543 American History Essay Topics & Good Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
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Exploring the multifaceted nature of American history provides a wide range of thought-provoking essay topics. Basically, there are many subjects that can be analyzed, studying the country’s indigenous origins, its struggle for independence, its participation in world wars, the civil rights movement, technological advancements, ongoing sociopolitical discourse, and others. In the United States (US), some themes can focus on significant events, like the Revolutionary War or the Space Race, important figures, such as Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, or Martin Luther King Jr., or major periods, including the Great Depression or the Cold War era. The examination of how historical influences have shaped current American society, issues of racial and gender equality, immigration policy, and foreign affairs, offers rich perspectives. Thus, American history essay topics cover a deep understanding of the evolution of the nation built on diverse ethnicities and ideologies.

Cool American History Essay Topics

  • Examination of Manifest Destiny’s Influence on Territorial Expansion
  • Colonial Era’s Impact on Modern American Democracy
  • Evaluating the Emancipation Proclamation’s Consequences
  • Prohibition Era: Analysis of Society and Law
  • Understanding the Trail of Tears: Native American Displacement
  • Civil War’s Effects on American Industrialization
  • Abolition Movement’s Roles in Shaping American Values
  • Vietnam War: Implications for Foreign Policy
  • Exploring Women’s Suffrage Movement: A Milestone in Gender Equality
  • Apollo Program’s Influence on Science and Technology
  • Examining the Harlem Renaissance’s Impact on African American Culture
  • McCarthyism’s Consequences on Freedom of Expression
  • Revolutionary War: Analysis of the Birth of a Nation
  • Influence of Immigration on the Cultural Landscape of America
  • Civil Rights Movement’s Impact on Legislation and Society
  • Japanese Internment during World War II: An Examination
  • Investigation of the Cuban Missile Crisis’ Effect on Cold War Tensions
  • Roles of Transcontinental Railroad in Westward Expansion
  • Impacts of the Great Awakening on American Religious Practices
  • Watergate Scandal: A Study in Political Ethics
  • Exploration of the Roaring Twenties’ Societal Shifts
  • Revolutionary Figures: Contributions of the Founding Fathers

American History Essay Topics & Good Ideas

Easy American History Research Topics

  • American Exceptionalism: Origins and Influence on Global Policy
  • Analysis of the Louisiana Purchase’s Impact on Expansion
  • Jazz Age: Implications for American Music and Culture
  • Evaluating the Space Race: National Pride and Technological Advancement
  • Consequences of the Teapot Dome Scandal in the Roaring Twenties
  • Federalist Papers: Shaping American Governance
  • Westward Expansion: Effect on Native American Communities
  • Impacts of the Dred Scott Decision on Slavery Debates
  • Cold War: Ramifications for American Society
  • Influence of Thomas Paine’s ‘Common Sense’ on Revolutionary Sentiment
  • Exploration of American Neutrality in World War I
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion: An Examination of Failed Foreign Policy
  • The Dust Bowl: Environmental Impact and Migration
  • Roles of Television in the Nixon-Kennedy Debates
  • The Stonewall Riots: Catalyst for the LGBTQ+ Rights Movement
  • Populist Movement: Impact on American Politics
  • Influence of the Gold Rush on California’s Development
  • Ratification of the Bill of Rights: Impact on Citizen Liberties
  • Rise of Labor Unions: Influencing Workers’ Rights
  • Civil War Reconstruction: Successes and Failures
  • The Zenger Trial: A Landmark for Freedom of the Press

Interesting US History Topics

  • Exploration of the Battle of Gettysburg’s Significance in the Civil War
  • Implications of the Monroe Doctrine on American Foreign Policy
  • Marbury vs. Madison: Analysis of Judicial Review
  • Unraveling the Causes and Consequences of the Iran-Contra Affair
  • The American Red Scare: Effects on Society and Politics
  • Causes and Implications of the 1929 Wall Street Crash
  • Underground Railroad: Role in Abolitionist Movement
  • Analysis of the Three-Fifths Compromise’s Impact on Representation
  • Significance of the Missouri Compromise in Slavery Debates
  • The Pentagon Papers: A Study in Government Transparency
  • Roles of Susan B. Anthony in the Women’s Suffrage Movement
  • Influence of the Scopes Trial on the Teaching of Evolution
  • Understanding the Impact of the GI Bill on Post-War America
  • Tracing the Development of American Modernism in the 20th Century
  • Federal Indian Policy: An Examination of Treaties and Legislation
  • Impacts of the Homestead Act on Westward Expansion
  • Analysis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition’s Contribution to Scientific Discovery
  • Analysis of the Pentagon Papers’ Effect on Public Trust
  • Exploration of the Boston Tea Party’s Impact on Revolutionary Sentiment
  • Vietnam War Protest Movement: Influence on Public Policy
  • Mexican-American War: Causes and Consequences
  • Repercussions of the Atomic Bomb on Global Politics
  • The Gilded Age: Scrutinizing Wealth and Inequality

US History Topics for High School

  • Impacts of the Gold Rush on California’s Development
  • Significance of the Monroe Doctrine in US Foreign Policy
  • Manifest Destiny and Expansion of the American West
  • Examination of The Great Depression’s Socioeconomic Effects
  • Role of Women in the American Revolution
  • Native American Resistance: Case Study of the Sioux Nation
  • Influence of Jazz Music on the Harlem Renaissance
  • Abolitionism’s Effect on Pre-Civil War Politics
  • Reconstruction Era: Assessing its Success and Failures
  • Impact of Immigration Waves on American Culture and Economy
  • Evolution of US Foreign Policy During the Cold War
  • Transformation of American Society During the Roaring Twenties
  • Examination of The Civil Rights Movement’s Major Milestones
  • Roles of Labor Unions in the Industrial Revolution
  • Influence of The Second Amendment on Gun Control Debates
  • Native American Assimilation Policy: The Carlisle Indian School
  • Cuban Missile Crisis: A Pivotal Moment in Cold War History
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement and the 19th Amendment
  • Exploration of the Gilded Age’s Economic Disparities
  • Significance of the Federalist Papers in Constitutional Interpretation
  • Analysis of the Patriot Act’s Impact on Civil Liberties
  • Effects of the Vietnam War on Domestic Social Movements
  • Roles of New Deal Programs in America’s Economic Recovery

US History Topics for College Students

  • Exploration and Impact of the Louisiana Purchase
  • Evolution of the American Civil Rights Movement
  • Native American Resistance to European Colonization
  • Establishment and Influence of the Federal Reserve System
  • Impacts of Industrialization on American Society
  • Consequences of Prohibition: The 18th and 21st Amendments
  • Influential Innovations During the Second Industrial Revolution
  • Manifest Destiny and Its Sociopolitical Implications
  • African-American Soldiers in the American Civil War
  • Formation and Legacy of the Hudson Bay Company
  • Roles of Religion in the Founding of American Colonies
  • American Policy and the Vietnam War: An Analysis
  • Development of the Transcontinental Railroad
  • Expansion of American Pop Culture During the Cold War
  • Key Legal Cases in the Fight for Desegregation
  • LGBTQ+ Rights: The Stonewall Riots and Beyond
  • Role of the American Media During the Gulf War
  • Technological Advances and the American Space Race
  • Examination of the US Immigration Policies Throughout History
  • Rise of American Suburbia in the Post-WWII Era
  • Development of the American Healthcare System: Legislation and Impact

US History Topics for University

  • Watergate Scandal and Its Influence on American Politics
  • Native American Civil Rights Movement in the 20th Century
  • Cuban Missile Crisis: Cold War Diplomacy and Consequences
  • Influence of the American Labor Movement on Working Conditions
  • Mexican-American War: Causes, Progress, and Consequences
  • Women’s Suffrage: From Seneca Falls to the 19th Amendment
  • Role of American Inventors in the Age of Enlightenment
  • Effects of the US Interstate Highway System on American Society
  • Examination of the US Intervention in Latin America
  • Impacts of the Baby Boomer Generation on American Culture
  • California Gold Rush and its Influence on Westward Expansion
  • Abolition Movement: Influential Figures and Strategies
  • Development and Impact of the US Postal Service
  • Key Economic Policies of the Roosevelt Administration
  • Influence of the Harlem Renaissance on American Literature
  • Technological Shifts and the Digital Age in America
  • Evolution of Gun Control Legislation in the United States
  • Exploration of the Oregon Trail: Migration and Hardship
  • Rise and Fall of the American Temperance Movement
  • Impacts of the GI Bill on Post-War American Society
  • American Imperialism: From the Philippines to Puerto Rico
  • Cultural Significance of the American Beat Generation
  • Causes and Outcomes of the American Housing Bubble in 2008

American History Essay Topics on Revolution Battles and Key Events

  • The Battle of Saratoga and Its Influence on the American Revolution
  • African Americans’ Roles in Revolutionary War
  • Impacts of the Battle of Yorktown on American Independence
  • Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” and Its Revolutionary Ideals
  • Women’s Contributions to the American Revolution
  • The Battle of Trenton: Pivotal Point in Revolutionary War
  • Boston Massacre: Instigator of Colonial Dissent
  • French Alliance: A Game-Changer in American Victory
  • Constitutional Convention: Shaping the American Government
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill: Boosting Revolutionary Morale
  • Declaration of Independence: Foundation of American Nationhood
  • Lexington and Concord: Sparking the Revolutionary War
  • Native Americans’ Impacts on the American Revolution
  • Treaty of Paris (1783): Securing American Independence
  • Battle of Cowpens: Key Turning Point in Southern Campaign
  • George Washington’s Influence on Revolutionary Leadership
  • Valley Forge: Endurance and Transformation During the Revolution
  • Guilford Courthouse: Decisive Battle in the Southern Campaign
  • Stamp Act Crisis: Prelude to Revolutionary Resistance
  • Militia’s Roles in the Revolutionary War

American Essay History Topics Before 1865

  • Founding Fathers’ Vision for a Democratic Republic
  • Revolutionary War: Catalyst for American Independence
  • Slavery and the Abolitionist Movement
  • Louisiana Purchase: Expanding National Borders
  • Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion
  • Underground Railroad: Resistance against Slavery
  • Boston Tea Party: Igniting the American Revolution
  • Emancipation Proclamation: Eliminating Slavery in the Confederacy
  • Declaration of Independence: Establishing American Nationhood
  • Constitutional Convention: Framing the US Constitution
  • Dred Scott Case: Impact on African Americans’ Rights
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition: Exploring the Western Frontier
  • Industrialization: Transforming American Society
  • Battle of Yorktown: British Surrender and American Victory
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement: Achieving Voting Rights for Women
  • Mexican-American War: Annexing Texas and Western Territories
  • Great Awakening: Religious Revival in Colonial America
  • Missouri Compromise: Balancing Free and Slave States
  • Marbury vs. Madison: Establishing Judicial Review
  • War of 1812: Forging American National Identity

US Research Paper Topics on Black History

  • Struggles and Triumphs: The Impact of the Underground Railroad on Black History
  • The Legacy of Harriet Tubman: A Trailblazer for Freedom and Equality
  • Examining the Abolitionist Movement: From Slavery to Liberation
  • African American Soldiers in the Civil War: Their Role and Contribution
  • Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott: Igniting Change for Civil Rights
  • Martin Luther King Jr.: A Visionary Leader for Equality
  • The Black Panthers: Revolutionizing Racial Empowerment
  • Celebrating Black Culture and Artistic Expression: The Harlem Renaissance
  • Pioneers of African American Military Aviation: The Tuskegee Airmen
  • Desegregation in Schools: Brown vs. Board of Education’s Impact
  • The March on Washington: A Milestone for Civil Rights Advancement
  • Malcolm X: A Voice for Black Nationalism and Self-Determination
  • Rebuilding After the Civil War: The Era of Reconstruction
  • Breaking Down Legal Barriers: The Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • The Great Migration: Black Americans’ Journey Northward
  • Integration of New Orleans Schools: Ruby Bridges’ Courageous Stand
  • Tragedy and Resilience in Tulsa: The Black Wall Street Massacre
  • The Vital Role of Black Women in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Redefining Black Identity and Empowerment: The Black Power Movement
  • Frederick Douglass: From Escaping Slavery to Becoming a Leader

US History Essay Topics on Civil Rights Movement Topics Beyond the 20th Century

  • Women’s Roles in the Civil Rights Struggle Beyond the 20th Century
  • LGBTQ+ Activism’s Impacts on Contemporary Civil Rights
  • Addressing Police Brutality in the Fight for Civil Rights Today
  • Progress and Challenges of the Voting Rights Act in Post-Civil Rights America
  • Intersections of Race and Immigration in the Struggle for Equal Rights
  • Environmental Justice: Linking It to the Civil Rights Movement Today
  • Reparations Debate: Remedying Historical Injustices for Civil Rights
  • Disability Rights Movement: Achievements and Ongoing Struggles
  • Indigenous Rights Movements: Continuing the Fight for Civil Liberties
  • The Battle for Educational Equality in the Post-Civil Rights Era
  • Affirmative Action: Equalizing Opportunities or Reverse Discrimination?
  • Asian American Civil Rights Activism in the 21st Century
  • Criminal Justice System and Civil Rights: Reforming for Equality
  • Reproductive Rights as Fundamental Civil Liberties: Progress and Challenges
  • Native American Tribal Sovereignty: Preserving Civil Rights in Modern America
  • Nonviolent Resistance: A Powerful Tool in Modern Civil Rights Movements
  • Addressing Racial Disparities: Civil Rights and the Mass Incarceration Crisis
  • Immigrant Rights Movements: Upholding Civil Liberties in America
  • Islamophobia and Civil Rights: Combating Discrimination in the 21st Century
  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Fighting for Equality and Marriage Freedom
  • Balancing Second Amendment Rights and Public Safety: The Gun Control Debate

American History Essay Topics on Cold War and McCarthyism

  • Impacts of the Korean Conflict on Cold War Politics
  • Red Scare and the Hollywood Blacklist
  • Space Race and Significance in Cold War Dynamics
  • Eisenhower’s “New Look” Policy and Nuclear Arms Race
  • Berlin Crisis and Construction of the Wall
  • McCarthyism and Suppression of Civil Liberties
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion: Failed US Intervention in Cuba
  • Vietnam Conflict as Proxy War in Cold Era
  • Marshall Plan and American Economic Aid in Cold War
  • Suez Crisis: Cold War Politics in the Middle East
  • U-2 Spy Plane Incident and Escalating Tensions
  • Hungarian Revolution and Soviet Repression
  • Cultural Impacts of the Beat Generation During the Cold War
  • Arms Control Negotiations: SALT and START Treaties
  • Domino Theory and US Involvement in Southeast Asia
  • CIA’s Roles in Covert Operations During Cold Conflict
  • Influence of Korean Conflict on US Military Strategy
  • Space Exploration: Cold War Competition for Technological Superiority
  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: A Step Toward Détente
  • Brinkmanship Strategy and Cuban Missile Crisis

American History Topics on Civil Rights Movement

  • The Impact of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • The Influence of Brown vs. Board of Education on Desegregation
  • The March on Washington: Pursuing Equality
  • Nonviolent Resistance: Catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Voting Rights Act: Expanding Ballot Access
  • Freedom Riders: Challenging Segregation in Transportation
  • Sit-In Movement: Breaking the Chains of Racial Segregation
  • Birmingham Campaign: A Turning Point in the Struggle for Civil Rights
  • Formation and Significance of the Black Panther Party
  • Assassination of Malcolm X: Impact on the Civil Rights Movement
  • Selma to Montgomery March: Milestone for Voting Rights
  • Mississippi Freedom Summer: Empowering African American Voters
  • Women’s Contributions to the Civil Rights Movement
  • Black Power Movement: Revolutionizing Activism
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964: Banning Discrimination
  • Integration of Little Rock Central High School: Breaking Barriers
  • Chicago Freedom Movement: Urban Segregation and Activism
  • Medgar Evers’ Assassination: Tragic Loss for the Civil Rights Movement
  • Fair Housing Act of 1968: Combating Housing Discrimination
  • Albany Movement: Lessons From an Unsuccessful Campaign
  • Impacts of the 24th Amendment: Eliminating Poll Taxes

US History Essay Topics on Immigration & Ethnic

  • The Impact of Irish Immigration on American Society
  • Chinese Exclusion Act: Origins and Ramifications
  • Mexican Migration and the Bracero Program
  • Italian Americans: Assimilation and Cultural Heritage
  • The Great Migration: African American Movement to the North
  • Japanese Internment: World War II Consequences
  • Ellis Island: Gateway to the American Dream
  • The Harlem Renaissance: Cultural Expression and Immigrants
  • Irish Americans: Famine, Resilience, and Success
  • Puerto Rican Migration and Nuyorican Culture
  • Angel Island: The West Coast Immigration Center
  • Immigration’s Impacts on Industrialization in the United States
  • Polish Americans: Traditions and Integration
  • The Bracero Program and Agricultural Labor
  • Jewish Immigration and American Zionism
  • Chinese Exclusion Act’s Influence on Immigration Policy
  • Mexican Americans: Struggles and Achievements in the Southwest
  • Immigration and the California Gold Rush
  • German Americans: Contributions and Integration in American Society
  • The Immigration Act of 1924: Restricting National Origins

American Industrial Revolution History Topics

  • Roles of Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin in Industrial Transformation
  • Evolution of Transportation: Railroad’s Influence on American Industry
  • The Rise of Urbanization during the Industrial Era
  • Women’s Participation in the Industrial Workforce: Challenges and Achievements
  • Native American Communities: Industrialization’s Impact
  • Labor Movements and Worker Rights in the Industrial Age
  • Technological Advancements and the Birth of the American Industrial Revolution
  • Development of Factory System: Transition From Artisanal to Mass Production
  • Immigration and Workforce Transformation in the Industrial Revolution
  • Agricultural Practices: Industrialization’s Impact on American Farms
  • American Markets: Industrial Revolution’s Role in Expansion
  • The Growth of Urban Centers: Industrialization’s Effect on Cities
  • Child Labor and the Industrial Revolution in America
  • Changing Roles of Women in American Society during Industrialization
  • Industrialization and American Trade and Commerce
  • Government Regulation and Control in American Industrialization
  • Impacts of the Industrial Revolution on American Education and Literacy
  • Technological Advances in Communication during Industrialization
  • Environmental Consequences of American Industrialization
  • Industrial Revolution’s Influence on American Architecture
  • Effects of Industrialization on American Art and Cultural Trends

Latin American History Essay Topics

  • Conquest and Resistance in Latin America
  • Economic Exploitation in Colonial Latin America
  • Independence Movements in Latin America
  • The Impact of European Immigration on Latin American Societies
  • The Role of Women in Latin American Independence Movements
  • Indigenous Cultures and Their Contributions to Latin American History
  • Latin American Revolutions: Comparing Mexico and South America
  • The Influence of African Slavery in Latin American Societies
  • Dictatorships and Authoritarian Regimes in Latin America
  • The Mexican Revolution: Causes and Consequences
  • Cultural Identity and Nationalism in Latin America
  • The Falklands War: Britain and Argentina in Latin America
  • The Zapatista Movement: Indigenous Rights in Mexico
  • Latin American Literature and the Boom of the 1960s
  • Neoliberalism and Economic Crisis in Latin America
  • Drug Trafficking and Its Impact on Latin American Societies
  • Environmental Movements in Latin America
  • Indigenous Land Rights and Conflicts in Latin America
  • The Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua
  • Chilean Dictatorship: Pinochet’s Rule and Its Legacy

American History Topics on Progressive Era

  • Reforming the American Education System During the Progressive Era
  • Industrialization and Urbanization: Impact on Progressive Era Society
  • Regulating Big Business: Anti-Trust Reforms in the Progressive Era
  • Political Transformations: From Municipal to National Level in the Progressive Era
  • Progressive Era Leaders: Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson
  • Investigating Corruption: Muckrakers and Journalism in the Progressive Era
  • Preserving America’s Natural Resources: The Conservation Movement in the Progressive Era
  • Labor Rights and Social Justice: Workers’ Struggles in the Progressive Era
  • Progressive Era Initiatives: Social Welfare Reforms and Their Impact
  • Temperance and Prohibition: The Progressive Era’s Crusade Against Alcohol
  • Suffrage and Equality: Women’s Fight for Political Rights in the Progressive Era
  • Progressive Era Policies: Immigration Regulations and Nativism
  • Ensuring Consumer Safety: Consumer Protection Reforms in the Progressive Era
  • Science and Social Control: Eugenics and Social Darwinism in the Progressive Era
  • Public Health and Sanitation: Reforms During the Progressive Era
  • African Americans and Civil Rights: Challenges in the Progressive Era
  • Expanding Federal Power: Progressive Era and the Growth of Government Authority
  • Intellectual Movements of the Progressive Era: Pragmatism and Social Gospel
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: A Turning Point for Labor Reforms
  • Child Labor and Reform Efforts: Progressive Era’s Fight Against Exploitation
  • Diversity and Assimilation: Progressive Era Immigration Policies

American History Essay Topics on Roaring Twenties

  • Economic Prosperity and Consumerism in the Roaring Twenties
  • Impacts of Prohibition on American Society During the Jazz Age
  • Women’s Empowerment Movement in the Roaring Twenties
  • Jazz Age: Cultural Revolution of the 1920s
  • Harlem Renaissance: African-American Art and Culture in the Jazz Age
  • Technological Advancements and Their Influence in the Roaring Twenties
  • Red Scare and Fear of Communism in 1920s America
  • The Great Gatsby: Symbolism and Critique of the Jazz Age
  • Flappers and the Evolution of Gender Roles in the Roaring Twenties
  • Scopes Trial: Clash of Evolution and Creationism in the 1920s
  • Mass Media and Popular Culture in the Roaring Twenties
  • Wall Street Crash of 1929: The End of an Era
  • Political and Social Movements in the Jazz Age
  • Prohibition Enforcement: Bootlegging and Hidden Bars in the 1920s
  • Fashion Transformations in the Roaring Twenties
  • Impact of Radio and Movies on American Culture in the Roaring Twenties
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement and the 19th Amendment in the 1920s
  • Race Relations and the KKK in the Roaring Twenties
  • Art Deco: Architectural and Design Trends of the Jazz Age
  • Automobile Industry’s Influence on American Society in the 1920s

American Reconstruction History Essay Topics

  • The Evolution of Freedmen’s Rights in American Reconstruction
  • Political Reforms and Transformation in Post-Civil War America
  • Economic Shifts and Development During the Reconstruction Era
  • The Influence of the Thirteenth Amendment on American Society
  • Reconstruction Policies and Their Impact on Southern States
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement: A Catalyst in Reconstruction
  • African American Political Leadership in the Reconstruction Era
  • The Struggle for Civil Rights in the Reconstruction Period
  • The Establishment and Impact of the Freedmen’s Bureau
  • African Americans’ Changing Roles in Post-Civil War America
  • The Reconstruction Amendments: Expanding the Notions of Citizenship
  • Education Reforms: Empowering the Disenfranchised During Reconstruction
  • The Ku Klux Klan’s Opposition to Reconstruction
  • The Reconstruction Act of 1867: Restructuring the South
  • The Debate on Land Redistribution in the Reconstruction Era
  • Reconstruction’s Enduring Influence on American Identity
  • The Compromise of 1877: An End to Reconstruction
  • Radical Republicans and Their Influence on the Reconstruction Era
  • Shifting Political Dynamics: Southern Power During Reconstruction
  • The Legacy of Reconstruction: Shaping American History
  • The Supreme Court’s Role in Shaping Reconstruction Policies

LGBTQ+ American History Research Paper Topics

  • Historical Milestones of LGBTQ+ Rights in America
  • The Stonewall Riots: Catalyst for LGBTQ+ Activism
  • Impacts of Harvey Milk on American LGBTQ+ Politics
  • Transgender Rights Movement in the United States
  • The AIDS Crisis and Its Effects on the LGBTQ+ Community
  • Intersectionality: Race and Activism in LGBTQ+ History
  • Lesbian Feminism in America: Past and Present
  • Homophobia and Its Roots in American Society
  • Evolution of LGBTQ+ Representation in Media and Entertainment
  • LGBTQ+ Veterans: Advocacy on the Battlefield
  • Significance of LGBTQ+ Landmarks in American History
  • Religious Perspectives on LGBTQ+ Rights in America
  • LGBTQ+ Activism in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Impacts of Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
  • Challenges Faced by LGBTQ+ Youth in American Society
  • LGBTQ+ Resistance and Resilience in Conservative States
  • Role of LGBTQ+ Activism in Shaping Employment Discrimination Laws
  • Pioneering Transgender Individuals in American History
  • Queer Literature’s Contribution to LGBTQ+ Identity
  • Roles of LGBTQ+ Community Centers in Promoting Equality

Native American History Essay Topics

  • Native American Resistance During Early Colonial Encounters
  • Impacts of European Diseases on Indigenous Populations
  • Tribal Governance Structures and Political Systems of Native Nations
  • Contributions of Native Americans to the American Revolution
  • Forced Removal of Indigenous Tribes: The Trail of Tears
  • Significance of Native American Diplomacy in the 19th Century
  • Assimilation Policies and the Dawes Act: Effects on Indigenous Communities
  • Native American Women in History: Leaders, Activists, and Guardians
  • The Wounded Knee Massacre: Causes and Consequences
  • Indigenous Art, Literature, and Music: Cultural Contributions
  • Native American Tribes’ Role in the Civil War
  • The Indian Reorganization Act: Impact on Tribal Sovereignty
  • Land Rights and Legal Challenges Faced by Indigenous Peoples
  • Native American Religion and Spiritual Practices: Continuity and Adaptation
  • Native American Code Talkers in World Wars I and II
  • Boarding Schools and Cultural Suppression: Indigenous Experiences
  • The American Indian Movement (AIM): Impact on Indigenous Activism
  • Indigenous Trade Networks and Economic Systems
  • Reservation Policies and Tribal Self-Governance Among Indigenous Peoples
  • Hunting, Gathering, and Agricultural Practices of Native Nations
  • Indigenous Languages: Preservation and Revitalization Efforts

American History Research Paper Topics About World War I & II

  • The Impact of Propaganda on American Society During World War I
  • Women’s Roles in the American Homefront During World War II
  • The Aftermath of World War I: Treaty of Versailles and Its Consequences
  • America’s Race to Build the Atomic Bomb: The Manhattan Project
  • African Americans’ Contribution to World War II
  • The Great Depression’s Influence on American Entry Into World War II
  • America’s Aid to Allied Forces: The Lend-Lease Act During World War II
  • Racial Tensions in America During World War II: The Zoot Suit Riots
  • The GI Bill: Impact on Post-World War II America
  • America’s Shift in Foreign Policy After World War I: The Interwar Period
  • The Battle of Midway: A Decisive Moment in the Pacific Theater of World War II
  • Cold War Paranoia in America: The Red Scare and McCarthyism
  • Japanese Americans’ Internment During World War II
  • The Marshall Plan: American Aid for Post-World War II European Reconstruction
  • Unsung Heroes of World War II: The Navajo Code Talkers
  • Veterans’ Struggles During the Great Depression: The Bonus Army March
  • American Nurses’ Role in World War I and II
  • Tragedy in the Pacific Theater of World War II: The Bataan Death March
  • Mexican Laborers in the American War Effort: The Bracero Program
  • America’s Involvement in a Cold War Proxy Conflict: The Korean War

American History Essay Topics About Founding Fathers and the Constitution

  • The Revolutionary Vision: Exploring the Ideals of America’s Founding Fathers
  • Jefferson’s Influence on American Democracy
  • Hamilton’s Economic Policies and Their Impact on the Constitution
  • James Madison: Shaping the Foundation of the Constitution
  • The Delicate Balance: Compromises at the Constitutional Convention
  • Analyzing the Federalist Papers: Arguments for Ratifying the Constitution
  • Safeguarding Individual Liberties: The Significance of the Bill of Rights
  • John Adams: Statesman and Advocate for Independence
  • Thomas Paine’s Impact: Common Sense and Revolutionary Ideas
  • Benjamin Franklin: Influencing American Diplomacy
  • Abigail Adams: Trailblazing Woman and Her Role in Nation-Building
  • Opposition to the Constitution: Examining the Anti-Federalist Movement
  • Alexander Hamilton’s Economic Policies: A Federalist Approach
  • Shaping American Jurisprudence: The Contributions of John Jay
  • The Articles of Confederation: Weaknesses and the Call for a New Constitution
  • Crafting American Government: The Constitutional Convention
  • Slavery and the Constitution: Debate Over the Three-Fifths Compromise
  • Samuel Adams: Revolutionary Catalyst and Political Figure
  • Patrick Henry’s Inspiring Speeches: Fanning the Flames of Independence
  • The Northwest Ordinance: Guiding Principles for Westward Expansion
  • Challenging Free Speech: The Alien and Sedition Acts

American History Topics About Space Race and NASA’s Contributions

  • NASA’s Roles in the Space Race: A Historical Perspective
  • The Mercury Seven: Trailblazers of American Space Exploration
  • Apollo 11: A Monumental Leap for Mankind
  • The Impact of Sputnik on US Space Programs
  • Lunar Exploration: NASA’s Quest to Unravel the Moon’s Mysteries
  • Revolutionizing Space Travel: The Legacy of the Space Shuttle Program
  • Unsung Heroes: The Hidden Figures of NASA’s Early Years
  • The Cold War Context and the Space Race
  • Advancements in Weather Forecasting and Earth Observation by NASA
  • Beyond Our Solar System: NASA’s Voyager and Pioneer Missions
  • Skylab: America’s First Orbital Space Station
  • Robotic Pioneers: NASA’s Missions to Explore the Solar System
  • Lessons Learned From the Challenger Disaster for Space Exploration
  • Expanding Horizons: The Hubble Space Telescope’s Contributions
  • International Collaborations in Space Exploration: NASA’s Global Impact
  • Revealing Mars’ Secrets: NASA’s Robotic Rovers
  • Trailblazing With the X-15 Program: Advancing Spaceplane Technology
  • Enabling Satellite Communications: NASA’s Contributions
  • Apollo-Soyuz Test Project: A Symbol of US-Soviet Space Cooperation
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy: Aftermath and Reforms

US Civil War Research Paper Topics

  • Causes and Consequences of the Battle of Gettysburg
  • Reconstruction Policies and Their Impact on Post-Civil War America
  • Women’s Roles in the Civil War: From Nurses to Spies
  • Abraham Lincoln’s Leadership and the Emancipation Proclamation
  • The Underground Railroad: Freedom Heroes and Heroines
  • Battle of Antietam: Decisive Turning Point
  • African American Soldiers in the Union Army
  • Sherman’s March to the Sea: Total Warfare Strategy
  • The Battle of Bull Run: A Shocking Wake-Up Call
  • Significance of the Vicksburg Campaign in the Civil War
  • Election of 1860 and the Secession Crisis
  • Civil War Photography’s Impact on Public Perception
  • Formation and Ideals of the Confederate States of America
  • Fort Sumter: Prelude to War
  • Clara Barton and the Red Cross: Humanitarian Aid during the Civil War
  • Draft Riots of 1863: Social Unrest in New York City
  • Robert E. Lee’s Military Strategies and Leadership
  • Emancipation Proclamation: Freedom for the Enslaved
  • Battle of Shiloh: Bloodiest Conflict in the Western Theater
  • Jefferson Davis and the Confederate Government’s Formation

American History Research Paper Topics on Vietnam War

  • The Nixon Doctrine: America’s Foreign Policy Approach During the Vietnam War
  • Women’s Role and Contributions in the Vietnam War Effort
  • The My Lai Tragedy: Atrocity and Its Consequences in the Vietnam Conflict
  • Draft Resistance Movements: Opposition to the Vietnam War
  • Negotiating Peace: The Paris Accords and the End of the Vietnam Conflict
  • The Ho Chi Minh Trail: North Vietnam’s Strategic Supply Route
  • Agent Orange: Environmental and Health Impacts of Chemical Warfare
  • The Fall of Saigon: The Final Chapter of the Vietnam War
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Incident: Escalation and Justification of the Vietnam Conflict
  • Battle of Khe Sanh: Symbolism and Significance in the Vietnam War
  • Anti-War Movement: Activism and Protests Against the Vietnam Conflict
  • The Phoenix Program: Counterinsurgency Tactics in the Vietnam War
  • Operation Rolling Thunder: Aerial Bombing Campaign During the Vietnam Conflict
  • Hamburger Hill: Intense Combat and Sacrifice in the Vietnam War
  • Kent State Shootings: Tragedy and Student Demonstrations in the Vietnam War
  • The Siege of Khe Sanh: A Crucial Moment in the Vietnam Conflict
  • Congressional Response: The War Powers Act and Its Impact on the Vietnam War
  • African American Soldiers: Contributions and Challenges in the Vietnam War
  • Strategic Hamlet Program: Counterinsurgency Strategy in the Vietnam Conflict
  • Laotian Civil War: Regional Dynamics and Their Influence on the Vietnam War

American History Essay Topics on Women’s Suffrage and Feminist Movement

  • The Evolution of Women’s Suffrage in American History
  • Key Leaders in the American Feminist Movement
  • Seneca Falls Convention: Catalyst for Change
  • Abolitionism’s Influence on Women’s Suffrage
  • Progressive Era: Intersection With Women’s Rights
  • Susan B. Anthony’s Impact on the Suffrage Movement
  • National American Woman Suffrage Association: Formation and Impact
  • Alice Paul and the National Women’s Party’s Influence
  • Women’s Suffrage and World War I: Shifting Perspectives
  • Battle for the 19th Amendment: Triumphs and Challenges
  • Suffragettes’ Strategies: Methods and Successes
  • African American Women’s Contributions to Suffrage Movement
  • Native American Women’s Role in the Fight for Suffrage
  • Women’s Suffrage in the Western States: Trailblazers of Progress
  • Feminist Movement and World War II’s Impact
  • Second Wave Feminism: Objectives and Accomplishments
  • Feminist Literature: Catalyst for Social Change
  • Betty Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique” and Its Influence
  • Women’s Liberation Movement: Birth of NOW
  • Roe vs. Wade: Women’s Reproductive Rights Examined
  • Title IX: Transforming Women’s Sports and Education

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110 Original History Essay Questions: Examples and Topics

american history essay questions

When looking for history essay topics, people often think about the world-famous military and political events. However, there is so much more to history than battles and international affairs. Plenty of small but engaging incidents are hiding in plain sight, and yet, people usually miss them.

What are those intriguing aspects?

In this article, our team has prepared a list of interesting history essay questions with examples. They are all about unusual events and historical viewpoints. To help with your academic writing, we divided the article into subheadings. Here, you’ll find topics according to your essay type.

  • Top History Topics
  • 🔍 Extended Essay
  • ✒️ Historiographical Essay
  • 📌 Persuasive Essay
  • ⚙️ Technology Topics
  • 🎶 Music Topics
  • 🌄 American History
  • 🏰 European History
  • 🔥 5 In-Class Essay Tips

🤩 Top 15 History Essay Topics

  • Julius Caesar.
  • Middle Ages.
  • World Wars.
  • Holy Inquisition.
  • US Independence.
  • 20 th Century.
  • Bronze Age.
  • Thomas Edison.
  • Slave Trade.
  • Russian Revolution.

💁 Topics for Various Essay Types

There are many types of essays for an academic assignment. It may be a simple short essay or a long structured essay. Each one has its format and rules. Here, we are going to talk about essays that you might have questions about.

🔎 History Extended Essay Topics

An extended essay (EE) is an obligatory part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP). For an IB diploma, a student should do extensive research. It should be finished with a 4000-word paper.

The extended essay provides practice for undergraduate research. Besides, it gives a chance to explore a topic of personal interest. You may check out some examples in a free essays database to get a reference of how they actually look like. Here, we dive into history EE topics.

  • Oldest human settlements according to archeological sources.
  • The suffrage movement in the United States of the early XXth century.
  • How Dior’s bar suit revolutionized women’s fashion.
  • History of Chemistry in Europe during the Age of Enlightenment.
  • Psychology essay: evolution of treatment for various mental disorders. Psychological methods and medicine.
  • Development of black rights following the US Civil War.

The Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.

  • History of physics: from Antiquity to modern times.
  • Principles of medieval economics: a historical analysis. Analyze the financial structure in medieval Europe and the Middle East.
  • How did industrialization affect global climate change?
  • Expansion of traffic jams in China. The root of a problem and China’s solution.
  • The effects of capitalism on Caribbean republics. Study the history of capitalism in the Caribbean. What were the effects of plantation produce on their economy?
  • The use of sun reflection in the military. A historical analysis of the utilization.
  • Analysis of Victorian literature and culture by Carolyn Williams.
  • Biology in warfare. The use of biological weapons from Antiquity to modern times.
  • A study of malnourishment in African societies. Explore the historical roots of malnutrition in Africa. How did it affect their societies?
  • Research question: why Western countries have dominated the world in modern history?
  • Otto Skorzeny. How did Nazi Germany’s most effective agent become Mossad’s advisor? Dive in the biography of Otto Skorzeny. Analyze his character and post-war activity.
  • The history of visual arts in Christianity. How did religion shape the art of Western civilization?
  • Six-Day War of 1967. Examine the strategies of Israel and The United Arab States.
  • Imperial Japan in the late period of WWII. Its non-standard means of warfare.

📝 Historiographical Essay Topics

Now, let’s look into another type of essay—a historiographical essay. It analyzes and evaluates how scholars interpret a historical topic. Usually, the essay is problem-centered. So, compare the viewpoints of two or more historians on the same event.

Here you will find good topics for historiographical essays:

  • The Soviet internment camps of the Stalin Era.
  • What is the classification of a “historical fact?”
  • The fate of Japanese Americans during WWII.
  • Mongolian aid to the Soviet Union during World War II.
  • An analysis of the main areas of historical research.
  • What defined a nation’s sovereignty in the XIXth century?
  • The activity of Pamela Parsons in the 70s.
  • “The Life of the Prophet” by Ibn Hisham.
  • The history of Earth: from its formation to modern times. Make detailed research on the history of Earth. Talk about major geophysical and chemical processes. What did impact the Earth’s formation and evolution?
  • An argumentative essay. How substantial was the Allies’ aid of “Land Lease” to the USSR in WWII?
  • Things to know when studying cultural heritage.
  • Processes of detecting historical excavation sites.

📌 History Persuasive Essay Topics

A persuasive essay is a piece of academic writing where you list two or more points of view on a subject. In such a paper, you use facts and logic to support your perspective.

  • An argumentative essay on American involvement in WWI. How crucial was it in defeating the German Empire and its allies? Analyze the impact of America’s contribution to WWI.

The US maintained neutrality in WWI until 1917.

  • Slavery played one of the key roles in Ancient Rome’s rise to power. Discuss the structure of slavery in Ancient Rome. Provide evidence for/against this argument.
  • Festivals in India are an essential part of the nation’s identity. Analyze the role of local and national Indian festivals. Did they form identities of different cultural groups?
  • Why did the Soviet Union lose the Cold War? Could it be because of its involvement in Afghanistan? Explore the impact of the Soviet-Afghan War on countries of the Warsaw Pact.
  • Psychedelic substances allow people to think more creatively. Discuss the effects of different drugs on the human mind. Examine notable cases and experiments with drug testing.
  • The presentation of the American Revolution in movies. Research a few pieces of cinematography about the American Revolution. Analyze their historical accuracy.
  • Bipolar disorder essay and Vincent Van Gogh. Analyze activity and medical records of Vincent Van Gogh. Give arguments for/against the aforementioned idea.

Bipolar disorder causes shifts in a person's mood.

  • Florentine art history. How did the noble patronage of artists contribute to Florentine art? To prove your perspective, examine several famous art patrons of Florence.

⚙ History of Technology Essay Topics

Technology has been the cornerstone of powerful civilizations that moved the world forward. Advancement of technology is a curious phenomenon. It moved at a faster pace with every century of the last millennium.

Here, we will take a look at thought-provoking topics on the history of technology. Besides, you’ll see a few history essay questions on technology.

  • Advancement of farming technology in the Bronze Age.
  • Technological advancements of Ancient Rome. Discuss Roman technological inventions. How did they impact the world for many centuries?
  • Structure of a Roman road. Explain the structure of a Roman road. Discuss how the road system connected the Empire. Did it help to spread Christianity?
  • The history of genetically modified food: corporation profits and risks.
  • The history of sanitation in Paris. A tale of revolutionary engineering solutions.
  • Evolution of heart surgeries.
  • The scientific contribution of Dr. Ivan Pavlov to physiology.
  • Avicenna (Ibn Sina) and the history of medieval medicine. Talk about Avicenna’s contribution to medicine. How accurate were his thoughts on it?

Avicenna memorized the entire Qur'an by age 10.

  • The trebuchet: the deadliest siege weapon of Medieval Europe.
  • The history of limb surgery: from pirates to modern medicine.
  • Japanese experiments on humans during WWII. Did they provide humanity with valuable data on the human organism?
  • Naval technology throughout human history. Research military and civic solutions of naval engineering during various periods. Consider Antiquity, Middle Ages, Age of Discovery, Age of Enlightenment, etc.
  • Rapid European scientific advancement of the Age of Enlightenment. Why did the advancement of science and technology in Europe increase in the 18-19th centuries?
  • History of blimps: strengths and weaknesses.
  • First computers of WWII. Study the first computer systems of WWII. Explain their technical capabilities and flaws.
  • How did the new technology make WWI so high with casualties?
  • The science of an atomic bomb: a case study.
  • How online social media impacted global society in the 2010s?
  • How China introduced new types of censorship with the creation of the Internet.
  • Compare college education of the XIXth century and modern times.
  • The city of Tenochtitlan. The technological marvel of the Aztecs.

🎶 Music History Essay Topics

Music is one of the most effective examples of human genius. People have made music to express their emotions to each other. Thus, the history of music is extensive and rich in detail. Exploring it can be just as fascinating as listening to music.

Below, you’ll find the best ideas on the history of music to talk about:

  • Jazz, New Orleans, and the Roaring Twenties: a musical phenomenon. Discuss the genre’s origins and technical aspects.
  • The music of the Antiquity of the Mediterranean region. From Egypt and Greece to Rome.
  • The use of music in Ancient Rome.

The Lyra is one of the most ancient stringed musical instruments.

  • Techniques a style of Mozart and Beethoven. A critical analysis.
  • Studio 54 – a story of disco, glamour, and exclusivity.
  • The history of organum and organ music.
  • Advancement of music technology in the early XXth century.
  • Baroque music and its famous composers. Analyze the technical details behind baroque music. Give examples of its notable composers.
  • Music theater as the main source of musical innovation of the late classical era.
  • Detailed analysis of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Examine the composer’s final symphony. Explore Beethoven’s health complications during the last years of his life.
  • Religion and music: how Christianity employed the vocal skills of monks. Research the history and characteristics of the Gregorian chant.
  • The golden era of classical music of the XVIIth-XIXth centuries in Germany and Austria.
  • The musical experiments by Andy Warhol.
  • The musical instruments of the Renaissance and modern times. What are the similarities and differences?
  • Musical instruments and chants of Bronze Age Mesopotamia.
  • Bohemian Rhapsody: a musical analysis. Discuss the story behind the creation of Queen’s famous song.
  • Lively music and deadly drugs. How did narcotics become a part of the music industry in the 60s and 70s?
  • The history of the club culture of New York. Discuss the history of clubs in New York. How did the advocates for gay rights start the new idea of clubbing?
  • The emergence of hip-hop and rap in Uptown Brooklyn and the Bronx. Analyze how the new genre started commenting on the reality of streets and black rights.
  • The history of Woodstock – America’s most iconic music festival.

👍 Good History Essay Questions

Writing an essay about countries should be divided into European and American theaters. Each region has a history rich in events and personalities.

Below, there are great European and US history essay questions for your paper:

🌄 American History Essay Questions

  • How did medics deal with casualties during the US Civil War? Talk about the organization of medical staff on both sides of the war. Analyze the treatment methods applied to wounded soldiers.
  • What factors contributed to the victory in the American Revolution?
  • US economy and culture of the 1920s. How did it develop?
  • How did civil rights develop during the Reconstruction era?

The Civil Rights Act became law over a president's veto.

  • Why was slavery so popular in the southern states? Analyze the economy of the southern states in America. Explain why slavery has such deep roots there.
  • Why did the United States emerge as a superpower after WWII?
  • Who were the main benefactors of the US economy in the early 20th century?

🏘 European History Essay Questions

  • The Renaissance essay. Why and how did naturalistic beauty become the main element of art?
  • What are the key ideas in Robin Briggs’s historical research on witchcraft?
  • The Modern European history question. How did the Mafia operate in Italy? Analyze the roots of Italian Mafia, its organizational structure. What were its spheres of influence?
  • Which scientific innovations were discovered in the late XIXth and early XXth century Europe?
  • Tudor history: what caused the English Reformation?
  • How did colonization transform the economies of European empires?
  • Which economic and political benefits were introduced at the creation of the European Union? Elaborate on the history of the EU. Analyze its economic and political aspects.

🔥 5 Tips for Writing an Essay in Class

For whatever reason, you need to write an in-class essay. It could be an exam or an ordinary assignment. It doesn’t matter as the goal remains the same. You have to compose a coherent paper in a short amount of time under supervision.

What is the best way to handle working under such pressure? By following our tips:

1. Practice beforehand

Any sort of training makes a person comfortable with the upcoming task. Practice writing an essay so that you memorize the format. Keep in mind how to outline the paper and some useful words for transitions. Even when you’re unfamiliar with the topic, you’ll still know where to begin without thinking.

2. Forget to panic

Students can lose time by bracing themselves. By staring on the blank page with the essay question can help no one. The sooner you start the task, the better. Don’t let your brain panic!

3. Plan before you write

Starting the essay right away may be tempting and promising, but that’s how you make mistakes. Reread and analyze the given question, notice the keywords. Make sure you’re answering what’s asked, not more or less. Come up with a thesis statement and make an outline.

Clear your thoughts to focus on your task.

Properly organizing your paper saves your time and reduces stress. It ensures that you addressed every issue. Plus, it shows whether you connected every argument to the thesis statement. Besides, putting topic sentences and transitions in the outline makes them less repetitive in the essay.

4. Keep in mind your writing speed

Remember the first tip? This one comes naturally from practicing. The more you write, the better you understand your pace. Learn how much time you need to complete each part of the essay writing. Try not to exceed the estimated time for an outline, an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

5. Proofread

Writing in a rush, you may forget about your spelling and punctuation. Save some time for rereading your paper thoroughly. Pay attention to logical reasoning and grammar errors. Add sentences if necessary. Your paper may look messy as long as you do so to improve your writing and ensure the perfect flow.

Proofread. Always.

Thank you for taking some time to read this article. We hope that it will help you in your academic studies. If this article proved to be informative to you, leave a comment below. Share it with others who might need some guidance in their studies.

🔗 References

  • How To Write a Good History Essay: Robert Pearce for History Today
  • Elements of an Effective History Exam Essay: Mark Brilliant, Department of History, Program in American Studies, University of California, Berkeley
  • UChicago Supplemental Essay Questions: College Admissions, University of Chicago
  • Tips for Writing Essay Exams: Writing Center, University of Washington
  • Popular Application Essay Topics: The Princeton Review
  • Historiographical Essays: Center for Writing and Speaking, Campbell Hall
  • Persuasion Essays: Sheldon Smith for Eapfoundation.com
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AP US History Long Essay Example

AP U.S. History Long Essay Example

The second part of Section II of the AP exam contains three long essay questions—you must respond to one. The AP U.S. History long essay question assesses your ability to apply knowledge of history in a complex, analytical manner. In other words, you are expected to treat history and historical questions as a historian would.

This process is called historiography—the skills and strategies historians use to analyze and interpret historical evidence to reach a conclusion. Thus, when writing an effective essay, you must be able to write a strong, clearly developed thesis and supply a substantial amount of relevant evidence to support your thesis and develop a complex argument.

The College Board’s characteristics of a high-scoring long essay question response are listed below. Note that the requirements are very similar to those of the DBQ; the primary difference is that any requirements related to use of the documents are removed from the scoring requirements for the long essay question.

[ RELATED: Reading Strategies for AP US History Exam ]

Long Answer Sample Question

Evaluate the extent to which the migration of European colonists and the resulting encounters with American Indians affected social patterns in the period from 1495 to 1650.

Step 1: Analyze the Prompt

As you choose which question you will answer, begin thinking about what your thesis will entail and how your essay will demonstrate a complex understanding. The notes of a sample high-scoring writer are below.

Thesis (with complex understanding): Spanish, French, and British each used territory differently; result: distinct social patterns

This writer claims that three different countries’ approaches to settling territories resulted in different types of social development, but other types of thesis claims are possible. For instance, the thesis could make a single claim about overall social patterns (such as “Europeans’ economic goals in the New World and their attitudes of superiority over American Indians resulted in exploitative and hierarchical social structures”) or focus on only one or two European nations.

Step 2: Plan Your Response

  • Context : motives for European exploration: new technology, navigation techniques, and trade routes
  • Thesis   (with complex understanding ):  Spanish, French, and British each used territory differently; result: distinct social patterns
  • goals: wealth and spread Catholicism
  • methods: mining, large-scale agriculture, encomienda, disease/weapons, missions
  • results: forced assimilation, social structure
  • goal: fur trade
  • method: mutually profitable trade relationships
  • result: alliances
  • goals: permanent settlements, Jamestown, religious freedom (New England)
  • methods: occupying more land for farming, smallpox, Metacom’s War
  • results: deaths of indigenous populations
  • ¶ conclusion: where Europeans sought permanent settlements or forced labor, resulted in American Indian population decline, upheaval, and threats to tradition

Step 3: Action! Write Your Response & Step 4: Proofread

See the following high-scoring response, and be sure to read the rubric to help you identify what makes this response effective. Think about what features you can incorporate into your own free- response answers.

Sample High-Scoring Response

The Spanish had two major goals: to gain wealth and to spread Catholicism to the native populations. Realizing the potential to mine precious metals and profit from large-scale agriculture, the Spanish forced American Indians into labor, such as through the encomienda system. Violence and deception were often used to subdue the indigenous populations, aided by the technological superiority of European weapons and the spread of devastating diseases. Although some Spanish came as missionaries with the goal of converting American Indians to Christianity and often protested the abusive treatment of the American Indians, even missions sometimes essentially forced labor and coerced assimilation to Spanish culture. In the long term, a hierarchical social structure developed in the Spanish colonies in which the Spanish-born and their descendants (peninsulares and creoles) dominated those of mixed background (mestizos and mulattos) and especially those of pure African or American Indian heritage. Overall, millions perished between disease and mistreatment, devastatingly weakening traditional cultures but enriching the Spanish.

The French differed from the Spanish in their relationship with the indigenous populations. Using the St. Lawrence River for transportation and trade, the French profited from trading fur pelts, particularly beaver, with the American Indians, and then sending the pelts to Europe. These traders profited from the knowledge and goods of the American Indian populations who lived there, and certainly desired to develop mutually profitable relationships with them. Overall, this more cooperative relationship helped preserve American Indian cultures and led to alliances between the French and different American Indian nations. These alliances benefited the French in later wars with the British.

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AP US History Exam Period 6 Notes 1865-1898

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Six Things To Know About AP US History Period 3

AP United States History

Review the free-response questions from the 2024 ap exam., exam overview.

Exam questions assess the course concepts and skills outlined in the course framework. For more information, download the  AP U.S. History Course and Exam Description  (CED).

Scoring rubrics – general scoring criteria for the document-based and long essay questions, regardless of specific question prompt – are available in the course and exam description (CED).

Encourage your students to visit the  AP U.S. History student page  for exam information.

Rubrics Updated for 2023-24

We’ve updated the AP U.S. History document-based question (DBQ) and long essay question (LEQ) rubrics for the 2023-24 school year. 

This change only affects the DBQ and LEQ scoring, with no change to the course or the exam: the exam format, course framework, and skills assessed on the exam all remain unchanged.

The course and exam description (CED) has been updated to include: 

  • Revised rubrics (general scoring criteria) for the DBQ and LEQ.
  • Revised scoring guidelines for the sample DBQ and LEQ within the CED.

Fri, May 9, 2025

AP U.S. History Exam

Exam format.

The AP U.S. History Exam has consistent question types, weighting, and scoring guidelines, so you and your students know what to expect on exam day.

Section I, Part A: Multiple Choice

55 Questions | 55 Minutes | 40% of Exam Score

  • Questions usually appear in sets of 3–4 questions.
  • Students analyze historical texts, interpretations, and evidence.
  • Primary and secondary sources, images, graphs, and maps are included.

Section I, Part B: Short Answer

3 Questions | 40 Minutes | 20% of Exam Score

  • Students analyze historians’ interpretations, historical sources, and propositions about history.
  • Questions provide opportunities for students to demonstrate what they know best.
  • Some questions include texts, images, graphs, or maps.
  • Question 1 is required, includes 1–2 secondary sources, and focuses on historical developments or processes between the years 1754 and 1980.
  • Question 2 is required, includes 1 primary source, and focuses on historical developments or processes between the years 1754 and 1980.
  • Students choose between Question 3 (which focuses on historical developments or processes between the years 1491 and 1877) and Question 4 (which focuses on historical developments or processes between the years 1865 and 2001) for the last question. No sources are included for either Question 3 or Question 4.

Section II: Document-Based Question and Long Essay

2 questions | 1 Hour, 40 minutes | 40% of Exam Score

Document-Based Question (DBQ)

Recommended Time: 1 Hour (includes 15-minute reading period) | 25% of Exam Score

  • Students are presented with 7 documents offering various perspectives on a historical development or process.
  • Students assess these written, quantitative, or visual materials as historical evidence.
  • Students develop an argument supported by an analysis of historical evidence.
  • The document-based question focuses on topics from 1754 to 1980.

Recommended time: 40 Minutes | 15% of Exam Score

  • Students explain and analyze significant issues in U.S. history.
  • The question choices focus on the same skills and the same reasoning process (e.g., comparison, causation, or continuity and change), but students choose from 3 options, each focusing on historical developments and processes from a different range of time periods—either 1491–1800 (option 1), 1800–1898 (option 2), or 1890–2001 (option 3).

Exam Questions and Scoring Information

Ap united states history exam questions and scoring information.

View free-response questions and scoring information from this year's exam and past exams.

Score Reporting

Ap score reports for educators.

Access your score reports.

AP U.S. History Practice Exams

Ap us history practice exams.

We have links to all of the online AP US History practice exams. Loads of free practice questions are available. Review the resources listed below to start your test prep now!

Official Practice Test

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The Ultimate Guide to the AP US History Exam

Advanced Placement (AP)


The AP US History exam involves critical reading, writing, and in-depth analysis. It's not just about memorizing names and dates, but rather interpreting historical evidence quickly and accurately, recalling outside information on a topic, and synthesizing your ideas into a coherent argument.

In this guide, we'll give you a rundown of the format and structure of the AP US History test along with a brief content outline, sample questions, and some tips for a great score .

How Is the AP US History Exam Structured?

The next AP US History test will be administered on Friday, May 5, 2023, at 8 AM . This AP exam is three hours and 15 minutes long and consists of two main sections, each of which is divided into a Part A and a Part B.

Before we get into the details of each part, here's an overview of the US History test as a whole:

1A Multiple Choice 55 55 mins 40%
1B Short Answer 3 (for third, choose 1 of 2 prompts) 40 mins 20%
2A Document-Based Question (DBQ) 1 60 mins (including a 15-min reading period) 25%
2B Long Essay 1 (choose 1 of 3 prompts) 40 mins 15%

Section 1, Part A: Multiple Choice

The first section on the test is the multiple-choice section, which is worth 40% of your score and lasts for 55 minutes. You'll get 55 questions, each with four possible answer choices (labeled A-D); this means that you'll have about a minute per question on this part of the exam.

Most US History multiple-choice questions come in sets of three to four questions that require you to respond to certain stimuli, or sources, such as historical texts, graphs, and maps.

Section 1, Part B: Short Answer

Part B of Section 1 on the US History test requires you to answer three short-answer questions in 40 minutes , giving you about 13 minutes per question. It's worth 20% of your overall score.

The first two questions are required, but you get to choose between question 3 and question 4 for your third short answer . Here's what you can expect with each question:

Prompt 1 1754-1980 1-2 secondary sources
Prompt 2 1754-1980 1 primary source
Prompt 3 1491-1877 No stimulus
Prompt 4 1865-2001 No stimulus

Section 2, Part A: Document-Based Question

The Document-Based Question, or DBQ , is worth 25% of your final score and requires you to write an essay based on a prompt that's accompanied by seven historical documents . You'll get a 15-minute reading period followed by 45 minutes to write your response.

The DBQ will focus on a historical development in the years 1754-1980.

Section 2, Part B: Long Essay

The final part of the AP US History test is the Long Essay, for which you must choose one of three possible prompts and write an essay on the topic. You'll have 40 minutes to write your response, which will count for 15% of your overall AP score.

To earn full credit here, you must develop a clear and logical argument and support it with relevant historical evidence (which won't be directly provided to you as it will be on the DBQ).

Each of the three essay prompts revolves around a different time period in US history:

  • Essay Prompt 1: 1491-1800
  • Essay Prompt 2: 1800-1898
  • Essay Prompt 3: 1890-2001

Content Background for the AP US History Exam

There are eight themes addressed in the AP US History course , and all of them show up in one form or another on the exam across the nine units, or time periods . Each represents a subset of learning objectives that students are expected to master. You can read more about these learning objectives in the AP US History Course and Exam Description .

Before I give you a broad overview of the eight themes, let's take a look at how the major units are weighted on the AP US History exam :

Unit 1: 1491-1607 4-6%
Unit 2: 1607-1754 6-8%
Unit 3: 1754-1800 10-17%
Unit 4: 1800-1848 10-17%
Unit 5: 1844-1877 10-17%
Unit 6: 1865-1898 10-17%
Unit 7: 1890-1945 10-17%
Unit 8: 1945-1980 10-17%
Unit 9: 1980-Present 4-6%

Below, we give you the definition of each course theme as described in the AP US History Course Description.

Theme 1: American and National Identity

Focuses on how and why definitions of American and national identity and values have developed among the diverse and changing population of North America as well as on related topics, such as citizenship, constitutionalism, foreign policy, assimilation, and American exceptionalism.

Theme 2: Work, Exchange, and Technology

Focuses on the factors behind the development of systems of economic exchange, particularly the role of technology, economic markets, and government.

Theme 3: Geography and the Environment

Focuses on the role of geography and both the natural and human-made environments in the social and political developments in what would become the United States.

Theme 4: Migration and Settlement

Focuses on why and how the various people who moved to and within the United States both adapted to and transformed their new social and physical environments.

Theme 5: Politics and Power

Focuses on how different social and political groups have influenced society and government in the United States as well as how political beliefs and institutions have changed over time.

Theme 6: America in the World

Focuses on the interactions between nations that affected North American history in the colonial period and on the influence of the United States on world affairs.

Theme 7: American and Regional Culture

Focuses on how and why national, regional, and group cultures developed and changed as well as how culture has shaped government policy and the economy.

Theme 8: Social Structures

Focuses on how and why systems of social organization develop and change as well as the impact that these systems have on the broader society.


Sample AP US History Questions

Now that you have a sense of the test content, I'll present you with sample questions to give you a better idea of what the AP US History exam actually looks like. All sample questions come from the official US History Course and Exam Description .

Sample Multiple-Choice Question

For multiple choice, you're given one or two pieces of historical evidence followed by a set of questions that ask you to do some analysis . The US History exam is less about knowing specific dates and names and more about being able to draw conclusions and connect themes based on materials provided by the test.


To answer this question, you don't even really need to know much about US history, as long as you pay attention to exactly what's written in the passage, or the secondary source you've been given. The passage here is mainly focused on the increase in commerce in New York as a result of the opening of the Erie Canal.

Answer choice A mentions commerce—that's a good sign—but specifically commerce with Native Americans, who are not mentioned at all in the passage, so this is unlikely to be the right answer.

Answer choice B discusses increased access to markets in the United States, which seems to echo what the passage says about commerce in New York. We'll hold onto this as a potential answer.

Answer choice C is all about the internal slave trade, which isn't mentioned at all in the secondary source, so we can assume this is wrong.

Answer choice D talks about agricultural production, which, again, isn't the focus of the passage—that's commerce. As a result, we can cross this off our list.

This means that the only logical answer to choose is answer choice B .

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Sample Short-Answer Question

The short-answer questions are technically considered part of the multiple-choice section because they're less involved than the essay questions. Alt hough they do have multiple parts, you don't have to come up with a thesis—one-sentence answers are OK. These questions are about succinctly connecting themes and reference materials to specific events or trends.

Here's an example:


This short-answer question is an example of question 1, which comes with two secondary sources. As you can see, you'll have to answer three separate parts (A, B, and C), each of which is worth 1 point ; this means you can earn up to 3 points for each short-answer question.

Here's how you could earn full credit for this sample question, per the official scoring guidelines .

(A) Sample Answers

  • Peiss argues that pursuits of entertainment in dance halls by working class women created new, legitimate social spaces for women, however Enstand argues that working women's participation in labor politics gave them a new voice and place in the public sphere.
  • Peiss links the growth of women in public social life to a commercial culture that provided opportunities for women to enter the public sphere while Enstand argues that women became political actors who demanded a public voice.

(B) Sample Answers

  • Like the dance halls, department stores and amusement parks became aspects of the commercial culture that represented new opportunities for women to enjoy public places as legitimate participants.
  • The concept of the New Woman became a cultural phenomenon, as the older idea of separate spheres diminished. The idea of the New Woman supported a more public role for women in the early 1900s.
  • The growth of cities and urban America gave young women more opportunities to leave rural America and participate in the developments described by Peiss.
  • New technologies such as electric lighting made possible new public spaces for personal freedom for women.

(C) Sample Answers

  • Women's participation in the suffrage movement, settlement house work, temperance organizing, and the Progressive movement all contributed to modern attitudes about women and increased their roles in the public sphere.
  • The ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution gave women the vote and a voice in politics.
  • Women were the main participants in the New York shirtwaist strike of 1909. During this strike women made public demands like those described by Enstad.
  • Women organized or participated in labor unions such as the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU) which is an example of their growing voice in the public sphere.
  • Working-class women had key public roles in the successful Lawrence (Massachusetts) textile strike of 1912, this demonstrates that women became active political voices through labor movements.


Sample Document-Based Question

With the DBQ , you'll have seven different historical documents to examine . To earn full credit, you must use at least six documents as evidence in your answer. These documents range from transcripts of folk songs, to excerpts from letters and newspapers, to demographic maps.

Here's an example of a DBQ (with one document shown):


There are several components of a solid response to this question. The DBQ is worth a total of 7 raw points . Here's how you could earn full credit, according to the scoring guidelines .

Thesis/Claim (0-1 points) The response must provide a historically defensible thesis or claim about the causes of the expanding role of the United States in the world in the period from 1865 to 1910; the thesis or claim must either provide some indication of the reasoning for making that claim OR by establishing analytic categories of the argument
Contextualization (0-1 points) Must accurately describe a context relevant to the expanding role of the United States in the world in the period from 1865 to 1910
Evidence (0-3 points)

Support an argument in response to the prompt by accurately using the content of at least six documents; the six documents do not have to be used in support of a single argument, but they can be used across sub-arguments or to address counterarguments

Must use at least one specific piece of historical evidence relevant to an argument about the expanding role of the United States in the world in the period from 1865 to 1910

Analysis and Reasoning(0-2 points)

Must explain how or why—rather than simply identifying—the document's point of view, purpose, historical situation, or audience is relevant to an argument that addresses the prompt for each of the three documents sourced

Must demonstrate a complex understanding, such as by explaining nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables, or by explaining relevant and insightful connections within and across periods, among others

Sample Long Essay Question

For the Long Essay, you must choose between three prompts . Here's an example of a potential prompt:


Your essay should include many of the same elements as your answer to the DBQ, but there are no documents to analyze and reference , so you'll have less time to write. The essay is worth 6 raw points .

Here's how you could earn full credit for the sample question above, per the scoring guidelines .

Thesis/Claim (0-1 points) The response must provide a historically defensible thesis or claim about how the ratification of the United States Constitution fostered change in the function of the federal government in the period from 1776 to 1800; the thesis or claim must either provide some indication of the reasoning for making that claim OR by establishing analytic categories of the argument
Contextualization (0-1 points) Must accurately describe a context relevant to the ways in which the ratification of the United States Constitution fostered change in the function of the federal government in the period from 1776 to 1800
Evidence (0-2 points) Must use at least two specific historical evidence examples to support an argument regarding how the ratification of the United States Constitution fostered change in the function of the federal government in the period from 1776 to 1800
Analysis and Reasoning (0-2 points) Must demonstrate a complex understanding, such as by explaining nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables, or by explaining relevant and insightful connections within and across periods, among others Assessing both Federalist arguments in favor of the Constitution and Anti Federalist arguments against it


How Is the AP US History Exam Scored?

Here, we'll go over how each section on the AP US History exam is scored, scaled, and combined to give you your final AP score on the 1-5 scale .

On the multiple-choice section, you earn 1 raw point for each question you answer correctly; this means that the max score you can earn here is 55 points. No points are taken off for incorrect answers.

Each of the three short-answer questions is worth 3 points, so there are 9 points possible in this section.

The DBQ is scored out of 7 points and is based on the following criteria, per the scoring guide :

  • Thesis/claim: 1 point
  • Contextualization: 1 point
  • Evidence from the documents: 2 points
  • Evidence beyond the documents: 1 point
  • Sourcing: 1 point
  • Complexity: 1 point

Lastly, the Long Essay is out of 6 raw points and is scored using the following criteria:

  • Evidence: 2 points
  • Analysis and reasoning: 2 points

On essay questions, points are taken off for errors only if they detract from the quality of the argument being made (in other words, don't go making up historical facts to support your argument). Grammatical and other technical errors aren't a big deal as long as they don't inhibit the grader's ability to understand what your essay is saying.

The total number of raw points you can earn on the AP US History test is 77:

  • 55 points for the Multiple Choice questions
  • 9 points for the Short Answer questions
  • 7 points for the DBQ
  • 6 points for the Long Essay

Raw scores can be converted to scaled scores out of 150 . Here's how to do that for each section:

  • Multiple Choice: Multiply your raw multiple-choice section score out of 55 by 1.09
  • Short Answer: Multiply your raw short-answer score out of 9 by 3.33
  • DBQ: Multiply your raw DBQ score out of 7 by 5.36
  • Long Essay: Multiply your raw Long Essay score out of 6 by 3.75

Finally, add all the scores together to get your final scaled AP score for US History! Here is a chart to show you approximately how these scaled scores translate to final AP scores:

115-150 5 10.8%
90-114 4 15.6%
65-89 3 21.9%
44-64 2 23.0%
0-43 1 28.8%

Source: The College Board

I made my best estimates based on other AP score conversion charts because there was no official scaled-to-AP-score conversion chart online for US History. Your AP teacher or review book might have a more accurate score conversion system you can use for official practice tests.

4 Essential Tips for Acing the AP US History Exam

AP US History is a grueling test that requires intense critical thinking and analytical skills. Here are some helpful tips to remember if you hope to do well on test day.

#1: Don't Confuse Accurate Facts for Correct Answers

Many multiple-choice questions will list answers that are accurate representations of historical events or trends but that don't directly respond to the question being asked . Be wary of these answers on the test so you don't accidentally choose them over more relevant responses.

In the multiple-choice question I gave above as an example, one incorrect choice was "The growth in the internal slave trade." At the time referenced in the question, this was a real trend that occurred, but because it doesn't relate directly to the passage given, it's still the wrong answer .

Don't let these types of answer choices confuse you; adhere to the particulars of the question and the evidence presented to you!

#2: Pay Attention to Details—Read Excerpts Carefully

Most of this AP exam is based on historical reference materials, meaning that you won't be able to answer questions correctly without reading carefully. Even if you know everything there is to know about US History, that knowledge will mostly just serve to contextualize the evidence presented on the test. The specific details found in the writings and images will ultimately reveal the best answer choice.

#3: Plan Before You Write

It's critical to write well-organized, focused essays on the AP US History test. A clear thesis is the first thing on the agenda. You then need to make sure that the rest of your essay ties back into your thesis and provides relevant evidence throughout. If you jump into writing an essay without taking the time to organize your thoughts, you're more likely to ramble or get off-topic from the main focus of the question.

For the DBQ, you should spend 15 of the 60 minutes planning how to organize your thoughts and how to use the different documents as evidence. While you will have less time for the Long Essay, you should still spend five minutes or so writing a brief outline before starting your final draft.

#4: Use Outside Evidence Wisely

It's a smart idea to incorporate additional background knowledge into your DBQ and Long Essay responses on the AP US History test. It shows that you've mastered the material and can connect themes to what you learned in class and not just what was presented to you in the question.

That said, don't include outside knowledge unless it really bolsters your argument . If you're just sticking it in there to prove how much you know, your essay will lack focus and you might lose points.

This is why it's so important to plan ahead. In the planning stage, you can think of examples that tie into your thesis and strategically place them throughout your essay in ways that contribute to your point.


Conclusion: Getting a Great Score on the AP US History Exam

The AP US History exam is one of the longer AP tests, and it has four different types of questions: Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Document-Based Question (DBQ), and Long Essay.

The main thread running through this test is an emphasis on analyzing historical evidence and applying outside knowledge in context. In your studying, you will need to learn to connect the themes of the course to events spanning 500 years of US history.

Here are some study tips to heed as you prep for the AP US History test:

  • Don't mistake accurate facts for correct answers
  • Always read excerpts carefully
  • Plan before writing your essays
  • Use outside evidence strategically

Make sure that you practice all the different types of exam questions with official materials before you sit down to take the real test . If you get used to thinking about history in an analytical, evidence-based context, you should have no problem earning a high US History score!

What's Next?

Looking for more practice materials? Check out our article on the best online quizzes you can take to prepare for the AP US History test !

Review books can be extremely helpful tools in preparing for AP exams. If you can't decide which one to get, take a look at this list of the best review books for the AP US History test .

Did you lose some of your notes? Feel free to use these links to AP US History notes for every section of the course .

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Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar.

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American history since 1865.

For Essay #2 you will choose from one of three essay prompts, each of which addresses major themes and questions from the period between the 1870s and 1930. The prompts are below - please choose only one, and respond to it as clearly and comprehensively as possible.

In his book, The Incorporation of America , historian Alan Trachtenberg argues that “the meaning of America” became “the focus of controversy and struggle” during the final decades of the nineteenth century. 1 Drawing on course lectures and readings, craft an argument that responds to Trachtenberg’s claim and its applicability to the period between 1870 and 1930. Questions to consider in your essay include: How did different groups understand the meaning of “America”? What historical contexts led to controversy and struggle? Did one particular vision for the meaning of “America” win out over others?

Between 1870 and 1930, many communities of color - former slaves, Chinese immigrants, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, among others - found their lives disrupted and transformed by both government policy and changing understandings of ethnic and racial difference in America. Drawing on course lectures and readings, craft an argument about how American ideas about race and ethnicity changed during the period in question. What historical contexts shaped government policies like conquest, exclusion, and assimilation? How did communities of color respond to these policies and transformations?

The image on the front cover of our course syllabus is one of several panels from the mural “America Today,” painted between 1930 and 1931 by the American artist Thomas Hart Benton. The rest of the panels from the mural can be viewed here . In your essay, place 2–3 of these panels in historical context. How do these paintings reflect key themes and questions from American life at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth? In crafting an argument about the paintings, be sure to place them in conversation with lectures and assigned readings from the course. Avoid statements about artist intent, and focus instead on historical context and what the paintings reflect and reveal from the period in question.

Essay Guidelines

Essays should present an original argument that clearly responds to one of the above prompts. This argument should be unique (of your own making) and should reflect careful engagement with course materials. It should also be clearly expressed and organized, so a reader would have no problem understanding both the overall argument and its progression through your essay. In crafting your argument, you should draw on lectures, discussions, and assigned readings.

Evidence in support of your argument should be drawn entirely from readings assigned in class. This includes recitation handouts and materials from lecture. All essays, regardless of which prompt they respond to, must engage (and cite) a minimum of five assigned readings. At least three of those must be primary source documents.

Essays should be approximately 1250 words in length (please include a word count at the end of your essay), double-spaced, and written in a 12 point font. They should include page numbers, properly formatted footnotes with accurate citations, and a title that reflects the paper’s argument. All sources should be cited using the Chicago Manual of Style (see the Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide ).

Essays will be evaluated according to:

  • The quality of the analysis and argument presented
  • The strength of the evidence marshaled in support of that argument
  • The quality of written expression (this includes style, grammar, and proper citation)

Essay #2 is due during Lecture 13.

1 Alan Trachtenberg, The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society in the Gilded Age (New York: Hill and Wand, 1982), 7.


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american history essay questions

American Revolution

American revolution essay questions, colonial america.

1. Investigate and discuss three British attempts to settle in North America in the 16th and early 17th centuries. What challenges did these early settlements encounter?

2. What was the political legacy of the Jamestown settlement and the Mayflower Pilgrims? What ideas did these groups have about politics and government?

3. Explain how British governments encouraged or supported exploration and colonial settlement in North America.

4. Compare and contrast the three colonial regions: New England, the Middle Colonies and the Southern Colonies. How were their societies and economies similar and different?

5. Explain the role of religion in the development of colonial society between the early 1600s and the American Revolution.

6. Colonial American society is sometimes wrongly presented as a mirror of British society. Discuss how life in colonial America was different to life in Britain.

7. Examine the nature of class and power in colonial American society. Which people or groups wielded power and how?

8. Describe everyday life in colonial America. Provide some comparisons between life in large cities, rural settlements and frontier regions.

9. How and why was slavery integrated into colonial American society and economics by the mid 1700s?

10. How were Native American tribes and peoples affected by the settlement of British America between the early 1600s and the mid 1700s?

Catalysts for change

1. Investigate the political participation of colonial Americans before the revolution. To what extent were ordinary people involved in local and provincial government and decision making?

2. Explain how distance shaped the relationship between Great Britain and her American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries.

3. Referring to specific examples, explain why colonial assemblies sometimes came into dispute or conflict with their royal governors. How were these disputes usually resolved?

4. What was meant by the term ‘salutary neglect’? Explain how this policy worked in real terms, both for Britain and the Americans.

5. The French and Indian War is sometimes described as “a war for control of America”. To what extent was this true? What were the outcomes of this conflict?

6. What was the purpose of the British Royal Proclamation of 1763? Which American colonists were affected by this measure and how did they respond?

7. The British parliament passed two Currency Acts in 1751 and 1764. What restrictions did these acts place on the colonies and who was most affected?

8. “Smuggling” is often cited as a source of tension between Britain and colonial Americans. Define smuggling, explain who engaged in it and discuss how prevalent it was prior to 1764.

9. What are writs of assistance? Referring to specific examples, why did they generate revolutionary sentiment in colonial America?

10. The Sugar Act of 1764 lowered British customs duties on sugar and molasses. Why did it cause unrest among American colonists, particularly the merchant class?

The Stamp Act crisis

1. Focusing on the British government and the problems it faced in 1764, explained why its ministers considered introducing a stamp tax in colonial America.

2. Explain the purpose of a colonial stamp tax, how it would be implemented and which people or groups it would affect.

3. Research and discuss the role of Benjamin Franklin, during the formulation and passing of the Stamp Act.

4. Discuss the opposition to the Stamp Act in Boston in 1765. Which people and groups resisted the Stamp Act? What methods did they use to achieve this?

5. Locate three primary sources, British or American, that contain protests or criticisms of the Stamp Act. Extract and discuss the arguments they use.

6. Discuss attitudes to the Stamp Act within Britain. To what extent was the legislation supported there?

7. Locate three visual sources that contain protests or criticisms of the Stamp Act. Discuss the content of these sources and explain how they use ideas, symbols and tone to encourage opposition to the Stamp Act.

8. Referring to three specific incidents, explain how American colonists used intimidation or violence to protest against the Stamp Act.

9. What are the differences between ‘actual representation’ and ‘virtual representation’? Why did these differences become crucial in the unfolding revolution?

10. Explain why the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766 and the implications this had for relations between Britain and her American colonies.

Townshend duties to the Tea Party

1. Discuss the purposes and content of the Revenue Acts or ‘Townshend duties’ of 1764. What commodities were affected by these duties?

2. How did the American colonists mobilise to resist the Townshend duties? Which groups or classes became involved in this campaign?

3. Summarise the ideas and objections to British policies expressed in John Dickinson’s Letters from a Farmer (1767-68).

4. What ideas were contained in the Massachusetts Circular Letter, written by Samuel Adams in early 1768? What were the consequences of this letter for Anglo-American relations?

5. Referring to specific people or sources, explain colonial objections to the presence of standing armies in American cities.

6. What was the background to the Boston Massacre? Why did violence erupt between Bostonians and British soldiers in March 1770?

7. Using primary and secondary evidence, explain who was more responsible for the Boston Massacre: the Boston mob or the British soldiers?

8. How did Samuel Adams and the Committees of Correspondence contribute to the American Revolution between March 1770 and December 1773?

9. Explain the purpose of the Tea Act of 1773. Which Americans were most affected by this act and how did they respond?

10. Was the Boston Tea Party a protest against British taxation, British trade regulations, or something else?

Coercive Acts to independence

1. Describe the punitive measures implemented in the Coercive Acts. Why did the Americans consider these acts ‘intolerable’?

2. How did the appointment of General Thomas Gage as governor of Massachusetts contribute to a revolutionary situation there?

3. Though not one of the Coercive Acts, the Quebec Act (1774) also generated opposition in America. What were the terms of this act and why did the Americans oppose it?

4. Discuss the content of the Fairfax Resolves and Suffolk Resolves of 1774. What impact did these local resolutions have on the broader revolution?

5. What decisions or resolutions were made by the first Continental Congress in 1774? How did they shape the course of the revolution?

6. What attempts were made to reconcile the American colonies with Great Britain between mid 1774 and July 1776? Which people or groups favoured reconciliation?

7. Referring to specific people, groups and places, explain how the American colonies mobilised for war between mid 1774 and April 1775.

8. What ideas and arguments were advanced in Thomas Paine’s 1776 essay Common Sense ? Discuss the impact of this document.

9. Describe the push for independence within the second Continental Congress. Which groups and people lobbied for a break with Britain?

10. Referring to specific phrases or passages, describe how the Declaration of Independence expressed or reflected Enlightenment values and ideas.

The Revolutionary War

1. In its first months the Continental Army was notorious for its lack of military organisation and poor discipline. How did George Washington and others turn the Continental Army into an effective military force?

2. How did American leaders convince ordinary people to enlist in the Continental Army or state militias and fight in the Revolutionary War?

3. Referring to primary and secondary sources, explain the challenges and problems faced by an ordinary footsoldier in the Continental Army.

4. What occurred at Trenton, New Jersey in late December 1776? Why is this seemingly minor event considered a turning point in the Revolutionary War?

5. Referring to at least two other nations, explain how the American revolutionaries sought the support of foreign nations during the Revolutionary War.

6. Evaluate the importance of the French alliance and support to America’s victory in the Revolutionary War.

7. How successful were the Continental Congress and state governments at supplying the war effort? What obstacles and difficulties did they face?

8. What was the Newburgh conspiracy and why did it threaten government in the new society?

9. What were Britain’s military objectives during the Revolutionary War? Why were British commanders unable to carry out and fulfill these objectives?

10. Investigate attitudes to the American Revolutionary War back in Britain. Did these attitudes change over time and did they have an effect on government policy?

Creating a new nation and society

1. Describe the national government created by the Articles of Confederation in 1781. What were the advantages and disadvantages of this form of government?

2. Why did the new United States find itself in an economic depression during the 1780s? Consider both internal and external factors.

3. How did the new United States government address the challenge of its newly acquired territories west of the Appalachians?

4. Outline the causes of unrest among Massachusetts farmers in 1786. What were their grievances and what action did they take to resolve them?

5. Explain and discuss at least three compromises that were reached during the drafting of the United States Constitution in 1787.

6. How was the issue of slavery addressed – or not addressed – in the United States Constitution?

7. Identify differences between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists in 1787-88. How did their visions for the new United States differ?

8. Focusing on three specific people, discuss the anti-Federalists and their main objections to the proposed Constitution.

9. How did the Federalist movement contribute to the successful ratification of the Constitution in 1787-88?

10. Describe the process that led to the passing of the Bill of Rights. Why was it considered necessary to incorporate these rights into the Constitution?

Evaluating the revolution

1. To what extent was the American Revolution complete by 1789? Did the revolution leave any ‘unfinished business’ or unresolved problems?

2. Why did the American Revolution lack the violence and high death tolls of more recent revolutions?

3. John Adams famously described Americans as being one third in favour of the revolution, one third against it and one third indifferent. How accurate is this claim? How many Americans supported and opposed the revolution, and did this change over time?

4. The United States political system created in 1789 is often depicted as radically different from the British political system. Was this really the case? What British structures or concepts were reflected in American systems of government?

5. Some historians have referred to the United States Constitution as a ‘counter-revolution’. What is the basis for this claim?

6. Describe the global legacy of the American Revolution. How have the political ideology and values of the revolution influenced other governments and societies?

7. To what extent did the American Revolution transform American society?

8. Research and discuss the involvement of Native Americans and African-Americans in the American Revolution.

9. Women participated in the American Revolution as homemakers, protestors or supporters of the army. To what extent did the revolution change or improve the lives of women?

10. How has folklore and myth shaped or distorted our view of the American Revolution? What are the origins of these myths?

Information and resources on this page are © Alpha History 2018-23. Content on this page may not be copied, republished or redistributed without the express permission of Alpha History. For more information please refer to our Terms of Use .

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Navigating Historical Debates: History Argumentative Essay Topics


Dipping your toes into the vast ocean of history is an adventure. Each dive deep into its depths brings a new perspective, a fresh understanding, or a challenging contradiction. As a student of history, you don’t just learn about the past; you argue, debate, and discuss it. That’s where “history argumentative essay topics” come in, giving you the perfect platform to exhibit your persuasive skills while furthering your historical understanding.

Table of content

The Importance of Studying History

History isn’t just a record of ancient days; it’s a vibrant tapestry woven with countless threads, each representing a story, an era, a civilization, or an individual. Understanding history empowers us to make sense of our present, forecast future patterns, and appreciate humanity’s collective journey. Delving into argumentative essays adds depth to this exploration, honing your critical thinking, research understanding, and writing prowess.

The Art of Writing an Argumentative History Essay

In a history argumentative essay, your task goes beyond presenting facts. It would help to form an opinion, defend it with strong evidence, and persuade your reader to view history through your lens. Such essays often explore controversial issues, diverse interpretations, or underrepresented perspectives, making them thrilling.

Remember, an effective argumentative essay balances rigor with creativity. Your arguments should be based on solid research, but your writing style should maintain the reader’s interest. Short sentences, active voice, and transitional words will help ensure your essay is clear, concise, and captivating.

History Argumentative Essay Topics: Your Guide to an Engaging Argument

Picking the right history argumentative essay topics is crucial. Your topic should spark your curiosity, offer ample sources for research, and pose a challenge that motivates you to explore, argue, and persuade. The past is brimming with potential argumentative essay topics, from historical events and famous figures to social movements and cultural trends.

Here are a collection of history argumentative essay topics spanning different eras, regions, and themes to get you started. Use them as they are, or let them inspire you to develop your own.

  • The Crusades: Religious Devotion or Political Expediency?
  • Was the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Justifiable?
  • The Impact of Colonialism: Development or Exploitation?
  • The Role of Women in World War II: Homefront or Battlefield?
  • The American Civil War: Slavery or States’ Rights?
  • The French Revolution: Fight for Liberty or Reign of Terror?
  • The Renaissance: A Cultural Rebirth or a Period of Conflict?
  • Martin Luther King Jr. vs. Malcolm X: Who Had a Greater Impact on the Civil Rights Movement?
  • The Age of Exploration: Discovery or Destruction?
  • The Industrial Revolution: Progress or Plight?
  • The Fall of the Roman Empire: Invaders or Internal Decay?
  • Was the Cold War Inevitable Post-World War II?
  • Christopher Columbus: Hero or Villain?
  • The Impact of the Protestant Reformation: Unity or Division?
  • The Age of Imperialism: Prosperity or Oppression?
  • The Vietnam War: A Necessary Stand or a Futile Endeavor?
  • The American Revolution: Liberty or Economic Motives?
  • The Russian Revolution: People’s Uprising or Bolshevik Coup?
  • The Enlightenment: Philosophical Breakthrough or Social Disruption?
  • The Emancipation Proclamation: Sincere or Strategic?
  • The Role of Propaganda in Nazi Germany
  • Was Alexander the Great Really Great?
  • The Partition of India: Religious Freedom or Colonial Divide-and-Rule?
  • Did the Suffragette Movement Achieve Its Goals?
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: Near-Apocalypse or Diplomatic Triumph?
  • The Influence of the Printing Press: Information Revolution or Religious Turmoil?
  • The Crusades: A Pathway to Enlightenment or a Dark Age Misstep?
  • The Atomic Age: A New Era or a Dangerous Precedent?
  • The Impact of the Ming Dynasty on China’s Global Presence
  • The American Westward Expansion: Manifest Destiny or Brutal Displacement?
  • The British Raj in India: Beneficial or Destructive?
  • The War of 1812: Forgotten War or Critical Conflict?
  • The Cultural Revolution in China: Necessary Purge or Disastrous Policy?
  • Slavery: The True Cause of the American Civil War?
  • The Role of Espionage in the Cold War
  • The Contributions of Nikola Tesla: Overlooked or Overrated?
  • The Great Depression: Natural Economic Cycle or Result of Poor Policy?
  • Was the League of Nations Doomed to Fail?
  • The Impact of Napoleon’s Reign on Europe
  • The Salem Witch Trials: Mass Hysteria or Religious Extremism?
  • The Influence of the Ottoman Empire on Modern Middle East
  • Did the Treaty of Versailles Cause World War II?
  • The Role of the Catholic Church in Medieval Europe
  • Manifest Destiny: Expansionism or Cultural Imperialism?
  • The Impact of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire
  • The Spanish Inquisition: Religious Persecution or Political Power Play?
  • The Influence of the Harlem Renaissance on African American Culture
  • The Ethics of Using Atomic Bombs in WWII
  • The Role of Britain in the Creation of Israel
  • The Egyptian Revolution of 2011: A Springboard for Democracy?
  • The Effect of the Gold Rush on California’s Development
  • The Role of Social Media in the Arab Spring
  • The Implications of the Scramble for Africa
  • The Battle of Stalingrad: Turning Point in World War II?
  • The Meiji Restoration: Western Influence or Japanese Initiative?
  • The Role of Women in the French Revolution
  • The Impact of the Black Death on European Society
  • The Effect of the Viking Raids on European History
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall: Inevitable or Surprising?
  • The Contributions of the Ancient Greeks to Modern Society
  • The Influence of the Catholic Church on the European Age of Discovery
  • The Impact of Gunpowder on Medieval Warfare
  • The Influence of the Spanish Civil War on WWII
  • The Causes and Consequences of the Thirty Years’ War
  • The Role of the Railroad in the Expansion of the United States
  • The Significance of the Magna Carta in the Modern Legal System
  • The Impact of the Silk Road on the Exchange of Cultures
  • The Role of the Mafia in Prohibition
  • The Effect of Charlemagne’s Reign on Europe
  • The Implications of the Columbian Exchange
  • The Influence of the Persian Empire on the Modern Middle East
  • The Impact of Marco Polo’s Travels on Europe
  • The Effect of the French Revolution on European Politics
  • The Influence of the Great Schism on Christianity
  • The Impact of the Space Race on the Cold War
  • The Legacy of the Aztec Empire
  • The Effect of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on Africa
  • The Role of the Knights Templar in the Crusades
  • The Influence of Gutenberg’s Printing Press on the Reformation
  • The Impact of the Han Dynasty on China
  • The Causes and Effects of the Boxer Rebellion
  • The Significance of the Pax Romana
  • The Influence of Confucianism on East Asian Cultures
  • The Impact of the Opium Wars on China
  • The Role of the French Foreign Legion in Colonial France
  • The Effect of the Suez Crisis on the Middle East
  • The Influence of the Renaissance on Modern Art
  • The Impact of the Zulu Nation on South Africa
  • The Causes and Consequences of the Irish Potato Famine
  • The Role of the Samurai in Feudal Japan
  • The Effect of the Hundred Years’ War on England and France
  • The Influence of the Roman Republic on Modern Democracies
  • The Impact of the US Constitution on the French Revolution
  • The Role of the Huns in the Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The Causes and Effects of the Haitian Revolution
  • The Influence of the Enlightenment on the US Constitution
  • The Impact of the Homestead Act on the American West
  • The Effect of the Plague of Justinian on the Byzantine Empire
  • The Role of the Medici Family in the Italian Renaissance

Remember, the goal is not just to recount history but to form an argument and defend it persuasively. Use reliable sources like scholarly articles, credible news outlets, and respected history websites for your research ( History.com , JSTOR , Fordham University’s Internet History Sourcebooks Project , etc.).

Conclusion: Your Historical Argument Awaits

Choosing from these argumentative history essay topics is just the beginning. You can turn your chosen topic into a compelling essay with thorough research, careful planning, and passionate writing. As you debate the past, you’re not just learning history but contributing to its discussion. Let these argumentative essay topics be your first step toward a thrilling historical discourse.

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Cofer describes the residences in Elena’s Paterson community very carefully while giving rather spare descriptions of characters’ physical appearances. Why do you think she does this?

What does Elena’s mother mean when she warns Elena that she is “heading for humiliation and pain” (26)?

Elena and Eugene’s fathers never speak in the story. Why do you think Cofer relegates these characters to the background?

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439 History Argumentative Essay Topics to Get an A [Writing Tips Included]

Who hasn’t been puzzled when it comes to choosing historical argument topics?

It is hard to memorize all the information given in a class. Undoubtedly, all historical issues can be developed into excellent history essay topics. The question to resolve is how to discover your case.

You can find 300+ unique world history argumentative essay topics in our article, as well as some essay writing tips. If our topics are not enough for you, use our instant and completely free research title generator .

  • 🚧 History Essay Challenges
  • 📜 Top 15 Topics
  • ✊ Revolution Topics
  • 🗺️ Regional Topics
  • 🤴 Key Figures Topics
  • 🏳️‍🌈 Key Movements
  • 📿 Topics on Traditions
  • 👁️‍ Topics on Mysteries
  • 📝 Historical Topics – 2024

📢 History Persuasive Essay Topics

  • 👉 Choosing a Topic
  • ♟️ Writing Strategies

🚧 History Essay Topics Main Challenges

History shapes our present. To study the rules of our modern world and society, we need to research historical argument topics. They can show us which conflicts led to a better future and which destroyed our civilization.

History assignments for high school students contain many pitfalls. The five most critical of them are listed below.

  • Avoid thinking that any event was inevitable. First, we rarely dispose of a complete picture of a historical period. Second, some events are Force-Majeure and unpredictable. However, human choices matter. Focus on what could have been changed and which lessons we could learn from the alternative result.
  • Listing events is pointless. It can be read in any chronicle. Instead, your purpose is to analyze them. An untrivial perspective is what makes your essay a good one.
  • People often change their opinions. Historical figures also did. Try not to perceive their beliefs as a consistent and invariable set of ideas. Explore how they reached their wisdom or why they made errors.
  • Not all events are relevant to your history essay question . Make a list of the significant events and personalities that refer to your topic. Cross out all that can be omitted. Then add minor events related to those that left. It is what you should write about.
  • Avoid vague words. Great, prominent, positive, or negative are obscure words that make your writing limited and unilateral. Most personalities and events were multifaceted. Work in this direction.

List of do's and don'ts of history essay.

📜 Top 15 History Argumentative Essay Topics

History is full of mystery, riddles, and conflicting points. Writing a history paper will undoubtedly be fun if you choose an exciting history essay topic. Meet our list of the most provocative history questions.

  • How could The 1896 Anglo-Zanzibar last only 38 minutes?
  • Did Arab people invent the Arab numerals or Hindus?
  • Hitler as the man of the year in 1938, according to Time magazine.
  • The average life expectancy of peasants In the Middle Ages was about 25 years.
  • Why were Roman soldiers using baths as rehabilitation centers?
  • What was the importance of the Battle of Stalingrad?
  • The wars with the most considerable losses took place in China.
  • In 400 BC, Sparta had only 25,000 inhabitants but over 500,000 slaves.
  • Out of the last 3500 years, how many years were peaceful?
  • How important is tea time for British people?
  • In the middle of the 20th century, the whole British royal court got sick because of improperly cooked potatoes.
  • Compare the number of Soviet soldiers who died in World War II and the number of American ones.
  • Has any part of the Roman Empire existed 1000 years after the Fall of Rome?
  • Were the Egyptian pyramids actually constructed using slaves’ labor?
  • Did Leonardo Da Vinci have dyslexia?

⚔️ History Essay Topics on War

“There never was a good war or a bad peace,” — wrote Benjamin Franklin in one of his letters. Did we learn what peace is, after all? Discussion and analysis of armed conflicts that humanity has faced throughout its existence are still massive jobs researchers do. Below, you can find excellent topics on war and peace.

Detailed categorization to help you write a good essay about war!

  • How did the Second World War change family traditions? It lasted for six years, and families learned how to survive without a father. What were the psychological implications for mothers, children, and returning soldiers?
  • Food packages for long-term storage quickly developed during both World Wars . Explore which products changed the most. How did their modified form affect the cuisine and rations?
  • WWII spurred the creation of new professions . Find out which jobs appeared during this period. How were they linked to warfare? Did they change after the termination of the war?
  • Many scientific advances came to our understanding through dubious ways. The research and experiments of Nazi Germany on humans led to a breakthrough in medicine, anthropology, genetics, psychology, etc. Is it moral to use their findings for peaceful purposes?
  • Soldiers spread the Spanish Flu during WWI. It killed more people than died in military actions. Did it influence the outcome of the war? Analyze how the pandemic might have unfolded if it had happened in a time of peace.

1918 influenza pandemic killed 3% to 6% of the global population.

  • Explain how trench warfare slowed the military actions in WWI. What were the common diseases in trenches, and how did they affect the conflict? The Germans dug trenches not to lose any more ground.
  • American Women in History of World War II.
  • To which extent was Hitler not responsible for the Second World War? He was obviously the one to blame for the many atrocities of the Nazis. Still, which circumstances were out of his control and led to the war?
  • Japanese American Life During and after the World War II.
  • Compare the economic conditions in which Britain entered WWI and WWII.
  • The Treaty of Versailles in World War II History .
  • What was the military potential of Russia in WWI?
  • World War II People in “Hitler’s Army.”
  • Is it correct to say that the results of WWI caused WWII?
  • Minority Civil Rights in the US after the WWII.
  • Was Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria so influential that his death caused the outbreak of WWI?
  • What Was the Second World War Impact on the USSR?
  • The Russian population scarcely supported the Bolsheviks. What helped them to seize power during the October Revolution? The provisional government was occupied by the war. The Red Army followed the same interests, and Vladimir Lenin led the entire group.
  • Francisco Franco was the dictator of Spain from 1939 till 1975, when he died. How did the Spanish Civil War bring him to power? Why did Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy help him?
  • The monarchy in Uganda was abolished in 1967. Several years later, from 1971 to 1986, the country was torn apart by the Civil War . What were the causes of this dark period, and how did it end? Is Uganda peaceful now?
  • Describe the role of climate in the collision between the North and South in the US. Did long agricultural seasons make the South depend on fieldwork? Was the traditional use of slavery a way to get rich?
  • The polarized opinions of the left and right political forces caused the Greek Civil War. Based on the history of this conflict and the thematic in-country clashes of other countries, analyze the eternal and unending struggle between the left and right ideologies.
  • The American Civil War Outbreak and the Role of the Federal Government.
  • The English Civil War (1642 – 1651) was about ruling England, Scotland, and Ireland. What were the variants, and which one do you support?
  • Short- and Long-term Causes of the Civil War .
  • Describe the differences between the free Northern States and the slave Southern states during the American Civil War.
  • The Economics of the Civil War.
  • How did the Second Civil War in Sudan entail the creation of South Sudan through the referendum of 2011 ?
  • The Motives of Individual Soldiers Who Fought in the Civil War .
  • Why was Pugachev’s Rebellion (1773 – 1775) in Russia defeated?
  • Post-Civil War Political, Economic, Social Changes.
  • Austrian Civil War: The shortest possible conflict (12-16 February 1934).
  • Petersburg in the Civil War: History Issues.

Intercountry Wars

The image depicts the main reasons of international conflicts.

  • Analyze the possible reasons for an international conflict and how they can be regulated through warfare. List the ideas that motivated people to get into a war. This essay will illustrate the debatable history of wars.
  • Describe the relationship between the emergence of nuclear weapons and the Cold War. Why was America afraid of the Soviet Union and communism?
  • Why was the Spanish-American War one of the cheapest conflicts in history? It lasted for only several months and did not take many lives, as other military actions did. What secured its swift completion?
  • What Were the Major Diplomacy Steps of J.F. Kennedy in Cuba During the Cold War?
  • Why did Canada play a peacekeeper role at the beginning of the Cold War?
  • The Seven Years War and its Impact on the First British Empire.
  • How did the history of the Palestinians impact the Arab-Israeli conflict?
  • Outline the reasons for the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.
  • The Vietnam War’s Impact on the United States.
  • Describe the collaboration between the American and Australian troops in the Vietnam War.
  • United States Role in the Korean War: History Analysis.
  • How did the Soviet Union and US intervention cause Afghanistan’s War on Terror?

Religious Wars

  • Why did the Huguenots fail in the French Religious Wars (1562 – 1598)? They could not rely on settlements that supported them. Thus, they were less autonomous than the Catholics.
  • How did the Thirty Years’ War change the geopolitical image of Europe? Why was it transformed into a group of independent states with equal rights? The most important consequence of the war was the creation of the modern notion of national borders.
  • Describe the relationship between the Second Great Awakening and the abolishment of slavery in the US. It also entailed several philanthropic reforms and women’s emancipation. Why did the movement inspire a new vision on slavery and encourage questioning the British monarchy control?
  • Quackers: The religion of pacifism and non-violence. Did their peaceful worldview prevent their faith from popularization? Which controversy with other confessions did they face?
  • How did the English Civil War (1642 – 1651) lay the modern parliamentary monarchy’s foundation in the UK?
  • Islam and War: True Meaning of Jihad.
  • How did the Second Great Awakening participants expect to bring America to a Golden Age through religion?
  • Comparison of Jewish and Muslim Experiences.
  • Which role did religion play in the American Revolutionary War (1775 – 1783)?
  • Christian Europeans vs. Islamic Arabs: Why did the fight for Jerusalem affect the Jews who lived in Europe?
  • Judaism, Christianity, and Islam .
  • Why did the Catholics fight with Protestants during the Thirty Years’ War?
  • Religious Beliefs and Political Decisions.
  • How did the Protestant Reformation lead to the European Wars of Religion?

✊ History Essay Topics on Revolution

Pick a revolution, any famous and well-documented one, and be sure to find a bunch of yet unresolved questions. Numerous mysteries held by revolutionary events give us a lot of topics to debate. Now, here are themes to study about the world and local revolutions.

Political Revolutions

  • The European Revolutions (1848) affected almost 50 countries. Battles and executions took tens of thousands of lives. How did nationalism incentivize the political and economic struggle?
  • How did the French invasion of Spain (1807) entail the Spanish-American Wars? The Spanish side aimed for political independence from America. What was their motivation?
  • Fulgencio Batista, the Cuban President, was an elected president. He gradually seized power and became a dictator. Why did the US politically support him before Fidel Castro ousted and replaced him?
  • The Shah’s regime brought economic shortages and inflation. Some people thought he was the puppet of the non-Muslim West (i.e., the US). How did Shah’s oil policy lead to the Iranian Revolution?
  • During the Storming of the Bastille , there were only seven political prisoners. Why did the revolutionaries attack this building and not the Versailles or some other royal building? Why was Bastille the symbol of monarchy and its abuse of power?
  • Various Propaganda Tools Shaped People’s Vision of the State and Themselves during the Cultural Revolution in China .

"When dictatorship is a fact, revolutions becomes a right" - Victor Hugo

  • The Events That Led to the American Revolution .
  • Describe and analyze the conflict between the Three Estates that led to the French Revolution .
  • Who won in the Spanish American War of Independence and why?
  • The Proclamation and the Stamp Act: Discriminatory laws that led to the American Revolution.
  • Economic Factors Contributing to the Cause of the American Revolution.
  • A political revolution does not change the property relations inside the country. Give examples of such events.
  • Cold War Role in the Iranian Revolution .
  • Haitian Revolution (1791–1804): The only successful revolt of self-liberated slaves.
  • The Effects of Social Media on Egyptian Revolution of 2011 .

Social Revolutions

  • Boston Tea Party (1773) was a protest of merchants against the British tax on tea. Why is it considered as the precursor of the American Revolution? How does it symbolize the birth of American patriotism?
  • The French nobility was not concerned with the problems of ordinary people. They dedicated themselves to leisure and intrigues. Do you agree with this statement? How does it fit with the idea that France had authoritarianism?
  • What is the difference between a political and a socio-economic revolution? Which event takes more time and has more dramatic consequences? Give several examples of the experience in different countries.
  • The Neolithic Revolution was the first social revolution in the history of humanity. Describe the shift from nomadic life to permanent settlements. How did the transformation change people’s lives and their sources of food?
  • Could we consider the Enlightenment as a social revolution? Was this transformation a peaceful one? What were its causes, and what did people strive for?
  • Syrian Arab Spring: Why Was it Late? Conflict Evolution and Solutions.
  • How did the burning of Cinema Rex theatre trigger the Iranian Revolution?
  • The American Revolution as a Social Revolution.
  • How did hope and idealism fuel the French Revolution?
  • The Revolution of Women in Society.
  • What was achieved by the Civil War in the USA (1861-1865)?
  • Child Labor During Industrial Revolution.
  • Analyze the existing theories of what does and does not constitute a revolution.
  • Karl Marx’s Ideas on Society Alienation and Conflict Theory.
  • What were the precursors of the Age of Revolution in Europe and America?
  • The Revolution of Transportation Systems.

🗺️ World History Argumentative Essay Topics

Time to examine history from a local perspective! Below you can find multiple excellent topics on regional history. The US history, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and more. Make sure to look at all of them precisely – this will require some effort.

US History Essay Topics

  • American history before 1877: The New World before Christopher Columbus. Which sources of knowledge about the first settlements do historians draw from? Which civilizations existed there before the invasion of the Europeans?
  • Explore the role of women in Colonial America . What rights did they have? What was their standard daily routine? Why was their work sometimes more complicated than that of their male relatives?
  • How did slavery appear in British America? What were the circumstances that led to forced labor? Why was the trans-Atlantic slave trade so prosperous?
  • How did the Founding Fathers treat Indian history and tribes? Were their actions legitimate? Did these deeds favor the establishment of the New World? Can such or any other “ethnic cleansing” ever be justified?

8 Founding Fathers of the United States.

  • Were Jim Craw Laws necessary for a smooth transition from slavery to democracy? Or were they a big mistake that provided freedom to African-Americans without giving them any rights?
  • The Roles Played by Different Presidents on American Civil Rights Movement.
  • Comment on the inflow of immigrants pursuing the American Dream after the Civil war.
  • The Enslaved Blacks and Free Blacks During the American Civil War.
  • How did Prohibition in the US cause the proliferation of the Italian-American Mafia?
  • American Revolution: The “History” and “Memory”.
  • Franklin Roosevelt led the US into the Second World War as the biggest debtor but exited it as the most significant creditor.
  • In Search of the American Dream throughout the History.
  • Describe the main problems the first British settlements faced in America.
  • The Right to Vote in the USA Throughout the History.
  • What were the psychological consequences of the Great Depression on ordinary American citizens?

Latin America History Essay Topics

  • How did smallpox influence the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire ? How did the disease contribute to other advantages of the Spanish forces? Why did Cortez wish to defeat the Aztecs?
  • The Panama Canal made Panama the second-fastest growing economy in Latin America after Chile. It brings about $2 billion in yearly revenue. However, more than five thousand people died during its construction. Was it possible to avoid the deaths by postponing the construction?
  • How the history of Peru would be different if Francisco Pizarro did not initiate the homicide of the Aztecs. Would modern Peru benefit from its pre-colonial natives? Which historical monuments would have been preserved?
  • Gold or silver was never found in Uruguay. How did this fact influence the present-day prosperity and stability in the country? Why did it present almost no interest for the colonial conquest?
  • In 1848, General Santa Anna sold a big part of Mexico to the United States. Why did he do so? What would Latin America look like now had he not sold the land to feed the army?
  • Nationalism and Development in the Countries of Latin America.
  • Why did Latin America wish to declare independence from Spain (1810)?
  • Haitian Migration History, and the Role of Jamaica in This Process .
  • Explore the benefits of the Chilean victory in the War of the Pacific (1879 – 1883).
  • Brazil and the European Union: The Relations.
  • Why did America win the Mexican-American War?
  • Criminal Justice Systems of the US and Colombia.
  • Describe how the borders of modern Brazil were decided back in 1494 .
  • Which consequences of Gen Alfredo Stroessner’s dictatorship in Paraguay can you name?
  • Mexico’s Globalization and Democratization.

European History Essay Topics

  • Why did ordinary people believe in Fascist propaganda? Analyze the psychological factors and the cultural precursors that made people susceptible to Nazism. Did the fear of being killed influence their willingness to obey the ruling party?
  • Find out the difference between the perception of gods in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Did both nations truly believe in gods? Was the Pantheon a cultural phenomenon? Why did they use the same gods with different names ?
  • Would Roman Empire have become so influential if it had never used slavery? Why was slavery an essential part of the economy of many countries? What changed then? Was the abolishment of slavery dictated only by humanism?
  • How did the relationships between lords and their vassals transform into modern government standards? Which positive and negative features were preserved throughout the ages? Compare the ancient tradition and the present-day government using historical and contemporary figures.
  • What is the difference between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment ?
  • Why Capitalism Started in Europe and Dominated the World ?
  • Analyze the evolution of peace-maintaining methods inside the country and around its borders throughout European history.
  • Building a Communist Society in East Germany.
  • What does the classical and vulgar language distinction in Ancient Rome tell us about the structure of its society?
  • Austria and France: Impacts and Causes of World War I and World War II.
  • Compare and contrast the role of Russia in WWI and the Napoleonic Wars .
  • Trace the development of European liberalism.
  • Germany at the End of the World War I.
  • List the six ancient civilizations and compare the causes that led to their fall .

Asian History Essay topics

  • What made the Mongol Empire the second-largest kingdom in human history? How did the empire use technology and production to ensure its prosperity? What helped Genghis Khan unite the nomadic tribes?
  • The Black Death is traditionally associated with Europe since it killed one-third of its population. Still, the bubonic plague started in Asia. Explore its outburst in 1330 – 1340 and its origins (presumably, in China).
  • Explore the consequences of numerous conflicts between nomads and settled people in Asia. How did this rivalry shape the history of the continent? Analyze the contribution of trading between nomads and towns.
  • A crossbow was invented in Asia. It revolutionized warfare. How did the weapon make archery a more democratic art? Which benefits did crossbow offer the army? Describe the history of the arm.

A crossbow was invented in Asia.

  • The word Aryan comes from Iran and India. It meant “a noble person.” How did it turn into the most abused words of anti-Semitism?
  • The Causes and Effects of Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1976).
  • What are the social effects of female infanticide in China, India, South Korea, and Nepal?
  • China’s New Silk Road for Trade and IGo to demoessays.commplications.
  • Compare and contrast the Indian castes and Feudal Japanese classes.
  • The Development of Tension Between South and North Korea.
  • How did the Battle of Gaugamela (331 BC) open Asia to be invaded by Alexander the Great?
  • Japan’s Withdrawing From the International Whaling Commission.
  • Describe the weapons of Ancient Asian civilizations as the mirror of their culture.
  • How did some Asian countries (Japan, China, and Siam) escape European colonization ?
  • Nationalism in East Asia, Japan and China.

Russian History Essay Topics

  • Which tribes created modern Russia? Were they Slavic or Finno-Ugric? Why does this history argumentative essay topic cause debates among historians? What are the implications of either variant for the Russian national identity?
  • How did the Tsardom of Moscow transform into the Russian Empire in 1721? What did Peter I do for this reformation? How did it change Russian society’s standard of living?
  • Why did Boris Godunov come to power breaking the Rurik family dynasty? Before his ascension to the throne, he was a Tatar nobleman and served as an advisor to Tsar Fyodor I. Why did his rule start at the Time of Troubles (1598 – 1613)?
  • Is it appropriate to call Moscow the “Third Rome” ? Sophia Palaiologina, the daughter of the last emperor of Constantinople, married Ivan III. Analyze the reasons for the statement that Moscow is the successor of the Roman Empire
  • What were the causes and consequences of the existence of the four “False Dmitrys”? Explore the under-the-carpet battle that led to the killing of the dynasty’s successors. How did the four imposters entail the decay of the institution of Tsardom?
  • Long-Term Strategies to Address Threats to the US’ Interest From Russia.
  • Which personal traits helped Ivan the Terrible establish the Tsardom of Russia and make it a powerful state?
  • Why Is There a Strong Russian Influence in Syrian Crisis?
  • Debate the phenomenon of Peter the Great : Was he the result of the epoch or the random person who changed Russian history?
  • Crisis on European Borders and Russia’s Threats.
  • What were the merits and drawbacks of Catherine the Great ?
  • Communist Nations Divisions During the Cold War.
  • How did other countries react to the Russian version of communism?
  • The Cold War Between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
  • Did the communist regime make Russia stronger, or did it throw it back in time?
  • The Collapse of the Soviet Union .

African History Essay Topics

  • Why did the imperial historiography propagate that Africa had no history? They wanted to create the image of Africa as the “dark continent.” How did the historians justify these statements and relate them to the absence of writing?
  • The Kingdom of Kush : The most powerful African kingdom. Describe the period of its existence and outline the possible reasons for its decay. Which historical monuments have been found of that era?
  • Do you support the idea that humanity originated in Africa? Why does this statement insult the Western World? Is there enough evidence that proves the idea?
  • We know about African history from the perspective of Western scholars. Even the locally educated people who study history have adopted the Western way of looking at the past. What can be done about that?
  • Before European colonization , there were about 10,000 states in Africa. Describe their ethnic similarities and shared customs that we know nowadays.
  • What do we know about prehistoric Africa, i.e., the one that existed before the Ancient Egypt civilization?
  • China in Africa: Aspects of Sino-African Relations.
  • Why is slavery often mentioned as the initial reference point in African history?
  • African Americans Fight for the Rights.
  • Which problems arose in some African societies as a result of decolonization ?
  • The History of African American Women’s Fights for Suffrage.
  • Describe how decolonized Africa tried to decolonize its history.
  • Colonialism, Ideology, Ethnicity, Religion, Social Class, and Legitimacy in Africa’s Politics.

Australian History Essay Topics

  • James Cook was not the first one to discover Australia. Who were his predecessors? Why didn’t they gain as much fame as Cook did?

Who came to Australia before Captain James Cook?

  • King O’Malley : The founder of the Australian capital. How did he favor the creation of the Commonwealth Bank? How did Prime Minister Fisher ensure trust in the bank among the population?
  • Why did the Ballarat Rebellion finish just in 30 minutes? What did the rebels struggle for? How did the event lead to the signing of the Electoral Act of 1856?
  • The first colonizers of Australia were prisoners. How does this fact impact the contemporary image of the country? What were the historical implications of such a demographical situation?
  • Why do Australians consider the battle of 25 April 1915 (during WWI) as “the birth of the nation?” Describe the reasons that made Australian Imperial Forces participate in the war and attack the Turkish coast?
  • Why were Afghan cameleers important in Australia, and what caused their disappearance?
  • Aboriginal and Chinese Australians: Cultural Diversity.
  • What were the causes of the Rum rebellion of 1808, and which role did William Bligh play in it?
  • How Have Australian Attitudes Towards ‘Asia’ Changed Since the 1890?
  • Describe the role of Merino sheep in the Australian economy since they were first brought there by Captain John Macarthur in 1797.
  • Is Australian Foreign Policy Now Independent?
  • Ned Kelly : A ruthless killer or a symbol of resistance to the colonial power?
  • Multiculturalism in Australian Society .
  • Describe the Brisbane Line and its role in the Japanese invasion.
  • China’s and Australia’s Management of International Disputes.

🤴 History Essay Topics on Key Figures

The significance of historical figures is something challenging to measure and compare. And there is indeed no need to do that; everyone has their place, time, and role. With these topics below, we offer you to dive into biographies of some fascinating people. Take a deep breath; we are almost there!

Central Figures of Ancient History

  • Plato vs. Aristotle : The abstract vs. the empirical. Both of them are the most influential figures in Western philosophy. Aristotle was Plato’s disciple. What made their ideas so different?
  • Why was Diogenes a controversial personality? How did he manage to criticize social conventions through his simple lifestyle? Is poverty a virtue, as Diogenes claimed?
  • Aeschylus: The father of Tragedy . What were his contributions to the image of Ancient Greek theater? Explore his influence beyond his own time.
  • Homer created the ancient Greek identity. Did he formulate the qualities already present in his compatriots ? Alternatively, did he idealize the past to make the Greeks aspire for more?
  • Cleisthenes : The father of the Athenian democracy. Explore his contribution to the governance of Athens. How different was it from the modern idea of democracy?
  • The Ancient City of Tikal: Mayan Cultural, Social, Astronomy and Political Influence .
  • Why did Mark Antony and Cleopatra trust one another so much?
  • Plutarch : Our window to the ancient times.
  • Cleopatra’s Life and Political Impact .
  • How did Alexander the Great and his conquest change the ancient world?
  • Ethical Life Issues in Works by Cicero and C.S. Lewis .
  • Why do we consider Hippocrates as the father of medicine ?
  • Aristotle and Relationships at Work .
  • Describe the difference between the historical and fictional accounts of the assassination of Julius Caesar.
  • Alaric I the Visigoth: The person responsible for the Sack of Rome in 410.
  • Jesus & Mohammed: Comparison and Contrast.
  • Why was Leonidas I encircled by a hero cult?
  • Moses in Christianity, Judaism and Islam .

Central Figures of Medieval Ages

  • Tomás de Torquemada was the first Grand Inquisitor of Spain. Why did his name become the synonym of religious fanaticism and cruelty? What made him the most notorious Inquisitor?
  • Charlemagne was the creator of modern Europe. He divided the Carolingian Empire between his sons. He also added more parts to Europe that had never been under Roman or Frankish control before. Explore his activity.
  • Avicenna (980 – 1037) was the most important polymath of the Islamic Golden Age. Analyze his contributions to modern science.
  • Constantine was the last Byzantine emperor . He was killed when protecting Constantinople from the Ottoman Turks. What makes him a legendary figure in Greek culture?
  • Thomas Aquinas was the first theologian that linked religion and science. He connected Christian principles with Aristotelian ideas. How did he influence our perception of God and faith?
  • Did Marco Polo travel to China, or was he a big liar?
  • Joan of Arc as a Military Heroine .
  • Why was Sir William Marshal called “the greatest knight” in human history?
  • St. Thomas Aquinas’ Cosmological Argument Analysis .
  • Describe the leadership qualities of Richard the Lionheart in his battle for Jerusalem with sultan Saladin.
  • Was Genghis Khan a great ruler? Analyze his leadership style.
  • British Culture – Tudors, Henry VIII and Anglican Church.
  • William the Conqueror and his Domesday Book : The most critical statistical document in European history.
  • Why was Peter the Hermit the critical figure in the First Crusade ?
  • Elizabeth I’s Leadership. English History .
  • What was the role of Joan of Arc in the Hundred Years’ War?
  • Pope Innocent III: The person who invented the Crusades.

Central Figures of Modern Period

  • How did Otto von Bismarck change the European map and reinforce Germany? He was the first chancellor of Germany for 20 years. This fact made him the mastermind of European affairs for two decades.
  • Alexander II and Nicolas II: The grandfather and the grandson. Fifty years separated prosperity from decay. The first abolished slavery, and the latter caused the collapse of the Russian Empire.
  • Stalin: From a collective leadership to dictatorship. He was the man that defined the epoch. Why was he the longest ruler of the USSR? How did his activity shape the international image of the Soviet Union?
  • Mahatma Gandhi liberated India from Britain . Yet, he invariably insisted on non-violent methods. Could the liberation have happened in more favorable conditions for India if he had used more aggressive measures?

Gandhi wrote a letter to Hitler, addressing him as "Dear Friend," and beseeched him to stop the war. Hitler never wrote back.

  • Churchill: The ideologist of the anti-Hitler coalition and the creator of the Entente. Why do we consider him the inspirer of the British movement against Nazi Germany? What were the main postulates of his ideology?
  • The Civil Rights Movement by Martin Luther King.
  • From the modern point of view, did Lenin fulfill his intentions by introducing communism?
  • Einstein and his Contribution to Science .
  • If we abstract from the issues of morality, was Hitler a positive figure for his country?
  • Hitler’s Interests: Nazi Germany and the Jews.
  • What was the role of Margaret Thatcher’s activity in the process of entailing deep divisions in British society?
  • Leadership Management: The Case of Mahatma Gandhi .
  • Analyze the life story of Sigmund Freud that brought him to become the father of psychoanalysis.
  • How did Anne Boleyn help to create the Church of England?
  • US Foreign Policies from Eisenhower to Kennedy.
  • How did Jane Austen’s stories about unremarkable situations turn into social satire?
  • George Washington: Life, Presidency, Challenges as a Commander.
  • How did El Greco transform icon painting by using ordinary people as models?

Central Figures of Contemporary History

  • Mao Zedong drew inspiration from the Soviet Communistic ideology. How did his principles differ from the USSR scenario? Analyze the policy of Mao Zedong from the modern Chinese point of view.
  • Albert Einstein changed our perception of reality through his theory of relativity . It explained how objects behave in space and time. The approach gave us a chance to predict the future.
  • Analyze the personality of Usama bin Ladin as the founder of Al-Qaeda and the most famous terroristic leader. Explore his ideology and motivation for killing civil citizens. Can we change this ideology through education?
  • Stanley N. Cohen was the first person who managed to cut DNA into pieces. But Paul Berg is considered the father of genetic engineering. Which personality did more for genetics?
  • Harry Truman was a Vice President only for several weeks. Truman, the 33rd US President, ordered the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Why did he do so?
  • Queen Elizabeth’s II contributions to the UK we know now.
  • Truman Doctrine in the United States History.
  • Anne Frank: The girl whose diary united millions of human tragedies.
  • Barack Obama’s Political Doctrine and Its Elements.
  • Describe the role of Douglas MacArthur in Japan’s restoration after WWII .
  • Maria Curie: The woman who taught us to use X-rays.
  • Merkel’s Germany and Trump’s Us Stances on Migration Policies.

Both Pierre and Marie Curie had no idea of the dangers of radioactivity.

  • How did Grace Kelly contribute to the image of Monaco as a touristic paradise?
  • Why did Gorbachev win the Nobel Peace Prize?

🏳️‍🌈 Argumentative History Topics on Significant Movements

Each epoch has had some movements that perform the leading ideas and soul of the corresponding time. Political, social, religious, and other movements have left multiple traces in different spheres of life. The necessity to explore these traces is pretty obvious, right? Let’s do it together.

Political Movements

  • Why does extreme libertarianism reject the authority of the state?
  • Anarchy and Sovereignty in International Relations .
  • Is it correct to regard feminism as a political movement ?
  • Analyze the incorrect interpretation of Nietzsche’s philosophy by the German Nazi.
  • “Manifesto of the Communist Party” by Karl Marx.
  • How do eugenic policies entail the loss of genetic diversity?
  • Discussion of Capitalism and Socialism.
  • Why are there two major parties in US politics?
  • Explore the development of the Women’s Suffrage movement in your local area.
  • Why does any political movement require access to state power to be successful?
  • Islamism: Political Movement & Range of Ideologies.
  • Does lobbying influence the development of various political movements in power?
  • Democratic Regime and Liberation Movements.
  • Describe communism as a secular religion.
  • Is anti-capitalism a viable ideology?

Social Movements

  • What are the achievements of the animal rights movement?
  • White Society’s Reaction to Civil Rights Movement.
  • Which women’s rights movements do you know, and what are their goals?
  • Civil Rights and #BlackLivesMatter Social Movements.
  • Do you believe that some psychological problems make people participate in social movements?

Picture showing examples of different social movements.

  • What did the Black Power Movement (1960 – 1980s) achieve?
  • Women’s Rights Movement Impact on Education.
  • What are the psychological effects of volunteering in hospices?
  • The Strategy of the National Popular Vote Movement.
  • Analyze the success of the Black Lives Matter movement.
  • Greta Thunberg : The inspirer of the international movement against climate change.
  • Free Movement of Workers in the EU Single Market.
  • Why does the majority of the population negatively look at all sorts of social movements?
  • #MeToo movement and its results: The cancellation culture.

Art Movements

  • How did the return of the African culture to the natives after WWII give birth to a new art movement?
  • Why are modern art movements so numerous, and what does this fact characterize?
  • Futurism. Artistic and Social Movement.
  • Which art movement do you consider the most recognizable?
  • Do you think Cubism is an art or a protest against artistic tradition?
  • An artistic movement: Copying geniuses or drawing inspiration from them?
  • Andy Warhol’s Paintings .
  • How did the Hudson River School of Art shape American painting?
  • Why did art in late Medieval Europe face decay?
  • Art Movements in History: Baroque .
  • What is the difference between the Baroque and Rococo styles?
  • Which artistic movement initiated the use of perspective in painting, and why did it happen?

Religious and Spiritual Movements

  • Explore the influence of fundamentalism on evangelicalism in America.
  • Look for similar features between new religious movements and radical Islamic groups .
  • Describe the distinctive traits of new religious movements that differentiate them from older religions.
  • Which methods does the Religious Right movement use against the LGBT community?
  • Do religious movements favor or impede globalization ?
  • Which psychological reasons drive young people to Satanism?
  • Why do people create new cults , and are they detrimental to society?
  • Explore the difference between a spiritual and religious movement.
  • Relation Between God, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit .
  • Is it correct to consider atheism as a religious movement?
  • Modern spiritual movements: business or altruism?

📿 Interesting History Essay Topics on Traditions

No matter the military history of a state or region, cultural heritage and traditions are something every society has. Now, the most exciting part is to explore these traditions and rituals. It can be a long journey!

  • Trace the difference between Vlad the Impaler as a historical and mythical figure.

Prince Charles of Wales, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II, is the descendant of Vlad Dracula in the sixteenth generation.

  • Which events and traditions shaped the way we imagine a witch?
  • False and Folk Etymologies of Words .
  • Analyze Baba Yaga as the symbol of mother nature in Russian folklore.
  • How does German folklore reflect in the tales of the Brothers Grimm ?
  • The Thousand & One Nights: Folk Collection Overview.
  • Is there any scientific explanation for weather prediction by natural signs is present in many cultures’ folklore?
  • Witch-Hunt in Europe During the Middle Ages .
  • Half-human creatures of ancient times: Who were they, and which archetype did they represent?
  • Explore the folklore origins of the Swastika , which became the Nazi symbol.
  • The mythology of Achilles’ heel: What does it symbolize?
  • The Epic of Gilgamesh – A Classic Tale.
  • Describe the meaning of fireflies in Japanese culture.
  • “The Tale of Kieu” by Nguyen Du .
  • What is the link between zombies and voodoo?
  • Discover the origins of putting a pickle ornament on Christmas trees in Germany.
  • Why Saturnalia, Mithras, and Hanukkah were the precursors of modern-day Christmas?
  • What is the link between the Festival of Lanterns and Chinese New Year?
  • What are the origins of Imbolc in Celtic tradition?
  • Chinese Spring Festival .
  • Which African-American harvest celebrations were unified under the name of Kwanzaa?
  • What does Jewish Hannukah commemorate, and why does it last eight days?
  • Why does the US celebrate Veterans Day at the 11th hour on the 11th day and 11th month?
  • Why did the US presidents start racing Easter Eggs?
  • What is the relation between Daylight Savings time and WWI?
  • Analyze the geography and calendar of Christmas in different parts of the world.
  • Why are most rituals practiced in modern world religions?
  • Buddhism: History, Origins, and Rituals .
  • Describe human sacrifice rituals in Ancient Rome .
  • Why do civilized countries use rituals in politics, for example, during the presidential inauguration?
  • Crusades from a Christian Viewpoint .
  • Compare male and female initiation rituals in African countries.
  • How do funeral rituals help humans overcome the pain of loss?
  • Marriage rituals in Japan: History that is preserved to nowadays.
  • Explore pagan rituals that remained in the Christian culture.
  • Is Baptism a ritual of initiation?
  • What do the burial rituals of native Americans tell us about their culture?

👁️‍ Essay Topics on Historical Mysteries

Have you ever thought about how many things around us are still covered with layers of questions? Humanity has still not resolved some events, places, and people that took place throughout history. Let’s have a look at some breathtaking historical mysteries.

  • Think of the reasons for the Great Leap Forward . Why did people start painting caves and making jewelry?
  • During the Middle Ages, English speakers changed the way they pronounced vowels. What are the theories of the Great Vowel Shift ?
  • The Green Children of Woolpit: A scary folk tale or a historical event?
  • The Inca civilization: Highway and postal system, skull surgeries, and other signs of culture.
  • The Sea Peoples caused the Bronze Age Collapse. Who were they? Where did they come from?
  • What are the available explanations of the Phoenix Lights?
  • The Salem Witch Trials and Their Impact on Massachusetts .
  • Analyze the theories explaining the Baghdad batteries and select the most true-to-life version.
  • What do we know about the “ Nazi Bell. ” Why is there so little information about the secret weapon?
  • What do we know about the Philadelphia Experiment ? Discuss the major theories and opinions on that case.
  • The Tunguska event: Military experiments or a meteoroid impact?
  • The mystery of Yonaguni Island and its underwater structures: Who were their creators?
  • The Bermuda Triangle: Human error camouflaged as a mystery.
  • Was the uncanny nature of The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park created by Stephen King?
  • Delano Roosevelt’s bomb shelter : Why did the President order to construct the chamber in 1941?
  • What is known about the secret passageways and hiding rooms of the British Queen?
  • The chief designer of the “hall of records” in Mount Rushmore died before completing his work. Was it a conspiracy?
  • Why do the scientists believe that the secret of Stonehenge will be revealed in some decades?
  • Find out the facts that point to the existence of Atlantis.
  • The Lock Ness Lake and the monster: A non-extinct dinosaur?
  • Money Pit on the Oak Island : A geologic formation or a place to hide treasures?
  • What traits make Jack the Ripper so attractive to historians and fiction writers?
  • Italian Americans Portrayed as Mafia Members in Films .
  • Keth Arnold saw some “flying saucers” that traveled faster than jet airplanes. Was it a UFO or a flock of birds?
  • David Blair: The person who was guilty in the Titanic catastrophe.
  • Was Joan of Arc executed for heresy or for dressing in male clothes?
  • The mystery of Amelia Earhart: Dead or alive?
  • Was Grigori Rasputin really capable of predicting the future?
  • Did the lost Grand Duchess Anastasia die when the rest of the Romanov family was killed?
  • Explore the mystery of the Babushka Lady , who recorded the assassination of John F. Kennedy. What is known about her and the purposes of her filming?
  • The Man in the Iron Mask and his sentence in the Bastille: Who could he be?
  • Perseus in the Manhattan Project: How did he manage to hide from the US for so long?

📝 Historical Topics to Write About – 2024

  • Geopolitical consequences of the USSR collapse for the world.
  • The influence of Confucianism on modern society in China.
  • How did the formation of NATO impact the Cold War?
  • The significance of Napoleon Bonaparte in European history.
  • The development of democracy in ancient Athens.
  • Reagan’s tax reform and its impact on the modern economy.
  • What were the key consequences of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings?
  • The September 11th events and their impact on global security.
  • The Manhattan Project and the development of nuclear weapons.
  • The influence of slavery on African American families.
  • Mahatma Gandhi and his influence on the ideology of modern India.
  • What was the role of the first moon landing in astronomy?
  • The ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its value.
  • The true history of the Confederate flag.
  • How much regulation is necessary for capitalism to function?
  • The main causes of the Vietnam War.
  • Historical events should be reexamined through a contemporary ethical lens.
  • The debate over the role of the United States in the Middle East.
  • The controversy behind the Israel-Palestine conflict.
  • Operation “Barbarossa”: aggression or attack prevention?
  • The reasons for Martin Luther King’s assassination.
  • The efficiency of the United Nations.
  • Christopher Columbus: heroic explorer or the harbinger of genocide?
  • The disputes about the origins of Shakespeare.
  • Was Donald Trump an effective president?
  • The benefits of communism in Eastern Europe.
  • Is the world doing enough to prevent the destruction of historical sites?
  • The real motive behind the Watergate scandal.
  • South Korean provocations of the Korean War.
  • Should the United States have entered World War I?
  • Princess Diana’s death as the subject of a conspiracy theory.
  • The effect of the Cuban Missile Crisis on the Cold War.
  • Is the international community doing enough to commemorate the Holocaust?
  • The debate over the use of internment camps during WWII.
  • The factors contributing to the Nazi Party’s rise in Germany
  • Did the attack on Pearl Harbor push the USA into WWII?
  • The leading causes of the Roman Empire’s fall.
  • Mysteries of the disappearance of the Mayan civilization.
  • Disputes about the role of women in medieval society.
  • The corruption of the Catholic Church: myth or truth?
  • Capitalism is the best economic system.
  • The injustices experienced by Muslims after 9/11.
  • What would have happened without Hitler?

👉 History Essay Topics: How to Choose

Selecting the proper essay topic can sometimes be rather tricky. Especially after reading all these fascinating questions above😏

Jokes aside, perfect topic choice is crucial if you want to write a good essay or a research paper and get a high grade. Here are some useful tips that will help you make the right choice and write a great history essay.

Writing a good history paper on something you find boring and do not care about is impossible. If you like your history essay topic, you will enjoy researching it, and your reader will enjoy reading your piece.
Ask yourself if you will be able to explore the topic for your history essay on several pages. Your first idea is almost always likely to be too big. Refine it to a manageable size.
Figuring out the best angle for your college history essay topic will help you control your writing, give it structure and define your thesis.
If you have some vague thought of what you want to write about but do not know how to start, use online and offline sources to look them through for ideas.
Write a list of things you are interested in. Make it as long as possible and take a short break. Look through the list and find the idea you like most. Then brainstorm the idea you have chosen separately. This way, you’ll narrow down your topics to the one that is best for you.
Maybe you just do not know the subject well enough, which is why you cannot find the idea for your history essay. What sources are available? Make sure your topic has enough references to do thorough research.

♟️ Strategies for Historical Argument Topics

When it comes right to writing a historical essay, you should consider several scenarios of how to build your text. Depending on your topic and the point of view, you might need different strategies.

Now, let’s see the differences between descriptive and research argumentative essays on historical topics.

  • Historians debate my topic. I agree with some of them, and I’m going to prove that. I will use their arguments to show their correctness.
  • Historians disagree on my topic. I think they shall start their debate all over again, as they have reached a dead end.
  • Historians relatively agree on my topic. I have developed a better interpretation of the events in question.
  • Historians disregarded my topic. I will explain its topicality and list what should be researched.
  • Several historians have examined my topic, but their findings are inconsistent. I will present more constructive evidence to clarify things.
  • Many historians have studied my topic. However, I will take a fresh look at the subject matter from the perspective of new research or methodologies.

And we are done here.

Now, have a break if you’ve read all 396 topics. Though, wait, did you find something fitting you? In that case, you are free for a break 👼

In case if you are still not sure what to write about, we recommend you to read these topic compilations:

  • The Best Argumentative Essay Topics for 2024
  • Hot Problem-Solution Essay Topics
  • 250+ Interesting Topics to Research
  • Cause & Effect Essay Topics for Students
  • Top 138 Awesome Sociology Essay Topics & Questions for 2024

We are pretty sure there’s no hopeless situation. It’s just a matter of time and effort. And everyone needs a different amount of each. So, keep calm, and let’s rock this history essay!

Good luck, friends 🍀

Research Paper Analysis: How to Analyze a Research Article + Example

Film analysis: example, format, and outline + topics & prompts.


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A List of Unique American History Essay Topics for High School

If you want your American History essay to be really interesting for others to read, you should pick the topic that will be both unique and easy for you to write on. Here are several fresh topics you might consider for your essay.

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  • How was the North American Continent discovered?
  • How did the discovery of the New World influence the life of the Indians?
  • What were the reasons for British colonization of the North America?
  • What was life like for the early settlers in America?
  • What were the differences between the Northern and Southern colonies?
  • The role of women in colonies.
  • What were the causes of the Salem witch trials?
  • Slavery in America: how did it happen?
  • How did slavery impact on the American economy?
  • Who were the Pilgrims?
  • How did the Puritans influence American society?
  • What was the nature of the conflicts between Native Americans and the colonists?
  • Why did the American Revolution started?
  • What were the results of the American Revolutionary War?
  • Did the status of African Americans change after the civil war?
  • What was the purpose of the First Amendment to the Constitution?
  • Was National Prohibition successful?
  • Why did America enter the First World War?
  • How did the Great Depression start?
  • The role of the USA in the Second World War.
  • What if Japan hadnot attacked Pearl Harbor, would the US have enteredWorld War 2?
  • Was the bombing of Hiroshima justified?
  • What was the Cold War?
  • What were the causes of the Vietnam War?
  • The Iraq War: was it a mistake?
  • Could the September 11 attacks have been prevented?
  • Why was the Korean War necessary to the United States?
  • Could the Cuban Missile Crisis escalate into a war?
  • Is John Kennedy death still a mystery?
  • Why was the Civil Rights Movement in the US effective?
  • How did Martin Luther King influence America?
  • Why was Martin Luther King killed?
  • Was the My Lai Massacre a military crime?
  • The unsolved mystery of the lost colony ofRoanoke: discovering the truth.
  • What is the impact of theCalifornia Gold Rush?
  • Was the contribution of women in the Civil War important?
  • How did the death of Abraham Lincoln influence the US?
  • Why were the labor unions created?
  • What is the Gilded Age?
  • How did the San Francisco earthquake affect the city?
  • What have caused the Great Depression?
  • How did the US benefit from the Mexican War?
  • Why did American settlers use the Oregon Trail?
  • How did the US become a superpower?

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  1. USA History A Level Essay Mock Questions & Exam Practice

    american history essay questions

  2. History essay questions

    american history essay questions


    american history essay questions

  4. Standard AP US History Essay Format

    american history essay questions

  5. Free American History Essay ( 1000 Words)

    american history essay questions

  6. Historical Question: American Revolution

    american history essay questions


  1. 543 American History Essay Topics & Good Ideas

    Cool American History Essay Topics. Examination of Manifest Destiny's Influence on Territorial Expansion. Colonial Era's Impact on Modern American Democracy. Evaluating the Emancipation Proclamation's Consequences. Prohibition Era: Analysis of Society and Law. Understanding the Trail of Tears: Native American Displacement.

  2. 153 US History Topics [2024 US History Essay Ideas]

    👌 Easy American History Essay Topics. Sometimes you simply do not have enough time to write a profound essay. These American history topics are relatively easy, and you don't have to research them a lot. Even if you do, there is a ton of information available. British Colonization of the Americas; Slavery and racism in the United States

  3. 110 Original History Essay Questions: Examples and Topics

    👍 Good History Essay Questions. Writing an essay about countries should be divided into European and American theaters. Each region has a history rich in events and personalities. Below, there are great European and US history essay questions for your paper: 🌄 American History Essay Questions

  4. AP United States History Exam Questions

    Download free-response questions from this year's exam and past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at ssd@info ...

  5. AP U.S. History Long Essay Example

    The AP U.S. History long essay question assesses your ability to apply knowledge of history in a complex, analytical manner. In other words, you are expected to treat history and historical questions as a historian would. ... Evaluate the extent to which the migration of European colonists and the resulting encounters with American Indians ...

  6. AP United States History Exam

    Exam questions assess the course concepts and skills outlined in the course framework. For more information, download the AP U.S. History Course and Exam Description (CED).. Scoring rubrics - general scoring criteria for the document-based and long essay questions, regardless of specific question prompt - are available in the course and exam description (CED).

  7. PDF AP U.S. History Sample Questions

    These sample exam questions were originally included in the AP U.S. History Curriculum Framework, published in fall 2012. The AP U.S. History Course and Exam Description, which is out now, includes that curriculum framework, along with a new, unique set of exam questions. Because we want teachers to have access to all available questions that ...

  8. AP U.S. History Practice Exams

    It includes 55 multiple choice practice questions, 4 short answer questions, 1 DBQ, and 2 long essay questions. The test begins on Page 4 of this PDF file. ... Chapter tests for Brinkley's American History. A multiple-choice test and a true-false quiz for each of the 32 chapters. Simply select a chapter from the menu to get started.

  9. Sample Questions: A.P. U.S. History

    ESSAY QUESTION 1. Advanced Placement is being redesigned to test more conceptual understanding. These are draft examples of the types of questions that will be found on the new U.S. history test ...

  10. The Ultimate Guide to the AP US History Exam

    The AP US History exam is one of the longer AP tests, and it has four different types of questions: Multiple Choice, Short Answer, Document-Based Question (DBQ), and Long Essay. The main thread running through this test is an emphasis on analyzing historical evidence and applying outside knowledge in context.

  11. Essay #2

    Essay #2. For Essay #2 you will choose from one of three essay prompts, each of which addresses major themes and questions from the period between the 1870s and 1930. The prompts are below - please choose only one, and respond to it as clearly and comprehensively as possible.

  12. AP US History long essay example 1 (video)

    Video transcript. - [Voiceover] Okay, this video is about the long essay section on the AP U.S. History exam. Now you might also have heard this called the free response question or FRQ. I think it is officially called the long essay question, so that's what we're gonna go with for now. Now this is the last essay that you'll be writing on the ...

  13. American Revolution essay questions

    The Stamp Act crisis. 1. Focusing on the British government and the problems it faced in 1764, explained why its ministers considered introducing a stamp tax in colonial America. 2. Explain the purpose of a colonial stamp tax, how it would be implemented and which people or groups it would affect. 3.

  14. AP US History periods and themes

    Having a general grasp of the following major documents, terms, and cases will be a big help on the AP US history exam. Don't worry about knowing specifics or memorizing details—just get the general gist. Primary documents: John Winthrop, "City on a Hill" / "A Model of Christian Charity". Jonathan Edwards, "Sinners in the Hands of ...

  15. 135 US History Essay Topics

    135 US History Essay Topics. One of the most time-consuming essay writing assignments can be a US history essay. Assigned for a variety of reasons, including testing students' knowledge, encouraging research skills, and determining how well students can comprehend different types of texts, a US history essay assignment provides many ...

  16. American History Essay Questions

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "American History" by Judith Ortiz Cofer. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student ...

  17. American History 2020 essay exam questions for midterm

    American History 2020 essay exam questions for midterm. From 1862 to 1877 the Federal Government, during and after the Civil War, defined citizenship and protected the rights of U.S. for the first time in U.S. history. Prior to the Civil War period, the Bill of Rights applied only to federal government actions and matters within federal ...

  18. Crafting Your Argument: 99 History Argumentative Essay Topics

    2. Engaging 8th Grade Research Paper Topics for Budding Historians. 3. Dive Deep into Western Civilization Research Paper Topics. 4. Navigating Through the Labyrinth of Ancient History Topics. 5. Stirring the Pot: Controversial Topics in History for Research Paper. Ignite historical debates with our 99 compelling history argumentative essay ...

  19. AP US History short answer example 1 (video)

    Video transcript. - [Voiceover] So this video is about the short answer section on the AP U.S. history exam. So this is a real practice problem from the AP exam and I'd like to go through it step-by-step with you to give you an idea of how to approach these problems really well. So each of the short answer problems is three questions long and ...

  20. American History Essay Topics

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "American History" by Judith Ortiz Cofer. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student ...

  21. 439 History Argumentative Essay Topics: US & World History Events to

    🗺️ World History Argumentative Essay Topics. Time to examine history from a local perspective! Below you can find multiple excellent topics on regional history. The US history, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and more. Make sure to look at all of them precisely - this will require some effort. US History Essay Topics. American history ...

  22. A List of Unique American History Essay Topics for High School

    A List of Unique American History Essay Topics for High School. If you want your American History essay to be really interesting for others to read, you should pick the topic that will be both unique and easy for you to write on. Here are several fresh topics you might consider for your essay.