curriculum Committee to help students select their first-semester courses. A typical first-semester graduate student takes three core graduate-level courses and is also engaged in TA duties. Most of the required course work is finished by the end of the second or third semester in the program.

The following table provides a typical PhD graduate student timeline:

First Fall Take three core courses
Choose research advisor
First Spring Take three elective courses
Start research
Second Fall Complete coursework
Third Fall Research Synopsis
Research Proposal
Fourth Fall or Spring Research Seminar
Fifth Fall or Spring Thesis Defense

PhD Program Metrics

Meet our graduate ambassadors.

Email  [email protected]  or contact  Prof. Timothy Cook , director of graduate studies, for more information on this program and the admissions process.

Secondary Menu

Requirements & degree timeline, graduate student handbook.

Graduate Studies Handbook 2023-24

Ph.D. Requirements

  • 22 Units of Graded Course Work
  • 3 lab rotations
  • Responsible Conduct in Research Training  (12 credits)
  • Teaching Requirement
  • Research Progress Report/Prelim Document
  • Preliminary Examination
  • Oral Presentation Requirement
  • Propositional Examination
  • Ph.D. Dissertation and Examination

NOTE:  International students whose native language is not English must enroll in English language courses offered through the Graduate School, during their first 3 semesters, unless formally waived from this requirement by the Graduate School.

Typical Degree Timeline

First Year Students


Second Year Students


Third Year Students


Fourth Year Students


Fifth Year and Beyond Students

  • Chem Connect Lecture Series
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  • Responsible Conduct in Research Training
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  • Annual Progress Reporting
  • Dissertation & Final Examination
  • Chemistry Guidance on Acceptable Use of AI for Milestone Exams
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Department of Chemistry

Professor Rebekka Klausen in discussion with grad student at bench in her lab.

  • PhD Requirements
  • Pathways to Your Career
  • Professional Societies
  • Student Groups
  • Chemistry-Biology Interface Program

Johns Hopkins University was the first American institution to emphasize graduate education and to establish a PhD program in chemistry. Founding Chair Ira Remsen initiated a tradition of excellence in research and education that has continued until this day. The Hopkins graduate program is designed for students who desire a PhD in chemistry while advancing scientific knowledge for humankind.

The graduate program provides students with the background and technical expertise required to be leaders in their field and to pursue independent research.

Graduate students’ advancement is marked by entrance exams, coursework, teaching, seminars, oral examinations, and an individual research project that culminates in a thesis dissertation. The thesis research project represents an opportunity for graduate students to make a mark on the world. Working in conjunction with a faculty member or team, individually tailored thesis projects enable students to think independently about cutting-edge research areas that are of critical importance. Thesis research is the most important step toward becoming a PhD scientist, and our program provides an outstanding base with a proven track record of success.

Graduate students make up the heart of the Chemistry Department, and the department strives to support students’ individual needs. Each student is carefully advised and classes are traditionally quite small. Multidisciplinary research and course offerings that increase scientific breadth and innovation are hallmarks of the program.  In addition to academic and technical development, our department also offers several outlets for professional and social development.

For more information, contact the Director of Graduate Studies. Dr. Art Bragg Office: Remsen 221 410-516-5616 [email protected]

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Graduate Feature Image 980x561

Independent. Exhilarating. Unparalleled.

Kenny Chen

Our Graduate Program

Prospective students, application process, application faqs, for admitted students, current students, phd program requirements, thesis preparation, for first year students, student organizations, chemistry student seminars, quality of life.

A photo of the exterior of MIT Dome.

QS ranks MIT the world’s No. 1 university for 2022-23

Interdisciplinary programs.


How to Apply

How to apply.

Applications for Fall 2024 have closed.  Applications for Fall 2025 will open Fall 2024.

The Department of Chemistry application deadline for the Ph.D. program is December 1st, 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time. You should begin applying as early as possible.

 Students wishing to apply after the December 1st deadline must contact the Chemistry Department directly ( [email protected] ).  

Welcome to the Rice University Chemistry Graduate Program Application Thank you for your interest in Rice University. At Rice, researchers and faculty members at the forefront of their fields will guide your progress to receiving a doctoral degree. You will be taught to think creatively, be a part of a network of knowledge, and redefine your own limits.

Graduate education is a unique mixture of instruction, training, mentorship, and scientific collaboration. In our program, we want students to get the most out of their experience, contributing to the advancement of science and engineering through outstanding original research while at the same time preparing for a professional career. Our students have gone on to outstanding, diverse professional careers, including academic research, government research and service, and technical careers with companies ranging from large corporations to exciting startups, in fields as diverse as the oil industry, consulting, education, and more.

Our online application was created to offer a fast, easy and convenient way for prospective students to apply to Rice University. Applications are kept confidential until submission, after which they are transmitted through a secure server.

Submission Process After you complete filling out your application, please validate and submit it.

  • Applications cannot be considered before final submission.
  • Application information and supporting documents cannot be edited after final submission with the following exceptions: applicants can upload an updated CV and updated transcript documents through their individual status page.
  • You must submit your application on or before the term due date to be considered for admission in that term.
  • Use the same email address when applying and for the GRE/TOEFL tests.

To submit your application, you must provide all of the required information.

Application Fee The application fee is TBD.   Plans for Study The online application has an area to describe your intended  Plans for Study  and to add additional factors that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider when evaluating your application. For example, you can optionally upload a  Statement of Purpose.

Official Transcript(s) Official transcript(s) are required from all undergraduate and graduate schools you have attended.  For reviewing purposes, electronic copies of transcript(s) can be uploaded through the online application system to meet the application requirements. If you are offered admission to Rice, official paper or electronic copies of the transcript(s) will be required and can either be sent directly to the Rice Chemistry Department from the institution or sealed by the institution in a signed envelope and delivered by the applicant. 

Please do not send official transcript(s) from your college or university unless you are accepted to the Rice Chemistry program.

Experience The online application has an area to include your Research Experience such as articles, publications, or creative work. In addition, there is an area to upload your Resume or Curriculum Vitae (optional).

Under the Experience area there is also an area to include additional factors that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider such as your Distinctions (scholastic) and Activities (non-scholastic).

Letters of Recommendation A minimum of three (3) letters of recommendation are required. Generally these letters are written by faculty who are familiar with your work and can address your potential for success in graduate school and beyond. Once listed, recommendation requests are sent via email to the recommender after the applicant prompts the application system to do so.  Alternatively, applicants may print a fax coversheet for a recommender; the recommender then submits their recommendation to Rice University via fax using the coversheet. 

Applicants may track the status of their recommendations through the application status page.  Applicants are encouraged to ensure that all letters of recommendation are received prior to the application deadline.  Applicants may also add and remove recommendations via the application status page

Standardized Tests (GRE) The GRE is optional and will not negatively impact your application if you do not submit scores.

Required Standardized Tests (TOEFL) The Test of English as a Foreign Language ( TOEFL ) is required of any student whose native language is not English. The TOEFL and the IELTS are not required for U.S. Citizens, nor for international students who earned a degree from a university in which English is the official language of communication.  Scores must not be older than  two years , and an official copy must be sent to the Graduate School directly from ETS. Students must score at least  90  on the iBT (internet-based) TOEFL, at least  620  on the paper-based TOEFL, or at least  250  on the computer-based TOEFL. For students who choose to take the  IELTS  in lieu of TOEFL, the minimum score is  7 .     

  • The Institution code for the  TOEFL  is  6609 , and the Department code for Chemistry is  62 . 

Rice University Policies and Procedures Rice University policies and process regarding admissions requirements may be found in the  General Announcements .  Submit all inquiries & application materials to: 

Mailing Address Rice University Kari Stein, Graduate Program Admin. Department of Chemistry-MS 60 P.O. Box 1892  Houston, TX 77251-1892  USA

Courier/Shipping Address Rice University  Kari Stein, Graduate Program Admin. Chemistry Department-MS 60  6100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005 Applicants are advised to use a current browser version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, or Internet Explorer. Cookies and JavaScript should be enabled. 

General Application Inquiries Phone: 713-348-5820    Toll-free phone: 877-348-8639   Fax: 713-348-5155   Email:  [email protected]    

Helpful Links


Graduate Program

chemistry phd timeline

The Ph.D. program in the Department of Chemistry offers wide opportunity and unusual flexibility for advanced study and research and is designed to encourage individuality, independence, and excellence in students.

Create or Continue Application

Prospective Students

About the program, application information, current students, chemistry graduate program policy guide, graduate student resources, guide for teaching assistants, instrument trainings, student organizations, chemistry student seminars, ombudsperson program.

Most students select their research advisor by the winter quarter of their first year and are engaged in research by spring. The department has neither a system of cumulative examinations nor a written major examination. There are relatively few course requirements and great flexibility in the course of study. The barriers for research between departments are low. Students in the Department of Chemistry often take courses in other departments and can even earn a degree in chemistry for research that has been done under the supervision of a member of another department. Students are encouraged to fashion special programs of study under the guidance of the faculty.

Year 1: In the first year, students must satisfactorily complete six graduate-level courses in the Department of Chemistry or approved courses in other departments with a B average. The department organizes presentations from faculty during the fall and opportunities for lab rotations are available. There is also an optional rotation course in the Fall quarter of the first year, as well as a summer rotation experience for incoming student prior to the start of the program, to facilitate identifying an advisor .  Most students select their research advisor by the winter quarter of their first year and are engaged in research by spring. All candidates for the Ph.D. are required to participate in some form of teaching, typically serving as a teaching assistant for three quarters.

Year 2: Qualified students then prepare for the Ph.D. candidacy examination, which must be taken before the end of the fifth quarter in residence, normally in October. This examination is based on a student's written research proposal for their thesis work, which is due in September. Usually in October, the student presents their research proposal and progress-to-date to a committee, and discussed the background, goals, progress-to-date, and plans for future work. Based on the recommendations of the candidacy examining committee and the student's academic record, faculty vote on admission to candidacy.

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Ph.D. in Chemistry

General info.

  • Faculty working with students: 30
  • Students: 130
  • Students receiving Financial Aid: 100%
  • Part time study available: No
  • Application Terms: Fall
  • Application Deadline: December 2

Kevin Welsher Director of Graduate Studies Department of Chemistry Duke University Box 90347 Durham, NC 27708-0347

Phone: (919) 660-1503

Email: [email protected]

Website:  http://www.chem.duke.edu

Program Description

The following areas of specialization are available: analytical, biological, inorganic, physical, theoretical, and organic. A wide range of interdisciplinary research programs (e.g., toxicology, biological chemistry, cell and molecular biology) involve chemistry students with those in medical sciences, engineering, the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, and occasionally with local industry. The French Family Science Center, totaling over 275,000 square feet, is a shared research facility with groups from Biology, Physics, Mathematics and the Medical Center occupying space, with additional research space in the adjacent Levine Science Research Center. This well-equipped chemical laboratory provides conditions conducive to research in many areas of current interest. Major shared instruments, including those for nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry, are housed in the departmental instrumentation facility and a wide array of more specialized instrumentation is available in the various research laboratories.

The doctoral program in chemistry features research programs that span the “traditional” sub-disciplines of chemistry, including analytical, biological, inorganic, organic, physical and theoretical chemistry. However, many, if not most of the research programs are interdisciplinary, either overlapping the traditional boundaries of chemistry or the boundaries between chemistry and the other sciences, for example biological, materials, and environmental sciences. Many chemistry faculty and students participate in university-wide interdisciplinary training programs and centers, including those in biological chemistry, toxicology, pharmacology, molecular biophysics, biologically inspired materials, and cellular and biosurface engineering. Research in all fields is supported by state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. Competitive stipends are provided through research and teaching assistantships, and fellowships are available for outstanding candidates.

  • Chemistry: PhD Admissions and Enrollment Statistics
  • Chemistry: PhD Time to Degree Statistics
  • Chemistry: PhD Completion Rate Statistics
  • Chemistry: PhD Career Outcomes Statistics

Application Information

Application Terms Available:  Fall

Application Deadline:  December 2

Graduate School Application Requirements See the Application Instructions page for important details about each Graduate School requirement.

  • Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts required with application submission; official transcripts required upon admission
  • Letters of Recommendation: 3 Required
  • Statement of Purpose: Required (see departmental guidance below)
  • Résumé: Required
  • GRE General: Optional
  • GRE Subject - Chemistry: Optional
  • English Language Exam: TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test required* for applicants whose first language is not English *test waiver may apply for some applicants
  • GPA: Undergraduate GPA calculated on 4.0 scale required

Department-Specific Application Requirements (submitted through online application)

Statement of Purpose Guidelines: This is one of the most important components of your application and is the key to helping the admissions committee determine if Duke Chemistry is a good fit for your Ph.D. studies. Your statement should be well-organized and concise. It should provide clear evidence of your maturity, persistence, resilience, and motivation for pursuing a chemistry Ph.D. It should also provide evidence of how you will contribute to a diverse and inclusive community of scholars. Most of all, it should clearly articulate your research interests and explain how they overlap with faculty in the department.

Writing Sample None required

We strongly encourage you to review additional department-specific application guidance from the program to which you are applying: Departmental Application Guidance

List of Graduate School Programs and Degrees

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Timeline for applying to the Chemistry PhD Program


  • Begin to write your personal statement and CV or resume
  • Prepare for and register to take either the IELTS or TOEFL (if your native language is not English AND you do not have a degree from a US college or university)

Resources: Writing a personal statement:  https://cstw.osu.edu/writing-center/handouts/personal-statements TOEFL Test Prep:  https://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/prepare or IELTS Test Prep:  http://takeielts.britishcouncil.org/prepare Applying to Graduate School: Tips, Timeline and Tools of the Trade:  http://www.btaa.org/docs/default-source/diversity/gradschoolguide.pdf SEPTEMBER 2024

  • Ask your advisor, another faculty member, and/or a staff member at your university's writing center or career services office to review your personal statement and resume
  • Take the TOEFL or IELTS (If your native language is not English AND you do not have a degree from a US college or university)
  • Order official transcripts from all colleges or universities at which ANY college credit has been earned

Transcript Information: Transcripts can be sent electronically through a service such as eScrip or they can be mailed to OSU Graduate Admissions. Alternatively, an applicant can obtain official transcripts from all college or universities he/she has attended and then those transcripts can be scanned (both sides of the transcript) and uploaded within the online application. 

If mailed, transcripts should be sent to: Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions The Ohio State University SAS Building, 1st Floor 281 W. Lane Ave. Columbus, OH 43210-1132 OCTOBER 2024

  • Ask 3 faculty members (one must be the advisor) and/or former employers to write you a letter of recommendation
  • Submit the online application
  • If you haven't already taken the GRE, TOEFL, or IELTS, take it this month

Recommendation letter information: Within the online application, an applicant will enter each referee's contact information. It is only AFTER the application is submitted and the application fee is paid that each of the referees will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to upload their letter of recommendation for you.

By submitting your online application well in advance of the December 1st application deadline, your recommendation letter writers will have plenty of time to write and upload their letters, thus ensuring that your file will be 100% complete by or on the deadline. Your referees will appreciate your preparedness and respect for their time and you will be able to rest easy knowing that you are on track to completing your application on time.

*Helpful Tip* - The online application can be submitted even if you have not yet completed your personal statement or resume or you haven't received your transcripts yet. You can submit these items after submitting the online application by using the Admissions Uploader .


  • Check your application status and follow upon items that have not yet been submitted
  • Fix any problems that may be occurring with your application (e.g. a referee is having trouble uploading a letter, your TOEFL/IELTS scores have not been reported, your transcript was not uploaded correctly or is invalid)


  • Check your application status during the first week of December to make sure that all required items have been submitted
  • Fix any problems that may still be occurring with your application (e.g. a referee is having trouble uploading a letter, your TOEFL/IELTS scores have not been reported, your transcript was not uploaded correctly or is invalid)


  • Check your e-mail daily; offer letters will be e-mailed directly from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry to the applicant. Applicants who are declined admission will see their application status change from "applicant" or "pending" to "cancelled" and will receive an e-mail notice from the Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions
  • If you receive an offer and currently live in the United States, please register to attend one of our visitation weekends


  • If you currently live in the United States, attend one of our visitation weekends
  • Notify us as to whether you will be accepting or declining your admission offer (Deadline TBA). Decisions can be posted through your Applicant Center on BuckeyeLink.

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  • Graduate Program Timeline

Doctoral Program Timeline

Graduate Regulations (I.E.1.): "Any student working toward a graduate degree is expected to make an early choice of a Major Area (Division) and a Research Advisor which must be completed   in the program."

Graduate Regulations (III.C.1.): "Shortly after the student has formulated a dissertation research project, the Research Advisor, in consultation with the student, recommends members of the Advisory Committee to the Chair.  The actual appointment of the committee is made by the Chair in consultation with the Graduate Committee."  According to the Graduate Regulations (III.H.3.), this should be completed  .

According to the Graduate Regulations (III.H.4.), students should complete all required coursework  .

According to the Graduate Regulations (III.H.5.), students should take the Written Candidacy Examination  .

According to the Graduate Regulations (III.D.2.A.), students should take the Oral Candidacy Examination  .

Graduate Regulations (III.H.): "The student is required to submit an abbreviated Dissertation Prospectus to each member of their Advisory Committee  ."

Students should apply for graduation (via FlashLine)  .

 (A&S "Process for Oral Defense, Requirements & Deadlines): " , a Graduate Faculty Representative must be requested through the College of Arts & Sciences...The Graduate Faculty Representation should be a faculty member from a discipline outside the program." 
 (A&S "Process for Oral Defense, Requirements & Deadlines"): "  the circulation of the dissertation will begin.  The Dissertation Committee (including the Graduate Faculty Representative) will receive the dissertation for a minimum 10 day reading period."  After the 10-day reading period, the dissertation committee can convene (without the candidate) for preliminary evaluation.
 (A&S "Process for Oral Defense, Requirements & Deadlines"): " , furnish each member of the Examining Committee with a copy of the dissertation and allow at least ten days after distribution before the final defense date...Make the time and place of the defense known to the Program Committee and all concerned and interested parties."

 Once all necessary connections have been made to a thesis/dissertation, electronic filing can begin.
 The electronic filing of the dissertation must be accompanied by two printed copies of the signature sheet (with signatures from the committee and chair).

Masters Program Timeline

Graduate Regulations (I.E.1.): "Any student working toward a graduate degree is expected to make an early choice of a Major Area (Division) and a Research Advisor which must be completed   in the program."

Graduate Regulations (III.B.1.): "Shortly after the student has formulated a thesis research project, the Research Advisor, in consultation with the student, recommends members of the Advisory Committee to the Chair.  The appointment of the committee is made by the Chair in consultation with the Graduate Committee."  According to the Graduate Regulations (III.H.3.), this should be completed  .

According to the Graduate Regulations (II.E.4.), students should complete all required coursework  .

This form should be filed no later than the semester preceding that in which the candidate expects to receive a master's degree.


 Once all necessary connections have been made to a thesis/dissertation, electronic filing can begin.
 The electronic filing of the dissertation must be accompanied by two printed copies of the signature sheet (with signatures from the committee and chair).

  • Financial Support
  • Graduate Admissions: Requirements
  • Graduate Awards & Honors
  • Graduate Student Life
  • Previous Dissertations & Theses

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  1. Prospective Graduate

    chemistry phd timeline

  2. Graduate Student Timeline

    chemistry phd timeline

  3. Timeline: History of Chemistry by Cristy Hdz on Prezi

    chemistry phd timeline

  4. Department Timeline

    chemistry phd timeline

  5. Contributions to Chemistry Timeline by Thomas Canayza on Prezi

    chemistry phd timeline

  6. Phd Timeline Template

    chemistry phd timeline


  1. PhD Chemistry : Advantage in Industry & Academic

  2. Inorganic Chemistry PhD Questions||Interview questions asked in IITs and IISc||

  3. PhD Chemistry Counselling Date Announced l HPU 2024 l Bio Pathshala

  4. DTU PhD Admission

  5. Chemistry PhD student with #WorkReadySkills

  6. The Chemistry PhD Journey: A Bitter Truth


  1. Timeline to Degree

    Present your research project to your dissertation committee and peers in a seminar, either in Winter or Spring quarter. Year 4+. Continue with research, write your dissertation and file to graduate. Ph.D. in Chemistry Timeline The time to complete the Ph.D. in Chemistry program is four to six years, with a typical student finishing in five years.

  2. About the Chemistry Ph.D. Program

    The Chemistry PhD program is designed towards developing within each student the ability to do creative scientific research. Accordingly, the single most important facet of the curriculum for an individual is their own research project. In keeping with the goal of fostering an atmosphere of scholarly, independent study, formal course requirements are minimal and vary among disciplines; advisor ...

  3. Graduate Program

    Graduate Program. Carnegie Mellon Chemistry has renowned faculty and a highly collaborative culture conducive to exciting graduate studies. Some distinctive features of graduate education in our department: Ph.D. students in the department can begin research quickly. Some begin in the first semester as soon as they join a group.

  4. Doctoral Degree Timeline

    Doctoral Degree Timeline. NOTE: The following are the deadlines the Department of Chemistry requires for those students starting graduate study in Autumn Quarter. Extenuating circumstances brought to the attention of the Graduate Good Standing Committee in a timely manner sometimes result in an extension. Students entering in Winter or Spring ...

  5. University of Washington

    Ph.D. in Chemistry. Graduate students earn a Ph.D. through independent research in collaboration with one or more faculty members. A modest amount of graded coursework ensures a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of the chosen field, as well as breadth of knowledge in the chemical sciences. The median time to complete all requirements for ...

  6. Ph.D. Timeline

    Ph.D. Timeline. The time for completion of a Ph.D. varies, four to six years is typical. A sample timeline under the Research First program is broken down in milestones for students as below.

  7. Timeline: Department of Chemistry

    Timeline. The Chemistry Ph.D. handbook lists departmental requirements for the Ph.D. degree in Chemistry, along with a summary of the most significant general regulations of The Graduate School pertaining to this degree. Please use this document to find specific requirements for each year and for the final thesis defense.

  8. Graduate Student Timeline

    The following table from the Graduate Student Handbook gives a timeline for graduate students that entered the program fall 2018 and earlier. This timeline reflects the milestones for a typical full-­‐time graduate student in the Ph.D. chemistry program that you and your advisor should keep in mind. Adjustments to the schedule can be made ...

  9. PhD Program Requirements

    All chemistry graduate students are required to register for the appropriate chemistry seminar subject (5.913, 5.921, 5.931, or 5.941 depending on research area) each term. ... The purpose of the PTF meeting is for the student to discuss their timeline and plans for finishing a PhD. In the 5 th year and beyond, if the student is not defending ...

  10. PhD Requirements and Timeline

    During the course of the Ph.D. program, students will join one of the research tracks listed at the bottom of this page. Each has its own course requirements, but general features for all tracks include: Coursework: 7 four-unit courses (excluding Chem 280, 290, 291, and 399) with a grade of B or better. Students are also required to take Chem 200.

  11. Chemistry, PhD

    The Hopkins graduate program is designed for students who desire a PhD in chemistry while advancing scientific knowledge for humankind. The graduate program provides students with the background and technical expertise required to be leaders in their field and to pursue independent research. Graduate students' advancement is marked by ...

  12. Requirements

    Requirements. Graduate study in Chemistry at Stanford stresses the unique needs of the students; basic course and examination requirements are deliberately kept to a minimum to allow each candidate flexibility in fulfilling individual research interests. Graduate students are usually engaged in research by the second quarter of their first year ...

  13. Application: Department of Chemistry

    Graduate Admissions Timeline September, 2023. The application process for the Graduate Program in Chemistry for Fall 2024 is currently CLOSED. December 1, 2023. Chemistry and Graduate School application deadline for applicants who wish to enter the Graduate Program of Chemistry in Fall 2024. All materials must be received by this date.

  14. Timeline

    Students are required to join a group by end of winter (second) term. Many students work on collaborative projects with joint advisors, and a few select a research advisor outside the chemistry option and still obtain a PhD in chemistry. Students are required to take at least 5 courses in their first year. Second Year - Candidacy in Chemistry

  15. PhD in Chemistry

    The PhD in Chemistry is primarily a research degree. The majority of a doctoral student’s time will be devoted to original research that nurtures creativity and independent thinking. The department recognizes the importance of this aspect of a graduate student’s development, and has established requirements that provide a stimulating environment to perform first-rate chemical research.

  16. Requirements & Degree Timeline

    Register for continuation, Chem 701, and 12 credits of graduate science classes. Complete 3 lab rotations. Register for any English courses deemed necessary for international students (if student can register for only one, Oral English course recommended first) Spring. Chair's office will finalize formal affiliation with Primary Investigator.

  17. Graduate

    Johns Hopkins University was the first American institution to emphasize graduate education and to establish a PhD program in chemistry. Founding Chair Ira Remsen initiated a tradition of excellence in research and education that has continued until this day. The Hopkins graduate program is designed for students who desire a PhD in chemistry while advancing...

  18. Graduate Program

    Our PhD program equips graduate students with the skills necessary to succeed as independent researchers. A PhD from MIT means that I have been surrounded by the most influential people during my most formative years in training. There is never a shortage of creativity or motivation to do my best. - Kenny Chen, Graduate Student in the ...

  19. How to Apply

    The Department of Chemistry application deadline for the Ph.D. program is December 1st, 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time. You should begin applying as early as possible. Students wishing to apply after the December 1st deadline must contact the Chemistry Department directly ([email protected]). Thank you for your interest in Rice University.

  20. Graduate Program

    Year 1: In the first year, students must satisfactorily complete six graduate-level courses in the Department of Chemistry or approved courses in other departments with a B average. The department organizes presentations from faculty during the fall and opportunities for lab rotations are available. There is also an optional rotation course in ...

  21. Ph.D. in Chemistry

    Chemistry: PhD Time to Degree Statistics; Chemistry: PhD Completion Rate Statistics; Chemistry: PhD Career Outcomes Statistics; Application Information. Application Terms Available: Fall. Application Deadline: December 2. Graduate School Application Requirements See the Application Instructions page for important details about each Graduate ...

  22. Timeline for applying to the Chemistry PhD Program

    FEBRUARY & MARCH 2025. If you currently live in the United States, attend one of our visitation weekends. APRIL 2025. Notify us as to whether you will be accepting or declining your admission offer (Deadline TBA). Decisions can be posted through your Applicant Center on BuckeyeLink. SUMMER 2024.

  23. Graduate Program Timeline

    Graduate Program Timeline Chemistry & Biochemistry | Doctoral Program Timeline Timeline Requirements 1st semester Selection of Advisor Graduate Regulations (I.E.1.): "Any student working toward a graduate degree is expected to make an early choice of a Major Area (Division) and a Research Advisor which must be completed by the end of the first semester in the program."